Newspapers in Madison County
ALTON DAILY MORNING COURIER, June 1852. Founded by former
employees of the Alton Telegraph.
ALTON DAILY TIMES, ? – December 1924. At one time the subscription
cost for one year was 65 cents. Publishers – J. J. McInerney and Mr.
ALTON JOURNAL, dates unknown [c. 1880s - March 1915], launched by
publisher William A. Bode, which was suspended when Mr. Bode took
sick and was no longer able to give it his personal attention.
German newspaper. He not only wrote his own copy, but set the type
from which the printing was done.
No One Wants German Type
[During WWI]
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 06, 1915
In closing out the office effects of the Alton Journal, the German
weekly, formerly published in Alton, everything about the office
found a ready sale to other printers, except the German type, and it
seemed that there was not a chance to handle the German type, though
good as new. W. A. Bode, the owner and editor of the paper, who has
been disabled by illness, was a careful man with his printing
materials, and consequently everything was in good shape. However,
inquiry in a number of German newspaper offices elicited the
information that they, too, had German type to sell. It was found
necessary to junk the type. The same occurred when the Alton Banner
was closed, it being found necessary to sell the type back as old
metal to the type founders.
The disappearance of German newspapers indicates the completeness
with which America amalgamates the foreign-born people into her
being, and makes of them real Americans without any hyphenations.
German newspapers are going out of existence because of a decline in
demand for them. Those that continue, compromise by using English
departments. German churches are gradually changing over to the
tongue spoken in the United States. We notice this in Alton, because
German is the only foreign nation that had institutions in which the
native tongue is spoken. The same end that is seen in Alton for
institutions of German nature can be seen elsewhere in institutions
belonging to French, Italian, Russian, and other nationalities. All
of them are giving away to the predominance of the tongue that is
spoken in the United States.
ALTON MONITOR, June 1848. Formerly the Protestant Monitor.
Religious mantle exchanged for that of Democracy, with Lewis Cass
and William O. Butler promoted for the Presidency and
Vice-Presidency. John McPike withdrew from the paper. It was
continued as a campaign paper a few weeks later, and Martin Van
Buren’s name substituted for Cass and Butler. It was then under the
editorial control of John W. Buffum. Suspended at the close of the
ALTON OBSERVER, September 1836 - August 21, 1837. This paper was
first published in St. Louis as an organ of the Presbyterians. When
Elijah P. Lovejoy became its editor, he began vigorously and
unrelentingly to assail the institution of slavery through its
columns. In 1836 he resolved to remove the press and material of the
Observer to Alton, Illinois. Before shipment, much of the material
was destroyed and cast into the Mississippi, and the rest met the
same fate when it was unloaded on the wharf at Alton.
Notwithstanding these events, Mr. Lovejoy procured a new press and
the first issue of the Alton Observer appeared in September 1836.
This new press, type, and material were destroyed by a mob on the
night of August 21, 1837. The third press was ordered, and destroyed
on the night of its arrival, and the fragments were cast into the
river. A fourth press was ordered at once. It was shipped from
Cincinnati and arrived in Alton on the night of November 6, 1837. On
the night of November 7, Mr. Lovejoy was killed, his press broken up
and its fragments cast into the Mississippi. Beginning December 28,
1837, the Observer was printed in Cincinnati by Elisha W. Chester
and sent to Alton for distribution. Rev. T. B. Hulburt supplied
local news from Alton. This arrangement was abandoned April 19,
ALTON REPUBLICAN, date of founding unknown. In August 1902, it
changed its name to "The Republic." The incorporators were D. R.
Sparks, John McAdams and Eugene Gaskins. It was stated the
Republican will, as soon as the building can be erected, move to
Second street [Alton], next door to Melling & Gaskins job printing
establishment. The name of the new company indicates that the
Republican will henceforth be known as "The Republic." Source: Alton
Evening Telegraph, August 16, 1902.
ALTONIAN, April 6, 1838. A four-column folio, edited and published
by Lawson A. Parks and Edmund Breath. Favored Whig principles.
Supported Henry Clay for the presidency. Only three numbers issued.
(ALTON) AMERICAN, November 22, 1833-1834. Founded by J. S. Buchanan;
devoted to the agricultural, mechanical, and mercantile interests of
Lower Alton and surrounding country; religious but not
denominational. Published by Messrs. Bailey and Lawson Parks, and
edited by Rev. Thomas Lippincott. Monthly.
