TABOR, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 6, 1872
John Tabor, an old settler of Madison County, died on Sunday last at
his residence near Alhambra.
TAGGART, SAMUEL B. (REVEREND)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
March 21, 1911
Rev. Samuel B. Taggart, a retired Presbyterian clergyman, died
shortly before noon Tuesday at his residence on Washington avenue in
Upper Alton. He had been in failing health for over a year, and five
weeks ago offered a complete mental and physical breakdown. Since
then, he has been helpless in his home. His death was due to old age.
Had he lived ten days longer, he would have been 78 years of age. He
had been retired from active work in the ministry for 29 years. He
came to Upper Alton thirty-three years ago as pastor of the Upper
Alton Presbyterian church, which he served four years. He had bought
a 50-acre tract in Upper Alton, now a part of the city of Alton, and
on giving up his work as a clergyman he retired to the place and
devoted his life to farming. He was a man of great mental attainment
and his services were frequently called for, until recent years, to
fill vacancies in pulpits and his sermons were known for their
scholarly wisdom and their deep philosophy. He was born March 31,
1833, at Canonsburg, Pa. He was educated in what is now Washington
and Jefferson college, and graduated there in 1856. He completed his
theological education at Princeton, where he graduated in 1861, and
he was planning, up to the time he was prostrated, to go back to
Princeton this year to attend the golden jubilee of his class. He
spent thirty years preaching in Indiana and Illinois. He was married
to Frances Rockwell at Sullivan, Ind., February 18th, 1863, and she
survives him. He leaves five children, Mrs. W. J. Sewall of
Carthage, Mo.; A. M. Taggart of Chicago; Miss Anna Taggart of
Murphysboro, Ill.; Mrs. H. J. Steinberg of Mason City, Iowa; and L.
M. Taggart of Upper Alton. He leaves one grandchild, a son of S. B.
Taggart Jr., who died in Chicago 14 years ago. He leaves also three
brothers, John Taggart of Beaver Falls, Pa., M. R. Taggart of
Pittsburg, Pa., David Taggart; and a sister, Mrs. Rachel McKee of
Olathe, Kas. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2
o'clock from the family home in Upper Alton.
TAGGART, SAMUEL B. JR./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 18, 1897
From Upper Alton – The remains of Mr. Samuel Taggart arrived from
Chicago yesterday a.m. The interment will be at Upper Alton Oakwood
Cemetery. Mr. Taggart was twenty-three years of age. He leaves a
wife and one child. He had been ill for about three weeks with
typhoid fever. His father, Rev. Samuel Taggart, was with him in the
last days of his illness. This is a great sorrow to his many Upper
Alton friends, who sympathize most tenderly with the bereaved.
Samuel B. Taggart Jr. was the son of Rev. Samuel B. Taggart Sr.
(1833-1911) and Frances Wright Rockwell Taggart (1843-1930). He was
born in El Paso, Woodford County, Illinois, September 01, 1873. The
Taggart family came to Upper Alton in about 1877. Samuel Jr. married
Elenora Irene Carlin (1876-1909). Samuel Jr.’s widow, Elenora,
remarried to Andrew Emanuel Rollin (1875-1963). She died in 1909,
and is buried in Omaha, Nebraska.
TAKE, SOPHIE (nee ALDRUP)/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer,
Wednesday, January 11, 1893
Mrs. Sophie Take, nee Aldrup, died on Tuesday, 3rd inst., aged 76
years and 23 days. She was the widow of William Take who died in
1881. The funeral took place from the residence of her son-in-law-
H. F. Dankenbring on Thursday. The ceremony was unostentatious but
not less impressive. Around the bier stood assembled with the
mourners, her seven daughters with their husbands and her only son
and his wife. The daughters are: Mrs. Sophie Giese, Maria
Bardelmeier, Louise Frickenstein, Lena Dankenbring, Catherine Hoge,
Minnie Bode, Mathilda Schaeffer; the son is Hy Take, and his wife,
Louise Stahlhut. She leaves besides these 34 grandchildren and 4
great grandchildren. The services were conducted by Rev. Carl
Kunzman, who delivered a forcible sermon. The passbearers were six
grandchildren, Edward Giese, Ed Bardelmeier, Julius Bardelmeier,
Rudolph Frickenstein, H. Bankenbring and Julius Bode. A large
concourse of friends accompanied the remains to their resting place
and paid the last tribute of respect to the venerable lady. She was
a native of Germany, and came to this county over fifty years ago.
Her husband, William Take, preceded her two years. Together they
labored faithfully and in course of years acquired a compotency. The
character of the parents was transmitted to the children, and they
too have become useful and esteemed members of the community. It can
well be said that her life had been one of activity and toil, but
that God's blessing lead her safely.
TALLON, ADDIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 9, 1896
From North Alton – The funeral of Miss Addie Tallon, colored, took
place from the family home on the Coal Branch Sunday afternoon, to
Wood River Cemetery. Rev. Thomas Mudd conducted the services.
TALMAGE, INEZ/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 28, 1916
Mrs. Inez Talmage, wife of Howard Talmage, died Wednesday morning at
6:10 o'clock at the family home, 1808 Jersey street, after an
illness of five days. Mrs. Talmage was 55 years old. She had been in
fairly good health up to last Thursday, and she was down town that
afternoon but was feeling badly. Thursday night she became very ill
and on Friday she showed signs of having suffered a stroke of
paralysis. This, together with a complication of other troubles, was
responsible for her death. Mrs. Talmage attended the closing
exercises at Horace Mann school two weeks ago today, and she
suffered a fall at the school which caused her a painful injury to
one of her knees and she was of the opinion that the fall was
partially responsible for her sickness, but it is not known whether
it did or not. After the stroke of paralysis, Mrs. Talmage never
spoke and she was in a semi-conscious condition after that time
until her death this morning. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James M. Anderson, former old residents of Upper Alton, who left
here about twenty years ago for Dallas, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson
both died in Texas. Mrs. Talmage was born at Effingham August 5,
1861. She was married to Mr. Talmage at Godfrey in 1881. She had
lived in Upper Alton practically ever since her marriage 35 years
ago. She leaves four brothers, John, Will and George Anderson of
Sherley, Arkansas, and Frank Anderson of Dallas, Texas; and one
sister, Miss Lora Anderson of Sherley, Arkansas. A message was sent
this morning to her brothers and sister, but as yet they have not
been heard from. The funeral arrangements will not be made until
members of the family arrive at Alton.
TANEAKAS, NICK/Source: Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 13,
Greek Boy Drowns in East Alton
A Greek boy, aged twenty-two, who is known as Nick Taneakas, was
drowned at two-thirty this afternoon at the foot of Illinois avenue
while swimming from the sand bar at that place. Binakos was said to
be a fairly good swimmer and the cause of his death is still
uncertain. According to his companions, George Rogue and James
Draper, who were with him at the time of the accident, Binakos [sic]
dived into the river from the bar and never returned to the surface.
Whether he was caught in a fishing net or carried away by the
undercurrent is unknown.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 15, 1914
The body of Nick Taneakas, the Greek who was drowned while swimming
in the Mississippi River at the foot of Illinois avenue Saturday
afternoon, was found yesterday morning at nine o'clock by James
Draper. The body was turned over to the deputy coroner, John Berner
at once, and the funeral was held at two o'clock this afternoon to
the city cemetery. An inquest was held at noon today. The White
Hussar band headed the funeral cortege from the home in Illinois
avenue to the city cemetery, and played funeral dirges on the way.
Each member of the band was attired in white, this being their first
appearance in summer uniforms.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 16, 1914 Unusual Funeral
Altonians, who happened to witness Monday evening the funeral
services for Nick Taneakas, the Greek who was drowned Saturday, are
talking about the unusual features ever since. The body was in state
in the big hall in Illinois Avenue, and funeral services were
conducted there by two Greek priests from St. Louis. When the
cortege started from the hall to the city cemetery, there was a
hearse in line, but it had nothing to carry. The White Hussars
headed the procession; then came a man bearing the lid of the coffin
on his shoulder, the open casket containing the dead man followed,
borne by six of his former companions; behind the casket came three
men bearing floral offerings; then came the two Greek clergymen
swinging urns in which incense was burning, and the fumes of which
filled the air. At the cemetery, before the open coffin was lowered
in the grave, the priests spread oil over the face of the deceased
and sprinkled it over his body. Then they placed a couple of shovels
of dirt on the face and over the clothing. The flowers were then
placed in the coffin, and the lid was finally fastened on. The
ceremonies were the strangest, most curious ever witnessed in Alton,
it is said. It will be remembered that companions of Nick Taneakas,
who was drowned in the river at the foot of Illinois avenue Saturday
afternoon, reported that he never was seen after making his first
dive in the river, and they could not understand what caused his
failure to come up. When the body was recovered, the reason was
plain enough. His hands and arms were drawn together, it is said, by
fish lines, and the lines were encircling his neck. "The river is
full of trot lines down there," one man told a Telegraph reporter,
"and he must have become entangled in some of them when he made the
dive. His struggles to get loose from the lines undoubtedly served
to cause them to wrap themselves around his arms and neck, and he
was powerless to arise or call for help." The young Greek was a good
swimmer, his friends claim, and he was a strong young man, but he
was not strong enough to break loose from the trot lines.
TANNER, GUY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 21, 1918
Guy, the 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Tanner, died at noon
today at St. Joseph's hospital from the effects of injuries he
sustained Thursday night in an automobile accident on Belle street.
The child's skull was fractured near the base when he was struck by
the automobile, and he never regained consciousness. All hope of his
showing any improvement was given up Friday afternoon and the
parents were informed that he had but a short time to live. The
parents have six children, this death being the first in their
family. The funeral time has not been decided upon.
TANNER, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 20, 1895
Last of Lovejoy Defenders Passes Away
A letter was received in Alton today announcing the death of Henry
Tanner, in Buffalo, New York, on January 31, 1895. Mr.
Tanner was
the last of the immortal band of defenders of Elijah P. Lovejoy, who
was murdered in Alton on November 7, 1837, by a pro-slavery mob that
had been incited to its desperate deed by ruffians from St. Louis.
Mr. Tanner, some 12 or 15 years ago, wrote a full and complete
account of the killing of Lovejoy, which was published in
form, a number of copies of which were sent to the late Abraham
Breath in Alton. The relatives of Mr. Tanner write to know who has
the effects of Mr. Breath, as he had at the time of his death a
dozen copies of the little book, which the relatives would now be
glad to get hold of.
The names of the defenders of Lovejoy and his press were: Royal
Weller, Amos Roff, William Harned, James Morse Jr., John S. Noble,
Edward Breath, George H. Walworth, J. C. Woods, George H. Whitney,
Reuben Gerry, Winthrop S. Gilman, Enoch Long, George T. Brown,
Samuel J. Thompson, H. D. Davis, D. F. Randall, D. Bert Loomis,
Thaddeus B. Hurlbut, and Henry Tanner. Mr. Loomis, who lived in
Minnesota, was the last previous survivor of the little band to pass
over to the great beyond. No nobler company of patriots and lovers
of freedom ever battled more manfully for the right, and it is sad
to think that the last of the gallant little band has passed away.
The memory of their work, though unsuccessful then, remains, and
will remain so long as there are men who love liberty and the rights
of all men to the freedom and the pursuit of happiness.
TANSEY, BERNARD MORRISON/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 17,
The burial services of Bernard M. Tansey were held at the Church of
the Messiah in St. Louis Saturday. The services consisted of an
address by the pastor, the reading of the funeral service, and three
selections sung by Miss Ringen. The casket, accompanied by a large
number of relatives and friends, was taken to the Chicago & Alton
train, whence it was brought to Alton, where it was met by many
Alton friends, the entire part proceeding to Greenwood Cemetery at
North Alton, where the body was laid to rest by the side of two
brothers. The pallbearers were personal friends of the young man: R.
S. Colnon, Horace Kephart, David Jameson, A. DeFiguiredo, Cecil
Gregg, F. A. Wann, Scott N. Blewitt, Randolph H. Laughlin, Gaston B.
Walls, S. H. Klinger, Levi W. Davis, and Joseph W. Steele.
Bernard Morrison Tansey was born in 1867, and was the son of Robert
Park Tansey (1833-1899) and Maria Mangum Tansey (1832-1912).
TANSEY, DOUGLAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 6, 1864
Died in Alton on Saturday a.m., April 30, Douglas, infant son of
Robert P. and Maria Tansey, aged two years and ten months. The
funeral will take place from the family residence on Sunday at three
o’clock p.m.
TANSEY, JAMES P./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 15, 1890
Mr. James P. Tansey, well-known and for many years a resident of
Alton, died Sunday at his home in Englewood, a suburb of Chicago.
Mr. Tansey was in apparently perfect health a week ago, but a sudden
and severe attack of pneumonia brought his life to an abrupt close.
Deceased leaves a wife and four children, two sons and two
daughters. Mr. R. P. Tansey of St. Louis, a brother of the deceased,
went to Chicago and brought the body to Alton for burial. Mr.
Tansey’s venerable mother and his sister, Miss Maggie, reside in
Alton on State Street. Their many friends here will deeply regret
the sad affliction which comes so soon after a similar trial. Mr.
Tansey was fifty-four years of age.
TANSEY, MARY (nee PARK)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 6, 1898
Widow of Bernard Tansey
Mrs. Mary Tansey, one of Alton’s oldest and most respected citizens,
passed away Friday night at her home on William Street, at the ripe
old age of 85 years. Mrs. Tansey had been very low for several days,
her illness being simply general debility consequent upon old age.
Mrs. Mary Tansey, widow of Bernard Tansey, was born in Glenarm,
County Antrim, Ireland, on February 17, 1813. Shortly after her
marriage in Ireland, she, with her husband, immigrated to this
country, and has lived in Alton the greater part of her life. She
was a woman of strong character and noble life, honored and loved by
all who knew her. Her husband died many years ago, and she has
resided with her daughter, Miss Margaret Park Tansey (1840-1924), on
William Street, who with her brother, Mr. Robert Park Tansey
(1833-1899) of St. Louis, survive their mother. [Another son, James
P. Tansey, died in 1890.]
The funeral took place Monday from the Cathedral, and was largely
attended. High Mass was celebrated, and impressive services
conducted. The casket was surrounded by a profusion of beautiful
floral offerings. The remains were interred in Greenwood Cemetery.
The pallbearers were Messrs. L. Pfeiffenberger, Samuel Pitts, Levi
Davis, Levi W. Davis, J. W. Coppinger, and George A. Bayle, B. I.
Colman, and A. De Figuardo of St. Louis.
Among those in attendance were William Riedy, S. H. Klinger, D.
Jameson, and R. P. Tansey of St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. George Judd of
TANSEY, ROBERT PARK JR./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 20, 1885
Mr. Robert P. Tansey Jr., eldest son of Mr. Robert Park Tansey Sr. of the St.
Louis Transfer Company, died at Harrison, Arkansas, Friday, August
14, of heart disease, at the age of 30 years. Deceased was a native
of Alton and was raised here. Several years ago, the family moved to
St. Louis, where they have since resided, but the deceased had been
conducting a ranch at the place where he died. His mother had lately
visited him, and found him in unusually good health, hence the sad
affliction from its suddenness comes with more crushing weight.
The body was brought to Alton this morning, and buried at the
Catholic Cemetery. The father is in camp near Ashland, Wisconsin,
away from railroad and telegraph facilities, and could not be
notified of the death of his son in time to attend the funeral. The
sympathies of the community go out to the afflicted family in their
bereavement. The funeral party from St. Louis consisted of Mrs. R.
P. Tansey; the mother; Miss Mollie and Mr. George Tansey, sister and
brother of the deceased; Hon. And Mrs. T. Dimmock; Hon. J. M.
Woodson; Mr. J. S. Lake; J. J. Mitchell; Hon. W. R. Morrison of
Waterloo; George Judd of Springfield; and others.
ROBERT PARK SR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 29, 1899
Mr. Robert P. Tansey, a prominent business man of St. Louis, died
this morning at the Southern Hotel, where he had been ill for some
time. His only sister, Miss Maggie Tansey of Alton, went down to St.
Louis, being called there by a telegram. Mr. Tansey was a native of
Ireland, and came to Alton where he lived until the 1870s. He was
freight agent of the Chicago and Alton Railroad here for many years.
He began the publication of the Alton Democrat after the office of
that paper was destroyed in June 1860, and continued it for several
years. He afterwards went to St. Louis, where he became a leading
business and railroad man, and accumulated a fortune. For many years
he has resided on a farm near Springfield, Illinois.
Robert Park Tansey was born October 02, 1833, in Glenarm, County
Antrim, Northern Ireland. He was the son of Mary Park Tansey
(1813-1897). Robert married in 1854 to Maria Mangun (1832-1912), and
they had at least four children – Robert Park Tansey Jr.
(1855-1885); George Judd Tansey (1865-1926); Bernard Morrison Tansey
(1867-1896); and Mollie Tansey (? – 1926).
Dr. Gerhard “Gerald” Taphorn was born September 21, 1864 in
Beckemeyer, Clinton County, Illinois. He was the son of John Gerhard
and Elisabeth Werner Taphorn. Passionate for the study of medicine
and surgery, Gerald saved his money and attended medical school. He
moved to Alton in about 1890, and married Mary Theresa Schaefer.
They had three children – Madeline Taphorn Morrissey, Josephine
Taphorn Heintz, and C. Louise Taphorn Hoefert.
Soon after Taphorn’s arrival in Alton, Dr. Emil Gueltch died and
left an opening for a new doctor. Taphorn opened a practice in
Alton, and built up a large clientele. Night and day, he would
answer calls, driving long distances into the country over harsh
roads with horse and buggy. He earned a reputation of being a
skillful surgeon and a good doctor. One of his characteristics was
to said little. He was a man of action, but not of words. Kindly and
gentle in his professional visits, he was generous in helping those
in need.
Taphorn didn’t take much time off from his work, but occasionally
took a vacation when needed. In January 1929, he suffered from an
attack of the flu. When he regained his strength, he started for a
trip with his daughter, Miss Josephine, to the South on February 1.
On his return trip home, he made a visit to Washington D. C. He was
visiting with his daughter at the home of an old friend, formerly of
Alton, who had stayed over after the inauguration period at the
Capital. Taphorn suffered a stroke and was taken to a hospital. He
died there on March 7, 1929, two hours after his collapse.
News in Alton of his death caused widespread sadness. He was one of
the founders of the Citizens National Bank, and his medical care
helped many of the afflicted. His remains were brought to Alton, and
buried in the St. Patrick Cemetery in Godfrey. His wife, Mary
Theresa Taphorn, had died in 1928. Their home was located at 510
Seminary Square in Alton. The home still stands.
TAPPAN, H. V. A., HON./Source: Alton Weekly Courier, July 9, 1852
We deeply regret to learn that H. V. A. Tappan, a well-known and
most worthy citizen of Bunker Hill, Macoupin Co., was drowned during
night before last in Wood River, at the crossing beyond Upper Alton.
His body was found yesterday morning. Any of the attending
circumstances of the case, we have been unable to learn, and it is
probable they are unknown. The general opinion is that Mr. Tappan,
while proceeding home, missed the bridge or proper crossing in the
darkness, or, some of the bridge planking may have been carried off
by the sudden freshet. It is difficult to realize that the talented,
gentlemanly and kind hearted Tappan has gone forever from our midst.
We cannot realize that the kind friend who left our office, after a
pleasant social chat at 4 o'clock on Thursday afternoon, was in an
hour or two numbered with the dead. How suddenly does death
sometimes come among us, and youth, virtue, or talent, as in the
case of Tappan, find no exemption from the dread destroyer.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 9, 1852
We are pained to learn that on Thursday evening last, H. V. A.
Tappan, Esq., of Bunker Hill, was drowned while attempting to cross
a small creek on the Hillsboro Road, a few hundred yards beyond the
Wood River. He left Alton only a few hours before, and was on his
way on horseback to Mr. William Gill’s on business connected with
the Terre Haute and Alton Railroad Company. The recent heavy rains
had overflowed the whole of the Wood River Bottom, and the bridges
were covered by the water. It is supposed his horse missed the
flooring of the bridge, and falling off the abutment, precipitated
Mr. Tappan against a large log, which projected out of the water. He
had been warned by his friends against attempting to cross, and had
assured them, if he apprehended any difficulty, he would return. Mr.
Tappan was a warm-hearted man, and a talented lawyer, and his loss
will be sincerely felt and deeply regretted by all who had the
pleasure of his acquaintance. He leaves a wife and two interesting
children to deplore his untimely end.
TARBELL, JAMES (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March
10, 1906
Civil War Soldier; Famous Chess Player
James Tarbell, age 89, died suddenly at his home in Upper Alton
Friday afternoon about 5 o'clock, from heart disease. He was found
dead lying in the yard by his wife, who is 87 years of age, and to
whom he had been married for sixty-three years. Mr. Tarbell went out
in the yard about 5 o'clock, and being a strong, hardy man for his
years he was engaged in some physical labor for the sake of exercise
when he fell over dead. His wife, on going to see what kept him out
and what he was doing, found him lying on the ground dead.
The sudden death of Mr. Tarbell was a great shock to the many
friends of the old man as well as to the aged companion of
sixty-three years. He was in good health apparently, and there was
no indication that the golden bowl would be broken so soon. He was
in possession of all his faculties and was able to enjoy the good
things of life. He still had great interest in the ordinary affairs
of life and kept himself well informed on current events. He was a
man of kindly nature, a good neighbor, and a devoted companion to
his wife.
James Tarbell was a native of Springfield, Vermont, and was born 89
years ago last November 26. His father was the first ordained pastor
of the Springfield Congregational Church. He came to Alton shortly
after the close of the Civil War, wearing the title of Captain,
having served as Captain of a Vermont regiment during the Civil War.
He was badly wounded in the leg at the battle of Gettysburg. He
moved to Godfrey after coming to Alton to join his sister, Mrs. S.
T. Sawyer. After living at Godfrey a short time, he moved to Alton,
thirty years ago, and made his home in Upper Alton. He was a famous
chess player, probably one of the best in the United States, and
played in many tournaments. He made a deep study of the game and he
furnished many of the chess problems which interested players in
years ago. He was beaten seldom, and there were few who could match
him in playing. Capt. Tarbell leaves beside his aged wife, five
children: Mrs. James M. Barr, wife of the general manager of the
Seaboard Air Line of Norfolk, Va.; Mrs. William Powell of New York;
Mrs. Charles B. Johnson of Upper Alton; and Messrs. George and Frank
Tarbell of Baker City, Oregon. Messages were received from the two
daughters that they would be here to attend the funeral. It is not
known that the sons can get here. The funeral will probably be held
Monday and will be private, owing to the dangerous condition of Mrs.
Tarbell, who has been prostrated since finding the body of her
husband in the yard and it is not expected that she will survive him
long. Rev. H. M. Chittenden of St. Paul's Episcopal church will
conduct the funeral services.
TARBELL, SARAH J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 19, 1917
Widow of Captain James Tarbell
Mrs. Sarah J. Tarbell, widow of Captain James Tarbell, died at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. C. B. Johnson, 2503 Donald Avenue, Friday
evening at 8:15 o'clock. Mrs. Tarbell was Alton's oldest resident.
She observed her ninety-ninth birthday last April 25, and members of
her family had been hoping that she would last to pass her century
mark. The aged lady, however, did not have any such hopes. When told
from time to time that they hoped to keep her with her family at
least until after the would-be a hundred years of age, Mrs. Tarbell
said that she did not expect to live to see her hundredth
anniversary, as she was not feeling strong. She had retained all her
faculties up to the end. The close of her long life came after a
sleep of about eight hours. At noon she quietly went to sleep and
she continued to slumber peacefully until the spark of life went
out. Mrs. Tarbell leaves three daughters, Mrs. C. B. Johnson, with
whom she lived; Mrs. James Barr of Terra Cera, N. C.; and Mrs.
William Powell of Montclair, N. J. Her husband died at the age of
92. He was an old retired river captain. One day he fell dead in the
yard at the home in Upper Alton.
Mrs. Tarbell came of a long-lived family, too, many of her relatives
living to old age. Notwithstanding her great age, Mrs. Tarbell had
not been ill, and death was due to the weakness of old age. The end
of her unusually long life came peacefully while she was asleep. She
was up last Sunday almost all day, but since that time she was
confined to her bed. Her daughter, Mrs. C. B. Johnson, said she
could see her mother failing rapidly during the past two or three
weeks, and on this account the end last evening was expected. Since
last Sunday when the aged lady was sitting up her last time, she had
slept the greater part of the time. Mrs. Tarbell had been a resident
of Alton about 40 years. She was born in Holderness, New Hampshire
on April 25, 1818, and she had entered the hundredth year of her
life about three weeks ago. She was married to James Tarbell about
70 years ago, and at the time of his death in Upper Alton, on March
9, 1906, the couple had observed the 60th anniversary of their
marriage a short time before. Mr. Tarbell was a Civil War veteran,
and at the close of the war he came west, locating at Godfrey. He
had been a farmer all his life. He retired from work some years
later and moved to Upper Alton where the couple spent the remainder
of their lives. Three daughters survive: Mrs. C. B. Johnson of
Alton, with whom Mrs. Tarbell made her home for a number of years
after she broke up housekeeping; Mrs. James Barr of Belthaven, North
Carolina; and Mrs. William Powell of Montclair, New Jersey. Messages
were received today from the two daughters in the East, saying it
would be impossible for them to be here for the funeral. Mrs.
Tarbell was never informed of the death of one of her sons, George
S. Tarbell of Baker City, Oregon, in 1908. On account of her great
age, the news of the son's death was not made known to her. She also
had another son, Frank Tarbell, who started many years ago for the
gold fields of Alaska and was never heard of since. When en route
for Alaska he stopped with the brother at Baker City, Oregon for a
visit. After leaving there the family never again heard of him. Mrs.
Tarbell had been a reader of the Telegraph many years and she was
always greatly interested in the doings of the city of Alton and
especially of Upper Alton. She watched the papers very closely and
never missed out on any occurrence in the vicinity. She kept house
until she was well along toward 90 years old, and the Telegraph was
always a welcome visitor at her home in the evening. The funeral
will be held Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock, and will be private.
Services will be conducted in the C. B. Johnson home by Rev. E. L.
Gibson of the First Presbyterian Church.
TARENTELLO, ANGELO/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 30,
Italian Boy Killed by Train
Following the killing of his 11-year-old son, Angelo Tarentelo, by
the northbound 1 o'clock C. & A. train at Second and Cherry streets,
Joseph Tarentello, the father, was so grief stricken that he
threatened to commit suicide on reaching the office of Deputy
Coroner Bauer. He was brought to the office by Sotir Durato. He
asked to see his son and was forbidden to view the body until the
arrival of the deputy coroner, William Bauer, who was not present at
the time. Tarentello is a large, strong man, capable of overpowering
several men of ordinary size. He arose from his chair and began
tearing his hair and gnawing his cap in his teeth, crying in
Italian, "O, my boy!" He refused to listen to the advice of those in
the coroner's office to stay away from the body until he had quieted
down, and rushed against the others and forced his way around into
the morgue, where the boy's body was lying on the slab. He tore off
the cover, regardless of the fact that several were exerting all
their might to pull him away, and he knelt down and kissed the boy,
sobbing bitterly. Then he threw himself on the floor and had to be
almost dragged out of the room. He asked if the boy's body was
broken much, and on being told that the worst injury was on the
head, said he did not believe it and began crying again. Then he
begged for one more kiss. As he was led out of the room forcibly, he
began saying in his native tongue that he was going to kill himself.
He rushed to the street and would have enacted another scene had the
deputy coroner not arrived and forced him to go inside and sit down
on a chair.
Telegraph, March 3, 1916
Sister Mary Bernardine, sister of Rev. Father M. A. Tarrent of the
Cathedral, died Thursday evening at 10:40 o'clock following a long
illness with heart trouble. Sister Bernadine was taken ill in
Collinsville, where she was teaching on the nineteenth of last
December, and has suffered much during her illness. After being ill
for some weeks, Sister Bernardine was removed to the Alton Convent,
her brother, Father Tarrent, going to Collinsville to bring her
home. Sister Barnardine was before entering the convent Miss Mary
Tarrent of Springfield. She entered the Alton convent in 1909, and
after a six months probation, Sister Bernardine went to Dallas,
Texas where she received the white veil. When the Ursuline Novitiate
on Danforth street was erected and completed, Sister Bernardine and
the other Sisters from the north who were in Dallas came back to
Alton. Sister Bernardine and the other members of her class were the
first to receive the black veil at the Novitiate. After her
reception, Sister Bernardine commenced to teach, teaching for a
while in the Alton convent and then in other places. She possessed a
most beautiful character and was beloved by all who knew her. During
her short life as a religious, she won many friends for herself, and
it was with great sorrow that the news of her death was received
this morning. From the time of her illness Sister Bernardine has
suffered intensely, but throughout it all she was uncomplaining and
willing to go. Her brother, Father Tarrent, remained with her almost
constantly during her long illness and was at her bedside when she
passed away, her death coming very peacefully. Her death was a most
beautiful one. Sister Bernardine is survived by her brother, Father
Tarrent; three sisters, Mrs. David Walsh, Miss Ella Tarrent, and
Miss Julia Tarrent; as well as other relatives in Springfield. The
funeral will be held Monday morning at 9 o'clock from the Ursuline
Chapel on East Fourth Street, and interment will be in Greenwood
Cemetery. Friends are requested to omit flowers.
TARTT, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 30, 1897
From Edwardsville – The funeral of John Tartt, an old and
much-respected resident of Edwardsville, who for some years had
worked at Lee’s Summitt, Missouri, took place at St. John’s Church
Thursday morning, Rev. S. P. Groves conducting the services. The
active pallbearers were G. B. Crane, J. W. Terry, W. H. Shaffer, R.
F. Tunnell, A. P. Wolf, C. W. Fangenroth, J. T. Crocker, and J. A.
Vance. The honorary pallbearers were A. W. Metcalfe, W. H. Cotter,
W. R. Prickett, K. T. Barnett, T. V. Whiteside, and R. B. Evans. The
interment was in Woodlawn Cemetery.
TARTT, SARAH WASHINGTON (nee RANDLE)/Source: Alton Telegraph,
March 23, 1893
From Edwardsville – Mr. and Mrs. John Tartt, who have lived on a
farm near Edwardsville for many years, moved to town the first of
this month. Mrs. Tartt died Saturday, and was buried yesterday. The
venerable lady was in the 71st year of her age. She leaves a large
number of friends and relatives to mourn her demise.
Sarah Washington Randle was born in Madison County, Illinois, on
March 17, 1815. She was the daughter of Thomas Marion Randle
(1786-1874). She married John Tartt (1814-1897) in 1837, and they
had the following children: Thomas M. Tartt (?-1914); James T. Tartt
(1847-1911); Martha Frances Tartt Sebastian (1850-1932); Sarah M.
Tartt (1852-1863); Narcissa Jane Tartt Kimball (1856-1934); and John
M. Tartt (1857-1868). She was buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in
TAYLOR, CAROLINE B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 3,
Miss Caroline B. Taylor, aged 17, died at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor of 1422 Cyrus street, last evening, from
pneumonia. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon from the
Campbell A. M. E. Church to the Upper Alton Cemetery.
Telegraph, January 22, 1909
Died - Cornelius Hector Taylor, 2nd eldest son of Frank L. and
Nellie Laird Taylor, 11 p.m. January 21st, in his 22nd year. Funeral
services at First Presbyterian church, Monday morning, Jan. 25th, at
10 a.m. Neil Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Taylor, died
Thursday night at 11 o'clock at the family home on State street,
after a long illness. Heart and other organic troubles developed
from a diphtheria attack of about a year ago. The young man was
never able to resume his usual duties after the diphtheria illness.
Recently it was decided to take him to San Antonion, Tex., for the
benefit of his health, in the belief that the warm climate might
help restore his failing strength. The change did not prove
beneficial, and it was while he was returning home a week ago last
Tuesday that the railway wreck occurred in which he received such a
nervous shock he was thought to have been killed, but he revived and
was brought home. After his return to Alton he rallied in strength
somewhat, and there were indications that he might improve
considerably. He was the oldest son of his parents and was 21 years
of age. He was employed in the office of the Illinois Glass Co. All
his life he had spent in Alton. He was a young man of a quiet,
kindly disposition who made many true friends, and in his long
affliction he has had the interest and sympathy of all who knew him.
His cheerfulness never was clouded by despair in his long illness,
and when he came back home from his southern trip he was so uplifted
in spirit by being home again, he rallied materially in strength.
TAYLOR, DAVID/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 12, 1894
Mr. David Taylor, an old and respected citizen of North Alton, died
Sunday afternoon at the age of 65 years, 5 months, and 17 days. His
illness was caused by an attack of La Grippe, and extended over a
period of eight weeks.
Deceased was born in Lancashire, England, on October 22, 1828. He
came to this country in 1854, and has been a resident of this place
ever since. He leaves a widow and five children: Mathew Taylor,
Forbush, Iowa; Henry D. Taylor, Mrs. John Jackson, Mrs. C. Craig,
Mrs. Ed Kane, of East St. Louis; and two brothers and one sister –
Henry and Peter Taylor of North Alton, and Mrs. Jane Howath,
TAYLOR, EDITH LUCY and JAMES MATTHEW/Source: Troy Weekly Call,
December 15, 1900
Father and Daughter Buried in One Grave
That the scythe of death mows without discrimination has been fully
exemplified in our midst, and again has the awful flat, “Dust thou
art and unto dust thou shalt return,” gone forth. Death, the silent
reaper, has entered the home of the Taylor family, and before its
cruel swath has fallen daughter and father.
When upon this page last week was given the death of Miss Edith
Taylor, a prominent young lady of this city [Troy], little was it
thought that on the same day, and in the same grave, would be
consigned the mortal remains of James M. Taylor, her father, but
such an all-wise providence decreed. Though the worst was feared,
hopes were entertained for a change for the better, then in the
stillness of last Sunday afternoon, he bade farewell to family,
home, and this beautiful earth forever.
The whole community was shocked, and a gloom was cast over this city
which was very noticeable, when it was announced on Wednesday
afternoon of last week that Edith, the oldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James M. Taylor, had passed away at her home at 3:30 o’clock.
Her illness was only but a few weeks’ duration, and when an attack
of typhoid fever from which she promised to fully recover, when she
suffered a relapse which terminated fatally. On the morning of the
day of her death, her condition seemed improved, but at noon, the
realization fell upon those watchful and hopeful that the hand of
death could not be stayed, and that the final summons was but a
question of precious fleeting time. She was conscious to the last,
and called the family to her side, who bade her goodbye and saw the
spirit of their beloved take its flight to the other world.
Edith Lucy Taylor was born in Troy on February 8, 1876, and was the
oldest of seven children, her death being the first in the family.
Here she attended the public schools, and grew mentally and
physically into young womanhood, and sought perfection in Lindenwood
College at St. Charles, Missouri, where she also made a confession
of religious faith and united with the Presbyterian Church of that
place, being received into the church at Troy by letter about a year
ago. She was one who was old in mind and years, and young in action.
Her sudden and sad demise removes one of Troy’s fairest daughters,
and her place in the large circle of both aged and young friends
will remain vacant. She was an earnest church and Sunday school
worker, whose friendship extended widely and who was held in the
highest esteem by all who knew her. Her home was her joy, her
desire, her pride. She was a good girl in every sense the term
implies, and the home circle will feel its loss.
James Matthew Taylor, the father, was born near Troy on September
1851, and was a life-long resident. At this place, he spent his
boyhood days, went to school, grew to manhood, and cultivated an
extensive and lasting friendship in this community. He was married
to Lucy Jane Barnsback on March 10, 1875. To them was born seven
children – four sons and three daughters – all of whom survive
except the eldest daughter, whose death preceded his own but four
days. His illness, being the same as that with which other members
of the family were stricken, lasted less than a week, but his
suffering was severe. Mr. Taylor was a successful farmer and a large
In life, when on his deathbed, it was his desire that the remains of
Edith be kept to await the homecoming of their daughter, Miss
Fannie, from San Francisco, who had been summoned home, but owing to
delays did not arrive until late Monday night, when she first
received the sad news of both sister and father.
The facts connected with this sad double bereavement having been
expressed, the pen falters as the mind dwells upon the subject. Kind
words may serve to heal the gaping wounds inflicted upon the
sorrowing ones, but it is but human nature that tears should flow
and the heart give vent to feelings of irrepressible grief,
controlled only by involuntary power. Only those who have suffered
the pangs of sorrow and disappointment from a like cause can realize
the grief which has entered this home. Death always has its sorrow,
its disappointment, but when the eldest of a family of children,
grown to manhood or womanhood, is stricken down in the prime of
youth and promise, and the family sustains the loss of the head of
the household, the heartstrings of loving parents, brothers,
sisters, and friends are lacerated beyond the power of consolation,
and the silver lining on the dark cloud is obscured. The sorrowing
ones must share the bitter cup which cruel fate has poured for us
all. We are taught that sorrow has its useful lessons. How often a
death reminds us of that fleeting mortality and forewarns us that
all must go likewise, sooner or later it often leads to higher and
nobler deeds and strengthens family ties and love ethereal. The love
and friendship which survives the tomb is often more sincere that in
life. In that solemn remembrance, we often turn even from the charms
of the living.
The funeral of James M. Taylor and daughter, Edith, took place
Tuesday morning at 11 o’clock, from the family residence to the
Presbyterian Church. The obsequies were postponed Monday, on account
of the absence of a daughter, Miss Fannie, who was at the time
enroute from San Francisco. The funeral was one of the saddest that
ever took place in this city, and was attended by a large concourse
of relatives and sympathetic friends. Many floral offerings of
pretty and fitting design rested upon the caskets. Rev. J. G.
Reynolds, pastor of the church, read several passages of scripture,
beautifully adapted to the occasion, and ended with fitting eulogy,
after which the choir sang that sacred and sentimental hymn, “Saved
by Grace.” The funeral cortege was directed by J. H. Stienhaus,
assisted by M. Willhelm of Collinsville, and the remains of both
father and daughter were interred in one grave on the family plot in
the Troy City Cemetery.
TAYLOR, EDWARD C./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 19, 1895
Well-Known Newspaper Man
Mr. Edward C. Taylor, a well-known newspaper man in the employ of
the Sentinel-Democrat, died Thursday from apoplexy, under the
following circumstances: Mr. Taylor had not been well for a day or
two, although able to be around. He did no work Wednesday afternoon,
and none this morning. Shortly before seven o’clock, he entered
Miller’s place in Hotel Madison block, and sank in a chair. He had
only been sitting there a few minutes, when he became unconscious
and fell to the floor. Dr. Taphorn was called, who pronounced the
cause of the attack apoplexy. Death resulted a few minutes
Edward C. Taylor was the oldest son of the late Rev. C. H. Taylor,
D. D., from 1857 to 1867, pastor of the Presbyterian Church in
Alton, and who died in Cincinnati in 1875, and was buried in the
family lot in Alton. Mr. Taylor has been engaged in newspaper work
in Alton for about fives years, most of the time with the
Sentinel-Democrat, although he has also done work for all the papers
here. As a news gatherer, he had few equals, and no superiors. He
was a writer of ability, and always expressed himself in a forcible
manner. He had a tender and affectionate nature, and at his best his
sympathies were with everyone in trouble. He was friendly, and had a
host of acquaintances in Alton, and knew almost everyone. He was
about 45 years of age, and we believe was born in Akron, Ohio. Two
brothers, Messrs. Frank L. and Kirke H., of Alton, and Mrs. Julia
Gaylord of Chicago, survive him.
The funeral of Mr. Taylor took place Friday afternoon. The services
were held at the Presbyterian Church, Rev. F. L. Thomson, in the
absence of the pastor, conducted the services. There was quite an
attendance of old friends of deceased’s family. The entire group of
employees of the Sentinel-Democrat were present in the church.
TAYLOR, ELIZABETH (nee WYERS)/Source: Alton Telegraph, October
23, 1890
Takes Paris Green with Suicide Intent
In a fit of temporary insanity last Monday night, Mrs. Robert Taylor
of Wood River took a dose of Paris Green with suicidal intent, and
after suffering great agony until early Tuesday morning, died. She
was the wife of Robert Taylor, and mother of three sons and three
daughters, all of whom survive her. The unfortunate lady’s maiden
name was Elizabeth Wyers. She was born and raised near where she
died, and both her own and her husband’s families are among the
oldest settlers of Madison County. The mania of suicide seems to run
in the Wyers family. Some years ago Richard Wyers, a brother of Mrs.
Taylor, took the same terrible road to death, and others of her
relations have gone the same way. Mrs. Taylor’s friends say that she
continually brooded over these facts, and her mind finally became
unbalanced thereby. Deceased was fifty years old. The funeral took
place yesterday from the family home farm at Wood River, and the
body was interred in the Fosterburg Cemetery.
TAYLOR, ELLEN (nee GLASS)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
January 14, 1910
Mrs. Ellen Glass Taylor died at her home at 1607 Liberty Street, at
12:30 o'clock this afternoon, after an illness of ten days with
grip. She had been in good health for a person of her age, and was
active up to the time of her illness with grip, and her death comes
as a surprise to her many friends. Mrs. Taylor came with her husband
from London, England, in 1876, and two years later Mr. Taylor died,
being buried in the City Cemetery. Mrs. Taylor is the last member of
her family, all of her direct family relatives in England having
preceded her. She leaves two sons and two daughters, Harry R. Taylor
of Texas, and John Taylor of Monett, Mo., and Miss Maria, who aboded
with her mother, and Mrs. Samuel Wade. Mrs. Taylor was a literary
woman and a great reader of good literature, and enjoyed her latter
years in life reading books and journals. The arrangements for the
funeral will be made as soon as the two sons arrive.
TAYLOR, FRANK/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 29, 1881
From North Alton – Frank Taylor, a colored young man and son of Mrs.
Solomon Banyon of this place, died yesterday morning of consumption.
TAYLOR, FRANK L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 28,
Auditor and Assistant Treasurer of Illinois Glass Company
Frank L. Taylor, auditor and assistant treasurer of the Illinois
Glass Company, died at 2 o'clock this afternoon at his residence,
1114 State street, after a week's illness from pneumonia. Mr.
Taylor's case has been regarded as serious from the start, but it
was not realized that there was a probability of a fatal turn. This
morning he had become so bad it was deemed advisable to hold a
consultation of physicians and the verdict was that Mr. Taylor had
very small chance to live. His death occurred a few hours later.
There were few in Alton who knew that Mr. Taylor was in a serious
condition. The news of his death is therefore all the more shocking
to a large circle of friends who regarded him very highly. He is
survived by his wife and two children, Miss Lucia, and a son, Eliot.
He leaves also a brother, Kirke H. Taylor of Alton. Mr. Taylor was
born in this city fifty-four years ago. His father, Rev. C. H.
Taylor, was a Presbyterian clergyman, and came from Akron, Ohio to
Alton with his family to serve as pastor of the First Presbyterian
church. The father was one of the ablest clergymen ever in the City
of Alton, and when he left Alton again it was regretted generally.
After his death, Mrs. Taylor brought his body from Cincinnati, and
he was buried here, and the family subsequently made their home in
this city. Mr. F. L. Taylor lived in Alton most of his life. He had
held positions of trust at the Illinois Glass Co., and by that
company he was highly esteemed. He possessed in many ways the high
intellectual qualities that had distinguished his father. A few
years ago he suffered a grief from which he did not fully recover,
when his son, Neil Taylor, died after a long illness. Mr. Taylor's
health had not been of a robust character, and when pneumonia
attacked him it found in him an easy victim. The announcement of the
death of Mr. Taylor is a great surprise to most people who knew him.
Mr. Taylor was a man who was known for his fidelity to his trust,
and his dutiful discharge of all obligations to his family. He was a
man who made many firm friendships, and his death is a loss to the
city in which he made his home. For many years he was a commuter,
going to St. Louis daily, but a number of years ago he took a
position with the Illinois Glass Co., and after going there his
ability was so marked that he rose rapidly, and at the time of his
death he held a very responsible position. The time of the funeral
had not been set this afternoon.
TAYLOR, GEORGE WASHINGTON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March
22, 1909
Old Alton Soldier
George Washington Taylor, the Alton old soldier who lost his
pension, was arrested and sent to prison for swindling the United
States government by getting a big pension for total blindness by
fraud, died at the Peoria workhouse, Sunday, where he was serving a
term of imprisonment under sentence from the United States district
court at Springfield. Taylor was 69 years of age. Taylor never was
well after he was notified he had been deprived of his pension. He
had no money left and became a charge on the county. He made no
defense against the charges made against him. Taylor carried life
insurance, and the body will be brought back to Alton this evening
for burial. He was a member in good standing of Alton post, G. A. R.
