Edwardsville Newspaper Articles

Early History of Edwardsville     |     Leclaire Newspaper Articles

Source: Alexandria, VA Gazette, September 8, 1819
A treaty was held at Edwardsville, State of Illinois, on September 6, 1819, between Colonel Choteau and Colonel Stevenson, Commissioners appointed on the part of the United States, and the civil and military chiefs of the Kickapoo tribe of Indians. It resulted in a purchase of that tract of country generally termed the Sangamo. The boundary commences at the mouth of the Illinois River, and runs eastwardly by the old purchase lines to the northwest corner of the second Kickapoo purchase; thence, north eastwardly by the old purchase lines, to the line dividing the Indiana and Illinois States; thence north to the Kankakee River; thence down that river to the Illinois; thence down the Illinois to the place of the beginning. This tract is estimated to contain upwards of ten million acres, a great quantity of which is first-rate land. Nearly three-hundred families had squatted on this land before the purchase, which was a strong inducement to the Indians to leave the country. They have obtained a tract of land extending from the river Osage to La Pomme, and south to the heads of White River. They will thus become the near neighbors of their old enemies, the Cherokees, with whom, until lately, they have been at war for more than 200 years.


Source: Edwardsville Spectator, October 30, 1819
Notice is hereby given that the members of the Edwardsville Singing Society are requested to meet at the courthouse in the town of Edwardsville, on Saturday evening, November 6, at 6 o’clock p.m., for the purpose of organizing a Singing School in said town for the ensuing winter. The members are also informed that three dozen of the most choice selection of music books have recently been received by the standing committee from Boston. By order of the committee, John H. Randle, Secretary.


Source: Edwardsville Spectator, October 30, 1819
The subscribers inform the citizens of Edwardsville and its vicinity that they are about to establish a hat manufactory at the house now occupied by Thornton Peeples, Esq., directly opposite the office of the Edwardsville Spectator, where all orders in their line will be promptly attended to. The highest prices in cash will be paid for beaver, raccoon, muskrat, and rabbit furs, and for lambs’ wool and wool of the second shearing, suitable for hatting, delivered at their shop. Signed, J. C. Bruner and Stuckey.


Source: The Daily Evening Herald, June 13, 1835
The [Alton] Spectator adds, that the disease [cholera] prevails, more or less, in various parts of the State, in Edwardsville, in the American Bottom, and through the towns on the Illinois River, and St. Louis also has its full share.


Source: The Alton Telegraph, April 13, 1836
I will offer for sale on the twenty-sixth day of April next, on the premises, the following property to wit: one hundred acres of good land, about 40 acres under improvement with an apple orchard of 150 trees of superior fruit, with a highly cultivated garden, the mansion house is spacious, being about 50 feet front, two stories high, 6 rooms in front, situated near the town of Edwardsville in Madison County, Illinois, being the Into residence of James Mason, deceased. There are several outhouses, a good barn, a good well of water and ice house. Also, lots No. 183 and 185 in the town of Edwardsville, lying on Main Street, with a large two-story house. All of the above property is sold by the following order from the court of chancery of the March term. Paris Mason, Attorney, for Sarah Mason, Guardian. March 19, 1836.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 25, 1838
For the Telegraph - Mr. Editor: Unfortunately for the first time in my life, I am called upon, through the medium of the public prints, to defend my character as a citizen and honorable man. It is with reluctance I yield to the urgent necessity of coming forward to refute certain low-minded and ungentlemanly attacks upon my reputation, so dear to me and to those connected with me by the ties of relationship, and to every conscientiously honest and honorable man.

I am not called upon as a politician, but come voluntarily before the public as a honorable individual citizen, in defense of a reputation, heretofore unimpeached for honesty and probity in all my intercourse with men, from a foul and wanton slander, falsely and maliciously asserted, and as I understand, fabricated and put in circulation by an individual who lays claim to respectability; which circumstance, however false the report, is calculated to give it some semblance of truth. In order that the public, and all such as may be reached by those reports, may be enable to judge how unfairly I have been treated, it becomes necessary that I should state all the facts out of which the reports originated, together with the infamous charges alleged against me.

I understand from the most credible authority, and have repeatedly been informed, that Col. Buckmaster has charged me with fraudulently and dishonestly appropriating to my own use property belonging to a deceased prisoner under my charge while jailer of this county. It is of little consequence to me what statements go abroad among those who know me. I have no fears or apprehensions that my character can be prejudiced among that class of citizens who are acquainted with the author of such reports. But if they are circulated to effect selfish and ambitious purposes - if they are the outpourings of a base and malicious heart; and if they are the manifestations of feelings of revenge by a man whose motive too obviously is to cast from himself a charge of a similar or equally dishonest nature, by destroying the fair character of others to effect his own political ends; then I say his designs ought to be unmasked and laid open to the world.

In the fall of the year 1836, and while I had charge of the jail in this place [Edwardsville], a man by the name of Williams was arrested for theft, carried from Alton here, and placed under my charge in confinement. He was taken sick on the same night, which I think was Wednesday, and died on Saturday succeeding. I had no opportunity of an interview with him after he was taken sick before he died; but after his death was told by the other three prisoners in the same cell with him, that when he first was taken sick he expressed a fear that he should die, and repeatedly told them that when he should die he wished me to have him respectably buried, and after defraying that and all other expenses attending his sickness, he wished the balance, if any, to go to me. It was ascertained after his death that the whole amount of money he had in his possession was but $25, and no other property but his wearing apparel, much worn, worth not to exceed $12 in all. The amount I paid out of my own pocket for necessaries, and all things attending his sickness, including the burial, was to Dr. Stark $10 for medical attendance; Mr. Gibson for coffin $6; Isaac Prickett for burial clothes, &c., $8; and the services of others for digging grave and attendance in sickness $11.25; making in all $35.25, besides my own trouble and services, which I have never received anything for from the public fund. In the spring of 1837, Jacob Smith, while here attending court in the May term, informed me that the man who died at the jail in the fall had left property at his house consisting of a pair of saddlebags, a pistol and two coats - one a homespun coat, much worn, and the other a broadcloth coat, half worn. Smith then informed me that he had not been paid for his services as constable in arresting and taking the prisoner to jail, and proposed that as I had not been fully compensated for my services and expense, that he should take the saddlebags and pistol and send me the coats, which he accordingly did.

The above statements can all be corroborated by the persons alluded to. I have considered myself no more than reasonably compensated by what I received of money and property. And it may perhaps be still more satisfactory to the public to state that a brother of the deceased has since called on me, and after hearing the above facts stated, and adjusting my accounts with him, expressed himself fully satisfied that I had no more than been paid, and poorly paid, for my services and expense. This interview was witnessed by James Willson, the present jailer, and by him will be corroborated. These are all the facts connected with the charge, every iota of which I am ready and willing to prove when called upon to do so. These ignominious charges are degrading to the dignity of the man who uttered them, and wholly uncalled for from Col. Buckmaster. He has done me great injustice, inasmuch as he has shown that he has been actuated by a spirit of revenge, prompted by mistaken information that I was the author of a report calculated to blacken deeply his own honor, and tarnish his reputation for honesty. Signed Thomas R. Willson, Edwardsville, July 25, 1838.


Source: The Library of Congress, April 03, 1840
The Madison County Harrison Convention to be held at Edwardsville, Monday, April 6, 1840. The Upper Alton, Monticello, and Alton Delegations will assemble on State Street, on Monday morning at six o'clock precisely; when a procession will be formed under the direction of George T. M. Davis, as Marshal of the day; and Joseph Gordon, William B. Little, Calvin Riley, John C. Young, and Henry C. Caswell, as Assistant Marshals. Marshal of the Day. Citizens on Horseback. Upper Alton Delegation. Ship - North Bend. Music. Monticello Delegation. Alton Delegation. Drays, wagons, carriages, and other vehicles. Citizens generally. Banners and other insignia will be arranged by the Marshal. By order of the committee. Alton, April 3, 1840.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 11, 1840
At the meeting of the Delegates from the several precincts of Madison county, which assembled at Edwardsville on the 22d of February last, it was William Henry Harrisonvoted that the business of the Convention be deferred till the first Monday in April, to which time that meeting was adjourned. In the meantime, measures were taken so to equalize the number of delegates from each precinct that all parts of the county should be fully and equitably represented, for the purpose of making choice of candidates for the various county officers to be elected in August next.

At a meeting of the citizens of Alton, held on the 31st ult., it was resolved that the citizens should escort the delegates to the Convention to be held at Edwardsville on the 6th of April. This resolution was communicated to Matthew Gillespie, Esq., of Edwardsville, on the first of April, and by him to several of the other precincts. Notwithstanding the time was very short for information to be disseminated through the county, that any except the delegates were expected to be in attendance, yet although the day was very unfavorable, it raining after nine o'clock a.m. incessantly, at least 700 of the bone and sinew of Old Madison were on the ground. Many estimated the number present at over one thousand! And such enthusiasm and determined zeal has never been witnessed in the county since many of these same men rallied in defense of their liberties and their homes. By this prompt answer to a call as sudden, they showed themselves to be minutemen now, as well as in former campaigns. But, to give a sketch of the whole proceedings of the day, we will commence with the early notes of preparation on the morning of the 6th, by the citizens of the two Altons and vicinity.

The following order of procession was issued on Saturday, the 4th, viz: The Upper Alton, Monticello [Godfrey], and Alton delegations will assemble on State Street on Monday morning at six o'clock precisely, when a procession will be formed under the direction of George T. M. Davis, as Marshal of the Day, and Joseph Gordon, William B. Little, Calvin Riley, John C. Young, and Henry C. Caswell as Assistant Marshals. Order: Marshal of the Day, citizens on horseback, Upper Alton Delegation, Ship - North Bend, Music, Monticello Delegation, Alton Delegation, drays, wagons, carriages, and other vehicles, citizens generally, banners and other insignia will be arranged by the Marshal. By order of the Committee.

In accordance with this order, at early dawn, horsemen, carriages, and all kinds of vehicles were seen moving towards State Street, the rendezvous for starting, and continued to assemble till about half past eight o'clock, when the Marshal made the following arrangement for the procession, viz: (1) Escort of twenty-six citizens on horseback, bearing banners - "Let the Government take care of itself," and "Let the People take care of Themselves." (2) Upper Alton Delegates with banner - "Upper Alton Delegation." (3) Ship "North Bend" and music. (4) Monticello Delegates with banner - "Monticello Delegation." (5) Office holder, bearing the banner - "To the Victors Belong the Spoils." (6) Four serfs with banners - "Perish Credit," "Perish Commerce," "Hard Money," and "Seven Pence a Day." (7) A standard bearer, with the motto - "This is the Way it Works." (8) Alton Delegates with their banner - "Alton Delegation" in front. In the centre of the delegation, the carriage containing the banner of the Fourth Ward. (9) Dray, with banner - "Our Wheels Want Greasing." (10) Bark Canoe (11) Citizens generally, with the banner - "One Currency for the Government - Another for the People."

Under this arrangement, the procession began to form down State and through Second Street [Broadway]. The ship "North Bend" moved forward in gallant style, decorated with banners, and bearing the identical flag that General Eaton planted upon the walls of Derno. On one side was the motto - "Freemen, Rally." On the other side, the motto - "Union for Union." On the stern, its name - "North Bend." The ship was well manned with officers and crew. At the helm was the venerable Thomas Nichols, an old soldier, and at the bows floated a banner with the motto _ "One Term." The whole drawn by eight elegant white horses, and managed by the skillful hand of Mr. J. L. Bingham.

The "Office Holder" was decked out in all the regalia of his station, and although he had not "followed in the footsteps" of the long line of illustrious log-treasurers, whose names are upon the railroad to immortality, yet he presented to the people, in his personal appearance, an excellent sample of one of the "victors" who had grown fat upon the "spoils."

The "Four Serfs" had mules and dresses in perfect keeping with the situation they represented. The admirable manner in which they acted their parts was a subject of merriment to many, but the startling truth that the Van Buren policy will, if carried out, reduce the great mass of the people to a condition not less abject, was a subject for serious consideration.

On the banner from the Fourth Ward was portrayed the Sub-Treasury in its various connections. It represented the interior of one of the Government buildings, proposed to be erected, presenting two pillars, in the foreground, upon the right and left. In the center of the room was a large iron chest, covered with strong bolts, upon the door of which was a huge padlock, and the inscription upon the front - "Sub-Treasury." In back of the iron chest stood Mr. Van Buren, the presiding genius of the place. Over his head were the words - "I follow in the footsteps" of "22 out of 27 foreign governments." Before the chest were the words - "Office Holders Rank of which the Executive is President, Director, Cashier, and Teller." Upon the right-hand pillar was the inscription, "$68.50 per day for the President, and 10 cents per day for the People." Upon the left-hand pillar was inscribed the declaration made by the Globe in 1834, in reference to the Sub-Treasury scheme, in these words - "It will subject the Treasury to be plundered by 100 hands, where one cannot now touch it." The painting was executed by Mr. C. G. Mauzy, and in a style highly creditable to his taste and skill as an artist.

The canon was drawn by four fine bay horses. In it was seated the worthy Mayor of the city of Alton, William G. Pinckard, Esq., and B. Clifford Jr., Chairman of the Whig Executive Committee, bearing a banner with the motto - "Old Tip." On one side were the words, "Our First Governor," and on the other, "We have proved him honest."

A barrel of the log cabin beverage, "Hard Cider," duly labeled, was espied in the procession, drawn by one horse in a homemade vehicle. The hospitable owner was supplied with the necessary utensils to impart his "old orchard" to such of his fellow travelers as might need.

As half past 8 o'clock, orders were given by the Marshal to "move forward." The music struck up "Hail to the Chief," the cannon roared its thunders - the streamer and flags were flying from the mast head of the ship - and the multitude of banners were waving in the breeze - all was life and animation. The procession passed on through Hunter's town and Upper Alton, amid the shouts and plaudits of those necessarily detained at home.

At Milton, the company were saluted by a delegation from the Loco-foco ranks, who had previously arrived and stationed themselves at the entrance of Wood River bridge, in the roof of which was suspended a red flannel petticoat, to which, as the company passed under, their attention was called, and as in duty bound, paid. It is with due deference suggested to our Loco-foco friends (who, by the way, are rather inclined to disregard the consequences of their measures) that when they next feel disposed to show their emblems, so to place them as to make the angle of vision such as not to endanger the necks of the spectators.

The company proceeded on through a cold rain, but with warm hearts, towards Edwardsville. About a mile this side of the town, they were met by a delegation of the citizens of that place, under the direction of J. T. Lusk, Esq., and escorted by them thro' the streets of Edwardsville to the place of meeting. This escort bore the following banners - "Democracy Without Corruption," "William H. Harrison, the American Cincinnatus," Old Madison - good for 500 majority," and "Harrison and Tyler - Retrenchment and Reform."

The reception at Edwardsville was warm and cheering, amid the roaring of cannon and the shouts of the people. The star-spangled banner was floating in the breeze, with the motto attached - "This is Tip's Petticoat."

[Next the meeting was held, with the following speakers: Mr. Hogan, Mr. Edwards, George T. M. Davis, Col. Alexander Botkin, Rev. Mr. Trabue (an old soldier in 1812-1813 under Gen. Harrison), Dr. J. Giles, Joseph Gillespie, Esq., and Mr. Ross (who fought under Harrison and revealed the story of the petticoat: "General Harrison said that if it should be the misfortune of the British commander to fall into our hands, her person should not be hurt; on the contrary he should be dressed up in a petticoat and delivered to the squaws, as being unworthy to associate with men.").

William Henry Harrison won the election, and became the ninth President of the United States. He took office March 4, 1841. However, he died on his 32nd day in office from complications from pneumonia. John Tyler became his successor.]


