The Murder of Rev. Elijah Parish Lovejoy

"He died a martyr on the altar of American Liberty."

The Alton Trials by William S. Lincoln (offsite link to notes from the trials)

Elijah Parish Lovejoy was born on his grandfather’s farm near Albion, Maine, on November 9, 1802, to Daniel Lovejoy (1776-1833) and Elizabeth Gordon Pattee Lovejoy (1772-1857). Elijah was the first of nine children. His father was a Congregational minister and farmer. After completing his early studies in public schools, Elijah attended the Monmouth Academy and thenElijah Parish Lovejoy Waterville College in Maine. He graduated from Waterville at the top of his class in 1826. In May 1827, Elijah moved to Boston to earn money for his planned service to God in the West. Unsuccessful in finding work, he started to Illinois by foot. He stopped at New York City, and landed a position with the Saturday Evening Gazette as a newspaper subscription salesman. He walked up and down the streets, knocking on doors selling subscriptions. Struggling financially, he wrote to Jeremiah Chaplin, president of Waterville College, explaining his situation. Chaplin sent him money, and Elijah embarked on his journey to Illinois, reaching Montgomery County in the Fall of 1827. Finding Illinois sparsely populated, he settled in St. Louis, the center of both abolitionist and pro-slavery factions. Lovejoy opened a school with a friend, modeled on high schools in the East. Eventually his interest in teaching waned, when local editors began accepting his poems for print. This led to a partnership with T. J. Miller, as an editor on the St. Louis Times newspaper. Lovejoy occasionally hired African slaves to work with him at the newspaper office, one of whom was William Wells Brown. Brown later described Lovejoy as a good man, and “decidedly the best master that I had ever had.”

Lovejoy struggled with his interest in religion, and wrote to his parents about his sinfulness and rebellion against God. In 1832, influenced by the Christian revivalist movement, he joined the First Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, and decided to become a preacher. He sold his interest in the St. Louis Times, and returned East to study at the Princeton Theological Seminary. Upon completion, he went to Philadelphia, where he became an ordained minister. Friends in St. Louis wrote to him and offered to finance a Presbyterian newspaper in St. Louis if he would agree to edit it. He accepted, and after returning to St. Louis, the first issue of the St. Louis Observer was published on November 22, 1833.

Lovejoy’s work at the St. Louis Observer was at times controversial. He wrote a number of articles criticizing the Catholic Church, which offended the Catholic community. He also wrote articles criticizing tobacco and liquor, and began editorializing on slavery – a controversial subject in St. Louis at the time. Lovejoy supported gradual emancipation of slaves in the State of Missouri. His views began to incite complaints and threats. By October 1835, there were rumors of mob action against the Observer. Prominent St. Louisans, including many of his friends, wrote a letter pleading with him to cease discussion of slavery. While he was out of town, the owners of the St. Louis Observer declared that no further articles on slavery would appear during Lovejoy’s absence, and when Lovejoy returned, he would follow a more rigorous editorial policy. When he returned, Lovejoy wrote a response to the letter, making it clear he did not agree with the owners. He was asked to resign as editor of the St. Louis Observer, to which he agreed. However, the owners released the Observer property to the financier who held the mortgage, and the new owner asked Lovejoy to stay on as editor.

In 1836, when an African-American man, Francis McIntosh, was arrested in St. Louis, he grabbed a knife and stabbed both policemen and escaped. One policeman died. McIntosh was captured and a mob tied him to a tree and burned him to death. Some of the mob was brought before Judge Lawless of St. Louis, who refused to convict. The judge made remarks insinuating that abolitionists, including Lovejoy and the Observer, incited McIntosh into stabbing the men. This action led to further anger the community against Lovejoy, and in May 1836, he was run out of town after chastising the judge in the Observer. He took with him his wife, Celia Ann French, a native of Vermont, who formerly lived in St. Charles, Missouri, and their son, Edward Payson Lovejoy, who was born in St. Louis on March 12, 1836.

Lovejoy settled in Alton, Illinois, where he became editor/owner of the Alton Observer. He and his family lived on the west side of Cherry Street, between Broadway and Adams Court. The Alton Observor printing office was located on the second floor of a two-story stone building, near the northwest corner Home of Elijah & Celia Lovejoyof Broadway and Piasa Streets. In 1886, when the building was being repaired, they found old type belonging to Lovejoy's printing office. One of Lovejoy's presses was thrown from the second story window. The building that housed the printing office was razed sometime before June 1895. According to the Alton Telegraph, Lovejoy promised the community leaders he would not write articles on the subject of slavery, even though Illinois was considered a free State. The town of Alton was established in 1837, and many of the businessmen had sank their life savings into opening their business, and the last thing they wanted was publicity of troubles in their town, which would keep away customers. Many of these men believed each State had the right to decide on the subject of slavery. This promise by Lovejoy was not kept. He continued writing on the controversial subject, enraging the community. On three occasions, his printing press was destroyed by pro-slavery factions who wanted to stop him from publishing his abolitionist views. Not only Alton, but the entire country was in turmoil regarding slavery. William Lloyd Garrison was dragged in the streets of Boston with a rope around his neck for his anti-slavery views. The only place of safety for him was the jailhouse.

On November 6, 1837, rumors were spread in Alton that pro-slavery men were going to destroy Lovejoy’s fourth printing press, which was brought by steamboat to the Alton riverfront. Sixty anti-slavery men took up arms to defend it. The press arrived safely, and was stored in the stone warehouse of Captain Benjamin Godfrey and Winthrop Gilman, a Lovejoy supporter. No mob appeared. On the morning of November 7, 1837, all was quiet in the city. As night approached, the men drilled in the warehouse in military style.Lovejoy's printing office, Broadway, Alton, IL With the opinion that no troubles would occur, most of the company was dismissed. Mr. Gilman asked if some would remain through the night as a precaution. Nineteen men volunteered to stay, along with Winthrop Gilman. Within a short time, a mob began to gather outside. They informed Gilman that unless the press was given up, the building would be burned and every man inside killed. The men inside the warehouse elected Deacon Enoch Long to act as their Captain, as he was a veteran of the War of 1812. The men wanted to take severe measures for defense, but Captain Long overruled. Instead, he decided that if the mob continued to attack, which they began to do, then he would select someone to fire into the mob, and he thought the mob would then disperse. In due time, one of the men inside the warehouse shot into the crowd and killed a man by the name of Bishop. The mob withdrew briefly, but soon returned with reinforcement. The mob outside yelled, threw rocks, and fired their weapons. Mayor John Krum visited the site and attempted to calm things down. This failed. The mob approached the building with a ladder, and a young man climbed up to set fire to the roof. Lovejoy, Ross, and Weller stepped out from the warehouse, and Lovejoy received five bullets in his body. Roff and Weller were wounded. Lovejoy stumbled into the warehouse, saying, “I am shot! I am shot! I am dead!” He died without speaking another word. The men inside fled for their lives, except for Roff, Weller, Thompson, and Rev. Thaddeus Hurlbut, who remained guarding Lovejoy’s body. Bullets rang out as the men fled into the darkness. The mob entered the warehouse and destroyed the press, throwing it into the river. The deed was done, and they left for their homes. The next day Lovejoy’s body was taken to the City Cemetery in Alton, and buried in an obscure grave. Very few attended the services, in fear of their lives.

The names of the defenders of the press in the building at the time of the battle were: Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy (killed), Amos B. Roff (wounded), Royal Weller (wounded), Rev. Thaddeus B. Hurlbut, William Harned, Henry Tanner, James Morse Jr., Joseph S. Noble, Edward Breath, George H. Walworth, J. C. Woods, George H. Whitney, Reuben Gerry, Winthrop S. Gilman, Enoch Long, George T. Brown, Samuel J. Thompson, H. D. Davis, D. F. Randall, and David Burt Loomis.

Lovejoy was hailed as a martyr by abolitionists across the country, and he has since been immortalized through the naming of monuments or buildings in his honor. His brother, Owen, subsequently entered politics and became the leader of the Illinois abolitionists. Lovejoy’s cousin, Nathan A. Farwell, served as a U.S. Senator from Maine.

Elijah Lovejoy’s wife, Celia Ann French Lovejoy, left Alton following the murder of his husband. According to the Alton Evening Telegraph, May 18, 1935 and April 12, 1976, she married one of Lovejoy’s defenders, Royal Weller. Weller later returned alone to Madison County, Illinois, but was officially judged as being “insane because of religious fanaticism.” He was placed in the Jacksonville, Illinois, State Hospital for the insane, and died there July 28, 1859. He is buried in the Immanuel North Cemetery in South Jacksonville, then called the “Red Barn Burials,” as inmates were buried in the pasture on a hill south of an old milk barn. All these farmlands are now leased to Prairieland Heritage Museum. Celia Lovejoy died in July 1870. Her burial place is unknown, although a cenotaph in her memory stands in the Alton City Cemetery.

Elijah and Celia Lovejoy’s son, Edward Payson Lovejoy, died of illness at the age of 55 years on August 26, 1891 in Wabuska, Nevada. He followed mining in the early days in California, and was for a number of years the editor of the Trinity County Journal in Reno. He also kept the American Exchange Hotel in Reno.

Below are newspaper articles will take you through Lovejoy's arrival in Alton, the first publication of the Alton Observer, and the eventual murder of Lovejoy by a mob.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 21, 1836
We omitted to mention last week the appearance, in this place [Alton], of the "Alton Observer," edited by Rev. Mr. Lovejoy. The paper is much enlarged from its former size, and otherwise greatly improved. Mr. Lovejoy has had many difficulties to encounter since he relinquished his "Observer" in St. Louis, and having now made his re-appearance, we hope he will receive, as he deserves, a liberal patronage.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 19, 1837
Pursuant to public notice, a large and respectable concourse of the citizens of Alton assembled at the Market House early yesterday evening, in order to take into consideration the course pursued by the Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, in the publication and dissemination of the highly odious doctrines of modern Abolitionism, and the more to allay the spirit of an insulted people, which seemed brewing like a cloud, and darkening our social atmosphere. Although the combination of wealth, interest, and moral power were assiduously brought to bear upon the community in order to deter them from such a course, in boldly expressing their free and unbiased opinions on a subject of so delicate a nature, yet like men born to live and die, untrammeled by party, unseduced by mercenary motives, they met as freemen, determined to oppose, in a manly manner, and by a spirited resistance, the odious doctrine of modern misrule, which has stole on this community in direct violation of a sacred pledge.

The meeting was organized by calling to the chair, Dr. Halderman, and appointing J. P. Jordan, Secretary. The object of the meeting then being stated, on motion a committee of three was appointed to draw up resolutions. Whereupon, J. A. Townsend, Dr. Horace Beall, and S. L. Miller were appointed. The committee, after retiring for a short time, returned and recommended to the meeting the following preamble, &c., which were unanimously adopted:

Whereas, The citizens of Alton are called upon a second time to express their disapproval of the course pursued by the Rev. E. P. Lovejoy, Editor of the Alton Observer, in publishing and promulgating the doctrines of Abolitionism, and that too in violation of a solemn pledge, voluntarily given by him at a former meeting of the citizens of Alton, when an exile he sought their protection, that he would not interfere with the question of Abolitionism in any way whatever, and that his intention alone was to publish a religious journal.

And whereas, On the strength of that pledge, and in full confidence that he would, as a clergyman of his profession, hold it sacred, we welcomed him as an acquisition to our place. But now finding much to our mortification, that he has wantenly violated his pledge, and introduced into the columns of his paper, Abolition doctrines of a most inflammatory character, and continues without regard in his solemn assertion to do so, which we as citizens of a State untrammeled with slavery, deem to be improper and highly impolitic to agitate among us, as we can derive no benefit from it whatever, but on the contrary, much injury and damage, by eliciting from our sister States, a feeling towards us highly injurious to our community.

1st. Resolved, That the Rev. E. P. Lovejoy has again taken up and advocated the principles of Abolitionism through his paper, the Observer, contrary to the disposition and will of a majority of the citizens of Alton, and in direct violation of a sacred pledge and assurance that this paper, when established in Alton, should not be devoted to Abolitionism.

2d. Resolved, That we disapprove of the course of the Observer in publishing any articles favorable to Abolitionism, and that we censure Mr. Lovejoy in permitting such publications to appear in his paper, when a pledge of assurance has been given to this community, by him, that such doctrines should not be advocated.

3d. Resolved, That a committee of five citizens be appointed by this meeting to wait upon and confer with Mr. Lovejoy, and ascertain from him, whether he intends in future to diseminate through the columns of the Observer, the doctrines of Abolitionism, and report the result of their conference to the public.

After the committee had read the preparatory preamble and resolutions, they were submitted to the meeting and warmly welcomes - upon which it was moved that the President appoint the committee - when the following persons were designated: B. K. Hart, Lewis J. Clawson, Colonel Nathaniel Buckmaster, Benjamin I. Gilman, Colonel A. Olney, and Dr. J. A. Halderman, by request. After which Colonel Alexander Botkin arose and making some pertinent preliminary remarks, offered the following resolution, which was cordially adopted:

Resolved, That we, as citizens of Alton, are aware that the Rev. E. P. Lovejoy still persists to publish an Abolition paper to the injury of the community at large, and as we deprecate all violence of mobs, we now call on him, by our committee, and politely request a discontinuance of the publication of his incendiary doctrines, which alone have a tendency to disturb the quiet of our citizens and neighbors.

Mr. Murdoch then arose, and after some beautiful and happy explanatory remarks, setting forth in a clear light, his reasons relative to the introduction of the two following resolutions, offered them for reception.

Resolved, That Congress while in session acts in a two-fold capacity: 1st. As the general representative of the people of the whole union, and as such has full power to legislate upon subjects regarding the general interest. 2d. As the immediate legislators over the private rights of the people of the District of Columbia - rights in which they are solely interested; and while legislating upon these rights, as faithful legislators, no regard should be paid to petitions emanating from other sources.

Resolved, That it is an impertinent interference with the rights of others, to petition Congress to pass a law, not asked for by those over whom it is intended to operate.

The resolutions thus being submitted, the Secretary here left his seat, and offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That in the opinion of this meeting, modern Abolitionism in any shape or form is a bold and daring usurpation of the principle of right, unwarranted by the constitution, and an unjustifiable interference with the domestic relations of the south, which neither religion nor humanity sanction.

Here Mr. Jordon made some allusion to the principle upon which our social edifice rested - the situation of the several States at that time who acted in their sovereign capacity, and the subsequent adjudication of Congress, upon this question - the rights guaranteed to the south and slave holding States; and concluded by submitting the resolution as above read - which was received; whereupon, on motion, Mr. J. A. Townsend was called to the chair; whereupon, Dr. Halderman offering the four following resolutions, said briefly, he was glad to see such a spirit of independence in Alton - he was cheered to know he was not alone on this question - that the slave holding States yet had friends even in a non-slave holding State, to feel the wrongs and avenge the cause - he was moved to say, the liberty of our forefathers had given us the liberty of speech - and continuing, he added, it was our duty and our high privilege to act and speak on all questions touching this great commonwealth. Whereupon, the resolutions being read, after some amendments by Messrs. Howard and Clifford, were unanimously adopted.

Resolved, That the recommendation in an editorial article of the "Observer," of a division in all the religious denominations on the sole ground of slavery, is in our opinion destructive of the best interest of Christianity, and an unwarrantable assumption of arbitrary prerogative.

Resolved, That the immediate emancipation of the entire slave population, with their admittance to all the privileges, suffrages, offices, immunities, and preferments, civil political and religious, in common with ourselves, constitutes the doctrine of modern Abolitionism.

Resolved, That while we disapprove the doctrine of modern Abolitionism, we abhor and deprecate the evil of slavery, and are ready and willing at any time, to give our influence and our money to promote any system of emancipation, that will better the condition of that oppressed race of the human family, that is agreeable to the slave holding States.

Resolved, That all the presses in the West and South, North and East, friendly to the cause of colonization or gradual emancipation, in order to ameliorate the condition and freedom of the African race, are hereby requested to publish the foregoing protest and resolutions against the misrule of modern Abolitionism.

Whereupon, on motion of B. Clifford, Esq., it was:

Resolved, That the Secretary prepare the proceedings of the meeting for publication, and notify the committee to wait on Mr. Lovejoy, after presenting them with a copy of the proceedings. Upon which an adjournment was moved and adopted, and the citizens retired in much harmony and good felling, to be again convened at the call of the committee.  Signed J. A. Halderman, Chairman. J. P. Jordon, Secretary. July 11, 1837.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 16, 1837
The correspondence below would have been laid before the public sooner, but for the difficulty of getting a meeting of the committee:

"Alton, July 24, 1837
To the Rev. E. P. Lovejoy:
Dear Sir - In the proceedings of a public meeting of the citizens of Alton, a copy of which is here with transmitted to you, you will find the following resolutions:

Resolved, That a committee of five citizens be appointed by this meeting to wait upon and confer with Mr. Lovejoy, and ascertain whether he intends to disseminate through the columns of the Observer, the doctrine of abolitionism, and report the result of their conference to the public.

Whereupon, on motion, B. K. Hart, L. J. Clawson, Col. N. Buckmaster, B. I. Gilman, Col. A. Olney, and Dr. J. A. Halderman were appointed said committee.

The committee have thought it most advisable to address to you the proceedings themselves, instead of any written statement of their own. The views and feelings by which the citizens were actuated, and their wishes and expectations, are set forth with sufficient clearness in their reported proceedings, to which we respectfully invite your attention, with the utmost deference to your feelings as a man, and your rights as a citizen. We respectfully request that you will at your earliest convenience, answer the inquiries embodied in the above resolution, so that we may report the same to the public in the discharge of our duty. Nothing but the importance of the question which the meeting was called to consider, and the dangers which its unwise agitation threatens, not only to the community, but to the whole country, could have induced us to take the step we have. With the wish that your answer may be dictated in wisdom, and prove such as will be satisfactory to the community, we subscribe ourselves with respect.

Your obedient servants, B. K. Hart, L. J. Clawson, N. Buckmaster, A. Olney, John A. Halderman.


Alton, July 26, 1837
To Messrs. B. K. Hart, L. J. Clawson, N. Buckmaster, A. Olney, and John A. Halderman
I have this day received through the Post Office a communication signed by yourselves and addresses to me, enclosing a printed copy of the proceedings had at a public meeting held in this place on the 10th inst., to which proceedings you invite my attention.

Before replying more immediately to your communication, permit me to express my gratification at the kind and courteous terms in which it is made. In this respect it gives me pleasure to say, your letter is all I could desire. Be pleased, gentlemen, to accept my thanks. If, therefore, my answer be not such, in some respects, as you might perhaps wish, I beg you will not attribute it to any want of respect to yourselves as individuals, or to your opinions on the principal subject of your communication.

You will, therefore, permit me to say, that with the most respectful feelings towards you individually, I cannot consent, in this answer, to recognize you as the official organ of a public meeting convened to discuss the question, whether certain sentiments should or should not be discussed in the public newspaper of which I am the editor. By doing so, I should virtually admit that the liberty of the press and freedom of speech, were rightfully subject to other supervision and control, than those of the land. But this I cannot admit. On the contrary, in the language of one of the speakers at the meeting, I believe that the liberty of our forefathers has given us the liberty of speech, and that it is 'our duty and our high privilege to act and speak on all questions touching this great commonwealth.' I am happy, gentlemen, in being able heartily to concur in the above sentiments, which I perceive were uttered by one of your own members, and in which I cannot doubt, you all agree. I would only add, that I consider this 'liberty' was ascertained, but never originaled by our forefathers. It comes to us, as I conceive, from our Maker, and is in its nature invaluable, belonging to man as man.

Believing, therefore, that everything having a tendency to bring this right into jeopardy, is eminently dangerous as a precedent, I cannot admit that it can be called in question by any man or body of men, or that they can, with any propriety, question me as to my exercise of it. Gentlemen, I have confidence, that you will, upon reflection, agree with me in this view of the case, and will consequently appreciate, with justice, my motives in declining to receive your communication, as from the official organ of the meeting to which you refer.

But as individuals whom I highly respect, permit me to say to you that it is very far from my intention to do anything calculated to bring on an 'unwise agitation,' of the subject of slavery in this community. It is a subject that, as I apprehend, must be discussed, must be agitated. All virulence and intemperance of language, I should conceive to be 'unwise agitation.' It shall be my aim to resort and provoke to neither. I hope to discuss the overwhelmingly important subject of slavery, with the freedom of a republican and the meekness of a Christian. If I fail in either respect, I beg that you will attribute it, gentlemen, to that imperfection which attends us all in the performance of our best purposes.

Permit me respectfully, to refer you to an editorial article in the "Alton Observer" of the 20th instant, headed "What are the sentiments of Anti-Slavery men?" for the full expression of my views and principles on the subject of slavery. If these views can be shown to be erroneous, I hold myself ready to reject them, and if you, or either of you, or any of my fellow citizens deem them, and feel able to demonstrate them to be unsound, or of dangerous tendency, you and they are cordially invited to make use of the columns of the "Observer" for that purpose.

With much respect, Your friend and fellow citizen,
Elijah P. Lovejoy


(The following article appeared directly below Rev. Lovejoy's letter above, shown above)
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 16, 1837

The following is the Preamble and the leading Article in the Constitution, together with the Resolutions adopted by the Madison County Anti-Slavery Society, at its formation in Upper Alton, on Saturday the 5th inst.:

Whereas, we believe the system of Slavery as it exists in the United States to be an institution of cruelty, injustice, and inhumanity, a system glaringly, and utterly opposed to the whole genius and spirit of Christianity; and whereas, its existence in this country is utterly incompatible with those natural rights, which as a nation we have declared belong alike to all men, and which no power, save that which gave, can justly take away; and that, having been thus rendered inalienable, whatever laws are made to estrange them are unjust, oppressive, and contrary to the will of God, and ought consequently to be abrogated without delay. Therefore, we feel ourselves called upon as men, as American citizens, and especially as Christians, to exhort whatever we may have of influence, in the love and fear of God, to do away this evil from among us; and that we may act the more efficiently, we agree to associate ourselves together, and to adopt, and abide by the following Constitution. The leading article as mentioned above is given only.

Article 4. The object of this Society shall be, peaceably, lawfully, constitutionally, by moral means and those only, to secure the immediate emancipation of the slaves of our country from the thralldom in which they have so long suffered; and to restore to them those domestic, and social rights, which have been most wrongfully and unrighteously taken from them - the rights of parents to their children, of men to their wives; and also to prevent eighty thousands of human beings, who according to the voice of nature and our own declarations, are born free, from being annually doomed from their very birth to hopeless bondage.

Resolved, That the holding human beings as property, the buying and selling them as such, is at all times, and under all circumstances, a sin, contrary to the laws of God, to justice and humanity.

Resolved, That the modern doctrine of expediency, which is that we should not brave public opinion, in endeavoring to do away established customs, and oppressive and unjust laws, tends to evil, and finds no countenance in the practice of Christ and his apostles.

Resolved, That we have a right, conferred by our Creator and guaranteed by the Constitution of our country, to act upon public opinion, in regard to subjects of general welfare, by the speaking, writing, printing, or publication of our thoughts; and whoever endeavors by threats, violence, or injury, to prevent the free exercise of this right, aims a fatal, and treacherous blow at one of the dearest and most salutary rights of American citizens, and that our duty to defend it is even more imperative and sacred than was our fathers to secure it.

Resolved, That the reception of Texas as an integral part of the United States, would be a virtual approval of Slavery, on which account, as well as for other reasons, it ought to be opposed by every patriot and Christian, and especially by the free States.

Resolved, That we regard the internal Slave trade of this country, by which no less than one hundred and twenty thousand men, women and children are torn from their homes, and carried to a distant market annually, as no less sinful than the foreign traffic in "homes and sinews," which, by all Christendom, has been denounced as piracy.

Resolved, That we cordially approve of the proposition to form a State Anti-Slavery Society.

Resolved, That we recommend to the State Anti-Slavery Society, when formed, to establish a paper devoted to the cause of immediate emancipation, to be conducted under the auspices of the said Society.

The following resolutions were adopted.

Resolved, That the churches in this State are bound by the law of love, and especially by the precept not to suffer sin to a brother, to bear their testimony against the sin of Slavery as it exists in the church in this and in some of our sister states, and to proclaim to them and the world that we will not participate in this, their guilt.

Resolved, That we will hold a monthly meeting for prayer to Almighty God, that he will grant a speedy deliverance to the Slave, and repentance and forgiveness to their oppressors.

Resolved, That the resort to violence in order to suppress the discussion of Anti-slavery principles, which has so generally been adopted by their opponents in this country, we consider as an admission that their principles are incapable of refutation by argument.

Resolved, That we consider it the solemn duty of every Christian and every American patriot not to remain neutral in the mighty struggle now going on in this country, between the spirit of slavery and the spirit of freedom, inasmuch as we believe the dearest interests of religion and humanity are involved in this struggle.

The committee appointed for the purpose reported the following list as officers of the Society, which was adopted.

Rev. H. Loomis, President; Enoch Long and C. W. Hunter, Vice Presidents; Owen Lovejoy, Secretary; J. S. Clark, Treasurer; George Kimball, J. Gorden, James Carponier, Directors.

On motion, voted that the Rev. H. Loomis be invited to deliver an address to the next meeting of the Society. Voted that when we adjourn, we adjourn to meet a week from Tuesday next (the 15th inst.) at the Presbyterian Church, Upper Alton. Voted that the proceedings of this meeting signed by the Chairman and Secretary, together with the Constitution and Resolutions be published in the Spectator, Telegraph, Pioneer, and Observer.

Voted to adjourn. Hubbel Loomis, Chairman; Owen Lovejoy (brother to Elijah P. Lovejoy), Secretary. Upper Alton, August 5, 1837


(From the Alton Telegraph Editors)
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 16, 1837
Having, in compliance with the request of the Abolition Society of this County, given an abstract from their late proceedings a place in our present number, we deem it expedient, once for all, to make known explicitly the course which we intend to pursue in cases of this kind; as well for the purpose of setting forth the ground on which we actually stand, as to prevent fruitless applications from any quarter for the admission of prohibited articles into our columns. In the first place, then, we shall observe that we deem the proceedings of any public meetings, or assemblage of citizens, whatever may be its object, entitled to admission into newspapers, as a matter of courtesy, if not of indisputable right, unless couched in improper language. Their publication seems entirely proper, not only because the voice of the people, when speaking in a collective capacity, should always have a hearing; but also, because those who may be opposed to the course pursued or recommended, ought to be made publicly acquainted with it, in order to enable them, should they deem it expedient, to adopt such measures as may appear necessary to counteract it. On this ground, we have uniformly, when thereto requested, published the proceedings of any public meeting of our fellow citizens, whether we approve of its object or not. But we acknowledge no such obligation towards private individuals. The right of an Editor to admit or reject all communications, on any subject whatever, which may be offered for insertion in the paper under his control, we hold to be unlimited and absolute, in the fullest sense of the term; and believe that he is responsible to none, but his own conscience, and the bar of public opinion, for the correctness of his decisions. In applying this fundamental rule to the Abolition question, we may observe, in the second place, that being fully persuaded that the discussion of it, at least during the prevalence of the present excitement, can be productive of nothing but unmingled evil, it will, on no account whatever, be allowed in any shape through our columns. The proceedings of public meetings, if not objectionable on the score of length or language, will always be cheerfully admitted; but the door will be kept steadily and rigorously closed against any allusion to the subject in any other way.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 23, 1837
Fellow Citizens: Permit me to address a few lines to you, for the purpose of correcting an erroneous impression which I have been informed is bearing on the minds of some of my friends with regard to my views of Abolitionism. I have been informed that some persons charge me of being an Abolitionist. This charge I most unhesitatingly deny; and I believe that all my conduct, as well as my language, relative to Abolitionism, will fully support my denial. For, in the first place, none can say that I have ever attended an Abolition meeting either in this or any other place. I did not even attend the meeting held here on the occasion of Mr. Lovejoy's press being thrown into the river, when he first landed in Alton, because I was opposed to the course pursued by the Abolitionists; and in the second place, being thus opposed, in principle, to the course pursued by the Abolitionists, I cannot believe that my language has been so contrary to my principles as to cause any person honestly and truly to say that he believes me to be an Abolitionist. So far from this being the case, I have had many warm and unhappy debates with some of my friends on the subject of Abolitionism - they defending and I opposing it. This I can prove to the satisfaction of all, should it be deemed necessary, and I pledge my word to do so if properly required. It is with regret that I have had to trouble you with these remarks; and were it not that I am announced as a candidate for the office of Mayor of our city, I should not have taken the liberty thus to address you. With much respect, I subscribe myself, Your fellow citizen, Charles Howard


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 23, 1837
We are deeply concerned to state that the office of the Alton Observer, in this city [Alton], was entered into by a number of persons on Monday evening last; and its presses, type, and other materials taken down, broken, and thrown into the street. As no opposition was made to the proceedings of those engaged in this business, no personal injury was sustained by anyone, with the exception of a respectable citizen who was knocked down by a volley of stones directed against the building in which the office was kept. Deeming it probable that this transaction will undergo a legal investigation, we forbear all further details for the present.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 27, 1837
We deeply regret to be obliged to record the perpetration of another act of lawless violence in this city. Between the hours of eleven and twelve o'clock on the night of the 21st inst., the storehouse of Messrs. Gerry & Weller, on Second street [Broadway], was forcibly entered by twenty or thirty persons who proceeded forthwith to carry off a box, containing a press intended for the republication of the Alton Observer, which had been received a few hours before; and after totally destroying it, together with its contents, threw the fragments into the river. The business was dispatched with so much expedition, that although the Mayor was immediately sent for and repaired to the spot with all practicable speed, the work of destruction was nevertheless completed before his arrival. Sundry boxes of type procured for the same purpose, and deposited in the same place, with the exception of one which has disappeared, were not molested; either because the individuals engaged in the transaction did not wish to destroy them, or were deterred by the appearance of the Mayor. Being decidedly opposed to violence, in any case, we need hardly say that we consider these proceedings as deserving of the strongest reprobation. However worthy of censure the Abolitionists may be for persisting in the propagation of their tenets at a time so unpropitious to calm and dispassionate investigation as the present, and however much they may injure the interests of this growing City by thus making it, as it were, the focus of their operations, we are fully persuaded that these repeated attempts to put them down by force must inevitably be productive of far greater and more deplorable evils than these they are intended to prevent. One wrong never can justify another; and violence never should be tolerated in a country of laws and equal rights. We are gratified to learn that a large number of our most respectable and influential citizens are about organizing themselves as a City guard, with a view of tendering their services to the Mayor, in order to enable him promptly to put down all future attempts to disturb the public peace, let them proceed from what quarter they may.


$100 REWARD!!
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 27, 1837
Whereas, on the night of the 21st inst., several persons unlawfully, forcibly and maliciously broke open and entered the store of Messrs. Gerry & Weller, in said city [Alton], forcibly and maliciously took a printing press, types, and other apparatus there from, and broke and destroyed the same. In pursuance of the powers vested in me by the Common Council of the City of Alton, a reward of One Hundred Dollars will be paid for the apprehension and conviction of either or all of the offenders; Provided such persons be delivered to the civil authorities of said city.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said city, this 22d day of September, A. D. 1837. John M. Krum, Mayor.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 4, 1837
To the Publishers of the Telegraph:
Gentlemen - As I know by experience that a thousand rumors and exaggerations will be immediately set afloat in the community respecting the recent outrage at St. Charles, I must ask of you the favor to insert in your columns a brief narrative of the particulars of the case. I will confine myself entirely to a simple statement of the facts, leaving every reader to make his own comments and reflections.

On Wednesday last, September 27, I went over to St. Charles [Missouri] for the purpose of bringing home my wife, who, in ill health and with a sick child, had been spending a few weeks at her mother's, who resides in St. Charles. It was my intention to have returned the next day in the stage, but finding my wife's health unable to endure the journey, I concluded to wait till the next stage (Monday). Accordingly, I did so. On Sabbath, at the request of the Rev. Mr. Campbell, the Presbyterian minister of St. Charles, I preached for him in the forenoon and at night, he himself preaching in the afternoon. Just previous to my leaving the church, after the services were over at night, the following note was slipped into my hand: "Mr. Lovejoy, Be watchful as you come from church tonight. A Friend."

I showed the note to Mr. Campbell, who asked me to go home with him. I declined, however, and walked home to my mother-in-law's in company with Mr. Campbell and Mr. Copes, a deacon of the church. It was but a short distance, and nothing occurred to excite any storm. Mr. Campbell went in with me. This was about nine o'clock. Brother Campbell and myself sat conversing together till near ten o'clock, when a knocking was heard at the foot of the stairs - the room in which the family lived being in the second story. I took a candle and went to the door at the head of the stairs, to ascertain who was there; when the inquiry was made, "Is Mr. Lovejoy in?" I answered, "Yes." "We want to see him," was the rejoinder; and immediately a man by the name of -------- [left blank in the newspaper], and another from Mississippi, whose name I did not learn, rushed through the door where I stood and seized each by the coat collar, while the platform at the head of the stairs was filled by the mobites.

The only individuals in the house were the Rev. Mr. Campbell, my wife, her mother and sister, and myself. They doubtless expected to find only myself and the three females in the house. My wife, who was lying down in another room, hearing the knocking, came to the head of the stairs, just as it was filled by the assailants. She had to rush through them to get into the room where I was, which she did, and succeeded in reaching me, not, however, until the fellow from Mississippi had drawn his dirk upon her. Her only reply was to strike him in the face with her hand - a blow which more than one of the mobites received in their attempts to force me from the room - she meanwhile clinging to me, or throwing herself before me, among the infuriated assailants, with a self-abandoning fortitude and devotion which a woman and a wife only can feel. Induced, principally, by her efforts, the mob let me go and left the room. As soon as the door was shut upon them, Mrs. Lovejoy fainted. I carried her immediately into another room and laid her on the bed. She recovered only to relapse into alarming hysteric fits, and while in this condition, I was endeavoring to soothe her fears, the mob returned with augmented numbers and fury. Regardless of her heart-rending shrieks, they laid hold of me to drag me from the room, and would have done so had not W. M. Campbell, Esq., come to my rescue, and assisted me in freeing myself again from their grasp.

This state of things continued nearly two hours, the mob retiring for a few moments to the grog shop, and then returning to the assault with redoubled fury. It was their expressed determination to take my life, or as one of them, with horrid oaths, expressed it, they "wanted my blood and would have it." At length, one of them, ----------- [left blank], came up into the room with a written demand that I should leave the town by ten o'clock next morning. I sent them a reply that I should leave in the morning before nine. This pacified them for a time. But having received their potations of whisky, then again returned. By this time their drunken madness had reached such a height, that my friends despaired of defending me. Yielding, therefore, to their solicitations, and especially to the entreaties of my wife, though much against my own inclinations, I left the house, at a moment when the vigilance of the watching mob was relaxed, and thanks to a Guardian Providence, escaped unharmed.
Signed by Elijah P. Lovejoy


DATED October 4, 1837
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 5, 1867

[The following letter was furnished to the Telegraph by Dr. A. Nichols of Quincy, from the Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, written a short time previous to his murder in Alton. It was postmarked Alton, October 5, 1837, and address to H. H. Snow, Esq., or Rufus Brown, Quincy, Illinois.]

Dear Brethren:
Before this reaches you the call for the convention will have been received. And what I wish to say now is, that every abolitionist in Adams County ought to attend if he possibly can. All depends upon having a full, a GREAT Convention. Otherwise, if we get but 50 or 100 together, it will be labor lost, and worse than lost. Our enemies will triumph and our friends will be disheartened. And besides, I have little doubt we shall be mobbed, or at least that an attempt will be made to do it. Now the Quincy brethren know how to manage mobs. We want them here, all of them. Will not some of you see the brethren in the county and urge them to come? If any are so poor as not to be able to pay their expenses, let them be paid for them. Come up, brethren; come up; in the name of God and for the sake of humanity, of religion, come up to the convention.

You have heard that our new press has been destroyed. I shall send for another one tomorrow. But seeing our brethren here are so timid, I propose to leave the question of its location unsettled till the convention shall decide. I have just escaped from St. Charles, Missouri, from the fury of a mob, thankful that my life is spared. You will see an account of it in the Telegraph of tomorrow, and a more full detail in the Emancipator. I know not, dear brethren, if I am to live or die, but I know that God reigneth, and that the cause for which I suffer cannot be put back. Its march is onward, onward to triumph; complete and permanent. Pray for me, dear brethren. My trials are sore, and yet I am wonderfully, wonderfully supported amidst them.

The Lord is faithful. Bless His name.
Your affectionate brother,
Elijah P. Lovejoy


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 11, 1837
It appears that the brief notice taken in our paper of the 27th ult. of the demolition of a press, intended for the revival of the Alton Observer, together with the few remarks which we then deemed it our duty to make on John Bailhache, editor Alton Telegrapha certain communication forwarded from this city to the Editor of the New York Plain Dealer, have given offense to at least two individuals, each of whom has addressed as a letter full of bitter denunciation and complaint. In the first, which bears the signature of "One Who Knows," and is evidently written in a disguised hand, we are required to offer an "apology" to "those gentlemen who think fit to stop the course of Abolition in this place," for the "harsh language" we employed towards them when speaking of their proceedings, and emphatically "warned" that, if we repeat the offense, our "press shall follow the course of the other." "Silence - complete, grave-like silence" - according to our correspondent, affording "the only safety for presses or persons."

In the second, to which is affixed the name of a citizen of Alton, with whom we have no personal acquaintance, and which reiterates and justifies, with many additions, all the injurious imputations against the inhabitants of this town contained in the communication to the Plain Dealer, we are audaciously charged, as "a guardian of the public morals - a watchman on the walls of our city" - with having failed "to use the influence which our position gives," so "as to allay excitements, calm the passions, and shield the innocent from the ruthless hand of violence." The author takes it for granted that we must have been aware, for weeks before the attack was made, of the intended destruction of the Observer office; and colors into an elaborate argument for the purpose of showing that we not only neglected to raise our voice against it before hand, but also, after the commission of the act, to denounce the perpetrators in terms sufficiently expressive of the indignation which every independent man should feel at the atrocity of their conduct.

Whether these letters were intended for publication, with a view to compel us, in self-defense, to open our columns to the discussion of a question foreign to our purpose, and with which we have repeatedly declared we are determined to have nothing to do; or merely designed to influence our future course by secretly presenting to our mind the motives which the writers were conscious would operate with the greatest effort on their own, we neither know nor care. In either case, both of our correspondents might have saved themselves the trouble of addressing us; as neither the empty swaggering of the one, nor the sophistical ranting of the other, will induce us to move one inch from the ground which we have taken. We may, however, remark in relation to the first communication - which was received a few days before the appearance of our last number - that it would have been treated with contemptuous indifference, had not the receipt of the second - which reached us on Wednesday afternoon, and which, bearing a real name, seemed, from that cause alone, to have some claim on our attention - prompted us to include both in a passing notice; not so much for the purpose of giving a serious reply to either, as in order to explain more fully than we have hitherto done, the position which we mean to occupy, so long as we shall have the honor of conducting a public journal.

In the first place, we ought, perhaps, to observe that whether the letters in question were intended for publication or not, we cannot give either of them a place in our columns; not only because we might, in that case, be tempted to speak of the respective writers in terms not altogether consistent with self-respect, but chiefly because we are fully persuaded that their appearance, even without comment, would aggravate the feverishness of an excitement, which we firmly hope and believe will speedily subside, provided nothing be said or done to keep it in existence. We deem it the duty of every good citizen, at all times, and more especially when unusual agitation prevails, not only to be particularly careful to observe the laws himself, but also scrupulously to abstain from saying or doing anything which may lead to their violation by others. If he act otherwise, no matter from what motive, he becomes, to a certain extent, identified with the offenders; and if any outrage ensue, he cannot be held altogether guiltless. Had this salutary maxim been kept in view by either of the parties to the late proceedings, we should have been spared the mortification of recording them, as well as the labor of penning this explanatory article.

