Alton Theaters
Director of Amusements in Alton
William M. Sauvage was the President of the Poster Advertising
Association, Vice-President of the Managers’ Association,
Vice-President of the Motion Picture League, a member of Klaw &
Erlanger’s and the Shubert’s New York Exchanges, and a member of the
Western Vaudeville Mangers’ Association of Chicago. Sauvage promoted
and owned many of the early Alton theaters. His motto was “First in
Everything,” and for over twenty-five years he gave the very best in
amusements in Alton. He built the Hippodrome Theater and the Airdome
in Alton.
The Airdome Theater in Alton (“the big place on the hill”) opened in
1909. This open-air theater was constructed on a hillside at the
southwest corner of Broadway and Alton Streets (across from the
Mineral Springs Hotel). Formerly on this property was the R. F.
Seely home, which was constructed in about 1841. This home later
became the James Klunk Funeral Home, which was torn down in 1909 for
the construction of the Airdome. During the hot, Midwest summers,
residents took to open-air theaters for their entertainment. The
Airdome was surrounded by high board fences that got a fresh coat of
white paint and new “ads” just about every year. The aisles were
covered with wood shavings, as were the spaces between seat rows.
The lobby was fairly small. The popcorn, peanuts, chewing gum, and
cigars were hawked through the audience over the orchestra’s din
during the showing of the silent pictures. In December 1948 (after
being closed for many years), the theater collapsed, sending a
billboard onto the sidewalk. The billboards covered its worn-out
look, with the exception of its peaked tin, green façade topped by a
tin ball.
Source: New York Clipper, May 9, 1909
Work was recently started on a monster Airdome to be erected at
Alton, Illinois, by the Hippodrome Amusement, Inc. at Springfield,
Illinois, for $5,000. The leading promoter is William M. Sauvage,
manager of the Temple and Lyric Theaters, Alton. The stage will be
[unreadable] ft. wide, and the seating [unreadable], which will be
in the open air and have capacity of 2,000. In front there will be a
penny arcade, which will be painted pure white. The Airdome will be
in the heart of the city, and has excellent railroad facilities.
According to the contract, the work must be completed in twenty-one
days. The season is expected to begin about May 22.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 02, 1909
The Airdome is providing a very excellent bill for July 4th and
week, starting Sunday night, and they have announced as their
special feature Ethel Whiteside and her bunch of Pickaninnies, said
to be the greatest act of its kind in vaudeville. Don and Mae Gordon
trio, America's most wonderful trick bicyclists. The Belmonts,
novelty acrobatic act, and Pollard, the man who juggles the billiard
cues. Entire new pictures nightly and concerts by the Temple
orchestra. Special arrangements have been made for July 5th on which
occasion there will be an extra performance given at the Airdome
after the river parade, making in all three shows at the Airdome
Monday night, starting at the usual time and running to 11 p.m. This
bill to be offered is an exceptionally strong one, and will no doubt
make the hit of the season, as the acts are very expensive and on
the novelty order, and are all new to Alton theatre-goers. The
Airdome business is booming, the weather is ideal and anyone who has
10 or 20 cents is to be found at the Airdome almost nightly. A great
many people are attending the Airdome performances from the small
surrounding towns, and every night it is a common occurrence to see
a string of automobiles, buggies and carriages lined up for a block
in front of the Airdome. Seats can now be ordered for July 5th
performances as well as for July 4th.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 10, 1911
Manager W. M. Sauvage is getting the Airdome ready to open it during
the week the Elks convention is in Alton. He expects to have a big
week with a fine program of events as a season starter, to make the
visitors have a good impression of Alton's amusements. The Temple
will be closed when the Airdome opens, unless the weather proves
bad, and under such circumstances the program will be transferred to
the Temple. Mr. Sauvage has carpenters, painters, decorators and
others in the Airdome doing the work. He has put in 300 new chairs,
and all reserved seats will be provided with cushions. The interior
of the Airdome will be handsomely redecorated and a feature of the
trimmings will be a floral display at the front where potted plants
will be growing. A carload of tanbark [wood chips] has been bought
to be put on the floor to make the floor clean and give a sanitary
odor to the atmosphere.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 19, 1911
Lottie Mayer, who is here filling a week's engagement at the
Airdome, once swam from Alton to St. Louis, making the distance in 5
hours, 18 minutes, in the year 1908. She told a Telegraph reporter
today that she dived off the Fluent dock and accompanied by the
yacht, Columbia, and several boys in rowboats to lead the way, she
made the swim, competing with some of the Missouri Athletic club
oys, who were trying to show what they could do. At the Illini hotel
today, she said that she has been trying to get back a trick of
diving she lost by accident, when her springboard broke at Memphis.
It is the "stand-sit-and-stand" dive. She does a "stand and sit"
dive now, and she hopes to get back the knack of doing the final
act, but she says she has found herself wholly unable to master it
since her spring board broken under her. The diving Venus is an
attractive looking woman in her street clothes. She talks with a
merry laugh and a smile. She told a Telegraph reporter that when she
was very young, she lisped from being tongue-tied, and she was also
(horrors!) bowlegged, but she says that by exercising she overcame
the outward curve of her knees and only when she becomes excited
does she lisp. She intends to have an amateur diving exhibition at
the Airdome Friday evening, and anyone who wishes to participate in
it, male or female, just put in an application. She will look after
any girls personally, and they can attempt to imitate her tricks.
Miss Mayer also intends to take a swim across the river and said she
will go in off the Fluent dock where she started three years ago to
make her swim to St. Louis.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 28, 1914
"Minnie," the large elephant appearing with Capt. Grubers Animals at
the Airdome this week, took a bath in paint shortly before the
performance last evening, and caused her trainer considerable
trouble. If Capt. Gruber had given the elephant enough white paint,
he might have had a perfect white elephant by this time, but he
failed to do this and the color selected by the elephant were so far
from meeting with his approval that he had to secure some scouring
soap to take it off before the performance. The elephant is being
kept in one of the empty buildings in the rear of the Mineral
Springs Hotel, where the painters had left a supply of surplus
paint. On account of the warm weather, the elephant had been dipping
into every watering place on the way, covering itself with water,
and the trainer thought nothing last evening when he saw the
elephant reach down in a bucket in the building and fill its trunk,
but it did get him to worrying when he saw the elephant shoot five
gallons of white paint over its body. Then the elephant reached in
the blue, and later the red.
Effects Furnished by Alton Naval Reserve
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 17, 1916
One of the most spectacular motion picture performances ever seen in
Alton, and one which Manager William Sauvage of the Temple Theater
promises will rival the "Birth of a Nation" will be presented here
on May 29 at the opening night of the Airdome. The picture is to be
the eight-reel photo-play "The Battle Cry of Peace," and the effects
for the play are to be furnished by the members of the Alton
Division of the Naval Reserve. Five hundred rounds of ammunition for
the four one-inch guns of the Alton Division of the Naval Reserve
will be made at the Western Cartridge Co. to be used as a part of
the performance and over 5,000 cartridges will be discharged during
the three evening performances from the rifles of the Alton
division. The fifty members of the Alton Naval Reserve, under the
direction of Lieut. J. B. Maxfield, will take part in the
production. The picture is one that has been passed upon by the
government officials as a good argument for preparedness, and the
naval reserves are to do their part in the production for the effect
the picture will have in securing a better army and navy. The guns
are to be mounted at different places on the side of the stage and
the screen will be in the rear of the stage. One scene in the big
picture where the enemy is supposed to be attacking New York from
the harbor will be the feature. The front of the stage will be
arranged to represent a gun boat, and the audience will get the
effect of being on the boat that is firing on the city, and they
will be able to see the results of the shots on the city as the
pictures are shown on the screen in the rear of the stage. An extra
large audience will be used for this feature, which will be run for
three days, not including Sunday. Mr. Sauvage stated this afternoon
that if the picture was run on Sunday the noise would be enough to
make the churches complain and he would not attempt to do that.
Besides the guns, a special orchestra especially for this picture
will be a feature. The other effects will also be carefully carried
out from the stage. At the same time he made this announcement, Mr.
Sauvage stated that the Airdome would be run this year without
vaudeville. He will use an orchestra twice as large as the one at
the Hippodrome, and will run only feature pictures. The admission
will remain the same except when extra-large features such as the
"Battle Cry of Peace" are presented. For this and other exceptional
features, the price will be raised to twenty-five cents.
The Alton Cine was located off of Claire Avenue in Alton, just east
of Washington Avenue. The twin-screen theater opened April 9, 1976,
and had a seating of 300. It was operated by the Wehrenberg chain.
The Alton Cine closed in 1998. Demolition of the Alton Cine is
currently underway (as of March 5, 2019).
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 18, 1969
On Belle Street, north from Third Street, was the first of the Bijou
Theaters, two doors from the Alton Savings Bank.
The Bijou (later named the Royal and then Crescent Theater) was
located on the north side of West Third Street in Alton, west of
Belle Street. This theater was opened from 1910 – 1911.
Source: New York Clipper, May 14, 1910/1911
H. A. Worthey, manager of the Bijou in Alton, left this city April
25. The theatre has been closed.
Source: New York Clipper, March 25, 1911/1912
The Bijou in Alton has been opened by Edwin Murphy of St. Louis,
Missouri, with vaudeville and moving pictures, after being closed
several months. Mr. Murphy represents the New' York Film Exchange.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 21, 1911
H. A. Custanes, a theatrical man of St. Louis, has leased the former
Bijou Theatre on Third Street in Alton, and will make a fine
amusement place of it in a short time. He intends remodeling the
interior completely. The scenery will be changed and made better,
and the entertainments to be given there will be of a higher class
than those given in the past. The name of the theatre will be
changed to the Royal, and the new owner promises to make the place a
real amusement spot.
Source: New York Clipper, September 30, 1911
Bijou moving picture house has been purchase by Messrs. Ulrich and
Hoppe, of Alton, and renamed the Crescent. It opened September 23.
Source: New York Clipper, November 25, 1911
ALTON - The Crescent closed, owing to poor business.
The Biograph Theater was located on Third Street in downtown Alton,
near where Gately’s was located, on the north side of the street.
Children enjoyed "wild and wooly" western movies, accompanied by piano
music. Later, a Piggly-Wiggly store was located there.
The third floor of the old Alton City Hall at Market and Broadway
(in the current Lincoln – Douglas Square) was used as a theater for
live performances.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 28, 1911
The third story of the city hall is being cleaned. All the
accumulated matter of the past half century is being dumped out of
an upper window and carted away. A part of this ancient junk is the
scenery of the stage that in the days
of the fifties [1850s] and up
to the opening of the Mercantile hall, was in use by the theatrical
troupes that occasionally came this way, and the old-time panoramas
that used to delight and inform Altonians of fifty years ago. The
stage settings are small and insignificant, placed by the present
requirements of the modern stage. And yet the pleasure the old gave
was quite as entertaining as the elaborate setting of a Ben Hur or
the massive staging of the present production of the tragedies. An
old stove cast in some of the ancient periods of the past was also
dumped out for transference to some junk dealer. Some of the older
residents stood about and gazed at the old stuff as it was
ignominiously dumped to the pavement and fell into retrospective
contemplation. There are few older men in Alton who are natives but
that remember the old stage in the third story of the city hall. At
the little ticket window on the second floor, a mark of which is
still there, the familiar face of John Mather, now deceased, greeted
the purchaser of a pasteboard that gained for one admittance to the
hall above. No matter what kind the shows were, they were good then,
for we were the right age to enjoy them.
The Dwiggins Theater was located at Twelfth and Alby Street in
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 30, 1907
Dwiggins Theater at Twelfth and Alby Streets will be opened for the
season Monday evening when the Black Diamond Minstrels will begin a
two night's stand performance. The Black Diamonds are all Altonians,
and are all white. They are all fun makers too, and both boys and
girls are talented and will make good in their parts. There are
twenty people in the troupe and Bonnie Thornton is manager. A parade
will be given tomorrow afternoon starting from the Five Points and
extending as far on Belle Street as the troupers care to go.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 20, 1907
Otto Wutzler and Wesley Smith, acrobatic team, were members of Black
Diamond Minstrels. Minstrels were a troupe of comedians, usually
white men made up as black performers, presenting songs, jokes, etc.
The Electric Theater, which changed names several times, was located at the
southwest corner of Third and Market Streets, in the old Kirsch
building in Alton. This property would later be the site of the
Grand Theater. The Electric Theater opened in
March 1907, and it was
owned by Messrs. Hallway and Murray. The opening matinee was “the
Scale of Justice.” In May 1907, for the price of a 10-cent ticket,
over 500 ladies received China and glassware as a give-away. A fire
partially destroyed the theater in 1908, which originated in the
moving picture machine, which contained 2,000 feet of very flammable
celluloid film. Harry Adams, who was operating the machine, tried to
smother it with his coat, and received burns on his hands. Theodore
Hamilton, who was on stage singing at the time, calmed the audience
by singing while they hurried out. The fire department put out the
fire. The building was damaged, along with the Kirsch Ice Plant next
door. The damage was repaired, and the theater reopened. By July
1908, the theater changed hands and was renamed the Victoria
Theater, and had a skating rink which adjoined the building. In
August 1908, the theater was renamed the Biograph. By February 1915,
the theater was for sale, and the name had been changed to the Habit
Theater. In August 1915, the theater was re-opened under the name of
Crescent Theater, with J. H. Work of St. Louis as the new owner.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 28, 1907
Choose the Balmer and Weber pianos. The patrons of this popular
amusement resort are highly entertained each evening with the
beautiful selections rendered by the Balmer & Weber Pianola Player.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 30, 1907
Commencing Sunday, Matinee at 1:30 p.m. The Scale of Justice, Fun in
photograph gallery. Clever Feat, Prerott's Revenge, Honeymoon Trip,
3rd and Market Streets.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 8, 1907
Some of the Alton ladies know a good thing when they see it, and
they certainly saw it when the doors opened today at the Electric
Theatre. Over 500 ladies received handsome presents of China and
glassware. Manager Murray says goods given away are not common
souvenir goods, and also states that each Wednesday afternoon at
1:30 doors will be open, and a piece of china, different from that
of today, will be given. There are 52 pieces to the set, and those
wishing to complete the set must attend matinees on Wednesdays.
Don't overlook this, ladies.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 27, 1907
The popular picture house of the middle west opens with a new line
of subjects that have never been seen by the Alton people as they
come direct from the film maker and are guaranteed to be clear of
smut or anything to offend. Opens September 1. The house will be
personally conducted by Hallway and Murray, proprietors and
managers, and a guarantee is given that you will see one hour and 15
minutes solid pictures for the price of 10c. with no extra charge
for reserve seats.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 29, 1908
A fire occurred in the Electric Theatre at Third and Market Streets
Tuesday evening, and a panic might have occurred but for the good
sense of the audience. Theodore Hamilton, who was on the platform
singing at the time, helped to calm the audience by starting to
sing, and while he sang the audience hurried out, but did not get
into a panic. Harry Adams was operating the moving picture machine
which contained 2,000 feet of celluloid film, very flammable. In the
audience were about 400 people who were listening to a song being
sung by Theodore Hamilton, and there was a great quiet in the house
when the flash came. A spark got into the film, and it started to
burn. Adams tried to smother it with his coat, and in doing so
burned himself about the hands and his sleeve caught afire. While
putting out the fire in his own garment, the fire in the film got
beyond his control and the theatre was soon filled with a smothering
vapor, but not before the audience got out. The flames spread in the
vicinity of the moving picture machine. When the fire department
arrived on the scene, the building was full of smoke which had a
very suffocating effect and made firefighting extremely difficult.
The damage to the Electric theatre owners is about $300. The damage
to the building is about the same. The ice plant belonging to the
Kirsch Co. was thoroughly drenched by water thrown by the fire
department and was disabled.