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 13, 1841
We confess we have been much surprised at the apathy which has been exhibited by the people of that rich and flourishing county, in relation to their public buildings at Edwardsville, the county seat. The courthouse and jail have long been a reproach, and we perceive that the Alton Telegraph has an excellent editorial article upon this subject, urging on immediate improvement. When we have had occasion to visit the beautiful village of Edwardsville, and noticed the many improvements which have been lately made by private citizens, the courthouse square has forcibly reminded us of the anecdote of the Illinois backwoodsman, who stood within the door of is roofless cabin diligently and complacently amusing himself with a fiddle, under the peltings of a severe storm. When the stranger, who happened to be passing by asked, "Why, my lazy fellow, do you stand there fiddling without a roof over your head?" "Oh, my good sir," he replied, "When it rains it is too wet to work upon it, and in dry weather I have no need of it." Those shabby, ill-contrived public buildings at Edwardsville cannot be changed while the court is in session, and when closed, the inconvenience is not realized. We trust that none of the inhabitants of this vicinity will have occasion to taste the fruits of any improvement of courthouses or jails, either in Madison or any other county. But we do hope that all may feel sufficient interest in the good town of Edwardsville to induce, if possible, some decided action in procuring this improvement. Signed by the Grafton Phoenix.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 4, 1843
The grand jury of this county, during the present term of our circuit court, presented the jail and courthouse as a public nuisance. They also strenuously urged certain improvements in regard to the jail, which the public safety of the prisoners absolutely requires. We hope the Clerk of the Circuit Court will comply with our request, and furnish us with a copy of this presentment for publication. Every citizen of Madison should see and read it, and then determine whether they will longer permit one of the most “populous, enterprising, and wealthy counties in the state, such as 'Old Madison' is known to be, to rest longer under the well-merited imputation of having not only the meanest public buildings in the whole state, but such ones as jeopardize the health of all who are compelled to remain in them in discharge of their duty. His Honor, Judge Shields, upon the reception of the presentment from the Grand Jury, remarked that he was gratified they had brought the subject to the notice of the court, and through the court to the public; and that he sincerely hoped, for the credit of the county, it would have the effect of arousing the commissioners at the next term of their court, to take some prompt and efficient steps towards remedying the evils complained of in their presentment.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 11, 1843
The committee beg leave to state that they have discharged the duties assigned to them according to the best of their ability, and they would present the courthouse and the jail as a disgrace to so large and respectable a county as the county of Madison. But in the present embarrassed condition of the county in general, and the low estimate put upon our county orders, we are of the opinion that it is inexpedient to make any repairs upon the courthouse at present. But we would recommend that some considerable repairs should be done to the jail. In the first place, to take up the floor in the south cell, and in lieu thereof, to procure seasoned timber, not less than eight inches square, and after first filling up the hole through which the prisoners recently made their escape, with suitable stone prepared for that purpose, to joint said timbers and lay the floor with them. In the second place, to procure a flag rock, eight feet long, four feet wide, and not less than six inches thick, and sink said flag at least three feet in the ground at the end of the jail, in order to prevent the digging out as before. In the third place, to take off the ceiling from said cell, and joint the plank well and put the same back so as to make the joints tight and spike them securely. In the fourth place, to procure large pots of copper, or some other metal, with lids and handles, for the prisoners to use, which may be taken out by the keeper without danger or stench. And in the fifth place, to cut a door through the wall in the front room upstairs on the south side, and to erect a small piazza with a flight of steps to the ground, for the benefit of the keeper and his family, as in the present arrangement, we are of the opinion they are in danger both from the prisoners and from fire. And we would also recommend the walling up of the well dug upon the square by James Willson, and we are of the opinion that said Willson should be remunerated or reimbursed for the money which he has laid out in digging said well. We are satisfied that the prisoners are well kept. All of which is respectfully submitted. Signed by H. Arthur, Chairman, William G. Pinckard, William B. Penny, Moses G. Atwood, Foreman, William L. Harrison, Stephen Johnson, William Otwell, Jacob Kinder, John G. Jarvis, Matthew C. Garey, Isaac Renfro, William Kell, James Glenn, G. B. Woolbridge, Lewis J. Clawson, Charles Trumbull, Henry Morrison, and Edward Norton.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 25, 1845
Two men named William W. Pulliam and John Smith (alias John Anderson) were apprehended on Monday night at their lodgings, about 17 miles east of Edwardsville, by our active and vigilant Sheriff Andrew Miller, Esq., under the following circumstances. Sometime in the course of the day, having taken dinner at different houses in the vicinity of Edwardsville, and had their horses shod at a blacksmith's shop, they offered payment in every instance, even where the sum due amounted to a few cents only, in bills of the Northern Bank of Kentucky of the denomination of one dollar, under the pretense that they had no smaller money, while at the same time they took care to pocket the change. This course having become known, excited suspicion, and the bills, upon being compared with those known to be genuine, were at once discovered to be spurious. The Sheriff immediately set off in pursuit, accompanied by Messrs. John F. Gillham, Uzzell Suers, and C. C. Gillham, and came up with them at a late hour in the night, at the houses where they had put up, and took both of them into custody. They had both retired to rest, when Mr. Miller arrived and offered him no resistance. Nothing of a suspicious nature was found about Smith, except a large and sharp, but coarsely-made bowie knife, the blade of which is thickly covered with spots resembling blood. But as Pulliam was getting up, the Sheriff discovered under the bedclothes, and promptly secured $144 in bills precisely similar to those they had passed in the neighborhood of Edwardsville. Among their effects were a few dollars in silver, probably the proceeds of their operations during the day. They were immediately taken back to Edwardsville, and committed to the county jail to answer for the offense with which they stand charged, before our Circuit Court, which commences its fall session on Monday next.

These men are both young. Pulliam, with whom the money was found, was genteelly, and the other coarsely dressed. When putting up for the night or stopping to take refreshments or to transact their peculiar business, they did not appear together, probably to elude suspicion, and when taken, pretended to be unacquainted, but when on the road, they traveled in company. Pulliam rode a dark bay horse, six or seven years old, something over fifteen hands high, all four feet white, a star in his forehead inclining towards the left eye, some white spots on the near side of his back; and was provided with a good saddle, covered with a black sheepskin, and a bridle and martingale, nearly new. The other had a chestnut sorrel stallion, supposed to be nine or ten years old, about fifteen hands high, heavy made, both hind feet white, some white about the pastern joints, and a small star in the forehead; and had an old saddle, bridle, martingale, and halter. Both horses are low in flesh, and supposed to have been stolen. They are now in the possession of the Sheriff, who will detain them until severally claimed by their owners, or proved to belong to the prisoners.

The bills found in Pulliam's bed, as well as those passed by both the men, are all exactly alike, and very well executed. They bear the date of May 4, 1844, are payable at the Lexington Branch of the Northern Bank of Kentucky, to D. Boon or order, Letter C, with the name of M. T. Scott, Cashier, evidently engraved on the plate. The engraving is somewhat coarse, and the paper shorter than that of the genuine bills, as well as inferior in quality, but it requires a pretty close examination to detect the difference. In reply to the questions put to them by their landlords and others, the men stated that they had been on a visit to Nauvoo or the vicinity, and were on their way back to Kentucky. Much credit is certainly justly due to Sheriff Miller and his assistants for their capture.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 26, 1847
By request of your honorable body, I hereby submit to you the following statistics of the poor house of Madison County in Edwardsville, from its establishment, January 01, 1844, to the present time - a period of three years and two months. There have been admitted into said house, and received medical treatment, since its establishment, 23 of intermitting fever, 17 of bilious fever, 15 of chills and fever, 13 of primary or secondary syphilis, 8 of pneumonia, 6 of congestive fever, 0 of typhus fever, 4 of fever sores, 4 of diarrhea, 4 of dropsy, 4 of paralysis, 4 of rheumatism, 3 of neuralgia, 3 of dyspepsia, 3 of scrofula, 2 of convulsions, 2 of epithalamia, 2 of hypochondria, 1 of nasal hemorrhage, 1 of powder burn, and 1 of cancer of the stomach - in all 126. Of these, 83 were males and 43 females; 71 were Americans, 19 Germans, 14 Irish, 12 English, 5 Norwegians, 3 Africans, 1 Swiss, and 1 Italian.

In consequence of the inundation of the American Bottom in 1844-5, several families were compelled to resort to the poor house, which very much increased the number of the American paupers. Since January 1, 1846, there have been received into the poor house 23 foreigners and 17 Americans, which is about the usual average. Of the whole number of paupers above mentioned, 15 were under ten years of age; over ten and under twenty, 24; over twenty and under thirty, 26; over thirty and under forty, 19; over forty and under fifty, 25; over fifty and under sixty, 12; over sixty, 5.

There have been in the house fifteen deaths - 2 of pneumonia, 2 of congestive fever, 2 of dropsy, 2 of diarrhea, 2 of intermitting fever, 1 of syphilis, 1 of scrofula, 1 of cancer of stomach, 1 of paralysis, and 1 of convulsions. 105 have been discharged, and 6 are yet under medical treatment in the house. Most of those who died were received into the house in the last stage of their disease, some living only one or two days after their arrival, and little or no medical relief could be given them. since the March term of the County Court 1846, forty-three different persons have been supported in the poor house, some for a longer, and some a shorter length of time - making in all 2,496 days, nearly 7 on an average for the whole year. As far as I can ascertain, at least one half of the whole number of paupers received into the poor house have been brought to their dependence, directly or indirectly, by intoxicating drinks.

There have been some complaints relative to diet in the poor house, and here I deem it due to the Superintendent to say, that I have found it very difficult to restrain patients in a convalescent state, from over eating, and thereby causing relapses. Many are not satisfied if they are not permitted to indulge freely in any article of food they desire. A bill of diet was made out two years ago, under the direction of the County Commissioners, and approved by them, and since sanctioned by the new Commissioners, and to which the Superintendent has strictly adhered, unless restricted by myself to patients under medical treatment, and as individuals are not permitted to remain at the house long after they have recovered their health, there is, of course, but a short time that anyone can be indulged in the free use of food with impunity, and I am confident that this is the whole ground of complaint, though intended for the gest good of the individuals.

I am, gentlemen, respectfully yours, John H. Weir
Physician to the Poor House, Edwardsville, March 01, 1847.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 11, 1846
On Saturday morning last, at an early hour, three men named Ford, Holly, and White, confined in one of the cells of the jail at Edwardsville in this county to await their trial at the next term of the Madison Circuit Court, made a desperate attempt to effect their escape, which was very near being successful. It seems that while the jailer, Mr. Yates, with two assistants, was engaged in cleaning out the cells, Ford suddenly knocked one of the latter down, and picking up a stick of wood, immediately struck at the head of the former. Mr. Yates parried the blow with his hand, which was pretty badly cut, and fired at his assailant from a revolving pistol, with which he happened to be provided, but Ford, contriving to throw up the barrel, remained uninjured. In the meantime, Holly sprang to the aid of Ford and attacked Yates, while White, their comrade, rushed towards the door. But instead of profiting by the opportunity thus afforded him for making his escape, he became alarmed and returned to the cell, where he hid himself under the bed.

The jailer's second assistant, a colored man and a cripple, took no part in the conflict, but ran off to give the alarm, leaving Mr. Yates to content alone with Ford and Holly, who dealt him some severe blows and prevented him from using his pistol with effect, but fortunately did him no serious injury. Finally, after a severe contest, they succeeded in reading the door and made off. Mr. Yates followed and fired at and wounded Holly, just as he left the jail, who fell, but immediately recovering himself, continued to run, as also did his companion. The jailer started in pursuit, and following Ford, who happened to be the hindmost, finally came up with him, knocked him down and secured him. By this time the alarm had been given, but Holly, being then out of sight, was not overtaken. He continued running for some time, till discovering that he was wounded, and gradually becoming exhausted, he stopped at Mr. Edmund Fruitt's, about five miles from Edwardsville, and surrendered himself. Upon being brought back and examined by a surgeon, it was discovered that the ball from Mr. Yates' pistol had taken effect in his back, below the shoulder blade, and, it is supposed, penetrated into the body, as it has not yet been extracted, and may cause his death. He is under arrest on the charge of stealing money from some person in this place a few months since. Ford, his accomplice, and the projector of the attempt, is an old offender, having recently completed a term of service in the Penitentiary. The jailer, Mr. Yates, deserves much credit for the gallantry and coolness he displayed in resisting alone the desperate efforts of these two ruffians, both of whom are much stouter men than himself. His first assistant, Mr. Hilliard, did not recover in season to take part in the struggle, but was able to close the door after Mr. Yates had started in pursuit of Ford and Holly, and thus prevented the other prisoners from effecting their escape.


[During the Mexican-American War]
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 6, 1846
We understand that a full company of volunteers has been raised in Edwardsville, and was organized on Tuesday last by the election of the following gentlemen as its officers: Messrs. Erastus Wheeler, Captain; George W. Prickett, First Lieutenant; and Joel Foster, Second Lieutenant. Captain Wheeler is an old and experienced officer, having served in the same capacity during the last war with Great Britain. A third company, we learn, is fast filling up in the eastern part of the county, and a fourth is in progress of enrollment in Alton. When these companies shall all be organized, which will probably be in the course of a few days, "Old Madison" will have furnished nearly 400 men, or about one out of every ten of her male population over twenty years of age, to aid in the defense of the country, and the vindication of the national honor. Will any county in the state exceed or even equal this? [Captain Erastus Wheeler also served in the War of 1812 and the Black Hawk War. He died in 1867, at the age of 70, and is buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville.]


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 27, 1851
The two prisoners who escaped from the jail at Edwardsville – Smith and Scanillan – on Thursday of last week, and for whose apprehension a reward was offered by the Shierff, were brought back to their old quarters on Saturday. They were taken near Silver Creek, about fifteen miles from Edwardsville – one on Friday night, and the other on Saturday morning – having evidently lost their way in their efforts to make good their escape.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 22, 1851
James L. Brockus Smith, who escaped from the Edwardsville jail some two months since, was subsequently recaptured, but succeeded in freeing himself from the “bonds that bound him,” a second time, on last Tuesday morning. A reward of $75 has been offered for his capture.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 12, 1851
In taking a stroll through Edwardsville the other day, we were much pleased at the many evidences of improvement which meet the eye upon every hand. During the season there have been a number of new dwellings erected, and others are now in process of completion. The construction of a plank sidewalk along the principal thoroughfare will add greatly to the comfort and convenience of pedestrians, and efforts should be made to secure its extension the entire length of the street. We were informed that houses are in great demand, thus giving good evidence that the population is gradually, though slowly, upon the increase, and the citizens anticipate a very considerable accession to business and population upon the completion of the plank road to St. Louis.

We will venture one suggestion, while upon this subject, which if carried out would add greatly to the appearance and character of the town, and be calculated to leave a better impression upon the minds of strangers visiting it. Remove or burn down those unsightly old buildings which may be seen near the principal street, and look like so many relics of the last century; paint your meeting houses and schoolhouses anew, and restore the broken glass, &c.; pay a little more general attention to the planting of shade trees, and your town will soon present a handsome and inviting appearance.

One can hardly visit Alton now-a-days without noticing some new and important improvements. Hills are being leveled, valleys filled up, old buildings torn down and replaced with new ones, and everything indicates the prevalence of the go-ahead spirit. The merchants there are getting in extensive stocks of goods, and say they are determined to offer country merchants as good an assortment, at as low prices, as they can find anywhere. With the increased trade, which will flow in her lap upon the completion of the rail and plank roads, Alton will be upon the highway to metropolitan greatness.

We had occasion to visit Collinsville a few days since, and were gratified to see the progress already made to connect this delightful village with St. Louis by a plank road. The whole distance hence to Collinsville is ten miles, and we traveled over about six miles of the road completed. The whole cost of the road, when completed, is estimated at about $28,000 to $30,000. We understand that it lacks about $3,000 to fill up the stock, or the cost of a little over a mile. The citizens of Madison County have subscribed liberally to the stock, and it seems to us, independent of the question of its being a good paying stock, that it is manifestly to the interest of St. Louis to lend a helping hand to complete this road.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 03, 1852
We learn that all the prisoners confined in the Madison County jail made their escape yesterday, about 1 o’clock in the afternoon, by breaking the locks upon the inner doors, and when the keeper came to give them their dinner, they made a simultaneous rush through the outside door, and made off. Two of them were subsequently retaken, and the officers are in active pursuit of the rest. Those now at large are Samuel Diamond, Samuel Kennedy, George Cottrell, Martin Perrigan, and Patrick Kannon. A reward of $200 has been offered for their arrest, and a full description will be given in our issue of tomorrow.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, December 03, 1852
Yesterday afternoon, seven prisoners, confined in the county jail at Edwardsville, escaped, being all that were there confined. Two prisoners of one cell tore their bedding into a rope, and by throwing the end, to which a book was attached, out of the hole for ventilation over the cell door, which caught and drew up the bar across the door, and then, by punching off the lock of the door, they got into the hall. Then using the bar of the door, they opened the other cells. The prisoners assembled in the hall, and when the jailor came in to feed them, they made a rush and escaped. Two of them were soon caught in the woods west of Edwardsville, but the remaining five are at large. We get these facts very late, and may not be exactly correct. Further particulars tomorrow. [The next day's paper was missing. The Madison County jail was a log cabin, located in the 1200 block of North Main Street in Edwardsville.]


Source: Syracuse, New York Daily Journal, December 15, 1852
All the prisoners in the Madison County jail, Illinois, seven in number, recently made their escape.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 6, 1853
The two fine grays of your friend Carmart, with a pleasant and comfortable coach, himself holding the reins, brought us to this ancient burgh in a few hours after we set sail from Alton – I call it setting sail – for really we crossed lakes, neither few in number, nor far between, in the course of our cruise – a sailor would perhaps have called them “Roadsteads, a nautical phrase which I will not now stop to explain. By way of illustration, however, I will just observe that the thousand and one mudholes on the Alton and Edwardsville Road offer no inducement to the inhabitants of this section to visit Alton. If a plank road was ever needed in any case, it surely is in these “diggings” – and why wouldn’t a good plank road between us and this venerable county seat be a good investment?

Passing through the Sandridge along the lake side over the fertile prairie, and under the brow of the bluffs which overlook as fine a landscape as the county can boast, as I have done for a number of years, I am struck with the apparent want of the spirit of improvement, visible along the whole route, and I can only account for it by supposing that it is owing to the want of facilities to get the products of the farms to market. It seems to me that our neighboring farmers in the region to which I allude are not aware of the superior advantages within their reach. The land lying idle around them would sell, if within seven miles of Cincinnati or Philadelphia, for a thousand dollars an acre. There seems to have been very little advance made by our “Bottom friends,” as they are called, for the last eighteen years – the same old fences, the same barnless homesteads, the same stake and cider breed of hogs, the same crooked and untrimmed apple trees, are yet to be seen, and seeming altogether out of keeping with the spirit of the age.

