VAHLE, FRANCES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 18, 1904
Frances Vahle, aged 7, an inmate of the Cathedral orphanage, died
Sunday from measles and pneumonia. The child's body will be taken to
Jerseyville tomorrow for burial.
VALARIOUS, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 30, 1902
North Alton News - Joseph Valarious, the young man killed in the
stamping works at Granite City the other night by a flywheel, was a
relative of the Elfgens of this place, and the funeral at Beltrees
yesterday was attended by B. F. Elfgen and others from here.
VALENTINE, CYRUS B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 28,
Civil War Veteran
Died, in this city, Wednesday at 4:30 a.m., Cyrus B. Valentine, aged
70 years and 5 months. Mr. Valentine was born March 17, 1831 in
Lyons, N. Y., and came to Cleveland, Ohio, where he resided until
his enlistment in the Federal Army in 1861, where he served the
entire period of the Civil War, being in active service nearly the
entire time. Immediately after the war he came to Alton and was
engaged in farming near Upper Alton for a number of years. At the
time of his death he resided with his daughter, Mrs. A. J.
Kellenberger, on Common Street. He leaves in addition to this
daughter and her children, one sister, Mrs. L. Vallean, as the only
immediate relatives. The funeral will take place Thursday, Aug. 29,
at 2 p.m., from his home to Upper Alton Cemetery. The Grand Army
will participate.
Telegraph, July 20, 1904
"Don't Mourn for Me"
According to the dying request of Mrs. Mary Valentine, there must be
no ostentatious show of grief at her funeral Thursday morning.
Before her death Tuesday afternoon, she exacted from her children a
promise that there would be no crepe on the door of the home after
her death, that her children would wear no emblems of mourning, and
that the pallbearers wear, instead of gloves and crepe armbands
simply a white carnation in the lapel of their coats. Mrs. Valentine
died Tuesday afternoon after a long illness. She did not believe in
ostentation in grief, and she believed her death was a happy release
from an illness which had held her bedfast and in suffering for many
months. She was a good mother, revered by her children, and because
of that love she bore them and they reciprocated, she thought that
they ought not to grieve over her departure for her own sake. Mrs.
Mary Anna Valentine was 57 years of age. She was born in St. Charles
County, Missouri, the daughter of Evans Johnson, who was an old
slave owner, and today live in the same house in which he was born
and in which the family were born for a century back. One of her
father's old slaves still lives in the family of the father across
the river. Mrs. Valentine was twice married, her name by the first
marriage being Ward. Her last husband, Frederick Valentine, died
recently, an old soldier who never recovered from his Civil War
experiences. Mrs. Valentine leaves five children, Miss Jeannette
Ward and Mrs. Katherine McNair of Chicago, by her first marriage,
and Clementine Valentine, Walter and Amelia by her second marriage.
The funeral services will be Thursday morning from the family home,
924 Tremont street, at 9:30 o'clock and will be conducted in private
by Rev. J. H. J. Rice.
VALIA, JULIUS/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 10, 1873
Died on September 27, at the residence of Jacob Spies, Esq., near
Marine, Julius, only son of Charles and Louisa C. Valia; aged 6
months and 10 days.
VALLEY, EVA H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 29, 1915
Miss Eva Valley, aged 11, colored, died at her home at Ninth and
Piasa Streets yesterday morning, following serious burns, which she
received when her clothing caught fire on Saturday morning. The girl
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Valley. An inquest was held
over the body this afternoon at the Jacoby undertaking parlors by
Coroner J. Morgan Simms. The funeral was this afternoon.
VANATA, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 4, 1877
From Fosterburg – Mrs. John Vanata, aged nearly 80 years, died at
this place on March 16, 1877. She emigrated to this county from
Butler County, Ohio, in 1832, with her husband and family, and I
understand has seldom been outside of the township since.
VAN BUSKIRK, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 18, 1897
Charles Van Buskirk, formerly a Chicago & Alton engineer, met death
in a mysterious manner at Venice Wednesday morning. His body was
found lying by the track with the head severed from it. On the head
was a contusion that evidently was made with some blunt instrument,
and the indications are that his death was due to foul play. Van
Buskirk was a witness for the plaintiffs in the Squires will case,
which was tried in the Circuit Court several days ago, and resulted
in the jury returning a verdict in favor of the plaintiffs. He was
about 38 years of age.
VAN BUSKIRK, LUCAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 7,
Engineer on the Chicago and Alton Railroad
Lucas Van Buskirk, probably the oldest engineer on the Chicago &
Alton railroad, was run over this morning by the yard engine of the
Bluff Line, No. 32, Engineer Spreen and Fireman Rodgers. When Van
Buskirk rolled out from under the engine after it had passed over
his body, he suffered injuries from which he died one hour and a
half later, at 10:45 a.m. He was picked up tenderly by the railroad
men who gathered around his body as it lay between the rails, and
was carried to the Bluff Line Depot, where he was placed in an
ambulance and taken to his home on Market street. Themen, who saw
the accident, say that Van Buskirk stepped on the Bluff Line tracks
while the switch engine was backing west near the point where the
pumping station of the Alton is situated. Van Buskirk had been
running the pump there and was going across the tracks to the depot
for a few minutes. A Big Four engine on the next track distracted
his attention, and before he heard the Bluff Line engine he was
struck by the tender and rolled over and over underneath. The ashpit
of the engine is about seven inches from the ground, and he was
crushed between this and the ties. The crew did not know of the
accident until Dan Sullivan, who was on the pilot foot-board, saw
the body rolled out at his feet. He signaled Engineer Spreen and
stopped the engine. The victim of the engine was able to talk, but
was in great pain. Nearly all the bones in his body were broken, and
it seemed that he would hardly live until he could be taken home.
Lucas Van Buskirk had been in the employ of the Alton forty years,
and in his younger days was a daring engineer. A few years ago old
age incapacitated him for road work, and it was decided that he must
retire to a position of round house foreman. He served at Venice and
Alton, and at last was given the position of crossing watchman at
Third and Piasa streets. When the pumping station was built on the
river front, he was given the position of engineer there. Mr. Van
Buskirk was born in New York and was 75 years of age. He had worked
on the Chicago & Alton since the road was started. He leaves his
wife and three children: L. Van Buskird Jr. of Venice, Addie Van
Buskirk of Alton, and Mrs. Ella Ward of Water Valley, Mississippi.
The time of the funeral is not set, but burial will be at Lousiana,
Missouri. Coroner Streeper will hold an inquest this evening.
VANCE, ANDREW/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 14, 1903
The remains of Andrew Vance, the aged houseboat resident whose death
was caused by exposure, was buried yesterday from St. Joseph's
hospital. The son, who is also at the hospital, is yet quite ill.
VANCE, E. S./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 30, 1890
Killed by Train
E. S. Vance, a brakeman in the employ of the C. C. C. & St. Louis
Railroad, met with an accident at Wann [East Alton], about five
o’clock Tuesday, and died two hours later from the effects of the
injuries. He was engaged in switching some freight cars, when his
foot was caught in a cross-frog on the track, and as he was unable
to extricate himself in time, he was run down by a section of his
train, and one of his legs was horribly crushed and mangled between
the knee and hip. Mr. Vance was a married man, and is said to have a
large family of children. His family live at Loxa, Illinois, and his
remains were sent to that place.
VAN CLEVE, MABEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 24, 1864
Died at Alton, June 21, 1864, of dysentery, Mabel, daughter of J. W.
and Fanny R. Van Cleve, aged 1 years, 11 months, and 1 day.
VAN CLEVE, REVEREND DR./Source: St. Louis Daily Globe-Democrat,
Thursday, December 16, 1875
The Alton Telegraph of Tuesday thus chronicles the particulars of
the funeral of Rev. Dr. Van Cleve: The funeral of this distinguished
divine took place yesterday afternoon from the Methodist Episcopal
Church, as per previous announcement. There was a large attendance
on the occasion both from this city and from abroad, called together
by feelings of sorrow at the loss of one so eminent in the councils
of his denomination, and a desire to do honor to his memory. A large
number of clergymen from neighboring towns and cities were present,
among whom were Rev. Messrs. Scarritt, of Brighton; Phillips, of
Lebanon; English, of Piasa; Grant, of East St. Louis; Thompson, of
Jerseyville; Gibson, of Brighton; Sly, of Upper Alton; Fahs, of
Kane, and Dr. Fry, of St. Louis, editor of the Christian Advocate.
All of these divines, with Rev. Mr. Morrison, of this city, took
part in the impressive services at the church or the cemetery. No
regular sermon was delivered, but in lieu thereof were several brief
addresses by the clergymen present on the life and character of the
deceased, and embodying warm tributes of respect and affection. The
pallbearers were Rev. Messrs. Scarritt, Phillips, English, Grant,
Fry and Thompson.
VAN DEEN, MARY ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 24,
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth VanDeen, who was 80 years of age last December
7, died this afternoon at the old Ladies Home from old age. She had
been a member of the Methodist church for over sixty years, and she
will be buried from the old church at Winchester, where she held her
membership. Mrs. VanDeen had been making her home at the Old Ladies
Home for about six years. Her illness began about six weeks ago. She
suffered no pain, but was taken with a progressive weakness which
continued until death came. She leaves one son-in-law, Frank
Flanders of Upper Alton, and three grandsons, Thomas and Frank
Flanders and the Rev. Charles Flanders.
WANDA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Sept. 28, 1911
Mother and Four Children Burned to Death in Home
Mrs. Virgil Vandever, three daughters, and one son, were burned to
death at Mitchell about 5 o'clock this morning, when their home
burned following the explosion of a can of coal oil, with which the
husband and father was starting fire to cook breakfast. The mother
and four of her children were burned to death as they were penned in
the house. One step-son of Vandever and one son escaped. The family
lived in the section house at Mitchell. The father was employed by
the Chicago & Eastern Illinois railroad. The home consisted of four
rooms, the upstairs part being the living rooms, and it was reached
by a flight of stairs. The father attempted to throw the coal oil
can out when it caught fire, and in so doing found the screen
locked. Then he threw the oil can down the stairs, and it landed on
the stairway where the flaming oil spread over the stairs and set
fire to the building. Penned in the house, there was no escape for
the family. Mrs. Vandever could not rouse her children in time to
make their escape. The father, with one son and his stepson, who was
a son of Mrs. Vandever, succeeded in leaping out of the window,
barely saving their own lives, when they found they could not get
through the raging furnace that was burning on the stairway. It was
several minutes before the situation dawned upon the people of
Mitchell, but they rushed to the scene to save the lives of the
inmates, who by that time had been overpowered by smoke and heat and
were in no condition to do anything for themselves. The section
house was completely destroyed.
