KABEL, JULIA E. (nee WULF)/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 8, 1894
From Moro – Mrs. Charles Nelson Kabel quietly passed away at her
home on last Thursday afternoon. The remains were laid to rest on
Friday in the Moro Cemetery, the services being conducted by Rev.
Lorrance. A husband and a little daughter survive her. Mrs. Kabel
bore her sufferings with great patience, and faced the inevitable
without fear. The esteem in which she was held was plainly seen by
the eagerness which so many displayed in paying the last tributes of
respect to the departed. The relatives have the sympathy of all in
their affliction. [She was the daughter of Conrad Wulf and Juliana
Greve Wulf.]
KABURECK, VICTOR/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 2, 1910
Victor Kabureck, in his 16th year, died suddenly Sunday morning at
the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kabureck, 1204
Rodemeyer avenue. The boy had been ill about eight years, but was
able to be around. The doctor was treating him for dropsy and heart
trouble. His death was unexpected, however. He was at the breakfast
table when he complained of being sick and on being put to bed he
died soon afterward. The family came here less than three years ago.
The father is foreman at the Luer Bros. plant. They have relatives
and friends in Springfield and Carlinville. The funeral will be
tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral.
KAESER, BESSIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 23, 1918
Mrs. Bessie Kaeser, wife of Gottlieb Kaeser, died this morning at
the family home at 1205 East Seventh street, after a lingering
illness. Besides her husband she leaves a daughter, Nettelie, 5
years old, and a brother, V. Knox of Nameoki. The funeral will be
held Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the home, Rev. O. W.
Heggemeier, pastor of the Evangelical Church will officiate. The
burial will be in the City cemetery.
KAESER, GOTTLIEB/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 8,
Gottlieb Kaeser, aged 55, died Friday morning at 3:30 o'clock at his
home, 302 Cherry street, from pneumonia. Mr. Kaeser had been very
ill, and in his delirium, he got out of bed yesterday and wandered
down the street, greeting his friends. They thought that he was much
better and did not realize that his appearance on the street was a
manifestation of a fatal symptom of his disease. He was finally
taken back to his home and he did not rally from the shock and
exposure of being up out of bed. Mr. Kaeser leaves his wife and nine
children. He was one of the best known residents of the east end of
the city. He was engaged for many years as a carpenter, and owned
considerable property in the east end. The funeral will be held
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home, and Rev. Ernest
Mueller of the German Evangelical church will officiate.
KAHL, HATTIE (nee WILD)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March
11, 1913
The body of Mrs. Hattie Kahl, nee Wild, a former resident of Alton,
will arrive here tomorrow morning and the funeral services will be
conducted in the Twelfth Street Presbyterian Church by Rev. G. L.
Clark. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery. Mrs. Kahl was a niece of
Mrs. A. J. Johnson, and a cousin of Mrs. Peter Hawkins, Mrs. Thomas
Hawkins, and Mrs. Charles Campbell of Alton.
KAHLE, FREDERICK “FRITZ”/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 22,
Two Nameoki Farmers Killed by Train
Fred Kahle and Theodore Nassing, wealthy and prominent farmers who
lived a few miles from Nameoki, Illinois, were run down and
instantly killed by the southbound Chicago & Alton limited passenger
train Friday. They had been to the village on business, and were
returning in a dogcart along the railroad, which was very familiar
to them.
According to Mrs. Wheatley, a resident of Nameoki, who witnessed the
accident, the engine struck the cart with full force just as the
horse cleared the rails. The men were tossed high in the air. The
cart was torn from the horse and went to pieces against the front of
the engine. The frightened horse sped on. The men fell on either
side of the track. Mrs. Wheatley rushed to them when the train had
passed. She found both men dead. A doctor, who arrived shortly
after, said both were instantly killed. Kahle was 63 years of age, a
well-known resident of the county. Nassing was 54 years of age, and
very wealthy.
Frederick Kahle was born November 05, 1835. He married Anna
Katherine Hebrock (1839-1900), and they had at least two children –
Emma Kahle Beckmann Weitkamp (1860-1908) and Henry F. Kahle
(1862-1916). He was buried in the St. Johns Cemetery in Granite
City, Illinois.
KAHLE, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 6,
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Kahle were afflicted this morning in the death of
an infant child aged about on eyear. The funeral will take place
KAHN, ERNST HURST/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 31, 1899
Death of Western Military Academy Cadet
Cadet Ernst Hurst Kahn, aged 15 years, died at the Western Military
Academy this morning of cerebral hemorrhage. He was taken sick very
suddenly early Wednesday morning with hemorrhage of the brain. It
was evident that his condition was dangerous, and Colonel Jackson
immediately procured the best medical attention, and did everything
in his power to ease the boy’s suffering. Drs. Lippman Epstein and
Henry of St. Louis were called, and held consultation with the home
doctors, afterward remaining constantly at the boy’s bedside until
the end. Thursday evening hope was entertained for his recovery, but
shortly after midnight another hemorrhage occurred, causing death.
Mr. Kahn had been in good health and spirits up to the time of his
sudden illness, and during the three years he was a student at the
academy, had never been sick. His parents were telegraphed of his
condition, and immediately left their home in Dallas, Texas for
Upper Alton, and arrived this morning a few hours after their son’s
death. They leave this evening with the remains for Texas.
(Kaiser - see also Kayser)
KAISER, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 23, 1902
Mrs. Elizabeth Kaiser, widow of Bartel Kaiser, died Tuesday night at
her home, 819 Union street, after an illness with pneumonia and lung
fever, in her 80th year. She leaves one son, Peter Hartman. Mrs.
Kaiser had been a resident of Alton many years and was well known in
the East End. The funeral will be held Friday morning at 9 o'clock
from St. Mary's church.
KAISER, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 13, 1892
The funeral of Michael Kaiser, who died at St. Joseph’s Hospital
yesterday afternoon, took place from St. Patrick’s Church to the
North Alton Cemetery this morning.
KAISER, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 13, 1884
From Fosterburg – On March 2, 1884, an infant son of Herbert Kaiser
died of congestion of the brain.
KALENDS, HARRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 5, 1911
Greek Boy Dies from Wound - Case Is Mysterious
Harry Kalends, aged 20, who came to America from Greece last
October, was fatally shot Sunday afternoon on Illinois avenue, and
whether by himself or by someone else is not known. Kalends died at
the hospital about 1 o'clock Monday morning, about nine hours after
the shooting. He was a brother of Thomas Kalends, a Greek, who
distinguished himself by teaching Shurtleff professors the
pronunciation of Greek words, while he worked in the W. A. Rice
barber shop on Piasa street. The shooting is shrouded in mystery,
and it is believed that instead of suicide, it is a case of murder.
There are several stories which, connected with the conduct of men
implicated, tend to support the murder theory. When Officer Chris
Ulrich reached the place where the young man was lying wounded, he
found a small 22 calibre revolver by the boy's side and three
chambers were empty. Kalends had a bullet hole through his head, but
no powder burns whatever. Dr. Shaff, who attended him, gave the
opinion it was not a suicide. This is supported by the fact that the
boy had drawn $21.50 Saturday, and had not a cent Sunday afternoon
when he was found. Kalends did not become able to speak after the
shooting. The revolver was undoubtedly his own, and it is supposed
that he quarreled over a gambling game with one or more men, and
that in a scuffle his own revolver was taken from him and he was
shot with it. The bullet entered forward of his left ear. Coroner
Streeper considered the case so serious this morning, that he
deferred taking evidence until Tuesday evening, when the coroners'
jury will hear testimony of witnesses. In the meantime, a search is
being set up for witnesses, some of whom are reported to have heard
quarrelling and also heard the shot.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 21, 1911
Thomas Kalends, a Greek boy, lay in the broiling sun this morning
for two hours, weeping over his brother's grave in City cemetery.
Since his brother's death, Tom has been inconsolable. He has spent
much time in the cemetery lying on the grave of his brother, of whom
he was very fond, and his grief was so overwhelming it was feared
that it might have disastrous effects. The boy was to start today
for his home in Greece to carry tidings of the tragic end of his
brother, Harry Kalends, to his mother and other relatives. Going to
the cemetery this morning, Tom threw himself on the grave and would
not move from it. Finally, when he prolonged his stay, his uncle,
John Venardos, went to the cemetery, got the boy and induced him to
leave the place. Tom, as has been said, goes back home giving up his
cherished plan of becoming an American citizen, knowing that a long
period of service in the Greek army awaits him when he arrives in
Greece. Leaving his brother dead here and knowing the grief he will
bring to his mother in his native land caused the boy to give away
completely to his sorrow over the killing of the brother.
KAMP, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 13, 1907
Edward, the 4-months old child of Mr. and Mrs. John Kamp of Second
and Vine streets, died this morning at 4 o'clock and the funeral
will be held tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock from the home. Burial
will be in City cemetery.
KAMPER, JOHN H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 6, 1904
Old Soldier Dies
Fosterburg News - After a long illness, John H. Kamper, an old
resident, died at 8 a.m. Friday. Mr. Kamper did good service in the
army, and there was a warm friendship that existed between him and
his old comrades. He was a member of the Presbyterian church, a good
citizen, and much respected by all who knew him. He died at the age
of 69. He leaves a wife, three sons, and three daughters, all grown.
Funeral services took place at the Presbyterian church, conducted by
Rev. Morey and the Grand Army Post, assisted by the band, had charge
of the exercises at the cemetery. There was a very large attendance
and numerous and beautiful floral offerings. Pallbearers were: John
and Moses Thompson, Frank and Sam Williams, John Culp and Charles
Gabriel. The family have the sympathy of the entire community.
KANADY, JACK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 24, 1919
Shurtleff Boy Makes Supreme Sacrifice - Is College's First to Die in
News of the first Shurtleff College man lost in France arrived at
the school in Upper Alton this morning. Jack Kanady, of Omaha, Ill.,
is the college student who makes first supreme sacrifice
representing Shurtleff College on the battlefield in Europe. Kanady
had been a Shurtleff College student four years when drafted in
Alton. He left this city with the contingent of soldiers in October
1917. He was trained in Camp Taylor and was sent to France early in
the spring of 1918. He was in the front line on the battlefield all
last summer, and was wounded in action three different times. He
recovered in the hospital from each of his series of injuries. Each
time he was sent back to the front where he fought more bravely each
time. In the last great battle that was waging at the time the
armistice was signed, the Shurtleff College student was gassed. He
was sent to the hospital in a very serious condition. He lingered
some time when pneumonia set in and he died on November 24, fourteen
days after the war ended. Word came to Shurtleff College this
morning of the death of the young soldier. The news was sent by the
father of the young man from Omaha, this state, and he stated that
he had just received official news from the War Department
announcing the boy's death. It is said the dead soldier was the only
child of the parents. The news of the death of the college student
cast a gloom of sadness over the entire school. Jack Kanaday was
with Company I, 138th Illinois Infantry. He was working his way
through college, and would have graduated this spring with the class
of 1919, had he not answered the call of his country to defend
American rights that were being trampled under feet by Germany. Mr.
Kanady had rooms at the residence of Rodger and Miss Daisy Templin
on Annex street during the time he lived here and he was held in the
highest esteem by all who knew him, as well as by everybody at
Shurtleff College.
KANE, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 28, 1916
John Kane, who died early this week at St. Joseph's Hospital, was
buried this morning at 9 o'clock, requiem mass being said at the
Cathedral by Rev. M. A. Tarrant. Interment was in Greenwood
KANE, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 19, 1911
Mrs. Mary Kane, widow of the late Patrick Kane, the grocer, of
Second and Langdon streets, died Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 from
paralysis. She suffered a stroke about a year ago, but apparently
recovered from the effects of that one. Two strokes suffered
recently were more than she could rally from, and her end came
peacefully. She was 78 years old, and came to Alton from Limerick,
Ireland in 1851. She has resided here since. She is survived by her
daughter, Miss Ella Kane, who lived with her mother and cared for
her since old age overtook her. Mrs. Kane was twice married, the
first husband being a Mr. Sheehan. He died after they had been
married a few years, and later she married Mr. Kane. The late John
T. Sheehan, grocer, was her son, and in addition to her daughter she
leaves three granddaughters, children of Mr. and Mrs. John T.
Sheehan. They are Mrs. Mary Daly, Mrs. Helen Mahoney, and Kathryn
Sheehan, all of Alton. Mrs. Kane was well and widely known in the
Alton's, and leaves many friends and acquaintances, who will regret
to hear of her death. The funeral will be held Thursday morning at 9
o'clock from the Cathedral, where a requiem mass will be said.
Burial will be in Greenwood cemetery.
KANE, PATRICK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 06, 1909
Old Faithful Delivery Horse Leads Cortege to Cemetery
The funeral of Patrick Kane, the East Second Street grocer who died
Saturday morning, aged 77 years, was held Monday morning at 9
o'clock from the Cathedral, where a requiem high mass was said by
the Rector Rev. E. L. Spalding. The church was well filled with
friends of deceased, and the funeral cortege to Greenwood cemetery
where burial was made was a very long one. Mr. Kane had lived in
Alton since 1850, and his long life was such as to gain him the
respect and good will of all who came to know him. This was attested
at the funeral by the unusually large number of those gathered to
pay their last respects. In all respects the wishes of Mr. Kane
regarding his funeral and burial were carried out by the family. He
said he wanted his faithful, old delivery horse, which he had driven
for the last twenty-one years, to take him to the grave, and the
horse in accordance with this wish led the funeral cortege, the
animal being in charge of two of the employees of deceased, James
Garner and Ben Rose Jr. Mr. Kane also said he would like his
pallbearers to be chosen from among his tenants, and this was done,
all but one, Lewis Megowen of Upper Alton being the exception.
Several years ago Mr. McGowen and Mr. Kane made an agreement that
whichever died first the other should place the last spadefuls of
dirt on his grave, and Mr. Megowen kept the trust and was the sixth
pallbearer. The others were Squire Rose, John Abel, Frank Girard,
Albert Girard, and Emil Hanold. Among out-of-town folks who attended
the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hutton, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick
Ganey, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ganey of Gillespie, Miss Mary Burns of
Litchfield; Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Drennan, and Mrs. Mary Kinney Shea,
of St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ganey, Mrs. Thomas Devanney, Mrs.
Mary Coyne and Mrs. Annie Thompson of East St. Louis. Floral
offerings were numerous in spite of request made not to send
KANE, PATRICK J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 03,
Patrick J. Kane, the well-known plumber, died this afternoon after
an illness that began early in the summer. He had been in failing
health the past year, and was confined to his home at 1513 Belle
Street much of the time. He became much worse as the hot weather
advanced, and the past few months his family has often feared the
worst. He had lived in Alton most of his life, and was widely
acquainted. He leaves a wife and five children.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 05, 1899
The funeral of Patrick J. Kane took place this morning from the home
on Belle Street to the Cathedral. Requiem mass was celebrated there
in the presence of a very large attendance of friends and relatives.
Interment was at Greenwood Cemetery. The pallbearers were B.
Garstang, G. Taphorn, M. Thornton, C. Bowman, and Pat Maguire.
KANTER, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 21, 1917
Drowns in Swimming Hole
John Kanter, the 20-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kanter of East
Alton, was drowned Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock by going into
deep cold water in a swimming hole in a tributary of Wood River,
east of the Tile works. Kanter was with two nephews, Fred and George
Gerdes, of Bethalto. The two boys were visiting the Kanter home and
had gone with John Kanter to enjoy a swim. John Kanter was a good
swimmer, but it is supposed that in taking his first plunge into the
deep cold water of the swimming hole, he was made helpless by
cramps. His two companions saw him drown and called for help. The
body was recovered from the water and an inquest held by Deputy
Coroner W. H. Bauer. The hole in which Kanter lost his life, it
developed at the inquest, was 8 feet deep. Beside his parents he
leaves two sisters and three brothers. The funeral was held this
afternoon from the German Evangelical church in Alton at 2:30
KANTER, WILHELMINA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 1,
Mrs. Wilhelmina Kanter, widow of the late John Kanter, one of the
best known of the pioneer German-American farmers in the vicinity of
East Alton, died Tuesday morning at her home east of East Alton on
the Bethalto road. She was 79 years of age and had lived on the farm
where she died since she went there a bride sixty years ago. Last
Tuesday Mrs. Kanter, who had been ill for a few days, fell on the
porch of her home, and in falling her side struck a bench and three
ribs were fractured. She never recovered from the shock. She was a
sister of the late Frederick Hausmann, and leaves two sons, William,
who lived with her, and August, besides numerous relatives. The
funeral will be Thursday afternoon at 10 o'clock from the home to
the City Cemetery. Services will be conducted by Rev. Theodore
KARDELL, NELLIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 14, 1907
Mrs. Nellie Kardell, wife of Henry W. Kardell, died Monday afternoon
at 2:30 o'clock at the home of her brother, Fred Haskett, on Bluff
street, after a long illness. She was 23 years of age December 31.
Mrs. Kardell's death has been one of the most pathetic ones that
ever comes into the lives of any family. Four years ago in February
she became the bride of Henry W. Kardell, and was married in the
gown she wore as a graduate a short time before, when she completed
her course of study in the High school. She was the youngest
daughter of Mrs. Emma V. Heskett, and was admired for her beauty of
face and disposition. She was the picture of perfect health and her
married life was a very happy one. She was taken ill with scarlet
fever a number of years ago, and it is said that the disease left
her strength enfeebled so that she fell a ready victim of kidney
troubles which attacked her within recent months. Her husband had
just completed a handsome residence on Bluff street in which they
expected to live, and during her illness she expressed the utmost
confidence that she would recover and that she would enjoy living in
her handsome new home. During her illness she never lost hope, even
when blindness darkened the day for her. She was never able to see
her home completed, as her condition forbade her visiting it. Beside
her husband, she leaves one child, her mother, brothers and sisters.
KAREL, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 27, 1903
After an illness of several weeks from apoplexy, Mr. John Karel, one
of Alton's best known business men, passed away Sunday night at 8
o'clock, aged 67. During the last few years Mr. Karel has been an
invalid part of the time. He suffered from gangrene of the foot,
resulting from his feet being frosted many years before. It became
necessary to amputate one of the feet, and Mr. Karel began to
improve at once. He was able to be around again and continued to
look after his prosperous business at Third and Market streets until
a few weeks ago, when he was suddenly stricken with apoplexy at his
home. His condition appeared to be hopeless from the beginning, and
Sunday night he passed quietly away. Mr. Parel was a native of
Pilsen, Austria, in the province of Bohemia. He came to America in
1866, and after living a year in St. Louis came to Alton and married
Miss Mamie Homan. He was connected with the Rodemeyer carriage
factory many years, and six years ago he acquired the business. He
leaves his wife and four daughters, Mrs. Bertha Schmoeller of Alton;
Mrs. Robert Loewenstein of St. Louis; Mrs. Ben Doerre; and Miss
Carrie Karel of Alton. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at
3 o'clock from the family home, and services will be conducted by
Rev. J. H. J. Rice, and the German Benevolent Society will
participate in the services at the grave.
KARNS, HENRY L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 15, 1911
Veteran of Civil War
Henry L. Karns, a veteran of the Civil War and later of the Indian
Wars, a member of the regular army for twelve years, died from
Brights disease at his home, 1934 Central Avenue, at 4:40 o'clock
this morning. He had been ill a long time and had been unable to
work. One of his maladies from which he suffered was rheumatism, and
he claimed a pension from the government for his disability but was
unable to get it, owing to the fact that he had no hospital record.
He enlisted for service in the Civil War when he was 13 years of
age, and after the close of the war he re-enlisted and served on the
western frontier fighting Indians. He slept on the ground in the
open and contracted rheumatism, but he never reported for hospital
and so could not claim any pension on that ground. He served during
the Civil War as a bugler in the 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry. He was
born at Carlisle, Pa., and was 64 years of age. For years he
followed the occupation of coal miner, and was president of the coal
miners union at Pana during one of the long strikes. The family came
to Alton to live ten years ago. He leaves beside his wife, four
daughters, Mrs. Charles E. Lessner, Misses Ellen, Maggie and Mary
Louise Karns. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2
o'clock from the family home.
KARR, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 18, 1906
Henry Karr, the young signal man who was struck by a Chicago & Alton
train at Godfrey, died at St. Joseph's hospital about 5 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon from the injuries he received. The body was
turned over to Deputy Coroner Keiser, who will hold an inquest
Friday afternoon when the train crew, who picked up the young man
after the accident, can be here. The body was taken to the home of
the father of the deceased at Godfrey today, and the funeral will be
held tomorrow. Karr was not able to tell how the accident happened,
and there is no one who knows whether he was in the line of duty or
was out on the road on his own responsibility when struck by the
KARR, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 20, 1920
Civil War Veteran
John Karr, one of the best known old residents of Godfrey township,
died from pneumonia at the home of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Samuel
Karr, in Godfrey last night at 8:30 o'clock, after an illness that
began a little over four years ago. He was in his 87th year. He was
never married. He leaves one brother, Wilson Karr, of Jerseyville,
and one nephew and a niece. He was born in Ireland and came to this
country when a young man. He enlisted for service in the Civil War
on the first call for 90-day troops, and re-enlisted afterward for
three years. He was wounded at the battle of Antietam, and also
participated in the battle of Bull Run. He had suffered paralysis in
the leg in which he was wounded. He was a resident of Godfrey
township more than thirty years. The funeral will be held at 2
o'clock tomorrow afternoon, from his ______ home, and burial will be
in the Godfrey Cemetery.
KARR, WILSON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 4, 1920
Wilson Karr, a former well-known farmer of the Godfrey neighborhood,
died this morning at 4 o'clock at the home of his sister-in-law in
Godfrey, Mrs. Sarah Karr, following a short illness. Few knew of the
serious condition of Karr, and his death came as a very great
surprise. He was born in Ireland and came to Godfrey fifty years ago
where he has since resided. He was 85 years of age. He never
married, and with the exception of his sister-in-law, he leaves no
immediate relatives. A brother, John Karr, died at Godfrey last
spring, following a long illness with paralysis. The funeral of Karr
will be held Friday afternoon at two o'clock from the Karr home, and
interment will be in the Godfrey cemetery. Rev. G. Calvert of the
Godfrey Methodist church will conduct the funeral service.
KASTEN, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 7,
Baby Dies from Auto Accident
The eight weeks old child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kasten died at the
home at 3:30 o'clock Sunday morning from injuries received in an
auto accident on Saturday evening. The mother and the two boys and
Mrs. Henry Hohman were all thrown from the Hohman automobile on
Saturday evening, when the machine skidded into a ditch. The
accident happened so quickly that there is no telling how the baby
met its death. It is believed, however, by those who were in the
accident, that the mother was thrown on top of the baby and the
child died from the injuries. The baby was taken at once to the
Kasten home, where it was given surgical attention. All efforts to
save its life failed, and the little child died at 3:30 o'clock on
Sunday morning. The inquest was held at the home this morning.
KASTIEN, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 11, 1901
Frank Kastien, an aged citizen and farmer, was found dead in his bed
by his wife, early Tuesday morning. Deputy Coroner Streeper came
over from Upper Alton and held an inquest. Mrs. Kastien testified
that she was awakened by her husband giving a cough, and went to his
bedside and found him dead. Mr. Kastien has been feeble for a number
of years and his mind was at times impaired. For a long time Moro
township elections have been held at Mr. Kastein's house.
KAUDER, MARTIN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 25, 1914
Two Die When Yacht Capsizes
Finis Handle Jr., aged 19, and Martin Kauder, aged 24, were drowned
in the Mississippi river Friday afternoon about 5 o'clock, and
Charles Southard, aged 21, escaped, when a little yacht belonging to
Kauder, in which the three young men were taking a ride, capsized at
the head of a barge of the Mississippi Sand Co. fleet, at the
mooring of the and company [sic]. According to the story told by the
survivor, Charles Southard, and also from the accounts of eye
witnesses, the fatal features of the accident could have been
avoided, but for the efforts of the two young men who were drowned
to save their disabled yacht from being carried under the barge,
around and under which a current was racing at a speed of 6 to 7
miles an hour. The engine of the yacht was not working well when the
trio started out from the Fluent dock. Capt. W. D. Fluent said he
noticed that only one cylinder was working. The party kept on and
were working with the engine, hoping to get it running properly.
When they were in toward shore trying to avoid the swiftest current,
and were about 75 feet above the barges of the Mississippi Sand Co.,
the engine died down completely and the yacht drifted with the
current....When the members of the party saw that they must
inevitably float against the head of the barges, Southard stood on
the bow of the boat and the two others on the stern as the boat came
in contact with the overhanging part of the barge and the three
tried to push the yacht away...It is believed that Kauder and Hindle
became entangled in the canopy top and were carried under the barge.
Hindle never did appear after going under the barge, and was
probably drowned under the barge and then shot out under the water
far down the river. Kauder, who seemed to be a strong swimmer,
managed to extricate himself from the boat and he swam out from
underneath after he had gone down the river about half the length of
the barge. Frank Yost and Frank Weber, two men employed on the fleet
of the sand company, saw the accident and ran along the edge of the
barge trying to rescue Kauder, who had appeared on the river side of
the barge, swimming and floating. The men shouted to him to swim
toward them, but he evidently did not understand them, or was
bewildered by being underneath the barge and he continued to swim
away, evidently not realizing that he had come to the surface and
was far enough away from the barge to be safe. Kauder
sank.....Southard, who like the other two, had clung to the bow of
the barge when the yacht struck, hauled himself up and was wet only
to the knees....Word was sent to the parents of the two victims of
the accident. David Kauder, father of Martin Kauder, arrived at the
river bank just as Fluent returned with word that there was no
chance of getting the two bodies at that time. The father's first
thought was of his son's wife. He hurried off to break the news to
her. Mrs. Kauder was at her home on Eliot avenue when she learned of
her husband's death. Kauder was a young printer, who recently
completed his apprenticeship. He had been working for J. J. McKeen
at the Alton Printing house, and was studying to become a line type
operator....Finis Hindle Jr. is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.
Finis Hindle. Finis Hindle, the father of one of the victims, is
still suffering from the effects of a bad fall and is a cripple,
being obliged to get about on crutches. Coming at this time the loss
of one of the bread winners for the family is a heavy one. All three
of the young men worked for W. M. Sauvage, and he regarded them as
valuable helpers. Mrs. Kauder this afternoon authorized the offer of
a $50 reward for the recovery of the body of her husband.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 9, 1914
The body of Martin Kauder, who was drowned fifteen days ago when his
yacht was carried by a swift current against the upper end of a sand
barge of the Mississippi Sand Co., near the foot of Prospect street,
was recovered just before noon today. The body evidently had been
held down by a snag as the body of Finis Hindle, who was drowned
with Kauder, was recovered six days after the accident, and was down
the river near the mouth of the Missouri river when picked up. Hope
of recovering Kauder's body had about been abandoned. His widow,
despairing of the body being found and laboring under a heavy mental
strain due to grief over the loss of her husband and the failure to
recover his body, had gone to Atchison, Kan. A reward of $50 offered
for the recovery of the body by the widow had been withdrawn, but
another reward of $25 was offered by W. M. Sauvage and others. Just
before noon, a child, Blanche Ventress, while walking along the
river bank with her mother, noticed the body floating. It was just a
short distance below the barge where the accident occurred, and the
yacht was sunk by the swift current.
KAUFFMAN, ADOLPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 24,
Adolph Kauffman, a returned soldier, aged 29, died at 6 o'clock this
morning at the family home, 2517 State, from pneumonia, following an
attack of influenza. The whole family, with one exception, had been
down with the disease, eight being sick at one time in the house.
Efforts to get help were fruitless for days. The mother was taken
down with the disease. One daughter, Pauline, who had taken a
nursing course in Kansas City and was home convalescing from
injuries she received in a fall, took charge of the sick folks, but
it was manifestly beyond her physical powers to handle all the work
and appeals for help were made. Unfortunately, the Welfare Council
was out of funds and had no regular nurse at the time. Thursday
night some help was secured temporarily, and last night permanent
help was secured. The sick mother had risen from her bed to take
care of her dying son. There was one stove in the house, the family
said, but in the room where the dying boy lay there was no heat
until neighbors supplied oil stoves. The house was under strict
quarantine. The family did not lack for food as they were close to a
grocery store, and they were kept supplied. The father does not live
with his family. In addition to the regular family a daughter was
home on a visit and had with her a three months' old baby, which
added to the burden that had to be borne in the house. The young man
who died had served four years in the army. The Odd Fellows will
have charge of the funeral tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, and
burial will be in the City cemetery.
KAUFFMAN, I. B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 22, 1914
The funeral of I. B. Kauffman, old soldier, was held this morning at
11 o'clock from the family home, where Rev. W. I. Terhune of the
Methodist Church conducted the funeral services. There were many old
friends of Mr. Kauffman and of the family at the funeral. The
cortege went from the Moro Presbyterian Church, where Rev. Mr.
Terhune again conducted services, which were attended by many
friends of Mr. Kauffman, from the Moro neighborhood. Burial was in
the Moro Cemetery.
JOHN WESLEY/St. Louis Republic, May 26, 1904
Wealthy Grain Dealer and Speculator
Former Owner of President Mill in Bethalto
Civil War Veteran
John W. Kauffman, the retired grain dealer and speculator who
several years ago startled the stock markets of Chicago and St.
Louis with his daring speculation in grain, died suddenly of heart
disease at him home at Kingshighway and Lindell Boulevard, at 6
o’clock last evening. Mr. Kauffman had not been feeling well for
several weeks, as he had been suffering from a violent cold which he
contracted some time last month, but he had recovered sufficiently
to go downtown yesterday afternoon, when he called upon some of his
business associates. Mr. Kauffman returned home late in the
afternoon, and told his daughter, Miss Violet Kauffman, that he felt
a little fatigued and that he would rest for a few moments before
dinner, on the sofa in the sitting room. When dinner was announced,
Mr. Kauffman did not appear. One of his daughters, thinking that he
had fallen asleep, went into the sitting room to arouse him. Her
efforts to awaken her father revealed the fact that he was dead. A
physician was called, but it was too late, as Mr. Kauffman had
probably died soon after lying down.
Mr. Kauffman was born in Dayton, Ohio, sixty years ago. When he was
quite young, his parents moved to Iowa City, Iowa. He was entered in
the college situated at Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Here he remained at
school until the Civil War. When war was declared, Mr. Kauffman, who
was quite a young man, enlisted in the Twenty-Fourth Iowa Regiment,
continuing in the service until 1863, when he was discharged on
account of poor eyesight.
After being discharged from the service, he came to St. Louis and
entered the service of E. O. Stanard & Co., in the capacity of a
clerk, where he remained for twenty years, rising to the position of
junior partners. Mr. Kauffman then engaged in business for himself,
organizing the Kauffman Milling Company, which he continued until a
few years ago. It was during the time that he was engaged in the
milling business, that he made the speculations which made him a
wealthy man. During the year 1885 he was president of the Merchants’
Exchange of St. Louis.
In his home, which is one of the handsomest in St. Louis, and the
grounds of which extend from Maryland Avenue to Lindell Boulevard,
Mr. Kauffman has formed one of the most complete private art
galleries in the United States. In it are the canvasses of nearly
all of the modern masters, as well as rare bits of sculpture and
marble work, which are almost priceless in value. In this art
gallery, which is composed of four corridors, converging into a
central dome, is a large pipe organ, upon which Mr. Kauffman
frequently played.
Besides being a passionate lover of art and music, Mr. Kauffman was
a staunch churchman. He contributed largely to the building of the
Lindell Avenue Methodist Church, of which he was a member, and was a
large contributor to many charitable institutions.
Mr. Kauffman leaves a wife, Mrs. Nellie Bronson Kauffman; two
daughters, Margaret and Violet; and one son, Harold, who was in New
York City at the time of his father’s death. He was notified last
night, and started immediately for St. Louis. Mrs. E. O. Stanard of
Lindell Boulevard is a sister of Mr. Kauffman. [Burial was in the
Bellefontaine Cemetery in St. Louis.]
John Wesley Kauffman was born January 5, 1844, in Dayton, Ohio. His
parents were Christian Kauffman (1796-1858) and Esther Witmer
Kauffman (1800-1848). Both parents were natives of Pennsylvania.
John Kauffman married Ellen Bronson (1849-1922). Their children were
Marquerite “Margaret” Kaufman Fischel (1889-1950); Violet Kauffman;
Burt B. Kauffman (1872-1900); and Harold Kauffman. John was buried
in the Bellefontaine Cemetery in St. Louis.
In January 1881, John W. Kauffman purchased the President Mill in
Bethalto. It was previously being leased by E. O. Stanard of St.
Louis. In March 1882, Kauffman upgraded and enlarged the mill in
Bethalto, which had been erected in 1859 by James Neimrick. It was
the first mill in Bethalto. In August 1882 the mill was destroyed by
fire, and Mr. Kauffman erected a new mill. On March 2, 1895, the
mill was destroyed by fire once again, and Mr. Kauffman did not
rebuild. Kauffman also owned a mill in St. Louis, and others in
KAUFFMAN, SUSAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 26, 1921
Mrs. Susan Kauffman, 52 years old, wife of Louis Kauffman, died at 3
a.m. today at her home, 1918 Main street. Mrs. Kauffman recently
returned from a six months' trip to California for her health. Mrs.
Kauffman was born in Eureka, Ill., and came here in 1907. Funeral
services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and interment
will be in Oakwood Cemetery.
KAUFFMAN, THOMAS H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 17,
Prominent Citizen and Business Man Succumbs to Typhoid Fever
Thomas H. Kauffman died Saturday morning at 2 o'clock at his
residence, 1028 Langdon street, after an illness of three weeks from
typhoid fever. Mr. Kauffman was born at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and was
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kauffman of St. Louis. The aged couple
are still living and are making their home in St. Louis. The parents
formerly lived in Bethalto and were well known residents of Madison
county. Mr. Kauffman was a member of a family of six sons and two
daughters, and his is the first break in that large family circle.
He was 44 years of age. The first illness began about three weeks
ago, and while Mr. Kauffman was able to be around the streets and
attended to his duties part of the time as superintendent of the
Stanard mills here, he was a very sick man. It was ten days before
his case was diagnosed as typhoid fever, and then the malady had
made such progress that it was impossible to do much for him. He
lingered close to death for days, some days his condition being
slightly improved and at others it would be worse. During his
illness reports from the sick chamber were being awaited with great
anxiety by his many friends. The death of Mr. Kauffman is a cause of
keen regret to those who knew him both in a business way and
socially. He was a man of great force of character, keenly alive to
a sense of duty and most active in doing his duty as he saw it. He
was deeply interested in public affairs as well as in business, and
last spring he took an active part in conducting the campaign of the
Citizens' ticket to a successful issue at the municipal election. He
was president of the Alton Commercial club and a leading member of
the Alton Manufacturers' association. During the years he was in
Alton he had charge of the Stanard mills, and he carried on the
office affairs with such efficiency that he was held in the highest
esteem by his employers. He was connected with E. O. Stanard since
leaving college, and by unwavering fidelity to his duties succeeded
in pushing his way up to a position of prominence in the employ of
the company. As an employer he was extremely well liked by the men
who worked under him, and there is not one of them but feels his
death as a personal bereavement. He was kindness personified in all
his dealings with those under him, and never was there a man in his
employ but thought Tom Kauffman was quite the best employer he had
ever known. His dealings with men in business were the same as in
social life. He was intensely interested in all that he did, never
allowing anything to be done in a half way. Mr. Kauffman is survived
by his wife and three children, two daughters and one son. The
officials of the Alton Commercial club today closed the club rooms
out of respect oto the deceased president, and a meeting of the club
members was called for this evening to take some action appropriate
to the sad event which has occurred. The funeral will be held Sunday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the First Methodist church. Interment
will be in City Cemetery and will be private.
KAUFFOLD, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 6, 1902
The funeral of Mrs. Henry Kauffold will take place at the family
home tomorrow afternoon. The minister of the German Evangelical
church at Edwardsville will officiate. The burial will be at
KAUTER, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 29, 1886
From Bethalto – The funeral of Mr. John Kauter took place from his
late residence, two miles east of Wann [East Alton], on Friday last.
KAY, MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 15, 1915
The death of Mrs. Margaret Kay, for six year matron at the Old
Ladies' Home on North State street, occurred last evening at
Nokomis, Illinois, where she was staying at the home of Mrs.
Margaret Arnold. Mrs. Kay has been very low for some time, and her
death was not unexpected. She has been sick for many months and
everything possible was done to relieve her suffering. Thinking that
a change would benefit her, relatives had her taken to Nokomis from
the Mitchell home on Alby street, but she continued to grow worse.
Mrs. Kay was sixty-five years of age, and was born in the North
Side, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell, well
known residents of the Coal Branch. When quite young she moved to
Portland, Oregon where she resided for thirty years, returning to
Alton about fifteen years ago. Many relatives survive her, the
nearest being a daughter, Mrs. Ida Stites of Portland, Ore.; and a
brother, James Mitchell of Brighton. The body will be brought to
Alton this evening and will be taken to the Mitchell home on North
Alby street, the old family homestead where Mrs. John Mitchell now
lives. The funeral will be held tomorrow at 2 o'clock, the services
to be conducted by Rev. W. M. Twing of the First Baptist Church, and
Rev. L. M. Williamson of Upper Alton. Burial will take place in the
City Cemetery. When quite young Mrs. Kay joined the Baptist Church,
and for some years has been an active member of the First Baptist
Church of this city.
KAY, NETTIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 19, 1872
Died on July 15, at the Coal Branch, Nettie, infant and only
daughter of Isaac and Maggie Kay; aged 3 months and 19 days.
KAY, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 24, 1897
From Godfrey – The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Kay died last
Saturday after a lingering illness. The funeral occurred on Sunday,
and the body was interred in the Godfrey Cemetery. Many friends
deeply sympathize with the family in their affliction.
KAYLOR, ABBIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 13, 1907
The body of Mrs. Abbie Kaylor arrived this noon from St. Louis and
was taken to City Cemetery for burial. Services were conducted by
Rev. A. A. Tanner of the Congregational church. Mrs. Kaylor lived in
Alton many years ago. Her husband was buried here. She was 76 years
of age.
KAYLOR, W. S./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 16, 1892
The remains of Mr. W. S. Kaylor, who died at St. Louis, were brought
to Alton for interment this morning. The funeral took place from the
Union Depot. The A.O.U.W. lodge, of which deceased was a member,
followed the remains to the grave at the City Cemetery. The
pallbearers were Messrs. T. M. Anderson, P. Gillmartin, John
Steiner, James Rielley, Edwin Sherwood, and James Maupin.
KAYSER, CHARLES F./Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, July 5,
Charles F. Kayser, a well-known resident of Liberty Prairie, died at
his home yesterday morning at 7:30 o’clock, following an illness of
nine weeks. Mr. Kayser was the son of John E. and Elise Kayser. He
was born November 14, 1844, in St. Charles, Missouri, and was 79
years, 7 months, and 10 days of age. His early life was spent in St.
Charles and St. Louis, where he was educated. After marrying in 1875
to Miss Sophia Blume of Pleasant Ridge, he engaged in farming until
retiring nine years ago. Their union was blessed with seven
children, two of whom preceded their father in death – Edward of
Indianapolis and Albert Eugene, who died in France.
Kayser was active in the Liberty Prairie Presbyterian Church of
which he was a member. He had a genial, lovable disposition, was a
kind husband and father, and was happiest with his children and
He was survived by his widow and five children: John of Greenville,
Illinois; Will of Terre Haute, Indiana; and Mrs. Louis Arbuthnot,
Miss Bertha, and Ernest Kayser of Liberty Prairie; twelve
grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Mary Kann of Georgia; and a brother,
Herman F. Kayser, an aged Civil War veteran of Litchfield. Interment
was in the Liberty Prairie Cemetery.
KAYSER, HERMAN F./Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, March 16, 1931
Herman F. Kayser, 91, a former resident of Liberty Prairie and a
veteran of the Civil War, died at the St. Francis Hospital in
Litchfield Saturday night, of influenza and old age. His wife, Mrs.
Alice [nee Stearns] Kayser preceded him in death in January.
Herman Kayser was born in St. Charles, Missouri, on April 10, 1839.
For a number of years, the family lived at Liberty Prairie. At the
beginning of the Civil War, he enlisted at Alton with the 97th
Infantry, Company I. He remained in service until the end of the
war. Kayser left behind three children – Mrs. Emma Hyndman, Bert
Kayser of Litchfield, and Mrs. Effie Mayhew of Lewanee.
KAYSER, JOHN ERNST/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, November
2, 1892 - Submitted by MyraAnn
Died, Friday, in Liberty Prairie, Ft. Russell township, after a
short but painful illness, John Ernst Kayser, aged 83 years, 5
months and 23 days. He was born in Prussia, Germany, April 6, 1809.
He was the third of a family of twelve children. After his father's
death he was married to Miss Mary Elise Sander, June 27, 1835. In
the fall of the same year he and his wife and widowed mother with
her remaining ten children, emigrated to American and settled on a
farm in St. Charles county, Mo. There were born to the couple seven
children, five sons and two daughters; two sons died in infancy. In
1857, with his family, he came to Illinois, and settled on the farm
in Liberty Prairie, on which he resided until death. He leaves
surviving one brother, F. W. Kayser of Wenas, Wash., one sister,
Mrs. Bertha Kunst, of Burlington, Ia; his aged wife, two daughters,
Mrs. Minnie Eppelsheimer and Mrs. Mary Kann, of St. Louis, and three
sons, H. F. Kayser, of Litchfield; A. E. Kayser, of Omphghent, and
Chas. F. Kayser, who has living with him continuously; also
twenty-one grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. His sturdy
honesty and uprightness have won him the profound respect of all his
neighbors and acquaintances. Arriving in this country, he, like many
others, had to endure hardships and privations, but by industrious
habits and perseverance accumulated a handsome estate and lived to
see his children in comfortable circumstances. In politics he was a
life-long republican. He voted for Wm. Henry Harrison in 1840, and
if he had lived, would have voted for Benjamin Harrison. He was
deeply interested in the progress and inventions of the age. Having
inherited a robust constitution, he generally enjoyed good health,
but of late years was more or less debilitated and his eyesight
weakened, yet he was always glad to see his friends, and to them he
was an interesting entertainer. He was a true friend and those of
his nativity have good reason to be proud that he was one of them.
The regard and esteem in which he was held by the community was
demonstrated by the large concourse of friends attending his funeral
Sunday afternoon. The funeral services were conducted by Rev.
Hunter, of Liberty Prairie C. P. church, after which the remains
were interred in the Liberty Prairie cemetery. The pall bearers
were: D. C. Scheer, V. P. Richmond, F. Nietert, L. Hill, Wm. Galt
and J. R. Newman.
KEARNS, OWEN/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 4, 1897
Owen Kearns, a well-known glass worker, died Saturday night at his
home on East Third Street, at the age of 47 years. The deceased was
a sufferer from asthma and heart trouble, and died after a lingering
illness of several months. He leaves a wife and two children.
KEATING, HANNAH M./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 24, 1862
Died on Friday evening, Hannah M. Keating, relict of the late Edward
Keating, aged 43.
KEATING, MARTHA/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 21, 1889
From Upper Alton – Mrs. Martha Keating died on Wednesday last at the
age of 74 years. She has been a residence of Upper Alton for about
fifteen years, having come as companion to her recently widowed
sister, Mrs. H. V. Williams, who was an invalid. Mrs. Williams did
not survive her bereavement many months, and left her family of five
boys to the care of her sister. She has been faithful to her trust,
having stood nobly by them in sickness and health, and as hereditary
consumption claimed one after another, four of her charges, she
devoted herself to the survivors until she has fallen a prey to the
same disease, leaving the youngest of the boys, now almost a man,
alone. We do not often meet such an example of faithfulness as has
been exhibited by this lady, who might have enjoyed a life of ease
in the family of her children, but respected the last wishes of her
sister, and gave her remaining years to completing her sister’s life
KEATON, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 31, 1921
Three Die Enroute to Hospital
While enroute to St. Elizabeth's Hospital to attend her daughter,
who was to undergo an operation for appendicitis, Mrs. Mary Keaton,
28, wife of Martin Keaton, 2214 Bryan Avenue, Granite City, with
Mrs. Mary Craig, 45, wife of Clement Craig, 2223 Missouri Avenue,
Granite City, was instantly killed when the Craig automobile was
struck by the Wabash fast passenger train at Granite City at 7
o'clock today. William Bausman, a son of Mrs. Craig by a former
marriage, who was injured, died an hour later in St. Elizabeth's
Hospital. Mrs. Keaton's daughter was on the operating table and the
anesthetic was about to be administered, when her mother was killed.
The operation was postponed. The daughter has not been told of her
mother's tragic death. The bodies of the three dead have been taken
in charge by Coroner Edward Mercer, who will conduct an inquest. The
automobile was driven by Mrs. Craig. Information at the office of
the coroner was that the automobile was going at a moderate rate of
speed. Just as it reached the tracks, it was said, Mrs. Craig saw
the speeding train and made an effort to throw the engine into
reverse. This action failed to get the machine off the track and the
speeding train crashed into it. The two women were instantly killed.
The boy was rushed to the hospital, and every effort made to save
his life, but failed. Clement Craig, husband of the woman driving
the automobile, is mess sergeant at Jefferson Barracks. Keaton is a
craneman at the Commonwealth Steel Co. At almost the same instant
that the fatal accident at Granite City occurred, a Wabash train
crashed into the rear end of a Chicago and Alton passenger train at
Madison. The last coach of the Alton train was thrown from the
tracks when the rails spread, and demolished. No one was in the rear
car when the Wabash train crashed into it. Presence in the car would
probably have meant certain death.
KEBER, GOTTLEIB/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 5, 1878
Ends Life by Suicide
Mr. Gottleib Keber, of the State Street Steam Dyeing and Cleansing
establishment, ended his life and earthly troubles together last
night, by a plunge into the cold waters of the river. The apparent
reason was a “skeleton in his household,” or in other words, family
troubles were the cause of the rash deed. Deceased, as we are
informed, worked part of the day yesterday at his usual avocations,
but had some trouble with his wife, and in the course of the day,
told his brother that he could not live any longer. About 9 o’clock
last night, he was in Steinheimer’s Saloon, and bid some gentlemen
there goodbye, and told them that he intended drowning himself. He
then went out and was seen no more alive.
The body was found this morning about 7 o’clock, floating near the
Spread Eagle at the landing. The presumption is that deceased threw
himself into the water from the sand barge, a short distance above
the freight warehouse, floated down and lodged against or near the
packet, and was raised by the motion of the wheels. As the Coroner
did not arrive on the 9 o’clock train, the body was removed shortly
after that hour under direction of Deputy Sheriff Rudershausen, to
the family residence on State Street near Fourth. Deceased leaves a
widow, a very estimable lady, and six small children.
Keber appears to have made all his preparations with a cool
determination to live no longer. He left his money with his eldest
son, and told his brother, Fritz Keber, last evening, that he would
this morning find a postal card in the office, which proved to be
the case. The card reiterated his intention to commit suicide, and
in it he bade farewell to his friends. Those to whom he spoke of
committing the deed had no idea that he was in earnest, and
requested him to leave any valuable that he might have.
Coroner Youree arrived on the 2 o’clock freight train, and held an
inquest at the late residence of deceased. The verdict of the jury
was that “Gottleib Keber committed suicide by drowning himself in
the Mississippi River, sometime after 8 o’clock p.m. Thursday,
November 28, and that from the evidence, the probably cause was
family troubles.”
Gottleib Keber was born in 1838 (probably in Germany), and was
married to Mary _____ (?-1883). Besides his widow, surviving was his
brother, Fritz Keber, and six children (one of which was Fred Keber,
1870-1909). Gottleib was buried in the Alton City Cemetery. He was
39-40 years of age.
KECK, LUCRETIA E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 14,
Mrs. Lucretia Keck died today shortly before 12 o'clock at the home
of her parents, Captain and Mrs. William R. Wright, in Upper Alton.
She was 58 years old last August, and leaves one son, W. P. Keck of
New York. Mrs. Keck has been a sufferer from asthma for many years,
and the past twelve years she has lived in Denver on account of her
health. Her home was formerly in Chicago, and her body will be taken
to that city for burial beside that of her daughter, who died at the
age of 16 years. Mrs. Keck was here two years ago to visit her
parents, but the climate affected her health in such a way that she
was compelled to return to Colorado as quick as possible. In the
past few months it became evident she could not live long, and she
returned to Upper Alton two weeks ago to be with her parents and
brothers and sisters once more. Yesterday morning her condition
became so bad that the attending physician advised that her son be
sent for, and a message was sent calling him to his mother's
bedside, but the end came today while the son was on his way. Mrs.
Keck was born in Upper Alton. She was the oldest child of Capt. and
Mrs. Wright. She leaves besides her aged parents, two sisters, Mrs.
