GABENT, HESTER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 24, 1909
Commits Suicide by Drinking Carbolic Acid
Mrs. Hester Gabent, wife of Frank Gabent, aged 27, died Saturday morning from carbolic acid poisoning, self-inflicted. She lived on Fifth street opposite the First Baptist church. Mrs. Gabent is the third of her family connection to commit suicide by the carbolic acid route. She had frequently threatened to kill herself since the suicide of her sister-in-law, Mrs. George Kestner, several months ago. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the First Baptist church, Rev. M. W. Twing officiating.


GABRIEL, ERNEST F./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 6, 1922
Ernest F. Gabriel died at his home, 2700 Bostwick street, Sunday morning, March 5th, at 6:45 o'clock, at the age of 73 years. Gabriel was born in Lippe, Detmoit, Germany, on April 30th, 1849. He came to America with his parents at the age of five years, and shortly afterwards located in this vicinity. He was married to Miss Cat???? Fraley on January 5, 1871. He is survived by his wife, six children, William, Charles, Arthur Walter, ????, and Nellie Gabriel, and three grandchildren. He also leaves two brothers, Henry Gabriel of Woodburn and Fred of St. Louis, and four sisters, Mrs. Henry Suess of Topeka, Kansas; Mrs. Julius F. Schwarz of Hickman, Nebr.; Mrs. Augusta Bilderbeck and Miss Annie Gabriel of Alton. He farmed for many years in the neighborhood of Fosterburg, but retired nine years ago and came to Alton to reside. He was a well-known man throughout the neighborhood East of Alton, and his death will be much regretted. The funeral services will be held at the Presbyterian church in Fosterburg, Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Burial will be in the Fosterburg cemetery.


GABRIEL, THEODORE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 3, 1916
Theodore Gabriel, aged 35, died at St. Joseph's Hospital Saturday afternoon about fifteen hours after he was operated upon for appendicitis. He was taken sick last Tuesday, and on Friday was rushed to the hospital where an operation was performed at 2 o'clock Saturday morning. He leaves his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gabriel, a brother, Fred, and two sisters, Mrs. William Fenstermann and Miss Lottie Gabriel. He leaves a second brother, Alvin, who resides with his parents. The funeral will be held at the home at 8:30 o'clock Tuesday morning. The burial will be in the Fosterburg Cemetery.


GABRILLIAC, ALEXANDER H./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 30, 1891
Alexander H. Gabrilliac died Sunday at the residence of his mother, Mrs. Intia Gabrilliac, 1502 State Street, at the age of fifty-two years and eight months. Mr. Gabrilliac, who was born and had always resided in Alton, had been in poor health for a year past, but as lately as Saturday was not regarded dangerously ill. Surviving relatives are his mother and several brothers and sisters.


GADD, JANE/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 23, 1879
From Bethalto – Mrs. Jane Gadd, nee Victor, died at the residence of her son-in-law, Dr. J. C. Martin, at 10 o’clock p.m. last Wednesday. She was born in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, in 1795, and came to this place in the spring of 1858. In 1812, she was married to Mr. George Richards, who died in 1827. Two sons, Mr. John V. and Dr. N. B. Richards, of Bethalto, are the results of this union. In 1828, she was married to Mr. John Gadd. Two sons and three daughters were born to them. The elder of these two sons died when but nineteen years old. All the other children lived to comfort their mother in her last days. Her second husband died in 1857. Mrs. Gadd united with the M. E. Church in 1831, and continued a member of that church until the society, of which she was a member, disbanded in 1867, when she cast her lot in the C. P. Church, of which she remained a member until her death. The grief-stricken family have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in the death of one so dear to them.


GAINES, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 11, 1895
Mrs. Elizabeth Gaines, wife of Mr. John Gaines, died this morning at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. V. Wolff, on Shields Street. Mrs. Gaines home is in Milwaukee, and came to Alton to visit her daughter in hopes of benefiting her health. She was 52 years of age. Her husband was here with her. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the residence of Mr. Wolff on Shields Street.


GAISER, HARRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 16, 1894
Harry Gaiser, the sixteen-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Gaiser, died Thursday morning at the home of his parents on East Second Street. He had been ill for nine days from typhoid malaria, suffering greatly until death brought relief.


GAISER, JOHN G./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 23, 1906
Well Known Shoemaker
John G. Gaiser, aged 72, died Tuesday evening at his residence, 466 east Third street, after a long illness from paralysis of the brain. Mr. Gaiser's trouble began eight years ago when he fell and broke his hip bone. He was able subsequently to get around with considerable effort and was even able to continue following his trade of shoemaker, which he did until he broke down completely and became almost helpless. Mr. Gaiser had lived in Alton over fifty years, during all of which time he was engaged in the making and repairing of shoes and was in business with Louis Berner until a few years ago. The firm of Berner & Gaiser was one of the oldest in Alton. He was a native of Wurtemberg, Germany, and came to America at the age of 20. He was one of the charter members of the A. O. U. W. lodge in Alton, and maintained his connection with that order up to the time of his death. He was a highly respected citizen and during his whole period of residence here he was known as an upright, industrious man and most exemplary citizen. He leaves beside his wife, five children, Mrs. O. H. Heide, Mrs. Joseph Strubel, George Gaiser of Alton; Mrs. B. Guenther of Chicago; and Will Gaiser of Wichita, Kansas. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home, 436 east Third street, and services will be conducted by Rev. W. F. Isler.


GALBALLY, MARY ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 9, 1903
Mary Elizabeth, the 22 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Galbally, died Wednesday night at 10 o'clock after an illness of two weeks from summer complaint. The child was seemingly growing better and its parents were much encouraged until Wednesday morning when unfavorable symptoms appeared and death came. Mary Elizabeth was the oldest child of her parents, and in their first affliction by death Mr. and Mrs. Galbally have the sincerest sympathy of all their friends. The funeral will be held Friday morning at 10 o'clock, and services will be conducted in St. Paul's Episcopal church by Rev. F. W. Cornell of St. Louis.


GALBALLY, RICHARD "DICK"/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 24, 1904
Richard Galbally, one of the best-known men in the city of Alton, is dead. He fell asleep about 3:30 o'clock Saturday morning after several months of suffering at his home, Third and Apple streets. There is not a man in Alton who ever met Mr. Galbally but admired him; not a man in his employ but respected and loved him with a love that is seldom found between employer and employee. For 33 years in charge of the construction work of the glass factories and in direct charge of the men of the big plant at Alton, Richard Galbally made the remarkable record of not having an enemy, or even one who would wish hill ill. Since his illness made it imperative that he give up his duties at the glass works, the inquiries as to his condition from the highest to the lowest of the army of men who knew him were of the most solicitous character. Every man hoped and wished that "Dick," as he was familiarly known, might recover and return to his post of duty. In his death there passes a kindly gentleman, one against whom it would be hard indeed for even the most critical to say a word, except of praise. He was the ideal superintendent, and although he was known far and wide throughout the country, in the glass making trade, as a good boss, there was no one who took advantage of him. Probably no man will even be more sincerely mourned, than quiet, mild-mannered Dick Galbally. He came to Alton 33 years ago to work in the glass plant being built on Belle street. His mind was of the constructive nature and he took deep interest in the building and management of the glass furnaces. When the glass plant was moved from Belle street to its present location, it was Dick Galbally who built the furnaces and directed all the work. He built every furnace in the present big plant, and so valuable was he that when Dick was taken ill with what seemed a fatal disease, it was said by his employers that "Dick" was one man who could not be spared by the Illinois Glass Co. After working hard all summer to get the plant in readiness for the season's work, Mr. Galbally began to feel the need of rest. He had taken no vacation and his health began to give away. He retired from active labor, expecting that a rest would do him good, but he continued to grow worse. For four weeks he had been unable to lie down in bed much of the time. The malady, Bright's disease, affected his heart and lungs so that it was impossible for him to sleep unless reclining in a chair. His friends were all hoping for the best, but their hopes received little encouragement. His wife, his son, and step-children were constant in their attention to him and most of the family were with him when death took him. The announcement of the death of Mr. Galbally produced a wave of grief at the glass works where he had been the honored and respected chief of the men for so many years. Mr. Galbally was a member of the school board at the time of his death. He had held various positions of honor and at one time was a member of the Alton city council. He was sent to Europe at the time of the Paris Exposition to study industrial conditions there, as a representative of the glassblowers, by the Scipps-McRae league of newspapers. Mr. Galbally's work in that direction was a valuable contribution to the knowledge in America of foreign labor. Mr. Galbally was born in Buffalo, N. Y., and was 55 years of age. When very young he went to Lockport with his family and stayed there until 1871, when he came to Alton to take a position with the old Alton glass works on Belle street. He remained with the Illinois Glass Co., when it was incorporated and held the position of superintendent. He leaves his wife and one son, William Galbally, and three stepchildren, Ernest E. Bishop, Charles Bishop of Alton, and Mrs. Scott C. Ridgeway of Chicago. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence on Apple and Third streets.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 27, 1904
The funeral of Richard Galbally Monday afternoon was one of the largest ever seen in Alton. Hundreds of the men who had worked under the late chief at the glass works attended the funeral as a mark of respect. There were representatives there in large numbers from every department of the works, from the lowest paid laboring men and boys to the highest officers of the plant. The services were conducted at 2 o'clock in the family home, Third and Apple streets, by Rev. M. W. Twing of the Baptist church. The pallbearers were Messrs. George M. Levis general manager of the glass works, and R. H. Levis, treasurer; A. E. Bassett, cashier; Thomas Morfoot, superintendent; Mayor Henry Brueggemann and James Duncan. Burial was in City cemetery. The floral offerings from the men who had worked under Mr. Galbally were numerous and costly. There was general grief over the sudden and untimely end of Mr. Galbally, which found expression in the moist eyes and the choked utterance of recollections of good things he had done. A large number followed the casket and saw it laid away on the brown of the hill in City cemetery, overlooking the big plant that he had built.


GALE, BENJAMIN/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 30, 1875
Benjamin Gale, an old resident of Madison County, was run over near Troy on Monday, and killed by the fast express on the Vandalia Railroad. He was very deaf, and was sitting on a tie near a curve in the road, and did not see the approaching train in time to escape. Every effort was made to stop the train in time, but to no purpose.


GALE, FRANK/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 7, 1873
Died on January 31 in Alton, of brain fever, Frank, son of George and Anna Gale; aged 7 years, 6 months, and 25 days.


GALLAGHER, ANDREW/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 4, 1886
Accidentally Shot
Sunday afternoon, Andrew Gallagher, who lives near the Glass Works, returned from a hunting expedition. He dismounted from the wagon in which he had made the trip, and while holding some game in his left hand, pulled his gun from the vehicle, the muzzle of the weapon towards him. Unfortunately, the gun was discharged and the load of shot took effect in his right breast, tearing a hole two inches or more in diameter. Feeling that the wound was fatal, Mr. Gallagher walked to a doorway nearby, and called on the horrified spectators to send for his wife. He was removed to his residence, and Dr. Haskell summoned, but the case was beyond surgery. The wounded man lingered almost an hour, retaining consciousness to the last, and then died. He was about 25 years old, and left a widow and two or three children to mourn his tragic end. Coroner Melling held an inquest, and the following verdict was rendered: Deceased came to his death by the accidental discharge of a gun in his own hand, in the city of Alton, on October 31, 1886.


GALLAGHER, FELIX/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 4, 1894
Felix Gallagher, aged 70 years, died at St. Joseph’s Hospital Friday, from the effects of la grippe. He has been ill for some time.


GALLAGHER, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 4, 1902
John Gallagher, aged 74, died last night at St. Joseph's hospital after a short illness with pneumonia. He had been a resident of Alton 50 years. His wife died last summer, and since then he had lived alone at Third and Vine streets, until taken to the hospital a few days ago. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Patrick's church.


GALLAGHER, JOHN ERNEST/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 16, 1899
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gallagher, of the Depot Hotel, were sadly afflicted today by the death of their infant son, John Ernest, after an illness of only a few days. The little fellow was one of a pair of twin boys that arrived at the Gallagher home nine weeks ago. He took a severe cold on his lungs a few days ago, and grew worse rapidly, death taking place this morning. The affliction is a very heavy one to the family, and they have the sympathy of a very large part of the community. The funeral will be Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the Cathedral.


GALLAGHER, MABLE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 04, 1899
Mable Gallagher, aged two years, died this afternoon of lung trouble at the home of her parents, 615 East Second Street.


GALLAGHER, THOMAS EMMET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 4, 1899
Thomas Emmet, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gallagher, died at the family home at the Depot Hotel this morning, after an illness of several weeks. A few months ago, two little boys, twins, arrived at the Gallagher home, but their lives were all too short. The first death occurred three weeks ago. The afflicted parents have a large share of sympathy in their double bereavement. The funeral will be Sunday at 2 p.m. from the Cathedral.


GALLAGHER, UNKNOWN WIFE OF JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 20, 1901
After four months sickness with old age ailments, Mrs. John Gallagher, aged 73, passed away Wednesday afternoon at her home, 1210 East Third street. She has resided in this city since 1855, and was esteemed by all who knew her. Her husband survives her. The funeral will be Friday morning from St. Patrick's church.


GALLOWAY, EDITH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 7, 1907
Edith Galloway, 5 years old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Galloway, colored, died at 1 o'clock this morning at the home, corner of Monroe and Madison streets, after a lingering illness. The funeral will be held Sunday at 12:30 p.m. from the A. M. E. church in the north side. [Burial was in Rocky Fork cemetery]


GALLOWAY, EMMA (nee PERRY)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 25, 1903
North Alton News - The funeral of Mrs. Samuel Galloway took place this morning and was attended by a large number of friends and relatives. Services were conducted by Rev. J. Will King, and interment was in Rocky Fork Cemetery.


GALLOWAY, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 15, 1894
Celebrates 110th Birthday
Last Saturday, Mrs. Mary Galloway, colored, celebrated her 110th birthday at the home of her son, Madison, who lives in the alley in the rear of Broderick’s saloon on Belle Street. Mrs. Galloway was born in Virginia in February 1784, and knows all about the stirring times of those days. Her son, Madison, is nearly 60 years old, and he is the youngest in the family. Mrs. Galloway is hale and hearty for one so old, and is full of interesting reminiscences. She has seen the United States develop from a few colonies into a leading power of the earth, and she is firmly of the opinion that the world is full of miracles. A number of friends of the family met and enjoyed a good social time, and left hoping that she may live to see many more birthdays.

Former Slave Dies at 110 Years of Age
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 8, 1894
Mrs. Mary Galloway, whose 110th birthday anniversary was recently celebrated, died Friday evening at the home of her son, Madison, on Main Street. Mrs. Galloway was a slave, and eleven of her thirteen children were sold into slavery also, and she never could ascertain their whereabouts. Old age and its infirmities took her away, and she passed away quietly and peacefully with a firm belief that “Old Master,” and all of her loved ones, would meet and welcome her on the other shore.

According to the Alton Telegraph, March 8, 1894, Mary Galloway died March 02, 1894, about a month after celebrating her 110th birthday. She was a former slave, with eleven of her thirteen children being sold into slavery. She never did find them again. She passed away quietly and peacefully with a firm belief that “Old Master,” and all of her loved ones, would meet and welcome her on the other shore. She was buried in the Rock Fork Cemetery in Godfrey Township.


GALVIN, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 20, 1898
Oldest Resident of Madison County
John Galvin, probably the oldest resident of Madison County, died at St. Joseph’s Hospital Tuesday afternoon, after a long illness with general debility. He was 98 years of age, and had lived in Alton for over 60 years. He had no immediate relatives to care for him in his old age, and made his home at the hospital for the past seven years.


GALVY, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 7, 1873
Burned to Death by Coal Oil Explosion
A sad and distressing accident, occasioned by the explosion of a can of coal oil, took place on Sunday morning at the residence of Mr. J. Stillwell on Alby Street. A servant girl, named Mary Galvy, aged 16, was engaged about 7 o’clock in making the kitchen fire. The wood failing to ignite rapidly, she took a can of coal oil and poured upon the wood to hasten the blaze. The flames penetrated into the can, causing it to burst, throwing the burning fluid over the person of the girl, and all over the room, setting everything in a blaze. The family had not yet arisen, and the shrieking girl, blinded by the flames, ran from one room to another, striving to get outdoors. In a moment or two, Mr. John Stillwell came to her help, opened the door and pushed her down in the snow to put the fire out. Just then, Mr. H. M. Carr, who boarded next door, and had heard her screams, also came to her assistance, and obtaining a blanket from Mr. Stillwell, wrapped it around the suffering girl and strove to smother the flames, but the clothing was so completely saturated with the oil, that it was almost impossible to put out the fire. Mr. Carr, from all accounts, acted with great presence of mind, and did everything possible, but by the time he had extinguished the flames, the head, face, and person of the girl, down to the waist, had been terribly burned. Her hair and the waist of her dress were burned entirely off. Had it not been for Mr. Carr’s exertions, she would have been burned to death on the spot. Meantime, the inmates of the house had been extinguishing the fire in the blazing room and removing the children from danger.

Dr. Smith was at once summoned to attend the sufferer, and about ten o’clock she was removed to her father’s residence on Ridge Street. Her injuries are terrible, and though she was alive this morning, the doctor does not think it possible for her to survive. The incident furnishes another warning of the danger of using coal oil in the manner indicated. Every day the lesson is repeated in the papers, and every day some such heart-rending incident as the above is recorded.

Later – Mary Galvy, the girl who was so severely burned on Sunday morning by an explosion of coal oil, at the residence of Mr. John Stillwell, died this morning at seven o’clock, after suffering terribly for three days. Her sad fate should be a warning to all, not to attempt kindling a fire with coal oil. So many sad accidents have resulted in this same way, that it does seem as if people would never learn the danger of such experiments.


GAMBLE, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 7, 1852
Died in Alton on the 30th ult., after a lingering illness, Mr. William Gamble, aged 52 years. The deceased had been a resident of Alton upwards of seventeen years. He leaves a wife and three sons, and many friends to deplore his loss.


GAMBRILL, ALEXANDER HAMILTON (JUDGE)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 27, 1898
Judge of the Alton City Court, 1881 - 1885
Alexander Hamilton Gambrill, formerly of Alton, died in the Alexandria, Virginia Infirmary Sunday, January 16. The funeral took place from Demaines Undertaking establishment in Alexandria, on Wednesday, January 19. Mr. Gambrill was a resident of Alton until the summer of 1885, when he secured an appointment through Colonel W. R. Morrison, in one of the departments at Washington D.C., which he held until a few years ago, until declining health laid him up. He removed to Alexandria, Virginia, where he resided until his death.

During his residence in Alton, he engaged in his profession, that of attorney at law. He was elected Judge of the City Court of Alton in March 1881, and served one term, or until March 1885, when he was succeeded by Judge Dunnegan. Judge Gambrill was a well-known figure about Alton for many years, where he had hosts of friends.


GAMBRILL, SALLIE K. (nee KERCHEVAL)/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 13, 1874
The many friends of this estimable lady will regret to hear of her death, which took place at her residence on Fourth Street on Tuesday afternoon at four o’clock. Her illness was long and protracted, but was borne with exemplary patience, and her sufferings alleviated by the unwearied care and attention of her devoted husband. During her residence in Alton, Mrs. Gambrill won a host of friends who sincerely mourn her untimely death. She was the daughter of Mr. F. B. and Helen Kercheval, a leading citizen of St. Joseph, Missouri, to which place her remains were taken for interment. Mr. A. H. Gambrill has the sympathy of the entire community in his deep affliction.


GANE, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 23, 1896
Mr. James Gane died Saturday night at the Globe Hotel after a lingering illness of consumption. He was 41 years of age, and leaves a wife to mourn his death. Mr. and Mrs. Gane came here some time ago, and started the Globe Hotel. He has been confined to his bed for several months. The funeral took place Monday from the hotel, and was conducted by Rev. J. M. Gaiser.


GARDE, BENJAMIN L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 23, 1911
Benjamin L. Garde, aged 73, died at his home, 436 Bluff street, at 12:45 o'clock Thursday noon after a long illness from kidney and heart trouble. Mr. Garde was forced to retire from active work last summer. For many years he conducted a tin repair shop, and also did a hardware business in Alton. He was born in Cork, Ireland, August 1_, 1838, and came to Alton when he was a boy of 11 years. He spent the remainder of his life in Alton. He was known as an expert workman in the trade he followed, and he bore an excellent reputation as a business man for honesty and uprightness. He was at one time connected with the city fire department. Mr. Garde is survived by his wife and five children, Misses Katherine, Margaret and Rose Garde, and William and Benjamin Garde. He leaves also one sister, Mrs. Mary Walsh of Springfield, who has been here several days attending her brother.


GARDE, CATHERINE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 25, 1887
Died in Alton on June 24, Miss Catherine Garde; aged 76 years. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. Friend and acquaintances are invited to attend.


GARDE, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 3, 1883
Died in Alton, April 27, of spinal meningitis, Mary, infant daughter of James M. and Hannah Garde.


GARDNER, BERTHA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 23, 1904
Bertha Gardner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gardner, aged 12, died this morning at the family home on Fourth of July Hill after a long illness with consumption. Miss Gardner has been in a dying condition for several weeks, and at the time her little brother was so severely burned with carbolic acid her life was despaired of. The boy is still in a dangerous condition and suffers severely from the acid burns. In their double affliction the parents have the sympathy of everyone.


GARDNER, NATHANIEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 6, 1871
Shot in Self-Defense at Buck Inn
One of the most painful cases of homicide we have ever been called upon to record took place early Tuesday a.m., near Buck Inn, by which a young man of unsound mind, Nathaniel Gardner, lost his life while making an attack upon Mr. Fred K. Wendt, a well-known citizen of this locality. Mr. Gardner was laboring under a paroxysm of insanity at the time he assaulted Mr. Wendt, who shot in self-defense.


GARLACH, PHILIP/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 26, 1892
Mr. Philip Garlach, aged 77 years, died Saturday night at his home, 120 East Fourteenth Street, of old age. The funeral took place this afternoon from St. Mary’s Church.


GARLAND, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 6, 1879
Mr. Charles Garland, a well-known resident of Godfrey, died Sunday, March 2, 1879, at the residence of Professor J. K. Hosmer, St. Louis. Deceased was 65 years, 10 months, and 6 days old. The funeral took place at Prof. Hosmer’s residence Tuesday afternoon. The remains were taken to Franklin, New Hampshire, for interment.


GARNER, CLARENCE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 30, 1920
Killed by Train
The lifeless body of Clarence Garner of Hillview, Ill., was found on the Chicago & Alton track on Piasa street just north of Sixth street, by James Cooper and Abraham Poindexter this morning, immediately after the C. & A. train from Chicago had passed down. It was supposed that Garner was killed by the train as he was walking around a pile of dirt which the city had heaped up there, blocking the sidewalk and making it necessary for passersby to walk around it by stepping on the railroad track. According to the men who found the body, Garner must have almost completed his detour around the pile of dirt and was about ready to step off the track when the train came down behind him and killed him. His head was crushed. Emil Schmoeller supplied the information the police department was able to get about the dead man. He said that he had written a life insurance policy for Garner a few months ago for $2,000. At that time Garner told him that his parents lived at Hillview and that he had an interest in a $50,000 estate. The place where Garner was killed is where the city is exploring for the cause of trouble in the Sixth street sewer. It has been a matter of three weeks since the trouble began to be searched for, but flood of water coming through the broken sewer has been so strong at the foot of the steep incline, it has been a very difficult job to keep the hole clear of water so the men could continue excavating. It was learned that Garner was boarding with Mrs. Adams at Ninth and Piasa streets and that he was employed at the Roxana refinery. The two men who found his body said that the train had passed them a little further up the track and that when they walked on down to Sixth street they found the lifeless body of Garner lying there, as if just killed. They were uncertain whether he had been hit by the train or had fallen off it. It developed that Garner was on his way to work when the accident occurred. The train crew did not report the accident.


GARNER, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 18, 1916
James Garner, aged 65, died at the St. Joseph's Hospital this morning after an illness which covered a period of ten days. His death was due to an accident he sustained several weeks ago, and pneumonia. Mr. Garner fell down the steps at his home on East Second street several weeks ago. He had not fully recovered from the fall before he was taken ill with pneumonia. Although he lived by himself, he refused to be removed from his quarters on East Second street. Finally he became delirious and walked to this work at the Kane Grocery store one morning. After this he was removed at once to the St. Joseph Hospital where his condition has grown worse until this morning, at seven o'clock, when he passed away. Mr. Garner was well known over the city, especially in the east end where he worked for the Kane Grocery Co during the past ten years. He is survived by two daughters, one of whom lives in Alton. The funeral arrangements have not been completed.


GARREN, NELSON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 20, 1904
Smallpox Victim
North Alton News - Nelson Garren, the second smallpox victim of the year out in this vicinity, died Saturday night and was buried shortly afterwards, or about 1 a.m., in Milton cemetery. The case is a most pitiable one, and the county authorities are receiving the severest censure for leaving Mrs. Garren alone with her husband all through his illness. When the end came, it is said, she became temporarily insane and pulled whole handfuls of hair from her head in her anguish at being left alone with her dying husband. Sunday night she was removed in a closed carriage to some place near McClusky, her former home, and the house of death has been thoroughly fumigated. It is apparent to most of those acquainted with the facts that there has been a bad neglect or ignoring of the laws of public health, and indignation and fear alike reign in this community, especially in the immediate vicinity of the occurrence.


GARRETT, ANNIE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 12, 1882
Suicide or Muder?
At 10 o’clock this morning, Mrs. Ada Swallenstecker was passing along Langdon Street, and when she arrived opposite the house belonging to George White, near the corner of Sixth and Langdon Streets, she discovered smoke issuing from the roof. The alarm was immediately given, the neighbors gathered to render all the assistance possible, and commenced removing goods from the burning house. The doors, as we understand, were all found fastened, but an entry was forced. The firemen arrived at the place on quick time, made an attachment to the nearest water plug, and commenced playing on the flames. The house was a two-story frame with a porch in front, steps on the outside leading to the upper story. The fire was principally in the northeast room on the second floor, where it seemed to have originated, and where the efforts of the firemen were directed. A. M. Bruden entered this room, and amid the smoke and flames, discovered a prostrate, white object. He caught at it and grasped a human hand, the hand of a corpse. This harrowing discovery caused further investigation, which resulted in revealing the sad fact that the dead body was that of Mrs. Annie Garrett, a resident of the house. The flames were soon extinguished, but not until the roof of the building was almost burned off, and the whole upper story badly damaged, the lower part escaping the ravages of the fire to a great extent.

The body of Mrs. Garrett was found to be wrapped in one of the coverings of the bed on which she was lying, her head and neck, being tightly enclosed. On removing the wrappings, it was found that a ghastly, gaping wound, three inches long, disfigured her neck, cutting partly through the trachea, a wound that alone would soon have proved fatal. This terrible discovery roused the excitement that previously existed to the highest pitch, and the air was full of rumors of murder and robbery.

Justice Noonan impaneled a jury and proceeded to the place as soon as possible. After viewing the body, the jury adjourned to the residence of Mr. Manuel H. Boals, nearly opposite, where the witnesses were examined. The first was Miss Emma White, about 14 years old, daughter of the owner of the house. She and her father boarded with Mrs. Garrett. Her evidence was to the effect that the deceased was often greatly depressed in spirits. She paid a visit to St. Louis or East St. Louis Tuesday, returning home in the evening, appearing more sad than ever after that visit. Her father and mother live in East St. Louis, and are named Riley. Miss White left deceased at 9 o’clock, and went to school, the door being locked by deceased after she went out. The witness stated that at 8:30 o’clock, a man, supposed to be a tramp, called at the house and rang the bell, but as no one went to the door, he soon left. Many claim that the visit of this man had something to do with the tragedy, but there was nothing to show that he went to the place after the call mentioned above.

George White, engineer at Allen & Ryrie’s mill, testified that he was the owner of the house, the scene of the tragedy. He and his daughter had boarded with deceased, paying her $5 per week, and receiving $5 per month as rent for the house. Deceased was variable in spirits, sometimes cheerful, at others greatly depressed. Her husband, Ed Garrett, has for two years resided in Colorado. Witness left the house about 6:30 in the morning.

A letter from Ed Garrett to his wife, dated at Ouray, Colorado, December 16, 1881, was read to the jury. In it he stated, presumably in answer to complaints, that he sent her all the money he could spare; charged that all she wanted was his money; that he would not return to her until she was willing to pay him as much attention as she did her other friends.

Albert M. Brudon of the Fire Department stated that in obedience to the orders of Chief Engineer Smith, he went into the room where the fire seemed principally located, and there found the body. Part of the hair was burnt off the head; a bedspread was wrapped tightly around the head, close enough to smother her had there been no smoke. Her limbs were drawn up as though in a death struggle. There was a strong smell of coal oil about the place as though everything had been saturated with it.

After an examination of all the evidence, the jury rendered a verdict that deceased came to her death by her own hand. A great many persons disagreed with this finding, thinking it a tolerably clear case of murder, some claiming that it was the act of her relatives, she being a white woman, married to a colored man. However, there was no evidence before the jury to show that the act was other than suicide. There was certainly no robbery in the case, as nothing was taken. On the contrary, quite a lot of jewelry was lying untouched about the house, showing that if it was a murder, the motives remain a mystery.

The remains were taken in charge by the undertaker, Mr. W. L. Klunk, and removed to the residence of Mrs. Ellsworth on Henry Street, to await news from relatives of deceased in East St. Louis, to whom, through the City Marshal of that place, Justice Noonan sent a telegram. The house was insured for $800. Nothing has yet been developed to show how the fire originated, but it was evidently not accidental.

Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 13, 1882
There is a strong sentiment in the community that Mrs. Annie Garrett, who was found dead with her throat cut in the burning house near the corner of Sixth and Langdon Streets, was the victim of foul play and did not commit suicide. One circumstance was the fact that no knife or other similar weapon with which self-murder could have been committed by the unfortunate woman, was found about the place, with the exception of a small pocket knife with the back spring broken, discovered by the little girl, Emma White, in a bureau drawer. Still, a knife might have been lying under the large amount of debris that covered the floor where the body was found. As there was no robbery, some other reason must be ascribed for the deed that a desire for plunder. Some hold the opinion that the woman was murdered, and the murderer ran out by the back door and made his escape. They say, “How could the woman, after her throat was cut, wrap her head and shoulders so closely in the quilt? What object could she have had in setting fire to the house?” The organ and other furniture moved into the enclosure of Mr. Boals gave evidence of the presence of kerosene, hours after being in the open air.

White the official inquiry was in progress, curious crowds visited the place. Policeman Horat was on guard over the body, and some of the friends and acquaintances of the dead woman were permitted to view the remains. Exclamations of horror and dismay were heard as the gaping wound in the throat was revealed. It was a tragedy such as Alton has but seldom witnessed, and roused the community to an unwonted degree of excitement.

A younger sister of Mrs. Garrett, Miss Jennings, accompanied by a brother-in-law, arrived in town last evening from East St. Louis, having received the painful news by a telegram. They can throw no light on the affair, but on the contrary state that they knew nothing of the marriage of Mrs. Garrett, supposing her to be living with a family in St. Louis, her letters all being postmarked at that place. The relatives did not take charge of the body, stating that deceased’s mother was old and decrepit, and they desired to keep her as much in the dark as possible with reference to her daughter’s sad end. In consequence of this decision, the funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon, and the remains will be buried in the Alton City Cemetery.

In order to allay the excitement and set at rest the rumors of murder, Mr. H. S. Willms found a razor on the floor amid the debris, under the place where the bed stood, on which the dead body was found. The blade of the weapon, which was apparently a new one, was encrusted with clotted blood, the pearl handle having been partly destroyed by the action of the fire. The blade was very sharp, just suitable for the deadly work that it undoubtedly performed.

Mr. Ed White, keeper of the Magnolia restaurant, says that Mrs. Garrett was employed by him as a dining room girl, when he was keeping an eating house in St. Louis, and that the man Garrett was employed by him at the same time as a cook, and that the two became acquainted there and finally married. Mrs. Garrett left home for an hour Wednesday evening, returning at 9 o’clock. It may be that she bought the razor, which appeared to be a new one, at that time.

Indictment of George White and His Daughter
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 29, 1882
George White and his daughter, Emma, were indicted by the grand jury at Edwardsville yesterday, on a charge of murdering Mrs. Annie Garrett, found dead in White’s burning house, January 12. About the only evidence additional to that already published is that of the key of the front door being found in the front yard at the place of the tragedy, some time after the occurrence, the door having been found locked by the firemen when they reached the building. If Mrs. Garrett locked herself in when left by Emma White on going to school, how came the key to be in the front yard? Another point is the alleged fact that White paid a silver half dollar, stained with blood, to a person who had done some work for him. It was claimed positively by some, that the stain was caused by the blood of a murdered person, because “it would not wash off.” We opine, however, that a chemist would not have much faith in that theory. The complaint before the grand jury was made by Edward Garrett, husband of the unfortunate woman, but the evidence presented was entirely circumstantial. Deputy Sheriff Rudershausen arrested White and his daughter this afternoon, and took them to Edwardsville. He also had in custody Mary E. Quinn, indicated for assault with intent to kill.

The Case of George White
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 15, 1882
George White, accused of the murder of Mrs. Annie Garrett, was taken before the Justice, gave a bond of $1,000, with John E. Hayner and George H. Allen as securities, and was discharged from custody. The case was set for examination today, but due to the absence of State’s Attorney Yager, a postponement took place until next Monday.

Trial of George White
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 22-25, 1882
A trial commenced for George White, accused of murdering Mrs. Annie Garrett. A large crowd of spectators was present. The first witness, Albert M. Brudon, a fireman, testified he found the body of a woman, lying on her back on a bed, limbs drawn up, a gash across her throat, a little shawl around her neck, and a bedspread around her head, knotted behind. The second witness, Mrs. Cornelia Howard, stated a brass door key was handed to her the day of the fire. She did know who it was, other than it was a lady. Edward Garrett, the husband of Mrs. Annie Garrett, was married June 3, 1875, and came to Alton in 1876. He testified he never had any particular trouble with his wife, except the usual family spats. Edward went to Colorado in 1879, and tried to induce his wife to join him. Dr. J. P. Garvin testified he found a zepher scarf, about a yard long, around the throat of Mrs. Garrett, with no covering over her head. The wound in her throat would not have caused her death. The body was cold. Death must have ensued from suffocation. It is probably that if someone had attempted to murder her, the cut would have been more effectual. Edward Poindexter stated that George White gave him a razor to sharpen, which he did and returned the razor. H. S. Willms testified he was at the fire, and was a member of the Coroner’s jury. A bedspread was wrapped around the head and face of Mrs. Garrett so tightly as to turn the nose somewhat to one side. A razor blade was found the next day, clotted with blood, under the bedstead where the body was found. The handle was wrapped with twine to keep the blade firm. Harriet Thompson, 15 years of age, testified her father told her, the night before the fire, to sleep in his bed. She went to bed crying. “In her slumber of sleep,” she thought she heard Mrs. Garrett begging in the night, and saying, “Go way from me and let me alone, I won’t tell it.” In the morning, her father, after being very busy upstairs, came down with some bloody cloths. He said his nose had been bleeding. She wanted to call Mrs. Garrett in the morning, but her father objected. Chief Engineer Smith of the fire department was re-called, and testified Mrs. Garrett’s lower limbs at the sides were brown, somewhat charred from the fire, the hair on the side of the head was burned off, cut in her throat seemed to be about 3 inches long, the wound at one side next to the jugular vein was an inch deep. The quilt placed over the face looked as though pressed down tight over the nose and mouth. Dr. Hardy’s testimony was read, and stated from the description of Mr. Smith, the wound would produce death, and judged death occurred one or two hours previous to be found. David Searls, about 10 years old, testified he passed White’s house with his brother at midnight, the night before the fire. They heard somebody “hollering” in the house. He saw White open the door easy and come out. There was a light in the house. They saw somebody moving upstairs. When White came out, he stood between his grape vines. The two boys then ran away. It was 2 o’clock when they got home, about one-half mile from White’s. [Note: Mrs. Searls later refuted the boy’s testimony, stating on the night in question, the boy was not out of the house, that he was sick and was in the room with her all night.]

George White than testified that he was 40 years old, and for ten years had been an engineer at Allen & Ryrie’s mill. He lived in Alton since about 1861, and he came from Tennessee. He lived in the house with Mrs. Garrett 4 years, she paying $5 a month rent. Mrs. Garrett seemed as well as usual that morning. She and Emma slept together upstairs, while he slept downstairs. He left home for the mill about 6 o’clock in the morning, and knew nothing of Mrs. Garrett’s death. He heard of the fire while at the mill, and took a horse and rode home as soon as possible. He found the house burning and Mrs. Garrett dead.

Emma White testified she was fourteen years old, and knew Mrs. Garrett for four years. She slept with Mrs. Garrett the night before the fire, and we got breakfast. Mrs. Garrett fixed her for school. She left home at a quarter before nine by the front door, and left Mrs. Garrett in the kitchen standing by the table. A man came to the house that morning, and Mrs. Garrett told me not to let him in, as he was a tramp. My father got up that morning and built the fire.

Al W. Hardy testified that George White came to the mill 10 to 15 minutes before 7 that morning. His appearance was as usual. Mr. Ryrie went to the telephone in the office at the mill and told Al that White’s house was on fire. White seemed greatly startled, and got out of there as soon as possible.

Manuel H. Boals testified he lived across the street from George White. He got to the burning house a little after 10; water was thrown about; heard that a dead body was found and went into the house and saw that the body was that of a woman. The lower limbs were slightly drawn up, arms placed by her side; arms were not rigid. He though he was the first person in the place after the news went out that a dead body was there. The body was partly nude; a quilt or part of a quilt was over the face as though thrown there carelessly; did not see any knots in the quilt.

Following the testimonies, the decision of the court was rendered by Justice Williams. He announced that although the evidence was conflicting, it was not sufficient to hold the accused, and he was discharged.

There was still considerable excitement over the White case, with difference of opinions. However according to the Telegraph, the defense clearly proved an alibi, and the prosecution failed to impeach or refute the evidence upon which the alibi was based.

George White Acquitted in Murder of Annie Garret
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 31, 1883
George White, colored, accused of complicity in the death of Mrs. Annie Garrett, who was found with her throat cut in White’s house on Langdon Street, January 12, 1882, was tried before a jury and acquitted. The only way of connecting him with the tragedy was to show that the deed was committed hours before the fire broke out. The prosecution failed on this point.


GARRETT, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 18, 1905
Insane Man Commits Suicide
While the East Alton people were bemoaning their losses (flood), at 1 o'clock Henry Garrett, whose mind was unbalanced by the flood, and who had been lingering around while rescue work was going on, took too many drinks of whisky, and in a short time was frenzied. He ran from the saloon of Ben Picker on Shamrock street and plunging into deep water in the middle of the street, was drowned. He was about 30 years of age and was unmarried. His body was recovered by Fred Walling.


GARSTANG, RICHARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 15, 1923
Proprietor of Garstang Foundry in Alton
Richard Garstang, aged 85, a resident of Alton for years, and engaged in the machine and foundry business here, died Saturday night at Los Angeles, where he had been making his home. With him at the time of his death was Mrs. Garstang and their only surviving son, Dr. Hubert Garstang. The death of Richard Garstang followed an illness that had disabled him for two weeks. He had been in seemingly good health up to a short time before he suffered the final breakdown. Beside his wife and son, he leaves nine grandchildren.

Mr. Garstang left Alton about 25 years ago. The last place of business he conducted here was the place now occupied by the Beall Bros. on Piasa Street. The Bealls bought the property from him, and moved their plant into it. Prior to that, Mr. Garstang had conducted a machine shop on Broadway, where the Struif Feed Store is now located. The family lived in the old Mitchell house on Mill Street, at Fourth.

Mr. Garstang had lived in St. Louis after leaving Alton, and finally, when he retired from business, he went to California. There, he continued to take the liveliest interest in everything up to the time of his fatal illness.

When he lived in Alton, Mr. Garstang was much interested in yachting, and he was one of the owners of the old Piasa, a pleasure boat that was regarded as quite a marvel in its time. It is supposed that the body will be brought to St. Louis for burial, as other members of his family were buried there.


GARSTANG, RICHARD JR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 15, 1899
Richard Garstang Jr. died at Tucson, Arizona, Sunday at noon after a very long illness. The news of Dick’s death was received here by his brother, Ira Garstang, last evening. His death was not unexpected by his family because he had been ill for several years, and had been obliged to travel for the benefit of his health. It was not known, however, that he was so near to death, and in that respect his death is a mild surprise.

He was born in St. Louis, and was 27 years of age at his death. He was the oldest son of his parents, and to them he was the family pride. To all who knew him, he was a companionable, light-hearted young man until the fatal disease laid hold of him. When he was first taken ill, he fought desperately with his young strength against the inevitable. He was obliged to leave Alton last August, and went to Tucson in hopes the climate there would be better. He did improve, but the change was too late, and death was the sad sequel. At his death, his father and mother, with his young wife, formerly Miss Helen Clifford, were in loving attendance.

Dick Garstant’s death is a personal bereavement to all his many young friends and acquaintances. He will be mourned sincerely by them, and in their affliction the widowed wife of a few years, and the bereaved parents will have the genuine sympathy that cannot be expressed in words. The funeral and interment will be at Tucson.


GARVIN, HARRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 9, 1912
Harry Garvin, aged 30, died this afternoon at 1 o'clock at his home, 1221 Central avenue, after a long illness with enlargement of the spleen. The funeral will be Wednesday afternoon from the residence of his uncle, William Graham.


GARVIN, J. PAUL (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 12, 1902
The funeral of Dr. J. Paul Garvin was held at noon and burial was in City Cemetery. The funeral party arrived over the Burlington before noon and was met at the depot by some of the friends of Dr. Garvin and his family. At the cemetery was a gathering of the old friends of Dr. Garvin who placed floral tributes on the grave. The funeral service of the Episcopal church was read by Rev. H. M. Chittenden of St. Paul's church. The pallbearers were H. M. Schweppe, Dr. C. B. Rohland, Fred Schiess, G. H. Smiley, George R. Hewitt and C. W. Milnor.


GARY, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 09, 1898
Mrs. Edwin Gary, for many years a resident of Alton, died Monday after a long illness, aged 89 years. Her aged husband died about one year ago. The funeral was Tuesday afternoon in Upper Alton.


GARZENE, UNKNOWN WIFE OF JEROME/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 25, 1883
Mrs. Jerome Garzene, mother of Mrs. A. Inveen, died Sunday, January 21, at the residence of her daughter on Henry Street, at the age of 83 years. Deceased was a native of Paris, France, and came to America 31 years ago. She lived in Vermilion, Dakota, 20 years, and came to Alton on May 10, 1881, and had since lived with her daughter, Mrs. A. Inveen. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon from the family residence. Besides Mrs. Inveen, she leaves her husband, a son in Nebraska, and daughter at Sioux City, with other relatives and friends to mourn her death.


GASAWAY, JAMES/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 3, 1882
James Gasaway, an employee at Alton Junction [East Alton] of the Illinois & St. Louis Railway was instantly killed Saturday afternoon while attempting to board a freight train at Bozzatown [Alton]. The unfortunate man was run over, crushed and torn into an almost unrecognizable mass of flesh and bones. The remains were taken in charge by the railway company, and a telegram sent to Coroner Youree, who arrived in town Saturday evening and held an inquest at the scene of the tragedy. The fragments of a watch and $4.90 in money were found on the person of the victim. The jury returned a verdict that death resulted from an attempt to board a moving freight train. No blame attached to the employees of the road on account of the accident. The remains were taken by undertaker Hoffmann, placed in a coffin, and were forwarded to Fern, Indiana, where the parents of Gasaway reside. He was engaged to be married to an estimable young lady of Hillsboro.


GASKELL, SIDNEY/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 24, 1895
Sidney Gaskell, a former Altonian, died in St. Louis Monday, after a lingering illness, in his 49th year. He was well known in Alton, and especially on State Street, where he long resided previous to his removal to St. Louis. One daughter is the only member of his family that survives him, his wife having died two years ago. The body was brought to Alton over the Burlington Road for interment. Carriages met the party at the Union Depot, going direct to the cemetery, where the funeral services was observed.

The death of Sidney Gaskell recalls an interesting affair that occurred in the early 1860s. One day, the sexton of the Presbyterian Church discovered a few metal pipes in the cold air flue of the furnace, and on investigation it was found that the whole contents of the swell organ had been removed. A watch was set, but the guilty party was too wary, and for some time no trace of them was had. About the same time, the reed organ used in the high school, then occupying the basement of the Unitarian Church, was stolen, and wheel tracks about the door indicated that it had been removed in a wagon. About the same time, the communion service of St. Paul’s Church was missing. Also, a lot of goods stored in the basement of the Godfrey Church, and among the articles which belonged to the pastor, Rev. Albert Smith, was a finely mounted telescope. The excitement was great, but no clue to the perpetrators of the thefts was found until Sidney Gaskell informed Mr. James Newman, the then principal of the high school, that he felt sure the missing articles, or some of them, could be found in a certain cabin at North Alton, then styled the Coal Branch. An officer with a warrant and some persons able to identify the goods drove out to the designated house, and found in possession only a very unprepossessing old woman. Search was made, and on the ground floor was found the reed organ, and also a miscellaneous collection of musical instruments. In the attic or loft, reached by a ladder made of strips nailed to the unlathed frame of the cabin, were found concealed in a lot of hay the communion service, the telescope, and other articles, and the rest of the organ pipes. The son of the old woman, a musical crank, was the culprit, and he was arrested, tried, and sentenced to the State’s prison. He had the effrontery to appear in the courtroom in a woolen jacket of brilliant green hue, the property of the sexton, which along with the pipes he had taken from the church. The sexton had never before seen the fellow, and on exclaiming “there is a man with my jacket on,” was astonished to learn that he, of the green jacket, was the prisoner at the bar. While in the Alton jail, he put his foot against the white-washed wall, and outlined it with a pencil, writing in the traced form, “this foot does not go the Joliet.” Sure enough, he escaped from the jail in Alton, but was apprehended, and did eventually go, foot and all, to Joliet.


GASKILL, FLORENCE C. (nee HARTMANN)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 29, 1892
Mrs. Florence C., wife of Mr. S. Gaskill, died yesterday afternoon, at the residence of Mrs. Mary Winscott, 1222 State Street, after an illness of nearly two years of consumption, and at the age of 42 years, 6 months, and 11 days. Mrs. Gaskill, whose maiden name was Hartmann, was born and reared in Alton. She removed with her husband to California five years ago, returning here last Spring with her fatal disease so far advanced, as to leave little hope of recovery. Surviving her are the sorrowing husband and one daughter, seventeen years of age. The funeral will take place from the M. E. Church tomorrow, procession leaving the house at 1:30 o’clock. Interment at City Cemetery.


GASKILL, HANNAH/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 11, 1841
Died, at Ridge Prairie, Madison County, Illinois, on Saturday the 4th inst., Mrs. Hannah Gaskill, consort of Mr. Silvanus Gaskill, in the 49th year of her age.


GASKILL, SETH W./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 10, 1866
Died in Alton on Wednesday morning, August 1, Seth W. Gaskill; aged 28 years.


GASKILL, SILVANUS/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 7, 1842
Died, at Ridge Prairie, Madison County, Illinois, on the morning of the 27th April, Mr. Silvanus Gaskill, aged 52 years, 9 months, and 7 days - an old and highly respectable inhabitant of that place.


GASKINS, ANNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 24, 1909
Mrs. Annie Gaskins, aged 87, died shortly before midnight Tuesday night at the home of her son, Eugene Gaskins, at the corner of Grove and Liberty streets. Her death was due to great age. Her passing away was peaceful and quiet. Her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Eugene Gaskins, had just assisted the aged woman to bed and had tucked her in for the night. She wanted a drink, and Mrs. Gaskins went downstairs to get some water for her. When she returned with the drink of water, the old lady had passed away and was dead. She had suffered none and must have fallen asleep and died in her sleep. She was in apparently good health yesterday, although for a long time she had been almost helpless and would spend most of her time sitting in her chair. During her long period of residence in Alton, almost all of the old friends of Mrs. Gaskins had died or moved away from the city, and outside of her family she was alone in the world. Her husband, William Gaskins, died 27 years ago. Mrs. Gaskins was born at Bristol, Pa., and came to Alton in 1846. She leaves three sons, E. V. Gaskins of Greenville, Ill., Eugene and Fred Gaskins of Alton. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon from the home of Eugene Gaskins.


GASKINS, KENNETH STUART/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 25, 1897
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gaskins has been darkened by the death of their seventeen-months-old child, Kenneth Stuart, which sad event occurred Tuesday

Source: Alton Telegraph, April 01, 1897
The funeral services of Kenneth, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gaskins, were held Thursday from the family home in Middletown. Rev. Gaiser conducted the services at the house, to which a large attendance of sympathizing friends listened. Interment was at Alton City Cemetery.


GASKINS, MINNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 28, 1915
Mrs. Minnie Gaskins, wife of Fred Gaskins, died at the St. Joseph's Hospital at 10 o'clock Monday night, after an illness of many weeks duration with a malady that baffled physicians. Mrs. Gaskins was 50 years of age and has resided in Alton all of her life. She was the eldest daughter of S. H. Malcolm of Alton. She leaves besides her aged father, her husband and two sons, Sidney and Allen; also, two brothers, Harry and J. M. Malcolm; and two sisters, Mrs. William King of Alton, and Mrs. Joseph Logan of Colorado Springs, Colo. Mrs. Gaskins was taken ill a number of weeks ago at the time that she was in apparently robust health. Her illness was thought to be slight for several weeks, when it developed into something more serious. Finally she was removed to the St. Joseph's Hospital to be given expert attention and nursing, and her case grew steadily worse. Last night the members of the family were called to her bedside when it was believed that she was dying, and she passed away about 10 o'clock. Several times in the past two weeks Mrs. Gaskins was believed to be dying, but each time rallied and seemed better. For two days she was in a state of coma, and it was believed the end was near, but she became better and even as late as Sunday recognized those who were allowed to see her. Mrs. Joseph Logan of Colorado Springs, Colo., reached here in time to see her sister while she was still conscious, and within the past two days Mrs. Gaskins recognized her aged father, S. H. Malcolm, and her husband and sons. Mrs. Gaskins was a life-long member of the Twelfth Street Presbyterian Church, and has always been an active church worker. Her death comes as a great shock to her family and her circle of friends where she was a valued worker and companion. The funeral of Mrs. Gaskins will be held Thursday morning at 10 o'clock from the home on Grove street. Rev. Mr. Baker of the Twelfth Street Presbyterian Church, of which Mrs. Gaskins was a lifelong member, will have charge of the funeral service.


GASKINS, WILLIAM SPENCER/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 1, 1883
Mr. William S. Gaskins, one of the oldest, most respected citizens of Alton, died a few minutes after one o’clock this morning, after a long and painful illness, at the age of 75 years, of a disease of a bronchial nature. Mr. Gaskins was a native of Norfolk, Virginia, came to Alton 50 years ago on December 31, and had lived here ever since, engaged in various lines of business. He bore the sufferings incident to his last sickness with true Christian patience and fortitude, and was ready for the final summons. He left a stricken widow, Annie (Goslin) Gaskins, and two sons, Messrs. Fred and Eugene Gaskins, with many attached friends to mourn his death. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]


GASS, BERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 6, 1917
Bert Gass, aged 39, died at St. Joseph's Hospital this morning after a long illness with a complication of diseases. He leaves his wife and one child. Word was sent today to his father, who lives at Kingston Mines, Illinois.


GASSMAN, A./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 27, 1882
A German from Highland, named A. Gassman, committed suicide yesterday by throwing himself headlong from the third story window of a hotel.


GASTON, BELLE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 09, 1899
Mr. and Mrs. T. Gaston of Belle Street were bereaved by the death of their two-months-old daughter Belle, last night. The funeral will be Saturday from the family home.


GATES, CYNTHIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 22, 1864
Died at Troy, Madison County, Illinois, December 31, 1863, 11 o’clock p.m., of dropsy, Mrs. Cynthia Gates, wife of Dr. Joseph Gates, and daughter of the Rev. W. C. Ballard, in the 54th year of her age.


GATES, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 08, 1907
John Gates' body was claimed today by his family after being held three weeks by Coroner Streeper. Gates was killed three weeks ago today by falling while trying to jump aboard a Bluff Line train at Wood River. Coroner Streeper has been searching ever since then for his family. The coroner is also holding the body of John Kilroy of Bloomington, killed by an interurban car about the same time, but his family has not claimed it.


GATES, JOSEPH (DOCTOR)/Source: Madison County Courier, November 2, 1865
Died, at the residence of his son-in-law, J. G. Willoughby, in Collinsville precinct, Madison County, Illinois, on Sunday, October 1, 1865, Dr. Joseph Gates, botanic physician, aged 82 years, 2 1/2 months. Dr. Gates was born at Salem, Washington County, New York, July 16, 1783. He emigrated to Madison County about 37 years ago.


GATES, MARY B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 5, 1904
Mrs. Mary B. Gates, a resident of Alton 45 years, died Monday afternoon at 4:20 o'clock at the home of her son, W. C. Gates, Eighth and Langdon streets, after a two weeks illness from the grip. Mrs. Gates' death was unexpected as it was not supposed she was dangerously ill. She sank away yesterday into a peaceful sleep and passed to the Great Beyond. Mrs. Gates was the widow of W. C. Gates Sr., and was the mother of a family consisting of Mrs. James Stewart of St. Louis; Mrs. John Rutledge of Baltimore, Md.; Mrs. Philo Blinn of Rocky Ford, Colo.; W. C. Gates of Alton; and Pearl B. Gates of Ridgeway, Colo. The funeral of Mrs. Gates will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the house of her son, Mr. W. C. Gates, and will be private.


William C. GatesGATES, WILLIAM C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 4, 1922
Senior Member of Gates-Clark Dry Goods Co.
William C. Gates, senior member of the firm of Gates-Clark Dry Goods Co., and one of the best-known business men and church men of Alton, died at his home on Bluff Street at 11 o'clock today, after an illness of only a few days. He was 53 years old. Last Saturday night, just a week ago, Mr. Gates went home with a cold which was believed to be a slight affliction. Yesterday morning he developed pneumonia and by last night the attending physician realized that his condition was serious. During the night he became worse and despite efforts to aid him, he died at 11 o'clock this morning.

The death of Mr. Gates removed from Third Street one of the best known and strongest characters in Alton business circle. Likewise, his death removed one of the most prominent and strongest church workers in the city. All the members of Mr. Gates family were with him when he died, with the exception of Wilford, his only son, who was at Illinois University attending school. The condition of the father did not become serious until last night when word was sent the son to come home. Besides his wife and son, Mr. Gates leaves three daughters, Alice, a teacher in the high school, Gladys at home, and Dorothy, a student at Shurtleff College.

William C. Gates was born in Alton in 1869, and has spent all of his life here with the exception of short periods when he was employed out of the city. He began his business life as a clerk in the Pierson & Carr Dry Goods store, where he learned the dry goods business. Later, he went to St. Louis and worked in a wholesale house to better educate himself and in 1907, in partnership with William Clark, he went into business at 111 West Third Street. In 1907 the firm moved to larger quarters in the Commercial building. Mr. Gates has always been active in all of the business activities of the street and was known for his aggressiveness, and was known as a good friend and as a worthy foe in a complication. On the 25th of January he celebrated his 29th wedding anniversary. He was married to Miss Lulu Miller of Belleville in 1893. Four daughters and one son were born to the couple, one daughter having died several years ago.

In his church life, Mr. Gates was one of the most helpful and progressive men in the city. For over twenty years he was superintendent of the Baptist Sunday School, and at the time of his death he was president of the Men's Bible class of this church. A sweet singer, he filled the post of musical leader and chorister from time to time for many years. In the Alton Y.M.C.A., from the time of his young manhood, he has been an active worker. In all of the financial campaigns of this institution his was one of the leading minds and he remained a member of the directing board of this institution to the time of his death.

Mr. Gates is also survived by three sisters: Mrs. Anna Stewart, who resides in St. Louis, Mrs. John Rutledge of Urbana, Illinois, Mrs. Philo K. Blinn of Rocky Ford, Colorado, as well as a brother, P. B. Gates, of Denver, Colorado. The funeral will be from the home, 415 Bluff Street, at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon. The Rev. M. W. Twing, pastor of the First Baptist Church, will conduct the services. [Internment was in the Alton City Cemetery.]

William C. Gates was born in Alton in 1869. He married Louise “Lulu” Miller of Belleville, in 1893, and they had four daughters and one son:
Hallie Gates (1895-1918) died at age 23 of influenza.
Alice Gates (1897-1987) was a school teacher at Alton High School for 44 years, retiring in 1962.
Dorothy Gates (1903-1992) was employed in the accounting department at Owens-Illinois Glass Co.
Gladys Gates Cromwell
Wilfred Miller Gates (1899-1939) died in Toledo, Ohio.

Gates, along with William Clark, took over the former Haagen Dry Goods, and founded the Gates-Clark Dry Goods Store, located on Third Street in downtown Alton.


GATTINGER, EMMA LOUISE/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 15, 1872
Died on October 31, at Godfrey, Emma Louise, infant daughter of Louis and Sue Gattinger; aged 1 year, 11 months, and 11 days.


GATTINGER, SUSAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 5, 1915
Mrs. Susan Gattinger, widow of Louis Gattinger, aged 75, died from old age at her home in Godfrey township after being bedfast five years. Mrs. Gattinger was born in Alton and was a member of the well known Martin family, of which there are two brothers, James Martin and Dr. William Martin; and one sister, Mrs. L. B. Sidway, surviving. Mrs. Gattinger was a student at Monticello Seminary in the days of Principal Fobes, and was therefore one of the oldest of the former Monticello students. She leaves two daughters, Misses Helen and Luella, and one son, Louis Gattinger. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home in Godfrey.


GAUCH, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 22, 1918
Edward Gauch, aged 63, died at the Alton State Hospital last night, where he has been a patient for some time. His body will be shipped to Belleville tomorrow, and will be buried in that place.


GAUKRODGER, ANN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 10, 1899
Mrs. Ann Gaukrodger died Friday, February 10, at the residence of her daughter in St. Louis, aged 70 years. She will be buried Sunday from the residence of her son, Thomas Gaukrodger, on East Fifth Street.


GAUKRODGER, HARTLEY/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 15, 1892
Civil War Veteran
Hartley Gaukrodger, a resident of Upper Alton, died this morning after a lingering illness from general debility. Mr. Gaukrodger was 61 years of age, and had lived in Alton, Upper Alton, and East St. Louis for many years, an employee of the Chicago & Alton railroad until compelled to relinquish his position by declining strength. He was a noble soldier in the Union Army, and a member of the Alton G.A.R.

Mr. Gaukrodger was born in about 1833. He married Anna Robinson (1832-1899), and they had at least one daughter, Ella Belle Gaukrodger Freivogel (1866-1899). Mr. Gaukrodger was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


GAUL, FRED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 29, 1904
The funeral of Fred Gaul was held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from his late home, and services were conducted by Rev. Theodore Oberhellman of the German Evangelical church. Burial was in City Cemetery. There was a large attendance of old friends of Mr. Gaul and the family at the funeral.


GAVIN, PATRICK/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 4, 1893
Killed by Train
The Chicago and Alton northbound train, due here at 9:55 a.m., struck an unknown man at the foot of Henry Street Tuesday morning, mangling him so that he lived but a short time. The train was in charge of Conductor Fox, and was going at a rather slow rate. The engineer reversed the brakes as soon as he saw the man, but it was too late. The train came to a standstill, and the unfortunate man was picked up in a dying condition and brought to Union Depot. Dr. Fisher was summoned, and arrived as he was spasmodically breathing his last. He died a few minutes later. He was a large man with sandy hair and mustache, and shabbily dressed. His injuries consisted of a fracture of the skull and mangled lower limbs.

