IEPPERT, GEORGE W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 20, 1918
Just what caused the death of George W. Ieppert, who died Saturday from the effects of injuries he sustained a week before in the east end of Alton, caused the coroner's jury to be puzzled. Deputy Coroner Bauer had three theories to investigate. One was that Ieppert was hit with a brick and that he had quarreled with two men. The two men denied that they had trouble of so serious a character with Ieppert. Another theory was that he might have been hurt by an automobile. Two men told Officer Mayford that they saw Ieppert struck by a Ford automobile. Still a third theory is that Ieppert fell down and struck his head on a large stone that was lying where he was picked up. Ieppert was never able to give information as to how he got hurt. The mystery surrounding the cause of Ieppert's death was not cleared by a coroner's jury, which held an inquest over the body this morning, in charge of Deputy Coroner William H. Bauer. A verdict that the deceased came to his death by an "injury in the head; cause unknown," was returned. Two witnesses were examined, Garriott D. Ieppert, a brother of the dead man, and George Hohnsbehn, but their testimony was not sufficient to cause any arrests to be made in connection with the death. The police theory is that Ieppert was accidentally killed by an automobile. A large deep gash extending in a half circle from the top of his forehead to his left cheek, and bruises on his breast indicate that he did not meet with foul play and seems to strengthen the supposition that he was the victim of an accident, the extent nature of which has not been determined. Ieppert was 29 years old and unmarried. He was a laborer. surviving him are his parents and three brothers. The funeral will be from the Ieppert residence Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and the burial will be in Milton Cemetery at East Alton.


Dr. Alfred J. IhneIHNE, ALFRED J. (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 3, 1912
Young Fosterburg Doctor
An interesting incident in the life of the physicians who have been attending Dr. Alfred J. Ihne has been the careful watch they have seen Dr. Ihne keep on the evidences of the ebbing of his life's strength. Dr. Ihne, who is at St. Joseph's Hospital dying from peritonitis [inflammation of the abdomen wall] following an attack of appendicitis, was a physician of more than the usual ability of those found in rural communities. He was a man well versed in medicine and surgery, and when it came time for himself to enter the valley of the shadows, he watched the approach of the shadow and marked its gradually lessening distance from him. Watching his own pulse beats, keeping notice of his increasing weakness, the surgeon commented on the changes for the worse. This afternoon he was in a very bad way, and his life could not last more than a few hours, it was said, owing to the increase in the area affected by peritonitis. It was an inspiring sight to see the doctor die, and one that affected deeply those who watched his calm view of the approach of what he knew was certain death. Dying by inches, the young doctor who might have made a high mark in the world, realized that there was no human power that could long protract his life, yet as a man who would measure the drops of blood pouring from a blood vessel in his person, he was helpless to stop, he watch his approaching end.

Dr. Alfred J. Ihne passed away July 4, 1912, at the age of 34 years. He was survived by his wife, Rose Ihne; three brothers – Robert Ihne of Iowa, William Ihne of Oklahoma, and Henry Ihne of Iowa; and four sisters – Mrs. Mary Hunter of Oklahoma, Mrs. Addie Brenker of Bunker Hill, Mrs. Myrtle Shawhan of Nebraska, and Miss Clara Ihne of Fosterburg. The funeral was held in the Presbyterian Church in Fosterburg.

Dr. Ihne was one of Fosterburg's best citizens. He was greatly beloved and esteemed by everyone who knew him. He was a skilled and successful physician, a leader in everything pertaining to the good of the town and his fellowmen. He always took a firm stand on the side of justice, and was fearless in expressing his convictions. Dr. Ihne was kind and gentle in all his duties, both as physician and citizen. He left a vacant place in Fosterburg which was hard to fill. The services at the grave were conducted by Fosterburg Camp No. 3328 Modern Woodmen of America, led by District Deputy L. E. Walter of Alton. The members of the camp and a large number of the members of the Madison County Medical Association led in the procession to the grave. The Woodmen burial services were carried out. The pallbearers were: W. Heiens, Frank Schaum, Charles Harrison, Charles Ost, John S. Culp, and Arthur Neuhaus, all Woodmen. He was buried in the Fosterburg Cemetery.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 5, 1912
Dr. A. J. Ihne died Thursday morning at 5 o'clock in St. Joseph's hospital from peritonitis, aged 34. His death followed a period of unconsciousness into which he dropped Wednesday afternoon. up to the time that he became unconscious, Dr. Ihne had kept close watch on the progress of his disease, and realized that he was rapidly slipping away as his medical and surgical knowledge told him that his end was surely near. He is survived by his wife, who with his sister, Miss Marie Ihne, and other relatives, were at the bedside in the hospital when death came. The body was taken to Fosterburg yesterday afternoon, and the funeral will be there Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Dr. Ihne leaves besides his wife, three brothers, Robert Ihne of Davenport, Ia.; William of Newkirk, Okla.; Henry of Iowa; and four sisters, Mrs. Mary Hunter of Newkirk, Okla.; Mrs. Addie Brenker of Bunker Hill; Mrs. Myrtle Shawhan of Table Rock, Neb.; and Miss Clara Ihne of Fosterburg.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 8, 1912
The funeral of Dr. A. J. Ihne was held on the lawn of his beautiful home in Fosterburg yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Benjamin Feiselmann of the Presbyterian church officiating. The casket surrounded by a profusion of beautiful floral emblems was placed on the front porch during the services. Rev. Feiselmann paid a glowing tribute of respect to the memory of the departed. Special selections were sung by a quartette. The funeral was attended by one of the largest assemblages ever gathered in Fosterburg. Dr. Ihne was one of Fosterburg's very best citizens. He was greatly beloved and esteemed by everyone who knew him. He was a skilled and successful physician, a leader in everything pertaining to the good of the town and his fellowmen. He always took a firm stand on the side of justice, and was fearless in expressing his convictions. Dr. Ihne was kind and gentle in all his duties, both as physician and citizen. He leaves a vacant place in Fosterburg which will be hard to fill. The services at the grave were conducted by Fosterburg Camp No. 3328 M. W. of A., led by District Deputy L. E. Walter of Alton. The members of the camp and a large number of the members of the Madison County Medical Association led in the procession to the grave. The beautiful Woodmen burial services were carried out. Among the many beautiful floral emblems were one from the Medical Association and one from the Woodmen. The pallbearers were: W. Heiens, Frank Schaum, Charles Harrison, Charles Ost, John S. Culp, and Arthur Neuhaus, all Woodmen. Dr. Ihne leaves his wife, Mrs. Rose Ihne, four sisters and three brothers. All of his brothers and sisters were present at the funeral. Many relatives and friends from St. Louis, Alton, Godfrey, Belleville, Woodburn, North Alton, and Bethalto were also present. The bereaved family have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community, who will always cherish the memory of Dr. Ihne.