Hattie E. Bell and Mrs. S. A. Wightman, and one brother, Frank
Wright, all of Upper Alton. The burial will occur in Chicago, but
arrangements cannot be made until the son of the deceased lady
(See also Keeffe)
KEEFE, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 14, 1919
Well-Known Saloon Keeper and Powerful Democratic Figure Dies
Edward [sic] Keefe, 53 years old, saloon keeper and well known in
local political circles, died this morning at 11 o'clock at his
home, 1320 East Broadway, following a short illness. Though troubled
for some time with stomach ailments, Keefe did not become seriously
sick until a few days ago. He was up and around yesterday, but
complained early last night and went to bed. Edward Keefe was
originally a glassblower, but left that trade twelve years ago and
entered the saloon business with the father, the late Martin Keefe,
who died nine years ago. Since that time the saloon has been
conducted by Edward Keefe. Keefe was a powerful man in East End
political affairs. An ardent Democrat, he conducted many of the
campaigns of that party in the eastern part of the city. He took
also a prominent part in city elections and usually was able to
swing that part of town to his candidate. Candidates for seats in
the council from that section usually fared poorly without Keefe's
aid. It was said about Keefe that although he never held public
office, whether the election was big or little, he always was
interested. Edward Keefe was born in Alton on August 31, 1865, and
spent his entire life here. He was a member of St. Patrick's Church,
and at one time was a member of the Knights of Columbus. At the time
of his death he belonged to the Moose Lodge. He leaves his widow,
Mrs. Minnie Keefe, and one son, Charles. He leaves also a brother,
Matthew Keefe, of Alton, and two sisters, Mrs. Julia Temme of Alton
and Mrs. John Bollier of San Francisco, Cal. Funeral arrangements
have not been made.
KEEFE, HANORA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 8, 1904
Mrs. Hanora Keefe, aged 85, died Thursday night from bronchitis at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Gibbons, 903 Alby street. She
had been ill a long time and the illness was aggravated by her great
age. She was the mother of Mrs. Mary Gibbons, Mrs. Kate Harris of
Alton; Judge David E. Keefe of East St. Louis; and John J. Keefe of
Bunker Hill. She was born in Ireland and came to America in 1848,
settling in St. Louis. She lived there until 1855, when she moved to
a farm near Bunker Hill, where she made her home until the death of
her husband in 1893. She then came to Alton to live with her
daughter. The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 10 o'clock
from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral.
KEEFE, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 3, 1890
Died in Alton on June 26, James, son of Martin Keefe, aged 24 years.
KEEFE, MARTIN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 7, 1911
Martin Keefe, aged 78 years, died Tuesday night at 11 o'clock after
a protracted sickness caused by general old age disabilities and
nervous breakdown, at his home in east Second street. He was a
resident of Alton fifty years or more and conducted a saloon in the
same stand on east Second street for 39 consecutive years. He was
known far and wide as "Honest Martin Keefe," and was known as a
charitable man of the unostentatious kind. Intoxicated men could get
no liquor at his place, and he has even been known to make strong
pleas with drinking men to cut out liquor altogether if they found
it impossible to drink moderately. He preached "temperance" in all
things, in eating, drinking, judgments of other, etc., and lived up
to his preaching. He was a very well posted man on all general
subjects, and took an active interest in the affairs of the nation
and the world. He was bright and intelligent and was fitted for a
much higher calling than the one he engaged in for so many years.
His wife died 11 years ago, and he is survived by four children:
Mrs. John Bollier of San Francisco, Mrs. Julia Temme and Edward and
Mathew Keefe of Alton. The funeral will be held Friday morning at 9
o'clock from St. Patrick's church. Burial will be in Greenwood
KEEFE, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 26, 1895
Mrs. Mary Keefe died at her home on Union Street Saturday afternoon,
from general debility, at the age of 60 years. She was the widow of
the late Timothy Keefe, and has been a resident of Alton for many
years. The funeral took place Monday morning from St. Patrick’s
KEEFE, PAT/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 19, 1883
A man by the name of Pat Keefe of Dorsey was killed by lightning
during the storm Monday evening.
KEEFE, WILLIAM D./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 14, 1919
Soldier Dies From Disease Overseas
News was received this morning by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Keeffe of
2005 Alby street of the death of their son, William D. Keeffe,
overseas. The information came in an official telegram from the War
Department, which stated that Keeffe had died from disease, February
2. The official message did not state the nature of the disease nor
the place where the death occurred. To the best information of the
family, however, the death must have occurred at some point in
Germany, for the last letter received from him was dated January 8.
At that time he was with the American Army of Occupation, and had
been in Germany about two weeks, having been transferred from
France. The family have taken steps to secure additional information
regarding the death. The news of the death of Will Keeffe came as a
great shock to both relatives and friends. In the last letter
received from him by his family he stated he was "feeling fine and
doing well and not to worry" about him. Keeffe left Alton on June 26
last, and went to Kansas City, Mo., where he took a course at the
Rabe Automobile School. He was later transferred to Camp Halibrook,
Baltimore, Md., and on October 1 was sent overseas. He was
originally in the water tank service but was later transferred to
the 89th Division, Co. E, 354 Infantry. He did not engage in any of
the battles in France. The members of his family here do not know
just what class of work he was engaged in since being transferred to
the 89 Division. Will Keeffe was 23 years old. Besides his parents,
he leaves a brother, James, and two sisters, Miss Nellie of Alton
and Mrs. Chris Mayford of East St. Louis. He was also a nephew of
Charles Donnelly. Before going into the military service he was
connected with the Chicago and Alton railroad as a switchman. Keeffe
was a member of Alton council, No. 460, Knights of Columbus, and his
death makes the seventh gold star on the Service flag. He was a
member of the Cathedral and of the Young Men's Sodality of the
church. He attended the Cathedral school. The news of the death of
the young man came as a terrible shock to his relatives and
especially to his mother. Mrs. Keeffe has been in poor health for
some time and the shock today told heavily upon her. This morning it
was stated by relatives that she was very ill and that her family
were afraid that she would not recover.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 16, 1921
Mr. and Mrs. William Keefe of north Alby Street have received word
that the body of their son, William Keefe, had left France and would
arrive in New York on May 21. The body will be sent direct to Alton
from New York and upon its arrival plans will be completed for a
military funeral to be held from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral.
Keefe died on February 2, 1919 in France, but word of his death was
not received in Alton until several months later. He was a former
well known young Alton boy, and his death caused great sorrow among
relatives and friends.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 4, 1921
The remains of William Keefe, who died overseas during the war,
arrived in Alton this morning and will be taken to the home of the
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Keefe. The funeral will be held Monday
morning from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral, and will be a military
funeral, under the auspices of the American Legion. William Keefe
enlisted in the Auto Branch of Service on June 26, 1918, and was
sent to the Rahe Auto school at Kansas City, Mo. Later he was
transferred to Camp Holibird at Baltimore, Md., from there he was
sent to Camp Upton, from where he sailed for France on Oct. 26.
After arriving overseas he was placed in the 854th Infantry, 89th
Division, Co. E, where he remained until about Jan. 14, when he was
taken sick at Neuerburg, Germany, with Pulmonary Embolism. His death
occurred Feb. 2, 1918. The deceased was the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Keefe, of 2005 Alby street. Before his entrance into the
army, he was employed as switchman on the Chicago and Alton
railroad. He was a young man of unquestionable character and was
highly esteemed by all who knew him. Besides his parents, he leaves
one brother, James Keefe of Alton and two sisters, Mrs. Chris
Mayford of East St. Louis and Miss Nelle Keefe of Alton. The funeral
will be under the auspices of the American Legion.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 6, 1921
The funeral of William Keefe, who died overseas during the war, was
held this morning at 9 o'clock from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral.
The church was crowded to its capacity with friends of the family
and of the young man. A goodly representation of ex-service men
attended the service. A requiem high mass was celebrated by Rev. Fr.
T. Tarrent, assisted by Frs. Spalding and Smith in the church. It
was a military funeral and there were patriotic aspects to it too.
In the yard and within the vestry of the church were lined up the
full number of Cathedral school children who sang an appropriate
song as the casket bearing the remains was borne into the church by
ex-service men, and again they sang this time the Star-Spangled
Banner, as the casket was being borne out following the Mass. The
effect made by the singing of the children was a striking one. There
was not seating capacity in the Cathedral for the throng that
desired to be present at the services over William Keefe. Prior to
the services, a complete identification of the remains had been made
possible for, though the young man had been so long dead that
ordinary means of identification could not be available of, it had
been possible through information given by a dentist who had worked
on his teeth, also by his hair and some other means to make certain
that the remains were those of the Alton boy they purported to be.
It was said that there was no room for doubting the infallibility of
the identification. The American Legion Post had furnished the
pallbearers. They were James Spellman, Charles and Lucien Hagen,
Joseph Peters, Fred Berry, David Long. In the church, Miss Anne
Moran sang a song as one of the musical features of the service. At
the Greenwood cemetery, Dr. Mather Pfeiffenberger, Commander of the
American Legion Post, gave a eulogy and a firing squad was used to
give the salute to the dead.
KEEFER, JAMES G./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 4,
James G. Keefer, a father of two sons serving their country in
France, died at the family home in Milton Heights Saturday night at
11:40 o'clock, after an illness of five years with tuberculosis.
Keefer was 44 years of age and was well known. He is survived by his
wife, four sons and two daughters. The sons are George and Edward,
who are in France; William and Elmer, and the daughters are Mille
and Nellie. He also leaves many friends throughout the city. The
funeral will be held Tuesday from the family home at 2:30 o'clock.
Interment will be in Oakwood Cemetery.
KEEFFE, SARAH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 12, 1899
The funeral of Sarah, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Keeffe, took place this afternoon from the family home. Services
were conducted by Rev. J. H. J. Rice of the Congregational Church.
KEEFFE, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 11, 1897
Mrs. W. H. Keeffe died Saturday afternoon at her home in Middletown
after a year’s illness with consumption. Mrs. Keeffe was 34 years of
age, and leaves a husband and three children. The funeral took place
from the home, 1042 Tremont Street. The remains were interred in the
Alton City Cemetery, by the side of an infant child which died only
three months ago.
KEEFFE, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
July 26, 1904
The six months old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Keeffe died Tuesday
morning at the home in North Alton after a few hours’ illness with
nausea and summer complaint. The funeral will probably be Thursday
KEEHMLE, ELIZA/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 15, 1874
Died on Wednesday, October 7, at the residence of her son-in-law, T.
M. Boyle, in Upper Alton, Mrs. Eliza Keehmle, in the 77th year of
her age.
KEELEY, MARY/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 15, 1892
The body of Mrs. Mary Keeley, who died in St. Louis on Wednesday,
and who was a sister to Mr. Bernard Derwin, in the employ of the
Bluff Line, was brought to Alton on the train today for interment.
The body was met at the train with hearse and carriages, and
conveyed directly to the Cathedral, whence after the services, the
interment took place at North Alton. Deceased was quite well known
here, having resided here until five years ago, since which time she
has lived in St. Louis.
KEENE, SOPHRONIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 3, 1917
Mrs. Sophronia Keene, aged 83, widow of Eli Keene, died at St.
Joseph's Hospital Thursday night following sunstroke. She was
brought over to Alton Tuesday night in a bad condition from her home
on Missouri Point, owing to the lack of facilities at home for
giving proper care to the aged woman. The body will be sent to
Parkersburg, W. Va., for burial. The death of Mrs. Keene recalls her
long and successful battle in the courts for possession of the share
of the estate she was to receive under the laws of Missouri. The
case began in the St. Charles Circuit Court and ended in the Supreme
Court of the United States. J. F. McGinnis of Alton was one of the
two attorneys for Mrs. Keene in this litigation. Mrs. Keene married
her second cousin, Eli Keene, a wealthy landowner on Missouri Point.
He brought her as a bride from her West Virginia home. He failed to
make known to her before she became his wife that for years he had
maintained as a common law wife a negro woman, who had borne him a
large family of children. The bride discovered on arriving on
Missouri Point that she was stepmother to a large number of people
born to a negro mother, who had been recognized as the common law
wife of Eli Keene. The situation was embarrassing to her, and she
did not stay long. Returning to West Virginia she stayed there until
years later, Eli Keene was taken mortally ill, and she came out to
be with him and look after him in his dying days. After his death,
it turned out that Eli Keene, in his will, recognized the negroes as
his own children, setting at rest all doubts as to how he would
regard them. He left to his white wife, only a life interest in a
farm, and to each of his dark skinned children he left a farm
absolutely. Mrs. Keene was unwilling to accept this division of her
husband's estate and started suit. The contention made by her
lawyers was that when Eli Keene contracted the common law marriage
relation with the woman whom he recognized as his wife, the woman
was a negro slave, a chattel, under the laws of Missouri, and was
not capable of making any kind of a contract. The common law
marriage that was set up and recognized in the will was therefore
held null and void. The United States Supreme Court affirmed this
finding in the case, and the property was divided as Mrs. Sophronia
Keene was the only wife her husband ever had, and as though she
survived him with no children. She got the share that would go to a
widow of a man without children. The children got what was left.
Three of the stepchildren of Mrs. Keene were over in Alton today,
deeply concerned over the death of Mrs. Keene, regardless of the
litigation, it is related that they had nothing but the highest
respect to pay her and their expressions seemed to indicate that
they thought she was a "mighty good woman." The stepchildren are
known on Missouri Point as law-abiding people, and are generally
KEENE, THAD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 27, 1918
Soldier Makes the Supreme Sacrifice - Shot Twice and Gassed
Thad Keene, 31 years old, was killed on the battlefield in France on
the eighth day of October, according to a letter received today by
his brother, Frank Keene, of North Seminary street, Upper Alton. The
letter was written by the lieutenant of the company, telling of the
young man's death. Thad Keene answered the call of the government
for men very soon after the United States entered the war. He was
living in Upper Alton with his brother at that time. He joined the
marines and was sent to France a year ago last May. The family had
not heard from him for some time, and they were uneasy about him
until the letter came today setting at rest any anxiety and
uncertainty about his whereabouts. In the letter from the
lieutenant, he states that the young man was a brave fighter and
died fighting. In August he was shot in the leg by a bullet, which
penetrated the leg above the knee and came out below the knee. He
was in the hospital on account of this injury when the hospital was
gassed by the Germans. He recovered from being gassed and also from
being shot, and returned to the battlefield. On the eighth day of
October he was killed.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 21, 1921
Funeral services over the body of Thad Keene of West Alton, which is
expected to arrive tomorrow from France for burial here, will be
held at St. Mary's Church at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon. After the
ceremonies at the church the body will be taken across the river,
where interment will take place at the West Alton Cemetery.
KEES, LUCY L./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 28, 1897
The body of Mrs. Lucy L. Kees arrived in Alton from Dorchester
Friday for interment, accompanied by a party of relatives. It was
taken to the Upper Alton Cemetery, and Rev. William Hackman
conducted the services at the grave.
KEHNE, LOUIS FREDERICK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 4,
Louis Frederick Kehne, aged 70, died at his home at Bethalto
Thursday night at 11:15 o'clock from apoplexy. Mr. Kehne had been
assisting the ladies of the Presbyterian church, who were engaged in
giving the church building a house cleaning. He had been carrying
water for them, and it is supposed he overexerted himself. Thursday
night he was prostrated by a cerebral hemorrhage and died a few
minutes later. He was one of the leading members and a hard-working
officer in the church. Mr. Kehne was born in Frederick, Md.,
February 12, 1846. He was married there to Mary J. Scholl, February
16, 1869. He moved to Moro township where he resided a few years,
and worked at harness making and farming. Then he moved to Bethalto
where he lived 36 years. He was the father of nine children, eight
of whom survive him: Mrs. W. E. Greenwood of Dallas, Ore.; Mrs. A.
T. Walls of Salem, Ore.; Mrs. A. T. Doerr of East St. Louis; Mrs. C.
E. Windsor of Alton; Mrs. Ed Cooper of East Alton; Harry, Dennis and
Miss Flora Kehne of Bethalto. The time of the funeral was not set,
as it was desired to await word from those of his children who were
in distant places and might wish to attend the funeral. Besides the
members of his family mentioned, he leaves a brother and a sister in
Maryland and four grandchildren.
KEHNE, UNKNOWN WIFE OF LEWIS F./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
April 19, 1910
Bethalto - The funeral of Mrs. Lewis F. Kehne took place Sunday
afternoon. Short services were conducted at the house by Rev.
McMican of the Moro Presbyterian church, and the services concluded
at the Moro church of which she was a member since 1871. Mrs. Kehne
was born at Frederick, Md., in 1843, and was married in 1869 at that
place and came to Moro soon afterward, lived there a few years when
they moved in our vicinity and have lived here ever since. She was a
good wife, a kind neighbor, and devoted to her family. An invalid
daughter kept her closely confined to her home. To this union 9
children were born, 8 of whom are living: Mrs. Ed Cooper, Mrs. Elmer
Windsor, Miss Flora and Carrie and Dennis of our village, Mrs.
Fannie Wahln and Mrs. Helen Greenwood of Salem, Oregon, and Mrs.
Susie Doerr of Herrin, Ill. She also leaves a husband and a brother
and a sister and five grandchildren. Pallbearers were J. S. Culp, H.
L. Windsor, John Jones, and J. E. Kelsey. There were many beautiful
floral offerings.
KEHOE, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 18, 1901
Michael Kehoe died at the county poor house today [in Edwardsville].
He has been in that institution six years. He was sent from Alton.
The Supervisor says that if there are any relatives here who wish to
take charge of the body, that they should make it known at once.
KEHOE, THOMAS L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 6,
The body of Thomas L. Kehoe of Alton from Hillsboro this morning for
burial here. The body of the young man was completely identified at
Hillsboro yesterday by Charles Miller, a relative, who was sent over
to ascertain whether the young man killed by a train at Hillsboro
was Kehoe. The body had been buried, as it was badly torn up, it was
not considered advisable to attempt holding it. It was exhumed and
fully identified by Miller and sent to Alton. He was the only son of
Mrs. Augusta Kehoe of 1508 east Third street and was 28 years of
age. He had been in Mattoon, and as stated in the Telegraph, his
body was identified primarily through an address carried in his
pocket of a Mattoon man. His father met a sudden death by drowning
in a canal at Ottawa, Illinois when Tom was a very young child. The
funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the
home of Kehoe's mother.
KEIDEL, UNKNOWN SON OF NELSON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
July 1, 1910
There were three more deaths of little children at Melville Thursday
night, all from the same dread disease that had already claimed five
little folks, and had a score or more of them very ill. The families
which were bereaved by death last night were those of Jacob St.
Peters, Oliver St. Peters, brothers, and John Heafner. Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob St. Peters lost a 20 months old boy, the second within a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver St. Peters lost a two year old boy. Neither of
the St. Peters families now have any children, as the result of the
scourge. The funeral of the child of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keidel was
held this morning from the Melville church, Rev. H. A. Cotton
officiating. The little boy was a favorite in the neighborhood, and
there is genuine grief over his death among those who knew him.
KEINLER, OTTMER/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 30, 1896
From Edwardsville – Ottmer Keinler, aged 62 years, a prominent
farmer of Olive Township, was found dead on the C. P. & St. Louis
railroad track about a mile north of Worden, Saturday morning. He
left home that morning to market some butter, and the supposition is
that he slipped and fell striking his head in some manner to render
him unconscious, as when the train approached him, the engineer and
fireman saw the prostrate form of the man lying across the track,
and blew the whistle, thinking he would get up, by this time being
too close to stop without striking the man. He was highly esteemed
by his neighbors and friends, and for many years wasDemocratic
central committeeman of Olive Township. He leaves a wife and three
children to mourn his untimely demise.
KEISER, ELLA A./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 24, 1898
After a lingering illness of many months from stomach trouble, Miss
Ella A. Keiser passed away Friday night at the home of her mother on
East Second Street [East Broadway]. The end was not unexpected to
her, and she met it with a calm and beautiful resignation. She was
an unselfish and devoted daughter, an earnest Christian, and for
many years a faithful member of the First Baptist Church. Her
mother, Mrs. Ira Keiser, four sisters, and two brothers survive:
Mrs. William Fischer of Omaha, Nebraska; Mrs. Thomas Morfoot, Mrs.
Frank Levis, Miss Ada and Messrs. Allen and Irving Keiser.
The funeral was held Monday from the home on Second Street. The
admiration and respect with which Miss Keiser was held was shown by
the large attendance of her friends, notwithstanding the heavy rain.
The services were conducted by Rev. M. W. Twing. The pallbearers
were Allen and Irving Keiser, Thomas Morfoot, Frank Levis, William
Fischer, and Fred Sawyer. Interment was in the Alton City Cemetery.
KEISER, GEORGE H./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 14, 1911
Word has been received of the death of George H. Keiser at his home
near Medicine Lodge, Barber county, Kansas, August 19, 1911, after a
short illness. He was born in Ost Friesland, Hanover, Germany, July
23, 1837, and came with his parents to Alton via New Orleans in
1848. He left Bremen in Sept., 1847, twelve weeks on sailing vessel
to cross the Atlantic. On January 1, 1848 he landed in New Orleans.
The family located a half mile west of Moro. Mr. Keiser clerked for
the late J. R. Smith of Moro, William Witte of Moro, and later
Charles Bruening, Bethalto. In 1876 he moved to Barton county,
Kansas. His first wife and two children are buried in Madison
county, Illinois. He is survived by a widow and two sons, and two
daughters and a number of grandchildren; also two sisters, Mrs. C.
P. Smith of Edwardsville, Ill., and Mrs. Charles A. Willres of
Hutchinson, Kansas. He was a brother of the late Ira H. Keiser of
Alton. He united with the Presbyterian church at Moro under Rev.
Alfred Denney many years ago and remained a faithful member to the
last. The funeral services were conducted by a Presbyterian
minister, August 2, 1911. He was a kind husband and a loving father,
and a good citizen. Mr. Keiser was a reader of the Alton Telegraph
for over half a century.
KEISER, HARRY H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 24,
Former Fosterburg Boy Dies in Camp Lewis
Harry H. Keiser, 29 years of age, died Monday at Camp Lewis,
Washington. He was a son of Mrs. Minnie Keiser, of Kansas City, Mo.,
formerly of Fosterburg, Ill. Keiser lived at Fosterburg for a few
years and went to Washington when called the army. His sister, Mrs.
Lydia French, died a few months ago. He leaves his mother, four
sisters and three half sisters. The body is expected to arrive in
Alton Sunday morning. Funeral services will be in the Baptist church
at Fosterburg.
Alton Evening Telegraph, January 21, 1919
Soldier to Be Sent Home for Burial
Mrs. August Maxeiner of Kansas City notified her relatives that her
brother, Harry Keiser, a former resident of Fosterburg, had died in
an army camp in the State of Washington, and that his body would be
sent back home for burial at Fosterburg. He was about 30 years of
age. The young man leaves a number of relatives in Alton and the
Fosterburg neighborhood. The cause of his death was not given in the
KEISER, HARBERT HARM/Source: RootsWeb and Alton Evening
Telegraph, September 10, 1903
Harbert H. Keiser, one of the oldest residents of Foster Township,
died at his home on Wednesday morning, Sept 2, at 10 o'clock having
suffered for more than a year with cancer of the throat. Mr. Keiser
was born in Firrel, Ostfriesland, Hanover, Germany, May 21 1826 --
age 77 years 3 months and 12 days. He came to America in 1846. He
lived in Alton five years, and then moved to Fosterburg, where he
lived afterwards. He united with the First Baptist church in Alton
and on his removal to Fosterburg he became one of the original
members of the Baptist church in that place. He filled the offices
of superintendent of the Sunday school and deacon. He was a most
faithful Christian and in all walks of life blameless and highly
respected in the community. His wife and ten children survive him.
Mr. Keiser was twice married, his second wife being Miss Minnie L.
Golike. His living children are Mrs. Hilka Essmann and Mrs.
Radmacher of Ellsworth, Minn, Mrs. Mary Zimmerman, of Harvel, Ill,
Mrs. Ida Meyer, of Prairietown; these are by his first marriage. By
his second were: Mrs. Mary Knecht, Mrs. Hannah Dole, and Mrs. Louise
Dole, Kansas City, Mo., Mrs Ella Knecht, Childers, Indian Ty., (?)
Mrs. Emma Maxeiner and Harry Keiser of Fosterburg. The funeral took
place Saturday morning from the family home in Foster township, and
was very largely attended. The services were conducted by Revs.
Stretch of Upper Alton and Schulze of St. Louis. The pall-bearers
were William Thompson, Wm. McCauley, Philip Newhaus, Mose Thompson,
John Tompson and William Titchenal. There were many present from
other places at the funeral.
KEISER, IRA H./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 17, 1894
The community was much shocked Tuesday afternoon in hearing of the
death of Ira H. Keiser. He had been sick without much hope of
recovery for several weeks, but since the successful surgical
operation he had sensibly improved, and though the physicians gave
no encouragement as to complete recovery, it was thought his life
might be prolonged many months. On Monday, there was a change for
the worse, and he passed away peacefully yesterday, surrounded by
the surviving family to whom in full consciousness of the
approaching messenger, he spoke, like the patriarchs of old, his
last living words.
Mr. Keiser was born in Firrel, Ostfriesland, Kingdom of Hanover, in
1835, and was 59 years old. He came with his parents to this country
in 1847, and has lived in this vicinity ever since. He was converted
under the preaching of Robert F. Ellis, pastor of the First Baptist
in Alton, and soon after united with the church on profession of
faith. About twenty years ago, he was elected one of the deacons,
filling the office most faithfully all the years. As a husband,
parent, friend, citizen, he was much beloved and esteemed. In church
work, in Sunday School work, particularly in the Hunterstown
Mission, he was very faithful, reverent, and unostentatious. His
loss in the home, church, and community will be most deeply felt. He
leaves a wife and seven children to mourn his loss, yet they sorrow
not as those who have no hope. Frequently in his sickness has he
repeated some of the many hymns he loved to sing, among them, “On
Christ the solid rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand.”
Ira Keiser was born March 01, 1835. He was the son of Harm Janssen
Keiser (1793-1869) and Helena Janssen Kayser Keiser (1806-1892). He
married Margaret Wallace (1834-1923), and their children were: Mary
Keiser Fischer (1862-1938); Harriet K. Keiser Levis (1869-1930); Ada
Keiser Miller (1870-1965); and Allen Ira Keiser (1872-1938). Ira was
buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
KEISER, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 12, 1900
Fosterburg News - Samuel Keiser, a member of one of our most
prominent families, died in Kansas City July 2, and was buried here
on the 5th. His death was a surprise to his many friends at
Fosterburg. He was 34 years old. He leaves a wife, father, mother,
several sisters and one brother to mourn his departure. With much
feeling, Rev. Hussey of Upper Alton preached the funeral sermon at
the Baptist church. The pallbearers were Charles Ost, Harry
Thompson, John McCauley, Harry McCauley, John Newhaus and Robert
Pfaff. The family have the sympathy of their many friends.
KEITH, EMILY JANE/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 8, 1841
Died, in Edwardsville, Illinois on the 29th ult., in the 25th year
of her age, Mrs. Emily Jane Keith, wife of Mr. William Keith, and
daughter of John and Sally Evans. Mrs. Keith had bee, from the age
of thirteen years, a consistent Christian and a member of the
Methodist Church. She was truly amiable in her character, and
greatly esteemed by those with whom she was acquainted. Her
affliction was protracted and severe, but she bore it with Christian
fortitude and resignation; and in her last conflict, death was
disarmed of his terrors, and with the mildness of an angel, charmed
her into his cold embrace. Yes, she could sing, "O Death! where is
thy sting! O Grave! where is thy victory!" And while all in her room
seemed absorbed in grief, she alone was cheerful. I was forcibly
reminded, while beholding her, of the language of a poet: "The
chamber where the good man meets his fate, is privileged beyond the
common walks of even virtuous life, quite in the verge of Heaven."
She has left a bereaved husband and tender parents, brothers and
sisters, with many friends to mourn her loss, "but they sorrow not
as those who have no hope."
KELLEM, JOHN CLEMET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 8,
John Clemet Kellem, aged 84 years, died Monday afternoon at 1
o'clock at his home near Fosterburg, after an illness of ten days
duration from uraemic poison. He was born in Germany but came to
Madison County when a boy, and for very many years lived with the
family of the late Robert Kennedy in Wood River Township near
Bethalto. He later married a sister of Mrs. Kennedy and lived
happily with her until December 25, 1903, when Mrs. Kellem died. His
nearest relative here is a stepson, Charles Titchenal, with whom he
made his home. Mr. Kellem disposed of his farm a year or so ago,
intending to return to the old country, but ties here were stronger
than the ones over there, and he abandoned the trip at the last
moment. He was a brother-in-law of Mrs. D. Tibbitt of the North
Side, and often visited in Alton at the home of the Tibbits or at
that of John Krug. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 10
o'clock from the home of Charles Titchenal in Foster Township.
KELLENBERGER, ARTHUR JORDAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
December 27, 1915
As the result of a stroke of paralysis the came to him last Thursday
night, Arthur Jordan Kellenberger died at his home in Upper Alton at
9:40 o'clock Sunday night. Mr. Kellenberger sank from the time of
the attack last Thursday, and did not rally. Arthur J. Kellenberger
is one of Alton's native born citizens. He was 62 years of age, and
was born here in Alton and has resided here all of his life. Years
ago he was connected with the old Alton Mutual Insurance Co., and
was an expert in the knowledge of the fire insurance business.
Later, he engaged in the grocery business on Third street for a
number of years, leaving this business to again engage in the
insurance business, going to the Millers' Mutual Insurance Co. of
Alton, serving in the capacity of assistant secretary of this
company at the time of his death. Mr. Kellenberger is a member of
Alton's old time, and highly respected families. A sister, Mrs.
Joseph Hamill of Grove street, Alton; and a brother, Harry G.
Kellenberger of Godfrey survive. He is also survived by his wife and
four sons - Louis of San Francisco; and Charles, Arthur, and Edward
of Alton; and two daughters, Mary Burns of Upper Alton; and Miss
Clara, who resides at the home of her parents. The funeral will be
held at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the home in Upper Alton.
KELLENBERGER, BERTHA/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 3, 1882
Died Friday, December 30, 1881, Bertha, infant daughter of Arthur J.
and C. V. Kellenberger.
KELLENBERGER, EDWARD P./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 26,
Owner of Piasa King Farm Fatally Injured by Young Horse
Edward P. Kellenberger, owner of the Piasa King farm on the western
line of Madison county, ten miles from Alton, was almost instantly
killed Sunday morning by an accident while trying to hitch up a
fractious young horse at the John Chambers place near the
Kellenberger home. Mr. Kellenberger had gone to the Chambers place
on business, and when the horse was being hitched he offered to
help. It is supposed that a horsefly stung the nervous horse as the
animal made a plunge to get out of the shafts and to restrain it Mr.
Kellenberger caught the horse by the mane and nose. The horse
started to run, and Mr. Kellenberger held on, going about 15 or 20
steps with the horse. Suddenly, the horse reared up, threw Mr.
Kellenberger off and ran away. Mr. Kellenberger was thrown violently
to the ground and was unconscious for a few minutes. He was moved to
the porch of the Chambers house, and a doctor was sent for. Mr.
Kellenberger was roused from his insensibility and was able to talk,
but about ten minutes later collapsed and died, within forty-five
minutes after he was injured. Dr. J. J. Beard of Godfrey hastened to
attend Mr. Kellenberger, but arrived too late. He examined his body
and found that three ribs were torn loose, and it is supposed that
death was due to some injury of the heart. Mr. Kollenberger was one
of the most successful farmers in Madison county. His farm was noted
for its big products. His corn was famous, the biggest ears
measuring almost 18 inches, a 14-inch ear being quite common. He was
a scientific farmer, and devoted his life to his work. It is said
that in the past nine years he had never been in the city of Alton,
and he did not attend the World's Fair at St. Louis. He loved the
peace and quiet of his home and was happy only there. Mr.
Kellenberger was a talented elocutionist, and his services were in
demand at entertainments throughout the country. One time "Kel" gave
a recital in Temple theater at Alton, where he entertained a large
audience. He never appeared after that. He belonged to an old time
family, and he leaves a sister, Mrs. Joseph Hamill, and two
brothers, A. J. Kellenberger of Alton, and Harry Kellenberger of
Godfrey. He leaves also his wife and one daughter, Mrs. Angie
Pilkington, whose husband died a violent death about a year ago. He
was 59 years of age and had lived all his life in Alton or the
immediate vicinity. The fatal accident to Mr. Kellenberger was
witnessed by a number of members of the Chambers family, who say
that they were greatly surprised to find out that Mr. Kellenberger
was so seriously hurt, as at first it was not believed he had been
injured at all. It was not believed the horse struck him with its
feet. Coroner Streeper went to Piasa King farm today to hold an
inquest. The funeral of Mr. Kellenberger will be held tomorrow at 12
o'clock from the family home, and burial will be in City cemetery at
KELLENBERGER, ELEANOR/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 27, 1837
Died in Alton on Friday last, Eleanor, daughter of Mr. Lewis
Kellenberger of this city, in the eighth years of her age.
KELLENBERGER, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 2, 1847
Died on Sunday morning of an inflammation of the brain, Joseph, son
of Mr. Lewis Kellenberger of this city, aged about 10.
KELLENBERGER, LEWIS/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 10, 1865
Died on the morning of the 5th instant, of pneumonia, Lewis, infant
son of George S. and Mary L. Kellenberger, aged 2 years and 17 days.
LEWIS J./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 4, 1878
Alton Mayor; Businessman
Another old and esteemed citizen of Alton has passed away. Hon.
Lewis Kellenberger died at 1:30 o’clock, Sunday morning, after a
lingering illness, at his residence in Middletown. He had been
confined to the house for several months, and a severe fall down the
stairs on Friday evening aggravated his disease. Mr. Kellenberger
had been a resident of Alton for over forty years, and during that
period had borne a prominent part in her business affairs, and
filled various positions of trust in her municipal government,
including that of Mayor (1860-1862) and member of the Common
Mr. Kellenberger was a native of Virginia, born March 16, 1804,
being therefore aged 74 years and fifteen days at the time of his
death. He was twice married – first on December 3, 1829, to Ann C.
Jordan of Smithfield, Virginia, who died in Alton on May 18, 1838.
On May 27, 1840, he was married in Alton to Sally A. Padleford of
Taunton, Massachusetts, now deceased. In private life, Mr.
Kellenberger was a courteous gentleman, a genial friend, and a kind
neighbor. He was an affectionate husband and father, devoted to his
family and their best interests.
Mr. Kellenberger was one of the oldest members of the Presbyterian
Church, and was ever a liberal supporter of the church, and
benevolent to all worthy objects that claimed his attention. His
character was conspicuous for uprightness and integrity.
Mr. Kellenberger came to Alton about the year 1836. In 1837, he was
engaged in the wholesale dry goods trade, and subsequently traveled
for the firm of Doan, King & Co. of St. Louis. In 1845, he was
elected director of the Illinois Fire Insurance Company, and in 1849
became its Treasurer and special agent. He maintained his connection
with this company for many years, and until his retirement, was
engaged in the insurance business in various capacities.
Mr. Kellenberger leaves six children – four sons and two daughters –
all of adult years, and several grandchildren. His oldest son,
George, died about twelve years ago.
In the death of Mr. Kellenberger, the community loses a valued and
respected citizen, one who has been identified with the growth of
Alton since an early day. Few of his contemporaries of forty years
ago now survive. His career has been a useful and honorable one, and
his death will be greatly regretted.
The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Dr. Armstrong, at the
family residence in Middletown, at 2:30 o’clock this afternoon. The
following gentlemen acted as pallbearers: Messrs. R. G. Perley, W.
C. Claflin, Samuel Wade, John Atwood, Dr. Quigley, and Captain E.
Hollister. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery. The Kellenberger
family lived at 807 Grove Street in Alton.]
KELLENBERGER, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 3, 1873
Died on September 29 in Alton, at the residence of her brother,
Lewis Kellenberger, of general debility, Miss Mary Kellenberger, in
the 7th year of her age. She was a native of Maryland.
KELLENBERGER, SALLY A. (nee PADDLEFORD)/Source: Alton Telegraph,
December 22, 1871
Wife of Lewis J. Kellenberger
The many friends of Mrs. Lewis Kellenberger, Esq., will regret to
learn of her death, which sad event took place last Monday night
[December 18, 1871], the result of a cancerous affection of
longstanding. She was one of the old residents of Alton, and a most
estimable lady, beloved by all who knew her. In her death, her
husband and children have met with the greatest of afflictions, the
loss of a loving wife and mother. They have the sympathies of the
community in their sad bereavement. Mrs. Kellenberger was 56 years
of age, and the funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon at 2:30
o’clock from the family residence in Middletown.
Mrs. Kellenberger was the daughter of Elijah Paddleford, and was
born in Taunton, Massachusetts on November 4, 1815. She immigrated
to Alton with her relatives – the DeWolf family – in 1838. In May
1840, she was married to our fellow-citizen, Lewis Kellenberger,
Esq. In 1844, she became a member of the Presbyterian Church of
Alton, of which from that day she has been a consistent and
much-valued member. For many years, she was a regular attendant upon
the Sabbath, prayer and social meetings of the church, until
distance and the cares and disabilities growing out of the charge of
a large household interrupted these delightful duties.
She was a true wife and mother, devoted, exemplary, and
affectionate. She was the mother of nine children, six of whom live
to mourn her loss, the youngest now fifteen years of age. In the
family, she held ever a true mother’s place – namely that of the
heart-center of the system. All leaned upon her. Her loss will be
deeply felt. To the bereaved, her death is irreparable, but in this,
their great sorrow, they have the unfeigned sympathy of a wide
circle of warmly-attached friends and acquaintances.
In Mrs. Kellenberger’s death, our friend and fellow-citizen loses
that best of Heaven’s gifts to man – a true wife; his family their
warmest, most loving and sympathizing friend; the church a valuable
member; and the community another of its elements of strength – a
true wife and mother. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
KELLER, CATHERINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 2,
Mrs. Katherine Keller, in her eighty-eighth year, died Tuesday
evening at 9 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Weber
of Godfrey township, from old age. Mrs. Keller was born in Coberg,
Germany, June 17, 1830, and came to America with her parents when
she was an infant. She was married in Milwaukee in 1848, and in 1850
she came to Alton. She leaves her one daughter, Mrs. Weber, with
whom she resided, and four grandchildren: Frank, George and Miss
Alvena Weber, and Mrs. W. J. Morgenroth. "Grandma" Keller, as she
was affectionately known, was one of that class of old country folks
whose hearts are filled with the cream of human kindness, and she
endeared herself to everybody who ever made her acquaintance. She
resided a long time in the eastern part of the city and her passing
is deeply regretted by her former neighbors, as well as by those who
learned to know and esteem her since moving to Godfrey township. Up
to a year or so ago when she suffered a severe spell of sickness,
she enjoyed the most robust health, and was as active as a person of
40. She refused to be idle and "enjoy herself," because there was no
enjoyment for her in idleness. She was interested in the world's
doings as well as those closer home, and never lost her interest and
solicitude for others. She forgot herself much of the time
endeavoring to give comfort or pleasure, or peace to others.
KELLER, EDWARD A./Source: Troy Call, Friday, March 8, 1918
Edward A. Keller, a brother-in-law of J. C. and W. J. Gebauer of
this city, and well known to many here, passed away this morning at
9:30 o'clock at his home in Edwardsville. Mr. Keller was taken ill
some months ago with creeping paralysis but his death was directly
due to complications arising out of his ailment. His age was 66
years, 1 month and 22 days. The funeral will be held Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock and will be from the family residence. Rev.
Poole will preach the funeral sermon and interment will be under the
auspices of the I.O.O.F. fraternity. Edward A. Keller was a native
of Switzerland and born January 14, 1852. His mother died when he
was two weeks old and the father afterward came to America, bringing
his children, about a year later. The family located first in New
Orleans and later in Memphis, and then came north and located at
Edwardsville. After leaving school, Mr. Keller engaged in a number
of occupations as a young man. He finally got into the hardware
business and finally established himself in that line in
Edwardsville, which he continued for many years with success. He
retired from business last fall, selling his interests to other
members of the firm, but the firm is still known as the E. A. Keller
Company. Mr. Keller was married forty years ago to Miss Elizabeth
Gebauer, eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gebauer of
Troy. Four children with the wife and mother survive him. They are
Udell and Edmund and Misses Eleanore and Florence. There are also
one sister and two brothers who are Miss Phronie Keller and John and
Joseph Keller of Edwardsville.
KELLER, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 29, 1901
Frightened to Death
Mrs. Elizabeth Keller, wife of Henry Keller, a well known
glassblower living on Main street opposite Hunter street in Upper
Alton, died suddenly this morning at her home. An interesting
coincidence is that on Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Keller and
children were in their surrey when it was struck by the Springfield
Accommodation train on Piasa street while it was backing up from the
depot to the yards at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Keller and her children
alighted from the surrey in safety, but Mr. Keller had a narrow
escape by being dragged out of the vehicle with the reins about his
feet. Mrs. Keller was badly frightened, and her screams attracted a
large crowd as she watched her husband in great peril. While she was
frightened, it was not believed that there would be any serious
results. Yesterday she seemed in her usual health and entertained
company as happily as she ever did. This morning she was aroused
about 3:30 o'clock by one of her children, and she remarked that she
was very warm. Later her husband heard her exclaim something, and
when he went to her she was in an unconscious condition. Dr. Yerkes
was summoned, but death occurred before his arrival. She leaves
besides her husband, one daughter and two sons. Deputy Coroner
Streeper held an inquest this afternoon.
KELLER, LOUIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 4, 1917
Accidently Killed by Cousin In the Basement of Alton Furniture Co.,
After Hunting Trip
Louis Keller, 16 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Keller, was
accidentally shot and died almost instantly in the basement of his
father's store, the Alton Furniture Co., at 2 o'clock Monday
afternoon. His cousin and comrade for many years, Clarence Wills
held the gun, when it went off accidentally. The boys were in a
hunting party during the day. Mr. Keller had taken his two sons,
Louis, aged 16, and Paul, aged 14, and his two nephews, Clarence,
aged 16, and Gerhardt, hunting with him. They had completed the hunt
and returned to the basement of the Alton Furniture Co. to clean
their guns before returning to their homes. All of the guns had been
cleaned with the exception of the one owned by Clarence Wills. It
was a repeating twenty-two calibre rifle, and he had trouble getting
the cartridge out of the chamber. All but one of the cartridges had
been removed with the magazine. While he was working with the gun,
his two cousins were lounging across the room, Paul standing
directly in front of Louis. Then Clarence threw up the barrel of the
gun and as he did so the cartridge exploded. The ball passed over
the shoulder of Paul and struck the left shoulder of Louis. It went
into the should only a short distance, then it glanced off towards
the heart and cut the big artery carrying the blood from the heart.
The lad died instantly. Louis and Clarence were both graduates of
the Central Avenue German Lutheran School. Clarence had been
assisting his uncle, Jacob Keller, in the men's clothing store,
while Louis worked for his father. The boys were fast friends and
were hardly ever seen separated when away from their work. Relatives
say they had been comrades from childhood. The shock of the death of
the boy left his mother in a serious condition, and it was necessary
to summon a doctor for her several times during the night. Other
members of both families are grief stricken. Clarence Wills was in a
state of nervous collapse last evening. The body of the Keller boy
was turned over to Deputy Coroner William H. Bauer, and the inquest
was held this morning.
KELLERMAN, OLIVER FRANK/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 7, 1895
From Edwardsville – Oliver Frank, the 10-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Simon Kellerman, died Wednesday morning of diphtheria. The
funeral took place Thursday afternoon from the family residence,
services being conducted by Rev. Fr. August Schlegel. The remains
were interred in the Woodlawn Cemetery.
KELLERMANN, LEONARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 16, 1894
From Edwardsville – Leonard Kellermann, who held the office of town
clerk two years, and town collector five years, died last Saturday
morning. He had been failing for the past year, but was on the
street the day before his death. His age was 31 years. He leaves a
widow [Anna Mary Liedel Kellermann (1859-1958) and three children to
mourn his death, besides other relatives.
Two of Mr. Kellermann’s children were – Cleveland Leonard Kellermann
(1884-1978) and Blanche Ann Kellerman Fleming (1887-1967). Leonard
was the son of John George Kellermann (1820-1891) and Maria M.
Meiszner Kellermann (1828-1889). He was buried in the Woodlawn
Cemetery in Edwardsville.
KELLEY, EDNA MARIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 19,
Bethalto - Little Edna Marie Kelley died early Sunday morning of a
complication of diseases. The baby was 7 months and 17 days old. The
funeral took place Tuesday from the M. E. church. This makes the
seventh infant Mr. and Mrs. T. Kelley have buried, and all but this
one were less than three weeks old. They have the sympathy of their
KELLEY, EDWARD/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 21, 1892
Shot in St. Louis
Ed Kelley, a young man well known in Alton, was shot and instantly
killed by police officer George Shaw in St. Louis yesterday morning.
Kelley, in company with three companions, was engaged in throwing
streetcar ties into the street at the corner of Nineteenth Street
and Cass Avenue. Officer Shaw saw the men, and asked them to desist.
Kelley grabbed the club from his hand and struck him a stunning blow
over the head. He continued to beat the officer until Shaw drew a
revolver and shot him first in the breast, and then in the left side
of the head. Kelley dropped the club, and Shaw, who had raised
himself to his knees, took deliberate aim and shot him behind the
ear. Both men were taken to the hospital, Kelley dying shortly
after. Officer Shaw is in a precarious condition. He has two ugly
cuts on the head, his teeth were kicked loose, and he is injured
Edward Kelley was born in Alton, and lived here until a few years
ago. After the suicide of his father, Peter Kelley, he went to St.
Louis and has lived there since. He leaves an aged mother and
brother, John, living in St. Louis, and a number of relatives in
Alton. The remains will be brought here tomorrow morning for
interment. [The remains of Edward Kelley were buried in the
Greenwood Cemetery, following a funeral at the Cathedral in Alton.]
KELLEY, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 13, 1903
Mrs. Elizabeth Kelley, wife of Isaac H. Kelley, after an illness of
six months, passed away this morning. Mrs. Kelley bore her illness,
which was very severe at times, with fortitude and Christian
patience. She was born in Tennessee 72 years ago. She went to
Edwardsville in early life, remaining there until 1850, when she
married Isaac H. Kelley and at once came to Alton with her husband,
where she has since resided, respected by all who have known her.
She was the mother of four children, all of whom are living. She
also raised a granddaughter, Maggie L. Kelley, from infancy, who is
still a member of the household. She was a devoted wife and mother,
whose departure will be regretted by her many friends. She was a
member of the Union Baptist church. The funeral will take place
Friday afternoon from the church. [Burial was in City Cemetery]
KELLEY, JOHN F./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 17, 1890
From Edwardsville – John F. Kelley, a laborer, died Sunday at Wolf’s
reservoir, where he was found. The coroner’s verdict was that he
died from natural causes.
KELLEY, LUCY ANN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 29, 1879
Died in Alton at the residence of her father, Mr. I. H. Kelley,
after a long illness, culminating about three months ago in spinal
meningitis, Lucy Ann Kelley, aged 22 years, 5 months, and 14 days.
Miss Kelley’s death occurred Wednesday evening, May 21. She had been
an invalid the most of her life, but had borne her sufferings with
commendable resignation. She leaves many relatives and friends to
mourn her death.
KELLY, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 15, 1894
Farmer Killed by Runaway Team
Mr. James Kelly, a well-known farmer living two miles east of
Brighton, came to Alton last Saturday with wheat. After disposing of
it, he made some purchases, visited with relatives for a few hours,
and then left for home. It was yet early in the evening, but that
was the last seen of him alive. He never reached home, and yesterday
morning his team was found standing outside the gate, and the wagon
and harness were more or less broken up. Search was instituted, and
Mr. Kelly was found dead about a mile from the house. The condition
of the body indicated that he had been dead for hours, and he was
bruised in a manner to lend to the supposition that he was dragged a
considerable distance after being thrown from the wagon. It was at
first thought he had been murdered and robbed, but his money and
other valuables were found intact, and his death is undoubtedly the
result of the runaway. He has a brother, John Kelly, and numerous
relatives in Alton, and of his immediate family there are left the
widow (Rose Kelly) and six children, five daughters and one son.
Four of his children were: Ellen Kelly Cody (1854-1950); Mary Alice
Kelly Bellmer (1859-1951); James Thomas Kelly (1861-1940); and
Catherine Ann Kelly Savage (1863-1962). He was buried in the old
Calvary Cemetery in Carlinville, Macoupin County, Illinois.