Source: April 18, 1908
The Electric moving picture house is drawing big houses every day.
Source: New York Clipper, July 11, 1908
Alton - The old Electric, under new management, will be called the
Victoria, and will present moving pictures and a skating rink
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 2, 1908
Representatives of the insurance companies that insured the Electric
Theatre, which was partly damaged by fire on Wednesday night, were
in Alton today effecting a settlement. The Electric Theatre will be
repaired at once and will probably be open within a week or ten
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 7, 1908
Returns of the Primaries read from the stage at the Victoria
Theatre, Third and Market Streets, Saturday night.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 12, 1908
(Advertisement) Victoria Theatre. New pictures and songs and
program. "The Man in the Box." "Spectation Impression." "Magic Box."
"Hot Temper." "At the Music Hall." "Billious Fever." Songs sung by
Sam Williams. Victoria Theatre Changes Name to Biograph Theatre.
Third and Market streets. Wednesday and Thursday. Absolutely
fire-proof. F. W. Brill, proprietor and Manager.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 16, 1911
Following the serving of an attachment writ Saturday night on the
money and effects of Larue and Brock at the Biograph theater, there
will be a trial Thursday afternoon in Justice Nathan's court. One of
the girls connected with a company of eight, who were playing there,
claimed that she was not given the money to which she was entitled,
and she procured a lawyer who attached all the properties of the
company for the $27 claim held by Miss Josephine Byers. The
attachment following close on a shot being fired in a room of an
Alton hotel by a woman at one of the members of the troupe, caused
considerable interest. When Constable James Lewis went to serve the
attachment writ Saturday night, the actresses were on the stage
wearing the garments it was sought to attach. It made no difference,
according to the lawyer, that there were no dressing rooms. The
actresses were told to get behind the scenery and remove the clothes
they had on and toss the garments out piece by piece until all had
been accounted for. This was done while the constable waited close
by, never daring to lift his blushing face toward the corner where
the girls were making the change of their stage clothes. The
property, including half of the receipts of Saturday night, was held
by the constable and the hearing will be Thursday. The manager of
the troupe says that he will fight the case.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 28, 1913
George F. Kirsch, who owns the building at Third and Market Streets,
formerly occupied by the Biograph moving picture theater, has
decided to remodel the building, and it is reported that the place
has been rented and will be reopened at a near date.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 12, 1915
The Habit Theater in the Kirsch building was sold this afternoon, a
man from Danville who held a fifteen-hundred-dollar mortgage buying
it in. He stated the theater would be rented to parties coming here,
and would reopen soon.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 24, 1915
Contractor A. G. Oglesby has a force of men at work remodeling the
interior of the old "Habit" Theatre building at the corner of Third
and Market Streets. A recent arrival in the city will start a
first-class movie show in the place, it is said, as soon as the
remodeling is completed.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 31, 1915
The Crescent Theatre will be opened Saturday in the Kirsch building
at the corner of Third and Market Streets. J. H. Work of St. Louis
is in charge, and had renovated the old playhouse and made of it an
up to date place. Mr. Work is a twin brother of Mrs. James Alton
Smith, wife of the east Second Street dry goods merchant.
The Grand Theater was constructed in 1920 by a group of Alton
business men who formed the Alton Amusement Company. The theater was
located at the southwest corner of Third and Market Streets, where
the old Crescent Theater once stood. The theater went up so quickly,
that the bricks from the Alton Paving & Fire Brick Company were
still warm when they arrived. A contest was announced to name the
new theater. Dr. A. Don Stocker occupied the entire second floor of
the building. The sign for the Grand theater included 700
lightbulbs, and at the time, was the largest in Alton. The original
opening day was to be on Thanksgiving Day, but the opening was
delayed because the theater was not yet finished. The Grand
officially opened on December 4, 1920, and included a live
orchestra. The Grand closed in 1977, but the building still stands
today. Plans are being made for renovation of the Grand Theater.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 17, 1920
A company composed of Alton business men, and capitalized at
$75,000, will be incorporated under the laws of Illinois for the
erection of a theater at Third and Market streets, on the corner
west of the Illini Hotel. A meeting of the local business men was
held last night. It was decided to boost the capital to $75,000. It
had at first been intended, the Telegraph was told, to incorporate
the company with a capital of $50,000, but in order to make the
erection of a modern playhouse a certainty, the capital was boosted.
All members of the company, it was said today, are Alton
businessmen. It was also said that all stock of the new company has
been subscribed. It is planned to erect a fireproof theater of the
modern type. It will be a moving picture and vaudeville house. The
policy of the theater will be similar to that of the theaters of
other cities where vaudeville and movies are shown. The theater, it
is said, will be a beautiful structure and will be one of the
prettiest amusement houses in southern Illinois. High Class
vaudeville and movies will be booked for the theater, say the men
behind the proposition, who declare that Alton is large enough to
support another first.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 25, 1920
The public will be given opportunity to choose a name for the new
motion picture house to be erected by the Alton Amusement Co., at
Third and Market streets. It was said today by L. J. Hartman, one of
the directors, that the members of the board had decided to call for
suggestions of names, and to the one offering the prize winner would
be awarded a three months pass to the theater when finished. The
Alton Amusement Co. has taken an option on the property of George F.
Kirsch for a period of five years, the price named as the sale price
being $85,000, and the company will have fifteen years to pay it
off. It is the plan of the owners of the theater to purchase the
property as they said they would not consider continuing under a
lease. The statement was also made that the plans for the new
theater will be completed tomorrow. It will be absolutely fire
proof, it was said, and will have five offices on the second floor
on the Market street front, and one small business room on the
ground floor. The plan is to show no vaudeville, but there will be
high class pictures and a high-class orchestra.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 03, 1920
The directors and the building committee of the new theater that is
being erected at Third and Market Streets today announced an
extension of time for giving of suggestions for a new name for the
new motion picture house. It was said by L. J. Hartmann that a
number of suggestions had been made, but it was desired to give
further time to those desiring to have the privilege of naming the
playhouse and winning the prize offered. The time was extended to
next Wednesday. B. W. Plummer was selected for orchestra leader. It
was said by Mr. Hartmann no manager has yet been chosen. The
arrangements of seats were approved last night. The seats have been
bought. Pictures are being contracted for, too, though the earliest
it is hoped to have the theater ready is some time next November.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 29, 1920
Announcement was made this morning that Dr. A. Don Stocker would
occupy the entire second floor of the new theater building which is
being erected at the corner of Third and Market Street. The building
will be ready for occupancy about the first of November. Dr. Stocker
is an extraction specialist. Dr. Stocker now occupies quarters on
the third floor of the Commercial Building, and while the present
rooms are admirable for general practice, the requirements of an
office for specialization in extraction and X-ray work are somewhat
different. The suite will be built according to Dr. Stocker's own
plans, which have the suite will cover a floor space of 1135 feet,
and will consist of twelve rooms and two 25-foot hallways, divided
into two departments, examination or consultation and operations.
The examination or consultation department will consist of the
following rooms, connected by a private hallway; anti-reception room
and business office, main reception room, X-ray room, private
office, ladies' dressing room and X-ray developing room. The
operating department will be distinctly sanitary, with floors of
tile, with marble baseboards and sanitary walls. The hall of this
department will have arched ceiling. The department will include two
operating rooms, two retiring rooms, nurses' room, and toilets.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 12, 1920
The electric sign for the Grand Theater, being erected at the corner
of Third and Market streets, will contain 700 light bulbs, according
to John Jianakoplis, one of the owners. The sign, he says, will be
the largest in Alton, and as large, if not larger, than any.....
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 8, 1920
One reason that the new Grand Theater walls went up so fast was that
there was no delay in material deliveries, and one reason of good
material deliveries so far as bricks are concerned was the activity
of the Alton Brick Comlpany in handling the bricks. The brick supply
ran very low at times, and bricks were taken red hot from the kilns
at the brick company plant, loaded into trucks and brought down to
the theater. When the bricklayers got them, they were still warm.
Had it been cool weather, the bricklayers would have enjoyed it, but
as it was the thermometer was playing around a hundred, and the hot
bricks only added to the heat of the job. But the walls kept going
higher and the hot bricks was what caused them to keep on going up
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 15, 1920
The Grand Theater will be ready for its opening on Thanksgiving Day
according to the contractor, H. H. Unterbrink, who has been rushing
the construction work night and day. All day Sunday crews worked in
the theater building putting in concrete floors and they carried
their work on through Sunday night, and day crews came on today and
were finishing the
work. The decorators have been rushing their work
and have nearly finished it. Contractor Unterbrink said that almost
all the furniture, including the seats, has arrived. He said that he
has given the owners of the new theater word that so far as he is
concerned, they will be able to open the theater on Thanksgiving
Day, and that it will be up to them to get installed equipment for
which he is not responsible. The new fire proof theater is owned by
a syndicate of business men. They plan to have a good orchestra and
to put in their house the best of pictures. When they planned the
building, they expected to get it built and opened for far less
money than they have found is necessary to make the theater fire
proof and equip it as they decided to do. Until recently it appeared
there would be no chance of getting the building ready to receive
its first crowd on Thanksgiving Day, but when the owners insisted
that this be done the contractor began rushing work by working more
than one shift and speeding up in every line where additional energy
could be applied. The equipment for the building was shipped and the
announcement made that everything was in readiness to be placed as
soon as the contractor could make ready to receive the equipment.
Within a few days the greater part of the decoration work will have
been completed. Simultaneously, the installing of the seats and the
curtains and screens will be finished and the theater will be turned
over. Some delay in the heating plant has caused some
disappointment, but this should be ready on time. The new theater
will be a handsome improvement to the neighborhood where it stands,
as its owners are fixing up the surroundings in tidy shape.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 23, 1920
So that paint may be dried properly, the opening of the Grand
Theatre must be deferred about a week, though the contractor and the
owners of the building have not yet been able to agree on the date.
The contractor, H. H. Unterbrink, refuses to give his assent to
opening in less than a week after Thanksgiving Day, as he says he
wants the paint to dry properly. The owners are desirous of
anticipating the date as much as possible, because they say, they
have engaged pictures for a Thanksgiving Day opening and have also
engaged their help to begin at that time. The contractor insists
however, that the decorations must be given a chance to dry out so
that the public won't smear the paint when the opening takes place,
and today there the situation was. Outside of the painting and
decorations, the theatre would be ready, with the exception of some
little details of the heating plant, but the contractor says that
the painting being done must be given a chance to harden as each
successive coat goes on and that it can't be hurried this kind of
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 4, 1920
The new Grand Theater at Market and Third Streets was opened to the
public at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The day could hardly have been
more discouraging for an event of the kind. The management of the
theater was unwilling to see anything bad in the outlook, as he was
confidently expecting a big business on the opening day, regardless
of weather conditions. He felt that the public would turn out to see
the new playhouse regardless. The finishing touches were still being
put on the place up to the time of opening. Little details here and
there remained to be finished. The lighting arrangement in the front
was the most important work that had to be finished up, the
management having planned for a perfect blaze of light on the front
of the Grand. The new manager said that Market Street is not very
well illuminated, otherwise, and he intends to make it light as day.
A good program of pictures had been arranged for the afternoon and
evening. As recognition of the opening there were some handsome
floral pieces sent by friends of the owners and the management with
their best wishes, and the new theater looked like a flower shop.
The new theater has a big orchestra which made its bow to the Alton
public today, and which will be in service constantly. The owners
and managers of the theater believe that the desire for amusements
in Alton is ever on the increase, and they think that the Grand will
enjoy steady popularity. The handsome floral offerings sent by
friends attracted much attention, due to their great beauty. Among
the pieces received were many from St. Louis friends to Manager
Oberstolz. Flowers were received from Alton Brick Company, Board of
Directors, Alton Evening Telegraph, Princess Theater, J. J. Rielley,
owner, George Palmer Electric Company, H. H. Unterbrink, Famous
Players, Universal Film, Standard, Krug's Floral, Alton Daily Times.
Miss Bertha Edwards, assisted by Mrs. W. A. Clark of Ouatoga
Theater, was in the ticket office selling tickets. Francis Mills was
at the door. Berg Plummer's Orchestra was a big feature of the
opening. Fred Boem was stage manager. The Misses Nellie Neil, Julia
Selhime, Helen Thomas, Ruth Simpson, Vera Kimmel, Velva Wheeler,
Eunice Crouse and Vera Herman were the ushers. The Western Military
Academy attended in a body, and were the first to enter the Theater.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 22, 1921
The spirit of the jungle - the fear that instinctively rests in the
breasts of all animals for the king of beasts, the lion - prevented
an express wagon being overturned this morning and probably
prevented the running at large of a lion. The lion was shipped to
Alton for an engagement at the Grand. It was hauled from the express
office on Front street to the theater. The horse drawing the express
wagon was restless from the time the lion was placed in the wagon.
The horse did not see the jungle beast, but he knew, as all animals
know, that his enemy was near. The horse had never seen the jungle,
had never probably ever run wild on American plains. He was a
completely domesticated animal. But he had in his breast the fear
given to him by heredity from an age centuries ago. When the horse
began to pull the wagon carrying the lion, the ice did not daunt
him. He knew but one thing, and that was to flee from the enemy of
his fathers, the king and terror of the jungle - the lion. But the
wagon came too, and the lion was always near. When the wagon had
been pulled up Market street close to the theater, the driver with
difficulty forced the horse to turn. The street slopes considerably
at that point, and the wagon skidded to the curb. It struck the curb
and seemed about to turn over. The lion's cage, it seemed, would be
broken open and the beast released. But the horse still was in fear
of the lion. He made an effort to do but one thing, and that was to
flee. So he made a mighty effort to go forward, in spite of the
slippery ice. And he succeeded. The wagon was righted, the lion was
not released. Soon the cage was unloaded and the horse resumed his
tranquil existence.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 11, 1922
Manager Reilly of the Grand Theater has arranged to bring Prof.
Vishnu, one of the greatest living hypnotists to this city on next
Monday and Tuesday, to perform this almost unbelievable feat, the
greatest feat of the modern age, the casting of a hypnotic spell
over a person via radio. Only twice before has this been fully
accomplished, at Atlanta, Ga., and Kansas City, Mo. Alton will be
the lucky third on Monday night. Miss Dolly Wecher will receive her
sleep stuff through the ether waves detected by a large radio
receiving set that will be in operation on the stage of the Grand.
They will be sent out by Prof. Vishnu who will be in the
broadcasting station in St. Louis, 24 miles away. After she dozes
into fairyland, she will be placed on a stretcher and taken to the
window of one of Alton's leading merchants, where she will remain in
her comatose state 24 hours. On Tuesday evneing, she will be carried
back to the Grand and placed on the stage in front of the receiving
set and an unusually sensitive radio equipment will be used so that
the audience will be enabled to hear every word of Prof. Vishnu as
he speaks his hypnotic words miles away.
The Hippodrome Theater was located at the southwest corner of Piasa
and Broadway in Alton. This theater was built on the corner where
the former Lyric Theater once stood. In March 1910, Lyric Theater
manager William M. Sauvage, George A. Sauvage, and Charles Seibold
began the planning of the new theater (at that time called the New
Lyric Theater), using plans drawn by Frank Cox, a theatrical
architect in Chicago. The old Lyric Theater and the building next
door (the old Boston Store) were combined to make one large theater
building. The Hippodrome opened September 23, 1912. The theater had
a balcony, two boxes, and a seating of 1,200. The stage measured
54x32 feet, and the lobby was 54x12 feet. The scenery was painted by
Eugene cox and staff of Chicago. The opening presentation was
titled, “The Choice of Carletta, with four reels of pictures. The
ushers at the Hippodrome – high school boys who worked to see the
show plus a small weekly sum – wore uniforms that resembled navy
admirals. A huge, lighted elephant stood on the top of the building.
