DABBS, HOWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 30, 1910
Boy's Wish Realized In Sad Drowning
Starting off to go swimming, when he couldn't swim a stroke, 12 year
old Howard Dabbs declared Wednesday afternoon that he did not fear
death by drowning, because that was the way he wanted to die. It was
a bit of bravado on the boy's part, and when he uttered the words he
little thought that his expressed wish would be so soon realized.
With James Wilkinson and Neil Dixon, both 13, the Dabbs boy had been
playing Wednesday when someone held up two fingers, the boy's sign
for "let's go swimming." They were talking it over in the presence
of Mrs. Hoyt, the sister of the Wilkinson boy, and she warned them
not to go as the Dabbs boy had said he had been having the chills.
Mrs. Hoyt cautioned him of the danger of going swimming when he was
suffering from malaria, and the Dabbs boy told her that he wanted to
die by drowning. Then the three little boys started away. At Hop
Hollow they were wading around with their clothes off, the survivors
say, and Dabbs got into deep water, just at the edge of an eddy.
When he went off the reef he began bobbing up and down in the water,
and every time he came up he was farther out. A man near by put off
in a skiff to help the drowning boy, but just as he reached for the
boy's hair to seize him, the boy slipped away and went down for the
last time. The man told the survivors to go to Alton and report it,
while he tried to find the body. The boys put on their clothes, and
carrying their companion's garments, they ran all the way to Alton
and told Mrs. Hoyt, the Wilkinson boy's sister, who had cautioned
them not to go. Then the police were notified, and Mr. Dabbs was
also told of the drowning. Mr. Dabbs went to search for the body,
but gave up last night at dark. The body, it was concluded, had been
carried out by the eddy to deep water. The body of the child was
found this morning and turned over to Coroner Streeper, who will
hold an inquest. The body was found by Fred Page. The father, Thomas
Dabbs, was there helping to look for his son's body. The funeral
will be from the family home, Seventh and Alby streets. The body
will be sent to Hartford in Jersey county, tomorrow morning.
DABNEY, J. H./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 11, 1851
An inquest was held last Saturday by S. W. Robbins, Esq., Coroner,
upon the body of a man named J. H. Dabney, found dead upon the
railroad in Alton. The deceased was a man apparently of intemperate
habits, and it was supposed that his existence was terminated by an
attack of delirium tremens, early in the morning of that day. The
jury rendered a verdict in accordance with these facts.
DACEY, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 17, 1917 Hero
of Belle Street Flood Dead
William Dacey, hero of the Belle street flood, died at the home of
his brother, John Dacey, at 707 Market street, last evening after a
short illness with pneumonia. He was 29 years of age. Dacey, always
a wild youth, attracted considerable attention in 1912 when he
rushed up Belle street on the night of the cloud burst, knocking on
windows and doors and rousing the people from their sleep to the
danger that was soon to be theirs, on account of the wall of water
that was sweeping down the street. His warning probably saved the
lives of many people at that time. Dacey is survived by his father,
John Dacey; one brother, John Dacey; and two sisters, Mary Gaither
and Elizabeth Dacey, both of Alton. The funeral will be held
tomorrow at 9 o'clock from the Cathedral.
DACUS, GEORGE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 6, 1892
The funeral of George Dacus took place this afternoon from the
Baptist Church. The Junior Order of United American Mechanics, of
which deceased was a member, besides a large concourse of friends,
followed the remains to their last resting place at the City
DAECH, FRANCIS H./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 14, 1886
From Edwardsville – Mrs. Francis H. Daech, wife of ex-Circuit Clerk
William Daech, died early last Saturday morning of consumption. Her
funeral was largely attended by sympathizing friends.
DAECH, GEORGE/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, January 18,
George, the 6-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Daech Jr., died
Sunday morning [January 15, 1893] of abscess of the lungs. The
funeral took place yesterday afternoon at one o'clock from the
family residence, Revs. James Lafferty and Carl Kunzmann conducted
services. The remains were interred in Woodlawn.
DAECH, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 20, 1882
It is our painful duty to chronicle the death of the wife of Circuit
Clerk Daech. She died at their residence (the old Meeker place) in
Edwardsville, yesterday afternoon, after a long and painful illness.
She has left no enemies, but a host of mourning friends who
sympathize with her husband and children in their sad bereavement.
DAGGETT, CORDELIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 17, 1893
Mrs. Cordelia Daggett died Sunday afternoon at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. S. H. Nichols, in Alton. The deceased was an esteemed
lady, 88 years of age. She has been an invalid at the home of Mr. S.
H. Nichols for the past three years, and gradually grew weaker until
death relieved her suffering. She was born in Edgartown,
Massachusetts, in 1805, where a son survives her. The funeral took
place Monday, and the body was sent to Edgartown for interment.
DAGGS, J. L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 16, 1900
J. L. Daggs died this morning at the home of J. R. Williams on Henry
street, after a short illness, aged 32 years. He came to Alton one
month ago and was taken ill. He leaves a wife and two children, and
his body will be shipped to his home at Luray, Missouri tomorrow
DAHLSTROM, CARRIE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 14, 1887
Died in Alton on January 13, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Carrie,
wife of Oscar Dahlstrom, aged thirty-two years. She leaves a husband
and three young children. The funeral will take place Sunday from
the family residence, corner of Fifth and Walnut Streets.
DAHLSTROM, GEORGE JR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 29,
George Dahlstrom Jr., aged 17, died at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Dahlstrom, from lockjaw. The boy's death was
expected, as his case was regarded as very grave from the beginning
of the tetanus symptoms. While employed at the Koch market, the boy
stepped on a rusty nail less than three weeks ago. He paid no
attention to the wound, as it was regarded as a very slight injury,
and the family were shocked to discover less than a week ago that
the boy began showing symptoms of lockjaw. All that surgery could do
for him was done, but the relief measures were unavailing. The boy
died at 10:30 o'clock Tuesday night at the home, 521 East Tenth
street. The deceased was a bright, intellectual boy, and until
recently was a student at Alton High school. He was well liked by
all the boys, and his death is a source of great grief not only to
the family, but to the large circle of friends who knew him best.
The funeral will be Friday morning at 10 o'clock from the family
DAHLSTROM, OSCAR/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 4, 1890
Mr. Oscar Dahlstrom, for many years an employee at Hapgood Plow
Works, died at his residence on Seventh Street yesterday. He was a
native of Sweden, but had lived in this country many years. He
leaves a wife and family, and many friends to mourn his loss. He was
a member of the Alton Lodge of A.O.U.W. No. 117, and was about 43
years of age.
Coroner’s Investigation
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 11, 1890
Coroner Bonner came over from Edwardsville to investigate the cause
of death of Mr. Oscar Dahlstrom. Dahlstrom was taken down with
typhoid fever some ten days ago. Three weeks ago, a misunderstanding
with his brother-in-law, William Weis, occurred, in which the latter
threw a brick at Dahlstrom, hitting him in the back of the head.
Little was said about the affair. Dr. Lemen was called to the case
on Monday, and he called in Dr. Haskell, in consultation. Both are
decidedly of the opinion that the wound is the real cause of
Dahlstrom’s death.
A post mortem exam of the body of Oscar Dehlstrom, made September 4,
1890, the following bruises were found: A scalp wound on the left
side of the head, about two inches above the left occipitopanital
suture. The bone at seat of wound was inflamed and dead for a space
of 4x2 ¾ inches. On opening the skull, the portion of the skull
immediately under the external denuded part was filled with pus.
There was also a purulent meningitis involving all the covering of
the brain of the left side, and a large quantity of pus under them.
The abdomen was distended, the intestines filled with gas. A few
typhoid patches were found in the small intestine, beginning about 1
½ feet above the ileocoreal valve. They were in the early stage of
the disease, and had no influence in causing his death. In our
opinion, the death was directly the result of the wound of the head.
Signed, Dr. E. C. Lemen, and W. A. Haskell.
The verdict of the jury was that he came to his death “from a wound
on the head, inflicted by William Weis, on or about August 11, 1890,
and that his death occurred at his residence on September 3, 1890.
DAIBER, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 20, 1898
Joseph Daiber, a well-to-do farmer living two miles south of
Alhambra, deliberately took his own life Monday evening. He told his
wife on leaving the house that he would end his life, but she did
not think seriously of the matter. He stood against a telegraph pole
in back of his home, and awaited the arrival of the ___________ on
the St. Louis, Peoria & Northern Railroad. He threw himself across
the track, and the wheels passed over his chest and limbs. The act
was committed in full view of the engineer and fireman, who were
powerless to prevent it. The engine was reversed, and as soon as the
train was brought to a stop, the lifeless form was picked up and
carried to the house. Mr. Daiber leaves a wife and five children. He
was 49 years old.
DAILEY, JOHNSTON A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 16,
Beaten by Five in Gang - Assessor of Wood River Township Dies
Johnston A. Dailey, assessor of Wood River township, was fatally
injured at Mitchell Monday afternoon by a gang of foreigners with
whom he had become embroiled, and he died twelve hours later, at 3
o'clock Tuesday morning in a hospital at Granite City. He was 45
years of age, was married, and leaves his wife and three children,
Clendon, Lucile, and Adel. He leaves also his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
B. C. Dailey, and two brothers, William of Alton and Charles of Los
Angeles, Cal., and Mrs. Frank Williams of Alton. The story of the
trouble is not just exactly clear. It is said that Assessor Dailey
had been to Edwardsville on business, and that he was returning
home. At Mitchell, while waiting for his car to bring him to Alton,
it is said he became embroiled with a gang of foreign laborers
working on the railroad. It was said that he referred to the gang as
"Hunkies," and that the gang finally assaulted him, using picks and
shovels to beat him. Dailey was overpowered, and when the gang left
off beating him, he was unconscious. He was taken to Granite City on
a car in an unconscious condition, and there it was found his skull
had been fractured and that he was perhaps otherwise fatally hurt.
His wife and brother were notified and they went to Granite City to
attend him. Mrs. Dailey was present when he died at 3 o'clock
Tuesday morning. It was learned that the slaying of Dailey was
witnessed by a large number of passengers on two interurban cars.
They did not realize that the man was being fatally injured. The
fight was over before anyone could have rendered any help. Dailey
was assessor of Wood River township for several terms. According to
a story given at Granite City after the arrest of the foreman of the
gang, Ed Williams and four of his gang, Dailey shouted at the gang
and called them "Hunkies." One of the gang, Demo Polo, who
understood English and knew that it was a term of contempt Dailey
was using, rushed at Dailey with a pick handle and hit him on the
head. Dailey hurled a piece of rock and struck Polo, who fled.
Thereupon the other members of the gang attacked Dailey and beat him
several minutes, when he escaped and went to the station where,
after an interval, he fell unconscious. The station agent stood
guard over him, treated his wounds and telephoned for Dr. R. D.
Luster of Granite City. Constable Cowgill arrested four of the
laborers and their foreman at Canal Station, three miles away. They
gave their names as Joseph Grapo, Angelo Decairo, Anton Grapo, and
Anthony Inquire....The remains of Assessor J. A. Dailey arrived in
Alton on the 3 o'clock train and were taken to Upper Alton to the
Streeper undertaking establishment. The funeral was not set.
DAILEY, MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 30, 1910
Mrs. Margaret Dailey, widow of Joseph Dailey, an old Upper Alton
resident, died last night in St. Louis at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. William Hicks. Her husband preceded her to the grave about six
years ago. She was 81 years old, and leaves three children in Upper
Alton: J. H. Dailey; Mrs. Charles Stocker; and Mrs. Harry McDermott;
Mrs. Charles E. Lowe of Edwardsville is a daughter of Mrs. Dailey
and she also had two children residing in St. Louis. Mrs. Dailey was
one of the old-time residents of Upper Alton, having lived here
almost all her life. Her maiden name was Eliston. She was married to
Joseph Dailey in Upper Alton by Squire Maxey 65 years ago, in the
old Maxey residence on Washington avenue. She also leaves eight
grandchildren. The body will be brought to Upper Alton Thursday,
leaving the city on the noon C. & A. train, arriving at Alton at 1
o'clock. The funeral party will proceed to the Upper Alton Methodist
church where the service will be conducted, and burial will follow
at Oakwood Cemetery.
DAILEY, MARTHA (nee GREENWALT)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
October 11, 1922
In the Grocery Business in Upper Alton
Mrs. Martha Dailey, 75, wife of Barzilla Chathan Dailey, died last
night at 9:45 o'clock at the Dailey home on Merchant Street in Upper
Aton, after being disabled four weeks by a stroke of paralysis. Mrs.
Dailey had been a resident of Upper Alton sixty-eight years, and she
leaves her aged husband to whom she was married at the age of 17,
more than fifty-seven years ago. She was very probably one of the
best known of Upper Alton's oldest residents. Four weeks ago last
Friday, when the weather was the hottest of the season, Mrs. Dailey
was stricken and fell in the yard at the home while busy about her
household duties. It was believed at the time that the intense heat
had caused her illness but a few days later when other symptoms made
their appearance it became evident that she had sustained a
paralytic stroke. Her case was very serious from the first and
members of her family were convinced that she could not recover. Her
right side became helpless soon after the attack and a little later
on her left side also became paralyzed. Gradually her strength left
her and on Sunday afternoon she became totally unconscious and
continued in that state until death came last night. Mrs. Dailey had
been a very active woman all her life, and she had dreaded for many
years, according to members of her family, of being disabled in her
older age and unfit for work. She especially feared paralysis and it
is quite a coincidence that her death should be brought about by
this affliction that she had dreaded so long.
Her family were first with her under any circumstances, and whatever
they were interested in Mrs. Dailey's enthusiasm was all there too.
Her husband and her sons were connected very actively many years in
the building and operation of the old horse car line, which was the
first means of transportation ever built on the streets of Upper
Alton. The aged husband, who survives, had helped to build the car
line and from the time the line was built until the horse cars were
dispensed with to make room for the electric line, he was one of the
principal workers. Her three sons, only one of whom is now living,
were drivers of the horse cars.
Over twenty-five years ago, Mrs. Dailey with her husband went into
the grocery business in the place now occupied by Megowen & Kelley
on College Avenue, and they continued in the same stand until they
sold out and retired from business about three years ago. During the
long time they had the store Mrs. Dailey was always on duty there
from the beginning of the year to the end. She was an unusual worker
and never knew what it was to give up her work when she felt
slightly indisposed. Her fatal illness which stated four weeks ago
was really the first sickness that ever caused her to give up.
Mrs. Dailey had been a resident of Upper Alton since she was 7 years
old. At the age of 17, she had been married to her surviving
husband, and she had lived here continuously ever since coming to
Upper Alton with her parents when a very young girl. She was 76
years old on August 9. Three sons and a daughter had been born to
Mr. and Mrs. Dailey, and all grew up to maturity, but in the death
of her two sons, the late Johnson and William Dailey, the aged Upper
Alton woman experienced the greatest affliction of her long
lifetime. Her daughter, Mrs. Rose Williams, and her one son, Charles
Dailey, both of Upper Alton, survive, and they have been
continuously with their mother from the beginning of her illness to
the end. Nine grandchildren survive also, six children of Mrs.
Williams, two of the late Johnson Dailey, and little Dorothy, the
only child of the late William II Dailey, who dropped dead a year
ago last January. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2
o'clock at the Upper Alton Methodist church, and services will be in
charge of the pastor, Rev. Theodore Cates. Burial will be in Oakwood
DAILEY, WILLIAM H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 20,
Upper Alton Businessman; Owner of Forkeyville
William H. Dailey dropped dead this morning about 12:45 o'clock in
his home about five minutes after coming in from his place of
business and locking the door. His parents, Barzilla C. and Martha
Dailey, were asleep upstairs and they heard him enter the house at
the usual time when he closed his place of business. Only a few
minutes after he locked the door, they heard him fall to the floor.
Mr. Dailey hurried to the light switch and turned on the lights and
ran downstairs, finding the son lying on the floor in a corner
between the wall and the bed where he had fallen head first. The
aged father was satisfied that his son was dying and he ran out into
the street calling for help. The entire neighborhood was aroused.
The Dailey home is located on Merchant Street, just off of
Washington, in the rear of the College Avenue business houses. B. C.
Dailey, the father, who is about 78 years old, ran all the way from
his home to the residence of Dr. L. L. Yerkes in an effort to get
help for his son when he was dying. Dr. Yerkes got out as quickly as
possible and hurried to the Dailey home. He said that death had been
instantaneous when Mr. Dailey fell to the floor. A slight mark over
one of his eyes gave evidence of the fact that he had struck his
face on a window sill as he fell forward.
Will Dailey was one of the best-known men in the city of Alton and
he was widely known outside of the city. He was 51 years old and was
born and reared in Upper Alton. All his life was spent here with the
exception of a few years he was in the West. During his boyhood
days, his father was engaged in street car work for the company that
operated the horse car line in Alton for many years. With his
brothers and father, he worked for the company and was well known as
a street car driver. Later he did the same kind of work for several
years in Omaha. For the last twenty years he had been in business
either in Alton or on the outskirts. He owned the famous
"Forkeyville" property at the forks of the road east of Upper Alton
for several years, and he was the first man to convert the business
of that place from a rural saloon to a merchandise store. After
establishing the merchandise business there where a saloon had
caused much trouble to educational institutions in Upper Alton for
many years, he sold the property and engaged in business in Upper
Alton. He bought the property at the corner of College and
Washington Avenues from D. M. Kittinger and last year he put up a
fine new business building on a part of the ground. He had been
planning many other improvements for this valuable piece of real
estate which he would not doubt have brought about had his life been
Mr. Dailey was a man whose appearance would indicate perfect health.
He was never ill to any extent, and he weighed about 240 pounds.
Yesterday all day he had complained of indigestion. We went home at
noon yesterday for his usual meal, but his family say he ate very
little. He again complained of indigestion and requested his aged
mother to give him a small quantity of baking soda, which was an old
remedy of the family. In the evening he still complained of pain,
but he did not think his case at all serious. He was in his usual
jovial mood all evening while in charge of his pool hall on
Washington Avenue, and he played billiards all evening with some
young men. He closed his place of business about the usual time and
remained outside for some little time, talking to some boys before
he went home. When the word became circulated in Upper Alton that he
was dead, it was a surprise that was really hard to believe. Mr.
Dailey leaves besides his aged parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Dailey, a
little daughter whom he and his deceased wife [Christina F. Lessner
Daily (1873-1917)], adopted when a baby. He also leaves one sister,
Mrs. Rose Williams, of Upper Alton, and one brother, Charles Dailey
of Los Angeles, California. The late J. A. Dailey, whose tragic
death occurred some years ago while he was assessor of Wood River
Township, was the third brother of the family. The death of Will
Dailey in the prime of life is a sad blow to his aged parents. The
sympathy of the community is with the bereaved father and mother.
While 51 years of age, in years he would have been considered a
person past middle age, but to those who knew him well he was more
of a boy than a man who had lived a half century. He was a man who
never got old, and the chances are he never would have if he had
lived many more years. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
DALE, ANNA (nee BRADDOCK)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
February 13, 1912
Mrs. Anna Dale, wife of William J. Dale, died at the family
residence on Walnut Street in Upper Alton this morning. Mrs. Dale
has been a sufferer from dropsy for some time, and her death was not
unexpected. Mrs. Dale was born in St. Louis 61 years ago, and moved
to Alton when a child and lived here many years. She was the
daughter of Alfred Braddock, an old-time butcher, who conducted a
meat stall in the old city hall square for many years. Her mother,
Mary Braddock, had charge of a millinery store on Second street for
many years and is remembered by many old residents. Mrs. Dale
married early in life and moved to St. Louis where she lived until
six years ago, when the family moved to Upper Alton. She was the
mother of ten children, six of whom survive her, Mrs. Annie Holly
and Miss Nellie Dale, and Messrs, Charles, Robert, Edward and Harry.
She is also survived by three sisters, Mrs. John Kinkenkeller, Mrs.
Robert Arnold, and Mrs. George Nevlin of Upper Alton, and one
brother, Edward Braddock of St. Louis. The funeral will be held from
the home Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and will be private. Rev.
M. Haley will officiate.
DALE, ANNIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 08, 1898
Annie Dale, a young milliner who has been working at Mrs. M. A.
Hartman’s millinery store on Second Street, died very suddenly
Sunday noon after an illness of only a few hours. The young lady
came to Alton from Mt. Vernon some time ago, to work for Mrs.
Hartman, and was 23 years of age. She had been suffering with a
severe cold for a few days, but her illness was not considered
serious, and she was able to attend to her work until four o’clock
Saturday afternoon. She said that she felt so ill she would have to
go to bed. At ten o’clock, Mrs. Hartman visited the room, and found
her in a dying condition in bed. Dr. Taphorn was summoned, but she
was beyond help and died Sunday at noon. Death was said to be due to
congestion of the lungs. The father of the young lady came here from
Mt. Vernon and had the body sent home for interment.
DALE, CHARLES E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 9,
Charles E. Dale, 40, died Saturday at his home, 440 East Broadway.
He had been seriously ill only 24 hours. Death was due to double
pneumonia. He was the manager of the C. F. Adams Installment Co. He
is survived by his widow, Agnes Dale, and three brothers, Roy Dale
of St. Louis, Harry Dale of Pittsburgh, Kan., and John Dale of
Oregon, Ill., and two sisters, Mrs. S. V. Voelker, East St. Louis,
and Mrs. Jessie Robins, of Washington, D. C. The remains will be
shipped to Rutland, Ill., tomorrow, for burial.
Intelligencer, April 7, 1896
Madison County buried the body of its old county judge Friday
afternoon, and leading citizens of many towns were present to
testify their affection. Judge Michael Gundaker Dale died April 1,
1896, at the age of 81. Following services, the casket was taken in
charge by the pallbearers, E. P. Greenwood, A. P. Wolf, S. O.
Bonner, E. W. Mudge, W. P. Bradshaw, and W. H. Krome, and placed it
in the hearse and conveyed to the courthouse, where memorial
services were held. George B. Burnett, attorney for the Wabash
Railroad, a former partner of Judge Dale’s, spoke, and with evident
feeling said:
“I first met Judge Dale in 1863. He was at that time county judge.
Three years later, upon his retiring from the bench, I became
associated with him in the practice of law, and remained in that
connection with him until 1876, when he again resumed the office of
Judge. During that time, I sustained the most intimate, personal,
and business relations with him, and during all that time never
heard him speak a harsh or unpleasant word. I never heard him speak
ill of any man.
The leading characteristic of Judge Dale was his industry, strict
integrity, and order in business. Unselfish and generous, he was a
man of splendid education, and well grounded in the elementary
principles of law. When he started out to solve a legal proposition,
he never stopped. His industry never flagged until he mastered it.
He was an exceedingly timid man, persistent in his convictions, but
timid. He never slighted any work, no matter how unimportant. The
poor soldier, seeding a pension, had the benefit of the same
painstaking industry as the client with large interests. Whatever he
undertook to do, he threw his whole soul into, and gave every
attention he thought necessary in behalf of those who employed him.
He had the most pronounced notions of honesty of any man I ever
knew. If there was ever any doubt, he always solved the doubt
against himself. I know several occasions when money came into his
hands, and a shadow of doubt came into his mind as to whether he
should retain it or pay it to somebody else, and he invariably
argued with his friends, and if the shadow of doubt was still there,
he paid it over.
He was a very orderly man in his business, extremely so, and any
paper of value that was placed in his possession for safe keeping,
no matter how many years afterward it was called, he would instantly
get. He knew where it was. His unselfishness was a marked trait in
his character. If we should figure up the amount of money Judge Dale
has given away since my acquaintance with him, you would figure out
a small fortune, and if you add to that the amount of money he paid
as security debts, it would reach into the thousands. And yet, he
never complained, but moved on in the even tenor of his way, as if
nobody had ever wronged him.
Judge Dale always impressed me as a man who narrowly escaped being
great. He lacked one thing – aggressiveness. With his knowledge of
men, with the character he maintained, if he had been an aggressive
man, and like some men, ready at all times to insist upon his
convictions and put them forward, he would have undoubtedly
impressed himself not only upon the State, but upon the nation, as a
man of ability. He seemed to have a desire to avoid friction and to
avoid controversy with men. He was a typical politician, and perhaps
that accounts for it. He wanted to be on good terms with everybody.
What I would say of him might be summed up in a few words. His life
was a success, and the elements so mixed in him that nature might
stand up and say to all the world, ‘This is a man.’”
The casket was covered and surrounded by numerous floral offerings,
the last token of esteem. Burial was in the Woodlawn Cemetery in
Judge Dale married Margaret Mildred Ewing in 1849, and they had at
least eight children – Ewing Dale (1850-1873); Emma Berry Dale
(1851-1859); James Berry Dale (1853-1931); Carrie May Dale
(1855-1870); Annie Dale (1858-1866); Charles Stapp Dale (1867-1904);
Lee Ewing Dale (1872-1964); and Samuel G. Dale (1877-1906).
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 9, 1896
Judge Michael Gundaker Dale of Edwardsville died Wednesday at his
home in Edwardsville. Judge Dale has been in feeble health for some
time, owing to his advanced years, and his death was not unlooked
for. Judge Dale was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 85 years ago.
He came to Bond County, Illinois, in 1835, where he remained
practicing his profession – that of law – until 1853, when he
removed to Edwardsville, where he has since resided. He has held
many offices, among them Judge of the Madison County Court. The last
race he made for this position was in 1886, when he was defeated by
the late Cyrus L. Cook. Judge Dale always gave the best of
satisfaction in the many positions he filled during his long life,
and was extremely popular with all parties. He was highly respected
by all, and leaves the fragrance of a good name behind him.
DALE, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 12, 1903
Samuel Dale, aged 17, died last night at the family home, Fifteenth
and Langdon, after an illness with typhoid pneumonia. The funeral
will be from the Cathedral Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
DALE, SARAH/Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, March 14, 1895
Sarah Dale, wife of Peter Dale, dropped dead Friday evening while
attending religious services at the Second Baptist Church in Upper
Alton. She was 48 years of age. Her death, it is supposed, was
caused by apoplexy. She leaves a husband and three children. She has
lived in Upper Alton since 1875.
DALEY, MARTHA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 11, 1901
Yesterday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Rosiner Baker
in Upper Alton, "Grandma" Daley passed peacefully away at the
extreme age of 94 years. She was a native of North Carolina, and
came to this vicinity when she was 14 years of age. She lived here
ever since, and up to a year ago was in fairly good health. She saw
Alton transformed from a forest to its present dimensions, and saw
most of the wonderful creations of the 19th century. She was a kind,
motherly woman with a great human heart, and had many friends who
will miss her sorely. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. R. Baker and
Mrs. L. R. Cheney; and two sons, B. C. and Joseph Daley. Funeral
services will be held Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the home of
Mrs. Baker. Rev. M. L. Cole with conduct them.
DALTON, ANDERSON HARVEY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 3,
Anderson Harvey Dalton, aged 4?, died this morning at the Nazareth
Home where he has been residing for nearly two years. Dalton has
been ill for a period of six or seven years and recently his
condition became very grave and his death has been expected
momentarily. He was unmarried. He leaves his mother, Mrs. Mary
Dalton, one sister, Mrs. Jane Doyle of Nebo, and five brothers,
Edward, George, Louis, Henry and Fred, all of Alton. The body will
be taken to the home of his brother, Edward Dalton of 60? Central
Avenue, and the funeral will be held from there. Funeral
arrangements are incomplete.
DALTON, HAROLD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 22,
Child Killed by Falling Framework
Harold, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dalton of Fourth and
Easton Streets, was probably instantly killed this noon by a heavy
frame falling on his neck while he was at play in a vacant lot back
of the house where the family live. The boy was three years old last
April. Mrs. Dalton discovered his dead body pinned to the ground by
the heavy frame which had fallen on him and pinioned his neck,
breaking the neck. The little boy had left home about a half hour
before 12 o'clock to play on the adjoining lot where the other
children had been playing for a few days before. They had rigged up
a see-saw, putting a heavy plank over a heavy wooden frame such as
is used to carry wooden rollers for moving heavy objects. When the
noon hour came Mrs. Dalton had dinner ready and she called the
little boy, whom she believed to be at play on the vacant lot. When
he did not answer, the mother instinct told her that there was some
reason why the boy did not respond to her calls, as he was an
obedient child. She went with fear in her heart to investigate.
There she found the child quite dead, with the cause of his death,
the heavy wooden frame lying across his neck. The mother picked up
the child in her arms and carried him to the home, screaming to her
neighbors for assistance. Dr. W. H. Enos was called and he found
that the child was beyond any help. He had been dead perhaps 15 or
20 minutes when the mother found him. He could not have lifted the
heavy thing that killed him, it is supposed that he found it
standing on end and that in playing around he knocked it over, as it
did not balance well. He was caught as the frame fell. The child was
a handsome little boy, strong and sturdy, though not tall for his
age. He was a bright little fellow, and though but 3 1/2 years of
age, his mother would trust him to make trips to a store about three
blocks away when she needed any supplies in the home.
DALTON, JAMES W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 13,
Civil War Soldier
James Dalton, an old soldier, aged 75, died at his home at 612 East
Eighth Street this morning following an illness of three months,
which was brought about by a fall in his yard. While working about
the yard, Mr. Dalton slipped and broke one of his ribs. Since the
time of the accident, his health has been growing worse until
recently a complication of diseases set in, which brought about his
He has lived in Alton for the past sixteen years, and during that
time made a large circle of friends. He is survived by six sons and
two daughters, the most of whom reside in the city. The funeral
services will be held from the home on Monday morning. The body will
be shipped to Nebo, Illinois Monday morning for burial. The funeral
services will be conducted by Rev. S. D. McKenny.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 15, 1915
Funeral services over the body of James Dalton were conducted at his
home on East Eighth Street by Rev. S. D. McKenny. After the
services, the body was shipped to Nebo, Illinois, where the
interment took place. Mr. Dalton was a member of the G.A.R., and
five comrades acted as pallbearer this morning. They were James
Pack, J. N. Ashlock, A. J. Osborne, F. E. Dickson, and James Smith.
James W. Dalton was born September 07, 1839. He first married in
1857 to Martha Ann Sevier Vancil (1844-1880), and then married Mary
Ann Denton (1845-1932). Some of his children were: Valentine
Jefferson Dalton (1858-1924); Sarah Jane Dalton Doil (1877-1935);
Fred C. Dalton (1879-1948); and George Richard Dalton (1882-1945).
James was interred in the Neese Cemetery in Nebo, Pike County,
DALY, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 7, 1901
Upper Alton News - The death of Joseph Daly occurred last evening at
9 o'clock. Mr. Daly has for many years been a citizen of Upper Alton
and was 74 years of age. His death was due to bronchitis. Five
children survive him - Mrs. Fannie Hick of St. Louis; Mrs. Charles
Lowe of Edwardsville; Mrs. Stocker and Mrs. Harry McDermott of Upper
Alton. The funeral service will be held tomorrow at 2 o'clock at the
M. E. church. The Rev. M. L. Cole will conduct the service.
DANBURY, RICHARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 13,
Richard Danbury, aged 77, died Sunday afternoon at the Nazareth Home
from old age. He formerly lived at Jerseyville and came here to
spend his last days. The old man had been contemplating the near
approach of the close of his days, and had made all arrangements for
his burial. The old man had set aside some money in the bank he had
ascertained was sufficient, and made it payable to Mr. Bauer that
the money could be available at any time it was needed to pay his
funeral expenses. Danbury would sit in the business place of the
undertaker and talk about his end, and seemed to get much
satisfaction out of the fact that he had made all plans for his
DANFORTH, REBECCA/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 31, 1889
Miss Rebecca Danforth died Sunday morning at the residence of her
sister, Mrs. D. A. Spaulding, on the Grafton Road, at the age of 82
years. She had been failing for a long time, but her life ebbed away
so gradually that the near approach of the end was hardly recognized
until all was over. Miss Danforth was a native of New Hampshire. She
came to Alton in 1839, and has since made her home at Mr.
Spaulding’s. She was an estimable lady, a member of the Baptist
Church of Alton for nearly fifty years.
DANIEL, MARTHA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 6, 1921
Mrs. Martha Daniel, who died Saturday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at
the family home, 1121 Belle Street, was buried yesterday afternoon
in the City Cemetery. She leaves her husband, James, and one
daughter, Mrs. Henry Graves. The funeral was held under the auspices
of the Salvation Army.
DANIELS, A. L. (COLONEL)/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 24, 1866
Died in Rock Island after a brief illness, on the 13th inst.,
Colonel A. L. Daniels of Upper Alton, aged 72 years. The deceased
was born in Hillsdale, New York, but early removed to Western New
York, where he resided for about fifty years until 1864, when he
removed to Upper Alton. He served for a short time in the War of
1812, and when the Rebellion broke out, his patriotism was all aglow
with the old fires, and he conceived the plan of raising a regiment
of the veterans of the War of 1812, entered into correspondence with
General Scott, who encouraged the movement, and with his old
comrades in arms, and secured the organization of the regiment. In
order to their acceptance, a special act of Congress was necessary,
and the procuring of this was entrusted to the representative from
his district, Hon. Mr. Ely. But unfortunately for the Veteran
Regiment, as well as for himself, Mr. Ely was taken prisoner at Bull
Run, and thus the enterprise failed and the regiment never entered
upon active service. This attempt showed the entire devotion of the
old man to his country. As a neighbor, he was kind and true. As a
friend, sincere and constant. As a husband and father, very tender
and devoted, and as a Christian, earnest and consistent. He was one
of those solid, noble men, whose form and features impressed one
with the conviction that he was a great and good man, and that to
the alerting virtues of the early days of the Republic, there were
added in him the graces of the true Christian.
DANIELS, ARCHIBALD L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 14,
Retired Business Man, Former Hotel Keeper Dies
Archibald L. Daniels, aged 80, died at 9:15 o'clock Tuesday morning
from paralysis. His death had been expected at any time during the
past three days. He had been in poor health for a number of years, a
fact that caused his retirement from the Madison Hotel, which he
conducted fourteen years. In the last few years he had suffered
several attacks from a malady which contributed to the ultimate
breakdown and from which he was suffering acutely at the time of the
paralytic stroke. Since retiring from the Madison Hotel nine years
ago, he had been practically in retirement. His active mind required
something to occupy it, and he had been engaging in some small
ventures from time to time, but he was not actively engaged in any
business most of the time since quitting the hotel. Mr. Daniels was
born in Albion, N. Y. He was the youngest of a family of eight. Last
March he celebrated his eightieth birthday anniversary. He was also
nearing his golden wedding anniversary, which would have been next
November. He came to Alton after the war. He had served as an army
paymaster during the whole war, and at its close he joined in Alton
two sisters, Mrs. Kendall and Mrs. Reed, who were living here. He
continued here the remainder of his life and most of the time he was
engaged in business in Alton. He was married to Miss Julia Pierce in
Alton in 1868, about three years after coming to Alton. He engaged
in the cracker manufacturing business in this city, and was active
in that for many years. He also was engaged later on in the bakery
business. During many years he was engaged as the maker and purveyor
of food. His services as a caterer were frequently called for
whenever there was a large so____ event in Alton, and for many years
he had much to do with all of the large and more pretentious of the
social affairs in the city. Mr. Daniels was a prominent member and
worker in the Congregational Church. For seventeen years he served
as superintendent of the Sunday School. He sang for years in the
church choir. His big bass voice was a remarkably melodious one and
his services as a singer were much sought at many entertainments. He
was one of the members of the old Arion quartet, consisting of Mr.
Daniels, R. A. Haight, Thomas Pepler and John M. Logan. Mr. Daniels
is survived by his wife, who was constant in her attendance at his
side during his illness and during the closing hours fulfilled a
promise she had made him that she would not leave his side as he was
crossing over. During the whole night she sat with him and until the
time when he breathed his last. In the neighborhood where he lived
Mr. Daniels was beloved by young and old, and there is general
sorrow there among those who had known him as a good friend and
neighbor for many years.
DANIELS, ELLEN M./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 31, 1866
Died in Alton, August 23, after a long and painful illness, Ellen
M., wife of A. L. Daniels Jr., aged 25 years. The deceased leaves a
companion and a large circle of friends to mourn her loss.
DANIELS, P. J./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 8, 1892
Miss P. J. Daniels died this afternoon at the residence of her
brother, Mr. A. L. Daniels, on Alby Street. The deceased was in her
73rd year, and has been ill for some time. Her death is due to
general debility. The funeral will take place Saturday morning from
the residence of Mr. Daniels, and will be private.
DANIELS, TONEY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 27, 1902
Toney Daniels, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Daniels, died this morning
at his home, 621 East Second street, after an illness with
pneumonia. The body will be taken to Kane, Ill, Saturday, for
DANKENBRINK, AUGUST F./Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer,
February 24, 1892
August F. Dankenbrink, residing near Bethalto on the Aug. Fischer
farm, died Saturday [Feb. 20] from the effects of la grippe. The
funeral took place Monday. The remains were interred in the Bartlett
cemetery, south of this city. Rev. P. N. Fedderson conducted
services. The pallbearers were Henry Stahlhut, Aug Broecking, John
Heeren, John Helmkamp, Ed Bayer and D. E. Burroughs. Mr. Dankenbrink
was 37 years, 5 months and 4 days old. He was born near Troy,
September 16, 1854, and married Miss Louisa Begamann in 1877. Five
children were born, of whom four survive. He also leaves a wife,
brother and sister.
DANNEBERG, HENRY C./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 8,
Henry C. Danneberg, an old resident of Alton, died yesterday
afternoon at the home of his son-in-law, Mr. Jacob Kopp Jr. Deceased
was 84 years of age, and death was caused by feeble old age. He
leaves six children, two of whom, Mrs. Jacob Kopp and Mrs. William
Wyss, reside in this city. The funeral will take place tomorrow from
the residence of Mr. Jacob Kopp, 820 East Fifth Street.
DARBY, BENJAMIN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 1, 1914
Benjamin Darby, aged 58, a resident of Alton forty years, died
Monday evening at his home, 2004 Myrtle street in the north side,
after an illness of three weeks. He was born in 1856 in the State of
Missouri. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 10:30
o'clock from the A. M. E. Church in the North Side.
DARBY, RHODA/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 07, 1898
From North Alton - Miss Rhoda Darby, the fourteen years old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Darby, died Saturday afternoon after a
lingering illness from consumption. The interment took place
yesterday afternoon in Rocky Fork Cemetery.
DARLING, ELENORA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 4,
Mrs. Elenora Darling, wife of David B. Darling, died Monday morning
at the family home on the Grafton road after an illness of two
weeks. She was stricken with paralysis and was rendered helpless.
She was 77 years of age and had lived in North Alton over half a
century, having been married there. She leaves beside her husband,
two daughters, Mrs. Sara H. Dixon and Miss Kate B. Darling. The
funeral will take place Tuesday at 2 o'clock from the family home on
the Grafton road, and Rev. H. M. Chittenden of St. Paul's church
will conduct the services.
DARNEILLE, UNKNOWN CHILDREN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June
27, 1906
A double funeral was held this afternoon of two children of Mr. and
Mrs. Adam Darneille, a boy and a girl, both of whom died from
measles. The girl died yesterday and the boy died early this
morning. The two children had been suffering from measles, and
complications set in which resulted fatally. The two children were
buried at the same time this afternoon.
DARNELL, E. A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 7, 1900
E. A. Darnell died at St. Joseph's hospital this morning from
injuries sustained by falling from the loft of the livery stable of
Charles Seibold last Monday. When picked up after his fall, Darnell
was unconscious and was bleeding from the ears and mouth, which
indicated that he had sustained a fracture of the skull near the
base. He remained in a semi-conscious condition until this morning,
when he died. Mr. Darnell was 46 years of age and had lived in Alton
15 years. He was a skilled mechanic, and before coming here had been
a railroad engineer. The body will be taken to Quincy this evening
for interment. Coroner H. J. Bailey held an inquest this morning
over the body, and the jury impaneled found a verdict of accidental
death caused by falling from the loft of the Seibold livery stable
and fracturing his skull. His wife and one son, Samuel E., survive
DARNIELLE, HARRISON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 25,
The body of Harrison Darnielle was brought to Alton this morning
from St. Louis and buried in Oakwood cemetery. Darnielle was 77
years old and formerly lived at Clawson and Walnut streets, Upper
Alton. He conducted a cigar factory at that place. He was a deaf
mute. His wife, who was also deaf, died in Upper Alton several years
ago. Two daughters, residents of St. Louis, survive.
DARR, EURA D./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 26, 1918
Cause of Death in Dispute of 18 Year Old Girl
Miss Eura D. Darr, the 18 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Darr, of 123 East Fifth street, died very unexpectedly Monday
evening at the family home. Members of the family attribute her
death to blood poisoning as the result of vaccination. They say that
she was vaccinated last Tuesday and was in perfect health at the
time. She was employed in the Luly drug store at Third and Belle
streets. Saturday afternoon she was taken very ill and went home at
6 o'clock, barely able to get into the front door of her home. There
she collapsed. She was put to bed and was never out of bed again.
Two doctors attended Miss Darr, and they do not agree with the
conclusions reached by the family. The doctors say that Miss Darr
showed every symptom of diabetic trouble after she was stricken.
They said that there was no symptom of diabetes that could be
recognized before she went home last Saturday evening, and fell in a
faint on the floor. She did not recover from the coma into which she
sank. The doctors said that the vaccination wound on her arm was in
good shape, there was no indication of any blood poisoning from it,
and they do not believe that blood poisoning could act as quick and
in the manner her malady acted. They also said that spots which
appeared on the body after death, reported by the family, were
indicative of diabetic conditions in the body. The doctors were very
strong in their expressions of belief that diabetes was the cause of
her death and that the vaccination had nothing to do with it. Miss
Darr was a well-known young woman, and in her capacity as clerk in
the drug store she had made many friends. Her illness and death were
a sad surprise to her family and her friends. Miss Darr leaves her
parents and three sisters, Mrs. Frieda Siler and Leona and Vivien
Darr. The funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon
from the home, 123 East Fifth street.
DARROW, FANNIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 10, 1865
Died at Collinsville, Madison County, Illinois, Sunday, February 5,
1865, of consumption, in the confident hope of a happy immortality,
Miss Fannie Darrow, second daughter of the Rev. Joseph Lee Darrow.
DARROW, HARRIET BEATTY/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 21,
Died at Collinsville, August 29, 1866, of consumption, Mrs. Harriet
Beatty Darrow, relect of the late Rev. Joseph Lee Darrow, M. D.,
aged 48 years.
DARROW, JOSEPH LEE (REV. DR.)/Source: Alton Weekly Courier,
August 16, 1855
Co-Founder of Collinsville
From Collinsville, Aug. 6, 1855 -- On Saturday, July 28, our village
lost - by sudden death - one of its old citizens, Dr. Joseph L.
Darrow, who died on that day of violent cholera morbus, or, some
suppose, of cholera. He attended to his business until after ten
o'clock in the forenoon, took to his bed about eleven o'clock, and
was a corpse at a quarter past five. He had not been well for some
time before, suffering with dysentery, and was also under the
depressing influences of anxiety respecting a sick child, and an
absent one, whose return had been unexpectedly delayed. He was a
very active and energetic man, generally of firm health. He had
lived in Collinsville from its early days, and had laid out a
considerable portion of the town. His family and friends will have
reason to miss him long and mourn him deeply. He was a clergyman of
the Episcopal Church, as well as a practicing physician.
Rev. Dr. Joseph Lee Darrow was born April 4, 1809, in Otsego County,
New York, to Rev. Zadock and Lucy (Lord) Darrow. Rev. Zadock Darrow,
born in 1768 in Connecticut, moved to St. Louis, Missouri. In about
1820, he moved to the Rock Spring area (near O’Fallon, Illinois),
where he preached at Rock Spring Seminary, founded by John Mason
Peck. In addition to being a Baptist preacher, he was also a farmer
and carpenter. He died in 1849 at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Emma Look, in Collinsville.
In about the year 1833, the Reverend Joseph L. Darrow, M. D., moved
from New York to Collinsville and entered the practice of medicine.
In conjunction with his medical practice, he gave much of his time
and energy to the missionary work of the Episcopal Church, of which
he was an ordained minister. Through his tireless efforts, three
church buildings were erected in Madison County – almost solely by
the Doctor’s own personal money and contributions from his friends
in the East. These churches were erected in Edwardsville, Marine,
and Collinsville. The Christ Church in Collinsville was dedicated
December 17, 1841. Rev. Darrow remained the faithful rector of this
parish until his death from cholera on July 28, 1855. After his
death, the parish remained vacant until 1860, when Rev. A. P. Crouch
took charge. Among those who assisted Dr. Darrow in the construction
of the three churches were Daniel Ground of Marine, John S. Clark
and Hon. George Churchill.
Darrow, along with the widow of William B. Collins and Horace Look
(his son-in-law), laid out the original town plat of Collinsville.
The plat was recorded May 12, 1837. Darrow owned and laid out Darrow
Addition to Collinsville, and not only donated a large lot for the
church, but built the house of worship. This building was torn down
in May 1912, and replaced by a new church edifice.
Rev. Joseph Darrow left behind a wife, Harriet [nee Beatty] Darrow
(who died in 1866), and four children – Julia Maria Darrow Naylor
(1842-1869); Joseph Lee Darrow Jr. (1844-1865); Sarah Frances Darrow
(1846-1865); and Harriet Weller Darrow Mabee (1852-1943).
Joseph Lee Darrow Jr. served as a private in Company G, 9th Illinois
Infantry, and died August 13, 1865.
Both parents (Rev. Joseph and Harriet Darrow), Joseph Jr., and Sarah
Darrow are buried in the Glenwood Cemetery in Collinsville. It is
possible Rev. Zadock Darrow is buried in Collinsville, although no
stone has ever been found.
DARROW, JOSEPH L. (ATTORNEY)/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 25,
Died at Collinsville, Madison County, Illinois, on Sunday, August
15, 1865, Joseph L. Darrow, Esq., son of the late Rev. Joseph L.
Darrow, deceased, in the 22d year of his age. Notwithstanding his
youth, he had studied and commenced the practice of law at
Belleville, when his career was closed in death by that fell
destroyer, consumption.
DATES, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 27, 1904
Joseph Dates, a well known colored resident of Alton who lived at
910 Bloomfield street, died Friday morning at 8 o'clock after a
week's illness. He leaves his wife and one daughter. The funeral
will be held Sunday.
DATES, MARTHA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 8, 1900
Martha Dates, aged 34 years, died last night at the home of her
father, Joseph Dates, on Bloomfield street, after a long illness.
The funeral will be Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family
DATILLIO, SIN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 7, 1914
Sin Datillio, an Italian laborer employed at the plant of the
Federal Lead Co., was fatally injured late Friday evening when he
was thrown from a small car loaded with ore which was being drawn up
a grade in a train of little cars. It was the duty of the men, it is
said, to walk up behind the cars, as they were mounting the grade.
Datillio, it was said, jumped on one of the cars to ride up the
incline, and when at a point where the trestle was about ten feet
high, he was thrown to the ground by the car jumping the track. He
sustained fatal injuries. He died before morning and the body was
taken in charge by John Berner, who held it for an inquest which was
conducted this afternoon by Coroner Sims.
DAUBE, HENRY/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, September 18,
Funeral services will be conducted tomorrow afternoon for Henry
Daube, who passed away Saturday night, death being due to old age
and complications. Rev. H. Rahn, pastor of the Eden Evangelical
Church, will have charge of the services, which will be at the
residence, thence to Woodlawn Cemetery.
Mr. Daube was born on August 1, 1844, in Frankenberg, Hessian,
Germany, and came to this country in 1866. At the time of his death,
he was 78 years, 1 month, and 16 days. Soon after his arrival in
this country he came to Edwardsville, where he has since resided. He
is an old and well-known resident, and has many friends in this and
adjoining communities. He was united in marriage to Mrs. Katherine
Schilli, and she and two daughters, Mrs. Dan McKinn of Mt. Pleasant,
Michigan, and Mrs. Cecelia Lanham of St. Louis, survive. He is also
survived by one brother, George Daube, of this city, who is the only
member of the family now living.
Mr. Daube has been failing for the past year with Brights Disease,
but had been confined to his bed for only a week before his death.
Tuesday, his condition became serious, and relatives and friends
realized that the end was near. He was of a charitable disposition,
and belong to a number of fraternal organizations in his younger
days. He was one of the oldest residents of Edwardsville, and was
well known by all. He operated the Broadway Hotel for thirty-five
years, and was alderman for two terms. He was a Democratic
politician, and had a prominent part in the Clover Leaf Loan and
Edwardsville Water Company, endeavoring in all ways to do his part
for Edwardsville. He also worked for farmers near Ft. Russell for a
short time. Pallbearers will be Karl Vesper Sr., Ed Nea Jr., Louis
Brave Sr., William Poos Sr., Christ Rathert, and William Harmening.
DAUBE, PHILLIP/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 1, 1888
From Edwardsville - Phillip Daube, the father of Henry Daube, the
proprietor of the Broadway House, died last Wednesday morning. He
was buried the next day. The deceased had lived in this country only
five years.
DAUBMAN, HANNAH/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 13, 1890
Mrs. Hannah Daubman died today in Upper Alton, aged 44 years, 6
months, and 13 days. She leaves a husband and six children to mourn
her loss. The funeral took place Sunday from the M. E. Church.
DAUBMAN, HENRY J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 15, 1920
Henry J. Daubman of 2624 Walnut Street died this morning at 10
o'clock at St. Joseph's hospital where he went a few days ago for
treatment. He was stricken with paralysis yesterday and his death
was expected throughout the night. He has been in poor health for
the past year, but his condition did not become serious until a week
or so ago. Daubman was in his 74th year. He is survived by five
sons, William of Grafton, Charles of Roxana, Harry, M. R., George of
Alton, and by one daughter, Mrs. Alvin H. Ford of Alton. His wife
died a number of years ago. Daubman was born in Baden, Germany,
coming to Baltimore, Md., at the age of 7 years. He was married in
Baltimore to Hannah Frane. Forty years ago he came to Alton to work
as a glassblower at the Illinois Glass company. He retired from the
trade 25 years ago. Since his retirement, he interested himself in
real estate, and built up a comfortable fortune. He was an Odd
Fellow and a Mason. No definite funeral arrangements have been made,
but the funeral will probably be held Sunday afternoon.
DAUGHERTY, DEBORAH J./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 14, 1873
Died in Alton on March 11 of consumption, Miss Deborah J. Daugherty.
DAUGHERTY, NETTIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 23,
Mrs. Nettie Daugherty, aged 84, died at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. L. Kinney, at 1108 East Fourth street. Mrs. Daugherty had been
ill at her home for some time, and her death has been expected. She
was born in Kentucky. The funeral will be held on Sunday afternoon
from the home to the City Cemetery.
DAUM, BALSER JOSEPH/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer,
Wednesday, January 18, 1893
Balser Joseph Daum, aged 77 years and 14 days, died Thursday morning
[January 12, 1893] at 5 o'clock. The funeral took place from St.
Boniface's church Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. The remains were
interred in the Catholic cemetery. The pallbearers were: Henry
Langwisch, John Switzer, Victor Senn, John Wentz, Aloysius Oestrich,
John Bonn. Deceased was born in Lorch, Nassau, December 28, 1815,
and came to America in August 1854. He settled in this city in
February 1855, where he resided up to his death. He leaves surviving
a widow and five children, Mrs. Charles Hack, John and Joseph Daum
of this city; Philip Daum of Davenport, Iowa, and Mrs. Thomas
Heffernan of South Omaha, Nebraska. The latter was here to attend
the funeral.
DAVIDSON, ANNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 4, 1901
Mrs. Annie Davidson, wife of John Davidson, died this morning at the
family home west of Melville, aged 63. The funeral will take place
Sunday, and burial will be in Rocky Fork Cemetery.
DAVIDSON, MARGARET ELOUISE/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 30, 1874
Died near Upper Alton on July 23, 1874, of cholera infantum,
Margaret Elouise, daughter of John C. and Matilda E. Davidson; aged
8 months and 16 days.
DAVIDSON, RICHARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 8,
Richard Davidson, colored, aged 27, died Thursday evening at the
family home near Melville. He was a sufferer from consumption. The
funeral will be Sunday afternoon from the home.
DAVIDSON, THOMAS MILTON/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 14, 1878
Died in Upper Alton on March 7, Thomas Milton, son of John C. and
Matilda E. Davidson; aged two months.
DAVIS, ANNA S. (nee MATHER)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
October 8, 1917
Mrs. Anna S. Davis, wife of George H. Davis, died Sunday morning at
9 o'clock after a long period of disability, due to the weakness of
old age, at her residence, 409 East Fourth street. Mrs. Davis was
born in Alton, the daughter of Andrew Mather, one of the old time
business men in the city, and she was a sister of Mrs. Lucas
Pfeiffenberger and Miss Belle Mather. Beside her two sisters, she
leaves her husband, George H. Davis, an aged man, who has been
constant in his attendance upon his wife and who is grief stricken
over the passing of his life partner. The condition of Mrs. Davis
had been bad the past few years. The aged couple, who had come back
to Alton after a long period of residence in Leavenworth, Kan., had
been one of the most interesting pictures on the streets of Alton,
as they would go about, always together, and seemingly the most
happy when they were enjoying the society of each other. They had
decided to come to Alton to spend their closing years, and they
bought a home in Alton and settled down here where they could be
near the only relatives they had. They enjoyed much of their time up
to a few years ago in traveling about the country, making long
tours. The homing instinct in her family had always been strong, and
in the declining years of her life Mrs. Davis and her husband both
wanted to be back in Alton where they had made their start in life.
They made many friends among the younger people, as most of those
they had known in years gone by were gone. It was a pathetic fact
that as she was passing the last few weeks of her life, the mind of
Mrs. Davis turned back to childhood and her mother, and the old
home, and her talk was of nothing but the mother she expected soon
to be with. Mrs. Davis was born in Alton May 19, 1839, on the lot
where the First Presbyterian parsonage stands. She was married here
over fifty-five years ago to George H. Davis. They left Alton for
Leavenworth, Kan., and after staying there 34 years gave up that
place as a home and moved back to Alton in 1901. The funeral will be
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home.
DAVIS, BERTHA “BERTIE”/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 10, 1894
Miss Bertie Davis, oldest daughter of Captain Charles Davis, died in
St. Louis Monday morning. The funeral took place Tuesday from the M.
E. Church in Upper Alton. Captain Davis was a resident of Upper
Alton for 20 years, and Miss Bertie was born and raised there, where
she still has a host of friends. She was in her 24th year. [Burial
was in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.]
DAVIS, CARY BROUGHTON/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 13,
Son of George T. Davis
Cary Broughton, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George T. Davis, died
Saturday afternoon at the residence of the child’s grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Ash, aged 10 weeks. Although only a little child, its
death was a sad blow to the bereaved parents. The funeral took place
yesterday afternoon.
CHARLES (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 20, 1912
Alton Physician; Civil War Surgeon
Dr. Charles Davis, who is still hearty and vigorous, every faculty
alert and strong, has been in Alton since 1846, coming here when he
was six years of age. He has been practicing medicine since he
finished in what is now part of Washington University, and he
enlisted in the army to fight during the Civil War. He was not 21
when he enlisted at the first call for troops, going into the 7th
Illinois Volunteers, and afterward he enlisted in the 97th Illinois,
and went as surgeon. Dr. Davis saw hard fighting, he witnessed
scenes which today make him shudder, as he recalls the sufferings of
wounded men in the war, because of insufficient facilities for
taking care of them. As Dr. Davis says, it took a hardy man to pull
through the consequences of war, in the days before science had
discovered the germ theory of disease, and had evolved methods of
combatting the diseases which arose in those days from insufficient
knowledge of how to prevent bad results.
The service of Dr. Davis in the army lasted until the close of the
war, then he went east to complete his studies in the Jefferson
College at Philadelphia, taking a post graduate course. He came out
of college well equipped to take a prominent place in the medical
world, and he did it, holding a high reputation and a place as that
of a member of many a good Alton family for years. He is not so
active in the practice of his profession as formerly. He is taking
it easier in his home, but still ministers to the sick who call for
his services.
Dr. Davis remembers Alton as it was when Middletown was detached, a
part in itself of the corporation of Alton, separated from the rest
of the town by beautiful groves of oak and hickory. Alton was full
of beauty spots in those days. He recalls with pleasant memories the
picnics which were held on Fourth of July Hill, then without houses,
and the May Day picnics at the old Cave Springs on Belle Street. He
remembers when houses were few and far between in what is now the
central part of Alton, and the city was scattered over hills and
ravines. He recalls driving through the deep, muddy, unlighted
streets at night, guided by flashes of lightning, perhaps tumbling
into a ravine and getting covered with mud, half frozen or soaked to
the skin, and the old school doctor added, “Often I didn’t get a
cent of pay for it.” He went at duty’s call, whether money was in
sight or not. He took an oath when he began the practice of
medicine, that he would not betray the confidence of a patient, and
that oath was binding, so much so that now, in his old age, he is
very reluctant to do much talking about his work as a physician. He
has his opinion of the medical profession, and it is a very
pronounced one. He has ideals which he endeavored to put into
practice, high in their code of ethics. He is a gentleman through
and through, and he has endeavored to conduct himself so that those
who came in close contact had no cause for complaint. He has seen
the skeletons in family closets bared before the lawyer learned of
them in the divorce proceedings. He has seen the brutal man of the
house inflict pain and suffering upon the woman he vowed to protect
and cherish. And there, Dr. Davis, who is a reader, a deep thinker,
and a philosopher, digressed. “Women are born to suffer more,
mentally and physically, then men, and they do it without so much
complaint as the man must make. The man who would mistreat a good
woman ought to be hung.”
In summing up a long life of activity, Dr. Davis says that he has
nothing on his conscience, and in his attitude toward his patients,
he has no cause to regret. He approached the sickbed of a patient
with a feeling that perhaps this might be a case he might not
understand, and would not find out, but he always tried to
understand. He did not believe in unnecessarily alarming patients.
He refused to say diseases were one thing of a dangerous character,
when he thought that they were something else. He depreciates
exaggeration of the bad condition of a patient, and does not think a
disease should be pronounced and treated as a malignant disease,
when it is something of a milder character.
In his career, he has come upon many strange beliefs. He has even
found it necessary to combat such beliefs as that live bedbugs
swallowed by a patient would be a prime remedy for internal troubles
for which calomel is usually considered as first-class remedy. The
hooting of an owl has caused him trouble, as a sick patient would
think it was a sure sign of death.
The old family doctor is full of reminiscences, but he does not like
to talk about his profession. He has seen Alton and the medical
profession make many changes. He believes that there is an excess of
surgical exploration in patients by surgeons, but he thinks that
modern science is doing a great work in the investigation of serum
cures for diseases, and he predicts that in the course of years, all
diseases will be cured in that way.
Dr. Charles Davis was born July 29, 1840, at Springfield, Illinois.
He was the son of Levi Davis, an “old-time” lawyer, who served in
the Black Hawk War. His mother was Lucy A. Davis. Dr. Davis married
Minerva Clawson Hohmeyer in 1875. They had five children: Eugene M.
Davis (?-1950); Charles Bayard Davis (1875-1950); Kate Davis Brunner
(1879-1953); Lucie Davis Sparks, (1881-1936), wife of Hosea S.
Sparks; and Florence Davis Kieselhorst (1884-1959), wife of John A.
Dr. Davis would relate to friends the horrors of the Civil War,
particularly the many who died due to lack of antiseptic medicines.
During the battle of Mobile, the last fight of the war after the
surrender of General Lee, he stood for 30 hours operating on the
wounded. Afterwards, he suffered a breakdown and did little
surgeries the remainder of his career. He died August 12, 1926, at
the age of 86. He is buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
DAVIS, CHARLES EDWARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 18, 1850
Died in Alton on the 11th inst., Charles Edward, infant son of Moses
C. and Mary E. Davis, aged 8 months.
DAVIS, CHARLES LEE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 9,
Pharmacist in Chamberlain Drugstore in Alton
When the grim specter, Death, invades a happy family circle and robs
it of one of its loved ones, we always give the deepest sympathy to
the bereaved friends. But when the member of such a family is in the
springtime of life, when everything about him gives promise of a
noble manhood, then it is that the rude advent of death is indeed to
be deplored.
This is why there are so many today in Alton who sincerely mourn the
death of Charles Lee Davis. Less than a week ago he was well and
happy. Today he lives, on earth, only in the cherished memories of
the hosts who called him their friend. He was a model young man. It
is said, “We all have our faults,” yet if Charles L. Davis had any,
he never displayed them to anyone. He had no enemies, and those who
could not claim him as a friend did so because they had not made his
acquaintance. We doubt if there are many such in Alton. A native of
Alton, and living here all his life, his face was as familiar as
anyone’s in this city. To everyone he was kind and courteous. This
was not by fits and starts, but all the time. He had a kind word for
all, and at all times.
On last Wednesday he felt ill, and went to his uncle’s home [Dr.
Charles Davis], never to leave it to look on the light of a
beautiful day. His disease was cerebro spinal meningitis, and so
severe was the attack, that it baffled all the skill of the
physicians in attendance, and the care of a loving mother and aunt,
both of whom are prostrated by the shock. He died last evening at 8
Charles Lee Davis, second son of Captain James W. and Mrs. Ellen M.
(nee Buckmaster) Davis, was born in Alton on October 14, 1862. He
was, consequently, in the 30th year of his age. He was educated in
the public schools of Alton, and afterwards studied pharmacy. He
entered the store of Mr. H. W. Chamberlain as a pharmacist, and it
was here that his genial and kindly manner won for him the
friendship and respect of this large community. Words are inadequate
to express the sincere sorrow felt by young and old throughout the
city because of the death of Charles Lee Davis. The funeral will
take place on Thursday morning from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church.
[Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
The Funeral
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 11, 1892
Mother Earth has received all that is mortal of Charles Lee Davis.
No sadder statement could be made except the one announcing his
death. The sorrow that both have caused to so many hearts in Alton
is incalculable. The St. Paul’s Episcopal Church was crowded to
overflowing with the friends of the deceased, who honored by their
presence the one they had loved in life. As the funeral cortege
started down the center aisle, the first faint notes of Batiste’s
march funebre echoed from the large organ, presided over by Mrs. G.
F. Crowe. The hymn, “Nearer My God to Thee,” which was the favorite
hymn of Mr. Davis, was then sung by the choir. The sermon was
delivered by Rev. Dr. Robert of the Church of the Holy Communion,
St. Louis. Of Charles Lee Davis’ life there was no need to speak. He
had lived here all his life, and no one could cast the slightest
stigma on his name or character. He counseled all young men to
follow in those paths. To the sorrowing relatives, he beseeched them
that while they have this great cross to bear, to remember that the
separation is but a comparatively short one, and that ere long they
would meet their loved one in the Happy Land beyond; to bring out of
their sorrow a feeling of holiness to bear them up in this great
The casket was borne out of the church by Messrs. R. F. Seely, B. H.
Wortman, W. L. Smart, E. M. Caldwell, L. W. Wise, George Root,
Charles Cannell, and Eugene Blake. The funeral cortege departed for
that bivouac of the dead where he shall rest until the last summons
is given. The Episcopal service was read at the grave, and the grave
covered with flowers in profusion, which spoke volumes of the
cherished memory of Charles Lee Davis.
DAVIS, COTTON/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 27, 1849
Died in Alton from cholera – Mr. Cotton Davis.
DAVIS, DAVID SR./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 19, 1872
On January 10, David Davis Sr. died at the residence of his son in
Litchfield, aged 88 years. He was born in Italy, and had lived an
eventful life in various parts of the world. He resided for twenty
years on Scarritt’s Prairie [Godfrey], and then removed to
DAVIS, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 18,
Mrs. Elizabeth Davis, the young wife of Joseph Davis, a well-known
young glassworker, died under distressing conditions last night at
the family home, 213 Walnut Street. She had been a sufferer with
Bright’s disease for a long time, but became much worse Friday. She
went into convulsions and died very unexpectedly, leaving an infant
child only a few hours old. She leaves beside her husband two small
children. The family came here from Baltimore. The funeral will be
Sunday from Washington Street Church.
DAVIS, ELLEN LEA/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 23, 1841
Died, on Wednesday night, the 20th inst., in this city, Ellen Lea,
infant daughter of George T. M. Davis, Esq., aged 3 months and 23
DAVIS, ELLEN M. (nee BUCKMASTER)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
December 11, 1920
Word was received in Alton today of the death of Mrs. Ellen M.
Davis, wife of Capt. James Davis of St. Louis. She was 80 years of
age and is survived by her husband and two sons, Lynn and Henry
Davis. Capt. Davis will be eighty-six years of age Monday, and the
funeral of his wife, which will be held in Alton, will be on his
birthday. Mrs. Davis was a member of the Episcopal church and it was
said today that it is probable the services will be from that
church, but the hour had not been fixed. Mrs. Davis was a daughter
of Nathaniel Buckmaster. She was a sister of the late Mrs. Kate
Curran and Mrs. Quig_____ and was the last of her family.
DAVIS, EMELINE VICTORIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 7,
Died, at the residence of Judge Webb in this neighborhood on Sunday
last, Emeline Victoria, infant daughter of George T. M. Davis, Esq.,
of this city, aged about ten months.
DAVIS, EMMA (nee BORCKMAN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 26,
Mrs. Emma Davis, nee Borckman, formerly of Alton, died in St. Louis
Sunday morning, after an illness of several weeks, of typhoid fever,
at the age of 31 years. She leaves beside her husband, three small
children. Her remains were brought here for burial.
DAVIS, FRED/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 9, 1896
From Moro – Fred Davis of Dorsey, who has been sick for six years,
was buried Thursday at the Zimmerman Burying Ground. He lacked three
days of being 53 years of age. Rev. Lissack of the Springfield Road
Evangelical Church conducted the services.
DAVIS, GEORGE H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 21, 1920
George H. Davis, aged 83, died at his home, 409 East Fourth street,
Tuesday evening at 9:00 o'clock, from old age. Mr. Davis was among
the best known of the older residents of Alton. His figure on the
streets was a familiar one. A resident of Alton many years ago, he
moved to Leavenworth, Kansas, where he stayed for a period of 32
years, until the year 1901, when he decided to come back to the old
home of his wife. Bringing Mrs. Davis here, he took up the thread of
life in Alton where he had left it off many years before, and though
it was a difficult thing to do, he succeeded in his old age in
making in Alton many new friends who took the place of the old ones
who had passed on. The picture of this aged gentleman with his wife,
the two inseparable, was one of the touching sights that Alton was
proud of. Day after day this couple, in the sunset of life, could be
seen walking about the city. Then, a little over two years ago, the
wife closed her eyes and Mr. Davis, after more than half a century
of lavishing his affection on her, was almost alone. To his friends
of late the aged gentleman had frequently said that he wanted to go.