TAYLOR, HARRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 31, 1878
Proprietor of Alton Water Works
With great regret we announce the death of Mr. Harry Taylor of the
firm of Watson & Taylor, proprietors of the Alton Water Works, which
sad occurrence took place this morning at his residence in
Middletown. He had been ill for several weeks with malarial fever,
but it was not until within a few days that he was considered in a
dangerous condition. Mr. Taylor removed to Alton from Indianapolis
some three years ago, and formed a partnership with Mr. Henry Watson
for the purpose of building and operating the Alton Water Works. Mr.
Taylor was an architect and engineer by profession, and a gentleman
of fine education and remarkable ability, especially in his chosen
avocation. During his residence in Alton, he made many friends by
his genial manners and sterling qualities of mind and heart.
He was an active and devoted member of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
of Alton, and at the time of his death filled the office of Junior
Warden. He was an earnest worker in the Sunday School, and was a
liberal contributor to all benevolent objects.
Mr. Taylor was born in England, and came to this country when about
twenty years of age. He first lived in Maine, and subsequently in
Cincinnati and Indianapolis. He was about fifty years of age at the
time of his death. He leaves a widow and five children, who have the
sincere sympathy of their many friends in Alton and elsewhere in
their great bereavement.
TAYLOR, HARRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 29, 1915
Native of North Alton
Harry Taylor, aged 50 years, died Sunday at the home of his sister,
Mrs. John R. Jackson, with whom he had made his home for a number of
years. Although Mr. Taylor had been sick for some time, the end came
very suddenly, death being due to pneumonia. Mr. Taylor had been
suffering from a severe cold for over a month, and two weeks ago was
taken to a hospital. While in that institution, his sisters visited
him, and Mr. Taylor told them he wished to be taken back to his old
home in the North Side, as he wished to be among those whom he knew.
His wish was granted, and Mr. Taylor accompanied his sisters to the
Jackson home on Elm Street, where he appeared to be more content.
Mr. Taylor’s parents being dead, he made his home with his sister on
Elm Street. Deceased leaves three sisters – Mrs. Caleb Craig, Mrs.
Edward Cain of East St. Louis, and Mrs. John R. Jackson of the North
side, all of whom were present at the bedside of their brother when
he passed away.
Mr. Taylor was born and reared in North Alton, and with the
exception of living a few years in East St. Louis, resided here all
his life. When a young man, he worked in the coal mines, but since
that industry has long since been lost to this vicinity, Mr. Taylor
was wont to do odd jobs about this end of town. Some years ago, when
berry picking was the means of steady employment during the summer
months, Harry Taylor was considered a “swift,” and his services were
always in demand by the different growers of berries. He was always
willing to do some kindly favor whenever asked, and was a
whole-souled fellow, who never harmed anyone intentionally. He
generally possessed a mouth harp, and carried this musical
instrument with him continually, always willing to play at the
solicitation of his friends. An encore always greeted his first
selection, and his playing was of a soft rhythmical character that
possessed an inspiration that we cannot hope to fully explain. The
funeral will be held Wednesday from the Jackson residence on Elm
Street, to the Godfrey Cemetery, where interment will take place.
Rev. A. Goodger will officiate.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 30, 1915
All that was mortal of the late Harry Taylor was laid to rest this
afternoon after funeral services conducted at the home of his
sister, Mrs. John Jackson, on Elm Street. Rev. Arthur Goodger
officiated in the presence of a large number of friends of deceased,
and of his family. Interment was in the Godfrey Cemetery.
TAYLOR, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 24, 1898
From North Alton – Mr. Henry Taylor died at his home in North Alton
on Monday, March 21, 1898. He was sick five days of pneumonia. Mr.
Taylor was a native of England, and came to this country in 1862,
and was a resident here since that time. He was 61 years old. He
leaves a wife and four grown children – Mrs. S. Ball, Miss Amelia
and Thomas and Henry Taylor. The funeral services will take place on
Wednesday at his home on Elm Street. Interment in Godfrey Cemetery.
The funeral services were held this afternoon over the late Henry
Taylor, at the family home on Elm Street in North Alton. Because of
the wide acquaintance of the deceased, there was a large attendance
at the funeral. Rev. W. H. Bradley of Upper Alton conducted the
services at the house and at the grave in Godfrey Cemetery, where
the body was interred.
TAYLOR, IDA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 03, 1914
Accident or Suicide?
Mrs. Ida Taylor, aged 29, was killed instantly Tuesday morning at
the foot of Washington Street by the C. & A. Prairie State Express.
Whether her death was due to an accident or whether she committed
suicide seems to be in doubt. Mrs. Taylor was walking along the
track on her way to get groceries, according to the story given the
reporters for the Telegraph. Unmindful of the fast approaching
train, she slowly walked up the track. The train struck her, knocked
her against the fence at the home of John Carr, and as her body
rebounded towards the track, her head struck the wheels of the front
truck on the tender. Her head was crushed instantly, although none
of the wheels passed over her. Persons standing nearby rushed to her
side at once, but she was dead. Mrs. Taylor is survived by a
daughter, Etta, aged 12, and her husband, Thomas, who is living in
Litchfield at present. While some are inclined to believe her death
was an accident, many of her neighbors and those who witnessed the
accident claim that it was suicide. The story told by some of the
neighbors is that she has been keeping a disorderly house on
Illinois Avenue for some time. Her husband had refused to live with
her, and she would not keep her daughter at home, preferring to pay
her board at the home of a relative on Feldwisch Avenue. Mrs. Taylor
lived by herself in the house at 26 Illinois Avenue, although she
was frequently visited by a man named Eddie. The neighbors say that
a large quantity of beer was consumed at the Taylor home last
evening, and there was some difficulty between Mrs. Taylor and
Eddie, and this might have led to her death. When a reporter for the
Telegraph called at the Taylor home after the accident this morning,
he found a number of empty beer bottles on the front porch to
confirm the stories told by the neighbors.
TAYLOR, JULIA A. (nee EDWARDS)/Source: Alton Telegraph, December
5, 1889
Mrs. Julia Edwards Taylor, wife of the late Rev. Cornelius “Neil”
Hector Taylor, D. D., died Sunday, November 24, at the age of 63
years, being taken ill Friday afternoon. She was born in
Southampton, Massachusetts, where she was married to Dr. Taylor.
They resided temporarily at Willoughby, Ohio, afterward went to
Huron, Ohio, where her husband had his first pastorate, and lived
there seven years. They then came to Alton where Dr. Taylor was
pastor of the First Presbyterian Church from 1858 to 1868. They
removed from Alton to Cincinnati, Ohio, where they lived 7 years,
her husband being pastor of the Third Presbyterian Church. He died
in Cincinnati in February 1875, and was buried in Alton. Shortly
afterwards, Mrs. Taylor, with her two younger sons, returned to
Alton, where she has since resided. She was always prominent and
active in church enterprises, was particularly identified with the
work of Foreign Missions, and had been President at various times of
the Missionary Society connected with the Presbyterian Church in
Alton, and had also been President of the Presbyterial Society of
the same cause for twelve years, up to her death. She pushed the
work vigorously, and was never absent from a meeting when her health
permitted her to attend. She had been feeble for some years,
suffering severely at times, but she never allowed her ill health in
any way to check her zeal in the cause of Christianity. Of high
mental attainments, coupled with an active nature, she made her
influence felt for good wherever she went. She left four children –
Edwards C., Frank L., and Kirke Hart, of Alton; and Mrs. Julia K.
Gaylord of Rosedale, Kansas, a suburb of Kansas City; besides a most
of attached friends to mourn her death.
Mrs. Taylor had often expressed a wish that she might be permitted
to be actively engaged in her Master’s work up to the last moment,
or in her own expressive words, that she “might die in the harness.”
This desire was satisfied fully, as her illness was of only about
two days, and she was busily engaged up to the hour when she was
stricken, in carrying out the plans matured and mapping out work for
the future. The last public religious service she attended was on
Thursday last, a missionary gathering at the Presbyterian Church, to
listen to an address by Mrs. Knox in the interest of Foreign
Mrs. Taylor was present at the meeting of the Aid Society of the
Presbyterian Church, at the residence of Mrs. Dr. McKinney, on
Wednesday, and was asked to conduct the devotional exercises, which
she did in her own characteristic way, reading the Scripture lesson
where Mary anointed the Savior and wiped His feet with her hair, and
all present bare testimony to the gracious words that proceeded from
her lips, as she commented on this passage.
The Funeral
The funeral services of Julia Taylor were attended yesterday
afternoon by a large company from the Presbyterian Church, of which
church the husband of the deceased was for ten years the honored
pastor. The music was furnished by the choirs of the Presbyterian
and Congregational Churches. The pallbearers were: John E. Hayner,
E. P. Wade, A. L. Daniels, O. S. Stowell, Joseph Hamill, and S. R.
McClure. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
TAYLOR, KATHERINE B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February
16, 1915
An inquest was held this afternoon over the body of Mrs. Katherine
B. Taylor of 1422 Cyrus Street. Mrs. Taylor died at the home of her
mother-in-law, Mrs. Jane Taylor, at 1422 Cyrus Street last evening,
after a lingering illness. Up until very recently, she has been
making her home in St. Louis, but the physician there advised her to
come to Alton for the fresh air. Since arriving in Alton, she has
received no medical attention, thus making an inquest necessary. She
is survived by her husband, Eugene, of St. Louis. Funeral
arrangements have not been made.
TAYLOR, LUCY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 25, 1899
Lucy, a two-year-old child of Mrs. Sylvia Taylor, colored, died
suddenly Saturday, and Coroner Bailey conducted an inquest
necessary. The child had been ill with a cold, and died in its
mother’s arms. A verdict of death from congestion of the lungs was
found. The funeral was this morning.
TAYLOR, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 29, 1901
Mary Taylor, wife of G. W. Taylor, aged 54, died Saturday night
after an illness from rheumatism. The funeral took place this
afternoon and services at the home on Piasa street were conducted by
Rev. M. W. Twing.
TAYLOR, MARY ANN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 18, 1908
Mrs. Mary Ann Taylor, widow of David Taylor, for many years a
resident of the North Side, died at the home of her daughter in
Belleville yesterday from the effects of old age and heat
prostration. She had been making her home with her daughter, Mrs.
Mary Craig at Belleville for some time. She was a native of England
and came to America in 1854, and to Alton in 1856. She lived in the
North Side almost all the time, until a few months ago. She leaves
three daughters, Mrs. Martha Jackson of Alton; Mrs. Mary Craig of
Belleville; and Mrs. Annie Cairns of Granite City. The body will be
brought here for burial and the funeral will be from her old home in
the North Side Thursday afternoon, Rev. W. H. Bradley officiating.
TAYLOR, MELISSA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 25, 1904
Melissa Taylor died last night in the East End. The funeral will
take place tomorrow afternoon from Keiser & Morfoot's undertaking
TAYLOR, PANSY (nee WRIGHT)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
December 12, 1917
Mrs. Earl Taylor died this afternoon at her home on Park avenue in
Upper Alton after a short illness. She was Miss Pansy Wright, and
was married three months ago. She leaves her husband, her parents,
four brothers and a twin sister.
TAYLOR, PETER/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 11, 1895
Peter Taylor died at his residence in North Alton at midnight
Monday. He was taken ill last Friday with a bilious attack, which
resulted in heart failure, causing death as above stated. He was
born in England in 1823, but had lived in North Alton nearly or
quite 50 years. Only one child, a daughter, Mrs. Charles Newman,
survives, with whom Mr. Taylor lived.
The funeral took place yesterday at North Alton, conducted by Rev.
W. H. Bradley of Upper Alton. There was a large attendance of those
who had known and respected deceased in his life. The interment was
in Upper Alton Cemetery. The pallbearers were Mathias Hilt, Charles
Henderson, Tilman Puetz, R. M. Mather, Nathan Lydall, and Herman
TAYLOR, SARAH A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 20, 1901
Mrs. Sarah A. Taylor, wife of the late Henry Taylor, died today at
the residence of her son-in-law, Samuel J. Ball in North Alton, aged
67 years, after a short illness with pneumonia. Two sons, Thomas and
Henry, and two daughters, Amelia Taylor and Mrs. Samuel Ball,
survive her. The funeral will take place on Friday, March 22d, at 2
p.m. The burial will be in Godfrey cemetery. Mrs. Taylor was an old
resident of North Alton and was highly respected by a large circle
of acquaintances.
TAYLOR, STELLA (nee HARSHBERGER)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
December 1, 1920
Mrs. Frank Taylor, of 524 Belle street, died at St. Joseph's
Hospital at 7:25 this morning. Although she has been ill for several
months, it was not thought she was in so serious a condition, and
her death comes as a great shock to her family and friends. She was
highly esteemed by all who knew her. Mrs. Taylor came to Alton from
the Petersberg (Ill.) neighborhood about ten years ago and has
resided here since that time. Her maiden name was Stella
Harshberger. She was about 48 years of age. She is survived by her
husband, Frank Taylor; her mother, Mrs. Virginia Harshberger; two
sisters, Mrs. William David and Miss Helen Harshberger; and by two
brothers, Dick and Herbert Harshberger. She leaves no children. No
funeral arrangements have been made.
TAYLOR, SUSAN A./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 1, 1880
Died on March 28, at the residence of her son, James M. Taylor, Mrs.
Susan A. Taylor; aged 71 years, 10 months, and 9 days.
TAYLOR, TRUMAN A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 15,
Civil War Soldier
Superintendent of Alton Water Works
Truman A. Taylor, aged 71, died Saturday night at midnight at his
home, 800 Franklin Street, from heart trouble. Mr. Taylor had been
feeling unwell for several weeks, but he felt able to go downtown on
Friday, and it was believed that he was improving and would be able
to be about his usual business again. He was stricken with a serious
illness Friday night, and about 24 hours later, he died.
Mr. Taylor was one of the best-known men in Alton. He came here in
1886 to take a position with the owners of the Alton Water Works. He
was an experienced water works man, and for many years had charge of
the property as superintendent. He gave up that position shortly
after the plant was sold to the present owners, and took another and
less arduous position, and remained in the employ of the company
until the time of his death. He was a member of St. Paul’s Episcopal
Church, and for a long time was a vestryman in that church.
Mr. Taylor was born in Pelham, Massachusetts, and would have been 71
years of age April 26. He is survived by his wife, three sons
(Ashley, Lucien, and Marcus P.), and one daughter, Theodosia. His
son, Ashley, has arrived from Shawnee, Oklahoma, and another son,
Marcus, is home from Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Breckenridge and
Richard Breckenridge of Chicago are here also to attend the funeral.
The funeral will be held Tuesday morning from St. Paul’s Episcopal
Church, where services will be conducted by Rev. Arthur Goodger. The
burial in the Alton City Cemetery will be under the auspices of the
Masons. Mr. Taylor was a member in long standing, and was deeply
interested in and a constant attendant at the sessions of Piasa
Lodge A.M. & A.M. and Alton Chapter R.A.M.
The home life of Mr. Taylor was an ideal one. He was one of the
kindest of husbands and fathers, and his death is a sad affliction
in the home where affection centered around him. As a citizen, he
was known as a good man who was always interested in the public
welfare, and he had a large number of friends who sincerely mourn
his death. His knowledge of the water works business was invaluable
to his employers, and his place will be a hard one to fill, as he
was thoroughly posted on the Alton water works system.
Mr. Taylor was married in Alton in 1888. He had lived in the east in
his younger days after serving in the 52nd Massachusetts Regiment
during the Civil War. When he came West, he began building water
works systems in various cities, and continued at this until he came
to Alton to take charge of the Alton property.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 16, 1915
The funeral of Truman A. Taylor was held at 10 o'clock this morning
from St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Services there were conducted by
the vector, Rev. Arthur Goodger. Mr. Taylor had been a member of the
church for many years, and a member of the vestry of St. Paul's.
There was a very large attendance of friends and business
associates. The pallbearers were selected from the most intimate
Masonic friends of Mr. Taylor, E. G. Meriwether, G. A. McKinney, J.
A. Miller, J. T. McClure, Herbert Paul, Rev. E. L. Gibson. The
burial services at City Cemetery were according to the Masonic
ritual, and the funeral address was given by Frank Harris, senior
warden of Piasa Lodge. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
TAYLOR, UNKNOWN MAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 24, 1866
Mr. Taylor, quite an aged and feeble gentleman, was attacked with
cholera last night, and died about noon today. This is the only case
we have heard of since Sunday morning. There is no excitement or
fear manifested on the subject in Alton at this time.
TAYLOR, UNKNOWN WOMAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 15, 1880
A widow lady named Taylor, who kept a boarding house at the corner
of Second and Ridge Streets, died about noon Tuesday.
TAYLOR, UNKNOWN WIFE OF G. W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
August 2, 1901
Husband Claims Wife was Poisoned by Family Member
G. W. Taylor made a startling charge today against a member of his
family in connection with the death of his wife, and the police are
now investigating the case in connection with Dr. W. R. Smith,
health officer, who was the attending physician for Mrs. Taylor.
Taylor says that the medicine left for his wife was changed by a
member of the family who had made threats of killing the entire
family, and that the poison was administered in place of medicine to
Mrs. Taylor. Dr. Smith says Mrs. Taylor had sciatic rheumatism.
Taylor says she was suffering from heart trouble. Saturday morning
she was in good condition, and Saturday afternoon she died
unexpectedly. A bottle containing a mixture said to be ammonia,
carbolic acid glycerin was submitted as the poison that is alleged
to have caused the death. The police place little in Taylor's story.
They believe it is a scheme to get rid of the member of the family
who is under suspicion. The suspect bears a very bad reputation, but
there is no direct proof that he caused Mrs. Taylor's death. Taylor
said that his wife's mouth was sore after the medicine was
administered. He says that the poison bottle was substituted for the
medicine. No warrant has been issued.
TAYLOR, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 31, 1866
Died in Alton, August 21, Mr. William Taylor. His disease was
cholera, which did its work in about twelve hours. He was born in
Dover, New Hampshire, February 6, 1794. His parents removed to
Canada in 1796, and he remained there till about eight years since,
when he came to Illinois, after which he has been most of the time a
resident of this county. He has raised a family of six children, who
are all grown, and with their mother, are left to mourn his loss.
For about 25 years, Father Taylor was connected with the church. He
was at first a member of the Wesleyan body in Canada, but for some
years, and at his death, he was connected with the Episcopal Church.
So great were his sufferings, and so feeble was he, that he could
only speak in a whisper, and a word at a time. But he had lived
religious and doubtless anticipated his end, for besides being an
old man, he had been, for 20 years, a man of feeble health, and more
especially for the last ten years. But he was suddenly taken by that
TAYLOR, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 22, 1907
William, the four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Truman A. Taylor,
died Sunday morning at the family home on Franklin street after a
brief illness. The death of the child was unexpected and was a sad
shock to the parents. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon
from St. Paul's Episcopal church, Rev. H. M. Chittenden officiating.
TEACHOUT, GEORGE I./ Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September
18, 1924
Laclede Steel Crane Inspector Falls to His Death
George I. Teachout, aged 47, of 436 East Eighth Street in Alton, was
killed this morning at the plant of the Laclede Steel Company, by
falling 40 feet from the top of a big crane. The fall was due to the
starting of the crane by the operator, who did not know that Mr.
Teachout, who was crane inspector, was aloft making an inspection of
the machine. The first the operator knew of it was when he saw the
body of the crane inspector falling past him, and was horrified to
see it drop on top of the pile of scrap steel beside the crane.
Death was instant.
Manager Layfette Young, of the Laclede Steel Company, said that no
one saw the accident, and no one knew that Mr. Teachout had gone
aloft on that crane. He was one of the most highly valued of the
employees of the Laclede Steel Company. He had worked for the
Laclede about eight years. For awhile, he was out of the steel
business, and worked as an expert automobile repairer, but went back
to his old place after trying that for a while. The death of Mr.
Teachout caused much regret among those who had known him well.
Teachout is survived by his wife and one daughter, Miss Mirian
Teachout, aged 17; his father, A. J. Teachout of Los Angeles,
California; and two brothers, Leo A. Teachout of Youngstown, Ohio,
and James Teachout of Wheeling, West Virginia.
Mr. Teachout was buried in the St. Patrick Cemetery in Godfrey,
Illinois. Find A Grave states he was a Spanish-American War veteran.
TEASDALE, BENJAMIN/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 2, 1880
Mr. Benjamin Teasdale, a native of London, England, who had lived in
Alton for 22 years, died November 30, 1880, after an illness of
about one week, caused by general debility and old age. He was about
76 years old. It was not supposed that he was seriously ill, and the
young man, Henry Melchar, who had worked with the deceased for five
years, left him at his rooms over George A. Smith’s clothing store
about six o’clock last evening, feeling quite comfortable. Mr.
Teasdale had roomed in the third story of the building mentioned
since 1864, carrying on a book bindery on the second floor. When
Henry Melchar returned at 8 o’clock this morning, he found Mr.
Teasdale lying partly on the floor, his head on a sofa, unconscious,
and apparently dying. The young man hurried for assistance, and
returned immediately with Mr. William Brudon, and the two did all
they could for the dying man, but in a few minutes he breathed his
last. He had walked from the room where he slept to another
apartment, where he sat down on a sofa, from which he fell to the
floor, probably some minutes before his state was discovered. He was
subject to attacks of heart disease, which may have been the
immediate cause of his death. Mr. Teasdale was a man of retiring
disposition, but possessed of sterling qualities of mind and heart,
which caused him to be greatly esteemed by all who knew him.
TEASDALE, MATTIE W./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 6, 1883
The funeral of Mrs. Mattie W. Teasdale took place Thursday afternoon
from the Third Baptist Church, St. Louis. Mrs. Teasdale was the wife
of W. C. Teasdale of Thompson, Teasdale & Co., proprietors of the
Alton Woolen Mill. She was 34 years of age, and leaves five
children, the eldest 13 years old. Her death occurred Tuesday.
TEDFORD, GILBERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 24, 1917
Young Man Accidentally Shot
The jury impaneled by Deputy Coroner W. H. Bauer to inquire into the
death of the young man shot by Herschel Funkhouse, gave a verdict
exonerating Funkhouse of all blame. It developed after the death of
the young man, who was 19, that he had been living under an assumed
name. A friend of his said that an error the young man had made had
weighed heavily on his mind and that he had left his home, changed
his name from Gilbert Tedford to Joseph Calvin, and that he had been
working under the assumed name at the glass works. He was oppressed
with the belief that he might be apprehended, though as to that
there is no proof. He is said to have refrained from going to the
post office, to have stayed off the streets and to have avoided
meeting policemen. His family knew of the name under which he was
living and they wrote to him at the address where he was staying. On
coming to Alton Tedford rode on the train with Funkhouse. Both were
bound for the same city, and both had come from the same place,
Shawneetown, Ill., though neither had known the other at
Shawneetown. Arriving in Alton they got work together, boarded
together and later when Funkhouse brought his family here, Tedford
boarded with the Funkhouse family. Tedford had just been warned of
the danger of the defective revolver they handled, according to
Funkhouse's evidence, and had shown how to fix it so it would not be
dangerous. Then, while Tedford was sitting in the chair and
Funkhouse was standing in front of him, the revolver was discharged,
the bullet lodging under one eye of Tedford's, causing a fatal
injury. Joseph W. Tedford, father of the young man, was communicated
with and he ordered the body prepared for shipment at once to the
old home at Shawneetown. The deceased leaves his parents, six
brothers and one sister. He was the oldest of the children. One
woman, who lived upstairs over the Funkhouse family, heard the
shooting and she appeared before the coroner's jury. She had heard
enough to corroborate the story told by Funkhouse.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 25, 1917
Joseph Tedford came here from Shawneetown to claim the body of his
son, who was accidentally shot to death on Wednesday afternoon by
Herschel Funkhouse. The father said, on his arrival, that his son
was a deserter from the army and that was his reason for attempting
to conceal himself by changing his name and living under the assumed
name. The body was sent back to Shawneetown today.
TEESDALE, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 12, 1893
Western Military Cadet
John Teesdale of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, died at Western Military
Academy Sunday afternoon, aged 15 years. He entered Western Military
Academy at its opening in September, and has been ill ever since.
Several days ago he was taken seriously ill, brain fever setting in,
which caused his death. Funeral services were conducted Monday
afternoon at the Academy. The remains were sent to Mt. Pleasant for
TEESON, UNKNOWN SON/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 20, 1882
A son of Mr. Henry Teeson, six years old, died Saturday night from
the effects of whooping cough. The funeral took place today from the
family residence in the lower part of the city.
TEETERS, NANCY/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 28, 1895
Alton Pioneer Settler
Mrs. Nancy Teeters, one of Alton’s pioneer settlers, died Wednesday
night after a lingering illness of dropsy. She was 81 years of age,
and has resided here for many years, being well known during her
residence. Deceased leaves one daughter in Alton, Mrs. Jane Forrest,
and a grandchild, Mr. Charles Dykeman.
TEGTMEYER, FREDERICK H. SR./Edwardsville Intelligencer, January
25, 1929
Last Survivor Who Helped Build the Third Edwardsville Courthouse
Fred Tegtmeyer Sr., the last survivor of the men who constructed the
courthouse, was born October 26, 1840, in Neustadt, Germany. He was
a son of Heinrich (Henry) and Sophia Schrage Tegtmeyer, who came to
America in 1852. The family settled on Pleasant Ridge, north of
Collinsville. During 1855 and 1856, he worked at the brickyard in
Edwardsville, where brick for the courthouse was prepared. He hauled
brick from the yard to the job, and laid brick in the wall of the
building. During the Civil War, he joined the Missouri Volunteer
Cavalry. In 1864, he married Louisa Gerfen. After the close of the
war, they settled on a farm, where he lived the rest of his life. He
died January 24, 1929, at the age of 88. He is buried in the St.
Paul Lutheran Cemetery in Troy, Illinois.
TEIPEL, AMANDA (nee DOLBOW)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June
14, 1919
Three Sisters Die Within 14 Months
Mrs. Frank Teipel died at her home in East Alton at 7 o'clock this
morning, after an illness which extended over a period of one year.
Mrs. Teipel's death is the third to occur in her family in the past
fourteen months, one sister, Mrs. Sarah Dolbow Squires being buried
in Kansas City on Wednesday of this week. Another sister, Mrs. James
Oliver, died in East Alton in April of 1918, fourteen months ago.
Mrs. Teipel was the last of a large family to die. Mrs. Teipel was
born in Alton in 1849, but spent the larger part of her life in East
Alton where the family is well known. She was married close to fifty
years ago, her husband surviving her loss. Her loss will be greatly
felt in East Alton, where she took a large part in the church and
social circles of the village. A year ago she was taken ill and
complications followed. However, she was not taken down until a week
ago. She is survived by her husband, Frank Teipel; two daughters,
Mrs. Julia Beanblossom of Alton; and Mrs. Hulda Eudy of East Alton;
two sons, John of St. Louis and Henry of East Alton. Mrs. Teipel's
maiden name was Amanda Dolbow. She leaves eight grandchildren and
three great grandchildren. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon
at 3 o'clock from the East Alton Methodist church. Rev. C. C. Lackey
will have charge of the services.
TEIPLE, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 2, 1883
Fatally Injured by Runaway Horse
About noon on July 27, a horse attached to a light spring wagon, in
which were seated Mrs. H. C. Moore, Miss Teiple, two boys, and an
infant son of Mrs. Newell, was being driven west along Second Street
[Broadway], when a trace came loose and frightened the horse, which
started off on a run. The wheels of the wagon collided with the
curbstone at Kirsch & Schiess’ meat market, and Mrs. Moore, Miss
Teiple, and the child were thrown out. Mrs. Moore, wife of the
railway agent at Edwardsville Crossing, was badly cut and bruised
about the head and face. The baby, which she held in her arms, was
also considerably injured, but neither one was dangerously hurt,
although the infant being sick at the time, was not capable of
sustaining much of a shock. Miss Teiple, daughter of Fred Teiple,
sustained the worst injuries. She lay ghastly pale, partly
unconscious, breathing heavily, in Detrich’s drugstore, to which the
three sufferers were removed by kind hands immediately after the
accident. Drs. Davis, Garvin, and Hardy were on hand in a few
minutes, and did all possible under the circumstances for the
injured ones. After the two ladies and the babe were thrown out, the
horse continued running, crossed Piasa Street, and brought up at
Stanard’s mill. One of the boys jumped out just after crossing the
railway track, the other clung to the wagon until the runaway was
stopped at Stanard’s mill. Just before the horse was stopped,
however, a collision took place with a buggy, and two boys were
thrown from it. None of the lads, fortunately, were injured to any
Miss Teiple’s injuries, largely inward, proved fatal, and she
breathed her last about an hour after the accident occurred. Her
father and Mr. Moore arrived on a handcar as soon as possible after
the reception of the sad news, but too late to find her alive. The
remains were taken to the residence of Mr. J. Maguire, corner of
Second and Alby Streets. Mrs. Moore and the infant were taken to the
Brent House. The sympathies of the whole community are with those
injured and bereaved by this sad accident. Miss Teiple was almost 17
years old.
The funeral of Miss Teiple took place Saturday from the residence of
Mr. J. Maguire, with Rev. Thomas Gordon officiating. The casket was
decked with a large wreath of flowers, the offering of kind friends
and sympathizers. The bearers, all members of the fire department,
were: Messrs. A. H. Brudon, Herman Fischer, Aug. Miller, Charles
Mook, James Clark, and John Grimm.
TEIPEL, MABEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 20, 1910
Mabel, the 15-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Teipel, died
this noon at the family home in East Alton from typhoid fever.
TELGMAN, ANTON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 1, 1911
Aged Resident of Brighton Road Dies Tuesday Night at Home of His Son
Anton Telgman, aged 79, died Tuesday evening at the home of his son,
Henry Telgman, on the Brighton road, north of Godfrey. Mr. Telgman
had been ill a long time and his death was expected. He leaves two
daughters, Mrs. Lizzie Friedrich of Beloit, Wisconsin, and Mrs.
Cornelia Reeder, of Upper Alton; also two sons, John and Henry
Telgman of Godfrey. He leaves also a sister, Mrs. Henry Lageman and
a brother in Strassburg, Germany. The funeral will be Friday
afternoon at 1 o'clock from the home and at 2 o'clock from the
Godfrey Congregational church, Rev. Johnson of St. Louis
TELGMAN, WILLIAM A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 25,
The funeral of William A. Telgman took place Tuesday afternoon from
the Congregational church at Godfrey to the Godfrey Cemetery. Rev.
J. Murray conducted the services, which were attended by numerous
neighbors and friends.
TEMME, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 16, 1900
Charles Temme died at St. Joseph's hospital last night at 10 o'clock
from the effect of injuries he sustained by a fall on ice at Sims,
Ind., one month ago. He had gone to Sims to work at his trade of
glassblowing and left his family in Alton. When he fell, he struck
the base of his spine on a corner of a plank walk and became
paralyzed. He was brought to Alton in a helpless condition and was
taken to the hospital for treatment. He was unconscious the last few
days. Temme leaves a wife and three children at 1120 East Second
street, and was 43 years of age. The funeral will take place
Thursday morning at 9 o'clock, and services will be in St. Patrick's
TEMPLE, DORA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 2, 1921
Mrs. Dora Temple, wife of Lee Temple, died at the family home in the
Enos Apartments this morning at 2:30 o'clock after an illness which
commenced Sunday morning at ten o'clock. The cause of death was
given as hemorrhages of the stomach. The death of Mrs. Temple came
as a very great shock to the many friends of the young woman, who,
with her husband, attended the Rip Van Winkle dance at Turner Hall
Saturday night. Mrs. Temple has not been in the best of health for a
number of years, but was feeling as well as usual when she retired
Saturday night. Mrs. Temple was married nine years ago, being before
her marriage Miss Dora Wahle. For a couple of years Miss Wahle had a
hair-dressing establishment on Piasa Street, and was a well known
young business woman. She leaves her husband, but no children. Also
her father, Joseph Wahle of Brighton; two sisters, Mrs. Mark Bethel
of Brighton and Mrs. George Price of Otterville; and two brothers,
Henry Wahle of Delhi and Adolph Wahle of Otterville. She was 30
years of age. The young husband has the sympathy of his many friends
in the loss of his young wife, who had a host of admirers.
TEMPLE, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 13, 1913
Civil War Veteran
Joseph Temple, a resident of Alton many years, a veteran of the
Civil War, and for thirty years an employee of the Illinois Glass
Co., entered into rest Tuesday morning at 6 o'clock at his home, 703
Washington street, after an illness of eight days from pneumonia.
Mr. Temple was believed to be almost safely through the danger point
in his illness when he collapsed Monday night and the end followed
soon afterward. Mr. Temple was a member of long standing in the
First Presbyterian Church, a regular attendant there, and for years
he was active in the church work. He was well known in Alton, as he
had the opportunity of making many acquaintances during the many
years he worked for the Illinois Glass Co. He was a man of high
character and in every respect a good citizen. Mr. Temple was born
at Sparta, Ill., December 5, 1843, and was in his seventieth year.
He served the entire four years of the Civil War in the Union Army,
and was in the Hancock veteran corps during the last year. He was
looking forward with pleasant anticipations to the big reunion to be
held in Alton next week, and wanted to live to participate in the
encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, hoping to see many of
his old comrades in arms. He leaves beside his wife, one step-son,
William Eaves of Yager Park; and two brothers, Rev. D. L. Temple of
Paxton, Ill.; Dr. J. W. Temple; and two sisters, Mrs. Nancy E.
Foster and Mrs. Linnie Stewart, all of Sparta, Ill. The funeral will
be under the auspices of the G. A. R., Thursday morning at 10
o'clock, from the home, Rev. E. L. Gibson of the First Presbyterian
church officiating. There will be six active pallbearers from the
Presbyterian Church and six honorary from Alton Post G. A. R. In
conformity with a wish of Mr. Temple, flowers will be omitted.
TEMPLE, LULU/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 26, 1883
Died in Alton on July 20, of summer complaint, Lulu, infant daughter
of George W. and Fannie Temple, aged 9 months. The funeral took
place Sunday afternoon from the family residence on Seventh Street,
near Alby.
TEMPLE, MARGARET E./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 31,
Mrs. Margaret E. Temple, wife of Joseph Temple, died this afternoon
after a lingering illness, in her 57th year. Besides her husband,
Mrs. Temple has one son (by a previous marriage), Mr. William Eaves,
surviving her. She was an earnest Christian, and while her strength
permitted, was active in every good work. She was a native of
Indiana, and had lived in Washington County in Illinois previous to
her removal to Alton. She had lived here many years, and was most
highly respected by all who knew her as a woman of sterling
character. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the
family residence, 1204 East Third Street.
TEMPLE, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 5,
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Temple are bereaved by the death of their infant
child, which occurred yesterday at Champaign. The body was brought
to Alton, and the burial took place this afternoon from the home of
its grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hildebrand. Interment in Upper
Alton Cemetery.
TEMPLETON, CAROLINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 17,
Mrs. Caroline Templeton, aged 80, died Tuesday afternoon at her
home, 510 Alby street, from paralysis. She had been helpless for a
few days since being stricken by paralysis and from the beginning it
was known that her case was a serious one. To make matters worse,
the house was quarantined because of smallpox, from which a
granddaughter, Miss Dollie Templeton, was suffering. Notwithstanding
the fact that the house was quarantined, the only daughter of Mrs.
Templeton, Mrs. Kate Green, had herself vaccinated and she went in
to the house to take care of her dying mother. Mrs. Green stayed
with the aged woman until death came. Following the death of Mrs.
Templeton, the quarantine was raised so it would be unnecessary to
follow the rule of burial used in cases of smallpox victims. Though
Mrs. Templeton did not have smallpox, she would have been subject to
the same rules as if she had died from the disease, except that it
was found safe to lift the quarantine in the house. Mrs. Templeton
was born in Alton and lived here all her life. She had seen all but
one of her children die before her, and she had taken charge of and
had served as a mother to a family of grandchildren. Recently two of
the grandchildren, Fred and James Templeton, went to Camp Taylor to
begin military training. At home were another grandson, John, and
three granddaughters, Dolly, Caroline and Josephine. Mrs. Templeton
leaves also two sisters and one brother. Fire added to the
misfortunes which attacked the Templeton home. A blaze which
originated in one of the bedrooms from an unknown cause threatened
to destroy the residence. Fire Company No. 1 responded to the alarm
and the flames were extinguished by the use of the chemicals. The
damage was limited to the destruction of a bed. A short time before
the fire was discovered, the rooms of the residence were fumigated.
Health officers planned to lift a smallpox quarantine from the
residence this morning, Miss Dolly Templeton having recovered from
the disease. On account of the death of her grandmother last
evening, the fumigating was done immediately. The funeral of Mrs.
Templeton will be from the family residence Thursday afternoon at 2
o'clock, and will be private. Services at the grave will be in
charge of Rev. A. C. Geyer, pastor of the First M. E. Church. The
burial will be in the City Cemetery.
TEMPLETON, CAROLINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 18,
At 2 o'clock the funeral of Mrs. Caroline Templeton was held from
family home on Alby street, and was attended by a large number of
friends of the family. Short services were conducted by Rev. E. L.
Gibson. Burial was in City Cemetery, under heavy blankets of
flowers, the gifts of sympathizing friends and relatives.
TEMPLETON, HARRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 25, 1894
Sunday morning, at seven o’clock, death claimed Harry Templeton for
its own after a hard struggle. He had been a sufferer from
consumption, and was failing rapidly, when he was attacked by
bronchitis, and in his weak condition was unable to resist its
attack. He was in his thirty-fifth year, and was born and lived most
of his life in Alton. The funeral occurred Tuesday from the family
residence at 618 Belle Street. Besides his mother, two brothers
(Joseph of Bloomington, and James W. of Alton), and three sisters
(Mrs. Charles Bowman and Misses Carrie and Matie Templeton of Alton)
survive him.
TEMPLETON, JAMES W./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 23, 1875
The news of the death of this popular and estimable gentleman, which
took place at a.m. of December 20, will cause a general feeling of
regret among our citizens. His many excellent qualities and genial
disposition made him a general favorite with all. Mr. Templeton was
a native of Leavesden, Hartfordshire, England, but came to this
country in 1850, and settled with his parents in Brighton. About
1852, he entered the dry goods store of Mr. Isaac Scarritt, and for
many years thereafter was engaged in that line of business as
salesman, and on his own account. He was an esteemed member of both
the Masonic and I.O.O.F. Orders. At the time of his death, he held
the office of City Assessor, which he filled with much credit. He
was thirty-nine years of age, and leave a wife and six young
children to mourn his untimely death. His aged parents still survive
and reside in England. His death will prove a great affliction to
his family, relatives, and many friends.
TEMPLETON, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 28, 1901
Engineer Crushed Beneath Train
Joseph Templeton, one of the best known and most experienced
engineers on the Alton railway, lost his life in a collision at
McLean, a station 15 miles south of Bloomington, this morning at 3
o'clock. Mr. Templeton was engineer of the engine pulling the
Midnight Special on its southern trip. At McLean he was scheduled to
meet the north bound Midnight Special, which was standing on the
main track. By some mishap, the Midnight Special was turned on to
the track where the other train was waiting, and the result was a
collision which overturned Mr. Templeton's engine, and he was
crushed to death beneath it. Mr. Templeton was a native of Alton,
where he grew up to manhood. He learned the printer's trade in the
office of the Telegraph, and afterwards entered the employ of the C.
& A. as a fireman, and in due time was given an engine. He was one
of the trusted and popular men on the road. He has been in the
employ of the company 18 or 20 years, and was about 40 years of age.
He was unmarried. His mother, sisters and brother live in Alton,
where he frequently visited. Mr. Charles Bowman, the well known
contractor, his brother-in-law, went to Bloomington on the Prairie
State Express to accompany the body to Alton, where the funeral
services and interment will take place. Mr. Templeton's friends were
greatly shocked when the news of his death reached Alton this
morning. His genial, sunny disposition made him a favorite with all
who knew him, who will unite in deep sympathy for the stricken
mother and members of the family. Mr. Templeton was considered the
crack engineer on the road. Whenever a fast run was desired, he was
always call upon. It fell to his lot to show that the new big
engines could make schedule time with the heavy limited trains. Joe
always carried his train in on time. There is little hesitancy in
saying that the collision was not his fault.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 29, 1901
Tribute to the Dead Engineer by the Bloomington Bulletin
"Tis the wink of an eye, tis the draft of a breath, From the bosom
of health, to the paleness of death."
The immortal lines of William Knox could not be more aptly applied
than to the sudden summons of Engineer Joseph Templeton, who met his
fate at the post of duty in a head end collision on the Alton at
McLean, Thursday morning. With scarcely any warning that an accident
would result, and none at all that death would come to him, the
engineer went to his doom, like the hero he was, with his face to
the front and his hand firmly grasped upon the throttle.
According to custom, if the north bound train reaches a meeting
point first, the crew opens the switch for the south bound in order
to save time. The south bound can then pull in on the side track
without stopping. It has been the practice for conductors to send
their brakemen back to flag, while the porter opened the switch.
This was ordered this morning. Conductor Foley directed his porter,
by name, Charles Goodman, to go ahead and drop the semaphore [a
system of signaling, especially a system by which a special flag is
held in each hand and various positions of the arms indicate
specific letters, numbers, etc.] and open the switch. He succeeded
in releasing the semaphore but had trouble in unlocking the switch.
He was engaged in trying to open the lock when Templeton came up.
Just what passed through the mind of the engineer as his train came
up is, of course, unknown. As near as can be judged, he reduced his
speed to perhaps eight miles an hour and leaned away out of the cab
window to note the actions of the porter, whom he could see tugging
at the lock and lever. It is supposed that he judged his control to
be sufficient so that if he failed to make the siding he could stop
before he hit the north bound train. The speed was so slow that he
thought, perhaps, the prompt application of the emergency brake
would prevent the engine from colliding, or if they did hit, that
the shock would not be severe, perhaps not exceeding damage to
pilots. With his hand on the throttle and still leaning out of the
cab window, he waited the impact. Surprising to state, the engine on
which he was riding was overturned by the collision. The 507 is one
of the new Brooks passengers, and almost twice the weight of the
232, which is one of the World's Fair Schenectadys. It would be
imagined that the smaller engine would feel the effects of the shock
the worse. In some peculiar swing, the larger engine was affected in
such a manner that it capsized, failing to the right. Before the
engineer could move a muscle, so quick was the action, the side of
the cab pinned him to the ground and mashed his body into an
indescribable and unrecognizable mass. His head was crushed beyond
resemblance to its former familiar appearance. Death was
instantaneous. The warning was sadly brief. But who could find a
nobler way to die.
The colored porter, Goodman, was almost paralyzed with fright. He
hid in the blind baggage of the north bound train, and when it
reached Bloomington he was found among some tramps at the head end
of the train. His evident intent to escape makes it appear likely
that he will seek to avoid testifying before the inquisition. His
fellow porters say they never had trouble in doing work that was
slighted by Goodram [sic] and cannot understand what prevented him
from getting the switch open. The dead engineer was 38 years of age,
being born in Alton, where his widowed mother is now residing. He
became a printer's apprentice in Alton, but at an early age had a
fascination for railroading and secured a position in the round
house in Alton. He entered the service in 1881 and fired until 1893,
when he was promoted to engineer. His work as a fireman and engineer
was beyond criticism, and he stood very high among the officials.
Everybody esteemed Joe Templeton. Words seem empty in trying to
speak of the sadness of his tragic fate. He had a genial smile for
all and had no enemies. Of a warm, sympathetic nature, he had the
good will of everyone with whom he came in contact. Happy
dispositioned, life appeared very bright to him and the sudden
summon came at the height of his career. Death, the grim reaper, is
also no respecter of persons. The dark angel loves a shining mark, a
signal blow.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 30, 1901 Funeral of Joseph
Under masses of flowers that were sprinkled with the tear drops of
almost countless friends, the remains of Joseph Templeton, the brave
engine driver who went to death at McLean with his hand on the
throttle of his engine, and his whole mind and body alert and at his
post of duty, were laid to rest in the City Cemetery. The grief in
Alton and along the railroad upon which he was employed for twenty
years is universal, and the attendance at the funeral showed with
what admiration he was viewed by all who knew him, and how high a
place he held in the esteem of his acquaintances and friends. The
commonest tribute heard of the dead engineer is that he was a man
above reproach, and that his place will be vacant forever in the
hearts of his friends. The body arrived Friday evening from
Bloomington on the Prairie State Express. The master hand that drove
the engine for years was lying in the baggage car, a helpless piece
of clay, and others had taken the place he had made vacant.
