OAKLASS, JANE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 12, 1907
The funeral of Mrs. Jane Oaklass, who came to Alton from Kentucky
when she was a young woman and who died Tuesday night at the age of
80 years, was held this morning from St. Mary's church where a
requiem mass was said by Rev. Fr. Meckel. Burial was in St. Josephs
cemetery and the obsequies were attended by a large number of
friends and neighbors of deceased and of her family. Many beautiful
floral offerings were made.
O’BANNON, M. W./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 28, 1879
Died at Moro, August 18, 1879, of consumption, Mrs. M. W. O’Bannon;
aged about 45 years.
OBEN, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 8, 1900
After many months of suffering with dropsy, Henry Oben is dead. His
death came unexpected Sunday morning as he was in his home. He has
been in bad health a long time, and has traveled in vain to benefit
his condition. Saturday he was on the streets, and greeted his
friends, and in the afternoon went out for a ride. He was taken ill
that night and death followed at 10 o'clock Sunday morning. His
death is a relief to him after his many months of pain and
suffering. He was a glassblower by trade, and was 29 years of age.
The funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and
services will be at the home, 926 east Fifth street. Rev. Theo.
Oberhellman will conduct the services. John Oben, a brother in
Denver, will arrive to attend the funeral.
OBEN, KATE/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 17, 1896
Miss Kate Oben died Saturday after a long illness from lung
troubles. She leaves a mother, four brothers, and five sisters. The
funeral took place Monday afternoon from the family home, 626 East
Fifth Street.
OBEN, MINK/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 13, 1884
Mr. Mink Oben, a native of Germany, for many years a resident of
Alton, died yesterday at the age of 57 years, after a long and
painful illness. He left a wife and several children to mourn his
death. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon from the family
residence on Fifth Street, east of Ridge Street.
OBEN, SOPHIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 8, 1918
Mrs. Sophie Oben, for many years a resident of Alton, died Sunday at
12:22 p.m. at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Charles
Stritmatter, 1313 State street, aged 70 years, after a week's
sickness with pneumonia. She was born August 22, 1848, in Germany,
and came to Alton at the time of the assassination of President
Lincoln. She had lived at the Oben homestead on East Fifth street
until five years ago, when she went to make her home with her son,
William, at Godfrey. She was a member of the Alton Evangelical
Church and Ladies' Aid Society. Surviving her are the following
children: Mrs. Margaret Harvey and Mrs. Carl Stinquist of Los
Angeles, Cal.; John Oben of Denver, Colo.; Frank Oben, Mrs.
Stritmatter, Mrs. William Schmoeller of Alton; William Oben of
Godfrey; and Mrs. Edward Abenbrink of Edwardsville. The funeral will
be Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Stritmatter home on State
street, thence to the Evangelical Church on Henry street.
OBERBECK, AMELIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 1, 1883
Died in Alton, October 29, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Amelia,
wife of F. W. Oberbeck; aged 51 years and 8 months.
OBERMUELLER, CHRISTOPHER/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 14,
After a long illness, Mr. Christopher Obermueller, one of Alton’s
best-known German citizens, died Thursday night [January 7, 1897]
from a complication of diseases. Mr. Obermueller’s sickness dates
back several years, but he has only been confined to his bed the
last few months. He was born in Germany, and two years ago made a
visit to the Fatherland. He came to this country when quite young,
and settled in Alton, and for many years has been a partner in the
firm of Neff & Obermueller, painters and paperhangers. He was a man
of excellent business judgment, and consequently was prosperous in
his business dealings. Mr. Obermueller’s standing in the community
has been high, and Alton has lost one of its best citizens. He was
70 years of age, and leaves a wife, three daughters, and a son, to
mourn his demise.
The funeral of the late Chrostopher Obermueller took place Sunday
morning from the home on East Third Street. A large concourse of
friends and acquaintances of the deceased gathered to show this last
honor, Rev. William Hackman officiated. The Alton Turnverein
attended in a body, and marched to the cemetery. The pallbearers
were Andrew Schnorr, Henry Lutz, William Horn, Fred Hefner, Adam
Wedel, and D. Busse.
Find A Grave has the name as Christian Obermiller. He was buried in
the Alton City Cemetery.
OBERMUELLER, LOUISA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 6,
Mrs. Louisa Obermueller, widow of the late Christopher Obermueller,
a former well-known painter who died thirteen years ago, died
Thursday evening at her home, 407 east Third street, after a long
illness. She leaves three daughters, Mrs. Clare Belle Rutter and
Misses Louisa and Aurelia Obermueller, all of Alton. She also leaves
a son by a former marriage, Ferdinand Unger, who lives in Wichita,
Kas. Two brothers, Charles and Fred Henick, and one sister, Mrs. H.
Meyer, all of Alton, survive. Mrs. Obermueller was born in
Cincinnati, Ohio, and was 66 years of age. The funeral will be held
Sunday morning at 9 o'clock from the residence, private. Services
will be conducted by Rev. Eitelgeorge, and burial will be in City
Telegraph, September 16, 1909
Mother Henrietta, who was Miss Catherine O'Brien before she entered
the convent, died at 5:30 o'clock this morning at the Ursuline
Convent. She went to mass Monday morning, and after that time
complained of feeling unwell. The Sisters did not think she was
seriously ill, although her feebleness caused much concern. This
morning at 5:30 o'clock she died peacefully and without pain. She
came to Alton to make her home 63 years ago when a girl ten years of
age, direct from Cork, Ireland. Fourteen years later she took the
veil in the Order of the Ursulines, and has ever since been a
teacher and adviser in the Ursuline convent in Alton. Mother
Henrietta was known as a kind soul who spread much sunshine among
those with whom she came in contact. The Sisters and students of the
Convent for many years past will learn with deep regret of her
death, for she was beloved by all of them. The funeral will be held
Saturday morning.
O'BRIEN, CHRISTOPHER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 23,
The funeral of Christopher O'Brien was held this morning from SS.
Peter and Paul's Cathedral. The funeral party accompanying the body
arriver from St. Louis at 9:30 o'clock and went to the Cathedral.
After services there the body was taken to Greenwood cemetery for
O'BRIEN JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 24, 1904
Deputy Coroner Will Bauer was called to Glassboro Monday and held an
inquest in the cause of the demise of John O'Brien, who was found
dead in his bed about 5:30 Monday morning. The verdict of the
coroner's jury was death from heart failure, super induced by
alcoholism. O'Brien was about 65 years of age, and was employed on
the Terminal railway as a section hand. He boarded with the section
boss, Mr. Watson, but little is known of him. The body was interred
in Milton Cemetery [Alton] Monday afternoon.
O’BRIEN, PATSY/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 27, 1885
Three boys went across the river in a skiff last Thursday, in search
of wild grapes. One of the number, named Patsy O’Brien, fell from
the limb of a tree that he had climbed in search of grapes, and
broke his neck, causing almost instant death. The companions of the
unfortunate lad came back and gave the slsarm. Captain S. S. Foster
and some others went to the place and brought the body over, and it
was taken to the family residence on Front Street, between Ridge and
Henry Streets.
O’BRIEN, THOMAS/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 2, 1853
We learn that Henry Stoeckle of Wood River settlement, who
accidentally shot and killed Thomas O’Brien on the 27th ult., was,
on Tuesday last, arrested under a warrant from Justice Woods of
Alton, for involuntary manslaughter. The examination continued until
a late hour in the night, and resulted in the defendant’s being held
to bail in the sum of three hundred dollars, for his appearance at
the next term of the Circuit Court. The inquiry was very ably
conducted by Judge Martin for the people, and Levi Davis, Esq., for
the defendant.
O'BRIEN, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 6, 1908
Thomas O'Brien, a native of East Alton, died yesterday about noon at
St. Joseph's hospital from dropsy. He was 55 years of age, and has
spent a great deal of his life away from Alton in railroad work, his
last position being roadmaster of a road running into Hot Springs,
Arkansas, a position he held at the time of his death. He was
unmarried and leaves a brother, Martin O'Brien, a well known C. & A.
railroad man now living at Blue Springs, Missouri. Martin has been
here since his brother was brought from Hot Springs to the hospital
about three weeks ago. Assessor J. J. Hammond is a nephew of
deceased. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock from
St. Patrick's church, and burial will be in Greenwood cemetery.
O’BRIEN, UNKNOWN MAN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 28, 1853
We learn that yesterday, on the line of the Terre Haute and Alton
Railroad, near Wood River, an Irishman named O’Brien was
accidentally shot by Henry Stickley of Upper Alton, and expired
immediately. The report is that they were playing carelessly with a
revolver, when it went off, the whole charge taking effect in the
neck of O’Brien. The affair is stated to be an entire accident,
though it certainly exhibits gross carelessness.
O'CONNELL, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 28,
William O'Connell, 74, died at 7:40 o'clock this morning at St.
Joseph's hospital after a long illness. He had been at the hospital
four weeks. Mr. O'Connell had been a resident of Alton for many
years. He was born in Cork, Ireland. For several years he was
janitor at St. Patrick's school. He is survived by his widow and
seven daughters and a son. The son is Joseph O'Connell of Alton, and
the daughters are: Mrs. L. D. Quintal of Alton; Mrs. L. R. Raymond
of Flat River, Mo.; Mrs. Dan Harinelt of Alton; Mrs. Thomas Maguire
of Alton; Mrs. Herman Kennedy of Kansas City; Mrs. Elmer Moorhead of
St. Louis; and Mrs. William Smell of Alton. The body has been
removed to the home of Mrs. Quintal, 1208 Central avenue, and the
funeral will be from there, Monday. Requiem Mass will be sung at St.
Patrick's church at 9 a.m. Monday. Interment will be in Greenwood
O'CONNOR, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 15, 1905
John O'Connor, aged 60, who was burned March 11 at East Alton while
lying asleep on a pile of grass which was ignited as he slept, by a
passing locomotive, died Sunday night at St. Joseph's hospital. Dr.
E. A. Cook of Upper Alton turned the body over to Coroner Streeper
after having made an ineffectual search to find the friends and
relatives of the man. O'Connor told Dr. Cook that for twenty years
he had heard nothing from his family. He believed he had a sister in
Chicago, but Dr. Cook could not find her. O'Connor was given the
best of attention by Dr. Cook, who is county physician of Woodriver
township, where the man was burned. No inquest will be held as Dr.
Cook will issue a death certificate. The day O'Connor was burned he
was sound asleep when the flames raced across the dried meadow and
caught on the pile of grass. His clothing was burned off him and he
sustained bad, deep wounds. All the money the man possessed was in
his trouser's pockets, which were destroyed and the money with it.
O'Connor said he had been a tramp for thirty years.
O’CONNOR, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 02, 1896
From Edwardsville – The funeral of Mrs. Mary O’Connor, who for
upwards of 40 years was a resident of Edwardsville, occurred
Tuesday. Deceased died in St. Louis, Sunday morning, at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Kate Mcclosky.
O’DAY, LIZZIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 31, 1891
The funeral of Mrs. Lizzie O’Day took place Saturday from the
residence of James Fitzpatrick on Main Street, to the Cathedral.
Mrs. O’Day died at her home in Parnell, Missouri, and was brought
here for interment, the body being taken, on its arrival here last
night, to Mr. Fitzpatrick’s residence. Mrs. O’Day, before her
marriage, was Miss Lizzie Galvin of Delhi. There was a very large
attendance of friends and acquaintances at the services and funeral.
The pallbearers were John Dooley, John Forhan, James Fitzpatrick,
Michael Hendly, David Gorman, Michael McDonnell.
O’DAY, NONA/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 24, 1887
Nona, infant daughter of Mr. Thomas O’Day, died yesterday morning at
the age of 13 months. The body was taken to North Alton today for
ODELL, GEORGE JR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 5, 1911
Drowned at Hop Hollow
George Odell, aged 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. George S. Odell of
Holland street in the North Side, was drowned at Hop Hollow Tuesday.
With his brother, Joseph Odell, and two other young men, he had gone
swimming. The young man had been very unfortunate on Fourth of July.
Two years ago he was very badly burned at the Western Military
Academy grounds during a picnic when someone lighted a package of
firecrackers he had in his trousers’ pocket. Thereafter, he had been
very cautious in handling fireworks, and had been warned many times
to let them alone. He seemed to be just as apprehensive of fireworks
and their danger, and he let them alone, so went swimming as part of
his day's festivities. He could not swim very well, but doubtless
could have taken care of himself in the water, and it is supposed
that in diving he struck his head on a stone, and he never came up.
He had worked at the old Charles Kuchn store on State street for six
years, and was depended upon and highly esteemed by his employers.
After Mr. Kuehn's death he continued in the store, and Mrs. Kuehn
and her daughters had the utmost confidence in him. When informed of
his death they were among those who were the most grief-stricken.
The parents have seen their share of misfortune. Last winter their
house was burned in the North Side, and everything in it was
destroyed. They even lost all their clothes and neighbors had to
lend them clothes until they could replenish their supply. In their
latest affliction, they have the sympathy of everyone. The body of
George Odell was found by the searchers last night at one o'clock. A
fisherman who had been dragging the river picked the body up near
the dike, where the drowning occured. The body had not floated from
the place it sank. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon from
the family home.
ODELL, GEORGE SR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 15, 1912
George Odell died Friday morning at 10 o'clock at his home, 1221
Holland street, after an illness of five months from Bright's
disease. He was 50 years old and leaves a wife and four children,
Joe, Marie, Florence and Glenny. He was born in Franklin county,
Mo., and came to Alton twelve years ago. During practically all of
the time since he worked for Beall Bros., and was an industrious,
honest, good man. The Odell family has experienced many hard knocks
from fate in recent years. A few years ago the house caught fire one
night when most of the family were at a neighbors, and it and the
contents were burned. Last Fourth of July George, the oldest son,
was drowned at Hopp Hollow. The widow and children have the sympathy
of the community. Funeral arrangements have not been made.
ODDY, ANN ELIZA (nee THOMPSON)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
March 21, 1921
The death of Mrs. William Oddy occurred at the family home at 1113
Milnor Avenue Sunday morning at one o'clock. She was in her 85th
year. Mrs. Oddy had been in fairly good health up until about two
weeks ago when she became ill, although it was not until a week ago
that her condition became serious. Mrs. Oddy was born in Leeds,
Yorkshire, England, August 11, 1836, and came to America with her
family in 1881 going to Canada. She came to Alton in 1896 and has
made her home here since. Mrs. Oddy was an earnest Christian woman
and has been for many years a member of the First Baptist Church.
She is survived by four children, Mrs. L. S. Shaver, Mrs. J. B.
Mawdsley Sr., Mr. Thomas Oddy, all of Alton; and Mr. Alfred Oddy of
St. Louis; also ten grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. The
funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock from
the family home. Rev. M. W. Twing will officiate.
