NAEGEL, RICHARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 4, 1922
Richard Naegel, 85, died yesterday at 6:30 p.m., at his home, 1530 Market Street. He had been ill but a week, but his advanced age aggravated his condition. A cerebral hemorrhage was the immediate cause of death. Mr. Naegel died in the house in which he had been a resident for more than 61 years. Mr. Naegel was born in Ireland on May 1, 1836, and came to America when a young man. For many years he was employed by the Chicago and Alton Railroad, but a number of years ago he retired. The death of Mr. Naegel after so short an illness came as a shock to his many friends. He was loved by all who knew him for his strength of character and willingness to be of service to others. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Frank Piepert, and a sister, Mrs. Nancy Long of Gillespie. Funeral services will be Monday at 9 a.m. at SS Peter and Paul's Cathedral, where requiem mass will be celebrated. Interment will be in Greenwood cemetery.


NAGEL, FRITZ/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 5, 1902
German Farmhand/Spiritualist Commits Suicide
Fritz Nagel, a German farmhand living in a shanty on the Henry Hendricks place on the "sand ridge" made a determined effort Friday night to kill himself. He shot his head off with a shotgun by placing the muzzle of the gun against his head and setting off the charge by poking the trigger with a stick. He was found in his shanty this morning by East Alton people who heard shooting at the shanty last night, and when Nagel did not appear this morning, became alarmed. They found the old man lying on his back in bed, one hand on the shotgun, the other hand holding a stick which had been used to set off the triggers. Late last night a dozen shots as if from revolver, were heard coming from Nagel's shanty, which were followed after an interval by a muffled report. It is supposed that Nagel was first trying a revolver to learn how it would work, and becoming dissatisfied that it would produce death instantly, he adopted the shotgun means. The top of his head was blown off. Nagel had lived alone many years. He was a hard working man and was well known throughout the "sand ridge," as he had worked for nearly all the farmers there. When the East Alton men who were investigating the shooting at Nagel's shanty arrived at the house, they found the door locked and they were obliged to break it down, using an ax for the purpose. Nagel was a spiritualist and had queer ideas on many subjects. The East Alton people believe that he was seized by an insane notion to kill himself, believing that this course was dictated by the spirits. Deputy Coroner Streeper was notified and went to East Alton this afternoon to investigate the killing.


NAGEL, HEINRICH “HENRY”/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 12, 1891
From Fosterburg – Tuesday morning one of the oldest and most esteemed citizen peacefully passed to the great beyond, Mr. Henry Nagel, at the advanced age of 79 years, 1 month, and 25 days. He came to Fosterburg in 1848, and raised a large family of children, who are scattered to the four winds. He was a native of Prussia, but left that country when quite young. Mr. Nagel was a member of the German Presbyterian Church, though for several years past he has been too feeble to attend church regularly. Nevertheless, he was a professing Christian, and his life bore out the profession he made. The funeral took place from the Presbyterian Church, and was very well attended. The pallbearers were Messrs. Benner, Schelt, Strohbeck, Fensterman, Hittle, and Wittie.

Henry Nagel was born in Prussia on September 9, 1812. He married Willemine Kreimer (1811-1889), and they had the following children: Wilhelmina Nagel Lueking (1836-1901); Maria Nagel Schlomann (1838-1890); and W. Caroline Nagel Dingerson (1842-1879). Burial was in the Fosterburg Cemetery.


NAGEL, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 12, 1919
Mrs. Richard Nagel died this afternoon at ten minutes after three at her home on Market street after an illness which began over two years ago. For many weeks her condition has been critical and her death was expected. She is survived by her aged husband. Mr. and Mrs. Nagel were old time residents of Alton and have hundreds of friends throughout the city. If the aged couple had lived until late fall, they would have celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. At the time of their golden wedding the couple entertained many friends with a reception. Mrs. Nagel was over 90 years of age, and until recent years took an active part in church and city work. In years gone by Mrs. Nagel was one of the most enthusiastic church workers in the Cathedral parish. Mr. and Mrs. Nagel had no children of their own, but raised Mrs. Frank Pieper. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pieper resided with the aged couple. The funeral of Mrs. Nagel will take place from the Cathedral Monday morning at 9 o'clock, when Solemn Requiem High Mass will be celebrated. Interment will be in Greenwood cemetery.


NALLY, GEORGE T./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 13, 1920
George T. Nalley, a well-known brick mason, died Tuesday about noon, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Nalley, 240 west Delmar avenue, after an illness of a few days with meningitis. He was about 28 years old and was unmarried.


NALTY, PATRICK J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 22, 1922
Deputy Sheriff Slain by Granite City Gang
Reports this afternoon that Patrolman Johnson, wounded by the bandits who shot and killed Deputy Sheriff Patrick Nalty early today, were not confirmed at Granite City. It was said that the condition of Johnson, who was shot three times, twice in the abdomen, was as favorable as could be expected. A report that the body of one of the bandits said to have been thrown into the Mississippi, was recovered, was not confirmed. A dispatch to the Telegraph today from its Springfield correspondent said that Acting Governor Fred E. Sterling will issue a requisition late this afternoon for the return of Lyle Watkins and George O'Malley, under arrest in St. Louis and charged with the murder of Nalty.

Patrick J. Nalty, defeated aspirant for the Republican nomination for sheriff in the last primary, was slain by gangsters in Granite City last night about midnight. A policeman, Ross Johnson, was shot and seriously injured. One of the three gangsters who were about to be taken into custody to be questioned, is supposed to have been fatally wounded and dumped by his confederates into the river. A big Marmon car rented in the name of an Alton Italian, Joe Marino, 317 Cherry Street, was picked up by St. Louis police, and in it two men. In the back seat of the car there was a great quantity of blood. The third man is missing, and it is supposed the gangsters threw the body from the machine into the river as they crossed the bridge. Marino was able to give an account of himself. He was home all night, as investigation was made as soon as his name was connected with the hiring of the car. According to the story that comes from Granite City, Nalty and three police officers had been keeping under surveillance the wife of a man named Traynor, who was in the Newman Hotel at Granite City. Her husband is in the county jail being held under charges in connection with the $14,000 payroll robbery recently at Granite City. Learning that some male visitors were calling on Mrs. Traynor, Nalty and three police officers stationed themselves near the hotel. There was one man at the wheel of the automobile. Another came out and climbed in with him, while a third was behind. The third man had just stepped out of the hotel, when Nalty accosted the men in the car with the request, "wait a minute boys, we want to talk to you." Indications are that Nalty and his colleagues were not at all ready for what was to follow. They had reason to suspect they were dealing with gangsters who were quick on the trigger, but they were not ready with their guns. Instantly, the man who was coming out of the hotel made a move to put some nose glasses on, and in the same motion drew a revolver out of a holster that was under his arm. He fired quickly, fatally wounding Nalty, who had time to return the fire, but without effect. Johnson would have been killed only for the fact that a bullet which was fired at him struck his revolver and lodged there, jamming between the barrel and the chamber of the gun. The man who shot Nalty leaped into the automobile and the party started away at high speed, but not until a policeman, who was in the lobby of the hotel, had fired, apparently with fatal effect, perhaps killing the man who was in the back seat and is supposed to have been the man who killed Nalty. The belief that he was killed by this shot by the policeman is based on the fact that the back of the car was very bloody and that no one was in it when the car was picked up with the two other men.

The Granite City authorities called on all neighboring cities to be on the lookout for the gang escaping in the big Marmon car, and these calls caused a general watch to be held on all sides. It resulted in the capture of the car at St. Louis. The gang were supposed to have come from Alton. The members of the gang who have been arrested were supposed by Nalty and his colleagues to have gone to the home of the Traynor woman for the purpose of getting some loot. It was supposed by them that she knew where the money was that her husband is charged with having helped to take. It was on account of this that the officers were watching and wanted to question the men who drove up in the automobile. Some Granite City men say that it was because of Pat Nalty's unwillingness to draw a gun on the gang first that he lost his life. They say he was entirely too trustful and more so than he had any right to be under the circumstances, considering the suspicions he had about the gang. The use of the name of Joe Marino of Alton by the gangsters who rented the car was at first supposed to be a clue to the identity of some of the gang, but, when it was found that Marino had not been away from home all night, that line of investigation was blocked.

Mrs. Nalty was the first to reach her husband after he was shot. The hotel in front of which the shooting occurred is on a six-point square. One of the streets running into the square is C Street. The Nalty home is at 19th and C Streets, and Mrs. Nalty saw the gun battle from a window. She immediately ran to her husband. His death was a great shock to her, and today she was grief stricken but was said to be holding up remarkably. Reports from Granite City were that the bandits' car went east on C Street, to Eighteenth, then south toward Venice. The speed with which they traveled is indicated by the fact that they were at the east approach to McKinley Bridge by the time the Venice police had been notified by telephone to be on the lookout for them. The hotel faces 19th Street. Officer Johnson was at the C Street entrance, and Officers Meyer and Teeney were inside the hotel when the shooting began. The car of the bandits was about 40 feet west on the C Street entrance to the hotel. Two entered the hotel, and one remained in the car. When the two bandits left the hotel, Nalty accosted them. The bandits opened fire, hitting the deputy four times. On the second shot, Nalty drew his own weapon and fired twice, then fell to the sidewalk. The police officers then opened fire on the bandits, Johnson from the sidewalk, Teeney from the doorway, and Meyer from a window of the hotel. It is thought that 50 shots were fired, all told. A blotch of blood on the sidewalk led to the belief that Nalty "got" one of the bandits, the one believed to have been killed, and his body thrown into the river by his companions.

It was learned at Granite City that extradition papers for the two bandits held at St. Louis would be applied for today, to Acting Governor Sterling at Springfield. "Stickey" Hennessey is also being held in St. Louis as an accomplice both in the Nalty shooting and the Madison bank robbery. Nalty was born August 20, 1876, at Louisville, Kentucky. He is survived by his widow, Jennie C. Nalty, nee Johnston, and a daughter, Mary Loretto, 10. He was a member of the Elks and Moose lodges. The funeral will be at 10 o'clock, Tuesday, from the home, with services at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Granite City, and interment in St. Mary's Cemetery.

Within 90 minutes after Deputy Sheriff Nalty was killed, two St. Louis police characters were arrested in that city. A bit later, an associate of the occupants of the machine and a man said to be the car's owner were arrested. The two first men arrested in St. Louis are George T. O'Malley, 30, who gave his home as St. Louis, and Lyle Watkins, 27, who also says he lives in St. Louis. Photographs of the two men have been identified as participants in the $10,000 robbery of the Tri-City State Bank of Madison, July 10, by Superintendent C. W. Tobie of the Burns Detective Agencies. The man alleged to own the automobile is Senter Hohlfling, 24, of St. Louis, who says he rented the car to the others for $20. James (Sticky) Hennessy, also held, was wanted in connection with the Madison robbery. Deputy Nalty was in Alton Thursday, and told friends that he was working on the Madison bank robbery, and that he expected to arrest the robbers at an early date.

In October 1922, John Bauer (alias Ayers), and George T. O’Malley were given life in prison for the murder of Deputy Sheriff Patrick Nalty. Lyle Watkins was given twenty years in the case. The prisoners were indicted in August 1922, and brought back to Illinois to stand trial.


NAPP, NELLIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 25, 1918
Mrs. Nellie Napp, wife of Horace Napp, died Saturday afternoon at the family home, a few hours after giving birth to a child. The infant died also. The mother was 24 years of age and her maiden name was Schlueter. Mrs. Napp was the daughter of Mrs. Emma Schlueter, died Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, age 24 years. She was born and raised in Alton. She leaves besides her mother and husband, three brothers, John and William of Alton, and Fred of overseas; and one sister, Mrs. Gertrude Brickey of Alton. She takes to the grave with her one little baby girl. She was the daughter of Fred Schlueter, who died when she was three years old. Besides her relatives she leaves many friends to mourn her loss, as she was of a sweet and lovable disposition always looking for the pleasure and welfare of others. The funeral will be held from the home at 639 E. old 4th St., Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.


NARSELL, UNKNOWN CHILD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 6, 1911
The twenty-one months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Narsell was found dead in bed Sunday morning by his parents. The cause of death is unknown, but it is believed to have been from imperfect breathing organs. It is said the child injured its nose some time ago and could not breathe through it afterwards. It is supposed he turned over on his face during sleep and suffocated. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning from the home on Spring street over the Marshall soda factory, where services will be conducted by Rev. Dr. Clark.


NARY, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 5, 1903
Thomas Nary, aged 20, formerly fireman on the Big Four Flyer, died very suddenly this morning at 1300 East Second street, after a brief illness with typhoid malaria. Nary left the employ of the Big Four about one month ago, and until a few days ago was in camp up the river. He was in poor health when he returned, but was able to be up and around until last night. He was suddenly taken worse and died a short time afterwards. Nary is said to have relatives in Chicago, and word was sent to officers of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, of which organization he was a member. A committee arrived in Alton this afternoon representing the firemen and will make arrangements for the funeral.


NASH, CHARLES H./Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, May 17, 1927
Charles H. Nash was born April 27, 1837, in Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Nash Sr. He was educated in the East, and moved to Edwardsville when a young man. For a number of years, he was engaged in the insurance business, and was the proprietor of early billiard halls in Edwardsville, where he was an expert player. In the days of the old Edwardsville Commercial Club, he was in charge of its headquarters. In March 1909, while visiting Texas in connection with the Staunton Realty Company, Mr. Nash was sleeping in apartments when a fire broke out. The heat was so intense it broke the windows of his room, which woke him from his slumber. He lost all his personal effects. The entire block was destroyed that night, and Mr. Nash barely escaped with his life.

Charles married Sarah Baker Williamson (1846-1927), and they had the following children: Maud Lenora Nash Williams Renfro (1869-1933); Charles Orren Nash (1871-1942); Mortimer Albert Nash (1879-1946); Frank Lester Nash (1885-1966), Mayor of Edwardsville; and Effie Nash Van Hyning (?-1949).

Charles Nash lived in Edwardsville for nearly seventy years. On May 17, 1927, he was found dead in his bed in his home at 216 ½ North Main Street. He was ninety years old. Death was due to complications of old age. Burial was in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville.


NASH, PATRICK/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 2, 1880
When the storm came up Saturday afternoon, two men at Alton Junction [East Alton], Patrick Nash, whose mother resides on Walnut Street in Hunterstown, and Mr. Nelson, a stranger, took refuge from the rain under some freight cars on a side track. The train was started, and both men were so badly injured, their legs being crushed, that they died in a short time – Nelson while being brought to town, and Nash at the Sisters Hospital. An inquest was held on the body of Nelson at the Police Station by Justice Quarton, and an inquest was held by Coroner Youree on Nash at the Hospital on Sunday. In both cases, a verdict was returned in accordance with the above account of the affair.


NASSING, THEODORE/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 22, 1898
Two Nameoki Farmers Killed by Train
Fred Kahle and Theodore Nassing, wealthy and prominent farmers who lived a few miles from Nameoki, Illinois, were run down and instantly killed by the southbound Chicago & Alton limited passenger train Friday. They had been to the village on business, and were returning in a dogcart along the railroad, which was very familiar to them.

According to Mrs. Wheatley, a resident of Nameoki, who witnessed the accident, the engine struck the cart with full force just as the horse cleared the rails. The men were tossed high in the air. The cart was torn from the horse and went to pieces against the front of the engine. The frightened horse sped on. The men fell on either side of the track. Mrs. Wheatley rushed to them when the train had passed. She found both men dead. A doctor, who arrived shortly after, said both were instantly killed. Kahle was 63 years of age, a well-known resident of the county. Nassing was 54 years of age, and very wealthy.


NATHAN, BARNETT (JUSTICE)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 16, 1919
Alton's Oldest Justice of the Peace
Justice Barnett Nathan, Alton's oldest justice of the peace, died at his home this noon after being long disabled and unable to leave his home. Justice Nathan had been suffering from arterial hardening, and for more than a year had not occupied his office, nor had he done any work. His mind remained keen, and he preserved a great interest in all events. Justice Nathan held the office of Justice of the Peace for more than 24 years. He was elected first to succeed Justice I. B. Randle, who had died, and it was always a source of pride to Justice Nathan that he had succeeded so fine a man. He conducted a busy court and in entering his decisions he would write down his findings at great length. His handwriting, even after he had passed eighty years, was firm and vigorous, and one of the easiest of hands to read. He was quick and active, and was a man who showed wonderful self control. Many years ago he was engaged in business in the city of Alton, and prior to taking up the office of Justice of the Peace, to which he devoted all his time, he had been a clothing salesman and a cigar salesman. Justice Nathan was born in Dover, England, 87 years ago. He came to this country when a young man, and had lived in Alton many years. In elections he always received a strong vote, and could have served as justice of the peace as long as he chose to do so. Justice Nathan was born in Dover, England in 1832, and came to America when 24 years old. After living in New York for a few years, he moved to Milwaukee and was married there in 1857 to Miss Rosetta M. Gibbons. He resided in Milwaukee for 16 years and served with the Union Army during the Civil War, but participated in but one battle, the battle of Perryville, being discharged after serving a few months because of his health. He came to Alton in 1865, and entered the clothing business near the present site of the Alton Savings Bank. When this building was destroyed by fire, he again entered business on a smaller scale. He later took a position traveling for a cigar firm, and followed this business for about ten years. About 24 years ago he was first elected as justice of the peace, and has since been repeatedly elected. He leaves a widow and one daughter, Mrs. Frank Yeager, and two grandchildren. The other child born to Mr. and Mrs. Nathan died many years ago. The funeral will be Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home, 709 George street, Rev. F. D. Butler, pastor of St. Paul's Episcopal Church officiating. The funeral will be under the auspices of the G.A.R.


NAVARRE, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 04, 1899
Joseph Navarre, aged 66 years, died last night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. H. Routledge, on Upper Belle Street. Mr. Navarre has been staying at the home of his daughter, where he was taken ill, and died. The body will be taken to Calhoun County for interment.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 06, 1899
The body of Joseph Navarre was sent to Calhoun County this morning for interment in St. Mary’s Cemetery at Brussels. He was born in Quebec, Canada [September 07, 1832], but came to St. Louis when quite young, and spent most of his life there and in Calhoun. He was one of the prosperous farmers of Calhoun, and was well known throughout the county. He has a son, Michael Navarre, with whom he lived.


NAYLOR, ANN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 2, 1905
Mrs. Ann Naylor, aged 87, died Sunday morning at her home, 1314 east Second street, from the feebleness of old age. She had been ill nine weeks. Mrs. Naylor had lived in Alton about 60 years. She leaves only one son, Charles Naylor, with whom she made her home. The body was taken to Whitehall today for burial.


NAYLOR, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 17, 1918
The body of Henry Naylor, a former Alton glassblower, arrived in Alton this morning from California, where death occurred, and was taken to his wife's residence at 1107 Cherry Alley. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon, with burial in Oakwood cemetery.


NEAL, ARTHUR/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 25, 1892
Mr. Arthur Neal, who lived on the Grafton Road about four miles from the city, died at an early hour this morning after a lingering illness of consumption. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon from his late residence to the Upper Alton Cemetery.

Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 30, 1892
From Melville – The funeral of Mr. Arthur Neal, who died last Thursday of consumption at the age of 26 years, took place Sunday afternoon from the residence of his brother, Albert Neal. Our heartfelt sympathy is extended to the remaining members of the family.


NEAL, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 28, 1901
Mr. James Neal, after weeks of suffering, died Tuesday morning at his home on the Grafton Road. His death, while not wholly unexpected, will cause sincere sorrow to the many who came to know and respect him for the many excellent qualities that marked his life. He was a good citizen, husband, neighbor, and a kind, watchful father. He was 75 years of age and has resided on the Grafton road since 1858. He leaves a widow and seven children, three sons and four daughters. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from St. Paul's Episcopal church, Rev. H. M. Chittenden officiating. The Odd Fellows of which the deceased was a member, will attend.


NEAL, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 2, 1910
James Neal, a member of the team of Foresters of Robin Hood camp, Modern Woodmen, died Sunday afternoon at his home, 713 east Seventh street, after a brief illness. He had been working at the Strawboard plant east of Alton, and hurt his foot last week. He began feeling ill and thought he had malaria. He had a doctor's services and was considered all right until he suffered a paralytic stroke and following this came inflammation of the brain. He will be buried Tuesday afternoon from the German Evangelical church, and the members of the Foresters team will attend in a body.


NEAL, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 22, 1902
William Neal died Sunday morning at his home on Prospect street after a short illness from peritonitis. He was employed at the shoe factory as a machinist. Neal leaves his wife and two children, and he was 47 years of age. The funeral services will be conducted Tuesday morning by Rev. M. W. Twing at the family home, and the body will be sent to St. Louis for burial. Mr. Neal fell one week ago while the streets were covered with ice, and the injury he sustained then resulted in peritonitis, which caused his death.


NEECE, RICHARD N./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 3, 1889
Proprietor of Neece’s Union Depot Hotel in Alton
Mr. R. N. Neece, proprietor of Neece’s Union Depot Hotel, died Sunday, December 30, at the age of 29 years, after an illness of several weeks’ duration. He had been a resident of Alton for several years, and left a wife and one child to mourn his death.

The deceased was the son-in-law of Mr. J. Gratian. He was a successful man in his calling, and popular with the traveling fraternity. His early death is a sad blow to his relatives and a large circle of friends. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon from St. Paul’s Church. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]


NEEL, OSCAR/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 14, 1911
A post-mortem examination held last evening by physicians disclosed the fact that Oscar Neel did not take carbolic acid, but that the cause of his death was enlargement of the heart. After the examination by the surgeons, Coroner Streeper impaneled a jury and held an inquest, and the verdict was based upon the decision of the surgeons who made the examination. The post mortem was made on account of a brief note which had been written to Neel, and caused suspicion, when Coroner Streeper found it after Neel's sudden and unexpected death. The note was written on the back of a small white card, and was in Neel's pocket. It read: "If you insult my wife again, I will sure hurt you." The "warning" was not signed at all, and when the coroner discovered it he thought there might be some other cause of his death, and he immediately made arrangements for taking the body to the undertaking room for an examination. Later, a negro who lives in the same house with Neel, called on the coroner and told him that he wrote the card to Neel, but that there had been no trouble between the two men. The man testified before the jury and his story was accepted as reliable. The physicians found that his death was unmistakably caused from heart trouble. The funeral of Neel will be held tomorrow afternoon at the A. M. E. church. The mother of the dead man, Anna Neel, one of Alton's oldest residents, is an inmate at the insane asylum at Jacksonville.


NEERMAN, RUDOLPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 16, 1896
Rudolph Neerman, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Neerman, died yesterday morning at the family home, corner of Langdon and Fourth Streets, after a lingering illness, aged 17 years, 7 months, and 15 days. Rudolph was taken ill with lagrippe some three years ago, which resulted in complication of diseases, affecting the young lad’s general health. His father took him to Colorado last August, in hope that the air in that section would be beneficial. For awhile, he appeared to be on the way to recovery, but since last spring there has been little hope, and three weeks ago he returned home, only to give up the life that was so dear to him, and precious to his parents and family. He was a bright boy, and his taking away makes a sad vacancy in the family, in which the many friends of the family will deeply sympathize with them.

Source: Alton Telegraph, July 23, 1896
Thursday there was a sad assemblage at the beautiful home of Mr. A. Neerman on East Fourth Street. The occasion was a most sorrowful one, it being the one at which the last mark of respect to show our friends was paid to the late Rudolph Neerman. Rev. William Hackmann conducted the service at the home in the presence of a company that filled the house to overflowing. The Alton Maennerchor touchingly rendered “In the Grave is Rest.” The beautiful casket was almost hidden from view with flowers. A long cortege followed the body to the Alton City Cemetery, where it was laid in its last resting place. The pallbearers were companions of the deceased: William Busse, Fred Lehne, William Sonntag, Emil Mook, Fred Joesting, and George Maxeiner.


NEERMANN, EDWARD H. W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 30, 1910
Edward H. W. Neerman, son of Mrs. Anna Neerman, died at the family home, 122 West Fourth street, Thursday shortly before noon. He was 39 years of age May 29, and was born and lived in Alton almost all of his life. His death was due to cerebral meningitis. The young man had been suffering from malaria for about one year, but he continued to work and gave up the duties of his office only last week, when he was unable to stay longer at his post of duty. He was expense clerk of the Wells Fargo express company at St. Louis. His family had been persuading him to take a rest, but he insisted upon staying at work even when he was unable to do so. With his sister, Miss Tillie Neermann, he was to have left in a few days for Colorado in the hope of benefiting his health. Last Monday he was very much worse, and became unconscious and he did not regain consciousness. He leaves beside his widowed mother, two sisters, Misses Tillie and Bertha Neerman. He was a member of the Modern Woodmen. Ed Neermann was well known in Alton. He had been employed with various express companies for many years. He possessed a happy disposition, even when his health was showing signs of breaking down. He was the last of a large family of sons, Mrs. Neerman having lost six boys. The death of the young man is a sad blow to the aged mother and the two sisters. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home, and burial will be in City cemetery.