The story told by Vandever, the father, was that he had attempted
starting the fire, and thinking it was not burning, he went back
with the coal oil can to put on more oil. Then the explosion
occurred, and Vandever says he was unable to throw the oil can out
of the window, as there was a screen in the window, locked on the
outside. Mrs. Vandever heard her husband, and she ran to see what
was the trouble. He shouted to her to go rouse the children as the
house was afire, and she ran back into the room where the children
were asleep. Vandever said he never saw her again. Vandever,
surrounded by flames, leaped out the window to save his life, and he
jumped through the window. In falling, he straddled a wire cable and
injured himself, which disabled him so he was able to do nothing
more. Arthur Langford, aged 19, jumped out of the same window. It is
supposed that Mrs. Vandever did succeed in dropping out of the
window her seven-year-old child, Thuri, who was found outside the
house and badly burned. She is burned about the arms, face and
breast, and one ear is almost off. The father and Langford are badly
burned too, but it is supposed that all of the injured ones will
recover. The victims of the fire are Mrs. Nancy Vandever, aged 36,
the mother; Gertrude, aged 13; Bessie, aged 10; Earl, aged 6; Wanda,
aged 3. Wanda Vandever owned a little poodle dog, which is said to
have escaped in some way from the house.
After the fire, a big crowd gathered and began searching the ruins
for the bodies of the victims. Before 10 o'clock all the bodies had
been recovered. The Frisco railroad sent an engine down to the fire
and furnished the water to be thrown on the timbers to cool them
off, so a search could be prosecuted. The bodies taken from the
ruins were charred almost beyond recognition. Coroner Streeper was
notified and he went to Mitchell to take charge of the bodies of the
victims. The bodies were removed from the ruins and taken to a
nearby building to be held until the coroner could take charge.
After the fire, a body was found, and it was in doubt as to whether
it was that of the smallest child, or that of a dog, and after
careful inspection the body was identified as that of the baby. The
dog afterward turned up safe. Mr. Vandever says that he thinks his
wife threw their child out of the window and saved his life. The
child does not remember how it happened. Then when Mrs. Vandever had
done that part, she probably fainted from smoke and over exertion
and she collapsed, and the other children probably were burned to
death in their beds. The father and stepson slept in one bedroom,
and Bessie and Gertrude in another, while the mother with the other
children was in the third room. The father, on noticing the danger,
called his stepson, while the mother went to rouse the others. The
family came from English, Indiana, and had lived at Mitchell about
nine months. Mr. Vandever was section boss for the Big Four until a
week ago, when he took a position with the C. & E. I.
VANHOOSER, SINA KEOWN/Source: Troy Call, October 13, 1922 -
Submitted by Linda Peters
Widow of William VanHooser Sr.
Mrs. Sina VanHooser, widow of the late Wm. VanHooser Sr., passed
away at her home at 4:25 o'clock Monday morning after an illness due
to stomach trouble and complications extending over a period of
fifteen months. Her age was 66 years, 9 months and 9 days. The
funeral took place Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the
residence to the Baptist church. Rev. M. F. Gilbert conducted the
funeral service and interment was in the Evangelical Friedens
cemetery. Deceased, whose maiden name was Keown, was born December
29, 1862, and was a daughter of William and Elizabeth Keown, old
settlers in the vicinity of New Douglas. She was married 43 years to
Wm VanHooser and seven children were born to them, four of whom died
in infancy and a daughter, Myrtle, at the age of 17 years. The two
survivors are a daughter and son who are Mrs. Mary Tillison of
Wellston, Mo. and Wm. VanHooser of this city. The husband and father
died in Florida in 1917 and is buried in Oak Hill cemetery at
Arcadia. Following their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. VanHooser resided in
Edwardsville one year, and then came to Troy where they remained
until 1908, going to Worden. The following year they moved to
Florida, where they remained until the death of Mr. VanHooser in ???
after which Mrs. VanHooser and son returned to Troy. Mrs. VanHooser
was a member of the Baptist church and a devoted mother who will be
greatly missed, and whose passing is mourned most by those who knew
her best. [Also on same page:] Among those from out of town who
attended the funeral of Mrs. Sina VanHooser here Wednesday afternoon
were: Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Olive and son of Mulberry Grove; Mr. and
Mrs. Ellis Olive; Mrs. Nancy VanHooser; Mr. and Mrs. John VanHooser;
and Arthur Bishop, of Alhambra; and Charles Tillison of Wellston,
Note from Linda Peters: “Date of birth in obit does not match with
date of birth in my database, that date taken from: Marriage Record
Book for William H. and Elizabeth D. (VanSant) Keonw, (n.p., n.d.)
privately held by private individual, digital copy in my
VAN HYING, A. O./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 7, 1892
From Edwardsville - Mr. A. O. Van Hying, the fireman of the bathtub
works at Leclaire, died on January 1, in the 42nd year of his age.
He was buried near Butler, Montgomery County. Mr. Van Hying had been
a resident of Edwardsville since Nelson’s works were started. He was
a most estimable man, a kind neighbor, and had the confidence of our
citizens generally. He was a member of the Christian Church, and was
one of the charter members of the A.O.C.W. lodge in Edwardsville. He
formerly lived in Litchfield. He leaves a wife and five children to
mourn his death.
VANPRETER, CHARLES A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Wednesday,
July 24, 1912
Carpenter Who Help Build Madison Hotel
Charles A. Vanpreter, in his 58th year, died very unexpectedly
Tuesday night about 10:45 o'clock at his residence, 443 East Fourth
street, from heart trouble. No one but his wife was with him when
death occurred, and even Mrs. Vanpreter did not suspect there was
anything seriously wrong with her husband until she noticed that he
was dying and after a very brief interval he was dead. His daughter,
Mrs. Robert Goff, was at Chautauqua, and a message was sent there
for the daughter to hasten home. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Levis brought
the couple to Alton in their automobile, and arrived at 2 o'clock.
Mr. Vanpreter had been a sufferer for 26 years. He was formerly a
carpenter and was permanently injured by a fall. His back was so
injured that he was never again able to walk and was forced to use
crutches. His business ability was remarkable. He had a good wife
who was possessed of extraordinary business ability, and in her he
found a helper who laid the foundation of a fortune which would have
been creditable to any able-bodied couple to have amassed in 26
years. Some time ago considerable comment was given to the fact that
Mr. Vanpreter, who worked as a carpenter on the Madison hotel
building, a year ago bought the property he had helped build and
paid cash for it, over $30,000. Beside that he owned a big store
building, a heavy stock of goods and other real estate and personal
property, showing what an advance his fortunes had taken in less
than thirty years through the efforts of himself and his wife. When
Mr. Vanpreter was rendered helpless 26 years ago his wife engaged in
business on a very small scale, but she gradually and rapidly
extended it until she had started a store at Second and Ridge which
she and her husband conducted until eleven years ago. They then
bought the uptown business building and opened a big store there
where fortune still favored them, and they continued to prosper. The
couple had the active assistance of their two children, Bert
Vanpreter and Miss Rose, now Mrs. Robert Goff. Some time ago Mr.
Vanpreter decided to retire from business and he transferred the
business to his two children, although he continued to exercise a
certain degree of supervision over the place. There was probably not
a day in his life that his body was not racked with pains from his
injured spine. Those who knew with what bodily pains he contended,
and how he longed to be active as he once was, remember how much of
the time he was cheery and happy, and marvel that he was able to do
what he did. Mr. Vanpreter was able to be in the store yesterday
morning. At noon he complained of feeling ill, and stayed home, but
no serious thought was given to that as it was his practice to
remain at home at times when his ills made it imperative. Dr. Shaff
was summoned at 4 o'clock and the doctor felt no apprehensions that
there would be any serious results. Mrs. Vanpreter was shocked a few
seconds before he died to detect indications of sudden and speedy
dissolution and before she could call help it was all over. The
funeral will be Friday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's church.
VANPRETER, FELIX/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 6, 1917
Dies from Injuries in Runaway Accident
Felix VanPreter, aged 59, died at St. Joseph's Hospital Thursday
evening from injuries he sustained in a runaway a week ago in Upper
Alton. Friends and relatives of Mr. VanPreter were surprised at the
fatal turn of the case, as they supposed he was getting along all
right and would recover. He was hurt when, in a runaway, his team
threw a wagon in which he was riding against a tree in front of the
Capt. Worden place in Upper Alton. Mr. VanPreter was thrown out and
sustained a facture of an ankle and internal injuries. He was taken
to the hospital, where it was supposed by his relatives he was doing
well. Mr. VanPreter was born east of Alton at the old home place
where his family still live. He was formerly a painting contractor
in Alton and was known for his absolute honesty in his work, and his
services were much sought. He discontinued the contracting business
and engaged in truck farming on the old home place. Not long ago he
tore down the old house and rebuilt it, using the old material.
Relatives explained today that the fatal runaway was caused by a boy
jumping on the back end of the wagon to which Mr. VanPreter's team
was attached. When the boy jumped on the rearend of the wagon this
caused the frontend gate to fall out on the horses and started them
on a wild run. The horses brought the wagon up against a tree in
their wild dash and he was thrown to the ground and hurt. He was
known as a man of the gentlest manner, and he had a very large
number of friends. He had, when a painter, a large number of patrons
who would not allow anyone else to do their work but Felix
VanPreter, because of the excellent satisfaction he always gave. Mr.
VanPreter leaves his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Augustine Head and
Mrs. George Niederkorn, and one son, Earl. He leaves also one
sister, Mrs. Mary Altendorf, and two brothers, John B. and Thomas L.
VanPreter. The late C. A. VanPreter was a brother also. The funeral
of Mr. VanPreter will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from
St. Patrick's Church. The body has been taken to the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Head, on Benbow avenue. The family this afternoon
requested that friends omit flowers.
VANPRETER, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 18, 1902
John, the 3 years old son of Felix Vanpreter, died this morning
after a short illness of cholera infantum, at the family home near
East Alton. The funeral will be held Friday at 2 p.m., and services
will be conducted in St. Patrick's church in this city.
VANPRETER, MARGARET H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December
13, 1907
Mrs. Margaret H. Vanpreter died Friday shortly after noon at her
home east of Upper Alton, after a long and intensely painful illness
from stomach and liver troubles. She was born in Jefferson county,
Mo., at Hillsboro, in 1831, and was the widow of Judge Thomas
Vanpreter, a prominent lawyer and judge of that circuit, and she was
the mother of well-known Altonians. She fell while playing with a
grandchild and broke one of her hips, but despite her age recovered
from the accident after a time. She has lived on her farm between
East Alton and Upper Alton for more than 40 years, and was known by
her neighbors and acquaintances as a great hearted, charitable
woman, a good Christian, a fine mother and a splendid neighbor. Her
children, Charles A., Felix, John and Thomas Vanpreter, and Mrs.
John Altendorf of Janesville, Wis., and Miss J. Vanpreter, were with
her when the end came, as were Mrs. Charles A. Vanpreter, her
daughter-in-law and her two sisters, Mrs. Amanda Fulcher of DeSoto,
Mo., and Mrs. Kate Cook of Pontiac, Ill. Funeral arrangements have
not been made.