The county is about completing a new bridge across the Cahokia. It will be, and continue to be a good bridge for many years, and will reflect credit upon the architect. I shall perhaps be able to furnish you with more items respecting it before I leave. I do not notice an unusual number of people here yet, and but few members of the bar – Judge Underwood Has not arrived – the weather is cold and dreary – politics are suspended – the fat offices are filled with new men, no weddings, no masquerades or fandangos. Going and returning from California has got to be a common affair, and so we shall have dull time of it until our new Sheriff exclaims to all around, Oh yes! Oh yes!

P. S. Just as I close this, Judge Underwood makes his appearance, and I notice with him Lieut. Governor Kierner, Prosecuting Attorney Kinney, and other. Charley’s Oh Yes! Begins the excitement. Signed, Yours in haste, R.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 5, 1853
This being the day appointed for the opening of the Spring term of the Madison Circuit Court, our town is filled with a large number of persons from different parts of the county. At the time of this writing, however, - two o’clock p.m. – our worthy Judge has not yet arrived, and the question arises, whether it is entirely “Democratic” to keep one hundred men waiting in consequence of the delay. This, I suppose, will be settled after the “Bourbon” controversy is decided. There seems to be a large amount of business before this court, it being understood that the civil cases number about 200, and there are nearly an equal number of grocery and criminal cases. It is thought that the grocery cases will be dismissed without prosecution, as was the case in the St. Clair Court.

It is to be hoped the grand jury will pay their respects to the delinquent road supervisors, of whoever may be to blame for the present miserable condition of the roads generally throughout the county. Common decency requires that something should be done. Edwardsville is going to take the lead in this matter of street improvements. Our election for town trustees takes place today, and after the new officers take hold, a tax is to be levied for the purpose of planking our principal street. A good and substantial covered bridge is now being erected over Cahokia Creek on the Alton road, and will be completed in a few weeks. The County Court is in session today.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 7, 1853
The first election of town trustees, under the charter obtained at the recent session of the Legislature, took place on Monday last, and resulted in the choice of Messrs. John T. Lusk, F. T. Krafpt(sp?), Friend S. Rutherford, O. Meeker, and N. Biculhauph. By the terms of this charter, the trustees are authorized to borrow the sum of $5,000, to be expended in improving the streets of the town, and to levy a tax for the payment of the same. It is proposed to plank the principal street, which will add much to the comfort and convenience of the citizens.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 11, 1853
I have no doubt every citizen of the county will admit that our county is worthy of a better courthouse. It is a well-known fact that our county debt is large, that we are paying from six to twelve percent interest on the county indebtedness, and that those who hold county indebtedness are wanting their money. I hold to the doctrine that a policy which will work well when applied to an individual’s domestic and financial affairs will also work well when applied to the finances and affairs of the public. But the inside of the old courthouse looks more like a carpenter shop than anything else, owing to the chips and shavings that a certain class of men cut off of the banisters and fixtures of the poor old house, and it is worthy of remark that I have never seen any person so destitute of good manners as to be cutting and whittling in this manner, except the lawyers. Signed J. O., Silver Creek, Madison County.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, September 9, 1853
Edwardsville, August 31, 1853 - "Mr. Editor - After supper last evening, quite a commotion was excited by the discovery that a fine, young and high-spirited horse belonging to Gov. Koerner had disappeared from the hotel stable, and various conjectures were hazarded as to whether it had strayed, or was feloniously taken. All who had horses ran to the stable to see if their property was safe, when it was discovered that a venerable roadster belonging to the junior editor of the Telegraph was left in the stable, although it was known that the young man had departed for Alton an hour or so previous. Further inquiry elicited the fact that he had gone to the stable with the hostler, selected the horse himself, and was so occupied with his pleasant thoughts, that he did not discover he had exchanged an "old fogy," capable of three miles an hour, for one of the "Young America" stamp, capable of ten miles, without 'blowing.'

After a good deal of consultation as to what ought to be done under these alarming circumstances, it was finally determined to organize a self-constituted tribunal and try the young man; whereupon, Esq. Arthur of Six Mile, was unanimously elected judge, William H. Turner of Alton, clerk, L. B. Sidway of the same place, sheriff, and Martin T. Kurtz of Collinsville public prosecutor. The defendant not being present, the court appointed John H. Shipman, Esq., to defend him, and at once proceeded to examine witnesses. One witness thought he was excusable, on account of the large amount of money he had collected. Another thought his mind was entirely engrossed by the city election. Another thought he was cogitating how to save the present county court - but the majority of the witnesses thought he was in love with some young lady, and one intimated that he knew such to be the fact. After an elaborate argument in which the books, recent cases not reported, and personal experience were freely quoted, the jury retired, and after an anxious season of deliberation, returned into court the following verdict:

'We, the jury, find the defendant guilty of the latest case of absence of mind, but, on account of its being caused by love, we recommend him to the mercy of the Court.' The verdict was received with marked sensation, the young men particularly feeling very much relieved. One of them, D. Gillespie, Esq., paid a high tribute to the good sense displayed by the jury, in an exordium prompted by the excitement of the occasion. His Honor, Judge Arthur, then arose, and putting on that black beaver, honored as an emblem of judicial authority, and a constant terror to the evil-doers of the Bottom for the last fifty years, proceeded to pronounce upon the defendant - who had in the meantime been brought into Court - the extreme sentence of the law. The sentence was solemn and impressive, and delivered in the following words:

'Wretched young man! You have done the deed! - and now you see what you have come to. But for the merciful recommendation of the jury, there is no telling what I should have done. Have you nothing to say for yourself? what! - nothing! Listen then wretched youth while the sovereign people through me do speak. The judgment of this Court is that you be taken to the place from whence you came. That you are no judge of democratic horse-flesh. That you pay the expenses of this Court, amounting to a half bushel of peaches. That you marry the girl who has caused all this trouble, and may the Lord have mercy on your soul!'

The Rev. John Gibson of Troy, who was present and watched the proceedings with great interest, immediately stepped forward to the prisoner, and offered his services, remarking, by way of consolation, that he ought to be thankful that the Court had not condemned him to marry a woman with half a dozen children, in whose origin he had no agency."


Source: The Evening Chronicle, Syracuse, New York, July 26, 1854
A drove of sheep numbering eleven thousand head passed through Edwardsville, Illinois, on the 8th inst. They were from the state of Tennessee, and are to be wintered in Missouri, when they will be driven to Salt Lake.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, August 03, 1854
We learn from J. Chapman, Esq., one of the County Judges, that the County Court has completed the purchase of the farm of Andrew Miller, Esq., near Edwardsville, for a County Farm for the poor. The price is $4,000, the place containing twenty acres, and the house being sufficiently large for all immediate purposes. It has lately been put in complete repair. We are glad the County Court has completed this purchase. It is much better than any attempt to build, and will be a saving of several thousand dollars to the county.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, June 10, 1858
At a meeting of the members of this Company, held in Edwardsville on the 29th ult., an election of officers was held, with the following result: Joseph H. Sloss, Captain; J. G. Robinson, 1st Lieutenant; I. R. Dunnigan, 2d Lieutenant; Joseph Newsham, 3d Lieutenant; T. J. Newsham, Ensign; J. M. Brown, Orderly Sergeant; G. C. Lusk, 2d Sergeant; J. A. Dunnigan 3d Sergeant; Henry Putnam, 4th Sergeant; Henry Wilder, 1st Corporal; J. Bartlett, 2d Corporal; J. H. Gillham, 3d Corporal; Edward Friday, 4th Corporal. A change in uniform from the Jacket to the Frock coat was agreed upon. Captain Sloss presented the company with an invitation from the citizens of Edwardsville to join them in the celebration of the next Fourth of July in full dress uniform, which was unanimously accepted. Several persons were received as members of the Company.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 20, 1861
The seventh annual fair of the Madison County Agricultural Society, to be held at Edwardsville on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, October 1st, 2d, 3d, and 4th, 1861. Open to competition from the whole state; $2,000 offered in premiums, and payable in money or plate. The fairgrounds comprise fifteen acres of beautiful woodland, situated one mile west of the court house. The grounds are well enclosed, and now well cleared out and seeded to bluegrass. Two wells and a deep pond will furnish abundance of water for man and beast. The stall for horses and cattle will be thoroughly cleaned and repaired, and the track put in the best of order. A fine hall for the ladies department will insure the good preservation and safety of all articles sent thither, and sheds will be properly fitted up for the accommodation of the industrial wealth of old Madison and her sister counties. Dining saloons and refreshment stands will be found on the grounds under the supervision and regulation of the officers of the fair, and in charge of persons who knew how to keep a hotel. Exhibitors will be funished with grain at cost, and with hay and straw gratis. Raised seats for the accommodation of ladies desiring to witness the exhibitions in the ring will be provided as usual, and good order preserved by an absence of strong drinks and the presence of an effective police. Admittance will be: Season ticket, $1,00; carriage, 50 cents; single admission, 25 cents; horse, 25 cents.

Cattle – William M. Lindley; horses – A. P. Mason; Sheep, swine and poultry – J. Dunnagan; farm products – William A. Willson and Charles Spillman; horticultural products – L. W. Lyons and G. C. Lusk; natural history – George W. Kinder; ladies’ department – John Miles, Theo Lydel and John H. Weir; mechanical department – J. R. Dunnagan.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 11, 1861
Having just returned from the County Fair at Edwardsville, I have thought that a brief sketch of what I saw there might be acceptable to your city readers, as but very few of them, owing I suppose to the unfavorable weather, were to be seen upon the ground.

After a ride of several hours on Wednesday through mud, I arrived in pretty good condition and found at the gates a keeper of remarkably pleasant countenance, who took my dollar and handed me a season ticket, in the most agreeable manner. He remarked that the prospect for a first-rate fair was rather dull, but he hoped that I would find something worthy of my attention upon the grounds before the fair was over. The suavity and general demeanor of the gate keeper I take pleasure in commending as worthy of imitation, and I hope that he and I may live to meet upon the same spot where the next annual exhibition of the fine things of Old Madison shall recur.
1861 map showing the Edwardsville fairgrounds
I may as well remark here that the interests of this County institution are supervised by men of the most active, obliging, and considerate character, and that at none of the many State and County Fairs attended by me have I met with others who seemed more adapted to the positions they occupied. The President Is evidently energetic. There was put a department that did not receive its due share of his personal attention, in fact, I often thought that he did a great many things which other Presidents have left to their subordinates to do, or not to do, they didn’t care which. I have not the pleasure of his intimate acquaintance with President Gilham, but I have no hesitation in expressing the wish that the Society may long enjoy the benefit of his administrative skills.

A hasty walk among the stalls, the most of which I noticed were capacious and comfortable, convinced me that many of them were occupied by horse and mare, and cow and pig flesh, which my county might be proud to possess. But a tap of the drum called my attention to the ring, and I soon became one of hundreds who were engaging with the most intense feelings of admiration upon five of the most magnificent horses I ever saw. There they stood, perfect pictures. The bright sunlight gleaming upon their arched necks, their wavy manes and brilliant coats of silky softness, gave a proud feature to the scene which is seldom surpassed. The names of these noble creatures will doubtless appear in the official report of the fair, and also on the count of their performances, but in the estimation of your correspondent, who is certainly entitled to his opinion, Hundley’s “Northern Chief,” and Nutter’s “Rising Sun,” of point of beauty and all that goes to make up the perfect horse, have no superiors. These splendid animals, after receiving the plaudits of the delighted spectators, gave way for the entrance of several fine three-year-olds, to this contest for the blue ribbon, a Morgan horse, bred by Mr. Sawyer of Monticello [Godfrey], whose celebrity for raising superior horses of this stock has been well earned and is widely known was an easy victor.

Stepping into the vegetable depository, I was surprised to find so few of the productions of farms upon the table. The specimens, however, were of the best quality. Heads of cabbage that a Dutchman would delight to contemplate, and potatoes that no Irishman would despise, were there. There was also one sample of beets, and one of sweet potatoes, that reflected much credit upon the producer, but of all the vegetables there, I noticed, the several varieties of purple plant and some five or six specimens of the pie plant seemed to attract the most attention. These enormous stalks of eggplant, I was told, were from the garden of Mr. T. J. Prickett of Edwardsville, and the eggplant, some of which were 24 by 26 inches, from that of Mr. J. R. Woods in the vicinity of Alton.

Entering the building expressly and admirably fitted up for the display of needlework, fruits, wines, cakes, flowers, etc., etc., I was pained to find the tables comparatively bare. The superintendents, however, assured me that as the entry books would be kept open till Thursday evening, I would find something worth looking at if I would call the next day, which I did, and here is what I saw –

Being about half a farmer myself, I felt desirous of examining those implements of husbandry in which the tiller of the soil is directly interested, and to make a note of such improvements as I might meet with. In plows, there was no competition, there being but one entry made of that article. Nor did I see any barrows, rakes or forks. There was a cider mill, turned by horse power, doing a mashing business among the apples. It had no competitor, and of course took a premium, and richly worthy it was too.

The show of fowls was meager, same of hogs. There was a fine specimen of the pure Suffolk, and one of the Chester white variety. These porkers were exhibited by Dr. Lytle of Troy, all amateur only, but who thus sets an example to the farmers of his vicinity, which they ought to initiate, and further let me remark that the large farmers, horticulturalists, florists, and gardeners of Madison County ought to blush when reminded of the indifference they manifest in relation to this annual festival. They should be ashamed of their lukewarmness toward an institution so useful as this will be.

There were some good cattle in the stalls, but not a tithe to what the County ought to send up. The Messrs. Barnstacks deserve great praise for the interest they give to the Fair, by sending in their livestock. That mammoth white bull of theirs never fails to distance all competitors – he is a majestic fellow, and quite a patriarch, judging to the numerous descendants from his loins.

Finding that no addition had been made to the collection of vegetables, I again entered the hall, and found it not only crowded with spectators, but with its walls and tables well covered with a vast variety of articles. Near the hour which I entered, stood a crowd of ladies discussing the workmanship and design of a beautiful quilt, made up entirely of waste scraps of mouselline dolaines. It is an elegant and substantial affair, and had a most comfortable look and feel. Miss Lyons of Bethalto is the architect of this fine piece of work.

Pressing my way through the dense crowd, I reached a structure specially lined for the display of bouquets, pot-flowers, paintings, wreaths, and floral design. In the wreaths and bouquets, there was a brilliant variety, and of course a spirited competition. I was glad to see it, being a great admirer of Florn’s sweet and lovely family. The skill and taste displayed in the forms and arrangement of the bouquets, and in the construction of the wreaths, speak well for the wives and daughters of our farmers.

Had I time and space to spare just now, I would take the liberty of making a remark or two in relation to the construction, uses, and indispensable constituents of a bouquet, but I must press on, and discuss the subject by saying that Miss Lyons, to this contest carried out the blue ribbon.

Stepping across the hall, I found a crowd standing before a very rare piece of shell work. I would like to give your readers a minute description of this elegant and, I might say, useful article. It is of the monumental form, some four feet in height, four or six sides, overlaid with shells from the Mississippi River. Upon the sides are inserted Ambrotype likenesses of the several members of the family. It is the handwork of Mrs. Woods of Godfrey, who seems to always carry off premiums for shell work.

The geology of the County was represented by a small collection of specimens, among which I was surprised to find not a single variety of coal. In close proximity with these little rocks stood a jar of sunkes, well preserved in liquor. They attracted much attention, but having no card attached, I did not learn the names of their sunkeships, nor that of the exhibitor.

Edwardsville may well be proud of her harness makers, who had on exhibition some of the best made and most substantially, as well as beautifully finished double and single harness that I ever examined.

We came now to the fruit stalls, and the first thing that arrested the eye, arouses the appetite and sets the lips to moving is a grand display of four varieties of grapes. They were suspended upon the surface of a fan-shaped frame. I noticed that the Catawalta predominated, and being fully ripe, appeared to be almost transparent. On the upper edge of the frame were some fine clusters of the Isabella, while from the lower edges were suspended a fringe of two or three varieties of wild grapes. This showing of fruit is a good one, and I would commend it to the attention of our nurseries. For this chief attraction in the fruit departments, we are indebted to Mr. J. H. Woods of Godfrey, who, I learn, is but an amateur in the business. It is certainly to be regretted that more of our grape growers do not patronize the Fair by sending up samples of their grapes. Mr. Pettingill of Bunker Hill showed a remarkable delicious grape, which he entered under the name of “Monds Seedling.”

From the orchard of Flagg, Lyons, Barnsback, and others, there was a large and fine variety of apples, and most superb peaches and pears. Quinces of the most astonishing size were exhibited by some of these gentlemen. The samples of wines were not numerous.

I deem it proper to remark that I have mentioned the names of certain of the exhibitors simply because they have been long known as very liberal contributors. Several names of others would have been mentioned, but they escaped my recollection. In my judgement the fairgrounds have been happily selected, just near enough to the town to furnish in dry weather a very pleasant walk for either sex. The people of Edwardsville are kind, social and hospitable, and attend very generously to the needs of strangers. They are lamentably deficient in one thing, however, and that is their contributions. They should not allow the Hall of Fine Arts to have one naked spot upon its walls, while their parlors and drawing rooms abound with so many fine paintings, drawings, vases, and ornamental furniture as they do. Should this remark meet their notice, it is hoped that they will do better next year. Signed by Heath.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 01, 1862
We have been informed that two prisoners confined in the county jail at Edwardsville made their escape yesterday morning under the following circumstances. It appears that the outer door was left open, and that by some means, the prisoners managed to pry the inside door open and walked out. The jailer not being about the premises at the time. One of those was charged with horse stealing, and we did not learn the crime for which the other was confined.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 25, 1863
The unconditional Union men of Madison County, without regard to past political differences, are requested to meet in each precinct in primary convention on Saturday, the 25th of September, 1863, to appoint delegates to a County Convention, to be held in Edwardsville on the first Saturday of October, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the ensuing election in November. Each precinct will be entitled to one delegate, and to one additional for every one hundred votes or a fraction of the same above fifty, based on the vote cast at the election of 1860.