Accompanying Mr. Charles Bowman were Miss Birdie Darrah, Mr.
Templeton's affianced wife, Fireman George Heritage, Stee Dunham,
representing the fireman's order, and Engineer Art Watkins, who was
Joe's roommate. A request was made by the engineers at Bloomington
that a special train be given to the friends of Joseph Templeton in
order that they might come to Alton to attend the funeral. The C. &
A. officials very readily agreed to the running of a special train.
The committee who made the request informed the officials that
employees would man the train gratis. Conductor Al Dunn and his
brakeman, and Engineer Miller and his fireman all offered to serve
without pay. The officials tendered the employee engine 57, reserved
for the officials and pay car specials, and also gave the men
permission to drape it with crape. The engine was covered with black
and white cloth. The special was started at 7 a.m., Saturday
morning, and a through run was scheduled. No one but those invited
was permitted to ride, it being desired to restrict the party to the
intimate friends of the dead engineer and to the representatives of
the brotherhood and secret orders. The services were conducted this
afternoon from the home of the sister of Joe Templeton, Mrs. Charles
Bowman, to the Methodist church at 2:30. Rev. G. W. Shepherd of the
First Methodist church was the officiating clergyman. The house was
crowded and not nearly all those who desired to attend could get in.
The remains were in a casket of gray that was open. The church was
filled to overflowing and the occasion was one of the saddest that
ever was held in the church. Rev. C. W. Shepherd spoke on the theme,
"Weeping may endure for the night, but joy cometh in the morning,"
from the thirtieth Psalm. The remarks of the minister were along the
line of the life of Joseph Templeton, which he said was a model for
others. Faithfulness to a trust and strict morality were the rules
that governed him, and there is no doubt that the answer would be,
"Well done thou good and faithful servant." He was faithful in his
trust even to extremity. Mr. Charles Haagen sang Schubert's "Last
Greeting," and the Methodist church choir sang several times. The
pallbearers were William Naylor, Paul Gorden, Charles Seibold, F. S.
Hurlburt, H. W. Bauer, William Becker, Carl A. Craig, and Karl Muhl.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 01, 1901
They Laid Him Away
From the Bloomington Bulletin - In the shadow of the Lovejoy
monument, erected to the memory of the martyr of abolition days, in
the quiet city of the dead of Alton, they laid the body of Engineer
Joseph Templeton to rest Saturday afternoon. The very elements wept
in sympathy for the bereaved family and friends, and the dark,
gloomy day was on a par with the spirits of the company who
assembled to lay him away. There was a pall upon the hearts of
everyone. Eyes unused to tears were moist and grief was displayed on
every countenance. All felt the sadness of the final rites and
seldom has Alton witnesses a funeral where there was such general
grief and such a universal sorrow. The dead engineer who was laid to
rest was esteemed far more than words can depict. His sudden summons
accentuated the severity of the blow. His last trip ended in
darkness and death, but if the lips now hushed in eternal silence
could break their cerements, they would vouch that no fear found
entrance in his heart before the grim reaper battered down its
walls. Brave, chivalrous and generous to a fault, there is no need
of a monument to keep sacred the memory of Joe Templeton with those
who knew him. And thus ends the life story of Joe Templeton. It is
hard to tell the sorrow that exists now that he sleeps under the
sod. Loyal friend, true hearted philosopher, large natured lover of
his kind, he has joined the majority and thousands mourn the parting
from one whose very thought was kindness, whose every word was
light. Hate, malice and resentment were unknown passions to him. In
all his life there is no record of wrong doing to a fellow creature,
and he dies as he lived, esteemed by all. Untimely the summons, but
nobly was it met. Long will his memory live. May it never die!
TEMPLETON, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 20,
Miss Mary Templeton, daughter of Mrs. Caroline Templeton, died last
evening at 5 o'clock after a long illness with lung troubles. To her
friends she was familiarly known as Mate Templeton. She was a
sufferer for many years and had borne all with patience, realizing
that sooner or later there would be an end to it. Ten days before
her death she was taken down with her last illness and was unable to
leave her home. The fatal change came last Monday, and from that
time her condition was watched with great anxiety by her relatives
and friends who were attending her. Death came Thursday afternoon
after long suffering, and the tired body was at last reposed in the
last sleep. She was in her 33rd year and had been a resident of
Alton nearly all her life. In her circle of acquaintances she had
found many who cherished her friendship and her death will be
sincerely mourned by them. She leaves beside her widowed mother, a
brother, James Templeton, and a sister, Mrs. Charles Bowman.
TEMPLETON, SUSIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 14, 1873
Died on March 6 in Alton of lung fever, Susie, infant child of James
W. and Caroline Templeton; aged 1 year and 6 months.
TENNIS, GERTRUDE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 21,
Mrs. Gertrude Tennis, wife of Henry Tennis of Godfrey, died this
morning at the family home after a short illness, aged 28. She
leaves her husband and two children. The funeral will take place
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home.
TERPENING, EDITH LILLIAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 5,
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Terpening were bereaved Friday morning by the
death of their daughter, Edith Lillian.
TERRENCE, WILLIAM W./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 15, 1845
We regret to state that Mr. William W. Terrence, a worthy citizen of
this county, left his residence on the Sand Ridge on the morning of
the 30th ult., with a wagon for the purpose of drawing home a load
of wood. As he did not come back at the expected time, his wife
became alarmed and sent a man out to look for him, who returned in
the evening without success. The next morning, however, he was found
lying on his back, quite dead, with bloody froth oozing out of his
mouth. His wagon was standing at a short distance, its progress
having been stopped by a tree against which the horses had run. As
no mark of violence was discovered about the body, it is supposed he
was suddenly carried off by an apoplactic fit. He has left an
affectionate widow, two brothers, and many friends to mourn his
TERRY, MARTHA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 27, 1917
Mrs. Martha Terry, widow of Bacon W. Terry and mother of C. W.
Terry, a well-known attorney, died this morning at her home in
Edwardsville after a long illness, in her 74th year. The funeral
will be Thursday morning from the family home.
Telegraph, July 21, 1909
Riverboat Captain
Captain Frank Tesson, one of the oldest pilots on the Mississippi
River, died at 6:30 o'clock Tuesday evening at his residence, 541
East Sixth Street, after a long illness. Captain Tesson had been
troubled with arterial hardening, which he recognized as a fatal
illness, but he faced his certain end calmly and bore his pain with
a fortitude that did not reveal to those about him the full extent
of his sufferings. During the days when he could no longer see the
steamboats running up and down the river, he would lay in bed and
identify them as they sounded their whistles or as he might hear
their exhausts from their engines as they would go by in the night.
He knew every whistle and he knew the sound of exhaust from every
engine on every steamboat, and he could recognize them as well in
the blackness of night as he could in daylight. It was only when the
end came very near that the old-time river pilot could no longer
take interest in the passing steamboats.
Captain Tesson began as a cabin boy on a steamer when he was 14
years of age. He only ceased following the river last fall when he
became too ill to stand it any longer. He loved the river, and his
place at the wheel of the steamboat he would never give up until
physical disability forced him to do so. He steered boats out of St.
Louis harbor for fifty years.
Captain Tesson was born at Portage des Sioux, and he would have been
76 years old in October. Several years ago, when he was serving for
a short time as Captain of the Belle of Calhoun, of which he had
been pilot, he was blown from the roof of the texas [uppermost deck]
of the boat to the deck below, and was very badly injured. He was
laid up for a long time then, and never resumed being captain. Last
year he served on the steamer Alton. Captain Tesson's eyesight was
perfect, and he never wore glasses to help his vision at night when
he was at the wheel. Even up to the last he could tell the time by
his watch, which he kept with him all the time, and the only
illumination in the room was a one candle power lamp against the
wall. He could see the time of night when younger people could not.
He was known as one of the coolest, nerviest pilots on the river. He
was an experienced "jockey" and often with a slow boat would keep a
faster boat from passing him, merely by using the knowledge of
steamboats he had gained in his many years at the helm. He was a
devoted family man, possessed a kind disposition, and his manner was
even and pleasing to everyone he met. He never lost an opportunity
to be pleasant, and seldom allowed the vexations of river life to
worry him. Captain Tesson had lived in Alton over half his lifetime,
had raised a family in Alton, and there is not a person to say
anything but good of him. His dying will be generally regretted in a
very large circle of friends he possessed. He leaves his widow and
four children.
Francis Honore Tesson was born on a farm near Portage des Sioux in
St. Charles County, Missouri, October 16, 1833. He was of Parisian
French descent, and until he was 17 years of age spoke French
entirely. He moved to St. Louis and lived there until he went on the
river with his uncle, Captain John King. He had been on the
Mississippi 56 years, running most of the time from St. Louis to St.
Paul, afterward in the Calhoun trade. He married Emily (nee
Barncastle) Duncan on December 22, 1856. His children are John W. of
St. Louis; Frank Barncastle Tesson of New York; Mrs. Bertha A.
Montgomery of Philadelphia; and Mrs. J. D. Makinney of Alton. The
funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 23, 1909
The funeral of Captain Francis Honore Tesson, the aged river pilot,
was held this afternoon from the family home on Sixth street at 3
o'clock. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. A. G. Lane of
the First Presbyterian church. There was a large attendance of
friends of Captain Tesson. The old river man, in a long career of
activity, is said by his associates never to have made an enemy, and
of those who knew him, all counted themselves as his friend. There
were many beautiful floral offerings from friends of the aged
gentleman, some of them from his former associates on the river.
There were six honorary and six active pallbearers. The honorary
pallbearers were: Thomas L. Stanton, G. W. Hill, Ed Young and Alex
Lamont. The active pallbearers were: F. H. Ferguson, Joseph Lampert,
Thomas Morfoot, Richard Holden, George Carroll, S. H. Gregory.
Burial at City Cemetery was private.
About six years after the death of Captain Tesson, his son, Frank
Barncastle Tesson, died in the sinking of the ship Lusitania, on May
7, 1915. Frank B. married Alice E. Lowe in St. Louis, and in 1900
lived in Pennsylvania. He moved to New York, and was made chief of
the Wanamaker Shoe Store, and served as Vice-President of the
Wanamaker’s Board of Trade. Frank B., along with his wife, Alice,
boarded the Lusitania, first class, at the last moment, intending to
go to Paris on a buying trip for the Wanamaker stores. Both were
lost when the ship was attached by the German U-boat U-20, and sank
in 18 minutes. The sinking of the Lusitania turned public opinion
against Germany, and contributed to the American entry into World
War I.
TESSON, MARY M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 20,
Adopted Daughter of Captain and Mrs. Frank Tesson
Miss Mary M. Tesson, the niece and adopted daughter of Captain and
Mrs. Frank Tesson, of 541 east Sixth street, died shortly before
noon, Friday, at the Tesson residence, after a long illness. When it
is said that she had been ill a long time, it may also be said that
there was none of her friends and not even her family knew that she
was in poor health. She never complained and she never let anyone
know that she was not strong and well. She was a young woman of
remarkable sweet disposition, who went through life taking into
account only the bright side and doing all in her power to make
others happy. She had a very strong conception of what was her duty
and she was always diligent in doing it. In this connection it may
be said that she was one of the most efficient teachers in the First
Presbyterian Sunday school. A few weeks ago, while on her way to
church she was taken with a sudden attack of the fatal malady, and
as she said afterward, she thought that she was dying on the street.
She managed to get control of herself and she recovered her strength
in a short time and went on to Sunday school and taught her class as
usual, saying nothing of her illness until afterward. She had also
suffered from a partial failure of her eyesight, another effect of
the disease, but of this neither did her family know until it was
too late. Recently she became very ill and when the fact became
known her relatives summoned a physician, but her case was of such
gravity it became apparent at once that she had but small chance to
survive. Capt. Tesson and Mrs. J. D. McKinney, who were in
Philadelphia, were summoned and arrived a few days before her death.
She was the daughter of a brother of Capt. Tesson, who died when she
was three years of age. She came to make her home in Alton with
Capt. and Mrs. Tesson, and ever since then was a member of their
family circle, esteemed as one of the family. She had many friends
who knew her and valued her at her true worth, and she will be
deeply missed in that circle. She was born at St. Charles, Missouri
in February 1872. The time of the funeral has not been set.
TEUTKEN, DORIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 15, 1902
The funeral of Mrs. Doris (or Dories) Teutken, who died Sunday
morning at her home on Bloomfield street, was held this afternoon at
2 o'clock from the family home to the German Evangelical church. The
church was filled with the friends of Mrs. Teutken who had known her
the many years she lived in Alton. Rev. Theodore Oberhellman
conducted the services. Burial was in City Cemetery.
THALHEIN, FRANK/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 8, 1880
A young man named Frank Thalhein from Great Bend, Kansas, who had
been engaged in harvesting in this vicinity, was drowned Friday in
the Wood River near its mouth, while bathing. The body was
recovered, and an inquest held by the Coroner. A short time previous
to the occurrence, the unfortunate young man had procured a money
order, payable to his father, Albert Thalhein, at Great Bend,
Kansas, by means of which his name and address were procured.
THAYER, WILLIAM T./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 28, 1864
Died in Alton, on the 2drd inst., William T. Thayer, formerly from
Meedon, Massachusetts, aged about 30 years. Mr. Thayer had not long
been a resident in our city, but his exemplary conduct and
gentlemanly manners had won the respect and confidence of most of
our business men. He has left a widow, who shares the heart-felt
sympathy of our citizens in her deep affliction.
THEEN, EKA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 30, 1915
The funeral of Mrs. Eka Theen was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the German Evangelical Church in which she had held membership.
The services were conducted by Rev. E. L. Mueller, and were attended
by a large number of friends and relatives. There were many handsome
floral offerings. Among those present were a number of people from
out of the city. The pallbearers were nephews of Mrs. Theen. The
pallbearers were all relatives from Nokomis, Ill., and included the
Messrs. Theodore Adden, William Adden, John Dewerse, William
Dewerse, Henry Theen and William Buechsenschultz. Mrs. Theen,
formerly Miss Eka Bruns, was born in Germany in 1838 and came to
this country in 1855. In 1857 she was married to John Theen, who
died some time ago. Since her coming to this country, Mrs. Theen has
made her home in Alton.
THEEN, EMMA/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 21, 1896
Miss Emma Theen, daughter of Mr. John Theen, died Saturday after a
lingering illness. Miss Theen was 18 years, 11 months, and 5 days
old. The bright young life has passed from the home, leaving parents
and brothers and sisters, and a host of friends, to mourn her early
demise. The funeral took place Monday from the Evangelical Church.
The services were attended by many of the deceased young lady’s
friends and associates. Rev. William Hackman conducted the services,
and the body was laid to rest in the Alton City Cemetery.
THEEN, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 6, 1906
John Theen, a well known resident of Alton, died this morning at
6:30 o'clock. Mr. Theen was born in North Germany on the 25th of
July, 1834, and came to America twenty years later. He was a
blacksmith by trade, and was a very competent workman with a fine
reputation as a horse shoer. His wife and five children - two sons
and three daughters, survive him. All his children live in Alton
with the exception of one son who resides in Brighton. Fred Theen,
manager of the A. B. C. Co., is a son of the deceased. The hour of
the funeral has not been fixed. The funeral will take place at 2
p.m. Saturday from the family home.
THENER, CHRISTIAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 15, 1899
Christian Thener, an old resident of Upper Alton, died this
afternoon at his home, after an illness of only a few days. He had
lived near Upper Alton for over 30 years.
THERMON, HERBERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 30,
Herbert Thermon, aged 21, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Mamie
Painter, on Alby street, after a lingering illness. A year ago he
sustained a hip injury in a fall, and since that time he has been
suffering. For the last few months he has not been able to leave his
bed. The surviving members of his family are a father, A. N.
Thermon; two brothers, Claud of Alton and Alpheus of Nebraska; and
one sister, Mrs. J. E. Painter. The burial will take place Sunday
morning at Grafton. There will be a short service at the home of
Mrs. Painter at 7:45 a.m., the Rev. W. T. Cline officiating.
THEURE, S./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 26, 1897
Mrs. S. Theure died Saturday afternoon at her home near Upper Alton,
after a lingering illness, at the age of 66 years. She leaves a
husband and three daughters. The funeral took place Monday from the
home to Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.
THIELE, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, Thursday, November 23,
At 10 o'clock Thursday night, Charles Thiele, a young man well known
in Alton, died after a short illness at his home 644 East Second
street, aged 20 years. His death was a surprise to his many friends,
as up to yesterday morning he could be found at his brother's barber
shop where he was employed. He was taken ill yesterday afternoon
with a severe cold and died at the hour mentioned of a hemorrhage.
He leaves a widowed mother, brother and sister to mourn his death.
[Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
THIELE, RENA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 17, 1910
Mrs. Rena Thiele, wife of Louis Thiele, died very unexpectedly
Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock, at the age of 33. Mrs. Thiele's death
is one of the saddest that has occurred in Alton in many a year. She
leaves a family of six children, the oldest 14 years old, and the
youngest four days. There are five boys and one girl. Mrs. Thiele
was getting along nicely, and Sunday, feeling so well, she decided
to get out of bed for a few minutes. About 5 o'clock in the
afternoon as she was sitting propped up in bed, she fell over to one
side and died almost immediately. The attending physician said that
a blood clot that had formed in her system of blood vessels had gone
to her heart and caused almost instant death. The death of Mrs.
Thiele is a sad blow to her husband and six children, the latter
being left motherless at a time when they are sorely in need of a
mother's care. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 1:30
o'clock from the family home (1317 Pearl Street), Rev. E. L. Mueller
of the German Evangelical church officiating.
THEIS, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 15, 1918
Henry Theis, father of John Theis, manager of the Young Dry Goods
store, died Friday morning at three o'clock at the family home at
20th and Beall avenue, after an illness of complication of diseases
lasting over a period of several years. The body has been removed to
his son's home at 1902 Beall avenue, where it will remain until
Saturday afternoon when it will be taken to his old home at
Nashville, Ill. The funeral services will be held in Nashville,
Sunday afternoon. Mr. Theis came to Alton two years ago from
Nashville, having retired from business, in order to be near his son
and family. He was born in Germany and came to this country when 16
years of age, never having gone back to visit. He was 67 years of
age at the time of the death, and for forty years he was in the
blacksmith and wagon-making business in Nashville. He is survived by
his wife, and two sons, John of this city, and Walter of Sparta,
Ill. The death of Mr. Theis follows closely on that of Mrs. John
Theis' father, which occurred in St. Louis, February 5th, just ten
days ago.
THEISON, EVA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 19, 1922
Mrs. Eva Theisen, widow of Jacob Theison, died Wednesday night at
6:30 o'clock at the Nazareth home where she has been making her home
for a number of years. She was born in Germany but has resided in
Alton and vicinity since the age of nine. Death resulted from a
stroke of paralysis. She is survived by four daughters and a son.
The funeral will be held at nine o'clock Friday morning from the
Nazareth Home Chapel.
THIELE, CAROLINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 13, 1901
Caroline Thiele, the 18 months old child of Louis Thiele, died last
night at the family home, 1317 Pearl street, after a short illness
from spasms. The funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon at 3:30
o'clock from the family home, and Rev. Theodore Oberhellmann will
conduct the services.
THILOH, HELENA/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 10, 1881
Miss Helena Thiloh died last Saturday night, aged 25 years. Deceased
was a sister of Mrs. J. W. Schmoeller. She had been in this country
less than two years. Her funeral took place Monday afternoon from
the Lutheran Church on Henry Street.
THOMA, ALICE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 2, 1904
Mrs. Alice Thoma, wife of John Thoma, aged 47 years 6 months, died
Wednesday morning from stomach troubles after a four months illness
at her home in East Alton. She leaves four daughters, one son, two
brothers and one sister, beside her husband. The funeral will be
held Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the East Alton Baptist
THOMAE, JOHN G./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 23, 1915
The funeral of John Thomae, who died Saturday in East Alton, was
held this morning at the East Alton Baptist Church. The burial was
in the Short Cemetery.
Mr. Thomae was 62 years of age. He was born in Alton, and moved to
East Alton eighteen years ago, where he has lived ever since. He was
by occupation a farmer. He was a gental, good-natured man, and was
liked wherever he was known. For many years he was a member of the
board of trustees and board of deacons of the Baptist Church of East
Alton, in which he was a prominent worker. He leaves his wife and
five children – Mrs. John Jones of East Alton; Mrs. Frank Olive of
East Alton; Mrs. Frank Addison of Centralia; Mrs. Joseph Rawson of
East Alton; and Charles Thomae of East Alton. The pallbearers at the
funeral this morning were Dan Haller, John Earles, James Mitchell,
Al Jones, C. J. Hill, and Frank Worthington.
THOMAS, AGNES/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 30, 1890
Died at her home near Upper Alton, Mrs. Agnes Thomas, wife of John
Thomas, in the 57th year of her age. Deceased was born in Edinburgh,
Scotland, came to America in 1857, came to Alton in 1861, in whose
neighborhood she has since resided. She is the mother of five
children, three of whom survive her – William R. who resides at
Lexington, MO, and John H. and Edward A. at home.
THOMAS, ANTOINETTE (nee Rutger)/Source: Alton Telegraph, December
02, 1897
Became One of the Wealthiest African-American Women in Missouri
Mrs. Antonette Thomas, wife of Mr. James Park Thomas, died at her
home at Seventh and Belle Streets, Sunday, after a long illness.
Mrs. Thomas had been a sufferer with Bright’s disease, and during
her illness her life, several times, seemed in imminent danger of
passing away. She rallied each time, but the illness finally took a
more unfavorable turn, with a paralytic stroke, and death came
Mrs. Thomas was born in St. Louis, and came of a prominent family.
She was a daughter of Louis I. Peligree (or Pelagie) Rutger, who
built the building that stood at Seventh and Rutger Streets in St.
Louis, and in honor of whom Rutger Street was named. She inherited a
large amount of wealth from her parents, and she at one time was
entitled to the distinction of being the wealthiest colored woman in
Missouri. She was a life-long member of St. Vincent de Paul’s Church
in St. Louis, at Ninth and Barry Streets, having been christened and
married there, and was buried from there Wednesday morning.
Antoinette Rutgers Thomas was born November 27, 1838, in St. Louis
City, Missouri. She was the daughter of Louis I. Peligree Rutgers.
She married in 1868 to James Park Thomas (1827-1913), and they had
the following children: Arend John Thomas (1873-1913); Joseph F.
Thomas (1874-1914); Anthony Thomas (?-1912); and Pelagie S. Thomas
Blair (?-1939). Antoinette was buried in the Calvary Cemetery in St.
Louis, along with most of her family.
THOMAS, ARTHUR/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 14, 1916
Two Boys Find Ex-Convict Frozen in Pasture with Throat Cut
Two little boys who were coasting came across the body of a negro
lying in Blair's pasture at the head of Langdon street, Wednesday
afternoon about 5 o'clock. A ghastly wound in the neck inflicted
with a razor or sharp knife, which extended from ear to ear, showed
the manner of death. The body was frozen stiff and had evidently
been there for some time. There was a deep mystery about the finding
of the body until later on, a man who said he was a friend of the
man who did the killing appeared at police headquarters and gave the
information that helped to clear up the mystery. He said that a
friend who boarded with him, George Simpson, was responsible. He
declared that on Tuesday evening Simpson met Arthur Thomas, the man
he afterward slew, and that Thomas invited him to take a walk to a
saloon, which he said was in the neighborhood about 8 or 9 o'clock
at night. Simpson, who lived in Upper Alton with a family named
Holman, was unacquainted in the neighborhood. When he arrived at
Fifteenth and Langdon streets, Simpson said, "I don't see any saloon
around here." Thomas assured him there was one close by, and a
minute later he seized Simpson and said, "I want your money."
Simpson, suspicious that all was not right, had opened his knife in
his pocket and when Thomas grabbed him he defended himself. He
stabbed Thomas in the heart he said, and then he slashed his throat
from ear to ear. Then Simpson went to Ed Young's saloon in the east
and said he had cut a man and did not know how bad it was. He said
he was going away for a few days to confer with some friends, and
would be back to give himself up. At the saloon it was said that
nothing was thought of the story and no attention paid to it. The
story was recalled when the body of the dead negro was found.
Thomas, it was said, was an ex-convict, and came here from
Springfield, Ill. A more careful examination of the body this
morning revealed the fact that Thomas had been cut four times.
Besides being cut once over the heart and having his throat cut, he
was cut one place in the neck and another on the back. Two caps were
found near the body of the dead man. One of the caps may lead to the
identity of the man who committed the crime. Six colored men have
been selected for the coroner's jury. They are Rev. Brown, Rev.
Higgins, Rev. Brewer, Connie Knight, Sam Evans, and George Means.
Later: Simpson surrendered late this afternoon and told the police
the story of the alleged robbery and self-defense related above.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 15, 1916 Coroner's Jury
Exonerates Slayer
Arthur [sic - should be George?] Simpson, the negro who killed
Arthur Thomas at Fifteenth and Langdon streets Tuesday evening was
exonerated by the coroner's jury empaneled by Coroner Roy A. Lowe
Thursday evening, Simpson was examined by the jury and given
opportunity to tell his story. He impressed the jury with a
straightforward statement, and the verdict of the jury was that
Simpson was justified. One feature of his story was that he walked
all the way from St. Louis without food Thursday, to give himself
up. He had spent what change he had except a dime, and he spent five
cents of that to cross the McKinley bridge. Then it was up to him to
walk the 25 miles so he could surrender to the Alton police. Simpson
told the coroner's jury that it was booze and nothing but booze that
caused the killing. He said that if he had not been drinking he
would not have thought of going with Thomas. Three colored preachers
and three other men were on the jury. The body of Arthur Thomas was
shipped to Springfield today and will be buried there on Sunday.
THOMAS, CAROLINE M./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 23, 1864
Died in Alton, December 19, 1864, Mrs. Caroline M. Thomas, wife of
Charles H. Thomas, aged 30 years.
THOMAS, CHARLES E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 8,
Charles E. Thomas, a driver for the Adams Express Company, died last
night at his home, 912 State Street, after a month's illness. His
death was unexpected as his illness was not considered serious until
a few days before his death. He was thought to be improving until
yesterday afternoon, when he took a sudden change for the worse and
death resulted last night. He was 35 years of age and had lived in
Alton two years, having come here with his family, consisting of a
wife and three children, from Ipava. He was a brother of J. B.
Thomas of Alton, and a son of George T. Thomas of Ipava, who is now
in this city and was here when his son died. The funeral will be
Sunday morning at 8 o'clock, and the body will be taken to the Ridge
street station for shipment to Ipava. The services will be under the
auspices of Fleur de Lys lodge.
THOMAS, ETHEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 28, 1920
Ethel, the thirty months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas,
died this morning at 3:10 o'clock at the family home at 5 Harriet
Street, Yager Park. The little one has been sick for over two years.
Besides her parents the little one leaves four sisters and one
brother. The funeral will be held Thursday at 2 o'clock from the
family home. Services will be conducted by Rev. Fred Stelzreide of
the Washington Avenue Methodist church.
THOMAS, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 17, 1898
James Thomas, the colored man who had his back broken Saturday by
being thrown from a wagon in Middletown, died at St. Joseph’s
Hospital Monday morning, where he was taken Saturday evening.
Thomas’ injuries were such that he would have been a helpless
cripple if he had lived. His spinal column was broken in two, the
entire lower part of his body was paralyzed. He was fifty-five years
of age, and leaves several children. Coroner Bailey was notified to
hold an inquest, and Mr. H. J. Bowman had Faulstich & Miller take
charge of the body. The dead man was a hard-working fellow, and his
death is the cause of sincere regret to his employers.
THOMAS, JAMES T./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 24, 1898
James T. Thomas, a well-known colored citizen, was found dead in bed
by his family Thursday night, shortly after going to bed for the
night. He had worked all day Thursday in Stanard’s mill, and gone to
his home at Seventeenth and Piasa Streets after work. He was known
to be subject to heart trouble, as he had had frequent attacks with
it before. He was fifty years of age, and had a wife living.
THOMAS, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 9, 1893
Mr. John Thomas, a farmer living in Foster township, two and a half
miles from Upper Alton, was found dead in a field early this
morning. Mr. Thomas went out Tuesday from his home and did not
return either to dinner or supper. Search was made for him without
avail last night, but he was found early this morning. It is not
known at this writing what was the cause of his death. The coroner
has been sent for. Mr. Thomas was 72 years of age, and was well
known in Upper Alton and vicinity.
THOMAS, JOHN P./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 29, 1891
Mr. John P. Thomas died early this morning at the residence of his
daughter, Mrs. Julius Stumpf, 218 Langdon street, at the advanced
age of 82 years. Mr. Thomas was born in France, coming to this
country in 1847. He had been a resident of Alton for years, and
leaves, besides Mrs. Stumpf, another daughter and a son
...[unreadable] ...a son and daughter in Belleville. The funeral
will take place at St. Mary's church at 3:30 o'clock a.m. Thursday.
THOMAS, LOUIS/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 17, 1898
An employee of Golike and Rust, who has been working at the Hop
Hollow stone quarries, walked over the end of a barge being towed by
the Jennie Gilchrist, near Grafton, Saturday night, and drowned. The
name of the man was Louis Thomas, and his age was 40 years. Thomas
was placing the lights on the forward end of the barge, and
overbalancing, fell into the river. As the barge was in forward
motion, it is supposed he was carried under it and drowned before he
could get to the surface. Golike & Rust desire that the body be
shipped to them when found, as he had enough money due him to pay
for a proper burial.
THOMAS, PHIL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 18, 1907
Murdered in Revenge in Happy Hollow, Near Eighth and Piasa Streets
Phil Thomas, a negro hod carrier, was murdered Saturday night by
Mary Anderson in revenge, because Thomas struck the woman a blow on
the eye during a quarrel. A neighborhood gathering of negroes was
being held at the home of Ed Green in Happy Hollow, near Eighth and
Piasa. Thomas was drunk and happy, but a tinge of ill humor spoiled
the pleasure of the whole. Everything was not as happy as it should
have been for some reason, and according to the statements made by
those who were present and the negro woman herself, who is in jail
on the charge of murder, Thomas invited her outside and she went. He
struck her a blow on the eye, making a big lump. The woman was
determined to be revenged on Thomas for this ungallant action, and
while Thomas went back to the house to join the social gathering,
she went downtown to a pawnshop and bought a revolver. She came back
to the house where Thomas was staying, and Thomas was by this time
in a jovial mood. He was paying his board when a rap on the door
caused it to be opened, and a woman outside named Bessie Martin
asked Thomas to come out. "Wha foh you wan me to come out. Ye trying
to get me killed, honey, I expect," Thomas is said to have
responded, as he stepped outside the door. Then there was a fusilade
of shots and Thomas fell with a bullet in his neck and one in his
back. The negroes in the house paid no attention to it, for shooting
is a frequent occurrence in Happy Hollow, but generally no one gets
hurt. When Officer Lyons arrived on the scene, he found Thomas lying
dead on the step, and the negroes in the house knew nothing of it,
no one having stirred outside to investigate the shooting. But for
the negro woman's admission that she shot Thomas, there would be no
evidence of much value that she did it. She was arrested immediately
afterwards, on giving herself up. She claimed she threw the revolver
in a manhole of a sewer at Second and Piasa street, but it could not
be found. When the ambulance went to haul the body of Thomas to
deputy coroner Keiser's morgue, the driver drove the horse and
ambulance over a bank in the darkness near Happy Hollow and
overturned the vehicle. Another wagon was secured to haul the body
in. The inquest will be held tonight. The woman Monday afternoon
waived examination and was committed to the county jail to await the
action of the grand jury.
Coroner's Jury Holds Mary Anderson
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 22, 1907
The jury impaneled to hold an inquest over the body of Phil Thomas
was reconvened last evening, and after hearing the evidence of
Bessie Martin, they found a verdict holding Mary Anderson for
murder, without bail.
Hod Carriers' Union Buries Phil Thomas
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 19, 1907
The funeral of Phil Thomas, the negro who was shot Saturday night by
Mary Anderson, in Happy Hollow, was held Tuesday afternoon from
Keiser’s undertaking establishment. The hod carriers’ union had
charge of the funeral. Deputy Coroner Keiser has been making an
effort to get the watch which Thomas carried, and which is missing.
A watch chain which was attached to it was broken, and only the stub
of it was left. It was claimed that Thomas had pawned the watch, but
it is believed that someone lifted it off his person after he was
Deputy Coroner Keiser has been searching for Bessie Martin, a negro
woman who is said to have called Thomas to the door. The woman,
having a groundless fear that she would be held for complicity in
the killing, has disappeared, and the search for her has been
fruitless. Deputy Coroner Keiser says that he merely wants to tell
what she knows of the killing, and that there is no intention of
arresting her. The inquest has been postponed to Wednesday evening.
The grand jury has taken up the case of the Anderson woman, and will
hear witnesses at once.
The Case Against Mary Anderson
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 26, 1907
The case against Mary Anderson is the result of the killing of Phil
Thomas, a negro, in a fight in Happy Hollow. The woman admitted
killing Thomas. She has been in jail since the night of the killing.
Bessie Martin, an Alton colored woman who was with Mary Anderson
when the latter shot Phil Thomas, February 16, is held by a “weird
untenable fear,” and when she isn’t holding it, it is following her
around like Mary’s little lamb followed Mary.
Mary Anderson Tries to Hang Herself
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 28, 1907
Mary Anderson, the slayer of Phil Thomas, endeavored to commit
suicide by hanging herself in her cell last night in the county
jail, using some bed clothes as a rope. She was discovered by the
jailer just in time, it is said, to prevent strangulation.
Confessed Murderer Goes to Penitentiary
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 28, 1907
Sheriff David Jones today took to Joliet, Mary Anderson, the negro
woman who confessed to the murder of Phil Thomas, and who pleaded
guilty in the city court yesterday. The husband of the woman
accompanied her to the train, and the parting between the two was a
touching one.
THOMAS, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 8, 1905
Samuel Thomas, who was fatally injured Wednesday night during a
fight in which Austin Gilbert struck him and knocked him down, died
at St. Joseph's hospital about 9 o'clock this morning. He never
regained consciousness. Deputy Coroner A. L. Keiser impaneled a jury
today to hold an inquest beginning at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
Eye-witnesses of the assault say that Gilbert struck Thomas a very
hard blow on the jaw, and Thomas being small and light was lifted
off his feet and knocked from the sidewalk to the paved street,
striking on his head. The fracture of his skull probably was caused
by his falling to the brick paving. Gilbert, who committed the
assault, seems to be very much worried about the predicament in
which he has been placed. He struck the blow without intending to
kill Thomas, but the outcome of the blow was quite different from
what was intended. Gilbert has not eaten or slept since his
incarceration. He is being held pending an outcome of Thomas'
injuries, but the attending surgeon says that Thomas has no chance
to live.
THOMAS, UNKNOWN/ Source: Alton Telegraph, July 27, 1849
Died from cholera – child of Mr. W. R. Thomas.
THOMAS, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 14, 1899
The six-months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Thomas died this
morning of brain fever, after a short illness at the family home,
1224 Wharf Street. The funeral will be Sunday, and interment will be
at Melville. [Twin]
THOMAS, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 06,
The 8-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Thomas died this
morning. The child was one of a pair of twins, and is the second one
to die. The funeral will be Thursday afternoon from the family home,
1226 Wharf Street.
THOMAS, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 13, 1916
Wife of Former Police Officer
The Telegraph a few days ago contained an account of the serious
condition of Mrs. William Thomas, a trained nurse, following a
stroke of paralysis. She was then at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
William Anthis in Yager Park, but was removed to St. Joseph's
Hospital for more expert treatment. She passed away yesterday. She
was 59 years of age and is survived by her husband and four
children: three daughters, Mrs. Anthis of Alton; Mrs. Walter Hill of
St. Louis; Mrs. Clem Hawkins of Chicago; and one son, Earl Thomas of
Alton. The funeral will be Friday morning from St. Patrick's Church
and burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery. Mrs. Thomas was well and
widely known in Alton and vicinity, and there will be sincere sorrow
when her death is heard of. She was a good, kindly, helpful woman,
and a good wife and mother. Her husband, former officer William
Thomas, became totally blind more than a year ago, and Mrs. Thomas
and her daughter, Mrs. Anthis, have taken care of him since. Her
death will be a severe blow to the blind husband left behind,
although the children are showing him every care and attention. The
daughters are here from their respective homes in other cities.
THOMAS, WILLIAM "WILL"/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September
24, 1907
Father Injured - Son Killed in Explosion
William Thomas, aged 17, was killed and five other men were badly
injured in a premature explosion at the Armstrong quarries at 2:45
o'clock this afternoon. Thomas was buried under thousands of tons of
stone that fell upon him from a height of 34 feet, and his body is
terribly mangled. Jack Thomas, Gus Schwarberg, William Johnson,
Samuel Webb and John Grace are all badly injured, some of them
having bones fractured.
Jack Thomas and Gus Schwarberg were fixing a blast on a high ledge
34 feet above the bottom of the quarry. They had loaded two holes
with dynamite and were tamping the third, when the terrific
explosion came. The other four men, Schwarberg, Johnson, Webb and
Grace, were working down in the bottom of the quarry directly under
the part of the ledge where the shots were being rammed. When the
big explosion came, Jack Thomas and Gus Schwarberg were thrown into
the air and over the ledge. A great avalanche of lighter pieces of
stone covered the men down in the bottom of the quarry. Will Thomas
was close to the rock ledge and was completely covered with the
great mass of stone that fell. His body had not been recovered up to
4 o'clock this afternoon, although workmen are working with all
their might and strength to reach the dead man. William Johnson had
a narrow escape; the stone seemed to pick him up and carry him along
with it instead of crushing him. The other men are cut, bruised and
broken as a result of the sharp-edged stones falling on them. A
horse attached to a cart directly under the ledge was cut and
bruised, and the harness was cut up so badly that the mule was freed
from the cart.
Immediately after the explosion the survivors set to work removing
the stone which buried the body of Will Thomas. His father was first
carried down to the railroad track and put in a shanty, and the fact
that his son was dead was kept from him. He kept pleading to know
whether his son was still alive and whether he had been taken out,
but the men all kept silent and evaded answering his questions as
they carried one after another of the victims down to the shed where
they could be loaded in an ambulance. At the quarry, a great
mountain of rock like an avalanche was lying on top of the body of
young Thomas. The men who escaped with comparatively slight injuries
were recounting the incidents of their escape while nursing their
bruises and waiting for the ambulance. Thomas and Schwarburg were on
top of the ledge, 34 feet above where the gang of men down below
were loading stone into a cart to be hauled away before another
blast was set off. Schwarburg, the foreman, was superintending the
job. Two holes had been filled and the third was being tamped down
when for some reason the one being filled went off and the
concussion set off the others. Jack Thomas, who was using the
tamping bar, was horribly burned about the face and hands. He fell
down with Schwarburg and both landed on top of the mass of rock.
Their escape from instant death is considered miraculous. Schwarburg
is badly hurt about the face and breast, and he may have some broken
ribs and other bad injuries.
William Johnson was standing beside Will Thomas, who was killed, and
when the rock fell he was struck by a big boulder, which rolled him
out of the way. He suffered injuries to his arms and legs, but is
not considered dangerously hurt. John Grace also was close by young
Thomas, and he too was pushed out of the way by the immense mass.
Samuel Webb was badly hurt about the body by being struck by an
immense stone. The horse which was stripped of its harness and
thrown out of the shafts of the cart, stood quietly where it was
pushed by the mass of rock and no one paid any attention to its
wounds, although the poor animal was badly cut and bruised. Dr. J.
B. Hastings responded to a hurry up call and he gave the men some
attention and had them taken to St. Joseph's Hospital. The outcome
of the injuries of Schwarburg, Jack Thomas and Webb is very much in
doubt. Their condition is grave. The ledge where the accident
happened is up near the top of the bluff, and the floor of the
quarry is about fifty feet from the railroad track.
The Armstrong Quarry was located on the riverfront, about a quarter
mile west of State Street in Alton. The Mississippi Sand Company
later owned the property. John Edward “Jack” Thomas, the father of
William Thomas, lost one eye and was blinded in the other. His son,
who was crushed by the fall of the rocks, was moved to the family
home, and the funeral services were held there. Burial was in the
Melville Cemetery. The father was unable to attend. Jack Thomas died
in October 1923, leaving behind a wife, Minnie Thomas, and two
daughters – Mrs. D. W. Bell and Mrs. Gladys Keiser. He was also
buried in the Melville Cemetery.
A sister of Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. John Kelley, was greatly attached to
her nephew, Will. It was said she had a premonition that some
calamity was about to happen, but she didn’t know to who. The night
before the accident, she was roused from her sleep by something
which she described as “a feeling that there was someone in the
room.” She rose, but found nothing. The experience was repeated
several times that night. When she turned on the light in the
kitchen, it would suddenly go out. The next day, William Thomas lost
his life in the quarry.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 25, 1907
Jack Thomas, father of the boy who was killed, is the worst hurt. He
has lost one eye and may be blind in the other, if he recovers. He
has many painful bruises......The body of Will Thomas was moved to
the family home this morning by Deputy Coroner Keiser. The funeral
will be held tomorrow morning and services in the home will be
conducted by Rev. J. A. Scarritt, D. D. Burial will be at Melville.
The father will be unable to attend his son's funeral.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 25, 1907
Premonition of Nephew's Death?
The superstitiously inclined, and those who believe in signs, omens,
etc., can point to the experience of Mrs. John Kelley of east Third
Street antedating the calamity that befell relatives of her
yesterday as substantiating their belief somewhat. Mrs. Kelly is a
sister of Mrs. Jack Thomas and was greatly attached to her nephew
Will, who was killed outright yesterday afternoon at Armstrong's
quarry. Mrs. Kelly was uneasy and anxious all day yesterday and told
several of her neighbors, it is said, that she knew something awful
was about to happen to someone belonging to her. She had no idea
what form the calamity would take, nor who the victim would be, but
she felt sure someone akin to her was about to suffer severely.
Monday night she was aroused from her sleep by a something which she
described as "a feeling that there was someone in the room." She
arose and examined not only the room but the entire house occupied
by her family, but found nobody. The experience was repeated several
times Monday night, according to the story and to add to the
mysticism of it, every time she turned on the electric light in the
kitchen during her investigation tours, it would suddenly go out or
be turned off. It was following the above experience that she
declared her belief in an approaching calamity.
THOMPSON, ANSON/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 18, 1881
Anson Thompson, a lad of 16 years, son of W. C. Thompson of Upper
Alton, was drowned while bathing in Professor Wyman’s pond Friday
last. He sank in a deep spot, and being unable to swim, drowned
before the assistance summoned by a little boy playing near could
reach him. He was an excellent boy, and of an age to be a great help
to his father. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson have the sympathy of a large
circle of friends in their sudden and severe affliction.
THOMPSON, DAVID "DAVY"/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 22,
David Thompson, a well known character in the East End, and a
resident of Alton for many years, died at St. Joseph's hospital last
evening at 5 o'clock, after an illness with malaria fever. He was 67
years of age, and leaves three sons in this city. Thompson lived in
a shanty boat on the sandbar, and was taken from there yesterday
morning to the hospital for treatment. The funeral will be Saturday
morning at 9 o'clock.
THOMPSON, FREDDIE B./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 4, 1878
Freddie B., youngest child of Rev. F. L. and Mollie Thompson, was
born in Cairo, November 10, 1872, and died in Alton, March 18, 1878,
aged 5 years, 5 months, and 8 days. Little Freddie was a sweet and
promising child – no one knew him, but to love him, and he will be
greatly missed. His teacher in the Sabbath school, of which he was
such a faithful member, will miss his pleasant countenance, as she
gathers her little ones around her on Sabbath morning. But most of
all, will he be missed in the home circle by father, mother, and
brother. May the blessed Savior minister consolation to their
stricken hearts.
THOMPSON, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 03, 1900
Aged Farmer Killed in Runaway Accident
George Thompson, aged 79 years, was instantly killed yesterday
afternoon while at work on the farm of Joseph Spurgeon, two miles
from Upper Alton, by being crushed under a load of wood he had piled
on his wagon. The tragedy was caused by a spirited team that was
hitched to the wagon taking fright and running away, Thompson
remaining on the wagon in an attempt to stop the runaway horses. Mr.
Thompson was an active man, notwithstanding his seventy-nine years,
and continued to do the work of a younger man about his place near
Upper Alton. He was hauling wood from the place of Mr. Joseph
Spurgeon yesterday morning. The horses were wild, having run away
several times before, and suddenly they started on a mad run. Mr.
Thompson held on to the reins, but the wagon tipped over and he fell
to the ground, the wood falling on top of him. When picked up he was
dead, and it is supposed death was instant. Thompson was father of a
family of children, all of whom are dead, and he leaves only a wife,
who is of advanced age.