VANSANT, MELISSA PARKER (nee SALLEE)/Source: Alton Evening
Telegraph, November 9, 1914
Mrs. Melissa VanSant, in her 86th year, died Sunday noon at her
home, 2027 Main street in Upper Alton, from heart trouble and old
age. She had been sick for two years and seriously sick for six
months. She had been visiting her daughter in Los Angeles, Cal., and
when Illinois women were given a vote, she determined to come back
to her home to cast her ballot. She made the long trip from Los
Angeles to Alton, and got here in time to participate in the
election last April. She was delighted that she had been given the
opportunity for which she had waited and believed in for many years.
She was soon afterward taken ill, and her case had been a very
serious one for some time. Her daughter in California started here
last week to attend her mother, but was forced by illness to return
home after making the start. Mrs. VanSant was a daughter of John
Sallee, and was born at Montgomery City, Missouri in 1829. She came
to Alton with her parents in 1841. She was twice married, first to
Francis W. Parker, and next to James VanSant, both times in Alton.
Her first husband died fifty years ago, and five years later she
remarried. She leaves two sons, Washington Parker of Elgin,
Illinois, and F. W. Parker, a Chicago attorney. She leaves also two
daughters, Mrs. Clara Ritchie, at whose home she died, and Mrs.
Ireland of Los Angeles. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at
10:30 o'clock from the home, Rev. W. I. Terhune conducting the
services. Burial will be in City Cemetery.
VAN STICK, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 27,
Charles Van Stick died at St. Joseph's hospital yesterday afternoon
and was buried this afternoon. Van Stick went to the hospital eight
weeks ago and was well dressed and apparently not a tramp. Nothing
is known of him at the hospital, as he said nothing of his people.
VAN WAGENEN, HUBERT G./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 3, 1844
Died, at Upper Alton, on the 30th ult., of consumption, Hubert G.
Van Wagenen, late merchant of this city and formerly of the city of
New York, aged 30 years. He has left a wife and four children, who
are now in New York, to deplore his loss.
VARNER, NANCY R./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 17, 1893
From Edwardsville – One by one the elderly people of Madison County
are “crossing the river.” The last one in this vicinity was Mrs.
Nancy R. Varner, who died Saturday morning last, in the 78th year of
her age. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon from the family
residence, three miles west of town. The remains were interred in
Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville. Mrs. Varner left several children
and other relatives to mourn her demise.
VATTERROT, ELIZABETH D./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 2, 1890
From Edwardsville – Our old and well-known citizens are constantly
answering the summons to come and join the “silent majority.” One of
the last persons summoned is Mrs. Elizabeth D. Vatterrot, who died
last Sunday, aged 82 years, 10 months, and 11 days. The funeral took
place at St. Boniface’s Catholic Church in Edwardsville.
VATTEROTT, IDA/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 15, 1898
Death in its most dreaded form has again entered the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Vatterott of East Fifth Street, to claim another one of
their little children. About one week ago, their nine-year-old
daughter, Ida, was taken with the terrible child’s enemy, and after
a short struggle, the unequal contest closed with the oft-time fatal
results that attends the disease. The little girl died Friday
evening. The afflicted parents will have the genuine sympathy of
everyone, especially because of the relentlessness of this disease.
In the past three years, the family has been visited three times
with the same disease, and several of the children have suffered
with it each time.
VATTEROTT, JACOB/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 30,
Jacob Vatterott, aged 55, died this afternoon at 3:40 o'clock at his
residence, 1107 East Fifth street, from blood poisoning due to
handling weeds while his hands were in a cracked condition. Mr.
Vatterott was working at the Glass Works and his work as blower had
caused the skin on his hands to become cracked. While they were in
this condition, he went out in the yard at his home and began
tidying up the place, gathering up and destroying weeds which had
been killed by the frost. The breaks in the skin of his hands became
infected, and blood poisoning set in which forced him to discontinue
work last Thursday. He continued to grow worse, and for the past
forty-eight hours before he died he was unconscious. He was born in
Alton and lived here all his life. He was highly regarded as a
citizen, was a steady, industrious, sober man. He leaves his wife
and one daughter, Miss Minnie Vatterott.
VATTEROTT, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 9,
The funeral of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Vaterott took
place yesterday from the German M. E. Church.
VAUGHN, ANNA/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 02, 1896
From Edwardsville – The body of Miss Anna Vaughn, who died at
Barnett Saturday afternoon, was interred in Woodlawn Cemetery on
Monday. She was 45 years of age, and for many years made
Edwardsville her home. Her sister, Miss Angie, is the sole survivor
of the family.
CHARLES WESLEY SR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 7, 1923
Charles Wesley Vaughn died this morning, November 7, at his home on
the farm east of East Alton at Brushy Grove, where he had lived all
his life. Mr. Vaughn was 69 years old, and was one of the best-known
farmers and landowners in the American Bottoms. He had been ill a
long time, but it was only in the last few days that his condition
became such that the end was expected. About a year ago, Mr. Vaughn
submitted to a surgical operation at St. Joseph’s Hospital, which
was of a serious nature, and was done as a last resort to save his
life. He recovered from the operation, but he did not regain his
former health, and since leaving the hospital, he has been able to
get about his home very little. Members of his family were with him
when the end came this morning.
Mr. Vaughn leaves besides his widow, six children: Mrs. Susanna V.
Durham; Charles W. Vaughn Jr.; Walter; Lewis E.; Lucile M.; and
Elmer Everett Vaughn. He also leaves his brother, William Jackson
Vaughn, and one sister, Mrs. Jennie Maltby of Carmi, Illinois.
In 1893, Mr. Vaughn was united in marriage to Miss Margaret "Maggie"
Mehmken, who survives him. The couple have made their home on the
Vaughn farm during the years since their wedding.
The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at the home, and services
will be conducted by Rev. S. D. McKenny. Burial will be at Vaughn
Charles Wesley Vaughn Sr. was born February 28, 1854, and was the
son of Josiah and Susannah (Sanders) Vaughn. He married Carolina
Margaretta Mehmken, daughter of Martin H. and Maria Mehnken.
VAUGHN, DENNIS/Source: Alton Telegraph, Thursday, October 15,
Dennis Vaughn, an aged and highly respected gentleman, for many
years a resident of Wann, died Monday afternoon at St. Joseph's
Hospital, aged 75 years. The funeral occurred yester - morning at
8:30 o'clock from St. Patrick's church, Rev. Father Fallon
VAUGHN, FANNIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 5, 1874
Miss Fannie Vaughn, daughter of C. G. Vaughn, and one of
Edwardsville’s most highly esteemed young ladies, died last Saturday
at 5 o’clock p.m. of typhoid pneumonia, after two weeks’ illness.
She was in the prime of life, being aged but twenty-one years, and
her death has created a void in this community which will not soon
be filled. Her funeral took place at 3 o’clock last Sunday afternoon
from the Baptist Church in Edwardsville, and was very largely
attended. Rev. E. M. West, who had known the deceased from her
infancy, delivered a very touching tribute to her many virtues on
the occasion.
VAUGHN, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 16, 1910
Starved Self to Death
John Vaughn, the 76-year-old man who was taken to the St. Joseph's
hospital last Friday, died last night after having gone for many
days without food or medicine, despite the efforts of physicians and
hospital nurses to aid him. Vaughn was suffering from an incurable
disease and could not have recovered anyway, but would have lived
longer had he not resolved to die by starvation. Vaughn had in his
time been well to do, and claimed through his aid of others he was
reduced to poverty and forgotten. At one time $3,500 was stolen from
him, soon after his wife divorced him and the old man was gradually
reduced until he lost everything, and believed he was friendless in
the world. When taken to the hospital by Supervisor Faulstich, he
stated he wanted to die and that he intended to starve himself to
death, and this resolution he clung to until the end came.
Undertaker Streeper has taken charge of the remains and will give
the old gentleman a good burial. Mr. Vaughn was known as a kindly
generous man, and was the victim of persons who took advantage of
him from time to time. He leaves three children, Ed Vaughn, Mrs.
John Stolp of Alton, and Mrs. Walter Seago of St. Louis. The funeral
of Mr. Vaughn will be held Thursday afternoon at the home of his
son, Ed Vaughn, Revs. Bradley and McKenny will officiate. The
remains will be taken to Rockbridge for burial.
VAUGHN, JOSHUA AND SUSANNAH/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 30,
Died on Sunday, October 4, 1863, on the Sand Ridge in the American
Bottom, after a brief but painful illness, Susannah, wife of Joshua
Vaughn, aged 49 years and 10 months.
Died at his residence on October 16 following, Mr. Joshua Vaughn,
aged 54 years and 20 days. This, in the short space of twelve days,
have passed, Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn, after living so long life in
Madison County, Illinois, within three miles of where they were born
and raised. They leave five children and a large circle of friends
and relations to mourn their loss.
VAUGHN, JOSHUA F./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 22, 1842
Died, in the American Bottom, in this county, on the 26th September
last, of congestive fever, after an illness of about four days,
which he bore with Christian fortitude, Mr. Joshua F. Vaughn, aged
25 years, 11 months, and 18 days; leaving an aged mother to mourn
the loss of an affectionate and dutiful son; and his numerous
acquaintances, the loss of a highly respectable and useful member of
VAUGHN, THAD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 9, 1918
Soldier Killed in France
Edward Vaughn received a telegram Friday afternoon from the War
Department announcing that his son, Thad Vaughn, had been killed in
France on the 30th of September. No other word had been received by
the father up to that time. The dead soldier was a member of the
138th, enlisting in Alton when Company B was stationed here. After a
lengthy stay on this side he was shipped to the other side, and for
some time past has been in the midst of the fight. He was scouting
when he met his death. Vaughn is the son of Edward Vaughn, a
gardener, and was a well-known messenger boy before entering the
service of his country. His mother is dead, but he is survived by
two brothers.
VEACH, LOUISA A. (nee STOWE)/Source: Alton Telegraph, September
30, 1886
Mrs. Louisa A. Veach, nee Stowe, died Friday of heart and lung
ailment, at the age of 69 years. Mrs. Veach had been in feeble
health for the past year, was taken with a severe sickness a week
ago, and after alternations of hope and fear among her friends,
caused by the changes in her condition, the disease proved fatal at
the time mentioned. She was born in Kentucky, came to Illinois in
about 1822, and was married to Harvey Veach in 1838. She was kind,
benevolent, amiable, unassuming, long a member of the Baptist Church
and faithful to every Christian requirement. She left, besides her
husband, three sisters: Mrs. Lufkin of Knoxville, Illinois; Mrs.
Spear of Bloomington; and Mrs. Gill of Alton. The funeral took place
Saturday from the family residence on Alby Street. Among those
paying the last tribute of respect were Hon. Nathan Cole of St.
Louis, and Colonel J. R. Miles of Macoupin County.