ODDY, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 26, 1912
William Oddy, in his 75th year, died before noon today at his
residence, 1113 Milnor avenue, after an illness of about one year.
Mr. Oddy was taken down just before Christmas a year ago and his
condition was thought to be hopeless at that time, but he regained
some strength and was able to be up and down town, attending to his
work in his shop on Market street where he did cabinet work that
required skill in its execution. He was known as a skillful
mechanic. On November 17, he suffered another severe illness,
paralysis developed, and his death was looked for at any time since
then. He leaves his wife, two sons, Thomas and Alfred Oddy, and two
daughters, Mrs. J. B. Mawdsley and Mrs. Eleanor Shaver. Mr. Oddy was
a native of Leeds, England. He came to America in 1881 and after
living in Canada a while he went to Elgin, Ill., and from there to
Minneapolis, thence to Alton. He had lived in Alton seventeen years.
Four years ago Mr. and Mrs. William Oddy celebrated their fiftieth
wedding anniversary. When Mrs. Oddy was one year old her mother went
over to the Oddy home to see Mr. Oddy when he was a week old, and
they grew up together as playmates and later were married. The
funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home
on Milnor avenue.
O'DONNELL, ANNA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 23, 1915
The funeral of Mrs. Anna O'Donnell was held this morning from the
Cathedral to Greenwood Cemetery. The body arrived this morning from
Granite City and was taken at once to the Cathedral where mass was
said by Father Costello and Father Marion of Brighton delivered the
OETKEN, BERNARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 30, 1897
From Bethalto – Died December 21, Bernard Oetken, at the age of 88
years, 6 months. He was born at Fredericksburg, Germany on May 24,
1809. His father died while quite young, and he was raised by his
grandmother. He served in the German army, and as Warden of Public
Forest. Then he moved with his family to America, and settled on the
Blankenship farm near Ridgely. In 1865, he purchased the farm 1 ½
miles from Bethalto, where he lived until his death. There are five
sons, two daughters, thirteen grandchildren, and ten
great-grandchildren to mourn his death. The family extend their
thanks to neighbors and friends for their kind aid and assistance
during his illness; also to Edward Humphrey and his choir for their
choice selections of songs at funeral service.
O'DRISCOLL, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 31, 1906
It was Mrs. Mary O'Driscoll of east Fifth street, not Mrs. D. J.
Discoll of Lincoln avenue, who died yesterday afternoon. She is
survived by her husband and several children, three of whom, Misses
Theresa, Gertrude and Jennie, live in Alton. The family came from
the East six or seven years ago. The funeral will be held Saturday
morning from St. Patrick's church at 10 o'clock. Mrs. O'Driscoll was
a member of Madison Hive Ladies of the Maccabees, and was an officer
of the hive.
OECHSLE, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 28, 1891
From Marine – Last Sunday our village was startled by the news that
John Oechsle, an old citizen and long a resident of Marine, had been
killed at St. Jacobs by a fast train on the Vandalia Railroad. He
attempted to cross in front of the express in his buggy, but the
train struck the buggy and threw it and the driver into the air
several feet, they alighting some seventy feet from the track. The
vehicle is a total wreck. Mr. Oechsle was instantly killed, and
strange to say the harness was stripped from the horse and it
escaped uninjured. Mr. Oechsle was buried Monday in the Marine
Cemetery. He leaves a wife and several children, who have the
sympathy of all in being thus suddenly deprived of a husband and
John Oechsle was born in 1826 in Switzerland. He married Sophia
Josephine Matthew in 1863, and they had the following children: Leo
Oechsle (1872-1947); Hugo Oechsle (1876-1944); Bertha M. Oechsle
Schmitt (1878-1964); and John Bruno Oechsle (1884-1952). Mr. Oechsle
was buried in the Marine Cemetery.
OEHLER, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 12, 1900
The coroner was summoned to Venice this morning to hold an inquest
on the body of John Oehler, who dropped senseless on a ferryboat at
Madison and died without regaining consciousness.
OETKEN, DORA (nee DEPENDAHL)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
August 2, 1918
Mrs. Dora Oetken, wife of George Oetken of Fosterburg, died at a
hospital at Indianapolis, Ind., of cancer, Thursday at 2:30 p.m. Her
only son was present at her bedside. The remains were brought to
Alton this morning and taken to the residence at Fosterburg. She
leaves her husband and one son, Benjamin, her daughter-in-law and
four grandchildren, also her aged father, John F. Dependahl, nearly
90 years old. She also leaves three sisters, Mrs. William Nienbrugge
of Fosterburg, Mrs. O. F. Straube of Alton, Mrs. Henry Gvillo of
Fosterburg, and two brothers, William of Brighton and John of
Fosterburg. Mrs. Oetken was a member of the Zion Presbyterian Church
of Fosterburg, from which place the funeral will be held Sunday at 2
p.m. ______nephews will act as pall bearers and Rev. B. F. Fieselman
will have charge of the funeral services. She was president of the
Sewing Circle of the Zion Church from its origin to her death, a
faithful member of the church, a loving mother and grandmother and a
devoted wife. Mrs. Oetken was one who always had a good word for
everyone, and was loved by the entire community.
OETKEN, FENNA C./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 4, 1886
From Bethalto - Mrs. Behernd O. Oetken died at her son’s (Ben)
residence in Fort Russell, Saturday morning, of cancer. She had been
operated upon twice this winter by Dr. Fred Gaertner, but the
operations did not prove successful. She leaves a husband and
several grown up sons and daughters. The funeral took place from the
Lutheran Church, and was largely attended. The remains were
deposited in the Bethalto Cemetery. [She was born October 15, 1818.
Burial was in the Bethalto United Methodist Church Cemetery.]
OETKEN, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 14, 1895
From Bethalto – The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oetken
deeply sympathize with them in the loss of their dear little girl,
aged three years, which occurred at noon Wednesday. Funeral will
take place Friday.
O’FALLON, AGNES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 06,
Miss Agnes O’Fallon, a sister of Rev. Fr. O’Fallon, died at St.
Joseph’s Hospital this morning after an illness with typhoid fever.
Miss O’Fallon lived with her brother in Alton, while he was rector
of St. Patrick’s Church. On his removal from here to Canada, she
accompanied him and remained there on his return to take up the
duties at the Jerseyville church made vacant by Rev. Fr. Harty. She
was taken ill with typhoid fever, and came to be with her brother
about two weeks ago. She was placed in St. Joseph’s Hospital in
Alton, and rapidly grew weaker. Her death was not unexpected, as she
had been in a dying condition twenty-four hours.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 07, 1899
The body of Miss Agnes O’Fallon will be taken to Montreal, Canada,
for interment in the family burying ground. Rev. Fr. O’Fallon of
Jerseyville will accompany the body to Montreal.
OGG, CARRIE [HART]/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 29,
Woman Shot by Husband While Carrying 19 Months Old Baby
Walter Ogg, a negro, shot and killed his wife, Carrie Ogg, aged 19,
Saturday night. She was a daughter of Sam Hart. At the time the
woman was shot, she was carrying her 19 months old baby, going to
her father's home. She was at North and Pearl streets when her
husband overtook her, and in the presence of several witnesses shot
her through the heart. The woman, after being shot, laid her baby
down on the ground to avoid hurting it, and then fell over dead. Her
husband fired another shot into her and then fled. The couple had
quarreled and were living apart. The woman was staying with her
father and Ogg, with his mother. She had been to the home of Ogg's
mother Saturday night and was on her way home after a quarrel. The
murderer did not try to shoot the child, it is supposed, as he could
have done so easily. The shooting occurred at the place of Alexander
Wegener. Within a short time after the shooting a big party of
infuriated negroes were helping the police to search for the
murderer. It was supposed he had taken to the willows along the
river front, but a careful search there failed to result in his
capture. It is supposed he went to St. Louis or Paducah, Ky. If he
had been caught by the searchers it is believed the police would
have had a hard time saving him, as there were many threats to kill
him if captured. Ogg and his wife had been living at the home of W.
S. Voyles, keeping house for him, and Voyles put them out last week.
After that event the couple separated, as Ogg was worthless and
seldom, if ever, worked, and could not support his wife. Deputy
Coroner Keiser will hold an inquest this evening over the body of
the victim of Ogg. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon from
the Union Baptist Church.
O’HARA, HUGH/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 24, 1881
From the Daily of March 19 – Mr. Hugh O’Hara, a native of Ireland,
who had lived between the Coal Branch and Upper Alton for twenty
years, but who had been working as a coal miner for the past two
years in Jersey and Macoupin counties, was found about 9 o’clock
last night at the Summit, lying within two feet of the railroad
track, dead, with a terrible fracture of the skull on the crown of
the head above the left ear. Mr. J. F. Toomey, Night Yard Master,
took a switch engine as soon as the sad news arrived, went to the
place and conveyed the remains to the Chicago & Alton Freight Depot,
where the inquest was held by Coroner Youree, he having arrived by
the I. & St. Louis Road, soon after 10 o’clock. A jury was impaneled
with A. G. Wolford as foreman, and the following witnesses were
examined – Anderson Scroggins, J. F. Toomey, B. Diamond, John
Chessen, James Webster. Mr. Scroggins gave the most important
evidence, as he was with deceased in the city yesterday evening, got
on the Springfield accommodation train at the same time, both
intending to go to Delhi, and saw him led off the train by the
conductor shortly after leaving the city (because deceased had no
money with which to pay his fare), the train being stopped perfectly
still for that purpose. This was done without any disturbance or
resistance. When his body was searched, it was found that he did
have thirty cents in change, more than enough to pay his fare to
Godfrey, in addition to a few other articles. The evidence of the
other witnesses was not very important, with the exception that
James Webster stated that deceased, about noon yesterday, had quite
a roll of bills in a pocket book, but witness did not know the
amount. There were rumors of foul play in connection with the case,
but nothing to show that it was other than an accident. Deceased was
known to many of our citizens. He left quite a large family of
children, his wife having been dead several years. Two sons, who
lived at Mount Olive, were telegraphed for and are expected here
this evening. The verdict of the jury was to the effect that
deceased came to his death by being struck by a passing train at the
Summit, Friday evening, March 18, after being put off the cars for
the non-payment of fare. The verdict did not exonerate the railroad
company from all blame.
O’HARE CATHARINE/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 2, 1891
Mrs. Catharine O’Hare died Saturday after an illness of two months,
of cancer of the stomach. Mrs. O’Hare has been a resident of Alton
for quite a number of years, was 56 years of age, and leaves three
sons and five daughters to mourn her death.
O'HARE, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 28, 1904
Michael O'Hare, whose sudden death Sunday morning at the home of J.
C. Pope, recorded yesterday, was buried yesterday afternoon in
Greenwood cemetery. Services were conducted at the Cathedral. The
pallbearers were James Mathie, Thomas Mathie, John Mathie, William
Hall, Charles Mook, and Robert Baird.
O’HARE, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 24,
Mr. and Mrs. James O’Hare were deeply afflicted Monday morning, by
the death of their infant child, seven months old. When Mrs. O’Hare
first awakened, the child was lying dead on her arm. Dr. Garvin,
after an examination of the case, pronounced it heart disease. The
funeral took place today.
O'HAVER, ADELAIDE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 1,
Mrs. Adelaide O'Haver died at her home at 319 East Fourth street at
7 o'clock Sunday morning after an illness of less than a week's
duration. She had been in good health up to the time of her death,
and the members of her family and her many friends were greatly
shocked over her sudden death. Mrs. O'Haver was born in Milford,
Michigan, December 2, 1845, and came with her parents to Illinois at
the age of 12 years, living in Carrollton and Kane, being married in
the latter place. Later she removed to Alton where she has resided
ever since. Nine and eleven years ago respectively she lost her two
daughters, Misses Minnie and Mae O'Haver, through death. Since that
time she has been known only to those close friends and
acquaintances who knew her as a sweet, patient woman with a cheerful
and kindly disposition, and who was always helpful to others. Mrs.
O'Haver leaves of her own immediate family one son, John O'Haver of
East St. Lois, and four sisters, Mrs. Ulrich Eberhardt of Newark, N.
J., Mrs. Joseph L. Dressell of Kane, Miss Sara Hudson of this city,
and Mrs. William Cartwright of Upper Alton. The funeral will be held
from the home on East Fourth street at 1 o'clock Wednesday
afternoon, Rev. M. W. Twing will conduct the funeral service at the
home after which the remains will be shipped to Kane, Ill. for
O'HAVER, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 26, 1901
Miss Mary O'Haver died at her home on Fourth street at 5 o'clock
this morning after a long and weary illness. Miss O'Haver was for
many years a primary teacher in the public schools of Alton where
she held the esteem of her co-workers and the many patrons whose
little ones were in her charge. She was born at Kane, Greene County,
Illinois, April 29, 1866, and her childhood was spent in that place
and in Alton, where she passed her subsequent life. She was a
graduate of the Alton High School, and her best interests have
always been directed toward its welfare. She was much interested in
musical work as well, finishing a course in the Alton Conservatory
and continuing her work in this line has taught her beloved art to
many little children. In religious work also, Miss O'Haver's
presence will be missed as she was an earnest Christian Endeavourer
and Sabbath school helper of the Congregational church and its
Mission school. Miss O'Haver leaves her mother, Mrs. Adelaid O'Haver
of this city, and a brother, John O'Haver of East St. Louis, to
mourn her death, besides many near relatives. Her death following so
soon after that of her sister's, Miss Minnie, has caused a sad and
tearful shock to her friends. The funeral will take place Friday
morning at 7:30 o'clock from the home on Fourth street. Interment at
Kane, Ill.
O’HAVER, MINNIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 22, 1898
Miss Minnie O’Haver died Saturday afternoon. The young lady had been
ill for many months with consumption. Almost one year ago she was
taken with the dread disease, and her health in a few months
declined until it was deemed necessary that she be moved to the
Pacific coast, where it was hoped that she might recuperate health.
She remained there for several months, but her condition did not
improve materially, and she was brought home. In the full knowledge
that her life could not last much longer, she awaited the end with
true Christian composure. The end came peacefully, and she died in
the full confidence of the faith in which she had lived. She was a
member of the Church of the Redeemer (Congregational), and in all
things pertaining to church work was an interested worker. In the
Christian Endeavor Society of the church, and the Congregational
Mission, she was as earnest and zealous member, and always could be
depended upon to do her part. She was of a happy disposition, and
among her friends will be much missed. Miss O’Haver was 26 years of
age, and had lived in Alton all her life.
The funeral services were held Tuesday from the family home on
Fourth Street. The attendance at the services was quite large, and
among those present were the young people of the church and Sunday
School, of which she was a member. The pallbearers were Allen
Keiser, Fred Sawyer, Charles Beall, John O’Haver, Will Cartwright,
Elijah Owens. The body accompanied by friends and relatives was
taken to Kane for interment.