Coroner Kinder held an inquest this morning over the remains of Patrick Gavin, who was killed at Henry Street. The facts showed that the engineer of No. 137 made the necessary signals, and that the man evidently thought the train was on the other track. The verdict was given in accordance with these facts.


GAVIN, PHIL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 24, 1907
Phil Gavin, a long time resident of Alton, died Saturday evening at his home at the corner of Belle and Hamilton streets after an illness of several days from liver trouble. Several days ago while ill he fell out of a window in which he was seated at his home and injured himself slightly, but complications developed which ended in death. He was __ [unreadable, but might be 60] years old and spent most of his life in Alton. He leaves a widow and four children, three sons and a daughter. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock from the Cathedral.


James M. GearingGEARING, JAMES M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 16, 1915
James Millinger Gearing, a pamphlet distributor, optimist and Sunday school worker, died Monday night at his home on Park Avenue in Upper Alton after an illness of neuralgin of the heart. His illness dates back several years when he was first troubled with bunions as the result of too constant devotion to his duty as he spent the greater part of his working hours walking about the city, following his occupation of distributing circulars. He refused to give up his walk until he actually had to, and then he remained home for several months and took treatment. He got out quickly and resumed his work again, but he was never as strong and able in body as before. Up to last Saturday he was seen on the streets working, but his great age was an additional factor in lessening his vital strength. Last Sunday, after returning from teaching his Bible class in the First Presbyterian Sunday school, he became seriously ill and kept getting worse until last night. Mr. Gearing was born June 5, 1839, in Pittsburg, Pa. He spent his early days in St. Louis, coming to Alton about forty years ago. He worked for some time as a newspaper circulator on the Sentinel-Democrat and on the Telegraph, and afterwards took up the work of distributing pamphlets. He was reputed to be one of the best in his line in this work, because of his unswerving devotion to duty. He would be out in all kinds of weather and never missed a chance to get in a day's work, and it may be said of him that he always did his work well and conscientiously, and thus was eagerly sought by distributing agencies. He was a good natured optimist, and always had a smile for everybody. To a great many persons the distributing of pamphlets would be a difficult job, especially when people would get angry at what they termed the littering up of their places with worthless printed matter, and scold the distributor, but Mr. Gearing always complacently smiled at these remarks and generally before he left he had the housewife in a good humor. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Alice W. Gearing, to whom he was married thirty-five years ago, and three children. Walter Gearing of Grafton is a child by his first wife who died many years ago. The children by the second wife are Roy Gearing, agent for the American Express Company in Alton; and Miss Dorothy Gearing who is a stenographer in St. Louis, and resides with her parents. For twenty-one years he taught a Bible class in the Upper Alton Presbyterian Church and rarely missed a Sunday. At times he filled the place of superintendent of the Sunday school when the regular superintendent or the pastor was absent. He was greatly devoted to his Sunday school work, and it was one of his greatest pleasures. The funeral will be held Thursday morning at 10:30 o'clock at the home. The Rev. C. N. McManis, pastor of the Upper Alton Presbyterian Church will officiate. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery.


GEERS, WILLIAM LAWRENCE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 22, 1917
Descendant of George Washington's Mother Dies
William Lawrence Geers of Edwardsville, a native of Madison county and a descendant of George Washington's mother, died yesterday at the home of his nephew, Attorney M. L. Geers. He had been ill for some time. On June 26, 1912, his daughter, Miss Grace Geers and Miss Julia Schmidt, a companion at her father's farm, were killed by George Nichols, a farm hand, who has never been captured. Geers traveled extensively for several years and employed detectives to search the country for Nichols. Geers was born August 5, 1845 on a farm east of Edwardsville. At the age of 17 years he quit school, his father and three other brothers enlisting in the One Hundred and Seventeenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and remained in the service until August 1865. He married Miss Susan E. Morris October 9, 1878. Two brothers, C. B. Geers, Hatton, Oklahoma, and Jesse Geers, Spearfish, South Dakota, and a sister, Mrs. Jennie Luttrell, Myrtle Point, Oregon, survive. The funeral will be Saturday afternoon and burial will be at Troy.


GEHRE, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 22, 1922
John Gehre, aged 53, for many years a leader in labor circles of the city, died at one o'clock this morning at his home, 406 Chamberlain avenue. Gehre, a cigar maker, has been in the employ of August Graessle, manufacturer. He was unmarried and leaves no close relatives. A half-sister, Mary Reid, resides in St. Louis. Gehre was ill for one week with heart trouble. No arrangements for the funeral have been completed. Gehre was born and raised in Alton and was a well-known man.


GEISELMANN, LENA/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, April 17, 1919
Mrs. Lena Geiselmann, the aged mother of Mrs. John Kettler of Marine, died at her home in Marine at 6:30 Sunday night after a lingering illness which extended over a number of months. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon at the Evangelical church in Marine. Rev. Paul Buchmueller conducted the religious services. CATHERINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 1, 1920
Miss Catherine Geisen died last night at 9:40 o'clock at the home of her sister, Mrs. Joseph Eckhoff of 1511 Central Avenue, following an illness of three months. Miss Geisen, who was one of eleven children, was 25 years of age. She had been ill for three months and her death was not unexpected. Miss Geisen was born in Armour, Ind. She is survived by four sisters, Mrs. Eckhoff, Misses Elizabeth, Margaret and Anne Geisen of Alton, and six brothers, William, Benjamin, Anton and Emil Geisen of Alton, and Leo Geisen of Camp Meade, Md. Funeral arrangements were incomplete today, and will be announced tomorrow.


GEISEN, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 27, 1919
William Geisen, 54 years old, died yesterday afternoon at the Nazareth Home. He will be buried Saturday at 9 a.m. from the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. Eckoff, 2211 Central avenue. Services will be conducted at the Nazareth Home chapel and interment will be in St. Joseph's Cemetery. He leaves his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Geisen of Armour, Ind., and six sons, William, Anthony and Emil of Alton, Jacob of Bensmore, Ala., Leo of Newport News, Va., and Ben of Cincinnati, Ohio; and five daughters, Mrs. J. Eckoff of Anna, Margaret and Elizabeth Geisen of Alton, and Catherine of Armour, Indiana; and two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Burke and Mrs. Lena Rhein of Armour, Indiana.


GEISENINGER, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 22, 1916
William Geiseninger died at the St. Joseph's hospital last evening after an illness of several days with pneumonia. The funeral arrangements have not been completed.


GEISER, FREDRICK/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 22, 1893
Drowned in Shallow Pond at Rock Springs - Possible Suicide
The dead body of missing Fredrick Geiser was found in a shallow pond at Rock Springs about 8 o'clock this morning. About two weeks ago Geiser left his home on Liberty street in Upper Alton, and his disappearance remained a mystery. This morning Mr. John Still was working at the quarry near the Vandalia road just south of the motor line trestle at Rock Spring. Shortly after, he was attracted by the continued barking of his dog. Thinking it was a rabbit the dog had pursued, he paid no further attention for some time. At last inquisitive as to the cause of the unusual noise the dog was making, he made an investigation and found the body of Geiser face downward in the pond. The water was only eighteen inches in depth, and his back was plainly visible. He gave the alarm, and the body was brought to the shore. Coroner Kinder was notified and held an inquest over the remains. The verdict of the jury was that he committed suicide by drowning. Major Moore was foreman of the jury.


GEISSAL, LIZZIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 25, 1886
Died in Alton, Mrs. Lizzie, wife of Henry Geissal, in the 33rd year of her age.


GELBEN [or GEIBEN], MICHAEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 22, 1916
Many residents of the vicinity of West Alton came over this morning to attend the funeral of their former neighbor, Michael Gelben, who died Wednesday night at his home on Belle street. The funeral was held this morning from St. Mary's church where a requiem mass was said by Rev. Fr. Brune in the presence of a large congregation. Burial was in St. Joseph's cemetery, and burial services were conducted at the graveside. Mr. Gelben was for many years one of the successful farmers of West Alton, and owned considerable farm property there when he died. He bought some lots on Belle street a few years ago, built on them and came to Alton to spend his declining years.


GENNAR, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 21, 1907
The funeral of John Gennar will be held tomorrow afternoon from his home on Belle street.


GENNAR, JOHN LEWIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 27, 1908
Child Dies From Effects of Improper Food and Care
John Lewis Gennar, aged 7 months, died Sunday morning at 11 o'clock from summer complaint resulting from improper food and improper care, according to the coroner's jury that inquired into the case. The child died without medical attention. The mother claims that she tried to get five doctors and when she did find one her baby was dead. She had a pitiful story to tell. She is the widow of John Gennar, who died six months ago and leaving his family $1,500 insurance and which the wife has allowed to slip through her fingers until the family are now on the verge of starvation. It was Mrs. Gennar who appealed to Mrs. Demuth a few days ago to be relieved of the care of the three children, but while the necessary details were being attended to and a place to put the children was being sought, the infant solved the maze of troubles into which it would have been plunged by poverty by contracting a fatal illness and the mother could do nothing for the child when the illness took a fatal turn. The mother said she could not buy fresh cow's milk for the baby, and ascribed the illness and death to that fact. It will be remembered that the mother sold her little home for half what she paid for it, receiving $400 and parrot, and this money she lost at the hands of dishonest people.


GENNETTI, C. FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 19, 1900
Murdered in East St. Louis by Thomas Fynn
Thomas Fynn yesterday killed C. Frank Gennetti in the Relay Depot at East St. Louis. Fynn claimed to be the father of three children, who had been committed to the Catholic Orphanage in this city [Alton] a number of years ago, by his wife upon her deathbed, sometime after her husband had deserted her. The oldest one of the three, now ten years old, was given to Mrs. J. Rippe of Collinsville to raise. A year ago, Fynn made his appearance at Collinsville, and meeting the little girl, took hold of her and tried to induce her to go with him. Fynn told her he was her father, the child asserted her father was dead, and would not go with Fynn. He tried to carry her off, but her screams attracted the attention of C. Frank Gennetti, a passerby, who interfered. Gennetti was told by Fynn that the child was his, but the girl screamed and begged Gennetti to help, that he compelled Fynn to release her and let her go home. Some time ago Fynn brought a suit for abduction against Gennetti. The case was tried yesterday in Edwardsville, and Gennetti was acquitted. Both men went to East St. Louis, and while in the Relay Depot the tragedy took place. Fynn claimed that Gennetti was following, and when Gennetti entered the station Fynn called in a loud voice, "You had better quit following me or something will happen." Gennetti, so the passengers say, turned half way round, when Fynn pulled his pistol and discharged it at Gennetti. The man fell to the floor unconscious, and died before he recovered consciousness. Fynn gave himself up to the authorities. Both had been drinking, and appeared to be friendly during the trial in Edwardsville. Fynn paid the railroad fare of Gennetti to Edwardsville, but declined to pay it to East St. Louis, and it is said this was the cause of the dispute.


GENNEWALD, HERMAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 26, 1845
Died, near Alton, on the 20th inst., Herman Gennewald, late of Lippe, Germany, aged about 40 years; leaving a wife and several children, now at Manchester in this state, to deplore his loss.


GENT, ANDREW/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 19, 1901
Andrew Gent died at 9:30 o'clock this morning, aged 78 years, from the weight and feebleness of advanced age. He was born in Wellenboro, Northamptonshire, England. He came to America in 1850, and to Alton in 1855, where he has since resided. Five children survive him, viz: George Gent of New York City; A. E. Gent of Brighton, and Oscar Gent, Mrs. Charlotte McVey, and Mrs. Emma Wertz of Alton. The funeral will take place Thursday morning at 10 o'clock from the home of Mrs. Wertz, 1100 Staunton street.


GENT, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 29, 1921
Henry Gent, aged 51, of 1224 West Ninth street, died early this morning at Barnes Hospital in St. Louis where he has been receiving treatment for some time. Six months ago Gent was taken ill with arterial hardening, and from the first his condition was known to be serious. He has resided in Alton for many years, but his early life was spent near Carlinville. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ida Gent, two daughters, Miss Myrtle Gent and Mrs. Zeke Logan, and by a son, Arthur Gent. He also leaves six brothers and one sister, and a grandson, Richard Gent. The brothers are Ernest, Frank, Oliver, Sidney, Bert and Harvey, all of this city, and one sister, Mrs. Frank Sweet of Sherman, near Springfield, Ill. The family is widely known throughout the city and has the sympathy of friends in their loss. Mr. Gent was a machinist. Mr. Gent was born at Bridgewater, Summersetshire, England, March 30, 1870. He came to Carlinville, Ill. at the age of three months. He was united in marriage to Ida Simmermaket of Plainview, Ill., May 27, 1892. The Gent family has been a resident of Alton for 23 years. Mr. Gent was employed at the Western Cartridge Co. No funeral arrangements have been made.


GENT, MAMIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 22, 1905
Miss Mamie Gent, daughter of the late Charles Gent, died Sunday morning shortly after midnight at St. Joseph's hospital after an illness of several weeks from appendicitis. She was moved to the hospital about one week ago and underwent a surgical operation, but it was found that the operation had been delayed too long and her condition was such that nothing could be done to arrest the fatal termination of the disease. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home, 711 Belle Street.


GENT, MARIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 27, 1915
Mrs. Maria Gent, aged 67, died Friday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Anna Sweet of Sherman, Illinois, after a lingering illness. Mrs. Gent has been a resident of Alton for twenty-three years before she left Alton for the home of her daughter in Sherman. Mrs. Gent was born in England, and came to the United States forty-five years ago with her husband [Charles Gent (1841-1905)], and for a number of years made her home in Carlinville. In 1892, she moved to Alton with her family, and since that time has made her home here up to a few months ago. She had been ill for some time, and her death has been expected. Besides Mrs. Sweet, Mrs. Gent is survived by seven sons – Frank, Olive, Henry, Sidney, Ernst, Albert, and Harvey – all of whom live in Alton. The body will be brought to Alton this evening, and the funeral will be held here. The body will be taken to the home of Bert Gent, at 819 East Fourth Street, The funeral services will be conducted from the home to the Rockford Cemetery in Clarksburg, Shelby County, Illinois.


GEORGE, MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 20, 1917
Mrs. Margaret George, wife of O. E. George, agent for the C. & A. at Alton, died Tuesday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock after a long illness, aged 46. Mrs. George had been in bad health for three years and the past five months had been very sick. About a week ago, she took a sudden change for the worse, but it was not fully realized that the end was so near until Tuesday noon, when Mrs. George collapsed and lasted but five hours. Mrs. George came here with her family when Mr. George took the agency of the Chicago & Alton. The family live at 714 Langdon street. She leaves a son, Orrin, and a daughter, Helen. There will be no funeral services here. The body of Mrs. George will be taken back to her old home at St. Catherine, Canada, where the funeral services and burial will be. The funeral party will depart for St. Catherine this evening.


GERBER, (MOTHER) CECILIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 31, 1910
Superioress of the Cathedral Orphanage Dies
Mother Cecelia, superioress of the Cathedral Orphate, died Sunday night about nine o'clock after a prolonged illness with consumption. For twenty-seven years from the foundation of the orphanage, Mother Cecelia was connected with the institution and had endeared herself to every child in the orphanage on account of her motherly care and loving attention. Her funeral will be held next Wednesday morning at ten o'clock, at the Cathedral, when a solemn high mass will be celebrated immediately after the parish mass at nine o'clock. Her body will be taken to Rouma, Ill., where the mother house of the Precious Blood Order is situated, and buried there. Mother Cecilia's name was Cecilia Gerber. She was born in Germany. She has a sister who is a member of the order in Alton to which she belonged, and she has relatives living in Germany. She was 58 years of age, and has been a member of the order 35 years.


GERBER, MARTIN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 7, 1892
From Edwardsville – Martin Gerber, whom we stated last week was seriously sick, died last Thursday night in the 82nd year of his age. The funeral took place from St. Boniface Catholic Church, Saturday morning.


GERBIG, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 19, 1896
Mrs. Elizabeth Gerbig, wife of Mr. George Gerbig, died Tuesday evening after an illness of only nine days, from the infirmities of old age. She was born at Dermstein Bairn, Germany, on May 17, 1820. She was married three times, her first husband, Mr. Dye, having died in Germany. Mrs. Charles A. Herb of Alton was the fruit of this union. Mrs. Gerbig married Ludwig Hessnauer in Alton, and there remain of the children of this union Henry and John Hessnauer, both of Alton. She married George Gerbig in Alton 32 years ago. Of this married, one child – George Gerbig Jr. – survives, as also does her husband. Mrs. Gerbig has lived in Alton more than forty years. The funeral will take place this afternoon from the family residence on Fourth Street, between Apple and Plum Streets.


GERBIG, GEORGE SR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 31, 1907
George Gerbig Sr., aged 71, died at the Soldiers Home at Quincy last night from the effects of injuries he received a number of months ago while visitng in Alton. He was crossing the street car track at Eliot hose house when one of the interurban cars struck him. He was able to get out again and returned to the Soldiers Home, but never regained his physical strength. He leaves one son in Alton, George Gerbig of 1311 east Fourth street, and the funeral will be from there probably Sunday afternoon. Mr. Gerbig leaves two stepchildren, Mrs. Barbara Herb and John Hessnauer.


GERBIG, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 3, 1918
The death of George Gerbig Sr., occurred Monday morning at seven fifty o'clock after a long illness with complication of diseases. He has been ill for several years, and for months has been bedfast. For several months he was at the home of his son, George Gerbig Jr., for a change, but one month ago was again removed to his home at 705 Milnor avenue where death occurred. His daughter, Mrs. Robert Cresswell, has been residing at Hattisburg, Miss., to be near her husband, and during the past few weeks her father has been asking for her. She arrived a week ago yesterday and was with her father when he died. Gerbig, who would have been 55 his next birthday, was born and raised in Alton, where he has many friends. He was a member of the Glass Bottle Blowers Association and of the Mystic Workers. He worked at his trade until the machines were installed at the local plant. He is survived by his wife, one son, George Jr., and two daughters, Mrs. Robert Cresswell and Miss Edna Gerbig. The funeral will be held from the family home, 705 Milnor avenue, Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The services will be conducted by Rev. S. D. McKenny of the Cherry Street Baptist Church.


GERDES, FRITZ/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 6, 1901
Fritz Gerdes, a resident of Alton for twenty years, died this morning at 1:30 o'clock at the family home, 641 East Third street, after a long and painful illness. He has been a sufferer with cancer of the throat. He leaves his wife and five children, Mrs. Joseph Davis, William, Henry and James and Miss Lena Gerdes. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon at two o'clock from the family home, and services will be conducted by Rev. Theodore Oberhellman.


GERDES, INFANT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 15, 1910
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gerdes have buried one of their infant children, a girl. The child died the last of last week at the home near Bethalto. In seven years, Mrs. Gerdes had given birth to three pairs of twins, two pair being boys and one pair, the last, being girls. It was one of the last pair that died. It is the first break in their family.


GERDES, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 12, 1878
From Bethalto – A German, Mr. John Gerdes, residence three miles south of Bethalto, died last Tuesday morning of lung fever.


GERE, FRANK (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 30, 1888
Dr. Frank Gere of Moro, formerly of Upper Alton, died July 29, at the age of 38 years, of Bright’s Disease, after an illness of 3 weeks. He was a very estimable gentleman, and left a wife and four children to mourn his death. The funeral will take place tomorrow at the family residence, Moro. The remains will be buried in the Alton City Cemetery.

Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 8, 1888
From Moro, Aug. 7 – The funeral of the late Dr. Frank Gere took place from the family residence last Tuesday. A large number of relatives and friends were present to pay the last tribute to the departed and sympathize with the afflicted family. The remains were taken to Alton for burial.

Dr. Gere was the son of Captain and Mrs. W. E. Gere, and was well known in Upper Alton, where his early life was spent. About thirteen years ago, he graduated from the St. Louis Medical College, and soon after located in Moro, where he established a large practice. He leaves a wife, formerly Miss Louise (Lulu) Hill Barnard, of Upper Alton, and four children, who have the sympathy of the entire community. Mrs. Gere and children are with her sister, Mrs. A. H. Hastings of Upper Alton, but intends going soon to make her home with her father, Captain Barnard of St. Louis.

Dr. Gere was born January 7, 1853, in Iowa. He was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


GERE, LULU (nee BARNARD)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 5, 1921
Mrs. Lulu E. Gere, a member of the Barnard family and an old and well-known Upper Alton resident, died last night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walter S. Hallam, on Leverett avenue. Although Mrs. Gere had been a long and patient sufferer and had been seriously ill upon several occasions in the past few months, her death which occurred shortly after 10 o'clock last night, was rather suddenly. Members of her family were aware of the fact some days ago that Mrs. Gere could last only a short time, but she had improved somewhat and on this account her family were not expecting the end. Mrs. Gere was a member of the Barnard family, and was a sister of W. D. W. Barnard, the druggist. Her husband, who was the late Dr. Frank Gere and a well known practitioner in this locality many years ago, died about thirty-five years ago. Mrs. Gere leaves three daughters and one son, Mrs. Walter S. Hallam of Alton; Mrs. William Seat of Trenton, Tenn.; Mrs. Richard Murfree of Chicago; and Frank Gere of Alton. During Mrs. Gere's illness, members of her family were summoned home when it was believed she could not recover. When she improved the daughters went to their respective home and were not here when the end came. They are expected to arrive this evening or tomorrow and arrangements for the funeral will be made when they arrive. Mrs. Gere passed her sixty-fifth birthday nine days ago.


GERE, M. E. (WIFE OF CAPT. WILLIAM E. GERE)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 20, 1908
Relatives in Upper Alton today received word of the death of Mrs. M. E. Gere, widow of Capt. William Gere, an old river man and former resident of Upper Alton. She died Sunday, January 19, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. West, in Minneapolis, aged 81. Mrs. Gere lived in Upper Alton many years and her husband made it his headquarters when engaged in steamboating on the Mississippi. Capt. Gere died in Upper Alton over a year ago and was buried in City Cemetery. His widow will be buried in the same place beside the body of her husband. Mrs. Gere leaves one daughter, Mrs. West, one sister, Mrs. Rockell of Quincy. The body will be brought to the home of Mrs. L. Gere on Manning street in Upper Alton, and the funeral will be Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock.


GERFEN, CAROLINE/Source: Troy Weekly Call, February 26, 1897 - Submitted by Marsha Ensminger
Died, At her home in this city, on Monday, February 22, at 12 o'clock, M., (sic) Mrs. Caroline Gerfen, wife of C. Henry Gerfen. Sr., aged 56 years. The funeral took place Thursday, 25th, at 12 o'clock, from the family residence to the Ev. Lutheran church, thence to the Lutheran cemetery. Deceased had lived in this city for a number of years and was a loving wife and mother. She leaves to mourn her death a kind and devoted husband, four sons, one daughter and several grand-children, beside a host of relatives and friends. The bereaved family have the sympathy of their many friends.


GERFEN, FREDERICK/Source: Troy Weekly Call, October 15, 1898 - Submitted by Marsha Ensminger
Frederick W. Gerfen, an old and respected citizen of this city, passed away at his home Wednesday evening at 9 o'clock, after a brief but painful illness. Deceased had been afflicted with hernia for many years but otherwise in good health until a few weeks ago when his disorder became worse aud a surgical operation was the only hope for saving his life. On Monday evening Dr. Joseph Pogue of Edwardsville, assisted by Drs. F. G. Zeuk and F. W. Zanders of this city, performed a successful operation but the patient's constitution was too much weakened by the malady and he succumbed to the inevitable. The funeral services will take place tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 1 o'clock, from the family residence to the Lutheran church, thence to the Lutheran cemetery for interment. The sorrow-stricken family have the tender sympathy of their many friends iu this their hour of sorrow.


GERFEN, HENRY C./Source: Troy Weekly Call, October 19, 1907 - Submitted by Marsha Ensminger
The funeral of Henry C. Gerfen, the well known resident of this city, whose demise was noted in the foregoing issue, took place Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, from the family home in the North End, to St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church and was very largely attended. Rev. Martin Daib conducted the burial service and the interment was in the Lutheran cemetery. Henry C. Gerfen was the eldest son of Henry Gerfen, Sr., of this city, and was born at Hanover, Germany, October 3, 1867. He was about 14 years of age when he came to this country with his parents who located in Troy. He attended the schools here and afterwards learned the trade of a blacksmith in the shop of his uncle, the late Frederick Gerfen. His marriage to Miss Mary Taake, of this township, took place December 22, 1889. Four children were born to them, viz: Paul, Lena, Arthur and Raymond, who with the wife and mother survive him. Mr. Gerfen had been in failing health for several years, having been a sufferer formerly from asthma, but about nine months ago his illness developed into consumption and he was finally compelled to seek a more favorable climate. He accordingly went to Las Vegas, New Mexico, where he secured light employment as a timekeeper with the Santa Fe railroad. The change was beneficial for a time but he became exposed to a rain on one occasion and contracted a cold which caused a relapse and his decline became rapid. After spending five months in the southwest he returned to Troy four weeks ago, expressing his belief at the time that he was beyond recovery. Mr. Gerfen served two terms as alderman on the city council and was a man of progressive ideas. He was engaged in the blacksmithing and implement business here for a number of years and did a large business, but met with financial reverses. Besides his wife and four children he leaves a father, three brothers who are Fred of Troy, William of Breese, and Charles, now at Madison, Wis., also one sister who is Mrs. Henry Wendler of Collinsville, and a number of relatives and friends who extend sympathy to the bereaved in their deep sorrow and affliction.


GERHARDT, MARLA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 21, 1902
Mrs. Maria Gerhardt, wife of William Gerhardt, one of the best known German residents of Alton, died Sunday morning at 9 o'clock at the family home on Seventh street between Henry and Liberty streets, after a long illness, aged 70 years and 9 months. Death was due to old age. The death of Mrs. Gerhardt leaves great sadness on her many friends, and especially those who had known her in the Evangelical church. She was a quiet, unobtrusive Christian and a kind neighbor. "If you have done it unto the least of these, my brethren, you have done it unto me" was her motto in life, as she went about always ready to minister to her friends and neighbors in time of trouble or sickness, and many a heavy load did she lighten in her kindly way. Mrs. Gerhardt was born in Singhofen, Nassau, Germany, July 18, 1831. She leaves beside her husband, four children: William H., Miss Louise and Emil Gerhardt, of this city, and Mrs. B. L. Kopp of Quincy. The funeral will be from the home Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and services will be conducted by Rev. Theodore Oberhellmann.


GERHARDT, WILLIAM SR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 10, 1912
William Gerhardt Sr., who would have been 80 years of age on the 22nd day of next month, died at his home on Seventh street at 8 o'clock Wednesday morning. He died from a complication of diseases, the result of old age. Mr. Gerhardt came to this country in 1848, coming direct to the city of Alton. He was born at Hessen, Darmstadt, Germany, February 22, 1832. Mr. Gerhardt being a young man of sixteen years when he came to this country, accepted a position in the Blair & Atwood wholesale grocery store, this being one of the big businesses in Alton at that time. He remained with the grocery firm for many years, and afterward entered into the grocery business for himself at the corner of Seventh and Henry streets, remaining in this stand till advanced age forced him to retire. He retired to earn a well earned rest, having spent over three score of years in active business life. Mr. Gerhardt was known for his honesty and integrity, and was known and highly regarded by many. He leaves four children, William H., Miss Louise, and Mrs. L. B. Kopp of Alton; and Emil N. Gerhardt of Denver, Colo. His wife, Marie, died ten years ago. The announcement of the time of the funeral will be made as soon as some word is received from the son in Denver.


GERHARDT, WILLIAM H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 25, 1912
Suicides by Shooting Self
William H. Gerhardt, aged 47, former marriage license clerk and for 28 years a clerk in the Schweppe Clothing store, shot himself at his home, 418 West Fourth street, Alton, the ball entering his right temple. His death was the result of despondency over his failure to secure work. He was not in a bad financial condition, as he owned real estate and had a comfortable bank balance, having been saving all his life. Friends noticed for several weeks that he was down-hearted and had been losing flesh. Notwithstanding that all that could be done to encourage him, he persisted in his downcast state of mind, and to those who knew him best and had seen him within the last few weeks, it was no surprise that he committee suicide. Realizing that he was in a morbid state of mind, some of his friends had attempted to encourage him that a position would be opened up for him soon, but only Wednesday he had reiterated to a friend his belief that there was nothing left for him, that he could not get work and that nobody wanted him. The beginning of the troubles was when he resigned his position at the Schweppe store, effective the last day of last year. He bought out the cigar store of his father-in-law, J. A. Neininger, and took possession on New Year’s Day. He was disappointed in the business. All his life he had been a clothing salesman, and he was unsuited for the new kind of business he had undertaken. About a month ago he disposed of the store without saying anything to his father-in-law, and the place of business was closed. Since then Mr. Gerhardt was making efforts to secure employment. He had seen all the men in the clothing line in the city and had failed to get work immediately. He was unable to endure being out of work, and his mind was much oppressed because he was idle. He was at the former place of business on Piasa street Wednesday night, and seemed in a much more cheerful frame of mind. He went home and could not sleep, he having been troubled with insomnia considerably since he engaged in the cigar business. This morning he wanted to remain in bed, and Mrs. Gerhardt rose and prepared breakfast. When she went to call him, she found the door locked, and after some persuasion she succeeded in getting him to open the door and go downstairs with her. He ate some breakfast, then returned to his room, he said, to take a sleep. Shortly before noon Mrs. Gerhardt, hearing a shot, went to the bath room, and found him bleeding from a hole in his right temple, and being unable to rouse him she gave an alarm. Dr. Fisher was called and found Mr. Gerhardt dying. Mrs. Gerhardt, on realizing what had happened, became completely unnerved. She had been laboring under a heavy mental strain herself, seeing her husband in such a depressed state of mind, and she was totally unprepared to stand such a shock as she received. It was stated by members of the family that Mr. Gerhardt need have had no cause to worry about his finances, as he was amply able to have made his way, even without work, for some time. He owned the pretty home he occupied on West Fourth street. All his life he had been a careful man, and there was no reason why he should have been so worried over a failure for a brief period to get work. Beside his home, he owned another house, had a share coming from his father's estate, and several thousand dollars in the bank. Mr. Gerhardt had beside his wife, two sisters, Mrs. L. B. Kopp and Miss Louisa Gerhardt, and one brother, Emil N. Gerhardt of Denver, Colorado.


GERLACH, SUSIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 8, 1906
Miss Susie Gerlach, aged 24, died this morning at 4 o'clock at the family home, Nineteenth and Market streets, after a long illness. she was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gerlach. The young lady was an invalid for the last three years of her life and suffered intensely part of the time. She was very ill the last three months and death to her was a happy relief from her suffering. She was a bright, happy dispositioned young woman, and bore her suffering during her long period of invalidism patiently, and looked forward to the end as a happy conclusion of her bodily agony. She had lived in Alton all her life.


GERNER, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 14, 1921
Charles Gerner, aged 63, died Monday evening at his home in the North Side, after an illness that covered a period of two years. His death was due to a complication of diseases. He had been bedfast about eight weeks. His death had been expected for some time by his family. Mr. Gerner was a life long resident in Madison and Jersey counties. He was born May 21, sixty-three years ago near Jerseyville and was reared in Jersey County. In her early days he was a farmer but about 23 years ago he moved to Alton and established himself in business. He was interested in the garden at the North Side for a while, and was subsequently in business downtown. Mr. Gerner is survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. August Schoeffler of Alton, Mrs. J. C. Meyer of Creve Couer, Mo., and one son, Harry Gerner of Alton. He leaves also one grandchild, Emily Meyer, two sisters, Mrs. John Schweickhardt of Dow, Mrs. Anna Neal of Kansas City, Kan., and a brother, Henry Gerner of Sioux City, Iowa. The funeral will be Thursday afternoon at two o'clock from the family home, 1913 Myrtle street.


GERRETS, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 11, 1888
From Bethalto – Died Tuesday morning, April 3, Mrs. Gerrets. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in the C. P. Church. Interment at the Lutheran Cemetery.


GERRIETS, HERO/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 22, 1888
Died on Sabbath, March 18, Hero Gerriets, aged 76 years, 10 months, and 16 days. Deceased leaves a widow and five children. Funeral took place Monday.


GERRITS, HERMAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 19, 1903
German Farmer Commits Suicide
Deputy Coroner C. N. Streeper received a call to Bethalto Thursday, to hold an inquest over Herman Gerrits, aged 66, who hung himself in a hayloft at the home of his brother, Benjamin Gerrits, in Bethalto. The suicide was unmarried and had lived in Bethalto and vicinity 30 years. Last Monday he returned from the poor farm at Edwardsville and was staying with his brother. He left the house at 8 o'clock this morning and when a messenger was sent at noon to call him to dinner, Gerrits was found suspended by the neck from the rafter in the hayloft. A red bandana handkerchief was bound tightly round his neck, and this was attached to a strap which was passed over the rafter. Gerrit's feet were on the floor, and it is said that after adjusting the handkerchief and strap, he leaned his weight on them and slowly strangled to death. No box or other elevation was used by him. Mr. I. H. Streeper went to Bethalto to hold an inquest.


GERVIG, LUCILLE WILSON/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 4, 1897
Lucille Wilson, the sixteen months old child of Mrs. Gertrude Gervig, died Saturday after a long illness from inanition. The little one has suffered for months, and death came as a release from pain. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon from the home, 1230 Main Street.


GERVIG, PHILLIP/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 21, 1897
Mr. Philip Gervig, the well-known barber, died very suddenly Friday afternoon. Mr. Gervig has been in poor health for several months, and the last two days has been confined to his home. That noon his wife went to his room and inquired if he wished any dinner. He replied in the affirmative, and she went downstairs to prepare it. Upon her return to the room, she found her husband in a dying condition, and before a doctor arrived, life was gone.

Mr. Gervig was of French birth. He came to Alton about 15 years ago, and has since conducted a barber shop on Belle Street. He was about 45 years of age, and leaves besides his wife, three children. He has also a brother in Louisiana, Missouri.

The funeral took place Sunday afternoon at the family home on State Street. Only the immediate family and relatives and a few intimate friends were present. A very large number of the members of Piasa Council, National Union, and of the A.O.U.W., both of which orders Mr. Gervig was a member, marched to the house, and from there to the cemetery. At the grave, the services were in charge of the A.O.U.W., Master Workman Wescott, assisted by Mr. Charles Steizel, reading the ritual of the order. The pallbearers were Messrs. Augustus Sneeringer, Eugene Lavenue, George Kuhn, H. H. Hays, A. L. Floss, and J. A. Cousley.

Coroner Bailey summoned a jury Saturday afternoon to inquire into the death of Mr. Phillip Gervig. After taking the evidence, the jury returned a verdict of death from natural causes, probably paralysis of the heart.


GERWOLF, HERMAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 19, 1917
Found Dead in Clump of Weeds
Herman Gerwolf was found lying dead in a clump of weeds in East End Place this morning and Deputy Coroner W. H. Bauer was notified to take charge of the body. It was said that Gerwolf, who worked at the Busse place on Washington avenue, went to call a friend at 4 o'clock in the morning. He roused the friend and that was the last seen of him alive. He evidently was taken very sick and dropped dead, without being able to call for help. A coroner's inquest was held. He was 45 years of age and had lived in Alton since he came here from Germany in 1878. He leaves two sisters, Mrs. B. Donovan and Mrs. Bertha Glassmeyer; and one brother, William Gerwolf, all of Alton. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the Bauer undertaking establishment.


GERWOLF, PETER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 22, 1905
Peter Gerwolf, aged 72, died at 3:30 o'clock this morning at his home, Gold and Putnam streets, after an illness with Bright's disease. He leaves four children. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home, Rev. Theodore Oberhellmann officiating.


GETSINGER, CHILD OF HARRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 5, 1900
The four months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Getsinger died yesterday morning at the family home after a short illness with brain trouble. The funeral was this afternoon at 4 o'clock, Rev. Theodore Oberhellmann officiating.


GETSINGER, HARRY R./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 8, 1940
On June 7, 1940, Harry R. Getsinger died at the age of 76. He was a retired glassblower and prominent in Republican politics in Alton. Getsinger was born in Port Elizabeth, New Jersey, on November 28, 1863. He was the son of John S. and Anna S. (Reeves) Getsinger, who are buried in New Jersey. Harry came to Alton from Milville, New Jersey, at the age of 23. He lived at 412 Ridge Street since living in Alton. He was organizer and charter member of Alton Aerie No. 254, Fraternal Order of Eagles. He served as deputy sheriff under Jenkin Jenkins.

Getsinger worked at the Illinois Glass Co. after moving to Alton, and was with the company until about 1910, when handblowers were replaced by machines. He later engaged in business, owing the Getsinger Saloon on Broadway. He was a member of the Flint Glass Blowers, and was on the general committee of the glassblowers’ union in Alton.

Mr. Getsinger was prominent in the old Onion Club, a social-athletic organization. He sponsored “Getsinger’s Onions,” a popular baseball club. He married in Alton to Miss Theresa Pelot, on April 7, 1890. They had five children: Florence Getsinger, Mrs. Joseph P. Yungck, Mrs. Seth Brooks of California, Mrs. (Ida Mae) William Manion of California, and Harry Getsinger of California. Charles C. Getsinger, another son, died in infancy. Surviving Harry Getsinger were two sisters, Mrs. Aaron Vonnaman and Mrs. Mary Peterson, both of New Jersey, and five grandchildren. Getsinger was buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.


GETSINGER, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 10, 1888
Mrs. Harry Getsinger died of consumption this morning, after an illness of four year, at the family residence, Fourth Street, between Henry and Ridge, aged 28 years. The body will be shipped this evening to Baltimore, Mrs. Getsinger’s former home, for burial.


GETTENGER, ALOIS/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 15, 1897
Suicide by Shooting
Alois Gettenger, a well-known farmer of Godfrey Township, shot himself Monday night at his home, about one half of a mile north of Godfrey. He was prompted to commit the deed by low spirits, and his family and friends had frequently heard him say that he would at one time kill himself. All day Monday he was in a quarrelsome mood, and was evidently brooding over some fancied wrong or misfortune. At about eight o’clock p.m., when all the family but his older daughter, Miss Luella, were absent from the house, Mr. Gettenger went up to his bedroom, lay down on the bed, and shot himself. The revolver was a 32-caliber, and it was his intention to shoot himself in the heart. The ball penetrated his body below the breastbone, and passed through, lodging beneath the skin of the back. His daughter, hearing the shot, ran upstairs and saw her father lying on the bed, moaning as in terrible pain, and a smoking pistol lying on the floor where it had fallen from his hand. She hastily called the other members of the family, and Dr. J. M. Stilson of Godfrey was sent for at once. It was evident that the shot would prove fatal, so the attending physician attempted only to relieve the suffering of the dying man. He died at 9:20 p.m. in terrible agony, remaining conscious to the last.

The only reason to be assigned for the deed is a morbid despondency. The deceased leaves a wife, Mrs. Susan Gettenger, nee Martin, and a family of three children – Alois Jr., Luella, and Helen. He had been a resident of Godfrey Township for twenty-five years, and was 66 years of age. The funeral will be held from the home, and interment will be in the Godfrey Cemetery. Coroner Bailey was notified, and upon reaching the home, summoned a jury, who viewed the body. The testimony brought out established the facts as above stated, and a verdict of suicide was rendered.

The funeral took place from the family residence Wednesday morning. A large number of friends followed the remains to the interment in the Godfrey Cemetery.


GHENT, EDWIN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 10, 1906
Edwin Ghent, aged 14, died this morning at 5 o'clock at his home, 1500 east Third street, after a long illness from nervous prostration. The body will be taken to Carlinville tomorrow morning for burial, and services at the family home will be conducted by Rev. C. Koehler of the Washington street church.


GIBBONS, M./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 6, 1871
On July 2, 1870, Mr. M. Gibbons was killed by being run over on the Edwardsville Railroad.


GIBBONS, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 8, 1894
This morning, Mrs. Mary Gibbons, of 1025 Easton Street, while sitting in a chair, passed peacefully into the Great Beyond. She has been sick for several months, but lately has suffered no pain. She was about 65 years of age, and leaves one son, Mr. John Gibbons. The funeral will take place Friday morning.


GIBBONS, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 7, 1909
Mrs. Mary Gibbons, aged 62, died Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock at her home, _03 Alby street, after a long illness. Her death had been expected for some time, and members of her family had been in constant attendance upon her. she leaves two daughters, Misses Lottie and Daisy Gibbons, also two brothers, Judge D. E. Keefe of East St. Louis, and John J. Keefe, and a sister, Mrs. F. K. Harris. Mrs. Gibbons had been a resident of Alton for 48 years and was highly respected. She was the widow of Michael Gibbons who was killed by a Wabash train at Edwardsville in 1869. He at the time filled a responsible position with the Wabash. The funeral will be held Thursday morning at 9 o'clock from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral.


GIBBONS, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 24, 1912
Mrs. Mary Gibbons died Saturday morning about 10 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Addis McCarthy, after an illness of several weeks caused by complications and old age weaknesses. She was born in County Mayo, Ireland, and left that country when a young woman, sixty-five years ago. She has lived in the vicinity of Alton since, and made firm friends of all who met her by her amiable disposition and admirable traits of character. She is survived by three children, Mrs. Addis McCarthy of Alton; James Gibbons of Delhi; and John Gibbons of Granite City. She leaves also eighteen grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren. Her husband died eighteen years ago. The date of the funeral has not been set, but it will be held from St. Xavier's Catholic church in Jerseyville. Mrs. Gibbons was 96 years of age the fifteenth day of this month, and during almost all her life she had been in the best of health and was a type of the people of robust health who came to this country many years ago to make a new home for themselves.


GIBBONS, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 20, 1884
From Edwardsville, Nov. 17 – The Grand Jury met here at 10 a.m. today, and at once proceeded to find true bills charging William and John Vanderberg with murder in the first degree for the killing of Michael Gibbons at Troy, Illinois, on Friday night last. The prisoners were taken before Judge Snyder, and pleaded not guilty. No counsel was appointed then, but the court said this would be done. The defendants did not seem excited or at all scared. On the contrary, they took things very coolly. It is reported tonight that they have employed counsel to defend them. The colored people here express no sympathy for Will Vanderberg, as they say he is a hard case and reflects discredit upon them. J. J. McDonough and J. Killen of Chicago, relatives of the murdered man Gibbons, were in town today and employed Messrs. Glass, Burroughs, and Warnock of Edwardsville to assist in the prosecution. The case will be set for the latter part of the present term of the Circuit Court.

Nov. 19 – Will and John Vanderberg, the two colored men indicted for killing Michael Gibbons last Friday night at Troy, were brought into court and entered pleas of not guilty. Judge William H. Snyder then set Monday, December 1, for the trial of John Vanderberg. No day has as yet been fixed for the trial of Will Vanderberg.


GIBBS, JOHN W. (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 02, 1899
Dr. John W. Gibbs, a dentist who had been living in the Schluter row on Second Street, died very suddenly in his office Saturday afternoon. He was about 73 years of age, but his health was apparently good, and he had been out on the street but a short time before his death. While sitting in his office, someone knocked on the door, and as he rose to open the door he fell dead.

Dr. Gibbs had lived in the vicinity of Alton a number of years, and in Alton about five years. Coroner Bailey held an inquest, and the jury found a verdict of death from heart failure. He left a wife and daughter, Mrs. Daniel Nichol, both residing with him. The funeral was this afternoon from the family home on Second Street.


GIBERSON, JAMES M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 16, 1914
Former Alton Business Man Found Dead
J. M. Giberson, aged 66, formerly an Alton business man, father of H. G. Giberson and J. A. Giberson of Alton, was found dead in bed Monday morning at his home at Elsah. Death had resulted, it is believed, from an attack of valvular heart trouble from which he had suffered for a long time. Mr. Giberson came to Alton a number of years ago and very successfully engaged in the general merchandise business in this city. He was at first in partnership with a Mr. Gatewood, and afterward by himself, then later was in business with his son, H. G. Giberson. After discontinuing his store in Alton, Mr. Giberson went back to Elsah, where he was in business, and there he passed the remainder of his life. Mr. Giberson was born January 30, 1848 near Dow, Illinois. He leaves beside his wife and two sons, four brothers, John of Carlinville, Robert of Roodhouse, E. C. and J. B. and Mrs. Lora Palmer of Dow, Ill. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home of his son, J. A. Giberson, 301 Prospect street. Rev. Reese will conduct the funeral services. Burial will be in City Cemetery at Alton. Prior to bringing the body to Alton, brief services will be conducted at the home at Elsah.


GIBERSON, MALINDA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 2, 1904
The funeral services of Mrs. Malinda Giberson were conducted last evening by Rev. C. L. Peterson, and the body was taken to Atwater, Illinois, this morning for burial.


GIBSON, ANNA NORA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 24, 1920
Anna Nora, the two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibson of 807 College avenue, died this morning from pneumonia after a long illness. The funeral will be at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon from the family home.


GIBSON, GEORGE/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 19, 1895
Mr. George Gibson, a farmer living northwest of Godfrey, died last night at his home from an attack of typhoid fever. Mr. Gibson was a former resident of Alton, where he is well known by the older residents. While in Alton, he used to haul water, and was also in the drayage business. He was about 65 years of age, and was born in England.


GIBSON, JOHN B./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 30, 1880
Supervisor of Fort Russell Township
Mr. John B. Gibson, Supervisor of Fort Russell Township, died suddenly Tuesday afternoon, at his residence from apoplexy. Deceased had been in feeble health for several months, but no apprehension had been felt of a speedy termination of his illness. Mr. Gibson was about 65 years of age, and one of the most respected and esteemed citizens of this county. He had been Supervisor of Fort Russell ever since township organization was adopted. He was a gentleman of exemplary life and sterling character, whose death will be widely mourned. Mr. Gibson had long been prominent in the Republican councils of this county, and was an honored and trusted leader. His last political service was as a delegate from this county to the State Republican Convention at Springfield. Owing to his feeble health, he wrote his resignation as Supervisor a few days ago. He leaves a number of children, all of adult years.


GIBSON, MABEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 12, 1914
The funeral services over Mrs. Mabel Gibson, wife of Rev. Edward L. Gibson, were held Sunday evening at 5 o'clock at the Presbyterian parsonage. Rev. C. M. McManis of the Upper Alton Presbyterian Church conducted the funeral services. The funeral party left this morning for Noblesville, Ind., where interment will take place. Those who accompanied Rev. Gibson and the parents of Mrs. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, were W. F. Sherwood and O. S. Stowell, who went as representatives of the church.


GIBSON, MIMMI/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 25, 1873
Died in Upper Alton on July 17, Mimmi, only daughter of Rev. Robert and Agatha F. H. Gibson.


GIBSON, ROBERT (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 25, 1909
Son-In-Law of Dr. Frederick Humbert
The funeral of Dr. Robert Gibson, Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Upper Alton Baptist church, was attended by an enormous number of friends of the deceased that filled the church. The services were conducted by Rev. Dr. L. A. Abbott, an old friend of Dr. Gibson, who was intimately acquainted with the work done by Dr. Gibson while he was in Alton, and could speak with authority. Dr. Abbott gave an eloquent, but brief eulogy of Dr. Gibson, in which he referred to his long career in Alton, with his religious and medical work combined, his love for his fellow man and his self-denying efforts to minister to them physically and spiritually.

Dr. Gibson worked his way through Shurtleff College when a young man to prepare for his medical studies. When his father-in-law, Dr. Frederick Humbert, died, Dr. Gibson took charge of his medical practice and continued at the same office until the property was sold to make room for the building of the Illini Hotel. Dr. Gibson then retired from active work and devoted himself to an effort to recuperate the health of his two daughters, in whose interests he went south to Siloam Springs, Arkansas with his wife. He regretted exceedingly the necessity that forced him to give up his long-established work in Alton, and after his departure he was greatly missed. One of his fields of work was across the river. He alone, for years, kept up religious services there in a place that was greatly in need of such work, and among the people of Missouri Point he was loved and admired, and his skill as a physician was given a high value.

The choir of the Upper Alton Baptist church sang three hymns, "Jesus Lover of My Soul," "Asleep in Jesus," and "Rock of Ages." The pallbearers were R. M. Forbes, C. A. Caldwell, H. C. Tilton, Benjamin Sawyer, Rev. M. W. Twing and J. T. King. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery, Upper Alton. The members of Dr. Gibson's family, including Mrs. Gibson, the Misses Gibson, and Mr. and Mrs. Humbert Gibson, accompanied the body from Siloam Springs, Ark., and Mr. and Mrs. Humbert Gibson having gone there from Colorado for the purpose of accompanying the remainder of the family here. The Gibson home in Upper Alton has been rented out and the family will stay here only a week.

Dr. Robert Gibson was born in Canada in 1838, and consequently was 71 years old at the time of his death. He came to the United States when a very young man and located in the country near Upper Alton, working first one place and then another. When about 20 years of age he came to Upper Alton where he entered Shurtleff College. He was an earnest worker and wanted an education, but as he had no relatives to pay his way through school, he set to work to earn an education, and he did so, working his way through college and graduating from the institution eight years later. After getting through school, Dr. Gibson preached many years and supplied many churches throughout the country adjoining Upper Alton and in the country across the river front Alton. He studied medicine later, and after becoming a physician he attended many persons who were sick free of charge. He was married in Upper Alton in 1865 to Miss Agatha Humbert, daughter of the late Dr. Frederick Humbert of Upper Alton. To this union there were born two daughters and one son. The family lived many years on Market Street in Alton where Dr. Gibson had his office. He was 26 years the superintendent of the Sunday school in the Alton Baptist church. The family moved to Upper Alton fifteen years ago and resided at the old Humbert homestead, which Dr. Gibson remodeled for his family.


GIDDINGS, ALMIRA (nee COLLINS)/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 10, 1872
Collinsville Pioneer
We learn from the Quincy Whig that Mrs. Almira C. Giddings, wife of the late Rev. Salmon Giddings, who was Pastor of the first Presbyterian Church ever organized in St. Louis, died in Quincy on Monday morning at the residence of her son, at the advanced age of 82. Mrs. Giddings settled in Collinsville in Madison County in 1822, and has, consequently, been in the State fifty years. She was well known and much esteemed by a very large circle of acquaintances in this part of the State, where she continued to reside until within a few years past, when she removed to the city of Quincy. She was a woman of unusual vigor of mind, and in the early history of this State aided very materially in the organization and the building up of religious and educational institutions, and her memory will long be cherished and venerated in this section of Illinois.

Almira Collins Giddings was the daughter of William B. and Esther Morris Collins, two of the founders of Collinsville, Illinois. Almira was buried in the Woodland Cemetery in Quincy, Illinois.


GIFFORD, ABIGAIL/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 7, 1840
Died, on Monday last, the 2d of March, at 11 o'clock a.m., Mrs. Abigail Gifford, wife of John Gifford of this city [Alton], in the 26th year of her age, after a painful illness of nearly five months, which she bore with true Christian resignation. She was a regular member of the M. E. Church for the last 8 years.


GIFFORD, IDA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 17, 1907
Mrs. Harry Gifford, nee Ida Joesting, died Tuesday morning at the home of her father, Charles L. Joesting, on Ninth street, after a long illness. Mrs. Gifford had been an invalid for three or four years. She was taken ill with a malady resembling rheumatism, which took on a worse form later, and for several months her condition has been regarded as very serious. Mrs. Gifford was a life-long resident of Alton, and in her young womanhood was considered one of the most handsome young women in Alton. She had many friends in the city, and besides the members of her family there are many who will sincerely mourn her death. Deceased was 38 years old and is survived by her husband and two children. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Joesting, survive, as do also three brothers, Charles, George and Louis Joesting, and two sisters, Mrs. Hugh Black and Mrs. Henry Unterbrink. Funeral arrangements have not been made.


GIFFORD, NORMAN BRABAZON/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 24, 1839
Died on Wednesday last, Norman Brabazon, infant son of John and Abigail Gifford of this city, aged one year.


GIFFORD, SADIE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 26, 1888
Sadie Gifford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gifford, died Christmas morning, aged 7 years. The remains were taken to Brighton yesterday for burial. Services took place in the cemetery there, Rev. Dr. Dimond officiating.


GILBERT, CARRIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 7, 1922
Mrs. Carrie Gilbert, wife of J. W. Gilbert, died this morning at 5:30 o'clock at the family home, after an illness of a few hours with heart trouble, 512 Alby street. She was past 81 years of age and her death completed a marital partnership with her husband of 63 years. Mrs. Gilbert was not in bad health. She had been up and around the house regularly, and there was no indication of a sudden collapse. She had returned last night as usual and about 2 o'clock she roused her aged husband with a request that he get her a drink. Later he was roused again by her rising, and she complained of being unable to breathe lying down. A physician was summoned and he saw at once that the venerable woman was near her end, and advised that any relatives she had be called. Her death followed soon thereafter. Mrs. Gilbert was a devoted member of the Methodist church of many years standing. She came to Alton many years ago and though she moved away, she came back again. She was respected highly by all who knew her. She was prominent in the work of the First Methodist church and a member of the Ladies' Aid Society of that church. Mrs. Gilbert, aside from being a good homemaker, had a wide reputation because of her skill as a cook. Years ago she used to delight the palates of Alton people with her fine homemade pies for which there was a great demand. She leaves beside her aged husband, two sons, Jesse of Newark, Ohio; and Bruse, of St. Louis. She leaves also nine grandchildren. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the First Methodist church, and services will be conducted by Rev. Dr. Charles Shumard. The body of Mrs. Gilbert will be at the church to be viewed by friends from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. Burial will be in Alton City cemetery.


GILBERT, HAROLD AND KATE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 17, 1919
Lightning Kills Man and Wife - No Rain Fell
Harold Gilbert, 20, and his wife, Kate Gilbert, 19, were killed almost instantly at their home on Green street last evening by lightning. Ten feet from them their three year old son, Vincent, was playing and the child was not injured. Not a drop of rain fell in the immediate vicinity. The storm passed east of the city. Mr. Gilbert was preparing to go to work at the Sparks Milling Company, where he was employed as roller tender on the night shift. He was chopping wood in his yard and on a box close to him sat his young wife, while the little three year old son, Vincent, played around their feet. Neighbors who rushed to the scene shortly after the accident found the couple prostrate on the ground. Mrs. Eva Simms testified that when she turned over the body of Harold Gilbert he breathed once and died. Over the body of the dead mother the three year old son was found. He was trying to make his mother "wake up and talk" to him. The bodies were removed to the Bauer Undertaking Parlors where the inquest was held on Tuesday morning. A verdict of accidental death was returned. Both the mother and the sister of Mrs. Gilbert were anxious to care for Vincent. This morning it was decided that he should make his home with his grandmother, Mrs. Martin Grief, of New Douglas, since the sister of the deceased woman had three girls to care for. The couple moved to Alton but six months ago, and since that time they have been making their home on Green street. Mrs. Martin Grief will take the body of Mrs. Gilbert back to New Douglas with her. The funeral will be held from the Catholic Church at 10 o'clock Thursday morning. The funeral arrangements for Mrs. Gilbert have not been completed.


GILBERT, ISAAC/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 17, 1919
Isaac Gilbert went to call Sunday afternoon at the home of James Ballinger in Foster township. He had stayed at the home of James Ballinger, Jr., fifteen years, and was well known to the family of the parents of James Ballinger. To avoid overstaying himself, he had borrowed the watch of James Ballinger before starting, and he had also borrowed his overcoat. Sitting down in the Ballinger home, he was greeted by Mrs. Matilda Ballinger, who asked him how he felt and he told her that he felt very well. He had hardly uttered the words before he swayed to one side and collapsed. He was dead almost immediately. Deputy Coroner Bauer held an inquest.


GILBERT, ROLLO/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 25, 1892
Murdered in Arkansas
Several years ago, the families of J. H. Gilbert and Mr. Hayden moved to Mississippi County (near Osceola), Arkansas. On March 23, 1891, Levi Hayden, a son of the man mentioned before, went to the Gilbert house and asked Rollo Gilbert, aged 15 years, for the use of a dugout. Gilbert consented, and went with him to procure the oars, which had been hidden. The boys were seen riding through the woods in the inundated districts, and that night Hayden came back but Gilbert was never again seen. The story he told was that they parted company early in the day. The lake was dragged and the county searched, but no boy was found. The Gilbert family returned to Alton, and now live on Belle Street.

Yesterday, Mrs. Gilbert received a letter from John A. Lovewell, Sheriff of Mississippi County, Arkansas, enclosing a letter from H. A. Botts of Rozelle, Arkansas. The latter states he saw the boys together in the boat. He recited the circumstances and went on to say that one of his men, while out hunting, found the skeleton of young Gilbert. The boats and other things go to prove the identity. The skull was fractured, showing that it was a murder. The Sheriff intimates that Hayden has been located in the State of Mississippi, and it is expected he will be arrested at almost any hour.


GILBERT, S. B. (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 7, 1881
Civil War Veteran
Dr. S. B. Gilbert, a native of Sandy Hook, Morgan County, Kentucky, died at his residence at North Alton, Sunday, July 3, at the age of 45 years. His funeral took place Monday from his late residence. The remains were buried at Godfrey. Deceased left a wife and a number of children to mourn his death. He was a Major in a cavalry regiment in the Confederate service during the war.


GILES, CATHERINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 5, 1901
Catherine Giles, a negro woman aged 55, died at St. Joseph's hospital last evening after a three week's illness. She lived in a wretched hovel on the sandbar, and three weeks ago was stricken by paralysis. She fell into a fire in her home and was severely burned. Since she was paralyzed she was an inmate of the hospital. She leaves no relatives and no friends. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon.


GILES, EMIL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 28, 1920
Soldier Dies Under Weight of Fallen Steel
Emil Giles, son of Mrs. Rose Giles of 207 Volbracht street, was fatally injured just before noon today at the plant of the Laclede Steel Co., where he was employed by the Decatur Bridge Co. The slipping of a cable permitted a heavy weight of steel that was being hoisted into place to fall back on the young man and crushed him so that he died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Giles had taken a job with the Decatur Bridge Co. just a few days before. The company had the contract for installing a new way for a traveling crane to replace one which collapsed long ago, and the replacing of which was delayed. The young man happened to be in the way when a heavy upright fell back to the ground with the slipping of the cable, and he was caught and pinched to the floor. Giles served during the war, in the 88th division in France. He went safely through most dangerous experiences in the battle line, and came home in perfect condition, only to be killed in an accident in peaceful employment. He was 25 years of age. Beside his mother he leaves one brother, Henry Giles, and one sister, Mrs. Edith Hamer. The body was taken in charge by Deputy Coroner Bauer, who will hold an inquest. The time of the funeral has not been fixed.


GILES, ROSE E. STANTON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 17, 1922
Mrs. Rose E. Stanton Giles, widow of William Giles, a native resident of Alton, died this morning after a four months illness with a cancer of the stomach. She has been in a very serious condition for many weeks and her death has been expected for some time. Mrs. Giles was born on the Coal Branch and spent her entire life in the North Side. She was in her 61st year, having been born April 5, 1861. She is survived by two children, Henry Giles, and Mrs. Walter Hamer, of Wichita, Kansas. Mrs. Hamer was called here nine weeks ago and has been in constant attendance upon her mother. Mrs. Giles died at the home of her son on West Delmar avenue. She also leaves her 94-year-old father, Samuel Stanton, one brother, Bayliss Stanton of Peoria, and two sisters, Mrs. Frank Eccles of Alton and Mrs. George L. Glassbrenner of Florida. Also four grandchildren. Mr. Giles died 22 years ago. Mrs. Giles was a home loving woman and a kind neighbor, and during her long illness her many friends were greatly interested in her condition. She was a faithful member of the Elm Street Presbyterian church, but took no part in any organization work outside of the church. Funeral arrangements are incomplete, awaiting word from relatives residing at a distance.


GILL, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 6, 1922
The plant of the Alton Brick Co. was closed at noon today on account of the funeral of Charles Gill, the plant engineer, who had worked there since he was eleven years old. He had been such a faithful employee of the plant, that the men employed there desired to have opportunity to attend his funeral. In connection with the death of Gill, it was said by Eben Rodgers, that the Alton Brick Co. carried life insurance on its men and that Gill's policy draws the maximum allowed under the policy, which will give his family in the neighborhood of $2,000. There was a large crowd at the funeral services this afternoon and many tributes of respect were paid to him. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. G. W. Brewer from the Model A. M. E. church. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery.