His mind was fixed upon near completion of his life. After his wife
died, Mrs. Davis' sister, Miss Belle Mather, was the constant
attendant of the aged gentleman, and she did all that was possible
to solace his grief over losing his wife. The couple never had any
children. Thoughtful, kindly, always courteous and ready to do a
good turn for someone, the aged gentleman had many admirers. Old age
enfeebled him, and for the last two weeks of his life he was
confined to his bed. Mr. Davis was born in East Cambridge, Mass.,
and was 83 years of age on April 16th. He was married in Alton to
Miss Annie Mather, December 14, 1862. She died October 7, 1917. He
leaves one brother, Frank Davis, and three sisters, Mrs. Bickford,
Mrs. Clara P. Ordway, and Mrs. Anna Day, all residing in the East.
Until they are heard from the burial time will not be fixed. During
the period Mr. Davis resided in Leavenworth, Kansas, he was a
valuable public servant. He helped to make complete order in the
records of the Leavenworth public schools, he holding a very
important office on the school board. Prior to leaving Alton, Mr.
Davis had been connected with a machine shop here. An interesting
fact of Mr. Davis' life was his writing what is said to be the
longest letter ever mailed in the United States. He took a western
trip years ago with his wife and Miss Mather. He made notes of all
he saw, and when he came back to Alton he sat down to the stupendous
task of writing to an aunt and telling her of the trip. It took over
50,000 words to tell his aunt about the trip, and it required a
good-sized postage bill to pay for its transmission, but she read
it, so Mr. Davis was told by her, and she enjoyed it.
Telegraph, December 21, 1888
Alton Mayor; Alton Telegraph Editor; Attorney; Veteran
Hon. George Turnbull Moore Davis, a former prominent citizen of
Alton, died in New York City yesterday, aged 79 years. His daughter,
Mrs. Mattox, who has been visiting her nephew, Mr. George T. Davis
in Alton, started for home this morning on receiving a telegram
announcing her father’s death.
Mr. Davis was born on the Island of Malta while his father was U.S.
Consul there. He was a lawyer by profession, and settled in Alton at
an early day, sometime prior to 1840. He was for several years
editor of the Alton Telegraph. He was Mayor of Alton from 1844 to
Mr. Davis was a Colonel in the Mexican War, and served on the staff
of General Shields. After that war, he was editor of the New Era in
St. Louis, subsequently of papers in Louisville and Washington, and
eventually located in New York, which was his home the remainder of
his life. He built up large business interests in New York, and was
heavily interested in railroads.
Four of Mr. Davis’ children lived to adult years – Captain James W.
Davis, Mrs. Mattox, Mrs. George Francis Train, and Cary H. H. Davis.
The last two are deceased. Three of his grandchildren, George, T.
Charles, and Fred, were raised in Alton, and the first named still
resides here.
George Turnbull Moore Davis Sr. was born May 24, 1810, in La
Valetta, Malta. He was the son of George Davis (1779-1818) and Ann
Tucker Pennock Davis (1784-1856). He was educated under the
guardianship of his uncle, Matthew L. Davis, a friend of Aaron Burr,
and subsequently was the first practicing lawyer in Alton, Illinois.
He was on the staff of General James Shields during the Mexican War,
and after the fall of the City of Mexico, served as secretary to
General Quitman. He afterward edited the Union, a St. Louis
newspaper, and also follow the journalistic career in Louisville,
until he accepted a position in the pension bureau, when he moved to
Washington D.C. He was later engaged in business in New York.
George first married Susan Minerva Webb (1810-1850), on April 15,
1828, in Syracuse, New York. She died in 1850, and is buried in the
Congressional Cemetery in Washington D.C. He then married Eunice
Pomeroy Day (1808-1885), widow of Jonathan Day, on May 13 or 15,
1852, in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. She died in 1885, and is buried
in the Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York. His children (by
his first wife) were: Captain James Webb Davis (born 1829); Cary
Heslett Hansford Davis (born 1831); Henrietta Wilhelmina Wilkinson
Davis Train (1833-1879); Ann Theodosia Davis (1834-1834); Susan
Minerva Davis (1836-1837 in Alton); Emiline Victoria Davis
(1838-1839 in Alton); Emma Josephine Davis (born 1840 in Alton);
Ellen Lea Davis (1841-1841 in Alton); George Turnbull Moore Davis
Jr. (1842-1868); and Hugh Pannell Davis (1844-1844 in Alton).
Colonel Moore was buried in the Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New
DAVIS, GEORGE TURNBULL MOORE JR./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 15, 1868
A Cheyenne dispatch of today states that George T. M. Davis Jr.,
from New York, brother of Mrs. George Francis Train, engaged in
filing a contract on the Union Pacific Railway, was shot and killed
by William Brown, an employee in the camp, on Wednesday. Brown is
now in the custody of the United States Marshal. This unfortunate
young man was formerly a resident of Alton. Mr. Davis Sr., the
father, was for many years the editor of the Telegraph, and was
generally regarded as one of the best and most spirited newspaper
writers in the country.
DAVIS, HANNA (nee BYRNES)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March
29, 1915
Mrs. Hanna Byrnes Davis, widow of the late James Davis, died at the
family home in Godfrey, Sunday night, after an illness of several
days’ duration. She was born in 1834 at Bella Philip, Tipperary
County, Ireland, her parents name being Byrnes. When yet very young,
she, with her brothers and sisters, came to the United States and
located in Peoria. Later, they moved to Alton, and in 1860 she was
married to James Davis, and since then has resided in Godfrey
Township. To this union seven children were born, and four of them
are living as follows: Charles Davis, a lawyer residing in Oklahoma;
Amasa B. and Misses Ella B. and Hannah T. Davis, who live at the
home place. All of the children were with the mother in her last
hours. She was a home-loving woman, a good mother, wife, and
neighbor, and she possessed the faculty of making friends and
keeping them firm. Her death is regretted by all who know her. The
funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon from the family residence.
Burial will be in the Godfrey Cemetery.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 30, 1915
The funeral of Mrs. Hanna Davis was held this afternoon from the
family home in Godfrey, and the esteem in which she was held was
attested by the large gathering of friends and neighbors assembled
to pay their last respects. Services were conducted by Rev. F. H.
Brown, pastor of the Godfrey Congregational Church, and Mrs. Mildred
Blair rendered some appropriate vocal selections. Burial was in the
Godfrey Cemetery.
DAVIS, HARRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 18, 1915
The death of Harry Davis, an Upper Alton young man, occurred
Saturday night in the State Hospital for the Insane at Jacksonville.
The young man had been in a bad condition for some time, and
therefore announcement of his death was not unexpected by the
parents. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Davis of 2925 Brown
Street. Harry Davis’ illness dates back a couple of years. At times,
he was very bad, and he was sent to the State Institution numerous
times. A month ago, while at home, his last serious illness
commenced, and it was necessary to remove him again to the State
institution, where death came Saturday night. Deceased leaves
besides his parents, four sisters and three brothers. Some of the
relatives live in the East, and were here during the last serious
illness of the young man. They have all gone back to their home
since. Arrangements for the funeral will not be made until it is
ascertained whether or not the relatives will come.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 19, 1915
The funeral of Harry Davis, the young man who died in Jacksonville
Saturday night, will be held Wednesday afternoon at the family
residence on Brown Street. Rev. W. F. Kirkpatrick, pastor of the
Pentecostal Church, will conduct the services and burial will be at
Greenwood Cemetery at North Alton.
DAVIS, JAMES E./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 16, 1872
Alton Fireman
We regret to learn of the death in Alton on Sunday night, at age 32,
from consumption, of Mr. James E. Davis, long a resident of Alton,
and highly respected for his many estimable qualities. Mr. Davis was
long a prominent member of the fire department, and we understand
that the disease which terminated his life was contracted by taking
a severe cold while discharging his duties as a fireman. The flag of
the Altona Engine Company was displayed at half-mast in respect to
his memory. Mr. Davis leaves a wife and relatives at the East to
mourn his loss. The funeral services took place Tuesday afternoon
from the Baptist Church. There was a large attendance of the friends
and acquaintances of the deceased, together with the members of A.
F. and A. M. Lodges and the Fire Department. The bell of the Altona
Engine Company was tolled at intervals during the afternoon in
respect to the memory of the deceased. The funeral discourse was
preached by the Rev. Mr. Butler.
DAVIS, JAMES W. (MAJOR)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April
25, 1904
Former Civil War Soldier and Alton City Attorney Dies in Omaha
Maj. James W. Davis, formerly a prominent resident of Alton, was
found dead at Omaha, Nebraska, Friday, and his body was identified
Saturday. In his hand was a strychnine bottle, and he had evidently
sought relief from chronic stomach trouble by swallowing the
contents of the bottle. He was a meat inspector at Omaha and was
well off financially. Maj. Davis was city attorney of Alton about
the time of the Civil War. He came to Alton when three years of age
and lived here about 34 years, leaving Alton in 1867. He was 74
years of age at the time of his death. Maj. Davis was an uncle of
Mr. George T. Davis of Alby street, and was a brother-in-law of
George Francis Train. During the Civil War he served as a Major in
the 49th Illinois Volunteers, Col. William R. Morrison's regiment.
During war time, when George Francis Train was conducting his
self-imposed task of "ending the war" and was going around the
country making speeches, he was driven out of St. Louis. Train came
to Alton not knowing the city was under command of the same officer
as St. Louis. Train attempted to make a speech in Alton, and Col.
Hildebrand, who was in charge at Alton, sent a detail of soldiers to
capture Train at the home of his brother-in-law, Mr. Davis. Mr.
Davis had a fast horse and he slipped his brother-in-law out of the
house and the two men rode horseback to the home of the late Robert
Tansey, where Train found refuge until morning and then fled the
city. While City Attorney, Mr. Davis became famous for a
proclamation to all free negroes in Alton that unless they would
leave the city forthwith, they would be subject to seizure under the
then "black laws."
DAVIS, JOE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 25, 1917
Drowns in the Wood River Trying to Wet Buggy Wheels
Two men and a horse were drowned in Wood River Sunday morning about
9 o'clock when they drove the horse attached to a buggy in which
they were riding, into Wood River for the purpose of wetting the
buggy wheels to tighten up the tires. Frank Miller, aged about 60, a
junk dealer, and a negro named Joe Davis, who worked for Miller,
were the men drowned. The accident was witnessed by a man who was
fishing in Wood River. He said that he saw the men drive up to the
edge of the water, and Miller drove the horse in farther and farther
so that the wheels would be thoroughly wet. Suddenly the horse
seemed to go over a step-off into deep water, and he dragged the
buggy and its two occupants in too. The whole outfit disappeared
under the water, and all that ever came to the surface was the hats
of the two men. The witness of the drowning hurried to Wood River
village for help, and men responding recovered the bodies of the two
men from the buggy. It was said there was about 14 feet of water
where the drowning occurred. The bodies were taken in charge by
Deputy Coroner W. H. Bauer.
DAVIS, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 7, 1875
Mr. John Davis, for many years employed in Mr. Charles Phinney’s
wholesale grocery store, died Friday night of lung fever, after a
week’s illness. He was an honest, upright man, faithful in all his
duties. He was thirty-eight years old. He leaves a wife and family.
His death, in the prime of life, is much deplored by his relations,
friends, and employers.
DAVIS, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 13, 1893
Veteran of the War of 1812; Stable Boy for General Jackson
North Alton has a citizen who is 103 years of age, having been born
in 1790. He is a native of Mississippi, is colored, and was a groom
or stable boy for General Jackson during the War of 1812 with
England. He remembers the battle of New Orleans and the cotton bale
breast works, and speaks feelingly of General Jackson and his
kindness of heart. He knew Jefferson Davis when the latter was a
mere stripling, and is possessed of a fund of information concerning
General Taylor, and events of those days, which have since become
historical. He is an uneducated man, and can therefore not be
charged with having secured his intimate knowledge of events of long
ago from books, and anyone conversing with him will soon become
satisfied that he was really a party to the events of which he is
speaking. Neighbors of his who knew him in the South, say he was an
old man when they were children, and they themselves are now well
beyond the half century mark of life. John Davis, the name of the
centenarian, lives near the Summit Bridge on Alby Street. He is
active for one of his age, and his hair, which was snow white up to
a few years ago, is now coal black. He is a Republican in politics,
and is an interesting person with whom anyone can spend an
interesting and instructive hour or two of leisure. Anyone wishing
to find Mr. Davis can do so by calling on Mr. Charles Henderson, the
Alby Street grocer, and anyone doing so will secure from one, there
living, a vivid description of men and events of whom, and
concerning which they now know nothing except through the medium of
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 11, 1893
John Davis, an aged colored man, died yesterday morning at his home
near the summit bridge in North Alton. He was 106 years old, and his
death is attributable to senility and its infirmities. He was buried
in the Rocky Fork Cemetery this afternoon. His death removes
probably the last one who did service with General Jackson at New
Orleans, during the last war with England.
DAVIS, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 30, 1893
John Davis is closely related to one of the wealthiest and best
families in St. Louis. He has been wild and dissolute, and made no
effort to attain the good standing he might have had through
influence and money. A short time ago, he was taken sick with
malarial fever, and was sent to St. Joseph’s Hospital. His
whereabouts were made known to the St. Louis relatives, who once
more took compassion on him and sent money and some choice wines to
him to help him through his sickness. Wednesday night he died, and
yesterday afternoon the body was interred in the Alton City
Cemetery. The relatives in St. Louis were notified, but not until
the remains had been interred, as the address was not known until
late yesterday. Davis was about 30 years of age, and has been
employed as a bridge workman.
DAVIS, JULIA A. (nee STRINGER)/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 3,
Mrs. Julia A. Davis was the third child and second daughter of Levi
and Louisa Stringer, who were among the early settlers of “old
Madison.” She was born near Wanda, Madison County, March 28, 1831,
and departed this life at her residence in Jerseyville last
Wednesday morning, March 26. Her remains were interred in the Keller
Cemetery, located five miles northeast of Jerseyville. In 1854 she
was married to Mr. James Davis of Jersey County. He died the next
year. To them was born one child, a daughter, who died in infancy.
She was married again in December 1865 to Mr. Wilson Davis, also of
Jersey County. She was again left a widow in 1868. The result of
this union was one daughter, Della Maud, who survives her parents.
DAVIS, LEOLA MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September
10, 1904
North Alton News - After a severe illness of five months, the spirit
of Leola Margaret, eight year old daughter and only child of Mr. and
Mrs. John R. Davis, took its flight at 2 o'clock Saturday morning.
Leola was a bright, lovable and loving girl, and was gifted with
special talents in musical and literary directions to a remarkable
degree for one so young. She idolized her parents and was in turn
worshiped, almost, by them, and she was constantly to be seen with
her father at all times and places when his business didn't demand
his attention. The sympathy of the entire community will go out to
the grieving parents in their affliction.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 12, 1904
The funeral of Leola Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R.
Davis, took place Sunday afternoon from the home on State street,
and was attended by an unusually large number of people, many being
from St. Louis and elsewhere. There was a large representation of
school children also, they grieving sorely and sincerely for their
lost playmate. There was a profusion of beautiful flowers - the
offerings of girl companions of Leola as well as those of neighbors
and friends of the family and fellow commercial travelers and fellow
workers of the bereaved father. Services were conducted by Rev. W.
H. Bradley, and he spoke tender words of sympathy and cheer for the
parents. Interment was in City Cemetery. The pallbearers were: John,
Albert, Alex, and Herbert Leo of St. Louis, little brothers of Mrs.
Davis. Mrs. Charles L. Beall sang two solos. Among the St. Louisians
present were Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Remelin, Mr. and Mrs. James
Coppinger, Mrs. M. C. Lewis. Mr. John Meister, an uncle, was present
from Belleville.
LEVI SR. (JUDGE)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 4, 1897
Illinois Pioneer
Black Hawk War Veteran
State Auditor; Alton Attorney
Friend of Abraham Lincoln, Stephen Douglas, and Lyman Trumbull
Mr. Levi Davis Sr., the venerable retired attorney whose figure on
the streets of Alton up to the law few years was a familiar one to
nearly everyone, passed peacefully away last night at the home of
his son, Dr. Charles Davis, after a stroke of apoplexy. Last night,
shortly after retiring for the night, he was heard by his grandson
to be groaning. After making several ineffectual attempts to arouse
his grandfather, he summoned the assistance of Dr. Davis. It was
evident that the old veteran was dying with apoplexy, superinduced
by old age. Death took place at 11:15 p.m.
Levi Davis was a native of Maryland, being born in that state July
20, 1808. He was one of the pioneers in the settlement of the State
of Illinois, coming west and settling at Vandalia, where he was
married in 1833. In his young days he was associated with all the
eminent characters of the time, and was prominently identified with
the early history of Illinois. For eight years he held the position
of State Auditor, at the time of the removal of the State Capital
from Vandalia to Springfield. During the life of the Whig party
there were few such staunch Whigs as Mr. Davis, and he was one of
the many who tried to elevate Henry Clay to the Presidential chair.
On the defeat of that candidate he was so filled with disgust that
he resolved to never again take an active interest in politics, and
he never did, except to vote. When the Republican party was
organized, he transferred his allegiance to it, and could always be
counted on to support its principles. He moved to Alton in 1846,
where he continued to reside, holding an enviable position as a
well-read lawyer and most successful in everything he attempted. He
was one of the few survivors of the Black Hawk War, during which he
saw active service.
For a number of years Mr. Davis has been declining rapidly, but was
able to be downtown occasionally. Only a few months ago he made a
pleasant call at the Telegraph office, and while quite feeble in
body, his mind showed its usual brightness. He resided with his son,
Dr. Davis, where he received all the tender care that a fond son
could give. In the death of Mr. Davis, one of the greatest legal
lights, and one of the best of Alton's citizens, has passed away,
leaving a fragrant memory to all who knew him. Mr. Davis leaves a
family of three sons: Mr. James Davis of St. Louis; Dr. Charles
Davis and Mr. Levi Davis Jr. of Alton.
The funeral services will be held Friday at 2 p.m. from the home of
Dr. Davis on State Street. Mr. and Mrs. James Davis and sons, Lynn
and Harry Davis of St. Louis, will attend the funeral services.
[Davis is buried in the St. Patrick's Cemetery in Godfrey.]
Source: The New York Times, March 5, 1897
Alton, Ill., March 4 - Levi Davis Sr., the oldest lawyer in the
State, died last night of apoplexy at the home of his son, Dr.
Charles Davis, in this city, aged eighty-nine years. Judge Davis
lived in retirement here for many years, but was in his time one of
the foremost members of the Illinois bar. He was the friend and
associate of Lincoln, Douglas, and Trumbull, and served with Lincoln
in the Black Hawk was in 1832.
Judge Levi Davis Sr. owned a home at 517 State Street in Alton
(which still stands), where Abraham Lincoln dined and slept. Mr.
Davis’s son, Charles, was a surgeon and doctor for the Confederate
prison on William Street. Judge Davis is buried in the St. Patrick's
Cemetery in Godfrey.
DAVIS, LEVI W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 15, 1919
Oldest Lawyer in Madison County; Civil War Veteran
Levi W. Davis, oldest lawyer in Madison County, and for more than a
half century a resident of Alton, died Friday night at 10 o'clock at
his residence, 410 Belleview Avenue. He was 76 years of age.
Paralysis was the cause of Mr. Davis' death. He had been in feeble
health for some time, but until one week before he died, he was
stricken with paralysis on Friday of last week and by Sunday his
condition had become such it was deemed necessary to summon his
children, all of whom were far away. The aged father, knowing that
the end was near and that his sons were coming to see him,
manifested the most intense eagerness over their coming, and would
inquire for his sons frequently, thinking that perhaps they had
arrived. It was evidently his wish to live until all of them could
get to his bedside and his wish was gratified. He was able to
recognize even the last to arrive - his son, Edgar M. Davis, who
came from Phoenix, Arizona. With his sons gathered near him, and his
wife and daughter there, the aged gentleman was ready to go, and
passed peacefully away Friday night.
The death of Levi Davis removes one of the brightest legal minds
Alton has had among her citizens. He was known as a man of
profundity of legal knowledge, and without a superior as a counselor
at law. He retained considerable practice, even when he became so
old that he was no longer physically able to play the part of
advocate in court, and it was only when he had completed his
fiftieth year of practice of his profession that he closed his
office for the last time and announced that he retired. That was
last November, on the day he was celebrating his golden wedding
anniversary, the announcement was made, though he had informally
ceased his practice a short time before that.
Mr. Davis was born in Springfield, Illinois in 1842. He was educated
in St. Louis University and later attended the Albany law school and
the law department of the University of Albany, where he acquired a
profound legal education. He did not get his legal education until
after he had served in the army during the Civil War, and had risen
to the rank of a First Lieutenant. He was in Co. G of the 97th
Regiment. His brother, James Davis, was Captain in the same Company,
and another brother, Dr. Charles Davis, a private, was promoted to
assistant regimental surgeon. The three brothers fought through the
remainder of the Civil War together. Two of the brothers survive,
Capt. James Davis of St. Louis, and Dr. Charles Davis of Alton. On
being released from his duties in the army at the close of the war,
Mr. Davis took up the study of law. He graduated in the same class
at the University of Albany with the late President William
McKinley, and his class numbered some other men who rose to
distinction later. He was admitted to the practice of law at the
Illinois Supreme Court, then at Mt. Vernon, Illinois, June 12, 1867.
Davis was married in Alton, October 22, 1868, and ever since than
he, with his wife, had lived in Alton. They were a devoted couple
all their married life and his partner of more than fifty years of
married life has lost a companion whose devotion to her was one of
the beautiful features of the neighborhood where they lived. The
death of Mr. Davis is the first in his family in 45 years. He leaves
beside his two brothers and his wife, one daughter, Miss Clotilde
Davis; and five sons: Levi W. Davis of Denver; Edgar M. Davis of
Phoenix, Arizona; Charles and Arthur Davis of Chicago; and Eugene
Davis of Houston, Texas. The funeral of Mr. Davis will be held
Monday at 9 o'clock from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral. Friends of
the family are invited to attend the services at the church, but
burial at the cemetery will be private and the family have requested
that there be no flowers. The five sons of Mr. Davis, and one of his
nephews, Peter Wise, will serve as pallbearers. Burial will be in
Greenwood Cemetery.
Attorney Levi Davis was the son of Levi Davis Sr. His father was
born in 1808 in Maryland, and was admitted to the bar. He moved to
Vandalia, Illinois, c. 1830. Levi Sr. was a volunteer during the
Black Hawk War. In 1835, Governor Joseph Duncan appointed him as
auditor for the State. In 1839, Davis moved to Springfield,
Illinois, when it became the capital of Illinois, and retained his
position as auditor until 1841. It was in Springfield that his son,
Levis Davis Jr., was born. The father continued his law practice,
and in 1846 he moved to Alton and lived at 517 State Street. He
worked for a number of years as the attorney for the Chicago and
Alton Railroad, and as the director of the St. Louis, Alton, and
Terre Haute Railroad. Levis Davis Sr. (the father) died March 3,
DAVIS, LIZZIE A./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 6, 1873
Daughter of Levi Davis Jr.
A little daughter of Levi Davis Jr. was scalded by falling into a
tub of hot water. Her death, which took place at one o’clock this
morning, May 3, in Alton, was from the effects of the injury. She
was three years and 10 months of age, and a remarkably bright and
beautiful child, and the idol of her parents. Much sympathy is
expressed for the bereaved relatives in their affliction.
Levi W. Davis Jr. was the son of Levi Davis Sr. His father was a
pioneer in the State of Illinois, and settled at Vandalia, Illinois.
He was State Auditor when he moved to Springfield, Illinois. In
1846, the father moved to Alton, where he was attorney for the
Chicago & Alton Railroad. Levi Davis Jr. was a Civil War veteran and
prominent attorney in Alton.
DAVIS, MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 26, 1917
Mrs. Margaret Davis, wife of W. W. Davis, died at the age of 83
years, Saturday night at 9 o'clock, at the family home, 124 East
Sixth street, after an illness of three months. Mrs. Davis leaves
her husband, who is 86 years of age, and is still strong and hearty,
but is bowed with grief over the death of his companion in life. The
death of Mrs. Davis was expected. Her daughter, Mrs. J. R. Blackwell
of San Diego, Cal., had been summoned and was with her mother in the
closing days of life. Mrs. Davis was born east of Alton, and with
the exception of the years she lived at her birthplace, and those
she spent in Godfrey township on a farm, she had lived all her life
in Alton. She was a woman of many kindly traits of character, and in
the neighborhood where she lived she was very highly esteemed by
all. In her family she was beloved, and to her husband, during more
than fifty years of wedlock, she had been a true companion in life.
The aged couple were the object of much interest, owing to their
excellent health, until Mrs. Davis broke down three months ago. Mr.
Davis, a man of remarkable vigor and strength for one of his years,
especially has been a character of great interest to all who knew
him. Mr. Davis has been bearing up well since the death of Mrs.
Davis. The members of the family surviving, beside the aged husband,
are Mrs. J. R. Blackwell of San Diego, Cal.; Miss Torrie Davis; Mrs.
Emma Gervig; Frank R. and Dr. Homer W. Davis. The funeral was held
this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the family home, Rev. M. W.
Twing officiating. There was a large attendance of friends and
neighbors of Mrs. Davis at the funeral. Burial was in City Cemetery.
DAVIS, MARIETTA (nee BRYAN)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May
24, 1882
Mrs. Marietta, wife of Mr. Fielding Davis, daughter of Mr. John M.
Bryan, a very estimable lady, died this morning at the age of 32
years, after an illness of four weeks, caused by dropsy. Deceased,
besides a husband, leaves four small children and many relatives and
friends to mourn her death. The funeral will take place tomorrow
from the family residence, corner of Ninth and Alby Streets. Friends
and acquaintances are invited to attend.
DAVIS, MARTHA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 24, 1900
Coroner Bailey held an inquest at Collinsville Tuesday on the body
of Martha Davis, the 5 year old daughter of John Davis. On January
12 the mother went to town, leaving the children, aged 1, 2, 5 and 6
years, alone in the house. They played with matches and Martha's
dress caught on fire. She ran, all ablaze, to the home nearby of her
aunt, who extinguished the flames, but the little one was so badly
hurt that death resulted Monday night.
DAVIS, MARY E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 11, 1922
Widow of Old Time Lawyer Dies
Death claimed Mrs. Mary E. Davis, widow of Levi Davis, this morning
at 2 o'clock, after a three weeks illness, which began with a
general breakdown. There were few of the friends of Mrs. Davis who
knew that she was so sick that there was any danger of a fatal
outcome at this time. They knew that the interruption of a long
standing practice of attending services at the Cathedral every
morning indicated that she was not in a satisfactory condition. The
first hint that she was not well came three weeks ago when she found
that for the first time in years she would be obliged to forego
attending religious services with her daughter, Miss Clotilde. The
two had been inseparable companions always, and the mother and
daughter always attended services early in the morning. Even the
children of Mrs. Davis did not realize fully that she was in the
condition she was, and at the time of her death only Miss Clotilde
and Charles Davis were present. Arthur Davis arrived a few hours
after the end had come. The other children, being at distant places,
were not here. Mrs. Davis was born in Alton and she had lived here
all of her life, except a period she was attending Sacred Heart
convent in St. Louis, from which she graduated in the closing days
of the Civil War. She clung to the neighborhood where she had come
into the world and during all her life she lived on State street, or
close proximity thereto. She was interested chiefly in her family
and her church. She was married to Levi Davis, a young lawyer, and
the two made their home in Alton always after that. Mr. Davis died
three years ago last March 14, terminating a beautiful married life
in which the husband and wife never failed to embrace an opportunity
to be together. Mrs. Davis' maiden name was Wise. Of the family from
which she came, only one brother, Charles P. Wise of St. Louis,
survives her. A brother, Alexis Wise, died recently. The children
who survive Mrs. Davis are Levi of New York, Edgar M. of Los
Angeles, Charles W. of Alton, Arthur J. of Chicago, Miss Clotilde of
Alton, and Eugene H. of Dallas, Texas.
DAVIS, MOSES/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 25, 1875
Moses Davis, a young, unmarried colored man who lived with Mr.
Jennings, his step-father, on the farm of Noble Simpson on the
bluff, five miles northwest of Edwardsville, accidentally shot and
killed himself while out rabbit hunting last Saturday. It seems that
he left the house for the purpose stated above, a few minutes before
eleven o’clock in the forenoon on the day stated, and that the
report of his gun was heard in a few minutes afterwards, but
suspecting nothing out of the way, no attention was paid to it until
his protracted absence caused search to be made for him, the result
of which was the finding of his dead body on Monday, lying on the
ground with his gun and a stick in his hands, at or near a hollow
log, and a gunshot wound in his head. It is supposed he was trying
to get a rabbit out of the log with the stick, when by some means,
his gun was accidentally discharged, inflicting said wound. Coroner
J. A. Miller was notified, and held an inquest on Tuesday, and the
verdict of the jury was in accordance with the above statement.
DAVIS, OLIVER/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 12, 1894
Wreck on the Big Four Railroad
Sunday evening, passenger train No. 10, with engine No. 183, crashed
into a freight train with Engine No. 210. The freight engine, which
had been switching, was just backing onto a siding when No. 183 ran
into four cars, which were yet on the track, derailing and smashing
them to kindling wood. No. 183, as a result of the collision, had
its pilot smashed, the cylinder head and boiler head badly broken.
The cars were loaded with cigars, dry goods, buggy springs, etc.,
which were scattered to the winds, and a force of men had great
difficulty in preventing the tramps and thieves from carrying off
valuables. Fireman Oliver Davis of the passenger engine was
dangerously injured about the body with probable internal injuries,
so that his recovery is doubtful.
A force of men was put to work last night clearing up the wreck,
which was accomplished this morning. Engine No. 183 was taken to
Mattoon for repairs. She came down Saturday night with a freight
train, and this was her maiden trip as a passenger engine.
Later – Oliver Davis, the fireman of Engine No. 183, which collided
with the freight train at Wann [East Alton] last night, died at an
early hour Monday morning. Deceased was about 35 years of age, and
lives at Marion, Illinois. His injuries in the chest and abdomen
were quite severe, and were the cause of his death.
Coroner Kinder arrived here Monday night to inquire into the cause
of the death of Oliver Davis, the Big Four fireman who was killed by
the collision at Wann. A jury was impaneled, and a verdict was found
that “deceased came to his death as the result of a collision
between two trains, and furthermore, that the Big Four Railroad is
responsible for his death, owing to the criminal negligence of its
DAVIS, SARAH J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 20, 1895
Mrs. Sarah J. Davis, widow of the late Richard J. Davis, died at the
family home in North Alton this morning, after a few days illness.
She was taken ill on Sunday with La Grippe, but there was nothing to
indicate a serious condition. None of the family felt alarmed. She
went into a quiet slumber, from which she did not awake. It is
supposed that heart failure was the final cause.
Mrs. Davis was born in North Wales, in August 1828, and was,
therefore, in her 68th year. Her husband died 15 years ago. She was
a member of the Presbyterian Church. Seven children survive her,
viz: Misses Sarah, Salina, Elizabeth, and Mr. John Davis of North
Alton; Miss Mollie and Frank Davis of San Antonia, Texas; and
Richard Davis of San Francisco, California.
Mrs. Davis has lived in North Alton not less than 30 years, where
she has raised a large family, who are highly respected in the
community, and wherever known, and who reflect credit on the
teachings and example of an excellent Christian mother, and whose
memory will be an unfailing blessing to them throughout life. Owing
to the absence of several children, the date of the funeral has not
yet been fixed, but due notice will be given.
DAVIS, SUSAN MINERVA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 22,
Died, in this town [Alton] on Saturday evening last, the 16th inst.,
Susan Minerva, the infant daughter of George T. M. Davis, Esq., aged
five months and 25 days.
DAVIS, SUSAN MINERVA/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 22, 1850
Wife of George T. M. Davis
We extract the following melancholy intelligence from the last
number of the Washington Republic. She was, for many years preceding
1818, a resident of this city, where he was highly esteemed, and she
leaves an affectionate husband, several children, and many friends,
with whom we sincerely sympathize to deplore her loss.
“Died in Washington City on the 11th inst., after a short but
painful illness, Mrs. Susan Minerva Davis, wife of George T. M.
Davis, Esq., late of St. Louis, Missouri, in the 41st year of her
age. A kind and affectionate child, a devoted wife, a affectionate
and self-sacrificing mother, a generous, kind, and benevolent
neighbor, a meek and consistent Christian – hers is a crown of glory
eternal in the heavens, and that fadeth not away.”
DAVIS, UNKNOWN [Note: the first part of the newspaper was so
damaged the beginning of the obit was unreadable]/Source: Alton
Evening Telegraph, January 13, 1908
....Mr. Davis is survived by four children, Misses Han....., Messrs,
Charles ....Amasa Davis. Mr. Davis was one of the most prominent
farmers in Godfrey township and was highly esteemed in Alton and
throughout the whole country where he lived. He had been a regular
visitor in Alton for ____ years, up to the time he was taken ill,
and was well known in the business world. He had been a member of
the Alton Horticultural society for very many years and had held
official positions in the society. He was known as a
horticulturalist of ability, and was very successful in propagating
and raising fruit and berries. He was born in Godfrey Township and
lived all his life there. He was 67 years of age last May. His son,
Judge C. E. Davis, lives at Ryne, Oklahoma, and the remainder of his
family live in Godfrey. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock from the family home, and services will be conducted by
Rev. H. A. Cotton of the Congregational church at Godfrey.
DAVIS, WILLARD W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 5,
Willard W. Davis, aged 87, died yesterday at San Diego, Cal., where
he had been staying for the benefit of his health. He was with his
three daughters, Mrs. J. R. Blackwell, Miss Torrie Davis, and Mrs.
Emma J. Fertig, during his last sickness and his death. He had gone
West last June with his daughters to stay there, partly to
recuperate from the effects of a bad fall he sustained in the last
winter at his home, Sixth and Easton streets. Mr. Davis was
unconscious several days at that time, and it was not believed he
would ever get up and around again, but his wonderful vitality
conquered and he surprised everyone by giving every indication of
complete recovery. His active life had given him a strong
constitution which enabled him when he was a very old man to do work
that much younger men would hesitate to do. It is recalled that when
his son, Frank R. Davis, was erecting the building now occupied by
the Sotier Store on Broadway, Mr. Davis made most of the concrete
blocks used in the building. He continued until the last spring and
summer to work in his garden, and he was a very successful gardener.
His activity long after he had passed eighty was the marvel of
everyone who knew him. Willard W. Davis was born in Bangor, Me.,
September 21, 1831. He leaves a brother in Kansas City. Mr. Davis
was a member of the First Methodist Church, a constant attendant
there and a member of the Men's Bible Class. He was one of a company
of men who left Alton in 1849 to make the trip to California, and
his recent trip by rail there was a review of the journey he had
made when a young man. He remained in California only a short time,
and returned to this part of the country. For years he was a farmer,
and retired to move to Alton. Recently he was deprived of his life's
companion, Mrs. Davis, who died in Alton. He came here with his
parents from Bangor, Me., when nine years old, and settled at
Liberty Prairie in Madison County. He was married to Margaret
Huntington in November 11, 1858. He moved to Nashville, Ill. in
1865, and in 1874 to a farm at Godfrey. Beside his three daughters,
he leaves two sons, Frank R. Davis and Dr. Homer W. Davis of Alton.
DAVIS, WILLIAM B./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 24, 1898
Former Alton Real Estate Man
William B. Davis, formerly a real estate and insurance man of Alton,
is dead. His death occurred at Akron, Colorado, Sunday, November 20,
from blood poisoning resulting from a surgical operation performed
to relieve an abscess of the brain.
To his family, he has been dead for months, information to that
effect having been received by his father, Mr. James Davis of
Godfrey, several months ago. His wife, who is living at Godfrey with
her little daughter at the home of her mother, Mrs. Vogel, has
mourned him as dead, not having heard from him since his rumored
demise. His actions during the past few years may be ascribed to
temporary insanity produced by the disease which caused his end.
On Saturday, November 19, Mr. Davis received a telegram from an
Akron surgeon stating that his son, William B. Davis, was at that
place and very low from the effects of a surgical operation
performed that morning. This was the first knowledge the family had
of his being alive.
William B. Davis left this vicinity with the intention of going to
Mexico, and his family supposed he had done so. A dispatch was
published in the daily papers later that William Davis of Illinois,
of the particular party with which he was to go, had died of fever;
but this William Davis, it now transpires, was a cousin of W. B.
A dispatch was received last evening from Mr. Charles Davis of
Deadwood South Dakota, saying that news had reached him of his
brother’s death, which occurred Sunday. The interment was at Akron
today, and the body will be shipped here in December for interment
at Godfrey.
It is the opinion of surgeons that the disease had been working on
him for some time, perhaps several years. It developed into an
abscess on the frontal bone, and an operation became necessary. The
entire community will sympathize with the family in its affliction,
and especially with his wife and little two-year-old daughter, whose
affliction has an added degree of sadness from the circumstances
attending it. Mr. Davis was born in Godfrey, where he resided until
he came to Alton a few years ago. He was in his 33rd year.
DAVIS, WILLIAM BEEDMAN/Source: Alton Weekly Courier, April 16,
Died at Collinsville on March 8, William Beedman Davis; aged 30
years. He was a native of Delaware. He was a member of the Madison
Lodge, No. 43, I.O.O.F.
DAVIS, WILLIAM F./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 17,
Coroner Streeper buried the body of William F. Davis this afternoon
in Milton cemetery. Davis' body was never claimed by any relatives.
He was sent to St. Joseph's hospital several months ago by
Supervisor Hawkins from Benbow City and died of typhoid fever.
DAVIS, WILLIAM H./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 9, 1862
Died in Alton on the 2d inst., William H. Davis, aged 24 years and 4
DAWES, BEATRICE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 25, 1915
Word was received in Alton yesterday of the death in St. Louis
Saturday of Miss Beatrice Dawes, 17 year-old daughter of the late Ed
Dawes of Alton. Miss Dawes was taken ill two weeks ago with
appendicitis, and on Thursday underwent an operation for same, but
the operation did not prove successful, and at six-thirty on
Saturday morning, she passed away. Miss Dawes is well known in
Alton, where she lived until six years ago, when at the death of her
mother, she, with her two sisters, went to St. Louis to make their
home with their aunt, Mrs. Jennie Blake. Miss Dawes is survived by
her two sisters, Mrs. Ella Rutland and Miss Mildred Dawes. The body
was brought to Alton this afternoon, and was taken to St. Patrick’s
Church, where services were held. Burial was in Greenwood Cemetery.
DAWES, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 9, 1914
Killed by Stepson - Boy Defends His Mother
Edward Dawes, former president of the bricklayers union and
prominent in labor circles, was fatally wounded by his 15 year old
stepson, Leroy Locke, Monday afternoon about 4 o'clock at the home
of Michael Strahan, 1518 East Third street, where the family were
rooming. Dawes died Tuesday at 1 o'clock p. m. in St. Joseph's
Hospital. The couple had been married about nine months. Mrs. Dawes
conducts a lunch counter on Washington street near Second. Mrs.
Dawes and her son agree that Dawes had been drinking, that he came
home in a rage about 3:30 o'clock threatening to whip both his wife
and stepson. Mrs. Dawes had not been at her lunchroom in the
afternoon. She had taken the afternoon to make some calls, she said.
Misses Ruth Calvert and Belle Kennedy, working at the restaurant,
said that when Dawes came and found his wife out, he began making
threats to give both wife and stepson a "good beating." There had
been some difficulties over financial matters in the household. Mrs.
Dawes had returned from making her calls and was in her room sorting
out the soiled clothing for the weekly wash. Her son came to her and
told her that Dawes was hunting her and wanted to know if he should
tell Dawes where she was. Mrs. Dawes told her son to inform him and
the boy returned and asked for further confirmation of the
instructions as he said Dawes was making threats. Then, it was said,
Mrs. Dawes told her son to send him up and Dawes went. There he
begun a quarrel, Mrs. Dawes said, and objected to her use of a
suitcase which he said belonged to him. Then he struck his wife and
struck his stepson, according to both of them. It was when the blows
were being administered to Mrs. Dawes that Leroy Locke seized an old
revolver and fired close in at Dawes stomach. The boy, fearing he
had wounded his mother, asked her if he had hit her, and Dawes
responded, "I guess you got me all right." Dawes did not desist
beating the wife and stepson, however, and Mrs. Dawes face was badly
contused, some of her teeth loosened and she was painfully hurt.
Dawes, having finished the chastisement he deemed his wife and son
merited, staggered out into the street. He was staggering around
when some laborers took charge of him and called a doctor, Dr. Van
Wormer arrived first, and Drs. Lemen and Worden assisted him in
operating on Dawes at the hospital. The boy who did the shooting
seemed unmoved. He made no attempt to run away, did not manifest the
least excitement nor express any regret over what he had done. He
claimed that he shot Dawes to defend his mother and himself. Locke
was arrested by officer Uhte after the shooting, and taken to police
headquarters. He was put under $500 bond, waiving preliminary
examination. Dr. Van Wormer said that the ball which was fired into
Dawes' abdomen passed downward through the bladder and lodged
against the pelvis. Mrs. Dawes said that when her husband was sober,
that no one could be a better and more kindly man in his home than
Ed Dawes. He was on the best of terms with his stepson and they made
great companions. It was only when Dawes was drinking that he ever
made any trouble around the house, and but for his drinking the
married life of the couple has been very happy. It was because Dawes
was drinking hard Monday that he came home and made the trouble,
which resulted in his being shot. The death of Dawes may make some
difference in the case of the boy, but it is not believed that,
under the circumstances, the lad will be held under heavy bail. The
coroner's inquest will be awaited before any further steps are taken
by the officials. Dawes suffered a backset before noon, and at
noontime he was reported as being in a very bad way. His death
occurred just before 1 o'clock. His sister, Mrs. _____, lives in St.
Louis, had read in a St. Louis paper of the shooting, and she
hurried to Alton, reaching there about 12 o'clock, and in time to
see her brother alive. He recognized her. Dawes was conscious to the
last and his end found him as game as he had been all through his
life. Dawes comes of a family that was prominent in Alton many years
ago, representatives of the family being among the wealthiest and
most important of Alton's citizens.
DAWES, SUSAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 30, 1840
Died, in this city [Alton], on Friday the 22d instant, Mrs. Susan
Dawes, wife of Mr. William Dawes. She was a member of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, and bore her short, but painful illness with
Christian fortitude.
DAWSON, EDWIN C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 3, 1920
Old Time Engineer Passes Away
Edwin C. Dawson, retired locomotive engineer, died at his home, 3010
College Avenue, Saturday afternoon at 1:25 o'clock. His death had
been expected, as he had been in failing health for a long time. He
was 87 years of age. Mr. Dawson retired from railroading in 1895
because of his failing eye sight. He had served as the engineer on
the Big Four Plug train running between Alton and East Alton. It was
only when he could no longer see well enough to make safe for him to
continue operating the engine that he was given his release. He had
a long career with the Big Four and he was highly esteemed as a
careful engineer. Mr. Dawson's life had been anything but an
altogether happy one, as he saw member after member of his family
die before him, including his wife, so that at his death he was
survived by only two sons, Milton and Robert, and two daughters,
Miss Leila Dawson and Mrs. J. F. Johnston, the last of Muskogee,
Okla. His condition did not become desperate until three days before
his death, and since that change came there had been the certain
knowledge that he would soon pass away.
DAWSON, FANNY SWAIN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 17,
Mrs. Fanny Swain Dawson, wife of Edwin C. Dawson, the retired
railroad engineer, died Saturday night at her home, 3331 College
avenue, Upper Alton, after an illness of three years. Her death
followed a sudden change for the worse, which came a week before the
end of her suffering. She had been in a dangerous condition since
the Saturday preceding her death, and her family had given up all
hope of her recovery. Mrs. Dawson was in her 70th year. She is
survived by her aged husband, three daughters, Mrs. J. F. Johnston
of Oklahoma City, Okla., Misses Leila and Blanche Dawson; and two
sons, Robert and Milton Dawson. She leaves also a sister, Mrs. Flora
E. Matthews of Chicago, and James A Swain of Joliet. She had been a
resident of Alton for many years and lived on Second street until
recent years, when she moved to Upper Alton to make her home. The
funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock from the family
home. Funeral private. Mrs. Dawson came to Alton with her husband in
1868, and during her long period of residence here she was well
known and highly respected. Paralysis disabled her three years ago,
and a week ago she had the final stroke. During all her period of
disability she had been patient and cheerful. Beside her children
she leaves five grandchildren to whom she had been a mother, since
they were left motherless.
DAWSON, JOHANNA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 8, 1902
Mrs. Johanna Dawson, widow of Richard Dawson of 1021 East Third
street, died Saturday evening at St. Joseph's hospital after a long
illness from cancer and tumors. Mrs. Dawson underwent a surgical
operation recently for the removal of several tumors, but the
surgeons found a cancerous condition and it was impossible for her
to recover. On Friday she had a setback and did not rally. She was
63 years of age and had been a resident of Alton many years. The
funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Patrick's
DAWSON, JOHN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 6, 1892
Mr. John Dawson died Saturday evening at the age of fifty-six years,
after an illness of about eighteen months. Mr. Dawson, who has
resided in Alton for many years, leaves besides his widow five sons,
all adults and residents in this city; also, one daughter, Mrs.
Bridget Dwyer of Greenwood, Missouri, for whose arrival this evening
the funeral has been deferred. The funeral will take place tomorrow
morning from St. Patrick’s Church to the North Alton Cemetery.
DAWSON, JOHN "JACK"/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 17,
John Dawson, known popularly as "Jack" Dawson, died early Saturday
morning after a short illness at his home, 1021 east Third street.
His death was a great surprise to everyone, including his family,
although he had been a sufferer from heart disease for number of
years. The news that Jack Dawson was dead was very shocking
intelligence for a large part of the population in the east end of
the city. It was "Jack" Dawson to whom a large number looked for aid
of many kinds. He was kind hearted and he was always ready to help
out his friends. He had many of them too. Jack never allowed a
friend of his, or even an acquaintance with less claim, to appeal in
vain for assistance when he was in trouble. Jack was a frequent
signer of bonds, and it was to him that many who had no other friend
turned when they were in trouble. He conducted a saloon in the east
end for a number of years and was also connected with the boarding
house business. He was a glassblower since young manhood and worked
at his trade most of the time. Jack Dawson had many friends
scattered all over the city and there is sincere regret among them
that he is dead. It is supposed that Mr. Dawson's death was not due
to natural causes. Suicide is not entertained, but it is supposed
that he died either from the effects of an injury he sustained
several days ago when, during a scuffle, he was knocked through a
plate glass window of an east Second street store, or that he died
from an overdose of a sleeping potion. He had been very nervous and
was taking a drug to induce sleep. He rose at 5:30 o'clock this
morning and took the medicine without the knowledge of his wife. It
was not time for him to receive the dose, and in addition to taking
it prematurely, he took a large quantity, probably several ounces of
it. He never awoke again, and was found dead about 6:20 a.m. He was
in his forty-fourth year, and leaves his wife and six children. Mr.
Dawson was a native of Alton and had lived in the city all his life.
Deputy Coroner Keiser will hold an inquest to determine the cause of
death and an autopsy may be necessary to decide whether he died from
injuries received several days ago or from the overdose of medicine.
The funeral will probably be held Monday morning from St. Patrick's
DAWSON, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 24, 1911
John Dawson, aged ??? [unreadable], died this morning after a long
illness at the Glynn boarding house. The funeral will be Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from St. Patrick's church.
DAWSON, MARGARET (nee DELHANTY)/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 10,
Mrs. Margaret Dawson died noon Tuesday, aged 62 years. She was born
in Kilkenny, Ireland, and came to Alton in the 1840s, and has
resided here since. She leaves five children, all of adult years;
also two brothers – Pat Delhanty of Macoupin County and Thomas
Delhanty of Foster Township.
DAWSON, PAUL PRESTON/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 5, 1877
Died in Alton on July 3, Paul Preston, son of Edmund and Fanny
Dawson; aged two years. The remains were taken to Terre Haute,
Indiana for interment.
DAWSON, PEARL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 6, 1905
Pearl Dawson, 12 years old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Dawson,
died Sunday at the family home, 1227 East Third street, after a few
days’ illness from pneumonia. She was a bright, lovable child and
general sympathy is felt for the sorrowing parents. The funeral will
be Tuesday afternoon from St. Patrick's church.
DAWSON, RICHARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 31, 1884
The funeral of Richard Dawson, an old resident of Alton, took place
from St. Patrick’s Church Monday. An immense procession, including
the members of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, attended the remains
to the Catholic Cemetery. Rev. Father Cassedy performed the
impressive funeral services.
DAWSON, T. W. B. (REVEREND)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 27,
Old Man Burned to Death
Coroner Bailey held an inquest at Troy Saturday on the body of Rev.
T. W. B. Dawson, an aged Baptist preacher, whose remains were found
Saturday morning in the ruins of the little house where he lived the
life of a hermit, east of Troy. Fifty years ago, Rev. Dawson was the
pastor of the Baptist Church at Troy, and later he taught school. Of
late years, he became a recluse, and in 1890 prophesied that the
world would be destroyed by fire in 1898. The prophesy was all too
true in his case, the little house, his valuable library, and other
contents being entirely consumed by the devouring element, and only
the charred body of the old man was left to tell the tale. Two
hundred dollars in gold eagles were also found in the ruins. The
coroner’s jury returned a verdict of accidental death. The deceased
was 89 years of age, and has a son at Troy. The funeral took place
Rev. Dawson was born February 10, 1809, in New York. He married
Sarah Unknown (1797-1867), and they had one son and a daughter,
Emily S. Dawson McCoy (1831-1851). Rev. Dawson and his wife, Sarah,
were interred in the Troy City Cemetery.
DAWSON, THERESA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 06, 1903
Mrs. Theresa, wife of Thomas Dawson, died at 3 o'clock Monday
morning at the farm home near Bethalto, after a short illness. She
leaves her husband and two children. She was 32 years of age. The
funeral will be held Tuesday morning from the Bethalto Catholic
DAY, AMY C./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 30, 1877
From Edwardsville – The funeral of Miss Amy C. Day, who died on
August 21, 1877, in Edwardsville at the residence of her
brother-in-law, Judge J. G. Irwin, last Tuesday, in the 32nd year of
her age, was largely attended.
DAY, BRUCE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 30, 1903
Killed While Asleep on the Tracks
Bruce Day, whose home was at Comstock, Ill., was killed by the Big
Four switch engine No. 67, Friday afternoon a half mile west of the
Chessen crossing. Just after the engine rounded the curve there,
drawing a train of nineteen cars from East Alton, Yardmaster B. J.
Derwin, who was riding on the footboard, noticed a man lying on the
track. He was apparently asleep with one arm thrown over the rail
and his face pillowed on his arm. The engine struck the man and he
died almost instantly. Day's stepbrother, William Nash, was with
him. The two men had been drinking and they laid down to sleep. Nash
was asleep in the weeds about twelve feet from where Day was lying,
and after his stepbrother was killed he was aroused from his drunken
stupor with great difficulty. Yardmaster Derwin managed to shake him
until he was awake, and then the survivor proceeded to drink more
liquor when he arrived in Alton. Deputy Coroner Streeper held an
inquest and the jury found a verdict of accidental death and
exonerated the railway company and its employees of all blame.
DAY, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 7, 1840
We regret to state that as Henry Day, son of Mr. Dudley Day of
Portsmouth, Ohio, who had accompanied his parents on a visit to the
family of Mr. John Hatch of this city [Alton], to whom they are
nearly related, was playing with two other small boys about his own
age, under a sand bank near Second Street [Broadway], on last
Wednesday afternoon, the mass above, supposed to weigh not less than
half a ton, suddenly and unexpectedly gave way and crushed him so
severely as to cause his death in the course of a few minutes. The
other children escaped without material injury. The deceased was
nearly four years old, and was a very promising child. We sympathize
with his afflicted parents and friends in their bereavement.
DAY, JOHN M./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 4, 1865
Died, July 25, 1865, at his residence near Alton, of typhoid fever,
John M. Day, aged 35 years.
DAY, MINNIE BELL/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 26, 1878
Died in Upper Alton, September 20, at 9 o’clock p.m., of congestion
of the brain, Minnie Bell, daughter of Frank and Adella Day; aged 3
years, 7 months, and 13 days.
DAY, W./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 9, 1893
W. Day of Highland, Illinois, well known in Alton as a
representative of the Helvetia Milk Company, died from an overdose
of anti-pyrine while on the railroad cars in New Jersey, Friday. He
was attacked with neuralgia, and took a dose of anti-pyrine for
relief, with the above result.
DEACH, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 15, 1917
William Deach, for forty years a holder of public offices in the
Madison County court house, died this morning from uraemic poisoning
at his home, in his 81st year. The funeral will be held Wednesday.
DEACON, JULIA MARIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 4,
North Alton News - The funeral of Julia Marie, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Deacon, took place Friday at 1 o'clock from the Cathedral,
where services were held, and was attended by a very large number of
friends and neighbors who desired thus to show their sorrow and
sympathy for the stricken parents in their awful affliction.
Interment was in Greenwood cemetery where all that is mortal of the
winsome little Julia lies underneath a bank of flowers.
DEADMAN, MARTHA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 08, 1915
Mrs. Martha Deadman, wife of P. A. Deadman, died in St. Louis Sunday
after an illness of seven weeks duration. Sunday afternoon she
underwent an operation for relief, but died before the operation was
over. The deceased was in her 34th year, and is survived by her
husband, P. A. Deadman, but leaves no children. Mr. Deadman is the
son of Mrs. William Deadman of Alton, and is well known here. The
funeral will be held tomorrow from 4300 Laclede Avenue, and will be
DEADMAN, WILLIAM A./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 01, 1894
Train Engineer; Civil War Veteran
Wreck on the Bluff Line Ends in Death of Engineer
From the Springfield Journal - “Last evening [January 30], a wreck
occurred on the St. Louis, Chicago, and St. Paul Railroad, the Bluff
Line, about three miles south of Curran, which resulted in the death
of the engineer, William Deadman of Alton. The engine and crew were
working on the new extension of the road, and made a run to Laomi
for water. After having filled the tank, the engineer started back
for the place where the men were working. The engine was backing up
with a caboose attached to the front end. When about three miles
south of Curran, the tender suddenly gave a lunch, and fell over on
the left side of the track, while the engine toppled over on the
opposite side. The engineer, William Deadman, was caught under the
engine and was so pinioned that before he could be extricated, he
was fatally scalded. One of his legs was badly crushed. He lingered
for about half an hour, when death relieved him of his terrible
The exact cause of the wreck is unknown, but it is supposed it was
caused either by the spreading of the rails or by a broken rail.
With the exception of a few bruises and cuts, no others of the crew
were injured. The train was in charge of Conductor Frank Jameison.
Superintendent I. W. Fowler and train dispatcher Brandenberg drove
out to the wreck, and the track was cleared about 11 o’clock last
Mr. Deadman’s home was at Alton, and he is survived by a wife and
family. He has been on the Bluff Line for several years, and was
formerly employed as an engineer on the Chicago & Alton. He was
about 50 years of age.”
An inquest was held this morning in Springfield, and a verdict
rendered in accordance with the above facts. The remains will be
brought to Alton tonight or in the morning, and will be taken to the
home on Belle Street. Mrs. Deadman is prostrated by the awful news,
and funeral arrangements have not yet been made.
Alton Telegraph, February 01, 1894
The remains of engineer William Deadman were brought down from
Springfield last night, and taken to his late home, 2215 Belle
Street. The funeral took place yesterday morning.
William Deadman was born in about 1844. He was a member of Company
D, 2nd Illinois Cavalry, during the Civil War. He was married to
Catherine Ann Badson Deadman (1848-1924. Surviving were two
children: Emily Mae Deadman Humphrey (1883-1958) and Frank Francis
Deadman (1885-1930). William was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
DEAN, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 10, 1881
Mrs. Elizabeth Dean, who had lived in Alton over 35 years, died at
her residence on Third Street, between George and Langdon, Tuesday
morning, at the age of 89 years. The funeral took place at her late
residence yesterday. She leaves a daughter, Miss Rebecca Dean, and
other relatives to mourn her death.
DEAN, REBECCA "BECKY"/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 1,
Mrs. Rebecca Dean, aged 78, died Saturday night at 9 o'clock after
an illness of four weeks from kidney trouble. Her death had been
expected for several weeks. Mrs. Dean was English by birth. She was
married many years ago, and she said that she had one child, which
died. She had lived alone most of the time for many years, and had
conducted a little store on Eighth street where the school children
went to buy sweet meats and school supplies. She was a member of the
Baptist church, and the funeral services were conducted by Rev. M.
W. Twing this afternoon. It is said by old friends that for 25 years
she had been talking about death, and that she had selected
pallbearers for herself, or some of them, from time to time. As some
of those she would select would pass off the stage of action or move
away, she would select others. The pallbearers were W. P. Boynton,
L. M. Carr, Dr. F. C. Hopkins, Roland and Frank Harris, W. C. Gates.
DEATHERAGE, BASIL H./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 17, 1894
Basil H. Deatherage died yesterday afternoon at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Deatherage, at 642 North Street, aged 18
years. He has been sick for some time, and his death was due to
brain fever.
DEBAUN, DAVID/Source: Alton Weekly Courier, February 16, 1854
On Saturday evening, February 11, some laborers from Alton went out
to a liquor shop at the junction of the plank and county roads, near
the Buck Inn [in North Alton], and getting drunk, a difficulty arose
and a fight ensued in which David DeBaun was so badly beaten and
kicked that he died from his injuries on the following Tuesday.
Yesterday morning Coroner Robbins summoned a jury to hold an inquest
over the body, who after hearing the testimony of Dr. Metcalf, who
attended upon DeBaun, and the testimony of the physicians who made a
post mortem examination of the body, brought in a verdict that the
deceased came to his death by injuries inflicted by persons unknown.
Joseph Lamb, the principal actor, together with others, have been
arrested and were on examination before Justice Pinckard at the time
of writing this account. We are further informed that the company
had been gambling previous to the occurrence.
DeBAUN, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 15, 1887
From Upper Alton – Miss Elizabeth DeBaun died in Upper Alton Sunday;
aged over 70 years. The deceased was a native of Upper Alton, and
almost her whole life has been spent in Upper Alton and vicinity.
For many years she has struggled with advancing age and poverty, and
has been the recipient of many favors from the charitable, else she
must sooner have given up the unequal contest. She has relatives
elsewhere, some of them in comfortable circumstances. One of these,
a nephew, a restaurateur in Cairo, has been appealed to for aid in
the expenses of the burial, which will take place in Monticello
[Godfrey] Cemetery, where her mother lies.
DeBEAU, BELLE/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 8, 1878
Cold-Blooded Murder Near the Milton Bridge
Yesterday afternoon, about three o’clock, a report was brought to
town that a colored woman and her child had been murdered near the
Milton Bridge. We at once started for the scene of the tragedy, the
locality of which had been very indefinitely described. Driving
rapidly out of town, we learned at Bozzatown that the murders took
place near the Upper Alton Road to Milton Bridge. Turning up the
hill from the bridge, we inquired at the first house we came to in
regard to the tragedy. No one had heard of it. Driving on a few
hundred yards, we saw two men coming out of the woods on the left.
We asked if they had heard of a murder in that vicinity. “Yes,” said
they, “a woman and her child were killed this morning in a house
over there in the woods.” “Who did it?” “Don’t know.”
Driving through a gate, down a narrow lane, and through a cornfield,
we soon came to a little cabin, about three hundred yards from the
main road. Around it was gathered a number of neighbors, mainly
women and children, and both white and colored. At the corner of the
house sat a woman holding a crying baby, a few months old, in her
arms. “Has there been a murder here?” “Yes,” replied a colored man,
“a woman and her little girl.” “Who lives here?” “A colored man
named Tom Bates, a white man named White, and this woman.” “Who did
the killing?” “We don’t know.” “Would you like to go in?” continued
the man, opening the door. We entered the low room where the tragedy
had been enacted, and beheld the blood curdling evidence of the most
horrible human butchery ever enacted in this county. On the floor
lay a body covered with a blanket. It was not lying in a natural
position, but drawn together as if had fallen in a heap. But this
was not all the horror. About three feet distant, lay a smaller
form, also covered by a blanket. From beneath the lower end, a
little bare foot protruded, still and cold. The man raised the
blanket from the larger body, and revealed a woman’s form, clothed
in a calico dress. The spectacle was horrifying, the head had been
beaten to a jelly, and through the shattered skull, the brains were
coming out. The hair was matted with gore, the face bloody, the eyes
staring open and protruding from their sockets, as if they had been
forced out by the blows. The expression showed that the woman had
died in great agony. The still form was covered, and the main raised
the blanket from the child – a little girl, four years old, nearly
white, the head beaten to a jelly, just as in the case of the
mother, the skull shattered, the brains protruding and the little
dead face covered with gore. The sight was sickening and terrible to
the last degree.
A glance around showed a disordered room, with scant furniture. On
the floor were several large blotches of blood, as if the victims
had been followed about as they crawled and shrieked in agony, and
been beaten until life was extinct. The room looked like a slaughter
pen, which it certainly was, and if ever the work of a fiend or a
devil was seen, it was here visible.
Leaving the scene of horror, we asked where Bates and White were.
“Out there in the woods,” was the reply, “with some men guarding
them.” We started in the direction indicated, and soon came upon a
group of men who were keeping watch over the persons spoken of.
White was pointed out. He was a man of medium height, think and
wiry, with brown hair and chin whiskers. He looked about 45 years
old. “When did this murder occur, Mr. White?” “About ten o’clock
this morning.” “Who did it?” “I don’t know.” “What do you know about
it?” “I went to Upper Alton this morning for some medicine for the
baby. I was gone about an hour and a half. When I came back, I found
what had happened. The child was dead. The woman was alive, but
unconscious. She lived about five minutes after I got there. I was
so shocked, I did not know what to do. I went to the fence and
called for help.” “Who is the woman’s husband?” was asked. “She
hasn’t any,” was White’s reply. Tom Bates, an old colored man, was
next interrogated. “Who is this murdered woman?” “My stepdaughter.”
“What’s her name?” “Belle DeBeau.” “Was she married?” “No.” “Who is
this man, White?” “He is from Pike County, Missouri. He has been
sick, and I’ve been taking care of him. I went away to work early
this morning, and left him here with the woman and children.” “When
did you come home?” “Just a little while ago.” “Who did the
killing?” “I don’t know.”
No officer was present, and the crowd were awaiting the arrival of
the Coroner. It was thought best, however, by the men present, to
take White into custody. He was informed that he was suspected of
being the murderer, and was told to come along. He seemed perfectly
willing to go. The citizens then started for Upper Alton, taking
White and Bates along for safe keeping.
The history of the inmates of the shanty, as we were able to glean
it, was in brief as follows: The family formerly lived in Pike
County, Missouri. White lived with the woman, DeBeau, in open
The citizens there, scandalized at the affair, drove White off about
three years ago. He came down to this county, where he has since
lived, working for several parties on the Bottom as a farmhand. He
kept up a correspondence with the woman all the time. He could not
write himself, and was accustomed to come to Alton and get Mr. Henry
Kelley to write his letters. Last winter, White induced old man
Bates and the woman to move down here, and they have since all been
living in the cabin where the tragedy took place. White has long
been desperately enamored of the woman, who seems to have been a
good-looking mulatto, and it is said, was anxious to marry her. He
is said to be the father of both her children. Lately, it is said,
the woman had wanted to return to Missouri, but White opposed it.
While suspicion pointed to White, and many believed him guilty, we
could not ascertain that there was any proof that he was the
criminal. Whoever committed the crime, it was one of the most
disbolical in the calendar, and the work of as black a fiend as ever
polluted the earth. White may or may not be guilty. He bears the
reputation of being a dangerous man. A neighbor stated that about
the time of the tragedy, he heard shots fired in the vicinity of the
cabin, and cries of murder.
As we rode away from the scene of the horror, the negro women were
trying to still the cries of the little baby, wailing for the mother
lying stark and dead on the cabin floor.
Additional – Upper Alton, August 2, 1878
The horrible tragedy which occurred yesterday on the outskirts of
town has created much excitement. The parties most interested are
all somewhat known here, and have lived for several months on the
farm of Mr. Joseph Burton, west of the road from Upper Alton to
Milton. The victims of this double murder, Belle DeBeau and her
little child, with another child, have been living with the woman’s
stepfather, Tom Bates. All of these people are colored. With them
has lived a white man, Bill White, formerly of Missouri, who has
been a laborer on one of the adjacent farms. White, yesterday
morning, visited town and returning about 11 o’clock, found the
woman and child lying on the floor, mangled but still alive. He ran
to some men at work in the next field, who, reaching the house,
found a scene of sickening horror. The child was dead, while the
woman lived a few moments, and died before their eyes. A crowd
quickly gathered from the neighboring houses, and the bringing of
the news to town was the cause of quite a gathering of the curious
from town. White was taken in charge as an object of serious
suspicion, and brought to town. The colored man, Bates, was brought
in and held for a witness at the Coroner’s inquest, which was held
at the cabin last evening. The jury, S. B. Gillham, foreman,
rendered a verdict attributing the death of the deceased to “wounds
from a blunt instrument in the hands of some part or parties
unknown.” Considerable fault is found with the manner in which the
inquest was conducted by Coroner Youree. White was committed to the
jail, and will have his examination before Justices Collett and
Benbow this p.m. Suspicion is not entirely confined to White, some
thinking they have good reason for suspecting some other parties
living in the vicinity of the cabin where the murder was committed.
August 3, 1878
The preliminary examination of William White, suspected of the
murder of Belle DeBeau and her child, was held yesterday afternoon
before D. W. Collet, Justice of the Peace. The testimony of
neighbors was taken, showing how and when the bodies were found.
Other testimony was given showing that the accused had made threats
against the woman. “Uncle Tom” Bates, stepfather of the murdered
woman, testified as to White’s relations to the murdered persons,
and added evidence of threatening language used by the accused
towards the deceased on several recent occasions. The accused was
sworn, and told his story of his trip up town, and how he found the
bodies on his return. Dr. Yerkes testified to the condition of the
bodies when he first saw them, and as to the length of time they had
probably been dead when he arrived there.
The accused was then bound over to await the action of the Grand
Jury at Edwardsville, and will be taken thither today. There was no
legal counsel on either side.
DE BLOIS, CERWIC/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 20, 1896
From Upper Alton – We note the death of Cerwic, the infant son of
President and Mrs. A. K. De Blois. He has been very ill for several
weeks, and the end came Friday evening. The funeral services were
held at the house Saturday. Dr. C. H. Moscrip spoke tender and
feeling words of the departed. The music was led by a quartette of
ladies, Misses Brasher, McCormick, Kirkpatrick, and Stroud, assisted
by Mr. Norman Marsh as base, C. E. Osborn as tenor. Cerwic was an
exceptionally bright little fellow, and his departure has touched a
very tender chord in the heart of parents and friends. The remains
were interred in Oakwood Cemetery.
DEBOW, BLOOMFIED H./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 27, 1844
Died, at Upper Alton on the 22d instant, of whooping cough,
Bloomfied H., infant son of Robert and Sarah A. DeBow.