During WWI, the elephant was removed to conserve energy and to obey
the “lightless” instructions from Washington D. C. in case of an
attack at night by the enemy. Sauvage packed the Hippodrome with
crowds. For 20 cents you could see a five-reel picture, a news reel,
perhaps a comedy, two acts of vaudeville, and hear a five-piece
orchestra. The Hippodrome was conducted from 1912 – 1931. The
building was razed in August of 1933.
New Playhouse That Will be Erected on Piasa Street
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 26, 1910
Manager W. M. Sauvage arrived home this morning from Chicago,
bringing with him plans drawn by Frank Cox, theatrical architect,
for the handsome new Lyric Theater to be erected on Piasa Street, on
the property sold by B. L. Dorsey recently, to a syndicate
consisting of W. M. Sauvage, George A. Sauvage, and Charles Seibold.
The plans for the new theater indicate that Alton will have a fine
addition to its amusement places. It will be no baby theater, as its
seating capacity, exclusive of the gallery, will be greater than the
Temple. The New Lyric will have no gallery, but will have a balcony.
Manager Sauvage said today that there will be 750 seats downstairs,
and 250 in the balcony, and 24 in the boxes, giving a seating
capacity of 1024. The chairs will be the finest opera chairs, and
will be selected with a view to comfort of the patrons. A Telegraph
reported was shown the plans for the New Lyric this morning, and the
richness of detail shows that there will be no lack of consideration
for the comfort of those who patronize it, and they will have a
beautiful, delightful place to stay while seeing some good
entertainments. The theater will be 75 feet wide and 125 feet deep,
and two stories in height. The front of the theater will be
beautiful. It will be made of white enameled brick, with green brick
trimmings, below the cornice. There will be two terracotta pillars
from the sidewalk to the cornice, and the cornice will be ornamental
terra cotta. On the Piasa street front will be two business rooms,
flanking the entrance. Upstairs over these rooms will be two flats,
one on each side, for family use. The entrance to the lobby from the
street will have three double doors. The lobby will be circular in
shape, 20 feet wide, and from it will be two double doors entering
the theater. Between these doors will be a marble box office. The
walls of the lobby will have marble wainscoting, and above them,
paintings in panels, the panels to be separated by plate glass
mirrors. The dome of the lobby, rising from a heavy plastic cornice,
will be paneled and the panels ornamented with paintings. It will be
brilliantly lighted, as will the theater, with tungsten lamps. The
decorations of the interior will be in plastic relief, and the
ruling colors will be white, gold and green. The stairs to the
balcony will be inside the theater. The stage will be 71 feet wide
by 60 feet depth, as against 55x29 of the Temple. There will be six
exits on the main floor and three from the balcony, permitting of
quick egress from the theater. The floor of the theater will be
sloping, and will be wood laid on a concrete base. The plans call
for beautiful art decorations inside as well as outside, and when
the Lyric is built and opened, it will be a surprise to everyone who
sees it. Mr. Sauvage deserves great credit for his enterprise in
planning such a beautiful amusement place. At the present, he says
the New Lyric will be vaudeville, but it will be possible to play
much larger companies there, in case it is desired, than at the
Source: New York Clipper, April 16, 1910
Manager W. M. Sauvage, of Alton, Ill., has had plans drawn for the
handsome new Lyric Theatre to be erected on Piasa Street, Alton, on
the property sold recently to a syndicate consisting of W. M.
Sauvage, Geo. A. Sauvage and Charles Seibold. The plans for the new
theatre indicate that Alton will have a fine addition to its
amusement places. The new Lyric will have no gallery, but will have
a balcony. There will be 750 seats downstairs and 250 in the
balcony, and 24 in the boxes, giving a seating capacity of 1,024.
The theatre will be 75 feet wide and 125 feet deep, and two stories
in height. The stage will be 75 feet wide by 60 feet deep. There
will be six exits on the main floor and three from the balcony,
permitting of quick egress from the theatre. The floor of the
theatre will be sloping, and will be wood laid on a concrete base.
The plans call for beautiful art decorations inside as well as
outside. The new Lyric will present vaudeville, but it will be
possible to play much larger companies there, in case it is desired,
than at the Temple, in that city.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 18, 1912
Tomorrow night will be the last of the Lyric theater. Next week the
building will be put in the hands of contractors, and will be
transformed in connection with the next-door building [the old
Boston store], into a Hippodrome, where Manager W. M. Sauvage
expects to make a completely new departure in the amusement line in
Alton. The Lyric has been in business five years, and in that time
has done a tremendous business. It was started as a vaudeville
house, but this was changed to conform to a popular demand, into a
moving picture house, the vaudeville feature being eliminated
completely. The past season, according to Mr. Sauvage, is by far the
largest and best the Lyric has known.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 4, 1911
Manager W. M. Sauvage has leased from Mrs. Nellie McPike the old
Boston Store room at Second [Broadway] and Piasa, adjoining the
Lyric theater. He will consolidate the two places, making one large
amusement place, capable of seating 1,000 people, and he intends
making a fine place of it. Mr. Sauvage says that when he has
finished his plans for the new Hippodrome, as he will call it, he
will have a much-improved place over what he has now. He intends to
make the place fairly glow with electricity, and plans to use at
least 1,500 electric lights. Perhaps he may install a power plant in
the basement and furnish his own electricity. He says that he has
conducted the Lyric five years. He has made of what was considered a
long chance, a very profitable investment, and he expects to
increase the drawing power of the new amusement center he proposes
to establish in Alton. There was some other competition for the
lease or to buy the property, but Mr. Sauvage, by taking what is
practically a twenty-year lease on the property, won out. He will
thus get room for expansion of his amusement enterprise at the Lyric
theater. Mr. Sauvage expects to have the Hippodrome ready for
business next fall.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 19, 1912
The formal opening of the Hippodrome will take place Monday evening.
Manager Sauvage was somewhat disappointed in not being able to open
the Hippodrome sooner, as the past week the weather has been such as
to discourage outside shows. Mr. Sauvage will open his new playhouse
with an advanced price show, the price for the opening night to be
fifty cents a ticket and a good show will be given. There will be
some speeches by representatives of various bodies in Alton, the
speakers to represent the city of Alton, the Manufacturers'
Association, the Retail Merchants, the Trades and Labor Assembly,
previous to the opening of the program. The program will begin at
8:10 p.m. Mr. Sauvage says that the regular popular prices will
prevail. He plans to have a few reserved seats at 5 cents extra for
the first evening performance only. All other entertainments will be
ten cents.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 24, 1912
The new Hippodrome was opened Monday evening [September 23, 1912]
with some formality. Speeches were made by Mayor Faulstich, W. H.
Joesting, and G. H. Mosser, representing the city, the retail
merchants, and the Board of Trade. Representatives of other
organizations in Alton were expected to be present but were
detained, one by absence from the city, another by illness. Manager
Sauvage was given warm commendation for his enterprise in providing
such a nice place of amusement, and it was predicted that the
Hippodrome would be an aid to the mercantile interests of Alton by
affording further attractions in the city where shoppers could go
for an hour or two during an afternoon. The confidence that Mr.
Sauvage has in Alton, and his efforts to improve every opportunity
that comes to Alton better amusements features was spoken of. The
new Hippodrome is a work of art. To be fully appreciated it must be
seen inside, as the hands of skillful artists have been busy in
there, and the walls, ceiling and the stage settings have been
decorated in a style that is new and attractive. The seats provided
are comfortable, and during the season Mr. Sauvage will have a
four-piece orchestra. He will give five shows a day, two in the
afternoon and three each evening, with five changes of pictures
weekly and two changes of vaudeville weekly. Before the close of the
program Mr. Sauvage explained how he happened to make the price 50
cents on the opening night. He said he was not sure that in the last
day's rush everything would work satisfactorily, and he would rather
have a small audience to be disappointed on the opening night. The
audience was a good sized one, notwithstanding the advance in price
for the one night. A fine program of pictures was given, and two
very good vaudeville acts. The first act was Carlotta, "the human
dragon," who has a rather startling variation of the usual line of
work of the contortionist. The short sketch, "The Choice," in which
a very good moral lesson is pointed, was given by a company of four.
It seemed at first to be treading on rather dangerous ground, but
toward the close the delicate situation was brought around in a
manner that pointed a high class moral and everybody who saw it had
to admit that it was good. Frank Cox, the architect, who also had
the contract, was sitting in a box and was called upon to say a few
words at the opening of the pretty playhouse. Mr. Cox was too modest
to say much, except that he hoped the public would like the place,
which they evidently do.
Source: New York Clipper, October 5, 1912
The new Hippodrome Theatre at Alton, Illinois, was formerly opened
Monday evening, September 23. W. M. Sauvage, sole owner and manager,
has leased the McPike property on the corner of Second and Piasa
Streets, and has built one of the prettiest houses in the State. The
playhouse, rebuilt by Frank Cox of Chicago, includes a balcony, two
boxes, and with the lower floor, has a seating capacity of 1,200.
The stage measures 54 by 32 feet, and the lobby 54 by 12 feet. The
scenery and curtains were painted by Eugene Cox and staff of
Chicago, as were the beautiful interior decorations. The entire
exterior is _______ [unreadable] white and the base surrounded with
marble slabs ten feet from the ground. The playhouse was opened
addresses by Mayor Faulstich, G. H. Mosser, secretary of the Board
of Trade, W. H. Joesting, of the Retail Merchants, Manager Sauvage,
and Frank Cox, the builder. Many floral tributes were received by
Mr. Sauvage. The new house will be devoted to vaudeville and moving
pictures. The opening bill included Walter Petroval (sp?) and
company, in "The Choice of Carletta" and four reels of pictures.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 7, 1916
Two new rectifiers [converts alternating current into a direct
current] for the Hippodrome have arrived and been installed with an
idea of improving the pictures at that theater. The two machines
were ordered over three months ago, but on account of the big demand
for electrical apparatus have been delayed in arriving. The two
machines are of the very latest type and are used to change the
alternating current to direct current for the movie machines. They
have a higher candle power than other machines ever used in the
city. The machines are so arranged that each is two systems in one,
and in case one part of the machinery should go down, the machine
will transfer automatically to the other. This makes it sure that
the machines will not go down as long as there is any power coming
into the building.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 11, 1917
After the show tomorrow evening, the Hippodrome will close its doors
to be redecorated. The theater will be reopened on September 3,
completely redecorated. The new curtain showing the river front of
the City of Alton as it would appear with a sea wall will be one of
the features of the show house when it is reopened. The days of the
ten-cent combined picture and vaudeville show are a thing of the
past, as announced in the Telegraph some time ago. Manager William
Sauvage said this morning that the Hippodrome would not open at less
than fifteen cents, and there is a chance that the price might be
even higher than that. The policy of the house will be to have
programs of about the same type as are being run at the Airdome.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 4, 1918 (WWI)
The big elephant has been taken down from the top of the Hippodrome
building, and will probably stay down during the war. Although it
was an elephant which is supposed to be very heavy, this one was a
"light affair," according to an electrician, meaning by that an
electric light affair. It scattered lots of light around high up in
the air, and it was to save that light and obey the lightless
instructions of the fuel administration that the ornamental animal
was removed.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 28, 1919
Manager Sauvage of the Hippodrome has announced a new policy for
that theater this winter. Starting on the first day of September the
theater will be kept open from 11 o'clock in the morning until 11
o'clock at night. He will run two acts of vaudeville. A new organ
has been ordered and it will arrive shortly. The organ will be added
to the present organ and will be played from the pit as part of the
orchestra. The organ with the men who are now in the orchestra will
give the music a volume equal to an orchestra of about seventy-five
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 12, 1920
There was a fire alarm from the Hippodrome yesterday afternoon. The
people in the house noticed the odor of wood smoke, and they noticed
soon that the air was filled with smoke. A fire alarm was turned in.
It developed that in the furnace room, under the sidewalk, walled
off from the building, workmen had long ago laid a piece of lumber
on top of the boiler. The heat of the boiler charred and finally
fired the wood. The smoke from the burning wood was sucked through
the cracks in a stone wall by the ventilating system and driven into
the theater. There was no danger of fire whatsoever in the
Hippodrome, the furnace being under the sidewalk on the south side
of the building.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 14, 1920
Manager Sauvage has awarded the contract for extensive improvements
at the Hippodrome. He said today that the contract for the interior
decorations have been let to the Andrews Decorating Co., and will
cost $2,300. In addition, he has let to Fred Buck the contract for
painting the exterior of the building. The seats in the Hippodrome
are to be upholstered again, this time in an imitation leather, the
product of the Western Cartridge Co. This company is making in its
Springfield plant a leather known under the trade name of Westex,
which Mr. Sauvage decided to use. It is new on the market, but is
said by experts to be one of the very best of all the imitation
leather goods with which it must compete. The orchestra is being
reorganized and strengthened. A. J. Barron, flutist, formerly with
the Hippodrome, has returned, and will resume his old post. Mr.
Sauvage says that he will have a high-grade orchestra this year that
will be a great feature in the Hippodrome. He has also contracted
for some expensive illumination for the building and will make the
place a blaze of light.
The Lyric Theater was a small theater owned by William Sauvage, at
the southwest corner of Piasa and Broadway in downtown Alton. In
1910, Sauvage began his plans to build what he called the "New
Lyric." The Lyric was combined with the old Boston Store, and the
result was the new Hippodrome Theater.
The Nixon Theater was located at 210 West Third Street in downtown
Alton (on the north side of the street). The first mention of this
theater was in 1909, when it was owned by J. A. Swaton. Gus Crivello
bought the theater, and changed the name to Nina Theater. Jack
Herman took over the management of the Nina.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 24, 1959 (from 1909)
Nixon Theater, at 210 W. Third Street, J. A. Swaton, manager, was
offering moving pictures, vaudeville, and illustrated songs at a
10-cent admission. A novelty was talking movies - Catterlin Players
filling in the voices.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 02, 1909
Gus Crivello today bought from J. A. Swaton, the Nixon theater on
Third Street. Mr. Swaton has been conducting the place since it was
opened. It is a cheap amusement place, showing vaudeville stunts and
moving pictures. Gus took charge of the theater at once. He has long
had all ambition to become a theatrical manager and has now
gratified his ambition. He will call it the Nina theater.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 7, 1934 (from 1909)
Jack Herman had taken over the management of the Nina Theater on
West Third Street.
The Princess Theater (first referred to as the Odeon Theater) was
located at 637 East Broadway, in the “Luer Block.” Construction
began in April 1911,
and the theater opened May 21, 1911 to a packed
house. The theater had a seating capacity of 700, and had a sloping
floor. The theater had four large side exits, in addition to the
front and rear exits. It was managed by J. J. Reilley. A pipe organ
was installed in 1915.
In 1921, management caused a bit of a stir in Alton when the Fatty
Arbuckle comedy was shown after the comedian was charged with the
murder of an actress. In the 1920s, 30s, and 40s the theater’s
ownership changed hands several times. In 1937, the Princess
received an Art Deco facelift, which included a new façade and
neon-lit canopy marquee. The pipe organ was removed at that time.
During the 1960s, the Princess began to decline in popularity, until
closing in 1970. The theater was demolished in 1981, and replaced by
a parking lot.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 24, 1911
The Mayor appointed Mr. Elihu L'Eplattenier as Special Policeman in
and around the premises of the Odeon Theatre, without compensation
from the City of Alton. On motion of Mr. Burton, seconded by Mr.
