ABBOTT, HARRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 19, 1890
Murdered by Joshua Brown
Coroner Bonner came over from Edwardsville Tuesday evening, and he
did an inquest on the body of Harry Abbott, who died at St. Joseph’s
Hospital after having his skull fractured last Sunday by a blow from
an ax in the hands of Joshua Brown. A jury was impaneled, composed
of Messrs. G. F. Crowe, Jacob Kuhn, Henry Tonsor, John Robidou,
James Riley, and Benjamin Allen. Their verdict was given in
accordance with the facts in the case, and without reserve holds
Joshua Brown responsible for the murder of Abbott. The evidence
adduced at the inquest shows that the murder was brutal and
unprovoked. The testimony of eyewitnesses to the affair was to the
effect that no words passed between the two men; that Brown simply
ordered Abbott out of the house, and then brained him because the
order was not obeyed with promptitude sufficient to please the
assailant. During his residence in Alton, Abbott acquired the
reputation of being a peaceable and inoffensive man. When ordered
out of the house by Brown, the murdered man is said to have been
doing nothing worse then to sit there while he waited for one of the
women in the house to bundle up some clothes which she had washed
for him. Brown was placed in close confinement in a cell at the city
jail this morning. He has engaged Mr. W. L. Fairman as his attorney,
and will be given a preliminary hearing before one of the local
justices this morning.
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 26, 1890
Joshua Brown was given a prelimnary hearing before Squire Quarton.
The State produced the testimony of three persons who were
eyewitnesses – Mrs. Jennie Brown, Miss Lavinia Sikes, and Otto
Brown. Neither of these Browns are related to the defendant.
According to their tale, all of them were in the room at the time of
the killing, and Abbott was sitting there with them. Brown came in,
and without any provocation addressed all present in exceedingly
abusive language. Abbott had come to the house fifteen minutes
previously, and was quietly waiting while Mrs. Brown bundled up some
clothes which she had washed for him. He did not speak a word in
answer to Brown’s abuse. The latter went out, but returned
immediately and picked up an ax which he brought down with both
hands on Abbott’s head. A birdcage interfered with the blow, or the
man’s head would have been cleaved in two. Abbott leaped to his
feet, started for the door and fell and rose twice before he finally
succumbed to the weakness caused by the profuse flow of blood from
his wound. After he was picked up and laid on the bed, Brown tried
to strike him again with the ax, but was himself knocked down by a
club in the hands of a man who had rushed in when the alarm was
given. The defense seemed satisfied to learn what the line of
prosecution is to be, and introduced no witnesses. Brown was taken
to Edwardsville this afternoon.
ABBOTT, ISAAC/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 05, 1891
Murdered at the "Green"
A number of months ago, Joshua Brown, a resident of the “Green” near
the Glass Works, brutally murdered an inoffensive man named Isaac
Abbott. The latter had gone down to the “Green” to get a bundle of
clothes which Brown’s wife had washed for him. While waiting for the
clothes, Brown came in, deliberately picked up an axe from the
woodpile, and split Abbott’s head open. Brown was sent to jail at
Edwardsville, and has been there until today. He is under indictment
of murder in the first degree, without bond. Brown was a soldier,
and we believe draws a pension. Today, Brown was brought from
Edwardsville and taken before the Board of Pension Examiners at the
Hotel Madison, as an applicant for an increased pension. Court is
not now in session. State’s Attorney McNulty says he was not
consulted about it, and that so far as he knows, there is no law for
taking a prisoner out of the jail, and that no one, neither court,
States Attorney, nor Sheriff, has authority to do so. Sheriff George
Hotz and his deputy are the responsible parties. When a prisoner is
committed to jail, the Sheriff is charge to “safely keep” the
prisoner in jail, and not to tote him round the country at the
State’s expense, to go before pension boards, or any other body. It
is thought that this is an effort to get an additional pension from
the government, in order that he may have more money with which to
defend himself. The act of carrying a brutal and heartless murderer
around is a shameful commentary on our officials.
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 03, 1891
Joshua Brown, the man who murdered Isaac Abbott with an ax on the
green over a year ago, was tried Tuesday at Edwardsville. Last night
late, the jury returned a verdict, sentencing him to twenty-five
years in the penitentiary. The murder was a most brutal one, and was
without provocation. Brown came into his house and found Abbott
waiting for some clothes, which Brown’s wife was ironing for him.
Brown went out to the wood pile, seized an ax, came in and struck
Abbott on the head, splitting open his skull, from which he died.
ABBOTT, LEVI A. (REVEREND)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
September 26, 1919
Orphan; Legislature; Sea Captain; Baptist Preacher
Rev. Levi A. Abbott, in his ninety-sixth year, entered into his
eternal rest this morning at his home, 1608 Henry Street, after an
illness of one week. The end came peacefully and members of his
family say that while conscious to the last, he did not speak of the
approaching change, but that he went out peacefully, quietly, just
as he wished it could be. His death was no surprise to his close
friends. They had feared that the sickness would prove fatal to the
aged gentleman. He had been strong in body and mind for one of so
great an age, but it was apparent for some time that he could not
survive any serious sickness. His malady was similar to malaria,
with fever on alternate days, but his friends thought it was just a
wearing out of the old machine that had shown such lasting qualities
as to cause all who knew Dr. Abbott to marvel. The funeral will be
Sunday afternoon from his late home.
Dr. Abbott was a man who had rendered distinguished and lasting
service to his fellow man. For a man who, in boyhood, had very
little chance to live because of a predisposition to tuberculosis,
Dr. Abbott demonstrated the value of leading an outdoors life. Born
at Beverly, Massachusetts, April 19, 1824, he was left an orphan
when a baby, and at the age of 14 left school. He became a member of
the Baptist Church at the age of 15, and then he went to sea as
cabin boy, and in twelve years he served on the sea, he became
Captain of his vessel. He educated himself, studying chiefly the
Bible. He had been desirous of taking up the ministry from boyhood
and he finally managed to get one year in the Worcester Academy.
During the times he would be home from voyages, he would take up the
work of teaching and he was prevailed upon to take up the work of
teacher in the school he had left at the age of 14. He was elected
to the Massachusetts Legislature after entering the ministry, and he
was a member of the celebrated War Legislature in Massachusetts.
There he was associated with such men as George R. Hoar, Henry
Dawes, N. P. Banks, Henry Wilson, and other men who became great in
the country's history.
Dr. Abbott was ordained at Milford, Massachusetts, in 1855, and was
later pastor at Weymouth, Massachusetts, and at Middleboro,
Massachusetts. After six- and one-half years at Middleboro, a
trouble in his lungs forced him to leave that climate and he became
pastor of the church at Rochester, Minnesota. With horse, gun,
fishing tackle, and general open-air work, in four years he got
himself into better health. Later he served as pastor at Lacrosse,
Wisconsin, for seven years and then was called to the First Baptist
Church at Alton, where he served for seventeen and one-half years.
Then he served as a trustee, treasurer and comptroller of Shurtleff
College for eighteen years. For many years he was a member of the
Baptist State Board, and it was he who was entrusted with keeping
the records of deaths of other Baptist pastors in the state.
One of the most remarkable facts about Dr. Abbott was the perfect
preservation of his mental powers and his body. He was a frequent
contributor to the Telegraph. He would write poems on patriotic
occasions, and his poems at each of his last four or five birthday
anniversaries were something for a man of his years to be proud of.
He was a deeply religious man, possessed of a temper that made him
beloved by all who knew him. It is a fact related by his friends and
was admitted by Dr. Abbott, that he probably never uttered a prayer
nor preached a sermon omitting some imagery of the sea. He used for
his illustrations something about the sea, and he seemed at a loss
to find anything that would so well fit into a discourse or a prayer
as a figure of speech. He was one of the most ardent supporters of
the Telegraph, and held this paper in the highest regard. As an
illustration of his feeling for the paper, he presented to the
Telegraph one day a verse which, he said, he had read eighty years
before when a boy in a newspaper office in the East. It was given a
place of honor in the Telegraph, as he said that he believed it
fitted this paper. It runs as follows:
"Here shall the press, the people's rights maintain,
Unawed by influence, unbribed by gain,
And from the Truth our glorious precepts draw,
Pledged to Religion, Liberty and Law."
Dr. Abbott was one of the most regular visitors at the public
library. He read much and he would come down town, even up to a few
weeks ago, to get his regular allotment of the latest books. He kept
up with every great movement, was conversant on all great questions.
Few men are found entertaining, showed so much sprightliness, and
such vigor of mind and body as he. Dr. Abbott leaves his wife, Mrs.
Mary Abbott, and three children - Augustus L. Abbott, Grace A.
Abbott Blair, and Mary L. Abbott Epps.
Rev. Abbott is buried in the Alton City Cemetery. According to the
Telegraph, burial services were conducted in the pouring rain, which
was befitting of his love for the sea. His wife, Mary A. Preston
Abbott, died in February 1927 at the age of 90. She is also buried
in the Alton City Cemetery.
ABBOTT, MARY E. (nee WAGGONER)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
April 22, 1903
Upper Alton News - Mrs. Mary E. Abbott passed into the great beyond
last evening at 7 o'clock after suffering many months. Her death was
sudden and rather unexpected, although her condition was known to be
critical for the past week. She has suffered for eighteen months
with a disease that physicians have been unable to name or
understand. Mrs. Abbott was in St. John's hospital, St. Louis, in
the care of several specialists for several months, but her
condition became no better, and she was brought back to Upper Alton
to the home of her father. Mary E. Abbott was the youngest daughter
of Rev. G. W. Waggoner, the venerable Methodist minister, who
survives her. She was born in Upper Alton in 1847, and was thus 56
years old. When a child, her father was preaching in the vicinity of
Upper Alton, but afterwards the family left here and remained
elsewhere for a number of years. When they returned to Upper Alton,
she was married to Isaac Abbott, and after the marriage Mr. and Mrs.
Abbott went to Missouri where they resided until three years ago,
when Mr. Abbott died. Since the death of her husband, Mrs. Abbott
has made her home with her father, Rev. G. W. Waggoner. Mrs. Abbott
was a patient sufferer and bore the many months of pain bravely. She
was a woman of the highest character and was loved and esteemed by
her many friends. She was a member of the Methodist church and was
an earnest worker in church affairs until the past year when she has
been almost helpless. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon
at 2 o'clock and the remains will lie in state on that day from 8
until 12 o'clock, and after that hour the casket will not be opened.
Services will be held at the Waggoner home.
ABBOTT, WILLIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 26, 1865
Died on May 23, 1865, Willie, son of Major(?) G. and S. E. Abbott,
aged ten years, four months and sixteen days.
ABEL, ADDIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 06, 1903
Addie, the 14-year-old daughter of John Abel, died this morning at
the home, 541 East Second Street. Some time ago she and other girls
were playing in the basement of her home when she fell and her hip
was bruised. Nothing was thought of the matter, however, as no pain
was felt, but latter an abscess formed and became very painful. The
abscess was treated by surgeons Saturday evening, but to no avail. A
father, two sisters and three brothers survive.
ABEL, MAUD/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 15, 1887
From Melville – Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Abel, lately of Upper Alton but
now residing on the old Beal Howard farm in Melville, have the
entire sympathy of their neighbors and acquaintances in their
present affliction. Miss Maud, their eldest child, greatly beloved
by all who knew her, died this a.m. after a very long illness of
consumption; aged 19 years.
ABEL, RUTH ELLEN/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 06, 1894
From East Alton - Miss Ruth Ellen Abel, of Scioto, Ohio, sister of
George W. Abel, Superintendent of the power mills, died here Sunday.
She was 23 years of age, and had long been a sufferer of liver
trouble. The remains were taken to Ohio Monday for burial.
ABLE, NANCY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 15, 1917
Mrs. Nancy Able died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank
Chappee, on Kohler street in the North Side at 8:30 o'clock this
morning. Mrs. Able was taken ill four days ago with pneumonia and
she continued to grow worse, death coming this morning. Mrs. Able
was 71 years of age, and has resided almost all of her life in
Alton, and all of her life in this vicinity. She was born in Jersey
county and came to Alton when she was a child. She has resided most
of this time in the North Side. Besides her daughter, Mrs. Frank
Chappee, at whose home she died, she leaves two sons, Percy Able,
who resides in this city, and Fred Able in California. The members
of the family are now awaiting word from the son in California
before making the funeral arrangements. Mrs. Able is one of the old
time residents in the North Side, having formerly resided on Myrtle
street. She had gone to her daughter's home on Kohler street because
she was not well.
ABRAMS, ALEXANDER H./Source: Troy Star, April 04, 1895
Alexander H. Abrams died suddenly April 1, 1895, at the residence of
his sister, Mrs. N. M. Jarvis, of this city, of aneurism of the
heart. The funeral took place from the family residence to the Troy
depot, when the remains were shipped to the home of Mr. Abram's
father at Savannah, Ga., accompanied by Mrs. Jarvis and little son,
Roy. The pall bearers were Hill Padon, Fred Riebold, Herbert Donoho,
Charles Stahl, John Hall and William Reese. Mr. Abram leaves to
mourn his sudden demise, a father, two brothers and five sisters,
besides a host of friends.
ABRAMS, JAMES (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 07, 1894
Wednesday evening, the steamer D. H. Pike landed at the wharf boat
bearing the dead body of its aged Captain, James Abrams of Naples.
On leaving St. Louis, Captain Abrams was apparently in the best of
health and spirits, with no thought of death. He ate a hearty
supper, but feeling slightly indisposed, retired to his bed. Just as
the boat reached the mouth of the Missouri River, he breathed his
last. He must have attempted to rise from his bed, as when found, he
was lying on the floor. The body was brought to Alton, and Dr. Davis
summoned, who pronounced death due to apoplexy. The remains were
taken from here to the Captain’s home in Naples, where his family
Captain Abrams had been a riverman for at least forty years, most of
which time he has spent in the Illinois River trade. He rose from
the lower positions on the steamboat to that of Captain, and was
accounted one of the best-posted rivermen of the times. His death
will be a great shock to his family, as well as to his friends, who
are numerous at every point on the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers.
ACKER, ALBERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 09, 1901
The third death in four days occurred in the family of Mr. and Mrs.
John Acker on Washington street, Saturday night. Two little children
were buried yesterday afternoon from the home at the same time, and
the occasion was a doubly sad one. Eugene Acker died Saturday
morning and Albert Acker, aged 13 months, died Saturday night. All
three deaths have been from scarlet fever. Seven members of the
family were down with the disease, but the remainder are
convalescent. Services were conducted by Rev. Fr. Joseph Meckel of
St. Mary's church.
ACKER, EUGENE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 07, 1901
Eugene, the three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Acker of
Washington street, died last evening after an illness with scarlet
fever. Another child of Mr. and Mrs. Acker was buried Friday, death
resulting from the same disease. Seven members of the family were
ill with scarlet fever, but all the living children are now
convalescent except one, which is in a dangerous condition. The
funeral of Eugene Acker will take place Sunday night at 10 o'clock,
and services will be conducted at the home.
ACKER, ROSE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 06, 1901
The funeral of Rose, the 14 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Acker, took place this morning from the family home on 513
Washington street. Because of the nature of the disease that caused
her death, the funeral was private. Services were conducted by Rev.
Father Meckel, and interment was in Greenwood. Two other members of
this afflicted family are very ill.
ACKERMAN, ALEXANDER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 03,
From Edwardsville – Alexander Ackerman, a 14-year-old boy, died from
diphtheria on Sunday night. Several of his brothers and sisters are
ACKERMANN, FREDERICK/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 05, 1878
This morning, as the lightning express train was approaching
Godfrey, running at full speed, the engine struck and instantly
killed a man who was walking on, or attempting to cross the track.
As soon as the engineer saw the man, he gave the alarm, but had not
time to shop the train before the accident took place. The train was
stopped, the body taken on board, and left at the freight depot in
Alton, where an inquest was held by Coroner Youree. A number of
witnesses, including the engineer and fireman, were examined, from
whose evidence it appeared that either the man was deaf, or else
thought he had time to get out of the train’s way. He was first seen
by the fireman on the west side of the track, and was struck just as
he was stepping off on the east side. Upon the deceased was found
$250 in money and a number of deeds, mortgages, and other papers,
including naturalization papers issued to Frederick Ackermann, a
native of Prussia, at Lockport, New York, in 1818. The man appeared
to be a peddler, and it is known came up from St. Louis. The jury
rendered the verdict:
“In the matter of the inquisition on the body of Frederick
Ackermann, deceased, held at Alton on September 4, 1878, we do find
that he came to his death by being struck by the engine of the
passenger train No. 4, of the Chicago and Alton Railroad, on
Wednesday morning, two miles north of Godfrey, and we further find,
from the evidence, that no blame attaches to the employees on said
train.” [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
ACKERMAN, SARAH ANNIE/Source: Troy Star, September 20, 1894
Sarah Annie Ackerman, aged 20 years, 11 months and 4 days, daughter
of Mrs. Mary Baumer, nee Ackerman, died at her home in this city
last Friday [September 14], at 9 o'clock a.m. She had been sick five
weeks, and her death was a severe blow to her many relatives and
friends, who attested their love and respect for her by attending
the last sad services at the M. E. church, Sunday afternoon, at 1
o'clock, the sermon being delivered by Rev. N. Sweeney. The church
choir rendered several appropriate selections. The pall bearers were
Messrs. Charles Mantel, Will Beutel, Gus Dahliege, Joe Hess, Daniel
Jones and George Hughes. Sarah Annie Ackerman was born near this
city on October 10, 1873, and lived the great portion of her life in
this vicinity. She was the youngest daughter in a family of five
children, and of late years has been the only help of her mother who
is suffering with a facial disease. Miss Ackerman's many loving and
generous qualities gained her a host of friends who sincerely mourn
her death. Among them is a respected gentleman of this city to whom
she was to have been wedded on her 21st birthday - the 10th of next
month. She was perfectly conscious up to the hour of her death, and
she predicted her death to the very hour several days before her
life-light flickered out. The relatives left to mourn her death are
her mother, three sisters and one brother, the last four named being
married. The Star extends its heart-felt sympathy to the bereaved
relatives and friends.
ACKERMAN, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 07, 1889
From Bethalto – The funeral of Mrs. Ackerman, who died Saturday last
at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Jacob Cox, near Edwardsville
Crossing [Hartford area], took place from the Lutheran Church on
Monday. She was very old, and had been sick for several weeks. The
remains were taken to the Dorsey Cemetery for burial.
ACKERMAN, UNKNOWN (nee BRANDT)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
March 11, 1919
Word came to Alton yesterday afternoon from Alberta, Canada,
announcing the death of Mrs. Fred Ackerman on March 4, and the
daughter on February 22. The cause of the deaths in the Ackerman
family is influenza. They left here six years ago last November when
the state of Illinois bought the land east of town on which the
family resided. The Ackerman family lived for many years on the Col.
A. F. Rogers farm. Mrs. Ackerman was a daughter of Henry Brandt, and
besides her parents, who live in Upper Alton, she leaves three
brothers: Charles and Gotlieb Brandt of Upper Alton; Henry of
Bethalto; and two sisters, Mrs. Minnie Boch of Godfrey; and Mrs.
Alcide Nicolet of Upper Alton. She also leaves her husband, Fred
Ackerman, and two sons, Ernest and George of Canada; four daughters,
Mrs. Adam Lohr of Upper Alton; Mrs. Ed Bruenridge of Corey, Mo.;
Mrs. Esther Pittman; and Miss Fanny Ackerman of Ranfurly, Alberta,
where the Ackerman family lived. The letter bringing the news also
told of the death of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ackerman, Mrs.
Emma Lumsden of Ranfurly, on February 22. She was 20 years old and
leaves her husband and a six months old child. The letter states the
flu is raging in all that country. The letter was written to Fred
Kohlmiller, who now lives at Canal, down in the bottom. Mr.
Kohlmiller hitched up a team and drove to Upper Alton and Bethalto,
and informed all the relatives. On account of all the other members
of the family being down with the flu, they were unable to inform
their relatives there of their condition, and the letter to Fred
Kohlmiller was the only word that came.
ACKERMAN, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 03,
A three-and-a-half-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ackerman died
last night after a brief illness of diphtheria. This Is the second
death in the family from the fatal disease in the last two weeks.
ACKERMANN, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 29,
A seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ackermann, living near
Alton Junction [East Alton], died Saturday afternoon after a brief
illness of diphtheria. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon.
Three other members of the family are afflicted with the dreaded
ADAM, JOHN B./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 25, 1889
Civil War Veteran
Mr. John B. Adam, a Union soldier, a member of the 4th Missouri
Cavalry, was taken sick at Tipton, Missouri in 1861, was removed to
the hospital at St. Louis, and afterwards to his home in Alton,
where he died. The remains were buried in the Alton City Cemetery,
but no tombstone marks the place, as is the case with the graves of
other Union soldiers. Mr. Adam was a brother of Captain Adam of the
U.S. Regular Army, now stationed in New Mexico. The government does
not supply tombstones to those buried on private lots. [Last name
could be Adams.]
ADAMS, ANNA SLATER/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 09, 1843
Died, on November 25, Anna Slater, daughter of G. M. & E. A. Adams,
aged about 8 months.
ADAMS, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 13, 1896
Charles Adams, a gardener in the employ of Peter Hartman on his
market garden in Upper Alton, died from sunstroke Sunday morning. He
had been indulging in liquor the night before, and while still in an
intoxicated condition, lay down in an asparagus bed on the Hartman
place to sleep off the effects. He was found dead a few hours later,
and to judge from the general appearance of the body, he died from
sunstroke. He leaves no family. He was 27 years of age. His flesh
was literally cooked to the bones. The coroner’s jury returned a
verdict of “too much whisky and sun.”
ADAMS, CHARLES F. (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 31,
Captain Adams Dies in Battle (Civil War)
Captain Charles F. Adams, of the 56th Regiment, Illinois Volunteers,
who is well known to most of our citizens, fell mortally wounded in
the late battle at Perryville, Kentucky. He survived for a few days,
when death came and relieved him from his sufferings. His corpse was
brought to Bunkerhill, where it was interred yesterday.
How many more noble lives are to be sacrificed by this infernal
rebellion, no one can tell. Yet we bear men right in our streets,
talking about conciliating these fiends; who for the sake of
extending the diabolical system of human slavery, and to gratify
their Satanic lust for power, have involved our country in all this
ruin. We believe with Dr. Breckinridge, that there is no effective
way of conciliating the rebels except by crushing the life out of
them. They are desperately in earnest, and the North will have to
become equally so before we have peace. War means destruction,
confiscation, and dust, and if we have any Generals at the head of
our army who are unwilling to make war on the enemy involving all
these consequences, the sooner the government dismisses them the
ADAMS, D. HARRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 19, 1902
D. Harry Adams, aged 11 years, died at the home of his grandfather,
Rev. Mr. Jones, Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, after a short
illness. Harry was a bright little fellow, and his family have the
sympathy of all their friends in their bereavement. Funeral services
will be held at the family home tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Rev.
L. M. Waterman will conduct service.
ADAMS, DEWITT CLINTON (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 09,
The death of this well-known and estimable citizen, although not
entirely unexpected, greatly shocked our citizens on Saturday
evening last [July 4], when the fact became known. He had been
suffering with severe illness for several weeks, but still our
people hoped that he might recover and be spared to the community
for many years to come, but these expectations are now blasted, and
his friends and acquaintances can only mourn over and regret an
event which they were powerless to avert.
Captain Adams was born in Edwardsville on February 9, 1826, and was
in his 49th year when he died. His life has been one of great
activity and eminent usefulness. When the writer first became
personally acquainted with him, he was engaged in the commercial
business. At a somewhat later date, he became a successful and
popular steamboat commander, which business he pursued for several
years. But a strong domestic feeling finally induced him to give up
that lucrative business, that he might be able to spend more of his
time with his family. He then engaged in the manufacturing of castor
oil on an extensive scale, which business he was still prosecuting
when stricken down with the disease which baffled the skill of the
best of physicians and every appliance of cure which skill or
affection could devise, and finally caused his death in the very
midst of his usefulness.
Captain Adams always had the confidence and esteem of his fellow
citizens, and frequently, through their earnest solicitations,
consented to serve them as a member of the Common Council, and to
his wise and judicious advice and eminent ability, our city is
greatly indebted for its enviable financial condition. As a man, he
was universally esteemed. As a citizen, he was public-spirited and
disinterested, and always disposed to do his utmost to advance the
morals, educational advantages, and material interests of the city.
His heart and hand were always open to sympathize with and relieve
the wants of the poor and unfortunate. His loss is keenly felt by
all our citizens, while on his family and relatives, the affliction
falls with crushing force.
Captain Adams married Sarah Fay, and they had the following
children: Phebe Fay Adams Bayle (1854-1927); Dewitt Clinton Adams
Jr. (1856-1923); Jessie Florence Adams Eaton (1863-1913); Jessie
Fairchild Adams (1866-1955); and Julia Jane Adams (1869-1952). He
was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
ADAMS, EARL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 24, 1914
Over application on the part of Earl Adams, East Alton decorator and
contractor, in the building and embellishment of a home in Blinn
Addition to East Alton, is believed to have been partly responsible
for his death from a heart attack this morning at 7 o'clock. Adams
was a good father and a kind husband, and had spent the past year
working during his spare hours on a large house he was building in
Blinn Addition to East Alton. He worked at the Western Cartridge
Works partly at night and partly in the day time, whenever he could
get work, and at off times he would put in extra time on the
building of his house, most of which he attended to himself. The
house was finished about a week ago so that the family could move
into it. It was one of the nicest and most tastily arranged and
decorated homes in East Alton...He had eaten breakfast when he felt
the attack coming on him. He stepped out into the yard for air. As
he did, he fell down in the yard and his screams for help brought
members of the family to him. He was taken inside and before a
physician was called he was dead. Adams was about 35 years of age.
He has been living in East Alton about eight years, coming from
Upper Alton. He married Miss Pearl Starkey of Wood River. Two
children were born, one of whom died about five years ago. The
second child, Ordell, survives. He leaves his wife, one child and
his mother.
ADAMS, ELIZA E./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 10, 1874
Died on December 5 in Alton of congestion of the lungs, Miss Eliza
E. Adams; aged 35 years and 10 months.
ADAMS, ELMORE J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 11,
Elmore J. Adams, in his 62nd year, died Wednesday morning at his
home, 435 Foulds avenue, from heart trouble and pneumonia. Mr. Adams
had been sick about two weeks and the last few days his condition
became manifestly very grave. Members of his family were attending
him. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the
family home, and the body will be taken to Beloit, Wis., for burial.
Masonic funeral services will be conducted. Mr. Adams was a member
of Piasa Lodge, A. F. & A. M., and he had been a past master of the
fraternity. He never lost his interest in the order, and was a
frequent attendant at the meetings. He was born in Tecumseh, Mich.,
and in his early days he became interested in the straw paper
making. He began when the industry was in its infancy forty years
ago. The last connection he had in a large way with the paper making
business was at Peoria, where he put up a very large and expensive
mill. Afterward he engaged in the real estate business. When the
strawboard plant was started at Alton he came here, and his son. R.
E. Adams, was here during the construction period and for some time
after the plant was started. Mr. Adams is survived by his wife and
five children - Mrs. Myrtle Rowe of Ogontz, Pa.; Mrs. C. Chambers of
Portland, Ore.; Robert E. Adams of Marseilles, Ill.; Mrs. Edward
Holtzman of Rockford; and Howard Adams of Peoria.
ADAMS, FLORA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 14, 1922
Mrs. Flora Adams, wife of William Thomas Adams, died at her home,
1129 Green Street last night, about nine o'clock. Death was due to
pneumonia. Mrs. Adams was the mother of eight children, the oldest
being about twenty years of age and the youngest four. Funeral
arrangements have not bee completed as yet.
ADAMS, GEORGE WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November
14, 1910
Mrs. Elizabeth Warner, aged 73, and George William Adams, her
grandson, aged 30, died within 18 hours of each other, the one
Saturday night at 10:20 o'clock, the other Sunday afternoon at 4:20
o'clock. Mrs. Warner's death was at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
William H. Adams, 400 east 14th street in Alton. The death of George
William Adams, a young engineer on the Illinois Terminal occurred
Sunday afternoon at a sanitarium in St. Louis. There will be a
double funeral Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Adams
home on Fourteenth street for the grandmother and grandson. The
death of Engineer G. William Adams was a great surprise. He had been
taking a layoff on account of bronchial trouble and had gone to a
hospital in St. Louis for treatment, hoping to be able to make a
trip later to a warmer climate to get relief. He was taken suddenly
worse Sunday and died before his family could get to him. The news
of his death, coming so soon after the death of his grandmother, was
a sad shock to the family. He was born in Alton, the son of Mr. and
Mrs. William H. Adams. He had been employed about twelve years by
the Illinois Terminal railroad, and was considered one of the best
engineers on the road. He leaves a wife and two children, Leona and
Thelma. He had been off duty only about ten days. The death of Mrs.
Warner, Saturday night, was expected. She was born in Neunkirchen,
Germany, March 24, 1837. She was married there in 1858, and ten
years later came to Alton and remained here the rest of her life.
Her husband, George J. Warner, died 20 years ago. Mrs. Warner leaves
two daughters, Mrs. W. H. Adams of 400 east 14th street, Mrs. Ernst
Kolb of 1122 Green street, and one sister, Mrs. Peters of Bunker
Hill. She leaves also 11 grandchildren and eight
ADAMS, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 03, 1881
The anxiety and suspense of the relatives and friends of Henry
Adams, the little boy who has been missing since Tuesday, February
22, have been ended by the certain information that he was the
victim who went under the ice in the river as described by us at the
time. Mr. William Adams, father of the lad, informs us that Robert
Howe acknowledges that he was with Henry Adams at the time he broke
through the ice, that he made an effort to save his comrade, but
also fell into the water and escaped with a wetting, from the
effects of which he has been sick ever since. Through fear of the
consequences, young Howe told no one the facts in the case until
yesterday evening. The truth, however painful, is always preferable
in such cases to suspense and uncertainty.
ADAMS, IRWIN W./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 28, 1897
The identity of the young suicide that has been puzzling everyone
during the past five days has been firmly established, and he is
Irwin W. Adams of Providence, Rhode Island. Chief of Police Kuhn
received a letter from the Barnaby Clothing Co. Sunday, enclosing a
clipping from the Providence Journal, and confirming what the
newspaper says. Mr. Adams, who filled a position of cashier of the
Barnaby Clothing Co. of that city during the past twelve years,
resigned his position and expressed his intention of going west.
Nothing more was heard of the young man, but no one thought of him
committing suicide. The first information published at Providence
was erroneous, in that it gave the intials wrong – W.J.” A thorough
search of the city failed to find anyone of that name, and for that
reason nothing was heard here. However, the man is certainly I. W.
Adams, as his umbrella, with the initials I. W. A. on it, completes
the identification.
Coroner Bailey, into whose hands the letter was put, telegraphed to
Providence last night, asking as to what was to be done with the
body, and if the man has any relatives who want it.
After waiting for almost a week for the relatives to identify or
claim the bodies of the two suicides [Miller and Irwin Adams] who
ended their lives in Alton last week, coroner Bailey and Undertaker
Bauer Tuesday morning decided not to keep them any longer, and
Tuesday afternoon the remains were interred in the pauper’s section
in the Alton City Cemetery. There were no mourners nor services of
any kind, but the bodies were laid away in the rough pine boxes
provided by the county for paupers, and this was the last of earth
for two men who evidently came of good families, and who probably a
few years ago never thought of such a thing as that they would fill
a pauper’s grave.
It might be interesting to state here the amount allowed by the
county for such burials. The stupendous sum of $12 is the amount the
undertakes has to keep within bounds of, and $5 of this going to the
Cemetery Association for a burial certificate.
The authorities here, and especially Coroner Bailey and Undertakes
Bauer, have done everything in their power to locate the relatives
of the two men, and to establish their identity. Nothing has been
learned of the oldest man, but the young man is undoubtedly I. A.
Adams of Providence, R. I. His relatives, if he has any, seem to be
indifferent as to the disposition of his body, and the Barnaby
Clothing Co., for whom he worked twelve years as cashier, refused to
assume the responsibility of his burial, or rather paid no attention
to the telegram asking them what to do with the body.
It was a week Wednesday morning since the elder man’s lifeless body
was found in Room 17 at Hotel Madison, and the young man’s body
(Irwin Adams) was found one day later east of the city. That two
strangers should select the same locality to cut off their earthly
careers by their own hand, is a remarkable coincidence, and one that
has attracted widespread attention. By some, it is surmised that
they may have agreed to commit suicide together, as there are
several people who state that they saw them in company. Photographs
have been taken of the men, so that if there are any inquiries after
burial, they can be satisfied without exhuming the bodies. Mr. R. B.
Young of Provide4nce, Rhode Island writes to the Chief of Police in
this city, asking for copies of newspapers containing account of the
suicide of I. W. Adams. He says he is a friend of the family.
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 4, 1897
Letter from Providence, Rhode Island Regarding I. W. Adams
Dear Sir: Your communication of January 26 is at hand, and we are
quite surprised that any interpretation, such as you mention, should
have been put to our motive for requesting a more complete
identification of the unfortunate suicide, Irving W. Adams. Your
telegram in response to our letter to the Chief of Police, asked us
for information concerning the disposal of the remains, and stated
that if you did not hear from anyone, the body would be buried the
next day. It did not seem to us our privilege to assume charge of
the remains, as he had a father living in Peacedale, Rhode Island
(John Quincy Adams), and a brother (Arthur Adams) living on Public
Street in this city. Therefore, we did not deem a reply necessary.
