Chicago & Alton Railroad Newspaper Clippings
(Originally called the Alton & Springfield or the Alton & Sangamon Railroad.)
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 08, 1838
At an adjourned meeting of the citizens of Alton, at which Cyrus
Edwards, Esq., presided, and Stephen Griggs, Esq., acted as
Secretary and held at the courtroom on the 30th day of November
last, the report of a committee, appointed by a previous meeting,
was made by Major Hunter, Chairman, accompanied by a written
communication from Messrs. Benjamin Godfrey, Gilman & Co., on the
subject of the railroad stock. Whereupon - On motion of Mr. Griggs,
the following resolution was adopted, viz.
Resolved, That (whereas the committee appointed at the last meeting
to confer with the stockholders of the Alton and Springfield
Railroad, having reported that the principal stockholders are
desirous of having the said improvements identified with the general
improvements of the State, and are willing with that view to
relinquish their stock at par), a committee (with power to fill
vacancies) to consist of Charles W. Hunter, Charles Howard, Stephen
Griggs, Benjamin Godfrey, Simeon Ryder, Nathaniel Buckmaster, and
Cyrus Edwards meet at Vandalia as soon as practicable to confer with
any committee or committees that may be appointed from Springfield
or Carlinville on the best possible disposition that can be made of
the stock, so as to secure a speedy completion of a railroad from
Alton to Springfield.
Resolved, That the Secretary of this meeting be requested to notify
the citizens of Springfield and Carlinville of the above resolution,
and to request the Alton Spectator and Telegraph to publish the
same, with a request that the Sangamon Journal, Prairie Beacon, and
Illinois Republican copy the same in their respective papers.
Signed, Cyrus Edwards, Chairman. S. Griggs, Secretary.
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 13, 1841
It will be observed, by a notice in another column, that books of
subscription to the stock of the above company will be opened in
this city, as well as in Carlinville and Springfield, on the 19th
day of May next, under the provisions of the act published in our
last number. The general impression here seems to be that the stock
will be readily taken, and that the important work for the carrying
on of which it is intended to provide means, will be commenced and
prosecuted without delay.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 25, 1841
The case was tried in the Madison Circuit Court on Tuesday last for
the third time, and a verdict of $32 rendered for the Plaintiff. Mr.
Buckmaster claimed $1500 damages for the construction of the Alton &
Shelbyville Railroad over his farm in the vicinity of Alton. The
jury decided, as did their predecessors, that inasmuch as he was one
of the principal causes of the location of the road where it is, of
which he now complains, he should not be allowed anything more than
nominal damages. Counsel for Col. Buckmaster, U. F. Linder and
William Martin, Esqrs. For the State of Illinois, George T. M.
Davis, Esq.
Source: The Library of Congress, Rare Book and Special Collections
Division, March 27, 1841
A public meeting of the citizens of Alton will be held at the city
hall on Monday next, at ten o'clock a.m. to hear the report of the
Committee of Gentlemen appointed to confer with the citizens of
Springfield, and the State Bank of Illinois, as to the measures to
be adopted to complete a railroad from Alton to Springfield. A
general attendance is requested. Alton, March 27, 1841.
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 03, 1844
There is a general impression, here and elsewhere, that the charter
for the construction of the Alton and Springfield Railroad was lost
in consequence of the road not having been commenced within the time
limited by law. This is not so. By an amendment adopted at the last
Legislature, the time was extended, and the charter preserved. Now
is the time for the people of Alton and Springfield to act in this
matter. Will they do it?
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 09, 1845
Futile as our efforts may be regarded by many of the readers of the
Telegraph in endeavoring to provoke those most interested, to put
forth some show of exertion towards securing the stock to be taken,
and the road from Alton to Springfield commenced, under the charter
of the Morgan and Sangamon Railroad Company, we shall nevertheless
persevere in the hope that some good eventually will grow out of it.
The great obstacle to something favorable being accomplished is the
utter indifference of the citizens of Jacksonville and Springfield
about the subject. All admit the feasibility of the undertaking -
the liberality of the charter - the productiveness of the investment
- and the great importance of the work as a prominent link in the
chain of intercommunication between the Mississippi River and the
seaboard. Yet there is no action on the part of those whose
influence, if properly exerted, would secure the construction of the
road. In almost every other state in the Union, railroads are being
constructed by private enterprise, not one of which will prove a
better investment than the one from Alton to Springfield. Every view
that can be taken of the subject will confirm the estimates of the
friends of the road as to its profit; and as "profit" is the great
desideration with all capitalists, there is no reason why this stock
should not be taken, as well as that of a similar kind in other
There can be probably no time more auspicious than the present to
review the arguments that have so often been adduced by the friends
of this work in support of its construction. A railroad is now in
operation between the Illinois River at Meredosia and Springfield,
the capital of this state. It passes through Jacksonville and over
an extent of the finest and most productive portion of Illinois. In
the vicinity of this railroad, vast quantities of wheat are raised,
which the farmers are anxious to get into market early, that it may
command the highest price. Through the assistance of Pitts'
unrivaled threshing machines, which are now in use all over this
state, a farmer, in the course of two or three days, can have his
entire crop threshed, cleaned, and ready for market. He relies upon
sending this crop to the Illinois River, via the Springfield and
Meredosia Railroad; hence by the Illinois River to Alton or St.
Louis for sale. Is he enabled to do so? Let the present state of the
Illinois river, and the high rates of freight asked by the few boats
that can navigate that sluggish stream, answer the interrogatory.
The farmer cannot reach market by his own teams to any advantage,
from the facts that it will take him from four to five days to
perform the trip, and that he can only carry but a very small
portion of his crop at a load; whereas, if the railroad and river
communication was unobstructed, he could, if satisfied with the
price, send his entire crop forward at once, and have it reach
market in half the time he can now bring a few bushels only by his
own conveyance.
The Morgan and Sangamon Railroad contemplates its termination from
Alton at Berlin, halfway between Jacksonville and Springfield. It
thus taps the very heart of this state, embracing its most highly
cultivated and productive portion. If the road from here to Berlin
was completed, instead of the farmer or the merchant in the interior
receiving wheat or other produce in pay for his goods, being
compelled to send the same to the Illinois River, there to be
stored, subjected to the commission merchant's charges, and the
great delay from impediments in the navigation of that river, he
could forward his grain or produce of any kind, either from
Springfield, Jacksonville, or any of the intermediate points on the
line of the Springfield and Meredosia Railroad, directly to the head
navigation of the Mississippi River, where at all times he could
command the highest market price. The importance of this cannot be
questioned by any member of society capable of exercising in the
remotest degree his reasoning faculties. Nor can it be doubted, that
if the road from here to Berlin was finished, it would put thousands
and tens of thousands of dollars annually into the pockets of the
farmers and other portions of the community. At the same time, it is
equally as clear that the products of the country that would be
inevitably tributary to this road and the Springfield and Meredosia
Road, would furnish a quantity of freight that far surpasses any
calculation that has heretofore been made by its friends.
The same argument will be applicable to passengers that would pass
over this road as has been made by us to freight. There are now two
lines of stages [stagecoaches] between St. Louis and Springfield,
passing over different roads each alternate day, and making a daily
line between the above two cities. Those stages have for weeks been
running loaded with all the passengers they can carry, and unable to
meet the necessities of the traveling public. This arises from the
impossibility of ascending the Illinois River. If the railroad from
Alton was finished, all these passengers, and hundreds of others
that now daily go in private conveyances, would necessarily avail
themselves of the benefit of this road, on account of expedition,
economy, and convenience. The stages charge five dollars from St.
Louis to Springfield. The highest estimate, in all the calculations
ever made3 by the friends of the railroad, has been three dollars;
which in all probability would be reduced to two dollars after the
first season, and then enable the company to divide twelve percent,
after creating a large sinking or contingent fund. Passengers could
be transported over this road for what it now costs them in most of
instances for actual traveling expenses, exclusive of their stage
But it is not to the down freight alone that this great advantage
would be derived by the completion of this road. All the merchants
in the interior would be equally if not more benefited. Their
merchandise, salt, iron, and heavy articles of groceries, could be
carried over it for a less sum than what they now pay by boat from
St. Louis or Alton to Meredosia and Beardstown; thus saving not only
storage and commission, at which ever of those places they shipped
to, but the inland navigation by wagons from the Illinois River to
Jacksonville, Springfield, &c. We appeal to the daily experience of
every merchant in both of these places, whether we are not correct
in this. And if they will divest themselves of prejudice, and look
calmly at this important subject, they cannot avoid acknowledging
the vast benefit this road would confer upon Jacksonville,
Springfield, and Alton, as well as the surrounding counties that
would be of necessity tributary to them as receiving and shipping
points via the railroad.
Let us recur to one other view of the subject before bringing this
article to a close. If we will examine every report that has been
made to the Legislature of Illinois, upon the subject of the
Illinois and Michigan Canal, we will find one of its greatest
calculations as to utility is based upon the assumed data, that it
would be the means of supplying this section, as well as the
interior of the state, with those great and indispensable articles -
lumber and salt - at less rates and in greater quantities than they
are now supplied with, from the southern route. At the time these
reports were made, facts warranted such a conclusion. But the
experience and rapid advancement of the past few years have
dissipated entirely this proposition. Both of these articles are
bulky, and the cost of transportation by wagons consequently very
large in proportion to the value of the respective articles. If salt
and lumber are to be supplied via the Canal, there is not only a
reshipment from the termination of the Canal, by the river, to the
point whence it is to be wagoned, but the additional heavy expenses
consequent upon wagoning. This necessarily would bring pine lumber
so high as almost to deprive the interior of its use. But what would
be the case, if the railroad from Alton to a point intersecting the
Springfield and Meredosia Road was finished? Let ascertained and
indisputable facts solve the proposition. There has been brought
down the Mississippi River, this season, from the pine regions on
the St. Croix and Wisconsin Rivers, between seven and eight million
feet of pine lumber of the finest quality. This lumber reaches
Alton, without any expense of transportation, except the cost of the
hands who guide and protect these rafts as they float upon the bosom
of the Father of Waters undisturbed, from the point they enter it,
until they reach Alton or St. Louis, their place of destination.
Pine lumber has been sold here, of the finest quality, for ten
dollars a thousand, and from that to twelve and a half dollars. From
here it could be transported via the railroad into the interior of
the state at a cost of transportation that would place it at the
door of the consumer at a rate not exceeding and, in many instances,
less than he now pays for oak lumber at our sawmills through the
As the demand increases, the sawmills on the Wisconsin and St. Croix
river, surrounded by inexhaustible pineries, would increase, so that
lumber shipped from Chicago, via the Canal, never could compete, as
to price, with that for which at all times it could be procured
here. There are already at Alton three very large lumberyards, one
of which is the Agency of an extensive company owning mills on the
Wisconsin; and a farmer or other person, if he desired to fence or
build, could give his bill to this Agent, and in due course of time
receive his lumber of the very quality and size he wished. As to
salt, the price it can at this very time be purchased for in St.
Louis, and the cost that would attend its transportation from here
to Jacksonville or Springfield, compared with the present selling
price at Chicago, without adding transportation by the Canal, then
by the Illinois River, and then by wagons into the interior, will
satisfy the most skeptical that it is to this direction, and not by
the northern route, that the center of the state must look for its
supply of that indispensable necessary of life. Salt can be
purchased from the New Orleans boats, delivered at Alton, just as
low as the St. Louis merchant can buy it. We assert this form the
knowledge we possess of its having been done time and time again. A
merchant or farmer in the interior could, consequently, get his salt
at St. Louis rates by simply adding the trifling expense he would
have to pay for its transportation upon the railroad. If this road
was now finished, how many merchants from the interior would be
buying salt from the St. Louis boats deliverable at Alton, and
having it transported on the railroad, that now will not buy because
they cannot procure its transshipment up the Illinois River at any
rate; and to pay the storage in St. Louis until it could be so
shipped, would add so much to its prime cost as to render the
investment an unprofitable one!
We could go on, and demonstrate beyond controversy other
propositions equally as clear as the above, all of which would show
that it is for the interest of the whole country through which this
road is to pass, that it should be constructed, and that the
investment in its stock could not but prove a most lucrative one.
But we have unconsciously spun out this article to a much greater
length than we anticipated when we first commenced penning it. If
the road from Springfield to Meredosia was made to terminate at
Jacksonville, and the stretch from Berlin to Alton completed, it
would build up Jacksonville and Springfield equally, if not more
than Alton, and would be the means of creating one of the most
desirable investments for capitalists in this or any other state in
the Union. May we not hope that the papers in both Jacksonville and
Springfield will give to this subject a share of their attention,
and that the energies of their respective editors will be brought to
bear, in properly placing this matter before their citizens and the
country at large?
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 29, 1845
At a public meeting of the citizens of Alton, held at the Common
Council Room on Saturday, November 22d, Captain Simeon Ryder was
appointed Chairman, and S. R. Dolbee, Secretary. N. D. Strong, Esq.,
after stating the object of the meeting, offered the following
resolution, which was adopted, to-wit:
Resolved, that the Hon. N. Pope and Messrs. D. J. Baker, Samuel G.
Bailey, Stephen Griggs, G. W. Chapman, Sebastian Wise, George T. M.
Davis, Samuel Lesure, Isaac Scarritt, J. W. Chickering, Joseph
Gillespie, George Smith, C. Edwards, B. K. Hart, William Martin,
Benjamin Godfrey, and Simeon Ryder, be appointed delegates to
represent the city of Alton and vicinity in the Railroad Convention
to be holden at Springfield, on the 1st Monday in December next. On
motion, it was ordered that the delegates have power to fill
vacancies in case any of those now appointed should be unable to
attend. On motion, it was ordered that the proceedings of this
meeting be signed by the Chairman and Secretary, and published in
the Alton Telegraph. Signed by Simeon Ryder, Chairman, and S. R.
Dolbee, Secretary.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 02, 1847
It will be seen that books are to be opened for the subscription of
stock to construct a railroad from Alton in Madison County, to
Springfield in Sangamon County. The Legislature of Illinois granted
two charters for the construction of railroads. One of them
authorizes the construction of a road from the city of Alton on the
Mississippi River, to Springfield, the seat of government of the
state of Illinois. The other gives the right to build a railroad
from Springfield to Danville, on the east line of the state. The
road to Alton will terminate there, where the largest steamboats can
always receive and discharge freight; a place at least four hundred
miles below the head of navigation for steamboats on the Upper
Mississippi, from whence the merchandise brought from the East can
be conveyed for hundreds of miles to the North, and thousands of
miles to the South; and for thousands of miles up the Missouri
River, the mouth of which is only two miles and a half below the
city of Alton. If this line of railroad was constructed, the whole
travel of the Southern states would be directed to the North,
through this thoroughfare, during the spring and summer months. This
Western terminus at Alton is the farthest point South, in Illinois,
where a railroad can reach the left bank of the Mississippi, on
ground that is always above the annual high waters of that river. In
this respect, as well as in many others, Alton has a decided
advantage over St. Louis, for the termination of a railroad. In
Illinois, opposite St. Louis, the country is low and flat for many
miles, is overflowed more or less every year, and when thus
overflowed, is covered with water from three to seven feet deep.
These are among the considerations that should induce Eastern
capital to embark in an enterprise that will profitably unite the
Father of Waters and the vast business of the population that are
settled and are settling upon its shores, with the cities of Boston
and New York. The people of the West, therefore, call upon the
capitalists of the East to take stock in these roads, the profits of
which must make the investment safe, and the construction of which
will be the commencement of that great thoroughfare that will
hereafter annihilate space between the East and the West.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 16, 1847
The undersigned commissioners will open books of subscription for
the stock of the Alton and Springfield Railroad Company at the
following named times and places, to wit at the office of the Alton
Marine and Fire Insurance Company in the city of Alton, on the 8th
day of May, A. D. 1847; at the American House in the city of
Springfield on the 10th day of May, 1847; and at the principal
_______, in the town of Jacksonville, on the 25th day of May 1847.
The books to remain open until all the stock is subscribed. The
amount of stock to be subscribed on the first opening of the books
if five hundred thousand dollars, which is divided into shares of
one hundred dollars each, five dollars on each share is required to
be paid to the commissioners at the time of subscribing for stock.
Commissioners Simeon Ryder, Benjamin Godfrey, Robert Dunlap, Thomas
Clifford, Robert Ferguson, and William Martin.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 07, 1847
At a meeting of the citizens of Alton, held at the old courtroom, on
Friday evening, April 30th, the object of which was to devise
appropriate means to secure the construction of a railroad from
Alton to Springfield, and to interchange views as to the adoption of
a general railroad policy that will promote the interests of the
state of Illinois. Benjamin Godfrey, Esq., was appointed chairman,
and William Martin, Secretary.
Whereupon, the meeting was addressed by the Hon. Joseph Gillespie,
Senator from Madison County, and by the Hon. A. W. Cavarly, former
Senator from Greene County, and also by Andrew Miller, Esq., Sheriff
of Madison County, and Edward Keating, Esq. These gentlemen were
severally called upon to present their views on the subject under
consideration. They responded to the call in eloquent, appropriate,
and impressive speeches that were full of good sense, and that
breathed a spirit of justice and liberality towards all parts of the
state of Illinois, while they impressed upon the audience by sound
argument the necessity of sustaining our interest, as a state, by
terminating all works of Internal Improvement at a point where towns
and cities can be built within our own limits. After the business of
the meeting had been closed, the assembly resolved itself into a
meeting to take into consideration the appointment of a delegation
from Alton and Madison County, to attend the River and Harbor
Convention, to be held at Chicago. Resolved, That nineteen delegates
be appointed on behalf of the citizens of Alton and Madison County,
to attend the River and Harbor meeting to be held at Chicago, on the
5th day of July, A. D. 1847. It was further resolved that said
delegation should be appointed by the Chairman, whereupon the
Chairman appointed the following gentlemen to compose said
delegation, viz: Hon. Nathaniel Pope, David J. Baker, Simeon Ryder,
Hon. Joseph Gillespie, Benjamin K. Hall, Norton Johnson, Robert
Ferguson, Moses G. Atwood, Nelson G. Edwards, Levi Davis, Lewis B.
Parsons, William Martin, Hon. James Semple, Edward Keating, Hon.