ILCH, DAVID/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 8, 1921
David Ilch, aged 80, died this morning at St. Joseph's Hospital, one day after his birthday. He was taken to the hospital recently to prepare for a surgical operation to relieve a malady in his throat. He was operated on the day he was eighty years old and lasted but one day afterward. Mr. Ilch was for many years engaged in the saloon business in the North Side. He had a place that had a wide reputation. He retired from the business a number of years ago, turning the place over to his son and namesake. Mr. Ilch had been suffering from weakness incident to his great age, and for a long time had not been able to be about, but remained in his home all the time. Mr. Ilch was born in Altenheim, Baden, Germany, and had been a resident of Alton sixty-four years. Soon after coming to Alton he established a saloon on State street on what is known as the Turner tract. Later, he built a saloon at State and Delmar and sold it, and then he built one at State and Elm. Twenty-five years ago he retired from business turning it over to David W. Ilch, his son. He leaves eight children: William Ilch and Mrs. Emma Nall of Kansas City, Mo., Dr. O. B. Ilch of St. Charles, David W., Henry, and George Ilch, Mrs. William Murphy and Miss Minnie Ilch, of Alton. The funeral will be held on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home, 3305 State street and interment will be in Alton City Cemetery.


ILLIJAHN, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 11, 1918
John Illijahn, aged 87, familiarly known in the neighborhood as "Uncle John," was found dead in bed at the home of his cousin, Mrs. Caroline Dietz, 1330 East Fourth street, about 8:30 o'clock Wednesday evening. It is supposed that the quiet old gentleman just slept away, peacefully. For thirty years he had not engaged in any occupation. He stayed around the home of his cousin, Mrs. Dietz, who was his only known near relative. He was known as a very quiet man, but he was very much liked in the neighborhood where he spent the last 30 years of his life.


ILLSEN, CHARLES E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 25, 1901
Charles E. Illsen, a well-known painter, died Sunday evening at his home on West Seventh street after a three months illness. He leaves his wife and four children. He was a member of the local painters union, No. 42. The funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.


INGERSOLL, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 30, 1911
The hand of death dealt heavy with the Godfrey-Melville district today, removing one of the best known of its residents and another who was a former well known resident. John Ingersoll, who has been ill for several weeks with jaundice, died at 12 o'clock today. His condition grew rapidly worse the past two days and little hope was held out by his family for his recovery. John Ingersoll has been a resident of the Godfrey district for many years, and would have been 58 years of age next August. He was well known in the politics of his township and has for many years been a leader in the ranks of the Republican Godfrey township. For twelve years he was in the Illinois Grain inspection office at East St. Louis, where he did valuable work for the state. He leaves a wife and one daughter, also his father, a brother and sister who reside in Jersey county. The funeral will be held from the Godfrey M. E. Church Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.


INGERSOLL, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 09 & 13, 1915
John Ingersoll, who is 95 years old, is very sick at his home in Godfrey Township. He is being given attention by his son, Wallace, who has given up all other work for the time, and has undertaken to look after his father. Mr. Ingersoll comes of a family known for longevity. His father lived to be 115 years of age. His health has always been rugged, and as he has never before been sick, his family and friends are hopeful that by good nursing and constant attention, he will regain his strength. His mind is clear and he enjoys having his friends call on him. His recollections of olden days are very interesting. Mr. Ingersoll lives on the Samuel Wade farm in the Piasa Creek neighborhood, south of Delhi.