DeBOW, LUCY/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 27, 1879
Miss Lucy DeBow, daughter of the late Robert DeBow, died on February
24 after a long and painful illness. The deceased was a sister of
Colonel Samuel DeBow of Chicago, and Mrs. Mary Glass, widow of the
late A. C. Glass, M. D., formerly of this place. [Burial was in the
Alton City Cemetery.]
DEBOW, ROBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 6, 1877
Alton Pioneer Business Man
After a protracted illness, Mr. Robert DeBow, the well-known
wholesale grocer, senior member of the firm of R. Debow & Co., died
Saturday at his residence in Upper Alton, in the 68th year of his
age. For several years, his health had been failing, and he made
several trips to different parts of the country and to Europe in
hope of gaining strength, but the relief obtained was only
temporary. A few weeks ago, he arrived home from New York in a
feeble condition, and failed rapidly until death.
Mr. DeBow was one of the few survivors of the pioneer business men
of Alton. Coming to Alton about the year 1834, he had been in active
business life here for over forty years. During the greater part of
that time, he was a wholesale grocer, transacting an extensive
business. As a merchant, he was well known throughout this section,
and his name was always a synonym for integrity and honor. During
his extended business career, he was in partnership with a number of
well-known gentlemen, among our older and younger merchants.
Mr. DeBow married a daughter of the late Major Charles Hunter, a
most amiable lady, who died a few months ago. Her death was a shock
which probably hastened the progress of his own disease. Mr. DeBow
was a gentleman of unusual business ability, and possessed of genial
manners and sterling qualities of character which won him a host of
friends. He will be long and widely mourned. Three children survive
him, all of adult years. His son, Mr. Samuel Debow, is a well-known
business man of New York City.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 6, 1877
A large company of citizens of Alton, Upper Alton and vicinity,
assembled at the late residence of the deceased in Upper Alton, at
2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, to attend the obsequies. The
services were conducted by Rev. W. S. Sly, of the Methodist church,
and were introduced by singing "Nearer My God to Thee," and prayer,
after which Rev. Mr. Taggart, of Bloomington, read a portion of
Scripture, and "The Gates Ajar" was sung. An affecting, interesting
address was delivered by Mr. Sly, and the services closed by singing
"How Blest the Righteous When He Dies." The relatives and friends
then took a last look at the familiar features soon to be seen no
more on earth. The pall bearers were, Samuel Wade, J. S. Topping, D.
S. Hoaglan and Jos. Craig, of Alton, and Jas. Atkins, W. Collet, Mr.
Burnap and Wm. Flamson, of Upper Alton. A long line of carriages
followed the hearse containing the remains, which were deposited in
the Hunter lot in the Alton City Cemetery.
DEBOW, SAMUEL (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 9
& 11, 1888
Grandson of Major Charles Hunter
Captain Samuel DeBow, formerly of Alton, died Tuesday night at his
residence in Chicago, of rheumatism of the heart; aged about 50
years. Deceased was a native of Alton, son of the late Robert DeBow,
and a grandson of Major Charles Hunter, one of the pioneers of
Alton. Mr. DeBow was at one time engaged in the wholesale grocery
business here with his father and brother-in-law, the late Henry
Buckmaster. Subsequently, he removed to Memphis, thence to New
Orleans, and afterwards to New York. He has resided in Chicago the
past few years, where he was general manager of the California
freight line. He was widely known in railway circles and highly
esteemed. He was married several years ago to a lady of Hudson, New
York, who survives him. The remains will be brought here for
interment, the funeral taking place Saturday morning.
The remains of Captain Samuel DeBow were brought here on the Chicago
& Alton train this morning, and the funeral took place from St.
Paul’s Church. The burial ritual of the church was read after which
Mr. Taylor paid an eloquent tribute to the memory of the deceased,
speaking of his business capacity, energy, indefatigable industry,
rectitude of his kindness of heart, benevolence, and great devotion
to the interest and welfare of relatives and friends. The
pallbearers were Dr. Charles Davis, Messrs. George Gray, C. W.
Milnor, Samuel its, W. B. Pierce, and W. C. McPike of Atchison,
Kansas. The remains were buried in the Alton City Cemetery. Mrs.
Glass, sister of the deceased, and her son, Mr. Nathaniel Buckmaster
attended the funeral.
DECK, ISAAC/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 14, 1873
Died on Monday last, Mr. Isaac Deck, aged 76, of congestion of the
lungs. The deceased was one of the earliest settlers on the Wood
River, and removed to the vicinity of Bunker Hill more than twenty
years ago.
DECK, JACOB S./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 03, 1878
Foster Township Pioneer
From Bethalto – A large circle of relatives and friends will be
grieved to hear of the sad fate that befell Mr. Jacob Deck, about 11
o’clock a.m. last Sunday [September 29, 1878]. In company with a
daughter-in-law, Mrs. J. S. Deck, he started to visit a grandchild.
On driving over a small bridge near the residence of Mr. J. S. Culp
in Foster Township, the “off” front wheel of the buggy ran off the
end of the bridge, throwing Mr. Deck out on his face, and breaking
his back, which caused his death almost instantly.
Mr. Deck was born in Sullivan County, Tennessee, September 22, 1796,
and was at the time of his death 82 years and seven days old. He
moved to Illinois Territory in the Fall of 1816, and has resided in
Madison County ever since, except two years which were spent in
Greene County. In 1819, he opened a farm in Foster Township [on Culp
Lane, just east of the Short Cemetery], on which he resided until he
was gathered unto his fathers. He was married four times, and was
the father of sixteen children – eight sons and eight daughters, of
whom four sons and three daughters survive him. His fourth wife died
August 16, 1872. For several years he has been a faithful member of
the Baptist Church. The funeral took place from his late residence
at 10 o’clock a.m. today, Dr. Bulkley officiating. The funeral was
largely attended by bereaved relatives and sympathizing friends, who
can testify to his goodness.
Jacob Deck was born on September 22, 1796, in Sullivan County,
Tennessee. He moved to Illinois Territory in 1816, and settled in
Madison County. He married Sarah “Sally” Bates (1797-1832) on May
30, 1817, and they established a farm on Culp Lane in Foster
Township in 1819. On October 11, 1820, Jacob made a land entry,
which was signed by President James Monroe. His brothers, John and
Isaac (half-brother), settled in the same neighborhood. Jacob was
the first permanent settler in Foster Township. Isaac died in March
1873 in Bunker Hill.
The first graveyard in Foster Township was located on the Jacob Deck
farm on Culp Lane. Jacob’s first wife, Sarah “Sally” Bates Deck,
died December 6, 1832, at the age of 34, leaving behind six
children. She is buried in the Deck Cemetery. Jacob married Sarah
Griffith (1797-1834) in 1833. She died April 6, 1834, at the age of
36, and is buried in the Deck Cemetery. They had no known children.
In 1834, Jacob married Rachel McCann (1809-1855). She died November
1, 1855, at the age of 46, leaving behind five children, and is
buried in the Deck Cemetery. In 1856, he married Ann McCann
(1803-1872), probably a sister of Rachel’s. They had no known
children. Ann died August 16, 1872, at the age of 68, and is buried
in the Deck Cemetery.
In June 1872, it was reported that Jacob Deck was robbed of $4,100
by Charles Deck, George Titchenal, Henry Stagg, and James E. Wilcox.
Only $2,100 was recovered. They were sent to jail for the robbery.
Jacob Deck was buried in the Deck Cemetery in Bethalto.
Jacob Deck’s children with Sarah Bates Deck were:
Mary Louise Deck Herring (1818-1858); William Deck (1822-1823);
Isaac Deck (1826-1827); Catherine Deck Herring (1829-1909); Tabitha
Deck Elliott (1830-1865), wife of William Elliott of Iowa; and John
Edward Deck (1831-1901).
Jacob Deck’s children with Rachel McCann Deck were:
Jacob Deck Jr. (1835-1836); Anna Deck Short (1837-1911), wife of
Perry Washington Short; James Henry Deck (1839-1841); Martha Jane
Deck Witt (1841-1900), wife of Leonard H. Witt of Raymond, Illinois;
and Charles Daniel Deck (1853-1920).
J. S. Deck was another son of Jacob Deck (as seen in the article
above), but it is unknown when he was born or who his mother was.
(J. S. Deck is possibly Rev. Jacob Staunton Deck (1843-1891) [see
below], who died at Roodhouse. He was buried in the Short Cemetery
on Culp Lane in Foster Township. Services were conducted under the
Masons and Grand Army of the Republic Lodges.
DECK, JACOB STAUNTON (REVEREND)/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 14,
From Bethalto, May 12 – The funeral of Rev. J. S. Deck, who died at
Roodhouse on Saturday, took place Monday from the residence of Mrs.
Lydia Williams of Wood River township, and was very largely
attended. Dr. Kendrick of Upper Alton preached the sermon. The
Masonic fraternity took charge of the remains. The interment was at
the Mount Olive Cemetery (Short Cemetery), and was conducted under
the auspices of the Masons and Grand Army Lodges. Rev. Deck was well
known in this county, having resided at Bethalto for a number of
years previous to his removal to Roodhouse. He was much respected by
all who knew him. His age was 48
years. He leaves a wife and three grownup sons, who have the
sympathyof all in their sad affliction.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 1, 1891
A very handsome monument of Indiana granite has been erected on
Jacob S. Deck’s lot in Short’s Cemetery. It is rustic in form, and
represents the body of a tree broken off midway. Branches project
from this trunk, and are cut off representing the different members
of the family. The base is an imitation of a pile of boulders with
the word “Father” inscribed thereon. A Bible and hymn book are
beautifully carved on the base, and at the root of the tree. From a
portion of the trunk, the bark is pulled and hangs down. Here Mr.
Deck’s full name is inscribed. An ivy vine also encircles the trunk,
and partly covers the inscription denoting affection. The work is
first class, and many have admired it within the last few days.
Jacob Staunton Deck was born February 21, 1843, in Illinois. He
married Martha Jane Beaman (1848-1916), and two of their children
were: Harry C. Deck (1867-1920) and Jesse L. Deck (1875-1935).
DECK, LEMUEL B./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 2, 1891
The remains of Mr. L. B. Deck, a young brakeman who was killed
Friday near Glassgow, Missouri, were brought here this morning from
Roodhouse for interment. Mr. Deck was at one time a resident of
Upper Alton, and the son of Rev. I. L. Deck, who preceded him about
seven weeks. He was twenty-two years of age, a sober, upright young
man, and highly esteemed by all who knew him. Delegations from
Lodges No. 44, B. of R. T., of Roodhouse, and Lodge No. 5 of Slater,
Missouri, accompanied the remains. The funeral occurred Saturday
afternoon from the residence of Mrs. Lydia Williams near Upper
The funeral of Mr. Deck took place from the residence of Mrs. Lydia
Williams of Wood River Township. A number from Alton attended. The
remains were buried beside his father in Mount Olive Cemetery [Short
Cemetery], who was laid to rest only a few weeks before.
DECK, LOUIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 12, 1900
Bethalto News - Miss Louie Deck died Thursday, June 28, after an
illness of more than two months. Services were conducted at the Mt.
Olive church, and interment at the family burying grounds on Wood
river. Miss Deck was 17 years of age. The bereaved family have the
sympathy of the community.
DECK, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 01 & 06, 1992
Revolutionary War Veteran
Michael Deck was born February 7, 1759 in Rockingham or Augusta
County, Virginia. He was the son of Johann Henrick Deck and Caterina
Barbara (Froelich) Deck. At the age of 20, he enlisted in the
Western Campaign Army. He re-enlisted in 1781, and served under
George Washington at the Battle of Yorktown, the last great battle
of the Revolutionary war.
Deck first came to the Madison County area in 1778, with the George
Rogers Clark expedition to Cahokia and Kaskaskia. He re-enlisted in
1781, and reportedly was one of George Washington’s bodyguards at
Valley Forge and the Battle of Yorktown, where he witnessed the
surrender of British General Charles Cornwallis.
Deck and his family (his wife was Susanna Monger Deck, 1769-1853)
headed west in a wagon train in 1828. After spending the winter in
St. Louis, the family settled in Decks Prairie, a 16-square-mile
area near Highland, Illinois. He died on April 03, 1843, and is
buried in the Deck Cemetery, located near Highland on Rt. 143,
one-half mile east of Interstate 70. In 1954, the Daughters of the
American Revolution placed a new tombstone on Michael Deck and his
wife’s graves.
DECKER, SARAH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 17, 1918
Influenza Epidemic Hastens Funeral Plans
Deputy Coroner W. G. Bauer yesterday insisted upon anticipating the
time set for the funeral of Mrs. Sarah Decker of Wood River
township, which was to have been at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. The
undertaker did not wait for the assembly of neighbors and the
pallbearers, and he had the funeral in advance of the hour, as soon
as he discovered that a case of influenza was in the house. The
undertaker happened to go early to the Decker home, and there he saw
the preacher, who had come early too, with no thought of the change
in the burial plans. The undertaker was told that a few hours before
a case of influenza had been diagnosed in the house and remembering
his instructions about public funerals in influenza infested homes,
he very quickly decided, with consent of the family, that the
funeral would proceed at once, and that when the friends and
neighbors arrived the funeral would be all over. The clergyman, who
was standing nearby was called over, told of the situation and the
decision was reached and the body was taken from the house and
buried in Milton cemetery, some men present carrying the casket to
the grave from the house. Undertakers have so far received no
instructions as to a report that all funerals are to be private.
City Clerk Kennedy was told a few days ago that under no
circumstances, under department of health order, was a public
funeral to be held, even though a person was killed by accident. He
was told by telephone that funerals might be held in a church
attended by relatives and intimate friends. The undertakers say they
know nothing of such a rule, and that until it comes they will
continue to have public funerals, where desired, except in cases of
influenza victims or other contagious diseases.
DEE, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 8, 1887
From Fosterburg – Died at her residence, four miles southwest of
Fosterburg, the widow of the late Edward Dee. Mrs. Dee had been
afflicted with paralysis for several years, not being able to help
herself during all that time. She calmly awaited the angel of death,
with that resignation that comes to Christians in the trying hour.
DEERE, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 18, 1898
William Deer died yesterday at the home of his uncle, Michael
Reilly, on Henry Street. He had been ill for some time with Bright’s
Disease, which probably was caused by a bullet wound in his back,
received in an encounter with highwaymen some time ago. He was 28
years of age. The body will be sent to St. Louis at noon Tuesday,
and the funeral will be from St. Lawrence O’Toole’s Church.
DEGENHARDT, ANNIE McCARTHY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March
3, 1915
Mrs. Annie McCarthy Degenhardt, wife of Albert J. Degenhardt, died
very unexpectedly this afternoon at 1 o'clock at the family home on
Seventh street. Her death was due to a complication of diseases. She
had been ailing for a year, but as a member of the family said of
the good, motherly woman, she would not give up. She refused to take
a rest, said one of her sons in a tribute to his mother. She thought
that no one but her could make her family comfortable, and she must
be there to see that they got their meals and that they were put
away snugly at night. Her whole heart was wrapped up in her family,
and they were the first to her in her interests. An ideal mother she
was, and she leaves a memory that will be cherished long by her
family. She was born in Godfrey township _5 years ago. When a young
girl she came to Alton with her family, and a few years later,
before she was 18, she was married to A. J. Degenhardt. She was the
mother of one daughter, Mrs. Bertha Pilkington of Mobile, Ala., and
five sons, Bernard, Albert, Joseph, Edgar and Louis. Ten days ago
her son, Edgar, became ill and an operation to relieve appendicitis
was advised. Because of the mother's weakness it was deemed best to
have him go away to St. Louis to have the work done. He is much
improved and will come home to the funeral. Mrs. Degenhardt's death
followed a collapse that came about 10 o'clock this morning. Last
Monday, though able to be up and around the house, the faithful
mother realized that her end was nearing. She gave up hope of
recovery, and on Tuesday she was taken bedfast. Her case was not
regarded as being very grave, but she was unable to get up, and this
caused her family much anxiety. Her husband went to the funeral of
William Snyder as pallbearer, and was called away from the church by
news of his wife's collapse. He hastened to her bedside and saw her
before she became unconscious. Soon after her collapse she became
unconscious and she passed away just three hours after the collapse
came. Beside her family Mrs. Degenhardt leaves two sisters, Mrs.
Frank Weaver and Miss Mary McCarthy, both of Alton. The time of the
funeral will be set when word is received from her daughter, Mrs.
Pilkington, who is in the south. [Alton Evening Telegraph, March 4,
1915: Burial was in Greenwood Cemetery.]
DEGENHARDT, CHARLES F./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 25,
The funeral of Charles F. Degenhardt, whose sudden death Wednesday
night shocked Altonians generally, and completely prostrated his
family, took place this morning from the Cathedral where a Requiem
High mass was said by Rev. Henry Degenhardt of Collinsville, a
brother of deceased. There was a very large attendance at the
obsequies and many beautiful floral offerings were made by friends
who knew and esteemed him and who sympathize deeply with the
afflicted family to whom death, always cruel, appeared almost
merciless by the taking away without the least warning a devoted,
kind and affectionate husband and father. Faith that "He Doeth all
things well" and that the Lowly Nazarene keepeth faithfully all of
his promises to his followers, should give solace and hope of a
happy re-union in God's own good time. Rev. E. L. Spalding, at the
conclusion of mass, spoke feelingly of deceased and offered words of
hope and trust to the widow and children. The funeral cortege to
Greenwood cemetery was a very long one and the body was laid to rest
beneath a heavy coverlet of flowers. The Western Catholic Union, SS.
Peter and Paul's Branch, as well as members of St. Boniface Branch,
attended in a body. The pallbearers were Dr. A. R. McKinney, Dr. A.
C. Barr, David Ryan, Theo. Formhals, J. J. McInerney, and Levi
DEGENHARDT, FRANCES EUGENIA/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph,
February 14, 1888
Died in Alton on February 14, of malarial meningitis, Frances
Eugenia, youngest daughter of C. F. and Mary A. Degenhardt; aged 1
year, 10 months, and 17 days. The funeral will take place Thursday
afternoon from the family residence on State Street.
DEGENHARDT, WILHELMINA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 16,
Mrs. Wilhelmina Degenhardt, widow of the late Henry Degenhardt, died
Tuesday evening about 5 o'clock at the family home, 549 east Ninth
street, after several months severe and painful illness from a
complication of diseases. She was 79 years of age, and while a
native of Germany, spent almost all of her life in Alton, coming
here before her marriage. Several times during the past year she has
been reported to be dying, but each time rallied and continued to
live and suffer. She sustained several paralytic strokes, the last
one being Saturday evening, and she never rallied from this. She was
a good mother and neighbor, and was esteemed by all who ever came in
contact with her. She is survived by three sons and one daughter,
Messrs. A. J. Degenhardt of Alton, Joseph of Denver, and Rev. Henry
B. Degenhardt of Collinsville. The daughter is Mrs. Louise Timper of
Alton. The late Charles F. Degenhardt was also a son of deceased.
Louis Bickel of Alton is her brother, also August Bickel living in
Hastings, Neb. A sister lives in LeClaire, Iowa, and another resides
in Baden, Germany. She is also survived by twenty grandchildren, all
residing in Alton. A co-incidence connected with the death is that
it occurred on the anniversary of her husband's death, Mr.
Degenhardt passing away May 15, just thirty-six years ago. The
funeral will be Friday morning from St. Mary's church to Greenwood
cemetery, where burial will be made in the Degenhardt family lot.
DEGRAND, ALFRED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 24, 1910
Alfred Degrand, for many years a well known blacksmith and
horseshoer, and formerly in the firm of Luft & DeGrand, died at 7
o'clock Thursday evening within two hours after a surgical operation
was performed upon him to relieve pulmonary trouble that had been
afflicting him for a long time. It was the fourth such operation
that had been performed. Mr. Degrand's illness is supposed to have
had its origin from his breathing dust and fumes of the forge and
blacksmith shop. The doctors said it was not tuberculosis, but
seemed to be a malignant growth that destroyed one of his lungs. It
was to relieve a dropsical condition in the neighborhood of the
lungs the operation was performed. He had been staying at the
Charles Merriman place in the country for the benefit of his health,
and Thursday afternoon came back to town to be operated in his home.
He collapsed afterward and died. He was born in Montreal, Canada,
and was married in St. Louis to Miss Louisa Hamm, thirty years ago.
He was 53 years of age. He leaves beside his wife, three children,
Mrs. Emily Graff, Mabel and Alfred Degrand, and two grandchildren.
The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from SS.
Peter and Paul's Cathedral, and the requiem mass will be celebrated
Monday morning.
DEGRAND, YOLANDE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 1, 1922
Yolande, the four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred DeGrand
of 516 Summit street, died this morning at 6 o'clock at the family
home. The little girl had been playing out of doors whenever the
weather permitted during the week, and was apparently in good
health. Yesterday she contracted a heavy cold and pneumonia
developed immediately, death resulting this morning. She was a
bright, pretty and loveable child, and was much loved and admired by
the many friends of the family. Her sudden death was the cause of
much sorrow in Alton today. Yolande is survived by her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred DeGrand and one brother, Alfred Jr. She was the
granddaughter of Mrs. Louise DeGrand and Mrs. B. Redmond. Mr.
DeGrand is draftsman at Duncan's Foundry. The funeral will be held
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from SS Peter and Paul's Cathedral.
Interment will be in Greenwood cemetery.
DEGROSSE, IDA/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 5, 1878
Mother Attempted Suicide; Let Daughter Drown
An unfortunate demented woman from Brighton made an attempt to
commit suicide on Saturday night by drowning in the river, and was
followed into the water by her little girl. The child was drowned,
but the woman made her way out, and left the child to its fate.
Saturday evening, about 7:30 o’clock, a middle-aged woman named
Barbara DeGrosse, who lived in or near Brighton, came to Alton on a
freight train, accompanied by her daughter, Ida, ten years of age.
It is said that they walked to Godfrey and took the train there. The
mother and child were seen wandering about the levee by some of the
officers and crew of the Spread Eagle, when the boat landed late at
night on the return from Grafton. Two persons were seen by those on
the boat, just below the packet shed, about half past 11 o’clock,
but it was supposed that they were bathing. A strange, gurgling,
choking sound was heard on the boat, and shortly after, one person
was seen to walk away from the river. This no doubt was the mother,
leaving her little daughter under the waves.
Early yesterday morning, as Policeman Horat was engaged about the
police station, he saw a woman, dressed in black, with a strangely
distressed appearance, walking up from the river. She made an
attempt to enter at two stairways on the north side of Second Street
[Broadway], near City Hall. Mr. Horat approached and accosted her.
At first, she made no reply, but finally gave her name and the name
of her husband, Carl DeGrosse. In answer to inquiries, she stated
that she was in great trouble, had lost a child two weeks ago
through death by starvation, but said nothing of the drowned girl.
She further stated that she was acquainted with Mrs. Fernow, and was
seeking her residence. Policeman Horat advised her, as her clothing
was saturated with water, to go somewhere and get some dry apparel.
The office accompanied her to Mrs. Fernow’s, but at first that lady
did not recognize the wretched, disconsolate-looking woman. When she
did, she treated her with all kindness, furnished her with dry
clothes, and induced her to unburden her mind when first the sad
story of the drowned girl, little Ida, was told to incredulous
listeners. Investigation, however, soon gave evidence that the
harrowing story was probably too true, and means were taken to
recover the remains. This was accomplished yesterday afternoon by
means of a seine, the body being found through the instrumentality
of Marshal Volbracht near the place where the tragedy occurred, near
the boat house, just below the packet office. When the seine was
drawn near shore, Marshal Volbracht reached in the water with a
hook, and brought up the body of the little girl, who looked as
though she was quietly sleeping. Coroner Youree was notified, came
up about six o’clock on a freight train, and impaneled a jury with
Mr. C. D. Fitz Morris as foreman.
Mrs. Fernow, Mrs. DeGrosse, mother of the drowned child, John Lucas,
fireman, and Charles Walters, deck sweeper on the Spread Eagle, were
examined and the facts were developed. After the coroner’s inquest
was over, Mrs. Fernow accompanied the demented woman to the Sister’s
Hospital, where she yet remains. The body of the drowned girl was
taken in charge by Mr. Brudon and buried today. In giving her
evidence, the mother wept over the body of her child, and said that
she supposed that she (the mother) was reserved for further trouble
and suffering. Her husband, Rev. Carl DeGrosse, is a Lutheran
minister, and had occasionally preached at the Henry Street Church
in Alton.
DeGROSSE, BARBARA/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 5, 1878
Mrs. Barbara DeGrosse, the woman who went into the river here in
August last, and drowned her ten-year-old daughter, committed
suicide in Jerseyville Tuesday evening by hanging. She had been
adjudged insane, was charged with starving her babe, and for a time
lodged in jail, but the Grand Jury of Jersey County failed to indict
her for want of evidence.
[Note: see also DIETZ family]
DEITZ, CAROLINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 25, 1919
Mrs. Caroline Deitz, 70 years old, died this morning at 4:25
o'clock, following a long illness. Mrs. Deitz had been ailing for
the past few years, but had been bedfast for the past two weeks.
Mrs. Deitz was born on September 31, 1848, in Germany, and came to
this country in April of 1863 [or 1868], coming to Alton immediately
and had resided in the house in which she died for 49 years. She had
been a widow for 32 years. She leaves six children, Mrs. Caroline
Fingerhut, Mrs. Louisa Fischer, Mrs. Rosina Spaniol, Mrs. Augusta
Klemm and William and Charles Deitz. She leaves also one brother,
Fred Goedeke of Carrollton, Mo., one sister, Mrs. Minnie Deffner of
Blackwell, Okla., and fifteen grandchildren and two
great-grandchildren. The funeral will be held from the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Spaniol, 514 Central Avenue, at 2 p.m., Monday.
Funeral services will be conducted by Rev. O. W. Heggemeier, pastor
of the Evangelical church, of which Mrs. Deitz was a life-long
DeLAND, LYMAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 27, 1902
Lyman DeLand, a member of the G. A. R., died at St. Joseph's
hospital Wednesday evening, and was buried today under the auspices
of the local G. A. R. Mr. DeLand was paralyzed 18 years ago and has
been cared for since then by his son, William, and the latter's
wife. The latter live on State street and have a son in a dying
condition with typhoid pneumonia. The father was taken to the
hospital about a week ago in order that better care might be given
DELANEY, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 17, 1891
From Bethalto – Mr. James Delaney, who has made his home with
Grandma Miller since he was three years of age, died at her
residence on Railroad Street, Tuesday evening, He was forty-three
years of age. The funeral will take place from the C. P. Church
Thursday. The Rev. W. C. Loan of Alton is expected to officiate.
Jim, as he was familiarly called, was a good, upright young man, and
Mrs. Miller will mourn his death as she would her own son. He was
known only by the name of Miller by a great many. He has a mother
and a brother living, and several relatives in St. Louis.
DELANEY, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 23, 1906
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Delaney was held from the home in Upper
Alton this morning to St. Patrick's church, where a Requiem Mass was
said by Rev. P. J. O'Reilly. Many neighbors and friends attended to
pay their last respects, and burial was in Greenwood cemetery.
DELAPLAIN, BENJAMIN E./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 17,
Died at Upper Alton on the 10th instant, Benjamin E., son of Mr.
Benjamin Delaplain, aged 2 years 5 months and 14 days.
DELAPLAIN, ELIZABETH (nee REED)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
October 22, 1906
Friend to Elijah P. Lovejoy and Chief Black Hawk
Mrs. Elizabeth Delaplain, who claims to have been a personal friend
both of Elijah P. Lovejoy and of Black Hawk, the celebrated Indian
Chief, died Monday morning at 8:30 o'clock at her home in Godfrey
Township. She was 95 years of age, and had spent almost her entire
life in Alton and vicinity. The greater part of her life she spent
in Godfrey Township, neighboring Alton.
The most remarkable fact about Mrs. Delaplain was that she retained
her bodily strength and all her faculties until the very last, only
when death dimmed her eyes so she could not see and dulled her ear
so she could not hear the words of her children and friends, shortly
before dissolution. Her stories of her childhood and young womanhood
were intensely interesting. Among the prominent residents of Alton
today are men who have passed the seventies, and of whom Mrs.
Delaplain always enjoyed telling that she used to hold them in her
arms when they were infants. The president of an Alton bank, now
past seventy-two, was a guest at Mrs. Delaplain wedding, she told
him, as an infant in arms. It is also related of Mrs. Delaplain that
until a few weeks ago she was able to be around, and that last
summer she insisted upon milking her favorite cow, although she had
plenty of help on the place, and she could complete the milking as
soon as a person much younger than herself. She was a native of
Tennessee, and was born in 1811.
Mrs. Delaplain came to Alton at the time the Indian tribes in
Tennessee and Kentucky were transferred from there to the western
reservations. Her uncle was Indian agent in Tennessee, and through
the acquaintance she formed with Indian ways and customs, she made
many fast friends among them. Among the most distinguished of her
friends was Black Hawk, who was a frequent visitor at her home, as
he was a strong friend of her husband. Elijah P. Lovejoy, shortly
after coming to Alton, boarded with the family of the uncle of Mrs.
Delaplains - Andrew Miller - who was a proprietor of the old Alton
House in the early days of Alton, and it was in the Alton House that
she was married. Mrs. Delaplain had many interesting reminiscences
of the early days, and her mind was stored with entertaining facts
which she enjoyed relating until she was taken with her last
illness. She had been failing slightly in strength until September
8, when for the first time she failed to rise from her bed, but she
regained her strength slightly afterward. Her last illness was of
one month's duration. Mrs. Delaplain leaves four children, Samuel
Delaplain of St. Louis, Mrs. Andrew F. Rodgers of Upper Alton, Mrs.
H. H. Stookey and Miss Rebecca Delaplain of Godfrey, who lived with
their mother. She leaves grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 24, 1906
It is believed that Mrs. Elizabeth Delaplain, who died Monday and
will be buried tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at Godfrey, was
the last survivor of the personal acquaintances of Elijah P.
Lovejoy. Mrs. Delaplain said that he was a man of great power of
eloquence, and that his prayers as he knelt in his room at the Alton
House where he boarded, were so eloquent that when Lovejoy's time
for devotions came, the servants in the hotel would steal to his
door, remove their shoes so they could not be heard, and they would
stand outside listening to the preacher editor as he offered his
prayers inside, imploring Divine guidance in his work, although
unconscious of the fact that he was being listened to by an audience
outside drawn there by the power of his eloquence. The funeral
service tomorrow will be conducted by Rev. J. A. Scarritt, whom Mrs.
Delaplain frequently reminded that she had carried him in her arms
when he was a baby.
Elizabeth Reed Delaplain was born in 1811 in Tennessee to James C.
Reed. While living in Rhen County, Tennessee, he was asked by John
Ross, Chief of the Cherokee Nation, to become a resident of the
Indian country. He lived with his family (including Elizabeth) among
the Indians for five years, assisting them in building a mill and
instructing them in agriculture. In 1821, he left the Cherokees to
come to Illinois. He first lived in Edwardsville. He later moved to
Brown County. Elizabeth lived with her sister, the wife of Andrew
Miller, in Alton. It was then that she met her future husband,
Benjamin Delaplain. Benjamin was the son of Samuel Delaplain, who
was born in France and accompanied his father to America at a very
early date. Samuel lived in Macon County, Kentucky, and came to
Illinois in 1807. He settled near Upper Alton, and when the settlers
took refuge in the forts near Edwardsville during the Indian
hostilities during the War of 1812, his son, Benjamin, was so
alarmed that he crept into a flour barrel for safety and remained
there for hours. Samuel moved to Godfrey Township, where Benjamin
was raised. Benjamin learned the trade of a carpenter, and later
kept the Alton House in Alton. He moved onto a farm in Godfrey
Township with his family in 1834. In September 1847, a son of
Benjamin and Elizabeth’s – Benjamin E. Delaplain – died at the age
of 2 ½ years. In 1851, they lost another son – William R. Delaplain
– to cholera, at the age of 1 ½ years. In March 1875, Benjamin,
being nearly blind, went out to a pond to cut holes in the ice for
his livestock to drink. He slipped and fell into the pond. Luckily,
a hired man heard his cries for help, and brought him out of the
water, seemingly lifeless. Dr. Bowie of Godfrey was called and
brought him back to life once again. In July 1875, Dr. William A.
Haskell removed a cataract from one of Benjamin’s eyes, and he
gradually recovered sight in the eye. Benjamin died in Godfrey
Township in 1876. Both he and Elizabeth are buried in the Upper
Alton Oakwood Cemetery. At one time, their farm was considered for
the location of the Alton State Hospital.
DELAPLAIN, JOSHUA PARKER/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 21,
Death of a Pioneer
Veteran of the Black Hawk War
Joshua Parker Delaplain died at La Harpe, Kansas, February 8, 1895,
aged 82 years, 5 months, and 5 days. He was an old settler of
Madison County, and having lived in the vicinity of Alton for years,
was well known to most of the older residents. He had been a member
of the M. E. Church for 68 years, and a man highly respected by all
who knew him. He served with distinction in the Black Hawk War. His
widow, an only sister of George W. and John S. Copley, with four
sons and eleven grandsons survive. While feeble with old age and
asthma, an attack of pleuro-pneumonia set in, and ended his days.
Joshua Parker Delaplain was born September 03, 1812, in St. Louis,
Missouri. He married in 1836 to Mary Olive Copley (1817-1915); and
they had the following children: Jerome W. Delaplain (1838-1926);
John Benjamin Delaplain (1842-1932); Eugene W. Delaplain
(1843-1920); Emma Josephine Delaplain Ingersoll (1847-1886); and
Ellis Parker Delaplain (1850-1926). Joshua Delaplain was buried in
the Iola Cemetery in Iola, Kansas.
DELAPLAIN, KATE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 10, 1901
Miss Kate Delaplain died at her home in Godfrey this morning at five
o'clock from heart failure induced by a severe cold. While in poor
health for a year, still she was not considered to be in a serious
condition. Miss Delaplain was born and raised in Upper Alton, but
has lived in Godfrey for thirty years. Being of a bright and sunny
disposition, she was not only the life of the home, consisting of an
aged mother and sister, but a favorite with all who knew her.
Besides her mother and sister who lived with her, two sisters, Mrs.
A. F. Rodgers of Upper Alton and Mrs. H. H. Stookey of the Indian
Territory, and a brother, Samuel Delaplain of St. Louis, survive
her. The funeral will take place on Saturday at 2 p.m. from the
family home in Godfrey to Upper Alton cemetery.
DELAPLAIN, WILLIAM R./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 1, 1851
Died at Upper Alton of cholera, July 21st, William R. Delaplain, son
of Benjamin and Betsy Delaplain, aged 1 year, 8 months, and 10 days.
DELEHANTY, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 14,
Early Wednesday morning at the family home near Fosterburg, Mrs.
Mary Delehanty died after a short illness of lung troubles. She was
born in Ireland 60 years ago, but has lived in this county most of
her life. She leaves five children, three daughters, Mrs. Richard
Tone and Mrs. Rozine of Alton, and Miss Maggie at home, and two
sons, Thomas and Patrick of this city. The husband and father was
killed some months ago by being struck by a C. & A. train at the
Upper Alton crossing. The funeral will be Friday morning at 9
o'clock from St. Patrick's church.
DELEHANTY, PATRICK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 6,
Fosterburg Farmer Commits Suicide by Cutting Own Throat
Patrick Delehanty, a Fosterburg farmer who was brought to Alton
yesterday to be taken to the county hospital pending an inquiry into
his sanity, committed suicide today in the county hospital by
cutting his throat. He had been in a bad state for some time, but
had not been troublesome until Wednesday when it was considered
advisable to send him away to a place of safe keeping. Mr. Delehanty
was 49 years of age and leaves four children. He leaves also three
sisters and a brother.
DELEHANTY, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 18, 1900
Aged Farmer Fatally Injured
Thomas Delehanty, a prominent farmer of Fosterburg township, was
probably fatally injured at noon today while crossing the Alton
track at the cut-off on his way home from town. Mr. Delehanty is
said to be partially deaf, and it is supposed he did not hear the
approach of the freight train as he neared the crossing. His horses
were over the track when the train struck the wagon, demolishing it
and hurling Mr. Delehanty in the air and far from the place where
the accident occurred. The accident was witnessed by some people who
were nearby, and they hurried to assist the injured man. Dr. H. R.
Lemen was sent for and he says the injuries will probably prove
fatal. Mr. Delehanty's chest is crushed, he suffered internal
injuries and severe injuries to his legs and body. He was taken to
St. Joseph's hospital this afternoon and he is said to be in a
dangerous condition. Mr. Delehanty is 60 years of age and is father
of a large family, many of the members of which reside near
Fosterburg and are among the most prominent people there.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 24, 1900
Thomas Delehanty died this morning shortly after midnight at St.
Joseph's Hospital, after lingering almost one week from the time he
was struck by the C. & A. freight train at the crossing over the
cut-off track. His wonderful vitality kept him alive under the most
unfavorable circumstances. He was internally injured by being struck
by the train and being thrown a long distance, and he also had bad
cuts on his head. He never regained consciousness after he was
struck, and his death was expected from the time he was taken to the
hospital. Mr. Delehanty was one of the best known farmers of
Fosterburg township, and he leaves a large family there to mourn his
death. He had lived in the county many years, and had accumulated
much property in the vicinity of Fosterburg.
DELICATE, HENRY H. (REV.)/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 16, 1882
The funeral of Rev. Henry H. Delicate took place at Wanda yesterday
morning. Deceased was taken with scarlet fever of the most virulent
type on March 9, and died Sunday, March 12, at the age of 39 years
and 10 months. Owing to the nature of the disease, a funeral sermon
was not pronounced, but will be delivered at some future time.
DELLAMANO, ANTHONY/Alton Evening Telegraph, March 25, 1912
Murdered by George Goehl
Edwardsville, March 25 - No charges of aiding or abetting a fugitive
will be placed against the parents of George Goehl, who helped to
secret him in an attic of their home in Collinsville, where he was
captured Saturday. He had been sought nearly two years on a charge
of killing Tony Dellamano. Both of the parents were confident
yesterday that their son would be able to prove self-defense at the
trial, which is docketed for this spring. "My boy has done no
wrong," said the aged father of the prisoner, "but he made a mistake
in not giving himself up after he stabbed Dellamano. Goehl stabbed
Dellamano in May 1910, when they and several others were on a
fishing trip near Collinsville. Goehl was found hiding in the attic
by Chief of Police Long, who with Patrolman Staten, rode quietly up
to the home in a delivery wagon. Goehl had gained access to the
garret through a hole fourteen inches square in the floor. A small
table with a low hanging cover concealed the hole. "I knew Goehl was
there when I went to the house," said Chief Long. "I had been
informed of it and knew where to find him, for I had investigated
this hiding place on a former visit. Since he stabbed Dellamano,
Goehl has been all around the country, and we have been informed of
almost every move he made. He has been to Seattle, Pittsburg,
California and Kansas. He spent considerable time in Wellston, Mo.,
where he has a sister. We were so close behind him yesterday that he
had to hurry through the hole into the attic. In doing this, he left
part of the table cover hanging in the hole. He used this place of
concealment only in emergencies, taking his meals with the family
and sleeping in one of the small attic rooms. He had stayed inside
the house since the first of January. When I entered the house,
Goehl's sister stood at the foot of the stairs and cried: 'No, he is
not here,' so loud that her brother could hear it and hide himself."
In the Edwardsville jail, Goehl last night appeared very nervous. "I
cut Dellamano and he died afterwards from it," he said. "I did not
mean to kill him. We had quarreled and he and several of his friends
were chasing me, and he grabbed me. In trying to defend myself, I
cut him with my pocket knife."
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 26, 1912
Self-defense will be the plea of George Goehl of Collinsville,
arrested Saturday on a bench warrant for the death of Tony Delmano
at a fish fry at Monk's Mound, May 29, 1912. Goehl was arrested at
the home of his father, John Goehl, where he returned Thursday
Concealed Two Years, Slayer Captured
Source: Bridgeport California Chronicle Union, 1912
Through an opening 18 inches square George Goehl of Collinsville,
confessed slayer of Anthony Gallamano, received his meals and
necessaries of life and eluded the authorities of Madison county.
Illinois, two years. He was arrested in his hiding place the other
night by a posse headed by Joseph Long, chief of police of
Collinsville. Goehl, who is a carpenter, has been sought for the
killing of Gallamano at a picnic at Horseshoe Lake. May 29, 1910.
Gallamano was stabbed in the back by Goehl, who disappeared
mysteriously after the cutting and authorities had "been baffled in
their efforts to find him. Gallamano, who was the proprietor of a
soda water factory in Collinsville, lived only six days after he was
injured, and in an ante-mortem statement declared Goehl was his
assailant. After the stabbing, the traction lines from Collinsville
to Horseshoe Lake were watched for Goehl, but no trace was found.
The authorities went to the Goehl home in Fletcher Heights, which is
in the outskirts of Collinsville, but the search was in vain. Chief
Long received information the other day that Goehl was again in the
vicinity of his home and quietly took a squad of men with him to
make the arrest. As a special precaution, and in order to disarm the
suspicion of Goehl's relatives, a butcher wagon was pressed into
service and a boy drove Chief Long and his aids to the Goehl home.
They remained in hiding in the bed of the wagon as they passed the
house, fearing their approach might be communicated to the fugitive
and he might again escape. After dark they surrounded the house,
while Chief Long and one of his men approached the front door. They
knocked and were admitted by the parents of the fugitive. The chief
and his men were told the young man was not In the house, but they
insisted that they had come for a search and would make one.
Outbuildings were first inspected and then the house gone over
carefully, but not a sign was found of the young man. The chief,
going through the garret, noticed a curtain hanging over a small
opening in the wall. This led to a small hole under the eaves. One
of the officers, with his revolver In his hand and armed with an
electric searchlight, entered the bode. His foot struck against a
soft object huddled under the eaves, and, flashing his light, the
officer discovered Goehl. The young man readily surrendered and told
of his flight after the killing and his return to the protection of
his family. He said he was glad the affair was ended, and that he
was ready to stand trial.
George Goehl Found Guilty
Source: Troy Weekly Call, July 12, 1912
George Goehl of Collinsville was found guilty of the murder of Tony
Dellamano, Jr., by a jury in the circuit court, and was sentenced to
fourteen years in the penitentiary. The case was called for trial
last Friday and went to the jury at 7 o'clock Saturday evening.
After deliberating over twenty hours, the jury reached a verdict at
3:30 Sunday afternoon. Judge W. E. Hadley was summoned by telephone,
and after calling the court to order, read the verdict of the jury.
It is reported that several jurors stood for acquittal, while others
were in favor of imposing the maximum penalty. The sentence of
fourteen years imposed upon Goehl was the maximum for a murder
charge. The killing of Dellamano by Goehl was the result of dispute
over a crap game between Collinsville and East St. Louis on Sunday,
May 29, 1910. There were a number of eyewitnesses to the affair, and
several of these appeared at the trial in behalf of the prosecution.
Their testimony was decidedly damaging to Goehl. Ed Goehl, a brother
of George, took the stand for the defense. He declared the trouble
started between himself and Dellamano, and that after his brother
took a hand and was threatened, the latter drew a knife in
self-defense and the stabbing of Dellamano occurred during the mix
which followed. Dellamano died several days after receiving his
wound, and Goehl made his escape. The latter was sought all over the
country for two years, and was finally arrested at his home in
Collinsville several months ago. He has been taken to Chester, where
he will serve his sentence.
Goehl to be Tried Again
Source: Troy Weekly Call, October 25, 1912
The October term promises to be a busy one.....George Goehl will be
tried again for the murder of Tony Dellamano.
[By 1919 Goehl was free, as the Troy Call reported that he had left
for California to work for the Northwestern Fisheries Company during
the summer operations in Alaska.]
DELL'ORO, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 13, 1844
On Saturday evening last, an inquest was held by H. S. Summers, Esq.
Coroner of this county, on the body of Mr. Thomas Dell'Oro, found in
the cellar of the building known as the "Tontine," on Second Street
[Broadway]. It appeared in evidence that the deceased, who was a
single man, slept in an upper room of the building in question; that
he retired at the usual bed time on Friday evening; that his
non-appearance on Saturday morning gave some uneasiness to his
friends, until informed that he had been seen on the Luella, going
down to St. Louis; and that it was not until the boat returned in
the evening, when it was ascertained he had not been onboard, the
search was made which resulted in the discovery of his body. It is
supposed that in attempting to reach his bed, standing in the second
story, he stumbled over some article in the room and was accidently
precipitated through the scuttle into the cellar, then nearly full
of water, and having struck something in the descent which inflicted
a severe wound under his chin, and probably stunned him, he was
unable to make any exertion for his preservation. The verdict of the
jury was in accordance with these facts. Mr. D. was a native of
Italy, where his parents, who are very respectable, live, but had
resided in this city for some time past, engaged in keeping a
provision store. His remains were committed to the grave on Sunday
afternoon in the presence of a large number of citizens. He was
about 43 years old.
DELONG, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 3, 1903
John DeLong, an old veteran, well and favorably known in Alton where
he lived for fifty years or more, died Monday night at St. Joseph's
Hospital where he was removed from his home on Ridge street a few
days ago, suffering from a complication of troubles. He has been
blind the past 16 years from an affection caused by injuries
received during the war. He was in his 70th year, and leaves a wife
and three children, John, Frank and Mrs. Abe Nisbett. The funeral
will probably be Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and will be
conducted under the auspices of the G. A. R., the deceased being a
member of the Alton Post.
DELONG, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 7, 1906
Mary, the 18 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeLong, died
Tuesday evening at 5 o'clock at the home on Alby street, from
pneumonia. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock
from the home.
DELONG, INFANT OF FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August
4, 1903
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank De Long died this morning at
the family home on Ridge street after a long illness. The funeral
will be tomorrow afternoon.
DELP, BERTHA (nee RICHEY)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
October 21, 1920
Mrs. Bertha Delp, wife of George Delp who died ten months ago,
passed away yesterday afternoon at five o'clock at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Mathilda Richey of 8 East Fourteenth street. Mrs. Delp
has been very ill and her death was not unexpected. She leaves a
small son, Ralph. Mrs. Delp was born in Deerplain, January 13, 1890,
but has resided in Alton for some time. Besides her eleven-year-old
son, she is survived by her mother, Mrs. Matilda Richey, one sister,
Mrs. S. Dashley, and by three brothers, Albert, Ernest and Oscar
Richey. The funeral will be held Friday morning at 9 o'clock from
the Cathedral. Interment will be in Greenwood Cemetery.
DELP, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 19, 1919
George Delp, 33, died last night at his home on East Fourteenth
street, following an illness of one year. Last year he became ill
with influenza and though he recovered the attack left him with a
throat affection which later caused his death. During his illness
Delp's wife was his nurse. When he first became ill she was a victim
of the same affliction. She was brought home from the hospital when
her husband became ill, and though ill, she devotedly served him as
nurse. When her husband became ill Mrs. Delp seemed to recover that
she might help her husband. Delp was born on February 21, 1886, at
Downing, Ill., and for many years has been a resident of Alton. He
was a member of the local council of the Knights of Columbus. Delp
is survived by his widow, Mrs. Bertha Delp, and a son, Ralph, ten
years old. He leaves also his father, John Delp of St. Louis, and
his grandmother, Mrs. Polett of Grafton, and three sisters, Mrs. W.
Mackey of Archville, Ill., Mrs. L. Rose of Oklahoma, and Mrs. E.
Camp of this city. He leaves a brother, Jesse Delp of Chapin, Ill.
The funeral will be tomorrow morning from the home at 804 East
Fourteenth street. Requiem mass will be celebrated at SS. Peter and
Paul's Cathedral at 8:30 a.m., and interment will be in Greenwood
DEMONBREUM, LYDA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 20,
Mrs. Lyda DeMonbreum, wife of William DeMonbreum, passed away
Thursday afternoon at 5:15 o'clock at St. Joseph's Hospital, where
she underwent an operation for cancerous troubles two weeks ago. She
is survived by her husband, William DeMonbreum, and two daughters,
Mrs. Charles Drum of Cleveland, Ohio and Mrs. Harry Schmidt of 2408
Edwards street, this city. She also leaves three brothers and one
sister. Mrs. DeMonbreum was born, raised, and married at Pekin,
Ill., coming to Alton to reside fourteen years ago. She was 58 years
of age. Since coming to Alton she has taken an active interest in
church work, and was well beloved on account of her sweet
disposition and Christian character. Several years ago her health
commenced to fail her, and although prevented from taking a great
active interest in church work, she was always conversant with what
the church was doing. Three years ago she underwent a surgical
operation, and while she rallied, she never fully regained her
health. During the past year the trouble became very serious and on
the advice of a specialist she underwent another operation, although
chances for recovery were of the slightest. She was operated on two
weeks ago, and has been dying since that time. Her death came as a
relief to long suffering. To the last, however, she was conscious
and knew her family which was gathered at her bedside. The funeral
service will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon from the
Schmidt home at 2408 Edwards street. Services will be conducted by
Rev. Edward L. Gibson of the First Presbyterian Church, of which
Mrs. DeMonbreum was a member.
DEMONT, ROSE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 30, 1903
Miss Rose Demont died at the hospital yesterday afternoon at 4
o'clock. She was a dining room girl at the Chautauqua Hotel. Two
days ago she was brought from there, very ill, to St. Joseph's
hospital. Her trouble was diabetes. She had been at the hotel for
three weeks, and came from St. Louis, where, it is said, she was
engaged to be married to a young man, but who so far has not come to
see her. She had no relatives and was very reticent about herself.
Mr. Fred Norris, for whom she worked at the hotel, has done all he
could for her under the trying circumstances. Her's is not only a
sad, but a lonely death, so far as relatives or former friends are
concerned. The funeral ..... [unreadable].....was received at
Chautauqua this morning from William Easton of Windom, Missouri, who
is supposed to have been her sweetheart. The case is surrounded with
much mystery, because of the girl's efforts to conceal her identity
by destroying all letters and other evidences of the place where her
family lives. She was neat, attractive, and an ambitious girl, and
when circumstances compelled her to support herself, she sought
employment as a dining room girl at the Chautauqua hotel, where she
worked until her health broke down. Mr. Fred Norris, who sent her to
the hospital, said she was a most exemplary girl in character and
DeMOSS, CHARLES/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 1, 1888
From Moro, Jan. 31 – After an illness of several months’ duration,
Mr. Charles DeMoss, a native of Kentucky but long a resident of
Madison County, died at his home in Moro Friday evening, February
27. He was in the seventy-second year of his age, and leaves a wife
and five children, three of whom are married. The remains were taken
to Wann [East Alton] Saturday evening for interment.
DE MOULIN, SADIE/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, Wednesday,
January 6, 1892
Highland, Jan 4. -- Sadie De Moulin, wife of Paul De Moulin, was
found dead in bed this morning at seven o'clock, with her throat
cut. Mr. De Moulin arose, went to the kitchen and built a fire,
after which he went to the stable to feed. While there, his
seven-year-old son came running to him and told him that his mamma
was bleeding from the mouth and nose. Mr. De Moulin ran to the house
and found his wife dying. Their residence is about two and one half
miles south of Highland. The coroner held an inquest. The verdict
was: "Death by her own hands," the evidence showing that she cut her
throat with a razor. The cause was thought to be melancholia.
Deceased was 25 years old.
DEMPSEY, CORNELIA (nee SUMMERS)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
March 11, 1920
Mrs. Cornelia Dempsey, wife of Dr. Dempsey of McPherson avenue, died
shortly after five o'clock Wednesday evening at St. Joseph's
hospital where she was taken several days ago. From the beginning of
her illness it was known that her condition was serious. She began
to sink Wednesday morning and members of her family were called to
her bedside. Mrs. Dempsey came to Alton a bride last June, and she
and her husband went to housekeeping on McPherson avenue. Before her
marriage Mrs. Dempsey was Miss Cornelia Summers of Chicago. She was
a trained nurse and practiced her profession until her marriage.
Besides her husband, Dr. W. H. Dempsey, the well known specialist,
Mrs. Dempsey is survived by her mother, Mrs. Cornelia Summers of
Chicago, four brothers and one sister. The brothers are Dr. Francis
Lane, Richard Summer, of Chicago; O. Lane of New York; and Paul
Summers of Cleveland, Ohio. Miss Mary Lane of Chicago is the
surviving sister. Since coming to Alton, Mrs. Dempsey formed a large
circle of friends who were very much interested in her illness and
who will regret to learn of her death. She would have been 33 years
of age the 23rd of this month. She was married in Chicago on the 7th
of June. The funeral will be held at 2:30 tomorrow from the home.
Rev. E. L. Gibson of the First Presbyterian Church will conduct the
services. The body will be entombed at the Grandview Mausoleum.
DEMUSS, WILLIAM L./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 8, 1862
Died at Hopp Hollow, just above Alton, on Monday evening last,
William L. Demuss, son of Charles Demuss, aged 16 years.
DEMUTH, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 11, 1899
Mr. and Mrs. John Demuth were bereaved by death Tuesday of their
six-months-old son, Edward, after a short illness. The affliction is
unusually sad, as it is the second death in the family in six
months. The funeral will be Thursday from the family home.
DEMUTH, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 10, 1913
George Demuth, aged 42, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Demuth, died
Friday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock at St. Joseph's Hospital, five days
after undergoing a surgical operation for the relief of an
intestinal abscess. He had been suffering for over three months with
some trouble he believed to be rheumatic pains. He continued to work
and the malady baffled not only himself, but physicians he
consulted. The discovery was made a week ago that he had an abscess
in his intestines, instead of having rheumatism, and a surgical
operation was decided upon. It was performed last Sunday morning,
but the conditions were found to be so bad that the surgeons had to
desist before completing it. Gangrene had set in. He had an iron
constitution, and doubtless he would have had succumbed sooner, but
for that. He lingered until Friday afternoon, knowing most of the
time that death was inevitable, and conscious almost to the very
last. The belief is that the trouble was due to something he
swallowed which pierced his small intestines just below the stomach
and formed an abscess. George Demuth was born in Zanesville, Ohio,
forty-two years ago. He came to Alton when ten years of age. He was
an active, hardworking young man, and was a natural leader in the
organizations and social circles where he moved. He was a member of
the Eagles, Onion Social Club, Modern Woodmen and the Glassblowers'
Union. Beside his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Demuth, he leaves his
wife and three children by his first marriage, George, Harry and
Mary. He leaves also two brothers, Frank and Alfred, and two
sisters, Mrs. John Delong and Mrs. Will Staton, and an adopted
brother, Joseph Demuth of Indiana. The funeral will be Monday
morning at 9 o'clock from the home of the parents, Fourth and
Monument avenue.
DEMUTH, HARRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 27, 1898
Mr. and Mrs. John Demuth mourn the death of their nine months old
son, who passed away Saturday night from convulsions. The funeral
took place Monday from the home on East Fourth Street.
DEMUTH, JULIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 2, 1900
Mrs. Julia Demuth, wife of George H. Demuth, died this morning at
*;20 o'clock at the family home, 1322 east Third street, after a
week's illness. She was only 26 years of age and had been married
only a few years, and her death at this time is a very distressing
one. Her illness was dangerous from the beginning, and her family
has been fearing the worst for several days. She leaves besides her
husband, three small children to whom she was devotedly attached,
and was all that a good mother could be. The funeral of Mrs. Demuth
will be held Wednesday morning and services will be held in St.
Patrick's church.
DEMUTH, JOHN W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 19, 1900
John W. Demuth, the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Demuth, died
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock after an illness of four months
duration at his home, 1312 East Fourth street. Mr. Demuth's illness
was of a most distressing nature to his family, as he suffered
excruciating pain during all the time he was ill. His rugged
constitution and his good health made the progress of disease slow,
and the family hoped that he would eventually recover, but he grew
weaker gradually until yesterday when death came. The end was
peaceful and came as he was surrounded by his family and his
parents, with brothers and sisters. John Demuth was born at
Zanesville, Ohio, April 1, 1868, and had lived in Alton nineteen
years. He was an upright young man, industrious and a good husband
and father. He worked at the glassworks since boyhood, and there
learned his trade as a glass blower. He was steady at his work and a
good workman. Some time ago he suffered an injury that made a
surgical operation necessary, but the operation was of no avail. His
family has been looking for his death almost any time, as he has
been lying at death's door the past month. He was the son of Mrs. S.
Demuth, who has done so much to relieve pain and suffering in other
homes, and the bereavement in her home will call forth the deepest
sympathy from the many who have learned to love her for her good
works. Beside his wife and children and parents, he leaves two
sisters, Mrs. Cora Hoppe, Miss Emma Demuth, and four brothers,
George, Frank, Alfred and Joseph. The funeral will be Tuesday at 2
o'clock from the family home.
DEMUTH, MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 13, 1901
Mrs. Carrie Demuth was bereaved by death of her little eight months
old daughter, Margaret, who died at the home of Mrs. Demuth's
mother, Mrs. Dietz, at 1330 East Third street. The funeral was at 2
o'clock today from the family home to City cemetery.
DEMUTH, MARY/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 9, 1888
Miss Mary Demuth, a lovely and intelligent young lady, 15 years of
age, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Demuth, died Saturday afternoon
of cerobro-spinal meningitis after a brief illness, having been
attacked by the disease Wednesday night. She had been a faithful
attendant at the Presbyterian Sunday School, and missed but two
Sabbaths in seven years. The funeral took place this afternoon.
DENHAM, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 9, 1908
Thomas Denham, aged 48, residing eight miles north of Upper Alton,
died last night after a few weeks' illness of grip, which resulted
in brain fever. He leaves a wife and four children, two brothers and
three sisters. Exactly one year ago Denham's brother was killed at
Godfrey by the fall of a tree crushing him. The funeral will be held
Saturday morning at the family home. The remains will be taken to
White Hall for burial.
DENISON, HARRY WEBSTER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October
07, 1899
Brilliant Newspaper Man, Worked at Alton Telegraph
Harry W. Denison died this morning at his home on the Webster Place,
near Godfrey, after an illness of only three days. His death will
bring a feeling of profound regret that one of such brilliancy of
mind and talents should have had an end so untimely, when his life
should have been in its bloom. He was gifted with unusual talent of
a literary kind, and in his profession as a newspaper man, his
ability was recognized by all who were acquainted with his work. He
early gave promise of high attainment in the profession, and held
positions on St. Louis dailies. Ten years ago, he began his
newspaper career on the Telegraph. His work attracted much
attention, and it was universally regretted when he gave it up and
returned to his home in St. Louis.
Mr. Denison was the eldest son of Judge George Denison of St. Louis,
and was born in that city thirty-three years ago. Some years ago, he
began the study of law, and graduated from the law school with
honors, but never took up the practice of that profession. He was
left the estate of his grandmother, the late Mrs. Rhoda Webster at
Godfrey, who as executor of the estate took charge of its
settlement. He lived on the Webster place, and came to Alton quite
frequently to see his friends. A few days ago, he was taken
seriously ill, and rapidly became worse until death came this
morning. His widowed mother is now at Janesville, Wisconsin, and has
been notified of the death of her son. A brother, Rev. Robert
Charles Denison of Janesville, Wisconsin, and a sister survive him.
The funeral will be Monday afternoon, and interment will be in
Godfrey. His mother and brother from Janesville, Wisconsin are
looked for, and his younger brother, Webster Denison, and his uncle,
Benjamin Franklin Webster, arrived this afternoon.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 09, 1899
The funeral of Harry W. Denison took place this morning from his
late home on the Webster place near Godfrey. There was a large
attendance at the funeral, including his mother and brother from
Janesville, Wisconsin, who arrived yesterday, and his brother and
uncle from St. Louis. The services were conducted by Rev. Dr. A. A.
Kendrick, and interment was at the Godfrey Cemetery in the family
burying ground.
Harry Webster Denison was born in 1866 in St. Louis, Missouri. He
was the eldest son of Judge George Denison (1831-?) and Emma Abbott
Webster Denison (1843-1922) – daughter of Enjamin Webster
(1810-1887) and Rhoda Abbot Webster (1815-1897). Harry Denison
earned his law degree, but did not open his own practice. Instead,
he became a brilliant newspaper man, and worked for the St. Louis
dailies and the Alton Telegraph. Harry died at the age of
thirty-three years, and was interred in the Godfrey Cemetery.
DENNISON, ALBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 9, 1895
Albert Dennison, a well-known young colored man of Alton, died this
morning at the age of 23 years, after a long and painful illness
from bronchitis. Mr. Dennison was a quiet and respected young man,
and a good citizen. He leaves a mother and brother who reside on
Upper Belle Street.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph May 10, 1895
The funeral services over the remains of Albert Dennison were held
this morning in the colored Baptist Church, and were attended
largely by friends of the young man. Interment took place at Rocky
Fork Cemetery.
DENNISON, BERNARD/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 21,
Died in Alton on February 20, of consumption, Mr. Bernard Dennison,
in the 25th year of his age. He was the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Dennison. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the family
residence on upper Belle Street.
DENNISON, FANNIE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 15,
Died in Alton on September 14, of consumption, Fannie, daughter of
Peter and Matilda Dennison; aged 18 years, 8 months, and six days.
The funeral will take place tomorrow from the family residence on
Belle Street. Friends are invited to attend.
DENNISON, SARAH/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 10, 1892
The funeral of Mrs. Sarah Dennison, who died at her residence on
Belle Street yesterday afternoon, will take place from the Cathedral
to the North Alton Cemetery tomorrow morning.
DENNY, LETTIE M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 24,
Mrs. Lettie M. Denny, wife of Harmon W. Denny, died this morning at
8:30 o'clock at the family home, 527 Summit street, after a long
illness from heart trouble. She was taken ill about one year ago,
and her condition was serious the past three months. She was a
native of Ohio, and was 58 years of age. She had lived most of her
life near Piasa, Ill., but came here about nine years ago with her
husband. She leaves one daughter, Mrs. Thomas Forwood. Mrs. Denny
was a member of the First Methodist church of Alton. The funeral
will be held at 10 o'clock Monday morning at the Piasa Methodist
church, and services will be conducted by Rev. J. L. Wylder of
DENNY, MYRTLE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 22, 1899
Mrs. Myrtle Denny, wife of Charles Denny and daughter of H. J.
Denny, died this morning at the family home on Summit Street, after
an illness of several months. She was 29 years of age. Mrs. Denny
came to Alton from Piasa with her family several years ago, and the
body will be taken to Piasa Saturday morning for interment.
DENOTHER, CORNELIUS/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 5, 1889
From Fosterburg, Dec. 4 – Died at his residence near Fosterburg,
Saturday night, November 30, Mr. C. Denother, who was 64 years, 4
months, and 26 days of age. He has been a sufferer for the past four
or five years, and nursed by loving wife, children, and friends. The
family circle is broken, a loving father and husband has passed
away, loved by all who knew him. He leaves a devoted wife [Modenia
Denother], and several children to mourn the loss of a loved one.
Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian Church on December 3,
and was largely attended by friends and acquaintances. The family
has the heart-felt sympathy of the entire community in their sad
Mr. Denother was born July 3, 1925. He was buried in the Fosterburg
DENOTHER, RICHARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 31,
Richard Denother, a wealthy farmer living a mile and a half east of
Fosterburg, died very suddenly Saturday. Mr. Denother had been
feeling well, had finished his morning work and was making
preparation to take a load of hogs to market. Suddenly he felt sick,
went into the house and asked his sister for some medicine. She sent
for a neighbor, but Mr. Denother died before any help could reach
them. Deputy Coroner Streeper was summoned and the coroner's jury
returned a verdict of death from heart failure. Deceased was 45
years of age and unmarried. He came to this country from Germany
when quite a small boy. Two brothers and five sisters survive him.
Funeral services will be held in the Presbyterian church at
Fosterburg Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock.
DENOTHER, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Wednesday,
June 21, 1899
The little village of Fosterburg was shocked this morning by the
finding in a well of the body of one of the best known young men of
Foster township, William Denother. Details of the drowning could not
be learned. Coroner Bailey received a telegram to go to Fosterburg
this morning to hold an inquest over the body. William Denother was
about 26 years of age and lived near Fosterburg all his life. He was
a hard working young man, a member of an industrious family and one
of the best known young farmers of that vicinity.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Thursday, June 22, 1899
William Denother, who was found in a well Tuesday night at the
Denother place near Fosterburg, committed suicide. He took his life
by drowning on suggestion while in a despondent frame of mind. The
young man had been in failing health for some time and had been in
St. Louis Tuesday to consult a specialist, returning on the Spread
Eagle. While walking from the wharf boat at the levee he noticed the
body of Thomas Luttrell being carried from the water to a wagon,
after it had been recovered. This turned Denother's mind on the
subject of making away with himself and he brooded over it until
about midnight. He rose from his bed and went to the well to end his
life. His brothers heard him drawing up the buckets in the well, but
they thought he had gone out for a drink. When he did not return,
they looked for him and, finding the two buckets out of the well,
suspected he had drowned himself. When a brother of the desperate
man searched the bottom of the well with a pole, the body was caught
and drawn to the surface. The well was 25 feet deep and had in it 15
feet of water. Coroner Bailey held an inquest over the body and a
verdict of suicide by drowning was found.
William D. Denother was born in 1867 in Illinois. He was the son of
Cornelius Denother (1825-1889) and Modenia Denother (1828-1905).
William was interred in the Fosterburg Cemetery, Fosterburg,
DENT, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 10, 1899
From Upper Alton – The funeral of Henry Dent of East Alton took
place at Upper Alton Cemetery Sunday afternoon. The Odd Fellows
conducted the services.
DENTON, EMILY/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 23, 1847
Died at Omphghent, Madison County, Illinois, on the 16th inst., Mrs.
Emily, wife of Thomas J. Denton, aged 22 years. She sunk under a
lingering disease, but greatly sustained by that Saviour, she had
long professed to love. Two things she seemed ardently in desire:
one was to depart and be with Christ herself, the other to have her
friends and acquaintances all prepared, by sincere repentance and
faith in Christ, to meet her above. "Tell them," said she, to a
minister of the Gospel, whom she requested to preach her funeral
sermon, "Tell them to prepare to meet their God in peace." It was
told to a crowded house, and received with deep solemnity.
DENTON, JAMES M./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 21, 1880
From Edwardsville – James M. Denton, formerly of Moro Township, died
at his residence in Edwardsville October 12, in the 61st year of his
DENTON, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 11, 1893
From Moro – The funeral of Mrs. Denton, mother of the late James
Denton, took place at Prairietown Sunday. She was 91 years old.
DENTZ, A./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 26, 1875
Suicides at Buck Inn [North Alton]
Just as the Weekly Telegraph was going to press, we learned of a
horrible affair that took place at Buck Inn this morning, about four
o’clock. It seems from reports received that A. Dentz, a middle-aged
German, at an early hour committed suicide by shooting himself in
the head. Mr. Dentz was the owner of a mill, and was in fair
financial circumstances. He was well educated, and understood
several languages, and had for a number of years acted as a Justice
of the Peace. He leaves a wife and a daughter to mourn his death.