THOMPSON, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 12, 1915
George Thompson, aged 60, died at St. Joseph’s Hospital this morning
from pneumonia. The body was turned over to Mrs. John Lock, to be
held until relatives could claim it.
THOMPSON, HARRIET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 02, 1908
Mrs. Harriet Thompson, aged 18, a wife of three years, died last
evening at the family home, 1014 Union street, after a long illness
from consumption. She leaves no children. The funeral will be held
tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home, and burial
will be in City cemetery.
THOMPSON, JACOB/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 24, 1874
Death of a Pioneer
In the death of our friend, Jacob Thompson, which occurred on
September 15, we have lost one of our most respected and esteemed
fellowmen – an upright and prominent citizen, and a most
accommodating neighbor.
“Uncle Jake,” as he was familiarly called, will long be remembered,
not only in Fosterburg precinct, but in Madison County throughout.
For here had been his home for nearly forty years. There are today
but few men in Madison County better acquainted with its history,
and the history of its first settlers, than was Jacob Thompson.
Had the publishers of the Madison County Atlas consulted “Uncle
Jake” in their undertaking, nine-tenths of those mistakes that this
work now contains would not have occurred. His power of observation
was excellent, his memory wonderful. In conversation he was at once
engaging and interesting. To relate the history of this county or
that of its early settlers, when his breath would allow, would
engage the attention of his hearers for hours, yes for days, and as
a friend remarked, there was no getting enough of Thompson’s talk.
In politics, Jacob Thompson was a staunch Republican, and would only
scratch his ticket for the late William T. Brown. And thus passed
away from among us one more of the pioneers of Madison County. Let
us cherish them in memory, for we enjoy the results of the hardships
which they have borne.
THOMPSON, JACOB/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 23, 1890
From Fosterburg, Jan. 21 – At this writing we find it our unpleasant
duty to announce the death of our friend and neighbor, Jacob
Thompson, which took place January 20, at the age of forty-three
years, eleven months, and twenty days. The cause of his death was
that dread disease consumption. He had been sick for about two
years, but not seriously so until the last few months. A widow,
three brothers, two sisters, and a host of friends are left to mourn
his death. The funeral took place Jan. 21, at the Baptist Church.
Services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. James Purse. The
attendance was large, an evidence of esteem in which he was held.
Pallbearers were Charles Harris, Charles Warner, Fred Kreig, Tom
Kreig, John Kreig, and Mathew Schanam. The bereaved family and widow
wish to return thanks to friends that so kindly assisted in time of
THOMPSON, JENNIE H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 19, 1919
Had Interesting History
Madame Jennie H. Thompson died Sunday morning at 7:30 o'clock at the
Old Ladies Home, after an illness of several weeks. She was in her
ninety-fifth year. Madame Thompson was the widow of the late William
C. Thompson of Upper Alton. The funeral will be held Tuesday
afternoon at the Old Ladies Home at 2 o'clock and will be conducted
by Rev. David T. Magill, pastor of the College Avenue Baptist
Church, of which Madame Thompson was a member, and Rev. W. M.
Rhoads. The burial will be in Mt. Olive Cemetery, east of Upper
Alton, beside her husband. Madame Thompson was a woman with an
interesting history. Her maiden name was Gangnebien. She was born in
Switzerland, in the Alps, near Geneva, of French parents. Her father
was a soldier in Napoleon's army. When nine years of age she was
taken into the family of the historian, d'Aubigne, who wrote the
"History of the Dutch Reformation," and made her home at Geneva. At
that time Geneva was a center for the Calvinists and she received
special educational training from Dr. Malan, a professor in the
University of Switzerland, and also from Mrs. Stephenson, the wife
of Doctor Stephenson, another professor in the University. At Geneva
she formed the acquaintance of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fletcher of
America, Fletcher at that time being connected with the University.
Later Fletcher was appointed as United States Minister to Portugal,
and Madame Thompson and Mrs. Fletcher came to America, taking up
their residence in New York City. Here she had charge of the
educational training of the two Fletcher children, George and Julia,
the latter afterwards becoming a novelist. While living with the
Fletchers, Madame Thompson became intimate with many notables in the
literary world, including John Greenleaf Whittier, William Culien
Bryant, and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. After the death of her
father, her mother and sister came to America, and settled in Upper
Alton. Madame Thompson came West and made her home with them. She
taught French in Shurtleff College and in the old Wyman Institute,
now the Western Military Academy. While at the latter institution
she met Mr. Thompson and married him. After the death of Mr.
Thompson, Madame Thompson sustained a fracture of her hip. Having no
known relatives, she entered the Old Ladies Home, where she has
since resided. To all her friends she was known as Madame Thompson
because she preferred to be known by the title used in her native
land, to which she had become accustomed.
THOMPSON, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 9, 1868
Died at his residence in Upper Alton, September 30, 1868, Mr. John
Thompson, after a painful and protracted illness. His was the death
of the righteous.
THOMPSON, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 18, 1895
John Thompson, who was the victim of the shooting scrape on Union
Street on March 11, died Thursday from the result of the bullet he
received in the melee. Allen Hilliard, who is held responsible for
Thompson’s death, is now in jail in Edwardsville. The two men got
into a dispute over a dice game, and then indulged in strong talk.
Hilliard drew a revolver, and Thompson started to run. Hilliard
fired, and the ball lodged in Thompson’s hip ranging upward. About
ten days ago, Dr. Taphorn succeeded in removing the bullet, but
blood poisoning set in, and resulted in the victim’s death yesterday
Hilliard, it will be remembered, fled, and was subsequently arrested
at Mexico, Missouri, and was returned by Marshal Kuhn, who secured
extradition papers. Coroner Kinder held an inquest early this
afternoon, which was in accordance with the facts previously
published, and which held Hilliard responsible for Thompson’s death.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 27, 1895
Allen Hilliard was indicted for murder by the grand jury.
THOMPSON, JOHN FRANKLIN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 5,
John Franklin Thompson, 84 years old, died yesterday at his home at
Fosterburg. He leaves his widow and several children. He will be
buried tomorrow afternoon from the Fosterburg Baptist church.
THOMPSON, LETTIE M./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 3, 1890
From Fosterburg – The grave has been opened, and another victim of
death’s unerring shaft has been laid in the tomb; another form,
snatched from a felicitous home, finds rest upon life’s last pillow.
The large attendance at the home of mourning; in the home so lately
musical with the voice of a beloved daughter, attested the deep
earnest sympathy for bereaved parents, and sad hearted ones who
loved Miss Lettie Thompson as daughter and sister. Miss Thompson was
just in the prime of life, she being 21 years of age. The funeral
took place from the Baptist Church. The ceremonies were conducted by
Rev. James Purce. She has crossed the sunless valley, in the
buoyant, cloudless day of her youth, just when her life was a song
of joy – a poem of happiness. She has been saved the starless night
of grief, reserved for those of more lengthened days, and her spirit
has entered upon the solution of the great problem of eternity. Her
cherished form finds a resting place beneath the beautiful in
nature. The budding flowers, the bending sky, and the sweet songs of
the birds of the Fosterburg Cemetery, will companion her grave home
in the city of the dead. Those who tenderly loved her will find in
their home never-to-be forgotten reminders of the missing link in
the golden chain of affection; the ever-present consciousness that
their darling is gone, gone forever. They will never again feel the
caressing touch of her hand; never hear the step of her coming feet
in life.
Lettie M. Thompson was born in 1865. Her mother was Susanna Chandler
Thompson (1825-1903). She was buried in the Fosterburg Cemetery.
THOMPSON, MARIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 27, 1920
Mrs. Maria Thompson died at her home in Fosterburg Thursday
afternoon of uraemic poisoning. If she had lived until September 22,
she would have been 80 years of age. She was around as usual
Wednesday and was taken ill during the night. Mrs. Thompson was one
of our oldest native born citizens, having been a member of the old
Pruitt family pioneer settlers of this county. Her husband, J. F.
Thompson, died a little over a year ago. Mrs. Thompson was a good
Christian lady; very kindly in all her doings, and had many friends
who are sorry to hear of her death. She leaves three children, Harry
Thompson and Miss Nellie Thompson, who lived with her, and Mrs. D.
M. Bishop of Kirkwood, Mo.; also two brothers, Frank and Shields
Pruitt, of Okla., besides numerous other relatives. Funeral
arrangements are not complete at this time.
THOMPSON, MIRANDA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 27,
Mrs. Miranda Thompson, wife of Moses Thompson, died at the family
home at Fosterburg this morning at 5:55 o'clock after an illness of
three weeks. Mrs. Thompson was 77 years of age on Wednesday,
December 24, but was too ill to celebrate the occasion. Mrs.
Thompson has spent her entire life in the Fosterburg neighborhood,
having been born at Dorsey. She was well known for her many
charitable acts and church work. She is survived by her husband,
Mose Thompson, and six children, Mrs. Marlon Cope of Joplin; Jake
Thompson of Bethalto; Mrs. G. E. Miller of Crawford, Colo., Mrs. J.
M. Campbell of Brighton, Rodney Thompson and Miss Rand Thompson.
THOMPSON, MOSES and son RODNEY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
February 17, 1922
Double Funeral at Fosterburg
The double funeral of Moses Thompson and his son, Rodney, will be
held at Fosterburg at 1 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, according to
arrangements completed today. The services will be held in Memorial
hall and will be in charge of Rev. Frederick Webber, former pastor
of the church. It was stated that William Thompson, aged 84, and a
brother of Moses Thompson, was barely alive today, and his death was
expected at any minute. The daughter from Colorado was being
expected today on every train from St. Louis, as she was due to
arrive in that city this morning. Mrs. Jack Campbell of Upper Alton,
another member of the Thompson family, was reported somewhat better
today. She was brought to her home in Upper Alton a few days ago on
account of illness. She had been at the home of her father in
Fosterburg, helping to take care of the sick people.
THOMPSON, ROBERT C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 06,
The funeral of Robert C. Thompson took place this afternoon from the
family home on Cliff Street. Interment was in the Alton City
THOMPSON, RODNEY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 14,
Rodney Thompson, aged 38, is dead, his father, Mose Thompson and his
uncle, William Thompson, are in serious condition at the family home
at Fosterburg. Pneumonia is the cause. The death occurred at 5 a.m.
today. A sister of the dead man, Mrs. John Campbell of Alton, is
sick too, after giving her services in helping another sister, Miss
Randa Thompson, to take care of the patients. Father and uncle do
not know of the death of Rodney Thompson. The fact that he had died
was kept from them as it was feared that it might have a bad effect
on their cases if they learned of it. The body of the dead man was
quietly taken away from the house this morning and moved to the
Streeper undertaking establishment in Upper Alton, to be held there
until word can be received from Mrs. Guy E. Miller, of Craig, Colo.,
who may come to attend the funeral. The deceased leaves one brother,
Jacob Thompson of Bethalto, and four sisters, Miss Randa Thompson of
Fosterburg, Mrs. Guy E. Miller of Craig, Colo., Mrs. Marion Cope of
Joplin, Mo., and Mrs. John Campbell of Alton. Announcement of the
time of the funeral will be made later.
THOMPSON, ROSE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 9, 1918
The funeral of Mrs. Rose Thompson, aged 30, was held this afternoon
at 3:30 o'clock from the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Hyman of Shields street. Mrs. Thompson died Monday night from
concussion of the brain, following an accident in which the woman
jumped from a moving car.
THOMPSON, RUTH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 24, 1905
The funeral of Mrs. Ruth Thompson, the "grandma of East End", was
held this afternoon in the home of her son, and was attended by
practically all residents of East End place. Services were conducted
by Rev. S. McKenney.
THOMPSON, SAMUEL T. (MARSHAL)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
December 7, 1912
Wood River Marshal Slain
Village Marshal Samuel T. Thompson of Wood River was killed
instantly by Sam Williams on Ferguson Avenue in Wood River Friday
night, but at the same instant that the man fired two shots with a
shotgun at Thompson, the latter fired twice with his revolver, and
he mortally wounded him. Williams died at the hospital about 9:30
o'clock, three hours after the shooting, immediately after he was
carried through the doors of that institution. The shooting resulted
from the fact that Williams, who had been working for Bash & Gray,
the waterworks contractors, had been drinking heavily and quit work.
He had been partially paid off and demanded more money from his
foreman, O. S. Short, who declared he would not pay him while he was
drunk, nor could he until he had a chance to look up his books.
Williams procured a shotgun, and started out hunting for Short.
Thompson was notified, and he went in search of Williams. When they
met, Thompson attempted to arrest him, who started to move off, then
drew his shotgun and fired twice at Thompson. At the same instant
Thompson fired twice at him. One of Thompson's shots sheared the
fingers off the "shooting" hand of Williams, and the other bullet
pierced his body near his heart. The two charges of shot struck
Thompson in the side and tore his side to pieces. Williams was about
ten feet from Thompson when the shooting occurred.
When the people of Wood River saw that Thompson was dead, they went
in search of Williams, who had run off about 175 feet and dropped in
a clump of weeds. Searchers for him stumbled over his body, and they
carried it to the office of Dr. Barton. It was not known that he was
mortally wounded, and there were suggestions made that he be
lynched, but Mayor Stowell Beach and Deputy Sheriff Peter Fitzgerald
made speeches urging the people not to do such a thing as he was
mortally wounded. Williams was hurried to Alton in an auto, and died
there over three hours after the shooting.
Thompson was 52 years of age, and he leaves his wife and six
children. He was a courageous man and has done good service since
taking the office of village marshal of Wood River. He was known as
a good shot, and a man of good judgment. Williams, who was killed by
Thompson, had a woman who claims to be his wife at Wood River. He
had come there to work on the sewer and waterworks contract. Chief
of Police J. A. Lynn, Officer Gus Rotsch, and Deputy Sheriff Peter
Fitzgerald got word in time to catch the 6 o'clock car for Wood
River. When they arrived, they called for an automobile from the
Heuser and Meyer garage and hurried to the scene. They reached there
before the mob had found Williams. Excitement ran high, but no one
seemed to want to go near the house. The trio of Alton officers went
for the house. It was a small house with scanty furniture. The woman
was pacing up and down the floor, wringing her hands, pleading with
the crowd not to molest her, as she had not seen her husband all
afternoon. They searched the house, the mob having become more bold
with the presence of the officers.
John Schmidt was the first to stumble over the body of Williams,
seventy-five yards from the house in a clump of weeds. When it was
learned he was wounded, many men seemed to acquire a streak of
boldness. Several rushed up and wanted to kick him. Others wanted to
string him up at once. The chief, who wore a cap and did not display
his official badge and kept the mob guessing by his authoritative
manner, ordered the man's removal to the doctor's office. The crowd
cried out they wanted him. The chief and the deputy sheriff stood
them off, promising to see how his wounds would turn out. Everybody
wanted to help carry him to Dr. Barton's office. Then the
demonstration began. A crowd of several hundred with guns,
revolvers, axes, and picks gathered and demanded to get Williams.
Mayor S. A. Beach, during the examination, came out of the doctor's
office and pleaded with the mob not to disgrace the town "by any
unsightly affair." But the mob wouldn't listen. They demanded that
the two physicians, Drs. Barton and Gottschalk, come out and make a
speech telling that he would die before they would promise to
refrain from vengeance. The chief then threatened a little force and
for a time it seemed as if there would be trouble. But repeated
assurances that Williams was going to die calmed them a little,
while the crowd kept increasing. When the auto arrived, a number
declared that Williams would not be taken away. But in spite of
repeated threats to shoot the officers and cut the auto tires, the
officers made human targets of themselves for an excited crowd, and
with only their guns drawn as almost futile defense, they whizzed
off. Fortunately, no shots were fired, for they might have struck
the men in the auto. They got away safely.
Excitement is at a pretty high pitch in Wood River, as a result of
the shooting. Williams came from Plainfield several months ago with
his wife, and resided in a house about two blocks west of the school
house. He was known as a troublesome man, and according to Mayor
Stowell Beach, had served a term in Chester [penitentiary]. He
worked very irregularly for the sewer company, getting laid off an
account of drinking. It was supposed at first that the shots struck
him once on the hand and again under the heart, but an examination
by Coroner Sims after his death at the hospital revealed the fact
that he was shot through the leg. This would go to show that the
bullet which took off his fingers also went through his body near
the heart, as he held his hand up from front of his body. The other
shot evidently struck him in the leg.
Williams emptied both barrels at the Marshal, drawing the trigger
with his crippled hand. When Mr. Thompson dropped with his head
towards the street on the sidewalk, Williams ran. The crowd that
gathered ran to Mr. Thompson and carried him into the Short boarding
house where he died in ten minutes. He kept moaning, but was
unconscious. The search for Williams began, and it was over a half
hour before he was found by John Schmid in a clump of weeds in the
back of his house about 75 yards away. In the meantime, the crowd
had searched his house.
The news was brought to Mrs. Thompson as she was serving at the
church supper given at the Union Mission. She is not in the best of
health and was almost prostrated. Mr. Thompson's body was taken to
Alton last night in the Jacoby undertaking wagon, and will be
brought down tomorrow to the house. The funeral will be held early
Monday morning under the auspices of the Odd Fellow Lodge, which Mr.
Thompson organized. Odd Fellows will be pallbearers. The Rev.
Fisher, pastor of the Union Mission, will officiate. The funeral
party will take the 9:32 a.m. Chicago and Alton train, and will go
to East St. Louis, where the body will be buried in Mt. Hope
Mr. Thompson was born in Barron Furness, England, and came to
America when a young man. He lived eleven years in East St. Louis,
where he was a contractor. On coming to wood River three years ago,
he opened a store, but it is said did not make the success he
desired of it and sold out. Since that time, he has been serving as
Marshal for two and a half years. He was married twice. He leaves
two children by the first wife - Mrs. Ina May Seagon of Bingham,
Illinois, and Ernest T. Thompson of East St. Louis. The second wife,
four children - Freeland, Byron, Grace and Mary Thompson - survive
him. Friends of Thompson and fellow lodge members remember with a
tinge of sadness that he was unusually pleasant at the lodge meeting
of the Odd Fellows lodge on the night before his death. He was
laughing and joking with them and said, "boys our lodge has been
organized a year now without a death, and I hope we'll make another
year without anything of the kind." He then had no idea that he was
marked for a tragic fate then he had even suggested for any one of
his fellow men. [Note: Marshal Thompson was buried in the Upper
Alton Oakwood Cemetery.]
THOMPSON, STELLE R./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 4,
Woman Sleeps Three Months, Dying Today
Mrs. Stelle R. Thompson, wife of Ernest Thompson, died this morning
at 8:40 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Edith Thompson, her
mother-in-law, 2400 State street. Mrs. Thompson's case was a
peculiar one. She began suffering from a malady which produced an
inclination toward drowsiness, and for the past three months she was
asleep most of the time. Doctors were puzzled over her condition,
and there was a difference of opinion. A specialist diagnosed her
case as being one of tumor on the brain, and he urged a surgical
operation to relieve it. Her condition failed to improve and she
continued to grow weaker until the end came this morning. Mrs.
Thompson leaves her husband, also her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Smith of St. Louis, and three brothers, Arthur, Luther and Merrill
Smith of St. Louis. She was a member of the Washington avenue
Methodist church. The fune4ral will be held Saturday afternoon at 3
o'clock from the home of Mrs. Thompson, 2400 State street. Burial
will be in Oakwood cemetery. There was some who believed that Mrs.
Thompson was suffering from sleeping sickness on account of her
inclination to sleep most of the time, but this view of her case was
dissipated when she failed to show any other of the well known
symptoms of that disease, and also that she failed to rally or the
malady failed to prove fatal sooner than it did.
THOMPSON, SUSAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 1, 1903
After a long illness from Bright's disease, Mrs. Susan Thompson died
this morning at 6 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. J.
Ashlock, on Front street. Mrs. Thompson had lived in the vicinity of
Fosterburg since girlhood. She was born in North Carolina and was 78
years of age. A few days ago she came to Alton for medical treatment
and was staying at her daughter's home. She leaves two sons, Hiram
Foster of Independence, Kansas, and Martin Thompson of Fosterburg;
two daughters, Mrs. W. J. Ashlock of Alton and Mrs. Leonard Rammes
of Mt. Olive. She leaves a brother, Martin Chandler of Butler,
Illinois, and a sister, Mrs. Eliza Young of Upper Alton. Mrs.
Thompson was a devoted member of the Baptist church nearly all her
life, and in the community where she lived was a shining example of
Christian womanhood.
THOMPSON, TOMMY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 29, 1913
Found Floating Near Skinny Island
The body of Tommy Thompson was found floating in the river by two
fishermen at Skinny Island, Monday afternoon, about fourteen hours
after the drowning occurred. The body was in such condition that it
was necessary to have a hasty funeral this morning and remove it
from the undertaking rooms of Jacoby & Co. There was no chance of
telling whether or not Tommy had been subjected to any physical
violence before he sank in the river, as the body was bloated almost
beyond recognition. There is a story going the rounds among some of
Thompson's friends that he had $40 Saturday night, and that after
paying some of it out he had $27 left, but this money could not be
found when Thompson's clothes were lying on the river bank. It is
said that on the day following the drowning of Thompson, there were
some of the associates of Thompson who seemed to have some money,
but whether they won it from Thompson or how they got it, no one is
willing to say.
THOMPSON, UNKNOWN (nee REILLEY)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
November 15, 1918
Mrs. Manford Thompson of East Broadway died last night at her home,
leaving her husband and several children, ranging in age from 10
years to 7 or 8 months. Mrs. Thompson died after a short illness
with influenza and pneumonia. She was 36 years of age. Mrs. Thompson
was born and raised in the vicinity of East Alton, coming to Alton
just a short time ago to reside. She was well known in East Alton.
Mrs. Thompson was a member of the East Alton Baptist church. She is
the daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Reilley. Besides her husband,
children and mother, Mrs. Thompson leaves three sisters and two
brothers: Mrs. Sadie Glass of East Alton; Mrs. Lou Ackerman of
Canada; Mrs. Warren Cook; Alfred and William Reilley of St. Louis.
Funeral arrangements are incomplete.
THOMPSON, WILLAFORD/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 9, 1874
From Upper Alton – On Sunday last was held the funeral service of
Mrs. Willaford Thompson, who having lived here formerly for a long
time, had moved back to Upper Alton to die, as she said. Her disease
was consumption of long standing.
THOMSE, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 10, 1904
East Alton News - The funeral of Mrs. John Thomse took place
Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the Baptist church. The
pallbearers were: S. M. Hawkins, John Earl, Adam Reiffer, Charles J.
Ferguson, Frank Worthington, Albert Jones. Interment at Mt. Olive
THON, LOUISA/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 9, 1894
Louisa, the ten-months-old-child of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thon, died of
cholera infantum. The funeral will take place tomorrow.
THORNBERRY, VERA (nee BATES)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
April 17, 1918
Without learning that her baby did not live, Mrs. Vera Bates
Thornberry died Tuesday afternoon about 5 o'clock at St. Joseph's
hospital where she has been for the past four days. The young mother
was but 20 years of age, and was married a year ago the fourth of
last month to Michael Thornberry, who survives her. Mrs. Thornberry
was born in Kimmsrick, Mo, but has spent most of her life in Alton,
residing here with her family at intervals. The last time the Bates
family came to Alton was five years ago. She is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Bates of Madison avenue, and leaves besides her
parents two brothers, Ernest and Loyd Bates, and four sisters, Etta,
Nettie, Amy and Nina. Mr. and Mrs. Thornberry also resided on
Madison avenue, having a home of their own at 242. The funeral will
be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home, Rev. A. C.
Geyer officiating. Interment will be in the City Cemetery.
THORNTON, ALBERTINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 4,
Mrs. Albertine Thornton, aged 51, widow of E. C. Thornton, of 280
Madison avenue, died Friday night at 7:20 o'clock at St. Joseph's
Hospital where she was taken Wednesday afternoon in order that she
might have expert attention. Mrs. Thornton was taken ill three weeks
ago, and from the first her condition was known to be serious. She
suffered from heart trouble, together with complications of
diseases. Although suffering keenly during the past weeks of her
illness, her death was quiet and beautiful, the end coming as she
was surrounded by her family. Mrs. Thornton was born and raised in
Alton, and was one of the city's best known women. She was kind and
sympathetic, and was ever ready to lend a hand when trouble and
death entered the home of a friend. She was beloved by her large
circle of friends, and her death was received with much sadness.
Mrs. Thornton was born in Alton 51 years ago last July, and spent
her entire life in this city. She was married to E. C. Thornton, who
died fourteen years ago. She is survived by her daughter, Mrs. James
B. Cahill of Madison avenue, and by one small granddaughter, Marion
Pauline. Her parents are both dead, her mother, Mrs. Pauline
Formhals, dying two years ago. She also leaves five sisters, Mrs.
Frank Merkle and Mrs. Joseph Hufker of this city, and the Misses
Emily, Louise and Clara Formhals of Denver, Colo. The funeral will
be held from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral Monday morning at 9
THORNTON, E. C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 11, 1904
Joked While He Drank Poison
With a joke on his lips and in the presence of a group of his
friends, E. C. Thornton, a cigar maker and morphine fiend, called
for a drink in the Spring House at Second and Spring streets,
Saturday night, emptied in the glass a large quantity of morphine
and drank it off. His companions, knowing he was addicted to the use
of the drug, were not at first alarmed, but soon saw that Thornton
had taken more than his customary amount. He was moved to the
hospital, Dr. Bowman summoned, and everything done to revive him,
but he died about 2 o'clock Sunday morning. Thornton was 28 years
old and came from Des Moines. The cigar makers union had Undertaker
Bauer take charge of the body and notified Thornton's relatives at
Des Moines. Early Saturday evening Thornton tried to buy some
morphine at Paul Bros. drug store, but because he could not give a
satisfactory account of what he intended to do with it, he was
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 14, 1904
"I am only an outcast and a drunkard," was what E. C. Thornton, the
suicide cigar maker gave as his reason for destroying his life by
taking morphine Saturday night, according to testimony of Leo
Pieffer. Thornton was only 28, and those who have seen him say he
was one of the most perfect specimens of physical manhood they have
seen. He was 6 feet high, had a fine face, and a head of beautiful,
curling golden brown hair. Before he took the poison he wrote a
letter to his mother, then destroyed it. After he realized what he
had done he broke down in uncontrollable crying. It is said that
Thornton came of a good family. He had been a wanderer, union
receipts showing that he had stayed but a short time in each town
where he had been. The body was shipped today to Des Moines for
burial, accompanied by a member of the cigar maker's union. The
coroner's jury found a verdict of death from morphine,
THORNTON, EDWARD C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 7, 1906
Edward C. Thornton, a well-known Alton traveling man, died very
unexpectedly Friday night at his residence, 298 Madison avenue, from
heart failure brought on by congestion of the stomach. His death
followed an illness of a few days from which it was supposed he had
completely recovered. He was feeling well and in good spirits Friday
evening and had been pronounced recovered by the attending
physician. He was bright and cheerful and ate a hearty supper.
Before retiring he took a bath and having shaved himself he had
evidently made every preparation for his dying, almost as if he had
been given a premonition that his end was coming. He had been in
excellent spirits and spent part of the evening playing around on
the porch with some children. Mrs. Thornton says that they retired
about 10 o'clock and shortly her husband seemed to be asleep, from
his deep regular breathing. She went to sleep too, and was aroused
about three-quarters of an hour later from her sleep. She noticed
that her husband was very still and that the sound of his breathing
had subsided. She touched his hand and found it cold and lifeless.
The wife was given a terrible shock by the discovery of her
husband's death. Neighbors were summoned and she soon had plenty of
friends near to lend assistance, but it was too late for anything to
be done. Edward Thornton was born in Alton and lived here all his
life. He was a son of Philip Thornton. He would have been 38 years
of age August 20. For many years he was engaged as a traveling
salesman for Alton grocery houses, and recently he severed his
connection with an Alton firm to become connected with a St. Louis
grocery firm. He was highly thought of by everyone who knew him. His
unusual intellectual talents, his conversational ability and his
uniform good humor made his company very much sought after and he
was the life of any party of which he was a member. His death was a
great shock to the entire community, as few knew that he was not in
good health. He was an orator of considerable ability, although
making no professions of being such, and as a speaker for small
gatherings he frequently entertained audiences delightfully. He was
to have delivered an address at a Fourth of July picnic at New
Douglas, but did not do so. Mr. Thornton leaves besides his wife,
one daughter and two brothers, James P. Thornton and Michael
Thornton, and a sister, Miss Thornton. The funeral will be held
Monday at 9 o'clock from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral.
THORNTON, PHILIP/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 23, 1893
Philip Thornton, an old and respected citizen of Alton, died at his
home, 100 W. Sixteenth Street, Thursday night. Mr. Thornton has been
ill for some time. He was stricken with acute bronchitis, and
gradually grew worse until death relieved him of his suffering. He
was born in Louth County, Ireland, in 1834, and came to Alton in
March 1858. He was twice married, and leaves a widow and four
children: James P., Michael, Edward, and Mollie, all of the latter
by his first marriage.
THORNTON, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 17, 1883
Mrs. Philip Thornton died last Thursday at the age of 55 years,
after an illness of four weeks, caused by cerebral spinal
meningitis. She left a husband and four children, one of her sons
being a member of the City Council, to mourn her death. The funeral
took place from the family residence, corner of Sixteenth and Belle
THORP, HENRY BURTON/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 16, 1849
Died near Highland, Madison County, Illinois, on the 14th ult., Mr.
Henry Burton Thorp, aged ?? years, 8 months, and 14 days. Mr. and
Mrs. Thorp were born in Connecticut. Mr. Thorp emigrated to this
State with Captain Curtiss Blakeman, July 1819, and he constantly
prospered in a temporal sense since his location here. The life of
Mr. Thorp may be referred to as an example for those who would
attain independence by industry, frugality, and the most strict
honesty in all things; while his character may be presented,
ornamented by the warmest feelings of benevolence, and distinguished
by a disposition to speak evil of no man. Mrs. Thorp and Mrs. Dugger
were exemplary Christians and truly ____able in all their relations
through life. The sudden death of these three valuable individuals
[Sarah Thorp, Henry Thorp, and Eliza (Thorp) Dugger] has cast a
gloom over the society in which they moved, which will long be felt
by a large circle of relatives and friends, while the void created
by this dispensation will not be filled until surviving friends
cease to retain affectionate memories.
THORP, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 4, 1850
Died in Alton on the 2nd inst., of a disease of the heart, John
Thorp, aged ?? years.
THORP, PHILIP/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 16, 1852
Philip Thorp, an old and industrious drayman of Alton, departed this
life very suddenly yesterday afternoon. He had just recovered from a
bilious attack, came down street about one o’clock, and soon after
returned home, laid down and died. He leaves a family.
THORP, SARAH/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 9, 1849
Died on Saturday the 21st ult., at the late residence of Henry B.
Thorp, Esq., deceased, near Highland, Madison County, Mrs. Sarah
Thorp, widow of the said Henry B. Thorp; aged about 43(?).
THORP, THOMAS A./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 31, 1873
Mr. Thomas A. Thorp, of Troy, died on Friday, January 24, of cancer.
Nearly a year ago he suffered a very painful operation for the
excision of the tumor, and on November 4 last, he had his arm
amputated above the elbow. He was one of our most useful and
accomplished citizens. During all his severe trials, his operations,
the loss of his right hand, and the consciousness of his approaching
dissolution, his fortitude was truly heroic.
THORP, WILLIAM S./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 12, 1852
Died on the 21st ult., at the residence of N. Burnham near Highland,
after an illness of five days, William S. Thorp, in the 15th year of
his age.
THORPE, ANNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 9, 1901
Mrs. Annie Thorpe, wife of Otis Thorpe, died last evening at the
home of Mr. W. E. Hubbell on Alby street, after a short illness,
aged 27. Mrs. Thorpe came to Alton from San Antonio, Texas with her
husband, who is working at the Equitable Powder Company's plant at
East Alton, and has been living at the home of Mr. Hubbell. Beside
her husband, she leaves a child eight weeks old. The body may be
sent to San Antonio for burial.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 11, 1901
The funeral of Mrs. Otis Thorpe took place this afternoon at 2
o'clock from the home of W. E. Hubbell on Alby street. Burial was in
the City Cemetery. Mrs. Thorpe came from San Antonio, Texas.
THORPE, EMILY/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 1, 1851
Died at Highland, Madison County, July 21, Miss Emily Thorpe. She
had just returned from the Female College at Jacksonville, and was
enjoying the welcome of her friends, when she was attacked by
cholera, and soon passed away. She needs no eulogy. Besides all
other excellencies of her life, she had sought and found the pearl
of great price.
THORPE, RILEY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 11, 1899
Riley Thorpe, one of the unfortunates who live down on the sandbar,
died this morning in a wretched hovel from the effects of hunger and
exposure. In the tent where Thorpe died, and on the bed beside his
dead body, lay his wife weakened by sickness, cold and hunger, until
she was not able to help herself or send for the assistance of her
rough neighbors. Thorpe had been ill for some time and application
for assistance for the family had been made to the Supervisor, but
was refused. Left to care for themselves, there was nothing for the
couple to do but die there in their dirt and poverty. A Telegraph
reported visited, today, the place that the Thorpe's called home. It
was a wretched tent, full of holes and ample openings for the
entrance of cold river winds. The body of the dead man was stretched
out in a box outside, while inside was a scene of squalor and dirt
that could not be worse. A small stove in the front, by the open
tent flaps where light entered, was supplying heat and the tent was
filled with a half dozen neighbors. Thomas McNutt, who had
discovered the plight of the family, told how the couple were dying
from cold and starvation when he entered. The people on the bar have
no money, and coal for a fire must be stolen to keep the sick people
alive. All night McNutt did what he could and the neighbors
contributed of their scanty food supply to prevent the death of the
couple. The old lady was, at the time of the reporter's visit,
greedily gulping down some soup a neighbor had contributed. She ate
as though she had not tasted food for days and her condition was
pitiable. Everything in the tent was filthy and even a dog would
disdain to drink from a cup which the old woman took her soup in.
Cold, starving, and with no friends unless the county helps her,
there is nothing for her but to follow her husband. The other
inhabitants of the bar are free-hearted, but they have nothing to
spare beyond their own needs, and still they have denied themselves
necessaries of life for the poor couple. In the midst of all this
squalor and poverty, it was pleasant to find that humanity had not
entirely deserted the breasts of the poor people down there, and
that out of their scanty means they had done what they could for two
of their unfortunate number.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 12, 1899
Inquest Held Over Riley Thorpe
Coroner Bailey held an inquest last evening over the dead body of
Riley Thorpe, the sandbar denizen who died from exposure and
starvation. The verdict of the coroner's jury was that death was due
to a congestive chill. The body was taken charge of by Undertaker
Miller and buried. Mrs. Thorpe was moved to St. Joseph's Hospital
last night by order of Supervisor Elble, and there she will be given
an opportunity to recover her health. Both Thorpe and his wife had
been assisted at times by the Supervisor, but when last they applied
they were refused assistance because of the frequency of their
visits. They were improvident in their habits of life, failing to
provide for themselves when well. Still, the burden of their support
falls on the community as heavily as does that of the more deserving
class. Supervisor Elble states that he gave assistance to the man
who died yesterday morning on the sandbar; or rather that the
assistance was given to the woman. While it is not the intention of
the Supervisor to refuse assistance to anyone who is in want, it is
impossible in the condition of affairs to provide food and proper
nourishment for the class of unfortunates on the sandbar, most of
whom are a shiftless, and we had almost said, worthless lot. Still,
no matter how worthless, it will not do to permit men and women to
die from hunger and cold while there is a fund to prevent it. The
Supervisor's position is a trying one. To avoid extravagance and to
supply the wants of the worthy, and yet for humanity's sake, not to
permit destitution, requires a large amount of care, patience and
rare judgment.
THREDE, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 2, 1908
John Threde, aged 23, a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Threde of the
Vandalia road, died as the new year was dawning, after an illness
with abscess of the liver. His marriage to Miss Ida Glassmeyer was
set to take place on Christmas day, but because of his illness it
was decided to postpone the wedding indefinitely. His fianc�e
attended him much of the time during his illness. On the day before
his death he began to be very much worse, and his condition seemed
hopeless. Relatives were summoned and were with him at the time he
died. The young man had lived in Alton all his life and was well
known in the east end of the city. The funeral will be held Friday
at 2 p.m. from the German Evangelical church.
THREDE, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 6, 1908
Woman Accused of Throwing Gasoline on Ida Glassmeyer Dies
Mrs. Mary Threde, wife of John Threde, died Saturday night at 11:35
o'clock from nervous prostration. Dr. F. C. Joesting, who attended
her, denies that she died from the effects of poison
self-administered, and says that she died in spasms and cramps due
to a complete wrecking of her nervous system. On the night that the
police officers called at the Threde home to put her under arrest,
Mrs. Threde was alone in the house. She was sitting near the door
when the officer knocked for admittance and demanded to know who was
there. She was told who was knocking, and on opening the door the
officer explained his mission. Mrs. Threde seemed to be unable to
control herself. She started to run and dashed from one room to
another, flitting around like a caged bird trying to get away and
finally ran into a closet and tried to hide herself. She never
recovered. On Saturday morning she was really very ill, and all day
Dr. Joesting says, she continued ill, and there was little hope of
her recovery. Late Saturday evening she was much worse, and she died
just about 24 hours from the time she was notified that she was
accused of the crime. John Threde said to a Telegraph representative
yesterday that his wife positively did not commit suicide. He said
that she had been suffering from nervousness since the death of her
son three months before. He admitted that she had a hatred for Miss
Ida Glassmeyer, and had objected to the marriage of her son to the
girl, but he would not admit that he believed his wife threw the
gasoline nor that he thought she committed suicide. Coroner Streeper
was informed by Dr. Joesting as to the diagnosis he had made of the
case, and Mr. Streeper said Sunday that he would not hold an
inquest. Mrs. Threde was 52 years of age. Beside her husband she
leaves three children. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at
10 o'clock from the German Evangelical church.
THREDE, WILLIAM JR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 3, 1904
Killed by Explosion at the Glass Works
William Threde Jr., aged 17, was instantly killed, and Charles
Wilson, night engineer at the glass works, was perhaps fatally
injured Monday night by an explosion which wrecked the oil house at
the glass works about 9:25 o'clock. The concussion of the explosion
shook the city to its remotest corners and caused much terror among
families having members working in the glass factories at night. The
explosion was of gas and is very mysterious.
Will Threde was employed at the electric power house, and just
before the explosion accompanied the engineer to the oil house. The
wrecked building sheltered two big steel tanks for containing crude
oil, with a capacity of 40,000 gallons each. The oil will not burn
readily, but it emits a gas which is disposed of by allowing it to
circulate to free air through a big ventilator which was in the top
of the building. The oil did not take fire, or the entire glass
works would have been destroyed. Beside the oil house there were
several cars of oil on the track. The tanks were not injured. The
exact cause of the disaster is not known.
Wilson, accompanied by Threde, went to the oil house carrying a
lantern to see how much water was in the tank pit. Instantly there
was an explosion, and the brick building was leveled to the ground.
The roof blown off and a pile of crated bottles was wrecked. On the
roof of the oil tanks was about 20 tons of iron, put there to weigh
down the tanks. Heavy pieces of iron were blown 100 feet and fell in
a rain of deadly missiles, but no one was hurt by them. Night
Superintendent George Finkel was the first man to arrive at the oil
house after the explosion. A small fire had started in the wreckage,
caused by the puff of flame following the explosion, and this was
speedily put out. Eliot hose truck made good time to the fire and
prevented any damage being done. Mr. Finkel says that he heard
Wilson groaning and he started to pull him from the pile of debris.
Wilson told the men trying to get him out to let him alone as he was
done for, but to try to find the boy, as young Threde was in the
ruins. The body of Threde was found under the roof of the building
which was blown off and lay on the ground a dozen feet away from the
ruined walls. Wilson was quickly moved to St. Joseph's Hospital and
Dr. G. Taphorn was awaiting him there. It was found that his body
was frightfully mutilated, burned and torn. Four of his ribs were
broken, and it was thought he sustained internal injuries.
After the explosion at least a thousand people gathered at the glass
works gates and demanded admission. Every man, woman and child
feared his or her family had suffered by the accident, and no one
knew just how many people were hurt. It was thought at first that
the explosion was that of a tank furnace, slight blow-ups having
resulted several times recently from water getting into the caves of
the furnaces. It was over an hour before the crowds at the gates
scattered, it having been given out that only two persons were hurt.
The body of William Threde was taken to the police station, where
Undertaker Will Bauer took charge of it. The body was badly torn but
was not dismembered. Officers of the Illinois Glass Company cannot
explain the accident. They say that the oil is not explosive and
that ample provision was made for disposing of the gas arising from
the tanks.
The death of Will Threde is a cruel shock to his family and friends.
He was very popular among his friends and fellow workmen and highly
esteemed by everyone. The body was moved today to the family home,
Sixth and Alby Streets. The funeral will take place Wednesday
morning from the family home. Services will be conducted by Rev.
Theodore Oberhellmann. Mrs. Wilson, wife of the engineer, was taken
to the hospital to see her husband and she collapsed, although he
tried to cheer her up by saying, "Now brace up, mamma, I will be all
right soon." She went from one fainting spell into another during
the night, but is reported to be calmer today. The mother and two
little children have been taken by Mrs. Demuth to her home and are
being given every attention.
Charles Wilson did survive the blast, but was seriously injured. He
sued the Glass Works for $10,000, saying he was permanently damaged.
The father of Threde also sued. At the inquest, Charles Wilson gave
his testimony as to what happened. A verdict was given by the jury
of accidental death due to explosion was given, without fixing any
responsibility. Burial of Will Threde was in City Cemetery.
THRUSH, AUGUSTA [nee HOPPE]/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April
7, 1909
Mrs. Augusta Thrush, widow of James Thrush, died this morning at 5
o'clock at the home, 409 Spring street, after being an invalid for
many years. Her death occurred just twelve hours after the election
of her brother, F. W. Hoppe, to the office of township collector.
Mrs. Thrush was born in Germany, but came to Alton when she was
three years old, and for fifty-six years she had lived in the one
neighborhood. She was 59 years of age. Her husband died in July,
1907. She leaves two children, a son, Chanie Thrush; and a daughter,
Miss Minnie Thrush. She leaves also two brothers, F. W. Hoppe and
William Hoppe; and two sisters, Mrs. Annie Stutz and Miss Mary
Hoppe. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from
the home. She was a member of the German Evangelical church 45
years, and the services will be conducted by the pastor of that
church, Rev. E. L. Mueller.
THRUSH, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 2, 1907
James Thrush, highway commissioner for fifteen years, died very
suddenly Monday evening at his home, Fourth and Ridge street, after
an illness of about 24 hours. He had been a sufferer from asthma and
heart trouble all winter, but did not take to his bed until Sunday
evening. His death was unexpected, although he was known to be very
seriously ill. He was born in Columbus, Ohio, and was in his
seventieth year. He came to Alton forty two years ago, and during
the most of the time he followed the occupation of teamster. His
wife has been an invalid for seven years since she fell down a
flight of stairs and injured her back. During her long illness the
husband had been most faithful in attending her, manifesting his
devotion to Mrs. Thrush by giving up most of his time to caring for
her, and it was no doubt worry over his wife's condition which
contributed toward the breakdown of his health. Besides his wife,
Mr. Thrush leaves two daughters, Misses Chanie and Minnie Thrush.
The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the
family home, Rev. Ernest Mueller of the German Evangelical church
THURMAN, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 12, 1903
William Thurman, the man who was sand bagged at North Alton at
Gerner & Overath's garden last Saturday night, died at St. Joseph's
hospital this morning at 7 o'clock, having been unconscious ever
since he was found Sunday morning. Thurman received a blow over his
right temple which caused paralysis. He was a tinner by trade and
had been traveling from one town to another, and was in the employ
of Emil Hoffman in Upper Alton at the time he was murdered.
Thurman's home was in Paducah, Ky. His brother and brother-in-law,
E. D. Thurman and W. R. Jones, arrived here Thursday and will
accompany the body to the home for burial. He was 24 years of age
and was unmarried. Deputy Coroner Streeper held an inquest over the
body this afternoon.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 13, 1903
George Redmond of North Alton, a member of a well known family, was
arrested Friday evening by Deputy Sheriff Laughlin, on a warrant
sworn out before Police Magistrate Rose by E. D. Thurman, charging
that Redmond struck the blow that produced the death of Thurman at
the hospital Friday morning. When arrested, Redmond was dressed up
and was going toward the depot, and it was supposed he was about to
leave the city. It is said by the officers that he expressed not the
least surprise when arrested and made no objections. Redmond is the
young man arrested in October 1901, after the fire in the Stanard
mill, for trying to set fire to the Alton Roller Mill property where
he had been employed as a night watchman. Deputy Coroner Streeper
held an inquest Saturday morning and witnesses testified that they
saw Redmond with another man strike Thurman and knock him to the
ground. They also testified that Redmond and his companion were seen
to carry Thurman, after he was knocked down, to the rear of the
pavilion in the garden, where he was found last Sunday morning.