O'HEARN, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 28, 1913
William O'Hearn, a councilman of Benbow City, died suddenly at 3
o'clock yesterday morning after a 6 hours' illness. O'Hearn has been
tending bar in the Marsh saloon for several months and waited on
customers in the saloon until 9 o'clock Tuesday night. When he
became ill he was taken into the back part of the saloon where he
was kept for several hours. Finally, John Brady and Jerome Ford,
Benbow City marshals, took him to the village hall where Dr. E. D.
Gottshalk was called. Despite all that could be done, he died at 3
o'clock. O'Hearn was known as the "handy man" of Benbow City. As
Mayor A. E. Benbow was gone a great part of the time, he was often
called upon to do the duties of mayor. At various times he served as
marshal, village clerk, election judge, fire department volunteer
and other similar village duties. Mr. O'Hearn was known for his
generous and helping disposition and will be greatly missed. The
councilman was 39 years of age. He came to Benbow City when it was a
very small place and stayed with it as it grew and then began to
decline owing to the destructive fires. O'Hearn fought at all of
those fires and did such heroic service several times that he became
ill afterwards. The last time a fire test was made in Benbow City,
O'Hearn was slightly burned on the arm and has been ailing ever
since, but this is not thought to be in any way responsible for his
death. O'Hearn was not married and had no relatives except a
grandmother in Fall River, Mass., who was said to be wealthy.
O'Hearn used to be a St. Louis policeman and his mother died there a
few years ago. His friends are making an investigation in St. louis
today to find a cousin believed to be alive who could give some
direction about the burial. If no relatives are found, Mayor Benbow
and the councilmen are planning to hold a public funeral from the
Benbow City village hall. The body is in charge of Undertaker C. N.
OHLEY, ALBERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 23, 1899
Albert, the eighteen-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ohley,
died last evening at the family home. 1205 East Third Street. The
funeral will be Wednesday from the family home.
OHLEY, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 26, 1915
Edward Ohley, aged 53, died this morning at his home. Mr. Ohley was
a cooper by trade, and a long-time resident of Alton. He is survived
by his wife and five children – Joseph and Emily Ohley; Mrs.
Elizabeth Springman; Mrs. Katie Spatz; and Mrs. Frances Kranz. He
leaves two brothers, Henry and Louis Ohley; and two sisters, Mrs.
Yackel and Mrs. Barth. The funeral will be Sunday from St. Mary’s
Church. Burial will be in the St. Joseph’s Cemetery.
OHLEY, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 29, 1915
Edward Ohley’s funeral was held Sunday afternoon from St. Mary’s
Church, where services were conducted by Rev. Joseph Meckel. The
church was filled with friends, neighbors, relatives, and associate
members, and the procession in which these various fraternalists
walked from the church to St. Joseph’s Cemetery was one of the
longest seen in that part of the city for a long time. Among those
who marched were members of the Western Catholic Union, St. Boniface
Branch, members of the Eagles, and members of the Bartenders Union.
Burial was in St. Joseph’s Cemetery beaneath a heavy coverlet of
flowers, the offerings of sympathizing friends. Brief services were
conducted at the grave side.
OHLEY, LOUIS C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 4, 1918
Louis C. Ohley died at the family home at 2508 East Broadway Sunday
at 3:30 o'clock after a short illness with pneumonia. Ohley was 26
years of age last May and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis A.
Ohley. The deceased has a host of friends to mourn his loss, being
well thought of by all who knew him. He was married to Miss Mary
Schneider on the first of November in 1911, and leaves his wife and
a little four year old girl, Dorothy. He is also survived by his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Ohley; two brothers, Fred and
Charles; and one sister, Ida. No funeral arrangements have been
OHLEY, MAMIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 11, 1890
From Bethalto – Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ohley were sorely bereaved this
week in the death, by diptheria, of their beloved daughter, little
Mamie, aged nearly six years. The funeral took place Tuesday
afternoon from the family residence on Third Street. The terrible
disease which took the dear little one away was such that many of
their friends could not go to their assistance, for fear of
endangering the lives of their own little ones.
OHLEY, TILLIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 25, 1889
From Bethalto – Mr. and Mrs. William Ohley were afflicted on
Saturday in the death of their youngest child, a little girl, a year
and a half old. The funeral took place from the family residence on
Third Street. [Burial was in the Bethalto United Methodist Church
OHLEY, TYSON WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 29,
The seven months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ohley of Yager Park
died last evening at 5:40 o'clock. The little one's name was Tyson
William Ohley. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock on Thursday
OHLEY, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 5, 1885
From Bethalto – Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ohley were sorely afflicted this
week in the loss of their infant babe.
OHLEY, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 23, 1896
Mr. William Ohley died at the age of 38 years. Deceased has resided
in Bethalto for many years, coming here a cooper. For several years
he has not been in the best of health, during the last year he has
been sinking rapidly until his death, which occurred Wednesday, July
22. He was a man of genial disposition, and had a host of friends
who will be pained to hear of his death. Deceased was a member of
the I.O.O.F. and A.O.U.W, the latter of which his life was insured.
The departed leaves a wife and ___ children. The body will be
interred in the Bethalto Cemetery.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 30, 1896
From Bethalto – The funeral of the late William Ohley took place at
the C. P. Church Friday, July 24. Rev. A. Hunter made a few remarks,
and then the Bethalto I.O.O.F. took charge, and their beautiful
ceremony so full of love and consolation was performed. The large
concourse of friends and acquaintances attested the esteem in which
the departed man was held by his neighbors. The deceased leaves a
devoted wife and two lovely children to mourn the loss of a dear
husband and father. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of all.
OHLEY, WILLIAM E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 29,
William E. Ohley died at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Ohley, 1108 East Third street, at 5:30 o'clock Tuesday night. The
young man had been ill for several months, and his death was not
unexpected by the members of the family. Several years ago, Ohley
was shot accidentally, at the powder works range, while putting up
targets for some marksmen. His health was somewhat impaired at that
time, and later he was injured in another explosion at the powder
works. Since then he had been an invalid. The deceased was 24 years
of age, and his death is a sad blow to his many friends who have
cared tenderly for him during his long illness. He leaves besides
his parents, five brothers and four sisters. The brothers are Otto
of Daleville, Indiana, Henry of St. Louis, John, Edward and Walter
of Alton. The sisters are Mrs. William Wermuth, Mrs. Chris Picker,
and Carrie and Florence Ohley of Alton. The funeral arrangements
will be made when William Wermuth, who is in Philadelphia, Pa.,
burying his sister, returns.
OHLSEN, UNKNOWN CHILD OF ALEX/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
October 19, 1907
A seven months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ohlsen of 617 Spring
street died yesterday and was buried this afternoon from the family
O’KELL, GEORGE B./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 26,
Mr. George B. O’kell, a member of the Drummond-Randle Tobacco Co.,
previously connected with the Drummond Tobacco Co. of St. Louis,
died at the residence of Mr. C. H. Randle, this morning, of brain
affection and partial paralysis, at the age of almost 54 years.
Deceased had been prostrated a week by his illness, and during the
most of that time was unconscious. He was born at Brooklyn, New
York, in December 1833. He had resided in Alton about three years.
He was an estimable man of fine business capacity, and was a member
of the Episcopal Church. He left a wife, Mary Elizabeth (Teesdale)
O’Kell, and one daughter, Fanette Blair O’Kell. Funeral services
will take place tomorrow at Mr. C. H. Randle’s residence. The
remains will be taken to Chicago for burial, accompanied by Mr.
Charles H. Randle and Mr. S. A. Hilliard of Chicago.
OKLEY, J. W./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 20, 1874
Died on March 8 in Alton, of heart disease, Mr. J. W. Okley; in the
48th year of his age.
O’LAUGHLIN, LUCY/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 16, 1893
Died at the residence of her parents in upper Middletown, Lucy,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. O’Laughlin, aged 12 years and 4 months,
of Bright’s disease. Burial was in the Bethalto Cemetery.
O’LAUGHLIN, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 26, 1877
Dr. C. S. Youree of Venice, Coroner of Madison County, arrived in
Alton yesterday afternoon, and proceeded to the Sisters’ Hospital,
corner of Second and Walnut Streets in Hunterstown, where he held an
inquest over the remains of Michael O’Laughlin, who was fatally
injured by an engine on the Chicago & Alton Railroad, about 7
o’clock a.m. yesterday, and who died in less than two hours
afterward. The jury rendered the following verdict: “We, the jurors,
find that Michael O’Laughlin came to his death by being thrown from
the track of the Chicago and Alton Railroad by Engine No. 130,
attached to passenger train No. 4, near the foot of Cherry Street in
the city of Alton, on July 19, about seven o’clock. We also find
from the evidence that the train was running at an unusual rate of
speed within the city limited.”
The latter part of the verdict seemed to be a compromise of opinion,
as the evidence on the point was somewhat conflicting. The evidence
of every witness was to the effect that the engine bell rang
constantly, showing that the usual precautions were taken to prevent
accidents. Mr. John N. Guiler, a careful, experienced engineer, was
in charge of the engine, and testified that he did not see anyone on
the track after he left the Union Depot, and did not know of the
accident until almost five hours afterward, when in East St. Louis.
He then examined the cowcatcher and engine, but could find no signs
of an accident having occurred. Mr. Guilder also testified that the
rate of speed within the city limits was something near six miles an
Two other witnesses were examined, one of whom testified that the
train was running at the rate of 18 or 20 miles an hour. The
deceased made an ante mortem statement to some of the witnesses, and
said that his name was Michael O’Laughlin, that he was a native of
county Mayo, Ireland, and that his parents lived in New York City.
The doctor discovered that his left leg was broken, his head badly
bruised, and besides was, no doubt, injured internally.
OLCOTT, ANTOINETTE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 26, 1902
The body of Miss Antoinette Olcott, whose death occurred at St.
Louis, has been brought here for burial. Miss Olcott came here in
1834 and lived here for many years; was once a teacher here, but for
the past sixteen years she has been in an insane hospital. She was a
member of the Baptist church and the funeral service will be held
there tomorrow at 2 o'clock, the pastor Rev. L. M. Waterman
officiating. There are no relatives of the deceased woman here. A
nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell of Whitehall, will arrive
here this evening.
OLCOTT, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 14, 1881
From Upper Alton – Miss Mary Olcott, for many years a resident of
Upper Alton, died a few days since. She was about 80 years of age,
and for a long while has been almost helpless. She was a most
excellent woman, a consistent member of the Baptist Church, and bore
her sufferings and privations with great fortitude.
OLDAKER, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 20,
Killed on the Job at Alton Water Company
Thomas Oldaker, aged 32, a machinist who has been repairing engines
and pumps at the pumping station of the Alton Water Company, was
almost instantly killed Sunday afternoon as he was completing
repairs on the centrifugal pump in the deep pit. He had been working
on the engine and pump several weeks and was just about to give the
engine a trial, when the fatal accident occurred. The engine had
stuck on dead center, and Oldaker placed a piece of gas pipe in the
flywheel to use as a lever, and then bore his weight on the lever to
throw the wheel around. He had turned on some steam in the engine,
which proved to be just enough to start the engine moving after he
had pried it off dead center, and the flywheel completing the
revolution Oldaker had started with the lever, the piece of gas pipe
came around as the wheel turned and struck him on the side of the
head, fracturing his skull. He was quickly taken out of the engine
pit, and died in about ten minutes before a doctor could see him.
His body was later removed to the family home on Monroe street, and
Coroner Streeper was notified to hold an inquest. Oldaker came here
from Youngstown, Ohio, and was a son of Stephen Oldaker. He leaves
his wife, but no children. He was known as a good machinist, and had
worked in several machine shops in the city before taking the job at
the water works pumping station. Engineer C. E. Parker says he was
standing close to Oldaker, but stepped out of the way just in time
to save himself from getting the blow that Oldaker received.
OLDENBURG, FLORENCE M./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 01, 1894
Mrs. Oldenburg, wife of Henry Oldenburg, died Saturday afternoon at
her home at Bush’s corner. Deceased was formerly a resident in
Alton, and has numerous friends. She was 28 years of age, and leaves
two young children. The funeral took place Tuesday from the home to
Nameoki. [Burial was in St. John’s Cemetery in Granite City.]
From East Alton – Mrs. H. Oldenburg, residing two and one-half miles
south of East Alton, died Sunday afternoon after a short illness of
brain fever. Mrs. Oldenburg was the wife of Mr. Henry Oldenburg,
former postmaster of Edwardsville Crossing, but now postmaster of
Oldenburg. The funeral took place Tuesday in the Nameoki Cemetery.
OLDENBURG, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 03,
The funeral of Henry Oldenburg was held Sunday afternoon at one
o’clock from the family home at Oldenburg. Interment was at Nameoki.
OLDENETTEL, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 24,
Mrs. Mary Oldenettel, wife of John Oldenettel, died this morning at
5 o'clock after an illness of three weeks with stomach troubles.
Mrs. Oldenettel was 37 years of age, and had lived in Alton many
years. She was a woman of many good qualities that endeared her to
her friends, and makes her loss a grievous one to her family. She
leaves besides her husband, four children. The funeral will take
place Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock from the family home at gold
and Bloomfield streets.
OLDHAM, LUCINDA J./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 30, 1866
Died on Saturday morning, of consumption, Mrs. Lucinda J., wife of
George Oldham.
OLDHAM, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 23, 1871
Died on June 21 in Alton, of consumption, Miss Mary Oldham, daughter
of Mr. George Oldham, in the 18th year of her age.
OLDHAM, MARY WADE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 02,
Daughter of Edward P. Wade of Alton
Accomplished Musician
Mrs. Mary Wade Oldham, wife of Dr. J. L. Oldham of New York City,
died in New York last evening after a long illness, according to a
message received from there last night by John Duncan. Mrs. John
Duncan was with Mrs. Oldham, her only sister, at the time of her
death, and had also been staying with Mrs. Oldham since last
September, during the last illness.
The death of Mrs. Oldham, while not expected, was a sad shock to a
very large number of friends in Alton. She was born here, and until
her marriage she had lived in Alton. She was a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward P. Wade of Alton, and a sister of Mrs. John Duncan of
Henry Street. She was a frequent visitor in Alton up to the time of
the death of her father, but since that time her own health had not
been very good, and for a long time she had been in such a bad state
of health as to cause her family much anxiety. It was when her case
became very had last summer, that Mrs. Duncan went east to be with
her sister. Mrs. Oldham will be brought back to Alton for burial,
and the funeral will probably be Thursday afternoon. The services
will be at the Duncan home on Henry Street, the old Wade home where
Mrs. Oldham spent many years of her life.
Mrs. Oldham was born in Alton October 3, 1861, and had passed her
sixty-third birthday. Her parents were one of the most prominent
families in Alton. Mrs. Oldham had an advanced musical education,
and was a woman of great talent. For years she played the pipe organ
in the old First Presbyterian Church. When she was here, her musical
ability caused her services to be much in demand at musical events.