DEPENDAHL, CAROLINE W. (nee PRAGER)/Source: Alton Telegraph,
September 16, 1897
From Fosterburg – Death has visited our community again …… one of
our old citizens, Mrs. Fred Dependahl, who for some time has been
suffering from a cancer. She bore her suffering with patience, and
death came to her relief Thursday morning. Mrs. Dependahl was 62
years old. Her maiden name was Prager. She leaves a husband and
eight children, all grown: John and Amelia being single; William,
Henry, Julius, Minnie, Dora, and Bertha are married. Mrs. Dependahl
being a consistent member of the German Presbyterian Church, the
funeral services were held at the church on Saturday afternoon. Rev.
Bell delivered a very touching sermon in the presence of a large
attendance, being a testimonial of respect to the deceased. The
pallbearers were: John Heines, Fred Suer, Ernst Gabriel, C.
Wagonfeldt, Henry Bausch, and Christ Huette.
Caroline Prager Dependahl was born August 18, 1835. She was the wife
of John Frederick “Fred” Dependahl (1831-1921). They had the
following children: Carolina Wilhelmina “Minnie” Dependahl
Niebruegge (1855-1946); Dorothy E. Dependahl Oetken (1857-1918);
Henry Dependahl (1860-1915); William Fred Dependahl (1863-1943);
Bertha Louise Dependahl Straube (1865-1939); Amelia M. Dependahl
Gvillo (1867-1930); Julius Dependahl (1874-1904); Sarh Dependahl
(1875-1875); and John Frederick Dependahl Jr. (1876-1965). Caroline
was buried in the Fosterburg Cemetery.
DEPENDAHL, JULIUS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 8,
Fosterburg Man Commits Suicide
Julius Dependahl, a well-known resident of Fosterburg, committed
suicide at his home Friday morning by shooting himself. He belonged
to a well-known family. Deputy Coroner Streeper was notified of the
suicide and went to Fosterburg to hold an inquest. Dependahl was 28
years of age.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 9, 1904 Inquest Throws No
Light on Mystery
No light was thrown on the suicide of Julius Dependahl by the
witnesses interviewed at the coroner's inquest. Dependahl .... to
the heart with a long ....knife. He had loaded a wagon and ...
preparing to drive to Alton to dispose of it, and after hitching his
team he was overcome with a suicidal mania, and making a threat in
the presence of members of his family that he would kill himself, he
walked off and was seen no more until his body was found with the
knife in his heart. He had bared his bosom by unbuttoning his
overcoat, his small coast, top shirt and undershirt, and then thrust
the knife between his ribs. Dependahl was a well-to-do farmer living
near Fosterburg. He was highly esteemed by all who knew him. He was
28 years of age. A wife and four children survive him. The funeral
will be held Sunday morning at 10 o'clock from the Fosterburg
Presbyterian church. [Burial was in Fosterburg Cemetery]
DEPENDAHL, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 06,
From Fosterburg – Mr. and Mrs. John Dependahl’s infant child died
and was buried here [Fosterburg] Saturday. Funeral services took
place at the Presbyterian Church.
DEPRY, ROBERT/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 29, 1882
Mr. Robert Depry, an old and esteemed citizen of Upper Alton, died
suddenly of heart disease at his residence, Monday afternoon. For
some days he had been indisposed, but not seriously ill. But a few
moments before his death, he had risen from his chair and was
walking across the floor, when he sank down, and in spite of medical
aid quickly brought, lived but a short time. Mr. Depry was born May
15, 1815, and came to Upper Alton when about 20 years of age. In
December 1836 he married Miss Eliza Ainsley, and having lost his
first wife, he married Mrs. Sarah A. Johnston in April 1857. He
leaves a son by his first wife, Mr. Frank Depry, and a daughter,
Miss Belle, by his second wife. For many years the deceased was a
prominent member of the M. E. Church, and in private life, his
modesty and strict integrity won the esteem of his friends.
DEPUGH, AMANDA J./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 13, 1902
Information has reached this city of the death of Mrs. Henry DePugh,
widow of the late Rev. Mr. DePugh, a former well known colored
pastor of the A. M. E. church. The body will arrive here Wednesday
morning and services will be conducted in the A. M. E. church by the
pastor Rev. Sandy McDowell. Interment will be in Rocky Fork
DEPUGH, HENRY/Source: New York Times, March 30, 1883
St. Louis, March 29 -- A terrible murder is reported here from
Alton, Ill. Six miles from there is a negro settlement, the largest
in the county. Henry Depugh and Henry Ross, cousins, lived there
together in a little hut. They were unmarried. The hut is about half
a mile from any house. They were last seen alive on Tuesday
afternoon. Yesterday morning they were found dead in the hut by a
neighbor. Ross was lying on the bed, with several cuts in his
abdomen. Depugh was lying on the floor, his brains scattered against
the side of the hut. His head and shoulders were terribly lacerated,
as though he had been killed by a shot from a gun. There was no
evidence of a struggle on the part of Ross; he was killed while
sleeping. The hut's interior was not much disarranged. Two guns and
several other articles are missing. It is said that Depugh had
money, but none was found on the premises. The men were evidently
murdered, and the position of Ross indicates that they did not kill
each other. Who did the deed is still a mystery. Both men were
honest and industrious. Depugh is the son of the Rev. Mr. Depugh, a
colored Baptist preacher. Coroner Yonree went to the place and held
an inquest, but no light was thrown on the tragedy. It is claimed by
some that the object of the murder was revenge, and that testimony
can be produced implicating persons living in the vicinity.
DEPUGH, HENRY (REVEREND)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
November 6, 1901
Rev. Henry Depugh, late of Upper Alton, died in Chicago at the home
of his son, Baker Depugh, November 4, at 2:40 o'clock. He will be
buried at Rocky Fork. He was 82 years of age, having lived over 40
years in this vicinity. His wife has been stricken with paralysis
and cannot recover. As an illustration of the noble character of the
man, it is recalled that when Felix Henry, the murderer of his son,
was about to be executed, Rev. Mr. Depugh mounted the scaffold and
taking the murderer by the hand, he freely forgave him for the
crime, and said he hoped God would do the same. Henry had asked
forgiveness of the father of his victim, and due appreciation of the
spirit that prompted the father to grant the forgiveness can be
gained, when it is recalled that the murder was a most atrocious
one, and was prompted by purely mercenary motives. The funeral will
take place tomorrow from the colored M. E. church at 2 o'clock.
[Interment was at Rocky Fork Cemetery] [Note: See Henry Depugh's
(the son) obituary above].
DERATHY, MARY (nee GLEASON)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
October 16, 1907
The body of Mrs. Mary Derathy arrived this morning from St. Louis
and was taken to the Cathedral where services were conducted.
Deceased was Miss Mary Gleason, daughter of the late Michael
Gleason, and was a native of Alton. Many old friends and neighbors
attended the obsequies and burial was in Greenwood cemetery.
DERRICK, HATTIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 17, 1905
Mrs. Hattie Derrick, aged ?? [unreadable, but looks like 45], died
at St. Joseph's hospital yesterday evening from paralysis. The
funeral will be held Sunday afternoon from the family home, 125 east
Sixth street, to the Union Baptist church. Burial will be in City
DERWIN, GENEVIEVE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 6, 1905
Genevieve, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Derwin of 1212 Alby
street, died this morning at 5:45 o'clock after a long illness from
appendicitis. The child was operated upon several weeks ago to
relieve the disease, but it was found at the time that the malady
had made such progress and the child's condition was so bad that the
operation at best could but prolong life a short time. She would
have been 10 years of age August 15. [Burial was in Greenwood
DERWIN, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 12, 1899
John Derwin, aged 73 years, died last night at the home of his son,
Bernard Derwin, on Belle street, after a short illness. He was born
in Ireland but came to Alton in 1855, and lived here continuously
since that time, raising a large family of children. He was one of
the earliest railroad men in this part of the country, and was long
in the employ of the C. & A. When age enveloped him, he made his
home with his children and he was well known on the streets. He
leaves four sons and two daughters, all of whom were in attendance
on him when he died. They were Mrs. Jos. Weaver, Mrs. D. Carter,
James, William and Joseph Derwin, all of St. Louis, and Bernard
Derwin, of Alton, with whom the deceased resided. The funeral will
be Saturday at 9 a.m. at the Cathedral, going from the residence of
Mr. B. Derwin, 1003 Belle street.
DERWIN, MARY/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 18, 1888
Mrs. Mary Derwin, wife of Mr. John Derwin, died Wednesday evening
after a lingering illness, at the age of 55 years. She was a native
of Ireland, but had lived in Alton 28 years. Besides her husband,
she left three children to mourn her death. The funeral took place
from the Cathedral.
DeSART, ELIZABETH EMALINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June
26, 1919
Four Year Old Girl Killed by Auto
Four year old Elizabeth Emaline DeSart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin DeSart of 920 College avenue, was killed instantly at 5:10
o'clock on Wednesday afternoon when she was run over by an auto
owned and driven by Ben Smalley of 2329 Central avenue. The child
breathed only a few times after her body was picked up following the
accident. She, with a party of other children in the neighborhood,
were playing about an A. B. C. bread truck. The truck drived [sic]
stopped to repair a punctured tire. As Benjamin Smalley was driving
past the truck in his five-passenger Empire touring car, the four
year old child decided to run across the street to her home. She
darted out from behind the rear of the bread truck so close to the
auto driven by Smalley, that he never saw her. Mr. Smalley said that
he thought he had struck a rock when really he was running over the
body of the little girl. The street is extremely rough at this
point, and so Smalley did not know until he had passed over the body
of the child that he had run over her. He was going at a moderate
rate of speed at the time of the accident. Elizabeth was the
youngest of four children. She had two brothers and a sister. Her
father is employed on the Middletown street car line. Mr. Smalley
operates a service car. He was riding in this car at the time of the
accident.....The body of the little girl was taken to Edwardsville
this afternoon and will be shipped to Coffeen, Ill., for burial.
DESMOND, DANIEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 17, 1893
Daniel Desmond, a Bluff Line workman, aged 28 years, died at St.
Joseph’s Hospital Thursday afternoon from injuries which he received
several days ago while at work with the section hands. A railroad
spike was sent whizzing through the air by a glance blow, and
penetrated Desmond’s knee, making an extremely painful and serious
wound. He was taken with a hemorrhage yesterday, and died from this
cause. The funeral took place Friday afternoon from the hospital.
The remains were interred in Greenwood Cemetery.
DETERDING, ANNA “ANNIE”/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 16,
Mrs. Annie Deterding, wife of Henry Deterding, living at Pleasant
Ridge, died very suddenly last Sunday from hemorrhage of the lungs.
Mrs. Deterding attended church at Pleasant Ridge that day, and as
she was getting into the wagon to return home, was taken with a
violent hemorrhage and was taken to the residence of William Blum, a
physician sent for, and everything that kind friends could do was
done to relieve her, but in vain. She breathed her last just as Dr.
Wadsworth of Collinsville reached the house. She was about 25 years
old, and had been married but little over a year. [Burial was in the
St. Johns Lutheran Cemetery, Maryville.]
DETERDING, FREDERICK WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 9,
Submitted by Marsha Ensminger
Death of An Old Resident --Mr. F. W. Deterding, an old resident of
Hunterstown, died Saturday morning, aged 76 years, 9 months.
Deceased had been a resident of Alton for thirty five or forty
years, and was greatly esteemed. He leaves a widow and several
children to mourn his death. The funeral took place at the family
residence, corner of Second and Walnut Streets, on Sunday afternoon
at 2 o'clock, under the direction of Germania Lodge I. O. O. F., of
which deceased was a member.
Frederick William Deterding was born Mar 24, 1801, in Wiedensahl,
Schaumburg, Niedersachsen, and died January 4, 1879 in Alton,
Madison County, Illinois. He was married at least three times; the
first two wives preceded him in death in Niedersachsen. He was the
father of at least eight children.
DETERDING, MARY ELLEN CLIFFORD/Source: Alton Telegraph, January
13, 1898
Mrs. Mary Ellen, wife of J. E. Deterding, died Saturday at her home
in North Alton. She was born June 12, 1843, in North Alton, where
she has lived all her life. Besides her husband, five children
survive her, viz: Mrs. Adam Brown; Mrs. John Krug; Misses Sophie and
Nellie; and Phillip Deterding. Mrs. Deterding was ill about six
weeks. She was respected by all her friends and acquaintances, and
was a good wife, mother, friend, and neighbor. She was twice
married, her first husband’s name was Clifford, to whom she bore
several children. The funeral took place Monday from the family home
in North Alton. There was a very large attendance of acquaintances
of the deceased lady, who had known and respected her in life. Rev.
W. H. Bradley conducted the services. The pallbearers were: Joseph
Krug, Ben Hall, B. Schiess, John Mitchell, Newton Parker, Fred
Glassbrenner. The interment was in Godfrey Cemetery.
January 31, 1884
Submitted by Marsha Ensminger
Mrs. Sophia C. Deterding, long a resident of this city, was seized
with a paralytic stroke Tuesday afternoon and at 9:30 o'clock that
night suddenly expired at the age of 61 (sic) years. She had been in
reasonably good health prior to the sad event, which came with
appalling suddenness on her children, who are all of adult age, and
other relatives. She had long been a member of the German Lutheran
Sophia Christina Schaer was born 9 Jun 1823 in Wiedensahl,
Schaumburg, Niedersachsen; married Frederick W. Deterding on January
31, 1845 in St. Louis, Missouri, and died January 29, 1884, at home
in Alton. She was the mother of at least four children, and
step-mother of at least four more.
DETERDING, UNKNOWN MAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 16, 1861
Bitten by Mad Dog
From Edwardsville: We learn from the Madison Advertiser that Mr.
Deterding of that place was bitten by a mad dog about the last of
July, and a few days since he was wracked with hydrophobia, from the
effects of which he soon afterwards died. It is also stated that
others were bitten at the same time, but that in their case, the
disease had not yet developed itself.
DETERMAN, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 19,
Death of Child Leads to Arrest of Man and Wife
Following the death last night of the 17 months old child, William,
of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Determan of East Orchard street, Edwardsville,
Charles Scholes and his wife, Mrs. Phillippa Scholes, were arrested
today on warrants charging them with practicing medicine without a
license...Determan said today the child had been ill since its
birth. Mrs. Scholes has been treating it for a year by rubbing it
with oils and liniments. She administered no medicine, he said, and
charged no fee, accepting whatever was offered in compensation.
Ohren says he has receipts showing payments to Scholes and bottles
containing medicines prescribed by him. Scholes says he is a
chiropodist, but that neither he nor his wife has been practicing
medicine. His wife, he said, nursed the Determan child, and gave it
external applications, but that was all.
December 3, 1852
Rev. George A. Detharding, Pastor of the German Lutheran Church of
Alton, departed this life on the November 30. Mr. Detharding was a
most useful and valuable man, and in the particular field of his
labors, his loss will be severely felt, not only by the congregation
committed to his charge, but by our citizens generally.
During his residence in Alton, Mr. Detharding has been very active
in works of charity, benevolence, and religion, and by his mild and
consistent course of action, enjoyed the respect and confidence of
all who knew him. Through his untiring exertions, the congregation
under his care have, during the past season, erected a commodious
house of worship on Henry Street, and he expected, we understand, to
have it sufficiently completed for the purposes of divine service
during the present winter. Mr. Detharding leaves a widow, Elisabeth
Detharding, and three small children to deplore their untimely
bereavement. To them, and to his late congregation, the loss seems
irreparable. [Rev. Detharding was born July 10, 1806, in Rostock,
Germany. Burial was in the Walnut Hill Cemetery in Belleville,
DETRICH, FREDERICK “FRED” S./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
February 27, 1899
Fred S. Detrich, the well-known retired druggist, died Sunday
morning at St. Joseph’s Hospital after a short illness with
pneumonia. His death was as unexpected as was the report of his
serious illness. A few days ago, he complained of feeling unwell,
and in a short time he was confined to his bed. He considered
himself only slightly ill, and declined until Saturday to have a
physician. He became much worse Friday night, and the following
morning medical aid was summoned. The disease was found to be double
pneumonia, and in such an advanced stage that the chances for the
recovery of the patient were not good. Mr. Detrich was removed from
his room at the Central Hotel to St. Joseph’s hospital, and his
death followed in less than twenty-four hours.
Fred Detrich was one of the best-known men in Alton. He was known to
nearly everyone, and his intimate friends valued highly their
acquaintance with him. He was a man of remarkable intellectual
capacity, well educated and well informed. In Masonry, he took deep
interest and devoted much of his time and attention to its study. He
was one of the foremost of Masons in Illinois, being thirty-second
degree Mason, a member of the Scottish Rite, Mystic Shrine and
Knights Templar. For many years he was a member of Piasa Lodge, A.
F. and A. M., and had filled all of the posts of honor in the lodge.
He retired from the drug business several years ago, and has since
devoted his time to looking after his property and enjoying the
fruits of his frugality. He spent much of his time traveling and
visitng his brothers. His father died at Chester January 31, and he
attended the funeral.
Mr. Detrich was born at Sparta, Illinois, 52 years ago. He came to
Alton in 1870 with his father, who was then in the internal revenue
office. He leaves three brothers – Messrs. J. E. Detrich of Anna; H.
M. Detrich of Chicago; and D. E. Detrich of Chester. He leaves only
one child, Mrs. McDonough of Newport News, Virginia. The brothers
have arrived to look after the funeral arrangements, and the
daughter will be here Wednesday. Services will be held under the
auspices of the Masonic Lodge of Alton.
The body of Mr. Detrich was removed this afternoon from St. Joseph’s
Hospital to the parlors in the Masonic Temple, and will be in charge
of the brethren until the hour of the funeral. The funeral will take
place Wednesday from the Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth and
Alby Streets.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 01, 1899
The funeral services of Frederick S. Detrich took place this
afternoon at the Presbyterian Church. The body of Mr. Detrich lay in
state from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Masonic Temple parlors, where
many called to view it. The face was very natural, and had it not
been for the sombre surroundings, it might have been supposed that a
gentle, restful slumber had sealed the eyes. The cortege left the
Masonic Temple at 1:30 p.m., in charge of Grand Marshal George
Dixon. The various lodges in line were: Piasa Lodge No. 27, and
Erwin Lodge No. 315; Alton Chapter No. 8; Belvidere Commandery No.
2. The pallbearers were: William C. Johnston, Charles W. Milnor,
Henry H. Phinney, G. W. Dudley, George H. Smiey, and R. P. Chalk.
There was an escort by a guard of honor from Belvidere Commandery
No. 2, Knights Templar.
The services at the church were conducted by Rev. H. K. Sanborne,
pastor of the church in which the services were held, assisted by
Rev. Dr. M. N. Powers of the M. E. Church. There was a large
gathering of old friends, besides the Masonic fraternity. At the
grave, Deputy Grand Master, Dr. H. T. Burnap, recited the Masonic
ritual and conducted the services in his usual impressive manner.
Chaplain Enos Johnson offered the prayer at the grave, after which
each Mason dropped a sprig of evergreen on the casket. When the
earth was filled in the open grave, the body of an old friend and
esteemed citizen was left until the resurrection morn.
The floral tributes were exquisite, especially those of the Masonic
fraternity. They included a design from Moolah Temple, Mystic
Shriners of St. Louis, of the emblems of the order – the tigers
claws, star and Turkish sword, a triangle made of violets from the
Scottish Rite Masons of Chicago; from Belvidere Commandery, K. T., a
maltest cross; from Piasa Lodge A. F. & A. M. and Alton Chapter, R.
A. M., the emblems of the two orders worked in a beautiful design,
the square, compass, and Keystone.
Among those present at the funeral services were his daughter, Mrs.
Herbert McDonough and two children of Hampton, Virginia; H. M.
Detrich of Chicago; and D. E. Detrich and W. H. Matlock of Chester;
Mrs. Fred Shelty, Miss Frederika Shelly, Mrs. W. S. Stanley, Fred,
John, and Don V. Detrich, all of St. Louis; and R. E. Detrich of
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 03, 1899
The brothers of the late Fred S. Detrich, and his daughter, Mrs.
Clara McDonough, have been unable to find a will left by Mr.
Detrich, disposing of his property. Mr. Detrich is variously
estimated to have been worth from $25,000 to $35,000, and he always
let it be understood that he had made a will. His only heir, in case
of no will being found, is his only daughter, Mrs. McDonough.
DETRICH, HELEN VIRGINIA (nee SHELLY)/Source: Alton Telegraph,
August 7, 1884
Mrs. Helen V. Shelly, wife of Mr. Frank S. Detrich, died Tuesday
after a brief illness Monday, of a pulmonary nature, at the age of
35 years. She was taken sick while on a visit to her parents in
Quincy recently, returned home, and in spite of medical skill and
the most affectionate care, passed quietly away. She leaves a
husband, two children, one an infant, father and mother, and many
other relatives to mourn her death, which will prove a sore
affliction, not only to the stricken family, but to a large circle
of friends to whom she had ever been near and dear. To rare personal
attractions, she added equal loveliness of mind and heart. When such
as she are called away, the world is poorer and the vacant place is
never filled. Cut off in the prime of a beautiful womanhood, with so
many tender ties to bind her to earth, the providence that called
her away is hard to understand. Whatever of comfort there may be in
the sympathy of neighbors and friends will go out to those now
passing through the dark waters.
There was a large gathering at the Baptist Church yesterday
afternoon to pay the last tribute of respect and affection to her
memory. The pulpit and platform were profusely decorated with rare
and beautiful flowers.
DETTMERS, GEORGE H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Saturday,
July 15, 1893
Mr. George H. Dettmers, an old and well known resident of Foster
Township, died
at his home two miles east of that village yesterday at 3:30 p.m. in
his 73rd year. He has been ill since July 4th. His widow and three
children survive him. One son, H. Dettmers, is a well-known resident
of Alton; another, Frank, lives in Colorado and a daughter, Mrs.
Schumacher, resides at Winona, Minn. Interment in the Alton City Cemetery.
The cortege will pass up Ridge Street about 5 p.m., where the
friends from Alton can join in.
DETTMERS, KATHERINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 16,
Mrs. Katherine Dettmers, wife of Herman Dettmers, died last night at
10:30 o'clock after an illness of one week with the grip. Mrs.
Dettmers had been a sufferer many years and her constitution had
been so weakened by disease that she was unable to withstand the
assaults of the grip. She had lived in Alton many years and was well
known. By all who knew her as a neighbor and friend, she was valued
at her true worth, and to her family her death will be a sad loss.
She was 63 years of age. She leaves beside her husband, five
children: Messrs. John, Herman and Gerhardt Dettmers, Mrs. P. W.
Nickel, and Mrs. Jacobus Penning. The funeral will be held Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home. She was twice married,
her first husband, H. J. Christian, died in 1861. She was married to
Mr. Dettmers in 1869.
DETTMERS, MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 26,
Mrs. Margaret Dettmers, aged 82, died at the home of Cobus Penning
on East Fourth street yesterday morning after an illness of several
weeks. She was very well known about Alton, having lived on a farm
near the city the greater part of her life. It was not until about a
year ago that she consented to leave the farm and make her home in
the city with Mr. and Mrs. Penning. She leaves two step-children,
Herman Dettmers of Alton, and Mrs. Peter Shoemaker of Winona, Minn.
DETTMERS, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
The funeral services of Mrs. Mary Dettmers and her child took place
Sunday afternoon from the residence, 702 East Second Street
[Broadway], Rev. Carl Cramer of the Evangelical Church officiating.
Many friends attended the obsequies, as did also the members of the
local Tailor’s Union, of which Mr. Dettmers is a member. Mother and
child were laid to rest in the Alton City Cemetery, beneath a bank
of floral pieces sent by loving friends. The pallbearers were
Messrs. Edward Doepke, Henry Cramer, Phillip Nichols, Henry
Feldwich, John Strubel, and Henry Penning.
DETTON, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 13, 1894
John Detton, a well-known resident of the Brighton Road [Humbert
Road], died Saturday evening. Deceased was 70 years of age, and his
death was due to gangrene. At the time of his death, he weighed 427
pounds, having fallen off from 485 pounds. A coffin was specially
prepared for the remains, over six feet in length and three feet in
width. It took eight pallbearers to place the remains on a wagon to
convey them to the burial place.
DEUCKER, A. O./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 21, 1916
A. O. Deucker, the painter who fell when a scaffold dropped at the
house owned by Edward Conley on Henry street last Tuesday, died at
St. Joseph's Hospital Friday morning at 4 o'clock. Mr. Deucker had
been in a bad way ever since he fell, and at no time was there much
hope of his complete recovery. It was marveled at that he survived
as long as he did, considering his injuries. His fellow workman, Eli
Brenner, was not so badly injured as Deucker. Deucker leaves a
family of three children. Eleven years ago Mrs. Deucker died,
leaving him with three little boys. These the father had given the
most devoted care and raised with the assistance of friends. Mr.
Deucker was 56 years of age. He was for many years one of the best
known painting contractors in the city. He was a very reliable man
and his services were always in demand. The body will be taken to
the home of his sister, Mrs. Fred W. Stolze, 810 Union street, where
the funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Burial will
be under the auspices of the Painters' Union. [July 24, 1916 -
Burial was in the City Cemetery]
DEUCKER, EFFIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 12, 1899
Mrs. Effie Deucker died at noon today in her 71st year. She was ill
only a few hours. Her death was caused by heart failure. Four
children survive her – Mrs. Therese Stolze, Miss Emma Deucker, Henry
W. and Albert G. Deucker, all residents of Alton. Mrs. Deucker was
one of the oldest residents of Alton, and was highly respected by
all who knew her. Her husband died thirty-five years ago. The
funeral will probably take place on Sunday from the family
residence, 721 Union Street.
DEUCKER, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 2, 1921
Dies After Drinking "White Mule" Out of Jug
William Deucker, aged 39, is dead, and his brother, Roy, was made
seriously ill Saturday night as the result of accepting an offer to
drink out of a jug of "white mule." According to Roy Deucker, Carl
Brenner, a boy, gave them the liquor. The poisonous stuff that
caused the death of William Deucker and came near ending seriously
for his brother, was said today by Deputy Coroner Streeper to have
been taken from a resort in Alton, the proprietor of which has been
up once at least for violating the prohibition law. Saturday night,
after a party had been to the carnival, they stopped in at a pool
hall on East Broadway, and there the Brenner boy said that if
someone would buy him a grape juice drink, he would give the crowd
some whisky. Someone bought the grape juice and then the crowd
stepped outside into an alley, Mr. Streeper said, and there the
Brenner boy produced a jug from which the men drank. William Deucker
drank the most and was the worst affected. His brother, Roy, did not
drink so much but took sufficient to make him so sick he had to
receive a doctor's attention. William Deucker started home, but
collapsed at Turner Hall where his friends picked him up and carried
him a little further, and there they procured a wheelbarrow and
loaded him in it and started on their way. They wheeled him to 1122
Central avenue where he continued in a bad way, and died Sunday
shortly after noon. The main part of the story was obtained by
Deputy Coroner Streeper from Carl Brenner and John Crow. There were
six in the party and all will be called to testify at the coroner's
inquest. Deputy Coroner Streeper said that he would go to the bottom
of the case and attempt to fix responsibility for the giving away of
the poisonous stuff. The deputy coroner said that he planned to make
an autopsy of the dead man and ascertain definitely the cause of his
death. He thought that perhaps death may have been due to a skull
fracture produced when Deucker fell to the ground and struck his
head. The condition of the brother of the dead man was much improved
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 4, 1921
The jury impaneled by Deputy Coroner C. N. Streeper to inquire into
the death of William Deucker, who died Sunday noon after being
knocked out by a quantity of "white mule" whiskey he drank Saturday
night, was that the deceased came to his death from a fracture of
the skull. The examination by the coroner's surgeon disclosed a
skull fracture on the right side behind the ear where Deucker's head
came in contact with the curbing when he fell. The testimony of Carl
Brenner, who furnished the liquor to Deucker, was that he bought the
jug of liquor for $5 "from a man on Front street," and he said he
did not know who the man was. This statement was not shaken and was
accepted by the jury. It was testified that in Front of Turner Hall,
Deucker stopped and asked a friend for a cigarette, and being given
one he attempted to back up against a tree to get ready to smoke it,
and missed the tree, staggering backward and fallen drunkenly to the
pavement, striking his head on the curbing. it was that blow that
produced the fatal skull fracture, the deputy coroner said.
DEUKER, HERMAN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 26, 1887
Mr. Herman Deuker of Wood River Township died Thursday of pneumonia
at the age of 60 years. He left a widow and several children.
DEVANEY, CATHERINE (nee DUNN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, December
6, 1894
Mrs. Frank Devaney died Tuesday night after a lingering illness of
six weeks. The deceased leaves a husband and six small children to
mourn her loss. The bereaved husband and family have the heartfelt
sympathy of their many friends in East Alton, who bear and deeply
sympathize with them in their sorrow and loss of a kind and loving
wife and mother. The funeral will take place Friday morning at
Godfrey Greenwood Cemetery (St. Patrick’s Cemetery).
DEVANEY, FRANCIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 17, 1919
Mrs. Francis DeVaney, aged 24, died this morning at 9 o'clock at
the family home in East Alton leaving a little child a few hours
old. The young mother also leaves her husband and a little daughter
3 years of age. The death of Mrs. De Vaney was a shock to the entire
neighborhood in East Alton this morning. She was a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. James Hill, one of the best known families in Wood River
township. She leaves also ____ _______ and two brothers. The funeral
arrangements were incomplete this afternoon.
DEVINE, MARGARET/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 11, 1895
Mrs. Margaret Devine died Saturday morning at the residence of her
son-in-law, Mr. William Chaffer, 1234 Main Street. Mrs. Devine was
in her 92nd year, having been born in 1803. She has lived in Alton
45 years. Some of her children survive her, viz: Thomas Devine of
Alton; William Devine of Bismarck, Missouri; Mrs. John Parr of San
Francisco, California; and Mrs. William Chaffer of Alton. There are
also a large number of grandchildren surviving.
DEVINE, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 25, 1901
Mrs. Mary Devine, one of the oldest residents of Alton, died at St.
Joseph's hospital Sunday afternoon after a long illness. She had
lived in Alton many years. Her strength had been failing for several
years and she was taken to the hospital to pass her declining days.
She was the mother of Patsy Devine, the Alton man that was hanged at
Bloomington for murder, and the fact that her son was hanged and
that she believed him to be an innocent man was the one great sorrow
of her life. The funeral will be held Tuesday at 8 a.m., and
services will be conducted in St. Patrick's church.
DEVINE, THOMAS STEVINS/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 02, 1896
Thomas Stevins Devine died Monday evening at his home, 1234 State
Street, aged 61 years. He was a familiar character on the streets of
Alton, and earned his livelihood by hunting and fishing, which he
had followed for many years. The funeral was Tuesday afternoon from
the Cathedral to Greenwood Cemetery.
DEVINEN, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 6, 1877
From Melville – Died very suddenly this morning (September 1), about
seven o’clock, of heart disease, Mr. Joseph Devinen, at his
residence at Rocky Fork. He arose as usual, dressed himself, sat
down on a chair, fell back, and his daughter caught him. He groaned
a few times and expired in five minutes. He was about 65 years of
age, and leaves several children to mourn his death.
He was a very old settler, a good neighbor, and a favorite with both
white and colored people, always ready to lend a helping hand. His
funeral will be held tomorrow, September 2, at 10 o’clock a.m., from
the family residence.
DEVLIN, PATRICK/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 21, 1881
Mr. Patrick Devlin, an old resident of Alton, was found in the lower
part of town Saturday afternoon, overcome by heat, induced by
dissipation. DLr. Halliburton, the county physician, was called to
the aid of the unfortunate man, but in vain. His death took place
about two hours after he was taken home. An inquest was held at the
house of the deceased, corner of Eighth and Liberty Streets. The
verdict was that death was caused by intemperance, inanition, and
improper exposure to the sun. Deceased left a wife and two or three
DEVRIES, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 11, 1915
From Dorsey - John DeVries, who makes his home with Charles
Bohlmeyer and family at Dorsey, received a message Monday telling of
the death of his father at New Douglas Sunday. John and Mr.
Bohlmeyer left Tuesday for that place. The funeral will be held
Wednesday. About three months ago, John’s brother, Henry, died in
DE WEES, LEWIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 10, 1901
Lewis, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis De Wees, died this
morning at 10 o'clock at the home, 312 Belle street. The funeral
will be Sunday morning, interment at Grafton. The body will be taken
to Grafton on the Bluff Line train leaving Alton at 9:16 a.m.
DeWERFF, WILLIAM J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 19,
Dies from Old Injury
William DeWerff, aged 38, died Sunday at the home of his mother,
Mrs. Henry DeWerff, near Moro, from paralysis, due to an injury in
the Glen Carbon Coal Mine, sixteen years ago. He was working in the
mine at the time, when a piece of coal slate fell down and struck
him in the back, paralyzing him. Since that time, he has been an
invalid. Five weeks ago he became worse, and died Sunday afternoon.
He leaves his mother, Mrs. Henry DeWerff of Moro, two brothers,
Henry and George DeWerff of Moro, and four sisters – Mrs. Henry
Tutkin of Jerseyville; Mrs. Herman Herrin of Upper Alton; Mrs. Emma
Fouchlin of Jerseyville; and Mrs. Minnette Culp of Alton. He was
unmarried. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at the German
Evangelical Church near Moro.
William J. DeWerff was born in 1877. He was the son of Henry DeWerff
(1836-1910) and Emma Zimmerman DeWerff (1842-1928). He was interred
in the Zion Lutheran Church Cemetery in Bethalto.
DEWEY, ANGELINE McVEY/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 13, 1880
Mrs. Doctor Dewey of Troy died last Friday, May 7, leaving an estate
valued at $25,000, which she bequeathed to the Troy School district.
She was 49 years of age.
DEWEY, BELLE/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 7, 1878
Died in Marine on Thursday, February 28, 1878, Belle, wife of Dr.
George H. Dewey.
DEWEY, JOHN STANLEY (DOCTOR)Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July
18, 1879
Civil War Veteran; Troy Physician; Illinois Legislator
The Edwardsville Intelligencer of yesterday [July 17, 1879] records
the death of Hon. John Stanley Dewey of Troy, a member of the
Legislature from this county. The sad event took place on Tuesday,
and was very sudden. He evinced a degree of mental disturbance
during the day yesterday, but went out with Mr. Reid and worked hard
at repairing a spring of water in his field. Complaining of pain and
fullness of the head, he went to the house and prescribed spirits
and morphine, hoping to relieve the distress of what was evidently a
congestion of the brain or apoplexy. He laid down to sleep, and was
awakened for supper, but it was observed at once by the family that
he was unconscious, and he soon fell in convulsions from which he
never recovered. Drs. Spalding and Zanders were immediately summoned
and did what they could, but decided at once his case was hopeless.
Dr. Pogue of Edwardsville was called in consultation, but did not
arrive until after his death. His medical attendants all agree that
the cause was apoplexy, doubtless very much intensified by his
improper and untimely prescription.
Dr. Dewey was one of the old residents of the county, having resided
here nearly thirty-five years – the greater part of the time being
engaged in the practice of medicine. He was a native of
Massachusetts, born in 1815. He was a skillful and judicious
physician, highly educated and devoted to his profession. During the
Civil War, he served first as Surgeon of the 109th Illinois
Regiment, and afterwards of the 1st U.S. Infantry. He was a brave
and patriotic officer, and rendered efficient service.
Dewey was elected to the General Assembly in 1876 as a Republican,
and re-elected in 1878. He made his mark in that body as a wise and
judicious Legislator, devoted to the best interests of the State,
and attentive to the requirements of his constituents. He was a
favorite with all who knew him; of genial and social disposition;
kind-hearted and generous, he made friends of all who met him. In
politics, he was ever an ardent Republican – strong and outspoken in
his views, but yet was charitable towards his opponents and ever
retained their esteem. His private character was honest and
unsullied, no breath of suspicion was ever cast upon his integrity.
In his death, Madison County has lost one of her most honored
citizens, the State a useful Legislator, and the community a valued
neighbor and friends.
Dr. Dewey was married on September 17, 1848, to Miss Nancy Caroline
Berkley, whose death occurred on February 19, 1849. She was buried
in the Glenwood Cemetery in Collinsville. On October 14, 1849, he
married Miss Angeline Horatio McCray, who survives him. From the
second union came one child, Frances A. Dewey, which died in its
infancy in 1852.
The benevolent organizations he took an active interest. He was one
of the charter members of Neilson Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Troy, which
was instituted in 1847, but ceased his connection with that order
several years ago. He was at the time of his death an active member
of Troy Lodge, A. F. & A. M., and his funeral will be conducted
under the auspices of that lodge.
The funeral, which took place last Friday morning, was the largest
which ever took place in that part of the county. The services were
conducted by Rev. Robert Stewart, assisted by Rev. E. M. West of
Edwardsville. The Masons met at the hall, comprising the following
Lodges – Edwardsville, Collinsville, Highland, Marine, and Troy –
formed in procession, marched to the residence and thence to the
Presbyterian Church. After the services at the church, the Masons
took charge of the remains and concluded the funeral ceremony at the
grave. He was buried in the Troy City Cemetery.
Dr. John S. Dewey's genealogy can be traced back to Thomas Dewey,
who was born in England and died in April 1648 in Windsor,
Connecticut. Thomas Dewey's son, Jedediah Dewey, moved to
Massachusetts, where John Dewey was born in 1816. Dr. John Dewey's
father, Luke Dewey, was also a physician. In 1880, Angeline McCray
Dewey, Dr. John Dewey's second wife, died. She is also buried in the
Troy City Cemetery.
DIAMOND, F. E./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 27, 1882
Mrs. F. E. Diamond, an old resident of Alton, died Saturday evening
after an illness of two month’s, caused by heart disease, at the age
of 52 years. Deceased left a husband and four children, besides
other relatives and many friends to mourn her death. The funeral
took place from the family residence on Easton Street, near Tenth,
yesterday afternoon. The remains were buried in the Upper Alton
DIAMOND, FINIS EWAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 1, 1890
An aged, respected, and long-time resident of Alton, Mr. Finis Ewan
Diamond, passed away Saturday night or Sunday morning, at his
residence at 1009 Easton Street. He retired Saturday night in
apparent good health, but when his daughter went to call him for
breakfast the next morning, she found him dead in his bed. For the
past year, he had complained of a pain in the neighborhood of his
heart, and death was undoubtedly due to a failure on the part of
that organ to perform its functions. The coroner’s jury found that
death was due to natural causes. The funeral took place Tuesday
afternoon. The local Painters’ and Decorators’ Union, No. 138, of
which he was a prominent member, met at Turners Hall, marched to the
residence, and attended the funeral in a body.
DIAMOND, HARRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 19, 1912
Harry Diamond, whose age is very uncertain, died yesterday afternoon
at his home, 1200 Marshall street, after a long illness from chronic
bronchitis. He was a drayman for many years in Alton. He leaves his
wife, but never had any children. His age is given on the death
certificate as "apparently 80." He was a native of Ireland, and came
here about 18__, and had lived in Alton over 80 years. He had one
adopted daughter, now deceased, who was the wife of George
Timmermeier. The funeral will be Saturday morning at 9 o'clock from
SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral.
DIAMOND, JANE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 23, 1912
Mrs. Jane Diamond, widow of Harry Diamond, died Sunday morning at
her home, 1200 Marshall street, after an illness of a few days with
pneumonia. Mrs. Diamond had been in good health up to a short time
before she died. She had a remarkable constitution. Last March, on a
cold, stormy night, she imagined she heard a burglar trying to get
in her house as she leaped out of a window, clad in her night
garments, and she took refuge in a fence corner from burglars, where
she lay all the night, pelted by hail and rain and suffering with
the cold, and in the morning she was almost dead when found. She
recovered, however, and it was believed would live many years. Her
husband died last January. He was a drayman at Alton. Mrs. Diamond's
only near relative is the husband and child of her adopted child,
the adopted child being dead. The funeral of Mrs. Diamond will be
tomorrow morning from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral.
DIAMOND, JOHN P./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 1, 1912
Mexican War and Civil War Veteran Dies From Old Age
John Diamond, born in 1820 and was aged 92 years, a soldier of the
Mexican and Civil Wars, died Saturday morning at 1 o'clock at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. H. J. Benson, 1029 Staunton Street. Mr.
Diamond has been feeble for a long time, but was suffering with no
illness. He had become very weak from old age, and death was
expected. Mr. Diamond was one of the few persons left in Madison
County who were soldiers of the Mexican War. He was unable to attend
the reunion of the Mexican War veterans at Alton, when Colonel
Andrew F. Rodgers entertained them a year ago. He served in an
Illinois Regiment, and went through the Mexican War as a good
soldier, participating in the battles that were fought by the
Illinois troops. Afterward, he enlisted for service in the Civil War
as a Union soldier, and he served with credit through that period.
Mr. Diamond's wife died six years ago. He leaves one sister, Mr.
Ellen Cregg of Davenport, Iowa, and three sons, Cornelius of Los
Angeles, California, Samuel of Hastings, Nebraska, John of Alton;
and four daughters, Mrs. Davis of St. Louis, Mrs. Gray and Mrs.
Benson of Alton, and Mrs. Honeyman of Indianapolis. The funeral
arrangements have not been made. Justice Barnett Nathan filed out
application blanks for John Diamond about ten days ago for a pension
of $1 per day, owing to the fact that he was a veteran of the
Mexican war. Justice Nathan wrote today to the pension office
informing him of the death of Diamond, and the pension that accrued
from the time of the application to the date of his death will now
be granted.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 3, 1912
The funeral of John P. Diamond was held this afternoon at 2 o’clock
from the home of his daughter, Mrs. H. J. Benson, 1029 Staunton
Street. The funeral was private. Rev. Dr. L. A. Abbott, an old
friend of Mr. Diamond and of the family, conducted the services.
Burial was in the [Upper Alton] Oakwood Cemetery.
John P. Diamond married Nancy J. Smith on July 2, 1847. In about
1852, they moved to Alton, living there until about 1905, when they
moved to Hastings, Jefferson County, Oklahoma. His wife, Nancy, died
in Hastings in December 1906, at the age of 76. Her body was brought
back to Alton, and buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.
Surviving children were: Laura Davis of St. Louis; Mrs. Luella Gray
of Alton; Cornelius R. Diamond of Los Angeles, California, Alice
Honeyman of Alton, John H. Diamond of Godfrey, Samuel A. Diamond of
Hastings, Oklahoma, and Ida A. Benson of Allegheny, Pennsylvania and
then later of Alton. After the death of his wife in 1906, he
returned to Alton to live with his daughter, Ida A. Diamond Benson,
where he died.
DIAMOND, MARY SIMPSON/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 1, 1889
Mrs. Mary Simpson, wife of John H. Diamond, died in Upper Alton at 5
o’clock today.
DIAMOND, PETER/Source: Alton Weekly Courier, June 7, 1855
Killed while helping to build the Alton Catholic Church
Yesterday forenoon, while the workmen employed in building the
Catholic Church were ... [unreadable] ... for which it was designed,
the rope broke, and the stone fell to the ground, seriously, and in
all probability, fatally injuring Peter Diamond, and slightly
injuring several others. Diamond was standing on an elevated
platform, holding the rope out by which the rock was suspended, in
order to prevent friction. The rope broke above his head, and as he
held that part which remained attached to the stone, he was dragged
from the platform and fell on the stone, striking upon his head. His
skull was crushed. He died the same day about two o'clock. He had
long been a resident of our city, and by industry, sobriety and
upright dealing, had acquired the confidence and respect of all who
knew him. He leaves a wife and four children.
DICK, EDNA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 05, 1899
The funeral of Edna, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Dick,
took place this morning from the family home, Seventh and Semple
Streets. Services were conducted by Rev. M. W. Twing of the Baptist
Church. Interment was in the Alton City Cemetery.
DICK, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 22,1910
Mrs. Elizabeth Dick, aged 80 years, died at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. John Kremer, on Second street, at noon today. She had
been ill for some time, suffering from the weakness of age, and the
past few days her condition became very serious. Mrs. Dick had
resided in Alton for almost sixty years, and in her death another
one of the old residents of the city is removed. She leaves a
daughter, Mrs. John Kremer, with whom she made her home, and one
son, John Dick. The funeral will be held from the German Evangelical
church, of which the deceased was a lifelong member, Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be in the City cemetery.
DICK, FRED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 30, 1905
Son Follows Father to Grave Eight Days Later
Fred Dick, son of Mrs. John Dick, died at 4:15 o'clock Thursday
morning at the family home, Fifth and Ridge streets, after a two
week's illness with appendicitis. He would have been 21 years of age
in June and was engaged as a partner in the grocery business with
his father, the late John Dick, who died just eight days before the
son. At the time of the father's death the son was considered as
being dangerously ill, and the malady continued to become worse
until death resulted Thursday morning. The double affliction on the
widowed mother and the remaining members of the family is an
unusually sad one. The young man was well thought of by everyone,
and gave promise of becoming a prosperous business man. The funeral
will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home.
DICK, GEORGE/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 02, 1893
Mr. George Dick, aged 72 years, died Sunday from pneumonia. He has
been sick but a short time, having contracted a severe cold about a
week ago, which developed into pneumonia.
DICK, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 4, 1914
The funeral of George Dick, who died from burns he received at the
Federal Lead Co. smelter where he was foreman of the roasting
machines, will be held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the
family home, 2515 High street in Upper Alton. The services will be
conducted by Rev. W. J. Terhuno. assisted by Rev. W. M. Rhoads, and
the Upper Alton Baptist Choir will render musical selections. Mr.
Dick was 4_ [46?]years of age.
DICK, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 22, 1905
John Dick, a well-known business man of Alton, died Wednesday
morning at 7:30 o'clock at his home, Fifth and Ridge streets, aged
52. He had been ill several months with a complication of diseases.
Mr. Dick had conducted a grocery store at Fifth and Ridge streets
for many years and was considered a man of integrity and was highly
esteemed by all who knew him. He is survived by his wife, three
sons, one brother and his mother. The funeral will be held Friday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home, Rev. D. E. Bushnell
DICK, KATHERINA PHILLIPINA/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 23,
Widow of Abraham Dick
Katherina Phillipina Dick, widow of Abraham Dick, died at the home
of her son, Mr. George Dick, Tuesday morning, after a short illness.
Mrs. Dick was born in Germany on April 6, 1814, and was at her death
one of Alton’s oldest citizens. She came to Alton in October 1849,
and during the subsequent almost half century, she continually lived
here with her family. Her husband died in 1856, and she was left
with the care of a large family of children, and never married
again. She leaves two children – Mr. George Dick and Mrs. H. Hill,
both of Alton. She was a respected citizen, and leaves many friends
to mourn her death.
DICK, LULU/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 4, 1916
Miss Lulu Dick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Dick, died at the
home on Ridge street at 3 o'clock on Sunday morning after an illness
of five days with pneumonia. She contracted the disease while
attending her mother, who is in a serious condition at the home. On
account of the condition of the mother, she was not informed of the
illness of the daughter until two hours before the death of the
latter. When she was informed of the death of the daughter, the
mother suffered a relapse and her condition is now considered
serious. Miss Dick was very well known in Alton, especially in the
eastern part of the city where she has lived for many years. There,
she was known for her good will towards everyone. It was known that
she would not allow anyone to speak ill of another individual in her
presence. Miss Dick was a constant reader and was always well
informed on the topics of the day. She leaves many friends who will
mourn her death. While she was a member of no church, she attended
the Evangelical and Presbyterian churches. Besides her mother and
father, she is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Emma Nunn and Misses
Tillie and Florence Dick; and two brothers, George and Emil Dick,
all of whom live in Alton. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon from the home. Services will be conducted at the
home and at the grave. On account of the serious illness of the
mother, only a few of the intimate friends will be invited to the
home. The funeral services will be conducted by Rev. O. W.
Heggemeier and Rev. E. L. Gibson.
DICK, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 23, 1891
A twelve-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dick died Friday
afternoon after a short illness of rheumatism of the heart. The
funeral took place Sunday afternoon from the family residence on
Fifth and Ridge Streets.
DICK, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
January 18, 1901
Mrs. Frank Dick, aged 23 years, died this morning at her home on
Fifth and Ridge streets, after a short sickness. She was a bright,
companiable, lovable lady, and leaves many friends besides her
husband to grieve over her loss. The funeral will take place from
the home Sunday afternoon from the residence at 2:30 o'clock.
DICKERMANN, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 22,
Civil War Veteran Dies
John Dickermann, a veteran of the Civil War and a well known
laborer, died this noon at his home on Bostwick street, at the age
of 78 years. Dickerman was born on October 13, 1846. He is survived
by two step-children, Mrs. E. E. Hand of Chicago, and Harvey Newton
of Hot Springs, Ark. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.
DICKERSON, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 10,
Charles Dickerson, a well known resident of Alton, died at St.
Joseph's Hospital this morning at 7 o'clock following a surgical
operation performed upon him after he was taken to the institution
Sunday morning. It had been hoped that the operation would give
relief from the malady which had prostrated Mr. Dickerson, but
shortly before the end he collapsed. Mr. Dickerson resided at 1011
East Fourth street. He was employed by the Illinois Terminal
Railroad. He leaves his wife and four children, Earl, Nettie, Peter
and Caroline Dickerson. He leaves also two brothers. The funeral
arrangements have not been made.
DICKEY, ANNA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 21, 1900
Mrs. Anna Dickey died this morning at the home of her son in North
Alton, aged 69. She was a resident of the village about one year,
and was mother of a well known family. She formerly lived in Alton.
The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, and
services will be at the family home. Interment will be at Godfrey.
DICKEY, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 13,
The funeral of Elizabeth Dickey was held at 10 o'clock this morning
from the Cathedral to the Greenwood Cemetery. The services were
conducted by Father Tarrant. The pall bearers were John and Frank
Kremer, Henry Koenig, Charles Senz, Robert Huebner and Fred Ruth.
DICKEY, J. H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 14, 1903
The funeral of J. H. Dickey, who died in the Soldier's Home at
Quincy, was held Sunday afternoon from the home of his son-in-law,
John Huebner. There was a large attendance despite the intense cold
weather, as deceased was held in esteem by all who knew him best.
Interment was in Godfrey cemetery, and the pallbearers were members
of Alton Post G. A. R. Rev. Dr. Bushnell conducted the services at
the home.
DICKMAN, EMILY M./Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, Friday,
April 17, 1896
Mrs. Emily M. Dickman, wife of John F. Dickman, died Wednesday
morning at 1:50 o'clock at the family home at the foot of the
bluffs, west of the city. She was taken ill eight weeks ago with
typhoid fever and although given the best of medical attention and
nursing, succumbed to the malignant disease. The funeral took place
this morning at half past nine from St. Boniface's church, where
services were conducted by Rev. Father August Schlegel. The
pallbearers were: William Smolia, John Klein, Charles Brockmeier,
Thomas Meidel, Thomas Klein and Louis Gerbig. Emily M. Dickman was
born at Nashville, Washington county, July 28, 1874, at the time of
her death being 21 years, 8 months and 15 days old. Two years ago,
she came to this county to keep house for her brother, William C.
Urban, at Venice. She was married to John F. Dickman October 1 last
year, and took up her residence on the farm where she died. The
sorrowing husband has the sympathy of all in his sad affliction.
DICKMAN, JULIUS FRANK/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 13, 1896
From Edwardsville – Julius Frank, 9-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Dickman, residing on Charles F. Cook’s farm south of the city,
died Sunday. The funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon from
the Evangelical Church of Edwardsville, Rev. Carl Kunzman conducing
DICKSON, ELIZABETH (nee KAESER)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
September 9, 1915
Mrs. Oliver H. Dickson, nee Miss Elizabeth Kaeser, died this morning
at 4 o'clock at her home, 319 east Fourth street, from peritonitis.
She had been in failing health for some time, but her death came
after a sudden change for the worse, and was quite a surprise to her
friends and relatives. Mrs. Dickson was formerly at the office of
the Illini hotel, and gave up that position to be married. She was
born in Alton and was in her thirty-first year. She was married June
12, 1912, to Oliver Dickson, and the couple took up their home in
Alton. Mrs. Dickson leaves besides her husband, five brothers:
William, John, Philip, Gottlieb, and Emil Kaeser, and three sisters:
Mrs. John Grossheim; Mrs. Joseph Richardson of Alton; and Mrs. Frank
Stone of Lincoln, Ill. She leaves also her mother, who was at Troy,
Mo. when her daughter died. The time for the funeral was not set
until the mother could arrive.
DICKSON, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 27,
The funeral of George Dickson was held this afternoon at 2:30
o'clock from the home of Mrs. R. F. Seeley, on Brown street.
Services in the home were conducted by Rev. John Morrison of the
Upper Alton Presbyterian church. There were many relatives and old
friends of Mr. Dickson at the funeral. The burial services in City
cemetery were under the auspices of Piasa Lodge No. 27, which he had
held membership for many years and in which he had taken a prominent
part in years gone by.
DICKSON, MARK/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 7, 1850
Died on Sunday evening, the 2d inst., of consumption, Mr. Mark
Dickson, aged 36. His funeral on Tuesday, was attended by the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of which he was a member, and a
large concourse of people, who duly appreciated his worth, and the
loss which this city has sustained by the death of one of its most
valued and enterprising citizens. The deceased has left a widow and
children, and many friends to deplore his loss.
DIDLAKE, EMMA FLETCHER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 4,
Mrs. Emma Fletcher Didlake, wife of William P. Didlake, died Monday
morning at 6 o'clock at the family home, 1415 State street, after an
illness of three months. Mrs. Didlake submitted to a surgical
operation two months ago in a hospital in St. Louis, but it was
found that there was no help for her, and she was sent back to her
home in Alton. Members of her family knew that it was a matter of a
short time before the end would come, and there was little thought
that she would last as long as she did. Two weeks ago she began to
show signs of rapid decline in strength. During her long illness she
was given constant attention of her husband and two daughters, Mrs.
Howard Haylett of Chicago and Miss Helen Didlake. Mrs. Haylett
arrived in Alton for a visit the day her mother was taken down and
she remained here during the whole period of the mother's sickness.
Mrs. Didlake was born in Ypsilanti, Mich., April 14th, 1862. She
came to Alton with her parents when a young girl and had spent all
of her life since then in Alton. Beside her husband and two
daughters, she leaves three sisters, Misses Laura and Linda Fletcher
and Mrs. K. H. Taylor of Alton. She was a member of the First
Presbyterian church for many years. In her home Mrs. Didlake was a
good wife and mother and she was beloved by those who knew her best.
She was chiefly devoted to her home and to her family. The funeral
will be held at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon from the home and will
be private.
DIERKES, MINNA CAROLINA/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer,
January 8, 1895
Minna Carolina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Dierkes, died
Saturday morning at 1:30 o'clock, aged 27 days. The funeral took
place Sunday afternoon from the family residence on Brown Street.
Services were conducted by Rev. Carl Kunzmann. The body was interred
at Woodlawn. This is the third child of these parents summoned by
the hand of death in the past four years. Two weeks ago John
Brinkmann, father of Mrs. Dierkes, was buried. The hand of
affliction has been indeed laid heavily on them and the community
sympathizes with them in their great trial.
DIERKING, LOUIS/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 2, 1891
From Bethalto, March 31 – The funeral of Mr. Louis Dierking took
place from the family residence four miles south of Bethalto, on
Saturday. The funeral was largely attended. Deceased was an
excellent young man, nineteen years of age. He was a school teacher
by profession, and taught his first school the past winter near
Dorsey, Illinois. The remains were brought to Bethalto Cemetery for
DIERKING, WILLIAM H./Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, October
28, 1915 - Submitted by Jim Kirk
After being in a state of unconsciousness for three days, death came
to the relief of William H. Dierking of Edwardsville, yesterday
afternoon at 2:45 o'clock at the Nazareth Home, in Alton, where he
had been for the past two years. The cause of his death was
paralysis and general disability. He had been helpless for the past
two years, and for the past few weeks was seriously ill. At the time
of his death. his daughter, Mrs. H. C. Miller, of Edwardsville, and
a son, E. H. Dierking of East St. Louis were at his bedside. The
body will arrive at noon tomorrow and will be taken to the Miller
home on the St. Louis road. Services will be held Saturday afternoon
from the First Presbyterian church at 2 o'clock. Rev. James R. Sager
pastor of the church will conduct services, assisted by Rev. W. F.
Sipfle former pastor of the German M. E church. Interment will be in
the Woodlawn cemetery. Mr. Dierking was at the time of his death
aged 79 years. He had been a resident of Edwardsville and vicinity
for the past forty years and was a prominent farmer of this
vicinity. He was born July 4, 1836, and died October 27, 1915. His
birth place was in Hanover, Germany. At the age of one year he was
brought to America and his family settled in Concordia, Mo. where he
received his schooling. They later went into Wisconsin. At the age
of 20 he went west, California having proved attractive. When the
Civil War broke out he enlisted in Company C, of the Fourth
Volunteer Infantry of Washington Territory, and served three years
on coast service. While residing in Missouri he was married to Miss
Nancy L. Tallon, of Liberty Prairie. In 1875 they located on a farm
north of Edwardsville and resided in this vicinity until 10 years
ago, when Mr. Dierking retired from active life and they removed to
Edwardsville. They resided here until April 27 1913, when Mr.
Dierking became paralyzed and it was thought best that he go to the
home, Mrs. Dierking then went to Smithvllle, Texas and made her home
with her daughter. Mrs. F. C. Lark. He is survived by his wife, Mrs.
Nancy L. Dierking and four children They are: Mrs. H. C. Miller, of
Edwardsville; Mrs. F. C. Lark, Smithville. Texas; W. H. Dierking,
Granite City and E. H. Dierking East St Louis. He has one sister,
Mrs. Chas Heinsoth, of Deshlar, Nebraska.
DIETCHY, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 20, 1880
Joseph Dietchy, who fell from Steiner’s barn last week and received
spinal injuries, died Saturday afternoon. He leaves quite a large
family to mourn his death. He had a $2,500 life policy. The funeral
took place from the family residence, near the corner of Fifth and
Henry Streets, under the auspices of I.O.O.F. and the German
Benevolent Society.
DIETCHY, LOUIS/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 5, 1878
At ten o’clock Saturday, Louis Dietchy, a ten-year-old son of Mr.
Joseph Dietchy of Alton, was drowned in the river near the point of
the sandbar, opposite Henry Street. He was wading in the shallow
water on the sandbar, when suddenly he stepped in a deep hole, and
was drowned before assistance could reach him. Mr. John Boals and
another person were in the vicinity at the time, but were too far
away to aid the drowning boy. The body was soon obtained by means of
a seine, and taken to the residence of the afflicted parents. As in
all cases of sudden death, the blow falls with terrible force on the
relatives and friends. The Coroner was notified by telegraph, but
failed to arrive on the train this afternoon.
DIETERMANN, SERAPHIN/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 6, 1893
Civil War Veteran
Seraphin Dieteman, an old and respected citizen, died Sunday morning
in the 57th year of his age. He was buried this afternoon. He was a
member of the Edwardsville G.A.R. Post.
Seraphin Dietermann was born December 22, 1837, in France. He served
during the Civil War in Company H, 15th Missouri Infantry. He
married Anna M. unknown (1835-1906), and they had at least one child
– Mollie Dietermann Bernreuther (1871-1940). Seraphin was buried in
the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville.
DIETIKER, CATHARINA/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 31,
From Highland – Mrs. Catharina Dietiker, 53 years of age, for the
last 25 years a resident of Highland, died this morning at 5
DIETSCHY, CATHERINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 18,
Mrs. Catherine Dietschy, an aged resident of Alton, died at 2
o'clock Wednesday at her home, 616 east Fourth street, from old age.
She was in her seventy-sixth year. Mrs. Dietschy's death was
expected for several days. She has been very low and members of her
family had been in constant attendance. Her condition had attracted
the interest of many of her neighbors as she was an old time
resident in the neighborhood. Her illness began 18 months ago. Mrs.
Dietschy was born in Nassau, Germany, and came to America when 10
years of age. She landed at New Orleans and soon thereafter came to
Alton with her family. Here she was married in 1862 to Joseph
Dietschy, who died many years ago. Mrs. Dietschy was a consistent
member of the German Evangelical church for many years, and she was
also a prominent member of the Ladies Aid Society of that church,
where she had given active aid to all church work. She leaves five
children, Albert of Los Angeles, Cal., Mrs. Anna Henderson, Miss
Amelia Dietschy, John and Joseph Dietschy, all of Alton. The time of
the funeral will not be set until her son, Albert, in California,
can be heard from. [Later on March 24, 1914: The funeral of Mrs.
Katherine Dietschy was held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon from the
German Evangelical church, in which she had held membership for a
great many years. Burial was in City Cemetery, where the grave was
covered with a very large number of floral offerings from friends.
Pallbearers were: H. W. Bauer, Andrew Schnorr, Ed Bowman, F. A.
Bierbaum, William Keller, William Schmoeller. Among those who
attended were Mr. and Mrs. Naehr and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ammann of
[Note: see also DEITZ family]
DIETZ, ANNA C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 18, 1908
Mrs. Anna C. Dietz, wife of William J. Dietz and daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Feldwisch, died this morning at the family home, 1126
east Third street. Yesterday she submitted to a surgical operation
for the relief of a malady which had been troubling her for a long
time. She was 30 years of age. The time of the funeral is not set.
DIETZ, CHRISTIAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 6, 1883
Christian Dietz, a native of Germany, aged about 50 years, was found
dead Monday morning in J. Luer’s slaughter house, a short distance
south of Bozzatown. Deceased had been ailing for years, and it is
supposed that his death was caused by disease and exposure to the
elements, although an empty vial labeled laudanum, found lying near
him, led some to suppose that an accidental overdose of the narcotic
may have hastened his end. He had worked around the city as a
butcher for 10 or 12 years. He leaves no relatives here. Under the
circumstances, it was not thought necessary to hold an official
inquiry, hence the Coroner was not notified.
DIETZ, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 03, 1915
Edward Dietz, a son of Mrs. Caroliine Dietz of 1330 East Third
Street, died this morning in East St. Louis, where he had been
working at the barber trade. He was formerly a glassblower. Word was
received by his mother this morning telling of her son’s death. Mr.
Dietz was a native of Alton, and was 40 years of age. Besides his
wife and his mother, he leaves two brothers and four sisters. Mr.
Dietz had been ill with pneumonia for a few days. He was well known
as a barber in Alton, having followed that trade for a number of
years before leaving Alton. He learned both the bottle blowing and
the barbering trade in Alton. The members of the family are William
and Charles Dietz, brothers; Mrs. John Spaniol Jr.; Mrs. Augusta
Klemm; Mrs. Caroline Fingerhut; and Mrs. Louise Fisher. The funeral
will take place Friday afternoon at the home in East St. Louis, and
burial will be in that city.
DIETZ, PHILLIP/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 24, 1895
Phillip Dietz, a respected and well-known resident of the East End,
died Thursday, after a lingering illness of over a year, during
which time he has suffered almost continuously with Bright’s
disease. Deceased was well-known throughout the city, having been
engaged in different employments. He has had nineteen children – 14
sons and five daughters – of whom 14, and his wife, survive. He was
63 years of age, and of robust constitution.
DIETZ, WILHELMINA (nee EHRET)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
March 4, 1919
The death of Mrs. Wilhelmina Dietz, 78 years old, widow of Philip
Dietz, occurred yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, four hours before
the death of her stepson, Philip Dietz, who died at Chattanooga,
Tenn., at the age of 64. Mrs. Dietz was born in Baden, Germany, on
October 10, 1841, and came to America when one year old. She has
lived in Alton since 1865. She was the second wife of Philip Dietz,
and of this marriage ten children were born, nine of whom survive.
Anton Dietz, one of her sons, is in a St. Louis hospital, and has
not been told of his mother's death. The children surviving are
George Dietz of California; Rebecca and Theresa Dietz of Alton;
Henry, Frank, Anton, Adam and Gus of Alton; and Sam Dietz of St.
Paul, Minn. She leaves also a sister, Mrs. Theresa Widener of St.
Jacobs, Mo., and two brothers, John Ehret of Wichita, Kan., and W.
E. Ehret of Highland. The Dietz family has long been connected with
the grocery business in the east end of the city, the store at
Broadway and Cherry now being conducted by Gus Dietz. Philip Dietz,
who died at Chattanooga, is a former Alton man. He was born in Alton
and spent the greater part of his life here. He is well known among
older residents of the east end of the city. Funeral arrangements
have not been made. Arrangements will depend on the arrival of
George Dietz from California, and the condition of Anton, who is in
the St. Louis hospital. Plans for the funeral of Philip Dietz have
not been made.
DIETZ, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 6, 1874
Shocking Accident at Tobacco Factory
A terrible accident occurred at Dausman & Drummond’s Tobacco Factory
on Monday morning, by the falling of the elevator, under the
following circumstances:
A steam elevator in the rear part of the factory runs from the
cellar to the third floor. It is used for transferring hogsheads
[wooden barrels] of tobacco and other heavy weights from one story
to another. Monday morning, the stairway leading to the third floor
was temporarily obstructed, and six of the hands, who are employed
in that part of the building, took the elevator to go up to their
work. When just above the third floor, the wire rope broke, and the
elevator fell to the cellar with a crash, a distance of about thirty
feet. All the young men were at first so stunned by the terrible
fall that it was sometime before they made any outcry. As soon as
the noise of the fall was heard, the proprietors and employees
rushed to the assistance of the victims. All were found more or less
injured – two of them dangerously. William Dietz, a son of Philip
Dietz, had both legs broken, one at the ankle and the other above
the knee, and was otherwise injured. William Ball received a
terrible shock and is suffering mainly with his back. His injuries
are serious. Mike Mulcahey and John Burnes were injured similarly,
but less seriously. Joe Daily was badly bruised. Stephen Brenan was
bruised and had his ankle sprained. Drs. Pierce and Davis were
instantly summoned, and did all in their power for the relief of the
sufferers who were, as soon as possible, removed to their homes. The
surgeons set Dietz’s broken limbs before his removal home. The boy
endured the pain of the operation like a hero. The Messrs. Drummond
spared no labor or expense in caring for the victims of the
The cause of the disaster is hard to define. The elevator was of the
strongest possible description. The elevating rope was of wire, an
inch thick, and warranted to raise 22,000 pounds without breaking,
whereas the weight on it at the time of accident was less than a
thousand pounds. As the rope broke on the pulley, however, the
supposition is that it became twisted and was snapped strand by
strand by the machinery. The proprietors had spent a large sum of
money in putting up what they considered a perfectly safe elevator,
and were accustomed to inspect it frequently. The accident cannot
thus be ascribed to negligence.
The disaster was a very sad one, and occasioned much excitement,
with large numbers of citizens visiting the factory to learn the
The accident related above proved more serious than was anticipated.