John Ingersoll, in ninety-fifth year, died at his home in Godfrey township at midnight, Friday night. Mr. Ingersoll was stricken a short time ago with an illness which probably was due to his great age. He had every hope of being able to recover as he had set his heart on reaching the age that was attained by some of his ancestors, who were much longer lived people than he, even though he was nearing his ninety-fifth birthday. His mind was bright and clear, and he enjoyed having his friends call on him at his home. His only son, Wallace Ingersoll, gave up all of his other duties and devoted his time to looking after his aged father. It was believed that by good care and nursing the aged man would rally. However, he suffered a complete prostration and the end came Friday night. Mr. Ingersoll was born in Canada. He came to Godfrey township in 1874. Of the three children, but one is living. The funeral of Mr. Ingersoll will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home, Rev. Brown of the Godfrey Congregational church officiating.

INGERSOL, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 17, 1915
From Piasa Creek & Vicinity – The funeral of John Ingersol, which took place Monday, was largely attended by relatives and friends. John Ingersoll was born in the town of Ingersoll, Canada, August 13, 1820, and came to this country in the year 1874, where he remained until his death. Those attending the funeral from neighboring towns were Dr. Dickinson and son of Brighton; Mrs. Nixon, Mrs. Smith, and Samuel Wade of Alton; John Hall and daught of Belville. The pallbearers were John Kuhn, Richard Compton, Martin Fitzgibbons, Sam Lindley, Dixon Mundle, and William Haag, who were all neighbors and friends of the deceased.


Colonel Robert Green IngersollINGERSOLL, ROBERT GREEN (COLONEL)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 21, 1899
Attorney, Civil War Veteran, Atheist, Illinois Attorney General
From New York, July 21 – Robert G. Ingersoll died this afternoon from apoplexy.

Robert Green Ingersoll was born in Dresden, New York, in 1833. He was the youngest of five children of a Congregationalist minister, Rev. John Ingersoll. The family removed west in 1845, and for a short time resided in Alton, in a house located on the site of the residence of Mrs. E. J. Montgomery, on the corner of Seventh and Easton Streets. The house was burned to the ground twenty-five or thirty years ago.

Robert Ingersoll studied law, and was admitted to the bar. In 1857, he removed to Peoria, where he soon became a lawyer of ability. He was a Democrat in politics. In 1862, he entered the Civil War, and became Colonel of the 11th Illinois Cavalry, and was taken prisoner and exchanged. He returned to citizenship and became a Republican. In 1869, he was a candidate for governor before the Republican convention, but was defeated because of his pronounced atheistic views. In 1876, he nominated Blaine at Cincinnati in a speech that will be remembered as long as the English language lasts, in which he named Blaine “the Plumed Knight.” Soon after this, he entered the lecture field, and became the most noted agnostic lecturer of the New World, if not of the world. His denunciation of the Christian religion was bold, daring, blasphemous; he denied the existence of God; ridiculed the pretenficus of Jesus of Nazareth as to the deity, and the inspired character of the Bible. He has lived in New York for ten or twelve years. Two daughters survive him.

Robert Green Ingersoll was born August 11, 1833, in Dresden, Yates County, New York. He was the son of Rev. John Ingersoll (1792-1859) and Mary Livingston Ingersoll (1799-1835). Robert married Eva Amelia Parker (1841-1923), and they had two daughters, one of whom was Eva Ingersoll Brown (1864-1928).

Robert grew up in Illinois, and was admitted to the Illinois bar. He opened a lucrative law practice in Peoria. He was known for his cutting barbs and was an outstanding trial attorney. He joined the 11th Illinois Volunteer Cavalry during the Civil War, and was captured near Corinth, Mississippi. He was shortly after released. After the war he became a Republican, and served as Illinois Attorney General from 1867 to 1869. Very early on, Robert rejected Christianity and the Bible. He was decried as a “moral leper” by clergymen, and at the same time was lauded by literary giants such as Mark Twin and Walt Whitman. He strongly advocated equal rights for black people and women, and defended Susan B. Anthony from hecklers when she spoke in Peoria. When every hotel in the city refused to house Frederick Douglass, Robert welcomed him into his home. Robert enjoyed popularity as a public speaker. After his death in Dobbs Ferry, New York, his writings, published posthumously, filled 12 volumes. He was interred in the Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. (Source: Find A Grave)

The mother of Robert G. Ingersoll, Francis Langdon Willard Ingersoll (1797-1854), was interred in the Alton City Cemetery. His father, Rev. John Ingersoll, was interred in the Springdale Cemetery in Peoria, Illinois.


INGHAM, AUGUSTA/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 13, 1881
Miss Augusta Ingham died in Godfrey Saturday morning, at the age of sixty-eight years. Deceased was formerly of New York City, and resided in Alton about a year ago. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon from the residence of Mrs. Lucretia Ingham, two miles north of Godfrey.