NEERMANN, HEINRICH/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 28, 1878
Mr. Heinrich Neermann died yesterday a.m. at 2 o’clock after a rather brief illness, although he had been in poor health for several months. His age was 46 years, 2 months, and 18 days. Mr. Neermann came to Alton in the Autumn of 1865, and has resided here ever since, gaining a large circle of friends by his unassuming kindness and business probity. He leaves a widow, five children, and a brother, Mr. A. Neermann, to mourn his death. The funeral will take place today, March 28, from the family residence, corner of Fourth and Belle Streets. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]


NEFF, JAMES EDGAR/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 17, 1901
James Edgar Neff, second son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Neff, died this morning at 2:30 o'clock after a long illness from appendicitis. The acute attack that caused his death began ten days before the end came, but he had been a sufferer from the disease several years. He underwent a surgical operation Thursday afternoon for the relief of the appendicitis and abscess that had formed in his abdomen as the result of the disease. Heart failure set in from weakness and yesterday afternoon he began to sink. He was 34 years of age and had lived in Alton all his life. He leaves besides his parents, one brother, George Neff. The funeral will be Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the family home, 913 Staunton street. Rev. A. H. Kelso will conduct the services.


NEFF, MARGARET ADELINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 19, 1911
Mrs. Margaret Adeline Neff, wife of A. A. Neff, died at 8:15 o'clock Saturday morning at her home, 913 Stanton street, after a long illness. Mrs. Neff had been seriously ill for ten days, but had frequently suffered from attacks of the malady which caused her death. She had become so weakened by these recurrent attacks that the family were expecting the latest one to prove fatal, and her death has been looked for during the last few days of her life. She was born in Tennessee 67 years ago, but moved to St. Louis with her father, Rev. J. B. Logan, and then came to Alton. Her father was the organizer of the old Cumberland Presbyterian church. He was a power in the community, and left his impression upon the church which has survived and prospered on the foundations he laid. Mrs. Neff was married October 4, 1863. Mrs. Neff was the mother of three children, two of whom died in infancy, and the only surviving child is George A. Neff of Alton. Her husband, A. A. Neff, who is 80 years old, survives her also. She leaves two sisters, Mrs. T. H. Perrin and Mrs. J. C. Mench, of Mounds, Ill., and three brothers, Rev. W. C. Logan of Plymouth, Ind., J. R. Logan of Trinidad, Colo., and F. E. Logan of Alton. Mrs. Mench arrived Wednesday night to attend her dying sister. Mrs. Neff was a conscientious, devoted Christian, and beside was a good mother and wife and neighbor, and her death, while it is a release from long suffering, is a sad event in the lives of those who were near to her. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon from the Twelfth street Presbyterian church in which she had held membership from girlhood.


NEIMEYER, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, Thursday, August 1, 1878
Mr. Henry Neimeyer, who had lived in this city [Alton] three years, being a resident of Fosterburg prior to that time, died at 6 o'clock Friday evening [July 26, 1878], after a long illness caused by dropsy. He had been afflicted with this disease about 15 years, and had been confined to his house for two weeks. He was a native of Germany, about 57 years old, and had lived in this country 26 years. He leaves a widow, two daughters and one son to mourn his death. The funeral took place at the family residence of Eighth street, at 4 o'clock this afternoon.


NEIMEYER, HENRY/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 3, 1882
Mr. Henry Neimeyer, an estimable young man, died Saturday evening at seven o’clock, after an illness of several months’ duration, at the age of 26 years. Deceased, previous to his sickness, was an employee at the establishment of Milnor, Auten & Co., and his services were highly prized by the firm. He left a wife, an infant child, a mother, and two sisters to mourn his death. The funeral took place from the German M. E. Church yesterday, under the auspices of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and the Odd Fellows, deceased being a member of both orders.


NEIMEYER, SOPHIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 23, 1896
From Fosterburg – Mrs. Sophia Neimeyer, one of our oldest residents, after a long and painful illness, died on the evening of January 15, leaving two daughters, both of whom are married. Funeral services were conducted at the Baptist Church on Friday. The remains were interred in the Alton City Cemetery. [Name was also spelled Nehmire.]


NEININGER, JOHN A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 25, 1913
Proprietor of Cigar Factory in Alton
John A. Neininger, retired cigar manufacturer and tobacco dealer, died Saturday morning at 6 o'clock at his home, 716 Union Street in Alton. He had been very ill for two weeks, but not seriously so, apparently, until a few days before his death. Mr. Neininger was 68 years of age. For 46 years he was engaged in business in Alton - 43 of which he was on Piasa Street until January 1, 1912, when he retired. He was the manufacturer of some well-known and very popular brands of cigars. He was known for his strict honesty in business, and the quality of the goods he manufactured was never allowed to deteriorate. His Piasa Street store was an interesting place to go, and he held there for many years a circle of old friends who were pleased to congregate day after day and discuss various affairs. He was a man of great geniality, was deeply devoted to his family and was regarded as a good citizen. He made a success out of the business he followed. Ill health forced him to retire from active life, and he sold the store, and afterward the business was suspended by the purchaser. He is survived by his wife, three daughters (Mrs. B. H. Eden of Depugh, N. Y., Mrs. Phoebe Gerhardt and Miss Emily Neininger), and one son, Alonzo Neininger.

Mr. Neininger was born in Germany June 19, 1845, in the Black Forest in Germany. He came to America and to Alton when he was nine years of age, and he had lived here ever since. He was married to Mary Wotterer, May 4, 1871 [she died in October 1941]. Mr. Neininger's death was due to a general breaking down. No one was much alarmed about his condition until the latter part of this week. Friday, he had become very much worse and it became apparent that he could not last much longer. Realizing that the end was near, he sent for some of his old friends to whom he wished to say his farewell before his departure, and he seemed to know that death was not far off. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the residence, and burial will be in City Cemetery.

The John A. Neininger Cigar Factory was located on Piasa and Third Streets in downtown Alton, and was established in 1869. Men would sit and warm themselves around his pot-bellied stove, smoke their cigars and play cards. An old “Turk” statue stood outside the store for years. Inside the store was a ship made by a prisoner in the Alton penitentiary in 1855. It had miniature ropes of rigging that rotted throughout the years, but it was a favorite of his. When he sold the store, he took the ship home with him.

Neininger stored boxes of Fig and Magnolia cigars that were “imperfectly made” in the cellar. Years later, after the building was purchased by W. H. Gerhardt [his son-in-law], the cigars were found during a restoration project. The workers smoked some of the high-grade cigars that were made fifty years previous. Gerhardt sold the rest to a tobacco store on Washington Avenue. In May 1912, the old factory became the Miller shoe repair shop.


NEISEL, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 15, 1907
Henry Neisel died at the St. Joseph's hospital this morning after having undergone an operation. He was brought to the hospital several days ago suffering from an ulcer of the stomach, and it was necessary to perform the operation. Neisel has been a shoemaker in Upper Alton for several years and has been an interesting character to those who knew him best because he would never tell anything of himself. Up to the last moment he refused to tell where he came from, whether he had any relatives and who was to be notified in case of his death. He kept his secret to the end.


William F. NeislerNEISLER, WILLIAM F./Source: Decatur Daily Review, September 4, 1915; Find A Grave
Bethalto, Nokomis, and Decatur Druggist
The funeral of William F. Neisler was held Saturday afternoon at the family residence, 438 West Wood Street. There was a large attendance. The house and yard being filled with friends from all parts of the city. The members of Claevalter Bayard Lodge, Knights of Pythias, attended the services in a body, and acted as an escort. There were many beautiful floral tributes.

William F. Neisler was born August 28, 1855, in Irving, Montgomery County, Illinois. He entered the drug business when 24 years old. In June 1879 he purchased the George Bley Drugstore in Bethalto, Illinois, then erected a new building in 1881. He formed a partnership with a Mr. Randall, and they operated the drugstore and hardware store. They dissolved their partnership in 1885, with Neisler keeping the drugstore, and Randall keeping the hardware business. Neisler also operated a drugstore in Nokomis, Illinois. In 1902 he left the retail business, and formed the firm of Irwin, Neisler & Company, manufacturing pharmacists. He sold his stock in the firm in 1906, trading his share for a large grain, stock, and dairy farm near Lake Park, Minnesota. There he invented a substitute for eggs which he perfected in 1913. He was a member of the Knights of Pythias and the Odd Fellows.

According to the Illinois Marriage Index, Mr. Neisler married Miss May Randle (probably a relative of his business partner) in Montgomery County, Illinois, on May 13, 1880. Neisler died on September 2, 1915, at the age of 60 years. He is buried in the Greenwood Cemetery in Decatur, Macon County, Illinois.


NEITERT, FRED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 29, 1919
Fred Neitert, a nonagenarian, and one of the best-known residents of that section of Madison county, died Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock at his home in Liberty Prairie, at the advanced age of 94 years. Mr. Neitert is survived by three children, Mrs. Charles Engleke and Charles Neitert, living at Liberty Prairie, and Dr. Herman Neitert of St. Louis. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon from the family residence and the burial will be in St. James cemetery. Mr. Neitert was one of the wealthiest residents of Liberty Prairie. By many years of industry he had massed a fortune, and for a generation he has been active in the affairs of his community. He enjoyed the respect of his fellow citizens, and will be much missed in the community.


NEITERT, LOUISA/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 19, 1885
From Liberty Prairie – Died Sunday morning, November 8, Mrs. Louisa Neitert, in the 91st year of her age. Her funeral was largely attended from the residence of Fred Neitert. She leaves children, grandchildren, and a large circle of friends to mourn her loss.


NEITERT, LOUISA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 9, 1907
Mrs. Louisa Neitert, wife of Fred Neitert of Liberty Prairie, a prominent and well known resident of that section, died this morning at eleven o'clock. She was taken ill during the night with heart trouble and died ten minutes before the family physician arrived. Her husband and three children survive her. Her children are: Charles Neitert, who resided with his parents; Dr. Hermann Neitert of St. Louis, formerly chief surgeon of the St. Louis city hospital; and Mrs. Charles Engelke of Liberty Prairie. She was a highly respected lady, whose loss will be severely felt not and only by the family, but by her friends and acquaintances.


NEITERT, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 6, 1895
From Edwardsville – Mrs. Mary Neitert, wife of G. C. Neitert of Fort Russell Township, died at her home Friday last in the 60th year of her age. Her funeral, which took place Sunday afternoon, was one of the largest ever seen in this part of Madison County.


NEITZEL, AUGUST/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 7, 1891
Mr. August G. Neitzel died this morning at his residence, 409 Belle Street; aged 57 years. Deceased was a native of Belgart, Germany, was highly respected, and leaves a wife, three daughters, and a son. The funeral will occur Friday afternoon.


NEITZEL, FREDERICKA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 16, 1900
Mrs. F. Neitzel, widow of August Neitzel, died Sunday morning at one o'clock at her home, 1105 Alby street. She has been in poor health over one year, and her death was not unexpected. The last three weeks she was confined to her bed. Mrs. Neitzel was a native of Germany, having been born at Pumlor in 1839. She came from Germany to Alton with her husband sixteen years ago, her husband living eight years after coming to Alton. She leaves three daughters, Mrs. Charles Erbeck, Mrs. Joseph Bollinger, and Miss Anna Neitzel; also one son, Albert Neitzel. The funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and services will be conducted in the Evangelical church by Rev. Theo. Oberhellman.


Arba B. NelsonNELSON, ARBA B./Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, February 24, 1871
Partner in the Hardware Business with Wise, Blake, Drury, and John E. Hayner
[Some of the newspapers are missing during this time period, and the obituary of Arba Nelson was not available. He died about February 6, 1871, and is buried in the Alton City Cemetery.]

The well-known and extensive business firms of Wise, Blake & Co., and Drury, Hayner & Co., dealers in hardware, iron, agricultural implements, etc., having been dissolved by the death of Mr. Arba Nelson, who was a partner in each, the surviving partners of the two houses have formed a co-partnership, and consolidated the business of both firms. The new firm will be known as J. E. Hayner & Co., and will continue the business at the former stands of the late firms.

On Wednesday of last week, the executors of the last will and testament of the late Arba Nelson, Esq., filed that instrument with the county court, and Judge William Tyler Brown has set the second day of March as the time for probating it. This will was made some three years ago, prior to a trip to Palestine, made by Mr. Nelson, and Messrs. John E. Hayner and P. B. Whipple were appointed executors. It seems, however, that owing to the fact that since the making of this will, Mr. Nelson contracted a second marriage, there is doubt about the will’s validity. On this point lawyers differ, and the matter will probably be carried to a higher court. The provisions of this will are as follows: Legacies to relatives and friends from $10,000 to $15,000; to foreign missions, $10,000; to home missions, $10,000; to American Bible Society, $5,000; to the Congregational Church, Alton, $5,000. All the remaining portion of his property to be distributed equally between the Foreign Missionary, Home Missionary, and American Bible Societies.

Arba B. Nelson established a hardware business in Alton as early as 1836. When John E. Hayner arrived in Alton in December 1848, he bought a half share in the well-established hardware business owned by Nelson, and married Nelson’s niece, Laura Scott. Later, Mr. Drury also became partner in the firm. The business was located at the northeast corner of Broadway and William Street. Nelson was also partner with Wise, Blake & Co. in the hardware and agricultural implements business, and a director, along with John L. Blair, of the Republic Insurance Company, as early as 1868. After Nelson’s death in February 1871, the firms were consolidated, and became the J. E. Hayner & Co.

Mr. Nelson was a charter member of the Congregational Church of Alton, and was instrumental in the construction of the church at the northwest corner of Henry and 6th Streets.

According to the Alton Evening Telegraph, March 11, 1909, Arba Nelson lived in a home at State and Park Streets, later occupied by Mr. and Mrs. James H. Aldous. The home was built in about 1830. It was believed that John E. Hayner and Augustine K. Root boarded there. For years a private school for girls was conducted in the home. In March 1909, the home was dismantled and then torn down.

Nelson erected a large brick home at 410 E. 12th Street in the late 1850s. It is one of the largest mansions in Alton, and an example of the Italian Revival style of architecture. Georgian style Palladian window and the massive columned porch in Greek Revival style were used in conjunction with Italian Revival details of massive brackets, supporting broad overhanging eaves. A cupola crowns the hip-style roof. After his death in 1871, the home was purchased by Albert Wade. By marriage, the home later became the residence of the Duncan family.

There was a question to whether his will was revoked, since he married again. In June 1872, the case was scheduled by the Alton city court for September 1872, with John J. and William H. Mitchell vs. John E. Hayner, Nathaniel P. Nelson, Edwin Nelson, Abbie Gage, and Ephraim S. Gage, her husband; Emily E. Gage and J. Willard Gage, her husband; George Nelson, Sarah P. Crane, and Peter Crane, her husband; Helen Pennock, Helen M. Riggs, Helen M. Dudley, Florence E. Hayner, The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, The American Bible Society, The American Home Missionary Society, The Orthodox Congregational Society of the City of Alton, John E. Hayner and Perley B. Whipple, Executors of the last will and testament of Arba Nelson, deceased, and Charlotte H. Nelson.


NELSON, FLORENCE/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 6, 1852
Daughter of Arba Nelson
Died of the croup, early on Friday morning, the 20th inst., Florence, daughter and only child of Mr. Arba Nelson of Alton, aged 3 years.


NELSON, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 20, 1845
Died, in Alton, on the 17th instant, Henry, infant son of Arba and Ellen H. Nelson, aged 2 months.


NELSON, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 4, 1910
The family of John Nelson have sent for the body being held by Coroner Streeper. Nelson committed suicide yesterday at Yager Park. The body will be shipped tonight.


NELSON, KATIE (nee FESSLER)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 26, 1922
Mrs. Katie Nelson, 34, the wife of Arthur Nelson, died this afternoon at 12:15 o'clock at the family home at 1305 State street, after an illness of six months, suffering from tuberculosis for the past two months. It has been known that it was impossible for her to recover. She was an active worker in the Sunday school of the Methodist church, she was also a member of the Royal Neighbor lodge. The deceased is survived by her husband, Arthur Nelson, one son, Emmett, six year old, two sisters, Mrs. Lucy White and Mrs. Bertha Boedy, and three brothers, Walter, Joe, and Marion Fessler, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fessler of the Dow vicinity. Funeral arrangements have not been made as yet. [Later...interment will be in the East Newbern cemetery.]


Nelson Olsen NelsonNELSON, NELSON OLSEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 6, 1922
Founder of Leclaire (now part of Edwardsville)
Nelson Olsen Nelson, for many years known in this country as one of the leading sociologists, manufacturer, and advocate of the cooperative scheme of operating industry, died in Los Angeles, California, last night, October 5, at the Sisters Hospital. His death was due to dropsy. Mr. Nelson was 78 years of age and leaves two daughters, Charlotte Nelson Burroughs, wife of Edward Lee Burroughs of Edwardsville; and Julia Nelson Lawnin, wife of Louis D. Lawnin of St. Louis. Children that proceeded him in death are: Gertrude Nelson (1871-1874); Bessie Nelson (1873-1874); and Frank Nelson (1875-1882).

The death of Mr. Nelson, for years a resident of Edwardsville, will be a matter of deep interest in all parts of the country where men and women have striven to find some solution for the problems that beset industry in the strifes that arise between capital and labor. Mr. Nelson was a native of Norway, but came to this country when two years of age. He was of a philanthropic turn of mind, unselfish and kindly. He decided that the best way of getting the best results out of industrial employees. In his plant at Leclaire, near Edwardsville, he put his ideas into effect. He built a model town there, he built up homes for his workmen, gave them comforts and pleasures, and in every way strove to be in the position of a father to all who worked for him. There were times when his hold to his views must have had hard jolts, but he clung tenaciously to his idea. He built up a large business. He had plants at Leclaire, Bessemer, O., and Noblesville, Ind. He engaged in business with some chain stores at New Orleans, but he failed in that. For two years he had been a resident of Los Angeles. The body will be brought to St. Louis for burial.

Leclaire, now a part of Edwardsville, was named in honor of the pioneer French profit-sharer, Edme Jean Leclair. It was founded in 1890 by Nelson Olsen Nelson of St. Louis. Nelson was born in Lillesand, Norway, September 11, 1844, and came to America in 1846. His family came with seventy neighbors, who established a colony for farming at St. Joseph, Missouri. Nelson located in St. Louis in 1872, and went into business. He was deeply interested in practical philanthropy, and established institutions and enterprises to help the poor, sick, or unfortunate. In 1890, it was Nelson’s desire to move his plumbing fixture factories away from larger cities like St. Louis. Progressive citizens of Edwardsville gave Nelson $20,000 to locate his factory near Edwardsville. Nelson bought 150 acres immediately, just to the south of town. In June 1890, Nelson and about 400 people boarded the train in St. Louis, and arrived in the future Leclaire to plan their future homes and workplace. Edwardsville Mayor Glass gave a speech of welcome. Work soon began on the shops and homes.

The industrial portion of the town, which in 1912 numbered about 650 people, had about fifteen one-story buildings which were modern, surrounded by beautiful lawns and flower beds. Nelson’s industrial shops included brass work, nickel and silver fittings, plumbers’ woodwork, planing mill, and architectural marble and machinery. Nelson stressed the importance of education, and founded the Leclaire school for employees and their children. He believed that “the hand, the heart, and head must be education together.”

The residential portion of Leclaire was beautiful throughout. It had a hedge, thirty feet high, to separate homes from the factories. There was a large common, covered with grass for outdoor sports such as baseball and football, and there was a large assembly hall for lectures, dances, and indoor entertainment. This was also used as a schoolhouse. A special playground was well equipped for the children. All of this was free to use by residents of Leclaire, with the only stipulation made was that no admission fee or charge of any kind was made. Leclaire had the same water, telephone, and mail service as Edwardsville, but a separate electric system and fire department.

Nelson died on October 5, 1922, at the age of 78. He is buried in the Bellefontaine Cemetery in St. Louis, Missouri. Leclaire was annexed into the city of Edwardsville in 1934.

Nelson’s business was sold to Wagner Electric Corporation in the late 1940s, which eventually closed in 1957. The site remained vacant until the Southern Illinois University Foundation purchased the property in 1964, and then sold the facilities to the university in 1972. The campus was used by the university for classes, offices, and storage for nearly 20 years. The property was then deeded to Lewis and Clark Community College in 1999.

Today, the Leclaire National Historic District encompasses a 23-block area, with approximately 415 single-family homes, which were built in the styles of Queen Anne, Craftsman, Colonial Revival, and Bungalow.

Leclaire Park is one of Edwardsville’s oldest and most beautiful parks, consisting of a little over 5 acres. The lake in the park served a dual purpose of providing water for Nelson’s factories and was a recreational lake for residents and visitors. A pavilion was constructed for band concerts, and a boat house held skiffs built in the Leclaire factories. The lake was stocked, and many fished from its shores or from skiffs. In the winter, ice skating was enjoyed on the Leclaire lake. In the late 1940s, it was determined the water was not clean enough for swimming, and the city banned swimming.


NELSON, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 2, 1880
When the storm came up Saturday afternoon, two men at Alton Junction [East Alton], Patrick Nash, whose mother resides on Walnut Street in Hunterstown, and Mr. Nelson, a stranger, took refuge from the rain under some freight cars on a side track. The train was started, and both men were so badly injured, their legs being crushed, that they died in a short time – Nelson while being brought to town, and Nash at the Sisters Hospital. An inquest was held on the body of Nelson at the Police Station by Justice Quarton, and an inquest was held by Coroner Youree on Nash at the Hospital on Sunday. In both cases, a verdict was returned in accordance with the above account of the affair.


NESBIT, A. K./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 16, 1898
A.K. Nesbit, formerly in business in Alton, died in St. Louis, and his body was brought to Alton yesterday for interment. Rev. H. M. Chittenden conducted the funeral service.


NESBIT, JOHN P. JR./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 10, 1865
Died very suddenly on the morning of the 2d inst., at 5 o’clock, John P., son of John P. Sr. and Jane Nesbit, aged 2 years and 10 months. [Note: See Robert Nesbit]


NESBIT, ROBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 10, 1865
Died in Alton, very suddenly, on Saturday, the 4th instant, Robert, the youngest child of John P. Sr. and Jane Nesbit, aged about 10 months. [Note: See John P. Nesbit Jr.]


NESBITT, UNKNOWN CHILD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 10, 1899
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Nesbitt, 615 Bond Street, were bereaved last night by the death of their four-year-old son, of diphtheria. The funeral took place this morning from the family home, and was private.


NESTOR, ANNIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 4, 1891
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nestor, living on the corner of Henry and Seventh Street, were bereaved by the death of their infant daughter, Annie, aged fifteen months. The little one had suffered from whooping cough, accompanied by bronchitis, resulting in the child’s death Thursday. The afflicted parents will have the deepest sympathy of their many friends in their sad loss.


NETT, WILHELM P./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 21, 1873
Died on March 19, in Alton, Wilhelm P., son of Peter and Johanna Nett; aged 16 years, 2 months, and 20 days.


NETZHAMMER, ROSE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 28, 1912
Miss Rose Netzhammer, aged 24, daughter of Mrs. Katherine Netzhammer, died Monday afternoon at Kirksville, Mo., where she underwent a surgical operation last Wednesday. The young woman had been a sufferer since young childhood. When she was three years of age she fell down a short flight of steps and her teeth severed an artery in her tongue. This accident caused her trouble all her life. The artery was never properly healed, and she underwent one surgical operation at the hands of a skillful surgeon, the late Dr. Bernays in St. Louis, and at 9 years of age she underwent another operation at Heldelberg, Germany, but no relief was given by any of them. A large growth formed in her neck, which threatened finally to cause her death, and so the young woman heroically determined, against the wishes of her family, to undergo another operation. She went to Kirksville a week ago, and there she had the operation performed Wednesday. She seemed to be getting along nicely, and a letter that came from her said that she would be home this morning and was doing well. Word received from Miss Minnie Netzhamer, who was with her sister, was to the effect that hemorrhage from the wound in her neck caused Miss Rose's death. The death of Miss Rose Netzhammer occurred on her 24th birthday. Miss Netzhammer was a daughter of the late William Netzhammer, and beside her widowed mother she leaves four brothers, William, Harry, Emil and Ernst; and two sisters, Misses Minnie and Frieda Netzhammer. She was possessed of a sweet disposition and was loved by her family and by all who knew her. Her mother had returned home only recently from Hot Springs, Ark., with Ernst, who is far from well, and the death of Miss Rose falls on a family that has already had its share of affliction. Miss Netzhammer's death occurred Monday noon, but owing to bad conditions of the wires, word could not be sent to Alton until last evening. The funeral will be from the German Evangelical church Wednesday, at 2:30 o'clock.