Inasmuch, however, as it may be the opinion of some, that we ought to give more specific answers to the charges preferred against us in the letters above referred to, we may observe, by way of reply to "One Who Knows," that being wholly unconscious of having used "harsh language" towards the persons of whom he speaks, we shall offer neither him nor them any "apology" for anything we may heretofore have said in relation to their proceedings; and that we shall not be deterred, by the fear of any injury, either to our property or our person, from condemning a resort to violence, be its object what it may. If we are compelled to choose between the licentiousness of the press, and its suppression, either by the edict of an absolute Monarch or by brutal force, we shall not hesitate in preferring the former; in the full persuasion, that in a free country, among an intelligent and high-minded people, the evils arising from that source, deplorable as they are, cannot be compared with those which must inevitably proceed from the other. For the former, a sure remedy may be found in a correct and enlightened public sentiment. The latter, on the contrary, is fatal to liberty itself; and if allowed to obtain the ascendency, must soon involve the most invaluable rights of the citizens, as well as our Republican institutions, in one common ruin.

With regard to the strictures of our second correspondent, it may be remarked that as we most certainly did not anticipate that force would be resorted to for the purpose of preventing the dissemination of the doctrines set forth in the Alton Observer, we are not conscious of any neglect of duty for having failed to give warning of the contemplated assault. It is true that soon after our arrival in this city, we became sensible that some dissatisfaction existed with the Editor of the above paper, on account of his Anti-Slavery publications, But, as we had no thought that this feeling would manifest itself in any act of violence, and knowing personally nothing about what seemed to be the chief cause of the excitement - the alleged violation of a solemn pledge, said to have been previously given by the gentleman in question - we deemed it neither right nor becoming to interfere, or meddle in any way with matters which concerned us not. It is, indeed, most probable that had we said anything at all on the subject, we should have been considered as an impudent busy-body; and that instead of restoring peace between the two parties, we might have incurred the hostility of both, and aggravated the mischief which we were seeking to prevent, by increasing their mutual animosity. Such, at any rate, has been frequently the case with those who volunteer their good offices in settling disputes among their neighbors.

But, how was it, we may very properly ask, with our accuser. He is, if we are not mistaken, an old resident of this place, and more or less acquainted with every one of its inhabitants, as well as perfectly familiar with the causes which have led to the perpetration of the act of which he speaks with so much bitterness. We, on the contrary, are almost a total stranger here, and have no knowledge, except from common report - which, in this as well as in most cases, is extremely vague and unsatisfactory - either of the persons concerned in the late outrage or of the circumstances in which it originated. If, therefore, we are guilty of a palpable neglect of duty, because we did not sound the tocsin [bell] of alarm, and warn the public of the approach of a danger which we did not and could not foresee, what degree of censure does he deserve, who according to his own written declarations, perceived in "the attacks of the Spectator," "the Market house meeting" - "the report of their committee" - and "the wicked threatenings and misrepresentations that were made to keep up the excitement" - sure indications of the coming storm, and yet did nothing either to avert or to resist its fury? Did he then warn his Abolition friends to desist from a course calculated to involve their property, and perhaps their lives, in imminent peril? Did he charge the public authorities to be vigilant and active in the performance of their duties as conservators of the peace, in order to prevent the perpetration of any act of violence? Did he invoke, either personally or through the newspapers, the aid of all sober-minded people, for the purpose of putting down every movement calculated to disturb the tranquility of our growing city, and injure or destroy its reputation abroad? If he did none of these things, but on the contrary "looked on and said nothing," although, according to his own admissions, fully aware of all that was in contemplation, we think an impartial community will agree with us in the opinion, that he must possess a more than ordinary share of impertinence in attempting to transfer the odium which he most certainly should bear from his own shoulders to ours. But let that pass.

Our position, at this time, is a very plain one, although by no means free from difficulties. In our Editorial capacity, we know of only two parties in these United States - those who support the existing Administration of the general government, and their opponents. On the success of the latter, we conscientiously believe that not only the prosperity and happiness of this great people, but also the perpetuity of our Republican institutions essentially depend. To contribute our feeble aid towards the accomplishment of this paramount object is, and shall continue to be, our sole and single aim. Such being the case, we cannot allow our attention to be called off from the great end we have in view, by subjects of minor importance. We are convicted that an editor cannot take an active part in any of the controversies on local or sectional matters, which are constantly arising in a country like ours, without incurring the hazard of deeply injuring the cause with which he stands connected. For this reason only, and not, as one of our correspondents basely and falsely insinuates, for the ignoble purpose of avoiding danger, we neither can nor will in any way whatever, interfere in the contest between the Abolitionists and their adversaries. We shall leave them, at all times, to settle their differences among themselves as they may think best, taking care, whenever we shall have occasion to notice their proceedings, to deal justly and impartially by all of them, approving where we can, censuring where we must, and always lending our influence to the preservation of good order and the support of the laws.

There are some who seem to imagine that an Editor should always be mounted on his War Horse, ready like another Don Quixote, to charge every wind will which may happen to attract his notice. Such, however, is not ourLawson Parks, editor of Alton Telegraph opinion. Any responsibility, which properly belongs to our position, we shall always promptly and cheerfully assume, let it come in what shape it may. Farther than this, however, we do not intend to go. If, therefore, any man or act of men, absurdly choose to involve themselves into difficulty, either by attempting to brave public opinion or by taking the laws into their own hands, no matter from what motive, they need not expect that we shall go out of our way, and leave our appropriate sphere of action, either to watch over their safety or fight their battles. Should any injury befall them, we shall doubtless regret it; but we cannot consent to be held responsible for the consequences of their own acts, or to aid them in turning the evils which they may draw upon themselves into a profitable speculation. This is the ground on which we stand - this the position which we occupy - not only in relation to Abolitionism and its various ramifications, but also with regard to every other subject of controversy, not immediately connected with the great question at issue between the two parties into which the American people are now unhappily divided.

We never have expected to be fortunate enough to give entire satisfaction to every one of our readers; not even to all of those whose political opinions do not essentially differ from our own. The minds of men are so constituted, that it is impossible that they should all think alike on any one subject, even when honestly seeking to ascertain the truth, and to divest themselves of all prejudices and partialities. It is not, therefore, surprising that our course in relation to the exciting scenes recently enacted here, should have given offense to some of the most zealous among those who participated therein. We firmly believe, however, that a large majority of those engaged on either side, as well as the citizens of Alton generally, must, on reflection, be persuaded that the rule which we have adopted is the only proper one, and that we cannot depart from it without a violation of the high moral and political obligations which an individual situated as we are, owes to the community of which he is a member. Such, at least, are our honest convictions, and such the course which we are resolved to pursue. If, as we hope, the people of this city, after making a reasonable allowance for human frailty and short-sightedness - from which we do not claim to be exempt - shall deem our views to be in the main correct, they will doubtless sustain us. If otherwise, they have the same liberty to withdraw their support from this establishment, which we have of seeking another location, so soon as it shall appear that our labors among them are unacceptable. We have done with the subject.

[Note: The owners/editors of The Alton Telegraph at this time were John Bailhache and Lawson A. Parks (founder).]


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 18, 1837
Fellow Citizens - But lately the name of Alton stood high in view of the whole land. The inhabitant of your city, in traversing the Atlantic states, found himself an object of interest, and his little infant town a subject of remark, inquiry, and admiration. This, I have had opportunity to know, while in the course of a somewhat extended tour through the older portion of our country. The word "Alton," written on my baggage many a time, called around me my fellow travelers, and the people among whom I passed to talk of the town which in its youth - its very infancy indeed - was acquiring so desirable a reputation. I must confess, that my heart glowed with pleasure as I heard the frequent commendation of distant strangers.

And what was it that distinguished Alton thus? It was not its greatness - its enterprise - its business - its warehouses - nor even the rapidity of growth. In all these particulars but the last, St. Louis was fully equal; in most of them, far superior. Having many years start, the latter sat in the pride of wealth and urban dignity, when Alton was struggling for existence. She smiled in contempt at what she called the silly thought of rivalry. Her long rows of warehouses and streets of merchandise, in defiance to the efforts of a few young men to build a commercial town on the banks of the same magnificent river, within scarcely more than twenty miles. And yet Alton was armed with respect - almost with reverence - while St. Louis was scarcely mentioned.

In regard to magnitude and enterprise and rapid growth, Chicago was superior to Alton; and her local situation such as to excite even deeper interest; and yet it was to a citizen of Alton a gratifying fact that the latter occupied a higher station in the public view. In short, though the whole West, and especially Illinois and her towns, awaked the eager attention of the thinking and intelligent at the East, it required not the feeling of partiality which I readily confess to have been mine, in order to perceive that Alton was a kind of favorite abroad.

I ask again, why did Alton stand this prominent - and without hesitation answer. It was her high moral character. In every other respect she had competitors fully her equal - in this, none. At an early stage in her existence - at the very outset indeed - her citizens stood up in support of those eternal principles which will sustain towns, cities, empires; and without which they must sooner or later fall. The world knew, so far as the world had heard of her, that Alton was distinguished for that noble philanthropy which stretches beyond the border of her own town plat; which embraces other people, other nations, in her plans of beneficence, and which recognizes all men as brothers of the same family, and entitled to her sympathy and aid. The world knew, too, that the inhabitants of Alton were, and were expected to continue to be freemen. Here was the grand distinction between Alton and her wealthy neighbor. Other points of difference could be modified or disregarded, but this was supposed to be of so fixed a character, and was deemed so essential to permanent prosperity, that capital and enterprise and business flowed in until the insignificant little upstart began to turn into a magnitude which alarmed and provoked her older sister.

Fellow-citizens, look at the foundation on which the prosperity of your town was built. If you will keep up this grand distinctive mark, see, known and felt by all observers, your city will rise and spread and shine and last, when all the institutions of vice and injustice shall be shaken to pieces. But, if you strike this flag, your hopes of future greatness will be blown away and disappear. Public confidence will be lost; and with public confidence, business, immigration, wealth will cease. If you wish Alton to become a city of rioters, then let their well-known morals and principles rule, and let discussion be forcibly put down. But, if you wish to bear the reputation of a moral, honest, free people, rise in the majesty of order, justice and truth, and stop these violent proceedings.

A single fact will show that my position is sound. A leading political paper of New York - the organ of the real democracy, as they deem themselves the Loco-Focus, as they are called, - a paper and a party which are assuming a most imposing attitude in the country, contains the account of the destruction of the office of the Observer, in which the writer states "that the place is under the control of a mob." He advises immigrants to avoid Alton. The Editor of a religious paper, not Abolitionist, but opposed to them [the New York Observer] and having a wider circulation probably than any other paper in the United States, save one, adds: "We hope they will, till the punishment of the rioters shall show that the reign of law is restored."

Thus, fellow-citizens, you may see what effect this course of proceeding will have on Alton. The feeling is general; it is strong and deep. If the people of Alton allow the mob to prevail in this case, property of every kind will be depreciated in value one-third, if not one-half, within six months, from this cause alone.    Signed "One of You."


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 01, 1837
A public meeting having been called by a number of citizens of Upper and Lower Alton and Middletown and vicinity, it was held in the Presbyterian house of worship, Upper Alton, Tuesday evening, Oct. 21. The house, which is a large one, was crowded to overflowing with gentlemen and ladies. The meeting was organized by calling Dr. H. F. Edwards to the chair, and appointing Dr. H. K. Lathey Secretary. The following resolutions were moved, seconde3d and unanimously adopted. On motion of the Hon. Cyrus Edwards -

Resolved, That the plan of providing for the removal to the coast of Africa, with their own consent, of such persons of color as are already free, or of such others as the humanity of individuals, and the laws of the different States, may hereafter liberate, recommends itself to the cordial support of every patriot, Christian and philanthropists.

On motion of the Rev. Mr. Parker, lately from New Orleans -
Resolved, That African colonization is worthy of the patronage of every American citizen; because it tends to unite men in all sections of our country in philanthropic feelings; because it creates feelings of respect for the colored race; and because it is pre-eminently a practical scheme of benevolence.

On motion of the Rev. J. M. Peck -
Regarding the involuntary and hereditary slavery of the African race as a violation of the principles of the Bible, and of the inalienable rights of man; as a fruited source of unhappiness to all parties concerned; as tending to deprive the slave of many of the rights, privileges and enjoyments of individual, domestic and social life; to destroy the bonds of the parental, fraternal, community relations; as tending to produce alienation of feeling, discord and disunion betwixt the different States, and as a moral and national evil, deeply deplored by the most distinguished statesmen, patriots and philanthropists of our country, Therefore -

Resolved, That we regard the project of African colonization as a benevolent project, brought about by Divine Providence, and well calculated to remove the most formidable obstruction in the way of the emancipation of slaves; provide for the elevation of the free people of color, who may be disposed to emigrate; and to induce slave holders to listen to the arguments, imbibe the principles, and co-operate in the labors of the friends of the African race.

Resolved, That while we regard the constitutional and legal question of slavery as being under the exclusive jurisdiction of the slave holding States, we hold ourselves in readiness, as the friends of humanity, to co-operate by our prayers, labors, and contributions, with our brethren in those States in the removal of slavery by emancipation, and providing an asylum for the emancipation, where they and their posterity can enjoy all the religious, civil, social, and individual rights and privileges of a free people.

Resolved, That we deplore exceedingly the hostility that has been manifested, and the prejudices excited against the project of African colonization; the unchristian and abustre epithets against the slave holding community; the assumption that a class of the community are the friends of the slave, and of his emancipation, except those who approve of the measures, and unite with the modern anti-slavery conventions and societies; and we recommend the citizens of this State, and especially the free people of color, who live amongst us, to make themselves acquainted with the principles and progress of African colonization, and the present condition and prospects of the colonies in Liberia.

Resolved, That it be recommended to the life members of the Illinois State Colonization Society to take measures to revive that society, and to arrange for a public meeting for the purpose, to be held at Springfield, at such times as they may deem expedient.

Other resolutions were adopted as follows -
Resolved, That the citizens of our State be invited to form Colonization Societies in each principal town and county.

Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Western Pioneer, the Telegraph, and the Spectator.

The meeting was addressed with great effect by Messrs. Edwards, Parker, and Peck. Rev. Mr. Dogan proposed not to make a speech, but to "gather up the fragments," by proposing the form of a Constitution for a Society, and a subscription for the object. The Constitution was adopted, and a subscription raised amounting to almost $150. The officers of the Society are: B. I. Gilman, Esq., President; Dr. B. F. Edwards, John Hogan, and C. W. Hunter, Vice-Presidents; Dr. B. K. Lathey, Secretary; S. Griggs, Treasurer; Dr. P. W. Randle, Rev. Aaron Trabee, Rev. E. Rodgers, Enoch Long, Esq., and Elias Hibbard, Esq., Managers.

(The Telegraph also published the Constitution of the Alton Colonization Society, and the Illinois Abolition Convention was held in Upper Alton on October 27, 1837.)


Lovejoy Gives a Speech
Held on November 02, 1837
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 8, 1837
At a large and respectable meeting of the citizens of the City of Alton, held at the counting-room of Messrs. John Hogan & Co., on Thursday afternoon, November 2, 1837, Samuel G. Bailey, Esq., was called to the Chair, and William F. D'Wolf appointed Secretary. Mr. Hogan then announced the object of the meeting to be, to take into consideration the present excited state of public sentiment in this city, growing out of the discussion of the Abolition question; and to endeavor to find some common ground on which both parties might meet for the restoration of harmony and good fellowship by mutual concession - expressing a fervent wish that so desirable an object might be carried into effect. He was followed by the Rev. Edward Deecher of Jacksonville, who stated that the proposal of such a meeting had originated from Mr. Hogan, and that it had been deemed advisable by him and by Mr. Gilman that the following resolutions should be laid before the meeting for their consideration.

Resolved, That the free communication of thoughts and opinions is one of the invaluable rights of man; and that every citizen may freely speak, write and print on any subject, being responsible for the abuse of that liberty.

Resolved, That the abuse of this right is the only legal ground for restraining its use.

Revolved, That the question of abuse must be decided solely by a regular civil court, and in accordance with the law; and not by an irresponsible and unorganized portion of the community, be it great or small.

Resolved, For restraining what the law will not reach, we are to depend solely on argument and moral means, aided by the controlling influences of the spirit of God; and that these means, appropriately used, furnish a simple defense against all ultimate prevalence of false principles and unhealthy excitement.

Resolved, That where discussion is free and unrestrained, and proper means are used, the triumph of the truth is certain; and that with the triumph of truth, the return of peace is sure; but that all attempts to check or prohibit discussion will cause a daily increase of excitement, until such checks or prohibitions are removed.

Resolved, That our maintenance of these principles should be independent of all regard to persons or sentiments.

Resolved, That we are more especially called on to maintain them in ruse of unpopular sentiments or persons; as in no other cases will any effort to maintain them be needed.

Resolved, That these principles demand the protection of the Editor and of the press of the Alton Observer, on grounds of principle solely, and altogether disconnected with approbation of his sentiments, personal character, or course as Editor of the paper.

Resolved, That on these grounds alone, and irrespective of all political, moral, or religious differences, but solely as American citizens, from a sacred regard to the great principles of civil society, to the welfare of our country, to the reputation and honor of our city, to our own dearest rights and privileges, and those of our children, we will protect the press, the property, and the Editor of the Alton Observer; and maintain him in the free exercise of his rights, to print and publish whatever he pleases, in obedience to the supreme laws of the land, and under the guidance and direction of the constituted civil authorities, he being responsible for the abuse of this liberty only to the laws of the land.

The meeting was then addressed at some length by Mr. Linder, in opposition to the resolutions; after which Mr. Hayden moved that the resolutions be laid on the table. At the suggestion of Mr. Hogan and Col. Botkin, this motion was subsequently withdrawn by the mover; when Mr. Hogan moved that the resolutions be referred to a committee, with instructions to report at an adjourned meeting. This motion was agreed to; and, it being ordered that said committee should consist of seven gentlemen, to be nominated by the Chair, the Hon. Cyrus Edwards and Messrs. John Hogan, Stephen Griggs, U. F. Linder, H. G. Van Wagenen, Thomas G. Hawley, and Winthrop S. Gilman were appointed. Mr. Linder then offered the following resolution; which was agreed to:

Resolved, unanimously, by this meeting, That in the interim between the adjournment and reassembling hereof, if any infraction of the peace be attempted by any party or set of men in this community, we will aid to the utmost of our power in the maintenance of the laws.

The meeting then adjourned to meet at the courtroom on Friday the 3d inst., at two o'clock p.m.

Friday, November 3, 2 o'clock p.m.:
The citizens met, pursuant to adjournment; and the meeting being called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Linder offered the following resolution, which was unanimously agreed to without debate:

Resolved, That this meeting shall be composed exclusively of the citizens of Madison county; and that it is reiterated that none others shall vote or take part in the discussion of any subject that may be offered for their consideration; but all persons in attendance, other than citizens, will consider themselves as welcome spectators.

The Hon. Cyrus Edwards, from the committee appointed at the previous meeting, then made the following report; which was read:

"The committee appointed to take under consideration certain resolutions submitted at our last meeting beg leave to report that they have given to those resolutions a deliberate and candid examinations, and are constrained to say that, however they may approve their general spirit, they do not consider them, as a whole, suited to the exigency which has called together the citizens of Alton. It is notorious that fearful excitements have grown out of collisions of sentiment between two great parties on the subject, and that these excitements have led to excesses on both sides deeply to be deplored. Too much of crimination and recrimination have been indulged. On the one hand, the anti-abolitionists have been charged with a heartless cruelty; a reckless disregard of the rights of men, and an insidious design under the deceptive pretexts to perpetuate the foul stain of slavery. They have been loaded with muny of must opprobrious epithets such as pirates, _______, &c. On the other hand, the abolitionists have been too indiscriminately denounced as violent disturbers of the good order of society, willfully incendiary and disorganizing in their spirit, _______ prompting servile insurrections, and traitorously encouraging infractions of the constitution, lending to disunion, violence and bloodshed. These uncharitable impeachments of motives have led to an app___lting crisis, demanding of every good citizen the exertion of his utmost endurance to arrest all acts of violence and to restore harmony to our once peaceful and prosperous, but now distracted city. It is not to be disguised that parties are now organizing and arming for a conflict, which may terminate in a train of mournful consequences. Under such circumstances, have we been convened. And your committee are satisfied that nothing short of a generous forbearance, a mild spirit of convolution, and a yielding compromise of conflicting claims, can compose the elements of discord and restore quiet to this agitated community. They are therefore, forced to regard the resolutions under consideration as failing short of the great end in view; as demanding too much of concession on the one side, without equivalent concession on the other. Neither party can be expected to yield everything, and to acknowledge themselves exclusively in the wrong. In this there is no compromise. There must be a mutual sacrifice of prejudices, opinions and interests, to accomplish the desired reconciliation - such a sacrifice as led to the adoption of the great charter of American freedom which has secured to ourselves, and which promises a continuance to our posterity, of the blessed fruits of peace, prosperity and union. Whilst, therefore, we fully and freely recognize the justness of the principles engrafted upon our constitution, that the free communication of thoughts and opinions is one of the invaluable rights of man, and that every citizen may freely speak, write and print on any subject, being responsible for the abuse of that liberty; that the abuse of this right is the only legal ground for restraining its use; that the question of abuse must be decided solely by a regular civil court, and in accordance with the law, and not by an irresponsible and unorganized portion of the community, be it great or small - your committee would with earnest importunity, urge as a means of allaying the acrimony of party strife, the unanimous adoption of the following preamble and resolutions:

Whereas, it is of the utmost importance that peace, harmony, order, and a due regard to law should be restored to our distracted community; and whereas, in all cases of conflicting opinions about rights and privileges, each party should yield something in the spirit and ____ of compromise; Therefore,

Resolved, That a strong confidence is entertained that our citizens will abstain from all undue excitements, discountenance every act of violence to person or property, and cherish a sacred regard for the great principles contained in our Bill of Rights.

Resolved, That it is apparent to all good citizens, that the exigencies of the place require a course of moderation in relation to the discussion of principles in themselves decided right, and of the highest importance; and that it is no less a dictate of duty than expediency, to adopt such a course in the present crisis.

Resolved, That so far as your committee have possessed the means of ascertaining the sense of the community, in relation to the establishment of a religious newspaper, such a _______ would, at a suitable time, and under the influence of judicious proprietors and editors, contribute to the cause of religion and good citizenship, and promote the prosperity of the city and country.

Resolved, That while there appears to be no disposition to prevent the liberty of free discussion, through the medium of the press or otherwise, as a general thing, it is desired a matter indispensable to the peace and harmony of this community that the labors and influence of the late Editor of the Observer be no longer identified with any newspaper establishment in this city.

Resolved, That whereas it has come to the knowledge of your committee, that the late Editor of the Observer has voluntarily proposed to the proprietors and stockholders of the Alton Observer, to relinquish his interest and connection with that paper, if, in the opinion of his friends, that course were expedient; your committee consider that such a course would highly contribute to the peace and harmony of the place, and indicate on the part of the friends of the Observer a disposition to do all in their power to restore the city to its accustomed harmony and quiet.

Resolved, That we would not be understood as reflecting in the slightest degree upon the private character or motives of the late Editor of the Alton Observer, by anything contained in the foregoing resolutions."

Mr. Linder then took to the floor, in support and explanation of the views taken by the committee, and urged the adoption of the resolutions reported by them with must earnestness. When he closed his remarks, Winthrop S. Gilman, Esq., one of the committee, handed the following protest against some of the sentiments expressed in the report; which he desired should be made a part of the record of the meeting: W. S. Gilman, from the committee, protested against so much of the report as is contained in the resolutions; alleging it as his opinion, that the rigid enforcement of the law would prove the only sure protection of the rights of citizens, and the only safe remedy for similar excitements in future.

The Rev. E. P. Lovejoy, Editor of the Observer, here addressed the meeting at some length, in a speech declaratory of his right, under the Constitution of this State, to print and publish his opinions, and of his determination to stand on this right, and abide the consequences, under a solemn sense of duty.

He was followed by Mr. Hogan, who took a wholly different view of the subject; and contended that it was the duty of Mr. Lovejoy, as a Christian and patriot, to abstain from the exercise of some of his abstract rights under existing circumstances. In the course of his remarks, the former referred to the pledge said to have been publicly given by the latter, when he first came to Alton; and observed that at that time he most certainly did understand Mr. Lovejoy to say, that inasmuch as he had left a slave-holding State, and had come to reside in a free State, he did not conceive it his duty to advocate the cause of emancipation, and did not intend doing so.

The Rev. E. W. Graves then rose in explanation; and asked Mr. Hogan whether Mr. Lovejoy did not, at the time referred to, distinctly state that he yielded none of his rights, to discuss any subject which he saw it. Mr. Hogan replying in the affirmative, Mr. Graves proceeded to remark that when Mr. Lovejoy arrived in this city, he entertained the views attributed to him by the gentleman who had just taken his seat; that a change had subsequently taken place in his opinions, and that at a certain meeting of the friends of the Observe, he (Mr. Lovejoy) had made known this alteration in his sentiments, and asked advice whether it was best to come out in public on the subject. That, under the circumstances of the case, it was deemed most proper to let the paper go on - there then being an excitement in the public mind. Mr. Graves next alluded to the present excited state of the popular feeling, and said that the friends of the Observer had lately received communications from all parts of the country, and even from Kentucky, Missouri, and Mississippi, urging the necessity of reestablishing the press.

Mr. Linder followed in reply, and said he now understood the whole matter. It was a question, whether the interest and feelings of the citizens of Alton should be consulted; or whether we were to be dictated to by foreigners, who cared nothing but for the gratification of their own inclinations, and the establishment of certain abstract principles, which no one, as a general thing, ever thought of questioning. He concluded his remarks by offering the following resolution:

Resolved, That the discussion of the doctrines of immediate abolitionism, as they have been discussed in the columns of the Alton Observer, would be destructive of the peace and harmony of the citizens of Alton, and that, therefore, we cannot recommend the reestablishment of that paper, or any other of a similar character, and conducted with a like spirit.

The resolution having been read, Mr. Edwards rose and expressed the hope that its adoption would not be pressed at this moment. He dwelt with great earnestness and effect on the importance of calmness in our deliberations; and trusted that the present meeting would be productive of good to the community. The resolution was then laid on the table.

Judge Hawley then made a few very eloquent and appropriate remarks, on the subject for which this meeting had been called; and concluded by offering the following preamble and resolution, which were read and laid on the table for the present.

"Whereas, great and general excitement has for some time past prevailed with the people of the city of Alton, in relation to the publication of the doctrines of abolition, as promulgated by Mr. E. P. Lovejoy, in a paper called the Alton Observer; and whereas, as a consequences of that excitement, personal violence has been resorted to in the destruction of said press; Therefore,

Resolved, That whilst we decidedly disapprove of the doctrines, as put forth by the said Lovejoy, as subversive of the great principles of our union, and of the prosperity of our young and growing city, we at the same time as decidedly disapprove of all unlawful violence."

The question on agreeing to the report of the committee was then called for; and on motion of Mr. Hogan, the resolutions being taken up separately, were severally disposed of as follows: Resolution 1, 2, and 4 were agreed to unanimously; and resolutions 3, 5, and 6 were stricken out. The report, as amended, was then agreed to.

The resolution offered by Mr. Linder, and laid on the table, was then taken up, and agreed to as was ___ that subsequently introduced by Judge Hawley, after striking out the preamble from the latter.

Mr. John Krum then offered the following resolution; which was also agree to:
"Resolved, That as citizens of Alton, and the friends of order, peace, and constitutional law, we regret that persons and editors from abroad have seen proper to interest themselves so conspicuously in the discussion and agitation of a question in which our city is made the principal theater."

The meeting then adjourned, sine die. Samuel G. Bailey, Chairman. W. F. D'Wolf, Secretary.


Written by Mayor John M. Krum, November 8, 1837
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 15, 1837
In order that the public mind may be correctly informed of the lamentable and fatal tragedy that was enacted in our city on the night of the 7th instant, and with a view of preventing and correcting distorted statement of the proceedings of the mob and those persons against whom the attack was directed, I deem it incumbent on me and proper, that I should present in my official capacity a plain statement of all the facts connected with the unhappy excitement that has so long agitated the peace and tranquility of the citizens of Alton. Without recurring to the causes or results of previous excitements in reference to the "Alton Observer" press, and its final destruction, I shall confine my statement to the last and most melancholy occurrence which has befallen our city.

For several days past it had been announced and generally believed that a printing press was hourly expected to be landed at our wharf. It had also been the current rumor that this press was intended for the re-establishment of the Alton Observer. The circulation of these rumors produced no small degree of excitement among those who had taken a decided stand against the abolition sentiments that were understood to have been disseminated through the columns of the Observer. Various reports of a threatening character against the landing of the press were in circulation, which led the friends of the Observer and its Editor to make preparations to defend the press, in case any violence should lie offered by those opposed to the publication of that paper.

On Tuesday, about three o'clock in the morning, I was called from my lodgings and informed that the press had arrived at the wharf, and that my official interference was desired. I immediately repaired to the wharf, and remained there until the press was landed and stored in the warehouse of Messrs. Godfrey, Gilman & Co. There were no indications of violence of resistance on the part of anyone at that time. The arrival of the "abolition press" (as it was called) was generally known to the early part of that day, which served to re-kindle the excitement. Representation was made to the Common Council of the threatening reports which were in circulation. The Common Council did not, however, deem it necessary to take any action on the subject. Gentlemen directly interested in protecting the press from mob violence deemed it expedient to guard the warehouse with men and arms, in readiness to resist violence, if any should be offered.

During the early part of the night of Tuesday, it was reported through the city that there were from 30 to 40 armed men on guard within the warehouse. About 10 o'clock at night, 20 or 30 persons appeared at the south end of the warehouse, and gave some indications of an attack. Mr. W. S. Gilman, from the third story of the warehouse, addressed those without, and urged them to desist, and at the same time informed them that the persons within the warehouse were prepared, and should endeavor to defend their property; and that serious consequences might ensue. Those without demanded the press, and said they would not be satisfied until it was destroyed; and said they did not wish to injure any person or other property, but insisted on having the press. To which Mr. Gilman replied, that the press could not be given up. The persons outside then repaired to the north end of the warehouse, and attacked the building by throwing stones &c., and continued their violence for 15 or 20 minutes, when a gun was fired from one of the windows of the warehouse, and a man named Lyman Bishop was mortally wounded. He was carried to a surgeon's office, and the mob withdrew and dispersed, with the exception of a small number.

Upon the first indication of disturbance, I called on the civil authorities most convenient, and repaired with all dispatch to the scene of action. By this time, the firing from the warehouse and the consequent death of one of their number (Bishop died soon after he received the shot), had greatly increased the excitement, and added to the numbers of the mob. Owing to the late hour of the night, but few citizens were present at the onset, except those engaged in the contest. Consequently, the civil authorities could do but little towards dispersing the mob, except by persuasion.

Gilman-Godfrey Warehouse Where Lovejoy Was Murdered
A large number of people soon collected around me. I was requested to go to the warehouse and state to those within that those outside had resolved to destroy the press, and that they would not desist until they had accomplished their object; that all would retire until I should return; which request was made by acclamation, and all soon retired to await my return. I was replied to by those within the warehouse that they had assembled there to protect their property against lawless violence, and that they were determined to do so. The mob began again to assemble with increased numbers, and with guns and weapons of different kinds. I addressed the multitude and commanded them to desist and disperse; to which they listened attentively and respectfully, but to no purpose. A rush was now made to the warehouse, with the cry of "Fire the house!" "Burn them out!" &c.

The firing soon became fearful and dangerous between the contending parties - so much so that the further interposition on the part of the civil authorities and citizens was believed altogether inadequate and hazardous in the extreme. No means were at my control, or that of any other officer present, by which the mob could be dispersed and the loss of life and the shedding of blood prevented. Scenes of the most daring recklessness, and infuriated madness, followed each other in quick succession. The building was surrounded and the inmates were threatened with extermination and death in the most frightful form imaginable. Every means of escape by flight were cut off. The scene now became one of most appalling and heart-rending interest! Fifteen or twenty citizens, among whom were some of our most worthy and enterprising, were, apparently, doomed to an unenviable and inevitable death if the flames continued.

About the time the fire was communicated to the building, Rev. E. P. Lovejoy (late Editor of the Observer), received four balls in his breast, near the door of the warehouse, and fell a corpse in a few seconds; two others from the warehouse were severely wounded. Several persons engaged in the attack were severely wounded; the wounds, however, are not considered dangerous. The contest had been raging for an hour or more, when those in the warehouse, by some means (the exact manner it was done I have not been able to ascertain) intimated that they would abandon the house and the press, provided they were permitted to depart unmolested. The doors were soon thrown open, and those within retreated down Front street. Several guns were fired upon them while retreating, and one individual had a narrow escape - a ball passed through his coat near his shoulder. A large number of persons now rushed into the warehouse, threw the press upon the wharf, where it was broken in pieces and thrown into the river. The fire in the roof of the warehouse was extinguished by a spectator, who deserves great praise for his courageous interference, and but little damage was done by it to the building. No disposition seemed to be manifested to destroy any other property in the warehouse. Without further attempts of violence, the mob now dispersed, and no further open indications of disorder or violence have been manifested.

The foregoing is stated on what I consider undoubted authority, and mostly from my own personal knowledge. Signed by John M. Krum, Mayor.


(As printed in the Alton Observer from the Cincinnati Journal, December 28, 1837, written by Rev. Thaddeus B. Hurlbut)

The next morning, after Mr. Lovejoy's death, his remains were removed, by a few of his friends, from the warehouse in which he died, to his family. It was manifest, as the hearse moved through the street, that the malignity of his enemies, not satisfied by having spilled his heart's blood, still burned against him. I myself saw their sneers, and overheard some of their profane jests. One who was known to have taken a conspicuous part in the tragedy remarked, that "if he had a fife, he would play the dead-march for him." The next morning, his friends assembled and quietly deposited his remains in the narrow house of the tomb [Lovejoy was buried in the Alton City Cemetery, between two oak trees, with the head to the north and the foot to the south. A piece of board, a little larger than an ordinary shingle, with his initials carved on, served as his headstone]. There were no public exercises except a prayer at his funeral, it being deemed that silence was the most expressive sermon for the occasion. He is now where the wicked cease from troubling, and where the weary are at rest. He rests from his labors, and his works will follow him.

There is now comparative quietness in our city. The mob, having triumphed over the laws, have undisputed control. No steps have yet been taken to arrest the offenders, although they are well known. Indeed, they boast openly in the streets of their deeds of valor. Report says, there has been quite a contention between two or three of the leaders, as to who was entitled to the honor of shooting Lovejoy. There is, probably, no city on the civilized globe, there, when the evidence of guilt is so abundant, and so palpable, no efforts would be made to bring the offenders to justice. The magistrates who are not in the interest of the mob, feel, like all the rest of us, that they are at their mercy.

[NOTE: William "Scotch" Johnston, an African-American, helped to bury Rev. Lovejoy. He received five dollars for the burial and work at a later date, from Thomas Dimmock. Johnston was born in Scotland, and was a stone mason. It was he who helped Dimmock find Lovejoy's unmarked grave in 1864, 27 years after the burial. The grave was in a part of the cemetery where a roadway passed over it, and vehicles passing in and out of the cemetery were going over the unmarked grave. Johnston pointed out the grave, and Mr. Dimmock had the bones exhumed, had them re-interred where they are now. Dimmock set up over the grave the marble scroll stone which still marks it.]


Alton Telegraph, November 29, 1837
The Editor of the Galena Gazelle, in order probably to give additional point to the censure he bestows on the St. Louis and Alton papers, for the course pursued by them in relation in the late unhappy occurrence in this City [Alton], having taken occasion to observe that "one of the Editors" of the Telegraph was a member of "the same religious society with Mr. Lovejoy," &c., it seems due to truth and justice to say that the gentleman alluded to (L. A. Parks) has nothing to do with the Editorial department of this paper, which is controlled exclusively by J. Bailhache. How far the opinion is correct, that "the blood of Mr. Lovejoy never would have cried from the ground" had either of the journals published at St. Louis or Alton "sternly, firmly, yet soberly depicted the enormity of violence," is known only to the Omniscient God; and it savors somewhat of presumption in any individual, and especially one residing at a considerable distance from the place where the melancholy event occurred, and who knows nothing of the incidents connected with it, except from report, to undertake to say how it might have been prevented.

So far as we are concerned, our conscience acquits us from all blame in this matter. We never have hesitated, on every suitable occasion, to deprecate a resort to violence; or failed to do all in our power to lead the Abolitionists and their opponents to respect each other's prejudices and opinions, as well as to abstain from whatever appeared calculated to add to the then prevailing excitement. Whether this has always been done in a proper spirit, however, is not for us to decide. But the fact that we have incurred the displeasure and resentment of some, because we spoke of the first outrage, is language which they deemed "harsh and insulting," and of others, because we did not notice it in terms of sufficient severity, justifies the belief that we have pursued the only proper course, and that, had we acted differently, we might have been instrumental in increasing the horrors of the late catastrophe, instead of preventing its occurrence. Such, at least, is our candid and deliberate opinion.


Alton Telegraph, November 29, 1837
We have been requested, by gentlemen whom we highly esteem, to extract from a number of our exchange papers, sundry articles in relation to the lamentable occurrence of the night of the 7th instant; but, after due reflection, the conviction has been forced upon us, that a compliance with this request on our part would be productive of no benefit to the public. The extracts in question materially differ from each other; not only in their statement of the facts which they profess to relate, but also, in the view which they take of the melancholy transaction itself.

Their re-publication here, instead of throwing additional light on the subject, would, therefore, lend only to involve it in still greater obscurity; and probably to prolong, or revive, the now subsiding excitement. Besides, were we to open our columns to articles of this cast, we should thereby incur an implied obligation to give equal publicity to any other sentiment of the affair, however objectionable, which might be presented for insertion.

Under this view of the matter, we are persuaded that our true course is to let the subject rest for the present, with the single remark that, so far as our observation has extended, public opinion, although unquestionably opposed to the proceedings of the Abolitionists, still more decidedly and unequivocally condemns the violence repeatedly offered to their persons and their property, and more especially the bloody scene of the 7th inst., which is everywhere strongly and indignantly reprobated.

If, however, it should appear necessary to the cause of truth to give a more particular account of what took place than is contained in that statement of the Mayor [John Krum] - which, from the relation in which this gentleman stood with the two hostile parties at the time of the catastrophe, his official character, and well established reputation as a man of honor and integrity, together with the fact that he witnessed almost every incident connected with the sad affair, is doubtless entitled to implicit credit, as far as it goes - we would respectfully suggest the appointment of a committee of judicious and impartial citizens, for the purpose of drawing up a fair and accurate report of all the circumstances connected with this unhappy event, for general circulation. A statement so prepared, and made public, would doubtless soon supersede the widely erroneous accounts which have gone abroad; and if it should not save our fellow-citizens and municipal authorities from reproach, it might perhaps satisfy reasonable men that our community in general have been more unfortunate than criminal, by showing that much of the mischief which has been perpetrated here owes its origin to a combination of unfavorable circumstances, rather than to premeditation, and the prevalence amongst us of an intolerant and persecuting spirit.

We merely throw this out as a hint, to be acted upon or not, as shall be thought best for the reputation of our growing city, and the fair fame of her enterprising and public-spirited inhabitants.


Thursday, December 28, 1837/No. 148 Main St., Cincinnati
Elisha W. Chester, Editor and Publisher
After a long and painful silence, the cause of which our readers but too well know, the Alton Observer once more makes its appearance. The hand that threw a brilliant light over its pages no longer wields the editorial pen. The mind that teemed with thought, the heart that sowed with love, the soul that communed with God in the arduous work of conducting this paper, devoted to the cause of religion and benevolence; no more shall enliven us with the scintillations of genius. Cut off in the midst of his years and usefulness by the violent hands of those for whom he prayed and whom he would gladly have blessed. Elijah P. Lovejoy has gone, early, but ready, to his reward. We contemplate him now a purified spirit of light and love, dwelling in the glorious presence of Him in whose service he lived and died. He apprehends the violence there. "There the wicked cease from troubling, and there the weary are at rest."

The Alton Observer, then, has changed. It falls into other hands, and is to receive the impress of its character from other minds. How far this change, wrought by its enemies, may affect the opinions promulged [made known] by it, we leave to be discovered by the result. Our object now is simply to account for the fact that a paper belonging to Alton should be printed in Cincinnati.