INGHAM, GEORGE DANIEL/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 25, 1887
From Godfrey – George Daniel Ingham died at the family residence near Godfrey, on Thursday morning, August 18, 1887, at half past four o’clock, of dropsy; aged 43 years, 10 months, 18 days. All that medical skill and faithful loving care could do was done for him. To us, it is a mystery why he should be called away in early manhood, but his was an exceptional life, he having accomplished much more good than many who live to ripe old age. Yet, because he was so good and noble, he will be missed the more, not only in the home circles, but in the church literary circles, by the whole neighborhood and all by whom he was known. May the good seed he has sown with such a lavish hand bear much fruit for many years to come. He bore all his sufferings without a murmur, having fast hold of his loving Father’s hand. The pallbearers were William Sweetser, J. Y. Sawyer Jr., George T. Bushnell, George R. Ferguson, Richard Compton, and Louis Talmage. We extend to the bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy.


INGHAM, ROLAND J./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 10, 1881
Mr. Roland Ingham, an old and prominent farmer living three miles north of Godfrey, died last night, aged 73 years [born March 6, 1807]. He had been a resident of Godfrey Township for over forty years, and was highly respected. He leaves a widow and seven or eight children. The funeral takes place tomorrow afternoon from his late residence. [Burial was in the Godfrey Cemetery.]

Source: Alton Telegraph, February 10, 1881
The funeral services of Mr. Roland Ingham, who died on February 2 at his residence, about two miles north of Godfrey, took place on Friday afternoon, a large number of relatives and acquaintances of the deceased being present to pay the last sad rites to their old friend. Mr. Ingham was 74 years of age, having been born in Ireland in 1807, coming to this country with his parents in 1816, and lived in the vicinity of Godfrey for more than forty years on the later portion of his life. He was a member of the Church of Christ in Godfrey, having united with it in 1839. He leaves a widow and several children to mourn his loss. The pallbearers were John Riggs, Isaac Howell, Z. Brown, John Y. Sawyer, George G. Pierce, and J. B. Turner.


INGHAM, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 14, 1895
From Upper Alton – Rev. G. W. Waggoner was called today to conduct the funeral services of Mrs. Ingham of Godfrey, mother of Mrs. Lathy Waggoner of Upper Alton. Her death was quite a severe shock to the community, as she was apparently in perfect health.

News was received in town Monday that Mrs. L. M. Ingham, an aged resident of north Godfrey Township, had died suddenly this morning from heart disease at her country home. Mrs. Ingham leaves eight children, all of whom have attained the years of maturity. The date and time of the funeral had not been settled.

From Godfrey – The many friends of Mrs. Ingham were shocked and grieved to learn of her sudden demise from heart failure, last Monday morning. Mrs. Ingham was a woman of sterling integrity, a consecrated Christian, and a devoted mother. She was deeply loved and respected by a large circle of friends. The family has the sympathy of all the community in the loss they have sustained.


INGLIS, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 30, 1896
After an illness of 24 hours, Mr. Thomas Inglis, Division Master Mechanic of the Cotton Belt Railroad, died at his home in Tyler, Texas at 12:15 today. Mr. Inglis is the son-in-law of Mr. John Edgar of 533 Alby Street in Alton. His death is a great shock to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar, and other friends here, as no word of his illness reached them until his death was announced. He was in excellent health the last letter received from Mrs. Inglis. He was a man of rare mechanical and executive abilities, and has managed the interest of his department for the Cotton Belt Railroad with entire satisfaction to the company.

Source: Alton Telegraph, August 6, 1896
The body of the late Thomas Inglis of Tyler, Texas, Division Master Mechanic of the Cotton Belt Railway, arrived Saturday via the Chicago & Alton Railroad. It was escorted from Tyler by Sir Knights T. J. Thornton and Joseph Daglish of Tyler Commandery, Knights Templars. General Master Mechanic R. M. Galbrath and wife, of Pine Bluff, Arkansas; Mr. Will Newland, Private Secretary of Superintendent Edison of the Cotton Belt; Embalmer Taylor; the widow, Mrs. Inglis; and niece, Miss Jessie Inglis; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Edgar and child, were of the party. The private car of Superintendent Edison was furnished the party to St. Louis, and from there to Alton over the Chicago & Alton. The body was met at the Union Station in Alton by a delegation of the Knights of Belvidere Commandery, under command of Sir Knight S. F. Connor, who escorted the casket from the depot to the residence of the deceased’s father-in-law, Mr. John Edgar, 615 Alby Street, where brief services were conducted by Rev. J. M. Gaiser of the C. P. Church.

A delegation of Masons from Piasa Lodge marched to the residence, under the lead of W. M. W. C. Johnston. The pallbearers were members of the Masonic order. The casket was borne from the house to the hearse, and thence to the Alton City Cemetery, escorted by the Knights Templar and other Masons in carriages. At the cemetery, worthy Master W. C. Johnston opened the service, and then turned it over to Deputy Grand Master Burnap, who rendered the beautiful Masonic services in an impressive manner. The service at the grave concluded with prayer by Rev. Mr. Gaiser. The grave was covered with a rich and beautiful collection of floral emblems.

The funeral services at Tyler, Mr. Inglis’ home, were very imposing. All business places were closed, and the procession that escorted the body to the station consisted of more than 1,000 people. Mr. Inglis was a valued and highly-prized citizen, a faithful Christian worker in the church, and a Mason of high rank and great worth.


INTRUP, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 3, 1891
Mr. John Intrup, a young man who was born and reared in Alton, and who was twenty-eight years and eight months of age, and who has been confined at St. Joseph’s Hospital since May with pulmonary consumption, died there at 4:30 o’clock Tuesday morning.