KELLY, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 17, 1893
Another old citizen of Alton, Mr. John Kelly, aged about 70 years,
passed away Tuesday. His death was caused by the ailments and
infirmities of old age, and the “supreme moment” came to him
peaceably and painlessly. For many years Mr. Kelly has been living
with his daughter, the only surviving member of his family – Mrs.
Thomas Jones, at 218 Hamilton Street.
KELLY, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 21, 1900
John Kelly, a stone mason whose home was at Bloomington, was killed
yesterday evening at 5:40 o'clock by being crushed under a stone
that fell from a culvert under the Chicago and Alton tracks, two
miles west of Godfrey, where he was working. Kelly was finishing up
his day's work, a stone weighing 800 pounds, which had been laid in
place, became dislodged and rolled down the embankment, falling on
Kelly's back. The man's back was crushed badly, and nearly every
bone in it was broken. Dr. Waldo Fisher was summoned from this city,
but Kelly was beyond surgical aid. Coroner Bailey was sent for and
went to Godfrey last night to hold an inquest. At the coroner's
inquest last night, it was learned that Kelly was repairing the
culvert and the stone which killed him slid down without any
apparent cause to start it. Kelly was struck squarely on the back of
the neck and his neck was broken. The body was sent to Bloomington
on the c. & A. midnight train.
KELLY, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 14, 1903
A man, apparently a working man, was killed Monday evening at the
foot of Cherry street by the Chicago and Alton Prairie State
Express. Kelly was walking along the track and had apparently
stepped out of the way of the train, but misjudged the distance and
did not stop far enough. He was struck on the head by the post on
the pilot carrying the signal flags, and his skull was split in
twain. When witnesses of the accident arrived on the scene, they
found Kelly dead, the blow he sustained having been instantly fatal.
Deputy Coroner Streeper took charge of the body and removed it to
his establishment in Upper Alton. The only thing about the body to
identify it was a scrap of brown paper on which was written, "John
Kelly." A knife was found in the pockets also. No one knew the man,
who seemed about 60 years of age.
KELLEY, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 29, 1904
The body of John Kelley, the man who died from whisky and exposure
last Sunday at Mitchell, was buried today at Milton cemetery by
Deputy Coroner C. N. Streeper. No relatives of the dead man have
been heard from since his death.
KELLY, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 17, 1903
Frank Kelly, a well-known colored barber, died Monday night at his
home on Warren street from the effects of injuries he sustained by
falling Saturday night. He was a victim of epilepsy and he fell
Saturday evening, striking his head with such violence that fatal
injuries were sustained. He was 43 years of age, and a son of Mr. I.
H. Kelly. He leaves besides his father, two brothers, a sister, and
a wife. The funeral will be Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
KELLY, ISAAC H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 12,
Former Slave; Respected and Well-Known Alton Barber
death of Isaac H. Kelly removes from Alton one of the oldest and
probably the best-known of the old-time colored residents of the
city. Mr. Kelly had lived in Alton the greater part of his
ninety-five years of life. He had been confined to his bed for a
year, following a breakdown of his strength. He had for many years
conducted a barbershop in Alton. He had served the old-time
residents of the city, and his patronage was confined to white
Notwithstanding his advanced age, he continued to go to his
barbershop every morning until a few years back, when he found it
necessary to cease his daily work. His old-time customers had about
all died off, and the younger generation sought barbershops which
were more modern in their equipment, and gave service that were not
known in the olden days when the Kelly shop was one of the best in
the city. In his long career as a resident of Alton, Mr. Kelly was
highly respected by both white and black races. He was a devoted
member of the Union Baptist Church, and lived consistently the
professions he made as a member and officer of the church for many
The remarkable vitality that the aged colored man showed astonished
all who knew him. His mind was clear, and he could discuss matters
with those who came to visit him. The last week of his life he was
unable to talk, and his family, realizing that death was near, were
with him.
Mr. Kelly was a free man long before the Emancipation Proclamation,
and was a resident of Alton during the Civil War days. He was born
at Macon, Georgia on December 24, 1825. He was born a slave of slave
parents, on the Thomas Cooper plantation. In 1845 his master died,
leaving in his will provisions for sending Kelly, with two other
slaves, to Liberia. Cooper was a member of the Liberia Colonization
Society. This was hotly contested by his
three daughters and son, which resulted in the public sale of all
the property belonging to Cooper. Mare A. Cooper, the elder Cooper’s
son, a noted politician and Congressman from Georgia, bought Kelly,
then 21 years of age, and two brothers, Jerry and Aleck Cooper.
Later Isaac Kelly told the story with his eyes filling with tears of
how he was put on the block and sold. Isaac and the two brothers
were freed by Mare A. Cooper, and sent them north into one of the
free States, where they would have a greater chance at life. That
free State was Illinois, and more particular – Upper Alton. Mr.
Cooper appointed a guardian for the young men – Mr. Sherwood – but
he was out of town, and Major Charles W. Hunter took charge of them.
Isaac opened a barbershop with R. J. Robinson, next door to Moore’s
Hotel. In 1850, he moved his shop to Alton. He purchased a log cabin
at 304 Sixth Street, where he lived for many years. In later years,
a clapboard house was erected around it. Forty years he served as
deacon of the Union Baptist Church, and he was vice-president of the
Lovejoy Monument Association. He served two terms as doorkeeper in
the Illinois Legislature. He leaves his wife and three children –
Mrs. Sophronia McKinney and W. E. Kelly of Alton; and J. H. Kelly of
Carbondale. The funeral will be from the Union Baptist Church.
[Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
Isaac H. Kelly was born to slave parents on December 24, 1825, in
Macon, Georgia. The Kelly family were slaves on the Thomas Cooper
plantation. In 1845, the plantation owner died, leaving in his will
provisions for sending Kelly and two other slaves to Liberia in West
Africa. Cooper was a member of the Liberia Colonization Society,
formed to free slaves and return them to their homeland. This idea
was hotly contested by his three daughters and son, which resulted
in the public sale of all the property belonging to Cooper. Mare A.
Cooper, the son, was a noted politician and Congressman from
Georgia. He bought Isaac Kelly, then 21 years of age, and two
brothers named Jerry and Aleck Cooper. Later, Isaac would tell the
story with his eyes filling with tears, of how he was put on the
block and sold. Isaac and the two Cooper brothers were freed by Mare
Cooper. He sent them north to Upper Alton, Illinois, where they
would have a greater chance at freedom. Mr. Cooper appointed a
guardian named Mr. Sherwood for the young men, but since Sherwood
was out of town, Major Charles W. Hunter took charge of the men.
They were welcomed and settled into homes. Isaac opened a barbershop
with Mr. R. J. Robinson, next door to Moore’s Hotel in Upper Alton.
In 1850 Isaac Kelly moved his barbershop to Alton. In about 1855, he
purchased a one-room log cabin with a dirt floor, at 304 Sixth
Street, from Samuel Boone, where he lived for many years with his
wife, Elizabeth Kelly, a native of Tennessee. They had at least four
children, one of whom was Lucy Ann Kelly (1857-1879), who died from
spinal meningitis at the age of 22 years. Mr. Kelly erected a story
and a half clapboard house around the one-room cabin. He became a
“sub-contractor” on the North Star Line of the Underground Railroad,
possibly working with Major Charles W. Hunter who helped him get
settled in Upper Alton, and who was also a conductor on the
Underground Railroad. Perhaps Mr. Kelly assisted slaves by hiding
them in his home or barbershop, and gave them provisions to make
their way further north. Or perhaps he drove them further north in
Major Hunter’s wagon or carriage, where the former slaves could find
their way to freedom.
Mr. Kelly became a well-known and respected barber in Alton. Most of
his customers were from the white community. His shop was considered
one of the best in Alton. Kelly was a devoted member of the Union
Baptist Church, where he was an officer for many years. He became a
Grand Master of the Prince Hall Free & Accepted Masons. Kelly worked
in his barbershop for the greater part of his ninety-five years,
until he had to close because of health problems. He became confined
to his bed for a year, and died in November 1920. He was buried in
the Alton City Cemetery.
When the old Kelly home was being torn down in 1975 to make way for
a parking lot, the one-room cabin was discovered inside the
clapboard home. Alton preservationist Robert St. Peters purchased
the old cabin and had it taken apart, piece by piece. He wrapped the
wood in plastic, and stored it in his back yard. Tom Thompson of
Grafton purchased the log cabin from St. Peters, and erected and
restored the cabin near Grafton, where it still stands today.
KELLY, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 23, 1894
Death by Gunshot
John Kelly, the victim of Frank Streicher’s revolver, died at St.
Joseph’s Hospital Sunday morning. After lingering between life and
death for almost a week, death relieved his intense suffering from
the pistol ball wound in the pit of the stomach.
A coroner’s jury was summoned Sunday, composed of Henry Brueggeman,
E. C. Taylor, James Warren, Philip Michael, D. C. Terry, and J. A.
Bruner. They assembled at the hospital, and examined a large number
of witnesses. The following verdict was rendered, exonerating
“We, the jury, on oath, do find that John Kelly came to his death
from a gunshot wound, fired by Frank Streicher in self-defense.”
Kelly, Patrick O’Leary, Pitch Havens, and others went into
Streicher’s saloon, where they tried to get drinks without paying
for them, which caused a row. Streicher knocked Havens down, and
Kelly started for him. Streicher then fired the shot which proved
fatal to Kelly.
After Kelly’s death, a warrant was sworn out charging Streicher with
murder. He had previously given bond of $1,000 for assault with
intent to kill, and when the Coroner’s verdict was rendered, no
arrest was made, and the original bond was allowed to stand.
KELLY, LOUIS B./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 27, 1853
Died in Alton on the 22rd inst., Louis, son of Louis B. and
Elizabeth Kelly; aged 7 years and 5 months.
KELLY, MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 21,
Mrs. Margaret Kelly, aged 79 years, widow of James Kelly, died this
morning at 2:30 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Carr, on East
Broadway, death being due to old age. Mrs. Kell(e)y, who formerly
lived in Brighton, is widely known in that vicinity, as well as in
Alton. Her bright and cheerful disposition made her a favorite among
her many friends. Mrs. Kelly is survived by six daughters, Mrs. M.
A. Jones, Mrs. John Carr, Mrs. Henry Wolf, Mrs. Antone Johnson of
Alton, Mrs. Georgia Shane of East St. Louis, and Mrs. Charles Winer
of Memphis, Tenn., and one son, James Kelly, alderman of the Fifth
Ward of the city. The funeral will be held Friday morning at nine
o'clock from the St. Patrick's Catholic church. Interment will be in
the Greenwood cemetery.
KELLY, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 9, 1906
Mrs. Mary Kelly, widow of Peter Kelly, for many years a resident of
Alton, residing at 1215 Elm street, died last night at St. Joseph's
hospital where she was taken a few days ago. Her husband and
children all preceded her to the grave years ago. She was about 65
years of age and is survived by three brothers, Lewis Murphy of
Alton, Patrick Murphy of Godfrey, and Joseph Murphy who lives in
Connecticut. The funeral will be tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock from
the Cathedral.
KELLY, NELLIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 29, 1914
Miss Nellie Kelly, aged 26, a graduate of the Alton High school,
died Wednesday afternoon in Springfield of heart trouble. She is the
daughter of J. W. Kelly of St. Louis, and had been visiting in
Springfield. She leaves besides her father, four sisters - Misses
Lizzie Kelly of Springfield; Agnes Kelly of St. Louis; Mrs. T. W.
Rachford of Springfield; and Mrs. Charles Seibold of Alton; and two
brothers - John and Hugh Kelly of St. Louis. The body will be
brought to Alton tomorrow, and the funeral will be held at 9:30
o'clock at St. Patrick's church. Burial will be in the Greenwood
KELLY, PATRICK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 28, 1904
Veteran of the Civil War
Patrick Kelly, who was taken to St. Joseph's hospital Tuesday
afternoon suffering from a stroke of paralysis, died Wednesday
morning. He was an "old timer" about Alton and worked many years as
a section hand for various railroads. He was also a veteran of the
Civil War, but was not a member of the Grand Army. He was without
relatives in this part of the country as far as known, and will be
buried tomorrow by strangers. His age was about 70 years.
KELLY, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 30, 1899
Coroner H. J. Bailey was called to Bethalto today to hold an inquest
over the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelly. When Mrs. Kelly
awoke this morning, she noticed that the infant she held folded in
her arms was very cold and still. She was shocked to find it was
dead, and had been dead some time, evidently from suffocation by
croup. The infant had been ill with croup, and was sleeping with its
mother next to the outside of the bed. Its mouth and throat was
filled a croupy slime when the child was found dead. The coroner’s
jury found a verdict of death from asphyxiation.
KELSEY, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 12, 1849
Died at the residence of his father on Wood River, on the 3d inst.,
after a lingering illness, Mr. James Kelsey, aged 27 years, leaving
many relatives and friends to mourn his loss, but “they mourn not as
those without hope.”
KELSEY, MARY (nee HANDSAKER)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February
14, 1884
From Bethalto – Mrs. Robert Kelsey of Fort Russell died at her late
residence, three miles east of Bethalto, last Saturday morning, at
the advanced age of 67 years. She was a native of England, but came
to this country in an early day, and had lived in Madison County
many years. She leaves a husband and one son, Robert Kelsey Jr., to
mourn her demise. The funeral took place Monday from the family
residence, and considering the very disagreeable weather and bad
roads, was largely attended. The remains were deposited at the
Liberty Prairie Cemetery. The father and son have the heartfelt
sympathy of a large circle of friends in this, their sad affliction.
KELSEY, ROBERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 24, 1901
Passing of an Old Pioneer
Robert Kelsey, one of the oldest and most prominent as well as
wealthiest farmers in Madison county, died at his home Monday
evening at Bethalto after a long illness from Bright's disease. He
was 77 years of age and had been a resident of Madison county, near
Bethalto, nearly all his life. Mr. Kelsey was born September 4,
1824, in Lincolnshire, England. He came to America and settled near
Bethalto in 1836, and the next year came to Alton a poor boy to make
a start in the world. For thirteen years he stayed in Alton, working
in a soap factory and doing anything he could find to keep him busy.
By industry and economy he saved enough money to make a start in
life, and in April 1849 he was married in Alton to Mary Handsacker.
After his marriage, Mr. Kelsey moved to Ft. Russell township where
he made his home until the time of his death. Mr. Kelsey was the
father of six children, only one of whom, James Kelsey, survives.
Mrs. Kelsey died many years ago. Mr. Kelsey owns fine farming lands
aggregating 1,500 acres near Bethalto, and was rated as one of the
wealthiest farmers in the county. The funeral will be Thursday
afternoon at 1 o'clock, and services will be held in the Bethalto
Methodist church.
KELSO, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 12, 1901
Mrs. Mary Kelso, wife of Rev. A. H. Kelso, pastor of the Cumberland
Presbyterian church, died this morning at 3 o'clock after an illness
of seven weeks with typhoid fever. She was 39 years of age and had
been married nine years. The funeral will take place Sunday evening
and services will be held in the Cumberland Presbyterian church at
8:30 o'clock. The services will be conducted by Rev. H. K. Sanborne,
of the Presbyterian church; Rev. G. W. Shepherd of the Methodist
church; Rev. M. W. Twing of the Baptist church; and Rev. J. H. J.
Rice of the Congregational church. The body will be taken to Chicago
Sunday evening, and the burial will be in Chicago Monday. The death
of Mrs. Kelso is one of the saddest events that has occurred in the
city of Alton. For her, life held out all that was promising and
happy. She was a worker in her Master's vineyard and as such she
seemed to be one of the efficient of workers. Since her girlhood
days, she had been actively interested in the church work and also
in the W. C. T. U. To the state officers of the W. C. T. U. she had
been a pillar of strength in the support of the cause, until she
became the bride of Mr. Kelso and in part surrendered her place
among the temperance workers, while she took up the labor of love to
make a home bright and happy. She was gifted with better than
ordinary intellectual talent, and recently an article from her pen
read at a Cumberland Presbyterian meeting made the Alton people
proud of their representative. In her home life she was all that a
good mother and a good housewife could be. She was the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Cowan of Chicago, who left for their home in
Chicago last Tuesday, after attending their daughter through part of
her illness. She leaves three children and her husband, besides her
parents, to mourn her death. It was believed until recently that
Mrs. Kelso would recover from her illness with typhoid fever. A
short time ago she suffered a relapse, but even then her family
clung to the hope that she would get better. The last two days she
had been failing and yesterday she lost consciousness. This morning
death came before dawn and cut short what would have been a life of
great usefulness. The friends of Mrs. Kelso may view the remains
Sunday at the home, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
KELTON, UNKNOWN WIFE OF JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
December 31, 1908
Mrs. John Kelton, an aged and much respected lady, was buried Monday
morning from the Mt. Olive church and interred in the Short
cemetery. Rev. Waggoner of Upper Alton officiated. She leaves three
sisters, Mrs. Julia Kennedy, Mrs. Lila Tibbets and Mrs. William
Ashlock, besides a son and husband to mourn her demise. She was 74
years of age.
KEMP, RACHEL A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 11, 1905
Mrs. Rachel A. Kemp, one of Alton's oldest residents, died at a
little before six o'clock Tuesday morning at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. G. C. Greding, in Upper Alton. She was the mother of
ten children, four of whom are living: Mrs. Louisa Storms of St.
Louis, Mr. Edwin C. Kemp of Gas City, Ind., Mr. James M. Kemp of
Alton, and Mrs. G. C. Greding of Upper Alton. Mrs. Kemp was born on
the 26th of February 1822, and came to Alton from Indianapolis in
1846. She was a member of the Congregational church and well known
to most of Alton's older residents. Her death was due to a
complication of diseases, including a very light attack of smallpox,
as well as a general breaking down on account of her advancing age.
One of the sad feature of the case is that the usual funeral
services, which we are accustomed to look upon as a last mark of
respect to our departed loved ones, could not be held, Mr. Greding's
home being under quarantine. Her remains were interred in Alton City
cemetery just before daylight Wednesday morning.
KENDALL, J. N./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 12, 1889
Veteran of the Civil War
From Upper Alton – The funeral of Mr. J. N. Kendall, a veteran
soldier of two wars, was conducted yesterday by the G.A.R.
KENDALL, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 5, 1907
James Kendall, aged 77, a native of the American Bottoms, died from
old age this afternoon at the home of his son, Wesley Kendall, after
a brief illness. He leaves another son, Wilbur, residing in Alton,
and a nephew, O. T. Kendall, also of Alton. Squire Kendall, as he
was known, was one of the last of the old time public officials. He
filled the office of highway commissioner many years ago, and was
also a justice of the peace. He was married three times, two of his
wives being dead. The time of the funeral is not set.
KENDALL, MAGGIE A./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 9, 1872
Died on July 31, of congestion, Maggie A., infant daughter of J. H.
and Esther Kendall; aged nearly 10 months.
KENDALL, S. PAUL (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
October 3, 1918
Dies a Few Weeks After Marriage
Dr. S. Paul Kendall, aged 29, only son of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Kendall
of the Wood River road, died at 7:25 this morning after a very short
illness with what was said to be grippe-pneumonia. Ten days ago, the
young man was married to Miss Mabel Soliday, a girl from Wood River,
the wedding being a big surprise to his friends and acquaintances.
After their marriage Dr. and Mrs. Kendall went to Chicago for a
short honeymoon, and while there the young veterinarian was taken
ill with a cold. After his return to Wood River, he was taken down
in bed, his cold having become serious. His condition was not
thought to be critical until yesterday when a change came. On Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Kendall entertained a few friends at their home
in honor of their son and his wife. Dr. Paul Kendall was raised in
Alton and attended the public schools, and was one of the best-known
young men in the city. He is a son of O. T. Kendall who for many
years was a well-known motorman on the local street car lines, and
who, with his family, resided on Bluff street. Several years ago,
the family moved to the Wood River neighborhood and are residing on
a farm. Dr. Kendall, after completing his school work in Alton, went
to Chicago where he took a course in a veterinary college and fitted
himself to be a veterinarian. Since his graduation a few years ago
he returned and established a very good practice in Alton, East
Alton and Wood River. He was very popular and his services were in
great demand, as he was highly successful. He is survived by his
young wife, Mrs. Mabel Soliday Kendall, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.
T. Kendall, and one sister, Miss Margaret Kendall. Recently Kendall
was given a commission as First Lieutenant in the army, and was
expecting to be called any day. For this reason, he and his bride
did not go to housekeeping, but were staying with his parents. The
funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
residence. Interment will be in the Upper Alton Cemetery.
KENDALL, SAMUEL TAYLOR/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 22,
County Board Member
Ex-Supervisor of Edwardsville
From Edwardsville – Ex-Supervisor Samuel Taylor Kendall died
Thursday morning at his home in Edwardsville, aged 60 years, 1
month, and 22 days. He had been very ill for several months with
ulceration of the liver, and death came to him as a gradual
transition. Mr. Kendall lived for over thirty years on a farm near
Wanda. He represented Wood River in the County Board from 1883 to
1885; and in 1896 and 1897 was Supervisor from Edwardsville. He
leaves his widow and four children: Mrs. E. C. [Carrie]Harrison of
St. Joseph, Missouri; Ottis T. Kendall of Alton; George H. Kendall
of Edwardsville; and Mrs. Alvin [Effie] Morefield of Edwardsville.
The funeral took place Sunday afternoon at the family residence on
High Street. Services were conducted by the I.O.O.F. lodge, assisted
by Rev. W. E. Ravenscroft. The interment was at Wanda.
Samuel Taylor Kendall was born July 23, 1838, in Madison County,
Illinois. He was the son of John Wesley Kendall (1810-1874), who was
born in Ohio and died in Wood River, Illinois; and Nancy Brown
Sanders Kendall (1812-1885), who died in Wood River also. Samuel
married Mary Minerva Scott on April 17, 1862, in Madison County. He
owned a large farm in Wanda, Illinois. They were the parents of at
least 6 children. The family moved to Edwardsville in 1892.
KENDALL, SARAH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 30, 1910
Mrs. Sarah Kendall, who was practically alone in the world, died
Thursday evening at the Old Ladies Home, where she had been making
her home for a number of years. She was one of the oldest inmates of
the institution. Mrs. Kendall was the widow of a Mexican War
veteran, and drew a pension of $12 a month, which made her
self-supporting. She had been weak and helpless for a long time, and
her death was expected. Nevertheless, the death of the old woman was
the cause of much grief to the other inmates of the home to whom she
had been kind and who in turn had lavished much care and attention
on her when she was helpless. She was born in 1823, and was 87 years
of age. The funeral will be Saturday morning at 9:30 o'clock from
the Home.
KENDALL, SUSAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 16, 1846
Died in the city of Alton on the 11th inst., Mrs. Susan Kendall, in
the 74th year of her age.
KENDLE, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 23, 1881
From Upper Alton – Mrs. J. N. Kendle (formerly Mrs. Totten), living
near Shurtleff College, died Friday evening from an ovarian tumor.
Her sufferings were intense, especially as she was a woman of
advanced age and quite fleshy. Her husband has lived in Upper Alton
several years, and survives her.
ADIN ALMERIN (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 7, 1902
Former President of Shurtleff College Dies
Dr. Adin A. Kendrick, one of the best-known college men of the West,
former President of Shurtleff College, and at the time of his death
honorary dean of the theological school, died at 3:45 o'clock this
afternoon at his home in Upper Alton. Death was probably due to
apoplexy, from which he had been a sufferer over one year. He was in
the home, and no one but Mrs. Kendrick was with him. Mrs. Kendrick
found him lying on the floor of a back room of the house, where he
had fallen a few minutes before. Dr. Kendrick became President of
Shurtleff in 1872, and continued as President of the school until
1894, when he resigned and was succeeded by Rev. Dr. Austen K.
DeBlois, who is now in Elgin. Dr. Kendrick has ever since been an
adviser of the institution, and was dean of the theological school
until he was stricken with apoplexy. His health made retirement
compulsory, but he remained the nominal head of that department. His
last year was passed in quiet and rest. Dr. Kendrick was in his 67th
year. He came to Shurtleff as president after closing a successful
pastorate of the Beaumont street Baptist church of St. Louis. When
he gave up the presidency he resumed preaching and went to the
Emmanuel Baptist church of St. Louis, where he remained five years.
He leaves besides his widow, five children: A. J. Kendrick of Fort
Smith, Arkansas; C. J. Kendrick of Waverly, Illinois; E. A. Kendrick
of Buffalo; Mrs. R. C. Dennison of Janesville, Wisconsin; and Miss
Mary Kendrick, who is now in Boston.
Tribute of a Friend and Co-Worker in Shurtleff's Cause
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 8, 1902
Adin A. Kendrick was born in Ticonderoga, N. Y., January 7, 1830.
His father and grandfather were physicians, the latter, Dr. Adin
Kendrick, in Poultney, Vermont. The family in its various branches
embraced many representatives of prominence in the professions of
medicine, law and theology; among them were Rev. Clark Kendrick of
Vermont, Rev. Ariel Kendrick of New Hampshire, Rev. Nathaniel
Kendrick, D. D., one of the founders and the first President of
Madison (now Colgate) University at Hamilton, N. Y., and Prof. A. C.
Kendrick, D. D., the noted Greek scholar, for many years a member of
the faculty of Rochester University. Dr. Kendrick's early education
was received at Granville Academy, Washington county, N. Y. His
tastes for intellectual pursuits were developed at an early age.
When twelve years old he was amply fitted for college, and was only
delayed from entering by ill health. His college training was
received at Middlebury College, Vermont, where he graduated with
honor. Having chosen the profession of law, he was admitted to the
bar, and practiced one year in Wisconsin and one year in St. Louis.
White at the latter place, he became convinced of his duty to devote
his life to the gospel ministry, and although the practice of law
was a delight to him, he deliberately turned from it, and entered
upon a theological course at Rochester University. Graduating here
in 1861, he went to Chicago as pastor of the North Baptist church.
In January 1865 he accepted the appointment of assistant pastor of
the Second Baptist church, St. Louis. A year and a half later, he
assumed pastoral charge of the Beaumont street Baptist church of
that city, where he continued until his election to the Presidency
of Shurtleff College in June 1872.
Dr. Kendrick's life was one devoted to the Master, whose cause he
had espoused at the early age of 14 years, at which time he united
with the Baptist church in Granville, N. Y. This devotion was shown
in the abandonment of his first choice for a profession, and the
touchstone of his life has ever been the call of duty. While
attaining eminence as an orator, an educator and an administrator of
many and varied trusts, Dr. Kendrick was above all a preacher. He
never lost sight of his duty in this regard; nor for a moment laid
aside his work of preaching the gospel, even in the midst of duties
both exacting and distracting. And those who have heard his sermons
will long remember the marvelous clearness of statement that
characterized them, revealing a mind of legal trend directed to the
proclamation of divine truth.
Dr. Kendrick's tenure of the Presidency of Shurtleff College covered
a period of twenty-two years. To this institution he gave the best
of his life, and surely he accomplished a magnificent work. His
labors while here were not only productive of much physical good to
the college in respect of equipment and growth, but his life was a
constant inspiration to the hundreds of young people who came under
his touch and learned to love him. Feeling a drawing towards active
pastoral work once more, Dr. Kendrick resigned the Presidency of
Shurtleff in June 1894, accepting a call to the pastorate of the
Immanuel Baptist Church, St. Louis. After five years of service in
this field, he returned to Shurtleff in September 1899 as Dean of
the Theological Faculty, a position which he has held till the
present time. During the vacancy of the presidential chair between
the administrations of Dr. De Blois and Dr. McKay, Dr. Kendrick was
Chairman of the Board of Control. He has been for thirty years
intimately identified with every hour of Shurtleff's life, and many
of her sons and daughters will mourn his loss as that of a father,
while his associates will sadly miss his valued counsel.
Possessing a mind of peculiar powers of analysis, he was quick to
plan, and always ready to embrace the opportunity for progressive
action. It was a peculiarity of his that no emergency found him
unprepared. He planned not only for the probably, but as well for
the possible advantage of the interests under his direction. Dr.
Kendrick was among the foremost theologians and educators of the
West, with the modesty of true greatness, but fearless in defense of
the right. His uniform courtesy won him the esteem of all, and those
who best knew the man will mourn most deeply the death of the
scholar. The educational world has lost an accomplished instructor;
the church has lost a faithful exponent of God's truth; the State
has lost a citizen of honor and prominence; but these, his neighbors
and associates, have lost a friend - one who has let slip no
opportunity so to prove himself during the years of his life among
No bells will be rung at Shurtleff College until after Dr.
Kendrick's funeral, and the college will be in mourning. Tuesday
morning President McKay spoke at the chapel services, taking for his
subject Dr. Kendrick's life and career. A memorial service will
probably be held Sunday, in which the public may be invited to join.
Mrs. Kendrick desires that the funeral be as unostentatious as
possible, as she believes Dr. Kendrick would have so desired it, but
owing to his prominence as a public man it is probably that there
will be a large outpouring of his old friends and young ones too.
The time of the funeral is not definitely set, but it may be held
Thursday afternoon.
In His Last Long Slumber
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 10, 1902
In the sleep into which he peacefully and quickly fell last Monday
afternoon, Adin A. Kendrick, Baptist minister, president of
Shurtleff for nearly a quarter of a century, scholarly gentleman and
consistent follower of his Master, was laid away this afternoon in
Oakwood, to sleep until the advent of the great day which he has so
confidently preached the greater part of his lifetime. His leaving
this earth was just as he would have wished, cut down while he was
closing his period of active usefulness. The funeral was the
occasion of a gathering of notable people of the college alumni and
friends of Dr. Kendrick. The funeral services of Dr. A. A. Kendrick
were held this afternoon at the family home at 2 o'clock and at the
Upper Alton Baptist church at 3 o'clock. Only the family and
intimate friends attended the services at the home. Rev. L. M.
Waterman conducted this service, taking for his text Proverbs 27:9,
"Ointment and perfume rejoice the heart, so doth the sweetness of a
man's friend." Mr. Waterman made a beautiful application of this
text to the life and character of Dr. Kendrick. At 3 o'clock the
funeral party reached the Baptist church, where a large company of
people were assembled. President S. A. McKay of Shurtleff conducted
this service. He took for his text: 2nd Samuel 3:38: "Know ye not
that there is a prince and a great man fallen this day in Israel?"
Many present remembered that Dr. Kendrick used this same text when
he preached the funeral sermon of Dr. Charles Fairman, for many
years a Professor in Shurtleff College, and they were reminded of
the fact that many of the men with whom Dr. Kendrick was associated
had passed on before him. Dr. McKay's eulogy of Dr. Kendrick was
both eloquent and thoughtful. The students and faculty of Shurtleff
marched in a body to the church, where they formed in line and
waited for the funeral party to pass in. The music was under the
direction of Prof. W. D. Armstrong, who presided at the organ. The
music was by a double quartet composed of Mrs. Thomas, Mrs.
Waggoner, Mrs. Neff, Miss Cushing, Prof. Ray, Messrs, Worley,
Wightman and Edwards. The floral offerings were beautiful. A large
number of friends from a distance attended the services. Among them
were Mr. and Mrs. Justin Kendrick and two daughters, of Webster
Groves; William Watson and Mrs. William Nolte of St. Louis; Rev.
George Steele of Ironton, Mo., of the theological class of 1884; Mr.
Neece and daughter, Miss Minnie, of Waverly; M. W. Weir of
Belleville; Rev. and Mrs. S. A. Bemis, Rev. Dr. W. W. Boyd, of St.
Louis; Rev. H. H. Branch of Carbondale. The funeral was the largest
ever known in this vicinity, and the general expressions of personal
grief best showed the feeling of bereavement which has befallen the
Shurtleff College circles, and the entire community in the death of
Dr. Kendrick.
Adin A. Kendrick was born in Ticonderoga, New York, January 7,1830.
His father and grandfather were physicians, and various members of
his family were prominent physicians, lawyers, and theologians.
Kendrick was educated in New York, and attended Middlebury College
in Vermont, where he graduated with honor. He first chose the law
profession, and was admitted to the bar. He practiced one year in
Wisconsin and one year in St. Louis. While in St. Louis he decided
to devote his life to the ministry, and entered a theological course
at Rochester University. Graduating in 1861, he went to Chicago as
pastor of the North Baptist Church. In 1865 he accepted the
appointment of Assistant Pastor of the Second Baptist Church in St.
Louis. He next served as pastor of the Beaumont Street Baptist
Church in St. Louis until his election to the Presidency of
Shurtleff College in June 1872. Kendrick served as President of
Shurtleff for twenty two years. He resigned in June 1894 after
feeling a call to once again work as a pastor. After five years he
once again returned to Shurtleff as Dean of the Theological Faculty,
a position he held until his death. Kendrick is buried in the Upper
Alton Oakwood Cemetery.
KENNEDY, ALLEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 6, 1909
Allen Kennedy, a painter living on Spring street between Second and
Third streets, died this morning at his home after a long illness.
He leaves his wife and two children.
KENNEDY, BARTHOLOMEW 'BARTH'/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
October 17, 1921
Bartholomew Kennedy Sr. died Saturday evening at the home of his
son, City Clerk B. R. Kennedy, 436 Bluff Street, following an
illness of many months. For the past several months he had been
confined to his room. Mr. Kennedy was 84 years old. Mr. Kennedy came
to Alton 61 years ago. He was born in Galway, County Galway, Ireland
in 1837. He came to America from Ireland on his honeymoon trip, just
after his marriage in Ireland. Mrs. Kennedy died several years ago.
For a number of years Mr. Kennedy was in business on East Broadway,
just east of Cherry Street. In his younger days he was interested in
civic affairs and served in the City Council in 1880 and 1881. Mr.
Kennedy was the father of nine children, six of whom are dead.
Louis, George, Mary, Henry, John and Agnes Kennedy are dead, and
Mrs. T. W. Cunningham and Mrs. George Palmer, and City Clerk B. R.
Kennedy survive him. Mr. Kennedy had been failing in health for a
few years and for some time was unable to leave his room. He was a
man of iron nerve and tenaciously clung to life, succumbing to his
illness only after a valiant struggle. During the past few weeks he
steadily declined from the infirmities of old age. Mr. Kennedy was
at one time a well known figure in Alton. He was a successful
business man and attracted attention for his interest in the
betterment of his city. His career in the City Council was marked by
his progressive attitude on public questions. He was a man who loved
his family and gave his children the best advantages possible. His
kindly nature and charitable disposition made for him many warm
friends. The funeral will be from the Bluff Street address at 9:15
Tuesday, and Requiem mass will be sung at SS. Peter and Paul's
Cathedral. Interment will be in Greenwood Cemetery.
KENNEDY, FRANCES ROSA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September
17, 1902
Mrs. Mary Kennedy of 1100 east Fifth street was called to mourn the
death of her 14 year old daughter, Frances Rosa, who died of
pneumonia this morning. Frances was a sweet girl, the delight of her
mother, who has the deepest sympathy of her friends in the great
loss. The funeral will probably be held Friday.
KENNEDY, GEORGE F./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 17, 1903
George F. Kennedy, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Kennedy of 1106 East
Second street, died at 6:10 o'clock this morning after a long and
painful illness of tuberculosis of the liver. He was educated at
Shurtleff college and has held several positions of trust. He served
for a number of years as chief mail clerk on the Vandalia system
running out of St. Louis. He also served as auditor of the city of
Alton. His struggle against death was most remarkable, his illness
being such as not to allow the partaking of any nourishment whatever
in either a solid or liquid form for the past ten weeks. He will be
sadly missed by his family as well as by his numerous friends and
acquaintances for his manly and unassuming qualifies. He leaves
besides his parents, two brothers and three sister, namely Henry M.
and Bart R. Kennedy, Mrs. H. E. Nutter, Mrs. A. C. Nutter, and Miss
Rosamond Kennedy, all of Alton. The funeral will take place Friday
morning from St. Patrick's church to Greenwood Cemetery.
KENNEDY, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 3, 1891
Mr. James Kennedy, of 1100 East Fifth Street, a well-known
commercial traveler, died Wednesday night after a lingering illness.
Mr. Kennedy was of a genial disposition, his circle of friends
large, and his friendship highly cherished by all who knew him. He
was a good husband and tender father, and to his wife and two
children, his death will be a crushing affliction. He was a
prominent Odd Fellow and a member of the Knights of Pythias; also a
member of the Bluff City Fishing Club.
KENNEDY, JULIA (nee TITCHENAL)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
March 11, 1919
Mrs. Julia Kennedy, widow of Robert Kennedy, and a native of Madison
County, died this morning at 1:30 o'clock at her home in Bethalto,
from old age. She had been disabled for only about a week. This
remarkable woman, though 93 years of age, had continued her
activities about the home, had put in her time reading and knitting,
and meeting her friends, and was one of the most beloved residents
of Bethalto where she lived. All of her life she spent in the
vicinity of Alton. She was born at what is known as Hop Hollow, and
spent her young girlhood there. Just last summer Mrs. Kennedy made a
visit to Riverview Park, where she could get a view of Hop Hollow,
and for the first time in many years she cast her eye over the
country where she had roamed in childhood. Her mind was clear up to
the last and her recollections of the early days in Hop Hollow and
in Alton were very interesting. Mrs. Kennedy had lived in Bethalto
47 years. Prior to that she had resided on farms in that
neighborhood. She was married in Alton when a young woman, to Robert
Kennedy, who died about seventeen years ago. Her maiden name was
Julia Titchenal. Mrs. Kennedy leaves four daughters, Mrs. U. S.
Nixon of Alton; Mrs. Cornelia Head of Wood River township; Mrs.
George A. Klein of Bethalto; and Mrs. Kate Boedendieck of Vienna,
Mo. She leaves also two sons, Edward Kennedy of Moro and Robert
Kennedy of East Alton. The funeral services will be held Thursday
morning at 10 o'clock from her late home and burial will be in the
Short Cemetery.
KENNEDY, NELLIE (nee ALT)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
February 12, 1920
Mrs. Nellie Alt Kennedy, wife of City Clerk Bart R. Kennedy, died at
11:45 o'clock this morning after an illness with pneumonia,
following an attack of influenza, which began eight days ago. Mrs.
Kennedy contracted the disease while taking care of members of her
family who were suffering from it. She was unwilling to give up at
once when she began to feel sick, and when she did take down she was
very quickly in a bad way and pneumonia developed fast. The past
week her condition had been very grave, and the cause of great
anxiety. Members of her family gave up all hope early in the week,
but she clung tenaciously to life, having the desire to live,
especially for the sake of her husband and her two little sons. The
case of Mrs. Kennedy has been watched with intense interest by a
very large circle of friends of both herself and her husband. There
were few people in Alton who had more good friends than the Kennedy
family, as in all the time of trouble for other folks, the Kennedys
always found it their chief happiness in doing something to relieve
mental or physical distress. Owing to the contagious character of
the disease from which Mrs. Kennedy was suffering, it was impossible
for their friends to go in and out of the house. Mr. Kennedy himself
was very sick with the influenza just before his wife took down. A
competent nurse was secured and every care given Mrs. Kennedy, but
her case of pneumonia progressed in gravity fast, and her friends
were given cause for fresh anxiety every day by more and more
disquieting reports that came from the Kennedy home. Mrs. Kennedy
was born in Alton, and was almost 41 years of age. She was the
stepdaughter of Fred Hoppe, her own father having lost his life when
she was a child and her mother remarried, later dying too. One of
the most important public services that she ever performed was her
service as a school teacher. She was of a temperament that specially
suited her for teaching school. She enjoyed her work and she made
their studies pleasant for the children. She was one of the most
efficient of all the teachers in the entire corps of Alton school
teachers. Ten years ago she resigned her post as school teacher to
become the bride of Bart Kennedy. She was devoted to her husband and
to her children, was an ideal homemaker and her home life was most
pleasant. In the neighborhood where she lived, she was loved by
everyone and her private life was a complete exemplification of what
should be in one of the highest religious characters. Mrs. Kennedy
was born in Alton March 15, 1879. She was a graduate of the Alton
high school, and was a very popular teacher in the public schools of
our city for a number of years. On July 20, 1910, she was united in
marriage to Bart R. Kennedy, the present City Clerk. Her death is a
severe blow to Mr. Kennedy, as he is just recovering from an attack
of influenza. At the present time the youngest son, John, is ill
with pneumonia. She leaves to mourn her departure, her husband and
two little sons, George R. and John Edward, aged eight and five
respectively; also her father, Fred W. Hoppe, and her aunt, Miss
Ella Fischer, who raised her from childhood. She also leaves three
brothers, Charles L. Alt, John Hoppe, and Arthur W. Hoppe, all of
Alton, and one sister, Mrs. Clayton E. Houts, who is residing in St.
Louis. The funeral will be held from the home at 2:30 o'clock Friday
afternoon, and interment will take place in Greenwood Cemetery. On
account of the nature of her illness, the funeral will be private.
KENNEDY, PHILIP/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 23, 1917
The funeral of Philip Kennedy, retired farmer and dairyman, was held
Saturday morning from St. Patrick's church where a requiem mass was
said and he also conducted brief services at the graveside. A large
number of the residents of Foster township, among whom deceased had
lived many years, attended the obsequies and the cortege was the
longest one seen leaving that church in years. Floral offerings were
numerous, and covered the mound in Greenwood cemetery beneath which
Mr. Kennedy rests. An error was made in his published age the other
day. He was 76 years old on the day he died, and those who knew him
best say he tried to do some good act, or some kind act every day
during most of these years. At the church Rev. Manning spoke a few
words of consolation to the large family of children and to the
bereaved wife. The pallbearers were Messrs. Charles Ducommon, John
Vohanaman, Minard Joehl, Joseph Loehr, John Metfale, Police
Magistrate Maguire.
KENNEDY, RHEA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 01, 1915
Mrs. Rhea Kennedy, aged 21, died Sunday at her home, 608 Belle
Street, after a five-weeks illness. Her death was just two days
after her first wedding anniversary. The body was taken to the home
of her mother, Mrs. Paul Labelle, on Second Street.
KENNEDY, ROBERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 11,
Madison County Pioneer
Robert Kennedy, one of the oldest and best known residents of Wood
River Township, died at his home near Bethalto, Wednesday evening,
after a long illness. He was 83 years and 6 days. Mr. Kennedy's
funeral will be held Friday morning at 10:30 o'clock from the family
home at Bethalto, and burial will be in Short's Cemetery. Mr.
Kennedy's death was due to paralysis of the throat and tongue,
brought on by debility of old age. He had been ill only 9 days,
having been in fairly good health up to the time of his last
illness. After much suffering, Mr. Kennedy died this morning at 4:15
o'clock, full of years and with the record of a well spent life.
Kennedy was one of the pioneers of Madison County, having come to
Alton in 1843, since which time he made his home here almost
continually. He was born in Philadelphia, February 5, 1820, and came
to Alton in 1843. He worked on a farm and at teaming for five or six
years, practicing in that employment strict fidelity to the
characteristic traits, industry, honesty and frugality, which
finally crowned his career with success and made him a man of strong
character in the community. He went to Wisconsin to work in the
pineries there for a period of three years, and afterward returned
to Madison county and was engaged at farming in Wood River township.
He was engaged six years in the coal business, having made the
record of hauling coal every day in six years from Bethalto to
Edwardsville. He made his start in this manner and purchased the
Walnut Grove farm near Bethalto, where he lived 24 years. He moved
into Bethalto in 1877 and resided in the village until his death.
He was married in Upper Alton to Miss Julia Titchenal by Rev. John
Young. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy were the parents of seven children, and
Mr. Kennedy's death is the first break in the family, all the
children and the mother being alive still. He had been lifelong
Republican and a subscriber to the Alton Telegraph more than fifty
years. He was a school director and a member of the village board at
various times in his career. Mr. Kennedy leaves seven children:
Edward Kennedy of Moro; Robert Kennedy of Bethalto; Mrs. W. W. Head
of Ft. Russell; Mrs. U. S. Nixon of Alton; Mrs. George A. Klein of
Bethalto; Mrs. Ellen Harrison of Upper Alton; and Mrs. Kate
Boedendeick of Vienna, Mo. The pallbearers at the funeral Friday
will be his sons and his sons-in-law - Edward and Robert Kennedy, W.
W. Head, U. S. Nixon, George A. Klein and his grandson, Zeph
Harrison. Mr. Kennedy leaves a valuable estate, including a farm of
500 acres.
KENNEDY, SUSAN (nee KEOWN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 5,
Susan, wife of Lewis Kennedy and oldest daughter of William H. Keown
of Olive Township, died last Thursday at New Douglas, leaving an
affectionate husband and a large circle of relatives and friends to
mourn her demise.
KENNEDY, SUSIE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 5, 1892
From Bethalto - The funeral of Mrs. Edwin T. Kennedy, which took
place from the family residence at Moro on Monday, was largely
attended. The remains were taken to Mount Olive Cemetery [Short
Cemetery] for burial.
KENNEDY, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 27, 1852
An inquest was held by Coroner Robbins yesterday, upon the body of
an Irishman named William Kennedy, who met his death about 11 p.m.
on Thursday night, in consequence of falling from a high bank upon
the railroad track, his head striking against the ties or rails, and
severely fracturing his skull. Verdict in accordance with the above
KENNEDY, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 12, 1917
Shot at Long Lake
William Kennedy, aged 27, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kennedy of
Fourth and Vine Streets, Alton, was fatally shot at a dance at Long
Lake about 8 o'clock Sunday night. He died in St. Elizabeth's
Hospital in Granite City at 12:30 o'clock, noon Monday, where he was
taken after the shooting. All the members of his family were with
him when his death occurred. He leaves his parents, seven brothers
and four sisters.
Kennedy was hit by two of three balls of lead fired at him by
Clarence (also reported as Charles) Kelly of Wood River, age 17, who
was resenting some attentions Kennedy was showing to a girl Kelly
had taken to the dance, Miss Katherine Burke of Wood River. One
ball, which proved fatal, struck Kennedy in the abdomen. The other
lodged in his leg. The revolver he used was a huge one of 45
caliber. The shooting broke up the Sunday night dance at the Long
Lake resort.
According to some who went to the dance, Kennedy was not to blame
for the shooting, and was the victim of a jealousy in Kelly, who
took offense because Kennedy had danced with Miss Burke and had
afterwards talked to her a few minutes between dances. According to
the Granite City police department, Kennedy made a statement at St.
Elizabeth's Hospital which indicated that a quarrel had preceded the
shooting. Kelly, who is about 19, remonstrated with Kennedy for
showing attentions to the girl, and Kennedy had struck Kelly in the
face with his fist. Kelly, it was said, then took his opportunity to
shoot Kennedy when the latter was sitting outside the dance hall.
Kennedy had gone outside the hall, and soon thereafter three shots
were heard by the dancers. One ball crashed through the window of
the dance hall and there was a panic. It is said that following the
shooting there was a big fight and that one Alton man is said to
have licked six men before he was through. The Alton attendants at
the dance made their return to Alton as soon as they could get away.
The Telegraph is told by one man who saw the shooting that there
were wild scenes after it was found Kennedy had been so seriously
wounded. As soon as it was possible to do so, the wounded man was
hurried away to Granite City and put in St. Elizabeth's Hospital.
Kelly was held and locked up in the Granite City jail where he is
being held until the inquest is held by Coroner Lowe. No statement
could be obtained by the Telegraph from Kelly, and the story
published is given, on the authority of the Granite City police
headquarters, as coming from Kennedy himself. Kennedy is well known
in Alton.
The funeral of Kennedy was held on March 14, 1917 at St. Patrick’s
Church in Alton. He was buried in the Greenwood [St. Patrick’s]
Cemetery in Godfrey.
Clarence (or Charles) Kelly was arraigned before the circuit court
on March 24, 1917, and plead not guilty. He was charged with murder.
The trial began June 26, 1917. Kelly explained to the jury that he
carried the revolver because he traveled a lonely road to and from
his home to see Miss Burke, and that there were numerous dogs that
gave him trouble. He stated he took Burke to the Long Lake resort,
and danced with her all evening. While getting ready to leave, he
found Miss Burke and Kennedy talking. The girl was in tears, and
said that Kennedy had insulted her. He stated the Kennedy knocked
him down three times, and then he shot in self-defense. Miss Burke
told a similar story. The dying statement of Kennedy was read: “I
was chewing the rag with a Jane,” and then he told of Kelly coming
up and interfering. “I pushed him in the face.” The dying statement
also said that Kennedy did not want to prosecute Kelly. Clarence
Kelley was acquitted by the jury.