GILL, EDWARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 8, 1867
We regret to learn that Mr. Edward Gill, whose father lives near Upper Alton, was killed on Thursday last under the following circumstances: While on a visit to a brother residing in Jersey County, the two, on Thursday, went out into the woods on a hunting expedition, and Mr. Edward Gill was carrying his gun at “full cock.” While his weapon was in this position, he stooped down to pick up some hickory nuts lying under a tree, and the gun was by some means discharged, the whole load taking effect in the small of his back, causing almost instant death. He was buried on Saturday. Mr. Gill was unmarried, and was 28 years old. He was an estimable young man, and his untimely death has plunged his relatives into the deepest affliction. He was at the time of his death a member of the Masonic Lodge in Upper Alton.


GILL, ELIZABETH M./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 14, 1851
Died in Alton on the 7th instant, Mrs. Elizabeth M. consort of Mr. Jus. R. Gill; aged 23.


GILL, ELLA A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 26, 1910
Miss Ella A. Gill, aged 23 years, daughter of James Gill, died at the residence of her sister, Ida A. Novell, of 119 East Fifth street, Friday 12:23 p.m. The funeral will be held from the North Side church, Monday at 10 a.m. Burial at Rocky Fork cemetery.


GILL, HATTIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 25, 1901
Miss Hattie Gill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gill, died Monday morning at the family home on East Fourteenth street after an illness with pneumonia. She was 16 years of age and was a member of the Baptist church and a pupil at the Alton High school. She was a bright young girl and was well liked in a large circle of friends. The funeral will take place tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. from the family residence, 417 East Fourteenth street.


GILL, LOUISE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 7, 1904
Louise Gill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Gill, who died yesterday, was 16 years of age. The funeral will be at 10 o'clock Saturday morning from the A. M. E. church.


GILL, MATTIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 10, 1911
Mrs. Mattie Gill, aged 49, died Saturday afternoon at her home, 100 east Third street, after a long illness. She had lived in Alton many years and was well known. Mrs. Gill leaves seven sons and two daughters, Mrs. William Bissinger and Mrs. Sam Seibold; and Messrs. Charles, Henry, William, Paul, Roy and Arthur Stierley. The funeral was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home, and burial was in City Cemetery. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. S. D. McKenney of the Cherry Street Baptist church.


GILL, MICHAEL J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 1, 1918
Former Member of Congress - Erected the Gill Building
Michael J. Gill, a former well known Alton glassblower, died today in a hospital in St. Louis from pneumonia following an attack of influenza. He represented this district as a Democrat in 1892, and afterwards moved to St. Louis where he was elected to Congress and served one term. For the last eight years he has been a member of the National Board of Conciliation and worked in various parts of the country settling strikes. He is survived by his wife who is a member of the Strubel family of this city, and three children, John, Joseph, and Catherine. He erected the present home of the Moose at Broadway and Oak streets in 1893, and it has always been known as the "Gill Building."


GILL, OLLIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 27, 1907
Ollie Gill, aged 6 years, 4 months, daughter of James Gill of North Alton, died this morning at 8 o'clock at the family home in North Alton. A short time ago the mother died, and was buried at Rocky Fork cemetery. This is the sixth death in the family in three years. The funeral will be from the North Alton A. M. E. church, and burial will be at Rocky Fork, Friday morning at 9 o'clock. Mr. Gill is a hard working, honest man, who has the fullest sympathies of his neighbors, white and colored, in his many afflictions. He truly is a "man of sorrows," but he never loses faith or hope and keeps working away for better things, confident apparently that the "silver lining" of the clouds of anguish enveloping him will show itself to him sometime.


GILL, SYLVESTER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 20, 1913
Man Run Down and Killed by Speeding Train
The jury impaneled by Coroner J. M. Sims held to the grand jury Conductor C. H. Sams and F. Smith, for the death of Sylvester Gill, who was run down and killed by a speeder on the C. & A. track Monday night. The men were not present when the verdict was rendered, but it is said by a representative of the railroad they would be surrendered this morning, and that there would be a good bond in readiness for their appearance at any time they are wanted. It developed at the inquest that Sams, the conductor, was pilting the speeder and that Smith was operating it. The evidence introduced against the men indicated that the speeder was traveling 35 miles an hour when it hit Gill. The men who testified against the railroad said that the accident happened at or near the crossing at the glass works office. The funeral of Gill was held this morning from the Jacoby undertaking establishment, Rev. J. M. Rohde officiating. Burial was in City Cemetery.


GILL, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 8, 1895
The funeral of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Gill occurred this afternoon. There was a large assemblage of friends of the parents at the home on Eighth Street, who took this way of showing their sympathy. Interment took place at the Alton City Cemetery.


GILL, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 1, 1886
From Upper Alton - The funeral of Mr. William Gill was held Sunday morning in the Baptist Church. The pallbearers were neighbors, Messrs. A. F. Rodgers, Edward Rodgers, W. L. Harris, George Cartwright, Frank Moore, and William R. Wright. [Note: These neighbors lived in the neighborhood of the Alton State Hospital.]


GILLER, ISABELLE (nee McFETRIDGE)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 16, 1912
Mrs. Isabelle Giller, nee McFetridge, died Friday evening at 6:15 o'clock after a long illness, at the family home, 1115 Hampton street. She was a lifelong resident of Alton, and had spent almost all her life in the one home. She was known as a kind and sympathetic woman, and was ever ready to lend a helping hand. She leaves three brothers, James, George and David McFetridge; and one sister, Mrs. Walter Moore. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the family home.


GILLER, LIZZIE (nee JACOBY)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph April 2, 1917
Mrs. Lizzie Giller, widow of J. C. Giller, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Grabbe, 2433 Sanford Avenue, Sunday morning at 5 o'clock, from hardening of the arteries. Mrs. Giller's husband died six years ago, and her youngest son, Adolph Giller, died last December. Mrs. Giller was born in Germany, November 17, 1846, and was aged 71 years, 4 months, 12 days. Mrs. Giller leaves two daughters and one son, Mrs. Paul Scheffel and Henry Giller of Brighton, and Mrs. John Grabbe of Alton. She leaves also twelve grandchildren and four brothers and two sisters: C. J. Jacoby and Mrs. H. A. Hoffman of Alton; William Jacoby of Bunker Hill; Mrs. Henry Hanold of Brighton; Louis Jacoby of Jerseyville; Rev. H. C. Jacoby of San Jose, Cal. Mrs. Giller was a member of the Evangelical church at Brighton and the funeral will be from that church Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. Schnatthorst officiating. The remains will be interred in the family lot at Brighton cemetery. The grandsons will serve as pallbearers and the brothers will lower the casket into the grave.


GILLES, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Monday, February 10, 1908
John Gilles, another aged resident of Alton many years ago, died at his home in Woodburn, Sunday morning, in the 88th year. Mr. Gilles leaves a grand nephew, Walter Roper, and a grand niece, Miss A. M. Roper, in Alton. He leaves also four children, Mrs. May Maxwell, Mrs. Annie Greer, Alex and Morris Gilles. Mr. Gilles was a native of Dalry, Ayrshire, Scotland, and came to American and to Alton when a very young man. He enlisted here in the 97th regiment made up in Alton and vicinity, and he served throughout the greater part of the Civil War with great credit. He was known for his valor and on more than one occasion he distinguished himself. He suffered physical disability through his army service from which he never recovered, and all through the remainder of his life he was a sufferer from sick headaches which came from his army experience. He was engaged in farming most of his life. He was one of the oldest subscribers of the Alton Telegraph, and in his death one of the most faithful of its supporters has passed away. Mr. Gilles was a member of a large family noted for longevity. All of his brothers and sisters and his father and mother lived to be over eighty years of age.


GILLESPIE, CYRUS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 19, 1903
Cyrus Gillespie, a member of a prominent Edwardsville family, was drowned in a well at his home in Edwardsville this morning. He was a victim of epilepsy, and it is supposed that having arisen early in the morning to get a drink, he fell in the well on being attacked by a fit. He was a son of the late Judge Joseph Gillespie, and a brother of Mrs. W. R. Prickett.


GILLESPIE, CHARLES ROBINSON/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 6, 1853
Died at Edwardsville on June 23, Charles Robinson, son of Matthew and Martha Gillespie, aged three years, four months, and twenty-five days.


Judge David GillespieGILLESPIE, DAVID (JUDGE)/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 4, 1881
A dispatch was received Tuesday from Edwardsville, conveying the sad intelligence of the death of Judge David Gillespie, and stating that his funeral would take place Wednesday, under Masonic auspices. Judge Gillespie died Monday evening, August 1, 1881, of apoplexy or heart disease. He was a native of Edwardsville, having been born there in 1828, consequently was 53 years of age. He was a nephew of Judges Matthew and Joseph Gillespie, was well and favorably known through all this section of country, and his sudden death will be deeply regretted. Judge Gillespie was a member of the bar, and one of the most honorable and highly esteemed citizens. He left a widow and three children to mourn their loss.

Judge David Gillespie was born September 30, 1828, in Edwardsville, to Matthew and Nancy Gordon Gillespie. As a young man, he attended Shurtleff College in Upper Alton, and then studied law with his uncle, Joseph Gillespie. He was appointed Master in Chancery in 1861, and elected to office of County Judge in 1865. He was considered a patriot, and gave his entire influence and best efforts to the suppression of the Rebellion and the restoration of the laws and constitution in all parts of the country. In 1872 he was the owner of a coal mine in Edwardsville, and sold high quality coal to Alton at the rate of nine cents per bushel.

On October 8, 1855, he married Minna A. Barnsback, daughter of Julius L. Barnsback, and they had three children – Mattie C. Gillespie (?-1866); Edwin D. Gillespie (1862-1929); and May E. Gillespie Ring (1871-1942).


GILLESPIE, EDWARD HENRY/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 13 & 15, 1853
Son of Matthew Gillespie, Esq.
We regret to learn that Scarlet Fever has been prevailing for some time past in Edwardsville in this county, and carried off several children, the hope and pride of their parents. Among others, Matthew Gillespie, Esq., has lost two sons of the ages of one and five years respectively. We trust the disease will soon disappear, and that our respectable county town will again be blessed with good health at an early day. On June 8, in Edwardsville, Edward Henry, second son of Matthew and Martha Gillespie, died. He was 6 years and 4 months of age.


Judge Joseph GillespieGILLESPIE, JOSEPH (JUDGE)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 8, 1885
Judge; Senator; Friend of Abraham Lincoln
Hon. Joseph Gillespie, one of the oldest and most prominent citizens of Illinois, died at his residence in Edwardsville, Wednesday morning, of typhoid fever, and a brief illness. Judge Gillespie was of Scotch-Irish parentage, and was the son of David and Sarah Gillespie, who emigrated to this country in 1807. Joseph was born in New York City, August 22, 1809, and was consequently in his 76th year at the time of his death. His parents removed to Madison County in 1819. In 1831, Joseph commenced the study of law with the late Hon. Cyrus Edwards. During the Black Hawk War, he volunteered and participated in the campaigns of 1831-2. After the close of the war, he was elected Probate Judge of Madison County. In 1840, he was elected to the Legislature on the Whig ticket. In 1847 he was elected to the State Senate, and remained a member thereof for ten years. In 1861, he was elected Judge of the 24th Judicial Circuit, a position he filled for twelve years with great ability.

He was a gentleman of fine attainments, an able lawyer, and a profound jurist. Politically, he was first a Whig, and then a Republican. He was the friend and associate in the Legislature and at the bar of such men as Abraham Lincoln, James Shields, Governor Bissell, and Lyman Trumbull.

In 1845, Judge Gillespie married Miss Mary Elizabeth Smith of Greenville, Illinois. Eight children were born to them, of whom five are living. His wife survives him. The funeral took place this afternoon from the family residence in Edwardsville.

Judge Gillespie was buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville. He and his wife had the following children: Sara M. Gillespie (1846-1875); Cyrus E. Gillespie (1848-1849); Cyrus Edwards Gillespie (1850-1903); Mary Josephine Gillespie Prickett (1852-1925); Alice Bell Gillespie (1855-1857); Charles Smith Gillespie (1857-1935); Frank Keyes Gillespie (1859-1923); and Louise Maria Gillespie (1860-1887).


GILLESPIE, LOUISE MARIA/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 29, 1887
Daughter of Judge Joseph Gillespie
From Edwardsville – Louise M. Gillespie, aged 27 years, died at the family residence in Edwardsville. Deceased was a daughter of Judge Joseph Gillespie, who died a few years ago [1885]. [Burial was in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville.]


GILLESPIE, MARIE "MOTHER MARIE THERESA"/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 27,1907
Mother Marie Theresa died Wednesday morning at the Ursuline Academy after an illness from heart troubles. She was born in Brownsville, Pa., January 24, 1832, and has been a member of the Ursuline Order since her twenty-fifth year. She was formerly Mother Superior of the Decatur house of the order and came to Alton about 25 years ago. She was Mother Superior here for several years and the affairs of the institution and of the order generally flourished under her direction and guidance. She was a highly educated, deeply cultured woman and was talented in many ways. Her name was Miss Marie Gillespie before she took the vows of an Ursuline nun, and she was a first cousin of the famous statesman, the late James G. Blaine. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the chapel of the Ursuline Academy and burial will be in Greenwood cemetery.


GILLESPIE, MARTHA A./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 11, 1885
Widow of Matthew Gillespie
From Edwardsville – Mrs. Martha A. Gillespie, widow of the late Matthew Gillespie, died at the residence of her son-in-law, W. R. Brink, last Sunday afternoon, and was buried this morning. She was seventy years of age.


GILLESPIE, MARY ANN PLATT (nee BRUDON)/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 7, 1886
Wife of Henry Platt; Wife of Charles M. Gillespie
Captain R. T. Largent received a dispatch from Kansas City, stating that his sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary Gillespie, had been severely burned by the explosion of a gasoline stove while preparing breakfast. He received a second dispatch saying that she died Sunday afternoon from her injuries. Deceased was 57 years of age. She was the daughter of the late William H. Brudon of Alton, and was a native of Bristol, Pennsylvania. She was twice married, first to Mr. Henry Platt, and subsequently to Mr. Charles M. Gillespie. She leaves one son by her first marriage, Mr. William H. Platt; and three daughters and one son by her second, viz: Mrs. Nettie Tuttle of Fort Scott, Kansas City; Miss Hattie Gillespie; and Mr. Edward Gillespie.

The remains of Mrs. Gillespie were brought to Alton from Kansas City on an early train. The funeral took place this afternoon from the M. E. Church. There was quite a large attendance, including the Kansas City relatives of the deceased. Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.


GILLESPIE, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 26, 1920
Michael Gillespie, aged 47, died of influenza at the home, 5201/2 Ridge street, this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. He was single, and leaves two brothers and a sister. Burial will be in Greenwood cemetery Friday afternoon.


GILLESPIE, MINNA A. (nee BARSBACK)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 25, 1888
Wife of Judge David Gillespie
Mrs. Minna Gillespie, wife of the late Judge David Gillespie, died at Edwardsville this morning at 11 o’clock. She was born November 12, 1834, in Madison County, Illinois, and was 53 years of age at her death. She was the daughter of Julius Lewis Barnsback (1800-1853) and Mary Melinda Gonterman Barnsback (1807-1903). She married Judge David Gillespie, who died in 1881. They had three children: Mattie C. Gillespie (?-1866); Edwin D. Gillespie (1862-1929); and Mary E. Gillespie Ring (1871-1942). Minna was buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville.


GILLESPIE, PATRICK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 16, 1907
Patrick Gillespie, aged 25, died yesterday at St. Joseph's hospital from pneumonia. He is survived by two brothers and other relatives who live in Bunker Hill, and his body was shipped to that city this morning for burial.


GILLESPIE, SARAH/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 20, 1875
Edwardsville, May 18, 1875 - Since our last letter to you, Miss Sarah, eldest daughter of Hon. Joseph Gillespie of this city, one of the most estimable young ladies that ever lived in this or any other city, has departed this life. Her illness was of several months' duration, and presented alarming symptoms from the first, yet some three weeks ago the indications, for a short time, were such as to give some hope for her ultimate recovery; but it was a vain hope. She died on Thursday, the 13th inst. Her funeral, which took place on Saturday from the residence of her afflicted parents, was largely attended. Her remains were deposited in Oak Lawn Cemetery.


GILLESPIE, WILLIAM CLAY/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 13 & 15, 1853
Son of Matthew Gillespie, Esq.
We regret to learn that Scarlet Fever has been prevailing for some time past in Edwardsville in this county, and carried off several children, the hope and pride of their parents. Among others, Matthew Gillespie, Esq., has lost two sons of the ages of one and five years respectively. We trust the disease will soon disappear, and that our respectable county town will again be blessed with good health at an early day. William Clay, youngest son of Matthew and Martha Gillespie, aged 1 year, 4 months, and 23 days, died May 22.


GILLESPIE, WILLIAM 'BILL' F./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 5, 1918
Soldier Killed in France
Mr. and Mrs. William Gillespie received word indirectly this morning that their only child, William F. Gillespie, had been killed in France, October 3. The letter came to Robert Rundell of Alton from his brother who gave the story of the "going west" of "Bill" Gillespie. The father was serving as an election officer in his polling place when the tidings were brought to him, and he immediately gave up that work and took up an inquiry. He had received no notice from the war department, nor had his son's name appeared in a casualty list, but young Rundell's letter gave such important information the parents were not really in doubt as to its accuracy. Rundell, writing to his brother, said that Gillespie was killed by his side in action, in the great fighting which has been participated in by the 138th Regiment, and which has won for that regiment undying fame. Gillespie was a member of Co. B, which was partially recruited at Alton during the period when the Alton bridge was being guarded by that company under Capt. Larrimore. Gillespie was the only child of his parents, and his death is a sad shock to them. They are proud of their boy dying nobly for his flag, but the fact that he was all they had makes their sorrow that much keener. To add to the uncertainty regarding the report of the death of Will Gillespie is a letter which George Demuth of 318 Monument street has received from his brother, Harry Demuth, who was also in the Argonne drive as a member of the 105 Ammunition Co. C. Demuth's letter was dated October 7, which was four days after the date that young Gillespie is supposed to have been killed. Demuth states that he had seen Gillespie and that they had talked together a long time. He also stated that Gillespie was as "fat as a pig." Mrs. Barbara Kaeser today received a letter from her son, Philip E. Kaeser, dated October 4. In the letter Kaeser speaks of seeing about 25 Alton boys on October 2. Among them was William Gillespie. He said that the boys had been in the big drive, that they were then relieved and were on their way down out of the mountains to southern France.


GILLET, JOHN HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 24, 1838
Died, at the Alton House in the city [Alton], on the 19th inst., John Henry, only child of John H. and Elizabeth N. Gillet; aged 21 months and 12 days.


GILLETT, LYMAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 6, 1874
Died at Troy on Tuesday morning, July 28, 1874, Lyman Gillett; aged 82 years.


GILLHAM, CHARLES E./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 10, 1896
Charles E. Gillham of Edwardsville Township died Friday of typhoid fever. He was the oldest son of Mr. R. C. Gillham, and leaves a wife and daughter to mourn him.


GILLHAM, DANIEL BROWN (SENATOR)/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 19, 1890
Ex-Senator Killed by Burglar
Ex-Senator Gillham was shot by a burglar in his residence in Upper Alton. The residence of Mr. Gillham is situation about two blocks east of the walls of Shurtleff College, and at the edge of the town of Upper Alton. About one o'clock yesterday morning the gentleman was awakened, and as he raised himself he saw a man in the act of leaving his bedroom. He quickly jumped from his bed and ran towards the intruder, at the same time commanding him to halt. Mr. Gillham had almost reached the man at the door leading into the hall, when the burglar stepped across the hall and under the stairway that leads from the front door to the rooms on the upper floor. As he gained this point of vantage, he called twice to Mr. Gillham to "stand back," to which no attention was paid, but instead he started toward the burglar, who drew a 38-caliber revolver and fired. But the bullet went wide of its mark and passed through a door at the end of the hallway and buried itself in the earth outside. Nothing daunted, Mr. Gillham rushed at his assailant who fired point blank at him, the bullet entering the left breast just below the nipple, and almost on a line with the apex of the heart. The wounded man staggered into his bedroom and sank on a couch. The other occupants of the house, who were in the upper story, were aroused by this time and came to the assistance of the injured man. Meanwhile, the burglar had made good his escape, taking with him the pair of pants he had removed from the bedpost, and which contained some valuable papers and memoranda, together with $25 in money.

Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 20, 1890
From the Springfield Journal - The news of the shooting of Hon. D. B. Gillham at his home in Upper Alton by a robber will be received with sincere regret by his friends throughout the State. In his service as Senator and as a member and President of the State Board of Agriculture, Mr. Gillham enjoyed the respect and esteem of those who became acquainted with him, and there will be general sorrow at the fate that has befallen him.

From the Springfield News - The probable death of ex-Senator D. B. Gillham of Upper Alton, as the result of a murderous assault by a burglar, reported in the dispatches this morning, is one of those affairs which serve to arouse public sentiment to the enormity of that species of crime. The burglar is not only an enemy to all property rights, but to human life, who takes the chances of murder in the prosecution of his nefarious trade, and deserves to be treated as a murderer in intent. Mr. Gillham has been widely known from his long and prominent connection with the State Agricultural Society, and also as a member of the General Assembly as an influential and public-spirited citizen, and his death as the result of this fiendish crime would be regarded as a great public calamity. It is to be hoped that the perpetrator of the crime may be captured and ample justice meted out to him.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 22, 1890
Hon. D. B. Gilham is slowly but steadily improving. Everyday's gain strengthens his chances for recovery. He has had the best of care and attention from the very first, and no unfavorable symptoms have developed. The family have received many letters and telegrams from all over the entire State, who demand daily reports of the condition of the sufferer.

(Senator Daniel Brown Gillham dies, April 6, 1890)
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 9, 1890
Upper Alton was in mourning today, for the town had lost a citizen than whom none were more beloved nor more highly honored. The stores were closed and the people of our upper suburb went to swell the throng that had gathered from far and near to commune in sorrow over the loss of a life so grand, and to stand by the graveside when the body of Hon. Daniel B. Gillham was given back to earth. At two o'clock, the faculty and students of Shurtleff College assembled in the College Chapel and marched in a body to the Baptist church, where the funeral services were held. That edifice was crowded to its utmost capacity. A choir composed of Mrs. John Leverett, Misses Lily Graham, Gertrude Pease and Maud Campbell, and Messrs. Norman Marsh, William Watson, William Fuller and Harry Greaves chanted appropriate anthems, and the song service was both beautiful and impressive. After the introductory prayer and remarks, made by Rev. William Green, the funeral oration was pronounced by Rev. A. A. Kendrick D. D., President of Shurtleff College. Rev. Dr. Kendrick's text, "After the power of an endless life," Hebrews 7th chapter and 16th verse, was peculiarly appropriate and was handled in a most masterful and learned manner. The oration was largely eulogistic of the life of the deceased, an honored life that was marked by the highest integrity, tireless energy, and Christian duty well performed. The prayer at the grave was made by Rev. Dr. Justus Bulkley. At a meeting of the State Board of Agriculture, held this morning, the following members were appointed pallbearers and acted as such: Prest. George J. Haskell of Rockford; J. W. Washburn of Marian; J. W. Bunn of Springfield; John Virgin of Fairbury; David Gore of Carlinville; Edward C. Lewis of Ottawa; D. W. Vittum Jr. of Canton; and LaFayette Funk of Springfield. It was eminently fitting that the great commonwealth of Illinois should be officially represented today at the funeral of the late Hon. Daniel B. Gillham, a citizen who had served his State for many years with much honor to himself and to her. And Illinois was thus represented by a large delegation of her most honored sons, who assembled here today to testify by their presence to the personal and to the general grief that has been caused by the death of their friend and comrade. The following were among the prominent Illinoisians who came from a distance to attend the funeral: His Excellency, Governor Joseph W. Fifer of Springfield. Officers, members and attaches of the State Board of Agriculture as follows: President George J. Haskell of Rockford; Secretary W. C. Garrard; Treasurer J. W. Burn of Springfield; Capt. E. B. David of Aledo; LaFayette Funk of Springfield; John Virgin of Fairbury; D. W. Vittum Jr. of Canton; Joseph S. Keavington of Albion; James W. Washburn of Marian; J. Irvin Pearce of Chicago; Edward C. Lewis of Ottawa; William Stewart of Chicago; Col. W. H. Fulkerson of Jerseyville; David Goro of Carlinville; E. E. Chester of Champaign; and D. C. Hoyt of Springfield. Others who came down from the Capital city were: L. D. Fisher, Charles P. Johnson, Secretary of the State Livestock Commission, Phil M. Springer of the State Register, E. E. McCoy, J. H. Paddock of the Railroad and Warehouse Commission, E. A. Snively, Clerk of the Supreme Court, and G. W. Jones of the Appellate Court, Edwin Watts, John McCreery, Judge W. J. Allen, Hon. D. W. Smith, Hon. B. F. Caldwell and Dr. R. Starkweather. From other points came E. C. Pace of Ashley; Isaack Hitt of Chicago, Swamp Land Commissioner; Hon. Henry Seiter of Lebanon; Hon. J. B. Messick of East St. Louis; Hon. George W. Brown of Vandalia; Charles C. Pond of Sycamore; Judge W. H. Krome, Judge B. R. Burroughs, E. Boeschenstein, Judge M. G. Dale, and George Leverett of Edwardsville; L. D. Turner and H. G. Wehr of Belleville. The following persons, relatives of the family, were present from abroad to attend the funeral: Warren Harrison, Marble Rock, Iowa; S. A. Harrison, Geneseo, Illinois; M. P. Stookey and wife, Belleville; Mrs. M. W. Weir and Miss Sophia Weir, Belleville; Rev. S. H. Bowyer and wife, Rochester, N. Y.; Rev. Thomas Young and wife, Roodhouse; Thomas Kinder and wife, Venice; H. Squires, Venice; R. C. Gillham, Wanda; William Head and wife, Alton Junction; Herman Cole and wife, Lincoln, Nebraska. [Burial was at Oakwood Cemetery in Upper Alton]

Source: Alton Telegraph, April 10, 1890 Death of Hon. Daniel B. Gillham
Three weeks ago, Tuesday a.m., an unknown burglar, surprised in his unlawful search in the residence of Hon. D. B. Gillham, by the awakening of the owner of the premises, fired a shot that has, after all these days, added to his crime of robbery the greater one of murder. Daily reports of a favorable nature had somewhat relieved the community from its first shock of anxiety, and while the enquiries that met the members of the family and neighbors on all hands at every step abroad, attested the continued interest of all in the condition of their neighbor and friend, still a spirit of confidence in a final recovery had come to exist. This was somewhat shaken Sunday afternoon when it was known that at about 1:30 p.m. Mr. Gillham had had a profuse internal hemorrhage, and the fears of his family were awakened afresh. Still, no one was prepared for the crushing news of his death, which occurred a little after six, with no remarkable change of symptoms from those that had marked the earlier part of the day. Dr.'s Guelich and Yerkes were both in attendance for two hours or more during the afternoon, and saw no cause for special anxiety. But the end was nearer than anyone thought. He retained consciousness to the last. So passes to "the silent majority" a devoted parent, a good citizen and a noble man whose sturdy integrity and judgment have been proven in many an event of public and private life. It is undoubtedly true that no man in the State of Illinois possessed so wide a personal acquaintance as Mr. Gillham. A few lines of biography will indicate somewhat the course of a life with whose later years we are most of us somewhat familiar, but whose earlier days reach back to a period when this was but a frontier of civilization. Daniel Brown Gillham was born at what is now Wanda, Madison county, Ill., April 29, 1826, the son of Rev. John Gillham, a prominent Methodist minister, a native of South Carolina. His mother, nee Phoebe Dunnagan, was a native of Georgia. The original ancestor of the family in this country, Thomas Gillham, whose descendants have been identified with the history of Illinois since its first settlement, was a native of Ireland. He emigrated from there about 1730 and settled first in Virginia, removing later to South Carolina, settling in what was then known as Pendleton county, since divided into the counties of Pickens and Henderson. He, his sons and sons-in-law, served in the War for Independence. Soon after the close of the Revolutionary War, his sons successively removed to Illinois; John, the grandfather of Hon. D. B. Gillham, arriving in Monroe county, June 10, 1802, and soon settling in Madison county, where he lived till his death in 1832. John Gillham, Jr. died in 1835, leaving five small children, among whom was Narcissa, who became the mother of Mrs. M. H. Boals and Frank, John and Mac Quigley of Alton. Daniel B., the oldest son, was also the latest survivor of the family of children. Mr. G.'s boyhood was spent in harder labor than many of the boys of the same age nowadays know about - in farm work, which then required a knowledge of nearly every mechanical trade. He attended district schools, winters, and when 18 years old spent two terms at McKendree College. His ready perceptions, splendid memory, and unfailing sense of propriety enabled him to acquire a practical education that has been more valuable than any obtained from books alone. Mr. Gillham was thrice married, first to Miss E. Lucretia Smith, who lived six years after her marriage, leaving a daughter, M. Eliza, wife of Warren W. Lowe of Upper Alton. In September 1858 he married Miss Virginia Harrison, daughter of Joseph Harrison, by whom he had six children, one of whom, Edith, died in 1875. The surviving children being Willard L. Gillham, a prominent young lawyer of Chicago; Mrs. Rev. Thomas A. Young of Roodhouse; Mrs. Rev. S. A. Bowyer of Rochester, N. Y.; Mrs. Herman Cole of Upper Alton; and Miss Virginia N. Gillham. His second wife dying in 1872, in 1876 Mr. Gillham was married to Miss Adeline Harrison, sister of the second wife, who survives him without children of her own. She has been a tender mother to her sister's children, and is dearly beloved by them all. In 1872 Mr. Gillham removed from his farm near Wanda to Upper Alton, his object being to give his children better opportunities for education. Always deploring his own early deprivation of educational privileges, he has been an ardent friend to education. In this direction he has served faithfully as Trustee and member of the Executive committee of Shurtleff College, being at the time of his death President of the Board of Trustees. His death will be keenly felt by those who have learned to respect him for his zeal and correct judgment, as well as for his many other attractive qualities. In 1866 he was elected a member of the State Agricultural Society, and for eighteen years held the position of General Superintendent of that organization. From 1874 to 1878 he was President, and since the latter date has been, continuously, Vice-President for the Eighteenth Congressional District. In this work he has come into contact with an immense number of people all over the State. He has delivered many lectures and read many papers at Agricultural Institutes, being constantly in demand for that purpose, and frequently spending weeks in a round of similar duties. Always ready, always having a timely topic and handling it in a way that carried conviction to his hearers, he has probably done more than any other man to stimulate the farmers of our State to proper methods, and to obtain for themselves those advantages to which they are properly entitled. He has for years been regularly appointed a representative of the State in the American Forestry Congress, and other national meetings of a similar character. He was a member of the lower house of the Twenty-seventh General Assembly and assisted in framing the law that enacted the present State Board of Agriculture, making it a part of the State Government. From 1882 to 1886, he served as State Senator from this county. His public life has been full of work, and his work has always been done conscientiously and thoroughly.

Source: The New York Times, February 12, 1891
The murderers of Senator Daniel B. Gillham have been arrested, and two of them are now in the jail at Edwardsville. On the night of the 19th of March, 1890, Senator Gillham discovered a burglar in his bedroom, and in endeavoring to capture him he was shot twice, receiving wounds which caused his death on April 6 following. The two men now in jail are John Brown and H. C. Wyatt. Wyatt was captured in Omaha last week, and made a full confession, implicating Brown and a man named George Starkey, who was arrested at St. Joseph, Mo., today. Brown was arrested here on Friday last while at work on the Bluff line. According to the confession of Wyatt, Starkey entered the house and did the shooting while he and Brown stood guard on the outside. Wyatt is a sewing machine agent and lived in Alton at the time of the murder, and Brown boarded with him. Starkey lived at Bethalto and has been in trouble before. Willard Gillham, the son of Senator Gillham, has devoted his entire time in searching out these men, and was assisted in the work by other members of the family. There is general rejoicing over the news of the capture, as Mr. Gillham was one of the most prominent men in Madison County and Illinois. He was a very rich man, and has held many public offices in the State. At the time of the tragedy he was a member of the State Board of Agriculture.

Source: Buffalo, New York Morning Express, February 13, 1891
Alton, III., Feb. 13. - The murderers of Senator Daniel B. Gillham have been arrested and two of them are now in the jail at Edwardsville. The two men now in jail are John Brown and H. C. Wyatt. Wyatt was captured in Omaha last week and made a full confession, implicating Brown and a man named George Starkey, who was arrested at St. Joseph, Mo., yesterday. Brown was arrested here on Friday last while at work. According to the confession of Wyatt, Starkey entered the house while he and Brown stood guard on the outside. There is general rejoicing over the news of the capture of these men, as Mr. Gillham was one of the prominent men in Madison County and Illinois.

Wyatt’s Confession Exculpates Brown and Starkey
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 22, 1896
Mr. Willard L. Gillham, son of Senator Daniel B. Gillham, gave out the following confession of James Robert Wyatt, charged with the murder of the late Senator Gillham, and on whose evidence Brown and Starkey were sent to the penitentiary for 30 years. The following is a copy of the confession, given to Mr. Dempsey Able (brother-in-law of the Browns) by Mr. Gillham:

Lewiston, Illinois, October 10, Willard L. Gillham:
“Dear Sir, The words that I told you are true on my dying bed, so help me Almighty God. He is in heaven above. I swore falsely against John Brown and George Starkey. This is my last words to you on this earth. Signed, James Robert wyatt.”

Mr. Able informed a representative of this paper that Wyatt told him that he never saw George Starkey in his life until he saw him in Edwardsville. He also said that he knew nothing about the murder of Senator Gillham, and that his reasons for swearing against Brown were that Brown had him arrested for stealing his watch. Wyatt swore upon the witness stand during the trial that he had never served a term in the penitentiary, when the attorney for Brown held a telegram in his hand from the Warden of the Chester Penitentiary, saying that Wyatt had served a term there under the name of M. B. Allen, for horse stealing. Wyatt has since served a term in Indiana, and was under conviction at Lewiston, when he hanged himself in the jail with a towel last Saturday night. It is very evident that so far as Wyatt’s testimony was concerned at the trial of Brown and Starkey, it was wholly unreliable, and should never have been received. He admitted after the trial that he had perjured himself in the matter of his testimony in regard to his service in the penitentiary.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 17, 1900
Efforts Being Made to Secure Pardon of John Brown
Efforts are being made, and with considerable show of success, to secure the pardon of John Brown from the Chester penitentiary where he is serving a life sentence for the murder of Senator D. B. Gillham in Upper Alton, nearly ten years ago. New and important evidence showing the entire innocence of Brown has been unearthed by Col. J. J. Brenholt, attorney for Brown, and who represented the latter at the trial when he was convicted mainly on the evidence of a man named Wyatt, who turned State's evidence to save himself. John Brown was always considered a law abiding citizen until the death of Senator Gillham, and that he had any connection with that unfortunate affair was proven only by circumstantial evidence and the word of a self-confessed wrongdoer, Wyatt, a sewing machine agent who reputation was bad. Wyatt said he was one of a party who planned a raid on Senator Gillham's residence for the purpose of robbery, and they were carrying out their plans when Senator Gillham discovered them and was killed. George Starkey and John Brown were implicated by this confession, arrested, convicted and sent to the Chester penitentiary. Starkey died there a few years ago. All through his trial Brown protested his innocence but for his determination not to involve a friend in disgrace, could have proven a complete alibi. Advised by his counsel to do so, he refused and said he preferred to hang rather than involve another in everlasting disgrace. The case, owing to the prominence of some of the parties, attracted widespread attention, and the Gillham family employed eminent legal talent and spent a great deal of money to secure conviction. Some years ago at Lewiston, Wyatt made a confession supported by affidavit that Brown was innocent and was not implicated in the plan to rob or in any other way with the death. He said, too, that he himself was the murderer of Mr. Gillham, and that he perjured himself at the trial. Willard Gillham, a son of the dead senator, went to Lewiston and saw Wyatt, who told him the same story. Wyatt was jailed, and suicided a few days after. Col. Brenholt and Brown's relatives then renewed their efforts to secure the liberty of Brown. His father-in-law, Dempsey Abel, a resident of Upper Alton, has spent almost his entire means endeavoring to secure the vindication and release of his son-in-law. A Roman Catholic clergyman has recently become very active in behalf of Brown, and is assisting Colonel Brenholt materially. He states that he knows positively now that Brown is innocent, and he will go before the Board of Pardon's with such of his story as he can tell. It is the impression of those familiary with the facts that John Brown will soon be a free man, and these same persons have no hesitation in saying that he is a martyr to principle.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 8, 1901
Charged With Murder of D. B. Gilham, John Brown's Sentence Shortened to 17 Years 6 Months
The Telegraph is indebted to D. B. Breed, clerk of the Board of Pardons, for the following opinion of the board in the case of John Brown, charged with the murder of Daniel B. Gilham in 1890, at his home in Upper Alton. The sentence is commuted to 17 years and 6 months. The jury sentenced Brown and Starkey to 30 years each. Starkey died in prison a few years ago. The third party connected with the murder, Wyatt, committed suicide in the Lewiston jail a few years ago while confined upon the charge of horse theft. Below is the opinion of the board:

"At the October term, 1891, of the Circuit Court of Madison county, Judge A. S. Wilderman presiding, the petitioner was convicted of the crime of murder, and sentenced to the penitentiary at Chester for 30 years. On the morning of the 19th of March, 1890, burglars entered the residence of Hon. Daniel B. Gillham in Upper Alton for the purpose of robbery. Hearing the men in the house, Mr. Gillham arose from his bed and encountered a man who was engaged in rifling his pants. As Mr. Gillham moved toward the man, the latter fired and the ball struck Mr. Gilham in the left breast. Mr. Gillham died shortly after from the effects of the wound. Sometime afterwards, the petitioner, George Starkey and one James R. Wyatt were indicted for the murder of Mr. Gilham. Mr. Gillham could not positively identify the man who shot him, but prior to his death gave as good a description of him as was possible, and this description very closely resembled Starkey. On the trial, Wyatt turned State's evidence and testified for the State. The State's attorney informed the jury that unless the testimony of Wyatt was corroborated, he would not ask the jury to believe it. And there is no doubt but that in many respects his testimony was so corroborated. Mr. Gillham was one of the best known men in the State, and his murder caused a most profound sensation. Every detail of the crime and all the circumstances surrounding it were very widely published in the leading papers in this State and also in St. Louis. In view of this fact it was an easy matter for Wyatt to testify to matters of which he had no knowledge, but could easily be corroborated by other witnesses. There is no doubt but Wyatt was a bad man, in the full acceptation of the term. He served one term in the Chester penitentiary and ended his life by suicide in a county jail while waiting to be transferred to the Joliet penitentiary. The state's attorney seems to have had no confidence in him, only as he was corroborated by creditable persons. And it is conceded by a majority of the jurors that had it not been for Wyatt's testimony, they would not have convicted Brown and Starkey. Starkey died in prison, and on his deathbed, when he knew that he had but a few hours to live, denied that he had anything to do with the crime. Wyatt was arrested in Fulton county for some crime, and had been sentenced to the prison at Joliet. He had the sheriff telegraph to a son of the murdered man, who arrived at the jail the next day, and had an interview with Wyatt. This son writes the board as follows: 'I saw Wyatt at Lewistown, Fulton county, the day before he killed himself. He said that he did not know anything about the murder, and did not know whether Starkey and Brown were guilty or not.' On the same or preceding day he told the turnkey of the jail and another man, affidavits of whom are in the record, that he was concerned in the killing, but that he had sworn falsely against Starkey and Brown. When Wyatt's dead body was found in the cell, a letter was found under the pillow of his cot, which is as follows: 'Lewistown, Ill., October 10, 18--. Williard L. Gillham: Dear Sir - The words that I told you are true on my dying bed, so help me Almighty God, who is in Heaven above. I swore falsely against John Brown and George Starkey. This is my last words to you on this earth. James Robert Wyatt.' There is presented to us an affidavit made by his wife in which she states that her husband had entered into an agreement with another man to testify against Brown and Starkey. The consideration of this agreement was that the other party was to save Wyatt from punishment for a crime he had committed. We know nothing of the credibility of Mrs. Wyatt, but portions of her affidavits are undoubtedly true, but the statement to which we have alluded may or may not be true. The state's attorney in his statement says: 'I do not think Brown intended to do any more than commit a burglary and would never have shot Gillham. Wyatt was a man of no principle, but he seemed to be corroborated by witnesses of unquestioned integrity.'

As has already been stated, it was an easy matter for Wyatt to testify to certain circumstances in which he was corroborated, as the state's attorney suggests. And yet, he might have all the time been swearing falsely, as he says (in his letter just before he committed suicide) he did. If the testimony of Wyatt is eliminated, then according to the statement of the jury, which is found in the record, the petitioner and Starkey would not have been convicted. If the sworn statement of Wyatt's is to be believed, there is an inducement for him to swear falsely at the trial; and he also told the jailor at Lewistown that he expected to secure part of the reward offered for the conviction of the party who killed Mr. Gillham. But there was no inducement for him to sit down just before he was going to die and write a falsehood. It seems that, for some time prior to Brown's arrest, there was more or less talk in the immediate vicinity, of Brown having some connection with or knowledge of the murder. Affidavits are presented for one or more parties who spoke to him about the matter. Knowing this idea was prevalent to a certain extent, had he been guilty it would seem that he would have made some attempt to escape, but he did not. The law gives to the prisoner the benefit of any doubts, and the testimony of Wyatt, and his subsequent statement leaves upon our minds a very grave doubt as to the guilt of the petitioner. There was quite a large reward offered for the conviction of the murderers of Mr. Gillham. That Wyatt was a conscientiousless scoundrel, who would not hesitate to commit perjury, is beyond question. The conviction of Brown and Starkey rested upon statements which he made. That the hope of a money consideration would lead him to swear away the liberty of anyone is no doubt true. The jury, after hearing all the evidence, were undoubtedly impressed with the idea that there was a probability that Brown and Starkey were innocent. Had they felt otherwise, they certainly would have given the prisoners a more severe sentence. A petition signed by over three hundred citizens of the county asking an absolute pardon is before us. While having no confidence in Wyatt's statement, we believe he came nearer telling the truth when he wrote the letter which was found under his pillow, after he committed suicide, than when he was on the witness stand testifying with the hope of reward before him. Could we believe from all the facts and circumstances as they appear before us, that this petitioner was undoubtedly guilty, our regret would be that it was not in our power to extend the term of his imprisonment to his natural life. If Wyatt, who was the principle witness, had been a man whose word the State's attorney would have accepted without it being corroborated by credible persons, we would not recommend any interference with the judgment of the court. But, in view of all the circumstances, we feel that there is such a doubt of the guilt of the prisoner, who has never before been accused of crime, that we believe the sentence should be commuted. We, therefore, recommend that the sentence be commuted to seventeen years and six months."

The Board of Pardons consists of Richard A. Lemon, Clinton, Chairman; Morris Emmerson, Mt. Vernon; Ethan A. Snively, Springfield; D. B. Breed, Clerk.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 17, 1901
John Brown, the man who has served ten years in the Chester penitentiary for the murder of Senator Daniel Gillham in Upper Alton, is well and is looking forward with pleasant anticipations to the time when he will be released from confinement September 17. Brown says that he intends to go back to Upper Alton to make his home and will try to secure work at his old trade, carpentry. He says that it is his ambition to live an upright life in Upper Alton, and to try to show by his life that he was not guilty of the terrible crime that was fastened upon him at his trial.

Source: September 18, 1901 John Brown Returns to North Alton
John Brown, who was liberated yesterday from the Chester penitentiary where he was confined 11 years for the murder of Senator Daniel B. Gillham, arrived home this morning from Chester. He is staying at the home of Dempsey Abel at North Alton

Source: Find A Grave; Newspaper article dated October 14, year unknown. History of the Case
Senator Daniel B. Gillham was murdered on March 18, 1890 at his home on the outskirts of Upper Alton. It was between 1 and 2 o'clock in the morning when he was awakened by a burglar in his room. He immediately started for the fellow, who warned him to stand back. Mr. Gillham, however, kept on and was shot through the left breast. For days his life hung in the balance, but it was thought he had recovered about May. In the following summer he died quite suddenly [He actually died April 6, 1890]. The day after the attempted murder, Chief of Police Kuhn asserted that two men, Sterehey [Starkey] and Wyatt, had a hand in the affair, but there was no evidence to hold them. Time dragged by, and finally a clue came from St. Joseph, Mo. Wyatt was a machine agent, and in some way one of the company's men got on to Wyatt's connection with the case. Wyatt turned state's evidence, and got off free. He testified that Sterchey [Starkey] a man named Brown who had worked for Gillham, and he had planned to rob Gillham, as they had seen him come from a bank the evening before and presumed he had drawn considerable money.

More information on Daniel Brown Gillham:
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 24, 1866
We learn that Mr. Daniel Brown Gillham, residing in the American Bottom, was shamefully beaten this morning by a couple of Irishmen – brothers – named Mike and Thomas Toomey. The facts in the case were reported to us as follows:

Mr. Gillham had driven into town with a load of wheat for sale, and had stopped by the sidewalk on Short Street [West Broadway], waiting for purchasers. While waiting there, the assailants wanted him, for some reason, to change his position, which he not doing, they commenced pulling the reins of his horses and whipping them. Mr. Gillham at first expostulated with them, which doing no good, he finally resisted their proceedings, at which they both attacked him and beat him in a shocking manner, his face being badly bruised. The parties were taken before Justice Middleton, but took a change of venue and went before Justice Regan, who, after examining the case, fined one of the assailants ten dollars, and the other twenty dollars. Those who are acquainted with all the circumstances of the case say that they should have been fined to the full extent of the law.


GILLHAM, EDITH BELLE/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 26, 1875
Daughter of Senator Daniel B. Gillham
Hon. Daniel B. Gillham has been greatly afflicted in the loss of his daughter, Edith Belle, an unusually promising and interesting girl of 12 years, who died Tuesday evening at the family residence in Upper Alton after a protracted illness. Mr. Gillham and family have the sympathy of a host of friends in their affliction. [Burial was in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.]


GILLHAM, EDWARD “EDDY” LINCOLN/Source: Madison County Courier, August 30, 1866
Died at Wanda, Madison County, of summer complaint, Eddy Lincoln, infant son of Gershom Patterson and Mary Ann (Lacy) Gillham; aged 1 year, 4 months, and 20 days. [Burial was in the Wanda Cemetery.]


GILLHAM, HANNAH MARIAH (nee BARNSBACK)/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 13, 1879
Wife of Josiah K. Gillham
From Edwardsville – Mrs. Gillham, relict of the late Josiah K. Gillham, and mother-in-law of Hon. W. H. Krome, died at the residence of the latter in Edwardsville last Thursday. The deceased was a daughter of Mrs. Mary Barnsback, widow of the late George Barnsback, who with a large number of relations and friends, were in attendance at the funeral last Saturday.

Hannah Barnsback Gillham was born July 13, 1819, in Illinois. She was the daughter of George Frederick Julius Barnsback (1781-1869) and Mary Ann Minter Barnsback (1787-1879). According to Find A Grave, Hannah was married to Shadrach Bond Gillham (1812-1874), but the obituary above states she was married to Josiah K. Gillham. Her children were: Emma B. Gillham, Clarence Gillham, Julia Ann Gillham Hatcher (1839-1904), George Johnson Gillham (1841-1901), Melvina Gillham Gonterman (1842-1928), Julius Augustus Gillham (1844-1904), Lucy Medora Gillham Krome (1853-1928), Josiah F. Gillham (1857-1860), Alma Belle Gillham (1859-1860), Thomas E. Gillham (1861-1865), and Isabel J. Gillham (1866-1868).


GILLHAM, HETTY/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 5, 1878
Mrs. Hetty, wife of Mr. J. J. Gillham, who lives in the American Bottom below Alton, died at 12 o’clock Monday night of erysipelas, after an illness of about three weeks. She leaves a husband and four children, besides numerous other relatives and friends to mourn her death. Mrs. Gillham was a sister of Mrs. J. H. Maupin of Alton.


GILLHAM, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 15, 1903
Member of Pioneering Family
James Gillham, one of the oldest residents of Madison county, died at his home on North Alby street, in this city, last night at 8:30 o'clock, aged 78 years. He was in his usual health last evening at supper time. He listened while his daughter read the evening paper to him, and expressed himself as feeling better than usual. He retired soon after, and about 8:30 o'clock his wife heard him breathing heavily. She spoke to him, but he did not answer. She called other members of the family, but when they arrived the vital spark had fled. James Gillham was born near Wanda, in this county, 78 years ago [1825]. He was a member of the large, well known family of Gillhams, pioneers of this county, and whose names are associated with the early history of this section of the State. In 1869, Mr. Gillham purchased the "Booth place" on North Alby street, and has resided there since that date. He has one brother living, R. C. Gillham of Edwardsville, and one sister, Mrs. John Wilson of Albany, Ill. His aged wife survives him, although she has been quite ill several times during the winter. She is now much stronger. Two step-daughters also survive him, Mrs. Charles Connor of Hope, North Dakota, and Mrs. A. O. Borden of Alton. W. R. Gillham, in the employ of the Electric Railway Company, is a nephew of deceased. Mr. Gillham was never robust physically, and has always had the appearance of being older than he really was, but has enjoyed fair health. He was highly esteemed by all acquaintances and deeply attached to his family. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning at his home on Alby street, at 8 o'clock. The interment will take place in the Wanda cemetery, eight miles east of Alton.


GILLHAM, JOHN FLETCHER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 03, 1899
Member of Pioneer Family
The first victim of the hot weather is J. Fletcher Gillham, who died last night at his home on the Grafton Road. Mr. Gillham moved to a farm on the Grafton Road sometime ago, and was engaged in agricultural pursuits. He had been working in the sun yesterday afternoon, and was feeling badly from the effects of being overheated. Last night, while sitting on his porch, he was suddenly stricken with heart failure, and fell to the floor, expiring almost instantly. Dr. Worden of North Alton was summoned, but he could do nothing as Mr. Gillham was then dead.

He was well known in this vicinity, having conducted a livery stable on Belle Street until one year ago. With his family he lived on State Street until a few years ago, when he moved to a farm near Godfrey. He was a ________, and for many years followed the business of dealing in horses. He was 57 years of age. He leaves a wife and five daughters – Misses Grace, Olive, Edna, Bernice, and Louise Gillham. The funeral will be Friday morning from the family home.

Source: Find A Grave
Fletcher Gillham, 58 years old, a well-know farmer residing near North Alton, fell from his chair dead on Wednesday night while sitting on the front porch talking to members of his family. Mr. Gillham was a member of the Gillham family that played such an important part in the early history of Illinois and the American Bottom in Madison County, Illinois.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 04, 1899
The funeral of John Fletcher Gillham took place this morning from the family home on the Grafton Road. There was a large attendance of old friends. Rev. J. A. Scarritt, a lifelong friend of Mr. Gillham, who officiated at his wedding many years ago, conducted the funeral services. A long cortege followed the body to Newbern, where interment took place and additional services were held.

John Fletcher Gillham was born January 11, 1842, in Jersey County, Illinois. He was the son of Andrew J. Gillham (1822-1861) and Margaret Darlington Gillham (1822-1892). Andrew’s parents were John Davidson Gillham (1783-1851) and Mary Gillham Gillham (1787-1851).

Fletcher married Mary Ellen Brown (1852-1937), and they had the following children: Blanche M. Gillham (1873-1889); Mary Olive Gillham (1877-1944); Edna Nellie Gillham Vieh (1879-1975); Katherine Bernice “Kate” Gillham Armstrong (1890-1982); Grace Gillham; and Louise Gillham. Fletcher was interred in the East Newbern Cemetery, Dow, Jersey County, Illinois.


GILLHAM, LEWELLYN/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 26, 1850
Died at his residence in the American Bottom, on the 20th inst., of cholera, Lewellyn Gillham, Esq., in the ___ year of his age. He was taken ill about one o’clock in the afternoon, and died at night the same day. His suffering was short but severe, and he bore it with the fortitude of a Christian. Mr. Gillham was an affectionate husband and father, and was universally beloved by all who knew him. In his death, the community have lost a valuable citizen, and the church a devoted member. About thirteen years previous to his death, he made a profession of the Christian religion, and yoked himself with the M. E. Church, and lived and died an acceptable member of the same. A short time before his departure, he showed his belief that his sickness would be unto death, but at the same time, expressed an entire confidence in the mercy of his God, and said, “If it is the Lord’s will, I would rather die than live.” With perfect confidence and fully relizing that he was completing his labors on earth, he requested of his wife to meet him in Heaven, and then expressed himself as though he had obtained a complete victory over the grave. Mr. Gillham leaves a companion, two sweet little children, and an aged mother, besides many other friends, to mourn his loss. He rests from his labors, where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary soul is at rest. May the Lord direct his family to the same haven of refuge!

According to the “History of Madison County, 1882,” Lewellyn Gillham was the son of Thomas and Letitia (Davidson) Gillham, and grandson of Isaac Gillham, who married in South Carolina to Jane Kirkpatrick, and immigrated to Illinois in 1804 or 1805, and settled in the American Botton in Madison County, Illinois.


GILLHAM, LYDIA (nee SOUTHARD)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 18, 1916
Mrs. Lydia Gillham, wife of William, died Sunday morning at 3 o'clock at the family home, 207 east Twelfth street, after a brief illness with Bright's disease. It was not until the last few days that her friends knew that the condition of Mrs. Gillham was at all serious. She had been sick only a week and the malady was dangerous from the very start. The news of her death came as a sad surprise to her many friends, who had learned to love her for her many good qualities. She was know for her kindliness and her thoughtfulness, and many a good act was performed by Mrs. Gillham where comfort was administered to those in distress, and help to the needy, without anyone being the wiser. The remembrance of her many virtues is held by all those who knew her, especially by her family and those who had lived as neighbors to her. Mrs. Gillham was Miss Lydia Southard, and was born near Wanda in Madison county. She came of an old time Madison county family. A childhood romance that began when they were boys and girls culminated in the marriage of Mrs. Gillham, and the couple remained all their thirty-five years of married life the same devoted sweethearts they had been as children. Mrs. Gillham was born in Madison county, August 7th, 1859. She leaves her husband and four children, Claude of Jarbridge, Nev.; Gershom Gillham and Misses Maude and Ino Gillham of Alton. One son, Gershom, is convalescent after a long illness at the family home. The funeral will be held from the residence Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. A. C. Goyer of the First Methodist Church officiating.


GILLHAM, MARTHA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 10, 1912
Mrs. Martha Gillham, widow of Shadrick B. Gillham, aged 79, dropped dead Saturday night at 6:30 o'clock in the Gillham home on Brown street while talking to her daughter, Miss Lillie Gillham, with whom she lived. The death of Mrs. Gillham was entirely unexpected. She had been in very good health in spite of her advanced age, and she had been about the house during the day and had gone out in the yard several times and worked in her flower garden. Saturday evening shortly after supper, Mrs. Gillham was in the sitting room talking to her daughter, when she was suddenly stricken and died without speaking a word. Dr. L. L. Yerkes was called in, but he found Mrs. Gillham dead. Her death is attributed to apoplexy. Mrs. Gillham passed her 79th birthday last month. She was born in 1833 in the country, just this side of East St. Louis, which is now comprised by the corporation of Granite City. She married S. B. Gillham on January 11, 1859, and had lived in Upper Alton ever since. Her husband was for many years president of the Upper Alton school board, and was a very prominent man in Madison county many years. Six years ago Mr. and Mrs. Gillham sold their old place at the east end of Brown street where they had lived forty-two years, and moved to a handsome new home on the same street several blocks west. In this house both Mr. and Mrs. Gillham died. She leaves two daughters and one son. The son, James T. Atkins, lives at Riverside, California. The daughters are Mrs. H. G. Sargent of Kansas City and Miss Lillie Gillham of Upper Alton. A notable coincidence in the death of Mrs. Gillham is that she passed away on the same day of the week at the same hour that her husband did - Saturday at about half past six in the evening. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Upper Alton Methodist church. Rev. Dr. Scarritt of Alton will officiate.


GILLHAM, RYDERUS C./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 18, 1846
Died at his residence on the Sandridge in the American Bottom, Madison County, on the 19th ult., Mr. Ryderus C. Gillham, aged 65 years, 6 months and 16 days. The deceased was born in South Carolina, but immigrated to this state in 1802, and has since resided in the present bounds of Madison County. He was married in February 1807, and settled on the farm on which he died in April following, where he has resided ever since. Mr. Gillham has been the father of 14 children, 12 of whom are now living - 8 by his first, and 6 by a second wife. He joined the Methodist E. Church in 1810, and lived an acceptable member till his death, and has left a widow, a large family, and many relations and friends to mourn his loss, which to them is irreparable, but the righteous has hope in his death.


Samuel Parker GillhamGILLHAM, SAMUEL PARKER/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 28, 1875; Find A Grave
Pioneer of Madison County
Samuel Parker Gillham was born in the American Bottoms of Madison County, Illinois, on December 26, 1809. He was the son of Ryderus Clark Gillham of Virginia (1783-1846) and Susannah G. Brown Gillham of South Carolina (1790-1824). Susannah Gillham died in 1824 and is buried in the Wanda Cemetery in South Roxana. Ryderus Gillham remarried in 1824 to Loruhamah Patterson Stockton (1793-1864), widow of Samuel Stockton (1794-1819). Loruhamah died in 1864, and is buried in the Wanda Cemetery also. Ryderus and Susannah had eleven children. Ryderus and Loruhamah had four children.

Samuel’s earliest recollection was a small stockade fort, on Section 1, Township 4, Range 9, of Chouteau Township, Madison County, Illinois, near his home. In 1811, the New Madrid earthquakes struck when Samuel was two years old. He also lived through the War of 1812, which brought troubles from the Indians.

Samuel married Louisa Gillham (1811-1852). They had eleven children: Ruhamah P. Gillham Estep (1832-1855); John Haskell Gillham (1836-1908); Anna Priscilla Gillham (1838-1841); Samuel Clark Gillham (1842-1915); Susan Sophia Gillham (1843-1844); James Summerfield Gillham (1845-1845); Ryderus Strange Gillham (1845-1845); Mary Ellen Gillham (1847-1848); Joshua Edmundson Gillham (1849-1853); Thomas Newton Gillham (1849-1864); and Lewis Jeffers Gillham (1852-1923). Samuel remarried to Oletha Wilson Ware (1818-1878), and they had three children: Wilson Ware Gillham (1857-1938); Sarah B. Gillham (1858-1858); and Clarissa Sciota Gillham (1860-1939).

Samuel Gillham settled on a farm one-half mile from where he was born. He moved onto the farm in February 1834, and resided it until his death on September 6, 1878, at the age of 68 years. He is buried in the Wanda Cemetery in South Roxana, Illinois.

Samuel Gillham wrote an article for the Alton Telegraph, which was published on January 28, 1875. This “Talks with Old Settlers” article details the many lives and experiences of early settlers of Madison County.


GILLHAM, SHADRACH BOND/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 10, 1874
This esteemed old citizen of Madison County died on his farm in the American Bottom at 11 o’clock Wednesday morning [December 9], of typhoid pneumonia. Mr. Gillham went to St. Louis last Friday morning with a drove of hogs and was taken sick in that city, and had to be brought home before he could dispose of his hogs, and died as stated above. Mr. Gillham was born in Madison County in the American Bottom in November 1812, and was in his 63rd year at the time of his death.