Robert Smith, Captain William N. Wickliffe, Andrew Miller, John
James, and Robert Dunlan. On motion, it was resolved that Benjamin
Godfrey, Esq., Chairman of the meeting, be added to said delegation.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 21, 1848
The survey of this railroad is rapidly progressing, and we are
gratified to hear that the line of the route which has been selected
seems peculiarly favorable. The engineers completed their surveys as
far as Carlinville last Saturday evening, and on Monday, began
marking out the continuation of the route towards Springfield. We
had feared there would be much difficulty in crossing the waters of
the Macoupin without great expense, but we are informed that an
excellent crossing has been found, where the cost of bridging will
be comparatively slight, and there will be no necessity for any high
and extended embankment. If this be so, the grading and bridging the
railroad from this point to Springfield will be done at much less
expense than any seventy miles of railroad in our country. In fact,
the greater part of the route will require little more grading than
an ordinary turnpike.
Illinois has just begun to develop her resources. But we venture the
assertion, that the early completion of this railroad will open a
communication with a ready market, for a section of country
unequaled in fertility and climate in the whole valley of the
Mississippi, and which within ten years, will export more produce
than any other portion of the Union of the same extent. That the
railroad to Springfield will be completed at an early day we cannot
doubt, and that immediately on its completion to that point, it will
be extended Northward towards Peru, and Eastward on the great line
of travel to the Northern cities, is no longer matter of conjecture.
The experience of the past few years has established not only the
advantages afforded by railroads, but also the increase of business
which must and will attend the procurement of the facility, and we
look forward with confidence to the report of the experienced
engineers who are now engaged upon this road, for the proof of the
correctness of these remarks.
Brings Three Engineers for Railroad Construction
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 26, 1849
We learn that Captain Godfrey returned to this place on Wednesday
night from his mission to the East, which, we are much gratified to
say, has been completely successful. He was accompanied by three
skillful engineers, who are to superintend the construction of the
Alton and Sangamon Railroad, and we presume that a portion of the
work will be placed under contract at an early day.
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 22, 1850
We are informed that the work upon the railroad has been commenced,
a short distance from Alton.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 09, 1850
In relation to the progress of the Alton and Sangamon Railroad, we
take this occasion to state that all the timber for the depot and
engine house has been procured, and is now being sawed; that 3,500
tons of iron for the use of the said road has been purchased and is
to leave Loels(?) by the first of October next and be delivered at
New Orleans by the first of January following; that the ties have
been contracted for and already partly delivered here; and that the
contracts for the construction of the locomotives and cars to be
used on the road are believed to have been closed by this time.
According to the terms of the contract, active operations on the
road were to have been commenced on the first of this month, but we
learn from a telegraphic dispatch that the principal subcontractor
has been detained at Springfield, Ohio, by sickness. He was,
however, convalescent, at the last accounts, and is probably now on
his way to this city.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 30, 1850
We are gratified to be able to state that active operations on the
Alton and Sangamon Railroad commenced on Monday. A large number of
men are now employed, and so soon as the necessary additional
implements can be procured, which will be in a few days, the full
force will be put on. All the iron, spikes, ties, &c., required for
the whole route, have been purchased, and the early completion of
this great work may be confidently anticipated. Stockholders should
now come forward promptly, and pay the installments regularly as
they fall due. We understand that Mr. Joseph Gilmore, formerly of
Dayton, Ohio, but for nearly one year past a resident of Alton, has
obtained the contract for the first four miles from the terminus on
Seventh Street to the Coal Branch. This embraces all the heavy
cutting, and is by far the heaviest job on the whole route. The long
experience and acknowledged energy of Mr. Gilmore are a sufficient
guaranty that his part of the work will be well done and completed
in due time, and we hope he will obtain an ample remuneration for
his labor and enterprise.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 06, 1850
The work on the railroad is now progressing finely. About one
hundred and fifty hands are constantly employed at the terminus in
Alton. We learn that the culvert is to be extended upwards of 1,000
feet immediately, and Piasa Street built over it. Operations have
also been commenced near Brighton, about ten miles north of this
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 04, 1850
The law makes provision for a most magnificent donation of the
public lands to our State, for the construction of that important
thoroughfare, the central railroad. This bill, in connection with
that in relation to swamp lands, of which we have not a copy at
hand, places under the control of the Legislature an amount of land
falling but little short of five million acres! How large a portion
of that known as swamp, or overflowed lands, can be reclaimed and
rendered fit for cultivation cannot be estimated, until a more
accurate survey is had, under laws to be passed by the Legislature.
It is estimated that the donation made for the construction of the
railroad alone will exceed 2,000,000 acres. This amount of good
land, sold even at a low rate, will produce a sufficient sum to
ensure the construction of the work, especially as vast sums have
been already expanded by the State upon the grading of this road.
Now that we have secured this donation, the next important step is
to take care of it. It may not be known to all our readers that a
provision of a law was smuggled through our Legislature some years
since, by which the State granted to the notorious “Cairo City and
Canal Company,” alias the “Great Western Railroad Company,” which
had the charter for the construction of the Central road, all lands
that might thereafter be donated by Congress to the State of
Illinois, to aid in the construction of the Central railroad, which
face was accidentally ascertained by our Senators in Congress, who
adopted steps to secure a release, and surrender to the State by the
above company, of their chartered privileges. This release has been
obtained upon certain conditions.
How important to the prosperity of Illinois, both present and
prospective, that proper persons be selected as member of the
General Assembly, who will be entrusted with affairs of such deep
interest to the State at large. Men who will be alive to the public
welfare, and who will not allow such outrageous provisions as the
above to be smuggled through that body, or we may yet lose all the
incalculable benefits to be derived from this grant.
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 01, 1850
The Alton and Sangamon Railroad, when completed to Springfield, will
connect with the extension of the Northern Cross Railroad from
Springfield to the Eastern State line, 140 miles, which last will
there connect with the great chain of railroads through Indiana and
Ohio, giving to this portion of the State a fair prospect of making
the first continuous route from the Mississippi to the Northern and
Eastern markets. An extension from Springfield to La Salle, either
under the Charter of the Alton and Sangamon Railroad or the central
railroad, by way of Decatur or Springfield, as the case may be, will
also open up the Northern markets, and enable us to communicate with
all parts of the State. By a connection with the Central road,
either by the Alton and Terre Haute Railroad or the Alton and
Sangamon Railroad, we can command both the Northern and Southern
markets. In reference to a connection of the Alton and Terre Haute
Railroad and the Alton and Sangamon Railroad, we await a report from
Mr. Crocker, who has just completed his survey of that route, and
who will, we have no doubt, fully examine all the points connected
with that important work. We believe it is the intention of the
parties interested in the Alton and Terre Haute Railroad to build a
distinct line to this city [Alton], unless the reasons in favor of
the connection alluded to shall be found of sufficient weight to
modify their intention, in which case, no doubt the interest of all
concerned would be consulted, and union made at such points as would
be found on the whole most advantageous.
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 22, 1850
The foundation walls for the depot of the Alton and Springfield
Railroad are now being laid on the company’s lots on Piasa Street,
between Fifth and Sixth. The structure is to be 130 feet in length,
by 10 in breadth, and will be built of stone.
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 03, 1851
We are pleased to state that notwithstanding cold winter is upon us,
the work upon the above road is rapidly progressing. The force
employed on the first of this month was 739 men, 95 horses. The
Newton Waggoner arrived from below a few days since, bringing 5,200
cedar crossties, to be used in the construction of the road, and the
Bucnavisia also delivered another lot of the iron, making total
receipts of iron to date, 514 tons. The cedar ties are twelve inches
broad, and eight feet long, and will be laid thirty inches from
center to center in the road. For size and quality, they exceed
anything of the kind we have ever seen. The contractors are hauling
out and distributing the iron, preparatory to the commencement of
laying the permanent track, which will be undertaken as soon as the
season will permit.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 18, 1851
It will be as gratifying to the friends of Internal Improvement in
our State at large, as it must be to the stockholders of the Alton
and Sangamon Railroad Company, to be informed of the rapid progress
of this important work towards its completion. But seven months have
elapsed since the first excavation was made. During this
comparatively short interval, favored by a remarkably propitious
winter, the entire line between Alton and Carlinville, thirty-six
miles in length, has been graded. Viaducts, culverts, and the
necessary buildings for the use of the road, which will compare
favorably with the best in other parts of the Union, have been, or
are nearly constructed, and the ties, rails, &c., purchased and
partly delivered on the levee at this place [Alton]. Of these, a
portion are laid down on the line, ready for use.
A locomotive engine, purchased by the contractors for their own
purposes, is daily expected here, thus preparing the way for those
now in progress of construction, and the passenger and freight cars
soon to follow. And we think we hazard but little in expressing the
opinion, that the track to Carlinville will be in traveling
condition in all the month of July, and thence to Springfield in
November next – the Chief Engineer having nearly or quite concluded
his survey by the most eligible direct line authorized by the recent
act of the Legislature.
We are credibly informed that the work so far done, as well as the
quality, weight, and form of the rail, the ties, engines, passenger
and freight cars, are of the most modern and approved character, and
that nothing has been omitted by the enterprising contractors to
merit the approbation of the stockholders and the traveling public
in the fulfillment of their engagements.
It is doubtless generally known to our readers that the Alton and
Sangamon Railroad Company have obtained amendments to their charter,
by acts of the last Legislature, authorizing the extension of their
road to Bloomington in one direction, and in another to Pekin and
Peoria, the importance of which cannot be too highly estimated. We
sincerely hope that it will be so considered, not only by the
stockholders of the road, but also by our fellow-citizens at those
interesting points of connection, and that strenuous exertions will
be made by one and all to insure the early consummation of an
enterprise, which has such a bearing upon the future welfare of the
population to be thus united.
It is understood that an early preliminary survey will be ordered to
be made by the Board of Directors, of both these contemplated
branches of our road. In the meantime, we rely confidently upon the
manifestation of the same public spirit of liberality, on the part
of individuals, as well as of the cities, towns, or counties to be
benefited by the completion of these lines, in the contributions
which it will call for, which has distinguished the subscribers to
the Alton and Sangamon Railroad Company.
The grading of twenty-three miles is completed, and on the remaining
ten miles, the work is more than one half done. One thousand tons of
rails or track for about eleven and a half miles have been delivered
at Alton, and the residue of the iron for the entire road to
Springfield is delivered at New Orleans. Fifteen thousand ties, or
sufficient for over seven miles, have been delivered at Alton, and
contracts for the whole road have been entered into, and sufficient
to extend the road to Carlinville is now ready for transportation.
Two steamboats – the Newton Wagoner and Patrick Henry – are
constantly engaged, and other New Orleans steamers are employed in
the transportation of iron, ties, and other materials for the road.
All the lumber for the station houses, engine and machine shops have
been procured. The foundation for the depot buildings, engine house,
and machine Shop at Alton are laid, and the walls up ten or twelve
feet. Ten freight cars have been delivered at Alton, and contracts
made for all the engines and cars, which are now constructing in the
best shops in Massachusetts. The average force on the work, during
the winter, has been about seven hundred.
The masonry, of which a large amount has been done, is still
building in the most permanent and durable manner of stone, in all
respects equal to that on the New York and Erie, the Hudson River,
the Harlem Extension, and the best constructed railroads in New
England. In the crossing of streams, permanent stone arches, varying
from fifteen to forty feet span, have been made, instead of wooden
structures – except at the crossing of Macoupin Creek, where a
wooden bridge of one hundred feet span is proposed to be used. The
ties are of very large size, and of the best quality of cedar. The
iron is of an improved pattern of H. rail, weighing 56 pounds to the
yard – the same weight as that used on the best Massachusetts roads,
and only four pounds less than the heaviest pattern used on the New
York and Erie Railroad.
The contractors have commenced laying track at Alton, and are now
carting iron and ties beyond the heavy work near the city, to the
prairie work beyond, which extends, uninterruptedly, for twenty
miles, and which is now ready for the rails. A definite location of
fourteen miles this side of Carlinville has been made, and the
preliminary surveys necessary to decide on the remainder of the line
to Springfield have been completed. The land surveys to obtain the
right-of-way from Carlinville to Alton are being made, and offers of
land for a depot and machine shop have been made by our citizens and
forwarded for the consideration of the Board of Directors.
Mr. J. I. Shipman is the principal engineer of this work. He is well
known as the engineer who built the Naples and Sangamon Railroad,
and his reputation is permanently established in this section of
country. Mr. C. F. Jones is the resident engineer of the road, and
upon him has devolved the chief field labors connected with the
work. He has had a large experience upon the Eastern roads, having
been engaged several years as an engineer on the New York and Erie
Railroad, and also on the New York and Harlem Railroad extension. We
are informed by Mr. Shipman and others, that Mr. Jones is a very
accurate and reliable engineer, capable of executing or
superintending any kind of work in the line of his profession.
We congratulate our citizens upon the certainty of a speedy
completion of the road. Every doubt as to its completion to Alton is
silenced, and in less than a year, we may expect to see it in full
operation – thus giving us two railroad connections with the river
west of us. These improvements and prospects have given a fresh
stimulus to business, and we may expect a new era of prosperity and
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 16, 1851
That locomotive, which was alluded to by us some weeks since, as
having been purchased by the railroad contractors, arrived last
night. It cost $5,000, weighs about 14 tons, and is merely to be
used in the construction of the road.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 30, 1851
The fact is doubtless apparent to all who have taken the trouble to
come and see, that for some two or three years past, Alton has been
gradually rising from the position of “masterly inactivity,” which
was her most prominent characteristic for several years succeeding
the “back set” she received in 1836 and 1837 (time period when Rev.
Elijah Lovejoy was murdered).
One of the first manifestations of improvement in our affairs was a
successful effort, about two years since, to resuscitate the charter
for a railroad from Alton to Springfield – the capital of the State.
The road being some 75 miles in length, a great effort, on the part
of our enterprising citizens, was requisite in order to obtain a
sufficiently large subscription to the capital stock of the company
to enable it to complete its organization. This, however, was
finally accomplished by the aid of a subscription of $100,000 on the
part of the city, in her corporate capacity, together with a
handsome subscription in New York. Little more than one year since,
the company was duly organized, and as soon as the arrangements
could be made, a large force was employed upon the work, and has
been almost constantly engaged ever since, with a very favorable
prospect of the entire completion of the road before another year
Another favorite work with our citizens is the Terre Haute and Alton
Railroad, for which a liberal charter was obtained at the last
session of the General Assembly. It will open up one of the richest
and most productive belts of country to be found in all the length
and breadth of the land. This road is viewed with great favor at the
East, and requires only a united and vigorous effort on the part of
its friends upon the line to insure its early completion.
Another road, of perhaps not inferior importance to the trade and
business of our city, is the Alton, Mt. Carmel, and New Albany
Railroad, running from Alton, via Mt. Carmel, on the Wabash, to New
Albany, Indiana, on the Ohio River, immediately opposite Louisville.
We cannot but regard this as one of the most important of all
contemplated improvements. The charter for this road is of the most
liberal character, and we hope the day is not far distant when
active operations will be commenced upon it.
Last but not least, it is also proposed to build a railroad to
connect Alton with Jacksonville, Morgan County, some 75 miles
distant. The line of this road passes through the rich and
productive counties of Jersey, Greene, and Morgan. We shall rejoice
to see the friends of this important project actively engaged in
placing its claims before the public.
Thus, it will be seen that Alton is to be the terminus of four
magnificent lines of railway – justly entitling her to the cognomen
of the “Railroad City.”
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 12, 1851
The puff of the locomotive, used in the construction of the
railroad, may be heard daily. The filling in upon the culvert over
Piasa Creek is rapidly progressing, and the prospect for a speedy
connection with Piasa Street is very promising. We observe that Mr.
Gilmore, constructive superintendent, has advertised for an
increased number of hands to be employed upon the work, and every
exertion is now making to secure its early completion in the
shortest possible time.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 26, 1851
A short stroll upon the railroad the other day brought us to the
spot where the locomotive is engaged in transporting the dirt cars
from the embankment in Piasa Street, to the place where they are
filled – probably a mile and a half back from the river. Getting
aboard one of the cars, a ride of a very few minutes, at a rapid
rate, soon brought us to the hills in rear of the city, where we
found a number of hands employed in excavating the dirt, which is at
once thrown into the cars, and on being filled, they descend with
almost lightning speed, and give place to another set. In this way,
the excavation and embankment are proceeding pretty rapidly, and as
soon as a few hundred yards intervening can be overcome, the
locomotive will be enabled to run to Brighton – the rails being now
laid to that point.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 17, 1851
In the month of May 1851, the railroad had been put in good
serviceable order, and the cars ran for several days. The flood,
however, came, and the water, having overrun this, as all other
parts of the American Bottom, compelled a discontinuance of
operations. The injury did not cease with the discontinuance of the
inundation. The framework over the creek, which intersects the road,
had been carried away, the rails in some parts displaced, and the
grading along many portions more or less washed down. So soon as the
water had sufficiently subsided, the work of repair commenced, and
the present excellent condition of the road, from one extreme to the
other, is an evidence of the energy and activity with which it was
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 16, 1852
The first trip of the locomotive to Brighton [from Alton] was made
on Thursday evening, and proved highly satisfactory. Daily trips are
now being made there and back, and the materials for the
construction of the road are taken out upon the burthen cars. The
work continues to be pushed ahead with all practicable rapidity, and
it will certainly not be long before the iron horse shall be able to
proceed to Carlinville.
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 27, 1852
Since the moderated state of the weather has permitted it, the work
upon this end of the Alton and Sangamon Railroad has been pushed
forward with a determination and spirit which argues well for its
early completion. A large force, with two trains of gravel cars,
numbering fifteen each, are now engaged in running down dirt to the
intersection of Fifth and Piasa Streets, where the depot building is
to be located. Twenty additional cars, we are informed, will be
placed on the track in a day or two. The walls of the depot will be
put up, as soon as this filling in is completed.
Since the extension of the track to Brighton, the burden cars have
been active in carrying out ties and rails, and the track beyond
that point to Coup’s Creek, and thence on to Carlinville, is being
pushed forward with all possible energy.
In view of a speedy completion of the road, a large number of
railroad cars, under the superintendence of Mr. Read, are now in
course of construction. Twelve well-finished freight cars,
twenty-six feet in length, are already put up and painted, and
present a very finished appearance. He is now at work upon the
baggage cars, and by the first of April, will finish off a number of
passenger cars. The materials used in their construction is said to
be of the very best quality, and when finished, they are expected to
compare favorably with any in the United States. Another and larger
locomotive is daily expected to arrive by the steamboat, Patrick
Henry. The energy and ability displayed by the contractor, Benjamin
Godfrey, Esq., on this important work, deserves and commands the
respect and esteem of every citizen of Alton.