State’s Attorney Streuber revoked the liquor license of Frank
Hackethal (effective April 1, 1917), who owned the resort and dance
hall at Long Lake. Streuber claimed the Long Lake resort, located in
the Granite City/Pontoon Beach/Mitchel area, was a disorderly and
ill-governed place. Hackethal, who had purchased the license a month
earlier, had paid fines for running an illicit saloon, and for
allowing gaming and slot machines. It was further stated the
Hackethal had assisted in the assault of Kennedy. Hackethal had
quite the reputation. He was later a prominent St. Louis organized
crime figure, and was one of nine members of the Egan’s Rats,
convicted of mail robbery on November 15, 1924. Hackethal owned a
popular resort on Long Lake, which was a favorite hangout of the
Rats, who used it as a base of operations. Hackethal later was
convicted for his part in the Staunton mail robbery in 1924, and was
sentenced to 25 years at Leavenworth Penitentiary. He was
transferred to the Atlanta Penitentiary, and later to Springfield.
He was released in January 1941, and died at home in Granite City on
July 13, 1954.
(see also KINNEY)
KENNEY, JOHN W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 3, 1911
John W. Kenney, aged 58, died Thursday afternoon at his home, _21
Langdon street [looks like 321], after an illness of three weeks
with a complication of diseases. He was taken seriously ill at the
start, and physicians could do nothing to cause a change for the
better. Mr. Kenney is survived by his wife and one daughter, Miss
Kenney. He was a hard working industrious man, an upright citizen,
and highly respected by his neighbors. He had lived many years in
the house where he died, and his nearest neighbors are grief
stricken over his death. The funeral will be held Saturday morning
at 9 o'clock from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral, and burial will be
in Greenwood Cemetery.
KENNEY, KATHERINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 23, 1907
Mrs. Katherine Kenney, a native of Limerick, Ireland, but who has
lived in Alton and vicinity for almost seventy years, died Tuesday
night at her home, 302 Jefferson street, after an illness caused by
old age infirmities. She was the widow of Michael Kenney, for many
years lived on a farm in Godfrey township. She is survived by two
children, William Kenney of Alton and Mrs. Mary Shea of St. Louis.
The son was removed from his home to St. Joseph's hospital a week
ago and is seriously ill from liver and stomach troubles. He will
not be able to attend his mother's funeral, which will be held
Thursday morning from the Cathedral.
KENNEY, MIKE/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 6, 1866
Killed by Train
Last evening, some boys were playing in a culvert on the railroad,
and one of them proposed to the others to lie down by the side of
the track till a train, which was coming towards them, should pass.
The boys agreed to do so and lay down. The train came on and had
passed, except the last car, when one of the boys, Mike Kenney,
became frightened, and tried to get away, but instead of doing so,
threw an arm and a leg directly on the rail in front of the car, and
remained there until it had passed. The wheels cut his arm and leg
off – the arm close to the should, and the leg was cut entirely off,
and part of the thigh. He was picked up insensible, and carried to
his home. He was brought to by proper remedies, and lingered until
this morning, suffering untold agony, when he died.
This sad accident cast a shadow over many families in Alton, but
more especially those having boys. Boys, let this sad accident teach
you a lesson, and the less you have to do with railroads, the better
it will be for you.
KENNEY, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 13,
William Kenney, aged 50 years, died last night at St. Joseph's
hospital after a long and painful illness from Bright's disease. He
was a native of Alton, but for several years resided on a farm in
Godfrey township. A few years ago, he purchased some lots in
Riverview addition, built on them and moved back to Alton with his
mother. She died a few months ago, just after he had been taken to
the hospital and he was not able to attend the funeral. He leaves
one sister, Mrs. Shea of St. Louis. The funeral will be held
Saturday morning at 9:30 from the Cathedral.
KENNINGTON, JOHN JR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November
14, 1912
John Kennington Jr., aged 20, died at the hospital today from the
effects of injuries he sustained November 3 while trying to capture
a squirrel in a tree in Godfrey township. His family live at 1207
Marshall street. With Joseph Stamper, Kennington was hunting and
they had treed a squirrel. Kennington climbed to shake the squirrel
out, taking an axe along to cut his way into the squirrel's home. In
making a downward swing, the axe struck another limb and this flying
back, struck Kennington, made him lose his hold, and he fell to the
ground, a distance of 20 feet, striking on his head and shoulders.
He fractured his spine and shoulder and complete paralysis set in
from the waist down. He was taken to the hospital last Tuesday, as
his condition seemed to be growing worse.
LOREN (GENERAL)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 3, 1868
The body of the late General Loren Kent arrived in Alton from
Galveston, Texas, last evening, and the funeral services took place
this afternoon from the Presbyterian Church, of which the deceased
was an esteemed member. The funeral sermon was preached by the Rev.
Dr. Taylor. It was an eloquent and impressive discourse, and
recalled vividly to the assembly the worth and virtues of the
gallant young soldier, whose untimely loss is so deeply mourned, not
only here, but in the State where his duties had lately called him.
The members of the several Masonic Lodges of Alton attended the
services in a body, and the deceased was buried with the honors of
the Order. The death of but few citizens of Alton has ever caused
more profound sorrow than that of General Kent, but it is some
mitigation of the grief of his friends that they are, at length,
able to pay to him the last offices of love and respect, and to lay
him to rest with his kindred.
Loren Kent was born July 12, 1839, in Lyman, Grafton County, New
Hampshire. He entered the Civil War as a Private in the 10th
Illinois Volunteer Infantry, which was a 3-month enlistment unit.
After his service in that regiment, he received a U.S. Volunteers
commission, and served as the Provost Marshal General of the
Department of the Tennessee, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He
was appointed Colonel and Commander of the 29th Illinois Volunteer
Infantry. He was brevetted Brigadier General, U.S. Volunteers, on
March 22, 1865, for “gallant and meritorious services during the
war.” He died in Galveston, Texas in 1867, at the age of 28. He is
buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
KENT, MARY (nee SCARRITT)/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 03, 1895
Daughter of Isaac Scarritt
Mrs. Mary Scarritt Kent, wife of the late Richard Kent, died at her
home in Austin, a suburb of Chicago, on September 28, and the
funeral took place on the 29th. The interment was in Greenwood
Cemetery, Long Island, New York. Mrs. Kent was a daughter of the
late Isaac Scarritt of Alton. She was born and grew up to womanhood
in Alton.
KEOWN, ANDREW/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 26, 1880
From Edwardsville – Andrew Keown died on February 20, and his
funeral took place from his late residence to the Vincent Grave Yard
[in Alhambra], last Saturday afternoon. He was the second son and
last surviving child of John Keown, who died at an advanced age in
Butler County, Kentucky. The father of John, and grandfather of
Andrew, was Thomas Keown, a native of Ireland, who, on coming to
this country, settled in South Carolina near Abbeville, and
subsequently in 1806, removed with his family to Warren County,
Kentucky, where he died. The children of John Keown were: William
(born April 11, 1799); Andrew (born October 15, 1794); Thomas Porter
(born December 21, 1798); John White (born March 26, 1803); Peggy M.
(born April 2, 1807); Alexander J. (born September 5, 1809); and
James C. (born February 22, 1812). Except William and James C., who
died bachelors, said children all lived to have families of their
own. William and Alexander died in Kentucky, and the others all died
in Madison County, a few miles north of Alhambra.
Andrew was a soldier in the War of 1812, was in the battle of New
Orleans under General Jackson, January 8, 1815, and from February
14, 1871 to his death, was in receipt of a survivor’s pension. He
came first to Illinois in 1819, but returned again to Kentucky, and
December 2, 1819, in Butler County in that State, he married Miss
Sarah C. Goodwin. He removed to Illinois with his family in 1825,
and bought and settled upon the land where he lived at the time of
his death, and where his widow still lives.
Few people attain the age at which he died, and fewer still are
fortunate enough to be blessed with the society of one companion for
upwards of fifty years. The deceased, by honest toil and frugality,
nobly aided by his companion, at an early day acquired a competence
of this world’s goods, and retained that condition through life, and
died owing no man a dollar. Four adult children, viz John, Mary,
Calvin G., and Alexander, all having families of their own, survive
him. “Uncle Andy” was known far and near, and was esteemed as an
honest man and an upright Christian by all who knew him.
KEOWN, ANNA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 9, 1911
The funeral of Mrs. Anna Keown, who had lived in Marine for the last
seventy-five years and who died Sunday night, was held this
afternoon from her home. She was a daughter of Daniel Ground, who
came to Madison county from England 100 years ago.
KEOWN, ISHAM V./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 17, 1874
From Edwardsville – Isham V. Keown died at his residence near New
Douglass on July 7, in the 41st year of his age. He left surviving
him a widow and six children in very indigent circumstances.
Deceased was the only surviving brother of L. C. Keown of
KEOWN, SARAH C./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 15, 1881
Mrs. Sarah C. Keown, relict of Andrew Keown, late of Alhambra, in
this county, deceased, died on September 6 at the residence of her
son, Alexander Keown at Carbondale. Her remains were interred at the
Vincent Cemetery near Alhambra on September 8.
KERR, HUGH/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 25, 1877
From Edwardsville – Mr. Hugh Kerr of Liberty Prairie, father of Hon.
Daniel Kerr of Grundy Center, Grundy County, Iowa, died at his late
residence, four miles north of Edwardsville, where he had resided
for many years. He died on Thursday, January 18, 1877, in the 64th
year of his age. His funeral took place last Saturday. He has left a
large circle of friends and acquaintances, who were wont, in days
gone by, to meet the clever, cheerful, old man, shake his hand, and
enjoy with him a social chat, and who feel sad now that he is gone.
KERR, MARTHA J. [ nee RANDLE]/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
February 17, 1909
Mrs. Martha J. Kerr, wife of James W. Kerr, died at 3:15 o'clock
Wednesday morning at the home, 1201 State street, after an illness
of three years. Her condition has been such that her death has been
looked for during the last few months. Her children have been in
constant attendance upon her, her son and his wife having come from
Oklahoma to remain here until the end would come. During her long
illness, Mrs. Kerr was given the most devoted attention by her
family and her relatives, who made as easy as possible the painful
end of a long and torturous illness. Mrs. Kerr was a native of Upper
Alton and had lived in the Altons all her life. She was the youngest
daughter of Rev. I. B. Randle, for many years a Methodist circuit
rider and afterward a justice of the peace in Alton. He was one of
the pioneers of southern Illinois, and the family was one of the
most prominent in the Altons. She leaves one sister, Mrs. John N.
Drummond of Alton, and two brothers, Fielding Randle and Charles
Randle, Chicago. She leaves also her husband, James W. Kerr, and two
sons, Irwin B. Kerr and John D. Kerr. Mrs. Kerr was 61 years of age.
During her long period of residence in Alton she had formed many
very good friends who were very solicitous for her welfare during
her illness. She was possessed of a kindly disposition and was a
woman who made and held fast friendships. She was a devoted mother
and a dutiful wife.
KEOWN, MARTHA JANE (nee FIELDS)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February
17, 1881
From Edwardsville – The wife of John Ashley Keown, residing in
Smart’s Prairie in Pin Oak Township, died on February 7. She was
highly esteemed by all who knew her, and has left a husband, several
adult children, and a large circle of friends to mourn their loss.
Martha Jane Fields Keown was born April 14, 1821. She was married to
John Ashley Keown (1817-1910), and their children were John A. Keown
(1855-1938) and Theresa Jane Keown Buckles (1859-1936). Martha was
buried in the Hagler Cemetery in Troy.
KERN, JOHN (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 13, 1890
From Edwardsville – Dr. John Kern died last Tuesday night. He was a
native of Switzerland. He served in the Mexican War. His remains
were taken to Leavenworth, Kansas, for interment.
KERR, SUSAN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 03, 1892
The funeral of Mrs. Susan Kerr took place this afternoon from the
residence of her son, Mr. James Kerr, 402 West Fourth Street. The
funeral services were conducted by Rev. F. L. Thompson of the M. E.
Church. The funeral was private. Interment in Upper Alton Oakwood
KERSHAW, KATE (nee HINEBAUGH)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
September 29, 1922
Mrs. Kate Kershaw, nee Hinebaugh, who died suddenly Monday at 3:10
a.m. September 27, from a stroke of apolexy, was buried this
afternoon in the city cemetery at 3:00 p.m. Funeral arrangements,
which awaited the arrival of her oldest son, E. G. Hinebaugh, an
editor and publisher of Minneapolis, Minn., were completed last
night on his arrival. He is a prominent member and worker in the
Modern Woodmen of America, belonging to the largest camp in the
Northwest, and pallbearers with a committee attended the funeral of
his mother from Robin Hood Camp No. 135 of Alton, headed by Camp
Clerk C. S. Leech. Mrs. Kershaw was 79 years old. Her son, Charles
L. Hinebaugh, his wife Leona, and daughter Lulu, now reside in Alton
as their permanent home. Mrs. Kershaw, in years gone by, was a
prominent worker in the Presbyterian churches at St. Paul and
Minneapolis, where she resided over fifty years. Rev. Edward L.
Gibson officiated at the services.
KESL, ANNA/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 30, 1896
From Edwardsville – Mrs. Anna Kesl, wife of William Kesl, died
Monday evening in the 58th year of her age. The funeral occurred
from St. Mary’s church Wednesday morning. Services were conducted by
Rev. Fr. C. O. O’Reilly. She leaves to mourn her demise a husband
and four children. The remains were interred in the Catholic
KESSINGER, MINNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 17,
Mrs. Minnie Kessinger, wife of William Kessinger, died at her home
on Illinois avenue last night from blood poisoning. Dr. J. P.
Squires said this afternoon that her death was due to blood
poisoning and typhoid fever combined. The woman had been ill about
one week. She had a pimple on one of her lips and scratched it.
Blood poisoning set in and her face and head swelled to enormous
size from the infection and brain fever resulted. She was only 19
years of age and leaves her husband and two children. The body will
be taken to Hillview in Greene county for burial. Two physicians
were attending the woman during part of her illness, and a third,
Dr. F. C. Joesting, was summoned last night, but none of them could
do anything to arrest the progress of the infection due to the
scratching of the pimple on woman's lip.
KESSKER, M./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 18, 1897
Another fatality occurred at Wann [East Alton] Wednesday afternoon,
by which an aged tramp was instantly killed by the Chicago & Alton
freight No. 55. The killing occurred at 4:30 p.m., and it was while
the old man was crossing the railroad track dragging a piece of
railroad tie, that the train struck him. The name of the victim of
the cars was M. Hessler, and he and his son were tramping together.
They stopped to build a fire beside the track to warm themselves,
and the two were collecting firewood when the old man got in the way
of the approaching train. He was badly mangled under the wheels, and
was dead when picked up. Coroner Bailey was notified, and he went to
the scene of the accident at once. He held an inquest, and had the
body brought to Alton for the night. The son of the old man seemed
unconcerned about the fate of his father, and did not even accompany
the body to Alton, but slept by the bonfire that he had kindled, and
for which the old man was gathering fuel when killed.
KETCHAM, CHARLES FOOTE/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 9, 1849
Died in Alton on Thursday, the 6th instant, of croup, Charles Foote,
youngest son of Colonel J. C. Ketchem, aged 7 years and 5 months.
KETTLEWELL, MARY A./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 4, 1897
Mrs. Mary A. Kettlewell, one of the best-known residents of the
Grafton Road [Mellville area], died Monday at her home after a
protracted illness. She was 66 years of age, and about forty years
ago, with her husband, the late John Kettlewell, settled in this
vicinity. She leaves a family of five children: Misses Margaret,
Francis, Mary, and Ellen Kettlewell; and a son, John Kettlewell. The
funeral took place from the Melville Church Wednesday.
KETTLEWELL, CHARLES H./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 18,
Died at his home on Grafton Road, January 15, 1887, of lung fever,
Charles H., beloved husband of Lizzie, and eldest son of John and
Mary Kettlewell. Aged 18 years, 5 months, and 9 days.
KETTLEWELL, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 18, 1890
Thrown From Wagon
John Kettlewell, a well-known and prosperous farmer of the Grafton
Road was thrown from his wagon near the residence of Mr. J. P.
Vissering, Melville, Saturday evening, and received injuries from
which he died a few hours later. The deceased had been in Alton
during the day, and was returning to his home with his wife in the
evening, and when near Melville, he met a “prairie schooner” coming
this way, at which the horses took fright, and turning suddenly,
upset the wagon, throwing Mr. Kettlewell out, resulting fatally. Mr.
Kettlewell was born in Yorkshire, England, March 8, 1831, and was
nearly sixty years of age. He arrived a poor laborer in the United
States, with his wife in 1855, and at Alton in 1856, and has resided
on the Grafton Road near Melville since then. By well-directed
energy and economy, he was able to acquire and pay for about 200
acres of land. He was held in high esteem by all his neighbors, who
elected him as school director for several terms. He was respected
and beloved by all who knew him. A tearful widow, Mary Ann
Kettlewell, the companion of his life, and five sorrowing children,
two sons and three daughters, the youngest about 17 years old, and
all his acquaintances mourn his premature and sudden death. The
funeral took place Monday at the Melville Church. [Burial was in the
Melville Cemetery.]
KETTLEWELL, JOHNNIE W./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 18,
Died January 14, 1887, Johnnie W., infant child of Charles H. and
Lizzie Kettlewell, on the Grafton Road. Aged 2 weeks and 1 day.
KEYES, ANN M./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 11, 1851
Died at the residence of her father near Monticello [Godfrey] in
Madison County, on the 26th ult., after a long and protracted
illness, which she bore with Christian fortitude and resignation,
Mrs. Ann M. Keyes, aged 25 years and 9 months. Her’s was an example
worthy of imitation. An obedient daughter, a kind and affectionate
sister, and universally beloved and esteemed by all who knew her.
KEYES, MARIA SMITH/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 10, 1881
Remembers the Burning of Washington by the British, and the Funeral
of President George Washington
From Edwardsville – Mrs. Maria Keyes, who had the misfortune of
having a severe fall, fracturing her thigh about three weeks ago,
died at the residence of her only child, Mary Elizabeth Gillespie,
wife of Judge Joseph Gillespie, in Edwardsville, last Friday
November 4.
Mrs. Keyes was born in Charlestown, Jefferson County, Virginia,
January 11, 1793. She was twice married. First on September 26,
1815, to John A. Smith (the father of Mrs. Gillespie). He died in
1823. She afterwards, in 1828, married Thomas Keyes, with whom she
removed to Illinois in 1831 and settled in Greenville, Bond County.
She continued to reside in Greenville and vicinity until the death
of Mr. Keyes, which occurred in 1861, after which time, and until
her death, she made her home with her daughter in Edwardsville.
While suffering from the accident above mentioned, she was attacked
by typhoid malarial fever, which produced her death. Up to the time
of her last illness, she had remarkably good health and was
extremely active for one of her age. She was possessed of a
remarkable memory, remembering and relating incidents which occurred
fifty or seventy-five years ago with great accuracy. She remembered
the funeral ceremonies held at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia, when
Washington died. She often related a great many circumstances which
occurred during the War of 1812, being at that time a grown woman,
particularly the Battle of Bladensburg and the burning of the
government buildings in Washington by the British. She saw Lafayette
on his second visit to the United States in 1824. She has lived
during the terms of all the Presidents. She was always a great
reader and close observer, and took great interest in every event of
moment that has occurred within the present century. Her funeral
took place on Sunday, November 6, to Wood Lawn Cemetery in
Edwardsville, and was largely attended.
KEYSER, DON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 22, 1904
Don Keyser, aged 21, died from consumption [tuberculosis] Saturday
night after a long illness brought on by too close confinement while
he was manager of the Western Union Telegraph office at Alton. When
he was a boy he was a young athlete. He learned the telegraph
operator business and became so proficient, so ambitious was he,
that in a short time he was one of the best operators in the
company's employ. He was given the Alton office at a time when the
Western Union had experienced considerable trouble in the city and a
loss in business, and the young man endeavored to build up again the
business lost. Although not allowed a night operator, he kept the
office open part of the time and did the work himself, without extra
compensation and scarcely without thanks of the company for which he
worked. Finally he began to feel weak and unable to work any longer.
He asked his company for a leave of absence, not once but many
times, but no answer from headquarters. He sent telegrams imploring
relief from his duties, but there was no answer. Finally he
telegraphed asking transportation to Arizona and for a successor,
but still there was no answer from headquarters. All this time,
while the young man's pleas for relief so he could go west to save
his life were being so coldly disregarded by his superiors, the boy
was rapidly dying. At the same time, there hung on the office wall
in Alton a letter seemingly in mockery, signed by the general
manager of the Western Union, in which was expressed the highest
appreciation of the good increase he had shown in business. The boy
was asking bread and they gave him a stone in the form of a letter
of thanks. At last Don telegraphed he would close up the office
unless relieved. The next day he was relieved, but no transportation
came until after he had started for Arizona. The boy continued to
grow worse in Arizona, and the physicians told him that he could not
live to return. With an iron will he determined to live to see his
old home again before he died. He made the trip alone from
Albuquerque to Alton. After his arrival he fainted as he entered his
home on Seventh street, and he never was out again. Saturday night
he slept away after many months of suffering. His life might have
been saved many years but for neglect on the part of those over him.
This is a true story learned from relatives and associates of the
young man. The funeral was held Monday morning, and the body was
taken to Elsah for burial.
KIBURZ, MICHAEL/Source: Troy Call, January 1, 1900
Michael Kiburz, aged 85 years and one of the oldest residents of
Highland, died on Thursday of last week at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Louise Tuhler. The funeral was held Saturday. Deceased was a
native of Switzerland, and for many years engaged in farming near
Highland. Besides his daughter, he is survived by a son, Arnold
Kiburz of Pierron.
KIDWELL, ADA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 2, 1921
Mrs. Ada Kidwell, wife of William Kidwell, died Saturday afternoon
at her home, 2221 West College avenue, after a long illness due to a
complication of diseases. She was 61 years of age. Mrs. Kidwell
leaves, besides her husband, five children: Charles Kidwell of
Minneapolis; Mrs. Charles Goring, Mrs. Walter Young, Mrs. Adolph
Youngblood, Mrs. J. B. Mawdsley, of Alton. The funeral will be held
Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the family home and services
will be conducted by Rev. Cates of the Wesley Methodist church. Mrs.
Kidwell was a woman who was loved by the members of her family and
highly esteemed by a large number of friends and neighbors.
KIDWELL, CATHARINE/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 30, 1893
Died Thursday, November 23, Catharine Kidwell, widow of the late
James Kidwell. Mrs. Kidwell was born March 13, 1812, she being at
the time of her death in her 82nd year. She came to Alton in 1833.
Four children survive her: William Dougherty, Mrs. E. A. Adams, and
Mrs. H Webber, of Alton; and Mrs. J. H. Perry of Upper Alton.
KIDWELL, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 24, 1912
[Note: this article was torn and very hard to read]
John Kidwell, age ..... died at St. Joseph's hospital this morning
from the effects of accidental injuries inflicted by an emer...
striking his as he was at ... in the Beall shops in Alton. Kidwell
never regained good condition ... being hurt Monday morning. His
.... continued weak and the surgeon decided that he was in such bad
condition they could do nothing for him by performing a surgical
operation. They concluded that his liver had been ruptured by the
blow. The flying fragment of emery wheel thrown off while revolving
at high speed struck the young man a little to the right side of the
abdomen, and except for a bruised place there, which did not appear
to be necessarily fatal, there was no indication of his having been
hurt. The internal injury he sustained, however, the doctors
recognized at once as probably fatal. The body was taken in charge
by undertaker W. H. Bauer at once. The funeral arrangements had not
been made today.
KIDWELL, SUSAN (nee NOTT)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 12,
Susan Kidwell (nee Nott) died Wednesday of consumption, after an
illness of two months, at the age of almost 40 years. She was a
native of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, but had spent most of her life
in Alton. She bore the painful sufferings, incident to the disease
of which she died, with Christian fortitude and resignation. She
left a husband, D. W. Kidwell, and eight children to mourn the loss
of a faithful wife and an affectionate mother. [Burial was in the
Alton City Cemetery.]
KIEFFABER, UNKNOWN WIFE OF ADAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, August
15, 1873
A German woman, wife of Adam Kieffaber, residing at Marine, was
missed by him about 2 o’clock in the morning on Monday, August 4,
and after giving a prompt alarm and searching for her a few minutes,
her dead body was found in the well. The well is small, and only
about ten feet down to the water, so that with the aid of a light,
her form was visible. She was taken out without delay, but life was
extinct. The deceased had been unwell, and quite despondent for some
time – had even threatened to bring her days to a close. She has
left a husband and two children, the youngest only about three
months old.
KIENLEN, CHARLES/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 20, 1888
From Edwardsville – Another old and respected citizen has gone to
his final rest. Last Friday morning, Mr. Charles Kienlen died in the
76th year of his age. He was a native of Wurttemberg, Germany, and
came to this country in 1836, and settled in Edwardsville in 1852.
The funeral took place Sunday, and was largely attended. The
deceased leaves a widow, four sons, and two daughters to mourn his
KIENLEN, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 25, 1889
Mrs. Joseph Kienlen died last evening at her residence on Spring
Street, after a week’s illness of lung fever; aged 65 years. She
leaves a husband and one son. The deceased was an old and well-known
resident of Alton.
KIENRY/KNIERY, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 25,
Soldier Killed in France
Many Alton people went to Litchfield Saturday evening and yesterday
morning to attend the funeral of Edward Kienry, the well known and
popular young soldier, who was killed overseas. The body reached
Litchfield last week and was given a military burial Sunday. A
solemn requiem High Mass was held in St. Mary's church at 10
o'clock. The church could hold only one-third of the vast crowd
which collected from the surrounding country. Interment was in the
cemetery a mile and a half from the church, and the line of march
stretched from the church door to the graveyard. The casket was
placed on wheels and was drawn to the cemetery by four horses. Among
those attending the funeral was a young man from Belletrees, a young
stretcher-bearer, who took Kienry's body from the battle field.
Kniery spent his early life in East Alton, and attended St.
Patrick's school. Later on the family moved to Litchfield. He was a
son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kniery. He lived in Alton before going
into the service.
KIES, JOHN ALBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 16, 1886
From Godfrey – Mr. John Kies died Monday, September 6, from injuries
received by his horse running away with him. His funeral took place
Tuesday from the Bethany Church. Mr. Kies was born in Oakland, Coles
County, Illinois. At the age of four, he removed with his parents to
Missouri, where he resided until 1861, when he came to Illinois and
enlisted in the First Illinois Cavalry, in which he served three
years. On March 14, 1867, he married Carrie Chapman of Godfrey,
since which time he has mostly resided here. He was kind-hearted and
obliging. He leaves a wife and seven children who are deserving of
Christian sympathy.
John Albert Kies was born November 2, 1838, in Charleston, Coles
County, Illinois. He married Carrie Chapman (1847-1926), and they
had seven children, five of whom are: Olive Myrtle Kies Williams
(1868-1939); Ernest Lowell Kies (1869-1951); Albert Kies
(1874-1926); John Kies (1875-1959); and Mary Frances Kies Robison
(1880-1971). John was buried in the Bethany Cemetery in Godfrey.
KILLINGER, ABRAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 27, 1865
On Monday afternoon, as the wood train on the Chicago & Alton
Railroad was passing between Springfield and the Junction [East
Alton], a young man by the name of Abram Killinger, who was at the
time acting as brakesman, was thrown from the top of the cars under
the wheels, which passed over one of his legs, crushing it so
terribly that amputation became necessary. He, however, soon died
from the effects of the wound, and was brought to his home in Alton
and was buried this morning. He was about twenty-five years of age.
KILLINGER, CHRISTOPHER/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 25, 1872
Died on October 21, in Alton, Christopher, youngest son of
Christopher and Mary E. Killinger.
KILLINGER, JACOB/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 24,
Postmaster Joseph Rain Saturday morning received a telephone message
from Collinsville, notifying him of the death this morning of Mr.
Jacob Killinger, whose serious illness has been noted in these
columns. Mr. Killinger formerly lived in North Alton and was in
business there for many years. He was prominent in Republican
politics in Collinsville and in the eastern part of Madison county.
He was more than 70 years of age.
KILLINGER, MARGARET/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 18, 1890
Mrs. Jacob Killinger, a former resident of North Alton, died at her
home in Collinsville on Sunday. The remains were brought to Alton
this morning on the Chicago & Alton train. The funeral took place
from the Union Depot, the remains being taken to the Alton City
Cemetery, where short services were held, conducted by Rev. J. W.
Flint of the M. E. Church.
KILLINGER, MARY EILEN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 17,
Died in Collinsville on January 12, after an illness of only two
days, Mrs. Mary Eilen, wife of Chris Killinger, aged 39 years. Mrs.
Killinger leaves a husband, six children, and a large circle of
friends to mourn her untimely death.
KILLINGER, SOPHIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 29, 1881
From North Alton – Thursday morning, September 21, Mr. Jacob
Killinger, wife and family arrived here from Mexico, Missouri, with
the remains of their eldest daughter, Sophia, aged 19 years and 6
months. She died after a brief illness of typhoid fever. The
deceased was a most estimable young lady, well known in this
vicinity, and loved by all who knew her. She was a member of the
Episcopal Chapel, and a devoted Sunday School worker. The bereaved
family have the sincere sympathy of the entire community.
KILROY, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 1, 1907
Several months ago Thomas Kilroy was killed by an interurban car
near the Standard Oil works. He was here from Bloomington visiting
some men who worked at the oil refinery and was on his way home when
the car struck him. Although Coroner Streeper tried to locate his
relatives, they would not respond and no word has been received from
them. He has held the body, having embalmed it, and is still keeping
it for the family, hoping someone would turn up. A few days ago a
letter came to the coroner asking for a copy of the evidence taken
at the coroner's inquest, and intimating that the attorneys who
wrote were preparing to bring suit. Coroner Streeper will notify
them he is still holding the body and before they get the inquest
record they should first claim the body and have it buried decently.
KIMBALL, DAVID/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 30, 1874
On July 20, Mr. David Kimball departed this life at the residence of
his son, Isaiah Kimball, one mile west of Bethalto. He had nearly
reached the limit of human life, being in his 78th year, and though
feeble, had been able to go about till a short time before his
decease. He was a native of the province of New Brunswick, but had
resided for some years in this vicinity.
KIMBALL, GEORGE (REVEREND)/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 7, 1878
From Edwardsville - Elder George Kimball, colored, a Baptist
Minister of the Gospel, died in Edwardsville in the 55th year of his
age. The deceased was liberated from slavery by the Emancipation
Proclamation, and for many years, even while in bondage, had been a
preacher of the gospel. His death is sadly mourned by his
congregation, widow, children, and friends.
KIMBERLAIN, ANDREW/Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, January 17,
From Edwardsville – Andrew Kimberlain, an old citizen of Madison
County, died at his home in Troy on January 8.
KIMBERLIN, LUCY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 25,
Mrs. Lucy Kimberlin, wife of John Kimberlin, died at 3 o'clock this
morning at St. Joseph's hospital at the age of 22. The young wife is
survived by her husband, 4 brothers and one sister. The body has
been taken to the home of Kimberlin's father at 1218 Rodemeyer
avenue. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.
KIMBERLIN, MARGARET/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 9, 1874
Died at the residence, five miles northeast of Troy, on Saturday,
December 27, 1873, Margaret, wife of Charles Kimberlin; aged 35
years, 10 months, and 15 days.
KINCAID, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 12, 1893
Civil War Soldier
73rd Illinois Regiment
John Kincaid, one of the oldest residents of Madison County, died
Sunday night at his home near Godfrey, of diabetes, aged 72 years.
He was an old soldier and has numerous friends in Alton. Tuesday,
funeral rites were conducted in the Methodist Church in Godfrey over
the remains of John Kincaid. Mr. Kincaid was an ex-soldier, and one
of the most highly respected citizens of Godfrey. Many friends from
Alton and the vicinity of Godfrey attended the funeral, and followed
to the Godfrey Cemetery, where the remains were interred.
From Godfrey – Mr. John Kincaid, who died at his home in Godfrey on
October 15, was born in Orange County, New York, April 03, 1821. He
moved to Madison County in 1854, and in 1858 was married to Nancy
Job, who died in 1863. He was among the first to enlist in the noted
73rd Regiment of Illinois Infantry, known as the “Preacher’s
Regiment,” with Colonel Jacques of Quincy in command. Mr. Kincaid
was in the Battle at Perryville, Kentucky, Stone River, Chicamauga,
Lookout Mountain, Mission Ridge, Resacca, Kenesaw Mountain, Siege of
Atlanta, Battle at Jonesboro, and Hood’s effort to retake Nashville.
He was discharged June 25, 1865, after which he returned to Godfrey,
where he has since remained. He was married to Ellen Job in 1885,
who now deeply mourns his death. He was ever a dutiful son, a
loving, devoted husband, and a kind, helpful neighbor. In his death,
the church has lost a liberal supporter, the neighborhood one of its
best citizens. Rev. O C. Dickerson preached his funeral sermon at
the M. E. Church Tuesday. The pallbearers were Messrs. S. H. and W.
F. Waggoner, John H. Ferguson, J. R. Isett, William Young, and Henry
Bouse. His funeral was largely attended, and after he was lowered to
his last resting place, both old and young, one by one, each dropped
a flower on his casket, showing the love they had for him.
KINDER, CALVIN/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 23, 1879
From Edwardsville – Calvin Kinder, one of the oldest and most highly
esteemed citizens of our county, died at his residence in Nameoki
last Saturday. Only a short time ago, he was here attending the
funeral of his sister, Mrs. Ruth Arthur, but he complained of being
unwell then, and it is thought he caught cold on that occasion which
resulted in his death.
KINDER, ELIZA JANE/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, January 6,
Resolutions of Respect, Oak Lawn Cemetery Society -- Whereas, it has
pleased the all wise Providence to remove from us our beloved
sister, Mrs. Eliza Jane Kinder, who departed this life December 28,
1891, in her 53rd year; it is but fitting that we, the members of
Oak Lawn Society pay this respect to her memory. For eleven years as
a member of this society she was pleasant, liberal and every ready
to assist in behalf of its interests. For two years as its
treasurer, she was faithful and discharged her duties creditably. As
a neighbor she was truly kind and courteous to all, her virtues were
many; so be it Resolved, That in the death of Mrs. Eliza Jane
Kinder, this society has lost one of its most respected members, the
husband a faithful wife and the children a loving mother. Resolved,
That we extend to relatives and friends our sincere and heartfelt
sympathy in this, their sad bereavement. Resolved, That a copy of
these resolutions be spread upon the records of this society, also
printed in two of the Edwardsville papers and furnished the
relatives of the deceased. Jan. 2, 1892, Committee.
KINDER, GEORGE/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 15, 1897
From Edwardsville – The body of George Kinder arrived here Monday
morning from Shelbina, Missouri, and was interred in the Woodlawn
Cemetery. He was nine years old, the son of James N. Kinder, who
formerly ran a dairy on a farm near Edwardsville.
May 31, 1856 (George) and March 11, 1870 (Isabella)
Veteran of the War of 1812
Six Mile Prairie Pioneer
George Kinder was born in Pennsylvania on February 12, 1783. Soon
after the American Revolution, his family moved to Kentucky, where
his father, Jacob Kinder, was killed by Native Americans. George
married in 1808 to Isabella Roseberry, and they moved from Kentucky
to Illinois in the Fall of 1811, settling on the northeast quarter
of section thirty-six in Six Mile Prairie [Edwardsville Township],
Madison County. After some years, he brought his mother and sister,
Nancy Kinder Wilcox (wife of Stephen Wilcox) to Six Mile Prairie.
George was a Private in Captain Samuel Judy’s Company of Mounted
Illinois Militia during the War of 1812. He died on his farm on May
31, 1856, at the age of 73 years. He was interred in the Oak Lawn
Cemetery in Glen Carbon. His wife, Isabella, died in March 1870, at
the age of 81 years. She is interred next to her husband.
George and Isabella had nine children: Jacob Jefferson Kinder
(1809-1885); Mary A. Kinder Jarvis (1813-1902), wife of Wesley
Jarvis; William Kinder (1816-1872); Eleanor Kinder Montgomery
(1819-1900), wife of Nelson Montgomery; Nathaniel Buckmaster Kinder
(1821-1900); James Roseberry Kinder (1824-1860); Robert Holliday
Kinder (1827-1902); George William Kinder (1831-1917); and Jane R.
Kinder Holliday, wife of Robert Holliday.
KINDER, JACOB JEFFERSON (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, April
2, 1885
Veteran of the Black Hawk and Civil War
From Edwardsville – Captain J. J. Kinder died at his residence, six
miles south of Edwardsville, last Sunday evening, aged 75 years and
7 months. Captain Kinder was well known in this and adjoining
townships, and was highly esteemed and respected. He was a
successful farmer. He went through the Black Hawk War, and was a
Captain in the War of the Rebellion [Civil War]. The funeral took
place this afternoon from the family residence, and was largely
attended. Company F of Edwardsville was present, and assisted in
placing the gallant old soldier in his final earthly resting place.
Captain Jacob Jefferson Kinder was born June 20, 1809, in
Jeffersontown, Kentucky. He was the son of George Kinder (1783-1856)
and Isabella Roseberry Kinder (1788-1870). He married Sophia Sarah
Pierce (1817-1893). They had at least six children: Sarah Jane
Kinder Peat (1842-1926); Margaret E. Kinder Bosomworth (1844-1925);
Isabel Jeanette Kinder (1849-1871); Robert Franklin Kinder
(1850-1922); Sophia Angelina Kinder (1852-1872); and Joseph Kinder
KINDER, JANE/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 31, 1891
From Edwardsville – Mrs. Jane Kinder, wife of George W. Kinder, died
at her home in Shelbina, Missouri on December 24. The funeral took
place Christmas Day from the residence of Mr. Nelson Montgomery,
south of Edwardsville. Mrs. Kinder was in the 42nd year of her age.
She was a native of Madison County, and had resided here all her
life until she moved to Shelbina about three years ago. She leaves a
husband and six children to mourn her death.
Telegraph, Dec. 6, 1872
Died on November 25, at her residence in Six Mile, Madison County,
Mrs. Margaret Kinder, after a protracted illness, in the 81st year
of her age. Aunt Margaret was born in York County, South Carolina,
on May 2, 1792. She was the daughter of Isaac and Nancy “Jane”
(Kirkpatrick) Gillham, and with them she immigrated to Illinois,
arriving in Madison County on December 31, 1800. The family
consisted of her parents, five brothers, and three sisters, of which
she was the last. She was married to Calvin Kinder in July 1834, her
first husband, Mr. John Davidson, having been dead some years [died
1828]. She leaves a loving husband and a large connection to mourn
her loss, but not as those who have no hope, for we are well assured
that our loss is her eternal gain.
It is always painful to record the death of any human being, however
obscure or humble, for the great Redeemer, who sits in judgment
above, knows no distinction of persons, save in the purity of souls.
But how much more painful to record the decease of one so pure, so
lovely, as the subject of this notice. The writer has known her all
his life, and when informed about six months ago of her utter
prostration, the sad tidings fell heavily upon him. During the time
of her protracted illness, she was constantly surrounded by loving
hands, ready to soothe her fevered brow, and words of love and
affection fell upon her ear to comfort and console. She died in the
home of her childhood, where familiar objects breathed love and
Aunt Margaret joined the Methodist Church in her 13th year, and
lived a consistent Christian for 67 years, and when we say she lived
a consistent Christian, we mean that her every thought and deed was
that of a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. Her house was the home
of the minister, and today scores of the ministry of the Illinois
Conference can testify to the welcome they always received from her.
Farewell, dear Aunt, may your ashes rest in peace, is the prayer of
your ever-loving nephew, S. G. Gillham. Upper Alton, December 1,
Margaret Armstrong Gillham Davidson Kinder was born May 2, 1792, in
York County, South Carolina. Her parents were Isaac and Nancy “Jane”
Kirkpatrick Gillham. Her siblings were Isaac Gillham Jr.
(1783-1845); Thomas Gillham (1785-1844); John Gillham (1787-1844);
William Gillham (1791-1845); James Gillham (1796-1870); and Jane
Gillham Fish (1799-1843). Margaret moved to Madison County, Illinois
with her family, arriving here on December 31, 1800. She married
John Davidson in 1814, and he died in 1828. She and John had one
son, Isaac Milton Davidson, who died in 1848. She married Calvin
Kinder in 1834, who survived her, dying in 1879.
KINDER, STELLA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 22, 1913
Mrs. Stella Kinder, wife of James Kinder, died this morning at the
family home, 1605 Joesting avenue, after a long illness with Brights
disease. Mrs. Kinder was 37 years of age. She leaves beside her
husband, four sons, and two daughters, one of whom is but two
months. She was a member of the Mutual Protective League, and the
funeral Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Washington street
Methodist church will be under the auspices of that order. Mrs.
Kinder was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilhite. She leaves
six sisters, Mrs. Robert Burge, Mrs. Joseph Metz, Mrs. Frank
An____ser, Mrs. Frank Monaghan, Misses Harriet and Hazel Wilhite.
KING, CARRIE (nee TEMPLETON)/Source: Alton Telegraph, November
25, 1897
Friday, Mrs. Carrie Templeton King, wife of Mr. William H. King,
succumbed to the ravages of consumption and breathed her last at her
home on Market Street, surrounded by her husband and members of the
family. For eighteen months Mrs. King has been afflicted with the
dread disease, constantly becoming weaker. Everything possible was
done to stay its onslaught, all that loving hearts could suggest and
willing hands could minister to her wants. The patient was always
hopeful that a change for the better would ensue, but for several
months death has seemed inevitable to those nearest to her, and for
two or three weeks, she has been in a precarious condition. One of
the saddest features of her death is that she is a bride of only
eighteen months, having been married April 9, 1896, and the
beginning of her sickness dates just a few weeks prior to her
marriage. Before attacked by sickness, Mrs. King was a lady of
remarkably fine physique and beauty. She was possessed of a lovable
disposition and winning ways, and her friends in Alton are numbered
by the score. She was born and raised here, being the youngest
daughter of Mrs. Caroline Templeton, and was twenty-four years of
age. The husband, in his deep affliction, has the sincere sympathy
of all, as well as the mother and sister of the deceased. Two
sisters, Mrs. Charles Bowman and Miss Matie Templeton, and two
brothers, Mr. James Templeton of Alton and Mr. Joseph Templeton of
Bloomington, and her mother, survive her.
It was a sorrowful company of relatives and friends which gathered
at the home of the late Mrs. King [wife of W. H. King] on Market
Street Monday afternoon, to take a last look at the face of the one
they loved so well. There were many tearful eyes at the thought of
the young and beautiful life called to a close. Impressive services
were conducted by Rev. F. L. Thomson of Flora, who in tender and
sympathetic words counselled and consoled the bereaved family and
friends. There were many beautiful floral offerings. A long cortege
wended its way to the Alton City Cemetery, where the wasted body,
which only a few months ago had been healthful and vigorous, was
laid away in Mother earth.
Carrie Templeton King was born on August 24, 1873. She was the
daughter of James W. and Caroline Templeton, who settled in Alton in
about 1852. James worked for Isaac Scarritt in a dry goods store,
then owned his own store. He died in 1875 at the age of 40 years.
KING, GERALD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 1, 1911
School Boy Drowns in River
Gerald, the 10-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. John P. King of 220 East
Second Street, was drowned Wednesday afternoon about 4 o'clock under
a barge of the Mississippi Sand Co. near Lovers Leap. A large number
of boys had gone swimming there, and some of them could not swim
very well. Some of the boys were from the Cathedral school, and had
gone there after school was dismissed for the day, and among these
was the King boy and Gaspar Crivello. The King boy could not swim,
and when he got out in the deep water and swift current, he was very
soon lost to sight under the barge. The other boys, seeing that the
child was drowning, called to some larger boys who were up farther
along the bank, and the large boys ran down to render aid. It was
too late then, as the boy had disappeared under the barge in deep,
swift water. The barge was moved, as it was thought perhaps the body
of the child might be held there. Friends and neighbors of the
family responded to the call for help and went to assist in dragging
for the child's body. John Brady, a boy who had witnessed the
drowning, carried the boy's clothes home and with them bore the
tidings of what had happened. The father and others went immediately
to the place where the drowning occurred, and there was plenty of
help offered to assist in the search. The boy was to have been a
member of the first communion class at SS. Peter and Paul's
Cathedral Sunday. He was a fine specimen of boyhood, large for his
age and admired by all who knew him. The body was caught this
afternoon, floating near the foot of Ridge street, and Coroner
Streeper was notified.
KING, JAMES/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 3, 1888
Dies of Sunstroke
Mr. James King of Nameoki Township, while working on the road,
Wednesday, was overcome by the heat. He was taken home and died from
the effects in a short time. Coroner Melling held an inquest in the
case yesterday, and a verdict of death from sunstroke was returned.
KING, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 13, 1904
Former Foreman of Drummond Tobacco Company Dies in San Francisco
James King, a resident of Alton many years ago, died at San
Francisco, October 12, after a long illness and from senile
debility. He was about 75 years of age, his friends say. Mr. King
will be brought to Alton and the body is expected to arrive here
October 23, ten days hence. His first wife was buried in Greenwood
cemetery, and according to an expressed wish his second wife, who is
living at San Francisco, will send the body to Alton for burial
beside that of his first wife. Many years ago Mr. King lived on
Belle street between Seventh and Eighth streets, and he was foreman
of the Drummond Tobacco Company's plant at Alton. When the Drummond
plant was moved to St. Louis, he went with it and continued as
foreman. Although incapaciated for work long before the sale of the
Drummond plant to the trust, Mr. King remained on the payroll and
when the plant was disposed of he received a good sum of money as
his share of the price, he being interested in the plant
financially. According to old friends of Mr. King, he had three
children by his first wife and four by his second. Several years ago
he went to California with his wife to make his home with his oldest
son, as he had become too old to attend to his business affairs.
Judge J. E. Dunnegan has charge of making the funeral arrangements,
and word has been sent also to the Western Catholic Union to assist
at the funeral, as Mr. King was an old-time member of that order.
KING, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 17, 1865
Killed – a brakesman named John King was killed on the Chicago &
Alton Railroad by being run over by cars. An inquest was held by
Squire Regan, when the jury gave the following verdict: “We, the
jury, after a careful examination of the evidence of Conductor White
and brakeman Frank Shields, do find the following verdict, that John
King came to his death by accidentally falling between the cars on
the night of November 9, on the Chicago and St. Louis Railroad,
between Alton and St. Louis.
KING, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 29, 1894
Was It Suicide?
About 1 o’clock p.m. Thursday, Mrs. Mary King, aged about 75 years,
died at her home on State Street, between Third and Fourth, under
very suspicious circumstances. At the same time, George Leech, an
old man who lives at the same place, was taken violently ill. Both
showed the same symptoms, vomiting and suffering intensely. The
symptoms were those of poisoning. A Telegraph representative went to
the home where Mrs. King lay dead. Leech lay in an adjoining room.
When asked for a statement, he said that at noon they had drank some
coffee, and he believes that it contained poison. He drank but a
small amount, and it tasted strange, so he would not drink more.
Mrs. King drank more than he did. He stated that he was of the
opinion that Mrs. King purposely poisoned it. Others in the house
state that they drank some of the coffee, and it did not affect
them. They do not believe that it contained poison. Coroner Kinder
came from his home Thursday and impaneled the jury to inquire into
the cause of the death. It was the opinion of some of the jurors
that old age, she being over 75 years, caused her demise. She leaves
two daughters, both living in St. Louis. She was interred in the
Alton City Cemetery. Old man Leech was removed to St. Joseph’s
Hospital, where he is resting comfortably and with a fair prospect
of recovery.
KING, MARY SUSANNAH REIGART/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 23,
Died on the morning of January 9 in Alton, after a protracted
illness, Mrs. Mary Susannah Reigart, wife of E. L. King; in the 45th
year of her age. Mrs. King was raised in Alton, and at an early age
connected herself with the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which she
was an active and devoted member, engaging earnestly in every
enterprise of the church, especially that of Sabbath School
instruction. She was an affectionate wife, an excellent mother, a
good neighbor, and a kind and beneficent friend of the poor, and has
left a husband and six children, and a large circle of friends and
acquaintances to deplore her loss.
KING, PETER/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 18, 1897
Suicide by Hanging
Coroner Bailey held an inquest Thursday afternoon over the body of
Peter King, who ended a long debauch by hanging himself at Glen
Carbon. King took his life in a peculiar manner. He tied a rope
around his neck, fastened the other end to a brake-wheel on a coal
car, and then jumped off. He was found strangled to death Thursday
KING, REVA SHAFT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 20, 1903
The funeral of Reva Shaft King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. King,
will take place tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. Services will be held
at the family residence, 1822 Maupin avenue. Interment in the City
Cemetery. It had been the intention of the family to take the body
to their former home in Missouri for interment, but owing to the
inability to make railway connections it was found necessary to have
the burial here.
KING, ROBERT L./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 2, 1891
One by one the old familiar faces are disappearing from all earthly
scenes, and are taken to the home on high. Last night Mr. Robert L.