In Memoriam of Shadrach Bond Gillham
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 31, 1874
Shadrach Bond Gillham, the subject of this brief sketch, was born in Madison County, Illinois, November 25, 1812, being in his sixty-third year at the time of his death. He lost his father when quite young, and many years of his early manhood were spent working with, and superintending his mother’s farm. At the age of 25 years, he married Hannah Mariah, daughter of George Barnsback, of Madison County. He selected for his home a spot not far from his birthplace, and by industry, perseverance, and economy, soon made for himself and family a pleasant home, and lived therein in peace and contentment until his recent and sudden death. A man of great energy and ability, he seldom, if ever, undertook anything he did not accomplish. Try, try again was his motto, and I never knew him to fail. Being of a kind disposition and pleasant manner, he was loved by young and old. Some fifteen years ago, he united with the Baptist Church of Upper Alton, and remained a member of that church until his death.

Business called him on December 2 to St. Louis, and while there he was taken violently ill. By the assistance of friends, he reached home. A physician was called, but he continued to grow worse, and though all in human power was done to save him, in the sixth day of his sickness he passed away. Shortly before he died, he called his family around him and requested his daughter to play his favorite melody on the piano, and as calmly as a babe falls to sleep, he passed away. Thus, in one short week, the loved father and husband was taken.

He was buried at the old family graveyard on “Ridge Prairie,” buried by the side of his four little children who had gone before him, and who were waiting with outstretch arms on that “shining shore” for papa. Kind neighbor, dear husband, and beloved father, may you indeed be on that shining shore where sorrow will come no more, and may you be encircled by those little ones who called you papa. Mr. Gillham leaves a wife and six children to mourn his loss. Signed by L. M. G. [possibly Lucy Medora Gillham, his daughter]

Shadrach Bond Gillham was the son of Isom (1777-1824) and Ruth Vaughn (1790-?) Gillham. He was named after Shadrach Bond, the first Governor of Illinois. His wife was Hannah Mariah Barnsback Gillham (1819-1879). Burial was in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville. His children were:
Emma B. Gillham; Clarence Gillham; Julia Ann Gillham Hatcher (1839-1904); George Johnson Gillham (1841-1901; Melvina Gillham Gonterman (1842-1928); Julius Augustus Gillham (1844-1904); Lucy Medora Gillham Krome (1853-1928); Josiah F. Gillham (1857-1860); Alma Belle Gillham (1859-1860); Thomas E. Gillham (1861-1865); and Isabel J. Gillham (1866-1868).


GILLHAM, SHADRACH BOND "SHED"/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 16, 1908
Shadrach B. Gillham, aged 77, died Saturday evening at his home in Upper Alton after a long illness. Mr. Gillham was generally known as "Shed" Gillham. He was a conspicuous figure in Upper Alton for many years. He held the position of president of the Upper Alton public school board for 17 years, and was a member of the board of education for 22 years. He held down the post of secretary of Franklin lodge A. F. & A. M. of Upper Alton for many years. Within the last year Mr. Gillham's health had been showing signs of breaking down, and because of this fact he gave up all the duties he could in this connection, resigning both as president of the board of education and as secretary of his lodge. During his long residence in Upper Alton he had lived a life that merited the respect and confidence of all who knew him. In the death of S. B. Gillham, one of the oldest and most prominent residents of Madison county has passed away. Mr. Gillham was not only prominent in the conduct of the public schools and educational institutions, but was connected with public affairs for many years. He was the first supervisor of Wood River township, having been elected in 1876 when the township was organized. He was re-elected to the office each year from that on to 1883. He retired from the office of supervisor that year, but was elected to it again in 1884 and held the office three years longer. In 1887 he was elected a highway commissioner and held that office each year until 1893. During his long period of office as supervisor of Wood River, he was chairman of the county board several times. Mr. Gillham leaves his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Lettie Sargent and Miss Lillie Gillham, and a son, Willard L. Gillham. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Methodist church, Rev. M. B. Baker conducting the service being assisted by Rev. C. C. Hall, C. C. Nash, and J. A. Scarritt. The pallbearers will be J. G. Seitz, W. H. Cartwright, C. H. Campbell, D. M. Kittenger, Henry Blase and D. A. Wyckoff. The public schools will close for a half day in honor of a man who had been at their service twenty-five years.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 18, 1908
An interesting feature of the funeral of Shadrach B. Gillham Tuesday afternoon in Upper Alton was the large attendance of relatives. They gathered from all parts of Madison county, and while there were twelve carriage loads of the Gillhams who followed the body of Mr. Gillham to the cemetery, there were many who walked. The great number of Gillhams who could be assembled at a funeral representing many families calls up the fact that for many years the Gillham family was probably the most numerous in Madison county. At one time they owned all the land on the west side of the county from East Alton to East St. Louis. The Gillhams knew not the race suicide against which President Roosevelt preached. They reared large families and their families reared other large families. They married into other families that were large and almost all of them lived well and prospered. Few of them can be found who do not own property in the county, at least possessing the homes in which they live. The first Gillham who came to Madison county was Charles Gillham, who came through here from Kentucky in 1797 seeking his family who were stolen by Indians and whom he recovered in Logan county. He liked his first impression of Madison county, and came back here in 1802 to live. The family has been here ever since, and they have grown up into a set of good citizens who have been honored and respected wherever they have lived in the county. Probably no other family outside of the Browns and Smiths and Jones, could assemble such a large number of people of the same name, and it is also probable that there is not a single family name that would include so many blood relatives and those acquired by marriage. One son of the deceased, Charles Gillham, could not be notified of his father's death as his whereabouts are unknown.


GILLHAM, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 17, 1852
Constable Shot and Killed
We learn that Mr. Thomas Gillham, a Constable of Madison County, living in the American Bottom, while attempting on last Saturday to serve a legal writ upon a man named John Wilkinson for an assault and battery, was shot by the latter through the body, and expired almost instantly. It is stated that the act was done in cool blood, and without the least provocation. Wilkinson escaped immediately after the murder, and has not yet been apprehended, but as a large force is out in pursuit of him, there is little doubt but that he will be speedily arrested and brought to justice. A reward of $200 is offered for his apprehension by the friends of the murdered man. It is thought he is making for Whitehall, where he has a number of relatives residing.

Later: The reward for the apprehension of Wilkinson, for the murder of Thomas Gillham, has been increased to $500.


GILLHAM, THOMAS ELMER/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 24, 1865
Died on February 21, 1865, at 2 p.m., Thomas Elmer, youngest son of Shadrach B. and Hannah Gillham, aged 2 years and 9 months. The funeral will take place on Thursday at 9 o’clock a.m., from the residence of the parents in the American Bottom, to the family buying ground of the venerable George Barnsback, Ridge Prairie, four miles south of Edwardsville. The friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend without further notice.


GILLHAM, VIRGINIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 15, 1872
Wife of Daniel B. Gillham
Died on March 12, in Madison County, about one and a quarter mile northeast of the Edwardsville Junction, Mrs. Virginia, wife of Daniel B. Gillham.


GILLHAM, WILLIAM WESLEY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 6, 1900
William Wesley Gillham died at his home in North Alton this morning at 1:30, of lung fever. Mr. Gillham was born near Newbern, Jersey county, 56 years ago, and was a resident of that portion of the country the greater part of his life. Three years ago, he moved to North Alton from Roodhouse, where he had conducted a livery business in connection with his brother, Fletcher Gillham. He had been ill only one week, having taken cold while at work in Hop Hollow, which developed into lung fever, causing his death. Besides a wife, he leaves one son and three daughters to mourn his death. The funeral will probably be Saturday morning from the family home to East Newbern.


GILLIES, ANNA ROPER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 23, 1899
Mrs. Anna Gillies died last night at her home, 1414 Alby Street, after a long illness. She was 84 years of age, and had lived in Alton most of her long life. Mrs. Gillies was one of the best-known of Alton’s oldest residents. She was industrious and frugal, and had the respect of a very large circle of friends among the older residents of Alton. She leaves three grandchildren living in Alton – Miss Anna May Roper, who is a teacher in a St. Louis Institute for deaf and dumb children; Walter Roper, a young glassblower; and William Roper. Mrs. Gillies was of a remarkably strong race, and was able to be about her household duties until a few months ago, when she suffered a break of a hip joint by falling. Since then, she has been unable to move, and failed rapidly. Death was due to the frailties of old age. She was born in Dalry, Ayrshire, Scotland, January 01, 1815. She came to Alton in 1857. She was a sister of Mr. John Gillies, of Woodburn, a well-known resident of Madison County. The funeral will be Sunday from her late home.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 26, 1899
Mrs. Annie Gillies was buried Sunday afternoon, with services at her late home, 1414 Alby Street. The home was filled with friends of the venerable lady. Services were conducted by Rev. Dr. M. Jameson. The casket was borne by six of her old friends and countrymen – Messrs. H. Spiers of Bunker Hill; R. Curdie, J. Goudie, J. McKissock, J. Mitchell, and Thomas Hyndman. Interment was in the Alton City Cemetery, where a large number of Mrs. Gillies old-time friends saw the worn body laid away in the grave for the long rest. [Find A Grave has her burial in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.]


GILLILAND, UNKNOWN CHILD OF A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 3, 1900
The two years old child of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilliland died this morning at 8182 Second Street, and will be buried at Kane tomorrow.


GILLIS, MARIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 22, 1907
Mrs. Marie Gillis, colored, aged 73 years, died Saturday morning at 2 a.m. at the home of her son, James Gillis, No. 1200 Wise street, after a long illness from asthma. The son is the only survivor of the family. The funeral will be held at 12:30 p.m. Sunday from the colored Baptist church. Rev. Mr. Mason will conduct the services.


Abia Swift Lippincott GilmanGILMAN, ABIA SWIFT (nee LIPPINCOTT)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 14, 1902
Daughter of Rev. Thomas Lippincott; Widow of Winthrop S. Gilman
The following death notice is from New York Tribune, of March 3:
"On Sunday, March 2, 1902, at the house of her son-in-law, Commander Richard Graham Davenport, U.S.N., Washington, D. C., in the 85th year of her age, Abia Swift, widow of Winthrop Sargent Gilman of New York. Funeral service at the brick Presbyterian Church, Fifth Avenue and Thirty-Seventh Street, at 10:30 a.m. of Wednesday, March 5."

Mrs. Gilman was the widow of Winthrop S. Gilman, a member of the firm of Godfrey & Gilman, merchants of Alton in the early days. It was in the warehouse of this firm that Lovejoy's last press was stored, and where its defenders took refuge from the mob that slew Mr. Lovejoy on the night of November 7, 1837.

Abia Swift Lippincott Gilman was the daughter of Reverend Thomas and Patience “Patty” Swift Lippincott, who married August 15, 1816. On July 3, 1817, their first child – Abia Swift Lippincott – was born in Lumberland, New York, where Lippincott was working for a lumber dealer. On October 28, 1817, when Abia was three months old, the Lippincotts left Lumberland to seek a new home in the West. They traveled in a one-horse wagon, and then joined a party of 25 people in a flat-bottomed boat. After reaching Shawneetown, Illinois, they took a wagon and drove for nine days, reached the Mississippi River on January 17, 1819, and took a ferry across the river to St. Louis. At St. Louis, they were welcomed by Mr. Lippincott’s brother, Samuel. Thomas Lippincott first worked as a clerk in St. Louis, and became acquainted with Colonel Rufus Easton. The Colonel asked him to take goods to establish a store in his newly found Alton in Illinois, which he laid out in 1817. They formed a partnership as Lippincott & Co., and Thomas loaded his goods onto a boat, and disembarked at Alton. Once at Alton, he heard of the flourishing town called Milton near the Wood River (which was more populated at the time), and decided to set up his store there.

The Reverend and his wife established the first Sabbath School in the State of Illinois at the small settlement of Milton. Within a few months after his arrival, he received a commission as Justice of the Peace. An epidemic fever occurred at Milton, caused by the damming of the Wood River for saw mill purposes. Patience Lippincott became sick with the fever. Rev. Lippincott placed her in a buggy and drive ten or twelve miles a day into the country, away from the unhealthy Wood River. At first, she improved, but when they reached a friend’s house on Silver Creek in St. Clair County, near Shiloh, she took very ill. She died October 14, 1819, nine days after giving birth to a son, which did not survive. The Reverend buried his wife in the old cemetery at Shiloh, and returned to Milton with his daughter Abia. He married again to Henrietta Maria Slater, who died in September 1820, of the same malarial fever (she is possibly buried in the Milton Cemetery). Lippincott then fled Milton, along with most of the other inhabitants of the town. Lippincott moved to Edwardsville with his daughter, Abia, and worked in the Edwardsville Land Office. He married again on October 21, 1821 at Edwardsville, to Catherine Wyley Leggett. The Reverend and Catherine had three children: Charles Ellet Lippincott (1825-1887); Mary Jane Lippincott Saunders (1826-1901); and Alexander Lockwood Lippincott (1830-1852). Catherine died in 1850, and is buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery. Rev. Lippincott married again November 27, 1851, to Lydia Fairchild Barnes. Rev. Lippincott died in 1869, and Lydia Lippincott died in 1873. Both are buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.

In 1834, Abia Swift Lippincott, then 17 years of age, married Winthrop Sargent Gilman, a prominent resident of Alton. Gilman was in business with Captain Benjamin Godfrey, founder of the Monticello Ladies Seminary in Godfrey and financier of the Chicago & Alton Railroad. It was in their warehouse that Rev. Lovejoy’s press was stored, and where it was attacked by pro-slavery rioters in November 1837. A few years after the death of Rev. Lovejoy, Winthrop and Abia moved to New York, where he became a leader in business and religious circles. Winthrop died October 3, 1884, in Palisades, New York. On March 2, 1902, Abia Swift Lippincott Gilman died in New York. Both are buried in the Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York. They had nine children, with only 5 surviving their parents: Arthur Gilman (1835-1836); Arthur Gilman (1837-1909); Helen Abia Gilman Noyes (1843-1917); Virginia Gilman (1845-1845); Alice Ives Gilman (1848-1927); Emily Hoffman Gilman Noyes (1854-1930); Mary Elizabeth Gilman (1857-1857); Edith Lippincott Gilman (1858-1859); and Serena Hale Gilman Davenport (1859-1942).


Prominent in the Early History of Alton
Co-Founder of the Alton Marine & Fire Insurance Co.
Brother of Winthrop S. Gilman
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 19, 1866
We regret to announce that Mr. Benjamin Ives Gilman, one of the oldest and most respected, as well as one of the most useful citizens of this vicinity, died yesterday at his residence in Godfrey. His death will leave a vacuum to the society of that place, which will be hard to fill.

This small announcement above of the death of Mr. Gilman does not live up to the man he was. Benjamin Ives Gilman Jr. was born October 03, 1794, and died on January 11, 1866 at the age of 71. He was the son of Benjamin Ives Gilman Sr. (1766-1833) and Hannah Robbins Gilman (1768-1837). Benjamin Sr. died in Alton in 1833, and was first buried there. He was later exhumed, and buried in the Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York.

Benjamin Jr. was a brother of Winthrop Sargent Gilman (1808-1884), who went into the shipping business with Captain Benjamin Godfrey, and it was in their warehouse that Elijah P. Lovejoy was killed in 1837.

Benjamin Jr. was one of the original founders of the Church of Christ in Godfrey, organized on November 02, 1839, where he served as an elder. He first appeared in Elijah Lovejoy’s “Alton Observer” on December 15, 1836, listed as a vice-president of the Illinois Tract Society of the Presbyterian Church in Alton. He was co-founder (with Ebenezer Marsh) and President of the Alton Marine & Fire Insurance Company on State Street in 1837. This company later became the Alton National Bank, and later the First National Bank & Trust Company. In the early years of Illinois, there were no State banking laws (until 1851), and insurance companies often took over transactions that should have belonged to banks. The citizens had greater confidence in insurance companies than banks at that time.

There was a steamboat named the “B. I. Gilman,” but it is unknown who owned it, or which B. I. Gilman it was named after.

Benjamin Gilman Jr. was in the shipping business (similar to Captain Godfrey and his brother, Winthrop Gilman). He was listed in March 1838 as receiving 25 bales of cotton batting, which he in turn offered for sale.

Benjamin Jr. is buried in the Godfrey Cemetery. He was survived by his wife, Mary E. Gilman (1809-1873) whom he married in 1837. She was also interred in the Godfrey Cemetery. They had one son (that I know of), Benjamin Ives Gilman III, (1854-1934), who lived on the Gilman property in Godfrey. After his mother’s death in 1873, he moved to San Antonio, Texas, where he died in 1934.

In 1877, the Gilman property was listed for sale, with 140 acres of choice land with a large, comfortable dwelling, on property adjoining the Monticello Seminary. The property was eventually sold to the Monticello Seminary. A Benjamin Gilman Memorial was dedicated at the seminary.


GILMAN, BENJAMIN IVES III/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 10, 1934
Grandson of Benjamin Ives Sr., founder of the Alton Marine & Fire Insurance Company
Benjamin Ives Gilman was born in Alton on March 14, 1854. He was the son of Benjamin Ives Gilman Jr. (1794-1866) and Mary E. Miles Gilman (1809-1873); and nephew of Winthrop S. Gilman (1808-1884), who was involved with Captain Benjamin Godfrey in the shipping business and owned the warehouse where Elijah P. Lovejoy was killed.

Benjamin III married on September 28, 1881 in Madison County to Annette Hoffmeister (1855-1914). They had one son, Benjamin Ives Gilman IV (1890-1970); and two daughter, Mary and Annette Gilman.

The Gilman family had a distinguished part in the early history of Alton. His grandfather, Benjamin Ives Gilman Sr., settled in Alton and founded the Alton Marine & Fire Insurance Co. He was also in the shipping business like his brother, Winthrop S. Gilman, who owned the warehouse where Elijah P. Lovejoy was killed. The grandfather of Benjamin III lived in Godfrey, Illinois, and after his death his land was sold to the Monticello Seminary.

Benjamin Gilman III died in San Antonio, Texas on September 9, 1934. He is buried in the Pearsall Cemetery in Pearsall, Texas.


GILMAN, EZRA/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 17, 1883
Madison County Pioneer
“The world is better that Ezra Gilman has lived in it.”
Ezra Gilman is dead. These words will bring a shock of pain to the many friends of that grand old man, who on the evening of April 23, 1883, passed quietly and peacefully to his eternal rest. As Mr. Gilman was for over sixty years a resident of Illinois (living in Madison County for the greater part of the time), his death marks the fall of another of the pioneers of the State.

Ezra Gilman was born at Lyman, New Hampshire, April 8, 1802. In 1820, the second year after Illinois was admitted into the Union, he came from the East with Nathan Scarritt, and settled at Edwardsville, Afterwards, he removed to Scarritt’s Prairie [Godfrey], his home for many years. If the biography of this good man could be written, it would be an inspiring volume, and one that the young people of this generation could read with pleasure and profit. A man of splendid physique, tall and commanding in appearance, not afraid of any toil nor dismayed at any hardships, conquering the wilds of the western prairies by the power of his own strong arm, always among the first in support of church and school, busy, but always finding time to attend the bedside of the sick and afflicted, willing to share his last dollar with the needy and unfortunate, always cheerful and full of pure humor and fun; like Lovejoy, through whose veins there flowed never a single drop of fear, but with a heart that could be melted to tenderness by the cry of a child, despising every mean thing, upright, patient, loving, heroic, sublime in his character was this nature’s nobleman who has so lately passed within the vail.

Mr. Gilman’s wife, who died some years since, was a sister of the venerable Father Robbins, long a member of the Southern Illinois Conference, and who is yet affectionately remembered by hundreds who sat under his ministry.

From Scarritt’s Prairie, Ezra Gilman went to Mechanicsburg, and later he resided with his daughter, Mrs. Akerd, at Springfield. Her love and care, as well as that of Miss Mattie Gilman, through long years of devotion, cannot be too highly spoken of. Mr. Gilman raised seven daughters to womanhood, than whom seven more intelligent, estimable women cannot be found. At the time of his last sickness, the deceased was on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. G. H. Dustin of Peoria. He was confined to his bed but three weeks. During that time, he suffered two strokes of paralysis. His sufferings were severe, and much of the time he was unconscious.

The remains were taken to a beautiful spot near Springfield for burial, and there, beside his beloved wife, laid by loving hands tenderly to rest. A ripe sheaf of wheat would be an appropriate symbol to place on his grave, for full of years and wisdom has he been gathered to his fathers. Truly may it be said, “The world is better that Ezra Gilman has lived in it.”


GILMAN, ISABEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 15, 1915
Mrs. Isabel Gilman, who is over ninety years of age, died at the home where she had lived, 210 East Second street, at noon today, from old age. She had been sick six months and up to the time of her illness she still had charge of a mission on East Second street which she had conducted for many years. Mrs. Gilman's death at a ripe old age has an added touch of sadness to it, in that she leaves alone in the world her ninety-five year old sister, Mrs. E. B. Clarkson, with whom she had made her home for many years. The two old sisters were devoted to each other and they would not be separated. It was the knowledge that she must soon be parted from her sister for a time that caused Mrs. Clarkson so much grief, but today, after death had relieved the suspense of waiting, Mrs. Clarkson was much improved in spirits. The two aged women had lived the lives of devout Christians. Both were devoted to their own religious works, and though following different lines, each always had an interest in what the other was doing. Mrs. Gilman belonged to the Congregational Church while Mrs. Clarkson was in the Presbyterian. Mrs. Gilman was constant in her attendance at church services, and was more, she was active in doing whatever the cause she believed in needed to be done. Mrs. Gilman was born in Newcastle, England. She came to America with Mr. and Mrs. Clarkson, and after living in the south five years came to Alton. Except a few years she had lived at Lamar, Mo., she had spent all of the remainder of her life in Alton. She was married in Alton to F. H. Gilman, who died 28 years ago. A touching feature of the death of Mrs. Gilman is that so far as her part is concerned, the work of a devoted woman, who stood in the place of a daughter to Mrs. Gilman, Miss Jennie Armstrong, is ended. Though no relation to Mrs. Gilman, Miss Armstrong gave up all of her life to the care of Mrs. Gilman, who was an intimate friend of her mother. She has also given attention to Mrs. Clarkson and has been unflagging in her loyalty to these two aged ladies. Funeral arrangements have not been made.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 17, 1915
The funeral of Mrs. Isabel Gilman was held this afternoon from the Congregational Church to the Alton City Cemetery. A large number of the relatives and friends of the old lady attended to pay their last respects to one who had worked so hard for the uplift of mankind. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. I. G. McCann. The relatives from out of the city who were in town to attend the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. James D. Clarkson of Carthage, Missouri; W. D. Clarkson of Owatonna, Minnesota; Miss Isabel Clarkson of Greenville, Illinois; and Mrs. R. S. Armstrong of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. The honorary pallbearers were William Flynn, Richard Holden, T. D. Burgess, and E. A. Smith. The active pallbearers were all younger members of the church. Mrs. Clarkson, the aged sister of Mrs. Gilman, was unable to attend the funeral on account of her ill health.


GILMAN, MARY E. (nee MILES)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 14, 1873
Wife of Benjamin Ives Gilman of Godfrrey
We regret to learn of the death of Mary E. Gilman, wife of Benjamin Ives Gilman of Godfrey, which sad event took place on Wednesday morning, February 5, at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. John S. Vredenburg Jr., in Springfield. She was ill but a short time, and died quite suddenly. She was sixty-one years of age. The remains were brought to her home in Godfrey, and the funeral services took place there on the morning of the 7th.

The many friends of Mrs. Gilman in this vicinity where she has lived so long, loved and respected by all, will hear of her death with unfeigned sorrow. She was a noble Christian lady, and will long be missed in her family, the church, and social circles at Godfrey.


Winthrop Sargent GilmanGILMAN, WINTHROP SARGENT/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 9, 1884
Defender of Lovejoy
The New York Tribune of October 5 records the death of Mr. Winthrop S. Gilman, the banker, which took place last Saturday at his country residence in Palisade, New York. Mr. Gilman was a former resident of Alton, and was one of the defenders of the press at the time of the pro-slavery riots, which resulted in the death of Lovejoy, the press being stored at the time in the warehouse of Godfrey & Gilman.

Mr. Gilman was born in Marietta, Ohio, March 28, 1808. His father was one of the Ohio colonists who went West with General Israel Putnam after the Revolution. Mr. Gilman went to New York when a boy, and served as clerk in several stores. At the age of twenty, he returned to the West and established a wholesale business in Alton. After failing here, he began anew in St. Louis, with more success. He went again to New York in 1848 as resident agent of the St. Louis firm, and in 1860 opened the banking house which is now known as Gilman, Son & Co.

Mr. Gilman was married in 1835, and he leaves a widow, four sons, and fiveWinthrop Sargent Gilman daughters. For thirty years he had been a member of the Brick Presbyterian Church, New York. He was chairman of the “Five Million Dollar Fund,” of the Presbyterian Church, and a director and trustee in several banks and insurance companies. He was gentleman of strong convictions, and possessed of the most ennobling traits of character. He was liberal and philanthropic, using his great wealth as a means for the benefit and advancement of his fellow men. His long life was record of good and useful deeds. He had many friends among the old residents of Alton, with whom he maintained a pleasant intercourse throughout his life. Mr. Gilman’s death leaves Rev. Thaddeus B. Hurlbut of Upper Alton, and Mr. Henry Tanner of Buffalo the sole survivors, so far as known, of the defenders of Lovejoy’s press in Alton, 47 years ago.

Winthrop Sargent Gilman was the son of Benjamin Ives Gilman (1766-1833) and Hannah Robbins Gilman (1768-1837). He married in 1834 to Abia Swift Lippincott (1817-1902), daughter of Rev. Thomas Lippincott (1791-1869) and Catherine Wyly Leggett (1804-1850). They had ten children: Arthur Gilman (1835-1836); Arthur Gilman (1837-1909); Helen Abia Gilman Noyes (1843-1917); Virginia Gilman (1845-1845); Alice Ives Gilman (1848-1927); Benjamin Ives Gilman (1852-1933); Emily Hoffman Gilman Noyes (1854-1930); Mary Elizabeth Gilman (1857-1857); Edith Lippincott Gilman (1858-1859); and Serena Hale Gilman Davenport (1859-1942).


GILMARTIN, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 11, 1899
Edward Gilmartin, the nineteen-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilmartin of Union Street, died Sunday morning at the family home after an illness with lung troubles. The young man had been failing in health for some time past, and has been dangerously ill the last week. The funeral will be Tuesday morning from St. Patrick’s Church.


GILMARTIN, PATRICK/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 2, 1913
Patrick Gilmartin, aged 70, died Tuesday [Dec. 31] morning at his home, 921 Union street, after a long illness. He had lived in Alton many years and for forty-two years was engineer of the Hapgood Plow Co. He was known as a quiet industrious man, thoroughly reliable and he was highly esteemed by his employers during the long period he served them. Mr. Gilmartin's wife survives him, also three sons, John, Peter and James Gilmartin, and four daughters, Misses Elizabeth, Annie and Kate Gilmartin, and Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald. The funeral will be from St. Patrick's church Thursday morning. Burial will be in the Greenwood cemetery.


GILMORE, OTIS/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 4, 1882
From Edwardsville - Otis Gilmore, the young man whose arm was amputated by reason of an injury received in the big flouring mill here, died last Friday night. His untimely death has caused a feeling of sadness among all who knew him, and his widowed mother has the sympathy of her friends and neighbors in this, her sad hour of bereavement. Otis was a good boy.


GILPATRICK, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 7, 1839
Died, at the residence of Mr. R. Dunlap in Upper Alton on the 2d inst., Charles Gilpatrick, formerly of Limerick, Maine, aged about 21 years.


GILSON, ODELL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 13, 1912
Former Manager of Madison Hotel Dies in Denver, Colorado
Odell Gilson, formerly manager of the Madison Hotel, died in Denver where he went several months ago for his health. During the past eight months Gilson has been in very bad health, but recently he seemed to be improving, and the end came very sudden. Only last Tuesday his mother, Mrs. E. W. Gilson, received a very encouraging letter from him telling her his health was improving. He had a hemorrhage on Thursday and died very suddenly during the afternoon. Mr. Gilson was 38 years old and has been a resident of Alton for 13 years, coming here from Fort Worth, Tex., shortly after he was married. Since that time he lived in Alton and in the 13 years he made a large number of friends in Alton and in the vicinity. Besides his wife and one son, he leaves his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Gilson, and one brother, Harry Gilson of Lake City, Arkansas. The arrangements for the funeral have not been made as yet, but it is very probable that the body will be brought back to Alton for burial.


GINGLES, SAMUEL M./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 6, 1836
Notice is hereby given that on the first Monday in the month of August next, I will apply to the Court of Probate of Madison County, Illinois, for a final settlement of the estate of Samuel M. Gingles, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to attend at said time and place, and present the same for adjustment. Polly Gingles.


GINSLER, BARBARA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 10, 1902
Mrs. Barbara Ginsler, widow of Charles Ginsler, died this afternoon at 2 o'clock at her home on the sandbar, aged 65, after an illness with pneumonia. She leaves six children: Louis and Henry Swallensticker, Charles and Fred Ginsler, Mrs. Minnie Kieber and Mrs. Pauline Hempke. The funeral will be held Wednesday.


GINSLER, GEORGIANA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 15, 1902
Mrs. Georgiana Ginsler, aged 35, died this afternoon at 1 o'clock at the home, 802 Liberty street. Her death was caused by liver complaint. She leaves two children. The funeral will be Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Interment will be in City cemetery.


GINTER, FANNY (nee DILLON)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 23, 1892
Mrs. Lewis Ignatius Ginter died last evening after an illness of more than two weeks of bronchitis, the immediate cause of her death being heart failure. Mrs. Ginter drove out to Monticello and witnessed the commencement exercises on Tuesday, returning in the afternoon sick, and suffered intensely most of the time subsequent to that date until death came to her relief at the hour stated. Deceased, who was a most excellent lady and highly esteemed by all who knew her, was fifty years of age, and had been married to Mr. Ginter 28 years. She was born in St. Louis, but had been a resident of Alton since 1844. She leaves besides her sorrowing husband, three daughters, Miss Clare L. Ginter (1869-1951), Elizabeth “Lizzie” Ginter Harris (1871-1943), and Virginia Ginter Harris (1877-1903), all residing with their parents. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the Cathedral to North Alton Cemetery [St. Patrick’s Cemetery].


GINTER, GEORGE A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 18, 1911
George A. Ginter, 69 years of age, died Saturday night at midnight after a long sickness from a complication of diseases, at his home, 711 State street. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock from the Cathedral, and burial will be in Greenwood cemetery. He is survived by his wife, who is a daughter of the late Harry Weaver. Mr. Ginter came to Alton in the early sixties from the east, and has resided here since with exception of two years, which he spent in Leadville during the boom days of that place. He was a carpenter contractor, and amassed a considerable fortune by prudence, economy and honesty. His character was of the best, and his death will be regretted by those who knew him.


GINTER, LOUIS IGNATIUS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 28, 1904
Mr. Louis I. Ginter, one of Alton's oldest and best known business men, died at 4 o'clock this afternoon after a short illness with paralysis, aged 71 years. Mr. Ginter was born in Adams County, Pa., and came to Alton in 1860, where he has since lived. Of his immediate family, only two daughters and two grandchildren survive. Mr. George Ginter, a cousin, also lives in Alton.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 29, 1904
In the death of Mr. Louis Ginter, brief mention of which was made Tuesday, the city of Alton loses one of its best business men and those who knew him well have lost a kindly friend and a valued counselor. Mr. Ginter was of a retiring nature and was intimately known to but few who did not meet him in a business way. Back of his disposition to seek retirement was a genial nature which made intimate acquaintance with him a thing very desirable to those who knew him best. Mr. Ginter had been connected in a business way with Mr. H. T. Wheelock since 1865, most of which time was spent in the lumber and planing mill business. Mr. Ginter was active in business, but never let the excitement of commercial pursuits carry him so far that he lost sight of his moral obligations to men. His word was always recognized as sufficient guarantee of what he would do, and his integrity was not called into question. Since his illness and death, nothing but good things have been heard of him, and the example he set in the business world will be remembered by those who came in contact with him. In his family he was most deeply interested and spent most of his spare time with them. Twelve years ago his wife died, and one year ago his youngest daughter, Mrs. R. P. Harris, passed away, leaving her two little children, in whom the grandfather was deeply interested. Mr. Ginter leaves two daughters, Misses Clare Ginter of Chicago, and Elizabeth Ginter of Alton. He leaves also three brothers, Frank, Albert and Peter Ginter of New Oxford, Pa., and two sisters of the same place. Mr. Ginter was born in Adams County, Pa., and was 71 years old. The funeral will be held Thursday morning at 9 o'clock from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral.


GIRTH, REBECCA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 19, 1899
Mrs. Rebecca Girth died today at 1 o'clock after an illness from la grippe followed by a paralytic stroke. Mrs. Girth leaves a husband and five children to mourn her demise. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family residence, Sixth and Walnut Streets, to the City Cemetery.


GIRTH, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 3, 1908
The funeral of Samuel Girth was held Sunday afternoon from the home of his brother, John Girth, in Clement Place, and from there to St. Patrick's church. Rev. Fr. Kehoe conducted the funeral services. Members of the carpenters' union attended the funeral in a body.


GIRVAN, THOMAS/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 20, 1887
The funeral of Mr. Thomas Girvan took place yesterday from the family residence on Belle Street. He was a native of Scotland, and had only resided in Alton about three weeks. He was an uncle of the late C. A. Murray. He died Monday afternoon of general debility, at the age of 77 years, leaving a wife who was with him when he died, and a brother in Glasgow, Scotland.


GISSAL, AMIEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 13, 1890
Amiel Gissal, son of Mr. Henry Gissal, Superintendent of the Alton Lime & Cement Company, died Monday evening. Amiel had been ill with typhoid fever for a month. A week ago, he began to convalesce, but a relapse set in which resulted as above. The lad was 9 years and 5 months old, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him for his many excellent qualities. The afflicted parents will have the sympathy of their many friends.


GISSEL, EVELINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 14, 1906
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gissel of Alby street are sorely afflicted in the death of their infant child, Eveline, who passed away at 7:30 o'clock this morning after a painful illness from pneumonia, aged about six months. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home, 1310 Alby street. Services will be conducted by Rev. Theodore Oberhellmann of the German Evangelical church. Interment will be in the City Cemetery.


GIST, MARY ANN/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 11, 1852
Died in Martin’s Prairie, May 13, of measles, Mrs. Mary Ann Gist, in the 29th year of her age. She leaves a husband and four small children, and numerous connections and friends to mourn her loss.


GIUET, LOTTIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 25, 1899
Lottie, the 10-months-old child of John Giuet, living on the Vandalia Road, died this morning from the grippe and brain fever.


GIVENS, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 6, 1866
On Monday evening, a little boy named Givens, whose parents reside in the second story over Mr. Roesch’s drugstore in Hunterstown, came to a sudden and untimely end. He had been sent to draw a bucket of water from a neighbor’s cistern. Not returning immediately, and his continued absence creating alarm, a search was instituted, which resulted in finding his body in the cistern, into which he had fallen while engaged in drawing water. Although he had not been in the cistern more than ten minutes when found, yet so much time elapsed before his body was recovered that life was extinct. Measures were at once adopted to restore the vital current, but without avail. The parents, who are worthy and respectable people, have the sympathy of their neighbors in their sad affliction.


GLADDEN, EDITH HALSEY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 3, 1921
Mrs. Edith Halsey Gladden, wife of Arthur E. Gladden of the Illini hotel, died last night at 11:30 o'clock in the Missouri Baptist Sanitarium in St. Louis where she had been a patient since she became very seriously ill recently. It was generally known that Mrs. Gladden was in a precarious condition of health, but it was not realized by most of her friends that she was in a condition that must result fatally. She underwent a surgical operation recently in the hope that she would be given some relief from the malady that had disabled her, but no permanent beneficial results were obtained. Mrs. Gladden came to Alton in March 1921, with her husband, who was sent here by the Standard Oil Co. to take charge of the construction of the new lubricating oils plant and she remained here since. The couple first made their home at the Mineral Springs hotel, then in Wood River and later at the Illini. Mrs. Gladden made many good friends in Alton and she had the deepest interest of a large circle of sympathetic friends in her closing illness. She was in her 46th year, being born February 14, 1876. At the time she came to Alton, her brother, Bert Halsey, was here, he having come here at the time of the beginning of the construction of the Wood River refinery. Mrs. Gladden had been a sufferer for a long time and bore her sufferings with the utmost fortitude. She finally consented to undergo treatment in the sanitarium in St. Louis when it was believed that she might be greatly benefitted. Mrs. Gladden is survived by her husband, A. E. Gladden; two daughters, Mrs. Ralph White and Mrs. John White of Whiting, Ind.; and one son, Horace Gladden of this city. She also leaves her aged mother, Mrs. Charles Halsey of Cleveland, O.; two brothers, C. A. Halsey of Alton and Wilford Halsey of Elizabethtown, New Jersey; and three sisters, Mrs. Carrie Gill of Whiting, Ind., Mrs. Jesse Moore, Mrs. B. Jerome and Mrs. Ida Teed, all of Cleveland. The body will be shipped to Cleveland, Ohio, tonight and the funeral will take place in that city on Monday.


GLAMBETTI, LOUIS A./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 13, 1849
We regret to state that on the evening of the 5th inst., Louis A. Glambetti, a child between three and four years of age, and son of Mr. Alexander Glambetti of Alton, accidentally fell into a kettle of boiling water and was so severely scalded as to cause his death in the course of twenty-four hours.


Elliott Breese GlassGLASS, ELLIOTT BREESE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 14, 1916
Prominent Attorney; Mayor of Edwardsville; Newspaper Owner
Elliott Breese Glass, for many years a prominent practicing attorney of Madison County, and a former resident of Alton, died at his home in Edwardsville this morning from uraemic poisoning following an illness of 24 hours. Mr. Glass' death was a great surprise to everyone. Thursday evening, he was taken with convulsions and he never rallied. The funeral will be Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Madison County court house at Edwardsville, where the body will lie in state from 8 o'clock Sunday morning in the rotunda.

Mr. Glass was born in Millstadt, Illinois, April 16, 1845. He leaves one sister, Miss Euphemia Glass of Upper Alton. When he was 17, he entered Shurtleff College, and afterward began the study of law. He went to Kansas and then returned to Upper Alton. He studied in the office of Levi Davis of Alton, and was admitted to the bar. He opened a law office in Alton in 1871, and was elected prosecuting attorney of Madison County in 1872. He moved to Edwardsville in 1875. In 1892 Mr. Glass was re-elected state's attorney. He served as master in chancery for ten consecutive years; was mayor of Edwardsville one term; and president of the Board of Education. He was appointed inheritance tax attorney two years ago, but resigned last summer. His wife, who died in 1901, was Miss Margaret Stocker of Upper Alton. He leaves two children, E. B. Jr., and Miss Genevieve. He was a member of the Alton Lodge of Elks, and also one of the earliest Pythians in Madison County. For one year he owned the Edwardsville Intelligencer.

In his career as a lawyer he tried some important cases. He convicted the murderers of Daniel B. Gillham. He was known as a vigorous prosecutor. All his life he was a staunch Democrat, and was always in the party councils when the advice of the steadier ones was needed. A year ago, John T. Crocker, a former mayor of Edwardsville died. At his funeral eight former mayors served as pallbearers. Mr. Glass is the third of the list to die in the year.

Elliott Breese Glass, prominent attorney and Edwardsville mayor, was the son of Cornelius and Elizabeth Jane (Pulse) Glass. He was of Scotch-Irish descent. James Glass, Elliott’s grandfather, was a farmer, and with his wife and children came to Illinois in 1817, settling in what is now Millstadt Township, St. Clair County. Cornelius Glass was also a farmer.

Elliott Glass was educated at Shurtleff College in Upper Alton, then went to Leavenworth City and studied law with Sears & Taylor. He returned to Alton and entered the law office of Hon. Levi Davis. In 1871 he opened his own office in Upper Alton, and the following year was appointed State’s Attorney. His home in Upper Alton was located at 2412 College Avenue, at the corner of College Avenue and Scovell Street. This was later the home of Upper Alton dentist, George Bassford. The home was razed when the CVS drugstore was erected.

After moving to Edwardsville, Glass was appointed Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court, serving in that position until 1889. In 1888 he was elected President of the Board of Education. In 1889 he served as Mayor of Edwardsville for one term.


GLASS, MARGARET EUDORA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 23, 1901
Mrs. Margaret E. Glass, wife of Attorney E. B. Glass, died last night. The news reached here this morning in a telegram to her husband from the Southern Illinois Hospital at Anna, at which she had been a patient for several years. Up to noon, no arrangements had been definitely made for the funeral, as Mr. Glass was endeavoring to locate his son by means of the telegraph. The young man is engaged in railroad work in the unbroken lead regions of Southwest Missouri, and his father did not know just when he could be able to communicate with him. The body will arrive tonight and the probability is that the funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon. Margaret Eudora Glass was a native of Madison county and never lived outside its borders. She was born November 6, 1849 in Upper Alton. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George R. Stocker, and lived with them until her marriage on June 18, 1874 to E. B. Glass of Edwardsville. The marriage was blessed with two children, Breeze and Genevieve, both of whom are living. Mrs. Glass was wrapped up in her family and was devotion itself in anything in which they were concerned. Outside of home cares she found considerable time for social duties, and was a hospitable entertainer. Edwardsville Intelligencer.


GLASS, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 26, 1912
Child Dies from Rabies
Mary Glass, the five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Glass of East Alton, died Sunday morning at 3 o'clock from rabies, the result of being bitten by a mad dog about four weeks ago. The child died with every symptom of rabies, including hydrophobia, and during the three days that she suffered the acute and fatal attack her condition was pitiable. Dr. C. N. Pence, who attended the child after the first injury, suggested that the Pasteur treatment should be used for the child, but this was not done, as it was thought that the bite of the dog would not have any dreadful results. The child continued to be very nervous and would fear to see or hear a dog, refusing to go out of the house because of her fear. Last Thursday night she became very ill, and on Friday morning her jaws seemed affected and she could not drink water, although she seemed to want it. Dr. Pence then decided that the case was a well developed case of rabies, and that it was too late for anything to be done to give relief. Death followed a long series of spasms following on one another in rapid succession. The death of this child marks the first human tragedy in this line in many years. It is the first local case of death from this dreadful malady in a long time. Four weeks ago the child was crossing an alley going from her own home to that of her grandmother, when she was leaped upon by a dog belonging to Henry Schultz and bitten about the face and neck. It was during the very cold weather and it was supposed the dog's condition had been aggravated by his tail being frozen and that this caused the rabid symptoms to develop quickly in the dog. The same dog then bit many other dogs, and caused a widespread panic in East Alton. Many dogs were killed by their owners, who are now glad they adopted such extreme measures to prevent a spread of the malady. The village council passed an ordinance requiring dogs to be muzzled for twenty-days. However, it is well to say that in the opinion of doctors, both physicians and veterinarians, the disease of rabies may develop at any period, even as long as a year after a bite has been inflicted, and that the possibility of a serious result form a bite by a rabid dog is not confined to a few weeks.


GLASSBRENNER, BARBARA/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 9, 1897
From North Alton – It was an ideal December afternoon when the dear mother and grandmother was laid to rest in her last long sleep under the snow-covered sod. Overhead, the fleecy clouds sped swiftly across the blue sky, as if hastening to carry the spirit of the dead to the distant home. As the services were begun, a hush fell over the assembly as if the freed spirit of the departed hovered above the mourners and bade them look up and trust in Him who said, “I will not leave you comfortless.” The funeral service was conducted by Rev. W. H. Bradley, assisted by members of the mission. Many friends of the deceased followed the body to its final resting place in Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery, where the last sad rites were conducted over the remains of her who will be missed by all who had the privilege of her friendship while in life. The pallbearers were grandsons of the deceased.

From Alton - Mrs. Barbara Glassbrenner of North Alton died Friday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Anton Heisler, in St. Louis. Mrs. Glassbrenner was 86 years of age, and was one of the oldest residents of this vicinity. She leaves a family of children – Messrs. John, Fred, and George Glassbrenner; Mrs. John Redmond, Mrs. Charles Gross, and Mrs. John Winger.

Her remains were brought to Alton from St. Louis, and taken to the home of her son, Mr. Fred Glassbrenner, at North Alton, where the funeral services were held Sunday. The interment was in Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery. The grandsons of the deceased lady acted as pallbearers.


GLASSBRENNER, FRED (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 23, 1906
Well Known Veterinary Surgeon
Dr. Fred Glassbrenner, the well-known veterinary surgeon and liveryman, died Thursday night at his home in North Alton after an illness from pneumonia, which developed suddenly last Sunday. He was one of the most estimable and respected citizens of the Altons, and his death will be genuinely regretted wherever he was known, and that is in all parts of the state, as he frequently visited other sections of Illinois in the practice of his profession. He was considered one of the best veterinary surgeons in Illinois, and his presence and voice and council at state and district meetings were always desired and welcomed by members of the profession. For almost thirty years he conducted a livery stable in North Alton, disposing of the same only a few weeks ago, and he intended taking a long needed rest before becoming active in business of any kind again. He was a genial man, and a most upright, charitable man, and the kind of citizen every community is too few of and can afford to lose the least. A kind husband, a good citizen in every respect, and a splendid neighbor was removed from earth when death claimed him. He was born in Werttemberg, Germany, 62 years ago, but came to this country with his parents when a mere lad. He was married 32 years ago tomorrow to Miss B____ Pierce of Godfrey, and since that time they have lived for each other. The anniversary was celebrated annually and preparations had been made to celebrate the thirty second anniversary tomorrow, had not fate changed joy to grief. He leaves besides his wife, two brothers, John at Newbern and George Glassbrenner of St. Louis, and three sisters, Mrs. John Redmond of North Alton, Mrs. Anton Heisler of St. Louis, and Mrs. John Winger of Newbern. In addition, it is estimated that fully 200 other relatives, blood and by marriage, are living in the Altons and vicinity. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home, where services will be conducted by Rev. A. G. Lane, pastor of the First Presbyterian church at Alton.


GLASSBRENNER, LEONORE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 27, 1914
Mrs. Leonore Glassbrenner, wife of Peter Glassbrenner, died Wednesday night after a long illness at the family home, No. 6 East Second street. It was known for a long time that she was in a serious condition. Mrs. Glassbrenner refused medical attention, and because of the fact that no doctor attended her even up to the time of her death, there was no qualified person to issue a death certificate, and it was necessary to hold a coroner's inquest. Coroner Sims came to Alton Thursday and conducted a post mortem and an inquest, and the jury found a verdict of death from natural causes. Mrs. Glassbrenner leaves beside her husband, two children, Ray and Emmett. The funeral was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home and the services were conducted by representatives of the Christian Science Church.


GLASSBRENNER, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 28, 1919
Mrs. Mary Glassbrenner, affectionately known as "Aunt Mary," died Saturday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Wade, in West Ninth street, where she had made her home for several years. She was the widow of the late "Uncle" John Glassbrenner, and was about 80 years of age. She spent the last two years or longer in bed, being a victim of paralysis, and death has been hovering near her for some time. She was the mother of the large Glassbrenner family - one of the largest in this vicinity when descendants are counted, and during her active life she was a woman who would mother the world if she could. She was tenderly, sympathetic, and good and kind and charitable. She and her husband farmed for several years after their marriage, which occurred in St. Louis. The farm was in Jersey County, west of Alton on the Grafton road, and there the children were born and reared. As old age advanced and the children married, the old couple moved to North Alton, and for several years conducted a small store in the building at the corner of State and Rozier streets. After the death of Mr. Glassbrenner the widow went to live with one of the daughters. The children surviving are G. L. Glassbrenner of Florida; John and Henry of Missouri; Peter and William Glassbrenner of Alton. The daughters are Mrs. Joseph Kohler; Mrs. Bruce Tintoul; Mrs. John Toapuo; Mrs. John Grenzebach; Mrs. Charles Wade of Alton; and Mrs. Jesse Starr of Oklahoma.


GLASSMEYER, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 17, 1884
From Bethalto – The funeral of Mr. Charles Glassmeyer Sr. took place from his late residence in fort Russell Monday morning. Mr. Glassmeyer was in his 83rd year, and was much esteemed by a large circle of friends. The remains were interred at the Lutheran Cemetery.


GLASSMEYER, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 14, 1881
From Bethalto – Last Sunday morning, Mr. Rinold Rotsch found a man lying by the Indianapolis track, 1 ¼ miles west of town. He came immediately to Bethalto and notified Squires Miller and Piggott, who with a few others, took a handcar and went down, but when they arrived at the place, they were too late, as the body had been carried to Alton Junction [East Alton] by the down train. The body was recognized to be that of Henry Glassmeyer, a farmer who lived two and a half miles east of Bethalto. It was brought to this place Sunday morning. Coroner Youree held the inquest, and the jury returned a verdict that he came to his death by jumping or falling from train No. 12, going east Saturday night, his neck being broken and shoulder somewhat bruised, no other wounds being found on his body. Mr. Glassmeyer was a large man, weighing considerable over two hundred pounds, was a very energetic farmer, and also ran a steam thresher. The last-named business was the principal cause of his losing his life.

On the day of his death, July 9, he got on the local freight at this place, went to St. Louis after some parts of machinery belonging to his engine. He was at the office of Curtis & Co., St. Louis, as a receipt was found in his pocket from that house bearing the above date, thus showing that he was killed on his return. Mr. Glassmeyer was a member of the Druids at Bethalto, who turned out in full to attend the funeral today (Monday). He was buried at the Liberty Prairie graveyard. He was about fifty years of age. He leaves a wife and six children (two of whom are grown sons) to mourn his untimely death. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community.

Henry Glassmeyer was born June 9, 1833, and was 48 years of age at the time of his death. He was buried in the Liberty Prairie Cemetery.


GLASSMEYER, IDA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 10, 1917
Miss Ida Glassmeyer, daughter of Mrs. Bertha Glassmeyer of Washington street, died at the family home at 6:00 this morning following a nine months illness due to a nervous breakdown. Miss Glassmeyer, up to the time of her death, was a very popular young woman. Throughout her long illness she was most patient. She was 31 years of age. Besides her mother, Miss Glassmeyer is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Bertha Schattner, Miss Tillie Glassmeyer; also two brothers, William and Harry. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the German Evangelical Church at Seventh and Henry streets, Rev. O. W. Heggemeier officiating. Burial will be in City Cemetery.


GLEASON, EMMA/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 15, 1872
A young lady by the name of Emma Gleason died at the residence of C. W. Crocker in Edwardsville, on November 10, of a disease said to have been cerebro-spinal-meningitis.


GLEASON, JOSIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 8, 1881
From Edwardsville – Miss Josie Gleason died last Friday at the residence of John Williams, her brother-in-law, in the 30th year of her age.


GLEASON, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 02, 1904
Buried Dead Confederate Prisoners of War in North Alton
Michael Gleason, who for more than sixty years was a well known figure about Alton, died Monday evening in St. Louis, aged 92 years. He and his wife left Alton, where they yet own considerable property, for St. Louis to make their home with their daughters about six years ago. All of the oldest citizens knew and liked "Mike" Gleason. He was genial, good-natured, accommodating and industrious, with no enemies, and when he was far past 80 years of age, he did a fairly good day's work with his shovel on the streets. Mr. Gleason was the sexton of the Confederate Cemetery during the War of the Rebellion, having been engaged by the late Captain H. W. Hart, who had the contract for burying all of the prisoners of war who died in the Alton prison. The actual burying was done by Mr. Gleason, and he was assisted in digging the graves by the late James Hannigan, father of Mrs. Mary Quinn of this city. He was probably the only one who knew the exact spot in the cemetery where lies the remains of the Confederate prisoner of war, who after death was discovered to be a woman, and Captain Hart used to relate how Mr. Gleason rebelled at burying her among the men in the "rebel" grounds, his idea being that because she was of the sex of his mother, she should be buried in consecrated ground, and for years it is said after the war he saw that her grave was not neglected, and up to the time he left Alton he frequently went to the cemetery to strew flowers over the place he placed her body so many years before. The place may be identified by this very practice of Mr. Gleason, as the North Alton children sometimes accompanied him on his visits, and it is stated that one of them, now a business man of this city, does remember the spot well. A movement was started several months ago by those interested to have Mr. Gleason come up from St. Louis and locate the grave so that it could be properly cared for in future, but the matter was neglected until now it is too late. Mr. Gleason leaves his wife and two daughters, Mrs. Mary Gerrity and Miss B. Gleason of St. Louis. The funeral will be from the Cathedral Wednesday at 10 o'clock a.m., the body arriving from St. Louis a short time before that hour. [Burial was in Greenwood Cemetery]


GLEASON, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 16, 1910
Widow of Man Who Buried Confederates in North Alton Passes Away
Mrs. Michael Gleason, for fifty years or more a resident of Alton, died yesterday at the home of her daughter, Miss Bridget Gleason, in St. Louis, where she moved from Alton about 11 years ago. She was 90 years old the first day of last February, and up to about nine weeks ago was strong and sound in every way, considering her age. The body will arrive in Alton tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock, and will be buried in Greenwood cemetery. Michael Gleason died about ten years ago, or about a year after he and his wife moved to St. Louis. He was in the employ of the late Henry W. Hart during the Civil War, and it was he who buried all of the Confederates who died in the Alton prison. He it was who discovered that one of the soldiers was a woman, and he was the only one who knew the exact spot where she was buried. It is related that annually while he lived in Alton, after the war, he visited that grave and placed flowers on it.


GLEICH, MARY A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 8, 1921
Mrs. Mary A. Gleich, age 61 years, died this morning at 8:45 at the family home at 910 East Fourth street. Mrs. Gleich had been enjoying the best of health until about three hours before her death, which was caused by a hemorrhage of the brain. She is survived by her husband, Louis Gleich, and two daughters, Mrs. Joe Wetstein of Edwardsville, Mrs. E. E. Taggen of Chicago, and two sisters, Mrs. R. Maul and Mrs. R. Magee, both of Alton. The funeral arrangements have not yet been made. Mrs. Gleich was one of the best-known residents of Alton. She was widely known and was highly esteemed by all who knew her, and her sudden death was a great shock to the numerous friends who had not the least intimation of her serious condition.


GLEN, ANDREW J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 9, 1905
Octogenarian Watchmaker Dies From Old Age
Andrew J. Glen, in his eighty-fourth year, died Thursday night at 9 o'clock at his residence, 716 Clement place, from the infirmities of old age. Mr. Glen had been a resident of Alton since 1869, and during all that time except the last few years of his life he conducted a jewelry store and a shop for repairing watches and clocks on Piasa street. During all the years that Mr. Glen was engaged in business, it was his daily duty to wind up the watches he had in his shop for repair work and to keep them running. It was his boast that in all those years he never once failed to do his daily duty toward the watches and he never allowed them to run down. He was an active man, even up to the time he was obliged to lay down the cares of life and retire from business. He was born at Terrebonne, near Montreal, Canada, September 15, 1821. His ancestry was Scotch. He moved from Canada to Cleveland, Ohio, in 1864, and five years later came to Alton. His wife died in Alton twenty-five years ago. He leaves two sons, A. J. Glen, Jr., a mail carrier, and John R. Glen of Jefferson City, Mo., and two daughters, Misses Helen and Margaret Glen, the latter a teacher in the St. Louis public schools. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family home, Rev. A. A. Tanner officiating.


GLEN, ANDREW J. JR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 23, 1918
A. J. Glen, for twenty six years a mail carrier out of the Alton Post Office, died at his residence, 1227 Diamond street, Sunday morning at 4:30 o'clock after an illness that has partially disabled him during the past two years. Mr. Glen had been in a very bad way since about the time of the death of his son, Howard Glen, who succumbed to influenza six weeks ago. The father himself had been in a bad way for a long time. Only his determination to keep on the job gave him the physical strength and the courage to stick to his post of duty as long as he did. He persisted in staying on duty when many another man would have given up, and several times he collapsed while struggling on with his burden of mail. Each time he would resume his duty, until the last sickness, and he never rallied in strength. It was known for the past ten days that he was in a dying condition. He was one of the best-known men in Alton. Many years he was very active in politics in Alton. He was the organizer and drill master of an old marching club, the Pioneers, which had a long career and was noted for its excellence in drill. Mr. Glen was born in Hamilton, Ontario, September 25, 1851. He spent his childhood in Cleveland, Ohio, and came to Alton forty-eight years ago with his parents. He was twice married, first to Mollie K. Howard, and next to her cousin, Winefred Howard. He leaves by his first marriage two daughters, Mrs. G. C. Cole of Montreal, and Mrs. Elmer Young of Kansas City, Kan. By his second marriage he had three children, his son, Howard, who died six weeks ago; another child who died in infancy; and a daughter, Mrs. John Gray of Redcliffe, Alberta, Canada. Mrs. Gray was unable to attend her father, but her husband has been here with him. Beside these, he leaves two sisters, Misses Margaret and Helen of St. Louis; and a brother, John R. Glen of Jefferson City, Mo. He was a member of the Court of Honor, and also had been connected with the Congregational church. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock from the home and burial will be in City cemetery. Services will be conducted by Rev. C. C. Smith of the Congregational church.


GLENN, FRANK/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 30, 1882
From Godfrey – Died this morning, Mr. Frank Glenn, with consumption.


GLEN, HOWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 12, 1918
Well Known Young Newspaper Man
Howard Glen, aged 26, is dead following an illness of less than 48 hours. Glen was up and around on Sunday, taking ill during the day. On Monday a physician was called. At 8 o'clock this morning Glen was dead. Death was due to influenza. Glen was the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Glen of 1227 Diamond street, and was born and raised in Alton, where he was well known. He attended the Alton public school and was graduated from the Alton High School in 1910. After his graduation he worked for some time and then commenced to take a course at Shurtleff College. He would have graduated from that institution next year, if he had lived. He was 26 years of age last April. He was a member of the Congregational Church. He is survived by his wife and two small children, also by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Glen, and one sister, Mrs. J. E. Gray of Redcliffe, Alberta, Canada. Mrs. Gray was before her marriage Miss Flora Glen. For some time Mr. and Mrs. Glen have not been housekeeping, Mrs. Glen teaching at the Godfrey school. The young couple have just arranged for a new home at Maxey and Main streets in Upper Alton, and had planned to go to housekeeping immediately. The illness of the young husband and father put an end to the plans already made. Mr. and Mrs. Glen attended high school together, and were married shortly after leaving school. Mrs. Glen was before her marriage Miss Edith Browne. Glen was well known in Alton, having been in the newspaper business the greater part of his life, working for O. B. Rynders, the newspaper dealer. He was a popular young man and was well liked by all who had business and social relations with him. His death came as a shock to the family and friends. His father, A. J. Glen, a well known mail carrier, has been in poor health for some years, and the news of his son's sudden death has been very hard on him. Howard Glen spent the greater part of his time in Upper Alton, where he had been attending Shurtleff College, and did some newspaper work as a sideline. He and his wife had lived several years in Upper Alton, but about two years ago they broke up housekeeping as Mrs. Glen wanted to resume teaching school when teachers became scarce. She did not resume teaching school this season, and she and her husband had planned to move back to Upper Alton to again go to housekeeping, and they had purchased a home that is now under way of construction. The new house is one located on Clawson St., at the corner of Maxey avenue. It would have been completed long ago and the couple could have been living in it, but for delay in getting material due to war conditions. However, the new home was practically complete, and the couple were intending to get into it at once. Mr. Glen had been ill with influenza several days before he took to his bed. He was in Upper Alton Monday morning and was telling those whom he met that he had the "flu." He said he had been very weak for several days and had been suffering from a bad cold. For several years Glen made the trip to St. Louis on Saturday nights to accompany the St. Louis papers to Alton on the special car that carries them up on Sunday morning. He said that on Sunday morning he was so weak when the papers were being loaded upon the car in St. Louis that he was unable to handle the bundles and he was obliged to hire a man to do the work for him. In spite of his condition he kept on going, and was around town yesterday before going to the home of his father, where his death occurred. Yesterday he told several people he thought he would die, and invited them to bring flowers to his funeral, but it is not believed he had any idea he was that bad off, and did not mean what he said.