Hagerman, said appointment was confirmed by a unanimous vote.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 03, 1911
Workmen are today engaged in putting the floor in the Odeon. The
Odeon is the building in the Luer Bros. block of buildings which
will be used as a theatre. The seats are all here and everything is
almost ready for the opening.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 20, 1911
The finishing touches are being put to the interior of the building
in the Luer Bros. block of buildings on east Second street, designed
for a playhouse or theatre. The Odeon, as it is called, will be a
very handsome playhouse too, and it being the first of the kind in
that part of the city, will undoubtedly prove a crowd-getter from
the day it opens. The interior lopes gradually from the entrance to
the footlights, in order that back seat occupants will have a good
commanding position and can see the stage and performers as well as
the front seat folks can. The walls are decorated attractively, and
the stage shows off well. The foot lights have been placed, and
there is but very little more to do before the Odeon may be thrown
open for plays. In the matter of fire escapes, it is the best and
safest building in the city of its size. It is on the ground floor
and there are three wide doors on the west side, big double doors in
the rear, and double doors in front. Should fire occur in that
building, it could be emptied of its occupants, no matter how large
the crowd, in five minutes time.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 17, 1911
The Odeon, the fine new amusement place in the Luer Bros. block of
buildings, is practically ready now for the lessee, J. J. Reilley,
to take charge of it. The seats have been placed, the interior
decorations have been finished, the footlights and other stage
accessories are there, electric lights and electric fans are placed
where wanted, and workmen today are putting up the fine, heavy
beveled glass door mirrors at the entrances. The house has a seating
capacity of 700, and every one of the 700 will have a good view of
the stage from whatever seat occupied. It is one of the prettiest
small show houses in Illinois, and is about the safest in that it
has four large side exits, in addition to front and rear exits.
Manager Reilley is a show all by himself, and it is said by his
friends that he will conduct a high class, fun-making theatre in the
Odeon. He has been in St. Louis the past few days making final
arrangements for putting on the opening, and while this has not been
settled, it is probable the opening show will be given Saturday
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 20, 1911
It was stated in East Second Street [East Broadway] this morning
that the Luer Bros will, if it proves too warm for comfort in
Reilley's New Princess Theatre in the Luer Bros. block of buildings,
have the refrigerator pipes extended from their ice factory to the
theatre building, and thus keep things exceedingly cool the hottest
day or evening that may happen along. The electric fans are expected
to keep things cool enough, but if they fail the cold darrying pipes
will help them out.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 22, 1911
The new Princess theatre at Second and Weigler Streets gave its
opening show yesterday afternoon, and the house was packed. It was
packed again last night, and Manager Reilley gave the public a very
good show too. The theatre is a pretty one, is safe, cool and
comfortable. It is the first amusement place of the kind ever opened
in the eastern part of the city, and a very heavy patronage was
given its opening play - which was high class vaudeville, and later
moving pictures.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 13, 1911
The Princess Theatre will throughout the remainder of the summer
season show only high grade moving pictures. The management has
decided to take this action owing to the fact that it is impossible
to play vaudeville satisfactory with fans running and too
uncomfortable to have them stopped. Our pictures will be the best
obtainable, the house will be kept cool and the Princess being a
strictly fireproof theatre. Parents can come or send their children
in perfect safety, and the management will do everything possible to
make them comfortable. The prices will be 5 cents and 10 cents to
all parts of the house. Doors will be open at 7:30. Performance
begins at 8 and 9 o'clock. Respectfully, J. J. Reilly, Manager.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 9, 1914
The great heart story filled with human interest and soul throbs,
"Colleen Bawn," will be presented this evening at the Princess
theatre in three reels. The Kalem Company some time ago imported a
large quantity of Irish soil dug from the base of the Coleen Bawn
roak, in one of the lakes of Killarney, and Manager Jim Reilley
secured a box of this soil from the Kalem company. The soil will be
placed in front of the ticket office of the Princess this evening,
and everybody who buys a ticket there tonight will have to stand on
Irish soil to do so. Anybody who goes to that theatre tonight can
always say afterwards he or she has stood on Irish soil, and they
need make no further explanation either. They will be telling the
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 03, 1916
Manager J. J. Reilley is having his popular playhouse, the Princess
Theatre, repainted and beautified exteriorally and interiorally it
is being thoroughly overhauled, decorated and brightened up. The
Princess has won a warm place for itself in the hearts of Alton
people for the clean, wholesome amusement it presents, and Manager
Reilley is determined to keep the good will of the theatre going
public by not only continuing to give high class, educational,
instructive, or amusing entertainments, but also to have the
surroundings beautiful and pleasing. This is reason enough for the
improvement work now being done.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 5, 1918
The Princess theatre on East Broadway is being repainted and
decorated. When the "flu" epidemic is over, patrons of that
amusement place will find it greatly beautified. [Note: During the
great influenza epidemic of 1918, theaters, school, churches, and
generally public meeting places, were shut down for fear of
spreading of the flu, by order of the government.]
At Princess Theater
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 31, 1922
James J. Reilly, motion picture house manager, is considering
running over an old-time homemade picture, which he thinks may be of
interest to many Alton people. Mr. Reilly, a few days ago, dug out
of a store room a film he had made when the steamer "Alton" was
brought to this city. He had a motion picture man come here to make
the film and he took crowds of children as well as crowds of grown
people. He was saying today that he does not doubt that among the
faces showing plainly in the picture are faces of boys and girls and
others who have died, and whose families might be interested in
seeing the motion picture. He says that there are many who have
grown to be men and women now who would be interested in seeing
their own faces as they were in childhood. He believes that when he
gets ready to show that film, it will pack whatever picture house he
decides to show it in. The thought struck Mr. Reilly as he was
running the picture through, that there were many people in Alton
who would perhaps be gladder to see it now than they were to see it
when it was originally shown. The faces are distinct, he says, and
there are hundreds and hundreds of them pictures who could easily be
recognized. He further plans to keep the film and as long as he
stays in business he will show it at stated periods, perhaps once
every five years. As the persons pictured in it grow older, or as
more and more of them pass away, he thinks that the film will have
added value to the families who may wish occasionally to see the
film picture of a member of the family circle who has died. In the
film are pictures of the Alton High school football team of 1912,
when it won the Southern and Central Illinois championship. Walter
(Punk) Wood, now Shurtleff coach, was captain of the eleven, and Tom
Henry, now in the army, was fullback. Other players were Harold
Dodge, Lynn and Louis Beiser, Bert Busse, Edgar Degenhardt, the late
Bert Russell, Courtney Perrin. One of the features of the film is
that part showing the fire department in action. The hose wagon were
run south on Henry street and turned west at the Sixth street
corner, where the views were taken. Alton had no motor trucks then.
One of the originators of the film was George H. Mosser, first
secretary-manager of the Board of Trade. Mosser is shown in the
film, and when the film was first shown at the Princess, Mosser was
the "announcer."
Augustine Kilburn Root founded the Root Opera House in 1882, which
was located in his Mercantile Building at 323 Belle Street (the
building was constructed in the 1850s). Root converted the second
and third story of the building to an opera house with a
semi-circular gallery in "approved theatre style." This opera house
was the second entertainment spot in Alton - the first being at the
old City Hall. Years later, the building housed the Goulding Jewelry
Store, the Thrifty Drug Store, George Loart's Grocery Store, the
Naval Militia Armory, and the Commercial Club. Currently, Mac's Time
Out Lounge is located on this property.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 24, 1890
Mr. Simon Folsom, advance agent for the Blind Tom Concert Company,
was here Saturday trying to arrange with Manager Mather for the
appearance of his company at Root's Opera House. There was no
available date open for him, however, and
consequently Blind Tom
will not play before an Alton audience this season. Fortune has not
smiled of late on the Star Theatre Co. A five-dollar bill was a
comparative curiosity to them before they struck this city, and
their receipts here did not better the condition of their exchequer
to any great extent. They stranded in Alton Saturday night, but a
considerable discount from the amount of their board bill, and the
kindly assistance of Mr. Mather, enabled them to get safely out of
town. The Holden Comedy Co., thirteen strong, arrived here yesterday
morning and registered at Hotel Madison. Their fame has preceded
them, and they bear the highest commendations from all places where
they have appeared this season. In fact, this is the strongest
theatrical attraction that has been on the boards at Root's Opera
House for some time past. They have with them a mascot, in the shape
of a diminutive darkey, who is a whole host in himself, on and off
the stage.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 01, 1890
Another large audience greeted the reappearance of Holden's Comedy
Company at Root's Opera House last evening. "A Noble Heroine" was on
the bill for the evening, each and every part in the play was
carried out by the company in a most creditable manner, and the
audience applauded time and again, one of the best performances that
has been given here this season. Holden's Comedy Co. has won an
enviable reputation among Alton theatre goers, and whenever it shall
appear here again it is assured of a hearty welcome. Thomas Kirwin
held the number which called for the prize, and received an elegant
piano lamp, since he preferred that to twenty dollars in cash.
The Starlight Drive-In Theater opened May 5, 1950 on College Avenue
(Rt. 140), just one block east of the railroad station near Upper
Alton. It was owned by Harry Herbert Beck, and constructed by
Johnson Construction Company of Godfrey. The drive-in included a
playground for children, free train rides, and a concession stand.
The Starlight closed after the 1984 season, and was torn down to
make way for a medical park.
The State Theater was located at 1308 East Broadway in Alton. It was
owned and operated by Harry Beck and David Glover. Mr. Beck later
built the Flamingo Motel, and was co-builder of the Starlight
Theater, both in Alton. Opening day of the State Theater was
Christmas, December 25, 1939, showing “In Name Only with Carol
Lombard, Cary Grant, and Kay Francis. The theater included restful,
cushioned seats, improved sound system, and a crystal clear screen.
In 1950 a projection fire damaged the theater. In about 1959 the
theater was closed.
The Temple Theater was located at the northeast corner of Broadway
and Easton Street in Alton. The three-story brick building was
erected by the Odd Fellows Lodge, and cost $35,000. The theater was
on the first floor, offices on the second floor, and the Odd Fellows
Hall on the third floor. The building was opened and dedicated in
April 1891. Manager Sauvage brought in the highest quality
entertainment throughout its history. On May 7, 1976, the building
was damaged by fire, and was razed on June 03, 1976. The property is
now a parking lot.
(Temple Theater)
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 21, 1889
The matter of the location of the new Opera House has been settled,
and Belle Street wins the prize. The subscriptions in favor of that
site now foot up $5,100. The new temple of amusement will be located
on the lots owned by Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Stowell, on which suitable
foundations are already laid.
[Temple Theater in Alton]
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 31, 1889
We stated several weeks ago that the Odd Fellows of Alton intended
putting up a building for an Opera House, on their commodious,
conviently located plat of ground just east of Hotel Madison, at the
corner of Second and Easton Streets. The plans of the order have now
taken shape, and they are urging the project with favorable
prospects for success. With the consent and approval of Grand Master
J. O. Humphrey, the following statement has been released:
“We propose to organize a stock company, to be known as the Odd
Fellows Temple Association of Alton, to be composed of Odd Fellows,
to issue stock in the regular way, for the purpose of erecting a
three-story brick building, to cost not less than $25,000. ….
They have issued a “Souvenir” circular, with a picture of the
building originally occupied by Western Star Lodge No 1, instituted
August 11, 1836, the first lodge organized in this State. The
original building stood at the corner of Second and Alby Streets,
where Hoffman & Son’s Hardware store is now located.
(Temple Theater)
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 14, 1890
Mr. Charles Bowman has subcontracted all the work in the
construction of the opera house. Mr. David Ryan will do the
excavating and stone work, Mr. Ralph Dixon will have the cut stone
work, Robert Caldwell is to do the painting. Hope & Ash have the
brick work, and the plumbing is in charge of Mr. P. J. Kane. The
work of excavation and the building of the foundation is to be
finished in 50 days, but Mr. Ryan will probably have it completed
before the required time is up. Besides this, there will be the
interior work. The scenic and frescoing has not yet been let.
(Temple Theater)
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 6, 1890
The laying of the cornerstone of the new Opera House and Odd Fellows
Temple took place Sunday according to program, the ceremonies being
conducted by the lodges of this city. Visiting members of the order
were present from Collinsville, East St. Louis, Bethalto,
Edwardsville, and North Alton. A number of Daughters of Rebekah were
present, but took no part. Among the members from North Alton was
the venerable John R. Batterton, who was one of the first admitted
after Western Star Lodge was organized, having been initiated at the
first meeting of the new lodge.
The procession, composed of the Standard Band, visiting members of
the order, the mayor and city council, and the local lodges, formed
on Third and Belle Streets at two o’clock, and proceeded to the site
of the building at Second [Broadway] and Easton Streets, where a
platform had been erected on which Past Grand James B. Starr,
Chaplain William Flynn, other officers of the local lodges, and
Mayor Henry G. McPike, with the city council, took places. Mayor
McPike made a short address of welcome, and Past Grand James E.
Starr and Chaplain William Flynn conducted the succeeding
ceremonies. After the invocation, the list of articles to be
deposited in the cornerstone was read as follows:
Constitution and By-Laws of Western Star Lodge No. 1, Germania Lodge
No. 2, and Wildey Encampment No. 1. Lists of charter members of
same. Lists of officers and complete lists of members of same at
present time. List of First Board of Directors of the Odd Fellows
Temple Association of Alton. List of present city officers. Copies
of daily and weekly papers of Alton Telegraph, Sentinel-Democrat,
and Banner. A legal U.S. coin with the names of the Board of
Directors of the Odd Fellows Temple Association engraved thereon.
Names of Architects J. M. McElfatrick and Lucas Pfeiffenberger, and
builder Charles Bowman.
These were placed in a copper box, which was sealed and deposited in
the stone with the rites and ceremonies of the order. Past Grand
Starr then made an address in which he gave a resume of the
foundation and organization of the order in Alton, Western Star
Lodge being the first in the State, and organized August 11, 1836 by
Samuel P. Miller, assisted by Past Grand John R. Woods, with nine
charter members. At the close of his address, the procession
reformed and marched to the Odd Fellows Hall on Third Street, where
it disbanded. The members of the order entered the hall and listened
to addresses by various members; among them Past Grand James E.
Starr, Judge W. H. Burroughs of Edwardsville, and Thomas Beck of
Bethalto. The occasion was full of interest to all members of the
order, as well as the spectators in general, and it was a red-letter
day in the history of the order in Illinois.
(Temple Theater)
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 18, 1890
A meeting of the directors of the Odd Fellows Temple and Opera House
was held last evening. The question of the steam heating was
discussed at length, and it was finally determined to heat the
entire building in this manner. The contract therefor was awarded to
Kupperle Bros. of St. Louis, for $2,325. The scenery for the opera
house is being painted in Upper Alton by the Messrs. Cox. They have
rented a hall over Marsh’s Upper Alton drugstore, and there they are
producing the scenery that ere long will grace the finest opera
house in this part of the country.
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 25, 1890
Work on the auditorium of the new opera house was commenced today.
Mr. P. F. McCarthy of St. Louis arrived last evening, and is
superintending the job. The tin sheeting on the sloping sides of the
roof is all laid, and when the flat portion in the center is covered
with tar and gravel, the workmen in the building below can defy any
bad weather that may come.
(Temple Theater)
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 12, 1891
At a director’s meeting of the Odd Fellow’s Temple Association, held
last night, sealed bids were opened for the leasing of the Opera
House for theatrical purposes. Mr. Wortmann’s bid being the highest,
the lease was awarded to him for the term of three years from the
completion of the building. The first three entertainments are to be
given for the benefit of the opera house. We congratulate Professor
Wortmann on having secured the control of the opera house, and his
well-recognized musical and histrionic talents will enable him to
make all the entertainments a success.