THURSTON, JOHN P./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 3, 1912
Veteran of Civil War
John P. Thurston, aged 88, died Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock
after a long illness from senile debility. Mr. Thurston lived with
his aged sister, who gave him devoted attention and taken every care
of him. For fifteen years the aged couple had lived together, and
last May they came to Alton from Kane, where they had passed most of
their life, and they settled down here to pass the remainder of
their days. The brother had been an invalid for eight years and was
a great care to his sister, but the sister gave him devoter
attention and ministered to him up to the end. The affection between
the aged couple was beautiful and was the admiration of all their
neighbors. The time of the funeral has not been set.
THURSTON, UNKNOWN MAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 27, 1838
Passenger Falls Overboard into Mississippi
We regret to learn that as the steamboat Paul Jones was approaching
our wharf [Alton] on last Monday afternoon, a deck passenger named
Thurston, while in the act of drawing a bucket of water,
accidentally fell overboard. The engine was immediately stopped and
every practicable exertion used to pick him up; but he sunk to rise
no more before any assistance could reach him. As he fell forward of
the wheelhouse, which passed directly over him, it is supposed that
he sustained some injury from the machinery, and was consequently
unable to sustain himself on the water. We understand that he was a
resident of Clifton, about four miles above this city, and has left
a family to deplore his loss.
TIBBITT, DELILAH (nee TITCHENAL)/ Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
October 3, 1913
Widow of James Tibbitt (Founder of North Alton)
Daughter of Joseph Titchenal
Mrs. Delilah Tibbitt, widow of the late James Clayton Tibbitt, died
Friday morning at 1 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Kate
Camp, at Delmar Avenue and Tibbitt Street. She was born in
Newcastle, Pennsylvania, April 15, 1822, and when she was about
three months old started from that place with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Titchenal, who came west and settled near Upper Alton.
Since that time, she had lived in Alton or vicinity, and she was by
far the oldest resident of Alton from the viewpoint of continuous
residence. She was married in 1842 to James C. Tibbitt, a pioneer
owner of land north of Alton, and who later founded the town of
Greenwood, afterwards North Alton. He died several years ago. Mrs.
Tibbitt gave birth to nine children, five of whom survive her. These
are: Joseph G. and Henry Tibbitt, and Mrs. Kate Camp of Alton; Miss
Margaret Tibbitt of St. Louis; and Alton W. Tibbitt - the Alaska
gold miner. A sister, Mrs. Julia Kennedy, also survives. She leaves
many grandchildren and several great grandchildren. Her last
sickness began about a week ago, and at first was not thought to be
of a serious nature. Her great age was against her, however, and she
sank steadily until she entered rest.
Mrs. Tibbitt saw all the wonderful improvements and developments
made in Illinois during the past century practically, and she and
her husband and her parents were important factors in this
development. She was an interesting conversationalist, and had up to
a few years ago a bright mentality, stored with wonderful facts
concerning early day life and events in Illinois, and particularly
in this part of it. All of her life she was known as a kind,
charitable woman, and many are the good deeds recorded in her favor
done by her when she did not let the left hand know what the right
hand was doing. She has been in feeble health for the past few
years, and has been tenderly cared for by her daughter, Mrs. Kate
Camp, and by others of her relatives. The Titchenals of Foster and
Wood River Townships are relatives of hers, as are the Kennedy
families of Wood River. Mrs. Adam Brown, Mrs. Fred Noblitt, and Mrs.
John Krug are granddaughters of deceased, and the late Mrs. J. E.
Deterding was a daughter. Funeral arrangements will not be completed
until the family can hear from Alton W. Tibbitt, who is somewhere in
Chicago on business. It will probably be on Sunday.
James Clayton Tibbitt, the husband of Delilah Tibbitt, surveyed lots
just south of Buck Inn, and recorded the town plat in February 1853.
He named the town Greenwood. The name did not catch on, and
residents referred to the area as Buck Inn, which was a hotel
located at the northwest corner of Delmar and State Street. In 1875,
the original plat of Greenwood, Buck Inn, and Coal Branch were
incorporated and given the name North Alton. In 1908, the village
was annexed to the city of Alton.
It was reported in 1909 that Charles Tibbitt, a son of Delilah and
James Tibbitt, was presumed dead and frozen in Alaska. He, like his
brother, Alton Tibbitt, was a gold miner. Joseph Greenwood Tibbitt,
another son, drowned himself in a well one block from his home in
December 1914. Delilah Tibbitt is buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood
TIBBITT, CHARLES "CHARLEY"/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
September 30, 1909
North Alton Young Man Possibly Frozen in Alaska
Sometime ago in this column mention was made of the fact that
nothing had been heard for months of a former North Side boy,
Charley Tibbitt, and that his relatives feared some calamity has
overtaken him. Mr. Deterding says nothing has yet been heard of
Charley, and it is believed out there [Alaska ...Phil Deterding just
arrived from there] that he was frozen to death last winter in an
attempt he is known to have made to reach a point distant from where
he then was. It is almost a year since then, and those who know him
are satisfied that if alive, he would have notified somebody of his
TIBBITT, JOSEPH G./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 1, 1914
Member of Old Family in North Alton Drowns Self in Well
Joseph Greenwood Tibbitt, a member of the oldest family in the North
Side, drowned himself in a well one block from his home Tuesday
morning. Efforts to revive him failed, though the pulmotor was used.
Mr. Tibbitt had been the victim of a nervous collapse. All summer he
had been suffering from nervous breakdown which forced him to give
up his work at the plant of the Illinois Glass Co. He had been
working in the box factory. The breakdown of his nervous system
caused him to be downhearted and caused his family much anxiety. It
was not suspected, however, that he contemplated suicide. Mr.
Tibbitt was a man who was known as a good citizen, but he was
especially dear to the members of his own family where he had been a
good husband and father, and everything was done that could be done
to soothe away the gloom that had settled down on him when he became
incapacitated for work. He was very despondent and seemed to have
given up hope of being restored to health. He rose at the usual time
this morning and a little after 7 o'clock he went to the Strong
pasture, about one block from his home, which is just over the line
outside of Alton in Godfrey township. Robert Strong was at work in
the pasture, and hearing a sound at the well which attracted his
attention, he went over, made an investigation, and saw Mr. Tibbitt
in the well. He summoned help and as soon as possible Mr. Tibbitt
was hoisted out of the deep well, but it was apparently too late.
However, the pulmotor was sent for and strenuous efforts were made
by its use to restore vitality without success. He was born in North
Alton, and spent all of his life here. His aged mother, Mrs. Tabitha
Tibbitt, died only a few years ago at an age close to one hundred,
after living almost one hundred years in Alton and vicinity, and
shortly after her death Mr. Tibbitt suffered a complete nervous
collapse and breakdown. He was very sick for several weeks, but
rallied, and after a time apparently fully recovered. The recovery
was apparently only temporarily, for again late in the summer he
became sick and remained that way until very recently. Joseph
Tibbitt was an industrious, honest man, a good father and husband,
and a fine neighbor. He had not an enemy in the world and deserved
none. He was a charitable man in act as well as in speech, and he
would not knowingly wound or injure anyone. He was 62 years old and
is survived by his wife and five children: August, Alton Jr.,
Nellie, Grace and Johnm, all of Delmar Heights. A brother, J. H.
Tibbitt, and two sisters, Mrs. Kate Camp, at present living in East
St. Louis with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Noblitt, and Miss Margaret
Tibbitt of St. Louis, survive him. Mr. Tibbitt was a charter member
of Greenwood lodge of Odd Fellows, and was one of the most active
and interested workers in the lodge, up to the last.
TIBBETT, CORA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 22, 1919
Miss Cora Tibbett died Tuesday evening at the home of her cousin,
Mrs. M. J. Sullivan, at 617 Belle street, from pneumonia. Miss
Tibbitt was taken sick last Thursday, and the malady soon assumed a
serious form. Miss Tibbitt was 34 years old and the daughter of the
late Henry Tibbetts. Her mother died when she was 5 years old, and
she was reared by her aunt, Mrs. David Jones. She leaves a sister,
Mrs. Maggie Olsen of Alton, and a brother, Charles Tibbett, who is
in the Klondike. Miss Tibbett had been one of the most trusted
employees of Central Union Telephone Company. At the time of her
death she was one of the supervisors, and was on duty Wednesday
evening before she was taken down with pneumonia. In her contact
with the public, Miss Tibbett had made a host of warm friends, and
the news of her passing will be regretted by residents in all parts
of the city. The funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock from the Sullivan home. Rev. Edward L. Gibson, pastor
of the First Presbyterian church, will officiate. The burial will be
in Oakwood cemetery.
TIBBETTS, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 31, 1888
From North Alton – Mrs. Henry Tibbetts of North Alton died last
evening after an illness of two days. She left a husband and three
small children.
TIEMANN, BERNARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 6, 1881
Mr. Bernard Tiemann, druggist in Mr. G. H. Weigler’s store,
northeast corner of Second [Broadway] and Henry Streets, died
suddenly Tuesday between 8 and 9 o’clock of asthma, having been
confined to the house but two days. Deceased was a nephew of Mr.
Frank Brandeweide, and has relatives in Cincinnati. He was about 26
years old.
TILBE, LENORE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 8, 1902
Upper Alton News - Lenore, the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H.
Tilbe, died this morning at 3 o'clock after a long and painful
illness. A peculiar interest is attached to this sad bereavement as
the child's father is a missionary in faraway Burmah. About three
years ago Mrs. Tilbe came here with her four children on account of
the continued ill health of one of them, and has lived here ever
since. Lenore was a bright little girl of ten years, and her mother
has the sympathy of the entire community. The funeral will be held
at the family home tomorrow afternoon.
TILTON, UNKNOWN CHILD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 5,
The 3-year-old child of Prof. and Mrs. H. C. Tilton, of Leverett
avenue, died last night at the family home. Interment was held this
morning at Oakwood cemetery.
TIMMERMEIER, GEORGINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 3,
Dies Walking Across Railroad Bridge Over Mississippi
The death of Miss Georgine Timmermeier occurred Sunday evening as
she, with a merry family party, was walking across the bridge over
the Mississippi at Alton, after attending a family reunion at the
home of Frank Timmermeier, given in celebration of the silver
wedding anniversary of the host and hostess. Miss Timmermeier died
when she was about at the middle of the bridge. Dr. Mather
Pfeiffenberger, who was called, said that Miss Timmermeier had
probably died from heart trouble aggravated by acute indigestion.
She had eaten heartily before starting on the walk home. There being
no ferry service at the time when the party were coming home, they
decided to walk the bridge. There were sixteen in the party,
including one sister, Mrs. Wilhelmina Spaet. Miss Timmermeier was in
high spirits, but when she reached the middle of the bridge she
complained of feeling sick and unable to walk any further. She sat
down on the ties of the bridge floor, and in a few minutes she was
dead. Members of the party carried her to the engine house on the
draw span and there Dr. Pfeifenberger was called. Members of the
party said that Miss Timmermeier had a very severe coughing spell
after she complained of faintness and inability to walk further.
They thought that the excitement of walking over the bridge, with
the ice running below and the cold air contributed somewhat to her
collapse. Miss Timmermeier was about 54 years of age. She leaves her
sister, Mrs. Wilhelmina Spaet, and four brothers, Frank, William,
George and August. She had been living in the family home at
Seventeenth and Piasa street with her brother, George.
TIMMERMEIER, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 28, 1912
Henry Timmermeier, aged 79, died at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon at
his home, Seventeenth and Piasa streets, after being partially
paralyzed four years. His death was expected the past few days, as
he had suffered a final attack immediately after spending a very
happy birthday. He had a family reunion and was in good spirits when
the final stroke came. His birthday was March 1st. Mr. Timmermeier
had a number of paralytic strokes, but each time he would rally and
get out again. He was born in Germany and came to America in 1853
and to Alton in 1854. He settled on a farm on Missouri point, worked
hard and saved his money. A pathetic event was last summer, when the
old man asked to be taken back to the place where he had lived his
married life and raised his family, to take a last look at the
place. He had moved to Alton in 1892, retiring from hard work. He is
survived by his wife and six children, Mrs. Wilhelmina Spaet, Miss
Georgia and Messrs. Frank, William, George and August Timmermeier.
Mr. Timmermeier was highly regarded by all who knew him and on
Missouri Point he had many good friends among the older settlers who
will mourn his death.
TIMMONS, AMANDA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 4, 1915
Mrs. Amanda Timmons, aged 82, died at her home, 3314 College avenue,
this morning after a lingering illness. Her death is believed to be
due to her extreme age. She is survived by one son, F. A. Hamilton,
of Alton. The body will be shipped this evening to Bad Creek, Ind.,
for burial.
TIMMONS, MARY/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 17, 1892
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Timmons, who died yesterday morning at the
residence of her daughter, Mrs. Clem. Collins, 1029 East Third
Street, took place from the family residence this afternoon, the
interment taking place in the Alton City Cemetery. Mrs. Timmons was
aged about 80 years, and leaves besides Mrs. C. two sons, one a
resident of Jerseyville, the other living at Atlas, Illinois. The
services were conducted by Rev. G. W. Smith.
TIMPER, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 3, 1891
Mr. Henry Timper, who was on Friday hurt by falling from the roof of
his home and alighting on the top of a picket fence, lingered,
suffering greatly, until 9 o’clock Monday morning, when he breathed
his last. Deceased was born in Germantown, Clinton County, Illinois,
in 1861, and was therefore about thirty years of age. He became a
resident of this city about seven years ago, and was married some
five years since to Miss Louise Degenhardt, who with two children, a
boy three years old and a girl one year old, survive him. He has for
a number of years held the position of teacher of St. Mary’s
Catholic School, and organist of the church and was a man
universally respected for his excellent character. His parents have
been notified by wire of his death. The funeral occurred Wednesday
from St. Mary’s Church, conducted by Father Kaenders of Venice,
assisted by Fathers Degenhart of Collinsville, Metzger of Brighton,
Groener of Leavenworth, Kansas, with Requiem High Mass. Many
sorrowing friends and relatives gathered at the church to pay their
last respects to their departed friends. The casket was covered with
a profusion of flowers. At the grave, the Sicilian Maenerchor, of
which he was a member, sang a hymn composed by him five years ago
for a similar occasion. His school children, to whom he was a kind
and indulgent teacher, followed the body to the grave. The
pallbearers were Jacob Jun, Conrad Dreisoner, Frank Schuelle, John
Kloss, Clemens Goeken, and John Schneider. The body was laid to rest
in St. Mary’s Cemetery [now called St. Joseph’s Cemetery].
TINDALL, GEORGE W./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 30,
Mr. George W. Tindall of Upper Alton died yesterday afternoon, after
an illness of a week, aged 65 years. Mr. Tindall was one of Upper
Alton’s highly respected citizens. He was born in Edwardsville, and
has lived in Madison County his entire life, except a residence of
two years in Galena. Mr. Tindall’s wife and four daughters survive
him. One of the latter, Mrs. S. A. Young, lives in LaCrosse,
Wisconsin; the others in Upper Alton. Mr. and Mrs. Young are now
here, having come last Friday. The funeral will take place tomorrow
from the family residence on Washington Street. [Burial was in the
Upper Alton Cemetery.]
TINDALL, JANE/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 27, 1874
From Edwardsville, Feb. 24 – Jane Tindall, relict of Parham Tindall,
TINDALL, LOUIS W./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 12, 1893
Mr. Louis Tindall, an old resident of Upper Alton, and well and most
favorably known, died Monday from a stroke of paralysis received
Sunday. He was seventy years of age. His funeral will take place
from the family residence in Upper Alton. Mr. Tindall is the father
of Mrs. George D. Barnard, Mrs. Gordon Willis, and Mrs. [Clara
Julia] John M. Gannett, of St. Louis. A large number of friends
attended the funeral of the deceased. [Burial was in the Upper Alton
Oakwood Cemetery.]
TINDALL, MARTHA/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 30, 1851
Died very suddenly on Saturday night, the 17th inst., in
Edwardsville, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Martha Tindall,
at the advanced age of 73 years.
TINDALL, MARY ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December
15, 1914
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Tindall, within a few weeks of her 86th
birthday, died Monday evening at 8 o'clock at her home, 852
Washington Avenue, from a hemorrhage of the bowels. Mrs. Tindall was
85 years 11 months and 8 days old when she died. Her maiden name was
Ellis. She was born January 6, 1829, in Sussell County, Delaware,
and came to Illinois when she was six years of age. She was married
to George W. Tindall in 1849, and came here to Alton as a bride. At
the age of fourteen she united with the Methodist Church, and all
the remainder of her life she was a devout subscriber to the
teachings of the Christian religion. In 1860 she united with the
Upper Alton Methodist Church and later she changed her membership to
the Washington Street Methodist Church because of its nearness to
her home. She was a trustee of the church at the time of her death.
Mr. Tindall died 22 years ago. The aged lady is survived by four
daughters, Misses Sarah J., and Maria L. Tindall, and Mrs. Samuel
Young, all of Alton, and Miss Alice B. Tindall. She leaves also two
grandchildren, Mrs. F. C. Hopkins of Alton and George A. Young of
Detroit, also three great-grandchildren. The funeral will be held
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home to the
Washington Avenue Methodist Church.
TINDALL, THOMAS R./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 10, 1873
Thomas R. Rindall, a respectable citizen of Edwardsville, aged 41
years, died of lung fever at his residence near Edwardsville on
Sunday, January 5. He was the last of the household, his wife and
child having died a short time previously.
TIPTON, ELIJAH/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 15, 1890
From Moro – The funeral of the late Elijah Tipton, whose death
occurred early yesterday morning at his home near Bunker Hill, will
occur Wednesday, the interment taking place at the Moro Cemetery.
Mr. Tipton had been in poor health for some time, but his condition
was not thought serious until lately. He was in the 62nd year of his
age, and leaves besides a wife and a number of children, a large
circle of friends among whom he had long been loved and respected,
to mourn his death.
TIPTON, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June
18, 1912
Mrs. George Tipton, aged ?1, of Moro, died last night from cauber
and will be buried Thursday.
TISIUS, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 17, 1912
Son of Former Police Captain Suicides by Drinking Carbolic Acid
Ex-Police Captain Henry Tisius, who has been in Alton several weeks,
left for St. Louis early this morning in response to a message
informing him that his oldest son, Charles, had committed suicide
Friday night at 8:30 o'clock at 4467 Greer avenue, St. Louis, by
taking carbolic acid. Miss Delia Tisius, a sister, who is an
operator for the Kinloch Telephone Company here, left for St. Louis.
The message stated that Charles was despondent and that he left his
own home and went to that of his parents. After talking to his
mother for a while, he went out on the front porch and sat down, and
shortly afterwards, or about 8:30 p.m., swallowed a large quantity
of carbolic acid. Medical attention proved unavailing, and he passed
away. He had said nothing while in the house that would cause any
suspicion of his design on his own life, but it is said he told a
companion earlier in the evening that "This is the last time you
will ever see me." He was married and leaves a wife and three
children. Charles Tisius was the second one of the sons of Mr. and
Mrs. Tisius to commit suicide within a year, and the parents will
have the sincere sympathy of all who know them in the many
afflictions fate is visiting them. The funeral will be held tomorrow
afternoon from the Alton station, the remains coming up on the 1
o'clock C. & A. train. Burial will be in the City cemetery. Tisius
was a concrete boss and had been getting along nicely. The parents
do not know what induced him to decide to take his own life.
TISIUS, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 7, 1921
Former Police Officer
Henry Tisius, for many years a member of the Alton police force,
died this afternoon at 1:50 o'clock at his home, 3003 North Taylor
avenue, St. Louis, after an illness that began with a fall he
suffered while at work as a watchman in a plant at St. Louis. He
gave up work about Christmas time, and five weeks ago submitted to a
surgical operation which did not prove successful. He was bedfast
from that time. Mr. Tisius had lived in Alton almost all of his
life. He was married here and is survived by his wife and three
daughters, Mrs. Nellie Williams, Misses Mamie and Dell Tisius, and
three sons, Bowman, James and Walter Tisius. Mrs. Belle Lock was
summoned to St. Louis this afternoon to take charge of the body and
will bring it to Alton for burial, the time and place to be
announced later. Henry Tisius was a very efficient man on the police
force. He was a man of wonderful physical strength and endurance,
and many are the feats of strength his friends could recall as being
performed by him. One of these was a test to which few can submit.
He would allow anyone to strike him the heaviest kind of a blow on
the stomach without flinching, and he would give anyone full
opportunity to choke him and none ever was able to shut off his
TISIUS, JOHN HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 26, 1889
John Henry Tisius passed away from this life September 25, at
fifteen minutes past six o’clock. He was born in Wunstorf, Hanover,
Germany, and lived to be of the age of 85 years, 4 months, and 22
days. He immigrated to this country at the age of 25 years, making
his first home in Baltimore, where he was married to Louisa Frank,
with whom he raised seven children – two boys and five girls, of
whom two girls preceded him to the other world. He came to Alton
about 31 years ago, and lived here ever since. He leaves a loving
wife and five children to mourn his death. The funeral took place
Thursday afternoon from the family residence on Seventh Street, near
Henry Street.
TISIUS, WALTER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 16, 1911
Young Man Commits Suicide by Drinking Carbolic Acid
Walter Tisius, aged 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tisius, drank
carbolic acid Monday evening about 10:30 o'clock and died within 10
minutes before a doctor could be had. He drank the acid on Fifth
street near the Dan Miller Buggy Co. plant, and was found lying on
the sidewalk suffering intensely. Members of his family say that he
had been despondent for a short time. Monday evening he went home to
supper and seemed in his usual condition of mind, but after supper
he seemed to be very despondent. He threatened to kill himself, but
little attention was paid to his threat. His mother told him to go
to bed and he would feel better in the morning. About 10:30 p.m. he
started to leave the house and passed his sister, who was sitting on
the front step, and he told her goodbye. Ten minutes later the
telephone message was received at the Tisius home on State street
that the boy was dying from carbolic acid poisoning. When found, he
was dying, and a doctor who was sent for arrived too late. Efforts
were made to administer antidotes to him, but he had taken so much
of the acid and had lain so long before being found, nothing could
be done for him. The young man had been employed at the Koehne
blacksmith shop on Belle street. Members of his family say that some
time ago he fell in getting off an interurban car and his head was
badly injured. They say he was never mentally right since then, and
had been subject to brief periods of mental derangement. He leaves
beside his parents, four brothers and three sisters.
TITCHENAL, CATHERINE (nee DOOLING)/Source: Alton Evening
Telegraph, March 02, 1899
Descendant of Early Settlers of Madison County
Catherine Titchenal, wife of John S. Titchenal, after a short
illness of la grippe, passed quietly away Sunday morning, February
19, 1899, at the family residence near Woodburn, Macoupin County,
Illinois, at the age of 63 years, 11 months, and 4 days. She was the
daughter of James and Elizabeth Dooling. Her parents were among the
earliest settlers of Madison County. She was married to Clement C.
Loyd, December 19, 1836, who died January 12, 1886, leaving her with
six girls. On February 14, 1889, she was married to John S.
Titchenal. Of this union there were four children – three boys and
one girl. She leaves to mourn her death a husband, John S. Titchenal
(1835-1914) and two sons, Edward “Eddie” Titchenal (1875-1935) and
Frank M. Titchenal (1872-1941) of Dorchester; six daughters, Mrs.
John Thunne of East Alton; Mrs. J. B. Hill of Fosterburg; Mrs. James
Taylor of Bunker Hill; Mr. Jacob Meisenheimer, Mrs. A. Davis, and
Mrs. C. Meisenheimer of Woodburn; one brother, John Dooling of
Kankakee, Illinois; one sister, Elizabeth Coyne of East St. Louis.
Mrs. Titchenal was a lifelong Catholic, and died strong in her
faith. She was a kind, loving wife, and affectionate mother. “Few
knew her but to love her.” The pallbearers were M. Thompson, William
McCauley, J. Camper, William Thompson, E. Gabriel, and W.
Phensterman. Her body was laid to rest in Short’s Cemetery [near
Cottage Hills in Madison County].
Catherine Sarah Dooling was born March 15, 1835, in Illinois. She
was the daughter of James and Elizabeth Dooling, who were among the
earliest settlers of Madison County. Catherine first married Clement
C. Loyd (1832-1866), who served in the Civil War as a Private in
Company K. 80th Illinois Infantry. Clement died January 12, 1866,
and was buried in the Short Cemetery in Cottage Hills. From their
union, Catherine and Clement had six girls – one of which was
Lorenia Jane Loyd Meisenheimer, who also died in 1899.
TITCHENAL, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 17, 1917
Charles Titchenal, a well-known farmer of Wood River township, died
this morning about 9 o'clock at his home near Bethalto after an
illness with dropsy. Deceased was 50 years old. He leaves his wife
but the couple never had any children. Mr. Titchenal was born and
raised in the Fosterburg-Bethalto neighborhood. He was a step-son of
the late John Kell, a former well known resident of Foster and Wood
River townships. About fifteen years ago Mr. Titchenal bought the
old Kell farm of 40 acres near Bethalto and located upon it, and he
has lived there ever since. He was obliged to quit work some time
ago on account of his illness, and since that time he has not
improved, and after dropsy set in the sick man continued to decline
steadily until death came this morning. The funeral arrangements had
not been completed this afternoon.
TITCHENAL, DANIEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 25, 1919
Murdered in Troy, Missouri
The body of Dan Titchenal, slain at Troy, Mo. last Monday by a
farmer, and buried there Wednesday, will be claimed by relatives who
left for Troy today to get the remains. Titchenal was killed in a
quarrel with a farmer over the use that Titchenal was making of a
spring, at which he was watering his horses. The farmer controlling
the spring warned Titchenal not to continue watering his horses at
the spring as, he claimed, Titchenal was muddying the water. Later
when Titchenal returned to repeat the act which he had been warned
against, the farmer, without more controversy, used a double
barreled shotgun on him, emptying a charge of shot into Titchenal's
shoulder, from which he died. The body was held at Troy until
Wednesday in the hope of finding some of Titchenal's relatives.
Finally it was learned he had relatives in this vicinity, and a
letter was sent to Chief of Police Fitzgerald apprising him of the
death of Titchenal, and asking information. However, a brother of
the dead man had noticed an article in a St. Louis newspaper telling
of the shooting, recognized his brother as the man who had been
killed, and members of the family had started an inquiry when the
letter to the chief of police came. A party consisting of Bert
Wilson, C. N. Streeper, Hector Bassett, Van Titchenal, Harry
Titchenal and Thomas Titchenal went to Troy today. The letter to the
chief of police said that Titchenal was working in a tie camp near
Troy and there was some confusion over the spelling of his name. The
man who shot him is said to be 65 years of age. Thomas Titchenal,
the aged father of the dead man, resides with his daughter, Mrs.
William Gabriel, east of Upper Alton.
Richard A. Tabb Shoots Dan Titchenal Over Spring
Source: Troy, Missouri Free Press, July 25, 1919
Richard A. Tabb, 60 years old, and a tie cutter living at Cole
Corner, shot and killed Dan Titchenal, 32 years old, also employed
by the tie company, Monday morning at 11 o’clock at a spring on
Jesse Crume’s place near Tabb’s house. The shooting was done with a
double-barreled shotgun, and the charge entered Titchenal’s left
shoulder, tearing it badly and penetrating downward. Titchenal lived
about four hours after he was shot. Titchenal had been in the Cole
Corner neighborhood only a few weeks, and nothing is known about his
family. Before his death, he stated his name to Dr. C. D. Avery,
coroner, and said that his parents were living in Alton, Illinois.
Later, he said they lived near Alton. Messages to that part of
Illinois failed to find any relatives, so the body was removed from
the Kemper-Swan undertaking establishment where it had been since
Monday, and buried in the city cemetery Wednesday afternoon, at the
expense of the county. Sheriff Basye accompanied Dr. Avery to Cole
Corner as soon as word was received of the shooting and arrested
Tabb, bringing him back to town and lodging him in jail. No date has
been set for his preliminary hearing yet. The trouble which led up
to the shooting was over the spring from which Tabb got his drinking
water. Titchenal had been bringing his horses there to water them,
spoiling the spring for drinking purposes. Monday, when he came,
Tabb was waiting for him at the spring, and when Titchenal let his
horses in to drink in spite of Tabb’s protests, Tabb fired on him,
inflicting a fatal wound. Jesse Crume heard the shot and reported
the matter to the authorities.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 1, 1919
Mrs. William Gabriel, Miss Susie Titchenal, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Wilson made an automobile trip yesterday to Troy, Missouri, to
further investigate the recent killing of their brother, Dan
Titchenal. The man's name who did the shooting is Tabbs. The
preliminary hearing of the case was held Wednesday at Troy, and
Tabbs was bound over to the grand jury on a charge of first degree
manslaughter. The party visited the jail yesterday, and the ladies
were given a chance to see the man who shot their brother. It
developed that there was just one eyewitness to the shooting, and
this was a boy 15 years old. He was in St. Louis, and the party from
Alton did not get to see him. The party has been in close touch with
the States Attorney at Troy, and they will leave no stones unturned
in getting evidence against the man who did the shooting. The party
arrived home late last night from their auto trip in Missouri.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 18, 1919
Thomas Johnson, guilty of the murder of James Rayburn of Alton, has
been out of the Chester penitentiary for some time. Another man by
the same name is being held in the county jail at Troy, Mo., on the
charge of murdering Dan Titchenal of Upper Alton. The men have the
same name, and each has a crippled right arm. There is a question in
the mind of Van Titchenal as to whether or not they might not be the
same man. So today, Van Titchenal, of Upper Alton, went to the
Chester penitentiary to investigate the record of Thomas Johnson,
escaped prisoner. The tip on which Titchenal is work is one
furnished by Cal. Streeper, of Alton. Streeper went to Troy, Mo.,
with Van Titchenal to bring the body of his father home. While
there, he recalled having heard the name of Johnson before. Slowly
the story of the inquest in which Rayburn was killed came back to
him. He remembered hearing of how Johnson had killed him in a box
car with a railroad bolt. Streeper suggested that an investigation
be made of Johnson, who was supposed to be at the Chester
penitentiary. The investigation proved that Johnson had escaped from
the penitentiary. Now Titchenal is trying to discover if Johnson,
the Johnson who killed Rayburn, is the same as the man who murdered
his father. Dan Titchenal was killed at Troy, Missouri, in the early
part of July of this year by a fellow teamster in a dispute over the
right to water their horses. Alton relatives were not informed of
the death of Titchenal until several days after it occurred. Alton
relatives are very anxious to try and connect up the two Johnsons.
They fear that Thomas Johnson may be released from the Troy, Mo.
jail under a light bond. If they can show he is the same man guilty
of the murder of Rayburn, he will be brought back to the Southern
Illinois Penitentiary.
Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, August 18, 1919
Van Titchenal of Alton was in Edwardsville Saturday afternoon
looking up records in the murder of James Rayburn on July 5, 1901,
for which Thomas Johnson was sent to the Southern Illinois
Penitentiary at Menard for life. Titchenal believes that Johnson has
escaped and killed his brother, Dan Titchenal, near Troy, Missouri,
on July 21, this year. With the necessary information, Titchenal
went to the penitentiary today to lay his suppositions before the
warden after being told that one of Johnsons in prison had escaped.
The man held at Troy, Missouri, gives his name as Richard Tabb.
Johnson was shot in the left arm several years ago in attempting to
escape from the penitentiary, and the crippled arm of Tabb causes
Titchenal to believe the men are the same. Titchenal has lost his
right hand at the wrist. When the two met in the Troy jail, a
conversation ensued about the crippled arm and the prisoner remarked
that one of his arms had been injured. The prisoner was partly
identified by C. N. Streeper, an undertaker at Alton, when he went
to Troy to get the body. He was coroner when Johnson was placed on
trial and pled guilty in the circuit court. Johnson had several
aliases, and was known as Frank Maloney, C. N. Derrig, Christ Brown,
Christ Stockatile, and Christ Ruthlege. He threw himself upon the
mercy of the court on February 21, 1902, after the jury had been
selected. The man at Troy says he is not certain of his age, but
appears to be between 60 and 65 years old, about the age Johnson
would be at this time. Johnson has been considered a very bad man.
He was indicted for beating Ryburn into unconsciousness with bolt.
He had been left in a boxcar near Hartford, and was found through
his groans by trainmen. He died shortly after connecting up Johnson.
Titchenal had located at Troy several months ago, and his alleged
murdered arrived about two months ago according to reports. It is
said an argument ensued over the use of water at a spring, and that
Tabb shot Titchenal once without warning.
Dan Titchenal Funeral
Source: Troy, MO Free Press, August 15, 1919
The following clipping from the Alton, Illinois Evening Telegraph,
tells of the funeral services of Dan Titchenal, who was shot and
killed here July 21:
“The funeral of Dan Titchenal was held Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock
at the home of deceased’s sister, Mrs. William Gabriel, at the
Gabriel Dairy Farm, east of Upper Alton. The attendance was the
largest that has been present at a funeral in Foster Township in a
long time. Deceased was a member of one of the best-known families
of that neighborhood, and many farmers drove for miles in the deep
dust to be present at the services. Rev. Theodore Cates, pastor of
the Upper Alton Methodist Church, officiated at the services. Many
beautiful flowers were sent by friends as token of sympathy for the
aged father, brothers, and sisters of deceased. Burial was made at
Fosterburg Cemetery following the services at the Gabriel home. Van
Titchenal and Cotton Baker are going to leave this evening for Troy,
Missouri, to take charge of the horses, harness, wagons, etc., that
were owned by Dan Titchenal, the Foster Township young man who was
killed a week ago today at Troy. Titchenal had been hauling ties at
the camp where he was shot, and it was stated by the men who went
after the body and brought it back to Alton that all his belongings
are still there.”
The dead man’s sisters were here last Thursday, conferring with
Prosecuting Attorney Williams, and visiting the Cole Corner
neighborhood. They were women of evident refinement and prosperously
dressed. [burial was in the Fosterburg Cemetery, Fosterburg, IL. He
was 33 years old at the time of his death.]
Tabb Held for First Degree Murder
Source: Troy, MO Free Press, August 1, 1919
Richard A. Tabb was bound over to the September term of circuit
court on the charge of murder in the first degree in the death of
Dan Titchenal, Monday, July 21. Bond was fixed at $4,000, which Tabb
has not yet been able to give. Louis Miller, 15 years old, the only
eyewitness to the shooting, was not present at the preliminary.
Witnesses for the State Wednesday were Canada Myers, R. D. Basye,
George McGregor, Dr. C. D. Avery, Dr. Sam Avery, Mary Muller, C. W.
Phelps, and Charlie Vaughn. The witnesses called by the defense were
J. P. Crume, W. D. Moore, and Van Titchenal. Van Titchenal and his
father, Tom Titchenal, brother and father of the dead man, were here
from Fosterburg, Illinois, a suburb of Alton, to attend the hearing.
This is their second trip here within a week. They came last Friday
after reading of the case in the St. Louis papers, and identified
the man as Dan Titchenal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Titchenal, a
well-to-do and highly respected family of Fosterburg. The body was
exhumed and taken back to Fosterburg for burial. Mr. Titchenal, who
is in the dairy business, and his son, a grocer, were accompanied
last Friday by a Fosterburg undertaker, W. N. Streeper, by Harry
Titchenal, another son, and by Bert Wilson, an Alton newspaper man.
Attempted Prison Escape by Tabb
Source: Troy, Missouri Free Press, September 26, 1919
Tuesday night, during Sheriff R. D. Basye’s absence from Troy on a
business trip to Whitehall, Illinois and St. Louis, two of the
prisoners in the Lincoln County jail at Troy attempted to dig their
way out and escape. The ruse was discovered by Mrs. Basye and her
son, Hubert, before the men had succeeded in carrying out their
plan, but the discovery was made evidently just in time. Tuesday
evening, Mrs. Basye, Miss Myrtle Raney, who lives with Mrs. Basye at
the jail, and Hubert went to the home of a friend to call, leaving
the prisoners, Richard Tabb, charged with first degree murder, and
Raymond Renard, who was one of the men arrested in connection with
the box car robbery at Old Monroe two years ago, in the corridor of
the jail. Finding the friend not at home, the ladies returned to the
jail residence about nine o’clock, and Hubert went into the yard
with some boy friends to play. Miss Raney took the evening paper to
the men in the jail, and as she opened the wicket to pass the paper
to them, Tabb sprang up as if he had been bending over right at the
door and seemed startled at Miss Raney’s opening the wicket as she
was at his sudden appearance in front of it. She thought nothing of
the incident at the time, but went on back into the kitchen where
Mrs. Basye was. In a short while, Hubert came in, quite excited, and
said that as he was taking the boys around the jail to see the place
where some prisoners had escaped at one time several years ago, he
heard voices very plainly, and for some reason something in the
manner of the speakers made him stop and listen. He heard a voice,
evidently Renard’s, say, “Have they gone to bed yet?” And Tabb, who
seemed to be watching, answered, “No, there’s still a light in the
kitchen.” Then Renard asked again, “Was that Sheriff Basye talking
outside a few minutes ago?” Tabb replied, “No, I don’t think that
was the Sheriff’s voice.” Hubert then came to the house without
listening longer, and told his mother what he had heard. Mrs. Basye
looked out and noticed that she could see a light shining very
plainly through the outside wall of the jail, so, feeling sure that
something was wrong, sent Miss Raney and Hubert after Deputy Sheriff
T. O. Nuckols, as she was afraid to telephone lest the men hear her,
and knowing the sheriff was gone, would make their escape before
help arrived. Mr. Nuckols came in a few minutes, locked the men in
their cells, and then an investigation was made. The inside bricks
had been removed, and eight or ten of the outside ones were loose,
with all the mortar knocked off. One brick had fallen to the ground
outside, but another had been laid in its place. Evidently, all the
work of escape had been done, and in a very short time the men could
have thrown out the bricks and escaped. The prisoners protested
their innocence, saying the bricks were knocked loose by an insane
man several days ago. However, the brick that had fallen to the
ground bore no marks of the weather, and the insane prisoner was
taken away before the heavy rain of Saturday night and Sunday.
Richard Tabb faces trial Monday for the murder of Dan Titchenal,
which occurred at a spring about seven miles from Troy several weeks
ago. Raymond J. Renard was arrested about two years ago in
connection with a box car robbery at Old Monroe. His bond expired at
the September term of court this year, and he has been unable so far
to have it renewed.
Richard Tabb Acquitted
Source: Troy, Missouri Free Press, October 3, 1919
The case of the State vs. Richard Tabb, charged with first degree
murder, was held at the courthouse in Troy Monday and Tuesday of
this week, and resulted in a verdict for the defendant of not
guilty. The jury was out one hour and forty minutes before returning
their verdict of acquittal at six o’clock Tuesday afternoon. The
facts of the case are as follows:
Dan Titchenal, about 30 years old, a tie hauler in the employ of
Richard Moore of St. Charles County, was shot by Richard Tabb, 60
years old, a tie hacker in the same employ, at a spring on the Jesse
Crume place, about seven miles northeast of Troy, July 21, 1919. The
shooting occurred about 9 or 10 o’clock in the morning, and
Titchenal died of his wounds about 2 o’clock that afternoon. After
the shooting, Tabb notified Mr. Crume of what he had done and the
coroner was sent for. After the man’s death that afternoon, the
sheriff came to the farm and took Tabb, who offered no resistance,
to Troy and lodged him in the Lincoln County jail. The plea of the
defendant was self-defense. Lewis Miller, a 15-year-old boy working
with Titchenal, a witness for the State and the only eyewitness to
the scene, stated that on Monday morning, July 21, he and Dan had
gone to the spring to water their horses. Dan dipped up a bucket of
water and let his horses drink, then started to dip another bucket,
when, Lewis said, there was a noise in the bushes, and looking up,
they saw Richard Tabb with a shotgun in his hand. Tabb told
Titchenal not to water his horses from that spring, and then, Miller
stated, Dan started to turn and go away with his horses. As he
started to leave, Tabb threw up his shotgun and shot Titchenal in
the left shoulder, inflicting a fatal wound. Titchenal had no gun or
any other weapon, Miller testified.
Richard Tabb was put on the witness stand Tuesday to testify in his
own behalf. His story, which contradicted that of Miller, was as
follows: He (Tabb) had started out early Monday morning, July 21, to
go squirrel hunting. After hunting for several hours without finding
any squirrels, he went to the disputed spring to get a drink of
water. Presently, he saw Dan Titchenal and Lewis Miller bringing
Titchenal’s horses to the spring for water. When they had arrived
there, Tabb stated he asked Dan not to stir up the water in the
spring. The tie hauler, disregarding him, picked up a bucket, dipped
it full of water, and started to water his horses. Tabb said he then
asked him why he treated him in that manner, and Titchenal, with an
oath, started towards him, reaching his hand at the same time
towards a hip pocket as if to get a concealed weapon. At this move,
Tabb testified, thinking his life was in danger, he discharged his
gun at Titchenal, shooting him in the left shoulder.
After the testimony of the witnesses of both sides, and the
arguments of the attorneys, the case was left in the hands of the
jury. They left the courtroom at 4:20 and returned a verdict at 6
o’clock of acquittal for defendant. The State was represented by
Prosecuting Attorney Derwood E. Williams and William C. Martin.
Tabb’s attorneys were Creech & Penn and John L. Burns.
I could not no further information on Richard Tabb.
TITCHENAL, JOHN D./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 27, 1877
Mr. John D. Titchenal, an old and respected resident of Foster
Township, died Monday morning after a protracted illness. His
disease was liver complaint.
John D. Titchenal was born June 17, 1823, in Fosterburg, Illinois.
He died September 24, 1877, and was buried in the Short Cemetery in
Cottage Hills. His children were Lucy Titchenal (1853-1939);
Cassandra Titchenal (1855-1933); Irwin Peter Titchenal (1857-1941);
and Joseph Edward Titchenal (1861-1872).
TITCHENAL, JOSEPH EDMUND/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 7, 1873
Died on February 26, near Upper Alton, of typhoid pneumonia, Joseph
Edmund, youngest son of John and Susan Titchenal; aged 11 years, 9
months, and 12 days. Joseph was a bright and intelligent boy, a
favorite with all the family. His sufferings were severe, but all
was borne with patience. His parents, two brothers, and two sisters
deeply feel their loss. May God bless and sustain the afflicted
TITCHENAL, MARIETTA (nee WARNER)/Source: Alton Telegraph,
December 02, 1897
From Fosterburg – After suffering for several months with cancer,
death came as a relief to Mrs. Thomas Titchenal on Monday about
noon. With great patience she bore her suffering. She leaves a
husband, three sons, and three daughters. The funeral services took
place at the family residence Wednesday, Rev. Waggoner of Upper
Alton officiating. The interment was in the Fosterburg Cemetery.
Marietta Warner Titchenal was born in Madison County, Ohio, May 9,
1850. She was the daughter of Daniel Hitt Warner (1814-1899) and
Mary Ann Heath Warner (1827-1882). Marietta married in 1876 to
Thomas B. Titchenal (1842-1935).
TITCHENAL, WILLIAM HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January
11, 1915
Son of Pioneer
The funeral of William Titchenal, son of a pioneer, was held
Saturday, services being conducted in the Baptist Church at
Fosterburg, and the neighbors and friends who desired to show their
esteem for deceased by paying their last respects were so numerous,
that all could not get into the building. Mr. Titchenal was
converted 17 years ago, and was a consistent member of the Baptist
Church from that time until death claimed him. He was about 65 years
of age, and leaves his wife and nine children. He leaves many
relatives in the North Side and vicinity also, among these being the
Tibbitts and their connections. Mr. and Mrs. John Krug and family
were among those who attended the funeral.
William Henry Titchenal was born July 25, 1850, in Madison County,
Illinois. He was the son of John D. Titchenal (1823-1877), who was
born June 17, 1823, in Fosterburg, Madison County, Illinois. Some of
his children were: Edward Vincent Titchenal (1878-1919); William
Harris Titchenal (1880-1937); Ida Mae Titchenal Spain King
(1883-1967); John Nathan Titchenal (1887-1961); and Bessie Leona
Titchenal Werts (1902-1975). William was buried in the Fosterburg
TITSWORTH, HARRIET/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 7,
From Upper Alton – Mrs. Harriet Titsworth, mother of Mrs. Ballinger
of Wood’s Station, died on Friday morning, aged nearly 90 years. She
leaves a large family of children and grandchildren in this vicinity
and in St. Louis.