She was a deeply religious woman, and while in Alton had an
important part in the First Presbyterian Sunday School. She was a
woman who made many friends here, and she never forgot them, always
manifesting the keenest pleasure in renewing her old friendships
when she would be back here on a visit.
She was married April 22, 1896, and since then had made her home in
New York. She leaves beside her husband, one son, Edward Wade
Oldham, and one sister, Mrs. John Duncan of Alton. The funeral party
were leaving New York this afternoon, and will be here tomorrow
afternoon. Burial will be in the Alton City Cemetery.
O’LEARY, EDWARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 21, 1878
Run Over by Freight Train
Mr. Edward O’Leary, formerly night yard master for the Chicago &
Alton Railroad, went out last night as brakeman on freight train No.
44, which left about 8 o’clock. When the train arrived at Alton
Junction [East Alton], conductor N. B. Clark missed Mr. O’Leary, and
immediately flagged the lightning express and notified the engineer
and told him to look out for the missing man. He also telegraphed
back from Mitchell, search was made, when the remains of the
deceased were found near Bozzatown about one hundred yards from the
place where he had apparently fallen, having been run over by the
freight train, and the lightning express, which in the meantime had
come in from St. Louis. The body was so badly torn, crushed and
dismembered, that but fragments could be found, the largest being a
leg, which was found on the track. The scattered remnants were
collected together by kind hands, and conveyed to the late home of
the deceased, which he had but recently left, with no thought of the
terrible death so soon impending. Mr. O’Leary was troubled with fits
of vertigo or fainting, and the presumption is that he was seized by
one of these spells, and in that state fell between two of the cars.
The deceased had a large circle of friends and acquaintances in
Alton, by whom he was highly esteemed, and the terrible nature of
the accident cast a gloom over the entire community. He was about 23
years of age.
An inquest was held by Dr. C. S. Youree, Coroner, and examination of
N. B. Clark, conductor of the train; James Driscoll, brakeman; S. B.
Bassett, engineer; and J. B. Machin, fireman; O. E. VanBuskirk,
engineer of passenger train No. 3; and C. Johnson of East St. Louis,
fireman; and John H. Stillwell, yardmaster of the C. & A. Railroad
in Alton.
Mrs. O’Leary, wife of the deceased, made a statement to the Coroner
at her residence, to the effect that her husband was subject to
fits, and had one about a week ago. The evidence was in accordance
with the statement above, with the additional testimony that the
train, after leaving the city, ran at the rate of about fifteen
miles an hour. Near Upper Alton Station, something was seen
scattered along the track that appeared like rags or old clothes,
and gave a clue to the place of the accident. After the train
arrived at the depot, some person immediately went back and gathered
up the fragments of humanity that were strewn along the track for
about three-fourths of a mile, some remains being found near the
freight depot. The jury found that O’Leary came to his death by
being run over by freight train No. 44, near Upper Alton Station,
about 8:16 o’clock p.m., March 18, and they exonerated the railroad
employees from all blame.
The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon, from the late
residence of the deceased, and was attended by a large concourse of
relatives and fellow citizens, who assembled to pay the last earthly
tribute to the remains of him who had met with such a sudden,
appalling death. A number of the firemen of Alton also were in
attendance, as Mr. O’Leary was formerly a member of the Lafayette
Hook & Ladder Company.
O'LEARY, LOUISE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 2, 1922
Mrs. Louise O'Leary, wife of Edward O'Leary, aged 39, died soon
after midnight last night at St. Joseph's hospital, following a
surgical operation performed for the relief of a malady which had
been causing her much suffering. About a month ago Mrs. O'Leary gave
birth to a child which died soon after birth, and her condition had
been so bad ever since that it was decided to operate on her
yesterday morning. She did not rally from the operation. The death
of Mrs. O'Leary leaves a family of seven little children, six
daughters and one son, motherless. The children are Julia, Margaret,
Mary, Agnes, Louise, Mabel and Thomas. She leaves also her husband,
Edward O'Leary and one sister, Mrs. H. A. Nigren of Hodson, Montana.
The death of the young mother, leaving the large family of little
children, was a great surprise to many of her friends who had no
thought that her illness would turn out fatally. She was known in a
large circle of friends and there is the deepest sympathy for the
family in the death of the wife and mother.
O'LEARY, PATRICK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 13, 1903
Patrick O'Leary, the oldest son of Capt. and Mrs. Thomas O'Leary,
died suddenly at 3 o'clock Monday morning after an illness of seven
hours. He was 26 years of age. The O'Leary family held a reunion
Sunday and all ate Easter dinner and supper together. Patrick had
been feeling as well as usual and was downtown during the afternoon.
After supper he complained of having a chill, and in a short time he
was in a dangerous condition. An acute case of uraemic poisoning
developed, and after intense suffering death came at 3 o'clock in
the morning. The death of their son was a sad shock to the bereaved
parents, who did not know that he was not in good health. If he had
felt any symptoms of the fatal malady, he had kept them to himself,
and when the last illness came it was not supposed he was in a
dangerous condition. The deceased was an industrious young man,
employed at the glassworks, and he had many friends who will
sympathize with the parents in their affliction. The funeral will be
held Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock from the Cathedral.
O’LEARY, PATRICK J./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 22, 1897
Patrick J. O’Leary died Sunday at his home in St. Louis after a
five-days illness from pneumonia. He was 53 years of age, and was a
brother of Mr. Thomas O’Leary of Alton; also a former resident of
Alton. The funeral will take place in Alton tomorrow from the
Cathedral. The body arrived from St. Louis Tuesday, accompanied by
the family of the deceased. A large number of friends and relatives
of the family met the body at the depot, and accompanied it to the
Cathedral, where funeral services were held. Interment was at the
Alton City Cemetery.
O'LEARY, PATRICK J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 21,
Patrick J. O'Leary, the 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
O'Leary, died this morning at 6 o'clock at the family home, 630
Washington street. The funeral will take place at 1:30 o'clock
Thursday afternoon, and services will be in St. Patrick's church.
O'LEARY, THOMAS (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
January 30, 1920
Night Captain on Alton Police Force - Served in Civil War
Capt. Thomas O'Leary, in his eighty first year, died Thursday night
at his home, 1509 Belle street, after being bedfast three days. Old
age was the cause of his death. He had been failing in health for
the past two years, but was not sick, and members of his family said
that he suffered no pain. He passed out quietly and peacefully from
a general wearing out of his physical machine. The death of Capt.
O'Leary removes from Alton one of the best known of the old time
residents of Alton. He had come to Alton in 1851, and lived here
continuously since that time. He was born in Enniscarthy, Wexford,
Ireland, May 1, 1839. He was married in Alton to Mary Jane Bell in
June 1867, and she survives him. He served during the Civil war
under Col. Mulligan and he rendered brave service to the cause of
the Union. He was one of the first mail carriers in the city of
Alton and served as mail carrier for a long time. He was a police
officer for many years and during his service he was police captain
for about twenty years. He was a brave courageous man, and had a
high conception of duty. It mattered not to Capt. O'Leary who it was
he was called up on to exercise official authority over, it was all
the same. He had been unable for a number of years to perform any
labor, and lived in retirement on his pension, and the results of
his frugality and industry. He was a staunch Democrat and always was
deeply interested in the welfare and work of that party. He leaves
beside his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Edward Pendleton of Chicago;
Mrs. Maggie H. Allison; and one son, Edward O'Leary of Alton. The
funeral will be held Monday morning at 9 o'clock from SS. Peter and
Paul's Cathedral.
OLIN, FRANKLIN W. JR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February
5, 1921
Son of President of Western Cartridge Company Killed in Leap From
3rd Story Hospital Window
Franklin W. Olin Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Olin of 1228 State
street, was instantly killed when he leaped from the third story
window of a hospital in New York, where he had been taking
treatment. He had undergone some surgical operations since being
taken to New York, a month ago. He had been in a bad state of health
for several years and the past year had been taking treatment in a
sanitarium. He returned home about the time of the Christmas
holidays, and instead of returning to the sanitarium, he went East
with his mother and brother, where he began taking treatment there.
He has been mentally depressed, and owing to his condition, induced
by worry over his physical health, he was being attended by three
nurses. During the temporary absence of one of the nurses in charge
last night, Franklin Olin leaped from the window and was found
lifeless in the courtyard below. The tragic end of Franklin Olin Jr.
is distressing to a very large number of friends who knew him and
admired him intensely. His was a career that promised achievements,
as he had a mind of a very high order, and had received great
advantage in education. He was sympathetic with his fellow
creatures. One of the ideas that he had for solving the never-ending
strife between capital and labor was that every man should be paid
according to the nervous and physical energy he expends in doing his
work, in theory that today is being advanced by students of
sociology. Friends of the young man are recalling how he offered his
services to his country during the war. He had been drafted by the
local exemption board and like many other he had been granted an
industrial exemption because of his employment at the Western
Cartridge Co. plant. This did not suit him. He knew that he had a
physical defect that would impair his chances of being accepted in
the military service, so he resigned his job, went to New York, had
an operation performed on his ears, then he was ready to be assigned
to any contingent ready to be sent to training camp. However, he
fell down on a subsequent examination by the doctors and could not
be sent. Following that, he took a position as an instructor in
chemistry in the University of Illinois. He was known as an
intensely human man, interested in the welfare of his fellow
creatures, and he was sincerely respected and loved by a very large
number of people who knew him well. He was an expert golf player and
also an expert at tennis, he having held the local championship at
tennis. Franklin Olin's chief interest was ____red in the study of
chemistry. He was a graduate of Cornell University, where he
prepared himself by the study of chemistry to be of service in the
plant of the Western Cartridge Co. He served both the Western and
the Equitable Powder Company. Franklin Olin, until his breakdown,
had an active part in the supervision of construction work in the
plants and he had much to do with the additions that were made to
the plant at East Alton and with work on the new plant at
Springfield and Peoria. A New York dispatch to the Globe Democrat
said the following: "New York, Feb. 4 - Franklin W. Olin, Jr., of
1128 State Street, Alton, a son of the president of the Western
Cartridge Company, committed suicide tonight by jumping from the 3rd
floor of St. Bartholomew's Hospital in East Forty-Second street.
Olin, upon whom an abdominal operation had been performed six days
ago, was killed instantly. He was 30 years old and an architectural
engineer. Accompanied by his father and mother, who stayed at the
Waldorf-Astoria to await his expected recovery, Olin came to New
York and went in to the hospital two weeks ago. The operation was
performed by Dr. John Draper, and Dr. F. H. Cotton, specialists in
gastro-internal diseases, and was considered so successful that both
surgeons left today to keep a professional engagement in Savannah,
Ga. Olin, whose family is wealthy, had a private room in the
hospital and was attended by three men nurses, one of whom was
constantly in attendance. The nurse on duty tonight left the room
momentarily, on a necessary task, and returned in time to see his
patient climbing over the windowsill. The nurse jumped forward, but
was too late to check Olin's fall to the hospital courtyard. J. W.
Flake, superintendent of the hospital, and members of the staff
found Olin apparently lifeless when they reached him. Unsuccessful
efforts were made to resuscitate him. Olin Sr. said tonight that his
son was depressed because of the operation. He added that all
information would have to come from the hospital authorities."
[Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 8, 1921: The body was
entombed temporarily in the George Levis vault in Upper Alton
Oakwood Cemetery.]
OLIVE, ABEL JR./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 18, 1875
From Edwardsville, November 16, 1875 – Abel Olive, an early settler,
died at the residence of his son, Dr. William Olive, in Silver Creek
precinct last Thursday. The deceased was one of the most upright and
highly respected citizens of our county. His wife died on Saint
Valentine’s Day 1874. They were both consistent members of the
Christian Church for many years before their death. Prior to his
becoming infirm with age, he, for several years, held the office of
Justice of the Peace of Silver Creek precinct, and in that capacity
officiated at the marriage of a great many of his younger neighbors.
We are particularly reminded of this fact from having frequently
heard him say that the first time he officiated at a wedding, he was
very much embarrassed and trembled like a leaf, and that he was
similarly affected on every subsequent occasion of the kind. The
deceased has left several children, all adults, a score and upwards
of grandchildren, and a large circle of friends to mourn his demise.
The immediate cause of his death was a cancer on the face.
Abel Olive Jr. was born on September 8, 1796, in Nash County, North
Carolina. His spouse was Elizabeth Ricks Olive (1797-1874). His
children were: Temperance Olive Wall (1815-1857); Martha Patsy Olive
Compton (1817-1841); Jesse Olive (1820-1881); Charity Olive Tabor
(1823-1882); Joel Haden Olive (1826-1885); John S. Olive
(1827-1894); and William Olive (1836-1933). Abel was buried in the
Olive Cemetery in Livingston, Madison County, Illinois.
OLIVE, JAMES (SQUIRE)/Source: Troy Weekly Call, July 19, 1902;
Downers Grove Reporter, July 24, 1902
Madison County Pioneer; Namesake of Olive Township
James Olive, one of the oldest and most prominent residents of
Madison County, died July 14, 1902, at his farm residence in Olive
Township. The funeral was very largely attended. Deceased was born
in Kentucky on June 4, 1817, and was in his 86th year at the time of
his death. He had been a resident of Madison County since 1833, and
owned much valuable farming land and other property. He was the
first Supervisor elected to represent his township on adoption of
the township organization law, and served many terms, as well as
serving as school trustee, justice, etc. Olive Township was named in
his honor. The death of Jesse Olive, a son, occurred only a day or
so previous to that of his aged father.
The Olive family were of English descent, and came to America during
the Colonial period. They took part in the struggles which resulted
in America’s independence. Abel Olive, the father of James, was born
in Virginia on July 20, 1765. He was twice married. By Elizabeth
(nee Wilson), his first wife, he had five children: Nancy, Jose and
Joel (twins), William, and Ira. By Martha (nee Munter), his second
wife, he had eight children: Abel, Uel, Jesse, Richard, John, Mary,
Sarah, and James.
James Olive, the youngest son of Abel, was born June 4, 1817, in
Kentucky, and came to Alton, Madison County, in 1833. The following
Spring, he settled in Township 6, Range 6 (Olive Township), where he
continued to live until his death. On his arrival at Alton, he had
50 cents only in his possession. The country was then new, and its
prairies, timber, and fertile soil was a deciding factor in making
Madison County his home. He worked as a laborer for $6.00 per month,
and in addition took jobs of rail splitting at 50 cents per hundred.
After one or two years of hard labor, he married Mrs. Linda Tabor,
widow of James Tabor. By this marriage, he came into possession of a
40-acre tract of unimproved land, which included a log cabin,
partially built. He completed the cabin, and soon bought an
additional 40 acres of adjoining land, which he farmed. By judicious
management, James was able to add to his property, becoming a
prosperous farmer. By 1873, he owned 830 acres of finely improved
land, divided into different farms, on which stood six substantial
tenant houses. He built a fine home for his family, which included a
livestock. His property was located north of Brandt Road, and east
of Highway 27 in Olive Township, just south of Livingston.