His relatives, however, were notified, and it is to our great
surprise (and the first information is contained in your letter)
that they have not communicated with you in regard to the
disposition of the remains. We assure you, however, had the deceased
been without relatives, our course of action would have been
entirely different, and there is not doubt but that it would have
been seen to, and that a respectable burial would have been given
our late employee.
The whole affair is one of peculiar and perplexing circumstances. We
enclose herewith for your personal reimbursement the fee on the
telegram returned to you by the telegraph company. You will perhaps
see that at the time of its receipt, some days after the fact of the
suicide, we did not fully appreciate the efforts on the part of
yourself in our behalf, as we had already read the same information
contained in your dispatch, from the daily newspapers the day
before, and as for not answering it, our reasons are stated above.
We trust that the idea of a seeming indisposition on our part to
perform a last privilege for one who has served us faithfully for a
number of years will not find easy lodgment in your estimation of
this corporation, as so small an amount (and a much larger one for
that matter) would not for an instant stand in the way of our
concern doing its duty to one of its servants. Yours truly, The J.
B. Barnaby Company.
More on Irwin W. Adams
The Providence Journal stated, “For 14 years Mr. Adams had worked
for the J. B. Barnaby Company, first as a cash boy, and in the past
few years as a cashier. Mr. Adams was unusually competent and
trustworthy, and was highly regarded by his employers. Wednesday,
December 30 last, he informed the firm he could better his position
and notified them he wished to leave their employ the following
Saturday. The clerks gave him an umbrella with a sterling silver
handle, upon which was inscribed his initials.
For the past five years, he has boarded with his cousin, George
Adams. Suddenly he developed a desire to leave the city. On Sunday,
he stated that he had decided to leave Providence. When asked where
he was going, he would not state. Adams sold many of his effects,
such as musical instruments and a bicycle. He had a revolver with
him, a 32-caliber.
Adams’ father, John Quincy Adams, lives in Peace Dale, Rhode Island,
where he is principal of the grammar school. He arrived in
Providence Monday, when he expressed the belief that his son had
been murdered. The Monday issue of the Journal says that “the family
is extremely reticent about future plans in regard to the
disposition of the body. It was impossible to secure any information
in regard to what should be done with the body, at first. The father
finally said that for the present, he thought it best to have it
buried where it was (in Alton). From this last paragraph, it would
appear that the family decided not to have the body shipped home,
but allowed it to be buried in Alton.
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 04, 1897
Coroner Bailey received a letter from J. C. Westcott of Riverpoint,
Rhode Island, an uncle of Irving W. Adams, requesting the coroner to
have the body disinterred and shipped to Phenix, Rhode Island. The
writer sent a number of references, among them from the probate
clerk and coroner. As soon as the expenses are guaranteed, the body
will be disinterred and sent on. Mr. Westcott states that the
authorities might sell all of the effects of young Adams, except his
watch, which was wanted by his brother.
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 18, 1897
The body of Irwin W. Adams was shipped Thursday to Phenix, Rhode
Island, for interment. Adams sought to end his life in a secluded
spot, and where his identity would never be revealed, but his method
has cost his relatives several hundred dollars and no end of worry
and trouble.
ADAMS, JESSE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 03, 1907
Jesse Adams, a negro, aged 36, died at his home, Nineteenth and
Belle streets, this morning after a short illness. One year ago he
was hurt in a quarry accident while at work and did not get
completely over it. Last night he complained of feeling unwell, and
this morning did not get up. His wife went downtown after talking
with him and she says that on Belle street near Fourth she had a
premonition something was about to happen to her husband. She
started to run home and arrived there out of breath. She went in his
room and saw him apparently aspeel. A few minutes later she says she
went back and found him dead.
ADAMS, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 23, 1840
Died, at three o'clock in the morning of Saturday, May 16, at
his residence in Edwardsville, after a long and painful illness,
John Adams, Esq., Sheriff of this county, aged about 45. The
deceased emigrated to Illinois in 1818, and has resided in the
county of Madison since 1820. Enjoying in a high degree the
confidence and _____(?) of his fellow citizens, he was on several
occasions called to serve them in a public capacity, and always to
the entire satisfaction of his constituents. A disconsolate widow,
eight children, and a large circle of friends and acquaintances
deplore his loss.
ADAMS, JOHN H./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 26, 1847
The body of a stranger, named John H. Adams, was found yesterday
morning on Belle Street in this city, completely dead. From the best
information we have been able to obtain, it seems that the deceased
resided near the coal mines in Calhoun County, and came here some
days since on business. Being sick with a fever, he put up with an
acquaintance, where he intended to remain until his recovery. But on
last Wednesday night about ten o'clock, during a paroxysm of
derangement, he left his lodgings unperceived by anyone, and
although diligent search was made for him, he was not again seen
until discovered as above stated. We understand he has left a family
to deplore his loss.
September 19, 1878
Former Edwardsville Resident Chases Mexican Bandit Vesquez
We have received a pamphlet copy of the life of Tiburcio Vesquez,
the California bandit and murderer, who was executed at San Jose,
California, March 20, 1875. Captain John Hicks Adams, a former
resident of this city, a brother of the late Captain D. C. Adams,
was Sheriff of Santa Clara County, California, at the time Vasquez
committed his murders and robberies, and the book gives a history of
his adventures in pursuit of the murderer and his companions. For
weeks he was almost constantly in the saddle, and expended $4,000 in
attempting to effect an arrest without avail. The bandit was finally
captured by other parties, and executed under the supervision of
Sheriff Adams.
From a note at the end of the volume, we learn that John H. Adams
was born in Clinton County, Illinois, June 13, 1820. When he was two
years old, the family removed to Edwardsville, Madison County, where
he was raised. In 1847, he raised a company for the Mexican War, and
was 18 months in the service. On August 1, 1849, he left for
California and went across the plains with a mule team. In 1852, he
returned East, and took his family to the Golden State. In 1861, he
was elected Supervisor of Santa Clara County, and in 1864 was
elected Sheriff, and held the office for three terms. He was again
re-elected in 1872 and in 1874. As the readers of the Telegraph are
aware, the sad news was received here September 5, that Captain
Adams was murdered at Davidson’s Ranch, near Tucson, Arizona, on
September 2, by Mexican bandits in revenge, it is supposed, for the
execution of Vasquez.
In August 1853, John Hicks Adams moved with his family from Northern
California to Gilroy in Santa Clara County, where the settled on a
farm. Several years later he donated the land to the county for a
school. A servant of the public, he was first elected to the county
board of supervisors, representing Gilroy and Almaden Townships in
1860. Later, in the Fall of 1863, he was elected Sheriff of Santa
Clara County, and moved his family to the San Jose area. Elected for
three successive terms, he finally retired in March of 1876. During
his terms as sheriff, he became a top-notch detective and was second
to none in this field in the State. A brave and efficient officer,
he is well known for his connection in the capture and execution of
the notorious bandit, Vasquez, who he happened to know and who had
stopped at his home and eaten with his wife while he was out chasing
him. Sheriff John Hicks Adams is also credited with making the first
exploration of Lake Tahoe.
A final tribute to John Adams, who has been considered Santa Clara
County's most famous lawman, is the John Hicks Adams Room at the
Santa Clara County Sheriff's Department. This room houses a historic
collection of the Sheriff's Department.
Captain John Hicks Adams was killed September 2, 1878, near Tucson,
Arizona, and is buried in the Oak Hill Memorial Park in San Jose,
More on John Hicks Adams from the American Cowboy Chronicles.
ADAMS, LOUISA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 01, 1917
Louisa Adams, an aged colored resident of Alton, died Friday night
at her home on Alby street, aged 80. She will be buried from SS.
Peter and Paul's Cathedral Monday at 9 a.m.
ADAMS, SOPHIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 02, 1907
The funeral of Mrs. Sophia Adams was held this afternoon at 2:30
o'clock from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Wald, 1110 Green
street. Services were conducted by Rev. D. E. Bushnell of the
Twelfth street Presbyterian church. Burial was in City cemetery.
ADAMS, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 27, 1908
The "master of the hounds" is dead. William Adams of Upper Alton,
who always seemed to hold a subtle influence over dogs and who was
one of the best dog trainers in Illinois, was found dead in his home
in Upper Alton Friday evening by his young friend, Charles Rodemeyer
Jr., whom he had sent for. It is believed that the man was dead
fully 12 hours when his body was found. He had sent word to his
young friend that he wanted to see him, as he was not feeling well,
and the young man would have gone Thursday night, but he was
fatigued from being out late on an excursion and put off the visit
until Friday evening. When he reached Adams door he could not gain a
response and he summoned help. The door was broken open and there
lay the "master of hounds," dead. The old time hunter and dog
trainer had trained his last dog and killed his last bird. In his
lifetime he had spent more time hunting than almost anyone else near
Alton. He was reputed to be a good shot and it is said he knew where
every quail had its nest and where to get the birds when they were
in season. Coroner Streeper, when summoned, said that he believed
that Adams had died Thursday night and that even if his young friend
had gone when sent for he would have found Adams dead. He lived
alone. His only daughter is Mrs. Hetty Roloff, whose husband was
killed recently in an accident at the Luer Packing Co. plant. "Bill"
Adams was one of the best known men in any of the Altons. He was
about 55 years old and had lived in the vicinity of Upper Alton
almost all his life coming here from Pittsburg, Pa., when a boy. He
had been always a great hunter and was widely known as a dog trainer
and at one time he had an extensive dogs for St. Louis animal center
business in keeping and training dogs for St. Louis business men for
which he received good consideration. The dogs would be kept by him
all the year around and when the St. Louis men would want to hunt
they would come up here and get the dog and "Bill" would take them
hunting. He sometimes had forty to fifty fine dogs at his place in
Salu. The last time he was seen was Thursday evening. He told his
neighbors, James S. Johnson, that he was going to leave early in the
morning for the country to thresh. Johnson did not see him all day
yesterday and he supposed he had gone to the country. In the evening
he was found dead and it is not known at what time he died.
ADAMS, WILLIAM P./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 09, 1913
William P. Adams, well known in Alton as a transfer man, died at his
home, 1501 Belle street, Wednesday morning at 1:35 o'clock after an
illness of ten days from apoplexy. Mr. Adams had suffered an attack
of heart trouble, which had bothered him periodically, and after
rallying from it after a few days illness, he was stricken with
apoplexy, ten days before death resulted. He had been very low for a
week before his death. Mr. Adams was a large, active man, and a very
industrious one. He had been living in Alton about twenty-five years
and was known as a good citizen. He was a member of the First
Baptist Church for many years. Mr. Adams is survived by his wife and
one son, Jesse B. Adams, who was his father's assistant in business.
The funeral will be held at 10 o'clock Friday morning from the
family home, Rev. M. W. Twing of the First Baptist Church
ADDEN, OTTO/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 16, 1887
From Moro – Mr. Otto Adden, one of our prominent young farmers, died
on September 7, after an illness of several weeks’ duration. The
funeral on Thursday was largely attended, the interment taking place
at Dorsey, where services were conducted by Rev. Fleischbart.
Deceased was in his 29th year, and leaves a wife and two children,
besides other relatives, to mourn his early death.
ADDINGTON, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 19, 1885
From Bethalto – The funeral of grandma Addington took place from the
residence of her son-in-law, Jerry Bitts, three miles south, last
Friday afternoon. She was 91 years of age. The remains were interred
by the side of her granddaughter, Miss Eliza Bitts, who died quite
AGEE, JOHN CALVIN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 01, 1921
The funeral of John Calvin Agee was held this afternoon from the Wesley
Methodist church and was largely attended. Services were conducted
by the Rev. Theo. Cates. Interment was in Oakwood Cemetery. The
floral offerings were many and beautiful. Mr. Agee was born in
Robinson county, Tenn., on July 16, 1850, and died at the family
home, 200 West 13th St., November 30, at 11:17 o'clock. He was past
71 years of age. Agee left Tennessee with his parents when a small
boy, coming direct to Illinois where he remained the rest of his
life. He was a carpenter by trade, but farmed several years in
Morgan county. From Morgan county he moved to Jerseyville in 1898,
and ten years ago moved to Alton. He was married to Miss Ella
Fanning, Dec. 19, 1898, who survives him. He leaves nine children,
four brothers, two sisters, 22 grandchildren, and one
great-grandchild. The daughters are Mrs. H. Alexander, Mrs. C.
Langley, Mrs. C. L. Mitchell of Alton; Mrs. Louis Bunse of Godfrey;
and Mrs. George Howerton of Shipman. He also leaves his sons,
William and Carl of Alton; and Charles of Godfrey. His brothers are
Edward and Robert Agee of Granite, Charles Agee of White Hall, and
Jacke of Roodhouse. Mrs. Nancy Hunt and Miss Essar Agee of Granite
City are sisters.
AGNE, WILLIAM SR./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 28, 1886
Mr. William Agne Sr., one of our oldest and most esteemed German
citizens, who has resided here more than 40 years, died Saturday at
the age of 76 years. His death resulted from general debility and a
complication of disorders. The deceased leaves a widow, three
daughters, and three sons. The children are: Mrs. Louisa Fritch;
Mrs. Josephine Koch; Mrs. Amelia Hancock; Mr. William Agne Jr.; Mr.
Julius Agne; all of Alton; and Mr. Louis Agne, now residing in
AHLGRIM, NICHOLAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 16,
Nicholas Ahlgrim, a laborer who has worked for David Ryan for some
time, died at St. Joseph's Hospital Sunday night after an illness
with the grippe, aged 48 years. He leaves no relatives and was
buried by Supervisor Elble today.
AHRENS, HENRIETTA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 19,
Mrs. Henrietta Ahrens, aged 78, died suddenly Sunday morning at her
home, 500 East Second street, from paralysis of the heart. She had
been in her usual state of good health and was walking out in the
yard when she dropped to the ground and when picked up was found to
have expired. Mrs. Ahrens had been a resident of Alton for 64 years,
coming here from her native land, Germany, when she was but 14 years
of age. She married Theodore Ahrens, who for many years conducted a
bakery shop in Alton, and was a well known business man. He died
nine years ago. Mrs. Ahrens lived with her daughter, Miss Emma
Ahrens. She leaves beside Miss Emma, two other daughters, Mrs. John
Elble and Mrs. Joseph Maul, of Alton. She was a member of St. Mary's
church, and the funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock
from that church. Burial in St. Joseph's cemetery will be private.
Mrs. Ahrens leaves one great-grandchild, the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Woltemade.
AHRENS, PETER/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 20, 1890
Sunday afternoon, Mr. Peter Ahrens died at the family residence on
Fourth and State Streets. He had been sick for a long while with
Bright’s disease, but was not thought to be in a dangerous condition
until a few days since. He was 52 years of age, and leaves a wife
and one child to mourn his loss. The remains were taken to
Jerseyville for interment.
ALBANI, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 19, 1913
The widow of Samuel Albani has had more than her share of troubles.
When she buried her little son, Joseph, this afternoon, she buried
him in a strange land. Some time ago, the day she was sailing for
America, her husband was killed by a train in Alton, and an effort
was made to get word to her, but she could not be informed until the
day she arrived in Alton, joyful in her expectation of being
reunited with her husband and the father of her child. The child, as
has been told, died from being scalded to death Monday night.
ALBANO, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 28, 1911
A foreigner, employed on the Big Four railroad, lost both his legs
Tuesday morning by being run over by a cut of cars at the foot of
Ridge street. He was walking down Ridge street, his attention
engrossed in reading a letter he had received from home. He was
paying no attention to the approach of some cars which were being
pushed along by the levee engine, and was struck and knocked down.
The wheels passed over both his legs, one above and one at the knee.
The legs were almost completely severed and the men who went to him
say that they finished the amputation of some shreds of flesh,
seeing that the legs could not be saved. He was taken to the
hospital to have his injuries given attention. The man is an
Italian, and his name is Samuel Albano. His nerve was perfect. Men
who witnessed the accident said that he did not utter an outcry, and
even when the legs were off, he sat up and talked to the men around
him as though he was not hurt at all. At the hospital he exhibited
such nerve as the old Roman gladiators had. This afternoon it was
said that he was in a fairly good condition, but the injuries are so
bad he will probably die.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 30, 1911
Samuel Albano, an Italian whose two legs were cut off at the foot of
Ridge street Tuesday morning by the levee engine, died at St.
Joseph's hospital Wednesday night. Coroner Streeper took charge of
the body, which will probably be buried by friends of the dead man.
The wife and children of Albano are in Italy, and were expecting to
sail for America April 10. They will be notified of the death of
their husband and father, and they will probably not make the trip
if the word reaches them in time. There is a possibility that the
family may not be found and may make their contemplated start
ALBERS, ANNA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 04, 1902
Bethalto News - Mrs. Anna Albers died at the residence of her
daughter, Mrs. Herman Renker, Saturday, aged 67. The funeral took
place Tuesday, Rev. Fedders conducting the services. Mrs. Albers
visited her daughter and became ill, and was never able to return to
her home.
ALBERS, ANNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 02, 1914
Mrs. Annie Albers, aged 33, wife of George Albers of Bethalto, died
at St. Joseph's Hospital Tuesday night from toxemia. Mrs. Albers had
been suffering from a malady that surgeons regarded as very unusual,
and attending doctors said that they had never seen a case advanced
to the stage hers was, in all their experience. She was unable to
keep anything on her stomach, and she told her doctors in the
hospital that she had not eaten a meal since June 28. In that time
she lost fifty pounds in weight, having been a very large woman. All
her efforts to retain nourishment were in vain, and her case became
so bad that it was decided to move her to Alton and put her in the
hospital here for an operation. She was too weak to undergo the
operation, and so the surgeons did not perform it. They believed
that death from shock would have resulted anyway. She leaves her
husband and three children; also four brothers, John, Harm, Frank
and Herman Rankin; and one sister, Mrs. Victor Albers. The funeral
will be held Friday afternoon. The body will be taken to the family
home and from there the cortege will leave at 1 o'clock for the
Lutheran church, where the services will be held at 2 o'clock.
ALBERS, EARL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 29, 1915
Earl Albers, aged 9, son of George Albers, was fatally injured this
afternoon about 3 o'clock in Bethalto, by the automobile of W. H.
Bauer of Alton. Mr. Bauer, with Charles Seibold and Henry Richter,
were riding through Bethalto. When passing the school house, a
number of the school children ran out into the road and the Albers
boy ran in front of the automobile in which the Alton party were
riding. The child was knocked down, run over and fatally injured.
The boy was picked up and hurried to Moro to a Dr. Thrailkill's
office. There the child died in the doctor's office. The reason the
trip was made to Moro was that there was no doctor at Bethalto at
the time of the accident.
ALBERS, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 30, 1891
From Moro – The two-year-old boy of Mr. and Mrs. Inke Albers died
last night of cholera infantum. The interment will take place at the
Lutheran Cemetery south of town.
ALBERT, CHARLES/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 01, 1892
The funeral of Charles Albert, infant son of Mr. C. A. and Mrs.
Elizabeth Forbes Caldwell took place yesterday morning from the
family residence, 1007 Henry Street. The funeral was private. Rev.
Dr. Abbott of the Baptist Church conducted the services. Interment
at the Alton City Cemetery.
ALBON, SARAH BROWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 03, 1913
Mrs. Sarah Brown Albon, in her ninety-fourth year, died Sunday
morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. O. W. Maxfield, in
Godfrey, after a long illness which began a few days after
Christmas. Her death had been expected at any time during the last
few weeks. Mrs. Albon was a native of Dulwich, England, and was born
June 12, 1819, the date of the birth of the late Queen Victoria. She
came to America in 1854, and after living in Philadelphia a year,
moved to St. Louis, where she lived ten years, coming to Alton in
1865. She lived all the remainder of her life in Alton and Godfrey.
[Burial was in City Cemetery.]
ALBRO, M. A./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 17, 1891
From Bethalto – Mr. Charles Gill came up from Kentucky to attend the
funeral of his sister, Mrs. M. A. Albro, whose remains were buried
at Upper Alton last Thursday. She died at her residence in St. Louis
on last Tuesday. Mrs. A. H. Cox, Mrs. B. Picker, and Mrs. M. A.
Humphrey of Bethalto attended the funeral
ALDINGER, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 05, 1917
John Aldinger, in his fifty-ninth year, died Monday morning at 10:30
o'clock at the family home, 637 east Fourth street, after a long
illness. He had been a victim of cancer of the stomach and for
nearly seven months he had been unable to be at his work, but was
confined to his home. During that time he suffered the greatest
agony from the malady. Mr. Aldinger was severely injured by falling
through a hatch in the floor of the Winter planing mill. Two weeks
later he was laid up and never returned to work. Whether the
accident contributed to his death is not known. He was conscious
that his end was approaching, and his mind being clear he was able
to make all the plans for his approaching death and gave
instructions as to the funeral. His mind was clear up to within a
few minutes before the end came. Mr. Aldinger was born in
Freinsheim, Germany, September 30, 1858. In the year 1881 he came to
Alton and lived here the remainder of his life. He was married in
1882 to Miss Emma Ziegenfuss. Eight children were born to the
couple: John of Memphis, Tenn.; William, Richard, Albert Victor,
Clarence, Julia and Bertha, of Alton. He leaves his wife also. Mr.
Aldinger was an expert mechanic and worked as a stair builder for 25
years at the Wheelock & Ginter Mill, and later with the Winter
Planing Mill. He was employed at the latter place at the time he
became disabled and was forced to give up his work. He was a
faithful member of the German Benevolent Society, in which he held
the office of corresponding secretary for many years. He was very
exact in his work of secretary as he had been in his mechanical
work, and he would not be allowed to give up the position by the
other members of the society. He was also a member of the Court of
Honor. The funeral of Mr. Aldinger will be held Wednesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock from the family home, and burial will be in City
Cemetery. The funeral will be under the auspices of the German
Benevolent Society.
ALDINGER, RICHARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 23,
Richard Aldinger, aged 26, died at 5 o'clock Monday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Luly of 408 East Eighth Street where he
was removed a few weeks ago when his condition became serious.
Aldinger has been ill for the past two months, his sickness
commencing with an attack of pneumonia. From the first his condition
was grave. A year last June he was married to Miss Ida Toole, who
survives him. After their marriage, the young couple boarded for a
short time and later took up their residence in the Paul apartments
on Henry street. Shortly after Mr. and Mrs. Aldinger went to
housekeeping, the young husband was taken ill. Besides his young
wife, Aldinger is survived by his mother, Mrs. Amelia Aldinger, of
637 East Fifth Street, and by two sisters, the Misses Bertha and
Julia Aldinger, and by five brothers, John of Memphis, William, Al.,
Victor and Clarence Aldinger, all of Alton. Aldinger was a
machinist. He was born and reared in Alton, and a large circle of
warm friends who extend sincere sympathy to the young wife and other
members of his family. Mrs. Aldinger is the younger daughter of Mrs.
Joseph Toole and is a sister of Mrs. W. O. Luly. The funeral will be
held at 9 o'clock, Thursday morning from SS. Peter and Paul's
Cathedral. The body will be placed in the mausoleum in the City
ALDRICH, ABBY D./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 14, 1846
Died near Monticello [Godfrey], on Saturday, February 7, Mrs. Abby
D., wife of David W. Aldrich, Esq., aged 25 years, 1 month and 10
days. Mrs. Aldrich removed with her husband from Rhode Island to
this county in the fall of 1842, and soon secured to herself by her
retiring and unpretending sincerity, the warm friendship and
admiration of those who knew her best and most intimately. Rarely
has it been the duty of any to record the death of one whose loss
has made so wide a breach in the circle in which she moved. A
husband robbed of the warm affection of a lovely wife, a mother and
brother bereft of that love which a dutiful child and tender sister
can alone bestow; while the beautiful devotion of tender woman to
her offspring is forever lost to the two interesting and helpless
babes, who by this afflicting dispensation have been deprived of a
mother's care. But their loss is her gain. As her life had been
pure, so was its close beautiful, calmly and quietly, she sunk to
sleep, and glided from this to a brighter world on high,
recommending to the hands of God her friends, her husband and her
babes. I may safely say all mourn her untimely decease, for "None
knew her but to praise, none knew her but to love her."
ALDRICH, DAVID DEXTER/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 11, 1846
Died in Middletown, on Thursday morning at the residence of Mr. J.
W. Hart, David Dexter, infant son of David W. Aldrich, aged 5 1/2
Telegraph, February 08, 1882
From Edwardsville – Mrs. Mary S. Aldrich, widow of the late Hon.
Robert Aldrich, died at her residence at Quercus Grove, Hamel
Township, six miles northeast of Edwardsville, on February 2, 1882,
in the 71st year of her age, having survived her husband, who died
January 12, 1877, at the same place. She was the second child of
James and Martha Robinson, and she was born April 8, 1811. Her
father was born in North Carolina, September 22, 1783, and died on
August 10, 1822. He is buried on the Robinson Family Farm. Her
mother was born on the line between North Carolina and South
Carolina, October 23, 1784, and died in Edwardsville March 19, 1854.
Her parents emigrated to the “Illinois Country” when she was but
three years old, and settled south of Edwardsville on the place
recently owned by the late Rev. George W. Ballard, and lived there
until the death of her father, when the family moved to
Mrs. Aldrich had five sisters and one brother: Eurixia, Eveline,
Eudemma, Eliza Elvira, Martha, and Rufus Easton Aldrich, all of whom
are dead except Eliza E., living at Huntington, Massachusetts, and
Martha, living on the farm at Quercus. Mrs. Aldrich became a member
of the M. E. Church before her marriage, which occurred at her
mother’s residence in Edwardsville on April 24, 1849, Hon. H. K.
Eaton, deceased, then an acting Justice of the Peace, officiating.
Immediately after their marriage, they went to their home at Quercus
Grove, where they lived until called away by death.
Mr. and Mrs. Aldrich had three children, all still living: Sarah,
wife of Mr. J. C. Doubt, living seven miles east of Lincoln,
Nebraska; and Robert and James, living on the old homestead at
The father of Mrs. Aldrich was a brother of John and Beniah
Robinson, both of whom were early settlers of Madison County, who
lived here many years and removed to Oregon, where they both died.
ALDRICH, ROBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 18, 1877
Early Settler in Hamel Township
From Edwardsville – Robert Aldrich, who had lived in this county
many years, and who as early as 1842, had represented this county in
the State Legislature, died at 5 o’clock a.m. on Friday, January 12,
at his residence at Quercus Grove in Hamel Township. The deceased
was highly esteemed by all who knew him, and their number is legion,
for he had attained his 83rd year in life. He was one of the first
settlers in that township.
Robert Aldrich was born January 04, 1794, in Worcester County,
Massachusetts. He and his brother, Anson, came to Madison County,
Illinois in 1816. Robert settled on Section 29 of Hamel Township.
The first school in this township was built near his home in 1825.
He married Mary Selina Robinson on April 24, 1849. They were the
parents of three children: Sarah, Robert, and James. He was elected
to the 9th Board of Commissioners for Madison County, and also
served in the Illinois House of Representatives. He is buried in the
Quercus Grove Cemetery in Carpenter, Madison County, Illinois.
ALEXANDER, ANN MATILDA/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 17, 1836
Died, on Sunday, 7th inst., Ann Matilda, infant daughter of Mr. A.
Alexander, merchant of this place [Alton].
ALEXANDER, A./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 19, 1838
Died, this day, at twelve o'clock, after a short but severe illness,
A. Alexander, Esq., merchant of this city. The deceased was one of
our most estimable and useful citizens; and his almost sudden death
may be considered a public as well as a private loss. His numerous
friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend his
funeral from the Presbyterian Church tomorrow afternoon (Thursday),
at three o'clock.
ALEXANDER, ANDREW J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February
24, 1908
Andrew J. Alexander, aged 72 years, died at his home at 420 Cliff
street at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon after a short illness with
grip and pneumonia. He leaves a wife and four sons and one daughter.
Mr. Alexander was an old soldier, and was one of the veterans who
made the march to the sea with Sherman. He has resided in Alton most
of his life, having moved away and returned several times. Funeral
arrangements have not been made.
ALEXANDER, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 12, 1914
A negro man dropped dead Tuesday afternoon about 2 o'clock in front
of the Central Avenue Hose House No. 4. The man was walking along
the sidewalk when a passerby noticed him stagger and fall. His head
hit the pavement and it made a sound that indicated the blow was a
severe one. A few minutes later, Dr. J. B. Hastings and J. A.
Giberson were passing in an automobile and they had the man carried
to the hose house, where the doctor examined him and found that he
was dead. Word was sent to the coroner's undertaker, John Berner, to
take charge of the body and he proceeded at once to do so. A search
of the clothing resulted in papers being found which indicated that
the man was Charles Alexander, and that he had been staying at 318
East Sixth street. It was said this afternoon by the coroner's
undertaker that nobody identified Alexander up to a late hour.
Officer Fahrig said that he had seen the man about the streets
peddling medicine. The letters indicated that he was a doctor.
ALEXANDER, GEORGE W./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 23, 1864
Died in the hospital at Rome, Georgia, September 3d, 1864, George W.
Alexander, in the ___ year of his age. He was among the first to
respond to the call of his country in 1861, and has been actively
engaged in the military service ever since. Let his name be honored
as one who has sacrificed his life in the _____ of his country.
ALEXANDER, LOUIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 15,
Twice in one morning a boy was near death. Once he was probably
fatally injured in an accident in Upper Alton, and a few minutes
later his life, also that of his two doctors, were in danger in an
entirely different way, but through zeal of the doctors to get the
boy to St. Joseph's Hospital for a surgical operation. Louis
Alexander, an 11 year old boy, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Alexander of 2200 Seminary street, was fatally hurt Friday morning
at 8:30 o'clock on College avenue when he was struck by a light Ford
delivery truck. The truck belongs to John R. Cartwright, the College
avenue business man, and the vehicle was being driven by his son,
George. The bumper of the car struck the boy and he was thrown back
against the radiator, inflicting the wound that caused the boy's
death at noon. It was a real circus day accident, and was witnessed
by a large number of persons. The truck was headed east on College
avenue and was running on the south side of the street. On the north
side of the street there was a continuous line of country rigs and
automobiles headed for the circus in Alton. The accident occurred in
front of the W. W. Elwell and C. A. Wildi homes, and there were a
number of women in the front yards when the boy was struck. The Ford
car was stopped very quickly by the driver, and the boy was picked
up. Dr. E. A. Cook happened to pass in his automobile a minute or
two after the boy was hurt, and he called in Dr. G. K. Worden, who
lives about a block from the point of the accident on College
avenue. The boy was unconscious when picked up, and those who
witnessed the accident thought he was dead. The physicians gave him
medical attention, bound up the wounded head and hurried him to the
hospital in Dr. Worden's car. The physicians were of the opinion
that the boy was fatally hurt. George Cartwright, the driver of the
truck, says he was driving east on College avenue toward the store
and that the car was traveling between 8 and 10 miles an hour. He
said about five boys were standing on the curbing on the south side
of the street watching the country rigs as they passed, and seemed
to be trying to spot one that would be good to "hop and ride" on to
the circus grounds. When about six feet from the boys, Cartwright
says, the Alexander boy suddenly jumped out in front of the Ford
truck to run across the street. Cartwright says he had just given
the signal with his horn and the other boys looked toward the
approaching truck, but it seems the Alexander boy's attention failed
to turn from the country rig he was planning to catch. Women
standing close by who witnessed the accident verified the story told
by the young man who was driving the truck. The father of the boy is
a general mechanic who works for the Western Military Academy around
the various buildings of the school and the tenement houses owned by
Col. Jackson. He was informed of the accident that had befallen his
boy a few moments afterward when the boy was on his way to the
hospital. A year ago last winter Mr. Alexander was shot in the
shoulder by the tenants of one of the Jackson houses when he was
sent at night to shut the water off from the house when the tenant
was thought to be out of town. When Alexander made an attempt to get
in the cellar window about 9:30 o'clock at night, the tenant was
aroused and taking a revolver, he fired a bullet through the window
at the man. The bullet located in Alexander's should, but he
recovered from the wound. It was while speeding to the hospital with
the dying boy in the arms of Dr. E. A. Cook of Upper Alton with his
neighbor, Dr. G. K. Worden, running the car that the second phase of
the dangerous experience of the boy came. Dr. Cook, taking the lad
in his arms, seated himself in Dr. Worden's fast Marmon car, and Dr.
Worden, driving the car, started off on a fast fun for the hospital.
Their course _____ ever College Avenue, west to Central Avenue, and
thence to the hospital. As soon as the car approached Central
Avenue, Dr. Worden noticed John Gruse standing on the sidewalk and
waving frantically to stop. Realizing something serious was the
cause of the man's excited gestures, Dr. Worden stopped his car,
which Gruse says was going at high speed. Dr. Worden himself said
that he was making all the speed he possibly could at the time.
Gruse pointed under the car, and Dr. Worden, looking under,
discovered the whole underneath part of the car was afire. The rapid
forward motion of the car had fanned the flames until the heat
generated was almost like that of a blast furnace. In another
moment, it is believed, a bad explosion might have resulted from the
melting of connections and the releasing of the gasoline in the tank
of the car. Dr. Cook got out of the car and lifting the unconscious
boy in his arms, he sat nearby until help could be procured. The
fire department was summoned and in the meantime Dr. Worden set
about trying to extinguish the fire. Using a fire extinguisher he
succeeded in quenching the flames before the firemen arrived. Within
a few minutes the car of Dr. A. B. Wyckoff was secured and in this
the doctors went on their way to the hospital with the dying lad.
They arrived safely and afterward performed a surgical operation to
life the shattered skull which was pressing down heavily on the
brain. It was found that the boy had a long fracture due to his head
striking the brick pavement on the side opposite the fracture. It
was said that the boy had not a chance to recover.