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 19, 1852
From Springfield, Illinois
The forwardness of the Alton and Springfield Railroad, together with
the energy now manifested in hurrying on the work, fully guarantee
its completion by the end of the present year, if not before. The
road is 72 miles long – more than three-quarters of the grading is
done, embracing a distance of 47 continuous miles. The remaining 25
miles, with the exception of the immediate vicinity of three
inconsiderable creeks, is very light prairie work, on which are now
engaged between 800 and 1,000 men. Twenty miles of rail is laid at
the Alton end of the road – ties and iron arriving here from Naples,
and in less than ten days, the work of laying track will be pushed
rapidly at each end.
The depot, machine shop, engine house, and other buildings of the
company at this terminus are in course of construction. The
confidence felt by our citizens, that we are so soon to have a
direct connection with the Mississippi, and the great increase it
will give to the business, wealth, and population of the city, is
imparting increased vigor to enterprise, one of the first fruits of
which is the location here of the “Illinois State University,”
effected mainly by a liberal subscription made in aid of the
buildings of the institution, though, of course, the size of the
town – being the largest of any in the interior- her central
position in the State, great and direct intercourse with all the
counties, and other considerations, had their due weight.
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 26, 1852
The arrival of the Patrick Henry [steamboat] on Monday last, with a
splendid new locomotive for the road – very appropriately named the
Ben Godfrey – has been heretofore announced. We are informed that
there are now at New Orleans awaiting transportation to Alton two
additional locomotives and fifty freight cars. The workmen here are
busily engaged in erecting others, and have a number of freight and
baggage cars finished. They are now completing the first passenger
car, which will be ready in a shorr time.
In about twenty days, we are informed the new locomotive will be put
upon the track, and regular freight trains will commence running to
Brighton, Brooklyn, and other points this side of Coop’s Creek,
where a quantity of freight is in readiness for transportation.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 14, 1852
We learn that Messrs. J. J. and W. H. Mitchell of Alton received,
yesterday, a lot of 400 bushels of wheat by the Alton and Sangamon
Railroad. It was purchased from Mr. Miles of Macoupin, one miles and
a half beyond Brighton.
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 11, 1852
The railroad depot is now going up rapidly.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 09, 1852
In company with a large number of our fellow-citizens, we took
advantage of the occasion of the trip of the passenger train to
Carlinville on Saturday last, got up at considerable inconvenience
to the contractors, to visit the thriving county-seat of old
Macoupin. And were highly pleased with the excursion. Our train left
Alton at twenty-five minutes past eight, and proceeded slowly until
we reached the summit, soon after which, with greatly increased
speed, we passed the beautiful village of Monticello [Godfrey], the
stars and stripes waving proudly from the observatory of the Female
Seminary, and passing over the most beautiful country the eye of man
ever beheld, arrived at Brighton at 9 o’clock, where we remained a
few minutes. After receiving an addition to our complement of
passengers, as well as a fresh supply of wood and water, we were
again whirled along for miles, over a most beautiful prairie, dotted
here and there with houses, trees, and extensive farms. Passing
Brooklyn Station, where there were a number of persons gathered on a
picnic excursion, the splendid scenery still spread out before us,
the prairies covered with wild flowers and high grass, and
stretching off in many places further than the eye can reach, we
came in a short __________ broken country in the vicinity of Coop’s
and Macoupin Creeks, where the scene, although varied, was still
interesting. We finally arrived at Carlinville at eighteen minutes
before eleven o’clock, being two hours and seventeen minutes
altogether in making the trip, or one hour and fifty-two minutes
running time – having lost about twenty-five minutes in stopping at
different points.
Everything about this road is got up in the best style, and it must
and will take rank as one of the best to be found in the Union. On
portions of the track, the speed was equal to thirty miles an hour.
E. Keating, Esq., of Alton, is Superintendent, and is an able and
popular officer. The conductors, Messrs. E. Dodge and J. D. Hawley,
are gentlemen well qualified for their station, and we must say, the
entire management of the road is worthy the highest praise.
We are gratified to state in this connection, that every possible
exertion, requisite to complete the road in the shortest possible
time, is being put forth; an additional force having recently been
put on the line, and it is confidently expected to be in running
order to Springfield within a few weeks.
It is almost unnecessary to state that the road is not yet opened.
When this takes place, which will be soon, we suppose the customary
practice of giving a free ride to the stockholders and public
authorities of the vicinity will not be forgotten.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 23, 1852
We are gratified to state that arrangements have been made for the
running of a regular passenger train to Carlinville every day,
leaving Alton at 10 a.m., and returning from Carlinville at 3 or 4
in the afternoon. It is understood that the mail stages upon this
route are to be immediately taken off, and the mails transported in
the cars. As a consequence, we suppose there will hereafter be no
Sunday mail.
It will be impracticable for the contractors of the Alton and
Sangamon Railroad to make any regular arrangements for the running
of freight trains. With every disposition to accommodate shippers,
their great object now is to lay the track through as speedily as
possible, and everything must yield to that. The locomotives are
constantly employed with the material trains, and it is only in
connection with these that freight cars can be run at all.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 23, 1852
Piasa Street, between Third and Fourth, is becoming a place of great
public resort, now that the railroad cars are making their regular
trips. A large number of spectators congregate there every morning
to witness the departure of the passenger cars – which now go pretty
well loaded. [Editor’s note: Unless there was another depot on Piasa
Street, between Third and Fourth Streets, this should read “ on
Piasa Street, between Fifth and Sixth Streets.”]
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 30, 1852
We regret to state that as the cars were returning from Carlinville
last evening with a large number of passengers, they came in contact
with a number of cows, which ran across the track just ahead of the
locomotive, about four miles south of Brighton. The locomotive with
its lumber cars were thrown off the tracks, and some were
considerably injured, and a man named John O’Neal was severely
injured. A messenger was immediately dispatched into town, in order
to obtain another train, which was accomplished, and the train
arrived in remarkably quick time, when the _____ got on board and
came in the city.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 20, 1852
In view of the completion of the Chicago and Alton Railroad to
Springfield, which will be during the present month, the company are
making extensive preparation at their workshops in Alton for the
transit of freight and passengers. The equipment of this section of
the road will be in every respect complete, and fully equal in point
of finish and style to any in the United States. It embraces ready
for service, five passenger cars, two baggage cars, thirty platform
cars, forty-four house and freight cars, twenty-five gravel cars,
three freight locomotives, and two passenger locomotives. These two
passenger locomotives have not yet arrived, but we are informed they
are in New Orleans, and will be here in a few days. We also
understand that two large saloon cars, and about one hundred
additional freight and cattle cars, are to be constructed forthwith.
The walls of the depot at the corner of Fifth and Piasa Streets are
already up, and the inside work will be finished speedily. This
building is made of rough stone, and will be, when completed, a very
material improvement to the looks of that portion of our city. Its
height is two stories, breadth forty feet, and length one hundred
and thirty feet. The northern end is built up with wood, and is so
arranged that extensive additions may be attached without mutilating
the symmetry and general appearance of the building. We understand
that it will be extended, probably, in the Spring. The depot at
Springfield, we learn, is ready to receive the roofing, and will be
completed by the time the road is opened.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 20, 1852
The Alton and Sangamon Railroad will be completed and in operation
to Springfield in 10 or 15 days. Only about 9 miles of rails are yet
to be laid. This will be one of the best roads in the country. It is
laid with T rails and cedar ties. The cars are now running and
carrying passengers to Carlinville, thirty-three miles out from
Alton, and the freight trains run 16 miles further. We also learn
that 50 or 60 passengers are daily passing each way over the line.
Edward Keating, Esq., of Alton has given up his lucrative practice
at the bar to devote his whole time and attention to the road, and
to the assiduity and untiring perseverance of this gentleman, in
conjunction with the projector – Captain Benjamin Godfrey – the
people of Illinois are indebted for the early completion of the
road. Such enterprising and public-spirited men as those two
gentlemen should be held in high esteem by Illinoisans, and
especially Altonians, whose energies and foresight have already
greatly advanced their prosperity. This road will greatly facilitate
traveling, and will bring a large trade to our city.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 27, 1852
We learn that the passenger train is now making regular daily trips
to Virden’s – fifteen miles beyond Carlinville. A large number of
passengers arrive every evening, many of whom are Western merchants
returning from a trip to the East.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 10, 1904
Fifty-two years ago, September 9, the construction of the Chicago
and Mississippi Railroad, later the Alton and Sangamon, and still
later the Chicago and Alton, was completed, and the first train went
over the road. Mr. William Huskinson, who was actively engaged in
the building operations of the road and who was for many years a
roadmaster for the company, says the first train consisted of an
engine and three coaches, and its arrival in Alton was welcomed most
warmly by the people generally. The road terminated at the present
freight depot, and passengers and freight were .....[unreadable]
.... completion of the C. & A. extension in 1864. Times were good in
Alton, and some of the old-time prosperity which existed previous to
the financial crash of 1837 returned. Just before that crash, lots
on the riverfront where the McPike building, the Boston store and
all the buildings north to the old water works station sold for from
$300 to $400 a front foot. Mr. Huskinson celebrated the anniversary
quietly Friday, and in memory has gone back to those rushing,
bustling, money-making days, when he was commanding men and building
a road destined to become one of the greatest in the world. He came
to Alton in 1847, and most of the years since then have been spent
in Alton and in up-building and advancing the interests of Alton in
every way he could. He frequently served the city in official
capacities and always served it well. He is in good health, enjoys
reading and likes to converse with his friends and of these he has a
large host. Besides Mr. Huskinson, there is only one other person,
so far as known, now living in the Altons who was engaged actively
in the building of the road, and that is Mr. Thomas McGinnis Sr., of
North Alton. The latter gentleman built the first house in almost
all the towns between here and Springfield; the first house being a
section house. He also built bridges, culverts, etc., for the road,
and after its completion had charge of the fence building gangs.
Although well on in years, he too is in fairly good health, and his
mental faculties are wonderfully alive and bright.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 10, 1852
Yesterday the railroad from this city to Springfield was finished -
the last rail spiked down - and regular trips will probably be made
throughout its entire length in a few days. It is one of the best
roads in the Union, laid with the heaviest “H” rail, upon a
foundation which will admit of the highest speed. Two of the fastest
steamers in America will run in connection with the road between St.
Louis and Alton, and the trip can be made from Springfield to St.
Louis in four hours.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 10, 1852
To Captain Benjamin Godfrey:
In the completion of the Alton and Sangamon Railroad, we recognize
one of the most important achievements yet made in the work of
internal improvements in the West, and a most triumphant beginning
of that stupendous scheme of Railroads by which our State is soon to
intersected. The labor, care and responsibility of accomplishing
such a work was such as most men might, ordinarily, have shrunk
from, yet your fellow-citizens have seen, with admiration and
grateful feelings, that your wisdom, energy and indomitable
perseverance have been adequate to the task. They see, also, that
your success in bringing this first great work of the kind in our
State to a successful issue, must and will do much to retrieve the
suffering credit of our State, and inspire confidence, so as to
render comparatively easy of accomplishment all subsequent efforts
in our State of similar kind. The undersigned, therefore,
representing the views of your fellow-citizens generally, desire to
give some simple public expression of their admiration, and grateful
sense of your efforts as aforesaid; and to this end would most
respectfully, but earnestly request that they may be favored with
your company at a public dinner at the Franklin House, at such time
as you may be pleased to designate.
Signed By: D. C. Adams, O. M. Adams, John P. Ash, John Atwood, Moses
G. Atwood, Sam Avis, John Bailhache, W. H. Bailhache, Edward L.
Baker, Henry S. Baker, A. Ballinger, B. F. Barry, J. P. Batchelder,
Howard Beall, William Blackmore, John L. Blair, J. W. Blanchard, Dan
Blodget, John E. Broughton, George T. Brown, Thomas Brown, John A.
Bruner, John D. Bruner, W. H. Bruner, B. T. Burke, J. D. Burns, John
W. Calvin, B. A. Carpenter, M. W. Carroll, W. W. Cary, Nicholas
Challacombe, John Chaney, L. J. Clawson, F. B. Cole, D. W. Collett,
A. W. Corey, C. M. Crandall, George Cummings, John Cunningham, R.
Debow, E. L. Dimmock, S. R. Dolbee, Thomas Dunford, Robert Dunlap,
John Dye, John L. Ferguson, Richard Flagg, B. I. Gilman, L. Guild,
E. L. Harnard, I. E. Hardy, William M. Hart, A. T. Hawley, M. L.
Henry, F. Hewit, D. S. Hoaglan, W. T. Hollister, W. A. Holton,
Thomas M. Hope, Frederick Humbert, Charles W. Hunter, John Kilbern,
Henry Lea, S. E. Lesure, George W. Long, A. Mather, C. G. Mauzy,
James Metcalf, L. S. Metcalf, R. L. Metcalf, J. J. Mitchell, J. M.
Morgan, C. A. Murray, William Nixon, D. F. Owings, William R.
Payson, Charles Phinney, Mark Pierson, William G. Pinckard, A. B.
Platt, W. A. Platt, Jona Quarton, John Quigley, Joseph Quigley, P.
W. Randle, S. W. Robbins, A. K. Root, C. Ryan, Dan Ryan, D. D.
Ryrie, J. A. Ryrie, Isaac Scarritt, John W. Schweppe, William
Shattuck, G. D. Sidway, David Simms, James W. Smith, Timothy
Souther, G. H. Steingrandt, H. C. Sweetzer, J. C. Tibbitt, William
Tomblinson, F. D. Topping, Charles Trumbull, William H. Turner,
William Vale, H. Veech, C. A. Walker, T. L. Waples, Joseph Wendt, P.
B. Whipple, A. Whittaker, J. W. Wise, Sebastian Wise, H. W. Wright.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 17, 1852
Yesterday was a busy day on the Alton and Sangamon Railroad. From
morning till night, Piasa Street, between Second [Broadway] and
Fourth Streets was thronged with drays, hauling merchandise and
produce to and from the cars. The morning train consisted of two
passenger cars, a baggage car, and eight or ten large freight cars,
loaded down with goods for the interior. A portion was for
Springfield, and a large amount for places beyond, such as Decatur,
Bloomington, Pulaski, Taylorsville, Petersburg, Athens,
Mechanicsburg, Hebron, and last but not least, Jacksonville, on the
Sangamon and Morgan Road. A large amount of freight was necessarily
refused, but will be forwarded immediately.
The “good time,” which has so long been coming, has at length
actually dawned upon us. Trains now leave Alton and Springfield
daily, meeting at Carlinville. An end to staging over rough roads,
through the five-long night! We learn that when the train arrived at
the Capitol on last Thursday, it was received with every
demonstration of joy. Canons were fired, drums were beat, and the
whole city was in an uproar. We congratulate our friends in
Springfield and the interior, upon the final accomplishment of this
great work, and hope the bonds of union that now connect the State
Capital with our busy mart may prove of even greater benefit than we
have heretofore imagined.
On the Completion of the Alton and Sangamon Railroad
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 17, 1852
To Messrs. Mark Pierson, L. J. Clawson, John W. Schweppe, John L.
Ferguson, and other citizens of Alton and vicinity:
“I have had the honor to receive your kind communication of the 8th
inst., in which you are pleased to express your approbation of the
part I have acted in the construction of the Alton and Sangamon
Railroad, and your opinion of the influence which the completion of
that enterprise will have upon similar projects in our State, and
upon our State credit abroad, accompanied with the request that I
will attend a public dinner, which you kindly propose to give me at
such time as shall suit my convenience.
I need hardly say, gentlemen, that your very kind, and perhaps too
high appreciation of my efforts and success in this most important,
but difficult and hazardous enterprise, is most grateful to my
feelings. I can hardly take to myself all the credit you ascribe to
me in this matter. But I may, nevertheless say, without affection,
that if honest, untiring effort, sleepless vigilance, great
sacrifice of domestic comfort and personal feelings, and hazard of
all earthly possessions, in a work of great public utility are
deserving the approbation of the wise and the good, then I conceive
that I have some humble claim to the approbation of my
I most heartily congratulate you all on the completion of this
incipient, but important public work, and trust that not only the
citizens of Alton, but of our State at large, may more than realize
all the advantages their most enlarged desires could anticipate.
With a full and grateful appreciation of your kindness, the
complimentary dinner which you propose, from several considerations,
I most respectfully decline – being more than content with the
sentiments which my fellow-citizens have expressed in their
Accept for yourselves, gentlemen, and those you represent, my
grateful acknowledgments.
With sentiments of esteem, I am, very respectfully, your
fellow-citizen, Benjamin Godfrey.”
Source: Alton Weekly Courier, September 17, 1852
Yesterday, the first regular train of cars went up over the road,
consisting of two passenger and half a dozen freight cars, well
loaded. Night before last, the train came through from Springfield
for the first time, and without any accident, bringing two passenger
cars well filled to their utmost capacity with passengers, and
several freight cars. Several boarding and lumber cars also composed
the train, which we are informed was almost a quarter of a mile in
length. Yesterday, there was no train down from Springfield. The
locomotive and train that went up, laying over until today, and
hereafter, until further notice, there will be a train run each way
– once per day.
When the road is more fully opened, the depot erected, and the two
steamers, Altona and Cornelia, ready to run in connection, there
will undoubtedly be two or three trains per day, each way. The two
steamers are coming out finely painted, and in complete running
order. They will be well officered and conducted. It is worthy of
remark that the bars are closed and no liquors will be vended,
henceforth, on either boat. Captains Lamothe and Adams are too well
and favorably known in the traveling community to need comment.
The conductors upon the daily trains are Mr. Henry Tilton – a
gentleman every inch, who has long been a railroad conducted on the
Eastern roads; and J. D. Hawley, who will likewise prove himself a
favorite with the traveling public. Mr. E. P. Hollister is the
freight conductor – a prompt, energetic business man; and our friend
Dodge will manage the freight depot and business in Alton.
So far as our knowledge extends, and judging from common report, the
Company could not have done better in their choice of efficient,
gentlemanly managers, and we doubt not they will so conduct the
affairs of the road as to render it very popular with the public.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 10, 1852
We learn that one of the passenger locomotives of the Alton and
Sangamon Railroad was received at New Orleans last week, and is now
on its way to Alton. It is very appropriately named the “Ned
Keating,” and may be expected to arrive soon.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 01, 1852
The Alton and Chicago Railroad, already opened as far as
Springfield, with its extension now in process of construction to
the city of Chicago, is an enterprise which is destined to have a
very marked influence upon the wealth and growth of the large and
hitherto almost inaccessible tract of country, through which it is
located. It is to open an outlet to market for a tier of counties
abounding in agricultural products and rich in natural resources of
all kinds. Besides this, the travel, and a large portion of the
through freight from the Eastern cities, which have for many long
years been entirely dependent upon the shoals and flats of the
Illinois River, must inevitably settle into this channel, as in
every respect more direct, more speedy, and more reliable.