(ALTON) BANNER, May 1866 - 1891+. German paper established by
Pfeiffer Brothers. In five months, John Mold purchased the paper and
continued publication until October 1, 1868, when the leaders of the
Republican party bought the paper and put V. Walter in charge as
editor. In 1869 it was sold to Messrs. Meyer and Voss; 1870 Meyer
purchased Voss' interest, and in January 6, 1877 sold to R. Boelitz,
who in 1881 sold to Messrs. Zechmeister and Henzel; on April 26,
1882 Messrs. Kleinwot and Henzel became editors and publishers.
Independent in politics after 1882. Another owner was William Bode,
who in 1891 transferred ownership to George J. Ott and Theodore
Adelmann, who planned to enlarge the paper and make other
CHRISTIAN NEWS, 1875 - 1875. Monthly. Edited by Rev. Robert West.
Published in the interest of the Congregational church by E. A.
Smith. In 1876 it was sold to the Advance Company of Chicago.
COMMERCIAL GAZETTE, March 12, 1839 - March 1840. Published by Samuel
S. Brooks and John H. Pettit. It was suspended in March 1840, and
revived for the campaign, after which it was again suspended. It was
Democratic in politics.
ALTON COURIER, June 4, 1852 - 1861. Founded and published by George
T. Brown, a prominent member of the Madison County Bar, and a
wealthy citizen of Alton. Associated with him were John Fitch (who
had been editor of the Carrollton Banner), and James Gamble. The
Courier was issued as a daily, tri-weekly, and weekly paper. It was
an eight-column folio. Politically is was Democratic, and was
founded upon a very liberal scale, and assumed a commanding position
among the newspaper of the State. At the close of the first volume,
Mr. Gamble retired. Mr. Fitch continued until 1854, when he
dissolved his connection with the Courier, and soon after became
editor of the National Democrat. When the Courier was established,
the Telegraph was the only paper published in Alton, and was the
organ of the Whig (Republican) party. The Courier continued to do
service until 1854, when the paper took a stand in favor of
Free-soil, which then meant no farther extension of slavery. The
Telegraph advocated the same measures. After negotiations, Mr. Brown
purchased the subscription lists of the Telegraph, and transferred
them to the Courier. The Telegraph then ceased publication. The
office of the Telegraph was then used as a job office until 1861,
when the Telegraph was revived. In 1856, Mr. Brown erected a large,
four-story building with basement, for his use. This building was
subsequently occupied by the Alton Telegraph, which was revived upon
the suspension of the Courier. Mr. Brown continued editor and sole
proprietor of the Courier until January 1, 1860, when he transferred
it to B. J. F. Hanna and S. V. Crossman. They conducted the paper
through the campaign of 1860. In December of 1860, Webster severed
his connection with the Courier, and it was continued by the
remaining members of the firm until January 20, 1861, when
publication was suspended.
ALTON NATIONAL DEMOCRAT, 1854 - 1869 A five-column paper established
in response to the Nebraska Bill, by George M. Thompson, Esq., as
publisher and proprietor, and John Fitch, formerly of the Courier,
as editor. The paper was popular, and soon doubled its growth.
Thompson retired after a few months, and Fitch took over. Fitch’s
brother, T. S. Fitch, became a partner and editor until March 1859,
when he left the company. John Fitch continued the business, and
erected a new building for his growing newspaper. On June 6, 1860,
the building, presses, type, and steam fixtures were destroyed by a
tornado. There was a lapse in the publication for seven weeks, and
then Robert P. Tansey purchased new presses and type, and resumed
publication. A few months later, the paper passed into the hands of
William T. Brock, and from him to W. T. Dowdall. Thomas Dimmock
became editor. Dowdall sold out to John C. Dobelbower of Jerseyville
on December 1, 1864. Mr. Dimmock continued as editor. On February 8
and 9, 1866, the presses, type, and office were destroyed by fire.
The paper was resumed on March 17, 1866. In 1869, the newspaper was
moved to Lafayette, Indiana.
CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN, 1868 - 1874. Previously Western Cumberland
Presbyterian. In 1874 it was sold and moved to Nashville, Tennessee.
DEMOCRAT, 1875 - 1882+. Established by J. N. Shoemaker and Hugh E.
Bayle. In 1876 a daily was begun. In three months, the paper passed
into the hands of Perrin, Smith and Company. The "company" was D. C.
Fitz Morris, editor. In 1878 Fitz Morris withdrew from the firm but
continued as editor. Combined with Sentinel in 1882.
FREIE PRESSE, 1858 - 1859. Established by Dr. Canisius, and with the
second issue transferred to Christian Schneider, who conducted it
about one year. German.
GOOD TEMPLAR, 1865 - 1868. Edited by B. H. Mills. It had been
published formerly at St. Louis. Temperance.
ILLINOIS BEOBACHTER, June 1856 – February 8, 1866. Established and
published by John Reis, 1855-1863; V. Walter 1863-1864; G. H.