NETZHAMMER, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 26, 1908
Proprietor of Bluff City Brewery
William Netzhammer, aged 63, proprietor of the Bluff City brewery, died very unexpectedly about 3 o'clock Saturday morning at his home after a long illness. Mr. Netzhammer had been up in his chair for relief, and had just retired again to his bed when he complained of shortness of breath. He fell asleep and did not awake again. Mr. Netzhammer's illness began several years ago with stomach trouble. He had been a long-time sufferer with the malady, and had traveled considerably in the hope of getting relief. He was unable to devote himself much to the duties pertaining to his business since his illness began. Recently he had been suffering from pleurisy and other complications incident to the stomach trouble. William Netzhammer came to Alton from St. Louis 25 years ago, December 22. He was a native of Ercingen, Baden, Germany, and came to America 35 years ago. He worked as foreman of a brewery in St. Louis ten years before coming to Alton. He took hold of a piece of property at Alton that was not in the best of condition and he built up the plant and the business until he had made a comfortable fortune and a good paying piece of property out of it. He was highly regarded by those who had business connections with him and was considered a thoroughly reliable man in any kind of a business deal. He leaves his wife and seven children, four sons and three daughters. The children are William, Harry, Emil, Ernst and Misses Minnie, Rose and Frieda Netzhammer. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home, Rev. E. L. Mueller officiating.


John NeudeckerNEUDECKER, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 13, 1883
We are informed by telephone that Mr. John Neudecker, an old and prominent citizen of Marine, Madison County, committed suicide last Thursday by shooting himself with a revolver while in bed. No cause is known for the rash act, except despondency over the condition of his health, he having been a great sufferer with rheumatism for several years. After his death, a package of money amounting to $11,000 was found under his pillow. The inquest may develop further facts. The deceased leaves quite a large family.

John Neudecker was born in Germany on July 28, 1819. He married Catherine Weisenbachel Neudecker (1826-1912), and they had ten children: William Neudecker (1848-1858); Peter Neudecker (1850-1930); George Neudecker (1852-1886); Edward Neudecker (1852-1939); John Neudecker Jr. (1857-1858); Charles Neudecker (1865-1904); Louis Neudecker (1868-1931); Emma Neudecker Gulath; Mary Neudecker Grotefendt; and Helen “Lena” Neudecker Krucker. John was buried in the Marine Cemetery, St. Jacob, Illinois.


NEUHAUS, CARL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 18, 1903
Carl Neuhaus, 17 years of age, was killed by lightning on his father's farm near Edwardsville Friday. His mother, from the kitchen window, saw the bolt struck down. The same shaft killed a team of horses near the boy.


NEUMAN, ALICE M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 27, 1902
Alice M. Neuman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Neuman, died this morning at 4 o'clock after an illness with rheumatism. She was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Neuman, and in the heavy affliction that has befallen the bereaved parents they will have the sympathy of all their friends and acquaintances. The funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Cathedral.


NEUNABER, GEORGE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 17, 1892
From Moro, Feb. 16 – Mr. George Neunaber died suddenly at his home in Liberty Prairie yesterday afternoon, from the effect of a kick by a mule. The remains will be buried in the Bethalto Lutheran Cemetery.


NEUNABER, HERMAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 30, 1916
Herman Neunaber died at his home one half mile west from Bethalto, Saturday evening, from uramic poisoning. Mr. Neunaber has been a sufferer for a number of years from an infection of his kidneys which kept him home for a number of years, where he was attended by his wife, who was ever watchful over him and ready to administer to his wants at all times. He was 58 years, 6 months, 3 days old. He came to this country at the age of 8 and lived in Madison County and in the immediate vicinity of Bethalto ever since. He was a thrifty farmer and accumulated some wealth. He was born in Ostfriesland, Germany. He was united in marriage 34 years ago to Miss Lena Zimmerman, to this union seven children were born, five boys and two girls: Henry, John, Charley, and Elmer of this place, and Rev. Herman of Landistory, Canada. Mrs. Hilka Bartels and Mrs. Annie Helkamp, living on farms just south of Bethalto ever since. He was a faithful member of the German Lutheran Church, and the Rev. Brueggeman will have charge of the funeral services. He leaves a wife, two brothers, and two sisters.


NEUNABER, HILKA CATHARINE (nee RENKEN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 01, 1894
From Bethalto – The funeral of Grandma Neunaber took place from her Liberty Prairie residence on Friday last. The funeral obsequies occurred at the Lutheran Church. Mrs. Neunaber was 68 years old, and left several grown sons and daughters to mourn her death. Her husband departed this life several years ago.

Hilka Renken was born October 9, 1825, in Germany. She was the daughter of Gerd Joachims Renken and Trienke Focken. Hilka married Gerd “George” Neunaber on April 24, 1845, in Hesel, Germany. They were the parents of nine children. She was buried in the Zion Lutheran Church Cemetery in Bethalto, next to her husband, George, who passed away in 1892. Their children were: Johann Conrad Neunaber (1856-1934); Gerd “George” Neunaber Jr.; Cathrina Hilke Neunaber Heeren (1851-1928); Anna Maria Neunaber; Johann Conrad Neunaber; Herman William Neunaber (1858-1916); Michael N. Neunaber (1861-1916); Trienke Margaretha “Mattie” Neunaber Johnson (1863-1936); and Hinrich Behrends Neunaber.


NEUNABER, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 24, 1916
Michael Neunaber, aged about 55, died at 1 o'clock this afternoon at his home near Bethalto after a short illness from acute indigestion. This morning he went to the office of a physician in Moro and secured medicine. He seemed in fairly good health. This afternoon he was taken ill and died before a physician could arrive at his home. He is survived by a wife, three sons and one daughter. The funeral arrangements have not been completed. About ten years ago he had a bad attack of that malady and he went to a doctor to have it treated. This morning he happened to be in Moro and while there he suffered a similar attack and went to the same doctor. He was given treatment and was apparently improving. He drove on home, and arriving there suffered a relapse and died sitting in his chair about 1 o'clock. He was 55 years of age, had been a justice of the peace twelve years, and he leaves his three sons and one daughter.


NEUSTADT, A. (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 21, 1901
Killed by Electric Car
Capt. A. Neustadt of Collinsville was run down and killed by an electric car at Edgemont, East St. Louis yesterday. The coroner's jury rendered a verdict to the effect that the death was the result of accident. Mr. Neustadt, who was 78 years of age, had stepped from a Suburban car a few minutes before. He intended to take the Collinsville car, and proceed on to his home. The car was delayed somewhat at the crossing above, and Mr. Neustadt walked back and forth along the track to put in the time. He had been down the tracks a few yards and failed to notice the car as it started back. Mr. Neustadt was a little deaf and did not hear the car. The motorman, Mr. Shannon, says that he concluded that Mr. Neustadt saw the car and was about to step from the rails; but instead of doing so he remained in the middle of the tracks. He was struck by the car and rolled for some distance before it could be stopped. He died soon after the accident. Mr. Neustadt is the father of Charles Neustadt of East St. Louis. He was a lawyer and a member of the firm of Neustadt & Hadley at Collinsville. Mrs. Neustadt is now in England. The body was sent to Collinsville, where the funeral will be held on Friday. Capt. Neustadt was a life-long Republican, and always took the greatest interest in party affairs. Rarely did a convention assemble without the Captain being present. For many years he was a member of the Executive committee of the party in Madison county, and was chairman of the committee on several occasions, the last time in 1898. Mr. Neustadt got his title in the Civil War, serving in Company K, 144th Illinois, stationed in Alton as guards at the Confederate prison. He was appointed Consul at Vancouver in 1876, was United States Gauger for several terms, and held the position of city attorney of Collinsville for twenty years.


NEVINS, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 1, 1904
The funeral of John Nevins took place Sunday afternoon from the Cathedral where services were held to Greenwood cemetery, and was attended by many friends of the family.


NAVINS, MARCELLA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 26, 1902
Marcella Nevins, an aged inmate of St. Joseph's hospital and a resident of Alton for many years, died at the hospital Friday at midnight after a long illness. She was about 80 years of age and death was due to senility. The funeral will be held Monday morning at 9 o'clock, and services will be conducted in the Cathedral.


NEVLIN, LOUIE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 23, 1888
Master Louie Nevlin, son of Mrs. J. N. Nevlin, died on Monday night after an illness of three days from diphtheria.


NEVLIN, SUSAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 02, 1896
From Upper Alton – Mrs. Susan Nevlin died at her home in Upper Alton, Wednesday noon, from the bursting of a blood vessel. She was suddenly taken sick about eight o’clock in the morning, and although everything possible was done for her, she died at eight o’clock. Mrs. Nevlin was 58 years of age, and leaves a large family of grown children. Messrs. George W., William, Charles B., Joseph, John R., and Benjamin – all of Upper Alton; Mrs. A. G. Hurd of Jersey County; and Mrs. Charles Corzine of Jerseyville.

A large number of relatives and friends gathered to pay the last tribute of respect to the departed, born and raised in Middle and Upper Alton, and her life was all spent there except two or three years that her family lived in Greene County, Illinois. She was the mother of thirteen children, eight of whom are now living – six sons and two daughters, all of whom were present at her funeral. The interment was at Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery. She was an exemplary mother, and will be sadly missed by her family. Besides her children, she leaves an aged mother, 87 years old, and two brothers and two sisters to mourn her loss.


NEWCOMB, H. S./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 19, 1922
H. S. Newcomb, aged 80, died this morning at 3:30 o'clock at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. M. Sauvage, 1521 Henry street. His death was due to paralysis. He was stricken a few nights before his death at supper time, and he never regained consciousness. Mr. and Mrs. Newcomb have resided with their daughter the past twenty years. Mr. Newcomb was forced by advancing age to retire from active work, and he came to Alton from St. Louis. He leaves his wife and two daughters, Mrs. Sauvage and Mrs. Mabel Stewart, the latter being in Colorado. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Sauvage home, and entombment will be in the Grandview Mausoleum.


NEWELL, CECILIA E. (nee BISHOP)/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 02, 1893
From Upper Alton – Mrs. C. E. Newell, whose funeral was attended on Monday from the Baptist Church, was the widow of Rev. I. D. Newell, a pioneer Baptist minister, and resided here for some years with an older sister, Miss Louisa F. Bishop, who survives her, and was present at the funeral. Miss Bishop is 91 years of age and quite feeble, but made the trip from St. Louis, where for two or three years past the aged sisters have made their home with a niece, Mrs. Spence.

Cecilia E. Bishop Newell was born in 1818 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Her parents were Thomas Bishop (1748-1840) and Tamsen Bishop (1769-1846). In the late 1700s, Dr. Thomas Bishop, an Englishman, was appointed by England to be Director of Royal Fabrics in Portugal. He and his family left Portugal in 1810 to escape the Napoleonic War. The Bishop family sailed to the United Stated, and arrived at the Port of Baltimore, Maryland in 1810. In 1811, when the U.S. conflict with Great Britain threatened the American coastline, the family moved to Philadelphia, where Cecilia was born. The 1850 U.S. census in Pennsylvania indicates that Cecilia, age 30, was then living with her older sister, Louisa Bishop (age 40) in Philadelphia’s Walnut Ward.

On October 18, 1855, Cecilia married a widower, Isaac Denison Newell (1798-1857), in Camden, New Jersey. On August 18, 1857, Isaac died in Carrollton, Illinois, leaving Cecilia to care for the family. In the 1870 census, Cecilia (age 52) was listed as living in Alton with stepson Isaac Newell (age 33), Isaac’s wife, Annie (age 28), and their infant son, George. Cecilia died in Carrollton, and is buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


NEWELL, MARTHA ELIZABETH (nee BACHELDER)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 7, 1917
Mrs. Martha Elizabeth Newell died this morning at 5 o'clock at the residence of her brother-in-law, Harry C. Swift, on College avenue in Upper Alton. Mrs. Newell's sickness was of one week's duration. She arrived home from a 2 year's stay in Michigan last Wednesday, on her 75th birthday anniversary, and she had a very bad cold when she arrived in Alton. Pneumonia developed and yesterday her condition became so serious that the attending physician expressed his belief that the end was near, so her daughter, Miss Sue Newell of Chicago, was sent for. Death came at 5 o'clock this morning, just an hour before the daughter's arrival in the city on the 6 o'clock train from Chicago. Mrs. Newell was a member of an old and well known Alton family. Her maiden name was Martha Elizabeth Bacheldor, and she was born at Chesterfield on January 31, 1842. When about 8 years of age she came to Alton with her parents and had made this city her home ever since. The Swift residence on College avenue was what she always called home, and she had lived 66 years in the house where her death occurred. Two years ago Mrs. Newell went to St. Joseph, Michigan to take care of her uncle, Benjamin W. Bachelder, who was ill. She remained there until last week, when she determined to come home for a visit. The severe cold weather of the north was hard on her, and she had a very bad cold when she started home. This illness brought her life to an end very soon after she arrived home. The end, which came at 5 o'clock this morning, was most peaceful and was as though the aged lady was going to sleep. Deceased was married to Charles Newell of St. Louis in 1888, and for some time following her marriage she lived in that city. Mr. Newell's death occurred twenty years ago. Mrs. Newell leaves her daughter, Miss Sue Newell of Chicago; two sisters, Mrs. H. C. Swift and Miss Laura Bachelder of Upper Alton; and one brother, John W. Bachelder of Wichita, Kansas. She also leaves three nieces, Mrs. Niel P. Guiliet of Upper Alton, Mrs. Carrie Box of Chicago, and Miss Cornelia Swift of Upper Alton. The funeral arrangements have not been made.


NEWELL, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 24, 1893
Mrs. C. E. Newell, whose funeral was attended on Monday from the Baptist church, was the widow of Rev. I. D. Newell, a pioneer Baptist minister, and resided here for some years with an older sister, Miss L. F. Bishop, who survives her and was present at the funeral. Miss Bishop is 91 years of age and quite feeble, but made the trip from St. Louis, where for two or three years past the aged sisters have made their home with a niece, Mrs. Spence.


NEWMAN, CAROLINE (nee LOOMIS)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 20, 1887
Daughter of Rev. Hubbel Loomis; Wife of Prof. Zenas B. Newman
Mrs. Caroline Newman died this Friday morning at the residence of Mrs. Cyrus Edwards [Sophia], from an apoplectic stroke. To those who during her fifty years’ residence here have learned to respect and love her, this news will bring sincere sorrow. She was a woman of an exceptionally lovely Christian character, one of the “mothers in Israel.” Mrs. Newman was a native of Wellington, Tolland County, Connecticut, a daughter of Rev. Hubbel Loomis, one of the founders of what is now Shurtleff College, who died here in 1872, in his 98th year. She had been a resident of Upper Alton continuously since her father’s removal here in 1832, except a few years following the death of her husband, Rev. Professor Zenas B. Newman, which occurred in 1844, while he was Professor of Rhetoric in Shurtleff College. One sister survives her, Mrs. Sophia Edwards, with whom she has made her home since her husband’s death. Also surviving are three brothers: Professor Elias Loomis, LLD. of Yale College, author of the mathematical textbooks bearing his name; Captain D. Burt Loomis of Stillwater, Minnesota; and Professor J. Calvin Loomis of Alabama.

Mrs. Newman has been seriously ill nearly all winter, but appeared to be recovering. She was able to ride out, and on Thursday evening walked for some time in the yard about the house. She ate her supper as usual. After tea, she was taken with terrible pains in the head, and becoming unconscious soon after, she remained so until her death, which occurred as stated, about twelve hours after the attack. The funeral services are appointed for Sunday afternoon.

Caroline Loomis Newman was the daughter of Rev. Hubbel Loomis, President of Shurtleff College in Upper Alton. Her siblings were Mrs. Sophia Edwards, wife of Cyrus Edwards; Professor Elias Loomis of Yale College; Captain D. Burt Loomis of Stillwater, Minnesota; Professor J. Calvin Loomis of Alabama; and Jerusha L. Loomis Bradford, who died in 1852. Caroline married Prof. Zenas B. Newman of Shurtleff College, who died in 1844. After his death, Caroline lived with her daughter in Upper Alton, Sophia Edwards.


NEWMAN, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 21, 1898
Mr. Charles Newman died yesterday morning at his home in North Alton; aged 45 years. Mr. Newman has been ill for some weeks. His wife and three children survive him. The funeral will take place tomorrow from his late residence on Elm Street.


NEWMAN, ELIZABETH (nee BELK)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 22, 1907
Mrs. Elizabeth Newman died Friday afternoon at her home in Liberty Prairie, almost 88 years of age, after an illness of ten days from weakness of great age. She was born in Yorkshire, England, January 14, 1820. The death of Mrs. Newman will leave a valuable estate for immediate distribution. The greater part of it is to go to Lincoln University, at Lincoln, Ill., which is a part of James Milliken University of Decatur. Mrs. Newman's husband, John R. Newman, died thirteen years ago, leaving an estate of about 260 acres of land and some person effects which would be worth about $25,000. All this estate, according to his will, was to be divided after his wife's death, according to the terms of the will, which gives almost the entire amount to the Lincoln University. A number of nieces and nephews and some other close relatives will receive small bequests. The Newmans were staunch Cumberland Presbyterians, and Mr. Newman had a large part in the building of the church at Liberty Prairie, and he erected and maintained the parsonage in his lifetime and his wife maintained it after his death, and also gave liberally to the support of the church. She was always in attendance at church services until her age forbade her doing so. She came to America with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Belk, in 1835, and she came to Madison county in 1840 and lived at Liberty Prairie ever since. She never had any children, and after the death of her husband, her niece, Mrs. Ed Lanterman, with her husband, made her home with the aged lady. She was a sister of Charles Belk and T. W. L. Belk of Upper Alton. Mrs. Newman was known for her charity and her kindness to everyone. It is said that during her whole life no one ever asked her for help in vain, and she even searched out people who were in misfortune and aided them. The funeral will be held Sunday morning at 11 o'clock from the Liberty Prairie Presbyterian church. Burial will be in Liberty Prairie Cemetery.


NEWMAN, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 28, 1881
James Newman, a native of Ireland and keeper of the ’76 Saloon, died Monday night at the Sisters Hospital. He had been a resident of Alton from early youth. He was about forty years of age. His wife died about a year ago. He leaves two young children.


NEWMAN, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 25, 1895
Surveyor of Customs at Port of Alton Under Abraham Lincoln
Alton Teacher
From the Springfield, Missouri Democrat, April 18, 1895 - James Newman, aged 69 years, died suddenly yesterday morning of heart disease at the residence of his son, Charles Newman, 429 Grand Avenue, Springfield, Missouri. James was born in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, in 1826. He came west and settled at Alton, Illinois about 1849, where he continued to reside until nearly four years ago, when he moved to Springfield to make his home with his son. He was surveyor of customs of the port of Alton under Abraham Lincoln. He was for many years Secretary of the American Central Fire Insurance Company of St. Louis, and adjusted all their losses at the great Chicago fire in 1871. He early became a Christian, and died respected and beloved by all who knew him. The funeral will be held at the Central Congregational Church, Market and Walnut Streets, today, and the interment will be at Maple Park Cemetery, Springfield, Missouri.

From the Alton Evening Telegraph, April 25, 1895 – Mr. Newman was a resident of Alton for over forty years. In early life, he was a school teacher by profession, and taught in the public schools of Alton. When the high school was established in 1858, he was its first principal. The school was held in the lower story of the Unitarian Church. He taught there until the breaking out of the war. For a short time in 1861, during the illness of the late L. A. Parks, he acted as editor of the Alton Telegraph. At the close of the war, he entered the insurance business, and in connection with Mr. Henry Guest McPike, carried on an extensive business in that line and in real estate. He afterwards became Secretary for the American Central Insurance Company of St. Louis. Mr. Newman had many gifts by nature, and his old pupils in the public schools remember with pleasure his impartiality and his aptness in explaining difficult points in the lessons. He never grew weary with the many calls upon him by his pupils, and rarely failed to make them thoroughly understand his methods of instruction.

James Newman married Lephe L. Guernsey (1830-1910). They had one known son, Charles Newman (1851-1922).


John Russell NewmanNEWMAN, JOHN RUSSELL/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 4, 1895
Born in Madison County in 1818
From Bethalto – The numerous friends of Mr. John Russell Newman of Liberty Prairie will regret to hear of his death, which took place at his residence Sunday morning. Aged 76 years, 5 months, and 12 days. “Uncle Russell,” as he was familiarly called, was born in Madison County. Therefore he was one of the oldest native born citizens. The funeral took place Monday afternoon from the Liberty Prairie C. P. Church, of which he has been a consistent member for many years. The sympathy of everyone acquainted with the family are with the bereaved wife. They had no children.

From Moro – The funeral of Mr. J. R. Newman, who departed this life on Sunday night, took place from the Liberty Prairie C. P. Church Monday afternoon. The services were conducted by Rev. Allison Hunter, who used as a text, Job 14:14. He spoke in a very feeling manner of the many virtues of the deceased. In his death, the community has lost an honorable citizen, and the church one of its most faithful members.

Uncle Russell, as he was familiarly called, was born in this community on October 31, 1818, and resided here all his life. He leaves a widow [Elizabeth Belk Newman (1820-1907), daughter of William Henry Belk (1788-1883)], to whom he was married in 1845, but no children. The pallbearers were Messrs. Con. Arbuthnot, Andrew Patterson, J. D. Hutchins, William Galt, Joseph Bratton, and Christian Scheer. The attendance was very large, filling the church to overflowing. [Burial was in the Liberty Prairie Cemetery, Edwardsville, Illinois]


NEWMAN, JULIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 8, 1871
School Teacher at Collinsville Falls into River and Drowns
Mrs. Julia Newman, a school teacher of Collinsville in Madison County, while attempting to get on a ferryboat Friday night at St. Louis, to cross the river and take a train for home, missed her footing, fell in the river among the cakes of ice, and was drowned. Mrs. Newman was the widow of the late Dr. Newman of St. Louis, and a niece of the Rev. S. Wells of St. Louis. She was teacher of public-school No. 5 in Collinsville, and was a successful and experienced instructor. Her sad death will be much deplored in the community where she was so well known.

At the time the accident occurred, she was accompanied by Miss Portmus, who succeeded in gaining a footing on the boat as it was leaving the bank. It was no so, however, with Mrs. Newman, as the attempt unfortunately enough showed. The body had not been recovered up to last accounts, although every effort was being made therefor – and a liberal reward offered.


NEWMAN, MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 3, 1913
Relatives in this city have been notified of the death of Miss Margaret Newman, a native and for many years a resident of Alton. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barnew Newman, pioneer residents of Alton, and was reared in Henry street in the vicinity of St. Mary's Church. She was 32 years old, and was a trained nurse. It is said her sickness started while she was nursing a fever-crazed patient in Chicago, who on one occasion became violent and frightened her so badly that nervous prostration followed. She leaves two sisters, Mrs. Mollie Grass of Chicago, and Miss Sarah Newman of Gillespie. Her death occurred at the home of her uncle, J. T. Hutton in Gillespie.


NEWMAN, MARY (nee CONLEY)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 1, 1918
Mrs. Mary Newman died Sunday morning at the home of her mother, Mrs. Margaret Conley, of 505 Bond street, following an illness of one week with double pneumonia. Mrs. Newman was taken ill with pneumonia and from the first her condition was known to be serious. Mrs. Newman was the daughter of the late Frank Conley, and is survived by three children. She also leaves her mother, Mrs. Margaret Conley, one sister, Miss Irene Conley, and three brothers, Charles, Edward L. and William Conley, all of this city. The funeral will be held at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning from Cathedral. Interment will be in Greenwood Cemetery.


NEWMAN, MARY FOAR/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 19, 1880
Mrs. Mary Foar Newman, wife of Mr. James Newman, died on August 16, after an illness of about a week’s duration, at the age of 39 years. Mrs. Newman was a native of Ireland, but came to this country when quite young, and has lived in Alton for thirty years. She leaves two children and other relatives and friends to mourn her death.


NEWMAN, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 24, 1886
From Bethalto – Mr. William Newman, an old and much esteemed citizen, died very suddenly at his residence, Liberty Prairie, on June 17; aged 65 years. Mr. Newman was an old settler, and his sudden demise has cast a gloom over the whole neighborhood. The funeral will take place Saturday afternoon.

William Newman was highly respected by all who knew him. He leaves a wife and four children, and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. The Sunday School has lost one of its efficient teachers, and the church has lost a consistent and faithful officer and worker. Mr. Newman was honest and upright in all the relations of life. His place will be hard to fill.

William E. Newman was born January 22, 1821. He married Martha E. Harrison (1826-1902), and they had the following children: Eliza Newman Fields (1846-1925); Mary Newman Kimball (1850-1877); Ida M. Newman Cammon (1852-1879); and William Henry Newman (1853-1933). William E. Newman was buried in the Liberty Prairie Cemetery, Edwardsville.