INVEEN, ADOLPH (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 5, 1900
Capt. Adolph Inveen, one of the best known residents of Alton, died Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, after an illness of only five days. His death was unexpected, as he had been only slightly ill since he contracted a cold at the Merchant's Carnival, but his condition was not considered serious, and he was able to be downtown until a few days before his death. Sunday morning his condition became much worse, and a physician was hastily summoned. In a few hours Mr. Inveen was dead. Capt. Inveen, as he was generally known, was born in Cologne, Germany, in 1831. Fifty years ago he came to America, and first settled in Minnesota, where he was married. He came to Alton in 1856, and has made his home in the city ever since. He was a carpenter and contractor, and during his lifetime built many houses in the city. He was a member of the Masonic order thirty-two years, and the funeral services will be conducted by the members of the Alton lodges. Besides his aged widow, Mr. Inveen leaves two children, Mrs. A. E. Bassett of this city, and Mrs. William Uperaft, who arrived from Leroy, Minn., Sunday morning, in time to be at the bedside of her father a few hours, after a three years absence in China as a missionary. Mrs. Upcraft was on her way home from China, and stopped at Leroy to visit her husband's parents there on her way home. Mr. Inveen also leaves a brother and a sister in Germany, whom he had not seen in many years. The funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and services will be at the family home on Henry street.


IRBY, UNKNOWN WIFE OF WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 28, 1917
Mrs. William Irby, aged 62, a former resident of Alton, died at her home in East Alton this afternoon after being ill for some time. She lived in Alton for many years but has been a resident of East Alton for the past five years. Mrs. Irby is survived by her husband, two brothers, Dan Fox of Warsaw, Ill., and William Fox of East Alton; one daughter, Mrs. Reifgrab of East Alton; and one son, Harry Irby of East Alton. The body will be shipped to Warsaw, Ill. for burial. The funeral arrangements have not been completed.


IRELAND, CLARA MELISSA/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 11, 1872
Died on September 15, at the residence of Mr. Van Sant near Upper Alton, Clara Melissa, only daughter of David and Louisa Ireland; aged 1 year, 1 month, and 15 days.


IRISH, EAST/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 1, 1888
Crushed by Fall of Earth
While a party of men were engaged today grading Mrs. Warner’s lots on Eighth Street, north side, between George and Langdon Streets, a fall of earth took place and a workman named East Irish was crushed beneath the mass and instantly killed. The earth was removed as soon as possible, but life was extinct, the head of the unfortunate man having been crushed by the weight of the falling mass. Dr. Haskell was sent for, but of course medical or surgical aid were of avail. The bank was about 15 feet high, and the excavation had been made so that a large portion was insufficiently supported, especially as a sand deposit was found to be at the rear. The victim of the sad accident was from Troy, Illinois, where his family reside, by occupation a miner, had been in this city but a short time. He left a wife and two children, one three months, the other 7 years old. The coroner was notified of the occurrence. Mr. Lenus Schwartz was also struck by the descending mass of earth and buried to the waist, but was only slightly injured. Mr. Charley Schwartz was nearby, but escaped with a few bruises. Others were present, among them the brothers-in-law of Mr. Irish, but they escaped all injury.

Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 3, 1888
Mrs. East Irish of Troy, wife of the unfortunate man who lost his life by the fall of earth on Eighth Street, arrived in town just before the sad accident, but did not see her husband alive.


IRISH, FERRIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 1, 1884
Died at Nameoki on April 24, of consumption, Ferry, son of Dr. Tyler J. and Lucinda (Elliott) Irish, in the 21st year of his age. The deceased was a most estimable and worthy young man, and bore the suffering of a two years’ illness with exemplary patience and resignation. In search for health, he had visited Utah and Texas, from which latter State he was brought home last Fall by his father in the last stages of the disease, but rallied somewhat on his return, and lingered until the above date, when he passed peacefully away. The funeral was attended Saturday morning, and was one of the largest gatherings ever seen on the American Bottom. [Burial was in the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Granite City.]


IRISH, LUCINDA/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 14, 1895
Mrs. Lucinda Irish, wife of the late Dr. Tyler J. Irish of Venice, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. M. G. Richmond, in St. Louis, Monday, aged 63 years. Mrs. Irish was a sister of Mrs. Thomas Stanton of Alton, and also of R. R. Stanley, Mrs. Brooks Moore of Belleville, and Mrs. E. Burns of Venice.


IRISH, TYLER JR. (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 10, 1888
Son of Dr. Irish of Nameoki
Dr. Tyler Irish Jr., son of Dr. Irish of Nameoki, died at Syracuse, Kansas Sunday, December 9, after a long illness, at the age of 37 years. Deceased had resided near Syracuse, engaged in the practice of his profession, for about a year. He was the last but two of a family of ten children. The remains will be taken to Nameoki for burial.


IRISH, TYLER J. (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 31, 1893
Captain Thomas Stanton today received a telegram announcing the death of Dr. Tyler J. Irish of Nameoki. Dr. Irish had been out riding, and was thrown from his buggy, sustaining severe injuries. His horse returned home on a gallop. Search was at once made, and the old gentleman was found in the road unconscious. He was carried to his home, but died during the night. Dr. Irish had just recovered from a long and severe spell of sickness, and this, together with his advanced age, 73 years, rendered the shock too much for him.