It is a matter of deep interest to the growth and prosperity of our
young and enterprising city, that the facilities which we possess
should be turned to a good account. Produce can be freighted from
this point for a Southern market, cheaper than after a transshipment
at St. Louis. Groceries can be received here directly from New
Orleans, vastly cheaper than after passing through the hands of dray
men and commission merchants at St. Louis.
A recent act of Congress has declared Alton a port of entry and
delivery, and custom house and bonded goods can now be entered
immediately here, without the formal delays and inconveniences
heretofore attending them. Large amounts of railroad iron are now
needed throughout Illinois, and will be arriving during the Fall and
Winter at New Orleans. Boats plying between that port and Alton, it
seems, will always find full-up freights, and the surplus produce,
which must have an outlet here, will always be sufficient to load
them in return.
By these means, the commerce of our city will be placed upon a firm
and healthy foundation, and will depend upon and be sustained by its
own merits and advantages. We must act, and rely upon ourselves, if
we would attract business and commerce to our city. Trade, like
water, will seek its proper level, and if we give it equal
inducements, it will not pass us for other markets.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 08, 1852
Late on Monday night, a collision occurred between two handcars
going at full speed on the railroad in the neighborhood of
Monticello [Godfrey], which resulted in a pretty general smash up of
both of them. On account of the darkness, the drivers onboard did
not see each other’s approach, until too late to avert the accident.
We learn that no one was seriously injured by the concussion. We
have heard of, and read of various railroad collisions, but this is
the first instance, we believe, on record, of two handcars playing
smash with each other.
The Chicago and Alton Railroad was just completed in Madison County,
and I believe this incident was their first accident. Fortunately,
no one was seriously injured. Handcars were built by individual
railroads in their shops, and were mainly used by section gangs –
maintaining a section of track up to 12 miles long. Early models
used a hand crank that was spun to propel the car. These cars were
quite heavy, and needed more people to propel them. More people
meant more power and speed, but at some point, the benefits were
offset by the weight of the people. While depictions on TV and in
movies made it look like being a member of a handcar crew was a
joyride, pumping a traditional handcar with bronze bearings rather
than modern roller bearings was very hard work and dangerous. Many
men were killed from collisions with unexpected trains (or in this
case, another handcar). It was standard procedure for a man to run
ahead to curves and watch for oncoming trains.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 15, 1852
The generous invitation, politely tendered by the Directors of the
Alton and Sangamon Railroad, to the stockholders, and also to the
Mayors and Councils of St. Louis and of Alton, for a free excursion
on the cars to Springfield, on Thursday last, was very generally
responded to by the dignitaries and citizens of those cities, as
well as by the stockholders at Brighton, Shipman, Carlinville, and
other stations along the line. Among the gentlemen from the Queen
City, who honored our State with a visit on the above interesting
occasion, we observed the Hon. L. M. Kennett, the most worthy Mayor,
and fifteen out of the twenty-four members of the City Councils,
including the chairman of each board; Judge Thomas of the County
Court; A. Gamble, Esq., Postmaster; T. Allen, Esq., President; Mr.
Lucas, Vice-President, and four or five of the Directors of the
Pacific Railroad; about an equal number of the Directors of the Ohio
and Mississippi Railroad; Captain Green, U. S. Surveyor of the Port;
Colonel Curtis, City Engineer; Colonel Mann Butler, the well-known
historian of Kentucky; and several other public men, including the
corps Editorial, which was well represented.
The train, consisting of six passenger and two platform cars, left
Alton at about nine o’clock in the forenoon, upon the arrival of the
splendid packet Cornelia, with the invited guests from St. Louis.
The track was in excellent order, and with the new passenger
locomotive, E. Keating, at the head of the train, we went on,
dashing and careering over broad and beautiful prairies, and through
strips of lofty timber, traversing the finest and most fertile
region of the globe, at a very fair rate. The running time to
Springfield, including stoppages to receive passengers at the
different stations, was about four hours and a half, or not quite
twenty miles per hour.
Upon our arrival at the Springfield depot, we found a large
concourse of citizens in waiting, who welcomed us with joyful shouts
and hurrahs. The crowd immediately repaired to the large
engine-house attached to the railroad, where an excellent and most
inviting repast was served up in the very best style. Before we took
our seats, V. Hickox, Esq., of Springfield, introduced Captain
Benjamin Godfrey, the pioneer of the road, who was greeted with loud
and repeated cheers by the company. After an animated discussion of
the substantials, the corks were drawn from a perfect forest of
long-necked and suspicious looking bottles, and a general
effervescence of champagne and native Catawba sparkled in all
directions through the house.
The Mayor of St. Louis, Hon. L. M. Kennett, proposed the health of
Captain Benjamin Godfrey – the wheel-horse, backbone, and sinew of
this enterprise, which was responded to with enthusiastic, hearty,
and prolonged cheers. Captain Godfrey was repeatedly called upon for
a reply, when Mr. Kennett remarked that “Captain Godfrey was much
better known by his deeds than by his speeches. While others did the
talking, he did the working.” Colonel Buckmaster then offered as a
toast – “the St. Louis delegation” – and introduced Mr. Kennett, who
replied in a very neat and appropriate speech in which he alluded in
glowing terms to the exceeding beauty of the country through which
we had passed in the forenoon – to the vast resources of Illinois
and her manifest destiny soon to take rank as the second, if not the
first, State in the confederacy, to the great advantage of railroads
in cementing the bonds of our glorious Union, and to the duty of the
Western States to act together and contribute to the extent of their
means, toward building up a large commercial city at New Orleans,
which is the natural outlet of their trade.
Mr. Elliott of St. Louis followed in a very humorous and
well-conceived speech, in which he stated he was in favor of doing
away, at once and forever, with the prejudice and ill-feeling which
had so long existed between the States of Missouri and Illinois. The
resources of both are vast, and their prospects bright, and whatever
tends to advance the prosperity of the one, will reciprocally act
upon the other. Illinois and Missouri constitute a pair of
saddlebags, separated by the Mississippi, and the time is at hand
when the pockets of both will be so full of the good things of this
world, that it will be found impossible to button them up.
A gentleman from Illinois then proposed, “the St. Louis Press.” This
was acknowledged by Colonel chambers of the Republican, who offered
a sentiment in honor of the projectors, contractors, and all others
concerned in the construction of the railroad just completed, which
was heartily cheered.
Mr. Elliott of St. Louis next gave “The Press of Alton,” which was
briefly responded to by the Senior of the Telegraph, and also
received with cheering.
Colonel Buckmaster offered “Railroads, Plank Roads, Steamboats –
every facility for getting to market.” This sentiment was likewise
received with loud applause.
E. L. Baker, Esq., proposed “the E. Keating, the engine which
brought us through – as strong, and as fast, and as reliable as a
locomotive, as its enterprising namesake is as a man.” This brought
out Mr. Keating, who had been repeatedly previously called without
success, who responded in a few appropriate remarks, in which he
paid a high and well-deserved compliment to Captain Godfrey. The
last named gentleman was then again loudly called for, and briefly
returned thanks for the kind manner in which he was greeted by the
company, but the applause was so great that we could not hear what
he said with distinctness.
Hon. Mann Butler of St. Louis proposed “General George Rogers Clark,
the pioneer of the West.” This sentiment, which was prefaced by a
few happily conceived remarks from the author, was received with
loud cheering.
Colonel Ingersoll of Alton then gave “Colonel Mann Butler – an
honest man and a gentleman – would he might live forever.” This
toast, which like the preceding, was appropriately introduced, was
heartily responded to by the company.
Sundry other sentiments, suitable to the occasion, were also offered
by some of the gentlemen present, whose names we have forgotten. All
of which were received with great applause.
At half-past four o’clock, the train started on its return with a
whistle and a snort, and moved forward with even greater rapidity
than when going up, until the night, which set in stormy and dark,
rendered it necessary to check our speed. We all, however, got home
without the slightest accident, highly delighted with the excursion,
and loud in commendation of the admirable manner in which the whole
trip was got up and carried through by the efficient and gentlemanly
Superintendent, Colonel Keating, ably seconded by the polite and
attentive conductor, Mr. Tilton.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 24, 1853
A resolution has passed by the Common Council, requesting the
Superintendent to remove the track of the Alton and Chicago
Railroad, south of the north side of Third Street, within eight
days. [Note: At first, railroad track was not allowed south of the
north side of Third Street. Later, the tracks ran past Front Street,
along the riverfront.]
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 09, 1853
We are gratified to learn that by next week, the Alton and Sangamon
Railroad Company will place upon the track two large and comfortable
saloon cars for the accommodation of travelers. In finish and style,
they will compare favorably with any used upon Eastern roads. The
company are also putting up a large stationary engine at their
workshops, and are making very extensive additions to them. A large
number of workmen are constantly employed upon these improvements.
The features of that part of the city where these works are situated
have already undergone such a complete metamorphosis, that very few
can recognize the old landmarks.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 29, 1853
We learn from E. Keating, Esq., who returned from the East last
week, that the entire line of the Chicago and Alton Railroad, from
Springfield to Joliet, is now under contract to responsible parties,
and that a large force is probably already at work upon the
different divisions. It is intended to have the entire road
completed, and in operation from Alton to Chicago, within one year
from next May.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 02, 1853
It is gratifying to notice the various mechanical and manufacturing
establishments which are going up in all directions in our city, but
we know of none which will have a more direct, intimate, and
important influence upon our progress and prosperity than the
extensive car manufactory, recently erected in Hunterstown, by
Messrs. S. Tomlison & Co., formerly of Springfield, Massachusetts.
It is located on Second Street [Broadway], between Oak and Walnut
[Central Avenue] Streets, and comprehend five large lots, with an
entire front of two hundred and six feet, running back one hundred
and fifty-five feet to the track of the Terre Haute and Alton
Railroad in the rear. The workmen are now busy in fitting up the
several shops, putting up the engine, machinery, furnaces, &c., and
it is expected that in the course of two weeks, that all the things
will be ready for them to raise steam and commence operations.
The establishment is of brick, two stories high, and presents a
front on Second Street [Broadway] of one hundred feet. The depth of
the main building is forty feet, and has a wing running back from
the east end, seventy-five feet deep by forty feet wide. The first
floor is designed for the finishing shop, and is to be furnished
with the various lathes for turning the iron work, saw cutting,
punching, &c., and will also be used for putting up the cars and
fitting them for the track. The second floor is arranged for the
woodwork, and occupies a clear area of four hundred feet. It is to
be provided with the most improved kinds of machinery for
______tising, turning, boring, planning, sawing, &c., and in all
respects will probably be more conveniently and perfectly arranged
than any other similar establishment in the West. The timber is to
be carried from the yard to the work benches, and when prepared, let
down into the shop below by machinery, adapted for the purpose.
The furnace and engine room adjoin the finishing shop. The engine
was manufactured in the East, and is stated to be immeasurably
superior to those ordinarily in use. It has a thirty horsepower, but
occupies only one half the space, and requires only about one ball
the steam of an ordinary engine, and is besides more regular in its
motion and in the distribution of its power. It is in all respects
as finished a piece of machinery as we have ever seen. In the rear
of this, is the foundry, forty by fifty feet, where all the castings
will be made, and adjoining this is the blacksmith’s shop, forty by
thirty feet, furnished with three forges. The space in the angle of
the building will be fitted up for receiving the cars, and laid with
tracks connecting with the Terre Haute and Alton Railroad, whereby
cars can be shipped to any part of the Western States. The office of
the establishment is on Second Street, in front of the engine room.
The proprietors intend to make their car factory fully complete in
itself, and will carry on every branch of the business, from the
casting of the wheels to the painting of the cars and the cushioning
of the seats. It will afford constant employment to over fifty
operatives, the large number of whom will be from the East, and are
men of families. Mr. Tomlison informs us that they are all
experienced workmen, entirely temperate in their habits, and will
make good and moral citizens. He says he has heretofore employed,
and he will employ no other kind. Some of the workmen have already
arrived, and the rest are expected in the course of another week.
The endless miles of railroad, building throughout the country, are
furnishing a large and constant demand for railroad carriages, and
it has been found impossible for Eastern manufacturers to supply
them as fast as they are needed. The want of them is now greatly
experienced in the Western States, and this need has loudly called
for an establishment of this character in this part of the West.
That the Alton Car Manufactory will do a large and profitable
business, we have not the least doubt. The proprietors, we
understand, have already made large contracts for supplying the
Terre Haute and Alton, and Chicago and Alton Railroads with
passenger and freight cars, and they will doubtless receive heavy
orders for other roads now built, building, and projected throughout
the West.
The Alton Car Manufactory was in operation until 1862, when the
Boals Planing Mill took over the premises. The factory has since
been torn down. A small business now occupies the property.
For the Construction of the Alton and Springfield Railroad
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 05, 1853
It was our good fortune yesterday forenoon to see the superb pitcher
presented by the people of Alton, to Captain Benjamin Godfrey, the
energetic and successful contractor on the Alton and Springfield
Railroad. It was manufactured by Messrs. Bailey & Co. of
Philadelphia, is twenty inches high, of pure silver, richly enchased
all over with neat and appropriate emblems – among which are a
strikingly beautiful representation of Monticello Female Seminary,
founded and endowed by Captain Godfrey, and another of a railroad
train with its locomotive, cars, &c. On the front of the vessel is
engraved the following inscription:
“To Captain Benjamin Godfrey
From his fellow-citizens, on a mark of their appreciation of his
energy and success in constructing the Alton and Springfield
Railroad. Alton, 1853.”
The pitcher is now at the store of Mr. Henry Lea on the southwest
corner of Second [Broadway] and Piasa Street, where it may be seen
for a day or two, until delivered to the estimable gentleman whose
patriotic services it is designed to commemorate.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 14, 1853
The following interesting correspondence has taken place between
Henry Lea, Esq., and Captain Benjamin Godfrey, upon the presentation
of a silver pitcher to the latter, on behalf of the citizens of
Alton, as a token of their estimation of his services in
constructing the Alton and Sangamon Railroad. Captain Godfrey’s
letter is earnest and heartfelt, and exhibits a lively appreciation
of the delicate and well-deserved compliment which his friends have
paid him:
“Alton, May 4, 1853
Captain Benjamin Godfrey,
Dear Sir: Having been requested by a number of your fellow-citizens
to select designs, have made, and present to you a piece of plate,
as a small token of their appreciation of your ‘energy and sacrifice
in constructing the Alton and Springfield Railroad,’ I have now the
pleasure of sending you a massive silver pitcher, just received from
the manufacturer in Philadelphia. The two designs, one of the
Monticello Seminary, the other of the Railroad, represent two of the
great undertakings and accomplishments of your life, which, though
so widely differing in character, will be so immensely beneficial in
their effects uon the future menial and physical development of
Illinois. That the token may be as acceptable to you as the duty has
been agreeable to me, is the wish of Yours, very truly, Henry Lea.”
“Monticello, May 10, 1853
Henry Lea, Esq., Alton,
Dear Sir: I have the happiness to acknowledge the receipt of your
kind favor of the 4th inst., in behalf of yourself and sundry
citizens of Alton, together with a massive pitcher, as a token of
their appreciation of what they are pleased to style my ‘services in
constructing the Alton and Springfield Railroad.’ The public work to
which you refer was, indeed, undertaken and carried forward under
many discouragements and embarrassments, but a conviction of its
necessity and importance to the proper and speedy development of the
vast resources of the interior of our State, as well as an
introduction to the work of internal improvements, impelled me to
the undertaking.
The countenance and sympathy of my fellow-citizens of Alton have
been most grateful to my feelings, and have done much to encourage
and sustain me. This substantial and beautiful token of their
appreciation of what I have done is therefore received with feelings
of satisfaction, and will ever be regarded as a lasting memorial of
their sympathy and kindness.
I confess too, sir, that I was affected by the beautiful and
significant devices – the one representing the most powerful and
effective means of developing the physical, and the other the mental
and moral resources of our country. Drive the locomotive through our
land, and you have business, activity, prosperity, and wealth.
Educate the female mind and heart, and you have civilization,
refinement, and domestic happiness. It has been my good fortune to
have a humble part in promoting these important objects. I desire
gratefully to ascribe it to that kind Providence who has enabled me
to do it. With a full appreciation of the interest you, my dear sir,
have taken in this matter, and with sentiments of high personal
regard, I am very truly your friend and obedient servant, Benjamin
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 20, 1853
A brakeman upon the Alton and Chicago Road, named Thomas Fitzgibbon,
on Wednesday evening, when attempting to make a connection of the
cars upon the wood train, a few miles out of town, was horribly
crushed between two cars, and so severely injured internally that he
expired in a few hours after. An inquest was held over the body on
yesterday by Coroner Robbins, but the testimony added showed that no
blame could be attached to the engineer on duty, as the train was
moving at very moderate speed at the time. The verdict of the jury
was that the deceased came to his death by accident while in the
discharge of his duty. We understand that the unfortunate man leaves
a wife and four children.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 25, 1853
Yesterday afternoon, while a connection was being formed with a
train of heavily laden freight cars, standing on Piasa Street, five
cars started down the grade, and dashing through the street at
moderate speed, plunged one upon another off the track, the first
landing some distance in the Mississippi River. In their course,
they struck at the foot of the street a lumber pile, and knocked it
helter skelter in all directions into the water. The two foremost
cars were loaded with lime, which coming in contact with the water,
nearly set fire to the cars before they could be emptied. The other
three were loaded with lumber, and were not materially injured. The
amount of damage to cars, lumber, and lime was trifling, if we
except the loss of time in getting the cars again upon the track.
The accident is said to have been the result of sheer carelessness,
as the brakes of the several cars were not down as they should have
been. Standing upon such a heavy grade, railroad cars should not
only have their brakes hard down, but should be blocked or chained.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 04, 1853
We learn by a letter from an intelligent correspondent at Macoupin
Station, that on Saturday morning, there was taken from the well
belonging to the steam sawmill, formerly owned by Captain Godfrey, a
carpet bag, much decayed, filled with clothes, shoes &c., together
with account books showing time worked by hands on the railroad, and
of horse hire from one of the stables in Alton, giving dates, &c.