VEECH, EDWARD JULIUS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November
13, 1918
Edward Julius, the nine-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Veech of
826 Hawley avenue, died last night at 9:45 o'clock from influenza,
taking ill with the disease last Friday. The little boy had been
sickly since birth, and the dreaded disease was too much for his
frail constitution. The little fellow was a bright and lovable child
and his death is a great shock to the family. He was born on the
second of July. The entire family, consisting of mother, father,
grandmother and two other children, are ill, all but the father
being influenza victims. The mother was up and around today, but was
in no fit condition to be attending to matters pertaining to the
funeral arrangement. The grandmother is Mrs. Lottie Veech, and the
grandchildren are Albert and Alvena.
VEECH, HARVEY/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 6, 1890
Mr. Harvey Veech, one of our oldest and most highly respected
citizens, died last Thursday. The deceased, who came to Alton nearly
fifty years ago, has been in failing health for a number of months,
but it was not suspected by his most intimate friends that the end
was so near. Wednesday, Mr. Veech spent a portion of the day
downtown among his old acquaintances, and seemed in his usual
spirits. In the afternoon he was at the First National Bank, where
he drew money with which to pay his taxes, and nothing unusual was
seen about his appearance to cause alarm. In the evening, the
deceased called on his pastor, Rev. Dr. Abbott, who is a near
neighbor, and after remaining a short time, returned to his home,
and shortly after to his room, where Mr. and Mrs. George Gill, with
whom he has been making his home since the death of his wife some
three or four years ago, found him sitting in his chair, dead. His
death was evidently caused by apoplexy. He had not commenced to
remove his clothes preparatory to retiring, as his hat was still on
his head.
Harvey Veech was born December 19, 1812. Burial was in the Alton
City Cemetery.
VEECK, ALBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 23, 1894
From Fosterburg – A very sad accident overtook a young man, 19 years
old, by the name of Albert Veeck, in the employ of J. G. Benner,
south of Woodburn. While hauling oats last Friday, some of the sacks
slipped and threw him off. He fell behind a mule, which kicked him
in the head, and the wagon ran over his arms and legs, breaking
them. He suffered until the next day, when death came to his relief.
He had on the same day of the accident sent money to his parents in
Germany to come to this country. Funeral services were conducted
here on Monday by Rev. Boell of the Presbyterian Church. The remains
were interred in the Fosterburg Cemetery.
VEECK, LOTTIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 17, 1918
Mrs. Lottie Veeck, wife of Frederick Veeck, died this morning at 20
minutes past 2 o'clock at the home of her son, Julius Veech [sic],
of 826 Hawley avenue. Mrs. Veeck was a sister of the late Charles A.
Schlueter, who died recently. Mrs. Veeck was born in Germany, but
came to America at an early age, settling in Alton about twenty-five
years ago. She was 71 years of age on the last day of last April,
and up until her last illness she was a very active woman. During
the past few months the family of Julius Veeck was stricken with the
influenza, the aged mother being one of the victims. Pneumonia
followed the influenza attack, and Mrs. Veeck was unable to stand
the dreaded disease. Five weeks ago today Mr. and Mrs. Julius Veeck
buried a little son, Edward, who was an influenza victim. Mrs. Veeck
is survived by her husband, one son, Julius Veeck, her
daughter-in-law, and three grandchildren. She also leaves one
brother, Rev. Henry Schlueter, of Baltimore, Md. The funeral
arrangements are not completed but will be held most probably on
Thursday morning at 9 o'clock from the St. Peter and Paul's
VEITH, LOUIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 18, 1918
Louis Veith, for the past two years as watchman in the government
slough, died last evening at St. Joseph's Hospital after a short
illness. He was known around town, having been a frequent visitor in
town. His body was shipped out today to his old home in Keokuk,
VELTEN, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 24, 1897
Coroner Bailey was called to Collinsville Friday to hold an inquest
over the body of a German, Henry Velten, who died from sunstroke
Thursday. The deceased had been in this country only seven weeks,
and leaves a family in Germany. A verdict of death from overheating
was found, and word was sent to the family of the dead man.
VENTREES, THOMAS F./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 8, 1890
Thomas F. Ventrees, a well-known resident, while at work at his
trade as carpenter on the new glass factory, fell over on a scaffold
and immediately died. It is supposed that death was caused by heart
trouble. Word was immediately sent to his friends, and shortly after
the body was removed to his residence, corner of Fifth and Easton
Streets. Mr. Ventrees was a ship carpenter, and had been in the
employ of the Eagle Packet Company for a long period until quite
recently. He was very highly thought of by a large circle of
acquaintances, who will sympathize with the family in the sudden
removal of a good husband and a kind father.
Mr. Ventrees was born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, May 3, 1832. He
has resided in Alton with his family for seven years. He leaves a
wife and five children, three sons and two daughters, all of adult
years. He was a member of the M. E. Church. The funeral will take
place tomorrow afternoon. The verdict of the inquest was that death
resulted from natural causes, presumably heart failure.
VERNARDOS, INFANT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 31, 1907
The funeral of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. V. Venardos was held
this morning from the home in Oak street, and was attended by many
friends and relatives of the afflicted parents. Burial was in City
Cemetery beneath a coverlet of flowers, the offerings of
sympathizing friends.
VERMILION, EMMA (nee WILLAFORD)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph,
February 6, 1888
From Upper Alton – Mrs. Emma Vermilion, nee Willaford, died suddenly
of pneumonia at the residence of Captain Troy Moore this morning.
Her husband’s death, after a lingering illness, was noticed in these
columns but three weeks ago. Mrs. Vermilion had made her
preparations to remove to St. Louis, having shipped her household
goods several days ago. She was taken sick on Tuesday, and her
system, enfeebled by a recent severe illness, could not withstand
the present attack. The deceased leaves three children by her first
husband, F. B. Moore, and one a babe of a few weeks. She has a
sister, Mrs. Watkins, living in St. Louis.
VERMILLION, FRED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 8, 1921
Dies From Accident in Paper Mill
Fred Vermillion, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Vermillion of Humbert
street, died at St. Joseph's Hospital this morning from injuries he
sustained a week ago today in the plant of the Alton Boxboard and
Paper Company. The young man, in his eighteenth year, was employed
in the plant and was working around the paper drying machine. The
machine includes a number of rolls which are heated by steam to a
temperature that will dry the wet paper pulp. Vermillion, in some
way that is not fully explained, slipped while working over two
rolls, which were revolving toward each other. His right foot went
between the two rolls, which were about 8 1/2 inches apart, and his
whole leg slipped in. He dropped astride one revolving roll with the
two rolls continually dragging him downward. While he was seated
astride the roll he suffered fearful injuries at the base of his
body, including a fracture of his pelvis and internal injuries due
to the grinding action of the roller revolving against his body. He
was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital where at first it was believed he
had not been seriously hurt as the injuries were not apparent from
external observation. The next day it was recognized that he was
worse hurt than at first thought. His death followed a week of
intense suffering. This was the first fatal accident in seven years
at the plant of the Alton Boxboard and Paper Company. In the plant
every precaution is taken against accidents and the result of it has
been that though a big crew has been worked there the plant went a
seven-year period without a man being fatally hurt. He was employed
at the Box Board Paper Co., and last Tuesday met with a serious
accident while at work which proved fatal. Besides his parents he
leaves three sisters, Mrs. Nellie Fish of St. Louis, Mrs. Bertha
Yother of Denning, Ark., and Mrs. Louise Smith of Alton. Two
brothers, Arthur and Raymond Vermillion, both of Alton. The funeral
arrangements have not been made.
VERMILLION, MILFORD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 1,
Milford, the 5 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vermillion, died
Sunday from diphtheria at the home on State street, between Fourth
and Fifth. The funeral was held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from
the home, and was private.
VERMILLION, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 14, 1884
From Bethalto – We are in receipt of a card this morning announcing
the death of Mrs. Thomas Vermillion of Upper Alton. Mrs. Vermillion
formerly lived in Bethalto, and her numerous friends will be pained
to hear of her sad demise.
VERMILLION, UNKNOWN CHILD/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December
20, 1882
From Bethalto – A little child, two years old, of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Vermillion, died last Wednesday evening. The remains were
taken to Witt Friday morning for interment.
VERNON, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 15, 1896
From Godfrey – Mrs. George Vernon died last Saturday morning after a
long and painful illness of dropsy. Her funeral took place on Sunday
afternoon from the residence of her son, F. W. Kay. Rev. Mr. Skylee
of Upper Alton conducted the funeral services.
VEST, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 18, 1916
Victim of Burns Dies at Hospital
William Vest, aged 38, of Wood River, formerly a baseball player on
several Alton teams, died Sunday morning at 5 o'clock in St.
Joseph's Hospital, as the result of burns sustained in a still
"flash" at one of the Standard Oil refineries stills four weeks ago.
Vest was badly burned about the arms and face and chest. The flesh
on the upper part of one of his arms was burned to the bone. He was
getting much better, and last Thursday was sitting up. His wife made
daily trips to Alton to see him, but on Friday he was so delirious
that he could not be seen by anyone except the nurses. On Saturday
his condition was much worse and hope for his recovery was given up.
Vest was a large man, weighing about 225 pounds. He was formerly an
Alton street car conductor, and he was at one time an organizer of
the Moose lodges. He was recognized as a good ball player and sided
Alton teams in winning many games. He lived on Whitelaw avenue in
Wood River. The body was not brought home, but was taken to the home
of his mother on Feldwisch avenue, where the funeral will be held
tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. The burial will be in Oakwood
VESTAL, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 18, 1897
Charles Vestal died Thursday afternoon at St. Joseph’s Hospital
where he has been since last summer, being taken there with a broken
leg. Several days ago he went out on the streets without taking the
precaution of dressing warmly, and he succumbed to an attack of
pneumonia. The home of the deceased is across the river. He was
about 58 years of age.
VETALIA, PHIL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 2, 1917
Foreigner Mysteriously Murdered
A deep mystery surrounds the murder of Phil Vetalia, an Italian.
Vetalia was shot three times at the corner of Ninth and Piasa
streets Thursday evening. Switchmen were working on the top of box
cars nearby, and a gang of boys were playing on the corner at Ninth
and Piasa streets, but the assailant made his getaway leaving not a
single clue behind him. The police have been unable as yet to find
anyone who can even give a description of the man who might have
committed the crime. A switchman on the southbound C. & A. freight
train reported to the police last evening that he had seen two men
standing on the track but paid no attention. When his back was
turned the shots were fired. Although some of the people were only a
half a block away when the shots were fired, the man was dead when
they got to him. He had been shot three times. Once through the eye,
again through the abdomen, and once through the groin. Boys playing
on the corner reported that the man who did the shooting escaped
through Duncan's Foundry yard. Further than this they could not
tell. The stories they told the police were very conflicting.
Vetalia was identified last evening as one of a gang of foreigners
who had been employed on the C. & A. section in Upper Alton.