Dr. Irish was long prominent in county politics. He served several terms as coroner of this county, being elected as a Democrat. He was a candidate for Sheriff at one time, but was defeated by the late Colonel James T. Cooper. Dr. Irish was a brother-in-law of Captain Stanton of Alton. The funeral took place on Sunday.


IRISH, UNKNOWN DOCTOR AND WIFE/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 27, 1851
We learn that several deaths from cholera have occurred in the vicinity of Six Mile in Madison County, within a few days past. Among the victims were Dr. Irish Sr. and his wife, and a Mr. Segar. It behooves everyone to exercise the greatest care in relation to diet and habits during the prevalence of this great scourge.


IRISH, ZEPHANIAH B./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 22, 1877
A son of Dr. Irish of Nameoki was killed last Sunday by falling from a buggy. It appears that the deceased was standing in the vehicle behind two of his companions who were seated, and in ascending a hill, a sudden lurch threw him out backward, breaking his neck and resulting in instant death. [Burial was in the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Granite City. He was 16 years of age, and was the son of Dr. Tyler J. and Lucinda (Elliott) Irish.]


IRONS, OTIS TURNER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 28, 1913
Steamboat Captain
The funeral of Captain Otis Irons, an 86-year-old steamboat captain, who died in St. Louis Monday, May 26, 1913, was held this afternoon in St. Louis, and many friends from Alton attended. Captain Irons built a residence on State Street, and lived there about twenty-five years ago, and is pleasantly remembered by many Alton friends.

Source: St. Louis Republic, December 19, 1902
Celebrates Fifty-Two Years of Marriage
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson of No. 1114 North Leonard Avenue will, on January 01, give a reception to Captain and Mrs. Otis T. Irons, who will celebrate the fifty-second anniversary of their marriage. Captain Irons is 77 years old, and his wife is four years younger. They have lived at the Memorial Home on Grand and Magnolia Avenues for the last five years. Captain Irons, for forty years, was in the steamboat business on the Mississippi River. Mrs. Johnson’s father, Captain Alexander Johnson, was associated with him on the river for thirty years. Out of respect for her father’s friend, Mrs. Johnson has of recent years entertained the couple on the anniversary of their marriage. At their golden wedding, Mrs. Irons wore the gown she was married in. She will do the same this year. During the Civil War, Captain Irons’ boat, the J. S. Pringle, was pressed into service by the United States, and was finally made post boat for General Grant. All of the veterans of the river are known to Captain Irons. The only relatives of the couple in the city are Mr. and Mrs. C. Hymer of No. 1207 Cooper Street.


IRWIN, ANNIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 17, 1898
Annie Irwin, daughter of the late Henry Irwin of Mitchell, died Sunday night at her home near Mitchell, after an illness of three days. She was 19 years of age.


Judge John Gordon IrwinIRWIN, JOHN GORDON (JUDGE)/Died June 28, 1903
Civil War Veteran; Madison County Judge
Judge John Gordon Irwin was born in Edwardsville on January 21, 1842, to John Irwin and Elizabeth Thompson Powers Irwin. His father was a native of County Monaghan, Ireland, and came to America at the age of 18. He was a weaver, and followed that trade first in New York City, and afterward in Philadelphia. In 1836, he came to Edwardsville, where he was a partner with Erastus Wheeler in the business of manufacturing and selling fanning mills. In July 1849, while away from home on a business trip, he died of cholera, which was then an epidemic. His wife, Elizabeth, afterward married Daniel A. Lanterman. She died in 1874, leaving four children – John Gordon Irwin, Samuel P. Irwin of Los Angeles, California, Mary D. Irwin, who married H. C. Lanterman; and Joseph F. Irwin, who died in 1874.

Judge John Gordon Irwin attended private and parochial schools. He also attended the old Edwardsville Academy. He had plans of attending college, but when the Civil War broke out, he decided to take a three-year course of study in a practical military school. He enlisted at the age of eighteen on August 19, 1861, in Company I, Ninth Illinois Infantry, and remained in service until August 20, 1864. He participated with Grant’s forces in the campaign which resulted in the taking of Forts Henry and Donelson, Nashville, Tennessee, and Corinth, Mississippi. Afterward, the Ninth Illinois was mounted, and served to the end of the war as mounted infantry. During the spring and summer of 1863, they served scouting and raiding in West Tennessee, northern Mississippi, and Alabama. After crossing the Tennessee River in flat boast, they captured Decatur, a fortified post, and remained there until the opening of the Atlanta campaign. From that time to the close of the war, the Ninth Illinois Infantry was with Sherman’s army, taking part of the marches, battles, and skirmishes.

Judge Irwin was blessed with the best of health, and never missed a duty during his three years of service. He did, however, receive disabling wounds during his service, being shot through both of his lower limbs, but returned to battled as soon as he recovered. Irwin rose to the rank of Sergeant, but was called upon to perform the duties of officers of a higher rank. He was honored by his superiors and twice offered a commission, but declined. He returned home and prepared himself for a professional life. He began to study law under Judge David Gillespie. Two years later, he was examined for admission to the Bar, and on January 30, 1867, was licensed by the Supreme Court. During the first year of his practice, he was in partnership with Hon. A. W. Metcalf.