James Olive had a strong, vigorous mind, and was a product of the
pioneer blood of this country. His mind was sharp, and it was stated
that he would have been a very successful politician, were it not
for his old-fashioned honesty. He did, however, hold a number of
offices for the benefit of his immediate community. He was Justice
of the Peace from 1849 to at least 1873, and was elected Township
Treasurer when the free-school system was first adopted in Illinois.
His children by his first wife, Linda, were:
Henry C. Olive
James M. Olive Jr.
Martha E. Olive
Sarah Olive
Margaret Olive Crowder (1854-1919)
Marinda Olive
Thomas J. Olive
Mary J. Olive Kienle (1848-1929)
His first wife died April 21, 1864, and on November 17, 1864, he
married Mrs. Mary Shumate, widow of Michael Shumate. His children by
his second wife were:
Lily Belle Olive Livingston (1865-1951)
Harriet Pearl Olive Camp (1867-1951)
Edward Minter Olive
Nora Gem Olive Francy (1870-1957)
John Olive
Jesse Olive (1875-1902)
James Olive is buried in the Olive Cemetery, Livingston, Madison
County, Illinois.
OLLER, LEONARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 2, 1905
Slain by Son in Fierce Fight at Home
Leonard Oller was killed Wednesday night by his son, Frank Oller,
aged 18, at the family home, 1200 Union Street, after a fierce fight
which resulted over the boy selecting his attorney instead of his
father as guardian. The son defended himself with a rolling pin
against the attack of his father, who had an open pocket knife in
his hand, and after locking the boy in the house, made an attempt to
execute his threat to kill him. Frank Oller, the boy, has lost his
left foot above the ankle as the result of a street car accident
which occurred two years ago. The boy's father sued for him and
secured a judgment in the boy's name for $6,500, which was affirmed
against the Alton, Granite and St. Louis Traction company in the
Supreme court last week. The boy then decided to select his
attorney, Judge D. E. Keefe of East St. Louis, as guardian. Leonard
Oller, according to the members of the family, was a violent man,
addicted to intoxicating liquors and was frequently drunk. For this
reason the boy chose another guardian. When the father learned of
his son's selection, he raged. The boy has been employed at the
glass works since he procured an artificial foot, and the father
went to see him at the glass works yesterday, demanding that he
annul his selection of Judge Keefe. The boy was firm and refused to
do so. The father was drunk then, it is said by his son, and
insisted upon the boy going over the street to a saloon, there to
discuss the matter. The boy was firm and then the father vowed to
kill him. Wednesday night the father returned home, Frank was seated
in the house. The family had supper and the father renewed his
demands in the guardianship matter. The boy would not consent to his
father's proposal, and finally Oller ordered his son out of the
house, never to return. The boy's mother went for his coat and hat,
and handing them to her son told him to leave. Frank started to go
and the father seized him, remarking that he would never know the
time he left the house alive, as he intended to kill him first. It
developed afterward that the father had locked the door leading from
the front room into the outer hallway, thus pinning the boy in the
room. The father went for the son with the open knife in his hand.
Mrs. Oller had been using the rolling pin for preparing part of the
evening meal, and the children, it was said, had been playing with
it and left it on the floor. When Oller attacked his son, Mrs. Oller
attempted to separate them, but her husband knocked her down. Roy
Oller, aged 16, made a similar attempt but he too was knocked down.
Roy Oller was a spectator of the remainder of the tragedy. When the
father tried to stab Frank and struck at him with a chair, Frank
snatched up the rolling pin and a terrific struggle ensued, in which
the father was knocked down and killed. The boy admits that he lost
control of himself after he had knocked his father down, and that he
did not know how many times he struck him. Oller's skull was crushed
in on the entire right side. The boy was so terrified by his
father's assault upon him that he belabored the head of the
prostrate man and he says that the fight must have lasted 20
minutes. Mrs. Oller did not see all the fight as she ran to get a
policeman, and when she returned her husband was dead. Capt. Ashlock
and Officer Bush went to the Oller house, and there found Frank
Oller, who surrendered himself to the officers. The body of the
father was found lying in the doorway between the front room and the
dining room. The exposed right side of the head was beaten to a
pulp. In the right hand was still the pocket knife with which the
father had committed the assault. The room was covered with blood
which had spurted over the ceiling and walls, and Oller's body was
lying in a pool that covered almost the entire floor. The body was
turned over to Coroner Streeper. The family insisted that it be
removed from the house to the undertaking establishment of the
coroner. The inquest was set for this afternoon. The dead man was a
large, powerful man, weighing about 190 pounds, while his son, who
killed him, was slighter in build and was handicapped by the fact
that he had lost one foot. Oller was the father of seven children,
three of whom were at home when the killed occurred and were
witnesses of it. Mrs. Oller, when interviewed by a Telegraph
reported immediately after the killing, expressed no regret over the
outcome, as she said it was a clear case of self-defense, and that
her husband had been drinking and was making threats of killing the
entire family. She said her son made no effort to run away as he had
done nothing but what he was justified in doing. None of the members
of the family seemed to regret anything except the manner of the
death of the father, as he was said by them to have been violent in
his speech and conduct in his own home, especially when under the
influence of liquor. The boy bears a good reputation and has the
support and sympathy of all his family and all the people who know
both the father and son. Capt. Ashlock, who first entered the room
after the fight, said that he found the furniture broken up and
every article in the room in a state of disarray. The indications
were that a terrific battle had taken place there, and the sight was
a sickening one as the father lay in the pool of blood on the floor.
The jury impaneled by Coroner Streeper to hold an inquest concluded
taking evidence this afternoon and found a verdict completely
exonerating Frank Oller of any blame. The jury recommended that he
be given his liberty on the grounds of justifiable homicide, and
immediately afterward the boy was released from custody. The meeting
between the mother and son was an affecting one, and Mrs. Oller
almost collapsed from relief of the strain under which she had been
laboring. All the evidence tended to show that the father had made
threats to kill his son, his wife, himself and the guardian, whoever
he might be, if the father was not appointed to control his son's
money. According to members of the family, Oller had been drinking
much and was very quarrelsome, frequently visiting violence on his
Frank Oller was later employed by the Western Cartridge Company at
East Alton. He worked as a machinist for twelve years. In 1919, at
the age of 31, he died of a stroke. He left behind his mother, Maria
Oller, two sisters (Mrs. Freda Harrison and Mrs. Abe Hildebrand),
and three brothers (Roy, Jesse, and John). At the time of Frank’s
death, his brother John was serving with the American Expeditionary
Forces in France (World War I). John was in the trenches for 52
days. He was wounded in both legs during battle, and lay on the
battlefield for two days before he was found and taken to the
hospital. One of his legs had to be amputated, but he survived.
Frank’s mother, Maria, died in 1935 at the age of 77. Most of the
family is buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.
OLMSTEAD, WILLIAM TROWBRIDGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
April 28, 1913
Civil War Veteran
The death of William T. Olmstead occurred this morning at 1:15 at
the family home on State street. Deceased had been ailing several
months, but was taken worse three weeks ago, since which time little
hope of his recovery has been entertained. He was 73 years of age.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Almeda Olmstead, and four children,
Miss Grace Olmstead of Chicago; Wallace K. Olmstead of Siloam
Springs, Arkansas; Mrs. John Yokum and John W. Olmstead of this
city. He is also survived by one brother and four sisters, all of
whom live at a distance. The funeral will be held from the home of
his son, John W. Olmstead, 1252 State street, Wednesday at 2 p.m.
Mr. Olmstead was a member of the A. O. U. W., and also of the M. W.
A. He is a veteran of the Civil War, having served three- and
one-half years in the Third New York regiment.
O’LOUGHLIN, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 7, 1884
From Bethalto – A gentlemen by the name of Thomas O’Loughlin came up
Sunday last to visit his children and brother who live here. Soon
after his arrival, he was taken violently ill with a congestive
chill, and died at four o’clock of the same day. The remains were
interred Monday at the Bethalto Cemetery.
O'MEARA, PATRICK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 2, 1907
Patrick O'Meara, who has lived in East Alton for 32 years and has
been in the employ of the Big Four railroad all that time, died
Saturday morning after an illness of several days duration, super
induced by an abdominal tumor. His physicians urged him to submit to
a surgical operation, but he steadfastly refused and death
intervened. He was an expert trackman and was a good citizen and
neighbor. He was 63 years old, and is survived by his wife. The
funeral will be held Monday morning from St. Patrick's church, and
burial will be in Greenwood cemetery. O'Meara had an interesting
history. He had worked so long on the Big Four that he was
considered a fixture, and his employers regarded him as such a
valuable man that he held as secure a tenure on his job as the
bondholders of the railroad do on their job. To run the Big Four
without O'Meara was regarded as an impossibility by himself and also
by his superiors. He knew every section line, every landmark, and
every foot of track for miles, and was more valuable than many a
survivor in marking off land. O'Meara made the remark that he would
have been president of the Big Four if it had not been for his
defective education, and there is no one doubts that he would have
risen high but for the handicap of neglected early training. He was
a man of good judgment and good common sense. His death will remove
a valuable servant from the employ of the railroad, and there is no
doubt that high officials of the railroad will attend the funeral.
O’NEAL, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 28, 1884
Found in Mississippi River
The body of an unknown man was found in the Mississippi last week,
near the mouth of the Wood River. It was that of a man about forty
years of age, well dressed, and enveloped in a rubber overcoat.
Deceased was quite bald, and had a dark moustache. The body had
apparently been in the water about five or six days. No effects were
found on his person, with the exception of some pieces of writing
paper with the heading of the Diamond Jo Packet Co. There was some
writing on the paper, but so blurred by water as to be illegible.
Coroner Youree held an inquest last evening, but elicited no
additional facts. The Coroner took the papers home with him in order
to dry them out and try and decipher the writing. The body was
placed in charge of Mr. W. L. Klunk for burial. It is thought that
the deceased might have been a watchman or mate on a steamboat.
Later: From Elsah – From the description of the man found in the
river at the mouth of the Wood River, it is the same who took Frank
Farley’s skiff and left Elsah on the 17th. The skiff has since been
found near Portage, turned bottom upwards. While here, he worked on
the section and boarded with H. P. Morris, to whom we are indebted
for these facts. He first gave his name as Joseph O’Neal, but
afterwards stated that his real name was Joseph Kennedy. He was
somewhat intoxicated when last seen.
O’NEIL, CATHERINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 22, 1895
Mrs. Catherine O’Neil died this morning in Alton of dropsy, after an
illness of six weeks duration, aged 66 years. She leaves four
children. The funeral will take place Wednesday morning from St.
Patrick’s Church.
O'NEIL, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Monday, June 19,
Edward O'Neil, a well known character, locally, died this morning at
his home. The funeral will be Wednesday morning and services will be
in the Cathedral. O'Neil was a native of Ireland, but had lived in
Alton most of his life. He was a laborer but had not been able to
work for some years.
O’NEIL, PATRICK/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 26, 1892
Mr. Patrick O’Neil died yesterday. His death was caused from
injuries received last Monday by his team becoming frightened at a
Big Four engine, and running over an embankment, throwing Mr. O’Neil
out and the wagon falling upon him. A wife and seven children
survive him. Mr. O’Neil was one of our oldest citizens, and was
highly respected by all who knew him. The funeral will take place
from St. Patrick’s Church tomorrow morning.
O'NEILL, ANASTASIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 21, 1900
The funeral of Anastasia O'Neill this morning was one of the largest
ever known in St. Patrick's church. Owing to the extreme sadness of
the death because of the previous deaths in the family, there is
general sympathy with the family in its hour of affliction, and the
feeling of the public was expressed by the large attendance at the
funeral services. Rev. Fr. O'Reilly was the officiating clergyman.
Interment was in Greenwood Cemetery.
O'NEILL, ANN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 16, 1907
The funeral of Mrs. Ann O'Neill, wife of Michael O'Neill, was held
this morning from the Cathedral and was attended by a very large
number of friends and neighbors. A requiem mass was said by Rev. Fr.
Fennessey, and burial was in Greenwood Cemetery. There were many
beautiful floral offerings.
O’NEILL, BRIDGET AGNES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December
01, 1899
Miss Bridget Agnes O’Neill, daughter of the late Patrick O’Neill,
died Wednesday afternoon at the family home on East Fourth Street,
after an illness of eleven weeks. She was 23 years of age, and had
lived in Alton all her life. She leaves a mother and seven sisters.
The funeral will be held Saturday morning, and services will be in
St. Patrick’s Church. Interment will be in Greenwood Cemetery.
O’NEILL, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 13, 1879
From Edwardsville – Mrs. Mary O’Neill, wife of James O’Neill, and
formerly the widow of Robert Taylor, deceased, died at her late
residence near Edwardsville last Thursday, and her funeral, which
took place Saturday afternoon from the Irish Catholic Church in
Edwardsville, of which she was a worthy and highly esteemed member,
was largely attended.
O'NEILL, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 27, 1901
Mrs. Mary O'Neill died at her home, 314 east Second street, at 6
o'clock this morning, after two weeks of intense suffering, which
she bore patiently. She was prostrated by the heat two weeks ago,
and all efforts to counteract the prostration failed. Mrs. O'Neill
was 58 years of age, 43 of which she spent in Alton. She has
conducted a boarding house for years at her home, and she was a
kindly, charitable woman, whose loss will be regretted by all who
knew her. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Maggie Carson and Mrs.
_____ O'Neill, and one sister, Mrs. M. McDonnell of Main street. The
funeral will take place Monday morning at 9:30 from the Cathedral.
O’NEILL, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 05, 1915
The funeral of Mrs. Mary O’Neill was held this morning from the St.
Patrick’s Church to the Greenwood Cemetery. The large number of
flowers that covered the grave at Greenwood attested to the wide
circle of friends who desired to pay their last respects. Father
Manning was the celebrant at a solemn high mass at the church.
Father McGinnis acted as deacon, and Father Kehoe as sub-deacon. The
pallbearers were John and James Gilmartin, John McHale, Theo
Widepohl, and James Kennedy.
O'NEILL, NELLIE LORETTA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August
22, 1901
After weeks of lingering, painful illness, Miss Nellie Loretta
O'Neill, aged 21 years, died this morning at 6:30 at the family
home, 1012 East Third street. She leaves a mother, Mrs. Mary
O'Neill, and five sisters, Mesdames Bailey and Herman and Misses
Kate, Lucy and Gertrude, and numerous other relatives and friends to
grieve over her early taking away. Miss O'Neill was a bright and
talented girl, a graduate of the Alton High School class of 1899,
and gave promise of accomplishing great good in her chosen
profession, that of teaching. Her death will be regretted sincerely
by all who knew or ever met her. Funeral arrangements have not yet
been made.