William Dietz, the boy who had both his legs broken, died about half
past ten o’clock, after the above was written, from the effect of
internal injuries – more than the breaking of his limbs. He was
about fifteen years of age. The other boys are as comfortable this
afternoon as could be expected, but William Ball and Mike Mulcahey
are in a serious condition – yet the physicians hope that both will
recover. They are suffering mainly from internal injuries, the
extent of which cannot yet be ascertained. The families affected by
the sad calamity have the sympathy of all.
According to the Alton Telegraph, the Dausman and Drummond Tobacco
Factory was originally founded in 1861 as the (George) Meyers &
(John) Drummond Tobacco Factory, located on Broadway between State
and Piasa Streets. John Drummond’s brother, James, was junior
partner of the firm, and served as Alton Mayor from 1868 - 1871.
This factory was destroyed by fire in 1866, and was re-located to
the corner of Broadway and Alton Streets, where the Mineral Springs
Hotel was later constructed. The Meyers & Drummond Tobacco Factory
dissolved in 1873 when Meyers moved to St. Louis. The new firm of
Dausman and Drummond was formed, and later the Drummond Tobacco
Company. This company was moved to St. Louis in 1882, when it was
bought by the American Tobacco Company. After this time, the
Drummond-Randle Tobacco Company was formed by John N. Drummond and
C. H. Randle. This firm ceased business in about 1890, and the Alton
Packing & Refrigerating Company acquired the property. Both Ball and
Mulcahey survived their injuries.
DIGMAN, ELIZA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 13, 1902
Fosterburg News - Miss Eliza Digman, aged 65 years, died at the
family home early Friday morning. Mrs. Digman had been ill for
sixteen months with cancer of the stomach. The funeral was held at
the Mount Olive church Sunday, and the interment was in the Short
DIGNEN, PETER/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 19, 1896
Found by Bluff Line Tracks
Monday, the mangled body of an aged tramp was found lying by Bluff
Line tracks at Piasa Street, and this morning two evil-looking
tramps are in jail, confronted with an ugly charge. When the body
was found Monday night, it was lying by the Bluff Line tracks with
the head completely severed from the body, and the arm and leg
terribly mangled. The dead man’s beard and hair were white with age,
and from all evidence, he was an old-timer on the road. The nature
of the dead man’s injuries and the position of the body when found
convinced the authorities that the old man had been hurried to his
death by some human agency, and a wholesale arrest of bums was
About the same time a intoxicated tramp complained to the police
that he had been robbed on the levee, while drunk, of about $3. He
was held until next morning, when he was able to tell a straight
story. He had been traveling with the old man, and in this city had
become separated from him. While drunk, he was robbed of his money.
He identified the body of the old man as that of Peter Dignen, aged
64 years. While on the road, Dignen had told him his family affairs,
among other statements, he said that he was a brother to Jerry
Dignen of St. Louis, and that he had two daughters in St. Louis
convents. While in the calaboose, he spent the night with one of the
men who had robbed him, who promised to return the money if nothing
was said.
The two men acted so oddly, that they are detained on suspicion of
having assaulted and murdered Peter Dignen, and putting his body
under the Bluff Line cars to give appearance of accidental death.
The men in jail are evil looking bums, and their actions and
differences in their stories strongly suggest that they are guilty.
Coroner Kinder arrived here Tuesday morning, and instituted an
inquest as to the cause of death of Peter Dignen. Many witnesses
were examined, some of whom had seen the evil looking bums in
company with old man Dignen about 6 o’clock on the levee. An iron
grab bar was picked up in the vicinity of the scene of the crime,
and being covered with blood, it is thought it was the instrument
used in the murder. From the testimony of the train crew, the body
was cold in death inside of thirty seconds from the time it was
struck, showing that the man must have been dead at the time he was
struck by the engine. Both of the evil looking bums stoutly assert
their innocence of any knowledge of the crime, but at present are
being kept separated, in hopes that they will make a confession.
Dignen’s brother is proprietor of an employment agency in St. Louis.
The name of the tramp who was drunk and robbed is Hogan.
The coroner’s jury completed its investigation late this afternoon
in the Peter Dignen case, and returned the following verdict: “We,
the jury, find that Peter Dignen came to his death at the hands of
Frank Sinclair and George Lochinger, and that we hold them
responsible for his death.” Warrants will be issued for the
detention of Sinclair and Lochinger on the charge of murder.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 7, 1896
The trial of George Laschinger and Frank St. Clair for the murder of
Peter Dignen was finished last night, and given to the jury.
Laschinger alone was put on the witness stand by the defense, and he
stoutly denied all complicity in the murder, although encompassed by
an almost perfect chain of circumstantial evidence.
The jury returned a verdict of manslaughter late last night in the
cases of both Laschinger and St. Clair, but just what the term of
punishment fixed is not known. The extreme penalty of manslaughter
is fourteen years in the State prison, and it is altogether probably
that both culprits will get the limit. The murder for which a jury
has decided these men must answer was a most revolting one, was it
not that the prosecution could furnish nothing but circumstantial
evidence, they would doubtless have paid the extreme penalty for
murder. An old, white-haired tramp was found on the Bluff Line
tracks on the levee, several months ago, with his head severed from
his body, horribly mutilated by a passing train. Circumstantial
evidence convinced everyone that the two men arrested had murdered
him, and placed him on the tracks to obliterate traces of their
crime. Their work was not well done, however, as they left
conclusive evidence of murder. While none of the parties concerned
in the tragedy were known here, a general satisfaction will be felt
that the murderers are about to pay the penalty of their crime.
DILKS, ALBERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 22, 1901
Albert Dilks, a well-known glassblower, died last evening at his
home on East Second street after long suffering from the effect of a
bullet wound in his body near his heart, which was self-inflicted.
Dilks had been melancholy for a few days before July 4, and it is
believed his mental condition was due to the hot weather. While
temporarily insane, he shot himself in the breast, narrowly missing
his heart. The bullet was taken out of his back and an abscess
formed, which later turned into blood poisoning. His condition has
been considered dangerous for some time, and his death was expected.
He was 28 years of age and leaves his wife with two children. The
funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
family home. Services will be conducted by Rev. P. J. O'Reilly of
St. Patrick's church.
DILKS, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 15, 1898
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dilks were bereaved by the death of their little
son, aged 8 months, Saturday night, after a short illness. The
funeral was Monday afternoon from the family home, 127 East Third
DILL, LETITIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 30, 1851
Died in Alton on the 27th inst., after a painful and protracted
illness of three or four years, Miss Letitia Dill. She connected
herself with the Presbyterian Church some two years since, but was
never permitted to meet with the congregation and unite with them in
public worship, but has ever since, amid her deepest afflictions and
most painful trials, been enabled to manifest the spirit and temper
of Christ. She has left deeply bereaved brothers and sisters, and a
large number of sympathizing friends to mourn her departure.
DILL, SARAH/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 11, 1848
Died in Alton on Monday last, after a lingering illness which she
bore with exemplary fortitude and resignation, Mrs. Sarah Dill, aged
64 years. The deceased was a native of Maryland, but has been a
resident of Alton for several years. She was an old and very
acceptable member of the Methodist Church, and has left a large
family and many friends to mourn her loss.
DILLINGHAM, ARTHUR W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 17,
Drowns While Swimming In Mississippi River
Arthur W. Dillingham, driver for the Walnut Grove Dairy, was drowned
at the mouth of Brickhouse slough yesterday evening about 7:30
o'clock, while swimming with Walter Cobeck and Paul Kahle. With a
party of thirteen young men, Dillingham and Cobeck went to Riverside
park yesterday, two miles up the river from Alton, to spend the
afternoon at a stag picnic. The party were preparing to return home,
and before leaving Cobeck, Dillingham and Kahle took a swim. The
other members of the party were on the bank finishing a light
luncheon before they would depart. Dillingham could not swim well,
and becoming terrified in deep water he began to go down, and before
any effective help could be rendered him, he drowned in sight of his
companions. When the other members of the party were informed of the
tragedy, they began a search for the body. After an hour they
returned to Alton to bring the news back. Dillingham lived at 216
Spring street, and leaves his wife and one child. He was 23 years of
age. The story told by Paul Kahle, who tried to rescue Dillingham,
is that all day the members of the party had been joking about the
possibility of the number 13 having an unlucky influence on the
party. Nothing had occurred, however, until it was time to go home.
Dillingham had been wanting to get into the river, although he could
not swim, and when the other two members of his party jumped in and
began swimming around, he disrobed and went in also. The water is
very deep there, as the steamboat channel runs close to shore. The
water was measured and found to be 18 feet deep. Dillingham was
clinging to the side and end of a skiff, paddling around while
Cobeck and Kahle went out in deep water. Dillingham let go his hold
on the skiff and sank. Kahle dived after him, and did get hold of
Dillingham's hands and succeeded in breaking his hold just in time
to avoid drowning himself, as Dillingham got a death grip on him.
Kahle believes that he was near death himself, and that he was
almost drowned when he came to the surface with his lungs full of
water. The members of the party were Albert Matile, William Maull,
William Gerber, Paul Kahle, Walter Cobeck, Lawrence Osterman,
"Butch" Brown, Louis Thiele, Leo Pfeffer, William and Henry Seins,
and Arthur Dillingham, and Thomas Walrond. The party was given by
Walrond, who is a bartender at Knights' saloon. Deceased was a
member of the fraternal insurance order, the Mutual Protective
League, Alton Council. A searching party was made up this afternoon
to go up the river in search of the body of the drowned man.
DILLON, GEORGE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 11, 1892
The funeral of George Dillon, colored, took place yesterday
afternoon from the Union Baptist Church to the Godfrey Cemetery.
DILLON, MARY WILHELMINA (nee BENNER)/Source: Alton Telegraph,
January 24, 1884
The eldest daughter of Mr. John George Benner of Woodburn, and wife
of John H. Dillon, expired at her residence near Fosterburg on
Wednesday morning last. She had been a great sufferer. During the
last months, her sickness was a very complicated one. But
notwithstanding, she held her ground firmly by faith in the living
God. What the experience of her past life and the sentiments of her
heart have been may be best shown by the selection of the scripture
text and hymns she herself made for the funeral service, shortly
before her departure. The text was taken from the 42nd Psalm, verses
1-5. The hymns were “Fierce and Wild the Storm is Raging,” “Safe in
the Arms of Jesus,” and “Go Bury thy Sorrow.” At one time, when she
expected to pass away at any moment, her mother and friends,
standing about her bed weeping, she said, “Weep not for me, for I am
well provided for, but weep for my motherless children.” She was
consoled, however, as to her children afterward, and expressed her
assurance that the Lord would care for them. Another time she said,
“O, how I long to go home to meet my Savior! I remember the days
when I was so terrified to think of death, that the very sweat would
drop from me, but lo! It fills my heart with joy to think of it now.
O, how I long for it to come!” the funeral services were very
largely attended, and took place on Friday at the German
Presbyterian Church of Fosterburg. [Burial was in the Fosterburg
DILLON, NANCY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 12, 1907
The funeral of Mrs. Nancy Dillon of Fosterburg, who died yesterday
morning at the home, will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock and
will be conducted by Rev. William M. Rhoads, an old friend of the
family. Owing to the long career of Mrs. Dillon in Madison county
and her wide acquaintance, the funeral will probably be very largely
attended. Jesse Pruitt of Fosterburg, 92 years old, is a brother of
Mrs. Dillon.
DILLON, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 30,
The funeral of William Dillon, son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dillon,
took place this morning from St. Patrick's church, where a requiem
mass was said by Rev. P. J. O'Reilley, to Greenwood cemetery, where
interment was made. A large number of friends attended the services.
DIMEDA, STEPHEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 3, 1909
Shot by Saloon Keeper
Stephen Dimeda, the Wood River Austrian who was shot through the
abdomen early Monday morning by William Varney, a saloon keeper,
died at St. Joseph's Hospital this morning at 12:30 o'clock. About
six hours before his death, Assistant States Attorney Wilson took a
statement from Dimeda, through the aid of an interpreter, and in
this statement Dimeda gives the lie to the story told by Varney,
which will make a nice point to be investigated by Coroner Streeper.
According to Dimeda's statement made with the full knowledge that he
was about to die, Dimeda entered the Varney saloon and called for
some beer. It was claimed that he had treated the whole house and
that he should pay 40 cents, but he refused to do this and he walked
out of the place. He denied having any revolver on his person,
although Varney and J. T. Ashlock claim he had one and that they
have it in their possession showing two caps snapped where he tried
to shoot it off at Ashlock and Varney. Dimeda said that while he was
talking to his friend, Ashlock, Varney shot him without any good
cause. Coroner Streeper took charge of the body and will carefully
sift the whole matter. Mr. Dimeda has a sister living at Wood River,
the wife of Mike Endebelt, also an Austrian. His wife lives in
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 6, 1909
While a full, midsummer's moon looked down upon the killing of
Stephen Dimeda at Wood River by William Varney last Sunday evening,
two lovers sitting on a front porch about 100 feet away were the
only witnesses of the killing, which they were able to see by the
moon's light, and they have the only really important evidence that
came up at the trial of Police Magistrate J. T. Ashlock and William
Varney, who have been held by the coroner's jury which held an
inquest Thursday evening at coroner Streeper's undertaking rooms.Two
people alone, Stephen McAuley and Helen Trzecki, lovers sitting on
the Trzecki front porch, testified that the moon was full, that the
night was almost as light as day, and they also swore that they saw
the whole occurrence and could even hear something that was said
when Dimeda was shot by Varney. According to Miss Trzecki, who is
connected with the refitting department of a ladies tailoring place
in St. Louis, Dimeda was first seen wandering aimlessly about her
home....Almost simultaneously two men were seen approaching him, one
from the east and the other from the west....Then, after a brief
pause, a shot was fired. The witness and her guest thought that the
two men were trying to play a joke on the man in the ditch and
discharged the revolver to frighten him. They said there was no
struggle, and the man in the ditch never rose to his feet. Stephen
McAuley, her guest for that evening, corroborated her story in every
detail. According to their statement, there was no apparent
provocation for the shooting, as the man who was shot made no move,
but they did not believe he was asleep. He remained sitting and did
not rise at any time.....Coroner Streeper went to Wood River this
afternoon for the two men, Ashlock and Varney, to take them to
Edwardsville. Under the verdicts of the coroner's jury, the coroner
was authorized to take bail for the men, but it was suggested that a
much higher bond be required than had been given by Varney, $1,000.
DIMMOCK, CAROLINE K./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 10,
Mrs. Caroline Kilbreth Dimmock, aged 94 years, one month, died
Sunday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Armstrong, on
Bluff street, after being confined to her bed for ten months. She
was one of the oldest residents of Alton. She had lived here since
1853, and she had a wide acquaintance. Her death had been expected
for some time. Up to ten days ago her mind was clear. It is related
by her daughter, Mrs. Burgess, that about two weeks ago the aged
lady repeated Longfellow's "Psalm of Life," and after repeating it
she mentioned that it was by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The last
week, however, she had been sinking steadily and was not conscious
of what was going on about her. Mrs. Dimmock was born in Baltimore,
Md., April 10, 1821. When she was 16 years of age she visited in
Cincinnati and there she was introduced to the man who two years
later was to become her husband. The person introducing her was Mrs.
B. F. Sargent, then a resident of Cincinnati, and in later years to
be Mrs. Dimmock's next door neighbor in Alton. Mrs. Dimmock
possessed a beautiful character. She was a deeply religious woman
and her life breathed the religion she professed. She was an ideal
mother, a good neighbor, and beloved by all who knew her. Her
closing days were full of peaceful repose, and she knew all along
that the end was very near and she was not afraid to meet it. Mrs.
Dimmock was remarkable in that even after she was ninety years of
age, she was known as a perfect housekeeper, was an excellent cook,
and she persisted in doing work about the home and enjoyed being
useful. She was one of the original members of the Congregational
Church in Alton, and maintained her connection there all the
remainder of her life. Up to ten months ago Mrs. Dimmock had lived
with Mrs. T. W. Burgess on Twelfth street, but ten months ago when
she was taken very ill she was moved to the home of her other
daughter, Mrs. Armstrong, who gave all her time to caring for the
aged lady. Besides her two daughters, Mrs. Dimmock leaves some
grandchildren, Mrs. Bern Degenhardt, Herbert Armstrong Dimmock, Miss
Marie and Charles Burgess, Mrs. Carroll Davis of Peoria, Miss Nellie
Dimmock of Baltimore, Md. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon
at 2:30 o'clock from the home of Mrs. Armstrong. Rev. McCann will
preach the funeral sermon.
DIMMOCK, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 8, 1852
Died on Friday night, Charles, infant son of Elijah Lewis and Sarah
L. Dimmock of Alton; aged 10 months.
DIMMOCK, CHARLES W./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 17, 1868
It is with the greatest regret and pain that we announce to our
readers the sudden and unexpected death of this highly esteemed and
most estimable citizen. He was attacked at an early hour yesterday
morning with apoplexy, and lay very low and unconscious until about
four o’clock this morning, when he expired.
Mr. Dimmock came to Alton more than fifteen years since, and by his
gentlemanly manners and eminent business qualifications, soon
surrounded himself with a host of warm-hearted and enthusiastic
friends. It will not be regarded as an exaggeration for us to say
that he had more personal friends than any other citizen of Alton.
Three years since he was nominated and elected by the Republican
Party, Clerk of Madison County, and soon after that event, removed
his family to Edwardsville, where he has resided from that time up
to the hour of his death. We feel well assured that we utter but the
prevailing opinion of the men of all parties, when we say that he
has made one of the best and most faithful officers which this
county has ever had, and that his late official position will be
hard to fill.
We have neither the time nor space to speak as we would like in
reference to the great loss, which this county has met with in the
death of so valuable an officer, or of the loss to the Republican
Party, of which he was one of the most popular, influential,
energetic, and zealous supporters, or of the deep gloom which his
untimely death has thrown over this community. All alike, whether
his political friends or opponents, regard his death as one of the
greatest afflictions they have ever been called upon to endure. He
was one of “nature’s noblemen,” in the strongest acceptation of the
In him, our business community has lost one of its oldest and most
highly esteemed members; the Masonic Order one of its very brightest
ornaments and most useful brothers society at large a warm hearted,
genial, and sincere friend; and an amiable family an affectionate
and ever-kind husband, and a faithful and devoted father. We might
say much of our own personal feelings in losing one who was among
our oldest acquaintances and ever reliable friends; but they are of
too tender a nature to display before the public eye. We may,
however, at some future time, be able to give a more particular and
minute account of his life and history among us.
The funeral of this beloved and accomplished gentleman, whose sudden
and untimely death we noticed, took place this afternoon from the
Presbyterian Church. About one o’clock, the remains of the deceased
arrived from Edwardsville by a special train, accompanied by the
family and many friends, and under the escort of the Masonic
fraternity of that place. The train was met at the depot by the
Masonic societies of Alton, and the remains conveyed to the church
under their supervision. At two o’clock, the solemn services
commenced at the church under the conduct of Rev. Mr. Jameson of the
Baptist Church. A great concourse of people was present, all of whom
plainly manifested their sense of sorrow at the great loss they had
been called upon to meet. The exercises were opened with prayer and
reading of the Scriptures, which were followed by the singing of
“Father What’er of Earthly Bliss.” The Reverend took his text from
Proverbs 17:1. The remains were followed to their last resting place
by a vast concourse. At the head of the procession were the Masonic
societies, preceded by the band playing a solemn funeral march. Then
came the long train of carriages with the friends and relatives.
Never have we seen so large a gathering at a funeral service in
Alton, and never have we witnessed a deeper or more universal
manifestation of grief. The name of Charles W. Dimmock will ever be
cherished in this community as that of one who embodied every pure
and manly virtue, and whose uprightness and nobility will ever be an
example for others to emulate. And now that the green earth has
received him tenderly back into her bosom, we can only pronounce
over him the matchless requiem of Halleck: “Green be the turf above
thee, Friend of my better days; None knew tee but to love thee, Nor
named thee but to praise.” [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
DIMMOCK, ELIJAH LEWIS/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 5,
Proprietor of Alton Shoe Store
Another old citizen, Mr. Elijah L. Dimmock, has passed away after a
long and active career in our midst. At 9 o’clock last night, the
lamp of life went out. For weeks and months, it had been but a
flickering flame, sometimes flashing up with almost the brightness
of former years, and then sinking almost into obscurity. The
infirmities of age stole over him gradually, encroaching more and
more, month by month, upon his vital resources, until at last the
end came and he passed to his rest as gently as a child falling
Few citizens of Alton were better known than Mr. Dimmock, and none
more highly regarded. A long life of unbending integrity, of
business probity and worthy living, had won for him that esteem and
appreciation of acquaintances and friends which are the best
attainment of life, and without which no success is worth the
Elijah L. Dimmock was born at Barnstable, Massachusetts, September
15, 1802, and was consequently at the time of his death in the 85th
year of his age. In 1827 he was married to Sarah L. Phinney, who
survives him, their married life having thus extended over the
remarkable period of nearly sixty years. In 1834, he removed with
his family to Cincinnati, Ohio, and two years later located in
Alton, where he has since resided. Mr. Dimmock was first engaged in
the wholesale boot and shoe business with Mr. James S. Stone, who
subsequently removed to Boston, and then with Mr. Charles W.
Dimmock, in the same business, under the firm name of E. L. Dimmock
& Co., which for many years was one of the most prominent firms in
Alton. Some ten or twelve years ago, he retired from active business
and passed the declining years of a well-spent life in the
enjoyments of home and in the society of the large circle of
relatives and friends to whom he was united by ties of affection,
which had been perfecting through long years of unbroken
intercourse. Mr. Dimmock’s ecclesiastical connection was with the
Presbyterian Church of Alton, then with the Congregational, and of
later years, again with the Presbyterian. Of the first named church,
he was for a long period an efficient Trustee.
Mr. Dimmock leaves two children, Hon. Thomas Dimmock of St. Louis,
now absent in Europe, and Sophronia, wife of Dr. Hezekiah Williams.
[Elijah L. and Sarah Dimmock lost an a son, Charles, at the age of
10 months, in 1852.] One of the strongest characteristics of the
departed was his devotion to his wife and children. In the latter,
he lived his own life over again, and lavished upon them every good
gift in his power to bestow. The devotion was filially and tenderly
reciprocated, and none will more keenly feel the present bereavement
than the son whose unavoidable absence at this sad hour will add to
the already full measure of his sorrow. A loving husband, an
affectionate father, a kind friend and a useful citizen has departed
from our midst, and left sore hearts behind to lament the earthly
Elijah Lewis Dimmock founded a wholesale boot and shoe store in
Alton with James S. Stone. After Stone moved to Boston, Elijah
continued operating the business with Charles W. Dimmock, presumably
a brother. Elijah withdrew from the firm in March 1865, leaving
Charles W. Dimmock and Thomas Dimmock, his son, to operate the
business. Later, Charles moved to Edwardsville, and became the Clerk
of Madison County.
The Elijah Dimmock home, constructed in 1845, was located near the
corner of Broadway and Market Streets. After his death, his son,
Thomas, lived in the home until his death in 1909. The home was then
occupied by Theo B. Dimmock Wead (wife of Jacob Wead and daughter of
Thomas Dimmock). In 1911, Dr. Bull, a dentist, lived in the home. It
was razed in 1915.
Thomas Dimmock, the son of Elijah L. Dimmock, was a noted writer and
speaker. He was deeply interested in the story of Rev. Elijah P.
Lovejoy, and resolved to rescue Lovejoy’s gravesite from obscurity.
Lovejoy had been buried in portion of the Alton City Cemetery where
a road passed over it. Dimmock, along with Scotch Johnson, located
the gravesite, had the bones exhumed, and reburied where they rest
today. He erected a marble scroll stone over the grave.
Funeral/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 7, 1887
The funeral of Mr. E. L. Dimmock was attended yesterday afternoon
from his late residence on Second Street [Broadway], Rev. Dr. Wolff
of the Presbyterian Church officiating. Notwithstanding the
inclement weather, the house of mourning was filled with sorrowing
friends and acquaintances, including a large gathering of the early
residents of the city, associates of the deceased in former days.
Dr. Wolff read passages of scripture fitting the hour and scene, and
commented in tender and sympathetic words on the rounded life and
perfected character of the departed. The services were concluded at
the Alton City Cemetery by Archdeacon Taylor of St. Paul’s Church.
The grave was covered with floral tributes, notable among them being
a magnificent floral pillow from a friend in St. Louis.
DIMMOCK, EMMA W. (nee WEBB)/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 22,
Died on August 13, after a brief illness, in New Jersey, Emma W.,
wife of C. W. Dimmock of Alton, and eldest daughter of Rosana and
the late L. W. Webb, of Baltimore.
DIMMOCK, SARAH LEWIS (nee PHINNEY)/Source: Alton Telegraph,
December 7, 1893
Wife of Elijah Dimmock; Mother of Thomas Dimmock
Friday [December 01] occurred the death of Mrs. Sarah Lewis Dimmock,
widow of the late Elijah L. Dimmock, and mother of Mrs. S. D.
Williams of Alton, and of Mr. Thomas Dimmock of St. Louis. The
venerable lady has, for several years, been laid aside by the
infirmities of increased years. A few days ago, she was taken with
la grippe, but not until yesterday was it supposed that she was in
immediate danger.
Mrs. Dimmock was one of Alton’s oldest citizens, both in point of
years and length of time she has resided here. Those most intimately
acquainted with her speak in high terms of praise of her womanly and
Christian character, and of her abiding constancy and friendship for
her old-time friends. She was a sister of Mr. Charles Phinney and
Mrs. Susan P. Sargent of Alton, and Mrs. James Stone of Boston, who
survive her.
With the passing away of Mrs. Sarah Lewis Phinney Dimmock, widow of
the late Elijah L. Dimmock, another link that bound our community to
the past is severed. One by one the early residents of Alton, who
built their homesteads on the border, are joining the friends and
associates of early days on the silent shore. Mrs. Dimmock came of
one of the prominent New England families that laid the foundation
of the Old Bay State, and like her ancestors, became herself a
pioneer, coming to Alton with her husband in her young womanhood, at
a time when the outposts of civilization were on the banks of the
Mississippi. Born at Falmouth, Massachusetts, in 1807, the 86 years
of her life stretched back to the infancy of the Republic. To read
of the transformations of the Nineteenth century unfolds a wonderful
history, but to have been able to recall these great events as
personal reminiscences was a wide and rich experience. Though living
through stirring times, and amid rapidly shifting scenes, the
“annals of a quiet life” would most fittingly tell her story:
“Better to walk the real unseen, than watch the hour’s event.
Better the ‘Well Done’ at the last, than the air with shouting
Domestic in her tastes, a notable housewife, sharing in her
husband’s responsibilities, caring for her family with sleepless,
unselfish devotion, ministering to the needy and the sorrowing,
loving her church and following closely in the Master’s footsteps,
she so fulfilled the duties of the Christian wife and mother, and so
faithfully performed her part in the social and religious events of
the community, as to symmetrically develop a rounded and beautiful
life. Her home was the center around which her fondest hopes and
activities revolved, and that she made it happy to all who came in
contact with its sweet and pleasant influences, is evidenced in the
tender memories she leaves behind her, and the impress her gracious
womanhood made on the wider lives of the children and relatives who
came within the scope of its pervasive atmosphere. She lives in
those she loved, and when the home circle was broken, she followed
its members with her hopes and prayers in their wanderings beyond
the seas or in scenes of trial and danger. Eight years ago, her
husband was called away after a loving companionship of nearly sixty
years, shadowed at times by domestic griefs, but filled with much of
joy and sweet content. One by one, the friends of the early days,
her associates in the varied duties of a useful life, laid down
their work and she was left among the last of her generation in
Alton. But this sunset side of life was smoothed for her wayward
feet by the devoted, watchful ministrations of a loving daughter,
the proud tenderness of an honored son, and the fond attentions of
others dear to her by ties of kindred and affection. And thus, with
steadfast eyes she waited the outgoing tide that was to bear her to
“the fair country where our hopes abide.”
Sunday afternoon they laid to rest the beloved wife, mother, and
friend, in the quiet cemetery, beside the husband of her youth, and
nearby the friends who loved her in the long ago. At the funeral
service, her pastor, the Rev. Mr. Smith, spoke the words of hope and
consolation which such a life evokes, with thankful remembrance of
her virtues and her faith, basing his words on the verse, “And
David, when he had served his generation by the will of God, fell
Sarah Lewis Dimmock was born in 1807 in Falmouth, Massachusetts. She
married in 1827 to Elijah Lewis Dimmock (1802-1887), and together
they moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1834, and two years later located
in Alton, where they remained the rest of their lives. They had at
least two children – a daughter, Sophronia Dimmock Williams, wife of
Dr. Hezekiah Williams; and a son, Thomas Dimmock (1830-1909), who
was responsible to finding the lost grave of Elijah P. Lovejoy, and
erected a marble scroll in his memory. Another son, Charles Dimmock,
was born in 1851 or 1852, and died at the age of 10 months in 1852.
Her husband, Elijah Dimmock, was born September 15, 1802, in
Barnstable, Massachusetts. After settling in Alton, Elijah engaged
in the wholesale boot and shoe business with Mr. James S. Stone, who
subsequently moved to Boston. Elijah then partnered with Charles W.
Dimmock in the same business, under the firm of E. L. Dimmock & Co.
After retiring from business in 1865, he spent the rest of his life
enjoying home life and a large circle of relatives and friends.
Charles Dimmock (presumably a brother) and his son, Thomas,
continued to operate the business.
The Elijah Dimmock home, constructed in 1845, was located near the
corner of Broadway and Market Street. After his death, his son,
Thomas, lived in the home until his death in 1909. The home was then
occupied by Theo B. Dimmock Wead (wife of Jacob Wead and daughter of
Thomas Dimmock). Dr. Bull, a dentist, lived in the home later. It
was razed in 1915.
DIMMOCK, THOMAS (HON.)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November
19, 1909
The Man Who Rescued Lovejoy's Grave
Thomas Dimmock, aged 79, died Thursday at St. John's hospital in St.
Louis, at 4:30 o'clock, after a long illness. The funeral will be
held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Jacob Wead, in Alton. In the death of Mr. Dimmock there was
closed a life that had been full of interest in public affairs. Mr.
Dimmock was a writer of much note, he had filled editorial positions
on the two St. Louis morning papers, and his views and comments on
current events frequently appeared in the St. Louis papers. He was a
speaker of considerable ability, and his services were frequently
sought for public occasions. Perhaps the most important fact about
Mr. Dimmock's life was his interest in Elijah Parish Lovejoy, which
led him to rescue from oblivion the grave of Lovejoy in the City
Cemetery. It was by him the little marble scroll in the cemetery was
set up over Lovejoy's grave, bearing the inscription in Latin which
translated reads: "Here Lies Lovejoy, Spare now the Dead." The grave
was known to none but "Scotch" Johnson, an old negro who lived in
Alton many years and who helped bury Lovejoy. Mr. Dimmock, through
the aid of Johnson, located the grave. It was a part of the cemetery
where a roadway passed over it and vehicles passing in and out of
the cemetery were going over the unmarked grave. Johnson pointed out
the place, and Mr. Dimmock had the bones exhumed, 27 years after
they had been buried, and he had them reinterred where they are now.
He set up over the grave the marble scroll stone which still marks
it, while a stately and costly monument to the south commemorates
the work and principles of Lovejoy. At the dedication of the
monument, Mr. Dimmock made an address in Temple Theatre. Mr. Dimmock
was the son of Elijah L. Dimmock. He was engaged in business with
his father in Alton before going to St. Louis. The declining years
of Mr. Dimmock were marked with much suffering, and he had been in
very bad condition for several years. The only surviving member of
Mr. Dimmock's family is Mrs. Theo B. Wead, wife of Jacob Wead, of
this city. Mr. Dimmock's services to Abraham Lincoln in 1860 were
esteemed highly both by his party and the President. He also gave
his services freely in 1861 and 1867 to the Union cause and stirred
the patriotism of the people by his eloquent addresses. Mr. Dimmock
was editor of the Alton Democrat during the Civil War.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 20, 1909
The funeral of Thomas Dimmock of St. Louis was held this afternoon
at 2 o'clock from the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jacob Wead, on
Second street, the old Dimmock homestead. There was a large
attendance of friends of Mr. Dimmock from among the older residents
of Alton, and many others came from St. Louis to pay their last
respects to the deceased. The funeral services were conducted by
Rev. George R. Dodson of St. Louis, a Unitarian pastor. The
pallbearers were R. M. Forbes, E. M. Bowman, J. T. Dodge, George
Pfeiffenberger, George M. Ryrie, Carl Wuerker. Burial was in City
DINERO, JASPER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 31, 1919
Jasper Dinero, a boy of 15, was killed and two men, Ben Grezon and
Pietro Bianco, were hurt when an automobile in which they were
riding was struck by a Chicago and Alton train at the Hartford
Crossing. The party were on their way to the tannery, Grezon driving
the car. The accident was witnessed by Mrs. Mamie L. Turpin, station
operator, and she was of the opinion that the men saw the oncoming
train and were racing to get over, but the two men who survived the
accident declared that they did not know the train was approaching.
The automobile was smashed. Dinero, who was killed, is the son of
James Dinero. He was on his way to the tannery to apply for a job
there this morning. Two months ago, at the same crossing, Mary
Vitofsky was killed by a train.
DINGERSON, AUGUST/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 29, 1897
Civil War Veteran - Cavalry
From Fosterburg – Died on Thursday morning, Mr. August Dingerson, at
the age of 56 years. For some time past he has been in poor health;
lung trouble was the cause of his death. He was a man who had many
friends, and in his loss the community looses one of its best
citizens. He leaves to mourn his departure a wife and large family.
He was a faithful member of the German Presbyterian Church. Funeral
services took place at the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Dingerson was an
old veteran, and served in Company L, 3rd Illinois Cavalry. The
G.A.R. Post, of which he was a member, had charge of the service at
the grave.
August Dingerson was born in 1841 in Germany. He married first to W.
Caroline Nagel (1842-1879); and they had the following children:
Maria Josephine Wilhelmine “Mary” Dingerson Herrmann (1867-1927);
John Henry Dingerson (1870-1940); and Emma Dingerson Hunt
(1875-1958). After the death of his first wife in 1879, Mr.
Dingerson married Caroline Kamper (1858-1942). They had the
following children: Walter August Dingerson (1891-1968); Della Rose
Dingerson Golike (1894-1974); Benjamin Edward Dingerson (1895-1918);
and Caroline W. Dingerson (?). August Dingerson was interred in the
Fosterburg Cemetery.
DINGERSON, BENJAMIN E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 5,
First Soldier to Die in WWI from Alton Area
The body of Private Ben Dingerson, of Fosterburg, arrived in Alton
this morning from Camp Sevier, South Carolina, accompanied by a
fellow soldier, Private Reynolds, of Berdan, near Carrolton, Ill.
The body was taken to Jacoby Undertaking parlors and from there will
be to Fosterburg this evening to the home of the mother of the boy,
Mrs. Catherine Dingerson. The funeral will be held on Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Fosterburg Presbyterian Church. The
young man died at Camp Sevier after five hours illness with spinal
meningitis, and a few days after the mother received a letter from
her son telling of his good health. The body was placed in a copper
lined, sealed casket, in order that it could be shipped home. The
young man was well known in this city and his death was received
with great sorrow. Dingerson's death was the first to occur among
the soldiers in the neighborhood of Alton, the nearest point to bear
a loss before being Carrolton.
DINKER, MARY K./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 26, 1892
Yesterday evening, the residence of Mrs. W. A. Dinker, in the
suburbs of Upper Alton, was discovered to be on fire, and a crowd of
neighbors quickly gathered. The kitchen door was burst open by Mr.
H. L. Hartmann, and Miss Mary K., invalid daughter of Mrs. Dinker,
was found unconscious on the floor, where she had apparently fallen
in attempting to escape from the burning house. With the assistance
of Mr. Louis Misgades and others, she was carried to the residence
of Mr. A. H. Hastings nearby, where everything possible was done for
her, but to no purpose, as she expired in about half an hour after
the discovery.
Mrs. Dinker had left her daughter alone temporarily to go to the
bedside of a sick grandchild. She had left a lamp burning low in a
room between that in which was the young lady’s bed, and that in
which she was found. The fire in some way undoubtedly originated
from the lamp. But whether by explosion or in some other way will
never be known. While trying in her fright to escape, the young lady
doubtless fainted where found. The grief and horror of the mother,
when she came on the scene, were heartrending. Deceased was the
third daughter of Mrs. Dinker, and was twenty-five years oa age.
Evening Telegraph, March 15, 1917
Mrs. Mary Dinker died Wednesday night at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Elizabeth Dwyer, 1009 Humboldt Street, after an illness of one
week, from pneumonia and old age weaknesses. Mrs. Dinker was born in
Germany, but came to Alton when a child, and has lived here
continuously the last 65 or 70 years. She was twice married but has
been a widow for _0 years. Her first husband was a Budde, and the
only child of that union was Joseph Budde, who died some time ago at
his home in Foster Township from cancer. She is survived by three
children of the last union - Ex. Police Officer Henry Dinker and
Mrs. Elizabeth Dwyer and Mrs. Emil Ernst. She has many grandchildren
and great-grandchildren also, and hosts of friends to mourn her
passing. She was 88 years of age on her last birthday, but was very
strong and active notwithstanding that, up to a few months ago, when
she began failing. She was a fine neighbor and a very charitable,
kindly disposed woman who numbered as firm friends all who knew her.
The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 9 o'clock from St.
Mary's Church, and burial will be in St. Joseph's Cemetery.
(Submitted by Marsha Ensminger) - Mary Walburga Henkhaus was born
October 9, 1829, in Germany. Her first husband was Joseph Budde; her
second was Herman Dinker.
DIPPOLD, ALBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 30, 1897
From Edwardsville – Albert Dippold, Vice-President of the Farmer’s
Milling Co., was stricken by the pangs of peritonitis Friday
morning, while at work, and died the next evening. He died in
terrible pain, and a post mortem examination held the next morning
revealed the fact that an ulcer had eaten a hole in the wall of his
intestines near the stomach. A widow and eight children survive. The
funeral sermon was preached by Rev. A. Meyer of the Evangelical
Church, and the Masonic Chapter then took charge of the service. The
pallbearers were fellow Masons, and the lodge passed resolutions of
respect on his death.
DITTMAN, DORA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 4, 1914
Mrs. Dora Dittman, aged 62, died at her home, 612 Ridge street,
Sunday night at 9 o'clock from pneumonia. She was a long time
resident of Alton. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow
afternoon from her home, Rev. E. L. Mueller of the German
Evangelical Church officiating.
DIXON, AMSI G./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 2, 1903
Taps Sound for Civil War Veteran
Amsi G. Dixon, aged 91 years 11 months and 8 days, died Monday
morning at the home of his son, Emery Dixon, on Bostwick street in
Upper Alton, after a long illness from Bright's disease. Mr. Dixon
enlisted in the 41st Illinois Infantry during the Civil War and made
a most honorable record. He came to Upper Alton recently to make his
home. At the outbreak of war, Mr. Dixon and three sons enlisted, and
all served their country well. The funeral will be held Wednesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from his late home. Rev. W. H. Bradley will
conduct the services in the Presbyterian church. The G. A. R. will
conduct services at the Upper Alton cemetery.
DIXON, ARTHUR H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 6,
Alton Stone Mason Dies One Week After Death of Daughter
Arthur H. Dixon, one of the best-known stone contractors in the
city, died at his residence, 340 Bluff street, at 5 o'clock this
morning after an illness with pneumonia which began two weeks ago
last Monday. Mr. Dixon's condition was grave a week ago when his
daughter, Mrs. Earl S. Miller was buried. It was feared at the time
that telling him that his daughter had died would be serious for
him, but finally it became necessary to tell the father. The day of
the funeral he was so sick that he could not be out of bed, nor was
it possible to take the body of his daughter to his room. The
expedient was adopted of carrying the casket with the body of Mrs.
Miller in it, into the yard where the father, propped up in bed and
supported by members of the family, could look out the window and
view the face of his dead daughter from a distance. The death of
Mrs. Miller had a bad effect on the father, as his affections were
centered on the daughter, and there is no surprise among his family
or friends that he was unable to battle successfully with the malady
that had fastened its hold on him. Arthur H. Dixon was a stone
operator by trade. He was a skillful stone cutter and many of the
best pieces of carved stone in Alton are products of his handiwork.
He was a man of kindly, gentle disposition, beloved by all who knew
him. It is doubtful that he ever uttered a harsh word to anyone. He
was conscientious in all he did, was deeply religious and a devout
member of the First Methodist Church and of the Men's Bible Class of
that church. He held the deepest respect of all who knew him, and
was regarded as being the soul of honor, and in every way reliable.
The death of her daughter, followed in a week by the death of her
husband, is a sad shock to the surviving mother and wife, and also
to the only son, Allen Dixon. Mr. Dixon was born in Alton March 30,
1858, and lived here all his life. He was married December 8, 1881.
He leaves his wife, and one son, Allen, also two grandchildren. He
leaves one brother, Ralph, and six sisters: Mrs. Thomas Hyndman of
Alton; Mrs. J. M. Pride of Harmen, Mont.; Mrs. C. F. Scott of
Roodhouse, Ill.; Miss Sarah and Mary Dixon of Alton; and Miss Ida
Dixon of Champaign. He was a member of Piasa Lodge, A. F. & A. M.,
was president of the Men's Bible Class of the First Methodist Sunday
school, and was a member of Oakwood Camp, Modern Woodmen. The
funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the
home, and interment will be in Oakwood Cemetery.
DIXON, GERTRUDE M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 2,
The many friends of Miss Gertrude M. Dixon were shocked to learn
that she had died this morning at 6:30 o'clock, after a long illness
with malaria fever, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Dixon Sr., 334 Bluff street. For several weeks her condition had
been considered very dangerous, and her family was alarmed for her
recovery. A few days ago it was reported her condition was somewhat
improved, and it was hoped she would recover and be restored to
health. The past two days her condition became worse, and all hope
of her recovery was abandoned. Death came this morning as her
parents and sisters watched at her bedside, hoping there would be a
change for the better with the coming of morning. Miss Dixon was 23
years of age, and had lived in Alton all her life. She was a
graduate of the Alton High School, and a young woman of unusual
intellectual attainment. She was a handsome young woman, and had a
disposition that made friends wherever she went. She leaves beside
her parents, a family of sisters and a brother, all of whom are well
known in Alton, and will have the deepest sympathy of the community
in their loss. Her illness was not considered serious by herself or
by her family, who fought off the grim truth that her illness had
assumed a very grave condition until she was taken to her bed nearly
two weeks ago. She was unable to be up and around the house until
one week ago last Sunday, when she was compelled to take to her bed.
She never regained strength again, and this morning she passed away
almost before her family realized she was dying. She did not herself
seem to realize death was so near, and the end came peacefully. She
was a consistent Christian, a member of the First Baptist church,
and during her illness she bore all her suffering with the patience
borne of her religion. The funeral will be Sunday afternoon at 2
o'clock, and services will be at the home on Bluff street. [Burial
was in Godfrey Cemetery.]
DIXON, ISABELLA/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 10, 1888
Mrs. Dixon, living on Seventh Street near State, who recently
removed here with her family, and who has been ill for more than a
year, died last night. The funeral took place this afternoon from
Mrs. Reigart’s residence, Seventh Street. Her husband, shortly after
their removal here, was so unfortunate as to break a leg, and has
been confined to the house since that time. The deceased also leaves
five children to mourn her loss. It is one of those sad
dispensations that call for the earnest sympathy and aid of our
citizens, and which will be heartily extended. [Burial was in the
Alton City Cemetery.]
DIXON, JESSE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 16, 1919
Jesse Dixon died Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of his
mother, Mrs. S. E. Dixon, on Bostwick street, after an illness of
two years' duration. He was 44 years and 9 months old. While Mr.
Dixon had been ill a long time, his death was unexpected and word of
his passing is a surprise to members of his family and to his many
friends. Mr. Dixon's case is a remarkable one. He took sick at his
home in Rock Island two years ago where he had been working a long
number of years as an expert machinist in the Illinois State
Arsenal. His trouble appeared to be in the first place a stroke of
paralysis. He was brought to his home in Upper Alton and for months
his case was very serious and hope for his recovery was very slight.
After a long and serious seige, he commenced to improve slowly, but
he never became able to walk. During the past few months, he had
been feeling unusually well. Yesterday afternoon about 3:30 o'clock
he became ill suddenly and his death followed in thirty minutes
after the attack. Deceased is a member of one of the largest, oldest
and best-known families in this section of the city. He is a son of
the late S. E. Dixon, whose death occurred recently. In this family
of ten children his death is the first break in the family. Besides
his mother, he leaves four brothers and five sisters, as follows:
Mrs. E. J. McPhillips of Alton; Amos Dixon of Chicago; Mrs. William
Todd of Alton; Shelby Dixon of Omaha; Mrs. James McPherson of Alton;
Frank Dixon of Rock Island; Al M. Dixon of Des Moines, Iowa; Mrs.
Ernest Hull of Rock Island; Mrs. Carl Welch of Alton. Funeral
arrangements had not been completed this afternoon, as all the
children had not been heard from. A message from Amos Dixon of
Chicago brought word that he would be unable to attend the funeral
of his brother, while another message from Al Dixon of Des Moines
stated he is on the way to Alton.
DIXON, JOSHUA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 6, 1926
Stone Mason Dies - Worked on Alton City Hall
Joshua Dixon, age 85, died May 6, 1929 at his home at 1616 State
Street in Alton. Joshua collapsed at his post as sentinel during a
meeting of the Belvidere Commandry, Knights Templar in the Masonic
Temple in Alton. As a stone cutter, Dixon ranked as an artist rather
than an artisan. He was born in England, January 22, 1841, and came
to America with his parents as a boy of 14 years of age. The family
landed in New Orleans, and traveled by boat up the Mississippi to
St. Louis. After a year in St. Louis, Dixon moved to Alton, which
was his home since 1855. After being fired as a blacksmith's
apprentice, he took up stone cutting. His first work as a stone
mason was on the old Alton City Hall, erected in 1858. After 4 years
as an apprentice, he traveled west, where he worked as a mason on
the great Mormon Temple. He returned home in 1864, and continued his
work as a stone mason. He is buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood
DIXON, RALPH SR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 22,
Ralph Dixon Sr., a well-known stone contractor and builder, and for
some time under Mayor Beall's first administration, inspector of
street paving, died Tuesday about noon at his home on Bluff street
after an illness of eight months duration. He was born in Tunstil,
Harfordshire, England, April 12, 1837, and came to Alton in 1855. He
was married March 17, 1857 in St. Louis, to Miss __ B. Clifford of
North Alton, and together they celebrated their golden wedding
anniversary on St. Patrick’s Day with their children around them. He
was a leading stone contractor for half a century, and operated a
quarry and stone saw mill in Upper Belle street for twenty years or
more. He was a good-hearted, charitable man, and good citizen, and
his employees speak with affection of him and of his treatment of
them. He is survived by his wife and six children: Arthur H. Dixon
the stone contractor; Ralph S. Dixon, former street commissioner;
Mrs. Thomas Hyndman and Misses Sara and Mary Dixon of Alton; Mrs.
Hattie Smith of Rapid City, South Dakota; and Mrs. C. F. Scott of
Roodhouse. All of the children except Mrs. Smith are here. A
brother, former mayor Joshua Dixon of the north side, also survives.
The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
residence, and burial will be in Godfrey Cemetery.
DIXON, SAMUEL EMERY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 18,
Civil War Veteran
Taps sounded about 3 o'clock this morning for Samuel Emery Dixon at
his home, 2708 Bostwick street. Mr. Dixon served four years through
the Civil War and was for many years an active member of the G. A.
R. His illness started from the infirmities of age several months
ago, and his decline was gradual. During the past week the members
of his family who have been at the home with him became aware of the
fact that the father was nearing the end and a few days ago it was
decided to call the members, who were at a distance, home. Of the
ten children, nine arrived before the end came this morning. Mr.
Dixon was born in Plattsburg, Wis., in August 1836, and was 80 years
old last August. Up to a few weeks ago he was still able to get
about and walked around town somewhat. He came to Upper Alton in
1868, and had been a resident of Alton more than fifty years. He was
a carpenter by trade, and he worked in that line many years. There
are many old houses in Upper Alton which Mr. Dixon either had a hand
in building or worked upon them at some time. He was married to Miss
Mary Wright, a daughter of the late Jesse Wright, who survives him,
and to the couple were born ten children, all of whom survive. In
the big family the father's death today is the first break. The
children are Jesse Dixon and Mrs. E. J. McPhillips of Alton; Amos of
Chicago; Mrs. William Todd and Mrs. James McPherson of Alton; Shelby
of Omaha, Neb.; Frank Dixon and Mrs. Ernest Hull of Rock Island; A.
M. Dixon of Camp Quantico, Va.; and Mrs. Carl Welch of Alton. Mr.
Dixon joined the Grand Army of the Republic after the Civil War, and
through all the years since he has been an active member of the
post. He joined the Presbyterian Church during the Biederwolf
meetings in Alton, and was a regular attendant at church until he
was physically disabled. He was a member of the Brotherhood of the
church and took much interest in the affairs of the organization and
of the church in general. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon
at 2:30 o'clock at the home and the services will be conducted by
Rev. W. T. Hanzsche. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery.
DIXON, SARAH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 6, 1911
Mrs. Sarah Dixon, wife of Joshua Dixon, died at 4:30 o'clock this
morning at her residence, 2001 State street, at the age of 55. Mrs.
Dixon's death had been expected for some time. She had been in poor
health seventeen years, but had said little of her suffering. In the
last eighteen months of her life a cancer developed which made her
an invalid most of the time. During her long illness she was given
the most devoted attention of her husband and family of daughters.
Recently one of her daughters was married, the last of the girls,
and she was called home from Owatona, Minn., where she had gone to
teach vocal music, but her mother's condition became so bad her
presence at Alton was required. The wedding took place after her
return. Mrs. Dixon is survived by her husband, Joshua Dixon, the
well known stone mason and lodge man; and four daughters, Mrs. H. A.
Emory of St. Louis, Mrs. Frank A. Vorhees, and Mrs. Abbott Blair of
Alton. She was a native of Godfrey township, and had spent her
entire life in Alton and Godfrey townships. The funeral will be held
at 2:30 p.m. Saturday from the home, and burial will be in the
Oakwood cemetery.
DIXON, SARAH J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 16,
Miss Sarah J. Dixon died at 11:30 o'clock from a combination of
maladies which terminated in a fatal attack of pneumonia. Her death
had been expected for nearly a week. She was born in Alton and had
lived here all her life. Besides her twin sister, Miss Mary Dixon,
she leaves one brother, Ralph Dixon, and four sisters, Mrs. Hattie
Pride, Mrs. Ella Scott, Mrs. Thomas Hyndman, and Miss Ida Dixon.
Miss Dixon had been a most faithful and efficient teacher in the
public schools and she was beloved by all her pupils and the parents
of the children had the utmost confidence in her work in the
schools. She was the friend of everyone in her neighborhood. Among
the children who sat under her teaching in the public schools there
was genuine regret when Miss Dixon was obliged to give up teaching,
and there will be many who will sincerely mourn her death. The
arrival of Miss Mary Dixon from Vero, Fla., is expected tomorrow
morning. She was notified by telegram of the serious condition of
her twin sister, Miss Sarah Dixon, retired school teacher, and since
she was notified, it has been a matter of grave doubt that Miss
Sarah Dixon would live until her sister could get here. The
attachment between the two sisters was very strong, and members of
the family realized that it would be absolutely imperative to get
Miss Mary Dixon back home if possible before the illness of Miss
Sarah Dixon terminated fatally. The sickness of Miss Sarah began
just a few days after Miss Mary departed to be the guest of Mrs. R.
J. Young, where she hoped to recuperate her own worn down health.
For a long time she had been saving up to make the trip and had been
in Florida only a week when she was notified that her sister was
dying and she started back home. A bad case of pneumonia developed
which complicated the nervous breakdown from which Miss Sarah Dixon
was suffering. The retired school teacher had been in bad health
before she took her leave of absence from teaching in the Alton
schools, and she hoped that a year's rest would make it possible for
her to resume her work, but when the year was completed she realized
that her hope had been a vain one. She was deeply interested in her
twin sister, Miss Mary, going to Florida for a stay of several
months to recuperate her strength and health.
DIXON, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 26, 1909
William Dixon, aged 74, died Sunday evening at the home of his son,
Freeman Dixon, 919 Belle street, from general debility. The funeral
will be Tuesday at 10 a.m. He was an old soldier.
DOBBS, MATTHEW/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 9, 1891
From Melville, April 6 – The funeral of Matthew Dobbs of Alton took
place at the Melville Cemetery last Friday morning.
DOBSON, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 24, 1899
George Dobson, formerly a well-known resident of Upper Alton, died
Saturday night at his home, 3857 Windsor Place, St. Louis, after a
painful illness. Sometime ago, Mr. Dobson fell upon the street,
sustaining injuries that proved fatal. Until the Dobson home in
Upper Alton was destroyed by fire, Mr. Dobson and family lived
there. When the home was burned, Mr. dobson went to St. Louis, where
he was connected with the St. Louis Exchange, being a prominent
cotton broker. He leaves a wife and three children – Mrs. A. H.
Smith of Chicago; Mrs. W. H. Bissland and Hugh Dobson of St. Louis.
The funeral will be Tuesday from the family home in St. Louis.
DODGE, GEORGE B. (PROFESSOR)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February
12, 1891
Instructor at Shurtleff College and Wyman Institute Killed by Train
From the Daily of Feb. 7 – Upper Alton is in mourning today. As the
word passed from one to another this morning of the frightful
calamity that had overtaken one of our noblest and best-loved
families, many a heart felt a pang of grief, and many an eye filled
with sympathetic tears.
It appears that the Upper Alton passengers for the two trains
leaving Alton at 7 o’clock this morning, one on the Chicago & Alton,
and the other on the Big Four, were all waiting in the Chicago &
Alton depot on the south side of both tracks, there being no depot
on the other road. The trains came into Upper Alton station abreast,
at the same time. It is supposed that the smoke and steam from the
Big Four train, which Professor Dodge wanted to board, obscured his
view, and he did not observe the near approach of the Chicago &
Alton train. Attempting to cross in front of the Chicago & Alton
train, Professor George B. Dodge was struck and instantly dragged to
his death, the momentum of the train being such that it was carried
upon the slippery rails entirely past the station, thus passing
completely over its victim before it could be stopped. Tender hands
were quick with assistance, but a glance at the mangled form showed
only too plainly that its tenant had fled.
Professor Dodge’s life has been one of constant and tireless work.
Endowed by nature with gifts far above the average, he has been able
to accomplish more than two ordinary men, and has always made a
success of undertakings. His early life was spent in Macoupin
County, his parents having removed to Upper Alton. He graduated from
Shurtleff College in 1857. For twenty-eight years following this
event, he was engaged in educational work in the State Deaf and Dumb
Institute at Jacksonville, in the high school at Centralia, in
Shurtleff College, and in Wyman Institute. His health giving way
under the strain of his schoolroom duties and confinement, he
engaged in the real estate business in St. Louis, where the same
energy that had assured his success as a teacher was turned to
financial profit.
In his church, Professor Dodge was ever an active worker, to be
depended upon in emergency and always ready with quick but accurate
judgment. He has for some years been church treasurer, and was also
a deacon of the Upper Alton Baptist Church.
In the councils of the college, as in his family and church
relations, his loss will be simply irreparable. For twelve years a
teacher, long a member of the Board of Trustees, for years its
treasurer and ex-officio, a member of the executive committee, he
has given much of faithful, painstaking work, and many wise counsels
to the advancement of its interests. His financial ability has been
exerted to the advantage of both church and college for years, and
his loss will be keenly felt by his associates, who have come to
lean upon him in such matters.
Professor Dodge leaves a wife [Mary Lord Kingsbury Dodge
(1843-1925)] and two sons, the elder son a young man of 18 years, is
employed in the office of the Equitable Life Insurance Co., St.
Louis. Mrs. Dodge’s parents, Rev. Dr. S. A. Kingsbury and wife, have
made their home with them for some years past. For this family
circle thus bereaved of its head, every heart feels the kindest
sympathy, while all mourn the loss of a good citizen and a
noble-hearted man.
The Funeral
The Upper Alton Baptist Church was crowded to overflowing Sunday
afternoon by the many persons who claimed George B. Dodge in life as
their friend, and who had come to pay the last tribute to him, now
departed. The remains were taken from the home shortly before two
o’clock, and on the way to the church, the Sunday School class
taught by Mr. Dodge, and composed of thirty-five young men, acted as
an escort. At the church, Rev. Dr. Green led the way into the sacred
dwelling, followed by the remains borne by Messrs. H. E. Mills, H.
L. Griggs, John Leverett, Prof. Charles Fairman, Prof. L. L. Castle,
and Dr. E. C. Lemen. Then came the members of the family, the
members of Mr. Dodge’s Sunday School class, the pupils from Wyman
Institute, the members of Alton Lodge Knights of Honor, and lastly,
the students from Shurtleff College. At the cemetery, a short prayer
was made by Rev. Dr. Kendrick, and a hymn was sung by the choir,
after which Mother Earth claimed all that was mortal of George B.
Dodge. The flowers for the occasion were beautiful and profuse.
[Burial was in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery. Professor Dodge was
born February 27, 1837.]
Veteran of the Civil War; Steamboat Captain
Died December 21, 1930
Captain Dodge was a resident of Alton on and off for 50 years,
living at 326 East Twelfth Street. He was born in St. Louis on July
14, 1845, and spent his early manhood in that city. Later, he
resided in New Orleans for several years. Most of his later life was
passed in Alton.
Captain Dodge enlisted in Company G of the 4th Missouri Volunteers
shortly before his sixteenth birthday in 1861. He served throughout
the entire period of the Civil War, and participated in several of
the great battles of that conflict, including the battles of
Franklin, Nashville, and Chickamauga. In one engagement, he was
severely wounded.
For many years, Captain Dodge was a commercial agent for steamboat
lines, then engaged in railroad work. Possessed of a remarkable
memory and an unusual gift for narration and description, he had a
wonderful fund of stories of wartime events and incidents of
steamboating days before the growth of rail transportation put the
packets into decline. He joined the Ranson Post, St. Louis, of the
Grand Army of the Republic. He was one of the last dozen survivors.
Memorial Day to him was the great day of the year. He joined with
the Alton post for its ritual of laying flowers on the graves in
Alton City Cemetery. He could not go to battle in world War I due to
his age, but sought work on munitions at Western Cartridge Co, and
was accepted for work, which he followed for almost a year. In his
declining years, Captain Dodge had the devoted care of his niece,
Mrs. Jessie Sargent McNiece. He also leaves a sister, Mrs. Lucy
Hardy of St. Louis.
Captain Dodge married Margaret A. Wauch in 1868, and she died in
1872. He then married Mary L. Sargent in 1875. She died in 1922. The
Captain was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
DOBBS, M./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 9, 1891
Mr. M. Dobbs died Thursday morning at the residence of Mr. John
Jondrow, on Wharf Street. Mr. Dobbs was 43 years of age, and was
employed as a mail carrier between Alton and North Alton for a
number of years, and is well known in this vicinity. He was taken
sick with “La Grippe” about two weeks ago, which ended fatally this
morning. Several sisters and an aged father, none of whom he has
heard from in several years, reside elsewhere.
DODGE, MARIAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 6, 1884
Mr. and Mrs. Almon P. Dodge are grievously afflicted in the loss of
their little daughter, Marian, aged nearly five years, a bright and
beautiful child, the idol of her parents. The sad event took place
on Monday after a brief illness. The bereaved parents have the
sympathy of all.
DODGE, MARION C. (nee HOWARD)/Source: Alton Telegraph, November
18, 1897
Marion C. Dodge (nee Howard) was born in Elna, New York, May 29,
1842, where she spent the greater portion of her life. She was
married to Oliver Dodge in 1860. She was the mother of eight
children – four sons and four daughters – all of whom survive her
but one, the eldest son, who died in 1888. She was converted and
joined the Methodist Episcopal Church in her native town. Bringing
her letter with her to Illinois, she placed it with the Upper Alton
M. E. Church, remaining a faithful member of the same till death.
She came to Illinois in 1888, where she has since resided. She was a
trained nurse, and endeared herself to many by her helpfulness in
time of sickness. She will be greatly missed by the suffering in
Upper Alton. She was a devoted mother and looked well to the
interest of her household. She practically offered herself a willing
sacrifice upon the altar of her family, and her children rise up and
call her blessed.
She was taken ill in April with a fatal malady, and had no hope of
recovery from the first. During her sickness, it was the privilege
of the writer to visit her frequently and talk with her. She said
she had lived in all good conscience, and had no fear of death.
“That she knew in what she had believed, and was persuaded that He
is able to keep that which she had committed unto Him, against that
day.” She also said that her work was finished, and she rather
wished to go. She peacefully passed away at her home in Upper Alton,
November 15. Signed J. L. Wylder.
The funeral of Mrs. Dodge took place from the M. E. Church, Upper
Alton, Wednesday, conducted by Rev. J. L. Wylder, assisted by Rev.
G. W. Waggoner. Burial was in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.
DODGE, MARY SARGENT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 19,
Mrs. Mary Sargent Dodge, wife of Capt. J. T. Dodge, died Sunday
afternoon at 5 o'clock at the family home on Twelfth street, aged
75. She had been in bad health for three years and the past three
months had been bedfast. The end came after a sudden change for the
worse. All day Sunday it was known that the end could not be far
off, and toward the end of the afternoon she dropped away into her
last long sleep. Mrs. Dodge had spent all of her life in Alton. She
belonged to one of the old time families here, and resided in her
early days on the very site where the Alton Telegraph office
located. It was in that house she was married to Captain Dodge, who
survives her, and it was in the house around the corner, on
Broadway, the old Dimmock home, they spent the first three months of
their honeymoon. The couple were married in Alton 47 years ago.
After the Civil War, in which Capt. Dodge served, he was employed by
a company which had acquired the Mitchell interests in the steamboat
lines at Alton and they sent him to Alton to take charge here, and
it was following his return to Alton that the couple were married.
They spent practically all of their time here. Capt. and Mrs. Dodge
resided with her mother, Mrs. B. F. Sargent, on Twelfth street,
until the death of Mrs. Sargent, and since then had continued to
reside there. The couple had no children, but Mrs. Dodge was as a
mother to Mrs. Jessie McNiece of St. Louis, nee Jessie Sargent, who
has been devoting much time to attending her aunt and foster mother,
Mrs.. Dodge, during her long illness. Mrs. Dodge was a faithful
member of the First Presbyterian church since girlhood. She was
generally beloved by those who lived near her and those who knew her
best, and her death is the cause of sadness to a large circle of
friends who had loved her many years. The funeral will be Tuesday
afternoon at 4 o'clock from the family home, and interment will be
in City Cemetery.
DODGE, NANCY/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 4, 1851
Died on Monday morning last in Upper Alton, after a long and
distressing illness, Mrs. Nancy Dodge, wife of D. S. Dodge, Esq.,
aged 67. The deceased was a pious woman, and died happy in the hope
of a blessed immortality. An afflicted husband, six children, and
many friends deplore her loss.
DODGE, WALTER WAUGH/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 31,
Son of Steamboat Captain Joseph True Dodge
The death of Walter W. Dodge, son of Captain Joseph True Dodge,
which took place yesterday at the residence of his grandmother in
St. Louis, brings sadness to many hearts. A brighter, happier, more
lovable character than his we have never known, nor one more
promising of a fruition of usefulness and honor. His nature was
purely unselfish and noble. From earnest boyhood, he was manly,
independent, and helpful. Enjoying life to the utmost, he was ever
cheerful and joyous, and yet so tenderly sympathetic and thoughtful,
so devoted to his relatives and friends that he won for himself an
affection the depth and strength of which was hardly realized even
by those to whom he was most dear. He was but eighteen years old
last Spring. A short space of life, and yet it had garnered more of
the real riches of existence than do the most of those who reach
their three score years and ten. For after all the done and said,
only that life is rich and rounded which has lost itself in its
interest in others. It is such lives that make the world better,
and, alas, it is such lives that leave the greatest void when they
go hence.
A few months ago, Walter developed symptoms of consumption; the
dread disease made rapid progress despite the best of medical aid,
reinforced by tenderest care and watchful solicitude. A few weeks
spent in Minnesota seemed to give him strength and encouraged hopes
of recovery, but after his return he made no further progress. A
week ago Saturday, he went to St. Louis for a visit, and that night
was taken with hemorrhage. The sudden culmination of the disease was
unlooked for, and after a week of prostration, he sank quietly to
rest. True to his nature, he was brave and patient in sickness,
thinking more of others than of himself, and anxious only to spare
them trouble and care. His amiable and engaging qualities beamed
even more brightly in hours of weakness and suffering than in the
days of health and gladness. His life was brief only in years, for
it will live on, even here, in the tender memories gathering round
it, and in the impress of its pervasive influence on the lives of
Walter Dodge was born March 21, 1869 in Missouri. He was the son of
Captain Joseph True Dodge (1845-1930) and Margaret A. Waugh Dodge
(1847-1872). Following the death of Margaret in 1872, Captain Dodge
married again in 1875 to Mary L. Sargent (1846-1922). Captain Dodge
enlisted in Company G of the 4th Missouri Volunteers shortly before
his sixteenth birthday in 1861. He served throughout the entire
period of the Civil War, and participated in several of the great
battles of that conflict, including the battles of Franklin,
Nashville, and Chickamauga. In one engagement, he was severely
Captain Dodge was a resident of Alton on and off for 50 years,
living at 326 East Twelfth Street. He was born in St. Louis on July
14, 1845, and spent his early manhood in that city. Later, he
resided in New Orleans for several years. Most of his later life was
passed in Alton. For many years, Captain Dodge was a commercial
agent for steamboat lines, then engaged in railroad work. Possessed
of a remarkable memory and an unusual gift for narration and
description, he had a wonderful fund of stories of wartime events
and incidents of steamboating days before the growth of rail
transportation put the packets into decline. He joined the Ranson
Post, St. Louis, of the Grand Army of the Republic. He was one of
the last dozen survivors. Memorial Day to him was the great day of
the year. He joined with the Alton post for its ritual of laying
flowers on the graves in Alton City Cemetery. He could not go to
battle in world War I due to his age, but sought work on munitions
at Western Cartridge Co, and was accepted for work, which he
followed for almost a year. In his declining years, Captain Dodge
had the devoted care of his niece, Mrs. Jessie Sargent McNiece. He
also leaves a sister, Mrs. Lucy Hardy of St. Louis.
Captain Dodge married Margaret A. Waugh in 1868, and she died in
1872. They had at least one child – Walter Waugh Dodge. He then
married Mary L. Sargent in 1875. She died in 1922. Captain and
Walter Dodge were buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
DODSON, CORINNE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 14,
Miss Corinne Dodson, aged 27 years, died Monday afternoon at the
family home at Third and Langdon Street. Miss Dodson was taken ill
two weeks ago, and previous to her illness had applied for insurance
in an insurance company having a local agency. The policy was taken
to the home Monday, as she was breathing her last, and the insurance
company’s representative declined to give up the policy. The funeral
will be Wednesday morning, and the body will be sent to Plainville
for interment.