NEWMAN, WILLIAM E./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 24, 1886
Died on Thursday, June 17, at 3 o'clock p.m., William E. Newman, aged 65 years, 4 months and 25 days. The funeral took place Saturday, June 19, at 2 o'clock p.m. from the C. P. church. The funeral was one of the largest that has ever taken place on Liberty Prairie. There were between 300 and 400 in attendance. Wm. E. Newman was highly respected by all who knew him. He leaves a wife and four children and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. The Sunday school has lost one of its most efficient teachers and the church has lost a consistent and faithful officer and worker. Mr. Newman was honest and upright in all the relations of life. His place will be hard to fill. The casket was covered with flowers, the gift of warm hearted friends. His class and the entire school cast evergreens in his last resting place. Charles E. Newman, of Judsonia, Arkansas, was in attendance at his father's funeral.


NEWNON/NEWMAN, ELZA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 13, 1920
Young Man, 24, Insane, Takes His Own Life
Elza Newnon, 24, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Elza Newmon of East Alton, shot himself early today near the county farm at Edwardsville. He died an hour later. Newmon last Tuesday escaped from the Alton State Hospital, it was said today at East Alton. The young man was recently taken to the State Hospital when he showed symptoms of insanity. He returned to his mother's home in East Alton when he made his getaway from the institution and remained there until yesterday. Yesterday Mrs. Newmon entertained some Alton friends at her home. While she was biding them goodbye, when one of the motor busses stopped in front of her home, the young man left the house. Searches were made for him last night and today, but to no avail. The young man rode his bicycle and took a revolver. Mrs. Newmon this morning received a telephone call from Edwardsville and was told that her son was found lying on the road near the county farm, unconscious. His feet were tangled in the vehicle and it is believed he shot himself while riding. The young man, after being found, was taken to the hospital and given attention. He regained consciousness and told attendants his name and told them to call Lawrence Hale, who would notify the boy's mother. The young man died before his mother got the message. The mother was almost prostrated by the news of her sons suicide. The young man leaves four brothers, Jesse of Milwaukee, and Frank and George of East Alton; three sisters, Mrs. Cora Beasley who resides in Arkansas, Mrs. Robert Thompson of St. Louis, and Miss Mollie Newmon of East Alton. The young man was in the navy during the war and was stationed for nine months at the Great Lakes Naval Training Station. He was in the naval reserve corps and was released from service on an indefinite leave of absence. An inquest will be held.

Shell Shock Caused Suicide of Young Man
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 14, 1920
Elza Newman, son of Mrs. Ella Newman of East Alton, who yesterday shot and fatally wounded himself near Hamel, a suburb of Edwardsville, was suffering from shell shock, according to one of his brothers. The ship on which Newman was stationed while serving in the navy during the war was attacked and a hole shot in its side. The noise of the naval battle caused the young man to be inflicted with shell shock. The young man underwent treatment in a Wisconsin hospital before returning home. After returning home the affliction returned and recently he was placed in the Alton State Hospital, from which he escaped last Tuesday. The inquest into the death of the young man was held yesterday afternoon at Edwardsville. One of the witnesses was R. T. McDonald, a Hamel business man, who is also the proprietor of a threshing outfit, and is at present engaged in baling straw. Testimony at the inquest showed that Newman was overtaken by a heavy storm, Thursday night, and stopped at the home of Fred Engelke, near Hamel. McDonald passed the house and learned that Newman was there. He employed the young man to help him bale straw. Yesterday McDonald went for Newman and took him to the field where the outfit was at work. After he had been at work for 20 minutes, Newman said to McDonald, "Goodbye, I have other business." Newman then went to the house and told Mrs. McDonald her husband wanted the shot gun to kill a dog. He said if any pay was coming to him for his 20 minutes' work, it should go to Mrs. Engelke. He went down the road a short distance and shot himself. He fired into his left breast. The gun was a twelve gauge shotgun. The verdict of the jury at the inquest was that the young man met death through a self-inflicted wound. The body has been brought to East Alton and the funeral will be held from the home of the young man's mother, tomorrow at 1:30. Services will be conducted by Rev. A. W. Kortkamp, pastor of the Upper Alton Pentecostal church. Interment will be at Melville, under auspices of the Modern Woodmen, of which he was a member. [Note: name found spelled three different ways - Melville Cemetery has name as Newnon.]


Major Thomas Joseph NewshamNEWSHAM, THOMAS JOSEPH (MAJOR)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 19, 1891
Civil War Veteran; Land Agent
From Edwardsville, Feb. 17 – Our people were startled yesterday to hear of the death of Major Thomas J. Newsham. The gentleman had only returned from Washington a few days ago, where he had been on business connected with the Interior Department, he being a special land agent. Major Newsham had been a resident of Edwardsville for many years. He served with credit in the Union army during the Rebellion, and was prominent in Grand Army circles. The cause of Major Newsham’s death is stated to be blood poisoning. He was in the 59th year of his age, and leaves a wife and three daughters to mourn his death. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon.

Major Thomas Joseph Newsham was born November 01, 1832, in Preston, Lancashire, England. He was the eldest son of James & Ann (Parkinson) Newsham. His parents immigrated to America in the Fall of 1840, although James Newsham had made a trip to America as early as 1817, and remained here until 1821, when he returned to England and brought his family to America. They landed at New Orleans, and came up the river to Harrisonville, Monroe County, Illinois. Soon after he purchased land in Prairie Da Long, and engaged in farming until his death in October 1845. His wife, mother of Thomas, died in 1844.

Following the death of his father, Thomas Newsham went to St. Louis and apprenticed himself for three years to John F. Mitchell to learn the carpenter trade. At the age of eighteen, he went into business for himself. One of his first contracts was the erection of the Convent market-house. He remained in St. Louis until 1850, then moved to Edwardsville, Illinois. He worked for a short time at his trade under the direction of other parties, but soon commenced business for himself, which he continued until the Civil War broke out.

Thomas Newsham and Captain J. G. Robinson, under the call for 75,000 troops, organized a company of one hundred and sixteen men, and tendered their services to the government during the Civil War. On April 22, 1861, they were taken to Springfield, where they were organized at Camp Yates into a company of eighty-four men, which was known as Company 1, 9th Regiment of Illinois Infantry. Mr. Newsham was elected First Lieutenant, and commissioned April 25, 1861. They received orders to guard the Arsenal at St. Louis, but before that could be carried out, they were ordered to Cairo, Illinois, to protect it against a threatened attack by Rebel forces at Columbus, Kentucky.

On May 25, 1861, Lieut. Newsham was appointed and commissioned adjutant of the regiment. He was mustered out at the expiration of their term of service on July 24, 1861, and then mustered into the three years’ service on July 26, two days later. Lieut. Newsham was mustered in as Adjutant of the regiment, and remained with it until September 4, 1861, when he was detached and appointed Acting Assistant Adjutant General of the Expeditionary forces that captured Paducah, Kentucky on September 5 following. On September 9, 1861, he was appointed Acting Assistant Adjutant General on the staff of Major-General C. F. Smith, and on October 5 following, was commissioned by the President as Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, with the rank of Captain, and ordered to report to General Smith for duty. He remained on the staff of General Smith until after the battle and capture of Fort Donelson, and battle of Shiloh or Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee. On April 14, 1862, he resigned his position because of ill health. His resignation was accepted by General Grant, and approved conditionally, which was a promotion. He returned home sick, and remained there until he had regained his health. In the summer of 1862, under a call for 600,000 additional troops, he assisted in raising the 117th Regiment, and was elected and commissioned Major on September 19, 1862. He remained with the regiment until December 20, 1862, when he was detached and took command of the Detachments at Fort Pickering, Tennessee.

Major Newsham honored and credited himself during his service to his country. He retained mementoes and souvenirs of the war, included letters and orders. He was the trusted and confidential aid and comrade of men who then and since have grown great, and who added a page to the world’s history. He was selected by General Grant as bearer of dispatches from Headquarters to Washington. Major Newsham did his whole duty, and earned the commendation of his superior officers.

His health failing again, Thomas was compelled to resign and seek rest at home. He resigned April 13, 1864. He was afterward commissioned Colonel of the 1st Regiment Florida Cavalry, but owing to his continued ill health, was compelled to decline that mark of honor. This closed the record of Major Newsham’s military service. He was a brave and gallant soldier. After his return home, and as soon as his health would permit, he re-engaged in contracting and building.

On November 7, 1858, Major Newsham married Mary Jane Eaton of Edwardsville (1838-1902) daughter of Judge Henry King Eaton. They had the following children: Caroline “Carrie” Agnes Newsham Sanner (1859-1903), wife of John W. Sanner, a prominent farmer of Shelby County, Illinois; Matilda Alice Newsham Norris (1861-1935); Mary Elizabeth Newsham Gillespie (1863-1949); and Infant Son Newsham (1865-1865). Major Newsham was a member of the A. F. and A. M., and was made a Mason in England in 1854, in the Lodge presided over by the Earl of Zetland, and later by the Prince of Wales. Major Newsham was a member of the Whig party, and in 1860 he voted for Abraham Lincoln, and changed to the Republican Party when it was organized. Newsham was identified with the temperance movement started in Edwardsville in 1850. Major Newsham was buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville.


NEWSON, EDWARD S./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 22, 1905
North Alton News - The body of Mr. E. S. Newson, proprietor of the Alton broom factory located just north of here, was brought home from St. Louis Sunday and the funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. Newson suffered intensely for months before his death, and battled bravely with disease, but the odds were too great. He was once an officer in the British Navy, but gave up the position voluntarily to become an American citizen.


NEWTON, CHARLES W. (PROFESSOR)/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 23, 1886
First African-American to Graduate High School in Alton
Graduate of Shurtleff College
Principal of Sumner School in St. Louis
Professor Charles Newton, late a resident of Alton, died at St. Louis Friday morning, September 17, 1886, after a protracted illness. Professor Newton was Principal of the Sumner School of St. Louis, and was noted as an educator. He was a graduate of the Alton high school, and was a credit to that institution. He left a widow and one child, besides many friends to mourn his death.

The remains of Professor Newton were brought here from St. Louis on the 9 o’clock train Saturday, accompanied by his widow and a number of friends. The funeral took place at 10 a.m. from the Union Baptist Church, with a large attendance. The services were impressively conducted by Rev. J. P. Johnson, assisted by Dr. L. A. Abbott of the First Baptist Church. Deceased was 30 years and 9 months old.

In addition to being a graduate of the Alton high school, he also graduated from Shurtleff College. As an educator, his work was crowned with eminent success, and the vacancy caused by his death will be difficult to fill. The funeral was managed by J. H. Rector of St. Louis, and I. H. Kelley of Alton. The pallbearers were James W. Grant, O. M. Woods, H. Inge, H. G. Parker, C. H. Brown, and E. S. Williams.

Charles W. Newton was the son of Charles Newton Sr., who worked at the Hapgood Plow Works in Alton. The father died in December 1879 at the plow works, and was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.

Charles, the son, attended Lincoln School in Alton, where high school classes were held on the third floor. He was a member of the 1873 graduating class, but because of racial prejudice, there was a strike on the part of some of the members of the class, and four of them refused to take part in the graduating program. Their names did not appear on the program, but afterward they received their diplomas.

Charles did not let the racial prejudice against him influence his plans for his future. He went on to graduate from Shurtleff College in Upper Alton, and then became principal of Sumner School in St. Louis. Sumner School was the first high school for African-American students west of the Mississippi. It was established in 1875, and was named after the well-known abolitionist, Senator Charles H. Sumner. The school was originally located between Poplar and Spruce Street, but was moved in the 1880s, because parents complained that their children were walking past the city gallows and morgue on their way to school. Notable alumni of Sumner School are: Chuck Berry (musician), Lester Bowie (musician), Grace Bumbry (opera singer), Robert Guillaume (actor), Julius Hunter (TV news broadcaster), Wendell Pruitt (Tuskegee Airman), and Roscoe Robinson Jr. (first African-American to reach 4 star general in Army).

In 1879, Professor Newton gave a lecture to a large audience at Jefferson City, Missouri, on the “Progress of Science.”

Professor Newton later became Superintendent of the “colored schools” of St. Louis. He died of illness in September 1886 at the age of 30, leaving behind a widow and one child. His funeral was held in Alton at the Union Baptist Church, and burial was in the Alton City Cemetery. According to his obituary, his work was “crowned with eminent success, and the vacancy caused by his death would be difficult to fill.”


NEWTON, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 7, 1866
Murdered in Middletown
On Saturday evening last, an affray occurred in Middletown between a party of negroes, which resulted in the death of one of the participants, by the name of John Newton, at the hands of George Harrison. The circumstances of the murder developed at the inquest are as follows:

For some time, a sort of feud has existed between some negroes living in Upper Alton and others living in Middletown, and on Saturday evening, the parties met at a gathering at the house of Jacob Wilson. The outbreak, however, did not occur during the evening, but as the party from Upper Alton were leaving, they applied some opprobrious epithets to the Middletown negroes, which led to an encounter between Newton and Harrison, in which the latter was worsted. Harrison was then advised by two of his friends, named Cyrus Howard and Gus Cumley, to use a knife which he had about his person. Newton and Harrison soon commenced fighting again, and the former received a stab in the left breast, from the effects of which he died in the course of two hours. Harrison went to his home in Upper Alton, where he was soon after arrested by the constable. Howard and Cumley were also taken into custody, as being accessory to the deed. The three were placed in confinement, and will be sent to Edwardsville to await their trial. Newton is spoken of as having been a quiet, inoffensive person.


(See also Nichols, Nickels)

NICHOLLS, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 4, 1920
Veteran of Civil War Hit by Auto
Samuel Nicholls, aged 78, a veteran of the Civil War, died this morning at 10:40 o'clock at his home, 3111 Brown street, from injuries he sustained by being struck by an auto truck of the Fleming Rapid Service Company. Mr. Nicholls had served with credit in the Civil War, and had seen much fighting. He had preserved his health and strength to a remarkable degree considering his age, only to be fatally injured by an automobile as he was on a peaceful errand to a drug store to get medicine for the members of his family, all of whom were sick with the influenza. When the automobile struck Mr. Nicholls the aged man was hurled across the street and his head struck against the curbing at Mayfield and Brown streets. The injury to his head is believed to have been the cause of his death. He was taken first to the office of Dr. Yerkes and from there to the home of his son, Samuel Nicholls, where he died about 24 hours after being hurt. Beside his wife, Mr. Nichols leaves five sons, William Louis, Oscar, Samuel and Arthur; and two daughters, Mrs. Delia Clayton and Mrs. Carrie Meyers.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 5, 1920
Deputy Coroner W. H. Bauer held an inquest last evening over the body of Samuel Nicholls, who was fatally injured by being struck by an automobile. The jury found a verdict that he ..... [missing in paper] -bility was fixed. Needham, testifying before the jury, told of striking the old soldier. He said he thought he came to his death by accident, by be- ..... [missing] was about to step on the curbing but instead stepped out in the street further where the car struck him, and hurled him against the paving. He testified he was not exceeding 15 miles an hour. The funeral of Samuel J. Nichols will be held Saturday morning at 11 o'clock from the residence to Pentecostal Church. Mr. Nichols was born in Montgomery County, Arkansas, and came to Illinois in 1868, after fighting through the Civil War. He was married that same year in Jerseyville to Miss Martha Osborn, and the couple lived in Alton since that time. There were just two eye witnesses to the accident in which Mr. Nichols met his death, Elmer Clark in front of whose home the accident occurred, and Andrew Sparks, an aged resident of Priest's addition, who happened to be walking near Mr. Nichols at the time.


NICHOLS, ALLIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 20, 1900
Young Man Crushed to Death Under Railroad Cars
The life of a young man who gave his name as Allie Nichols of Nichols, Tiles county, N.Y., was crushed out under the cars at East Alton Sunday morning. He lived three hours after his legs had been severed close to the trunk, and was able to give the details of the accident and to tell who his relatives are. The body was found lying beside the track at 12:20 by night yard clerk Ollie Harris, who heard the cry of agony as the freight train No. 96 pulled out of East Alton. The stranger's legs were mangled and almost severed from his body just below the hips, but he was sitting up when found. He said he was trying to steal a ride when he slipped and went under the wheels. Assistance was summoned and the young man was placed in the waiting room where surgical aid was rendered by Dr. Pence. Nichols lived three hours after he was crushed, and was nerve to the backbone. He made a statement to those assisting him that his name was Allie Nichols, that he was in his twenty-first year, and that his grandmother, Mrs. Fannie Brooks of Nichols, N. Y. is very wealthy and would send money to care for him if he should live, which he thought would be the case. His father is Orrin Nichols of Stephensville, Pa. Nichols bore a handsome face, with close curling black hair, and seems to have seen better circumstances than those under which he was traveling. He said he had run away from home and was earning a living while traveling around the country. He was very clean and had not the appearance of a tramp, although roughly dressed. A coroner's inquest was held and a verdict of death under the wheels of a Big Four freight train No. 96 was rendered. The body was placed in charge of Undertaker Howell, who held it to await instructions from the boy's parents. Agent Patton of the Big Four was notified today that the parents of young Nichols could do nothing toward returning the body.


NICHOLS, ANNA/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 7, 1846
Died in Upper Alton precinct, on the 23d ultimo, Mrs. Anna Nichols, wife of Mr. Thomas Nichols, aged 63. The deceased was a worthy member of the Methodist E. Church, and has left an affectionate husband and many children to deplore her loss.


NICHOLS, CLARA MAE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 19, 1922
Clara Mae, the seven years old granddaughter of Mrs. Martha Dixon, died last evening at 5:45 o'clock, at the family home on Market street following an illness of six weeks, suffering from an attack of appendicitis. The child was believed to be improving, when she was taken seriously ill yesterday at noon. Her death occurred on her seventh birthday anniversary. She was born in Alton on August 18, 1915. Her mother's death occurred four years ago. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at two o'clock from the home of her uncle, Richard Dixon, in the Temple Theater building, with Rev. Magill officiating. Interment will be in the City cemetery.


NICHOLS, FRANCIS KIDDER/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 25, 1878
Proprietor of the Nichols Woolen Mill in Alton
The news of the death of this esteemed and honored citizen was received Sunday evening, and was a great shock to his relatives and many friends in Alton. The sad event took place at Alburg Springs, Vermont, where he had gone a few weeks since, accompanied by his wife, in the hope that a change of air and scene would benefit his health, which had been feeble for many months, though no immediate danger was apprehended. No particulars of his death have been received, save the bare announcement of the occurrence.

Mr. Nichols had been a resident of Alton for over seventeen years, having removed here from Springfield, and started a woolen factory in 1861, with which he was still connected at the time of his death. He was a native of Windsor County, Vermont, born April 8, 1805, and had been engaged in the manufacturing and mercantile business the greater part of his life, being at one time proprietor of the largest woolen mill in New England, located at Queechy, Vermont. He was also engaged in business in Boston and Burlington, Vermont. He was a thorough going business man, fully versed in all the details of his occupation, upright, and honorable in all his dealing, and possessed of rare tact and capacity for carrying on extensive commercial transactions. In private life, he was ever highly esteemed for his many noble and genial qualities of mind and heart. He was a gentleman of cultivated mind, of extensive reading, and was thoroughly informed on the current events of the day and the general progress of the age. He took great delight in horticulture and gardening, and spent much of his leisure time from business in his orchard and garden. He was a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church, and one of its most efficient trustees. He was zealous in the promotion of all worthy objects and liberal in his gifts to all the benevolent causes of the church. Mr. Nichols was a valued member of the Masonic Order, and had attained the rank of Knight Templar, being connected with Belvidere Commandery, No. 2, of this city.

In his death, the community has lost a useful citizen, our business men a valued associate, his neighbors a kind friend, the church an honored and beloved member, and his family an affectionate and devoted husband and father. His death will be not alone a terrible personal affliction to his relatives and friends, but a loss to the entire community. “When a good man dies, the people mourn.” After a long and useful life, honored and loved by all, he has entered into rest.

Mr. Nichols leaves a widow (Frances Bradbury Weed Nichols) and two children, viz: Mrs. J. J. Weed of Washington, and Mr. Henry L. Nichols of Alton. Two brothers, Mr. George Nichols of Boston, and Mr. Stephen Nichols of Alton, and a sister living in Minnesota also survive him. Due notice of the time and place of the funeral will be given, when further particulars are received.

Francis Kidder Nichols was buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois.


NICHOLS, FRANK/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 11, 1897
Mr. Calle Streeper, on Monday, February 03, went to St. Joseph’s Hospital and removed the remains of Mr. Frank Nichols, the young man who died there on Sunday morning, to Short’s Cemetery, where was assembled quite a number of relatives and sympathizing friends who had known and loved the young man. That he was sick and near death was not known to many of them. And to some, his death was a surprise, and some heard of it just in time to get to the grave before he was laid away. The young man had formerly resided near Fosterburg, and a year ago he had the typhoid fever. When he recovered, it left his constitution weak. Before long he found he was a victim of consumption, and having no mother or near female relative to take care of him, he sought the hospital. Mr. Nichols was but 18 years old. He was a member of the Baptist Church at Richwood, Missouri, and was a descendant of one of the oldest families of Madison County. The funeral service was conducted at the grave by Rev. Large of Bethalto. The pallbearers, except one, were young men who had been his schoolmates. They were: Gus Maxheimer, Frank Shaum, Fred Klinke, Joseph Klinke, John McCauley, and Harry McCauley.


NICHOLS, H. L./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 22, 1885
The remains of Mr. H. L. Nichols arrived here Friday morning by train from St. Louis. They were conveyed to the Presbyterian Church, where the funeral took place Friday afternoon. Mr. Nichols was a native of Vermont, born on October 17, 1843, but came West with his father’s family in the year 1857, residing first at Springfield, Illinois. About the year 1860, the family removed to Alton, where Mr. F. K. Nichols, the father, became proprietor of the Alton Woolen Mills, prosecuting the business successfully until his death in 1879. Mr. H. L. Nichols was interested with his father in the business from the first, and succeeded thereto, on the death of the latter, but owing to feeble health, was subsequently obliged to relinquish active business pursuits. Some two or three years ago, he made a visit to Europe for health, and in the summer of 1884, he again went abroad and was absent until last Spring. He visited the principal countries of the old world, including the ancient Empire of Persia, where he spent several months at Teheran with his sister, Mrs. S. G. W. Benjamin, the wife of the American Minister to that country.

Mr. Nichols was a gentleman of fine scholastic attainments. He was conversant with several ancient and modern languages, and his literary abilities were of a high order. He was a talented writer and an entertaining conversationalist. His tastes were refined and cultivated, and he cared only for such recreations as were elevating and intellectual. Socially, he was ever a welcome guest in any circle, but he was retiring in disposition and only those intimately acquainted with him penetrated the modest reserve that was habitual with him, and fully appreciated the sincerity of his life and the value of his attainments. For many years he was Superintendent of the State Street Sunday School and an Elder in the Presbyterian Church. He was active in every good word and work, kind, generous, charitable, never sparing himself in the path of duty, and regardless of his own health and strength when others were to be helped or benefitted.

For the last few years his health has been feeble, but his sufferings have been borne with a patience and fortitude that commanded the admiration of all. The end came suddenly. While on the streets of St. Louis, he was attacked by congestion of the brain, was removed to the city hospital, where after four days on unconsciousness, he passed away. It will comfort his friends to know that he had every possible care in his last hours, and that the tender ministrations of his uncle and aunt, who hastened to his bedside, soothed his sufferings until the close. The only surviving member of his father’s family is his sister, Mrs. Benjamin, now traveling in Europe.


NICHOLS, HELEN J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 28, 1907
Mrs. Helen J. Nichols, widow of Stephen H. Nichols, died this afternoon at 3 o'clock at her home, 447 east ninth street, from the effects of the grip. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Ada Crane and Mrs. H. L. Dickinson.


NICHOLS, JASPER/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 22, 1897
Civil War Veteran
Jasper Nichols, who lived in a boathouse near the foot of Ridge Street, fell dead very suddenly Monday night while crossing the railroad track at Ridge Street. Coroner Bailey held an inquest, and the jury returned a verdict of death from natural causes. Nichols was 61 years of age, and leaves a wife and two children. He was a member of the G.A.R.


NICHOLS, LOUISA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 25, 1917
Mrs. Louisa Nichols, aged 76, died this morning at her home in Yager Park, from old age. She leaves one adopted daughter, and a sister in California. The sister has been notified and word from her is being awaited before the plans for the funeral are made.


NICHOLS, MARTHA E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 17, 1909
Miss Martha E. Nichols, daughter of Albert Nichols, of 1308 East Thirteenth street, died last night of stomach trouble at the age of 5 years 2 months. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at the house, and the burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.