Signed by Levi Davis, H. C. Sweetser, A. P. Mason, C. F. Springer, G. W. Philips, Dr. C. W. Wickliffe, John Blatner, William J. Roseberry, Lewis Ricks, William M. Lindley, Henry Dorr, Jacob Busch, George S. Kinder, Joseph S. Cottrel, Julius A. Barnsback, James B. McMichael, T. M. Williams, Isaac Cox, Jesse Stanley, and John D. Dillon.

In accordance with the above call, the unconditional Union men of this vicinity will meet in Alton Precinct on Saturday evening at 7 o’clock at the Hall of the Hook and Ladder Company, for the purpose of selecting delegates to the above convention.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 13, 1866
The Edwardsville Intelligencer of today says two horses, valued at $300 each, were stolen from the stable of Mr. Thomas Judy, living six miles northeast of that place, on Saturday evening last. It also states that the thieves were pursued to Jersey Landing [Elsah], a few miles above Alton, and from there over into St. Charles County, where they were overtaken and captured. The thieves, known as Tom Bat and John Thompson, the former of which is well known as an old offender, are now secure in jail. It is said that there is a prospect of Thompson turning State’s evidence. In such case, there will no doubt be some rich developments made.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 8, 1866
We have received a copy of the Premium List and Regulations of the Madison County Agricultural Society, for the 12th annual exhibition, which is to be held at Edwardsville on September 4, 5, 6, and 7. The officers are Julius A. Barnsback, President, Troy; Everard Elliff, Vice-President, Highland; Edward M. West, Recording Secretary, Edwardsville; William J. Barnsback, Treasurer, Troy. The Board of Directors are Julius A. Barnsback, Troy; Everard Elliff, Highland; George S. Rice, Edwardsville; Jacob J. Kinder, Edwardsville; Thomas Judy, Edwardsville; William Emmert, Venice; and V. P. Richmond, Moro.

It is sincerely to be hoped, now that the war is over [Civil War], that the farmers and mechanics of Madison County will give more attention to these annual fairs than they have done for some year’s past. For while it is notoriously true that Madison contains some of the finest farms, and as skillful farmers as can be found in the State, that our county fair is much inferior to those of St. Clair, Macoupin, and Greene counties. This should not be the case, hereafter. We cannot help believing, however, that the officers of the Society have been much to blame for this state of things. They have been penny wise and pound foolish by trying to economize in the way of advertising, while their fair would come and be over, and not one third of the farmers would know anything about it. Nothing can succeed nowadays without a free use of printers’ ink.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 21, 1866
The twelfth annual fair of the Madison County Agricultural and Mechanical Society terminated on Saturday last. The receipts were not so large as they would have been had the weather been pleasant. It rained every day during the week except Saturday. On Tuesday, in spite of the threatening rain, there were on the grounds at one time upwards of five thousand people – the largest number that has ever attended since the existence of the society. There was more to attract attention than heretofore in the way of amusements. A machine for separating sugar from molasses after granulation attracted great attention.

All the different departments were well represented, and as we said before, had the weather been clear and favorable, the fair would have been a success in a pecuniary view. As it was, the receipts will not in all probability defray the expenses. Every year some six or seven hundred dollars have been expended in repairs and in replacing material which has either been maliciously destroyed or stolen. The amount of plank used for covering sheds, etc., carried off every year, is enormous. This will all be obviated in the future, as the directors last Saturday leased the grounds at public auction. The grounds were let for one year to Robert Kinder of Edwardsville, for $325 – quite an item.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 20, 1867
We had occasion to visit this old and well-established town this week, and found its worthy inhabitants radiant over the fact that in a short time they will be brought within half an hour’s ride of the city of Alton by railroad. They expect the road will be fit and in running order by the first of November, but it is evident their desires make them over sanguine. There is no question, however, but it will be completed within the next four or five months.

There are evidences of considerable thrift in the place. Quite a number of very substantial buildings are being erected – the most prominent among which is the banking house of Messrs. West and Prickett. They have also one of the most imposing and best-arranged public schoolhouses in the county. It was erected at a cost of some thirty or forty thousand dollars, and is furnished in the most modern and improved style.

We also observed very extensive shops for the manufacture of agricultural implements in full blast, with a large number of hands employed. In fact, everything presented a very healthy and prosperous state of affairs.

But in a religious and moral point of view, the town is evidently very deficient. There are but three church organizations, and two of them are very weak and are just beginning to struggle into existence, and the strongest one of the three is very far from being as strong as it ought to be in a place of the size of Edwardsville. While on the other hand, we were informed there are eighteen places where intoxicating liquors are sold by the glass, and in addition to them, on every Sabbath day, the Fairgrounds are opened and hundreds resort there to drink, dance, race horses, and to indulge in almost every species of vice and dissipation.

We do not mention these facts with any intention of disparaging the place, but for the sake of urging the good people there to do something to remedy the evils complained of. If our county fairgrounds are to be used as places to pander to the vices of the low and vile, and to corrupt and ruin our youth by cultivating a taste among them for strong drink, gambling, Sabbath breaking, and other vicious habits, the sooner agricultural fairs cease and the grounds are vacated the better for all the parties concerned.

Forty years ago, Edwardsville was one of the most important places in the State, nearly all of the leading and influential politicians of the day resided there. But it has not kept pace with the growth and prosperity of other places, and had it not been for the fact that it was the county seat of one of the largest and most wealthy counties in the State, it would ere this have entirely died out, but now with a certain prospect of railroad facilities between it and Alton, and probably of another one running through there from the east to St. Louis, its prospects are now much brighter and more promising than it has been since that time. We sincerely hope that the sanguine expectations of her good citizens of its growth and prosperity may be realized to the fullest extent.

An old and worthy citizen of Edwardsville says, “No one could be more outraged by such use of said grounds than were many of the citizens of Edwardsville. The directors last year rented the grounds without restriction, and the result was as complained of in the article above. But on last Saturday, the stockholders met for the purpose of electing directors for the coming year, and the question of restriction on the Sabbath was called up, and the restriction was sustained by a very decisive and large majority of the stockholders. So, the fairgrounds will be used no more on the Sabbath.”


Old Madison Awake
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 28, 1868
The Republican mass meeting yesterday at Edwardsville was a grand demonstration of the attachment of the loyal people of Madison County to the principles of the Republican Party. The people of Edwardsville, and delegates from every precinct in the county, were present to the number of 2,000, all animated with the greatest zeal and enthusiasm.

The County Republican Convention was held in the morning at the court house, and in the afternoon the mass meeting was held at the fairgrounds. Individuals from the different precincts, for the most part, came independently, but the Upper Altonians came over in a long procession, proceeded by the Tanner’s Club in uniform, bearing flags, banners, and patriotic devices. Among them we noticed the following: “Grant and Peace, Blair and War;” “Palmer and Victory;” “We Had Rather be Lincoln’s Hirelings than Seymour’s Dupes;” “God, Grant, Victory;” “We Make No Common Cause With the Murderers of Andersonville and Libby;” etc. Other mottoes were also borne similar in character – one especially, elicited much approval – “Bullets for Traitors, Ballots for Grant, Brandy for Blair.” The Upper Alton Tanners were under the command of Captain Weeks, and the delegation under that of Major Frank Moore. The delegation which marched from Edwardsville to the grounds was marshaled by Major Newsham. It was preceded by the Highland Band and made a fine appearance.

At two o’clock, the meeting was called to order by Judge Joseph Gillespie, who introduced Major General John M. Palmer. The gallant General was welcomed with loud applause and a salvo of artillery. Our limits today will not warrant us in giving a synopsis of the Governor’s speech. It was, however, a masterly effort, occupying two hours in delivery, and covering the whole ground of the political controversy of the day. The condition the nation was left in by the war; the reconstruction policy; negro suffrage; finance; and the party platforms were discussed in the clear, logical convincing manner peculiar to the General. At the close of General Palmer’s remarks, Hon. A. W. Metcalf introduced Colonel I. H. Elliot to the audience, who made a short and brilliant speech.

In the evening the Republicans turned out a torchlight procession 300 strong, bearing colored lanterns and transparencies, and marched through the principal streets. At the close of the torchlight procession, another large mass meeting was held in the court house, which was addressed by Governor Koerner of Belleville and General Lippincott.

The demonstration as a whole was a grand success, and showed that the loyal men of Madison County are not yet inclined to surrender to Rebels the principles for whose maintenance they fought and bled.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 11, 1868
The Edwardsville Courier gives the names of the present inmates of the county jail as follows:

James St. Clair – robbery of the First National Bank of Alton, and the murder of Policeman Filley.
William Bell – murder of Hermann Wendell.
Michael Desmond – murder of William R. Henderson.
William Thompson – passing counterfeit money.
Andrew Bauer – murder of Xavier Buckhardt.
Henry K. Smith, Louis Foster, and Michael Grimm – robbery and larceny.
John Wright – larceny.
John Carlin – disturbing the peace.
Thomas Hoffman – horse thief.
Henry Hineman – debt.

This is the largest list of desperate characters ever confined in the jail, and calls upon the authorities to exercise the utmost vigilance in keeping them securely guarded.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 13, 1871
The county seat has been excited over a case of body snatching. On December 28, 1870, a man died at the County Poor House, and was buried. Shortly after, a box was shipped by express from Edwardsville, directed to Ann Arbor, Michigan. When the box arrived at Decatur, a foul odor was detected issuing from it, and suspicion being aroused, it was opened and found to contain the body of a man. Word was sent to Edwardsville, and an investigation disclosed the fact that the new-made grave of the pauper, mentioned above, had been robbed of the corpse. This explained the matter, and the body was returned to Edwardsville and reinterred. It is supposed that the body was stolen and shipped to Ann Arbor as a subject for dissection at the medical college.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 24, 1871
Today is the anniversary of the Edwardsville Turnverien, and it has been made the occasion for a grand masquerade ball tonight, at the Edwardsville Hotel, kept by Anton Weiner. A party of masked persons appeared upon the streets on horseback this afternoon, looking little less hideous than old Nick, to the great amusement of all the “little” boys, and some of the big ones.

“Musical Union” is the name of an association organized here a few weeks ago, having for its object the improvement of its members in vocal music. The officers are: G. M. Cole, President; Thomas J. Newsham, Secretary and Treasurer; W. R. Graves, Musical Director; and E. Phillips, Assistant Director. The meetings of the Society are held every Monday evening at the schoolhouse, and are becoming quite popular. Already its members number upwards of forty of our best singers, and we are pleased to say they are manifesting an interest in the matter that denotes success.

Arba Nelson, deceased, who subsequent to the making of what purports to be his last will and testament, was married, is said to have thereby annulled said will. Would it not be well for our lawmakers to amend or make our statutes more definite?

Our circuit court is still actively engaged in dispensing justice – the dispensation of that article, however, is not always appreciated. The town of Bethalto, for example, yesterday caused a nauseous dose of the article to be administered to one of its citizens for violating an ordinance in relation to gambling. William Richards and William Assman, both under indictment for robbery, were also put to the trouble of giving bail in the sum of five hundred dollars each for their appearance at the next term, to save them from going back to jail. James Purcell vouched for the appearance of Mr. Assman, and G. B. Burnett, A. L. Brown, and W. M. Whaling, for that of Mr. Richards. We understand, however, that the promises made by Mr. Richards to his bondsmen were violated this evening, and that a repetition thereof will send him back to jail. Billy claims not only to have made this town, but a large proportion of its citizens, and seems to be quite indignant about the treatment he is receiving at the hands of those who are under many obligations to him.

The watch and clock making establishment of William Huesser, jeweler & etc., has been removed from his old stand in lower town, to the house of Mr. Brinkman on Main Street, near the court house.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 31, 1871
Our town, although one of the oldest in the State, is looking as fresh and business is opening up as lively in it this Spring, as if it were a new town and had never known anything but prosperity. It is true our little railroad “continues in a state of discontinuance,” but that does not seem to deter our citizens from building new houses, repairing, fixing up and painting old ones, making new fences, building outhouses, etc. Our industrious citizens have their gardens made and plenty of “sass” coming on; and almost an endless variety of shrubbery has been planted in the door yards, gardens, &c., of many of our more tasteful citizens.

Madison County jail - 1873The new jail at this place is not yet occupied, except that part of it intended for a residence for the Sheriff, but sealed proposals are invited for making a cistern, smokehouse, water closet, sewer, &c., for the use of the new jail, and when said improvements are completed, we presume the prisoners will be transferred from the insecure, unhealthy, loathsome place known as the old jail, to the more secure and aristocratic new jail.

Henry Lammert, the constable of Six Mile Precinct, who was so unfortunate about a year ago as to have a prisoner whom he was bringing to jail taken from him and lynched, we are informed, has died. He was the same man, who in November last, imposed such hardships upon Mr. Otto Wolf of this place.

The old homestead, formerly occupied by the late Erastus Wheeler, situated on Vandalia Street, directly opposite the new Catholic Church in this place, is offered for sale at a low price, and on easy term. L. C. Keown is agent for the sale of said property.

We think, as does every taxpayer in this community, that the speeches made and time consumed by our Legislature in relation to the removal of our State Capital, is, to say the least of it, expensive nonsense.

The elevator in use by our grain buyers at the depot, on the Madison County Railroad in Edwardsville, is only temporary, and will give place to one of more formidable proportions, as soon as the necessary means are all subscribed, and the question of the operation of said railroad is settled.

The school exhibition given by the pupils of our public schools on Thursday and Friday evenings of last week, at the court house, for the benefit of the school library, was a grand success in every sense of the word. The weather was favorable, the admission fee was reasonable, the attendance was large, the management was good, and the pupils participating performed their parts well. The spectators are unanimous in saying they were well pleased with the entertainment. The receipts of the two evenings were $250.85, besides a bogus five-dollar bill, which some “shover of the queer” was mean enough to pass upon the ticket agent.

The celebration of the wooden wedding of Dr. Joseph Pogue and lady, of Edwardsville, took place at their residence on Commercial Street last evening. A large number of their many friends were present, and contributed towards making the occasion one which will long be remembered as an agreeable and pleasant affair.

Our mutual friends, S. O. Bonner and Robert Friday, have rented the large brick storehouse, formerly occupied by F. T. Krafft, and are going to keep a regular auction house, where they will sell any and everything consigned to them. Messrs. Bonner and Friday are experienced auctioneers, and we predict that their enterprise, the first of the kind in Edwardsville, will prove a success.

One of the men lodged in jail here a short time ago, for breaking open a freight car at Venice and stealing household goods therefrom, attempted to get out last night. He, by some means, procured some tin and pewter spoons, and had made considerable progress towards manufacturing a key with which to unlock the door of the jail, when his “ways that were dark, and tricks that were vain,” were discovered. He is in jail yet, but his exploits as indicated above show that he is no ordinary chap, and that if the authorities expect to retain him, his removal to the new jail should take place at once.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 12, 1871
Yesterday, about 100 Druids from St. Louis and other places, accompanied by a fine band of music, paid our town a visit for the purpose of participating with the Druids of this place, in celebrating their second anniversary. The members were dressed in uniform, and about 10 o’clock a.m., they formed into a procession on foot, and with several banners emblematical of their order, together with the band of music and the “stars and stripes” at the front, marched up Main Street to Vandalia Street, and thence to the fairgrounds, where they were joined by a goodly number of our citizens, and had a good time generally. The weather was somewhat rainy in the evening, but not so much so as to prevent the enjoyment of a ball given at the Edwardsville Hotel.

In consequence of the celebration by the Druids, the court was not in session yesterday, but is today. None of the criminal cases have been tried, and we understand will not be until next week. Captain Halbert, State’s Attorney, has gone home. Meanwhile, E. Phillips has been appointed pro tem, and will attend to the wants of the grand jury, prepare indictments, &c. The grand jury expects to complete its business tomorrow.

On Sunday, April 16, Mr. Charles Harward of Six Mile precinct had the misfortune of losing about $2,000 worth of property by fire. The property consisted of a corn crib and blacksmith shop, and their contents. The fire originated by a little boy, whom Mr. Harward is raising, attempting to steal a little fun by burning some corn stalks, which, as the result proved, were too near the building for safety, and but for the timely assistance of neighbors, his dwelling would have shared the same fate.

On Thursday last, a two-horse team took fright and ran from Webber and Reynold’s shop in upper town, to the residence of Mr. James Whitbread in lower town, a distance of about one mile. When the breakneck speed with which they went is considered, it is difficult to imagine how it could be that no damage to team, wagon, or other property on the route was committed.

We have eighteen licensed retail liquor dealers in this place who pay an annual tax of one hundred dollars each. The amount of capital invested in the business, including the value of real estate, used, is about $36,000.

The public school for colored children, taught in this district by Miss M. A. Johnson of Upper Alton, was closed last week by reason of the expiration of the term. This school was taught in the old building formerly occupied by our county and circuit clerks, and was pretty well attended.

The wife of James R. Brown, editor of the Intelligencer, is lying dangerously ill, as is also Miss Amy Day, formerly one of the teachers in our public school; also Charles West, only son of Rev. E. M. West of Edwardsville.