Judge Irwin married Nancy M. Day on March 23, 1869. His wife was a native of New York, and her ancestors on both sides came to this country long before the Revolutionary War. Her parents came to Edwardsville in 1867, but Nancy had arrived in Edwardsville three years earlier. Judge Irwin, became an ardent Republican, and cast his first vote for Abraham Lincoln.

Judge Irwin next entered into partnership with William H. Krome until April 1874. In March of that year, a vacancy in the office of County Judge occurred, caused by the death of Judge William T. Brown. He became a candidate for the office, along with Judge A. H. Gambrill of the city court in Alton, and Judge M. G. Dale, a former incumbent of the office. Irwin was declared elected by two votes.

While in office, Judge Irwin gave his time to the settlement of a number of complicated estates. Upon his retirement, his political opponents declared he had been impartial and fair, and his record was highly creditable. There were few appeals from his decisions, and none of them were reversed. After retirement, he resumed the practice of law, entering into partnership with Edward C. Springer until 1882, and then practiced law alone. He was noted for his fine legal mind, and his high sentiment of honor.

After the death of his first wife, Nancy Day, in 1893, Judge Irwin married Louella Nancy Nichols on October 9, 1895. Judge Irwin died on June 28, 1903, at the age of 61. He is buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville.


IRWIN, JOSEPH F./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 22, 1874
Died on Saturday, October 10, 1874, at his residence near Edwardsville, Joseph F. Irwin, brother of Judge John G. Irwin, in the twenty-ninth year of his age.


IRWIN, NANCY MARIA (nee DAY)/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 16, 1893
From Edwardsville – In the death of Mrs. Nancy M. Irwin, Edwardsville has lost one of its most estimable ladies. For over 25 years Mrs. Irwin has been known and respected as an earnest and intelligent Christian lady. For many years she has been a Sabbath school teacher, and we heard a gentleman say that she has had the children of some of her earlier pupils in her classes during the last years of her life. She left her husband, Judge John G. Irwin, and one sister in New York, Mrs. Ellen Craig, besides other relatives and friends to mourn her death. Mrs. Irwin died on March 8, 1893. Her funeral took place Friday morning, and was largely attended.

Nancy Maria Day was born April 17, 1843, in Warren County, New York. She was the daughter of Bezaleel day (1807-1879) and Huldah Ann Baldwin Day (1806-1868). Nancy married in 1869 to John Gordan Irwin, who was a Judge in Edwardsville.


IRWIN, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 03, 1896
Two Children Perish in Burning Dwelling
A terrible accident occurred at North Alton Tuesday afternoon in which two small colored children, about three years of age, were burned to a crisp in a fire which destroyed the residence of Mrs. Combs on upper State Street.

Mrs. Combs left the children in charge of her son, a boy about seventeen years of age, while she attended a funeral in Alton. Tiring of the care of the children, the boy left them alone in the house and went skating, and it is supposed the little ones played with the fire, thus causing the conflagration. The house was enveloped in flames when the fire was discovered, and the first people attracted to the scene were not aware that the children were in the house. When the fact was learned, it was too late to enter the building, as there was little left but the ashes. The bodies were found burned to a crisp, one of the children having crawled under the bed. The other held a shovel in its hand, thus strengthening the supposition that they had been playing with the fire. The children belonged to Mrs. William Irwin and Mrs. Martha Combs.

Coroner Kinder was summoned, and held an inquest over the remains last night. The children were both boys, Otto Combs and William Irwin. They were the grandchildren of William Lewis, a well-known colored man about Alton.

The funeral was held at the Rocky Fork Church in Godfrey Township, and burial was in the Rocky Fork Cemetery.


ISABEL, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 20, 1913
Hopelessly in Love - Drinks Carbolic Acid
William Isabel, aged 21, committed suicide Monday evening at his boarding place, 551 East Third street, by drinking carbolic acid. He took the acid at 9 o'clock and died one hour later. Mrs. Rose Bogue, with whom he boarded, said that the young man had been in bad health, was worrying over the death of his mother and also over a case of hopeless love. He had become infatuated with a woman who had separated from her husband, and Mrs. Bogue interfered and broke off the affair. Monday evening Isabel told a little daughter of Mrs. Bogue that he intended to take some of the acid for medicine later on, and everyone laughed, thinking he was joking. His subsequent course indicated he was in earnest. The body was held for an inquest by Coroner Sims. Isabel was a quarryman employed by the Queen City Quarry Company.