King passed peacefully away. He has been ailing for several months,
and on Friday was seized with paralysis of the brain, from which he
never recovered, death releasing him from all suffering at 10
o’clock p.m. Sunday. Mr. King was, in years gone by, a prominent
merchant in Alton, and traveling salesman, and later occupied the
position of weigher at the city hall scales. He was nearly 68 years
of age, having been born in Versailles, Indiana, April 20, 1823. He
leaves four grown sons and daughters to mourn and kind father’s
demise. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
KING, RUTH M. (nee DORSEY)/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 3, 1890
Mrs. J. T. King, wife of Mr. James T. King, died Saturday evening
after a lingering illness, aged 45 years. Some time ago she started
for Colorado to recuperate, but had to return before she reached
that State, on account of her severe illness. She was a devout
Christian, and a member of the Presbyterian Church of Upper Alton. A
husband and two children are left to mourn the death of wife and
mother. The funeral occurred Tuesday from the Upper Alton
Presbyterian Church. [Burial was in the Upper Alton Oakwood
Cemetery. She was the daughter of Samuel Lawrence Dorsey (1814-1893)
and Leticia Smith Dorsey (1826-1871). Mr. King served in Company F,
115th Illinois Volunteers.]
KINCAID, BERTHA E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 30,
Bertha E. Kincaid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Kincaid, died
this morning at the family home, Fourteenth and Langdon streets,
after an illness with typhoid malaria, aged 2 years. The body will
be taken to Carrolton for burial tomorrow.
KINDLER, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 29, 1897
Joseph Kindler, a well-known citizen of Alton, was found dead in bed
Thursday night in his room on Fourth Street, between Piasa and Belle
Streets. He had long occupied the room, having no family, and being
almost alone in the world. He was seen about the streets on election
day, and seemed in his usual health. Last night, James Hutchinson, a
colored barber who occupies a room next to Kindler’s, heard the
latter make a sound as if struggling. Being badly frightened, he ran
for assistance. Captain Tisius returned with him, and broke open the
door of the room. Kindler was found lying in bed, and was then dead,
having just expired. Deceased at one time kept a saloon on Belle
Street, and was well known to the older generation of citizens.
KINNEY, JANE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 14, 1921
Mrs. Jane Kinney, aged 79 years died this morning at 8:30 o'clock at
the family home at 8 East Elm street, following an illness of five
days suffering from pneumonia. She is survived by seven children,
Mrs. Joseph Cannon of Godfrey; Mrs. Robert Glover of Chicago, Ill.;
Mrs. Charles Stewart of Omaha, Neb.; Mrs. C. H. Jackson of Mt.
Vernon, Ill.; Miss Bertie Kinney of Alton; David Kinney of Godfrey;
and Robert Kinney of this city. One sister, Mrs. Lucy Shelby of
Owenburg, Wash., and ten grandchildren. The funeral will be held
Wednesday afternoon at one o'clock from the Elm street church,
interment in the Godfrey cemetery. Rev. G. W. Brewer will officiate.
KINNEY, LYDIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 28, 1918
The death of Mrs. Lydia Kinney occurred this morning at 1108 East
Fifth street. Mrs. McKinney was very well known in the East End of
town and leaves a large number of friends and relatives. She was 63
years of age. She is survived by her husband, Charles, four sons,
Milton of Minneapolis; Albert, Joseph and Frank of Alton; also one
daughter, Ruth Kinney. The funeral arrangements are incomplete.
KINNEY, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 29, 1899
Michael Kinney, formerly a resident of Alton, died at his home
northwest of Godfrey Monday morning, aged 70 years. Mr. Kinney came
to Alton over forty years ago, and lived here until about fifteen
years ago. He moved with his family to a farm near Godfrey, and
resided there until the time of his death. Last winter he was
stricken with paralysis, and was helpless from that time. He leaves
two children – William Kinney, with whom he lived; and Mrs. Mary
Shea of St. Louis. The funeral will be Wednesday, with services in
the Cathedral.
KINNEY, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 5, 1912
Thomas Kinney, aged 46, died at the home of Mrs. Rose Roberts,
Fourth and Vine streets, during Tuesday night from asthma of the
heart. He was found dead this morning. Connected with Mr. Kinney's
life is an interesting fact that he did not know for many years that
he had a relative on earth, and about eight years ago he discovered
he had a sister and brother living. He was an orphan, and was put in
an orphan's home as a child. For thirty years up to the time of his
death he had boarded with Mrs. Roberts, and she was the nearest
person on earth to him that he knew of. Eight years ago while he was
at Pike's Peak, he was registering his name when a man from
Columbus, Ohio, seeing his name, asked Mr. Kinney if he had any
relatives at Columbus. Kinney said he was born there and did not
know of any relatives because of the circumstances of his early
days. The stranger gave him the name of an army officer there, and
Mr. Kinney wrote and found it was his brother. He found also a
sister, Mrs. Mary Rooney, of Mt. Sterling, Ky. Gus Miller, who was a
friend of Kinney, today sent a telegram to the sister and asked her
to answer at once. It is expected the brother and sister will be
here to attend the funeral. For many years Mr. Kinney conducted a
saloon. He did not drink for 21 years, was a quiet man, and
conducted an orderly place. He never married. Much of Mr. Kinney's
troubles in recent years has been due to worry over his ill health.
He made a number of transfers of his business and seemed
dissatisfied. He was always friendly and was highly esteemed by all
who knew him.
KINSELLA, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 26, 1920
Mrs. Mary Kinsella died last night at 9 o'clock at the home of her
son, Thomas P. Kinsella of Wood River, with whom she was living.
Mrs. Kinsella was a resident of Litchfield for many years, and 16
years ago came to Alton to reside. A short time ago she went down to
Wood River to spend the remainder of her days. She was 72 years of
age. Mrs. Kinsella is survived by four daughters, Mrs. G. R. Algers,
Mrs. H. O. Wayne, Mrs. C. M. Doran of St. Louis; Mrs. J. H. Manns of
Alton; and three sons, Thomas P. of Wood River and M. J. Kinsella
and P. J. Kinsella of St. Louis; also by six grandchildren. The aged
woman has had several attacks of heart trouble but was in fairly
good health and her death was very unexpected. She went out in the
yard after supper last evening and was stricken while outdoors
attending her plants. The funeral will be held Monday morning at 9
o'clock from St. Bernard's Church in Wood River. Interment will be
in St. Joseph's Cemetery in Alton.
KINSLOR, UNKNOWN DAUGHTER/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 20,
A little daughter of Mr. Charles Kinslor, aged nine years, was
sitting in front of the fire at the family residence on the northern
part of Belle Street, Saturday afternoon, when her clothing caught
fire from the blaze. She immediately started to run, which only
increased the heat, and in a short time she was fatally burned, her
death taking place Sunday evening. In an attempt to extinguish the
flames, an elder sister of the child had her hands badly burned. The
funeral took place from the Cathedral, with a large attendance of
mourners and sympathizing friends.
KINSULLIVAN, ARTHUR/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 7, 1917
John Lee Kills Arthur Kinsullivan After Quarrel Over Woman
John Lee shot and killed Arthur Kinsullivan Saturday evening about 7
o'clock at Seventh and Belle streets, following a quarrel over a
woman to whom both had been attentive. Both are negroes. The
shooting was witnessed by a number of people. Though four shots were
fired, none flew wild as all entered the body of Kinsullivan and the
wounded man, after being shot, staggered across the street and fell
dead on the sidewalk. Lee made his escape, and owing to a wild
confusion in descriptions given to the police, he was not arrested.
According to the story of eyewitnesses, the two men were standing on
the corner quarrelling. Kinsullivan exclaimed two or three times,
"John Lee, I am not afraid of you." Then, it was said, Lee replied,
"all right, I am going to burn you up in a minute." Drawing a
revolver, he used his left arm as a rest for the revolver muzzle,
and firing four times hit Kinsullivan every time. Chief of Police
Fitzgerald said that both men were working at the lead plant, and
had been having trouble there. One of them was discharged Saturday.
So far as could be learned, both had been attentive to one woman,
who was the wife of neither. Lee was a much larger man than his
victim. Neither of them had even been in trouble before, so far as
could be learned by the police.
KIRCHEIS, J. B./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 4, 1890
From Edwardsville – J. B. Kircheis, a painter, died at Marine on
Tuesday of last week. He was a prominent Mason. He was the leader in
most of the social affairs of the town.
KIRCHER, LOUISE/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 5, 1897
Coroner Bailey was called to Highland Monday to hold an inquest over
the body of Mrs. Louise Kircher, an aged resident of Highland, who
was found dead in bed Monday morning.
KIRCHNER, EMMA L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 27,
Mrs. Emma L. Kirchner, wife of George Kirchner, aged 34, died
Saturday night from peritonis, after an illness of one week at the
family home, 808 East Third street. Her death was very unexpected
and was a great surprise to many of her friends who did not know she
was so seriously ill. She leaves beside her husband, five children.
The body was sent to Keokuk, Iowa, today for burial. Mr. Kirchner is
vice-president of the Henry L. Winter Manufacturing company.
KIRCHNER, JULIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 22, 1904
Old Beggar Woman Succumbs to Malaria Fever
Deputy Coroner W. H. Bauer was called to Duck Lake, back of the
Federal Lead plant, Sunday morning to hold an inquest over the body
of Mrs. Julie Kirchner, wife of Gilbert Kirchner, who died without
medical attendance Sunday morning, after a three-month's illness
with malaria. Mrs. Kirchner was well known about the city, as she
made a living by begging, carrying a basket on one arm and going
around asking with a whine for a nickel to help buy her next meal.
It was generally known to the police that she was keeping in
idleness a lazy husband. The developments at the inquest indicated
that the woman had died from malaria, aggravated by neglect. Her
husband admitted he had never sent for a doctor until Saturday
night, and when the doctor came on Sunday morning the woman had just
died. Mr. Bauer says that he will conduct an investigation to
determine just how far responsible the husband was for the neglect.
Kirchner is the human microbe of laziness, Mrs. Demuth says. He
never worked, never did anything but compel his wife to go out
begging. The family of two lived in a two room boathouse without a
chair, table or bed. Nothing but old nail kegs served as seats, and
the woman died on a rough pallet on the floor.
KIRK, EDNA ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 12,
Edna Elizabeth Kirk, aged 9 years, died last night at 9 o'clock,
following an illness with typhoid fever. The child died at the
family home, 2517 Washington avenue. On account of the disease,
typhoid fever, the funeral will be private. Services will be held
Sunday afternoon about ____ o'clock from the home. Interment will be
in Oakwood Cemetery.
KIRK, GOLDIE H./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 18, 1872
Died on October 11, in Alton, goldie H., infant daughter of James
and Mary Kirk; aged 5 months and 12 days.
KIRK, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 12, 1900
Henry Kirk, aged 85, died very suddenly at St. Joseph's hospital
this morning after a short illness with heart disease. He had been
ill at the hospital four months and has no known relatives.
KIRK, JAMES WILSON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 17,
1919 - Submitted by Jim Kirk
The body of the late James Wilson Kirk was shipped to Ina, Ill.,
yesterday for burial, that being his former home. The deceased, who
died here last Monday of paralysis, was sixty years old.
KIRK, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 28, 1917
Mrs. C. S. Kirk, colored, died Tuesday evening at her home at 2403
Locust street. She is survived by her husband and a family of young
children. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.
KIRKPATRICK, HUGH/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, May 31,
Proprietor of the Union Hotel and the St. James Hotel
Hugh Kirkpatrick, owner of the St. James Hotel, and one of the most
highly esteemed citizens, passed from earth Wednesday evening, May
29, 1895. He had been suffering from melancholia for a year. He
improved at times for a few days, and was able to drive out and
breathe in fresh air, but a relapse always followed. His last
illness was of about a week’s duration, and for several days he
refused all nourishment. The immediate cause of death was congestion
of the lungs. For years to a day after the death of his son, Frank,
he breathed his last.
Hugh Kirkpatrick was born in Randolph County in September 1832, and
was nearing the 63rd anniversary of his birth. He was the son of
James S. Kirkpatrick (1787-1842) and Mary Tinley Kirkpatrick
(1785-1843). His early days were spent on a farm in Washington
County, Illinois. When he arrived at the age of twenty, he started
in life for himself, engaging as a clerk in St. Louis. He remained
two years, when he went to Sparta, and for a time was employed as a
salesman there. Later, he embarked in the mercantile business for
himself, and continued three years. He then opened the Shannon House
at Sparta, and has been in the hotel business continually since.
Mr. Kirkpatrick came to Edwardsville in 1861, and in October of that
year opened the Union House, which he conducted with considerable
success for a period of fourteen years, or until 1875. He had
entertained for several years an ambition to build a large hotel
that would reflect credit on the city. The prospects for the growth
of the city were not overly bright, and his means were limited, but
he determined to venture. He began work on the handsome brick
structure known everywhere to the traveling public as the St. James
Hotel, and before the close of 1875, it was completed. It was then
indisputably the finest hotel in the southern part of the State. He
had incurred a large debt, and to meet the interest on this the
first few years was quite a task. His economical management and good
business judgment made it possible for him, as years passed, to not
only pay the interest, but also make payments on the principal.
After a time, the last payment was made, and the property was free
of incumbrance. Two years ago, he built a large addition, and made
alterations in the old building, supplying the house throughout with
steam heating and electric lights, keeping its place as one of the
best and most profitable hostelries in this section.
On June 20, 1855, he was married to Ruth Brown of Bennington,
Vermont. Their union was blessed with eight children. Three died in
infancy, and a son, Frank, who had grown to manhood, died four years
ago. His wife and four children survive: three sons, William D.,
Clarke, and Harry; and one daughter, Mary, wife of James T. Keller.
The funeral will take place from the St. James tomorrow afternoon.
Mr. Kirkpatrick had faith in himself and in the city of his choice.
He made his money here, and invested it nowhere else. Of a retiring
nature, he ordinarily had little to say, and this was sometimes
mistaken for lack of energy or enthusiasm, but he possessed both to
a remarkable degree. He risked his savings in an enterprise when
others shrank from it, and with keen tact, built on this his
success. The news of his death will carry sadness to all who knew
him. [Burial was in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville.]
Hugh Kirkpatrick was the son of James S. Kirkpatrick (1787-1842) and
Mary Tinley Kirkpatrick (1785-1843). James Kirkpatrick was born in
Ireland, and died in 1842 in Oakdale, Washington County, Illinois.
The children of Hugh and Ruth Kirkpatrick were: William D.
Kirkpatrick (1859-1901), Frank S. Kirkpatrick (1865-1891); Eddie
Kirkpatrick (1867-1870); Mary Kirkpatrick Keller (1869-1912); Clarke
Kirkpatrick; Harry Kirkpatrick (1872-1912); and two unknown
KIRKPATRICK, J. MAUDE/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 12, 1895
Miss J. Maude Kirkpatrick died at 7:30 o’clock a.m. Friday, at her
home in Upper Alton, after an illness of six months of consumption,
caused by an attack of the grip. She was the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John R. Kirkpatrick, and was 32 years of age.
KIRKPATRICK, J. R. (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
January 15, 1901
U. S. Navy Veterans Dies
Upper Alton - Capt. J. R. Kirkpatrick died last evening at 6 o'clock
after many years illness. His death came on so gradually that until
yesterday afternoon his family had not realized that he was so near
death. For about nine years Capt. Kirkpatrick has been confined to
his room with rheumatism of the heart, contracted during his service
in the war. J. R. Kirkpatrick was born March 14, 1832 in Wheeling,
West Virginia. He was married in 1861 to Miss Harriet E. Gill of
Covington, Ky. Captain Kirkpatrick belonged to a family of river
men. All his brothers were captains. He served in the Mississippi
squadron, U. S. Navy, and was captain of the boat Pilot. He remained
in the United States service until 1874, when he came to the
vicinity of Alton, and has since lived here. The wife, two daughters
- Miss Bessie Kirkpatrick and Mrs. George R. Stelle of Jerseyville,
one brother and a sister in Kentucky survive him. Funeral services
will be held from the house tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Dr. A.
A. Kendrick, assisted by Rev. L. M. Waterman, will conduct the
(November 9, 1766 – December 16, 1821)
Founder of Edwardsville
Thomas Newton Kirkpatrick was born in York County, South Carolina,
on November 9, 1766. He was the son of James Franklin (1743-1781)
and Susannah Gillham (1746-1831) Kirkpatrick. James’ father (James
Kirkpatrick Sr.) emigrated from Belfast, Ireland in 1736, and lived
in Pennsylvania prior to South Carolina, where he received land
grants for his service in the American Revolutionary War with the
South Carolina militia. The family moved to Georgia in 1784. Thomas
was appointed one of Jackson County, Georgia’s first Justices of the
Peace, on August 4, 1797. That same year, Thomas married Mary Ann
Lane (1777-1839), and they had seven children:
Polly Kirkpatrick Morse (1798-1820); James Harrison Kirkpatrick
(1798-1876); John Lane Kirkpatrick (1799-1869); Joseph Lane
Kirkpatrick (1803-1884); William P. Kirkpatrick (1806-1885); Thomas
Milligan Kirkpatrick (1813-1886); and Francis Asbury Kirkpatrick
In about 1803, Thomas Kirkpatrick and his family settled in what
would become Edwardsville, Madison County, Illinois. Accompanying
Thomas were two of his brothers and a large clan of the Gillhams,
all of whom immigrated from South Carolina. Thomas built his log
cabin on a militia claim of one hundred acres on the Cahokia Creek,
originally granted to Pierre Lejoy, a Frenchman who had been
enrolled in the U.S. militia in 1790. This claim covered the
northwest part of the present town of Edwardsville. The original log
cabin of the Kirkpatrick’s was made of two log cabins, with a
covered space between them. It stood along the high bank on Cahokia
Creek, in the north edge of what would become Edwardsville, between
Main Street and the Springfield Road (now Liberty Street).
Kirkpatrick built several other log cabins in the same neighborhood,
one located at 1712 North Main Street, which was still standing in
1934. This cabin was later owned by Orville Woods, and was remodeled
Preceding the War of 1812-14, a block house was constructed for the
protection of several families which had settled in the vicinity.
This structure was known as Thomas Kirkpatrick’s Fort, and was an
important link in the chain of military stations which guarded the
Illinois frontier. The block house stood to the north of the old
courthouse, about 300 yards from the banks of Cahokia Creek. It is
said to have been built by a military company, of which John G.
Lofton was Captain, William Jones First Lieutenant, and Daniel G.
Moore Second Lieutenant.
The county of Madison was organized in 1812, and the Kirkpatrick
homestead was selected by Governor Ninian Edwards as the best
location for the seat of justice. On April 5, 1813, the Court of
Common Pleas for Madison County held its first session in the
Kirkpatrick cabin. At this term of court, Kirkpatrick obtained
license to keep a public house.
Thomas Kirkpatrick erected a water mill, located on the Cahokia
Creek. It was the first manufacturing enterprise in Edwardsville.
In 1816, a town was surveyed and platted by Kirkpatrick, and named
Edwardsville, in honor of Ninian Edwards, then the Territorial
Governor of Illinois. In a few years Edwardsville attained a
population of several hundred. Governor Edwards made it his
residence, and a bank was established. The town became the seat of
the U.S. Land Office, and enterprising and talented men flocked to
the new town.
Thomas Kirkpatrick died December 16, 1821, in Greenville, Bond
County, Illinois, and is buried in the Moody Cemetery in Bond
KIRSCH, ANNA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 14, 1910
Mrs. Anna Kirsch, widow of George Kirsch and mother of Mrs. Louisa
M. Williams, Mrs. Kate Wuerker of Alton, and George F. Kirsch of St.
Louis, died very unexpectedly Monday morning about 12:50 o'clock at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Williams, at 308 Prospect street.
Mrs. Kirsch had been living with her daughter for 17 years. She was
apparently in her usual health yesterday, except for what appeared
to be an attack of acute indigestion. Mrs. Williams, that she might
be near her mother in case of any necessity, concluded to occupy her
room with her mother and give her any attention that might be
needed. Mrs. Kirsch became very suddenly ill and Mrs. Williams was
obliged to see her mother die before any help could be procured, so
sudden and unexpected was the death summons. She called in
neighbors, but Mrs. Kirsch had already passed away. Mrs. Kirsch was
born in Luxembourg, August 13, 1832. She came to America in 1854.
Her maiden name was Michelbuch. After being in Alton several years,
she was married to George Kirsch in 1857, and he died in 1886.
Members of her family said that they had not the least thought that
their mother's illness would terminate fatally. She had not even
thought it necessary to call a doctor, and she suffered very little.
Her two daughters, Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Wuerker, had been with her
up to 10:30 p.m. Sunday evening when Mrs. Wuerker went to her home.
The sudden illness took her again abut 45 minutes after midnight,
and death must have been instant. She was a remarkably
well-preserved woman for her years, apparently in the best of
health, and her hair, a beautiful golden color, had not a gray hair
in it. She was a happy, contented woman, beloved by her family and
her neighbors, and the chief solace her family have in her sudden
death is that it was without being attended by a long period of
suffering. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 10:30
o'clock from the home of Mrs. Williams, and services will be
conducted by Rev. John W. Day of St. Louis. Friends are requested to
omit flowers.
KIRSCH, GEORGE/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 16, 1886
Mr. George Kirsch, an old and estimable citizen, died at his
residence in North Alton on Monday, after an illness of four months
duration, in the 56th year of his age. In quest of health, he went
to Germany about six weeks ago, but returned last week without
having been appreciably benefitted by the trip. Mr. Kirsch was born
in Bergzabern, Rhenish Bavaria. He came to Springfield in 1849, and
to Alton in 1851, where he has ever since resided. About 30 years
ago, he entered into partnership with his cousin, Mr. B. Schiess, in
the meat trade, under the name of Kirsch & Schiess, the firm
continuing until dissolved by the death of the senior partner.
Deceased was a man highly esteemed for his probity and genial
qualities. He left a widow, Anna M. Kirsch, two daughters, and one
son, besides other relatives to mourn his death. The funeral took
place Wednesday from the family residence at North Alton, with a
large attendance. The remains were buried in Upper Alton Oakwood
KIRSCHNER, BURT 'BUD'/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September
10, 1917
Found Dead in Hog Pen
Bud Kirschener, swineherd for Fred Gerdes, was found dead in a
vacant hog pen belonging to Gerdes Sunday morning. The cause of his
death was not known. He had been sick about two weeks and had
apparently gone up to the hog pen to lie down there. He was covered
with a blanket when found. The indications were he had a bad case of
malaria. The pen where he died was one which was used by Gerdes to
confine his hogs when rising water in the river would force him to
take his hogs from the other place where he kept them. Kirschner was
in charge of the drove of hogs. At the inquest it developed that
Kirschner, whose real name was Burt Kirschner, had lain for eleven
days in the hog pen unable to move. Kitty Snipes, a well known
character about town, frequently arrested by the police, and who
gets her name from her practice of going about the streets picking
up cigar stubs, acted as an angel of mercy to the dying man. She
went to and from, doing for him what she could. However, she is not
able to do much herself, and at times is an inmate of the county
poor house.
KIRSCHNER, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 16,
Tragic Death of Steamboat Clerk - Fell Between Steamers to His Death
William Kirschner, second clerk on the Belle of Calhoun, lost his
life at the Alton wharf Wednesday evening, by attempting to jump
from the deck of the Belle of Calhoun to that of the Bald Eagle, as
the Belle of Calhoun was making a landing. The G. W. Hill and the
Bald Eagle were at the wharf, and the Belle of Calhoun was trying to
push her way between the two boats to get her nose against the
wharf. Accounts of the accident vary. Some of the passengers claim
that in attempting to leap from the deck of the Belle of Calhoun to
that of the Bald Eagle, before the Belle of Calhoun had come to a
stop, Kirschner, who had been drinking, fell between, was caught
between the guards of the two steamboats and was crushed. Then as
the two boats swung apart, he was dropped into the river. Capt.
Frank King of the G. W. Hill saw the accident, he says, and he does
not believe that Kirschner was crushed. He thinks that Kirschner
missed his footing on the edge of the guards of the Bald Eagle and
fell backward, and as he plunged between the steamers his overcoat
caught on the "bullguards" of the Belle of Calhoun and that
Kirschner hung there an instant, then the coat came loose and the
second clerk fell in the river. A yawl was lowered and efforts made
to find the body, but it was never seen after the water closed over
Kirschner the first time. Kirschner was about 55 years of age, and
was a well known steamboat man. He had worked for many steamboats,
and was at one time on the Eagle wharfboat at Alton. He has no
relatives who are known of.
KIRWIN, JOHN B./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 04, 1898
John Kirwin, the tinner and stove dealer, died Saturday morning at
his home on Belle Street, after an illness of several years with
dropsy. He has suffered greatly in the last few months, and death
was a happy release from suffering. In the whole town there was not
a man of wider acquaintance than Mr. Kirwin. He was in Alton for
many years, having come here when a mere boy, and having grown up in
the business. He was born in Ireland, and was 58 years of age. He
leaves a wife, three sons, and three daughters. The funeral took
place Monday from the Cathedral. Rev. Fr. Healy celebrated Requiem
High Mass, and conducted services at the grave. Alton Lodge A.O.U.W.
attended the funeral in a body. The pallbearers were Henry Webb,
John Hoffman, Herb Giberson, James Dawson, Peter Fitzgerald, and
Peter Robinson.
KIRWIN, JOHN E./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 21, 1895
Mr. John E. Kirwin, the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kirwin,
died Tuesday after an illness of over a year. Mr. Kirwin was well
known here, having resided here all of the twenty-nine years of his
life. His death was caused by Bright’s disease, which was due to the
effects of an old wound from a pistol ball, inflicted in him by a
woman named Loui Barth, and from the effects of which he never
recovered, and finally caused his death.
KIRWIN, LEE or LEO/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Monday, July
03, 1899
Shot Down by Jealous Lover
Lee Kirwin was fatally shot Saturday night about 10:30 o'clock by
George Yahneke, who was insanely jealous of Kirwin's attentions to
Miss Emma Mayford, with whom Yahneke was desperately in love. The
young lady looked with marked favor on young Kirwin, to Yahneke's
disadvantage, and to revenge himself the rejected lover deliberately
laid in wait for Kirwin and shot him in cold blood in the presence
of his sweetheart. Kirwin died from the wound this morning at St.
Joseph's Hospital.
The shooting occurred near the Mayford home on State Street. Young
Kirwin had arrived from St. Louis and gone out on the ten o'clock
street car to meet Emma Mayford, by appointment, and take her to a
dancing party at Reck's Garden. Miss Mayford's other lover,
Yahnecke, had asked her to go to the dance with him and she had
pleaded a previous engagement. Yahneke declared he would kill both
Kirwin and Miss Mayford, and her refusal to go with him seemed to
work him up to a pitch of frenzy. He waited at a place on State
Street, where he was certain his sweetheart and his rival must pass,
with the intention of killing one or both of them. Miss Mayford
thinks the shot that killed Kirwin was meant for her. As the girl
and Kirwin walked along the street on the way to the garden the
jealous lover stepped out from behind the trees along the walk and
fired twice with a 32 calibre revolver. The first ball took effect
in the left side of Lee Kirwin's abdomen and ranged down, striking
the spine. The second shot did not take effect. Tahnecke fled when
he saw the effect of his shot. Young Kirwin staggered and fell,
fainting into the arms of his sweetheart. Assistance was soon
rendered her by passengers from a passing car, and the wounded boy
was carried on board and taken down town. Surgical attendance was
summoned, but it was evident no help could be rendered. He lingered
in a dying condition until 6 o'clock this morning when death came.
The murderer was hunted by the police unsuccessfully until about 2
o'clock Sunday morning, when he walked into the police station and
gave himself up. He claimed he shot Kirwin in self-defense, but such
was not the case, as Kirwin had no revolver on his person and had
made no threats against Yahneke. Yahneke is not of age, and has a
guardian in the East who has been telegraphed for and is expected to
arrive in Alton tonight. Coroner Bailey held an inquest this
afternoon as to the cause of Lee Kirwin's death. A number of
witnesses were examined, among whom were Henry Smith and Emma
Mayford. Smith's testimony tended to show that Yahneke was justified
in shooting Kirwin, because Kirwin approached him menacingly, and
that Yahneke was afraid of him. Emma Mayford's testimony was that
there was no provocation and that the shooting was done deliberately
because of an old grudge. She said she was scarcely acquainted with
Yahneke and was not keeping company with him. Robert Kirwin, a
nephew of Lee Kirwin, testified that he heard Yahneke threaten to
shoot his uncle, but thought he was "bluffing," and did not warn the
victim. The funeral of Lee Kirwin will be Tuesday at 9 a.m. from the
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 05, 1899
The verdict of the coroner’s jury in the inquest held over the body
of Leo Kirwin was that he came to his death by a bullet wound
inflicted by George Yahncke, and the jury recommended that a warrant
be issued for the arrest of the murderer. Coroner Bailey at once
issued a warrant for Yahncke, and held him without bail to the
circuit court grand jury. The murderer was hurriedly taken to
Edwardsville and placed in the county jail to await the convening of
the grand jury.
The evidence before the coroner’s jury was very unsatisfactory, and
did not give a clue as to Yahncke’s reasons for shooting Kirwin. It
developed that Yahncke had made threats he would kill Kirwin, and
was carrying a revolver for him. The threats had reached Kirwin’s
ears, and according to Henry Smith’s story, Kirwin asked Yahncke
about it when they met Saturday night. This story is denied by Emma
Mayford. Smith’s story was that Yahncke feared Kirwin would kill
him, and drew his revolver in self-defense when Kirwin accosted him,
and made an advance toward him. Yahncke now fully realizes the
serious position he is in.
The funeral of Leo Kirwin took place Tuesday. Services were in the
Cathedral, and interment was at Greenwood Cemetery. The attendance
of young friends of the young man was very large, and the funeral
was one of the largest ever held in the Cathedral.
George Yahneke was held and tried for murder. He was found guilty,
and sentenced to the penitentiary. In June 1901, is was stated in
the newspaper that he may be released on parole, if he could
guarantee employment if he was released. The terms were he had to
stay in Illinois, and report to the prison authorities at
pre-determined times.
In 1904, Emma Mayford married Charles L. VanDeusen of St. Louis. The
couple moved to Wood River, where Charles worked at the Standard Oil
Refinery. Charles played drums for the Red Crown Band, and was an
Odd Fellow. They had two sons, Charles Jr. and Walter. Charles Sr.
died in July 1930. Interestingly, Charles Jr. worked at the American
Oil Refinery, and played in the Standard Oil Band, the Famous 40
Band, and the Fred Immenga Orchestra. Emma, who died in 1949, and
Charles Sr. are buried together in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.
KIRWIN, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 5, 1913
Michael Kirwin, aged about 82 years, died last night after a long
illness. He was injured in a fall about one year ago, and never
recovered from either the injury or the shock. Old age prevented
recuperation, and for the most time during the past year he has been
sick. Mr. Kirwin came to Alton in 1850 and has lived here since. He
followed railroading for many years, but retired from active work
several years ago. He was a good citizen all of the time and a good
man, father, neighbor, and friend. He saw Alton's progress during
this half century or more of residence here, and was a part of it -
a helper towards it. He is survived by two sons and three daughters,
James Kirwin and Mrs. Charles Donnelley and Mrs. William Spellman of
Alton, Patrick Kirwin of Chicago, and Mrs. Catherine Ryan of St.
Louis. The body was taken today to the home of Mrs. Spellman, 320
Bluff street. The funeral will be Monday morning at 10:30 o'clock
from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral and burial will be in Greenwood
KIRWIN, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
September 19, 1900
Mrs. William Kirwin, an old resident of Alton, dropped dead this
afternoon at her home, Seventeenth and Alby streets, after an
illness of only a few minutes. She fell in her house and expired
almost immediately at 3 o'clock. A husband and one daughter survive
her. Coroner Bailey was summoned to hold an inquest.
KIRWIN, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 5, 1916
The funeral of the late William Kirwin was held this morning from
the home of his daughter, Mrs. Joseph Havens, to the Cathedral,
where a Requiem High Mass was sung by Rev. E. L. Spalding. Rev. M.
Costello was deacon, and Rev. Manning of St. Patrick's was
sub-deacon. Burial was in Greenwood cemetery, the grave being
covered with handsome flowers, the gifts of friends of the aged man.
Mr. Kirwin was one of the last members of the old Irish families who
formerly lived in the north end of town. The pallbearers this
morning were John Mullen, B. J. Derwin, John Bray, John McGuan,
James Hanlon and Edward Broderick. Many friends from out of the city
attended the funeral.
KISSICK, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 17, 1881
From New Douglas – Died on March 12, near Corrington Chapel, William
Kissick, an old and much respected citizen. His funeral took place
yesterday at the above-named chapel, Rev. Tolle officiating.
KITTEN, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 12, 1899
John Kitten, a farmer of Mitchell Station, died last night of spinal
meningitis. Deceased was highly respected, and leaves a wife and two
children to mourn his death. The funeral will take place Thursday
from the Catholic Church at Mitchell.
KITTINGER, ANNA/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 6, 1845
Died in Upper Alton on the November 22, after a long and painful
illness, Mrs. Anna Kittinger, wife of D. M. Kittinger, Esq. of that
place, aged 36 years. She has left a kind and affectionate husband,
three children, and a large circle of friends to mourn her loss. She
was for several years a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
and adorned her profession by a consistent life, and died with the
full assurance of a happy immortality beyond the grave.
KITTINGER, DANIEL B. “CANDY DAN”/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
July 19, 1930
Upper Alton Grocer
Daniel B. Kittinger was born May 13, 1857, in Bremen, Kentucky,
where he spent his boyhood and received his education. His parents
were Andrew F. Kittinger (1817-1870) and Amanda Ann Shutt Kittinger
(1821-1869). Daniel then taught school there for two years, and then
moved to Upper Alton to attend Shurtleff College. In his second year
at Shurtleff, he became ill with typhoid fever. After a long illness
and recovery, he opened a little confectionery business on the south
side of College Avenue, in a building that was later occupied by
Block’s Ice Cream. From this business he earned the nickname “Candy
Dan.” Daniel married Jennie E. Owens (1866-1925), and they had an
adopted son, Clarence Kittinger.
In later years, Daniel B. engaged in the general merchandise
business with his cousin, Daniel M. Kittinger Jr. Their business
grew to become one of Upper Alton’s largest mercantile
establishments. It was located on the north side of College Avenue,
on the left side of the alley. The building is now occupied by Alton
Tatoo Co. Daniel M. Kittinger was noted for his large speculation in
sugar, and from this line he earned the name of “Sugar Dan.” For
many years customers distinguished the two “Dans” by their
nicknames, “Candy Dan” and “Sugar Dan.” In 1915, the business was
dissolved, and Daniel B. Kittinger retired after 40 years in
business. Daniel M. Kittinger continued the business alone for five
years, then sold out to the McKee Bros. Grocery.
On July 18, 1930, Daniel B. Kittinger died at the home of his niece,
Miss Florence Kittinger, in Louisville, Kentucky. He was 75 years
old. The remains were brought to Alton, and buried in the Upper
Alton Oakwood Cemetery. He was survived by a son, Clarence Kittinger
of Louisville, Kentucky, his niece, Miss Florence Kittinger, and
three cousins – Daniel M. Kittinger, Mrs. Ellen Harting, and Miss
Doll Johnson; and a nephew, Frank Kittinger, all of Upper Alton.
Daniel B. Kittinger was a member of Franklin Lodge No. 25, A.F. &
December 1939
Upper Alton Grocer
Daniel Martin Kittinger Jr. was born on August 6, 1857. He married
Clara M. Allen (1855-1935), and they had one daughter, Florence Jane
Kittinger Smith (1891-1983). He and his family lived on Washington
Avenue in Upper Alton. He began selling groceries at the age of 19
years, and continued until his retirement. He worked for the old
firm of Webster & Waggoner in Upper Alton in 1876, and when E. G.
Webster was in business alone, Mr. Kittinger worked for him. He
later engaged in business with his cousin, Daniel B. Kittinger.
Daniel M. was a hard worker, and in the old days when grocery stores
stayed open half the night, every night, and most of the day on
Sunday. The grocery keepers hardly knew what a day off meant. Daniel
M. was also the Upper Alton agent for the Big Four Railroad.
Following the retirement of Daniel B. Kittinger, his cousin, Daniel
M., on August 11, 1919, closed a deal to sell the grocery business
to the McKee Brothers. He moved to Florida, and tended to his orange
grove there, and had interests in oil fields in Oklahoma. He was
also a director in the First Trust and Savings Bank and in the Alton
Baking and Catering Company.
Daniel M. Kittinger died in November or December 1939, and is buried
in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.
KITTSTEIN, AGATTE L./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 15, 1897
Suicide by Train
(A word of caution – very descriptive of her death)
Further particulars of the suicide of Mrs. Agatte L. Kittstein of
Collinsville are given by Coroner Bailey, who held the inquest
Monday, to inquire into her death. It seems that Mrs. Kittstein
deliberately stepped in front of the Vandalia lightning express,
running at the rate of thirty-five miles an hour, and her body was
ground into fragments, pieces of it being strewn along the track for
one hundred yards. The point at which she chose to end her life was
a curve in the road. As the engine rounded the curve, the engineer
saw the woman standing on the track. A warning with the whistle was
given, but she stood motionless. The throttle was closed, the lever
reversed, and air brakes applied, but only thirty yards intervened
between the engine and the woman, intent on taking her life, and as
the instrument of death came upon her, she dived head foremost onto
the cowcatcher. The strong current of air about the engine caught
her skirts and dragged the body under the driving wheels, and she
was cut and slashed into pieces. When the train was stopped, the
train crew picked up what small parts of the remains they could
find, and put them in an empty mail sack. The suicide was 50 years
old, and the wife of a laborer in the zinc works. She suffered
intensely from the heat last week, and it is supposed her mind was
KITZENBERG, LILLIAN A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August
16, 1922
Mrs. Lillian A. Kitzenberg, wife of E. C. Kitzenberg, died this
morning at 7 o'clock at her home on 312 Belle street after a long
illness with cancer of the stomach. She had been confined to her bed
for four weeks. She was born in Jerseyville, April 10, 1869, and was
in her fifty fourth year. She had lived in Alton thirty one years,
moving here from Jerseyville a few years after her marriage. She
left no children. Besides her husband, E. C. Kitzenberg, she leaves
one sister, Miss Rowena Timmons, of this city. Funeral arrangements
had not been completed today.
Telegraph, June 22, 1911
Mrs. Joseph Kitzenberger died at Jerseyville yesterday and will be
buried at Alton Saturday. She was a native of Alton and was a sister
of George T. Bailey, who lived here a number of years ago. The
funeral services will be conducted by Rev. A. G. Lane of the First
Presbyterian church. Mrs. Kitzenberger was the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. G. Bailey of this city, and formerly resided with her parents
here. She was fifty-eight years of age. She leaves besides her
husband, three daughters and one son; also two brothers George of
St. Louis, and Alfred of Chicago; and one sister, Mrs. Ada
Schwallensticker of this city. The remains will be brought to this
city Saturday morning at 8:17 and the funeral services will be held
at the First Presbyterian church at nine o'clock, Rev. Lane
officiating. Interment will be made in the City cemetery.
KITZMILLER, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 9,
Last of Original 50 Buried in the Pruitt Cemetery
Joseph Kitzmiller, the ninety-year-old resident of the Bethel
neighborhood, nine miles from Jerseyville, who was buried Saturday,
was the last of a band of fifty farmers organized about 56 years ago
to buy ground for a cemetery, and for a site for a church, according
to his son, Richard Kitzmiller, the Belle street [Alton] barber.
Joseph Kitzmiller followed forty-nine of the original band of fifty
to their last resting places in the cemetery they bought jointly
more than half a century ago. All did not live and die in that
vicinity, but all who moved away and died were brought back for
burial in the cemetery, which the purchasers named the Pruitt
cemetery, a name it has kept since. The first building erected as a
house of worship by the fifty was a log one, but the Bethel church
of today is the development of the pioneer church organized by the
majority of the fifty. "He helped bury forty-nine of the original
fifty," Richard Kitzmiller says, "and their descendants helped bury
him, the last of the fifty."
The Preuitt Cemetery is located on the property of St. Louis
Regional Airport, located near South Moreland Road in Bethalto. The
area is gated, and you have to obtain permission to enter.
Burials there include: (note the spelling of Preuitt changes)
Baby Cotter
Elizabeth R. Cotter
Hannah L. Goulding
Nancy Lyon Johnson
S. Johnson
Austin Jones
Joseph Kitzmiller
Franklin Lyon
Luther W. Lyon
Martha W. Lyon
Abraham Preuitt
Edward Preuitt
Elizabeth Higgins Preuitt
Franklin L. Preuitt
Solomon Preuitt
Emma Y. Prewitt
Martha Helen Lyon Prewitt
Martin Prewitt
Wiley Green Prewitt
Bertie Pritchett
William Martin Pruett Jr.
Martin Pruitt
Martin Pruitt Jr.
Rebecca Higgins Pruitt
KLABOLDT, VIOLA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 25, 1907
Viola, the 9-year-old daughter of Joseph Klaboldt, died this morning
at 5 o'clock at the family home, east Sixth street, after an illness
with spinal meningitis. She was a pupil in St. Patrick's school, and
the funeral will be from St. Patrick's church. The child had been
ill for ten days and her case was considered hopeless from the
KLAGER, RICHARD HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 8, 1841
Died, in this city [Alton], on the 26th ult., Richard Henry, son of
Archibald and Mary Klager, aged 2 years and 3 months.
KLASNER, EMIL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 6, 1914
Fourteen Year Old Boy Drowns in Godfrey Pond
Emil, the fourteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Klasner of
Central avenue, was drowned in the Godfrey pond Sunday while skiff
riding. The fact that the lad was unable to swim and became greatly
excited when the skiff started to fill with water probably caused
him to lose his life. Emil and his older brother, Fred, had gone to
the home of their uncle, Louis Joehl of Godfrey, to spend the day,
and after remaining at the Joehl farm during the morning, they
decided to attend a ball game in the afternoon. It was while the
lads were on their way to the game with their cousins, Leo and Ray
Joehl, that the accident occurred. According to the story told by
Fred, the four boys passed the pond while on the way to the game,
and while doing this, Emil saw a skiff turned upside down on the
bank. He turned the boat over, and shouting to his companions, "I
think I'll have a little ride," he jumped into the boat without an
oar or paddle. The weight of his body caused the boat to float out
from the shore. The boys on shore made an effort to get it, and one
of them walked into the water until it was up to his waist, but it
floated on out. The boat was leaky, and when Emil saw the water
pouring into the bottom he became greatly alarmed and stood up in
the boat. Several of the lads who were in swimming at the time
shouted to him to keep his seat, and they would get him, but he
finally said, "I can't stay in this boat any longer," and he jumped
overboard in ten or twelve feet of water. Despite the efforts of the
swimmers to get him out of the water, they were unsuccessful. Other
boys standing a short distance away were called and they succeeded
in getting the body in a very few minutes, but efforts to revive him
were unsuccessful. The body was brought to Alton last evening and
the inquest was held at the home on Sixth street this afternoon by
Coroner J. Morgan Simms. It was said that the death of the boy was
altogether unnecessary. The boat was not leaking enough to make it
sink very fast, and it is said that it was the surging of the water
in the bottom of the boat as the lad moved about in it that gave him
the impression the boat was leaking fast and that he was going down.
The boys who witnessed the accident said that while he was drowning
young Klasner came to the surface six times. There was good
opportunity to save him had there been anyone close at hand who
could have rendered help, but the little boys accompanying were too
small to be of any service. The funeral will be held at 9 o'clock
Tuesday morning from St. Mary's church.
KLASNER, FRED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 4, 1899
Fred Klasner, the 22 year old son of Joseph Klasner, sexton of the
City Cemetery, was drowned at 3:15 o'clock this afternoon while
skating on the ice near the draw span. He was skating rapidly and
must not have seen the hole in the ice. He plunged in the icy water
and was drowned before help reached him. Assistance came from
bystanders, one man throwing his overcoat out for him to catch hold
of. Klasner just missed it, and disappeared under the ice. The body
was followed for a short distance, but was soon lost to view.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 6, 1899
The body of Fred Klassner was recovered from the icy waters of the
Mississippi Saturday evening, two hours after the drowning. Louis
Brown and W. D. Fluent, two experienced river men, were called upon
to assist in dragging for the body, and it is to their ingenious
plan for dragging that credit is due for such a prompt recovery of
the body. About 300 feet below the hole where the young man was
drowned was another hole in the ice. A long line with dragging hooks
was floated from the upper hole to the lower one, under the ice, by
means of a wooden float. When the line was stretched under the ice
between the holes, each end was sank with a stone to the sand bottom
after being attached to a rope with which to drag it. Twenty minutes
after the dragging was begun, the body was caught under the ice
several hundred feet from the fatal hole. A hook on the drag caught
in the sleeve of Klassner’s coat, and the body was hauled out.
Coroner Bailey held an inquest Saturday evening, and a verdict of
accidental drowning was found. George Ventress was the main witness,
and testified that he saw the drowning. Klassner had just put on his
skates and started down the river for a first dash over the smooth
ice. While skating rapidly, he turned aside to avoid a small boy,
and skated into the hole. Klassner made heroic efforts to save his
own life, but must have been taken with a cramp. A rope thrown by
men on the bridge draw was being carried to him and was only a few
feet from the grasp of the drowning man, when he sank from sight.
The funeral was today at 9 a.m. from St. Mary’s Church, and
interment was at St. Joseph’s Cemetery.
KLASNER, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 22, 1913
Man Who Made Graves for Thousands in City Cemetery
Joseph Klasner, for thirty years sexton of the City Cemetery, and
who dug graves in that time for thousands of Alton people, died this
afternoon at his home, 649 East Fourth street. His death had been
expected for a week, as he has long been ill and his case was
regarded as very serious. A number of years ago he retired as sexton
of City Cemetery, and was succeeded by William Schneider. Mr.
Klasner was born in Germany and was 86 years of age. He is survived
by his wife and four children. One of his daughters is a nun and two
of his five grandchildren are nuns.
KLASNER, MATTHIAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 25, 1921
Retired Truck Gardener and Florist
Matthias Klasner, retired truck gardener and florist, died yesterday
at 10 a.m. at his home at 1826 Kennedy Avenue. He was 85 years old.
Though ailing for some time, he had been seriously ill only a short
while. Mr. Klasner had been a resident of Alton at the Kennedy
Avenue address for about three years. Before coming here he had been
a resident of Godfrey township for fifty years. During his half
century residence there he became known for his hospitality and
ability as florist. Mr. Klasner was among the most hospitable of
men. His friends were many. He came to America in 1868 to his home
in Godfrey, where there was always a welcome. It was said of Mr.
Klasner that his house was always open to his many friends. His
genial disposition and constant friendliness made friends of all he
met. Mr. Klasner's fame as a host did not outshine his fame as a
florist and truck gardener. Demand was great for miles around for
the products of his truck and flower gardens. Mr. Klasner was born
on June 29, 1836, at Metzlich, Kartez, Germany. He came to America
in 1868 and two years later took up his residence at Godfrey. Mr.
Klasner is survived by two sons and two daughters. The sons are
William Klasner, 619 Central Avenue, and John Klasner, 1004 East
Seventh Street, manager of the Commercial Coal and Ice Co. The
daughters are Miss Kate Klasner, who lived with her father, and Miss
Mary Klasner, housekeeper for the Rev. Father Joseph Meckel, pastor
of St. Mary's Church. Funeral services will be at St. Mary's Church
at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, when Requiem Mass will be celebrated.
Interment will be in St. Joseph's Cemetery.
KLAUS, CHARLOTTE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 15, 1892
Mrs. Charlotte Klaus, for many years a resident of Alton, died last
night after a short illness, of old age. Mrs. Klaus was 71 years of
age. The remains will be taken to Bunker Hill tomorrow morning for
KLAUS, JOHN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 20, 1892
From Bethalto – A large number from here attended the funeral of Mr.
John Klaus, which took place from the Moro Church, Sunday afternoon.
KLAUS, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 30, 1895
From East Alton - The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George Klaus died
Monday evening of the whooping cough and brain fever, and was buried
Wednesday in Alton.