Our present police magistrate, Captain George C. Lusk, appears to administer the law without fear, favor, or affection. In an ordinary knock down, such as occurred last Saturday night between James Purcell and David Morrisy, he fines both parties. In a case of discharging firearms at a cat, he fines only one party, and in half the cases of the latter class, he does not impose any fine.

An accident occurred on Main Street this afternoon in front of W. R. Graves’ tin shop, which attracted a goodly number of spectators. It was the breaking of a spindle of the axle of a sulky, on which Mr. Clay H. Lynch was riding at the time. Luckily, he came down manfully, and got up gracefully without a bruise.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 19, 1871
The clean and tidy manner in which the courtroom is kept during this term of the circuit court is worthy of honorable mention, to say the least. Someone is responsible for thus attending to a matter that much of the time heretofore has been most shamefully neglected. That institution in the northwest corner of the Court House Square, which has recently been so neatly fitted up on the inside, however, in consequence of the aroma emitted therefrom, detracts from the praise that would otherwise be awarded to the county officials who have the courthouse and grands in charge. That old reaper in the southwest corner of the square will, in a few years more, become county property, and thereby be exempt from taxation. The patent gate on exhibition in the square, we presume, is deemed sufficiently ornamental to warrant the authorities in permitting it to remain there.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 11, 1871
The Board of Directors have used their best efforts and all the means in their control to make an attractive Fair. The grounds, buildings, and all arrangements are in perfect order. A very large new cistern, filled by water passing through a good filter, has been added. The services of a sprinkling wagon have been secured, that no inconvenience need be felt from dust. In addition to the features shown by the Premium List are a good band, the appearance of the greatest pedestrian known in the world (Weston), on the first afternoon of the Fair, and if sufficient encouragement is given, one or two other afternoons.

Two other great attractions are in process of being secured, due notice of which will be given. You will see that we mean success. Let us know by your appearance on our grounds that you wish our society well. Show us that you have an interest in Old Madison County Agricultural Institutions by trying the capacity of our Fair Grounds. They will hold full, and if more room should be wanted, we know how to make it. Citizens of Alton, there are always vacancies in Committees and Superintendences which we will gladly fill from your ranks if you will report yourselves on the grounds the second day of the Fair.

Come, friend, to our Fair, and let us demonstrate to you that we intend to work up our society to the highest possible good. Signed Volney P. Richmond.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 29, 1871
We, in company with a few prominent gentlemen of Alton, paid a visit on Sunday last to the County Poor House, which has got to be quite an extensive institution, in fact much more so than a great many of our citizens will be inclined to believe, unless they do, as we did, visit it for themselves.

Madison County Poor Farm - 1873 drawingThe buildings were quite extensive before, but the recent new addition makes them much more so. The new house is a two-story brick, containing some ten good rooms, two halls, several closets, &c., and is situated in front of, and annexed to the building formerly occupied by the family of the keeper. The new house is now used for that purpose, and with the exception of the residence in connection with our new jail, is decidedly the finest house in town. The arrangement of the rooms is such as to make it exceedingly well adapted for the purpose for which it is used. As for the old dwelling, although it may for a few years serve for some useful purpose in connection with the institution, we think its old and dilapidated condition should have warranted the County Court in removing it.

The situation, style, and architecture of the buildings, together with the topography of the grounds, render the premises occupied by the poor, unfortunate people of our county fully as attractive and pleasant as any in the county.

We did not count the inmates, but as near as we learned, there are about fifty-two persons in the institution, to wit: 25 males and 27 females, of whom 18 of the former, and 20 of the latter, are insane. We found them all in comfortable quarters, and from all indications visible to us, receiving such care and attention as their condition seemed to require. The premises in every department were remarkably clean and tidy, and if we are not mistaken, they could not be under the care and custody of better persons for the business than Colonel John F. Parker (the present keeper) and his estimable lady. But some say he is making too much money out of the business. Perhaps he is. Do the taxpayers, who have all the bills to foot, sufficiently consider such matters when they have a chance of doing so to advantage? If not, whose fault is it?


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 10, 1871
It is well known by our readers that a new jail has been erected in this county, at a cost of more than forty thousand dollars, under the plea that the old one was too insecure for the purpose of confining prisoners. This may be true, or it may not, but what is singular about the matter is the fact that, notwithstanding the new building has been completed and ready for occupancy for nearly a year, the prisoners are all, with the exception of La Mountain (who was permitted to escape a few nights since), and one other prisoner, still kept in the old jail where the jailer resides, just as he did before the new one was built. Why is this, if the old jail is, as was alleged, an unsafe place to confine prisoners! Why were forty thousand dollars spent for a new jail, if the old one is sufficiently strong to answer all the purposes of a prison? Is it the duty of the county to furnish a forty-thousand-dollar mansion for its Sheriff, free of rent, in addition to the comfortable quarters provided for the jailer?

The facts in the case appear to be about as follows, as we have been informed: Very soon after Sheriff Crawford assumed the duties of his office, he moved with his family into the new jail, where he has been living ever since. Not a prisoner has been confined there, to disturb his repose, until a short time since the two referred to above were taken there, and in a few days thereafter, La Mountain made his escape. But even while they were confined there, Sheriff Crawford did not tax himself or assume the responsibility of their safety. But on the contrary, their meals were furnished by Mr. Friday, the jailer of the old prison, while the keys of their cells were entrusted to an irresponsible man, hired to do chores about Mr. Crawford’s house and stable, who had no official position and had never been put under oath for the faithful performance of his duties, and it was through the culpable carelessness of this man that the consummate villain, La Mountain, was permitted to make his escape. In going into the prison at the close of the evening to lock up the cells, he left the outside door wide open while he entered the passage to close the cells, and with a carelessness and stupidity very marvelous, locked La Mountain’s cell, who had previously managed to get into the corridor between the main walls and the cells, and made his escape through the outside door when the turnkey first entered, and was not missed until next morning. Such stupidity and carelessness, under the circumstances, were never before equaled or surpassed in the history of prisons.

Take all these things together, and they constitute a very singular, very strange, and almost unaccountable state of affairs, well calculated to awaken the deepest interest in the minds of every taxpayer in the county. Is it true, after all the expenditure of money and skill in erecting the new jail, that the prisoners have to be kept in the old one? Why is this? Is the new prison a failure, and so defective as to be unfit for the purposes for which it was intended? We have heard it intimated that this is the case, that the sewerage is insufficient for the necessities of the institution, and that is given as the reason why it has not been occupied by the prisoners. If such is the case, the architect and the members of the county court, who authorized and superintended the erection of the jail, must be very censurable. But, admitting this to be the case, are the present county officers going to take no steps to remedy the defects, and permit all that has been expended to be lost? These are questions that the taxpayers of the county would be glad to have answered.

We have been informed that the want of sewerage complained of in regard to the new jail is not the fault of the architect or of the members of the old county court, but of the present county officials. It appears that the original plan made all necessary provision for proper sewerage, but that the members of the present county court refused to carry out the plan as originally made, and contemplated some new provision to answer that end, but finally left the building as it now is, without making any provision whatever for sewerage. All we aim at is to have the responsibility of this defect, which renders this new and costly jail almost worthless, rest upon the guilty parties.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 8, 1871
The furnaces with which our public schoolhouse is heated are not giving very good satisfaction during these cold days. In fact, some of the rooms were so cold yesterday, that the teachers found it necessary to dismiss school. The dismissal, however, will only be temporary, because our Directors are too wide awake to not be equal to the emergency. If need be, the stoves will be reinstated as heaters.

William Richards, who has attained some notoriety upon the criminal docket of our Circuit Court, is again at large. He is out on bail. Meanwhile, his wife has filed her bill for divorce. She alleges that he has been guilty of extreme and repeated cruelty to her, and that he has been guilty of habitual drunkenness for the space of two years last past, and also that he has neglected to support her and her children, as a husband should.

The cigar manufactory of Mr. F. Begeman of Edwardsville has been moved into his new store on Main Street, opposite the courthouse.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 22, 1871
The pauper expenses of Madison County, for the year ending with the present term of the County Court, amount to $19,589.07, exclusive of the amount expended in the new building and other improvements on the county farm.


History of the Edwardsville Fire Department
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 15, 1872
Our town of late seems to be in a fair way to become noted for its numerous fires. Only a short time ago the Edwardsville Hotel was seriously damaged by fire, and on Saturday night last at a late hour, a fire was discovered in the large new store recently erected by Mr. John S. Trares, druggist of this place, but luckily the discovery was made and only a small scorched place on the shelving was done. The workmen, painters, &c, had been at work in the building, which was not quite finished, the preceding day, and as the fire was in an oily sack which had been used by the painters, and left lying in a corner on the counter shelf, where, as there were no shutters or blinds to the windows, the first blaze or light could not well help being discovered. It is thought to have been caused by spontaneous combustion.

Last night about midnight, the two-story brick house on Main Street, owned by Ignatz Brendle, and occupied by him as a family residence and boot and shoe shop, was discovered to be on fire, and although a large number of our citizens were soon on hand, there being no organization for the suppression of fires, they could do nothing towards preventing the destruction of the building and contents, except to get out a small lot of old shoes and boots left there for mending, and a few articles of but little value from the front room occupied as the shoe shop, and a small lot of kitchen furniture from the back room. Nothing was saved from the upper story. Mr. Brendle and his family were away from home, and from all appearance, this fire, like that at the Edwardsville Hotel a short time since, and the fire at Mr. Balweg’s shoe store a few months ago, was the work of an incendiary.

Had it not been for the noble and indefatigable exertions of our citizens and the fact that the atmosphere was quiet at the time, the flames would have spread to, and destroyed the frame house, but four feet distant, owned and occupied by Mr. Joseph Schaer as a saloon and family residence. But with the use of ladders, quilts, carpets, buckets, a little whisky, and a great deal of hollowing, they were enabled to keep said house too damp for the fire. Yet so little faith was had in their being able to save the house, that all the furniture, liquors, &c., were removed. Not, however, without considerable damage from hasty handling.

A volunteer fire department in Edwardsville was formed in February 1874, with 33 charter members. The volunteers pulled a hand-operated pump to the site of a fire, and passed buckets and pumped water from cisterns or nearby ponds. In 1875, the city council authorized the purchase of a fire bell for $160, and that same year citizens donated $172 for the fire department’s first uniforms. In 1892, when the city built its first city hall at 400 N. Main Street, it put the fire engine house on the first floor, and city offices on the second floor, with the fire bell on top of the building. For 32 years, the men elected their own fire chief and two assistants. In 1906, the city purchased a combination hose, chemical wagon and ladder truck and a team of black horses that had been part of the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair equipment. The city employed a driver. In June 1906, the city purchased a third fire horse, and placed an electric fire alarm in the belfry with the bell. In 1917, the first motorized fire truck was purchased. The old firewagon was sold to a junk dealer for $16.20. By 1940, the city had a paid fire department, but volunteers were still enrolled and expected for larger fires.

The original city hall and fire department building was razed in 1965, to make way for a new city hall building. A new firehouse was constructed next door. The water tower, shown in the photo, served from 1898 to 1964.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 26, 1872
Samuel L. Miller, a farmer residing in Omphghent Precinct in Madison County, has probably been a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows longer than any other citizen of our county. A few days ago, we saw a commission of warrant issued by the Grand Lodge of the United States, on March 3, 1835, authorizing him to open a Lodge, and install their officers at St. Louis, Missouri.

Letters of Administration upon the estate of Samuel T. Mason, late of Highland, were issued by our Probate Court yesterday to Hale M. Thorp, who gave bond as such administrator in the sum of $12,000.

In consequence of the opening of a new street in the south part of town, it has become necessary to remove the remains of about forty paupers from their place of interment, the disinterment is now going on. The number by which each grave was known is being carefully preserved, and will be placed over the remains of the same corpse in its new burial place, which is but about fifty feet from its original location. It seems to have been a great oversight on the part of our county authorities who caused a graveyard to be made where a street was bound to be located and opened if the town ever grew to be a city, and “Breathes there a man of us, with soul so dead, who never to himself hath said, my ancestors never knew this would be a city?”

The contract for repainting the courthouse has been awarded to our industrious friend, John W. Gooch.

The Madison Restaurant, formerly kept by Murray Knight, is now being kept by our young friend, Lewis Moore. He has had the house repapered, painted, &c., and is keeping a nice place – in fact, the place to get good living is at the Madison Restaurant.

Mrs. Mary Barnsback, a pensioner of the War of 1812, in returning from town to her home, three miles south of here, about a week ago, was thrown from her buggy and had her arm broken, and since that occurrence has been confined to her bed with a fever, which it is feared may prove fatal. She is quite old, having been married in the year 1808.

Our merchants continue to ornament the streets in front of their stores with old paper boxes and waste paper, much to the discomfort of skittish horses. The Street Commissioner has put a veto on piling empty boxes on the street or sidewalk in front of the stores.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 10, 1872
A new street was recently opened at Edwardsville, through the Poor House Cemetery, and among the bodies reinterred was that of William Bell, who was hung for murder in 1869. The remains were found in a good state of preservation.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 31, 1872
The old jail continues to be used for prison purposes, and seems to answer every purpose quite well. When that ceases to be a fact, we presume the old jail, like Horace Greeley’s old white hat, will be thrown away and the new one, which has been on hand for several years, substituted for it. The new jail, however, as yet being in need of a sewer, is to that extent at least different from Horace Greeley’s new hat. Arrangements for putting in a sewer, and erecting a brick wall on the east side of the new jail, are now being made, and as soon as these improvements are completed, our prisoners will have the benefit of the new jail.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 6, 1872
The Edwardsville correspondent of the St. Louis Globe announces the following startling facts:

“The citizens of Edwardsville, who were at the Republican Convention last Friday, were astounded by a remark of one of the leading Democrats of this county. ‘The Republicans,’ said he, ‘are not fighting the Democrats, but the Ku-Klux. There is a Ku-Klux organization in this county, and I have got the money that will assist to beat them.’ This from Hon. William T. Brown, County Judge, and one of the main leaders of the Democrats, is significant. There is a reason to believe a Ku-Klux organization was inaugurated in the neighborhood of Venice, and has spread over the greater part of the county. The charge of the County Judge first led to the belief, which is being pretty well affirmed.”

We had heard this report some days since, but the circumstances had not at that time been sufficiently developed to justify us in making them public. But there is no man in the county more likely to be posted on such subjects than Judge William Tyler Brown, and if he made the declaration attributed to him in the above paragraph, there is no doubt about its truth.

It was asserted while the Democratic County Convention was in session, that it was through the recent working of that organization that most of the nominations of that Convention were made, and the well-laid schemes of some of the shrewdest members of the party were thwarted. But as the quarrel is one entirely among the so-called Democracy, we feel no particular desire to meddle with it, further than to give the particulars to the public as they are developed.

Republicans are waking up to the importance of earnest work this Fall, and have entered vigorously upon the campaign against the Madison County Ku-Klux Klan.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 11, 1872
A slight unpleasantness, resulting in Mrs. Small, proprietress of the Wabash Hotel, cowhiding a man by the name of Nevill, took place in the office of our Police Magistrate last Monday. Nevill, it seems, was a witness in a suit, wherein said hotel proprietress was concerned, and his testimony did not suit her, and the whipping she gave him was equally unsatisfactory to him. Hence, she had to make redress in the shape of a fine of fifteen dollars and costs. We are not advised as to whether the boys who seemed to enjoy the fray so well assisted in paying the fine or not.

On Monday night, Policeman Friday, in attempting to quell the noi8se that was being made by a drunken man by the name of Purcell, found it necessary for self-defense to punish him quite severely with his club, and it is hoped that the drunkenness and rowdyism that have prevailed here for the last two or three days will meet the attention of our officials, who will put a stop to it. It is believed that the liquor law is being violated here almost daily.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 15, 1872
The new jail is now the receptacle of all the prisoners here, Sheriff Crawford having removed them from the old jail on November 11. They are four in number, and Gropp, the murderer, is one of them.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 6, 1872
One of the prisoners in the new jail made good his escape therefrom last night. It seems that he had been furnished with one or two case knives, which were converted into saws, and with which he cut the bars of his cell door, also those of the corridor and one of the windows. One other prisoner about breakfast time this morning, having been, as seems to be the usual custom, let out of his cell into the inside corridor, found the holes convenient for his exit. It seems that the jailer had not discovered anything wrong until he was informed that one of the prisoners was seen leaving the back window of the jail. Pursuit was made, and that prisoner was soon returned to his cell, but the other prisoner who made his exit sometime in the night is not yet found. Quite a number of persons are in pursuit, and some hope is entertained of success. The missing prisoner’s name is Martin, and he was committed for horse stealing.

As is usual after such occurrences, the prison is condemned, pronounced worthless, not as good as the old dilapidated crib downtown called the old jail, &c. But no inconsiderable number of persons have a different opinion of the new jail, in fact, many persons are of the opinion that without assistance, escape from the new jail is simply impossible, and without criminality or carelessness on the part of the jailer, assistance could not be given.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 20, 1872
The contract for taking care of the poor house and inmates, for one year, on and after December 16, has been awarded to John J. Parker, the former contractor, at the same price and upon the same terms as for the preceding year. Dr. Armstrong in like manner has been continued as County Physician.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 16, 1873
A correspondent of the Springfield Journal, writing from Edwardsville, says:
“Edwardsville looks to be an ancient town, showing here and there many a relic of departed grandeur. Most of its houses are built on two long streets, which wind along the crest of two ridges. Between them runs a branch only crossed at rare intervals. Just north of the town appears for the first time the once famous Cahokia Creek. ‘Cahoke,’ it was first named to me, and afterwards I heard it called ‘Caho.’ Indian names suffer strange mutilations. There are quite a number of new buildings, and the town appears to be awakening. Along the road to St. Louis are seen traces of a plank or corduroy road, once the line of great local travel. Railroads change everything.”