The books contain the names of persons now employed on the road. As
the circumstance has excited suspicion of foul play somewhere, an
examination of the well was to be made on Saturday, in the hope that
it might lead to further discovery.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 23, 1861
Between six and seven o’clock on Saturday afternoon, as the
locomotive of the St. Louis, Alton and Chicago Railroad, used to
switch the cars on the track, was moving up Piasa Street, it ran
over a small girl about seven years of age, the daughter of Mr.
Robert Millen, a highly respectable gentlemen of our city, instantly
killing her and mutilating her body in a most shocking manner. There
was soon quite a number of men collected, and the excitement was
intense. The engineer who was on the locomotive at the time received
two or three very severe blows from someone in the crowd, but not
seriously injuring him. Some of our citizens attach much blame to
the engineer, while others think that the accident was unavoidable.
As we know nothing about the matter except what we have heard, and
as a coroner’s inquest was held, the report of which will be found
below, and as we learn that the engineer has asked for a legal
investigation of the facts in the case, we shall not express any
opinion, as to who was culpable in this most unfortunate matter,
further than to say that unless something can be done to prevent
similar accidents in the future, that our citizens will insist upon
the track being removed from the public street.
Coroner’s Inquest. Alton, Madison County, Illinois
The subscribers, impaneled as a jury by George T. Allen, Coroner, to
hold an inquest over the body of the daughter of Robert Millen, aged
seven years, killed by switch engine No. --, Leader H. A. Glardner,
at about half past six o’clock p.m. today, decide that said child
was killed by said engine through the culpable carelessness of the
persons in charge of the same. S. Pitts, Foreman, William I. Alsop,
George C. Loar, William M. Hart, Robert Johnson, John Selnor, S.
Mauzy, Joseph Gottlieb, F. W. Kersting, F. Wenderle, Elisha Hyer, C.
Honorable Acquittal
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 23, 1861
The engineer who had the locomotive in charge on last Saturday
afternoon, when the child was so shockingly crushed and killed,
voluntarily surrendered himself up, and requested a legal
investigation. The trial occupied most of the day yesterday, being
very thorough and minute. The city attorney appeared in behalf of
the people, and Seth T. Sawyer, Esq., for the defendant. A great
number of witnesses were examined, and every means taken to elicit
all the facts bearing on the lamentable and unfortunate affair. It
was satisfactorily proved during the trial that the engineer was a
competent, cautious, strictly temperate, and very trustworthy man;
that the bell was ringing and the locomotive was moving slowly at
the time; and that all proper attention was being paid by those in
charge of the engine to guard against accidents. The evidence was so
decisive, that the attorneys did not feel called upon to say a word
after the examination, but submitted the case at once to the
justices, who immediately acquitted the defendant from all blame or
censure, and set him at liberty, to the great satisfaction of all
who heard the evidence. We learn that the railroad company have
placed a watchman on that part of the track running through the
city, to keep it clear of pedestrians, wagons, &c. And if our
citizens will now take some little pains to keep their children at
home, instead of permitting them, as many parents do, to loiter
around the depot and on the railroad track, our feelings will not
again soon be shocked as they were on last Saturday afternoon.
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 29, 1861
About 1 o’clock yesterday morning, the engine house of the St.
Louis, Alton, & Chicago Railroad was discovered to be on fire. In a
few moments after, the whole building was in flames. The fire
department was promptly on hand but too late to accomplish any
practical result. The building and all that it contained was
consumed in a few moments, including three locomotives. The loss is
supposed to be something over $20,000. It is not known certainly how
the fire originated, but it was most likely from a stove in the
house, which had been left with fire in it about two hours previous
to the fire breaking out.
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 17, 1862
We this morning visited the facility of the Round House of the
Chicago, Alton, & St. Louis Railroad in Alton, which was burned a
few weeks ago, and found a large number of mechanics and laborers at
work, excavating and laying the foundation of a new structure. We
were shown the plans of the new building by our friend Charley West,
and from him received the following particulars relating to it. The
building will be nearly twice the capacity of the former one, will
be built of stone, and be covered with a perfectly fireproof roof.
The front is to be of cut stone. Every part of the structure will be
of the best material and workmanship, and as near fireproof as it is
possible to make it. A blacksmith and machine shop will be erected
in connection with it, fitted up with all the conveniences necessary
for the repair of the railing stock of this end of the road. In the
meantime, for the protection of the locomotives from the weather
until the new building is completed, the old passenger depot has
been fitted up for their reception, and also as a temporary shop for
repairing, etc.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 08, 1864
This morning, about 4 o’clock, the Engine No. 17 on the Chicago,
Alton & St. Louis Road, blew up, killing the engineer, M. B.
Culbertson, and dangerously wounding the fireman. The engineer was a
single man, but the fireman has a wife and three children. The
engineer was literally torn to pieces. Persons were awakened out of
sound sleep in all parts of the city by the noise of the explosion.
An inquest was held upon the body of the engineer by W. G. Pinckard,
Esq., at which the following verdict was rendered: “We, the Jurors,
called together by W. G. Pinckard, to hold an inquest on the body of
M. B. Culbertson, do agree that he came to his death by the bursting
of Locomotive No. 17. We also agree that the boiler of said engine
had a flaw that made the engine unsafe for running.” Signed by T. H.
Rawlings, Foreman
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 22, 1864
The city council passed an ordinance on Monday evening granting the
railroads the privilege of building a Union Depot on the levee, at
the foot of Market Street.
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 06, 1865
This company has just completed their road from Alton to East St.
Louis. The first passenger train passed over it from the new depot,
opposite Carr Street ferry, on Sunday afternoon last. Since that
time, their trains have been making regular trips over it.
Built in Alton by Messrs. Theodore Tuttle Woodruff, Mr. Fields, and
George Mortimer Pullman
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 02, 1865
Through the kind attention and invitation of Mr. John James Mitchell, one
of the directors of the Chicago & Alton Railroad, we had an
opportunity of inspecting the finest and most convenient sleeping
car we have ever seen. It was built by Messrs. Fields and Pullman of
Chicago, and cost $18,000, Mr. George M. Pullman, proprietor. The
car was built expressly for the Chicago & Alton Railroad, and the
elegance of the entire affair is wonderful. The bedding and
mattresses are entirely out of sight, and by well arranged, but
simple changes, portions of the car can be thrown into staterooms
for the accommodation of bridal or family parties. The upholstery is
all of the most tasteful and best description, and the ventilation
perfect. The managers of this railroad deserve the gratitude of the
traveling public for their untiring efforts to meet their wants. We
return our thanks to Mr. Pullman for his kind attention.
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 22, 1866
We understand that the mangers of the Alton and Chicago, and
Jacksonville, Alton, and St. Louis Railroad Companies have
determined to erect a new station house at Monticello [Godfrey],
nearly a mile further up the road than where the present one stands.
This contemplated change is much regretted by the majority of the
residents in the vicinity of the Seminary, and will prove a great
inconvenience to all persons wishing to visit that popular
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 31, 1866
Our readers have doubtless read the ordinance published in our
yesterday’s issue, recently passed by the Common Council, granting
permission to the Chicago and Alton, and the Terre Haute, Alton, and
St. Louis Railroads, to erect a Union Passenger Depot on the
riverbank, at the foot of Market Street. This is a much-needed
improvement, and we are happy to chronicle the fact that it will be
speedily undertaken.
The ordinance provides that it is to be commenced within two months,
and to be finished within fifteen months from the date of the
passage of the ordinance.
The building is to be of brick or stone, and will be of the most
substantial character. When completed, it will not only be an
ornament to the city, but will be a most decided and long-needed
convenience. The ordinance further provides for the laying of a
double track from the depot to Henry Street, and binds the railroad
companies to lay crossings, to provide for the necessary drainage,
etc. It is a most carefully drawn development, and contains all the
provisions essential to make the improvement of a decided advantage
to the city.
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 29, 1867
The work on the new Union Depot building on the levee, between
Market and Alby Streets, is now fairly commenced. The building is to
be two stories in height, 132 feet in length by 32 in width, the
foundation of stone and superstructure of brick. It is the design of
the railroad companies to have it finished early in autumn. When
completed, it will be a very substantial and imposing edifice, and
an ornament to the city.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 24, 1867
This afternoon as the regular freight train was coming around the
curve near the city hall, three cars were thrown from the track,
just at Second Street [Broadway], and one of them, a “blue line”
car, containing through freight, was turned completely over. The
accident was caused by the track being raised temporarily on one
side, a little higher than on the other.
Another train, while standing on the track, a caboose car became
detached near the Round House, and came down the grade on its own
hook, at a tremendous rate, and coming violently into contact with
the foremost car of the freight train. This resulted in badly
damaging the caboose car, and also the one with which it collided.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 05, 1867
The exterior of this structure is now about completed, and its
imposing appearance attracts the attention of both citizens and
strangers. It is an ornament to the city, and will be of the
greatest convenience to the traveling public.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 12, 1867
The plasterers have commenced work on the Union Depot. This promises
a speedy completion of the building. The ground at the foot of
Market Street is being raised to the grade of the railroad track,
thus making the west end of the depot platform easily accessible to
drays and wagons. Our people have so long been inconvenienced by the
arrangements for passengers at both the Chicago and Terre Haute
depots, that it will be some time before they become accustomed to
the luxury of a commodious and convenient station house. The
platform at the new depot is very wide, and extends from Market to
Alby Streets, thus giving ample room for the receipt and discharge
of express freight, and facility for its transfer from one road to
the other.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 23, 1867
We are glad to be able to announce that Mr. C. Barbour, the late
popular and successful caterer to the public taste at Fifth Avenue
Hall, has taken rooms in the new Union Depot on Front Street, and
has fitted them up in splendid style, and is now prepared to
accommodate the public in as good style as any hotel in the West. We
congratulate the citizens of Alton on the establishment of this
house, which promises not only a good and lucrative business for its
proprietor, but also to be a credit and advantage to the city.
From the St. Louis Dispatch
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 17, 1868
The following interesting sketch of the Chicago and Alton Railroad
was clipped from the St. Louis Dispatch:
For the ten years preceding 1865, this road passed through a
succession of embarrassments and difficulties rarely experience din
railroad enterprises. In the three years succeeding 1858, three
managements assumed control of the business affairs of the company.
They sunk it deeper and deep in debt. Its rolling stock became more
and more involved. In 1859, Mr. James Robb was elected receiver. He
succeeded in funding the floating debt, satisfied the conflicting
claims, and placed the road upon a paying basis. Since then, the
road has been peculiarly prosperous. Robert Hale, who resigned his
position as Superintendent of the road a few weeks since, assumed
control in 1864.
The railway was originally chartered in 1847 as the Alton and
Sangamon Railroad. In 1852, the charter was extended from
Springfield to Joliet. The company’s name then was “The Chicago and
Mississippi Railroad.” In July 1854, under these charters, the road
was completed from Joliet to St. Louis, and an arrangement was made
at Joliet with the Rock Island company, by which a connection was
effected with Chicago, and all business with that city was
transacted with Rock Island company until 1857, when the Chicago and
Joliet Road gave the Alton company permission to run into Chicago on
its track. The Joliet company, having an independent charter of its
own, and the main terminus being on the direct line of the Chicago &
Mississippi Road, the facilities granted were much more favorable
than those extended by the Rock Island. Until 1860, communication
with St. Louis (to Alton) was effected by means of a line of
steamers, run at great expense, after which permission was obtained
from the Terre Haute & Alton Road to use their track for the transit
of freight and passengers until the Chicago, Alton, & St. Louis Road
could extend their track to the river. This was done in January
1865. A new depot was then finished, and now the road is one of the
best-paying operations in the country.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 10, 1868
The Chicago & Alton Railroad Company have just inaugurated a new
enterprise, viz: The introduction of a Pullman’s Palace Eating Car,
on the day trains of their road. The car is furnished in the most
approved restaurant pattern, and is elegantly and elaborately
finished. Meals are furnished on call in any desired style. It is
the first of the kind ever built, and is appropriately named
“Delmonico.” It will add immensely to the comfort and luxury of
railway travel, and will largely increase the already great
popularity of the Chicago & Alton Road. The cost of the car was
$20,000. It passed through here this afternoon on its first regular
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 18, 1868
The heavy rain of Saturday afternoon washed away the earth from the
track of the Chicago Road near Milton, and the track consequently
gave away beneath a freight train, which came along soon after. The
train was thrown from the track, and several men who were in the
caboose car were injured, one of whom has since died.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 28, 1868
Pullman, the sleeping-car man, sent Pendleton from St. Louis to
Springfield in one of his magnificent palace cars. At Carlinville,
the Democrats ran a cannon alongside, and in spite of the
protestations of Pendleton and others, fired it, and smashed about
all the glass in the windows of it and the dining car. Pullman sent
in a bill of $500 for damages, but the copperhead committee
repudiated it with scorn. We hardly think he will tender any more of
his cars to the Democracy. Mr. Goodall, a Democrat of Springfield,
whose guest Mr. Pendleton was, is reported to have said the
Democrats of Carlinville were a “set of d—d idiots.” He knew
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 28, 1868
On Saturday evening, about seven o’clock, as the freight train on
the Chicago Railroad, drawn by Engine No. 71, was approaching the
summit, two miles above Alton, the caboose car, in which were the
conductor and all the brakesmen, became detached in some unknown
way, from the main train. The men at the time were engaged in
preparing their signal lights for the night. The main train
continued on down the grade, and the engineer shut off steam, as is
customary, but noticing that the train continued with increased
speed, he looked back and saw that the caboose had been left behind,
and that no one was manning the brakes. He immediately went back on
the train and turned two or three brakes, but the velocity was now
so great, that no effect was produced, and seeing that nothing more
could be done, he jumped from the cars to save himself.
The great train, numbering twenty cars, now thundered on its course
uncontrolled, with constantly increasing speed, and quickly entered
the city limits, and on reaching Ninth Street crossing, collided
with an engine standing on the main track. The result was a complete
and terrible wreck of the whole train. The standing engine was
propelled forward the distance of two squares, forced from the
track, and the tender utterly demolished. Seven or eight cars were
smashed to pieces, and all the remainder more or less shattered. The
engine also was wrecked. The “cut,” where the accident occurred,
presented a scene of the direst confusion, being entirely choked up
with the debris of cars, engine, freight, etc. A portable engine, on
a platform car, was thrown from the car and entirely across two
adjoining tracks. The engineer of the wrecked train had his leg
broken by leaping from the train. No one was hurt on the standing
engine. Had the train proceeded on its mad course until it entered
the business part of the town, the consequences might have been
still more fearful.
The railroad company at once set a large force at work, clearing the
track, and a wrecking car, also, was soon at work. The passengers on
the train from Chicago were transferred to another train. By the
greatest exertion, the main track was cleared by about eleven
o’clock Sunday morning, and trains passed as usual.
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 13, 1871
As the name itself indicates, this company’s main line extends only
from Chicago to Alton. By a perpetual lease and a subsequent
purchase of the stock of the company, they have become the owners as
well as the perpetual lessees of the Alton & St. Louis Railroad
Company’s Road, extending from Alton to East St. Louis. The 37 miles
of road, between Joliet and Chicago, are also held by this company
under a perpetual lease from an older corporation – upon whose stock
they guarantee an annual dividend of ten percent. Thus, the company
now represents under one control an unbroken line connecting East
St. Louis and Chicago. It is an independent road, not connected with
or bound to any of the powerful combinations controlled by roads
running to the seaboard East. Its local business is immense. The
certainty of such business when once developed has made it one of
the best paying roads in the State, it not the best.
Though it now divides with the Illinois Central, in connection with
the St. Louis, Vandalia, and Terre Haute, the through travel and
traffic between its end points, yet its monthly receipts keep on
increasing. The company’s principal office is at Chicago. They have
but one large shop located at Bloomington, and is not yet finished.
The old one burned about two years ago. The one under construction
will cost a million dollars. The city and citizens of Bloomington
contributed $100,000 toward the cost to secure it. Always on the
alert for improvements offering advantages useful in competing for
patronage, they inaugurated the railroad transfer business opposite
this point, or rather at Venice, as near to their terminus in East
St. Louis, as they could come, avoiding the lands and landing of
Wiggins Ferry Company.
While the company appears to avoid combinations, making it auxiliary
to a stronger ally, it strives to make tributary every enterprise
susceptible of being so led. Thus, the St. Louis, Jacksonville, &
Chicago Railroad, instead of being considered as a rival, was made a
friend and feeder under a perpetual lease and the name of
“Jacksonville Branch.” It diverges from the mail line of the
company’s road at Monticello [Godfrey], traversing the richest part
of the State, through Jacksonville to Bloomington, a distance of 150
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 24, 1871
The Chicago & Alton Railroad Company are increasing their rolling
stock in order to accommodate an increasing through and local
traffic. With this in view, the Superintendent, Mr. J. McMullin, is
now at the East for the purpose of purchasing fifteen new
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 16, 1871
The Chicago & Alton Railroad Company, in order to furnish the fruit
growers and shippers in this vicinity with additional facilities for
shipping fruit and vegetables to marked in good condition. The body
of the car is high than the average freight car, and is constructed
in accordance with well-known principles of ventilation, with
openings above and below for the free passage of air. These openings
can be closed at pleasure. The car rests upon steel springs, so that
the contents will ride without being bruised or injured by the
jarring. One of these cars was loaded here [Alton] on Saturday.
Enough of them will soon be ready to supply all demands of shippers.
It is the best and most sensible car of the kind we have ever seen,
and cannot fail to deliver the fruit in Chicago in good condition,
providing it is in good order when shipped.
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 03, 1871
The Chicago & Alton Railroad Company have purchased the Quincy,
Alton, and St. Louis Railroad, and will terminate it at Nebo, on the
Louisiana branch.
Mr. Frank Woodall, the popular and energetic private detective of
the Chicago & Alton Railroad, has been quite busy of late. Sometime
since, he gobbled up a notorious thief named La Mountain, and
deposited him in the jail at Edwardsville. After La Mountain had
been given eight years by the Judge, he mysteriously disappeared one
night. It is thought to be a great joke on the celebrated new jail
at Edwardsville, that he should get out of it so easily.
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 01, 1871
A sad and fatal accident took place Sunday morning, about six
o’clock, on Piasa Street near Ninth, by which Martin Ward, a
brakeman on the Chicago & Alton Railroad, lost his life. The
circumstances were as follows:
The morning freight had just arrived, and the cars for Alton were
being switched off. Ward was engaged in “running down” some cars on
the side track, when he fell (from what cause is not known) from the
top of the car to the ground, striking on his head with such force
as to render him unconscious. He fell clear of the side track, but
his legs rested across one rail of the main track. Immediately after
the accident, Engine No. 21, in backing up the main track, ran over
the unfortunate man, cutting off one leg below the knee and
splintering the bone of the other. Of course, the engineer of the
locomotive did not know of the accident, and as it was scarcely
daylight, saw nothing of Ward until the engine had passed over him.