“Lend Me Your Wife”
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 9, 1891
A good audience greeted Roland Reed at the Temple Theater Monday
night, in “Lend Me Your Wife.” The play, the scenes of which are
laid in New York, and are mainly in the parlor of a wealthy young
citizen of the metropolis, is supposed to embrace only the events of
one day. It is hard to imagine more fun crowded into the same space
of time. Mr. Reed, as Captain Abner Tarbox, a retired sea captain,
unsophisticated so far as concerns the ways of metropolitan society,
but a big-hearted, whole-souled, and thoroughly honest man, has come
to see his nephew, Dick Easily, who has reported himself as married
in order to draw on the old gentleman’s generosity for money. Dick
is in a peck of trouble, and finally proposes to borrow his friend’s
wife and baby for a few hours, to carry out the deception during the
old gentleman’s visit. Complications innumerable and unlooked for
arise, until it looks as if the plot must fall and the scheming
nephew suffer defeat. A spice of jealousy on the part of those who
have entered the plot now and then adds to the complications. The
play is good, and the acting superb. There is not in the company an
inferior actor, and Mr. Reed has not in any degree been over
estimated. He certainly has no superior in the comedy role. Laughter
and applause almost constantly testified the appreciation of the
audience. We are persuaded that most of those who witnessed the play
last night will desire to see “the Woman Hater” tonight. The
reduction in price will doubtless have the desired effect, and fill
every seat in the ample auditorium.
The Building
The Temple building, just completed, is in every way a credit to the
city and to the men who prejected it and carried it forward to
completion. It is in no sense a private enterprise, and the men who
have borne the responsibilities and performed the labor connected
with it in the capacity of directors have done so without
compensation. The building practically belongs to the Odd Fellows,
though much stock in it is held by outside parties. Much the larger
part of the stock is held by the two lodges of Odd Fellows, Western
Star and Germania, and members of these lodges, and the stock held
by individuals, is made redeemable by these lodges at par at their
option, so eventually the building will become their property.
The Board of Directors who have so faithfully prosecuted this work,
consists of three from each of the interested parties or classes,
to-wit: Messrs. F. W. Joesting, A. Kramer, and J. M. Tonsor, on the
part of Germania Lodge; Robert Curdie, Dr. W. W. Haliburton, and Dr.
G. A. McMillan on the part of Western Star Lodge, and M. H. Boals,
Henry Watson, and Homer Stanford for the outside stockholders. Dr.
McMillan was made Secretary, and has given a great deal of valuable
time to the duties of that office.
The plans for the building were furnished by J. P. McElfatrick of
St. Louis, and its erection superintended by Mr. Lucas
Pfeiffenberger of Alton. The first movement looking to the erection
of this building was made in June 1880, but it was not until August
7, 1890, that the contract for the building was let to Mr. Charles
Bowman for the sum of $21,000. This did not include the decoration
of seating of the opera house, the heating or lighting. These items
with incidentals, run the cost of the building up to more than
$33,000. Ground was broken about the middle of August 1890, and the
work has been vigorously prosecuted with small intermission since
that time.
The building, which has a frontage of 68 feet on Second Street
[Broadway], is situated at the corner of Easton, and occupies Nos.
200-206, extending back 123 feet, and is three stories high. It
contains, besides the Odd Fellows Temple and opera house, three
business rooms blow, and nine offices above. It is expected the
rents will aggregate $3,000 per annum.
This theater has the very decided advantage of being on the ground
floor. It has a groad front entrance, with elegant toilet or cloak
rooms on either side; also side entrances and exits.
In its decorations and appointments, it is equaled by few outside
the larger cities. It is built in the most approved style of modern
architecture for this class of buildings. The inside dimensions of
the theater proper are 90x56 feet, and from floor to dome is 48
feet. The stage is 32 feet deep by 50 feet long; the proscenium
opening [area between the curtain and orchestra] being 30 feet
square. There are ten dressing rooms, five of which are on the stage
level. The frescoing and other decorations, as well as the scenery,
which has been done by the Cox brothers, is highly artistic and
pleasing to the eye. They do not follow any school of decorative
art, but are a combination of the different ones. The ceiling is
painted and figured in beautiful colors. Surrounding the dome is a
clouded sky, in which are cupids and flowers.
The frieze represents a rustic fence on pale blue background. On the
fence are twined roses and vines. The walls are of a tint between
chocolate and terracotta, very pleasing and restful to the eye. Just
above the proscenium arch and extending entirely across the theater
is a scene representing female figures and swallows drawn through
the clouds by a flight of swallows. The lobby is furnished in
various shades of cadet blue, terra cotta, and gold. The gilding and
ornamentation of the woodwork harmonizes nicely with the frescoing.
The seats are of the most approved pattern of opera chairs, supplied
with foot rest, hat, umbrella, and cane racks, etc., castings
finished in black and gold. The boxes are furnished with handsome
draperies to match the decorations.
The heating and lighting apparatus is all that could be desired. An
electric apparatus will be attached by which all the jets may be
lighted at once.
The drop curtain is a rich and showy piece of workmanship. Besides
it, there are eleven complete sets of scenes, heretofore described
in the Telegraph, providing in their variety and possible
combinations the means of meeting almost any demand likely to be
made on them. Besides these, there is the full complement of stage
accessories in the way of movable pieces, houses, rocks, trees,
bridges, etc. The stage is also provided with one of the finest
working traps in the country.
A Thing of Beauty
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 9, 1891
It is no new fact that this week has just witnessed the completion
of the new Temple Theater, but the beauty, convenience, and general
gorgeousness thereof is as yet unknown to the majority of Altonians,
who have failed to examine this handsome histrionic temple. The main
entrance is on East Second Street [Broadway]. A wide hallway,
frescoed in fancy colors, leads to the parquette entrance, the box
office being on the lefthand side of the hall. Opposite the box
office, a broad stairway leads to the balcony, while the gallery
entrance and ticket office are on Easton Street. The walls are done
in brown with fancy borders, the border around the top being a
superb representation of a band of moss roses. The woodwork is
cherry, stained in the main, with the bracket work and boxes done in
fancy colors and gilded, the whole presenting an appearance that
sends a thrill of rapture through every beholder. There are ten
boxes, all handsomely draped, but only eight will be used for the
present. Around the lower boxes are heavy brass rails, held in place
by gilt brackets and posts.
The stage proper is 34x53 feet, with a mechanical trap of the latest
and most approved pattern in the center. The scenery comprises 11
complete sets, or what is known as a regular “stock set.” For the
benefit of the local press, manager Eugene Cox kindly had the stage
set with each scene, and it was indeed a revelation. A brief
synopsis is as follows: First: Fancy chamber, to be set square or
boxed. Second: kitchen, square or boxed. Third: plain chamber,
square or boxed. Fourth: wood scene, the same being a representation
of a roadway leading through a heavy wood, and looking so natural
that one invariably wishes to see the original of such a pretty
spot. A large tree with the bark knocked off and initials cut in the
tree made it look extra natural. Six wings accompany this scene.
Fifth: garden scene showing a lake and flower gardens. Sixth: palace
arch (interior) with palace in the background. Seventh: Rocky Pass,
a realistic mountain scene with set rocks, etc. Eighth: open sea
with set rock accompaniments. A most beautiful scene. Ninth: a
street scene showing both ancient and modern buildings. Tenth: a cut
wood scene. Eleventh: a prison interior, with necessary wings for
“boxing.” The carpet to be used is reversible – red on one side and
green on the other, to match the scenery. The drop borders are also
complete to match all scenes. The “tormentors,” the two pieces of
scenery that are at the front and always remain in sight, are
elegant representations of marble columns, with heavy purple and
gold drapings. The drops, border lights, borders, and curtain are
worked from the gly-gallery above the scenery, where a multitude of
ropes are used for that purpose.
The drop curtain represents an ancient garden with a terrace in the
foreground. A gentleman is playing the mandolin, and a lady is
dancing while three ladies are watching the dance. The drapery is
dark purple, filled in with rosebuds. On the left is the purple
drapings with lace and pink dado, the whole being set off with gold
rope and tassels. Above the prosecenium is a chariot with a lady
occupant. A number of birds are drawing them, and the blue
background gives it a most cheerful color. In the center of the
ceiling is a cloud scene, with cherubs scattering roses.
The work was done by the Messrs. Cox, and they have done themselves
proud in the work they did on the most complete and perfect theater
in the State, outside of Chicago. Our citizens should help the
theater along all they can. It was not bult for profit, but that
Alton should have a first-class place of amusement, and the cost
thereof has been far more than anticipated. Give them your aid for
you are aiding your city.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 23, 1891
From the Dramatic Mirror of New York – Under the above head, the
Dramatic Mirror of New York, a leading dramatic paper, gives the
Temple Theater the following send off:
“One of the prettiest opera houses in the West has just been
completed at Alton, Illinois. It was opened on Monday night of last
week, with Roland Reed as the dedicatory attraction. It is called
the Temple Theater, and cost $35,000. The Odd Fellows of Alton
contributed the greater part of the capital stock, and the balance
was made up by the citizens generally. The architects of the
building were Messrs. McElfatrick & Son of New York City and St.
Louis, the well-known theatrical architects.
The house is convenient, safe, and as pretty as decorative
theatrical designing can make it. It will seat 1,050 people, there
being eight boxes, a parquette, large dress circle, balcony, and
gallery. The seats are the newest style of opera chairs. The stage
is fifty-eight feet wide and thirty feet deep, and is well equipped
with scenery of all kinds, and all the accessories necessary to a
complete production of any kind of play, from the simplest to the
most elaborate. The dressing rooms are eight in number, and are well
lighted and heated, and as comfortable as can be found in any
The house also has all modern conveniences in the way of exists and
fire protection, special entrance to the gallery, cloak and dressing
rooms, and a fine box office. The theater can be lighted either with
gas or the incandescent electric light.
The builder of this pretty theatrical temple was Charles Bowman of
Alton, and the decorators and scentic artists were the Messrs Cox
Brothers of New Orleans. The latter deserve special mention for
their excellent work. B. H. wortman is the manager of the new
theater. He expects to present to the patrons of the new house a
fine line of attractions.”
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 30, 1891
The dedication of the Odd Fellows new temple by Western Star Lodge
No. 1; Germania Lodge No. 2; and Wildey Encampment No. 1; I.O.O.F.,
of Alton, took place yesterday afternoon and evening. This is the
culmination of the labors of those lodges, for months past, and the
realization of the long-cherished hope of these organizations to
possess a comfortable home. Among the distinguished Odd Fellows here
from abroad are Grand Representative Alfred Orendorff of
Springfield; Grand Representative J. R. Mill of Caseyville; Past
Grand Master Walter E. Carlin of Jerseyville; Past Grand Master
Joseph E. Carr of Jerseyville; Deputy Grand Master Schaeffer of
Belleville; and Grand Secretary George Adams of Bloomington. Besides
these delegations are here from the following places: Winchester,
Whitehall, Roodhouse, Carrollton, Jerseyville, Grafton, Elsah,
Kemper, Brighton, Bethalto, Bunker Hill, Litchfield, Edwardsville,
Nokomis, Nameoki, Collinsville, Kane, East St. Louis, and St. Louis,
Numbering all told some 300 or 400 visitors.
The ceremonies of dedication are in charge of P. G. M. Schaeffer of
Belleville, with P. G. M. James E. Starr as Grand Herald, and
Messrs. H. Brueggeman, Harry Mann, A. Kremer, and J. H. Maupin,
Assistant Grand Heralds; J. R. Miller, Chaplain.
The exercises of the evening will consist of an exemplification by
Degree Team No 1 of St. Louis, in charge of Captain T. L. Murray, in
the initiation of several candidates in all the degrees. The whole
will wind up tonight with a grand banquet served in the McPike
This temple, which is located at the corner of Second [Broadway] and
Easton Streets, is one of the finest in Alton, and was erected at a
cost of nearly $35,000. It is a handsome, three-story brick, with
the beautiful and elegantly fitted Temple Theater, and three
business rooms below, and a number of handsome offices on the second
floor, the Odd Fellows Hall being in the front part of the third
story. The Temple is handsomely finished in oak, and newly and
expensively furnished throughout, including a handsome brussels
carpet. The stock in the Association formed for erecting the
building is held by the three lodges and by the membership, and the
certificates make provisions for the redemption by the lodges of
this stock and which they will be able to do from the rental
receipts, which will aggregate about $3,000 per annum. It will thus
be but a few years until the property will be owned by these lodges.
One of the most elegant pieces of work done in connection with the
Odd Fellows Temple is the large semi-circular ransom, which adorns
the front of the building over the windows in the third story, which
is being executed by Mr. Robert Caldwell. It is divided into eight
compartments, the glass in which are adorned with eight of the
emblems of the order. The centerpiece is “the All-Seeing Eye.” The
other emblems are arranged in the semi-circle above and around this.
They are the Bible, the heart and hand, the ax and three links, the
bee hive, the bundle of rods, the quiver and bow, the scales and
sword. The work is artistically done in oil, and to the uncultivated
eye of the reporter leaves little to be desired in the way of
correct execution and artistic finish. It will appear alike from the
inside and outside of the building. The work is a donation on the
part of Mr. Caldwell, who had the contract for painting the
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 28, 1893
"Paul Kauvar," Steele Mackaye's melodrama, will be performed at the
Temple Theatre next Saturday, matinee and night. The play is a
familiar one, which was in St. Louis last season, and appears there
again next week. Mr. Mackaye's play has many stirring and
well-written scenes, and its stage pictures give a graphic idea of
incidents in the French Revolution. This American-made drama of the
French Revolution has had great success.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 20, 1897
The Odd Fellows Temple Association met Saturday for the purpose of
leasing Temple Theater for a term of years beginning July 01, 1897.
The bids that had been received were again considered. The lease was
given to a syndicate of Alton young men consisting of O. J. Gossrau,
Will Joesting, Henry Unterbrink, and Henry F. Cramer, at their bid
of $840 per year. The young men are all popular, three of them being
members of the White Hussar Band, and the fourth, Mr. Will Joesting,
being one of Alton’s best business men. The Telegraph wishes them
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 21, 1899
The future of the Odd Fellows Temple Association, the owner of the
Temple building, was never so bright as it is just now. The
association has begun in a most substantial way to feel the effect
of returning prosperity in the place where prosperity counts for
most - in the exchequer. Under the wise management of the board of
directors, the association has safely passed through a time when the
outlook was most gloomy, especially during the past year. Last
season it was with difficulty that a lessee was had for the
and then it was at a date long after the time when the place should
have been open. This year there are already three bidders for the
theater and the terms proposed by the bidders are good ones. The
lease was to have been awarded last evening, but the matter was
postponed for consideration to a later date. The theater is to be
nicely fixed up this season either by the lessees or the Temple
Association. One bidder offered to make repairs, but stipulated that
he should receive therefore lower rate of rental. The Temple
Association is to inaugurate a system of paying off the stock held
by persons not connected with the Odd Fellows order. About $16,000
in stock of the capitalized amount is held by outsiders. This is to
be paid off at the rate of $600 per annum and the first payment on
such stock will be made in a short time. In addition to this, a
dividend of 2 1/2 per cent or 3 1/2 per cent will be paid and it
will be the first time a dividend has been declared in the history
of the association. The association as originally organized was in
debt to an extent of $36,000. Of this debt, all over the capital
stock has been paid off and the total indebtedness is $25,000. When
the association attacks this $25,000 it will be able to make
systematic payments on it that will reduce it at both ends and will
eventually place ownership of the Temple in exclusively Odd Fellows
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 24, 1899
The long-deferred lease of Temple Theater was made Tuesday evening
at a meeting of the board of directors. The new board of directors,
Dr. W. W. Halliburton, James Wilkinson, D. Tomlinson, B. Schless,
William Sonntag, H. Watson, Julius Fritsch, F. W. Joesting and M. H.
Boals unanimously voted to accept the proposition of W. M. Sauvage
for the lease of the theater for five years and the deal was closed.