TOBIAS, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 25, 1877
From Bethalto – Mr. Henry Tobias died at his residence near here
last Thursday morning, in his 49th year. He leaves a large circle of
friends to sympathize with his bereaved family. Mr. Tobias was a
native of Germany, and came to this country about 24 years ago.
TOBIAS, JOHN H./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 3, 1883
The funeral of Mr. John H. Tobias of Fort Russell took place at the
Lutheran Church. Deceased was 29 years of age, the eldest son of a
widowed mother, and while in life, was quite a favorite among his
young associates who will greatly mourn his untimely demise.
TOBIAS, UNKNOWN INFANTS/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 5, 1871
Mother Gives Birth to Quadruplets – Three Die
The wife of Henry Tobias, a German, gave birth to four living
children at one time – two boys and two girls. All were perfectly
formed and weighed between four and five pounds each. The event
occurred unexpectedly, and while the husband was absent for medical
assistance, three of the children died from want of the care, it is
supposed, they would otherwise have received. The fourth is still
alive and doing well. The mother of the children was out in the
field at work the day previous. Mrs. Tobias is already the mother of
six children.
TOLLE, ANNA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 26, 1895
Mrs. Anna Tolle of Godfrey, wife of Mr. Henry Tolle, died last night
of congestion. Deceased was sick but a few hours. At four o’clock in
the afternoon, she completed her household duties and shortly after
was taken ill. Mrs. Tolle was but 20 years of age, and leaves a
child about one year old. The funeral will take place from Melville
Church tomorrow afternoon.
TOLLE, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 18, 1921
Charles Tolle, a resident of Godfrey Township, died February 17,
1921, at his home, after a two weeks illness with pneumonia. He had
lived in Godfrey Township for fifty-four years. He was engaged in
the blacksmithing trade, operating a shop in Godfrey, and part of
this time was devoted to farming.
Mr. Tolle was born in Hanover, Germany, and would have been
eighty-six years old next August 14 [born in 1835]. He came to
America in 1858, settling first in Calhoun County, where he married
Rachel Kulp in 1862. Afterward he moved to Godfrey Township, where
he spent the remainder of his life. He is survived by his wife,
seven sons, and three daughters. The sons are Charles Jr. and George
of Godfrey; Frank and August of Colorado; William and Albert of New
York. The daughters are Mrs. Mina Bockstruck, Miss Hannah Tolle, and
Mrs. Andrew Logsdon of Alton. All the children, but August, were
here, the only one absent being detained by the illness of his wife.
Mr. Tolle also leaves seventeen grandchildren. The funeral will be
held at the Congregational Church at Godfrey. Burial will be in
Godfrey Cemetery.
After immigrating from Germany in 1858, Charles Tolle traveled
across the country in horse and wagon, and settled in Calhoun
County. He married Rachel Kulp in Calhoun County, and together they
moved to Godfrey Township, on the south side of what is now Tolle
Lane (named after the family). Charles erected a home (127 Tolle
Lane) built of white pine log timbers, with square nails and a
limestone rock foundation. They had three daughters and seven sons.
Charles operated a blacksmith shop and farmed on his homestead. He
also served as Constable in Godfrey in 1894. Both Charles and Rachel
are buried in the Godfrey Cemetery. On April 24, 1879, it was
announced in the newspaper that Charles Tolle had invented a
revolving teeth extension harrow – “a very ingenious, labor-saving
George Tolle Sr., Charles’ son, and his wife Bessie, moved into the
house in 1917, and raised nine children. They farmed, raising corn
and alfalfa using a team of horses. George operated his tax
collector’s office in the old Tolle homestead for 24 years. They
also operated the Tolle Grove Dance Hall, a favorite spot for
picnics and dances.
The Tolle home went up in smoke and flames on May 17, 1997, in a
training demonstration for firefighters. A new house was to be
constructed on the site by Jerry Tolle, great-grandson of pioneer
Charles Tolle.
TOLLE, IRENE MAY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 15, 1906
Mrs. Irene May Tolle, wife of Charles Tolle, died this morning at
1:30 o'clock at the family home in Godfrey township after an illness
of four weeks with pneumonia. Mrs. Tolle's maiden name was Gilmore.
She was born October 21, 1871, and was married November 10, 1892.
She had lived in Godfrey township all her life. She leaves beside
her husband, four children, three sisters, a mother and father. The
funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family
home, and burial will be in Godfrey township.
TOLLE, RACHEL (nee KULP)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August
26, 1926
Widow of Charles Tolle Sr. of Godfrey
Mrs. Rachel Tolle, widow of Charles Tolle, a member of a well-known
Godfrey family, died Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A.
J. Logsdon, 2612 State Street. Mrs. Tolle, who was in her
eighty-second year [born February 7, 1845 in Germany], had enjoyed
good health until two weeks ago, when she suffered with a cold which
later developed into bronchial pneumonia. Several days ago she was
stricken with paralysis, which caused her death.
She had lived in Godfrey practically all her life, coming to America
from Germany when but seven years old. In 1866, she was married to
Charles Tolle of Calhoun County. For more than a half century, she
has made her home in Godfrey.
Surviving her are three daughters, seven sons, 17 grandchildren, and
six great-grandchildren. The daughters are Mrs. Mina Buckstrup, Miss
Hanna Tolle, and Mrs. A. J. Logsdon of Alton. The sons are Frank of
Denver, Colorado; William, August, and Albert of New York City; and
Fred, George, and Charles of Godfrey. The funeral will be held from
the Godfrey Congregational Church. Interment will be in the family
lot at the Godfrey Cemetery.
TOLLE, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July
30, 1921
Mrs. August Tolle, a member of a well known Godfrey Township family,
died in Denver, Colo., on Thursday, July 28, according to word
received by relatives. The message did not state how long Mrs. Tolle
had been ill and the cause of her death. The body will be brought
here for burial, arriving in St. Louis Monday morning. From St.
Louis it will be shipped to Alton and taken to the home of Mrs.
Andrew Logsdon of the North Side. Mrs. Logsdon is a sister of Mr.
Tolle. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon from the Logsdon
home. Interment will be in Godfrey Cemetery.
TOLMAN, DANIEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 23, 1844
Founder of Clifton [Terrace] Dies
Died, on last Saturday, at Clifton, Madison County, after a short
but severe attack of the winter fever, Mr. Daniel Tolman, a highly
respectable and worthy citizen of this county, aged about 45. The
deceased was a member of the Methodist E. Church, and was very
highly esteemed by his acquaintances. He has left a deeply afflicted
widow and several children to deplore his loss.
TOMANKO, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 4, 1914
George Tomanko, aged 53, died at St. Joseph's Hospital early last
evening following the injuries he sustained when struck by a Big
Four switch engine at the foot of Plum street yesterday afternoon.
The inquest will be held over the body late this afternoon. Members
of the crew claim that the foreigner stepped directly in front of
the moving engine, notwithstanding the whistling they did. They were
returning from East Alton at the time of the accident, and as they
turned the curve near the roundhouse, they saw the foreigner
approaching the track. On account of the wet weather the brakes did
not set as quickly as they might have, and the engineer realizing
this attempted to attract his attention with the whistle, but the
foreigner remained in the middle of the track.
TOMLINSON, ANN ELIZA/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 5, 1850
Died on Friday last after an illness of a few weeks’ duration, Mrs.
Ann Eliza Tomlinson, wife of Mr. William Tomlinson of Alton; aged 21
(or 24), leaving an afflicted husband and two children to deplore
her loss. The deceased was an acceptable member of the Methodist
Church, and much esteemed by her friends and acquaintances, and died
with perfect resignation, in confidence of a happy immortality.
TOMLINSON, DAVID/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 20, 1895
From East Alton – David, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. D. G.
Tomlinson, died Monday of the whooping cough, and was buried Tuesday
afternoon in Upper Alton.
TOMLINSON, HANNAH B./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 27, 1850
Died in Alton on the 25th instant of winter fever, Mrs. Hannah B.
Tomlinson, aged about 55(?) years. She has left one son and two
daughters. The deceased resided about 11 years in Alton, during of
which time she was favorably known in the public as a benevolent,
kind-hearted and motherly lady, always ready and willing to
administer to the relief of the suffering poor, and those in
distress generally. Her sufferings for almost three weeks previous
to her death were very great, but she bore them with Christian
fortitude, and died perfectly composed and resigned to her fate. She
is dead to the world, but will live long in the memory of those who
were acquainted with her, and particularly those who have
participated in her acts of mercy and goodness.
TOMLINSON, MARIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 28, 1893
Mrs. Maria Tomlinson, widow of the late Sampson Tomlinson, died
yesterday at 12:45 p.m. She has been a resident of Alton for 45
years, and was well-known and esteemed by all her acquaintances. She
was 73 years of age. She was taken ill with la grippe, which ran
into pneumonia. Her husband died about nine months ago. Several of
her children survive her, among whom is the well-known blacksmith,
Mr. David Tomlinson.
TOMLINSON, MARY (nee LEVICK)/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 02,
News was received here Monday of the death at Creve Coeur, Missouri,
of Mrs. David G. Tomlinson, from pneumonia. Two weeks ago, Mrs.
Tomlinson went to nurse her mother, Mrs. Levick, who was ill with
pneumonia. Mrs. Levick died a week ago, and Mrs. Tomlinson was taken
down with the disease and died last night. She leaves a husband and
a large family of children. Mrs. Tomlinson was born August 20, 1854,
in Toronto, Canada. [Burial was in the Upper Alton Oakwood
The funeral services of Mrs. Tomlinson took place yesterday from
home on Bozza Street. The very large attendance testified of the
respect in which the deceased lady was held. Lady Pearson Chapter,
Order of Eastern Star, of which Mrs. Tomlinson was a member,
attended in a body. Rev. H. M. Chittenden conducted the services.
The beautiful flower service of the Order was performed at the
grave, and was very impressive. The interment was in the Upper Alton
Cemetery. The pallbearers were George F. Smith, August Head, S. B.
Gillham, William Yanny, William Head, and George W. Hershman.
From Bethalto – Our people were pained to hear of the death of Mrs.
D. G. Tomlinson of Alton. Deceased is the mother of Miss Hettie
Tomlinson, one of our teachers. Miss Tomlinson has the sympathy of a
large circle of Bethalto friends.
TOMLINSON, SAMPSON/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 9, 1893
Mr. Sampson Tomlinson, who was stricken with paralysis early last
Friday morning, died at 11 a.m. today. Mr. Tomlinson was 73 years of
age, and up to the time he received the paralytic stroke, was in
good health and spirits. He has been a resident of Alton for over
forty years, during which time he has been engaged at his trade of
wagon making. He was a highly respected citizen. Five children
survive him: Abraham Tomlinson of Alton; Samuel Tomlinson of
Portland, Oregon; Charles Tomlinson of St. Louis; Mrs. Frank Nagle
of St. Louis; and Mrs. Joseph Clark of Alton. The funeral services
will take place at the family residence, 1712 Bozza Street, at 2
p.m. Sunday.
TOMLINSON, SARAH/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 25, 1875
Died on February 21, near Bethalto, Mrs. Sarah Tomlinson, wife of
Charles Tomlinson; in the 19th year of her age.
TOMLINSON, UNKNOWN/ Source: Alton Telegraph, January 4, 1894
The funeral of the late Mrs. Tomlinson took place Sunday afternoon
from the late residence on Bozza Street to the Alton City Cemetery,
and a large number of friends and acquaintances testified to the
esteem in which deceased was held by their presence and by
accompanying the remains to the City Cemetery, where they were laid
to rest.
TONE, JULIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 6, 1905
The funeral of Miss Julia Tone took place Sunday afternoon at 2:00
o'clock from St. Patrick's church, Rev. Fr. P. J. O'Reilly
officiating. Burial was in Greenwood Cemetery.
TONEPENO, FLORENCE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 19,
Mrs. Florence Tonepeno, aged 87 years, died yesterday at her home
near Newbern. The body was sent to St. Louis for interment.
TONER, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 14, 1918
Mrs. Mary Toner, aged 75 years, died this morning at 8:15 o'clock
after an illness which commenced on Tuesday of last week, when the
deceased suffered a stroke of paralysis at 4 o'clock in the morning.
Since then her condition has been serious and she has been
unconscious for the past two or three days. Mrs. Toner is a
well-known resident of Missouri, residing for the better part of her
life at Machens, near Portage, Mo., and at West Alton. Several years
ago her husband died. She has no children, but leaves two adopted
daughters, Mrs. William Brown of Machens, Mo., and Mrs. Nancy E.
Edelen of Monroe, La. She also leaves a number of other relatives,
including Mrs. Ida Voges, daughter of Mrs. Edelen, who has spent
much of her time with Mrs. Toner. Mrs. Nannie Harvey of Rockcamp, W.
Va., is a sister. This week Ray Edelen, brother of Mrs. Voges, was
buried. Mrs. N. E. Edelen, three daughters, and one son of Monroe,
La., are here, also Miss Lenora Edelen of Isleta, New Mexico, and
William Edelen of Lower Brule, S. D., to attend the funeral, having
been called by Edelen's death. Complete funeral arrangements have
not been made, but the services will be held in all probability from
Mrs. Voges' home on Sunday afternoon. Interment will be in the City
TONSOR, HENRY O./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 8, 1919
Alton Business Man
Henry O. Tonsor, one of the best-known lodge men and business men in
Alton, died at his residence on East Broadway at 2 o'clock this
morning, after a sudden collapse, which was the culmination of an
illness of several years' duration. The death of Mr. Tonsor was
wholly unexpected to his friends as he had been apparently better
for a short time and on Friday was able to be up and around,
greeting his friends. He was in a more cheerful frame of mind and
apparently much improved. For that reason his collapse and death was
a great shock to the family and to his many friends who were not all
prepared for such a sudden termination of his life.
Henry O. Tonsor was born in Alton, the son of John M. Tonsor, and
lived in Alton all his life. He succeeded his father in 1888 to the
ownership of the business which he was conducting at the time of his
death. The business was established in 1864 and continued in the
family ever since. Henry O. Tonsor had been in the business since he
was 17 years of age. Mr. Tonsor was active in public affairs. He
served for six years as a member of the Madison county board of
supervisors and on several occasions was the unsuccessful candidate
of the Democratic ticket for public office. His last race was for
member of the State Board of Equalization as a party nominee. He was
a candidate once for the Democratic nomination for state senator in
the 47th district, but was apparently defeated by a narrow margin by
an Edwardsville man. A belief was held by Mr. Tonsor and his friends
that he had been nominated and a contest was instituted, but on a
curious technicality he was ruled out and the opening of the ballot
boxes was denied. Mr. Tonsor had been very active in Masonic
circles. He was originally a member of Erwin lodge, a German
language Masonic lodge, but later became affiliated with Piasa Lodge
No. 27, A. F. & A. M. He had been highly honored by the Masonic
fraternity for his valuable work in behalf of the order, being
chosen for the honorary 33rd degree, which was conferred upon him in
Boston, Mass., Sept. 18, 1906. He belonged to all the Masonic
bodies, Piasa lodge, Franklin chapter, Alton council, Belvidere
commandry, in Alton. Also, Oriental Consistory in Chicago. He was a
Mystic Shriner. He was also a member of the Elks lodge at Alton and
served in official capacity there.
Mr. Tonsor was married in 1878 to Louise Bahre, and was the father
of six children, all of whom survive him. It has been about 22
months since the health of Mr. Tonsor broke and he has been under
the care of a physician much of the time since, although he has been
able to get around for some time and always put up a brave
appearance. Yesterday he felt better than in months, and so
expressed himself to several. He retired last night about 9:00
o'clock feeling fine, but must have become sick shortly before 2:00
this morning. His wife was aroused by the sounds he made and she
found him standing near the bed and retching. He had had a severe
hemorrhage, the fourth in a few years, and she assisted him to a
seat on the edge of the bed. "I am going; good-bye; call the
children," were the last words he spoke. The children were called,
but he was unconscious and died shortly after they got into the
room. Hemorrhage and hardening of the arteries are given as the
cause of his death. He was born in Alton at Sixth and Cherry
streets, November 27, 1857, and spent all of his life in Alton, most
of it within a few blocks of his birthplace. He was a trustee of the
Alton Benevolent society for many years, and was always active in
the cause of charity. He has dispensed much charity in an
unostentatious way, and has done many favors of a substantial kind,
of which the public knows nothing. His views in that regard were
voiced only a few days ago to the writer, when he said: "Publicity
is not charity, nor is doing a friend a favor to in telling others
how good and kind you have been." He practiced that belief, but
there are very many of his beneficiaries who know what he did, and
who will sincerely mourn his departure. He is survived by his wife
and the following children: John W. Tonsor and Miss Edith, who lives
at home; Oscar, Mrs. James Barrett and Mrs. William Stoff, who live
in Alton; Mrs. William Hoehner of Belleville. There are six
grandchildren and a half-sister, Mrs. H. A. Wutzler. The funeral
will be Tuesday afternoon at ____ o'clock, from the home of East
Broadway, Rev. Smith, pastor of the Congregational church
officiating. Interment will be in the City cemetery.
JOHN M./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 30, 1891
Alton Businessman
Mr. John M. Tonsor, one of our most prominent and well-known
citizens, died at his home in North Alton yesterday morning after a
brief illness of dropsy of the heart. Deceased was in his 65th year,
and was a native of Fuerstanberg, Prussia, born October 5, 1827. He
came to this country in 1850 with his father, and landed in New
Orleans from which place two years later he came to Alton, where he
has resided ever since. He was a man of genial good nature, and very
popular and highly esteemed. For many years he was engaged in the
wholesale liquor business, until compelled to retire by ill health,
in which business he was very successful. He was a member of the
city council for a number of years, and represented Alton Township
in the county board.
Mr. Tonsor was a member of the Odd Fellows, Masons, Turnverein,
Harugari, and German Benevolent Societies. In each of these
societies he was a prominent figure for many years. A wife and four
children (Henry, John, Charles, and Mrs. Herman Wutzler) survive
him. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the family
The Funeral
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 2, 1891
The funeral services over the remains of Mr. John M. Tonsor, which
took place from his late residence in North Alton yesterday
afternoon, was one of the most largely attended ever held in this
city. Many people from Jersey and other adjoining counties and from
various places throughout this county were in attendance. The five
orders of which Mr. Tonsor was a member, each attended in a body and
took part in the procession under a Marshal. The Standard Band
headed the procession, and at the grave played a dirge. The
pallbearers were two from each of the orders, being as follows:
Masons, Messrs. C. Wuerker and J. H. Koehne; I.O.O.F., A. Kremer and
George Luft; Kranken Unterstuetzung, Messrs. L. Pfeiffenberger and
John Schoefler; Turner, Messrs. Jacob Kranz and John Linzig; D.O.H.,
Messrs. Casper Unterbrink and William Busse.
Mr. Tonsor was in a partnership with Julius Raible in the wholesale
liquor business, beginning sometime before 1875. Tonsor retired, and
Raible continued in the business.
TONSOR, MARIA “MARY”/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 6, 1893
Mrs. Mary Tonsor died Friday morning at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. H. A. Wutzler, on East Second Street [E. Broadway]. Her death
is the result of a long and severe illness due principally to heart
trouble. She was 52 years of age, and has been resident of Alton
since her marriage to John M. Tonsor in 1864. Her husband died in
November 1891. Mrs. Tonsor has only one child living, Mrs. H. A.
Wutzler, but she was the stepmother of Henry O., John, and Charles
Tonsor, who are all well known in Alton. The two formerly living
here now while the latter living in San Francisco. These
stepchildren were brought up under the care of Mrs. Tonsor, and they
look upon her with the same love as that of a mother. The funeral
took place Sunday afternoon. A large number of friends and relatives
were in attendance. Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.
TONSOR, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 8, 1886
On Sunday night, an inquest was held by Coroner Melling on the body
of a white, newly born male child, which was found in an outhouse on
the premises of Mr. C. McKee on Ninth Street. From the evidence
adduced, a verdict was returned that the child came to its death at
the hands of its mother, Margaret Tonsor, who had only the day
previous entered the service of Mrs. McKee. The woman was removed by
Deputy Volbracht to the hospital with malarial fever.
TONSOR, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 6,
The funeral of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tonsor took
place from their residence yesterday afternoon.
JONES (HONORABLE)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 19, 1892
Prominent in Highland, Illinois
A cablegram was received in Highland, announcing the death of Hon.
Jones Tontz of Madison County, in Geneva, Switzerland, where he had
gone in hope of an improvement in his health. Mr. Tontz was one of
Madison’s best-known citizens, having resided in the county since
Mr. Tontz was born April 27, 1836, in Igis, Bezirk Landquart,
Graubünden, Switzerland, and came with his parents to America in
1845, settling in Saline Township in Madison County. In 1856, he
went to Kansas, and cast his first ballot in behalf of making Kansas
a free State. In 1858, he returned to Madison County, where he
continued to reside. He was married three times, having children by
each marriage. Mr. Tontz was a prominent Republican, having
represented the county in the legislature in 1880, and was
re-elected in 1884, and was in the memorable contest for United
States Senator, waged between Senator John A. Logan and Hon. William
R. Morrison. Mr. Tontz was one of the 103 who stood by Logan until
he was successful. Mr. Tontz also represented his township as
Supervisor in the County Board, of which he was President on one
occasion. He was also a Justice of the Peace and a Deputy Sheriff
one term. Mr. Tonz was a candidate before the Republican convention
in 1890 for State Senator. He was also prominent in F.M.B.A. circles
for several years, and at the time of his death was, we believe,
County President of the order.
Mr. Tontz was the son of Christian Tontz (1802-1893) and Barbara
Bernett Tontz (1804-1881). Mr. Tontz died while on a return trip to
his homeland, Switzerland. He was buried in Geneva, Switzerland.
There is a memorial marker placed at Highland City Cemetery in his
memory. His first marriage was to Elizabeth Hirschi on July 4, 1860,
in Madison County. Six children were born to this union. Elisabeth
died in 1870. His second marriage was to Dorothea Lembach on March
23, 1871. Three children were born to this union. Dorothea died in
1876. The third marriage was to Amelia Kurth on September 13, 1877,
in Madison County. Eight children were born to this union. Amelia
died in 1950.
TOOHEY, AGNES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 7, 1922
Principal of Irving and McKinley Schools
Miss Agnes Toohey, supervising principal of Irving and McKinley
schools, died yesterday evening at 6:45 o'clock in St. Joseph's
Hospital following an apoplectic stroke which affected her shortly
before 3 o'clock in the afternoon while she was attending the
closing session of the Madison County Teachers' Institute at
Edwardsville. She was found lying on the floor in a room to which
she had gone from the place where the session of the institute was
being held. Medical assistance was summoned, and the Edwardsville
doctor who was called suggested that among the doctors attending a
meeting of the Madison County Medical Society at the court house,
there might be some Alton doctor who was acquainted with her. Dr.
Mather Pfeiffenberger, an old friend, and former pupil of Miss
Toohey, was called and he took charge of his old school teacher,
attending her until after she had been removed to St. Joseph's
Hospital at Alton in an ambulance. She never regained consciousness
after she was stricken. Friends and relatives of Miss Toohey say
that she had been in the best of spirits with no alarming symptoms
whatever during the three days she was attending the teachers'
institute. She had not been well enough on Tuesday to attend to her
duties at school, and she stayed at home, a rare thing for her, as
she was known for her regularity in attendance upon her duties. She
was counseled to stay away from the teachers' institute, but
Wednesday morning she said that she felt so well she would go. She
had been making trips back and forth to Edwardsville every day, and
her evening reports at home were that she was enjoying this one the
most of any teachers' institute she had ever attended. She entered
into it with all her powers, as she was trying to get the maximum
amount of good out of the work that was being given in the teachers'
institute. Her associates say that she was dividing her time so that
she could take in all departments of work covering that which she
was doing as supervising principal from the primary grades up. It
was because she had been dividing her time in more than one group of
work her absence was not noticed Friday afternoon when she left the
classroom. Each group of teachers thought she was with the other
group, and it was only when the report was made of her being found
unconscious in an adjoining room that her home associates in
teaching learned of anything being wrong. There was every indication
of a cerebral hemorrhage. She had been subject to attacks of acute
indigestion. Otherwise, she had been in good condition. It had been
one of her proudest parts of her record as a teacher that she taught
school for many years without losing a day. She was never known to
complain of ill health until the last few years of her life. She was
never in better form for her school work and never had such an
intense interest in what she was doing as in her closing years. Her
efficiency was at its very highest and she had great plans laid out
for increasing the efficiency of her work in the schools the present
year. This was one reason why she was taking such a deep interest in
the work that was being given in the teachers' institute. The death
of Miss Toohey removes one of the best beloved of all the Alton
school teachers. She began her career as a teacher in Alton when she
was seventeen years of age. Her first service as a teacher began in
an Upper Alton school. Afterward she taught in Humboldt school, and
later she was transferred to the Irving school. There she had her
breaking in under Mrs. Anna Britten, and she later succeeded to
begin in an Upper Alton school, where she taught three years. She
loved the work of educating children, and she was able to get the
best possible results out of those who passed under her instruction.
She could best manage the so-called "bad boys" in the schools. They
seemed to respond to her advances and she got along with a minimum
of corporal punishments. If was her theory that boys could be
handled by treating them kindly and while she was firm, she led them
along the way she wished them to go and made warm friendships which
remained pleasant memories to thousands whom she had under her care.
She kept her youthful interest in everything. She was a leader in
the cause of improvement of educational methods.
TOOHEY, ANN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 30, 1915
Mrs. Anna Toohey, widow of Michael Toohey, died Wednesday at her
home, 604 Summit street, from old age. The end came rather suddenly,
though she had been in failing health and for the past few weeks had
been confined to her bed part of the time. Wednesday noon she
suddenly became weaker and within six hours she had quietly and
peacefully slept away. Mrs. Toohey was a native of Ireland, but when
a small girl she came to America and lived in Canada until about
sixty years of age she came to Alton. Her husband died about 45
years ago. Mrs. Toohey lived on the bluff top at Alton for fifty
years. She loved the view there and it was her wish that she would
die there and that she be close to her children. Her end was just as
she had wished it. She leaves three daughters, Mrs. M. Maddock;
Misses Agnes and Elizabeth Toohey. The funeral will be Friday
morning at 9 o'clock from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral.
TOOHEY, DANIEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 30, 1909
The body of Daniel Toohey was brought to Alton today from St.
Charles and was taken direct to the Cathedral, where funeral
services were conducted by Rev. Fr. E. L. Spalding. Burial was at
Greenwood cemetery. The pallbearers were Joseph Huff, John Webster,
William Dwyer, M. Maddock, John Simon Jr., and Ed Brooks. Toohey's
body was so cut up the coroner gathered up the fragments and took
them to St. Charles in a barrel. His companion testified Toohey was
TOOHEY, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 3, 1901
Asleep in death, Mrs. Mary Toohey, one of the oldest resident of
Alton, was found by her son, Daniel Toohey, this morning. He arose
at 4:30 o'clock to prepare for beginning his day's work and he went
....[unreadable] mother's room to around her to prepare his luncheon
for him. When he called mother, she did not respond and he went back
a few minutes later to call her gain. He touched her arm to shake
her and made the startling discovery that his mother had passed away
peacefully in sleep. Mrs. Toohey was 72 years of age and had lived
in Alton since 1848. She was born in Limerick, Ireland, and came to
America when very young. She was the widow of James Toohey and had
lived many years at 617 East Fourth street. She had complained of
pains in her side many years, but the hot weather had debilitated
her and her death was found by the coroner's jury to be due to
general debility. She leaves only one child, Daniel Toohey. The
funeral will be Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and services will be
conducted in St. Patrick's church.
TOOHEY, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, November 26, 1874
A sad case of death from starvation and exposure took place last
week at Godfrey, the particulars of which are as follows: On
Tuesday, Mr. James W. Martin, when out on his farm, found a man
lying in a straw stack, in a very weak and debilitated condition,
and evidently near his end. Mr. Martin at once procured assistance,
and the unfortunate man was lifted into a wagon and carried to
Castanetto’s Hotel, where everything was done for him that was
possible, but relief came too late, and he died in half an hour
after being removed. On first being discovered, he stated that he
had been lying in the straw stack four or five days. He was too weak
to articulate anything further, even to tell his name or where he
came from. It was a clear case of death from exposure and
starvation. The deceased was a man, apparently about fifty-five
years of age, and was reasonably well dressed. He had an oil cloth
carpet sack with him, filled with clothes. No money or other effects
were found on his person. The only thing found that would give a
clue to his identify was a bottle of medicine from the Madison
County Dispensary, marked with the name “Toohey.” Deceased was
apparently an Irishman. An inquest was held on the remains by Mr. J.
B. Turner, Justice of the Peace, and a verdict rendered in
accordance with the above facts. The body was interred by Mr. Turner
in the Monticello [Godfrey] Cemetery. It is certainly terribly sad
to think of a fellow being perishing from want, in sight of shelter,
and in the midst of a charitable Christian community, where there is
no family unwilling at any time to relieve suffering.
TOOMEY, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 20, 1918
Railroad Man and Former Policeman
Thomas Toomey, for many years a picturesque character in Alton, died
at 11:15 p.m. yesterday at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. A. L.
McDonald, 5119 Maple avenue in St. Louis, where he had been ill
since last Christmas. He was about 80 years old. Mr. Toomey was one
of the oldest railroad men in Alton. He had a long and interesting
career in railroad work, dating from his youth, when he was
yardmaster for the Big Four railroad in East St. Louis. He was one
of the builders of the C. P. & St. L. railroad, had served as track
walker, section foreman and in numerous other capacities, remaining
in the employ of the company almost continuously since the railroad
was built. When the new station in Alton was erected about twenty
years ago, Mr. Toomey was given the position of baggageman, and he
had remained on duty faithfully until last Christmas, when failing
health due to his advanced age necessitated his retirement. He went
to the home of his daughter, Mrs. McDonald, in St. Louis to spend
the remainder of his life. He had many friends, won by his sunshiny
disposition, and he was especially popular among railroad men, for
whom he acted as "banker" in the early days. He was frugal in his
habits and a good financier. He invested his savings in Alton
property, owning for a number of years several desirable residence
properties, which he afterwards sold to enable him to make
investments in St. Louis realty. At the time of his death he
possessed considerable wealth. He served for a period as a member of
the Alton police force. Mr. Toomey was born in Ireland and he came
to this country when he was a boy. He was a schoolmate of the late
Dennis Noonan of Alton. His wife died a number of years ago. Mrs. A.
L. McDonald, at whose home Mr. Toomey died, is the only member of
the family surviving. The funeral will be held Monday morning at 9
o'clock from the Cathedral to Greenwood cemetery. Besides his
daughter, Mrs. A. L. McDonald, Toomey leaves one brother, M. Toomey
of St. Louis.
TOOMEY, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 15, 1898
Mrs. Thomas Toomey, an old and well-known resident of Alton, died at
her home on Bluff Street Sunday afternoon after a long illness. She
was not considered as being seriously ill until the past week. She
was a native of Ireland, but had lived in Alton many years, having
come here when quite a young woman. She leaves a husband, Thomas
Toomey, and one daughter, Mrs. A. L. McDonald.
TOPPING, E. D./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 10, 1862
We are pained to have to announce the death of one of our most
useful and valuable businessmen, Mr. E. D. Topping, of the firm of
Topping Brothers. He has long been in business in Alton, and by his
upright conduct and courteous manners, had won the enviable
reputation of being one of the most popular business men of Alton.
His loss will be deeply felt in the business community, the social
circle, but most of all in the bosom of his amiable family. He was
42 years old.
TOPPING, JOHN SIMEON/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 21,
Proprietor of Topping Bros. Hardware in Alton
After a lingering illness of nearly five months, Mr. John S. Topping
passed away at his residence at 302 E. Eleventh Street this morning.
Mr. Topping’s death has been almost hourly expected for a week or
more, but notwithstanding his great weakness and imminent
dissolution, his mind was bright until the last, and he seemed to be
as much interested in the affairs of his family as ever. This was
especially true of his invalid daughter, Mrs. Louis Haagen, who was
taken from her own home to be near her dying father. His death was
calm, and without a struggle his spirit took its flight to the
realms of eternal day.
Mr. Topping was born in Chatham, Massachusetts, on September 12,
1826, being now in his 65th year. He came to Alton over 40 years
ago, where he has since lived, and where he has raised a large
family. He was the junior member of the firm of Topping Bros., so
well and favorably known throughout the West. Mr. Topping, since the
dissolution of his firm, has traveled for the Sligo Iron Store of
St. Louis. Mr. Topping’s trips for this firm were to the Pacific
coast, and frequently he was away months at a time.
Mr. Topping was a favorite with all who knew him, an active,
energetic business man, a good citizen, and a husband and father
whose memory will be precious to his family as long as life lasts.
He leaves, to mourn his loss, a widow [Anna Child Topping
(1839-1918)] and seven children, namely, Mrs. Louis Haagen of Alton;
Mrs. Jessie Wade, wife of Charles A. Wade; Miss Helen Topping; and
Mr. John Topping of Chicago; Mr. Erastus Topping of St. Louis; and
Alonzo and Grace Topping of Alton. The funeral will take place on
Sunday afternoon from the family residence, 302 Eleventh Street.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 22, 1891
Once More in the silence of the summer night, the “old, old fashion
death” has transpired again. Once more the name of an honored
citizen has been added to the roll of “the silent majority.” At 2
o’clock, one of those dark hours that precede the coming dawn, Mr.
John S. Topping breathed his last, surrounded by his family, who
have been caring so tenderly for him during the sad days of the past
few weeks; days in which hope and despair each alternated, until on
Sunday last, it became evident that death was very near. Death so
terrible in its coming was made doubly so because it was to break
the family circle hitherto unbroken. Less than a year ago, the
family group was all complete, all the members being here to
celebrate the marriage of a daughter. But now they are summoned home
to watch with tear-dimmed eyes beside the bed of death.
For some months, Mr. Topping had been in failing health. An attack
of grip, from which he never fully recovered, caused his return to
his home early in March to rest and recuperate. In June, it was
hoped that a few months spent at the sanitarium near Hamilton,
Illinois, would benefit him, but he grew rapidly weaker after the
first two weeks there, and was brought home by his devoted wife in a
condition of great prostration. Even then, he had not entirely
abandoned the hope of being able to resume his business in
September, until the consciousness was forced upon him that his
weakness could not endure long that quietly and uncomplainingly he
sunk to his rest.
Mr. Topping was born at Chatham, Massachusetts in September 1826. In
March 1855, Mr. and Mrs. Topping came to live in Alton. Since that
time, he has been well known as one of the representative business
men of the place. A man of sterling qualities and blameless life,
whose character commanded the highest esteem from business and
social acquaintances, his natural reserve prevented the many from an
intimate knowledge of his home life; but the friends of his adoption
knew that within these sacred precincts he was most happy.
Mr. Topping was an enthusiastic lover of music. His fine
appreciation and correct judgment of what constitutes proficiency in
this divine art gave him prestige among leading musicians here. He
was organist in the Unitarian Church at one time, and his love of
the pure and exalted strains of sacred melody was inborn.
His nearly sixty-five years, though not the allotted share of life,
were years well spent, unsoiled by any unworthy deed. We cannot
doubt that he was willing to lay them down. Believing that death is
the gate of life, he has found consolation for failing powers and
flagging spirits – may even for the slowly emptying world around
him, emptying of the wise and good, the pleasant memories of long
ago and loved ones gone before. Sadder it is for those who are left.
For them, these truths were written: “That life is ever lord of
death, And love can never lose its own.” Written by Lucy Page
Since the death of Mr. Topping, his family have had many telegrams
of condolence from other cities, indicating in what high esteem he
was held by a wide circle of business acquaintances. The following,
from Mr. W. E. Schweppe of St. Louis, is significant: “You have my
sincere sympathy in your terrible affliction. May the recollections
of his sterling worth bring you strength to bear the trial.” W. E.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 24, 1891
A very large number of neighbors and friends testified their respect
for the memory of Mr. J. S. Topping by attending the funeral
services at his late residence, 302 East Eleventh Street. The
pallbearers were Messrs. G. C. Conant of St. Louis, E. P. Wade, H.
R. Phinney, W. T. Norton, W. F. Weston, and O B. Stelle. An
unusually long line of carriages followed the remains to the City
Cemetery, where they were interred after further services.
Telegraph, January 8, 1917
Daughter of Moses Gilman Atwood
Word came to Alton Sunday from Jacksonville that two of Alton's
old-time citizens were near death at their homes in Jacksonville,
and that a few days would be the end of their span of life. They are
Mrs. Mary E. Topping, widow of Erasius Topping, and Mrs. Carrie
Cavender, widow of Robert S. Cavender. The two sisters were
daughters of Moses G. Atwood, for many years a prominent resident of
Alton and the founder of the old Illinois Mutual Insurance Society,
which had its home in the building occupied as a residence by John
Snyder at the present. The place was known for years as the old
"insurance office." The two sisters removed from Alton years ago,
but they have many old friends still here who are deeply interested
in them. The information that friends had from them Sunday, was that
the two sisters were unconscious and rapidly were growing weaker.
Mrs. Topping is 86 years of age, and Mrs. Cavender is 82. Mrs.
Topping died this morning, word came by wire to friends, and the
body will be brought to Alton for burial Wednesday afternoon. It is
expected to come here on the train reaching Alton Wednesday
afternoon shortly after 1 o'clock from Jacksonville, and the body
will be taken to City Cemetery where services will be conducted by
Rev. W. R. Holloway, the pastor of the Unitarian Church. It was
reported that Mrs. Cavender's condition was about the same as it had
been, that she was still unconscious and that it was not believed
she could last through the day. If her death should occur before the
time set for the funeral of Mrs. Topping, there is a possibility
that a change in the plans may be made which would admit of a double
funeral of the two sisters being held, that in death they might not
be separated. They had been intensely devoted to each other and had
passed all their declining years in the same city at the same home.
Source: Jacksonville Daily Journal, January 9, 1917
Mrs. Mary Francis “Francie” Atwood Topping died January 9, 1917, on
Prospect Street in Jacksonville, at the age of 86. She was born in
Concord, New Hampshire, on September 25, 1830, and was the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Gilman Atwood. Her parents moved to Alton in
1837. Mary was educated at Monticello Seminary in Godfrey, Illinois.
In 1851, Miss Atwood became the wife of Erastus D. Topping of Alton,
who died in 1862. She continued living in Alton until 1893, when she
moved to Jacksonville to live with her daughter, Mrs. William A.
Bancroft. Mary Atwood Topping was a member of the Unitarian Church
of Alton, and was Recording Secretary of the Alton Public Library.
(See also Torrey)
TOREY, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 31, 1905
While on the way to get a drink early this morning, George Torey, a
victim of alcoholism, dropped dead in an alley back of St. Joseph's
hospital. His body was found lying in the alley by a man who was
passing that way, and it was reported to the hospital. Torey was
taken to the hospital Tuesday afternoon by order of Dr. Shaff. He
was employed by Harry Johnson as an iceman, but has been drinking so
much that he was dismissed from service Saturday night. He was taken
ill and then moved to the hospital. One of the men in the room with
Torey said that Torey rose early in the morning and said he would go
out to get another drink as he could stand it no longer without more
liquor. The hospital being locked up, he was obliged to remove a
screen from a window and get out that way. While making his way
through the alley he fell to the ground and expired from heart
disease. Torey was 58 years of age and had lived in Alton about
seven years. He was employed for several years by Harry Johnson. Men
who knew him say he would never say whether or not he had any
relatives and none are known to Deputy Coroner A. I. Kaiser, who
held an inquest this morning. A verdict of death from heart failure
superinduced by alcoholism was found by the coroner's jury. The body
will be buried tomorrow at the county's expense.
TORRENCE, SARAH J. [nee LUSK]/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer,
April 27, 1897
The announcement of the death of Mrs. Sarah J. Torrence, yesterday
morning, caused sorrow in all parts of the city in which she has
made her home for nearly three score years and ten. The venerable
lady died at eight o'clock after an illness of less than a week.
Pleurisy was the cause of death. The funeral will take place
Thursday, but the hour has not been fixed. Mrs. Sarah J. Torrence
was a native of Edwardsville. She was born here on November 10,
1828. She was the eldest daughter of John T. and Lucretia Lusk, who
were early settlers of Illinois and among the most prominent of
Edwardsville's first citizens. Her education was received in this
city, which has been her lifelong home. On April 10, 1846 she was
married to Edward S. [Salisbury] Brown. The union was blessed with
two children, Ansel L. and a daughter, Mary Lucretia, who died
September 26, 1850. The death of Edward Brown occurred a short time
before, July 9, of the same year. In the fall of 1853[,] Mrs.
Torrence was married to John R. Torrence. They had two children,
Harry L., now in Portland, Ore., and Gillian L, wife of C. N.
Travous. Mr. Torrence died during the war. Of the family of her
parents only one remains, a sister of Mrs. Torrence, Mrs. Mary
Sloss, of Alabama. Mrs. Torrence was one upon whom the passing years
left slight traces of their flight. She was keenly alive to[o], and
took a great interest in all current happenings. She was a famed
entertainer and the hospitality of her home was boundless. She had a
wide acquaintanceship and the fact of her death, coming at a time
when she appeared to be full of life and vigor, can scarcely be
realized by her friends.
TORREY, CHARLES S./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 30, 1891
The remains of Mr. Charles S. Torrey arrived in Alton Monday on the
train from Cairo. Mr. Torrey was employed as a pilot on a government
steamer running into Cairo, and was drowned March 16, having been in
the water up to the latter part of last week. He was at one time a
resident of Alton, his father having been in the drug business here.
The funeral took place Monday from the Union Depot. Mrs. E. P.
torrey and son, mother and brother of deceased, accompanied the
TORREY, SAMUEL STILLMAN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 20, 1882
Samuel Stillman Torrey was born in Providence, Rhode Island, June
14, 1827. He was the son of Dr. D. H. and Maria S. Torrey, and a
great grandson of Rev. Dr. Stillman, former pastor of the First
Baptist Church of Boston, Massachusetts. Torrey moved to Cairo,
Illinois, in the summer of 1874, and took a position in the
wholesale drugstore of Barclay Brothers, in which he proved himself
fully competent and in every way worthy of confidence. During his
illness, he was taken to Joliet, Illinois, in hope that he would be
benefited by the change of climate. He lived but a few days after
reaching there, his death occurring at the residence of his brother,
E. M. Torrey, Esq., on July 3. His remains, accompanied by his wife
and eldest son, were taken to Alton, Illinois, his former home, and
interred there in the family burying ground on July 6.
TOTTEN, JOSEPH T./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 11, 1873
Mr. Joseph T. Totten died at 4 o’clock on Monday afternoon at his
father’s residence in Middletown, of consumption. He was formerly an
employee of this office, and subsequently of St. Louis printing
offices, his last position being that of assistant foreman on the
Dispatch. He was an industrious, reliable young man, highly esteemed
by his associates, who will learn with regret of his early death. He
was 25 years of age.
TOWER, ANNA E./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 29, 1850
Died at the residence of her mother near Edwardsville, on the 11th
inst., after an illness of only 34 hours, Miss Anna E. Tower, aged
about 20 years. But a few days since, this youthful victim was
possessed with health and life – buoyant and happy, perhaps, with
the anticipations of a cloudless future, unconscious that death was
at hand to lead her through the “dark valley.” Truly, “in the midst
of life we are in death,” and these sad teachings should warn us of
the transitory nature of earthly things. But to Anna’s bereaved
relatives and friends, when their first feelings of agony she
passed, the sweet hope will shed its hao around them, that her pure
spirit is where neither trouble, sickness, nor death can reach her
more, and where those who follow in her footsteps here, will have a
blissful reunion when life’s ____ _____ is past.
TOWNES, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 8, 1902
Mrs. Elizabeth Townes, aged 26, died Sunday at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Crowe, Union and Spring streets, after a long illness.
The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock from St.
Patrick's church.
TOWNSEND, ELLA B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 11,
Mrs. Ella B. Townsend, aged 46 years, died this morning at the
family home, at 2303 Sycamore Street, after a long illness. Mrs.
Townsend was a well-known and highly esteemed colored resident of
the North Side, and her death will be mourned by many. She is
survived by her husband, four children, her mother, one sister, and
a host of friends. The funeral will be held Thursday morning from
the North Side Church, Rev. Tiff will most likely be officiating.
Burial will take place in the Rocky Fork Cemetery.