Source: September 19, 1873
One of the wildest and most inexcusable excitements took place on Thursday in Edwardsville, which has occurred in the State for several years. The origin of the turbulence is not as yet satisfactorily ascertained. There are a dozen reports given, by those who were upon the fairground at the time, but no two of them agree upon any one essential particular in regard to it. We shall not, therefore, at this time give currency to any one of them, further than to state that it was caused by a rumor that the person of a small girl had been violated, or an attempt had been made to do so, when the cry was raised by some men under the influence of liquor to hang the wretch who was charged with the commission of the crime, when a wild tumult was raised, and Mr. S. S. Torrey of Alton was made the victim of the infuriated mob. The excited multitude rushed forward shouting and screaming at the top of their voices to hang him, hang him! Which no doubt would have been done at once, had it not been for the bravery and intrepidity of Sheriff Cooper, and a few noble men who stood by him in defense of the law and order. Mr. Cooper stood firm with his revolver in his hand, and warned the rioters that he would put a ball through the first man who dared to lay violent hands upon the accused. This held the mob at bay until the gates of the fairgrounds were thrown open, a carriage brought, and under a strong guard, Mr. Torrey was taken and placed in jail, out of the reach of danger. But the excitement increased under the influence of the extravagant reports which were kept in circulation, and the mob thirsting for blood, and “breathing out threatenings and slaughters,” it was found necessary to keep a guard around the jail all night. Among those who aided Sheriff Cooper in the defense of law were Dr. William A. Haskell, W. F. everts, Zephaniah B. Job, and George Dickson of Alton; Judge Joseph Gillespie, Messrs. William Cotter, Ed L. Friday, K. T. Barnett, Isaac Davis, and R. H. Kinder of Edwardsville, and Judge Gerke of Marine.

But admitting that the very worst crime charged was committed, and that there was no doubt but he was the guilty party, this would constitute no excuse for this threatened violence and violation of law. He was secure in the hands of the Sheriff, if proven guilty before the court would have suffered, and justly, the severest penalty of the law, but to have hung him without trial, and in violation of law, would have been murder, and murder of the most atrocious character. There is no apology or excuse for mob violence, and those who engage in it deserve not only to be punished as disturbers of the peace, but as aiders and abettors in the overthrow of all law and government, and thereby introducing anarchy and communism, with all their attendant atrocities and horrors.

While in Edwardsville yesterday, we conversed with Mr. Torrey and investigated the matter thoroughly, but it is manifestly improper to discuss the facts in the case until the examination takes place, which will probably be today. But this much we may say – that we are thoroughly convinced that Mr. Torrey was entirely unconscious of committing any impropriety, and innocent of any wrong intention. Still, he is surrounded by a peculiar chain of circumstances which may give him trouble. It is well established that during the afternoon, at least three little girls were offered money by some man or men, to go with them outside the fairgrounds. One girl, twelve years old, who was asked by a stranger to go out and show him where the new cemetery was, went out, thinking no wrong, and showed him the location. He insulted her, and she ran back, crying, to the fairgrounds, and told her friends, who immediately commenced a search for the offender. This incident became known to the crowd. About three quarters of an hour after a man came to the ring and informed Mr. D. B. Gillham that some man had enticed his little girl off the grounds. Mr. Gillham at once started in pursuit, a hue and cry was raised that the child had been carried off for base purposes, and a crowd started out of the grounds in search of the offender, who was also, in the minds of some, charged with the acts above named. A short distance from the grounds, Mr. Gillham’s little daughter caught sight of her father, and came running towards him smiling. This showed him that she was safe and unharmed, but the sudden revulsion from the terrible anxiety that oppressed him caused him to fall to the ground in a dead faint. The man who had gone out with the little girl was Mr. Torrey. The maddened crowd took for granted, without evidence, that some wrong had been attempted, and immediately took him prisoner. The wild scene which followed we have already detailed. Mr. Torrey’s statement is that he found the grounds hot and dusty, and went out with the little girl for a walk, without any thought of wrong, and we believe him. Of course, the question at once arises, who was the man that attempted to tamper with other little girls mentioned. He has not yet been identified by them. We believe the examination will show that Mr. Torrey was not that man. He denies any knowledge of having even spoken to any other girls. His family have the warm sympathy of our community in the terrible affair, as have also all others who have been caused trouble and anxiety thereby.

From Edwardsville, September 19, 1873
The Torrey matter, which with the aid of a lot of persons composed as we believe principally of gamblers, thieves, pickpockets, and drunkards, created so much excitement last week, still elicits a remark from some of our citizens once in a while, but no one worthy of being called a law-abiding man has any excuse to offer for the conduct of the rabble which came so near bringing an everlasting stigma upon our county, and no one now, however base his character, favors any interference with the legally constituted authorities in disposing of the case.

Examination of Mr. Torrey
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 19, 1873
The examination of Mr. Torrey took place on Saturday at Edwardsville, before Hon. E. M. West. The complainant was a Mr. White, whose little girl had been tampered with by some unknown person. The hour was late when the court assembled, and no testimony was taken except for the prosecution. Mr. Torrey gave bail in the sum of $500 for his future appearance. Mr. Burnett appeared for the defense, and Mr. Krome for the prosecution. Under the cross examination by Mr. Burnett, the marvelous stories and reports dwindled down to little or nothing. The White girl, when asked to identify the man who insulted her, thought Mr. Torrey was the man, but seemed very uncertain, while Mr. Torrey is positive, he never saw the girl before she confronted him in court. We believe the bottom will fall out of it entirely. The worst that can be made out of Mr. Torrey’s going out to walk with Mr. Gillham’s little daughter is that it was imprudent and liable to misconstruction. We are convinced Mr. Torrey was perfectly innocent of any wrong intention, and that he is being made to suffer for the act of some unknown party. The untarnished character which he has borne here for twenty years cannot be stained by charges resting on such a slender foundation as those made at Edwardsville.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 10, 1873
October 8, 1873 - Last Friday night we had one of the most violent rainstorms that has visited us for a long time. The water fell in perfect torrents for a while, and if it had continued at the same rate for even a half hour longer, the amount of damage which would have been occasioned thereby would have been very great. The dam at the Phillips Flouring Mill gave way, and let most of the water out of the pond, and it will cost a hundred dollars or more to repair it. A large portion of the southeastern wall of the new two-story addition to A. R. Wolf’s large hardware and agricultural implement store was thrown down by the water. It seems that the water found its way down the side of the wall, which was quite new, removed the lime and sand and caused the wall to fall in, and let the first floor, together with the agricultural implements stored thereon, down into the cellar. The opening in the wall was about 15 feet long, and extended to the second floor. The damage, however, amounting to about two hundred dollars, was confined to the wall and first floor, and Mr. Wolf, with that energy and promptness for which he is celebrated, early Saturday morning had a strong force at work removing the goods and rubbish, which was soon completed, and the brick masons were put immediately to work and did not cease from their labors until the building was secured from further damage.


Dated November 12, 1873
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 14, 1873
The circuit court is still in session, but will probably conclude its labors for the term in about the last of this week. Thus far, four criminals have been awarded quarters in the Penitentiary. Of this number, we have Eagan of Alton, who was indicted for murder, goes up for thirty years. He seems to think it will puzzle the medical department of the prison to prolong his life until he has served out his term. James Eagan was indicted for the killing of George McMullen in May 1873. He struck McMullen in the head with a hatchet, laying bare the brain. The wounded man lingered several weeks before the wound proved fatal. McMullen was a single man. Eagan has a wife and children.

There are several other criminals in jail here who will probably help to swell the number of convicts, whom Sheriff Cooper will take to Joliet next week, to about ten. We also have it from good authority that B. E. Hoffmann, notwithstanding his recent reelection to the office of County Clerk by such an overwhelming majority, is going to leave his “magnificent new residence” on Grand Avenue in Edwardsville, and be escorted by Captain Cooper to the Illinois State Prison. But our word for it, he will not be kept there. Persons who get large Democratic majorities flourish better down this way, and he will soon be back again.

New street crossings have been put down over Purcell and Second Streets, west of the courthouse. A similar crossing should be made over Main Street opposite the Benton House. The work of grading Union Street, in front of Captain Lohmire’s residence is progressing finely. The contractor thinks he will soon have the job completed. Several of our citizens have proved their generosity by contributing to Mr. Grosch towards repairing the loss which he sustained recently by the burning of his ice houses. Benton, Bickelhaupt, and Friday are vying with each other in the oyster business.
M. B. Sherman has bought out the interest of R. F. Tunnel in the grain and produce business. C. L. Cook has added a frame kitchen and dining room to his brick dwelling on St. Louis Street. A. P. Wolf’s Hardware Store has become the center of attraction in his line. Persons in want of hardware, wagons, and farming implements have learned better than to go to St. Louis for them. L. C. Keown, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, is now occupying his new office on St. Louis Street, south of the courthouse. The proprietor of the Benton House has a supply of turkeys expressly for Thanksgiving Day.

The following list includes the names of all persons elected on November 4 as Justices of the Peace:

Alhambra – Edward Jagerman and Michael Size.
Alton – George H. Weigler, Edmond Noonan, Philander Pickard, Thomas Middleton, and Jonathan Quarton.
Bethalto – William L. Piggott, Samuel P. Irwin, and William M. T. Springer.
Collinsville – William E. Miller, Charles W. Krome, and Edward Wilborn.
Edwardsville – William A. Mize, Samuel B. Smith, Joseph Chapman, Fritz Heyde, and Irwin B. Randle.
Fosterburg – Richard Jinkinson and Corydon C. Brown.
Greenwood [North Alton] – James C. Tibbitt and George F. Long.
Highland – Charles Boeschenstein, Frederick Kunz, Jacob Kurtz, Robert Hagenauer, Marquis D. Moore, and Amos Atkins.
Marine – John L. Ferguson and John Ellison.
Monticello [Godfrey] – J. B. Turner and James Squire.
New Douglas – Abram Allen and Martin Jones.
Omphghent – Diedrick C. Scheer and Michael Kyle.
Saline – Elliott W. Mudge and Samuel Brown.
Silver Creek – James Olive and Elijah Lane.
St. Jacob – John Hanni and George W. Searcy.
Troy – Frank L. Hampton and Frank Heddergott.
Upper Alton – Benjamin F. Culp, Daniel W. Collet, and Amos E. Benbow.
Venice – Henry Robinson and Samuel Squire.
Worden – Nelson Cornelius and George H. Engelmann.

The following are the names of persons elected as Constables:
Alhambra – Kildroy P. Aldrich and Louis Beckmann.
Alton – William Young, Isham Hardy, Aaron Challacombe, Anton Sauvage, and Philip Rieley.
Bethalto – Francis M. Randle, Charles Beardsley, and J. Crosby.
Collinsville – William Neslage, J. T. Brighton, and Stephen W. Gaskill.
Edwardsville – John Hobson, John T. Fahnestock, William B. Johnson, Adolph Klingel, John Bonner.
Fosterburg – Newton Fletcher and John N. Ashlock.
Greenwood [North Alton] – Ferdinand Vollbracht and John B. Clifford.
Highland – Jacob Steiner, Frederick Glegre, Henry Patts, and Rudvel Kaufmann.
Madison – William Harshaw and James Cudy.
Marine – Ephraim M. Eaton and Philip Volk.
Monticello [Godfrey] – Sanford Wideman and Frank Boyd.
New Douglas – returns did not show who were elected.
Omphghent – Joseph Siegel and Peter Hanshey.
Saline – George Holz and Jacob Widerman.
Silver Creek – William J. Bennett and Andrew Lovejoy.
St. Jacob – William Black and Nicholas Aemisegger.
Troy – Robert Williamson and John L. Purviance.
Upper Alton – Irwin B. Randle Jr., Henry B. Rundle, and W. B. Wells.
Venice – S. Grove and John Braden.
Worden – Charles F. W. Bormann and Francis Snell.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 28, 1873
The splendid steam flouring mill in Edwardsville, owned by John Adams Prickett, was discovered to be on fire about two o’clock last night, and the alarm was promptly given, but the devouring element had got so much headway, even before it was discovered, that upon the arrival of the alarmed and excited multitude, the people seemed to be unanimous in their opinion that any effort toward saving the mill would be in vain. The fire was first discovered in the third story of the mill at the extreme northern end, and was already appearing through the roof and windows. A pretty strong breeze from the west was fanning the fire on in its work of destruction. There was said to have been about twelve or fifteen hundred bushels of wheat, and about one hundred and fifty barrels of flour in the mill at the time. A vigorous effort was made to save some of the flour, and with that object in view, the door next to that part of the mill, where the flour was known to be, was burst open, and although the fire had not yet reached that locality, the smoke was so dense that the work was abandoned when only twelve barrels of flour had been taken out.

A frame warehouse, standing about forty feet northwest of the mill, connected with it, about twenty feet above the ground, by a conveyor, and used for storing bran and empty barrels, was broken open about the same time and was found to be filled with smoke, which had entered it through the conveyor, but by taking it by turns, the crowd, which had assembled, succeeded in removing the barrels stored therein, as the warehouse stood to windward of the mill, however, but little effort was required to save it from taking fire, yet it got almost not enough to ignite.

Comparatively little business, since the panic, in money matters set in had been done in the mill until the past few days. It had been running yesterday, and wheat was coming in at a pretty fair rate, and two railroad freight cars had just been placed on the switch near the mill for the purpose of being loaded with flour. They were only saved from being burned by being pushed away by hand, and for considerable time during the conflagration, our citizens were terribly alarmed, and justly so too, lest the great cloud of flying embers, conveyed eastward for several hundred yars, and falling in torrents on the principal business houses in the city, would set some of them on fire. Fortunately, however, although two or three small frame buildings were ignited, the efforts to prevent a catastrophe, which would have been terrible almost beyond contemplation, proved availing, and all our business houses, dwellings, etc., yet stand to abide their time awhile longer at least.

Although our citizens have met with such calamities as this before, yet our people have more than once seen the dire necessity which exists here for some organization and appliances for the extinguishment of fires, and it is anxiously hoped that we may soon be able to report that Edwardsville is supplied with the means of protecting the property of its citizens.

The day before having been Thanksgiving, some of our churches had been open for divine service. But when the alarm of fire was given, much time elapsed before ingress could be had to some of them for the purpose of ringing the bell. Too much credit, however, cannot be given to Mr. Vaughn, night watchman in the employ of business men near the courthouse, for his herculean efforts at arousing our citizens from their slumbers. Mayor Krome and the members of the City Council are also worthy of mention for their coolness and energetic efforts directing the many willing hands how to save other property from taking fire.

This mill was of brick, in good repair, and worth at least forty thousand dollars, and for several months during the past year, had done business amounting to more than that sum per month. Mr. Joe H. Jones had formerly owned a one-third interest in the mill, but some five or six months ago, he sold out to Mr. Prickett, owner of the other two-thirds.

The destruction of this property, the best mill in the city, and one of the best in the county, Is a severe loss not only to its owner, but to the whole community, and especially so to the employees, most of whom are poor men, having families dependent upon them for support. There was insurance on the mill, in the amount of $20,000.

It is not known how the fire originated, but as it took place so late in the night, long after the mill had stopped running, and at the end farthest from the engine room, and also some distance from the stove in the office, which was the last part of the whole concern to take fire, it is thought to have been the work of an incendiary. The tall brick flue or stack, and a portion of the walls are standing in good order. The boiler and engine, upon which there was no insurance, does not appear to be damaged much. Otherwise, the loss is nearly total.

John A. Prickett was a native of Edwardsville, born May 4, 1822. He attended the common schools, and when his father died in 1836, he was taken in by an uncle, a lawyer, who wanted John to study for the bar. John ran away, but was induced by his brother to return home. He went to Alton and learned the saddlery trade, and when the Mexican War broke out, he assisted in organizing a company and was elected First Lieutenant of Company E, 2nd Illinois Regiment. He was injured in the Battle of Buena Vista, and returned home before his enlistment expired. In 1847 he was elected Recorder of Deeds, and then elected County Clerk. In 1864, he purchased a flour mill in Edwardsville, which he operated until it was destroyed by fire. He founded the Farmers’ Exchange Bank in Edwardsville, which operated for nearly 28 years. When Edwardsville was incorporated as a city in 1872, John Prickett was elected the first mayor. He married Elizabeth M. Barnsback, and had five children. He died in February 1897, and was buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville.

The mill was rebuilt, and operated as the Hunter Mill and later the Blake Mill. The only building that still stands is a former mill warehouse, which now houses the Doll Corner Antique Gallery.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 9, 1874
The project of getting up a public library seems to have fallen through. The public schools, both of the city and township, were all opened again last Monday. There appears to be a large number of colored children residing in the west part of this township who are desirous of attending the public schools in their respective districts, but are not granted the privilege of doing so. They seem to be quite modest about claiming their rights, and until they learn how to assert them more boldly, they will continue to remain without the benefits of our public-school system, which is intended for all of proper age.

Those of our citizens who have ice houses, and believe they are necessary institutions, begin to look forward somewhat anxiously for a cold snap, sufficiently intense and durable to make ice to fill them. Mr. C. Grosch, who had the misfortune to have his ice houses burned up a few months ago, has replaced them with one much large, and is only waiting for an opportunity to fill it.