NICHOLS, MINNIE (nee ENGELHARDT)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 19, 1902
Mrs. Lewis Nichols, 20 years of age, living with her husband at his brother's home on Bluff street, committed suicide shortly before noon by drinking three tablespoonfuls of carbolic acid. Her mouth and throat were burned in a horrible manner, and she died in less than fifteen minutes after she swallowed the poison. Dr. J. N. Shaff was called as soon as it was discovered that she had taken the acid, but she was dying before he reached her bedside. She had been in bad health for some time, and was subject to spells of depression, despondency and melancholia. This morning she determined to have death end it all. Mr. and Mrs. Nichols have not been married many months, it is said, and came here from Brighton where the parents and other relatives of the deceased live. An inquest will be held this evening, and the body will probably be sent to Brighton for burial.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 20, 1902
The jury impaneled by Deputy Coroner Streeper to hold an inquest over the body of Mrs. Minnie Nichols, who committed suicide Thursday morning by taking a dose of carbolic acid, reported a verdict that she came to her death by suicide, and that her action was due to domestic troubles. The body of Mrs. Nichols will be taken to Brighton Saturday morning. The father of the unfortunate woman, Herman Engelhardt of Brighton, arrived in Alton this morning and claimed the right to care for the body of his daughter. The husband gave his consent, and Mr. Engelhardt will take the body home in the morning.

Ghost of Woman Who Committed Suicide Causes Family to Flee
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 11, 1902
The family of Fred Nichols on Bluff street was driven from its home Wednesday night by what they supposed to be the specter of Mrs. Minnie Nichols, who committed suicide in the house a few weeks ago. Late in the night the neighbors were aroused by the members of the family who said they could not stay in the house, and left the place in alarm. Their imagination had led them to believe that the place was haunted, and they were so frightened that the father, mother and five children left the place. The frightened members of the family said that they were sure the disturbance in the house was caused by something ghostly, until after a careful investigation of the place had failed to reveal anything uncanny or otherwise.


NICHOLS, MYRTLE MAY (nee DIXON)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 7, 1918
Mrs. Myrtle May Dixon Nichols died at her home Thursday evening at 6:30 o'clock after an illness of three years' duration. The young woman is survived by a 2 year old daughter, Clara May; her mother, Mrs. Martha Dixon; and two brothers, Richard and Freeman Dixon. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the First Baptist Church, Fifth and Market streets. Burial will be in the City Cemetery.


NICHOLS, PETER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 31, 1920
Peter Nichols, a well-known farmer of Fosterburg, died in Minneapolis early this week, according to word received today. The cause of his death is unknown. For the past four months he has made his home with the Pfeiffer family of 701 Grand avenue. He left the city for Minneapolis on July 21 to visit his son, Thomas Nichols of Minneapolis. On July 27 his son, Edward Nichols, 1911 Belle street, received word of the death of his father.


NICHOLS, PIERCE W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 26, 1903
Shot by Wife in Family Quarrel
In a family row Wednesday morning at their home on Brown street in Upper Alton, Mrs. Elizabeth Nichols shot and perhaps fatally injured her husband, Pierce W. Nichols. It appears that Mr. and Mrs. Nichols often had quarrels that did not amount to much, and would make up afterwards and everything would be lovely. This morning, about breakfast time, the two engaged in a dispute which kept getting worse, and Mr. Nichols, it is said, began throwing dishes at his wife, chasing her through the house and otherwise abusing her. As she ran through the bedroom she seized a revolver that was lying on a dresser and fired a shot at her husband. The ball struck him in the abdomen, and so far has not been located. It is believed he is in a very dangerous condition. When Mrs. Nichols fired the shot she threw down the revolver and ran out upon the street with her husband following her. She then ran into the house of a neighbor to telephone for a doctor. A physician arrived and attended the wounded man, who afterwards had him removed to St. Joseph's hospital. Mrs. Nichols was not arrested, as the shooting is said to be in self-defense. The Nichols family formerly lived in Alton, and Mr. Nichols conducted a second-hand store on Second street, between Spring and Oak. He sold out his business there, but has been employed lately by his predecessor at the same place. Fourteen holes were found in the man's intestines, and these were sewed up by Dr. Harry Lemen, assisted by Drs. Bowman Shaff and Wilkinson. The chances for Mr. Nichol's recovery are very small, the doctors say.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 31, 1903
P. W. Nichols, who was shot Wednesday in Upper Alton at his home by his wife, died Monday morning, just before noon, in St. Joseph's Hospital. Mrs. Nichols attended him during all the time he was in the hospital and is heartbroken over the outcome of the family quarrel. She says she shot her husband unintentionally, meaning only to frighten him into desisting from a murderous attack upon her. She said the weapon was a double action revolver, with which she was unacquainted, and that she did not intend to fire it. Deputy Coroner Streeper took charge of the body and is holding an inquest. The body will be buried tomorrow under the auspices of Keen Kutter Camp, Modern Woodmen.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 1, 1903
A jury was impaneled last evening in Upper Alton by Deputy Coroner Streeper to inquire into the shooting of Pierce W. Nichols by his wife. The jury went to the Nichols home on Brown street and heard Mrs. Nichol's story of the shooting. She said that she picked up the gun with the intension of frightening her husband, who was abusing her, and did not mean to fire the fatal shot, but when she picked up the revolver while she was running through the house it accidently went off and the bullet struck Mr. Nichols. Mr. Nichols told the Deputy Coroner at the hospital on the same day of the shooting that he did not want his wife arrested, as she did not mean to shoot him. The evidence of Mr. and Mrs. Nichols was all that could be secured, and the jury brought in a verdict of accidental shooting. The funeral of P. W. Nichols will be held at the family home in Upper Alton Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.


NICHOLS, STEPHEN H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 9, 1902
Stephen H. Nichols, one of the best known residents of Alton, died Saturday morning after an illness due to senile debility. Mr. Nichols had been in failing health several years, and the last few months he was confined to his residence at Ninth and Langdon streets most of the time. Seldom was he able to make his customary trips downtown to see his old friends, but whenever the weather permitted and his strength was sufficient he would do so. For many years he was a resident of Alton. His wife and his two children, Mrs. H. L. Dickinson and Mrs. Chase Crane, survive. His death had been expected during the last week. One week ago he was downtown but was very feeble, and on his return to his home he was prostrated and did not recover. Mr. Nichols was born at Weatherfield, Vt., and was in his 79th year. He was educated at Norwich, Conn., University and at Middleboro, Vt., college. He came to Alton thirty years ago and had lived here continually since. One year ago he was stricken with paralysis after a fall, and last Saturday while downtown he suffered another fall. A few days before his death he was stricken with paralysis a second time and death followed. He leaves one sister, Mrs. William Danforth of Red Wing, Minn. Mrs. Chase Crane of Ocala, Fla., will be unable to attend her father's funeral. H. L. Dickinson, his son-in-law, is now in Minnesota on a pleasure trip, and the time of the funeral will not be set until he can be heard from. Services will be held in the Congregational church.


NICHOLS, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 17, 1907
The funeral of Mrs. Albert Nichols was held this afternoon from the home on east Thirteenth street, and was attended by a very large number of friends, neighbors and acquaintances, among them being many members of Bluff City Court of Honor, of which deceased was a member. Floral offerings were unusually numerous, and burial was in Oakwood cemetery, Upper Alton. The services at the graveside were conducted by the Court of Honor.


NICHOLS, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 23, 1893
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Nichols died in North Alton Saturday evening. The funeral took place Sunday at the residence, and the remains were taken to Godfrey for burial.


NICHOLSON, MARGARET COLEMAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 28, 1919
Margaret Coleman Nicholson, wife of George L. Nicholson, died Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock at her home, 1247 West Ninth street, leaving beside her husband two young children, one a baby who will be three weeks old Sunday, and the other less than two years old. The death of Mrs. Nicholson is a sad shock to her many friends, though it has been known to those who were nearest to her that she was in bad condition since the birth of her child, and that the chance of her recovery was narrow. She was 25 years of age. At the time of her marriage three years ago to George L. Nicholson she had been serving as telephone operator at the plant of the Western Cartridge Co., where she had gone after giving up her position as operator at the Central Union Exchange in Alton. Mr. Nicholson was employed there, but later took a position with the Heskett Machine Co. on William street. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Coleman. Her mother was burned to death when Margaret was a child and the duty of raising her devolved upon Mrs. Charlotte Coleman, who says she stood in the position of step-sister, foster mother, and sister-in-law. When she was in the Bell exchange, Miss Coleman was known for her kindness and courtesy. Many a person of the Bell exchange who did not know her when they saw her, knew her voice and knew in her a girl who was always sweet tempered and ready to be of any service she could be. That was in the days before telephone operators were forbidden to perform services for the patrons of the company, aside from making connections. Mrs. Nicholson is survived also by her father, Alfred Coleman, a sister, Miss Bessie Coleman, and two brothers, Alfred and Wallace Coleman. The funeral will be tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. from the home.


NICHOLSON, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 20, 1845
Died, at Rattan's Prairie, on the 17th inst., Thomas Nicholson, aged 60 years, formerly of Leeds, England.


NICKEL, PHILIP W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 6, 1903
The funeral of Philip W. Nickel took place this afternoon from the home on East Second street, and was conducted under the auspices of the Fraternal Order of Eagles and Fleur de Lys Lodge K. of P., both of which he was a member. There was a large attendance at the sorrowful function and many very beautiful floral offerings were made. Interment was in City Cemetery.


NICKEL, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 24, 1904
Mrs. Henry Nickel, aged 28, died this morning at 11 o'clock at the family home, Fifth and Vine streets, after a three weeks illness. She leaves a husband and one child. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the family home.


NICKELS, H. E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 13, 1917
The funeral of H. E. Nickels was held this morning from the Bauer undertaking establishment to the City Cemetery. Nickels was found dead some time ago at the New Home Hotel. Relatives in Michigan were informed but they paid no attention to the death of Nickels. The body was held by the deputy coroner until this morning, when the funeral was held.


NICKELS, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 2, 1906
Business Man Suicides
Joseph Nickels, an aged business man of Yager Park, formerly of Alton, shot and killed himself Thursday morning, standing in the doorway between his little storeroom and the cellar opening into it and on the same level. He brooded over certain stories and ill health affected him so that he was unable to sleep or eat. Thursday morning about 3 o'clock he rose from his bed, dressed as for the day, and going down into the store he placed a revolver against his breast, near the base of his neck, and shooting himself fell over dead. It appeared from the way the body was lying that Nickles had sat down in the doorway between the cellar and the store, and then fired the revolver, killing himself instantly. His shirt and undershirt caught fire, so close was the revolver held by the desperate man, and the shirt burned almost the entire length and breadth of the bosom, burning the skin and making it extremely difficult to determine where the fatal wound was. Until the inquest it was not known whether the bullet was fired in the mouth or in the base of the neck. Mrs. Nickels found the body about 5 o'clock. Alarmed by his failure to return to his bed, she rose to make search and was shocked to find her husband lying dead. The only explanation of the suicide is that given by the widow, who had heard him talk very despondently since the stories against him began to be circulated.


NICKLES, MELVINA CAROLINE (nee SNODGRASS)/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 23, 1898
Mrs. Joseph Nickles died Thursday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. Smith, in Highland Park. She was 56 years of age, and leaves a husband and five children. The funeral was Saturday morning, and the interment will be in a cemetery on Missouri Point. [Burial was in the Ebenezer Cemetery in West Alton, Missouri.]


NICOLET, EDA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 16, 1900
Deputy Coroner Will H. Bauer is holding an inquest this afternoon over the body of Eda Nicolet, who was found this morning at 6:30 o'clock in a dying condition on the floor at her home, 621 East Third street. She was unconscious when found and died a short time afterward without regaining consciousness. She was heard groaning in her room by a woman who lived in the house with her, and on investigating, the neighbor found the girl dying. Death ensued before medical assistance could be procured. In the room was found a bottle partly empty, the remaining contents of which were identified as being a potent poison, which the girl had evidently administered to herself and had taken too large a dose. A coroner's inquest is being held this afternoon at the home. She has been conducting a dressmaking establishment on East Third street, and was well known. Miss Nicolet had saved considerable money from her earnings. She had $400 in one of the banks, was owner of building association stock and other property. A post mortem examination was made for the coroner's jury.


NICOLET, FRANK/Source: Alton Telegraph February 4, 1897
Frank Nicolet of Bethalto, aged 21 years, died at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Alton Monday afternoon, after a long illness with consumption. The young man has relatives at Bethalto who arrived in Alton Tuesday.


NICOLET, JULIET AUGUST/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 19, 1912
Juliet August Nicolet, aged 78 years, died Sunday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Louise Rothacher, on East Third Street, after a long illness from the infirmities of old age. Mr. Nicolet came to this country from Switzerland in 1881, and brought with him a large family. Eleven children survive him, and they are scattered in all parts of the world. Lena, Bertha and Adele Nicolet are in Boston; Rose Nicolet is a missionary for the Baptist church in the Philippine islands, Mrs. Newman Matile, a daughter, resides in Switzerland; Mrs. Louise Rothacher, at whose home the old gentleman died, resides in Alton; also Alcid and Ulysse reside here. Adolph, a son, resides in Great Bend, Kas., and Fred resides in Cimarron, Kas., James resides in Los Angeles, Cal. The telegrams going out to the children announcing the death of their father were therefore sent far and near. Thirty grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren survive him. The funeral will be held from the home of Mrs. Rothacher tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.


NICOLET, LILLIAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 24, 1922
Mrs. Lillian Nicolet, wife of Ulysses Nicolet, died this morning at 4 o'clock at the family home, 2100 Holman street, after a week's illness with heart trouble. Mrs. Nicolet had been confined to her bed three days. Her death was sudden, but not altogether unexpected because of the nature of the fatal malady. Practically all of her life she had lived in Alton. She was a daughter of Peter Vogel. Mrs. Nicolet was 66 years of age. Besides her husband, she leaves two daughters, Evelyn and Adel Nicolet, and one son, Charles Kincer. The funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon and services will be conducted by Rev. M. W. Twing of the First Baptist church. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery. Mrs. Nicolet was a quiet, home loving woman, and was the object of the most devoted affection on the part of her family. She was known for her kindly neighborliness and sincere friendship.


NIEDERKORN, M. B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 8, 1907
John Niederkorn received a message today giving news of the death of his father, M. B. Niederkorn, at Roswell, N. M. He was 55 years of age and had lived in Alton many years. Mr. Niederkorn leaves four children, John Niederkorn of Yager Park, Mrs. Anna Lowe of Edwardsville, Miss Agnes and Michael of Roswell. Mrs. Niederkorn will bring the body of her husband home in a few days. Mr. Neiderkorn went to Roswell about four months ago and shortly after his arrival there his son, Frank, died there and was buried. Mr. Niederkorn was engaged for many years in Alton, conducting a grocery store, and part of his life he was employed at the glass works.


NIEDERKORN, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 4, 1902
Mary, the 19 years old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Niederkorn, died this afternoon at the family home in Yager Park after a long illness with a complication of diseases. Funeral arrangements are not made.


NIENHAUS, HENRY/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 18, 1887
Mr. Henry Nienhaus, for many years a resident of Alton, died yesterday after a brief illness caused by cholera morbus. Deceased seemed in his usual health until Saturday evening, when he was seized with the attack that proved fatal at the hour named. He was at one time a resident of North Alton, and conducted a bakery there. He left a wife and two children to mourn his death.


NIENHAUS, JOHN HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 1, 1906
Founder of German Evangelical Church Dies
The funeral of John Henry Nienhaus was held Sunday afternoon from the German Evangelical church of which he was one of the founders fifty-four years ago (1852). There was a large attendance at the funeral services, and among those present were two others of the charter members of the church: Andrew Rosenberg and George H. Weigler, both of them old time friends of Mr. Nienhaus. The services were conducted by Rev. Theodore Oberhellman. The casket was borne by six grandsons of Mr. Nienhaus, William H. and Emil Joesting, O. J. Gossrau, Edward Kolkmeier, Albert and Leo Ernst. Burial was in City Cemetery. There were many beautiful floral offerings from relatives and friends.


NIEHAUS, JOHN HENRY/Source: Troy Call, January 18, 1918
Henry Niehaus, one of the best known and most prominent farmers of this township, passed away at his home south of Troy Wednesday morning [Jan. 16] at 3 o'clock at the age of about 60 years. The death of Mr. Niehaus was due to a complication of diseases and was not unexpected by his family and friends who knew him to be in gradually failing health for over a year. Recently his decline became very rapid and for a week previous to his demise his life hung in the balance. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 9:30 o'clock from the residence to St. John's Catholic church in Blackjack and will be conducted by Rev. William A. Pachlhofer. Interment will be in the Blackjack Catholic cemetery. An obituary could not be secured in time for this issue and has been deferred until next week.

Source: Troy Call, January 25, 1918
The funeral of Henry Niehaus, the prominent farmer whose death last week was chronicled in The Call, took place last Saturday morning at 9 o'clock from the residence to St. John's Catholic church in the Blackjack community. Rev. William A. Pachlhofer conducted the burial rite and interment was in the Blackjack cemetery. Notwithstanding the inclement weather, the obsequies were attended by a large concourse of friends of the deceased. John Henry Niehaus was a son of John Henry and Bertha Niehaus and was born August 4, 1857, in Nameoki township. As a boy he attended school in Collinsville and on February 14, 1883 he married at Collinsville to Miss Barbara Schwartz of the Blackjack community. After a residence of about two years in Nameoki township, they moved to the Blackjack community where Mr. Niehaus engaged in farming and by efficiency and thrift acquired a goodly estate. To Mr. and Mrs. Niehaus were born six children, five of whom with the wife and mother survive. They are: Emma, wife of Fred Loyet; Miss Elizabeth, at home; Theodore and Arnold, at home, and Oscar, who is attending school at Clayton, Mo. Mrs. Elizabeth Niehaus, stepmother, residing at Collinsville, survives, as does one brother, Joseph, of Granite City and two half-brothers, William and Frank of Collinsville. There are also four grandchildren. Mr. Niehaus was a faithful member of the Catholic church all his life and was a regular communicant at St. John's church in Blackjack. He was a member of St. Joseph's Church society and for a number of years was a trustee of St. John's church. He was a devoted husband and father and a good citizen and his death is a decided loss to the community.


NIEL, ALICE/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 16, 1897
From North Alton – The funeral of Miss Alice Niel took place Sunday afternoon from the family home on the Grafton Road to Upper Alton Cemetery. Many were the tributes of respect placed on the casket and grave of the departed, by kind and loving friends, who assembled to witness the last sad rites over her who was stricken down so early in life, when the future seemed so bright before her.

From Godfrey – The funeral of Miss Niel, last Sunday afternoon from the home on the Grafton Road, was very largely attended by many of her young friends. Rev. Mr. Fairbank officiated.


NIESLER, ROSA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 30, 1904
Mrs. Rosa Niesler died this afternoon at the home of her son-in-law, H. Fischer, on East Fifth street, after a week's illness caused by old age disabilities. Mrs. Niesler would have been 83 years of age February 9, and has lived in Alton about 17 years. She lived in the vicinity of Brighton 35 or 40 years, and will be buried there beside her husband who died in 1886. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Henry Fischer of Alton and Mrs. August Schneider of Brighton. Funeral arrangements are not complete. [Burial was in City Cemetery]


NIETERS, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 2, 1921
George Nieters, for many years a caretaker at the Cathedral Orphanage on Prospect street, died at the institution Saturday night. He was about 76 years of age. Few members of the Cathedral congregation knew that the aged man's condition was serious and his death came as a great surprise. He was a brother of the late Mrs. Henry Timmermeier, and was a long time resident of Alton. His funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock from Ss. Peter and Paul's Cathedral.


NILARD, STEF/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 22, 1908
Austrian Beaten in Benbow City Dies
Stef Nilard, an Austrian, died at St. Joseph's hospital Wednesday morning from the effects of injuries he sustained last September in a fight at Benbow City. He was almost brained by a blow from a cleaver in the hands of a man who was conducting a boarding house at Benbow City. It was said at the time the man was hurt that there was a dispute in the boarding house in which Nilard attempted to beat up the wife of the keeper of the place, and a general melee followed. In attempting to defend his wife from the attack of the drunken Nilard, the keeper of the boarding house seized a cleaver and laid about himself manfully. He was badly hurt himself at the time he struck the blow, but he succeeded in disabling his assailants. The boarding housekeeper himself was taken to the hospital and recovered, but his victim never got well. His skull was fractured so that it was necessary for Dr. Bowman to remove a large amount of bone and his brain tissue was so torn that he continued to be seriously hurt. A cerebral hemorrhage was said to be the cause of Nilard's death. The men who were in the fight were long since let go, and it is not known whether or not they are still at Benbow City. The death of Nilard may be investigated by the coroner.


NISBETT, JANE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 3, 1920
Mrs. Jane Nisbett, widow of John P. Nisbett, died Thursday evening at her home on Court street in Alton. Her death followed prostration due to her great age, which made her bedfast a week ago. Mrs. Nisbett was in her ninety-seventh year. She had been a resident of Alton over 71 years, and had lived most of that time in the house where she closed her life. The passing of Mrs. Nisbett removes from Alton one of its oldest residents. She was one of the most remarkable women in the city. Gifted with a strength of character that was unusual, she overcame a malady that for many years had afflicted her and partially disabled her, and the last quarter century of her life was enjoyed by her in perfect health. Her sight, her hearing and her mentality all were preserved to the very end. She could keep up with current events, converse intelligently on all subjects, and had a wonderful memory for faces of her old friends, whom she never forgot. She was a woman of gracious hospitality and she had a large circle of friends who have been deeply interested in the welfare of the aged lady, who had demonstrated she possessed such an inexhaustible fund of vitality as to make her strong and active even when she was nearing the century mark. Mrs. Nisbett was born in Crumpa, County Derry, Ireland. She came here in 1849 and had resided in Alton ever since. Her husband was John P. Nisbett, who conducted a grocery store at Broadway and Market streets for many years. He died 36 years ago. Mrs. Nisbett had been an invalid for years, and she surprised everyone by insisting that she was well and she was well. She began to get about more freely than before, and the most wonderful part of it was that her health continued good up to the very close of her life. Death was not due to any sickness, but merely to a wearing out of the strong machine that had served so well for so many years. The closing hours of her life were peaceful, and the end was just what she could have wished for. She was given constant attention by her daughter, Miss Anna Nisbett, and yesterday her son, Thomas P. Nisbett, arrived from Chicago summoned by word that the mother had shown weakness that presaged an end. She was the aunt of Mrs. S. J. Duncan of Alton, and leaves other nieces, Mrs. Mattie Cousley and Mrs. Ellen Cousley of Sedalia, Mo. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the home, and interment will be in the City cemetery. In addition to her children Mrs. Nisbett is survived by four grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.


NISBETT, JOHN P./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 14, 1885
At a few minutes past ten o’clock last evening, Mr. John P. Nisbett, one of our oldest and most valued citizens, passed away. For about eight years, Mr. Nisbett has been in feeble health, not always confined to his house and only recently to his bed. Of a large and vigorous frame, it seemed sometimes as if nature would baffle the fell destroyer and restore him to his usual activities and pursuits, but the fond hopes of relatives and friends have been sadly disappointed, and that kindly face is now veiled with the shadow of death. During his long and sometimes very painful illness, he was a most uncomplaining sufferer, having a pleasant and hopeful word for all.

Mr. Nisbett was born in Berwickshire, Scotland, in 1834, having passed his fiftieth birthday last October. He came to Alton with his mother in 1848, and has resided here ever since that date, engaged in mercantile puruits the most of the time. He was an engineer on the Chicago & Alton Railroad at the time of its construction, afterwards a salesman in the wholesale iron house of Topping Brothers, and for the past ten years a member of the firm of T. P. Nisbett & Co., grocers. Mr. Nisbett has been a Mason for many years, and a member of the Legion of Honor for the past two years. For more than 30 years, he was a prominent member and earnest worker in the Presbyterian Church, and an officer in the church for the past ten years. He was always faithful to every duty, and never absented himself from any service when health permitted. The suffering and afflicted were always sure to find a willing and able helper in him, and at all times he was ready to follow the impulses of a kind heart. A good citizen, a devoted husband, a kind father, a sympathetic neighbor, and an exemplary Christian has passed to his reward. The sympathy of a large circle of friends and acquaintances will be freely tendered the bereaved widow and children in this hour of sadness.

Besides other relatives, he leaves a widow, three children: Mr. Thomas P. and Miss Annie Nisbett of Alton; and Mrs. Alex Smith of Palmyra, Illinois, all of adult years, to mourn his loss. His funeral will take place from his late residence on Court Street this afternoon.

Source: Alton Telegraph, May 21, 1885
The funeral of Mr. John P. Nisbett took place Thursday afternoon from the family residence. There was a very large attendance of relatives, friends, and acquaintances, many of the older citizens being present to attest their regard for the deceased. A long line of carriages then took up their way to the cemetery, where the body was laid to rest beneath the growing flowers, shrubs, and plants, emblematic of that life in the faith of which Mr. Nisbett was enabled to rejoice amid the long and severe suffering he was called upon to endure.


NISBETT, SADIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 30, 1914
The body of Mrs. Sadie Nisbitt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gleason of 514 William street, will arrive this afternoon at 4:30 and the funeral will be held from the family home, 2:30 p.m. Tuesday.


NISINGER, ELLA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 6, 1904
Mrs. Ella Nisinger, wife of Charles Nisinger, died at St. Joseph's hospital today after a long illness. She was a sufferer from an incurable disease in one of her legs and was taken to the hospital a few weeks ago to undergo an operation for the amputation of the leg, but the operation was not performed. She leaves her husband and a large family of children.