Passenger Agent T. R. Whray of the C. & A. railroad told last
evening how his waiting to take a later train out of Alton had cost
his life. During the afternoon he appeared at the C. & A. ticket
office with about $19 on him. After purchasing a ticket to
Springfield, he asked about the time for the trains. Whray advised
him to take the 6 o'clock train, as that would get him there at a
good time at night. Vetalia decided, however, to wait until the 9:58
train and it cost him his life. The police were unable to get the
name of the foreigner last evening. He had some receipted bills from
the Cartwright store in Upper Alton, but the name was not plain.
This morning Alva Ranker, section foreman on the C. & A., gave the
name of Vetalia to the police. Mr. Ranker stated that he had two
brothers in Detroit, Mich. The body was turned over to Deputy
Coroner Wm. Bauer last evening. He will notify the relatives if it
is possible to find them.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 3, 1917
The police have been unable to find any new clue to the murderer of
Phil Vetalia. Several men were held as witnesses for the inquest
last evening, but nothing new developed there. One of the men, a
brakeman, testified that he was a very short distance from Vetalia
at the time the shots were fired, but it was so dark that he could
give no description of the man who committed the act. He says that
the man who did the shooting was smaller than Vetalia. The police
arrested a friend of Vetalia and held him on suspicion for the
coroner's jury, but nothing against him developed and he was allowed
to go free.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 6, 1917
It is believed in some quarters that Philip Vetalia, the Italian who
was murdered at Ninth and Piasa streets last week, was the victim of
a vendetta. He was buried yesterday, his brother having declared he
would have nothing to do with him. The brother was notified that
Philip was dead, and the message came back to Deputy Coroner Bauer
to do with the body as he pleased. Mr. Bauer has been informed that
Vetalia had admitted that he feared some vengeance being visited on
him as he was wanted in Italy for killing a man. The suspicion is
growing that the friends or relatives of the victim of Vetalia in
Italy followed Vetalia to this country, hunted him up and executed
the vengeance that is often visited in cases of a vendetta.
VICHE, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 15, 1908
Found Dead on Railroad Tracks
Mr. and Mrs. William Richards of Glen Arm, Illinois came to Upper
Alton yesterday and viewed the remains of the man who was found dead
at Wood River between the Big Four tracks and the C. & A. tracks,
and identified the body as that of Mrs. Richards' brother, George
Viche. They said that he was 27 years of age and that they had not
seen him for over two years, although they heard from him a month
ago and learned that he was either at Granite City or Alton. They do
not know what he was doing in this vicinity, but supposed that he
had been looking for work. They went away, promising to return and
let Mr. Streeper know whether they wanted the body shipped home or
buried here. The identification was accomplished through a letter in
the pocket of the dead man. Operator Harry Cole of East Alton said
that he heard five shots fired down the Big Four and C. & A. tracks
toward Wood River on the same night that the man, believed to be
Richards but who has proved to be George Viche, was killed, and
suspected that he might have been shot and then thrown on the track.
Coroner Streeper does not believe this known. There were a few cents
in change on his body, and had he been met with foul play or by
robbery this surely would have been taken. The position of the body
made is appear that he had been struck by the train, knocked down
and partly ground up under the wheels.
VICKES, J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 23, 1918
J. Vickes died suddenly this morning at the Alton State Hospital
from what is reported to have been a stroke of apoplexy. Deputy
Coroner William H. Bauer was notified and will hold an inquest this
afternoon. Vickes formerly lived at Madison, Ill.
VINCENT, ISHAM and MARTHA/Died February 26, 1846 or 1849
Pioneers of Olive Township
Isham Vincent was born August 13, 1770, in North Carolina. He was
the son of Peter Vincent. His mother’s name is unknown. The family
lived in Granville County, North Carolina. Peter Vincent served in
the French and Indian War from Granville County, North Carolina, and
died between 1791-1800. His regiment included Peter Smart, father of
Laban Smart.
Isham married Martha Smart c. 1805 in North Carolina. She was the
daughter of Laban Smart and Susannah Simmons. In about 1806, Isham
and his family moved to Kentucky, where they remained until 1817,
when they moved to Madison County, Illinois. He first stopped in
Troy, where he taught one of the early schools. After 3 years, he
moved to Olive Township, and settled on Section 36, on the north
bank of a stream on the Hillsboro and St. Louis wagon road. He
erected a cabin just due north of where the Vincent graveyard is now
located on Mriscin Road near Alhambra, where he kept a barrel of
whiskey for travelers. Vincent kept a horse mill for a number of
years, and made a good quantity of flour. He also served a Justice
of the Peace.
Vincent was a “hard-shell Baptist,” and for years religious meetings
were conducted in his home. He died in his home on February 26, 1849
[Tombstone has the death year as 1849; the book, “History of Madison
County, 1882” has the death year as 1846.]. Two weeks later, his
wife, Martha, passed away (March 8, 1849). They, and other members
of their family, were buried in the Vincent Cemetery on Mriscin
Road, which was established by the Vincent family.
The Vincent children were:
Elizabeth “Betsey” Vincent – born in Kentucky, July 31, 1807, and
died in Madison County, September 3, 1839. She married Peter Long on
October 9, 1823.
Lemuel B. Vincent - born in Kentucky, November 30, 1809, and died at
the age of 19, August 11, 1829, in Madison County. He is buried in
the Vincent Cemetery.
Mary (Polly) Ann Vincent – born in Kentucky, February 27, 1812, and
died February 27, 1846. She was married to John White Keown, and
then Nicholas Bartlett. She is buried in the Vincent Cemetery.
Henry S. Vincent – born in Kentucky on September 5, 1814, and died
May 8, 1837 in Madison County. He is buried in the Vincent Cemetery.
Barbara Allen Vincent – born in Alhambra, Madison County, Illinois,
June 4, 1818, and died in Alhambra, Madison County, April 6, 1902.
She married William Wriley Pearce. She is buried in the Vincent
Martha Smart Vincent – born in Madison County, March 23, 1821, and
died in 1907. She married Isaac Wriley Pearce, and then William
Susannah W. Vincent – born in Madison County, July 11, 1823, and
died April 1, 1829. She is buried in the Vincent Cemetery.
Edwin Vincent – born in 1825 in Madison County, and died in 1825. He
was the first to be buried in the Vincent Cemetery.
VINCENT, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 15, 1883
Mr. Joseph Vincent, an estimable colored citizen, for almost 40
years a resident of Alton, died Friday morning at the age of 65
years. He left four daughters and one son to mourn his death.
VINSON, JESSE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 7, 1904
North Alton News - Considerable excitement prevailed here yesterday
evening when it was discovered that the surviving members of the
Vinson family, living on the Coal Branch, had deserted their home,
clothing, furniture and had departed for unknown parts sometime
during Sunday night. The family was afflicted with smallpox, and
Jesse died from that disease Saturday. They came from Jersey County
originally, and are supposed to have returned there, abandoning all
their belongings in the hope of getting away from the disease which
is said to have been of the malignant type. The family lived in
Godfrey township, and it was the duty of the officers there to look
after the matter.
VINTON, R. H./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 13, 1888
The remains of R. H. Vinton arrived here this morning from Omaha.
The funeral took place from St. Paul’s Church, Archdeacon Taylor
officiating. On the casket was the name of the deceased on a silver
plate. The floral offerings included two beautiful crosses, an
anchor, bouquets, and a pillow with the name “Harry” in purple
immortelles. Deceased’s mother, Mrs. Fannie Byrne, accompanied the
remains from Omaha to Alton. R. H. Vinton was 23 years of age, and
died of Bright’s disease of the kidneys.
VIOLET, ROSA MAY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 6, 1903
Upper Alton News - Mrs. Rosa May Violet died yesterday afternoon at
her home on South Main street after suffering about six months with
tuberculosis. Her husband survives her, also one sister, Mrs. Thomas
Rodie. Mrs. Violet was born in Philadelphia in 1876. The funeral
will be Thursday morning at 11 o'clock, and the body will be taken
to Brighton, her former home, for interment.
VISSERING, PETER GERHARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 20, 1891
Mr. P. G. Vissering died Thursday at the residence of his daughter,
Mrs. T. Penning, 1023 East Fifth Streets, after an illness of but a
very short duration of dysentery, induced by a cold contracted a few
days since. Mr. Vissering was in his 76th year, and came to Alton
from Filsum, Ost Friesland, Germany in June 1890, since which time
he has made his home with Mrs. Penning and with his son, Mr. J. P.
Vissering of Melville. He leaves, besides the two children mentioned
above, Mr. John Vissering, recently arrived from Germany; a son in
St. Louis; and a daughter in Germany. A member of the Lutheran
Church in his native country from his early youth, he was an earnest
and untiring worker for Christ, and many bright jewels will adorn
his crown in the great beyond. The funeral occurred Friday from the
residence of Mrs. T. A. Penning, and from the German M. E. Church.
Interment at the Alton City Cemetery.
VISSERING, JAMES P./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 30,
Aged Stockman Dies From Injuries in Auto Crash
James P. Vissering, in his 74th year, retired stock raiser, died at
9 o'clock this morning at his home, 2930 College avenue, after being
bedfast four months. Mr. Vissering was hurt four months ago when an
automobile ran into a horse he was riding. The aged man, an expert
horseman, was hurled from his seat in the saddle and thrown against
a curbstone, and the horse was knocked over and fell on top of him,
crushing him. He sustained injuries to his hip and back from which
he never recovered. His advanced age contributed to his bad
condition, and though he was able to get up and around on crutches
and went out in an automobile, he failed to regain his strength and
a decline set in. Mr. Vissering was a man of progressive ideas, a
great believer in taking the initiative, and was a pioneer in the
mail order system of selling registered live stock. He was a
specialist in raising Angus cattle and Poland China hogs, and his
reputation as a breeder of both kinds of stock brought him a
widespread business through the mails, the purchasers not even
seeing their purchases until delivered. At the age of 19 years, he
came here from Germany, where he was born in Otsfriesland, September
27, 1845. He entered Shurtleff College soon after coming to Alton,
as he discovered that handicapped as he was by a defective hand, he
would have to depend upon his brains to make a living. In Shurtleff
he worked hard to get an education, going without any luxuries and
even doing with few necessities, but he won out. He engaged in
various lines of work until he went to farming at his old home place
on the Grafton road in 1878, where he remained until 1911. He
retired from farming then, but continued his activities as a mail
order stock dealer. Mr. Vissering was a great lover of fine horses,
and he always kept a fine saddle horse for his personal use. He was
one of the most graceful of riders and he presented an appearance
that would attract attention. It was his love for horseback riding
that ended in the accident, April 12, that caused his death. After
his retirement from his farm he moved to Upper Alton where he made
his home up to the time of his death. He is survived by his wife and
two children, Harry of Chicago, and Mrs. George K. Worden of Upper
Alton. It was his wish that he be entombed in the Grandview
Mausoleum, and his wish will be respected. The funeral will be
Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family home.