TOWNSEND, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 19, 1907
Coroner Streeper will hold an inquest tonight as to the cause of the
death of James Townsend, who died from alcoholism and was buried
four days ago. A delay in getting the jury together caused the
postponement of the inquest. Coroner Streeper was summoned to Marine
this afternoon to hold an inquest over a railroad man killed there
by a passenger train.
TOWNSEND, SOPHIA GERALDINE/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 12, 1837
Died, in this town [Alton], on Thursday evening, 6th inst., Sophia
Geraldine, youngest daughter of J. A. Townsend.
TRACY, CHARLOTTE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 10, 1906
Miss Charlotte Tracey, the hospital nurse who died at St. Joseph's
hospital Sunday from cancer of the stomach, who had spent eighteen
years of her life attending surgical operations and waiting on
surgical cases, refused to undergo an operation herself. She
steadfastly held out against submitting to surgery when doctors
advised her that by undergoing an operation she would almost surely
prolong her life and would not, at least, diminish it any. Miss
Tracey was an intimate friend of some of the most celebrated doctors
in St. Louis. She was the assistant of one prominent surgeon there
for many years and gave most of her time to his cases.....Miss Tracy
had seen so much surgery, however, that her deep-seated horror of it
had developed until she was willing to take the chances of dying a
most agonizing death from a dreadful malady rather than submit
herself to the surgeon's knife. The body of Miss Tracey was taken to
St. Louis this noon, and burial will be from Mullanphy hospital
TRACY, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 18, 1911
The funeral of Samuel Tracy was held this morning from the Lock
undertaking establishment. The body was taken to City Cemetery for
burial, attended by relatives and some old friends.
Alton Telegraph, November 6, 1879
Daughter of George Turnbull Moore Davis
From the St. Louis Republican - Mrs. George Francis Train, whose
sudden and unexpected death occurred in New York last Wednesday
(October 29, 1879), was the daughter of Colonel George T. M. Davis,
for many years a prominent member of the Illinois Bar; aide-de-camp
to General James Shields during the Mexican War; and also secretary
to General Quitman while that officer was military governor of the
Mexican capital. She was found dead in her bed at her father’s
residence, supposedly from paralysis of the heart. Mrs. Train was
born in what is now Godfrey, Illinois, passed her early life in
Alton, and was educated at the convent of the Visitation in St.
Louis, where her father came in 1849 to assume the editorship of the
Intelligencer. She will be remembered by many of those who composed
St. Louis society thirty years ago, as a lady of rare beauty,
brilliant intellect, and fascinating manners – a favorite with all
who knew her. The family subsequently removed to Washington, and
thence to Louisville, where she married Mr. George Francis Train. A
daughter and two sons, all grown, survive her.
Henrietta Davis Train was born July 11, 1833, in what was then
called Monticello (now Godfrey). She was the daughter of George
Turnbull Moore Davis (1810-1888) and Susan Minerva Webb Davis
(1810-1850). In 1851 she married George Francis Train (1829-1904),
who survived her. Two of their children were Lillie Marshall Train
(1852-1853) and Susan Minerva Train Gulager (1855-1904). Henrietta
is buried in the Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York.
Henrietta’s husband, George Train, was known for his eccentricities.
He engaged in business in Boston for several years, then went to
Australia in 1853. He moved to England, and then back to America in
1862. He traveled around the world in eighty days in 1870. Train
wrote numerous books about his travels and financial adventures.
TRAPP, HARRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 1, 1908
Harry Trapp, a well-known Alton bartender, died last night at St.
Joseph's hospital after months of suffering from dropsy and
sympathetic diseases. He was about ?? years old, and lived in Alton
several years. He had no relatives here, but has a couple of sisters
in Pennsylvania. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon and
will be under the auspices of the Eagles, of which order he was a
TRARES, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 24, 1921
James Trares, 3-year-old son of Mrs. Clem Trares, died at his home
506 Hillsboro Avenue, Edwardsville, yesterday morning from injuries
suffered Saturday morning when he was struck by an automobile driven
by Charles Selzinger. The boy and other children were crossing the
street in front of the Trares home when an approaching wagon caused
the Trares child to turn back into the path of Seizinger's
automobile. He was struck by the fender and his skull was fractured.
TRATT, JOHN HUBERT 'JACK'/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December
13, 1918
John Hubert Tratt, better known as "Jack" Tratt, died at an early
hour this morning at his home, 1100 East Fourth street, after a
week's illness with pneumonia. Few of his friends knew that Tratt
was ill, and his death came as a great surprise. Tratt was a well
known sign painter and had established a good business in the city.
He was 34 years of age, and has resided in Alton for some time. His
brother, J. E. Tratt of Mexico, Mo., arrived this morning and took
charge of the funeral arrangements. Jack Tratt was probably best
known as a hunter. His time was spent, during hunting season, at the
resorts on the Illinois river. He was a very successful hunter and
always brought back much game when there was any chance to get it.
He was a man of strong robust physique, the picture of health. The
body was shipped to Shipman this afternoon at 4 o'clock, and the
funeral and interment will take place in that town.
TRAVIS, ALICE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 12, 1899
Mrs. Alice Travis, widow of James Travis, a veteran of the Civil
War, died at her home in North Alton near Trinity Chapel on Elm
Street, this morning, at the age of 74. Her death was very sudden,
and was due to a hemorrhage. She had been ill several years, and had
been unable to leave her home often, but she was not considered
dangerously ill. This morning, she felt suddenly ill and complained
of a choking sensation in her throat. Her son, John S. Travis, who
is also an invalid, did all he could to relieve her, but she expired
in a few minutes. She was an old resident of Alton, one of the first
members of Trinity Chapel, and a devout member of the Episcopal
Church. The funeral will be Wednesday afternoon from the chapel.
Interment will be in Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.
TRAVIS, GEORGE LEE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 4, 1914
George Lee Travis, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Travis, died this
afternoon at St. Joseph's Hospital from congestion of the brain. He
was suffering from the grippe, and after getting better he went back
to work, but later suffered a relapse and then he developed
congestion of the brain. The family lives on Park avenue in Upper
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 5, 1914
The congestion of the brain which caused the death of George Lee
Travis, 17 year old son of G. N. Travis, in St. Joseph's Hospital
Friday afternoon is believed to have been brought on in a great
measure by his extraordinary efforts to accomplish results in the
line of electrical mechanics. Travis' parents say that he was a
great reader on all mechanical and electrical subjects, and rigged
up a number of small inventions, the ideas for which he had got by
reading technical magazines. Among them was a small aeroplane which
he succeeded in getting to fly a short distance. The young lad was
recognized by his playmates as a mechanical genius and he has long
looked forward to taking a course in an electrical college in the
East. To get funds for this schooling he had been working at the
Illinois Box Factory, where he was employed when he became ill with
the grip. His eagerness to get back to work in order that he might
not lose time caused him to return to his work too soon, and was
what caused his relapse, it is thought. The funeral will be held
Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the home.
TRAVIS, GEORGE W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 10,
Former Claims Agent for Traction Company
George W. Travis, former well known claim agent for the Alton,
Granite City and St. Louis Traction Company, died at 12 o'clock
Sunday night at St. Joseph's hospital. He was very ill, suffering
from stomach trouble at East Alton and he was removed in the Steeper
ambulance Friday to St. Joseph's Hospital, where his death occurred
last night. The body was taken charge of by the Streeper & Son
undertaking establishment, and is at their parlors on Washington
avenue. Deceased leaves his wife, one son and one daughter. Funeral
arrangements had not been made this afternoon. Travis had been
separated from his wife, who lived on Park avenue in Upper Alton
since last winter. The Travis affairs were aired a time or two in
the Alton courts, and the wife secured an injunction against him to
keep him from annoying her or her children at their home in Upper
Alton. Travis protested bitterly against the injunction and
frequently said that he loved his wife and children and wanted to go
back to them. To keep within the provisions of the injunction he
made his home in East Alton and worked at times for the Standard Oil
refinery and the Western Cartridge plant. Travis has not been in the
best of health for some time. Friday he was seen in East Alton, at
which time he declared that he felt the end was coming and that he
expected to go to the hospital for good. He said his ailment was
chronic stomach troubles. Travis said Friday that he had given up
drinking and that drink was not responsible for his illness. East
Alton officials say that Mrs. Travis learned Saturday of her
husband's serious illness through a newspaper notice in the
Telegraph of Friday night, and that she came down Saturday and
offered to do what she could for him. She visited him several times
at the hospital, and her children spent the greater part of the time
at the hospital during his brief illness. The Travis family came to
Alton about eight years ago from Chanooga [sic], Tenn., when Mr.
Travis, who was an experienced railroad man, secured the position of
assistant claim agent, which he gave up about two years ago.
TRAVIS, JAMES/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 11, 1888
The funeral of James Travis was held at Trinity Chapel Tuesday. The
chapel was crowded with those who had been long interested in the
family. The interment took place in Upper Alton Cemetery. He was 60
years, 2 months, and 8 days old.
TRAVIS, OLIVER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 20, 1905
Oliver Travis, aged 20 years 9 months, died at St. Joseph's hospital
at 1 o'clock Thursday morning from the effects of injuries he
sustained three weeks ago tomorrow by falling from the Ryder
building at Second and Alby street. He fell a distance of 90 feet,
striking on his back and head and concussion of the brain caused his
death. His sister and brother attended him, the sister being with
him since he was hurt. Deputy Coroner A. I. Keiser held an inquest
this afternoon and prepared the body for shipment to Decatur. The
verdict of the coroner's jury was accidental death. The body will be
sent to Decatur tonight, accompanied by the brother and sister. The
young man was very industrious and thifty and his death was keenly
regretted by his fellow employees. He was unconscious most of the
time since his accident. It was supposed he was over 21 years of
TRAVOUS, CHARLES NORTON/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, July 2,
Prominent Edwardsville Attorney
Edwardsville has seen few sensations more profound than that
produced this morning by the news that attorney Charles N. Travous
had been found dead in bed. Mr. Travous has had many serious
illnesses, but none expected him to die during the night and at a
time when his wife and daughter were hundreds of miles away. Mr.
Travous had been to New York three times in the past month on
business of gravest importance for the Wabash. Mrs. Travous and
their eldest daughter, Miss Sara, went East a week ago at Mr.
Travous' request, to spend a few days with him in New York. He was
called back to St. Louis by an urgent message, and they stopped off
at Waverly, New York, to spend a day with Mrs. Emily Crane Tew. In
consequence, Mr. Travous came in at night while his wife and
daughter arrived this afternoon at 1:30 on Number 9. Mr. Travous
went to his home on St. Louis Street last evening, dined with his
daughter, Louise, and afterwards went for a walk with her. They
strolled about town for a couple of hours and then Mr. Travous
retired. The last words of his daughter to him were that she would
not call him early this morning, as he looked very tired. This
morning he did not make his appearance at the breakfast table, and
after knocks and soft calls at the door had failed to get any
answer, Louise became alarmed. Dr. S. T. Robinson was hurriedly
summoned and declared that Mr. Travous had been dead probably ten or
twelve hours. Dr. J. A. Hirsch, who had treated Mr. Travous in
recent years expressed the belief that hepatic trouble was the cause
of death.
Charles Norton Travous was a brilliant example, right at home, of
the self-made man. He first came to Edwardsville driving a pair of
mules attached to a water wagon. He died in one of the most costly
and beautiful homes that the city has [824 St. Louis Street]. When
he arrived in town, he had not a single penny and owned merely the
clothes that he wore, but he amassed a considerable fortune. He was
then unknown, but he archived fame in his profession and rose to
high position. And it was all due to what finally killed him - hard
Mr. Travous was 50 years old on January 26, this year. He was born
on a farm south of Collinsville, his father being a former officer
in the French army who came to the new world and went to farming.
Both his parents were Irish and natives of the old country. They
prospered but slowly, and occasionally the family knew the bitterest
want. The father died and the mother had to make shift for the large
family and then the children for themselves. Charles Travous was
water boy for the construction crew when the Vandalia Railroad was
built. Then he hired out with threshing outfits. He got his first
real job when he became bookkeeper for the F. O. Sawyer Paper
Company in St. Louis. Then he decided on a profession and commenced
the study of law in the office of Gillespie & Happy. Mr. Travous
studied law in the summer and taught school in the winter. He walked
from Edwardsville to Highland, took the examination under A. A.
Suppiger, received a first-grade certificate entitling him to teach,
and walked all the way back to Edwardsville, the happiest of young
men. He taught in the neighborhood of Grantfork for several years,
between 1878 and 1881. In this year he was admitted to the bar, and
the law firm of Gillespie & Happy being severed, that of Happy &
Travous was established. This continued until Mr. Happy went west in
1891. In July that year, Mr. Travous and Wilbur M. Warnock formed
the partnership of Travous & Warnock which continued until November
1, 1899, when George D. Burroughs was admitted and the firm became
Travous, Warnock & Burroughs. This continued until February, 1905,
when Mr. Travous withdrew to give his whole attention to the Wabash
work which had lately been claiming most of his time. His late
partner, W. M. Warnock, declared today that he was the best
all-around lawyer that he had ever known, and this fact made his
services so valuable to the road [Wabash].
When Travous left his office on the thirteenth floor of the Lincoln
Trust building, St. Louis, he did not leave his business behind, but
turned it over in his mind on the cars, and studied it further at
home, and pondered on it after he had gone to bed. His concentration
and breadth brought success in every sway. He became one of the
foremost men in his profession, he was regarded as a shrewd and
successful politician, and he amassed material wealth as well.
Mr. Travous was married, October 6, 1888 to Miss Gillian Lusk
Torrence, daughter of the late Mrs. Sarah Torrence. Their union was
of the happiest. It was a love match, pure and simple, as the
husband then had nothing but his indomitable will. Their marriage
took place in the Methodist Church and was one of the last
ceremonies performed by the late E. M. West. Mrs. Travous was very
proud of her husband's wonderful success and was his close companion
and advisor all through their life together. They have two children,
Sarah Margaret, aged 18, who graduated from the high school a month
ago, and Rachel Louise, aged 16. Mr. Travous has five sisters and a
brother. The brother, Sam Travous, lives at Poplar Bluff, Missouri.
One sister, Mrs. Frank Anderlin, resides in St. Louis. The mother
made her home in the last years of her life with her son here, and
died about ten years ago.
In Edwardsville, Mr. Travous occupied the position of a foremost
citizen. His legal practice and his social standing placed him there
without question. He was ever in demand as an after-dinner speaker,
and his advice and co-operation were sought in many affairs. When
the First National Bank was organized in 1897, he was made the first
vice president, and continued in the position as long as his
connection with the institution remained.
Between Mr. Travous and Dr. S. T. Robinson, who was summoned on the
case this morning, there existed a peculiar bond of coincident
circumstances. Each came to Edwardsville for the practice of a
profession. They commenced at the same time in 1881, their offices
were at the north-west corner of Main and Parcell streets, they were
practically the same age, the birthday of each being in the fore
part of 1867. They were both married in October, 1886, and each
attended the other's wedding. In the early eighties their practices
as new beginners was slender and they had much time together, which
they spent in each other's offices, discussing matters of mutual
interest as their professional success advanced.
While Mr. Travous' death was a terrible shock to everyone, the
manner of his passing was not surprise to those who knew him even
indifferently well. He was such a hard worker and was under so
continual a strain that sudden death was anticipated in his case. He
had had previous attacks of illness, which several times threatened
to carry him off. No one knew better than he what was liable to
happen, but he did not loosen his expenditure of energy one whit. He
was a believer in insurance and carried a heavy line estimated at
about $30,000.
Charles Norton Travous was born January 26, 1857. He died July 1,
1907, at the age of 50. He is buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in
Edwardsville. Besides being a respected and prominent attorney and
resident of Edwardsville, Travous was the only person from Madison
County who was on the Illinois Commission to the Louisiana Purchase
Exposition (1904 World’s Fair held in St. Louis). He served as one
of the Vice-Presidents and chairman of the Building and Maintenance
Committee, who were responsible for the planning and construction of
the Illinois building at the World’s Fair. The final cost of the
Illinois building, which came in under budget, was $88,582.06. The
French Renaissance style building included a domed rotunda and
sculptures of Lincoln and Douglas, which flanked the entrance. The
Illinois Building served as a haven of hospitality for Illinoisan
visitors. Wives or daughters of the commissioners rotated ten-day
shifts to serve as hostesses. Mrs. Travous took the first shift,
beginning with the building’s dedication. (Obituary submitted by
Jane Denny.)
TREADWAY, SUSAN (nee STILLMAN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 8,
Wife of Richard M. Treadway, Co-Founder of Alton Telegraph
Died in St. Louis, February 4, at the residence of her daughter,
Mrs. C. E. Dunn, Mrs. Susan Treadway, in the 80th year of her age.
She was born in 1803 in Connecticut. The funeral services took place
at the First Presbyterian Church, ST. Louis, and the remains were
brought to Alton Wednesday and interred in the Alton City Cemetery,
by the side of the husband of the deceased.
Mrs. Treadway was the widow of the late Richard Montgomery Treadway
(1805-1837), of the firm of Treadway & Parks, founders of the Alton
Telegraph. Mr. Treadway died in Alton, January 7, 1837. His widow
and children subsequently removed to St. Louis, where Mrs. Treadway
resided until her death. She was an estimable lady, beloved by all
who knew her, and besides her relatives, leaves many attached
friends, including a number of the old residents of Alton, to mourn
her death.
Her surviving children are Mr. Charles Treadway of Kansas City, and
Mrs. Charles E. Dunn of St. Louis, who with Mr. Dunn, were present
at the interment today.
TREADWAY, WILLIAM CHESTER/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 17, 1838
Died, on Thursday morning last, William Chester, only child of F.
and E. J. Treadway, aged 3 months and 4 days.
TREFF, PETER/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 3, 1888
From Bethalto – The funeral of Mr. Peter Treff, who was fatally
injured by falling from his wagon in Upper Alton last Wednesday,
took place from the St. Martin’s Church last Saturday morning. A
funeral that has occasioned more real sorrow has seldom occurred.
Cut down as he was in health and just in the prime of life, he left
a wife and five small children who have the heartfelt sympathy of
all. Mr. Treff was 43 years of age, and for a number of years has
carried on the butcher business in Bethalto. He had many very warm
friends who regret his sad taking away. His funeral was largely
attended, the remains being interred at the Bethalto Cemetery.
TREMMEL, JOSEPHINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 11, 1916
Mrs. Josephine Tremmel died today at 11:50 at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. John Dunlap of 620 East Fourth street, after an
illness of one year, complications being the cause of death. Mrs.
Tremmel was taken ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Kies of
Belleview avenue, but was taken to Mrs. Dunlap's home some weeks
ago. On Friday Mrs. Tremmel became unconscious and remained in that
state until she died. The deceased was 67 years and 9 months of age.
Just seven years ago to the day, her father, Peter Kremer of this
city, died. Mrs. Tremmel was born in Berlin, Germany, coming to this
country when a very small child. For years Mrs. Tremmel has lived in
Alton and her large family was raised in this city. Mrs. Tremmel is
survived by nine children, nine grandchildren, and two
great-grandchildren. Her sons are Jake, Edward and Tony of Alton,
and John of St. Louis. Her daughters are Mrs. George Kellar, Mrs.
John Kies, Mrs. Al Fullager, Mrs. John Dunlap and Mrs. Lawrence
Piepert. Three brothers, Anto Kremer of Denver, Pete Kremer of
Edwardsville, and M. Kremer of Alton, also survive. The funeral will
be held from the Dunlap residence at 620 East Fourth street to the
Cathedral on State street Friday morning. Solemn Requiem High Mass
will be celebrated at 9 o'clock. Burial will be in Greenwood
TREMMEL, VERNE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 16, 1906
Verne, the 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Tremmel, died Sunday
morning after an illness from the prevalent malady among the
children [dysentery]. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 10
o'clock from the home on Ridge street, Rev. Theodore Oberhellmann
TREMMELL, JACOB/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 13, 1896
Civil War Veteran
Jacob Tremmell was found Sunday in his houseboat below the depot in
a dying condition, and expired a half hour afterwards. Dr.
Fiegenbaum, who was called to attend him, says that he died from
apoplexy, caused by the heat. Tremmell was 55 years of age, and
leaves three children. He was a member of the German Benevolent
Society and the Grand Army of the Republic. The funeral took place
Monday afternoon under the auspices of the two bodies. The remains
were interred in the Alton City Cemetery.
TRENCHERY, EMILIUS PIERRE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August
16, 1904
Foremost Blind Musician and Instructor
After a life of over ninety-one years, filled with interesting
events and with associations in which figured some of the most
prominent men of his earlier days, Emilius Trenchery, a native of
France, slept away the last hours of his life and ceased breathing
Tuesday morning at 6 o'clock. The death of Mr. Trenchery marks the
passing of a man who at one time had an international reputation as
an instructor of the blind and a musician. He number among his
acquaintances, General Lafayette. He was a schoolmate of Braille,
the great inventor of the system of reading by raised letters for
the blind. He was born in Dijon Cote D'ore, France, December 10,
ninety-one years ago [1813]. He was graduated from the great school
for the blind in Paris, France when a young man, and in 1832, when
the state of Massachusetts determined to found its first school for
the blind at Boston, Mr. Trenchery was invited to come to America
and become the premier principal of the new school. It was under his
direction that the school was founded, and documents still in the
possession of his family attest the esteem in which he was held. He
did not come to America until he had first sought the advice of his
friend, General Lafayette, who had then returned from his tour of
triumph in the United States. Lafayette advised him to cast his
fortune in the new world, and he did so. Among the interesting facts
about Mr. Trenchery is that he was the teacher of the instructors
who accomplished such wonders with Laura Bridgman, the Helen Keller
of many years ago. He came to Alton in 1836 with a large number of
eastern people, when Alton was the gateway to the west, and he
settled down to practice his profession of music. He composed many
pieces which possessed great merit, and he taught many prominent
Alton people what they know of music. Among his Alton proteges who
achieved fame is the now Canon J. H. Knowles, one of the highest
dignitaries of the Episcopal church, who has become famous through
his work in behalf of liturgical music in the Episcopal church.
Recently, Mr. Trenchery received a letter from his old pupil in
which he expressed the highest regard for him, and told of meeting
Mr. Trenchery's daughter, Mrs. Rosalie Whitmore and her daughter,
Eugenia, of Omaha, on an ocean liner. Canon Knowles started as
organist in an Alton Episcopal church, and it was here that he
decided to study for the ministry. In his autobiography, Canon
Knowles says, "My first teacher was a Frenchman at Alton, named
Trenchery. He was blind, but a most apt musician. He taught me a
little harmony from the first, and so opened up before me some of
the delights and mysteries of music." Mr. Trenchery was organist in
an Alton church when his wife to be, a young French girl, Wilhelmina
Kohler [see her obituary below], came to Alton, and her voice soon
found her a place in the church choir. A romantic courtship and
marriage followed. Mr. Trenchery had been in good health until last
Saturday night, when he took a chill. He steadily weakened, without
any suffering, and at last, Tuesday morning, dissolution took place.
He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Rosalie Whitmore of Omaha, who
is now in Europe; Miss Wilhelmina Trenchery; and two sons, Ernani J.
and Emilius Jr., of Alton. The time of the funeral has not been set.
[Burial was in Alton City Cemetery]
[Note: Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 26, 1942: The old
Trenchery homestead was at 601 State Street, and was built before
1842. Emilius Jr. was born September 11, 1855, and devoted much of
his life to composing music. He was known best in Alton as a Band
Director of the Old Standard Band, the predecessor of the White
Hussars, and of the Enterprise Band. He died in March 1942 and is
buried in the Alton City Cemetery.]
Source: San Francisco Call, California, August 17, 1904
Emilius Pierre Trenchery Passes Away at the Age of 91
Alton, Ill., August 16 - Emilius Pierre Trenchery is dead at his
home, aged 91 years. Trenchery, who was blind, was half a century
age known as one of the foremost blind musicians and educators in
America. He was a schoolmate of Braille, the inventor of the system
of reading by raised letters, and when he came to America he
introduced that system.
Source: Utica, New York Herald Dispatch, August 19, 1904
Emilius Pierre Trenchery, who has just died in Alton, Ill., at the
age of 91, was half a century ago known as one of the foremost blind
musicians and educators in America. He was a native of France, and
was graduated from the great school for the blind at Paris. He was a
schoolmate of Braille, the inventor of the system of reading by
raised letters, and when he came to America, he introduced that
system. In 1836 Mr. Trenchery came to Alton, where he had since
TRENCHERY, UNKNOWN DAUGHTER/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 31,
Mr. and Mrs. Emile Trenchery were afflicted Friday night by the
death of an infant daughter.
TRENCHERY, WILHELMINA (nee KOHLER)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
January 25, 1901
Wife of Emile Trenchery
Mrs. Wilhelmina Kohler Trenchery was born in Kehl on the Rhine,
Grand Duchy of Baden, belonging to the well known Kohler family of
Baden. As a very young woman, she came to Alton to visit a brother.
Her friends prevailed upon her to remain and devote herself to an
active musical life, having an exceptionally fine voice. She soon
filled prominent places in the churches of St. Louis and Alton. It
was while singing in the Cathedral in the latter place that she met
her husband, Emile Trenchery, who was the organist at that time. The
husband and four children survive her: Mrs. Whitmore, Miss W.
Trenchery, Emelius and Ernant Trenchery. Also a sister, Mrs. Louis
Bickle. The deceased was devoted to her home and family. She passed
away quietly January 24th of heart failure. Rev. George Gebauer will
conduct the services, which will be private from the family
residence, Sunday afternoon.
TRENDALL, ETTA (nee DOYLE)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
January 08, 1915
Mrs. Etta Trendall, wife of Charles Trendall, died at St. Joseph’s
Hospital Thursday afternoon after a long illness. After being a
sufferer for several years in St. Louis, and undergoing treatment
from many doctors, she came to Alton, her old home, to submit to an
operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital at the hands of surgeons she
knew. Her case was such a bad one, that nothing could be done to
prolong her life. She is survived by her husband, two daughters, and
a son. Mr. Trendall, her husband, was a well-known carpenter in
Alton for many years, but has been employed in St. Louis for a long
time. Mrs. Trendall was Miss Etta Doyle, a member of a family that
resided on West Ninth Street. The funeral will be tomorrow morning
from SS. Peter and Paul’s Cathedral.
TRENDALL, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 27, 1911
Joseph Trendall, for many years a well-known carpenter in Alton,
died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. August Kitzenberg, in East
Alton, this morning at 7 o'clock at the age of 79, after a few days
illness due to the infirmities of old age. He has lived in St. Louis
and Alton the greater part of his life. He was born in England and
was reared on a whaling boat in the waters of England. On coming to
America at an early age he followed the carpenter trade until his
retirement on account of old age. He came from St. Louis last
August, and has been living ever since at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Kitzenberg, who are proprietors of the Kitzenberg hotel in East
Alton. His wife died several years ago. He leaves five children, and
a son, William, who went away from home in 1894 and has not been
heard of since. The other four children are a daughter, Mrs. H. C.
Henley of St. Louis; Charles Trendall of St. Louis; Clark Trendall
of Petluma, Cal.; and Mrs. August Kitzenberg. The time of the
funeral has not been set and will not be until relatives from St.
Louis arrive to assist in the funeral arrangements.
TRENTSCH, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 26, 1921
The funeral of Mrs. Herman Trentsch was held this morning from the
family residence on East Fifth Street at nine o'clock. Requiem Mass
was said by Rev. Father Meckel rector of St. Mary's church.
Interment was in St. Joseph's cemetery. There were very many
beautiful floral offerings. The pallbearers were Vincent Wardein,
Henry Wardein, John Klasner, John Schmidt, John Merkle and Neck
Schweagel. The funeral was largely attended by relatives and friends
of the deceased. Among those from out of town attending were Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Finkes, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Finkes, Mr. and Mrs. Theo
Lohman, Mrs. John Finkes, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoefner, Mrs. Mary Hime,
John Bentles and the Misses Oren and Hyacinth Lohman of St. Louis,
Misses Pauline and Anna Bentles of Winchester, Ill., and Mr. and
Mrs. George Stiritz of Godfrey, Ill.
TREW, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 29, 1872
Died on November 22 in Alton, John Trew, in the 51st year of her
TRICE, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 11, 1911
William Trice, colored, aged 36 years, died Tuesday at his home,
1426 Cyrus street, after an illness from pneumonia. He leaves a wife
and three children. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2
o'clock from the Union Baptist church.
TRIPLETT, MYRTLE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 10, 1905
Mysterious Disappearance
Mrs. Myrtle Triplett, wife of Homer Triplett, is supposed to have
been drowned Sunday night off the steamer Ruth, but whether it is a
case of suicide or not cannot be said. She was about 35 years of
age, and beside her husband, from whom she had separated, she leaves
a daughter, Ida, who was on the boat with the mother. According to
Ed Pillsbury, pilot of the Ruth, Mrs. Triplett went to the boat
Sunday evening with her daughter to see Pillsbury. They were
conversing in the pilot house, and Pillsbury said he was thirsty.
Mrs. Triplet took a bucket and started to go downstairs on the boat
to the ice water cooler for some ice water. Pillsbury had been
drinking beer, and he called to her to bring up some beer to him if
there was any on the boat. Mrs. Triplett had a pocket book
containing $36.85 which she left in the pilot house with Pillsbury
and her daughter. She is said to have picked it up and then laid it
down again, evidently being preoccupied in mind. She never came
back. Pillsbury says he did not hear her splash in the water, and
other men sleeping on the boat adjacent to the Ruth did not hear
anything. It was supposed, after a search of her home and other
places had failed to find her, that she had fallen or jumped into
the river and was drowned. A search for the body was started today.
Is Mrs. Triplett Alive?
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 12, 1905 [hard to read]
There is a growing feeling among those who know the parties most ...
that Mrs. Myrtle Triplett, the woman who disappeared Sunday off the
steamer Ruth and who is supposed to have been drowned, is alive and
well and is keeping se- .... from her friends for reasons unknown.
Police officers have been told by several parties that they have
seen Triplett since Sunday night .... State street business man ....
saw her between 9 and 10 o'clock Monday night and spoke to .... she
did not care to talk more ... acknowledge his salutation, ... but
passed on. He followed ... says and she left on a south ... Bluff
Line train.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 13, 1905
Body of Mrs. Triplett Found Afloat
All doubt as to the fate of Mrs. Myrtle Triplett, the woman who
disappeared last Sunday night during a heavy storm of rain, was set
at rest by the finding of her body Thursday morning by two amateur
fishermen, who had been raising a trotline below the bridge, and
while rowing below the bridge they found the body of the missing
woman afloat. Deputy Coroner A. I. Keiser was notified of the
finding of the body and took charge of it. Ed Pillsbury, who was
with Mrs. Triplett the night she fell into the river, was seen after
the finding of the body and he said that he believed the woman fell
overboard from the Ruth in the darkness and rain, last Sunday night,
and going between the barge and the boat had no opportunity of
calling for help as she probably sank immediately. Mr. Pillsbury
said that so far as there being any mystery about the little girl,
Ida Triplett, the stories to that effect are false. Ida Triplett has
been at the home of Charles Pillsbury on Common street since the
disappearance of her mother, and no attempt was made to conceal her.
Pillsbury says that the child has a grandmother at Columbus,
Missouri, and that if the grandmother wishes to take charge of the
child she may do so. Ida will be kept in her present home until the
grandmother is heard from. When the body of Mrs. Triplett was found,
the fishermen brought it up to the Ashlock dock and tied it up there
until the deputy coroner could hold an inquest. The coroner's
inquest was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock by Deputy Keiser, and
the funeral was held at the same hour, Rev. Theodore Oberhellmann
conducting the services in City cemetery. The jury impaneled viewed
the body in the morning, and listened to the evidence in the
afternoon. The coroner's jury found a verdict of accidental
drowning. The two young men who found the body, Arthur Coe and Harry
Wentz, testified that they found it floating in the Burlington
pocket about at the foot of George street, in a clump of willows. No
information as to the cause of death could be elicited.
TROBAUGH, EDITH (nee SCOGGINS)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 16,
Dies in Train Accident
Mrs. Edith Trobaugh, wife of Ted Trobaugh, died at 11:15 o'clock
last night from injuries she sustained in the accident when a C. &
A. train struck the automobile in which she, with Harry L. Gwinner,
was riding. Mrs. Trobraugh never regained consciousness after she
became insensible on arriving at Jerseyville. Members of the family
say that no surgical attention was given her, as it was believed she
way dying. An ambulance was sent to Jerseyville to bring her to St.
Joseph hospital and she remained unconsciousness until the time of
her death. Mrs. Trobaugh was 23 years of age, and she lived with her
husband on East Broadway. Her parents were Mr. and Mrs. Perry
Scroggins, who came here from Carrolton. She leaves six sisters and
two brothers, beside her parents. She leaves no children. The death
of Mrs. Trobraugh in Alton will make necessary the holding of a
coroner's inquest in this city. Deputy Coroner Streeper willl hold
it. The inquest was over Harry L. Swinner was held today at
Jerseyville, and his body will be home this evening. The body of
Mrs. Trobraugh was moved today to the home of her mother over Luft's
garage on Belle Street. It was said at the home of the parents of
Mrs. Trobraugh today that Mrs. Trobraugh had some shopping to do for
her husband, and that while Harry Gwinner was doing some shopping
for his mother, he had met her and giving her a lift, he had decided
to take a drive in the country for a short time. It was while they
were taking the drive the accident occurred. Glen Roberts, a
brother-in-law of Mrs. Trobaugh, was express messenger on the train
that struck the automobile and killed the two occupants. He did not
recognize the woman until she had spoken to him, so battered was
she, and he telephoned from Jerseyville to his wife's family,
notifying them of the accident. The family of the woman knew of the
accident before the family of Harry Gwinner were certain who it was
had been killed.
TROWBRIDGE, CATHARINE/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 10, 1836
Died, in this place [Alton], on Monday, the 9th instant, at 4
o'clock a.m., Catharine Trowbridge, in the fifth year of her age,
second daughter of Mr. Richard M. Treadway. Her illness was of the
most afflictive character - in the onset, congestive bilious fever,
and in the sequel, dropsy of the brain.''
TRUBE, MAX/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 30, 1910
Injured While Riding in Fire Truck
Alderman Max Trube, who was injured last Wednesday while attending a
test of an auto fire truck, by being thrown from the rear end of the
truck as the truck skidded in making a turn, died Sunday night at
St. Joseph's hospital. Trube's condition at no time has been
hopeful. The doctors thought that at times he showed signs of a
clearing of the concussion of the brain, which was the cause of his
death, but always he would have his bad spells and he never was able
to talk freely since he was hurt. Sunday morning, he seemed brighter
than he had been, and for the first time all of his surgeons agreed
that he was somewhat improved, but shortly after noon he began to
grow worse and death came at 7:40 p.m. The doctors had given up hope
about 6 o'clock, but they thought Trube would pull through the night
and probably today. The collapse was sudden and very unexpected, and
was over in a very short time. His wife and one of his daughters was
with him. All the members of his family had been attending him.
There has been deep interest in Trube's condition since he was
injured. At times the doctors thought he might get well, and he had
many acquaintances who believed he would also, owing to his physical
strength. He suffered injuries which might have killed most men
outright. Max Trube was serving his third term in the office of
first ward alderman. The first time he ran he had opposition, but
the candidate had lived in Alton barely long enough to have a vote,
and this fact contributed to Trube's victory over him. When he was
elected to the council, he set about strengthening himself with his
constituents, and he never lost an opportunity to do something he
believed might make him stronger in his ward. He worked constantly
being alderman, and after his first term he had no opposition the
other two times he was a candidate. He took a conspicuous part in
the city council's meetings. He was a candidate for the office of
mayor pro tem, and when he failed to secure pledges of enough
aldermen to warrant a continuance of his candidacy for that honorary
position, he was deeply disappointed. He was a member of the
Republican county central committee. Politics was the one thing that
held his principal interest. He always claimed that it was a pastime
he had taken up to help him regain his health. After he was ill and
his life was given up a number of years ago, he made his entry in
politics by becoming an alderman, with the hope that he would
eventually become mayor, an ambition he frequently expressed.
Politics seemed to agree with him, and to some extent he made a
success of it. He was 44 years of age, and he leaves his wife and
four daughters. He is survived also by his parents, and one brother
and one sister. Mr. Trube made a good success out of his business
career in Alton. He started in a small way in the furniture and
house furnishing line, and he built up a prosperous business, and
not long ago he widened out into other branches of trade, organizing
the Union Storage and Transfer Company. He was aided in his business
prosperity by his wife and a devoted family. Max Trube was born in
Russia in 1866, and was in his forty-fifth year. He came to America
in 1883, and to Alton in 1904 from St. Louis. His mother was not
attending him when he died, as she was summoned to attend her only
daughter in Chicago, who is very ill. A brother and his father were
with him. The body was moved from the hospital Monday morning about
2 o'clock and taken to the home. It will be taken from there to St.
Louis at 10:30 o'clock Tuesday morning for burial there. The family
of the deceased Alderman have decided to take the body to St. Louis
tomorrow morning, and the funeral will take place in the afternoon
from Jewish synagogue where the family worships. They asked that six
of the members of the City Council act as pallbearers. These six,
with the mayor, will go as an escort to the body to St. Louis
tomorrow morning, leaving at 10:30 a.m. An informal meeting of the
city council is called for MOnday evening to make arrangements for
attending the funeral of Alderman Trube. Members of the council will
serve as pallbearers. The Elks also will participate in the funeral.
The services in St. Louis will be at Bnaiamoona Temple in St. Louis
TRUEBLOOD, JORDAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 13, 1848
An inquest was held on the 30th ult, by Charles Cook, Esq., acting
coroner, over the body of a man found on a woodpile near the
residence of Mr. James C. Johnson, in the Third Ward [of Alton],
when after diligent inquiry, the jury returned a verdict that the
name of the deceased was Jordan Trueblood, and that his death had
been caused by excessive drinking, thus giving another proof of the
fatal effects of intemperance.
TRUMBULL, GEORGE W./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 12, 1886
The remains of the late George W. Trumbull, accompanied by his
mother, her grandson, and friends, arrived here on the early train
from Chicago yesterday a.m., and were met at the depot by Undertaker
Howell. The remains were taken at once to the city cemetery, where
the burial services were conducted. The bearers were Messrs. Albert
Wade, William Armstrong, H. R. Phinney, O. S. Stowell, Samuel Pitts,
and Joseph Crowe.
LYMAN J. (SENATOR)/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 02, 1896
Attorney; Illinois Senator
Ex-Senator Trumbull, who died in Chicago Thursday, lived in Alton
for many years. He was a resident of Alton when first elected
Senator in 1855, and when re-elected in 1861. A few years later he
removed to Chicago. His home while in Alton was in the brick
residence on the northeast corner of Henry and Eleventh Streets, now
owned by Mr. H. J. Bowman.
Mr. Trumbull spent election day of 1860 in Alton, working for
Lincoln at the polls. At 4 o’clock in the afternoon, he boarded the
train for Springfield, and was present with Lincoln at his home when
he received the returns which showed that Lincoln was elected. We
believe Mr. Trumbull has never been in Alton since 1880, the year he
was the Democratic candidate for Governor against Shelby M. Cullom.
His old Republican friends in Alton received him rather coldly on
that occasion. He spoke in Kirkland Hall to a small audience, and
many of his old friends failed to call upon him. He was defeated in
the race for Governor by over 37,000 majority in the State. While he
lived in Alton, the citizens were justly proud of him, but his flop
from a Republican to a Democrat, while holding office as a
Republican, cost him the good will of many.
Lyman Trumbull was born October 12, 1813, in Colchester, New London
County, Connecticut. He was the son of Benjamin Trumbull (1769-1850)
and Elizabeth Mather Trumbull (1782-1828). He moved to the South,
where he taught school and studied law. Admitted to the Georgia bar
in 1836, he subsequently set up a law practice with his brother,
George, in Belleville, Illinois. He was elected to the State
legislature in 1840, and resigned a year later to serve as Illinois
Secretary of State. He was married in 1843 in Springfield, Illinois,
to Julia Maria Jayne (1824-1868), with Mary Todd Lincoln as the
bride’s attendant. Lyman and Julia had six children: Lyman Gershom
Trumbull (1844-1844); Walter Trumbull (1846-1891); Lyman Perry
Trumbull (1849-1850); Perry Trumbull (1851-1902); Arthur Trumbull
(1860-1863); and Henry Trumbull (1862-1895).
Trumbull was removed from office, and returned to his law practice.
In 1846, Abraham Lincoln defended him before the Illinois Supreme
Court from a suit to recover $400, which he had withheld as his fee
for work performed on a digest of State laws while he was Secretary
of State. He was elected a State Supreme Court Justice, serving in
that capacity until 1854. He was elected as a Democrat to the U.S.
Senate in 1855, serving there for 18 years. In 1861, he was
reelected to the Senate as a Republican. When the Civil War began,
he supported most of Lincoln’s war measures, but broke with the
President over the growing powers of the executive branch. By 1864,
he was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. In 1872, he
supported Horace Greeley for president, and returned to Chicago to
his law practice. He returned to the Democratic party in 1876,
running unsuccessfully for Illinois governor. He returned to his law
practice. In 1894, he left the Democratic party and became a
After the death of his first wife in 1868, he married again in 1877
to Mary Jane Ingraham (1843-1914). They had two children: Mae
Trumbull (1878-1884) and Alma Ingraham Trumbull (1883-1894).
Lyman Trumbull died June 25, 1896 in Chicago, Illinois, and was
buried there in the Oak Woods Cemetery.
The Senator Lyman Trumbull home, located at 1105 Henry Street in
Alton, was constructed sometime between 1820 and 1837. The
foundation was built of native limestone, and the one and a half
story home has handmade brick walls on the main floor. The home has
a gable roof and a full basement. There is a fireplace on each of
the three floors. The beams, rafters, and studs are of native black
walnut, and all of the floors are made of white pine. Originally
rectangular in shape, a rear L-shaped addition as added in 1849.
Trumbull bought the home in 1849 for $3,000, and occupied it until
circa 1863, when he moved his family to Chicago. He served as
Illinois Secretary of State and was on the Supreme Court of
Illinois. He served as a Senator from 1855 to 1873, and was an early
supporter of Abraham Lincoln. Trumbull was a staunch Union supporter
and a strong ally of Lincoln during the Civil War. As Chairman of
the Senate Judiciary Committee, he was co-author and instrumental in
passage of the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery, the 14th and 15th
Amendments to the Constitution, and the Civil Rights Act of 1866.
The home was designated as a national historic landmark by the
National Park Service in 1975. Other occupants of the home include
Andrew T. Hawley, a partner in the Alton Agricultural Works, and
Horatio J. Bowman, an Alton businessman.
TRUMBULL, LYMAN PERRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 26, 1850
Died in Alton of cholera infantum, aggravated by whooping cough and
terminating in dropsy of the chest, July 21, Lyman Perry, son of
Lyman and Julia M. Trumbull, aged fifteen and a half months. The son
of Judge Trumbull had been recently brought to this city from Alton,
in the hope that a change of air might be of benefit to him, but
this last hope was doomed to disappointment. From the Springfield
TRUMBULL, SARAH PARSONS/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 8, 1838
Departed this life very suddenly on Saturday morning last, Mrs.
Sarah Parsons Trumbull, consort of Mr. Charles Trumbull of this
city, at the age of 28 years. Also, their infant daughter, Helen
Parsons Trumbull, aged three weeks. The deceased was a ____ member
of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and adorned her profession by
exhibiting in her daily walk and conversation the various graces
appertaining in the Christian character. Although her departure to
the eternal world was sudden and unexpected, her deeply afflicted
husband and numerous friends are comforted under this mysterious
dispensation of Providence by the confident hope that she has
exchanged the _______ sorrows and troubles of this _____ for a
blissful immortality; and that together with her lovely babe, she
now reposes "in the bosom of her Father and her God."
TRYON, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 13, 1909
The funeral of John Tryon, who died yesterday afternoon from
pneumonia, will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
family home, 1240 Main street. As briefly referred to yesterday, the
young man had been the helper of his stepfather, Charles Sunderland,
since he was a little child. The stepfather, having no arms and
being compelled to make a living, was enabled with the assistance of
the young man to take care of himself. He helped his crippled
stepfather to dress, hitched and curried his teams, did all kinds of
little services which an armless man might require others to do for
him, and he was indeed the arms to the armless man. The loss to Mr.
Sunderland is very heavy. The young man was always dutiful to his
stepfather and his constant attendant when at work. Rev. M. W. Twing
will conduct the funeral services.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 15, 1909
The funeral of John Tryon was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sunderland on Main street. Burial
was in City cemetery. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. M.