DODSON, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 30, 1898
John Dodson, a young man only 23 years of age, died Friday a.m.
after a long illness at his home in North Alton. The young man was
stricken with illness from consumption some time ago, and his death
has been long expected by his family. The funeral was from the
Cathedral Saturday.
DODSON, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 05, 1915
Mrs. Mary Dodson, aged 59, died at her home, 235 Madison Avenue, at
eight o’clock this morning, after a lingering illness of eleven
weeks. A complication of diseases is said to have been the cause of
her death. Mrs. Dodson was born in Alton, and has lived here all her
life. She was very well known over the city, enjoying the friendship
of a large number of citizens. She is survived by three children,
all of whom live in Alton. The funeral will be held on Monday
morning from the Cathedral to the Greenwood Cemetery.
DOEPEL, JULIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 3, 1921
After an illness of but a week's duration, Mrs. Julia Doepel died
Sunday night at 6 o'clock at her home, 321 Alby street, death being
due to old age and complication of diseases. Deceased had made her
home in Alton for a number of years and was held in highest esteem
by a large circle of friends who deeply mourn her passing. She was a
member of the Ladies Aid Society of the Evangelical church, and was
an ardent worker in religious activities. Surviving her are two
sons, Richard of this city, and Paul of Oklahoma. The funeral will
be held on Tuesday morning with services at the Evangelical church
at 11 o'clock, followed by interment in the City cemetery.
DOEPKE, EDWARD J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 3, 1919
Funeral services for Edward J. Doepke, whose death occurred
Wednesday at his home at 1814 Alby street, will be held Friday
morning at 8 o'clock from SS Peter and Paul's Cathedral. The burial
will be in Greenwood cemetery.
DOEPKE, EDWARD L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 14, 1915
Edward L. Doepke, nine months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Doepke,
died at the home, 510 Easton street, last evening from convulsions.
The child had been ill in all about five days. The funeral will be
held at 1:30 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon. It will be private and
the parents have requested that flowers be omitted.
DOEPKE, FREDERICH “FRED” H./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 6, 1889
Mr. Fred Doepke, the well-known merchant tailor, died at his
residence in Alton, Wednesday, after an illness of one week of lung
fever and bronchitis, aged 63 years. Mr. Doepke was an old resident,
having been engaged in the tailoring business here over thirty
years, and had a large circle of friends and acquaintances by whom
he was highly esteemed. He was a native of Germany. He leaves a
widow, Hedwig Doepke, and seven children – Mrs. George Holden of
Alton; Mrs. Henry Hassmann of Alton Junction [East Alton]; Mrs.
Charles Kellermann of Bunker Hill; Misses Tillie, Minnie, and
Bertha, and Mr. Edward Doepke of Alton. Deceased was a member of the
I.O.O.F., the German Benevolent Society, and Harugari Lodge.
DOEPKE, LOUIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 22, 1909
Louis, the 18-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Doepke died at the
family home, 315 Dry street, this morning at 8 o'clock, after a
brief illness resulting from whooping cough and spasms. The funeral
will be held tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock, from SS. Peter and
Paul's Cathedral.
DOERING, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 16, 1896
Mrs. Elizabeth Doering died from heart disease at Edwardsville
Wednesday, aged 57 years. She was formerly a resident of alton, and
leaves three sons – Charles, Joseph, and Peter Doering – all of whom
live here. The funeral took place Friday morning from St. Mary’s
Church in Alton.
DOERING, PETER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 31, 1910
Peter Doering, aged we, a young glassblower, died Tuesday morning at
the home of his brother, Charles Doering, 1126 east Sixth street,
after a long illness with lung troubles. The funeral will be held
Thursday morning from St. Patrick's church, and burial will be in
St. Joseph's cemetery. The young man belonged to a well known Alton
family. His father was a school teacher. He had been ill many
months, and his death was expected during the past ten days. He
leaves his wife and two brothers, Charles and Joseph.
DOERR, ESTHER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 1, 1914
Young Girl Kills Herself with Acid - Leaves Sad Note
Setting the parental opinion at naught, valuing her privilege of
attending dances more than life, death seemed preferable to Esther
Doerr rather than stay at home and be cut off from the social life
she craved. Though but 16, the world looked dark and black to her if
she could not participate in the dances she saw her friends
participating in, and there was no hope for her. When her parents
objected to her going to dances, she maintained her determination to
continue as she was doing, and the family ties were so strong that
between the tugging of the attractions of the dance and the powerful
draw of the family home, the girl concluded to solve the question by
ending her life. Miss Esther Doerr, aged 16, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Doerr of 945 Union street, was found dead in bed with a
bottle of carbolic acid beside her at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Winters on Central avenue Monday morning when Mrs. Winters called
her. Dr. Enos, who was summoned, said that the young lady had been
dead for seven or eight hours. At the Winters' home, where Miss
Doerr has been employed for the past month, it was stated this
morning that she had been very industrious, and they had no idea
that she intended to take her life. She returned to the Winters home
at 11 o'clock Sunday evening and retired to her room as usual. A
note addressed to her mother was all that is known about the cause
of the suicide, as it contained a statement that nobody cared for
her and everyone seemed to look down upon her, and that she thought
this was the best way to end it all. The note was found on the
dresser in her room. At the drug store of E. H. Dick, it was stated
the young lady, accompanied by another girl of about the same age,
entered the drug store between seven and eight o'clock Sunday
evening and asked for ten cents worth of carbolic acid, saying she
wanted it for the toothache. The fact that Miss Doerr was
accompanied by another young lady influenced the druggist to sell
her the acid. The druggist said that she seemed very calm and did
not seem in the least bit nervous when he asked her what she desired
the acid for. It was stated today that Miss Doerr had a slight
difference at home. She had been very much attached to her home, and
when her judgment as to what she should do in her unoccupied time
was questioned at home, she resented it. The girl did not go home
Sunday, showing her displeasures in that way, and it is said to have
been the first Sunday she had ever been away from home all day.
People who know her believe that the little difference with her
family so worried her that she came to the conclusion there was
nothing for her to do but end her life, and she did it. Miss Irene
Mitchell, who lives on East Third street, was with Miss Doerr last
evening. The two attended the dance given at Washington Garden by
the Frohsines, and later Miss Mitchell was with her when she
purchased the carbolic acid. Miss Mitchell claims that the Doerr
girl told her she was going to dilute the acid and use it for some
poison on her arms. A number of young men and women who attended the
dance at Washington Garden last evening said that the Doerr girl
seemed to be having a good time during the evening. When she left
the dance pavilion, she bid some of her friends goodbye, telling
them that she might never see them again. They thought she was
merely joking. The body was turned over to Deputy Coroner John
Berner this morning.
DOERR, GROVER C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 21, 1919
Former Fireman and Mechanic Dies
Grover C. Doerr, aged 31, died Sunday night at 11:30 o'clock at his
home, 731 East Fourth street, after an illness that began last
October when he became a victim of the influenza. He never recovered
his health and complications set in which proved fatal. He was a
member of the Alton fire department for over eight years and was one
of the most efficient and best men in the service. He was the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doerr. He was born and reared in Alton. He was
married two- and one-half years ago to Miss Clara Krepel, and beside
his wife he leaves one child. Doerr was an expert motor mechanic,
and had charge of keeping the motor of his fire truck in good
running condition. Out of respect to their deceased co-worker, the
men in all the city fire houses today had their places dressed in
DOERR, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 07, 1898
The funeral of Mrs. Henry Doerr was held Sunday afternoon from the
family home on Garden Street. Rev. M. W. Twing conducted the
services. There was a very large attendance of sympathizing friends
of the family at the funeral, and a long cortege followed the body
to the Alton City Cemetery, where it was laid to rest.
DOERR, JACOB/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 12, 1906
Taps Sound for Mexican War Veteran
Jacob Doerr, one of the oldest and best-known residents of Alton,
died Sunday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock after an illness of only a few
hours, as the result of a sudden, general breaking down of his
strength. Mr. Doerr had been in good health apparently, and was
taken ill Sunday morning. He collapsed completely, and when the
family summoned a physician, it was seen at once that the old
Mexican War soldier was about to obey the signal "taps." He had not
suffered any, and had not been ill. His strength, which was
considered remarkable up to Sunday morning, failed unexpectedly, and
the spark of vitality which a few minutes before had been a steady
flame, flickered a short time and then went out. He had lived in
Alton many years and was a well-known citizen. He was a bricklayer
by trade, and as such he built many of the houses in the city
erected in olden days. His death occurred at his home, 652 east
Third street. He leaves two daughters, Mrs. Joseph Eichhorn and Mrs.
M. Ellem, and 4 sons, Henry, John, Jacob and William Doerr. The
funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family
home, and services will be conducted by Rev. Theodore Oberhellmann.
Mr. Doerr had lived in Alton more than fifty years, and besides his
children he leaves nineteen grandchildren and three
DOERR, GROVER JEROME/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 25, 1922
The funeral of Grover Jerome Doerr, aged three years, was held this
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home of the child's grandparents,
mr. and Mrs. Charles Krepel, on State street, to SS Peter and Paul's
Cathedral. The Rev. M. A. Tarrant officiated at the church and
grave. Interment was in Greenwood Cemetery. The infant was the son
of Grover C. Doerr, a well-known former member of the Alton Fire
Department, who died three years ago. The pallbearers were Carl
Rust, Howard Weiland, Arthur Lippoldt, and Charles Krepel, the last
named being an uncle of the deceased.
DOERR, LENA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 31, 1902
Mrs. Lena Doerr, wife of George Doerr, a prominent business man of
Bethalto, died suddenly Monday morning at the family home after a
short illness from heart disease. She was 49 years old, and had
lived at Bethalto 30 years. She had been suffering from smothering
spells during the last eight years, and this morning at four o'clock
she was breathing heavily when she aroused her daughter, who was
sleeping with her. The daughter called her father and a physician
was sent for, but Mrs. Doerr died before the arrival of the doctor.
She leaves beside her husband, a family of seven sons and one
daughter. Deputy Coroner Streeper held an inquest this morning and
the jury found a verdict of death from heart disease. The funeral
will probably be held in the Bethalto Methodist church Wednesday
afternoon at two o'clock. Burial will be at Bethalto.
LOUISA (nee BAUDENDISTEL)/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 5, 1889
Struck by Locomotive
Mrs. Louisa, wife of John George Doerr, who was injured by being
struck by the locomotive of the “Flyer,” at Spring Street, Sunday,
died last night, aged 29 years, having been unconscious the most of
the time since the accident occurred. In addition to a broken arm
and scalp wounds, she had a terrible bruise just above the hip. She
was a very estimable lady, and left a husband and four children,
besides other relatives and many friends to mourn her tragical
Coroner Bonner impaneled a jury Tuesday, and a most careful and
searching inquiry was made into the cause and manner of the death of
Mrs. Louisa Doerr, who received injuries in the yards of the
Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Co. last Sunday,
from the effects of which she died Monday night. Eighteen witnesses
gave their testimony and were closely questioned by different
members of the jury. The principal object of the inquiries was to
ascertain the rate of speed at which the train was running when the
engine struck the woman, whether or not the proper signals of
warning were given by the engineer, and fireman in charge of the
engine, after they came within the corporate limits and when they
first saw the woman on the track, and whether or not it was possible
to stop the train or in any way to avoid the accident after she was
first seen by the engineer.
The testimony proved that the engineer and fireman had performed
faithfully all the duties of their respective positions, and had
done everything in their power to warn Mrs. Doerr of the approaching
train and to stop their engine when they saw that she was in danger
of being struck. A high board fence on the east side of Spring
Street concealed the woman from the engineer until she had stepped
upon the track, only thirty feet in front of his engine, when she
turned her back to him, facing west, and stood perfectly still. In
regard to the rate of speed at which the train was running at the
time, the testimony was very conflicting. There was no doubt,
however, that the train was running faster than it is allowed to
under the law while within the city limits, as the lowest rate of
speed was twelve miles an hour. The verdict of the jury was in
accordance with the facts as to time, place, and cause of the
accident, and they further found that the train was running faster
than twelve miles an hour at the time of the accident.
Louisa Doerr was born January 6, 1861. She married John George Doerr
(1856-1919). Their children were: John George Doerr (1882-1946);
Charles Joseph Doerr (1883-1965); Unnamed female Doerr (1885-1885);
Albert Jacob Doerr (1886-1951); and Walter William Doerr
(1888-1971). Louisa was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
DOERR, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 8, 1895
The funeral of Mrs. Jacob Doerr will take place tomorrow from Third
Street, between Henry and Ridge Streets.
DOERR, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 23, 1896
From Bethalto – Mr. and Mrs. George Doerr are sadly afflicted in the
loss of their infant son Friday, April 17. The little one was about
thirteen months. The funeral took place at the residence, Rev.
Guthrie of the Baptist Church officiating. The bereaved parents have
the sympathy of all.
DOERSAM, DOLLY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 31, 1919
Mrs. Dolly Doersam, wife of William P. Doersam, died suddenly last
evening at the family home at 1308 East Broadway, after having just
finished her supper. Mrs. Doersam has been in poor health for some
time, and for about three weeks has been under the care of a
physician. The ailment had been pronounced heart trouble. Last
evening after eating supper Mrs. Doersam returned to an adjoining
room and laid down on a bed. In a few moments she called to her
husband, who was still dining, that she did not feel well. Her
husband phoned to their physician, who told him to administer a
stimulant. This he started to do when he concluded to phone the
second time for the physician. The latter came immediately. He had
been in the home but a short time before Mrs. Doersam expired. Mrs.
Doersam was 54 years old and a native of Montreal, Canada. A brother
and sister will live there, and a sister, Mrs. J. Lyle, lives in St.
Louis. Mrs. Doersam had lived in the United States for thirty-five
years and in Alton for three years, where her husband has been
connected with the Springman Lumber Company. The funeral services
will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home. The
burial will be in the City cemetery.
DOHRENDORF, DORA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 31, 1906
Mrs. Dora Dohrendorf died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Minnie
Fretz, 1518 East Third street, a 5 o'clock Tuesday evening. Mrs.
Dohrendorf was 79 years of age, and has resided in Alton for many
years. A funeral service will be held at the home of Mrs. Fretz at
10 o'clock Thursday morning, and the body will then be shipped to
St. Louis on the Flyer, leaving at 12:45. The service at the home
will be in charge of Rev. Theodore Oberhellman.
DOLAN, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 14, 1904
Vaudeville Song & Dance Artist Has Horrible Death
Thomas Dolan, a song and dance artist of the vaudeville stage, was
found dead on the Bluff Line track at Oldenburg. Deputy Coroner
Streeper went down to Oldenburg, held an inquest and brought the
body to Upper Alton. Dolan was accompanied by a man named Thomas
Wilson, who met him at Granite City and cared for him. Dolan was
fined $100 and costs in St. Louis a few days ago and given hours to
leave town. He had been drinking heavily, and at Granite City was
attacked by delirium tremens. Wilson took him on to a farmhouse near
Oldenburg, and there they put up for the night. Wilson cared for
Dolan until 3 in the morning, and then fell asleep. Dolan slipped
out of the house and was found about 6 o'clock on the railroad
track, dead. Wilson says that Dolan's relatives live in Philadelphia
and are wealthy.
DOLANY, CATHERINE M./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 19, 1849
Died in Alton on the 13th inst., Catherine M., infant daughter of
Mr. J. E. Dolany, aged 16 months and 14 days.
DOLBEE, CLARA/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 22, 1841
Died, in this city on Wednesday morning last, after a few days
illness, Clara, infant daughter of S. R. Dolbee, one of the
publishers of this paper.
DOLBEE, FLORENCE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 21, 1913
Miss Florence Dolbee, for many years librarian of the Jennie D.
Hayner public library in Alton, died Friday morning at her home, 417
Belleview avenue, at 6:45 o'clock after an illness of nearly a year.
Miss Dolbee was taken ill very suddenly while on her way home from
down town one evening, and was never in good health again. Her
condition became very much worse about three weeks ago, and it
became apparent that the end was very close at hand. Miss Dolbee was
a member of an old Alton family. Her father, S. R. Dolbee, was a
business man in Alton and at one time was a part owner of the
Telegraph. She had lived all of her life in the city. She was
possessed of the ability that was required to fill the position of
librarian in the public library at Alton, and that post she held
very acceptably to everyone for many years. She is survived by one
brother, Arthur Dolbee, and two sisters, Mrs. C. B. Robland and Miss
Harriet Dolbee, the last named having served as assistant librarian
under her sister for many years. January 11, 1850, and was in her
55th year. She had served as librarian for the public library in
Alton thirty years, having begun her service when the institution
was in the city hall, at the place where the police headquarters now
is. She continued at the post when the new library was erected at
the present place, and she has been very efficient in conducting the
institution. The cause of her death was paralysis.
DOLBEE, FRANK R./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 11, 1889
Mr. Frank R. Dolbee, a native of Alton, son of the late Shadrach R.
Dolbee, a most estimable and highly esteemed gentleman, died at his
home in St. Louis Friday, after a long illness, at the age of 41
years. Mr. Dolbee has been a resident of St. Louis for several
years. He left a wife and two children, besides many other relatives
and a host of friends to mourn his death.
DOLBEE, HANNAH E. [nee PETTENGILL]/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
Tuesday, March 28, 1899
Mrs. Hannah E. Dolbee passed peaceably away at 12:30 o'clock this
morning, at her home on State street. Wednesday, March 8, Mrs.
Dolbee suffered a severe stroke of paralysis, from which she never
rallied, and there has been little or no hope of her recovery
because of her advanced years. For the past week death seemed
imminent, and last evening it was apparent that life would last but
a few hours. Surrounded by all the members of her family, Mrs.
Dolbee died at 12:30 a.m., a quiet and painless ebbing away of life.
Mrs. Dolbee was born in Bath, Me., September 18, 1820. Her maiden
name was Hannah E. Pettengill, daughter of Somers Pettengill and
Hannah Hagen. Her parents were of old Puritan stock, and the
daughter inherited from them many of the excellent traits
characteristic of the early settlers of New England. She came to
Alton in 1850 and in September of that year was married to S. R.
Dolbee, who was then one of the proprietors of the Telegraph. Mrs.
Dolbee has been a resident of Alton since that time, almost fifty
years, and during this period she has earned the highest respect and
esteem of all acquainted with her. Admired and beloved by her
friends, faithful to all her duties, she attained a beautiful old
age, the influence of which was felt by all around her. To her
children the loss cannot be expressed in words, although it has been
realized for several weeks her end was near. She was a faithful
member of the Episcopal church, and a sincere Christian. Five
children survive her: Mrs. H. C. Cole of Chester; Mrs. C. B.
Rohland; Miss Florence Dolbee; William Arthur Dolbee; Miss Harriet
C. Dolbee. The funeral will take place at 2 o'clock Thursday
afternoon from the Episcopal church.
DOLBEE, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 10, 1878
Died in Alton, January 7, 1878, of consumption, after a lingering
illness, Mr. John Dolbee, in the 33rd year of his age.
DOLBEE, MARY CECILIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 7,
Miss Mary Cecilia Dolbee, aged 69, died Saturday morning after a
long illness. Miss Dolbee had been almost helpless for a long time
from paralysis, and a few days ago she suffered another stroke. Her
death had been expected to occur at any time in the past few months.
Miss Dolbee was a member of one of the oldest and most prominent
Alton families. Her father was Shadrach R. Dolbee, who was one of the
proprietors of the Telegraph in its early days, and was a well known
citizen when Alton was young. Miss Dolbee leaves four sisters, Mrs.
C. B. Rohland, Misses Hattie and Florence Dolbee of Alton, Mrs. C.
B. Cole of Chester, and one brother, Arthur Dolbee. She was born in
Alton and had lived in the city all her life. She was in charge of
the home and was a devoted attendant of her mother until Mrs.
Dolbee's death, and she remained in charge of the home until her
health failed her and she became helpless. Miss Dolbee's funeral
will be held at 10:30 Monday morning from St. Paul's church.
DOLBEE, MARY ELIZA/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 8, 1849
Mrs. Dolbee, the amiable consort of the junior publisher of this
paper [Shadrach Rodney Dolbee], departed this life on Friday
evening, after an illness of about fourteen hours from cholera. She
was 32 years, 1 month, and 24 days of age. The deceased was the
daughter of James Parsons, Esq., formerly of Tully, New York, but
had been a resident of this city for eleven years past. Calling the
varied graces of the Christian character with a disposition
naturally amiable and benevolent, she considered the poor and
suffering as her brethren, and many of her indigent neighbors have
been the recipients of her benefactions. Often has the writer of
this feeble tribute known her to expose her health at all times
delicate, in order to administer relief to the destitute, regardless
of the consequences, although sometimes sufficient to ____ the
stoutest heart. This she did, not in her own strength, but in humble
reliance on that Saviour, who has promised to sustain all who trust
in Him. It is about two years since our departed friend united with
the Episcopal Church of Alton, of which she has since remained a
worthy and consistent member, and she experienced in her last hours
the comforts of the religion she professed. Although the summons was
sudden and unexpected, it found her fully prepared, and those who
witnessed the closing scene, will not remember it as one of horror
and dismay. On the contrary, it was evident to all that she was
guided in her passage through the dark valley by One, whose presence
illumined the way, and whose rod and staff supported her at every
step. Although fully sensible of her approaching dissolution, and
grieved to part so soon from a tender husband, and three interesting
young children, yet she willingly resigned them all into the hands
of her faithful Creator, and sweetly fell asleep in the Redeemer
whom she loved, and in whom she believed.
DOLBEE, SHADRACH RODNEY/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 1869
The Alton Telegraph announces the death of Shadrach R. Dolbee, Esq.,
one of the oldest and most respected citizens of that place. He died
on January 16 from hemorrhage of the lungs, in the 56th year of his
age. He was a native of Columbus, Ohio, and at an early age entered
a printing office to learn the trade, under the instruction of Judge
Bailhache. After gaining a knowledge of the business, he, in
connection with a Mr. Gardner, became State printer for that State.
In the meantime, Judge Bailhache, having removed to Alton and
purchased an interest in the Alton Telegraph in 1838, Mr. Dolbee
likewise came to Alton and entered into co-partnership with him in
the publication of that paper. He continued in the printing business
until 1850, when he retired from the establishment and engaged in
the real estate business, in which he acquired a large property. In
former years, we were intimately connected with Mr. Dolbee, and we
ever found him a high-minded business man and an excellent friend.
He died a prominent and most-worthy member of the Protestant
Episcopal Church.
Shadrach R. Dolbee was associated with Judge Bailhache, who was the
Ohio State printer. When Bailhache moved to Alton, Dolbee remained
to close up the business, and arrived in Alton six months before the
Lovejoy tragedy. He then entered in partnership with Bailhache as
proprietors of the Alton Telegraph, from May 1838 to January 1850.
After leaving the Telegraph, Dolbee engaged in the real estate and
insurance business under the firm of Kellenberger & Dolbee. Dolbee
died January 16, 1869. He was twice married, his first wife being
Mary Eliza Parsons Dolbee (1817-1849, left behind three children).
On September 8, 1850, he married Hannah Elizabeth Pettingell
(1820-1899), who was the mother of seven children – Blanche Owen
Dolbee Cole (1851-1910), wife of H. C. Cole of Chester, Illinois;
Alfred Somers Dolbee, who died in in 1853 in infancy; Cora Dolbee
(?-1929), wife of Charles B. Rohland; Florence Dolbee (1850-1913),
chief librarian of the Hayner Memorial Library of Alton since its
founding; William Arthur Dolbee (1860-1926), a business man of
Alton; Clara Dolbee (?-1913); and Harriet Cooper Dolbee (?-1927),
assistant librarian.
Mrs. Hannah Dolbee, their mother, who died at Alton on March 26,
1899, represented one of the oldest families of New England. Richard
Pettingell, the immigrant ancestor, was born in England in 1620, and
was a resident of Salem, Massachusetts before 1641. Matthew, his
son, was born in Massachusetts in 1648, and from him the descent
passes through Matthew (2), Abraham, Richard, to Edward, of
Revolutionary fame. The latter was a native of Maine, and owned a
large estate, now partly covered by the city of Bath, and a portion
of which remained in the family until 1860, Mrs. Dolbee having been
born there in 1820. The Pettingells bought this land in 1661, and a
block house was built upon it for protection against the Indians.
Edward Pettingell married Elizabeth Clark, who was a direct
descendant of the noble Somers family of England. Somers Pettingell,
a son of Edward, was born in 1756, and married a daughter of William
and Rachel Swanton, the former being a Lieutenant in the American
army during the Revolution. Somers (2), a son of Somers Pettingell
(1), was born at Bath, September 16, 1788, and died in 1846. He was
the father of Hannah Elizabeth, who married Mr. Dolbee.
In 1854, Shadrach Dolbee, then an old and highly respected citizen
of Alton, that the Telegraph’s remarks in regard to the intention of
Mr. Lovejoy to cease the publication of his paper, and that he
handed in to the Telegraph, then under the charge of Judge
Bailhache, a card to that effect, were substantially correct. The
person who withdrew the card was the Rev. Mr. Graves, at that time
pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Alton. It was never returned,
and no explanation was ever given. This act of Mr. Graves cost
Lovejoy his life. The Telegraph responded that Dolbee’s testimony
was worth but very little on the subject, for he could not possibly
have known anything personally about the matter, as he did not come
to Alton for several months after the death of Lovejoy. However,
this is no new report, but one which was agitated and left unsettled
at the time the tragedy took place.
DONAHUE, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 13, 1920
The funeral of Joseph, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Donahue, was
held this morning from the family home on Alby street, with
interment in Greenwood cemetery. Rev. M. Costello officiated at the
DONAHUE, KATHERINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 16, 1906
Katherine, the 23 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
Donahue of 200 east Fourth street, died this afternoon after an
illness of one week with dysentery. Mr. Donahue is supervisor for
the C & A. The little child was taken very seriously ill from the
beginning, and the parents had but little hope of recovery.
DONAHUE, MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 30, 1907
Mrs. Margaret Donahue, aged about 65 years, died Friday afternoon at
St. Joseph's hospital after an illness of ten days duration from
stomach troubles. She was brought from her home in Jersey county
near the Godfrey township line about a week ago. Her husband died in
1896 and she leaves no immediate relatives. She was a native of
Ireland and lived in this vicinity thirty-five years. The funeral
will be held Sunday afternoon from St. Patrick's church, and burial
will be in Greenwood Cemetery.
DONAHUE, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 7, 1909
Michael Donahue, a county charge at St. Joseph's hospital, died this
morning after a long illness. He was 78 years of age and had been in
the hospital several years. He had an adopted son who came to see
him twice a year, and seemed to have a strong regard for the old
man, but was unable to take care of him. Since the death of Donahue
it has been found that the address of his foster son is unknown and
he cannot be notified. Undertaker Keiser took charge of the body and
will hold it for a few days.
DONALDSON, LEVI LaFORREST/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 12,
Died on the morning of September 6, in Alton, of consumption, after
a long illness, Levi LaForrest, oldest son of John and Mary
Donaldson; in the 21st year of his age.
DONNELLY, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 5, 1877
James Donnelly, formerly of Alton, who was shot at Brighton on June
24 by Constable Norris of that place, died Sunday morning from the
effects of the wound. The funeral took place this afternoon at the
Cathedral in Alton, and was attended by a large gathering, both from
the town and country.
DONNELLY, KATHERINE (nee KELLY)/Source: Alton Telegraph, December
22, 1898
Mrs. Katherine Donnelly, wife of the late William Donnelly, died
Sunday night at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. Michael Keefe, at
the corner of Twentieth and Piasa Streets. Mrs. Donnelly was born in
the County of Galloway, Ireland, 59 years ago. One brother and one
sister, Mr. John Kelly and Mrs. Margaret Donohue of Chicago, and
three children – Mrs. Michael Keefe and Messrs. Charles and James
Donnelly of Alton – survive her. Mrs. Donnelly’s death was caused by
a paralytic stroke. The funeral took place from the Cathedral
Wednesday morning.
DONNELLY, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 11, 1887
William Donnelly, a former resident here, died at Chester yesterday.
His father went today after the remains, which will be buried here
DONNELLY, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 30, 1893
Mr. William Donnelly, an old citizen, died Saturday afternoon after
a week’s illness of inflammation of the bowels. Mr. Donnelly leaves
a wife and two children.
DONOHUE, PATRICK/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 6, 1867
Murdered in Cold Blood
A cold-blooded murder took place yesterday afternoon about five
o’clock at a saloon on Second Street [Broadway], kept by a man named
McCarthy. The circumstances were as follows:
Two men named Samuel Cabell and Charles Skinner, together with a man
named Patrick Donohue, were sitting at a table engaged in a game of
cards, when an altercation arose, and the “lie” passed between the
parties - Cabell and Skinner, as we understand it, being against
Donohue. Words led to blows, at which point a bystander stepped
between the contestants, but Cabell reached round him with a knife
in his hand, and stabbed Donohue in the heart, being incited,
thereto, by Skinner. Donohue lived but about ten minutes after
receiving the injury. He was a single man, and was employed in Myers
& Drummond’s Tobacco Factory.
Both Cabell and Skinner were at once arrested and locked up. We
understand that previously to this event, they had borne bad
characters. Great excitement was manifested last evening by the
Irish citizens, on learning of the murder. Crowds of them remained
in the vicinity of the jail until a late hour, and threats were made
of summarily avenging the death of Donohoe. Wiser councils, however,
prevailed, and the prisoners were left to take the course of the
law. Their examination takes place tomorrow.
The following was the finding of the Coroner’s Jury:
“We, the jury, summoned by P. F. Regan, Justice of the Peace, to
hold an inquest on the body of Patrick Donohue, do find, from all
evidence adduced before us, that the said Patrick Donohue came to
his death by the stab of a jack knife in the hands of Samuel Cabell.
Signed H. Wissore, Foremen.”
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 13, 1867
The examination of Samuel Cabell and Charles Skinner, before
Justices Quarton and Middleton, on the charge of killing Patrick
Donohue, was concluded last evening. It resulted in the discharge of
Skinner, and the commitment of Cabell to await his trial at the next
term of the Circuit Court, on the charge of murder. Although there
was an intense interest manifested in the trial, there was not the
slightest disturbance from the beginning until the close of the
examination. [Donohue was buried in the Greenwood (St. Patrick's)
Cemetery in Godfrey. He was 21 years of age.)
DONOVAN, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 20, 1885
Mr. John Donovan, a native of Ireland, for 30 years a resident of
Alton, aged about 70 years, was found dead in the cistern on his
premises in the outskirts of town, Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Thomas
Donovan, daughter-in-law of the deceased, first discovered evidences
of the lamentable occurrence by finding a hat floating on the
surface of the water of the cistern. The body was quickly drawn out,
but life was extinct. Coroner Melling held an official inquiry, and
the verdict was death by suicide by drowning, while laboring under
temporary aberration of the mind.
DOOLEY, EMMA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 22, 1916
Mrs. Emma Dooley, wife of William Dooley, died at 9 o'clock this
morning at the family home, 615 East Eighth street, aged 57. She had
been a sufferer for a long time from chronic heart disease, and that
was the cause of her death. She will be taken to St. Louis tomorrow
afternoon for burial and services will be held in St. Louis
Wednesday morning.
DOOLEY, JOHN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 15, 1882
From Collinsville – Collinsville was the scene of a tragedy last
evening. As John Dooley (colored) was riding through the street on a
mule, he was shot and wounded by Nelson Cooper (colored). Dooley
fell to the ground, when Cooper rushed up, placed his gun against
the former’s head, and again fired. Dooley died almost immediately.
Cooper then coolly gave himself up to the city marshal. The cause of
the murder was that Cooper was convinced that his wife had lavished
her affections on Dooley.
DOOLEY, MARGARET/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 22, 1892
Mrs. Margaret Dooley died very suddenly this morning at the
residence of her son-in-law, Mr. John Hargrove, 214 Alton Street.
Mrs. Dooley was born in Ireland, but had been many years a resident
of this city, being the widow of Michael Dooley, who died some seven
or eight years ago. Deceased was about sixty years of age, and
leaves an only child and a sister, Mrs. Herbert, mother of Mrs.
Patrick Kane of 501 East Second Street. The funeral of Mrs. Dooley
will take place from St. Patrick’s Church Monday.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 25, 1892
The funeral of Mrs. Margaret Dooley took place yesterday from the
Cathedral, Rev. Father Spaulding officiating. Interment at the North
Alton cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. Michael Flynn, Thomas
Jones, John Hutton, James Hargrove, Patrick Kane, and John Scully.
DOOLEY, PATRICK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 6, 1901
Patrick Dooley, the watchman at the Piasa street crossing of the
Chicago & Alton, died this morning at his home on Alby street after
an illness with the asthma and bronchitis. Mr. Dooley had been ill
several weeks and recovered sufficiently to be downtown and at his
post of duty. He was taken worse a few days ago, and his illness
became very severe. His death was expected yesterday. He leaves a
wife and two children. The funeral will be Friday morning at 9
o'clock and services will be in the Cathedral. Patrick Dooley was
one of the best known men in Alton. For many years he has been at
his post of duty as crossing watchman and has been most excellent as
a life saver. His well known "look out" will be missed by everyone
downtown, and all who have had occasion to go downtown in the years
he has been on duty. He was an honest and industrious man and had
accumulated a nice competence as the fruits of his labor and
DOOLEY, WILLIAM P./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 1, 1916
Former Policeman, Glassblower Killed By Train
William P. Dooley, one time a policeman and for a time a patrolman
on the Alton force, was killed by a train at the foot of Henry
street Tuesday evening. His body, still warm, was discovered by
Engineer Keefe of the C. & A., who was passing that point. The body
was lying between the Big Four and the C. & A. tracks, the legs
mangled and a contusion on the head showing where the fatal blow had
been given. Dooley was evidently alone at the time he was killed. He
had been taking great interest in the Halloween festivities which
were being planned for the East End, and just before the opening of
the "mardi gras," he had taken a walk down on the river front.
There, he got in the way of some train. It was uncertain which train
struck him, as there were three that had passed between 7 o'clock
and the time the engine went by at the time the body was discovered.
The possessions of Dooley were found strewn along the track, and it
was supposed that a train running east at Henry street struck him.
Mr. Dooley's wife died about four months ago. He had no children. He
possesses considerable property and had been retired since giving up
his place on the police force during the administration of former
Mayor J. C. Faulstich....Another man who saw the body shortly after
it was found is inclined to believe that the heel of one of his
shoes was caught in a frog and he could not extricate it in time to
get to safety. This gentleman says the heel of the shoe shows it had
been in a tight place. The body will be taken to the Eagles' home on
Broadway, and there the services will be held Thursday evening at 8
o'clock, and the body will be sent to St. Louis Friday morning for
DOOLING, CLYDE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 2, 1904
Young Pharmacist Apprentice Dies From Pneumonia
Clyde Dooling, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Dooling, died
Friday morning from a complication of pneumonia and jaundice at the
family home, Ninth and Easton streets, after an illness of ten days.
He would have been eighteen years old next March. The death of Clyde
Dooling has caused a genuine shock to those who knew him well, and a
feeling of profound regret because of the death and sympathy for the
bereaved family pervades the entire circle of acquaintanceship of
the young man. He was a bright, intelligent lad and his affable
manner won for him friends wherever he went. He was an apprentice
pharmacist and had worked at Barth's and subsequently at the Wyss
pharmacy. He was previously engaged as carrier for St. Louis
newspapers and was a very industrious young man. The lad's bright
smile and joviality would have lifted the most profound case of
blues from any person, and now that death has taken him, his
departure has left a sore spot in the hearts of his friends and his
family which time will be long in healing. Ten days ago the lad was
taken ill and went to bed, since which he was in a dangerous
condition at all times. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at
2 o'clock from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral.
DOOLING, EDMOND/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 22, 1883
Mr. Edmond Dooling, late Supervisor of Foster Township, died
February 16 at his residence near Fosterburg after a week’s illness
of pneumonia, at the age of 57 years. Deceased was a native of this
county. He was a man of strict integrity, and had the confidence and
esteem of all who knew him. He left a widow and several children to
mourn his death. The funeral took place from the Cathedral on
Sunday, with a large attendance, both of the citizens of Foster
Township and of Alton. The remains were buried at the North Alton
DOOLING, EDWARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 03, 1897
From Fosterburg – Mr. Edward Dooling, a former resident of
Fosterburg, died in Chicago and was buried at the Catholic Cemetery
at North Alton Monday. Several from Fosterburg attended the funeral.
DOOLING, ELIZA/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 8, 1892
Eliza Dooling, colored, living near Piasa Creek, died Friday
afternoon of cancer of the breast, at the age of 45 years. The
funeral took place Saturday afternoon. Interment at Rocky Fork
DOOLING, EUGENE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 23, 1906
The funeral of Eugene, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dooling, was
held yesterday afternoon from St. Patrick's church and was attended
by many friends and neighbors of the family. Interment was in
Greenwood cemetery.
DOOLING, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 30, 1904
James Dooling, aged 52, died Sunday noon at his home, 1124 east
Fourth street, after an illness of four days with pneumonia. Mr.
Dooling leaves beside his wife, six children and three brothers. The
brothers are Thomas P., Frank and Robert Dooling, the latter two of
Springfield and the former of Alton. Mr. Dooling was born in Madison
county and lived in the county all his life. Nearly all his life was
spent in Alton. He was an expert glass batch-mixer, and had been
employed at the glass works many years. Mr. Dooling was well known
and had many friends in Alton who will sympathize with his family in
their affliction. The pallbearers were William Jackson, William
Hack, Paul Maul, Charles Warner, Phil Kennedy and Frank Kleboldt.
DOOLING, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 24, 1894
A dispatch from Chicago was received in Alton Friday evening,
announcing the death in that city of Mr. William Dooling, formerly
of Alton, and brother of County Superintendent of Schools, J. T.
Dooling. The body was brought to Alton for interment, and the
funeral took place Monday from the Cathedral.
DOPRY, ELIZA/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 30, 1847
Died on last Monday night, Mrs. Eliza, wife of Mr. Robert Dopry of
Upper Alton, aged 27; leaving an afflicted husband, one son, and
many friends and acquaintnaces to mourn her loss.
DORAN, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 2, 1914
Mrs. Mary Doran, aged 75 years, died last night at the home of her
brother, Patrick Maguire, on State street, after a long sickness.
She was brought to the Maguire home from St. Louis by Mr. and Mrs.
Maguire about a year ago, suffering from a sort of paralysis. She
has been tenderly cared for since, but was able to get around a
little most of the time until February 1, when she was compelled to
take to her bed where she remained until death came to her relief.
She was born in Ireland, but came to America when a very small child
and her life has been spent here and in St. Louis. She is survived
by one daughter, who is married and lives in St. Louis. She leaves
many nephews and nieces to mourn her demise. The funeral will be
held from the Cathedral Saturday morning at 9 o'clock and burial
will be in Greenwood Cemetery.
DORAN, UNKNOWN CHILD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July
24, 1901
The 4 months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doran of Belle street
died Tuesday morning from summer complaint. The funeral took place
this morning from the Cathedral to Greenwood cemetery.
DORIN, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 8, 1908
Mrs. Mary Dorin, aged 88 years, died at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Henry Rumpell, at 1:20 o'clock Saturday afternoon. She died
from the infirmities of old age. Mrs. Dorin came to Alton three
years ago to reside with her daughter. She leaves three daughters
and two sons. The funeral arrangements have not been made.
DORMAN, NORA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 22, 1921
Murdered By Husband
With the arrest of Arthur Dorman, 38, a farmhand, and his son, John,
16, at Junction, Illinois, early today, Chief of Police Ray Clark of
Granite City announced that the mystery surrounding the murder of
the woman whose body was found June 16, buried in a shallow grave in
a wheat field near Granite City, had been solved. Dorman and his son
were arrested on warrants charging them with murder. Chief Clark
said that he had established conclusive proof that the body was that
of Mrs. Nora Dorman, 35, wife of Arthur Dorman, and that John Dorman
had informed him after two hours of questioning that his father had
told him of the murder and had sworn him to secrecy. The body had
previously been identified as that of Mrs. Sarah Gilliland, 20, of
East St. Louis, and her husband, Thomas I. Gilliland was arrested
and accused of her murder. He was released from police headquarters
in Granite City last Saturday after his wife had been found alive in
Cincinnati. The Dormans formerly lived in Granite City. Mrs. Dorman
disappeared on the night of June 8, and her husband confided to
friends that he believed she had run away with an admirer. The boy
told the story of his mother's murder after repeated questioning by
the Granite City Chief. He insisted that his mother had gone to
Denver, saying they had received a letter from her. He next admitted
he had not seen the letter, but had been told of it by his father.
He finally broke down and said he knew nothing of a letter, and said
that on the night of June 8 - the night on which the woman
disappeared - his father came home and said he had killed the mother
and buried her in a wheat field near the levee. "He told me he
choked her and hit her on the head with something," the boy told the
chief. "Please do not let him know that I have told you." Dorman, on
Nov. 14 last, was found at his rooming house in Granite City,
suffering from bullet wounds in the shoulder and wrist. He said his
wife's brother had shot him, but the woman asserted she had shot her
husband. She told the police that he was unreasonably jealous, and
had been continually nagging her for the 17 years of their married
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 26, 1921
Arthur Dorman, held by the police of Granite City, yesterday
confessed to Chief of Police Clark that he murdered his wife, Nora,
on the night of June 8, after following her, he said, as she went to
keep a tryst with her lover, an unnamed chauffeur. Dorman told the
chief he became enraged at the sight. He ran at the couple,
screaming curses as he approached the spot where the lovers stood.
The chauffeur fled at his approach, Dorman said, and he was unable
to catch him. Dorman then grabbed his wife, the confession said, and
began to beat and choke her. Dorman said he lost his mind for the
time being and does not remember what he did to his wife. He
realized at the time that she was motionless and he laid her down.
He then returned to his rooming house and secured a spade. He
returned to the body of his wife and dragged her to the spot where
the body was found on June 16 in a shallow grave. Dorman stated that
he dug the grave, placed the body in the excavation and then covered
it with the loose earth. A part of Dorman's written confession
states "Nora was not a real wife to me; she was my wife in name
only. When we came to Granite City I secured work at the St. Louis
Coke and Chemical Works as a mechanic. I received $33 a week. My
boy, John, worked there as a laborer for a time and he was paid $105
a month. His health failed and he quit to take an office job paying
$9 a week. Both John and I brought our money home each week and
turned it over to Nora. She spent the money faster than we could
earn it. I do not know what she did with it. She was always 'broke'
and we were forced to live in one little room in a rooming house. I
cooked most of my own meals and those of the children, John and the
two little girls. Nora was out all the time. I became convinced that
she was giving the money to another man and I watched her and found
that she had a lover named Frank, who is a chauffeur. Nora was this
man's wife in all but name. I supported her and gave her the money,
she gave me nothing but worry. She flung my money to the winds."
Dorman recently was arrested with his son at Junction, Ill, and the
boy, according to police, confessed that his father had told him he
- the father - had murdered the woman whose body was found buried.
The body had at first been identified as that of a Mrs. Gilliland,
who was later found alive in Cincinnati.
[NOTES: Arthur Dorman later repudiated the confession, saying he had
made it under duress. He stated that Roy B. Clark, Chief of Police
in Venice, and two newspaper men took him to the grave site and
threatened to bury him in it unless he confessed the crime. A trial
was held, with Rollie Griffith as Dorman's attorney. Griffith later
became the judge of the Granite City Court. Dorman escaped a murder
conviction, when the state was unable to prove that the body found
was that of Mrs. Nora Dorman. Arthur Dorman finally pled guilty to
manslaughter, and was sentenced to one year to life (depending on
the parole board) in the penitentiary at Menard. I don't have the
date when he was released, but in September 1931, Dorman was
arrested as an alleged bandit in an attempted holdup in Globe,
Arizona. In 1941, he was listed in violation of parole from the
Illinois State Penitentiary. This is all I could find on Arthur
Intelligencer, Wednesday, January 27, 1892
Mrs. Catharine Elizabeth Dornacher died Monday evening [Jan. 25] at
5 o'clock at the residence of her son, Jacob, of old age and an
attack of la grippe. She was 79 years, 7 months and 8 days old. The
funeral took place this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence of
her son. The remains were interred in Woodlawn cemetery. Her husband
died on the 12th inst. He was 82 years, 3 months and 7 days old. She
was born in Bavaria, Germany, June 17, 1812. Her maiden name was
Mooge. She was married August 7, 1836, and came to this country with
her husband in 1864, and has been a resident of this city since.
Eight children were born, of whom two survive, Jacob of this city,
and Catherine Dickmann of St. Louis.
DORNACHER, JACOB SR. and CATHERINE E./Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, January 13, 1892
Jacob Dornacher Sr., an aged and respected citizen, fell a victim to
la grippe yesterday. He took ill Friday, and the disease coupled
with old age caused his death yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. He
was 82 years, 3 months and 7 days old. The funeral will take place
tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock from the residence of his son,
with whom he has been living. The remains will be interred in
Woodlawn cemetery. He was born in Bavaria, on the Rhine, Germany,
October 5, 1809. He was married to Miss Catherine Mooge, August 7,
1836. He was employed for thirty years in a paper mill in the old
country. They came to this country in 1864, settling at
Edwardsville, where they have been continuous residents since. Eight
children were born, of whom two survive, one son and one daughter,
Jacob of this city, and Mrs. Catherine Dickmann, of St. Louis. His
wife, aged 79 years, also survives.
She is suffering from a severe cold and will be unable to attend the
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 28, 1892
From Edwardsville – On January 12, Mr. Jacob Dornacher, aged over 80
years, died, and yesterday his widow, Mrs. Catherine E. Dornacher,
died in her 80th year. For the past several years, this elderly
couple have resided with their son on Kansas Street.
Jakob Dornacher Sr. was born on October 5, 1809, at Frankeneck,
Rheinland-Plfalz, Germany. He married Katherina Elisabeta Moog in
1837, and they had at least two children living. Jakob and Katherina
are buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville.
DORR, HARRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 29, 1893
From Bethalto – Little Harry, the seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Dorr of Sheridan Street, died on Thursday morning last. The
funeral took place on Friday afternoon from the Baptist Church, Rev.
J. B. Webb officiating, and was largely attended.
DORSETT, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 16, 1905
Mrs. Elizabeth Dorsett, aged 92, died at 5 o'clock Monday morning at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clark T. Baker on Court street, from
senile debility. She had been a resident of Alton and a member of
the First Baptist church since she came here from Tennessee 40 years
ago. She leaves four sons, John A. Dorsett of Kansas City; Branson
Dorsett of Jerseyville; Jabez Dorsett of North Alton; Alfred Dorsett
of St. Louis; and one daughter, Mrs. Baker of Alton. The funeral
will be held from the First Baptist church, Tuesday afternoon at 3
DORSETT, PAULINE [nee MAYFORD]/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
February 25, 1902
Mrs. Pauline Dorsett, wife of Will Dorsett, died very suddenly
Monday night at her home, 312 east Sixth street. At the time she was
taken ill she was alone in the house except for the company of the
aged grandmother of her husband. At 9 o'clock Mrs. Dorsett was in
apparently good health and a short time thereafter she complained of
feeling bad. Mrs. Dorsett, the grandmother, summoned the assistance
of neighbors but before help could be given she was dead. Dr.
Taphorn was called and he gave notice that a coroner's inquest was
necessary to determine the cause of the sudden death. Will Dorsett
was away from home at the time and did not known of his wife's
illness until he returned home and found her dead. Deputy Coroner
Streeper was notified and he held an inquest this morning, the jury
finding a verdict of death from rheumatism of the heart. The maiden
name of the dead woman was Mayford, and she belonged to a well-known
North Alton family.
DORSEY, BENJAMIN LAWRENCE/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 26, 1880
From Bethalto – Mr. Benjamin L. Dorsey died at his residence near
Dorsey on August 21. He was buried at Bunker Hill on Sunday. The
remains of his wife, who died a number of years ago, were taken up
from the Locust Grove burying ground on Monday, and re-interred at
Bunker Hill.
Benjamin Lawrence Dorsey was born February 28, 1802, in Kentucky. He
was the son of Edward and Susannah Dorsey. He was married twice,
first to Nancy Booker Dorsey, who died in 1846; and second to
Eleanor North Moale Dorsey, who died in 1895. His children were
Edward H. Dorsey (1832-1898); Martha Matilda Dorsey Jewett
(1834-1893); William B. Dorsey (1835-1897); Albert S. J. Dorsey
(1837-1839); Theadore B. Dorsey (1841-1913); and John William Dorsey
(1844-1905). His first wife’s remains were re-interred in the Bunker
Hill Cemetery, alongside the remains of Benjamin Lawrence Dorsey.
DORSEY, BENJAMIN LAWRENCE/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 20, 1895
A telegram from Mr. Mont. Dorsey, Wednesday, stated that his father,
B. L. Dorsey Sr., died at his residence near Gillespie that morning.
Mr. Dorsey was in his 75th year, and had lived in the vicinity of
Gillespie nearly his entire life. He was widely known as an upright,
progressive, and energetic farmer and stock raiser. In the latter
pursuit, Mr. Dorsey had won fame for the excellent breed of horses
he always raised. He was one of the patriarchs of Macoupin County,
and will be much missed in all the surrounding country. The funeral
will take place tomorrow.
Benjamin Lawrence Dorsey was born on December 14, 1820. He was the
son of Elias Dorsey (1796-1872) and Martha R. Booker Dorsey
(1796-1836). He married in 1843 to Amelia C. Blair (1819-1861).
After her death in 1861, he married in 1864 to Harriet L. Blair
(1833-1897). Mr. Dorsey was buried in the Benld Cemetery, in Benld,
Macoupin County, Illinois.
DORSEY, EDWARD HOBBS/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 14, 1898
Mr. Edward Hobbs Dorsey passed away Sunday morning at his home on
Main Street in Upper Alton. For two years he has been a sufferer
from kidney trouble and dropsy. He was born in Kentucky, March 04,
1837. He came when he was a young child with his father to Illinois,
and settled at Dorsey, where he spent the most of his life. He was
twice married. His wife and four children survive him.
Edward Hobbs Dorsey was born March 04, 1837, in Kentucky. He was the
son of Benjamin Lawrence Dorsey (1802-1880) and Nancy Booker Dorsey
(1811-1846). Edward married in 1858 to Mary E. King (1837-1869). He
married again in 1872 to Ellen H. Houck (1843-1932).
DORSEY, EDWARD JOHNSA/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 21, 1873
Mr. E. J. Dorsey, a prominent citizen of Bethalto, and one of the
old residents of the county, died on Saturday night last, and was
buried on Monday. The deceased was father-in-law of Dr. White of
Edward Dorsey was born in 1816, and was the son of Nimrod and
Matilda Dorsey. He died March 15, 1873, and is buried in the Moro
Cemetery in Madison County. His first wife was Ann Marie Hoxey, who
died in 1850; and his second wife was Anna C. McFarland Cromie, who
died in 1895. He was brother to Samuel Lawrence Dorsey, Susan Sarah
Dorsey, Nimrod Mortimer Dorsey, and Caroline Virginia Dorsey. He had
eight children.
DORSEY, ELIZA A./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 26, 1842
Died, on Sunday last, at the residence of her father-in-law, in this
city, Mrs. Eliza A. Dorsey, wife of Samuel L. Dorsey, in the 25th
year of her age. Universally esteemed and beloved by all who knew
her, the bereavement afflicted not only upon her husband and
motherless children, but upon the entire circle of her acquaintance,
by her sudden departure from among us, is of the most pugnant
nature. She endured her sufferings without a murmur, and yielded up
her spirit in full faith of the Roman Catholic Religion, of which
she was a devoted member.
DORSEY, ELLET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 13, 1899
Ellet, the only child of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Dorsey, died at the home
of his parents on Eleventh Street of congestion of the stomach,
after a two-days illness. Ellet was only 13 years of age. He was a
bright, intelligent boy, the pride of his parents, and admired by
all who knew him. His parents, in this great affliction, will have
the sincere sympathy of their host of friends.
DORSEY, HARRIET L. (nee BLAIR)/Source: Alton Telegraph, September
10, 1896
Messrs. B. L. and E. M. Dorsey received information of the death in
Gillespie Wednesday morning of their stepmother, Mrs. Benjamin
Lawrence Dorsey Sr. Mrs. Dorsey has been suffering from a
complication of diseases, and her death was not unexpected. The
deceased lady was a native of Ohio, being born in Hamilton County,
April 27, 1831, and was, therefore, 65 years of age. She moved with
her parents to Madison County when a child, settling at Dorsey
Station. In the Fall of 1865, she was married to the late Benjamin
Lawrence Dorsey Sr., who died last June. They had no children. The
funeral will take place on Friday from the old home at Gillespie.
[Burial was in the Benld Cemetery, Benld, Illinois. Note: tombstone
shows the year of death as 1897, but this is incorrent.]
DORSEY, HENRY SHREVE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 7,
The death of H. S. Dorsey, president of the Alton Parks Commission,
Sunday night, was a great surprise to his many friends who had been
believing that he was improving and that he had a chance of
recovery. The end came Sunday night at 11 o'clock at his home, 1106
State Street, where he had been sick for eight days. He had returned
home a little more than a week before from a hunting trip up the
Illinois river. He was passionately fond of hunting and fishing, and
at every opportunity when there was any chance for game, he would go
for an outing and would come back with enough to merit for him the
title of one of the most successful sportsmen. The last trip up
river proved a little too much for him and he was quite ill when he
arrived home. His companion on the trip was H. M. Schweppe, the two
men being close friends and constant partners when it came to
outings of the kind they had just enjoyed. The latter part of last
week it was believed that he was getting better, but on Saturday he
seemed worse again, but on Sunday there was more hope of improvement
until late in the afternoon when he began sinking fast. The death of
Mr. Dorsey removes from civic life of Alton a man who was deeply
interested in his home town. He had served with the greatest of
efficiency of the park board and devoted his time freely to looking
after the interest of the parks. In this work he was associated with
his good friend, H. M. Schweppe, who has served on the park board
for many years, and it was he who interested Mr. Dorsey in taking up
the work over four years ago and to accept the post of chairman.
Socially, Mr. Dorsey was in great demand. He had a large number of
friends in Alton as well as elsewhere he had made his home, and by a
large number of his fellow townsmen he will be greatly missed. Henry
Shreve Dorsey was the son of Benjamin L. and Amelia C. Dorsey. He
was born on a farm near Gillespie, Ill., on July 19th, 1844; and was
raised on the farm. He was educated at an Academy in Louisville,
Ky., and at the University of Missouri. Mr. Dorsey was a member of
the Elks lodge. Mr. Dorsey twice married, first to Miss Harriet
Shirley of Staunton, Ill., on May 25th, 1869. Three children survive
him from this marriage. They are H. S. Dorsey Jr., and Mrs. J. R.
Caudrey of Independence, Kas., and Mrs. Austin Welch of Taxarkana,
Ark. Mrs. Dorsey died on October 31st, 1900. Mr. Dorsey has two
brothers and two sisters who also survive him - E. M. Dorsey of
Alton, George B. Dorsey of Columbus, Mo., Mrs. F. W. Edwards and
Miss Amelia Dorsey of Nashville, Ill. On Dec. 25th, 1904, Mr. Dorsey
was married to Miss Edith Whitenack of Terre Haute, Ind., who also
survives him. In the early days of his manhood, Mr. Dorsey was a
farmer; but later he became associated with his brothers in the sale
of a large tract of coal land in the vicinity of Gillespie, where
the town of Benld now stands. He was also associated with his
brothers in a large lumber tract at Texarkana, Ark. Mr. Dorsey was a
communicant of the Episcopal Church and a member of St. Paul's
Parish, Alton. For over forty years he was a vestryman in the
Episcopal Church serving at St. John's Gillespie and at St. Paul's,
Alton. He was a member of the Elks lodge. The funeral will be held
tomorrow. At 8 a.m. a Requiem Eucharist will be celebrated in St.
Pauls Episcopal Church by the Rector, the Rev. F. D. Butler. The
public funeral - the Burial Office of the Episcopal - will be held
in St. Paul's Church at 11 a.m. tomorrow, the Rev. Frederick D.
Butler, officiating. The interment will be held in the cemetery at
Gillespie, Ill., and will be conducted by Mr. Dorsey's rector, Rev.
F. D. Butler. The funeral party will motor to Gillespie following
the service tomorrow morning. It is expected that the party will
arrive in time to have the burial in Gillespie at 2 p.m. Members of
the family request that there be no flowers at the funeral.
DORSEY, LETICIA (nee SMITH)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 13,
The funeral of Mrs. Samuel L. Dorsey took place on Sunday, at the
family residence near Moro.
DORSEY, LETTICIA/Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, January 13, 1876
Died on January 6 at 11 o’clock p.m. near Moro, Mrs. Letticia, wife
of Mr. Samuel L. Dorsey.
DORSEY, MARY ELLA (nee MITCHELL)/Source: Alton Telegraph, August
8, 1889
From Moro, Aug. 6 – On Thursday evening last, death entered our
midst and removed from us Mrs. Ella Dorsey, the beloved wife of Leon
Samuel Dorsey, and Sunday her remains were followed to the grave by
a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends. Her illness
was a lingering one. Mrs. Dorsey was in her twenty-ninth year,
having been bore at Hillsboro, Illinois. She was the only daughter
of Mrs. Mary Brady (Muchmore) Mitchell, who with her husband to whom
she was married November 18, 1885, one brother and a large circle of
relatives survive her. Mrs. Dorsey’s father, Rev. William Luther
Mitchell, died in 1864. Mrs. Dorsey, until a few years ago, was the
picture of health, and possessed of a strong, active constitution,
which held out wonderfully while she was an almost constant
sufferer. What she suffered in body and mind was laid on One able to
bear the burden; her last sickness being borne without a murmur or
complaint. She always expressed herself as being ready to go to meet
her Maker, saying at one time, “I shall be satisfied when I awake
with thy likeness,” and felt that though “weeping may endure for a
night, joy cometh in the morning.” She united with the Moro
Presbyterian Church at the age of twelve years, and was always an
active member in church and Sunday School work. She was for a number
of years organist and a teacher in the Sunday School, and in all the
circles in which she moved will be much missed. The family of the
deceased have the sympathy of many friends in this sad bereavement,
and desire to thank those who so kindly ministered to her who is
gone during her protracted illness. [Burial was in the Moro
DORSEY, MATILDA L./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 27, 1881
From Moro – Mrs. Matilda L. Dorsey, an aged and highly respected
lady, died on January 15, at the residence of her son, Samuel L.
Dorsey. She was in her eighty-seventh year. The funeral was largely
attended, and the bereaved family have the sympathy of their many
DORSEY, NIMROD/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 31, 1849
Namesake of the Community of Dorsey
Died on August 25, 1849, at his residence in Dorsey's Prairie,
Madison County, after a short but severe illness, Nimrod Dorsey,
Esq., in the 61st year of his age. The deceased removed from
Jefferson County, Kentucky to this vicinity in the Spring of 1834,
and was justly esteemed one of our most worthy and estimable
citizens. He has left a much-afflicted widow, four children, several
grand-children and a large circle of relations and friends to
deplore his loss.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 31, 1849
Nimrod Dorsey was born May 30, 1789, in Baltimore County, Maryland.
He was the son of Johnsa Dorsey and Sarah Hammond Dorsey. Nimrod
married his cousin, Matilda Lawrence Dorsey (1794-1880), daughter of
Edward Dorsey and Susannah Lawrence, on June 15, 1809, in Jefferson
County, Kentucky. Their fathers were brothers. Both were
grandchildren of Vachel and Ruth Dorsey. The known children of
Nimrod and Matilda were: Susan Sarah Dorsey; Urath Dorsey; Samuel
Lawrence Dorsey (1814-1893); Edward Johnsa Dorsey (1816-1873); Susan
Sarah Dorsey Hundley (1818-1844); Nimrod Mortimer Dorsey
(1821-1852); and Caroline Virginia Dorsey (1834-1835).
In 1834, the Dorsey family moved to Madison County, Illinois. They
settled in Moro Township on what was later called Dorsey’s Prairie,
and raised eleven children on their farm. When the St. Louis & Terre
Haute Railroad constructed a railroad through the area, they named
their station after the Dorsey family. In time this became the
community of Dorsey, located east of Fosterburg on Seiler Road.
Nimrod Dorsey died on August 25, 1849, on Dorsey’s Prairie. He was
61 years of age. Surviving was his wife, Matilda, and four of his
children. He was buried in the Moro Cemetery. His wife, Matilda
Dorsey, died in 1881, at the age of 87. In later year, William C.
Forman owned the former Nimrod Dorsey farm.
Nimrod Dorsey was born May 30, 1789, in Baltimore County, Maryland.
He was the son of Johnsa Dorsey and Sarah Hammond Dorsey. Nimrod
married his cousin, Matilda Lawrence Dorsey (1794-1880), daughter of
Edward Dorsey and Susannah Lawrence, on June 15, 1809, in Jefferson
County, Kentucky. Their fathers were brothers. Both were
grandchildren of Vachel and Ruth Dorsey. The children of Nimrod and
Matilda were: Susan Sarah Dorsey; Urath Dorsey; Samuel Lawrence
Dorsey (1814-1893); Edward Johnsa Dorsey (1816-1873); Susan Sarah
Dorsey Hundley (1818-1844); Nimrod Mortimer Dorsey (1821-1852); and
Caroline Virginia Dorsey (1834-1835).
In 1834, the Dorsey family moved to Madison County, Illinois. They
settled in Moro Township on what was later called Dorsey’s Prairie,
and raised eleven children on their farm. When the St. Louis & Terre
Haute Railroad constructed a railroad through the area, they named
their station after the Dorsey family. In time this became the
community of Dorsey, located east of Fosterburg on Seiler Road in
Madison County. Nimrod Dorsey died in August 25, 1849, on Dorsey’s
Prairie. He was 61 years of age. Surviving was his wife, Matilda,
and four of his children. He was buried in the Moro Cemetery. His
wife, Matilda Dorsey, died in 1881, at the age of 87.
DORSEY, NIMROD MORTIMER/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 17, 1852
Died in Dorsey’s Prairie on the morning of the 8th inst., Mr. N. M.
Dorsey, aged about 33 years. He leaves a wife and four children to
mourn his loss.
Nimrod Mortimer Dorsey was born February 21, 1821. He was the son of
Nimrod (1789-1849) and Matilda Lawrence (1794-1880) Dorsey. His
married Julia A. West on September 12, 1843, and they had at least
one son – Adam Blair Dorsey (1849-1937). Nimrod’s siblings were:
Samuel Lawrence Dorsey, Edward Johnsa Dorsey, Susan Sarah Dorsey
Hundley, and Caroline Virginia Dorsey. Nimrod is buried in the Moro
DORSEY, SAMUEL LAWRENCE/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer,
September 13, 1893
Samuel L Dorsey, who for three score years had been a resident and
for many years one of the most prominent farmers of Moro Township,
died Wednesday evening last at 7:30 o'clock. He was upwards of 70
years of age.
The funeral, which took place Sunday morning at Moro, was the
largest that has been witnessed there. It was a just tribute of
respect to one who early in the thirties started out in search of a
new home, and who made his way from poverty to comparative
affluence, and died holding the esteem of all who knew him. He had
lived on the farm where he died in Moro Township for sixty years. He
was ambitious to succeed in the pursuits of his choice, and was in
intercourse with his fellow men guided by a noble, generous nature.
He was more than ordinarily benevolent, and in his journey through
life gladdened many of the world's helpless and needy by friendly
offerings and words of cheer.
Although his education was limited to the district school of his
early days by close application to his business and an extended
acquaintance with the ways of the world, he was well posted on
affairs. In every sphere of life men are to be found who deserve to
be distinguished because they force themselves by perseverance and
industry into a position which bespeaks the respect of the community
in which they dwell. It is a duty we owe to the youth of our country
to place before them the lives of those who, by their own energies,
have acquired honorable positions. In order that, encouraged by
their example, they too may become useful citizens. The life of Mr.
Dorsey serves well this purpose.
Samuel Lawrence Dorsey was the oldest of ten children who were born
to Nimrod and Matilda Dorsey who came from Kentucky in 1834 and
located in this county, where until their death they resided, with
the exception of the time that he was warden of the Alton
penitentiary. Nimrod Dorsey died Aug 19, 1849; his wife, Matilda,
died Jan 15, 1881. Samuel L Dorsey was married to Eliza Ann Snowden,
Jan 18, 1836. They built a cabin on the farm, and in the fine large
house in which he breathed his last, the sills of this old cabin of
sixty years ago are still in service, undisturbed from the place
where they were first used. Mrs. Dorsey died March 20, 1842. Of that
union Frank C. Dorsey is the only survivor. He was again married
March 8, 1846 to Letitia Smith, and of their five children, but two,
Smith and Leon are living. Her death occurred Jan 5, 1871. Later, he
was married to Maggie A. Smith, and she, with two sons, Harvey and
Clarence, survive him.
In speaking of Mr. Dorsey personally, it is but just to say that he
had one of those strong vigorous minds, the product of the pioneer
blood of this country. He was a member of the Moro Presbyterian
Church for many years and had long been a ruling elder. Before his
death he made arrangements for his funeral in detail. Thus, has
passed away a man who generous acts had made him widely known and
the memory of whose many sterling qualities had endeared him to an
unusually large circle of friends and acquaintances in the section
where for over a half century his life had been spent.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 14, 1893
From Moro – The funeral of Mr. Samuel L. Dorsey, whose death
occurred on September 6, took place Sunday, and was very largely
attended by friends of the deceased. The services were conducted by
Rev. G. W. Waggoner of Upper Alton. The pallbearers were all
intimate friends of the deceased, and were as follows: Mr. Volney P.
Richmond, William C. Forman, C. T. Bivens, J. C. Bivens, Judge J. G.
Irwin, and Samuel Stahl.
Mr. Dorsey was born in Jefferson County, Kentucky, on February 01,
1814, and came to Illinois early in the 1840s, locating on the farm
where he died, and where he had lived a long and useful life. In
1854, he united with the Moro Presbyterian Church, and was for a
number of years one of its ruling elders. He was a man of integrity
and honor, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. He was a
very hospitable man, and never so well pleased as when he could do
something to please others. He has left a name of which many might
feel proud, and an example many might pattern from. A wife and five
sons survive him, besides a large circle of relatives and friends.
DOTTERWEIGH, MAGDALENA/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 23, 1890
From Edwardsville – Died at her residence near Edwardsville, Mrs.
Magdalena Dotterweigh, aged 65 years and 5 months. The funeral took
place this afternoon.
DOTY, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 6, 1893
Dr. C. B. Rohland has received a letter from Lieutenant Doty,
conveying the sad intelligence of the death of his mother, wife of
Colonel Charles Doty. Her death occurred Sunday evening, June 25, of
heart disease, at Cranberry, North Carolina, where she had gone by
advice of her physician. Mrs. Doty formerly lived in Alton, and made
hosts of friends who will sincerely regret the news of her demise.