OPEL, IDA/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 6, 1883
Murder or Suicide?
From Edwardsville – The wife of John F. Opel, a well-to-do farmer
residing at Carpenter, and their six-year-old daughter, were missing
yesterday morning, and a search being instituted, resulted in
finding their dead bodies in a small shallow stock pond, but a few
rods from the family residence. They were firmly tied together by
their necks with a rope. The full facts developed at the inquest are
not in our possession, but some people are loathed to attribute the
sad affair to suicide, and favor further investigation.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 13, 1883
The inquest since held by a Justice of the Peace developed but a few
facts. The bodies were found bound tightly together with ropes. The
water where they were found was only two feet deep. The verdict of
the jury of inquest was that the mother committed suicide, taking
the little girl, only six years old, into the water with her. The
bodies were clad only in night clothes, and the indications were
that the mother had arisen from bed, taken the sleeping child with
her, fastened it to herself with a rope, and then left the house,
deliberately walked into the pond, lay down and drowned both the
child and herself. The occurrence is mysterious in every respect,
and creates great excitement in the neighborhood. Mrs. Opel was the
wife of a well-known farmer, and had never evinced any symptoms of
derangement. She had a good home, and so far as known, her domestic
relations were pleasant. The motive, therefore, for the terrible
deed, is unknown. While there are whispers of foul play, there does
not seem to be anything to found suspicion upon, but in order to
develop all the facts in the case, another investigation is to be
held tomorrow by Coroner Youree. Later – A verdict of suicide was
returned by Coroner Youree.
Ida Opel was born November 1836, and was the wife of John F. Opel.
They were the parents of four children – Wilhelmina Opel Buchta
(1860-1958); Louisa Katherine Opel Nitzel (1864-1950); and William
Christopher Opel (1871-1942); and the unknown daughter who was
drowned with the mother (1877-1883). Mrs. Opel was buried in the
Immanuel United Church of Christ Cemetery in Hamel. Her husband,
John F. Opel, was born in March 1826, and died May 8, 1888, at the
age of 62. He was buried in the same cemetery.
OPPERMANN, ALBERTINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 24,
The funeral of Mrs. Albertine Oppermann, who died Tuesday at his
[sic] home in Bethalto, was held this afternoon from the family
home. Mrs. Opperman was 63 years old.
OPPERMAN, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 22, 1891
Civil War Veteran
From Bethalto, Jan. 20 – Mr. Henry Opperman, another comrade of
Company C of the old 80th Regiment, died at his residence west of
town last Sunday morning, in the sixty-first year of his age. Mr.
Opperman was a carpenter by trade, and came to Bethalto in 18__. He
helped to build the Nimerick Mills, and also worked in the residence
of Mr. Nimerick, occupied now by Mrs. J. Wiedmer. The funeral will
occure Wednesday from the Baptist Church. Mr. Opperman leaves two
daughters, who have the sympathy of all. The Bethalto G.A.R. Post,
of which he was a member, will have charge of the funeral.
O'REILLEY, KATE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 20, 1901
Mrs. Kate O'Reilley, widow of William O'Reilley, died at noon at St.
Joseph's hospital from an illness of two years with cancer of the
side. Her illness had been a painful one, and to her family was a
relief to see the last of the painful breathing, every minute of
which was one of agony of body. She was 30 years of age and had
lived in Alton all her life. She was the daughter of Timothy
Driscoll, one of the best known of the older residents of the city,
and since last December she had been an inmate of St. Joseph's
Hospital where kindly hands ministered to her and all that tender
friends and relatives could do was done to lighten her suffering.
She leaves one son. She leaves also two brothers, Rev. Fr. Driscoll,
Dennis Driscoll, and four sisters, Mrs. Charles Kane, and Mrs.
William Bell of Alton; Mrs. Frank Schuelle and Mrs. John Haggarty of
St. Louis. The body was taken this afternoon to the home of Charles
Kane, and from there the funeral will be to St. Patrick's church
Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock.
O'REILLEY, MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 23,
The funeral of Miss Margaret O'Reilley, who died at St. Joseph's
Hospital Wednesday evening, was held Friday morning from St.
Patrick's Church, which was filled with sorrowing friends,
relatives, and former neighbors. A requiem high mass was said, the
celebrant being an uncle of deceased, Rev. Fr. Driscoll of
Jerseyville, Rev. Fr. Mee of Jerseyville was deacon and Rev. Fr.
Manning of St. Patrick's was sub-deacon....Burial was in Greenwood
Cemetery and the mound was covered deep with flowers, the offerings
of sorrowing friends.
ORGAN, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 12, 1896
John Organ, an old and respected citizen of Alton, died Thursday
morning at his home on Dry Street. Mr. Organ has been suffering from
consumption for several years. He was a man of vigorous constitution
before attacked with the disease. He was 58 years of age. For many
years he was the C. & A. blacksmith at the roundhouse. A wife and
daughter survive him.
ORGAN, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 20, 1910
Mrs. Mary Organ, widow of John Organ, died Wednesday morning at her
residence, 323 Dry street, after an illness of less than four hours
with neuralgia of the heart. Mrs. Organ was apparently in perfect
health when she arose this morning, and began attending to her
customary duties, but was taken ill about 8 o'clock. A physician was
summoned and was in constant attendance until death came shortly
before noon. Mrs. Organ lived with her only daughter, Mrs. Henry
Loehr. She had lived in Alton about fifty years, and was married
here. Her husband died thirteen years ago. Mrs. Organ's name was
Mary Curtin, and she leaves one sister in Ireland, Mrs. Michael
Curtin. It will be remembered that some time ago she received a nice
legacy from the estate of her brother who died in Australia. The
funeral will be held from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral, and will
probably be Friday morning.
O’ROURKE, THOMAS/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 15, 1892
The funeral of Thomas O’Rourke, who died Sunday evening at St.
Joseph’s Hospital from the effects of a paralytic stroke suffered
some days previous, took place this afternoon from the Cathedral to
North Alton Cemetery, Rev. Father Snyder officiating. The
pallbearers were Messrs. G. Dunnegan, James Morrison, James Henry,
M. Gleason, P. Faley, and John Doyle.
ORR, CORA/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 5, 1896
Word was received here of the death in Chicago, Sunday morning, of
Mrs. Cora, wife of Captain W. L. Orr. Mr. and Mrs. Orr were former
well-known residents of Alton, and the news of Mrs. Orr’s death was
received with deep regret by her many friends here. The body arrived
from Chicago Tuesday, and the funeral took place from the depot to
the City Cemetery.
ORR, ELMER ELLSWORTH/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 1, 1861
Died in Alton on the 25th inst., Elmer Ellsworth, infant son of W.
L. and E. C. Orr.
ORR, MARGARET/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 22, 1842
Died, in Edwardsville, on Saturday morning, the 15th inst., in the
18th year of her age, after a short illness, which she bore with
Christian fortitude and resignation, Miss Margaret Orr, fifth
daughter of the late Rev. Joseph Orr, who was for many years Pastor
of the Reformed Presbyterian Congregation of Drumbalg, County of
Derry, Ireland. She, with her brothers and sisters, immigrated to
this county from Ireland in the fall of 1840; and though her stay
was short in this place, yet she has left lasting impressions of
esteem and respect upon the affections of all who knew her. Truly
her brothers and sisters have reason to be consoled in the evidence
which she gave in her last moments that with her to die was gain.
ORR, WILLIAM L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 3, 1905
Civil War Soldier
William L. Orr, formerly a resident of Alton, died at the Soldiers'
Home in Danville, Ill., after a long illness. Many years ago Mr. Orr
was a well-known resident of Alton, and his body will be brought
back for burial in City cemetery, where his wife and other members
of his family are buried. He leaves one daughter, who lives in
Chicago. Mr. Orr was a member of Piasa lodge, No. 27, A. F. and A.
M., Alton Chapter, R. A. M. and Belvidere Commandery, Knights
Templar. Mr. Orr was for many years grand tyler of the Illinois
Masonic Grand Lodge until he was stricken with the malady which
rendered him helpless and finally caused his death. The beginning of
his disability was several years ago when he suffered an apopleptic
stroke. He was finally moved to the Soldiers' Home at Danville where
he passed the last few months of his life. During the Civil War, Mr.
Orr was an engineer on one of the gunboats, and when the war ended,
he was not discharged from the service, but was kept on duty for
some time, and afterward was technically on duty, but he never
received any compensation for it. A bill is now in Congress for a
special appropriation in his behalf, but it was never passed. The
body will be brought to Alton, and the burial will be under Masonic
auspices, and will be conducted by Piasa lodge. The funeral will be
held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the parlors in the
Masonic building on State street.
OSBORN, ALBERT/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 1, 1892
Civil War Veteran
The funeral of Albert Osborn, colored, took place yesterday
afternoon from the A.M.E. Church in Upper Alton. U.B.O.F. Lodge, of
which he was a member, headed by Hunter’s Band, followed the body to
the grave at Upper Alton Cemetery. Burial was in accordance with the
ceremonies of the Grand Army of the Republic by Delaney Post 637, of
which deceased was a member, he being the first member buried by
that Post.
OSBORN, EARL W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 7, 1918
WWI Soldier Dies of Influenza at Paris Island
George H. Osborn of 2408 Brown street, principal of the Humbolt
school, received a telegram today announcing the death of their son,
Earl W. Osborn, at Paris Island, S. C., from an attack of influenza
and pneumonia. Earl was the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Osborne, and
was 19 years old. He graduated from the Alton High School in the
Class of 1917. He entered Shurtleff College in the fall of 1917. In
July last, he went to the Great Lakes, joining the Marines, and was
later transferred to Paris Island where he was a member of Company
248. The first telegram of November 5 announcing his sickness
followed immediately after the receipt of a letter from the young
man stating that he had been inoculated four times and was feeling
fine. The body will be brought to Alton for burial. This is the
second bereavement that recently has befallen Mr. and Mrs. Osborn,
their 3 year old daughter, Dorothy, passing away six weeks ago.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 9, 1918
George H. Osborne of 2408 Brown street, principal of the Humbolt
school, received a telegram this morning announcing that the body of
his son, Private Earl W. Osborne, would arrive in Alton from Paris
Island, S. C., on Monday morning. Mr. Osborne stated that the
funeral services would be held late Monday afternoon and would be
private. Rev. M. W. Twing, pastor of the First Baptist church, will
officiate, and the burial will be in Oak Grove cemetery.
OSBORN, GEORGE H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 30, 1919
Humboldt School Principal Dead
George H. Osborn, principal of Humboldt School, died shortly after
the noon hour today at his residence, Brown and Jersey streets, in
Upper Alton. His death was due to a meningial development from
infection following an operation for the removal of a growth in his
nose. About ten days ago he underwent the operation in a hospital in
St. Louis. He was supposed to have recovered from the operation, or
nearly so, when unexpectedly he developed symptoms of infection in
the nose, which turned into a form of meningitis, and resulted in
his death. He was known to be in a serious condition yesterday,
though the turn for the worse had come just the day before. It was
not generally understood, however, that there was danger of the
illness turning out fatally. Mr. Osborn was for a long time
principal of McKinley School in the North Side. He had served there
very acceptably for a number of years and when there was a vacancy
in the Humboldt School principalship, he took that post. Less than
two years ago he bought a place in Upper Alton and moved there. Mr.
Osborn was a son of Rev. James Osborn of Upper Alton. Osborn was
born in England on June 12, 1864. He has lived in Alton for the past
twenty years. For sixteen years he was the principal of the North
Alton schools, and four years ago he was promoted to the position of
principal of Humboldt School. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Angie
Osborn, present truant officer of Alton; and three children, Leland,
Lucille and Ralph. He leaves two brothers, James Osborn of Kaskell,
Okla.; Professor Clyde Osborn of Oak Park, and one half-brother,
Carey Osborn of Iowa; as well as three sisters, Mrs. Bertha Richer
of Urbana, Mrs. Maud Stewart of Troy, and Mrs. Ella Auwater of Troy.
His is the third death in the family within a year. His daughter,
Dorothy Louise, was the first influenza victim in Alton. She died on
September 25, 1918. Less than two months later his son, Earl Osborn,
aged 19, died at Paris Island while he was awaiting to be sent to
France. He was brought back to Alton and buried on the day the
armistice was signed.
OSBORN, JAMES (REVEREND)/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 6,
Rev. James Osborn, a prominent Baptist clergyman, pastor of the Troy
Baptist Church for 23 years, died at his home in Upper Alton
yesterday from kidney trouble after an illness of seven years. He
had been seriously ill for the past week, and his death was
expected. He was a native of England and was 75 years, 11 months and
5 days old. He came to America in 1866 and settled at Bridgeport,
Ill. There he worked at his trade of shoe maker and became convinced
he ought to engage in preaching, when he was in middle age. He began
his studies and took up preaching in 1880. He graduated from
Shurtleff College in 1885, when he was 48 years of age. He filled
the position of the moderator of the Illinois Baptist Association at
one time. He is survived by his wife and seven children, Clyde of
Chicago, Ella Auwater of Troy, Carey, S., George H., of Alton, Mrs.
Maud Stewart of Pleasant Plains, Iowa, Mrs. Bertha Richards of
Batavin, Ill., and James Osborn of Oklahoma.
OSBORN, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 22, 1917
John Osborn, aged 45, colored, dropped dead while building the fire
at the Madison Hotel this morning where he was employed as second
cook. The inquest was held over the body this afternoon at the
William Bauer undertaking rooms.
OSBORN, JOHN ALLEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 1,
John Allen Osborn, who died over Thanksgiving Day, was supposed to
be in such a bad condition from heart trouble that he was discharged
from the army during the Civil War for heart disease. He was liable
to die at any minute, the army surgeon thought, and he was released
after serving three years in the union army, according to his
brother, A. J. Osborn. But the soldier's heart was stronger than was
counted on. He never did die from heart disease. He went through
life nearly another sixty years, taking care of that crippled heart,
and he finally died from old age. He was in his eighty-seventh year
when he died at his home, 2215 Brown street. Another interesting
fact is that he leaves his wife to whom he was married in the year
1856. The couple had been husband and wife for 66 years. He leaves
also four sons and two daughters. Mr. Osborn was born in Monroe
county, Ky., and he grew up to young manhood there. He enlisted in
the 10th Kentucky and served three years in the Civil War until
discharged for disability with the bad heart. Once during the war,
it is related by his only brother, A. J. Osborn, a long time
resident of Alton and old soldier, the two brothers met at Kenesaw
Mountain and had their first reunion they had enjoyed in eleven
years. About a dozen years ago, J. A. Osborn came to Alton to live.