On New Year’s night, the house of G. M. Cole, Master in Chancery in this city, was made the scene of the party of the season. The guests, which were quite numerous, were principally masked, and many of the costumes worn, especially by the ladies, were exceedingly beautiful, and were such as to make the disguise of the wearers complete. We will name a few of the happy participants and the characters they represented: A. L. Brown, Domino; C. Happy, country school boy; J. A. Mathews, Prussian Hussar; W. P. Bradshaw, Sailor Boy; Jule Prickett, Apple Woman; F. Scheffer, Uncle Sam; Doctor Wharff, Hussar; Frank Burnett, Hussar; J. G. Barnsback, Knight Templar; Doctor Pogue, Dandy; Joe Jones, Captain Jack; Val Jones, the Old Man; Mrs. Cole, Country Cousin; G. B. Crane, Hussar; J. H. Head, Pluto; James Dale, Country Cousin; Minnie Prickett, Lady of the Olden Time; Mrs. Pogue, Nun; Tilla Snowden, Indian Maid; Nora West, Flower Girl; Mrs. Trares, Nun. Other characters were represented by Fannie Wheeler, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Crane, J. S. Trares, Fannie Berry, H. V. Worley, Jennie Berry, Mrs. Benedict, and others. The finest masque lady present, if “Jenkins” is not mistaken, was Miss Fannie Berry. Owing to the fact that the evening was quite warm, the masques were thrown off about eleven o’clock, and everyone then appeared in proper form. The music was furnished by Swartz’s band.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 13, 1874
The new method of keeping and caring for the paupers in the County Poor House was inaugurated today, Colonel J. J. Parker, the former keeper, having turned the whole concern over to Doctor John Hobson, the newly appointed Superintendent of the County Farm, as that office is now called, but it will require some time to fully test the new plan and learn whether it is better in every respect than the old one. Colonel J. J. Parker has removed into the house formerly occupied by Doctor Sabin.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 27, 1874
Carl Leuckel, one of our oldest furniture manufacturers and dealers, has bought a lot fronting twenty-five feet on Main Street, opposite the courthouse in this city, and extending back three hundred feet of Ansel L. Brown, for the sum of $2,000, and is going to erect thereon a two-story brick house, 20x60 feet, to be used by his son as a furniture store.

The large frame building south of the Edwardsville railroad depot, formerly used as a cooper shop, has been purchased by Mike Desmond, Esq., and removed to the lot opposite the Union Hotel, where he proposes to establish himself as a general blacksmith.

The two-story brick house, west side of the courthouse square, erected several years ago by the late Friend S. Rutherford, has been newly fitted up, painted, etc., and is now occupied by Edward Phillips, lumber dealer, as a family residence.

The large new hardware store, just opened by our young friends Ben French and Billy Stice, is quite an acquisition to our city. They have in addition to everything usually kept in well-regulated hardware stores, all kinds of agricultural implements, stoves, tin ware, wooden ware, willow ware, rope, etc.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 9, 1874
The Benton House has been closed under a chattel mortgage. The furniture is to be sold on July 18. Charlie, although nursing a hand with a bullet hole through it, seems to be as wide awake as ever, and determined to enjoy life as long as he sees other people living. The closing of the Benton House virtually gives the Union House a monopoly of the hotel business in Edwardsville. But this state of affairs is not expected to continue very long. Mr. Kirkpatrick, however, is not the man that would take advantage of his patrons, even though he should continue to be the proprietor of the only hotel in the city. He takes pleasure in looking after the interest and comfort of his guests, and gives them value received for their money.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 6, 1874
Mr. James West, who had been seriously hurt by being thrown from his wagon, is still at the residence of Doctor Evans in a very precarious condition. Bernard Durer, ex-city clerk, who was hurt last Thursday by being run over by a two-horse wagon loaded with coal cinders, had to be carried home, and is still confined to his bed on account of the injury received, but it is thought he will be himself again as soon as he gets well of his bruises. F. Heisterbaum, who was fishing on the same day near the Red Banks on Cahokia Creek, north of here, was gored to the depth of three or four inches in the left breast near the shoulder, by a vicious cow. He is pretty badly hurt, but with proper care and treatment will recover.

Job’s is said to be the name of a post office between Alton Junction [East Alton] and Long Lake, but our Postmaster and the public here are at a loss to know its exact location or the name of the Postmaster there. Will someone give the desired information?

Robert H. Kinder and family left Edwardsville last Thursday morning in search of pure air and better health among the mountains of Colorado. Denver is their destination point, and they expect to be gone until the summer weather is over. Mr. R. F. Tunnell and his sister will act as host and hostess at Mr. Kinder’s residence during the absence of his family.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 13, 1874
From Edwardsville – Last Wednesday, six boys of Edwardsville, ranging in age from seven to twelve years, were arraigned before Judge Randle, acting chief of our police court, for getting into and destroying and carrying away a part of the fruits of a melon patch, just outside the city limits. Two of the boys, on account of their tender age, were discharged. Another was dealt with in like manner because of the insufficiency of the testimony to establish his guilt. Two of the others plead guilty, and the sixth was proven so. The law was read and explained to them by the court, and they were informed that it would be necessary for them to give bail in the sum of twenty dollars each for their appearance at the term of the county court, or go to jail until that time. This brought tears to the eyes of some of the accused, but they were finally relieved of their unpleasant feelings by their friends going their bail. This was not the first offense of the kind named, which the rude boys (and some of them nearly old enough to be men) of this city have committed, but we believe this is the first instance of the kind where an arrest has been made.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 10, 1874
Mr. John Keller, formerly of the firm of A. P. Wolf & Co., hardware dealers in Edwardsville, has sold his residence, a snug one-story frame house on Fillmore Street, to Mr. Charles Sebastian, one of the pioneer farmers of the American Bottom, for the sum of $1500. Very cheap.

“The poor we have with us always,” and “charity begins at home” are common, but true sayings, all of which seems to be emphatically impressed upon the minds of our citizens at this time, as is evinced by the fact that procuring aid at this place for the Kansas and Nebraska grasshopper sufferers seems to be an uphill business. Several meetings have been advertised here with a view to procuring aid for the sufferers, but very few people attended them, and but little as yet has been accomplished.

F. W. Stolze & Son, formerly of Bethalto, have recently erected a building to be occupied and used by them as a planing mill in connection with their lumberyard, located opposite the new Catholic Church. They will soon be ready to serve customers at their planing mill, and they now have on hand a good stock of dry pine lumber, lathe, shingles, doors, sash, blinds, etc.

The work on the St. James Hotel, and Mayor Krome’s and J. R. Brown’s new dwellings is progressing quite favorably towards completion.

New brick flues have been built in the Union House, and Mr. Kirkpatrick goes right along with his hotel keeping, money making, and hotel building just as though he was created expressly for that business.


William H. Cotter Saves Children
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 01, 1875
Last Sunday, March 21, two children of Samuel Taylor Kendall - a son, Otis T. Kendall, ten years of age, and a daughter, Effie, aged twelve years - while playing upon the ice on Smith’s Lake on the Alton and Edwardsville Road, near the residence of Mr. Kendall, saw a wild duck which had been crippled so that it was unable to fly. The children endeavored to catch it, and it led them towards the center of the lake. When about one hundred and fifty yards from the shore, the ice gave way, and the children sank in the water up to their necks. After repeated attempts to crawl out upon the ice they succeeded, but it cracked all around them, and they were afraid to move.

William H. CotterSome of the neighbors discovered the perilous situation of the children, and an attempt was made to rescue them. There appeared to be no way to save them except by wading through the water, which was from four to five feet deep, covered with ice and snow. Several attempts were made in this way, but the task was found to be beyond the power of human endurance, and all who attempted it were taken with cramps while still a long distance from the shivering children, and had to return to the shore. It was then discovered that by crawling along the top rail of a fence, which runs through the lake, a person could get within forty yards of the children. Mr. William H. Cotter and John Eaton made the attempt, and when they reached the nearest point to them, Mr. Eaton told Cotter that as he was the youngest, he would wade out to them. He made but little progress, however, before he was seized with cramps and had to turn back. While this was going on, four men, one of whom was Mr. Kendall, were working their way through the water and ice from another direction, but had to give it up, and reached the shore nearly stupefied with cold.

At this juncture, Mr. Cotter threw off his coat and said he would save the children. Suiting the action to the word, he persistently forced his way through the ice and snow which had baffled all former attempts, reached the almost perishing children, and carried them to the fence on his shoulder, one at a time. The gratitude which the parents of the children and the neighbors feel toward Mr. Cotter, for his brave act in rescuing the children from their dangerous situation after the repeated failures of younger men, cannot be expressed in words, but will long be treasured in their hearts.

William H. Cotter was born in Greene County, Indiana, on October 24, 1821, to Abner and Sarah (Kendall) Cotter. When Abner Cotter died in 1827, Mrs. Cotter brought her six children to Illinois, arriving in Edwardsville on October 11, 1827. She remarried to Zadok Newman in 1829, and in 1840 the family moved to Missouri. William Cotter returned from Missouri to Madison County, Illinois in 1842, and went to work farming. By 1846, he purchased a tract of 80 acres. In 1853, he purchased another farm at Ridge Prairie, and lived there until 1866, when he purchased a farm west of Edwardsville. In the Spring of 1882, he moved to Edwardsville. William had married twice. His first wife, Eliza Harrison, died in 1846. In 1849, he married Mary A. Kimball, and they were blessed with ten children.

William Cotter died in Edwardsville in March 1898, at the age of 76. He is buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville. His obituary recalled his bravery in 1875, when he saved Effie (the Mrs. Alvin Morefield) and O. T. Kendall from their death of the icy lake near their home. The parents and the two children never forgot his selflessness, in risking his life to save theirs.

Smith’s Lake was located in Wood River Township, east of Hartford. Some of the small lakes in that area have been drained, so I don’t know if it still exists.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 15, 1875
About one o’clock in the morning last Thursday, our citizens were startled by an alarm of fire. The cause was soon ascertained to be located in a small frame stable behind Wolf’s Hardware on Main Street. A large number of our citizens were promptly on hand, but owing to the combustible character of the stable in question, the fire, almost from the moment of its discovery, enveloped the stable in flames and before the door could be opened and the horses in the stable (four in number) could be removed, the fire had burned the hair off them and literally cooked the poor beasts alive.

The fire almost simultaneously spread to another one-story frame stable, situated three feet south from the one first mentioned, and it too was quickly consumed, together with a saddle belonging to Dr. Kern, and a crate of glass and queens ware belonging to C. E. Clark & Co., merchants of this city. The fire company, with their engine and apparatus, arrived in time to prevent the fire from destroying the frame warehouse of A. P. Wolf, and the frame carpenter shop of Charles Pauly, although both these buildings were on fire, and the agricultural implements stored in said warehouse were removed when the engine arrived. There seemed to be some delay about the arrival of the fire engine, which we have learned was occasioned by the absence from the city of some of the members of the fire company. Suffice it to say, however, that the efficient manner in which the fire was prevented from spreading immediately on the arrival of the engine, fully compensated for any seeming delay in its arrival.

Two of the horses burned to death belonged to Mr. Beli, a poor, crippled man, who feels their loss greatly, although they were not very valuable. The other two horses belonged to a young man by the name of Walker, who was here on a visit. The stable was old and of little value, and belonged to W. R. Prickett. The other stable belonged to C. E. Clark. The total loss by the fire is estimated at seven hundred dollars.


Christian Ott Drowned Near Troy
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 12, 1875
From Edwardsville, August 03, 1875 - The highest water ever known to the oldest inhabitant of this region was that witnessed by our citizens last Sunday [August 01, 1875]. Old Cahokia was on the rampage in a manner that was startling to the beholder, and the damage done by the water is immense. The Wabash Railroad track was torn up for the distance of two hundred feet and upwards, and a large portion of the fill across the Cahokia bottom washed away. The track was covered with water for the distance of three or four miles, beginning near the depot here and extending eastward, and we learn there is a large break in the track some three miles from here. A large force of hands is at work repairing the damage, but it will probably require one or two days yet before trains can run by this place.

The Edwardsville Railroad has also been seriously damaged. The track and earth work were broken in several places, but with the force which Captain Robinson now has at work upon it, only a short time will elapse until trains will be running again.

Our citizens now begin to realize anew what it is to be without railroad facilities. We have received no mails for several days. Postmaster Coventry, however, awaked to the importance of his duty in such an emergency this morning, and left for St. Louis with the mails by the way of Troy and the Vandalia line, and we are expecting a mail on his return.

The rains which fell here last week were the heaviest of the season, if not for years, and cisterns, wells, cellars, and streams were all flooded at a desperate rate. The larger bridges in this vicinity still stand, but many small ones have been swept away. Cahokia Creek is still out of its banks, although it has fallen six or eight feet. Nearly every man, woman, and child residing here paid a visit to the scene of the mighty waters near the Wabash Depot on Sunday last.

A saloon keeper who recently located in a new house on the road leading to Alton near the Wabash Depot, had to vacate his house, the water being about three feet over the floor. He removed a keg of beer to the platform near the depot, from which he supplied those who were dry.

Christian Ott, a farmer who lived on the farm of Metcalf & Keown, a half mile north of the bridge over Silver Creek on the Troy and Marine Road, rode into the water one day last week to drive some cows, and both he and his horse were drowned.

Christian Ott, a saddler and harness maker near Troy, was buried in the Troy City Cemetery. He was 41 years old. Mr. Ott was trying to cross what was known as Ground’s Branch, east of Troy on the Marine Road.

Cahokia Creek flows through Edwardsville Township at the north and west side of Edwardsville. It empties into the Cahokia Creek Diversion Canal, and then into the Mississippi River.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 02, 1875
A large number of cases were disposed of at this term, but there are still many others on the docket which go over to next term. Among the latter is the case of William R. Griggsby, indicted at this term for killing John J. Scott. In the matter of Mrs. John S. Wheeler, bill for divorce and alimony, we understand the case goes from here to your city court, upon a change of venue prayed for by her.

At the term of the circuit court just closed, fourteen convicts were sentenced to the State prison at Joliet: James M. Campbell, four years for killing Harrison Stallings; Henry Mag, seven years for stealing a horse from Andrew Chitty at Alton Junction. The punishment for stealing a horse seems to be nearly twice as great as it is for killing a man, in fact, we know several cases of the latter kind wherein the defendants came clear. Henry Wilson, three years for stealing a mule from Robert Suppiger at Highland. You see, it is deemed to be nearly as bad to steal a mule as to kill a man. John Franklin, one year for stealing one gold watch and one silver watch from Valentine Bauer at Edwardsville; William Jones, one year for stealing some buggy harness from William F. Everis at Alton; James Johnson, three years for stealing a horse from Cyrus L. Cook at Edwardsville; Lorenz Federer, three years for stealing two horses from Jaques Picron near Highland; Joseph St. Clair, one year for stealing a lot of dry goods from William O. Brooks; Edward Conners, one year for stealing a suit of clothes from John Strarness; Washington Forshea, Marcus Forshea, and William Malony, for stealing merchandise from the cars of the I. & St. Louis Railroad Co., one year each; David Carter, one year for stealing goods from a railroad car at the Alton Junction; Daniel Mulligan, one year for stealing a lot of clothing from Robert R. Bowell.

The last installment of said convicts were sent off yesterday morning, and we presume are now about ready to follow a legitimate occupation for the benefit of the State. A few prisoners are still in jail here, all of whom, except one, have had their trials and are boarding at the expense of the county, to-wit: Thomas Howard, two weeks for larceny; Francis Green was in twenty-four hours for larceny; Charles Palmer, three months for larceny. He will be out, and as pale as a white rose, but imbued with a more unpleasant odor about St. Valentine’s Day. Henry Willis, when he has pined in jail seven long days for larceny, will come forth and breathe the pure free air.

Simon Bradley, a colored man residing here, while out hunting last Saturday got shot in the thigh and hip by the accidental discharge of a shotgun in the hands of a comrade. He was brought home in a wagon, and his wound attended to by Dr. Pogue. The wound, though very painful, is not thought to be dangerous.

The hall over Kinder’s livery stable is being enlarged by the removal of the brick partition wall. This change was found to be necessary from the fact that the fun-loving people of this community are so numerous, that the former dimensions of the hall will not contain them.


Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, January 27, 1876
The great quantity of snow and sleet accumulated on the slate roof of the court house, becoming detached, began its descent one day last week, but was partially arrested in its course by the chimneys. The false chimneys, however, were insufficient for that purpose, and one of them was carried down with the snow and ice, making a startling crash as it fell.

That part of our new jail, intended for a residence for the Sheriff, is now occupied by the family of Sheriff Crawford, who moved into it one day last week. The prisoners have not yet been removed from the old jail.

The Madison County Railroad is to be sold under a deed of trust, at Edwardsville, on February 27.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 22, 1877
From Edwardsville - The old red house on St. Clair Street, in Upper Edwardsville, formerly owned by Doctor Gates, was wholly consumed by fire at 10 o’clock last Wednesday morning. The fire company was prompt to respond to the alarm, but owing to the distance from the engine house to the fire, and the scarcity of water, they were only able to save the adjoining building, and let the other burn down. Their efforts were meritorious, as were also those of George Cobine, who with his team assisted the fire company in getting their apparatus to the fire. The omission of some others to render aid was censurable to say the least of it. The building was of little value, and was owned by Louis Hartung, and occupied by two families, all of whom happened to be absent at the time. Most, if not all, their household goods were saved.