And here we remark, that it is not because we recognize the right in any man or body of men, except the editor, to direct or control the movements of this paper, or any other. We plant our feet upon the Constitution of our country, and upon the indefeasible rights which pervade all earthly constitutions; and maintain that any power which abridges or interferes with the free expression of opinion on matters of public interest, whether that power is wielded by a despot or a multitude, is tyranny; and as citizens of what is called a free republic we protest, and shall continue to protest, against its exercise.

It is not, therefore, because we intent to yield to any expertise on the subject. We here reassert our claim, not to the privilege, but the right of uttering our sentiments on all subjects, freely, and in all places. That claim is now reasserted, and the charge is registered against Alton before the world, and before the Court of Heaven, to which we appeal, that sacred, precious rights have been wrested from us by violence and blood.

Until Alton shall "come to herself" and see the injustice done to her citizens, and the citizens of the state; or at least discover the fatal effects of this suicidal act upon her own interests; we must be content to procure the printing of the Observer from other places. The thousands who have subscribed for the paper must not be denied their rights on account of the folly and madness of one little community.

Perhaps it may be thought that we are unjust to the citizens of Alton, generally, in the charge which we bring against Alton as a community, for the outrage upon the office of this paper and its lamented editor. We mean not to do injustice to any; and whenever the city of Alton shall prove that she is not accountable for the crime, we shall take great satisfaction in recording and publishing the vindication. We need not remind the sagacious reader that this proof must be found in acts performed ____ [unreadable], not only to the mobs, but to the date of this article.

As a vindication of the course pursued hitherto by the editor of this paper, we give numerous extracts from various journals of the day, expressing the public sentiment of the nation. It is consoling, indeed, in the midst of our deep affliction, to have such abundant testimony from all parts and all parties in favor of the course which has been pursued in the efforts to re-establish the Observer in the place where a mob had destroyed the office. It is extensively seen and fully recognized that the gist of the struggle on our part was not abolitionism against anti-abolitionism, but the freedom of the press against mob tyranny. The question to be settled, was Whether an American citizen might be allowed to speak as a freeman. He asserted this right - and for this he died. Such is the verdict of the public through the land. The exceptions are few and of little weight. (The foregoing articles were furnished from Alton).


Rev. Elijah Parish Lovejoy was a native of Albion, in Maine, and was the son of Rev. Daniel Lovejoy, a Congregational minister. He was born November 9, 1802, and would have been 35 years old the morning that he was buried. He graduated with honor at Waterville College, and soon after emigrated to Missouri, where for several years he taught school. He then became editor of the St. Louis Times, a political paper, advocating the election of Henry Clay to the Presidency, in which he showed talents of the first order. His mental powers were superior, especially in the study of languages, in the acquisition of which he had a remarkable facility, which, if he had devoted himself to the department of learning, would have made him one of the first linguists of the country. During the few first years of his residence at St. Louis, he was destitute of vital piety, though not a confirmed infidel.

During a revival of religion in that place in 1832, he was converted, and soon abandoning his profession, he studied divinity at Princeton, where he was licensed to preach. Being earnestly invited by some friends of religion in St. Louis, to edit the "St. Louis Observer," he consented, and arrived November 11 1833, and soon commenced its publication. His course as an editor was marked with great boldness and a firm adherence to what he considered the course of duty. He soon became in developing the character of Romanism and so fearlessly disclosed its abomination as to excite the hatred of many of the Catholics in that city. Especially after the consecration of their Cathedral, in which the troops and the flag of the United States were engaged, his bold rebukes excited the bitter hostility of the Catholic populace. He was denounced as an Abolitionist, and his office was entered and his types destroyed. His powerful and patriotic appeal to the public produced a reaction in his favor. He was at this time a Colonizationist, and strongly opposed to the Abolition societies and presses, and rebuked them with great plainness. But when the murder of McIntosh, a colored man, who was burned to death by the mob took place, and the charge of Judge Lawless was published, the severity of his rebuke so exasperated the mob, that they attacked and destroyed his office. He then removed his paper to Alton. Previous, however, to his going there, he had a meeting with a number of citizens in which he explained his course to them. When questioned as to his course in reference to slavery, he said that in his opinion it was a subject that ought faithfully to be discussed in our religious and political Journals, and as an editor he should never relinquish his right to discuss that or any other subject as he might think it his duty to do so. "I do not know," said he, "that I shall feel it my duty to discuss it here as fully as at St. Louis. There, where its enormities were constantly before me, I felt bound to life up my voice against it. This I claim as my Constitutional right - a right which I shall never relinquish to any man or body of men. To discuss the subject of slavery is not the object of my paper, except as a great moral subject in connection with others. My object is to publish a religious journal, which shall be instructive and profitable to my fellow citizens. As to the subjects I shall discuss and the manner of doing them, I shall ever claim the right of determining for myself, always accepting counsel from others with thankfulness."

The night after the press was landed, it was destroyed, having been left on the bank of the river during the night. A public meeting of the citizens was then called to express their sentiments on this outrage, at which they took a noble stand that raised the reputation of Alton abroad as a law-abiding city. At this meeting, Mr. Lovejoy reiterated in substance the remarks just quoted. He said he did not come there for the purpose of publishing an abolition paper, but one strictly religious in which he claimed the right to discuss any subject, always holding himself responsible to the laws of his country. He did not ask the citizens of Alton to grant him the right to publish such a paper or any other. He claimed this as the right of an American citizen. It has been stated by some of the abettors of the mob that Lovejoy violated a pledge made to the citizens, by becoming avowedly the supported of abolition doctrines, but though he was not an Abolitionist when he commenced publishing at Alton, yet he never pledged himself not to discuss the subject of slavery, but avowed his right and intention to do it. The statement that he pledged himself not to do so is extremely improbable in itself considered as well as contrary to the recollection of many who heard him. Lovejoy was not a man to promise that he would not discuss any subject, and especially a subject whose evils he had so long seen, and for speaking of which he had been driven by violence from his former home. The paper was immediately published, the title being changed from St. Louis to Alton Observer. The progressing interest felt by Lovejoy in the subject of slavery, although he had not yet united himself as a member with any anti-slavery or abolition society, yet was so strongly expressed in his paper as to lead to its destruction by a mob on the 22d of Aug. 1837. Soon after this he openly avowed his adherence to the cause of Immediate Abolition, and issued a call for a convention for the organization of a state Anti-slavery society.

On October 26, the Convention assembled at Upper Alton. A large number of persons not friendly to the object of the call came in, professing to adopt the sentiments of the call and enrolled themselves as members and succeeded in passing resolutions in opposition to the intentions of those who called the meeting. At this meeting, U. F. Linder, Esq. and Rev. John Hogan, a Methodist minister, took very prominent parts and succeeded in their underhanded and dishonorable designs. The next day however, the friends of the Abolition cause met at the house of Rev. Thaddeus B. Hurlbut, and about sixty delegates being present, they organized a State Society and elected their officers.

On the following Sabbath, President Beecher preached in both towns with great plainness and effect on the subject of slavery. On Monday the 30th, several members of the convention, and some of the principle citizens of Alton, met in the store of Alexander and Co. to consult on the expediency of establishing the press again in Alton and defending it. After much deliberation, it was advised that Mr. Lovejoy go on and re-establish the press, and that it was the duty of the friends of free discussion to stand to the last in his defense. This was the uniform counsel of the friends of order to the last.


(As printed in the Alton Observer from the Cincinnati Journal, December 28, 1837, written by Rev. Thaddeus B Hurlbut.)

The following account of the late scene at Alton is reported from the Cincinnati Journal, and is made up by extracts from letters, the first bearing date November 8. Other information corroborates the account which is more particular in its details, than any other, that has been given to the public.

My Dear Brother Chester,
I take up my pen to address you under peculiarly solemn circumstances. I have just returned from viewing the lifeless corpse of two of our citizens, and from the bedsides of two others who were wounded. Of the two former, our brother Lovejoy was one, and of the latter, our mutual and worthy friend Mr. Roff. Yes, Lovejoy has fallen a victim to the violence of a band of armed ruffians, fallen nobly too, in defense of these inalienable rights which were given to him by God, and guaranteed to him by the Constitution.

I grieve and am mortified when I say it, in such scenes have been acted ever in Alton without the last week, as would disgrace any town on the coast of Algiers. Steam boats have been boarded indiscriminately by armed ruffians. Traveler's goods and boxes of furniture have been seized and broken open, in quest of printing presses, and their persons and lives have been threatened, for remonstrating against, scenes similar to this have been acted over on almost every boat that has touched our shores within the last week or ten days.

On Monday night, the obnoxious press, so long looked for arrived. Its friends had taken the precaution to have it landed late in the night, when it was supposed a mob would hardly be raised. They took the further precaution to have about 50 armed men secreted in the wareroom, ready for the service of the Mayor, at any moment. While the press was landing, the spies of the enemy were seen lurking about, and the sound of their horn was raised, shrill and long. But whether the enemies of peace and order were buried too deep in the arms of Bacchus and sleep, or whether they feared the formidable preparations that were made to receive them I know not. There were no further molestation than the throwing of a stone or two, while the press was removed into the wareroom of Messrs. Godfrey, Gilman & Co. Things remained quiet yesterday, saving the threats and imprecations that were heard along the street, against Mr. Lovejoy and the press. Mr. Lovejoy’s life was threatened openly and repeatedly. Soon after dark, there were unwonted gatherings in certain coffee houses. Here the spirit of vengeance which had been ranking in their breasts, was excited to desperation by spirit behind the counter. By about 10 o'clock, they were prepared for the work.

Accordingly, they repaired to the warehouse of Godfrey, Gilman & Co. They commenced the attack by hurling volleys of stones through the windows and doors. Mr. W. S. Gilman appeared in the door of the 2d story, and addressed the mob in his peculiarly kind and impressive manner. He earnestly and affectionately advised them to desist from violence; told them the property was left with him on storage; that he was bound to protect it. Assured them that nobody in the building had any ill will against any of them, and that they should all deprecate doing any of them, any injury. At the same time, he assured them that the press would not be delivered up, but that he and his associates would defend it at the risk and sacrifice of Godfrey-Gilman Warehouse, Alton, ILtheir lives. He was answered by a fresh volley of stones. Those inside then disposed of themselves at the different doors and windows, and prepared to defend it to the last. They all agreed that no gun should be fired till the doors were burst open, or till there was some firing from without. Volley after volley of stones were hurled into the windows and against the doors, then a gun was fired into the window from the mob. Presently a 2d gun was fired. The balls were heard to whistle thro' the window, but neither of them did any injury. At this juncture one of the party within, with the consent, and by the advice of the rest, leveled his gun upon the mob. One man fell mortally wounded. His associates took him up and carried him away to a physician, and the mob dispersed. The young man died in about half an hour. The mobites have today taken a great deal of pains to send abroad the impression that this young man was a stranger, and was present only as a spectator and took no part in the riot. But I have ascertained that there is no truth in this statement. He was a carpenter by trade, and was at work yesterday for Mr. Roff, and was heard repeatedly to boast during the day, of the part he intended to act last night. I have just been told also by a very respectable citizen, that he saw him just before he was shot, very actively engaged in throwing stones into the windows. I learn that his name was Bishop, recently from Genossee Co., New York.

In about an hour after the mob had had time to revive their spirits, and recruit their courage in the aforesaid coffee house, they returned with increased numbers, and armed with guns and muskets, &c. and recommenced the attack with renewed violence. They formed on the east side of the store, where there are no doors or windows and occasionally a fire was given from each party. Whisky was brought and distributed profusely among them, and all were exhorted to be "good men and true." Occasionally, one of the mob was heard to sing out "if any more guns and whiskey is wanted, away to the French Coffee House." Baffled in the attempt to gain admittance into the store by the doors and windows, they resolved unanimously, with a shout which cleft the air, to fire the building, and "shoot every damned abolitionist in it, as they should attempt to escape." Accordingly, a ladder was made, and combustibles prepared, and a man ascended to the roof. Presently it was in a blaze. Meantime, the company within sent out a detachment of 4 or 5 of their number to prevent it. Mr. Lovejoy was one of the number. The man on the ladder was fired at, and wounded. Just about this time, Mr. Lovejoy was deliberately aimed at by a man who stood a few yards from him, and shot down. He jumped up after he was shot, went into the counting room exclaiming, "I am shot, I am a dead man," and fell down and expired in a few minutes. Those within perceiving the building on fire and that it, together with its valuable contents, must inevitably be destroyed, and the press which they were defending with it, proposed to capitulate. They were assured by those without, that if they would withdraw from the building and leave their arms behind them, not one of them should be molested. They accordingly left the building, and as they were going out of the door and turning the corner, almost every one of them was fired at. Mr. Roff received a ball in one of his legs; his clothes were perforated with several holes, and one shot entered his nose near his eye, which bled profusely. Mr. Weller, of the firm of Gerry & Weller, received a ball in his leg, but it is thought the bone is not fractured. Several others have their clothes perforated with balls. They were pursued and fired after in every direction, till none of them could be found. The mob then entered unmolested, threw out the press and demolished it.

At about 2 o'clock, they dispersed. It is said several of the mobites were seriously wounded. There were 18 men in the building, with about 36 stand of arms, besides small arms. They were not desirous of destroying life, or they might have shot down 50 of the rioters as easily as one. The Mayor was heard to express the opinion today that there were of the rioters from 150 to 200 of whom from 50 to 80 were armed. Our young and worthy Mayor exerted himself, and did what he could to disperse the mob. But his kind admonitions were only returned by curses. A certain grog-seller in town stood a short distance from the Mayor and vociferated [speak or cry out loudly] that "if any one of their number was arrested by the civil authorities, he was authorized to say, he should be rescued by force and arms." What is civil authority here! and what can civil authority do!

The immediate cause which emboldened the mob was the same here as that which preceded the famous riots of your own peaceful city. A public meeting was got up and resolutions were passed, not driving Mr. Lovejoy from the city, but just strong enough to excite and embolden the mob to do it. The late Attorney General of our goodly State took a very conspicuous part in this meeting. He came out in an inflammatory speech in which he abused, by every epithet he could command, Mr. Lovejoy and his associates, and the ministers of religion generally. He denounced Mr. L. at one time as a very wicked fellow, at another as a fanatic who was utterly beside himself and ought to be taken care of. But he did not yet hand him over to the tender mercies of the mob. O no! I will testify for him, that he said expressly that "he would not advise that individuals, property, or person be sacrificed until the peace of the city required it." But at the same time, he plainly intimated by the turn of his eye, and the peculiar expression of his countenance, that that time was not far distant. A reverend clergyman of our city followed in a speech in which he attempted to explain the doctrine of expediency, reminded the meeting that St. Paul's friends thought it expedient on one occasion to let him down in a basket from the wall and let him go. Whatever may have been the intention of the speaker, it was manifest that the audience were willing to construe it as a good precedent for them to dispose of Mr. Lovejoy.

The next morning, after Mr. Lovejoy's death, his remains were removed, by a few of his friends, from the warehouse in which he died, to his family. It was manifest, as the hearse moved through the street, that the malignity of his enemies, not satisfied by having spilled his heart's blood, still burned against him. I myself saw their sneers, and overheard some of their profane jests. One who was known to have taken a conspicuous part in the tragedy remarked, that "if he had a fife, he would play the dead-march for him." The next morning, his friends assembled and quietly deposited his remains in the narrow house of the tomb. There were no public exercises except a prayer at his funeral, it being deemed that silence was the most expressive sermon for the occasion. He is now where the wicked cease from troubling, and where the weary are at rest. He rests from his labors, and his works will follow him.

There is now comparative quietness in our city. The mob, having triumphed over the laws, have undisputed control. No steps have yet been taken to arrest the offenders, although they are well known. Indeed, they boast openly in the streets of their deeds of valor. Report says, there has been quite a contention between two or three of the leaders, as to who was entitled to the honor of shooting Lovejoy. There is, probably, no city on the civilized globe, there, when the evidence of guilt is so abundant, and so palpable, no efforts would be made to bring the offenders to justice. The magistrates who are not in the interest of the mob, feel, like all the rest of us, that they are at their mercy.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 10, 1838
The trial of J. M. Rock, one of the individuals engaged in the destruction of the Alton Observer press on August 21, 1837, came on before the Municipal Court of this city on the morning of the 4th inst. After spending two entire days in the examination of witnesses, and hearing the arguments of counsel, the case was submitted to the jury on the evening of the 5th. On the following morning, at the opening of the court, the jury, by their foreman, Stephen Griggs, Esq., handed the Clerk a scaled letter, the purport of which was that they had agreed to disagree. The court having expressed the opinion that such a verdict was improper, and refused to receive it, the foreman rose and stated that the jury voted 11 to 1; and that there was no hope of their agreeing, unless the court would instruct them on a certain point. To do this, the Judge observed that he had no objection, provided the parties would consent; and the City Attorney and the counsel for the defendant, having consulted together, agreed that the Court might answer any questions from the jury. Mr. Waples, one of the jury, then inquired whether the court believed that it had jurisdiction in this case. The Judge replied that he most clearly thought it had not. Mr. Waples then expressed himself satisfied, and the jury, having withdrawn for a few moments, returned a special verdict, to the effect that the defendant was guilty of the various charges preferred against him, but that under the indictment, they must return him not guilty. In order that the opinion of the court, on the question of jurisdiction, and the consequent finding of the jury, maybe understood, it is perhaps proper to remark that the offense charged in the indictment was committed on the 21st of August [1837], and that the new organization of Alton, as a City, did not take place until the 2d of September following. Counsel for the prosecution, R. B. Murdock, City Attorney, and Edward Keating, Esquires; for the defense, U. F. Linder and A. W. Jones, Esquires.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 24, 1838
Contrary to general expectation, the persons recently indicted for having participated in the fatal riot of the 7th of November were brought to trial on Wednesday and Friday of last week, and severally acquitted - the assailants and defendants being tried on different days. Our business engagements having put it out of our power to attend in either case, we are indebted for the following brief notices of both trials to the politeness of two gentlemen present, who have kindly furnished them at our request:

"On Wednesday last our city court was occupied from half past 9 in the morning until 10 at night, in the trial of the cause of the People vs. EnochEnoch Long Long, T. B. Hurlburt, William Harned, George H. Walworth, A. B. Roff, Winthrop S. Gilman, James Morse Jr., George H. Whitney, John S. Noble, Henry Tanner, Royal Weller, and Reuben Gerry, upon an indictment for a riot on the memorable night of the 7th November last, in defending a printing press then in the possession of Godfrey, Gilman & Co. The indictment contained two counts; one of which charged the defendants with resisting an attack made by certain persons unknown to destroy a printing press, the property of Godfrey & Gilman, and then being in their possession; the other count charged the defendants with unlawfully defending a certain warehouse - being the property of Godfrey & Gilman - against an attempt by certain persons to force open and enter the same. Mr. Davis, one of the counsel for Mr. Gilman, moved for a separate trial as to Mr. Gilman, which, after much argument, was granted, upon the condition that the other eleven defendants should stipulate to be tried jointly. At this stage of the cause, a petition signed by some 60 citizens was presented to the court, praying that the Hon. U. F. Linder, Attorney General of the State, might be permitted to assist the City Attorney in the prosecution of the indictment. The court, in answer to the petition, remarked that it was wholly without its province to interfere with the subject matter of the petition; inasmuch as the City Attorney alone could say who should and who should not assist him; and consequently, the court, in discharge of its duty, and with all respect for the petitioners, would be compelled to deny the request; but that the Attorney General could appear to the cause, if the counsel for the people and the defendant should so consent. Mr. Davis then arose, and stated in the court that neither Mr. Gilman or his counsel had any objection whatever to the Attorney General's appearing on behalf of the People. The City Attorney consenting, Mr. Linder appeared in all of the prosecution.

A jury was without much difficulty impaneled, and the prosecution proceeded in the examination of the testimony, which developed most clearly this whole transaction from its origin down to its lamentable termination. One of the witnesses, on the part of the prosecution, H. H. West, Esq., stated that early in the evening, about dark, a person called upon him and informed him that a mob was to be gotten up that night, with a view of destroying the press then in the warehouse of Godfrey, Gilman & Co., and that the assailants had determined to obtain the press and destroy Winthrop S. Gilmanit, either by burning the warehouse or blowing it up; that the person giving him the information urged him to go and see Mr. Gilman and inform him of the fact; that he, in company with E. Keating, Esq., did repair to the warehouse of Mr. Gilman, where he found a number of individuals assembled, all of whom were armed with muskets and that he there stated to Mr. Gilman what he had been told, and the rumor that was current through the town; that Mr. Gilman expressed great astonishment at the information and could not credit it; and said he did not expect any attack would be made that evening. Mr. West also stated that this attack commenced on the outside, by throwing a volley of stones at the windows and doors, and that two guns were fired from the outside previous to any guns being fired from within. Mr. Keating corroborated in every respect the testimony of Mr. West, and also testified that the firing of guns commenced on the outside, and at the time the first attack was made upon the building. All the witnesses agreed in this particular; and the Mayor of the city, in his testimony, stated that he saw the assailants when they first went to the warehouse, many of whom were picking up stones as they proceeded towards it, and that one man had a gun. There was one other witness, besides the Mayor, called on behalf of the defendant, who corroborated the statement of the witnesses on the part of the prosecution, as to the attack first being made on the outside with stones and firearms, and who stated further that he was one of the individuals in the building who had repaired there with a view of defending it; that it was well understood and agreed among them that they were in no case to act except upon the defensive; and that a resort to firearms was not to be unless driven to it in the preservation of their lives. He further stated that they all supposed they were acting under the authority of the Mayor.

The above is the substance of the testimony both on the part of the prosecution and the defense, and which will serve to give the public some idea of the acts developed in the cause, until they shall be enabled to see a minute statement of the whole trial which we are informed is now preparing - a gentleman having taken full notes for that purpose - and which will be published in pamphlet form as soon as the circumstance will admit of it. The counsel for the defendant then proposed to submit the case without argument to the jury, which being objected to on the part of the prosecution, it was summed up by F. B. Murdock, City Attorney, Samuel G. Bailey, and E. F. Linder, Attorney General, Esq., on the part of the prosecution, and by George T. M. Davis and Alfred Cowles, Esq., on the part of the defendant. No instructions being asked for by either side, the cause was submitted after the argument of counsel without any instructions from his honor the Judge, to the jury; who, after an absence of ten minutes, returned into court their verdict of not guilty. The next morning the City Attorney entered a Nulle Prosequi as to the other eleven defendants."

"On Friday the 19th of January, there came on for trial in the Municipal Court of this city, the case of the people against Frederick Drucher, William Carr, James M. Hock, David Butler, Horace Beall, Levi Palmer, ____ Nutter, _______ Jennings, and others. Two of the defendants had left the city; the others came in voluntarily, and entered the plea of not guilty. The indictment was for riot, and charged that the defendants, on the 7th of November, with force and arms, ____sly, and riotously entered the warehouse of Benjamin Godfrey & Winthrop S. Gilman, and forcibly broke and destroyed a printing press, then and there being, the proper goods and _______ of Godfrey and Gilman, contrary to the statute in such case made and provided, ____ in ______ had been found against Winthrop S. Gilman and others, who had ____lered the said warehouse to defend the press from threatened destruction by the job without. That indictment was tried on Wednesday the 17th day of January, which trial resulted in the acquittal of Mr. Gilman, who was tried separately; after which the City Attorney dismissed the prosecution as to the other defendants, jointly indicted with him. This trial having led in an examination of the whole case, as well of those assaulting the warehouse, as of those defending it, the members of the jury of the regular panel had formed opinions in relation to the matter, so as to disqualify themselves. It therefore became necessary to select a new jury from the bystanders, for the purpose of trying the last case.

On the part of the people, it was proved that the press had arrived by steamboat a day or two previous to the 7th of November, consigned to Mr. A. B. Huff, but was landed at Messrs. Godfrey & Gilman's warehouse, where it was stored; that said warehouse was built by those gentlemen in 1812, and has been since that time owned and occupied by them, as forwarding and commission merchants; that on the afternoon of November 7th, one of the defendants had told the witness (H. H. West, Esq.) that the boys were going to attack the warehouse, and that it would be either blown up or burned, unless the press was given up; and that some of the defendants were in the company of about twenty-five, that formed a line from a certain grocery, swearing that they would have the press at all hazards. It was also proved that two guns or pistols were fired from the outside of the warehouse at those within; that showers of stones were discharged against the front of the building, by which the windows were demolished; that during the attack a man named Bishop was shot from the inside of the warehouse; that some of the defendants were seen carrying away his body, observing that one of their men had been wounded; that Mr. Gilman addressed the crowd from the third story of the building, requesting them to desist, and stating that he was defending his property, which he felt it his duty to do at the risk of his life; that he was replied to by cue of the defendants, as spokesman for the rest, who observed they were determined to destroy the press, if it cost them their lives.

It was also proved by the Mayor and S. W. Robbins, a Justice of the Peace, that they identified several of the defendants with arms in their hands, declaring that they would have the press; that a man was seen going towards the warehouse, with fire in his hands, swearing that he would burn down the building; that a ladder was set up against the side, and the fire actually communicated to the roof; that at this time Mr. West went in with the Mayor, to propose a capitulation, by which it was stipulated that if those inside would leave the warehouse, and give up the press, they should not be injured and no other property, except the press, molested; that the building was accordingly abandoned by Mr. Gilman and its other defenders, as the only means left them to prevent its destruction, and that of their own lives; that they were fired upon by some of the crowd as they retreated; that upon their leaving the warehouse, it was immediately entered by some of the defendants and others; that the press was thrown out and demolished with a sledge hammer, &c.

This constitutes the sum of the evidence on the part of the prosecution. On the part of the defendants, it was proved by Mr. Gilman that he was not the owner of the press, and had no further interest in it than the liability of himself and portuer for its safe-keeping. After argument by counsel, the case was submitted to the jury, who returned a verdict of not guilty. Counsel for the people, F. B. Murdock, City Attorney, and Alfred Coules, Esquires; for the defense, U. F. Linder, Esq., Attorney General."


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 7, 1838
We are gratified to learn that a worthy editor in a neighboring county, who has recently lost three or four subscribers in consequence of his refusal to open his columns to the discussion of the Abolition question, has been amply remunerated by the accession of fifty new names to his list - twenty-six of which are from the city [Alton]. It is almost as great an infraction of the real freedom of the press, to withdraw the needful support from a newspaper, when no fault can be justly alleged against it except the straight forwardness and independence of its course as to destroy the materials with which it is printed; and those who place a just estimate on this great palladium of our liberties are not less bound to sustain it in the one case than in the other. We offer these remarks at this time, because having offended in the same way with our respected contemporary, we have been subjected to a similar punishment, but in a far greater degree; and are desirous of affording those who approve of the stand which a deep sense of the duty which we owe to our party, and still more to our country, has induced us to take, with regard to the highly exciting subject referred to, a favorable opportunity for procuring as a few hundred good subscribers in the place of the fifty whom we have lost. We may possibly get along with the present number, but if it were doubled or trebled, we should be better enabled to serve the cause in which we are engaged than we may otherwise have it in our power to do.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 7, 1838
As it appears from an article in a late number of the Cincinnati Gazette, that its Editor is somewhat surprised that after the trial of one of the individuals charged with a participation in the riots which occurred in this city towards the close of the last year, had resulted in the discharge of the accused on the ground that the court had no jurisdiction of the case, other persons were subsequently brought before the same tribunal to answer to a similar charge, we deem it proper to state that the trials in question were for different offenses. The first was for the attack on the Alton Observer office on the 21st of September, before the organization of our city government; the last for the fatal affair of the 7th of November following. The question of jurisdiction was not raised in the latter case. We are unable, from our own personal knowledge, to assign the reasons which induced the jury, impaneled to try the individuals indicted for the attack on the warehouse of Messrs. Godfrey, Gilman & Co., to return a verdict of not guilty - circumstances, unnecessary to be stated here, having put it entirely out of our power to witness the proceedings. According to common report, however, the evidence, although conclusive as to the general facts, was insufficient to trace the offenses charged in the indictment clearly up to any of the defendants then at the bar. To this cause, and not to any want of diligence on the part of the prosecution, or to any undue desire on the part of the jury to screen the supposed offenders from merited punishment, is the acquittal of the latter generally attributed. It is understood that a full report of the trial, prepared by a gentleman of the Alton bar, will soon make its appearance in pamphlet form.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 21, 1838
A new weekly paper, bearing the above title, made its appearance in this city on Wednesday of last week. It is published by Messrs. Parks & Breath, and presents a handsome appearance. So far as it shall be found to support the real interests of this city, the state, and the Union generally, we hope it will meet all desirable encouragement. We take this fitting occasion to return our acknowledgments to the editors for the kind sympathy which they have been pleased to express for our "misfortunes," in the loss of a few of our Abolition subscribers; and as we are unwilling to permit any obligation whatever to remain unrequited, when it is in our power to cancel it, we beg leave to condone with our worthy neighbors, on account of the rejection of their paper by a number of the Whigs to whom it was sent. Although gratified at the patronage of the Abolitionists, when voluntarily and unconditionally tendered, and ready at all times to render them full and impartial justice, we nevertheless freely admit that inasmuch as we do not concur in their peculiar views, we have no better claim on their support as a party than our friends of the Altonian have on that of the Whigs; and most certainly have no right "to compel" them to take our paper, "whether they will or no." In this respect, the two publications stand on equal ground; with this trifling difference, that the Telegraph fights openly, under its own colors, without profession to be what it is not. So far as the regret expressed by our neighbors, that there should be, in this city, an Editor whose course, in relation to the fatal affair of the 7th of November last, "required explanation," may be intended or considered as a reflection upon us, we deem it proper to observe, once for all, that during the entire period of our connection with the senior publisher of the Altonian, no Editorial article on the exciting subject of Abolition and the matters connected with it ever appeared in the Telegraph, without having been previously submitted to his perusal, and obtained his express sanction. If, therefore, too much has been said, he is not less to blame than we are for having failed to interpose his veto; if too little, he is equally consurable for having neglected to supply the deficiency.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 4, 1838
The office of the Alton Telegraph will be removed, in the course of a few days, to the room formerly occupied by the Observer office, in the stone building near Piasa creek bridge on Second street [Broadway], where all orders in the printing line will be thankfully received and promptly executed.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 19, 1841
[In an article address to the St. Louis Pennant (newspaper), the Alton Telegraph wrote the following in response to the Pennant saying that the Lovejoy Riot was caused by "foreign influence," and that Alton was "ill-fated." The Telegraph maintained that both statements were false, and those statements made by the Pennant were done through sheer ignorance or with the base design of willfully and intentionally misrepresenting Alton and its citizens:

"We assert, that no place, in proportion to its number of inhabitants on either the Mississippi or Ohio, has been more free from foreigners than has Alton. We assert farther, that the foreigners that have come among us have behaved much more like Christians and good citizens than the Native Americans (meaning those born in America) of St. Louis. And we farther assert that, in the Lovejoy riot - as we shall prove from the record - not a foreigner had anything to do with it. Now for the facts: By a reference to the records of the Municipal Court of the term of January 1838, it will be found that two indictments were preferred against twenty-three citizens of this place, as being concerned in the Lovejoy transaction; twelve of whom were indicted for defending the press in a 'violent and tumultuous manner,' and eleven for a riot in breaking open the store of Godfrey, Gilman, & Co. The names of the twelve persons were: Winthrop S. Gilman, Enoch Long, Amos B. Roff, George H. Walworth, George H. Whitney, William Harned, John S. Noble, James Morse, Jr., Henry Tanner, Royal Weller, Reuben Gerry, and Thaddeus B. Hurlburt. The names of the eleven were: John Solomon, Levi Palmer, Horace Beall, Josiah Mitter, Jacob Smith, David Butler, William Carr, James M. Rock, James Jennings, Solomon Morgan, and Frederick Bruchy. Each and every one of whom, in both indictments, were native born Americans. The traverse jury who tried Mr. Gilman (a nolle prosequi having been subsequently entered against the other eleven indicted with him) were, James S. Stone, Timothy Terrell, Stephen Griggs, E. Cuck, George Alcorn, Peter Whitaker, Horace Buffum, Sutton Johnson, Washington Libbey, George L. Ward, Anthony Olney, and Jacob Rice; they are each and all native-born Americans; and - as they should have done - acquitted Mr. Gilman. The traverse jury, who tried the eleven charged with being the immediate actors in the job, were: Timothy Terrell, J. P. Ash, William G. Gaskins, George Alcorn, John Clark, William S. Hankinson, R. P. Todd, A. Botkin, S. H. Wheeler, Daniel Carter, S. W. Hamilton, and Walter Lachelle; eleven of whom were native born Americans, and one, a naturalized citizen; who also acquitted the defendants. It will thus be seen that, out of the 23 persons indicted, and the 24 jurors who tried them, there was but one foreigner, and he was among the jurors, and accepted without objection from either side. Where then is the charge of the Pennant, that 'it was the infamous and traitorous adherents of Daniel O'Connell and foreign abolitionism, which caused the fatal Lovejoy riot!' It falls to the ground, and leaves the author of the column without a resting place for the sole of his foot.

But let us see if our other assertion is true - that the foreigners who have come among us (in Alton) have behaved much more like Christians and good citizens than the native Americans of St. Louis. During the nine years we have lived in Alton, the only offense of aggravated enormity that has been committed is the Lovejoy affair, to which we have before fully alluded. Now, how stands the account with St. Louis during the same period of time? The first case, within our recollection - and the recital of which will shock the moral sensibility of every good citizen of every land and every clime - was the wresting of a Negro from the hands of the law, in the broad gaze of day, by a lawless mob, and in the presence of a countless multitude, binding him to a faggot, and consuming him to death by a slow fire, with more than heathenish barbarity. Who, would we ask, were the leaders and actors of that scene, Mr. Pennant? Were they foreigners, or were they native Americans? Deny it if you can, that they were native born Americans, and that your courts of justice winked at this atrocious offense against the laws of God and man; and that, unlike Alton, they refused even to give the offenders the form of a trial!"


Source: Memoranda of the Experience, Labors, and Travels of a Universalist Preacher by George Rogers; 1845
"Finding that I could not reach Princeton in time for my appointment, I got into another boat and went up the river to Alton, Illinois, where I remained until the following Wednesday with J. P. Owen of the Upper village, in whom and his wife I found a brother and sister indeed. Alton occupies a high and very broken site on the east shore of the Mississippi about two miles above the mouth of the Missouri: it is doubtless a busy but very unsightly place its buildings are devoid of elegance its main business street is narrow and in wet seasons excessively miry. Upper Alton is distant from Lower about three miles. A Baptist College is there located, it is a massive fabric of brick in a better style of architecture than college buildings usually exhibit. I read while at Alton the life of Lovejoy, who some years ago was killed by a mob at that place on account of his persevering advocacy of negro emancipation. It was a misfortune for the memory of Lovejoy a misfortune for the cause to which he was a martyr that he died with arms in his hands [weapons], and if public report belie him not with the blood of one of his murderers on his skirts, it had been better for him to die praying for his murderers in imitation of his Lord rather than in resisting unto blood; nevertheless, I deny not that his course was justifiable on legal and even on simply moral grounds. In company with Mr. Owen I visited the burial ground in which he was interred. It is large, and has once been well enclosed, but the paling is now in a ruinous state; the yard is much overrun with scrub oak bushes. The stone slabs and monuments are broken and lie strewn about, and the whole scene is adapted to bring to the meditative heart the chilling truth that the dead soon lose their places in the remembrance of the living. Among other ruins I noticed a beautiful obelisk lying prostrate and broken - it was evident that some vandal agency had been employed in effecting such dilapidations and to me it is a mystery how surviving friends, after testifying their respect by the erection of costly tombs and columns, should suffer the sacred precincts to be thus desecrated for lack of a little cost or care to keep up the enclosure. It was with some difficulty we were enabled to identify Lovejoy's grave - the memoir describes it as lying between two oak trees with the head to the north and the foot to the south. We at length turned over a decayed piece of board on which we found his initials - this was the head board of Lovejoy's grave! It is little larger than an ordinary shingle - the letters on it will soon be obliterated, and then as no mound or other token distinguishes the spot as a grave. It will be hard to designate the spot where sleeps the martyred Lovejoy! Alas, for him, if worldly ambition was his object he hath his reward."


From Editors J. Bailhache and George T. M. Davis
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 28, 1845
Prompted by a strong and imperative sense of the duty we owe, not only as conductors of a public press, but as citizens of the community among whom we live, we feel constrained to allude to the past and present condition of Alton, with a view of exposing what we have for a long time believed existed - a most unholy crusade against this city and its future prosperity. In doing this, we are actuated by the single purpose of disabusing the public mind, and settling the occurrences to which we shall be compelled to allude, fairly and impartially before the public. Far from us be the desire or design either to awaken prejudices at home, which by the lapse of time may have to a great extent subsided, or to furnish any ground or cause for renewed excitement. But, believing the evil to which we allude requires an immediate remedy, and that this remedy can be applied only by the exercise of the utmost candor, we shall discharge what we believe to be our duty, unpleasant as may prove the result of our undertaking. All we ask it the patient hearing of our readers, and their fair and impartial judgment upon that hearing.

From the year 1832, when we first became a resident of Alton, down to 1838, there was no place in the West that advanced with greater rapidity, or bid more fair to become an important point. Of the common desolation that was visited, as it were, upon the whole nation, in consequence of the abuse of the credit system, and the rapid and unprecedented revulsion in the commercial affairs of the Union, Alton, of course, received its share, though its effect upon us was no greater at the time than was experienced by a thousand other towns or cities in all sections of our country. Other places, however, have since that period gradually recovered from the shock, and prosperity and enterprise returned to their people, while we, who possess far greater local advantages than any other community near us, except St. Louis, have remained nearly in status quo.

For this unnatural, and to many unaccountable, state of things, there must be some cause. To us it appears evident that this cause is to be found in the fact that a systematized attack upon Alton has been kept up throughout the United States by the Abolitionists, as a sect, whose united influence has at all times, and under all circumstances, been exerted to prevent emigration to, and oppose the prosperity of, this place. We are assured of this, not only by the uniform practice of the Abolition paper at Chicago, as well as other journals of the same stamp throughout the Union, of denouncing Alton as the "city of blood" - her citizens as "mobocrats and murderers," and holding up the place as one that was to be avoided as a pestilence; but also, from the fast that scarcely a day passes in which we do not hear of, or meet with, those who have been deterred from coming to Alton by the most gross and basely wicked misrepresentation, as to the health of the city, the character of its citizens, and their regard for law and order. In nine cases out of ten, these misrepresentations, upon steamboats, in the streets, or wherever they may occur, are traced directly to Abolitionists; and so frequently has this been noticed, not only by the writer, but by other citizens, that the conclusion is both rational and irresistible that this continued tirade of abuse and vituperation is the result of design, and not of accident.

It may be asked why the Abolitionists should pursue this course towards Alton? We reply, for the obvious reason of keeping up excitement, and by pointing to this place as having ceased to improve since the melancholy catastrophe in 1837 [the murder of Elijah Lovejoy], use that circumstance as an evidence of the holiness of the Abolition cause, and the displeasure of Heaven against its opposers. In this we cannot be mistaken. Facts within our knowledge substantiate it beyond controversy. The rehearsal of a few of them will satisfy the most skeptical. When a prominent ultra-Abolitionist of this city was inquired of by one of our citizens, why they held their late Convention in this place, "Oh!" says he, "excitement! excitement!" When, by the advice of a celebrated physician, the widow of the lamented Lovejoy, who life was almost despaired of, was urged to go for a season out of the United States until her constitution and nervous system could to some extent be healed, the Abolitionists objected to it. The heartless ground of their objection was that her presence was necessary in different sections of the country to keep up excitement - to fan the flames of fanaticism and to advance their cause. So, during the sitting of their recent Convention here - notwithstanding the doors of some of our citizens were thrown open to them and that too by those who abhorred their doctrines - a resolution was introduced to the effect that "they thanked God an Abolition meeting could be held in Alton without their being mobbed!" It is true, through the effort of one of our citizens who repelled the insult thus offered, and subsequently withdrew from their association, the resolution was voted down. Yet, the design of it was the same as in the previous instances enumerated - "excitement - excitement." Without excitement, Abolitionism, like its prototype, Anti-Masonry, would long since have expended itself by its own fury, and if the causes of excitement among its votaries were removed, their dissolution as a sect would soon follow.