He had visited here, like the place, and wanted to be near his
brother. All the rest of his life he spent here. He was granted an
increase of pension from $50 to $72 a month about six months ago
because of his helplessness and the necessity of giving him constant
attention. The death of Mr. Osborn had been expected several days,
but his final illness was a short one. During the last two or three
years he was sick a good deal of the time but was able to get about
practically all the time. On last election day, Nov. 5, he made a
trip to the polls and cast his ballot. He had not been getting
around much of late, but he never intended to miss voting and he
told his family he was going to walk to the polls. They objected to
this, and someone sent an automobile to his home which took him to
the polls. The last two weeks his decline was rapid. He did not
appear to have any particular illness other than the infirmities of
age. His strength started to leave him and it continued to fail a
little each day until the end came on Wednesday night. Mr. Osborn
leaves a large number of descendants, very probably more than any
one person whose death in Alton has occurred in many years. When
asked this afternoon by a Telegraph reporter as to the exact number
of grandchildren and great-grandchildren the aged man leaves, member
of his family had no idea. After getting pencil and paper and
discussing the matter for some time, they counted the grandchildren
to be 42, and the great-grandchildren 44. The aged Civil War veteran
also leaves his widow who was 81 last February and is as well and
able to do her own house work as any of her age. The sons and
daughters who survive Mr. Osborn are John A. Osborn Jr. of Clawson
street, Upper Alton; William of Owensboro, Ky.; Michael C., James
Alfred Osborn and Mrs. Annie Sebestian of Breckenridge County, Ky.;
and Mrs. Nora Davis of Alton. These sons and daughters are the
parents of 42 children and the grandparents of 44. The funeral will
be Sunday afternoon from the family home on Brown street, at 2
o'clock. Services will be conducted by Rev. Dr. Magill of the
College avenue Baptist church, in which Mr. Osborn held membership.
He had been a near lifelong member of the Baptist church.
OSBORN, MARGERY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 27, 1903
The North Alton public schools are closed today out of sympathy for
the sorrow of the principal, Mr. George H. Osborn and wife, because
of the death this morning of their lovely and lovable little
daughter, Margery. The child, who was nearing seven years of age,
was ill for ten weeks with typhoid fever, but was in a fair way to
recover when heart failure attacked her and the end came rapidly.
The funeral will be Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
OSBORN, MARTHA (nee HALL)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 2,
From Upper Alton – Mrs. Martha Osborn, wife of Rev. James Osborn of
Troy, died at her home on Saturday after a brief illness, aged 45
years. She leaves a husband and six children. She was a noble
Christian woman, devoted to her family and none the less to her
Master. During a residence of several years in Upper Alton, she made
many friends who will sympathize deeply with the widowed husband and
the afflicted children.
Martha Osborn was born July 31, 1845, in England. She married in
England to Rev. James Osborn, on August 31, 1863. Their children
were: George H. (b. 1864); James M. (b. 1865); Ellen M. (b. 1868);
Olive (b. 1870); Ernest C. (b. 1875); Bertha P. (b. 1879); and Maude
E. (b. 1882). Mrs. Osborn was buried in the Troy City Cemetery.
OSBORN, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 11, 1893
Mrs. Mary Osborn died Friday morning at her home on a small boat
above the city. Thursday night the boat took water, and Mrs. Osborn,
who was sick with the measles, was compelled to leave the boat,
wading through the water. A relapse set in, and she died as already
stated. The funeral took place Saturday from the Episcopal Church,
interment in the Upper Alton Cemetery. The pallbearers were J. Wead,
T. W. Radcliff, E. M. Dorsey, and Professor E. Moyer.
Telegraph, March 30, 1905
The 4 years old child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Osborn died
Wednesday night at the home, 22 East Seventh street. The funeral
will be Thursday afternoon.
OSBORNE, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 26,
From Upper Alton – Rev. and Mrs. James Osborne have suffered a sore
bereavement in the loss of a son, who died on Tuesday, aged six
weeks, from spinal meningitis.
OSBORNE, UNKNOWN TODDLER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March
23, 1922
A little toddling 16-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Osborne,
residing south of Hartford, went forth in quest of adventure this
noon and found it - life's most beautiful adventure. A short time
after the two-year-old toddled forth to see the world, he was lying
crushed and bloody and still, the victim of the giant wheels of a
great passenger engine pulling a train that daily had dashed past
his home amid roar and puffing of steam and clanging of bell. The
little fellow got in the way of the big train. He did not know it
did not have sense enough to stop for him. Everybody and everything
else he had ever known had stopped and let him go by, and he perhaps
thought the big choo-choo would do the same. He had evaded his
mother's watchful care only a few minutes when the mother knew
something had happened. There was the crunch of the brakes, the
grinding of wheels, the big train stopped. The mother dashed out to
find her little baby lifeless. Death apparently was instant. Then
the big train, the Alton Limited, moved on its way with a heart sick
load of passengers. The mother had left the baby asleep while she
busied herself with her work, he had waked, and wandered out to the
railroad track on his fatal adventure.
OSBY, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 23, 1904
The funeral of John Osby was held this afternoon from the Union
Baptist church, where services were conducted by the pastor.
Interment was in Oakwood Cemetery.
OSBY, LILLIAN MAY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 3, 1903
Lillian May Osby, aged 22, colored, was buried yesterday in the
Upper Alton cemetery. The mourners who attended the funeral were put
to great inconvenience by a refusal of the pastor of the Upper Alton
Methodist church to allow the funeral to be held in the church
building. A Baptist preacher had been engaged by special request of
the deceased made before her death. Rev. Mr. Coats, pastor of the
Methodist church, met the funeral party at the church door and told
them they would have to "head on down the street" to the colored
Baptist church, as he would allow no Baptists to preach in his
pulpit. The arrangements had been made to hold services in the
Methodist church, and it was after long delay that the funeral party
reached the Baptist church, had it opened up ready to receive the
funeral party, and then held the last services over the body of the
OSELAND, CHARLES/Source: Troy Call, Friday, March 1, 1918
Charles Oseland, one of the old and well known residents of Troy,
was found dead in bed at his home Monday morning [Feb. 25] by his
son William, who made his home with him. Mr. Oseland had been a
sufferer for the past several years with asthma and for some months
had been seriously ill. Monday morning when the son awoke he found
his father cold and still. He immediately summoned a physician who,
upon examination, found that life had been extinct for some hours,
possibly since midnight. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock, services being held at the residence by Rev. G. W.
Dame, pastor of the M. E. church, and interment was in the Troy
cemetery. Those from out of town attending the funeral were: Mr. and
Mrs. Oliver Loder and son, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Taylor, Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Capelle and William Morgan of St. Louis. Deceased was a
native of Staffordshire, England, and born May 31, 1835. He came to
the United States in 1861 and was married in St. Louis to Miss
Jennie Morgan on April 30, 1866. Eleven children were born to them -
four sons and seven daughters - and of these only one son and three
daughters survive. The family moved to Troy in 1890 and the wife and
mother passed away here on December 31, 1900. The surviving children
are Mrs. Sarah Loder, Mrs. Laura Taylor and Mrs. Iva Capelle of St.
Louis, and William Oseland of Troy. There are also three
grandchildren. Besides these Mr. Oseland is survived by five
brothers and one sister who are: William, John and Richard Oseland
of Taylorville; Rhome Oseland of Springfield; Thomas Oseland, who is
at the soldiers' home, and Mrs. Mary Richardson of Alton. The latter
is the eldest and is now in her 94th year. Mr. Oseland worked as a
miner practically all of his life both here and in England, but was
forced to retire some years ago on account of his advanced age.
OSLAND, W. A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 1, 1910
Inmate of Poor Farm Commits Suicide by Slitting Throat
C. E. Trabue, superintendent of the poor farm, telephoned to Alton
today that a man named W. A. Osland, an inmate of the poor farm four
years and a victim of epilepsy, fatally cut himself on the throat
this afternoon just outside of the poor house. He was dying when
Trabue telephoned. It is said he has relatives in Alton or vicinity.
OST, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 24, 1920
John Ost died Friday afternoon at the home of his brother, Charles
Ost, at Fosterburg, at the age of 66 years. Ost had been sick for
the past week with pneumonia, and from the first his condition was
serious. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Louis Hannold of
Brighton and Miss Edna Ost of St. Louis; also by two sons, Joseph
and William Ost of Edwardsville. He also leaves two sisters and two
brothers, Mrs. August Seiler, Upper Alton; Mrs. Tillie Mason,
Brighton; Charles and Louis Ost, of Fosterburg. Ost was a well known
Madison County politician, and served in various positions. He was a
Democrat. From 1902 to 1903 he served as supervisor and at the
present time was a central committeeman for his district. For
several years he was a justice of the peace at Fosterburg, and for
several years also served as manager of the Poor Farm at
Edwardsville. He was a blacksmith by trade. He was the only Democrat
in Fosterburg township who could be elected to office, as Fosterburg
always goes Republican. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at
2 o'clock from the Baptist church at Fosterburg. Ost was a member of
the Woodman lodge and took an active part in lodge work.
OST, LILLIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 8, 1904
Surrounded by those who loved her, Mrs. Lillie Ost on Thursday
morning at 1:47 o'clock peacefully fell into the sleep that draws
the curtain on this life and reveals to her the mystery of the other
side. Her death had been hourly expected for several days, and her
illness has been the cause of concern of every person in the
community. Mrs. Ost was 38 years old, and beside her husband,
Charles Ost, and aged mother, Mrs. Nancy Dillon, she leaves three
brothers and a sister: Thomas Dillon of Fosterburg; John Dillon of
Edwardsville; Millard Dillon of Los Angeles, Cal.; and Mrs. Rebecca
Skaggs of Cleghorn, Iowa. Funeral services were held at the Baptist
church on Easter Sunday, just eighteen years having passed since
Mrs. Ost joined the Baptist church, as she became a member of that
congregation on Easter Sunday, 1886. The funeral procession was the
largest ever seen in Fosterburg, and the beautiful floral offerings
plainly evidenced the sorrow and esteem felt for the living and the
pity for the dead. The most profound sympathy of the entire
community goes out to the bereaved family in an earnestness that
cannot be mistaken. The casket was borne by Martin Thompson, Charles
Harrison, Rodney Thompson, Charles Plager, Harry Thompson and Frank
OST, NICHOLAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 30, 1906
Death of Old Soldier
Nicholas Ost, a resident of Fosterburg fifty years, died at the
Soldiers' Home at Danville Friday, and the body will be brought back
from Danville for burial Sunday at Fosterburg. He would have been 80
years of age next Wednesday. Mr. Ost was a native of Germany and was
born April 4, 1826. He was a blacksmith by trade and was a well
known resident of Fosterburg. His wife died nine years ago. He
leaves five children, John Ost of Edwardsville, Charles and Lewis of
Fosterburg, Mrs. Tillie Mason of Brighton, and Mrs. Minnie Fieler of
Fosterburg. He leaves also seven grandchildren. He went to the
Soldiers' Home last January to spend the remainder of his days.
OST, LILLIE (nee DILLON)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April
8, 1904
Surrounded by those who loved her, Mrs. Lillie Ost on Thursday
morning at 1:47 o'clock peacefully fell into the sleep that draws
the curtain on this side of life. Her death had been expected for
several days, and her illness has been the cause of concern of every
person in the community. Mrs. Ost was 38 years old, and beside her
husband Charles Ost, and aged mother, Mrs. Nancy Dillon, she leaves
three brothers and a sister: Thomas Dillon of Fosterburg; John
Dillon of Edwardsville; Millard Dillon of Los Angeles, California
and Mrs. Rebecca Skaggs of Cleghorn, Iowa. Funeral services were
held at the Baptist Church on Easter Sunday. The funeral procession
was the largest ever seen in Fosterburg. The most profound sympathy
of the entire community goes out to the bereaved family.
Pall-bearers were Martin Thompson, Charles Harrison, Rodney
Thompson, Charles Plager, Harry Thompson and Frank Mason.
OST, WILHELMINA “MINNIE” (nee HUMMERT)/Source: Alton Telegraph,
March 25, 1897
From Fosterburg – Death, the unwelcome visitor, has again invaded
our quiet little village, this time claiming one of our oldest and
most highly respected citizens. At the age of 65 years, Mrs.
Nicholas Ost died on Sunday morning from heart failure. She had been
sick for about three weeks with intermittent fever, but had
recovered sufficiently to be able to walk out into the kitchen the
evening before. With the exception of slight rheumatic pains, her
condition was considered good, and her recovery nearing completion,
when all hope was turned to despair by death, which was unexpected.
Her maiden name being Hummert. In January 1855, she was married to
Nicholas Ost [1826-1906], to whom were born three sons and two
daughters, all of whom are grown. In her death, the family loses a
kind and loving mother, the community a good neighbor, and desirable
citizen. For a number of years she has been a faithful member of the
Baptist Church, at which the funeral services were held on Tuesday
afternoon, conducted by the pastor, Rev. Milford, in the presence of
many sympathizing friends. The interment took place in Fosterburg
Cemetery. In their affliction, the family has the sympathy of the
entire community.
Wilhelminia “Minnie Hummert Ost was born October 15, 1832. She
married Nicholas Ost (1826-1906), and they had five children, three
of whom were: John Nicholas Ost (1857-1920); Charles Ost
(1863-1944); and Tillie May Ost Mason (1867-1942).
OSTENDORF, LAUARDUS “LAURIS”/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 5,
From Bethalto – Mr. Lauris Ostendorf, a much-respected German
citizen of our town, died Monday, aged 61 years. Mr. Ostendorf has
worked in the mills here for a number of years, and was a very
industrious and upright man. He was an honored member of the Druids
Society, and has held the office of Secretary of that Lodge for
several years. He leaves a wife and several children, who have the
sympathy of all.
OSTENDORF, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 6, 1889
The two-year-old child of Ben Ostendorf, living a few miles south of
Edwardsville, died Sunday, and was buried Monday morning in the
Catholic Cemetery. The ceremonies were held at St. Boniface Church.
OTEY, AUSTIN (REV)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 2, 1905
The funeral of Rev. Austin Otey was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the Union Baptist church, Rev. J. H. Barton officiating. The
deceased had occupied the pulpit of the church many times, and many
a member of the church had heard deeply spiritual sermons from the
lips of the aged, but devoted preacher. There was a large attendance
of friends and many floral tokens, the gifts of his white friends,
were laid on the casket of the old preacher who had started on his
"long march," as he was wout to express it.
OTEY, AUSTIN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 19, 1916
Austin Otey, colored, son of Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Otey, died at the
home of his parents, 106 West Seventh street, Wednesday morning at 3
o'clock, after a long illness. He was 26 years of age and leaves his
wife, one child, his parents, and one sister, Mrs. Grant Parker.
Funeral arrangements have not been made.