KLAUSE, LEWIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 19, 1911
Louis Klause died this afternoon at his home on east Thirteenth
street of stomach trouble. He was 39 years of age. He has been a
street car conductor for a number of years. He was thought to be
improving when a sudden attack caused his death.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 20, 1911
The death of Lewis Klaus, which was briefly mentioned yesterday,
followed a relapse when he supposed that he was getting along
nicely. He had been told by the attending physician that he should
change his occupation and get off the jolting street cars, which, he
was told, might cause the ulcer in his stomach to break and result
fatally. He was also told that the weight of the receptacle for
change which street car conductors carry over their stomachs was too
much for a man troubled as he was with such a malady. Mr. Klaus had
been suffering from stomach trouble for some time, and eight weeks
ago it was feared he would die. He was reported dead at that time,
but he rallied and was able to return to his duties on the street
railway line. He died at 2:40 o'clock Thursday afternoon. The
funeral will be Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Twelfth
Street Presbyterian church. The burial at the grave will be under
auspices of Fleur de Lys lodge, K. of P. Mr. Klaus was 39 years of
age, and had lived in Alton since he was 13 years of age. He was
born in Nokomis. He is survived by his wife and one son, William. He
leaves also a brother, Otto Klaus of Alton, and four sisters, Mrs.
Will Clark of Alton; Mrs. Percy Burton of Bunker Hill; Mrs. Mary
Mossberger of St. Louis; and Mrs. George Roberts of Staunton. He was
a member of Fleur de Lys lodge and the street railway men's union.
The death of Mr. Klaus is the third sudden death in one family, Mr.
Klaus being taken ill again last Monday, and his condition became
grave on Wednesday. His father-in-law, C. H. Bauer, died suddenly,
and his brother-in-law, John Paul, died after a brief illness. The
mother and her two daughters are thus widows in each case after only
brief warning.
KLEBOLDT, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 11, 1910
A telegram came Tuesday morning from Will Merkle saying that his
brother-in-law, Frank Kleboldt, a young glassblower, had died at San
Antonio soon after the arrival there of Mr. and Mrs. Klebolt, their
adopted child, and Mr. Merkle, the latter going along to look after
Mr. Klebolt. The death of Mr. Klebolt was a great shock to his
relatives. He had been ill for many months, the illness beginning
with kidney trouble a year ago, and developing into consumption.
Last Thursday the party left Alton for San Antonio, and at that time
Mr. Klebolt was feeling very weak, but it was thought the change
might protract his life. In this his relatives and friends were
disappointed, as the end came this morning. The message said that
the party would start back home at once, and the burial will be
here. Mr. Klebolt was the son of Mrs. Fred Schaner of Brighton, who
is now with her daughter, Mrs. Ed Ohley, in Alton. He leaves also
one brother, Joseph Klebolt, and four sisters, Mrs. Ed Ohley, Mrs.
Minnie Christian, Mrs. Kate Huber, and Mrs. Will Kolb. The deceased
was well known and liked by everyone. His death is a sad bereavement
to his family and to his many friends in Alton and vicinity.
KLEBOLDT, WILHELMINA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 30,
Mrs. Wilhelmina Kleboldt, widow of the late Anthony Kleboldt, died
Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock at her home, No. 958 Union street,
after a month's illness from heart troubles. She was about 69 years
old and had lived in Alton many years. She is survived by four
children. The body will be taken tomorrow morning to Prairie du
Rocher, Ill. for burial and will be accompanied by a party of
friends and relatives.
KLEFFNER, FREDERICK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September
16, 1921
Frederick Kleffner, aged 64 years, died this morning at 5 o'clock at
the Nazareth Home, after a lingering illness, suffering from dropsy.
The deceased had been a life long resident of Alton. He is survived
by one daughter, Mrs. Robert Wingert, and three sons, Joseph,
William, and Warren Kleffner, of this city. Besides the children he
leaves two brothers, Joseph Kleffner of St. Louis and Frank Kleffner
of Jerseyville. The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 9:30
from the Nazareth Chapel. Interment will be in the St. Joseph
KLEFFNER, THERESA (nee DUNCHEN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
September 24, 1918
Mrs. Theresa Kleffner, wife of Fred Kleffner of 1039 West College
avenue, died at St. Joseph's Hospital Sunday night at 11 o'clock
after a long illness with dropsy and complications of diseases. The
well known woman has been ill for a long time and recently was taken
to the hospital where the most expert attention was given her. Among
the surviving relatives is a son, Warner Kleffner, who is with the
United States soldiers on the battlefields of France. Mrs. Kleffner,
who was 58 years of age, was born and raised in Alton, having been
before her marriage Miss Theresa Dunchen. She is survived by her
husband, Fred Kleffner, one daughter, Mrs. Robert Wingert, and three
sons, Warner, Joseph and William. The funeral will be held at 9
o'clock Thursday morning from St. Mary's Church and interment will
be in St. Joseph's Cemetery.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 14, 1919
Warren Kleffner will return to Alton tonight after ten and one half
months' service for his country to learn for the first time that his
mother is dead. Kleffner will reach Alton from Chicago at 6:40
o'clock and will be met at the station by one of his brothers, who
will convey the sad intelligence to the young man. Kleffner has had
many experiences since leaving Alton on the 25th of last February.
He was officially reported by the War Department as missing in
action on Oct. 29. Through the efforts of the Red Cross, he was
found to be in a German prison camp and doing well. The name of the
camp, however, was not determined. Last December 9 he wrote from
Liverpool, England, that he was safe. This morning he sent a joyful
telegram that he would be home this evening. Both the letter and the
telegram were addressed to his mother, Mrs. Theresa Kleffner, who
died September 22 last. For that reason, his family and friends are
certain that young Kleffner is not aware of the fact that his mother
has passed away. Upon the death of the mother, efforts were made to
get the word to Kleffner, but it is apparent, now, that the letters
have not reached him. Two brothers, Joseph and William, and one
sister, Mrs. Robert Wingert, are living in Alton. Wingert is also in
the service of his country, _____ a member of the Marines. Kleffner
went from Alton to Camp Taylor, then to Camp _____ and later in
KLEIN, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 17, 1879
From Bethalto – Mrs. Elizabeth Klein, aged 63 years, mother of
Messrs. Louis and George Klein, drowned in a well at the latter’s
residence about 10:45 o’clock a.m. last Friday. Whether it was
accidental or a premeditated suicide will always remain a mystery,
though the circumstances indicate the latter. When last seen alive,
she was peeling potatoes. Her absence was discovered within five
minutes. Coroner Youree arrived in the evening, and held an inquest.
The jury returned a verdict of drowning by falling in a well. The
funeral took place yesterday from the residence of her son, Mr.
George Klein.
KLEIN, HERBERT C./Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, Monday,
August 7, 1916 - Submitted by MyraAnn
Herbert C. Klein, aged 28 years, a prominent young farmer of
Prairietown, died at 5:45 o'clock Sunday morning, following an
operation for appendicitis. He was operated on late Saturday morning
and on Saturday afternoon seemed somewhat better. Saturday evening
he began declining. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2
o'clock from the family residence, thence to the Lutheran church at
Prairietown. Rev. U. Iben, pastor of the church, will conduct the
services. Interment will be in the cemetery there. Mr. Klein was
born November 5, 1887 and died August 6, 1916. His birthplace was a
farm near Prairietown and he was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Klein.
His schooling was acquired at the public school at Prairietown and
after completing his education he remained on his father's farm and
assisted Mr. Klein. Four years ago he was married at Dorsey to Miss
Nona Renken, of that place. After the marriage they settled on his
father's farm where they remained until Mr. Klein's death. The young
man's death was a sad blow to his many friends, many of whom did not
know that his condition was so serious. He was well liked by all
those who knew him during his short but well spent life. He is
survived by his wife, Mrs. Nona Klein, and one son, Homer, of
Prairietown, also his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Klein of
Prairietown and three brothers and two sisters. The latter are Louis
and August Klein of Edwardsville and Frank of Prairietown and Mrs.
Fred Weishaupt of Prairietown and Mrs. Henry Honerkamp of Worden.
Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, August 9, 1916 - Submitted by
Rites of H. C. Klein Held Yesterday - Prairietown Church was Packed
to Greatest Capacity
The funeral of Herbert C. Klein, aged 28 years, who died Sunday
morning, which was held yesterday afternoon, was one of the largest
ever held at Prairietown. Over 600 persons attended the services and
the Prairietown Lutheran Church was packed to capacity and many were
compelled to remain on the outside. Services were conducted at 2
o'clock from the family residence, thence to the church. Rev. U.
Iben, the pastor, conducted the services. There were many beautiful
floral offerings, which evidenced the high esteem in which the young
man was held by his many friends. The pall bearers were selected
from the neighbors. There were: Edward Behrenfanger, Fred Zirges,
Jr., Edward Meyer, Otis Drake, August Weishaupt, and Edw. Dustmann.
The procession to the church was said to be over one mile and a half
long. Interment was in the cemetery at Prairietown. Those who
attended from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foley and family,
Nicholas Smith, Misses Louise and Laura Foley, Mrs. Mary Schank, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Foley, Mrs. Elisabeth Gown and Mrs. Antone Kuper,
Venice; Mrs. Henry Klein and daughter, Miss Louisa, Mr. and Mrs. E.
H. Klein, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Klein, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Klein and
children, Leona, Luela and Norman, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sido and
Herman Luebbert, Edwardsville; Mr. and Mrs. George Ranken, Miss
Laura Ranken and Frank, Erhardt and Otto Ranken, Dorsey; Mrs. and
Mrs. Henry Honerkamp, Mrs. and Mrs. August Honerkamp Jr., Mr. and
Mrs. William Weishaupt, Mr. and Mrs. William Gusewelle, Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Meyer, Louise Tino, Christ Heinemeier, John Rojeck, Mrs.
Henry Emrich, Mrs. Joseph Mollage, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Peters, Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Blume, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Louise Blume Sr., and
family, William Zirges, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Otis Welch and Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Welch, Worden: Mrs. and Mrs. John Suesen, Mrs. C. W. Meyer,
and Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Suesen and Mr. and Mrs. George Suesen,
Bethalto; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Manshold and family, Mrs. Emma
Schoenweg, Mr. and Mrs. Schoenweg, William Holenberg, Miss Louise
Kolhlenberg and Mr. and Mrs. Chas Kohlenberg and family, Bunker
Hill; Mrs. William Moritz, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Obert and Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Opal, Jr., Carpenter; Rev. Theodore Uben, Litchfield, Mr.
and Mrs. Ernst Kayser, Liberty Prairie; Mrs. Edward Smith,
Hillsboro, and Mrs. John Gueltner, Moro.
KLEIN, JACOB LOUIS/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 18, 1898
Bethalto Business Man
Mr. Louis Klein, a prominent resident of Bethalto since 1863, and of
Madison County since 1858, died Monday. He was born in Wurms,
Germany in 1834, and immigrated to this country at the age of 20,
landing in St. Louis, where he engaged in the grocery business at
Ninth and Carr Street. From there he moved to Mitchell in Madison
County, Illinois, and was in business until 1863, when he moved to
Bethalto. He was Village Treasurer since it was incorporated, and
School Treasurer of Wood River Township for 18 years. Mr. Klein was
a Republican, and always worked to the interest of the party. He
leaves a widow, three sons, and two daughters to mourn his demise.
He was highly respected, and everywhere trusted as an honest and
upright man, a good citizen, and kind neighbor.
Jacob Louis Klein was born September 09, 1834 in Germany. He married
in 1861 to Wilhelmina Louise Langhorst (1841-1936). Three of their
children were Elizabeth “Lizzie” Klein Wiedmer (1866-1949); George
August Klein (1868-1936); and Minnie L. Klein Owens. “Louis” was
buried in the Bethalto United Methodist Church Cemetery in Bethalto.
KLEIN, OTTO/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 15, 1882
Otto Klein, son of George and Helene Klein, died yesterday at the
age of 12 years, 10 months, and 6 days. The funeral took place at
the residence of the bereaved parents on State Streets. The remains
were taken for interment to the Bethalto Cemetery.
KLEINPETER, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 11,
Mrs. Mary Kleinpeter, aged 80, died Friday afternoon at 5:40 o'clock
at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alexander Caldwell of 710 East
Sixth street. For the past four years Mrs. Kleinpeter has been
making her home with Mrs. Caldwell and her family. She was up and
around until about ten days ago when she was taken to her bed.
Shortly after becoming bedfast, and knowing that the end was near,
Mrs. Kleinpeter expressed a wish that she would die on a Friday and
be laid out on a Sunday. Her wish was granted for her death occurred
yesterday, just as evening was falling. Mrs. Kleinpeter was born in
Weinsheim, near Coblenz, Germany. She came to this country, and
direct to Alton, when she was sixteen years ago [sic]. She was
married young to Jacob Kleinpeter, who passed away 46 years ago. She
was a member of St. Mary's Church, and of several church
organizations, including the Altar Society. She is survived by one
daughter, Mrs. Alexander Caldwell, and by four sons, John, George,
Emil Kleinpeter of St. Louis, and Ed Kleinpeter, director of the
White Hussars, of Alton. She also leaves fifteen grandchildren and
five great-grandchildren. The funeral of Mrs. Kleinpeter will be
held Monday morning at 10 o'clock from St. Mary's Church. Interment
will be in St. Joseph's Cemetery.
KLEINPETER, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 23, 1899
The body of the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kleinpeter arrived
here from St. Louis at noon, and funeral services were held in St.
Mary’s Church. Interment was in St. Joseph’s Cemetery.
KLEINSCHNITTGER, ANTON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 2,
Popular Alton Builder Dies
Anton Kleinschnittger, aged _4 (64?), died Tuesday evening at his
home, 1100 Alton street, from Bright's disease after an illness of
over two years. The last illness began the latter part of January,
when Mr. Kleinschnittger suffered a relapse. He had been desperately
ill and had passed through a stage of sickness, which it seemed must
prove fatal, but his great strength enabled him to withstand it and
he finally recovered almost completely and started back to engage in
the contracting business in which he had been very successful. Last
January, while building a house for his physician, Dr. J. N. Shaff,
he exposed himself and took a severe cold which caused him to suffer
a relapse, and since that time he has been in a bad way. Monday
morning he lapsed into a state of coma from uraemic poisoning, and
he died at 10 o'clock Tuesday night. Mr. Kleinschnittger is survived
by his wife. He leaves no children. He was one of the best known
contractors in the city of Alton. He was known as a strictly
reliable man and his motto in carrying on his building work was to
"make it strong enough." A friend of his said of him, "He never used
two nails where three were needed," and this statement of the
characteristic of Mr. Kleinschnittger to do his work well is
generally recognized by all who had business relations with him. He
was strictly honest. Never, for his own advantage merely, would he
advise a prospective patron to engage in any building operations
that would appear unnecessary or extravagant. He handled the
interests of his clients just as he would have handled his own, and
there was no need for checking up any work that he did.....He was a
kind hearted man, faithful to his friends, and he was possessed of
an even temper that made him many close friends and admirers. In his
former illness, Mr. Kleinschnittger was in such bad shape that it
was impossible to administer anesthetics when he was to undergo a
very grave surgical operation. He submitted to the surgeon's knife,
and parts of some ribs were taken from his body, and remarkable to
say, for one in his weakened condition, he rallied from it and was
able to resume business again. Before he could complete the
residence he was building for his physician, Dr. Shaff, he was taken
down again and the job was taken over by E. G. Yungck. The death of
"Tony" Kleinschnittger is the cause of general regret among all who
knew him. Mr. Kleinschnittger was born in Foster township, but he
had lived almost all of his life in the city of Alton. He was a
member of St. Mary's church, and the funeral will be held from that
church Friday morning at 9 o'clock.
KLEINSCHNITTGER, JOHN JR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April
26, 1918
John Kleinschnittger Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kleinschnittger
of 822 Spruce street, Upper Aton, died in his room in a hotel at
Nashville, Tenn., early Thursday morning after a brief illness of
pneumonia. Word was received by relatives Wednesday telling of Mr.
Kleinschnittger's serious illness, and his mother and one brother
left immediately for his bedside, arriving at Nashville Thursday,
too late to see him alive. The body was shipped to Alton, arriving
here on the C. & A. at 1 o'clock this afternoon, accompanied by his
mother and brother. No arrangements for the funeral had been
completed this afternoon, pending a conference of relatives. Mr.
Kleinschnittger was 33 years old and was unmarried. He was a
salesman for the National Oats Company and had been very successful
in that line of work. He was well known in Alton where he had many
friends. He is survived by his parents, three brothers and two
sisters. The brothers are Frank, Edward and Leo; and the sisters are
Mrs. Louis Utt of East St. Louis and Mrs. B. Leffler of Texas. One
brother, Edward, is in the army cantonment at Camp Sevier, S. C. He
was advised by telegraph of his brother's death, but replied that it
would be impossible for him to come to attend the funeral.
KLEINSCHNITTGER, M. K./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January
17, 1914
Mrs. M. K. Kleinschnittger, a long time resident of Alton, passed
away Friday afternoon at the Nazareth home after a long illness
caused by old age disabilities. She was the mother of a large family
of children, all of whom have preceded her to the other shore except
her two sons, Contractor Anton Kleinschnittger and John
Kleinschnittger of Alton. She was always of a deeply religious
nature, and devoted much of her life to the doing of kindly deeds
for others in an unostentatious manner. Those who knew her best and
longest had a regard for her that amounted to sincere affection.
Since the death of her son, Rev. Fr. Kleinschnittger, several years
ago, her health has been very poor and she apparently lost much of
her interest in life. Her son, Anton Kleinschnittger, has been very
sick for several weeks and his physicians now hold out for his
recovery. The funeral will be held Monday morning at 9 o'clock from
the chapel of the Nazareth Home, and burial will be in St. Joseph's
KLEIST, ALBERT/Source: Troy Call, February 1, 1918
Albert Kleist, a well known harness maker and citizen of Troy for
the past thirty-three years, and who was also one of the city's
aldermen in the second ward, expired at his home at 7:50 o'clock
Thursday morning [Jan. 31] after an illness of only two days due to
pneumonia. His age was 68 years, 2 months and 19 days. Mr. Kleist's
death was a shock to his family and a surprise to his friends, but
few of the latter even knowing he was ill. He spent Sunday and
Monday visiting in St. Louis and while there contracted a severe
cold. He was quite ill when he returned home and immediately took to
his bed. Pneumonia developed and ran a rapid course. The funeral
will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock and will be from the
family residence to St. Paul's Lutheran church. Rev. C. Lange, the
pastor, will conduct the obsequies and interment will be in the
Lutheran cemetery. Deceased was a native of Stateen, Germany, and
born November 12, 1849. In 1874, at the age of twenty-five years, he
emigrated to this country and located first at Washington, Mo.,
where he remained two years and then went to St. Louis where he was
married to Miss Anna Heintzemann who survives him. They came to Troy
in 1884 and Mr. Kleist established himself in business as a harness
maker which he followed since. To Mr. and Mrs. Kleist were born
seven children, two of whom died in infancy and another, Miss
Elizabeth, dying some years ago in the flower of young womanhood.
The surviving children are three sons and one daughter, viz:
Theodore, of LaPorte City, Iowa; Frederick and William of St. Louis,
and Mrs. A. J. Gers of Davenport, Iowa. Mr. Kleist is also survived
by one brother and one sister who are Rev. Franz Kleist, a Lutheran
minister of Chicago, and Mrs. Albertina Neubauer of Milwaukee, Wis.
There are also five grandchildren. Mr. Kleist was a faithful member
of St. Paul's church ever since residing in Troy and had served it
in official capacities in the past. He was successful in the conduct
of his business and was regarded as one of the leading citizens. His
sudden taking away is a severe blow to his family who have the
sincere and heartfelt sympathy of their many friends.
KLEMM, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 20, 1883
Mr. and Mrs. G. Klemm had the misfortune to lose their dear little
baby boy last week, aged five months. Its sickness was cholera
infantum, and of short duration.
KLEMM, WILLIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 28, 1896
From Bethalto – Mr. and Mrs. G. Klemm are sadly bereaved in the loss
of their infant son, Willie, aged 7 months. Little Willie had not
been well since he had the measles some time ago, but was thought to
be regaining his health. Thursday the little boy was real lively and
seemed to be in no danger whatever, but during the night he became
suddenly very ill, and took spasms which resulted in paralysis of
the left side. He died Friday, May 22. The funeral services were
conducted at the family residence. The interment took place in the
Bethalto Cemetery. The grief-stricken family have the heartfelt
sympathy of the entire community.
KLEMME, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 11, 1908
Mrs. George Klemme, aged 20, died at St. Joseph's hospital
yesterday, which began with pneumonia. A few days ago she gave birth
to a child, and this added to her other malady, caused her death.
She was formerly of St. Charles, Mo. The body was taken today from
the hospital to the home on Third street between Apple and Vine, and
the funeral will be held Sunday afternoon. Services will be
conducted by Rev. Fr. Kehoe in St. Patrick's church.
KLENK, ANNA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 4, 1914
Mrs. Anna Klenk, aged 52, died Wednesday morning at 192 Shaw avenue
after an illness of five weeks from a complication of diseases. She
leaves three daughters, Mrs. C. Wightman, Mrs. E. Bryant, and Mrs.
George Bryant, all of Alton. The funeral will be held tomorrow
afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home. Rev. E. L. Gibson will
KLINGEL, LOUIS/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, December 1,
Owner of Edwardsville Brewery Dies November 27, 1870
It is our painful duty to record the death of one of our oldest
citizens. Mr. Klingel for a number of years has carried on the
brewing business, but on account of so much competition, he did not
meet with success more than enough to defray the expenses of
carrying on the business. He was a worthy member of Edwardsville
Lodge No. 46, I. O. O. F., and at his request, he was buried in
accordance with the rites peculiar to that order. His funeral was
one of the largest that has ever taken place in Edwardsville. He was
a good citizen, and was beloved and respected by all.
Louis Klingel was born in 1811 in Bavaria, Germany. He married Julia
Pausch, February 22, 1842 in St. Clair County. By 1850, Louis and
Julia Klingel were living in Madison County. He had two children –
Herman (1845-1878) and Adolph (1847-1931) Klingel. In 1866, he
purchased the Edwardsville Brewery and home from Henry Ritter. Louis
died November 27, 1870, and is buried in the Lusk Cemetery in
KLINGELL, HERMAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 29, 1878
From Edwardsville – Herman Klingell, only surviving brother of
Alderman Adolph Klingell, died of congestive chill at his residence
in Edwardsville last Saturday. He was highly esteemed by all who
knew him, and his funeral was one of the most largely attended
funerals that has ever been witnessed in this city. Mr. Klingell was
aged about 32 years, and has left a wife and several small children.
KLINGER, FRED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 13, 1902
Fred Klinger, aged 83, died this afternoon at St. Joseph's hospital
after a long illness resulting from the debility of old age. He has
no relatives other than a nephew, Richard Foley of St. Louis, who
will take charge of the body. He was a member of the German
Benevolent Society. The funeral arrangements have not been made.
KLINGER, UNKNOWN WIFE OF FRED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
November 18, 1901
Mrs. Fred Klinger, aged 70, died at her home on East Fifth street
Sunday morning at 7 o'clock after a long illness. Death was due to
general debility resulting from her age. The funeral took place this
afternoon at two o'clock and services were conducted at the home by
Rev. Theodore Oberhellman. Burial was in the City Cemetery.
KLINGMAN, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 14, 1871
From Edwardsville – Henry Klingman, a well-known German farmer, died
last Sunday at 11 o’clock after a very short illness.
KLINKE, ADELHEID/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 19, 1900
Mrs. Adelheid Klinke, widow of Frederick Klinke, died this morning
at her home three miles east of Fosterburg after a long illness with
dropsy. She was 56 years of age and was the mother of ten children,
all of whom are now living. Mrs. Klinke was one of the best known
residents of Fosterburg township and had lived near there many
years. Her husband died two months ago, and she had been ill almost
since that time. She was highly esteemed by all who knew her and
leaves many friends to mourn her death. The funeral will be Monday
at 10 a.m. and the services will be in St. Mary's church, of which
she was a member many years.
KLINKE, FREDERICK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 21, 1900
Frederick Klinke, one of the well-known residents of Fosterburg
township, died last evening at 6 o'clock after an illness of 24
hours with heart trouble. Mr. Klinke's death was not expected. He
had been in good health until Monday, when he was taken with illness
and sank rapidly. He leaves five sons and four daughters, most of
whom reside at home. He was the father of John Klinke and Lawrence
Klinke of this city. The funeral will be Friday at 10 o'clock, and
services will be in St. Mary's church. Mr. Klinke had been a
resident of Fosterburg township thirty-five years, and was one of
the prominent and wealthy farmers of the county.
KLINKE, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 30, 1896
From Fosterburg – We are sorry to note the death of our friend, Miss
Mary Klinke, which occurred on Wednesday, January 22. She was a
young lady who had many friends, and her death is a sad loss to the
community. The family in their bereavement have the profound
sympathy of the entire community.
Telegraph, November 7, 1906
The 18 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Klinke died this
morning from spasms at the family home at Second and Henry streets.
The funeral will be held tomorrow morning from St. Mary's church.
KLOCK, WILLIAM F./Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, Wednesday,
January 18, 1893
William F. Klock, an old resident of this city, died Wednesday night
[January 11, 1893], at 9:35 o'clock of general debility. He has been
sick for several years, but up to recently had been able to be
about. The funeral took place from the family residence, Friday
afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. The remains were interred in Woodlawn.
The pallbearers were: F. G. Bernius, Frank Delhaus, Henry Hillis,
John Kaufman, Jacob Bregenzer, Melchoir Herin. Mr. Klock was born in
Schlesswig, Holstein, Germany, September 10, 1827, and came to this
country in 1851, and settled at Memphis, Tennessee. At the outbreak
of the Civil War he enlisted and served three years in the Cavalry,
when he was discharged on account of disability. He was married
twice. He married Mrs. Louisa Schmidt in Memphis, Tennessee, January
24, 1868, and they came to this city in the Spring of 1864. Of this
union four children were born, of whom only one survives, Mrs.
Minnie Kaufman. His wife and two stepsons, W. Z. and Joseph Schmidt,
also survive.
KLOPMEIER, FRED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 21,
Fred Kopmeier died last night at his home in Bethalto at 8 o'clock,
after an illness of three days. Mr. Klopmeier's illness was of brief
duration, but was serious from the start. He got on a Big four train
last Monday at Bethalto to go down to East Alton, and while making
this trip of less than five miles he became very sick on the train.
The conductor let him off at East Alton, and a physician was called
and the sick man was taken back to his home in Bethalto immediately.
Dr. Moore of Bethalto gave him attention and pronounced his malady
lung fever. He grew worse constantly until Friday evening, when the
end came. He was residing with his aged parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Klopmeier, well known old residents of Wood River township. Besides
his parents, he leaves two little children, a boy and a girl, the
mother having died about seven years ago. He also leaves a brother,
John Klopmeier, a well known and prosperous farmer; and a sister,
Mrs. John Bantz. All the relatives are residents of Wood River
township. Deceased was 36 years old. Fred Klopmeier was born and
raised in the country between Upper Alton and Bethalto. Up to the
time his wife died, he had been a prosperous farmer and had served a
term of three years as highway commissioner in Wood River. He was
out of office the following three years, but made the race later and
was elected. He served out his term of three years in the spring of
1912. Last spring he retired from farming and went with his parents
to live in Bethalto and they have made their home there since. The
funeral will be held Monday at 1 o'clock from the German Lutheran
Church in Bethalto.
KLOPMEIER, LOUISE (nee WESTERHOLD)/Source: Alton Evening
Telegraph, April 17, 1928
Mrs. Louise Westerhold Klopmeier, wife of Fred Klopmeier, died at 6
o'clock this morning at the family home on the Edwardsville Road, at
the age of 46 years. Mrs. Klopmeier underwent an operation eight
weeks ago and since that time her condition has been serious. She is
survived by her husband, a son, Ernest, and a daughter, Mabel. She
also leaves her aged mother, Mrs. Wilhelmina Westerhold, and five
brothers, William of Jerseyville, Edward of White Hall, Henry,
Herman and Charles Westerhold of Wood River. The funeral will be
held from the family home at 12:30 o'clock on Thursday, April 19, to
the Evangelical Church in Edwardsville, where services will be
conducted at 1:30 o'clock. Burial will be in St. James' Cemetery, on
the Springfield Road.
KLOPMEIER, MINNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 5,
Mrs. Minnie Klopmeier, wife of Fred Klopmeier of Bethalto, died very
suddenly from heart disease Sunday morning. She was 24 years of age
and leaves her husband and two children. Mrs. Klopmeier was in good
health on Saturday and with her husband was in East Alton, returning
with him last Saturday evening. When the family retired for the
night she was not feeling unwell, and about 4 o'clock in the morning
her husband, thinking he heard her call, went to her room and found
her dead in bed with her six months old child. She had evidently
arisen to get some food for the child shortly before she died, as
there was evidence she had been in the kitchen. It is supposed heart
disease caused her death.
KLOPMEIER, UNKNOWN BABY/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 17, 1894
From Bethalto – Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Klopmeier were sorely bereaved
last Sunday in the death of their babe, aged about one year. The
funeral occurred on Monday.
KLOPMEIR, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 4, 1893
From Bethalto - Henry Klopmeir, 22 years of age, died at his home
near Alton Junction [East Alton] yesterday, after a sickness of
about a year’s duration. He was buried this morning in the Bethalto
KLOPMEYER, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 6, 1889
Mr. and Mrs. H. Klopmeyer of Wood River township were sorely
afflicted last week in the death of their son, Henry, aged twelve
years. The remains were interred at the Lutheran Cemetery on
KLOSS, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 21, 1904
John Kloss, aged 60, died Sunday morning at his home on East Fifth
street after a long illness brought on by brain troubles. Mr. Kloss
was employed many years as a moulder at the Duncan Foundry, and it
is said that the continual exposure of his head to the heat of the
blast furnace while at work caused the brain disorder which resulted
in softening of the brain tissues. Other maladies complicated his
case, and death resulted Sunday. His funeral will be held Wednesday
morning at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's church.
KLUETER, NORMAN W./Source: Newspaper - Submitted by Sharon Inman
Norman W. Klueter, 53, of Rte. 6, died at 4 a.m. today at St.
Joseph's Hospital, Highland. An area farmer, he was born Sept. 17,
1917 at St. Louis, a son of Mrs. Ella Stille Klueter and the late
Fred C. Klueter. He was married Nov. 28, 1942 to Louise Feezel, who
survives. Also surviving is a daughter, Mrs. Joseph Jewell of
Alexandria, Va.; a brother, Raymond Klueter of Rte. 7, Edwardsville;
and two sisters, Mrs. Elmer Bettmann of Springfield and Mrs. Arthur
Brockmeier of Rte. 6, Edwardsville. He was chairman of the Madison
County Soil and Water Conservation District and Lower Kaskaskia Land
Use Council, and was a member of the Madison County Farm Bureau. He
was a member of Eden United Church of Christ and past president of
the churchmen's fellowship. Burial will be in Valley View Cemetery.
KLUG, CAROLINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 8, 1901
Mrs. Caroline Klug, wife of Frank Klug of Edwardsville Crossing,
died Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock after a two weeks illness with
lung fever. She was 56 years of age, and besides her husband, leaves
four sons and four daughters. The funeral will be Thursday morning
and services will be conducted in the Catholic church at Mitchell at
9 o'clock by Rev. Father Meyer.
KLUGMANN, LOUIS/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 30, 1885
From Edwardsville – Died yesterday evening, Mr. Louis Klugmann, in
the 59th year of his age. Mr. Klugmann was an old resident, and was
well known and highly respected by the citizens of Edwardsville and
KLUNK, FRANCIS LEWIS/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 1, 1880
Died in Alton Tuesday afternoon, of enteritis, Francis Lewis, infant
son of W. L. and Hibernia C. Klunk; aged 10 months.
KLUNK, WILLIAM L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 22, 1904
Friday morning about 11 o'clock Mr. William L. Klunk, whose serious
illness has been noted several times, died at his home, 312 Prospect
street, after thirteen weeks illness, superinduced by a paralytic
stroke. He was born in Hanover county, Pa., November 22, 1838, and
came to Alton in the spring of 1865, and has lived here continuously
since, most of the time being engaged in the undertaking business.
Six years ago he suffered a stroke of paralysis, and about a year
ago had the second stroke. He had not fully recovered from the
effects of the second until the third and fatal one attacked him. He
leaves a wife and six children, four sons, Henry J., the well known
undertaker, William of the firm of Klunk & Heskett, Charles and
James; and two daughter, Misses Mamie and Hibernia Klunk. He also
leaves two sisters, Mrs. L. B. Johns of Hanover, Pa., and Mrs. Mary
Smith of McSherrytown, Pa. The funeral will be Monday morning at 9
o'clock from the Cathedral.
KLUTZ, PAUL/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 25, 1889
Coroner S. O. Bonner went to Long Lake yesterday to hold an inquest
on the body of Paul Klutz, a farm laborer in that vicinity who was
killed while walking on the track.
KNAB, SABINA/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 26, 1912
Mrs. Sabina Knab died suddenly Tuesday afternoon at 2:40 at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. R. B. Hyatt, 1114 Henry street. The old lady,
who had just passed her 81st milestone, was taken sick early in July
last, and at that time it was thought she could not survive, but
about 3 weeks ago she improved so much that her folks thought she
was on the way to recovery, but yesterday she was stricken very
suddenly with what proved to be her ending. The remains were taken
to St. Louis yesterday and funeral services will be held at the home
of her son, Matthew, on Thursday, at 2 p.m. She will be buried at
Calvary Cemetery.
KNAPP, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 22, 1913
Frank Knapp, aged 72, an old time resident of Alton and Godfrey
townships, died Tuesday afternoon at his home, 621 Third street,
after a sickness of a year. He had suffered from asthma and heart
trouble. Mr. Knapp was a native of Germany, but came to America when
a young man and he settled in Godfrey Township about twenty-four
years ago. He lived in Godfrey Township until fifteen years ago, and
was engaged in farming there. He moved to Alton fifteen years ago.
He raised a large family of children, ten of whom, and his wife,
survive him. The children are: Mrs. Horace Lindley; Herman Knapp;
Mrs. William Reher; Mrs. H. Hechler; Mrs. Thomas Breitweiser; Frank
Knapp; Mrs. John Lageman; Miss Frieda Knapp; Carl Knapp; and Horace
Knapp. He was connected with the German Evangelical Church.
KNAPP, ISAAC G./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 18, 1846
Died in Alton on the 16th instant, Isaac G., son of Dr. James and
Elizabeth Knapp, aged 6 years.
KNAPP, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 15, 1901
Joseph, the 9 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Knapp, died last
evening after a short illness with cholera infantum. The funeral
will be from the family home on East Fifth street to St. Mary's
church tomorrow morning.
KNAPP, MARGARET ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
January 23, 1920
Margaret Elizabeth Knapp, widow of William E. Knapp, died last
evening at 7 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James
Crofton, 2300 Holman street. Four weeks ago Mrs. Knapp suffered an
attack of pneumonia, and death resulted from weakness which
followed. Mrs. Knapp was born in the City of Cork, Ireland, and was
in her 76th year. She was the mother of seven children, five
daughters and two sons. The children are: Mrs. James Crofton, Alton;
Mrs. Peter Crofton, Alton; Mrs. C. Kellar, Jerseyville; Mrs. R.
Douglas, Dow; Mrs. Paul McCarthy, San Diego, Calif.; Henry C. Knapp
of Montizuma, Ind.,; and George Knapp of Des Moines. The body will
be taken to Belltrees for burial. The family will leave the house at
12 o'clock for Belltrees.
KNAPP, MURL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 11, 1915
Murl Knapp, aged 23, died at his home, 215 Central avenue last
night, after a long illness with lung troubles. He was formerly a
telegraph operator, but his illness of more than two and one-half
years had prevented him taking employment much of the time. He
leaves his wife and one son, born about the time the father's health
began to fail. The funeral will be Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
from the Congregational Church, and services will be conducted by
Rev. I. G. McCann.
KNAPP, OSWALD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 18, 1908
Oswald Knapp, a well known glassworker, aged about 50 years, died
this morning at his home at Sixth and Oak streets after a long
illness. He was a native of Germany but lived in Alton many years
and was well liked by those with whom he came in contact. He leaves
a wife and four children. Funeral arrangements have not been made.
He was a member of the fraternal order of Eagles and other lodges
and societies.
KNAPP, PAUL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 30, 1918
Paul Knapp, aged 15 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Knapp, died
Saturday evening at the family home, 116A Indiana avenue, from
influenza and pneumonia. The funeral was held this morning at 10
o'clock, Rev. Thomas N. Marsh officiating. The burial was in the
City Cemetery.
KNAPP, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 5, 1901
An 8-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. Knapp died this morning
after an illness with diphtheria, at the family home, 824 East
Fourth street. The funeral was this afternoon.
KNAPP, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 17,
William Knapp, aged 28, employed by the Metropolitan Insurance
company, died at St. Joseph's hospital Monday evening at 7:45
o'clock from typhoid fever. The death was under ver distressing
circumstances. The father had taken care of his four year old
daughter who was ill with typhoid fever, and during the period he
was nursing her he contracted the disease himself. The child is
convalescent. The father was moved to the hospital three weeks ago
as about four months ago his wife gave birth to twins and she was
unable to give him the care he required in his illness. All who are
acquainted with the circumstances have the deepest sympathy for the
wife who is left with three little children.
KNECHT, THEODORE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 5, 1882
Mr. Theodore Knecht, of the firm of Schmidt & Knecht, manufacturers
of mineral water, a resident of Alton for eight years, died suddenly
Monday night of dropsy, at the age of 26. Deceased was a very
estimable man, and left a wife and one child, besides a large circle
of relatives and friends to mourn his death. He was a member of
Erwin Lodge F. & A. M., the German Benevolent Society, and the
Turners. The funeral took place this afternoon under the auspices of
the orders named, Gossrau’s band heading the procession to the
KNEEDLER, JACOB/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 25, 1852
Died on the 17th inst., on the steamer El Paso, on his way to
Wellington, Mr. Jacob Kneedler, aged 44 years; a resident of
KNEISEL, ALBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 3, 1881
Albert Kneisel, aged about sixty years, who lived in Edwardsville,
but formerly lived on a farm a short distance west of town,
committed suicide last Saturday by cutting his throat from ear to
ear with a butcher knife. He had been afflicted with sickness for a
long time. No other cause for such an act is known. He leaves a
widow, one son, and some property.
KNICKER, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 4, 1894
Murdered at Edwardsville Crossing
William Knicker was foully murdered at Edwardsville Crossing
Thursday night by highwaymen. Mr. Knicker was bartender for Mr.
William Henry at the Crossing [Hartford area]. He lives about a mile
and a half from the saloon, and closed last night without the least
intimation of the terrible doom that was awaiting him within the
next few minutes. Considerable cash is taken in at the saloon, and
Mr. Knicker sometimes takes it with him. Last night, he sent it to
Mr. Henry at East Alton. After closing the saloon, he started on his
homeward journey along the country road. Without warning, several
men arose from behind a clump of bushes in a dark part of the road,
and fired a fusillade of bullets into him. He was riddled, not less
than four shots having been fired, three of which took effect in his
right shoulder. One shot entered the pit of the stomach. It was this
shot that, Dr. Lemen states, was the fatal one. Knicker told the
doctor that he believed the third shot took effect in the bowels. As
far as can be learned, the assassins made no attempt at robbery.
Knicker fell to the ground in a swoom; recovering, he managed to
crawl to a farmer’s house nearby, and within a short while the alarm
was given. Dr. Lemen was summoned and attended the injured man, who
died at 7 o’clock this morning.
Later – Mr. Knicker stated before his death that there were three
men, and that they called upon him to throw up his hands, and that
when he did so, he held up a pistol. Mr. William Henry, his
employer, states that he had $28 in his possession when the deed was
committed, and that he does not credit the theory that the object
was robbery, for the money was not taken. Mr. henry is of opinion
that it was parties who had a grudge against Knicker. Some time ago,
some parties were in the saloon, and had trouble with the deceased.
Mr. Knicker is reported to have been a quiet, well-behaved young
man. He was married about six weeks ago, and he and his wife boarded
at the place to which he was going.
Mr. J. M. Kendall of Edwardsville Crossing [Hartford area], one of
the Coroner’s jury who inquired into the death of William Knicker,
who was so foully murdered last Friday night, gave exact details
this morning. Mr. Knicker, on the night of the murder, after
closing, was walking near the Bluff Line tracks on the way to the
home of Mr. Emmert, where he boarded. Suddenly, two men arose and
commanded him to throw up his hands. They did not wait for a
compliance, but fired rapidly. Mr. Knicker’s arm was riddled, but he
held to his revolver and tried unsuccessfully to return the fire.
The men seeing him still standing, fled. Knicker reached the home of
a farmer nearby, and asked to lie down. He expired the next morning.
At the inquest, a colored man stated that he had walked down the
track shortly before Knicker. The men were there then, but evidently
were waiting for Knicker, who seldom went home without carrying from
$10 to $60. The jurymen visited the spot where the murder was
committed, and found the tracks of two men, coming and going from
the river. This proves conclusively that the men planned the holdup
of Knicker, if not the murder. The funeral of Mr. Knicker took place
Sunday afternoon, and was attended by his father and brothers. The
remains were interred at his old home in Washington County.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 4, 1894
From East Alton – William Knicker, who was foully murdered at
Edwardsville Crossing Friday night by unknown parties, was interred
at Venedey, Illinois, his old home, Monday afternoon. No clue as yet
has been discovered for the officers to work on, and who the
murderer or murderers are is as much of a mystery as ever.
KNIGHT, COR THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 28, 1878
Died in Alton, November 21, Cor Thomas, infant daughter of Thomas
and Eugenia Knight, aged 1 year, 3 months, and 18 days.
KNIGHT, DORIS MAUD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 26,
Mrs. Doris Maud Knight, wife of Lindley Knight, died this morning at
the family home, 2415 Seminary street, after a short illness with
influenza. Mrs. Knight, who was 35 years, 10 months and 28 days old,
is survived by her husband and three children. The funeral will be
private at Alhambra, Ill., on Monday, service to be conducted at
noon. The funeral party will leave Alton about 9 o'clock Monday
KNIGHT, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 14,
Mrs. Elizabeth Knight, widow of the late Murray Knight, died early
this morning at the home, 909 Piasa street. She leaves four
children: C. B. Knight at Hotel Madison, and three daughters, Misses
Zoe, Anna, Minnie Knight. The funeral will be tomorrow afternoon at
3 o'clock.
KNIGHT, JOSEPH W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 20,
The funeral of Joseph W. Knight was held yesterday from the family
home, 655 1/2 East Broadway. Services were conducted by Rev. S. D.
McKenny, pastor of the Cherry STreet Baptist Church. Interment was
in City Cemetery. The pallbearers were John Halvig, James O'Neal, B.
Brickley, R. Feyler, C. W. Gibson and Roy Zumwalt.
KNIGHT, LELA M./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 30, 1882
Died January 29, 1882, of pneumonia, Lela M. Knight, eldest daughter
of Thomas and Eugenia S. Knight. The funeral will take place
tomorrow afternoon from the Baptist Church, corner of Seventh and
George Streets.
KNIGHT, LUCIEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 6, 1917
Instantly Killed By Playmate by Discharge of Shotgun
Lucien Knight, the 15 year old son of C. B. Knight, a well known
chef in Alton hotels, was instantly killed at the home of James
Brock on Division street Saturday at noon, by the accidental
discharge of a shotgun in the hands of his playmate, William
Henderson, a stepson of James Brock. The Knight boy's father lives
on West Ninth street. The boy had gone to the home of his friends
and they planned to do some hunting. They were on the back porch at
the Brock home, and Mrs. Ernest Jackson, a married, older sister of
the Henderson boy, was close by. The details of the discharge of the
shotgun are not clearly explained. The Henderson boy was handling
the gun when it went off, and the charge of shot struck the Knight
boy in the face, and blew out his brains. There was intense
excitement in the neighborhood following the shooting. The Henderson
boy was so unnerved he was not able to make a clear statement of the
affair. It is known that it was an accident, as the boys were the
best of friends and had been showing the best of good feeling toward
each other. It was said this afternoon by Rev. George Brown that
both the boys had entered High School this year. Both are bright,
intelligent boys. The Knight boy is described by neighbors as having
been a manly lad, and there is general regret among them over the
killing. The body was taken in charge by Deputy Coroner H. W. Bauer,
who will hold an inquest.
KNIGHT, MAMIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 18, 1883
Mr. Murray Knight has been deeply afflicted, the second time within
a month, by the death Monday afternoon of his little daughter,
Mamie, at the age of three years, three months, caused by
cerebro-spinal meningitis. The funeral took place Tuesday from the
family residence.
KNIGHT, MURRAY/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 18, 1887
The funeral of Murray Knight took place today from the Union Baptist
Church. There was a large attendance at the obsequies. A number of
beautiful floral offerings decked the casket.
KNIGHT, MURRAY/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 7, 1893
Private Porter to President Cleveland
Murray Knight, eldest son of Mrs. Elizabeth Knight, died Saturday
evening of typhoid fever, aged 26 years. He arrived in Alton
Saturday morning from Chicago, accompanied by his brother, C. B.
Knight, and was supposed to be recovering from his sickness, when
the relapse proved fatal. Mr. Knight was a Pullman porter, and by
his courtesy and gentlemanly manners was liked by all who knew him.
When President Cleveland took his southern trip to Florida after his
first term, Mr. Knight accompanied him as private porter the entire
trip, and greatly prized a small diamond pin, the gift of Mrs.
Cleveland. Since that time, he has been employed in Chicago, where
he was taken sick.
KNIGHT, NEIL/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 3, 1888
Neil Knight, son of the late Murray Knight, died Wednesday afternoon
of consumption, aged 16 years and 6 months. The funeral took place
this morning from the family residence on Easton Street, with a
large attendance. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
RUDOLPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 8, 1913
Alton High School Honor Graduate
Rudolph Knight, son of Charles B. Knight, died at his home Friday
evening, after an illness of a few weeks. The disease that caused
his death is attributed to his close application to his studies. He
graduated from Alton High School last June, and had aspired to win
the valedictory or salutatory. He had expected to receive second
place, but a pupil who had come in from another high school had
credits from the other school which took precedence over Knight in
the award. He was not supposed to be in a bad state of health until
a few weeks ago. He was recognized as being one of the brightest
members of the graduating class of Alton High School, and in his
aspirations to be an honor graduate, he had plenty of sympathy of
many of the class members. The deceased was in his eighteenth year.
The funeral will be Monday from the family home, 1101 West Ninth
Street, and burial will be at City Cemetery.
Rudolph Knight, an African-American student, was a member of the
1913 graduating class of Alton High School. He graduated third in
his class, with a grade average of 94.45. Alvira Gormley was the
valedictorian with a grade of 95.74; and Bessie Stallings was the
salutatorian with a grade of 94.55. Rudolph was also a member of the
Kanawha Club at Alton High School, and held a debate in 1910 with
Earnest Jackson. In 1913, a program was held on Senior Class Day at
Alton High School, and Rudolph performed a piano solo. Knight had
planned to attend the University of Illinois.
In 1924, Lawrence Alexander “Alex” Whitfield, an African-American
student at Alton High School (Alton, Illinois), earned the
valedictorian of the graduating class. Graduation was held under
police guard, due to threats being made to the principal, W. H.
Wheler, with plans to interfere with Whitfield being given the award
because he was an African-American. Outsiders tried to induce
members of the graduating class to refuse to go up to the platform
if Whitefield was kept on the program, but this failed. No other
problems occurred that night. Alexander’s valedictory address was
deemed one of the best that had ever been heard at any Alton
commencement. It was worded well, and delivered with “fine effects,”
with an earnest sincerity. His farewell to his fellow classmates was
touching, and was listened to with great attention. Whitfield went
on to become a doctor and professor at Howard University and at
Florida A & M College. He served as a Captain in the military during
World War II, and later opened a medical office in Chicago.
Whitfield died January 4, 1985, in Chicago, and was buried in Des
Moines, Iowa.
Whitfield was not the first African-American to earn the title,
however. According to the Alton Telegraph, John Newton, in about
1879, earned the valedictorian of Alton High School.
KNIGHT, THOMAS/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 15, 1892
Thomas Knight, one of the oldest residents of North Alton, died
yesterday morning, aged 78 years. Deceased was a respected citizen,
and leaves one daughter to mourn his demise. The funeral will take
place tomorrow afternoon from his late residence near North Alton.
KNOALMAN, EDWARD HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 20,
Died at Upper Alton, September 11, Edward Henry, infant son of John
H. and Christiana Knoalman, aged 1 year and 11 months.
KNOBLOCH OR KNOBLETH, BOWNE/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 29,
Bowne Knobleth, aged 37, was run over by a Clover Leaf train near
Alhambra, early yesterday morning. Both legs were cut off, and other
injuries inflicted from which he died about ten o’clock.
KNOCHE, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 14, 1903
Farmer Commits Suicide
Henry Knoche, a wealthy farmer living about 4 miles southeast of
Bethalto, killed himself Thursday night and he was found by his
nephews sitting in a chair with his rifle between his knees and a
bullet hole through his head. Mr. Knoche was about 70 years old and
was widely known. He lived on the "Jim" McDonald place near that of
Zeph Owens. His wife died a couple of years ago, and later, on a
trip to Europe, he married again. When he returned he brought two
nephews with him. Neighbors are puzzled over the tragedy but think
that Mr. Knoche may have suicided on account of ill health, as he
was known to have suffered much lately.