ALEXANDER, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
May 28, 1902
The 6 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Alexander died Tuesday
at midnight at the family home on East Second street. The funeral
will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home on
Second street, and Rev. Theodore Oberhellman will officiate.
ALJETS, JOHN MARTIN/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 19, 1897
From Moro – John M. Aljets, a resident of Fort Russell Township for
38 years, died at his residence near Moro on Sunday evening, August
15, after an illness of seven months. He was born August 15, 1833,
in Klein, Oldendorf, Germany, and came to America in 1855. He was
married in 1858 to Miss Mettje “Mary” Heeren. She preceded him to
the grave about two years. From this union, four children, three
sons and one daughter, remain.
Mr. Aljets was the only remaining faithful founder of the Lutheran
Church in which he always took an active part. The funeral took
place from the residence, conducted by Rev. P. N. Fedderson. The
remains were laid to rest in the family lot in the Lutheran
Cemetery. Relatives and friends from a distance attending were: Mr.
and Mrs. C. Luken of New Berlin; Mr. and Mrs. Engleman of Nokomis;
Mr. and Mrs. Hartung of St. Louis; Harm Keiser, C. Jettling, and B.
The children Mr. and Mrs. Aljets were: Wuebke Mina Aljets Renken
(1858-1918); Sina Aljets (1861-1888); Martin J. Aljets (1863-1935);
Herman J. Aljets (1866-1932); and John J. Aljets (1871-1947).
ALLEN, ANN/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 20, 1884
Mrs. Ann Allen, a most estimable lady, greatly respected by all who
knew her, died last night at the age of exactly 70 years, her
birthday anniversary proving to be the sad time when she quietly and
peacefully passed over the river. Mrs. Allen was born in London,
England, and came to Alton with her husband, Mr. James Allen,
January 15, 1845. She received a partial stroke of paralysis four
years ago, from which she never recovered. Besides her husband, she
left two daughters and two sons to mourn her death. The funeral took
place Wednesday from the family residence. A large attendance of
mourning relatives and friends paid the last sad tribute of respect
to the memory of the departed. [Burial was in the Alton Cemetery.]
ALLEN, BENJAMIN/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 28, 1875
Died in Alton on January 25, 1875, of brain fever, Benjamin, son of
Benjamin Allen; aged 4 years and 4 months.
ALLEN, BENJAMIN/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 14, 1878
Freed from Slavery at Age 100
(date of death unknown)
Benjamin Allen, a colored resident of Alton who has been mentioned
in the Telegraph as voting at the late election, and who is supposed
to be 111 years old, is a member of one of the “First families of
Virginia,” as he was a slave formerly owned by William Allegre of
that State. He was born in Albemarle County, Virginia, lived there
until quite an old man, and then removed with his master’s family to
Franklin County, Missouri, where he resided until after the war
broke out. He was a man grown, when his first mistress, the wife of
William Allegre, was born. After he came to Missouri, by the death
of his original owned, he became the property of John Haynes, who
was a strong rebel, though he did not join the army, rather
inclining to bushwhacking.
Benjamin Allen was of such a venerable age, that for years before
the Civil War, he was considered of but little service as a laborer,
and was assigned light tasks. The advance of the Union forces into
Missouri freed him, among thousands of others, and at the age of
almost one hundred years, he stood relieved from shackles,
“redeemed, regenerated, disenthralled by the genius of” American
emancipation. He came to Alton during the second or third year of
the war, and has resided while here with his nephew, William Walker,
who kindly attends to the wants of the centenarian. The old man is
rather feeble, but his mind is active and his memory of past events
quite good. Of course, there is some question as to the exact number
of his years, but from the best evidence procurable, he has reached
the patriarchal age given above. He voted at the last election with
the men through whose efforts he became a man, not a chattel, the
Republican Party.
ALLEN, BENJAMIN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 20, 1906
Benjamin Allen, Assistant Supervisor, died at St. Joseph's hospital
this morning at 6 o'clock. He was taken very ill on Monday, as the
result of a campaign he was making for alderman of the second ward.
He was removed to the hospital and was suffering from uraemic
poisoning on Tuesday and Wednesday. He seemed to be much better last
night and about 3 o'clock this morning he regained consciousness,
asked for something to eat, and after eating he went to sleep again.
He died about 6 o'clock while still asleep. He was 66 years of age
April 2. He was born in Liverpool England, but came to this country
with his parents when a very young man. He was a son of James Allen,
who for many years was in the draying and transfer business at
Alton. He had lived in Alton 60 years, and during that time followed
the trade of bricklayer, except while in official life. He was an
officer on the police force at various times and was brave and
efficient. He filled the office of Captain of the night police.
Although he lost an arm while firing a cannon at Jerseyville several
years after the war, he was able to hold his own end up in earning a
living at his trade of bricklayer, and the absence of his arm never
seemed to militate against his giving satisfaction as a police
officer. He was able to do as well with one arm as most men do with
two. He filled the office of assistant supervisor several terms, and
was in office at the time of his death. He is survived by one
brother, James Allen, and two sisters, Mrs. Arthur Dixon and Mrs.
Mary Still. He leaves also his stepson, William Atchison. Mrs. Allen
died recently after a long illness.
ALLEN, BOONE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 11, 1900
Boone Allen, the veteran steamboat engineer who was probably the
best known and one of the oldest engineers on the Mississippi River,
died at his home in Upper Alton this morning at 11:40 o'clock. Mr.
Allen was 66 years, 8 months of age, and had lived in Upper Alton 45
years, where his family still has its home. He leaves his aged wife
and four children: Mrs. E. A. Graham of Washington D. C.; Mrs. Alice
McDaniel of Helena, Montana; Mrs. D. M. Kittenger, Boone Allen Jr.
of Upper Alton; and J. W. Allen, General Freight Agent of the M. K.
& T. of Dallas, Texas. The funeral arrangements were not made this
afternoon. Mr. Allen was generally known as Captain in the village
where he made his home, and he was known to nearly everyone in the
Altons, as he passed his vacation time here. He was during his
lifetime employed by nearly every steamboat line out of St. Louis,
and for many years he was in the employ of the Eagle Packet Company
on the boats in the Illinois river trade. Three years ago he was
stricken with paralysis while on duty on one of the up-river boats,
and was brought to his home. Since then he has not been able to
return to duty, and for a month past his condition has been very
serious. His life has been almost gone for several weeks, but his
sturdy constitution upheld against the strokes of paralysis until
today, when he passed into a consciousness. "Capt." Allen was known
to nearly every steamboat man on the upper Mississippi, and there
were few who knew what he knew of the earlier days of steamboating.
A large circle of river friends will hear of his death with interest
and regret, and his family loses a good and greatly respected
ALLEN, CHARLES/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 06, 1888
A man named Charles Allen was run over by a train on the Chicago &
Alton railroad Saturday evening, at Edwardsville Crossing [near
Hartford], and killed. His family was camped near the scene of the
accident. An inquest was held by Coroner Melling.
ALLEN, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 28, 1922
Charles Allen, aged 31, a colored soldier sent from Alton in the
draft during the war, died Wednesday in the Great Lakes hospital at
Chicago from the effects of gassing. He was in a contingent of
fighting men who were engaged in the battle of the Argonne forest,
and while there he suffered from poison gas. He came home and was
taken in charge for treatment, but never recovered. The body will
arrive in Alton Sunday morning and the funeral will be Sunday
afternoon from the Upper Alton colored Baptist church. (Later on
January 30, 1922: The funeral of Charles Allen, colored, was held
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Upper Alton Baptist church,
with Rev. Hodges officiating. A number of ex-service men attended in
a body. The interment was in the Oakwood cemetery. He was buried
with military honors.)
ALLEN, CHARLES C./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 01, 1897
Mr. E. P. Wade Monday received a telegram announcing the death of
his brother-in-law, Mr. Charles C. Allen, in Galveston, Texas,
Sunday night. His death was caused by typhoid fever. Mr. Allen was
about 50 years of age. He was the youngest son of the late Dr.
George T. Allen, and was for many years a resident of Alton. He was
born in Marine, Madison County, but moved to Alton with his father’s
family when a child. Many years ago, he removed to Texas, where he
married, and has since resided. Mr. Allen leaves a wife and two
children, one a daughter of adult years. He will be buried in
ALLEN, ETHAN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 12, 1895
Civil War Veteran
Died this morning, Ethan Allen, a stone mason, and for many years a
resident of Alton. He died at his home on Union Street. He was an
old soldier, and a member of Alton Post G.A.R.
ALLEN, GEORGE TOWNSEND/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 02, 1852
Died at Marine, Madison County, Illinois, on the 7th inst., George
Townsend, infant son of George T. and Maria Allen, aged 10 months
and 6 days.
ALLEN, HANNAH/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 27, 1861
Died on Sunday morning, April 21, Hannah Allen, daughter of Dr. G.
T. and Mrs. Allen, aged ?? years.
ALLEN, HENRY C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 06, 1915
The third victim of the accident at the Stanard-Tilton elevator died
at 11 o'clock Tuesday night at the hospital. Henry C. Allen, the
third victim, died not regaining consciousness. Roland Adams,
business agent of the Building Trades Council, said today that after
a careful inspection of the broken framework he was convinced that
the accident was due to a defect in two pieces of lumber 2x12
inches, which had been spiked together. The timbers showed no
apparent defect until they were broken and it could then be seen
that they were not of the best quality.
ALLEN, HENRY W. (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 12,
We regret to learn by a private dispatch to H. O. Meyers, Esq., of
Alton, says that Captain Henry W. Allen of Company G. 7th Illinois
Regiment, was shot and mortally wounded by a member of his own
company at Corinth, Mississippi, on the evening of December 3. A
second dispatch from Babrouk announces his death.
ALLEN, JACKSON/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 06, 1871 (review
of 1870)
On February 27, 1870: Jackson Allen, of New Douglas, an early
pioneer of Madison county, died, aged 84 years.
ALLEN, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 21, 1873
Mr. James Allen, a drayman, who has lived in Alton for many years,
died at his residence on Belle Street Tuesday night of pneumonia. He
was an upright and esteemed citizen. He leaves a wife and children.
ALLEN, JAMES NORMAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 26, 1894
James Allen Sr., one of Alton’s oldest and best citizens, died
Thursday after illness of eight months, of dropsy of the heart. Mr.
Allen was born on April 7, 1816, in London, England, and was in his
79th year. He came to Alton January 15, 1845, and has lived here
ever since. He was a sailor for 27 years. He began draying in Alton
in 1850, and continued at this business until the infirmities of old
age forbade it. Mr. Allen united with the M. E. Church in Alton, 25
years ago, and lately his connection was with the Salvation Army. He
was rugged in physical frame, being the perfect picture of the
strong man, even in old age. His moral character and worth were
equally rugged. Neither cold or heat, sunshine nor storm prevented
Mr. Allen from the performance of his religious duties as longas his
strength lasted. Very few men used the talents given him to so great
advantage as Mr. Allen. His kindly voice, his helpful assistance,
and his constancy in all good things will be missed by those who
remain to carry on the work. He leaves a widow and four children:
Benjamin [1841-1906] and James C. [1848-1917]; Mrs. Sarah Carolina
Allen Dixon [1856-1928], wife of Arthur Dixon of Alton; and Mrs.
Mary Atter Allen Still [1850-1917], wife of Jerry Still of Godfrey.
He will be buried on Sunday from the Salvation Army barracks.
The funeral of Mr. James Allen took place Sunday afternoon, Rev. F.
L. Thomson of the M. E. Church conducting services at the residence.
The body was then taken to the Salvation Army headquarters, where
Army obsequies were conducted by the Captain. The pallbearers were
all members of the army. The interment was in the Alton City
Mr. Allen first married in 1840 to Mary Ann Joyce, who died in 1884.
He remarried in 1884 to Elizabeth T. Weir Lund. Burial was in the
Alton City Cemetery.
ALLEN, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 02, 1917
James Allen, aged 69, a drayman in Alton, died suddenly this morning
about 9:50 o'clock at the home of his sister, Mrs. Arthur Dixon, on
Bluff street. Mr. Allen, who was unmarried, had made his home with
his sister's family for years. He had been suffering from heart
trouble for a number of years, but of late had not experienced any
bad attacks from it. He was engaged in feeding his flock of chickens
when stricken. Mrs. Richard Walsh, who lives next door, noticed him
going down to his chicken yard and later she noticed he had fallen
and was unable to rise. She informed her husband, who investigated
and found the old drayman in a bad way. With the assistance of
Arthur Dixon, Mr. Allen was taken back to the house and a physician
summoned. He lived a little more than a half hour after being taken
back to his home. Mr. Allen was born in St. Louis but lived here
most of his life. He was engaged as a drayman for many years, but
had been in retirement a long time, as large means of hauling had
supplanted the old fashioned dray. He served during the Civil War as
a Union Soldier. He leaves two sisters, Mrs. Dixon and Mrs. Mary
Still of Godfrey. A coroner's inquest was held this afternoon by
Deputy Coroner W. H. Bauer. It developed he had been a sufferer from
arterial hardening for a long time and to this was attributed his
sudden death.
ALLEN, KATE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 08, 1914
Mrs. Kate Allen, widow of Boone Allen, died in her home in Upper
Alton, 1732 Main street, this afternoon at 1 o'clock, from old age.
Dropsy was the immediate cause of her death. Mrs. Allen had lived in
Upper Alton over fifty years. Her husband, Boone Allen, was an old
time steamboat man, and died in Upper Alton several years ago. Mrs.
Allen's last illness began about three months ago. She is survived
by two sons and three daughters. They are Mrs. E. A. Graham of
Washington D. C.; John W. Allen, general freight agent of the M. K.
& T. at St. Louis; Mrs. Alice Melbin of Helena, Mont., who is now
here; Mrs. D. M. Kittinger; and Boone Allen of Upper Alton. Funeral
arrangements have not been made.
ALLEN, MARIA (nee BLAKEMAN)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph,
November 19, 1883
Daughter of Founder of Marine; Wife of Dr. George T. Allen
Mrs. Maria Blakeman Allen of St. Louis, widow of the late Dr. George
T. Allen, died on Saturday night last at the residence of Mr. E. P.
Wade. She had been ill for several weeks at Edwardsville, but had
improved sufficiently a few days ago to permit of her removal to her
daughter’s residence in this city, but the improvement was only
transient. On Saturday, she became suddenly worse, and expired at
the time named. Her disease was cancer of the stomach.
Mrs. Allen was well known to all of our older citizens, and known
only to be esteemed and loved. She was a native of Bridgeport,
Connecticut, born April 26, 1826, and was consequently at the time
of her death in the 58th year of her age. She was a daughter of
Captain Curtiss Blakeman, one of the founders of Marine, Madison
County, and a sister of the late Hon. Curtis Blakeman. She removed
to Marine with her father’s family in 1833, where she spent her
childhood, youth, and a portion of her married life. In 1856, she
removed with her husband and family to Alton, which was their home
for the next ten years. After the Civil War, the family removed to
Springfield, and thence to St. Louis, where Dr. Allen died, while
the surgeon in charge of the U. S. Marine Hospital. In all the busy
scenes of a changing life, Mrs. Allen was ever a type of the highest
ideal of womanhood. Discharging faithfully all the duties of wife
and mother, knowing no difference between her own and her
stepchildren, she was loved and revered by all, and is mourned alike
by all now that she has passed away. Owing to her husband’s
absorption in the cares of a large professional practice, to his
frequent and protracted absences from home on public business in the
State Legislature, as a surgeon in the army during the entire war,
and subsequently in the diplomatic service abroad, there fell to her
share more than the ordinary duties of wife and mother, in the
training of their children, and the cares of the household. How well
these duties were discharged is shown in the lives of those she has
left behind her. They are living monuments of her care and devotion.
Mrs. Allen’s ecclesiastical connection while in Alton was with the
Presbyterian Church, and at the time of her death, with the
Westminster Church in St. Louis. The funeral services took place
this morning at the residence of Mr. E. P. Wade, where a large
company of relatives and friends gathered to pay the last tribute of
affection. The services were conducted by Rev. Gordan, the
concluding prayer being offered by Rev. Chaddock. The remains were
taken to Marine for interment, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. E. P.
Wade, and the two sons of the deceased, Messrs. George T.
(1855-1904) and Roland P. Allen (1857-1912), of St. Louis. Two other
sons, George Townsend Allen (1851-1852) and Curtiss Blakeman Allen
(1864-1867) preceded her in death. [Burial was in the Marine
Cemetery, St. Jacob, Illinois.]
ALLEN, MARION O./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 13,
Killed in Elevator Accident - Terribly Crushed
Marion O. Allen, aged 23, was fatally injured Saturday morning just
after beginning work for the day at the George M. Ryrie Wholesale
grocery store on Broadway. Allen was caught between the floor of the
ascending electric elevator and the first floor of the store
building. According to those who witnessed the accident, Allen was
hoisting some goods from the basement on the elevator. He had pushed
a truck off the elevator floor before starting, and when the
elevator started to rise he noticed that the truck had started to
run back toward the elevator pit. In an effort to prevent the truck
dropping into the pit, he leaned over and tried to push the truck
back, without checking the ascent of the elevator. One of his fellow
workmen noticed the danger Allen was in and shouted to him to be
careful. It was too late, however. The elevator platform had risen
so high that Allen was caught, as he leaned over, between the
ascending elevator platform and the first floor of the building. He
was given a terrible squeezing before the power could be shut off
and the pressure released. It was seen at once he was badly hurt and
the ambulance was summoned and he was hurried to the hospital, but
was dead before he could be carried into the institution. Allen had
worked at the Ryrie store about two years. He leaves his wife and
two children, at the family home, 312 Dry street. He was very highly
esteemed by his employers. Marion Allen was the son of James Allen
who lives near Elsah. Besides his wife, he leaves two small
children, one about 4 years and the other about 1 year of age. The
inquest will be held over the body this evening. The body will be
shipped to Elsah on Monday morning, and the funeral will be held
there on Monday afternoon.
ALLEN, PETER H./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 10, 1840
Died, in Upper Alton, Illinois, on the 30th of September, Peter H.
Allen, aged 28 years, house carpenter and joiner by trade, formerly
of Philadelphia.
ALLEN, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 28, 1898
Mrs. James R. Allen of Leesburg, Florida died Sunday at the h ome of
her daughter, Mrs. George Marsh, on Belle Street, after a long
illness. Mrs. Allen came here to visit her daughter one year ago,
and was taken down with an illness that developed into the one that
caused her death. She was 64 years of age, and leaves a husband and
one daughter, Mrs. Marsh. The husband was sent for several days ago,
and arrived in time to see her before she died. The funeral took
place in private Tuesday from the home of Mr. George Marsh on Belle
Street. Prof. J. C. C. Clarke of Upper Alton conducted the services.
ALLEN, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 16, 1902
The funeral of William Allen was held this afternoon at 4 o'clock
and services were conducted at the family home, Seventh and Easton
streets, by Rev. G. W. Shepherd. There was a large attendance at the
funeral. The members of Alton lodge, A. O. U. W. attended the
funeral in a body. Burial was in City Cemetery.
ALLSMAN, CHARLOTTE EVA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October
23, 1922
The funeral of Mrs. Charlotte Eva Allsman was held Sunday afternoon
at 2 o'clock from the family home on Missouri avenue. The services
were conducted by Rev. Halwe of the Pentecostal church. The pall
bearers were: James Draper, J. P. Callaghan, William Canharn,
Walter, Thomas Langust. Mrs. Allsman was born August 23, 1859 in
Jackson county, Ohio, and was 63 years of age. She leaves her
husband, Jacob Allsman, Robert Allsman, Mrs. Eliza Joynson, James
Allsman, Mrs. Susan Henson Carrolton. She leaves also a sister and
two brothers, Mrs. Eliza Hall of Jerseyville, and John and William
Willington. She had also twenty-five grandchildren and three great
grandchildren. She was a member of the Pentecostal church in Alton.
There were many friends and relatives at the funeral services, and
many fine floral offerings.
ALLSMAN, HARRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 31, 1914
Yachts Collide, Harry Allsman Drowned
Harry Allsman, aged 23, residing in East End Place, was drowned
Thursday evening when a small power boat in which he was riding
collided with the larger yacht, Illiola, which was bringing home
from an outing a party of Alton people. The drowning was the sequel
of two outing parties crossing each other in the Mississippi river,
and a mistake made by the two young men in the smaller boat. Allsman
and Henry Koenig had brought back to Alton in the small boat a party
of Kinloch telephone girls who had gone down to the Unique camp to
spend the evening and have supper. The two young men were returning
to camp when they encountered the Illiola. George Crowson, who was
at the helm of the Illiola, saw the small boat approaching, and he
sounded the signal for the down stream craft to take the left and he
supposed the boys would comply. The boys, it is said, became
confused and mistaking the Illiola for the dock to which they were
going, got across the bow of the Illiola despite efforts on the part
of the pilot of the Illiola to keep out of their way. The Illiola's
engine had been reversed when the little boat came across her sharp
bow. The side of the small yacht was broken in and the two occupants
thrown into the water. The supposition is that Allsman, who was
sitting where the impact occurred, was stunned or injured and could
not help himself. Life preservers were thrown to him and a 50-foot
line, but he paid no attention to them. George Goeken, on the
Illiola, reached his hand out to Allsman as he floated by the
Illiola, and shouted twice for him to take hold, but Allsman
apparently paid no attention to the command. This gave ground for
the belief that the young man had been injured and could not help
himself. Then life preservers were thrown out and they floated on
down and the life line was thrown out and it too failed to attract
attention of the young man. In the meantime Koenig had leaped aboard
at the bow of the Illiola and was safe. The accident occurred near
the light on Bayless Island, across the river. The Illiola party
spent an hour cruising about searching for the young man but could
not find him. Capt. Crowson, who was in charge of the Illiola, is an
old experienced river man and his judgment is regarded as being
excellent, so that no blame could attach to him for the accident. He
attributes the collision either to a mistake on the part of the
young men on the small boat, or to their misunderstanding of boat
signals. On board the Illiola, when the accident occurred, were
Capt. Crowson, the members of the Illiola Quartet, Frank Cleveland,
Ed Mawdsley, Bert Rexford, also George Goeken and son, Charles Luft
and family, Charles Ochler and family, William Ulrich and family,
and Herman Newman. After the accident the damaged boat was towed
back to the Unique Club camp and the drowning reported there.
According to the story told a Telegraph representative this morning,
by Henry Koenig, who was in the little boat at the time of the
accident, Allsman must have been injured before he went into the
river, and this probably was the cause of his death. Koenig said
that he and Allsman had been attending an outing at the Unique
Social club camp, and made a trip from the camp to Alton with a
party of telephone operators from Alton who had been attending the
outing. It was while the young men were on their way back to the
camp that the accident occurred. Koenig claims that they had the
proper lights, but admitted that Allsman, who was steering the boat,
attempted to cross ahead of the Illiola and take the Missouri shore.
He said that he did not realize the boats were so close, until the
boat in which he was sitting was struck by the boat coming up the
river. Koenig said, "I am not able to swim a stroke, and I felt
certain that my end was near. I saw Allsman get hit in the leg by
the big boat and then drop into the water, and I caught hold of the
boat we were in. The boat tipped over, but I clung on, not knowing
what else to do. It seemed a long time that I was under the water,
but finally the little boat righted and I climbed in. It started to
sink but I managed to get aboard the Illiola. I saw Harry struggling
about in the water for about five minutes, but he seemed in no
danger outside of the fact that he seemed unable to get hold of the
life preservers and the ropes which were being thrown to him." The
drowning will probably break up the Unique camp. While Allsman was
not a member of the club, he has been at the camp all summer and
several members of the club said this morning that after the
accident they would not have the heart to continue their camp. Many
of them returned to Alton this morning and it is expected that the
others will be home the last of this week.
ALRED/ALLRED, AARON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 31,
Aaron Allred, in his ninetieth year, died this morning at 122
Missouri Avenue, after a long illness. A week ago he refused to be
taken to the hospital, saying he preferred to stay where he was. At
that time he was fully clothed, even to his hat, and was lying in
bed, refusing to allow anything to be done for him. Allred was an
old time horse trader and had been a resident of Alton many years.
ALRED, AARON JR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 07, 1907
Aaron Alred Jr., aged 44 years, died this morning at 1 o'clock at
St. Joseph's hospital. He is survived by his wife and four children.
His father, the aged Aaron Alred, also survives. The funeral will be
held Sunday morning at 9 o'clock from the family home, 1328 east
Third street, to the City cemetery.
ALLRED, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 11, 1892
The funeral of Joseph Allred took place yesterday afternoon from the
residence of his parents, 703 East Third Street, to the City
ALSOP, CARRIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 27, 1861
Died in Alton on Monday morning, the 23d inst., at 7 o'clock a.m.,
Carrie Alsop, aged 11 years, 4 months and 20 days.
ALSOP, JAMES EDWARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 17, 1862
Civil War Soldier
We learned this morning from Mr. Alsop of Alton, who has been to
Otterville, Missouri, to bring home his sick son, that James Edward,
aged almost 23 years, died at Camp Lamothe, Missouri, on January 12.
He enlisted in the 8th Regiment, Missouri Volunteers, at Cape
Girardeau, and is about five feet, seven inches high, dark
complexion, and was born in Knox County Indiana, and followed
farming as a business previous to joining the army. It is supposed
that he has a brother and sister residing in Alton.
ALSOP, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 21, 1885
From New Douglas – Died at his home near New Douglas, Samuel Alsop,
on Sunday, May 17. He was born in Quissington, Derbyshire, England,
February 25,1812, and came to America in 1834 and settled in the
State of New Jersey, where he married Miss Salina Julianna Pegg, who
survives him. In the death of Father Alsop, we have lost a kind
neighbor and friend, and the bereaved family have the sympathy of
their many friends and acquaintances.
The children of Samuel and Salina Alsop were: Hannah Marie Alsop
Robb (1840-1905); William Alsop (1844-1911); John Alsop (1847-1913);
Robert Alsop (1849-1907); Mary Ann Alsop Harvey (1853-1902); and
James M. Alsop (1854-1878). Samuel Alsop was buried in the New
Douglas Cemetery, New Douglas, Illinois.
ALT, ANNA MARGARET/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 17, 1881
Mrs. Anna Margaret, wife of Mr. Paul Alt, died Thursday afternoon
after an illness of three or four weeks, at the age of 58 years, 8
months, 12 days. The funeral took place Sunday from the German
Lutheran Church.
ALT, CHARLES PAUL/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 14, 1888
Mr. and Mrs. George Alt were sadly bereaved today by the death of
their son, Charles Paul, a bright little boy nearly nine years old.
He had been sick for several weeks with lung fever. Mr. and Mrs. Alt
have the sympathy of many friends in their sad bereavement. The
funeral will take place from the family residence, corner of Vine
and Third Streets.
ALT, CHARLES PAUL/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 18, 1880
Accidentally Shot by His Own Gun
A party of four or five men, including Mr. Charles Alt, an estimable
young man who has carried on a blacksmith shop since 1873, at the
corner of Second and Henry Streets, went hunting below the city
Sunday morning. On arriving at the Hull place about two miles from
town, Mr. Alt dismounted from the wagon, and while pulling his gun
out with the muzzle towards himself, the load was discharged, taking
effect in his left breast, inflicting a ghastly wound which proved
fatal in about half an hour, and before medical aid could reach him.
Mr. Alt was conscious for some moments after being shot, and left a
last message for his young wife, on whom the sad intelligence fell
with crushing force. The accident occurred at 7:40 o’clock, and the
sufferer was immediately removed to the residence of Mr. James Hull
in the immediate vicinity, where all was done that could be
suggested for his relief, and where he died about 8 o’clock. The
remains were soon after removed to his home on Third Street. In
addition to his wife, he leaves a young child, father, mother, and
two brothers, besides many friends to mourn his untimely death. He
was a member of the Knights of Pythias and of the German Benevolent
Society. Mr. Alt was a skillful mechanic, and a favorite with a
large circle of friends and acquaintances. He was twenty-five years
of age. He was married in May 1878. His tragic death is a cause of
wide spread regret. Mr. Alt had an insurance policy for $2,000, and
his widow will receive $60 from the German Benevolent Society, in
addition to funeral benefits from both.
The funeral – The funeral of Mr. Charles Alt took place Tuesday
afternoon from the German M. E. Church, and was very largely
attended. The remains were escorted from the residence to the church
by the German Benevolent Society and Fleur de Lys Lodge No. 68, K.
of P., of which organizations he was a member. The discourse at the
church was delivered in German. The long procession to the cemetery
was headed by Gossrau’s Band, then came the German Benevolent
Society, under Marshal Weigler, followed by the Knights of Pythias
under Commander Haskell. Next in order came the hearse and
carriages. The pallbearers, who walked beside the hearse, were
Messrs. D. Miller, Joseph Beit, John Kraemer, C. Unterbrink, N.
Seibold, and E. Aswege. At the cemetery, the Knights of Pythias
formed a triangle around the grave, and the impressive burial
service of the Order was conducted by Prelate Phillips, each Knight
depositing a sprig of evergreen in the open grave as a token of
remembrance. The service was closed with the benediction by Rev. W.
Charles Paul Alt was born May 10, 1855. He married Emma Margaret
Fischer, and they had one child, Margretha N. Alt (who died in
1881). His wife, Emma, was pregnant at the time of his death, and on
July 15, 1881, Charles Louis Alt was born. He grew up and moved to
California, where he died in 1962 at the age of 80. Emma never
remarried, and died in 1892 at the age of 34. Charles Paul Alt was
buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
ALT, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 30, 1918
George Alt died this morning at 10 o'clock at his home at 612 East
Fourth street after a six month's illness from paralysis. He was 70
years old and leaves a wife, one daughter, Mrs. William Patterson,
and three sons, George R., Harry F., and Leslie G. Mr. Alt was a
native of Alton, and for many years was engaged as a lumber worker.
He was a member of the independent Order of Odd Fellows, and the
Alton Benevolent Society. The funeral will be held Wednesday
afternoon from the Evangelical Church, REv. C. W. Heggemeier
ALTENHEIM, KATE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 05, 1899
Miss Kate Altenheim, aged 37 years, died at the Enos Sanitarium
today of heart disease. She had been a nurse in the Sanitarium
several years. For some time, she has been ill with heart trouble,
and her death was no surprise. She leaves a sister, Mrs. August
Shoemaker, in Alton, and a brother in St. Louis. The funeral will be
Sunday from the home of her sister.
ALTHOFF, LAVINIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 05, 1911
Mrs. Lavinia Althoff, aged 75, widow of J. F. Althoff, died Saturday
evening at 6 o'clock at her home, 406 west Fourth street, after a
brief illness. Mrs. Althoff had been a resident of Alton for many
years and was highly respected by all who knew her. She leaves one
daughter, Miss Mary Althoff, two sisters and a brother. The funeral
will be tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock from SS. Peter and Paul's
Cathedral. Interment at Greenwood cemetery will be private. Mrs.
Althoff had lived in Alton about fifty one years. She had been in
perfect health until a week before her death, when she was stricken
with paralysis. Two other sisters, Mrs. M. Robidou and Mrs. Mattie
Groblinghoff, reside in St. Louis. She leaves a brother and a sister
in Ohio.
ALTHOFF, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 16, 1916
Miss Mary Althoff, cashier of the office of Beall Bros. for
seventeen years, died suddenly today at her home, 406 west Fourth
street, after a brief illness. Miss Althoff was at her post of duty
in the Beall's cashier's office Friday. When she did not appear for
work on Saturday morning, there was no particular concern as she was
a privileged employee, and when she did not arrive at the office it
was supposed she was not feeling well and had not gone to work. The
unexpected closing of the life of Miss Althoff caused general
surprise and deep regret among the many who had known her well. She
was a quiet, unassuming woman, possessed of much ability, and she
was deeply religious. At SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral where she
held membership, she was known for her devotion to church work, and
she often stood as sponsor when such a representative was required
in the church services. In the office of Beall Bros., her services
were regarded as invaluable....She leaves no relatives here except
her aunt, Mrs. M. Groblinghoff, who resided with her, and another
aunt, Mrs. R. Robidou of St. Louis. The cause of Miss Althoff's
death was uraemic poisoning. She had suffered a sudden attack of
this malady, and it was impossible to give her any relief when the
trouble assumed an acute stage. The time of the funeral has not been
AMBRICK, STEVE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 31, 1919
Falls 30 Feet Into Rock Pile
Injuries sustained in a 30-foot fall from a ledge of the bluff in
the Gissal quarry above Alton proved fatal this morning to Steve
Ambrick. Ambrick fell into a pile of rocks. He was taken to St.
Joseph's Hospital, but died soon after arriving there. Ambrick lived
in the Wittle house on West Broadway. Workmen at the quarry said he
has a wife and children in his native country in Europe. Three
others were on the ledge with Ambrick when he fell. Evidence at the
inquest conducted this afternoon by Deputy Coroner Bauer was that
one of the men advised Ambrick to rest. It was shortly after this
that he fell. There was no evidence to show that Ambrick had been
ill. The verdict of the jury was that death was accidental. The body
is being held by Deputy Coroner Bauer. A son, who resides in
Detroit, Mich., is expected here tomorrow. The name secured by
Deputy Coroner Bauer for the man is "Yumbink," while the name on an
insurance policy carried by him was said to be "Yambink."