Weigler 1864-1866. While conducted by Mr. Reis, it favored the
Douglas wing of Democracy, and under Mr. Walter was Republican. It
was a weekly German paper. Destroyed by fire.
ILLINOIS TEMPERANCE HERALD, June 1, 1836-1839. Monthly. Edited by F.
W. Graves, and later by A. W. Corey, assisted by Timothy Turner;
published by the executive committee of the Illinois State
Temperance Society. November 1839 the title was changed to Missouri
and Illinois Temperance Herald.
LADIES' PEARL, Summer 1857-1861. Edited by Dr. J. B. Logan and Rev.
W. W. Brown in the interest of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
Monthly. Monthly publication. Discontinued at the outbreak of the
Civil War.
MADISON COUNTY SENTINEL, 1879 - 1882+. Established by James J.
McInerney as an Independent daily. In 1882 it was combined with the
Democrat as Daily Sentinel-Democrat, with McInerney as editor and
proprietor. Later, it was published by a stock company. In 1905 W.
H. Murphy bought a half interest; McInerney died in 1909, and Murphy
sold his interest to his associates, who still conduct the paper.
Published simultaneously in St. Louis and Alton as the organ of the
two state temperance societies. January 1842, the paper became the
organ also of the Washingtonian societies, and the title with the
number for that date became Missouri and Illinois Temperance Herald
and Washingtonian. A. W. Corey was still editor.
MISSOURI CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN, 1855. In 1852 it was started at
Lexington, Missouri. In March 1853 moved to St. Louis, and to Alton
in 1855. Edited by Dr. J. B. Logan. In June 1855, the subscription
list was sold and transferred to the Watchman and Evangelist,
Louisville, Ky.
MORNING NEWS, 1876. Edited by James J. McInerney and Eugene J.
Bronson. Daily, Independent. Suspended in three months.
NATIONAL DEMOCRAT, 1854-1869. Published by Geo. M. Thompson and
edited by John Fitch, 1854 with George M. Thompson as Publisher;
John and T. N. Fitch 1854-1859; John Fitch 1859-1860. In 1860
building and press were destroyed by a tornado. In seven weeks,
Robert P. Tansey resumed its publication. In a short time it passed
into the hands of Wm. T. Brock and from him to W. T. Dowdall, with
Thomas Dimmock as editor. In 1864 Mr. Dowdall sold to John C.
Dobelbower, but Mr. Dimmock continued editor. In 1866 it was
destroyed by fire but was re-established and its publication was
continued until 1869, when it was removed to Lafayette, Indiana.
OUR FAITH, September 1875 - 1876. Monthly. Established by T. H.
Perrin and Dr. J. B. Logan. It took the place of Cumberland
Presbyterian. In 1876 it was sold to the St. Louis Observer, which
was owned by Perrin and Smith, with Benton Farr, D. D., as editor.
paper edited by A. W. Corey, who in the first number announced the
discontinuance of the Illinois Temperance Herald. The prospectus
announced the paper to be the organ of the Illinois State Temperance
society, and all other temperance societies that wished to use its
columns; but unlike its unsuccessful predecessors, this was to be a
general newspaper. Parks and Souther were its publishers.
PRESBYTERY REPORTER. May 1, 1845. Religious magazine. Only two were
published the first year. From May 1847 to May 1850 it was published
quarterly, sixteen pages. From May 1850 to May 1854, it was
published bi-monthly. The subscription list was then transferred to
the Evangelist, printed at Chicago. In May 1855, the Reporter was
resumed at Alton, and continued monthly, as the organ of the
Presbyteries of the Illinois and Peoria synods. Rev. A. S. Norton
was editor.
PROTESTANT MONITOR, March 1848 – May 24, 1848. Moved from
Greenville. John M. McPike and E. M. Lathrop, publishers. It was
devoted to Christianity, free discussion, literature, agriculture,
general intelligence, the glory of God, and the rights of man. On
June 23, 1848, the name was changed to the Alton Monitor.
SENTINEL-DEMOCRAT, ? - March 1911. Edited and owned by James J.
McInerney, a native of Alton, IL. His son, Austin J. McInerney, was
a reporter and editor. Both father and son died in 1909. The
Sentinel-Democrat was put out of business as the result of a
conference over the sale of the minority stockholders’ possessions
in the paper to the rival Democrat paper. The suspension of the
paper was the result of a sentiment among business men against a
third newspaper in Alton. John F. Riley was foreman at the plant.
SPECTATOR January 21, 1832-1839. Originally a five-column paper, it
later was enlarged to a seven-column paper. Published first in Upper
Alton by O. M. Adams and Edward Breath. The firm soon dissolved and
Mr. Breath alone removed this paper to Lower Alton, now Alton, in
October 1832. Mr. J.T. Hudson successor to Mr. Breath, edited and
published it 1834 - June 24, 1836. W. A. Beaty 1836. D. Ward
1836-1837. William Hessin 1837. Mr. Hessin and Seth T. Sawyer 1837.