Thus, we think, it is rationally accounted for, why Alton, being unfortunately connected with the death of Mr. Lovejoy, should be made the target at which the Abolitionists throughout the land so unceasingly fire. But this is not the worst. While the Abolitionists, from the motives above set forth, do all in their power against this place, the citizens of Slaveholding states are prejudiced against us through the groundless apprehension that Alton is the head and front of Abolitionism in this State. Than this, nothing is farther from the truth. There are not to exceed a dozen Abolitionists that we know of in Alton - most or all of whom are law-abiding citizens, who would scorn to sustain their principles by any illegal or other improper means - and of that number, several, we learn, have withdrawn since the meeting of their late Convention. We trust, therefore, that the public mind will become disabused in regard to this city, and all we desire it that those who have any idea of settling here, will rather come and examine for themselves, than to take the misrepresentations of those who are constantly vilifying the place for the basest and most selfish purposes. If strangers hear Alton denounced, just let them put the inquiry to the calumniator - "Are you not an Anti-Slavery man?" and see what would be the reply. In our opinion, in twenty-nine cases out of thirty, they would either get no reply at all, or it would be in the affirmative.

We cannot, in justice to the subject, close our remarks on this point without alluding to a fact connected with the tragical affair of November 1837, which is not, we presume, generally known, and which came within the personal knowledge of the Senior Editor. A few evenings before the fatal riot, just one week if recollection is not at fault, Mr. Lovejoy called at the office and inquired of Mr. Bailhache whether a short communication could appear in the Telegraph, which was to be issued early the ensuing morning. Upon being told that it was too late, as the paper was then ready for the press, the former remarked that he thought when the Editor had examined the article, he would not hesitate to give it a place, even at the expense of a little extra trouble, and immediately submitted it to his inspection. It was found to be a Card from Mr. Lovejoy, stating in substance that he was weary of contention, and that, in order to contribute all in his power to the restoration of harmony and good feeling among the community, he had determined to discontinue his connection with the Alton Observer. Being fully persuaded that the publication of the article would, if anything could, allay the then prevailing excitement, the Editor handed it to the foreman of the office, the late Mr. William A. Beaty, with directions to make room for it. But before it was all in type, a leading Abolitionist then in this city, whose name will be given if required, called for it, stating that "the friends" wished to see it before it appeared in the Telegraph, and declaring that it should be returned in a few minutes. On the faith of this promise, and the supposition from the known intimacy of the gentleman who gave it with Mr. Lovejoy, that the application was made with the approbation of the writer, it was unhesitatingly complied with. What disposition was made of "the peace offering" in question, we know not. After waiting for its expected return as long as it was practicable, the paper was finally issued without it. The sequel was soon afterwards written in letters of blood, and an intelligent and impartial community, after the perusal of this "plain, unvarnished tale," can be at no loss to judge whose hands the purple stream has stained.

A few words, in relation to the health of Alton, and we shall take leave of the subject. It will, we think, be admitted that to resolve a doubt or settle a disputed point, one single fact, well established, is worth more than one hundred speculative theories. Let the salubrity of our city, then, be subjected to this test, and show what is the result. In the first place, although our location at one of the most frequented points on the east bank of the Mississippi, necessarily exposes us to the visits of persons peculiarly liable to disease, our bills of mortality from year to year will compare not unfavorably with those of any other town of the same size in any part of the Union. Further, one of the Editors has been a citizen of Alton for the space of eight years and upwards. During the whole of this period, no member of his family has been afflicted by serious disease. On the contrary, their general health has uniformly been decidedly better than it ever was before, during the same length of time, although residing in places reputed to be quite healthy. The other Editor has resided here upwards of thirteen years, and his experience, as to the health of Alton, is the same as expressed above. The local advantages of Alton may be spoken of in a future number.


The New York Times, December 3, 1856
The Alton Courier has the following: "We learn from J. A. Miller that he has been employed by a Committee living in various parts of the State, to furnish plans of a monument to be erected in our City Cemetery to the memory of Rev. E. P. Lovejoy, who fell a martyr to free speech, in this city, in November 1837. Two plans have been drawn - one is for a monument 100 feet high, pyramidal in form, 7 feet in diameter to the top, 12 feet in diameter at the base, standing on a platform 40 feet in diameter, and 4 feet high. It is to be of Illinois stone, with marble slabs inserted at the base for inscriptions. Such a monument will cost, as estimated, $8,000. Another plan has been prepared of a monument 75 feet high, of pyramidal shape, built of blocks two feet thick, and from four to eight feet long, similar in other respects to the first named. The cost of such a monument is estimated at $6,000. The Committee is to meet at Washington, D. C. early next Winter, to decide upon a plan and other preliminaries.


RECOUNTING OF THE MURDER OF REV. E. P. LOVEJOY (as written in the Daily Standard, Syracuse, New York, April 11, 1860), Following the Statements of His Brother, Owen Lovejoy

In the speech which created so much excitement in the House of Representatives last Thursday, Mr. [Owen] Lovejoy, of Illinois, is reported to have said: "You shed the blood of my brother twenty years ago, and now I am here, free to speak my mind." The Cleveland Herald give an explanation of this language in the following account of the murder of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, at Alton, Illinois, in the year 1837:

The Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy was the editor of the Alton Observer, an anti-slavery paper, printed at Alton, Illinois right over the river from Missouri.

The press of the Observer was three times destroyed by a mob; the last time on November 7th, 1837, at which time Mr. Lovejoy was killed. On the night of the 7th, a mob collected around the warehouse in which the press was - it having arrived by the river the day before - and threatened violence if it was not delivered up to them. Mr. Lovejoy and a number of friends were in the warehouse and prepared to defend the press. The mob were told from the warehouse that the press would not be given up, and the mob commenced the attack.

A shot fired from the building took fatal effect on one of the mob, namedOwen Lovejoy Lyman Bishop, and the mob for a time withdrew. They, however, rallied again with increased force and set the warehouse on fire. Then, to escape death by burning, the inmates were forced to leave, and in doing so the Rev. Mr. Lovejoy, at the door of the building, received four balls in the breast, and fell a corpse. The mob bro't out the press, and having smashed it, threw the pieces in the river.

That is the outline of the affair. The mob was from the Missouri side, and the whole outrage perpetrated under the lead and direction of slavery. The thrilling effect of Mr. Owen Lovejoy's remarks to Mr. Clark, of Missouri, can be better seen in the full glare of the history of that Alton outrage, and hence we have looked up and revived the important facts.

The blood of Lovejoy stained the name of Alton for many years - for its municipal authorities were powerless before the demand of slavery, and that city, to this day, has not recovered from the blow the death of that man gave her.


The Utica Morning Herald, New York, September 22, 1862
Dr. Thomas Mordecai Hope, of Alton, Illinois, who boasts that he was the man who shot the anti-slavery martyr, Lovejoy, was arrested a few weeks since for using treasonable language.


Alton Telegraph Scolds the Alton Democrat
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 22, 1864
The Alton Democrat, in its way, is a great curiosity. It never discovers any good traits in a man’s character until after he is dead. No vituperation or billingsgate was too vile for it to hurl at the head of the Hon. Owen Lovejoy while living, but it was no sooner announced that the country had lost his almost invaluable services, then it began to eulogize him and to speak of his incorruptible honesty and integrity of character. It has also for some time past been extolling the virtues of the Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, while everyone knows that from its general tone, and the vile slanders which it is continually belching forth against the advocates of human freedom, that had its Editor lived here at the time when Mr. Lovejoy was murdered, he would have been among the most vociferous in crying out, “Crucify him, crucify him, away with the pestilent fellow; who is turning the world upside down by his fanatical agitations.”

Some may think this supposition uncharitable in us, but we are seldom mistaken in judging of a man by the company he keeps; and no one should complain if judged by this criterion. He who seeks every opportunity to abuse and to vilify those who have always sympathized with the martyred Lovejoy, and to charge them with being the guilty parties precipitating this war upon us, has no good reason to expect that the people will believe that he has a particle of sympathy for the man, or any respect for the principles which he advocated, although he may proclaim his reverence for him upon the housetops, or erect a dozen monuments over his grave.

The Democrat, of last evening, after the publication of quite a lengthy romance in reference to Mr. Lovejoy, concludes it article by saying:

“The truth of the matter is that Elijah P. Lovejoy was thoroughly honest, and as brave a man as ever drew breath. He died, not so much as an advocate of abolition, as in the defense of the noblest principle for which man ever gave up life – Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press.”

From a long and very intimate acquaintance with Mr. Lovejoy, we can testify to his undaunted bravery and calm determination to do his whole duty, regardless of consequences to himself. Misrepresentation, abuse, nor even personal violence had the slightest effect in leading him to deviate an iota from the discharge of those high obligations which he felt that he owed to his God, his country, and to the cause of human freedom. But we are satisfied that, notwithstanding this praiseworthy trait in his character, there is one thing, which if living, he never could endure, without the deepest chagrin, mortification and contempt, that is, the praise of a man who has proved recreant to those sacred principles, in the defense of which he was willing to sacrifice his life. Or to have his example and self-sacrifice in vindicating the freedom of the press, perverted so as to give license to traitors to strike at the vitals of their country, while she is engaged in a death-throe with the vilest and most unrelenting despots, and enemies of human freedom, whoever cursed the earth with their desolating influence.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 9, 1864
With gratification, we find that an association is organized at Alton to raise a monument to the martyr Lovejoy. This work is scarcely more due to the memory of Lovejoy, than to Alton and to the better spirit of the age. The Alton Telegraph well says that the murder of Lovejoy was a crime for which the spirit of that time, rather than the citizens of Alton, should be held responsible. The erection of a monument to Lovejoy will be an appropriate expression of the wonderfully changed state of public opinion since he was sacrificed by it, and the initiation of this by Alton cannot fail to reflect well upon the credit of that city.

We insert below a few articles taken from different papers in reference to the steps which have been taken in Alton, with a view of erecting a monument to the lamented Lovejoy. We regret that there is a disposition manifested by one of these papers to denounce in severe terms the perpetrators of that outrage. We hope that all such feelings may be suppressed in the future, as many of those who are now most vehement in their condemnation of that act, if they had lived here at that time, would probably have aided and abetted the rioters. At any rate, it is true, that nineteen-twentieths of the people of the country at that day were more in sympathy with his murderers than with Lovejoy. We say this, not for the purpose of blaming anyone, but because the truth of history demands it at our hands, although we at the time were numbered with the few friends who then sympathized with him in contest for the right of free speech, subject alone to the Constitution and laws of this country. We had better, therefore, take it for granted that the lamentable event was the result of a false education, hastened on by excited feeling and prejudice, rather than a deliberate and intelligent intention to murder one of the most conscientious, devoted, and brave men which our country has furnished. Let all crimination and recrimination, therefore, cease, while we all unite, so far as we now can, to repair the wrong which has been done by those who had received less light on that subject, than we now possess.

From the St. Louis Coniral Christian Advocate:
We are glad to see the citizens of Alton are making efforts to erect a monument to that most excellent man, Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy. We hope they will succeed. The whole people ought to unite in it, and if the men who are yet stained with his blood live, they ought to give, perchance God’s curse may be averted by earnest penitence. We believe the Almighty has visited upon the city and the guilty parties His displeasure, and it is fitting that something be done to avert his wrath, and honor a good man whom wicked hands most cruelly murdered. Such is Divine justice and retribution. The children honor the men whom the fathers put to death. Historic justice, we believe, ought to be vindicated and the memory of the wicked held up to the public execration. American history has enough shames blackening its pages, let vile men be warned. Justice will raise monuments to the martyrs of liberty, and pronounce anathemas [curses] on the heads of her betrayers.

From the Springfield Journal:
All friends of true liberty will rejoice to learn that the citizens of Alton are taking steps towards the erection of a monument to the memory of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, who was murdered by the pro-slavery mob in that city in 1837. Mr. Lovejoy fell a victim to the fiendish malignity of a class of men who, for the last few months, have been claiming to be the especial defenders of freedom of speech and of the press, so far as they can be subverted to the interests of treason and rebellion, simply because he desired to exercise that freedom on the side of liberty and humanity. His murder cast a dark and indelible stain upon the escutcheon of our State. Now that the principles for which Lovejoy yielded up his life have triumphed, it is appropriate that some such recognition of his services should be made, and that Alton should, where he suffered, take the initiative in the matter.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 6, 1865
At a meeting held in Alton on November 25, 1864, of persons favorable to the erection of a monument to Elijah P. Lovejoy, the undersigned were appointed a committee with discretionary power to take such steps as we might deem necessary to secure the permanent organization of a Monument Association.

In the prosecution of this purpose, we address this circular to the old friends of Mr. Lovejoy, to those who sympathized with his efforts to maintain the free discussion of slavery, and to the crowd of witnesses who have risen in these latter days, to bear testimony against the sin and curse of our nation.

We appeal to you, whether old or new friends of the doctrine of freedom for all men, to join us in the erection of a suitable testimonial to the memory of the “first American Martyr to the Freedom of the Press and the Freedom of the Slave.”

It is proposed by the committee to call a meeting at Alton, about the first of February, of the friends of this enterprise at home and in other States, and to proceed to organize a Lovejoy Monument Association, with corporate powers and suitable officers, and then to proceed to execute the work in a manner worthy of its purpose. Before taking further action, however, we respectfully invite the counsel and cooperation of friends of the undertaking, and will be thankful to receive any suggestions by letter or otherwise, they may have to offer.  Signed W. C. Flagg, L. A. Parks, M. G. Atwood.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 19, 1867
Wendell Phillips [great American orator], while in Alton, paid a visit to the last resting place of Elijah P. Lovejoy in our City Cemetery. Mr. Lovejoy’s tragic death was the incident which made Mr. Phillips an abolitionist. That “the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church,” is true in other than merely theological points of view; for from the blood of an anti-slavery martyr, shed in our city thirty years ago, there sprang forth an opposition to the great sin of slavery, that has increased and strengthened until it has crushed the monster crime beneath its feet. And all this has come about within the short span of thirty years.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 10, 1867
We insert a letter written by this distinguished orator and philanthropist, while in Alton. It will be seen by its perusal that after laboring under an erroneous impression of the character of Alton for thirty years, he is now prepared to do her justice, and especially that little Spartan band in Alton, which from that day [murder of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy] until Abraham Lincoln’s immortal Proclamation forever put a quietus on the accursed system of slavery in this land, kept the anti-slavery fires brightly burning.

Letter from Wendell Phillips, Alton, April 14, 1867, to the Anti-Slavery Standard
Dear Standard,
I lectured here [Alton] last night, and today have been visiting the places made historical and sacred by the labors and martyrdom of Lovejoy. Hitherto, the name of Alton brought always but one idea to my mind, and I never heard or saw it printed without an involuntary shudder. A cordial welcome here, and by men who have done good service in this Valley of the Mississippi, where the battle was for a time so hot, has broken that spell, and I trust hereafter to think of it as the home of brave and true men.

The plain, stone store from which his first press was flung into a creek, now covered by a business street under which it runs, still stands. Its walls – brown and dingy with what in this young country is age – are to me the most interesting relic in the place. Here a brave man and the slave-power began their death grapple. How proudly the seeming conquerors left those walls that night! How little aware that the seemingly humbled roof covered a courage and patience that “slowly would outweigh their solid globe!” The building where he was shot has been taken down, and a large mill built there; but ….[unreadable]… stone wall stands on the side, and the same river runs on the other side – the last objects on which his eyes rested, these mute, unchanging witnesses saw the first bloodshed in defense of the right to discuss American slavery. That death stunned a drunken people into sobriety. Slowly at first, but afterward with what a marvelous promptness, the people rallied to the struggle, determined that if there was anything in the land which would not bear free speech, it was not free speech they would surrender.

Lovejoy lies buried now in the City Cemetery on a beautiful knoll. Nearby rolls the great river. His resting place is marked by an oblong stone, perhaps thirty inches by twenty, and rising a foot above the ground. On this rests a marble scroll bearing the inscription, “Hie Jacet Lovejoy. Jam parce supulto (Here lies Lovejoy, spare him, now, in his grave).” A more marked testimonial would not, probably, have been safe from insult and disfigurement previous to 1864. He fought his fight so far in the vail, so much in the hottest of the battle, that not till nigh after thirty years and the final victory could even his dust be sure of quiet. Myrtles and some flowers grow over his resting place, fresh and green, this beautiful Spring day. Other graves are guarded by tasteful and costly architecture, but this one lies close to the path, unfenced, fitly holding up its record and appeal to the eye of every passer. Soon the gratitude and penitence of his friends and neighbors will build, not for him a monument, but a testimony on their part that he died not in vain. It should be placed nearer the river on the bluff that looks down directly on the Mississippi, so that every boat, in passing up and down, shall be able to show the millions of busy and prosperous men the name of him who consecrated this grand valley to liberty. Grandly, the valley spreads north, south, and west, miles and miles away, holding great States bound together by the golden riot on the Mississippi, a valley made historical by many a hard-fought fight. But it will soon know that it holds no prouder spot than that which saw the first defeat – like Bunker Hill and Bull Run – better and more fruitful than a hundred victories in this war for free speech and justice.

I can never forget the quick, sharp agony of that hour, which brought us news of Lovejoy’s death. We had not then fully learned the blood-thirstiness of the slave-power. When John Brown confronted it at Harper’s Ferry, we knew, and had long known, the risk any man run who defied the fiend. But twenty years before Garrison had just waked up to its horrors, and we saw it but blindly. The gun fired at Lovejoy was like that of Sumter – it scattered a world of dreams. Looking back, how wise as well as noble his course seems! Incredible almost that we should ever have been obliged to defend his “prudence.” What world-wide benefactors these “imprudent” men are – the Lovejoys, the Browns, the Garrisons, the saints and martyrs! How “prudently” most men creep into nameless graves, while now and then one or two forget themselves into immortality! Signed, Wendell Phillips

Wendell Phillips (1811 – 1884) was an American abolitionist, advocate for Native Americans, orator, and attorney. In 1835, the Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society scheduled George Thompson to speak. Pro-slavery forces post notices of a $100 reward for any citizen that would first “lay violent hands on him.” Thompson cancelled, and William Lloyd Garrison, a newspaper written against slavery, was quickly scheduled in his place. A lynch mob formed, forcing Garrison to escape through the back of the hall and hide. The mob found him, put a noose around his neck, and took him to Leverett Street Jail. Wendell Phillips was a witness to the attempted lynching. After being converted to the abolitionist cause by Garrison, Phillips stopped practicing law and dedicated himself to the anti-slavery movement. His oratorical ability caused him to be known as “abolition’s golden trumpet.” He condemned the use of can sugar and clothing made of cotton – both produced by slave labor. On December 8, 1837, in Boston’s Faneuil Hall, Phillip’s leadership and oratory established his preeminence with the abolitionist movement. Bostonians gathered there to discuss Elijah P. Lovejoy’s murder in Alton, Illinois. Massachusetts Attorney General James T. Austin defended the anti-abolitionist mob, comparing their actions to 1776 patriots who fought the British. Disgusted, Phillips spontaneously rebutted, praising Lovejoy’s actions as a defense of liberty. Garrison, inspired by Phillips, entered a partnership with him that began the 1840s abolitionist movement.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 11, 1867
Our city has unquestionably suffered very much from the fact that the Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy was murdered by a mob within its limits. Whether the odium brought upon it by that foul act of a drunken and infuriated mob, is just or unjust, it is not necessary at this time that we should stop to discuss. It is enough for us to know that hundreds have been deterred from settling here from that circumstance alone. Strange as it may appear, this lamentable and unfortunate event has operated to the prejudice of our place both in the North and the South. In corroboration of this statement, we will relate an occurrence which took place under our own observation in the city of Peoria, in the year 1842.

We were visiting at the house of a personal friend in that city, whom we had not seen since the death of Lovejoy, and almost the first words with which we were greeted were, "Oh! How can you live in Alton, where the mob spirit rules without let or hindrance, and where a devoted Minister of the Gospel was murdered for doing his duty, by pleading the cause of the poor and oppressed?"

This question and exclamation brought the blood to our cheek, but we made the best defense we could under the circumstances. But our humiliation and chagrin was still further to be put to the test on the same evening. For we had hardly recovered from the reproach cast upon us by our Peoria friend, when another acquaintance of the family arrived from Wheeling, Virginia. He was an intelligent and polite gentleman, and prided himself on being a descendant from one of the first families of the Old Dominion.

In the course of the conversation, the name of Alton was mentioned, as our place of residence, when he, with the manifestation of a good deal of feeling and surprise, remarked that it was very strange indeed how any good citizen could consent to live in a city which was under the influence and control of a set of fanatical and turbulent abolitionists, who were turning the world upside down by their continual agitation of the subject of slavery. This, coming so closely upon the heels of the other, was rather more than our warm Southern blood could stand, and we retorted in a way which our Virginia friend had not the slightest difficulty in understanding.

We have simply referred to this circumstance to show how Alton has been regarded abroad on account of this unfortunate occurrence. But all of our citizens who have mingled much with the people abroad, are well aware of how the place is looked upon by those at a distance. So strong has been this feeling, that persons traveling up the river in years past, have positively refused to land on our wharf because they regarded it as stained with the blood of an innocent and conscientious man; and this feeling has influenced people from the South as well as those from the North.

We have always contended that this prejudice against the place was grossly unjust; and that the people of Alton were no more inimical to free discussion, or to the abolition of slavery, than hundreds of other places in the West were at that time. It was after the murder of Lovejoy that the press of the "Philanthropist" - an Anti-Slavery paper, published by Garniel Bailey, who afterwards conducted the National __ro in Washington City - was thrown into the river at Cincinnati; and William Lloyd Garrison was dragged through the streets of Boston with a rope around his neck, and whose life was only saved by the city authorities rescuing and confining him in jail until the mob dispersed. Then why should Alton be made the scapegoat to bear off the sins of the entire nation and age. Cincinnati and Boston were equally guilty with Alton, and under the same circumstances would have murdered Bailey and Garrison, with as little hesitation as Lovejoy was in this city.

But the experience of thirty years has convinced us that it is no use to argue against prejudice; and as this foul stain is upon us, and its baneful influence is still operating to our disadvantage, the practical question for the present inhabitants of Alton to settle is, how can this reproach be best removed, and the good name of the place be restored? We know of but one way in which this can be done, and that is by erecting a monument over the remains of Mr. Lovejoy. So far as the citizens of this place are concerned, we believe this might have been accomplished many years ago, but circumstances, not necessary to be mentioned here, deterred his friends from making the attempt. But now these obstacles are removed, and the country is rejoicing over the freedom of the last slave in the land, it is fitting and proper that the project should be undertaken in earnest, and carried forward to completion without unnecessary delay. It is a duty the citizens of this place owe, no less to him whom they intend to honor thereby, than to themselves and the city of their adoption. But this is no mere local matter, but one in which every lover of the freedom of the press, of the rights of man, and of the free institutions of our country should feel a deep interest. The work, however, must be commenced at home.

In view of these facts, an organization has been formed in this city, of which our readers have already been informed, and within the next few days an application will be made for subscriptions to erect the monument. It is the intention to get a few thousand dollars subscribed here, as an earnest that the work is to be done, after which an invitation will be extended to all persons throughout the country who feel interested in the erection of a suitable monument over the remains of one who did more to promote the cause of Anti-Slavery by his death than any other man in the country has by his life, to contribute to the enterprise. We hope the response will be liberal and worthy of this great and free people, and of him who sacrificed his life in behalf of the freedom of the press.  [The Lovejoy Monument was erected in Alton in 1897.]


Taken from the True Republican, January 17, 1861
Source: Richmond, Indiana, Radical, November 10, 1870
Elijah P. Lovejoy was born at Albion, Maine, November 09, 1802, the son of an orthodox minister. He was distinguished from early youth, alike for diligence in labor and success in the acquisition of knowledge. He graduated with high honors at Waterville College, Maine, in September 1826. He settled at St. Louis, Missouri, in the autumn of 1827, as a teacher. He was also connected as contributor or editor with some of the secular newspapers. Not long afterwards, he became religious, returned to the East to study theology, and then (1833) resumed his residence at St. Louis as the editor of the Observer, a religious paper.

His editorial labors, distinguished for ability and calm, Christian earnestness, were at first favorably received, until he conceived it his duty to touch somewhat upon the forbidden subject of slavery. He urged the great advantage the abolition of it would be in the future of Missouri. But a great anti-abolition excitement soon sprang up, caused by the violent and illegal arrest of two white man, suspected of having decoyed slaves from St. Louis. They were forcibly brought to that place, tried and convicted by a mob, taken two miles back of the city, and there whipped between one and two hundred lashes – sixty wealthy and influential citizens applying the lash. A public meeting was thereupon held at which resolutions were passed against the right to discuss slavery, and Lovejoy was requested “to pass over in silence everything connected with that subject.” In the …….. of a public address in reply, he said: “If in anything, I have offended against the laws of my country, or its Constitution, I stand ready to answer. If I have not, then I call upon those laws and that Constitution, and those who revere them, to protect me. I do, therefore, as an American citizen and Christian patriot, and in the name of liberty, law, and religion, solemnly protest against all these attempts, whosoever or by whomsoever made, to frown down the liberty of the press, and forbid the free expression of opinion. Under a deep since of my obligations to my country, the church, and my God, I declare it to be my fixed purpose to submit to no such dictation. And I am prepared to abide the consequences. I have appealed to the Constitution and laws of my country; if they fail to protect me, I appeal to God, and with Him I cheerfully rest my cause.”

In the spring following (1836), another incident rekindled the pro-slavery frenzy. This was the burning of a slave at St. Louis. This barbarous act, and the illegal proceedings which accompanied it, Lovejoy made the subject of a strong article in his paper. Immediately a storm was raised around his devoted head, which pursued him until he – bating not a job of his opposition to slavery, but growing stronger in the faith – was forced to leave the State. Despotism and mobocracy pursued him in forms we have not space to mention, much less narrate. On one occasion a mob surrounded the house of a friend where he was stopping, and sought to tear him from the arms of his wife, that they might assassinate him.

Like nearly all reformers, the awakenings to duty in his own mind were gradual. He confessed himself to have once been exceedingly hostile and prejudiced towards “anti-slavery measures or men.” But all this melted away before a better knowledge, and the change was hastened by the brutal opposition and proscription of the myrmidons of the American despotism. For he was not a man to cower before opposition, but rather to rise against it with tenfold more of energy and inflexibility of purpose. In a letter to his mother, August 1836, he says: “The cry of the oppressed has entered not only into my ears, but into my soul, so that while I live I cannot hold my peace.” Such as the spirit of this man.

Lovejoy removed to Alton, and resumed the publication of the Observer. The paper was well received by the people, but was too near Missouri for his enemies there to lose sight of him. The opposition which followed him in his new location seemed to have come from that quarter, subordinating to its purpose – to their disgrace be it spoken – the leading influences of Alton. The result was, that after enduring a series of further mobocratic persecutions, and having, we believe, had three presses destroyed, he was shot dead while defending the building which contained the fourth press. Why was this? Simply and solely because he claimed the right of free speech. No man ever assumed a more perfectly tenable position. He was no wild fanatic, advocated no forcible resistance to slavery. His weapons were an irresistible logic and religious sentiment. The use of these, “The peculiar institution,” then as now could not abide; while, standing on “free soil,” he was inflexibly determined never to yield that great franchise of a freeborn citizen, the right of free discussion. In an address to the people of Alton, issued by him not long before he was murdered, occurs the following passage: “He who strikes at freedom of speech, is guilty of treason, not only to his country, but to his kind; he strikes at the great means of the ultimate triumph of truth, and the anticipated improvement of the human race.” Seldom has a great principle been more happily or comprehensively expressed.

His death produced a profound impression – it is impossible to estimate its results. It is a remarkable fact that the Southern papers of that day all condemned his murder, while divers editorial and other doughfaces of the North justified his murder! At Boston, his death was the occasion of great excitement. The sainted Dr. Channing saw that such an outrage upon free speech should not pass without the condemnation of rightminded men. He headed a petition for the use of Faneuil Hall for a meeting to give expression to the public sentiment. The bitter anti-abolition feeling of that day took the alarm, and the hall was at first refused. Channing, thus challenged in so clear a privilege, made a strong appeal to the authorities, and finally obtained the hall. The meeting was held but two-thirds of those in attendance were indifferent or hostile. A series of resolutions condemning the Alton outrage, proposed by Channing, were read. They bade fair to be adopted without opposition, when the Attorney General mounted the platform and denounced the object of the meeting. He asked if Lovejoy “had not died as the fool dieth,” and likened the mob of Alton to the fathers of the Revolution, thus stimulating the mobocratic feeling. This called out Wendell Phillips, then a young lawyer unknown to fame. He began by expressing his surprise at the sentiments of the last speaker. “I thought,” said he, “those pictured lips,” pointing to the portraits in the hall, “would have broken into voice to rebuke the recreant American, the slanderer of the dead. Sir, for the sentiments he has uttered on soil consecrated by the prayers of Puritans and the blood of patriots, the earth should have yawned and swallowed him up.” After the speech the resolutions were adopted by a large majority, and free speech was thus vindicated in Boston. Thus, the death of Lovejoy proved the birth, intellectually and morally speaking, of Phillips, the most brilliant of American orators, the Anti-Slavery Boanerges, whose words words are mighty, even to the shaking down of the strongholds of oppression.

Lovejoy was just thirty-five years of age at the time of his death. One of his two children was born after his death. Of their subsequent history, we have never heard. If there is any portrait of him extant, we have never seen or heard of it. The two men who were directly instrumental in his murder, we have recently seen it stated in the Liberator, both came to violent ends. The “late remorse” of Alton has erected a monument to his memory, and pieces of his press are to be found on the centre tables of her citizens, preserved as sacred mementos. “Though dead, he yet speaketh.” The last testimony to the progress of the cause for which he died is most imposing. On the night of the 7th of November 1837, he was slain by a pro-slavery mob. On the night of the 7th of November 1860, it was known that the American people had, with no doubtful voice, called to the highest place within their gift a citizen of the State, where the Christian warrior fought and fell, and in vindication of the principles for which his heart’s blood was poured out. How vain the effort to stay the progress of truth, by slaying its advocates! Verily, the world does move. And the end is not yet. Let us thank God and take courage.

Source: Richmond, Indiana Radical, December 01, 1870
Our sketch of Lovejoy in the Radical of November 10 was defective in two or three points, which we propose to notice ere we drop the subject. We stated that the issue between him and the Slave Power was his right to discuss the question of slavery, and we quoted a fine passage from him on that subject while he remained at St. Louis. After his removal to Alton, at a public meeting held to consider the propriety of allowing him to continue the publication of his paper, he made a speech from which we present the following characteristic extracts. After disclaiming the idea that he advocated his views out of any desire to differ with the community in which he lived, or out of contempt for their opinions, he added:

“but, sir, while I value the good opinion of my fellow citizens as highly as anyone, I may be permitted to say that I am governed by higher considerations than either the favor or the fear of man. I am impelled to the course I have taken because I fear God. As I shall answer it to my God in the great day, I dare not abandon my sentiments, nor cease in all proper ways to propagate them.

You have, Sir, made up, as the lawyers say, a false issue; there are not two parties between whom there can be a compromise. I plant myself, Sir, down on my unquestionable rights; and the question to be decided is, whether I shall be protected in the exercise and enjoyment of those rights – that is the question, Sir; whether my property shall be protected – whether I shall be suffered to go home to my family at night without being assailed, and threatened with tar and feathers, and assassination; whether my afflicted wife, whose life has been in jeopardy from continued alarm and excitement, shall night after night be driven from a sickbed into the garret to save her life from the brickbats and violence of the job; that, Sir, is the question.”

Here, much affected and overcome by his feelings, he burst into tears. Many, not excepting even his enemies, wept – several sobbed aloud, and the sympathies of the whole meeting were deeply excited. Lovejoy continued: “Forgive me, Sir, that I have thus betrayed my weakness. It was the allusion to my family that overcame my feelings. Not, Sir, I assure you, from any fears on my part. I have no personal fears. Not that I feel able to contest the matter with the whole community; I know perfectly well that I am not. I know, Sir, that you can tar and feather me, hang me up, or put me into the Mississippi, without the least difficulty. But what then? Where shall I go? I have been made to feel that if I am not safe at Alton, I shall not be safe anywhere. I recently visited St. Charles to bring home my family, and was torn from their frantic embrace by a mob. I have been beset night and day at Alton. And now, if I leave here and go elsewhere, violence may overtake me in my retreat, and I have no more claim upon the protection of another community than I have upon this; and I have concluded, after consultation with my friends, and earnestly seeking counsel of God, to remain at Alton, and here to insist on protection in the exercise of my rights. If the civil authorities refuse to protect me, I must look to God; and if I died, I have determined to make my grave in Alton.”

We should also have given some account of the particulars of Lovejoy’s murder, an omission which we now proceed to supply. They will be new and interesting, at least to the present generation of readers:

Throughout the day, quiet prevailed, though it was known that the “Abolition press” had been received, and was stored in Godfrey & Gilman’s warehouse. At evening, the volunteer defenders of Mr. Lovejoy’s rights dropped in at the warehouse, and remained until nine o’clock, when, there being no signs of trouble, all but twelve went away. Mr. Lovejoy remained with one or two others who were called Abolitionists. The residue were simply citizens, opposed to burglary and robbery, and willing to risk their lives in defense of the rights of property and the freedom of the press. We now quote from Greeley’s “American Conflict, Vol. 1, pp. 139-141:

“About ten o’clock, some thirty persons, as if by preconcert, suddenly emerged from a neighboring grog shop – a few of them with arms, but the majority with only stones in their hands – formed a line at the south end of the store next to the river, knocked and hailed. Mr. Gilman, from the garret door, asked what they wanted. Their leader replied, ‘The press.’ Mr. Gilman assured them that it would not be given up, adding, ‘We have no ill feelings toward any of you, and should much regret to do you any injury; but we are authorized by the Mayor to defend our property, and shall do so with our lives.’ The leader replied that they were resolved to have the press at any sacrifice, and presented a pistol, whereupon Mr. Gilman retired into the building. The mob then passed around to the opposite end of the warehouse, and commenced throwing stones, which soon demolished several of the windows. No resistance was offered; the inmates having agreed not to fire unless their lives were in danger. The warehouse being of stone, and solidly built, no further impression was made on it by this assault. Finding their missiles ineffectual, the mob fired two or three guns into the building, by which no one was hit. The fire was then returned, and several of the rioters wounded, one of them, mortally. Hereupon, the mob recoiled, carrying off their wounded. But they soon returned with ladders, and other preparations for firing the roof of the warehouse, cursing and shouting, ‘Burn them out! Burn them out!’ They kept carefully on the side of the building where there were no windows, so that they could not be injured or repelled by its defenders. The Mayor and a Justice were now deputed by the mob to bear a message to the inmates of the building, proposing that, on condition, the press were given up, no one should be further molested, and no more property destroyed. The proposition was quietly declined. Mr. Gilman, in turn, requested the Mayor to call on certain citizens to save his store from the threatened destruction by fire. The Mayor replied that the mob was so strong and so determined, that he could do nothing – that he had already tried to command and persuade them to desist, but without success. He was asked if those in the building should defend their property with arms; to which he replied, as he had repeatedly done before, that they had a perfect right to do so, and that the law justified them in that course. He then left the building, and reported the result of his mission, which was received with yells of ‘Fire the building!’ ‘Fire the building!’ ‘Burn ‘me out!’ ‘Burn ‘em out!’ ‘Shoot every d—d Abolitionist as he leaves!’ It was now near midnight, and the bells had been rung, collecting a large concourse, who stood passive spectators of what followed.

The mob now raised their ladders against the building, mounted to the roof, and kindled a fire there, which burned rather slowly. Five of the defenders hereupon volunteered to sally out and drive them away. They left by the south door, passed around the corner to the east side of the building, and fired upon the man who guarded the foot of the ladder, drove him off, and dispersed his immediate comrades, returning to the store to reload. Mr. Lovejoy and two others stepped again to the door, and stood looking around just without the building – Mr. Lovejoy in advance of the others. Several of the rioters were concealed from their view behind a pile of lumber a few rods in their front. One of these had a two-barreled gun, which he fired. Mr. Lovejoy received five balls, three of them in his breast, probably each mortal. He turned quickly, ran into the store, and up a flight of stairs into the counting-room, where he fell, exclaiming, ‘Oh God, I am shot! I am shot!’, and almost instantly expired. One of his friends received at the same time a ball in his leg, of which he recovered. Thos remaining alive in the building now held a consultation, and concluded to surrender. One of their number went up to the scuttle, and apprised the mob that Mr. Lovejoy was dead, and that the press would now be given up. A yell of exultation was sent up by the rioters, and the proposed surrender declined. Another of the inmates now resolved to go out and make some terms, if possible; but he had hardly opened the door when he was fired upon and severely wounded. A citizen now came to the door at the opposite end, and begged those within to leave the building, as it was on fire, and their remaining would be utterly useless. All but two or three hereupon laid down their arms, left the building, and fled, being fired upon by the mob as they escaped. The rioters then rushed into the building, threw the press out of the window, broke it up, and pitched the pieces into the river. They destroyed no other property, save a few guns. One of them, a doctor, offered to extract the ball from the wounded man’s leg, but he declined their assistance. At two o’clock they had dispersed, and all was again quiet.

Mr. Lovejoy’s remains were borne away next morning to his dwelling, amid the jeers and scoffs of his murderers. He was buried the day following, Thursday, November 9, the day which, had he been living, would have completed his thirty-fifth year. His wife, who on account of the critical state of her health, had been sent away from Alton, was unable to attend his funeral.”

The name of his wife was Celia Ann French, and she was married to him at St. Charles, Missouri, in 1835.

We have thus sought to aid in perpetuating the memory of Elijah P. Lovejoy, because we have been powerfully impressed by his history with his marked superiority to “the average man” in mental, and still more in moral force. His brother, the late member of Congress, though a true man, we take to have been greatly inferior; he will only be remembered from his relationship to Lovejoy the Martyr.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 31, 1872
Elizabeth Lovejoy HammondRev. Henry Laurens Hammond and wife, now residents of Chicago, came to our city Tuesday evening. Mrs. Hammond [Elizabeth Pattee Lovejoy Wiswall Hammond] is sister to Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, of martyr-memory. She was in Alton, and the guest of her brother at the time of the riot in 1837. This morning, while on her way to the cemetery, she recognized the house in which he then lived, and pointed out the window through which a brickbat was thrown, which just missed her, she having stepped aside a moment before. This is her first visit to Alton since the death of her brother. She is now, with one exception, the only surviving member of her father’s family. They are stopping at the St. Charles Hotel. The Committee of Arrangements for Decoration Day have invited Rev. and Mrs. Hammond to remain in the city over tomorrow, and attend the ceremonies of the memorial.

Elijah and Elizabeth Lovejoy were children of Daniel Lovejoy (1776-1833) and Elizabeth Gordon Pattee Lovejoy (1772-1857). Other siblings include: Joseph Cammett Lovejoy (1805-1871); Owen Lovejoy (1807-1810); Sybil Pattee Lovejoy Blanchard (1809-1857); Owen Lovejoy (1811-1864); and John Ellingwood Lovejoy (1817-1891).

Elizabeth Lovejoy first married Noah Wiswall, who died in 1860. She then married Henry Laurens Hammond in 1865. Elizabeth died in July 1893, at the age of 78, and is buried in Oakland Cemetery, Princeton, Illinois.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 25, 1873
We were glad to welcome into our office this morning our old and highly esteemed friend, Henry Tanner, of Buffalo, New York. He was a resident of Alton during the time of the riots, which finally resulted in the murder of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy. It is refreshing to meet a sincere and conscientious anti-slavery man, who was willing to stand by the down-trodden slave and defend his right to freedom, at a time when it cost men their lives, and the sacrifice of business and standing in society to do so. Mr. Tanner was in the building on the night that Mr. Lovejoy was killed, and probably knows as much or more about that lamentable occurrence than any other person now living. He will leave here in the morning for his home.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 27, 1873
The house in which Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy lived at the time he was murdered by a mob is still standing. It is situated on Cherry Street, near the corner of Second [Broadway]. It is a two-story frame, and contains two tenements. Although badly in need of repainting, it is in a good state of preservation. It was from this house that Mr. Lovejoy’s funeral took place on the second day succeeding the murder.