There were four bidders for the theater, William Harrison, William
King & Co., C. L. Adams of Peoria, and William Sauvage. Mr.
Sauvage's offer for the theater was not the highest but his
proposition was considered the best for the local theatrical
interests, considering his former successful management of the
property. He gave up the theater here two years ago because of an
offer to manage the Flints and the poor business the theater was
then doing. Theatrical business has improved in Alton since then and
he is confident he can make a success of the property. The directors
of the Temple Association agreed to put the theater in first class
repair and to improve the heating facilities which have been
unsatisfactory. The new manager wants the theater repainted in white
and gold, and it is probable his preference will be considered. New
scenery will be bought and the stage setting will be new. Manager
Sauvage today stated his policy with reference to the Temple for the
season. He will secure the best of attractions and all theater goers
know his past reputation in this respect. He has played in the past
at the Temple many of the leading players on the stage and has
always endeavored to secure the patronage of the best class of
theater-goers. Among the better class of players he has played at
the Temple are Thomas W. Keene, Robin Hood Opera Company, Wang,
Princess Bonnie, Morrison, O'Neill, Wilson Barrett, Mansfield,
Primrose and West's white minstrels, Alexander Salvini, Robert
Downing, all of Frohmans plays. Archie Boyd in Shore Acres and Old
Homestead and many others of the best on the road. The popular price
15 to 50 cents will be continued, except in very high class plays
where contracts call for higher prices. Better attractions will be
played for popular prices, Mr. Sauvage says, than have heretofore
appeared at the Temple at such prices. The improvements in the
Temple will be begun about the middle of June and will be under the
supervision of Manager Sauvage. The manager will begin booking
attractions at once and will open the Theater to the public early in
September. Mr. Sauvage has a contract to manage the Lees,
Hypnotists, and has not decided whether or not he will continue his
connection with them.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Friday, June 16, 1899
W. M. Sauvage, the new manager and lessee of Temple theater, is
booking first class attractions for the season at the local
playhouse. He has booked Lewis Morrison, Robert Mantell "Brown's in
Town," "Town Topics," "What Happened to Jones," Webber & Fields
"Glad Hand," "The Guilty Mother," and Nat Goodwin's "Turned Up." The
new manager will take possession of the Temple August 01, and in the
meantime the work of repairing, renovating and improving the theater
will be done. The theater will be opened about the first of
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 05, 1900
The company of Jefferson de Angelis, sixty-six people, arrived in
Alton today and had great difficulty in securing accommodations at
hotels in Alton because of the size of the company. Only a part
could be accommodated at the Madison, and the remainder were divided
among the other hotels in the city. The company is said to be the
best in comic operas on the road, and Alton music lovers are
promised a rich treat this evening. The first act is a flower market
in Amlens, France. This is a street scene and it utilizes the full
capacity of the stage. It is described as being an unusually
elaborate and picturesque example of scenic art, full of atmosphere
and bright coloring. The second act is laid in a palatial ballroom
of pink onyx. No artist could wish for a better possibility to
inspire gorgeous effects, and from reports this scene is a veritable
dream of a stage setting. The construction of the scene calls for a
magnificent dome, studded with electric light. Both of these stage
pictures will be shown, as the entire outfit of scenery, accessories
and effects are transported with the company requiring two baggage
cars in order to give the opera as complete as when originally
produced in New York.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 25, 1900
A rare treat is said to be in store for playgoers in the
presentation of Mr. Russ Whytal's romantic drama, "For Fair
Virginia," at the Temple on Saturday night. This play was originally
produced at the Fifth Avenue Theatre in the spring of 1895, and
since then has been continuously acted and has met, wherever
presented, with a most flattering reception. It is a story of life
in Virginia during war times, but it is not a melodrama. Heart
interest rises superior to the gloomy and lurid background of war,
and Mr. Russ Whytal appears in a light comedy character. A scenic
equipment is provided. The New York Sun said: "Interest was kept up
to the end without a break. The acting throughout was excellent."
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 23, 1900
New lights for the orchestra were received today at the Temple, and
patrons will have no more blinding lights from that quarter. The
lights are so constructed that a narrow ray of light is thrown over
the music page and none is allowed to enter the main auditorium.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 24, 1900
The Temple will be a state of beautiful and artistic cleanliness
when the curtain rolls up at the first attraction. Mr. Sauvage has a
corps of decorators and cleaners going over the whole place until it
is clean beyond comparison with anything ever known there before.
The back walls on the stage have been whitened so that no black
walls show, and the scenery has been retouched. New scenery and
stage settings in blue and gold have been made this summer, and some
large arches, nick-knacks and jog pieces will be shown for the first
time. The improvements at the Temple have cost Manager Sauvage $500,
but he has confidence that last year's successful season will be
duplicated, and he has made the expenditures accordingly. The
Manager says the rating of the house has been raised, and that
better attractions will be secured this season.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 07, 1900
The Temple Theatre will be adorned with an illuminated sign which
will be lighted up with 166 incandescent lights whenever there is an
attraction. The sign was completed for Manager Sauvage and arrived
here today. The words "The Temple," are spelled out, and the sign
will give a metropolitan appearance to the front of the theatre.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 18, 1900
Red Flash, the famous Indian runner who carried Custer's last
message, is one of the most interesting of a group of famous red men
who formed the attacking part at the fort in Go Won Go Mohawk's
frontier play, "The Flaming Arrow," at the Temple Wednesday night.
Red Flash, an old man now, was once and indeed for a full decade the
fastest of all Indian runners. It is said of him that a sprint of
100 miles a day as the bearer of important messages between the
forces of the regular army was a trifle. Previous to his employment
by the government, he had been one of the most noted and blood
thirstiest warriors of the Dakota plains. Red Flash, however, has
been for many years the earnest friend, well-wisher, and servant of
the whites.
[After doing research on the claim that Red Flash carried Custer's
last message, I believe this was all hype to advertise for the
production of "The Flaming Arrow." This play traveled around the
country in the early 1900s, and Red Flash was always touted as the
one who carried the last message from Custer. However, Custer's last
message from the Battle of the Little Big Horn was written in haste
by Custer's Adjutant, Lt. William W. Cooke, just moments before
beginning their attack, and handed to Bugler John Martin who carried
it to Captain Frederick Benteen. The dispatch was finally located by
Colonel William A. Graham sometime after 1923, and donated to the
Army through the efforts of Colonel Charles Bates. It now resides in
the library at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. The message
was simple: “Benteen Come on. Big Village. Be quick. Bring Packs.
W.W. Cooke P.S. Bring pacs."]
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 22, 1901
Without a doubt the best and biggest opening for a company at the
Temple was that of the Myrkle & Harder Co. last night. Four dozen
extra chairs were rented from Baker & Co., and were sold in less
than ten minutes. Every box was sold and people stood in every
entrance and aisle. The company is by far the best ever seen here,
and will do the biggest week's business in the history of our
Theatre. The specialties between acts were of the best and most
refined on stage. Miss Myrkle, although new to us, has such a
winning way, is such a good singer, such clever dancer, that before
the week is half over, she will be one of Alton's greatest
favorites. Mr. Harder, the male star of the company, also a good
actor, made a fine impression last night. Tonight, they play
"Running for Congress."
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 09, 1902
Go-Won-Go-Mohawk, the Indian actress who left so favorable an
impression here last season, will appear at the Temple Saturday,
April 12th, in Lincoln J. Carter's interesting play, "The Flaming
Arrow." She is supported by an excellent cast, numbering some forty
people, including the Government Indian brass band, and the clever
acting horses, Wongy and Buckskin. Seats for this attraction now on
sale. A special lady’s matinee will be given at 2:30.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 09, 1902
When Temple Theater is opened on August 21, the place will be the
most beautiful playhouse in this part of Illinois. Manager Sauvage
has incurred heavy expense in redecorating and refitting the
theatre, and it will be more comfortable, more beautiful and will
accommodate more people. The interior is decorated in olive green
with terra cotta, gold and silver trimmings. The arches in the
balcony, around the boxes and over the stage, are in terra cotta.
The walls are in olive green and the smaller decorations are in gold
and silver. The lower boxes on each side have been thrown into one,
and new brass chairs with vari-colored silk and satin cushions have
been provided. Seats in the parquet to the number of 124 have been
taken out and will be placed in the back part of the balcony or the
jury box. New chairs will be placed in the parquet and the dress
circle rail will be removed, making the lower floor one section. The
outer aisles at the front will be filled also. New scenery and stage
drapings have been ordered and will be here soon. They will be in
harmony with the colorings of the new decorations. The lobby is
being fitted up in the same manner, and on the floor will be a
tiling effect. The wainscoting will be of steel and will be painted
in gold and copper bronze. The scaffolding is being removed from the
theatre as work is being completed by the decorators. Prof. Moore is
back from the East where he has been spending the summer, and
brought with him all the latest music for the orchestra. Manager
Sauvage says the orchestra will be more efficient than ever and due
attention will be given to this feature. Manager Sauvage says that
he will spare no expense to keep the standard of attractions at the
Temple high. Good companies will be here, some of which are of a
very high grade. Among the attractions of the best grade will be
Liberty Belles, Kelsey & Shannon in the Moth and the Flame, Andrew
Robson in Richard Carvel, Tim Murphy in a new play, Foxy Quiller and
Foxy Grandpa, Florodora, Lovers' Lane, Alice of Old Vincennes, the
Sign of the Cross, and Puddenhead Wilson. The opening attraction
will be "The Irish Pawnbroker," a musical extravaganza.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 10, 1902
"The Liberty Belles," a new comedy by Harry B. Smith, and presented
by Frank Hennessy's company, will be seen for the first time in
Alton tomorrow night at the Temple. The story of Mr. Smith's is a
three-act piece, the scenes of which show a dormitory in a young
women's seminary, with the pupils engaged in a clandestine midnight
supper, the kitchen of the cooking school of "The Liberty Belles,"
and a fashionable hotel in Florida. The first act has attracted very
wide attention because of its celebrated dormitory scene. There is
no chorus in the production, Mr. Smith having replaced it by
characters that have an actual place and definite purpose in the
story. A comical climax naturally transfers the story and the
principals to the scene in Florida, where the funny incidents are
kept up at a hot pace until a very novel denouncement, which brings
the complications to a happy solution. The scenery and costumes are
described as superb. The young women of the company have attracted
great attention during the long run.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 17, 1902
Sunday night at Temple Theatre while the play "Lovers' Lane" was
being given before an audience of 1,200 people, a main fuse in the
electrical connections burned out and the house was cast into utter
darkness. Not a ray of light was there to dispel the blackness of
night in the least degree. The play came to an end for a time, and
it required fifteen minutes to repair the fuse. Professor E. A.
Moore struck up with the orchestra the music of the popular song,
"In the Good Old Summer Time." The selection was very appropriate,
as the scene, just before darkness fell, showed a summer stage
setting. The trees were in bloom and everything suggested a pastoral
scene in June. The audience took up the words of the song and sang
it as the orchestra played. Lewis Morrison, who will appear this
evening as Mephisto in Faust, sat in a box, and he caught the spirit
of the occasion. Everyone sang, Morrison leading the chorus of 1,200
voices. For fifteen minutes the singing was kept up, and then the
lights flashed out again. The play was taken up where darkness cut
it short, and was proceeded with to the end without further
Colored Company to Put on Play
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 01, 1903
Manager W. M. Sauvage has completed arrangements for the appearance
of a home talent company at Temple Theatre, April 20. The company
consists of colored people, and the play was arranged by Miss
Cordelia Jones. Cordelia will appear in her own play at Temple
theatre on the evening announced, and will have a leading role. The
play has little or no plot, and is designed merely to amuse the
audience. Last evening a reception was given at her home on Easton
street by the author, Miss Jones, to the members of the Jolly
Octoroons company. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jones were the entertainers. A
course dinner was served and everyone had a pleasant time. Miss
Jones says that after the successful presentation of her play at the
Temple, she intends to take it out on the road and may make fame for
herself and some of her actors and actresses. The proceeds of the
play at the Temple will be used to buy costumes for the participants
in the play. Mr. W. M. Sauvage will be the manager.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 14, 1904
Manager W. M. Sauvage received word this morning that a delegation
of 200 persons from St. Louis, friends of Harrison I. Drummond and
J. T. Drummond, will come to Alton May 22 to attend the first
production of the new light opera, the "Maid and Mummy," written by
Richard Carle. The "Maid and Mummy" is arousing much interest in St.
Louis because of its backing and the prominence of the author.
Dramatic critics from St. Louis will attend the first performance in
Alton to pass judgment on the play, and the Temple will contain on
that evening one of the most distinguished audiences from a dramatic
standpoint ever known there.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 17, 1907
An Old Fiddlers' contest was held at Temple theater under the
auspices of the Alton Mutual society last evening, which was
attended by a large number of Alton people. Some old fiddlers from
Missouri and Illinois participated in the contest for prizes, but
the real contest was between Jim Pack of Alton and W. H. Parks of
New Haven, Missouri. The two have been rivals since they met one
year ago at Alton. Parks complained that Pack did not know one tune
from another, and he accused him of being a comparative amateur. He
was anxious then to challenge Pack for any amount of money that Pack
would be willing to put up, to play a match contest, but for some
reason the match never came off. Parks came back last night, and
when it came to playing "Arkansas Traveler" in good old-fashioned
style, Parks defeated Pack. Then Pack played "Arkansas Traveler"
with variations, speaking a story as he went along, and he got first
prize on that. Parks said that speaking the tune was not playing it,
and he was highly delighted with the decision of the judges awarding
him the first prize on the regular old-fashioned playing of this
inspiring dance tune. A good program of musical and comedy numbers
was given between the numbers in the contest. Dr. A. G. Porter made
an address to open the program. Dr. Porter's address was by far the
greatest effort of the evening, laying all the old fiddlers and the
other amusement features in the shade to gasp for breath. The doctor
led his speech up to dizzy heights of oratory by graceful and easy
accent, pausing here and there to gather flowers of poesy and gems
of thought in little secluded nooks on the way. The descent was as
easy as the ascent, and when he was nearing the end the audience
began to acclaim him so loudly, in anticipation of the close, as the
end of the oration began to dawn on their view, that it was almost
impossible for the orator to go on. Dr. Porter has never before made
claim to being an orator, but the long dormant talent would assert
itself and bloomed with all the beauty of a June-time rose,
notwithstanding the tardiness of its blooming. A cash prize was
awarded to Dan Wagoner of Upper Alton for rendering the "Fisher's
Hornpipe" in the best manner. If winner will call at the office of
Dr. Porter, the prize will be placed in his possession. By order of
C. C. Osborne, President Association.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 21, 1907
Manager Sauvage has turned the Temple theater over to decorators who
are transforming the interior into a place of beauty. The ruling
colors will be old ivory and gold, with old rose trimmings. The
theater will be redecorated from the lobby to the back of the stage.
A new drop curtain will be painted, new stage settings will be made,
and new draperies will be hung. The carpets and draperies will
conform with the general color scheme. Eugene Cox is in charge of
the work.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 03, 1911
Miss Stella Wimmer had the nerve to do it, at least she said she
had, and would try it, and she did, but she paid a price for it. She
had said that she was not afraid to wear one of the new "harem
skirts" down town, go into a store and then go back to her hotel.