Mr. Hessin 1837-1838. J. Clark Virgin in December 1838, and he soon
suspended it. It was Whig in politics, giving much attention to the
banking system of the country.
SPECTATOR 1901 - ? Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 10,
1901. "Alton has a new paper, the Spectator, edited and published by
Benjamin Rice and Alonzo Neininger, two 13 years old boys, who have
ambition to become millionaires. The paper costs a penny but is
worth at least five times that much, and is well filled with
reading. The boys do all the work. The Telegraph wishes the
Spectator a long life and a successful one."
religious paper; died with the first number. Its mission was to
“reveal to the world much light, and hold in one hand the key to
unlock the mazy labyrinth of iniquity and pour celestial oil and
light on the eyeball of reason, that it may dispel the gloomy mist
of superstition by holding out the Olive Branch of amity.”
SUCKER, January 5, 1840. Published by Parks and Beaty, and edited by
"Ourselves," who were understood to be William S. and John Lincoln
and Junius Hall. It was Whig and supported Harrison for the
presidential nomination. It was merged in the Telegraph in March
SUCKER LIFE BOAT, January to July 1855. Comic sheet edited and
published by John T. Beem, Martin Brooks, and Wilbur T. Ware.
TAPER, June 1840 - ?. A non-sectarian religious monthly, edited by
Rev. Thomas Lippincott, a Presbyterian minister.
THE TELEGRAPH, January 20, 1836 to today. Founded by Richard M.
Treadway and Lawson A. Parks. The young editors, 20 and 23 years
old, opened a small office in the Lyceum building on Second Street
[Broadway], just across the street from the site The Telegraph
occupies today. Treadway and Parks frequently visited the levee, as
steamboats were their means of contact with the rest of the world.
They got news from passengers and crews, and sometimes were
delighted to find newspapers from other cities. In the following
years, the Telegraph was published by Messrs. Treadway, Parks, and
S. G. Bailey, 1836-1837; Parks and Bailey, 1837; Mr. Parks 1837; Mr.
Parks and John Bailhache 1837; Mr. Bailhache 1837-1838. In 1838 S.
R. Dolbee purchased a half interest and firm continued until 1850
when Dolbee was succeeded by Wm. H. Bailhache, son of John
Bailhache. From 1852-1854 E. L. Baker was one of the firm. Mr. Baker
and L. A. Parks conducted it, 1854-1855. The Telegraph first went to
daily publication in 1852. In 1855 the Telegraph was merged in the
Courier and so remained until the death of the Courier in 1861, when
Lawson A. Parks and J. T. Beem and S. V. Crossman revived the
publication of the Telegraph. Parks and Crossman continued its
publication 1861-1864; Mr. Parks and Thomas S. Pinckard 1864-1866;
Mr. Parks 1866; Parks and Charles Holden 1866-1867; Parks, Holden,
and W. T. Norton 1867-1875; Holden and Norton, 1875-1880; Mr. Norton
1880 to 1893. After 1888 the paper was published by the Alton
Telegraph Printing Company. In 1893, W. T. Norton sold his stock to
W. J. A. Cousley and W. H. Bauer, who with other stockholders
continue to publish the paper, with W. J. A. Cousley as editor. Mr.
John Bailhache was its editor, 1837-1841, and from 1841 for several
years it was edited by George T. M. Davis. It was known simply as
the Telegraph until April 3, 1841, when it became the Alton
Telegraph and Democratic Review. In 1853 it became the Alton
Telegraph and Madison County Record, which name it retained until
merged in the Courier. When the Whig party died, it became a strong
Republican organ. During the fall of 1836, great excitement spread
over the country as a consequence of John Quincy Adams' contest in
Congress over the right of petition. It is asserted that the
Telegraph was the only paper west of Cincinnati which supported Mr.
Adams in that struggle. January 1, 1851, a tri-weekly was begun; in
1852 the daily was begun; the weekly was continued. This newspaper
is still in business.
TEMPERANCE HERALD, June 1, 1836 – 1842. A. W. Corey, editor,
assisted by Timothy Turner (a noted temperance worker and orator).
It was a four-column folio, published under the auspices of the
Executive Committee of the Illinois Temperance Society. It reached a
circulation of six to eight thousand copies. It was discontinued in
the latter part of 1842.
TEMPERANCE WATCHMAN, 1872. Monthly. Edited by R. S. Smiley;
published by E. A. Smith, "in the interest of the Temple of Honor
and Temperance." Probably the ancestor of Temperance Banner.