NIX, SAMUEL/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, November 18, 1926
Samuel Nix, aged resident of the city, passed away last night at his home at 316 N. Buchanan Street, following an illness of a week. He was born on a farm near Sunset Hill on July 9, 1856, and at the time of his death was 70 years, 5 months, and 8 days. With exception of several years spent in Arkansas, he resided all his life in this vicinity.

When a young man, he was united in marriage with Miss Frances Nix, and to this union four children were born, three of whom survive. They are Will Nix of Council Grove, Kansas; Bert Nix, who resides at home; and Mrs. W. B. Fischer of Edwardsville. Two half-brothers, Charles Nix of Salt Lake City, Utah, and Will Nix of Spokane, Washington, also survive.

Mr. Nix was a kind and loving husband and father. He was a member of the Modern Woodmen Lodge, the Court of Honor, and the Knights of Pythias Order. Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery.

Samuel Nix was born July 9, 1856, in Edwardsville, to William H. (1822-1876) and Virginia Sappington (1827-1859) Nix. His father, William H. Nix, was born in Madison County on January 14, 1822. Samuel’s grandfather, David Nix, was born on November 8, 1794, and was a member of Whiteside’s Company of Volunteers during the War of 1812.


NIXON, SADIE (nee HARRIS)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 14, 1918
The death of Mrs. Sadie Nixon, wife of R. D. Nixon, the plumber, occurred Tuesday afternoon at her home at Highland avenue after an illness of several months' duration. Mrs. Nixon was 55 years of age. Before her marriage Mrs. Nixon was Miss Sadie Harris, sister of Miss Emma Harris and Mrs. Finis Logan. She leaves her husband and three children, two daughters, Gladys and Emily, and one son, Elmer. Mrs. Nixon was a life long resident of Alton, and was much beloved by all who knew her. Her passing will be greatly regretted by the large number of friends. No funeral arrangements were made late this afternoon.


NIXON, UNKNOWN WOMAN AND CHILD/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 27, 1849
Died in Alton from cholera – Mrs. Nixon and child.


NOE, KATE ANNA (nee DEWEY)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 10, 1915
Booze-Crazed Man Kills Wife and Self
Thirteen children were orphaned this afternoon at East Alton, when Grant Noe, booze crazed, first murdered his wife and then killed himself. The couple had lived unhappily for a long time, owing to the husband's propensity for strong drink. The wife and her children were living at Blinn, an addition to East Alton, and the husband had been staying at the Park Hotel. Drink was the weakness of Noe. His wife could not get along with him, and some time ago she had him arrested on a charge of disturbing her peace. The trouble was settled by Noe agreeing to leave his wife and to stay away from her on consideration that she would pay him a stipulated sum of money. The wife kept her part of the bargain, but Noe, it seems, was not satisfied. He has been making trouble off and on. The unhappy relations between the couple culminated Saturday afternoon about 2 o'clock when Noe went to call on his wife, drunk as usual. He carried a revolver in his pocket, and deadly hate in his heart. He was prepared to kill her, and it seems that he gave her very little warning. Mrs. Al Harrison, next door, was talking by phone to a neighbor, when she heard the shots and screams. Running out she found Mrs. Noe dying, and close beside her was her husband, also near death. Mrs. Noe lasted but a few minutes. Mrs. Noe, it is said, was a very plucky woman, and when she saw that it would be impossible for her to continue living with her husband, she forced him to separate from her. He continued boozing and losing his jobs, going from bad to worse, until he got to the stage of where he seemed possessed of a mania to murder his wife. Mrs. Noe had heard that her husband had said he would kill her, but she paid little attention to these threats. He was seen to enter their home after noon, and about five minutes later there were the sounds of the shots. It is evident the wife did not fear him, or she would never have been in the same room with him. The killing was done in the house where Mrs. Noe was keeping boarders and making a home for her seven children. The shooting was in her bedroom, and the shots were heard by some of her daughters, who called for help when they discovered what had occurred. Mrs. Noe was shot in the back of the head, and whether her husband shot her before she knew what he was trying to do, or whether she had warning is not positively known. Noe shot himself behind the ear. He did a good job of it in his attempted suicide. Neighbors said that Noe had six children, all sons: William, Orville, Leonard, Ralph, Clarence, and Verne. Mrs. Noe had seven children: Thelma, Della, Edna, Geneva, Irene, Howard and Frank. Mrs. Noe's children range in age from 24 years down to 9, while Noe's children range in age from 9 up. Noe was 50 years of age and Mrs. Noe was 45.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 12, 1915
The bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Noe were taken today from East Alton to Greenville, Illinois, for burial. They were taken on separate trains, the funeral services will be separate, and they will be buried in different cemeteries. It was the wish of the children of Mrs. Noe that there be no connection at all between the funeral of their stepfather, and that of their mother, whom he had slain before killing himself. A coroner’s inquest was held yesterday afternoon, and a verdict was found that Mrs. Noe was killed by her husband, and that he had killed himself. The services at the home in East Alton were conducted by Rev. H. J. Armitage of the East Alton Methodist Church.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 20, 1915
The children of Grant Noe, who shot his wife and killed himself in East Alton ten days ago, have come back from Greenville and have rented the Tobias Oetkin house in Blinn. They will all reside together, and the older children will work and care for the smaller ones. During the absence of the family, kind-hearted neighbors entered the home where the tragedy occurred, and scoured the furniture and house utensils so that the members of the family would be spared the unpleasant task of doing this work themselves.

Kate Anna Dewey Noe was born March 19, 1870. She was the daughter of Rollin Cadmus Dewey (1827-1870) and Elmira Reed Dewey (1829-1893). Kate married in 1888 to Louis A. Bass, who died in 1909. They had six children. Kate was murdered by her husband, Richard Grant Noe. She was interred in the Hazel Dell Cemetery in Greenville, Bond County, Illinois.

Richard Grant Noe was born February 07, 1865. His mother was Adeline Huffstedler Noe (1835-1881). After murdering his wife, Kate Noe, he committed suicide. He was interred in the Montrose Cemetery in Greenville, Bond County, Illinois.


NOE, RICHARD GRANT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 10, 1915
Booze-Crazed Man Kills Wife and Self
Thirteen children were orphaned this afternoon at East Alton, when Grant Noe, booze crazed, first murdered his wife and then killed himself. The couple had lived unhappily for a long time, owing to the husband's propensity for strong drink. The wife and her children were living at Blinn, an addition to East Alton, and the husband had been staying at the Park Hotel. Drink was the weakness of Noe. His wife could not get along with him, and some time ago she had him arrested on a charge of disturbing her peace. The trouble was settled by Noe agreeing to leave his wife and to stay away from her on consideration that she would pay him a stipulated sum of money. The wife kept her part of the bargain, but Noe, it seems, was not satisfied. He has been making trouble off and on. The unhappy relations between the couple culminated Saturday afternoon about 2 o'clock when Noe went to call on his wife, drunk as usual. He carried a revolver in his pocket, and deadly hate in his heart. He was prepared to kill her, and it seems that he gave her very little warning. Mrs. Al Harrison, next door, was talking by phone to a neighbor, when she heard the shots and screams. Running out she found Mrs. Noe dying, and close beside her was her husband, also near death. Mrs. Noe lasted but a few minutes. Mrs. Noe, it is said, was a very plucky woman, and when she saw that it would be impossible for her to continue living with her husband, she forced him to separate from her. He continued boozing and losing his jobs, going from bad to worse, until he got to the stage of where he seemed possessed of a mania to murder his wife. Mrs. Noe had heard that her husband had said he would kill her, but she paid little attention to these threats. He was seen to enter their home after noon, and about five minutes later there were the sounds of the shots. It is evident the wife did not fear him, or she would never have been in the same room with him. The killing was done in the house where Mrs. Noe was keeping boarders and making a home for her seven children. The shooting was in her bedroom, and the shots were heard by some of her daughters, who called for help when they discovered what had occurred. Mrs. Noe was shot in the back of the head, and whether her husband shot her before she knew what he was trying to do, or whether she had warning is not positively known. Noe shot himself behind the ear. He did a good job of it in his attempted suicide. Neighbors said that Noe had six children, all sons: William, Orville, Leonard, Ralph, Clarence, and Verne. Mrs. Noe had seven children: Thelma, Della, Edna, Geneva, Irene, Howard and Frank. Mrs. Noe's children range in age from 24 years down to 9, while Noe's children range in age from 9 up. Noe was 50 years of age and Mrs. Noe was 45.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 12, 1915
The bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Noe were taken today from East Alton to Greenville, Illinois, for burial. They were taken on separate trains, the funeral services will be separate, and they will be buried in different cemeteries. It was the wish of the children of Mrs. Noe that there be no connection at all between the funeral of their stepfather, and that of their mother, whom he had slain before killing himself. A coroner’s inquest was held yesterday afternoon, and a verdict was found that Mrs. Noe was killed by her husband, and that he had killed himself. The services at the home in East Alton were conducted by Rev. H. J. Armitage of the East Alton Methodist Church.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 20, 1915
The children of Grant Noe, who shot his wife and killed himself in East Alton ten days ago, have come back from Greenville and have rented the Tobias Oetkin house in Blinn. They will all reside together, and the older children will work and care for the smaller ones. During the absence of the family, kind-hearted neighbors entered the home where the tragedy occurred, and scoured the furniture and house utensils so that the members of the family would be spared the unpleasant task of doing this work themselves.

Kate Anna Dewey Noe was born March 19, 1870. She was the daughter of Rollin Cadmus Dewey (1827-1870) and Elmira Reed Dewey (1829-1893). Kate married in 1888 to Louis A. Bass, who died in 1909. They had six children. Kate was murdered by her husband, Richard Grant Noe. She was interred in the Hazel Dell Cemetery in Greenville, Bond County, Illinois.

Richard Grant Noe was born February 07, 1865. His mother was Adeline Huffstedler Noe (1835-1881). After murdering his wife, Kate Noe, he committed suicide. He was interred in the Montrose Cemetery in Greenville, Bond County, Illinois.


NOLAN, GEORGE HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 20, 1896
From Bethalto – Died – George Henry Nolan, aged 65 years, Wednesday, August 12, 1896. Deceased was a brother of Mrs. Carrie McPearson, with whom he resided. The funeral took place from the Baptist Church Friday, August 14, the Rev. J. B. Webb officiating. The family of the deceased has the sympathy of all the community.


NOLAN, JOHN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 24, 1888
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nolan are sadly afflicted in the death of their little son, John, who died this morning of brain fever, aged fourteen months. He was an only child, and the idol of his parents.


NOLAN, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 15, 1898
From Bethalto – Miss Nolan died Wednesday at two o’clock after an illness of only a few days.


NOLAN, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 9, 1908
Mrs. Randolph Nolan, wife of one of the pioneer settlers of the vicinity of Belletrees, and herself a native and life-long resident of the place, died Wednesday night at her home from brain paralysis. She was stricken on the morning of March 26 as she was seated at the breakfast table, and was in an unconscious condition from that time until death came Wednesday night. She had been an invalid for years, and the development of paralysis was only the natural progress of long seated disease. She leaves her husband and six children, one daughter, Mrs. August Eckhardt of Alton, and five sons, R. Z. Nolan, the east Second street jeweler, and Anton, Joseph, Frank and John Nolan of Belletrees. The funeral will be held Friday morning from St. Michael's church, Belletrees, where services will be conducted by Rev. Fr. Hochmuller of St. Mary's church, Alton.


NOLAND, WESLEY/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 23, 1846
Died at his residence in Madison County, on Saturday, the 16th instant, after a very short illness, Mr. Wesley Noland, aged about 80(?) years. At a called meeting of Piasa Lodge No. 97, of Free and Accepted Masons, the following resolutions were offered and unanimously adopted: Resolved, That we have this day with regret heard of the death of our worthy brother, Wesley Noland, and we cannot avoid feeling that thereby we have lost a good citizen and a truly honest man. Resolved, That we will attend his funeral in a body, and wear the usual badge of mourning thirty days. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of our late brother, and also that they be published in the city papers. Signed N. G. Edwards, Secretary.


NOLAND, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 22, 1845
Died, in this city [Alton], on Sunday last, after a short but severe illness, Mr. William Noland, aged about 25.


NOLL, BERNARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 24, 1874
On Sunday night last, a German living in the Third Ward named Bernard Noll, died at his home without medical attendance. The faces are as follows: A week previous to his death Noll was brought home in an intoxicated condition, and instead of recovering from the effects of the liquor became ill, and for several days, refused to partake of any nourishment except a little beef tea which his wife prepared. He was also troubled, at intervals, with palpitation of the heart. His wife nursed him carefully, but he would not allow her to send for a doctor. She was not alarmed, however, about his condition until Sunday evening, when he became suddenly worse, and Mrs. Noll hastily summoned her neighbors to her assistance, but the man died before a doctor reached the house. As Mr. Noll had died without medical attendance, Coroner Griepenburg held an inquest, and made a post mortem examination of the remains. The stomach was found entirely empty, but in a perfectly natural condition. The heart was found badly congested, and the liver slightly affected. The condition of the heart alone was such as to fully account for his death. Mr. Noll was 48 years of age, and leaves three young children.


NOLL, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 29, 1921
Widow of Founder of Noll's Bakery Dies
Mrs. Elizabeth Noll, widow of George Noll, died this morning at 8:20 o'clock at the family home, 714 East Fifth Street, following an illness of one year. For several weeks Mrs. Noll's condition has been serious and for the past few days her death has been expected. Mrs. Noll was born in Brighton, and was 48 years of age. She is survived by four children, one grandchild, three sisters, and two brothers. The children are: Mrs. Earl Monaghan, Miss Elizabeth Noll, George and Clement Noll, all of this city. The sisters are Mrs. Anton Kern of St. Louis, Mrs. George Goeken of Alton, Mrs. Dennis Gross of Alton; and Joseph Mohrmann of Alton and George Mohrmann of Brighton are brothers. Mrs. Noll was the widow of the founder of the Noll Baking Company. At the date of her husband's death, twenty years ago, Mrs. Noll took charge of the bakery, and for eight years conducted the business. Twelve years ago she decided to retire and sold the business to the Goeken Brothers, who operate the bakery at the present time. Under her management the well established business prospered. Mrs. Noll was a very capable and efficient business woman. She was a very well known woman both in the business and social world. She was a devoted mother, as well as a kind friend and her death has been the cause of profound sorrow among her many friends. She was a very patient sufferer and did not complain during her long illness. The funeral will be held Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock at St. Mary's church, and burial will be in St. Joseph's Cemetery.


George NollNOLL, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 11, 1901
Founder of Noll’s Bakery in Alton
Mrs. George Noll telegraphed Alton relatives that her husband died this morning at Liberty, New York Sanitarium at 10:30 o'clock. The body will arrive Sunday about noon. Funeral arrangements are not yet made. Will Neerman left for Liberty to assist Mrs. Noll. Mr. Noll was one of Alton's most prominent and successful businessmen. From very small beginning, he had increased his trade until he conducted probably the largest and most successful bakery in Southern Illinois, with several retail establishments.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 12, 1901
The funeral of George Noll will take place Monday, January 14, at 9:30 a.m. from St. Mary's church. Mr. Noll was born in St. Ingbert, Bavaria, on December 20, 1863. He has no relatives but his immediate family in this country. He died at Liberty, N. Y., Jan. 11, at 10:30 a.m. of Bright's disease. His wife and three children survive him. His business in Alton was some time ago organized under the State law as a corporation, and will be continued as much by the widow, as the stock was nearly all owned by Mr. Noll and his family.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 14, 1901
The remains of George Noll arrived from Liberty, N. Y. at noon yesterday and were taken to the home. The funeral took place this morning from St. Mary's church, where a requiem high mass was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Merkles. The German Benevolent Society and the Alton Maennerchor, of which deceased was a member, attended in a body, headed by the Juvenile band. The Alton Maennerchor sang at the grave. The pallbearers were L. Pfeiffenberger, G. A. Joesting, A. Neermann, John Gruse, J. Strubel and William Hoff. Interment was in St. Joseph's Cemetery.

George Noll was born in St. Ingbert, Bavaria on December 20, 1863. He had no other family in America except for his wife, Elizabeth Mohrmann Noll, and four children (Elizabeth Noll, George Noll, Clement Noll, and Cathryn E. “Katie” Noll Monaghan). Noll opened his bakery in Alton in 1896, at the southeast corner of Third and Langdon Streets. The bakery, which specialized in bread and ice cream, had retail stores at 508 East Broadway and 205 West Third Street.

After Noll's death, his wife was elected president of the company, as she owned nearly all the stock of the company. She retired from ownership of the business in July 1913, and three brothers - George, Victor, and Joseph (who joined the company in 1913) Goeken purchased the business. George Goeken (brother-in-law to Mrs. George Noll and manager of the bakery) and Victor had been active in the business for about ten years. Victor had been working in the bakery since the age of 16, and worked his way up to the position of treasurer. He died of illness at the age of 27, in December 1914. The Goekens continued the business under the Noll name. The Noll Bakery Company purchased the Alton Bakery & Catering Co. (ABC Bakery) on Front Street (now Landmarks Blvd.), and continued at this location until 1960, when it sold out to Colonial Bakery. Currently, the Old Bakery Beer Company is located in the former bakery.

George Noll died from Bright’s disease, January 11, 1901, in a sanitarium in Liberty, New York. His remains arrived in Alton from New York on January 13, 1901, and were taken to his home. The funeral was held from St. Mary’s Church in Alton, where a requiem high mass was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Merkles. The German Benevolent Society and the Alton Maennerchor, of which deceased was a member, attended in a body, headed by the Juvenile band. The Alton Maennerchor sang at the grave. The pallbearers were L. Pfeiffenberger, G. A. Joesting, A. Neermann, John Gruse, J. Strubel and William Hoff. Interment was in St. Joseph's Cemetery in Alton.


NOLTE, ANDREW/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 25, 1897
Mr. Andrew Nolte, a well-known German citizen of Alton, died last night at his home, 1100 E. Sixth Street, from blood poisoning caused by the amputation of a toe a year ago. Mr. Nolte was 58 years of age. He has been in the grocery and saloon business in Alton for a number of years. A wife and eight children survive him. The funeral will take place on Monday morning from St. Mary’s Church, under the auspices of the Western Catholic Union, of which he was a member.


NOLTE, FRANCES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 11, 1920
The death of Mrs. Frances Nolte occurred this morning at 8:30 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. David Fitzgerald, 1108 Pearl street. She was 71 years old. Mrs. Nolte was born in Germany. She had lived in Alton for forty years. She is survived by six children, five daughters: Mrs. David Fitzgerald, Sister Julian of St. Mary's Infirmary of St. Louis, Mrs. Lawrence Hellrung, Mrs. Albert Brune, Mrs. Fred Helbig, the last two from St. Louis and one son, Joseph. Mrs. Nolte is also survived by 13 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. The funeral will be held Monday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's Church. Interment will be in St. Joseph's Cemetery. It is requested the friends omit flowers.


NOONAN, BRIDGET MARGARET/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 20, 1894
Wife of Justice Edmond A. Noonan
Justice Edmond A. Noonan is doubly bereaved yesterday, the sympathy of the entire community will be with him in his affliction. His brother died in St. Louis Tuesday, and was buried here yesterday morning. Ere the last rite had been said for the brother, the wife of Justice Noonan had passed peacefully away.

Margaret, wife of E. A. Noonan, died this morning after a long illness. She was about 39 years of age, and was married about six years ago. Two little girls made their home happy, and they, with the father, will deeply mourn the loss of a kind-hearted and loving mother. The funeral will take place from the Cathedral.

Margaret was the wife of Justice Edmond A. Noonan, who was born in Ireland, and died in Alton in March 1901. Bridget is buried in the St. Patrick’s Cemetery in Godfrey.


NOONAN, CHARLES/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 12, 1887
Coroner Melling held an inquest yesterday afternoon at Madison, on the remains of a young man named Charles Noonan, who was drowned in the Mississippi River at that place while bathing.


NOONAN, DANIEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 27, 1896
Son of Alderman Dennis Noonan of Alton
Alderman Dennis Noonan of Alton received a telegram Monday evening from Jerseyville, bearing the sad news that his son, Daniel Noonan, had been run over by cars in the Bluff Line yards in Jerseyville, and probably fatally injured. Members of the family left at once on the Bluff Line train for Jerseyville, but arrived too late – the young man had died after suffering excruciating pain for three hours.

It was learned from the train crew that young Noonan, who was a Bluff Line brakeman, was making a running switch with two cars last night. In some unaccountable manner, he failed to get out of the way and was knocked down and run over. His left leg was horribly mangled and cut off above the knee, and his left arm was mashed to a pulp and cut off at the shoulder. The shock and loss of blood was too much for him, and he rapidly sank away. The attending physician administered morphine, and under its influence he died about three hours after the accident.

Mr. Noonan was 27 years of age, and lived with his parents in Alton all his life. His body was brought to Alton today for interment. He was a most estimable young man, and highly respected by all who knew him. His sad taking off, so early in life, was the subject of deep regret to all who heard of it. The parents of the young man have the heartfelt sympathy of the community, as theirs is a peculiarly heavy affliction.

The funeral services took place from the Cathedral Wednesday. The seating capacity of the church was taxed by the large number of friends who came to pay their last tribute to the departed one. Rev. Fr. Cussack officiated and celebrated High Mass. The cortege that followed the remains to Greenwood Cemetery, where the body was interred, was one of the longest ever seen in Alton.


NOONAN, DENNIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 6, 1912
Alton Alderman and Businessman Dies
Dennis Noonan, former alderman, died Saturday morning at his residence, 1331 Russell street, after a long illness. The death of Mr. Noonan had been expected a few days. He had been an invalid for many months, and had been downtown seldom for a year. His malady began about eight years ago when he had a fall at his home and suffered an injury to his head from which he never fully recovered. The effects of the fall on Mr. Noonan were apparent to all who knew him well. Up to that time he had been a very active man, full of energy, wit, and a man with great business ability. Afterward he seemed not to be sure of himself and there was marked falling off in his activity. Mr. Noonan broke all records in Alton for length of public service. He was a member of the city council for thirty-two years. He began his aldermanic career when James T. Drummond was mayor of the city, and he continued in office until a few years ago, when failing health forced his retirement. He was out of the council a period of two years because of a defeat that resulted from his absence from the city, attending a dead child in the East. He remained out two years, then went back to prolong his career in the city council. In the city council Mr. Noonan became a well known character who was looked to for enlivening wit and humor, and whose energy and ability in debate carried more than one point the way he wanted it to go. He was a hard opponent, both as a candidate and as a debater in the council. For many years he held the chairmanships of levee and railroads in the council, and he also served as chairman of the lights committee. Many are the stories that are told of the swift, sure and biting repartee in which Mr. Noonan indulged, and it was a rash beginner in the council who would lock horns with the second ward alderman and expect to come out with a skin not punctured by shafts of sarcasm. The stories of Mr. Noonan's ability as a debater will go down in the local history of Alton. He was an able supporter of a friend, and was always loyal. During the term of Mayor Beall, Mr. Noonan was appointed by the council to serve as mayor pro tem, which he continued to do up to the end of his term of office. He was at one time a candidate for mayor, but was defeated. In a business way Mr. Noonan was a complete success. He came to Alton about fifty-eight years ago a poor boy. He worked hard and raised the money with which he brought over from Ireland the other members of his family. He was tireless in his work, a salesman far above the average. Many years ago he endeared himself to the poor of Alton by refusing to raise the price of coal when coal prices were soaring. He declared that 10 cents a bushel was enough for anyone to pay for coal, and although he had to pay more, in some cases, he continued to sell fuel at the old price during the time of scarcity. Promptness in filling orders was one of his mottos, and square dealing was another. Mr. Noonan's death was due to kidney trouble. He was taken sick last August. He was born in Newcastle, County Limerick, Ireland, and was 73 years of age. He came to Alton when a boy of 15 years and lived here ever since. He was married in Alton in 1867, and he is survived by his wife and seven children, Mrs. George Pfeiffer, Miss Nonie Noonan, Messrs. James, John, David, Dennis and Edward Noonan. He leaves also a brother, David Noonan of Morrisonville, and two sisters, Mrs. Joseph Dower of St. Louis and Mrs. James Lewis of Alton. The funeral will be held Monday morning at 10 o'clock from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral.


NOONAN, EDMOND (JUSTICE)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 12, 1901
The death of Justice Edmond Noonan occurred yesterday afternoon at 3:45 o'clock after a long illness. A few weeks ago his condition became so bad that he was obliged to remain at home, and all the reports received from his bedside indicated that he would not recover. He had long been a sufferer from chronic complaints, and the ultimate cause of his death was stomach trouble. He was born in Ireland 52 years ago, and came to Alton 38 years ago. He was one of the best known residents of the city, having been in public office most of the time. He was clerk of the City Court of Alton several terms and was a justice of the peace many years. Several years ago his wife died leaving him two daughters to care for. The daughters are now living at the home of Mr. Noonan's sister, Mrs. Lewis, at Ninth and Alby street, where Mr. Noonan had been making his home. The funeral will take place Wednesday morning at 9:30 o'clock, and services will be in the Cathedral.