KNOLLHOFF, BERTHA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 15, 1903
The funeral of Bertha Knollhoff, 11-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles F. Knollhoff, took place this morning from the family
home in Middletown. Her death was caused by a complication of
diseases and five other members of the family are dangerously ill
with measles and lung trouble. The funeral was private.
KNOLLIN, EDGAR MORTIMER/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 31, 1865
Died in Upper Alton, March 13th instant, suddenly of scarlet fever,
Edgar Mortimer, eldest son of James C., and Cornelia S. Knollin,
aged four years and fourteen days.
KNOSTMAN, EMMA/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 14, 1895
From Upper Alton – The funeral services of Miss Emma Knostman were
conducted by Rev. W. H. H. Bradley, as Dr. Vernon of St. Louis could
not come. The remains were interred in Oakwood Cemetery.
KNOSTMAN, J. H./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 26, 1896
From Upper Alton – The funeral services of Mr. J. H. Knostman were
held Monday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Dr. James. The
services were conducted by Pastor Wylder of the M. E. Church, of
which the deceased was a member. A large number of friends assembled
to show respect to the memory of one whom they admired and loved.
The interment was in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.
Mr. Knostman was a native of Germany, having been born in Hamburg on
December 28, nearly seventy-eight years ago. He was married in Upper
Alton. His wife died about eleven years ago in Webster Groves,
Missouri. Shortly after her death, Mr. Knostman came to his
daughter’s residence in Upper Alton, and has made his home here. Two
daughters survive him: Mrs. Dr. James of Upper Alton, and Mrs. W. H.
Murfree of Boulder, California.
KNOTTNERUS, EDWARD SAMUEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 7, 1895
“Died at the residence of his daughter in St. Louis, Missouri,
February 27, 1895. E. S. Knottnerus, aged 67 years, 2 months, and 15
The above lines are only a repetition of like notices seen in the
columns of the press from day to day. But how little do they convey
to the casual reader the heartaches, tears of grief, shed over the
broken link that formed the domestic chain that bound parents and
children in a happy family, or the loss sustained by the community
in which he lived. How little do they convey to the reader’s mind of
the active duties of life performed, of the opposition and conquest,
of the disappointments and success that he encountered in a long
life of more than three score and seven years. Those who know him
best loved and respected him most.
The writer has known him for more than thirty years. During this
time, the acquaintance grew into a friendship which forces him to
exclaim: “A true friend is one of the grandest gifts heaven ever
bestowed.” As an example of a life of quiet dignity, strict
integrity, and moral honesty, for the encouragement of the rising
generation his loss is almost irreparable.
Edward Samuel Knottnerus was born in Stickhausen, Germany. He came
to North America in 1853, landing at Baltimore, Maryland, from
whence he proceeded to Upper Alton, Illinois. Here he became
acquainted with and married Miss Katharine “Katie” Dickman (?-1885),
from which union were born eight children. Of these, Julia
(1866-1875) and Edward “Eddie” (1871-1874) died at an early age. The
surviving son and daughters are: Mrs. Christina Wichelman
(1856-1925) of St. Louis; Mrs. Dora Teigman (1859-1946) and Mrs.
Minnie Ulrich (1861-1948) of Upper Alton. The son, John (1868-1951),
and two younger daughers, Adele “Delia” (1863-1955) and Katherine
“Katie” (1874-1964), being still at home.
The deceased left his home Friday, February 22, in good health, to
visit his daughter in St. Louis. On the same evening, he was seized
with lung fever. Trained nurses and the best medical skill available
were in attendance. No effort man could put forth was omitted. So
sudden and violent was the attack, that the resources of medical
skill failed to stay its course. Love could do no more. The end came
on Wednesday night at twenty minutes before twelve o’clock, February
27, 1895.
In him, home loses a loving and capable husband and father; the
community an honored citizen, a man who would suffer wrong always
rather than do another wrong.
A resident of 40 years in Godfrey Township has secured to him and
his that best inheritance in social life, the “good name rather to
be chosen than great riches,” and loving favor rather than gold.”
Respectfully, his old friend, J. P. Vissering
Mr. Knottnerus was buried in the Godfrey Cemetery, Godfrey,
Telegraph, May 10, 1895
Mrs. Eward Samuel Knottnerus of Godfrey died last night after a
lingering illness of several months duration. She has been afflicted
with typhoid fever, and its enervating influence was the direct
cause of her death. Her husband died but a short time ago, and
deceased, in her enfeebled condition, was never apprised of the
fact. Death relieved a prolonged and intense suffering. She was 59
years of age, and leaves several children. The funeral will take
place from the home Sunday afternoon.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 13, 1895
The funeral services over the remains of Mrs. Knottnerus took place
yesterday at Godfrey. Rev. Carl Kramer of Alton officiated. The
services were attended by all the old friends of the family in this
vicinity, who sympathize with the family in their deep affliction.
Interment took place at the Godfrey Cemetery.
Katharine “Kate” Dickman was born in 1836. She married Edward Samuel
Knottnerus [1828-1895], and they had the following children:
Christine Knottnerus Wichelmann (1856-1925); Dora Knottnerus Telgman
(1859-1946); Minnie Knottnerus Ulrich (1861-1948); Adele Knottnerus
Barnard (1863-1955); John Knottnerus (1868-1951); and Katherine
Knottnerus (1874-1964). Katharine was buried in the Godfrey
Cemetery. Her husband, Edward Knottnerus, was born in Germany,
December 12, 1828. He died on February 27, 1895, in St. Louis, and
is buried in the Godfrey Cemetery.
KNOWLEN, MATTIE E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 5,
Mattie E. Knowlen, the 12 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Knowlen, died Monday night at the family home on Jefferson avenue
after a long illness with heart trouble. She leaves her parents, two
sisters and three brothers, Helen, Emily, Eugene, George and
William. The funeral will be held at 9 o'clock Thursday morning from
SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral.
KNOWLES, MARIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 28, 1913
Miss Marie Knowles, the 23-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Knowles, died Tuesday evening at the family residence, No. 515 Oak
street, after an illness of about one year. She is survived by her
parents and four brothers, Michael, Douglas, John and Louis. The
funeral will be Friday morning at 9:15 o'clock from St. Patrick's
KNOWLTON, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 1, 1885
Mrs. Knowlton, late of Jersey County, who has been sick with
consumption at the residence of her sister, Mrs. J. D. Elliott, for
some time past, died on December 26, and was interred at the
Bethalto Cemetery last Sunday. It was a very sad funeral, and the
sympathy of many are with her little daughter that is left behind,
but we are pleased to note that the little one has a splendid home
with Prof. H. T. McCrea and lady of our village.
KNOX, CHRISTIAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 11, 1893
Christian Knox, a well-known glass blower boarding at Wixsom’s
Hotel, 1300 East Second Street [Broadway], was found dead in his
room Sunday evening. He was seen on the streets about six o’clock,
and was apparently in good health, with the exception of the bad
feelings resulting from nervous troubles. He was about 40 years of
age, generous and popular among his associates. His parents live in
Glassboro, New Jersey, and have been notified of the death, and the
remains will be disposed of as they direct.
KOCH, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 4, 1903
Well Known Business Man Dies
Charles Koch, for many years a well known Alton business man, died
suddenly this morning at 4 o'clock after a brief illness. His death
was a great surprise to his family. Mr. Koch had been ill a few days
with asthma, but even up to Monday was able to be around his home.
Monday at midnight he was taken very ill, and he died within four
hours from heart disease. Mr. Koch's death is a sad shock to his
friends and to his relatives. For many years he was in partnership
with the late Julius Fritsch, his brother-in-law, whose death was
just as sudden and occurred a few months ago. Mr. Koch was known to
all who had business dealings with him as an upright business man in
all his transactions, and he conducted a very profitable business
for many years in Alton. He was 60 years and 7 months of age, and
leaves a wife and seven children: Charles A., Emil, Louis, Arthur,
Oscar and Misses Lillie and Katie, all of Alton. He has a brother,
Louis, in Atlanta, Georgia, and funeral arrangements will not be
made until he is heard from. He also has two sisters and a brother
in Bergzaberne, Rhinepfalz, Germany, the old family home.
KOCH, FANNIE F. (nee RINGERING)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
July 17, 1911
Mrs. Fannie F. Koch, wife of Henry B. Koch, died shortly after
midnight Monday morning at her home near Wood River. She was born
December 2, 1886, and was married June 3, 1908. She belonged to the
Ringering family living east of Alton, and beside her parents she
leaves one sister and four brothers. She was the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Ringering. The funeral will be Wednesday afternoon,
leaving the home at 1 p.m. for the German Evangelical church at
Alton, where the services will be conducted by Rev. E. L. Mueller.
Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery in Upper Alton.
KOCH, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 6, 1908
Founder of Upper Alton German Presbyterian Church
Henry Koch, aged 78, died Saturday evening from stomach trouble
after an illness of ten years. Mr. Koch was one of the most
prominent farmers living in this vicinity. He had raised a family of
four sons and three daughters, and beside these he leaves his wife
who is 81 years of age. His children are: Henry Koch, Mrs. Julia
Stutz, Fred Koch, Mrs. Carrie Siegrist, Tony Koch, Mrs. Charles
Frank, Benjamin Koch. Mr. Koch was the founder of the German
Presbyterian church known as the Salem church, near his home. He was
one of the principal supporters of the church during his lifetime.
He was born in Germany and came to America about 1845. He was
married at Lagrange, Missouri to his fiance, who had followed him
from Germany to America. The couple settled in Madison county in
1860, and had lived here ever since. The funeral was held Monday
afternoon from the Salem church, Rev. Ratz of Fosterburg
officiating. REv. J. Johnson of St. Louis, a friend of Mr. Koch,
preached in English at Mr. Koch's request. The pallbearers were four
sons and two sons-in-law of Mr. Koch, Henry, Fred, Anton and
Benjamin Koch, Lawrence Siegrist and Charles Frank. Mr. Koch's death
is the first in the family since they came to America 54 years ago.
KOCH, JOSEPHINE (nee AGNE)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
January 24, 1921
Mrs. Josephine Koch, aged 71, died at the family home, 608 East
Third Street, on Sunday, January 23, at six o'clock, following a
general decline which commenced about four months ago. Mrs. Koch was
the widow of Charles Koch who died August 4, 1903. Mrs. Koch was
born and reared in Alton, being the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
Agne, former well known residents of this city. She was a kind
neighbor and friend and was every ready to lend a hand in time of
trouble or illness. She is survived by seven children, Lillie,
Katie, Arthur, Louis, Emil, Charles and Oscar; seven grandchildren,
two brothers and two sisters. The brothers and sisters are William
Agne of Alton; Julius Agne of Racine, Wis.; Mrs. Elizabeth Fritsch;
and Mrs. Henry Hancock of Alton. The funeral will be held Tuesday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the home, and friends are invited to
attend. Services will be conducted by Rev. C. C. Smith of the
Congregational Church. Burial will be in the City Cemetery.
KOCH, LOUIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 23, 1907
Granite City - Aug. 22 - Louis Koch, a well known young man of
Granite City, ended his life Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock by
shooting himself through the head. Thirty minutes before Koch had
told a saloon keeper he was going to commit suicide because he was
short in his account with his employers. This is disbelieved by his
friends and employers. It is believed he told the story to shield
another. Back of it all is supposed to be a love affair.
KOCH, MAUDE (nee MURPHY)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October
19, 1922
Mrs. Maud Murphy Koch, wife of Henry Koch, died at St. Joseph's
hospital last night and with her died a newborn infant. Mrs. Koch
was 33 years of age, and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John P.
Murphy. The family lived north of Upper Alton, but formerly lived
just east of Alton near the Federal Lead plant, and Mrs. Koch's
parents are well known residents of the vicinity of Alton. The time
of the funeral will be announced later.
KOCHER, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 22, 1911
George, the 7 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kocher, of 1118
Pearl street, died Tuesday night at 11:15 o'clock after an illness
of only a few days with diphtheria. The boy was in school on Monday,
and the character of the disease is shown by the brevity of the
illness that resulted fatally. The attending physician used 10,000
units of anti-toxin on the child as a desperate remedy to save his
life, but even this failed. The funeral was held at 4 o'clock this
afternoon, and was private. Rev. E. L. Mueller conducted brief
services at the grave in City Cemetery. There was considerable alarm
felt as to the safety of the remainder of the family who had been
exposed by the child's illness. Owing to the fact that the boy had
been at school on Monday, it was considered safe to fumigate the
entire room where he attended school, so Miss Hastings' room was
dismissed today and the place was thoroughly disinfected.
KOEHNE, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 8, 1919
Killed Under [Railroad] Cars
Charles Koehne, aged 37, died at St. Joseph's hospital shortly
before noon today from injuries he sustained this morning at East
Alton while working with a Big Four switching crew. Mr. Koehne, who
resided at 2078 Alby street, had worked for the Big Four about two
years. This morning as he was engaged in switching cars at East
Alton he slipped and fell underneath a car, the wheels of the car
passing over his legs, cutting one off at the hip and the other
below the knee. He was hurried to St. Joseph's hospital and died
there in less than one hour and a half after the accident. Coming in
from East Alton, Koehne told the men around him that he slipped and
fell under the cars. He was regarded as an experienced railroad man.
He formerly was a painter. He leaves his wife and three children.
KOEHNE, CHARLES W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 20,
Charles W. Koehne, a lifelong resident of Alton, died Saturday
afternoon at his residence, 2401 Alby street, after an illness of
long duration from cancer. Mr. Koehne was well known in Alton
through his connection for many years with the firm of Drury & Wead
[sic], and also with the First Baptist Church, where he had been a
long time and a very devoted member. He had been incapacitated by
illness for many months and no one knew better than himself that
there was no physical help for him, and that the outcome must be
fatal. Mr. Koehne was 56 years of age. During his whole life he had
lived in Alton he was a highly respected man. He was known in his
church as a man who was devoted to it, and he was regarded as a very
conscientious man and a consistent Christian. He had been active in
his church work. He leaves beside his wife, two sons and two
daughters, William Koehne of Wood River, Frank Koehne of Alton, Mrs.
Helen Hart of Upper Alton and Mrs. Grace Heidemann of Maplewood.
Koehne is survived by two brothers, William and Louis, and three
sisters, Mrs. Al Roberts, Mrs. Walter Roper and Mrs. C. N. Streeper.
The funeral was held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the First
Baptist Church. Owing to the fact that it was impossible to give any
newspaper announcement of his death prior to the funeral, requests
were made on the pastors for announcement from the pulpits, as Mr.
Koehne had been deeply interested in the Men's Bible Class movement
in Alton. Rev. M. W. Twing had charge of the services and was
assisted by Rev. H. D. Johnson of the Elm street chapel. The
pallbearers were: Edward Spreen, Mark Sloman, James Rodgers, Clark
Show, John Mitchell, Roy A. Blair. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery.
KOEHNE, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 27, 1900
Henry Koehne, the blacksmith, died last evening at his home on the
Alby street road just outside the city limits, after an illness of
three weeks with inflammatory rheumatism. The condition of Mr.
Koehne has been watched with much interest by his friends, as it has
been considered critical from the beginning. He was a strong,
powerful man, and had been ill but little in his life, and it was
thought he might be able to pull through this illness. He suffered
all the tortures known to the excruciating disease, and grew weaker
rapidly. Death came at 5 o'clock Thursday evening as his family
surrounded the bed. Mr. Koehne was 44 years of age and was an
industrious man. He had conducted a blacksmith shop on Second and
George streets several years and was well known in the city. He had
always lived on the Alby street road, and was a member of a
prominent family that had lived there many years. He leaves besides
his wife, six children. The funeral will take place Saturday morning
at 9 o'clock, and services will be at the family residence.
KOEHNE, JOHN H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 13, 1900
John H. Koehne, living on North Alby street, died at 8:05 this
morning after a lingering illness and feebleness incident to old
age. He suffered for many years with asthma. Mr. Koehne has been in
the blacksmith business on Belle street for a long period, with his
son William. Of late years he has done little, but left the conduct
of his business to his son. Mr. Koehne was one of Alton's most
substantial citizens, respected and admired by a wide circle of
acquaintances as an honest and upright man who has raised a family
to do his name honor. Mr. Koehne was born in Hanover, Germany,
February 1, 1827. He came to this country when 14 years of age,
locating in St. Charles, Mo. Five years later he came to Alton,
where he has since resided, making his residence here about 54
years. His wife and seven children survive him, viz: Charles,
William, Louis, Henry, and Mrs. Calvin Streeper, Mrs. Walter Roper
and Miss Lulu Koehne. The date of the funeral has not yet been
fixed. The services will be under the auspices of the Masonic order,
of which he has long been a member.
KOELLER, CERNIDINA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 9, 1922
Mrs. Cernidina Koeller, aged 73, wife of John A. Koeller, died this
morning at 12:30 o'clock at the family home, 321 Langdon street.
Mrs. Koeller was born in Germany, but for the past 48 years she has
resided in the neighborhood of Alton and Godfrey. For the five years
past, the family has made its home in this city. She was a member of
St. Mary's congregation. She had a wide circle of friends throughout
the city and the news of her death will be received with much
sadness. She is survived by her husband, John A. Koeller; five
daughters, Sister Augustine of St. Mary's Infirmary, St. Louis, Mrs.
Teresa Bihr, Santa Marie, Ill., Miss Louise Koeller, Edwardsville,
the Misses Frances and Annie of Alton, also by three sons, Fred of
Campbell, Mo., Henry of Godfrey and Gus of Chicago. She also leaves
two sisters, Sister Clara of Springfield, and Mrs. T. Manns of
Godfrey, and four brothers, Theo Droste, Godfrey; Joseph of Germany;
Albert of Chicago; and Henry of Prairie Du Rocher, Ill. The funeral
will be held Thursday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's Church.
Interment will be in St. Joseph's Cemetery.
KOENIG, AMANDUS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 19, 1911
Amandus Koenig, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Koenig of 829 east Third
street, died Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock after an illness from
Brights disease. The young man had been ill three months, and
bedfast only one week. He was a bright, intelligent young man, and
was employed as a stenographer at the Illinois Corrugated Paper Co.
until his health made it necessary for him to resign his position.
He is survived by his parents, two brothers, and one sister. He was
in his 22nd year. The funeral will be tomorrow afternoon at 2
o'clock from the home to City Cemetery, Rev. E. L. Mueller
CHRISTIAN JULIUS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 2, 1913
Inventive Genius at Glass Works
Christian Julius Koenig, aged 57, died this _____ at his home, 829
East Third Street, after a long illness. Mr. Koenig was a skillful
mechanic. For twenty-two years he worked as head of the mold making
department at the glass works. He had inventive genius, which made
him a valuable workman, and he contributed much toward the success
of building the semi-automatic glassblowing machines, which preceded
the use of the automatic machines. He was a steady, industrious man,
and was regarded as being an upright citizen as well as a very
skillful mechanic. He was born in Dobel, Germany, and would have
been 57 years of age the 11th of June. He left home at the age of
21, after spending some time in New York and Pittsburg. He came to
Alton twenty-seven years ago, and went to work for the Illinois
Glass Company, where he continued to work until five years ago, when
he retired. He was never idle, and during all his spare time was
working on some inventions which he declined to talk about, and
doubtless had his life been spared he would have given some
marvelous new machinery to the world. Mr. Koenig leaves his wife,
one daughter, Miss Corida Koenig, and two sons, Irving G. and Carl
Koenig. The funeral of Mr. Koenig will be held Thursday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock from the home, Rev. E. L. Mueller officiating. Mr.
Koenig was a member of the Elks, the Masonic fraternity, the M. P.
L., and several social organizations.
KOENIG, HELEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 6, 1902
Helen, the 18 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Koenig,
died at noon today of spasms at the family home, 1622 Bozza street.
The father is a glassblower and is working in Milwaukee. He has been
notified and the funeral will not occur until he arrives.
KOENIG, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 30, 1900
Mrs. Mary Koenig, wife of Christian Koenig who lives on Brown street
in Upper Alton, was stricken with heart disease Sunday evening while
out walking with her husband on Washington Street. She was seized
with a sudden pain in her heart and fell to the ground unconscious.
The pain took her as Mr. and Mrs. Koenig were in front of the
dwelling of Joseph Meyers on Washington street, just north of the
city limits, and Mrs. Koenig was carried into the Meyers home where
she died in a few minutes. An inquest was held at the family home in
Upper Alton this morning by Deputy Coroner Bauer, and the funeral
will be held tomorrow morning. Services will be held in St. Mary's
church. For two nights before her death, Mrs. Koenig had been unable
to sleep, getting her only repose while sitting in a rocking chair.
Mrs. Koenig was 34 years of age last March. She came to this country
from Germany four years ago, and had no relatives of her own in this
country. Here she had her husband and four children. Mr. Koenig is a
glassblower and had been planning a business trip to Germany.
KOEPFLI, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 20, 1874
Joseph Koepfli, for many years past one of the wealthiest and most
prominent citizens of Highland precinct in Madison County, died
August 1, 1874, onboard an ocean steamer in the English Channel
while enroute from England to France. His remains were buried in
Zurich, Switzerland.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 27, 1874
We have since learned that Joseph Koepfli died in mid-ocean onboard
of the steamship Wesser, of the North German and Lloyd line, while
enroute from New York to Europe, on July 24, and that his remains
were buried at Southampton, England, on August 29. Mr. Koepfli was
born in 1808, therefore was sixty-six years of age. He was never
married. His last will and testament, dated August 13, 1869, was
duly proven and admitted to probate. His estate is said to be worth
about sixty thousand dollars.
KOETTER, HERMAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 23, 1903
The body of Herman Koetter, who was found dead at Mitchell about two
weeks ago, was buried this afternoon in Milton cemetery. Deputy
Coroner Streeper has been holding the body in hope of hearing from
Koetter's relatives, but no word from them was received.
KOHLER, ELEANOR/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 22, 1904
Mrs. Eleanor Kohler, widow of Frank Kohler, died Sunday morning
after six years illness with acute stomach troubles at the home of
her brother, Joseph Ein____, on EAst Third street. She was 69 years
of age, dying on her 69th birthday, and had lived in the Altons
since 1854. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock from the home to City cemetery. Rev. Theo. Oberhellman
officiating. Mrs. Kohler was one of the original settlers of
Greenwood, now North Alton, where she married in 1857 and resided
until the death of her husband in 1888, when she moved to Alton. She
leaves four children, Mrs. Frank Gissler, North Alton, Mrs. B. Burl
of St. Louis, Miss Josephine Kohler of Alton, and George Kohler of
St. Louis.
KOHLER, EUGENE/Source: Troy Call, January 4, 1918
Eugene Kohler, aged 22 years and a son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Kohler, former residents of Troy but now residing at Collinsville,
died at Camp Taylor, Kentucky on New Year's day after a brief
illness of pneumonia. The body arrived at Collinsville yesterday and
the funeral is being held today. Young Kohler is the second
Collinsville boy to die in the service of his country. He was
formerly employed by the Brooks Tomato Products Company at
Collinsville and left there with the second contingent which went in
October. He had a fine physique and made a model soldier. He is
survived by his parents and a younger brother.
KOHLER, FRANK/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 31, 1888
From North Alton – Mr. Frank Kohler, an old resident, died this
morning after a week’s illness, leaving a wife and three daughters,
all adults. He was 56 years, 11 months, and 14 days of age. The
funeral will take place Sunday, September 2, from the family
residence near North Alton, to the North Alton Cemetery.
KOHLER, GLACIUS/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 30, 1889
Mr. G. Kohler of North Alton, a native of Germany, for many years a
resident of this section, died Tuesday after a long illness, aged 58
years. He left a wife and two children, both married to mourn his
death. He was a member of the German Benevolent Society.
The funeral took place Thursday from the family residence in North
Alton. There was a large attendance, among the throng members of the
I.O.O.F. in regalia. The funeral procession, including North Alton
lodge, arrived at Third Street, and Wildey Encampment, Germania
Lodge, and others of the order, joined the cortege which was headed
by the Standard Band, the musicians performing dirges on the way and
at the place of burial.
KOHLER, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 16, 1909
Mrs. Mary Kohler, aged 73, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Frank Yeager, 1775 Alby street, after an illness of about eleven
weeks. Mrs. Kohler's health became impaired about three months ago
and when the weather became so warm she sank rapidly. She was the
widow of G. Kohler, who died about 25 years ago in Alton. She had
lived in the city about 44 years and leaves two children, Mrs. Frank
Yeager and Joseph Kohler, the latter being connected with the Alton
brick company. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30
o'clock from the Yeager home.
KOHLER, WILLIE (or WILLIS)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October
14, 1901
Died, suddenly, in this city [Alton], October 13th, at 4:40 p.m.,
Willie, son of Joseph and Maggie Robertson Kohler, aged 2 years and
four months. The funeral will take place tomorrow at 2 p.m. from the
home, 620 Washington street.
KOHLMEYER, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 5, 1904
Henry Kohlmeyer, employed in the batch room at the glass works, died
suddenly from heart disease Friday evening at his home, 729 North
street. He had just returned home from his day's work and was in his
house when he suddenly was stricken with an attack of heart trouble
and died almost instantly. He had been working hard all day and his
health had been good as usual up to the time he fell over on the
floor. Mr. Kohlmeyer was 50 years of age, and is survived by his
wife and two children. Deputy Coroner W. H. Bauer held an inquest
last evening and a verdict of death from heart disease was found by
the jury.
KOLB, BARBARA (nee KOEHLER)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October
3, 1921
Funeral services for Mrs. Barbara Kolb, who died Saturday afternoon,
will be conducted tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the Evangelical Church by
the Rev. E. L. Mueller of Stratton, Mo., former pastor of the
church, and the Rev. O. W. Heggemeier, present pastor. Interment
will be in the City Cemetery. Mrs. Kolb died at her home, 622 East
Seventh street, less than two weeks after a fall at her home, in
which she strained the ligaments of her hip. She was 69 years old.
Last Thanksgiving eve, Mrs. Kolb fell at her home and broke her hip.
It was not until last April that she was able to again be about,
with the aid of crutches. On September 22 last, she fell again,
tearing loose the ligaments in the other hip. Following the second
fall she was again bedfast and never recovered from the effects.
Until the time of the first fall, Mrs. Kolb had been in good health.
Close friends of Mrs. Kolb said that after her first injury, which
disabled her, she had always retained hope that she would ultimately
recover, but when she was injured recently she resigned all hope of
ever being able to help herself and that her death was due largely
to the fact that she did give up hope. Her strong will which had
manifested its power at direction in the past went to sleep and
under the circumstances her death was only what might have been
expected. She had suffered considerable internal pain after her
second injury and at no time did she show symptoms of improvement.
Mrs. Kolb was born August 24, 1852, in Langsdorf-Hessen, Dormstadt,
Germany. She came to this country when 18 years old, and has resided
in Alton since that time. Before marriage she was Miss Barbara
Koehler. She was married on January 16, 1875, to George Kolb. Mrs.
Kolb was a prominent member of the Evangelical Church. For 13 years
she was president of the Ladies' Aid Society of that church, and for
13 years she was president of the sewing society. She was known for
her charity work. She was at one time a member of the board of
directors of the Alton Woman's Home, and always responded to calls
for help from that institution. She was active in charitable work in
the interest of St. Joseph's Hospital, and always sought to help
persons less fortunate than she. She leaves three cousins, Henry and
Anna Bauch and Mrs. Fred Koch, all of Godfrey. Mrs. Kolb is survived
by two sisters living in Germany. She leaves three nephews, Ernest,
George and William Kolb, and a niece, Mrs. Joseph Klabolt. Mrs. Kolb
will be buried in a steel casket, which will be encased in a
concrete vault, in compliance with a wish made to her nephew,
William Kolb, that her body be securely encased for burial.
Pallbearers will be William, George and Ernest Kolb, Joseph Klabolt,
Max Hartwig and William Hoff.
KOLB, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 12, 1911
George Kolb, aged 68, for many years a prominent contractor in
Alton, died Sunday evening at 6 o'clock at his residence, 622 east
Seventh street. Mr. Kolb had been ill almost a year. He was able to
get out of the house occasionally, but each time he would suffer a
setback, and the last time he was confined to his bed almost two
months. He was a native of Germany, but came to America with his
parents when he was 2 years old, and he had lived in Alton about
fifty-five years. He was known as a first class workman, and his
services were in great demand. By constnat work and good habits, Mr.
Kolb accumulated considerable valuable property in Alton, and he was
considered one of the most reliable and responsible contractors in
the city. He leaves no children. He is survived by his wife, Mrs.
Barbara Kolb, and by his aged mother, Mrs. Katherine Kolb, and two
half brothers, Ernest and Will Kolb, all of Alton. The funeral will
be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home.
KOLB, KATHERINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 7, 1914
The funeral for the late Mrs. Katherine Kolb, one of the North
Side’s oldest and most respected citizens who died Monday evening at
the home of her son, William Kolb on Rozier Street, was held this
afternoon. Services were conducted at the home and also in the
German Evangelical Church by Rev. E. L. Mueller, who spoke on the
true Christian character of the deceased. Mrs. Kolb was known for
her kind disposition, especially to the needy, and was a kind
mother, good neighbor, and respected by all who knew her. She saw
many changes take place in this vicinity, coming to the North Side
many years ago when the surrounding country was mostly a wilderness.
The funeral was attended by a large gathering of relatives, friends
and neighbors, and especially the older residents, who evidenced the
esteem they had borne in life for one whose soul had entered into
the keeping of the Heavenly Father. The pallbearers were William P.
Kolb Jr., George Kolb, Ernest Kolb Jr., Joseph Klebold, Peter Meyer,
and Henry Brandt. The remains were laid to rest in the Upper Alton
Oakwood Cemetery.
KOLB, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 16, 1888
The funeral of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Kolb took
place from the family residence yesterday afternoon.
KOLB, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 19,
The funeral of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. James Kolb took
place this afternoon from St. Mary’s Church.
KOPP, CATHARINE/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 13, 1898
Wife of Jacob Kopp
Mrs. Catharine Kopp died at her home, Fifth and Ridge Streets,
Saturday, after a short illness with asthma and catarrh of the
lungs. Mrs. Kopp was taken sick on Tuesday; at the time her husband
was seriously ill. Mr. Kopp died Wednesday morning, and was buried
Friday afternoon, but the aged wife was too sick to be informed of
the demise of her husband. Mrs. Kopp was 72 years of age, and leaves
three children, Jacob, Henry, and Mary Kopp, to whom her death is a
double blow, coming right after that of the father. The funeral took
place Monday from the home. Services were conducted by Rev. William
Hackmann. The body was interred in Alton City Cemetery, beside that
of her husband, who was buried last Friday.
KOPP, JACOB/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 6, 1898
Jacob Kopp died yesterday morning at his home, Fifth and Ridge
Streets, aged 76 years. He was a long-time resident of Alton, having
settled here when quite young, and resided here continuously near
the place where his death occurred. He leaves a wife and three
children – Jacob, Mary and Henry Kopp.
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 13, 1898
The funeral of Jacob Kopp took place Friday from the home, Fifth and
Ridge Streets. There was a large attendance of old friends and
acquaintances, including the members of Germania Lodge, I.O.O.F., of
which deceased was a member. The interment was in the Alton City
KOPP, JACOB/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 5, 1901
The funeral of Jacob Kopp was held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
from the home to the Evangelical church, where services were
conducted by Rev. Theo Oberhellman. There was a large attendance of
friends and relatives of the family at the services. Burial was in
the City Cemetery. The A. O. U. W. lodge participated in the funeral
KOPPEL, THERESA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 17, 1899
Mrs. Theresa Koppel, wife of August Koppel, died this morning at her
home on Belle Street, after an illness of one month. She was forty
years of age, and leaves beside her husband, one son. Mrs. Koppel
has been conducting a restaurant on Belle Street about one year. She
was born in Germany, and had valuable property there. The funeral
will be Sunday from the home on Belle Street.
KORTIZAN, ANNA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 21, 1916
Mrs. Fred Stocker of 1315 Highland avenue left her home for a short
time yesterday afternoon to go to a grocery store nearby. Returning,
she found her mother crumpled up in a heap on the floor. Physicians
were called at once and stated that her mother, Mrs. Anna Kortizan,
had died from heart failure. Mrs. Kortizan, aged 69, was in the best
of health all day yesterday. She was doing fancy work at the time
her daughter left for the store, and there was nothing to indicate
that she was not in the very best of health. Mrs. Kortizan was a
native of Austria Hungary, but had lived in this country for a
number of years.
KORTKAMP, ABRAHAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 12, 1917
Abraham Kortkamp, for the past sixty or seventy years a well known
resident of the Coal Branch, died at the family home at 11:30
o'clock last evening after a long illness. Mr. Kortkamp was 83 years
of age and his long residence in the city has made him a well known
and well liked man. Mr. Kortkamp is survived by his wife, Mathilda;
two daughters, Mrs. Bert Elfgen and Mrs. Harriet Pieper; the last
named being from St. Louis; and one son, Eugene. The funeral
services will be held from the family home Wednesday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Burial will be in the City Cemetery.
KORTKAMP, ANNA A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 7, 1908
Miss Anna A. Kortkamp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Kortkamp of
1040 Tremont street, died Monday morning at the family home. Miss
Kortkamp was the bookkeeper at the office of Curdie & Co., and in
connection with the discharge of her duties there she became well
known in business circles throughout the city. She had been feeling
poorly for some time, but paid little attention to it, and only ten
days ago found it necessary to give up her work and remain at home.
It developed that she was suffering from an abdominal abscess, and
before there was time to operate upon her for its removal the
abscess broke Sunday afternoon and caused her death 18 hours
afterward. The death of Miss Kortkamp was a great surprise to her
friends, as it was not generally known she was ill. She was
apparently in the best of health. She was a bright, happy
dispositioned young woman, and made friends wherever she went. It
was because of her being unused to being ill that she did not
recognize the necessity long ago of having something done for her,
and when she should have been free from responsibilities she
continued to attend to the duties of the position in the office of
her brother-in-law, Robert Curdie Jr. Miss Kortkamp was 27 years of
age and had lived in Alton all her life. She leaves beside her
parents, four brothers, George, John, William and Percy, and one
sister, Mrs. Robert Curdie. The funeral will be held Wednesday
morning at 10 o'clock from the family home, and the body will be
taken to Godfrey for burial. Rev. G. L. Clark of the Twelfth street
Presbyterian church will conduct the funeral services.
KORTKAMP, ELMER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 2, 1915
Two of the bodies of the ill-fated victims of the powder works
explosion yesterday will be shipped away, and the other three buried
in this vicinity...The funeral of Elmer Kortkamp will be held
tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock at the East Alton Methodist church.
The Rev. Armitage will officiate. The burial will be in the Liberty
Prairie Cemetery.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 03, 1915
From East Alton – There was a large attendance at the funeral of
Elmer Kortkamp in East Alton at the Methodist Church this morning.
The Rev. H. J. Armitage officiated, and music was furnished by the
choir of the Methodist Church. There was a profusion of flowers, and
the funeral cortege had many carriages. The burial was in the
cemetery at Liberty Prairie.
KORTKAMP, ELMIRA/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 27, 1891
From Bethalto - Miss Elmira Kortkamp died Monday morning at her
father’s residence, three miles north of town, aged seventeen years.
The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon from the M. E. Church, of
which she was a consistent member. The death of this young lady
furnishes features of unusual sadness, for she was loved by all who
knew her. The whole community deeply sympathize with the bereaved
parents. The casket bore many floral offerings, contributed by
loving hands. The remains were taken to the Liberty Prairie Cemetery
for burial.
KORTKAMP, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 12, 1913
Fatally Injured at Alton Brick Company
Frank Kortkamp, 38 years old, engineer of the steam shovel at the
Alton Brick Co. Plant, was fatally injured at 9 o'clock Saturday
morning when a small earth slide from the top of an eighteen foot
embankment jammed him against the big shovel, fracturing his skull
and both ankles. Kortkamp, with three other men, under the direction
of Superintendent Harry Meyers, was building a new section of track
for the electric shovel to run on. Kortkamp stood a few feet away
from the shovel when the slide of earth came and caught him, jamming
him up against the big shovel with terrific force. His arm and leg
bones were broken in several places, and a fracture of his skull
caused the physicians to believe that he could not survive the
injuries. The injured man was not covered by the earth, there was
just enough of it to throw him against the machine with such force
that he was terribly crushed. The three workmen who were with
Kortkamp wept when they saw the form of their fellow-workman
apparently lifeless and broken and torn by contact with the jagged
parts of the steam shovel. Under the direction of Mr. Meyers they
carried him to a shanty nearby and the ambulance was called and Dr.
Worden hurriedly called. He was taken to St. Joseph's hospital.
Kortkamp resided on the coal branch. The young man died at St.
Joseph's hospital without regaining consciousness at noon. He is
survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Kortkamp, two brothers and
two sisters.
KORTKAMP, NETTIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 29, 1891
From Bethalto – Miss Nettie, another daughter of Mr. John Kortkamp,
died last night, aged sixteen years. The funeral will take place
from the M. E. Church tomorrow. The family has had a very serious
time for many weeks. The father not being able at this time to go
out, the good people in this vicinity deeply sympathize with them
and have assisted them. Mr. George Jackson and others have been
putting in a crop for them the past month. Their numerous friends
hope now that their sickness is over.
KORTCAMP, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 23, 1890
Mr. and Mrs. George Kortcamp, who live on a farm northeast of
Godfrey, close to the Foster Township line, were bereaved last
Wednesday by the death of their six-year-old son. The funeral took
place Thursday afternoon from the Kortcamp farm, and the body of the
child was interred in the family lot at the Godfrey burial ground.
KORTKAMP, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 30, 1900
William Kortkamp, an old resident of Alton, died this morning at his
home on Alby street near Sixteenth street, after a long illness with
asthma. He was 68 years of age and had passed all his life in the
vicinity of Alton and North Alton. He leaves his wife and one
daughter. The funeral will be Saturday morning at 9 o'clock, and
services will be at the house. Interment will be in City Cemetery.
KOSCOSMER, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October
20, 1892
The infant son of John Koscosmer died this morning of heart trouble.
Funeral will take place from the residence of Mr. James Pack, 910
East Second Street, tomorrow morning.
KOY, MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 20, 1922
Mrs. Margaret Koy died last night at midnight at St. Joseph's
hospital following a surgical operation performed, in the hope it
would give her some relief from suffering consequent upon a leg
fracture which occurred eight weeks ago at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. James Neuman, of 313 Carroll street. Mrs. Koy will be best
remembered by Alton people as the matron of the Alton Woman's Home
for a long period. Most of her friends referred to her as Mrs. Kay,
and that was the pronunciation generally given her name. The death
of Mrs. Koy followed a period of intense suffering, due to her
falling in her home on a porch. She fractured her hip, and as she
was 84 years of age, such an injury naturally might be expected to
prove fatal. She showed remarkable vitality, but of late it had
seemed that a surgical operation would be necessary to assist her on
the way to recovery. It was realized that it was a grave chance that
was being taken, but she was willing to undergo it. The nervous
shock coupled with her weakened condition, due to her age and her
long period of confinement, proved too much for her and death
resulted a week after the operation was performed. Mrs. Koy leaves
three daughters, Mrs. Emma Dwyer of Wood River, Mrs. Minnie Neuman
of Alton, Mrs. Charles Swain of San Diego, Calif., also two sons,
William Burnett of Pensacola, Fla., and Harry Burnett of
Jacksonville, Fla. She leaves six grandchildren and two great
KRAMER, HILDA/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 15, 1895
Child Drowned in Bucket of Water
A peculiar and distressing accident befell the ten months old child
of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kramer, of 415 East Second Street [Broadway]
yesterday, resulting in the death of the little child. The little
girl, whose name is Hilda, when last seen was playing around on the
porch. A large water bucket about quarter full of water was left on
the porch, and in some manner the child fell head first into the
bucket, where it was not discovered until all traces of life were
The first known of the accident was at 12:30 o’clock, when a lady
boarder, Mrs. Atchison, happened to be out on the porch, and there
found the child in the bucket. She hastily pulled the body out,
which was yet warm, summoned the child’s mother, and a physician was
immediately sent for. Dr. Haskell arrived soon after and pronounced
life extinct. He stated that the child must have been in the water
quite a time, from the appearance of the body.
The parents of the little girl are grief stricken over its death.
The father of the child, W. L. Kramer, is employed as tender in the
switch tower at the foot of Langdon Street. The family came to Alton
from Slater, Missouri, and have only lived here about a year. It was
an unusually bright and intelligent child for its age, and was just
learning to walk. It was in the habit of climbing up on the side of
any article in its reach, and it is supposed that this was the
manner in which it fell into the bucket. As was said at first, the
bucket contained but very little water, being about one-quarter
full. When found, the child’s feet were sticking out of the bucket.
It must have been dead for some time.
KRAMER, SOPHIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 27, 1904
The funeral of Mrs. Sophia Kramer took place this afternoon from the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Loreb, 523 East Third street, where
services were conducted by Rev. Theodore Oberhellmann, and was
attended by many friends of deceased and the family. Interment was
in City Cemetery.
KRANTZ, GEORGE/Source: Troy Star, June 28, 1894
Died - At his home in Marine Prairie, Jarvis Township, Sunday
evening at 7:30 o'clock, George Krantz, aged 73 years and 3 months.
The funeral took place Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock from the family
residence, and was attended by a large number of sympathizing
friends and relatives. The pall bearers were Messrs. Fred May,
Martin Muell, Peter Fry, Fred Hess, Conrad Brennemann and Samuel
Fry. Deceased leaves a wife, eight children and 24 grandchildren.
His children are Messrs. George, Jacob, Henry, William, John;
Mesdames John Noffs of Collinsville and Lizzie Kaufman of St.
Morgan; one daughter, not married, Miss Bertha, and a step-daughter,
Miss Amelia Mullock. Mr. Krantz was born in Germany and came to this
country in 1844. He lived in Marine Prairie 27 years, prior to which
he resided at Mascoutah. He was a hard working man and highly
respected by all who knew him. The Star extends sincere sympathy to
the bereaved.
KRANZ, CARL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 21, 1902
Carl Kranz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kranz, died Tuesday night at
the home in North Alton after an illness from brain fever, aged 11
years. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from
the family home.
KRANZ, EMIL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 1, 1907
Emil, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kranz, died shortly before noon at
the family home, 816 east Third street, from stomach troubles. He
was 24 years of age and is survived by his parents, three brothers
and four sisters. Funeral arrangements are not complete.
KRANZ, HANNAH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 14, 1915
With a calm, steady purpose of mind, Miss Hannah Kranz, a teacher in
the Alton public schools, approached the hour of her death,
Wednesday evening, after a long period of sickness which had made
her an invalid. Beloved by all who knew her, and especially in her
family and by those who had been associated with her in school work
and by the pupils, she passed out without a feeling of fear, nor
dismay. She had been planning for the time when her suffering would
be over, and she was all ready to go. It was just as she had wished
it. She preferred that her funeral be held on Saturday, as schools
would be out and it would be possible for the teachers and those of
the children who wished to attend the funeral to do so without
causing any disarrangement of the school schedule. She even picked
out her pallbearers from among members of her graduating class of
the year 1909 in Alton High School. Miss Kranz was born and raised
in Alton, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kranz of 816 East Third
street. She attended the public schools and after her graduation she
secured a teacher's certificate and taught first at Lowell School,
then at Humboldt School. she was efficient as a teacher, in giving
instruction, but her strength was in the love that was borne to her
by the children who sat under her from year to year. Miss Kranz was
the idol of her children, and there is many a sad heart within a
child's breast over the departure of the little woman who was good
to them. She had been in failing health for four years. Trips to
Colorado and other places that were hoped to be beneficial in
restoring her health failed. She submitted to a surgical operation
from which she never fully rallied....For thirteen years she was a
member of the Twelfth Street Presbyterian Sunday school.....She
leaves four brothers, Henry and John of Alton; Paul in the
Philippines; Theodore of Humingdon, W. Va.; also three sisters, Mrs.
T. B. Wheaton of Fieldon; Mrs. Adolph Meissner of Springfield; and
Miss Dollie Kranz of Alton. The funeral will be held Saturday
morning at 10 o'clock from the family home, Rev. J. T. Baker of the
Twelfth Street Presbyterian Church officiating.
KRANZ, JULIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 30, 1900
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kranz was bereaved by death today of
their 18 months old daughter, Julia, after an illness with lung
fever. The funeral will be Sunday at 3:30 p.m., and interment will
be in City Cemetery.
KRANZ, NICHOLAS/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 02, 1892
Nicholas Kranz, an old and higly respected citizen of North Alton,
died last night at the home of his son, Henry Kranz. Mr. Kranz was a
native of Prussia. He came to this country in 1866, and settled at
Cincinnati, Ohio, where he lived for many years. He was in his 79th
year. He leaves to mourn his demise five children: Mrs. Barbara
Dingalacher, Misses Gertrude and Maggie Kranz, and Messrs. Jacob and
Henry Kranz. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from St.
Mary’s Church.
KRATZ, ANNA/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 30, 1896
From Edwardsville – Anna, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Kratz,
residing on the Montgomery farm south of Edwardsville, died Friday
of diphtheria. The remains were interred in the Bohemian Cemetery on
KREBS, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 29, 1894
From Edwardsville – Henry Krebs, a tailor, and for many years a
resident of Edwardsville, killed himself in St. Louis Saturday last.
He and his wife had separated since moving to St. Louis. For some
years he has been a hard drinker.
(Kreig - See also Krieg)
KREIG, LAURA/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 02, 1898
From Fosterburg - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kreig are sorely afflicted by
the death of their oldest daughter, Laura, nine years of age. She
was sick about three weeks with typhoid fever. Funeral services were
conducted by Rev. Boell at the Presbyterian Church. The interment
was at Bethalto.
KREIG, LILLIE MAY/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 02, 1896
(Also spelled Krieg)
From Fosterburg – Little Lillie, the 10-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Kreig of Bethalto, died and was buried there on Monday.
Quite a number from Fosterburg attended the funeral.
From Bethalto – Died, Lillie May Kreig, Saturday, March 28, at the
age of 9 years, 8 months, and seven days. Little Lillie first had
measles, and was just about well when she suddenly developed a
severe case of spinal meningitis. She grew rapidly worse until
Saturday morning, when after the best of medical skill had failed,
the dear little girl breathed her last. The funeral services were
held in the C. P. Church Monday. The public schools dismissed, and
the pupils attended the services, both at the church and cemetery,
out of respect for their dear departed schoolmate. Four schoolgirls
acted as pallbearers. The interment took place in the Bethalto
Cemetery. The sadly bereaved parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kreig,
have the sympathy of their many friends in this, their great
bereavement. [Interment was in the Bethalto United Methodist Church
KRELL, CHARLES H./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 7, 1884
Suicide by Poison
Charles H. Krell, a native of Berlin, Prussia, 42 years of age, for
a year and a half a resident of Alton, previous to which he lived
for a time at Upper Alton, committed suicide Wednesday at his place
of residence on Second [Broadway], between Ridge and Spring Streets,
by taking morphine and cyan kali, or cyanide of potassium, a deadly
poison. Mr. Krell had appeared quite despondent for several days,
and told one of his acquaintances Tuesday that the next time he saw
him it would be as a corpse. At 4 o’clock in the morning, he arose
from his bed, and it is supposed, took the fatal doses. He then
again retired, and about 5 o’clock told his wife that he had taken
poison with suicidal intent. She at first refused to believe him,
but as he commenced breathing in an unnatural manner, became alarmed
and sent for a physician. Dr. Guelich answered the call, but when he
arrived at the house, the unfortunate man was beyond human aid.
There is little doubt but that the act was premeditated. It is
supposed that financial troubles were the cause of the act. Deceased
left no family except a wife, who will receive $500 death benefit
from the Order of the Harugari, of which her husband was a member.
Coroner Youree was notified of the suicide soon after it occurred.
KREMER, EDWARD “EDDIE” C./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 17, 1890
Mr. Anton Kremer, Friday morning received news from his wife of the
death of his son, Eddie, aged one year and nine months, at Denver,
Colorado. The body arrived here Sunday morning, and the funeral took
place in the afternoon from the family residence on Fourth Street,
near Langdon. There was a large attendance of friends and neighbors,
and many beautiful offerings of flowers. The parents have the
heart-felt sympathy of their many friends, as this being their only
child, leaves their household very desolate indeed.