GLEN, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 29, 1880
Mrs. Mary Glen, a highly esteemed lady, wife of Mr. A. J. Glen, passed peacefully from earth at one o’clock a.m., April 22, after a long and painful illness at the age of 58 years. Mrs. Glen was a native of England, but had resided here for many years. She leaves a number of relatives and many friends to mourn her death. The funeral took place at Presbyterian Church, of which she was a member. The services were conducted by Rev. George C. Adams of the Congregational Church. The burial casket bore some exquisite wreaths of flowers, the tributes of mourning friends. A large procession attended the remains to the Alton City Cemetery, as an evidence of regard for the deceased, and of sympathy with the bereaved relatives.


GLEN, MARY K. (nee HOWARD)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 30, 1888
Mrs. Mary K. (nee Howard) Glen died yesterday morning after a brief illness, at the age of 36 years, 4 months, and 23 days. Mrs. Glen was greatly esteemed by all who were acquainted with her, and her death is a heavy blow to her many relatives and friends. She was born in St. Louis, July 6, 1852, but most of her life was passed in Alton. She leaves a husband [A. J. Glen Jr.], two children, one of them an infant but ten days old, her mother, Mrs. Lucy Howard, and a sister, Mrs. James Stiedly of Greenfield, to mourn her death. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the family residence, corner of Third and Alby Streets. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]


GLENN, JENNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 28, 1904
Godfrey - Miss Jennie Glenn, niece of Mrs. John Wib____, died at the residence of her aunt here Saturday morning. Funeral Sunday at 2 o'clock p.m. at Godfrey Cemetery.


GLENN, MARY/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 20 & 30, 1887
Mrs. Mary Glenn of Godfrey died last Saturday in the 7th year of her age. The funeral took place this morning. Mrs. Glenn was a worthy and esteemed lady, one of the pioneers of Godfrey. Her loss will be regretted throughout the community.

In Memoriam of Mary Glenn
Died in Godfrey, December 17, Mrs. Mary Glenn. She was born in Ireland in the County Derry, May 11, 1813, and in the year 1823, came to America to Franklin County, Pennsylvania. In 1832, she was married to Mr. William Glenn, now deceased. In August, she united with the old school Presbyterian Church of Shippinsburg. In the year 1841, she came to Godfrey, and in May 1842, united with the church of Godfrey. By her uniform kindness, she endeared herself to all who knew her. Kind as a neighbor, and sympathetic as a friend, she was also a devoted mother. Within the sphere of home was manifested the beauty and nobleness of her character. For the sake of her family, she was ready and able to make any personal sacrifice, and the memory of her thoughtful love is the richest legacy left to the bereaved family.

Her sickness was long and painful, but she bore her sufferings with patience and cheerful fortitude, looking forward to death as a release from pain and the dawning of a brighter life. In the midst of her severe bodily pain, her mind was calm and clear, while her patience and consideration for the comfort of others were as marked as in the days of health and strength. A devoted mother is taken from the circle of her sons and daughters, who had so long looked to her for counsel and leaned upon her for assistance, but while they feel that they are indeed bereaved, they have the cheering thought that the mother so long and ardently loved, and so tenderly remembered in the now desolate home, has passed from the sufferings of earth to the blessedness of the heavenly world to await their coming, and though withdrawn from their sight, is still interested in their welfare. May He who strengthened her in her sufferings support them now in their trials, and when their work is accomplished, gather the family into the Father’s house on high.

The casket was decked with a wreath of evergreens, a harp, a pillow with the word “Rest,” and the words “Our Mother” on a silver plate. The bearers were Messrs. J. R. Isett, James Squire, Dr. W. Fisher, Joseph Stamper, J. Riggs, and J. B. Turner.


GLENN, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 1, 1880
Died in Godfrey, March 22, Mr. William Glenn, aged 69 years, of dyspepsia and cancer of the stomach. In recording the departure of the above respected citizen, some further notice is deserved for his memory, and will be desired by friends. He came to this community in 1841 from Franklin County, Pennsylvania, and has lived here since, steadily gaining the respect and confidence of all. He early obtained land about one mile west of Monticello Seminary, and fitted up a pleasant home where, with his wife, he brought up his interesting family, till they have married and have families of their own. One daughter has recently died in Robinson, Kansas – Mrs. Louisa Wiebling. Two sons are also in Kansas, and two sons and two daughters are in Godfrey, and this near their widowed and bereaved mother. Mr. Glenn, with his wife, united with the Church of Christ immediately after coming to this place, and ever maintained a faithful and consistent Christian character. For many years he was the careful sexton of the church. Quiet, peaceable, and unassuming, he was loved and respected in all relations of family, church, neighborhood, and society. Merrs. J. B. Turner, Edward H. Goulding, Charles Milnor, William Joesting, W. P. Hagee, and John Kirwin acted as pallbearers. [Burial was in the Godfrey Cemetery.]


GLENN, WILLIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 9, 1872
Died on August 6, at Godfrey, Willie, youngest son of Armstrong and Abbie Glenn; aged 6 months and 2 days.


GLONER, JESSIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 21, 1913
The funeral of Jessie, 2 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Gloner, was held at the home at Federal this afternoon. Burial was in Milton Cemetery.


GLOWNER, PAUL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 10, 1900
Fatal Fall on Ice
Paul Glowner, aged 20 years, died at 4 o'clock this morning at the home of his father, John Glowner, on the bank of Duck Lake, which is situated southeast of the glassworks. Glowner started to walk across the lake from his home, intending to cross the river to secure work on the ice last Wednesday. He had walked only a short distance on the ice on the lake when he slipped and fell, striking the back of his head on the ice, and concussion of the brain resulted. He never regained full consciousness. He died this morning. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the family home.


GODFREY, AUGUSTA ENCKE (nee CALDWELL)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 20, 1882
Wife of Benjamin Godfrey Jr.
Mrs. Augusta Encke Godfrey, nee Caldwell, wife of Mr. Benjamin Godfrey [son of Captain Benjamin Godfrey and Rebecca E. Petit Godfrey] died at 4:30 o’clock this morning after a week’s illness, of ilflammation of the brain, in the 31st year of her age. Deceased was a native of Booneville, Missouri, and a graduate of Monticello Seminary, class of 1869. She was a most estimable, accomplished lady, possessed of rare personal attractions. She leaves a husband and numerous relatives and friends to mourn her death, which is rendered more sad and painful by the fact that she leaves seven small children, deprived of a mother’s tender care by this sudden and unexpected stroke. The youngest child is but a week old. Mrs. Godfrey’s sudden death is a terrible shock to her relatives and friends, and will be greatly mourned. The funeral will take place from the family residence at Godfrey, Wednesday morning, at 10:30 o’clock.


Captain Benjmain GodfreyGODFREY, BENJAMIN (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 15 & 29, 1862
Sea Captain; Businessman
Founder of Monticello Female Seminary in Godfrey
Leading Force in the Construction of the Alton & Springfield Railroad
Died at Godfrey (Monticello), Illinois, August 13, 1862, Captain Benjamin Godfrey, aged 68. He was born at Chatham on the coast of Massachusetts, and descended from Knowles Godfrey II, a Deacon of fair standing and considerable wealth. Knowles Godfrey II was born in 1762 at Chatham, Massachusetts, and died in 1794 at the age of 31 or 32. He was either buried or lost at sea. Benjamin Godfrey had a fair education, good habits, and correct principles, which were life-lasting. When a young man, he took to sea life as a Captain. In the War of 1812, he was in the boat flotilla service, for which service he procured a land warrant a few years after. After the war, he settled in Matamoras, Mexico, where he amassed the main portion of his vast wealth in mercantile pursuits. Subsequently he settled in New Orleans, and did business there during a few years. Hence, he came to Illinois, entered lands to a great extent, and spent the remainder of his days here.

Captain Godfrey was a remarkable man. His history, faithfully written, would read almost like a romance. During a severe storm, and almost shipwrecked with sickness at sea, Captain Godfrey was in deep study on account of his family, he having daughters. His mind was at that time, in 1834, turned to female education, and from thence it became his hobby, and a great one it has proven.

Religion wrought a great change in his character, and in the object for which he lived, he used freely for the benefit of his fellow men, and the advancement of the cause of Christ. In home and foreign missions, he was deeply interested, and to them as well as other benevolent enterprises, he was a constant and liberal giver.Captain Benjamin Godfrey Strongly impressed with the importance of Christian female education, he conceived the idea of founding such a Seminary, as was not then in existence in the new regions of the great West, where he passed the latter half of his life. He erected a suitable building at an expense of more than fifty thousand dollars, and donated to the Seminary twenty acres of land. Godfrey gifted the Seminary to a Board of Trustees, and under his ever-watchful patronage, the institution has been for a quarter of a century dispensing its blessings over States and territories on both sides of the Mississippi. That bold edifice, enlarged to the amount of a hundred thousand dollars, with its charming grounds, and the church which has sprung from it in such a form as to furnish a significant indication of the relations of religion and education which he laid to contemplate, will constitute his fitting monument. This establishment will carry his name down to posterity, as it has already born it far and wide. [Note – the Seminary still stands today as Lewis & Clark Community College.]

Captain Godfrey also was the driving force in building the railroad from Alton to Springfield. To finish it, he hazarded his whole private fortune, and for several years all feared he had lost it. But the great suit of Godfrey vs. Metropolitan Bank of New York City resulted in his favor, but five or three years since, to the gratification of the entire community.

He lived to see the Seminary flourish, the railroad completed, and his fortune returned to him unimpaired, and he died a public benefactor. His first illness was brief, and his death was unexpected. Taken with cold, and signs of congestion, he was recovering, and while sitting up in his room and conversing with a friend or two, suddenly his head fell back and he died of apoplexy. He left no will, and his widow and one of his sons-in-law, John M. Pierson, Esq., of Alton, an excellent citizen and business man, administered upon the estate, which was represented before his death at $500,000.

The length of this notice may be trespass, but I could not any less, upon the death of so excellent and remarkable a man. A narration of the thrilling scenes and events of his long career would fill a volume. If his rooms were large, his heart was larger. While in tenderness of feeling, he was a little child in capacious grasp of mind, he was much above the rank of ordinary men. The apoplectic stroke, which after a brief illness, removed him suddenly from earth, has smitten a whole community and made them sick at heart. The church is shaken by it, and the shock will be felt wherever his extensive business relations and his more extensive benefactions reached. If a widow and children mourn his death, their tears are mingled with those of hundreds whose characters are the offspring of his head and heart. In this sense, the land is full of his daughters, and when their daughters, all beneath the lofty towers of the institution he has reared, they too will bear in mind its origin. The allusion to this noble man which has long been customary at the anniversaries of the Monticello Seminary must henceforth be in memoriam.

Captain Benjamin Godfrey first married Harriet Cooper. They had the following known children:
James Ryder Godfrey (1818-1881) (m. Lodema Curtiss)
Calvin Cooper Godfrey (1820-1840) (killed in accident)
Mary Godfrey (1822-1879)
Benjamin Franklin Godfrey (1823-? – died in youth)
Harriet Godfrey Bowie (1825-1873) (m. J. H. Bowie)
Benjamin Godfrey (1827-? – died in youth)
Caroline Godfrey (1827-1837)
Emily Godfrey Palmer (1830-1897) (m. Joseph Ransom Palmer)
Maria Louise Godfrey Bruner (1831-between 1855 & 1875) (m. Capt. John A. Bruner)
Catharine Godfrey Pearson (1834/5-1892)
Caroline Godfrey (1837-1837)

After the death of his first wife in 1838, he married Rebecca E. Petit. They had the following known children:
Eleanor Godfrey (1840-1848)
Benjamin Godfrey (1841-1884) (m. Augusta Encke Caldwell)
Julia Godfrey Leach (1843-1874) (m. Julius C. Leach)


GODFREY, BENJAMIN B./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 27, 1884
Son of Captain Benjamin Godfrey
We are pained to record the death of Benjamin Godfrey, which sad event took place about one o’clock a.m., November 20, at his residence in Godfrey Township, at the age of 44 years. The disease was erysipelas [bacterial infection of the upper layer of skin], which had confined him to his bed for about a week. It was an acute attack, and made rapid progress from the first. The deceased was an extensive farmer, and one of the leading citizens of the township. He was a graduate of Illinois College, a man of brilliant natural abilities, and of scholarly attainments. He was the youngest son of the late Benjamin Godfrey Sr., founder of Monticello Seminary. His death is a terrible shock to a large circle of relatives and friends. His wife died several years ago. He leaves an aged mother [Rebecca E. Petit Godfrey] and several young children, who are now deprived of both father and mother. The funeral of Godfrey took place last Friday afternoon from the family residence in Godfrey, with a large attendance of relatives, neighbors, and friends. The services were impressively conducted by Rev. J. W. Caldwell, with singing by the choir of Monticello Seminary.

Benjamin Godfrey Jr. was born June 28, 1840, to Captain Benjamin Godfrey Sr. and Rebecca E. Petit Godfrey. He married Augusta Encke Caldwell on November 9, 1869, in Booneville, Missouri. She was a native of Booneville, and was an 1869 graduate of the Monticello Ladies Seminary, which was founded by Captain Benjamin Godfrey Sr. Augusta died March 20, 1882, in Godfrey, at the age of 31. She left behind seven children, the youngest being one week old. Four of their children were Julia, Frank, Lucile, and Benjamin Godfrey. Benjamin Jr. never remarried.


GODFREY, CALVIN/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 28, 1840
Second Son of Captain Benjamin Godfrey Dies in Tragic Accident
Died, in this city [Alton], Friday morning, March 27, Calvin Godfrey, second son of Captain Benjamin Godfrey. In the death of this estimable young man, we have a striking exemplification of the sentiment, "In such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh." On the morning of Thursday, he was in perfect health and just about starting to Waverly, Illinois, for his elder brother. Standing by the hatchway, in the second story of his father's warehouse, and hearing some person enter below, he bent forward over the opening to see if it was the man who had been dispatched for the carriage. In the act of doing so, the bar against which he was leaning slipped out, and precipitated him through a corresponding opening in the first floor into the cellar. Having struck upon his head and shoulders, injuring his spine, he was taken up completely paralyzed through his entire system. He was carried to the residence of his father. A council of physicians was immediately called, and everything done the case admitted. But his injuries, being entirely internal, were beyond the reach of human skill. He continued, with little bodily pain, until half past seven Friday morning, and then expired.

This lamented young man has left behind him the most cheering evidence of Christian character. He made a public profession of religion in 1837, and continued to give good evidence of his sincerity, until the day of his death. For twelve hours after his fatal fall, his reason was unclouded, and he was able to converse freely with his friends. Much of this time he spent in prayer. He said to his weeping relatives, "My friends, weep not for me." Such expressions as follow often broke from his lips. "God has done right. He is just and good. He has been unspeakably kind to me, while I have been sinful and ungrateful. I see my Savior. He is precious, precious! I can trust my soul entirely with him." Such was the solemn and interesting scene around this young man's dying bed. His death, we doubt not, was a triumphant entrance "into the joy of his Lord." The day of his death was also his birthday. That very morning, he completed his twentieth year. The body of Calvin Godfrey will be removed from the residence of his father to Monticello [Godfrey], this day (Saturday) at one o'clock p.m. At three o'clock, a funeral sermon will be preached at the Seminary Chapel.

Calvin Godfrey was born March 27, 1820. He was the second son of Captain Benjamin Godfrey (the first being James Ryder Godfrey). Calvin’s mother, Harriet Cooper Godfrey, had died in June 1838 (two years before Calvin’s death), at the age of 36. After her death, Captain Godfrey married Rebecca E. Petit, and at the time of Calvin’s death, they had one daughter, Eleanor.

The warehouse where Calvin Godfrey had his accident may have been the same warehouse where Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy was murdered. This warehouse was owned by Captain Benjamin Godfrey and Winthrop S. Gilman, and was used to store the Lovejoy press in 1837. It was located on the riverfront, just south of Broadway, near the foot of William Street.

Calvin Godfrey died March 27, 1840, and is buried in the Godfrey Cemetery. Surviving Calvin were his father and step-mother, and seven siblings. Captain Benjamin Godfrey, died in 1862.


GODFREY, CALVIN/Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, April 11, 1873
Son of James Godfrey; Great-Grandson of Captain Benjamin Godfrey
We regret to learn of the death of Mr. Calvin Godfrey, which took place early Sunday morning at the residence of his father, James Godfrey, in Monticello. His disease was inflammation of the bowels. He was an estimable young man, highly respected by a large circle of friends and relatives who will keenly feel his loss, taking place, as it does, just upon his entrance on a useful career. His family and friends have the warm sympathy of the community in their sad affliction.

The death of Mr. Calvin Godfrey, a son of Mr. James R. Godfrey, of Godfrey, after a brief but exceedingly painful illness of one week, has cast a gloom over our community. His death occurred on Sabbath morning, April 6, and the funeral services took place from his father’s residence today, attended by a large circle of relatives and friends who deeply deplore the loss of one whom all respected and loved. The falling rain added much to the impressiveness of the last sad tribute of respect to the remains of our departed young friend. May his earnest Christian example, his filial devotion, and his conscientious discharge of all life’s duties find an earnest response in the hearts and lives of all his young companions from whom he has now departed.


GODFREY, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 3, 1901
Grandson of Benjamin Godfrey Killed by Train
Frank Godfrey, grandson of the founder of Monticello Seminary, was instantly killed this afternoon shortly before 3 o'clock by being struck by a work train on the Bluff Line at Job's quarry. The young man was hunting with George Arbuckle, and the two attempted to cross the track ahead of the train. Godfrey did not hear the approaching train, and his companion made an effort to warn him, but in vain. Godfrey probably did not know the train was near until he was hit. The corner of the car struck him on the side of the head, throwing his head to one side and broke his neck. The body was not mangled. Godfrey's body was brought to Alton, and an inquest will be held by Deputy Coroner Streeper. He was 30 years of age and had lived at Godfrey and in Alton all his life. He is a brother of Mrs. Charles Young of this city [Alton] and Mayne Godfrey.

Frank Godfrey was the son of Benjamin Godfrey Jr., and grandson of Captain Benjamin Godfrey, founder of the Monticello Ladies Seminary in Godfrey. This was not the first time Frank was involved in an accident. In 1897, Frank and his brother-in-law, Charles, were duck hunting on the river. They landed at Eagle’s Nest Island, and as Godfrey was getting out of the boat, the gun caught on the boat and fired. Godfrey received part of the shot in his right hand, and Young received five of the shot in his right side. Their friend, who was with them, took them to Clifton Terrace and then to Alton, where they received medical treatment.

Job’s Quarry, the scene of the accident, was located near Hop Hollow, just east of the Blue Pool. Frank was buried in the Godfrey Cemetery.


First Wife of Captain Benjamin Godfrey
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 6, 1838
From Monticello, June 5 - Died, this morning at Monticello [Godfrey], Mrs. Harriet Godfrey, wife of Benjamin Godfrey, Esq., in the 37th year of her age. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral on Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock.

Harriet Godfrey was the daughter of Calvin & Margaret (Palmer) Cooper, and was the first wife of Captain Benjamin Godfrey, founder of Godfrey and the Monticello Ladies Seminary. Harriet was born December 24, 1801, in Baltimore, Maryland. Little is known of her, as she left no correspondence or memoirs of her life. She died at the Godfrey mansion on June 5, 1838, about two months after the opening of the Monticello Ladies Seminary. She was buried in the Godfrey Cemetery.

Children of Captain Godfrey and Harriet Cooper Godfrey:
James Ryder Godfrey (1818-1881) (m. Lodema Curtiss)
Calvin Cooper Godfrey (1820-1840) (killed in accident)
Mary Godfrey (1822-1879)
Benjamin Franklin Godfrey (1823-?; died in his youth)
Harriet Godfrey (1825-1873) (m. J. H. Bowie)
Benjamin (1827-?; died in his youth)
Emily Godfrey (1830-1897) (m. Joseph Ransom Palmer)
Maria Louise Godfrey (1831-?) (m. Capt. John A. Bruner)
Catherine Godfrey (1835-1892)
Caroline Godfrey (1837-1837)

Captain Godfrey remarried in 1838/9 to Rebecca E. Petit, and they had three more children:
Eleanor Godfrey (1840–1848)
Benjamin Godfrey (abt. 1841–1884) (m. Augusta Encke Caldwell)
Julia Godfrey (1843 – 1874) (m. Julius C. Leach)


GODFREY, HOMER CURTISS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 26, 1920
Grandson of Benjamin Godfrey Dies at Quincy
It is reported that Homer Godfrey, who died at the Soldiers' Home at Quincy and was buried at Godfrey last Monday, left a will which may be probated in the Adams County court where he died. It is supposed that Godfrey, after being restored to his property rights recently in the Madison County court, after being under the custody of a conservator for many years, proceeded to make use of his restored rights by willing his property, but to whom he left it has not been disclosed. His estate consists of about $2,300 in money, and about twenty-one acres of land in Godfrey township. The death of Godfrey closes a remarkable life. He was born at Godfrey, Illinois. He was a volunteer in the Civil War, and was with Sherman on his march to the sea. He was mustered out of service at Washington in 1865; returned home; afterwards went south. A love affair of war days he could not forget. It was the old story, the girl had married another while he was at the front. In 1872 he was sent to the Anna hospital, where he remained for some seven or eight years, when he was removed to Jacksonville. When the Soldiers' Home at Quincy was opened in the late 1880's, he was sent there where he had since lived. Last October he was restored to his rights in the county court. On the witness stand, he told the story of his life, and gave his age as 78 years. His physical condition was seemingly perfect; his mental condition wonderful. He gave the day and date he was discharged from the army; told where he had been each year down south, up to 1872. On December 19 last, he was restored to his property rights before a jury in the Probate Court. He leaves two sisters and a number of nephews and nieces. He was asked when on the witness stand about his early love affair. The attorney said: "You got over that love affair?" He replied: "Yes, I got over it, am over it, but I can never forget her." [Homer Curtiss Godfrey was the son of James Ryder and Lodema Curtiss Godfrey.]


GODFREY, JAMES RYDER/Source: Alton Telegraph, Thursday, September 8, 1881
First Son of Captain Benjamin Godfrey
Mr. James R. Godfrey, an old resident of this county, died on Wednesday morning [September 7], at his residence in Godfrey, of paralysis, after a lingering illness of six years' duration, aged 63 years. During all his long-protracted illness, part of which time he was perfectly helpless, he bore his prostration and suffering with wonderful patience and resignation. Throughout the whole of his long years of suffering he has been cared for with untiring affection by a devoted wife and daughters, but their ceaseless care and attention were unavailing to restore him to health. Mr. Godfrey was well known to all our old citizens. He was a man whose high character and integrity, and many noble qualities of mind and heart, had made him universally esteemed and respected.

James Godfrey was a son of the late Benjamin Godfrey, the founder of Monticello Seminary. In addition to his widow and five adult children, three sons and two daughters, he leaves a large circle of bereaved relatives and friends. The funeral took place this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock.

James Ryder Godfrey was born August 29, 1818 in Baltimore, Maryland. He was the first son of Captain Benjamin and Harriet (Cooper) Godfrey. James married Lodema Curtiss (1822-1915), and they had five children: Homer Curtiss Godfrey (1842-1920); Theodore E. Godfrey (1846-1871); James Ryder Godfrey Jr. (1849-1926); Augusta Lodema Godfrey Strong (1854-1920); and Cora E. Godfrey Turner. James Ryder Godfrey was buried in the Godfrey Cemetery.


GODFREY, JAMES RYDER JR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 2, 1926
Grandson of Captain Benjamin Godfrey; Son of James Ryder Godfrey Sr.
A letter from Mrs. Cora Turner, wife of Charles E. Turner, told of the death of her brother, James Ryder Godfrey Jr., in Salt Lake City, Utah, where he was living with his son, Russell. He slipped on the ice, fell, and broke his hip, and later had pneumonia. He passed away after an illness of three weeks, at the age of 76 or 77. He was buried in the Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfield, Illinois on March 4. Charles and Cora Turner attended the funeral. Mrs. Turner was formerly Cora E. Godfrey, and was the only remaining member of the original Godfrey family.

James Ryder Jr. was survived by four sons, James, Isaac Hall, Theodore, and Russell Godfrey; and two daughters, Mrs. Everett Epperson and Mrs. Ruth Hopkins; and one sister, Cora E. Turner, living in Waverly, Illinois. He was married to Prudence Wilcox, who died in 1905, and is also buried in the Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfield.


GODFREY, LODEMA C. (nee CURTISS)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 02, 1915
Widow of James Godfrey, Daughter-In-Law of Benjamin Godfrey, Dies
Mrs. Lodema Curtis Godfrey, widow of James Godfrey and daughter-in-law of Benjamin Godfrey, founder of Monticello Seminary, died at midnight, Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Turner, where she had lived many years. Mrs. Godfrey is the last of a long lived family. She had seven brothers and sisters and all of them lived to be over 80, while one of her parents had reached the century mark. She herself was nearly 93 years of age. Mrs. Godfrey's maiden name was Curtis. She attended Monticello Seminary the second year after the school was opened. The death of Mrs. Godfrey removes the last of the name of Godfrey in the vicinity of Godfrey still holding land that originally belonged to the Benjamin Godfrey estate. At one time Benjamin Godfrey owned all the land for miles around Godfrey, and the part which James Godfrey inherited from his father was still held by his widow at the time of her death, and she lived upon the place. Mrs. Godfrey had been living in Godfrey township since 1865, when she settled down there to make her home. She had been sick about a week, and her death was due to a general breakdown from old age. She had been very low for several days. Mrs. Godfrey leaves two daughters, Mrs. Charles Turner of Godfrey; and Mrs. Augusta Strong of Beloit, Wis.; and two sons, James of Springfield, and Homer of Quincy. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home. She was born in Warren, Connecticut, and came west in 1837 with her parents, and they settled near what is now Waverly. She was married to James Godfrey in 1843, and her husband died in 1881. She was a woman of a very high degree of intellectuality. After her marriage she came to Alton and was here when the Chicago & Alton was being built by Capt. Godfrey. Her husband ran the first train as conductor on the C. & A., having served as a civil engineer in the building of the railroad. [Ledema Godfrey had a brother, A. A. Curtiss, who lived in Waverly in 1898.]


Grandson of Captain Benjamin Godfrey
Mayne Reid Godfrey was born in the Benjamin Godfrey mansion on August 01, 1880. He was the son of Benjamin B. Godfrey (1840-1884) and Augusta Encke Caldwell Godfrey (1851-1882), and grandson of Captain Benjamin Godfrey (1794-1862), founder of the Monticello Ladies Seminary in Godfrey, and Rebecca E. Petit Godfrey (1807-1892). It was announced in the Alton Daily Telegraph, January 13, 1892, that Mayne, age 12, would move to Booneville, Missouri, to make his home with his aunt, Mrs. F. M. Caldwell. (Since both of his parents were deceased, Mayne had probably been living with his grandmother, Rebecca Godfrey, who died January 1, 1892, in Godfrey.)

In 1907, Mayne Godfrey married Mary Emma Schwallenstecker of Alton (1885-1961). They had been engaged for four years, and had known each other in their youth. Mayne’s relatives were against the marriage, partly because of their young age. Mayne had moved to Idaho to take up a claim near Twin Falls, and he sent money to pay Emma’s way to Buell, Idaho. Her family bid her goodbye, giving her a certificate that she was old enough to marry. Mayne and Emma became the parents of six children: Louis B. Godfrey (1908-1916); Arthur Reid Godfrey (1910-1985); Winthrop Arbie Godfrey (1912-1975); Lawrence Earl Godfrey (1913-1978); Wilbur Aaron Godfrey (1918-1991); and Esther Mae Godfrey Pedigo (1925-2006). Mayne and Emma continued to live in Idaho, where Mayne died on May 16, 1957, at the age of 76. He was buried in the Kohlerlawn Cemetery in Nampa, Canyon County, Idaho.


GODFREY, REBECCA E. (nee PETIT)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 9, 1892
Wife of Captain Benjamin Godfrey
The funeral of Mrs. Rebecca E. Godfrey took place from the family residence Sunday afternoon. Many friends assembled to witness the last sad rites, and to pay the last tribute of love to one who has ever been deeply respected.


GODFREY, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 30, 1882
Son of Benjamin Godfrey Jr.
From Godfrey – Died this morning, the infant child of Mr. Benjamin Godfrey Jr.


GODWIN, JENNIE McREYNOLDS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 23, 1914
Mrs. Jennie McReynolds Godwin, wife of Irwin Godwin, a well known street railway conductor, entered into rest last evening about 8:15 o'clock at the family home, 302 West Fourth street. She was 32 years old last October. The death of the young woman comes as a sad shock to her friends in Alton, as well as her bereaved husband. She had become a mother Thursday morning early, her child passing away soon after birth. The mother's condition was known to be serious, and as the day progressed her friends feared for the worst. Early in the evening she rallied and seemed much better, and when death claimed her soon after 8 o'clock the shock was a sudden one. Mrs. Godwin was a daughter of the late R. R. McReynolds of Upper Alton. She was born there, and had lived here all her life. She was a devoted member of the Upper Alton Methodist Church, and all through her life she had been a church and Sunday school worker. She was known for her sweet disposition and her friends considered her a sister. She made a specialty of teaching boys in the Sunday school a long number of years. She leaves two sisters and one brother as follows: Nelson McReynolds of Upper Alton; Mrs. N. L. Windsor of East St. Louis; and Mrs. C. W. Colby of Peoria. The two sisters are at the Godwin home, but the brother, who is a traveling man, is in Iowa and efforts to locate him today by wire had failed. In case he cannot be reached, the funeral will be held Sunday afternoon in the Upper Alton Methodist Church, and burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery. Friends of the deceased can see the body at the home, 302 West Fourth street from 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon until noon Sunday. The casket will not be opened at the church.


GODWIN, NELSON (PRIVATE)/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 21, 1865
From Headquarters, 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 13th A. C.
Died in southern Alabama near Escambia River, March 29, 1865, from injuries received by the falling of a tree, Nelson Godwin, Private, Company G, 97th Illinois Volunteers, aged 19. Godwin enlisted from Alton about a year ago, and I think, previous to his enlistment, was in the employ of Mr. Burbank in Alton. He was a good boy and a good soldier, and beloved by all who knew him. Our march from Pensacola to Alabama has been a hard one. We have had to corduroy nearly every mile of the road between Pensacola and this place, and while engaged in falling trees for this purpose, young Godwin received the injuries which occasioned his death.


GOEBEL, LILLIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 24, 1906
Miss Lillian Goebel, whose home was on Taylor avenue in the north eastern part of the city, died Sunday morning after an illness of nearly five weeks from appendicitis. The history of the woman shows her to have been endowed with indomitable pluck and notwithstanding her adversities, she succeeded in making her way in the world overcoming obstacles and finding means to support others as well as to take care of herself by hard work. Miss Goebel is credited with having built her own little two room house on Taylor avenue. The interior she kept neat and clean. She is said to have driven all the nails that held the building together, and she furnished it herself. Her aged grandmother, who was helpless for a long time, she supported until the death of the old lady recently. Dr. H. R. Lemen, who attended Miss Goebel in her last illness, says that she suffered four weeks from appendicitis before she would call for medical help. She did not feel able to pay for a physician's services, as she had been making her own living by doing scrubbing and cleaning for people who needed her help, and her illness made it impossible for her to follow her means of making a livelihood. She died in the little house she built herself. The house is a remarkable example of what untrained hands can do when there is a will directing them. The funeral was held this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the home of the young woman, and Rev. S. D. McKenny conducted the services.


GOEHL, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 6, 1913
Mrs. Henry Goehl, 80 years old, of Collinsville, Ill., committed suicide Sunday night by drinking a quart of whiskey, which she had purchased in the afternoon. A note found near her body said she was tired of life. She requested her body be buried in Troy, Ill. An inquest by Coroner J. M. S***s of Edwardsville resulted in a verdict she had died from alcoholic poisoning. Her body was found by her husband, Henry Goehl, when he returned to the home on East Main street. The couple had been married four years.


GOEHLER, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 11, 1900
Michael Goehler died last night at 9 o'clock at his home at Alton Park, east of the city, after a long illness. He had but one relative in the world, Mrs. John Stutz, and is reported to have been quite wealthy. Goehler was a well-known person, having lived east of the city many years, and conducted the place known as the Alton Park. He was 73 years of age. The funeral will be Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock.


GOEHRINGER, LOUISE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 23, 1902
Mrs. Louise Goehringer, wife of Julius Goehringer, died Tuesday morning at 2 o'clock, after a lingering illness from kidney and heart troubles. She was 28 years of age and had been a wife for ten years. She was a young woman of a most estimable character and her death comes as a crushing blow on her little family, which has been deprived of wife and mother. Mrs. Goehringer was a native of St. Louis, but has been living in Alton several years. She was ill nearly three months, and during the last month her condition was critical most of the time. She leaves beside her husband, one child. The funeral will be from the family home, 1713 Market street.


GOEDEKING, GUSTAVE JOHANNES FRIEDRICH/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, February 2, 1943
Founder of G. J. Goedeking Store in New Douglas
Gustave Johannes Friedrich GoedekingGustave Johannes Friedrich Goedeking was born in Westercappein, Germany on February 6, 1864. He came to America in 1885, and settled in St. Louis. From there to went to New Douglas in 1890, and engaged in the general merchandising business, until the time of his death in 1943. He was a member of the Immanuel-Lutheran Church of New Douglas. He married Wilhelmina Christine Remmert, and they had the following children: Olga Amalie Wilhelmine Goedeking Dinsmore, wife of Samuel W. Dinsmore of Cleveland, Ohio; Agnes Anna Marie Henrietta Goedeking Prange, wife of W. W. Prange of New Douglas; Rev. Edward Johannes Goedeking of Marysville, Ohio; Melvin Armin Karl Goedeking of Dayton, Ohio; and Arthur Robert Friederich Goedeking of Ohio.

Gustave Goedeking died on February 1, 1943, and was buried in the New Douglas Cemetery. His wife, five children, and nine grandchildren survived him.


GOEDER, UNKNOWN/Source: alton Telegraph, June 30, 1898
Mrs. William Goeder, who died Monday morning at her home on upper Belle Street, was buried Tuesday in the Alton City Cemetery. The Goeder family came here from Jerseyville recently. A husband and five children are left by deceased.


GOEHRINGER, JACOB/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 19, 1898
Civil War Veteran; Cigar Maker
Mr. Jacob Goehringer died Sunday morning at his home, 1723 Alby Street, from general debility; aged 67 years. Mr. Goehringer has been a resident of Alton 44 years, and was respected and esteemed by all acquainted with him. He was a cigar maker, and was the oldest member of his trade in Alton. He was a veteran of the Civil War, and lived an honorable life among his fellow citizens. He leaves a wife, two sons, and three stepsons, Leo Goehringer of Kansas City; Jule Goehringer of St. Louis; William Yeager of Bloomington; Gus Yeager of St. Louis; and Frank Yeager of Alton.

The funeral was held Tuesday at the residence on Alby Street. There was a large attendance of friends and relatives at the funeral obsequies. Among those who attended from out of the city were Mr. and Mrs. Julius Goehringer and son; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Goehringer; Mr. and Mrs. William Yeager; Mrs. Charles Yeager; and T. B. Adams. The local Cigarmakers Union attended the funeral in a body.


GOEHRINGER, MADELINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 2, 1906
Mrs. Madeline Goehringer died Wednesday morning at 7:30 o'clock at the age of 76 years. She had been ill for a long time and had not been out of doors in a year. Her illness was aggravated by the death of her son, William Yager, who was killed in an accident on the Illinois Terminal railroad, being engineer of the wrecked engine. Her health had steadily declined from the date of her son's sudden death. She was born in Baden, Germany on July 13, 1830, and came to Alton when she was 16 years of age, where she resided sixty years. She was twice married. Her first husband was Francis Yeager, by whom she has two children living, Frank Yeager of this city, and Gustave Yeager of St. Louis. She also leaves two children by her second marriage, Leo Geohringer of St. Paul, and Julius, of this city. She resided at 1723 Alby street for many years. Her first husband died forty-four years ago, and her second husband eight years ago. She has been a highly respected lady all her life in Alton, a good neighbor and one of those mothers whose memory will be cherished by her children as long as life lasts. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the family home.


GOEKEN, CLEMENT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 6, 1913
Clement A. Goeken, aged 73 years, died Wednesday night at 11:35 o'clock at his home, 520 East Fourth street, after a long and severe sickness from Bright's disease and complications. He was born in Westphalen, Germany, and came to Alton when he was fourteen years old. He had lived here since and he so comported himself as to gain the esteem and respect of citizens generally. He was a cooper by trade and worked at that for many years, and being a good workman and economical man, he accumulated a competence. He was a devout Catholic and was a charter member of St. Boniface Branch of the Western Catholic Union, and also of the St. Joseph's Society of St. Mary's Church, and both of the societies will attend his funeral in a body. He is survived by his wife and four sons, George, Albert, Joe and Victor Goeken, and two daughters, Mrs. Charles Seibert and Miss Clara Goeken. Seven grandchildren also survive. He was a good citizen and a devoted husband and father, and those left behind will have the sincere sympathy of the community. The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's Church, and burial will be in St. Joseph's Cemetery.


GOEKEN, VICTOR V./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 28, 1914
Affliated With the Noll Bakery
The death of Victor V. Goeken occurred at 4:15 o'clock Monday morning at his home, 504 East Fifth street. To most of the public the fact that Mr. Goeken's illness had taken a sudden turn for the worse was a surprise. He had been sick for six weeks, and the news from his sick chamber of late had been that he was showing much improvement and was able to sit up and be around his room, and take more nourishment. There was good reason for hoping that he would soon be able to be out again, and his condition was being watched by a large number of people in Alton who admired him intensely. Saturday afternoon about 3 o'clock he began to show indications of suffering a backset, and from that time the decline was rapid. A consultation of doctors was held late in the afternoon, and the result was that the opinion was given that there was no chance for his recovery. He sank steadily until this morning when the end came. The death of Mr. Goeken removes one of the most successful of Alton's young business men. He has been connected with the Noll bakery since he was a boy. He possessed remarkable business ability and he made many friends. His rule of absolute integrity in all his business dealings won for him the complete confidence of all who knew him. He was one of Alton's most pushing, progressive business men, though but twenty-seven years of age, and he had contributed a very large share toward the upbuilding of the Noll bakery, of which he was treasurer....Mr. Goeken took up his work with the Noll company when he was but 16 years of age, and has been with the company ever since....He was born in Alton and spent all his life here. He was married about two years ago to Miss Mazie Buese, and his married life had been of the very happiest character. He leaves beside his wife, his mother, Mrs. Catherine Goeken; two sisters, Mrs. Charles Seibert and Miss Clara Goeken; and three brothers, George W. Goeken, Al H. Goeken, and Joseph G. Goeken. The funeral of Mr. Goeken will be held at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning from St. Mary's Church. Members of the Knights of Columbus will probably attend the funeral in a body.


GOELLER, M./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 5, 1894
Mrs. M. Goeller died Saturday after a lingering illness of Brights’ Disease, at her home in Alton Park. Deceased was 60 years of age, and has been a resident of Alton since 1864. The Women’s Society of the Evangelical Church will attend the funera, which will take place Monday afternoon.


GOETZ, CHRISTINE/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 1, 1883
Mr. Christian Goetz has been deeply afflicted in the death of his daughter, Christine, which occurred a few days ago. This is the second child he has lost with the same disease (typhoid fever) within a few weeks.


GOETZ, HERMAN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 4, 1883
From Upper Alton - Herman Goetz, son of Mr. C. Goetz, an estimable young man of 21 years, died Wednesday morning from typhoid fever. The funeral was attended from the family residence today.


GOFF, ELIZABETH (nee RUTLEDGE)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 22, 1919
Mrs. Elizabeth Rutledge Goff, 73 years old, died yesterday at 7:30 p.m. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Edward Zaugg, 135 East Tenth street, following an illness of about two months. She died of a complication of diseases. On December 8 Mrs. Goff celebrated her 73rd birthday, the same day her brother, John Rutledge of Collinsville, celebrated his 63rd birthday. It was on the day following that Mrs. Goff became ill. She grew rapidly worse, until recently slight hopes were held for her recovery. Her son, Lieut. Robert B. Goff, who has been in France, arrived home Feb. 13, having landed in America on Feb. 12. It was feared the young officer would be unable to see his mother before she died. It was said that only the determination of Mrs. Goff to see her son, whom she knew to be on his way home, delayed her death. Mrs. Goff was born in County Durham, England, and came to America at the age of 10 years. She was united in marriage in 1865 to Andrew J. Goff, being before her marriage Miss Elizabeth Rutledge. Mrs. Goff was a resident of Alton for more than 20 years, and lived here at times before taking up permanent residence. Mrs. Goff was a prominent member of the Baptist Church until recent years when her hearing became affected. Before that time she was an ardent church worker. She was affiliated with the First Baptist Church. She was well known and loved by the older residents of the city, and enjoyed the friendship of many people by whom she was loved, and to whom her death will cause sadness. Mrs. Goff was also a member of the Daughters of Rebekah. Mrs. Goff is survived by six daughters, one son, four sisters, one brother, and nine grandchildren. Her husband died in 1____ [1908?]. The daughters surviving are: Mrs. Edward Zaugg of Alton; Mrs. Elizabeth Koller; Mrs. D. A. Davis; and Mrs. F. I. Mayor of Omaha, Neb.; and Mrs. Gertrude Brennen; and Mrs. Kate M. Davis of Los Angeles, Cal. Her son is Lieut. Robert B. Goff, who recently returned from France; and the sisters are: Mrs. Addie Cartwright and Mrs. Jennie Frazier, both of Los Angeles; Mrs. Sarah Jones of Milwaukee, Wis., and Mrs. Mollie Percival of Alton. The brother is John Rutledge of Collinsville. The funeral will be tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock from the home of Edward Zaugg, 125 East Tenth street, and interment will be in Oakwood cemetery. Services at the home will be conducted by Rev. M. W. Twing, pastor of the First Baptist Church. The Alton lodge of the Daughters of Rebekah, of which Mrs. Goff was an old and honored member, will attend the services in a body, assembling at the Edward Zaugg home at 2:30 o'clock. The Rebekah's will hold short services at the cemetery.


GOFF, UNKNOWN WIFE OF PETER/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 5, 1885
The burial of Mrs. Peter Goff of Omaha took place at Upper Alton Cemetery at 10 o’clock Friday. Rev. F. M. S. Taylor, Rector of St. Paul’s, officiated at the grave.


GOFORTH, MAGGIE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 30, 1892
Maggie, wife of Jeremiah Goforth, died this morning at her home, 914 East Third Street, at the age of 38 years. Mrs. Goforth was well known, and leaves a stricken husband and a small child. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the family residence to the Upper Alton Cemetery.


GOLASH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 13, 1918
A foreigner by the name of Golash died this morning at the Emergency Hospital after an illness of ten days with influenza. Golash resided in Wood River, but leaves a wife and five children in Europe. He was employed at the Standard Oil Company, and his employers will attend to the funeral arrangements.


GOLDSTEIN, DAVID/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 20, 1909
David Goldstein, an old peddler, died at St. Joseph's hospital yesterday. He was 66 years of age and leaves one son, so far as known, at Portland, Oregon. Alton members of the Jewish faith took charge of him, and when he was refused admittance to hospitals elsewhere got him into St. Joseph's hospital at Alton, where they saw that he was given proper care during the last three weeks of his life. The body will be taken to St. Louis for burial tomorrow.


GOLIKE, CARRIE A./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 25, 1883
Mrs. Charles Golike of Fosterburg died Sunday morning, after a protracted illness from consumption. She leaves a husband and two children, the youngest but a few months old. The funeral will be attended from her late residence. She was about 30 years of age.


GOLIKE, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 1, 1919
The funeral of Charles Golike was held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Baptist Church at Fosterburg, and services were conducted by Rev. F. C. Weber of Shurtleff College, pastor of the Fosterburg Church.


GOLIKE, HEINRICH KONRAD/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 11, 1875
From Fosterburg – Among the recent deaths is Heinrich Konrad Golike, who died February 25, 1875. He was born September 6, 1818. Mr. Golike was buried in the Fosterburg Cemetery.


GOLIKE, HULDAH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 13, 1909
The body of Miss Huldah Golike, who died in Kansas City, is expected to arrive in Alton this evening and the funeral services will be held tomorrow at Fosterburg, her old home. Miss Golike belonged to a well known family at Fosterburg. Rev. Simeon Hussey will conduct the funeral service.


GOLIKE, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 18, 1889
From Fosterburg - The funeral of Mrs. Henry Golike, who died last Saturday morning, took place at the German Baptist Church on Sunday. She was a Christian lady of 70 years, well known and much loved by all. We shall miss her.


GOLLEDGE, JAMES B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 17, 1909
James B. Golledge, aged 19, died at St. Joseph's hospital yesterday afternoon after undergoing a surgical operation for appendicitis. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. James Golledge of 711 east Fifth street. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock.


GOLLMER, ADAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 2, 1904
Adam Gollmer, aged 61, died Sunday morning at his home on Ridge street after a three months illness from cancerous trouble in his stomach. Mr. Gollmer was a well-known harness maker, and during the forty years that he lived in Alton he was employed in the one shop, that now owned by Alex Weaver, where he was foreman. He was faithful to his employer and trusted implicitly. As a workman he had few equals, and his employer said that probably there was not another such as he in the state of Illinois. He leaves his wife and three children, Mrs. Lou Joyce, Mrs. Josph Fitzgerald, and Mrs. Emanuel Apelquist.


GOLLMER, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 8, 1908
Mrs. Elizabeth Gollmer, widow of Adam Gollmer, aged 53, died Sunday evening at 6 o'clock at her home on Fourth street near Ridge, after a brief illness. Mrs. Gollmer's death was a great surprise and a shock to her many friends and her relatives. She had been ill, suffering from a very painful malady for a week, but it was not expected that her death would result. She had been deeply interested in the work of the German Evangelical church for many years and was president of the Ladies society of that church, where she had proved herself very efficient and one of the best workers in the church. Mrs. Gollmer was well known throughout the east end of the city. For many years she had been conducting a boarding house and was well known as an excellent housekeeper. She was the mother of a family of the children, most of whom left Alton. Her husband died in recent years and he too was well known. When the news of the death of Mrs. Gollmer was given out, the ladies of the Evangelical church immediately cancelled arrangements for their picnic and supper, which was to have been held today at Alton park. Mrs. Gollmer leaves three daughters, Mrs. Emanuel Apelquist and Mrs. Joseph Fitzgerald of Denver, and Mrs. James Joyce of Alton. Mrs. Apelquist will come to the funeral, but her sister is too ill to make the trip. The time of the funeral will be announced tomorrow.


GOOCH, MAMIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 29, 1908
The funeral of Mamie Gooch, the young girl who took sixty grains of corrosive sublimate a week ago because of love trouble, took place this afternoon from the Cathedral. Services were conducted by Rev. Father Fennessey, and interment was in Greenwood cemetery.


GOOD, MARTHA M./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 27, 1852
Died in the American Bottom on Tuesday, August 19th, after a protracted illness, Martha M. Good, consort of Jacob Good.


GOOD, THOMAS/Source: History of Madison County, 1882
Pioneer of Illinois Territory
Thomas Good was born in 1761. He married in about 1788 to Mary Gordon Gillham, daughter of Ezekiel Gillham (1732-1800), who died in Oglethorpe County, Georgia in 1800, and Sarah Clements Gillham (1740-?). They had the following known children: Mary Polly Good Gillham (1789-1872); James Kirkpatrick Good (1793-1853); William Good (1795-1844); Ezekial Good (1796-1834); Henry Davidson Good (1801-1781); and John Thomas Good (1821-1849).

Thomas and his family immigrated from Georgia to Indiana Territory (Illinois Territory was created in 1809 out of Indiana Territory) in 1803. They lived on Section 23, Edwardsville Township. There he raised cotton, and built and operated a cotton gin. He died on his homestead, which was 2 miles south of Edwardsville, in 1829. He was buried in the Wanda Cemetery.

The Bethel Church was erected on Thomas Good’s land in 1805. It was the first Protestant Church in the Illinois Territory (still part of Indiana Territory at that time). The church was constructed of unhewed logs, clapboard roof, puncheon floor, and rudely constructed windows. In 1807, a camp meeting was held at the church by Elder William McKendree. It was the first camp meeting held in Madison County. In 1817, the second session of the Illinois Conference was held in the church.


GOODELL, NELLIE (nee FISH)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 9, 1893
Mrs. Nellie Fish, wife of Mr. L. E. Goodell, died Friday morning at the residence of her mother on Belle street, at 11:45 o'clock. Mrs. Goodell had been ill about a week. The sad news was a severe shock to Mrs. Goodell's many friends in Alton, where, since early childhood, she has been a favorite with all who knew her. It is a little less than a year since her marriage, when she entered upon the new life full of hope and joy. Besides her husband, Mrs. Goodell leaves a bereaved mother, sister and brother to mourn her early death. "Sleep safe, beloved, we sometimes say, But have no time to charm away Sad dreams which through the eyelids creep. But never doleful dream again, Shall break the happy slumber, when He giveth his beloved sleep." The funeral of Nellie, wife of Mr. L. E. Goodell, took place Monday morning at 9 o'clock from the Cathedral. The church was filled with friends who came to pay a last token of respect to one who in life had been a dear friend. A profusion of flowers, tributes of esteem of many friends, graced the casket containing the form of one who had so recently been a fair young and devoted wife. The services were conducted by Rev. Father Spaulding. A long cortege followed the remains to their last resting place in Greenwood Cemetery. The pallbearers were: Messrs. Harry Malcom, B. B. Harris, Charles Haagen, David Sullivan, Will Greenwood and J. C. Bramhall.


GOODLET, JAMES/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, December 30, 1891
James Goodlet, who has been a character in and about the city for over a quarter of a century died at the county poor farm Sunday [Dec. 27] from general debility, his constitution being entirely broken down. He was about 6_ years of age and lived here probably thirty years. He has been a county charge for several years.


GOODMAN, HUGH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 13, 1899
Upper Alton News - Hugh, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. William Goodman, died last night at 8:30 o'clock from spasms induced by whooping cough. The child was two years and six months of age. The hour for the funeral has not been decided.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 16, 1899
From Upper Alton – The funeral of Hugh, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. William Goodman, occurred yesterday afternoon from the family home. Rev. W. H. Bradley officiating.


GOODMAN, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 11, 1862
James Goodman, a farmer living out on the Piasa, came to town on Saturday with some produce, and returned home in the evening. Sunday morning, he ate his breakfast, went into a room and laid down on a lounge, and when noticed again, was dead, having taken chloroform, a bottle of which was in his hands. No cause is known for the act.


GOODMAN, LEE/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 26, 1896
Brakeman Killed Between Two Rail Cars
Lee Goodman, a brakeman on the Burlington in the local yards, was killed Wednesday evening by being caught between the drawheads of two cars, near the approach to the bridge. The young man was but 18 years of age, and had been in the Burlington’s employ but a short time. He was brakeman in the local yards, and on the “plug,” running to West Alton.

Wednesday evening, while one of the local switch engines was backing a passenger coach up to a freight car on a siding, young Goodman stepped between the two cars to make the coupling. It is evident that in his efforts to dislodge the pin, which had become caught, he stepped directly between the drawheads of the two cars. He was caught by the impact, and his abdomen was badly crushed. The sad tragedy was witnessed by only one person, Mr. Joseph Coleman, who signaled the engineer to go forward. When the cars released the mangled body, it fell to the ground, and was picked up and carried to the home of his mother, Mrs. E. C. Jones on Second Street [Broadway], near Langdon. Dr. Taphorn was called and dressed the crushed body, but before the operation was finished, the young man died.

Coroner Kinder was notified, and on his arrival impaneled a jury to hold an inquest. At the inquest, Joseph Coleman, the witness of the tragedy, testified that he saw the young man endeavoring to loosen the pin, the engine and passenger coach backing down to the freight car. He heard a scream and ran to the spot, and assisted in carrying the young man home. He also testified that the drawhead of the freight car was defective, and must have been so before the accident. He also testified that the car had been turned around during the night.

George Thompson, the engineer, testified also, and admitted that the drawhead on that car had been pushed in for some time. Dr. Taphorn testified as to the injuries. The jury took a look at the car, and returned a verdict blaming the railroad company for the condition of the bumper.


GOODMAN, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 16, 1901
William Goodman, a glassblower, died this morning at his home on Garden street, Upper Alton, after an illness of two weeks with pneumonia. His wife is now ill with the same disease, and her recovery is a matter of doubt. Five years ago Mr. Goodman came to Alton from Scranton, Pa., and secured work in the glass works. He was an industrious worker and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. While living in Alton two of his children died. Relatives are expected from Scranton, and on their arrival the time of funeral will be set.


GOODPASTURE, LOUISE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 25, 1911
Mrs. Louise Goodpasture died yesterday at four o'clock from complication of diseases. She has two sons in the city, Elmer and Oscar. The body will be shipped to Gillespie Monday, where burial will take place.


GOODSELL, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 25, 1896
Struck by Train
Chief of Police Kuhn received a telegram from John Jones at Edwardsville Crossing, Friday, stating that a man had been struck by a Bluff Line train near the Crossing. Jones, who lives in Alton and has been working in the country, came to town Saturday morning and gave fuller particulars. His story is that he met the man at the Crossing, and they started to walk along on the Bluff Line tracks. While watching a Chicago & Alton train passing, a Bluff Line freight train came along and struck the stranger, hurling him forty feet. Jones was walking on the outside of the track, and thus escaped injury. He went to the man who was still breathing, but unconscious, and then started for the Crossing to secure help, where he telegraphed for Chief Kuhn. The man lived but a few minutes. His body was brought to Alton Saturday morning, and Coroner Kinder summoned. A jury was impanelled and rendered a verdict of accidental death. Nothing was found on his person which would identify him, except a number of letters addressed to Mrs. Mary Goodsell of Lincoln, Illinois. He was fairly well dressed, had something over $2 in his pocket, and a silver watch. A telegram was sent to Lincoln inquiring as to his identity.

Later – Chief Kuhn received a telegram saying: “Hold body; I will be down tonight.” The body of the man killed by a Bluff Line train was shipped to Lincoln, as per instructions received by telegram from his wife, Mrs. Mollie Goodsell, of that place.


GOODWIN, CHARLES J./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 16, 1888
Mr. Charles J. Goodwin, a resident of Alton since 1865, died Tuesday after a long illness, at the age of almost 59 years. The funeral took place yesterday from the residence of deceased’s son-in-law, Mr. John Leonard, on Stanton Street. Charles J. Goodwin was born in Pickens County, South Carolina, September 24, 1829, and died August 14, 1888. His parents moved to Anderson County, South Carolina, where he was married, October 15, 1851, to Miss Elizabeth Crowe, a daughter of Stephen and Tempe Crowe. Nine children were born to them, five of whom were boys, and four girls. Four sons and three daughters still live. In 1854, Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin moved to Dalton, Georgia, where they lived until 1864 or 1865, when they moved to Alton, Illinois, where they have since resided. Before coming to Alton, he united with the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was a carpenter by trade, and followed his occupation until he was taken with his final sickness. For several months, he was afflicted with a complication of troubles which terminated his life. All of the family but two sons were at home, and witnessed his last moments. After talking with each of them and giving them messages of consolation, he quietly passed away.

Two of his sons were James S. Goodwin (1862-1902) and Charles J. Goodwin Jr. (1866-1913). Charles Sr. was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


GOODWIN, CONSTANTINE M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 11, 1899
Altonian Thrown Off Train by Brakeman
James Goodwin this morning received a letter from Dr. F. W. Smith, Coroner, giving additional particulars of the death of his brother, Constantine M. Goodwin, at Red Oak, Iowa, last Monday morning, from the effects of falling from a train near that place on the night before. The letter states that Goodwin was riding on the top of a car when the brakeman came along and threw him off. He fell between two cars and dropped on the track, where his legs were cut off. He was left lying beside the track near a ditch filled with water. Mr. Goodwin was thrown from the car about 3 a.m. Sunday morning, and was not brought to Red Oak until 10 a.m. Sunday. The Coroner, who is also a physician, had the injured man taken to the hospital, and did everything he could for him, but he had lost too much blood, and died Monday at 7 a.m. He was buried in Red Oak Tuesday.

The Coroner states that the brakeman’s act was most brutal. Goodwin, after being revived, told Dr. Smith of the act, also of having relatives in Alton. His mother is still living, also two brothers, James and Charles. The Coroner urges that action be taken against the brakeman for his inhuman act.

Constantine Goodwin, a number of years ago, married a daughter of James Powrie, better known as “Scotch Jimmie.” Two children were born to them; both are dead. Mrs. Goodwin secured a divorce and remarried. The deceased was born and raised in Alton, and was a member of a large family.

Constantine M. Goodwin was born in 1866 in Alton. He was buried in the Hewitt Cemetery in Red Oak, Iowa.


GOODWIN, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 27, 1901
Mrs. Elizabeth Goodwin, widow of Charles J. Goodwin, died this morning at 1 o'clock at the home of her son, James Goodwin, 1106 Main Street. Two weeks ago Mrs. Goodwin sustained severe injuries from a fall, and in her enfeebled condition due to old age she did not regain her usual health. She was born in South Carolina, and was 71 years of age. She came to Alton 39 years ago to make her home and raised her children here. She leaves six children: James and Richard Goodwin, and Mrs. Elizabeth Leonard, Mrs. Jennie Markey and Mrs. Sara Brooker. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home of her son, James Goodwin.


GOODWIN, EMMA/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 12, 1883
From Dorsey – Mrs. Emma Goodwin, wife of Ernest Goodwin of Dorsey, died on May 19. Mrs. Goodwin had suffered a long time, but she bore her sickness without a murmur, and patiently awaited the time to come when she might go to meet her little one gone before.


GOODWIN, JAMES S./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 7, 1902
James S. Goodwin, a well known carpenter, died Monday morning at 2 o'clock after an illness of several weeks from liver trouble. Mr. Goodwin was born in Alton in 1862. Besides his wife and one child, one brother and two sisters survive him. The funeral will take place from his late residence tomorrow at 2 p.m.


GOODWIN, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 02, 1897
Killed by Large Piece of Shale at Alton Brick Works
John Goodwin of North Alton was almost instantly killed Saturday evening by the fall of a large piece of shale at the shale quarries of the North Alton Paving, Building & Fire Brick Company. The accident occurred just before the men were stopping work for the night. Goodwin was engaged at mining the shale when suddenly, the big section of earth slid down on the unfortunate man, and he was buried beneath the weight of tons. The accident was witnessed by a dozen men or more, who were working in the immediate vicinity at the time, and they hurriedly set about the work of rescue. In a shor time, Goodwin was dug out, still alive, but in a dying condition. Dr. Worden was sent for, and the sufferer was taken to his home at North Alton, where surgical attendance awaited him. He died about one hour afterward. Examination of his body showed that both of his legs were broken, his hips crushed, and fatal internal injuries inflicted. He leaves a wife and a family of three small children. An inquest was held by Coroner Bailey, and a verdict of accidental death was found, exonerating the North Alton Paving, Building & Fire Brick Co. from all blame. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon from the home of deceased, and interment was at Alton City Cemetery.


GOOSEBERRY, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 7, 1873
Accidentally Shot
Last Thursday night, a youth about 15 years of age, known here as Bill Gooseberry, who for the last year or two had been stopping with Madam Caswell in Edwardsville, called about 9 o’clock at the drugstore and dispensary of Dr. Pogue on Washington Avenue, the store at the time being in charge of a lad some 10 or 12 years old, by the name of Albert Sutter, stepson of Frank J. Haag of Edwardsville. The visitor being somewhat solicitous, discovered a revolver and proceeded to cock it, remove the cylinder, etc. Upon replacing the cylinder, he was unable to let down the hammer. In proceeding to do so, the pistol was accidentally discharged, striking Gooseberry in the head and killing him instantly. The report soon brought other persons in. Esquire Chapman summoned a Coroner’s jury, and the case and verdict were substantially as above set forth, and although the deceased may be better dead than alive, this is another one of the fatal results growing out of the habit of keeping deadly weapons too convenient.