The actress, who is appearing at the Temple, early began to regret
her rash promise, and as the time drew near, she wished it would
rain and snow and blow so she could not make the trip. Nevertheless,
it did nothing of the kind in the weather line. Miss Wimmer had to
make the trip to keep her pledge, so she did. The harem skirt she
wore was made of a vivid green with old rose trousers. The skirt was
brought from New York for the purpose, and Miss Wimmer, attired in
it, rode to the Gates-Clark store in the auto of W. M. Sauvage. She
happened to arrive down town at an hour and minute when there were
just three people to see her leave the auto and trip hastily in the
dry goods store. She acted like the old lady in Mother Goose who
woke up to find her skirts cut round about. Miss Wimmer walked with
a bent knee effect, as though she was trying to drop the over-part
of her harem suit so as to cover her ankles, and strange though it
may seem to many, that an actress would blush, Miss Wimmer really
blushed, bona fide, not drug store blushes. A Telegraph reporter
asked what she thought of the harem skirt. Miss Wimmer, still
blushing, and apparently anxious to get back to the auto and then to
the hotel, said "It's all right on the stage, but I wish I hadn't
worn it on the street. It's comfortable, in some ways, it is easy to
walk in" - and then the actress broke off and exclaimed, "look at
those people looking at me," and she pointed to an interested party
of spectators looking down from the balcony in the dry goods store,
"It makes a difference then," the reported queried the actress,
referring to her embarrassment in wearing the skirt on the street
while she would not mind it on the stage. "Oh yes," Miss Wimmer
replied, "I'm sorry I came out here in it and I must hurry back to
the hotel. I wish I had never seen the harem skirt." She will wear
it on the stage in a play to be put on tomorrow night and to be
played the remainder of the week.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 17, 1911
The new chairs for Temple theatre have arrived and are being set in
place. Manager Sauvage thought that the chairs might be delayed and
would be unable to get them in on time, but he was determined to go
ahead. Setting chairs in a theatre is like putting together one of
those puzzle pictures. The chairs are different in size, according
to the room that is had, and are made to fit the rows in the
theatre. The chairs are made to order after measurements taken in
the house, and all are not exactly the same width. The seats are
very comfortable, and will be a fine addition to the theatre. The
color of the upholstering fits in nicely with the color scheme of
the new decorations in the Temple - green and gold. The place is as
pretty as a very pretty picture, now with its handsome decorations,
and truly even the constant patron of the theatre would not
recognize the place on entering it. The new upholstered chairs will
not be installed above the first floor. Manager Sauvage says that he
will easily have the chairs in place in time for the opening of the
theatre, August 26, one week from Saturday, when the "Third Degree"
will be the opening attraction.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 25, 1911
The Fall amusement season opens in Alton tomorrow afternoon when
"The Third Degree" will play a matinee at the Temple theatre. When
the patrons of the theatre walk into the playhouse tomorrow
afternoon, they will be greeted with a beautiful scene wrought by
the artist's hand in rejuvenating the theatre. The lobby is done in
old ivory and light colors. The interior of the house is done in
green with copper finish, all of the draperies and tapestries are in
green, and here and there grotesque faces on the walls and the
balcony front give the place an air and look of amusement. Perhaps
the greatest and to the most appreciated improvement is a complete
new set of seats on the first floor. The seats are of green plush,
padded, and with springs and big arm rests, making them a joy to sit
in. The orchestra pit is hid by a green drapery and set farther in
toward the stage. Around the stage opening is a magnificent border
of acorn leaves and foliage. All in all the colorings are rich, they
harmonize and make of the Temple a beautiful theatre. Mr. Sauvage
has made several improvements that are for the convenience and
safety of the audiences. An opening on the Easton street side with
fine granitoid steps will make egress rapid and easy. Another big
opening to admit of an automobile being taken on to the stage is cut
back at the stage. All of the stage arrangement has been changed for
safety and convenience, especially for the actors and actresses. The
artistic decorations are the work of Carl Hermann and his
assistants, and are a credit to their skill and art. And Manager
Sauvage has booked a list of fine attractions to go with his newly
decorated theatre. The Third Degree opens the season tomorrow
afternoon and evening, and later come such plays as Billy, The
Rosarie, George Damerol and Ruth Peebles in The Heart Breakers,
Seven Days, Dockstadder's Minstrels, Prince of Tonight, Eugenie
Blair in Light Eternal, Brewster's Millions, Deep Purple, The Girl
in the Train, The Newly Weds, The Fortune Hunter, George Evans'
Honey Boy, Alma, Excuse Me, Ward & Vokes The Girl in The Taxi, Polly
of the Circus, and many others. This is the twenty-third time Mr.
Sauvage has opened the Temple theatre for the season's amusements,
and he has always opened with a newly decorated theatre and with the
best attractions he could obtain. This year he eclipses all previous
attempts both in the beautification of the house and the list of
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 07, 1912
John Philip Sousa, the great bandmaster, with his band of fifty
pieces, was in Alton Saturday evening and at Temple theater played a
fine program, which was enjoyed by an audience that was not at all
in keeping with the importance of the engagement Manager Sauvage had
made. The theater should have been filled to its capacity, but it
was far from that. Sousa had prepared a program consisting
principally of pieces that were new or unfamiliar to the general
public, but he had another feature that was unannounced. All the
encores given on the program were of the old-time pieces that
everyone knew, some of them the favorites of Sousa's own
composition. Sousa was exceedingly gracious in giving encores, and
he seemed to be especially pleased when his soloists received
enthusiastic encores. The Sousa band was at its very best and
accompanied the soloists perfectly. The soprano soloist, Miss
Virginia Root, sang as her encore "Annie Laurie," and never was that
sweet old ballad sung to better effect in Alton than by her Saturday
night. Miss Zedeler, the violinist, was given two encores and
responded with two extra numbers, while Herbert L. Clarke, the
cornet soloist, played one of his own compositions and after getting
an enthusiastic encore he played "Silver Threads Among the Gold."
The concert was not started until 8:30 p.m., as the special train
arrived here at 8, and even after the concert was under way the band
members kept coming in one and two at a time and taking their
places, they having been delayed in getting supper.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 08, 1913
Manager W. M. Sauvage of Temple Theater says that the worst crush in
many respects that he even had for seat reservations was that
yesterday when the seats were opened for reservations for the High
School junior play. When Mr. Sauvage came down, the rail in front of
the wicket was torn loose from the floor and the glass in the window
of the box office was smashed. Mr. Sauvage thinks that some of the
early callers for tickets must have crawled up in the wicket and
slept so they would be first at the wicket when the place was
opened. The first ones who applied for tickets he questioned about
the damage done, and they said that they did not know, he would have
to ask someone else. Mr. Sauvage says that the people waiting for
their seat reservations wrote on the walls and defaced the
decorations there so that it will be necessary to have the walls
redecorated. Mr. Sauvage says that hereafter the door to the lobby
will be locked and that people waiting for seat reservations for
high school plays will have to wait out in the open.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 16, 1914
Manager William Sauvage in a talk between acts at the Temple Theater
last evening, announced that he had booked a three days engagement
with the manager of "Within The Law." The company, which has been
playing the largest cities in the United States, will be in Alton on
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. A large number of Altonians who have
witnessed the performance in other cities speak very highly of the
production, and some of these have urged the manager of the Temple
to bring it to Alton. He said last evening that he had been trying
for two years to book this one show for the Alton theater. The
engagement made it necessary for Mr. Sauvage to pay the management
of the company $1,200 for the five performances in three days. In
addition, he says he will be at an expense of $500 to put the play
on here, making a total of $1,700. In this gripping drama of
thrills, there is adopted for the first time for use on the stage,
smokeless powder and a Maxim silencer, such as the accomplices of
the McNamara dynamiters are alleged to have employed to rid
themselves of persons who might hamper their plans. These ingenious
instruments of death add considerably to the mystery the police are
called upon to solve in the play - a mystery they might never have
fathomed, but for the sacrifice of a professional criminal who takes
the blame upon himself and goes willingly to his punishment out of
unselfish devotion to a young woman who stood by him when he was in
peril before. As a background for this story is the social problem
of the person who is convicted of a crime, goes to prison and serves
the sentence in full, only to be prosecuted afterward by the police
and hounded away from the endeavor to earn a reputable livelihood.
In "Within the Law" the convict is a pretty young girl who is
innocent of the offense with which she is charged, but is sacrificed
to the plans of a hypocritical employer. Upon her release she is
forced to choose between a life of the streets or taking up warfare
on the law. She adopts the latter course, adroitly keeping beyond
the clutches of the machine she defies. The battle she wages is
extremely daring and ingenious and her triumph, while not complete,
is suggestive of the methods of escaping responsibility said to be
employed by financial buccaneers in their so-called "big business"
operations. "Within the Law" exercises an almost irresistible human
appeal on all classes of theatergoers, and is said to be one of the
most exciting theatrical offerings of many years. An admirably fine
cast appears, while the ornate scenic embellishment afforded "Within
the Law" by The American Play Company is an elaborate as might be
expected from the producers whose standard of artistic excellence is
well known.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 16, 1915
Manager W. M. Sauvage of the Temple Theatre, in speaking of the
apparent lack of great interest in the announcement of the visit of
the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra this evening, said that he was
afraid he might have to go back to the "turkey burlesque" style of
shows that are real money makers. He says he discontinued giving
such shows at the Temple, believing that there was a demand for good
shows, but he says that there has been no rush to get seats for the
orchestra concert. He has had a fair sale, but he declares he has
had to give a guarantee of expenses and that the advance sale had
not covered the expense guarantee yet, and that he would probably
never see any profits for the concert tonight. Mr. Sauvage believes
that the people of Alton, who do not favor the lower and lowest
grades of attractions, should patronize the good ones he brings to
the city and show a deeper interest in ordering seats when he
announces something as far above the ordinary as the Symphony
concert is.
Source: January 14, 1916
A big crowd was pleased at the Temple Thursday evening with the
first appearance of the Knights of Columbus minstrels and the after
part, a musical comedy written by Dr. A. Don Stocker, "The Great
Divide." Notwithstanding the intense cold, there was hardly a vacant
seat on the lower floor, and the balcony and the gallery had a good
patronage to see the "knights of minstrelsy" prance across the stage
and sing songs and tell stories. There is much ability among the
young men who participated, and the show had less of the appearance
of being an amateur affair than most home talent entertainments.
There were some veterans of home talent shows in the cast, such as
"Sonny" Hammond and Joe Crivello, and there were others with less
experience, but much talent in the line of amusing people. There
were some sweet singers in the crowd who delighted the audience. In
fact, there was not a solo but what called for an encore and this
tended to lengthen out the show somewhat beyond the usual time.
Joseph Sharkey was interlocutor with J. J. Hammond, James Dooley,
William Carson, J. L. Buese, Joseph and Tony Crivello as end men.
The opening was just like any other minstrel show with some pretty
sons and some jokes. Solos in the first part were given by Jack
Maloney, James Dooley, Louis Green, Joseph Crivello, John E.
Eckhard, J. J. Hammond, Joseph Sharkey, John L. Buese and Ben Garde.
Louis Green and Lucian Sims put on a skit in the cleo, "It Happens
Every Day." Then came the after part, "The Great Divide." It is an
amusing little comedy with a moral, written by Dr. A. Don Stocker.
He was spending the evenings at home early in the winter and he put
in his time getting on paper an idea he had in his mind that was
given birth by what he viewed as an apparent antagonism between the
east end and the west end of the city. In this part, local
characters were taken off, including city officials, business men,
and newspaper men. The story turns on the fight that was put up over
getting of industries for the two ends of the city and the final
loss of the industry through a fight that was started in which the
two sides are represented as being engaged in regulation warfare.
The piece has some good songs and tuneful music throughout. Among
the sons sung in "The Great Divide" were the following: "Because
They've Gone 'Nuts' Over There," solo and chorus, "You're No Friend
of Mine," finale first act: "Crap Shooters," chorus: "Will I 'Spose
I Might as Well Just Stay," solo and chorus: "In the Cluck - Cluck -
Cluck - Cluck - Cluck - Cluck Clan," chorus: "War, War, Cruel War,"
chorus; "Mother's Biscuits," solo and chorus: "The Chase,"
orchestra: "There Will Be One Vacant Chair," chorus: "Hiram, Hiram,
You've Been Stealing," chorus: "Mad," scene Hiram's Trial solo and
chorus: "There Goes Hiram," chorus: Grand Finale "We'll Have To Pull
Together," solo and chorus: Music, Words and Lyrics of the "Great
Divide," by A. Don Stocker. The most tuneful of all the songs was
the "Mother's Biscuits," which may make a hit. It was sung by John
Eckhard. After the presentation of a bouquet to the author, Dr. Don
Stocker, and long continued applause which was plainly meant as a
recognition of the work he had done, Dr. Stocker responded not with
a curtain speech, but by playing as a cornet solo the music of
Mother's Biscuits and he drew warm applause. During the whole show
Dr. Stocker directed from the orchestra pit while John L. Buese as
assistant director on the stage, was a star everywhere he shone.
There were so many stars it would be difficult to pick out any of
them. Those who see the show this evening will enjoy it. In
connection with the slogan for Alton, it was given out today that
Alderman H. B. Herb had guessed it. Whether his close proximity to
the office of Mr. Stocker enabled him to read the mind of the author
or the fact that the slogan of the Retail Merchants and the Board of
Trade in the same building is for Alton. Mr. Herb sent in his guess,
All for Alton and Alton for All. At the close of the show the new
slogan for Alton, which only the author knew, was displayed. It was
on a huge streamer which was lowered from the flies of the stage,
and as the grand finale was being sung the slogan became an
important feature. It was "All for Alton, Alton For All." The slogan
was received with applause.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 03, 1916
The Society Vaudeville given last evening at the Temple Theatre
under the auspices of the V. I. A. for the benefit of playground
equipment, under the personal direction of Miss Maud Frances Donovan
of the Monticello School of Expression, was attended by a packed
house, the first and second floors and boxes being filled, and a
large number in the gallery. The entire entertainment was cleverly
gotten up and given and from beginning to end was filled with funny
stunts which created much laughter and amusement. The program of the
evening was made up of songs, dances, a comedy, a one-act farce,
monologues, piano-logues, nifty nonsense, and was concluded with
live pictures. All the numbers were short and served to make the
evening one of great enjoyment for all present. Among the hits of
the evening were Emily and Harold Hoefert as International Stars;
Lucia Taylor in "Beatrice Fairfax, Tell Me What To Do;" Joseph
Crivello in monologue, song and story; Elsie Leverett Owen who
presented some original pianologues; and Dick Sparks, Torry McKenny
and Adele Stratton in Nifty Nonsense. One of the beautiful numbers
of the evening was the dancing of Miss Marie Floss and Mr. Nelson
Schweppe, which was as pretty and graceful as one could wish. The
popular young couple have the reputation of being the best dancers
in the city and their exhibition Tuesday night only served to add to
the already well-earned honor. The one-act comedy, "The Dress
Rehearsal," and the one-act farce, "The Chaperone," as well as the
Miniature Broadway Production, were well acted and enjoyable. In "A
Miniature Broadway Production," the Spanish dancing was very pretty,
all the young ladies being attired in keeping with the spirit. The
live pictures proved a pretty closing to the program. The music for
the evening was furnished by an orchestra composed of all local
talent, with Prof. B. C. Richardson as director. Those taking part
in the orchestra were Mrs. Stocker, Mr. Daniels, Mr. Richardson,
violinists; Miss Gervig, Mr. Dixon, flutes; clarinet, Raymond
Stocker; cornet Dr. Stocker; trombone Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Beck; and
piano, Miss Rumsey. The accompanists of the evening were the Misses
Theo Erbeck, Myrtle Boals, Leona Nickel, Gill and Maul. If ever the
promoters give again the Society Vaudeville, it is certain that they
will have very little trouble in filling the Temple the second time.
The benefit was a good one and the performance most excellently
given. Great credit is given to Mrs. George A. McMillen, Mrs.
Richard D. Sparks and Miss Donavon for the success of the
entertainment. Mrs. McMillen did the great work of getting the large
cast together; Mrs. Richard Sparks was in charge of the stage
setting, her artistic taste being very highly marked, and Miss
Donavon who directed the whole affair. The commission of the V. I.