THE MUSICIAN, first published in 1903. Founded by the Shurtleff
College School of Music. W. D. Armstrong, editor. The publication
was filled with interesting personal and musical news. It was a
bi-yearly, $10 a copy publication, with no advertisements.
TRUTH SEEKER, November 1845 - September 1846. Quarterly. Edited by
the Rev. Lemuel Foster. The occasion of the paper was the
suppression, by the Chicago Western Citizen, of the report of the
discussion which took place in the annual meeting of the Illinois
Anti-Slavery Society, held June 1845, at Alton. After almost a year,
Truth Seeker abandoned the task of reforming Mr. Eastman et al., and
left the Western Citizen still impenitent.
VOICE OF ILLINOIS, May 19, 1838 to close of campaign. Supported
Cyrus Edwards for governor, William H. Davidson for lieutenant
governor, and George Churchill for senator. Campaign paper published
by a Whig committee for Madison County.
VORWARTS, 1852-54. First German newspaper printed in Madison County,
published by P. Stibolt and V. Walter. Mr. Stibolt took it to
Galena, and subsequently he went to Peoria, where he became the
editor of the Deutsche Zeitung. It was Democratic; supported rising
statesman Stephen A. Douglas.
WEEKLY ALTON TELEGRAPH, 1858. A campaign paper edited by Messrs.
Parks and Ennis, Mr. Parks being the political editor.
WESTERN CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN, June 1862 - 1868. Founded and
edited by Rev. J. B. Logan, to take the place of the St. Louis
Observer, which left the northwest without an organ. Devoted to
religion, morality, church news in general. In 1866 he sold the
subscription lists to T. H. Perrin, but remained editor until 1868,
when Rev. J. R. Brown bought one-half interest in the paper. Dr.
Logan then purchased the subscription lists of the Cumberland
Presbyterian and united with Dr. Brown. The word "Western" was
dropped, and the paper was called Cumberland Presbyterian.
1838. The Pioneer was established at Rock Spring, St. Clair County,
Illinois, in January 1829. It was published under the auspices of
the Rock Spring Seminary, a Baptist school founded by John M. Peck.
In 1836, the press was moved to Alton, and the first number of the
Western Pioneer and Baptist Standard Bearer was issued September 14,
1836. It was edited by Rev. John M. Peck, Rev. Ebenezer Rodgers, and
Rev. Washington Leverett. With the publication of the second volume,
the words “Baptist Standard Bearer" were dropped, and it was then
known as the Western Pioneer. It was the organ of the Baptist Church
throughout the west, and John M. Peck was its controlling genius and
supporter. It was discontinued as a separate publication about the
close of 1838, and combined in January 1839 with a paper published
at Louisville, Kentucky, and New Albany, Iowa, entitled, in 1839,
Baptist Banner and Western Pioneer.
ARGUS, 1871 - 1880. The Union Publishing Company were proprietors
and A. W. Angier, editor. At the end of the first volume, L. D.
Caulk became editor; the paper was then owned by the Collinsville
Publishing Company. Caulk was succeeded by Anton Neustadt, who
became editor and proprietor. In 1878, Connolly and Johnson became
proprietors. In 1879, Connolly retired; in eight months publication
was suspended. Republican until 1878, then Independent.
LIBERAL DEMOCRAT, 1872 - 1878. Started by A. W. Angier. In 1878 the
presses were moved to Edwardsville. Democratic.
THE ADVERTISER, 1912(?) – 1924. Published every Saturday. A. W.
Schimpff, editor. Frank Stucker sold his interests to A. W.
Schimpff. Sold out to the Herald.
WEEKLY HERALD, 1879 - after 1884. James N. Peers was the first
editor and publisher. In 1882, edited by William A. Garasche; in
1884 by James N. Peers. Independent.
THE BOTS, 1872. A German, Republican newspaper. Supported Greely
and Brown.
(THE) CRISIS, April 14 - February 1831+. Fourth paper established in
Madison County. Founded and edited by Samuel S. Brooks; evidently
the mouthpiece of Theophilus W. Smith. After thirty-four numbers the
name was changed to Illinois Advocate.
(THE) DEMOCRAT, ? – 1924. A. L. Brown, publisher.
ILLINOIS ADVOCATE, +February 1831 - 1832+. Established and edited by
Mr. Samuel S. Brooks, when after eighteen papers were published, the
establishment passed into the hands of Judge John York Sawyer. J.
Angevine was associated with Mr. Sawyer for a year. When Mr.
Angevine retired, William Peach became a partner, Sawyer removed the
establishment in December 1832 to Vandalia, the State capital. Mr.