ISENSEE, FRITZ J. H./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 13, 1873
Mr. Fritz Insees, a respected and prominent German resident of Edwardsville, met with his death on Saturday at Mitchell Station, in a horrible manner. He was returning home from Chicago, and when the train arrived at Mitchell, he jumped from the cars while they were still in motion, and was thrown under the wheels, which passed directly across his abdomen, severing the body in twain, and leaving one half on one side of the track and throwing the other portion at least twelve feet from the train on the other side. The kidneys and spleen were strewn along the track. Death, of course, was instantaneous. Dr. Grippenberg, the Coroner, was telegraphed to and at once repaired to the scene of the accident and took charge of the mutilated remains. An inquest was held by the Doctor in the evening, and the jury rendered a verdict in accordance with the above facts. No blame was attached to the officials of the train, but death was the result of the victim’s own imprudence. A coffin was procured by the Coroner, and the remains were forwarded to Edwardsville last evening. Mr. Isensee was a merchant and about 40 years of age. We understand that he leaves a wife, Mary (Mebold) Isensee, and three children (Augusta M. Isensee, Henry Otto Isensee, and Oscar F. Isensee). (Burial was in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville.)


ISETT, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 30, 1889
Mrs. Elizabeth Isett, wife of Mr. J. R. Isett of Godfrey, and mother of Colonel J. J. Brenholt of Alton, died at noon Friday at the age of 70 years. By a misstep Thursday, she met with a fall out of the door of her residence, and sustained injuries that caused her death. She came to this county in 1836, had lived here ever since, forty-one years of the time on the farm where she died. She was long a faithful, consistent member of the Monticello Church, and ever foremost in the performance of Christian duty. Kind, charitable, benevolent, her memory will be cherished by many relatives and attached friends. She was twice married, and left four children – two by her first husband (Mr. Byron Brenholt of Nebraska and Colonel J. J. Brenholt of Alton); and Mrs. James Crangle of Shreveport, Louisiana and Mr. Edward Isett of Girard, by her second husband, Mr. J. R. Isett.

The funeral took place from the family residence on the Brighton Road [now called Humbert Road]. There was a large attendance of relatives, friends, and neighbors on the sad occasion, with many from a distance. The speaker gave a brief biographical sketch of the deceased, and paid a glowing and tender tribute to her memory, dwelling upon her usefulness in the church and community, her interest in the prosperity of the Monticello Seminary, her devotion as a wife and mother, and her noble Christian character. Many beautiful floral emblems covered the casket. The interment was in Monticello [Godfrey] Cemetery. One of the largest processions ever seen in the township followed the remains to their last resting place.


ISETT, J. R./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 12, 1896
Trustee of Monticello Seminary in Godfrey
Mr. J. R. Isett, one of the oldest and most prominent citizens of Godfrey Township, died Sunday evening after three months suffering from stomach troubles. Deceased was born in Pennsylvania in 1819, and came to Godfrey Township in 1848. He has resided there ever since, and filled many positions of trust and responsibility in the township. For many years he filled the position of trustee of Monticello Seminary, and his work for the good of that institution was untiring, self-sacrificing, and valuable. Mr. Isett was a public-spirited man, a charitable man, and a Christian. All his life he was a devout Presbyterian, and died imbued with the unswerving faith and bright hopes always given to those who live a life like he did. His wife - Mrs. Elizabeth Brenholt, mother of ex-Mayor Brenholt, and preceded him to the eternal shores some six years ago. Two children – Edward Isett of Virden, and Mrs. James Crangle of Shreveport, Louisiana – are left to mourn the loss of a good father and faithful friend. By his death, Monticello Seminary has lost of faithful friend; the county has lost a good citizen; Godfrey citizens have lost a kind neighbor; and the deserving poor a sympathizer and practical friend.

From Godfrey – The funeral of Mr. J. R. Isett took place from the family residence last Tuesday afternoon. A long cortege followed the remains to the Godfrey Cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. J. A. Scarritt of Alton, assisted by Rev. O. C. Dickerson. The pallbearers were Messrs. W. P. Hancock Jr., C. H. Bartlett, G. W. Churchill, J. M. Pearson, W. F. Waggoner, and Dan Maher.


IVES, MARY CARRINGTON/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 11, 1851
Died at Monticello [Godfrey], on the 5th inst., Mary Carrington, daughter of Benjamin Ives and Mary Elizabeth Gilman, aged five years.


IVES, SUSAN WHITTELSEY/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 11, 1851
Died at Monticello [Godfrey] on the 27th ult., Susan Whittelsey, youngest daughter of Benjamin Ives and Mary Elizabeth Gilman, aged two years.


IVY, MAGGIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 2, 1901
Upper Alton News - Mrs. Ivey, a colored resident, died last night. Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Baptist church.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 4, 1901
The remains of the late Mrs. Maggie Ivy of Upper Alton were laid to rest in Oakwood cemetery Sunday afternoon, Rev. J. H. Barton conducting the services.


IZZARD, JOHN W. (REVEREND)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 20, 1913
Rev. John W. Izzard, pastor of the Godfrey Congregational church, died Tuesday [Feb. 18] about 1:30 o'clock p.m. from stomach trouble. Rev. Izzard came to Godfrey about six weeks ago to take the pastorate of the Godfrey church which had been made vacant by the resignation of Rev. J. F. Beacon. He was not a strong man, having suffered from a chronic stomach trouble for a long time. About a week ago he broke down and his case became very bad from the beginning. He was believed to be dying all day Sunday, and one time was said to be dead, but later he rallied and lasted until Tuesday afternoon when the end came. Rev. Izzard was an old Congregational preacher. He had filled many charges in his career as a minister, and was known as an active worker. He leaves his wife and a son and a daughter.