A., Mrs. H. M. Schweppe, Mrs. McMillen and Miss Biggins, deserve
credit also for their great ability in advertising and getting the
matter before the public. Work was started in February by the V. I.
A. committee on the wonderful production which was presented last
evening, and from that time until last evening Mrs. George A.
McMillen never rested once, so interested was she in and
enthusiastic over its success.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 07, 1918
Girl ushers will be one of the features when the Temple Theater
opens the 1918-1919 season on Sunday evening, August 25. The girls,
following the policy now used in some of the theaters in the large
cities, will be dressed in grey shirtwaists and skirts. With few
exceptions, all of the old ushers have been put in the draft. On
account of the difficulty in obtaining men, Manager Sauvage decided
to use girl ushers. In order to open the Temple Theatre, it will be
necessary to close the Airdome. There are not enough stage hands in
Alton to handle the work at both places. As the result of this, the
Airdome will close on Saturday evening, August 24, and the Temple
Theater will be opened on Sunday evening. "Friendly Enemies," one of
the strongest war plays written, will feature the opening of the
Temple Theater. Manager Sauvage said today that he had been very
fortunate in securing good bookings for the coming season. The
following is the list of productions that have been booked for Alton
thus far: "Friendly Enemies," "Leave It To Jane," "O'Brien's
Minstrels," "My Soldier Girl," Century English Opera Co., "Hearts of
the World," "Salome," "A Night in Honolulu," "A Bird of Paradise,"
Maude Adams, Lyman H. Howe's Festival, "Flo Flo," "Mutt and Jeff,"
"Parlor, Bedroom and Bath," "Business Before Pleasure."
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 29, 1920
Mayor W. M. Sauvage said yesterday that this will positively be his
last year as manager of the Temple Theatre. He declared that when
his time is up at the end of this season, he will not be an
applicant for the house again. Because it is a long time ahead of
this promise taking effect, the Mayor was asked if he was in earnest
about his statement. "When I say so, I mean it," the mayor replied.
He said that he had been in the Temple as manager for twenty-eight
years. The Temple has not been a paying enterprise for him for a
long time. Good shows are few and hard to get, and some he has
brought to town have not yielded the revenue they should yield to
make the theatrical business a good one. Mayor Sauvage thinks that
with another theatre such as he has in mind, he could make a great
success. He is planning a fire proof theatre of much greater
capacity that will stand on the Airdome site. He believes that by
having larger stage and larger seating accommodations, the theatre
would be more attractive both to the patrons and to the theatrical
companies, and he would be able to secure more and bigger
attractions. He thinks that the amusement situation in Alton might
be improved if he had the kind of theatre he has in mind and the
construction of which he may decide to undertake this spring. Among
the many stars that have played the Temple Theatre during W. M.
Sauvage's management are the following, many of whom are dead:
Alexander Salvini, Neil Burgess, Frank Q. Seabrooke, Ezra Kendall,
Modjeska, Walker Whiteside, Grace Van Studdiford, Mme. Janeshek,
Margaret Anglin, McIntyre & Heath, Rose Stahl, John Philip Sousa,
Bostonians, Kyrle Bellew, Damrosch Orchestra, Theodore Thomas
Orchestra, Nat C. Goodwin, William Courtenay, Herman the Great, May
Robson, Thatcher, Primrose & West, Hyams & McIntyre, Al G. Fields,
Eva Tanguary, Valeska Suratt, Constance Crawley, Frank Tinney, Marie
Doro, Roland Reed, Della Fox, DeWolf Hopper, Wilson Barrett, Thomas
Jefferson, Lewis Morrison, Mme. Schumann Heink, Blanch Bates, George
M. Cohan, 4 Cohans, Chauncey Olcott, Alice Neilson, Herbert Kelsey,
Vera Michelena, Ina Claire, Charles B. Hanford, Thomas W. Ross,
Trixie Griganza, Richard Mansfield, William Rock, Leonore Ulrich,
Neil O'Brien, Patricia Collidge, Creatore, Zelda Sears, Bert
Williams, Stuart Robson, Gertrude Hoffman, Mme. Rhea, Frank Daniels,
Raymond Hitchcock, Richard Carle, Joseph Jefferson, Louise Cunning,
Virginia Harned, Margaret Illington, Weber & Fields, 4 Mortons,
Eddie Foy, Henrietta Crossman, Effie Shannon, George Evans, Joseph
Sheehan, Marguerite Clark, Thomas Wise, Madge Carr Cook, James
O'Neil, Maud Fulton, Guy Bates Post, Lew Dockstader, William Hodge,
Leo Carillio, Al Jolson, George Damerel, Kathryn Kidder, Robert B.
Mantell, Frederick B. Warde, Louis James, and many others.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 8, 1920
"The Chimes of Normandy" was presented at the Temple Theater
Wednesday night by the Camerata and Auxiliary Chorus, under the
direction of Miss Katherine V. Dickinson, before a large and
appreciative audience. The opera is light, and contains more catchy
music, which entertained and delighted those having the pleasure of
being present. It was considered by all to be one of the best home
talents ever given in Alton. The scenes of the opera are laid in
Norman villages of the seventeenth century, and the setting of last
night's entertainment was very becoming to the story, as were also
the costumes worn by the participants. Henri, Marquis of Corneville,
who has been since childhood, owing to civil war, an exile, returns
to his ancestral home on the occasion of the great annual fair,
which is being celebrated in the village that receives its name from
his chateau. In the first act, the curtain rises on an assemblage of
village gossips, discussing scandal and small talk. Serpolette, a
good for nothing, is the topic of conversation among the belles of
Corneville. She comes in just in time to turn the tables on the
others, and changes their taunts into expressions of rage. Gaspard,
an old miser, wishes to marry his niece, Germaine, to the principal
magistrate of the district, the Baill. This arrangement does not
suit Germaine, nor a young fisherman named Jean Grenicheaux, who
pretends that he has saved her life from drowning on a certain
occasion. To escape from the power of old Gaspard, Germaine takes
advantage of the privilege of the fair (a similar scene to that in
the first act of "Martha"), and becomes the servant of the Marquis.
Her example is followed by Grenicheaux and Serpolette. The second
act is taken up with the supernatural visitors who have made the
Castle of Corneville so long an object of dread. Henri determines to
find out the real character of these ghostly appearances, and
discovers that it is all the work of the old miser, who has
concealed his treasures in the chateau. The discovery drives Gaspard
crazy, especially when he hears the bells of the chateau ringing for
the first time since the flight of the old Marquis. The third act
represents the grand fete given in honor of the return of Henri to
his ancestral home. Serpolette arrives as a Marchioness, as some
papers, found in the chateau, indicate that she is the lost heiress.
The miser, however, recovers his reason, and shows that Germaine is
the true Marshioness. A love duet between her and Henri, and the
reconciliation of all the parties, bring the romantic story to a
close. Miss Helen Irene Elder, Alton's favorite soloist, took the
part of Germaine, the lost Marchioness, and as usual pleased her
hearers. Her role of the "Bells," and "Let Our Torches" style, and
her rendition of "Legend of the Bells," and "Let Our Aorches" and
"By His Side," was very good. She appeared in a duet with Henri, in
"'Tis She! A Happy Fate," and at the close in "My Lord! My Lord!"
Miss Grace Lorene Gee, as Serpolette, the good for nothing, captured
the audience from the moment she appeared until she learns, to her
great disappointment, that she is not the lost Marchioness. Her
voice carries well, and her interpretation of her part was one of
the delights of the evening. Her stage presence is good, she
appearing especially good when she comes on the scene attired as a
woman of nobility, scorning to notice those whom she thinks beneath
her. Miss Gee was considered one of the big successes of the
evening. Andrew Leigh took the house by storm, appearing as Gaspard,
the bent-over miser, and guardian of Germain. Leigh has had much
experience on the stage, and last evening carried out his part as an
insane lover of money to perfection. He reached highest ______ lost
his mind upon hearing ______ in the chateau ring out...... [some of
the article unreadable]
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 10, 1920
Indications there would be litigation over the title to the stage
"properties" that had been in use in Temple Theater was given
yesterday when William Sonntag, acting for the Odd Fellows Temple
Association, served a notice on William M. Sauvage, the former
manager of the theater, to return certain articles he had removed
from the place. It is understood that Mr. Sauvage has not assented
to return the property, as he claims to have bought and paid for it,
and that under the terms of the lease the property, he says, belongs
to him. The removal of the property from the Temple by Mr. Sauvage
when he vacated, August 01, makes it impossible to use the theater
without heavy expense and some delay being entailed in providing new
stage settings, scenery, and other equipment, including the
necessary accessories for handling the curtains and scenery. The
former manager is said to take the position that these properties
always belong to the manager, but that in the lease he was required
to furnish them. He left a curtain and certain possessions of his
for which he paid, he said, because he did not care to cause the
heavy expense and inconvenience to the owners of the theater to
replace them. Among these was a switchboard which Mr. Sauvage said
he bought and paid for, but he said that if he had removed it the
owners of the theater would have been put to the expense of
thousands of dollars to replace it. The indications are that with
litigation in sight over possession of the stage properties, it will
hardly be possible to reopen Temple Theater for some time. No
manager has so far been secured for the theater, though the time is
at hand when the theatrical season usually has opened. It is
understood that it would take time to get the stage settings and
equipment needed to make it possible for the theater to be opened
for the year. The owners of the Temple Theater, it is reported on
good authority, plan to enforce their claim on the stage properties
in the courts, and the demand that has been served on. Mr. Sauvage
was to pave the way for such litigation.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 29, 1921
Alton, which not so many, many years ago saw Richard Mansfield play
Shakespeare, heard symphony orchestras, grand opera companies, saw
Joseph Santley and Robert Corthell in musical comedy, and in recent
years saw Margaret Auglin in one of the leading comedies of the
post-war period, will, according to all indications, pass its second
year without a legitimate theater. Notwithstanding early reports
that the Temple Theater would again be opened, nothing, so far as is
known, has been done, and Alton's theater-going public will either
have to concentrate on movies and vaudeville, or go to St. Louis. A
few days ago one of the leading theater men of the city vouchsafed
the opinion that the Temple will not be reopened for plays. With no
legitimate house running, the city will see two vaudeville theaters
vying for public favor. The Hippodrome will open its vaudeville
season next Monday. First class attractions, with accompanying
movies, and a complete orchestra, are promised by the management of
that theater. Beginning September 4, the Grand will launch a
four-act policy, with the vaudeville, accompanied by photoplays.
Exclusive movie houses will be the Princess and the Ouatoga in Upper
Alton. This year will be Alton's second without legitimate plays.
For about 30 years the Temple Theater has housed plays, and before
that the old opera house in the city hall and the Root opera house.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 21, 1922
"The Cameo Girl," given under the direction of Torrey McKenny for
the benefit of the Alton Young Women's Christian Association, was
presented last night to a crowded house at the Temple. The theater
did not betray, in its appearance, that it had been a place of
silence and darkness for so long, when the curtain rolled up on the
first act of the play. The lack of stage settings had been made up
by using some costly drops belonging to the company which has had
charge of training the participants in the play. The preparation of
the play had been short, and all who saw the first performance
agreed that the very best advantage had been taken of the time, and
that some great results were obtained. This was in part due to the
fact that among those who took part were some of unusual talent.
"The Cameo Girl" is a musical comedy without a serious thought. It
is to amuse, not to instruct. It calls for much better talent in
comedy, and it also needs some good singers, and both of these
qualities were abundant in the show last night. The leading musical
parts of the play were taken by Miss Adele Hildebrand, Miss Florence
Rose, and Hal Redus. There were other musical numbers of the more
pretentious sort, given by Mrs. Lucia Manbeck, Miss Ada Colgate,
Winfield Farley, Miss Hildebrand and Miss Rose, carrying the two
leading musical parts enlightening their audience and displaying
talents which are of no ordinary kind. Miss Hildebrand, especially,
coupled with her singing and ability to dance, made a great hit.
Miss Rose's part, rendering of one song with Hal Redus, "My Nursery
of Love," drew for her a great bunch of roses in the last act of the
show. The comedy end of the show was entrusted chiefly to Dr. James
Coleman and Miss Maude Gillham, together with a funeral kind of
comedy that was very effective, by the three so-called wise men,
impersonated by Jesse R. Brown, Dr. Harry Middleton and Washington
McDonald. Hal Redus sustained some of the most important male solo
parts. The play is full of chorus numbers, and there was a great
abundance of chorus members. They varied from tiny tots on up the
scale. The dancing was of a high order, and at times brought forth
uproarious applause from the audience. One noteworthy feature of the
show was that there were no long waits. The show was pushed along
with pep and the hour of closing was not late. It had started on
time and it ended on time. A crowded house is insured for this
evening, not only because the advance sale had been vigorously
pushed, but because the merit of the show was such as to make it
The Theatorium was located in the Job building, at 307 Belle Street
in Alton (about where Mac’s Time Out Loung is located today), and
was founded in 1907 by C. O. Manspeaker and George B. Sinclaire of
East Liverpool, Ohio. The theater provided good, clean
entertainment, especially for the ladies and children. The grand
opening was February 23, 1907. For five cents, movie goers were
treated to a “moving” picture of the highest order. Also included
was a “illustrated song show,” accompanied by a Balmer and Weber’s
In March 1907, C. O. Manspeaker was offered a position as a
decorator of chinaware in his hometown of East Liverpool, Ohio, so
George Sinclaire continued the theater on his own. He traveled east
and secured the live appearance of Beatrice D’Lindi, the great
metropolitan singer. D’Lindi performed four evenings to a packed
house. After May 13, 1907, the Theatorium was not mentioned again in
the papers. I assume it closed.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 20, 1907
Alton is to have a moving picture and illustrated song show, to be
located in the Job building, 307 Belle Street, and to be known as
the Theatorium. C. O. Manspeaker and George B. Sinclair from East
Liverpool, Ohio have made the room into a pretty place and will put
in an interesting and novel entertainment. The .... [unreadable] a
big assortment of moving scenes and illustrated songs, and promise
to furnish a good, clean, bright entertainment. The show is to be
especially for the entertainment of ladies and children. The opening
day will be Saturday, and both afternoon and evening performances
will be given.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 4, 1838
The Chicago Company, under the management of Mr. Mackenzie, is now
performing in the long room over the store of Messr. Walworth, and
will continue nightly for twelve successive nights.
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 22, 1840
We learn from an undoubted source that Messrs. Mackenzie & Jefferson
intend to visit this city in the course of a few days, with their
corps dramatique - which are now performing to crowded houses at
Jacksonville. They expect to open on Monday or Tuesday evening next,
and will perform for six nights only. As the Company are already
favorably known to our citizens, we need only add that since their
last visit to this place, they have performed in the principal
cities and towns in the state, to the entire satisfaction of the
lovers of the drama.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 28, 1842
It will be observed by a notice in another column that these highly
gifted young minstrels intend giving their last concert in Alton
this evening, Friday, May 27, in the old courtroom [Riley building], near the Piasa
Bridge. They will, on this occasion, be accompanied by their sister,
a child under four years of age, whose astonishing performances have
excited the admiration of all those who have witnessed them. Of the
talents of the brothers, we need not speak, since they have been
twice displayed before our fellow citizens; but will simply suggest
to such as may not hitherto have heard them to profit by the
opportunity offered them this evening.
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 20, 1845
A grand picturesque and mechanical theatre at the old courtroom
(Riley Building), on Friday and Saturday evenings, December 19 and
20 (being positively the last). The bombardment and capture of St.
Juan D'Ulloa in Mexico by the French. The bay and city of
Constantinople. The Grand Naval Combat between the Constitution and
Guerriere. View of the Midnight mass at Rome. Admittance, 25 cents;
children, 15 cents.