Tanner, The Evening Courier, Buffalo, New York, March 23, 1874
The possessor of the patent on the celebrated "Tanner brake" was formerly a well-known citizen of Alton, Illinois. He was one of Lovejoy's defenders, was in the building the night when the gentleman fell a victim of mob violence. Mr. Tanner now resides in Buffalo, New York.

Tanner, The Evening Courier, Buffalo, New York, January 21, 1875
Mr. Henry Tanner was residing in Alton, Ill. in 1837, when the early abolitionist, E. P. Lovejoy, was killed, and was one of the twelve men indicted for defending him against the mob.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 14, 1878
We have received a copy of the pamphlet from the History of the Rise and Progress of the Alton Riots, culminating in the death of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy on November 7, 1837. The names of the twenty men who were in the building the night Lovejoy was killed are as follows:

Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, killed
Amos B. Roff, wounded
Royal Weiler, wounded
William Harned
James Morse Jr.
Joseph S. Noble
Edward Breath
George H. Walworth
J. C. Woods
George H. Whitney
Winthrop S. Gilman, now living in New York
Enoch Long
George T. Brown, living in Alton
Samuel J. Thompson
H. D. Davis
D. F. Randall
David Burt Loomis
Thaddeus B. Hurlburt, now living in Upper Alton
Henry Tanner, living in Buffalo New York, and author of this pamphlet
Pardon T. Tuthill

Mr. Tanner recommends that a monument be erected to the memory of the man who at that early date, dared to die in defense of freedom of speech and of the press, to mark the change that has since taken place. He thinks that the monument should be erected where the martyr sleeps, that it might be a prominent object for all passing boasts on the Mississippi River.


Alton Telegraph, August 01, 1878
Godfrey and Gilman, in whose store Elijah P. Lovejoy was murdered in 1837, erected the two fine residences on the southeast corner of Third and Market Streets, and resided there at the time of the great tragedy. This property was purchased by Hon. George T. Brown in 1839, and afterwards passed into the possession of his sister, Mrs. Child.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 19, 1878
The Alton Cemetery Association, having tendered the Lovejoy Monument Committee a desirable site for the erection of a monument to Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, the following appointment by Horace White, Chairman of that committee, is hereby made public. The lot donated by the Cemetery Association is a circular plot on the most commanding and beautiful site on the grounds. The object of the present appeal is to raise funds to surround this lot with a wall, and otherwise suitably prepare it for the reception of Lovejoy’s remains.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 19, 1878
The roof of the old stone building on Second Street [Broadway], opposite the Telegraph office, occupied by the martyr Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy as a printing office at the time of his death, caught fire from a chimney Thursday morning, but the blaze was quickly extinguished. The second story of the building, in which Mr. Lovejoy’s paper, the Observer, was printed, is now used by Mr. W. F. Ensinger as a painting establishment. A window, now bricked up at the east end of Mr. Ensinger’s shop, was the place where one or two presses were thrown out by the mob.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 26, 1878
Hon. Horace White, Chairman of the Lovejoy Monument Committee, has appointed three members of that organization as a sub-committee to raise funds for and complete the erection of a stone wall around the circular lot donated by the Alton Cemetery as a site for the proposed Lovejoy monument. The Lovejoy Monument Committee was appointed at the Abolition re-union held at Chicago in 1874. Owing to the hard times the committee have deemed it inexpedient as yet to attempt to raise funds for the erection of a monument, but design making a general effort in that direction in the near future. Meanwhile, the Cemetery Association, having donated a beautiful lot for the proposed monument, and it being deemed judicious to surround the site with a stone wall, to prevent the erosion resulting from heavy rains, Mr. White has appointed Thomas Dimmock of St. Louis; General Beem of Chicago; and W. T. Norton of Alton, as a sub-committee to attend to this work. Their authority and appeal for means to complete the work assigned them, will be found on the local page of this paper. The design is to surround the lot with a substantial wall: remove the remains of Lovejoy to the new site (if there be no objection thereto), transfer the present tablet erected by Mr. Dimmock, and beautify the lot to the best advantage the means contributed will permit. The improvement will be made with a view to the future erection of a monument, and yet be complete and permanent in itself should the desired consummation be long delayed. The amount needed to build the wall is estimated at $400, and something more will be required to beautify the site. This small sum, for so laudable an object, ought to be raised promptly and without difficulty. The lot is directly opposite the south entrance to the cemetery, the most elevated point on the ground, overlooking the river. To improve this lot in the manner proposed would be a general benefit to the cemetery, one which every lot owner is interested in seeing accomplished. This effort to do tardy justice to the memory of the heroic martyr, who died in this city in defense of freedom and the liberty of speech, is one in which our citizens should feel a peculiar interest. It commends itself. We feel that no appeal is necessary, further than the above plain statement of what is proposed to be done at present. Now let all act.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 8, 1879
A gentleman who was acquainted with the circumstances has told us of an occurrence in connection with the murder of Elijah P. Lovejoy, that has not, we believe, been published in any accounts of the tragedy. It is to the effect that Mr. Lovejoy entered the office of the Telegraph, the day when the weekly edition was going to press, and requested the insertion of a card, the purport of which was that he had published the last number of his paper, the Observer, in Alton, and that he intended going away immediately. The forms were almost ready for the press, but at Lovejoy’s earnest request, the editor agreed to insert the card. When about one half of it was in type, Rev. Fred W. Graves, a Presbyterian minister of Alton, rushed up into the Telegraph office, asked for the copy of Lovejoy’s card, and after much earnest solicitation, procured it in order, as he said, to show it to a friend on the street. Graves’ object in procuring the manuscript is not known, but the fact remains that he did not return, and the paper went to press without the announcement of Lovejoy’s intention in reference to his paper – an announcement that might have averted the terrible tragedy that followed almost immediately. It was Lovejoy’s intention to remove to Quincy, and publish his paper in that city. The Observer was not by any means an Abolition or incendiary sheet, but at the present time would rank among the conservative journals, a fact that shows the immense stride made by public opinion since that day.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 5, 1879
The ground on which Mr. R. Boelitz of the Banner, will erect his office, the second lot on Second Street [Broadway], west of Piasa Street, adjoins the old stone building in which the Alton Observer, Elijah P. Lovejoy’s paper, was published up to the time of the death of the editor. One of the presses, the third brought here by Lovejoy, was broken to pieces by a mob in the second story of the building, then the property of Hon. Cyrus Edwards, and the heavy fragments were thrown out through a window into the quagmire that was east of the building at that time, while the type and lighter material were scattered on Second Street. Gentlemen who were living here at the time are of the opinion that the remains of the broken press still lie embedded in the earth, where they were thrown by the mob. The cellar now excavated there reaches six or seven feet below the level of the street, and the remains of the press, if there, are probably several feet deeper. It certainly would be worth an effort to try and procure this old relic, which would have great interest attached to it as a memento of the man who dared to do and die for free speech and freedom of the press.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 12, 1879
A fragment of iron, of a curved shape, about ten inches long, supposed to be a piece of Lovejoy’s printing press, was found Saturday by the workmen digging under the sidewalk on Second Street [Broadway], for the purpose of laying the foundations of Mr. Bolitz’s house. Mr. James Bannon, who was overseeing the work, secured the fragment and has it in his possession.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 02, 1879
The undersigned have been authorized by the Lovejoy Monument committee to receive funds for building a wall around the elevated lot donated by the Cemetery Association for the erection of a monument. The site, being higher than the ground surrounding, is fast washing away, and the wall should be built at once to preserve it. In addition to funds on hand, about $250 are needed to make the proposed improvement. Every citizen of Alton, and especially every owner of a lot in the cemetery is interested in seeing this site of the proposed monument substantially enclosed. Signed, Thomas Dimmock, Martin Beem, W. T. Norton.


Author of “The Martyrdom of Lovejoy”
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 7, 1881
We had the pleasure of a brief call Saturday from Mr. Henry Tanner of Buffalo, author of the history of “the Martyrdom of Lovejoy.” Mr. Tanner was a citizen of Alton in 1837, an earnest anti-slavery man, and one of the gallant defenders of the press the night Lovejoy fell. Mr. Tanner is one of nature’s noblemen, and now in a hale old age, can look back on a long life of usefulness and devotion to principal.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 01, 1881
From Elgin, Illinois, November 25 – Joseph Taylor, colored, a veteran printer, having learned the trade under Elijah Lovejoy at Alton, died here (Elgin) today of general debility. He was a boy in the Observer office when Lovejoy was murdered, and saw the tragedy, hiding to save his own life. Lately he was a pressman in Elgin offices. He was born in St. Louis, aged 55, and leaves a wife and three children.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 5, 1882
On the memorable night of November 7, 1837, after the murder of Lovejoy, his friends, who supported him in claiming the privilege of freedom of the press, left the building where the riot took place and fled down the river bank, pursued by a raging, unreasoning band of ruffians. Among those in pursuit was Sparr, then cashier of a bank in Alton, afterwards hotel proprietor in St. Louis, who occasionally fired a horse pistol at the retreating company. The mob soon relinquished the pursuit, however, and the hunted fugitives returned to their homes. They lived for weeks in almost hourly fear of their lives, threats being made that they would not be allowed to escape.

The building in which the riot took place, Godfrey & Gilman’s warehouse, was a stone structure situated about where the office of Captain Sparks’ mill is now located. Mr. Abraham Breath, still a resident here, went to the warehouse the next morning after the murder, and found the body of the martyr lying alone in solitary state, the first great victim of slavery, with five gaping wounds in his chest, silently appealing, as it were, to heaven for justice on the murderers. Mr. Breath took tufts of raw cotton from the packages in the warehouse, and pressed them into the ragged, bloody holes made by the buckshot that penetrated the body with such deadly effect. The day following the riot, the remains were removed to the victim’s residence in the lower part of the city, and prepared for interment, which took place two days after the terrible scene at the warehouse. There was a family from Baltimore living in half the same house at the time of the funeral services, but they did not go into the room where the corpse was lying, their sympathies, apparently, not being with the Spartan phalanx whose principles led them to pay the last tribute of respect to the martyr. Fifteen persons attended the burial in the Alton City Cemetery, it being then considered almost as much as a man’s life was worth to be classed among the “Abolitionists,” as they were universally designated. The grave was dug by William “Scotch” Johnston, a colored man, a native of Scotland, who is yet living in Alton at the age of 78 years, having arrived here in 1836. He states that the coffin was an ordinary one, such as was generally used at that time, and stained red with the juice of poke berries. Among those in attendance at the burial were Rev. F. W. Graves, the pastor of the Presbyterian Church; Rev. T. P. Hurlbut of Upper Alton; Messrs. P. B. Whipple; H. Tanner; A. B. Rolf; the late Hon. George T. Brown; and others whose names cannot now be recalled. Mr. Whipple was one of the pallbearers. Mr. Brown, then a mere lad, placed a wooden tablet at the head of the grave, with the initials “E. P. L.” inscribed. When the City Cemetery was laid out, according to a regular plan, it was found that Lovejoy’s grave was in the main walk, rendering it necessary to remove his remains. This was also done by Mr. Johnston, who dug the original grave. The removal took place more than twenty years after the body was first consigned to mother earth, so long, in fact, that nothing was left but the bones, every particle of the coffin and its surroundings having disappeared. The remains now rest under a marble tablet near the line between the old cemetery and the addition made thereto a few years ago. This tablet was erected by Hon. Thomas Dimmock of the St. Louis Republican. The monument to Lovejoy’s memory yet remains a thing of the future.

Additions and Counter-Statements
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 6, 1882
A gentleman of Alton, who was present on the memorable November 7, 1837, and witnessed part of the proceedings of the mob that murdered Lovejoy, says that our informant, who gave us the statement that Mr. Sparr was one of the party who pursued the friends of the martyr after his death, was mistaken, led into the error, no doubt, by a similarity of names. It was, he thinks, a saloon keeper who was one of the leaders of the mob, and whose name has been confounded with that of Mr. Sparr. Our informant states that the last named was a Christian gentleman, and one who would have been as unlikely to take the part ascribed to him on that occasion as any of our first citizens today. The gentleman who gives us this information says that the mob, on the night in question, formed in the lower part of Alton, marched to a saloon on Second Street [Broadway], west of Piasa, about where Wilkinson’s mill now stands. There the crowd were harangued and instructed as to the work to be done. They then proceeded to the warehouse, where Lovejoy’s press was stored, and commenced the attack on the building with the sad results already known. Our informant, who witnessed a portion of the proceedings of the mob, saw a man whom he knew, demolish the printing press. He “did it with his little hatchet,” or hammer, and the fragments were thrown into the Mississippi. While the riot was in progress, two gentlemen came across the body of a man lying in the street, the victim of a shot fired by the defenders of the press. After a slight examination of this man by one of the gentlemen, he said, “He is not hurt. It is a pretense to try and inflame the mob.” But it afterwards appeared that the man was dead or fatally wounded. After the terrible culmination of the work of the mob in the death of Lovejoy, and the dispersion of the most of his friends and supporters, the members of the mob crowded into the warehouse and around the door of a room in the second story, in which the dead body of Lovejoy was lying. Inside of the room were two of the dead man’s friends – Rev. T. P. Hurlbut and Royal Weller. As the faces of the mob appeared at the door, Mr. Hurlbut, standing near the corpse of his dead friend, exclaimed, “Come in men, come in and see your work!” but the invitation was not generally accepted. It appears in this case, as in most instances of mob violence, that the crowd was composed to a large extent, not of prominent citizens, but of street loafers, and irresponsible fellows, with nothing to lose by a public disturbance, primed with bad whisky and excited by the harangues of blatant demagogues.


The Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy Riot - November 7, 1837
Written by Henry Tanner of Buffalo – One Who Was There
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 22, 1882
The Lovejoy conflict occurred November 7, 1837. The scene of the battle was the Godfrey and Gilman warehouse, which stood on the site now occupied by the National Mills. We think many people lose sight of the fact that in Alton, on November 7, 1837, was made the first forcible resistance to the aggressions of the slave power in America. When all the country was cringing and cowering under the despotism of the slave power, here in Alton, on November 6, 1837, sixty men were armed and enrolled to resist its tyranny, and when the crisis came on November 7, those present did resist with force and arms, the attack of the demon of slavery. Here was fought the first battle for freedom and human rights in slave-ridden America, and though the Spartan band were overpowered by numbers, the echo of their guns reverberated through the land and awoke the spirit of resistance, which culminated in the war for the Union [Civil War]. Here, in reality, was fought the first battle of the Civil War. And twenty-three years later, when the men of the North were arming for the final conflict, Illinois sent no braver soldiers to the field than the sons of the grand old Abolitionists, who stood in the ranks in Alton on the memorable November 7, 1837.

It has been the fashion for the last forty-five years to deride and execrate Alton because Lovejoy was killed here by a pro-slavery mob, but there are two sides to the matter. At the time of the riot, there was not a place in the United States where Lovejoy could have published an anti-slavery paper without molestation. The entire land was permeated and governed by the malevolent spirit of slavery. Even in righteous Boston, William Lloyd Garrison was dragged through the streets with a rope around his neck, and Henry Tanner - Lovejoy Defenderfound no place of safety except within the walls of the jail. The Boston mob tried to kill Garrison, but failed. The Alton mob tried to kill Lovejoy, and succeeded. There was no difference in intent. Judged by the moral quality of the action, the one was just as much murder as the other. In Alton, sixty noble men rallied around Lovejoy, with arms in their hands, and defended Lovejoy to their best ability, and at the risk of their lives. In Boston, no anti-slavery men (if there were any) dared to rally round and attempt to defend Garrison, but he was rescued by the police and placed in jail as the only place of safety. Which city is worthy of the greater honor? The one where men were found brave enough to face and defy the slave power, or the one where they meanly cringed before it? The men who armed themselves to defend Lovejoy in Alton were not defying simply a mob, but the sentiment of the age and country, and that right on the borders of a slave State (Missouri). Lovejoy was driven from St. Louis, and his office there destroyed by pro-slavery rioters, and a large portion of the mob which killed him in Alton was made up of Missouri ruffians. We have said that there were sixty men enrolled to defend Lovejoy. This was the case, and that number assembled at the building on the fatal night in question, ready for action, but there being no sign of disturbance the first of the evening, a false sense of security induced the leader to dismiss to their homes the greater part of the number, leaving but twenty men to defend the press stored in the building. The story of the battle is graphically told by Mr. Henry Tanner of Buffalo, one of the defenders of Lovejoy, who has written an admirably history of the riots. After narrating the history of Lovejoy’s career in Alton, and the destruction of two presses by mobs, and the action of a public meeting in deciding to procure a third press, he describes the landing of this last press, and the preparations to receive it as follows:

“A company of about sixty volunteers had enrolled themselves under the laws as a military company, and tendered their services to the Mayor to keep the peace of the city. This number of men had met for drill that evening at the store where the press would be landed, and they were armed with good rifles, all well loaded with ball. The captain of the boat was ordered to land the boxes containing the press, and if any attack was made on the boxes, to pull his boat out of harm’s way as soon as possible. The sixty men inside were divided into companies, and stationed at points overlooking the boxes, and had received orders that if any unauthorized persons should attempt to handle the boxes, they were to shoot at the boxes, and if anybody was in the way, it would appear to be the fault of the intruder. The press, however, was successfully landed, no demonstrations of a mob being made. The press was soon transferred from the boat to the fourth story of the warehouse belonging to Godfrey and Gilman, and the military company was left to continue their drill till morning, or go to sleep as best they could.

This brings us in detail to the morning of November 7, 1837. All was quiet in the city. The press was out of harm’s way, in the keeping of responsible men, and no demonstration towards its being unpacked. As night approached, nearly all of the men who had given their names to form that military company went to the building containing the press, one loft of which was the drill room, and were drilled there until nine o’clock. Then, as no one apprehended any trouble, the company was dismissed, and each was about going quietly home, when Mr. Gilman, one of the owners of the store, asked if some few of the number would not volunteer to remain through the night as a precaution against anyone breaking into the store and committing any depredation. Nineteen men volunteered to stay, and with Mr. Gilman, made twenty in all left in the store. Within a short time, appearances seemed to indicate that the mob were gathering, but no one thought of any serious trouble till two well-known men came to the building and asked to be admitted to see Mr. Gilman. Someone not possessed of much judgment (for they were both known to favor the mob) allowed them to come in. They, of course, soon took in the small number left to guard the building and press, and they then informed Mr. Gilman that unless the press was given up to the gentlemen outside, the building would be burned over our heads and every man killed. Consultation was had inside, and they were promptly given to understand that the press and the store would be defended. Some of us were for keeping these parties prisoners till morning, that they might share our fate, if need be.

Early in the night, after the main body had left, the twenty men remaining in the building had elected Deacon Enoch Long to act as their Captain, and as he had seen service in the War of 1812-15, we supposed him the most fit man for such a case. About as soon as the mob could get their report, we understood by the wild shouts among them that our numbers were satisfactory to that side, at least, and that we would have work to do. A council was called by the inside party, to take measures for defense, and some advised most vigorous defense, and as severe punishment to the mob, if we were attacked, as possible, but our Captain overruled, saying our course would be a useless sacrifice of human life, and if the mob whose shot and stones had began to come, should persist in their attack, after being counseled of the consequences, then he would select some one man to fire into the mob, and no doubt they would instantly disperse. The building was of stone, over one hundred feet long at the side toward a vacant lot. The attacking party were covered by this stone wall. The ends of the buildings on street and river would show as two stores – three stories on the street, and four at the river end, owing to the formation of the land. In the loft of one of these stores was stored stone jugs and jars. Reuben Gerry had stationed himself in this loft, while the writer was in the other. The mob were working in the street in front of both, but more particularly under Gerry’s part, for the door they were trying to force was more directly under him. Gerry had opened the door in his room over the head of the mob, and was amusing himself by rolling the jugs and crocks out of the door, down on their heads. The mob for a time tried throwing up stones, but they did not go up with the same effect that the jugs went down, and one of their number was selected to cross the street and shoot whoever might be throwing down the jugs. By the time the party had got to his appointed place where he could command Gerry’s door, my rifle was through the glass forming the top of my door, and resting on the sash, perfectly covering the man in the street. Two men had come up to the room where I was, to get a good sight of the mob, and the street was full. They were asking me not to shoot, for we were getting the worst of the fight already. My promise was readily given not to shoot, unless the man raised his gun to shoot Gerry. If he did, he could never perform the act. But Gerry knew of the preparations to shoot him, and did not know of my position, so he kept out of sight and saved the life of one who bragged the next day that he was the one who shot Lovejoy, perhaps not one hour later. I soon heard Mr. Gerry going downstairs, and immediately went down myself. While we were discussing the situation, we heard the report of a gun close to us from the inside, and the exclamation that a man on the outside was shot. Our captain had put in force his saving theory, and had selected one man to fire, and that shot had killed a man by the name of Bishop. On the outside I heard one call and ask, ‘Who fired that gun?’ Someone answered, ‘I did.’ I went to the window and saw four men pick up Bishop and carry him off. The shooting of this man seemed to have the effect contemplated by our captain, and the mob withdrew. But the lull was short. They soon returned reinforced, and with savage yells, threatened to fire the building and shoot every ‘d---d abolitionist.’ Even at this time no orders were given for any concentrated fire on the mob, but many shots were fired, but with poor effect.

Mayor Krum came in the building, and we asked him to take us outside to face the mob and order them to disperse, or else in their hearing order us to fire, and we would pledge our lives to clean them out, but he prudently and cautiously, and for our good, declined, saying he had too high a regard for our lives to do that, but at the same time, he justified our right of defense. When he returned to the mob from us, he could do nothing.

About this time, the mob had approached the building with a long ladder, and operating on the side of the house next the vacant lot, where there was no opening in the long wall, they had got the ladder to the roof and a man on the ladder with material to set the house on fire on the roof. When volunteers were called for to go out and shoot the man off the ladder, the men on the lower floor, Mr. Lovejoy, Amos B. Roff, and Royal Weller, stepped out of the door and towards the river, and as they stepped clear of the door to get at the side of the building, Mr. Lovejoy received five bullets in his body and limbs from behind a pile of lumber nearby where men were concealed, probably for the purpose. Mr. Roff was also shot in the leg, and Mr. Weller also was shot in his leg and had a bullet through his hat that just cleared his head. Mr. Lovejoy walked in and upstairs one story to the office, saying as he went, ‘I am shot! I am shot! I am dead!’ He was met at the door of the room by all on that floor, and died without a struggle and without speaking again. The two that were wounded then got back upstairs. Very soon, there appeared on the river side of the building the same two men who were, in the beginning, admitted and let out of the building, and calling the attention of whoever was in sight, displayed a white handkerchief and called for Gilman, and said that the building was on fire, but the boys would put it out if he would give up the press, and would not destroy anything else, nor hurt anyone if the building was surrendered. Mr. Gilman then concluded that inasmuch as there was great value in the building of goods, and also the interests of many firms all over the State were jeopardized, and Mr. Godfrey, his partner, not present, that to save all these interests, it was his judgment the buildings and press had best be abandoned to the mob. Others, under the circumstances, could say nothing, and so it was resolved to give it up, and the spies were so ordered to notify their fellows. Accordingly, our guns were secreted in different places, and all of the number left the building in a body, except Lovejoy, dead, Roff and Weller wounded, and S. J. Thompson, who remained till the mob entered, and Rev. Thaddeus B. Hurlbut, who remained in charge of the body. As the men passed by that vacant lot, it seemed as if a hundred bullets were shot at them from the mob congregated at the other and higher end of the lot. The escaped congregated in a hardware store on Second Street, a little removed from the scene of action, and after a while went to their homes, and the work of destruction was completed on the press and on the fortunes of the city for all future time.

The names of the defenders of the press in the building at the time of the battle were: Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy (killed), Amos B. Roff (wounded), Royal Weller (wounded), Rev. T. B. Hurlbut, William Harned, Henry Tanner, James Morse Jr., Joseph S. Noble, Edward Breath, George H. Walworth, J. C. Woods, George H. Whitney, Reuben Gerry, Winthrop S. Gilman, Enoch Long, George T. Brown, Samuel J. Thompson, H. D. Davis, D. F. Randall, and D. B. Loomis. None of these are now known to be living except W. S. Gilman of New York City, Henry Tanner of Buffalo, New York, and Rev. T. B. Hurlbut of Upper Alton. It is to be regretted that there is no muster roll in existence of the remainder of the sixty men who enrolled themselves to defend the press, as they are entitled to almost equal honor with those who remained in the building.” Written by Henry Tanner of Buffalo, New York.

Amos B. Roff was born July 2, 1799, and was 38 years old at the time of the Lovejoy riot. He was wounded by a member of the mob, who killed Lovejoy. He died September 20, 1856, and is buried in Petaluma, California. He had formerly owned a cooking and heating stove business on Broadway in Alton as early as October 1836. In December 1837, Roff sold his business to Henry Tanner, also a Lovejoy defender.

Royal Weller operated a jobbing business in Alton as early as 1836. In December of that year, he partnered with Reuben Gerry, another Lovejoy defender, and they continued the business. They sold dry goods, groceries, crockery, boots and shoes, and books. On the day of the murder of Lovejoy, Weller hired Joseph Brown, then a boy, to work all afternoon moulding bullets. Weller and Amos B. Roth came out of the warehouse with Lovejoy, who pointed a pistol at a boy on a ladder was who trying to set fire to the warehouse. Weller, along with Amos B. Roff, was wounded as two men shot from behind a barrier. According to the Alton Evening Telegraph, May 18, 1935 and April 12, 1976, Royal Weller married Lovejoy’s widow, Celia Ann French Lovejoy, who had left Alton following the murder of her husband. Later, Weller returned to Madison County, Illinois, but was officially judged as being “insane because of religious fanaticism.” Weller was placed in the Jacksonville, Illinois, State Hospital for the Insane, and died there July 28, 1859 (could be burial date). He is buried in the Immanuel North Cemetery in South Jacksonville, then called the “Red Barn Burials,” as inmates were buried in the pasture on a hill south of an old milk barn. All these farmlands are now leased to Prairieland Heritage Museum.

In August 1937, it was determined that Elijah P. Lovejoy’s estate was never officially closed. Upon examination of records, it was found that on May 6,1847, nearly ten years after the death of Lovejoy, a petition had been filed by Royal Weller, asking that he be appointed administrator of the estate, and that the value of his personal estate was estimated at $400. The record further showed that Weller was appointed as administrator, and that he was named guardian for Lovejoy’s minor son, Edward, whose share of the estate was to be $250. Edward Lovejoy was then 14 years of age.

Rev. Thaddeus Beman Hurlbut was born in Vermont on October 28, 1800. In 1834, he moved to St. Louis, and formed the friendship of Elijah P. Lovejoy. He used his influence and writings to fight the aggression of slavery, but took up arms in the defense of free speech on November 7, 1837. When Lovejoy moved to Alton, Hurlbut became associate editor of Lovejoy’s newspaper, The Alton Observer. Following the death of Lovejoy, Hurlbut considered re-establishing the paper, but moved to Jacksonville, and then to Upper Alton, where he spent the rest of his life. He died March 31, 1885, and is buried in the Alton City Cemetery. His son, Wilberforce Lovejoy Hurlbut, was named after Rev. Lovejoy. Wilberforce served in the Civil War as captain. He went missing on May 6, 1864, and witnesses say he was shot in the head. His body was never recovered.

Captain William Anthony Harned was born November 24, 1792, in Parrottsville, Cocke County, Tennessee. He was the son of Samuel (1765-1851) and Rachel Crow Harned (1767-1851). Captain Harned married Hannah Boyer (1792-1850), and they had one child born in Tennessee - Jane Harned Johnson (1817-1860). The family moved to Red River County, Texas, where three children were born - John Wesley Harned (January 26, 1819 – 1904); William Stephen Harned (1821-1896); and David Benson Harned (1830-1913). Captain William brought his family to Alton in 1833, and he became proprietor of the Mansion House (boarding house). He was one of “60 Militant Friends” of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, and donated a first-story room in the Mansion House for the last Lovejoy meeting, held the evening before Lovejoy was assassinated. His son, John Wesley Harned, was also an eyewitness of the Lovejoy murder. In 1849, Captain Harned went to California during the gold rush, leaving his family in Illinois. He left California to return home, and was never heard from again. His wife, Hannah, died in 1850 in Pontoosuc, Hancock County, Illinois, which is just west of Peoria. His daughter, Jane, died there in 1860, and his son William Stephen Harned died there in 1896. His son, John Harned, a witness to the Lovejoy murder, died in March 1904 near Greenville, Illinois. Captain Harned’s son, David Benson Harned, died in Reno, Bond County, Illinois, in 1913.

Henry Tanner was born in 1813 in Bristol, Rhode Island. He moved to Alton some time before 1837. He was known as a sincere and conscientious anti-slavery men, who was willing to stand by the “down-trodden slave” and defend their right to freedom, at a time when it cost men their lives, the sacrifice of their business, and standing society to do so. In December 1837, following the murder of Elijah P. Lovejoy, Tanner purchased the entire stock of Amos B. Roff (another Lovejoy Defender), and continued the business of selling cooking and heating stoves, and tin and sheet iron. In March 1838, Tanner moved his store to the stone warehouse, west of State Street in Alton. By April 1873, Tanner had moved to Buffalo, New York. He died in Buffalo on January 31, 1895, and was buried in the Forest Lawn Cemetery in that city. Henry was the last of the immortal band of defenders of Elijah P. Lovejoy, who was murdered in Alton on November 7, 1837. He wrote article above, as a witness to the scene.

I have found little information on Lovejoy defender James Morse Jr., other than he was a respectable citizen of Alton, appointed to a committee in June 1837, to provide a reception for visiting dignitaries Daniel Webster and Henry Clay. He must have been a business man or politician, as he was associated with prominent members of Alton’s society. It is possible he moved away from Alton after the death of Lovejoy. Morse died before March 1878.

Joseph S. Noble was a Lovejoy defender, and died before 1878. No further information could be found on him.

Both Abraham Breath and his brother, Edward Breath, were sons of sea Captain James Breath, who came to Madison County, Illinois, in 1819, and formed the Marine Settlement. Abraham, along with George W. Welsh, James Semple, and Jordan W. Jeffress, laid out the town of Marine in 1834. Abraham moved to Alton, where he served as Assessor of Alton Township. Both Abraham and Edward formed a friendship with Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, and became one of his defenders. Edward was with Lovejoy at the time of his death. Abraham Breath died in March 1884, and is buried in the Alton City Cemetery. After the death of Lovejoy, Edward Breath served as a missionary to Persia (Iran). Edward died of cholera in Iran on November 18, 1861, at the age of 53. He was buried in the American Mission Graveyard in West Azerbaijan, Iran. Three of his children are also buried there, presumably from cholera. After the death of Edward and their three children, his wife, Elizabeth Leggett Breath, left Persia with their two surviving children.

George H. Walworth was a respectable business man of Alton, and owned a dry goods store there in partnership with Reuben Gerry. That partnership was dissolved in March 1836. He died sometime before 1878. No further information was found.

J. C. Woods was a Lovejoy defender, and died before 1878. No further information was found.

George H. Whitney formerly lived in Boston, Massachusetts. He moved to Alton sometime before 1837, and became a supporter of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy. He was one of his defenders on the night of his murder. In March 1838, he married Elizabeth B. White, daughter of Jacob White of St. Charles, Missouri. He was in a business partnership with Julius A. Willard, under the firm name of Willard & Whitney, which was dissolved in April 1838. Whitney died sometime before 1878. George was probably a relative of James W. Whitney of Boston, who was an early pioneer of Upper Alton.

Reuben Gerry first appeared in the Alton newspaper in March 1836, when it was announced that he and his partner, George H. Walworth, were dissolving their partnership in the firm of Gerry & Walworth. The plan was to change the nature of their business. In December 1836, when Gerry formed a partnership with Royal Weller, under the firm name of Gerry & Weller, for the transaction of a general jobbing business on Broadway, selling dry goods, groceries, crockery, boots and shoes, and books. Gerry was a Lovejoy defender, and on the night of the riot in Alton, he found earthenware pots stored on one of the upper floors of the Godfrey & Gilman warehouse, where the defenders and Lovejoy were, and began to bombard the crowd below. Dr. Horace Beal, instigator of much of the anti-Lovejoy feeling, took aim at the pot-tossing defender. Gerry was unable to see Dr. Beal because of a corner in the warehouse construction which obstructed his view. Henry Tanner spotted the sniper about to shoot Gerry, and pointed his muzzleloader at Dr. Beal. Dr. Beal observed the glint of moonlight off the steel barrel aimed directly at him, and ducked behind the lumber. Gerry continued to toss the pots on the heads of the crowd below, unaware of the drama being played out nearby. This continued until Gerry ran out of pots, and retired to the lower floor of the warehouse. In September 1838, it was announced that Sigerson and Harrison had bought the entire stock of goods from Gerry and Weller, and continued in the business. In October 1847, it was announced that L. Kellenberger was appointed trustee of the remaining property and effects of the late firm of Gerry and Weller. No further information was found regarding Reuben Gerry. I assume he died or moved away.

Winthrop Sargent Gilman was born in 1808 in Marietta, Ohio, and was a prominent resident of Alton. He and Captain Benjamin Godfrey were in partnership, and owned the warehouse where Lovejoy was killed. Gilman was also was one of the original founders of the Alton Marine and Fire Insurance Company, and was a member of the Alton Total Abstinence Society. Gilman married in 1834 to Abia Swift Lippincott, daughter of Rev. Thomas Lippincott. They had 10 children. Gilman died in October 1884, at the age of 76, in Palisades, New York, and is buried in the Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York.

Enoch Long was a pioneer resident of Upper Alton, arriving there in 1819. He served as Captain in the War of 1812. He was one of the original trustees on the board of Shurtleff College. He later moved to Alton, and founded the first Alton Presbyterian Churches there. Long and Captain Benjamin Godfrey laid out the village of Monticello (Godfrey) in 1840. Long was selected captain of Lovejoy’s 60 defenders. It was Long who commanded that no one should fire without his order, which he hesitated to give from motives of mercy. In 1844, Long moved to Galena, and in 1863 moved to Sabula, Iowa, to live with his son. Long died in July 1881, at the age of 90 years, at the home of his son. He is buried in the Evergreen Cemetery in Sabula.

George T. Brown was born in Scotland in 1820. He settled in Canada in 1833, and then moved to Alton in the Fall of 1834. In 1837, Brown stood as a defender of Lovejoy when he was killed by a mob. He learned the printer’s trade, and afterwards studied law with the Hon. Lyman Trumbull. He practiced this profession until about 1850, when he founded, in connection with others, the Alton Daily and Weekly Courier, which he carried on until 1860. He was elected Mayor of Alton, and was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1848. In 1861, he was elected Sergeant at Arms of the U.S. Senate, and served in that position over eight years. During the Civil War, he was one of the most prominent officials in Washington, and was entrusted with many important missions. Brown had charge of the funeral train which conveyed the remains of President Lincoln from Washington to Springfield. After his retirement, he returned to Alton. He died in June 1880 in Alton, and was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.

Samuel J. Thompson was an early Methodist preacher in the history of Madison County, who stood as a Lovejoy defender. He was later a practicing physician in Edwardsville, and then moved to Kansas.

H. D. Davis was the proprietor of a store in Upper Alton, under the firm name of H. Davis & Co. He was a Lovejoy defender, and died sometime before 1887.

D. F. Randall was a Lovejoy defender. No further information could be found on Randall, except that he was deceased by 1887.

David Burt Loomis was the son of Rev. Hubbel Loomis of Upper Alton, who was principal and teacher at the Shurtleff College in its early years. David later moved to Minnesota, and died there in 1897.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 3, 1883
At the time of the Lovejoy riot, the writer (J.H.S.) loaned a number one rifle and 50 bullets to Royal Weller, one of the defenders of the stone warehouse where Lovejoy’s press was stored, and never saw the gun afterwards. Weller was shot in the heel during the riot. Weller afterwards married Lovejoy’s widow. My idea is that a man named James Francis killed Lovejoy, and that James Rock shot Royal Weller. Signed by J. H. S.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 20, 1884
Hon. Thomas Dimmock, in the Globe-Democrat, makes an earnest plea for a monument to Lovejoy. The subject is one the Telegraph has often spoken of, and we are glad to say that people seem to be awakening to the greatness of Lovejoy’s life and work, and the time is approaching when something can be successfully attempted in the way of a memorial. Mr. Dimmock’s article is as below:

St. Louis, March 11
“The notice in your issue of this morning of the death of one of the last survivors of the gallant company who stood by Elijah P. Lovejoy in his vain defense of liberty of the press, induces me to what may be termed the post mortem treatment of that hero and martyr. Lovejoy was buried in what is now the well cared for and beautiful City Cemetery of Alton, but which then, in 1837, was little better than an open field; quite neglected and without protection from desecrating man or beast. The spot selected was between two oak trees, and at the head of the grave a pine board was planted, on which were rudely cut the letters, “E. P. L.” Years rolled by, the trees were cut down, the board rotted away, and when the cemetery was laid out, the main avenue so completely obliterated the grave that its locality would have been lost altogether, had not the considerate superintendent marked it by two pieces of limestone, rising a few inches above the soil. These, however, did not prevent vehicles and pedestrians from passing directly over the grave, for with the exception of the superintendent and one or two other persons, nobody knew what the stones meant. Finally, a citizen of Alton, long since deceased, removed the remains from the public thoroughfare and deposited them immediately outside his own family lot, where they are today. Another hand, some years later, contributed a small marble scroll bearing this inscription, “Hic jacet. LOVEJOY. Jam parce sepulto.”

Neither the marble nor the inscription is worthy of the deeds and the death of him who sleeps beneath, though they have saved his resting place from utter oblivion.

The city authorities have set apart a handsome lot in a more desirable portion of the cemetery, and efforts have been made in Alton, Chicago, and elsewhere, to raise sufficient money to prepare it for the reception of the little that is left of Lovejoy’s dust. Thus far, these efforts have failed, and that sacred dust is indebted to the charity of private individuals, not only for the stone which identifies it, but for the very grave which holds it.

In his last speech – his dying words it may be truly called – Lovejoy said, “So long as I am an American citizen, and so long as American blood runs in these veins, I shall hold myself at liberty to write, print, speak whatever I please on any subject, being amenable to the laws of my country for the same.” Setting aside his services in the cause of human freedom, at a time when public opposition to slavery was not only unpopular, but dangerous, is not the man who thus proclaimed the fundamental principle of our political and social institutions, and who died in defending it – entitled to more generous recognition? Cannot his fellow-citizens, whose inalienable rights he vindicated with tongue and pen, and sealed with blood, afford to give him a worthier tomb and nobler monument?”

Mr. Dimmock modestly omits to mention that his was the hand which erected the marble scroll over Lovejoy’s grave, and wrote thereon the present inscription. The epitaph Mr. Dimmock now deems inadequate, but we have always regarded it as singularly and pathetically appropriate. When a loftier and grander monument is erected to Lovejoy’s memory, the present scroll, with its inscription, should form part of the column.


JOHNSTON, WILLIAM “SCOTCH”/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 16, 1885
Buried Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy
William Johnson (also spelled Johnson in various accounts), an estimable, intelligent colored man, with quite an interesting history, died at his home in Alton last night, having long been in feeble health, at the age of about 80 years. He was a native of Aberdeen, Scotland, and was a Freemason there. While a very young man, he was the confidential attendant of a Scotch nobleman, Lord Aberdeen, and in that capacity traveled extensively in Europe. He saw Lord Byron, and heard him make a speech in Aberdeen, Scotland, in acknowledgement of a reception given him when he succeeded to the title.

Johnson came to America more than 50 years ago, landing first at New Orleans, where he got into trouble on account of his color, the laws then being very strict in requiring passports of all freemen of his race. He afterwards came to St. Louis, where he worked at his trade as stone mason for some time. He laid the last stones on the tower of the old cathedral on Walnut Street, and used to say that when his work was done, Bishop Rosatti gave him a glass of wine and $5 in gold. While walling a well in St. Louis, he was buried by the caving earth, and released with difficulty after many hours interment, losing the sight of one eye by the terrible ordeal.