GORE, LOUISA/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 14, 1911
George H. Gore and wife of 1714 Bozza street, Alton, are at Fairmount, Ind., where they went to attend the funeral of Mr. Gore's mother, Mrs. Louisa Gore, wife of William Gore of that city. Mr. Gore started for Fairmount before his mother died, but arrived after her death. Her husband was one of the original glassblowers in Alton and worked for the Illinois Glass Co. on Belle street when the factories were there. Mr. Gore is still living. The couple were born in England and were married in St. Louis. Eighteen years ago they moved to Fairmount. Their son, George, is a glassblower in Alton. The funeral was at Fairmount, Ind., last Sunday. Mrs. Gore is survived by her husband, four sons and one daughter, George of Alton, William Jr. of Milwaukee, Arthur and Alfred and Miss Mary Gore of Fairmount. Mr. and Mrs. George Gore will return home in a few days.


GORMAN, DANIEL SR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 2, 1906
Daniel Gorman Sr. died this morning at 3 o'clock after a week's illness from asthma and other ailments. Mr. Gorman had been in feeble health for two years. He was 80 years of age, and was born in County Limerich, Ireland. He came to Alton in 1846 and was employed in the building of the Chicago and Alton railway, having worked under the late William Huskinson. His wife and seven children, five sons and two daughters, survive him. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon at one o'clock from the residence, 709 Semple street, to the Cathedral.


GORMAN, PATRICK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 13, 1922
Patrick J. (Patsy) Gorman died at 2 a.m., Sunday, at his home, 716 Semple street, following an illness of more than a year. He was 42 years old. Mr. Gorman was born in Alton and lived here his entire life. He was formerly a railroad man. He is survived by four brothers, John H. Gorman of Houston, Tex.; Dan, David and James of Alton; and two sisters, Mrs. Ellen Cahill and Miss Mary Gorman, both of Alton. Funeral services will be at the Cathedral at 9 a.m. tomorrow, and interment will be in Greenwood cemetery.


GORSUCH, CAROLINE/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 9, 1890
The funeral of Mrs. Caroline Gorsuch took place Saturday from the family residence, 1901 Washington Street, St. Louis, and was attended by relatives from Alton. The remains were brought to Alton Sunday, and taken to the cemetery where burial services were held. A large number of relatives and friends from St. Louis, as well as from Alton, attended the interment in the City Cemetery.


GORSUCH, FRANCES L./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 16, 1849
Died in Alton on the 14th instant, Frances L., infant daughter of Dr. M. Gorsuch.


GOSSRAU, FRANK A./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 19, 1896
Mr. Frank A. Gossrau died at midnight Wednesday from dropsy, at his home on East Fourth Street. Mr. Gossrau has been sick for a long time with the disease, and death came as a relief from his sufferings. He was 63 years of age, and has been a resident of Alton for many years. He was a stonemason by trade, which he worked at till ill-health prevented. He leaves a wife and several children to mourn his death, and was a brother to Mr. Reinhold Gossrau.


GOSSRAU, REINHOLD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 20, 1916
Prominent Alton Musician and Business Man
Reinhold Gossrau died Tuesday evening at 6 o' clock at his residence on Ninth street after an illness of about two years. Dropsy was the immediate cause of his death. As told in the Telegraph Tuesday evening, the well known bandmaster and business man collapsed Tuesday morning and remained unconscious all day. The end came without any rally, and Mr. Gossrau did not regain consciousness. Reinhold Gossrau was born in Schloelen, in the province of Saxony, Germany, December 5, 1845. At the age of 14 he left school and began a special study of vocal and instrumental music which he pursued for four years. He served in the German army as a member of the band of the fifty-seventh regiment, and was at the battles of Sadowa. He received his discharge in 1868, and then came to America and to Alton, where he had lived ever since. He became a member of the Maennerchor soon after his arrival, and a few years later he became its leader, a post he held for many years. He became at once a leader in musical circles in Alton, and more than one band was the result of his hard work. He leaves as a monument, the most enduring of the organizations he had in charge, the White Hussars band. He was one of the founders of the Alton Germania Building and Loan Association, which was started October 25, 1890. Mr. Gossrau married Katherine Hermann in Alton in 1872. The couple had five children, Otto J. Gossrau of St. Louis; Emil E. Gossrau of Temple, Tex.; Walter and Hermann Gossrau and Mrs. O. H. Karmer. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home on Ninth street. Services will be conducted by Rev. E. L. Mueller of the German Evangelical Church. Mr. Gossrau was a man of an intensely positive character. He was of the military frame of mind, the impressions of his earlier days in the German army having left a permanent influence on his mind. He was very thorough in whatever he did. In his work of conducting the various musical organizations in which he held membership, Mr. Gossrau had his whole heart and soul wrapped up. He was known as a skillful conductor. He had one band many years ago, which bore his name, and he had something to do at some time or other with every band that has been organized in Alton since he came to the city. The Alton Maennerchor owed much to the zeal of Mr. Gossrau. Though he was not one of the original members, but two of them, August Neermann and John Koch, being still in the organization, he was always recognized as one of the leading spirits. His death will be felt in Alton and particularly in his part of the city where he was a leader in many lines of thought and action, and where he had a strong influence. In his long career as a business man, Mr. Gossrau had a very honorable record, and he was successful too. All of the children but Emil Gossrau were here at the time of Mr. Gossrau's death, and Emil is expected to arrive tomorrow morning from Temple, Tex. The following are the honorary pall bearers: Henry Lutz, August Kock, G. A. Joesting and C. A. Schlueter. The active pall bearers will be Fred Hoefert, W. Wilson Otto Gnerich, William Horn, August Luer and M. Mcdonough.


GOTLOB, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 25, 1892
Mr. and Mrs. William Gotlob of 112 Seventh Street were bereaved of their little five-year-old son, just at noon today. The child had been ill for a little over a week. He was at that interesting age, nearly six years, when he filled a large share in the household. The taking off of this bright boy is a bereavement which touches the parents heart to their depths. The many friends of the bereaved parents will sincerely sympathize with them in their severe trial. The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon from the family residence.


GOTTGETREU, ANNIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 6, 1894
14-year-old Girl Killed Instantly
A terrible tragedy was enacted Friday night at the home of Mrs. Gottgetreu on Third Street, near Cherry Street. Annie Gottgetreu, a bright, 14-year-old girl, was killed instantly by the discharge of a pistol in the hands of Paul Lange. In company with several other young men, Lange went to the home of Miss Gottgetreu about 8 o’clock last night. He had been paying attentions to Annie’s older sister. Shortly after arriving, according to Lange’s story, he drew a revolver playfully and pointed it at one of the young men in the room. The young ladies present seized the revolver muzzle, and gave it a twist. The weapon was discharged, and Miss Gottgetreu sank to the floor, shot through the heart. Dr. Haskell was immediately summoned. His services were not needed, however, as Annie was past medical aid. She expired a short time after being shot. The shooting caused a great commotion. The police were notified and Lange was placed under arrest.

Coroner Kinder summoned the following jury to enquire into the case Saturday: Sam Hays, Louis Johnston, E. A. Taylor, L. Brueggeman, J. A. Cooley, Thomas O’Leary. The investigation brought out the testimony of the girl’s mother and sisters, that of Lang, and others. The mother stated that she knew that the tragedy was purely accidental. One of her daughters had taken hold of Paul Lange’s arm as he playfully pointed it at a friend. It was discharged, and the bullet struck Annie, who was at the opposite side of the room. The sisters substantiated the story as told by the mother and Lange. A verdict of accidental killing was brought in by the jury. Lange is 22 years of age, and an employee of the glass works. [Annie was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.]

Source: Alton Telegraph, May 30, 1895
Paul Lange was charged with the murder of Annie Gottgetreu. He was said to be a lover of one of Annie’s sisters, and was jealous of William Zoll, whom it is said was also paying attention to the same girl. Lange went to the Gottgetreu home one night, and found Zoll there. He, it was charged, drew his revolver and playfully pointed it at Zoll, and in the scuffle that ensued, the pistol was discharged and Annie (a girl of 14) was killed. At first the Gottgetreu family insisted that it was all an accident, and so testified at the coroner’s inquest. Afterwards they changed their opinion, and insisted that Lange intended to kill Zoll, the latter taking the same view. Much of the evidence was contradictory, as some of the witnesses had testified differently at the coroner’s inquest.

The trial of Paul Lange took place in Edwardsville, Judge W. P. Early and George D. Burroughs defended Lange, and made a warm trial of it. The case was given to the jury after 6 o’clock last night. The jury rendered a verdict Thursday, sentencing Lange to 13 years in the penitentiary. Judge W. P. Early immediately moved for a new trail.

Paul Lange, for the murder of Annie Gottgetreu, will be taken to Chester penitentiary immediately. The charges against him for the murder of Harrison Harris and the robbery of Charles Steiner in Steiner’s saloon, have been continued until the next term of court. Lange will be taken to the penitentiary, and at next term of court will be brought back to stand trial on these two charges.


GOTTLEIB, MARY (SISTER MARY ANGELA)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 14, 1882
Miss Mary Gottleib, a teacher at the Ursuline Academy in Alton, known at that institution as Sister Mary Angela, daughter of the late Joseph Gottleib, died early yesterday morning at the age of 25 years. Her funeral took place from the Academy this morning. Rev. Father Jannsen officiating. The remains were buried at North Alton.


GOTTLIEB, WALTER/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 07, 1898
Drowned at Clifton Terrace
A sad tragedy occurred last evening at a Fourth of July celebration at Clifton. The Tavern was full of guests from St. Louis, who were spending the day, and in the evening they arranged for a big display of fireworks. The young people came to Alton for a supply, and in the evening they were being set off from a barge in the river. In the party was a young man named Walter Gottlieb. While the fireworks were being sent off, the whole pile of rockets and roman candles became ignited, and the young men on the barge jumped into the water to escape injury. Walter Gottlieb could not swim, and before a skiff from the shore reached him, he sank for the last time. The sad occurrence cast a gloom over the large assemblage of pleasure seekers at the hotel, and put an end to further festivities.

The body of Walter Gottlieb was recovered at Clifton Tuesday afternoon by James Pope and Charles Adams of Alton. A searching party had been dragging for the body all day without success, when Mr. Fisher sent to Alton for Pope and Adams. After dragging for twenty minutes, the body was caught short distance above where the drowning occurred, and brought to the surface. It was taken onboard the Transit, and arrived in Alton at about 5 o’clock last evening.

Coroner Bailey held an inquest over the body, and the family had the remains shipped to St. Louis for interment. The father of the young man is a clerk of the criminal court in St. Louis. His mother was at Tampa seeing off a son who is in the army, and was leaving for Cuba (Spanish-American War).


GOTTLOB, BEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 19, 1917
Commits Suicide by Drinking Carbolic Acid
Ben Gottlob, a dweller at Yager Park, committed suicide by drinking carbolic acid just before noon today. His death followed efforts on his part to bring about the arrest of John Hudspeth on a charge of disturbing his peace. Gottlob procured a divorce in the City court last Saturday from his wife, on a charge of adultery. He named John Hudspeth as correspondent. Gottlob had been trying to bring about the arrest of his wife's best friend, and had sworn out a warrant for Hudspeth a month ago on the peace disturbance charge. Hudspeth had not been found by the officers. This morning, about an hour before he killed himself, Gottlob met Officer Magee in the East End and conversed with him. He said he wanted to get the warrant served and he told the officer that he would accompany him after dinner to the place where Hudspeth could be found. The officer was surprised afternoon, when he was ready to go to meet Gottlob and make the arrest, that his man was dead. Gottlob had worried so much over the necessity of losing his wife and her alleged partiality for Hudspeth, that he could not endure it any longer. He leaves four children, the youngest 4 years of age. These had been given to him by the court order Saturday, when the divorce was granted. The care of the four children was a complication in his domestic affairs that Gottlob could not solve. Mrs. Gottlob, it was said at the City Court this afternoon, made no defense against the charges her husband made, merely entering her appearance and making it possible for the divorce to be granted. She made no effort to get the custody of the children. Gottlob, after talking to Officer Magee, went to his home and standing on his porch drank the acid and was found in a dying condition. Deputy Coroner Bauer was called to hold an inquest this afternoon. Gottlob had promised to procure clothing for the children this morning, and went to the home where the children were staying. Sitting on the front porch of the home of his divorced wife, he drained the contents of a one-half ounce bottle of carbolic acid, which he had brought with him. A physician and the ambulance were called at once by the former wife. By the time they got him in the ambulance to remove him to the hospital, he was dead. The body was turned over at once to Deputy Coroner William Bauer, and the inquest will be held at 5 o'clock this evening. The funeral will be held at 1:30 o'clock from the house in Yager Park to the City Cemetery.


GOTTLOB, FREDERICK WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 12, 1889
Died in Alton, December 11, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Amelia Fischer, E. Fifth Street, after a lingering illness, Frederick William Gottlob, in the 80th year of his age.

He was a resident of Alton since 1853. He was born at Westphalia, Germany, March 10, 1810, and was for a time a soldier in the Prussian Army. He was formerly a commission merchant on Second Street in Alton. He had made his home with Mrs. Fischer for 15 years, his wife having long ago preceded him to the spirit land. He was an estimable gentleman and highly regarded by all who knew him. He left eight children: Mrs. Amelia Fischer; Mrs. Joseph Lampert; Mrs. Henry Atland; Misses Bertha and Sophie Gottlob; Mrs. Mary Hackenthal of Brighton; Mr. Theodor Gottlob of St. Louis; and Mr. Fred Gottlob of Washington, besides many other relatives to mourn his death.


GOTTLOB, LOUISA GLADYS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 5, 1911
Louisa Gladys Gottlob, aged 3 months, died at the home of her uncle, William Gottlob, 815 east Third street, Sunday, and the funeral was yesterday from St. Mary's church. The family were visiting at the Gottlob home when the child was taken ill.


GOTTLOB, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 22, 1909
Mrs. Mary Gottlob, aged 52, died at St. Joseph's hospital yesterday morning after an illness with dropsy. She was moved to the hospital a month ago by Mrs. Demuth. The funeral was held this afternoon from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Louisa Singer in Yager Park.


GOTTLOB, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 6, 1871
On August 3, 1870, a young daughter of Mrs. F. Gottlob fell into a kettle of boiling water and was scalded to death.


GOTTLOB, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 30, 1897
William Gottlob, the popular and well-known cigar man, died at his home on Main Street Monday, after long and tedious illness with consumption. For the past four years his health has been in almost a state of wreck from the dread disease, and to prolong his life, if possible, he sold out his tobacco store on Piasa Street, and went to New Mexico. After a protracted stay there, he returned home to Alton, still unwell and unable to attend to business. He clung to life tenaciously, and made a hard battle with disease, but was at last conquered. He was of a sunny disposition, and made many friends who will sincerely mourn his death. He was 37 years of age, and leaves a wife and two children – a son and daughter.

There was a large attendance of friends and acquaintances at the funeral which took place at the Cathedral yesterday. Interment was in Greenwood Cemetery. There were numerous beautiful floral offerings that covered the grave after the body had been laid to rest.


GOTTLOB, WILLIAM ADAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 29, 1877
The case of the People vs. Philip Deitz, charged with the killing of William Gottlob on October 7, 1876, in Alton, came before the Circuit Court at Edwardsville on March 21, his Honor Judge Snyder presiding. Hon. A. W. Hope, assisted the State’s Attorney, C. L. Cook, in the prosecution, while Hon. J. H. Yager, conducted the defense. Considerable time was consumed in impaneling the jury, and the regular panel was exhausted before this result was achieved. The trial lasted the greater portion of the day, and was ably prosecuted and defended, every inch of ground being contested. The evidence presented was substantially the same as that brought out at the preliminary examination before Justices Quarton and Noonon, on October 11, 1876, with the addition of the evidence of the accused, Philip Deitz, who was called to the stand by the defense. Mr. Deitz testified that on the night of October 7, 1876, he was assisting Mink Oben, who had been beaten insensible by William Gottlob, the deceased, and that when a little distance west of the spring on Second Street [Broadway] in Hunterstown, he was pursued and attacked by William Gottlob. Accused also testified that he was unarmed at the time, except a small pocket knife, and that if he struck the fatal blow, it was while in a state of partial insensibility from a blow received on the side of the head from William Gottlob.

A number of prominent residents of Alton and Madison County then testified to the good reputation of the accused as to peace and quietness, prior to the unfortunate affair in question. After argument by the attorneys and instruction by the court, the case was given to the jury, who retired, and after due consideration, returned a verdict of not guilty, and the accused was discharged.

William Adam Gottlob was born December 18, 1843, and was the son of Frederich Wilhelm Gottlob and Fredericka Deitz Gottlob. The mother and children immigrated to American on the ship, Roland, arriving in New Orleans, December 18, 1854. The father and older children arrived earlier in December of 1853. William enlisted in 1862 as a Private in the Civil War, and was promoted to Corporal. He was in the 82nd Regiment, Illinois Infantry, Company G, and was mustered out in 1865. On October 9, 1876, he was hurt in an altercation, and died from his wounds. He was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


GOTTSCHALK, EDWARD D. (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 27, 1914
Wood River Physician Dies
Dr. Edward D. Gottschalk, aged 34, died Thursday night at St. Joseph's hospital. Pneumonia complicated the troubles from which he was suffering, and caused an earlier end to his sickness than might have resulted. Dr. Gottschalk was a very successful physician at Wood River and Benbow City. He formerly had an office in Alton, but when the Standard Oil Co. built its refinery he settled in the new community. He belonged to a wealthy Springfield family, and had many friends in the State Capital. He was attended in his dying hours by relatives, but he was unable to recognize any of them. The body was taken to Springfield, Ill. for burial, and the funeral will be held there.


GOUDIE, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 15, 1883
The funeral of this estimable lady took place Saturday afternoon at two o’clock from the family residence, corner of Seventh and Alton Streets, with a large attendance of mourning relatives and friends.


GOUDIE, HARRIET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 03, 1899
Mrs. Harriet Goudie, wife of James Goudie, died Monday night after an illness of only a few hours. Up to three o’clock in the afternoon, Mrs. Goudie was in apparently good health, and was able to be about her home. At two o’clock in the afternoon, she took a walk up Belle Street on an errand, and on her return home she was stricken with paralysis. Her condition became known to people in the house, and her husband was summoned. Medical assistance also was obtained, but nothing to revive her could be done, and she grew worse rapidly. The paralysis affected her vital organs, but did not render her helpless, and she was conscious to the last.

Mrs. Goudie was sixty-six years of age, and was an almost lifelong resident of Alton. She leaves no children, her last child, the late John G. McNely, having died nine years ago. Her husband survives her. The funeral will be Wednesday afternoon. Services will be at the family home. Seventh and Piasa Street. Interment will be in the Alton City Cemetery.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 04, 1899
The funeral of Mrs. Harriet Goudie, wife of James Goudie Sr., took place this afternoon from the family home at Seventh and Piasa Streets. The attendance at the funeral services was large, consisting of many old friends of Mrs. Goudie and of the family. The pallbearers were J. R. McClure, J. H. Bauman, W. T. Norton, O. S. Stowell, S. Pitts, and J. A. Cousley.


GOUDIE, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 17, 1910
James Goudie, aged 81, one of the best known of the oldest residents of Alton, died very unexpectedly at St. Joseph's hospital Saturday morning at 6 o'clock. Mr. Goudie was hurt one week ago by falling down a flight of stairs at his home, Seventh and Belle streets. He sustained a bad scalp wound which bared his head almost completely, but the attending surgeon said he was recovering. He had no fever from the time he was hurt and Friday evening was apparently in fine condition, being able to be up and around. Early Saturday morning his children were notified he was dying, and they were with him at the end. Mr. Goudie was born in Kilmarnock, Scotland, and came to America in 1867. He followed the trade of iron molder for many years, until age prevented him. He leaves three sons, Charles, James and Thomas Goudie, of Alton, and one daughter, Miss Annie Goudie of Slater, Missouri. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon from the home of his son, James Goudie, 824 east Fourth street, and will be private. Burial will be in City Cemetery. Mr. Goudie was married twice, and both of his wives are dead.


GOULD, EDMUND A./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 18, 1877
Civil War Veteran; Prisoner at Andersonville
Mr. Edmund A. Gould, brother of Mr. John B. Gould and of Mrs. J. C. Bramhall, died January 10 of pneumonia at the residence of Mr. Bramhall; aged 42 years. He had been sick since New Year’s. The deceased was born in Providence, Rhode Island, but Alton had been his home since childhood, his parents having removed here in 1837. Mr. Gould learned the bricklayers’ trade, and followed it until the breaking out of the war. He enlisted in the Thirteenth Illinois Cavalry, in which he served creditably 4 years; 11 months of the time having been spent as a prisoner at Andersonville. At the close of the war, he re-enlisted in the 4th, U.S. Infantry, and spent five years in service on the plains. Very few men have seen more active service or endured more of danger and privation.


GOULD, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 6, 1905
Mrs. Elizabeth Gould, wife of John B. Gould, died Wednesday evening at 6:30 o'clock at her residence, Fifth and Alby streets, after an illness dating from the day previous at noon, when she was stricken with an apoplectic stroke and became unconscious. Mrs. Gould had been an invalid for forty years, and many a time during the nearly half century of her affliction she was near death's door, but in the end the malady from which she suffered most, asthma, did not prove fatal. The apoplectic attack was unexpected, as she had never had any premonitory symptoms. Her aged partner in life, who is lying very ill and was in an adjoining room, was able to see his wife but once after she was stricken, and was unable to look upon her face after her death. Mrs. Gould was 81 years of age and had lived in Alton nearly all her life. She was born in Staunton, Ill. She was married twice, the second time to John B. Gould. Four children were born of her first marriage, but all of them preceded her many years ago to the grave. During her long period of married life with Mr. Gould, 47 years, Mrs. Gould was ever a devoted wife, and her husband was as devoted as she was. The aged couple were inseparable in their declining years, and each seemed to be necessary for the happiness and pleasure of the other. Their parting is a sad one, indeed, and the death of Mrs. Gould comes as a heavy blow to the aged survivor as he is very ill, but is conscious and knows what has occurred. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home. [Burial was in City Cemetery]


GOULD, JANE/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 17, 1865
Died in Alton on the 11th inst., Mrs. Jane Gould, aged 65.


GOULD, JOHN B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 3, 1905
The death of John B. Gould, Wednesday afternoon, removes a well known figure from Alton life. His death followed that of his wife just four weeks, after a married life of 47 years. On the death of his wife Mr. Gould, who was then very ill from the weakness of old age, gave up all desire to live and frequently expressed his desire to die, as he was now alone in the world except for some distant relatives. John B. Gould was born at Providence, Rhode Island, and was 84 years of age. He had been a resident of Alton for more than fifty years, and during that time he maintained an active interest in the advancement of Alton, and was especially interested in all lines of politics. He never held an office himself, but it was his boast that since he became of age he had never lost an opportunity to vote. Even when advancing age with its resultant feebleness made it a hardship to go to the polls, he would never fail to go and cast his vote, and many times did he totter feebly the six blocks from his home to the polling place to cast his ballot. Few people would make an effort to exercise a franchise if it required two hours to walk the distance he had to go, but Mr. Gould did not allow this to interfere with him. Mr. Gould had been in the railroad business many years prior to his retirement. He was a conductor on the Chicago and Alton for many years. He held the position of livestock agent for the Alton at East St. Louis for a long period. Mr. Gould, by industry and frugality, accumulated a neat competence to maintain him in his declining age. During the last month of his life he was attended by a niece of his deceased wife, Miss Anna Grant of Staunton. Mr. Gould's mind remained bright up until the last few days of his life. He was well posted in current events of the day and could discuss them intelligently with anyone. To those who knew him best, he was a valued friend, but their sorrow over his death will be tempered with the knowledge that he was alone and that it was best that he should go. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home, Fifth and Alby street. [Burial was in City Cemetery]


GOULD, K. O./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 31, 1919
Mrs. L. B. Kolk of Upper Alton has received word of the death at Webster Groves, Mo., of K. O. Gould, formerly of Alton. He died on July 20. Mr. Gould was well known by the older residents of Alton. When a young man he learned the printing trade on the Telegraph, and while a young man went to St. Louis where he engaged in the dry goods business, and was a very successful man and had a large estate. Mr. Gould was a civil war veteran. During the war he was a comrade of Senator Ed Beall of Alton. He leaves his widow and a daughter, Mrs. Rhoda Fleming of St. Louis. He leaves an aunt, Mrs. Strong, who lives in Alton. He was 70 years old.


GOULD, REUBEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 18, 1910
Reuben Gould, aged 81, died suddenly Thursday evening at the home of his son, Ellis W. Gould, 802 Langdon street, from heart failure. Mr. Gould has been in failing health for some time, due to weakness of great age. His death was very unexpected, as he had been down stairs for supper Thursday evening. Soon afterward his heart action collapsed. Death was due to a general breaking down of his physical strength. Mr. Gould was born in New York state, but lived in Michigan for many years. He was engaged in farming. About four years ago he came to Alton to live with his son. He leaves three children, Ellis Gould, with whom he lived, Mrs. Luella Moore of Cheyenne, Wyo., and Harry Gould of Seattle. The funeral services were held this afternoon at the Gould residence, and the body will be taken to Ionia, Mich. for burial. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Gould will leave this evening for Ionia with the body.


GOULDING, EDWARD H./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 27, 1895
Founder of Goulding Jewelers in Alton
At midnight last Wednesday, Edward H. Goulding passed away after an illness of about one month. Mr. Goulding was taken ill May 25, with what afterwards developed into jaundice, and has been confined to his bed, with the exception of the first few days, since that date.

Mr. Goulding’s name has been associated with Alton’s business interests for nearly or quite 45 years. During all that time he has been known as honorable and upright, progressive, and energetic. He has won success, accumulated a competence, and inspired the respect and admiration of all who have had dealing with him.

Mr. Goulding was born in Grafton, Massachusetts, November 16, 1827. While employed in a jewelry store in Boston, at the age of 15, he and a fellow employee bought a telegraph instrument and learned telegraphy. Operators at that time were much in demand in the West. Before he was 21, he went to Cairo, Illinois to take a position as an operator. From there he went to Kansas City, Missouri, and from there he came to Alton where he settled, starting a jewelry store, which profession he had learned in Boston. He began business by the purchase of David E. Brown’s stock, removing it to the one-story row of buildings on Third Street, occupying the one now used by Miss Roach. He has continued steadily in the jewelry business since that date. Occupying for a time a store in Root’s building on Belle Street, and from thence to the present location, which he has occupied for 23 years.

Besides his wife, Mr. Goulding leaves three sons, Edward P. and Frank N., of Chicago, and Charles Leroy “Roy” of Alton. He has also two brothers in Massachusetts, Charles F. of Peabody, and Lorenzo H. of Grafton. He also has a sister living in West Millberry, Massachusetts.

The Goulding Brothers of Alton will conduct the jewelry store of the late E. H. Goulding. Mr. Roy Goulding has resigned his position with E. F. Deterding & Co. to take charge of the store.

Alton Evening Telegraph, July 9, 1895
The jewelry store owned by the late E. H. Goulding was re-opened for business yesterday. An inventory of the stock has been taken, which has been purchased by Edward P. and Roy L. Goulding. The business will be continued at the old stand under the name of E. H. Goulding’s Sons.

Edward Goulding married Hannah Lyon, and they had three sons – Edward Price Goulding, Charles Leroy “Roy” Goulding, and Franklin N. Goulding. The family lived on Prospect Street in Alton. Hannah died in August 1880, and is buried in the Pruett Cemetery in Bethalto. After the death of Edward H. Goulding in June 1895, his sons, Edward and Charles, took over the business. Franklin Goulding had moved to Chicago. In 1897, Charles took full control of the business. In 1948, Robert L. Goulding, the son of Charles, became president of the company, due to the declining health of his father. Robert continued the business until 1971, when he sold it to Vaughn Oberlink, the watch repairman at Gouldings. Oberlink’s son, David, later became owner. Gouldings moved to 219 E. Center Drive in Alton, and closed in 2017, after 165 years of business.


GOULDING, EDWARD PRICE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 17, 1909
C. L. Goulding today received a telegram announcing the death of his brother, Edward Price Goulding, this morning at St. Joseph, Michigan. Mr. Goulding was the oldest son of Edward H. Goulding, who established a jewelry store in Alton in the late fifties, which is still known as "Goulding's Son's." Edward P. Goulding was born in Alton and lived here for many years. He served four years in the United States Navy, on the warship Galena. After getting out of the navy, Ed returned to Alton, where later he formed a partnership with his brother, C. L. Goulding, in the jewelry business under the firm name of E. H. Goulding's Sons. Some years ago he went to Freeport and began a jewelry store there. Five years ago he suffered a stroke of paralysis from which he did not fully recover. He left Freeport and went to St. Joseph, Michigan, and went on a fruit farm for the benefit of his health. His brother, C. L. Goulding, visited Edward about two weeks ago, and found him in his usual health, and heard no more from him until the telegram came this morning. C. L. Goulding thinks that his brother died very suddenly, possibly from another stroke of paralysis. He was 49 years of age. A year ago last Christmas Edward visited Alton. While here, he brought a communication to the Telegraph which was published of a dream he had, in which he visited the former business places of Alton with which he was familiar when a boy, and found all the old-time owners in the discharge of their accustomed duties. Mr. Goulding's widow survives him, also two brothers, C. L. of Alton and Frank of Chicago. During his period of service in the United States navy, Mr. Goulding made a trip around the world and had many interesting experiences.


GOULDING, HANNAH (nee LYON)/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 12, 1880
Wife of Edward H. Goulding, Proprietor of Goulding Jewelers
Mrs. Hannah, wife of Mr. E. H. Goulding, and daughter of Mr. L. W. Lyon of Bethalto, died Sunday night at 11:30 o’clock after a lingering illness of many months’ duration. Deceased had been a great sufferer, and although cared for with the tenderest attention, and with all the skill that medical science could suggest, the inevitable end came at the hour mentioned. Her age was nearly forty-five years. She was a native of Woodstock, Connecticut, but came to Madison County with her father’s family at an early age. She was a consistent member of the Baptist Church of Upper Alton. Mrs. Goulding was a lady of fine character and amiable disposition, and her death will prove a great loss to her husband, relatives, and many friends. She leaves two sons of tender years to miss a mother’s watchful love and care. The funeral took place from the family residence on Prospect Street, at 11 a.m. Tuesday. The services were conducted by Professor J. C. C. Clarke, assisted by Rev. Dr. Bulkley of Shurtleff College. The bearers were Messrs. D. R. Sparks, C. Wuerker, Joseph Wills, A. Breath, W. L. Klunk. The remains were taken to the cemetery of the Lyon family near Bethalto, accompanied by a large procession of mourners. [Burial was in the Preuitt Cemetery in Bethalto.]


GRABBE, EUNICE E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 7, 1916
Mrs. Eunice E. Grabbe, wife of Henry A. F. Grabbe, the well known contractor, died at ten minutes past twelve today at the family home at 1104 Grabbe avenue, after an illness of one year with heart trouble. Mrs. Grabbe, during the year which she has been troubled with her heart, has not been seriously ill, and her death came as a hard blow to the many relatives and friends which she leaves behind. Mrs. Grabbe was 38 years of age. Mrs. Grabbe is survived by her husband, Henry A. F. Grabbe, four children: Wilhelmina, Hiram, Cornelius and Olive. She is survived also by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Partlow. At a late hour this afternoon funeral arrangements had not been made.


GRACE, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 18, 1918
The funeral of John Grace was held this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the home at 2007 State street, services being conducted by Rev. Theodore Cates of the Wesley Methodist Church. Interment was in the City Cemetery. Grace, a well known employee of the Mississippi Sand Company, died Monday morning after a short illness with pneumonia. He was 27 years of age and is survived by his wife and three small children. He was the son of John Grace Sr., and has resided in Alton about twelve years.


GRACE, MELVIN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 11, 1901
2 1/2 Year Old Son Fatally Burned
Mrs. Charles Grace of 637 east Third street was painfully burned about the hands and face this morning while trying to save her 2 1/2 years old boy, while the latter was burned so badly that he will die. Mrs. Grace was engaged in ironing and was heating her irons on a gasoline stove. In some manner the clothing of the little boy caught fire; it is thought he must have approached too close at a time when there was a flare-up of the flames. He ran screaming out of the kitchen into the yard, his hair and clothing a sheet of flames, and the distracted and frantic mother ran after him crying for help. Her cries attracted the neighbors who hurried to her assistance, but too late to save the boy. The flesh on his arms, limbs and body below the neck is charred and black, and much of it dropped off. He cannot live the doctors say. The mother's hands and arms are badly burned, but these would not prove fatal. She is completely prostrated, however, over the fate of her only child, and her condition is pitiable and dangerous. Dr. Enos and Drs. Bowman and Shaff attended the injured ones.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 12, 1906
Melvin Grace, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grace, who was so badly burned Tuesday morning, was relieved of his suffering about 5 o'clock Tuesday evening. Death is hard enough when it comes quietly and is expected, but the manner in which it came in this instance was so terrible as to fill the neighbors with a horror akin to the awful anguish of the parents, and pity and sympathy fill the hearts of the friends for the parents so suddenly and in such an awful manner bereft of their only child. The burns sustained by Mrs. Grace are not serious, but her mental sufferings are.


GRACE, MINNIE (nee RUTH)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 27, 1898
Mrs. Minnie Grace, wife of James Grace, died Sunday at the home of her father, Adam Ruth, on Bozza Street, from consumption, aged 36 years. A husband and six children are left. The body was shipped to Plainview this morning for interment.


GRACEY, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 4, 1897
William Gracey, a seventeen-year-old son of Mr. Harvey Gracey, North Alton, died at Jacksonville Friday. The young man was an inmate of the State institution for the deaf and dumb for a number of years. The body arrived here Saturday. The funeral took place Sunday from the family home in North Alton.


GRADL, JOSEPH M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 14, 1921
Impaled on Post, Joseph Gradl is Fatally Injured
Joseph M. Gradl, aged 24, died at St. Joseph's hospital Saturday night a few minutes before midnight, from injuries he sustained by falling with a collapsing scaffold at the plant of the Standard Oil Company early Saturday afternoon. A piece of timber, which was standing upright, impaled the young man in the pelvis and cut the femoral artery which caused the loss of so much blood that his death resulted less than ten hours after the accident. He was working on the scaffold when the structure collapsed and he fell. The end of the piece of timber that was part of the scaffold was splintered and this afforded a sharp point which made it easy for the timber to force it's way into the body of the young man and inflict the fatal injury. Besides his young bride, to whom he was married only eight months ago, Mr. Gradl leaves his mother, Mrs. M. Gradl, of St. Louis; three sisters, Misses Isabel and Kathryn Gradl and Mrs. A. Hilpert; and three brothers, Martin, Leo and Clement Gradl. He was a very popular young man and the tragic circumstances under which his death occurred caused a profound shock in the community. At the time of the marriage of Mr. Gradl to Miss Frieda Leady in St. Mary's church eight months ago, the marriage was a big event and there was a very large crowd to witness the ceremony. The young people had made their home on Royal Street and were getting along very happily when the accident occurred Saturday afternoon with the fatal consequences. Deputy Coroner Streeper impaneled a jury which will hear testimony as to the circumstances of the death of the young man and find a verdict. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning and services will be conducted in St. Mary's church at 9 a.m. Burial will be in St. Joseph's cemetery.


GRADOLPH, JACOB F./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 27, 1893
From Melville - Mr. Jacob Gradolph died Monday at the family residence near Clifton, aged 22 years and 11 months, and 14 days. Brain fever was the cause. He was a most estimable young man, whose kind disposition and willing helpfulness in every good cause made him a general favorite with a host of friends. His parents and a brother and sister survive him. A host of friends and relatives mourn his early death. The funeral took place Tuesday at the Melville U. C. Cemetery.


GRADOLPH, WILLIAM SR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 31, 1907
Death of Prominent Melville Man
William Gradolph Sr., aged 68(?), died Thursday morning at his home near Melville, after an illness of three months which began with kidney trouble. He suffered a stroke of paralysis Sunday morning and a second stroke this morning. Mr. Gradolph had lived at Melville for a number of years. He was a carriage painter by trade, and he followed that business in St. Louis for eighteen years. His family made their home on the place at Melville during the time he was in business in St. Louis. After going to the old farm he continued to follow his trade and was known as an expert in his line of work. He leaves his wife, whose maiden name was Stiritz, two children, William E. Gradolph and Miss Alice Gradolph.


GRADY, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 17, 1900
Edward Grady died last night at his home, 521 East Ninth street, after a long illness, aged 82 years. Mr. Grady was one of the oldest citizens of Alton, having come here in 1847, and resided here continuously. He was born in County Limerick, Ireland, and came to America when a young man. He was married in Alton to Mary Meehan, who died seven years ago. Since the death of his wife, his daughter, Miss Ellen Grady, who lived with him, has soothed his declining years with her dutiful care. Mr. Grady was a hard working man all his life, and was active up to the last few years. Last August, while on his way home from downtown, he fell at Third and Market streets with what seemed a paralytic stroke. From that time he was confined to his home and has been an invalid. He leaves four children - Mrs. Thomas Busey and J. Grady of St. Louis; Edward Grady of Chicago; and Miss Ellen Grady of Alton. All the children are here to attend the funeral, which will be Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. Services will be in the Cathedral.


GRADY, JOHN E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 28, 1921
John E. Grady, 62, died Sunday afternoon at St. Joseph's Hospital where he had been a patient for several weeks. During the past year the deceased had been in poor health, and was taken to the hospital over a month ago for treatment. Since taken to the hospital, he had been very low, and his death was momentarily expected. The body was taken to the home of Edward Grady at 1040 Union street today, and Wednesday morning at 6:30 o'clock will be taken to Bunker Hill for burial. The funeral service will be held in Bunker Hill, and burial will be in the family lot. Grady is survived by two daughters, two sons, seven brothers, and two sisters. The daughters are: Mrs. Fred Rust and Mrs. Edward Schallenberg, and the sons are: Walter and Edward Grady. Joseph Grady of Litchfield, James, Hugh and Jeff Grady of St. Louis, and William Michael and Walter Grady of Alton are the brothers. Mrs. W. Keirle of Alton and Miss Kate Grady of St. Louis are his sisters.


GRADY, MARY/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 01, 1892
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Grady took place yesterday afternoon from the Cathedral. The services were conducted by Rev. Father Condlau. The pallbearers were Messrs. David Ryan, James Fitzpatrick, John Organ, James Lewis, Patrick O’Sullivan, and Patrick Kane.


GRADY, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 31, 1919
Many friends attended the funeral of Mrs. George W. Grady, which was held from the Cathedral Friday morning at 9:45 o'clock. Requiem mass was sung by Rev. M. Costello, who also officiated at the graveside. Burial was in Greenwood Cemetery, under the heavy blanket of flowers. The pallbearers were Thomas Jones, Thomas Conroy, M. Cummings, John Carney, Ed Grady and Ed Schallenberg.


GRAESZLE, HENRY/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 18, 1892
Henry Graeszle, aged 89 years, died yesterday morning. Deceased has resided in Alton for many years. He leaves a wife and two daughters, Mrs. Henry Clifford and Mrs. John Blake. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning from the Cathedral.


GRAF, CAROLYN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 12, 1917
The funeral of Mrs. Carolyn Graf of St. Louis was held at 9 o'clock this morning from the Cathedral to the St. Joseph's Cemetery. The services were conducted at the church and the grave by Father Tarrent. The pall bearers were John Meehan, Michael Maddock, Louis Bissinger, Michael Mahoney, James Barrett and Jacob Hartman.


GRAFF, EMMA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 11, 1899
Mrs. Emma Graff, wife of Charles Graff, died at St. Joseph’s Hospital Sunday morning, after a lingering illness. Mrs. Graff has been an invalid many months, and has undergone surgical operations twice to secure relief from a cancerous affection of the liver. Her death has been looked for daily since the last operation. Her maiden name was Vogel, and she was well known in a large circle of friends. She was 37 years of age, and leaves beside her husband three children. The funeral will be from St. Mary’s Church on Tuesday.


GRAFT, MATTIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 10, 1912
Mrs. Mattie Graft, aged 75 years, of Collinsville, died yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Nazareth home.


GRAHAM, AGNES DEVINE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 8, 1888
Mrs. Agnes Devine Graham, mother of Mr. Robert Graham of Alton, was found dead this morning, sitting in a chair at her residence in North Alton. She was janitress of a schoolhouse at that place, and lived alone. This morning some person desiring admission to the school room went to Mrs. Graham’s house, found it locked, and failing to arouse her, the door was broken open and she was found dead in her chair as stated. It is thought that she died last evening about the time she usually retired to rest, and from indications, her demise was perfectly painless. It is supposed that her death was caused by heart disease. Coroner Melling held an inquest this morning, and a verdict was returned in accordance with the above statement.

Mrs. Graham was a native of Ireland, but was raised in Scotland. She came to this country almost 40 years ago, and had lived at North Alton the most of the time since her arrival. She was about 70 years of age. She left three sons and two daughters.


GRAHAM, ELSIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 2, 1891
Mrs. Elsie Graham, wife of Rev. Edward S. Graham of Upper Alton, died at her residence Friday, from heart failure. Besides her husband, Mrs. Graham leaves a daughter, Miss Lillie, to mourn her loss. Mrs. Graham was a most estimable lady, an active worker in the church of her choice, the Baptist. Everywhere her influence was felt for good, and her loss to the church and community will be very deeply felt. Brief services were held Saturday afternoon at the family residence in Upper Alton, after which the body was taken to Springfield. The interment will occur there.


GRAHAM, GLADYS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 16, 1902
Gladys Graham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Graham of North street, died Tuesday evening at the family home after a long illness from spinal meningitis, aged four years. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the family home, and services will be conducted by Rev. S. D. McKenny of the Cherry street chapel.


GRAHAM, ISABELLA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 12, 1901
Mrs. Isabella Graham, wife of Robert Graham, died suddenly Friday morning at the family home on State street. She had been ill several weeks with pneumonia, but her illness was not considered alarming. Thursday night she was taken suddenly worse and died at an early hour Friday morning. She was 50 years of age and leaves beside her husband, six daughters. The funeral will [take] place Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, and services will be held in the First Baptist church of which Mrs. Graham was a member.


GRAHAM, LIDA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 29, 1911
Mrs. Lida Graham, wife of William H. Graham, a well-known glassblower of 1024 east Second street, died yesterday afternoon at 3:30, after a long illness. She was forty-nine years of age. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at nine o'clock, and burial will be from St. Patrick's church to Greenwood cemetery.


GRAHAM, MATHEW/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 19, 1904
Mathew Graham, son of Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Graham, died Thursday evening at the African Methodist parsonage in Salu, after long suffering with consumption. Deceased was 31 years old. The body will be shipped tomorrow morning to Princeton, Ind., for burial.


GRAHAM, PETER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 23, 1901
The funeral of Peter Graham took place this afternoon from the home on Ridge street to Milton Cemetery.


GRAHAM, ROBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 18, 1897
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham met with a sad bereavement Thursday by the death of their son, Robert, aged 15 years and 6 months. The lad was taken ill on Saturday, with a complication of diseases, la grippe and pneumonia, and after an illness of only five days, passed away. He was their only son, and their many friends will deeply sympathize with them in the loss that has come to their home.


GRAHAM, ROBERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 18, 1907
Robert Graham, a well-known former justice of the peace and painter, died sometime Wednesday at his home on State street. Graham lived in a building belonging to him, between Third and Fourth streets. He was not noticed about his place during Wednesday, although he was out on the streets Tuesday afternoon and evening and voted at the election. Capt. Ashlock and H. H. Sattgast went to investigate a report that Graham was locked up in his room and was not moving about, and they found him dead. The matter was reported to Deputy Coroner Keiser. He held an inquest last night. It is supposed that Graham's death was due to a general breaking down of his system. He had been sleeping on a cot in the room where he died, and lived alone. Graham was an old resident of Alton, and for many years was a well-known citizen, and was a Union soldier during the Civil War.


GRANER, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 17, 1916
John Graner, a well known farmer in the Moro neighborhood, died at his home today after an illness of four years with cancer. Mr. Graner leaves his wife and two daughters, Mrs. Ernest Weimers and Mrs. Earl Wood. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock from the family home, Rev. C. E. Thompson officiating.


GRANER, WILLIAM FREDERICK/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 20, 1887
From Upper Alton – William Frederick Graner, a German of advanced years, died suddenly this morning while plowing in his garden at his home on the Squire Brown place, two miles east of Upper Alton. He had plowed but a few yards, when he fell to the ground. Dr. Lemen was sent for at once, but the unfortunate man was past the power of the doctor’s help. Deceased leaves a widow and several children.


GRANT, ALEXANDER/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 17, 1836
Died, in this place, on the 16th inst., Mr. Alexander Grant, recently of Barrett, Vermont, aged about 20. His funeral will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence of Mr. R. McFarland. The citizens are invited to attend.


GRANT, HERMAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 18, 1894
Killed by Train
Yesterday, passersby, about one-half mile from the Q. depot near Upper Alton, found a man lying on the track who had evidently been killed by the C. B. & Quincy train No. 12. When found, he was lying beside the track with a great gash in his head and a bad bruise on his side. From the appearance of the body when found, the dead man must have been lying asleep on the track when he was struck by the train. He was identified by Michael Quinn, a farmer of that vicinity, as a man of the name of Herman Grant, who had worked for him about a year ago. He was about twenty-six years of age, and his one failing was drink, in which he had probably been indulging of late. Last evening about nine o’clock, he stopped at a saloon nearby, and bought a bottle of whiskey, which was afterwards found by the tracks, untouched. [NOTE: An East Alton news article stated his last name was Gringern.]

From East Alton – A man named Herman Gringern, aged 27 years, was killed by some C. B. & Quincy night train Tuesday night, between East Alton and Upper Alton. The Coroner’s verdict was that he was laying on the end of the ties asleep, and was killed by some southbound train. He had been drinking, and when found a half pint of whiskey, some lunch, and a sum of money were found on him. He came from California a few days ago, and formerly worked in Upper Alton several years ago.


GRANT, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 24, 1914
John Grant, aged 52, died at St. Joseph's Hospital this morning from pneumonia and the effects of a fall. Last Saturday night while sick in a room at the Myrtle house under the care of a man paid to attend him, was abandoned in his room by his caretaker who went outside, locking the door behind him and leaving Grant inside. Grand was suffering from a slight attack of pneumonia and was under the care of Dr. D. F. Duggan. On realizing that he was left alone in the room, Grant rose and found the door locked. Fearing that something was wrong, he attempted to get out by way of a window. Opening the window he crawled out on a portico and fell a distance of 20 feet to the ground, fracturing five ribs in the fall. This aggravated his condition, and when taken to the hospital it became apparent that he would probably not survive. He leaves a sister in Holy Cross, Kentucky, who is said to be sick and unable to come to see her brother. Dr. Duggan says that he was informed that the sister who is sick is very poor and has a large family of children. Grand had $800 in cash which he turned over to Dr. Duggan, telling him to pay all his bills, have him buried, and send the remainder to his sister. He also leaves a farm said to contain 160 acres in Kentucky, which will go to the sister. Formerly Grant was in the saloon business, but retired from that pursuit and since he lived in Alton has worked as he felt like it, living off his income chiefly. The body was taken in charge by Mrs. John Lock, and it will be buried at Alton.


GRATHWOHL, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 17, 1918
Mrs. Mary Grathwohl, aged 58, wife of Louis Grathwohl, died this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the home at 1000 Logan street, after a year's illness of cancer. She is survived by her husband, but no children. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home. The Rev. W. O. Heggemeier of the German Evangelical Church will officiate. The burial will be in the City cemetery.


GRATIAN, KATHRYN WARREN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 23, 1900
On the threshold of motherhood, at the happiest, holiest hour of a woman's life, Mrs. Kathryn Warren Gratian, wife of Mr. Will Gratian, died at 3 o'clock this morning at her home on Market street. To her friends who were told this morning that the last dread hour had come, and that this queenly woman had passed out of this life as she gave her life to another, a daughter, the announcement came with a stinging blow that touched the heart and left an impression of pain not to be alleviated. It was not known to her friends or to herself that she was in such a critical condition. For several weeks she had been in ill health, but she did not realize that she was near to death. She was cheerful and hopeful of the future, with all that her mother's heart desired in her little family circle. Early Monday morning she became dangerously ill, and from that time she never regained consciousness, even long enough to take a look at her little daughter, who had come into the world to be bereft of a mother's care. She lingered in a dying condition until 3 o'clock this morning, when her anguished husband and friends saw her sink to rest. The little daughter was baptized by the side of her dying mother and was called Kathryn Warren for the mother. Mrs. Gratian leaves two other children, Warren and William Edward, aged 7 and 3 years respectively. She was married nine years ago last May at the home of her sister in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Since the return of the family to Alton to make their home, there were many who learned to love her and to watch for the smiling greeting she had for all she met. Her true kingdom was her home, and there the stricken family mourn her loss. Miss Jessie Warren of Toronto, and Mrs. Mary Daley of Council Bluffs, both sisters, are here, and her mother, Mrs. Robert Warren, will arrive from Toronto tomorrow. The funeral will be Thursday at 10:30 a.m., and services will be in St. Paul's Episcopal church.


GRAUL, UNKNOWN SON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 2, 1899
From Fosterburg - Jacob Graul and wife are again afflicted by the loss of their other baby boy. The funeral took place Tuesday at M. E. church. The interment was in our [Fosterburg] Cemetery.


GRAVES, MATILDA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 26, 1902
The funeral of Miss Matilda Graves of North Alton took place Sunday morning from the A. M. E. church at North Alton, where services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. Will Summers. Interment was in Rocky Fork cemetery.


GRAVES, REBECCA/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 24, 1883
Mrs. Rebecca Graves, for over 30 years a resident of Alton, died Wednesday after an illness of three years, at the age of 60 years and 10 months. She leaves a husband and two daughters, Mrs. H. Starr of Alton, and Mrs. H. E. Gould, besides other relatives and friends to mourn her death.

GRAVES, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 21, 1889
Mr. William Graves, a resident of Alton for 40 years, died Saturday afternoon after a long illness, caused by general debility. He had been failing for months, gradually sinking, and finally quietly passed away at the age of about 76 years. He had the best of care and attention from his daughter, Mrs. H. B. Starr, at whose residence he died. A few years ago Mr. Graves went to Southern California, and spent a long time there for the benefit of his health, but did not seem materially improved by his sojourn in that sunny clime. The funeral took place from the residence of Captain H. B. Starr. Deceased’s youngest daughter, Mrs. Ada Gould, arrived from Memphis, Tennessee yesterday, having received news that her father’s death was impending.

GRAVLEY, "DOC"/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 25, 1918
Soldier Blown to Pieces by Shell
Miss E. Hartman of the Dolly Madison Hotel has received a letter from her cousin, Jack O'Reilly, who is with the 54th Canadian regiment, with the British Expeditionary Forces in France, in which he states that "Doc" Gravley of Alton was killed at the Battle of Amiens. Gravley was a member of the same Canadian regiment as O'Reilly, who formerly lived at Curlew, Wash., but joined the Canadian forces. Gravley's father is an undertaker and lives in Chicago. The letter, telling of the Alton man's death, was written "in the field," and dated October 24. In it O'Reilly writes: "Letters and papers received. It is impossible for me to express my appreciation for your thoughtfulness and trouble. We sure do look forward to those American papers. Quite a number of the boys send their thanks. Did I tell you I was hit at Anas? Had a nice rest for a couple of weeks. 'Doc' Gravley, the Alton man, was killed at the Battle of Amiens. He was blown to a thousand pieces by a 5.9 shell. Gravley's last words the day before we went into battle were to thank you for those Alton papers, for he certainly looked forward to them. These are great days for us. We are gradually driving the enemy back to the frontier. Another year or two should finish it. Gee! I'm tired of it all, as you know this is my third year in France." O'Reilly sends a tribute of respect to the memory of Gravley on behalf of the company. The tribute is as follows: "To the friends and relatives who survive this young man: Our whole company wishes to extend our deepest sympathy as he fought harder and bravely, knowing the enemy was retreating. His place is our company cannot be filled. He was ever ready to cheer any homesick comrade, for which he died nobly."


GRAY, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 3, 1908
Former City Clerk, City Treasurer, and Township Clerk
George Gray, former city clerk, township collector and city treasurer, died Wednesday evening at 10 o'clock at his residence, 2004 State street, from asthma and heart trouble. His death had been expected for several days. He had been in bad health for over a year and recently resigned his office of city clerk because he was unable to attend to his duties. He was down town Saturday morning and probably over-exerted himself, as he was weak and hardly able to get around. After his return home he collapsed, and on Sunday he became much worse. His death was looked for by members of his family and was no surprise. The death of Mr. Gray closed the career of one of the oldest office holders in the city. He had the record of never having been defeated at the polls. He was invincible there. His quiet manner of electioneering made him many warm friends, no less among the young than among the older people. His majorities never decreased and it was a reckless man indeed who would run against him for any office, if results indicated anything. While he probably did not intend to do so, he was unconsciously electioneering the whole year round. No one was ever in trouble, of the acquaintances of Mr. Gray, that he failed to express his sympathy and make a thoughtful inquiry about it....Mr. Gray leaves his wife and three children, George Gray and Miss Irene Gray of Alton, and William Gray of Atlanta, Georgia. His son, William, was on the way home in response to a summons to attend his dying father, but did not arrive in time. The other members of his family were present. Mr. Gray also leaves a sister living in Alton, Mrs. W. G. Weston. He was born in London, England, June 8, 1835. He came to America when a young man. In 1865 he was married at Alton to Miss Carrie Williams, who survives him. He was a member of Piasa lodge of the Masonic fraternity, and was also a charter member of Robin Hood camp, Modern Woodmen. He was always deeply interested in the work of the Masonic lodge and his fellow members say that he was among the most regular in attendance. His death is regretted by a very large circle of friends who respected him for his integrity of character. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home. It will be under Masonic auspices.


GRAY, GRANBY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 8, 1909
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grunby Gray, both the husband and wife have been dangerously ill, the wife being poisoned from eating strawberries. Yesterday when she learned that her husband was dead, she became prostrated and is now in a dangerous condition. Mr. Gray died from a complication of diseases. He was 40 years old and leaves beside his sick wife, two boys, five and ten years of age, and one daughter thirteen years old. The funeral was held from the Bethalto M. E. church this afternoon, and burial was in Liberty Prairie.


GRAY, HAZEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 15, 1911
Deserted By Mother, Tended By Father, Little Girl Dies of Diphtheria [see obit of Unknown Gray below]
Mrs. S. Demuth, health officer, was obliged to intervene today to prevent spread of a very malignant form of diphtheria in the family of Herman Gray, who lives upstairs over the Weaver Harness Shop on Second Street opposite the Stanard-Tilton Flour Mill. Gray, deserted by his wife who left him with three children, aged 13, 8 and 5, was obliged to make the fight single-handed, when his 8-year-old daughter, Hazel, contracted diphtheria, and after an illness of four days, died. The father nursed her, bore her in his arms, and at the same took care of his two other little daughters in their two room quarters. The father, grief stricken at losing his child, even after her death, would not be separated from her, and according to the health officer, would go to the dead body, and catching her in his arms, would kiss her passionately on the lips, weep, and shake as if he was in an ague chill. Mrs. Demuth found at the time that the child's mouth where the father was kissing her was covered with the germs of the disease, and she ordered the father to desist and not to touch the body again. The father would not be denied, so Officer Rotsch was detailed at Mrs. Demuth's orders, to keep the father from further exposure and to make him stay out of the room. Mrs. Demuth ordered that the funeral be held forthwith, and owing to the fact that the sexton at the cemetery was too busy preparing the graves for the victims of the [Bogli] drowning, the burial could not be until this afternoon. Undertaker W. H. Bauer was ordered to go to the place and put the body in a sealed casket and see to it that no one touched it. The father was instructed to bathe himself and children, thoroughly fumigate his clothes, and have the house fumigated. The grief of the father was pathetic when he was told he must not again touch his dead child, but he realized that for the safety of his other children he must be more prudent. He refused to believe that his daughter died from diphtheria because death was so easy. Rev. S. D. McKenny conducted the services this afternoon at City cemetery over the child.


GRAY, JAMES ALBERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Monday, June 19, 1899
Three Arrested After Body of Brick Layer Found
The body of James Albert Gray, a well-known brick layer, was found near the lower end of Bayliss Island Sunday morning by a fisherman, who at once reported to Chief of Police Volbracht. The findings of the body confirmed a rumor that had reached the Chief that Gray had been drowned, and suspicion was that the three men who were arrested later knew more than they cared to tell.

About 5 o'clock Friday afternoon, Gray, with Ventress, Johnston and Keyte, started from near the old vinegar factory in a skiff to go across the river. They had a jug of whisky with them, and Gray had money, having just received his week's pay, which furnishes a motive for the murder, if such it was. The crowd was going off on a drunken frolic across the river, to last as long as Gray's money held out. People along the riverbank say there were four man in the skiff and some say the whole party would take a drink of whisky about every hundred yards. The three men arrested returned Saturday, but Gray did not come home. When the rumor reached the police that Gray was drowned, Chief Volbracht started to investigate.

Ventress said there were but three in the skiff, and so did Johnston, but they finally admitted there were four. Then they began to tell different stories. Ventress said Gray had been with them and was drowned. The whole party was put under arrest to await developments. When the finding of the body was reported, Officers Welch and Parker were sent in a skiff to identify it and bring it home. The body arrived at dusk and was taken in charge by Undertaker Bauer, while Dr. Fisher made an examination. On the head were marks apparently made by a blow from an oar, and these marks are taken as conclusive evidence that Gray was murdered. Coroner Bailey held an inquest last night, and the three men with Gray in the skiff were allowed to tell their stories. Keyte was the first man examined. He said Johnston, Ventress and Gray met him Friday afternoon and he invited them to go across the river to his home with him. They took whisky with them and drank frequently. Below the bridge and near Bayliss Island, he said, Gray fell out and was drowned. He wanted to save him, but Johnston would not allow it. Ventress was called to the stand and was asked what he knew. He pretended at first to know nothing of Gray's fate. He fell out of the skiff, himself, he said, near Bayliss Island. The waves from the Spread Eagle, then passing the draw, rocked the skiff so he could not stay in. He swam to Bayliss Island and there laid down to sleep until Saturday morning. When asked if he had not first told of Gray's drowning to his brother, Ventress denied it, but the brother testified that he did. Johnston and the boat was swamped by the Spread Eagle and all were thrown into the water. He did not know what happened after that. He claimed that the three found themselves in the boat at Gabaret Island, near Chain of Rocks, yesterday.

The inquest was adjourned Sunday night to 10 o'clock this morning and Dr. Fisher was directed by the Coroner, to make an examination of the body. A wound over the right temple of Gray was found where he had evidently received a violent blow which rendered him unconscious and knocked him into the water. Dr. Fisher thinks Gray was not killed by the blow but was drowned after falling overboard. Wash Johnston says that he was so drunk when he told his first story to the police, he did not know what he was saying. He sticks to his statement that Gray and Ventress were washed out of the boat by waves from a passing boat, but he and Keyte remained in the skiff in a drunken stupor. The four men had disposed of a gallon of whiskey and were so drunk they did not know what was going on.

The coroner's jury rendered a verdict shortly after 11 o'clock which was in effect that James A. Gray came to his death by drowning, June 16, and that a violent blow had been dealt him on the head which rendered him unconscious. One of the members of the jury was Louis Utt, a relative of Wash Johnston, but his relationship was not known when the jury was made up. Chief of Police Volbracht found additional evidence today that shows Gray to have been murdered. Ed Scheibe, Thomas Bates, and a man named Holmes were standing on the shore near where Gray fell from the skiff and they say they saw Johnston strike him on the head with an oar and saw Gray fall into the water. A warrant charging Johnston with murder and Ventress and Keyte with being accessories was issued by Police Magistrate Few and the three men were held in custody.