The young man was at once removed to the Sisters’ Hospital, and was
attended by Drs. Williams and Haskell, but he was beyond the reach
of medical aid, and died about 11 o’clock. Indeed, the physicians
state, that the fall from the car would alone have proved fatal,
without the other injuries.
Mr. Ward was an unmarried man, about twenty-four years of age. He
has a brother and sister and cousin residing in Alton. He was a
young man of good habits, and highly esteemed by his associates. He
was a member of the Hibernian T. A. & Benevolent Society, which met
yesterday and passed resolutions of respect to his memory. An
inquest was held on the remains by Justice Regan, and the following
verdict rendered:
“We, the jury, summoned by P. F. Regan, acting Coroner of Madison
County, Illinois, to hold an inquest at the Sisters’ Hospital in the
city of Alton, over the body of Martin Ward, do find from all the
evidence adduced before us, that he came to his death by being run
over by Engine No. 21, on the Chicago & Alton Railroad in Alton, on
the morning of November 27, 1871, and no blame is attached to anyone
therefor. Signed, B. Kennedy, Foreman.”
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 12, 1872
The hotel and depot at Edwardsville Crossing in Wood River Township
[now part of Hartford] were entirely consumed by fire Friday night.
The fire originated in the hotel, about 12 o’clock, and spread to
the depot. The hotel keeper, Mr. Joseph Spaet, says the building was
set on fire by a man named Gray, who had a grudge against him. Spaet
had great difficulty in rescuing his wife and children from the
flames. He lost everything he had in the building, even his pocket
book and watch, and had no insurance. The hotel building was owned
by Mr. Zephaniah B. Job, and cost $2,500 - $3,000. The depot cost
$500. The wrecked passenger train from Venice came up while the fire
was burning, and had to wait an hour or more before it could pass.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 11, 1872
A railroad accident, almost precisely like one we lately recorded as
occurring at Jacksonville, on the P. P. & J Road, took place about
nine o’clock Wednesday evening at Edwardsville Crossing, on the
Chicago & Alton Railroad, under the following circumstances:
A freight train, consisting of about fifty cars, was taking the side
track at the Crossing to allow the lightning express to pass, but
while doing so, the train broke in two, leaving part of the cars on
the main track, and a part on the switch. The engine went on some
distance with the forepart of the train before the loss of the rear
cars was discovered. The conductor then signaled the engineer to
back down for the detached cars, and as it was about time for the
lightning express to arrive, he also sent a brakeman down the track
with a lantern to warn the approaching train of danger. The
messenger started, but had go but a few rods when the train came
thundering along. The brakeman signaled it, but the engineer either
did not see him, or the distance was too short to slacken up –
probably the latter. At any rate, the engine of the passenger train
rushed with fearful force into the freight cars, splintering four of
them into fragments, and totally wrecking the engine. The fireman
jumped from the engine and escaped unhurt. The engineer stuck to his
post, and escaped from the engine after the collision, but little
hurt. No one else was injured except the express messenger, although
it seems almost a miracle that the passengers escaped unhurt. The
engine being badly broken up, the fire escaped, and soon set fire to
the freight cars, and four were consumed. None of the passenger cars
were injured or even thrown from the track, a fact due, no doubt, to
their being equipped with Blackstone’s patent coupler.
A wrecking car was telegraphed for, and ran down from Bloomington in
four hours, and the track was cleared by this morning for the
passage of trains. There was but little delay to passengers by the
night and early morning trains, as they were transferred from one
train to another.
The Chicago & Alton Railroad has fewer accidents than any other road
in the country, and is doubtless one of the safest. This disaster of
last night was no fault of the management. The breaking in two of
the freight train probably could not have been foreseen. The
question of responsibility lies in whether the freight conductor was
as prompt as possible in sending back a messenger to warn the
express of danger. This he reports he did do.
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 29, 1872
An unfortunate collision between two freight trains took place
Thursday at the Union Depot under the following circumstances: A
freight train of 21 cars, drawn by the engine “George Strauf,” was
going south on the Chicago & Alton Railroad, and just as it was
rounding the curve, Engine No. 14, belonging to the Terre Haute
Railroad, was engaged in pushing some cars from the main track onto
the levee track. Before it could clear the switch, however, the
freight train collided, striking the rear car and the engine of the
Terre Haute train with great force, splintering up the car and
driving the engine back one hundred feet or more. Both locomotives
were thrown from the track and badly broken up. Several cars of the
Chicago & Alton freight were considerably damaged – rails were
broken, and a portion of the track torn up. The Terre Haute engine
lost its cowcatcher, and both suffered damages that will detail them
in the repair shop for some time. No one was injured, the men in
charge of both locomotives jumping off in time to save themselves.
We are not informed where the blame belongs for the collision, but
understand that the Chicago & Alton freight had the right of way.
The engineer of the latter train made every effort to slacken speed
as soon as the danger was discovered, but he had too heavy a train
behind him to be able to affect much.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 01, 1874
Nine-tenths of the runaways in Alton are caused by horses becoming
frightened at the hideous shrieking of locomotives blowing off steam
while passing along Piasa Street or waiting for trains at the depot.
The matter has become an intolerable nuisance, and not only that,
but there is now no safety for anyone driving in the vicinity of the
railroads. The railroad companies should be made liable for damages
for every runaway occasioned in this way.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 06, 1880
An accident took place on the Chicago & Alton Railroad on Piasa
Street, on Saturday evening. Three or four cars had jumped the
switch at Fourth Street, and an engine had backed down to pull them
back on the track. While thus engaged, a number of cars broke loose
from a freight train up the grade, and rushed down upon the engine
with tremendous force, badly injuring it, smashing the caboose, and
pilling up a number of cars in a mass, obstructing the track for a
block or more from just above Third Street. To add to the
complications, the rest of the train came down the grade and added
to the wreck. Ex-Roadmaster Huskinson was called on in the
emergency, and under his experienced direction the work of clearing
the track was so efficiently prosecuted, that the way was open for
passing trains in four or five hours. The brakemen on the runaway
cars, finding their efforts to stop them ineffectual, saved
themselves from the crash by jumping off, else there might have been
some loss of life to chronicle. The engine could not back down
because the cars behind it were off the track. Both engineer and
firemen saved themselves by jumping off.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 07, 1880
The Chicago & Alton Railroad has decided to commence work on the
Upper Alton “Cutoff” at once, and are engaging teams and men to do
the necessary grading. They will build a roundhouse probably at
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 03, 1881
We learn from Mr. Henry Watson that the bids for the work on the
Chicago & Alton Railroad cut-off, will be opened Tuesday afternoon,
February 1. The contract will be a large one, including from four
hundred and fifty to five hundred thousand cubic yards of earth
work; 6,300 cubic yards of masonry, the whole to be completed by the
next June 1. Competition in the matter is quite lively, bids being
offered by persons living in Iowa and Indiana, also from many
localities in this State.
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 10, 1881
The contractors for the grading on the cut-off have begun work with
a gang of thirty or forty men. They want about 700 men, and will
start in full blast as soon as the frost is fairly out and the
ground settled.
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 23, 1881
Alderman Burbridge introduced a sensible resolution at the last
meeting of the City Council requiring the Chicago & Alton Railroad
to put up gates at the corner of Second [Broadway] and Piasa
Streets, to be kept closed during the passage of trains. The fact is
that the city has allowed itself to be imposed upon too much by the
C. & A. road in the use of streets. While we are in favor of
granting railroads every privilege and facility necessary for the
proper transaction of their business, we think the manner in which
this road has been allowed to monopolize the use of Piasa Street is
an imposition on the public. From Fourth Street up to Ninth, the
road has three or four tracks on Piasa Street, rendering that
thoroughfare utterly useless to the general public. At Sixth Street
is the only practicable crossing between Third Street and Ninth, but
the monopolizing of Piasa Street by the railroad at that point
renders the crossing useless to the public. Most of the travel from
Middletown would naturally cross the railroad at Sixth Street if it
were available, but as it is not, except at rare intervals, the
result is that the bulk of travel in vehicles crosses at Second or
Third Streets, which are about as dangerous crossings as can be
found in the United States. The only remedy for the difficulty we
see is the building of a bridge across Piasa Street at Sixth Street,
and this, we believe, the Council can direct the railroad company to
do. The expense would not be great, the scheme is entirely feasible,
and it would be but a small compensation for the railroad, the best
business street in the city. It would also be for the interest of
the railroad company, as it would lessen its liability to suits for
damages from accidents, and would cause a better feeling to prevail
between the company and citizens. Let the Council appoint a
committee to examine this subject and report.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 07, 1881
A suit brought by the city of Alton against the Chicago & Alton
Railroad Company for obstructing the streets, in violation of an
ordinance in such cases made and provided, was tried before Justice
Noonan last week, City Attorney Dunnegan for the People, Mr. C. P.
Wise for the defendants. The witnesses examined were A. Mather, E.
Pfeiffer, E. Hoffmann, and J. A. Neininger.
The evidence was to the effect that Piasa Street, from Fourth to
Second [Broadway], had often been obstructed by trains stopping,
sometimes for ten or fifteen minutes, and also switching and blowing
the whistle to such an extent as to be a great detriment to business
in the immediate vicinity, as well as causing a horse to
occasionally run away. Mr. Dunnegan read the ordinance which
prohibits a train from stopping on a street more than five minutes,
which prohibits the use of the whistle in the city except as a
signal to protect property other than that belonging to the company,
which includes freight in their charge, and the engine bell to be
run while a train is in motion on the streets. The ordinance
prohibits the making up of trains between Fourth and Henry Streets,
the penalty being a fine from $15 to $100 dollars for each offense.
Mr. Wise, for the defense, claimed that the ordinance was rendered
null and void by the terms of the contract between the city and the
railway company. Justice Noonan inflicted a fine of $50 on the
company, whereupon Mr. Wise gave notice of an appeal.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 27, 1881
From Upper Alton – The Chicago & Alton “cut-off” is slowly assuming
the proportions of a railroad. The recent rains have impeded the
work greatly, not only in rendering it impossible for teams to make
any progress in the soft soil, but in washing out large quantities
of earth from the embankments already made. However, the contractors
express the hope that they will be through by New Years. President
Blackstone is expected this week to inspect the work.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 03, 1882
The rear car of a freight train, going down, jumped the track near
Third Street Sunday night, but managed to keep in the street until
it arrived near Sugar Alley, when it went off at a tangent to the
sidewalk, struck the front of the building occupied by Mr. C.
Ronshausen as a shoemaking establishment, and damaged the place
considerably. The frame of one show window was broken, as well as
that of the door, the timber supporting the front was also damaged,
the cellar door demolished, the awning in front knocked down, while
the curbstone showed the marks of the wheels. In fact, a car in a
shoemaker’s establishment is about as desirable as the traditional
bovine in a china shop.
This is a bad habit that the Chicago & Alton cars have acquired,
that of occasionally taking a “promenade” on the Piasa Street
sidewalks. It causes inconvenience, for everybody gets out of the
way with the utmost celerity. It was fortunate that the accident
happened on Sunday evening, for one of the awning posts was launched
by the collision with great force through the front door, and lodged
on one of the benches, and had anyone been at work, he must have
been seriously injured, if not killed.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 08, 1882
Last night, two young Germans, brothers named Herman and Ernest
Pause, the first 22 and the latter 18 years of age, but 8 weeks from
the old country, took the Chicago & Alton train from St. Louis,
bound for Chicago. The brothers first stationed themselves on the
platform in front of the express car, and were thus cut off from the
coaches unless they got off and passed around the car. Soon after
leaving Mitchell, three young men dropped from above, where they had
been stealing a ride, to the platform, and proceeded to rob the
unsuspecting Germans in the most approved style, with threats and
some violence, taking a pocket book containing $4.80, two railway
tickets to Chicago, and a few other articles. After doing the deed,
the three robbers, who afterwards proved to be boot blacks (shoe
shine boys), climbed to the roof of the cars. This seemed to be
their method in traveling. The Pause boys made an attempt to take
the inside of the cars when a half was made at this place, but did
not have tim to make the change. On the route between Alton and
Godfrey, the three robbers made a second raid on their victims, and
took what they neglected to secure the first time. Two of them held
one of the Germans while a third searched the pockets of the
helpless man, all this, of course, taking place in the darkness. The
second time, one of the robbers caught hold of a watch, the property
of Herman Pause, and attempted to wrench it away, but the owner
resisted, and with such success that he retained possession of the
timepiece, his assailant getting the chain. A revolver was drawn and
presented at the brothers, otherwise it is probably that their
resistance would have been effectual in saving their meagre
possessions. When the train came to a halt at Godfrey, the brothers
immediately notified a brakeman, and conductor Jack Rubens acted so
promptly and efficiently that one of the robbers, named Frank
Tierney of St. Louis, was apprehended on the spot and taken in
charge by watchman J. J. Patchell. Constable Boyd of Godfrey was
sent for, and after a short search, found a young man, also a
bootblack, sitting under a freight car and arrested him. He was
taken before the brothers and they identified him as one of the
The two bootblacks were brought to Alton on the early train this
morning, held in charge by Constable Boyd and Watchman Patchell, the
victims of the raid accompanying them as witnesses. An examination
took place before Justice Noonan, with Levi Davis Jr. acting as
prosecutor, and Officer Horat serving as interpreter for the
Germans. The brothers were examined, also Messrs. Boyd and Patchell,
the evidence being substantially as noted above. Constable Boyd, on
searching the prisoners, found on Tierney a pocketbook and some
German coins, identified as being part of the stolen property. In
fact, Tierney confessed his guilt, but Williams claimed that he was
innocent and told a pretty straight story in his own behalf. He said
that he rode on a freight train from St. Louis to Alton, and at this
point changed to the passenger train, on which the robbery took
place, but did not leave the roof of the car until ordered off by a
brakeman after the stop was made at Godfrey. He claimed to be from
Cincinnati, where his father lives. He said that during the night,
while in custody at Godfrey, he was threatened with a revolver with
a rope around his neck, to induce him to confess. He seemed deeply
affected by his situation, and his story was quite straightforward
and plausible, but the Germans stated positively that he was one of
their assailants. The third robber, who seemed to some extent to be
the ringleader, and was the largest of the party, succeeded in
escaping by boarding the train as it left the station.
Herman Pause is a stonecutter, and his brother a locksmith. They
have a cousin named Gustave Helfer in St. Louis, at No. 1311 South
Eighth Street. After a consideration of all the testimony, Justice
Noonan put the accused under bonds of $400 each, to appear before
the Grand Jury in Edwardsville. They were taken to the county jail
in Edwardsville. The robbers, Tierney and Williams, are but 17 years
old, but the former seemed a hard case and took the affair as a
matter of course. Such “precocity” in the line of highway or train
robbing is seldom witnessed.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 19, 1882
The Union Depot Hotel has been closed. Marshal Reilly took
possession of the goods and chattels at the place two weeks ago,
under a mortgage for $1,000, given to H. Dresser, father of the
landlord, H. C. Dresser. Most of the goods have been removed and
stored away in Mr. John Dow’s auction store, in order that repairs
may be made at the depot.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 22, 1882
This morning a collision took place on the Chicago & Alton Railroad,
at the bridge over Shields’ Branch, just this side of Bozzatown,
between the construction train, Engine No. 62, and a heavy freight,
Engine No. 23, by which five cars, two flats, and box cars of the
gravel train were reduced almost to their original elements, or at
least to kindling wood, except the trucks. The trains were both
“wild,” that is running on no regular time, and through a mistake by
some person as to time and distance, attempted to pass at the same
time on the track with the unfortunate result stated. The state of
affairs was ascertained in time to apply the brakes and slow up
considerably the construction train being almost at a standstill,
but the momentum of the freight, with 16 heavily loaded cars, was
such that it literally plowed through the construction train,
scattering the cars in splinters on both sides of the track, the
“furrow” being “fringed” with flying men springing from the flat
cars in order to escape their impending fate. Mr. B. B. Harris, boss
carpenter of the road, Mr. William Hyndman, and about a hundred men
were on the gravel train, and all, by jumping, escaped unhurt except
two men – Thomas Bushel, fireman of Engine No. 62, and Peter Henry,
a section foreman. Mr. Bushel sprang from the engine and was thrown
off as the collision took place, and had the end of his thumb torn
off, received a gash in the head with bruises and contusions to
various parts of his body, but had no bones broken. It is hoped that
his injuries will not prove serious. He was carried on a stretcher
by a party of his companions to the Sisters’ Hospital. Peter Henry
was only slightly injured by jumping off. A boy named Robert Loany
was among the large crowd of spectators gathered at the place
immediately after the collision. A telegraph wire confined by some
part of the wreck, under a great strain, broke and struck him on the
neck, hurling him about 20 feet, his head striking a rail with such
force as to inflict a bad scalp wound.
The track of the Indianapolis & St. Louis Railroad, but a few feet
distant from the point where the collison took place, was blockaded
by portions of the wreck, and the rails were badly wrenched and
twisted by the weight of the falling cars. The engine of the “plug”
train, which was beyond the scene of the accident, was at the place
soon afterwards doing good service in removing portions of the
broken cars. In addition to the immense mass of splinters, timbers,
and fragments of all kinds along the track and under the bridge,
there were piles of shovels, picks, and other implements of labor,
besides dinner buckets, baskets, and other articles. It is not
certainly known who is responsible for the collision, but
undoubtedly the trains were running a little too “wild” through
someone’s blunder.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 22, 1884
When the Chicago & Alton Railroad was extended from the stone depot
to the river, the company agreed to pay the city $6,000 per year for
the privilege of running through Piasa Street to the levee.
Afterwards, on consideration that the railway companies should build
the Union Depot, and pay $5,000, the city council relinquished the
claim to the said annual payment. Estimating the payments for the
years since the depot has been erected, had not the original
contract been abrogated, that structure has already cost the city in
the neighborhood of $100,000.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 23, 1885
About 1:45 p.m. Tuesday, the inhabitants of Godfrey were startled by
a terrible explosion, which seemed to shake the entire town. It came
from the direction of the depot, and the crowd hurrying thither
found that engine No. 88, on the Chicago & Alton Railroad, had
exploded her boiler and was totally wrecked, the accident resulting
in the death of Engineer House. The Bloomington way freight,
Conductor McClellan and Engineer House, in charge, pulled into the
station. The engine stopped at the tank and took water, and the
fireman left his post on some errand. The engine was detached from
the train and started down the track for some additional cars, when
the explosion took place. The force of the shock was tremendous, the
locomotive was torn to fragments, and the engineer was thrown
backward over the tender and struck the ground, forty feet from the
engine. He was picked up unconscious, and lived for 25 minutes, when
he breathed his last. He was a married man, and lived in
The track was torn up at the scene of the explosion, but no damage
was done to adjacent property. The accident was caused by some
defect in the boiler, but as yet no investigation has been made.