Sawyer merged the Western Plowboy in the Advocate, and in 1839 the
paper was removed to Springfield. Sturdily Democratic-Republican in
ILLINOIS CORRECTOR, 1827 – November 20, 1828. A four-column paper,
Democratic in politics. Edited by R. K. Fleming, who, in 1828, moved
back to Kaskaskia and published the Reporter. It was a pro-slavery
paper and strongly supported Jackson for president.
ILLINOIS REPUBLICAN, April 12, 1823 - July 28, 1824. (Formerly the
Star of the W est) Like the Star of the West, the Republican was
pro-slavery. During the convention contest, April 1822 to August
1824, Judge Theophilus W. Smith and Emanuel J. West were the leading
editors, who endeavored to counteract the influence of the
INTELLIGENCER, November 12, 1862 to date. Named for the Illinois
Intelligencer and published by James R. Brown and Henry C.
Barnsback, with George B. Burnett, editor. After four months
Barnsback retired. Brown continued the paper until his death in
1882, and made it the spokesman of his party in Madison county. In
January 1883, the paper was purchased by Charles Boeschenstein, who
merged with it the Highland Herald, which he published at Highland.
He issued the Intelligencer weekly until January 1893, when it
appeared semi-weekly. Beginning January 1903, it was issued every
other day, and in January 1907 it was made a daily.
MADISON ADVERTISER, June 26, 1856 - 1865+. Founded by James R.
Brown, who after four issues sold to O. C. Dake. His successors were
Joseph L. Krafft; William G. Pinckart; Frank Springer, 1861 - 1862;
Thompson and Dunnegan; Thompson alone, December 1861 - 1865; and
Whitman and Crabb. Whig. Changed to Madison County Courier.
MADISON COUNTY ANZEIGER, May 7, 1875 - 1879. A German paper
published by C. Lohmann and Son, with C. Lohmann as editor. In 1878
H. C. Lohmann retired; Mr. Lohmann Sr., continued the paper for but
a short time thereafter. A paper bearing the same name was
established in 1881. At first Independent, but in 1876 Republican.
MADISON COUNTY BOTE, +1869 - 1873. A continuation of Highland Bote,
removed by B. E. Hoffman from Highland. In 1870 sold to E. G. Wolf
and Frank Haag. In 1873 publication was suspended; the material
reverted to Mr. Hoffman who sold it to Captain Anthony Neustadt of
Collinsville. German, Democratic.
MADISON COUNTY COURIER, October 12, 1865 - 1869. Published by J. D.
Whitman and Mr. Crabb. Crabb soon retired and J. D. Whitman
published the paper alone until October 5, 1869, when he suspended
publication and sold the material to S. V. Crossman.
MADISON COUNTY ENQUIRER, March 26, 1853 - 1856. Edited by Theodore
Terry. Democratic. Terry was not a very good writer, and he lost the
support of the community. It was suspended for a time and appeared
again as the Weekly Madison Press.
MADISON COUNTY RECORD, February 14, 1850 - 1851. The first editors
and publishers were Dallam and Ruggles; next Ruggles and Lemuel E.
Smith; next Smith and David Gillespie, under whom its publication
ceased. Ruggles went to Henry, Marshal county, and founded the
OUR TIMES, October 02, 1872 - 1881. A. W. Angier and T. S. Angier
were editors and publishers. In 1881 it was sold to Messrs. Price
and Simcox. In a month or so, Price withdrew, and in another month
Simcox took E. W. Anderson as a partner. In three months, the latter
retired. In two months Simcox sold a half-interest to Joseph S.
Umberger. In May 1881, the name was changed to Edwardsville Times,
1881 - 1882. In 1882 Ansel L. Brown purchased the paper and changed
the name to Democrat.
REPUBLICAN, July 01, 1869 to date. Established and published by S. V.
Crossman until his death in July 1875; afterward one year by the S.
V. Crossman Printing Company, R. B., T. M. and W. R. Crossman; two
years by O. S. Reed and Company; purchased July 1, 1879 by sons of
the founded, T. M. and W. R. Crossman, and operated by them until
September 1907 when W. R. Crossman purchased interest of T. M.
Crossman. Weekly until March 1, 1907, when it was changed to a
twice-a-week edition. For a short time beginning July 16 or 17,
1876, it was published daily. Has been Republican since its
SOVEREIGN PEOPLE, Spring of 1840 – Summer of 1841. Formerly the
Western Weekly Mirror. Edited by James Ruggles.
SPECTATOR, May 25, 1819 - 1826. A five-column paper founded and
edited by Hooper Warren, assisted by George Churchill (a practical
printer and a writer of well-known ability), 1819 - 1825; Thomas
Lippincott and Jeremiah Abbott, 1825 - 1826. It was the third paper
published in the State. The Spectator strongly opposed the
convention of 1824. "It was the first distinctively anti-slavery
paper ever published in the State." Vol. 3, no. 141, February 19,
1822, is in the office of the Republican. The last number was issued
October 20, 1826.