AMBROSE, MARIA L./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 19, 1896
Mrs. Maria L. Ambrose died Saturday night at the home of her son,
Mr. John S. Roper, on Langdon Street. Mrs. Ambrose had been confined
to her bed only a few days, and enjoyed very good health for one of
her years. She had reached the advanced age of 93 years. She was a
native of Massachusetts. Mrs. Ambrose had been twice married. Her
first husband was Joseph Roper, and of this union five children are
living: John S. Roper of Alton; George S. Roper of Rocksord; Dennis
Roper of Springfield; Mrs. Charlotte Pickard of Godfrey; and Miss
Adelaide Roper of Ligonier, Pennsylvania. Mr. Roper died in the
early 1850s, and she afterwards married Jacob Ambrose, who died in
1881. Mrs. Ambrose had the distinction of having celebrated two
silver wedding anniversaries.
Founder of Ambrosius Furniture in Collinsville
Source: Troy Weekly Call, September 20, 1912
Conrad Adam Ambrosius, an old and well-known citizen of
Collinsville, died there last week at the age of 73 years, 7 months,
and 20 days. He was taken ill while on a trip to Michigan.
Conrad Adam Ambrosius was the son of Adam and Elizabeth
(Brandenstein) Ambrosius. He was born January 18, 1839, in Germany,
and married Maria A. Schmidt in 1862. Their children were: Anna
Elizabeth Ambrosius Lochmann (1863-1916); John Ambrosius
(1865-1951); William A. Ambrosius (1869-1947); Gustave Ambrosius
(1872-1930); George Christian Ambrosius (1875-1935); Theodore Fred
Ambrosius (1877-1929); Clara Ambrosius Franck (1880-1918); Louise
Sophia Ambrosius Kalbfleisch (1882-1965); and Bertha Ambrosius
Wendler (1886-1931).
Conrad went into the mercantile business in Collinsville with Mr.
Yates, building up one of the largest stores in the city. Conrad
eventually owned the business with his sons. Mr. Conrad died in
September 1912, and was buried in the Holy Cross Lutheran Cemetery
in Collinsville.
AMBUEL, JOHN/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, February 01, 1895
John Ambuel, one of the most successful farmers of Leef Township,
and a resident of Madison County for more than fifty five years,
died Monday in his 64th year. John Ambuel was born in Canton,
Graubünden, Switzerland, March 31, 1831. His father, John H. Ambuel,
was a farmer. He heard so much about the new world and the
opportunities it offered that in 1839 he left his native land and
with his family journeyed to Havre and embarked an old and
weather-beaten sailing vessel to cross the Atlantic. After
sixty-three days, during which time the old ship had frequently
sprung a leak and endangered the lives of the passengers, the ship
anchored at New Orleans. The family was transferred to a river boat
and ascended to East St. Louis. Here they camped for several days in
corn cribs while waiting for wagons to transport them to Highland.
In September they arrived at their destination. The father engaged
in farming and after the vicissitudes incident to life in a new
country eventually became the owner of a quarter section of land.
The subject of this sketch worked on this farm attending school at
such time as his services were not needed at home. When a young man
he was employed in various vocations. He operated a threshing
machine several seasons and saved some money. Later he took charge
of the farm and made it one of the most productive and finest in the
township. He was married June 14, 1859 to Theresa Kraft. They were
the parents of twelve children, ten of whom survive, Mary, wife of
Henry Henschen, of Leef; John J. who lives in Highland, Christina
who married Peter Ledue, of Saline; Phillip who also lives in
Highland; Rosa, wife of Peter Schrumpf, of Saline; Annie, Katherine,
Jacob, Henry and Matilda. He served at different times as township
collector and held the office when he died. He was also for many
years a school director. Politically he was a democrat and served
repeatedly as central committeeman for his township. He lived an
industrious and honorable life. He was kind-hearted, a staunch
citizen and a good friend.
AMES, HENRIETTA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 03, 1899
Mrs. Henrietta Ames died at the residence of her son, Frank R.
Milner, in Litchfield, at noon Sunday. Her death was sudden, and was
caused by a congestive chill.
Mrs. Ames has made her home at the residence of her son in
Litchfield since the death of her second husband, Mr. Ames. She was
for many years a resident of Alton, and lived on State Street. Her
first husband, Mr. Milnor, died there. She had two sons, one of
whom, George Milnor, died ten or fifteen years ago. Charles Milnor
of Alton, and Frank R. Milnor of Litchfield, are the surviving
members of her family. During her residence here she was highly
esteemed by a large circle of acquaintances, with whom she had
formed tender ties that made her departure from Alton one deeply
The funeral services will be held at Litchfield tomorrow. The body
will be brought to Alton for interment. The funeral escort will
reach Alton tomorrow at 4:45 p.m., and will go direct to the
cemetery, when the closing services will be conducted by Rev. Mr.
Powers of the M. E. Church.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Jul 05, 1899
The funeral of Mrs. Henrietta Ames took place Tuesday afternoon from
the Union Depot. The funeral escort of Mrs. Ames arrived here at
4:45 o’clock over the Big Four Railroad, and was met at the station
by a party of Alton friends. At the cemetery, Rev. M. N. Powers of
the Methodist Church conducted the services.
AMES, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 11, 1900
Fosterburg News - John Ames, who ten days ago was stricken with
paralysis while in the timber about his place, and was found by his
brother almost frozen to death, died Tuesday. John did not possess a
great amount of this world's goods, but he was an honest,
inoffensive citizen. He was buried in Short's cemetery.
JACOB F. “FRED”/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, February 16,
Nationally Known Floriculturist
Jacob Fred Ammann was born in St. Louis on May 15, 1868. He was the
son of Mr. and Mrs. David Ammann. His father died when he was quite
young, and his mother owned a flower shop. At the age of 14, Fred
and his family moved to Alhambra, Madison County, and it was there
that he became interested in the production of flowers. Each spring
he made long drives to Edwardsville to peddle potted plants to
residents. In 1892, he purchased a tract of land on St. Louis Street
in Edwardsville, and built two small greenhouses. He erected a home
in 1905 at 1306 St. Louis Street.
Mr. Ammann engaged in both the wholesale and retail business, but in
1917 the retail business was suspended, and roses were produced in
great quantities for the St. Louis trade. For nearly a half century,
Ammann served as an officer in St. Louis and national floral
organizations, such as the St. Louis Florist Club, Illinois State
Florists Association, and the American Carnation Society. For his
achievements in floriculture, he was awarded a gold medal by the
Society of American Florists and Ornamental Horticulturists. He was
awarded an honorary membership in the Pi Alpha Xi. He was also
interested in the Boy Scouts and the Y.M.C.A. He served as president
of the Edwardsville Commercial Club, and was a member of the
building committee when the Junior High School was erected. He was
also affiliated with the Edwardsville I.O.O.F., and was a director
of the Edwardsville Investment Company when the Wildey Theater was
Ammann became a leader in the florist’s industry, and was
responsible for bringing the Florist Mutual Insurance Company
(insurance for glass greenhouses) to Edwardsville, where the company
had headquarters in his house for many years. The home still stands
Ammann had been growing flowers for 53 years when he sold his
interests in the J. F. Ammann Company to Ernest Tosovsky of Home
Nursery, during July 1941. Ammann passed away February 16, 1943, at
St. Anthony’s Hospital in Alton, where he had been a patient for six
weeks. His death was attributed to palsy. He was buried in the
Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville. Surviving was his wife, Bertha
Caroline Gehrig Ammann (1867-1950), whom he married on October 28,
1890, in Alhambra; and his children – Alma S. Ammann Hallquist
(1891-1982) and Angelina L. Ammann Montgomery (1896-1979).
AMMELI, HARRISON/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 01, 1897
Mr. Harrison Ammeli, a glassblower living at 1300 East Second
Street, died last Thursday at his home after a short illness from
pneumonia. He was 40 years of age, and leaves a wife and one child.
The body was shipped Saturday night to Ellenville, New York for
AMONS, JULIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 06, 1838
Died, May 30th, 1838, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Julia Amons,
at the residence of her husband in Alton City, Illinois. Mrs. A. was
an acceptable and worthy member of the M. E. Church in this and her
native State, where her meekness, patience, and resignation to the
will of God guided her the confidence of all who knew her. I
attended her frequently while afflicted, and found her calmly
trusting in the blood of Christ. She died in great peace. Yours, C.
AMORICO, ANTONIO/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 06, 1909
The coroner's jury empanelled to hold an inquest over Antonio
Amorico, who was killed Saturday evening by a Big Four train at the
foot of Ridge street, found a verdict holding the railroad company
responsible for the death of the man. He will be buried tomorrow
morning from the Cathedral.
AMRHEIN, MARY B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 20,
Mrs. Mary B. Amrhein, aged 59, died last evening at her home, 513
Oak street, from hemorrhage of the brain, after a short illness. She
was a native of Switzerland and came to America in 1864. She leaves
three sons and one daughter, Otto and William Roller, Adolph
Amrhein, and Miss Bertha Amrhein. The funeral will be held Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family home, and services will be
conducted by Rev. Theodore Oberhellman.
AMRHEIN, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 25,
Killed in Accident
William Amrhein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Amrhein of Bozza street,
was fatally injured Saturday in an accident at the Aluminum Works at
East St. Louis. He was 21 years of age. The young man was a member
of the Alton Division of Illinois Naval Reserves. He was rejected
for service in the army because of his being under weight. He
planned to gain the weight he was short, and to make another attempt
to enlist in the service. He was employed in the Aluminum Works near
a crane. The man operating the crane did not notice the young man
below him as he dropped the crane, and he struck Amrhein on the top
of the head, crushing in his skull. Young Amrhein has been employed
as fireman for the past six months. He was oiling a steel crane when
it began to move, catching and crushing his head and shoulders.
Immediately an ambulance was called to convey the injured man to the
hospital, but before the trip was completed, he died. Amrhein was 21
years of age, and single, and is survived by his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. O. F. Amrhein; two brothers, Ferdie of Terre Haute, Ind., and
Henry of the United States Navy; also, four sisters, the Misses
Mattie, Marie, Katherine, and Lulu, all of Alton. The body was
brought to Alton Sunday by Undertaker W. H. Bauer, who went after
it. The funeral will be held Tuesday at 2 o'clock p.m. from the
Evangelical church at Eighth and Henry streets, in which he held
membership. The burial will be in the City Cemetery.
ANDERS, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 07, 1893
From Bethalto – The funeral of Mr. Charles Anders, who died on
Thanksgiving Day, took place from the M. E. Church Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Anders was forty-four years of age. He had been ill for more
than a year. He leaves a wife, who has the heartfelt sympathy of the
whole community in her sad bereavement.
ANDERSON, BEN/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 13, 1898
From Edwardsville – Ben Anderson, a miner at Madison mine No. 3, was
instantly killed by falling coal, Wednesday morning. He came three
days before from Staunton, and leaves a wife and three children.
ANDERSON, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 13, 1911
Charles Anderson, a negro quarryman employed at the John Armstrong
quarries, fell forty feet this morning while at work, shortly after
10 o'clock, and died in the ambulance at the door of the hospital.
He was working on a ledge alone, and the cause of his fall is not
definitely known, but it is supposed he made a mis-step and plunged
over the edge of the ledge. He fell on a pile of rock below and was
picked up and started for the hospital, but died on the way. He was
about 38 years of age and resided with his family on Elm street.
ANDERSON, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 14, 1911
Edward Anderson, a negro, was crushed to death this morning by an
ore car, as he was working in a pit at the Federal Lead works. He
was one of a gang of ten men who work at one of the pits where cars
are loaded to be hoisted up an incline to the smelter, and after the
night work was finished, he, with the other men, went into the pit
to pick up ore that had fallen in loading the dump cars. While
Anderson was there with another man, the remaining members of the
gang having climbed out, a car was let down on them. Anderson alone
was caught and was instantly killed. He leaves no family, his wife
being in the penitentiary for killing a man.
ANDERSON, ERICK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 30,
Old Sailor Puts House in Order and Lies Down to Die - May Have Left
Buried Treasure
Erick Anderson, an old Swede and a former sailor, was found dead
Tuesday at his home on the place of Phillip Walters, north of
Godfrey. Anderson lived alone in a little house on the Walter's
place, and those who went there after his death say it was neat as
the most carefully kept house could be, that everything was in order
and that Anderson had kept all his belongings in a most systematic
order, and that very much different from the way most old bachelors
keep their personal effects. The house was clean and tidy, and
Anderson's trunks were packed with his clothing, everything in the
most orderly condition it would be possible for the most painstaking
housewife to keep them. He had been a sufferer from vertigo, and it
is supposed he died about twenty-four hours before the fact was
discovered by his neighbors. Deputy Coroner W. H. Bauer held an
inquest, and a verdict of death from natural causes was found.
Anderson had been living near Godfrey for many years, making his
living by working for farmers. He still had some money when he died.
In his room was found his discharge papers as a sailor, issued in
1868. He left tacked on the wall the name of his brother, John D.
Anderson of Medford, Oregon, which he probably placed there when he
realized death would overtake him. He also had a brother at
Belleville, Ill., but word was received from there that the brother
had departed from Belleville a week ago. He was 68 years old.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 03, 1904 Searching for Dead
Swede's Money
Some Godfrey people put enough confidence in a story that Erick
Anderson secretly buried his money near his home, to make a search
for the supposed treasure. Anderson died last Tuesday alone in his
cabin. He lived alone, spent but little money, and always worked
hard, so Godfrey people think he must have hidden his money
somewhere and left no word of the hiding place. Some people believed
Anderson received an income from Sweden, as he frequently exhibited
foreign coins and asked their value in American money. He never took
anyone into his confidence and there is a mystery as to where he put
his money, if he had any.
ANDERSON, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 08, 1906
Killed in Train Wreck at Wood Station
An inquest was held Saturday night by Coroner Steeper over George
Anderson, who died from injuries he sustained in the C. B. and Q.
wreck. The evidence of the trainmen showed that orders had been
issued to the train crew which were explicit enough that train No.
13 was to meet “second 80” at Wood Station, and that Engineer
Hinderer disregarding his orders ran through the station. The
conductor testified that he made every effort to stop the train, but
owing to a car near the engine having no air brake attachment, he
could not set the air. He endeavored to flag the train, but his
signals were disregarded. The jury did not place the responsibility
upon Hinderer, but found a verdict that the death of Anderson was
due to injuries he received in the wreck, and that the wreck was due
to orders being disregarded by the engineer. The body of Anderson
was taken to Beardstown for burial Saturday night.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 06, 1906
George Anderson, the head brakeman on the wrecked C. B. & Q. train
No. 13, died at St. Joseph's hospital last night from internal
injuries he suffered in the wreck. The immediate cause of Anderson's
death was abdominal injuries caused by him being caught between the
bumpers of two of the wrecked freight cars. He suffered intense pain
from the abdominal injuries and the attending surgeons could give no
hope of his recovery from the beginning. Fireman W. A. Anderson, his
brother, who escaped with slight injury, stayed with his brother's
bedside until the end came. The body was turned over to H. J. Klunk
and will be shipped to Beardstown tonight for burial. Coroner
Streeper impaneled a jury this afternoon, who viewed the remains and
will hold an inquest later when it is possible to get the members of
the train crew. Engineer Hinderer was reported as being in a very
favorable condition. His burns are of a very serious nature, however
there is still a chance that he may not survive, as internal
injuries may develop also. He was badly pinched across the body by
timbers, and had his left thigh broken.
ANDERSON, GERTRUDE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 28,
Gertrude Anderson, wife of Herbert Anderson, died this morning at
the family home, 1017 Liberty street, after an illness from blood
poisoning. She was 27 years 6 months of age. She leaves besides her
husband, one child and her mother, two sisters and four brothers.
The funeral will be held Friday from the family home to the A. M. E.
church where services will be conducted at 2 o'clock.
ANDERSON, HARRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 09, 1908
Harry Anderson, colored, age 13, died this morning at the home of
his parents in Salu addition, Upper Alton. The remains will be sent
to Shipman Monday for burial, after a short funeral service to be
held at the home.
ANDERSON, JAMES G. (Esquire)/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 08,
Died a few weeks since at his residence in Looking Glass Prairie -
James G. Anderson, Esquire. Highly esteemed by all those who knew
him as a faithful and diligent officer, and very worthy citizens.
Madison County has lost an able, impartial, and energetic officer,
and the community a valuable and worthy citizen. We deeply
sympathize with the family and friends of the deceased in their
ANDERSON, L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 04, 1902
Mrs. L. Anderson, wife of James Anderson, died at her home on the
Coal Branch [North Alton] Saturday morning, after an illness of
three weeks with pneumonia. She leaves a husband and one child four
months of age. She was not yet nineteen years of age. Her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Herring, with several brothers and sisters, live
on a farm near Kane, Greene county, and the body will be taken to
the old home Sunday for burial. Mr. Anderson has the sympathy of the
community in his affliction.
ANDERSON, OLAF B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 25, 1918
Olaf B. Anderson, 51, died at the home of his mother, Mrs. Tobis
Anderson, 938 Union street, at five o'clock Wednesday evening after
an illness that dates from last March. Anderson was well known in
Alton, having lived here for forty-four years. He was known to his
friends as "Rosie." Anderson was a painter by trade, but he had not
worked at that for a number of years. He was born in Norway and came
to the United States with his parents when he was three years of
age. At seven, he came to Alton and has made his home here since. He
is survived by his mother, one sister, Mrs. Thomas Oddy; two
brothers, Adolph of Alton, and Julius Anderson of Wood River. The
funeral will be held on Sunday afternoon at three o'clock from the
home to the City Cemetery. Services will be conducted by Rev. C. C.
ANDERSON, P. A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 19, 1920
Iceland Native Dies - Lived in Tent on Shields Street
P. A. Anderson, the man with the best eye in the city of Alton, was
a victim of a fatal automobile accident today on Bozza street.
Anderson was killed while working for the city, setting some curb.
He was the official curb setter of the city. His skill was so great
that he was always at work when he would consent to stay away from
John Barleycorn enough to keep on his feet. Drunk, he was said to be
a far better curbsetter than most men when sober. His eye could
catch the least crook in a line of curbing, and he never used a line
to guide him, and the work he did is a complete example of how
curbing ought to be set. So, when the city wanted to have some curb
set on Bozza street, Anderson was hired, as he had been for years
for all similar work, and he was engaged on the job this morning
when he was hit by an automobile. Miss Helen Vahle of 8 East Delmar
Avenue was on her way to Edwardsville to get some parts to replace
defective ones in her automobile. With her were her mother, Mrs.
William F. Vahle, Miss Vessie Vahle, and Mrs. John Felker. The story
of the accident given out was that Anderson was stooping over
shoveling some crushed rock when the automobile struck him and he
was dragged about thirty feet. The auto climbed a pile of rock, then
sheared off and crossed a ditch in the road where water pipes had
been laid. The form of Anderson still was caught on the automobile,
but in crossing the ditch it became disengaged and the body dropped
into the ditch. When picked up Anderson was lifeless. His skull had
been fractured. Anderson was born in Iceland of Swedish parents, had
been a resident of Alton for many years. He has no family so far as
known. He had lived in a tent for two years back of the Sweetzer
lumber yard, owing to the fact that a boarding house where he had
lived had changed hands. He concluded not to hunt another boarding
house, but to live in a tent. It was said that since he ceased to
drink, he had saved considerable money, and Deputy Coroner Bauer, to
whom the body was turned over, was making search for the bank
account. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at two o'clock
from the Bauer undertaking parlors. Burial will be in the City
Curb Setter's Tragic Romance Is Disclosed
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 24, 1920
Application for letters of administration on the estate of P. A.
Anderson by the public administrator, Frank B. Sanders, brings to
light a tragic romance in the life of Anderson, who so far as known,
leaves no kin. James Hart, superintendent of the A. G. and St. L.
line, is authority for the story, which he says, Anderson told him
some time ago, explaining why he led a careless life. Anderson, it
will be remembered, was instantly killed a week ago by being struck
by an automobile on Bozza street while he was engaged in a job of
curb setting. His death was just as he had always wished and had
longed earnestly for, ever since his only romance was shattered.
Anderson told James Hart that he was engaged to marry a girl in
Sweden. He quarried the stone for a house and built the house. Just
as he was to be married, he was called for army service, and stayed
three years. During the time he was in the army, his fiance died,
without his knowledge. He came home to find her buried. He quarried
the stone to build a wall around the cemetery lot where she lay,
patted down the earth with his hands, then having finished the job,
covered his eyes with his hands, after taking the last look, turned
about and walked with his back to the grave. He went straight to the
steamship docks, got on a ship, sailed for America, and here he was
only six days when he began naturalization proceedings, planning
never to go back, and he never did go home. He brooded over his loss
of his fiance. He worked hard and drank much. He wished his death at
all times. He would not take his own life, but he said he never lay
down at night that he did not hope that he might never wake. He said
he often wished that a train would kill him or he would meet some
fatal accident in his work. His father, a number of years ago, then
a man of 77, came here and lived with him for a while, and worked at
curb setting with the son. Anderson had not heard from his father
for years. In telling his story to Mr. Hart, Anderson said that he
had always remained true to the memory of his dead sweetheart, and
that no other women had ever interested him. He lived a life of
ANDERSON, STEIN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 29, 1903
Man Decapitated at Union Depot in Alton
In the presence of several hundred people, Stein Anderson of Delhi
was decapitated by the Kansas City train on the Chicago and Alton
railroad Sunday evening at 5 o'clock, just as the train was pulling
into Union depot in Alton. Anderson, in company with four other men,
had been "canning" beer all afternoon in an alley between Fourth and
Fifty streets, Piasa and Belle streets. Stein desired to return home
to Delhi and the whole party started for Union depot. They went on
to the river and then were returning across the track when Anderson
saw the train coming down the grade. He thought it was his own train
and tried to get across the track ahead of it. In his intoxicated
condition, he fell prostrate before the train and his head was cut
off and mashed into an unrecognizable mass. He was identified by a
nephew who knew him by his clothes. Anderson was a stonemason, 60
years of age. Deputy Coroner Streeper held an inquest Sunday night,
and the jury returned a verdict of death from accident. [Note: first
named was also spelled Swein]
ANDERSON, TOBIAS M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 03,
Tobias M. Anderson, a resident of Alton for many years and one of
its most respected citizens, died Thursday evening at 7:20 o'clock
at the family home on Union street, after an illness of a few weeks.
An attack of the grippe, combined with the debility of great age and
complications of pleurisy and pneumonia proved fatal. He was 77
years of age. Mr. Anderson was born in Fieke Fjord, Norway, December
24, 1838. He came to America with his family in 1870, and going to
Chicago entered the employ of the Hapgood Plow Co. in that city.
After the Chicago fire, the Hapgood company moved to St. Louis in
1871, where another fire destroyed the plant in 1874. After this the
company located in Alton, and Mr. Anderson came here with his
family. In 1891 he was appointed superintendent of the Hapgood plant
and held the position until 1907, when he concluded his long and
faithful service to the company and retired. He had worked 37 years
for the company and was one of the most highly esteemed men in the
Hapgood employ. He was a kindly, quiet, unassuming man, beloved by
his family and by all his neighbors and the men who had worked with
him. He was a devoted husband and father, and his death is a sad
blow to his aged wife and his children. He leaves beside wife, one
daughter, Mrs. Thomas Oddy and three sons, Adolph M., Olof B., of
Alton, and Julius T. Anderson of Wood River. The funeral will be
held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the family home on Union
ANDERSON, UNKNOWN WIFE OF JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
May 16, 1914
Mrs. Joseph Anderson died at her home, 1616 Piasa street, at
midnight Friday evening from congestion of the brain. Mrs. Anderson
leaves a husband, a mother, six sisters and one brother. The body
will be shipped to Belleville Monday morning for burial.
ANDERSON, WILLIAM "BLOSSOM"/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
March 28, 1901
William Anderson, a colored young man known as "Blossom," died at
St. Joseph's hospital last evening after a long illness with
consumption. He was 29 years of age and had lived in Alton all his
life. The body was taken charge of by the Supervisor for burial.
ANDRES, MARY E. and WILLIAM N./Source: Alton Telegraph, September
02, 1897
Two Children Die of Diphtheria
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Andres on Cliff Street was visited
twice within an hour by the dark angel of death, Saturday morning,
and two of little ones carried away, death resulting from the dread
disease, diphtheria, from which they have been sick over a week.
William N. Andres, six years old, passed away at 9 o’clock, and Mary
E. Andres, eight years old, at 10 o’clock. The disease is of the
most malignant type.
The afflicted family has the sincere sympathy of the community, in
the terrible blow that has fallen on their home. The funeral of the
children took place Saturday afternoon. Short services were
conducted at the Alton City Cemetery by Rev. M. W. Twing, of the
Baptist Church.
ANDREWS, ELIJAH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 20, 1906
The funeral of Elijah Andrews, an old soldier who died at his home
on the riverbank near the waterworks pumping station, was held this
afternoon, and services were conducted by the Salvation Army.
ANDREWS, EVELYN GRACE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December
01, 1903
Evelyn Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Andrews of 1604
Maple street, died last evening after an illness from brain fever,
aged 22 months. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2
o'clock from the family home.
ANDREWS, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 12,
Frank, the little nine weeks old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andrews,
died at the home on Liberty street at 9:30 o'clock this morning. The
burial will be from the home Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
[Note: newspaper later stated father's name was Thomas N. Andrews,
living at 1604 Maple avenue in Alton]
ANDREWS, FRED L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 09,
Fred L., the 3 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Andrews, died at
4 o'clock Thursday afternoon from dysentery at the family home, 418
Jefferson street. The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 10
o'clock from the family home, Rev. M. H. Ewers officiating.
ANDREWS, GEORGE M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 08,
Funeral services for the late George M. Andrews, who died Monday
morning after an illness with a diabetic and tubercular ailment,
will be held on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the late home,
1215 Belle street. Rev. Twing of the Baptist Church is to officiate
and interment will be in the City Cemetery. Deceased is survived by
his mother, Mrs. E. S. Andrews, of this city, two sisters, Mrs. Edna
Hainline of Neosha, Mo., and Mrs. Edith Shewmaker, of this city;
also four brothers, Thomas E. of Faust, Mo., Ben C. of Bloomington,
John M. and Arthur T., both of this city. Alton Post, American
Legion, will conduct the military burial furnishing a firing squad
and military escort in uniform. Deceased served with Battery F of
the 139th Field Artillery, and was a member of the local Legion
ANDREWS, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 22, 1892
Joseph Andrews, an old and highly respected farmer living near
Brighton, died last evening suddenly at the advanced age of 81
years. Mr. Andrews had been afflicted with la grippe, but was not
supposed to be seriously ill, as he was up and around the house
yesterday afternoon. He was probably the oldest resident of that
section of the country, having lived there 60 years. The funeral
will take place tomorrow.
ANDREWS, LEONARD B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 20,
Lieutenant Dies in Argonne Battle in France (WWI)
Mr. and Mrs. James Andrews of Wood River, formerly of Alton,
received a message today from the War Department informing them that
their son, Leonard B. Andrews, had been killed in battle September
28. The Andrews family moved from Alton to Wood River two weeks ago.
Their son enlisted at Alton in Co. B, 1st Missouri, May 24, 1917,
when the company was here guarding the Alton bridge. He sailed for
France May 6, 1918, when the regiment was sent overseas. He was in
the 138th infantry, which took such a gallant part in the Argonne
fighting, and in which a number of Alton boys participated. This
regiment contained the largest group of Alton boys so far reported
to have been in the worst of the fighting, and of the Alton boys a
number have already been reported as killed or wounded. Andrews was
21 years of age. His parents had not received any word from him
since he wrote a letter during the month of august. His silence had
caused them considerable anxiety.
ANDREWS, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 12, 1899
Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Andrews of 556 Alby Street were bereaved at noon
today by the death of their youngest son Thomas, after a short
illness from spinal meningitis. The child was taken ill on Friday
last. The parents will have the sympathy of their friends in the
great loss that has come to them.
ANGEL, ANNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 13, 1915
Mrs. Annie Angel, widow of a former Alton glassblower, and for years
a resident of Alton, died Sunday morning at 8 o'clock from
bronchitis, at her home in Fosterburg, after a short illness. She
was 83 years of age. Mrs. Angel lived over the Herb store for a long
time and was well known in the eastern part of the city. She is
survived by two sons and two daughters.
ANGEL, FLORENCE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 06, 1903
The funeral of Mrs. Florence Angel took place this morning from the
home in Upper Alton to St. Mary's church, where a requiem mass said
by Rev. J. Meckel, the pastor. Interment was in St. Joseph's
Cemetery, and a large number of friends attended the last sad
ceremonies over the body of one loved and esteemed by all who knew
ANHEUSER, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 11, 1904
Mrs. Mary Anheuser, wife of Daniel Anheuser, died this morning at
the family home, 417 Cherry street from paralysis. Mrs. Anheuser was
striken with paralysis Monday night while sitting in the waiting
room of the Alton Light and Traction Co. She was taken to her home
and did not regain consciousness. She leaves beside her husband, two
sons and one daughter, also a brother, Gabriel White, and a sister
Lucy White. The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 9 o'clock
from St. Patrick's church. [Burial was in Greenwood Cemetery]
ANTHEIM, MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 21,
Mrs. Margaret Axtheim, wife of Frank Axtheim, died Sunday in St.
Louis, aged 35 years. The body was sent to Alton last evening, and
funeral services will be held in St. Patrick’s Church on Wednesday.
ANTHIS, HIRAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 20, 1899
From Upper Alton – Mr. Hiram Anthis, aged 41 years, died Sunday
evening after a few days illness of pneumonia. Mr. Anthis was an
employee at the glass factory, and was taken sick last Wednesday
while at work, with pneumonia. He grew rapidly worse, and though
everything was done to stay its progress, after an illness of four
days, Mr. Anthis was dead. His mother, two sisters, and a brother
survive. His death is a sad one, and doubly so to the family, where
less than three months ago the death angel entered and took away the
husband and father. There is much sympathy expressed for the family.
The funeral will be held from the M. E. Church on Wednesday.
ANTHIS, JESSIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 07, 1905
Miss Jessie Anthis, aged 25, died this morning at the family home in
Yager park after an illness from tuberculosis of the bowels. She was
a daughter of S. B. Anthis, and is the last but one of his children.
She had been ill many weeks and had suffered intensely from the
malady that proved fatal.
ANTHIS, NINA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 26, 1910
Thirteen Year Old Girl Commits Suicide During School Recess
Nina Anthis, aged thirteen years, of Yager Park, the daughter of
Mrs. Sydney Anthis, drank carbolic acid during recess at the Yager
Park school at 3 o'clock this afternoon, and died a few minutes
later. The girl came to school in tears, some of the pupils stated,
and was said to have remarked that her mother whipped her because
she would not empty some potato peelings. She talked to the other
children during recess and seemed to have gotten over her bad humor.
Just as the bell was ringing for the pupils to come in after recess,
the Anthis girl drew a little bottle out of her pocket, and before
all of the school children drained the contents and dropped where
she was. Miss Rhoda Bartlett, teacher of the Yager Park school, saw
the girl fall and immediately came to her rescue. Seeing the little
girl was dying she sent for a physician, and one arrived soon after,
but the acid had done its work and the girl was dead. A note was
found in the girl's pocket, but had not been opened and read up to 4
o'clock. It is in the possession of her mother, Mrs. S. B. Anthis.
The story of the mother having whipped the child is denied by the
mother, who would not make a statement. The children in the school
were almost panic stricken when they saw their school mate dying
from the effects of the poison, and Miss Bartlett had a hard time to
control them.
Source: April 27, 1910
Inquiry into the motives that actuated Nina Brown Anthis, the
adopted daughter of Mrs. S. B. Anthis, in suiciding Tuesday
afternoon at the Yager park school, fails to develop any real reason
why the girl should have killed herself. She was treated kindly at
home, neighbors say, she had plenty of friends, and seemed happy and
cheerful. Miss Rhoda Bartlett, the child's teacher, is inclined to
believe that the child's mind was such she loved to be theatrical
and spectacular. She delighted in doing things sensational and
doubtless she had brooded in a morbid strain until she decided to
kill herself. The letter she left was addressed to her "angel loving
mother and angel loving brother," and was as follows: "Dear loving
mother and brother: I would like to say one thing to you. It is,
please bury my doll with me and that is all I care about, and leave
my ring on my hand. I love you mother, and I love you Willie. I will
meet you in heaven. Angels can not guard us now, but they can guard
us in heaven. If I was a sinner before I die, I hope that God will
forgive me and I pray God that Willie will be good to you and take
good care of you. Your loving adopted child, Nina Anthis." It is
said the child was of a nervous disposition, and very imaginative.
She had probably become a victim of exaggerated egotism and had
pondered on how spectacular it would be to kill herself and ask that
her doll be buried with her. There is no other known reason. The
funeral of the child will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the home, and Rev. W. H. Bradley will have charge of the
funeral. Burial will be in the Hawley Burying ground in the North
ANTHIS, S. B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 05, 1908
S. B. Anthis of Yager park died this morning after a long illness.
He had been able to be up and around until a short time ago,
although very weak and ill. He was an old soldier and had lived in
Alton and vicinity for many years. His death was due to a hemorrhage
of the bowels. Mr. Anthis was 62 years of age and was born and
raised in Alton. He is the father of a large family of children, but
all of these except one, William T. Anthis, died. Beside this one
son he leaves his wife and an adopted daughter, Miss Nina Anthis,
his mother and a brother, William Anthis. The time of the funeral is
not set.