VITKEFSKY, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 10,
Killed by Train
The funeral of Miss Mary Vitkefsky, who was instantly killed when
struck by a Chicago and Alton passenger train at noon Saturday, was
this morning from St. Patrick's church, where Requiem Mass was
celebrated, and interment was in Greenwood cemetery. Miss Vitkefsky
was struck by the train near South Wood River while going from work
at the International Tannery. She was about to cross the track when
the pilot of the engine struck her. She was thrown against a pole
near the track and her body badly mangled. Her father, also an
employee of the tannery, saw the accident. An inquest into the death
of the girl will be conducted this evening by Deputy Coroner William
H. Bauer.
VITT, MARGUERITE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 3, 1922
Mrs. Marguerite Vitt, wife of Thomas Vitt, died at the family home
on Bluff street yesterday morning at 2:30 o'clock after a long
illness. She had been an invalid many months, and the past few
months had been confined to her bed. A month ago, it was recognized
that her case was an exceedingly grave one, and that the end would
not be long deferred. Patiently she bore the most intense suffering
and in her lucid moments in the days when she knew she was dying,
she was always cheerful and thoughtful for others. Even before her
family admitted to themselves that there could be only a fatal
termination of the illness, Mrs. Vitt referred to her approaching
"recovery" as she tactfully expressed it in her full consciousness,
that she was not to get well. Mrs. Vitt was the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John F. McGinnis. Her death is the first break in that family
circle. She was born in Alton and lived here most of her life. She
graduated from the Eastern Illinois Normal school, and also took a
course at Chicago University. She taught in the Alton public schools
and also in the Edwardsville schools prior to her marriage to Thomas
Vitt. After her marriage she lived in Danville for a short period,
returning to Alton to make her home here. Mrs. Vitt is survived by
her husband and three children, William, Marguerite and Grace. The
youngest child is less than ten months old. The second child,
namesake of the mother, is ill at the home of the grandparents, on
State street. She leaves also her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
McGinnis, two brothers and three sisters, John F. Jr., and William
McGinnis, Mrs. John O'Connell, Mrs. Walter Flable, Miss Grace
McGinnis and Sister Clotilde, a member of the Ursuline order. Mrs.
Vitt was a woman of strong personality, was most efficient as a
teacher and possessed a disposition that won for her the love and
respect of all who knew her. She was a good mother to the little
family who have suffered the calamity of losing the wife and mother.
The funeral will be held at nine o'clock tomorrow morning from SS
Peter and Paul's Cathedral.
VOELKEL, LOUIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 17, 1920
Louis Voelkel was found dead this morning at the Alton State
Hospital, where he had been a patient for the past year and one
half. He was an employee of the Stanard mill for approximately 12
years. Before coming to Alton, he made his home in Bunker Hill.
Louis had reached the age of twenty-seven years. He is survived by
one aunt, Mrs. Gotlieb Steinbrook of Bunker Hill. Funeral
arrangements have not been made.
VOELLNER, ROBERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 25, 1914
Falls from Hot Air Balloon Into River
Thomas Cowan or Cohn, the aeronaut who was responsible for Robert
Voellner, aged 19, losing his life as the result of making a balloon
ascension which ended in his falling in the river and being drowned,
was arrested early Sunday morning on a warrant sworn out before
Justice G. B. Pfeiffer, charging him with allowing a minor to engage
in a hazardous act without consent of his legal guardians. When
taken into custody Sunday morning by Deputy Sheriff Fitzgerald,
Cowan, or Cohn, made frantic attempts to get out. He had no money,
and could give no bond. He attempted to interest Alton people in
going bail for him, but none of the local Moose would take the
chances of having to pay any penalty that might be in store for the
balloonist. It was therefore impossible for an ascension to be made
Sunday afternoon. The ascension was barred by another reason. Capt.
W. D. Fluent, indignant over the treatment and abuse heaped on him
by members of the carnival company, refused to surrender the
parachute until a gasoline bill for $2.40 was paid. The bill was not
paid and the parachute remained at the Fluent dock all day Sunday.
The parachute is a damaging bit of evidence should there be any
prosecution of Cowan. Witnesses who found the parachute will swear
that the trigger used for releasing the parachute from the balloon
was so jammed that the more the balloonist would pull it, the
tighter it would be. The warrant for Cowan's arrest was issued on
complaint of the stepfather of Robert Voellner, Leonard Nottebrock.
The boy's mother accompanied her husband, to whom she was married a
week ago, about the time that the boy left home and joined the
carnival company. Cowan was taken before Justice Pfeiffer at noon
today, pleaded guilty to a charge made against him and was fined $25
and costs, which was paid. Cowan was faced by the mother of the boy
and his stepfather. Nottebrook seemed very indignant at Cowan and he
refused to shake hands with Cowan when the latter approached and
tried to express his sympathy. Cowan told the court that the boy had
insisted upon making the ascension, and he claimed he believed the
boy was over 21 and his mother was willing. He claimed he didn't
know the boy's name until after the fatal termination of the
ascension. Mrs. Nottebrock intimated after the trial that she was
dissatisfied. She claimed that her son had a gold watch, and Cowan
denied any knowledge of it. Mrs. Nottebrock said that she was sure
the boy had a watch and that he would not have taken it in a balloon
ascension. The family blamed the carnival management for not taking
precautions to insure the boy having a chance for his life, and said
they had evidence that the parachute was defective. Mrs. Nottebrook
exhibited a photograph of her son, which she said was a good one.
This picture was identified by the balloonist as a picture of the
boy he had sent on the ride to his death. The balloonist claimed
that the boy was merely a partner of his. This claim was made to
evade any claim for damages which the mother might make, it was
believed, as it would be claimed the lad was not in the employ of
the carnival company. The carnival company left this morning for
VOGEL, EMIL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 30, 1906
Emil Vogel, aged 42, died Sunday noon at the home of his
brother-in-law, Julius Nichols, on Holman street, after a long
illness with Bright's disease. The funeral will be held Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Nichols home.
VOGEL, MORRIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 16, 1909
Morris Vogel, aged eighty-four years, died Monday night at the home
of his son-in-law, Charles Graff, 822 East Second Street, after an
illness of seven weeks. While attending services at St. Mary's
church several weeks ago Sunday, he was stricken with paralysis and
while he partially recovered, he had no chance to get well since
that time. He was a resident of Godfrey for almost sixty years and
was known to almost everyone in that township. About four years ago
he moved to Alton with his wife, whose health was bad. She died
three years ago. He is survived by four daughters and a son, Miss
Rose Vogel and Mrs. William Wheyers of Alton, Mrs. Philip Walters of
Godfrey, Mrs. Annie Willing of Los Angeles, Cal., and Frank Vogel of
Palmyra. A daughter-in-law, the widow of his son William also
resides in Palmyra with her children. The funeral will be held
Thursday morning from St. Mary's church at 9 o'clock. Burial will be
in St. Joseph's cemetery.
VOGEL, PETER/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 26, 1888
Mr. Peter Vogel, a native of Germany, and an old resident of Alton,
died suddenly of hemorrhage of the lungs last night, in the 65th
year of his age. He had suffered from consumption for a year or
more, but was able to be out yesterday. He leaves five adult
children, two sons and three daughters. The funeral will take place
tomorrow afternoon from the family residence in Upper Middletown.
VOGELER, FRANZ HEINRICH/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 22,
Died on Monday, March 19, Franz Heinrich Vogeler, aged 73 years, 2
months, and 6 days. Funeral services were held Tuesday in the
Lutheran Church.
VOGELPOHL, CAROLINE HUMMERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July
21, 1910
Proprietor of Upper Alton Candy Store
Mrs. Caroline Hummert Vogelpohl, aged 70, died Thursday morning at
her home in Upper Alton, from the effects of cerebral hemorrhages.
She had conducted a candy store in Upper Alton forty years, and for
many years her place of business was the one visited by the children
when they had nickels and pennies to spend. She had been in bad
health about three months, and she sold her confectionery at the
corner of College and Washington avenues in Upper Alton, and had
gone into retirement. She was born April 10, 1840, in Germany. At
the age of 7 she came to America with her parents, who settled at
Fosterburg. She moved to Brighton, then to Upper Alton, where she
married F. L. Vagelpohl, a baker, who died in 1884. She had several
paralytic strokes. Mrs. Vogelpohl was about her home as usual this
morning, when she was taken with severe bleeding of the nose, and
when the bleeding stopped, death followed. She leaves seven
children: Charles, Milton, Edward and Lenus Vogelpohl of Upper
Alton; Emil of Hardin; George of Alton; and Miss Lillie Vogelpohl of
Upper Alton. The time of the funeral is not set.
VOGELPOHL, FRIEDRICH LUDWIG/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 26,
Upper Alton News - Died, in this place on Sunday morning, Friedrich
L. Vogelpohl. Deceased was born in Hanover in 1820. Was for 20 years
a sailor, came to Washington County, Illinois to visit relatives,
and from there to this place where he has resided for over 15 years.
He was married in 1864, and leaves 7 children, the oldest 19,
youngest 3 years of age. Funeral took place yesterday (Monday) at 2
p.m. from the family residence, and was largely attended. The
business places of this town were closed from 2 till 3:30 yesterday
on account of Mr. Vogelpohl's death.
VOGT, FERDINAND/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 29, 1887
Frozen to Death
From Edwardsville – Ferdinand Vogt, aged 41, a cigar manufacturer,
was frozen to death last night on Second Street, about fifty yards
from his boarding house. He was found this morning about 7 o’clock.
At the coroner’s inquest, which was held this evening, it was shown
that Mr. Vogt had visited several saloons during the evening, and
about 19:30 bid his friends goodbye and started for Ed Machis’,
where he boarded. While walking along Second Street, he slipped off
the sidewalk and falling, struck his head near the temple, on an old
iron barrel hoop that was imbedded, edge up, in the frozen ground,
cutting a long gash in his skull. This blow rendered him insensible,
and while in that condition he froze to death. Deceased was
unmarried, but had several step-brothers and sisters living here. He
leaves some little property.
VOGT, PETER/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 8, 1881
A German named John Saeger, from Morrisonville, returning from a
western tour of observation, accompanied by a companion named Peter
Vogt, was taken sick on the road and died Monday, between Alton and
Portage des Sioux. Mr. Augustine Head was going to his residence,
about six miles from Alton, and when a quarter of a mile this side
of his residence, saw the form of a man lying under a tree. He found
the man was dead and cold. The turnout used by the two men, Saeger
and Vogt, a wagon and two dark-colored mules, was left at Wyss
boarding house in Hunterstown, and yet remains there. By what means
Vogt arrived at the place where his dead body was found remains a
mystery. It may be that the fatigue of travel, exposure, and the
almost unexampled heat of the weather caused the death of both of
the traveling companions.
The body of Saeger was brought to Alton yesterday evening, and was
taken to the tool house at the cemetery by Bauer & Hoffmann,
undertakers, under the direction of the Odd Fellows, deceased being
a member of that order. The funeral took place Tuesday, and the
remains will be buried in the Odd Fellows lot at the Alton City
VOHWINKLE, OTTO/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Monday, March
27, 1899
Crazed with Bad Whisky, Stabs Himself
Otto Vohwinkle, of East Alton, while crazed with delirium tremens,
committed suicide Sunday night at 8 o'clock by stabbing himself in
the breast with a dull pocket knife. He had been on a protracted
spree and had not breathed a sober breath since last December, so
his associates say, and for several days he had been raving crazy.