Hooper Warren was a native of New Hampshire, born in 1790. His
family moved to Vermont when he was yet a child. He was apprenticed
to the printing trade in the office of the Rutland Herald in
Vermont. In 1814, he moved to Delaware, and three years later moved
to Kentucky, where he worked in a printing office with Amos Kendall,
who later became the Postmaster General. In 1818 Warren moved to St.
Louis. In March 1819, he moved to Edwardsville, Illinois, and in May
following, founded the Edwardsville Spectator. He was an
anti-slavery man, and pro-slavery Senator Theophilus W. Smith tried
to publicly “cowhide” him. Failing in that purpose, Smith drew a
dirk (knife), but Mr. Warren drew his pistol, which proved an
effective restorer of peace. After he sold his newspaper, Warren
moved to Cincinnati, Ohio and edited the National Crisis. A year
later, he returned to Edwardsville, and the Spectator fell back into
his possession. He moved the type and material to Springfield,
Illinois, and published for two years the Sangamo Spectator. Warren
made several other moves, and ended in Chicago, where he published
the Free West and Western Citizen. After this, he retired to his
farm, and died August 22, 1854.
George Churchill, partner of Hooper Warren, was born at Hubbardtown,
Vermont, October 11, 1789. He had a taste for literary work, which
induced him to learn the printer’s trade. In February 1806, he
entered the office of the Albany Sentinel as an apprentice. He later
purchased a half interest in a small printing office, which he sold
at a loss and went to New York. After five months he decided to go
west. In Louisville, he worked in the Courier office, then in the
office of the Correspondent. In June 1817, he moved to St. Louis,
and while there, he made frequent trips to Illinois. Seeing the
rich, fertile soil of the state, he abandoned the printer’s trade
and engaged in farming. In order to fence and improve his farm, he
worked at the printer’s trade to earn the money he needed. In the
spring of 1819, he worked in the office of the Missouri Gazette in
St. Louis. He then went to Edwardsville, where he assisted Hooper
Warren in the establishment of the Spectator. He worked there for
one year, then returned to farming. In 1822, Churchill was elected
to represent Madison County in the General Assembly, where he used
his pen to speak out against slavery. In 1824, he was reelected, and
in 1838 he was elected a member of the State Senate. Thomas
Lippincott purchased the Spectator and continued the publication
until 1827, when he entered the ministry.
STAR OF THE WEST, September 14, 1822 - 1823+. Published by Miller
and Stine, who represented the leading Democratic citizens of the
place. It was the fourth paper then published in the State - these
in the order of establishment were the Intelligencer, Vandalia;
Gazette, Shawneetown; Spectator and Star of the West, Edwardsville.
After six months the Star of the West went into the hands of Thomas
J. McGuire and Company, who changed the name to the Illinois
WEEKLY MADISON PRESS, August 17, 1858 – December 15, 1858. Formerly
the Madison County Enquirer. This Democratic paper was established
and published by Theodore Terry and James R. Brown. Brown retired
December 15, 1858, and the company was dissolved. Terry continued
the Press.
WESTERN PLOUGHBOY, January 1, 1831 - January 17, 1832. An
agricultural paper edited and published by John York Sawyer, and
issued semi-monthly, except that one month elapsed between the
second and third numbers. Twenty-five numbers of eight two-column
pages were issued, after which the paper was merged in the Advocate,
one page of which was thereafter given up to such agricultural
matters as had previously appeared in the Ploughboy. This was the
second agricultural paper issued west of the Alleghanies; it was the
first in Illinois. "When it is recollected that only one
agricultural paper (the Western Tiller) is printed west of the
Alleghanies, and that most of the works on agriculture treat
generally on the manner of improving the soil rather than selecting
the most profitable crop, it will be seen that we have engaged in no
trifling affair." (Item, March 12, 1832). The paper was printed by
S. S. Brooks in the Advocate office. A file, lacking the first
number, is in the library at the University of Illinois.
WESTERN WEEKLY MIRROR, May 1838 – Spring of 1840. Founded and edited
by James Ruggles, and devoted to the introduction and propagation of
a universal language. Changed to Sovereign People.
GRANITE CITY HERALD, 1906 – 1908. Ben Ford, publisher.
GRANITE CITY PRESS, 1903 – 1908. Published by C. W. Judd Print
NARODEN GLAS (National Herald), ?. Bulgarian newspaper.
TRI-CITY LABOR HERALD, 1905-1906. Ben Ford, publisher.