Coroner Melling held an inquest at Godfrey over the remains of
George House, the victim of the explosion, and a verdict was
returned that deceased came to his death by the explosion of Engine
88 at Godfrey, June 21, 1885. Deceased was about 55 years of age,
and leaves a widow and three children. The remains of George House
were embalmed by Undertaker Howell of Alton, and forwarded to
Bloomington Tuesday evening, where the family of the unfortunate man
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 21, 1887
A collision took place this morning on the curve of the Chicago &
Alton Railway track at the corner of Front and Piasa Streets,
between Engines No. 9 and No. 136. No. 9 was backing slowly down
with a box car in front, the other engine running at a rapid rate of
speed from the Union Depot. Through the icy state of the track,
rendering the locomotives partially uncontrollable, efforts to stop
them were in vain, and the engines came together with such force
that No. 136 was considerably damaged, as was the tender of No. 9,
the trucks being detailed. The engineers and firemen sprang for the
ground when the collision was discovered to be inevitable, and
Winslow Marble, the engineer of 136, had his left knee fractured and
the ligaments painfully wrenched. He was removed to the gentlemen’s
waiting room of the depot, and Dr.’s Haskell and Fiegenbaum were
notified, and everything possible was done for his relief. Mr.
Marble is a resident of Bloomington, and will be sent to that place
by the first train. Mr. Frank Yaeger is engineer of No. 9, and
Thomas Hasting, fireman.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 23, 1888
On April 9, 1852, I landed at Alton from the steamer “Connecticut,”
which I found lying at Pekin on the Illinois River on my way from
Springfield, Massachusetts, to superintend the building of the first
freight and passenger cars for the contractors of the Alton and
Sangamon Railroad Co., now the Chicago and Alton. Mr. Waite, the man
who preceded me, had died a few months before from injuries received
at the construction shop. I was employed to fill his place. Captain
Benjamin Godfrey was one of the principal contractors, and a good
and righteous man he was. Edward Keating was Superintendent, whose
life closed too early.
I remained in charge a little more than two years, about the time
the contract was closed and the railroad extended to Chicago, when I
was superseded by treachery combined with brandy and whisky, to
which I was opposed. There may be some still living in Alton who
used to know me. Many I know have passed away. One, my train
inspector, Thomas Handsaker, lately died at Mt. Vernon, Illinois. I
have not been in Alton since 1856, and it would have been better for
me if I had never accepted the position I did. Disappointments are
not very healthy financially, although I am comfortably well at age
73. My address is 512 Sanford Street, Peoria, Illinois. Signed, J.
W. Thompson.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 08, 1888
The Chicago & Alton train, which left Alton for St. Louis at 12:55
yesterday, was boarded at Bridge Junction by a gang of tramps, who
terrorized the passengers. A guard of East St. Louis police were
stationed in close proximity, and rushed into the cars to the
assistance of the terrified passengers, who were already being
searched by tramps. The police arrived shortly before the bridge
engine was attached, and the train was then pulled to the Relay
depot with the passengers guarded by the blue coasts. The tramps
jumped from the cars and scattered in all directions upon the
arrival of the police, but three of them were captured and taken to
the station. They gave their names as Martin Healey, Thomas Baldwin,
and Thomas Hoyt, and all stoutly deny that they attempted to rob any
of the passengers. No valuables, money, or deadly weapons were found
in their possession. The train is generally delayed at the crossing
about five minutes, in changing engines, and had it not been for the
presence of the police, the gang, which numbered over twenty, would
have probably robbed all the passengers.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 05, 1888
The Chicago & Alton side of the Union Depot is brilliant at night
under the rays of the electric light. The I. & St. Louis side is as
dark as a coal cellar. The latter corporation makes more money out
of Alton than it does from any station between East St. Louis and
Terre Haute, and yet is too stingy to put in an electric light at
its passenger depot here.
Remarkable History as Locomotive Engineer
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 28, 1888
Mr. George Cutter of Alton is not an old man, but has a remarkable
history as a locomotive engineer. He has been running an engine for
thirty-one years in the employ of the Chicago and Alton Railroad.
Mr. Cutter took a position on this railroad in 1857, and has been in
the employ of the company in the same capacity ever since – a period
of much longer consecutive service than any other engineer on the
road. Most of this time he has been a passenger engineer. We doubt
whether there is another railroad engineer in the country who has
been in the employ of the same company for so long a time.
Considering the hazards and risks of the service, and the numerous
changes constantly being made in corporations, this record is a
remarkable one, alike complimentary to Mr. Cutter’s faithfulness,
skill, and efficiency. Mr. Cutter is now what might be called the
Dean of the Engineers’ Corps of this road, and holds the most
honorable position among them, that of engineer of the locomotive
drawing the paymaster’s car, going over the entire road, some 800
miles, once a month, and is absent on these trips some eight or nine
days. The remainder of the month he enjoys his olium cum dignitate
under his own vine and fig tree.
George Cutter was born February 10, 1843, in Hatfield,
Massachusetts. He was an engineer on the railroad in Michigan up to
1857, when he came to Alton to live. He was married in 1854 to Mary
R. Cutter, and they had two children – Roscoe Cutter and Mrs. L. A.
Irwin. The family lived at Twelfth and Easton Streets in Alton.
George died at the age of 80 in 1912. He was buried in the Alton
City Cemetery.
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 18, 1890
The Christmas tide brings joy to a great many hearts. The Alton
commuters were put in a gleeful mood today by the announcement that
the Chicago and Alton Railroad had revoked its recent order to
discontinue the Henry Street station. Agent Norris announced that
the 7 a.m., 12:30 p.m., and 10 a.m. trains would stop at Henry
Street. “What will the Big Four do?” was the question asked by all.
D. B. Martin, General Passenger Agent, telegraphed that all Big Four
trains would stop at Henry Street beginning tomorrow. Thus,
everybody is pleased, and the railroad accommodations are perfect.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 20, 1893
Sunday morning fire was discovered in the upper story of the Union
Depot, and an alarm was immediately sent in to companies 1 and 2.
When they arrived, the interior of the rooms on the upper floor were
ablaze, and threatened the entire destruction of the building. The
firemen worked their way into the windows by ladders, and poured two
streams of water into the building. At the first intimation of a
fire, the occupants commenced the removal of furniture, but were
soon driven out by the fire department. Six rooms of the Depot Hotel
on the upper floor were gutted by the flames and ruined by smoke and
water. The firemen worked for two hours before the flames were
extinguished. ‘
How the fire originated is not known. It started in a closet, at the
same place it did several years ago when the building was badly
damaged by the flames. The loss amounts to about $600, which is
covered by insurance. Mr. Thomas Gallagher, proprietor of the Depot
Hotel, suffered the most loss. In the six rooms on the upper floor,
forty yards of ingrain carpet, furniture, and bedding were ruined, a
loss amounting to $300. Mr. Gallagher was insured with the Hanover
Underwriters in the agency of A. R. McKinney & Son. Luckily, the
flames did not reach the roof or the building could not have been
saved. The water flooded the waiting rooms to the depth of several
inches, inconveniencing the occupants.
Construction began on the Union Depot in Alton in March 1867. It was
built by the Chicago & Alton Railroad, and was used by both the
Chicago & Alton and the Big Four (Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago &
St. Louis) Railroads. The building was located at the foot of Market
Street, and was designed to resemble a locomotive engine from the
side. The depot was two stories high, and was made of brick. The
lower floor consisted of a ticket office, express freight office,
baggage rooms, waiting rooms for travelers, and a restaurant. The
second floor consisted of a hotel. Following the 1893 fire, the
depot was repaired. For about 72 years the depot served travelers.
It was abandoned in about 1939, after the new train depot was
constructed in Upper Alton. The building was razed in 1956.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 21, 1893
A wreck of considerable proportion occurred on the Chicago & Alton
Road yesterday noon, near the roundhouse [in Alton]. Engine No. 9
was switching cars on the switch behind the roundhouse, when it was
run into by train No. 34, with Engine No. 245 hauling forty freight
cars. No. 9 was very badly smashed on the front end. The pilot was
demolished, and the engine stands with its front end in air. The
boiler and water tank touch each other, and the cab was broken off.
Both the engineer and fireman on No. 9 jumped and saved their lives.
The story of the engineer of No. 9 is as follows:
No. 9 was on the switch back of the roundhouse, when Engineer Yaeger
heard No. 245 whistle. He was not expecting the train, as it was an
extra, besides Engineer Hall had not full control of his engine.
Engineer Yaeger and his fireman jumped from their engine, and tried
to close the switch, but did not have time. The entire blame rests
on the incoming freight train men, as they should not have allowed
their train to come down the grade so rapidly. About six cars were
smashed and derailed, and much trouble will be had to clear the
The engineer and fireman on the switch engine had a narrow escape,
as the tender and engine were crowded close together in such a way
that no living being could have remained on the engine alive.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 09, 1894
A most unfortunate sequel to a holiday was meted out Tuesday
morning, Miss Osie Moyer and Miss Vena Sikes, who are employed at
the glassworks. The women were leaving the west gate of the factory
premises, having obtained permission for a holiday this morning.
They started to cross the railroad tracks, which at this point are
quite close together. About a hundred yards to the west was a fast
approaching Big Four train, and at the same distance on the east,
coming from the opposite direction was Chicago & Alton train No. 1.
Both whistled shrilly, and the bewildered women hovered between the
tracks. They tried to cross in front of the train, but failed. The
engine struck them and dragged them a distance of sixty feet before
the engineer brought the train to a standstill. Both of the forms
lay motionless beside the track with blanched and bleeding faces.
Conductor Deane and the engineer and fireman rushed to them. They
were picked up, unconscious, and taken in the patrol wagon to St.
Joseph’s Hospital, where doctors Haskell and Fisher attended them.
Miss Sikes is fatally injured. The side and back of her head are
crushed, and fractured in two places. She is still unconscious. Miss
Moyer escaped with a few severe bruises, which were attended. She
was able to leave the hospital shortly after her wounds were
dressed. From the statement of an eyewitness, Watchman Smith of the
glassworks, the affair was purely accidental. Both engines whistled
long and loud.
Miss Lavina Sikes is the nineteen-year-old daughter of Frank B.
Sykes, a fisherman, and lives on Spring Street, between Broadway and
Third. Miss Osie Moyer, daughter of Andrew Moyer, lives with her
parents. At last reports, Miss Lavina Sikes is very low. She has had
spasms, and it is doubtful she will survive during the night.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 16, 1894
Miss Lavina Sikes, one of the victims of the railroad accident on
Tuesday last, died at St. Joseph’s Hospital Thursday. She did not
recover consciousness from the time of the accident.
Five Killed - 60 Dumped into the Wood River
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 05, 1895
At 4:15 o'clock this morning, a southbound Chicago & Alton freight
train, on the cut-off between Godfrey and Wann [East Alton], went
over the Wood River bridge and was converted into kindling wood,
causing death to five men and badly injuring fourteen others. The
dead are:
David Hefty, Watertown, Wisconsin, aged 25 years, mangled.
Frank Harreman, Philadelphia, aged 30 years; head crushed.
Unknown man, died on relief train from internal injuries.
Unknown man, a laborer, who has until recently been employed at Sag
Bridge, Illinois.
Unknown man, body not recovered from the wreck in Wood River.
The fatally injured are:
Edward Albursched, a Prussian laborer, head crushed, back injured,
internal injuries.
Otto Schmidt, home unknown, internal injuries.
C. W. Schroeder, Argentine, Kansas, right arm broken, legs mashed,
internal injuries, back hurt.
Thomas Cote, chest and side injured, head badly cut, right arm
broken, internal injuries.
John Moran, Massachusetts, side and back crushed, internal injuries.
Henry Glass, Pennsylvania, shoulder, jaw and collarbone broken; head
Others injured:
Willis Willets, Dallas, Texas; head and shoulder cut.
James Hart, no settled home, cigar maker, head, legs and back cut
and bruised.
Charles Custer, Lima, Ohio; hip crushed, back injured.
Robert Seal, New York, ankle crushed, kneecap broken.
Martin Pickens, 368 West Madison Street, Chicago, back injured, head
John Carr, Cincinnati, Ohio; head cut, slight injuries.
Harry Williams, Toledo, Ohio; ankle crushed.
Theodore Hunt, no settled home, foot crushed to pieces.
The accident was caused by an old flat car and the use of the air
brakes. The train of eighteen cars was running at a high rate of
speed, and at the Wood River bridge, the air brakes were applied.
The front end of the train was light, the rear end heavy, and the
momentum caused the flat car to collapse. The entire train, with the
exception of the engine and three cars, went over the twenty-foot
embankment. The middle of the train fairly raised, and then pitched
to either side of the track into the river below and to the foot of
the embankment. There were, it is stated, about sixty men on the
train, mostly workmen from the Chicago drainage canal, and tramps. A
box car with eighteen men on the inside fell to the bottom of the
ditch, and nearly every man was injured. It was like a flash of
lightning. Two cars went into the Wood River, and one car remained
suspended to the bridge by the trucks. Not a member of the train
crew sustained injuries.
The members of the train crew commenced the work of rescue. The men
were pulled out from among the wreckage, and a relief train was
dispatched for. The train left Alton and returned with the wounded
men about 10 o'clock, making the trip via Godfrey. The train was
boarded above the city by a representative of the Telegraph.
Fourteen mangled, cut and bleeding men were in the car. They tossed
about, moaning and calling for water. One of the number died on the
way to Alton.
Edward Albusched, one of the fatally injured, presented a sickening
sight. The left side of his head was crushed, and the blood fairly
oozed through his hair. His left hand was smashed, the flesh being
nearly all torn off. He tried to ease the pain in his head with the
shattered member, while he constantly uttered in broken English,
"Please give me water."
One of the injured gave a graphic description of the suddenness of
the accident. He had been asleep, and awoke first at one end of the
car and then at the other, striking men and splinters in his flight.
One of the men was standing on the rear end of the train, when the
break came. He went off like a rubber ball and was tossed thirty
feet, alighting on the ground.
Upon the arrival of the relief train, the injured men were removed
to St. Joseph's Hospital, where the work of attending their injuries
commenced under the supervision of Dr. W. Fisher, the railroad’s
local physician. The body of Frank Harreman was brought to the
police station here [Alton]. The unknown man who died on the relief
train is at the hospital. Arrangements were made for the interment
of the other two at the scene of the wreck.
The wreck was not as costly to the Chicago & Alton as the appearance
would indicate. About five of the box cars were all that were
entirely destroyed, and every one of these were empties. Several
cars containing merchandise were damaged, but the contents were not
materially affected. The total damage will probably not exceed
$5,000. A wrecking crew with track clearers were put at work and the
track was cleared at once.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 01, 1895
A peculiar accident occurred yesterday afternoon on the Chicago &
Alton Railroad, three miles north of Godfrey. It resulted in the
severe injury of the engineer, William Ryder, who was struck by the
demolished driving rod which was flying wild. The freight train,
which was made up of nine loaded cars and a number of empties, left
Godfrey at 12:50 in charge of Conductor James Dalton. Engine No.
153, a heavy six-driving wheel mogul, in charge of Engineer William
Ryder, drew the train. In going down the grade between the Big Piasa
and the Little Piasa, the axle rod of the middle driving wheels
snapped. In an instant, the train commenced pounding along on its
broken wheels, in constant danger of being ditched. The driving
wheels were prevented from falling in by the firebox, and the wheel
flanges prevented them from immediately falling off. They wabbled
like the wheels of a rickety vehicle, smashed the air brakes and
connecting rods, and cracked the driving rods as though they were
made of glass. The engine was running wild on a downgrade with a
heavy loaded train, the air brakes and driving rods being broken.
The whistle for brakes was sounded, and the train crew immediately
set to work. The engine fairly flew down the track. The broken
driving shafts flying about endangered the whole train with
destruction. They repeatedly struck the cab and punched holes
through the sides and floor, after the fashion of a drill punch. The
engineer and fireman huddled close to the tender, expecting every
minute to be ditched as the train was tearing up the track in great
shape. A swinging stroke of the broken shaft struck the cab and
injured the engineer severely. The train ran a mile and a half
before the brakes stopped it. The engineer and fireman were removed,
almost paralyzed with fear. The engineer was badly injured, and was
taken to the caboose.
The broken driving wheels had fallen off after running about a mile.
During this time, the wheels pounding against the boiler had the
effect of twisting and breaking the rails out of shape. Conductor
Dalton immediately started on a run for Godfrey. He arrived about 2
o’clock, and told of the condition of his train. He was overheated
and excited, and had to be revived by the trainmen at Godfrey.
Three crews of trackmen, who were doing work in the vicinity, were
placed at work on the track. The rails the entire distance had to be
straightened, and a number of broken ties were replaced with new
ones. The track was placed in fairly good shape at 5 o’clock last
The injured engineer was taken to Jerseyville. A St. Louis physician
was sent to attend him on the first train last night. The extent of
his injuries could not be learned.
Monday afternoon, a switch was purposely thrown at Godfrey by bums,
who had some grievance against the railroad. As a result, Engine No.
153 was thrown off the track, and was with difficulty replaced. This
was the engine that broke down north of Godfrey, which caused the
severe injury to the engineer. It is believed that the axle of the
middle driving wheels was cracked in jumping the switch. A search
for the bums who threw the switch was unsuccessful.
Later – Thomas Meehan, a lad living in Alton, was arrested this
morning, charged with throwing the switch which derailed the engine
at Godfrey. The charge preferred is train wrecking, and Chicago &
Alton officials will be down Saturday to prosecute Meehan, whose
trial is set for 2 o’clock. Meehan, it is stated, threw the switch,
intending to help the train crew, but his good intentions went
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 02, 1897
The wreck that occurred on the C. & A. at the Sixteenth and Alby
Street Railroad crossing Sunday morning, was the most disastrous
that ever happened in this vicinity on that road. Engine No. 31,
drawing the train that usually arrives here at 6:50 a.m., plunged
down a thirty-foot embankment, carrying with it the tender and a
baggage and a mail car. To all the crowds of people that visited the
scene Sunday, it was a matter of surprise that such a wreck could
be, and still no one seriously hurt. To the curious spectator of the
effects of the engine’s plunge, it is a wonder that the engineer and
fireman escaped with their lives, and that some of the passengers
were not killed.