When Elijah P. Lovejoy was killed in 1837 by a pro-slavery mob, Johnston was living in Alton, and without fee or reward, dug the grave of the first anti-slavery martyr. He stated that he painted Lovejoy’s coffin red with pokeberry juice. He performed, on the same terms, the same office twenty years later, when the remains were removed to another part of the Alton Cemetery.

Johnston was an interesting talker, and could entertain all listeners with an account of his hair-breadth escapes and thrilling adventures. He was connected with the underground railway before the [Civil] war, and assisted many fugitive slaves to escape. He leaves several children to mourn his death. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 20, 1885
In pursuance of a resolution offered Friday by Rev. T. W. Henderson, the members of the A. M. E. Conference proceeded Saturday afternoon to the City Cemetery, and held services at the grave of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy. Rev. W. J. Davis, the oldest member of the conference, offered a fervent prayer. He returned thanks that when Lovejoy died, the spirit of abolition did not perish, but thousands were raised from his ashes to continue the work to a successful issue. Bishop John M. Brown stated that it afforded him infinite pleasure to come to the spot made famous and precious because of the association connected with it. He remembered the events that led to Lovejoy’s death. The speaker was first in Alton in 1850. He gave a brief sketch of incidents in Lovejoy’s life just previous to the tragedy of November 7, 1837. The martyr labored under the mistaken impression that here on free soil, he would be safe from the malice, hate, and prejudice of slavery. Many are standing here today because the principles he advocated are triumphant. A few instances of the tyranny exercised by the slave-holding representatives in Congress were cited, and a number of the old-time anti-slavery men were eloquently eulogized. The colored man was first a slave; then a “contraband,” next a “freedman,” and now the equal of any man before the law. “You all came here today to pay a tribute to the memory of Lovejoy, who died for freedom, religious, education, all that make life worth living. Let us prove ourselves worthy of the sacrifice by doing our work grandly, nobly, effectually.” The son, “Lovejoy’s Body Lies Mouldering in the Grave,” was then rendered with thrilling effect, led by Rev. T. W. Henderson.

Dr. B. W. Arnett, the next speaker, said that so many thoughts thronged his mind in connection with the place and its association, that he was almost bewildered. He made an analysis of Lovejoy’s name, saying that it meant love to God, love to man; joy for the privileges that have resulted through the death of martyrs for free men, free schools, and human toleration. Today, these are the fundamental principles of our country. Now not only are all “created equal,” but all are born free, the constitution of our country giving these heaven-born principles to everyone in this favored land. The one who sleeps here was one of the martyrs in the struggle of the ages, of right against wrong. The times of 48 years ago and today were vividly contrasted. Twenty-nine years ago, the speaker passed by here on a boat. Then, he feared to land. “On the Missouri shore, they were waiting to enslave us, on this side, ready to catch us should we endeavor to escape.” The cost of the privileges we enjoy was very great; many have forgotten the changes that have taken place, and do not perform the additional duty imposed on them. Before the war there were practically no colored schools in the country; now there are 17,600 schools, 105 colleges and seminarys, 4,000 churches, and $5,000,000 worth of church property. The colored people should strive for education, integrity, religion, morality, and money. Let us leave this place with love to God and man, joy in the heart, morn, noon, and evening.

President Mitchell of Wilberforce College, Ohio, was introduced, and read some extracts from the holiday number of the Alton Telegraph, 1883, giving the account of Lovejoy’s death, November 7, 1837, at Godfrey & Gilman’s warehouse. The President closed with singing “Praise God From Whom all Blessings flow,” and benediction by Bishop Brown.

The scene at the cemetery was most impressive. It was a calm, quiet, pleasant event. The declining sun cast dark shadows over the monuments, valleys, and hills of the city of the dead, as the throng, representatives of a race freed from cruel bondage, stood around the tablet that marked the resting place of him, the first noted victim to the fell spirit that enslaved a people because of their color. All were deeply interested in the remarks of the speakers, eloquent with the feeling born of the associations of the place.

In this connection, it may well be stated that Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, the martyr, was Stated Clerk of the Presbytery of Alton, and was connected with the Presbyterian Church in Alton, at the time of his death, and the first volume of the Records of Alton Presbytery is in his handwriting.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 3, 1885
Dated August 27, 1885; To Mr. Isaac H. Kelley:
Sir – I have known you for thirty years, and my opinion of your character is sufficiently indicated by the fact that this letter is addressed to you. More than forty years ago, with a companion somewhat older than myself, I sought and found the grave of Elijah Parish Lovejoy. It then lay between two quite large oak trees, and was marked by a small pine board, on which were rudely carved the initials, “E. P. L.” The present city cemetery was then an open common. When it was laid out, the trees and board disappeared, and the main avenue from the gate passed directly over the grave – the location of which would have been hopelessly lost, but for the late William Brudon, Superintendent of the cemetery, who marked the spot by the fragments of limestone, of which very few knew the meaning. After being thus trodden underfoot by man and beast for several years, the late Charles W. Hunter had the remains removed, where they now are, just outside his own family lot, but in ground owned by him. William Johnston, recently deceased, who buried Lovejoy the first time, had charge of the removal. He told me that some bits of bone and handsful of dust was all he could find. The second grave, when I first knew it, was designated by an old tombstone turned upside down, and across the upper edge of which was written in red chalk, “Lovejoy.”

Circumstances made the great principle proclaimed in these words from his last public speech especially dear to me: “But gentlemen, so long as I am an American citizen, and so long as American blood runs in these veins, I shall hold myself at liberty to write, print, speak, whatever I please on any subject – being amenable to the laws of my country for the same.”

Before placing the marble tablet which now marks the grave, I endeavored to communicate with Lovejoy’s son, Edward, but my letters did not reach him – at least were never answered. Consequently, I was obliged to assume that he had no objections – and I have heard of none from any quarter since. The Latin epitaph – in English, “Here lies Lovejoy; Spare him now that he is buried,” was submitted to Wendell Phillips and other competent critics, and cordially approved. A longer and better one might and would be written now, but then, these few words seemed to me appropriate, and enough.

For reasons needless to specify, I thought it best to obtain a title to the burial lot, and it was cheerfully given to me by Major Hunter’s heirs, the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeBow. The deed was duly recorded by Mr. Frank Ferguson, but the original, I am sorry to say, has been mislaid. The title, however, is never likely to be disputed.

I have stated all these facts, believing they will be interesting to you and your people, in view of what I ask you and them to do. Some weeks since I said to you, verbally, that I desired you, as the representative of the colored people of Alton, to take charge of Lovejoy’s grave, protect it and care for it. The race for whose liberty, and the liberty of the press, he died, are the natural and proper guardians of his dust. I now repeat my wish in writing, and assign to you and your people all my right, title, and interest in the lot and its contents; but by the terms of the deed, when the remains are removed, the lot reverts to the DeBow heirs.

As you know, several attempts have been made to build a Lovejoy monument, and an eligible lot in the cemetery has been set apart for that purpose. I suggest, and request, that no removal of the little that is left be permitted until the proposed monument is built, or so nearly finished that its completion is certain. I also request that when the removal, on this condition, occurs, the present tablet be used as a footstone.

It will be well, I think, if you call together some or all of your colored friends and acquaintances, read to them what I have written, and then put the matter in formal shape by the appointment of a committee or board, to assume the keeping of the grave hereafter, as I cannot doubt the willingness to accept the trust now transferred by me. Very truly, Thomas Dimmock.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 29, 1885
A meeting of the leading colored citizens was held in the Union Baptist Church last evening, to consider the matter of accepting the guardianship of the grave and burial lot of Elijah P. Lovejoy, as proposed by Mr. Thomas Dimmock. Mr. I. H. Kelley was called to the chair, and Mr. W. A. Ashton appointed Secretary. On motion, the letter from Mr. Dimmock was read, whereupon the Rev. N. J. McCracken offered the following resolution, which was adopted:

Whereas, the remains of the immortal E. P. Lovejoy, who in the year of 1837 gave his life in advocating free thought, free speech, and freedom to all, are now resting within the city cemetery. And
Whereas, Mr. Thomas Dimmock has had charge of the grave for many years, and proposes to turn it over to the colored citizens. Therefore, be it resolved, by this meeting, that the proposition be hereby accepted, and that we take action as early as possible for erecting a suitable monument in memory of Lovejoy, and that Mr. I. H. Kelley be appointed custodian of the grave and lot.

Mr. D. Jenkins moved that a committee of seven be appointed to investigate the condition of the grave. Whereupon the chair appointed the following as the committee: Edward Poindexter, J. Ross, William Walker, Dennis Jenkins, W. A. Ashton, I. H. Kelley, and R. A. Scott.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 26, 1886
To the Editor of the Telegraph:
Your Fosterburg correspondent reports a debate at some schoolhouse on the amusing question as to the ownership of a pumpkin, which grew in one man's field, while the plant had its origin on the land of another man. This brought up recollections of debates held between forty and fifty years ago in the Smooth Prairie brick schoolhouse, which stood half a mile north of the present town of Fosterburg. Not long after the death of Mr. Lovejoy, on one occasion the question was on the evils of slavery and whiskey - which was the greater? At that time there was a saloon in Alton on the right-hand side of the street, looking up the hill toward Sempletown, at or near the corner of Third Street. In the discussion referred to, Mr. Ross Houk was one of the speakers. Mr. Houk was an active, enterprising business man, and was often in Alton, and perhaps there was no man in Smooth Prairie that would be more likely to ascertain and understand all the facts in connection with the Lovejoy mob than Mr. Houk. In his speech on the occasion referred to, he made the following statements:

That the mob that murdered Lovejoy organized in the saloon referred to (he called its name). That they prepared themselves, made themselves drunk enough for the deed by drinking whiskey, and that they proceeded from that saloon to the warehouse - and that "whiskey had as much to do with the murder of Lovejoy as slavery had. Of course, things said in a debate of that kind are not always as reliable as history ought to be, but from the ability of Mr. Houk to get at the facts, from the directness of his statements and from the fact that they were not called in question, I have always associated that saloon and whiskey with the martyrdom of Mr. Lovejoy. No doubt there are a good many persons who know where this mob organized and whether the liquor traffic helped to place that stain on our young State or not. To this day I have neither read nor heard any statements that I can now recall that contradicted Mr. Houk's statements, hence the question: Did whiskey help to murder Lovejoy? Signed by T. A. Eaton, DuQuoin, February 1886.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 11, 1886
In partially demolishing, for repairs, the western half of the old, two-story stone building on Second Street [Broadway], near Piasa Street, occupied in the summer of 1837 by Elijah P. Lovejoy as a printing office, the workmen and others last week found a quantity of type, no doubt used in printing the Observer, Mr. Lovejoy’s paper. The type was found beneath the upper floor in the crevices at the end of the sills. They are highly prized by those who found them as relics of the momentous times of the pro-slavery troubles of 1837. This building is one from which a press was thrown, but was not the place of the riot in which Mr. Lovejoy lost his life.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 26, 1886
I was in St. Louis at the time of the burning of the negro, McIntosh, in 1836. I read your article in relation to the incident, and your informant is not quite correct in all particulars. The morning before the burning, I was on an Ohio riverboat to see a friend off, and saw the negro, McIntosh, who was steward on a boat lying alongside. We both remarked that he was a dangerous fellow. During the afternoon of the same day, a comrade of McIntosh got into a fight and was ordered to jail. McIntosh interfered, and released the prisoner, and was himself arrested, and not being able to find bond, was ordered to jail. He was placed in the charge of Messrs. Hammond and Mull, one a deputy Sheriff and the other either a City Marshal or deputy; two of the best officers of St. Louis. The jail was then on Sixth Street, between Market and Chestnut, east side. On the way up Chestnut, between Fourth and Fifth Streets, McIntosh made a right and left cut with a knife he had concealed, cutting Mull across the abdomen so that his bowels protruded, and striking Hammond on top of the shoulder so the knife struck a vital point. Mull fell on the north front of the courthouse. Hammond followed to the east front and was dead when found. When Mull was found, no one supposed he could live, but he finally recovered. This happened between sundown and dark. I saw the pursuit after McIntosh, but had learned to keep out of such troubles. One of the owners of the store I lived in assisted in making the arrest the second time. Between 7 and 8 o’clock p.m., Hammond was found in front of the courthouse, dead, and I came up just as they were moving him home. I heard the first man say, “Let us burn him.” I knew the voice, and knew the man well, and I knew the leaders. There were but very few prominent men engaged, one a city officer and one an ex-city officer. Many young men and boys were engaged in the burning. One man had daring enough to try to save the negro, but was prevented by the pistols of several of the mob, pointed at his head. His name was Joseph Charless, and should be honored for all time for this one act. Before 10 o’clock p.m., all was over, and the streets of St. Louis were quieter than I ever knew them, and the next day, though the sun was bright and clear, there was a gloom over the city, and very little appearance of business. The place of the dark tragedy was between Seventh and Eighth and Pine and Olive Streets, and the tree, a thorny honey locust. I have seen the tree many times. The remains were removed the next day, and the tree by small pieces during the summer. I knew many of the young men and boys engaged in the work. The next Grand Jury of St. Louis County decided, “there were too many prominent public men engaged in the riot to find a bill of indictment against anyone.”

Such is my remembrance of that night and day of horror in St. Louis, and it made so great an impression on me, that if another fifty years would pass over my head, I do not think I can forget any part of it. Signed, Volney P. Richmond. [NOTE: Volney P. Richmond died in 1901 in Madison County, IL.]


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 5, 1887
Monday, November 7, is the 50th anniversary of the death of Lovejoy, the first great martyr to freedom of speech and of the press; the first noted victim to the murderous spirit of the upholders of African slavery. This bloody deed, largely the work of imported ruffians, has for 50 years been an undeserved blot on the otherwise fair fame of Alton. Many of the principal residents of Alton stood in defense of Lovejoy, risking their lives for the principles he represented. A riotous mob, after frequenting a few saloons and imbibing false courage by the use of spirituous liquors, made an attack on Godfrey & Gilman’s warehouse, situated where Captain Sparks’ mill is now located. Lovejoy’s printing press, the object of the mob’s attack, was in the warehouse and was defended by Lovejoy and some of his friends. Lovejoy was mortally wounded by a charge of buckshot while outside the door of the warehouse, attempting to shoot the man on the ladder who was firing the roof of the building. Lovejoy returned into the building and died in a few minutes. His friends then surrendered, and the press was destroyed. The late Abraham Breath used to tell how he returned to the building the next morning, and pressed tufts of raw cotton in the ghastly wounds of the dead martyr, whom he found lying in an upper room. The body was buried in the City Cemetery, at a point that afterwards proved to be in the main pathway. It was subsequently removed to another point, and a stone was erected over the grave by Hon. Thomas Dimmock, now of St. Louis. A colored man, now deceased, named Scotch Johnston, said that the body was taken to the cemetery in a plain pine coffin, and that he stained the coffin red with pokeberries. The only survivors of the warehouse defenders are Mr. Henry Tanner of Buffalo, New York, and David Burt Loomis of Stillwater, Minnesota. The late Rev. Thaddeus B. Hurlbut of Upper Alton, who was in the building, remained with Lovejoy’s body all night. Peter Wise has a grindstone on his place turned with a crank that was used with Lovejoy’s press.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 11, 1887
Justice I. B. Randle lived in Upper Alton at the time of the Lovejoy riot, and was among those who supported the martyr in his struggle for freedom. A meeting was called at Upper Alton a day or two before the riot, of those who were “Friends of the Slave.” The meeting was taken possession of by those who were not friendly to the principles advocated by Lovejoy, and Dr. Blackburn was elected chairman. He was in favor of the “immediate abolition of slavery, in accordance with the constitution of the United States and the best interests of the people.” This declaration discouraged the friends of freedom, and they, to the number of eight or ten, withdrew to another room and passed resolutions endorsing Lovejoy and pledging him their support.


From the St. Louis Republican
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 17 & 24, 1888
A small but select and deeply interested audience assembled in the church of the Unity last night to listen to the reading of a paper by Mr. Thomas Dimmock, upon the life and death of the martyr Lovejoy, prepared by him at the request of a number of citizens interested in the subject. The Rev. Dr. Learned introduced Mr. Dimmock, prefacing the lecture with a few remarks upon the history of Lovejoy and his qualifications to speak on the subject.

Mr. Dimmock commenced his lecture by briefly relating the early life of Lovejoy, his Christian character, his aptitude for learning, and his great and noble devotion to the cause of anti-slavery. Lovejoy, he said, was not, in the true sense of the word, an abolitionist, but believed strongly in the emancipation of the slaves, and had devoted his life to this end. The exciting times of 1836 and 1837 in St. Louis and Alton, which finally led to his murder on the night of November 7, 1837, and the attempt to tar and feather him and send him adrift down the river in a canoe, were described in a graphic manner. Something of a sensation was created when the lecturer stated that the man who had been the bitterest persecutor of Lovejoy was a minister, and had represented St. Louis in Congress. The lecture was replete with interesting incidents and was listened to with the greatest attention up to the close.

Mr. Dimmock brought out the following new incident relative to the meeting of November 3, when Lovejoy made his last appeal. Lovejoy’s words were not altogether lost upon the hostile assembly. Dr. Benjamin K. Hart of Alton, long since deceased, my family physician for many years and one of the best specimens of the Christian gentleman I have ever known, was present at the meeting. He told me what I now relate:

“The speech,” said Dr. Hart, “made a deep impression, and the sympathies of the audience were evidently roused in favor of Lovejoy. I saw this, and felt it, and was on the point of rising to say something that would help the turn of the tide. But I was young then, and as you know, have always been rather deficient in self-confidence. So I hesitated – and hesitated a moment too long. ‘John Smith’ got up and made one of his characteristic harangues on the other side. The sympathies were swept away, the old sentiments of the audience return in full force – and you know the result. I have never forgiven myself for my hesitation. I have always felt that if I had promptly said what I wanted and intended to say, the meeting might have had a different conclusion, and Lovejoy might have been saved.”

The name I have given of the man, who in Dr. Hart’s opinion, finally decided the action of the meeting, is fictitious. The real name is familiar to most, if not all of you. This man is still living. He is a minister of the gospel. He has represented St. Louis in the Congress of the United States. (The name which Dr. Dimmock omits, the Telegraph will supply – it is that of Rev. John Hogan, still living, and a citizen of St. Louis.)

Concluding, Mr. Dimmock related how he had found the grave of the martyr and its present neglected appearance, and hoped that the time would come when a fitting monument would be erected over it.

Mr. Dimmock’s lecture, we are glad to say, is in such popular demand that it is soon to be issued in pamphlet form.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 15, 1888
“What I have now to say has, to me, an unpleasant flavor of personality; but you will, I trust, pardon the unavoidable egotism for the sake of the subject matter. More than forty years ago, with a companion somewhat older than myself, I sought and found the grave of Lovejoy. It was then between two quite large oak trees, and was identified by a small pine board, on which was rudely carved the initials, “E. P. L.” The present city cemetery of Alton was then an open common. When it was laid out and enclosed, trees and board disappeared, and the main avenue passed directly over the grave, the location of which would have been hopelessly lost but for the late William Brudon, superintendent of the cemetery, who marked the spot by two fragments of limestone, almost on a level with the ground, of which very few knew the meaning. After being thus trodden under foot by man and beast for several years, the late Major Charles W. Hunter had the remains removed to where they now are – just outside his own family lot, but in ground then owned by him. William Johnston, a colored man born in Scotland, and who, by the way, laid the last stone in the tower of the old Cathedral on Walnut Street (St. Louis), had buried Lovejoy the first time, and had charge of this removal. He told me that some bits of bone and handsful of dust were all he could find. The second grave, when I first knew it, was marked by an old tombstone turned upside down, across the upper edge of which was written in red chalk, “Lovejoy.” At a later day, when circumstances needless to mention made the great principle of free speech and free press very dear to me, I placed upon the grave the present simple monument – a scroll of Italian marble, resting upon a pedestal of New England granite, and bearing this inscription: “Hic Jacet Lovejoy, Jam parce sepulto. “Here lies Lovejoy. Spare him now that he is buried.”

A longer and better epitaph might and would be written now, but then, these few words seemed to me appropriate and enough. Before doing this, however, I endeavored to communicate with Lovejoy’s son, Edward, but my letters and inquiries never reached him, or at least were never answered. Consequently, I was obliged to assume that he nor other relatives had any objection to my labor of love, and I have heard of none from any quarter since. The heirs of Major Hunter cheerfully gave me a deed to the lot for the purpose to which it is dedicated. Taking into consideration my non residence and the necessity of having some person or persons to exercise the rights and perform the duties of ownership, when I have “joined the majority,” in August 1885, I formally transferred all my right, title, and interest in the lot and contents to the colored people of Alton. It was accepted by them, and they are now the legitimate custodians of that sacred sod – yes, sacred, for such graves as this are pilgrim shrines. Shrines to no code or creed confined; the Delphian vales, the Palestines, the Meccas of the mind.

There have been several attempts to erect a suitable monument to Lovejoy. The city of Alton has set apart a well-located and spacious lot in the cemetery for that purpose, and a “monument association” has been organized and duly incorporated under the laws of Illinois. I have no doubt there will be, sooner or later, a monument worthy of the man and his deeds, but I do not expect to live to see it. My only desire is to make the surroundings of the present grave a little more attractive, and this, I hope, will shortly be done. When it is, I shall feel that I have paid my share of the debt the country and the world owe to Lovejoy.”

At the close of the lecture, several gentlemen expressed the wish to contribute to a fund for building a wall around the lot where Lovejoy lied buried. Enough subscriptions were handed Mr. Dimmock to carry out this place, and work thereon has been commenced. The material for the wall is on the ground, and the coping is being cut at the quarry. A colored stone mason, Mr. Benjamin Banks, has been awarded the contract. The wall will be known as “The St. Louis Wall,” in recognition of the residents of that city who have contributed the funds therefor. This wall is being placed around the lot where Lovejoy’s remains now lie, not about the circular lot which was donated to the Lovejoy Association by the cemetery as the site for the monument.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 16, 1888
Hon. Thomas Dimmock of St. Louis delivered a lecture at Unity Church in St. Louis last Spring, on the life of Lovejoy. The lecture excited much interest, and after its delivery a number of St. Louis gentlemen handed Mr. Dimmock a sum of money, to be used in building a wall around the lot in the city cemetery in which Lovejoy’s remains now lie. The work has been completed, and a handsome and substantial wall, with dressed stone coping, now surrounds the sacred spot so long neglected. The tablet placed over the remains by Mr. Dimmock many years ago, will now have to be raised and reset, to correspond with the height of the wall, and the lot itself will require a little filling and grading.

After these changes are completed, this pilgrims’ shrine will present an attractive appearance, and will prove to visitors that although no monument has yet been erected here to the martyr to “free speech and a free press,” still his deeds are not forgotten, nor wholly uncommemorated. The new wall will be known as “the St. Louis wall,” in honor of the residence of that city whose liberality secured its erection. The contract for the work was let to Mr. Benjamin Banks, a colored man and skillful stone mason, and the coping was cut by Mr. George Mohr in good style. The work is creditable to them both.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 8, 1888
Mr. John B. Gould came to Alton with his father’s family the evening of November 7, 1837, but a few hours before the riot in which Lovejoy was killed. When the boat, the Champion, landed here, the mob boarded it and wished to search Mr. Gould’s baggage in quest of a printing press, having not then learned that Mr. Lovejoy’s press was already stored in the Godfrey & Gilman warehouse from which it was taken a few hours later and destroyed. The Champion, that day, left St. Louis at 9 o’clock a.m., and by a great effort, landed at Alton about 7 p.m.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 14, 1889
November 7 was the fifty-second anniversary of the murder of Elijah P. Lovejoy, the noted martyr to freedom of speech and of the press. He was killed at the behest of the upholders of slavery, because he, in a manner that would be considered very mild at the present day, expressed himself as opposed to the “sum of all villainies.” The murder took place in Godfrey & Gilman’s warehouse, situated at a point now occupied by part of the Sparks’s flour mill. The late Abraham Breath used to tell how he went the morning after the riot to the warehouse, where the body lay in the sacredness and silent majesty conferred by death, and closed the gaping wounds caused by a load of buckshot. The martyr died by violence, and his memory will ever be cherished by those who appreciate the heroism that dares to do and die for the right.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 15, 1890
Several thousand people gathered Sunday afternoon around the grave of Elijah P. Lovejoy in the City Cemetery, to pay their respects to the memory of the martyred abolitionist. The noon train brought a large delegation from St. Louis, which included Lovejoy Camp No. 100, Sons of Veterans. The visitors were met at the depot by a reception committee, and escorted to the G.A.R. Hall, where refreshments were served. At two p.m., a drum corps took up the line of march to the cemetery, followed by a long procession, which included the Sons of Veterans from St. Louis, the United Brothers of Friendship, Hunter’s Cornet Band, and a large body of citizens in carriages and on foot.

The exercises at the cemetery were opened by prayer, offered by Elder J. W. Jackson of Alton, followed by a hymn sung by a chorus of young colored men. An eloquent memorial address was then delivered by Rev. R. J. Robinson of Wellington, Ohio, in which the orator eulogized in highest terms the life and character of Lovejoy. Many of those who made this pilgrimage in honor of the martyr carried growing plants, which they planted on his grave, and the mounds over the soldier dead received their share of the floral tributes, strewn in great profusion.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 13, 1890
“The house in which Elijah P. Lovejoy, the free-press and free-speech martyr, lived in Alton, and from which he was buried – November 7, 1837 – is now in process of demolition. It is a two-story double house of wood, divided into two tenements, standing on what is now Cherry Street near Second Street [Broadway]. Lovejoy lived in the southern part with his wife and infant son, at the time of the mob. Hither his body was brought from the spot where he was killed, a mile or more away, and prepared for the burial, which occurred the next day. He was 35 years old the day after his death. It is to be regretted that this historic house has had to yield to the march of improvement, and that there is not a picture of it of any kind.” Thomas Dimmock, from the Post-Dispatch.

This house was built in 1835, and is therefore 55 years old – one of the oldest in Alton. It was well built, and is still in a good state of preservation. It was occupied for many years by Mr. Schuelle, the carpenter, and is now owned by Mr. Peter Robertson. Learning that the house was about to be torn down, one of our citizens sent a photographer down and had a picture taken of the historic dwelling, knowing that the time is coming when everything connected with the martyr to free speech and a free press, will possess an interest and value not attaching to them today. Two mantels, taken from the house, can be seen in the lobby of the post office. Last evening, by the way, was the fifty-third anniversary of Lovejoy’s death.


Son of Rev. Hubbell Loomis of Upper Alton
Defender of Elijah P. Lovejoy
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 20, 1890
Mr. David Burt Loomis of Minnesota is in town visiting his niece, Mrs. George K. Hopkins. Mr. Loomis is a son of the late Rev. Hubbel Loomis of Upper Alton, and a brother of Mrs. Cyrus Edwards of the same place, and of the late Professor Elias Loomis, L.L.D., the great scientist and mathematician. Mr. Loomis was a resident of Alton in 1837, and at the time of the pro-slavery riots was one of the defenders of Lovejoy and his press, and was in the building the night the troubles culminated in the great tragedy. He was then a young man of 18 or 19. He recalls perfectly all the leading events of the riot, and having been one of the two or three who remained in the building all night with the body of Lovejoy, his recollections cover a longer period than those of the majority of his associates. Mr. Loomis and Mr. Henry Tanner, of Buffalo, New York, are now the sole survivors of the heroic defenders of the press on that night of terror. A part of today has been spent by Mr. Loomis in visiting the scenes of Lovejoy’s labors, and the spot made sacred by his death.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 27, 1890
A number of our prominent colored citizens will shortly organize a Lovejoy Club, and more than one hundred have expressed an intention to join. It is stated that a call will be issued next Thursday for the first meeting. The object of the club is primarily to keep alive the memory of the martyr to the freedom of the slave, but just what means will be taken to accomplish this end has not yet been decided on.


Regarding Lovejoy
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 27, 1890
From the Chicago Unity – The following extract from the article in your last issue entitled “An American Shrine,” seems to require some explanation and correction from me [Thomas Dimmock]:

“The pilgrims wended their way to the center of a lot surrounded with neat stone curbing, where is a low granite block, on the top of which is a scroll of marble, in imitation of a roll of newspaper, on which is carved these words: Hic Jacet Lovejoy, Jam Parce Sepulto. This simple, though fitting and eloquent monument is but recently put in place. For many years the spot was neglected, almost forgotten. Cattle and sheep grazed over it, and tracked it with their footpaths. Only one faithful negro, touched with a sense of tender gratitude to this, one of the earliest martyrs to the freedom of his race, guarded the place, and at last guided to the right spot those who would restore and preserve the humble tomb to posterity. Thomas Dimmock, a St. Louis journalist, jealous for the freedom of the press, has lately called attention to the neglected condition of the grave, and raised the necessary funds to protect it and mark it as above indicated.”

The ”scroll of marble” was not intended as an “imitation of a roll of newspaper,” though there is a certain resemblance which had not occurred to me before. The design was quite common at the time, but it is now, I believe, almost out of fashion; for fashion prevails in the homes of the dead as well as in the homes of the living. The monument is not “recently put in place,” but on the contrary has been in place about twenty-five years. The words of the inscription, “Spare him now that he is buried,” were, of course, much more appropriate then than now, for 25 years ago the bitter prejudice which cost Lovejoy his life was not altogether extinct. Today, for all practical purposes, it is. I may add that monument and epitaph were seen in Boston – where the work was done – by Wendel Phillips, and cordially approved as appropriate and sufficient. Some day I hope and believe there will be a far worthier memorial to the man and his cause; but I trust the present one may be allowed to stay where it now is – for the sake of the associations which no successor however splendid can ever have.

The locality of the grave was not preserved by a “faithful negro” (William Johnstone), but by the first Superintendent of the cemetery, the late William Brudon, who marked the spot – then in the middle of the main avenue – by two small fragments of limestone rising an inch or two above the level of the ground. Johnstone, who occasionally did duty as a sexton, probably knew what the stones meant, but he did not put them there; and to Mr. Brudon belongs the honor of rescuing Lovejoy’s grave from oblivion. When, some years later, the remains were transferred to where they now are, by direction of the late Major Charles W. Hunter, Johnstone was employed for the second burial, as he had been for the first; and somewhere among my papers I have his receipts for money paid “for burying Lovejoy twice.”

The stone wall and curbing around the lot were erected some two years ago at a cost of about $105. All was raised by voluntary subscriptions immediately after the delivery of my address in the Church of the Unity, St. Louis, March 14, 1888.

Soon after the placing of the monument, the lot was formally given to me by the heirs of Major Hunter, and remained in my possession until August 1885. Then, having meanwhile removed to St. Louis, I transferred all my rights of ownership to the colored people of Alton, who are now legitimate custodians of what “Unity” has rightly called “An American Shrine.”

Signed, Thomas Dimmock
St. Louis, November 3, 1890


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 28, 1891
The Lovejoy Club, and thousands of friends of the cause in which the martyr, Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy lost his life more than fifty years ago, assembled in Alton Sunday, and at the grave of the martyr held services in his honor. Something near a hundred people came up from St. Louis, including members of Lovejoy Camp, Sons of Veterans, some members of the G.A.R., and others. The visitors were met at the train by members of the Lovejoy Club here, and conducted to the hall of the United Brothers of Friendship, at the corner of Third and Piasa, where they partook of an elegant dinner. Early in the afternoon the procession was formed on State Street, headed by a Drum Corps, after which came Lovejoy Camp No. 11, sons of Veterans of St. louis. This was followed by Hunter’s band and the United Brothers of Friendship.

Many floral tributes had been provided, which were laid upon the grave, entirely covering it, and making a beautiful appearance. W. C. Bryant, D. D., of St. Louis, gave an address, followed by Rev. George Williams of Alton. The attendance was very large.


Made From the Oak Timbers of His Home
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 18, 1891
Mr. E. P. Taylor has made a number of handsome canes from the oak timbers of the house in which the martyr Lovejoy lived at the time of his murder. The house was pulled down last Fall, and Mr. M. H. Boals, with whom Mr. Taylor is employed, purchased the material. Mr. Taylor is an expert worker in wood, and turns out an exceedingly handsome memorial of the times when the blood of the martyr was spilled in Alton. The Telegraph returns thanks to Mr. Taylor for one of those highly prized souvenirs. The cane has the word “Lovejoy” inscribed on it.


Son of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy
Reno Evening Gazette, August 28, 1891
Edward Payson Lovejoy died on August 26, 1891, after a brief illness, at Wabuska, on Wednesday night, of which the Chronicle last night says:

Mr. Lovejoy had been ill but five or six days, suffering from a complication of troubles, chiefly of the heart and stomach. He had been confined to his bed but a few hours before his death, which occurred very suddenly, and probably due to heart failure. Deceased was a native of St. Louis, Missouri, aged 55 years (Born March 12, 1836). He had been on this coast for over thirty years and followed mining in early days in California. He was for a number of years editor of the Trinity County Journal in the palmy days of that county and held the office of District Attorney of the same county. He was well known of the Comstock and some years ago kept the American Exchange Hotel in this city. The funeral will take place tomorrow in Dayton, upon the arrival of the five o'clock train over the C.&C. from the south, under the auspices of the Masonic Lodge of Mason Valley, assisted by others of the order. He was a member of Carson Chapter, R.A.M., also a member of the order of I.O.O.F. and the A.O.U.W.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 26, 1891
As many of our readers are aware, Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy left a son, Edward P. Lovejoy, who was hardly more than an infant at the time of his father’s tragic death. This son was with his mother in Alton from the year 1836 until about 1851, having previously had a brief residence in various places, then removed and disappeared so completely that the most diligent inquiry of relatives failed to reveal his whereabouts. Not until a few months ago could any trace be obtained of him. Then a letter was received by his aunt, Mrs. Hammond of Evanston, Illinois, written by the man himself, and giving an account of his wanderings and vicissitudes of fortune from the time he last left Alton in 1851 until now. Mr. Lovejoy is at present a resident of Wabuska, Nevada, where he is Postmaster, and engaged in other business. His mother, who always made her home with him, died July 10, 1870, in Colorado, in the 58th year of her age.

After the final departure from Alton, the mother and son resided for several years in Iowa, near Keokuk, where they remained, engaged in farming until 1857, when they moved to Colorado. Young Lovejoy there engaged in mining, but subsequently studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1865, was successively Justice of the Peace, District Attorney, and County Judge. He met with reverses in a milling venture, and removed to Virginia City, Nevada about 1878, and in 1881 to Wabuska, his present residence, where he is moderately prosperous. He is married, but has no children.


Alton Daily Telegraph, May 01, 1894
“Here on this sacred spot, where the martyr to the cause of liberty fell, where for a quarter of a century we as a people have done public penance for this great crime, until millions of slaves were set free, until in truth and in fact, 'We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are free and equal.' Although no fitting monument marks the spot where Lovejoy lies, yet long after the brass has melted and the marble has crumbled to dust, and the canvas faded, aye, the stars shine, will the name of Lovejoy live on this historic spot. Let us pledge ourselves to a higher plan of citizenship, to our country and our God.”


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 14, 1894
Sunday afternoon was the date set apart by the Lovejoy Memorial Club of Alton for memorial exercises at the grave of the Martyr Lovejoy. The club was assisted in the services by the Lovejoy Post of Sons of Veterans of St. Louis, who brought a band with them. A very large number of people, both white and colored, were present at the cemetery. The clubs marched from their hall on Fourth Street to music furnished by Hunter’s and the St. Louis band.

Mr. W. E. Kelly had charge of the exercises at the grave. Mr. W. A. Ashton was then introduced, who delivered a very fine address of welcome, inviting all to aid in the memorial services. Mr. Ashton spoke briefly of the martyr. Hon. J. J. Brenholt was then introduced, who delivered the principal address. It was well received by the audience, and notwithstanding the exceedingly warm sun pouring down its rays, a very large crowd listened to the address.

The grave of Lovejoy was handsomely decorated by the colored people. Rare cut flowers, made into beautiful designs, were placed on the spot where rests the ashes of the martyr to the cause of human liberty.


Newspaper of 1836 Found
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 19, 1894
While tearing down an old dwelling, the residence of the late A. Alcott, in Upper Alton, a few days ago, Mr. A. L. Lowe found between the walls some old newspapers and a magazine and pamphlet or two, which are worth at least their weight in gold as souvenirs of “ye olden time.” An Upper Alton Pioneer, dated July 29, 1836, with an account of the throwing of Lovejoy’s first press into the river at St. Louis, a magazine of 1829, numerous other ancient papers of value as records and curiosities, for all of which the antiquarian would give a good price. They are in a good state of preservation, and well worthy of examination.

The Pioneer’s full name is printed as “The Pioneer and Baptist Standard Bearer.” It was edited by John Mason Peck, a well-known pioneer clergyman, historian, and educator. He was the founder of Shurtleff College. The Pioneer, while a moderate anti-slavery paper, seemed to have a horror of abolitionism. It gives an account of a meeting held in the Presbyterian Church in the interest of law and order, and against the mob spirit. It says the meeting, “by a unanimous vote, disapproved of the methods of modern abolitionists, and the publication of abolition papers, tracts, and pictures in the free States.” The Pioneer adds: “And yet the citizens of Alton are not pro-slavery men, to use the newly-formed vocabulary of the Tappanites. We know of not a man who approves of slavery. But the most strenuous opposers view that the theories of the Abolitionists are unfavorable to the interests of the National Union – to the interest of the slave – to the cause of humanity – and the emancipation of the slave.”

The Pioneer, in summing up the results of the meeting, said: “On the whole, the proceedings were highly creditable to the town of Alton. They showed:

1. That the outrage was not the work of the mob. It was a private transaction in which, perhaps not more than three or four persons were concerned.
2. That the Altonians will exert a tremendous influence against every species of lawless outrage and violence by sustaining the laws and order of society.
3. That abolitionism in the Tappanite form will find no foothold here.”

The Pioneer stated that Mr. Lovejoy’s Observer would be issued the next week, and adds this doubtful welcome. “Should the editor (Lovejoy), as he is pledged to do with abolition, abstain from all improper and unnecessary interference with the affairs of the Baptist denomination, we shall probably get along harmoniously.”


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 21, 1895
Dr. McMIllen, one of the council’s committees to secure an appropriation from the Legislature to aid in building a monument to Elijah P. Lovejoy in Alton, was in Springfield Friday. He called on Governor Altgeld, who said he would do all he could.

Lovejoy’s death was as much of a national affair as that of Lincoln’s. He was driven out of St. Louis by a St. Louis pro-slavery sentiment, which followed him to Alton and hounded him to his death. The active agents in fomenting the death of Lovejoy were John Hogan, a politician of St. Louis, and the St. Louis Republican. These egged on the mob spirit, which culminated in the martyrdom of Lovejoy.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 11, 1895
Last Thursday Senator Herb delivered an eloquent and impressive address in the Illinois Senate on his bill appropriating $25,000 to aid in building a monument to the memory of Elijah P. Lovejoy in Alton. Here is a portion of the speech:

“Elijah P. Lovejoy was the forerunner of the great emancipator, the John the Baptist of the new dispensation of liberty. He led the first armed battalion that resisted with force and arms the aggression of the slave power of America, and proclaimed the right of American citizens to demand redress of their grievances and express their opinions in the public press, holding themselves amenable to the laws of their country therefore. Lovejoy died battling not alone for the rights of the slave, but for the freedom of speech and of the press, which we now enjoy. Lovejoy and Lincoln fell in the same great cause, the one in the abyss of defeat, the other on the hilltop of victory. The monument which commemorates the field and final triumph should have a companion shaft to mark the outpost where the bugle first sounded the onset. You have honored the victors in the world’s greatest contest for the uplifting of humanity; we plead for equal justice to the ill-fated leader of the vanguard of the victors’ conquering host. Each gave to the cause ‘the last full measure of devotion.’