ANTHIS, WILLIAM B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 17,
William B. Anthis died this morning at 8:15 o'clock at the residence
of his step-brother, J. L. Springer, on the State Aid Road. He was
about 60 years of age. He is survived by one sister, Mrs. Charles
Meyer, of Staunton; one step-sister, Mrs. George McCullom of Wood
River; and by one step-brother, J. L. Springer. The funeral will be
held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Streeper undertaking
ANTHONY, ALBERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 08, 1907
On Deathbed - Memory Returns - Repeats Declaration of Independence
and Gettysburg Address
Albert Anthony, aged 83, died Saturday just before midnight at the
home of his son, William Anthony, on Sixth street near Spring. He
had been suffering from weakness of great age for many months, and a
year ago he believed himself near death. In recent months his mind
had failed and he was back in his childhood days. It had been his
custom to repeat the Declaration of Independence and Lincoln's
Gettysburg address on the Fourth of July as part of the old
patriot's observance of the nation's birthday. By strange
coincidence, he regained his old time mental vigor on the eve before
the Fourth, and he told his son that he believed that if he could
recall some of his old favorites he would be able to go to sleep. He
began reciting the Declaration of Independence and then Lincoln's
Gettysburg address, and concluded with some old favorite poems of a
religious nature. After this mental effort he fell asleep and was
never able to recognize any of his family again. He was born in
Guilford county, North Carolina in 1824, and in 1862 he moved to
Freeburg near Belleville, Illinois, where he lived until 1875. He
moved to Hillsboro then, and stayed there until the death of his
wife three years ago. He then came to Alton to live with his son. He
was a member of the Baptist church, and for many years took a
prominent part in church work. He was a speaker of considerable
talent and frequently was called upon to speak at Fourth of July
celebrations. In 1864 he became a member of the Masonic fraternity.
Rev. M. W. Twing conducted the funeral services at the family home
Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, and the body was taken to Hillsboro
Monday morning with a Masonic escort for burial, and the funeral
there was under Masonic auspices, L. Caywood of Alton officiating.
Mr. Anthony leaves three sons, William of Alton, John C. of
Freeburg, Ill., and Franklin of East Lynn, Texas.
ANTHONY, ISAAC THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 08, 1866
Died June 6, at 1 o’clock a.m., Isaac Thomas, son of Samuel J. and
Minnie Anthony, aged 8 months.
ANTHONY, JOHN W./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 09, 1896
After an illness of two weeks, Mr. John W. Anthony passed away
Friday, from an attack of chronic dysentery. The serious nature of
his illness was not realized until a day or two ago, and after a
night of extreme pain, he died this morning. Mr. Anthony was a
native of Indiana, and was born November 16, 1838, being 58 years of
age. He has been a resident of Alton for twenty years, and has been
employed as an engineer by the Eagle Packet Company for most of his
life. Mr. Anthony had large numbers of friends wherever he was
known, among whom he was very popular for his jovial disposition and
large heart. In the home he was an affectionate husband and father,
and the loss to his family will be irreparable. There are left to
mourn his death a wife and four daughters: Mrs. O. A. Jarboe of
Morrison, Illinois, who is ill and cannot be present; Mrs. Joseph
Berner of Bloomington, now in Alton; Mrs. A. M. Jameson and Miss
Grace Anthony of Alton. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
The funeral of Mr. John W. Anthony took place Sunday afternoon from
the Presbyterian Church. There was a large attendance of old
associates and friends of the deceased, including the A.O.U.W.
Lodges. Rev. G. W. Smith officiated at the services at the church,
and delivered an appropriate discourse, dwelling on the model life
and character of the deceased, and counseling all to prepare for the
inevitable hour. The ritual of the A.O.U.W. were performed at the
grave by Alton Lodge, and the body was laid to rest.
The pallbearers were members of the Lodge: Thomas Corbett, James
Goudie Sr., J. G. Gaiser, Henry Sworts, William Chaffer, and F. H.
Tesson. Among the river men in attendance at the funeral were
Captain William Leyhe, Captain J. N. Hamilton, and Samuel Williams
of Alton; from St. Louis were Captain Ed Block, chief clerk of the
Spread Eagle; Pell Thomas, clerk of the D. H. Pike; George Derricks,
general manager of the Eagle and supply boat store; and Hunter Ben
Jenkins, general passenger agent of the Eagle Packet Company.
ANTHONY, REBECCA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 29,
Mrs. Rebecca Anthony, widow of Jonathan Anthony, died Friday evening
at 8 o'clock at her home, 1020 Alby street, after an illness of one
year. The past three weeks she had been bedfast and her death was no
surprise to members of her family, her great age having made it
impossible for her to rally. Mrs. Anthony was a resident of Alton 45
years, and for 35 years of that time she had been a member of the
First Presbyterian church, where she attended services until
weakness of great age made it impossible for her to get out. She
would have been 81 years of age the 22nd of April. Mrs. Anthony was
born at Greenburg, Ind. Her husband, an old steamboat man, died in
Alton 24 years ago. She was the last of 12 children. Surviving her
are three daughters, Mrs. Allen Jameson, Mrs. H. Joseph Berner and
Miss Grace Anthony. She leaves also six grandchildren and one
great-grandchild. The grandchildren are Mrs. F. L. Johnson of
Chicago, Louis A. Berner of Bloomington, Julia, Pessie, Joyce and
Jack Jameson of Alton and the great grandchild, Florence Berner of
Bloomington. Mrs. Anthony was a quiet, home loving woman, deeply
devoted to her family and was known as a kind, helpful neighbor. She
was loved by all who knew her and among the large circle of old
friends she leaves many who sincerely mourn her death. The funeral
will be held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family home and
services will be conducted by Rev. Edward L. Gibson, her pastor.
ANTHONY, SARAH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 18, 1911
Mrs. Sarah Anthony, aged 65, died Saturday night at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. N. Mahoney, 1302 Belle street, and the body was taken
this morning to Havana, Ill. for burial. The funeral services were
held at SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral. Mrs. Anthony came here a few
days ago to make her home with her daughter. She leaves, beside the
daughter, two sons, Harry of Alton and George of Peoria.
ANTHONY, WILLIAM L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 19,
William L. Anthony, aged 65, died Wednesday morning at 4 o'clock at
his residence on Claire avenue in Upper Alton after a long illness
with heart trouble. Mr. Anthony was born in Tennessee, March 23,
1863, and in 1875 the family moved to Illinois, living first at
Freeburg, later at Hillsboro. The past sixteen years the family had
lived in Alton. In 1872 he was married to Miss Ellen Douglas in St.
Clair County. He leaves his wife and six children: Albert of
Hillsboro; Edward of Los Angeles, Cal.; Roy, Mrs. Jesse Card, and
Mrs. P. J. Simmons and Mrs. William Coleman of Alton. He leaves also
two brothers, one in St. Louis and one in Oklahoma. He was a
prominent member of the First Baptist Church during all the time he
lived in Alton. He was known for his sincerity of character and his
deep interest in every good work, particularly that of the church in
which he held membership. He was a devoted worker in the First
Baptist Sunday school and was known for his perfect attendance. The
funeral will be from the First Baptist Church, Friday afternoon at 3
o'clock, and burial will be at Hillsboro Saturday morning.
APFFEL, CRESCENZIA (nee SCHMITT)/Source: Alton Telegraph, June
14, 1894
From Marine – Mrs. William Appfel died Friday evening in her 53rd
year. She had been very sick for three weeks. Deceased leaves a
husband and three grown children to mourn her demise.
Crescenzia Schmitt was born March 23, 1841, in Randen,
Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany. She married in 1859 to William Apffel
(1831-1906), and they had six children. Crescenzia was buried in the
Marine Cemetery in St. Jacob, Illinois.
APPEL, GEORGE M./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 18, 1875
Died in Troy on Saturday, February 6, 1875, George M. Appel; aged
APPEL, LEONARD/Source: Troy Star, June 21, 1894
A very sad case of suicide occurred at Marine Sunday morning [June
17], the victim of his own hand being Leonar Apfel, 26 years old.
His mother, with whom he had been living, died the week before, and
despondency over this loss was the cause. The weapon used was a
revolver. The funeral occurred Monday afternoon. Deceased was clerk
of the board of school directors.
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 21, 1894
From Edwardsville – Leonard Appel of Marine, committed suicide last
Sunday. He was 26 years of age. The death of his mother, about the
first of the month, is stated to be the cause of his being low
spirited. He was in comfortable circumstances.
From Marine – Sunday noon, when all over town preparations were
being made for a joyous time, news was brought to town which cast a
gloom over the entire community. Leonard Appel, whose mother was
buried last Sunday, during a period of hopeless despondency, took
his life by sending a bullet through his brain. Julius Bender, his
chum and nearest neighbor, with whom he stayed last week, went to
the place to see why he didn’t come. Upon opening the door, he found
his friend upon the floor, dead. He spread the dreadful news, and an
inquest was held Sunday evening. Monday afternoon the remains were
laid to rest beside his mother. Deceased was 26 years and 6 months
old, an accomplished young man. His two sisters and aged father are
utterly heartbroken over their double burden of sorrow. May God’s
tender mercy heal those hearts which were yet so sore from their
recent loss.
APPEL, EMIL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 24, 1900
Mr. Emil Appel died very suddenly at 7:30 o'clock this morning at
his home on Brown street in Upper Alton. He had been in poor health
for some time, and a complication of diseases brought on heart
failure. His serious illness lasted but a short time. He was the
youngest son of the late John H. Appel of Alton. Emil Appel was born
April 3, 1868, near Alton, and passed the years of his boyhood near
Alton. For thirteen years he was a hospital steward in the service
of the United States Army, and spent the greater part of that time
in San Antonio, Texas. On November 9, 1892, he was married to Miss
Katie Yunck of St. Louis. He leaves his wife and three children. Mr.
Appel has recently been in the employ of the Mexican Central
railroad, and had just returned to Upper Alton on account of the
illness of a child. Funeral arrangements have not been completed,
but the interment will probably be in St. Louis. He leaves two
brothers, J. H. Appel, Anna, Ill., and Louis Appel of Louisiana.
APPLEQUIST, MILDRED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 13, 1904
The funeral of Mildred, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Applequist,
took place today from the home on Fourth streets, and was attended
by a large number of friends and neighbors of the family. Interment
was in City Cemetery.
APPLEWHITE, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 12, 1885
Mrs. Applewhite of North Alton died Sunday morning, aged 64 years,
leaving six children to mourn her death. The remains were buried in
Godfrey Cemetery.
APPRICH, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 29, 1897
William Apprich, a young man apparently about 21 years of age, was
struck by a Chicago & Alton train near Godfrey, Sunday morning, and
suffered injuries that will prove fatal. He was found lying beside
the tracks Sunday morning, in a helpless condition, and was carried
to Godfrey where a local surgeon did what he could to alleviate the
young man’s suffering. He was brought to Alton and taken to St.
Joseph’s Hospital, where Drs. Taphorn and Fisher attended him. His
left arm was crushed, three ribs were broken, and his lung
penetrated by the broken bone. He was attired in plain clothes and
apparently was a working man. He stated that his name was William
Apprich, and that he had a mother at Germantown, Pennsylvania. He
was walking along the tracks near Godfrey, and had stepped out of
the way of one train, when struck by another going in an opposite
direction. His arm was so badly mangled, that amputation would have
been necessary, but it was apparent that his injuries would prove
fatal, so no operation was performed.
Later – William Apprich, the young man who was struck by a C. & A.
train, died this morning at St. Joseph’s hospital. Coroner Bailey
will hold an inquest over the remains some time this evening, or
whenever the engineer and fireman of the train can be located and
sent here. The crew of the train that struck the unfortunate young
man evidently did not know of it, as no report was made at
headquarters of the accident. Every effort is being made to locate
them, and they will be sent here as soon as possible.
From the statement made by Apprich before his death, no one is to
blame, and the verdict of the coroner’s jury will be of little
importance. Coroner Bailey today learned that the home of the young
man is in Philadelphia, and that he had there a mother and three
sister who are weavers. They were wired this afternoon of the death
of Apprich, and his body will be kept to await instructions from
Coroner Bailey held an inquest last evening over the remains of
William Apprich, and a verdict of death by being struck by a C. & A.
train was found. The body will be shipped to Philadelphia for
ARBUCKLE, ANNA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 23, 1913
Mrs. Anna Arbuckle, colored, died in Chicago yesterday. The remains
were shipped today to Upper Alton, her former home, and the funeral
will be held tomorrow afternoon at the home of William Shaw.
ARBUCKLE, FRED D./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 27, 1888
Died at Upper Alton, April 26, at the residence of his mother, Fred
D. Arbuckle, aged 24 years, 3 months, and 28 days, after a long and
painful illness of consumption. He leaves a mother, seven brothers,
and one sister, and many relatives and friends to mourn his death.
The funeral will take place Sunday, April 29.
ARBUCKLE, JULIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 26,
Upper Alton News - Mrs. Julia Arbuckle died Wednesday evening about
6 o'clock at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, after
a few days' illness with pneumonia. Her husband, Will Arbuckle, and
daughter, Willmer, survive her. The funeral will be held Thursday
afternoon from the home.
ARBUCKLE, MARTHA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 21,
The funeral of Mrs. Martha Arbuckle took place this morning, and
services were in the Cathedral. Requiem mass was celebrated by Rev.
Fr. Cusick.
ARBUCKLE, MARYBELLE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 31, 1921
Mrs. Marybelle Arbuckle aged 75 years, died at the family home in
Brighton township last evening. The funeral will be held Wednesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Upper Alton M. E. Church.
ARBUCKLE, SARAH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 23, 1914
Mrs. Sarah Arbuckle, an aged colored resident of Upper Alton, died
at her home Sunday, corner of Powhattan and Washington avenue. She
had lived in Upper Alton over fifty years. Her son George resided
there with her. The funeral will be Wednesday afternoon from the
ARBUCKLE, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 25, 1892
The funeral of Mrs. George Arbuckle took place yesterday afternoon
from the Baptist Church at Upper Alton. The interment was in Upper
Alton Cemetery.
COCHRAN "CONRAD" EVINS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 26,
Civil War Veteran
Engineer on Flagship Chattaw
Cochran "Conrad" Arbuthnot, for many years a prominent resident of
Liberty Prairie, and a thresherman who had been depended upon for
many years by farmers in his neighborhood to do their threshing
work, died at his home Thursday evening from paralysis. He was
stricken ten days ago. Mr. Arbuthnot was 87 years of age. He lived
with his son, Isaac Arbuthnot. He leaves two other sons, Samuel and
William, and a daughter, Mrs. Frank Bryan. Many years ago Mr.
Arbuthnot was a steamboat engineer, and after he went farming he
bought a threshing outfit which he followed for many years.
Source: St. Louis, Missouri, Post Dispatch, February 26, 1913
Submitted by Marsha Ensminger
Cochran E. Arbuthnot, 85 years old, a wealthy farmer of Liberty
Prairie, Illinois, and a former engineer on a Civil War flagship,
died of old age at his home early Friday (sic) morning. He is
survived by three sons and a daughter. After Arbuthnot's first wife
died, he married her sister. His second wife also died.
During the Civil War, Arbuthnot served as engineer of the Chattaw,
which was the flagship of the Red River fleet on the Mississippi
River between Cairo and Vicksburg. He started 75 years ago as cabin
boy of a steamer on the Ohio River, running out of Pittsburg.
ARBUTHNOT, JANE M. “JENNIE” (nee MORRISON)/Source: Alton Telegraph,
July 23, 1896
From Bethalto – A large number of our citizens attended the
obsequies of the late Mrs. Conrad Arbuthnot of Liberty Prairie. Mrs.
Arbuthnot died Friday, July 17, at the age of 62 years. She has been
quite ill for some time, and while not unexpected, yet her death was
quite a shock to her many acquaintances. The funeral services were
held at the family residence at Liberty Prairie, and the remains
were interred in the Liberty Prairie Cemetery in Edwardsville.
ARBUTHNOT, SAMUEL A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 18,
Samuel A. Arbuthnot, whose death occurred yesterday at his home near
Bethalto, was born in St. Louis on May 10, 1859. With his family he
moved to Liberty Prairie in Fort Russell Township, when he was a
child. His father was a farmer. Until the time of his marriage to
Miss Ella Evans on January 22, 1885, he resided on his father's farm
with the exception of two years he spent in St. Louis. After his
marriage, he farmed his grandfather's place in Fort Russell. In the
Fall of 1887, he moved to a farm north of Bethalto, known as the
Russell Newman place. He remained on the Newman place for 22 years
as a dairy farmer, being very successful. Thirteen years ago, he
moved to his own farm nearby. His first wife died July 29, 1915, and
on December 9, 1920, he married Mrs. Emma Schott of Upper Alton, his
first wife's sister. He also leaves two sons and a daughter, Walter,
Con and Mrs. Emma Culp; one brother, I. W. Arbuthnot and a sister,
Mrs. Frank Bryant of St. Louis. He was an elder in the Presbyterian
Church of Bethalto and a member of the Modern Woodmen lodge. He was
a highly respected citizen and the news of his death was received
with much regret. His death was due to typhoid fever. The funeral
will be held from the Presbyterian Church at Bethalto Friday at 1:30
o'clock, services to be conducted by the Rev. Edward L. Gibson of
the First Presbyterian Church, this city. Interment will be in the
Liberty Prairie Cemetery.
ARCHER, GEORGE W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 23,
George W. Archer, an employee at the Singer Sewing Machine Co. for
several years at Alton, died at St. Joseph's Hospital this morning
following an attack of ptomaine poisoning supposed to have been due
to eating some ptomaine infected chili con carne at an Alton
restaurant. Archer was 34 years of age, and he leaves a wife and a
child who are visiting at El Paso, Tex., and were notified by
telegram this morning by Undertaker Keiser that Archer had died. The
meal was eaten by Archer on Saturday night, and he was taken very
ill that night. There was every symptom of ptomaine poison. He was
found lying on the floor in the room he occupied at the McBride
boarding house on Second street, and was suffering excruciatingly.
From that time his condition was regarded as very dangerous. When
taken to the hospital Tuesday he was in a bad way, the malady having
progressed so far that he was unwilling to allow anyone to touch
him, said to be a symptom that the case is a desperate one. His
death occurred at 3:55 o'clock this morning. The death was attended
with terrible agony for the dying man. A friend of Mr. Archer this
morning related to the Telegraph a story of the death of the young
man that is one of the most pitiful ones that has come to light this
winter. Archer, the friend says, had been without work for eight
weeks. He had worn out his shoes tramping about seeking a job. He
had been reduced, she says, to extreme destitution. He had secured
promises of jobs, but none of them came true. He borrowed a dollar
from a friend on Saturday. That night he went to a restaurant to get
the cheapest food he could buy to make it go far. He had not eaten
for three days at that time. The friend does not believe it was
altogether the chili con carne that killed him, so much as the fact
that after his three days' fast and his efforts to get a job, he was
so run down he could not undergo the suffering. He had no shoes, and
was wearing slippers last Sunday, cold day though it was, and he had
no overcoat. He was very poorly clad. "I am telling this to you so
that public won't form any bad impressions of Archer when his room
is examined and it is found he had no clothing aside from what he
wore. He was not a drinking man. His wife was a daughter of a well
to do Greenfield, Ill. man, Charles Daniels, and I had known them
for twelve years. The father-in-law of Archer, to aid the family,
offered to send the daughter and her two year old child to El Paso,
Tex., in hope that the climate would benefit her weak lungs. Archer
was too proud to permit his father-in-law to bear the expense, and
he insisted that he be allowed to share it. He worked all summer and
every cent he got he sent to his wife, so that when he had lost his
job eight weeks ago, he had no reserve on which to live. It was up
to Archer to hunt a job, and he hunted. His shoes wore out, and he
resorted to a pair of slippers. It was the coldest, meanest day of
the winter, when many families were sitting in their warm homes,
enjoying good dinners, that Archer managed to borrow a dollar. He
had been broke, and without food. Too proud to beg, he would rather
starve. He would ask for nothing but the privilege of work. When he
borrowed the dollar, he wanted to invest it in the cheapest food he
could get, and he hunted up the chili con carne establishment. There
he ate a portion. It is said he was trying to save a portion of the
dollar to send a Christmas gift to his little boy in El Paso, whose
faith in Santa Claus was not to be shattered. Whether he ate too
much or it was the food, his friends are uncertain. They do know
that there was an added tinge of the sombre to the tragedy, when on
Monday, someone telephoned a message to him from East Alton that a
job was waiting for him. He was delirious and never knew his long
quest for work had succeeded. It was too late." In conclusion, the
friend who narrated the above to the Telegraph declared that Archer
did not drink, was an industrious man, and that he was good to his
wife and loved his little child with a love that would call for all
sacrifices. The story of his industry, good habits and good
character were corroborated at the place where he had been employed.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 26, 1914
The burial of George W. Archer took place yesterday afternoon from
the undertaking establishment of Allen Keiser. Rev. Irving G. McCann
conducted the funeral services. A sister and her husband came here
from Claymore, Okla. to attend the burial. There was nothing for
them to do when they arrived, as between what could be done with a
small sum telegraphed by the widow and what the Alton friends of the
young man did, his burial expenses were amply provided for. About
thirty friends of Archer attended the funeral, and his friends saw
to it that there were some flowers to lay on the casket.
ARCHIBALD, AMANDA/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 18, 1886
“She gave all she had to her country, with a full measure of
Mrs. Amanda Archibald, widow of the late George W. Archibald, and
mother of Mr. H. M. Stamps, died Monday evening of paralysis, aged
65 years. The deceased was a native of Southern Illinois, and came
to Alton with her brother in the year 1835, making her residence
here extend over a period of more than half a century. She was an
estimable lady, a valued member of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church. Her long life was one of usefulness and devotion to the
welfare of relatives and friends. She was married in 1838 to C. G.
Stamps, who died in California in 1851, leaving her with three young
children – James, John B., and Henry M. In 1854, she was married to
George W. Archibald. When the war broke out, her husband and all
three of her sons enlisted. James died late in 1861, of disease
contracted in the service. The others served through the war. Left
alone thus during the war, she devoted nearly her whole time to
nursing soldiers in the hospitals here, and to sanitary commission
work in connection with the Ladies’ Union League. Her husband
returned from the army shattered in health, and died in 1869 from
disease contracted in the service. Her son, John B., died in 1882,
also from disease contracted in the army. Mr. Henry M. Stamps is now
the sole survivor of the original family. Few women have a nobler
record for patriotism than Mrs. Archibald. She gave all she had to
her country, with a full measure of devotion. [Burial was in the
Alton City Cemetery.]
ARENS, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 18, 1889
Mr. John Arens, son of Mr. Theo Arens, the baker, died Wednesday
after a brief illness. He complained of not feeling well Sunday, but
was better the next day and was riding out with his mother Tuesday.
He was taken worse in the evening, his nerves being affected to such
an extent that it took two men to hold him in bed. Exhausted, nature
soon gave way, and the sufferer expired at the time mentioned. His
age was 23 years and 9 months. He was greatly esteemed by all who
knew him, and his sudden death is a sad blow to his parents and
other relatives.
ARENS, THEODORE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 15, 1903
Theodore Arens, aged 75, died suddenly Sunday morning at his home,
534 East Second street, after an illness with heart trouble. Mr.
Arens had been troubled with pains in his heart for several months,
but Saturday night he was engaged as usual in doing his duties as
manager of the bakery of C. F. Schnell. He was taken suddenly ill
Sunday morning, and a short time after the arrival of medical aid he
died. Mr. Arens was an old baker and was engaged in business for
himself in Alton many years. He was very successful in business. He
had lived in Alton fifty years. He leaves beside his aged wife,
three children, Mrs. John Eible, Mrs. Joseph Maul and Miss Emma
Arens. Mr. Arens was highly esteemed as a citizen, and as a business
man had the confidence of everyone. He had many old friends in Alton
who will mourn his death. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock from the family home under the order of the German
Benevolent society, of which deceased was a member.
ARMINGTON, BETH/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 27, 1881
From Upper Alton - Died on Saturday, October 22, Beth, only child of
Warren F. and Rose (Kendall) Armington, aged nearly 19 months. In
the removal of their little treasure, Mr. and Mrs. Armington have
the sympathy of a large circle of friends. Covered with purest
flowers, the little form was yesterday afternoon consigned to its
resting place in the Upper Alton Cemetery. Professor J. C. C. Clarke
led the services at the house and at the grave.
ARMSTEAD, EMILY ELIZA/ Alton Telegraph, January 18, 1894
Little Emily Eliza Armstead, adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Dobson of Upper Alton, died Thursday afternoon. The little one was
but two weeks old, and had just been brought here by Mrs. Dobson
from Weatherford, Texas, the home of its deceased mother, Mrs. W. J.
Armstead, who was a sister of Mrs. Dobson. Mrs. Armstead died on
January 03. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon, and the
little body laid to rest in Upper Alton Cemetery.
ARMSTEAD, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
October 17, 1902
Mrs. Parket Armstead, colored, died at her home on Bloomfield
street, Wednesday afternoon, of dropsy. The funeral will be held
from the colored Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
ARMSTRONG, ANGIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 20, 1904
After a long illness, Mrs. Angie Armstrong, widow of the late Henry
Armstrong, died at the home of her sister-in-law, F. W. Hoffmeister
in North Alton. She was born in Baltimore, Md., but lived in Alton
for many years. She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Hoffmeister, and two
sons, Harry of Washington D. C., and Clarence W. Armstrong of
Denver, Colo. The funeral will be Friday afternoon from the house.
ARMSTRONG, CARRIE E./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 01, 1880
Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong suffered a terrible bereavement
Saturday, in the death of their daughter, Carrie E., aged three
years and nearly four months. She was attacked with whooping cough
about two weeks ago, and later with remittent fever which proved
fatal. Little Carrie was a bright, engaging child, of rare beauty
and loveliness. Her untimely death, in which so many fond parental
hopes have perished, is one of those afflictive providences which
human sympathy is powerless to alleviate. The funeral took place
from the family residence, corner of Eighth and Easton Streets.
ARMSTRONG, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 01, 1886
From Moro – Charley Armstrong, aged ten years, one of Mr. and Mrs.
George Armstrong’s children, that we reported last week as being
very sick, died on March 24, after an illness of about a week. The
funeral took place from the church Thursday afternoon. School, of
which Charley was a member, was dismissed, and attended the funeral
in a body. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong have the sympathy of all, as has
been evinced by the kindness shown them by our people. Their other
children, who were also very sick, are improving.
ARMSTRONG, CHESTER S. (REV. DR.)/Source: Alton Telegraph,
November 20, 1890
Former Pastor of the Alton Presbyterian Church
Mr. O. S. Stowell received a telegraph from James C. Armstrong,
stating that his father, Rev. Dr. Chester S. Armstrong, died at his
home in Jackson, Michigan, Wednesday night, very suddenly from heart
failure. This news was a sad shock to the Doctor’s host of friends
in Alton, where he resided so many years. Dr. Armstrong was pastor
of the Presbyterian Church for eleven years, and when he resigned
and went into another field of labor, he still continued to reside
in Alton. About three years ago, he became pastor of a Presbyterian
Church in Jackson, Michigan.
Rev. H. S. Jordan, pastor of the church at Lansing, Michigan, gives
the particulars of his sudden demise:
“Dr. Armstrong and myself were holding special missionary services
at Battle Creek. The Doctor spoke well and powerfully at the
afternoon meeting. While on our way to church for the evening
service, Mr. Armstrong complained of being unable to breathe. After
a moment, his difficulty was overcome, and we walked arm in arm to
the church. As we entered, he again complained of the same trouble,
and I assisted him to a seat, and leaving him in charge of some
ladies who were just entering, I went for a physician. Returning, I
found Dr. Roaraback at his side and administering a remedy. The
Reverend Doctor revived somewhat and urged me to open the meeting. A
third attack came on shortly afterwards, and he was taken to his
boarding place. A carriage was procured, and we placed him in it.
While on the way, Mr. Armstrong revived, and evidently realizing his
condition, fervently commended his wife and family to God. He then
sank down and was to all intents dead before we reached the house,
although he gasped once or twice after being taken in.”
Rev. Armstrong was born in 1826 in New York. He was a Civil War
veteran of the 4th Michigan Cavalry Regiment, Chaplain. He married
in 1859 to Emily Seymour (1836-1910), and they had at least two
children: Katharine S. Armstrong Kennedy (1861-1952) and Mary Evelyn
Armstrong (1869-1929). Rev. 77Armstrong was buried in the Mount Hope
Cemetery in Lansing, Michigan.
ARMSTRONG, DON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 12, 1915
Don Armstrong died at 11:20 this morning at the family home at 815
East Third street after a short illness of two weeks duration. Mr.
Armstrong, who was in his thirtieth year, is survived by his wife,
his mother, Mrs. S. J. Biggs of Alton, and one brother, Paul
Armstrong, and one sister, Mrs. William Gottleb. The funeral will be
held Wednesday afternoon at two thirty from the family home on East
Third street.
ARMSTRONG, EMILY D./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 18, 1894
16-Year-Old Daughter of John Armstrong, Owner of the Armstrong
The home of Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong is desolate today, robbed of
its sunshine, the sixteen-year-old daughter, Miss Emily Armstrong,
who passed peacefully away yesterday. In the prime of girlhood, of
magnificent physique, surrounded by a circle of loving friends, Miss
Emily was known as a girl of sweet disposition and loving ways. A
month ago, her face was missed by her schoolmates, and typhoid fever
fixed its cruel sting, confining her to her home. Since that time,
she has gradually grown worse, and death this morning ended the last
fond hopes of the parents. The news of her death cast gloom and
sorrow in many homes in Alton, and the sympathies of all who knew
Emily are with the bereaved parents. She was a bright girl; a
splendid student, always in the lead in her classes at school; and a
favorite with all who were privileged with her acquaintance. Her
bright, happy face will be missed in the home, will be missed among
her relatives, will be missed in the circle of her schoolmates and
friends, and by the casual acquaintances who were always greeted
with a happy, pleasant expression.
Emily Armstrong was born in 1878, and died in 1894 at the age of 16
years. She was buried in the Alton City Cemetery. Surviving Emily
were her parents, John Armstrong and Mary Jackson Dimmock Armstrong,
a brother, Herbert, and a sister, Gertrude Armstrong.
ARMSTRONG, GEORGE/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 08, 1865
Died in Alton on the evening of August 30, of chronic disease of the
liver, George Armstrong, a native of Leeds, England; aged 69 years,
10 months, and 18 days.
ARMSTRONG, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 15, 1877
Mr. Henry Armstrong, an esteemed and respected resident of Alton,
died at his home last Thursday after a protracted illness, in the
51st year of his age. Mr. Armstrong has been ill since last winter,
the effect of a severe cold that settled on his lungs, and his
friends hoped, until the last, that he would overcome the disease,
but the end came last evening, unexpectedly to all.
Mr. Armstrong was a native of Baltimore, Maryland, where he was
raised. He came to Alton in 1858, accompanied by a brother, since
deceased. For several years he was the senior member of the firm of
Armstrong & Pfeiffenberger, architects and builders. Mr. Armstrong
had served the citizens of Alton as Alderman, and also for several
terms as City Assessor. At the time of his death, he held the office
of Township Assessor. He discharged the duties of these several
positions with rare judgment, and to the satisfaction of the
taxpayers. As a business man, he was prompt and reliable; as a
neighbor and friend, he was kind and genial. He was devoted to his
family, and solicitous of their welfare. His loss will be sadly
felt, not only by his relatives, but the citizens at large. Mr.
Armstrong’s wife and three children survive him. His elder son,
Harry, is a resident of St. Louis. His daughter is the wife of Mr.
Fred Hoffmeister.
A large audience of mourning relatives, friends and fellow citizens
of the deceased assembled at the Congregational Church Sunday
afternoon, to pay the tribute of respect to his remains. The
services were conducted by Rev. G. C. Adams, pastor, assisted by
Rev. Fred L. Thomson of the Methodist Church. A quartette choir
rendered very effectively the motette, “God Shall Wipe all Tears
Away,” followed by prayer by Rev. F. L. Thomson, and hymn, “I Would
Not Live Always.” The pastor then delivered a very interesting,
appropriate address, from 2 Corinthians 5:1. The services at the
church were concluded by singing, “Go to Thy Rest in Peace,” after
which the sad cortege started on the last earthly journey to the
cemetery, where the remains of Henry Armstrong were laid to rest as
the setting sun of a bright autumnal day cast its last rays over the
silent city of the dead. The pallbearers were Messrs. J. A. Auten,
S. F. Conner, C. M. Crandall, U. E. Fisher, George E. Hawley, and W.
W. Martin.
ARMSTRONG, JEFF N./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 01, 1912
Committed Suicide by Drinking Carbolic Acid and Alcohol
J. N. Armstrong, better known as "Jeff" Armstrong, committed suicide
Wednesday night by drinking four ounces of a mixture of alcohol and
carbolic acid, which he had prepared for him by a druggist downtown
after 9 o'clock last night. The mixture was three parts alcohol and
one part carbolic acid. It is said, and the suddenness with which it
caused death, is a surprise, considering the well known fact that
usually carbolic acid does not kill when the person drinking it has
been drinking liquors or alcohol of any kind at the same time. Mr.
Armstrong, who is 69 years old, has been employed at the brickyard
for some time, and yesterday afternoon, according to his wife,
returned home saying he had had trouble with the superintendent, and
that he would go downtown and get another job. He did go downtown,
and returned to his home at 2607 State street in an excited or
intoxicated condition, Mrs. Armstrong says. Some quarreling
followed, and he threatened to commit suicide and asked her for the
carbolic acid bottle. She told him it was empty. He asked George
Rain if he had any of the acid and later said he would go downtown
and buy some. Mrs. Armstrong followed him to town, hoping to prevent
him obtaining the poison, but failed to locate him after he left.