She was possessed of many literary attainments and of admirable
womanly qualities that won for her the friendship and esteem of all
with whom she came in contact.
DOUGHERTY, AGNES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 12, 1918
Miss Agnes Dougherty, daughter of Patrick Dougherty, a prominent
farmer of Kemper, Ill., died yesterday afternoon at 3:35 o'clock at
St. Joseph's Hospital from pneumonia. Miss Dougherty was one of the
trained nurses at St. Joseph's and had been engaged in general
nursing. On November 1 she contracted a cold which forced her to
take to her bed a few days later. Pneumonia developed a short time
before she passed away. Her father was with her at the end. Besides
her father, Miss Dougherty, who was 21 years of age, leaves a
sister, who is Sister Eleanor, a nun, teaching at Jerseyville, and
three sisters at home, Misses Julia, Mary and Loretta. The body will
be taken to Jerseyville and buried beside her mother. If the
quarantine regulations permit funeral services, they will be held at
St. Francis Xavier's Church.
DOUGHERTY, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 19, 1883
Mr. Charles Dougherty, a native of Ireland, for more than 30 years a
resident of Alton, died at St. Joseph Hospital last Thursday, after
a few days’ illness, at the age of about 70 years. Deceased had been
connected with the Chicago & Alton Railway in various capacities
ever since the road was finished, and for several years previous to
his last illness, served faithfully as watchman at the Second Street
crossing in Alton. He leaves no immediate relatives, as we are
informed, in this place.
DOUGHERTY, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 10, 1848
Died at his residence in Alton on Wednesday, the 8th inst., James
Dougherty, aged 62(?) years. The friends of the deceased are
respectfully invited to attend the funeral, which will be from his
late residence on Second Street, this day, at 2 o’clock p.m.
DOUGHERTY, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 25, 1890
Joseph Dougherty was drowned Thursday in the pond near Union and
Walnut [Central Ave.] Streets, known as Schenck’s Pond. With a
companion, he went skating, but the ice was not strong enough to
bear his weight, and consequently he broke through and met his
death. The other boy would also have been drowned but for the noble
rescue of Mrs. Stubbs, who lives near the scene of the accident. The
drowned lad was about 9 years old.
DOUGHERTY, LOUIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 12, 1905
Louis Dougherty, aged 27, died Wednesday evening at the home of his
mother, 1318 east Third street, after an illness of over nine months
from consumption. He was a glassblower by trade. He was a son of the
late Robert Dougherty of Alton. The funeral will be held tomorrow
afternoon from the family residence.
DOUGHERTY, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 7, 1904
The funeral of the old soldier, William Dougherty, took place from
the home on East Third street, Sunday afternoon, and services were
conducted by Rev. S. D. McKinney of the Cherry street Baptist
church. Many friends, including G. A. R. and W. R. C. members
attended the obsequies.
DOUGHTY, AARON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 1, 1908
The members of the Alton tinners union, the carpenters union and
others have decided to offer a reward of $50 for the recovery of the
body of Aaron Doughty, the Alton tinner whose clothing was found on
the river bank in St. Louis several days ago, and whose remains are
supposed to be in the Mississippi river. It was said by a carpenter
this afternoon that all of the unions had contributed to the reward
fund of $50.
DOUGHTY, ALVENA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 2, 1907
Mrs. Alvena Doughty, wife of Aaron Doughty, died Thursday evening at
8 o'clock at the family home, 809 Union street, after a long
illness. She was 43 years of age and beside her husband leaves five
children: Misses Florence, Mamie and Harriet, and Julius and George
Doughty. She leaves also three sisters and two brothers living in
Carlinville. Mrs. Doughty was a member of the ladies aid society of
the German Evangelical church. The funeral will be held tomorrow
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the German Evangelical church and
burial will be in City cemetery.
DOUGLAS, ARCH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 5, 1921
Arch Douglas dropped dead this morning at his home in Hillsboro,
according to word received by friends in Alton. Douglas died in his
drug store, a victim of apoplexy. Douglas was a prominent business
man of Hillsboro, and was greatly interested in civic, church and
social life of the place. He was a member of the Board of
Supervisors. About twenty years ago, Douglas graduated from the
Western Military Academy in this city, and came to Alton last June
and presented his son with a diploma. The son spent four years at
the Academy. On commencement day, the senior Douglas sat upon the
platform with other honored visitors. With friends, Douglas has
frequently visited in Alton and was well known.
DOUGLAS, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 29,
Charles Douglas, an eleven-year-old boy who was being temporarily
kept at the Catholic Orphanage on Prospect Street, died very
suddenly Tuesday afternoon after an illness with heart disease. He
had no parents, and leaves only a sister and an aunt at Petersburg,
Illinois. The body will be sent to Petersburg this evening.
DOUGLAS, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 11, 1866
Died at Newcastle Upon Tyne, England, on the 12th of April, 1866,
James Douglas, of Alton, Illinois; aged 68 years. The above will be
painful intelligence to many of our citizens, as Mr. Douglas has
been a resident of Alton for the last ten years, and only a short
time since had left for a visit to the land of his nativity, with a
view of recruiting his health, which had been feeble for some months
previous. The news of his death reached his daughters this morning.
He was a consistent Christian, a kind and devoted father, a
warm-hearted and faithful friend, and his memory will long be
cherished, not only by his children, but by a large circle of
friends and acquaintances.
DOUGLAS, JULIA ANN (nee SMITH)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
February 15, 1922
Mrs. Julia Ann Douglas, 54, wife of R. E. Douglas, died Wednesday
afternoon at 2:40 o'clock at the family home on Smith Avenue in East
Alton, following an illness of several months, from uremic
poisoning. Mrs. Douglas had been up and around until a week ago,
when she was confined to her bed. The deceased was born on September
10, 1867, at Wanda, Ill. On September 11, 1895, she was united in
marriage to Ralph E. Douglas at St. Louis, Mo. The Douglas family
have resided in East Alton for the past twenty five years. For a
number of years she has been an active member of the Baptist Church.
She was the daughter of Upton Smith, a life long resident of Madison
County. Those left to mourn her death are her husband, Ralph E., one
daughter, Jennie, 15 years old, two sisters, Mrs. John VanPreter of
East Alton, and Mrs. Frank Lowe of Upper Alton, two brothers, Frank
Smith of Roxana, and C. Smith of Wood River, besides many other
relatives and friends. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon
at one o'clock prompt, from the Baptist Church, with Rev. William
McIntosh officiating. The body will be taken to the family cemetery
in Wanda for burial.
DOUTHIT, SUSAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 2, 1851
Died on the 24th ult., Mrs. Susan Douthit, wife of Mr. John Douthit
of Upper Alton.
DOW, BESSIE ANNA/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 24, 1884
Mr. and Mrs. John Dow were sadly afflicted Tuesday by the death of
their infant child, Bessie Anna, at the age of 4 months and 22 days.
The funeral took place yesterday afternoon, at the family residence,
corner of Eleventh and Easton Streets.
DOW, BETSEY NEAL/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 26, 1839
Died, in Upper Alton, July 18, Mrs. Betsey Neal Dow, wife of Mr.
Alfred Dow, formerly of Portland, Maine, aged 31. By this
dispensation, Mr. Dow has been bereft of an affectionate wife and
three young children have lost a fond mother, at a period when they
most required her care. A large circle of friends and relatives whom
she left but a few months since at the East, will mourn her early
fate in this land of strangers. It will, however, be gratifying for
them to hear that during her short sickness she received the best of
medical attendance, and the kind attentions not only of a husband
and brother, but of many friends, whose esteem, by her mild virtues,
she had secured during her short acquaintance here, and who now
deeply sympathize with her afflicted relatives in their loss, which
was unquestionably her gain. "That life is long, which answers
life's great end."
DOW, CAROLINE S./Source: Alton Telegraph, Thursday, November 30,
At 9:20 p.m., Monday [November 27], Mrs. Caroline S. Dow, widow of
the late Alfred Dow, died at her home, No. 704 Franklin street, aged
84 years. The immediate cause of her death was a severe fall
Saturday morning by which the femur or thigh bone was fractured. She
has been quite feeble, however, for some time. Deceased was an
estimable lady who has resided for many years in Alton. The funeral
took place at two o'clock Tuesday afternoon from the home on
Franklin street. Services were conducted by Rev. W. M. Backus,
appropriate to the occasion. Friends of the family gathered at the
home and followed to Upper Alton cemetery, where the interment took
place. The pallbearers were Messrs. George R. Hewitt, A. R.
McKinney, E. Marsh, Arthur Kellenberger, T. A. Taylor and E. P.
DOW, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 29, 1921
Pioneer Alton Merchant Dies at Kansas City
Word was received here this morning of the death Tuesday evening in
Kansas City, Mo., of John Dow, who thirty years ago was one of the
leading business men of Alton, and was one of the pioneers of unique
advertising features here. Mr. Dow was 77 years old, and in the
early days of Alton conducted a clothing store at the northeast
corner of Third and Piasa streets. He inaugurated in the city the
use of special sales, adopting unusual advertising methods for them,
and followed many ideas in merchandising which at that time were
rare but have since come into general usage. He was a veteran of the
Civil War, having served in the same regiment with the late Edmond
Beall. Twenty-six years ago Mr. Dow closed his business here and
removed to Kansas City, where he entered the commission business.
For the past two years he has been in poor health, and his condition
has been increasing worse since he was struck by an automobile March
3. Relatives here believe his death was hastened by the accident.
Mr. Dow is survived by his widow, Mrs. Francis Wissore Dow; two
sons, John Dow of San Francisco and William Dow of Kansas City; and
three daughters, Mrs. Emma Goldsby and Mrs. Fanny Goins and Miss
Sadie Dow, all of whom live in Kansas City; and a sister, Mrs.
Fannie Cowling of Alton. The funeral will be held in Kansas City on
DOWNES, ALICE/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 23, 1880
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Downes will receive the sympathies of their
friends and acquaintances on account of the death of their infant
daughter, Alice, which occurred a little before 7 o’clock Thursday
evening (September 16), the child being exactly one year old.
DOWNES, CATHARINE/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 21, 1871
Died on April 15 of heart disease, Mrs. Catharine Downes, wife of
Thomas Downes of Alton.
DOWNES, DELIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 13, 1895
From East Alton – On Wednesday evening, after a lingering illness of
almost three years duration, death came as a happy relief to claim
all that was mortal of Miss Delia Downes. Deceased was in her 24th
year, of a noble, kind and loving disposition. She leaves hosts of
friends and relatives, who will sadly miss her. The funeral took
place Saturday morning at Greenwood Cemetery. The pallbearers were
Sam Miller, Thomas Lynch, John Casselia, J. A. Flynn, J. F.
Shannahan, and John Paddock.
DOWNES, EDMUND P./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 25, 1878
Died in Alton, July 24, at 5 o’clock a.m., Edmund P., son of Patrick
and Bridget Downes, aged 8 months.
DOWNES, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 5, 1904
Young Man Hangs Himself, Grieves Over Father's Death
Edward Downes, aged 24, son of the late Thomas Downes, committed
suicide by hanging himself in a cow barn at the home place, east of
Upper Alton, Sunday noon, because of despondency over the death of
his father. Since the father dropped dead from heart disease one
month ago, the boy had been acting strangely. Sunday noon he left
the home after dinner, and ten minutes later his body was found
suspended by a rope from overhead rafters in the barn. The young man
was quite dead then, and all efforts to resuscitate him were
useless. Deputy Coroner Streeper held an inquest Monday and a
verdict of death by suicide while despondent was found. The young
man was the second son of his parents, and was the favorite of the
father. The funeral was held Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock from St.
Patrick's church.
DOWNES, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 20, 1916
Mrs. Mary Downes, aged 78, for many years a resident of Alton, died
at the home of her brother-in-law, Patrick Downes, yesterday morning
after a lingering illness. Mrs. Downes had been ailing for a number
of years and her death has been expected for some time. She was the
widow of Thomas Downes, who died in Alton over 30 years ago. For
many years Mrs. Downes has been making her home with her
brother-in-law, Patrick Downes, at Fifth and Belle streets. She has
lived in Alton a great many years and had a large circle of friends
here. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock from
the Cathedral to the Greenwood Cemetery.
DOWNES, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 27, 1904
Thomas Downes, one of the oldest and best known residents of Wood
River Township, died last night at 10 o'clock at his home, just
beyond the "Q" station east of town, about 9 o'clock last evening.
Mr. Downes was seized with an attack of heart failure, and his sons
hurried to Upper Alton for medical aid but he died shortly after the
arrival of the physician. Mr. Downs had been in good health up to
the time his heart failed him. He was born in Ireland, but the date
of his birth was not known by him. He came to America 44 years ago
and has lived in this vicinity ever since. He leaves his widow,
three sons and one daughter. Mr. Downes was supposed to be nearly 80
years old. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock. The body will be taken to St. Patrick's church where
services will be held.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 29, 1904
Over a year ago Thomas Downes, a well known farmer living near Upper
Alton, dropped dead at his place. A short time thereafter his son
and namesake [see Edward Downes] committed suicide after long
brooding over the death of his father. The young man was said to be
the favorite of his father, and he mourned so over his father's
death that his mind became dethroned and he killed himself. Now, a
second son of the family has been afflicted similarly and is
confined in St. Joseph's hospital temporarily, where he will be kept
for a few days until the physicians can observe him and determine
whether or not there is any hope. It is believed that the second
son's insanity is due to the series of misfortunes which befell the
family and which have proved to be more than his mind can bear.
DOWNEY, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 6, 1921
Two Men Killed in Ice Plant by Electric Shock
George Downey, aged 55, and Gilbert McMoigle, aged 19, were found
lying dead together in the refrigerating room at the plant of the
Sulivan Coal Co., at Wood River yesterday morning. Marcus Paddock, a
milk man, who had gone to the ice plant early in the morning for
some ice to chill his milk, failing to arouse anyone, looked into
the building and saw the two men lying between a pile of ice and the
dumping machine. Realizing that they must be dead, as the air was
filled with the odor of ammonia, he went for help and called out
Percy Rice, who made an investigation. Mr. Rice, covering his face
with cloth, rushed into the building and dragged both of the men
out, little thinking of the danger he was going into as the electric
wire which had caused the death of the two men was still lying on
the floor. It is supposed that the current, 200 volts, carried on
the line which caused the death of the two men, was made fatal to
them by the fact that the men were standing in a wet place on the
floor, which made a perfect ground. From the appearance of the two
bodies, McMonigle must have been caught first and Downey went to his
assistance. McMonigle was removing cakes of ice from the cans and
had carried an extension cord from the office to the dumping plant
where he was at work. The cord he had laid over some ice and over
the iron cans of the dumping machine and the water soaking through
doubtless started the deadly work of the current. McMonigle was
badly burned. It appeared that Downey, going to help him, had
received the fatal current himself and died. He was found lying at
the feet of the younger man. Manager Rice said that the accident
must have occurred between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m., and it was fully four
hours before the men were found dead. They go to work at 11 o'clock
and eat lunch at 1 o'clock and their lunches had not been touched.
The current had burned out the socket and the lamp and the wire had
been burned in two and was lying on the floor. Manager Rice found
the ice plant machinery idle when he arrived. The men in charge of
the plant being dead it took only a short time for the machinery to
stop. Considerable ammonia escaped before the safety appliance
operated and checked the flow. Mr. Downey lived with his family at
1224 East Broadway. McMongile lived across the street from the place
where he was killed. Manager Rice was inclined to believe that a
bolt of lightning had caused the death of the two men, but that was
no indication of lightning in the place. It is said that where there
is perfect connection such as would be formed by a man being in
water, as these were, a low voltage, such as that on the deadly
wires, would prove fatal.
DOWRY, P. J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 26, 1904
P. J. Dowry, aged 80, who had for years made his living by peddling
peanuts and fruit around Union station, was found dead Saturday
morning in his home on Ninth street, between Piasa and Belle
streets. The old man had been in poor health for some time, and on
Wednesday night was sent to his home very ill. He lived alone, and
no one was with him when he died. Someone visited his place Saturday
morning and found the old man sitting up, dead. Deputy Coroner Bauer
was notified and took charge of the body. Dowry leaves no relatives
so far as is known.
DOYLE, CATHERINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 26, 1915
Mrs. Catherine Doyle, aged 76, died Friday evening at 6 o'clock at
her home, 623 East Sixth street, after an illness of three months
from dropsy. Mrs. Doyle's death occurred less than twelve hours
before the death of the child of a tenant in a house she owned, near
to her own place of residence. Mrs. Doyle had been a resident of
Alton for nearly sixty years. She leaves three children, John,
Walter and Miss Mamie Doyle. The funeral will be Monday morning at 9
o'clock from the St. Patrick's Church.
DOYLE, HANNAH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 15, 1910
One of the oldest residents of Alton was claimed by death last
night, in the person of Mrs. Hannah Doyle, widow of the late John
Doyle, a well-known carpenter-contractor. She died at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. John McGuan, on Belle street, after an illness of
eight weeks. Mrs. Doyle was born in Ireland and came to Alton about
fifty years ago. She was married shortly afterwards to John Doyle,
who died several years ago. She was a kindly disposed, charitable
woman, and many good deeds doing for those in need without
esten___tion, are placed to her credit. She was a good mother, wife
and neighbor, and the sincere sympathy of all who knew her will go
out to those left behind. She leaves three daughters, Mrs. Hannah
Garde of St. Louis; Mrs. John McGuan of Alton; and Mrs. Thomas J.
King of Cincinnatti, Ohio. One son, Thomas, also of Alton, survives.
The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock from the
DOYLE, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 22, 1851
Killed While Excavating for Train Depot
An Irishman named James Doyle, who was one of a party of men engaged
in excavating dirt near the railroad depot, was instantly killed on
Tuesday morning, in consequence of a large mass of earth falling
suddenly upon and crushing him. He leaves no family.
DOYLE, JAMES/Source: Alton Weekly Courier, July 22, 1853
The person put off from the Ben West (steamboat), who had been
wounded in an affray on board, mentioned in yesterday's paper, died
at the Franklin House yesterday morning. His name is James Doyle,
and lived in Galena where his wife and children now are. He was
watchman on the Ben West, aged about 35 years. It was reported that
the murderer jumped overboard, and has not yet been arrested. The
wounded man lay in great pain for several hours before his death;
toward the last, he was more easy, and "shuffled off this mortal
coil" almost unconsciously. The deceased has formerly worked on the
steamer Columbus under Capt. Post, and was then considered an
orderly and sober hand. He was buried yesterday with proper respect.
DOYLE, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 29, 1898
John Doyle, a well-known citizen, died last night at his home on
East Sixth Street. He was born in County Mead, Ireland, over 80
years ago, and came to Alton in 1847. He has lived here since, and
was highly esteemed by all who knew him. He leaves a wife, two sons,
and one daughter. The funeral will be Thursday from St. Patrick’s
DOYLE, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 20, 1899
John Doyle died this morning at the home of Alderman J. C. McGuan,
on Belle Street, after an illness of four weeks with pneumonia, at
the age of 60 years. Mr. Doyle had lived in Alton over 40 years, and
was one of the best-known residents of the city. He was a carpenter
and contractor by trade. He leaves his aged wife and a family of
four children – Mrs. James Garde, Mrs. J. C. McGuan, Mrs. T. J.
King, and Thomas Doyle. Mr. Doyle was a member of the Catholic
Church, and the funeral will be Wednesday from the Cathedral.
DOYLE, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 5, 1896
Mrs. Mary Doyle, an aged lady, relict of Timothy Doyle, died at the
residence of her son, David Doyle, 448 Bluff Street, Wednesday. She
has been seriously ill for several weeks, and her death is mainly
attributable to general debility. Mrs. Doyle was a native of County
Wicklow, Ireland. She has been a resident of Alton more than 30
years. Six children, all of mature years, survive her. The funeral
took place Friday morning from the Cathedral.
DOYLE, MARY H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 12, 1909
Mrs. Mary H. Doyle, aged 80, died Sunday morning at her home, 1017
Main street, from old age. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning
at 9 o'clock from SS Peter and Paul's Cathedral.
DOYLE, PHILIP/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 28, 1915
Philip Doyle, aged 24, died Monday evening at St. Joseph's hospital
from burns he sustained three weeks ago Thursday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Crowe in Alton. The young man was engaged in reading,
using an oil lamp for illuminating purposes. Becoming sleepy, he
leaned forward with his head in his arms on the table, and sometime
near 2 o'clock in the morning he must have overturned the oil lamp.
He was aroused from his sleep by the burning of his clothes and
flesh by the oil from the overturned lamp. He was horribly burned
about the upper part of the body and on his arms, and the flesh was
burned clear to the bone in places, the attending physicians found.
The young man lingered between life and death with apparent chance
of recovery, when the last of last week some very bad complications
began to develop. It became apparent that he was so badly injured it
would be impossible to do anything to save him. As a last resort on
Sunday a surgical operation was performed to protect some arteries
which had been exposed by the falling away of burned flesh.
Hemorrhages and other complications took place and his death
occurred late Monday afternoon. His mother, who had come from
Grafton, was with him much of the time he was in the hospital. Doyle
was working at the Wood River refinery and was boarding in Alton
with his sister. The body was taken from the hospital to the Crowe's
home on East Third street, and tomorrow morning will be shipped to
Grafton for burial.....Mr. Doyle was a member of a large family and
is survived by his aged mother, three brothers - John, Frank and
William; and six sisters - Mrs. William Brower; Mrs. John Gavin;
Mrs. Lizzie Schlemn; Mrs. T. Reed; Mrs. Harry Schaffer; and Mrs.
John Crowe. All members of the family reside in Grafton, with the
exception of Mrs. Crowe, at whose house the fatal accident occurred.
Funeral will be held Thursday.
DOYLE, ROBERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 21, 1917
Robert Doyle, member of the machinists' local union, was found dead
in an old shack near the foot of Alby street on the river front,
about 11 o'clock Tuesday night. Four men found Doyle in an
unconscious condition, and they believed him to be very drunk, about
12 hours earlier, and they had dragged him into the shack, which was
an abandoned place, and left him. That was all they knew about him,
they told the police. They returned there about 11 o'clock Tuesday
night and they found the man dead. They reported the fact to the
police, and the body was taken in charge by the deputy coroner, W.
H. Bauer. At police headquarters the statement was made that
recently Doyle was arrested, and had on his person a very small
pistol, which could hardly be classed as a weapon at all. He was
very drunk when arrested, and it was said by police that he had been
drunk for a long time. He had been working at the Western Cartridge
Co. plant. The finding of the body was made by Charles Johnson,
Frank Craddock, Ed Williams, and Luke Dempsey. Doyle has lived at
Alton for the past few years, but little is known of him. At the
Dick home where he has been staying for the past year, very little
was known of his family. There it was stated that he never referred
to the members of his family, although they were inclined to believe
that he had relatives in Los Angeles, Cal. Doyle has always been a
hard drinking man. He would go off some times for several days and
would not return to his rooming house. He was last seen alive in his
rooming house on last Friday afternoon. He had been drinking heavily
and returned to his home to rest. When he disappeared on Friday
evening, no attention was paid to it as this was his custom. Deputy
Coroner William Bauer made a complete search of his belongings this
morning in an effort to locate some clue to his relatives, but found
none. Doyle has been employed as a machinist at the Western
Cartridge Co. for some time. He has a bonus amounting to $22 coming
to him from that plant, but outside of that he has no property. No
arrangements have been made for the funeral.
DOYLE, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 27, 1908
Old Soldier Dies
Thomas Doyle, an old soldier and former resident of Alton, died at
the Soldier's Home at Quincy last night. He had a daughter in Alton,
a Mrs. Mary Ferguson of Bond street, who died some time ago.
DOYLE, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 15, 1915
Former Alton Policeman
Thomas Doyle, formerly of Alton, was killed while working on the
Northwestern Railroad at Arlington Heights, Wednesday afternoon,
according to word received in Alton last evening. Mrs. J. C. McGuan,
who is a sister of Mr. Doyle, received word last evening of his
death. It is said that after being struck by the train, he barely
had time to tell the men he was working with that he had relatives
in Alton, Illinois, and give their addresses before he died.
Mr. Doyle was very well known in and about Alton. In his younger
days, he was well known in Alton, and during the administration of
Mayor Joesting, he was a member of the Alton police force. Four
years ago, he worked on the joint levee crew in Alton, and from here
he went to Arlington Heights, where he has been since. He was
unmarried, and leaves besides Mrs. McGuan, two other sisters – Mrs.
James Garde of St. Louis, and Mrs. Thomas King of Cincinnati. Mrs.
McGuan and daughter, Julia, left last evening for Chicago, and will
make arrangements at once for bringing the body back to Alton for
burial. It is expected that the body will arrive in Alton early
tomorrow morning, but the funeral arrangements have not been
DOYLE, TIMOTHY/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 25, 1892
Timothy Doyle, one of the oldest residents of Alton, died last
evening at his home, 486 Bluff Street. Deceased was a native of
County Wicklow, Ireland, and has lived in Alton since 1856. Mr.
Doyle was of a kind disposition, and during a life of 91 years was
most highly respected by all who knew him. He leaves a family of
four daughters and two sons, Patrick and David. The funeral will
take place tomorrow morning from the Cathedral.
Telegraph, April 14, 1920
The body of Mrs. James M. Doyle arrived from St. Louis this morning,
attended by a very large company of old friends and relatives. The
funeral party went direct to SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral, where
another large number of old friends had assembled. Mrs. Doyle was a
former resident of Alton and was well known and well liked by those
who knew her. The number who attended the service was a striking
testimonial to the esteem in which she was held. Burial was in
Greenwood Cemetery.
DRAKE, UNKNOWN MAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 19, 1837
A teamster named Drake, in the employment of N. Buckmaster, Esq.,
was almost instantaneously killed near the Market house in this
place [Alton], on the evening of the 11th inst. He was engaged in
driving a load of sand, and while endeavoring to get on his cart, in
front of the wheels, he stumbled backwards, and being run over,
survived only a few moments. The deceased was a single man, and is
said to have been in liquor at the time of the accident.
DRAPER, ALBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 16, 1883
From Upper Alton - Mr. Albert Draper, one of our oldest citizens,
and a man known and respected by the entire community, was stricken
down about seven o’clock Tuesday evening with an apoplectic stroke.
After a brief period of consciousness, he sank rapidly till a little
over an hour from the time he received the stroke when he passed
quietly away.
Mr. Draper was a native of Vermont, where he was born in 1807. He
had been a resident of Upper Alton for twenty years, coming here
from Indiana. During his residence here, he has been a prominent
member of the Baptist Church. He leaves a widow and six children,
one son in Leroy, Missouri, one in Nebraska, one in Arkansas, one in
Colorado, and two daughters in Arkansas.
DRAPER, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 23, 1852
Died on the 14th inst., at the residence of William West near
Alhambra, Elizabeth, consort of John Draper.
DRAPER, GRACE/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 5, 1878
Died in Upper Alton, November 27, 1878, Grace, infant daughter of H.
F. and Sarah B. Draper; aged two weeks and two days.
DRAPER, HERBERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 18, 1916
Boy Drowns at Alton Bridge Approach
Herbert Draper, son of H. C. Draper of 1213 Cherry alley, was
drowned this afternoon shortly before 3 o'clock at the Alton bridge
approach. The boy was swimming with a party of companions when he
sank and did not come up again. The father was summoned and he
started to work at once making a search for the boy's body. The age
of the drowned boy was 9. The boy was in the water with Ray and
Jesse Sanders and could not swim. The body was recovered within
three quarters of an hour after the drowning occurred. [August 21,
1916 - Burial was in City Cemetery]
RACHEL (nee SPARKS)/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 19, 1896
Wife of Albert Draper
From Upper Alton – One of the most respected and honored among the
older residents of Upper Alton passed away Tuesday morning at her
home on Edwards Street, where she lived with her daughter in the
residence of Mrs. D. B. Gillham. Mrs. Draper has been in poor health
for about one year, but her last illness was only since Tuesday
last. From the first attack, her illness seemed fatal, though she
had full consciousness until the end, which came peacefully about
ten o’clock. Her son, B. F. Draper from Arkansas, had been summoned,
and reached the bedside of their mother before she breathed her
last. Mrs. Draper was 83 years old. She came with her husband from
Indiana to Upper Alton in 1864, where she has resided ever since.
Her husband died about thirteen years ago. She, with her husband,
united with the Baptist Church thirty-five years ago, and has
remained a faithful and honored member since that time. About one
year ago, the Draper family had a reunion at the old homestead, and
nearly all the children were present. Since that time, Mrs. Draper
has paid a visit to all the children, returning not many weeks ago.
It is the source of gratitude to the children that the mother was to
be thus permitted to be with them and pleasant recollections as her
noble and beautiful life still remain.
Six children mourn the loss of a devoted mother, as follows: Albert
N. Draper, who resides in Upper Alton; Riley Draper, who lives in
Colorado and who cannot attend the last sad rites of his mother on
account of sickness; Solomon Draper of Kansas, and who is expected
today; Mrs. Rachel Bartlett, who lived with her mother; Mrs. Mary
Divelbiss of Arkansas; and B. F. Draper of Arkansas.
The funeral will be Thursday afternoon from the Baptist Church. The
services will be conducted by pastor C. H. Moscrip, assisted by
Revs. G. W. Waggoner and Justus Bulkley. The interment will be in
the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery, where her husband is buried.
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 26, 1896
A large number of the relatives, friends, and neighbors of the late
Mrs. Draper assembled at the Baptist Church Friday afternoon to pay
respects to the memory of the departed. Dr. J. Bulkley, who has been
a life-long friend of the family, and who preached the funeral
sermon of the husband of the deceased over thirteen years ago,
conducted the services and preached the funeral sermon today. He was
assisted by Rev. C. H. Mosscrip, D.D., and Rev. G. W. Waggoner, both
of whom spoke tender and appropriate words. The pallbearers were
Messrs. H. James, James Worden, John P. Burton, Troy Moore, Bonnell
and Squires. A long funeral cortege followed the remains to the
beautiful Oakwood Cemetery, where they rest beside the husband and
father who has gone before.
Rachel Sparks Draper was born April 15, 1813, in Wilkes County,
North Carolina. She was the daughter of Solomon Sparks (1791-1854)
and Isabella Swaim Sparks (1792-1852), both natives of North
Carolina. Rachel married Albert Draper (1808-1883), and they had the
following children: John Riley Draper (1837-1909); Mary Draper
Divelbiss (1842-1920); William Draper (1843-1848); Solomon Draper
(1845-1909); Benjamin Franklin Draper (1846-1929); Rachel Draper
Bartlett (1849-1915); and Albert Nelson Draper (1855-1929). Mrs.
Draper was buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.
DRAPER, RUTH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 12, 1916
Ruth Draper, 17 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Draper of
1213 East Third street, died at the St. Joseph's Hospital at 1:30
o'clock this morning from the effects of an operation which she
underwent yesterday. The operation was performed yesterday morning
and was of a serious nature. It was believed yesterday afternoon
that she was greatly improved. Last night her condition became
worse. Miss Draper had a large number of friends who will be grieved
to hear of her death. The funeral will be held on Sunday afternoon
from the home on East Third street to the City Cemetery. The
services will be conducted at the home by Rev. D. C. Blunt.
DREISOERNER, CONRAD B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 22,
Ex-Deputy Sheriff Conrad Dreisoerner died this morning at 2 o'clock
at his home on Garden street, Upper Alton, from consumption, with
which he had suffered for several years. The fight of Mr.
Dreisoerner against tuberculosis is an interesting story. Five years
ago he sold out his property on Alby street in Alton, and moved to
Upper Alton, in the hope that the higher altitude might benefit his
health. This, it is believed, probably had something to do with
prolonging his life, members of the family say, but could not stop
the dreadful ravages of the disease. His mother, a sister, and four
brothers all died of the disease, the last brother, Joseph
Dreisoerner, dying ten years ago in Colorado. Mr. Dreisoerner was
born in Aurora fifty-three years ago, and had mostly resided in
Alton. Twenty-nine years ago he married Miss Tillie Butz, who
survives him. He leaves also a son, Henry Dreisoerner, who is now on
of the Alton furniture firm of Sutler and Dreisoerner, on Third
street. Mr. Dreisoerner was deputy sheriff for four years under
Sheriff Holz of Edwardsville, which office he filled to the perfect
satisfaction of everyone. He ran once afterward for sheriff of
Madison county in 1902, but was defeated. He has at different times
engaged in various business enterprises. Before his marriage hr ran
a saw mill, and afterwards entered the wholesale liquor business and
the furniture business, retiring since moving to Upper Alton. The
funeral will be held Monday morning from St. Mary's church in Alton
and the burial will be in St. Joseph's Cemetery.
DREISOERNER, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 20, 1889
Mrs. Elizabeth Dreisoerner, a native of Germany, a resident of Alton
for 29 years, died last evening at the age of 63 years and 8 months,
after a long illness. She left three children to mourn her death –
Miss Lizzie, Messrs. Conrad, and Joseph Dreisoerner.
DREISOERNER, HENRY F. JR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November
22, 1920
Henry F. Dreisoerner Jr., seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Dreisoerner of 1020 Diamond Street, died this morning at seven
o'clock at the family home after a short illness with scarlet fever.
Besides his father and mother, the little one is survived by a small
sister. Burial was in St. Joseph's cemetery.
DRESSLER, HENRY J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 8, 1911
Henry J. Dressler, reputed to be wealthy, and for many years a well
known Alton business man, was found dead in bed Tuesday night in the
building where he made his home, and which he recently sold to B. B.
Stakemiller, on Second between State and William streets. Dressler's
case was brought to the attention of the police some time ago. He
was then suffering in his home, weak and unattended, and although he
had a good-sized bank balance and some valuable real estate, he was
without necessities of life. He seemed to resent any interference
with his condition, and it was only after considerable persuasion he
was prevailed upon to accept the services of an attendant who
carried his meals to him. He was afterward taken care of well. Daisy
Langford, who was looking after him, went to his room to carry his
meals to him as usual, and found the old man dead in bed. He had
been around his quarters the day before, and his sudden death was a
surprise. Mr. Dressler's nephew, J. H. Dressler, came in from
Melville this morning to take charge of the body of his uncle. He is
the only relation Mr. Dressler had, he says, and is the only heir to
Mr. Dressler's property, which is estimated by men who know to be
worth about $12,000. Mr. Dresler was 78 years of age. He was born in
Schleswig, Holstein, Germany and he came to Alton in 1853. He was
engaged in the feed business for many years and was always regarded
as eccentric, although a mild mannered man. He lived alone most of
the time and had few intimates. He slept in a little room in the
building he had owned, and until he was helpless he had no
attendants. Coroner Streeper held an inquest this morning, and a
verdict of death from general debility was found. [Note: burial was
in Melville Cemetery]
DRESSLER, THERESA (nee ROTSCH)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
November 14, 1922
Mrs. Theresa Dressler, widow of J. H. Dressler, died last night at
10:30 o'clock at her home on the Grafton road [Melville]. The death
of Mrs. Dressler followed a long period of illness from complication
of diseases. She had lived in the home where she died for fifty
years, and she was one of the best known residents in that part of
Madison County. She was in her eighty-fifth year. Mrs. Dressler was
born in Brandenberg, Germany, February 1, 1838. She came to this
country when seven years old, and when she was twelve years old, she
moved to Madison County where she spent the rest of her life. Her
maiden name was Rotsch. Mrs. Dressler's husband died nineteen years
ago and since then she has lived with her son, John Dressler. She
leaves beside her son, two grandchildren. Mrs. Dressler was a member
of the Evangelical Church in Alton. The funeral will be held
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and services will be in the
Melville Church, Rev. O. W. Heggemeier officiating. [Editor's note:
See obit of Henry J. Dressler above, who is the father-in-law of
Mrs. Theresa Dressler. Theresa Dressler's husband couldn't have died
nineteen years ago, as he was still alive in 1911.]
DREW, ANNIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 28, 1895
Mrs. Annie Drew, living near the corner of Fourth and State Streets,
died Sunday from typhoid malaria. She was 50 years of age, and
leaves two sons – August and Adam Fischer.
DREW, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 24, 1905
The funeral of Edward Drew was held this morning from the First
Baptist church, where services were conducted by the Rev. M. W.
Twing. Burial was in City Cemetery.
DREW, JENNIE (nee TRIBBLE)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April
15, 1899
From Upper Alton – Mrs. Jennie Drew died at her home in Piasa
Wednesday morning, and will be buried Sunday. Mrs. Drew, whose
maiden name was Jennie Tribble, was raised in Upper Alton, and has a
large number of friends here who will regret to learn of her death.
DREW, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 1, 1906
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Drew, widow of the late Edward Drew, was
held this afternoon from the home at Second and State streets, where
services were conducted by the Rev. Dr. Twing of the First Baptist
church. Burial was in City Cemetery.
DREW, WILLIAM and JANE/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 6, 1890
Man and Wife Die of Illness
The Dark Angel visited a number of homes in Alton last week, but
none were more deeply afflicted than that of Mr. and Mrs. William
Drew, Middletown. On Wednesday night, Mr. William Drew, aged about
62 years, died after an illness of a few weeks, and the next morning
occurred the death of his wife, Mrs. Jane Drew, who has been an
invalid for several months, being a victim of that dread disease,
consumption. Mrs. Drew at the time of her death was about 50 years
of age. She was a devoted member of the Union Baptist Church, the
mother of five children, three sons and two daughters, all of whom
survive her. The children, who are thus bereft of both father and
mother, have the heartfelt sympathy of a large number of friends.
DREW, ZELDA FAY or MAY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 20,
Child Fatally Injured by Milk Wagon
Zelda Drew, aged 6 years was believed to be fatally injured this
afternoon by being run over by a milk wagon on Salu street in Upper
Alton. She was rushed to the hospital this afternoon in a bad
condition, where it was believed she could not live. Several
surgeons were working with the child on the operating table this
afternoon, in the hope of relieving the crushed skull caused by the
stepping of the horse's hoof on the child's head. According to
members of the family of Presley Simmons, an Upper Alton street car
conductor where the child was staying, the Drew child asked
permission to go out into the street and play with two other
children. They had been gone but a few minutes when the child's
playmates were heard to scream, and as members of the family rushed
out they saw the child lying in a bleeding and mangled condition in
the street, with a milk wagon rattling down the street. The doors of
the wagon were tightly closed, and it is very probable that the
driver of the wagon did not know of the accident. The child's
parents live in Decatur, Ill., and sent her here on a few days
visit. Word was sent to them this afternoon to come to Alton.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 22, 1913
Five-Year-Old Girl Dies Following 32 Day Fight for Life - Run Over
by Team of Horses
Miss Zelda Fay Drew, aged five, died at the St. Joseph's hospital at
noon today after a fight of thirty-two days for her life. The little
tot had the strongest constitution for a child of her age that the
attendants at the hospital had ever saw. She was injured on November
20 while playing in the street in Upper Alton. A team of farm horses
ran over her body, and one of the horses stepped on her head,
cutting it badly in two places. The doctors said that she could live
but a few hours, but she surprised them and rallied. Many times
during the past month has her condition been such that it was
thought she would live only a few hours longer, but each time she
rallied. Her fever often registered 107 during the day, and her head
was packed in ice continually. It was necessary for a nurse to hold
a portion of the skull in place while the doctors dressed the wound
every morning to keep her brain from flowing out. Through it all,
the little girl fought hard for her life. She always had a smile for
the nurses and the doctor, and for a time it was thought that this
might carry her through. However, her condition became worse last
Friday and she kept getting worse until the end at noon today. The
little child's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Drew of Decatur, were at
her side most of the time. The body will be shipped to Decatur
tomorrow morning for burial.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 23, 1913
The remains of Miss Zelda May Drew, the five-year-old girl who was
fatally hurt by being struck and run over by a wagon driven by Mr.
Lohr in Upper Alton over a month ago, was shipped this morning by
Undertaker C. N. Streeper to Decatur. The parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Drew, accompanied the body. The jury had previously been
sworn over the body, and the inquest was set for 1 o'clock this
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 9, 1914
Killed When Stepped On by Funeral Horse Team - Then Horse Dies From
Joseph Lohr, the farmer who was driving a team in Upper Alton some
time ago when a little girl fell under the feet of one of the team
and was fatally injured, lost the black horse which caused the
girl's injuries. The horse was one of a team of perfectly matched
black horses which was frequently used by C. N. Streeper for drawing
funeral equipages. It was while on the way to serve in that capacity
that the horse injured the girl, Zelda Drew, fracturing her skull. A
few days ago the horse stepped on a rusty nail and lockjaw set in,
which resulted fatally. Mr. Lohr regrets greatly losing the horse,
as it was a very fine one.
DREXELIUS, CHRISTINA/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 6, 1896
The body of Mrs. Christina Drexelius, who died at the Jacksonville
Insane Asylum last Thursday, passed through Alton Saturday for
Elsah. Mrs. Drexelius was 67 years of age.
Christina was born February 22, 1829, and died in 1896. She was
buried in the Elsah Cemetery, Jersey County, Illinois.
DREXELIUS, JOSEPH/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, August 6, 1914
Joseph Drexelius, a resident of Madison county all his life, died at
his home at 417 South Fillmore Street this morning at 12:45 o'clock
as a result of pneumonia which set in last Monday, after he had
fallen down the stairs at his home Sunday morning sustaining a bad
bruise on the chest and a gash on his head. He formerly was in the
best of health. Sunday morning Mr. Drexelius got up from bed to go
down stairs to get a drink. On the first step of the stairs, he
missed his footing and becoming overbalanced, plunged head-long down
the stairs to the floor below, a distance of fifteen feet. A large
gash was cut in the top of his head and the contact with the stairs
and floor made a bad bruise on his chest. A son, August, heard his
father fall and rushed down stairs to his assistance. He found him
on the floor in a half-dazed condition. Other members of the family
hearing the commotion came to his assistance and a physician was
called. His injuries were attended, but on Monday morning pneumonia
set in as a result of the bruise. He was in a bad condition Monday,
but on Tuesday showed some improvement. Wednesday he became worse
again and yesterday at noon he lapsed into unconsciousness, from
which he never awakened. The end came peacefully and quietly while
all of his children were at his bedside.
With the death of Mr. Drexelius there passes away one who was well
liked by all whom he met or came in contact with during his life
time. He was a loving father to his five children who had been
motherless for more than seventeen years. He was born October 4,
1855 and died August 6, 1914. His birthplace was Alton, and he
resided on a farm with his parents almost up to the time when he was
married. He received a good education in the Alton schools. He
worked on his father's farm and later went to Granite City where he
was employed for some time. On June 14, 1883 he was married to Miss
Elizabeth Zellermann, a Granite City girl. They resided on a farm
near Alton. Seventeen years ago, his wife died, and the family,
after residing at Alton for about ten years longer, came to
Edwardsville. Mr. Drexelius is survived by five children. They are
Benjamin, Joseph, John, August and Miss Elizabeth Drexelius, all of
Edwardsville. There also survives two brothers, John and Anthony of
Alton, and two sisters, Mrs. H. A. Hellrung of Edwardsville and Mrs.
J. Goering of Rock Island; also, three half-brothers, Bernard Budde
of Alton, Frank Budde of Upper Alton and Gustave Budde of Vancouver,
Washington. He was a member of the congregation of the St.
Boniface's Catholic church here.
DREXELIUS, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 6, 1898
Mrs. Joseph Drexelius of Edwardsville Crossing (near Hartford area)
died early Monday morning after an illness of five weeks. She was 37
years of age, and well known in Alton. The funeral took place
Tuesday morning from St. Mary’s Church.
DRIS, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 7, 1883
From Dorsey – Mr. Fritz Dris last week had a fine monument from
Flynn’s marble works of Alton placed at the graves of his parents,
who departed this life a short time ago. Father Dris lived to the
age of 84. He was one of Napoleon’s soldiers, and fought at the
battle of Waterloo.
DRISCOLL, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 23, 1908
Joseph, the six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Driscoll, died
this morning from heart disease following an attack of diphtheria at
the family home in Beall addition. The child had an illness with
pneumonia several years ago and its heart was in a weakened
condition and could not withstand the effects of the diphtheria
poison. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock
from St. Patrick's church.
DRIVER, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 19, 1897
Mr. John Driver, a well-known and respected citizen of Alton, died
at his home, 811 Market Street, Sunday, after a painful illness with
pneumonia, aged 52 years. Mr. Driver was a carpenter by trade, and
for years has been in the employ of Contractor Bowman, as one of his
trusted workmen. He was quiet and unassuming, but was a skillful
mechanic, and had many friends who respected him. He leaves a wife
and a son, Cecil, to mourn his death. The funeral took place Monday
from the home. Rev. M. W. Twing conducted the services at the house,
and the A.O.U.W. at the grave. The interment was in the Alton City
DROLL, FELIX SR./Source: Troy Star, October 11, 1894
Another old settler of this vicinity has passed away. Felix Droll,
aged 68 years, 4 months and 3 days, died suddenly at 4 o'clock last
Thursday [Oct. 4] afternoon of apoplexy. He had been on the streets
that morning and seemed to be well, although he has been ailing at
times for a number of years. The funeral took place from the family
residence Saturday morning at 11 o'clock and was very largely
attended. Rev. Hansen officiated. Highland Post G. A. R. of which
deceased was a member, was in attendance. The pall bearers were
Messrs. Elias Burk, W. W. Jarvis, J. L. Granger, H. C. Kersey,
Andrew Klein and George Gornet. Felix Droll was born in Weidenung,
Baden, Germany. He came to America in 1850. In March, 1855, he was
married to Miss Annie B. See of St. Louis, who survives him. In 1868
they moved to Troy and have lived here ever since, Mr. Droll
conducting a saloon for a long number of years. With the exception
of one year, the family has been living in Madison county since
1857. When the war broke out, Mr. Droll was the organizer of Co. F,
10th Ill. Cav., in this vicinity, and was chosen 2nd Lieutenant.
Relatives surviving are the wife, three sons, August, Emil and
Felix, and one daughter, Mrs. Louise Morgan.
DROMGOOLE, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 27,
The funeral of Charles Dromgoole, who died yesterday morning at the
family home, 1114 east Second street from typhoid fever, will be
held tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock from St. Patrick's Church. He was
the son of John Dromgoole.
DROMGOOLE, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 12, 1910
The funeral of John Dromgoole was held this morning from St.
Patrick's church, where a requiem mass was said by Rev. Fr. Kehoe in
the presence of a large congregation of the friends and neighbors of
deceased and of his family. Burial was in Greenwood cemetery, and
the grave there was covered with the floral offerings made. The
glassblowers were well represented at the obsequies.
DROMGOOLE, UNKNOWN WIFE OF JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
November 25, 1904
Mrs. John Dromgoole died Friday morning at the home, 820 East Second
street, after an illness from blood poison. She leaves a husband and
four children. The funeral will be Sunday afternoon from St.
Patrick's church.
DROSTE, AUGUST/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 8, 1906
August Droste, a prominent and highly respected farmer living at
Liberty Prairie near Moro, died Tuesday from pneumonia, and the
funeral was held Thursday morning from the home to the St. James
cemetery at Gaertner, where interment was made. August Droste was
born in Westphalia, Germany, March 28, 1849. He came to America in
1880, and after living in Arkansas and Louisiana for three years,
arrived in Madison county in the spring of 1883. Almost all of the
time since then he has made his home on the Flagg place in the
Prairie. He married Miss Anna Young, a sister of Mrs. Henry Stullken
of Edwardsville, and she survives him. Mr. Droste was a member of
the German Evangelical church and served quite a number of years as
trustee. He was a very conscientious, industrious man and noted for
his honesty and reliability.
DROSTE, KATE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 4, 1907
The funeral of Mrs. Kate Droste, the unfortunate Godfrey lady who
was killed Thursday evening by an electric car near Collinsville,
was held yesterday afternoon from St. Mary's church, and was the
cause of calling together one of the largest assemblages of the kind
ever held in St. Mary's church. Services were conducted by Rev.
Joseph Meckel, and burial was in St. Joseph's cemetery beneath a
heavy voerlet of flowers, the offerings of sorrowing friends. Many
persons from St. Louis and Collinsville attended the obsequies.
DROY, JOSEPH/Source: Troy Call, March 15, 1918
Accidental Shooting
Joseph Droy, aged 15 years and the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Droy, expired at his home Monday [March 11], a few minutes after
midnight from the effects of a gunshot wound accidentally sustained
last Sunday afternoon while hunting in the Silver creek bottoms. The
accident occurred about 1 o'clock and west of the place of Martin
Keck on the St. Jacob road. Twelve members of what is known as the
Owl Club went there about noon to hunt and fish and after
establishing a camp some of the party went in search for wild ducks.
Several ducks were spied on a slough near the creek and Henry
Schotemeyer advanced on one side and the Droy boy and Melvin Fries
on the other. Droy was creeping along in front of the Fries boy when
the gun in the hands of the latter was discharged. The charge of
shot tore through the groin of the Droy boy and made a frightful
wound which bled profusely. After the accident, Schotemeyer ran a
mile and a half to the camp where the automobile of William Schlimme
was procured and the injured boy was rushed to town and taken to the
office of Dr. F. W. Braner, where medical aid was administered and
he was afterwards removed to his home. The boy was very weak from
the loss of blood and his condition from the first was grave. Monday
morning about 9 o'clock he lapsed into unconsciousness and remained
in that condition until he passed away. Deputy Coroner H. C. Kueker
held an inquest over the remains Tuesday evening and the evidence
introduced was in accord with the facts as stated. The exact cause
of the discharge of the gun, however, was not established and the
verdict of the jury was that the Droy boy came to his death from a
gunshot wound accidently inflicted. The affair was a most sad and
distressing one for all concerned. Aside from being asevere shock
and blow to the family and relatives of the boy, it is also deeply
deplored by the Fries family. The two boys were the same age and
companions since childhood. The Fries boy is overcome with grief as
is also his mother who is ill at her home with a nervous breakdown.
The heartfelt sympathy of all is with those who are sorrowing.
"Little Joe," as he was commonly called by his friends and
associates, was born in Troy and was a bright and sprightly lad. He
was small for his age and had a great love of fishing and hunting.
Besides his parents, he leaves two brothers and four sisters who are
William and Fred Droy, Mrs. Thomas A. Taylor and Miss Alice Droy of
Troy, Mrs. Ollie Paul of Collinsville and Miss Mary Droy of St.
Louis. Mrs. Charlotte Davis is a grandmother. The funeral took place
yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence of Mrs.
Charlotte Davis to the Presbyterian church and was very largely
attended. Rev. F. L. Eversull preached a most appropriate and
touching sermon and the floral tributes were numerous and beautiful.
The pallbearers were Joe Williams, Glen Mantle, Gene Elliott, Lester
Samuel, Fred Scott and Melville Schoeck. Interment was in the Troy
Cemetery. Among those from out of town who attended the funeral
were: Miss Mary Droy, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Taylor, Miss Mae Taylor,
Mrs. Wessel, Mrs. Plack, Miss Anna Barrett, Mrs. Thomas Broughton
and Mrs. Elizabeth Frangen of St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paul, Mr.
and Mrs. William Horstmann, Mrs. John Millett, Mrs. Mary Bahan, Mrs.
Thomas Paul, Mrs. J. Schmitz and Thomas Millett Sr., of
Collinsville; Mrs. Jenkin Jenkins and Mr. and Mrs. Harles and
daughter Miss Gladys, of Edwardsville, and Ferdinand Wilbert of Camp
Custer, Michigan.
DRUMLEVE, ALOYSIUS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 25, 1921
Aloysius Drumleve, son of Philip Drumleve of Fosterburg, died at St.
Joseph's Hospital last night at 8:30 o'clock following an operation
for the removal of part of an injured leg. The boy had been
accidentally caught in a binder while his father was cutting wheat.
The father was driving the binder, and when one of the horses became
unhitched, the boy ran to fasten the harness again. Having completed
his task, he stepped away, but not far enough, and when the father
started up the team again the lad was just in the way and his left
leg was nearly amputated above the ankle. The sickle of the binder
so mutilated the flesh that all circulation was cut off and gangrene
set in. To halt the progress of the gangrene, the lad was brought to
Alton Wednesday, two days after the accident, and was operated upon
for the removal of the leg between the ankle and knee. The operation
was of no avail and death occurred Friday evening after the lad had
been an intense sufferer. He was 11 years of age. The body was taken
in charge by Coroner Streeper, who will hold an inquest. The funeral
will be held Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock from St. Mary's Church.
The father, while driving the team, was in no way responsible for
the accident, as it appeared both to the boy and the father that the
lad had stepped far enough away when the father started his team
after the boy had rendered aid in rehitching the horse.
DRUMMOND, BENJAMIN/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 11, 1883
On Tuesday morning of last week, Benjamin Drummond died at his home
in White Hall, at the advanced age of 84 years. Mr. Drummond was
born in Kentucky in 1799, and came to this state in 1817, remaining
in Madison County two years. He than worked three years near White
Hall, and returned to Madison County, where in 1821 he was married
to Sarah Rose, who survives him. He moved again to Greene County,
and bought the farm now owned and occupied by John Roodhouse,
including the tract on which the town of Roodhouse stands. He
removed to White Hall in 1864, and resided there until his death.
Mr. Drummond was in the Black Hawk War, and it is thought was the
last survivor of his company. [Burial was in the Williams-Edwards
Cemetery in Roodhouse, Greene County, Illinois.]
DRUMMOND, BETHIA H. (nee RANDLE)/Source: Alton Telegraph, September
24, 1885
Wife of Hon. James T. Drummond
Mrs. Bethia H., wife of Hon. James T. Drummond, recently a resident
of Alton, died suddenly Sunday afternoon at St. Louis. She had been
an invalid for some months, but up to a short time before her death,
no immediate change was apprehended. Mrs. Drummond was a daughter of
Justice Irwin B. Randle and Mary Elizabeth Harrison Randle, and was
a most estimable lady, beloved by a large circle of friends. Her
disposition was most kind and generous, ever ready to relieve the
needy and suffering. Mrs. Drummond was about 41 years of age. She
left a husband and three children, Harry, James, and Charley; an
adopted daughter; and many other relatives to mourn her death.
Her remains arrived Tuesday from St. Louis on a special car attached
to the Kansas City Express. The funeral took place immediately
afterwards at the Presbyterian Church. The costly casket was
literally crowned with wreaths, and the church around the organ loft
was a vision of beauty. Near where the casket rested was an arch
with the words, in purple letters, “My wife;” just above two white
doves pluming their wings for flight; a cross; a pillow on it the
word “Mother;” another pillow with the word “Friends.” At the
cemetery, the hymn “Unveil Thy Bosom, Faithful Tomb,” and “Nearer My
God to Thee” were sung.
Bethia H. Randle Drummond was born October 14, 1844, in Alton,
Illinois. She married James Thomas Drummond, and they had the
following children: Winter Lee Drummond (1866-1883); Harrison Irwin
Drummond (1869-1920); James Thomas Drummond Jr. (1873-1925); Charles
R. Drummond (1877-1950); Bethia Haskell Drummond (1879-1889); and
Rachel Lee Drummond Cuendet (1881-1970). She was buried in the Alton
City Cemetery.
JAMES T./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 7, 1897
Tobacco Manufacturer; Mayor of Alton
James T. Drummond died Thursday afternoon at his home in St. Louis
after a long struggle with a complication of diseases, the principal
one being kidney trouble. Mr. Drummond’s serious illness began over
a year ago, but his indomitable will refused to give up, and he
struggled bravely with disease and refused to take to his bed for
any length of time. Several months ago, he went to Warm Springs,
Virginia, but was little benefited, and returned to St. Louis ten
days ago.
Mr. Drummond’s death closes a remarkable career. He was born in St.
Louis on November 21, 1834, and while an infant, his father removed
with his family to St. Charles County, Missouri, where young
Drummond was raised on his father’s farm. He attended the
neighboring schools, and graduated and became a proficient teacher
before he had reached his majority. After serving a few years
teaching, he accepted a position with a local tobacco manufacturer,
and for a few years he traveled over the State of Missouri in the
interest of his employer.
Early in the 1860s, having served a successful apprenticeship in the
tobacco business, he removed to Alton, where he took charge of the
office and sales department of Myers & Pearce. Mr. Pearce was an
elderly gentleman who resided in Wentzville, Missouri, and in 1862
he sold his interest to Mr. Drummond, and the firm was then known as
Myers & Drummond. For about thirteen years, Messrs. Myers & Drummond
prosecuted a successful tobacco manufacturing business. In 1875, Mr.
Myers sold his interest to Mr. Dausman, and from that date until
1879, the style of the firm was Dausman & Drummond. In 1879, Mr.
Drummond bought Mr. Dausman’s interest in the business, and from
that time until the present, the tobacco world has been acquainted
with Mr. Drummond as the President and leading spirit of the
Drummond Tobacco Company. About this time, the works of the company
was removed from Alton to St. Louis, where the plant has grown to be
one of the largest of its kind in the country.
Mr. Drummond, during his residence in Alton, was four times elected
mayor of Alton, and made one of the most efficient chief executives
the city has ever had. He was a leader in the Democratic Party, and
a most liberal contributor and worker for its success. He was a
candidate for State Senator in 1878, and made vigorous campaign for
sometime – until he perceived that the factions in his own party did
not favor success, whereupon he withdrew from the contest, not
allowing his name to be placed before the convention. Mr. Drummond
vigorously pushed every matter which he took hold of, whether
political or business, but was far more of a business man than a
politician. His benevolence, both public and private, while in
Alton, was generous, and every cause that appealed to his judgment
received liberal recognition.
Mr. Drummond was married three times, his first wife being Miss
Rachel Tatum of St. Charles County, who died within one year after
their marriage. His second wife, and the mother of his children, was
Miss Bethia Randle, daughter of the late Judge Irwin Blackman Randle
of Alton, who died twelve years ago. His third wife, who survives
him, was Miss Josephine Taylor “Josie” Hazard of Alton. Besides his
wife, he leaves four children, the eldest of whom is Harrison I.
Drummond (1869-1920). The two younger sons are James T. Drummond Jr.
(1873-1925) and Charles R. Drummond (1877-1950). The fourth child is
Miss Rachel Lee Drummond (1881-1970, who married Eugene Ridgely
Cuendet in 1900), who attends the Mary Institute. [Two children
preceded Mr. Drummond in death: Winter Lee Drummond (1866-1883) and
Bethia Haskell “Bessie” Drummond (1879-1889).
The special train bearing the remains of the late James T. Drummond,
accompanied by the family and a large company of friends, arrived on
the Burlington Saturday, and the funeral services were held at the
Episcopal Church. The inside pews of the church were reserved for
the family and St. Louis friends, and the church was crowded to its
utmost capacity. The services were short and consisted of the
reading of the 15th chapter of 1st Corinthians by Rev. H. M.
Chittenden, prayer by Dr. Short, and two selections by the choir.
The cortege, which followed the body to the Alton City Cemetery, was
one of the largest ever seen in Alton. At the cemetery, the
Episcopal service was solemnized, and the remains laid to rest in
the family burying ground. The floral offerings were most beautiful
and profuse. The pallbearers were R. B. Dula, Adrian De Young,
George A. Bayle, William Hazzard, R. R. Hutchinson, Clarence Jones,
Julius Walsh, and John McHose.
The death of James T. Drummond recalls memories of his residence in
Alton, and the occasion when he was Mayor of the city. He made a
strong fight against the late J. E. Coppinger in regard to the
grading and McAdamizing of Main Street. Mr. Coppinger was an
alderman, and succeeded in getting the permission of the council for
the improvement, but Mr. Drummond obtained an injunction from the
city court, then presided over by the late Judge H. S. Baker,
restraining the city from going on with the work. The injunction,
however, did not seem to have the potent power which injunctions in
these days have, for Mr. Coppinger succeeded in getting Main Street
graded, although he was never able to get it McAdamed. Mayor
Drummond was so indignant at the ineffectiveness of city court
injunctions, that he wrote a letter to the press in which he dubbed
the court “the pompous but useless Alton City Court.” Some time
after, Mr. John W. Ash, who was clerk of the court, received a
letter addressed to him as “Clerk of the Pompous but Useless Alton
City Court.”
Mr. Drummond was very popular, and was re-elected several times. He
ran as a non-partisan, and while a strong Democrat, was warmly
supported by a large percent of Republicans – even against
Republican opponents. It was under his administration that Alton’s
financial system, which had been utterly wrecked, was begun to be
restored. He showed the same wise management of city finances that
has always been exhibited in his private business, and which in
thirty-five years raised him from a poor man to a many-times
The will of J. T. Drummond was filed for probate Monday. It is dated
June 25, and the Mississippi Valley Trust Company is named as
executor. The following legacies are left: Laura Hazard Holliday,
$5,000; Martha Randle Kerr, $5,000; Jane Drummond, annuity of $300;
John Kerr, $1,000; in trust to the city of Alton for the caring of
the family burying ground, $1,500; Emma Drummond Wray, a sister,
$5,000; Elizabeth Drummond Stevens, also a sister, $1,000; Bertha
Drummond Bowman, a niece, $500; Mary Drummond, also a niece, $1,000;
John Drummond Jr., a nephew, $500; Viraima Drummond Shadon and Mary
Drummond Mason, cousins, $500 each. The remainder of the estate is
left in equal parts to the widow, daughter Rachael, and three sons –
Harrison I., James T., and Charles R. Drummond.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 14, 1897
Mr. John N. Drummond of Alton has been elected treasurer of the
Drummond Tobacco Company, and Mr. J. N. Drummond Jr. has been
elected second vice-president.
DRUMMOND, JOHN NEWTON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 24,
Former Tobacco Manufacturer; Confederate Soldier
John Newton Drummond, in his seventy-third year, died at his
residence, 442 East Twelfth Street, in Alton, Wednesday morning,
shortly after midnight, from paralysis. His death had been expected
for ten days. He had suffered a paralytic stroke about five months
ago in his home, and at that time was considered in a very dangerous
condition, but he rallied and was able to be out of the house in
fine weather. He never fully regained the faculty of speech, which
was affected by the first stroke, and ever since the beginning of
his physical failing, he had required constant attention. One week
ago last Sunday, he suffered another stroke of paralysis, and from
that time the decline was rapid. Most of the time he was
unconscious, and he suffered no pain. In his dying moments he was
attended by members of his family.
In the death of Mr. Drummond there passes away the last of two
brothers who made Alton famous, and who started in Alton an
institution that helped the city materially, and later became one of
the greatest manufacturing institutions in the country. He was born
in St. Charles County, Missouri, near St. Charles, November 14,
1836, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Drummond, who were natives of
Virginia and moved to Missouri early in the 1830s. Mr. Drummond was
reared on the farm and educated in country schools, becoming a
country school teacher. In 1859, he left the farm and entered a
tobacco factory at St. Charles. Shortly afterward he took a country
school in Phelps County, Missouri, where he taught a short time and
then returned to the tobacco business in Warren County, Missouri. In
1861 Mr. Drummond joined Colonel J. Q. Burbridge's Missouri State
Guard, Co. C., which afterward became famous in the Confederate
armies as part of the brigade of General Cockrell, afterward Senator
Cockrell. At the surrender of Vicksburg, Mr. Drummond was taken
prisoner, but was later exchanged and re-entered the Confederate
service. He was recaptured at Blakely, Mississippi, and for three
weeks was a prisoner at Ship Island, in the Gulf of Mexico, but was
again exchanged. At the close of the war Mr. Drummond came to Alton
and went into the tobacco factory of Meyers & Drummond [founded in
1862], his brother [James] being the junior partner, where he worked
as bookkeeper. This firm was dissolved in 1873, and Mr. Meyers went
to St. Louis.
The new firm of Dausman and Drummond was formed in Alton, and John
N. Drummond became one of the partners with his brother, James T.
Drummond. This business was removed to St. Louis when its growth
made enlargement of the plant necessary. The firm became famous
throughout the United States as the makers of Horseshoe tobacco.
John N. Drummond served as president of the Drummond Tobacco Co.
from 1879 to 1885, in its palmiest days. About twelve years ago the
company was sold out to the trust and Mr. Drummond retiring from the
tobacco business, in which he had made a fortune, investing heavily
in bank stocks at St. Louis. He was a director of the Third National
Bank of St. Louis, and gave up all his time to advisory work in a
financial line. Up to the last year of his activity, he was one of
the foremost members of the Missouri Confederate Veterans
His marriage occurred in Upper Alton in 1867, when he took as his
bride Miss Mary E. Randle, daughter of Reverend Irwin B. Randle, for
many years an old Methodist circuit rider and later a Justice of the
Peace in Alton. He leaves beside his wife, three children - Mrs.
[Bethia Mason Drummond] Edward M. Bowman, Mrs. [Mary Elizabeth
Duncan] Zephaniah B. Job Jr., and John N. Drummond Jr. He leaves
also one sister, Mrs. B. F. Stevens of Martinsville, Virginia.
John N. Drummond was one of the most enthusiastic fishermen who ever
hooked a fish. He was an expert, acknowledged as a chief among
experts in handling the rod and reel, and his success was
remarkable. He loved to go to the waters of the Douglas County lakes
in Minnesota, where the black bass and wall-eyed pike grow the
biggest and the gamiest. He delighted in a tug of war with some
finny giant, and he followed the sport with the utmost faithfulness.
Every summer for many years he had made his 550-mile trip to
Minnesota to enjoy the fishing. He could "cast" with the greatest
strength and precision. Mr. Drummond has been known to make a "cast"
of nearly 150 feet, and he could drop his bait wherever he wanted to
put it, through skill acquired by long practice. He was the wonder
and admiration of other fishermen. No one ever brought back the
fine, big fish he caught, and no one enjoyed the sport more keenly.
He loved to share his pleasure with others, and lost no opportunity
to give enjoyment to some other disciple of Izaak Walton, who had
not the advantages Mr. Drummond had. On such occasions he was host,
his high-priced tackle was at the disposal of the guest, and
everything was done to make an expert fisherman out of the guest. He
had as keen pleasure in seeing one of his pupils make a successful
catch, as if he had done it himself. Every other day, when he was
fishing, would find him in his boat, on some of the numerous lakes
he loved so well in Minnesota. Among the devotees of the sport in
northern lakes, Mr. Drummond will be missed, as he was the soul of
companionship and good fellowship. Quiet and retiring, nevertheless
he made many firm, lasting friendships among those who penetrated
within the reserve and knew him best. He was liberal in all things,
and apparently had not in him any part that was selfish. He never
forgot the men he had known when he was a working man himself. He,
like his older brother, was respected by those who knew him in the
days of old when he was an employer, and there will be many a regret
among those who knew him, in all walks of life, that his end has
A year ago, Drummond accepted an appointment as a member of the
Parks Commission at Alton, and was deeply interested in developing a
park system, until ill health forced him to stay at home. He was
interested in all public improvements in Alton, wanted Alton to move
ahead and fulfill its destiny of becoming a thriving, handsome city.