ERZAEHLER, March 26 - May 7, 1859+. Established by Rudolph
Stadtmann and John Harlen, Stadtmann, editor. April 30, Stadtmann
became sole publisher. On May 7, 1859, the name was changed to
Highland Bote.
HIGHLAND BOTE, May 7, 1859 - January 12, 1867+. Formerly The
Erzaehler, Peter Weiss and Peter Voegele became proprietors, Weiss
editor, June 25 - December 21, 1859. Peter Voegele became sole
proprietor and publisher, with Heinrich Stiefel as editor from March
1, 1861, to August 17, 1862. On April 10, 1863, Voegele sold out to
Timothy Gruaz, who changed the name to Highland Bote Und
Schuetzen-Zeitung. An outspoken, fearless Democratic newspaper.
June, 1868, Gruaz sold out to B. E. Hoffmann and Maurice Huegy,
Hoffmann, editor. November 1869, Hoffmann purchased Huegy's interest
and moved the material to Edwardsville, where the paper was
continued as the Madison County Bote. The Bote was Democratic. Under
the name of Bote und Schuetzen-Zeitung it was the official organ of
the National Sharp-Shooters' Association.
HIGHLAND UNION, +1868 to date. John S. Hoerner became sole
proprietor and editor March 18, 1874. In September 1898, Hoerner
sold out to C. T. Kurz, who is still in possession in 1909. The
Union has always been Republican.
UNION, October 24-1863 - 1868+. German. Established by the German
Literary Society. C. H. Seybt was editor until January 28, 1865,
then Dr. Gallus Rutz. December 28, 1866, Dr. G. Rutz and J. S.
Hoerner became proprietors, with Dr. Rutz, editor. October 22, 1868
the name was changed to Highland Union.
NEW DOUGLAS NEWS, ? - 1883+. Published by Mr. Brewer, with Charlie Kienlein as press man.
COMMERCIAL BULLETIN, 1872 - 1872 A three-column, 4-page,
semi-monthly newspaper owned and edited by James N. Jarvis. Name
changed to the Weekly Bulletin on December 7, 1872.
TROY CALL, 1894 – 1947+. A weekly, eight-page, six column newspaper,
edited by B. W. Jarvis. Office was located on Market Street, by the
square. One year subscription in 1947 was $2.00.
TROY MONITOR, 1890 – 1891. An eight-page, five column, monthly
newspaper published by the Miller brothers, with Henry A. Miller as
TROY RECORD, August 27, 1885 – 1886. An eight-page, five column
newspaper, established by James N. Jarvis, who had eight years’
experience as editor at that time. One year subscription - $1.00.
TROY STAR, March 29, 1894 – 1895+. A four-page, five column
newspaper, established by George C. Hartung. A “strictly moral”
newspaper, with interests in Troy and Madison County. Courthouse
items were a leading feature.
TROY TIMES-TRIBUNE, ? - ?. A weekly, 34-page newspaper. Published by
Newsprint Ink, Inc., with Paul Ping, executive editor/publisher;
Steve Rensberry, editor; J. W. Campbell, reporter; Linda Petry,
receptionist/proofreader; Marilyn Wesselmann, bookkeeper/production
assistant. Still in business in 2016.
TROY TRIBUNE, 1948 – 1977(?). The Troy Tribune was the successor to
the Troy Call, and took a Christian attitude toward all problems.
The Troy Lions Club met to encourage the establishment of this
eight-page, weekly newspaper, which was edited by Paul Simon.
TROY WEEKLY CALL, 1903 – 1916(?). A ten-page newspaper, published
weekly by B. W. Jarvis.
WEEKLY BULLETIN, February 1872 - 1884. A weekly, 16-column paper
established by James N. Jarvis, who continued the publication to
1881. Motto was “Independent in all things, and neutral in nothing.”
Jarvis sold the paper to George Armstrong and Joseph S. Umberger. In
three months, they sold to Henry B. Morriss. In 1882, Morriss sold
to Dr. F. A. Sabin. In September 1883, Mr. Jarvis established the
Troy Record, and in the spring of 1884 bought the Bulletin, merged
the two plants and discontinued the publication of the Bulletin.
WEEKLY CALL, May 2, 1895 – 1903. An eight page, weekly newspaper,
edited by Edwards and Droll.
AMERICAN PILOT, 1901 - ?, Weekly issue. Rev. Mr. Jamison, editor.
Stated it was a revival of a paper which has been published
COLLEGE REVIEW, 1879 - ? Frank J. Merchant and John L. Pearson,
editors. Issued by Shurtleff College students. Monthly.
QUI VIVE, 1868 - 1877? A college paper, edited by the students of
Shurtleff College. Monthly.