W. Twing and were attended by a very large number of sympathizing
friends and relatives of the young man and of the family.
TUCKER, C. P./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 9, 1912
Drowned in Mississippi River
C. P. Tucker, aged 24, employed at the Illinois box factory, was
drowned in the Mississippi a short distance from the Fluent dock,
Sunday afternoon, when help was very close at hand and he was just
finishing a swim of more than two miles. A big roller from a passing
motor boat, the Allamakee, is supposed to have caused the young man
to drowned by striking him in the face, strangling him and causing
him to lose his presence of mind. Tucker, with John Davey and two
sons, John Jr. and Paul Davey, rowed up the river Sunday to
Riverside park, and there the whole party took a swim. When it was
time to return, John Davey Jr. and Tucker decided to swim down to
the Fluent dock, and John Davey Sr. and Paul Davey were in the skiff
and rowed with them. The skiff kept the boys company all the way to
the Fluent dock. When about fifty feet out from the dock, Tucker's
swimming partner shouted to inquire whether Tucker still felt strong
and able to finish, and Tucker said he was. The next moment the big
roller from the Allamakee broke over the young man, and he sank,
never to appear again. The skiff was about six feet away from Tucker
at the time, and Mr. Davey backed it as quickly as he could, at the
same time struggling with the wave, and he says that he failed to
see the young man again. No one else saw him either, although many
people were close at hand. Charles Norman was crossing the river at
the time and was close at hand with the Sport. He had to check his
boat so he could ride safely through the huge wave that the
Allamakee was rolling off, and saw that something had happened and
hurried over, but he was too late to do any good. The drowning
occurred in deep water, where the current was swift, and the search
for the body was fruitless. The river men said that it would
probably not be found until it floated. Tucker was a member of the
Knights of Columbus. He came here from Fredericktown, Mo. No attempt
had been made this afternoon to find the body of the drowned young
man. Word from Fredericksburg, Mo., where his parents live, say that
if found, they want the body shipped back to them, but as they are
poor and unable to furnish any money for extra expenses, nothing
could be done. The body should be floating by this time, unless it
is held down by a snag.
TUCKER, EDITH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 22, 1906
In Bed Since Birth, Woman Dies
Miss Edith Tucker, an inmate of Beverly Farm institute at Godfrey,
died yesterday, aged 35. Dr. W. H. C. Smith, who conducts Beverly
Farm, said that she had been at his place seven years as an inmate
of his institution, and that he was reliably informed that the young
woman had been in bed all her life. She had never been able to walk,
and was helpless from a paralytic stroke which she suffered when an
infant. Her parents died a number of years ago, and she left no
relatives that are known of. She was an inmate of a similar
institution at Chicago, when the institution failed and she was sent
to Dr. Smith by the public guardian in Chicago. She required
constant attention. The funeral services were held this afternoon,
and were conducted by Rev. W. F. Marts of the Godfrey Congregational
church. Burial was in Dr. Smith's lot in Godfrey cemetery.
TUCKER, RANSOM/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 02, 1896
Two deposits have just been made in the Madison County Treasury for
account of “whom it may concern,” or heirs unknown. Ransom Tucker of
Wood River Township, Madison County, died intestate in February
1893. He possessed 40 acres, which were sold by the Master in
Chancery at $16 per acre. The net amount for his unknown heirs is
TUEMMLER, O. (REVEREND)/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 4, 1878
Rev. O. Tuemmler, formerly pastor of the German Lutheran Church on
Henry Street, died about 11 o’clock Sunday night, after a very brief
illness, at the age of 44 years and 11 months. Mr. Tuemmler was at
church Sunday morning, in about his usual health, but shortly
afterwards was taken with a congestive chill and died at the hour
mention. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn his death. The
funeral will take place from his late residence, corner of Henry and
Seventh Streets.
TUETKEN, HARM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 20, 1901
Harm Tuetken, aged 67, for years a resident of Bethalto, will be
buried Sunday afternoon from the home. He died Thursday afternoon
after several months sickness. Deceased was a widower, and leaves
four children. The daughters are Mrs. Fred Smith, Alton; Mrs. Anna
Crawford of East Alton; and Mrs. George Brinkman of West Alton. The
son, Seward Tuetken, lives at Bethalto. [ Buried in Lutheran
TUETKEN, LENA (or MARY)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 10, 1889
From Bethalto - Miss Lena (or Mary) Tuetken, aged sixteen years,
died very suddenly at the residence of Mrs. J. E. Cooper Tuesday
morning. Her death was a shock to all, as she had been sick but a
short time. She was an orphan girl, and had lived with Mrs. Cooper
for several years, and was much respected by all who knew her. Her
sad death has cast a gloom over the whole village, as she was well
known and was of a kind and loving disposition. She has three
brothers who have been notified. Arrangements for the funeral are
deferred until they arrive.
TUETKEN, WILKE JANSEN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 21, 1885
Accidental Death
From Moro - We learn from Mr. T. A. Mutchmore of a fatal accident at
Moro yesterday afternoon. Mr. Wilke Jansen Tuetken, a farmer of that
place, had been working in the field part of the day. In the
afternoon, he returned to the barn to put away his team, and shortly
afterwards his wife heard the report of a gun. Hurrying to the barn,
she found her husband lying dead, the charge from the gun having
shattered his head at the crown, instant death being the result. The
gun that caused the accident was kept at the barn, and the
supposition is that as the unfortunate man attempted to draw the
weapon towards him, it was discharged with the terrible result
stated. The Coroner’s jury returned a verdict of accidental death.
Wilke Jansen Tuetken was born April 25, 1844, in Landkreis Wittmund,
Lower Saxony, Germany. He was the son of Stillahn Tuetken and Anke
Margareta Badberg Tuetken. He married Anna Friedericke Gellermann,
and while in Germany, his wife gave birth to a son, Heinrich
Tuetken. Wilke and his brother, Harm Tuetken, immigrated to America,
settling in Madison County, Illinois. Wilke and Anna were blessed
with three additional children: Herman Jansen Tuetken, Wilhelm
Friedrich Tuetken, and Meta Gesine Maria Tuetken. Anna died February
8, 1879, at the age of 31. Wilke married again on July 31, 1881 to
Gretje “Maggie” Dirks Adams. Three children were born from this
union: Richard Johnson Tuetken, Martin Lewis Tuetken, and Minnie
Tuetken. Wilke was buried in the Zio Lutheran Church Cemetery at
Bethalto, Illinois.
TUETKIN, HENRY/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 07, 1892
The funeral of Henry Tuetkin took place yesterday afternoon from his
late residence to the Alton City Cemetery, the Standard Band leading
the procession. The funeral was under the auspices of the Odd
Fellows. Rev. Carl Kramer conducted the services at the residence,
and made a brief address at the grave. The casket, covered with a
profusion of elegant flowers, was borne by Messrs. John Miedel,
Henry Pilgrim Sr., Gerhardt Hemken, John Hoffman, Charles Seibold
Sr., and Ernst Swartzbeck.
TULLER, HARRY/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 01, 1892
Harry, the seven-months-old son of Mr. I. C. Tuller, died last
evening after an illness of several days. The funeral took place
this afternoon from the family residence, 618 East Seventh Street,
to the City Cemetery, Rev. G. W. Scawthon officiating.
TULLER, HATTIE A./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 26, 1891
Mrs. Isaac C. Tuller died suddenly Thursday evening at the
residence, 618 East Seventh Street. Mrs. Tuller sat down to supper
that evening, seemingly well. She was taken sick shortly after, and
died about ten o’clock. She was 40 years of age, and leaves a family
of six children and a husband to mourn her loss.
The funeral of Mrs. Hattie A. Tuller took place Sunday afternoon,
the service being conducted by Rev. G. W. Scawthon of the M. E.
Church. There was a large attendance of relatives and friends,
notwithstanding the inclement weather. The pallbearers were: Messrs.
L. J. Hartman, W. H. Gerhardt, Richard Adams, John McNely, Thomas
Rowan, and O. C. Heide.
TULLER, ISAAC C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 31, 1901
Isaac C. Tuller, one of the most prominent contractors and builders
of Alton, and a well known citizen, died at 1 o'clock Thursday
morning at the family home, 819 east Fifth street. He was taken ill
three weeks ago with grip, and the disease developed into lung
fever. Mr. Tuller was in his sixtieth year and had been a resident
of Alton many years. He leaves five children: F. H. Tuller, Mrs.
William Wilson, R. G. Tuller, Misses Grace and Ethel Tuller. The
funeral will take place Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, and
services will be at the family home on Fifth street.
TUREFF, JOHN C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 21, 1919
Railroad Engineer
John C. Tureff, for 35 years engineer on the Big Four, and for many
years the driver of the Big Four Flyer between Alton and St. Louis,
dropped dead Monday afternoon just as he had returned from a six
weeks' stay in a hospital in St. Louis. Mr. Tureff was greeting a
friend in the hallway on the second floor of the Alton Banking and
Trust Co. building when he expired. He had a room there where he
slept, and as he was about to enter the room he noticed a friend in
the office of Dr. Shaff, greeted her, and was smiling pleasantly
over his seeing friends again, when he dropped to the floor. Dr.
Shaff was in his office at the time and he hurried to the prostrate
man, to find that he was dead. Mr. Tureff had been troubled with an
attack of Bright's disease. He had gone to a hospital in St. Louis
to undergo treatment and after a six weeks' stay he was so much
improved he decided to come home. He dropped in at the office of his
son-in-law, C. F. Yeakel, and there he invited himself to go for
supper to the Yeakel home. He indicated that he had a big appetite,
and that he was looking forward with great pleasure to taking the
evening meal with his son-in-law's family. He spoke of going back to
work soon, and then went over to the room nearby where he had slept
before going to the hospital. Mr. Tureff was one of the best
engineers on the Big Four and was the oldest in point of service. He
was in his sixty-first year. When the Big Four flyer was
discontinued he was given the plug train between Alton and East
Alton, and he was serving in the capacity of engineer on that run
when he was taken sick and took a layoff. He was known as a very
skillful, careful engineer, and he made some fast runs with his
train. He was a man of the best of habits and the highest character.
His wife died about a year ago. He leaves one daughter, Mrs. C. F.
Yeakel, and two sons, George of Mattoon and Stanley of Albany, N. Y.
Mr. Tureff would have been 62 years of age November 9. He was born
in Toronto, Canada, and came to the United States when a boy. At the
age of 15 he started firing an engine on the Grand Trunk Railroad.
At the age of 21 he became an engineer on the Big Four. He had been
in poor health the past two years. Beside his children he leaves his
aged mother, Mrs. E. J. Parkinson, Transcona, Manitoba, and two
sisters in Canada, and a brother in Texas.
TURK, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 6, 1888
Died in Alton on April 6 of general debility, Mrs. Elizabeth Turk,
aged 71 years and one month. She was a native of Germany, but
removed to this country in 1853. She lived two years in St. Louis,
and then removed to Alton, which has since been her home. Mrs. Turk
was twice married. Her first husband’s name was Geisel. She leaves
four children: Mrs. Catherine Lochmann of St. Louis; Henry Geisel;
William Turk; and Mrs. Augusta Turk Hoffman, wife of George Hoffman
of Alton. The funeral will take place from the family residence,
corner of Eighteenth and Belle Streets. [Burial was in the Alton
City Cemetery.]
TURK, EMMA A. (nee ROE)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 24, 1889
Found Deceased by Nine-Year-Old Son
Mrs. William Turk, living on the corner of Fifth and Easton Streets,
died suddenly sometime Thursday afternoon under distressing
circumstances. Her older son, nine years old, returned from school
about 4:20 o’clock, and on entering the house, found his mother
lying dead on the floor, with her younger boy, aged two years, in
the room with her. Not realizing the terrible truth, but supposing
his mother was ill, the older boy hastily summoned the neighbors,
Mrs. Berner and others, who came in and found her as stated. The
husband was hurriedly sent for, physicians were called, but she was
past all human help, and had been dead some little time. The younger
boy could give no account of the occurrence, and the cause of death
could only be conjectured. Mr. Turk had taken his dinner with him
and was not home at noon, but when he left in the morning, his wife
was in her usual health. The older boy was not home from school at
dinner time. Some of the neighbors and the milkman saw her at or
about noon, and noticed no sign of illness.
The discovery of Mrs. Turk’s death caused great excitement in the
neighborhood, and was an overwhelming shock to the husband and
relatives of the deceased. Mrs. Turk was an estimable lady, much
thought of by her relatives, neighbors, and friends. She was the
daughter of Mr. John V. Roe of Alton. She was in the 29th year of
her age. She leaves a husband and two children.
An inquest was held on Friday by Coroner Bonner, and quite a number
of witnesses were examined, but no direct evidence was deduced as to
the cause of her death, other than the opinion of the physicians,
Drs. Haskell and Haliburton. Dr. Haskell testified that in his
opinion, death was caused by embolism of the pulmonary artery. In
this opinion Dr. Haliburton coincided. The other witnesses examined
were Miss Emma Beard, Mrs. Rice, Mrs. Fox, Mrs. Berner, Mr. John V.
Roe, and the older son of the deceased, who testified as to when
they had last seen the deceased aliver, or as to the facts regarding
the finding of the body. It was evident from the appearance of the
room that Mrs. Turk had been seated at a sewing table, engaged at
work, and seemingly had felt the attack coming on, had risen from
her chair, probably to call for help, and then fallen to the floor,
where she must have died almost instantly. It was thought that she
had been dead about an hour and a half when discovered.
Emma A. Roe Turk was born in 1860. She was the daughter of John V.
and Anna Roe, and the wife of William Turk (married in 1879). The
children were William Joseph Turk (1880-1935) and an unknown child.
Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery. William Turk remarried to
Anna L. Selhime (1867-1955).
TURKS, JULIUS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 2, 1906
Found Unconscious
Julius Turks was found unconscious a half hour after midnight
Thursday night on the levee, back of the Boston store. Officers
conveyed him to St. Joseph's hospital where he died four hours
later. Dr. C. H. Merritt was summoned to attend him said that Turk
was suffering from the combined effects of whisky and drugs. The man
did not regain consciousness. Dr. C. H. Merritt, who attended the
man, said that he was probably an opium fiend and that he was also
filled with whisky. While full of whisky and the drug, he laid down
on the levee, and under the influence of cold and the drugs he was
soon in a dying condition. The man was not well dressed, and was
apparently about 40 years of age. No one knows where he lives. His
name was found written upon a piece of paper which was wrapped up in
a handkerchief, and from this fact it is supposed that there may
have been an element of suicide in the death of the man.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 9, 1906
Coroner Streeper has received a letter form A. W. Bache of St.
Louis, saying that the man who committed suicide by morphine
poisoning and whose name is Julius Turk, is an old soldier and a
pensioner. The writer of the letter says that the man formerly an
inmate of the St. Louis hospital.
TURNBULL, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 16, 1921
Former Alton Boy Slain in Battle (WWI)
The Telegraph today received two clippings, telling a tragedy of the
Great War, from Portabello, Midlothian, Scotland. One was a heading
of an article that had been published in the Telegraph a number of
years ago which tells of George Turnbull, a former Alton boy,
winning first honors in the Edinburgh Art college in Scotland. Just
the heading told the story. The other little clipping was a brief
memorial for Lieut. George Turnbull, 16th Royal Scots, slain April
15, 1918 near Balileul, France. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Turnbull, formerly of this city. The family had attempted to
get the memorial in the Alton Telegraph on the third anniversary of
their son's death, but the mails had delayed the letter just a day,
and it came in this morning. Many Alton people remember the Turnbull
family, who are now residing at 10 Piershill Terrace, Portobello,
Midlotian, Scotland. The young man gave up his art work when he was
called to the colors to fight during the war, and many of his
friends here did not know that he had given up his life in the great
drive that ended the war.
TURNER, ABBIE G./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 6, 1885
The funeral of Miss Abbie Turner took place July 30 from the family
residence at Godfrey, with a very large attendance. The funeral
discourse was eloquent, touching, and peculiarly appropriate. A
profusion of beautiful flowers decked the burial casket. The bearers
were Messrs. William P. Hancock Jr., John Hancock, Levi Widaman,
Frank Widaman, George Churchill Jr., and Jerome Copley. [Burial was
in the Godfrey Cemetery.]
TURNER, EDWARD ARTHUR/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 8, 1848
Died at Godfrey, Madison County, Illinois, on the 2d inst., Edward
Arthur, only child of Mr. J. D. and Mrs. M. H. Turner, aged 4 months
and 3(?) days.
TURNER, ELIZABETH W./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 21, 1847
Died at Monticello [Godfrey] on the 17th inst., Miss Elizabeth W.
Turner, daughter of Timothy Turner, Esq., aged 30 years. The
deceased was for a while teacher of music in the Monticello Female
Seminary. She also taught a music class in Springfield, and one in
St. Louis. She early sought and found the Saviour. During her
protracted sickness, she suffered patiently and enjoyed great peace
of mind. For nine months she was wasting away with consumption, but
her spirit seemed to be ripening for heaven. The experience of the
Apostle Paul was hers, "though the outward will perish, yet the
inward men is renewed day by day." It was about noon when her
friends gathered around her and saw increasing evidence that death
was by her side. She also gave consisting evidence that her Saviour
was there to take from death its sting, and from the grave its
victory; she raised her eyes and hands and said, "I'm going, I'm
going." But it was a peaceful departure, for she added repeatedly,
"I'm happy - happy - happy." With this word upon her lips, she fell
asleep in Christ. Her last days were her best days.
TURNER, HIRAM G./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 3, 1872
Son of Timothy Turner, Esq.
Died at Rochester, New York, April 18, 1872, of brain fever, Mr.
Hiram G. Turner; aged 51 years and 6 months. The deceased was a son
of the late Timothy Turner, Esq., of Godfrey, Illinois. He was born
in the town of Great Barrington, Berkshire County, Massachusetts. He
learned the machinist trade, and a greater portion of his life has
been spent in connection with several of the leading railroads of
the country. For a number of years, he was Assistant Master Mechanic
on the Little Miami Railroad in Ohio. Afterwards, he sustained the
same relation to the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad.
Subsequently, he took charge of the shops of the Ohio & Mississippi
Railway Company at East St. Louis, and also at Vincennes. At the
time of his death, he was in charge of the large New York Central
Railway Shops at Rochester, New York.
His life has been one of earnest activity, and by strict integrity,
he won the respect and esteem of his employers and associates, who
manifested their regard for his memory by closing their shops on the
day of his funeral, and attending the solemn services in a body. He
early made a profession of religion, and lived a consistent
Christian life. As an officer in the church, leader of the choir,
and superintendent of the Sabbath School, he always manifested a
devotion, a deep earnestness in the cause of Christ. He leaves a
wife, two children, and a large circle of relatives and friends to
mourn their irreparable loss.
TURNER, JABEZ/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 18, 1846
Revolutionary Patriot Gone to His Rest
Died on Saturday morning, December 12, 1846, at Monticello
[Godfrey], at the residence of his son, Timothy Turner, Esq., Mr.
Jabez Turner, at the advanced age of nearly 91 years. Mr. Turner was
born on January 31, 1756, at New Haven, Connecticut, where he
resided the first 40 years of his life. After that he lived 40 years
in Berkshire County, Massachusetts; 4 years at Kinderhook, New York;
and for the last 7 years at Monticello in Illinois. He was one of
the first who enlisted in the War of the Revolution. He entered the
army in 1775, and continued with it till independence was
established. He participated largely in the stirring scenes of that
great event. In the battles of New Haven, Danbury, the taking of
Fort St. John, and the capture of Burgoyne, he bore an honorable
part. To those events, and the part he took in them, he would
sometimes recur with a glow of enthusiasm, and a manifestation of
those patriotic feelings which characterized that rare of brave men
who parted their lives in the cause of their country and of human
But though in this great struggle he acted well his part, he gloried
not in this. He ever felt that our victories were to be ascribed to
something more than human prowess. He gave the glory where it
belonged - to the God of Hosts. Mr. Turner was engaged most of his
long life in another and more eventful struggle - the consequences
of which appeared to him, while on earth, and no doubt appear to him
now of vastly more importance than that to which he devoted his
youthful years - it was a struggle for the freedom of the soul. In
this also he came off victorious. But neither in this did he glory
in the power of his own arm. He was ever ready to say, "God forbid
that I should glory, save in the cross of Jesus Christ, by which I
am crucified to the world, and the world is crucified to me." For
more than 60 years he has been a soldier of the cross - a humble and
consistent follower of Jesus Christ - the great Captain of
salvation. During this long period, he fought the good fight. He has
now finished his course and received from his sovereign an honorable
and peaceful discharge. His end was peace. He has now gone to
receive that imperishable and unfading crown which the Lord, the
righteous Judge, had laid up for him - and not for him only, but for
all who love His appearing.
Jabez Turner was born January 31, 1756, in Bristol, Pennsylvania.
His parents were Abraham and Rebecca Turner, and he was the eldest
of 11 children. The family moved to New Haven, Connecticut, when
Jabez was a few months old.
At the first call for troops for the American Revolutionary War,
Jabez enlisted at New Haven in May 1775. By May 24, he had finished
12 days of training in General Wooster’s First Regiment, under
Captain Samuel Wilmott. The company marched from New Haven to
Horseneck (part of Greenwich), and then on to Harlem, New York,
staying there for about half a month. They then sailed to the
eastern end of Long Island, where British ships were laden with
stolen livestock and supplies. In order to prevent further raids
from the British, Jabez helped remove livestock from Plum Island
while under fire. In October, they were involved in the siege and
capture of St. John’s, and Jabez helped build a fortification. The
regiment marched to Montreal, and took possession of the city
without battle. It was there Jabez was discharged on November 28,
having served six months. In August 1776, Jabez re-enlisted. He
sailed to New York, and was sent to Long Island until the American’s
retreated. His company went back to New York until it too was lost.
He helped build barracks at Kings Bridge, and was dismissed in
September, after serving six weeks. He volunteered once again, and
marched from New Haven to Pells Neck, New York, remaining there 3
weeks. In April 1777, Jabez again volunteered, and was involved in a
skirmish at Kompo Heights. He volunteered in October 1777, and was
involved in scouting. He continued in the service of our country,
serving as Lieutenant on an “alarm list” in 1781. After the war, he
moved to Great Barrington, Massachusetts. By 1835, he was living
with his son in Kinderhook, New York. By 1841, he was listed as
living in Monticello (Godfrey), with his son, Timothy Turner, where
he died in 1848.
Jabez Turner married Rebecca Wolcott on October 29, 1778, at the
Second Church of Christ, New Haven, Connecticut. Seven children were
born to this union, five of whom were: Benajah Walcott Turner
(1779-1872); Timothy Turner (1784-1863); Jerusha Turner Arnold
(1786-1861); Bela Turner (1788-1879); and William Wolcott Turner
In 1795 the family moved to Great Barrington, Massachusetts. In
about 1838, Jabez and Rebecca moved to Godfrey to live with their
son, Timothy. Living in the home were 10 students who attended
Monticello Seminary. Timothy was the Postmaster of Godfrey. Jabez
was one of the original founders of the Community Congregational
Church and the Godfrey Cemetery.
Charles Turner, a descendant of Jabez Turner, married the
granddaughter of Captain Benjamin Godfrey, founder of the Monticello
Ladies Seminary in Godfrey.
In the year 2000, the George Rogers Clark Chapter of the Sons of the
American Revolution honored Jabez Turner at his grave site in the
Godfrey Cemetery on Godfrey Road, with a gun salute, the playing of
taps, and placing a wreath and plaque on his grave.
TURNER, JABEZ ALLEN/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 6, 1877
Son of Timothy Turner
Died at Godfrey, August 30, 1877, of epilepsy, Jabez Allen Turner,
son of the late Timothy Turner; aged 52 years. The death of Mr. J.
A. Turner was quite sudden, though for many years had been
anticipated, he having been subject from childhood to the disease
epilepsy, to which he finally succumbed. He was born in Great
Barrington, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, in September 1825,
removing from thence with his father’s family in 1835 to Kinderhook,
New York, and from thence to his late place of residence in Godfrey,
in 1839. He was a decided Christian, and consistent in his daily
life. His suffering at times was intense, but he never complained,
realizing that his disease was but rapidly bringing him home to his
eternal rest. There are but three surviving children of the large
family of Timothy Turner, who came to Godfrey in 1829, viz: Rev. E.
B. Turner, Owego, New York; T. D. Turner of St. Louis; and J. B.
Turner, Godfrey.
TURNER, JACOB/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 7, 1878
Jacob Turner, a colored man who was shot recently in Marine Prairie,
died of his wounds at the poor house, where he had been brought for
treatment, last Friday.
TURNER, JAMES W./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 2, 1849
Died at the residence of his father, Timothy Turner, Esq., in
Monticello [Godfrey], Madison County, October 23, James W. Turner,
aged 10 (or 19) years and 9 months. The last days and hours of this
young man furnished one of the brightest and most cheering
illustrations of the power of the Christian’s faith to sustain the
soul in its solemn departure from this world. With the powers of his
mind ___________, though in a decaying body, and with an intelligent
appreciation of his condition and the nature of that change which he
was shortly to undergo, he viewed it without fear, and passed into
the embrarce of death without a shudder. For weeks before he died,
it was evident he was ________ to the ______, and that he knew it.
His confidence was of that composed character which belongs to one
well established, and feels certain of its foundation. His
attachment to the service of Christ was ______ in a striding manner
during the last months of his life. Before he ____ to the hands of
his father, for the use of his Master, a gentle and ostentatious
piety, still lingers on the paths where he walked. His friends who
saw him and accompanied him day by day to his slow descent to the
grave, one and all, would not but feel that his death was “too
serene for sorrow – too beautiful for fear.” And however they may
most painfully realize that they themselves are among the children
of sorrow, they cannot _______ [unreadable].
TURNER, JOHN B./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 29, 1898
Son of Timothy Turner; Postmaster
John B. Turner [1823-1898], an old and respected resident of Godfrey Township,
and postmaster of Godfrey, died at his home Monday, aged 76 years,
after a long illness. He had lived at Godfrey for many years, and
was considered one of the leading residents of the place. During
Harrison’s administration, he was appointed postmaster, and again
under President McKinley. He leaves a family of five children – Mrs.
Charles Talmage, Misses Hattie and Lillie Turner, Messrs. Charles
and Arthur Turner. [Burial was in the Godfrey Cemetery. Name is
listed on Find A Grave as Jarius Burt Turner.]
TURNER, LEWIS M./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 15, 1894
Last evening, Lewis M. Turner, aged 67 years, died at St. Joseph’s
Hospital after an illness of several months. Deceased leaves a
brother in Alton and relatives in the Western States.
TURNER, MARTIN/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 29, 1878
From Edwardsville – Martin Turner died at his residence in
Edwardsville yesterday. He had been ailing for a long time, but for
several hours prior to his death, appeared to be convalescing. His
death was quite sudden. His age about 62 years.
TURNER, MARY R./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 04, 1899
Mrs. Mary Turner [1825-1899], the aged relict [wife] of John B.
Turner, died at her home at Godfrey at noon. She never recovered
from the shock of her husband’s death. The funeral was held this
afternoon from the Congregational Church at Godfrey. The funeral was
a large one, and there was a large number of old friends of Mrs.
Turner in attendance. Interment was at Godfrey beside her husband,
who was buried one week ago. [Burial was in the Godfrey Cemetery.]
TURNER, NETTIE (nee HAIGHT)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March
13, 1919
A message came this morning to R. A. Haight, telling of the death at
Payette, Idaho of his only daughter, Mrs. Nettie Haight Turner, wife
of John E. Turner, former principal of Alton High School. Mrs.
Turner's mother, Mrs. Haight, was with her the last ten days of her
life, having departed for Payette when informed that the condition
of her daughter was very serious. Mrs. Turner was taken sick about
two weeks before last Christmas. She had been very deeply interested
in Red Cross work during the war, and her husband being food
administrator, she had given him much assistance in performing his
duties. The overstrain caused a complete break down and it was
thought rest would bring her out all right again. Complications set
in, and a form of blood poisoning proved fatal. Mrs. Turner was born
in Alton and would have been 43 years of age next September 10. She
leaves beside her husband, three children: Edward Louis, aged 18;
Dorothy May, aged 16; and John, aged 11. She leaves also her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Haight of Alton; and two brothers,
Edward A. Haight, who is at Pasadena, Cal., recuperating from a
breakdown; and Louis Haight, coach of the basketball team of the
Theodore Roosevelt High School at Alton. He was at Champaign today
when the message came telling him of his sister's death. Mrs. Turner
was married in Alton June 23, 1898. She was a graduate of Alton High
School, finishing in the class of 1894. She was a woman of a bright,
happy disposition, and was loved by all who knew her. Her death is a
sad blow to her parents, though they had reason for fearing that she
might not recover. The telegram said that burial would be at
Payette, Saturday morning. Mr. Haight said that owing to the
distance intervening, it would be impossible for any members of the
family not there to be at the funeral. It would require a 1,500 mile
journey for her brother, Edward, to go to Payette, and much longer
for anyone going from here.
TURNER, RAYMOND ARTHUR/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 14, 1884
Died in Godfrey on August 11, of summer complaint, Raymond Arthur,
infant son of Burt H. and Mary A. Turner of Brighton, aged 7 weeks.
TURNER, ROSE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 31, 1910
Struck by Wabash Train
Mrs. Rose Turner, wife of Albert Turner, living near Duck lake, was
struck by a Wabash train this morning about 10 o'clock and instantly
killed. The woman has a husband and two children, and she was
carrying a basket containing some groceries for the home folks. She
is said to have been hard of hearing. People who witnessed the
tragedy say she stepped on the track in front of the approaching
train. Her body was horribly mangled. Coroner Streeper took charge
of it. She has relatives in Missouri.
TURNER, RUFUS G./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 1, 1843
Died, at Monticello [Godfrey], on Saturday, June 24th, of congestive
fever, in the 36th year of his age, Mr. Rufus G. Turner, oldest son
of Mr. Timothy Turner. His sickness was only of about one week
continuance, and his case not deemed serious till about two days
before his death. He has left a bereaved and deeply afflicted wife
and one child of four years, and a numerous circle of relations and
friends to mourn his loss. He had been a professor of the Christian
religion for six or seven years, and a consistent and beloved member
of the church to which he was attached. It is therefore, in his life
of faith in the Son of God, and not in his death which was clouded
by menial abbreviation from the time his case became alarming, that
his sorrowing friends find that consolation which sustains them
under this grievous affliction. "And I heard a voice from heaven,
saying unto me, "Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord
from henceforth; Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from
their labors; and their works do follow them."
TURNER, SARAH/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 12, 1889
Mrs. Sarah Turner, sister of Mrs. Elizabeth Johnston of Alton, died
at her home in North Alton, Friday evening, after a long illness, at
the age of 59 years. Deceased had resided at that place six years.
She left a husband and three children, besides other relatives to
mourn her death. The funeral took place Saturday; burial at Newbern.
Alton Real Estate Developer – The Turner Tract
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 17, 1895
From the St. Louis Star-Sayings: Captain Thomas T. Turner was one of
the first of the prominent real estate operators of St. Louis who
manifested any idea of the possible development of Alton real estate
as a suburban residence place for St. Louis people. The captain has
invested heavily up there [Alton], and so have several of his
friends, and they become more and more enthusiastic with the
prospects as they grow brighter, from time to time.
A great revolution has lately taken place in Alton. It is now quite
a commercial center, the fertility of a highly improved country
surrounding, contributing a great deal to its permanent prosperity.
As an educational center, Alton has long been noted for the
excellency of several institutions of learning. But yet, real estate
in Alton and upon the borders of the town is held at a very low
price. It appears that people are just commencing to realize this
fact, as within the past two months the demand for Alton residence
lots has been unprecedented. There is going to be a good deal of
money made operating in Alton real estate.
A syndicate has been formed by the Obear Investment Company, and
this organization has secured an Alton tract of sixty-eight acres.
It is located one mile north of the river, and adjoining the best
residence portion of the city, from which it is separated by the
Chicago & Alton Railway. The building of a viaduct across the tracks
and the extension of the street railroad (or dummy line, as it is
called), soon to be electric, will bring this property within a few
minutes ride of the Big Four and “Q” stations. Which with the C & A
station, will give adequate facilities. The land is one of the
highest points in the city, and is particularly well adapted for
subdivision. The tract will have immediate connection with the two
prominent avenues of Alton – Henry Street on the east, and Alby
Street on the west. The viaduct will be a continuation of Henry
The tract will subdivide into 17,000 front feet, or 170 100-foot
lots. The price for the purchase of the entire tract is only
$35,000, or a little over $2 per front foot.
For the purpose of improvement, there is to be retained in the
treasury the sum of $5,000, out of the above-mentioned price, so
that the lots will cost the subscriber with improvements made only
$2 per foot, and they will readily sell for from $5 to $10 per front
foot, as soon as the viaduct is completed. These prices are actually
being obtained now in the surrounding properties.
The Alton people are to be congratulated upon this evidence of the
faith St. Louis people have in the future development of their town.
At the same time, the Obear Investment Company has made the most
excellent choice of location that could possibly have been had at
the low price the ground cost.
Captain Thomas Theodore Turner was born in St. Louis County,
Missouri, October 23, 1841. He was the son of Henry Smith Turner
(1811-1881) and Julia Mary Hunt Turner (1822-1900). Captain Turner
married in 1865 to Harriot Stoddert Brown (1844-1932). They had
seven children. Captain Turner invested heavily in real estate in
the Alton area. The Turner Subdivision was located just north of
Danforth Street. Captain Turner died in New Orleans, Louisiana, on
February 02, 1897. He was interred in the Calvary Cemetery and
Mausoleum, St. Louis, Missouri. His will was probabated in Clayton,
and there was an estimated $15,000,000 to split between his heirs.
TURNER, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 5, 1899
The funeral of Mrs. Turner was held at 2 o'clock this afternoon from
the Congregational Church at Godfrey. Rev. Fairbanks officiated. The
funeral was a large one, and there was a large number of old friends
of Mrs. Turner in attendance. Interment was at Godfrey, beside her
husband who was buried one week ago.
TURNER, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
August 7, 1901
The remains of Mrs. Dwight Turner were brought from St. Louis
Saturday noon for burial in Godfrey cemetery.
TURNER, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 6,
1871 (review of 1870)
On January 20, 1870, Mrs. Timothy Turner of Godfrey died, aged 69
TURNER, WILLIAM ALEXANDER/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 27, 1842
Died, at Monticello [Godfrey], on the 22d inst., of inflammation of
the brain, William Alexander, youngest son of Mr. Rufus G. and Mrs.
Mary A. Turner, aged 7 months.
TURPENING, A. H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 29, 1906
A. H. Turpening, of 1702 Hill street, Riverview addition, died at
11:30 o'clock this morning after a long illness with dropsy. He was
born in Brooklyn, N. Y. He leaves his wife and five children. The
funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Thursday at East Alton.
TURREFF, ELLA CAROLINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 11,
The funeral of Mrs. Ella Caroline Turreff, wife of John C. Turreff,
was held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Carl F. Yeakel, on Langdon street. The body arrived
Sunday morning from Long Beach, Cal., where death occurred, and was
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Turrell of New York City, who
were with Mrs. Turreff when she died. Services at the house this
afternoon were conducted by Rev. Frederick D. Butler, pastor of the
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, and were attended by a large number of
friends and relatives of the deceased. The pallbearers were
neighbors of the Yeakel family, and included Fred Lehne, H. Wm.
Bauer, D. E. McFadden, Michael McDowell, William Jenkins and William
Gissal. The body was entombed in the mausoleum, services being
conducted by members of the Eastern Star Lodge. Mrs. Turreff was a
member of the organization.
TUSCHER, BENJAMIN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 12,
Benjamin Tuscher, an aged resident of Alton, died Sunday morning at
his home, 914 Riley avenue, thirty-four minutes after he had
completed his 82nd year. Saturday was his birthday and his death
occurred at 34 minutes past midnight, Sunday morning. He had been in
bad health for over a year due to weakness of old age. Mr. Tuscher
was a man of remarkable strength of character. Though he had lived
to such a great age, he had never ceased to be the head of his
family in every respect and his opinions and his will were given the
utmost respect by his large family of children, all of them grown to
manhood and womanhood. He was a man who was highly respected by all
who knew him both in Alton where he had lived the past twelve years,
and in the vicinity of Dorsey where he lived many years and was
engaged in the occupation of farming. He was born in Language,
Switzerland, and came to this country when 15 years old. He followed
farming most of his life until his age made it necessary for him to
retire. He came to Alton then to pass the remainder of his days. He
is survived by his wife, Sophie, to whom he was married July 1,
1867. Her maiden name was Schmidt. The father leaves beside his
wife, eight children, Misses Ida, Emma and Bertha Tuscher, Mrs. Anna
Furlweigler, of Staunton, Ill., Mrs. Helen Duis of St. Louis, and
John of Dorchester, Benjamin Jr. of East Alton, and Joseph of St.
Louis. He leaves also six grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
The funeral will be held at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning from the
Evangelical church at Eighth and Henry streets, and burial will be
in Oakwood cemetery. He leaves also four brothers: Jacob of Alton,
Sam of East Alton, John of Chicago, and Fred of Springfield. He
leaves a sister, Mrs. Mary Black of Upper Alton.
GEORGE WHITFIELD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 05, 1908
Civil War Veteran
Employee at Alton Telegraph
George W. Tuthill of Sweet Springs, Missouri, died at the Soldiers’
Home yesterday afternoon, aged 72 years. Mr. Tuthill had been ill
but three days. He had been removed from his home to the soldiers’
Home for treatment for senility. Mr. Tuthill leaves a daughter,
whose home is in Sweet Springs. John Seaton of Atchison, Kansas is a
brother-in-law of the deceased.
Mr. Tuthill was a native of Alton, where he grew to manhood. He
learned the printers trade in the Alton Telegraph, and went to
Springfield where he was a resident for many years. In 1861 he
enlisted in Company D, 10th Illinois Volunteers, an Alton company,
and served to the close of the Civil War.
George Whitfield Tuthill was born in Alton, Illinois, on December
27, 1835. He was the son of Pardon Tabor and Susan D. (English)
Tuthill. Pardon Tuthill was an Abolitionist that stood with Lovejoy
on the night of his murder. George worked in the printers’ trade at
the Alton Telegraph, and later moved to Springfield, Illinois. He
served in Company D, 10th Illinois Infantry during the Civil War. He
married Mary Elizabeth Winter (1844-1905), and they had the
following children: May V. Tuthill Bellamy (1860-1944); George W.
Tuthill Jr. (1862-1947); and John Englis Tuthill Sr. (1872-1903).
George Tuthill Sr. died on November 03, 1908, and is buried in the
Fairview Cemetery at Sweet Springs, Missouri.
Stood by Lovejoy on the Night of His Murder
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 16, 1880
Pardon Tabor Tuthill died Sunday night, December 05, at the residence
of his son-in-law, James H. Young, of Orient, New York. His death is
attributable to paralytic affection, coupled with old age. His age
was 79 years and nine months. Mr. Tuthill was born March 4, 1801, in
Southold, Suffolk County, New York. He settled in Alton about 50
years ago [1830], and married Miss Susan Dorcas English in 1833 in
Alton. She was the daughter of Captain Andrew English [1752-1832]
and Rachel Moore English. They had four children: George W. Tuthill
of Brownsville, Missouri; Emma V., now the wife of James H. Young of
Orient, New York; Charlotte E., now the wife of John Seaton,
Atchison, Kansas; and Charles H Tuthill, Atchison, Kansas. The
family formerly lived on Thirteenth Street, west of Langdon Street,
in Alton. Mr. Tuthill was well known and highly respected in Alton.
Mr. Tuthill was always an uncompromising enemy of the pro-slavery
tendencies of the Democratic Party, though he never aspired to any
political call or public office of any kind. He was one of the
volunteers that shouldered his musket in behalf of free speech and a
free press at the time of the Lovejoy riot in Alton, and was one of
the party in the defense of Lovejoy’s office at that time. Before
coming to Illinois, he had lived two years in South Carolina, where
the blighting influence of slavery so impressed his intelligent
mind, that he determined that his voice should always be raised in
behalf of the freedom of mankind.
Mr. Tuthill was a man well posted in the political history of his
country, and was a great reader of the histories of the nations of
the world, in face, in his neighborhood, he was looked upon as
authority upon all questions of the past. He, for a number of years,
associated with no religious organization, but was a believer in
Spiritualism. He was a strong advocate of the “Golden Rule,” and was
never known to practice deceit towards his fellow man. His consort
[wife] died in Alton in 1865, and was buried in the Alton City
TUTHILL, SUSAN D. (nee ENGLISH)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
July 28, 1905
Wife of Pardon Tabor Tuthill
George W. Tuthill of Sweet Spring, Missouri left today at noon for
Springfield, Illinois. Mr. Tuthill is a native of Alton and lived
here until manhood. He learned the printer's trade, which he has
followed during his life. He met here a number of his old friends,
who were delighted to see him, and he found his visit to his old
home, the first in nearly forty years, a very pleasant one, although
the great majority of his former acquaintances are numbered with the
majority in the silent city over on the brow of our .....
[unreadable]. Mr. Tuthill came to Alton expressly to visit the grave
of his mother, who died here in 1865. He had been here seldom since
then, and it was necessary for him to make a long search through the
cemetery records before he could find the grave. He went out to the
resting place of his mother in City Cemetery Thursday afternoon.
[See obit of Pardon T. Tuthill.]
TUTTLE, DAVID B./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 30, 1845
Died in Upper Alton, on the 21st instant, after a short illness, Mr.
David B. Tuttle, aged about 35, leaving a widow, several children,
and a large number of friends and acquaintances to mourn his loss.
The deceased was a native of Connecticut, but had resided about
seven years in this county, and was universally esteemed as a worthy
man and good citizen.
TUTTLE, DAVID W./Source: Edwardsville Spectator, October 30, 1819
Died on Sunday evening last, Mr. David W. Tuttle, druggist.
TWEEDY, JESSIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 22, 1915
After an illness of fifteen hours, Mrs. Jessie Tweedy died at her
home on State street at 5:30 o'clock this morning, aged 32, leaving
two small children. Mrs. Tweedy was the widow of A. Tweedy. She came
to Alton four years ago after the death of her husband, and since
that time has been assisting her mother, Mrs. Mary Blay, to conduct
a boarding house on State street. Yesterday afternoon she was taken
suddenly ill, and she died this morning. She is survived by two
sons, ten and eight years of age, and one brother and one sister,
William Frost and Mrs. Minute ____, both of Sorento, Ill. The body
will be shipped to Worden, Ill on Saturday evening and the funeral
will be held on Sunday.
TWITCHELL, CHET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 16, 1918
Death from Injuries Following Fight
Whether the injuries that caused the death of Chet Twitchell, 47,
were suffered at the hands of Owen Mowrey or from a fall after his
fight with Mowrey will decide the question of holding Mowrey to the
grand jury on a charge of manslaughter. The coroner's jury will hold
an inquest this evening to pass upon the case. Twitchell died at St.
Joseph's Hospital at 1 o'clock this morning. He died from injuries
he received a few days ago. He suffered an injury at the base of the
skull. Twitchell, according to the story told by Mowrey, challenged
him to a fight after an argument in the Meyers' saloon. Meyers said
this morning that the fight did not occur in his saloon, but in the
street in front of the saloon. Mowrey's story was that he beat
Twitchell, and while the latter was going home after the fight, he
fell and received the fatal injury. A daughter of Twitchell secured
the arrest of Mowrey, and he has been held without bond. The
daughter claims that the death of Twitchell was due directly to the
beating he received. Twitchell is survived by his wife, Margaret,
three daughters, and two sons. The family have been living at 1017
East Fourth street. The body will be shipped Saturday evening to the
old home at Monterey, Ill. The funeral will be held there on Sunday
afternoon. Mowrey is a blacksmith employed at the Federal Lead
Plant. He is married. The inquest which is to be conducted this
evening will probably attract more attention than any inquest held
for some time. Deputy Coroner William P. Bauer has secured the names
of ten witnesses to the fight. They will all be present this
evening. Mrs. Mowrey appeared this afternoon with names of a number
of character witnesses. Some of these will be at the inquest this
TWOGOOD, NANCY/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 14, 1839
Died, at Upper Alton, on the night of the 2d inst., Mrs. Nancy
Twogood, wife of Mr. Daniel H. Twogood of New Orleans, late of the
city of New York, aged 41 years. The deceased was one of those whose
place cannot be filled in the circle of her friends and
acquaintances. Always mild and affectionate to those with whom she
had intercourse, and most decidedly attached to her husband and
infant children. Peace to her ashes, and consolation to her
connections and friends, is the prayer of her friend.