Alton has lost a good citizen it could ill afford to lose in the
death of John N. Drummond. The funeral of Mr. Drummond will be held
Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence on Twelfth Street.
The services will be conducted by Rev. H. M. Chittenden, rector of
St. Paul's Episcopal church. Shortly before his death Mr. Drummond
became a member of St. Paul's church. The burial will be in the
Alton City Cemetery, and will be private.
Telegraph, March 13, 1911
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Randle Drummond, widow of John N. Drummond, died
very suddenly Sunday morning in her room at the Illini hotel, where
she had been making her home the past two winters. Her death was not
looked for as she was in her usual state of health and had not been
complaining of any bad symptoms. A few hours before she died, and
before relatives could be summoned, she went into a state of
collapse from apoplexy. Members of her family were summoned as soon
as possible, but she did not regain consciousness after their
arrival. The sudden illness and death of Mrs. Drummond was a great
surprise and a shock to all her family, as nothing of the kind was
anticipated. Doctors were summoned and said she was suffering from
Mrs. Drummond was born in Upper Alton on December 20, 1839. She was
the daughter of Rev. Irwin Blackman and Mary Elizabeth (Harrison)
Randle, who for many years was a Methodist clergyman and a circuit
rider. She was married to John Newton Drummond in Upper Alton at the
home of her parents, and all her life she lived in this city. She
leaves two daughters, Mrs. Bethia Mason Drummond Bowman and Mrs.
Mary Elizabeth Drummond Job [she later married William Millen
Duncan], and one son, John Newton Drummond Jr. She leaves also two
brothers, Charles H. Randle and F. A. Randle, both of Chicago. Two
sisters – Bethia H. Randle Drummond (wife of James Thomas Drummond)
and Martha J. Randle Kerr – preceded her in death.
Mary was educated in the Illinois Women's College of Jacksonville,
and was married in Upper Alton January 8, 1867. Of her father's
family of ten children, there survive only the two brothers, both
living in Chicago. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2
o'clock from the Drummond residence on Twelfth Street. Mrs. Drummond
had many friends in Alton, where she had spent her entire life,
except two years she lived in St. Louis. She was a good mother to
her children, and a devoted wife to her husband. Until she was not
able to get out, she was a kind and thoughtful neighbor, and her
disposition was such that her company was much sought. She was
gracious to those with whom she came in contact, and during the
later years of her life she had many callers at her home, since she
was unable to get out herself. [Burial was in the Alton City
DRUMMOND, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 29, 1911
Man Who Founded Illinois Box Factory in Alton Dies in East St. Louis
Thomas Drummond, who formerly lived in Alton and who came here many
years ago at the time the Illinois Box Company was formed and the
big box factory was started, died in East St. Louis Monday morning
after a long illness with liver troubles. Mr. Drummond was well
known in Alton, and when he left the city he left many friends here.
He leaves in Alton, two children: Mrs. J. H. McPike and Philip
Drummond. A number of years ago Mr. Drummond's connection with the
Illinois Box Co. was discontinued, and he went to East St. Louis
where he made his home until the time of his death. The funeral will
be Wednesday morning in East St. Louis. Mr. Drummond leaves a large
family of children and his wife in East St. Louis.
DRUMMOND, WINTER LEE/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 3, 1884
Son of James T. and Bethia H. (Randle) Drummond
The reaper Death has been busy this beautiful winter, and old and
young, the well-beloved and the lonely, have fallen beneath the
pressure of his hand. The short illness and death of Winter Lee
Drummond was a sudden and terrible shock to all who knew him, and
all who knew Lee loved him for his many noble attributes. Gifted
with rare musical talent, with conversational powers of more than
usual ability, the dearly loved eldest son in a closely united
family, his loss leaves a blank that cannot be filled. His remains
were carried by youthful companions to the church of his boyhood in
Alton, where to all who listened to the last words spoken above the
casket must have come a remembrance of the sweet strains, which had
so often flooded the sanctuary, called from the organ by the
skillful fingers now stilled forever.
The light has been quenched in the darkened home. The sound of a
beloved voice stilled. If there be any consolation for such a
visitation, may it not lie in the thought that Lee, in his
beautiful, untried, ambitious early manhood, stepped from the
threshold of her perfect home-life – not into the turmoil and
temptations of the cold world, but into that heaven where disease
cannot enter, nor ignoble aims ever distract the ambition from the
attainment of perfection.
Winter Lee Drummond was born January 30, 1866, and was the son of
James Thomas and Bethia H. (Randle) Drummond. He was 17 years old at
the time of his death, and was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
Civil War Veteran; Alton Business Man
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 28, 1887
The sad news has been received of the death this afternoon at St.
Louis, of Mr. Albert H. Drury of the Drury & Wead Hardware Co., and
for many years one of our most prominent business men. After long
and many years of suffering, he has entered into rest.
Mr. Drury was a native of Highgate, Vermont, and was about 46 years
of age. He was born July 12, 1841. He served three years in a
Vermont regiment during the war for the Union, and passed through
many battles, including Gettysburg and Cedar Creek, and saw the
close of the war at Appomattox. He was noted for his dashing bravery
as a cavalryman, and his gallantry at the battle of Cedar Creek. The
scene of Sheridan’s ride won him promotion, and he was made a
Lieutenant on the staff of that brilliant cavalry officer, General
He removed to Alton soon after the war, and entered the employ of
Mr. John E. Hayner in the hardware and agricultural implement
business, and by business tact and skill, and tireless industry,
rapidly achieved success. But his constitution had been impaired by
the exposures of his army life, and perhaps his strength was unequal
to the demands he made upon it, and in the prime of life and in the
midst of a useful career, he was stricken with partial paralysis. He
sought relief at the noted health resorts and healing springs of
this country and Europe, but without permanent benefit, and the
tired frame gradually sank until the end came, and the brave
soldier, the honored citizen, the kind friend, and the tender
husband and father passed away. He did a man’s part in the world’s
work, truly, nobly, and faithfully, and has entered upon his reward.
Mr. Drury leaves a wife (Eunice Louisa Wade Drury, the daughter of
the late Mr. Samuel Wade) and two little girls [Alice Drury and ?] ;
also, two sisters in Alton – Mrs. John E. Hayner [Jennie Drury
Hayner] and Mrs. William Byron Pierce [Etta Drury Pierce], and a
brother, Mr. Frederick Wead Drury in St. Louis. [Burial was in the
Alton City Cemetery.]
The Hero of Cedar Creek
Albert Hollenbeck Drury
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 29, 1887
During the war for the Union, amid the din and turmoil of battle,
many deeds of individual daring, which made men’s hearts beat
quicker with admiration, were lost sight of in the subsequent
exultation of victory, or the depression following defeat. But where
possible, these deeds should be put on record that the rising
generation may know of what stuff were made the young soldiers, who
saved the Union and made possible the prosperous times of peace
which bless the land today. The great battle of Cedar Creek, where
defeat was turned into victory by the magnetism of Sheridan’s
presence, is renowned in history, and immortalized in Buchanan
Reed’s thrilling lyric, “Sheridan’s Ride,” but there is an incident
of that battle which we have never seen in print that is equally
worthy of being emblazoned in heroic verse. It was towards the close
of that bloody but glorious day, and the tide of battle was turning
in favor of the Union troops, when the Federal cavalry were ordered
to make a final charge. The rebel lines were giving way, their
artillery had been withdrawn from the front and was being hurried to
the rear in a long line through a narrow roadway, the drivers urging
their panting steeds to the utmost. Just then, the Federal cavalry
swept down upon the field in solid phalanx, the earth trembling
under their thunderous tread. One young soldier, mounted on a swift
and powerful steed, sped far ahead of his comrades in the wild furor
of the charge. He caught sight of the retreating train of rebel
artillery, and with an inspiration of adventurous daring, resolved
on its capture. Riding swiftly up to and alongside the retreating
column, heedless of the shower of bullets which greeted his reckless
advance, he made straight for the head of the column and engaged the
rebel soldier riding in front in single combat. It lasted but a
moment – the sabre of the Union cavalryman flashed in air and the
rebel artilleryman fell lifeless to the ground. In an instant, the
daring Union soldier had seized the bridles of the leaders, and
turning them in a sharp curve, upset the forward cannon and caisson,
completely blocking the narrow road. The hurrying mass of men and
horses behind piled up on the obstruction, and then came to a sudden
halt. They could not pass the overturned pieces and struggling
horses, and the entire train of artillery was captured in the trap
so cleverly improvised. This is what one man did at the battle of
Cedar Creek. The gallant deed was rewarded by promotion on the
field, and the hero of the wonderful exploit served during the
remainder of the war on the staff of the most brilliant of Union
cavalry leaders, General Custer.
Tomorrow, our citizens will gather to pay a last tribute to one who
for years has gone in and out among us, a quiet, modest, unassuming
man of business; a man of few words who never boasted of his war
record. While it was known to his friends that under a reserved
exterior was hidden a nature full of fire and energy when occasion
demanded, but few of them were aware that the name of Lieutenant
Albert H. Drury is linked with as novel and successful a deed of
individual heroism as the history of war can furnish. Let us honor
his memory, and tell his story to our children!
The Funeral
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 31, 1887
The funeral of Albert H. Drury took place yesterday afternoon from
the residence of Mrs. Samuel Wade, with an attendance that crowded
the specious rooms to overflowing. The services were opened with the
Apostle Paul’s words of consolation, read by Rev. H. S. Mills of the
Congregational Church. Miss Carrie Whittlesey of Monticello Seminary
rendered as a solo, “Asleep in Jesus, Blessed Sleep.” The remains
were taken to the Alton City Cemetery, attended by a large
procession. There was a wealth of rare and beautiful flowers, a
cross, crown, anchor, wreath, and other devises. The pallbearers
were Messrs. John E. Hayner, E. P. Wade, W. B. Pierce, J. Wead, F.
W. Drury, and S. Farley.
Albert’s wife, Louisa Wade Drury, was the daughter of Samuel Wade
and Eunice Caldwell Wade. Samuel Wade was one of the early pioneers
of Alton, and served as Alton mayor for four terms. He established
the Alton Bank with his brother.
Albert’s sisters were Jennie Drury Hayner, second wife of John E.
Hayner (the Hayner Library in Alton was erected in Jennie’s memory);
and Etta Drury Pierce, wife of William Byron Pierce, manager of the
Alton Roller Mill Company.
Albert’s and Frederick Wead Drury were in business in Alton under
the firm name of A. H. Drury & Co., and later under the name of
Drury, Caine & Co.
Albert’s parents were Luther Keyes Drury and Grace E. Wead Drury,
both of Vermont.
DRURY, ANNIE (nee HERRON)/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 22, 1898
Annie Drury, wife of Mr. John Drury of Upper Alton, was found dead
upon the floor in her home Monday afternoon. She had been as well as
usual at dinner time, and did not complain of illness, so was left
alone in the house. She was found dead by her son. It was known that
Mrs. Drury had been afflicted with heart trouble for years, but she
had never suffered severely from it. Mrs. Drury was a daughter of
Mr. A. P. Herron of Alton; was 36 years of age; and leaves beside
her husband, two children.
DRURY, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 4, 1903
Charles Drury died at his home on Brown street last night after a
few days illness with pneumonia. He was 40 years old and leaves a
wife and two daughters. Mr. Drury had not lived in Upper Alton very
long, having moved his family here from Gillespie a few months ago.
The body will be taken to Gillespie Monday morning for burial, and
the father and other relatives of the deceased will arrive tonight
to accompany the body to Gillespie.
Alton Businessman; Brother of Jennie Drury Hayner
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 3, 1897
Mr. Frederick W. Drury, a former resident of Alton, died yesterday
at Saranac, New York. Mr. Drury is a brother of Mrs. William Byron
Pierce of Alton. Years ago, he was in business in Alton in the firm
of Drury, Caine & Co. The interment will be at Highgate, Vermont.
Frederick Wead Drury was born February 20, 1834, in Vermont. He was
the son of Luther Keyes Drury (1800-1872) and Grace E. Wead Drury
(1805-1858). Frederick was the brother of Jennie Drury Hayner, wife
of John E. Hayner of Alton. Burial was in the Highgate Center
Cemetery in Highgate Center, Vermont.
DRURY, LUTHER KEYES/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 13, 1872
We regret to hear of the death of Mr. L. K. Drury, father of Messrs.
Frederick Wead and A. H. Drury, and father-in-law of John E. Hayner,
Esq., of Alton. The sad event took place on Monday at Ripon,
Wisconsin, where he had gone in hopes that the change would prove
beneficial. His disease was consumption, from which he had long been
a sufferer. The remains are to be taken to Highgate Center, Vermont
for interment. He was 73 years old.
DUBBLEDEE, HERMAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 11, 1921
Herman Dubbledee, oldest son of John Dubbledee, passed away at his
home, two miles east of town [Prairietown], on Thursday, February 3,
at 12:30 o'clock at the age of 44 years, three months, and 28 days,
after a three weeks' illness. He leaves to mourn his demise his wife
and four small children, an aged father, one brother and four
sisters, besides a host of relatives and friends. The funeral was
held on Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the residence to the
Lutheran Church, where services were conducted in German by Rev.
Iben, and in English by Rev. Kothe of Worden. The remains were laid
to rest in the Wieseman Cemetery. Those from a distance attending
the funeral were: Mrs. Len Funderburke of Minnesota, Mrs. Henry
Moyer and Mrs. Louisa Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hammond and
daughter, all of St. Louis, Mr. and Mrs. William Reinhardt of Wood
River, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Guesewelle of Hamel, and Mr. and Mrs. Theo
Schreler of Buner Hill. Peaceful be thy slumber, Peaceful in thy
grave so low; Thou no more will join our number, Thou no more our
sorrows know; Yet again we hope to meet thee, When the days of life
is fled, And in Heaven with joy to greet thee, Where no funeral
tears are shed.
DUBEC, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 23, 1899
From Edwardsville – Joseph Dubec was caught by a fall of coal in
room No. 2 at the Henrietta Mine, Saturday afternoon, and died from
his injuries early Sunday morning. Coroner Bailey held an inquest
that night. The funeral took place Tuesday morning, and was the
largest seen here in several years, all of the miners and a number
of church societies turning out in full force. He leaves a widow and
two children.
DUC, JACQUES NICOLAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 01, 1898
About one month ago, Coroner Bailey held an inquest over the body of
a man found floating in the river near Venice. On the body was a
certificate or origin, showing him to be a native of Switzerland –
Jacques Nicolas Duc. The man was about fifty years of age. Coroner
Bailey thinks Duc may be a prominent person, and has notified the
Swiss Minister Plenipotentiary at Washington of the facts in the
DUKES, RICHARD/Source: Collinsville Advertiser, March 02, 1918
Collinsville Boy Dies at the Front (WWI)
Last Sunday evening, the family of Richard Dukes of Collinsville
received a telegram from the Secretary of War of the United States,
which read as follows:
Washington D. C., 3:50 p.m.
Mrs. Jessie Dukes
North Clinton Street, Collinsville, IL
“Deeply regret to inform you that it is officially reported that
Private James Dukes, Field Artillery, died of pneumonia, February
22. McCain, the Adjt. General.”
This brief information conveyed a world of meaning and of sorrow to
the household and to the people of this city. It was the official
notification that another Collinsville boy had given all that a man
can give for love of country, and in the great struggle which the
world is now undergoing, that the world may be safe for democracy
another brave life had been laid down for the cause of Liberty. It
meant that a youth had laid down his life in a foreign land and
among strangers for a principle. Received with a shock on the eve of
many others leaving for a training camp, yet it only strengthened
the resolve of the ones left behind to do their duty fully, and in
the hearts of those who are called created a new determination to
never falter in their duty. Does the reader recall one of Kippling’s
tales where the Black Tyrones, a new and untried regiment, is
advancing to clash with the hill tribes, and the trepidation with
which the raw recruits meet the first shock of battle, but after a
short mixup, there are some casualties, and when the Black Tyrones
see their dead, such anger overtakes them that they see red, and the
hillmen are badly worsted in the rush that follows. There was no
holding the new levys after their ire was aroused, and the death of
Jim Dukes will be an incentive to those Collinsville boys who meet
the enemy in battle array, and the Boches will rue the day that they
aroused a feud. They have given the sturdy youths at the front a
slogan that will carry them with grim valor to the final victory.
They will dearly pay for their misdeeds before this war is over, and
every life that is lost must be paid for by the eternal law of
recompensation. Jim Dukes was with the Expeditionary Forces at the
front, “somewhere in France,” and ready to do whatever he was called
on to do. As the result of the hardships of the campaign, he became
a victim of pneumonia, and laid down his life. “No greater love has
man than this, that he give his life for his fellow man.” May the
spring flowers bloom over his grave, and the gentle rains drop their
revivifying tears on the soil that has been consecrated by the life
of a brave boy, but such life has not been lived in vain. The life
of Arnold Winkleried was laid down against the Austrian spears to
make way for liberty, the Noble Six Hundred fought a hopeless and
forlorn cause for the salvation of their fellows, Lafayette
unsheathed his sword on a strange soil for the same cause of
Liberty, and Jim Dukes has entered into the Better Land to stand
with the heroes and martyrs of other days.
James G. Dukes, son of Mr. Richard and Mrs. Jannett (Jessie) Dukes
of Collinsville, aged 24 years, two months, and 12 days, was born in
Carbon, St. Clair County, and with his parents moved to Collinsville
at the age of five years. He went to the public schools and grew
into sturdy manhood in this city, and when a young man entered the
employ of Donk’s No. 1 mine at Cuba, and when the call went forth
for volunteers to fight for democracy, he was one of the first to
enlist. He became a member of Battery F., of the Fifth Field
Artillery at Jefferson Barracks, on May 15, 1917, and with other
young men from this city and elsewhere, was sent to Fort Bliss,
Texas, for training. There he rapidly became a soldier, and the
regiment was sent east in August of last year, preparatory to embark
for the overseas campaign. On May 01, his regiment sailed on the
steamship “Saratoga,” but the ship met with an accident by being in
collision with another boat while yet in the harbor, and the troops
were transferred to another vessel, and on May 4, they again put
out, and the troops were safely landed on August 23, somewhere “over
there.” Since that time, the parents and relatives of the young man
have received regular letters from him from the front. They were
always cheerful, and never complaining. While missing the home ties
and regretting his absence from his friends, he made the best of the
circumstances, and strove steadily to win his spurs by faithful
service in every position in which he was placed. The last letter
received from him was written on January 9, and is published in this
issue. At that time, he was perfectly well, and the announcement of
his death was the first information to the family that all was not
well. (The rest of the article was missing.)
NOTES: James G. Dukes was born December 10, 1893. He died of
pneumonia while serving as a Private in the U.S. Marine Corps during
World War One. He was buried in the Holy Cross Lutheran Cemetery in
DUCOMMON, ALBERT/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 2, 1888
The funeral of Albert Ducommon took place this afternoon from the
family residence, with a large attendance of those paying the last
tribute of respect to the memory of the deceased. [Find A Grave
lists the name as August Ducommon.]
DUCOMMON, AUGUSTA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 3, 1900
Mrs. Augusta Ducommon, wife of Emil Ducommon, the aged watch
repairer, died at the family home, 412 East Second street, this
morning at 4 o'clock, after an illness of only a few minutes. She
had been in her usual state of health and was taken with a choking
spell at 3:45 o'clock this morning while in bed. Her aged husband
summoned the assistance of neighbors, but his wife soon became
unconscious and died fifteen minutes after she was taken ill. Mrs.
Ducommon was 78 years of age and was born in Wurtemburg, Germany.
She had been married fifty years and had lived in Alton 32 years.
She leaves beside her husband, three sons, Paul Ducommon of St.
Louis, Edward of Jackson, Tennessee, and Charles of this city. By
request of the family, Coroner Will Bauer held an inquest and the
verdict was that death was due to heart trouble. The funeral will be
Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
DUCOMMON, EMIL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 12, 1903
Aged Clockmaker Dies
Emil Ducommon, aged 81, died Monday afternoon at the home of his
son, Charles Ducommon, north of Upper Alton, from the effects of a
paralytic stroke. Mr. Ducommon had lived in Alton nearly forty
years, and made his home in the city until recently, when he went to
the home of his son. He was born in Switzerland and came to America
in 1866, moving to Alton immediately. He was a watchmaker by trade,
and on coming to America he started in the business of making
repairs on time pieces and making clocks. His wife died several
years ago. He is survived by three sons, Paul of St. Louis, Edward
of Jackson, Mississippi, and Charles of Upper Alton. The funeral
will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home of his
DUDDY, CATHERINE/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 30, 1897
Mrs. Catherine Duddy, a well-known resident living near Piasa, died
Friday night at the age of 78 years. The funeral took place on
Sunday from the Cathedral in Alton.
Catherine, who was born in 1820, was the wife of John Duddy
(1821-1887). Both were interred in the St. Patrick Cemetery in
DUDDY, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 16, 1896
Watchman Killed by Train
The body of Michael Duddy, who was killed at Venice Saturday,
arrived in Alton Monday, and was taken to the Cathedral, where
funeral services were held, and the body was interred in Greenwood
Cemetery. The unfortunate man, who was about 80 years of age, was
run over by a switch engine at Venice, where he was engaged as a
crossing watchman. He leaves an aged wife, who lives at Venice, and
a daughter, Mrs. Daniel Cummings of Alton.
DUDE, CARL/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 4, 1886
From Edwardsville – Mr. Carl Dude, a farmer who lived near
Edwardsville, died Saturday, and was buried yesterday. [Burial was
in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville. He left a wife, Catherine
Schott Dude, and a son, Edward L. Dude.]
DUDLEY, ANNIE C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 20, 1905
Mrs. Annie C. Dudley, wife of George W. Dudley of Upper Alton, died
suddenly from apoplexy at the family home on Garden street, Saturday
night, while seated at the supper table. Mr. Dudley and several
members of Mrs. Dudley's family were seated at the table with her.
She was apparently in good health and was just beginning to partake
of the evening meal when she complained of a pain in her head at the
base of her brain, and in an instant she fell over on the table and
was dead before medical assistance could be given. Dr. E. C. Lemen
was summoned and pronounced the case apoplexy. Mrs. Dudley had
suffered several times in the last five years from premonitory
symptoms of the attack which proved fatal. Otherwise, she was in
good health and members of her family were in no way alarmed over
her condition. Her death was a great surprise to the members of her
family, three of whom were not at home when death occurred. Mrs.
Dudley was born Annie C. Parcher at Biddeford, Me., December 6,
1850. She was married at Boston, February 6, 1868, and was the
mother of eleven children, seven of whom survive her: Horace Dudley
of St. Louis; Winfield W. Dudley of Chicago; Mrs. Ellsworth Floyd of
Decatur; Miss Lillian Dudley; Wallace R., Rollin and Louis Dudley,
who live at home. The children who were away from home were hastily
summoned and all of them arrived Sunday morning. Mrs. Dudley was a
woman who was little known outside of her own home. She was
intensely devoted to her home interests and ever watchful after the
interests of her family. She was in every respect a good mother and
lived a true Christian life. Her death is a sad blow to her family,
who had not expected such a termination of the life of the mother.
Mrs. Dudley's death occurred at a time after she had just finished
arranging on the table a box of violets which her husband had
brought her from St. Louis that evening. She was very fond of
flowers and gave much of her spare time to caring for and
cultivating them. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2
o'clock from the family home, and Rev. W. H. Bradley of the
Presbyterian church, an old friend of Mrs. Dudley, will conduct the
DUDLEY, AUGUST/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 14, 1901
August Dudley, a glassworker, aged 27, died at Hotel Alton Sunday
after several weeks illness with typhoid fever. He was a resident of
Camden, N. J., and his body was shipped there this morning.
DUDLEY, MARY E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 22, 1914
Mrs. Mary E. Dudley, aged 77, died Saturday night at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Ed Canham, 602 Forest Home place, after a long
illness due to old age. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Canham and
Mrs. L. Chapman, also fourteen grandchildren. She was a charter
member of the Cherry street Baptist church, and the funeral services
tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock will be conducted in that church by
the pastor, Rev. S. D. McKenny.
DUFF, GEORGE WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 3,
George William Duff died this morning after an illness of three
months, following injuries which he received while at work for the
Alton and Granite R. R. Company. Mr. Duff was 37 years of age and
has resided in Alton for the past five years or so. He is survived
by his wife and five children, one boy and four girls. The oldest
child is 13, and the youngest is just one year old. He has been an
active member of the Madison lodge, Modern Woodman. Funeral services
will be held at 2 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon at the Keiser
Undertaking parlors, and will be conducted by the Modern Woodman. On
Wednesday the body will be taken to Rockbridge for burial.
DUFFY, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 29, 1910
Joseph Duffy, formerly a resident of Alton and for several years a
section foreman for the Illinois Terminal, was struck by a Terminal
train near Edwardsville last night and received injuries from which
he died in the hospital several hours later. Duffy worked in the
radiator works near Edwardsville and was enroute home when he was
struck by the train. His skull was fractured, legs broken, and his
body generally broken and crushed. Mrs. Duffy worried because her
husband was late, and sent her little son .... his father. The boy,
while walking along the path along side the railroad, stumbled over
his father's body and ran home to give the alarm. The injured man
was removed to the hospital where he died. Mr. Duffy was well known
to many Altonians. He leaves a wife and six children, all of them
young. The train crew came on to Alton and did not know they had hit
a man.
DUGGER, ELIZA L. A. (nee THORP)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February
16, 1849
Died near Highland, Madison County, Illinois, on the 12th ult., Mrs.
Eliza L. A. Thorp, wife of Mr. John Dugger, the daughter of Mr.
Henry B. Thorp, aged ____ years and 11 months.
DUGGER, UNKNOWN TWINS/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 02, 1896
From Edwardsville - Mr. and Mrs. Jule Dugger mourn the loss of
infant twins. They arrived Christimas evening. One lived but a few
hours, and the other died Thursday.
DUKES, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 7, 1912
James Dukes died in St. Joseph's hospital Wednesday evening at 5:30
o'clock from the wound inflicted by Officer Edward O'Leary in
Herbert White's saloon on Belle street. From the first, the surgeon,
Dr. Duggan, could hold out no hope of Dukes getting over the wound,
and late in the afternoon he sank rapidly from the effects of the
shock. Miss Mary Charless, who owned the farm in Godfrey which Dukes
managed, was in Alton this morning to look after the funeral
arrangements. She gave instructions to hold the funeral Friday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Keiser undertaking establishment.
Burial will be in the City cemetery. A brother of Dukes' was here
when the tragedy occurred. Jason Dukes, a brother of James Dukes,
has been working on the Charless place for about a year. He is a
quiet, peaceable man, law-abiding, and is highly regarded by all who
know him. He will probably take charge of the Charless farm in place
of his brother, as he has been an assistant there for some time. A
jury impaneled by the coroner will hold an inquest tonight if the
witnesses can be secured at that time, and if not, the inquest will
be deferred to Friday evening. Edward O'Leary was not re-arrested.
He remained at his home, but it was reported that he was ready to
give additional bond if it was required. Owing to the circumstances,
it was not deemed necessary to re-arrest him or increase his bond.
His father and Herbert White were his bondsmen, and it was regarded
as a good bond.
DUNCAN, GILBERT BLAIR/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 20, 1879
Co-Founder of Brunner & Duncan Foundry
Death has again entered the home of one of our best known and most
highly esteemed citizens, and taken away the husband and father. Mr.
Gilbert Duncan was taken ill on Friday afternoon last, and died at
his residence this afternoon, at 2:45 o’clock. The disease was
ulceration of the bowels. Mr. Duncan was a native of Scotland, born
in Kilmarnock, August 3, 1832, but settled in Alton in 1852, and has
been a resident of this city since then. During that time he was
engaged in the foundry business. He was superintendent of the
moulder’s department in the old Piasa foundry until that
establishment was closed at the breaking out of the late war. He
held a similar position in the Patterson Iron Works for many years.
Recently he has been engaged in the same business, being the junior
member of the firm of Brunner & Duncan, Machinists and Foundrymen.
Mr. Duncan thoroughly understood his business, and always gave
entire satisfaction, whether working as an employee or employer. He
leaves a widow [Sarah Jane McNeil Duncan] and a large family of
children, to whom his loss will be irreparable. In this their sad
bereavement they will have the sympathy of the entire community. The
funeral took place on Saturday, 16th inst., at 3 p.m., from the
family residence on Seventh Street.
Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery. The children of Gilbert
Duncan were: Elisabeth (1857-1947), James (1860-1926); Isabella
(1862-1884); Esther Florence (1864-1943); John (1869-1940); William
Millen (1872-1960); and George Dalgleish (1874-1966).
Duncan Foundry was founded by Brutus Brunner and Gilbert Duncan in
1874, and was located on Piasa Street in downtown Alton. They took
over an iron foundry which had been closed for several years.
Following the death of Gilbert Duncan, his son, James, took over the
business. Brunner sold his interest to James Duncan. One by one the
Duncan sons step into the business, with James at the lead. The
business was in operation for 109 years, closing in 1983.
DUNCAN ISABELLA/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 12, 1884
Daughter of Gilbert Blair Duncan (1832-1879) and Sarah Jane (McNeil)
Duncan (1836-1921)
Co-Founder of Duncan Foundry
It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of one of our young, but
well known and much beloved residents, Miss Isabella Duncan. This
estimable young lady was the second daughter of Mrs. Sarah J. Duncan
of Alton. Two years ago she graduated from the Seminary of Oxford,
Ohio, full of hope, and the promise of long life and usefulness. One
year ago last Christmas, she was exposed to a light shower of rain,
which resulted in an attack of rheumatism, and at a late period in
blood poisoning, from which she has endured the greatest suffering,
but with bravery and patience has born all her pains, ever hoping
for recovery, never murmuring or complaining. On Saturday night, she
quietly and peacefully fell asleep, and entered into the rest which
“remaineth for the people of God.” For many years she had been a
consistent and faithful member of the Presbyterian Church. She was
born on March 14, 1862, and had just passed her 22nd birthday. The
afflicted family have the deepest sympathy of their many friends and
acquaintances in this great bereavement. The funeral took place
Tuesday afternoon from the family residence in Middletown, and was
very largely attended, especially by the young friends of the
deceased, with whom she was held in the highest esteem. Many very
fine floral offerings were presented by sorrowing friends and
relatives as a last tribute of respect. [Burial was in the Alton
City Cemetery.]
DUNCAN, SARAH JANE (McNEIL)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
September 17, 1921
Widow of Industrial Founder Dies
Mrs. Sarah J. Duncan, one of Alton's oldest and best known
residents, died this noon at her residence, 1750 Liberty street,
following a sudden break down. She had returned home only a week
before from Seal Harbor, Me., where she had been spending the summer
with her daughter, Miss Esther Duncan, as she had usually done for
many years. Her trip had done her much good and when she arrived
home she seemed very much improved in strength and health, and had
gained so much that there was little thought on the part of her
family that she would be closing her life so soon. For several days
past she had not been feeling well, but there was no special cause
for anxiety as she had frequently been very sick and had shown
wonderful facility for rallying her physical power. Less than a year
ago she was in an extremely low condition and at that time it was
not expected by herself or family that she would live, but she did
get up and apparently was much better, so that she was able to make
the long journey this year to Maine to spend the summer. She stood
both trips well. The death of Mrs. Duncan removes from Alton a woman
known for her nobility of mind and strength of character. She was
born in Ballanress county, Derry, Ireland, November 1, 1836, and was
in her 85th year. Her maiden name was McNeill. She came to Alton
with other members of her family in 1850, the family being members
of a numerous colony who came to Alton about that year from
overseas. She was married in Alton to Gilbert Duncan, December 31,
1856. Her husband, who died in 1879, was one of the founders of the
foundry that afterward was developed by Mrs. Duncan's sons into the
great plant that now constitutes one of Alton's greatest industries
and is managed and operated solely by Mrs. Duncan's sons. Mrs.
Duncan leaves two sisters, Mrs. Martha Cousley, and Mrs. Ellen
Cousley, both of Sedalia, Mo. She leaves also two daughters, Misses
Lizzie and Esther, and four sons, James, John, William, and George
Duncan. To her family, Mrs. Duncan was always the leader. She was a
woman of great mental power and a leader everywhere, and most of all
in her family. Her home circle was first with her and there she was
always the center. She was unlike many women who would fail to have
influence with children who have become men and women, which
illustrates the reason why her counsel was always sought and highly
regarded in circles where she moved. In the First Presbyterian
church she was a leader in the work for many years, and was most
influential in the church counsels. She had been in retirement from
participation in church work for a number of years, but she had
never allowed her interest to flag and she was in attendance at
church whenever her strength would permit. In all causes where money
was needed to foster some project for the public good, Mrs. Duncan
was a liberal given and she influenced others to give. It is
doubtful that any good cause was every intentionally slighted by
her. Her religion was a part of her everyday life, and in her
passing that cause has lost one of its best representatives. A
kindly, motherly woman, she was loved by all her neighbors and those
who came in contact with her. Her passing out of life was quiet,
peaceful, just as Mrs. Duncan would have wished it. She had no
attendant suffering and she fell asleep from a natural breaking down
of the physical strength. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon
at 3 o'clock from the family home, and friends are invited to
attend. Friends are requested to omit flowers. Burial in City
cemetery will be private.
DUNFORD, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 12,
Illinois Pioneer Dies in California
Los Angeles, Cal., September 11 - Mrs. Elizabeth Dunford, one of
Illinois' pioneers, died here yesterday, aged 95 years. She was the
widow of Thomas Dunford of Alton, Ill., who was one of the builders
of the Chicago and Alton Railroad. He had the first contract to
supply the road with coal after its completion. Mrs. Dunford was
born in England, and when 18 years old came to America. She married
Dunford in Alton. She came to Los Angeles several years ago. Mrs.
Dunford often told how she and her husband kept money in the cellar
of their home, and hauled gold to the first bank in Alton with ox
Thomas Dunford was one of the pioneer settlers in this section
[Alton]. He was one of the first coal operators on the coal branch.
He accumulated large holdings of real estate. Mr. and Mrs. Dunford
were well known for their religious duties, having built a Baptist
church on the branch after a wonderful revival that swept over that
section. Mr. Dunford went into the foundry business with a man named
Brooks in Alton, which proved a failure, and in which Mr. Dunford
lost considerable money.
DUNFORD, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 22, 1873
Co-Founder of Dunford & Brooks Foundry in Alton; Coal Miner
One of our oldest and most enterprising citizens departed this life
Monday morning, August 18, at 8 o’clock at his residence, two miles
from the city, after a long and very painful illness, in the 67th
year of his age. He came to Alton more than thirty years since from
England, and was well known in this part of the State as one of the
first nurserymen of Illinois. He was also well known as a successful
miner and dealer in coal. But for several years’ past, the most of
his attention has been given to his extensive machine shop and
foundry in Alton. In all of his diversified business transactions,
and in his social intercourse with his fellow man, he maintained an
unimpeachable moral and Christian character, and his loss will be
lamented by an estimable wife and family, and a large circle of
friends and acquaintances.
Thomas Dunford was born December 31, 1807 in England. He married
Elizabeth Mixon, who died in 1905 in Los Angeles, California, and is
buried there. Their children were Alice Dunford Austermell and Maude
Elizabeth Dunford Austermell. Dunford and a Mr. Brooks established a
foundry and machine shop in 1865, at the corner of Front and Henry
Streets in Alton. He is buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
DUNKERBECK, HERMAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 29, 1885
From Edwardsville, Jan. 26 – Quite an excitement was created at
Saline, Madison County, this morning, upon the discovery of the dead
body of Herman Dunkerbeck, a single German, aged 58. Dunkerbeck had
resided for 18 years at Saline, and had worked in a stone quarry. He
was not known to have any relatives. The last seen of him was last
night, when he was intoxicated, which was not an unusual occurrence.
At that time, he had a difficulty in a saloon. This morning his body
was found frozen in the stable lot, about 75 feet from the saloon
building, to which he could be tracked by blood stains on the snow.
He had a wound above the left eye. As to the cause of his death,
opinions differ, one being that he froze to death; another that he
received the wound in the row in the saloon, and going outdoors
afterwards, fell and died from exposure.
DUNLAP, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 1, 1840
Died, in this city [Alton], on Thursday evening last, an infant
child of Robert Dunlap, Esq.
DUNN, ANNA (nee STANLEY)/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 22, 1881
From Edwardsville – Mrs. Anna Dunn, nee Stanley, wife of Henry Dunn,
died on Saturday morning at their home here, and her funeral, which
occurred on Sunday, was more largely attended than that of any other
colored person who has died here during the last twenty years.
DUNN, CATHERINE (SISTER INNOCENCE)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
May 9, 1901
Sister Innocence, aged 38, died last night at the residence on State
street next to the Cathedral, after a two weeks illness with
appendicitis. She leaves a number of relatives at Decatur, where she
was well known. Sister Innocence was known in the world as Catherine
Dunn, and she came from Decatur. She had long been connected with
the Ursuline Convent in this city. The funeral will be held Saturday
morning at 9 o'clock and services will be held in the Usuline
convent. Burial will be at Greenwood cemetery.
DUNN, JAMES/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 11, 1892
Mr. James Dunn of 1723 Market Street, long known to our people, died
last evening. Mr. Dunn was in the employ of the Chicago & Alton
Railroad in capacity of carpenter for many years. Subsequently for a
number of years as flagman at the crossing of Third Street, until
failing health compelled him to give up the watch a few months ago.
Deceased was upwards of seventy years of age, and his death is
chiefly attributable to the infirmities of old age. Mr. Dunn leaves
two sons, James, residing with him to the time of his death, and
John, who resides in St. Louis, and two daughters. The funeral will
take place tomorrow from the Cathedral to the North Alton Cemetery.
DUNN, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 19, 1908
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Dunn, an old resident of Alton, who died
Friday after a long illness at her home, 1723 Market street, will be
held Monday morning at 9 o'clock from the Cathedral. Deceased was
the widow of James Dunn and leaves four children, James T. Dunn of
Alton, John of St. Louis, and Mrs. M. Mangan and Mrs. Mary Woods,
both of Memphis, Tennessee. Mrs. Dunn resided in Alton more than
fifty years and was respected and esteemed by all who knew her.
DUNN, P. J./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 17, 1887
The funeral of Mr. P. J. Dunn took place this morning under the
auspices of the A.O.U.W. Committees from Bluff City Lodge, Alton
Lodge No. 117, and the Select Knights attended the remains to the
Cathedral, where the obsequies took place.
DUNN, PATRICK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 12, 1901
After a short illness from cholera morbus, Patrick Dunn, a well know
resident of the End End, died Thursday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. He
was about 54 years of age and leaves a widow and three children:
Mrs. W. D. Stobbs, James P. of the firm of Zeller & Dunn, and John
Dunn. The funeral will be Saturday morning at nine o'clock from St.
Patrick's church. Mr. Dunn was a kindly, honest, companionable man
who made many friends during his long residence in Alton. For many
years he was in the employ of the Big Four, the latter part of the
service being given as watchman at the Ridge street crossing.
DUNN, SARAH C. (nee TREADWAY)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February
21, 1895
Daughter of Richard M. Treadway, Founder of the Telegraph
Died at Memorial Home, corner of Grand and Magnolia Avenues, St.
Louis, on Tuesday, February 19, Mrs. Sarah C. Dunn, relict of the
late Charles Dunn, for many years connected with the St. Louis Gas
Company. The funeral services took place today from the home in St.
Louis. The interment will be in Alton tomorrow, immediately after
the arrival of the train. Friends in this city will meet the body at
the depot. Mrs. Dunn was, many years ago, a resident of Alton, and
was one of the early members of the Presbyterian Church here. She
was a daughter of Richard M. Treadway, one of the founders of the
(See also Dunnegan)
Telegraph, January 14, 1901
Wanda Pioneer
The oldest member of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Illinois,
died Sunday morning at the home of her nephew, Levi S. Dunnagan. She
was born 92 years ago at Wanda, and was Miss Elizabeth Davidson
before her marriage with Thomas G. Dunnagan in 1826. Her husband
died 26 years ago, and her nine children too were all called from
her years ago. For some time, she has made her home with her nephew
in Alton.
In 1809, the Methodists organized the Salem Church at Wanda, and the
Dunnagans, Davidsons, Dodds, and Kirkpatricks made up the
membership. Up to the breaking out of the war between the States,
the "Salem Church" camp meetings were of very great importance, and
attracted people from all over Illinois and Missouri, and all her
life Mrs. Dunnagan was a consistent member of that church. Madison
County, when she was born, extended north as far as the lakes, and
the entire county was pretty much of a wilderness. She saw all the
wonderful changes made by the 19th century, and up to the past few
months talked intelligently upon all subjects and most interestingly
about early times. Funeral services were conducted at the home this
morning by Rev. G. W. Shepherd of the First Methodist Church. The
body was then taken to Wanda, and laid to rest in the Salem
Cemetery, Rev. Randle conducting the services.
Elizabeth “Betsey” Davidson Dunnagan was born at Wanda on June 8,
1809. She was the daughter of William Coke Davidson and Hannah
Bankhead or Bunkhead Davidson, pioneers of the Wanda area. William
Coke Davidson was the son of John Davidson and Sally Gillham. John
Davidson was killed in one of the battles of the Revolutionary War.
William Coke Davidson died in 1820 in Madison County, at the age of
39 or 40, and Hannah died in 1831 at the age of 44 or 45. The
children of William and Hannah Davidson were Isham Gillham Davidson
(1802-1878); James Bankhead Davidson (1806-1854); Elizabeth Davidson
Dunnagan (1809-1901); George A. Davidson (1812-?); Sarah Millicent
Davidson Dunnagan (1813-1891); and Andrew Jackson Davidson
Elizabeth Davidson married Thomas G. Dunnagan in 1826, and lived in
the Wanda neighborhood. Her sister, Sarah, married Joseph Clark
Dunnagan, a brother to Thomas. Thomas Dunnagan was the son of Isaiah
Dunnagan, the first settler in Fort Russell Township. Isaiah was a
native of Georgia, and married in South Carolina to Ann Gillham
(sister to Ryderus Clark Gillham), daughter of John Gillham (fourth
son of Thomas Gillham Sr. who immigrated from South Carolina to
Illinois. Isaiah Dunnagan erected a log cabin and improved a small
farm in Wanda. Thomas Dunnagan died at Wanda on July 22, 1875, at
the age of 70. Thomas and Elizabeth had nine children, who all died
before she did. Six of them were: Mary A. Dunnagan (1827-1844);
William G. Dunnagan (1830-1847); Levi F. Dunnagan (1833-1851); James
B. Dunnagan (1836-1855); John W. Dunnagan (1843-1851); and Sarah G.
Dunnagan (1843-1868). Elizabeth Dunnagan died January 13, 1901, at
the age of 91. She is buried in the Wanda Cemetery in South Roxana.
Wanda, located on Wanda Road and Old Alton - Edwardsville Road, is a
small bedroom community that is today part of South Roxana. Wanda is
in both Wood River and Chouteau Township. The focal point of the
community is the red brick and white-steepled Wanda Methodist Church
- the oldest established church in Madison County. Once part of a
vast wilderness, Wanda was settled by pioneers such as Ryderus C.
Gillham, the Dunnagans, Davidsons, Dodds, and Kirkpatricks.
Religious services began in homes as early as 1802. The first log
church was built in 1809 on land donated by Ryderus C. Gillham. The
church also served as a schoolhouse. The area took on the name of
Gillham. In 1838, the Old Salem campground was laid out by Gillham
and his neighbors. Religious camp meetings were held, and people
came from Missouri and Illinois to hear the speakers. Soon the
settlement took on the name of Old Salem, which lasted until 1875,
when the postal service forced a name change. J. K. Fahnestock
opened a general store in 1874.
When the railroad went through the area, a depot was erected. It
became a gathering place for those who rode the rails to find
employment on the melon and potato farms during the Great
Depression. A frame schoolhouse was erected in the early 1900s,
which was replaced with a brick building in about 1915. This school
closed in 1970.
DUNNAGAN, THOMAS G./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 29, 1875
From Edwardsville, July 27, 1875 – Thomas G. Dunnagan, an early
settler of this county, and one of its most respected and highly
esteemed citizens, died at his late residence in Edwardsville last
Thursday. His funeral took place from Salem Church [Wanda], near
which his remains are buried. His wife survives him.
Thomas G. Dunnagan was born October 13, 1804 in Hall County,
Georgia. He was the son of Thomas Isaiah Dunnagan and Ann Gillham
Dunnagan. Thomas married Elizabeth Davidson Dunnagan (1809-1901).
They had the following children: Mary A. Dunnagan (1827-1844);
William G. Dunnagan (1830-1847); Levi F. Dunnagan (1833-1851); James
B. Dunnagan (1836-1855); John W. Dunnagan (1843-1851); and Sarah G.
Dunnagan (1843-1868). Thomas is buried in the Wanda Cemetery, South
Roxana, Illinois.
DUNNEGAN, L. S./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 22, 1920
L. S. Dunnegan, a lifelong resident of Madison County, died
yesterday at 5:30 p.m. at his home at Twentieth and Alton Streets.
He was 75 years old. Mr. Dunnegan had been ill since last December
and has been in a critical condition for several weeks. Mr. Dunnegan
was born on a farm near Edwardsville. He lived there until 18 years
ago, when he moved to Alton. During his residence in this city,
Dunnegan has been active in the affairs of the First Methodist
church. Mr. Dunnegan was one of the most respected citizens of
Madison county. While residing on the farm and in Alton, he made
many friends who are grieved at his death. His sterling character
and kindly disposition made warm friends of all whom he met. Mr.
Dunnegan is survived by his widow, Mrs. Nellie Edwards Dunnegan, and
one son, B. F. Dunnegan of St. Louis. Funeral services will be
Friday morning at 9 o'clock at the home. Burial will be in the
cemetery at Wanda. [Note: Believed to be the nephew of Elizabeth
Dunnegan above, Levi S. Dunnegan.]
DUNNEGAN, LAWRENCE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 28, 1902
Another old resident of Alton has passed away. Early this morning,
Lawrence Dunnegan, after a severe sickness of la grippe and kindred
ailments, and after it was thought he was getting better, died. He
was born in Langford county, Ireland, in 1822, and came to Alton in
1849 or 1850. He lived to see Alton grow out of her swaddling
clothes, and for years was a factor in her development. He was an
honest, industrious, generous man, and made many friendships that
endured through. He has merely been gathered home like the sheaf
when tis ripe, and the consciousness of that fact tempers the blow
to his sorrowing son and sweetens the regrets of his friends. His
wife died about four years ago and he leaves but one child, Judge J.
E. Dunnegan. The funeral will be Thursday morning at 9 o'clock from
the Cathedral.
DUNNEGAN, MARGARET/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 15, 1897
Mrs. Margaret Dunnegan, wife of Mr. Lawrence Dunnegan, died Friday
at her home at Sixteenth and Market Streets, after a long illness.
About one year ago Mrs. Dunnegan suffered a paralytic stroke, and
since that time she has been more or less helpless, and the natural
weaknesses of old age were greatly aggravated by her affliction. For
some time past she has been confined to her bed, and for the last
few days her death has been expected by her family.
Mrs. Dunnegan was born in Ireland 75 years ago. Many years ago she
emigrated to this country, and came to Alton shortly after. She was
one of Alton’s oldest resident. She leaves an aged husband and an
only descendant, Judge J. E. Dunnegan.
The funeral took place from the Cathedral Monday morning, where a
large concourse of friends and acquaintances of the deceased lady
gathered to honor her memory. A requiem high mass was celebrated. At
the conclusion of the church services, the casket was borne to the
hearse, and a long cortege followed to Greenwood Cemetery, where all
that was mortal of a loving wife and mother was laid to rest. The
pallbearers were William Flynn, M. Welsh, J. Ryan, J. Morrison,
Richard Nagel, and Roger McElligot.
DUNNEGAN, “MIDGIE”/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 28, 1893
Saturday, “Midgie,” the 12-year-old-ward of Judge J. E. Dunnegan,
breathed her last after months of suffering from consumption. The
funeral occurred Monday morning from the residence, No. 4 West
Sixteenth Street, to the Cathedral, thence to Greenwood Cemetery.
Midgie was a bright, lovable, and intelligent girl, and the sympathy
of the community goes out to Mr. Dunnegan, whose heart was bound up
in the child, in this sad affliction.
Midgie Dunnegan was born in 1881, and was bured in the St. Patrick’s
Cemetery in Godfrey.
DUNSCHEN, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 26, 1897
Mrs. Elizabeth Dunschen died Wednesday morning at her home near
Fosterburg. Mrs. Dunschen suffered a paralytic stroke Monday, and
from the first her recovery was deemed impossible. She was a native
of Germany, but came to this country at an early age, and since her
marriage has raised a large family of children, all of whom have
attained adult age. With her husband, who survives her, she had
accumulated a comfortable competence, and was reckoned one of the
best off in this world’s goods of all the residents in the vicinity
of Fosterburg. She has a number of relatives in Alton, and beside,
had scores of friends here who are grieved to hear of her demise.
The funeral will be Friday from St. Mary’s Church in Alton, and
interment at St. Joseph’s Cemetery.
DUNSCHEN, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 5, 1904
Henry Dunschen, aged 78, died Monday morning at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Jacob Brucker, from senile debility. He was born in
Germany April 11, 1826, at Winnenberg, came to America in 1854, and
to Alton in 1855. He was in the wagon making business for 12 years,
after which he moved to Fosterburg where he lived from 1867 to 1896.
He leaves four sons and three daughters. Three sons, Theodore,
Clement and John, live at Dodge, Nebraska. Ben lives at Alton, Mrs.
Fred Kiefner at Godfrey, Mrs. Will Wohnlich at North Alton, and Mrs.
Jacob Brucker of Alton. The funeral will be Wednesday at 8 a.m. from
St. Mary's church.
DUNSCHEN, JOSEPHINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 30, 1910
Mrs. Josephine Dunschen, widow of Henry Dunschen, died from typhoid
fever at her home, 634 east Fourth street, Friday evening at 9
o'clock. She had been ill less than a month. The funeral will be
held Monday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's church. Mrs. Joehl,
also a big family of brothers and sisters. [sic] She was a most
estimable woman, was a good neighbor and leaves a large circle of
friends. The surviving brothers are Minard and Louis Joehl, and the
sisters are Mrs. L. Misegades, Mrs. Joseph Budde, Mrs. Charles
Schenck, Mrs. Chris Eckhard. Her children are Misses Josephine,
Clara and Elizabeth, and an adopted child of one year, Victor
Dunschen. The death of Mrs. Dunschen is a sad blow to her 80 year
old mother, Mrs. Joehl, who made her home with her.
DUNSTEDTER, CAROLINE/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 21, 1890
From Edwardsville – Another old citizen has been called away. Mrs.
Caroline Dunstedter died last Wednesday; aged nearly 70 years.
DUNSTEDTER, JOHN/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, February 8,
John Dunstedter, an old resident of this city, died suddenly Sunday
morning [Feb. 5] about 2:30 o'clock. He had been up town Saturday,
and in the afternoon felt unwell. He was advised to send for a
doctor, but thought it unnecessary. He retired in the evening at the
usual time and went to sleep. About 2 o'clock his wife, who slept in
an adjoining room, was awakened by her husband's groaning. She got
up and went to where he was. She was there but a few moments when he
turned over on his side and expired. Coroner T. W. Kinder was
notified, and held an inquest. The jury consisted of W. T. Flynn,
foreman; R. P. Owen, T. J. Long, James Judd, James E. Flynn and T.
H. Stokes. The verdict was that Mr. Danstedter came to his death
from old age and natural causes. The funeral took place from the
residence on Main street yesterday afternoon. Services were
conducted at St. Boniface's church by Rev. Father August Schlegel,
and at Woodlawn by Rev. W. F. E. Ashe. The pallbearers were Henry
Langwisch, Edward Naeher, John Lautner, John Michel, Casper Doell
and George Gessert. Mr. Dunstedter was 84 years, 1 month and 17 days
old. He was born in Happenheimer, Hesse Darmstadt, Germany, in 1808.
He emigrated to this country with his family in 1858 and settled in
this city, where he has resided since. He was married three times.
His third wife, whom he married about two years ago, and one son,
Jacob Dunstedter, survive.
DUREE, CECELIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 21, 1918
Mrs. Cecelia Duree, wife of Charles Duree, died at 1:35 this
afternoon at her home in Wood River after a short illness with
influenza which developed into pneumonia. For the past few weeks the
entire family, consisting of father, mother, and two children, have
suffered from influenza, but the others recovered. Mrs. Duree leaves
her husband and two children. Also, a number of relatives in
Greenville, her old home. Duree is connected with the McDaniel &
Stocker, plumbers.
DURER, IDA/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 24, 1880
From Edwardsville - Little Ida, a three-year-old daughter of Barney
Durer, deputy in the County Treasurer’s office, died last Saturday.
DURHAM, JANE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 20, 1921
Born a Slave in Virginia
Jane Durham, an aged negro woman whose family claim she had passed
her century mark by eleven years, died this morning from old age at
her home, 105 West Ninth Street. It was said that she was born in
1810, a slave on a plantation in Virginia, afterward West Virginia.
She leaves two daughters, one of them 89 years of age and the other
82. The deceased lived with the 82-year-old daughter, Martha
Jackson, and the other daughter, Betty Hall, lives at Bloomington.
The two daughters appear to be very old. Members of the family say
that there were five generations living in the family, and that the
death of this aged woman leaves only four. The Telegraph's authority
for the age of the woman said that she frequently referred to having
seen "the stars fall," an event that happened back early in the
thirties, when there was a remarkable display of "shooting stars,"
and many an aged negro, whose age was not kept accurately and whose
knowledge of figures were insufficient to enable them to keep a
close track of their ages, give a clue as to how old they are. Those
who knew the deceased testify that she had the appearance of great
age and many of them readily credit the claim that she had passed
the century mark. She came here after she was freed from slavery.
All her years as a slave she had lived on one place, the property of
one family.
DURHAM, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 1, 1880
William Durham, a colored man, aged 60 years, died at one o’clock
Sunday night at the Piasa House, after a painful illness of five- or
six-months duration. His funeral took place from the Colored Baptist
DURKIN, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 22, 1896
Joseph Durkin, the man who was taken to the police station Saturday
in a rum-crazed condition, was sent to St. Joseph’s Hospital
Saturday night to have a bad case of delirium tremens cared for. He
died there Monday a.m. Durkin has children at St. Joseph, Missouri,
who will probably care for the body.
DUTRO, MICHAEL M./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 18, 1877
At half past five o’clock Saturday morning, Mr. Michael M. Dutro
breathed his last. His death was caused by a wound inflicted by
himself the previous day while laboring under mental derangement
caused by physical suffering. The great outlook for consolation in
the presence of such crushing affliction is the memory of the life
of the deceased. If it has been good and pure and noble, all else is
of comparatively little importance. The friend who has passed away
had gone in and out among us for many years. He had lived a life of
unsullied integrity, of devotion to the good of others, and strict
adherence to the great principles of religion. In his home, the
affectionate and leader, husband and father; in his intercourse with
others, the genial friend, the kind neighbor, and upright man. His
life is the best commentary on his virtues.
Mr. Dutro was a native of Zanesville, Ohio, and was about 50 years
of age. He removed to Alton about 28 years ago, and engaged in the
merchant-tailoring business, which pursuit he followed here until
1872, when he removed to Chicago and engaged in the grocery business
with his brother. Two years later, he returned to Alton, where he
has since pursued his former occupation. He was for many years a
prominent member and officer of St. Paul’s Church, where his
counsels and labors were ever highly valued. For several years also,
he had been the active and esteemed Superintendent of Trinity
Mission Sunday School.
During his residence in Alton, Mr. Dutro was several times called
upon to fill various offices of trust and honor. He had been a
member of the Common Council and of the Board of Education; had been
also City Collector. He was a prominent member of the Masonic Order,
and his death will be sadly felt among his brethren. In his family
relations, Mr. Dutro was especially happy. He was devoted to his
wife and children, and his relations with them were always those of
the most tender affection. His death will be to them the saddest of
earthly bereavements. The whole community sympathize with them in
their loss, and feel that they too have been afflicted by this death
of a true friend and good citizen. [Burial was in the Alton City
Cemetery. He was 60 years of age.]
DUTTENHOFFER, CHRISTOPHER/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 22, 1885
A German named Christopher Duttenhoffer started from Highland,
Saturday, for St. Jacobs, driving a beer wagon. On starting to
return, a lurch of the wagon threw him under the wheels, and he
received internal injuries from which he died Sunday afternoon.
Coroner Melling held an inquest Monday, and a verdict was rendered
in accordance with the above facts.
DUTTON, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 28, 1873
Died on February 16 near Troy, Samuel Dutton; aged 56 years.
DUTY, FRANK/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 7, 1895
From Melville – Mr. Frank Duty died Saturday morning after an
illness of nine days with lung fever. The deceased was 43 years old.
He leaves a widow, two stepdaughters, one son, and two daughters.
The funeral took place Sunday morning from the family home to the
Melville Cemetery. Dr. R. Gibson of Alton conducted the services.
DUVA, S./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 10, 1916
According to word which has been received by Mrs. Mary Duva, who
conducts a boarding house in the eastern part of the city, her
husband, S. Duva, a resident of Alton, was killed in the European
war while fighting with the Italian troops. Mrs. Duva has not heard
from her husband for many months and she suspected that he had been
killed in battle. It was not until a few days ago, however, that she
was informed of the death of her husband. The husband and wife and
five children formerly lived in Alton. Shortly after Italy went into
the war a call to the colors took Mr. Duva from Alton to his native
land to fight with his regiment. He left his wife with five small
children. Since that time she has been conducting a boarding house
in the eastern part of the city and she ... living for herself and
... .... [unreadable].
DUVAL, IRA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 21, 1902
Ira Duval, aged 22, sustained a fracture of his backbone at the
sixth dorsal vertebrae Sunday morning while driving cattle at the
Joehl dairy near Fosterburg. At 7 o'clock he left the Joehl place
with the cattle to drive them to the pasture, and he intended to be
gone from the place the remainder of the day. As he entered the
pasture one of the cows tried to escape, and Duval, who was mounted
on a horse, attempted to cut the cow off and drive it back into the
herd. The cow made too short a turn and fell, and before Duval could
check his horse it stumbled over the prostrate body of the cow and
threw Duval to the ground. His back was broken and he was unable to
move or attract the attention of anyone who could render him aid. He
laid on the ground, the sun beating down in his eyes, from 7 o'clock
in the morning until 3 in the afternoon. When an employee of the
Joehl's went to the pasture to drive the cows home at 3 o'clock,
Duval was found lying on the ground where he had fallen, helpless
and suffering intense pain. He is paralyzed below the fracture in
his spine, and Dr. E. C. Lemen, who attended, pronounced his case as
being a very bad one. If he lives, he will probably be a helpless
cripple all his life.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 28, 1902
Ira Duval, the young man whose back was broken one week ago Sunday
by being thrown from a horse at Fosterburg while driving cattle,
died Sunday night from paralysis. The young man was helpless from
the point of fracture to his feet. The injury was considered fatal
by Dr. E. C. Lemen from the first. The young man's home was at
Wood's Station, and his death occurred there. After his back was
broken Duval laid in the hot sun eight hours before he was found,
and he was conscious all the time, suffering terrible pain.
DUVALL, MARY ANN (nee JINKINSON)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
February 25, 1915
Mrs. Mary Duvall was born in Foster Township on May 22, 1849. She
was the daughter of Richard Jinkinson [and Elizabeth Young
Jinkinson], one of the early settlers of this vicinity, and had
lived in Foster Township all her life. She leaves her husband
[Nymphas M. Duvall], three sons, and two daughters; also, two
brothers and one sister. Mrs. Duvall was a well-known and highly
esteemed mother and neighbor, and had been a patient sufferer with
dropsy for over two years. The funeral was held from the Fosterburg
Baptist Church Tuesday. Rev. Simeon Hussey, an old friend of the
family, officiated. The funeral was attended by a large number of
relatives, friends, and neighbors, who wished to show their respect
for the family. The pallbearers were all neighbor boys whom Mrs.
Duvall had chosen herself. They were Lawrence, Tony, John, and
Willie Vonnahmen, and Joseph and Frank Berghoff. She was buried in
the Fosterburg Cemetery. The floral offerings were numerous and
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 23, 1915
The funeral of Mrs. Henry Duval was held this afternoon from the
family home to the Fosterburg Baptist Church. Rev. Simeon Hussey of
Alton conducted the funeral services. There was a large attendance
of relatives and friends of the family.
Mary Ann Jinkinson was born May 22, 1849. She was the daughter of
Richard Jinkinson (1819-1879) and Elizabeth “Betsy” Young Jinkinson
(1825-1858). Mary Ann married Nymphas M. Duvall (1840-1918). She was
interred in the Fosterburg Cemetery.
DWIGGINS, ANNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 14, 1907
Mrs. Annie Dwiggins, aged 45 years, wife of Bernard Dwiggins, died
Friday night at the home at Twelfth and Belle streets, after a short
illness. She is survived by her husband and nine children. The
funeral will be held either tomorrow afternoon or Monday morning
from the Cathedral to Greenwood cemetery.
DWYER, EDWARD/Source: Alton Weekly Courier, March 3, 1859
Fight End in the Death of Irishman
An Irishman named Edward Dwyer, who was fireman at Joshua Gillham’s
sawmill, about eight miles east of Alton, was killed on Saturday
afternoon by a man named John Moore, who had been engaged cutting
timber for Gillham. Two or three fights had occurred between the
parties, but the immediate cause of Dwyer’s death was from several
blows upon the breast and left side, from a heavy club in the hands
of Moore. They had been drinking freely during the day, having
obtained a jog of whiskey from the Sand Ridge grocery in the
morning. An inquest was held Sunday by Dr. James, County Coroner,
and the jury returned a verdict in accordance with the statement
above named.
Moore immediately ran off after the murder. He is described as a man
about thirty years old, about five feet, eight inches high, heavy
set, light hair, blue eyes, sandy whiskers on his chin, and stutters
badly when speaking. Arrangements are being made for having a reward
offered for his apprehension. An indictment from the Madison County
grand jury was issued for manslaughter against Moore.
DWYER, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 12, 1895
Michael Dwyer, aged 27 years, died this morning after a long illness
from typhoid malaria. He was born in Alton, and has resided here all
of his life, having many friends here. He leaves a mother and
brother to survive him. The funeral will take place Thursday from
the Cathedral.
DWYER, PATRICK/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 3, 1890
Watchman for the Chicago & Alton Railroad
From the Daily of June 26 – Mr. Patrick Dwyer, an old gentleman aged
about 65 years, has for some years been the crossing watchman on the
Chicago & Alton “cut off” in Upper Alton. It had been customary for
him to come to his supper every evening about 6 o’clock. However, he
failed to do so last evening, but nothing was thought of it as it
was presumed he intended waiting until the late train had passed
before returning to his daughter’s home (Mrs. John Dillon). The
family retired as usual, and were startled this morning to find that
Mr. Dwyer had not been home during last night. They went to the
little house he was accustomed to stay in while at the crossing,
where they found him, but he was dead. He was lying back in his
chair against the building, as if in peaceful repose. It is believed
that he died very suddenly, as the position he was in when found
would indicate that such had been the case.
Coroner Bonner arrived here on the noon train, and proceeded
immediately to the home of deceased, where an inquest was held. It
was in evidence there that Mr. Dwyer had been ailing for several
days past, and Dr. Lemen testified that his death was undoubtedly
due to apoplexy. The jury returned a verdict in accordance with the
facts as above related.
DWYER, PHILLIP H./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 12, 1891
Mr. Phillip H. Dwyer died Saturday morning at the home of his
mother, 310 Market Street, aged 26 years. Mr. Dwyer had been ill
with typhoid fever since July 12, and this morning death came as a
relief from the intense suffering endured by him. He leaves a mother
and two brothers to mourn his death. The funeral took place from the
Cathedral on Monday.
DYE, CLARA MARIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 22, 1848
Died on Wednesday, the 13th instant, in Alton, Clara Maria, youngest
daughter of Mr. John and Mrs. Clara Dye, aged 14 months.
DYE, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 5, 1878
A letter was received in Alton yesterday stating that Mr. John Dye,
who left here early last month for his home in Jacksonville,
Florida, had arrived there very much exhausted with the trip, had
been taken ill soon after, and was then lying very low with typhoid
pneumonia. We received a telegram from Captain A. L. Hungerford,
stating that Mr. Dye’s illness proved fatal last evening. He will be
buried at Jacksonville.
Mr. Dye was a native of New Jersey, and was about 65 years of age.
He had been a valued and consistent member of the Presbyterian
Church at Alton. His wife, a sister of Mr. P. B. Whipple, died over
20 years ago. The only one of his children surviving is his
daughter, Mrs. A. L. Hungerford of Jacksonville, at whose home he
DYER, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 8, 1911
Mrs. Elizabeth Dyer, widow of Marion Dyer, died at her home near
Upper Alton this morning, aged 75. She had been in poor health for
some time, and her death was due to weakness of old age. Her husband
died over one year ago. She leaves three children, Frank and Marion
Dyer, and Mrs. Joseph Dillon. The funeral will be Wednesday
afternoon from her home to Mt. Olive cemetery.
DYKEMAN, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 17, 1907
The funeral of Charles Dykeman was held this afternoon from the home
of his sister, Mrs. John Hoppe, 1009 east Third street. The funeral
services were conducted by Rev. Toomey of the Cherry street Baptist
church. At City cemetery the services were under the auspices of the
Modern Woodmen, Mr. Dykeman having made a last request that Robin
Hood camp attend his funeral. Burial was in City Cemetery.
DYKEMAN, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 27, 1922
WWI Veteran Kills Himself After Arrest
Charles Dykeman, aged 27, committed suicide after being arrested
yesterday on a charge of cashing a worthless check at the Burns
grocery store. The check was signed with the name of E. J. Ash.
Relatives attribute his desperate act to two causes. One was the
fact that he was gassed while in the service overseas, during the
war. The other was his worry over being unable to bring his wife
back to Alton. He was married three years ago and some time ago was
separated from his wife. He is said to have been trying to make
arrangements to be reunited with her, and having no money he
resorted to the expedient of writing a check and cashing it. He was
soon afterward arrested and held in custody. In some way, he managed
to gain possession of some carbolic acid and swallowed it. When
discovered, he was dying, late in the afternoon, and when members of
his family arrived the end was very near. He was a son of Mrs.
Drusilla Dykeman of 106 East Thirteenth Street, and beside his wife,
who was Josephine Biggs of Alton, he leaves four brothers, George,
Foreman, Vernon and Thomas; and three sisters, Miss Bessie Dykeman,
Mrs. Alice Wehrmann and Stella Warren of Granite Bend, Mo. Members
of the family say that after Charles Dykeman returned from the war,
he would fall in fainting fits, and they attributed his disability
to gassing. He had made unsuccessful attempts so far to secure
compensation they said. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at
two o'clock from the home of his mother at 106 East Thirteenth
Street. Services will be conducted by the Rev. C. C. Smith of the
Congregational church. Interment will be in the family lot in City