NOONAN, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 07, 1899
Coroner Bailey was called to Peters Station near Edwardsville Sunday, to hold an inquest over the body of a man named Edward Noonan. Noonan was at work loading potatoes, and Saturday night laid down under the boxcar to sleep off his weariness. With his head pillowed on a rail, he fell asleep. During the night an engine bumped into the car on the sidetrack and moved it up a short distance. Noonan never woke up. His body was cut in two pieces by the heavily loaded car. A verdict of accidental death was returned by the Coroner’s jury.


NOONAN, JAMES/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 25, 1882
Another sad case of drowning has brought a young life to a sudden close and mourning into a happy household. Last evening, between 5 and 6 o’clock, James Noonan, a boy eight years old, son of Mr. John Noonan, went bathing with two companions in a pond at the corner of Main and Spring Streets. The water was deeper than the boys calculated, and young Noonan was quickly beyond his depth, and struggling for life. His companions, seeing his danger, gave the alarm, but before assistance arrived the unfortunate boy had sunk for the last time. In a few minutes, half a dozen men were in the water searching for the body, which was soon recovered by Mr. Thomas Larkin, but life was extinct. Deceased was a promising young boy, a pupil at the convent school. His sudden death will prove a great affliction to his parents and friends. The funeral took place this afternoon from the family residence on State Street.


NOONAN, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 21, 1885
Suicide by Drowning
Yesterday a man, name unknown, was seen to wade deliberately into the river just opposite the Eagle Packet office. He walked into the stream until the water was breast high, then looked around and plunged under the surface. He soon came up, glanced around again, made a second plunge and appeared again. He went down the third time, his hands extended above the water. A lady on the ferry boat saw the transaction, and as the unfortunate man made the plunge, screamed and gave an alarm, but it was too late to do anything towards rescuing the suicide, the distance being too great for any of the spectators of the tragedy to interfere. The man wore no coast, and was clothed in a dark shirt, but no definite description of him has been procured, and his identity remains a mystery.

The body of the drowned man was found by dragging last night near the ferry dock, and proved to be that of John Noonan, a teamster, cousin to Dennis and John Noonan, the coal dealers. He was a native of Ireland, about 37 years of age, and for many years a resident of Alton. He left a wife and five children.


NOONAN, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 20, 1894
Brother of Justice Edmond A. Noonan
The funeral of John Noonan, who for years was a resident of Alton, took place yesterday morning. The body arrived from St. Louis on the Chicago express, and was met by a large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives. The funeral exercises were held at SS. Peter and Paul’s Cathedral, where requiem mass was celebrated over the departed. The interment was made at the North Alton Cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. James Cahill, Patrick Lynch, James Lewis, James Fitzpatrick, Patrick O’Sullivan, and James Morrissey Sr.


NOONAN, MICHAEL J./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 23, 1888
Mr. Michael J. Noonan, a native of Ireland, recently a resident of Alton, died Friday night at his home at Kansas City, at the age of 40 years. The funeral took place at Kansas City.


NOONAN, SUSAN H./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 7, 1897
The funeral of Mrs. Susan H., wife of Mr. E. L. Noonan, took place Sunday afternoon from the depot to the Alton City Cemetery. Services were conducted at the cemetery by Rev. W. M. Backus. A large number of relatives and friends were in attendance from Chicago, St. Louis, Springfield, and Alton. The pallbearers were C. W. Milnor, G. H. Smiley, R. F. Seely, J. H. Moulton, C. B. Rohland, and George Dickson


NORAH, CATHERINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 15, 1904
Catherine, the 3 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Norah, died this noon after a brief illness from scarlet fever. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock from the Cathedral.


NORDEIN, FRED. W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 15, 1918
Brakeman Dies After Being Crushed by Cars at Godfrey
Fred W. Nordein of Bloomington, Ill., a brakeman on the C. & A. railroad, died at St. Joseph's Hospital this morning at 8:30 o'clock from injuries received at Godfrey an hour earlier, when he was knocked beneath the wheels of a car while switching in the Godfrey yards. Both legs were horribly mutilated. Nordein was a member of one of the local train crews. When the accident happened he was adjusting the coupling of a car which was to have been picked up by his train. Unnoticed by him, another switch engine at the opposite end of the string of cars jammed the cars, knocking him down. The wheels of the car passed over his lower limbs at the thighs, almost severing them. His body was otherwise mangled. Efforts were made to save the life of the desperately injured man by rushing him to Alton. A special train consisting of an engine and caboose was made up at Godfrey, and he was placed aboard. A fast run was made to this city, the train reaching here at 8:15 o'clock. The city ambulance hurried the wounded brakeman to St. Joseph's Hospital, where he died a few minutes after being placed on the operating table and before amputation of the limbs was attempted. It is thought that death was due to the shock of the accident and loss of blood. Nordein did not regain consciousness after the accident. The dead brakeman had been in train service on the C. & A. for a number of years, and he was well known among railroad employees in Alton. He was a rear brakeman on the local freight and was known as a "list" man, being next in line for promotion to the position of conductor. He was 26 years old and unmarried. The body was turned over to Undertaker William Bauer. Arrangements for its shipment to Bloomington have not been completed.


NORMAN, ERNEST/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 4, 1902
Ernest Norman, son of Mr. W. C. Norman, died Saturday morning at 9:30 o'clock at the family home on Grove street after a long illness. He was 25 years of age and had lived in Alton all his life. His health had been bad for a number of years, and in search of better health he traveled through the West, but was benefited little. The last few months he had been declining steadily, and the last week he was confined to his home. He was a young man of many good parts, and he had many friends who deplore his untimely end.


NORMAN, GEORGE/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 10, 1896
George Norman, son of Mr. W. C. Norman, died Thursday after a painful illness with typhoid fever, aged 21 years. The young man had been ill for some time, nevertheless his death in the prime of his young manhood is deeply to be deplored, and is a sad blow to his parents and to his brothers and sisters.


NORMAN, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 26, 1889
Death entered the circle of the Norman family Wednesday, and claimed for its own, William, aged 18 years and three months, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Norman. The young man had been ailing for several weeks. His illness was principally of a malarial nature, and he had almost recovered when the relapse occurred, which terminated fatally. The deceased was very popular among his many friends, and was held in the highest esteem by all who knew him.


NORMAN, WILLIAM C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 29, 1921
Aged Merchant Dies From Old Age at Home
William C. Norman, aged business man, died at his home, 1607 Liberty street, at 8 o'clock Saturday morning, after an illness of three weeks. His death was due to his great age. He was in his 84th year. Mr. Norman was a remarkably active man, notwithstanding his age. Up to the time he was forced by general breakdown to give up his work, he was daily in his place of business on East Broadway. About a month ago Mr. Norman said that he was always the first one in the store in the morning and had not given up starting the fire. He said that he liked to be busy and that he felt well and there was no good reason why he should not continue active. He did his own buying of goods and was known as a good business man. He was born in Langford, Somersetshire, England, April 3, 1837. He was married at Millport Island, Scotland in 1865, and came to America the same year. He came to Alton in 1878 and started in business in a small way and remained up to the time of his death. His wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Norman, died May 1, 1920. He leaves one son, Charles, and nine grandchildren. He lived a plain quiet life, was a lover of good literature and flowers. He was a well read man and an entertaining conversationalist. The funeral will be from the home Monday afternoon at two o'clock, the Rev. F. D. Butler officiating. Interment in City cemetery.


NORRIS, MARGARET/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 25, 1897
Telegram was received in Alton Tuesday morning stating that Mrs. O. G. Norris, who accompanied by her husband left last Friday night for Eureka Springs, Arkansas, died there Monday. Mrs. Norris had been a sufferer from a complication of ailments, and the trip was made in the hope of benefiting her health. The journey, however, failed to help her, and she sank rapidly.

Source: Alton Telegraph, April 01, 1897
There was a large congregation at the Episcopal Church Thursday, the occasion being the funeral services of the late Mrs. Margaret Norris. The church was crowded with sympathizing friends, who listened with profound attention to the impressive service of the Episcopal Church, as conducted by Rev. H. M. Chittenden.

The floral offerings were beautiful and appropriate and expressive of the deep sympathy that friends felt for the afflicted husband. One of the emblems was a magnificent cross, presented by the railroad men of Alton as a testimonial of their esteem for their deeply afflicted friend. Interment was at the Alton City Cemetery, whither a large cortege followed the body and saw it laid to rest.

Mr. Norris’ affliction has drawn from his many friends their deepest sympathy, and was it possible, they would willingly offer consolation that would assuage the grief that is his to bear. Among those from abroad who attended were Mrs. Mary Wescott of Lacon, Illinois; Mrs. Tenbrook, Mrs. H. E. Sherwood, Miss Sherwood, and Mr. Fred Sherwood, of St. Louis.


NORTON, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 29, 1886
Yesterday, Charlie Norton, a stepson of James Davis, who lives near the I. & St. Louis freight depot, was accidentally drowned while bathing in the river near the foot of Henry Street. It seems that the little fellow, who is only eight years old, was wading in shallow water on the sandbar, when he stepped off a reef into deep water, and being unable to swim was drowned. The only one near him was his brother, a boy about ten years of age, and who was unable to render help. The body was soon after recovered. The relatives will have the sympathy of all in their sad bereavement.


NORTH, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 9, 1909
George North, aged 70, a negro, was found dead near the Big Four track today half way between Washington street and the interurban car barn east of Alton. A hole in the back of his head indicated he had been struck by a train, but the wound was not of a fatal character, so it is supposed he was knocked unconscious and that he died afterward from cold. He had lived in Upper Alton. Relatives said he had been in bad health and it was said that he had been drinking. Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock he took his wagon and old white horse to go for some coal. That was the last seen of him at home. He had some coal in his wagon when it was found in the east end last night, and the horse and wagon were taken to the police headquarters. The horse was still patiently waiting for the master, who was probably lying dead at that time beside the railroad track. Coroner Streeper was notified by Thomas Green this morning to take charge of the body, and he did so. North leaves a family of nine children, all grown.


NORTH, JOHN H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 22, 1918
John H. North, aged 47, died April 20 at his home at Wood Station after a long illness. North was the father of six children, his wife having died some time ago. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.


NORTH, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 18, 1903
Mrs. Mary North, wife of Saul North, residing near Upper Alton, died Sunday evening after a long illness. Besides her husband, she leaves six children, the oldest being 15 years of age. Mrs. North was 43 years old. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. [Burial was in Mt. Olive Cemetery]


NORTHWAY, RUFUS/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 13, 1871
Brother-In-Law of John Mason; Newspaper Publisher in Utica, New York
Died at Godfrey, September 30, at the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. John Mason, Mr. Rufus Northway, in the 68th year of his age.

Source: Alton Telegraph, December 1, 1871
From the Utica New York Herald
The Alton Telegraph announces the death of this gentleman at Godfrey, on September 30, at the age of 67 years, 10 months, and 12 days. The intelligence will interest a large number of the residents of this county, to whom the deceased was long and favorably known from his connection with the press in this city [Utica].

Mr. Northway’s family resided in the town of New Hartford. He learned the art of printing in the office of Ira Merrell, one of the earliest printers in Utica. When, in 1824, the Utica Sentinel and the Columbian Gazette were combined in the Sentinel and Gazette, Mr. Northway, then about twenty-one years of age, became its printer, and a few years later, its proprietor. In the year 1834, upon the organization of the Whig party out of the National Republican and anti-Masonic elements, the Oneida Whig was established by the combination of the Sentinel and Gazette with the Elucidator. The Whig continued to be published as a weekly paper by Mr. Northway and his associates until the Fall of 1853. In the Spring of 1842, he commenced the publication of the Utica Daily Gazette, the first permanent daily paper printed in Utica. In 1853, the failure of his health caused him to abandon the printing business. The Gazette became the organ of the hunker branch of the Democratic Party, and then that of the Know-Nothings, till in 1858 it experienced the fate of its predecessors and contemporaries, and was in its turn swallowed up by the Utica Morning Herald.

Although not a professional editor, Mr. Northway was necessarily obliged frequently to perform the editorial duties, and he manifested in that department intelligence and ability. By the readers and patrons of his paper, and by his political associates and fellow townsmen, he was esteemed for his urbanity and personal worth in no common degree. To the numerous members of the craft, here and elsewhere, who had their training or were employed in his office, his memory will ever be respected.

Having filled the office of justice of the peace for a short time, Mr. Northway removed to Chicago, where he passed most of the remainder of his life. He may be truly said to have been a good citizen, an upright man, an esteemed and an exemplary Christian, and his death will be sincerely mourned by all who knew him.

From the Utica, New York Daily Observer:
Twenty years ago, there was no name more familiar to the eyes of the newspaper readers of this county than that of Rufus Northway. For a period of nearly thirty years, it had been continuously conspicuous as that of the chief publisher and proprietor of the organ of the Whig Party and its antecedents. And that name always represented, to those who knew him personally, a man of high integrity, intelligence, and worth. It is with no ordinary regret that the press of this county will chronicle the death of one so long associated with it, and so much respected and esteemed by all who knew him.

Mr. Northway died at Godfrey, in the southern part of Illinois, at the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. John Mason, on September 30, in the 67th year of his age. Since his removal from Utica in 1858, he had lived principally at Chicago. His first connection with the press was in the publication of the Sentinel and Gazette, established in 1824 by Messrs. Dakin & Bacon, by the purchase of the Utica Sentinel and the Columbian Gazette. He subsequently became the proprietor of that paper, and continued his interest in it and its successor, the Oneida Whig, until the Fall of 1853, when failure of health obliged him to relinquish the printing business. In 1842, he commenced the publication of the Utica Daily Gazette, the first daily paper printed in Utica, with the exception of the Morning News, which was started the year previous, and ceased soon after the Daily Gazette was established. No one was ever connected with the newspaper press in this county for so many years, and probably few in the country. He was fully equal to the growing requirements of the newspaper, and displayed the enterprise, industry, and judgment needed for its successful progress. During his era as a publisher, the construction of the telegraph wrought a revolution in the position of the local press. And it should be stated here that the first association of the press for the collection and transmission of news by means of the telegraph was organized in the Utica Daily Gazette office in 1846, as was also the system of sending newspapers outside of and in advance of the stage and railroad.

The number of young men who were trained as printers under Mr. Northway, and who are now conducting their own papers in all parts of the country, it would be interesting to know. By none will is memory be more cherished than those closely associated with him. The editorship of his paper was generally in the charge of others, but his own articles evinced ability as a thinker and writer. As a citizen, he was universally esteemed for his probity. He was a member and officer of the Reformed Dutch Church, almost if not quite from its organization here, and his life and conduct were in conformity with his Christian profession.

Rufus Northway was born about 1804 in New Hartford, New York. He had a sister, Cynthia. Rufus learned the printing business in nearby Utica, New York. By the age of 21, he was the printer for the Sentinel and Gazette, and a few years later, was its proprietor. In 1834, when the Whig Party was established, the Oneida Whig newspaper was established, which Northway and his associates published until the Fall of 1853. In the Spring of 1842, he founded the Utica Daily Gazette, the first permanent daily paper in Utica, New York. When his health failed in 1853, he quit the printing business.
Rufus Northway married Elizabeth S. _______. Their daughter died in Utica, New York at age 2 years and 1 month. Eventually Rufus, Elizabeth, and their daughter Harriett, moved to Godfrey, Madison County, Illinois. Harriet married Martin Lyon, and they are both buried in the Godfrey Cemetery. Rufus and Elizabeth lived with his sister, Cynthia, who had married John Barney Mason Jr. of Godfrey. John Mason Jr. died in 1875, and his wife, Cynthia, died in 1886. Both are buried in the Godfrey Cemetery.

Rufus Northway died on September 30, 1871, and is buried with his wife, Elizabeth, in Godfrey Cemetery.


NORTON, AUGUSTA/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 25, 1845
Died in Alton, on Sabbath morning, the 19th inst., Augusta, oldest daughter of Rev. Augustus Theodore Norton, aged 7 years.


Rev. Augustus Theodore NortonNORTON, AUGUSTUS THEODORE (REVEREND)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 29, 1884
Rev. Augustus Theodore Norton, D. D., died at his residence in Alton this morning, at 8:30 o’clock, after a lingering illness; aged 76 years and one month. The following sketch of his life is from the History of the Presbyterian Church in Illinois:

“Augustus Theodore Norton was born in Cornwall, Litchfield County, Connecticut, March 28, 1808. The names of his parents were Theodore Norton and Mary (Judd) Norton – the former born in Goshen, Connecticut, February 17, 1775; the latter in Litchfield, Connecticut, September 21, 1775. They were married January 22, 1797. The original ancestor of the family in this country was Thomas Norton of Guilford, Connecticut, who immigrated to that colony from England in 1639, and was one of the first twenty-five planters in that place. He had six children – two of whom were sons – Thomas and John. His descendants are numerous and are settled all over the country.

The subject of this sketch, when only three months old, was deprived of his father. His mother married again six years after, and he was brought up with his maternal grandmother, his mother and step-father, until the age of ten. His early life was full of sorrow, hardships, and poverty. When a child, he was sickly and delicate, but outdoor exercise, farm labor, and boyish games gave him at length a firm constitution, so that in after life, he became remarkably for physical vigor and strength. At the age of ten, he became an inmate in the family of Deacon William Collins of Litchfield, Connecticut, where he remained until the age of fourteen. In his fourteenth year, he became a hopeful subject of renewing grace. He was baptized by Rev. Lyman Beecher, then pastor of the Litchfield Church. From fourteen to eighteen, he was part of the time with his step-father, Joel Millard, in Cornwall, and part with Judge Moses Lyman of Goshen, Connecticut, who took a deep interest in his welfare, doing him more real service than all others combined. At the age of seventeen, he taught a district school for several months at Salisbury, Connecticut. In 1826, his preparation for college commenced, and was completed in less than two years. In the Fall of 1828, he entered the freshman class of Yale College, and graduated with one of the highest honors of the class, August 15, 1832.

Norton immediately took charge of an academy in Catskill, New York, and at the same time, read theology with Rev. Thomas M. Smith, paying particular attention to the Hebrew language then and during his subsequent life. He was licensed by the Presbytery of Columbia, September 17, 1834, at Stockport, near Hudson, New York, and at once commenced his ministerial labors with the Presbyterian Church of Windham, Green County, New York. April 1, 1835, he was ordained by the same Presbytery. His settlement with the congregation was rather the result of the strong persuasion of others than of his own choice.

Norton’s cousin, Rev. Theron Baldwin, and his old associate, Frederick Collins, who had been for several years in Illinois, urged him to come to them. He accordingly resigned his pastorate, and removed to Illinois, arriving at Naples on the Illinois River, where Mr. Collins then resided, October 25, 1835. Here, he remained for one year, preaching at Naples and Meredosia. In October 1836, he removed to Griggsville, Pike County, and labored there at Pittsfield and Atlas, same county, till April 1838. At Pittsfield, he organized a Presbyterian Church in January 1838, being the first of a large number of churches which he afterwards gathered. He then accepted an invitation to St. Louis, where under his labors the Second Presbyterian Church was organized in the Fall of 1838, and where he continued for one year.

In February 1839, he was called to the pastorate of the First Presbyterian Church, Alton, Illinois, and entered upon his labors there on the first Sabbath in March. On the 9th of the next May, he was installed. This position he retained for more than nineteen years, during all of which period his relations with his own flock and with all his evangelical fellow-laborers were of the most endearing and harmonious character. The church flourished greatly under his leadership, and became in its character and influence one of the leading Presbyterian Churches in the State. In September 1859, he was appointed “District Secretary of Church Extension and Home Missions” for the West.

For a few months after this appointment, his family residence was in Chicago, but in the Spring of 1861, he returned to his home in Alton, though still retaining the same position. After the union of the New and Old School Assemblies in 1870, his field was limited to the Synod of Illinois South.

In May 1845, he originated and for 23 years edited and published, the Presbytery Reporter, a monthly magazine. In December 1868, he transferred the list of subscribers to the Cincinnati Herald.

His religious views were thoroughly evangelical and Calvinistic. Ecclesiastically, he was a Presbyterian from conviction and preference. The degree of D. D., or doctor of Sacred Theology, was conferred upon him by Wabash College, Indiana, June 22, 1868. This honor he did not seek. Indeed, no one of the important positions he occupied in life came to him in any degree or in any sense by his own contrivance, or with his own previous consent or knowledge.

Norton was a corporate member of the A. B. C. for Foreign Missions, a member of the Board of Trustees of Monticello Seminary [in Godfrey], and of Blackburn University. In early life, his political views were those of the old Federalist party, then of the Whig, then Republican, and always anti-slavery. Though never active in politics, he ever held decided views and expressed them fully. In the late Civil War, he preached patriotic sermons on more than one hundred occasions.

November 12, 1834, he married Eliza Rogers, daughter of Deacon Noah Rogers of Cornwall, Connecticut, who survives him. Of their five children, the eldest, Augusta A., died when seven years old. The surviving children are Eliza D., wife of Captain C. H. Phinney of Boston; W. T.; and Isabel R. of Alton; and Edward R. of Cape Town, South Africa.” [Rev. Norton is buried in the Alton City Cemetery.]


NORTON, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 6, 1907
Killed at Hop Hollow by Stone Crushing Head
Edward Norton, aged 50, employed by the Blue Grass Crusher Co., at Hop Hollow, was almost instantly killed Thursday afternoon by a stone dropping on his head after the stone had been thrown high in air by a dynamite blast. Norton had a presentiment of death yesterday morning. He came from Chicago and took a job in the quarry in the morning. Shortly afterward he injured his arm, and he told the men working with him that it would be a bad day for him to work. He put a card in his pocket with his name and address and requesting that in case of accident his relatives in Chicago be notified at 67 east 25th place. After his death, Mr. H. D. Wise, who is in charge of the quarry, sent a telegram to the Chicago relatives whose address was given. The workmen in the quarry were breaking up rock by using dynamite. A chunk of the explosive would be put on a rock, a plaster of mud would be put over it, and the dynamite was exploded. After one of these discharges a piece of stone weighing about 5 pounds was thrown in the air and came down on top of Norton's head, crushing in his skull. Dr. F. Worden of the north side was summoned, and he says the man died just before he reached him. Coroner Streeper was notified and he took charge of the body and will hold an inquest tonight. H. A. Wise, manager of the quarry, said that Norton was one of four new men he had just hired. He had instructed the men to "get in the clear" when whistles were blown and that all of the gang but the four did so. They stood behind a box car, and when the blast was discharged a stone fell directly from overhead, and of course the car was no protection.


NORTON, ELIZA (nee ROGERS)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 29, 1907
Wife of Rev. Augustus Theodore Norton, D. D.
Mrs. Eliza Rogers Norton, widow of Rev. Augustus Theodore Norton, D. D., died Sunday just before noon at the home of her son, former postmaster W. T. Norton, Tenth and George Streets. Her death was due to old age. A coincidence is that had she lived until Monday, she would have died on the twenty-third anniversary of the death of her husband. Her death was unexpected when it came, although her family knew she was in a greatly enfeebled condition. Nearly seven weeks ago she took her bed and last Wednesday she suffered an attack of heart failure. On Friday she had another attack of heart trouble, and from that time she was unconscious. She passed away without giving any further signs of recognition.

Up to the time of her last illness, however, her mind was clear and bright and she could still converse with her old-time facility and interest on any subject. Her mind was one that had been stored with much knowledge and her heart was filled with a sympathy for all she knew. Mrs. Norton was the widow of the second pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, and she had lived in Alton since 1839. She was the oldest member in age and in number of years of membership in the First Presbyterian Church. She was born at Cornwall, Connecticut, August 22, 1812. She was married there to Augustus Theodore Norton, then a young minister, November 12, 1834, and shortly afterward came West with him, settling at Naples. The young minister and his wife lived later at Griggsville and Pittsfield, and went to St. Louis in 1838 where they remained a year. Then they came to Alton and Rev. Mr. Norton became pastor of the Alton church, holding the pastorate eighteen years, which is the longest period any pastor has served that church.

Mrs. Norton was always faithful in the discharge of her duties as the wife of the pastor. Her sweet sympathy and unflagging interest in those in her flock made her loved by all. Even when advancing years made it necessary for her to stay in her room, the little notes and tokens of remembrance she would send out to her friends in affliction or to those where great joy had come, are lingering memories of a long sweet life. She never ceased her interest she began as the pastor's wife nearly seventy years ago. Mrs. Norton came of a distinguished family, known for their religious fervor for many centuries. She was the daughter of Deacon Noah Rogers, who was a member of the Connecticut legislature. Mrs. Norton is survived by three children, Mrs. C. H. Phinney of Boston, who was with her at the time of her death; W. T. Norton, at whose home she died; and Edward Norton of Nashville, Tenn. She leaves also nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.