About 11 o'clock last night he returned home and asked her to let
him in. She delayed a little in going downstairs, and he urged her
to open the door as it "would be the last time" he would ever ask
her to do this for him. After he entered the house, he told her
goodbye, then turned a bottle containing about one fourth of an
ounce of the mixture up to his mouth. She attempted to knock the
bottle from his lips but failed, and he turned to walk out the front
door. He pitched forward and lay quiet with his head outside the
door, the remainder of his body inside. Mrs. Armstrong screamed and
ran across the street to the residence of Dr. J. E. Watson, and he
responded quickly. He found Mr. Armstrong dead. Coroner Streeper was
notified and will hold an inquest this evening or tomorrow. Mr.
Armstrong leaves his wife and two children, Mrs. William Herman of
Upper Alton, and Mrs. John Gill of Oklahoma. The funeral will not be
held until Mrs. Gill can get to Alton and until Mr. Herman and a
grandchild of the deceased can arrive from the north. It is thought
the funeral will be held Sunday. Dr. Watson thinks that Mr.
Armstrong took four ounces of the mixture in four doses, and that
the one his wife saw him drinking was the last dose. If that were
all he drank of it, Dr. Watson thinks the result would not be fatal.
It is the opinion of many people that "Jeff" intended only to
frighten his wife and had no intention of killing himself. And it is
urged that is why he had carbolic acid and alcohol mixed ....
ARMSTRONG, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 17,
Retired Business Man Made Preparation for His Predicted End
John Armstrong died at his home, 1481 State street, Monday morning
at 1:15 o'clock from hemorrhage of the stomach due to an attack of
acute indigestion. His death followed a period of suffering
beginning Sunday afternoon, but which was only a manifestation of a
fatal malady which he had recognized. So convinced was he that the
illness which had been troubling him at frequent interval for many
months would have a fatal termination before long, he made ready for
death by disposing of his interest in the John Armstrong Quarry Co.,
of which he was the head and manager, and he arranged all his
private affairs so they could be taken up and carried on by his son,
who was his assistant. He frequently expressed the opinion that his
time was very short, but he always said it with a twinkle in his eye
that would disarm belief that he was expressing his sincere
convictions. A few weeks ago Mrs. Armstrong accompanied him south
for a trip for the benefit of his health. He had been troubled with
hemorrhages and during his stay south he had another one, which
caused him to decide to return to Alton. He arrived home Tuesday of
last week and his death occurred in less than a week from his
arrival. John Armstrong was one of the best known business men in
the city of Alton. He was engaged for many years in various lines,
but most of the time he was connected with the manufacture of lime
and his brand of lime was widely known. He was a native of Alton and
lived in the city his entire life. He was a man of strong
individuality and originality. When he was a member of the city
council, his ready wit and his sense of the ridiculous made him a
leading spirit. It was said that John Armstrong could, by a few
words, sometimes cause the defeat of a project in the city council
through making it appear ridiculous. While in the city council he
was recognized as the leader in almost all things. He became a
candidate for mayor, refusing to ally himself with any factions and
making a canvass which attracted widespread attention because of its
unique features. It was a three cornered fight and Armstrong lost.
He was one of six children, and leaves three sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth
Soule, Mrs. Henry Johnson, and Miss Kate Armstrong, who is an
instructor at Monticello Seminary. William Armstrong died a few
years ago, Thomas Armstrong, his eldest brother, died many years
ago. He leaves his wife and two children, Herbert and Miss Gertrude
Armstrong. His son, who is vice-president of the John Armstrong Lime
and Quarry Co., assumed charge of the business when his father
retired. John Armstrong was born at Alton, November 27, 1846, and
was the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong. He married December
28, 1875, and his wife survives him. He was a man of very charitable
heart, and did many acts of kindness to those who were in need of
help or sympathy, and these will miss one whose ear was always open
to their troubles, and who would always keep his acts of kindness to
himself. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock from the Congregational church. Friends, neighbors, and
employees of Mr. Armstrong may view the body from 7 to 10 o'clock
Tuesday evening.
ARMSTRONG, KATHERINE HASKELL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
August 27, 1918
Instructor at Monticello Ladies Seminary
Miss Katherine Haskell Armstrong, for many years an instructor at
Monticello Seminary, and for a few years one of the acting
principals of the school following the death of Miss Harriet Newell
Haskell, died at St. Joseph's Hospital in Alton at 4:45 o'clock
Tuesday morning after a long illness. She had been growing weaker
steadily and her death was no surprise to those who were attending
her. Miss Armstrong was born and reared in Alton, the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong. She was born in 1850 and was 68 years
of age. She graduated from Monticello Seminary in the year 1871, and
was valedictorian of her class. She was employed as an instructor at
Monticello Seminary the year following her graduation, and for many
years she continued at that institution until advancing years forced
her to relinquish the work and go into retirement. The death of her
good friend, Miss Harriet Newell Haskell, probably determined her
severing connection with the school at the time she did. She had
been one of two acting principals who bridged over the period from
the death of Miss Haskell to the coming of a new principal. She had
served as secretary of the Board of Trustees and had also made a
trip abroad with Miss Haskell, for a period of six months. Seven
years ago she came to Alton and made her home with her niece, Mrs.
O. G. Norris. Since coming back to her old home, Alton, she had
taken a very active interest in St. Paul's Episcopal Church in which
she held membership, also in the Browning Club, the Woman's Council
and especially in the work of the Red Cross. Miss Armstrong was a
woman of simple dignity, and possessed a high character and a sweet
disposition which made her greatly admired by all who knew her. Her
illness began seven months ago and for a time it was believed that
the end would come quickly soon after she was taken down. She was
moved to St. Joseph's Hospital where she could receive the benefit
of professional nursing and there she remained until the end. Miss
Armstrong leaves the following nieces and nephews: Mrs. George S.
Haskell of Chicago; Mrs. O. G. Norris; Fred D. Johnson; Thomas A.
Johnson; Mrs. Bern Degenhardt; Herbert Armstrong; Miss May
Armstrong; and William D. and Paul Armstrong of Alton. The body of
Miss Armstrong will be taken from the hospital to the home of her
niece, Mrs. Norris, 603 Henry street. The funeral will be from St.
Paul's Episcopal Church and will be conducted by the rector, Rev.
Frederick D. Butler, assisted by Rev. H. M. Chittenden, an old
friend of Miss Armstrong.
ARMSTRONG, MARY B. (nee BARNSBACK)/Source: Alton Telegraph,
November 18, 1886
From Edwardsville - Died last Saturday morning at her residence on
Court House Square, Mrs. Mary B. Armstrong, in the 42nd year of her
age. Mrs. Armstrong was taken sick in July, and at one time was
considered out of danger, but for four weeks previous to her death
she was upon the verge of the grave, and was kept alive by kind
nursing and good medical skill. Mrs. Armstrong leaves two children,
an aged mother, two sisters, and two brothers to mourn her loss.
Mary B. Barnsback Armstrong was born in 1844, and was the daughter
of Julius Lewis Barnsback (1800-1853) and Mary Melinda Gonterman
Barnsback (1807-1903). She was the wife of John Maclay Armstrong
(1839-1897). They had at least four children – Ellen Etheline
Armstrong (1865-1874); Mary Elizabeth Armstrong Crane (1868-1898);
John Maclay Armstrong Jr. (1872-1872); and Henry Clair Armstrong
(1873-1945). She was buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in
ARMSTRONG, MARY E. (nee PARKER)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
September 11, 1911
Mrs. Mary E. Armstrong, widow of William Armstrong, died at her
residence, 408 Euclid place, Monday morning at 1:30 o'clock, after
an illness of 16 months. Her death was sudden, her family being
unprepared for it although she had been unconscious since Friday
noon. She had been in feeble health and able to get out of her home
seldom, for a long time. She was planning, however, to take a trip
to a health resort in the hope that she might be benefitted by the
change, but the attending physician had advised that she postpone
the trip until next spring. While eating dinner, Friday noon, she
became unconscious, and did not rally again. About midnight Sunday
night, her daughter, Miss May Armstrong, noticed a change for the
worse, and after all the members of the family had been called to
her, she died without regaining consciousness. The malady at first
was diagnosed as neuritis, but afterward uraemic poisoning set in
and this caused her death. Mrs. Armstrong's maiden name was Parker.
She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parker, who came to
Alton in 1846. Mrs. Armstrong was born in Morgan county, near
Jacksonville, November 28, 1841, and would have been seventy years
old her next birthday. Her only surviving brother is Newton Parker
of Alton, who is ten years her senior. She was married to William
Armstrong at Springfield, February 28, 1867. At the time she was
making a trip, and Mr. Armstrong went to Springfield for the purpose
of being married to her. They returned to Alton and went to
housekeeping on Main street. For thirty-one years she lived on
Danforth street in the house that was sold and transformed into a
convent for the Ursuline sisterhood. The family then moved to Euclid
avenue, where Mrs. Armstrong passed the remainder of her days. She
was a member of the First Methodist church from the time of her
marriage, and was from her first connection with the church, a
devoted member. In her home she found her most valued place. Her
home was her chiefest pride and she was the best of mothers and a
devoted dutiful wife. As a neighbor, she was highly prized by those
who lived near her. Her interest was not alone in people near her
own age, but she was ever concerned in the affairs of the younger
people she knew and by them was loved. She was a well informed
woman, one of her chief delights being to read books. She is
survived by her three children, Miss May Armstrong, William D., and
Paul Armstrong, all of whom lived with their mother. The funeral
will be Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the home, and the
services will be conducted by Rev. W. T. Cline of the First
Methodist church. He will be assisted by Rev. J. A. Scarritt, an
old-time friend of Mrs. Armstrong. Friends of the family are invited
to the services at the home. Interment will be private.
ARMSTRONG, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 31, 1868
Died in Des Arc, Arkansas, January 18, Thomas Armstrong of Alton, in
the 27th year of his age.
ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March
03, 1902
"Friend of Alton" Dies - Promoted the Lovejoy Monument
William Armstrong died at 9:15 o'clock last night at the Wyehmere
Hotel, Chicago. He had been in Chicago for two months under
treatment for cancer of the throat, which had made such inroads upon
him that when he left for that city there was almost no hope for
him. He was treated by the x-ray method by which a number of similar
cases had been cured. The first applications of the x-rays were
beneficial, reducing the inflammation, allaying pain and giving Mr.
Armstrong needed rest and sleep. The physicians in charge all gave
hope that the cure might be complete. However, after a while the
tidings were not so hopeful. When the end came it was unexpected and
very sudden. Mrs. Armstrong had been with her husband for some time.
His two sons, Prof. W. D. and Paul Armstrong, left this morning to
accompany the body home, which is expected to arrive tomorrow
morning. William Armstrong was born in Alton, April 1843, making him
almost 59 years of age. He has lived in this city his entire life.
His father's name was George Armstrong. Thirty-five years ago he
married Mary Parker. Of this union there are three children,
Professor William D., Paul and Miss May Armstrong, all residents of
this city, living at home with their parents. Besides his wife and
children, one brother, John, and three sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth
Soule, Mrs. Harry Johnson, and Miss Katherine Armstrong, instructor
on the piano at Monticello Seminary, survive him. It is only a just
statement to say that Mr. Armstrong, for thirty years, has been one
of Alton's foremost citizens. Entering the manufacturing field when
a mere boy, he managed extensive lime kilns, barrel factories, etc.
He was also, in connection with his brother, John, the first person
to erect ice houses on the Missouri shore. For many years he
represented the First Ward in the City Council, and was one of the
ablest and most zealous members ever in that body. Whenever a new
enterprise was looking for a home, William Armstrong was always on
the lookout to secure it for Alton. He gave of his time and means
liberally, for Alton's good. To him is due largely the credit for
starting the movement for a monument to Lovejoy, and he was the
happiest man in Alton when the beautiful shaft now in Alton cemetery
was dedicated. Ever since the monument was completed, Mr. Armstrong
has seen to it that fresh flowers were always in the urns of the
monument. He was a warm friend of the colored race, and always took
deep interest in their welfare, and was never ashamed to let his
sympathy be known. For building the bridge and the electric lines,
and the location of the glassworks and other institutions, he was an
interested and devoted worker. His aid on these occasions was
invaluable. Indeed it would require many columns to speak of Mr.
Armstrong's public spirit and his devotion to Alton. He has been a
life-long member of the M. E. church, a constant worker in the
Sabbath school and in all church work. His heart and his pocket were
always open to the cry of distress and the needy. But what is here
said is sufficient to indicate the character of the man, who with
voice and pen did much for our city. No truer epitaph could be
placed on his tomb than this: "He was the friend of Alton." The
funeral will not take place before Wednesday, as nearly all his
family are in Chicago, nothing can be said at this time of either
day or hour for the services. [Burial was in City Cemetery, in a
ARNOLD (Family of)/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 29, 1849
A family in Upper Alton named Arnold – the father, mother, and one
child, were victims of the cholera. Three other children were also
attacked, but have recovered.
ARNOLD, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 14,
Mrs. Elizabeth Arnold, wife of Fred Arnold, died at the family home,
608 east Seventh street, Friday afternoon, after an illness of seven
months from carcinoma of the bowels. She was 54 years of age. The
death of Mrs. Arnold was a happy relief from a long period of
intense suffering. The body will be taken to St. Louis Monday
morning at 10:30 o'clock for burial.
ARNOLD, IRA W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 13, 1899
Brakeman Killed by Train
Ira W. Arnold, a brakeman on the Chicago & Alton freight train No.
57, was killed under the wheels of his train this morning near Wann
[East Alton]. Arnold was head brakeman on the train, and had been in
the employ of the Alton three weeks. He fell between the tender of
the engine and the first car, and his body was ground to an
unrecognizable mass under the wheels of the long freight train. It
is the duty of the head brakeman to ride in the engine with the
enginemen when the weather is too cold for him to keep a lookout on
top, and he was expected to be in the engine at Godfrey. When he did
not appear there, Engineer John Wells notified conductor Robert
Tilaos, and a search of the train showed he had disappeared. The
conductor reported Arnold’s disappearance, and was instructed to
take the engine and caboose back to hunt for him. The body was found
lying beside the track, 200 yards north of Wann, and could be
recognized only by the shreds of clothing and the watch that was in
his pocket. The body was picked up and taken to Godfrey, where the
accident was reported. This morning the body was brought to Alton
and cared for by Undertaker Bauer.
At the coroner’s inquest this morning, J. H. Hamilton, night
operator at Wann, testified that as the train passed his station, he
saw a brakeman on the fore end of the first car making ready to
swing over to the tender. He must have fallen between while making
the step, and his head was crushed first under the wheels. The body
was dragged a long distance and torn almost to fragments. Special
Officer Sattgast at Godfrey, to whom the train crew reported at
Godfrey, testified that Arnold was not missed until the train
reached Godfrey. The body was found fifteen minutes later, when the
engine and caboose was taken back.
Arnold was the son of George Arnold of Roodhouse. An undertaker came
down from Roodhouse this morning to take charge of the body, and
will take it home this evening.
The tombstone shows the middle initial as “F.” Ira Arnold was born
October 04, 1880. He was 19 years of age at the time of his death.
Burial was in the Fernwood Cemetery in Roodhouse, Greene County,
ARNOLD, JESSIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 28, 1920
Jesse Arnold, aged 46, died at 12:30 o'clock this morning at his
home, 1803 Alby street, after a long illness. He had remained at his
place of employment in the Stanard-Tilton mill until about a month
ago, when he was obliged to give up his work and from that time was
confined to his home. Arrangements were being made to send him away
to a sanitarium hoping the change might be beneficial, but he became
so weak it was impossible to move him. He leaves his wife and five
children; also a sister and a brother. The body will be taken to
Carlinville, Ill. for burial Friday.
ARNOLD, LITA/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 02, 1888
From Collinsville – The dreaded disease, diphtheria, is in our
midst, and it behooves all our citizens to take proper steps to
prevent its spreading. Last Tuesday, Lita Arnold, a colored child,
aged about 5 years, died, and a little 3 year old daughter of Phil
Kreifer is very low with the same disease. Let our city fathers join
with the citizens in keeping this disease in check.
ARNOLD, MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 22, 1907
Margaret Arnold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Arnold, died at 3
o'clock Tuesday morning after a serious illness of three weeks from
chlorosis. She was born at Baltimore, M. D., being just sixteen
years of age. Mr. Arnold has been a resident of Alton for ten years.
Funeral services will be held at the house by Rev. D. E. Bushnell at
2:30 p.m. Thursday afternoon, interment in City Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Edward Mawdsley, John Hoppe, Oscar Ulrich, James
B. Mawdsley, Bert Wilson and Louis Pierce. Honorary pallbearers -
Mamie Beiser, Goldie Beiser, Eva Perrin, Lilian Pierce, Amelia
Elerht, Anna Dwyer.
ARNOLD, ROBERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 30, 1917
Robert Arnold, one of the best known plumbers in Alton, died last
night suddenly at 12:30 o'clock at the home on Powhattan street in
Upper Alton. Mr. Arnold had been slightly ill during the past week.
While working at the Western Cartridge plant a week ago today, he
fainted and was brought home. He did not leave his home since that
day, but he was up and about his place all the time. He had
complained at times during the last few days of pains in his chest,
but he had no idea his condition was at all serious. Last evening he
ate a hearty supper and was feeling as well as ever. The family had
all retired for the night and shortly after midnight Mr. Arnold
called his wife. He said he had a terrible pain in his back and
chest. Without saying another word he quietly passed away. The
members of the family had no idea that Mr. Arnold was dead until the
physician arrived. Robert Arnold was 58 years old. He was born in
Keokuk, Iowa. He was married to Miss Rose Maddock in St. Louis in
1884. He worked a long number of years at the plumbing trade in St.
Louis before coming to Alton to live. He leaves his widow and six
children. They are Mrs. Roy Smith of Judson avenue, Edwin Arnold of
the Jefferson Barracks Band, Rose, Jessie, Ruth and Alvyn, who live
at home. Edwin Arnold was called this morning at the Barracks and
informed of his father's death, and he is expected home this
ARNOLD, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 07, 1909
The body of Samuel Arnold, the glassblower who committed suicide in
this city several months ago, was disinterred this morning and
shipped to Baltimore, Md., his old home where his widow and family
and other relatives reside.
ARNOLD, WALTER/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 16, 1882
From Bethalto – On Sunday evening last, little Walter, aged two
years and a few months, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Arnold of
Bethalto, died of membranous croup and diphtheria combined. Dr. N.
B. Richards, the attending physician, did everything in his power,
and the eager parents watched over their dear boy day and night
since Tuesday, but without avail. The funeral took place from the
family residence Monday afternoon. Rev. D. H. Starkey officiated.
Little “Cappie,” as he was familiarly called, was a bright and
interesting child, a great favorite, and the idol of his parents.
But alas! How soon are the fairest flowers nipped by death’s
untimely frost. A large circle of sympathizing friends were present
at the funeral, and the bereaved parents have the kindest sympathy
of the whole community.
ARRINGTON, LOUIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 05, 1911
Founder of Glass Blowers Union
Louis Arrington, father of the glassblower’s union in the United
States, died Thursday morning at his residence, 931 East Third
Street, after an illness of seven years. Cancer of the liver was the
cause of his death, although he had been a sufferer from heart
trouble for six years preceding the appearance of the cancer.
Probably no man in the glassblowing trade was more beloved, trusted
and honored by the members of that organization in the United
States. A number of years ago when the glassblowers throughout the
country learned that their beloved former chief had lost heavily in
a business venture and was in need of some assistance, they raised a
handsome testimonial, which they hoped would be enough to make him
comfortable the remainder of his life. Honest, plain spoken,
faithful in every strictest construction of those terms, "Old Lew,"
as he was affectionately known among his fellow tradesmen, carried
to the grave with him the undying respect and esteem of the men he
had helped and for whom he never ceased to labor until death struck
him with a fatal disease.
Louis Arrington was born in Fauquier County, Virginia, September 04,
1837, and was in his 74th year. At the age of 13, he went with his
mother to Licken County, Ohio, thence to Wheeling, West Virginia, in
1851, where he went to work as "carrying in" boy in the plant of
Quarter, Ott & Co. He was apprenticed to the trade September 14,
1852, and served four years. Having finished his trade, he found
himself unable to procure a situation without taking a reduction of
wages or displacing some older workman, partly owing to the
unorganized condition of the bottle blowers, and also to business
depression. Few bottle blowers were then receiving the full list
price. Men were working from 5 to 15 percent off the "list." Young
Arrington would not work under such conditions, so he left the trade
and took a job in the Crescent rail mills in 1856, where he remained
five years. In 1861, he enlisted in the 2nd West Virginia
volunteers, following the flag until he was mustered out with his
regiment June 24, 1864.
Arrington re-entered the glass factory on returning home, and began
instilling the principles of organization. He connected himself with
the union in 1866, and stayed with it to the last. In 1875, he
became connected with the organization existing in the west, and
took an active part in organizing Branch 31 at Alton in 1877. He was
elected to represent that branch at the first session of the
improved league held in the west, and was chosen one of the
executive committee. He was re-elected in 1878, but declined
re-election the year following. He was elected manager of the league
and held that position until 1886, when the Knights of Labor were
organized. He was elected master workman of District 143, and
retained that position until they withdrew from the Knights of Labor
in 1891. When the eastern and western divisions united at Baltimore
in 1890, he was elected president of the United Association, known
as the United Green Glass Workers Association of the United States
and Canada. He held the office four years, when he retired to engage
in the shoe business at Alton. In March 1895, he was elected
treasurer of Branch No. 2 at Alton, which he held five years.
Since retiring from business in 1897, he suffered bad health.
Notwithstanding sickness, he attended all meetings of the union he
was able to attend, and never lost interest. In 1908 he was elected
a delegate of the national glassblower’s convention at Baltimore,
but owing to a technicality was not allowed to take his seat. He was
much disappointed, but in 1909 at Milwaukee, and 1910 at Atlantic
City, he sat as a delegate. His stay at Atlantic City did not
improve him in 1910 as it was hoped, and seemed to make him worse.
Mr. Arrington was a thinker, a good executive, and impartial in
official capacity. He believed in the Golden Rule and practiced it,
asking only a "square deal for every man." Louis Arrington was
appointed state factory inspector of Illinois by Governor Tanner in
1897. In politics he was a Republican, preaching the doctrine of
tariff protection. He was a personal friend of President William
McKinley, and Mr. Arrington had much to do with the formulating of
the glass schedule of the McKinley tariff bill and subsequent bills.
He appeared before the Ways and Means Committee of Congress to give
the side of the glassworker. It was Arrington's plan of settling
wage scales by joint conferences of committees representing the
manufacturers and the workmen, and it can be said that no agreement
thus made was ever broken.
Louis Arrington, his fellow workers believe, belongs to them as much
as to his family, and now that his suffering is ended there will be
many who will say they are glad "Old Lew's" pain is finished, as his
malady was an incurable one. In the office of state factory
inspector, he acquitted himself with great credit, although maligned
by many fanatical women in Chicago who did not know him well enough
not to ascribe base motives in explanation of his official course.
He enforced the law and retired after a creditable career in office.
Knowing his death was near, some time ago he made all preparations
for his funeral. He requested that J. C. Mench, a former
glassblower, conduct his funeral services, saying that "Jake is a
good enough Christian for me." Mr. Mench is Y. M. C. A. secretary at
Mounds, Illinois, and will comply with his friend's wish. The
funeral will be held Sunday afternoon from the Arrington home, and
the glassblowers will attend in a body.
Louis Arrington came to Alton in 1870, and blew the first bottles
made here at a small factory on upper Belle Street. The factory was
later moved to Broadway, and became the Illinois Glass Company.
Louis Arrington married Mary Raymond, who died in 1893. They had
three daughters, Mary D. Arrington Doepke (1876-1930); Elizabeth
Arrington Yokum, wife of Charles Yokum; and Ruth Kathleen Arrington
(died in 1894 in infancy); and one son, William Parnell Arrington,
who married in 1905 to Ethel Fanning of Gillespie. After the death
of Louis’ first wife, Mary, he may have married again, as I found
reference to Mrs. Louis Arrington, who opened a dry goods store on
Weigler Street in Alton in 1904, opposite the Alton Banking and
Trust on the wedge.
Louis was buried in the St. Patrick Cemetery in Godfrey. A large
monument was erected by the Glass Bottle Blowers Association of
America. It was dedicated May 26, 1912. Among the speakers were
Alton Mayor J. C. Faulstich, William Launer of Philadelphia
(National Secretary of the GBBA), John B. Lenning of Bloomington
(Secretary of the American Federation of Labor), and Harry Halton of
Alton, (officer of the GBBA. The dedication was preceded by a
ARRINGTON, MARY (nee RAYMOND)/Source: Alton Telegraph, September
21, 1893
Wife of Louis Arrington
Mr. Louis Arrington, President of the Green Glassworkers
Association, will bring the remains of his wife from Massillon,
Ohio, tomorrow. The body will arrive by train on the Chicago and
Alton Railroad. The funeral service will take place Friday morning
from St. Patrick’s Church to North Alton Cemetery. Mrs. Arrington
died about three months ago in Massillon. [Burial was in the St.
Patrick’s Cemetery.]
[It is strange that there was two obituaries for Mary Raymond Arringston. Clearly a mistake was made. Further research is needed.]
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
December 22, 1919
Mrs. Mary Arrington, widow of Louis Arrington, died this morning at
the home of her sister, Mrs. Thomas Goudie, at 931 East Fourth
Street. Mrs. Arrington has been ailing for some time, but was
bedfast less than one week. Her husband was a former well known
glassblower, and was president of the Glass Bottle Blowers
Association for a number of years. He also filled the position as
State Factory Inspector. He died nine years ago. Mrs. Arrington is
survived by one sister, Mrs. Thomas Goudie and two brothers, George
Raymond of Alton and Andrew J. Raymond of Cameron, Texas. No funeral
arrangements will be made until word is received from the brother in
Texas. Mrs. Arrington was born and raised in Alton, being before her
marriage Miss Mary Raymond.
ARTER, HAROLD J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 11,
Harold John Arter, aged 26, died Sunday morning at 11:15 o'clock at
the home of his father, William H. Arter, 915 East Seventh street,
after a long illness with complications of diseases. His illness was
probably due to his army experience. He served in the aviation corps
overseas during the war. He was taken very seriously ill last
January and ever since that time he has been bedfast. Members of his
family say that his illness doubtless had its beginning in his
service in the army. He leaves beside his father, three brothers,
James, Charles and William, and six sisters, Nellie, Alice, Frances,
Winifred, Anna and Dorothy. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning
at 10 o'clock from St. Patrick's Church.
ARTER, ROSE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 25, 1919
Mrs. Rose Arter will be buried on Thursday morning. The funeral will
be held Thursday morning at 10 o'clock from St. Patrick's Church.
Interment will be in St. Joseph's Cemetery and will be private.
ARTHUR, DORA/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 23, 1879
From Edwardsville – Dora Arthur, a granddaughter of Mrs. Ruth
Arthur, deceased, and niece of J. S. Wheeler, died at his residence
quite suddenly last Sunday night. So sudden and unexpected was her
death, that she was stark stiff and cold in death’s embrace before
the fact was discovered by her cousin, Miss Fannie Wheeler, with
whom she was sleeping. The Coroner was notified, and an inquest held
today, resulted in a verdict that she came to her death from heart
disease. The deceased was about sixteen years of age, and leaves an
only brother surviving.
ARTHUR, LYDIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 08, 1877
From Edwardsville – Mrs. Lydia Arthur died at the residence of our
fellow citizen, Frank J. Haug.
ASH (see also ASHE)
ASH, ABSALOM T./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 01, 1881
Persons passing along Alby Street at an early hour Saturday a.m.,
saw what they supposed to be a bundle of clothing in the water of
the pond at the northwest corner of Tenth and Alby Streets. A lad
living in the neighborhood investigated the matter, and found the
body of some person lying there, almost immersed in the water. He
informed Louis J. Schad, who lives at Dr. Quigley’s, who pulled the
body to the bank near which it was lying. A crowd soon collected,
and among the first to identify the body was Mr. James Glen, who
pronounced it to be that of Absalom T. Ash, an old, well-known
resident of Alton. Deputy Sheriff Rudershausen was notified, and
telegraphed Coroner Youree, but he failing to arrive on the morning
trains, Justice E. Noonan was called on the act.
The inquest was held at the residence of Mr. J. W. Ash, brother of
deceased. The witnesses examined were B. F. Sargent, L. J. Schad, R.
Jenkins, H. B. Ford, A. J. Glen Jr. The testimony of two of the
witnesses was to the effect that the deceased was seen after the
meeting of Wildey Encampment last night, and started for home in his
usual state of health about 10:30. The pond where the unfortunate
man met his death was quite full from the recent rains, the water
being almost on a level with the street, a precipitous slippery
decline leading to water about 3 feet deep, where he had evidently
made a misstep and fallen in. When found, deceased was lying on his
face, his head toward the shore as though, after falling in from the
roadway, along which he was evidently walking, he had made a vain
effort to reach the bank, but no doubt, chilled by the ice-cold
water, obstructed by his heavy clothing and impeded by the ice in
the pond and the slipper bank, his efforts were in vain. A number of
articles were found on his person, including $31.80 in money. The
jury returned a verdict of accidental drowning.
Absalom T. Ash was a native of Pennsylvania, aged 50 years on August
16. He came to this city in 1837, and has resided here almost ever
since. He was a quiet, unassuming man of genial disposition, highly
esteemed and undoubtedly had not an enemy in the world. He leaves
three brothers – John W. Ash, Esq., of Alton; Judge W. L. Ash of
Rawins, Wyoming; Jared Ash, also of Wyoming, besides many other
relatives and numerous friends to mourn his untimely end. He was
Treasurer of Alton Lodge No. 2, I.O.O.F., High Priest of Wildey
Encampment No. 1, also a Knight Templar and Knight of Pythias.
His sudden and tragical death is a terrible shock to his relatives,
and a cause of sincere grief to a large circle of friends. The
funeral took place Sunday from the residence of his brother, John W.
Ash, Esq., under the direction of the Odd Fellows. There was a large
attendance of mourning relatives and friends. The Odd Fellows’
ritual was read at the grave by Mr. A. G. Wolford, Chaplain of Alton
Lodge No. 2. The bearers were Messrs. William F. Ensinger, Alex
Woodside, John Dow, John W. Rowe, J. Still, and Thomas Corbett.
ASH, ALICE/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 02, 1852
Died on Saturday, March 27, Mrs. Alice Ash, wife of John P. Ash of
Middle Alton, aged 59(?) years. The deceased was originally from
Adams County, Pennsylvania. Alton has been her home since May 1837 –
she having enjoyed the presence of a large family, and the peaceful
comforts of an affectionate home among us, for nearly fifteen years.
She was s sincere Christian, and was devoted to her family. She has
left a vacuum which cannot be filled, and was ever amiable, kind,
and affectionate to those around her, and by her many estimable
traits of character, won the esteem of all her acquaintances.
ASH, GEORGE/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 15, 1894
Drowned in Mississippi River
Sunday morning the body of a drowned man was found at Clay Point,
about a mile below the glass works, in the Mississippi River.
Coroner Kinder came over and empaneled a jury, which returned a
verdict of accidental death by drowning. Twenty-five dollars in gold
five-dollar pieces, a Waltham silver watch, and two letters dated in
September and October at Dallas City, Illinois, and addressed to
George Ash, were found on the body. The letters were written by the
dead man’s wife and son. The coroner notified them and the Marshal
of Dallas City of Ash’s death, and they are expected here for the
Mr. Ash had been employed at Clarksville, Missouri, and it is there,
probably, that he met his death, as the body gives evidence of
having been in the water for months.
Later – Mr. E. E. Ash of Dallas City has arrived in Alton and has
identified the remains as those of his brother, George Ash, who was
drowned on October 29 at McCoy’s Island, about seven miles from
Clarksville, Missouri, where he was employed as a foreman on the
government work. The dead man was about 32 years of age, and left a
wife and one child, a boy. The remains will be taken to Dallas City
tonight. Mr. Ash stated that a reward of $25 had been offered for
the recovery of his brother’s body, and this he will pay to Mr.
George Gnorr, the young man who found it.
ASH, GLADYS/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 18, 1898
Horribly Burned in Bonfire
Gladys, the two-year-old child of Ed Ash, was horribly burned
Saturday morning while playing with a bonfire in the yard at her
parents home, Thirteenth and Alton Streets. The fire had been used
for burning trash, and was thought to have been extinguished. The
children who were playing about gathered up paper and blew the coals
into a flame to burn the paper. The little girl was playing around
the yard, and while standing near the fire her dress was ignited.
Before help could be given by the frightened children, the little
girl’s dress was burned almost completely from her body, and very
painful and dangerous burns were inflicted. Dr. Taphorn was called
to dress the burns, and found the skin on the right side of the
child to be burned to a crisp, from her face to her knee; the burns
on the abdomen being especially severe. At last accounts the child
was still living, and was in terrible pain. Her recovery is
Later – Gladys, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ash, died
Saturday night from the effects of the burns received Saturday
morning. The burns were even more serious than was at first
supposed. The little sufferer grew worse as nightfall came, and at
midnight passed away in death, finding relief from terrible agony
appeals to every heart, and which expressions of sympathy is
powerless to alleviate. The stricken parents have the sympathy of
the entire community.
ASH, JOHN P./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 12, 1872
We are called upon to announce the death of John P. Ash, one of our
oldest and best known citizens, which took place on the morning of
April 7 in Alton, at the residence of his son, John W. Ash, after
only a few days’ illness. He came to Alton more than thirty years
since, and has always been known as an honest and industrious
citizen, and one whose influence was ever exerted in behalf of
temperance and good morals.