The sacred ashes of both lie within the confines of Illinois – its most precious inheritance. Over the one as well as over the other should rise the enduring tribute of grateful remembrance. Lovejoy was killed for pointing out the evils of slavery. Without going into the history of his life, which is familiar to every student of history, on the fatal night a number of his friends were in favor of surrendering the press rather than risk the shedding of blood, but Lovejoy was as firm as a rock, and with tears in his eyes and his voice trembling with emotion said: ‘My friends, we cannot, we shall not, surrender; we shall fight it out, if necessary, to the bitter end, and I for one am ready and willing to lay down my life here and now in defense of the right, and if I died, I am determined to make my grave in Alton.’ He knew no fears, and was ready to give up his life rather than sacrifice principle. And when requested by his friends to desist in his course, he replied: ‘As long as I am American, and as long as American blood runs in these veins, I shall hold myself at liberty to speak, to write, to publish whatever I please on any subject, being amenable to the laws of my country for the same.’”

Mr. Herb’s speech was so effective, that the Senate voted unanimously for the appropriation. The bill now goes to the House for its concurrence, where all the assistance that can be given will be needed to push it through.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 6, 1895
There was not a happier man in Alton Tuesday than Mr. William Armstrong, when he received the telegram from Senator Herb announcing that the appropriation for the Lovejoy monument had passed the House. Mr. Armstrong has taken a leading part in laying this matter before the attention of our citizens, and before the legislature, and now that the appropriation is made, it is only fair that he should have credit.

Senator Herb has done what few believed he could do. There were very few in Alton who would admit that the appropriation could be pushed through the Senate and House. When it passed the Senate without a dissenting vote, many said that was the last of it. Senator Herb said, “No, it will pass the House all right. The Appropriation Committee will recommend it. Send a committee up to assist.” The committee went up and talked for the measure, and the Appropriation Committee voted to recommend it. A few days after, the committee voted to reconsider its action. Senator Herb was not discouraged, but again appeared before the committee, had the measure again commended, put on its way through the House, carefully watching each stage of its passage, and now that the bill had passed both Houses, Senator Herb should receive the thanks of Altonians for his untiring and successful services. He has proven himself an able and earnest representative, a man with influence and courage.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 13, 1895
The martyr Lovejoy’s memorial Sunday brought forth an outpouring of grateful colored people, who assembled from all neighboring towns and cities. The roads brought in large numbers of visitors on every train, and the aggregation numbered many hundreds. Among the organized clubs that attended were: Montrose Band, Lovejoy Camp No. 100; Sons of Veterans; Circle Lodge No. 8, C. B. O, F.; Shaws Post G.A.R., St. Louis; and the Edwardsville Lovejoy Club.

The parade was formed on Second Street at the site of the old Lovejoy printing office. The parade was aligned as follows, headed by Grand Marshals A. S. Walker and Captain John Smith on horseback:

Montrose Band
Lovejoy Post Sons of Veterans
Shaw Post G.A.R.
Circle Lodge No. 8, U.B.O.F.
Edwardsville Lovejoy Club
Hunter’s Band
G. T. Watson Lodge A. F. and A. M.
C. B. O. F. Lodge No. 2

Following was a large assemblage of visitors. At the cemetery, the procession halted at the tomb of Lovejoy. The program was as follows: Prayer, Music, Hunter’s Band, Addresses, Hon. C. A. Herb, Rev. William Henderson, Hons. D. R. Sparks and William Armstrong, Music, Montrose Band. The addresses all paid tribute to the memory of the honored martyr. They were listened to with attention by the assembled visitors, who numbered fully a thousand. The close of the program was the benediction and the march to the city hall was taken up. At the hall, the procession disbanded.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 20, 1895
The following telegram received today will explain itself: “State House, Springfield, Illinois, June 17. To J. A. Cousley: The Governor today signed the Lovejoy Monument bill. Signed, Charles A. Herb.”

As stated, Senator Herb carried to the Governor the pledge of the officers and directors of the Lovejoy Monument Association that they would not ask for the appropriation of $25,000 unless they could secure subscriptions to the amount of $12,500 by January 01, 1896, as an additional building sum.


Martyr for the Freedom of the Press
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 01, 1895
From the Chicago Inter Ocean – There is eminent fitness in the turn this matter has taken. Lovejoy was not so much a martyr to the emancipation of American slaves, as he was to the cause of free speech, and more particularly of a free press. The great principle which he enunciated, and for which he gave up his life on November 7, 1837, was that so long as he was an American citizen, and so long as American blood ran in his veins, he should hold himself at liberty to speak, write, and publish whatever he pleased on any subject, being amenable to the laws of his country for the same. An editor by profession, he proposed to exercise the rights and privileges incident to his profession. He was not a Garrison or a Wendell Phillips. He did not indulge in fiery invectives. He calmly and temperately expressed his honest convictions on the subject of slavery, and because he would not put shackles upon his press, he was mobbed. Repeatedly his press was destroyed, and finally, when he showed a dauntless courage, he himself was killed.

The State of Illinois has the remarkable distinction of furnishing the two great martyrs of our land and country. Elijah P. Lovejoy in 1837, and Abraham Lincoln in 1865. One was a martyr to freedom of the press, the other to the preservation of the Union, and both to the cause of anti-slavery. Mr. Lincoln fell when the great cause was a fully accomplished fact; Lovejoy, when it was in its incipiency. Between those two martyrdoms came one of the great epochs of history. While both martyrs were citizens of Illinois, one was a native of Maine, the other of Kentucky; one was representative of the best thought and purpose of the North, the other of the South. There are no two opinions in the country today about either. All agree that the two causes which each represented and stood for, including their common cause, was not only just, but necessary to the best interests of the country and mankind. It was most fitting that the same Legislature should provide suitably for the monument of each.


From Widow of Winthrop S. Gilman
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 8, 1895
Mr. John E. Hayner today received a check for $25 from Mrs. Winthrop S. Gilman of New York, as her contribution to the Lovejoy Monument Fund. Mrs. Gilman is the widow of Winthrop S. Gilman of the firm Godfrey & Gilman, whose warehouse was used as a refuge by Mr. Lovejoy on the fatal night when the mob killed Mr. Lovejoy. At that time, Godfrey & Gilman were the most prominent merchants in Southern Illinois, and were staunch friends of Lovejoy.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 7, 1895
From the Jerseyville Journal - Robert H. Bringhurst, sculptor, a Jersey County boy who was the artist who designed the Grant statue on 12th Street in St. Louis, Missouri, has submitted a design for the Lovejoy Monument to be erected at Alton, which was provided for by act of General Assembly at the last session. The committee was present at his studio yesterday, examining the design which is one of the most elaborate and substantial that has ever been erected in this country. It is of bronze and granite. Our member. Hon. O. A. Snedeker, was present, and says the committee was well pleased, and from his description of the structure, we would infer that it is a grand affair. We hope that he may be awarded the contract.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 02, 1896
Messrs. L. Pfeiffenberger and Charles Holden of Alton, and Messrs. Thomas Dimmock and R. P. Bringhurst of St. Louis, went to Springfield Thursday to consult with Governor Altgeld in regard to the Lovejoy monument. Mr. Holden went up early, in order to make an appointment for an hour when the Governor could see the committee. Mr. Holden presented the situation to the Governor. The citizens of Alton, with some aid outside of Alton, had secured about $5,000. It was Mr. Holden’s opinion that it would be impossible to go beyond this amount to any great extent, and it now remained with the Governor whether the monument should be built. The Governor at once said, “I approve the plans which you have shown me, with exceptions noted. Go ahead and get bids on the monument; complete it within nine months from this time. Use the $5,000 you have to run you until the State’s appropriation is available, and at that time (about July 01), I will see that the $25,000 is placed in possession of the Monument Association.” Governor Altgeld objected to the bronze work on the monument. He said it would not last 25 years; that the bronze work should be changed to granite. He insisted the medallion work and main shaft should be changed on the figure worked in the granite. He was very insistent that not less than five firms should be given an opportunity to bed on the monument.

The Governor was well pleased with the location of the monument, in the City Cemetery, on one of the highest hills in Alton, overlooking the two great rivers of the West, and where every passenger by railroad train entering or departing from Alton could see it. The Governor substantially released the Association from the pledge to raise $12,500 in addition to the $25,000 appropriated by the State.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 14, 1896
The committee appointed by the Lovejoy Association, Messrs. L. Pfeiffenberger, H. Watson, and John E. Hayner, met Tuesday to open the bids for the monument for Elijah P. Lovejoy to be erected in Alton. The bid of the Culver Stone Company of Springfield was found to be the lowest, $24,990, and the work was accordingly awarded to it, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors and Governor Altgeld. This bid of the Culver Company includes the monument complete, as shown by Mr. Bringhurst’s plans.

The work will be pushed vigorously until it is completed. It is the desire of Gov. Altgeld that the monument may be finished and dedicated during his term of office, which expires January 01, 1897. The Culver Stone Company left with the Building Committee a check for $1,000 as a guarantee. The company will give notice in a few days when they will begin work.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 19, 1896
In cleaning up the cellar in Marsh’s Drugstore, some old account books belonging to George Holton, a general store merchant, were found. Among these is a day book, which shows purchases by some of the well-known citizens of that date, all of whom have passed away with the exception of Mr. John R. Batterton, now living in North Alton. Mr. Batterton’s name appears frequently on the book, purchasing materials for his business, that of painter, with cash credits here and there through the pages. Another name, and one who died only last week, is that of Mr. Perley B. Whipple. He was then in partnership with a Mr. Forbes, under the firm name of Whipple & Forbes. Many items are charged to the firm. Another prominent patron of Mr. Holton was Dr. Thomas M. Hope. Marsh, Hankins & Co. appear frequently, the first name being Dr. E. Marsh, President of the Alton National Bank at his death, and organizer of that institution.

The first entry in the book, March 8, 1837, is that of Royal Weller – 2 doz. Spellers and one primer, $2.38 per Silas Crane.” Mr. Weller was one of the defenders of Lovejoy’s press. The fourth entry is that of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, to 1 box Seidlitz powders. Mr. Lovejoy’s next purchase was on March 29, 1 gallon tin of green, 75 cents. His purchases after that date were quite frequent, mostly for books, amounting up on some dates as high as $12 and $14.50. One purchase was for a bottle of Swaine’s Panacea, $1.00, a medicine, we believe, that is still sold. Another was for a bottle of Port wine, $1.00.

But the one that attracted most attention was a prescription, 50 cents, on July 17, about three months before Lovejoy’s death. In the biography of George T. M. Davis is found the account of the attempted abduction of Mr. Lovejoy one evening as he was coming from his home in the eastern part of the town, by three men, under the lead of a certain well-known doctor [probably Dr. Thomas M. Hope]. It was a bright moon light. These three men stopped him, and the leader told him they were going to take him to Maple Island, tar and feather him, and set him adrift in the Mississippi River, with a warning that if he ever came back, he would be hung. Mr. Lovejoy heard the statement, and without a tremor in his voice, said: “Gentlemen, I am in God’s hands; I am ready to meet my fate. I am on my way to the drugstore to get a prescription filled for my wife who is sick. Let me go and get the prescription put up and take it to my wife, and I will return to you; or, one of you take it to the store, get it filled, and carry it to my wife, and I will go with you and you can do with me as you please.” This fearless statement had a powerful effect upon the three abductors, Mr. Davis says in his biography. The aforementioned doctor said to his companion: “Boys, I can not lay hands on as brave and defenseless a man as this. Let us go back,” and without another word, they left him. It is more than probably that the very prescription charged on July 17 was the one that Mr. Lovejoy was going for when stopped by the three men.

Other names appearing on the account book are Major Charles W. Hunter, the Branch (State) Bank, S. Ryder & Co., E. Beall (grandfather of Beall Bros, how in business in Alton), Lawson A. Parks, the Alton Observer (Lovejoy’s paper), Henry Tanner, A. B. Roff, both defenders of Lovejoy, and the former author of Tanner’s History of the Defense of Lovejoy; Rev. Orrin Cooley, Rev. T. B. Hurlbut, Rev. H. Loomis, Rev. F. W. Graves (pastor of the Presbyterian Church); the Piasa House, “to 1 Frugal Housewife” (book).

There are numerous charges to the Presbyterian Church, Illinois Tract Society, Illinois Sunday School Society, Alton Temperance Society, to J. Quigley, George T. M. Davis, Gerry & Weller, C. G. Mauzy, Samuel Avis, Francis Hogg, John Bostwick, John Hogan (Rev.), who was one of the most mendacious and malicious instigators of the mob that killed Lovejoy, and afterwards Congressman from St. Louis; B. Delaplain, John R. Woods, Bailhache & Parks, and A. W. Corey.

On December 11, shortly after the murder, John Hogan is charged with “1 bunch of quills,” which he probably used to defend the murderers of Lovejoy and defame the martyr. M. G. and John Atwood appear quite frequently, as patrons of the store, as do also S. A. Robbins, A. Botkin, John Dye, Jones & DeBow, Godfrey & Gilman, Edward Keating, Richard Treadway (founder of the Telegraph), and U.(?) F. Linder, the attorney who used his mouth so loudly in the persecution of Lovejoy, and in upholding slavery. Among the names found on the book is that of William McKinley. There is no evidence, however, that there was any relation existing between Mr. Holton’s patron in 1837, and the President-elect of the United States.

Mr. George Holton, the owner of the book, kept a very general store, selling about everything that is used by the human family, with something for the animal kingdom. He was a relative of W. A. Holton, a druggist of Alton many years ago, and predecessor in the proprietorship of the establishment now owned by Dr. E. Marsh.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 22, 1897
Hundreds of sight seers visited the cemetery Sunday to look at the Lovejoy monument, which is rapidly assuming form and size. The first section of the granite column, which will constitute the main part of the monument, has been put in place, and the second section was set today. Nearly everyone admired the massive heroic figure of “Victory,” and the two bronze eagles, and the general opinion is that the monument, when finished, will present an imposing appearance.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 29, 1897
Hundreds of people visited the Alton City Cemetery Sunday to view the Lovejoy monument as it stands, so far as completed. The massive figure of “Victory” has been set in place on the top of the granite column, the work being completed Friday. An American flag was placed in her hand by the workmen when the figure was set in place, which was very appropriate.

The figure stands 90 feet from the ground, and at that height is apparently much reduced in size, and is quite a handsome piece of work. There still remains to be finished the granite court around the base of the monument, and the placing of the two bronze eagles and urns to guard the foot of the flight of steps leading to the court. Of the four bronze inscription plates, two have been placed on the monument, one of the two bearing a profile of Lovejoy, in relief. The monument will be a thing of beauty when completed.


November 08, 1897
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 11, 1897
Early in 1895 an effort was begun to secure an appropriation from the State Legislature for a monument to the martyr, Elijah P. Lovejoy. The late State Senator, Charles A. Herb, took hold of the matter in earnest, and so efficient was the work done by him, that he secured an appropriation of $25,000 in the Senate. Then he took up the work in the House, and after serious labor, it also passed there. Governor Altgeld signed the law, with the understanding that Alton would raise $12,000 more. This was found impossible to do, and after $5,000 had been subscribed additional, the Governor consented to accept that amount. There were other citizens who labored most efficiently, among whom were Mr. William Armstrong, who might truly be called the father of the monument. Senator Herb was first induced to undertake the securing of an appropriation from the Legislature by Mr. Armstrong’s arguments.

The contract for the building of the monument was let to the Culver Stone Company of Springfield, Illinois. The plans were drawn by Mr. Robert P. Bringhurst of St. Louis. The central shaft of the monument, including the colossal figure which surmounts it, is approximately 90 feet from the ground. The base of the monument consists of circular plaza, 40 feet in diameter, elevated four feet above the general level of the ground. It is approached from the south by a broad flight of steps, and the rear semi-circle is formed into an exedra wall and seat, which terminates against two pedestals supporting immense tripod urns. The steps are terminated by buttresses, and flanked by two sentinel columns, supporting great bronze eagles. The central or grand column, supporting the colossal statue of Victory, representing the triumph of free speech and a free press, is made of solid granite, four and a half feet in diameter, and is elevated upon a pedestal, the four panels of which bear bronze insignias illustrative of Lovejoy’s life. This includes a reproduction of the old Columbian press, which was used in expounding his doctrine on the subject of slavery. It also contains a bas-relief of Lovejoy, which was made from the only likeness in existence, a silhouette, under which is the following inscription:

Albion, Maine, November 08, 1802
Alton, Illinois, November 07, 1837
“I have sworn eternal opposition to slavery, and by the blessing of God, I will never go back.”

Monday, the sixtieth anniversary of the martyr, the burial of Elijah Parish Lovejoy, was seemingly an appropriate one. Rain fell in torrents, and the very elements seemed to weep on this, the sexennial anniversary when the first martyr to human liberty was consigned to earth in the old Alton City Cemetery. Otherwise, the day was an inauspicious one, as hundreds of people, who would have attended the services, were unable to be here.

Lieutenant Governor Northcott arrived on the 9:15 train, and was met by members of the reception committee. He was taken in charge by Captain and Mrs. Eaton of the Western Military Academy, whose guest he was for the day. Hon. Thomas Dimmock of St. Louis, another guest of honor, was entertained by relatives.

The rain continued to fall, and the committee in charge of the dedication gave up the idea of public speaking at the cemetery, and changed it to the Temple Theater. The exercises began at 2 p.m., with a large audience in the theater. The White Hussar band opened the exercises with an overture, and Rev. M. Jameson followed with an invocation. For the dedication, Professor W. D. Armstrong had prepared some special music, and he was assisted by a large chorus of voices selected from the musical societies of the city. America was the first musical number, and was followed by an address by Mr. E. P. Wade, President of the Monument Association, on “The Rise of the Monument.” Hon. Thomas Dimmock, who has been one of the most interested in the Lovejoy memorial, delivered the address of the day. Miss Mamie B. Herb, daughter of the late Senator Charles A. Herb, in an address made the formal presentation of the monument. As the daughter of the man to whom alone is due the honor of having secured the appropriation for the monument from the Legislature, the selection of Miss Herb for the presentation was most appropriate. In behalf of the Lovejoy Monument Association, she presented the monument to the public.

The “Concord Hymn,” by Ralph Waldo Emerson, was sun by the chorus: “On this green bank by this soft stream, We set today a votive stone, That memory may their deeds redeem, When, like our sires, our sons are gone.” The music to this was prepared for the occasion by Prof. W. D. Armstrong of Alton.

Rev. J. M. Wilkerson of the A. M. E. Church spoke in behalf of the African race in an able address, and his was one of the features of the exercises.

The late Charles A. Herb, first President of the Lovejoy Monument Association, was the subject of a eulogy from Senator David R. Sparks. As his successor to the Senatorship, from this district, he spoke on the life work of Mr. Herb, which culminated in making possible the Lovejoy monument, a memorial alike to Elijah P. Lovejoy and Charles A. Herb. The monument will always be such.

The “Battle Hymn of the Republic” by the chorus was followed by an eloquent address by Lieutenant-Governor Northcott, who spoke in behalf of Governor Tanner. The benediction, which was pronounced by Rev. H. K. Sanborne, was preceded by “Old Hundred,” by the chorus, and the exercises were concluded by music by the band.

Among the members of the Lovejoy family in attendance were: Mrs. John A. Andrews of Boston, Massachusetts, a niece; Elijah Parish Lovejoy and Charles Perkins Lovejoy of Princeton [sons of Owen Lovejoy]; and William O. Lovejoy of Galesburg, Illinois, nephews of the martyr.

The Naval Militia met with a mishap to their gun. After firing the fourth volley, the Hotchkiss was disabled, and the balance of the salute of ten guns had to be abandoned. The militia was admired by all. The neat uniforms and soldierly bearing give the boys a very fine appearance. They received Lieutenant Governor Northcott with formal courtesy. The Governor expressed his pleasure with the company.

The Western Military Academy cadets presented a fine appearance. They were recipients of many kind expressions. They were ready, with the Naval Militia, to have escorted Gov. Northcott to the cemetery to view the monument, but he found he would not have time to make the visit, and the march was abandoned.

The relatives of the martyr and other visitors were taken in carriages to the cemetery, where they viewed the monument and surroundings. All expressed themselves as highly pleased both with the monument and its location, and the magnificent view obtain there.


And a Review of His Life
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 11, 1897
A meeting was held in Alton on the afternoon of November 3, 1837 concerning Elijah P. Lovejoy and his newspaper, the Alton Observer. The speech below was written out by Lovejoy on the evening of the day of its delivery (the beginning of this speech was not entirely readable, so I skipped ahead to the portion I could read). This speech was published on November 11, 1897, 60 years after the mob killed him. The occasion was the dedication of the Lovejoy monument at the Alton City Cemetery.

Rev. Elijah Parish Lovejoy
“Reference is made to the fact that I offered a few days since to give up the editorship of the Observer [newspaper] into other hands. This is true. I did so because it was thought or said by some that the paper would be better patronized in other hands. They declined accepting my offer, however, and since then we have heard from the friends and supporters of the paper in all lparts of the State. There was but one sentiment among them; and this was that the paper could be sustained in no other hands than mine. It is also a very different question whether I shall voluntarily, or at the request of friends, yield up my post; or whether I shall forsake it at the demand of a mob. The former I am at all times ready to do, when circumstances occur to require it, as I never will put my personal wishes or interests in competition with the cause of that Master whose minister I am. But the latter, be assured, I never will do. God, in His providence, so say all my brethren, and so I think, has devolved upon me the responsibility of maintaining my ground here; and, Mr. Chairman, I am determined to do it. A voice comes to me from Maine, from Massachusetts, from Connecticut, from New York, from Pennsylvania; yea, from Kentucky, from Mississippi, from Missouri, calling on me in the name of all that is dear in heaven or earth, to stand fast; and by the help of God I will stand. I know I am but one and you are many. My strength would avail but little against you all. You can crush me if you will, but I shall die at my post, for I cannot and will not forsake it.

Why should I flee from Alton? Is not this a free State? When assailed by a mob at St. Louis, I came hither, as the home of freedom and the laws. The mob has pursued me here, and why should I retreat again? Where can I be safe if not here? Have not I the right to claim theprotection of the laws? What more can I have in any other place? Sir, the very act of retreating will embolden the mob to follow me wherever I go. No, sir, there is no way to escape the mob but to abandon the path of duty, and that, God helping me, I will never do.

It has been said here that my hand is against every man, and every man’s hand against me. The last part of the declaration is too painfully true. I do indeed find every hand lifted against me; but against whom in this place has my hand been raised? I appeal to every individual present. Whom of you have I injured? Whose character have I traduced? Whose family have I molested? Whose business have I meddled with? If any, let him rise here and testify against me. No one answers.

And do not your resolutions say that you find nothing against my private character? And does anyone believe that if there was anything to be found, it would not be found and brought forth? If in anything, I have offended against the law, I am not so popular in this community that it would be difficult to convict me. You have courts and judges and juries; they find nothing against me. And now you come together for the purpose of driving me out, a confessedly innocent man, for the cause but that he dares to think and speak as his conscience and his God dictate. Will conduct like this stand the scrutiny of your country? Of prosperity? Above all, of the judgment day? For remember, the judge of that day is not respector of persons. Pause, I beseech you, and reflect. The present excitement will soon be over; the voice of conscience will at last be heard. And in some season of honest thought, even in this world, as you review the scenes of this hour, you will be compelled to say, ‘He was right; he was right!’

But you have been exhorted to be lenient and compassionate; and in driving me away to affix no unnecessary disgrace upon me. Sir, I reject all such compassion. You cannot disgrace me. Scandal and falsehood and calumny have already done their worst. My shoulders have borne the burden till it sits easy upon them. You may hang me up, as the mob hung up the individuals at Vicksburg; you may burn me at the stake as they did McIntosh at St. Louis, or you may tar and feather me, or throw me into the Mississippi, as you have often threatened to do, but you cannot disgrace me. I, and I alone, can disgrace myself; and the deepest of all disgrace would be, at a time like this, to deny my Master by forsaking His cause. He died for me; and I were most unworthy to bear His name should I refuse, if need be, to die for Him.

Again, you have been told that I have a family who are dependent upon me, and this has been given as a reason why I should be driven off as quietly as possible. It is true, Mr. Chairman, that I am a husband and a father, and this it is that adds the bitterest ingredient to the cup of sorrow I am called to drink. I am made to feel the wisdom of the apostle’s advice, ‘It is better not to marry.’ I know, sir, that in this contest I stake not my life only, but that of others also. I do not expect that my wife will ever recover from the shock received at the awful scenes through which she was called to pass at St. Charles. And how was it the other night on my return to my house? I found her driven to the garret through fear of the mob, who were prowling around my house. And scarcely had I entered the house, ere my windows were broken in by the brickbats of the mob, and she so alarmed that it was impossible for her to sleep or rest that night. I am hunted as a partridge upon the mountains. I am pursued as a felon through your streets, and to the guardian power of the land I look in vain for that protection against violence which even the vilest criminal may claim.

Yet, think not that I am unhappy. Think not that I regret the choice I have made. While all around me is violence and tumult, all is peace within. An approving conscience and the rewarding smile of God is a full recompense for all that I forego and all that I endure. Yes, sir, I enjoy a peace which nothing can destroy. I sleep sweetly and undisturbed, except when awakened by the brickbats of the mob.

No sir, I am not unhappy. I have counted the cost and stand prepared freely to offer up my all in the service of God. Yes sir, I am fully aware of all the sacrifice I make in here pledging myself to continue this contest to the last. Forgive these tears, I had not intended to shed them, and they are not for myself, but others. But I am commanded to forsake father and mother and wife and children for Jesus’ sake, and as his professed disciple, I stand prepared to do it. The time for fulfilling this pledge in my case, it seems to me, has come. Sir, I dare not flee away from Alton. Should I attempt it, I should feel that the anger of the Lord with His flaming sword was pursuing me wherever I went. It is because I fear God that I am not afraid of all who oppose me in this city. No, sir; the contest has commenced here, and here it must be finished. Before God and you all, I here pledge myself to continue if it need be till death. If I fall, my grave shall be made in Alton.”

Source: Alton Telegraph, November 11, 1897
This speech seemed to be the dividing line. Lovejoy was unmovable. The citizens of the town decided to get rid of him, if not by peaceable means, then by mob law. His last press had just come from St. Louis. It was placed in the Godfrey and Gilman warehouse. On the night of November 7, 1837, the mob got together and attacked the warehouse, which was on the levee front, a two-story stone building. In it were gathered a number of Lovejoy’s defenders. The building was set on fire, and it was while Lovejoy went to a door to drive off the men who had applied the torch, that the fatal shot was fired. He went back into the building, and expired almost immediately. His only words are said to have been, “I am a dead man.” The defenders then surrendered, and were allowed to leave the building, although shots were fired at them as they left. Two of Mr. Lovejoy’s defenders were wounded. They were left in the building, and one of the defenders remained with them and to care for the dead body of the martyr. The mob entered the building and destroyed the press.

The next day, the funeral of Lovejoy took place. There were few who dared to attend it, and these were howled at and jeered by the crowd as they passed along the street. There had been no inquest. Rev. Thomas Lippincott, a Presbyterian minister, performed the services at the grave. Lovejoy was buried in what is now the public road in the northern part of the cemetery. An old colored man named Johnston dug the grave. This man was known as “Scotch” Johnston. In the 1860s, Hon. Thomas Dimmock had the body disinterred, and placed in the lot where it now rests. A marble scroll was placed over the grave with this inscription: “Hic Jacet Lovejoy, Jam Parce Sepulto.” Mr. Lovejoy’s wife and one child, a son, survived him.

Early in 1895, an effort was begun here to secure an appropriation from the State Legislature for a monument to the martyr in Alton. The late State Senator, Charles A. Herb, took hold of the matter in earnest, and so efficient was the work done by him, that he secured an appropriation of $25,000 in the Senate. Then took up the work in the House, and after serious labor, it also passed there. Governor Altgeld signed the law, with the understanding that Alton would raise $12,000 more. This was found impossible to do, and after $5,000 had been subscribed additional, the Governor consented to accept that amount. There were other citizens who labored most efficiently; among whom were Mr. William Armstrong, who might truly be called the father of the monument, to secure an appropriation. Senator Herb was first induced to undertake the securing of an appropriation from the Legislature by Mr. Armstrong’s arguments.

The contract for the building of the monument was let to the Culver Stone Company of Springfield. The plans were drawn by Mr. Robert P. Bringshurst of St. Louis. The central shaft of the monument, including the colossal figure which surmounts it, is approximately 90 feet from the ground. The base of the monument consists of circular plaza 40 feet in diameter, elevated 4 feet above the general level of the ground. It is approached from the south by a broad flight of steps, and the rear semi-circle is formed into an exedra wall and seat, which terminates against two pedestals supporting immense tripod urns. The steps are terminated by buttresses, and flanked by two sentinel columns, supporting great bronze eagles. The central of grand column supporting the colossal statue of Victory representing the triumph of free speech and a free press, is made of solid granite, 4 ½ feet in diameter, and is elevated upon a pedestal, the four panels of which bear bronze insignias illustrative of Lovejoy’s life. This includes a reproduction of the old Columbian press, which was used in expounding his doctrine on the subject of slavery. It also contains a base relief of Lovejoy, which was made from the only likeness in existence, a silhouette, under which is the following inscription: “Elijah P. Lovejoy, Editor Alton Observer, Albion, Maine, November 8, 1802; Alton, Illinois, November 7, 1837. A Martyr to Liberty. ‘I have sworn eternal opposition to slavery, and by the blessing of God I will never go back.’ On the north side, above the press, appear the words: ‘Champion of Free Speech.’ And under it these words: ‘As long as I am an American citizen, and as long as American blood runs in these veins, I shall hold myself at liberty to speak, to write, to publish whatever I please on any subject – being amenable to the laws of my country for the same.’

The east bears this inscription: ‘Minister of the Gospel. Moderator of Alton Presbytery. “If the laws of my country fail to protect me, I appeal to God, and with Him I cheerfully rest my cause. I can die at my post, but I cannot desert it.”

On the west side is the following: ‘Salve Victores! This monument commemorates the valor, devotion, and sacrifice of the noble Defenders of the Press, who in this city on November 7, 1837, made the first armed resistance to the aggression of the slave power in America.’

The Lovejoy Monument Dedication Exercises
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 11, 1897
Monday, the sixtieth anniversary of the martyr, the burial of Elijah Parish Lovejoy, was seemingly an appropriate one. Rain fell in torrents, and the very elements seemed to weep in this, the sextennial anniversary when the first martyr to human liberty was consigned to earth in the old Alton City Cemetery. Otherwise, the day was an inauspicious one as hundreds of people who would have attended the services were unable to be here.

Lieutenant Governor Northcott arrived on the 9:15 train, and was met by members of the Reception Committee. He was taken in charge by Captain and Mrs. Eaton of the Western Military Academy, whose guest he was for the day. Hon. Thomas Dimmock of St. Louis, another guest of honor, was entertained by relatives.

The rain continued to fall, and the committee in charge of the dedication gave up the idea of public speaking at the cemetery, and changed it to the Temple Theater. The exercises began at 2 p.m., with a large audience in the theater. The White Hussar Band opened the exercises with an overture, and Rev. M. Jameson followed with an invocation.

For the dedication, Professor W. D. Armstrong had prepared some special music, and he was assisted by a large chorus of voices selected from the musical societies of the city. America was the first musical number, and was followed by an address by Mr. E. P. Wade, President of the Monument Association, on “the Rise of the Monument.” Hon. Thomas Dimmock, who has been one of the most interested in the Lovejoy memorial, delivered the address of the day. Miss Mamie B. Herb, daughter of the late Senator Charles A. Herb, in an address, made the formal presentation of the monument. As the daughter of the man to whom alone is due the honor of having secured the appropriation for the monument from the Legislature, the selection of Miss Herb for the presentation was most appropriate. In behalf of the Lovejoy Monument Association, she presented the monument to the public.

The ”Concord Hymn” by Ralph Waldo Emerson was sung by the chorus:
On this green bank by this soft stream
We set today a votive stone,
That memory may their deeds redeem –
When, like our sires, our sons are gone.

The music to this was prepared for the occasion by Professor W. D. Armstrong of Alton.

Rev. J. M. Wilkerson of the A. M. E. Church spoke in behalf of the colored race in an able address, and his was one of the features of the exercises.

The late Charles A. Herb, first President of the Lovejoy Monument Association, was the subject of a eulogy from Senator D. R. Sparks. As his successor to the Senatorship from this district, Mr. Sparks spoke on the life work of Mr. Herb, which culminated in making possible the Lovejoy monument, a memorial alike to Elijah P. Lovejoy and Charles A. Herb. The monument will always be such.

The “Battle Hymn of the Republic” by the chorus was followed by an eloquent address by Lieutenant Governor Northcott, who spoke in behalf of Governor Tanner. The benediction, which was pronounced by Rev. H. K. Sanborne, was preceded by “Old Hundred” by the chorus, and the exercises were concluded by music by the band.

Among the members of the Lovejoy family in attendance were: Mrs. John A. Andrews of Boston, Massachusetts, a niece; E. P. and C. R. Lovejoy of Princeton; and W. O. Lovejoy of Galesburg, nephews of the martyr.

Lovejoy Monument
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 18, 1897
The Lovejoy Monument Association is preparing a collection of papers and relics of interest to be deposited in the box that will be placed in the cavity on the north side of the monument. The box will be hermetically sealed and a bronze plate will be securely affixed over the opening after the box has been placed inside the monument. The names of all the contributors to the fund will be placed in the box.

The Naval Militia met with a mishap to their gun. After firing the fourth volley, the Hotchkiss was disabled, and the balance of the salute of ten guns had to be abandoned. The Naval Militia were admired by all. The neat uniforms and soldierly bearing give the boys a very fine appearance. They received Lieut. Governor Northcott with formal courtesy. The Governor expressed his pleasure with the company.

The Western Military Academy cadets presented a fine appearance. They were recipients of many kind expressions. They were ready, with the Naval Militia, to have escorted Governor Northcott to the cemetery to view the monument, but he found he would not have time to make the visit, and the march was therefore abandoned.

The relatives of the martyr and other visitors were taken in carriages to the cemetery, where they viewed the monument and surroundings. All expressed themselves as highly pleased, both with the monument and its location, and the magnificent view obtained there.

Messrs. William Evans and C. E. Burnett of Girard were in Alton to attend the Lovejoy Monument dedication Monday. Both were former residents of Alton. Mr. Evans lived in Alton at the time of Lovejoy’s death. He was a boy about fourteen years of age, and remembers well many incidents connected with that event. Mr. Evans maintains that the first shooting was done by those defending Lovejoy’s press, when Bishop was killed. He also says that he always thought Dr. Bell [or Beall] was the man who fired the shot that killed Lovejoy.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 11, 1897
Mr. John W. Harned of Bond County gives a couple of columns of reminiscences of the Lovejoy assassination in the Greenville Advocate of this week. Mr. Harned was a young man of 18 or 19 years of age at the time, and has a vivid recollection of the events of that black evening. The following, as to the person who fired the fatal shot, will be interesting as the testimony of a well-known and highly respected citizen of Alton, the late Mr. Lewis Kellenberger:

“About the close of the war, Lewis Kellenberger of Alton, a very prominent man who kept the Mansion House before my father, came out to visit me, being an old friend of my father’s. In reviewing the death of Lovejoy, said I, ‘Mr. Kellenberger, I reckon it will never be known who killed Lovejoy.’ He replied, ‘Harned, I am satisfied I know who killed Lovejoy. It was Dr. James Jennings.’ Then he went on and stated that he (Kellenberger) was the cause of Jennings coming to Alton, as the families had been acquainted back in Virginia, and that Dr. Jennings confided in Kellenberger, and after Lovejoy was killed he seemed to care not to talk on the subject, but went immediately to straighten up his affairs, and left Alton in a very short time, and after Jennings left, he never wrote back, but cut off all communication with his friends, and for other reasons, Kellenberger said, ‘I am satisfied Jennings was the man that killed Lovejoy.’ Jennings was a tall, fine-looking fellow and well educated, being a regular graduate of a good medical institute. Kellenberger said further that while Beall, Rock, and some others claimed the honor of killing Lovejoy, Jennings had never claimed that. It was a subject that he didn’t like to talk about.”


Son of Rev. Thomas Lippincott, Who conducted Funeral Service Over Lovejoy
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 18, 1897
“And so Alton has dedicated a monument to the memory of Elijah P. Lovejoy, the philanthropist, the patriot, the friend of, and teacher of the doctrine of human liberty. His life was a milestone in the world’s long and weary progress from serfdom and slavery to universal liberty and equal rights.

Alton has honored herself. There was a time – the time when Lovejoy died – that ‘Alton’ was a familiar word in every village and household in the free part of the United States of America, and familiar as it was, it could not be spoken without thought of infamy. From 1837 to 1897 is a long time to carry an incubus, but now it has shaken it off, and as the dedication of this monument will be published widely, ‘Alton’ will again be on the lips and in the thoughts of millions of our own free people – Lovejoy’s labors and hopes realized! And everywhere the mention of the name will be accompanied by thoughts of honor to the place and the people, who have reared the column of enduring granite to the memory of the man who fell there, as it were, on the advancing skirmish line of the great campaign that was to conquer slavery and make this a great free nation of equal rights and universal suffrage.

How I wish I could have known of the date so I could have been there. It is almost forty-five years since I left the employ of the Alton Telegraph and the place of my birth, but I have not forgotten Alton nor Lovejoy. I was not present at the contest as I was born the following month, but it was my father who officiated at the simple burial service of the martyr. It was the husband of my sister (Winthrop S. Gilman) who was the custodian of the press and defended it, and was tried for his life for inciting a riot in doing so. It was my father who was chosen editor of The Taper, which was to, and did for a time, continue in a mild way the contest and shed forth a feeble ray of light in the dark surroundings to lead those who would be led into the ways of eternal truth and liberty. I feel as if I was near enough a part of it to have a right to rejoice with you that my birthplace has at last honored itself in honoring its great martyr.” Signed Thomas W. Lippincott, Boscobel, Wisconsin, November 10, 1897.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 18, 1897
Dr. Samuel Willard of Chicago gives some very interesting reminiscences in the Inter-Ocean as to Lovejoy’s death in Alton. Dr. Willard was fourteen years of age at the time of the assassination, and was another of the “last surviving eyewitnesses.” He knew Lovejoy well, having heard him preach frequently in the Presbyterian Church that then stood where the Episcopal Church now stands. In speaking of the person who fired the fatal shot, Dr. Willard says:

“It was said that James M. Rock, a teamster, who died in the Ohio penitentiary, fired the shot that killed Lovejoy, and that it was one of the bullets fired by the latter that killed Bishop. These were the only two fatalities of the midnight battle, although there were numbers who were severely wounded.”

Mr. John Harned of Bond County places the deed at the hands of Dr. Jennings, Mr. William Evans of Girard, another of the eyewitnesses of the riot, believes Dr. Beall was the person who fired the shot. The late Colonel George T. M. Davis, in his autobiography, mentions a certain Dr. as the one who fired the shot that killed Lovejoy, and like that at Bunker Hill, “was heard round the world,” and caused abolitionists to spring up in every community – the determined foes of slavery. It is probably just as well that the name of the man who did the deed in unknown. He was the product of the spirit then prevailing, and every man present in the mob was as guilty as he.


Written by Wendell Phillips
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 18, 1897
On April 13, 1867, Wendell Phillips lectured in Alton in the city hall as one of a course under the auspices of the Ladies Library Association. After going to the site of Lovejoy’s office and that of the warehouse where he was killed, he went to the Alton City Cemetery where Lovejoy was buried. He wrote a letter from this city to the Anti-Slavery Standard, which appeared in that journal April 27. It was copied into the Telegraph at a later date. The reprint from the Telegraph Rev. Dr. Jameson placed in his scrap book, to whom we are now indebted for a copy for publication at this time.

Alton, Illinois, April 14, 1867
Dear Standard, “I lectured here last night, and today have been visiting the places made historical and sacred by the labors and martyrdom of Lovejoy. Hitherto the name of this city brought always but one idea to my mind, and I never heard or saw it printed without an involuntary shudder. A cordial welcome here, and by men who have done good service in this valley of the Mississippi – where the battle was for a time so hot, has broken that spell, and I trust hereafter to think of it as the home of brave and true men.