NORTON, ISABEL R./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 12, 1884
Daughter of Augustus Theodore and Eliza (Rogers) Norton
A large concourse of sympathizing friends gathered at the family residence on Friday, to pay the last sad tribute of respect to the memory of Miss Isabel R. Norton [September 4, 1847 – June 3, 1884], daughter of Augustus Theodore and Eliza (Rogers) Norton. The grave was lined with white, decked with branches of evergreen, the loving work of ministering friends. The last resting place of the loved and lost was covered with evergreen, crowned with flowers. At the head of the grave was a superb Maltese cross of pure waxen white flowers, bordered with green, then a floral pillow with the name “Belle” in purple immortelles.

Isabel R. Norton entered into rest June 3, 1884. Rarely has a whole community been so stricken with sorrow as has ours, with this sad announcement. Miss Norton was emphatically, and in a peculiar sense, dear to many hearts. Born in Alton, baptized into the church of which her beloved father was pastor, we had known and cherished her almost from infancy. We always forget the faults of the dead and remember only their virtues. To us, her faults were always unknown. No eulogy on her character would seem exaggerated to those who knew her best. Through many years of physical suffering, no murmurs were ever heard or attention called to her own suffering. Unselfishness was a marked characteristic. Unusually sympathetic in burdens of others. Her love for her Savior and trust that “all things work together for good to them that love God,” were firm and abiding. Often has she spoken to the writer of heaven and its bliss, and while patiently waiting, looked forward joyfully to “the rest that remaineth for the people of God.” Had our prayers and wishes availed, she would be with us now. Her place can never be filled, but she will ever live in our memory, and we thank God for her sweet life and example. We could not bear this crushing grief did we not believe in a loving Heavenly Father’s care for His children, and that “behind the dim unknown standeth God, within the shadow, keeping watch above his own.” So he giveth His beloved sleep. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]


NORTON, WILBUR PERRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 12, 1901
Son of Wilbur T. Norton Dies of Typhoid Fever
Messages were received here yesterday morning announcing the death of Wilbur Perry Norton at Schenectady, New York, where he had been ill with typhoid fever. At the time of his death, his father and mother, Postmaster and Mrs. Wilbur T. Norton of Alton, were with him, having been summoned when his illness took a turn for the worse. The young man had been engaged as an electrical engineer at Schenectady, and his health had been good until a few weeks ago. An accident occurred to the source of the water supply of the place, and for a few days it was necessary to use water that had been contaminated by sewage, and was impregnated with typhus germs. Perry was one of a large number of young men who had used the water for drinking purposes before the fatal disease germs were discovered. Many were taken ill, and the disease was alarmingly fatal.

Last week, a telegram was received by Postmaster Norton, informing him of the serious condition of his son, and he left at once for Schenectady. Last Monday morning, Mrs. Norton left here for Schenectady, and arrived at her son’s bedside just a short time before his death occurred. The body will be brought to Alton for burial.

Perry was a graduate of the University of Illinois, having taken a course in electrical engineering there, in which he showed himself an apt student from an early age. He graduated with honors, and shortly afterward he was appointed to a position at Schenectady, where he remained until the time of his fatal illness. He was, from boyhood, one whom everyone could call a friend. He was easily approached, and always most cordial with his acquaintances. It was by his intimate friends and his associates that his real value was appreciated. His character was of the sturdy, rugged kind that makes no compromise with wrong, and he was free to speak and do as his conscience dictated. When only a boy, he united with the Presbyterian Church in Alton, of which his grandfather, Rev. Dr. Augustus T. Norton was pastor many years, and of which his grandmother, Mrs. Norton, is now one of the oldest members. At church services, he was a constant attendant, and until his departure from Alton, he was an interested worker in the Christian Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian Church. His death is a heart-breaking blow to the members of his family, and to his friends in Alton and elsewhere it is a crushing sorrow. On every hand among those who knew him, there is deep and sincere regret that he should have been taken in the prime of his young manhood, when life held out so much that was bright and promising.

In his chosen profession, he was making a marked success, and his friends were contemplating for him a career that would have made of him an eminent person, but their hopes have been sadly blighted by the cold chill of death. He was in his twenty-fifth year. The body, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Norton, will arrive Thursday evening at 6 o’clock. Funeral arrangements have not been made.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 14, 1901
The funeral of Perry Norton was held this morning, services being conducted at the family home at Tenth and George Streets by Rev. H. K. Sanborne of the Presbyterian Church, of which church Perry had been a member since a boy. There was a large attendance at the funeral. Perry had in a quiet way made many warm personal friends, who feel keenly his untimely death, and many attended the last side rites accompanying the burial. Music was rendered by members of the Presbyterian Church choir. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]

Wilbur T. NortonNORTON, WILBUR T./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 8, 1925
Postmaster; Owner of Alton Telegraph; Civil War Veteran; Historic Author
Wilbur T. Norton, for three terms Postmaster of Alton, for years member of the Alton Board of Education, and many years editor or owner of the Alton Evening Telegraph, died this morning at 2:10 o’clock at his residence, on George Street, from paralysis. His death came just two weeks to the day, and practically the minute, after the death of his only brother, Edward Rogers Norton, who passed away at Nashville, Tennessee. Mr. Norton was the last of his family.

A distressing fact attending the death of Mr. Norton is that Mrs. Norton has been suffering for five weeks with a form of neuritis, which has kept her bedfast. Mr. Norton had been in good condition, and only two days before his death the doctor attending Mrs. Norton had gone over him and had complimented him on the apparent good condition of Mr. Norton’s health.

The stroke came suddenly. Yesterday morning he stepped out on the porch to hang a thermometer. He returned to the house, and a neighbor who was present noticed, as he asked her for a little service he wished her to render him, that he was not looking right. She called his daughter, Miss Isabel, and together they helped him to a lounge where he collapsed. He talked some after that, but gradually the paralysis became extended. There was no hope of a rally. Fortunately, his daughter, Miss Isabel, and his son, Fred, were close at hand, and one son, Augustus T. Norton, who resides at North Wilmington, Massachusetts, was in Indiana on business, so that he could be reached quickly by telephone, and he arrived this afternoon.

Wilbur T. Norton was born in Alton, and he spent all of his life in this city. His parents were the Rev. and Mrs. Augustus Theodore Norton. He was born September 10, 1844, and at the time of his death, he was in his eighty first year. He was a man of a highly developed mind, a good student, and an easy writer. He was a product of the Alton public schools of his childhood days, afterwards attending Lake Forest Academy, and later Shurtleff College, from which he graduated in 1866. His education was interrupted by a period of service in the 133rd Regiment of Illinois Volunteers, in which he enlisted in 1864.

After leaving college, he became connected with the Alton Telegraph, and he maintained that connection for many years, ultimately as editor and proprietor. In 1890, he severed his connection with the Telegraph to become postmaster. He served in that capacity for four years, taking over the editorship of the Alton Republican in 1894, a post he held until 1896, when he again gave up the editorial chair for the office of postmaster, in which he served for two additional presidential terms. His period of service as postmaster covered the Harrison, McKinley, and Roosevelt administrations. After his retirement from the postmastership, he engaged intermittently in newspaper work.

Mr. Norton was editor and owner of the Telegraph during hard years for Alton, but he kept the newspaper together and going at times when it seemed that it was hardly worthwhile to do so. It was in the dark days of Alton, when business was at a standstill and there was little to look forward to. It was enough to have discouraged the stoutest of hearts, but Mr. Norton had been so long with the Telegraph, that he made great sacrifices and clung to the thread of hope that things would be better in Alton. Only people who lived in the city in that period can realize what gloomy prospects Alton had, and it required a stout heart to carry on.

His first term as postmaster was followed by a Democratic administration at Washington, and consequently a change was made in the office, but he went back when the Republicans returned to office after two years, and he remained full two terms thereafter. His first term was long extended because the Democrats could not agree on who was to be named postmaster. He was succeeded as postmaster by Captain Henry Brueggemann.

Mr. Norton was known for his fine touches of sentiment in his journalistic work. There was never anything in his writing that was of the sensational kind. He was the possessor of a wide vocabulary, which made him a most attractive writer, his style being one of the best.

In this work as a newspaper man, he became interested in what had interested his father – the permanent chronicling of facts of a historical nature. His father had written a history of the Presbyterian Church in Illinois, an authoritative work that is the only record of the church in its early days in the State, and find its place in most libraries dealing with history of the church. The son gradually stepped into the work of historical writing. He was a long-time member of the Illinois Historical Society, and one of the most interested members in the Madison County Historical Society.

When he had plenty of time on his hands, and his active brain must be satisfied with work to do, he went about his work of history writing. If all his writings of a historical character were assembled, they would make many books. If Mr. Norton had not written what he did, there would have been a great scarcity of historical records of Alton and Madison County. Perhaps his most pretentious work was the ‘Centennial History of Madison County, Illinois, And Its People,’ which came from his pen, and was published in the year 1912. That book is an authority on events of the past, up to the time he finished it. It finds a place in many newspaper offices and in libraries, too.

What his father had been to the Presbyterian Church as a librarian, Wilbur T. Norton was to Madison County and the city of Alton. Once he was urged to write a history of Alton as a textbook for the school children of Alton to study, so that they might know something of the history of their home city. He was greatly interested in the public schools, and for eight or nine years, served as a member of the schoolboard. His interest in the schools amounted to a passion, and he was always keeping in mind the needs of the schools.

Since the Alton Daily Times was organized, Mr. Norton had been connected with that paper and was a frequent contributor to its columns.

Mr. Norton leaves his wife, Mrs. Frances S. Caldwell Norton, to whom he was married in 1875, and one daughter, Miss Isabelle, and two sons, Augustus T. Norton and Frederick P. Norton, the last named being a member of the staff of the Telegraph, the newspaper on which his father labored for so many years.

The funeral will be held from the residence Friday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. Services will be conducted by Rev. Edward L. Gibson of the First Presbyterian Church. Mr. Norton’s father was once pastor of that church, and Mr. Norton, himself, served for many decades as a member of the Board of Trustees, and was an interested member of the church.

Wilbur T. Norton lived at 404 E. 10th Street in Alton. After his death, his son, Fred, lived in the home. Mrs. Eliza Norton, mother of Fred and wife to Augustus, died in the home in April 1907. Wilbur and his father and mother are buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


NORWOOD, BERTEN (“BERT”) S./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 19, 1899
Killed by Train
The Big Four Flyer ran down and instantly killed a young man named Norwood Wednesday night, near the Illinois Terminal crossing at Glassboro, a few miles east of East Alton. The train was running 50 miles an hour, making up lost time, when Engineer John Teniff saw a man walking on the track ahead of him. He signaled with the whistle, but the man did not have time to step off the track, and in another instant was struck by the engine and mangled almost beyond recognition. The body was taken to East Alton, where an inquest was held by Coroner Bailey. Letters found in the dead man’s pocket showed that he had worked for Dr. E. Lemen until the first of September. In his pocket was a letter he had written in St. Louis to Dr. H. R. Lemen, and it is supposed he was on his way to Upper Alton to see Dr. Lemen when killed. The body was placed in the keeping of Undertaker Bauer, to be held until something could be heard from Norwood’s family or friends. Dr. H. R. Lemen today identified the body of the unfortunate young man as that of Bert Norwood, and had a message sent to Norwood’s father at Pinson, Tennessee, notifying him of his son’s death. It is said Norwood’s father is quite a wealthy farmer, and will care for the body.

Berten S. Norwood was born August 27, 1875. He was 24 years of age at the time of his death. He was buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.


NOTT, JULIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 4, 1875
Died on February 25 in Alton, of inflammatory rheumatism, Miss Julia Nott, in the 15th year of her age.


NOTTEBROK, CAROLINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 24, 1901
Another life whose end was hastened by the heat was that of Mrs. Caroline Nottebrok, wife of William Nottebrok, the glassblower. She died at the home, 213 Apple street, before midnight. She had been ill a few days, but the heat intensified her sufferings until death came to her relief. She was about 45 years of age, and leaves a husband, three children, and scores of friends to mourn her death. Funeral services were conducted at the home this afternoon by Rev. Theo Oberhellman, and the body was shipped to St. Louis on a four o'clock train for burial.


NOWATNE, ALLIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 03, 1898
From Edwardsville – Mrs. Allie Nowatne, wife of Frank C. Nowatne, died suddenly Tuesday morning. She was the adopted daughter of F. W. Mumme, superintendent of the County Farm. The funeral took place Thursday.


NUELSON, MINA/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 7, 1866
Died in Alton on the 2nd instant, at 7:30 o’clock p.m., of cholera, Miss Mina Nuelson, aged 22 years.


NUGENT, CHARLES W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 28, 1911
Business Man Dies Very Suddenly
Charles W. Nugent of 3 Kingsbury place, St. Louis, Mo., vice-president of the B. Nugent Bro. Dry Goods Co., died of acute gastritis and organic heart trouble, about 11:15 p.m. Thursday in his automobile, while it was standing in front of Dr. Henry A. L. Rohlfing's home at 2355 Whittemore place. With him were devoted employees who had made a frantic trip in the auto from the offices and homes of one physician after another to get medical aid for Nugent. Nugent had spent the day supervising workmen in overhauling his fine yacht, the Theotiste, in preparation for a trip Saturday up the Mississippi River to Lake Michigan, finally to rejoin his family, which was spending the summer at Gratiol Beach, Mich. He dined on the yacht, the repast including milk and pickles with chicken, then climbed the steep levee to his touring car. Physicians think this exertion after the meal brought on the attack. Moseley, the negro houseman, showed much grief as he told of his employer's death. He and the other servants were devoted to their master, who was unusually considerate of them. The negro told how Nugent shared his cigars with the servants on the yacht, and said that, aside from the faint directions as to physicians. Nugent said nothing after he was stricken. His favorite recreations were hunting and fishing, and he was a member of the St. Louis Mercantile Missouri Athletic, Noonday, Glen Echo, Country, Otter Creek, Brick House, Calhoun Point, and Illini clubs. There are many yachtsmen and others in Alton who will regret to hear of the untimely death of Mr. Nugent. A hail fellow well met, he added pleasure to the lot of those who knew him here, and was always welcome in any company of men he happened to come on to. His yacht house was towed to St. Louis two weeks ago, the yacht having been taken down sometime before for repairs. It had been kept at the Alton dock for several years.


NUNN, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 28, 1914
Mrs. Elizabeth Nunn, wife of Frederick Nunn, died at her home at Mills and Washington avenue Saturday morning, after being a helpless paralytic for eight years. During that time she had not been out of her bed. She had suffered several strokes of paralysis, but though she was helpless so long, she did not die from that malady. Her death was due to a complication of diseases which had developed in the past year. She had been speechless ever since she was first paralyzed eight years ago, and she had not been able at any time to do more than get out of bed and get into a chair with the assistance of members of her family. The family had expected that a final stroke of paralysis would be the cause of her death, and there was general surprise when other causes than paralysis caused the ned [sic]. She leaves two sons, Charles and Oscar Gollmer of Baltimore, Md., and one daughter, Mrs. Fred Lehne of Alton.


NUNN, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 6, 1903
Mrs. Mary Nunn, wife of Fred Nunn, a well known glassblower, died suddenly at her home in Upper Alton after an illness of only two days from heart and brain trouble. Mrs. Nunn was able to go to St. Louis Friday with her husband, but was taken ill there and came back home. She did not recover, and passed away Sunday morning after acute suffering. She was 47 years of age and had lived in Alton and vicinity nearly all her life. She is survived by her husband and children. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning.


NUNN, NORMAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 22, 1907
Norman Nunn, aged 25, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Nunn of Garden street, Upper Alton, died at 1:30 o'clock Monday morning in the hospital of the Sisters of Mercy, San Francisco, Cal., after an operation for appendicitis. The young man's departure from Alton, his illness, and his death are surrounded with the deepest mystery. If he was ill he never told anyone. He was engaged to marry Miss Irene Steiner, daughter of Chas. Steiner, and a teacher in the public schools. He departed from Alton Tuesday, April 9, after drawing all his money out of the bank. The only word of farewell he said was to Miss Steiner. He only told her "goodbye, until I see you again," and although she thought the farewell a strange one, said nothing of it. Nothing more was heard from him until a telegram came to his father from the Sisters of Mercy stating that his son, Norman, was dangerously ill and had undergone a surgical operation in their hospital Thursday. This noon a telegram came telling of his death, sent by the secretary of the glassblowers' union in San Francisco. Mr. Nunn said that his son was apparently in the best of health and that none of his family knew anything of any trouble. Miss Steiner knew nothing either. It is supposed he was possessed of a hallucination that he was about to become a victim of consumption, although stout and hearty, and that he did not desire anyone to know of his trouble. The news of his sickness and death was a sad shock to relatives and friends of the young man. He was employed as a machine worker at the glass works, and was steady and industrious. He had accumulated a good sum of money in the bank and all of this he drew and with it what money was due him from the glass company. Mr. Nunn telegraphed that the body of his son be shipped to Alton for burial, and it is expected to arrive the last of this week or the first of next week.


NURDIN, ZETTA/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 5, 1888
Suicide by Drowning
Zetta, daughter of Eugene Nurdin of Canteen, in the southern part of Madison County, committed suicide yesterday by drowning in Cahokia Creek at that place. No cause is assigned for the rash act. After breakfast, Miss Nurdin said to her mother, “Pa will raise ---- when he finds out what I’ve done.” She then walked to the swollen creek, threw her hat and shawl on the bank, jumped into the water, and was drowned. The act was witnessed, but she could not be saved. Her body was soon found. Coroner Melling was notified, held an inquest, and a verdict was returned in accordance with the above account.


NUSS, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 14, 1904
Funeral services were held for Henry Nuss, who died Saturday night at Highland at the Catholic Old Folks Home. Mr. Nuss formerly lived in Alton and was in business here, and was one of the most prominent and active members of St. Mary's church. A coincidence is that he was related through marriage to Mrs. Caroline Greve, his son having married Mr. Greve's daughter, and a double funeral service was held. Interment was in St. Joseph's cemetery. [Note: Mrs. Greve died from severe burns received after she went to her smokehouse.]


NUTT, ELIZABETH M./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, Nov. 28 & Dec. 21, 1892
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Nutt, wife of Levi Nutt, died Saturday afternoon. The funeral took place this morning from the family residence. The deceased has been a resident of Alton since 1836.

In the Probate Court at Edwardsville on Monday, proof was made of the death of Elizabeth Nutt, and her will presented and proved. No executor being named in the will, upon petition of Levi Nutt, the surviving husband, the court appointed John H. Yager administrator, and ordered that letters be issued to him upon his giving bond in the sum of $2,200.


NUTT, LEVI/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 27, 1896
Alton - North Alton Pioneer
Quaker Descendant
Grandfather Came to America with William Penn
After an illness of six weeks with the grippe, Mr. Levi Nutt, one of Alton’s oldest citizens, who had reached the age of nearly four score and five, passed away at one o’clock this morning at his home on Twelfth Street. Mr. Nutt had been in feeble health for several years, on account of his advanced age, but was not confined to his bed until he was taken down with the grippe, when he began to fail rapidly. He has been taken care of during his illness by Miss Mary Hall, and Mr. A. Walker of New Berlin, Sangamon County, a distant relative, has also been in attendance at his bedside for three weeks.

Levi Nutt was born in March 1811, in Pennsylvania. He was of Quaker descent, his grandfather being in the first colony that came to Pennsylvania with William Penn [see notes below]. Mr. Nutt came to Illinois with John R. Woods in 1836, with the intention of starting a flour mill here. He, however, went into the dairy and coal business at North Alton, and supplied the people of Alton with coal and milk for a number of years. In later years he was a contractor, and then went back to milling again. For thirteen years he kept a small store at Twelfth and Langdon Streets, but sold this out several years ago, and has since lived a retired life.

The only near relative living is his grandson, Charles Watts. Some time ago he went back to Pennsylvania, and tried to locate his relatives, but was unsuccessful. Mr. Nutt was one of the best-known characters about Alton. Having lived around Alton for over fifty years, he was thoroughly familiar with its history, and could tell many interesting stories of events that occurred prior to the war.

Funeral services over the body of Levi Nutt took place Monday from the home on Twelfth Street. A large number of old acquaintances were present to pay the last marks of respect. Rev. J. A. Scarritt officiated, assisted by Rev. F. L. Thomson. The pallbearers were George Gray, John M. Pearson, Julius Schneider, Thomas Hyndman, R. Maerdian, and W. C. Norman. The remains were interred in Oakwood Cemetery, Upper Alton.

Levi Nutt was buried beside his wife, Elizabeth Nutt, in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.

Notes on William Penn:
In 1681, King Charles II of England granted a large piece of his North American land holdings along the North Atlantic ocean coast to Penn William, to offset debts he owed Penn's father, the admiral and politician Sir William Penn. The land included the present-day states of Pennsylvania and Delaware. The following year, in 1682, Penn left England for what was then British America, sailing up Delaware Bay and the Delaware River past earlier Swedish and Dutch riverfront colonies in what is present-day New Castle, Delaware. On this occasion, the colonists pledged allegiance to Penn as their new proprietor, and the first Pennsylvania General Assembly was held.


NUTTER, A. C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 16, 1906
The funeral of Mrs. A. C. Nutter took place Sunday at 3:30 p.m. from the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Kennedy of east Second street, to St. Patrick's church, thence to Greenwood cemetery where the young wife and mother was laid to her final rest. The funeral was very largely attended and the many beautiful floral offerings showed the high esteem in which she was held by her many friends and relatives. Among those who attended from out of the city were Mrs. M. Kane, son and daughter, Thos. Kane and Miss Mayme Kane of Bloomington; Mr. and Mrs. Brandt and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Nutter and son Victor; and T. W. Cunningham, all of St. Louis, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gottlob of East St. Louis. The pallbearers were Messrs. John T. Ryan, James Riley, Anton Dietz, James Springer, Thomas Lawless, and James F. Riley.


NUTTER, CYRIL ALBERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 21, 1902
Cyril Albert, the 4 months old child of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Nutter of Alby street, died Friday afternoon after an illness with cholera infantum. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the family home to the Cathedral. Burial will be in Greenwood cemetery. The funeral will be private.


NUTTER, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 18, 1901
Mrs. Elizabeth Nutter, widow of Grafton Nutter, died Saturday night at the home of her son, H. I. Nutter, after a long illness, aged 88. She had been making her home in Alton with her son and grandchildren, with whom she desired to pass her closing days. A fatal illness took her and her strength failed rapidly during the last few weeks of her life. Mrs. Nutter had lived near Shipman and Brighton many years, and was well known there. She leaves six children and twenty-five grandchildren. A funeral service was held at the home Sunday evening and Monday morning the body was taken to Shipman for burial.


NUTTER, HARRY E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 31, 1903
Harry Nutter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Nutter, died at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Territory, yesterday after a long illness. He had been staying at Tuscon, Arizona, for the benefit of his health, but feeling that he was failing rapidly, he desired to be nearer home and started back about ten days ago. He reached Oklahoma City, where his sister lives, Mrs. Theodore Hamilton, and there he found himself unable to come farther on his way home. Mrs. Nutter was notified a few days ago of the dangerous condition in which he then was, and started to attend him. The body will be brought to Alton for burial. Mr. Nutter was a highly respected young man, and leaves his wife, who is a daughter of B. Kennedy, and one child. Harry Nutter was 29 years of age and had been engineer at Luer's many years. He leaves beside his wife and son, his parents, five brothers and four sisters. His wife arrived at his bedside a few hours before his death.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 4, 1904
The funeral of Harry E. Nutter was held Sunday afternoon from St. Patrick's church, Rev. P. J. O'Reilley conducting services there and at Greenwood cemetery, where interment was made. There were many beautiful floral offerings.


NUTTER, JOSEPH R./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 06, 1892
From the Bunker Hill Gazette, November 23, 1892 – Joseph R. Nutter passed away quietly and without a struggle on Sunday afternoon, aged 86 years, 9 months, and 14 days. The infirmities of age had impaired his physical vigor for some years, but his great energy served to keep him up.

Joseph was born in New Hampshire, and was reared a farmer. He came to Illinois in 1833 with his wife, who died here ten years ago. He farmed for a year near Alton. In 1834 he moved to Bunker Hill, and opened up a farm. Two years later he moved to Upper Alton, where he kept a public house until 1840, when he returned to Bunker Hill and kept “the old tavern” until 1845, when he went upon the farm which he made his home until his death. He was the father of six children, two of whom died in infancy. Those surviving are James and Anna (with whom he lived on the home place); Mrs. Max Illhardt of Shelbyville; and Will of Webb City, Missouri. Mr. Nutter was a man of positive convictions, much force of character, and high integrity. Funeral services were conducted at the family residence on Tuesday by Rev. J. V. Hopper. Mr. Nutter was the oldest resident of Bunker Hill.


NUTZ, L. N./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 6, 1871
On November 16, 1870, Mr. L. N. Nutz, an ingenious inventor, died.