Mr. Ash was from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, was born January
13, 1795, and was therefore in the 78th year of his age. He removed
to Philadelphia when about twenty years of age, and was married in
1818. He was the father of several children, who have grown up among
us and have become among the most useful and respected of our
The funeral took place Monday afternoon under the care of the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of which he was the oldest member
in the State of Illinois, and was largely attended by the friends
and acquaintances of the deceased.
ASH, JOHN W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 26, 1901
This morning about 5 o'clock Mr. John W. Ash died at his home,
Thirteenth and Langdon street, after a short sickness with the grip.
He went to Springfield to witness the inauguration of Governor Yates
and visit two of his daughters who reside there, and while there
became sick. He hurried home and sank steadily to the end. He was
born in Philadelphia, Pa., July 12th, 1820, and came to Alton with
his father, John P. Ash, in 1836. He learned his father's trade,
that of a plasterer, but afterwards served an apprenticeship at the
tailoring trade, which he followed for years. In 1854 he was chosen
City Clerk and served 9 years. In 1862 he was appointed Clerk of the
City Court and served 11 years, and he represented the Fourth ward
in the City Council from 1871 to 1874. He was engaged in the
abstract and pension business also for many years. Her was married
twice, two children, William M. of this city and Mrs. Horace Irwin
of Springfield, surviving him. His second marriage was in 1850 with
Miss Margaret Howard, who died in 1888. Seven children were born of
this union, and all survive. They are Mrs. George T. Davis, Mrs.
Adam Reed (who lived with and cared for her father for years), Mrs.
W. E. Riggin of Springfield, Ill., Mrs. I. N. McNeil of Sedalia,
Mo., Samuel H., John W. and Henry Baker of this city. He was a
Republican in politics and a member of Piasa Lodge No. 27, A. F. and
A. M. Mr. Ash was one of Alton's oldest residents. His fund of
information of the early days was large, and it is to be regretted
if he has left no memoranda of the stirring events of 20 to 50 years
ago. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 3:00
ASH, MARGARET ANN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 14, 1847
Died yesterday morning of a pulmonary disease, Mrs. Margaret Ann,
wife of Mr. John W. Ash of this city, aged 24; leaving an afflicted
husband, two small children, and many friends and relations to mourn
her loss.
ASH, MARGARET E. A. (nee HOWARD/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph,
September 04, 1888
Daughter of Beall Howard
Mrs. Margaret E. A., wife of Mr. John Wesley Ash, died last night
after a long, painful illness, in the 62nd year of her age. Deceased
was a most estimable lady, of a retiring disposition, and was noted
for her devotion to her home and household duties. She was for many
years a member of the Methodist Church. She left a husband and seven
children to mourn her death: Mrs. Ellen D. McNeil of Sedalia,
Missouri; Mrs. Annie E. Riggins of Springfield, Illinois; Mrs.
Fannie Davis and Miss Lizzie Ash, John and Baker Ash of Alton; and
Samuel Ash of Wyoming Territory. The youngest child, Baker, is 16
years old.
For the last ten days of her life, Mrs. Ash was comparatively free
from pain. She commenced sinking perceptibly yesterday afternoon,
and passed away as quietly as a child going to sleep at the hour
mentioned, being conscious to the last. Deceased was born January
22, 1827, in Alexandria, D. C., came to Alton in 1830 with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beal Howard. She was married January 22, 1850,
to her now bereaved husband. The funeral will take place tomorrow
afternoon from the family residence, corner of Thirteenth and
Langdon Streets. Funeral private.
ASH, SALOME/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 25, 1899
The funeral of Salome Ash, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William Ash, took place Sunday afternoon from the family home on
Sixth Street. Because of the contagious nature of the disease with
which the little girl suffered originally, the funeral was private
and brief services were conducted at the grave by Rev. Theodore
Oberhellman. Interment was in the Alton City Cemetery.
ASHBROOK, N. J. E./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 29, 1881
From Upper Alton - Mrs. N. J. E. Ashbrook died suddenly at one
o’clock Thursday afternoon of cerebral hemorrhage, aged 65 years,
three months, and two days. The deceased was a native of Licking
County, Ohio, and had been a resident of Upper Alton for several
years, living a quiet unassuming Christian life. She was a member of
the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Ashbrook had been married three times,
and been the mother of seven children, of whom three daughters and
one son, children of her first husband, survive; all are married,
one daughter residing in St. Louis, one in Peoria, and one in New
Orleans. Her son, H. S. Darniele, is known to many of our readers,
having been in business for several years in Alton. It is with him
that his mother has made her home of late years, and upon him will
fall the greatest sorrow in the constant remembrance of an empty
place in his own household, which no one can ever fill.
ASHCRAFT, SARAH E./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 15, 1886
Died at her residence, corner of Alby and Fifth Streets, July 14,
after a lingering illness, Mrs. Sarah E. Ashcraft; aged 36 years.
ASHE, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 27, 1888
From Edwardsville – The wife of Rev. W. F. E. Ashe, pastor of the
Baptist Church, died last Thursday. She leaves seven children,
besides her husband, to mourn her loss.
ASHLOCK, ALLEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 04, 1899
Allen Ashlock, son of Captain William Ashlock, died at 9 o'clock this
morning after an illness of several years duration, aged 38 years.
Until a few year's ago, Allen's face was a familiar one on the
streets, and no one had more friends than he. His illness affected
his brain, and he was obliged to give up a profitable business on
Second Street, which he had founded and built up from almost
nothing. He was a good business man, and was the best known dealer
in fish and vegetables in Alton. Since his illness began, he
gradually grew worse until he was completely helpless and dependent
entirely on the assistance of his brothers, sister and parents. For
months he has been gradually wasting away, and he died this morning
at 9 o'clock. He was a member of Western Star Lodge, I. O. O. F.,
and the funeral at 2 p.m. Thursday will be under the auspices of
that organization.
The funeral of Allen Ashlock was held at 2 o'clock this afternoon
from the family home. There was a large attendance of friends at the
services, and Western Star Lodge attended in a body. Interment was
in the City Cemetery. Allen Ashlock, son of Captain William Ashlock,
died January 4, 1899 at age 38. He founded a profitable business on
Second street, as a dealer in fish and vegetables. Interment will be
in the Alton City Cemetery.
ASHLOCK, GEORGE/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 13, 1877
From Wright City, Missouri, September 9 – George Ashlock of Alton,
Illinois, was shot and killed at this place yesterday evening, while
resisting arrest and attempting to shoot the officers of the law.
Ashlock was a wheel of furtune gambler, and was evidently a hard
case. He had been drinking freely during the day, and after abusing
the officers, he drew a loaded musket and fired at one of them, the
load missing the man. Several shots were then fired at him by the
officers, all taking effect, causing death in about two hours after
the occurrence. The two Kabler brothers, who did the shooting, are
highly respected young men, and their action in this matter is
regarded by everybody who knows the circumstances as perfectly
Telegraph, April 13 & 18, 1889
Wife of Richard A. Ashlock of Fosterburg
Mrs. Richard Ashlock died on Friday, April 12, at 11:30 o’clock, at
her residence in Fosterburg, after an illness of six months. She
leaves a husband and five children. The funeral will take place at
the family residence in Fosterburg tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon.
During all the time of her sickness, she did not murmur or complain,
but bore all her suffering patiently and said “that if it be the
Lord’s will, I am ready to go at any time.” She was born in Anderson
County, Tennessee, May 18, 1820, and had reached the age of 68
years, 10 months, and 24 days. She was united in matrimony to
Richard Ashlock in Greene County, Illinois, May 31, 1838. She was a
highly esteemed Christian lady, and went to her last long sleep
quietly, peacefully, and serenely. She left a husband and five
children – Mr. John Newton Ashlock of Kokomo, Colorado; Mr. William
J. Ashlock of Alton; Mrs. [Mary E.] Hiram Foster of Independence,
Kansas; Mrs. [Belinda Malinda] William Voyles of Alton; and Mrs.
[Martha Maria] John Henry Rammas of Jerseyville, besides a large
circle of friends to mourn her death.
The married life of Mr. and Mrs. Ashlock was unusually blessed, and
on May 31, 1888, they celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their
wedding. She was a loving wife, and was always more concerned in the
welfare of others than in her own happiness. She died in full
assurance of a brighter future beyond the grave, and her life will
always be a shining example. The funeral services were held at the
American M. E. Church, April 14, conducted by Rev. Waggoner of Upper
Alton, and was largely attended by friends who assembled to pay the
last tribute of respect, after which the loving wife and mother was
borne to the last resting place in the city of the dead. The family
have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community in their sad
bereavement. The pallbearers were Messrs. J. Heines, J. Thompson, G.
Strohbeck, E. Grieble, William Harris, and A. Dingerson. [Burial was
in the Fosterburg Cemetery.]
ASHLOCK, HARRY L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 19, 1917
Harry L. Ashlock, aged 52, well known Alton hunter and fisherman,
died at his old home at 214 Front street at eleven o'clock this
morning after an illness which dates back several years. His
condition did not become serious until about four weeks ago. Since
that time he has been confined to his bed and his condition grew
worse steadily. Mr. Ashlock was survived by his sister, Mrs. John
Wright. He was born in Alton in the same block in which he died, and
lived here all of his life. He never married, but remained home with
his parents. When a young man he went into the fish business with
his father, and he continued to help his father until three years
ago when the father died and the son took full charge of the
business on the Alton levee at the foot of Market street. Mr.
Ashlock was noted as a fisherman and a hunter throughout this part
of the state. Many an Alton man will feel a personal loss at the
death of Mr. Ashlock. He had a wide circle of friends in the city.
The funeral will be held on Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock from
the home on Front street to the City cemetery. The services will be
conducted at the home by Rev. M. W. Twing.
ASHLOCK, JAMES T. (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
August 15, 1917
Turbulent Spirit of "Oil City" Dies - Reputation of Quick to Shoot
Dr. James T. Ashlock, for a long time justice of the peace at Wood
River, died Wednesday morning at his home in West Wood River after a
long illness, aged 68. He leaves one son. The death of Ashlock
marked the closing of a life that had been a turbulent one. He was
one of the first comers to the neighborhood of the new Standard Oil
town when the Wood River refinery was started. He was a moving
spirit in the disorderly days in that vicinity, and his name was
conspicuous in many affairs. He was known as a man ready with his
gun, and in those days, in Wood River and Benbow, the man with the
gun was the man who had the last say. His son, Parke Ashlock,
afterward murdered in East St. Louis by a woman in a room, was the
village president of Wood River, up to the days when the Standard
Oil Co., alarmed at the lawlessness there, took matters in its own
hand and threw its influence toward a better order of things there,
and wrested control of the settlement from those who were misusing
their power. It was in that time Ashlock was in his palmiest days.
He once was held by a coroner jury, and later indicted by a grand
jury for murdering a foreigner in the early days of Wood River. His
influence in Wood River was a powerful element in securing his
release. Important witnesses to the killing disappeared, and the
state dropped the case against Ashlock. Prior to that he had killed
at least one other man up in Greene county. He had a career that was
marked with all the characteristics of that of a border chief in the
wild western days. Many stories are told of his strength of will,
and even on his dying bed, a friend related, Ashlock became
dissatisfied with the course of one to whom he was to leave some of
his property, and at the point of a revolver the dying man insisted
that restitution be made. Ashlock was sick many times, seemingly to
the point of death, but he rallied each time. The last illness was
about three months duration. It was during the early days when
Ashlock was so active. In those days there was intense rivalry
between the officials of the two villages, Benbow and Wood River.
Robert Baird, at that time village marshal of Benbow, shot Parke
Ashlock and fled the country, but returned not long ago and made
restitution to A. E. Benbow for all the expense Benbow had been put
to in his behalf. Following the shooting of Parke Ashlock and the
escape of Baird, the officials of the two villages met in a saloon,
had an official hatchet burying, and from that time forth there was
less trouble. When the old man, Justice Ashlock, was dying, he sent
for the former police magistrate of Benbow City, Justice Bufe, to
execute some papers which he found it necessary, on his death bed to
execute, after he had resorted to his revolver as a persuasive power
to induce signatures he thought ought to be put down on papers he
proposed to have signed before he died. Prior to his death Ashlock
had divided his property between his housekeeper and his son.
Ashlock's wife died 20 years ago. He leaves only one son, J.
Ashlock, of Kane, Ill. The body was taken in charge by Undertaker C.
N. Streeper. Dr. Ashlock once gained considerable prominence by
making his residence in a saloon refrigerator. He also had his
office there, and administered justice from the inside of the
refrigerator. He permitted a motion picture company to take pictures
of his ice box court, and the pictures were shown all over the
country. Later on, the ice box was claimed by a brewery which ousted
him from it after legal proceedings. He occupied the ice box as a
temporary home and office when the house he owned in Wood River was
destroyed by fire. [Burial was in Kane, Illinois]
ASHLOCK, JOHN N./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 28,
John N. Ashlock, a resident of Alton the greater part of his life,
died at his home on Alby street Saturday morning from an illness
which began with an attack of the grippe and developed into
pneumonia. He had been ill since Thanksgiving Day at his residence
on Alby street. He followed the occupation of a gardener, living on
the old Hardy place. He was born near Alton and he lived in Alton
all his life, except a time when he was in Kansas twenty-one years
ago. He leaves his wife and four children, Alvin Ashlock of
Washington, D. C.; Norman Ashlock of Aspen, Colorado; Mrs. E. P.
Soper of St. Louis; Mrs. William McMillen of Cremona, Canada. He
leaves also one brother, Captain William Ashlock of Alton; and three
sisters, Mrs. Hiram Foster of Independence, Kansas; Mrs. H. Rammes
of Fosterburg; Mrs. M. Voyles of Alton. He was a cousin of Captain
J. N. Ashlock of the night police who bears the same name.
ASHLOCK, PARKE E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 31, 1916
Former Mayor of Wood River Slain by Woman
Parke E. Ashlock, first mayor of Wood River, was slain in a room at
East St. Louis Friday morning at an early hour by Zella H. Fenton,
known to the police as Frankie Howard. Ashlock died on the operating
table shortly after the shooting. Ashlock was the son of Justice
James T. Ashlock of Wood River, whose turbulent career has filled
many newspaper columns.
The woman fired five bullets into the body of Ashlock. She was
arrested shortly after the shooting and claimed she had killed
Ashlock to save her own life. She said that he had beaten her and
would have killed her but for the fact that she used her revolver
first. An East St. Louis United Press dispatch says:
"The shooting of Ashlock was the second one in which she had
figured. On December 3, 1914, she shot and seriously wounded James
Hendricks in a room here. Hendricks refused to prosecute the woman.
Ashlock was 39, and was known to the police as a dangerous man. He
had figured in several shooting affrays in East St. Louis, and was a
member of the East Side gambling ring."
The killing of Ashlock recalled the days when he was running the
village of Wood River. He was representing an East St. Louis real
estate firm selling lots in Wood River. Before the days when the
employees in the Wood River refinery [Standard Oil] asserted their
power and took hold of the village government, Ashlock ran a village
government that was not much improved on that of Benbow City. It was
during the days of the construction of the Wood River refinery
[1906-07]. When men settled down in Wood River and the refinery was
put in operation, Ashlock was superseded by men who were in favor of
better things in the line of government.
Ashlock was an attractive person. He was soft spoken, ordinarily,
and made a pleasing impression, but when he had drink in him, he was
troublesome. He seldom returned to Wood River. He took an active
part in defending his father, Justice Ashlock, when the father was
indicted with another man for the murder of a foreigner. Ashlock
claimed that as an officer of the law, he ordered his aide in the
killing to shoot the foreigner. Without the assistance rendered by
the son, it is doubtful that Justice Ashlock would ever have gotten
off in court, as the son worked indefatigably to defend the father.
After the arrest of Zella Fenton, she was questioned and released.
It was found that she acted in self-defense. Parke's father, Justice
James Ashlock, went to East St. Louis and found all his son's
belongings had been stolen.
Justice James Ashlock was a powerful man, who was always ready with
his gun. Since 1900, he had lost every single tooth in his mouth,
and never could find a pair of dentures that fit him. Ashlock had a
large influence in the early development of Wood River, and was once
held by a coroner’s jury and later indicted for murdering a
foreigner. Important witnesses to the killing disappeared, and with
the help of his son, Parke, he was released and the charges dropped.
There was intense rivalry between the officials of Benbow City and
Wood River. Robert Baird, at that time the village marshal of Benbow
City, shot Parke Ashlock and then fled the country. He returned, and
made restitution to Amos E. Benbow for the expense incurred because
of the shooting. Parke Ashlock and Robert Baird met in a saloon and
had an official hatchet burying. From that time on the rivalry was
Justice Ashlock kept in office and court in a saloon refrigerator.
He permitted a motion picture company to take pictures of his ice
box court, and the photos were shown all over the country. Later the
ice box was claimed by a brewery, which ousted him from it after
legal proceedings. Justice Ashlock died in 1917. While on his
deathbed, he sent for the former police magistrate of Benbow City,
Justice Bufe, to execute some papers on his behalf. He resorted to
his revolver as a persuasive power to induce signatures before he
ASHLOCK, RICHARD A. (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
November 12, 1900
Riverboat Captain/Farmer
Richard Ashlock died Monday morning at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Henry Rammes, at Fosterburg, after a long illness. He had been
hopelessly ill several months, and the end was looked for by his
family at any time. He would have been 84 years of age had he lived
until Thursday, and he was one of the oldest residents of Madison
County. He came to Madison County in 1846 from Kane, Greene County,
where he had been living a few years after leaving his birthplace in
Knox County, Tennessee. He lived near Fosterburg most of the time
since he came to this county, where he was engaged in farming
pursuits and was well known. He was the father of John Newton
Ashlock of Colorado; William J. Ashlock of Alton; Mrs. [Martha]
Henry Rammes of Fosterburg; Mrs. Mary E. Ashlock Foster of
Independence, Kansas; and Mrs. [Belinda Melinda Ashlock Wood Voyles]
William Seth Voyles of Alton.
Richard A. Ashlock was born November 22, 1816, in either Knox County
or Anderson County, Tennessee. He was the son of William Ashlock,
who was born in 1764 in Virginia, and died in January 1818 in
Anderson County, Tennessee. Richard had an older brother, Meredith
Ashlock, who was born October 19, 1811. Meredith Ashlock moved to
Greene County, Illinois in 1828, where he married Sarah Elzina
Earthenhouse in 1833. They then moved to Texas, where he died in
1896. Another Ashlock – James – arrived in Greene County in November
1828 from Tennessee. James Ashlock was born in December 1799, and is
probably a relative to Richard and Meredith Ashlock.
Richard Ashlock married Harriet B. Morris in May 1838 in Greene
County, and they had five children. He was a riverboat captain, and
later moved to Fosterburg and took up farming. He built a large
brick home in 1865, just north of Fosterburg, on Fosterburg Road.
The home was one of the few surviving structures after the tornado
of 1948. Harriet Ashlock died in the home in April 1889, following
an illness of six months.
Captain Ashlock later deeded his home to Henry Rammes, his
son-in-law, but remained in the home until his death. After his
death, the remaining four Ashlock heirs filed a lawsuit against
their sister, Martha Rammes. They wanted the homestead divided up
amongst all the children. In May 1901, the court decided to uphold
the deed as given to Henry Rammes and his wife, Martha. Captain
Richard Ashlock was buried in the Fosterburg Cemetery.
ASHLOCK, WILLIAM C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 23,
The funeral of William C. Ashlock was held this afternoon from the
home, 921 East Sixth street, where services were conducted by Rev.
S. D. McKenny of the Cherry street Baptist church. There was a large
gathering of friends and neighbors and many beautiful floral
offerings. Burial was in City Cemetery.
ASHLOCK, WILLIAM J. (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
March 30, 1914
William J. Ashock, well known as a dealer in fish at Alton, died
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from pneumonia. About February 1 he
went to visit his sister, Mrs. Mary Foster, and while there he was
taken sick. As soon as he was able he returned home, but never
seemed entirely well and gradually grew worse until pneumonia
developed and caused his death. Capt. Ashlock was born in Greene
county March 12, 1839. With his parents he moved to the American
bottoms when three years old. When a young man he engaged in farming
near Fosterburg, and there was married to Laura B. Thompson, who
died two years ago. To the couple were born three sons and two
daughters, of whom one son, Harry L. Ashlock, and one daughter, Mrs.
John Wright, survive. Capt. Ashlock moved in 1868 to what is known
as Ashlock's pocket, this being located about two miles below the
glass works. Boats at that time ran close to the Illinois shore
where now is a farm and a house. There he engaged in the fishing
business, which he followed up to the time of his death, a period of
46 years. Capt. Ashlock was a hunter, and in his early days he would
frequently shoot a deer over on the Missouri shore and bring it
home. Capt. Ashlock was a kindly, genial gentleman, a man it was
pleasant to know, and there is general regret throughout Alton over
his death. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the family home on Front street.
ASHTON, ADDIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 25, 1889
Mrs. Addie Ashton died Tuesday after a protracted illness, at the
age of about 27 years. She left a husband and two young children to
mourn her death. The funeral took place today from the Union Baptist
Church. The father of the deceased, Mr. William Coats, arrived today
from Wisconsin; also two of her brothers, William and Theodore, from
Kansas City, to attend the funeral.
ASHTON, BLANCHE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 18, 1902
Blanche Ashton, wife of W. A. Ashton, the colored mail carrier, died
suddenly Saturday morning at the family home, Seventeenth and Alby
streets. She had not been ill before the time she was stricken with
death, and when her husband was informed at the post office that his
wife had died, he was greatly surprised. He had left home early in
the morning, and a few minutes after he left Mrs. Ashton told her
little daughter to run after and call her father back. When the
child returned, having failed to overtake the father, she found her
mother lying face downward on the floor where she had fallen on
trying to rise from the bed. Mrs. Ashton was 28 years of age and was
the mother of five children, the youngest of whom is 9 months and
the oldest is 8 years of age. She has been suffering from heart
attacks in recent years, and was informed by her physician that she
was subject to heart failure. Deputy Coroner C. N. Streeper held an
inquest this morning, and a verdict of death from heart failure was
found. Mrs. Thomas Lyons testified that she found Mrs. Ashton's body
lying on the floor and that with the assistance of Mrs. Sam
McCroskey she laid it on the bed on being called to the house by
Mrs. A.'s daughter. Mrs. Ashton's death occurred about 6:30 o'clock
in the morning.
ASHTON, HARRIETTE A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 15,
Harriette A. Ashton, daughter of mail carrier William Ashton, died
this morning at 6 o'clock after an illness of five weeks with heart
trouble, at the residence of her grandmother, Mrs. Coats, 1831
Market street. Her mother, Ida Ashton, died when Harriette was two
years old. She leaves beside her father, one brother, Elmer. Notice
of funeral will be given later.
ASKEW, WALTER/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 30, 1892
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Askew are bereaved by the death of their two
year old son, Walter, who died yesterday afternoon of congestion of
the brain. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from their
residence, 1605 Belle Street.
ASPEN, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 08, 1906
The stonemasons today had charge of the burial of Frank Aspen, the
exile from home who died in St. Joseph's hospital yesterday morning.
Rev. S. D. McKenny conducted the funeral services in the chapel at
the chapel of Keiser & Co. The stonemasons had the services at the
ASPER, CHARLES/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 03, 1889
Found in the Wood River
The body of the man found in the Wood River, and on which an inquest
was held Sunday, has been identified as that of Charles Asper, a
Swiss living at Moro, who had been missing since October 29. Messrs.
Bivins and Frey of Moro came in town Monday, and wished to examine
the body which was buried on Milton hill. It was disinterred under
direction of Marshal Kuhn and identified by the gentlemen named.
ASSMAN, IDA/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 18, 1892
Ida, daughter of Captain Otto Assman, died yesterday at Lincoln. The
father went to Lincoln this morning, and will take the body to
Highland, where it will be interred. The friends of the family will
regret very much to learn of this affliction.
ASSMANN, OTTO J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 14, 1915
Professor at the Wyman Institute in Upper Alton
From the Highland Union - Otto J. Assmann peacefully departed this
life Tuesday morning at St. Joseph Hospital in Highland, his death being due to
paralysis. He was aged 62 years, 5 months, and 8 days. He had his
first stroke of paralysis about seven years ago, the second one came
on him last October, and since that time he has been a patient in
the St. Joseph Hospital. The third and final stroke came on him
Sunday, and he never rallied from it.
Otto J. Assmann was born in Berlin, Germany on November 5, 1852. He
came to this country when he was 15 years of age, and stayed a short
time in New York, after which he came to St. Louis, and lived until
he was gornw with a relative here. In 1876 he came to Highland in
the capacity of a teacher of the Turning School, and kept that
position 5 or 6 years.
On May 15, 1877, he was married to Miss Mary Elizabeth Weber, a
daughter of Jacob Weber of Highland. To their union 4 children have
been born – one son and two daughters, of whom survive. The son is
Fred J. Assmann of Jerseyville. The daughters are Mrs. Bertha E.
Haller, wife of Louis Haller of Highland; and Mrs. Tillie M. Hilt,
wife of Roy Hilt of Alton. [One daughter, Ida Assmann, was born in
1879 and died in 1892.]
In 1882 the family moved to Alton, where Mr. Assmann was employed as
turning teacher and gymnasium teacher in the Academy at that place.
He also was by trade a cigar maker, and worked at that at times.
Later he became the proprietor of a cigar store. After his health
had completely failed, they left Alton and lived for short periods
at Jerseyville and Greenville, and then came to Highland. Besides
the children and the widow, the deceased leaves one brother and one
sister, who live in Berlin. A private funeral service will be held
at the home of Louis Haller Thursday, and interment be made in the
Highland Cemetery.
ASWEGE, DAVID/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 29, 1916
Saloon Keeper Falls Dead Behind Bar
David Aswege, who was in the saloon business in the city of Alton
for many years, dropped dead from heart disease this afternoon at 2
o'clock while tending bar in his own saloon at Second and Langdon
streets. Mr. Aswege had been taking treatment for heart trouble for
a long time. He knew that he was liable to just such an attack, and
the attending physician said that owing to his own knowledge of the
ailment of Mr. Aswege, and that he had frequently treated him for
it, he hardly believed a coroner's inquiry would be necessary. Mr.
Aswege conducted a saloon on Second street for a long time, and
afterward opened a saloon on Belle street. He was a brother of
Eilert Aswege. His own son, Henry Aswege, died recently. Witnesses
of the death of Mr. Aswege said that the saloon man was standing
behind the bar talking to some men in the saloon when he collapsed
without warning and apparently he died instantly. Life was extinct
when his physician was summoned. The body was taken in charge by
Undertaker Bauer to prepare it for burial. The deceased had operated
the saloon at Second and Langdon for only a short time. He disposed
of his place on Belle street, and after a while he wanted to get
into business again. After considerable difficulty he managed to
secure a sufficient number of names to warrant the issuing of a
license in his block. Mr. Aswege was in his seventy-fifth year, and
so is his wife. He leaves besides his wife, two daughters: Mrs.
LaBelle and Mrs. Adolph Hunt.
ASWEGE, EILERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 20, 1911
Eilert Aswege, a well known resident of Alton, and for many years
engaged in the saloon business, died at his home, Belle street near
Fourth, after a long illness, Sunday morning at 7 o'clock. Mr.
Aswege was 67 years of age and he had lived in Alton many years. He
is survived by his wife and one daughter, Mrs. Sophia Bose. Mr.
Aswege had been in bad health several years. He had retired from the
saloon business a number of years ago. In his younger days he was
known as one of the biggest and most powerful men in the Altons. He
owned considerable real estate formerly, but had disposed of most of
it converting the realty holdings into cash. Mr. Aswege was born at
Hanover, Germany, November 28, 1844, and was in his 67th year. He
came to Alton December 13, 1866, and was married here November 28,
1867 to Miss Frances Loarts. He went into business in Alton in 1873
and retired fifteen years ago. His death was due to heart trouble.
Mr. Aswege was known as a man of honest dealing, and of financial
stability. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2
o'clock from his late home on Belle street, under the auspices of
the German Benovolent society of which order he was a member.
ATHERTON, MAUDE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 17, 1900
Mrs. Maude Atherton, wife of Edward Atherton of the Alton bridge,
died last evening at 6 o'clock after a long illness with
consumption, at the family home at Third and Alby Streets. She was
24 years of age. She leaves no children. The funeral took place this
afternoon at 4 o'clock from the home, and services were conducted by
Rev. M. W. Twing. Interment was in the City Cemetery.
ATKINS, AMOS SR./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 28,
Died September 26, Amos Atkins Sr., at William Harshaw’s on South
7th Street, St. Louis, Missouri. Funeral will take place from his
late residence on Chouteau Island, Madison County, Illinois,
September 29. Burial will be in the Odd Fellow’s Cemetery.
ATKINS, ARIA ANNA (nee JOB)/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 20,
Mrs. Aria A. Atkins, wife of the late Amos Atkins, died suddenly at
her home on Chouteau Island last Wednesday, aged 55 years. Deceased
had been enjoying good health of late, and the day previous had
driven to Venice and did some shopping. She was a daughter of the
late George Job, a niece of Hon. Zephaniah B. Job of Alton, and a
sister of Mr. Colonel J. T. Cooper of Dallas, Texas. She was highly
esteemed by all who knew her, and her death is sadly lamented by
neighbors and friends generally. [Burial was in the Odd Fellow
Cemetery in Granite City.]
ATKINS, EDWARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 14, 1886
From Upper Alton – Captain John Atkins is again afflicted by the
death of his son, Edward, a young man of promise and beloved by all
his many acquaintances.
ATKINS, ELIZABETH (nee EMERT)/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 26,
Widow of William Atkins
Mrs. Elizabeth Atkins, mother of Captain John Atkins, and widow of
William Atkins, died Tuesday afternoon at her residence on Liberty
Street. “Grandma” Atkins, as everyone called her, has been a
resident of Upper Alton for many years, during which time she has
won the respect and affection of all with whom she has been
associated. In church work or more private charities, she has been a
devoted laborer. For some years she has been in feeble health, and
latterly a great sufferer. Mrs. Atkins age was 86. Her family name
was Emert. She leaves two sisters and a large circle of relatives.
She will be laid to rest in the family cemetery near Madison.
Elizabeth Emert Atkins was born June 17, 1800. She married William
Atkins, who died in 1872. They had at least two children – Sarah
Atkins Darnielle (1820-1848) and riverboat captain John Atkins
(1822-1903). Elizabeth and Williams were buried in the Ebenezer
Cemetery, located off of Rock Road in Granite City.
ATKINS, JOHN (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 16,
Capt. John Atkins, aged 81, one of the best known residents of Upper
Alton passed away Monday morning at his home on College avenue after
a brief illness. Reports from the bedside of Capt. Atkins during the
two days preceding his death had been very disquieting to his
friends, and it was feared Sunday that the end of the long life of
Capt. Atkins was rapidly drawing near. He was a native of Madison
county, and had lived in and near Upper Alton all his life. Many
years ago he was known as one of the wealthiest men in Upper Alton,
and was interested in an estate which owned more real estate in the
American Bottoms than any other family in the county. Captain Atkins
also possessed valuable real estate in Upper Alton, and built the
residence now occupied by Mr. H. P. Rodgers on Garden street. He was
interested in the steamboat business many years ago, and was well
known among the men who followed the river for a livelihood. In 1844
he was married to Mrs. Mary Job, who died about ten years ago. Capt.
Atkins leaves two children, William Atkins of Upper Alton and Mrs.
Fanny Tatum of Denver. He also leaves two grandchildren, who made
their home with him - Eugene and Miss Lulu Elwell. No definite
arrangements for the funeral have been made, as the arrival of Mrs.
Tatum from Denver is being awaited.
ATKINS, MARY E./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 01, 1881
Wife of Captain John Atkins
The death of Mrs. Mary E. Atkins, wife of Captain John Atkins of
Upper Alton, was briefly alluded to in our issue of yesterday. The
deceased was a lady of great force of character and untiring energy.
For more than thirty years she has been a moving power in the church
with which she had been connected. Since her removal with her
husband to Upper Alton twenty-five years ago or more, she has been
an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church of that place,
and her death will leave a vacancy there, as well as in her own
family circle, which can never be filled. Mrs. Atkins was 54 years
of age last May. She leaves two sisters, Mrs. Amos Atkins of Madison
and Mrs. J. T. Cooper of Alton, also a husband and two daughters,
Mrs. Henry C. Tatum and Mrs. John W. Elwell.
ATKINS, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 09, 1872
Died on February 3, at his residence in Six Mile, Madison County,
William Atkins; aged 78 years. Mr. Atkins was one of the oldest
citizens of this county, and was well and favorably known in this
part of the State.
ATKINSON, AGNES/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 14, 1873
Died on February 9 in Alton, of consumption, Mrs. Agnes, wife of
William Atkinson; aged 53 years.
ATKINSON, FREDDIE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 04, 1892
Mr. and Mrs. Preston Atkinson mourn the loss of their infant son,
Freddie, who died Sunday morning. The little one was sick but a
short time, and his death is a sad blow to the fond parents. The
funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the residence, 427
East Second Street, to the City Cemetery.
ATKINSON, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 16, 1896
The venerable William Atkinson, than whom no one in Alton is better
known, died at his home, 822 Belle Street, Monday. Mr. Atkinson has
been in poor health for several months with cirrhosis of the liver,
having been confined to his bed part of the time. For a week past,
his condition was somewhat better, and he has been able to be
around. This morning he was seized with a fainting spell, and
expired at 12:30.