The plain stone storeroom from which his first press was flung into a creek (now covered by a business street under which it runs) still stands. It’s walls – brown and dingy with what in this growing country is age – are to me the most interesting relics in the place. Here a brave man and the slave power began their death-grapple. How proudly the seeming conquerors left those walls that night! How little aware that the seemingly humbled roof covered a courage and patience that ‘slowly would outweigh their solid globe!’ The building where he was shot has been taken down, and a large mill built there; but the same long, gray stone wall stands on the side, and the same river runs on the other side – the last objects on which his eyes rested; these mute and unchanging witnesses saw the first blood shed in defense of the right to discuss American slavery. That death stunned a drunken people into sobriety. Slowly at first, but afterward with a marvelous promptness the people rallied to the struggle, determined that if there was anything in the land which would not bear free speech, it was not free speech they would surrender.

Lovejoy lies buried now in the Alton City Cemetery on a beautiful knoll. Nearby rolls the great river. His resting place is marked by an oblong stone, perhaps thirty inches by twenty-one, and rising a foot above the ground; on this rests a marble scroll bearing the inscription: ‘His Jacet Lovejoy, Jam Parce Sepulto.’ (Here lies Lovejoy; spare him, now in his grave.)

A more marked testimonial would not, probably, have been safe from insult previous to 1864. He fought his fight so far in the van, so much in the hottest of the battle, that not until nigh after thirty years and the final victory, could ever his dust be sure of quiet. Myrtles and flowers grow over his resting place, fresh and green, this beautiful spring day. Other graves are guarded by tasteful and costly architecture, but this one lies close to the path, unfenced, fitly holding up its record and appeal to the eye of every passer. (Mr. Phillips’ letter was written previous to the stone wall being placed around the Lovejoy lot by Mr. Thomas Dimmock of St. Louis. Editor of the Telegraph.)

Soon the gratitude and patience of his friends and neighbors will build, not for him a monument, but a testimonial that he died not in vain. It should be placed nearer the river on the bluff that looks down directly on the Mississippi, so that every boat in passing up and down shall be able to show to the millions of busy and prosperous men the name of him who consecrated this grand valley to liberty. Grandly the valley spreads north, south, and west, miles and miles away, holding great States bound together by the ribbon of the Mississippi, a valley made historical by many a hard-fought fight. But it will soon know that it holds no prouder spot than that which saw first defeat – like Bunker Hill and Bull Run – better and more fruitful than a hundred victories in this war for free speech and justice.

I can never forget the quick, sharp agony of that hour which brought us the news of Lovejoy’s death. We had not then fully learned the bloodthirstiness of the slave power. When John Brown confronted it at Harper’s Ferry, we knew and had long known the risk any man run who defied the fiend. But twenty years before Garrison had just waked up to its horrors, and we saw it but blindly. The gun fired at Lovejoy was like that of Sumter – it scattered a world of dreams. Looking back, how wise, as well as noble, his course seems! Incredible almost that we should ever have been obliged to defend his ‘prudence.’ What world-wide benefactors these ‘imprudent’ men are – the Lovejoys, the Browns, the Garrisons, the saints and martyrs! How ‘prudently’ most men creep into nameless graves; while now and then one of two forget themselves into immortality!” Signed, Wendell Phillips.

Wendell Phillips (1811 – 1884) was an American abolitionist, advocate for Native Americans, orator, and attorney. In 1835, the Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society scheduled George Thompson to speak. Pro-slavery forces post notices of a $100 reward for any citizen that would first “lay violent hands on him.” Thompson cancelled, and William Lloyd Garrison, a newspaper written against slavery, was quickly scheduled in his place. A lynch mob formed, forcing Garrison to escape through the back of the hall and hide. The mob found him, put a noose around his neck, and took him to Leverett Street Jail. Wendell Phillips was a witness to the attempted lynching. After being converted to the abolitionist cause by Garrison, Phillips stopped practicing law and dedicated himself to the anti-slavery movement. His oratorical ability caused him to be known as “abolition’s golden trumpet.” He condemned the use of can sugar and clothing made of cotton – both produced by slave labor. On December 8, 1837, in Boston’s Faneuil Hall, Phillip’s leadership and oratory established his preeminence with the abolitionist movement. Bostonians gathered there to discuss Elijah P. Lovejoy’s murder in Alton, Illinois. Massachusetts Attorney General James T. Austin defended the anti-abolitionist mob, comparing their actions to 1776 patriots who fought the British. Disgusted, Phillips spontaneously rebutted, praising Lovejoy’s actions as a defense of liberty. Garrison, inspired by Phillips, entered a partnership with him that began the 1840s abolitionist movement.

When Mr. Phillips was in Alton, an effort was then being made to erect a monument to the memory of Lovejoy, and this will explain his reference to a “testimony” which was to be erected by neighbors and friends. But thirty years and more elapsed between Mr. Phillips’ visit and the erection of the memorial shaft that was dedicated last Monday. And not alone by the citizens of Alton, but by the great State of Illinois. It was right that it should be more than a local matter. It was a national affair, and Alton was only the battleground of the first fight in the cause of human liberty on this continent.


Alton Evening Telegraph, Friday, June 30, 1899
The Lovejoy monument was completed today by the directors of the Lovejoy Monument Association, who witnessed the placing in the monument the sealed box containing the records of Lovejoy's life, his martyrdom, the work of building the monument, and copies of current newspapers, with relics and other things that may be interesting to the curious mind hundreds of years hence. The formality of sealing the monument took place at 10 o'clock this morning. The directors were present and with them was Hon. Thomas Dimmock, St. Louis, who has always been one of the most interested in all things pertaining to Lovejoy and was an active member of the board of directors.

Lovejoy monument, Alton, ILThe north face of the square granite pedestal of the monument was left an opening about one foot square. Into this the box was put and sealed with stone and cement. Over the seal was placed a bronze plate suitably inscribed, and the monument was finished. Hon. Thomas Dimmock made a brief and eloquent address. To the directors he said that they have the personal thanks of himself for what they had done to honor the memory of the great martyr, Lovejoy. In the main, the monument's erection is due to their efforts and the business-like way in which they have conducted the affairs of the association. Their connection with it would be a memory and a pleasant recollection for them and their children. For himself, the speaker said, he is now far down the sunset slope of life's hill, but nothing that he had done in all his career in public life could give him the gratification that the memory of his connection with the monument, to perpetuate the memory of the great Lovejoy, gives him and he considers it the crowning achievement of his public life. Mr. Dimmock's address was impromptu, but was delivered with his characteristic eloquence that gave it all the fire of a polished speech. Remaining in the treasury is $500. The association voted to turn the monument over to the cemetery board, and also voted to have the monument repointed. The balance of the fund on hand was ordered to be turned over to the cemetery board for the purpose of caring for the monument. The following is a list of the books, pamphlets and documents deposited in the Lovejoy monument this morning:

Pamphlet with report of dedication ceremonies on November 8, 1897
Program of exercises
Pamphlet - Speech of Lt. Governor Northcott
Music of dedication hymn, composed by Prof. W. D. Armstrong
Book, Memoir of the Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy by Joseph C. and Owen Lovejoy, published 1888, contributed by Hon. Thomas Dimmock
Copy "Alton Observer," August 3, 1837, Lovejoy's paper, contributed by Monticello Seminary
Pamphlet - corner stone laying of First Presbyterian Church, July 5, 1897, with reference to Rev. E. P. Lovejoy, moderator of Alton Presbytery in 1837
Circular address to the public issued by reorganized association June 26th, 1895
Circular address by the association to the General Assembly of Illinois issued 1895
Circular to the press, issued 1895
Pamphlet - proceedings of the city council, February 12, 1895, with action of council in regard to monument to Lovejoy
Engrossed copy of proceedings of legislature relative to appropriation of $25,000 for Lovejoy monument. Complete history of bill on its passage through the Senate and House, with vote for and against, and list of members of both houses, engrossed for the association by S. L. Spear of the Secretary of State's office.
Letters from members of the Lovejoy family: A. P. Lovejoy, Janesville, Wisconsin; Mrs. Emma Lovejoy Ladd, Osceola Mills, Wisconsin; Mrs. Caro Lovejoy Andrews, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts; Mrs. Julia Lovejoy King, Osceola Mills, Wisconsin; E. P. Lovejoy, Princeton, Illinois; Ida T. Lovejoy, Chicago, Illinois.
List of contributors to monument fund and financial statement
Book, "Alton Trials" report of the trials of the defenders of the press and their assailants, reported by William S. Lincoln, contributed by Hon. Thomas Dimmock
Book, "Martyrdom of Lovejoy," by Henry Tanner
Pamphlet - "Lecture on Early Reminiscences of Alton" by Hon. Joseph Brown of St. Louis
Pamphlet - Hon. Thomas Dimmock's lecture on Lovejoy in Unity church, St. Louis, March 14, 1888
Sketch of Benjamin Lundy, abolition hero and martyr, with references to Lovejoy
Papers of Lovejoy Monument Association of 1867, list of members and contributors
Papers of Lovejoy Monument Association organized 1886, reorganized 1895, incorporators, in 1886 - W. A. Haskell, H. R. Phinney, H. G. McPike, I. H. Kelley, N. J. McCracken, J. H. Yager, W. Thornton; Directors - e. P. Wade, J. E. Hayner, Thomas Dimmock, W. A. Haskell, Rev. J. P. Johnson, G. D. Hayden, D. R. Sparks, J. J. Brenholt, Rev. J. A. Scarritt, O. H. Hapgood, William Armstrong, I. H. Kelley, E. Guelich, H. Watson, William Ashton
Package of extracts from many newspapers commenting on the monument project.
Current copies of local newspapers - Alton Evening Telegraph, November 8, 1897; Alton Daily Sentinel-Democrat, Alton Daily Republican, Alton Banner.
Program of Lovejoy memorial meeting at Oak Park Illinois, November 7, 1897.
Letters from anti-slavery leaders: Benjamin Harrison, ex-President, U.S.; Lieutenant Governor W. A. Northcott; Hon. Joseph Brown, St. Louis, Missouri; George T. Newhall, Lynn, Massachusetts; W. E. Barnes, Saratoga, New York; Willis Fletcher Johnson, N. Y. Tribune; C. W. Caines, Manchester, Missouri; M. L. Worcester, Kingston, Illinois; E. W. Clarke, Kirkwood, Missouri; Mrs. G. W. Ogilvie, Des Moines, Iowa; Dr. Samuel Willard, Chicago, Illinois; Henry O. Merriam, Major General U. S. A.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 10, 1899
The Lovejoy Monument Association is having the interstices of the stone work of the monument repointed with lead. The cement pointing had begun to crack and fall out. The lead will be permanent, and there will be no need of further work on the monument as long as it stands.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 21, 1899
Allen P. Lovejoy and wife of Janesville, Wisconsin are at the Madison Hotel today. Mr. Lovejoy is one of the famous Lovejoy family and a relative of the martyr, Elijah P. Lovejoy. He came to Alton to see the monument erected in the cemetery to his distinguished relative.

Allen P. Lovejoy was born in Wayne, Maine, on March 20, 1825. He was one of ten children, and the fourth son, of Nathan and Temperance (Wing) Lovejoy, a farmer, who had moved from New Hampshire while a young man.

Allen Lovejoy’s family date back to 1751 in Wayne, Maine. The Lovejoy’s of Maine all descended from John Lovejoy of Andover, Massachusetts, who was one of the first freeholders of Massachusetts. Two of his great-grandsons, Hezekiah and Francis, moved to Amherst, New Hampshire where Hezekiah raised a family of eight children. The oldest was Lieutenant John Lovejoy, who moved from Amherst to Janesville, Wisconsin in 1795. The other great-grandson of John Lovejoy’s - Francis Lovejoy - moved from Amherst to Albion, Maine, where were born his famous grandsons – the former [Elijah P. Lovejoy] whose life was taken while defending the cause of anti-slavery at Alton, Illinois, the latter, who championed the same cause in congress with eloquence, and during the days when an abolitionist was almost an outlaw.

John Lovejoy of Andover, MA - son? - grandson - Francis Lovejoy - son - Elijah P. Lovejoy and Owen Lovejoy.

Francis Lovejoy (1734 – 1818) moved to Albion, Maine in about 1790. Had a son, Daniel Lovejoy. The family is buried in the Lovejoy Cemetery overlooking Lovejoy Pond in Albion, Maine.
Name of Francis Lovejoy’s father – Hezekiah Lovejoy (b. Abt. Oct 1701 in Andover, Massachusetts. Mother, Hannah Austin (b. 1704).

Francis Lovejoy marred Mary Bancroft in 1765 (1742-1792). Their known children were Rev. Daniel Lovejoy (1776-1833); Lucy Lovejoy Brackett (1778-1858); Luke Lovejoy (1780-1780); and Abial Lovejoy (1783-1785).

Rev. Daniel Lovejoy (1776-1833) was born in Amherst, New Hampshire. His parents were Francis Lovejoy and Mary Bancroft Lovejoy (1742-1792). Rev. Daniel married Elizabeth Gordon Pattee (1772-1857); and they had the following children: Elijah Parish Lovejoy (1802-1837); Joseph Cammett Lovejoy (1805-1871); Owen Lovejoy (1807-1810); Sybil Pattee Lovejoy Blanchard (1809-1857); Owen Lovejoy (1811-1864); Elizabeth Pattee Lovejoy Wiswall (1815-1893); and John Ellingwood Lovejoy (1817-1891).

Source: Find a Grave (obit of Rev. Francis Lovejoy) Janesville Daily Gazette, Janesville, Wisconsin, October 26, 1898; page 2

Captain Hezekiah Lovejoy, and son, John.

After finishing his education and teaching several years in district schools, Allen learned the trade of carpentry. Before he was twenty-five, he sought his fortune in the West. He arrived in Janesville, Wisconsin in 1850, after a long walk from Milwaukee. He soon became a contractor and builder. In 1859 he opened his first lumberyard, and soon expanded. He served as director of the First National Bank, and was president of the Janesville Machine Company. He later served in the Wisconsin State Legislature in 1869, and served as Mayor of Janesville in 1881. He was elected State Senator in 1887 and 1889. On May 29, 1880, Mr. Lovejoy married Julia A. Stow. Of the four children, one died in infancy. Allen Lovejoy died on March 18, 1904, and was buried in the Oak Hill Cemetery in Janesville, Wisconsin.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 07, 1901
Elijah P. Lovejoy Camp, Sons of Veterans of St. Louis, will come to Alton Sunday to make their annual pilgrimage to the tomb of Elijah P. Lovejoy, in whose honor the camp is named. An address will be delivered by Rev. J. R. Clemens of the A. M. E. Church.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 14, 1901
The Lovejoy monument association has accepted an offer of Col. J. S. Culver of Springfield, the builder of the monument in Alton, erected by the State of Illinois and the citizens of Alton to the memory of Lovejoy, and two new inscriptions will be placed upon the exedra wall or upon the tripod pedestals of the base of the monument. The two inscriptions were suggested by Col. Culver. One is taken from the dedicatory address delivered when the monument was completed, and is as follows:

"Here is historic old Alton - Alton that slew him and Alton that defended him, Alton, whose people today with one heart and one mind pluck from oblivion this wreath of immortality and place it around the memory of Lovejoy. Lovejoy and Alton. Names as inseparable and as dear to the people of Illinois as those of Lincoln and Springfield, Grant and Galena."

The other new inscription is by Thomas Davis, the Irish patriot, and is as follows:
"Whether on the scaffold high, or in the battle's van, The fittest place for man to die, Is where he dies for man."

The inscriptions will be carved on the monument next week.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 28, 1904
John Wesley Harned, aged 85 years, an eyewitness of the Lovejoy tragedy at Alton, November 7, 1837, died at his country home west of Greenville, Sunday morning. Mr. Harned was born in Red River county, Texas, January 26, 1819, and moved with his parents to Alton in 1833. He "way-billed" Daniel Webster from Alton to Carlinville, when Webster was making his canvass for the nomination for President. In 1838 he moved to Bond county, and has resided there continuously. In 1840 he cast his first vote for Harrison at Pocahontas, Bond county, and for fifty consecutive years he voted the Republican ticket at that place, never missing an election, national, state or county. Mr. Harned has many times given a graphic account of the killing of Elijah P. Lovejoy at Alton, of which he was an eyewitness. His father, Capt. William Harned, was the owner of the old Mansion House, still standing in Alton. He was one of the defenders of Lovejoy, and was standing by his side when he fell.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 24, 1904
The Telegraph has acquired a fine old painting representing the scene at the assassination of Elijah P. Lovejoy, November 7, 1837, which will hereafter adorn the walls of the Telegraph office. From an artistic point of view, the picture is not remarkable, but it is the original painting, supposed to have been made shortly after the Alton riots, representing the attack on the building in which Lovejoy was killed. The picture is a very crude representation of the killing and was done by some person not highly gifted in an artistic way. The only picture known of this historic occurrence is the one in the possession of the Telegraph. It was the property of the late Jerry Still, and since his death was found under a heap of rubbish in an attic at his home. The painting is still bright.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 20, 1904
Mr. Robert P. Bringhurst, the St. Louis sculptor and the designer of the Lovejoy monument at Alton, suffered a very serious accident Sunday morning by which he has lost the first joints of the last two fingers of his left hand, and he narrowly escaped losing some of his other fingers. The accident occurred as Mr. Bringhurst was going to Grafton from Chautauqua to work on his boat, "Camilda," which is being overhauled and equipped with a new engine. As he was standing in the door of a coach in the train, the door swung shut on Mr. Bringhurst's left hand, which was pressing against the jam of the door, and the third and fourth fingers of his left hand were very badly crushed and it was necessary to amputate them. The accident is serious because Mr. Bringhurst uses his fingers in making models of his sculptures before they are cast. Had he lost the first or second fingers, the loss would have been much worse than it is. Mr. Bringhurst's family have been spending the season at Chautauqua in their cottage.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 11, 1906
Engineer George Dickson is in possession of a book published in 1838 by George Holton at Alton, and written by Rev. Edward Beecher, then president of Illinois College, entitled "Narrative of Riots at Alton in Connection With the Death of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy." In the book he tells how a letter of his advocating the admission of others than ministers and church members to an anti-slavery convention and published in the Alton Telegraph, and how this letter caused the convention to get into the hands of the Philistines later. "Free inquiry" was the slogan at the convention, and "free inquiry" was choked off by the following: "Resolved. That we adopt resolutions without discussion." The entire book contains matter calculated to show that Lovejoy was not a leader or starter of any of the movements made at that time - movements which afterwards caused the overthrow of slavery, but that rather he was forced by his friends to take positions he did. He favored a delaying policy, according to Mr. Beecher, but when he did begin he was earnest, fearless, unconquerable. "Had the riot been under Nero, Mr. Lovejoy might reasonably have fled. That bloody tyrant made no pretensions to reason, or to the fear of God. But has a Christian nation sunk so low that in the midst of laws, churches and most sacred guarantees made for the express purpose of defending the rights of speech; and to be maintained and administered by Christian men - will they require a citizen at the bidding of an infuriated mob sacrifice conscience, abandon every right and seek safety in inglorious flight? For refusing to do this, Mr. Lovejoy is stigmatized as stubborn, dogmatical, rash and imprudent. Had Mr. Lovejoy been intemperate in his use of language, it would not have furnished an excuse for such proceedings. But he was not. His exposition of views was marked by calm, temperate kind and dignified language. It indicated the spirit of a man unwilling to provoke, and anxious only to convince. I fearlessly say that from one article on slavery in the journal of the Colonization Society, which I have now in my eye. I can select more severity of language on the subject of slavery than Mr. Lovejoy ever wrote." The book is yellow with age, but is in good condition otherwise and is filled with interesting matter.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 22, 1906
Mrs. Elizabeth Delaplain, who claims to have been a personal friend both of Elijah P. Lovejoy and of Black Hawk, the celebrated Indian Chief, died Monday morning at 8:30 o'clock at her home in Godfrey township. She was 95 years of age, and had spent almost her entire life in Alton and vicinity. The greater part of her life she spent in Godfrey township, neighboring Alton. The most remarkable fact about Mrs. Delaplain was that she retained her bodily strength and all her faculties until the very last, only when death dimmed her eyes so she could not see and dulled her ear so she could not hear the words of her children and friends, shortly before dissolution. Her stories of her childhood and young womanhood were intensely interesting. Among the prominent residents of Alton today are men who have passed the seventies and of whom Mrs. Delaplain always enjoyed telling that she used to hold them in her arms when they were infants. The president of an Alton bank, now past seventy-two, was a guest at Mrs. Delaplain wedding, she told him, as an infant in arms. It is also related of Mrs. Delaplain that until a few weeks ago she was able to be around, and that last summer she insisted upon milking her favorite cow, although she had plenty of help on the place, and she could complete the milking as soon as a person much younger than herself. She was a native of Tennessee, and was born in 1811. She came to Alton at the time the Indian tribes in Tennessee and Kentucky were transferred from there to the western reservations. Her uncle was Indian agent in Tennessee, and through the acquaintance she formed with Indian ways and customs, she made many fast friends among them. Among the most distinguished of her friends was Black Hawk, who was a frequent visitor at her home, as he was a strong friend of her husband. Elijah P. Lovejoy, shortly after coming to Alton, boarded with the family of the uncle of Mrs. Delaplains, Andrew Miller, who was a proprietor of the old Alton House in the early days of Alton, and it was in the Alton House that she was married. Mrs. Delaplain had many interesting reminiscences of the early days, and her mind was stored with entertaining facts which she enjoyed relating until she was taken with her last illness. She had been failing slightly in strength until September 8, when for the first time she failed to rise from her bed, but she regained her strength slightly afterward. Her last illness was of one month's duration. Mrs. Delaplain leaves four children, Samuel Delaplain of St. Louis, Mrs. A. F. Rodgers of Upper Alton, Mrs. H. H. Stookey and Miss Rebecca Delaplain of Godfrey, who lived with their mother. She leaves grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 24, 1906
It is believed that Mrs. Elizabeth Delaplain, who died Monday and will be buried tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at Godfrey, was the last survivor of the personal acquaintances of Elijah P. Lovejoy. Mrs. Delaplain said that he was a man of great power of eloquence, and that his prayers as he knelt in his room at the Alton House where he boarded, were so eloquent that when Lovejoy's time for devotions came, the servants in the hotel would steal to his door, remove their shoes so they could not be heard, and they would stand outside listening to the preacher editor as he offered his prayers inside, imploring Divine guidance in his work, although unconscious of the fact that he was being listened to by an audience outside drawn there by the power of his eloquence. The funeral service tomorrow will be conducted by Rev. J. A. Scarritt, whom Mrs. Delaplain frequently reminded that she had carried him in her arms when he was a baby.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 12, 1907
Col. A. M. Jackson and Major George D. Eaton have bought from Mrs. C. H. Evans of New York, a daughter of Rev. Thaddeus B. Hurlbut, the old homestead of Rev. Hurlbut. Around this home many historic memories cling. Rev. Hurlbut was a Congregational clergyman in Upper Alton, and he was a friend and associate and a defender of Lovejoy. He also contributed some important historical facts concerning the events at the time of the killing of Lovejoy. Col. Jackson and Maj. Eaton intend to open a street through the tract, which consists of four acres, and will lay out the property into lots and put them on the market.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 19, 1909
Thomas Dimmock, aged 79, died Thursday at St. John's hospital in St. Louis, at 4:30 o'clock, after a long illness. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jacob Wead, in Alton. In the death of Mr. Dimmock there was closed a life that had been full of interest in public affairs. Mr. Dimmock was a writer of much note, he had filled editorial positions on the two St. Louis morning papers, and his views and comments on current events frequently appeared in the St. Louis papers. He was a speaker of considerable ability, and his services were frequently sought for public occasions. Perhaps the most important fact about Mr. Dimmock's life was his interest in Elijah Parish Lovejoy, which led him to rescue from oblivion the grave of Lovejoy in the City Cemetery. It was by him the little marble scroll in the cemetery was set up over Lovejoy's Lovejoy marble scrollgrave, bearing the inscription in Latin which translated reads: "Here Lies Lovejoy, Spare now the Dead." The grave was known to none but "Scotch" Johnson, an old negro who lived in Alton many years and who helped bury Lovejoy. Mr. Dimmock, through the aid of Johnson, located the grave. It was a part of the cemetery where a roadway passed over it and vehicles passing in and out of the cemetery were going over the unmarked grave. Johnson pointed out the place, and Mr. Dimmock had the bones exhumed, 27 years after they had been buried, and he had them reinterred where they are now. He set up over the grave the marble scroll stone which still marks it, while a stately and costly monument to the south commemorates the work and principles of Lovejoy. At the dedication of the monument, Mr. Dimmock made an address in Temple Theatre. Mr. Dimmock was the son of Elijah L. Dimmock. He was engaged in business with his father in Alton before going to St. Louis. The declining years of Mr. Dimmock were marked with much suffering, and he had been in very bad condition for several years. The only surviving member of Mr. Dimmock's family is Mrs. Theo B. Wead, wife of Jacob Wead, of this city. Mr. Dimmock's services to Abraham Lincoln in 1860 were esteemed highly both by his party and the President. He also gave his services freely in 1861 and 1867 to the Union cause and stirred the patriotism of the people by his eloquent addresses. Mr. Dimmock was editor of the Alton Democrat during the Civil War.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 28, 1911
Gates-Clark Dry Goods Co. have on exhibition at their store a copy of the Alton Telegraph of November 29, 1837. The owner of the paper requested that his name be kept private by the firm, for what reason is not explained. The paper is in excellent state of preservation, and looks as if it had been printed only a few days before. The person in whose keeping it was must have taken good care of it, and for many years the paper must have remained untouched by anyone, as it is not at all worn. The quality of the white paper used in those days was much better than that any newspaper used now, and it is very doubtful that in almost 75 years a copy of a paper of today would be safe to handle, if it was to be preserved intact. Among the names of advertisers appearing in the old sheet are names which are familiar to many through the names being borne by their descendants still living in Alton, but they are few. The issue following soon after the killing of Lovejoy in Alton, which occurred November 7, contains an editorial apologizing for the lack of comment on the tragic event of a few weeks before. It developed that the friend of Lovejoy who was on the paper was not entrusted with expressing the paper's sentiments. The newspaper, in common with other people who had witnessed the result of indulging in free speech in those days, preserved a discreet silence, or appeared in an apologetic way. The Lovejoy tragedy had evidently inspired the people with the belief that free speech at that time was not the part of wisdom, and free speech and liberty of the press was very much curtailed. The paper will be on exhibition for a few days in the store of Gates-Clark on Third street, in the carpet store windows. The Telegraph will be 75 years of age next January, and this issue referred to was printed during the first year of the paper, but it appears as Volume 2, the newspaper volumes then running for a period of six months instead of a year. [See newspaper article dated November 29, 1837]


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 12, 1912
Workmen excavating for the new engines of the Sparks mills on the riverfront reached to the level of the old riverbed this morning. They found a valuable relic at the depth of eighteen feet, which is a portion of the imposing stone [a flat, hard surface upon which pages printed from hot metal are imposed] of the Alton Observer, Elijah P. Lovejoy's paper. The stone is a fragment with a surface that shows the marks of the forms as they rested on the marble in making up the forms for the press. The stone was examined by a number of old printers who were asked if they knew what use the stone had been devoted to. They looked over the surface and with one accord pronounced it a piece of an imposing stone. "See," said one, "the marks where the forms have been repeatedly drawn across its surface, the marks of the make up." For years there has been a desire on the part of many who were interested in the remnants of the Lovejoy printing outfit, which was known to rest on the old riverbed, to make excavations to recover as much as possible. Recently, excavations have been in progress on the riverfront at the Sparks mill in carrying out some projects for improving the motive power of the mill. There is added interest in the find in that the piece of stone was found near the place where the Godfrey & Gilman warehouse stood at the time of the Lovejoy killing in 1837. The building was an old stone structure, a crude painting of which, made many years ago by some unknown artist, hangs in the Telegraph office today. The warehouse stood on the side of the Sparks mill, according to old timers whose recollections go back to the days of the building. There is little doubt that when the Lovejoy printing outfit was stored in the building on the night of the killing, when Lovejoy and his friends were defending the property, that this marble slab, smooth on two sides and deeply scarred by the movement of the forms over it as they would be moved about by the workmen on the paper, was thrown into what was then the riverbed. There the stones were buried deep. Gradually the river covered the stone over with deposits of various kinds and the riverbank receded southward as continued filling went on. Now the Sparks company is digging a deep ditch to carry lines of pipe out to the river, and in so doing undoubtedly uncovered the imposing stone. Whether there are any more fragments of the stone and of machinery thereabouts, remains for further investigation to reveal. Piling was encountered by the workmen when they reached a depth close to the old riverbed that was used in the years past as posts to tie steamboat cables to. A few years ago a former resident of Alton showed Charles Donnelly the position of the Lovejoy press as it lay in the river, the top of it exposed during low water. He was employed in the old mills and he often stood at the upper windows gazing upon the projecting portions of the press. He pointed out the exact spot, so well was it stamped upon his memory. This was at a point at the second track south of the mills, and where the excavations are now being made, as closely as Mr. Donnelly recollects. This establishes closely the position as is related by all the old citizens who were familiar with the facts surrounding the distinction of the Observer's press by the mob.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 19, 1912
In speaking of the many historical articles on exhibition oat Edwardsville this week, the Intelligencer says: "To many, the most interesting single article in the collection is the square piano once owned by Elijah P. Lovejoy, of Alton. After his death his widow made her home with the family of Jesse Walton, very close friends of Lovejoy. The piano passed into their possession and at Mr. Walton's death, it was sold among other effects of his at auction, where it became the property of W. C. Flagg of Moro. This was early in the 70s or late in the 60s. It is now in the possession of Mrs. E. L. Gillham of Wanda."


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 13, 1915
Doug Sparks believes he has found a piece of Lovejoy's old printing press in a fifteen-foot-deep excavation at the southwest corner of the Sparks Mill building, where room is being made to put in a concrete pier to carry grain scales and an unloading device. The Sparks mill is on the site of the old Godfrey & Gilman warehouse, where Lovejoy was killed in 1837. Several years ago, a marble slab reputed to be the imposing stone that Lovejoy would have used, or did use, was found. Now there has appeared down in the soil there a heavy frame of cast iron, which some believe was part of the old Washington hand press that was thrown into the river over seventy-seven years ago. George S. Milnor gave orders to have the piece of iron completely removed from the hole, and efforts will be made to get it out and complete the investigation as to whether the iron is really part of the historic old printing press which a mob made away with. It is impossible to know definitely what the iron frame belonged to, as so much of it is buried in the earth that has been filled in around the place, no one could establish just what the frame came from. The iron is so deep in the ground it must have been buried many years ago. The corner of the mill building foundation comes squarely up against the frame and it is near the bottom of the foundation that the iron frame first appears.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 14, 1915
A cast iron frame, weighing close to a half ton, was lifted this morning from the excavation at the southwest corner of the Sparks Milling Co., and after it was raised from the ground the conviction became strong that the frame must be part of the printing press of Elijah P. Lovejoy. The frame is shaped similar to the upright part of the frame that carried the screws which were operated by a lever and which caused the pressure to be applied that did the printing. The press that Lovejoy had was one of the old-fashioned hand type, and the frame found today might easily have served as the frame of such a machine. It is shaped like the outline of a bell, the bottom being straight across and would have held the bed on which the forms would be imposed. There is no exact reproduction of the Lovejoy press, but it is supposed to have resembled closely other presses of its time. The place where this frame was found was so deep in the earth that it could not have been put where it was in recent years. It rested on bedrock and against the foundation of the mill. It required much effort to get it with a block and tackle, seven men being required to lift and carry it. The frame has been partially cleaned, and later will be cleaned more thoroughly. On the top is a place where a nameplate undoubtedly was at one time, some copper pins which probably served to hold the nameplate in place still being in their positions. The nameplate which would have settled forever what the machine was, is missing. The iron frame will be kept until a further investigation can be made.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 3, 1915
Alton today had as a visitor a Miss Lovejoy, a relative of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy. She came here to see the old printing press frame which was recovered at the Sparks mill some time ago, and which is believed to be a part of the press that was wrecked the night that Lovejoy was assassinated by a member of a mob in1837. Miss Lovejoy called on E. P. Wade, president of the Alton National Bank. He is the oldest living native of Alton, and he undoubtedly has the best knowledge of old-time places and institutions in Alton. Mr. Wade took Miss Lovejoy, who is a grandniece of the Martyr Lovejoy, for a tour of Alton. She visited the old Presbyterian Church in Upper Alton where Lovejoy preached. She saw also the monument and she was shown other objects of interest about the city connected with the death of the Abolitionist editor. Miss Lovejoy said that she was much interested in what she saw. At the Sparks mill it is held certain that the large iron frame is part of an old printing press. An investigation was made and many experts throughout the country have pronounced the casting part of an old printing press, such as was used about eighty years ago. Miss Lovejoy is from Jackrabbit, Arizona. She had read in the papers of the finding of the press, and as she was going through Alton she stopped over to take a look at the curio.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 28, 1918
As part of the Sparks Milling Company’s contribution to the Illinois centennial celebration, a bronze tablet has been erected on the southwest corner of the mill building on the river front, marking the spot where the assassination of Elijah P. Lovejoy occurred, November 7, 1837. The tablet is inscribed as follows:

"This tablet marks the scene of the tragic death at the hands of a pro-slavery mob on Nov. 7, 1837, of Elijah Parish Lovejoy, who gave his life for liberty of thought, for liberty of speech, for liberty of press, and for liberty for man. Placed in commemoration of his heroism by the Sparks Milling Company."

Portion of Lovejoy's pressIn addition to the bronze tablet, the Sparks Milling Company will have erected on a granite base, and suitably inscribed, the remnant of the old printing press which the mob was seeking to destroy and which Lovejoy died to defend. The rusty main frame of the old hand press on which the Alton Observer was to be printed was dug up at the southwest corner of the mill building a few years ago, 18 feet underground, when excavation was being made for the foundations of new scales on which to weigh wheat. The explanation of the frame of the printing press being there is that the press, after the killing of Lovejoy, was dragged from the warehouse of Godfrey & Gilman, which stood on the site where the old mill building stands, and was thrown into the river. The river at that time extended further inland. What was deep water in 1837 when the riot occurred is dry land, and the river bank is far to the south of where it was over 80 years ago. The plan of the Sparks Milling Company is to set this frame of the press on a granite base, permanently fixed, and to have it on the lot at the front of the office of the milling company. There is a possibility the warehouse may have extended very close to where the office of the milling company now stands.

In the Illinois Centennial observance, many historic spots will be marked, but there will be none marked that will carry any greater human interest than this the Sparks Milling Company is marking. The discovery of the old frame of the Lovejoy press was quite by accident. It followed discovery of some marble slabs which were first supposed to be tombstones, but which are now believed to have been the marble imposing stones Lovejoy intended to set up in the Observer office. In those days spoiled tombstones were often smoothed on one side and used for imposing stones in newspaper offices, and now, since the discovery of the old press frame so close by, it is practically certain the marble slabs found first, and sledged to pieces by workmen who were digging a deep trench there, were the Lovejoy imposing stones.

For many years the remnant of the Lovejoy printing press stood in the Alton Telegraph building. It now stands in the Hayner Library.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 2, 1918
The Sparks Milling Co. today closed a contract with Arthur Dixon for building a granite pedestal on which to mount the piece of the Lovejoy press which was discovered several years ago at the corner of the mill building, deep in the ground. The order has been given for the granite that will enter into the structure, and as soon as it arrives here the work of setting it up will be undertaken and completed with dispatch. A bronze tablet will be suspended from the iron frame of the old printing press, which will tell what it is. The press is one of the most interesting of historic relics and will be put in the open, at the corner of the lot where the Sparks office building stands. The officers of the Sparks Milling Co. anticipate that this relic will thereupon become the shrine to be visited by many who value the right of free speech and liberty of the press, as it was this particular printing press, by its very destruction, became the seed from which grew a great public sentiment that the freedom of the press should not be infringed.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 17, 1918
Work of erecting the granite mounting for the frame of the old press of Elijah Parish Lovejoy was started Monday by Arthur Dixon, who is working under supervision of James M. Maupin. The old cast iron frame, it will be recalled, was excavated from a great depth at the southwest corner of the Sparks mill building on the river front. It was there that the Godfrey & Gilman warehouse stood, and it was from this warehouse the press was taken and smashed and dumped into the river by the mob after they had assassinated Lovejoy. This old press has great sentimental value because it was in its defense that Lovejoy, the first martyr to the cause of freedom of the press, lost his life at the hands of a mob at Alton, November 7, 1837. The frame of the press was dug up a few years ago while excavation was being made to install foundations for a heavy track scale. Where the press was found is far from the river now, but in olden days the water was deep enough there to afford a good landing place for steamboats. The relic is to be mounted on a granite base from which rise two short columns and between which the frame of the press is to be swung. On the press frame a tablet will be placed to tell the passerby what the relic is. The Sparks Milling Co. has already set up a tablet on its mill building to mark the spot where Lovejoy lost his life. The mounting of the relic will make of it a very interesting feature of the Alton centennial celebration.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 7, 1922
A brick from the foundation of the old Lovejoy home at Albion, Me., has been presented to the Telegraph by Captain C. S. Porter of the Western Military Academy. The brick is on display in the Telegraph window. The home in Maine housed Elijah P. Lovejoy was the earlier advocates for emancipation of slaves in this country, who was killed by a mob in Alton for his activities against slavery. He published at Alton "The Observer." The brick is of the old-fashioned hand-made type. It is of an unusually hard substance, when compared with present-day brick. It is wedge shaped. One corner has been broken off.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 16, 1922
A treasured firearm of the nineteenth century was presented this week to Daniel J. Murphy of Elsah, who for many years has been identified with the affairs of Madison and Jersey Counties, having served as President of the National Bank of Jerseyville for a number of years, and also as President of a Granite City bank. The firearm is claimed to be the gun which was used in Alton on November 7th, 1837, by the person who shot and killed Elijah Parish Lovejoy while he was defending his fourth printing press from a mob of St. Louis pro-slavery advocates. The gun which is claimed to have caused Lovejoy's death, is a double-barreled shotgun, nearly five feet in length. It was made by Parker & Field of London, England. The gun for many years was possessed by the late George W. Burke of Jerseyville, a pioneer of Jersey County. Burke, during the Civil War, was a "station keeper" in Jersey County of what was termed the "underground railroad." Fleeing slaves from the South, most of whom were on their way to Canada, would stop in Jerseyville and were cared for by Burke until an opportune moment when they could be sent on to the next station with provisions to last during the journey. It is said that this gun was obtained by one of the guards keeping watch over the warehouse containing Lovejoy's press, and that later the gun was given to Burke, who was one of the well-known men throughout this section of the country. The relic, which is now 85 years old, was presented to Mr. Murphy this week by Mrs. Jennie Kingsley, a step-daughter of the late George W. Burke. A piece of Lovejoy's printing press which was thrown into river at Alton in the early thirties, is mounted in front of the Sparks Mill office.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 19, 1923
The trustees of the Alton City Cemetery held a meeting last evening to pass upon the question of making a deed to the lot on which the Lovejoy monument stands, vesting the title to the lot and monument in the State of Illinois. Records of the cemetery association do not show that the title to the property was ever vested in the state. If the cemetery trustees will deed the lot on which the monument stands to the state of Illinois, the state government will take hold of the monument and look after repairs and keep the monument in good condition. The state gave $25,000 to the monument to be added to what the citizens of Alton give and since then has done nothing to it. The monument is in need of repairs. The cemetery association is without the necessary funds to maintain the monument and the result is no repairs have been made.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 22, 1923
On the morning of May 30th, Decoration Day, there will be a short ceremony at the Sparks Milling Co. office grounds that will be of interest to those interested in history. On that morning a large stone from the home of Elijah P. Lovejoy, a stone from the home where he lived and played as a boy, will be set beside the relic of the Lovejoy printing press in the Sparks Milling Co. office yard. This stone was brought back to Alton by Capt. Sumner Porter of the Western Military Academy, who was visiting at Albion, Me., last summer. He presented it to the Rotary Club and on May 30th at 9 o'clock in the morning a service will be held where the stone is set and the Rotary Club will present the stone to the Madison County Historical Society, the president of that society, W. D. Armstrong, receiving it. It was thought best to place the historical stone close to the Lovejoy press relic where it will be accessible to view of many who may be interested. Persons who are interested in Lovejoy are invited to attend this service on Decoration Day morning at 9:00 o'clock at the Sparks Milling Co. office.

  Memorial stone for Celia Ann Lovejoy

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