KREMER, FRANK H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 29, 1920
Frank H. Kremer, son of Mrs. Phillipina Kremer, died at midnight,
Wednesday night at the family home, 217 East Broadway, after a long
period of invalidism. The young man had been in a dying condition
for two weeks and had been sick for more than two years. He was born
in Alton and would have been 38 years old next March 17. Besides his
mother, he leaves three brothers: Anton, Arthur and Edward, and one
sister, Mrs. B. W. Plummer. He leaves also a daughter, Miss Evelyn
KREMER, PETER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 13, 1909
Peter Kremer, who would have been 92 years old next February, died
Wednesday morning at the home of his son, Michael Kremer,
Seventeenth and Market streets, after an illness of long duration
from asthma. His later years of life were clouded by blindness. He
spent most of his time with his son, Michael Kremer, where his
daughter in law, Mrs. Kremer, ministered to him and made his
declining years as comfortable as possible. He was an old teacher in
Catholic parochial schools. He taught in the St. Mary's parish
school and at other places. Mr. Kremer was born in Germany, but
lived in America about 48 years. He had spent most of the last 29
years in Alton and vicinity. He leaves four sons, John, Michael of
Alton; Peter of Edwardsville; Anton of Denver; and one daughter,
Mrs. Josephine Tremmel of Alton. Beside his children he leaves 29
grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren. Deceased was born at
Niedergondershausen, Rhein Province of Prussia, February 1, 1817. He
received his early education at the Seminary of Bruel, a preparatory
school, after which he took a scholarship at the university of Bonn,
Prussia, and graduated from that institution in 1840. He was
principal of the school of Ober & Niederweiler, Prussia for twenty
years. He emigrated to America and settled in Madison, Wis., in
1861, where he taught parochial schools for two years. He then
removed to Alton in 1863, and taught the parochial schools of Alton,
Highland, and St. Louis. He always considered Alton his home. He was
teacher of the old school, a strict disciplinarian, and master of
the school room. He was married to Eva Catherine Radermacher at
Waldorf, Prussia, who died in 1871.
KREMER, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
February 29, 1912
Mrs. MIchael Kremer Jr. passed away at midnight Wednesday night
after a brief illness. About two weeks ago Mrs. Kremer was taken ill
with Bright's disease. The disease had no doubt been present for a
long period, but no pronounced symptoms developed until within a
short time before her death. The past week she had been very ill,
unconscious during the greater part of the time until her death at
12:20 last night. Mrs. Kremer was born in Illinois July 14th, 1878.
She moved with her parents to Missouri when a small child. She was
married to Michael Kremer Jr. on the 9th of last November. She is
survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Adams of Kansas City,
and one sister, Mrs. Florence Norman of Clinton, Mo. She was a most
estimable woman with a deep attachment for her home, and a kindly
disposition that won her many friends during her life in Alton. The
date of the funeral has not yet been decided upon. It will be
settled upon the arrival of the parents of Mrs. Kremer. The home of
Mr. and Mrs. Kremer is at 501 Bond street.
KREMER, WALTER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 22, 1904
Walter, the 2 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kremer, died last
night and was buried this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Rev. Theodore
Oberhallman conducted the services.
KREPEL, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 17, 1899
Frank, the fifteen-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Krepel, died
this morning at the family home, 313 East Second Street, from
stomach troubles. The funeral will be Sunday in the Cathedral.
[Burial was at Greenwood Cemetery.]
KREPEL, ZELMA IONE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 3, 1918
Friends in Alton were shocked this morning to learn of the sudden
death at St. Joseph's Hospital Wednesday morning at 3:25 o'clock, of
Zelma Ione Krepel, wife of Louis M. Krepel of Alton. The young wife
had been in poor health for some time, but her condition was not
thought to be serious. Last December Mrs. Krepel was taken ill with
diabetes, and on account of her health her husband closed their home
and sent his wife away to various part of the country to rest. She
visited in Manchester and last week went to Dow. On Saturday her
husband received word from Mrs. Krepel saying that she would be home
Monday and asked that he make arrangements for them to go light
housekeeping, as she was very much improved. Monday morning Krepel
went to the train to meet his wife and was alarmed at her condition.
She said she was taken ill Sunday, but wanted to come home. Monday
night she was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, where she continued to
grow worse until death relieved her of her suffering Wednesday
morning. Last night it was known that she could not rally. Mrs.
Krepel was twenty-five years of age and had been married for nearly
five years. She is survived by her husband but no children. Her
mother, Mrs. Frank Edward of Manchester; a brother, Lee Richey of
Houston, Texas; an uncle, John Williams of Dow; and an aunt, Mrs.
Jacob Deal of Alton; and an aged grandmother, Mrs. David Williams of
Dow; all survive her loss. The young woman had resided in Alton for
a number of years and was well known. She was an industrious and
delightful housekeeper, and her home was the pleasant meeting place
of friends. Her death will be very much regretted by her host of
friends. The funeral arrangements are incomplete, awaiting word from
her brother, Lee Richey, who is in the Field Artillery, Machine Gun
Division, Camp Logan, Houston, Texas. The funeral will most probably
be held on Friday morning from the Cathedral. (Burial was in Greenwood Cemetery.)
KRESEK, ANTON/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 17, 1883
From Edwardsville – Anton Kresek, aged about 23 years, a Bohemian
farmer who resided three or four miles south of Edwardsville, was
run over and killed by the construction train on the Narrow Gauge
Railroad, one mile south of here, yesterday. The train was backing
at the time, and the deceased, who was intoxicated and lying on the
track, was not discovered in time to prevent the entire train from
running over and mangling his body and limbs in a horrible manner.
The remains were brought to Eberle’s undertaking establishment, and
the Coroner notified. An inquest was held at the office of Esquire
Hobson last evening. The deceased was recently married.
(see also Kreig)
KRIEG, BARBARA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 27, 1916
Mrs. Barbara Krieg, aged 87, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Alex Isch of Fosterburg, at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon after an
illness of some time. On account of her advanced age, her condition
has been considered serious for some time. Mrs. Krieg was well known
about Fosterburg, where she has lived for the past sixty years. Her
husband died about forty years ago, and since that time she has been
making her home with her children. Besides Mrs. Isch, she leaves one
daughter, Mrs. Henry Scheldt of Woodburn, and a son, John, of Knox,
Ind. Mrs. Krieg was born in Germany and came to the United States
when a young girl. She was one of the charter member of the old
German Baptist church at Fosterburg, which has since been changed to
the English Baptist church. She was always active in the church
work. She was a member of a prominent family, and the owner of an
excellent farm of several hundred acres.
KRIEG, HISKA FREDIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 24, 1914
Mrs. Hiska Fredia Krieg, aged 55(?), died at her home in Fosterburg
this morning. She leaves a husband, Thomas Krieg. The funeral will
be held on Monday morning at 10 o'clock from the Fosterburg
Presbyterian church to the Bethalto cemetery.
KRIEG, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 21, 1878
Mr. John Krieg, a prominent citizen who lived near Fosterburg, died
very suddenly Thursday. He was preparing to come to Alton, and had
hitched up his team for that purpose when he fell dead from heart
disease, as is supposed. Deceased was a member of the Baptist
Church, and leaves a wife and three children to mourn his death. His
funeral took place Saturday morning.
KRIEG, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 30, 1919
John Krieg, of Knox, Ind., died at 3:40 o'clock this morning at his
home, at the age of 61 years. He is survived by his wife and two
sisters, Mrs. Alex Isch of Fosterburg, and Mrs. Henry Scheldt of
Woodburn. He was ill for the past two years but has been bedfast for
just two weeks. The body will arrive over the Chicago and Alton on
Friday morning. Arrangements have not been completed but the funeral
will probably be held from the Isch and Gvillo home. Krieg spent his
life at Fosterburg, up to 13 years ago when he moved to Chicago to
engage in the lumber business. One year ago he moved to a farm in
Stark County, Ind. For many years he was in the dairy business, a
partner to Alexander Isch. The old Krieg-Isch place is now the Isch
and Gvillo farm. Krieg was married twice, his first wife being a
sister to R. J. Young of Bluff street in this city.
KRIEG, LILLIE MAY/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 02, 1896
From Bethalto – Died, Lillie May Krieg, Saturday, March 28, at the
age of 9 years, 8 months, and seven days. Little Lillie first had
measles, and was just about well when she suddenly developed a
severe case of spinal meningitis. She grew rapidly worse until
Saturday morning, when after the best of medical skill had failed,
the dear little girl breathed her last. The funeral services were
held in the C. P. Church Monday. The public schools dismissed, and
the pupils attended the services, both at the church and cemetery,
out of respect for their dear departed schoolmate. Four schoolgirls
acted as pallbearers. The interment took place in the Bethalto
Cemetery. The sadly bereaved parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Krieg,
have the sympathy of their many friends in this, their great
KRIEG, UNKNOWN CHILD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August
9, 1900
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krieg are mourning the loss of their
six-months-old child, which died Saturday morning, August 4. The
little sufferer had been sick nearly all its life, and endured great
pain until death came to relieve it. The funeral was held at the
Ingersoll school house, west of town, and the services were
conducted by Rev. Payne of Litchfield. The bereaved father and
mother have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community.
KRIEG, WALTER W./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 19, 1893
From Fosterburg – Little Walter, oldest child of Mr. John Krieg, was
taken sick on January 8 with diphtheria, and lived only four days,
dying on Thursday, January 12. Little Walter was a very bright and
affectionate child, and was the joy and pride of a father’s heart,
and a favorite with all who knew him. The remains were taken to the
Bethany Cemetery [in Godfrey], where they now rest by the side of
his mother [Eliza Young Krieg], who preceded him to the great beyond
a few months ago. The bereaved father has the heartfelt sympathy of
the entire community in this, his hour of bereavement.
Eliza Young Krieg, mother of Walter, was the daughter of William
Young (1830-1923), native of Northern Ireland, and Eliza Farrell
Young (1836-1920), native of Ireland. Both of her parents are also
buried in the Bethany Cemetery in Godfrey.
KRIEGER, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 1, 1916
Mrs. Mary Krieger, wife of William Krieger, died at her home two
miles northwest of Dorsey, Wednesday morning, March 1, at the age of
69 years, 9 months, and 15 days. Mrs. Krieger was taken ill three
weeks ago when she was found unconscious by her husband. A physician
who was called pronounced her illness to be due to an attack of the
grippe which settled on her kidneys. She had been bedfast ever
since, and kept growing steadily weaker. Most of her children were
at the bedside when the end came. She is survived by her husband,
William Krieger, and five daughters and two sons, Mrs. Anna Bertels,
Mrs. Minnie Bertels, Mrs. Frank Renken of Alton; Mrs. Emma Johnson
and Mrs. Mamie Burgess and Edward and William Krieger Jr. She is
also survived by a brother, Henry Obermiller of Bethalto, and three
sisters, Mrs. Yetta Oldenettel of Bunker Hill, Mrs. Wernsing of
Harvel, Ill., and Mrs. Louisa Heuer of Dorsey. Mrs. Krieger came
from Germany with her parents when but a young girl. The funeral
will be held on Friday, March 3rd at 1 o'clock from the home to the
Dorsey Lutheran cemetery. Rev. William G. Peterson of the Lutheran
church will officiate at the funeral.
KRIEGER, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 5, 1921
William Krieger passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Otto
Johnson, Sunday, December 7, at 1:30 p.m. at the age of 79 years, 4
months and 14 days. He leaves to mourn his death two sons and five
daughters, Edward and W. J. Krieger; Mrs. R. J. Bertles; Mrs.
William Bertles; Mrs. Otto Johnson; Mrs. Herman Burjes; all of
Dorsey; and Mrs. Frank Renken of Alton. He also leaves 21
grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. The funeral will be held
Wednesday, December 7, at 1 p.m. from the family home one and
one-half miles west of Dorsey, Ill. Burial will be in the Dorsey
Lutheran cemetery.
KRIES, MATTIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 7, 1879
Died at Godfrey, July 31, 1879, of cholera infantum, Mattie, infant
daughter of John and Carrie Kries; aged 1 year and 6 months.
KRIMNITZ, LILLIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 23, 1890
After an illness of several months, Miss Lillie Krimnitz passed away
yesterday. Miss Krimnitz has suffered from consumption for six
months or more. She was well known to most of our citizens as the
efficient and obliging manager of the Central Telephone office in
Alton, where she gave the most thorough satisfaction not only to her
employers, but to all patrons of the company. Miss Krimnitz leaves a
widowed mother, three sisters, and two brothers to mourn her early
death. She had not completed her 23rd year. For the widowed and
bereaved mother and sorrowing brothers and sisters, there will be
nothing but the tenderest sympathy in this affliction.
KRIMNITZ, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 25, 1886
Died in Alton on February 18, Charles Primnitz, aged 60 years. He
was a native of Prussia.
KRINARD, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 13, 1901
Charles Krinard, one of our best-known farmers and one who had won
the esteem of all who knew him, died at his home on the 9th inst.,
after a lingering illness. It is seldom that so large an attendance
is seen at a funeral as there was at his on Sunday afternoon. Rev.
Kuehn conducted the funeral services, and the remains were interred
at the Zimmerman Cemetery [Moro Township]. Mr. Krinard was born in
Saxony, Germany, 55 years ago, and came to this country with his
father’s family when about five years old. He leaves to mourn his
death beside many friends, a wife and eight children. In speaking of
the family, Mr. John Jones said: “When his father settled here they
were very poor. I furnished them with seed for their first crop.”
Mr. Krinard overcame this poverty and leaves a valuable estate.
KROENLIN, WIFE OF JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 27, 1874
From Edwardsville, Feb. 24 – Deceased – Mrs. Kroenlin.
Attorney; Mayor of Edwardsville
Senator; Judge; Bank President
William Henry Krome was born in Louisville, Kentucky, on July 01,
1842, to Charles W. and Anna (Wesseler) Krome, natives of Hanover,
Germany. Charles and Anna came to America in 1836, the father being
twenty-one, and the mother being fifteen years of age. They married
in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1841, and after the birth of William
(the oldest of twelve children), they moved to St. Louis in 1849,
and to Madison County, Illinois, in 1851. Charles Krome was a
farmer, and served as a Justice of the Peace for many years.
William H. Krome was raised as a farmer’s son, and his education
began in the local schools. In 1858, at the age of sixteen, he
became a student in McKendree College in Lebanon, Illinois. He
graduated in 1863. William then gave his time to farming in the
summer, and teaching in the winter. In 1866, he entered the law
department of the University of Michigan, and graduated with an
LL.B. (Bachelor of Law) in 1868. He opened a practice in
Collinsville, but soon afterward moved to Edwardsville, where he
formed a partnership with John G. Irwin, which continued until 1874,
when Irwin was elected County Judge. William then formed a
partnership with W. F. L. Hadley, and for years the firm of Krome &
Hadley was one of the strongest in this part of the State, which was
only terminated when Hadley was elected to Congress.
William Krome’s public career began in April 1873, with his election
as Mayor of Edwardsville. During his term, he established the
Edwardsville fire department. In November 1874, the forty-first
district elected him to the State Senate, where he served four
years. He was the youngest member of that body, yet was recognized
through his abilities and hard work, by being assigned to the
chairmanship of the Committee on Judicial Department. Krome served
as County Judge from 1890 to 1894.
For a number of years, Krome was an influential factor in the
business affairs of Edwardsville. He was one of the organizers of
the Madison State Bank, and served as its Director and President.
When it became the Bank of Edwardsville in 1898, he was chosen as
its Director and Vice-President, and later served as its President.
Krome was also one of the Directors of the Edwardsville Water
Judge Krome was endorsed by the entire bar of Madison County for a
seat on the Supreme bench. They described Krome as having judicial
qualities of mind and heart, discriminating, intelligent, and
conscientious. The Edwardsville press was equally enthusiastic,
stating Krome had the highest character, ability, integrity, and
honor. In politics, Judge Krome was loyal to the Democratic Party.
He was chosen as a member of the Democrat State Committee in 1880,
and in 1884 he was a delegate to the Democrat National Convention.
On May 4, 1875, Judge Krome married Lucy Medora Gillham, daughter of
Shadrach Bond Gillham, a member of one of the oldest and most
distinguished families of Madison County. Lucy was born on April 13,
1853, on a farm at Edwardsville Crossing – now known as Hartford.
She attended Monticello Ladies Seminary and Illinois Women’s College
at Jacksonville, Illinois. William and Lucy had seven children:
Clara (married P. L. Wilson, who was connected with the Florida East
Coast Railroad)
Minnie Medora (married Ernest A. Delicate)
Nora Janet (married G. R. Smiley)
Mary S. (married Fred Jones)
Mrs. R. J. George
Mrs. P. L. Wilson
Mrs. Walter Greene
William Julius Krome (history given
Lucy Krome died February 3, 1928, at her home in Edwardsville of a
heart attack.
In 1917, Judge Krome was visiting his son, William J. Krome, in
Homestead, Florida, spending the winter there, looking after his own
properties in Florida. The Judge became ill, and died there March 7,
1917. He was 74 years of age. His body was brought back to
Edwardsville, and buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery. Surviving was his
wife and seven children.
William Julius Krome, son of
Judge William Henry Krome, had a major impact in South Florida
during the 25 years he lived there. He moved to Florida in 1902, and
surveyed routes through Florida for the extension of the Florida
East Coast Railway to Key West. He moved his family to Homestead,
Florida, and joined the Florida State Horticultural Society. He
married Isabel Burns in 1912, who shared his enthusiasm for citrus,
exotic fruits, and plants. They established orchards of grapefruit,
lemon, lime, orange, tangelo, tangerines, mangos, and avocados. They
scanned the globe for plants that could adapt to South Florida,
including Java, West Africa, and China. Not long before his death on
October 2, 1929, he and Isabel and Charles E. Schaff donated forty
acres of land to establish an agricultural experimentation station
in Homestead. Krome’s original expectations succeeded beyond his
imagination – as the station became the Tropical Research and
Education Center. After his death, he was recognized as a
distinguished Honorary Member. Isabel lived to the age of 92, and
with their children, she continued agricultural activities in
Florida. The Krome family legacy to South Dade County included work
on harvesting, handling, ripening, storage, and marketing of fruits.
KROPP, SOPHIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 23, 1918
Mrs. Sophia Kropp, mother of Mrs. M. C. Barrioz, died Tuesday
morning at the home of her daughter, 2408 Humbert street, after an
illness of six months with dropsy. For fifteen years she had lived
in Alton. She leaves one other daughter, Mrs. Emma Snyder, of St.
Louis. Mrs. Kropp was born in Hanover, Germany in 1844. She came to
America when ten years old and was married in St. Louis to Henry
Kropp in 1869. The funeral of Mrs. Kropp will be held Thursday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Barrioz home, and services will be
conducted by Rev. Simeon Hussey. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.
KRUG, ANNA A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 18, 1918
[note: this obit was very hard to read]
Mrs. Anna M. [sic] Krug, wife of Joseph Krug, died this morning at
3:30 o'clock after an illness of three days from heart trouble, at
the family residence, ____ Brown street. Besides her husband, Mrs.
Krug .... [unreadable] son, Robert Krug, who is at Camp ____, N.
J.,; and two sisters, Mrs. ____ and Mrs. M. Hailo, both _____, Tenn.
The funeral arrangements have not been completed pending the receipt
of word from the son and sisters as to _____bility to attend.
KRUG, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 25, 1909
Mrs. Elizabeth Krug, wife of Aloysius Krug, died Monday night
shortly before midnight at her home, 1715 State street, after a long
illness from a complication of diseases. She was a Miss Walsh of
Greene county before her marriage, and is survived by several
sisters and brothers. She leaves her husband and several small
children to mourn her death. Mrs. George Miller of Delmar avenue is
a sister. The funeral will be held Thursday morning from the
Cathedral, and burial will be in Greenwood cemetery.
KRUG, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 24, 1922
Mrs. Elizabeth Krug, 85, died yesterday at 3:30 p.m. at her home,
2223 State street, after an illness of two months due to the
infirmities of old age. She was the widow of Joseph Krug. Mrs. Krug
was born in Elizabethtown, N. J. and came to Alton 61 years ago.
Before marriage she was Elizabeth Broom. She was married in 1856 to
Joseph Krug. He died in 1916, when they had been married 60 years.
Mrs. Krug was a member of St. Mary's Church and was prominent in the
activities of that organization. She was a member of the Altar
Society for years and was one of its most ardent workers. She is
survived by three sons, Joseph, John and Aloysius Krug, all of
Alton, and six daughters, Misses Barbara, Catherine, Annie and Clara
Krug, and Mrs. William Walter and Mrs. George Lanrau, all of Alton.
She is survived also by 16 grandchildren and two great
grandchildren, and a sister, Mrs. Catherine Brummer of Columbia
City, Ind. The funeral will be held Wednesday from the home to St.
Mary's Church, where requiem mass will be celebrated at 9:30.
Interment will be in Greenwood Cemetery.
KRUG, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Monday, May 8, 1916
Joseph Krug, in the 80th year, died at his home, State and Parker
streets, at 9:30 o'clock Monday morning from old age. Mr. Krug's
illness began last January. Most of the time since he became ill he
was confined to his bed, and the last two weeks his condition had
become very serious so that his death was looked for at any time.
Mr. Krug was born in Dayton, Ohio, where he learned to be a
gardener. He moved to Alton fifty-five years ago and he bought the
place on State street where he spent the rest of his life and where
he reared a large family. He was a hard working, industrious man, of
good character and he was very successful. For many years he
conducted practically the only florist business in Alton. All over
Alton he was highly esteemed, and was regarded as one of Alton's
best citizens. He had built up a valuable institution at his
botanical garden on State street, in which he was deeply interested.
He leaves his wife and nine children, Misses Barbara, Kate, Annie
and Clara Krug, Mrs. William Walters, Mrs. George Landre, and
Messrs. John, Joseph and Aloysius Krug. He was a member of St.
Mary's Church, and the funeral services will be held Wednesday
morning at 9 o'clock from that church, and burial will be in
Greenwood Cemetery.
KRUG, JOSEPH ALOYSIUS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 19,
Joseph Aloysius Krug, seven months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Aloysius
Krug, died at the family home in State street yesterday evening,
after a couple of weeks illness from bronchitis. The funeral will be
held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Cathedral, and burial
will be in Greenwood cemetery.
KRUM, JOHN MARSHALL (JUDGE)/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 20, 1883
The Death of Alton’s First Mayor
Judge John M. Krum died Saturday, at his home in St. Louis, at the
age of 73 years. He was born in New York in 1810, and was of German
descent. He was educated for the bar, and in 1833, removed to St.
Louis. A year later, he removed to Alton, where he at once entered
upon the active practice of his profession. In 1837, the town of
Alton was incorporated as a city, and Mr. Krum was elected the first
Mayor. During his term, in November of that year, occurred the
pro-slavery riots which resulted in the death of Rev. Elijah P.
Lovejoy. His official course during those troublous times was
severely censured, and he doubtless was sadly deficient in the
energy and determination which should have characterized him in
dealing with the mob. Krum was temporizing and irresolute, instead
of being bold and uncompromising in defense of law and order, hoping
to preserve the public peace by conciliation and compromise. His
disastrous failure is a matter of history.
In 1838, he was elected State Senator from this county, but declined
to take his seat. Soon after he removed to St. Louis, where in 1843,
he was appointed Circuit Judge, a position he held for several
years. In 1848, he was elected the 11th Mayor of St. Louis. He
subsequently filled many important positions, accumulated wealth,
and for over forty years has been a leading citizen of St. Louis. At
the outbreak of the war, he publicly withdrew from the Democratic
Party, and came out boldly for the Union, serving afterwards as
Colonel of a Missouri militia regiment. His last illness was brief,
and was caused by pneumonia. His wife, Mary Ophelia Krum survives
him, and two children – Judge Chester H. Krum and Mrs. E. A. N.
John M. Krum was born on March 10, 1810, in Hillsdale, Columbia
County, New York. In 1839, he married Miss Mary Ophelia Harding
(1818-1892), and they reared a family of five children, four of whom
were: Judge Chester Harding Krum (1840-1923); John Marshall Krum Jr.
(1849-1859); and Margaret Harding Krum Dewolf (1851-1932), wife of
Edwin A. N. Dewolf. John Krum is buried in the Bellefontaine
Cemetery in St. Louis, Missouri.
KRUSE, DOROTHEE E./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 9, 1886
From Bethalto – After a long and tedious illness, Grandma Kruse,
widow of Johann F. Kruse, passed from this life Thursday night. She
was a native of Germany, and we are informed that her age was about
sixty-seven years. The funeral took place Saturday afternoon. She
leaves one daughter, Mrs. Charles Glassmeyer, and four sons, three
of whom have stayed with her till death. Mrs. Kruse was a consistent
member of the Lutheran Church. Her remains were interred in the Zion
Lutheran Church Cemetery east of the village.
KRUSE, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 26, 1903
Mr. Henry Kruse, who has lived and been highly respected in Godfrey
township for more than 60 years, died suddenly at his farm home
Thursday. He was about 80 years of age, and leaves three sons,
Frank, Louis and William; and two daughters, Misses Anna and Emma
Kruse, all residents of Godfrey. The funeral will be held Saturday
from the home to Brighton.
KRUSE, UNKNOWN INFANT/ Source: Alton Telegraph, January 4, 1894
From Bethalto – Our friend, John Kruse, has the sympathy of his
numerous friends in the loss of his infant babe and the severe
illness of his wife. That she will speedily recover is the fervent
wish of all.
KUEHN, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 15, 1909
Aged Grocer Dies
Charles Kuehn, in his 80th year, died at his residence, ___ State
street, after a long illness due to weakness of great age, at 2 p.m.
He had lived in Alton over fifty years, and during all that time had
conducted an old fashioned grocery store on State street that was
neighborhood headquarters. It was like the old time corner grocery
where neighbors gathered to talk over the affairs of state and to
recall old times. Mr. Kuehn was always cheerful, friendly and a very
kind and accommodating host, as well as grocer, and his cheery "Weh
gehts" as a friend would enter the store made everyone feel that he
was glad to see them. During his long career in business, Mr. Kuehn
had merited the respect and confidence of all who had done business
with him. He transacted his business calmly and quietly, and he
always gave satisfaction. He was the friend of childhood and
naturally his store was the depository of all the spare change the
children of the neighborhood could wheedle out of their parents and
other relatives. He was one of Alton's most upright citizens, a good
man in every particular, and beside was a kind and indulgent father
and husband. He was a native of Berlitz, Poland, where he was born
April 15th, 1829. His death occurred just one month before he was 80
years of age. His illness has been desperate for some time. For over
a week no hope of his recovery was entertained by his family.
Realizing his end was near, he recently announced a desire to settle
up his affairs and he did so. He leaves his widow and two daughters,
Miss Mina Kuehn of Alton and Mrs. Walter Lock of Toledo, all of whom
were with him at the end. He leaves also one grandchild, Courtney
Perrin. Funeral arrangements have not been made.
KUEHN, CHARLES JR./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 25, 1875
Died in Alton on March 22, of congestion of the brain, Charles Kuehr
Jr., son of Charles and Wilhelmina Kuehn; aged 13 years and 2
KUEHN, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
January 15, 1919
[Note: this obit was extremely hard to read ... errors may exist.]
Mrs. M___ Kuehn, widow of Charles Kuehn, died at midnight Tuesday at
____ ______ ____ State street. She was 78 years old. Mrs. Kuehn was
born in Germany, and came to this country while a young girl. She
lived in Alton for 60 years. For the past __ years she has operated
a grocery store on State street near her home. Since the death of
her husband about ten years ago, Mrs. Kuehn has conducted the store
alone. The little store on State street has been patronized by the
children of the Cathedral and ____ing schools, being situated
between the two buildings. Children for years have gotten pennies at
home to buy the sweets at the little store, and today pupils of the
two schools ask pennies of their parents to _____ Keonzes, the same
as their parents did a generation ago. Mrs. Kuehn had tended store
for the past few years despite her advanced age, and will be greatly
missed by the pupils of the two schools. The children were always
greeted pleasantly by Mrs. Kuehn, and she was an _______ a part of
the school life of many of the children as any of their _________.
Mrs. Kuehn is survived by two daughters, Miss Mena Kuehn, who lived
with her, and Mrs. Walter Lock. She leaves ____ one grandson,
Courtney ______. The funeral will be Friday afternoon at __ o'clock
from the home on State Street, and burial will be in the City
Cemetery, Rev. Frederick D. ______, pastor of St. Paul's Episcopal
Church will conduct the services at the home.
KUENNEMANN, NAOMI/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 11, 1902
Naomi, the 5 years old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Kuennemann of
1525 Easton street, died this morning from brain fever. The funeral
will be Sunday afternoon from the Cathedral and will be private.
KUHL, MAX/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 23, 1893
Proprietor of Kuhl Soda Works
At noon Tuesday [November 21], Mr. Max Kuhl, proprietor of the Kuhl
soda manufactory on Ridge Street in Alton, fell dead at his home,
214 Ridge Street. Mr. Kuhl had worked hard all morning, and at 11:30
o’clock ate a lunch. He went to his home, and after resting a few
moments in the dining room, arose to go into the next room. He threw
his hand to his heart, saying, “I am sick,” and fell back
unconscious. He expired before medical attendance, which was
summoned, could reach him. Deceased was 57 years of age, and a
native of Germany. For the past eleven years he has had control of
the Kuhl Soda Works, which he built from a small affair to the
present good-sized factory. He leaves a wife, Nina Kuhl, in this
city to mourn his death, and numerous warm friends. He has a brother
in St. Louis, and one in Germany, which were his only relatives.
KUHL, NINA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 5, 1910
Mrs. Nina Kuhl, widow of Max Kuhl, who conducted a soda water
factory in Alton up to the time of his death, died Friday evening
after a long illness aged 82. Mrs. Kuhl leaves only one direct heir,
Mrs. George Tribble, who is the wife of a surgeon in the United
States service in the Phillipines. She leaves also a sister, Mrs.
Jacob Buff, wife of the Swiss consul at St. Louis. Mrs. Kuhl was
born in Switzerland November 25, 1828. She came to America and
settled in St. Louis in 1868, bringing with her a son, Theodore
Knecht, her husband having died in Switzerland. In St. Louis she
married Max Kuhl, who died in Alton November 21, 1893. Her son died
here 28 years ago, leaving the one daughter, who will become the
sole heir of Mrs. Kuhl's estate, which is a rich one. Mrs. Tribble
is a daughter of Mrs. W. F. Freeman of Alton. The funeral will be
held Sunday afternoon from the late home on Ridge street at 2
KUHN, CAROLINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 29, 1908
Mrs. Caroline Kuhn, aged 72, died Tuesday evening from general
debility following an attack of the grip at her home, Third and
Henry streets. She had been ill a long time and her death was not
unexpected. She had lived in Alton almost all her life, having come
here when a young girl from Germany. In all the years she resided
here she was known as a good wife and mother, and a kind and
considerate neighbor. She was born in Germany but came to America
when two years old and lived first at Milstadt. She is believed to
have lived in Alton fully 65 years, as the exact time of her coming
is not known. She leaves three sons, John P. Kuhn, deputy postmaster
at Alton; Edward Kuhn and George Kuhn of St. Louis. The funeral will
be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home of Edward
Kuhn, where she died, and services will be conducted by Rev. E. L.
Mueller of the German Evangelical church.
KUHN, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 18, 1907
Charles Kuhn, aged 33, died yesterday at his home in Godfrey after
an illness with pneumonia. He was a native of Switzerland. He leaves
his mother, two sisters and four brothers. The funeral will be held
tomorrow afternoon from the family home on the Jerseyville road
north of Godfrey.
KUHN, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 24, 1900
Mrs. Elizabeth Kuhn, widow of the late Sheriff Jacob Kuhn, died very
suddenly Thursday evening at her home on Ridge street after an
illness of only a few minutes. Death was due to heart disease from
which she had never been known to suffer, and it caused a sad shock
to her family and friends who knew nothing of her illness until she
was dead. Mrs. Kuhn was apparently in the best of health until
Thursday evening, shortly after five o'clock when she fell to the
floor in the attic of her home. She was in the house with only her
son, Harry, who had gone to the attic with his mother on an errand.
As Mrs. Kuhn entered the attic room, she was suddenly stricken and
fell to the floor in a dying condition. Neighbors were called to
render assistance, and medical aid was summoned, but death occurred
almost instantly. Her children were nearby but were unable to reach
their mother before she was past recognizing them. Mrs. Kuhn was in
her 52nd year and had lived in Alton nearly all her life. She came
here from New York when a small child, and was a member of one of
the best known families of the East End. Mrs. Kuhn was one of the
best known women in Alton. She was held in high esteem by a large
circle of friends. She has been a good mother, a faithful wife, and
a kind neighbor. The sadness of the event is heightened by the fact
that just seven months ago the husband and father was called away
from the family. Her mother, Mrs. Anna Yackel, is still living, as
are also her sisters, Mrs. Louis Putze, Miss Amelia Yackel, Mrs.
Robert Brueggemann, and Mrs. George Hunt, and two brothers, Casper
and Adam Yackel. She leaves six children: Misses Amelia and
Florence, Messrs. John, William, George and Harry Kuhn. The time of
the funeral is not fixed, as William Kuhn is at Greenland, Colorado
and a message from him is being awaited. An inquest was held by
Deputy Coroner Bauer, and a verdict rendered in accordance with the
above facts.
KUHN, EMELIA A. (nee FUCHS)/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 16,
Mrs. E. A. N. Kuhn, wife of Mr. John P. Kuhn, money order clerk at
the post office, died Sunday of typhoid fever, after an illness of
several weeks. She leaves an infant child. Mrs. Kuhn was a native of
Alton. Her early death will be greatly regretted by many friends.
Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.
KUHN, EMMA (nee BELK)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 30, 1890
From Bethalto – Mrs. Emma Kuhn died Tuesday, January 28, at the
residence of her parents, Thomas W. L. Belk and Eliza Jane
Montgomery Belk, aged about twenty years. Soon after moving with her
husband to Youngstown, Ohio, about two years ago her health began to
fail, and terminated in consumption, growing worse each week until a
few weeks ago her mother went after her and brought her home,
arriving here January 8. Her death was not a surprise to the friends
who have visited her since her return. She leaves a husband and a
little babe, who with the other relatives, have the sympathy of all.
The funeral will occur from her father’s residence Thursday. [Burial
was in the Montgomery Cemetery in Bethalto.]
KUHN, EMMA IRENE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 1, 1888
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kuhn were bereaved last night by the death of
their infant daughter, Emma Irene, at the age of 9 months and 20
days, of inflammation of the brain. The funeral will take place
tomorrow from the family residence on Fifth, near Vine Street.
KUHN, JACOB/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 23, 1900
Madison County's Sheriff
Sheriff Jacob Kuhn died at the sheriff's residence at Edwardsville
this morning at 1:05 o'clock after a long illness. The end came
peacefully as he was surrounded by members of his family who
gathered to take the sad farewell at the passing of the father. The
end has been expected for many weeks, but it comes to the friends of
the stricken sheriff with a grief that is no less anguishing. The
loss to the public is a heavy one, and comes at a time when he was
beginning to reap the richest fruits of his life's labor. One year
ago last December 1, he took the office of sheriff, to which he had
been elected by the largest majority ever received by a partisan
candidate in the county. He took the office with the good wishes of
both parties and the hope that he would accomplish his expressed
purpose to make enough in his four years' term in the lucrative
office to keep him in comfort the remainder of his days. He did not
long remain in health. Shortly after taking office, an insidious
disease began to sap his strength and nothing that was done seemed
beneficial. His friends viewed his condition with repressed alarm
and urged him to new efforts to rid himself of the disease. He
steadily grew worse, and his disease was at last pronounced abscess
of the liver. He never gave up hope and manfully strove to live for
his family's sake. To his willpower, no doubt, is due the fact that
he lasted so long. He wasted until nothing but the shadow of himself
was left and he was scarcely recognizable to even his friends. He
still kept to his post of duty and even when compelled to take his
bed, he continued to give orders for the conduct of his office.
Jacob Kuhn was head of the Alton police department five terms (ten
years), and in that position made a State reputation as a catcher of
criminals. He was a reincarnation of Javert, to whose character his
own has been likened. The pursuit of offenders was his conscientious
duty, and he seldom failed to capture his man though it took months
of work to do it. He was a terror to evil doers and no man had a
better knowledge of the ways of criminals than he. As sheriff, he
exhibited the same persistency in the line of duty. The newspapers
have lost a valued friend. He always placed the utmost confidence in
their honor to keep a secret until the case was developed and it may
be said his confidence was never misplaced. As a token of their
esteem, his newspaper friends presented to him a fine revolver when
he took his new office. He was fearless but courteous, an ideal type
of an officer, who hesitated to take a life until his own was in
peril. Jacob Kuhn was born in the Canton of St. Gaul, Switzerland,
January 17, 1837. His father was John Kuhn, who was a member of the
Swiss Assembly from the Canton of St. Gaul. He came to this country
in 1849, and stopped at Pittsburg, afterwards going to Tennessee. He
came to Alton after being discharged from the army in 1865, where he
resided up to the time of his removal to Edwardsville to enter upon
the duties of sheriff, December 1, 1898. There will be no funeral
service at Edwardsville. The body will lie in state at the sheriff's
residence until Wednesday noon, when it will be conveyed to the 1:15
o'clock Terminal train for Alton. The pallbearers from the residence
to the station will be his associates in the county offices: Judge
William P. Early, Circuit Clerk Thomas W. Springer, County Clerk
Henry Riniker, County Treasurer John Tetherington, and ex-county
Treasurer George H. McCormick, and States Attorney L. N. Staats. The
funeral services in Alton will take place at the residence of Mr.
Robert J. Brueggeman, corner of Sixth and Spring Streets at 1
o'clock p.m. Thursday. The pallbearers will be ex-Mayor Brueggeman,
ex-Chief of Police Starr, Henry Ernst, William Fries, A. L. Floss
and Richard Galbally. [Burial was in City Cemetery]
KUHN, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 16, 1912
Assistant Postmaster of Alton Dies
The announcement telephoned throughout the city this morning that
"John Kuhn is Dead" caused a distinct shock and very general
expressions of regret were heard on all sides. He attended to his
duties yesterday as usual, and joked with friends and acquaintances
at late as 7 o'clock last evening. He told the writer yesterday
evening that he felt better than on any day since he recovered from
the grip about three weeks ago. He was seized with a choking
sensation after supper, and Mrs. Kuhn procured relief remedies for
him. He was suffering from an attack of asthma, and it was thought
the attack would pass away. About 2 o'clock this morning Mrs. Kuhn
discovered him smothering apparently, and called up some neighbors.
Dr. Shaff was called and he worked with the patient until about 5
o'clock this morning when death relieved him. Deceased was a genial,
good natured man who counted among his firm friends practically all
who knew him. Everybody who had business at the post office new him
too, for he had been at work in the Alton post office almost
continuously for the past thirty-five years. He was assistant
postmaster under all the Republican postmasters, but not under the
administrations of Postmaster Perrin and Postmaster Buckmaster. His
services, however, were needed much of that time by those officials.
He was a careful, painstaking, faithful official, and the government
has lost a capable employee, while the city has lost a good citizen.
He was a kind husband and devoted father, and a real neighbor, and
there is sincere regret at his taking off. He is survived by his
wife and two daughters, Mrs. Will McDonald and Mrs. Will Jenkins,
both of this city. He has numerous other relatives in the city and
in the country surrounding. He was a son of the late Col. John H.
Kuhn, and was a native of this city. He was about 57 years of age.
He suffered a severe sickness from the grip this winter and was
confined to his bed. He resumed work almost three weeks, but it is
thought now the effects of the grip had never left him. He resided
at 610 East Third street. He leaves a brother, Edward Kuhn of Alton,
and a half-brother, George Kuhn of St. Louis. The funeral will be
held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home and people are
asked by the family to please omit flowers. The funeral will be held
from the residence on Monday afternoon at 2 p.m., and friends are
asked by the members of the family to omit flowers.
KUHN, JOHN HENRY (COLONEL)/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 27, 1865
Captain of Alton Jaegers; Major of 9th IL Infantry;
Lt. Colonel of 144th IL Volunteers; Proprietor of Brewery
Our citizens were astounded on Saturday afternoon by the news of the
death of Colonel John H. Kuhn, Alderman from the Third Ward. The
facts appear to be that he was engaged during the day in cleaning up
the vessels and vats in his brewery, and intending to clean a
certain vat, without taking the usual precaution of ventilating it,
he put his head through the hole left for such purposes. A man who
started to get some water to use in cleansing the vat returned in a
minute or two, and noticing him partly in the vat, asked him some
question to which he received no reply. He then pulled him out, and
he was entirely dead. It is supposed that the gas killed him
instantly upon his putting his head through the hole. Some citizens
were talking with him only a few minutes previous, in regard to the
sudden death, by drowning, of Captain Carroll.
Colonel Kuhn left this city as Captain of the Alton Jaegers in 1861,
and was promoted to Major of the 9th Illinois Infantry, and served
with that regiment through all the various campaigns of 1861, 1862,
1863, and up to August 1864, when he returned to Alton at the
expiration of his term of service, with a small remnant of the
company he took away with him. He was always at his post of duty,
and was placed in an important position at Memphis as commander of
the inner fort, and during the absence of Colonel Phillips,
commanded this regiment both at Decatur, Alabama and Decatur,
Georgia. He was universally beloved and respected by his men as a
brave and gallant officer and gentleman.
When he arrived in Alton, at the expiration of his time, the 144th
Regiment Illinois Volunteers was then forming for guard duty at this
post. He was at once fixed upon as the Lieutenant Colonel, and was
soon afterwards promoted to the Colonelcy of that regiment. After
the muster out of the 144th, he purchased an interest in the brewery
in which he lost his life, and became a citizen of Alton again. At
the late election of city officers, he was chosen by the citizens of
the Third Ward to represent them in the Common Council. He had but
commenced a career of usefulness in his new position when he was
thus suddenly called away. His death is deeply regretted by a large
circle of friends and acquaintances.
The funeral took place this afternoon at three o’clock from his
residence, the remains being escorted to the tomb by the city bands,
Mayor and Council, public officers, and a large concourse of
Colonel John Henry Kuhn was born in Switzerland on May 26, 1833, to
Johannes J. and Anna Lenggenhager Kuhn. He immigrated to America,
and served during the Civil War. When he returned to Alton, he took
charge of the 144th Illinois Volunteers, which were stationed at the
Alton prison as guards. Colonel Kuhn, along with partner George
Yackel, bought the old Union Brewery off of Pearl Street, which
later became the Bluff City Brewery. It was in the brewery that he
met his tragic death. Kuhn was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
Colonel Kuhn married Caroline Jaeckel (also spelled Yackel), who
died in April 1908. They had three sons – John P. Kuhn (Deputy
Postmaster in Alton), and Edward and George Kuhn of St. Louis.
Colonel Kuhn’s brother, Jacob Kuhn, arrived in America in 1849 (his
brother probably arrived the same year). He lived first in
Pittsburg, and then in Tennessee. He also served during the Civil
War, and settled in Alton in 1865. He married Eliza Yackel, daughter
of Casper Yackel. Jacob then moved to Edwardsville, where he served
as the Madison County Sheriff until December 1898. Jacob died in
January 1900, and is buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
KUHN, LILLIE MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 1, 1878
Lillie Mary, infant daughter of Jacob and Eliza Kuhn, died Friday
morning about 11 o’clock, at the age of 11 months and five days.
After a painful illness, little Lillie passed away from earth, and
was taken as one of the Saviour’s jewels, a gem for His crown. The
stricken parents have the sympathy of all their friends. The funeral
took place at the family residence on Fifth Street, between Cherry
and Vine.
KUHN, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 03, 1898
Mary Kuhn, daughter of Mrs. C. Kuhn, died Friday night at the family
home at Third and Henry Streets, after a long and painful illness.
She leaves beside her mother, three brothers, Messrs. John, Edward,
and George Kuhn.
KUHNER, ELLA/Source: Troy Call, January 1, 1900
Mrs. Ella Kuhner, wife of Otto Kuhner, expired Saturday after an
illness of pneumonia. Her age was 20 years. She was born near St.
Morgan and on March 25, ____, was married to Otto Kuhner, a barber
of Highland. One son was born to them and survives. She is also
survived by her mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Neumann,
and two sisters and one brother who are: Mrs. Ed Gausmann of St.
Jacob, Mrs. Ed Becker of St. Morgan, and Homer Neumann of Highland.
KUIFFEN, ALIDA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 2, 1905
Death from malaria fever was the verdict this morning of the
corner's jury empanelled to inquire into the death of Alida Kuiffen,
the girl who died Monday night on board the steamer Dubuque, while
enroute to Alton. The body was interred in Milton cemetery.
KUMMER, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 17, 1903
John Kummer, aged 37, a butcher, died in the city jail Friday
morning from congestion of the brain. He was found on the streets
Thursday night by police officers and a physician was summoned to
attend. When it was found that Kummer was not suffering from drink,
as was first believed, but was a victim of a fatal disease, he was
in no condition to be moved and he was made comfortable as possible
in the jail. Friday morning he died without regaining consciousness.
He leaves his wife and three children at the family home, Cherry
street, between Fourth and Fifth streets. The funeral will be held
Sunday morning at 9 o'clock from the family home, and services will
be conducted by Rev. Theodore Oberhellman.
KUMMER, LOUISE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 14, 1906
Mrs. Louise Kummer, aged 38, died Saturday morning at 4 o'clock at
St. Joseph's Hospital from the effects of an illness of several
months. She underwent a surgical operation last Monday and she did
not recover. She was the daughter of the late J. J. Hartmann and a
sister of L. J. Hartmann. She leaves three children, Martha, Julius
and Emily Kummer. The funeral will be held Monday morning from the
home of L. J. Hartmann and will be under the auspices of the Ladies
of the Maccabbees. Services will be conducted by Rev. Theodore
KUNYMAN, CARL F. (REVEREND)/Source: Alton Telegraph, September
30, 1897
From Edwardsville – Rev. Carl F. Kunyman, former pastor of the
German Evangelical Church, died Friday evening. Bright’s disease was
the cause. Rev. Kunyman had attained the age of 65 years and 21
days. From 1880 to 1886, he was pastor of the local church, and at
the time of his death was President of the Board of Directors of the
German Evangelical Seminary. The funeral services were elaborate.
Nineteen ministers, among them Rev. William Hackman of Alton,
attended; also thirty students from the seminary.
KURTH, CARRIE/Source: Troy Star, April 19, 1894
Carrie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Kurth, of St. Louis, died
Sunday morning at five o'clock, of pneumonia. She was about four
years and six months old. Mrs. Kurth, nee Rieder, is a daughter of
Mrs. Annie Werschmidt of this city [Troy]. The funeral took place
Monday afternoon from the Catholic church to the Troy cemetery, and
was largely attended.
KURZ, JACOB/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 14, 1896
Landlord of the Highland Hotel
Jacob Kurz, landlord of the Highland Hotel, and well known in this
city, committed suicide by shooting himself through the head
yesterday. He has lately been consulting fortune tellers, and they,
it appears, told him he was to die by his own hand. He became crazed
and fulfilled the prophecy.
KUTHLEIN, JOHANN PHILLIP/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 18, 1875
Committed Suicide by Hanging
From Edwardsville - About six o’clock last Saturday evening, a man
in the employ of A. Gerber, merchant tailor of Edwardsville,
committed suicide by hanging himself on the corner of a partition
door with a cotton handkerchief. He came to Edwardsville sometime in
November last, since which time he had been working in Mr. Gerber’s
tailoring establishment, in the rooms over his dry goods store. The
deceased was at his boarding house a few minutes before his lifeless
body was discovered hanging on the door. No cause for the rash act
was known to exist.
Joseph Chapman, Justice of the Peace, was informed of the occurrence
and summoned a coroner’s jury and held an inquest. The deceased was
an unmarried man, and from his passport it was learned that his name
was Johann Phillip Kuthlein, born in Moenchsteinach, Bavaria,
Europe, February 11, 1843, and left Europe for America February 22,
1869. So far as ascertained, he had no property or relatives in this
KYLE(S), DAVID/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 2, 1911
David Kyle, aged 67, died at his home on Easton street near Tenth
street, Sunday evening. He was stricken with a fatal attack of
paralysis last week. He had lived in Alton most of his life. He
leaves no relatives but a sister, Sarah Kyle. The funeral will be
from the Union Baptist church, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
KYLES, BERTHA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 27, 1908
Mrs. Bertha Kyles, wife of David A. Kyles, died Sunday afternoon at
the family home, 924 Easton street after a long illness from
paralysis and dropsy. Blood poisoning was the immediate cause of her
death, and was caused by bursting of dropsical swellings. She was
53(?) years of age. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2
o'clock from the Union Baptist church, and services will be
conducted by Rev. Mason. Mrs. Kyles had lived in Alton many years
and was one of the best known colored women in the city.