He had frequently said he would kill himself, and his friends who
were attending him took the precaution of taking from him all
weapons that might be used for suicidal purpose. Vohwinkle was
determined to end his life, and while left alone, he managed to
procure a pocket knife, with a 2 1/2-inch blade, and with it he
effectually ended his troubles. J. H. Devanney, who had been looking
after Vohwinkle all day, left the crazy man alone for a short time
before 8 o'clock Sunday night. When he returned he found his late
charge lying on the bed with twelve knife wounds in his breast, over
and around the heart, and the knife laying beside the body, covered
with blood. Vohwinkle had lived at East Alton about twelve years. He
came from Germany and worked hard until last summer, when he
received notice that had been left a small fortune in Germany. He
went back home and returned when he had received part of it. On
December 2, $704 was sent him from Germany, and December 19 he
placed $450 of it in the National bank. The remainder he spent for
whisky, and then he began drawing his money from the bank. Within
one month he drew all his money from the bank, and during all that
time he was continuously drunk. When his money gave out he said he
would kill himself, but made no attempts until the fatal one. He was
45 years of age and had no relatives in this country. Coroner Bailey
held an inquest and turned the body over to Undertaker Bater, who
will have it buried at public expense.
VOISILIST, STEF/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 9, 1911
Fatally Wounded by Revolver
Stef Voisilist, an Italian, died at St. Joseph's hospital at 3
o'clock this morning from a wound in the abdomen inflicted by Andrew
Salee, in a little house near the Federal Lead works work, Saturday
evening. According to the stories told by the men, the shooting was
accidental. They were practicing with a cheap revolver at their home
and were shooting at a barrel head. Volsilist had been shooting and
could not hit the barrel head, and then Salee claimed that it was
his turn to take a shot. The revolver shot so crooked that the
bullet struck Volsilist, who was standing close by, the ball
entering his abdomen and making a fatal wound. A dying statement was
made by Voisilist at the hospital exonerating Salee of any blame.
Other witnesses gave similar statements. The wounded man made a
statement before he died, which was interpreted by N. S. Wittles,
saying that Salee was free from any blame in the matter, and it was
purely accidental. The two had been friends for many years, and the
dying man was sure that the shot was not fired on purpose. As a last
request embodied in the statement, he asked that Salee donate
seventy dollars toward his funeral expenses if he died, and in case
he got well, to assist in the paying of the doctors bills. Salee
agreed to this. The statement was made out in writing and was sworn
to before police magistrate William Ash.
VOLBRACHT, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 18, 1883
Joseph Volbracht, recently a member of the police force, died
suddenly Saturday evening at D. Aswege’s boarding house, corner of
Second [Broadway] and Spring Streets, at the age of 45 years. About
5 o’clock, he complained of feeling unwell, and went upstairs to his
room. An hour and a half afterwards, someone went to call him and
found that he was dead, having passed away, apparently, without a
struggle. Dr. Davis was notified and attended immediately, but found
life extinct, death being caused by a stroke of apoplexy. Coroner
Youree was telegraphed for, came up, but did not think necessary to
hold an official inquiry. The funeral took place today from the
residence of Mr. F. Volbracht, deceased’s brother.
VOLKS, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 06, 1899
William Volks, the nineteen-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Volks, died today after an illness of two days duration with spinal
meningitis. The funeral will be Wednesday from the family home on
Market Street.
VOLZ, CHRISTIAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 01, 1897
Mr. Christian Volz died at the home of his daughter in New Orleans
Saturday night, after a long illness there. Mr. Volz was an old and
respected citizen of Alton, having lived here since 1847. He was 68
years of age, and was looked upon as one of Alton’s substantial and
representative German citizens. During the latter years of his life,
he had been a sufferer with asthma, and the trip to New Orleans was
made in the hope of benefiting his health. He was accompanied in his
trip by his daughter, Miss Lulu Volz. The body arrived home this
morning, and was met at the train by his family.
The funeral services over the remains took place Tuesday afternoon
from the home at Fourth and Vine Streets, where a large number of
acquaintances of the deceased assembled to show the last earthly
honor. Services were conducted by Rev. William Hackman. The
interment was in the Alton City Cemetery, whither a long cortege
followed the body to its final resting place.
VOLZ, EDITH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 28, 1908
Miss Edith Volz, a teacher in the public schools, aged 20 last
March, died Thursday at 3:20 o'clock a.m. at the home of her aunt,
Mrs. Henry Loarts, on North street. She had gone there from the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Volz of Franklin street, in the
belief that the change might be beneficial to her. Miss Volz had
been suffering from a complication of diseases arising from a
complete nervous prostration. One year ago, when she graduated in
the Alton high schools, she was a picture of perfect health and one
of the most beautiful girls in her class. She had made a good record
in her school work, and she had qualified for appointment as a
teacher in the public schools. At the January meeting of the board
of education she was appointed to fill a vacancy in the eighth grade
of Lincoln school. She was not in the best of health at the time she
accepted the appointment, but nothing serious was apprehended and
she undertook the difficult task of teaching in the eighth grade.
Miss Volz made a good teacher, and her conscientiousness and
determination to succeed, in the face of failing health, contributed
to her breakdown. She became a victim of nervous prostration after
she had taught school several months, and at last was obliged to
give up her work. It was regretted exceedingly by the board of
education, as she was an efficient teacher and gave excellent
satisfaction. Her death has been expected for the past week,
although for three or four days she had been showing signs of being
somewhat improved. Her death is a sad blow to her parents, who have
lost in her their only child. Miss Volz was much admired for her
personal beauty and her loveable traits of character. Among the
teachers who had so recently been her instructors and still more
recently her associates in the work of instructing, her death is the
cause of deep grief. Members of her family do not believe that her
attack was wholly due to her work as a school teacher, although her
devotion to her work probably did cause the final collapse. The
funeral will be held Monday morning at 9 o'clock from the home of
Henry Loarts, 1408 North street.
VOLZ, ELIZA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 1, 1910
Mrs. Eliza Volz, a resident of Alton for the past 53 years, died
Tuesday afternoon at her home, 1217 east Fourth street, after an
illness of two months. She was born in Germany and was 76 years of
age. Her husband was in the cypress hauling business here for many
years before his death. Four children survive Mrs. Volz, all
residents of Alton: Mrs. Fecht, August, John, and Leonard Volz. The
funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the home
where services will be conducted by Rev. E. L. Mueller.
VOLZ, GUS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 02, 1915
Explosion at Powder Mill
Two of the bodies of the ill-fated victims of the powder works
explosion yesterday will be shipped away, and the other three buried
in this vicinity. The funeral of Gus Volz will be held Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of his parents-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. John DeSilvey, at the Tile Works hotel. Services will be held
afterwards at the M. E. church, and the burial will be in Oakwood
cemetery. Mr. DeSilvey said today that Volz was born in Stuttgart,
Germany, and took the name of Miller at times, by which he was known
by many of his friends. He married Miss Esther DeSilvey three years
ago, and leaves his wife and one child, who will remain at the
DeSilvey home.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 05, 1915
Victim of Powder Explosion
From East Alton - The funeral of Gus Volz, victim of the explosion
at the Equitable Powder Works last Thursday, was held in the East
Alton Methodist Church. The Rev. H. J. Armitage, pastor of the
church, officiated. The burial of Mr. Volz was in the Upper Alton
Oakwood Cemetery.
VOLZ, JOHN L./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 24, 1898
John L. Volz, the well-known express driver, died Tuesday night at
his home, 1214 East Fourth Street, after a protracted illness. For
many years he had an express wagon for doing hauling about town, and
was well known. He retired several years ago on account of bad
health. He was a resident in Alton for fifty years.
He was born in Alchongstedt, Germany, seventy-five years ago, and
came to America when quite a young man. Fifty years ago, he first
came to Alton, and since that time he has continuously lived here,
raising a large family of children. A wife and four children, Mrs.
Tillie Fecht, Messrs. Lenhardt, John, and August Volz, survive him.
The funeral will be Friday from the family home.
VON BERGEN, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 24, 1898
Mrs. Elizabeth Von Bergen, aged 93 years, who resided with her son
three miles east of Godfrey, died yesterday. The funeral will take
place from her son’s residence tomorrow.
VON BINZER, CARL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 22, 1903
Carl, the one-year-old son of Major and Mrs. Max Von Binzer, died
Saturday night at St. Joseph's hospital from cholera infantum. The
members of the family were passing through Alton on the way to
Chicago when two of the children became ill, Friday morning, and
were removed to the hospital. The child's body will be buried at
Davenport, Iowa. Major Von Binzer was formerly commandant of the
Western Military Academy and subsequently went to the Bleese
Military Academy at Macon, Mo.
VON BINZER, FREDERICK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 8,
Frederick Von Binzer, son of Major and Mrs. Max Von Binzer, died in
St. Joseph's Hospital Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock after an illness
of two weeks. The child is the second of the family to die in the
last two weeks. Major and Mrs. Von Binzer were passing through Alton
on their way from St. Louis to the north, during the time when
passengers were being transferred by the railroads here. While the
family were spending the night at the Madison hotel, the two
children became very ill and were moved to the hospital. A few days
later the youngest child died and was taken to Davenport, Iowa for
burial. The oldest child continued in a doubtful condition until the
last few days when it began to grow worse. Death was due to summer
complaint. The parents, accompanied by the mother of Mrs. Von
Binzer, will depart this evening for Davenport where the funeral
will be held.
VONBURG, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 24, 1898
From Fosterburg – Old Mrs. Vonburg, mother of Andrew Vonburg, living
four miles west of the burg, died Sunday at the advanced age of 94
years. She was a native of Switzerland, and came to this country
many years ago.
VON CARNOP, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 3,
The funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Von Carnop’s infant took place Saturday
VON FALTENBERG, L./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 23, 1887
From Fosterburg – Mr. L. Von Faltenberg died at the residence of his
mother-in-law last Friday, the 18th. He leaves a wife and one child,
besides a large number of friends to mourn his death. The remains
were taken to Short’s Cemetery for burial. He was 36 years of age.
VONNAHMEN, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 18,
Dies in House He was Born In
John Vonnahmen, aged 64, died Saturday night at his home at Wood
Station, on the same site on which he was born. He had been ailing
for three or four months, but was only seriously ill for the past
week. He was married on June 9, 1885, to Mary Huebener of Brighton.
His wife died ten years ago. He farmed all his life and was one of
the best-known residents of the Wood Station neighborhood. He was a
successful and prosperous farmer, operating a large farm. He is
survived by three sons, Lawrence, Anthony and John, and one
daughter, Minnie, all of Wood Station. He also leaves three sisters,
Mrs. Frank Banger of Edwardsville, Mrs. Ann Mahler of Wichita,
Kansas, Mrs. Frank Wolf of Upper Alton, and a brother, Frank Wolf,
of Wood Station. He also leaves three grandchildren. The funeral
will be held Wednesday at ten o'clock from St. Mary's church.