Preliminary Hearing of Alleged Murderers
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 20, 1899
Wash Johnston, Simon Kites, and William Ventress were given a preliminary hearing before Justice Brandeweide today, on the charge of murdering James A. Gray. The prisoners were arraigned in court, and each of them pleaded not guilty to the charge of murder. Judge Dunnegan represented Ventress, J. A. Lynn was counsel for Kite, and Johnston was not represented with an attorney. States Attorney Staats was assisted by B. J. O’Neill.

Dr. Fisher was the first witness examined. He gave testimony similar to what he said at the Coroner’s inquest, and stated it was his opinion the wound on Gray’s head was inflicted while he was alive, and was sufficient to produce unconsciousness, and that death was due to drowning.

During the examination of Herman Schulze, the man who found Gray’s body, Judge Dunnegan raised the point that the crime, if any, having been committed on the Missouri side of the river, the body being found there, the Illinois courts had no jurisdiction, and that the venue should be in St. Charles County. Mr. Staats and Mr. O’Neill contested this point and showed by the statutes that Madison County has concurrent jurisdiction with St. Charles County in a criminal offense committed on the river. Justice Brandewiede decided he had jurisdiction and proceeded with the case.

The prosecution was disappointed in the evidence it was able to bring out. Barney Kite and his wife, who were reported to have been told by Johnston that Gray was killed with an oar by himself, denied having heard any such thing from Johnston. The other witnesses, too, denied having said they saw Johnston strike Gray with an oar, and the prosecution so far as they were concerned fell flat. States Attorney Staats favored entering a dismissal of the case so far as Ventress and Kites were concerned, as there was not a shadow of evidence to prove that they were anything but helplessly drunk, and they were accordingly discharged.

Almost the whole of Missouri Point was over to hear the trial. All of Kite’s family was there and seemed much affected by their father’s plight. His daughter fainted and was unconscious several minutes.

Bayless Island (also spelled Bayliss, and named after the family who owned and lived on it), where the body was found, was opposite Alton. Huse and Loomis Ice Company erected groups of ice houses on the island, where ice would be stored for use in St. Louis. In 1898, a large fire destroyed their ice houses, tool house, lumber, ice cutting tools, and a large boarding house. Large embers were blown across the river during the fire, and it was feared that Alton would also burn. In 1906 the Polar Wave Ice Company owned the island, and cut down a lot of the trees for lumber. For years the island was used as a horse hospital for disabled horses belonging to the ice company. Boys would use the island for fishing and swimming off the sand beach. The Alton Slough Rod & Gun Club once held rights on the island.

In 1894 the railroad bridge across the Mississippi was constructed, using Bayless Island to sink the foundation. Sand was used from this island to provide a foundation for the highway leading from Missouri Point to the new Clark Bridge in 1928.

A preliminary hearing was held June 20, 1899, on the charge of murdering James Albert Gray. The three prisoners pleaded not guilty. Judge Dunnegan raised the point that the crime, if any, was committed on the Missouri side of the river, and Illinois courts had no jurisdiction. This was contested, and the hearing continued. The prosecution’s case fell apart, and the States’ Attorney favored entering a dismissal of the case. It was deemed that the men were helplessly drunk, and they were accordingly discharged. James Gray was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


GRAY, JANE E./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 31, 1873
Died on October 23, at four o’clock p.m., Mrs. Jane E. Gray; in the 29th year of her age.


GRAY, NELLIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 12, 1914
Mrs. Nellie Gray, wife of Joseph Gray, died Friday evening about 9 o'clock at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Schmidt, 1620 Bozza street, after a long illness with a complication of diseases. She had been married only a few years and was 26 years of age. She leaves no children. Besides her husband, she leaves four brothers, C. J., Nelson, Charles and Clarence; and two sisters, Mrs. Minnie Swain and Mrs. Rose Doyle. She was a member of the Ladies of the Maccabees. Mrs. Gray was born in Alton and lived here all her life. She was well known in the part of the city where she lived, and leaves many friends who mourn her death. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Washington Street Methodist Church and services will be conducted by Rev. W. T. Cline. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.


GRAYSON, ELIZA/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 21, 1898
Mrs. Eliza Grayson, an esteemed colored woman and for many years a citizen of Upper Alton, died at her home in Fredericksburg, Virginia recently; age 93 years.


GRAY, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 11, 1916
Thomas Gray, aged 31, died at his home on Ridge street shortly after 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, after an illness of long standing. He had been unconscious for the past ten days and his death had been expected at any time. His death came as the result of an injury he sustained about seven years ago from which he never recovered. He is survived by his wife, Louise, and one child. He also leaves a number of brothers and sisters. The funeral arrangements have not been made and will not be definitely decided upon until word has been received from relatives at distant points. [April 13, 1916: Interment took place in Greenwood Cemetery.]


GRAY, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 25, 1911
[note: see Hazel Gray obit]
Another of the children of Herman Gray, a daughter 13 years old, succumbed to diphtheria last night at the home at Fourth and Spring street. This is the second of the Gray children to die of diphtheria; a daughter, Hazel, 8 years old, having died August 15. At the time of the first death, the attention of Mrs. Demuth was called to the little family. The mother had deserted her husband and children. Mrs. Demuth found the father holding the dead body of the little girl in his arms and kissing her cheeks. He was crazed with grief. They lived upstairs at Second and State Streets then. Another child, aged five, survives, and it is feared it will contract the disease. The grief of the father is pitiful to see. He has been trying to take care of the children as best as he could, and is heartbroken over the two deaths. The daughter was buried this afternoon, Rev. S. D. McKenney having charge of the funeral service. This is one of the most saddest coming before Mrs. Demuth for some time, and she has done all she could to aid the little family.


GRAY, WARREN LEVERETT/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 10, 1883
From Upper Alton – Mr. W. E. Gray received a telegram last week, conveying the sad news of the death by drowning at La Crosse, Wisconsin, of his son, Warren Leverett Gray, a promising young man of 19 years. No particulars were given, but it is supposed he met his death by an accident on the railroad on which he was employed. The remains will arrive here tonight, and the funeral will be from his parents’ residence Sunday. Warren’s many friends here unite in deploring his early death, and extend their sympathy to the bereaved family.


GRAY, WILLIAM E./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 12, 1893
Mr. William E. Gray, one of Upper Alton’s respected and most venerable citizens, died Monday evening, aged 75 years, 9 months, and 4 days. Mr. Gray had been ill for a long time.

Mr. Gray was buried this afternoon. He was a native of Maryland. After a residence of some years in New York City, he moved successively to Chicago, Rock Island, Iowa City, and St. Louis, coming to Upper Alton from the latter place a little over thirty years ago. He was a builder by profession, and during his residence in St. Louis, built several churches and other public buildings. He also had the contract for the Home of the Feeble Minded at Lincoln, Illinois. For ten years past, Mr. Gray has been in feeble health, and consequently has been retired from active work. For the past two years he has held the office of township Justice of the Peace. Mr. Gray leaves a widow and eight children: Mr. Thomas S. Gray, manager of the West Hotel in Minneapolis; Messrs. Edward C. and George M. Gray of Milwaukee; Mrs. George M. Levis of Upper Alton; Mrs. George B. Thornburg of Harper, Kansas; and Misses Louisa and Mattie Gray, who live at home.


GRAYSON, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 20, 1866
Died in Middletown [Alton], on the 17th inst., Elder James Grayson, in the 59th year of his age. Mr. Grayson had been a member of the Baptist Church forty-three years, and twenty-six years of that time a minister of the gospel. At the time of his death, he was the oldest member of the Union Colored Baptist Church of Alton. He was universally regarded as a Christian man.


GREATHOUSE, ISAAC/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 17, 1844
Warden of the Illinois State Prison at Alton (1840-1843)
Died, on the 9th inst., after a long and painful illness, at his residence near Upper Alton, Ill., Isaac Greathouse, Esq., in the 44th year of his age. The deceased was one of our worthiest citizens, and has left a large family and many friends and acquaintances to mourn his loss.


GREAVES, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 8, 1900
Murdered in Bethalto
A revolver shot and the calls of a man for a doctor to attend a man who had been shot, nearly broke up a Republican meeting at Bethalto Saturday night. The crowd in the hall started for the door to learn who had been shot, and a panic at the door was averted by the coolness of the speaker, Hon. G. W. Patton, who urged the people to stay. The shooting occurred just outside a saloon in Bethalto. Henry Greaves was shot in the face by John Faries or Herbert Williams, two powder mill men who had gone to Bethalto for a Saturday night frolic. Greaves was intoxicated also, and it was some time before he could tell who did the shooting. He was found lying on the street corner in a semi-conscious condition with a bullet hole in his jaw, the bone fractured and blood spurting from the wound. The bullet entered the base of Greaves' brain, and the wound is considered very dangerous. After the shooting, word was sent to East Alton to arrest the two men, and they were taken into custody. Deputy Sheriff Dreisoerner went to East Alton yesterday afternoon, took the two men to Bethalto, and there they were identified by Greaves as the men with whom he quarreled. Faries is charged with having fired the shot, and Williams also says he did. Greaves was brought to Alton today, and is at St. Joseph's Hospital where Dr. Yerkes is attending him. He is a son of Charles Greaves of Troy, and belongs to a well-known family. He is worse this afternoon and can hardly live. Faries and Williams were taken before the wounded man at Bethalto, and he identified both. Williams was placed under $500 bond, and Faries was put under $800 bond.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 11, 1900
Henry Greaves died this morning at St. Joseph's Hospital from the effects of the bullet wound inflicted by John Faries at Bethalto, Saturday night. The warrant sworn out by Charles Greaves, his father, charging Herbert Williams as being an accessory to the murder, and John Faries with being guilty of murder, were served this morning at Bethalto by Deputy Sheriff Dreisoerner, and the two men are being held without bail. The preliminary hearing was set for this morning at Bethalto, and all the witnesses were on hand to testify. Instructions were telephoned to Bethalto that all the witnesses be subpoenaed to attend the Coroner's inquest today, and that the warrant for the arrest of the two men he served. The funeral of Greaves will be held Friday afternoon at Bethalto at 3:30 o'clock, and services will be conducted by the Bethalto Methodist minister.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 6, 1901
The trial of John Faries and Herbert Williams for the murder of Henry Greaves at Bethalto in November 1900, is set for Monday in circuit court at Edwardsville. About sixty witnesses have been summoned from East Alton and Alton. The trial will be an interesting one. Greaves was killed while intoxicated, and both Faries and Williams say the shooting was done in self defense. The killing occurred on a night when there was a Republican rally at Bethalto.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 5, 1902
The dying statement of Henry Greaves, for whose murder John Faries and Herbert Williams of East Alton are being tried in the Circuit Court, is lost. Squire W. L. Piggott of Bethalto, now deceased, took the dying statement of Greaves and retained it for use when the case should be tried. John Culp of Fosterburg is a bondsman of John Faries and is also administrator of the estate of Squire Piggott. Yesterday a demand was made on Mr. Culp to produce the dying statement, but Mr. Culp said he knew nothing of it and had not seen it. The court ruled out a copy of the dying statement and demands the original. The death of Squire Piggott may be an important fact in the trial of Faries and Williams, and may be of material assistance to them in defending themselves.

Henry Greaves died on October 11, 1900, at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Alton. Funeral services were held in Bethalto. His father swore out a warrant, charging Herbert Williams with accessory to murder, and John Faries with murder. The two men were held without bail. The two men claimed the shooting was in self-defense.

Squire W. L. Piggott of Bethalto took the dying statement of Greaves, and after that time period, Piggott died. John Culp of Fosterburg was a bondsman for John Faries, and also the administrator of Piggott’s estate. The court requested Culp to produce the dying man’s statement, but it could not be found. Both Faries and Williams were released on bond in 1901. The trial was continued many times, and finally held in June 1902, with Senator J. J. Brenhold and Judge J. E. Dunnegan as attorneys for the defense. Since the dying statement of Henry Greaves could not be found, and there were no witnesses to the murder, the two men were acquitted.


GREBE, LOUISE/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 5, 1881
Miss Louise Grebe died at the residence of Mr. Julius Stumpf on State Street, Sunday morning, at the age of 19 years. The funeral took place at the German Catholic Church today. The burial took place in the Catholic Cemetery in Middletown.


GREDING F./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 11, 1901
F. Greding died Sunday night at his home, Fourth streets, after a short illness. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Salvation Army hall.


GREDING, GUSTAVE E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 16, 1910
Gustave E. Greding, one of the old residents of Upper Alton, passed away Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at his home on Elizabeth street. Mr. Greding passed his 71st birthday anniversary five days ago, and on that day he was stricken with paralysis, which rendered him helpless. He never rallied from the attack and died yesterday afternoon, going into unconsciousness two hours before death relieved him. Mr. Greding lived many years at the homestead where his death occurred, and he raised a big family of children, all of whom are grown. Besides his widow, he leaves nine children, viz: M. A. Greding, Edward, Gustave, George, Otto and Miss Alice Greding, all of Upper Alton, and Will Greding of St. Paul, Mrs. H. S. Aken and Mrs. Rachel Hale of Chicago. Mrs. Aken of Chicago is very ill and will not be able to come to her father's funeral. The other children will come. Mr. Greding was born in Germany and came to America when a boy of 16 years. He came to Alton shortly after arriving in this country, and has been a resident of the vicinity ever since. For many years he was a foreman in the mould department of the Illinois Glass Company's plant, and in that position, he was of great value to his employers. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at the family home, and Rev. W. H. Bradley will officiate.


GREEN, ANN/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 5, 1851
Died in Upper Alton on august 23, after a short but severe illness, Mrs. Ann Green, consort of Deacon Benjamin Green, in the 49th year of her age.


GREEN, ANNA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 18, 1908
Mrs. Anna Green, wife of Ephraim Green of Moro, died Friday night shortly before midnight after an illness of two weeks. She would have been 62 years of age next May. Mrs. Green leaves one of the largest families ever raised in Moro. There are living ten children, seven daughters and three sons, as follows: Mrs. Samuel McDonald, Mrs. George Luman, Mrs. H. E. Dorsey, Mrs. Frank Ellis, Mrs. George Cable, Annie Green, all of Moro, Rev. William Green of Kewanee, Ralph Green of Litchfield, Ephraim Green of Moro. She was a niece of William Ja___ of Godfrey. The funeral will be held Monday morning at 10:30 o'clock. The husband of Mrs. Green was a coal miner for many years.


GREEN, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 25, 1910
Edward Green, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Green, died at Hot Springs, Ark., Tuesday night at 6 o'clock, after a long illness which began in Alton with pneumonia. He submitted to two surgical operations in the hope of giving him relief, but they failed, and as a last resort he was taken away to Hot Springs, in the hope that he might improve there. He was attended by his mother, Mrs. Thomas Green, and his brother, James Green. Last week it was thought best to bring him home, but he took a sudden change for the worse, and it was impossible to move him. He was 32 years of age. He leaves his wife and two children, Margery, aged 7, and Edmond, aged 5. The last surgical operation was performed two weeks ago, and the first one three weeks earlier. He had been ill about four months. He leaves beside his parents, wife and children, four brothers, James, Ralph, Walter and Louis; and one sister, Miss Bessie Green. The body will arrive in Alton tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, and the funeral will probably be held Friday morning at 9 o'clock from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral.


GREEN, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 10, 1899
Mrs. Elizabeth Green, wife of William Green, died last night at the family home, 2250 Holman Street, after an illness with liver troubles. She was 62 years of age, and had lived in Alton many years. The funeral will be Thursday in the St. Mary’s Church.


GREEN, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 01, 1904
Mrs. Elizabeth Green, 89 years of age, and for very many years a resident of Bethalto and vicinity where she was highly respected, died yesterday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Emily Miller, Bethalto. She leaves three sons, ex-Officer Thomas Green of Alton, John Green of Belleville, Ephriam Green of Moro, and three daughters, Mrs. Emily Miller, Bethalto, and Mesdames Ellen Nesbitt and Sarah Sutton, Belleville. She is survived by 49 grandchildren, 63 great-grandchildren, and 1 great-great grandchild.


GREEN, EPHRAIM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 19, 1909
Head of Large Family Dies at Moro - Leaves Many Descendants
Ephraim Green, in his 68th year, died at Moro Sunday morning at 2 o'clock, from senile debility. He was the head of a very large family, leaving seven daughters and three sons. Four of his children died in infancy, and his wife died about 17 months ago. Mr. Green leaves also 23 grandchildren, and 1 great-grandchild. In his family early marriages were the rule. He leaves two brothers, Thomas Green of Alton and John Green of Belleville; also two sisters, Mrs. John Miller of Bethalto and Mrs. Charles Nesbet of Belleville. He had lived at Moro 34 years. Mr. Green was born in Staffordshire, England, April 17, 1842. He emigrated to America and was married at Belleville to Ann Robson. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock from the Moro Presbyterian church, Rev. McMican officiating. The three sons of Mr. Green are Rev. Wm. Green of Ottawa, Ralph Green of Litchfield, and Ephraim Green of Moro. He was highly esteemed in the community where he lived, was known as a good husband and father, and leaves many friends. The Masonic order will have charge of the services at the grave.


Rev. Arasmus GreenGREEN, ARASMUS (also spelled ERASMUS)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 26, 1907
Civil War Veteran; Co-Founder of Rocky Fork Church
Erasmus Green, a well-known colored resident, died last night at his home in the southern part of the village after a long illness from Bright’s disease. He was 66 years of age, and is survived by three children: Joe Green, Mrs. Mary Hyndman, and Mrs. Florence Cannon. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon, and burial will be in Rocky Fork Cemetery.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 20 & 27, 1907
Attorney L. D. Yager has made application in the county court for the probate of the will of Erasmus Green, deceased, an old negro who died at North Alton recently. Green leaves an estate said to be worth about $4,000, which represented savings from his pension and also the fruits of hard work. Green was blind, and a number of years ago he received a good pension and a large amount of back pay. He leaves a farm and homestead. He leaves the farm to his wife, and gives her a life interest in the homestead, which will go to his children at her decease. The real estate consists of Lot 5, block 10, in the west half of the southwest quarter of Section 2, town 5, Range 10. The will was made October 28, 1904. [Eliza Jane Green was named as Executrix of the estate.]

Arasmus Green, frequently spelled Erasmus, was born in 1841 to a slave woman. He served in the Civil War in the U.S. Colored Infantry, from 1863-1865. Upon returning home to the Rocky Fork area, he and his fellow war veteran friend, Andrew Jackson Hindman, founded the Rocky Fork AME Church in 1869. Arasmus became an ordained preacher. He married Eliza “Mary” Jane Duncan (1841-1927), a native of Tennessee. Their children were Joseph Green, born July 28, 1868 in Godfrey Township, and married in 1893 to Mary Perry; and Florence Green Cannon.

After his death, his wife received a pension from his military service.


GREEN, CATHERINE “KATIE”/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 8, 1894
From Bethalto – Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Green of our town have the sympathy of their numerous friends in the death of their dear little girl, Katie, aged seven years, who died on March 02 of paralysis. She had been a sufferer for several months. The funeral took place from St. Joseph’s Church on Sunday, and was largely attended. The remains were interred at the Bethalto Cemetery. [Burial was in the Bethalto United Methodist Church Cemetery.]

Katie Green was the daughter of Thomas Henry Green (1854-1914) and Bridget Julia Monaghan Green (1855-1923).


GREEN, EUNICE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 17, 1913
The funeral of Eunice, daughter of the late Ralph J. and Mrs. Murial Green, was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock and was attended by a very large number of friends, relatives and acquaintances of the afflicted mother. Mrs. Green lost her husband and father of her children less than two years ago, and the sympathy of the community goes out to the widowed and childless young wife and mother. The pallbearers were the same as acted for the little sister who died some time ago, namely, Miss Effie Robins, Iva Redmond, Freida Barr, Elenora Dwiggins. The body was laid in a concrete vault sent from Jerseyville. Services this afternoon were conducted at the Cathedral by Rev. Fr. Tarrent, and burial was in Greenwood cemetery beneath a heavy coverlet of flowers - the offerings of friends.


GREEN, HARRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 18, 1915
Commits Suicide by Drinking Carbolic Acid
Through a clue discovered by Chief of Police, J. J. Muleen, the identity of the man who suicided by the carbolic acid route, and was found dying last Friday night in the Bowman woods on the bluffs, was established. He was Harry Green, a chauffeur. He was an Englishman, and his friends, whom he called up by telephone last Friday morning, believed he was on his way to England. He told them he planned to go and wished to say farewell to them. None of them suspected that he had killed himself. David Peebles, a St. Louis man who knew Green, came to Alton this morning after Chief of Police Mullen had discovered the clue that led to establishing the ownership of the silver watch. Peebles did not tell the coroner's undertaker, John Berner, anything about the causes that might have led to the suicide....He would have succeeded had he disposed of the old silver watch he carried, but he probably did not think it would lead to his identification....Inside the watch was found a collection of marks indicating dates on which the watch had been repaired, and some initials, supposed to be those of the repair men who made the marks. Knowing it to be the practice of watch repairers to indicate in a watch every time it was fixed, the chief consulted the watch repair department at Gouldings, and there it was made out that the initials were W. G. consulting a telephone directory it was found there was a jeweler in St. Louis with the initials corresponding, William Goeb. On telephoning to Goeb, it was learned that the marks were made by men in his employ that they had repaired the watch repeatedly for Harry Green, who was living, at last accounts, at 3408 Washington avenue. Chief of Police Young of St. Louis said he would investigate and would report back to Chief of Police Mullen at Alton. The efforts made by Chief Mullen indicate that Alton has a chief of police who is far above the average and who uses his brains. The marks in the watch were very small and required a magnifying glass to reveal their true character as numbers and letters. It is said the man was suffering from an incurable disease, and that he probably decided to kill himself before the disease disabled him.


GREEN, LAURA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 19, 1922
Mrs. Laura Green, widow of John Green, formerly of Wanda, died last night at 1 o'clock at the Old Ladies Home on State street, from a general breakdown, aged 76. She leaves no relatives. The funeral will be tomorrow from the Bauer undertaking parlors, owing to illness of some of the inmates at the Old Ladies Home.


GREEN, MARTIN L./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 21, 1912
Martin L. Green, aged 62, died from apoplexy Tuesday at his home in Upper Alton. He was stricken about 11:30 o'clock Monday night and died at 7:30 o'clock this morning. Mr. Green was the father of the young man killed a few weeks ago by a train at Ft. Bellefontaine. He leaves his wife, five children, three brothers and two sisters. The funeral will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. from the home.


GREEN, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 13, 1917
Michael Green, aged 78, for many years a resident of Alton, died today at the Nazareth Home. The funeral will be held on Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock from the Nazareth Home to the St. Joseph's Cemetery. Mr. Green is survived by one sister, Mrs. Katherine Green.


GREEN, NORA/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 20, 1896
Miss Nora Green, a young girl fifteen years of age, died Sunday morning at the home of her mother on Bond Street, from typhoid malaria. She leaves a mother and several sisters. The funeral took place Sunday morning. Rev. M. Jameson conducted the services at the home, and the body was laid to rest in the Alton City Cemetery.


GREEN, PETER/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 31, 1892
The funeral of Mr. Peter Green, who died Tuesday evening at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Gus A. Walter, will take place tomorrow from the residence of Mr. Walter to the Alton City Cemetery. It was necessary to defer the obsequies on account of the non-arrival of sons expected to be present.


GREEN, RALPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 28, 1893
From Moro – The funeral of Ralph Green took place last Friday morning. Mr. Green was born in England in 1847, and came to this country at the age of three years. Five daughters survive him. The sermon was from the text, “Blessed be the dead that die in the Lord,” and made a deep impression on all present. Mr. and Mrs. Eph Green wish to extend their thanks to the people of Moro and vicinity for kindly assistance during the illness of their brother, Mr. Ralph Green.


GREEN, RALPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 18, 1912
One By One, Tuberculosis Takes the Employees of the Sentinel-Democrat Newspaper
Ralph Green died at Denver, Colo., Monday morning at 10:30 o'clock from tuberculosis, after a long hard fight with the disease. He was 28 years of age, and is survived by his wife and one child. A message came this morning that the street superintendent was in a dying condition. He was supposed to be recovering his strength slowly, from messages doubtless sent because of his last rally before the end. The final collapse came Sunday evening and death resulted this morning. Last Fall Mr. Green asked a leave of absence and went to Denver with Mrs. Green, hoping that he would be strengthened by the air in the high altitude. He seemed to get better for awhile, but the change was of no lasting benefit. He made a hard fight for life, and seemed filled with determination to exert all the willpower he had. He knew when he left Alton that it was probably his last attempt to help himself. His death closes a series of fatalities in the one newspaper office, The Sentinel-Democrat, which eventually caused the death of the paper itself. Through an employee in the place, the tuberculosis germ was introduced in the office, but it attacked one after another. Ed Rice, Austin McInerney and then Ralph Green were the victims. Editor J. J. McInerney's death resulted not from tuberculosis, but from shock due to the death of his son, Austin. Finally the newspaper itself died. Ralph Green worked for years, first as reporter then as acting editor of The Sentinel-Democrat. He was forced to leave the position because of his continued bad health. He was appointed street commissioner by Mayor Faulstich. Mr. Green was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Green of Alton. The body will be brought back to Alton for burial. Mrs. Green was with her husband during the long fight he made for life, and his sister, Miss Bessie, was with him toward the end.


GREEN, SAMUEL F./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 25, 1877
From Collinsville – Mr. Samuel F. Green, a young lawyer of more than ordinary promise, died at Collinsville on October 16, aged 30 years, of diphtheria. He was a native of New Hampshire, a graduate of Harvard, and had studied law in Berlin. His prospects for future success were brilliant. His remains were taken to his native State for burial.


GREEN, SARAH LIVONIA (nee GURNSEY)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 22, 1900
Mrs. Sarah Livonia Green, wife of Capt. Montroville Green, died this morning shortly after midnight, after an illness of five weeks, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. R. Wills, at Fifth and Alton streets. Mrs. Green was 78 years of age, and with her husband had made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Wills, the past sixteen years. Mrs. Green's life was an interesting one, and her old age was tempered with a sweetness of disposition that made her lot a happy one with her aged partner of fifty years of married life. Capt. Green is left at an advanced age without his companion of younger days, and the death of Mrs. Green has an added sadness from this fact. Last January 7 she celebrated with her husband and two children the golden anniversary of her wedding. She was then in good health, but was stricken down a few weeks later with a severe illness brought on by old age. She has been very ill ever since and her death was not unexpected. Mrs. Green's maiden name was Gurnsey. She came from an old family of Vermonters living at Shrewsbury, near Rutland, where she has relatives living now. She came west and was married in St. Louis to Montroville Green, who had come to the western country four years before, and was then engaged in the steam-boating and boat-building business. The couple made their home in St. Louis until sixteen years ago, when they came to Alton. During all the years they lived in St. Louis, Captain Green was a steamboat Captain and was one of the best known men on the river. Mrs. Green leaves two children, Mrs. Wills and Mrs. L. A. Borges, of St. Louis. The funeral will be Saturday morning and services will be in the Unitarian church. Interment will be in St. Louis. The hour of the funeral will be announced tomorrow.


GREEN, TARLETON/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 23, 1897
Veteran of Two Wars
Tarleton Green, an aged colored citizen of Alton who was anywhere between 95 and 115 years of age, died at St. Joseph’s Hospital Monday. He was taken to the hospital one week ago, and at the time it was thought that his great age would not permit his recovery. He was a veteran of two wars, and an applicant for government bounty, but so far, his pension had not been granted. He leaves two children.


GREEN, WASHINGTON/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 22, 1892
Washington, the 8-year-old-son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Green, of 1605 Sixteenth Street, died this morning after an illness of two weeks of brain fever. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the family residence.


GREEN, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 7, 1914
William Green, a long time resident of Alton, died last night at his home in Hollman street after an illness of five weeks with asthmatic troubles and complications. He was about sixty-eight years of age, and is survived by his widow. He was a member of St. Mary's congregation and the funeral will be held from St. Mary's church Friday morning at 9 o'clock. He was a member of St. Boniface branch of the western Catholic union, and the members will attend the funeral in a body. Burial will be in St. Joseph's cemetery. Mr. Green died at his home, 2200 Holman street. He leaves his wife, a brother, Michael, and a sister Mrs. Catherine Gleben, all of Alton. He was a native of Lippenberg, Germany, and came to Alton when 20 years old, having lived here ever since. His death was due to Asthma.


GREENE, GARDNER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 25, 1907
Gardner Greene, for many years a hotel keeper at Nameoki, fell from the second floor to the first floor in his hotel there Wednesday and broke his neck, dying instantly. Greene was _5 [looks like 45] years old. He had been used to sleeping on the first floor of his building the year around, but Tuesday night, on account of the heat, he had gone to the upper floor. When he got up yesterday morning he walked over to the stairway and fell over the balaster. It is believed he had forgotten he was on the second floor and did not realize where he was walking. He left a widow and five children. Coroner Streeper held an inquest over Greene last evening and a verdict of accidental death was rendered by the jury.


GREENE, MARY L./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 02, 1893
The funeral of Miss Mary L. Greene, the 19-year-old daughter of Mrs. Mary M. Greene, took place Tuesday afternoon from the M. E. Church in Upper Alton. An assemblage of friends gathered to attend the services, and many flowers attested the esteem in which the young lady was held. The remains were interred in Upper Alton Cemetery. The pallbearers were members of the graduating class in the high school: Lettie Gillham, Florence Maltty, Sadie Chustman, Ida Ford, Laura Erwin, and Bessie McReynolds.


GREENFIELD, SAMUEL THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 2, 1850
Died in Upper Alton on the 27th inst., after a long and painful illness, Samuel Thomas Greenfield, aged about two years. He was the only son of his mother, and she was a widow.


GREENAWALT, ELIZA/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 6, 1890
Eliza, wife of Mr. James Greenawalt, died Friday at the family residence, 609 East Eighth Street. Deceased had been ill for some time with consumption, and death came as a relief to her suffering. She was in the 35th year of her age, and leaves a husband and two daughters to mourn her loss.


GREENWOOD, ABIGAIL (nee BOWKER)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 29, 1891
Mrs. Abigail Bowker Greenwood, wife of Stephen Payson Greenwood, was born in Scituate, Massachusetts, August 29, 1816. She removed to Boston, Massachusetts, at an early age. She was married there to S. P. Greenwood on May 10, 1837. In the Fall of 1859, the family came to Alton, where their home has since remained.

In this community, Mrs. Greenwood is remembered as a generous hearted friend. Before her health failed, she was constant in benevolence. From its organization, she, with her husband, was a member of the Church of the Redeemer (Congregational). In that circle dearest recollections of her thoughtfulness will long abide. She greatly loved flowers, and made it her especial care to provide them in rich supply for the public services of the sanctuary. So noticeable was her devotion in this respect (continued long after she was unable herself to attend church), that in its annual meetings, the congregation repeatedly expressed appreciation of her interest by votes of thanks.

An invalid for a score of years, confined to her home, she has been for several years increasingly helpless. Friends who have visited the sick will always remember the welcoming smile and outstretched hand with which she greeted them. Complaint she seems not to have known how to make Only when nature was broken down did her spirit fail.

Through these years, Mr. Greenwood’s business has been in St. Louis. In her excessive feebleness, the invalid wife has daily watched for the home coming of her partner, and the well-known step and voice have continually brought twilight joy to her loving eyes. Proof of a mother’s worth is present in the affectionate care with which her children, and especially her only daughter, have all these years been faithful. It will forever be the comfort of these bereaved ones that they did all that loving hearts and hands could do, to smooth the path of affliction and the bed of sickness.

In the midst of the tears in this hour of mourning, there is a comforting assurance that the beloved one is now “at rest.” For her there is no more strange infirmity. The Great Physician has called her forth from the body of death to the glorious life of Heaven. In reunions there, today’s sorrow will be changed into eternal joy.

The funeral took place yesterday at the family residence on Henry Street. Rev. C. C. Warner of the Congregational Church officiating. There was a large attendance of relatives, old friends, and neighbors. The floral offerings were numerous and appropriate. Among them was a beautiful pillow from Messrs. Paddock & Hawley of St. Louis. The funeral cortege proceeded to the cemetery, where services were concluded, and the body of one loved and revered was committed to the tomb. The following acted as pallbearers: E. P. Wade, Albert Wade, A. L. Daniels, M. H. Boals, William Fivnn, and Z. B. Job.

Surviving Mrs. Greenwood were her husband, Stephen P. Greenwood (1815-1892) and the following children: Edwin Payson Greenwood (1844-1911); F. C. Greenwood of Boston; and Mary Frances Greenwood. The following children preceded her in death: Mary Frances Greenwood (1839-1839) and Henrietta Lewis Greenwood (1850-1852).


GREENWOOD, JENNIE LOU/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 11, 1875
Died in Edwardsville on Friday, October 21, of congestive chill, Jennie Lou, daughter of E. P. and A. L. Greenwood; aged 3 years, 8 months, and 3 days.


GREENWOOD, JOHNNIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 7, 1884
From Bethalto - Mr. and Mrs. Peter Greenwood were sorely afflicted last week in the death of their son, “little Johnnie,” which occurred Friday morning at the family resident, one and a half miles west of Bethalto, after an illness of very short duration, of peritonitis. Deceased was 12 years and four months old, and was known and highly esteemed by nearly everybody in the village, having peddled milk here for the past year, and by his promptness and politeness had won the admiration of all. The funeral took place Saturday afternoon, and was very largely attended. The remains were interred at the Bethalto Cemetery. Expressions of sympathy for the bereaved family are general throughout the neighborhood, and a death which occasioned more real sorrow in our midst has seldom occurred. Called away in the very bloom of youth, it is indeed a sad blow to his parents, the full force of which can only be realized by those who have experienced a similar affliction. That little Johnnie was a favorite among his school mates was evinced by the throng of children in attendance at the funeral.


GREENWOOD, SARAH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 14, 1899
Mrs. Sarah Greenwood, aged 75 years, died yesterday afternoon at the Women’s Home, after a painful illness. Mrs. Greenwood had no immediate relatives, and lived alone at her little home in North Alton. She was given a home in the Women’s Home by the ladies about one year ago, and has been there ever since. The ladies of the home took upon themselves the responsibility of attending to her funeral, and the services were held at the home. Interment was in the Alton City Cemetery.


GREENWOOD, STEPHEN PAYSON/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 28, 1892
Mr. Stephen Payson Greenwood died at his home, 824 Henry Street, at three o’clock this morning, from the effects of a paralytic stroke suffered some days ago while on his way to St. Louis by the Chicago & Alton Hummer.

Mr. Greenwood was one of the most highly respected citizens of Alton, and resided here many years, rearing a large and respectable family. He was born in Boston, Massachusetts, 76 years ago the 6th of last December. He came to Alton in 1857, and two years later removed his family here, at which time he began a pork packing business in partnership with Mr. Walker. In 1861, this firm was dissolved, and Mr. Greenwood became actively interested in the Illinois Mutual Insurance Company. He was a member of the Congregational Church, and his life partner [Abigail Bowker Greenwood] preceded him to the other shore something over a year ago. He leaves surviving him two sons, F. C. Greenwood of Boston, Massachusetts; and Edward Payson Greenwood (1844-1911) of Edwardsville; and Miss Minnie Greenwood, a daughter. The following children preceded him in death: Mary Frances Greenwood (1839-1839) and Henrietta Lewis Greenwood (1850-1852).

Mr. Greenwood has been in the employ of the Paddock-Hawley Iron Co. of St. Louis for many years, and was on his way to the city when he was attacked by the fell disease which led to his death. The funeral will take place from the family residence to the Alton City Cemetery Wednesday morning.


GREER, GEORGE O./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 11, 1908
Painter Slips on Roof and Falls 35 Feet to Ground
George O. Greer, a painter living at 1110 Pearl street, fell from the two story roof of the August Wutzler building at 626 Spring street, shortly after 7 o'clock Tuesday morning and was instantly killed. He wore heavy soled shoes with inch-long tacks sticking out in the soles, which he called roof shoes, and it is conjectured that as he was walking over the roof in getting to his proper position to begin painting the chimney, his shoe soles were caught in the shingles and he was tripped and fell to the ground, a distance of thirty-five feet. His head was crushed. A. M. Greer, his brother, was the first to reach him. He was on the other side. He heard his brother fall, and rushing to the spot found his brother dead. The body was then removed to the undertaking rooms of Deputy Coroner Allen Keiser. A strange coincidence is that as Greer was climbing up Tuesday morning, James Goudie, who rents the house from which Greer fell, and who is a traveling salesman, spoke to him and remarked that it was dangerous work. "Yes," he answered, "it is a little dangerous, but I'm used to it. If you go to Palmyra this week, that's my old home, tell all the folks that I'm well down here." Goudie walked away, and when talking to some friends down town, he heard of a man's death by a fall, he had a presentiment that it was the man working on his house and mentioned it before Greer's name was spoken. Greer lived with a brother, J. M. Greer, and a sister, Mrs. Irene J. Wheeler on Pearl street. The family moved here from Palmyra last fall. A brother, J. W. Greer of Lock Springs, Mo., was wired for after which the funeral arrangements will be made. The dead man was a member of the Palmyra Masonic lodge. Greer fell a distance of 35 feet, striking on his head, and the force of the fall was such that a very unusual fracture of the skull was caused. The skull was split wide open and the two halves of the brain were thrown out of the head and fell fully ten feet away from the body of the man. The body will be sent to Palmyra for burial.


GREER, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 15, 1899
Mrs. Mary Greer died Sunday evening at the Methodist parsonage, after an illness of several months with dropsy. Mrs. Greer was an old acquaintance of Dr. and Mrs. Powers, and had been a teacher in the family. She came to Alton from Clay City, Illinois, some time ago to enter the Woman’s Home, and while visiting at the parsonage was taken sick, and never recovered. Mrs. Greer was 76 years of age, and was a native of Dublin, Ireland. She had no relatives in this country. The funeral services will be held Tuesday from the M. E. parsonage. Interment will be in the Alton City Cemetery.


GREGG, ADA F. (nee FISHER)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 21, 1903
Mrs. Ada F. Gregg, aged 53, died at her home in Chicago Saturday afternoon after a long illness. Mrs. Gregg was a member of a former well known Alton family, and she lived the greater part of her life in Alton. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. U. E. Fisher, and a sister of Mrs. W. D. Sparks. The body was brought from Chicago this morning and taken to the home of Capt. Sparks on Prospect. Mrs. Gregg leaves only one daughter, Mrs. George T. Palmer of Chicago, with whom she had been making her home. Until five years ago she lived in Alton. Mrs. Gregg's illness had extended over many years, but although she was almost constantly suffering great pain, she bore herself with such patience and fortitude that not once during her illness did she allude to a possibility of a fatal termination of the malady. She died full of hope that she would be with her daughter to celebrate Christmas and was actively engaged preparing little Christmas gifts for those whom she held most dear. She was beloved the most by those who knew her best, and her death is a sad affliction to her bereaved family. Mrs. Gregg was born in Whitehall, Ill., and came as a child to Alton, which she has always regarded as her home. She attended Monticello Seminary during her girlhood. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The remains will be taken from the residence of Capt. D. R. Sparks on Prospect street to St. Paul's Episcopal church, where services will be conducted by Rev. H. M. Chittenden. The funeral party consisting of Dr. and Mrs. George Thomas Palmer arrived in Alton this morning with the remains.


Civil War Veteran, 117th Illinois Infantry
Sources: Belleville News, August 10, 2022; Find A Grave
Alexander Johnson Gregg was born March 01, 1835, in Springfield, Ohio. He was the son of Israel Gregg (1813-1838) and Mary McCord Johnson Barr (1817-1896). Some of the members of the Gregg family had immigrated from Scotland in 1682, and settled in Ohio. Part of the family moved to the Troy, Illinois area in 1804, while another group moved to Modesto, Illinois. Titus Gregg and Azure Gregg were the first to settle near Troy. Their sons were Daniel, Herman, and Henry Gregg.

Alexander Johnson Gregg was a Lieutenant in the 117th Volunteer Illinois Infantry, Company G, during the Civil War. When Captain Curtis Blakeman of the 117th was discharged because of his age, Lt. Alexander J. Gregg was promoted to Captain. Captain Blakeman had visited the Blakeman home in Marine, and fell in love with his daughter, Mary Sophia Blakeman. They married in 1862 and had five children, four of which are: Charles H. Gregg (1863-1953); Viola Meriel Gregg Harris (1865-1930); Stella A. Gregg Bosch (1867-1948); and Albirdie O. Gregg (1874-1963). Alexander J. Gregg died March 02, 1908, at the age of 73 years. He was buried in the Harris Cemetery in Alhambra, Madison County, Illinois.


GREGORY, MARTHA (nee HILL)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 7, 1909
Daughter of Captain Granderson Winfrey Hill
Martha Gregory, wife of Samuel H. Gregory, died at 11:40 o'clock Tuesday at her residence, Fourth and Alby Streets, after an illness of one week. When she died, her husband was away from home, having gone to Jeffersonville, Indiana on a business trip, and he did not know that she was dangerously ill until the morning she died. She was taken ill one week ago, but her case was not believed to be a serious one and she did not suffer great pain. A physician was in attendance, and he did not think her case was an alarming one. On Monday, her stomach trouble developed into peritonitis, and she became very much worse during the evening. Her husband was not to be found, owing to the fact that communication was difficult through the day being a holiday. Mr. Gregory was found this morning, and he started back at once, arriving this evening. His wife died just before noon.

The death of Mrs. Gregory caused many to mourn throughout the city, in the circles where she was best known. Hers was a beautiful character. She was a woman of profound convictions and much culture. In her home, she was a good mother, always dutiful to her husband and her two children. She was the oldest daughter of her parents, Captain and Mrs. Granderson Winfrey Hill. Her home life was beautiful and all her family were deeply attached to her and looked to her for leadership. In the time of trouble for her family or her friends, hers was one of the first hands to extend sympathy and help, and in this respect, she was self-denying and self-forgetful. In the Presbyterian church, she was an energetic member and always ready to do more than her share. In the membership of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, she was one of the leaders. Her last energies outside of her home work were devoted to watching the work on the Confederate Monument she had hoped to see completed, but which she was not destined to do. Her life was a noble one, and it will be a sweet memory for her children and her husband, as well as her aged father and her three sisters. Mrs. Annie H. Cunningham, her youngest sister, has been in the far west and is on her way home from Seattle, Washington. She will arrive Thursday. She leaves two other sisters, Mrs. Virginia H. McKinney and Mrs. Frank P. Hearne, and her father, Capt. Granderson Winfrey Hill, all of whom were with her when she died. She had a son, Winfrey, and daughter, Louise. The time of the funeral has not been decided. Mrs. Gregory was born at Alexandria, Clark county, Missouri. She came to Alton to live when a high school girl, and attended school here. She was deeply interested in the Alton High school. Her marriage took place 24 years ago, and almost all of that time she had lived in Alton, except a few years she stayed in Kentucky. [Note: Burial was in Louisville, Kentucky]


GREGORY, MAY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 1, 1901
May, the 8-year-old daughter of Mrs. Annie Gregory, died Sunday night. The funeral will be Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Interment in City Cemetery.


GRENZBACH, AUGUST/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 29, 1894
Saturday, at his home in North Alton, occurred the death of August Grenzbach, one of the oldest citizens of that place, he being 71 years and 4 months of age. Mr. Grenzbach’s illness was of a lingering nature, and extended over a period of fifteen weeks. Deceased leaves, besides other relatives, three sons and three daughters, all of mature age. The funeral will take place Monday afternoon from the home to the City Cemetery, and will be under the auspices of the I.O.O.F., Mr. Grenzbach having been a member of Germania Lodge, No. 2 of Alton for a number of years. [Name was also spelled Grenzebach in the article.]


GRENZEBACH, GERTRUDE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 25, 1914
Mrs. Gertrude Grenzebach, widow of August Grenzebach, died this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Redmond, 356 Bluff street, from old age. Mrs. Grenzebach had been ill some time and her death had been expected. She was among the oldest residents of Alton. A native of Germany, she came to Alton when a young woman, and she spent all the remainder of her life here. She had resided in the city sixty-four years. She was 86 years of age the tenth of last May. Mrs. Grenzebach is survived by three sons, William, Henry and John, and three daughters, Mrs. Louis Hilt, Mrs. William Redmond, and Mrs. Julius Hilt. During the long period that Mrs. Grenzebach lived in Alton, she earned the good will and high esteem of all who knew her. She saw her family of children grow to manhood and womanhood, and be respected residents of their community and her declining years were made very happy for her by her children. She was known as a good neighbor, and there are many who have good reason to regret the passing of this aged lady and who remember her kindly. The funeral of Mrs. Grenzebach will be held Saturday at 3 p.m. from the home of Mrs. Redmond on Bluff street. Services will be conducted by Rev. E. L. Mueller of the German Evangelical church. [June 27, 1914: Burial was held at City Cemetery.]


GRENZEBACH, STELLA ALMEDA (nee SPARKS)/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 14, 1896
The Grim Reaper has again made himself felt, and one of Alton’s fairest young daughters has peacefully passed into the realms of the unknown. Sad it is indeed when one so young and in the prime of life should be taken from us.

After two weeks of untold suffering, Mrs. William Grenzebach, nee Stella Almeda Sparks, died Saturday evening from goitre. Her illness was one of much suffering, but she bore nobly to a peaceful end, and although her death has been momentarily expected for two weeks, the bereaved family are heart-broken. The deceased was 28 years of age, and leaves a husband, a mother, Mrs. G. W. Sparks, four sisters – Mrs. E. L. Shelton, Mrs. James Toole, Misses Jennie and Dessie Sparks – and two brothers – Douglass and Hosea Sparks – besides a host of friends and acquaintances, with whom, though she cannot live in life, will always do so in memory.


GRENZEBACH, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 20, 1916
Man Drops Dead at Work In Cooper Shop
William Grenzebach, aged 53, a well-known resident of Alton, died suddenly while working in a cooper shop on the place of Chris Ringhausen above Grafton, Friday afternoon. Word was sent to Alton to his relatives, and they started for the Ringhausen farm at once. Mr. Grenzebach was working with his brother, John, when death struck him. He had been in apparently good health, and his relatives in Alton were shocked to learn that he was dead. This year for the third time the Grenzebach brothers, William and John, had taken their wives to the Ringhausen place and were engaged in making apple barrels to contain the huge crop of apples grown on the orchards. Mr. Ringhausen had given the Grenzebach brothers the contract for making his apple barrels, and they would work all season on the job, turning out an immense number of barrels. They were known as skillful, reliable workmen, and their services were in demand. William Grenzebach and his brother were working in the cooper shop on the Ringhausen place when William collapsed, and a few minutes later was dead. The body was brought back to Alton and taken to the home of William Redmond on Bluff street. Mr. Grenzebach leaves two brothers, John of Alton and Henry of St. Louis, and two sisters, Mrs. Julius Hilt and Mrs. William Redmond. He was born in Alton and lived here all his life. He was a man of good character, a member of the Congregational Church, and was highly esteemed by everyone. He had no children. It was said today by relatives of Mr. Grenzebach that he had been suffering somewhat from a heart trouble, and it was supposed this had caused his death. He was at work all day up to the time he collapsed, about 3:15 o'clock Friday afternoon. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon. The body will be taken at 2:30 o'clock from the Redmond home on Bluff street to the Congregational church, where services will be conducted by Rev. Irving G. McCann at 3 o'clock. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.


GRESSLER, BARBARA/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 15, 1894
Mrs. Barbara Gressler, an old and respected citizen of Alton, died Monday evening at the venerable age of 84, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Blake, on State Street. Deceased leaves two daughters in Alton, Mrs. John Blake and Mrs. Andrew Clifford. A large number of friends will mourn her death. Funeral occurred yesterday from the Cathedral, where large number of friends assembled to attend the obsequies. High Mass was celebrated, and a touching sermon preached. The remains were interred in the North Alton Cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. Christian Wuerker, H. C. G. Moritz, M. Mahoney, J. M. Cotter, Thomas McInerney, and Lawrence Stohr.


GREVE, CAROLINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 12, 1904
Mrs. Caroline Greve, aged 74, died Friday night from burns she suffered fourteen days ago at the home of her son, Frank Greve, near Godfrey. Mrs. Greve's vitality was remarkable, and at first it was thought she would recover, notwithstanding her advanced age. Mrs. Greve was in the smokehouse when her clothing caught fire. Her son, Frank Greve, was in the field, about 100 yards from the house, and he saw his mother walking toward the house and her clothing burning. Mrs. Greve did not know her skirts were afire until her son shouted to her. She ran into the house, and when the son arrived he found she had started to disrobe herself and get off the burning clothing. The son tore off all the clothes, but before he could do it the mother was fatally burned. She had lived near Godfrey forty years, and was the widow of Henry Greve who died nine years ago. She leaves six children, Mrs. Mary Bierman of Raymond; Herman Greve of Madison; John Greve of Alton; Mrs. Annie Biermann of Godfrey; Frank Greve of Godfrey; Mrs. Lizzie Koch of St. Louis. The funeral will be held MOnday morning at 10 o'clock from St. Mary's church, and services will be conducted by Rev. Fr. Meckel.


GREVE, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 2, 1910
John Greve, aged 46, died Friday night from pneumonia after an illness of two days at his home, 914 east Third street. He was employed by the glass company and leaves a wife and four children. The funeral will be Monday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's church.


GREY, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 17, 1880
Mr. James Grey, a resident of Alton since 1852, died on June 9, after an illness of about two weeks, at the age of 60 years. He was a native of Kentucky, and was regarded by all his acquaintances as a good neighbor, a kind friend, and a valuable citizen. His funeral will take place tomorrow from the family residence on Mechanic Street.


GREY, RICHARD E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 31, 1919
The funeral of Richard E. Grey was held Sunday from the Streeper undertaking parlors. He was 51 years of age. Interment was in St. Joseph's cemetery.


GREY, SADIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 5, 1917
Mrs. Sadie Grey, aged 40, of Twentieth and Belle Streets, died suddenly last evening. At 6 o'clock she was apparently in good health and was visiting with her neighbors. Two hours and a half later, her condition had become so serious that she was removed to St. Joseph's Hospital and at 10:30 o'clock last night she died. Besides her husband, she is survived by five children ..... [unreadable] first marriage. The funeral arrangements have not been completed.


GRIEBEL, ERNEST/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 8, 1909
Ernest Griebel, aged 85, a prominent resident of Fosterburg township, died Sunday at midnight at his home after an illness of three weeks. Death was due to old age. He was a native of Germany and came to America about 45 years ago. He lived a short time at Bunker Hill. For thirty years he conducted a store at Fosterburg, but had long been out of business. He was a member of the German Presbyterian church at Fosterburg. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Lotta Griebel, and son, Edward Griebel of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and a daughter, Mrs. Minnie Jones of Upper Alton. He leaves also some stepchildren, Mrs. Recka Wortmann, Mrs. Annie Wortmann, Mrs. Emma Wortmann, and Louis Recker. The three stepdaughters married three brothers.


GRIESBAUM, AUGUST/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 12, 1916
After lingering twenty-two months following a paralytic stroke which rendered his entire side useless, August Griesbaum died last evening at 5:15 o'clock at St. Joseph's Hospital, where he was taken last spring. Shortly after Mr. Griesbaum was stricken with paralysis, his wife took sick also and died shortly afterward. Her death occurred a year ago last January. The death of his wife was a severe blow to the suffering man, and all during his illness he felt her absence keenly. Mr. Griesbaum was 50 years of age. He is survived by three brothers, William and Joe of Alton; and Fred of Nebraska; also two sisters, Mrs. James Mode and Mrs. William Hutchens of California. The sisters visited Mr. Griesbaum during the summer and will not return for the funeral. He was a member of Robin Hood Camp, Modern Woodmen. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the home of the daughter, Mrs. Frank Rothweller, on State street. Interment in the City Cemetery.


GRIESBAUM, LUCRETIA (nee HALBERT)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 30, 1915
The death of Mrs. Lucretia Griesbaum, wife of August Griesbaum, occurred last evening at 4:45 o'clock at the family home at 1256 State street. Mrs. Griesbaum was operated upon at St. Joseph's Hospital five months ago, but the operation did not prove a success and since that time she has been very ill and her death has been expected for some time. The deceased was in her forty-third year. Before a marriage, Mrs. Griesbaum was Miss Lucretia Halbert, a member of a well known Kane family, and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Halbert of that place, who survive her. Mrs. Griesbaum is also survived by her husband, August Griesbaum, and one daughter, Mrs. F. Rothweiler, who was before her marriage Miss Almeda Griesbaum. She also leaves five sisters and two brothers. The funeral will take place from the home Sunday afternoon at two o'clock, and will be private, owing to the serious illness of Mr. Griesbaum, who suffered a paralytic stroke some months ago and from which he never recovered. Friends may view the remains between Saturday and Sunday noon.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 01, 1915
The funeral of the late Mrs. Lucretia Griesbaum, wife of August Griesbaum, was held yesterday afternoon from the family home on State Street, and was private. The pallbearers were George Schwab, Charles Winslade, John Dunlap, Gus Kauffler, Charles Greeling, and George Williams. Interment was in the Alton City Cemetery. The grave was covered with a beautiful blanket of flowers.

Those attending the funeral from out of town were W. L. Close of Carrollton; Herb Waddell of Kane; Mrs. Ella Close and daughter, and Mrs. Ben Dixon and daughter, from Granite City; H. P. Noble and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griesbaum of Jerseyville; and Ira W. Halbert of Webb City, Missouri.


GRIEVE, ISABEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 22, 1885
The funeral of Mrs. Isabel Grieve took place Thursday afternoon from the residence of her son, Mr. J. P. Nisbett. Appropriate music was rendered by members of the choir of the Presbyterian Church. The casket was decked with a profusion of beautiful flowers.


GRIFFIN, C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 17, 1912
Mrs. C. Griffin, mother of the little family found in distress in Upper Alton last Thursday, and who were moved to the homes of Upper Alton residents in an effort to try and save their lives, died at the home of E. J. McPhillips, where she had been removed last night. When the family was found to be in distress, the father, mother, and three children were all suffering from pneumonia and there was neither food nor fuel in the house. The family resided in the Finkenkiller home at the corner of Bostwick and Clawson streets, having come to Upper Alton last fall. When the family was found, Mrs. Griffin was taken to the home of E. J. McPhillips, the children to the homes of J. D. Pace, Mrs. G. W. Wright, and A. L. Bolander, and the father to another home nearby. The remains of Mrs. Griffith were removed today to the home of Rev. Hicks, pastor of the Methodist church, and the funeral will be held from there tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be in the Oakwood cemetery. A mother and sister of the dead woman arrived last night from Oklahoma. The father and the children are much improved today.


GRIFFIN, LEVERETT CRITENDON/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 7, 1878
From Bethalto – Mr. L. C. Griffin died last Wednesday at the residence of Mr. J. P. Owen. When a young man, his father educated him to perfection, but strong drink got the best of him, and he died among strangers, a wreck of his former self.

Leverett Critendon Griffin was born August 25, 1829 in New Hartford, New York. He is buried in the Montgomery Cemetery in Bethalto.


GRIFFITH, ANN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 6, 1909
Mrs. Ann Griffith, aged about 87, died at St. Joseph's hospital yesterday evening from the effects of a fall she had at the Old Ladies Home about three weeks ago. Mrs. Griffith was the oldest inmate of the home, and had been there since it was started. She had become so helpless after her fall that she could not be handled properly at the Home, so she was removed to the hospital. She leaves no known relatives. The injuries she sustained in the fall were the direct cause of her death. The funeral was held at 3 o'clock this afternoon from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral, and interment was at Greenwood Cemetery.


GRIFFITH, JOSEPH H./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 24, 1874
From Collinsville - Madison County has lost an old settler and one of its oldest citizens, Joseph H. Griffith, Esq., who died last Sunday night after a brief illness. He was a native of Delaware, and came to Illinois nearly forty years ago, when it was but little more than a wilderness. He resided, with the exception of one or two years, in Madison County, where he has held various positions of honor and trust. When he came to Collinsville, there were but five houses in the place, but he has lived to see it become one of the most thriving towns in Southern Illinois. At the time of his death, he held the office of Police Magistrate, and at the recent school election, had just been elected trustee. By industry and economy, he had secured quite a competence, which he leaves to his children. He was sixty-eight years of age, and was the father in law of Hon. Benjamin H. Hide.


GRIFFITH, LOIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 19, 1917
Mrs. Lois Griffith died this morning from pneumonia at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Keller on Linden avenue. Mrs. Griffith was 64 years old. She was born and reared in Upper Alton. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from 737 Linden .... [unreadable]


GRIFFITH, LOUISA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 19, 1917
Mrs. Louisa Griffith, wife of Griffith Griffith, died at her home on East Broadway this morning at 12 o'clock after a long illness with tuberculosis. She leaves a husband and a daughter. The husband had been in a bad way and had been sent to the County Home at Edwardsville. Not long ago word came here that he had died over there. How the story reached here has not been explained fully. The wife and daughter went over to Edwardsville to investigate, and they found him in good condition. Today the man who was reported dead was mourning over the death of his wife. He had come over to Alton on learning that she was dying, and the daughter, instead of mourning a father, was today mourning her mother. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock from the home to the City Cemetery.


GRIGGS, JULIA M./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 10, 1847
Died on Tuesday afternoon after a long and painful illness, Julia M., daughter and only child of Mr. Herman Griggs, of Alton, aged 2 years and 9 months.


GRIGGS, MARY I./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 22, 1883
From Upper Alton – Mrs. Mary I. Griggs, who moved to Upper Alton from Brighton two years ago, and has since then been living here with a son and daughter, died Monday evening in Jacksonville, where she had been for several weeks, receiving treatment for a stomach affliction of a very painful nature. During her residence here, Mrs. Griggs had made many warm friends, who will learn of her decease with sorrow. She will be buried in Brighton beside her husband and a son. She left three children, Mrs. W. I. H. Clark of Brighton; Miss Nettie Griggs and Mr. Herman Griggs of Upper Alton, besides many other relatives and friends to mourn her death. Deceased married Mr. Herman Griggs in 1859. He died in 1878. She was long a member of the Baptist Church.


GRIGGSBY, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 17, 1909
Death From Lockjaw
Samuel Griggsby, who was taken to the hospital Monday night, Wednesday morning for lockjaw [sic], after suffering horrible agony. Dr. Winn who attended him said today that if Griggsby was inoculated with the tetanus germ by running a rusty nail into his foot, he failed to discover the wound. He says that the only mark on the man was a very slight scratch on one of his hands, which was not at all inflamed, and that he could not account for the lockjaw by any visible evidences on the man's person. It is supposed that he hurt himself some time ago and that the tetanus germ was then introduced in his system and laid dormant for a while, but finally developed. He was taken ill last Friday. Mr. Griggsby was 66 years old and was a widower. He leaves two sons, Arthur and Harry. The funeral was held this afternoon and burial was in the City cemetery. Services were conducted by Rev. H. M. Chittenden.


GRIGSBY, JULIA B./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 4, 1865
Died in Upper Alton, Saturday, July 29th, at 1 o’clock p.m., Mrs. Julia B., wife of B. G. Grigsby, aged 36 years.


GRIGSBY, MINNIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 8, 1865
Died at the residence of Rev. T. B. Hurlbut, Upper Alton, August 31, of a chill, attended with convulsions, Minnie Grigsby, daughter of B. G. Grigsby, aged five years.


GRIMES, DELIA/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 07, 1892
Delia Grimes, colored, died last night at the age of 85 years. Mrs. Grimes was stricken with paralysis on Saturday evening. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning from the home of William Grimes, 26 Sixteenth Street, to Rocky Fork Cemetery.