Mr. Atkinson was born in Lancashire, England, November 29, 1815, and
was 81 years of age. He left England and started for America in
1850, coming to Alton where he has continued to reside. His wife
died in 1873, and since that time his sister-in-law, Miss Elizabeth
Harrison, has kept house for him.
Mr. Atkinson has been engaged in the quarrying business in Alton,
and for many years was in partnership with the late James Patrick,
and has amassed quite a fortune in the business. He was a man of
strong mind, who always fought for and stuck to his friends, and
could be depended on at all times to keep his word. His figure was a
familiar sight on Alton’s streets, and everybody knew Billy
Atkinson. He leaves no relatives except by marriage that are known
The funeral took place at his home on Belle Street. The obsequies
were attended by a large number of old acquaintances and friends of
the family, who gathered to pay the last mark of respect that can be
shown to the departed. Rev. H. M. Chittenden of the Episcopal Church
conducted the services, after which the body was taken to the depot
for shipment to Piasa. The pallbearers, Messrs. J. J. Brenholt, S.
F. Connor, James Webster, Thomas Corbett, and Ralph Dickson and Rev.
H. M. Chittenden, with a part of friends, accompanied them to Piasa,
where the body of one of Alton’s most highly respected citizens was
laid to rest beside his wife.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 23, 1896
The will of the late William Atkinson of Alton was Friday filed with
the county clerk at Edwardsville. Miss Elizabeth Harrison is sole
heir under the will, and is made executrix without bond. Miss
Harrison is a sister of Mr. Atkinson’s wife, and has been his
housekeeper for many years. The estate is valued at $10,000 or
$12,000. Messrs. J. J. Brenholt, W. T. Norton, and J. A. Cousley
were witnesses who appeared to verify the will. Mr. Atkinson was
supposed to be much more wealthy than he actually was, some
estimates placing the valuation as high as $50,000 to $75,000. His
wife has been dead for twenty-two years.
ATLAND, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 11, 1907
Henry Atland, aged 66, died this morning after an illness from
kidney trouble resulting in uraemic poisoning. He leaves his wife
and one daughter. The funeral will be from the home of William D.
Thorn on Eighth street Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. Atland was
a well-known resident of Alton.
ATLAND, NETTIE O./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 12,
Miss Nettie O., eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Atland, died
at 9:15 Friday evening at her home, _22 East Third street. She was
born June 20th, 1878 in Alton, where she spent all her life, with
the exception of three years when she attended school at the Notre
Dame Convent in Milwaukee. Her death resulted from Phthisis
Pulmonalis. Deceased was a girl of lovable character, and her many
friends are filled with grief because of her demise. Funeral will
take place Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. from St. Mary's church.
ATSON, FLORENCE/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 04, 1897
Miss Florence Atson, daughter of Mrs. Mary Atson, housekeeper at
Hotel Madison, died Tuesday at the hotel after a lingering illness
from consumption. She has lived at the hotel with her mother for ten
or twelve years, and her death is a severe bereavement to the
widowed mother. The funeral took place yesterday morning from St.
Mary’s Church.
ATTEBERRY, ANNIS E. (nee FROST)/Source: Alton Telegraph,
September 24, 1873
Died in Godfrey, September 12, Annis E., daughter of Elijah Frost
and wife of James C. Atteberry; aged 21 years, 4 months, and 6 days.
ATTERBURY, ALEX/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 21, 1914
Lonely Man Found Dead in His Room
The body of Alex Atterbury, aged 56, was discovered in a badly
decomposed state, lying on the bed in one of the two basement rooms
which he occupied in the building belonging to Mrs. Fannie Cowling
at 727 Market street, shortly after noon today. The ghastly
discovery was made by Mrs. Andrew Emerick and her thirteen year old
daughter, Miss Fannie, who made an investigation when the smell of
the decomposing body became so offensive, that they could not bear
to live in the rooms above which they occupied. Mrs. Emerick said
that none of the members of the family were able to sleep last night
on account of the odor, but their suspicions were not aroused
because the old man who lived alone was in the habit of going away
at times and remaining away for several days without making
explanation to anyone. When Miss Fannie came home from school she
suggested an investigation of the rooms downstairs. The child and
her mother peered through the screen and a torn place in the curtain
and saw the old man lying on the bed. Then they telephoned to the
police station and Coroner's Undertaker John Berner was sent for.
Officer Joseph Uhle first reached the scene and kept all curious
bystanders away from the place when Berner arriver he tried to get
in and found that the door was locked. He borrowed a key from
upstairs and found that the door was further latched inside. After
breaking the latch by pushing against the door, he came to the
conclusion that he would not move the body before disinfecting the
place, and sent for a supply of formaldehyde, which he used. He left
Officer Uhle to guard the body until he returned for it later. The
body was lying in a straight position on the bed, fully dressed, and
there was nothing to indicate that the man's death had been caused
by anything else but illness. On a table in the rooms were letters
and a lot of books, among them being a family Bible. It is believed
that he was taken suddenly ill Sunday night and died without being
able to call for help. He was last seen Sunday evening when he went
uptown and returned with a loaf of bread. Atterbury lived alone and
batched in the two rooms which he had occupied for two years. For
some time he had been out of a job and had been inquiring about
work, but he did not seem to find any. His wife died five years ago.
Atterbury had seven sons whom he often visited, but their names were
not known by the family living upstairs. After examining the body,
deputy Coroner John Berner told a reporter for the Telegraph this
afternoon that it would be next to impossible to discover whether or
not he committed suicide. It has been learned that he has two sons
in Carlinville, William and Jud Atterberry, and they have been
informed of their father's death.
ATWATER, ELIZA/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 13, 1874
Miss Eliza Atwater died in Edwardsville at the residence of E. M.
West, her brother-in-law, last Thursday; aged 64 years.
ATWATER, JOSHUA/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, February 10,
Submitted by Jane Denny
Pioneer teacher; Founder of Charitable Society; Business Man
The subject of this sketch died in Edwardsville on February 6, 1870,
in the 94th year of his age. At the time of his death, Mr. Atwater
was probably the oldest citizen of Madison County, if not the oldest
of the State, having emigrated from Westfield, Massachusetts, his
native town, to Illinois, in the year 1801. In 1807, he taught the
first public school in St. Clair County. In 1809, he organized the
first charitable institution in Illinois, to the constitution of
which his name appears as the largest quarterly contributor,
although at that time not worth fifty dollars. In 1824, Mr. Atwater
entered actively into the effort against the establishment of
slavery in this State, and with Lippincot, Churchill, and other
leading men of this county, did good service in the cause of
freedom. In politics he was a Whig, and since 1860 acted with the
Republican party, but never was a partisan, nor entered into party
strife. In the year 1809, he made a profession of religion, and
united with the Methodist Church, and lived a long life of Christian
conduct securing the confidence of all who knew him.
A man of great kindness of heart, he dispensed an extraordinary and
generous hospitality for very many years. He was a man of much more
than ordinary strength of mind, and had to a remarkable degree the
power of correctly understanding human character. A man of good
business habits, extraordinary punctuality, and a truly honest man.
An incident in business matters will show this trait of character.
In 1810, a merchant in St. Louis, by the name of Phillipron, brought
on a lot of tin-plate amounting to $500. Mr. Atwater had a desire to
get the plate to manufacture into ware, but had neither money or
credit to get it. He went to one Robert McMahon, and agreed with him
that if he would recommend him to the merchant, so that he could get
the plate on six months credit, he would give McMahon one-half the
amount of profit derived from the sale of the ware. Before the six
months had expired, Mr. Atwater paid for the plate and paid McMahon
$496.75 as his part of the profit, having kept a strict account of
every article made and sold.
In the death of this aged and venerable pioneer and Christian
gentleman, Edwardsville has lost its oldest citizen, the church its
most faithful and liberal member, his children a father greatly
beloved, and the community an example of integrity and virtue.
Joshua Atwater was born in 1776 in Westfield, Hampden County,
Massachusetts. He and his brother, Thomas, moved to St. Clair
County, Illinois, in 1801, and then to Madison County in Nameoki
Township. In about 1808, a school was constructed of poles, two
miles north of Six Mile House. Joshua Atwater was the teacher. In
about 1809, Joshua moved to Edwardsville, and opened the first
school there.
In March 1809, the first benevolent association in Illinois
Territory, the “Charitable Society,” was formed by Joshua Atwater.
This association provided the necessities for the poor and indigent,
without distinction to race or color, and more particularly for the
families of those engaged in defending the frontier settlements from
Indian hostilities. The members of the society bound themselves to
make quarterly contributions to a fund for the poor. The
constitution was handwritten by Mr. Atwater, and although he was
then a poor man, his name appeared at the head of the list for the
highest amount of donation.
In 1810, Joshua married Rebecca Walker. They had five children:
Eliza Atwater (1811-1874); Frances M. Atwater Skidmore (1813-1833);
John Atwater (1815-1839); Julia Ann Atwater West (1817-1877; married
Hon. Edward Mitchell West); and Emily Atwater Mabee (1822-1846).
After the death of his first wife in 1844, he married Mrs. Celia
Jett on April 30, 1845.
In 1817, Joshua opened a tavern in Edwardsville. In 1820, Atwater
entered the mercantile business in Edwardsville, which he carried on
until 1837. He and Andrew R. Skidmore formed the business called A.
R. Skidmore & Co.
In the 1830s, a sister of Joshua Atwater, Mrs. Stearns, arrived in
Edwardsville and opened a school. She was an industrious educator,
and introduced spelling bees in which neighboring schools
Joshua collected coins of all types, and kept them in the West &
Prickett Bank in Edwardsville. In 1870, it was reported that the
coins valued from $400.00 to $500.00. the coins were mostly American
silver dollars, with some of them dating back to 1780, plus many old
Spanish pieces over a hundred years old.
Joshua Atwater died February 6, 1870 in Edwardsville. According to
records, he was buried in the Lusk Cemetery. There is a marker for
Atwater in the Woodlawn Cemetery, but it is believed these are
family memorials.
ATWATER, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 30, 1839
A report is in circulation here, that one Mr. Atwater, living in or
near Edwardsville, "went out a gunning" on Saturday or Sunday last
and perished through the intensity of the cold. The particulars have
not reached us.
ATWOOD, EMMA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 14, 1903
North Alton News - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Atwood of the Branch are
again sorely bereaved in the loss of their little daughter, Emma,
who died Monday after an illness with scarlet fever. Early in the
month a son died from the same disease, and the parents have the
sympathy of the entire community in their double affliction. The
funeral was held Tuesday morning. Interment was in Oakwood cemetery,
Upper Alton. Mr. and Mrs. Atwood came from Jerseyville some time ago
and have won many friends by their quiet ways and industrious
habits. Their loss is about the greatest parents are ever called
upon to bear, and only Faith and Hope can sustain and comfort them.
ATWOOD, JOHN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October
02, 1882
The community was deeply pained to learn of the death, Saturday
evening, at 7:30 o’clock, of Mr. John Atwood, one of our oldest and
most highly esteemed citizens. He had been failing for several
months, and had been confined to his residence about six weeks,
passing away from earth at the hour mentioned as peacefully and
quietly as a child going to sleep, not a sigh or tremor marking the
last moment. Deceased was born at Haverhill, Massachusetts, and was
in his 69th year at the time of his death. He came to Alton early in
the year 1836, and has been prominently identified with the
interests of the place ever since.
John Atwood and his cousin, the late Moses Gilman Atwood, were
contractors under the State internal improvement system, in vogue
soon after his removal West. On February 23, 1839, the Illinois
Mutual Fire Insurance Company was organized, with John Atwood being
elected Secretary, a position he filled for many years. For over
forty years, he was prominent in insurance circles, traveling all
over the State and establishing agencies. Probably no man in
Illinois had been engaged so long in that business. He was
thoroughly posted in all its details, and was looked upon as
authority in all insurance matters. He was well and favorably known
throughout the State, and hosts of friends, beside those in Alton,
will be grieved to learn of his decease.
At the time of his death, John Atwood was President of the Illinois
Mutual Insurance Company, and member of the firm of McPike & Atwood.
In civic affairs, he was long an active and useful member of the
community, serving his fellow citizens acceptably in the Council and
on the Board of Education. He was a kind neighbor and genial friend,
trusted and esteemed by all. His religious connection was with the
Congregational Church, of which he was a member. Mr. Atwood was
married October 20, 1842, to Miss Mary R. Nichols, who survives him.
At a special meeting of the Board of Education held this morning, it
was resolved that as a tribute of respect to the memory of Mr.
Atwood, formerly a member of the Board, the public schools be
dismissed tomorrow afternoon, and that the Board of Education attend
the funeral in a body.
John Atwood was born in 1814, in Haverhill, Essex County,
Massachusetts. He died September 30, 1882, in Alton. He married Mary
R. Nichols on October 20, 1842. John Atwood was buried in the Alton
City Cemetery. His wife, Mary, died in July 1900 at the age of 82 or
83, and is also buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
ATWOOD, JOHN C./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 15, 1898
Veteran of the Spanish – American War
Grandson of John and Mary Atwood of Alton Dies in Puerto Rico
Died on October 28, at Puerto Rico, John C. Atwood, O. L, First
Volunteer Engineers, oldest son of Ellis T. Atwood of New York City.
The remains will be brought home for burial. [Burial was in the
Cedar Grove Cemetery in Flushing, New York
Mr. Ellis T. Atwood (1848-1928), father of the deceased young
soldier, is the son of the venerable Mrs. Mary Atwood of Liberty
Street in Alton, and of the late John Atwood (1814-1882), one of
Alton’s well-known business men. All of Mr. Atwood’s old
acquaintances will deeply regret the death of his son.
ATWOOD, MARY R./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 04, 1900
Mrs. Mary R. Atwood, wife of the late John Atwood, died at her home
on Liberty street this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, after a few weeks
illness. Mrs. Atwood has been a resident of Alton for more than
fifty years, and was a woman of high character, and during the years
of her activity was a leader in all good works. She is the last of
her family, as her husband died many years ago. She had passed her
82th year.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 14, 1900
The will of Mrs. Mary R. Atwood, who died recently, was filed for
probate in the probate court a few days ago, and the hearing of the
proof will be September 10.....The Atwood home is one of the oldest
in the city of Alton, and the family was at one time one of the most
prominent. Mr. and Mrs. Atwood purchased the property in 1847, and
lived their during their entire married life. In going over the
property, the executor found every paper in the house that had been
taken during all the years the family lived there, and the task of
sifting out the valuable papers from the others will be a heavy one.
The personal property of Mrs. Atwood is very valuable, and the house
is filled with interesting relics of the early days of the family.
So far as is known, she left no sisters and brothers, and if any are
living, she did not know of it. If any heirs should be discovered,
they will share in the distribution of the property to the residuary
legatees after the persons named in the will have received their
share. Edmund H. Blair is appointed executor of the will. The death
of Mrs. Atwood takes away, with the exception of the children, the
last of the immediate families connected with the old Illinois
Mutual Insurance Company, one of the most substantial institutions
in the State at the early day. The husband of Mrs. Atwood, John
Atwood, was secretary for many years. His brother, Moses G. Atwood,
was President, Lewis Kellenberger was Treasurer, the late Judge
Billings was General Counsel, and Messrs. S. Wade, Robert Smith,
were in the Board of Directors. All of them lived within a short
distance of each other. The company built the brick dwelling now on
the southeast corner of Liberty and Maple streets for a general
office, and used as such for many years. The company grew rapidly in
resources and good name, and continued to do business until the
great Chicago fire, when all its resources were swept away. Its
capital and surplus were not sufficient to pay ten per cent of its
losses in that great conflagration.
01, 1869
President of Illinois Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Moses Gilman Atwood was born on December 30, 1805, in Franconia,
Grafton County, New Hampshire. He married Mary H. S. _______ in New
Hampshire, and lived in Concord, New Hampshire with his wife and
children. Known children are: Mary Francis “Francie” Atwood Topping
(1830-1917, married Erastus Topping); and Eva Lillian Atwood King
(youngest daughter, married Colonel John W. King; and then married
General Grierson on July 28, 1897); and Caroline “Carrie” Atwood
Cavender, wife of Robert S. Cavender). Eva’s son, Harold Atwood
King, was manager of a ranch belonging to General Grierson at Fort
Davis, Texas. The Atwood family, along with Moses’ cousin, John
Atwood, moved to Alton, Illinois, in 1837. Moses was one of 60
volunteers, who joined together to defend Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy
when his life was threatened due to his anti-slavery position. Moses
was elected to serve as their Captain. The Lovejoy press was stored
in the Winthrop Gilman warehouse, and since Moses’ middle name was
Gilman, there may be a connection to that family.
Moses G. Atwood was elected Alderman of the Fourth Ward in Alton, in
1838. He ran on the Anti-Grog Shop Ticket, along with Winthrop S.
Gilman for Mayor. In 1839, the Illinois Mutual Fire Insurance
Company was organized in Alton. Benjamin F. Long served as
President, and Moses G. Atwood served as Secretary. John Atwood, his
cousin, served as Director. Later, Moses Atwood became the company’s
President. The insurance company built their office in Middletown,
on the southeast corner of Liberty and Grove Streets – directly
across from Moses Atwood’s home. The neighborhood became known as
“Insuranceville,” as many of the founders lived in the area. They
later moved to a building on State Street. The company extended its
business into Chicago, where it was wiped out by the great fire of
1871, which destroyed the great part of that city.
In about 1852, Moses Atwood built a large, stone home on Liberty
Street in Alton, near Grove Street, which still stands today. It
later became the home of John Snyder, business man in Alton, and
then Sarah Duncan, wife of Gilbert Duncan, co-founder of Duncan
Foundry in Alton.
Sometime after 1853, Moses and his cousin, John Atwood, became
members of the Alton Horticultural Society. During one meeting, he
exhibited specimens of the “Earth Almond,” a European sedge having
small, edible, nutlike tubers. It grew like a potato, and possessed
the flavor of an Almond nut. The seed was brought from Southern
Spain, and distributed for cultivation throughout America. In 1937,
it was discovered in records that Moses shipped 100 Buckeye trees
from New England to Alton. He planted a long row of them on Liberty
Street, where he lived, and also gave them to family members and
friends to plant throughout Alton.
Moses joined the Unitarian Church in Alton, and served as its
Treasurer. Moses became the President of the Alton Board of
Education, and was involved in the building of its first schools.
On January 1, 1869, Moses Gilman Atwood died in Alton at the age of
63. He is buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
ATWOOD, PEARL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 19, 1914
Mrs. Pearl Atwood, wife of David Atwood, died from typhoid
pneumonia, aged 23. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bell of
Alton. The family came here from Louisiana, Mo., and the deceased
leaves her parents, five sisters, and one brother. Funeral
arrangements have not been made.
ATWOOD, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph,
August 25, 1871
Died on August 19, 1871, in Alton, Mrs. Moses G. Atwood, formerly of
Concord, New Hampshire, after a long and lingering illness, in the
67th year of her age.
AUHL, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 13, 1893
From Edwardsville - Charles Auhl, late a bakery proprietor and
formerly a painter here, died last Friday morning after an illness
of 18 months, in the 43rd year of his age. The interment took place
Sunday. Charley was well liked by all.
AUSTIN, JOSIE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 02, 1888
Mrs. Frank Austin, a very estimable lady, died Saturday of
consumption. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon from the
family residence on Liberty Street, between Fifth and Sixth. [Burial
was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
AUSTIN, RAYMOND/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 17,
Boy Killed by Speeding Automobile
Speeding of an automobile on the State road at Sering place is the
cause of sunny Raymond Austin, in his fourteenth year, being a
mangled corpse in the home on Prospect street in Milton Heights. The
only witness of the tragedy so far known is the eight year old
brother, Nolan, who escaped injury when the speeding automobile
swung clear off the road and hit Raymond Austin where he was
standing, three feet to the side of the paving. Picking up the boy
on the radiator, the automobile hurled him to the other side against
and under another automobile that was passing at the time. Neither
automobile halted, but sped on down the road at furious speed,
leaving Raymond Austin lying in a pool of blood on the bricks, his
neck broken, his skull fractured, his thigh on one side and his leg
on the other broken. Death was instant. The death of the Austin boy
has produced the wildest indignation in the Milton Heights
neighborhood. He was a bright, intelligent young boy, and had passed
his thirteenth birthday the fourth of November. He was everybody's
friend in the neighborhood and he was generally known as "Sunshine,"
because of his sunny disposition. He was making good progress in the
school, had a most loveable disposition, and was a strong, sturdy
boy, always ready to help anybody, and always with a smile on his
face. Sunday morning he had started with his eight year old brother,
Nolan, to go over to Duck Lake to see some friends. Seeing the
automobile racing along the state road, the two boys hurried across
the road to get to a place of safety. They had reached the other
side of the road and were standing about three feet beyond the line
of the paving when the automobile swung in the dirt, and struck the
older boy. The little fellow said his brother was snapped over on
top the radiator where he hung an instant, then was propelled
against another car which ran over him. The body was picked up and
taken in charge by Deputy Coroner Bauer, who held an inquest Sunday
afternoon. The jury returned an open verdict and pending further
inquiry into the accident, the jury will not be discharged. The
police department and the coroner are trying to find out who the
drivers of the two cars were. The little boy who saw the accident
can give no description of the cars at all, but he thinks one was a
Ford. The funeral will be held at 4 p.m. Tuesday from the home, and
burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.
AUSTIN, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 26, 1890
Mr. William Austin, one of our old citizens, died Friday afternoon,
aged 74 years. Mr. Austin had been in feeble health for some time.
He has lived in Alton for a long period, and is well and favorably
known. His wife and several children of adult years survive him.
AUTEN, MARY JANE (nee McADAMS)/Source: Alton Telegraph, December
10, 1896
Sister of Professor William McAdams
Mrs. Mary J. Auten, widow of the late John Auten, died Sunday
morning at the home of her sister, Miss Anna McAdams, in Otterville,
after a lingering illness from cancer of the stomach. Mrs. Auten was
sixty years of age. She was well known in Alton and vicinity, having
resided here for many years. Her husband, John A. Adams, who died in
1887, was a prominent merchant of Alton, having been in the dry
goods business with Mr. Richard Holden.
Mrs. Auten was a charitable lady, performing many good deeds in a
quiet way. She was a consistent member and an earnest worker in the
First M. E. Church. Besides her sister, two brothers – Dr. Charles
L. McAdams of Wichita, Kansas; and L. Y. McAdams of Jerseyville,
survive her. She was also a sister of the late Professor William
The funeral of Mrs. Mary J. Auten took place Tuesday afternoon from
the Baptist Church at Otterville. Quite a number of relatives and
friends went from Alton to attend the funeral. Rev. F. L. Thomson
conducted the services. [burial was in the Noble Cemetery in
Otterville, Illinois.]
AUTEN, NELLIE M./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 07, 1879
Died on Saturday, August 2, Nellie M., daughter of Aaron O. and
Nellie H. Auten; aged one year and six months.
AUTEN, JOHN ANDERSON/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 01, 1887
Mr. John Anderson Auten, an old resident of Alton, died at 11:30
o’clock today of pneumonia, after an illness of almost a week’s
duration. It is said that death is always unexpected, and it was
unusually so in this case to the community at large, as
comparatively few persons had heard of Mr. Auten’s illness.
John A. Auten was born in Somerset County, New Jersey, August 25,
1826. He came to Greene County, Illinois, in 1837, and removed to
Alton 35 years ago, where he has since resided. He was engaged in
mercantile pursuits during his residence here, being connected with
the dry goods firms of Hawkins, Auten & Leech, and Auten & Holden.
For several months, he had been engaged with the Haagen & Fuess Dry
Goods Company. He was universally esteemed, and his name was a
synonym of integrity and rectitude. He was devoted to his home and
family, and died quietly and peacefully, with the name of his wife
on his lips, being conscious to the last. Mrs. Auten has been
confined to her bed by sickness for some weeks, and the last time
she saw her husband was last Wednesday, just before he was taken
The sympathies of all will be extended to her and other relatives in
their great bereavement. Deceased left also three children: Edgar of
Chicago; Aaron O. of Springfield; and John, who is at home. Mr.
Aaron O. Auten has been telegraphed for, and will arrive this
evening. The funeral will take place Thursday from the M. E. Church.
John Anderson Auten was the son of Aaron Oliver Auten (1793-1842;
buried in the Veteran of Foreign Wars Cemetery in White Hall, IL)
and Naomi Roemer Auten (1798-1880; buried in the White Hall
Cemetery). John first married on April 27, 1848, to Matilda A. Hicks
(1828-1876), who died in 1876 and is buried in the Alton City
Cemetery. He married a second time in February 1881 to Mary J.
McAdams, who survived him. John Auten was buried in the Alton City
AVIS, ELIZABETH M./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 13, 1853
Wife of Samuel Avis, Esq.
“The sweet remembrance of the just, Shall flourish though they sleep
in dust.”
The above ancient lines, which in the days of our childhood we need
to read, as they were engraved by the hand of affection, and placed
at the grave of the loved and dead, have been suggested by the
d_____ of Mrs. Elizabeth M. Avis, wife of Samuel Avis, Esq., who
died Monday evening, May 9, in Alton.
It is not our purpose to eulogize the deceased, but simply to say
that in all the relations which she sustained as neighbor, friend,
sister, daughter, mother, and wife, her remembrance is sweet,
fragrant, pleasant – very pleasant indeed to the large circle of her
bereaved friends and relations, and specially so to him who knows
best her worth and his loss.
By this dispensation of Providence, three young children are left
motherless, the youngest less than two weeks old, and all of them
needing a mother’s care. May these little children, now the warm
current of a mother’s love, _____ not to them, be taken under the
immediate protection of their mother’s God!
Mrs. Avis had been for five years almost in a ____ member of the
Baptist Church in Alton, having publicly professed her faith in a
crucified Redeemer, by baptism, on the seventh day of May, 184”,
since which time, it is but justice to say she has won a high place
to the Christian regard by her Pastor.
AVIS, MARY SLATER/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 27, 1848
Died on the morning of the 22nd October, at the residence of her
father, Mary Slater, daughter of Samuel Avis of Alton, aged 2(?)
years and 10 months.
AVIS, SAMUEL (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 12, 1868;
HIstory of Madison County, 1882; Find A Grave
Alton Businessman; Civil War Veteran
Died on June 9, 1868, at his residence in Monticello [Godfrey], of
pneumonia, Captain Samuel Avis. Captain Avis was one of the oldest
and best citizens Alton has ever had. He was emphatically a good and
practical Christian man, and verily his works will follow him.
Captain Samuel Avis was born in Massachusetts [possibly Boston] in
about 1805. He moved to Alton in 1831, and married Elizabeth M.
Hages in St. Louis, Missouri, on April 10, 1844.
Samuel Avis and William Manning (of Boston, Massachusetts) arrived
in Alton in 1831. William Manning was Samuel’s brother-in-law, so
William was possibly married at this time to Samuel’s sister.
William Manning opened a dry goods store opposite the old city hall
on Broadway in Alton, and Samuel worked in the store at that time.
In 1837, William ended all partnership in the mercantile business,
but directed all debtors to pay Samuel Avis at Stone & Co. (probably
another dry goods store). In June 1837, Samuel announced that he
formed a partnership with Justin Shapley, under the name of Shapley
& Avis, in the general jobbing business (mercantile business). In
June 1853, it was reported in the Alton Daily Telegraph that Samuel
Avis opened a new general merchandise store on the south side of
Broadway, seemingly without a partner.
Elizabeth M. Hages Avis died May 9, 1853, leaving the following
children: Catherine “Kate” Avis McPike (1846-1934); and Charles B.
Avis. Another daughter, Mary Slater Avis, died in 1848.
“Kate” Avis, daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth, married the brother of
Alton Mayor Henry Guest McPike - William Cowper McPike - who died
February 3, 1911, in Kansas City, Missouri. William and Kate had
four daughters and two sons: Avis G. McPike; Mrs. (Bertha) W. T.
Bland; Mrs. (May) Robert McQueen; Misses Blanche and Geneveve
McPike; and Jess McPike.
Samuel Avis remarried to Sophia Hager Malcom, who was born in
Hagerston, Maryland in 1813, and had resided in Alton since 1852.
Sophia died in Alton on December 21, 1882. Surviving her were the
following children: Mr. S. H. Malcom (age 68 at the time of her
death); and two stepchildren: Mrs. William C. McPike and Mr. Charles
B. Avis.
Additional information on Captain Avis:
1837 served as Secretary of the Total Abstinence Society in Alton.
In 1837, both William Manning and Samuel Avis voted in favor of
incorporating the town of Alton.
1854 served as treasurer of the Board of Directors of the National
In September 1864, Samuel was appointed Quartermaster at the Alton
post during the Civil War. In January 1865, it was reported that he
was to be replaced at the Alton post, and was to report for duty at
Hilton Head, South Carolina. At some point, Samuel earned the rank
of Captain.
In September 1852, Samuel was one of many businessmen who sent a
letter to Captain Benjamin Godfrey, inviting him to attend a
recognition dinner, in honor of Godfrey completing the Alton &
Sangamon Railroad.
Captain Samuel Avis died at his residence in Godfrey (it is unknown
when he moved from Alton to Godfrey] on June 9, 1868, and is buried
in the Godfrey Cemetery. He was a member of the Free Masons.
AVIS, SOPHIA (nee HAGER)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December
21, 1882
Mrs. Sophia A. (Hager) Avis, widow of the late Samuel Avis, died
suddenly this morning at the residence of her son, Mr. S. H. Malcom,
aged 68 years, 4 months, 28 days. She was in her usual health
yesterday, was stricken with paralysis at 11 o’clock last night,
soon became unconscious, and passed peacefully away at the hour
mentioned. Mrs. Avis was born at Hagerston, Maryland, in 1813, and
had resided in Alton since 1852. Besides a son, she leaves two
stepchildren, Mrs. W. C. McPike and Mr. Charles B. Avis Jr., of
Atchinson, Kansas, several grandchildren, and numerous friends to
mourn her sudden death. Mrs. Avis was a most estimable lady, a good
neighbor, a kind friend, and long a consistent, faithful member of
the Methodist Church, being ever foremost in every good work.
AX, MARGARET/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, July 30, 1897
Mrs. Margaret Ax died yesterday evening at half past four o'clock at
the age of 79 years, 8 months and four days. She had been sick nine
months, suffering with dropsy and other ailments incident to her
advanced age. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning at 8:30
o'clock from her home in lowertown. Services will be conducted at
St. Boniface's church by Rev. Fr. Joseph D. Metzler. The remains
will be interred in the Catholic cemetery. The pallbearers will be:
Frank Beck, William Stasney, A. Oestrich, John Bonn, John Michel and
William Sido. Margaret Ax was born November 25, 1818 at Aden
Leimbach, Kreis Adnau, Rhine Province, Germany. She was twice
married, first to Mathias Theisen, in 1853, in Germany. They came to
America in 1856, taking up their residence in Edwardsville the same
year. The husband died a year later. The union was blessed with two
children, both of whom died. In 1858 the widow married Joseph Ax.
Two children were born to this union, only one, Albertine, wife of
Joseph Miller, surviving. Mrs. Ax was an aunt of John Ax,
superintendent of the Wonderly mine. She was a continuous resident
of this city for 41 years and made many friends who sympathize with
the surviving daughter.
AXTHELM, LOUIS/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 21, 1895
Louis Axthelm died Monday noon, at the age of 76 years. He was a
native of Germany, but had resided in Alton since 1856. He was a
barber by trade. He is the last charter member of Germania Lodge No.
2, I.O.O.F. His wife, three sons, and one daughter survive him.
AXTHEIM, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 13, 1899
Suicide in Manhattan Hotel in St. Louis
The body of a man found in a dying condition in the basement of the
Manhattan Hotel, St. Louis, has been identified by Ed Murray as the
body of Frank Axtheim, formerly of Alton. The identity of the body
has been puzzling the St. Louis authorities since May 4, when the
dying man was found. The unfortunate was unable to speak, and was
suffering from what appeared to be self-inflicted injuries, and
suicide was the very reasonable theory advanced. Since the death of
the unknown man, the body has lain in the St. Louis morgue, and has
been identified several times, but the identifications have been
wildly different. Yesterday, the body as identified as that of Frank
Axtheim. Axtheim was well known in Alton, as he lived here most of
his life. He was well known in sporting circles, and was an
enthusiastic baseball man. Axtheim was at one time manager of the
Alton baseball team. He left Alton several years ago to live in St.
Louis, and since then his family heard little or nothing from him.
About one year ago his wife died, and was buried in Alton. His
mother, Mrs. Ellen Axtheim, lives on Mechanic Street, near Sixth
Street. She has heard nothing from him, and had heard nothing of the
finding of a body in St. Louis, which had been identified as those
of her son. The case has excited much interest in Alton because of
the extensive acquaintance of Frank Axtheim here.
AXTHIEM, LULU/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 01, 1880
Lulu, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Axthiem, died on last Saturday
morning at the age of seven years, of an attack of the measles.
Little Lulu was a bright, engaging child, the pet of her parents,
who will receive the sympathy of their friends and acquaintances in
their deep affliction. The funeral took place from the family
residence on Second, below Henry Street.
AYER, JOHN F./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 19, 1838
Died in Alton on September 10, John F. Ayer, formerly of Charleston,
Massachusetts, aged 18.
AYLWORTH, HONORA/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 01, 1898
Honora Aylworth, wife of John Aylworth, died Sunday evening at the
home of her mother, Mrs. James Lewis, on Ninth Street, after a long
illness. She was brought to Alton from St. Louis Saturday night, in
the hope that the change would benefit her. She failed rapidly after
completing her trip, and died Sunday. She was 31 years of age, and
leaves a husband and mother.
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