Interment will be in St. Joseph's cemetery.
John Louis Vonnahmen was born August 14, 1858, at Wood Station,
Madison County, Illinois. He was the son of Anton (1819-1859) and
Anna Grolmer (1836-1878). John married Mary Heubener in 1885, and
they had four children: Lawrence, Anthony, John, and Minnie, all of
Wood Station.
VONNEMANN, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 31,
Henry Vonnemann, aged 54, died Friday morning at 11 o'clock at his
home in Foster township after an illness of two months from asthma
and heart trouble. Mr. Vonnemann was born and raised in Foster
township and lived there all his life. He is survived by his wife
and seven children, four sons - John, William, Joseph and Henry, and
three daughters - Kate, Rose and Mary. He leaves also three
brothers, John Vonnemann, Joseph and Frank Wolf, and four sisters,
Mrs. Alexander Wegener, Mrs. Anna Mueller, Mrs. Rose Bange and Mrs.
Emma Sturgeon. The funeral will be held Monday morning from St.
Mary's church at Alton, at 10 o'clock. Burial will be in St.
Joseph's cemetery.
VONSTEIN, ANN CHRISTY/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 19, 1880
Mrs. Ann C. Vonstein, an estimable lady who had resided in Alton
almost forty-three years, died Tuesday evening after an illness
lasting a little more than a week. She was in the 81st year of her
age. She was born at Darmstadt, Germany in March 1800, and came to
this country in 1837.
VONSTEIN, JOHN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 13, 1888
Wagon Master in Army During Civil War
Mr. John Vonstein, another old resident, died last night of cancer
of the stomach, at the age of 43 years and one month. Deceased was
born in St. Louis, and was brought to Alton by his parents when but
six months old. He was sick for two years, and for ten weeks had
been confined to his bed. He was a wagon master in the Union army,
and it is supposed that the hardships and exposure consequent to
army life originated the disease that caused his death. Deceased
left a widow, a nephew, Mr. John Elble, several nieces and other
relatives. The funeral will take place from the Evangelical Church
VOORHES, CALEB M./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 3, 1852
Died on Monday evening, the 16th inst., at the residence of R.
Debow, Esq., Upper Alton, of typhoid fever, Caleb M. Voorhes of St.
Louis, and formerly of Bound Brook, New Jersey; aged 29 years.
VOSS, JEANETTE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 19, 1916
Mrs. Jeanette Voss, aged 91, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Emma Eden, of 1036 Union street, at noon today after an illness of
some duration. Mrs. Voss has been a resident of Alton for the last
23 years, coming here from her old home in Germany. She is survived
by two sons, Theodore and Julius of Alton; and two daughters, Mrs.
Emma Eden of Alton and Thresa of Germany. The funeral services will
be conducted at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the German
Evangelical Church to the City cemetery. The services will be
conducted at the church by Rev. E. L. Mueller.
VOSS, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 01, 1897
Killed in Explosion at Equitable Powder Mill
Friday afternoon at about 4:30 p.m., a terrific shock was felt in
Alton, and shortly after a violent noise as of an explosion was
heard. Shortly after, news was received that the new corning mill of
the Equitable Powder Works near East Alton had blown up, and that
two men had been killed. The explosion, this time, as other similar
happenings, occurred without warning to the men engaged at their
daily labor in the mill. The corning mills are small affairs,
isolated from the other buildings on the grounds, and are operated
by two men. George Scott and John Voss were employed in the mill in
which the explosion took place, and after the explosion was over,
their remains were picked up until coroner Bailey could hold an
inquest over them. Shortly before the disastrous explosion, the
superintendent, on visiting the corning mill, remarked to one of the
operatives how well the machinery, which was new and had just been
used yesterday, was working. About ten minutes afterward, there was
a flash, a balloon-shaped cloud of smoke rose in the air, and the
corning mill and machinery was a complete wreck, and the two men,
Scott and Voss, were dead. The force of the explosion tore up the
earth in the vicinity of the exploded mill, and violently shook
every building within a mile of the place.
Coroner Bailey impaneled a jury, and held an inquest over the
remains of the two men, and a verdict of accidental death was found.
The loss of the property will reach nearly $1,000.
Later – The writer [East Alton correspondent to the Telegraph] was
looking at a clock Friday afternoon when the Powder Mill explosion
occurred. It was just thirteen minutes after four, and immediately
the air was filled with the shrieks of women and the cries of
children. Women and children who had husbands and fathers working
there ran around half crazed, their faces blanched, and their hearts
cold with the terror of probable widow and orphanhood. Nor did the
gray, ashen look leave long after the truth was known, and they
realized that their own loved ones were safe. The two men killed
were both married, but were separated from their families, who did
not live here. Mr. William Jones says that John Voss told him his
family was in Germany, while George Scott’s family lived in the
east. Both were well liked by those who knew them. They were genial,
companionable, and accommodating. Scott was a well-educated man, had
been a professor in an eastern college, and possessed a mind
literally stored with knowledge of all kinds. He was the victim of
some great sorrow, of which he never spoke, and the death he met is
the one he often said he would meet. He sent money regularly to his
two daughters, it is said, and his secret sorrow remained to the
end. It was a sudden, although undoubtedly painless, quenching of
the flame of life, and the crepe of gloom and the pall of sorrow
hang over our town in consequence.
There are some strange things in connection with this explosion,
some things which will give the superstitious an opportunity to
solidify their faith in the occult and supernatural, and to make the
skeptic wonder and doubt whether his skepticism has any foundation
in fact. More than a week before the explosion, Postmaster VanPreter
told some parties there would be an explosion and some deaths, and
said only in explanation, “I am foretold so.” That is all he will
say yet, and he doesn’t know why he was “foretold.” Two nights
before the explosion, Mr. Al Chervier dreamed of the explosion and
the devastation that followed, and told his dream, which had,
because of its vividness, made a deep impression on his mind, to
several parties the next day. I attempt no explanations. I give only
the facts as they are known. Let others explain, if they can.
The funeral of the late John Voss and George Scott took place Sunday
afternoon from Upper Alton, and the Odd Fellows of East Alton took a
prominent part in the burial service over their deceased brother,
Mr. Voss, as did the Alton and Upper Alton lodges. Mr. Scott was not
an Odd Fellow, but they attended his burial, scattered flowers over
his grave, and their band played over him the sad sweet requiem of
the dead. Mr. Olin of the Powder Mills purchased a lot in the Upper
Alton Cemetery, and there the remains of the unfortunate men were
placed in that last slumber which lasteth long. May they rest in
VOTTEROTT, LOUIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 31,
Louis, the 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Voterott, died this
morning at 7 o'clock at the family home on Fifth street, after an
illness from scarlet fever. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Voterott has been singularly unfortunate and in their affliction the
family will have the sympathy of the entire community. Six out of
seven children born to Mr. and Mrs. Voterott have died, and five of
these have succumbed to contagious diseases and private funerals
have been held.
VOUMARD, AUGUST/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 4, 1897
Mr. August Voumard, a well-to-do farmer living five miles northeast
of Upper Alton, on the Brighton Road, died suddenly Sunday morning.
He was discovered in a sinking condition, and died in about fifteen
minutes, before medical assistance could arrive. Coroner Bailey was
summoned and held an inquest Monday afternoon. The jury returned a
verdict of death from natural causes, probably from heart failure.
The deceased leaves a wife and three children. He was of
Swiss-French birth.
From Fosterburg – Old Mr. Voumard died very suddenly at his home,
about three miles west of town, on Sunday morning. He was about 80
years of age. He was a good citizen, and a man who had many friends.
VOUNBERGEN [VonBergen?], SOPHIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
July 27, 1904
Mrs. Sophia Vounbergen, a sister of Mr. Charles Schleuter, wife of
Andrew Vounbergen, died at her home in Fosterburg Tuesday at 2 p.m.
from pulmonary troubles, aged 54 years 6 months. She leaves four
sons and four daughters, her husband, two brothers and a sister. The
funeral will be held Friday at 1 p.m. from Fosterburg.
VOYLES, CHARLES S./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 20, 1898
Charles S. Voyles, son of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Voyles, died
yesterday afternoon at the home of his parents on Pearl Street,
after a short illness. The young man was 16 years of age, and his
death is a severe blow to his parents. The funeral was Tuesday from
the Cherry Street Mission.
VOYLES, STELLA BOWEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 10,
Mrs. Stella Bowen Voyles, wife of Robert Voyles, and daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Bowen of Melville, died at her home in Marine last
night after a long illness. She had been very ill at her father's
home, and when it became apparent she could not last much longer,
she was taken back to her own home to die. She was 27 years of age
and leaves beside her husband, four children. The body was taken
today to the home of the parents at Melville.
VUKOVIC/LUKOVIC, LUKA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November
8, 1920
Killed by Prohibition Enforcement Officer
Luka Vukovic, 37 years old, of 1327 G Street, Madison, was shot nine
times and killed by S. Glenn Young, a prohibition enforcement
officer, when Vukovic resisted a raid on his home Saturday night.
Young, with Walter Cowgill and E. J. Tieney of the Granite City
police force, had learned that Vukovic was making liquor and storing
it in the home of his cousin, Mike Sever, 1325 G street. At this
address they found a still and a quantity of liquor, which they
confiscated, and then proceeded next door. Peeping through a rear
window, the officers saw Vukovic drinking some liquor out of a milk
bottle, and knocked on the door demanding admission. Eliciting no
response, the raiders went to the front door, which they broke in
when the occupant refused to open it. They found Lukovic in bed. A
trap door was discovered leading to the cellar, where a 20 gallon
keg, nearly filled with raisin whisky, was found. Young commanded
Lukovic to remain in sight while the officers carried the whisky
upstairs. Lukovic stood in the doorway a moment, and then
disappeared, to return with a revolver he pointed at the policeman
and pulled the trigger. The weapon failed to go off, and Young
emptied his revolver at Lukovic, who ran to the rear of the porch.
Gowgill followed him, but was knocked down by a blow on the head.
Young took up the pursuit and fired three shots from a second
revolver, at which Lukovic fell dead. All nine bullets had entered
his body, two in the chest, one in the neck, wrist, right shoulder,
each hip, left temple, abdomen, and right leg. A jury called by
Coroner Joseph Krill returned a verdict of justifiable homicide.
Vukovic will be buried in St. Mark's Cemetery, Granite City, Monday
afternoon. [name was spelled with a "V" and an "L"]
VULLIET, LOUISA/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 23, 1883
Last Thursday afternoon, Miss Louisa Vulliet of Highland, daughter
of Rev. L. Vulliet, took a shotgun from the house, went out into the
orchard, and shot herself through the breast. The deed was not
discovered until the next morning. No motive for the rash act is