GRIMM, WILLIAM H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 17 1901
Killed by Street Car in St. Louis
William H. Grimm, aged 46, was killed Saturday night by being crushed under the wheels of a street car at Broadway and St. Charles streets in St. Louis. His family living at No. 16 West Ninth street knew nothing of his death until this noon, when they received a letter from a St. Louis attorney asking that he be given the business of filling a damage suit against the St. Louis Transit Company. Grim's mother, Mrs. Elmira Grim, his sister, Mrs. Mary Hamilton and Mrs. Dorcas Conner of Randles, Mo., were at the home when the news was received. The mother is 75 years of age and is almost prostrated with grief. No word of the death of the man was sent to Alton by the coroner in St. Louis. Grim was alighting from a car and had turned to cross the tracks when he was struck by a car he did not see. His legs were cut off, and when taken from under the car he was dead. He was a laborer. Grim wrote a postal card to his sister Saturday night and said he would write a letter next day. Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Conner, the two sisters, went to St. Louis this afternoon to identify the body in the morgue.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 18, 1901
Mrs. Mary Hamilton and Mrs. Dorcus Conner went to St. Louis yesterday afternoon to identify the body of W. H. Grimm, who was killed Saturday night by a street car. The coroner's jury reported a verdict fixing the responsibility for the accident. The body arrived here this morning from St. Louis, and was taken to the family home on Ninth street. The funeral took place this afternoon at 4 o'clock, and burial was in City cemetery.


GRIMSLEY, MARY ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 12, 1838
Died, on the afternoon of Monday the 10th inst., at the house of H. G. McClintoc, Esq., in this city, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of the late W. R. Grimsley, Esq., aged 7 years.


GRIMSLEY, THOMAS H./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 26, 1849
Died at the residence of his uncle, Colonel Thornton Grimsley, of St. Louis, of dropsy, on Thursday the 18th inst., Mr. Thomas H. Grimsley of Alton, aged 26 years. Thus has inexorable death snatched from our midst a beloved companion, endeared to a large circle of friends by his modest and unpretending worth. In all the finer qualities which adorn humanity, as a young man he stood preeminent. Dutiful as a son, kind and affectionate as a brother, to society an ornament, his memory will be long cherished, and his early death lamented. His last hours were peaceful, without a struggle he yielded his spirit to his God, and, we trust, now sweetly sleeps in Jesus. From his tomb a voice addressed the young associates he so lately left, “Be ye also ready.”


GRIMSLEY, WILLIAM R./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 23, 1837
Died, in Alton, on Thursday evening last, Mr. William R. Grimsley.


GRISSOM, ALTA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 28, 1907
Mrs. Alta Grissom, wife of John Grissom, died at the family home, 627 North street, at 8 o'clock last night. A child was born to the mother Monday afternoon, and both mother and babe died a short time afterward. Mrs. Grissom was twenty years of age and has resided in Alton but a short time. Her father and mother reside in Nebraska, and word has been sent them of the death. The remains will be taken to Alsay, Ill., for burial.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 29, 1907
The funeral of Mrs. Alta Grissom, wife of John Grissom, will be held this evening at 8 o'clock and services in the home will be conducted by Rev. S. D. McKenny of Springfield. The body will be taken to Alsey, Ill., tomorrow morning for burial. Mrs. Grissom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Patterson of Wallace, Neb., will not attend the funeral as the mother is very ill. Mrs. Grissom's child is not dead, as reported.


GRISSOM, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 16, 1916
Two Die in Still Blast at Wood River Refinery
Two men, Charles Grissom and William Jackson, were killed instantly by the explosion of still 14 of battery 2, at the Wood River refinery, early Saturday morning. Another man, Urick Bailes, was slightly burned, and Louis Hoffman, who was within a few feet of the explosion, had a narrow escape but was not injured. The explosion occurred Saturday at 2:30 a.m. The cause of it is said to have been an unusual pressure in the still due to firing too strong. Grissom, formerly a barber in Alton, was an assistant to the still tender. Jackson was a laborer. Both men were standing close to the still, sheltered by the warmth from the cold blasts of the near zero night, when the still exploded. The head of the still was blow out, drenching the two men with oil. Grissom was doubtless instantly killed as the top of his skull was knocked off. Jackson's death must have been very quick. Grissom has a family living at Wood River, and Jackson has a family living on Belle street in Alton. The explosion caused a general alarm of fire at Wood River, and the refinery hands were called from their warm beds to man the lines of hose and play streams of water on the fire to prevent the fire communicating to other tanks of oil in the vicinity. By energetic work the fireman succeeded in getting the flames under control and no damage was done to other property....The men killed had been employed at the plant for six years and were regarded as good, faithful men. Grissom began working for the plant January 4, 1911. Jackson began working February 16 the same year. Grissom lived in Wood River with his family. He is about 35 years of age and has two children. A third child died two weeks ago, shortly after birth, and Mrs. Grissom has not been in the best of health on that account. The shock makes matters worse. Grissom's mother, known as "Grandma" Grissom, aged 89, has been confined to her bed by the shock and is in a serious condition. Jackson lived in Alton at 618 Belle street with his wife and two children. He was 40 years of age. The inquest was held this afternoon over the bodies of the two men. A white jury was sworn in and took charge of the Grissom case, and a colored jury took charge of the colored case. The inquest was held at 3 o'clock this afternoon at the Bauer undertaking rooms. The funeral of Charles Grissom will be held on Monday morning at 11 o'clock from the Baptist Tabernacle in Wood River. The services will be conducted by Rev. S. D. McKenny and the Odd Fellows, and the burial will be in the Oakwood Cemetery in Upper Alton. The funeral of William Jackson will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from home at 618 Belle street.


GRISSOM, MARY S./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 30, 1897
Mrs. Mary S. Grissom, wife of Henry Grissom, died today after a short illness. She was 34 years of age, and leaves four young children and an infant. The body will be shipped to Barrow, Illinois, for interment Saturday morning.


GRISWOLD, CAROLINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 22, 1904
The funeral of the late Mrs. Caroline Griswold was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Second Baptist church, where services were conducted by Rev. John Oley. There was a large attendance at the services and quite a large funeral cortege followed the body to Oakwood cemetery, where interment took place.


GRISWOLD, JANE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 16, 1900
Former Slave Passes Away
Upper Alton News - The funeral of an aged colored woman known as Aunt Jane Griswold will be held at 2 o'clock in the Baptist church at Salu tomorrow. Mrs. Griswold was past eighty years of age and as may be said of most of the older residents of Salu belonging to the negro race, she was at one time a slave. She was the mother of the blind colored minister, Mr. Griswold.


GROBLINGHOFF, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 14, 1888
Mr. William Groblinghoff, a resident of Alton for the past 25 years, died this morning from general debility at the venerable age of 86 years and 5 months. Deceased was formerly from Ohio. He leaves six children, two of them, Mrs. Althoff and Mrs. Mark Robidou, are residents of Alton.


GROESHEIM, GEORGE/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 14, 1884
Mr. George Groesheim, a native of Germany, a resident of Alton since 1853, died last night at the age of 58 years, after an illness of about two weeks, caused by quick consumption. Deceased left a widow and several children to mourn his death.


GROLMES, ANNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 21, 1905
Death at Lakeview: Miss Annie Grolmes, aged 19, died at midnight Thursday after an illness of three months at the home of her father, Joseph Grolmes. Arrangements had been made for performing a surgical operation on the young lady today to relieve bladder trouble, but death intervened. The funeral will be held Monday morning at 9 o'clock from the family home to St. Elizabeth's church at Mitchell, where services will be conducted by Rev. Fr. Meyers.


GROLMES, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 20, 1917
Joseph Gromles, aged 72, a well-known farmer at Canal Station, died yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock after a lingering illness from a complication of diseases. He has been a resident of Canal Station for many years. His wife died eleven years ago. He is survived by several children. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at the home, and the burial will be in the cemetery at Mitchell.


GROLMES, UNKNOWN WIFE OF JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 20, 1907
The funeral of Mrs. Joseph Grolmes was held Tuesday from St. Elizabeth's church at Mitchell, where a Requiem High Mass was said by Rev. Fr. Meyers, who was assisted by Rev. Thomas Cusack of Morrisonville and Rev. P. Kaenders of Venice.


GROSH, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 10, 1908
Death Claims Alton's Police Magistrate
Frank Grosh, police magistrate, one of the most useful citizens Alton ever had, died Wednesday morning at his home, 719 east Fourth street, after a long illness. Patience and fortitude were the special distinguishing characteristics of Mr. Grosh. He was a man of the strongest principle, and he never would waver a single moment when it came to a point where he could make a choice between performing a hard duty or making an easy evasion of it by doing something else which no one would have condemned. He always did his full duty as he saw it, and he was generally right. In his long illness and in his death he carried with him the sympathy of an immense circle of friends who hoped, until there was no longer reason for hope, that he might get well, and then they hoped that his death might be easy. When he was first taken ill several years ago, from the effects of a fall he sustained, and which was not supposed to have had serious results, he was brave as a soldier facing certain death. Although not a member of any church, Mr. Grosh lived his religion as consistently and faithfully as any person did. When in time of danger he was brave enough to kneel on the floor of the operating room in the hospital in the presence of witnesses and offer a prayer that the outcome might be for the best. He wanted to live for the sake of his wife and two boys, whom he felt needed his care and guidance. He never feared death an instant, but would talk of his approaching end as calmly as if it was some holiday party he expected to experience soon. Throughout the long, painful struggle he was a man in every particular. He faced death as gamely as he had borne his suffering. He underwent three surgical operations to relieve the cancerous growth which had begun to sap his strength. Although the operations resulted in conditions of his body which would have made most men give up without a struggle, Mr. Grosh declared that he wanted to live as long as he could and break the record for such operations. It is said that he accomplished his ambition. Nothing but willpower kept him up. Dad after day he would struggle manfully to the police court and preside at the trial of cases. Many times he would be too weak to stand the strain and the effect would be bad, but he refused to give up the fight. He was elected police Magistrate one year ago last April. He was comparatively unknown then, but he soon made good in the esteem of everyone. He dealt justice in an fact manner. For first offenders he had no severity, only kindly admonitions, and often he would impose a penalty, then parole the accused and require him to report frequently to satisfy him the parole was being kept. In handling cases of children, he was especially satisfactory and effective. For wife beating and abandonment cases he had his own ideas. He would give no mercy to a man who had mistreated his wife or his child. When pleas on fraternal grounds would be made to him by men of his own trade, he would frankly say that none need be expected. When a friend came before him, the same justice was meted as to another, as he always said his friends should know better than to get into trouble.....Frank Grosh was born in Baltimore, Md., and was 45 years of age. He leaves his wife and two sons. His father, who came here to be with "his boy," was downtown at the time the collapse came and did not reach him in time to say farewell. The death was expected for several nights. Tuesday night it was thought he would not survive until morning, but he seemed brighter when daylight came. The improvement was just the beginning of the collapse. He had made arrangements for his departure and had asked that he be taken back to Baltimore for burial. This will probably be done. He was a member of Piasa Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Alton, Aerie F. O. E., and Robin Hood camp, Modern Woodmen.


GROSHAN, FREDERICK (FRED)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 9, 1887
Former Soldier with General Custer Dies in Ice House Accident in St. Charles
Fred Groshan, the unfortunate man who was instantly killed by the accident, was a German living in Upper Alton, where he had resided several years. He had recently bought a little home there and moved into it. He was a man of middle age, and was formerly a cavalry soldier in the regular army. He was with General Custer's regiment at the time that officer and the great part of his command were slaughtered by the Indians. Groshans was one of the few survivors of that terrible massacre. He leaves a wife and three little children. His wife's maiden name was Sarah Caldwell. She lived at the home of Mrs. Prof. Marsh for several years, and was married there. [Groshan is buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.


GROSHAN, IRENE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 22, 1900
Young Servant Girl Found Floating in Cistern
The body of a servant girl whose name could not be learned was found this afternoon in a cistern at the residence of Mrs. Mary Atwood on Euclid avenue. The girl was missed two weeks ago when she disappeared from the house and told no one of her departure. She did not return for her clothes and her action was unaccountable. This afternoon while someone was drawing water from the cistern, an object was stirred up in the water. The horrified person called for assistance, and a search was made. A piece of hair had been recovered from a body at last report, and it is certain the object seen in the water was that of a human being. Full details could not be learned because of the lateness of the hour.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 23, 1900
Upper Alton News - The funeral services of Miss Irene Groshan, the young girl whose body was found in the cistern at the Atwood home in Middletown yesterday, were held at 11 o'clock this morning from the residence of her mother, Mrs. Robert Marquis. Miss Irene Groshan was 16 years of age. Her father, Frederick Groshan, was killed in an accident at an ice house in Upper Alton thirteen years ago. He was at one time a soldier. The funeral services were very brief and were private. Rev. J. A. Large officiated. Her family can assign no reason for her deed.


GROSS, ANNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 28, 1904
Annie, the 5 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Gross of 1216 Gold street, died Friday morning after a short illness from diphtheria at the family home. The funeral was held Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock, is private, and burial was in Greenwood cemetery. The death of the child is the second one in the family within two weeks. A son of Mr. and Mrs. Gross died at St. Joseph's hospital from injuries he sustained by being pinched between two cars at the glass works last week.


GROSS, ELIZA/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 01, 1896
Mrs. Eliza Gross died in St. Louis this morning after a brief illness. Her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Yager of Alton, was summoned to her bedside this morning, and arrived there just before she died. Mrs. Gross was 78 years of age. She made her home with Mrs. Yager in Alton much of the time, and was on a visit to her daughter in St. Louis.


GROSS, EMIL/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 17, 1896
Emil Gross, a young man who has been working around Alton, but for several weeks has been sick at the St. Joseph’s Hospital, died there Monday. He was 21 years of age, and has no relatives in Alton. The funeral took place Tuesday morning from the hospital to Greenwood Cemetery.


GROSS, FRED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 16, 1910
Young Drug Clerk Drowned in River After Night's Fishing
Fred Gross, a drug clerk, who was employed in the pharmacy at Sixth and Spring streets, was drowned Tuesday morning about daybreak while swimming in the river on the Missouri shore above a point opposite the water works, with Charles Miller of 1008 east Sixth street, who also was employed in the drug store. The young man had gone out in a skiff Monday night about midnight to take a ride on the river. They told Capt. Fluent they wanted to go fishing and get cooled off. According to young Miller, who returned about 6:30 o'clock Tuesday morning to the Fluent dock with the skiff and Gross's clothes in it, they spent the night out on the river and intended to do some fishing. At daybreak they began fishing and Gross caught an eel. Then they decided to take a plunge in the river and went up a little farther to a sandbar. Miller says that they waded out a long distance and then started wading back. Suddenly Gross, who claimed to be a very good swimmer, complained of having a cramp. Miller claims that he heard Gross shout to get a boat and that he started for the shore to get it and that when he turned around and looked for his companion he was nowhere to be seen. When he reported the fact at Fluent's dock, a telephone message was sent to the employer of the two young men, O. G. Roney, who recently bought the Bond pharmacy in Alton. Mr. Roney was in Olney. He gave directions to make a search for the body, which was up the river on the Missouri shore. Miller was notified to go along with the searchers and attempt to help locate the body, as he alone knew about where the drowning occurred. Gross, who was 26 years of age, came here to assist Mr. Roney in the drug store, and Miller, who had been working here, was remaining to show the stock and help straighten it up. It was after their day's work that they started out to spend the night on the river. Miller is 19 years of age and is a son of the late Joseph Miller, who conducted a grocery store at Second and State streets for many years. According to Capt. Fluent, the boat in which the two young men went out was in good condition when it came back and appeared to have been cared for well. According to Miller the two young men kept awake all night. Gross had been threatened with consumption and his physician had advised him to stay in the open air. For that reason he came to Alton to help his friend Roney open the drug store, and he intended to spend as much time as possible on the river. They built a fire on arriving at the spur dike on the Missouri shore, opposite the Job quarry. At daybreak they went swimming, after fishing awhile, and Gross got in a deep hole where an eddy has washed out the sand, where it poured through a dike hole. The hole is about 20 feet in depth and is surrounded by sand bars, which would prevent the body being carried out. Capt. W. D. Fluent went to the scene of the drowning about 9 a.m. and returned later with tackle for dragging for the body. Gross had just returned from visiting his father at Olney, who is a retired businessman and is very ill. The father sent word that every means of recovering the body should be used, and he said he would stand all the expenses. Ernest Bowers, a relative of Gross, was sent here this noon to take charge of the body. Capt. Fluent dragged the pool several hours, then gave up, and in the afternoon took up a seine and tried that to find the body. According to Miller, there is good ground to believe that Gross, by mental suggestion, got the cramps. Gross was wading in shallow water and kept talking of cramps, although he did not have them, and when he got in deep water he called for help. Miller went to him, he says, and held him up until he could breathe, then Gross turned on his back and began swimming. A few seconds later Gross shouted to get the boat, and when Miller went for it he lost sight of Gross. This part of the story told by Miller may furnish interesting food for guessing as to the possibility of a man imagining he was taken with cramps until he lost his power to help himself.


GROSS, J. W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 16, 1914
The funeral of J. W. Gross was held at St. Patrick's Church at nine o'clock this morning. A requiem high mass was celebrated by Rev. Father Kehoe, which was attended by a large number of relatives and friends....The pall bearers were Elmer Gilworth, James Roach, John Dick, August Goeken and T. Siebert. The offerings of flowers were numerous. Interment was in St. Joseph's Cemetery.


GROSS, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 19, 1889
Deputy Sheriff Crowe gives us the particulars of the tragic death of John Groff in the Wolf Coal Mine at Edwardsville. Mr. Groff, with a comrade, was wedging off coal when a slide from above occurred, and he was caught by the falling mass. His leg was broken, and he received internal injuries so severe that he died Saturday, the accident having occurred two hours previously. His fellow workman had a narrow escape. Deceased left a wife to mourn his sudden death. Coroner Bonner held an inquest. A verdict of accidental death was returned, and the mining company was exonerated, the mine having been considered safe. Deceased was aged 32 years.


GROSSENBACHER, JACOB/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 29, 1887
From Highland – Jacob Grossenbacher, one of Highland’s most respected and oldest citizens, died this morning (Dec. 28), aged 76 years. Deceased had been a resident of Highland for 37 years, and was, up to his death, engaged in milling.


GROSSHEIM, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 28, 1915
George Grossheim, former City Council member, aged 55, died at 2 o'clock this afternoon at his home on Sixth and Oak streets on the same lot where he was born and had lived during his entire life. Mr. Grossheim's death came about after an illness which extended over a number of years. For past few months his death had been expected at any time. He is survived by his wife, Mary, one brother, John; two sisters, Mrs. Minard Joehl and Mrs. Sebastian Miller; four sons, Joe, Charles, John and Alphone; and two daughters, Thresa and Bertha, all of whom live in the city of Alton. Mr. Grossheim worked for many years as a pot setter for the Illinois Glass Co. The extreme heat to which he was forced to expose his body daily while at his occupation is believed to have been the cause of his break in health. He has not worked for a number of years. Before the breakdown of his health Mr. Grossheim was known for his powerful strength. His line of work required great power, and he was a very expert workman. He was a steady, industrious man, and a good husband and father. During his term of service with the city he gave the best of satisfaction, notwithstanding his failing health. He was very favorably known all over the city, and especially in the eastern part. Recently he served two years in the City Council as Alderman from the Fourth Ward. His ill health prevented him from accepting the position again, however, and he was succeeded by his son, Joseph. For many years he has been one of the active members of the St. Mary's Church and the Western Catholic Union. The funeral arrangements had not been completed at a late hour this afternoon. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's church. Mr. Grossheim was a member of Western Catholic Union, No. 9, and of the Alton Aerie of Eagles.


GROSSHEIM, JOACHIM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 10, 1909
Joachim Grossheim, aged 82, died Thursday evening at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Minard Joehl, 811 East Second street, from senile debility. Mr. Grossheim had been in failing health for a year, but only three days ago he was taken to his bed by a breaking down of his whole physical being. He was a native of Germany, but had lived in Alton since 1855, and all that time he was a constant attendant at St. Mary's church in Alton. He leaves four children, George and John Grossheim, Mrs. Minard Joehl, and Mrs. Sebastian Miller, all of Alton. He leaves also 23 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. His coming to Alton was on his honeymoon trip and he decided to settle here with his bride and make his home. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's church.


GROSSHEIM, ROSA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 01, 1899
Rosa Grossheim, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Grossheim, aged 2 years, 3 months, died this morning and will be buried Thursday. Services will be in St. Mary’s Church.


GROSSHEIM, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 09, 1899
Mrs. Henry Grossheim, living near Brighton, died yesterday. The body will be brought to Alton tomorrow morning for interment in the Alton City Cemetery. Mrs. Grossheim has a number of relatives living in Alton.


GROSSMAN, OTTO/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 01, 1918
The funeral services for Otto Grossman, whose death occurred Thursday morning at the Nazareth Home, was held this afternoon at 4 o'clock and were private. Mr. Grossman came to Alton a quarter of a century ago, and for years was a blower at the plant of the Illinois Glass company. He was 72 years old. A widow and two sisters survive.


GROTA, F. H./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 01, 1875
Died at his residence in Alton, on the March 30, of consumption, Mr. F. H. Grota; in the 61st year of his age.


GROTE, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 15, 1893
From Edwardsville – William Grote, a farmer on the St. Louis Road, died last Thursday and was buried Friday. He was a progressive farmer.


GROUND, ANNIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 25, 1880
Died at her home in Upper Alton, of consumption, Thursday, November 18, 1880, Mrs. Annie, wife of Mr. O. B. Ground. Mrs. Ground was born in Ohio, March 31, 1838. She was married to her now bereaved husband on Christmas Eve, in the year 1856. Came with her family to Upper Alton thirteen years ago. She has been a great sufferer for twelve years. She bore her ills with a patient and uncomplaining spirit. She had a strong desire to live. A short time before she died, she said to her nurse while in great pain, the Lord has sent this suffering to make me willing to die. She leaves a husband, two children, and many friends to mourn their loss.


GROUND, JAMES LOOMIS/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 24, 1846
Died at Marinetown, Madison County, Illinois, on the morning of the 7th January instant, Mr. James Loomis Ground. The deceased was the second son of the late Captain James Ground, and was born at the city of Lincoln, England, on the 9th(?) day of January, 1807. His father immigrated to this state in 1819, and was among the first settlers in what is called the Marine Settlement, and where the deceased has ever since resided, universally esteemed, an industrious citizen, a kind and obliging neighbor, and an honest man. He has left a large circle of friends and neighbors to mourn his death. May they receive consolation from the promises of a brighter hereafter, where there shall be no more sorrow or death, but the glory of immortal life.


GROUND, JOHN M./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 1, 1888
Intelligence was received Saturday evening of the death, from yellow fever, of Mr. John M. Ground, formerly of Alton, but for two or three years past a resident of Jacksonville, Florida. The deceased was a brother of Mr. Oliver B. Ground, with whom he was, for some time, associated in the milling business at Bozzatown. His wife and daughter have resided here most of the time since, but had arranged to move to Florida this Fall.

Mr. Ground was a man of stalwart principle and integrity, and the entire community unite in sympathy for the bereaved ones, and sorrow for the loss of a friend. With the fidelity to duty, which was characteristic of the man, Mr. Ground stuck to his post in the freight department of the S. F. & W. R. R. at Jacksonville, trusting to his familiarity with the climate and his uniform good health and correct habits of life to carry him through the siege. But the dread scourge attacked him, and in spite of all the care and attention that appreciative employers and open-handed friends could secure him, he died on Friday night at the Sand Hills Hospital. His son, Dan, has been quarantined near him for several days, and was at Baldwin at the time of his father’s death. He has not been sick himself, but General Manager Daniels of the F. R. W. & N. Company, whose private secretary Dan is, has the fever, and as they have for weeks past been in close association in their traveling office, the restriction of quarantine has, of course, been applied him.

John M. Ground was born in 1838, and was either 49 or 50 years of age at his death. He was the son of Daniel Ground (1810-1868). John married Mary Frances Bennet (1811-1889). His wife is buried in the Marine Cemetery in St. Jacob, Madison County, Illinois. John M. Ground is buried in the Evergreen Cemetery in Jacksonville, Florida. They had a daughter, Cassie Morris Ground Dull (1871-1916); and a son, Daniel (Dan) H. Ground (1864-1944), who survived the sickness.


GROUND, OLIVER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 20, 1900
Upper Alton Pioneer Dead
Oliver Ground, a well known resident of Upper Alton, and one of the oldest citizens of the place, died yesterday afternoon after along illness. He was 67 years of age, and had been an invalid many years. Fifteen years ago, he fell from a horse, and from the injuries he sustained paralysis set in and gradually extended over his body until it caused his death. He was formerly proprietor of the Madison Mill, which occupied the building at the northeast corner of Second and Washington streets, and he conducted this with the assistance of his son. He went to Upper Alton forty years ago, and has been one of the prominent men of the village since settling there. He leaves two children, Mrs. Mark Dickson of Upper Alton, and Harry Ground of St. Louis. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon, and services will be conducted at the family home.


GROW, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 26, 1898
From North Alton - The funeral of Mr. Michael Grow took place Wednesday afternoon from the family home to Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. Heidel and Rev. W. H. Bradley, and were in German and English. The pallbearers were Messrs. Charles Clifford, Joseph Krug, M. Hill, F. Hoffmeister, John Davis, and John Grenzbach. At the cemetery entrance, the hearse was met by the G.A.R., and the remains were conducted to the last resting place. The floral tribute which hid the grave was but a small part of the sympathy that is felt for the bereaved family, or the high regard in which the deceased was held, for while in life by his kindly disposition and honest, upright manner, he could count all who knew him by his friends.


GRUBBS, LOUISA S. (nee KIRKPATRICK)/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 31, 1891
From Bethalto – Mrs. Grubbs died on December 23, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. S. R. Hudnall, on Railroad Street, where she had been visiting for several weeks. The remains were taken to Hillsboro, Illinois, on Thursday, for interment. Mrs. M. A. Humphrey and Mrs. B. Picker accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Hudnall to that place. [Note: She was the wife of Edwin Rufus Grubbs.]


GRUBBS, W. J./Source: Troy Weekly Call, October 19, 1907 - Submitted by Marsha Ensminger
W. J. Grubbs Struck by Fast Train at Depot
The Vandalia railroad crossing at the depot added another to its long list of victims last Saturday evening in the person of W. J. Grubbs, a farm laborer, of whom but little is known here. The lifeless body of Grubbs was found early Sunday morning by Watchman Tierney when he arrived at the little watch house at the crossing. The body lay on the side of the track west of the crossing near the Enterprise elevator and had evidently been struck by a westbound train. Mr. Tierney reported the matter to the authorities and the body was removed to the undertaking establishment of J. H. Stienhans & Son and the coroner notified. Grubbs had only been about Troy for a short time. He worked for Fred Liebler last week at cutting corn and was paid off last Saturday morning. During the forenoon he called at the postoffice and secured a sheet of paper and an envelope then went out to have a letter written. Henry Stienhans wrote the letter which was addressed to R. H. Burtches at Rolla, Mo. In accordance with Grubb's dictation the letter stated briefly that a money order for $5.00 was enclosed. Later Grubbs called at the post office and secured a money order which was enclosed in the letter and mailed. Grubbs remained about town all day Saturday and drank freely. He was considerably under the influence when he arrived at Raber's saloon near the depot and after stopping at that place for a while stated he was going up the track. It was about 8:30 when he left and Mr. Raber warned him to look out for a fast train, which was about due, and Grubbs replied that no fast train was going to catch him. That was the last seen of him alive. The train came along in a few minutes and was doubtless the one which hurled Grubbs to his death.
Coroner Streeper arrived from Alton Sunday afternoon to hold the inquest and empanelled a jury composed of J. N. Jarvis, foreman; Herman Schmidt, H. F. Miller, W. S. Neuenschwander, Martin Wittmann and Henry F. Stienhans, clerk. The circumstances leading up to the case and the finding of the body was the only evidence that could be introduced and the jury accordingly rendered a verdict of purely accidental death. The body of Grubbs was all intact, but both legs were broken and there were a number of contusions on the body. He was about 45 years old and had a cataract on his right eye. The remains were held for a time pending the arrival of information from Rolla, but as no word came interment was made at the expense of the county in the potter's field in the Alton City Cemetery.


GRUSE, JOSEPHINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 29, 1902
Mrs. Josephine Gruse, aged 84, died Monday afternoon at her home after an illness of twelve days with inflammatory rheumatism. She was born in Germany, but came to Alton more than fifty years ago and had lived here ever since. She was well known in a large circle of friends, and beside her family she leaves many to deplore her death. The funeral will take place Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's church.


GRUVER, DANIEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 27, 1880
From Edwardsville – Daniel Gruver, an old citizen of this county, died at his residence in Edwardsville today at noon, in the 65th year of his age. The deceased had been confined to his bed with sickness for several weeks. Uncle Daniel was highly respected by a large number of friends who sympathize with his widow in this her sad bereavement. The funeral will take place from the M. E. Church in Edwardsville tomorrow.


GRUVER, FRANCES/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 22, 1881
From Edwardsville – Mrs. Frances Gruver, relict of the late Daniel Gruver, deceased, died at her residence in Edwardsville last Friday. Her funeral occurred on Saturday, and was largely attended.


GSCHWEND, OLIVIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 28, 1901
Olivia Gschwend, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Gschwend, died this morning after a three days illness with diphtheria. The insidious disease did not show itself until three days before it produced death. The funeral will be Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock, and will be in private at St. Joseph's cemetery.


GUCCIONE, LUCIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 22, 1918
Mother Burned in Gasoline Explosion - Dies at Hospital
A gasoline explosion occurred this morning at Wood River in which a mother, while hurrying up a fire with gasoline, was fatally burned, and the husband and several children were also burned. The tragedy is made all the more pathetic by the fact that she leaves behind six children, ranging from 13 downward to a child in her arms, hardly a year of age. Mrs. Lucia Guccione, aged 32, wife of Samuel Guccione, an Italian, arose this morning at 5:30 to start the fire to prepare breakfast for her husband, who works as a laborer at the Standard Oil refinery. She reached after what she thought was the can of coal oil in her hurry, she is supposed to have picked up the gasoline can by mistake. When the match was applied to the gasoline soaked kindling, the fumes caught afire and the flames communicated to the gasoline can, which exploded. The mother was enveloped in flames, and began screaming in pain when the father rushed towards her attempting to throw a blanket about her. The little ones clinging about the skirts of their mother and were burned. The father was badly burned on both arms before he succeeded in getting the fire put out. One of the children, aged 10, was burned badly on the face and neck, and two others received slight burns. The mother was badly burned on all parts of the body, and there seemed little hope for her recovery. Dr. William E. Barton was called and did what he could in the emergency, then ordered her taken to St. Joseph's Hospital for further treatment. She died shortly after being taken to the hospital. The father and child who were the worst burned were also given treatment at the hospital.


GUDELL, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 09, 1899
Edward Gudell, the nineteen years old son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman E. Gudell, died Sunday afternoon after a week’s illness with pneumonia, resulting from the grippe. Ed was employed at J. A. Ryrie’s Grocery until the time of his illness. From exposure he contracted the grippe, and was unable to go to work Tuesday morning, becoming seriously ill from the beginning. The grippe developed into pneumonia, and he rapidly grew worse, and the family and physician could only fear the worst.

Ed was a boy who might be said to approach almost to faultlessness. In all his work, he was conscientious, always striving to look after the interests of his employer. Several years ago he began carrying the Telegraph, and later became collector, continuing in that capacity until a year ago. In every way he was honest, careful, faithful, and his many good characteristics called forth much praise from his employers. His death is one that is keenly felt and much to be regretted. No doubt the future contained much that was bright for the young man, had he but lived to enjoy it. To all his acquaintances, Ed’s death is a personal loss, and the afflicted parents will have many to sympathize with them with true sympathy. He was a member of Home Forum Benefit Order, and the funeral will be under the auspices of that society, Tuesday afternoon. Services at the Evangelical Church.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 10, 1899
The funeral of Edward Gudell took place this afternoon from the Evangelical Church. The attendance at the funeral was very large, and consisted mostly of young friends of the deceased young man. The choir, of which he was a member, rendered several selections. The floral offerings were beautiful and profuse. Interment was in the Alton City Cemetery, whither a long cortege followed the body and saw it laid away.


GUEDELL, HERMAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 4, 1920
Oldest Alton Grocer Dies From Pneumonia; Veteran of Civil War
Herman Guedell died Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock at the family home, Sixth and Henry streets, after an illness of one week. His death was due to complications of pneumonia and old age. He had been suffering for some time from arterial hardening and though his pneumonia was not so serious, he was not able to withstand it because of his otherwise weakened condition. Mr. Guedell was born in Bremen, Germany, April 6, 1843 and was in his 77th year. He came to this country in 1858, and soon thereafter to Alton. He began in the grocery business in 1859 and continued in that work until the outbreak of the Civil War when he volunteered as private in the first Missouri artillery. He served three years in the Union army receiving an honorable discharge in May 1864. He had been wounded at the battle of Shiloh, disabling him for further military service. Returning to Alton, he continued in the grocery business and remained in the business up to the time of his death. For thirty-four years he had been in business at Sixth and Henry streets. He was married May 30, 1864, and to the couple seven children were born. Three of them died years ago. The oldest son, Edward, died twenty years ago. He leaves three daughters, Sophia, Margaret and Lena. The funeral will be private, owing to the fact that death was due to pneumonia. It will be held Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock and services will be conducted by Rev. O. W. Heggemeier. Burial will be in the City cemetery. Mr. Guedell's death closes the life of perhaps the oldest grocer in the city of Alton. His business activity covered a longer period than any other person in that line of business in the city. His store was always a model of neatness. He was one of the old-fashioned type of grocers. His store was much frequented by school children from the neighboring school house, to whom the Guedell store was an institution that ministered much to their comforts.


GUEDELL, RINA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 3, 1915
Mrs. Rina Gudell, aged 74, died Thursday evening at 7:15 o'clock at her residence, _80 Henry street, after an illness of three months, due chiefly to weakness of old age. Mrs. Gudell had been a resident of Alton since she was a child. She was born in Germany and came to Alton at a very early age and had lived here ever since. She was known in connection with a grocery store her husband conducted at Sixth and Henry streets for many years. Mrs. Gudell leaves besides her husband, three daughters: Maggie, Sophie and Lena Gudell of Alton. Mrs. Gudell was known as a good mother, a very kind and thoughtful neighbor and she was respected by all who knew her. She leaves a large number of friends, especially among her neighbors, who were very attentive to her and who have been deeply interested in her state of health. Mrs. Rina Guedell, nee Eirhausen, was born May 26th, 1841, at Otfreissland, Hanover, Germany. After being confirmed in the church of her native town, she came to this country with her parents at an age of 14 years. On this voyage one of her sisters passed away. For a time Mrs. Guedell made her home in Godfrey and then came to Alton. Her parents passed away a few years after they had settled in Madison County. Mrs. Guedell was married to Herman Guedell on May 30th, 1864. To this union seven children were born. Three of these passed away in infancy and Edward, who died at 20 years. Mrs. Guedell was a long and faithful member of the German Evangelical Church and Ladies' Aid Society. The interest of the church always occupied a great room in her life, being a faithful attendant at the services and always lending a helping hand. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 from the family home, corner Sixth and Henry streets. Rev. E. L. Mueller will officiate.


Dr. Emil GuelichGUELICH, EMIL (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 12, 1893
Beloved Alton Physician
Civil War Surgeon, 9th Illinois Regiment
After a lingering illness of six weeks, Dr. Emil Guelich died Monday, October 9, of paralysis. For the past two weeks he has hovered between life and death, sorely stricken and with but slight hopes of recovery. Reports of his condition were anxiously watched by Altonians, but none were hope-giving. The end came peacefully.

Dr. Guelich’s name was a household word in all the surrounding country. His practice was so large, that the wonder was often expressed as to when he took rest. His visits to his patients were always welcomed. His genial, hopeful, pleasant manner made him friends wherever he went. His skill and practical knowledge were such as to place him at the head of his profession. His kindness of heart and his generosity made him the friend of rich and poor. To the latter, he became the “good physician,” and while his brain was taxed to find remedies for the disease, his pocketbook was opened to supply the comforts for the poor that could be had in no other way. Intensely in earnest, he was aggressive and progressive. Socially, he was the life of any company in which his lot fell. He took large interest in politics, and his party always found him faithful and true, no matter who else might be lukewarm. A German by birth and education, he was thoroughly American in his ideas, and while he loved the land of his nativity, he could always say of America with intensity, “My country ‘tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing.”

His recent visit to the Fatherland but strengthened his love for America and American institutions. He was vehement in professing his attachment to his adopted country and its free and popular government.

Dr. Guelich was well known not only in the councils of this State, but he had a national reputation, and attended frequently the great national political gatherings. He was an intimate friend of Governor Oglesby’s, in whose brigade he served during the war, and took great delight in entertaining the old hero on the occasion of his visit to this city last fall.

Dr. Guelich was intensely patriotic. Indeed, his patriotism was a consuming fire that always burned brightly. In 1861, he tendered his services to the Governor of Illinois as a surgeon, and was appointed July 28, 1861, Assistant Surgeon of the Ninth Illinois Volunteers. On April 28, 1862, he was promoted to the position of Surgeon, which place he held until he was mustered out August 20, 1864, when he returned to Alton and began the practice of his profession, in which he continued until laid aside by his last illness. Truly a good physician, a good man, a kind and helpful neighbor, and a patriot has passed from our midst.

Emil Guelich was born in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, November 29, 1833. He came to America when he was 18 years of age. In 1853, he entered the St. Louis Medical College, where he graduated. He afterwards was one of the physicians in the hospital in that city. In 1857, he came to Alton, where he began the practice of his profession. He offered his services to the Governor of Illinois, and was appointed assistant surgeon of the Ninth Illinois Volunteers, July 26, 1861. On April 28, 1862, he was promoted to surgeon of the same regiment. He was severely wounded in the Battle of Shiloh. The doctor was mustered out of the service on August 24, 1864, when he again took up the practice of his profession. He married Miss Hildeburgh “Hilda” Berg [1830-1861] about 84 years ago, by whom he had two children, one of whom died, the other, Mrs. Julia Aulman of Des Moines, Iowa, survives him. He was a member of the Army of the Tennessee. The annual meetings of this body he often attended. He was for a number of years President of the Board of Education, and was at his death President of the Alton Board of Pension Examiners. He was also a member of the Alton Turner Society.

The funeral of Dr. Guelich occurred Wednesday afternoon from the home on Henry Street. The esteem in which he was held by Altonians was shown today by the many tokens of respect to the dead friend and fellow citizen. By order of the Board of Education, the public schools were closed at noon. The services were held at the home. Touching funeral orations were delivered by Judge Cyrus L. Cook of Edwardsville, and Captain David R. Sparks, both of whom paid tribute to the memory of the dead. Carl Kramer of the Evangelical Church conducted a short service, and the march to the last resting place was commenced. The funeral cortege was headed by the Alton Pioneers and Drum Corps, followed by the Grand Army veterans and the members of the Alton Turnverein. The hearse came next, and in its rear an immense train of carriages, all of which moved silently to the muffled beat of the drums. AT the cemetery, the Alton Maennerchor sang several appropriate hymns. A short service was conducted by Rev. Cramer, and the remains were interred. The pallbearers were Dr. William A. Haskell, Dr. T. P. Yerkes, Hon. Henry Brueggeman, Messrs. Louis Haagen, and Balser Schiess. Among those who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Aulman of Des Moines, Mr. Paul Guelich of Burlington, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Rautenberg of St. Louis, and Mr. Theo Rautenberg of Syracuse, New York. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]


GUELTIG, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 15, 1896
From Edwardsville – Charles, the 6-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gueltig, died Saturday afternoon of diphtheria. The funeral occurred Sunday afternoon, the remains being interred at Woodlawn Cemetery.


GUERNSEY, SYLVANUS/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 6, 1836
Notice is hereby given that on the first Monday in the month of July, I will apply to the court of probate of Madison county, Illinois, for a final settlement of the estate of Sylvanus Guernsey, late of Madison county, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby requested to present them at said time and place for adjustment. Sarah L. Guernsey.


GUERRANT, ROBERT A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 18, 1914
Civil War Veteran
Held in Alton Confederate Prison
Robert A. Guerrant, one of the Confederate soldiers who was confined in the prison in Alton during the Civil War, died this morning at his home in East Alton at the age of 70, after a three weeks' illness with cerebral hemorrhage. Guerrant was born and reared in Missouri in 1844, and when the war broke out enlisted as a Confederate soldier. Towards the end of the war, he was captured while with General Price's men in Missouri and was imprisoned in Alton where he was kept until an exchange of prisoners was made. He settled here [Alton] after being liberated.

Guerrant leaves his wife, an adopted daughter (Miss Ada Starkey, who was their granddaughter), and three sisters, Mrs. Mary E. Hardesty of Beechville, Illinois; Mrs. Jennie Ingle of Beechville, Illinois; and Mrs. Olivia Wallendorff of Deer Plain, Illinois. The two latter sisters are expected to arrive this afternoon. Robert Hardesty, of Beechville, Illinois, Frank Delonay of Alton, James Anderson of Beechville, Illinois, nephews, and Mrs. Bertha Wachtel of Upper Alton, were at the Guerrant home at the time of the death. The funeral will be held Sunday morning at 10 o'clock at the East Alton Baptist Church. The burial will be in Milton Cemetery.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 22, 1914
The funeral of Robert A. Guerrant was held Sunday morning at 10 o'clock from the East Alton Baptist Church, where services were conducted by Rev. D. C. Blunt of Upper Alton. Burial was in Milton Cemetery. Mr. Guerrant was a Confederate Soldier who came to Alton as a prisoner of war, and after being released at the close of the war he remained here, marrying and settling down for the remainder of his life. He was highly esteemed by all who knew him well.

Robert Guerrant was an employee of the Union Cap and Chemical Company in East Alton. His granddaughter, whom he and his wife adopted, died in July 1915 at the age of 18 years. Ada is also buried in the Milton Cemetery.


GUERTLER, UNKNOWN WIFE OF PETER SR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 24, 1903
Mrs. Peter Guertler Sr. died at 4:15 o'clock Sunday afternoon at her home on upper Alby street. She suffered a paralytic stroke two weeks ago from which she never rallied. Mrs. Guertler was aged 78 years and 9 months. She was born in Baden, Germany, December 13, 1824. She came to America in 1846, and she has been a resident of Alton over fifty-five years. She was an estimable lady, beloved by all who knew her. She leaves beside her aged husband, one son, Peter Guertler Jr., four grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren, and one sister, Mrs. Francis Tillner of Cincinnati, Ohio. Funeral arrangements are not complete.


GULZWILLER, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 15, 1850
Died at about half-past twelve on Monday morning last, Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Peter Gulzwiller, of Alton, aged five years. The deceased was in usual good health on Sunday morning, when she was suddenly struck down by the hand of death, which brought her mortal existence to a close in the course of a few hours.


GUM, DAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 22, 1894
From Bethalto – The remains of Mr. Dan Gum, the young man who died at Omaha, Nebraska, were laid to rest at Montgomery’s Cemetery, south of this place, last Sunday. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Gum of Alton.


GUM, GUY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 28, 1913
Guy Gum, who formerly conducted the Piasa Hotel and restaurant on Piasa street, where the Lafayette hotel now is, died this morning at the Gum hotel on Weiglar street, after a sickness extending over a period of six years. He was forced to retire from the restaurant business because of his bad health, and for the most part since then he has been bedfast, or nearly so. His troubles were of a pulmonary nature and at times he would apparently be recovering. He is survived by his wife and four sisters, Mrs. J. E. Russell, Mrs. Lida Lemon, Mrs. Pres. Hubbard of Alton, and Mrs. Luther Hester of San Francisco, Cal. The time of the funeral has not been set. Guy was the fourth member of the Gum family to die within the past four years, his mother being the first to go. His father, Perry Gum, died next, and a few months ago a sister, Mrs. Richard Linder, passed away. The funeral will be Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock from the family home, and burial will be in the Fosterburg cemetery.


GUM, PERRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 30, 1911
Hotel Keeper's Body Laid to Rest
The funeral of Perry Gum was held this morning from the home at Henry and Weigler streets, where a very large crowd of neighbors, friends and acquaintances had gathered to pay their last respects. Services were conducted by Rev. S. D. McKenney of the Cherry Street Baptist Church, and the funeral cortege then proceeded to Montgomery cemetery near Bethalto, and other Wood River township residents had gathered at the cemetery and remained for the services conducted there. The Odd Fellows attended the funeral in large numbers, and all of the pallbearers were Odd Fellows. Floral offerings were very numerous, and some of the designs very beautiful. Mr. Gum was a very tall man, about six feet, seven inches, and he weighed more than 250 pounds. The coffin was too long to permit turning in the hall of the home, and it had to be taken from the room where it had lain in state for a few days, through a bay window. Dozens of hands received it on the outside and carried it reverently to the waiting hearse. The pallbearers were Mayor Benbow, James T. Moore, Theodore Hemken, Harry McDermott, Fred Hebner and William Miller.


GUM, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 10, 1892
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Gum of Alton were called to mourn the death of their five-months-old son. The child was sick but a short time, and the blow falls heavily on the fond parents. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning from the family residence. The remains will be taken to Pearl for interment.


GUM, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 12, 1920
Mrs. George Gum died Sunday morning at 6:20 at the family home, 2506 Salu street, after a brief illness. As stated in Saturday's paper, Mrs. Gum's death was expected. She had undergone a slight nasal operation on Thursday, and her condition immediately became worse and the end came early Sunday morning. Mrs. Gum leaves her husband and six children to mourn her death. The children are Mrs. Hallie Jonett of White Hall; Mrs. Pearl Williams of Fosterburg; Mrs. Alva Grange of Wood River; Mrs. Emma Rangolth of Shipman; and two sons: Dewey and Frank of Alton. The family moved to their present home last October. Mrs. Gum was born at Richland, Kentucky, September 12, 1868, and at the time of her death she was 51 years 2 months and 30 days old. The funeral was held this afternoon at the College Avenue Baptist church, and services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. Dr. David T. Ma_______. The services were attended by a large number of friends and relatives of the family, and many pretty flowers were sent as tokens of sympathy for the bereaved ones. Burial was at Oakwood cemetery.


GUM, UNKNOWN WIFE OF PERRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 17, 1906
Mrs. Perry Gum, wife of the well known hotel keeper, died Sunday night at her home, Third and Henry streets, as a result of a paralytic stroke suffered by her Sunday morning at 9 o'clock. Mrs. Gum, who was about 70 years of age, had not been well all summer, but rallied considerably in the fall, and was able to be up around for several weeks prior to her last illness. She is survived by her husband and six children, five daughters and a son. The daughters are Mrs. Lydia Lemon, Mrs. Pres. Hubbard, and Mrs. J. E. Russell of Alton; and Mrs. Richard Linder of East Alton. Another married daughter lives out west. The son is Guy Gum, proprietor of the Piasa hotel and restaurant. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Gum were married 50 years ago last October, and are well and favorably known in Madison, Bond and Montgomery Counties. The funeral will probably be held Wednesday morning. The body will be taken to the Montgomery cemetery south of Bethalto and buried beside those of her children, who preceded her to the other world.


GUNDALL, ADAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 8, 1916
Death of Pioneer Cooper
Adam Gundall, who conducted a cooper shop in Alton for thirty years or more, when coopering was a pioneer and money-making industry, died Tuesday afternoon after an illness with dropsy, which became very serious a few weeks ago. Since that time he has been at the Nazareth Home under the care of trained nurses. He was born in Germany in 1837 and came to Alton as a young man. He was a cooper by trade and he operated a cooper shop on East Broadway for thirty years or more when barrels were all handmade and cooperating was a lucrative trade. After the use of barrels was abandoned for sacks by flouring mills of the country, he sold his shop to the Schaeperkotter family and they converted it into a steam cooper shop and are running it yet. A year or so ago he worked at his trade one summer and made more barrels daily and more money than many of the younger men, it is said, and was proud of the feat, which was remarkable considering his age. He was a kindly man, a good citizen and neighbor, and a devoted father. He is survived by his son, Will, of this city, his wife and other members of the family having passed away some time ago. The funeral will be held Thursday morning at 9 o'clock from the Nazareth Home where a funeral mass will be said by Rev. Joseph Meckel of St. Mary's church. Burial will be in St. Joseph's cemetery.


GUNDALL, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 8, 1907
Charles Gundall, the Bethalto man who was injured last Thursday by falling while attempting to alight from a moving Big Four train at the Bethalto depot, died Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and the funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Bethalto Catholic church. Gundall's foot was crushed so that it was found necessary to amputate it below the knee. The old man did not rally from the shock of the operation. He was 73 years of age and has a brother in Alton, whom he was visiting the day he was hurt, and it was while returning home he received the fatal injury. He was well known at Bethalto, having been engaged in business there for many years.


GUNDALL, UNKNOWN WIFE OF ADAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 19, 1913
The funeral of Mrs. Adam Gundall was held this afternoon at 3 o'clock from St. Mary's church, and burial was in St. Joseph's Cemetery. There was a large attendance of friends and relatives at the funeral.


GUNN, WILLIAM C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 12, 1921
William C. Gunn, aged 76 years, died this morning at the home of his son, Harvey Gunn, at 614 Washington Avenue, after suffering for two weeks with paralysis. He had been in poor health for the past seven years but was not confined to his bed until two weeks ago. He has been a resident of Alton for the past twenty years coming here from Girard, Ill. He is survived by nine children, namely, Charles and Jeff Gunn of Manhattan; Orvie Gunn of Kansas City; and Harvey Gunn of Alton. The daughters are Mrs. J. R. Bunch of Manhattan; Mrs. Lena Pettijohn of Oxford, Nebr.; Mrs. James Robertson and Mrs. Harold Cheesman of Alton; and one brother, Robert Gunn of Granite City. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock from the family home on Washington Avenue Sunday afternoon, interment in Oakwood Cemetery.


GUSEWELLE, GOTTLIEB/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 4, 1897
From Moro – Gottlieb Gusewelle died of lung trouble Saturday morning, and was buried Monday at the Evangelical Church Cemetery. A minister from ______ conducted the services.

Gottlieb Gusewelle was born October 26, 1841, in Hagenburg, Landkreis Schaumburg, Lower Saxony, Germany. He Married Sophia Nietert (1832-1916), and they had the following children: Fredrick Gottlieb Gusewelle (1869-1955) and Louise Gusewelle Meyer (1874-1951). Gottlieb was buried in the St. John United Church of Christ Cemetery in Midway, Madison County, Illinois.


GUSEWELLE, JOHANN CONRAD/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, March 9, 1897 - Submitted by Marsha Ensminger
Conrad Gusewelle, of Liberty Prairie, a well-known and longtime resident of the county, died Saturday morning at eleven o'clock after an illness of less than a week. He became ill with pneumonia, a week ago Sunday and like many others in that vicinity became a victim to its malignancy. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon from his late residence, where services were conducted by Rev. A. Meyer, of the Evangelical Church. The pallbearers were: Z. B. Owen, Henry Stahlhut, Aug. Broecking, Fred Hepke, Wm. Reiter and Henry Pape. Mr. Gusewelle was a native of Germany and came to this country as a young man. He was a twin brother of Gottlieb Gusewelle, who died of the same disease just a week before. He was married twice and leaves to mourn his death his wife and nine children. [his wives were Anna M. Kung (20 Jan 1848 - 3 Dec 1869) and Engel M. Bartels (20 Jan 1853 - 8 Dec 1932)]


GUST, CLARA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, 1929
Mrs. Clara Gust, mother of Mrs. Peter LeFaivre of 974 Whitelaw avenue, Wood River, died at 5 a.m. today at the home of her daughter after an illness of a week. Mrs. Gust was born in Mankato, Minn., and was in her seventy-first year. For the past 12 years she had made her home in Wood River. In addition to Mrs. LeFaivre, three other daughters, Mrs. David Davis of Black Walnut, Mo., Mrs. John Connoyer of West Alton, Mo., and Mrs. John Rohour of Hartford, survive. Mrs. Gust also leaves five sons, Frank, Louis, George, Leo and Irwin of Portage de Sioux, Mo. The body will be taken to the home of her daughter in Black Walnut Thursday afternoon and funeral services will be held Saturday at 9 a.m. from St. Francis church at Portage de Sioux. Burial will be in St. Francis cemetery at Portage. Friends are asked to omit flowers.


GUSTINE, WILLIAM P./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 22, 1914
Husband Suicides When Wife Leaves - Drink Was The Cause
William P. Gustine was found dead in bed by his wife at his home, 918 East Fourth street, Tuesday afternoon after drinking carbolic acid early in the morning. He leaves a wife and three little children, the oldest being three and one half years of age, and the youngest eight weeks. It is thought that Gustine committed suicide because his wife was preparing to leave him. Gustine was one of the best hearted men in Alton when not under the influence of intoxicants, but when he was intoxicated, he caused his wife so much trouble that she had threatened to leave him. For two weeks, while he was under the influence of drink, she had been visiting with relatives in St. Louis. Tuesday morning she returned home and prepared to leave him for good. She called at his home at six o'clock Tuesday morning, and told him of her intentions. He begged her to return and live with him, but she refused, saying that she could not put up with such a life any longer. Gustine was informed that his wife would return in the afternoon for her belongings. His wife told him that if he would give evidence that he could brace up and be a man, she would return to live with him later on. Probably the last words Gustine uttered were when he told her that when she returned, she would probably find him there, although there was a possibility that he might be working in East Alton. Mrs. Gustine returned to the house at noon, but found the house locked and made no effort to force an entrance. In the afternoon when she again found the house locked, she decided to force the door to get her belongings. After forcing the lock she found her husband lying across the bed apparently in a stupor. Efforts to rouse him failed, and she called in the neighbors. It was discovered that Gustine had drained the contents of a bottle of carbolic acid. One undertaker said he had been dead for six or eight hours before being found by his wife. It is thought that Gustine committed suicide soon after his wife left the home Tuesday morning.


GUTHRIE, GEORGE W./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 14, 1848
Died on Saturday last, George W., eldest son of Mr. George Guthrie of Alton, in the 9th years of his age.


GUTHRY, L. KNOX/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 19, 1848
Died on Saturday last, L. Knox, son of Mr. George Guthry of Alton, aged 4 years and 6 months.


GUTZWEILLER, PETER/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 26, 1861
Died on the 23rd, Mr. Peter Gutzweiller, aged 55 years. Mr. Gutzweiller has long been a resident of Alton, and has been honored by our citizens with office, having served as Alderman for a number of years. He was quiet and retiring in his intercourse among his fellow citizens, and leaves many torn-hearted friends to deplore his loss, besides an interesting family of his own.


GUY, NETTIE E. (nee DOW)/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 17, 1884
Mrs. Nettie E., wife of Mr. Thomas M. Guy, died Tuesday at the family residence, corner of Fourth and George Streets. Deceased was a daughter of Mr. Jonathan Dow, a former resident of Alton. The remains will be buried at Brighton, leaving Thursday morning. Deceased was long an invalid, and bore her protracted sufferings with Christian resignation.


GUY, THOMAS M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 13, 1919
Old Traveling Man; Lieutenant in Civil War
Thomas M. Guy, in his 78th year, died at his home, 313 East Third street, Thursday night at 10:30 o'clock. There was nothing that was recognized as a warning that the end was near. Mr. Guy had never been in good health since he was in the army in the Civil War days, where he served as a lieutenant. He contracted a fever during the Civil War which left permanent bad effects, and he was never in robust health thereafter. During the past week he had been suffering from a slight attack of rheumatism in his shoulder which seemed to yield to treatment, but about 10 o'clock Thursday night he complained of a recurrence of the attack. Mr. Guy procured more of the remedy that had given him help and he said afterward he was easier. Just about that moment he breathed his last. The end came as he had always hoped it would come, quietly and peacefully and quickly. Mr. Guy was a man of deep religious conviction, was an ardent supporter of the work of the Congregational Church, and was for many years a teacher in the Sunday school and also was superintendent of the Sunday school for many years. He was a kindly gentleman, one who was highly esteemed by all who knew him. He was devoted to his family and his chief interest centered in his home. For many years Mr. Guy was a traveling salesman for the Paddock-Hawley Iron Co., of St. Louis, and then he took a position with the Campbell Iron Co., of St. Louis. He gave up that work a number of months ago because of his continued decline in strength, due to advancing age. Mr. Guy was born in Kingston, Canada, December 6, 1841. He came to the United States when a boy and lived at Jacksonville. It was from there he went as a lieutenant in the army in the Civil War. He was twice married, first to Annette Dow, a daughter of Jonathan Dow. Later he married again, and Mrs. Guy survives him. He leaves but one child, Mrs. R. H. Levis. Mrs. Guy was before her marriage, Miss Emma Ulrich of Burlington, Ia. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock from the family home, and entombment will be in the Grandview Mausoleum.


GVILLO, IRENE LUELLA/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 21, 1881
Died near Fosterburg, April 14, 1881, Irene Luella, daughter of Ludger and Mary Gvillo, aged 4 years, one month, and 13 days.


GVILLO, LUDGER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 16, 1918
Fosterburg Resident Since 1848; Farmer
Ludger Gvillo, a resident of the Fosterburg neighborhood almost 70 years and one of the best-known farmers of that locality, died Sunday night at 8 o'clock at his home in the village of Fosterburg, where he had lived five years since retiring from farming. Mr. Gvillo was 72 years old. He had never been sick in all his life up to three weeks ago, when his fatal illness started. He had been very strong and had been very active all his life, a hard worker and a man who could stand exposure of the worst kind and never pay any attention to hardships. Just three weeks ago he became ill with malaria. His condition went from bad to worse, and he finally gave up and took to his bed. He was under the care of a physician for the first time in his life, and after two weeks of illness uraemic poisoning developed and resulted in his death last evening.

Mr. Gvillo was born in 1848 in Poland, then under Russian control, and came to America with his father when he was four years old. His mother died in the old country before the father and son started for this country. Upon their arrival here they located at Fosterburg where Mr. Gvillo spent his life. He was a good farmer and was prosperous from the start. He owned a good farm many years at Fosterburg, and in recent years he invested in Florida lands. Five years ago, he turned the home place over to one of his sons, who has been farming it since, and Mr. Gvillo bought a home in Fosterburg and moved to it. During the five years, he made numerous trips to Florida and took great interest in the development of his land there and the planting of young fruit trees upon it. Last winter while in Florida, Mr. Gvillo made a trip to Cuba. He had an inclination to travel, and during his long life at Fosterburg, he had traveled a great deal, visiting many parts of the country.

Gvillo leaves his widow, Mary Suphronia Young Gvillo [1852-1941], one daughter, and three sons. The children are: Mrs. May G. Lebegue, wife of Julius V. Lebegue of Seneca, Illinois [1874-1957]; and Henry, Herbert and Edward Gvillo of Fosterburg. [Deceased children include: Albert Gvillo (1873-1876); and Irene Gvillo (1877-1881). The three sons are among the best known and most progressive farmers in that section of Madison County. The funeral will take place at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon from the home, and burial will be at Ingersoll Cemetery.


GWYNN, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 12, 1836
Killed During Construction of Baptist Church
It is our painful duty to record the occurrence during the past week, of one of the most distressing accidents which it has ever befallen our town to experience. As the workmen on the new church just erected for the Baptist society were completing the stone work on Saturday evening last, and were about removing the platforms, the main part of the gable end fell with a tremendous crash, carrying all before it, staging, joists, &c., with two men who were at work upon the staging, burying them amid the stone and rubbish beneath, and literally crushing them to death. They did not breathe after access was had to them, and it is supposed they were instantaneously killed. One of the men was a German by the name of John Hamlun, and the other had but a few days previous arrived here from Missouri, whose name, we learn, was Gwynn. How true the language of Holy Writ, that "In the midst of life we are in death." We know not where the blame of the accident should rest, if indeed blame is attributable to anyone; but we are credibly informed, that from the eves of the building to the peak of the gable end, the work lacked at least five inches of being plumb.