OTEY, JOHN W. (REVEREND)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 6,
Rev. John W. Otey, a colored preacher, well known in Alton and
vicinity, died at his home on Johnson street at 5 o'clock Monday
afternoon, after a lingering illness. He had been in failing health
since December, but was confined to his bed the last three weeks of
his life. He was well known to both colored and white people in
Alton. He was a member of the Union Baptist church. His services
were much in demand in conducting religious services, but his ?beey
days were occupied at hard work. He was a man of giant size and
strength. He came to Alton when very young. He was born March 16,
18??, at Huntville, Ala. He leaves his wife, one daughter, Florence
Baird, and seven grandchildren. The funeral of Rev. Otey will be
held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home to the Union
Baptist church. Services will be conducted by Rev. Griswold.
O'TOOLE, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 15,
Charles O'Toole, the 12 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
O'Toole, died at St. Joseph's Hospital Wednesday morning between 9
and 10 o'clock from lockjaw, after lingering close to death since
last Saturday. The lad was injured Tuesday of last week while
sliding down a banister on the back porch at the family home, 1022
Phinney avenue. He was playing with his brother, when the accident
occurred. Nothing was thought of the injury at the time, and until
Friday he suffered no ill effects. He was taken sick at St.
Patrick's school where he attended, and that night his case became
very bad, after he had carried a newspaper route. The lad was taken
to the hospital Saturday morning with a bad case of lockjaw, and
from the first the attending physician and nurses held out no hope
to the parents. He suffered extremely up to the time when the end
was very near. The lad is a member of a large family and beside his
parents he leaves five sisters and two brothers. He was known in the
neighborhood as a bright, happy little fellow, and the sad plight
into which he fell as the result of what seemed a minor injury is
the cause of much sorrow in the neighborhood and at the school where
he attended. The funeral will be Friday morning at 9 o'clock from
St. Patrick's Church.
OTT, ANDREAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 20, 1893
Suicides by Cutting Throat
Andreas Ott, a mason about 35 years of age, suicided Sunday night by
cutting his throat with a razor. It is not known at what time the
deed was committed, but it was probably early in the night, as his
body was cold and stiff when found this morning by his aunt, Mrs. E.
H. Ott, of 1225 East Sixth Street, with whom he was boarding. Mr.
Ott has had considerable trouble of different kinds, and has been a
sufferer from consumption for several years. It is thought his
sickness and troubles generally unbalanced his mind, and that while
in this condition, he ended his life. He leaves one child, who is
with its mother, Ott’s divorced wife. Coroner Kinder held an inquest
this afternoon, and the verdict of the jury was in accordance with
the above facts.
OTT, CHRISTIAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 12, 1875
Christian Ott, a farmer who lived on the farm of Metcalf and Keown,
a half mile north of the bridge over Silver Creek on the Troy and
Marine road, rode into the water one day last week to drive some
cows, and both he and his horse were drowned. He was born in
Germany, December 24, 1833, and was 41 years of age. He was buried
in the Troy City Cemetery.
OTT, EDWARD H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 10, 1903
Edward H. Ott, aged 32, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. C. J.
Martini, Sixth and Vine streets, Friday morning at 3 o'clock, after
a three-day illness with pneumonia. The young man was employed at
Beall's shops as a machinist, but had been unable to work the last
four weeks because of an injury to one of his hands. Three days ago
he was taken ill with pneumonia, and the disease terminated fatally
Friday morning. He was an industrious young man and was well liked
by all who knew him. He leaves one brother, George Ott, and two
sisters, Mrs. Martini of Alton and Mrs. Martin Seiler of Pana. The
funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family
home, and burial will be in City Cemetery. Services will be
conducted by Rev. Theodore Oberhellman.
OTT, GUSTAV/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 14, 1892
Gustav, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George Ott, died this morning
after an illness of two weeks of brain fever, aged seven months. The
funeral will take place tomorrow from the family residence, 1225
East Sixth Street.
OTT, JULIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 15, 1894
Mrs. Julia Ott died Monday morning at her home on Sixth and Vine
Street, after an illness of sixteen weeks. Deceased was 61 years of
age, and has been a resident of Alton for 40 years. Five grown sons
and daughters survive her. The funeral took place yesterday
afternoon from the home.
OTTY, HARRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 30, 1917
The funeral services of Harry Otty, who died November 29 at his
home, 1327 Taylor avenue, will be held Sunday afternoon December 2,
at 2:30 o'clock from the Union Baptist church. Burial will be in the
City Cemetery.
OTWELL, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 21, 1844
Died, at his residence near Edwardsville, on the 4th inst., of the
congestive fever, William Otwell, Esq., aged about 65. The deceased
removed to Illinois in 1809; has twice represented this county in
the State Legislature; and was a useful and exemplary member of the
Methodist Episcopal Church; and enjoyed in a high degree the esteem
and respect of his fellow citizens. He has left an afflicted widow,
and a large family of children, together with many friends, to
deplore his loss.
OULSON, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 11, 1901
Godfrey News - The funeral of Frank Oulson, oldest son of John G.
Oulson, took place Friday from the family residence. He was 26 years
of age.
OULSON, LOUISA BISHOP/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 15,
From Upper Alton – The community was shocked this morning by the
intelligence of the death last night of Mrs. Louisa Bishop Oulson,
wife of Mr. John G. Oulson. Mrs. Oulson’s illness was of but a few
day’s duration, and her sudden death is a great blow to her family.
She leaves three small children. The bereaved husband has the
sympathy of his large circle of friends in and around Upper Alton.
OVERATH, ANTONETTA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 6, 1903
Mrs. Antonetta Overath, wife of Max Overath, died Saturday night at
the family home on North Street after an illness with pneumonia. She
was 50 years of age and leaves beside her husband, four children,
two sons and two daughters. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning
at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's church.
OVERATH, CARTER HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 23,
Boy Drowns in Mississippi
The body of Carter Henry Overath, the 10 year old son of Mrs.
Catherine Overath, formerly of Alton, was recovered from the
Mississippi river at St. Louis yesterday afternoon. The boy was
drowned a week ago while his mother was in Alton attending the
funeral of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Louis Overath. The body will be
brought to Alton Sunday afternoon, arriving here at 1:35 o'clock and
the funeral will be from SS Peter and Paul's Cathedral, as soon
thereafter as practical, the funeral party going direct from the
train to the church. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery. The boy
leaves his mother, three sisters, Anna, Florence and Kathleen, and
.... [unreadable].
OVERATH, HELEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 1, 1913
Miss Helen Overath, of 1106 Garden street, died Sunday morning at 4
o'clock at her home after an illness for three years. She had been
confined to her home four months. Miss Overath was forewoman at the
Alton Steam Laundry for seventeen years, and worked faithfully at
her post of duty. She was a daughter of Mathias Overath, and leaves
one sister, Miss Mary, who has stood in the place of the mother
since Mrs. Overath died, and one brother, Leo. Eighteen months ago
her brother, John, died, and last January her grandmother and
namesake, Mrs. Helen Overath, died. Miss Overath was a member of the
Catholic Knights and Ladies of America, a consistent member of St.
Mary's Church. She was highly esteemed among all who knew her, and
especially so at the place where she was employed for so many years.
The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock from St.
Mary's Church, and burial will be in St. Joseph's Cemetery.
OVERATH, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 23, 1905
Henry Overath, aged 45, a former teamster at the glass works, was
found dead in the glass works stables this morning by William
Wentzell, the foreman of the stables. Overath probably died from
heart trouble, as he had suffered with it for many months, and
according to members of his family had been unable to sleep at
nights except in a sitting position. He was dismissed from service
at the glass works a week ago. Some time during the night he managed
to gain entrance to the glass works yards and was seen by workmen
passing around toward the stables. Early this morning he was seen
there by two men working in the stables who reported to the foreman
that Overath was asleep there. When Wentzell investigation, he
discovered that the man was dead. Overath had removed his coat,
vest, shoes and hat, and had lain down with the garments as a
pillow. It is believed that he did not know where he was and that
while under the influence of liquor he returned to his old place of
employment and laid down for his last sleep. It happened as a
coincidence, it is believed, that he happened to die while sleeping
there. When found he had rolled off the improvised pillow he had
made of his garments and was lying on the concrete floor. There was
not a mark upon his body nor a single other evidence that the death
was anything but a natural one. The fact that he was afflicted with
heart trouble is taken as conclusive evidence that he died from
heart disease. Overath was a member of a family well known in Alton.
He had lived here many years, and besides his wife leaves a family
of six children. His wife and children live at 1403 east Third
street. The body was moved from the glass works stable immediately
after its discovery by Deputy Coroner Keiser. All the information
that could be secured tended to show that Overath had been drinking
heavily of late, and especially since his dismissal from the glass
works employ. The inquest will be held tomorrow evening by Deputy
Coroner Keiser. The time of the funeral has not been set.
OVERATH, MAX/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 9, 1914
Max Overath, aged 65, died last night at his home, 1106 Garden
street in Alton, after a long illness. He was a member of the Alton
Board of Highway Commissioners for several terms and was well known.
He was a native of Germany, but came to Alton when he was six years
of age. He leaves two children, Mamie and Leo; and two sisters, Mrs.
Charles Gerner and Mrs. Otto Schmidt; and two brothers, Louis and
Joseph Overath. The funeral will be held Friday morning from St.
Mary's Church at nine o'clock.
OVERSTREET, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 27,
Mrs. Charles Overstreet of Seventh and Belle Streets made a
startling discovery on awakening this morning. She found her husband
dead in bed by her side, where he had been sleeping. He had been in
bad health, but the discovery was a great surprise to her.
Overstreet was 40 years of age, and was a well known laboring man.
He had lived in Alton many years, and was a hard working man. The
funeral will be Monday.
OVERSTREET, MAGGIE E./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September
28, 1888
Maggie E. Overstreet, aged 14 months and 20 days, died yesterday
morning from inflammation of the brain. The funeral took place from
St. Patrick’s Church this afternoon. The pallbearers were four young
OVERSTREET, UNKNOWN CHILD/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 5,
A little son of Mr. Charles Overstreet, aged between two and three
years, died yesterday of inflammation of the lungs. The funeral took
place this afternoon.
OWENS, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 21, 1922
Killed In Explosion At Equitable Powder Company
A blast in the corning mill at the plant of the Equitable Powder Co.
today caused the death of Edward Owens, aged 37, who was at work in
the mill alone when the explosion occurred. The mill building was
destroyed and the machinery badly damaged. The explosion occurred
just a few minutes before 7 o'clock this morning. Owens had gone to
work only a few minutes before it happened. His duty was to feed the
big cakes of powder into the mill for them to be ground up. It is
the practice in such mills to have one man working there alone. A
few months ago, a similar blast occurred in the corning mill and the
man in charge of it was killed. The mill had been rebuilt and put
into service again. Owens was brought here from a powder plant at
Marlow, Ky., to take charge of the job. He was an experienced powder
mill hand. He leaves a wife and six children, who did not accompany
him to East Alton when he came here to take the job, a month ago.
There was in the mill at the time of the explosion about a ton and a
half of powder. The explosion shook Alton. Immediately after the
explosion, it was distinguished from the blasts across the river
which frequently rock this territory, by the great umbrella shaped
cloud of smoke which rose and hung suspended over the powder works.
The corning mill is a wooden structure covered with sheet iron, and
houses machinery in which one of the near final steps in powder
making is done. The work is known as dangerous, yet explosions there
have not been numerous. The two which have occurred recently are the
nearest together in a long time. The one that occurred today will
never be explained, and will remain a mystery, just as the preceding
one remained. The body of Owens will be taken back to Marlow to the
family there. The wife was notified immediately of the death of her
husband, and that the body would be brought to her.
OWENS, GAIUS/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 16, 1893
From Bethalto – The funeral of Mr. Gaius Owens, an old citizen of
Fort Russell, took place Tuesday from the family residence. He was
about 80 years of age, and leaves several grown-up sons and
daughters to mourn his death. He was one of the oldest residents of
the county.
OWENS, HARRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 5, 1920
Harry, the four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Owens, died at
the family home, 3rd and Penning avenue, this morning at 10:30
o'clock. Death was due to pneumonia. The child had been ill since
last Friday, when the family returned from a visit with relatives in
Tennessee, but at no time was his illness considered dangerous until
a doctor who was called in this morning, diagnosed the case as
pneumonia. Besides his parents there are also three brothers who
survive him. The father, Sidney Owens, is employed as a switchman on
the Terminal railroad. Funeral arrangements have not yet been
OWENS, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 02, 1899
From Moro - Mrs. Mary Owens died at her home on January 25, at the
advanced age of 76 years. She was born at Staffordshire, England,
and came to this country in 1853. She was the widow of William
Owens, whose death occurred in 1895. Will A. Green conducted the
funeral services Friday afternoon.
OWENS, SARAH LAVINA (nee JONES)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
July 1, 1902
Mrs. Sarah Lavina Owens died at her farm home in Fort Russell
township Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock from Bright's disease. Mrs.
Owens was 76 years and two months old, and was one of the old guard
of Madison County. She was born and lived all her life on the farm
where she died, respected by all who knew her. Three children
survive her, viz: Riley P. Owens, the well known attorney of Upper
Alton; Mrs. Rosa Trabue of Jerseyville; and Z. B. Owens, who lived
at the homestead with his mother. Three brothers also survive her:
John Jones, age 78, of Bunker Hill; Solomon Jones of Hillsboro; and
Franklin Jones, aged 65, of New Douglas. The funeral will take place
Thursday at 10 a.m. from the homestead.
OWENS, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 14, 1895
From Bethalto – No doubt the death of our old friend, Mr. William
Owens, will be reported by the Moro correspondent. The old gentleman
had numerous friends here who sympathize with the bereaved wife and
daughter in their loss. The family had resided for more than thirty
years at the old homestead two and a half miles north of this place.
The burial took place Wednesday afternoon at the Moro Cemetery, and
was largely attended.
From Moro – We are called upon to chronicle the death of another
landmark this week. Mr. William Owen died at his home near here
Monday. The funeral services, conducted by Rev. J. Tull of Bethalto,
took place at the residence Wednesday afternoon, and from there to
the Moro Cemetery. Mr. Owen was born in England in 1823, but lived
the greater part of his life here. Five children have preceded him
to the grave, and there remains of the family his wife and one
child, Mrs. Lathy Yager. Mrs. Owen is severely prostrated also. Her
many friends unite in the wish that she may still be spared many
OWINGS, MARY B./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 14, 1889
Mrs. Mary B., widow of the late D. F. Owings, long a resident of
Alton, died at St. Louis November 8, at the age of 60 years. The
remains were brought to Alton on the train, and the funeral held at
the Cathedral. The pallbearers were Messrs. Louis Haagen, Louis
Ginter, James Morrissey, L. Pfeiffenberger, J. J. McInerney, and
Daniel Hale. Deceased was a most estimable lady. She left three
daughters, two of them married, and three sons – Messrs. F. P.
Owings of Chicago; and Edward and Zeb. Owings of St. Louis.