The train was a little late, and was making up lost time. Engineer
Pete Rafferty was at the throttle, and Fireman Charles Johnson was
his assistant in the cab. An eyewitness of the disaster, who chanced
to be standing at the crossing when it occurred, says that his
attention was first attracted to the oncoming train by a peculiar
rumbling noise. He glanced up the track, and noticed that the front
truck of the engine was off the rails, and that the little pilot
wheels were skipping along the ends of the ties. He quickly got out
of the way, and from a place of safety viewed the completion of the
disaster. The engine came down, her set brakes availing little to
check the fearful momentum that had been given by the downgrade. At
Sixteenth and Alby Streets, at one time there was a switch leading
into a quarry, and the switch stand was placed upon a little
platform to the south side of the track. When the pilot struck this
stand, the wheels sunk through and the big drivers were derailed,
taking the engine with them. The iron horse dashed across Alby
Street, and on the west side plunged into a thirty-foot hole,
ripping up telephone poles and other obstructions as though a
cyclone had struck them. Engineer Rafferty set the brakes after
shutting off steam, and then, just as the engine plunged into the
hole, with a loud shriek of the whistle as she made the plunge, the
engineer and fireman jumped. The most seriously injured was Fireman
Johnson, whose wrist was broken as he made the leap for life. In
another second, the engine was lying on her back, a mass of broken
iron, almost covered by a growth of trees that grew along the
embankment. The tender was thrown around further down the track, and
turned over on its back on the hillside, and the baggage car and
mail car were carried on by their momentum, a distance of 45 yards,
and lay at the bottom of the hill. These two were the only cars that
suffered any in the disaster. The baggage car was completely
demolished, and lay almost in the creek, a pile of rubbish. The only
occupant of the baggage car, H. V. Ivens, had left the car at
Godfrey and was in the postal car at the time of the wreck, a
circumstance to which he undoubtedly owes his life. The two chair
cars did not leave the ties, although they had to run over a short
distance where the engine had torn up the rails. The sleeping cars
were not derailed, and an engine hauled them up to Godfrey.
A force of men was put to work to repair the track, and the wrecking
train was sent for to raise the cars out of the ditch. The small
derrick arrived here at about 10 a.m., and started to work on the
cars, and the big steam derrick arrived at about 5:30 p.m., and
began its task of putting the wrecked coaches on the track. All day
long hundreds of people visited the scene, and discussed the
probably causes, but even the most experienced railroad men failed
to assign a reason for the accident. There is no apparent cause for
it, as the track was in excellent condition where the engine first
left it.
The escape of the engineer and fireman is considered miraculous.
Engineer Rafferty, in jumping, landed on Alby Street just before the
plunge, and Fireman Johnson was thrown from the cab as the engine
descended the side of the hill. Had either of them stuck to their
posts a second longer, they would have been crushed beneath the
dismantled engine as it turned over.
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 17, 1898
The biggest damage suit ever instituted in the Madison County
Circuit Court was begun Thursday by the village of Upper Alton
against the Chicago & Alton Railroad. The suit is the culmination of
a controversy that has been going on between the two corporations
concerning the establishment of a station and depot. The village
board requested the railroad to build a depot and make Upper Alton a
regular station. The railroad right-of-way through Upper Alton lies
across the northeastern corners of the corporate limits, the
boundary line of which forms a square with a small annex to the east
side. The length of the right-of-way through the place is about one
mile, and is on land purchased from joseph Burton. As it lies in the
eastern extremity of the town, the Chicago & Alton declined to build
the depot and make the village a station. Then the village board
resolved to have it out with the Alton in the courts, and retained
Judge Irwin of Edwardsville to conduct the case. The village claims
that by the failure of the Alton to build a depot and make the
village a station, also by violations of the village ordinances
regarding the speed of trains it has been seriously damaged and to
mend the damages the sum of $648,000 is required.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 09, 1899
Another movement has been made by the Burlington in its attempt to
enter Union Depot and make of the depot a union station with a joint
ticket seller for all the roads. Mr. J. E. May, Superintendent of
the Belt line, went to Cincinnati last night and the wise ones claim
to see in this trip a second move in the work of consolidation of
the big railroads now doing business in Alton. At Cincinnati is the
general headquarters of the Big Four, and as the Big Four owns
one-half interest in the station, its consent is necessary before
the Burlington can enter. The Big Four is a competitor of the
Burlington for the local business, and for that reason might object
to the arrangement that would bring competition closer home. It is
said that the errand of Supt. May is for the purpose of making a
deal with the Big Four authorities to secure their consent. The C. &
A. is reported as willing to give the Burlington entrance, as the
Burlington does not compete with the C. & A. in the St. Louis -
Alton business. The local employees of all the roads now acknowledge
that they put credence in the story. At first, the story, as the
Telegraph published it, was scoffed at by the unbelievers, who were
disposed to look upon it as imaginary. Facts are very convincing
arguments, and now the most skeptical admit there is truth in the
story. The Burlington pays the Bluff Line $300 a month for terminal
facilities here. The Belt Line has a track leading to Union Station,
and this could be used at a less cost and a great saving be made
thereby. The Burlington has long sought entrance to Union Station,
and at one time had plans drawn for remodeling Union Station. A few
weeks time will bring to light the whole truth, and then it is
predicted the Burlington will enter Union Station. It will be
remembered that while Mr. J. C. Bramhall was agent of the Burlington
in Alton, the question of a genuine union station was mooted. Mr.
Bramhall was originator of the proposition, and outlined to the
Telegraph a plan whereby it could be accomplished.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 08, 1899
The platform around Union Depot is to be rebuilt by the Big Four on
its side of the building, and a fine vitrified brick platform will
take the place of the old-fashioned, dangerous wooden structure.
Since the Union Depot was built, a wooden platform has done service
there. When constant wear would occasionally make the platform
dangerous, a section of it would be rebuilt with the same material.
This has been done the last time. The new Superintendent of the St.
Louis division of the Big Four, W. M. Duane, was in Alton today, and
while here stated that his company will make a radical improvement
to the Union Depot. The principal one is that the old platform will
be taken up, and a fine one of vitrified brick will take its place.
Along the side of the track, where the trains stand, a stone curbing
will be set, fifteen inches in width. The curbing will be elevated
from the brick platform to turn the flow of water from the street
off the platform, and also to serve as a step for passengers
mounting the platform to the train or descending from it.
When the Big Four makes this improvement, the Chicago & Alton will
certainly follow with a similar one on its side of the building. The
contrast in appearance will be too unfavorable to Alton if the
wooden platform is allowed to stay there. The improvement is made by
the Big Four without the solicitation of its patrons, and is a part
of a plan for general improvement of the company’s property.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 10, 1900
Improvements on the C. & A. Railroad at Godfrey are going on.
Besides the electric lights which the engines have for headlights,
they are putting in an underground pipe from their pond to the end
of the switch below Godfrey, so trains coming from the north will
not have to stop twice. They will get water from a stand-pipe while
passengers and baggage are being cared for. Passenger trains will
not be coaled at Godfrey now, but elsewhere, as it will save time.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 20, 1900
The union passenger station, for which Alton people have been so
long hoping may be had in the very near future, according to a
report that was set afloat today. It has been learned that through
the efforts of the Illinois Terminal, the Chicago and Alton railroad
has consented to the transforming of the present passenger station
of the Alton and Big Four into a union passenger station, which all
the railroads in the city may use if they desire. It is proposed to
have the Bluff Line abandon its intention of building a new station
for itself, and the Burlington, and to pay its share toward
remodeling Union Station for the use of all the railroads. The
Terminal desires to enter at Union Station, and General Manager H.
H. Ferguson has been working up the matter with all the interested
railroads. He was out of the city today and could not be seen, but
it is said, without confirmation, that he has received no definite
reply from the Big Four. The city council committee has not accepted
the plans submitted by the Bluff Line as the ones to be used for the
new passenger station for Bluff Line and Burlington trains, and, it
is thought, consent will not be given for building another depot on
the levee when the present so-called union depot may be had for the
joint use of all the railroads in Alton. The consent of the Bluff
Line to enter a union station might be difficult to secure, but it
is probably the matter can be arranged.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 28, 1901
A train crew on the Alton had a perilous ride last night on a train
of loaded coal cars that were running away with the engine. It was a
hair-raising experience, and the men had a close call for death, but
they stuck to their posts, and after doing all in their power to
stop the runaway, they bravely stayed with their train, ready to
jump if anything went wrong. The train consisted of seven coal cars,
most of them the large, heavy ones of steel, and all of them heavily
loaded. On the steep grade near the summit, the train got away from
the engine, that is the engine which was in front was unable to hold
them back, and the mad ride started. Working in the reverse motion,
the engine could not stay the great weight of the heavy cars on the
incline, and in a few seconds, it had become a lottery in which the
chances of life for the crew were less than equal with those of
Down Piasa Street the shrieking locomotive came, pushed onward by
the momentum of the weight of coal and cars. The engineer and
fireman stuck to the cab and the remainder of the crew, after trying
to set the brakes, gathered at the back of the train ready to jump
in case the cars should leave the tracks. Down Piasa Street at
midnight, running fully sixty miles an hour, the runaway dashed and
rounded the curve, the whistle shrieking the signal to the man at
the signal tower to line up the track. It was an awful moment of
suspense for the crew until they saw as they approached near the
inter-locking plant at Langdon Street, that the switch had been
thrown and the track lined up for the runaway. Had there been
failure on the part of the tower man to be quick enough, or had he
misunderstood the shrieks of alarm, it would have been all over with
the train crew. Over the switches of the interlocker the train sped
in safety, and after a long run the engine in the breeching
succeeded in stopping the train. It was 45 minutes before the train
could be brought back from the end of its wild run.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 10, 1904
Fifty-two years ago, September 9, 1852, the construction of the
Chicago and Mississippi railroad, later the Alton and Sangamon, and
still later the Chicago and Alton, was completed, and the first
train went over the road. Mr. William Huskinson, who was actively
engaged in the building operations of the road and who was for many
years a roadmaster for the company, says the first train consisted
of an engine and three coaches, and its arrival in Alton was
welcomed most warmly by the people generally. The road terminated at
the present freight depot, and passengers and freight were
.....[unreadable] .... completion of the C. & A. extension in 1864.
Times were good in Alton, and some of the old-time prosperity which
existed previous to the financial crash of 1837 returned. Just
before that crash, lots on the riverfront where the McPike building,
the Boston store and all the buildings north to the old water works
station sold for from $300 to $400 a front foot. Mr. Huskinson
celebrated the anniversary quietly Friday, and in memory has gone
back to those rushing, bustling, money-making days, when he was
commanding men and building a road destined to become one of the
greatest in the world. He came to Alton in 1847, and most of the
years since then have been spent in Alton and in up-building and
advancing the interests of Alton in every way he could. He
frequently served the city in official capacities and always served
it well. He is in good health, enjoys reading and likes to converse
with his friends and of these he has a large host. Besides Mr.
Huskinson, there is only one other person, so far as known, now
living in the Altons who was engaged actively in the building of the
road, and that is Mr. Thomas McGinnis Sr., of North Alton. The
latter gentleman built the first house in almost all the towns
between here and Springfield; the first house being a section house.
He also built bridges, culverts, etc., for the road, and after its
completion had charge of the fence building gangs. Although well on
in years, he too is in fairly good health, and his mental faculties
are wonderfully alive and bright.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 23, 1907
A. E. Benbow, who some time ago purchased the depot and residence
building at Wann [East Alton] from the Chicago and Alton Railroad,
succeeded in having the edifice moved outright to Benbow City last
week. It was located on a lot there Saturday and this morning he
sold the building and lot to Carl Dorflinger of St. Louis for
City Council Records Back in 1849-50 Show That Alton Gave $100,000
to Help Build the Railroad
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 17, 1910
City Clerk Barth Kennedy and City Engineer T. M. Long have been
putting in some of their spare time hunting up old city records for
the accommodation of a historian of the Chicago & Alton Railroad,
who is trying to fill in some broken places in the railroad's
history by getting facts about the early days of the Chicago &
Alton. It seems that the company has lost its records of how the
railroad came to be built, and the records of the city of Alton give
a very full account of it. Had it not been for the aid and support
given by Alton, the railroad bearing its name would never have been
built. Alton gave $100,000 to the project, and also bore the
expenses of a financial agent who went east to interest inventors in
the project of building a line from Alton to Springfield, known as
the Alton and Sangamon Railroad. Part of this bond issue still hangs
over Alton.
February 28, 1849, the city agreed to indemnify agents for expenses
of going east to see investors, not to exceed $750. It was also
voted not to give less than $50,000 to assist in building the road.
November 5 it was voted to give $150,000 toward the railroad
expenses and a bond issue proposition to that effect carried by a
vote of 232 to 4, in the city.
November 13, the city council voted to give only $100,000,
subscribing for 1,000 shares of the railroad stock, the city bonds
to bear interest at 6 percent, which would be given in payment for
the stock. The members of the council at that time were Messrs.
Bailhache, Barry, Breath, Flagg, Metcalf, Trumbull, who voted for
the proposition, and Messrs. Atwood, Ferguson, Hayden, Kellenberger
and Levis, who voted against the proposition. Robert Ferguson,
Stephen Pierson and Isaac Scarritt were named as trustees for the
city bonds issued to help out the financing of the Alton. Later, a
string was tied to the gift of $100,000, and at the meeting,
December 28, it was voted that the city's share would be paid, when
$200,000 had been given by individuals along the line and a like sum
had been subscribed by eastern capitalists. This made up a half
million dollars.
A proposition submitted to the council by J. J. Shipman, December
28, agreed to build the railroad from Alton to Springfield for
$950,000, taking the half mission aforementioned and the balance in
railroad stock or bonds at par value. E. Marsh of the Alton, Marine
& Fire Insurance Company, predecessor of the Alton National Bank,
was made custodian of the $20,000, to be paid by the city according
to agreement, as a five percent commission the city of Alton to
compensate the financial agents who sold the stock of the railroad
in the east and along the line, in two blocks of $200,000 each.
Later a controversy arose over the delivery of these bonds, but they
were delivered, and even later still some city official tried to
repudiate the bonds, but in compliance with the public demand the
bonds were not repudiated.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 02, 1915
The pies that kept the Union Depot Hotel in the Union Station when
the station was remodeled about two years ago, will be sold over a
lunch counter for the first time in the history of the Depot Hotel.
The Chicago & Alton carpenters arrived in Alton today, and proceeded
at once to turn one corner of the waiting room of the Union Station
into a lunch counter.
Although the Depot Hotel has been conducted in Alton for twenty-six
years, a lunch room has never been run in connection with it, and
the pies were never offered to the public before unless they enjoyed
a meal at the hotel. As soon as the new lunch counter is completed,
they can be secured in pieces.
When the Railroad and Warehouse Commissioners visited Alton a number
of years ago to look over the Union Station, with the view of
changing it to give the passengers more room, they marveled at the
way the citizens asked that the hotel be kept in the station.
Finally, one of the commissioners asked why it was that they wanted
the hotel kept in the buildings, and then one of the men
representing the city replied that the best pie baker in the country
lived there. This was enough for the commissioners, and they decided
to remodel the building so the hotel could be kept there.
Spectators Burned by Leaking Sulphuric Acid
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 17, 1916
Harry Summers, fireman, was killed, and Laurence Hornback, engineer,
and H. A. Rule, conductor of Freight Train Number 120 of the Chicago
and Alton Railroad, were injured Tuesday morning in a head-on
collision of two freight trains on the Chicago and Alton, in the
rear of the Western Military Academy. A mistake in the giving of
orders was the cause of the wreck. The two freight engines, each
pulling trains of cars, came together shortly after eight o'clock in
the morning. The crash could be heard a long distance. Train Number
89, in charge of Conductor Abbott and Engineer Gordon Childers,
carrying in all 50 cars, was running from Godfrey on the downgrade.
According to the story told by Childers of Bloomington, he heard the
train approaching from the south, and whistled in an attempt to
attract the attention of the crew of Train 120, which was coming
from the south, carrying Conductor H. A. Rule of Bloomington,
Engineer Laurence Hornsback of Roodhouse, and Fireman Harry Summers
of Roodhouse. People who witnessed the collision said that the crew
of Train 89 from the north left the train and went over into the
field before the smaller local freight train, carrying three cars,
crashed into the big train. Both of the conductors claimed they had
a right of way to the track, and each carried a staff which gave him
the right of way.
At Godfrey, when it was discovered that a mistake had been made and
there were trains on the same track headed toward each other, an
effort was made to avert the accident. Mrs. S. P. Winters, wife of
the section boss, was called on the telephone at her home in Upper
Alton and told to flag the train from the south. She grabbed a red
hat and started out to flag the train, but the train had rushed past
carrying the fireman to his death.
The cab of the smaller engine was telescoped into the tender and was
reduced as a pile of junk. This was the cause of the death of
Summers. At the time, he was firing the engine, and he was caught
under the debris between the engine and the tender. Five tons of
coal fell upon him, and it is believed that he was killed at once.
If he was not, he met a more horrible death when the hot steam from
the broken steam pipes thoroughly cooked the body. Hornsback crawled
from out of the wreck only slightly injured. By this time, the
Relief Corps of the Western Military Academy nearby had arrived on
the scene. With axes, they attempted to chop away the debris and
free the fireman who was caught, and who they believed might still
be alive. Their efforts met with little success, however, and a
short time later an engine from Alton came over the cutoff and
pulled the engine and the tender apart. The body of the fireman was
taken out. The dead body was loaded in the city ambulance and was
taken to the hospital, with Engineer Hornsback. Summers is 37 years
of age. He has been divorced from his wife in Roodhouse, but he
leaves two children there.
At least a hundred people were badly burned by the car of crude
sulphuric acid, which sprang a leak shortly after the wreck. This
flowed down into the field near the wreck and the spectators, who
were in a hurry to see the wreck, hurried through this thinking it
was water. Clothing and shoes were ruined, and several children and
others had their feet badly injured. A number of the doctors who had
been called to the wreck to take care of the injured were called
upon to care for those who were burned. In one instance, Dr. Lemen
had his shoes burned and his stocking burned off his feet by the
acid. The bandages he had carried to the scenes of the wreck,
expecting to use them on the injured, were used upon himself and
some of the other sufferers.
Harry L. Summers is buried in the Diamond Grove Cemetery in
Jacksonville, Illinois.