Mr. William S. Smith has purchased Mr. Temple’s Marble Works in this city. He has also retained as foreman Mr. N. S. Whitney, whose workmanship is rarely equaled and never excelled.

That notorious character, John Smith, whose name figures so often in the police courts, and John Thompson, both of whom have been in jail here for some time, charged with stealing some tools from John Burkhardt, were brought out and taken before Judge Dale of the county court, where they were arraigned by Prosecuting Attorney C. L. Cook. It appearing that the value of the property stolen was less than fifteen dollars, they plead guilty, and the Judge, in a firm but patronizing sort of way, gave them thirty days each in the county jail.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 4, 1877
From Edwardsville – On Wednesday afternoon, a scene occurred in the Circuit Court in Edwardsville, which was an uncommon affair. It Is rarely that an out-and-out fisticuff takes place between opposing counsel practicing at the Madison County bar. Yesterday, however, was an exception. A case was in process of trial, in which Charles P. Wise of Alton was acting for the plaintiff, and George B. Burnett for the defense. It was about a sewing machine. In his argument, Mr. Burnett made a statement which Mr. Wise took exceptions to. The particulars from eye witnesses state:

Wise – “If you state that, Mr. Burnett, you state that which is not so.”
Burnett – “And you state that which is not so.”

As soon as the words were out of Mr. Burnett’s mouth, Mr. Wise let him have one over the left peeper. Burnett then caromed on Wise’s cranium. Some rapid passes followed on both sides, which fell short. Tables and chairs were upset, and in the struggle, the combatants encroached upon the desk of David Gillespie. David pushed the pugilists over to an open space in the aisle, remarking at the same time, “Go it, boys, may the best man win.” The Judge looked on in awful solemnity. Deputy Sheriffs interfered at this point, and parted the combatants. Mr. Burnett, apparently cool, resumed his argument to the jury. “Gentlemen,” said he holding up a bunch of papers, “see how he has torn my instructions,” while a little ruby could be seen trickling down his left temple. The audience considered the fight a draw. As soon as all was quiet, Judge Snyder said, “Gentlemen, I find you $25 each.”


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 21, 1877
The grounds and buildings of the Madison County Agricultural and Mechanical Association were sold by G. M. Cole, Master in Chancery, under a decree of foreclosure, for $2,873.62. The grounds embrace fifteen acres, one-third of which is inside the city limits. E. M. West is the purchaser.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 5, 1877
William Kirkpatrick, a young man about 18 years of age, son of the proprietor of the St. James Hotel in Edwardsville, fell from a turning pole on which he was taking gymnastic exercise, and broke one of his legs above the knee. Doctors Weir and Sabin set the broken bone, and he is getting along all right, but he will harvest none this season, or take any exercise on the turning pole until the dog days are over.

A little four-year-old boy, son of Fritz Lange, a farmer living about four miles west of this place, followed his father to the harvest field last Friday, and before the driver was aware of his presence, took a position in the wheat, before the reaper, and was struck on the legs and severely cut by the sickle. The little fellow was brought to the office of Doctor Pogue, and his wounds attended to without delay. The bone of one leg was injured, but not broken.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 18, 1878
The new addition to the buildings on the county farm, erected by Mr. C. H. Spillman, is quite a respectable improvement, and adds very much to the conveniences of the establishment. Seventy-five paupers inhabited that institution last Sunday, notwithstanding the fact that the weather on the outside world is so fine. The county farm, under Dr. Hobson’s management, with the assistance of some of the abler paupers, is in a good state of cultivation, and a great portion, if not all, the garden products needed will be raised on the farm this season.


Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, July 31, 1878
A very interesting and valuable specimen of antiquity was found on the property of Mr. Gus Schwarz last week. In digging a post hole, the hired man came upon a flat stone, 6 or 7 inches square, and an inch thick. There were characters countersunk on each side, a deer and a heart being blended together in a very curious manner. The date was very plain – 1670, and several French or Spanish words. It has been sent to St. Louis for investigation.


Will Serve Out Sentence
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 29, 1878
Sheriff Cooper received news about two months ago that a man answering to the description of Napoleon LaMountain, who escaped from Edwardsville jail in October 1871, was serving out a term in the Jackson, Michigan penitentiary, and that his term would expire on August 26. LaMountain, at the time he escaped from the Madison County Jail, had just been sentenced to 8 years in the Joliet Penitentiary for having, with three other men, robbed a railroad car on the Chicago & Alton Railroad near Venice, of a lot of household goods belonging to Mr. S. A. Miller, who now resides in Alton. LaMountain managed to make his way out of the old county jail with the aid of a knife, furnished him by a lady. After getting out, he went to Indianapolis, and rode part of the way but two seats behind Hon. S. A Buckmaster, whom he immediately recognized as Warden at Joliet, when he served a previous term there. After becoming satisfied that the man in the Jackson penitentiary was LaMountain, Sheriff Cooper started for that place, and arrived there last Saturday morning. After talking to officials, and delivering his credentials, he found that his man would soon be released, and that for three years he had behaved in a very becoming manner, and had won the sympathies of those in authority over him. When LaMountain found that he was wanted for the crime committed in this county, he became desperate, and tried to escape. He first tried some of the doors near the office of the prison, and with a savage looking dirk knife in his hand, tried to intimidate the officer. Sheriff Cooper finally drew a revolver and cocked it, but was defied by the desperate man, who said that the prison authorities at Jackson had deceived him, having promised to let him go. After many threats, LeMountain managed to gain the street and sped away, knife in hand, like a hunted deer, with Sheriff Cooper and the Sheriff of Jackson in close pursuit. The officers feared to fire, as there were some questions involved that rendered the proceedings, in a legal point of view, somewhat irregular.

At last, Sheriff Cooper, fearing his man would get away, fired a shot, which was immediately followed by one from the other pursuer. The criminal then halted, turned around, and said he would surrender. Colonel Cooper told him to drop his knife, which he still held in a menacing manner. This he swore he would not do, but finally returned to the office of the prison, threw down the knife and shook hands with Sheriff Cooper. He stated that Colonel Cooper had always “treated him like a white man,” but could not say as much for some other Madison County officials. He was taken to Joliet penitentiary to serve out the term for which he was originally sentenced. He got a view of the original sentence, and as it was worded eight years from date – 1871 – he claimed that his time would be out in about eleven months. The matter has been referred to the Attorney General. Sheriff Cooper arrived home this morning, well pleased that his delicate task was accomplished.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 27, 1879
A short time before dark last Sunday evening, Jailer Friday, on going into the jail, was pounced upon by six of the inmates, who had succeeded in getting into the outer corridor, and prevented him from closing the door after him until the aforesaid six worthies had bade their exit, and turned the backs of their hands and the soles of their feet towards their late boarding and lodging place, and were proceeding to widen the space between the jail and their valuable carcasses, when their departure was discovered, alarm given, and pursuit made. In less than half an hour, the last one of them was captured and returned to the lockup, where they now bemoan their fate sadder, if not wiser men. Too much credit cannot be given to a large number of our citizens, who so energetically pursued and were mainly instrumental in capturing the prisoners. Had the escape been made an hour later, however, the darkness of the night would have greatly lessened the chances of capture, if it had not defeated it entirely, but daylight and the alacrity with which Edwardsville people step to the front to suppress wrong or arrest evil doers is too much for ordinary “jail birds” to overcome, and they may as well bide their time in patience.

The jailer entered the jail to serve supper to the prisoners, and was knocked down by Rett, alias Dutchy, and after a desperate fight, was rendered insensible. While the jailer was in this condition, the prisoners escaped, five passing out through the kitchen, and one through the front door. Those who broke jail were John W. Clark of Alton, charged with murder; William Ryan of Alton, rape; Charley and Harry Meyer of St. Louis, burglary committed at Marine, and George Rett, alias Dutchy, of St. Louis on the same charge. In a short time, 200 persons were in pursuit of the fugitives, and in three quarters of an hour they were all recaptured and again confined. It will be remembered that Clark was the man who shot Archy Ford in cold blood near Bozzatown, early last summer.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 6, 1879
The Grand Jury reported to the court that the jail is clean and no complaint from prisoners about their treatment. The jury recommends the erection of iron bars or grating in the hall next to the entrance to the jail, as a safeguard against the escape of prisoners when food is taken to them. Also, the erection of an elevated footway in the outer corridor to enable the jailer to see that the upper cells are properly closed. That sewerage, for the use of the inmates, should be provided. That the gutters need repairing and the outside woodwork needs painting.

The report of the poor farm is that it is clean and well managed, and no complaints as to food or otherwise. The water closets for the use of the inmates should be replaced with new ones located farther from the buildings, and where there is good natural drainage. The woodwork of the building is much in need of paint. There should be additional rooms provided for inmates who are dangerously sick.

The report of the court house is that “the privy attached to this institution is a public nuisance and a disgrace to decency.”


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 26, 1880
It is said by those who should know, that on no day was there ever a greater quantity of wheat brought to this place than is being brought here today. Our streets have been full since early this morning with teams bringing in wheat. The new mill is running in full blast, and our other grain dealers are crowded with business. The number of barrels used by our new mill gives employment to a large number of coopers, notwithstanding the material for barrels is bought ready to be set up. Sherman & Lynch find it necessary to keep their steam corn sheller running almost constantly in order that they may ship and make room for the corn as fast as it comes in.

We notice almost daily fresh arrivals of merchandise, lumber, etc. Messrs. Wolf Bros. are in receipt of large framing timbers for use at their coal mine, where they will soon have a steam engine and other improvements favorable for the transaction of business in their line. For the present, while the good roads last and until the railroad is extended to the mines, they are hauling coal on wagons and transferring it to the cars for shipment.

The improvements in the way of painting, etc., on the court house, will soon be finished, and if we are not mistaken, the work is being done in a manner highly creditable to the contractor. The removal of the old fence, which disgraces the court house square, is now in order.

Source: Alton Telegraph, February 29, 1880
The new coal mine here, just south of the city limits, under the auspices and proprietorship of the Wolf Bros., is in a prosperous condition, and as soon as the railroad is extended to the mine, the number of employees and the amount of business will be largely increased. The work of extending the railroad will be commenced early in next month.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 01, 1880
The old home place of the late Colonel Thomas Judy, near the foot of the bluff on the old Edwardsville and St. Louis plank road, containing about 360 acres of land, was sold last Saturday at auction for the sum of $28,400. Christian P. Smith and Benjamin R. Burroughs were the purchasers.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 5, 1880
Last Friday night about 9 o’clock, Constable Daniels of Edwardsville, returning from New Douglas, at the residence of John R. Vanhooser on Silver Creek, met Charles A. Wardle, a farmer who resides near there, and who was also on his way home. Daniels and Wardle engaged in friendly conversation, which was interspersed with jokes and cunning remarks hurled at each other. The want of something to drink during the afternoon did not render their remarks destitute of point or sarcasm, however much it may have contributed towards causing them to feel more willing to give a joke than to take one. In conclusion, a pistol in the hands of one and a knife in the hands of the other were simultaneously used to give emphasis to words that were construed to be unfriendly, whereupon it was immediately necessary for Wardle to have his head repaired and for Daniels to have his abdomen darned by a surgeon. The fracas, although it did not result fatally, was an ugly affair, and one which the participants will not soon forget.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 02, 1880
From Edwardsville, Ill., Aug. 29 - The mysterious disappearance yesterday morning of Joseph P. Seip, the eight-year-old son of Nicholas Seip, one of Edwardsville's prominent German citizens, still continues to be the main subject of conversation. The only theory advanced by parties working on the case is that he was kidnapped by a band of movers who were camped on the roadside, about midway between here and his home.


Editor of the Edwardsville Intelligencer
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 02, 1880
From Edwardsville – The arrest of J. R. Brown, editor of the Intelligencer, last Friday, and his immediate transfer to Taylorville, almost before he had time to speak to a friend, has created much sympathy for him that did not previously exist, in fact, created quite a breeze in his behalf. The dastardly effort made at destroying his property the week before, and the subsequent cowardly assault made upon his person, were acts in the estimation of a majority of his fellow citizens possessing but little, if any, less merit than that which caused his arrest.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 18, 1880
At the poor house, inmates were found in a very comfortable condition, the premises clean and in very good order, and no complaint as to manner of keeping or treatment of inmates.

The jail was found clean and well kept throughout, without complaint on the part of the prisoners as to care, attention, and food. But we do find a universal complaint among the people regarding escape of prisoners, there having been at least nine escapes since the session of the last grand jury, an unusual number for that space of time, and demands immediate attention from the proper authorities. The entrance to the jail is not safe, and the windows need additional security. In the last eight years, nineteen escapes have occurred from the jail, of which 15 were recaptured, leaving four yet out, whose names are: James Ryan, on charge of burglary; Andrew Sullivan, on charge of burglary; William Ryan, on charge of burglary; and William Clayton, on charge of arson. There is no record or description of any escaped prisoners. This we regard as a very great error, and we particularly call the attention of the proper authorities to this fact. The following is a list of the names of prisoners who have escaped from the new jail, since it has been occupied as such:

October 1871, Napoleon LaMountain, escaped from R. W. Crawford by cutting a bar with a case knife, getting into the hall and going out at door, was recaptured and is now doing time at Joliet.

December 1872, two, whose names are now known, escaped from R. W. Crawford by cutting out of cell, corridor, and window; one recaptured.

December 1873, William Clayton and William Wilson escaped by getting into hall and running by jailor when hall door was opened. Neither recaptured.

February 1879, Harry Meyer, Charles Meyer, John Clark, Walter Pearce, William Ryan, and George Rhett escaped by breaking their iron bedsteads, getting levers to pry bars aside and getting into the hall, overpowering the jailer, and escaping. All recaptured.

July 1879, Harry Meyer, Dan Mulligan, and William Ryley escaped by making wrench out of bed slat, unscrewing bolts of plates in ceiling of the jail, and digging through the wall, letting themselves dow by rope made of blankets. All recaptured.

George Reed escaped through register got into cellar, then through window. Still at large.

October 1879, Harry Meyer escaped in St. Louis. Not recaptured.

October 1880, James Ryan and A. Sullivan escaped by getting into the hall without knowledge of the jailer, and when the hall door was opened, got away. Not recaptured. James Ryan, William Callahan, Joseph Lopers, Frank Jones, Peter Hoppes, B. Dennison, and William Ryan escaped by cutting bars in corridor and window with a case knife. All recaptured except William Ryan.

We would recommend that the county board furnish some peculiar clothing or mark on clothing of prisoners, in order that in case of escape, such prisoners may be readily recognized.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 02, 1880
WE are informed that a project is on foot to unite into one road what are here called the Springfield Road and the Alton Road, leading out of this city, and have but one bridge over Cahokia Creek, where two are now required, and both of which said bridges are greatly in need of being rebuilt. The proposed new route is to locate a road north from the old distillery to the creek, and make a bridge there, and from that point the Springfield and the Alton Road are to take their respective departures on the most eligible and direct route, until the present line of the old road on the respective routes is reached.

It is claimed for this charge that it will afford the citizens of Fort Russell, etc., a better route to this city and also to the depot, at what is called Edwardsville Junction in lowertown on the Wabash Railroad. Also that instead of crossing the railroad at the crossing now used, and at which great danger is constantly incurred, there would be but one crossing, and that at a point where there is a deep cut and a bridge over the railroad, thus entirely obviating the danger referred to, and also saving the expense of building and maintaining one bridge over Cahokia Creek, besides lessening the length of road to be kept up.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 10, 1881
Colonel J. T. Cooper has quite a museum of curious tools and implements taken from prisoners at the Edwardsville jail during the years that he was Sheriff of Madison County. Among them are saws made from shear and scissor blades, from case knives, and other similar articles; also skeleton keys, files and finely tempered steel saws. Among them is a case knife formed into a saw with which Napoleon LaMountain made his escape from Edwardsville jail. The knife was furnished LaMountain while in court by a lady, to give him an opportunity to cut a watermelon. He forgot (?) to return the knife, fabricated a saw from it, and made his escape, being afterwards recaptured in Michigan.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 03, 1881
From Edwardsville, March 01 - The fire department of Edwardsville was called out about two o’clock this morning, the occasion being that the coal and wood house, belonging to H. C. Gerke’s premises, east of the city park, was discovered to be on fire. The boys responded promptly and were there in good time with their machine, but not in time to prevent the small building in which the fire originated from being a total loss. The premises were unoccupied, except by a hired man who slept in the dwelling house, and the origin of the fire is left as a matter of conjecture.

The C. C. Wolf farm, consisting of 70 acres, situated on the Troy Road, one mile south of Edwardsville, has been sold to William Hull and William Kinder. The former takes the 50 acres including the house and barn on the east side of the road, and the latter the twenty acres on the west side of the road. The price paid was one hundred dollars per acre, and does not include the coal under said land, which Mr. Wolf reserves.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 24, 1881
Carpenter has grown to be quite a good-sized village, and commands considerable trade. Frank Clark, the genial and clever postmaster, merchant, railroad and express agent, was there from the start, and is there still. He is doing a prosperous business.

Hamel, three miles east of Carpenter, since the burning of Gardner’s Store, does less business than it did, but Wolf’s Store still flourishes there and is well filled with goods, and is the headquarters for a large and prosperous community of farmers.

Greencastle, six miles further east, flourishes equally well with other country towns. The Alhambra post office is in this village, and is kept by Mr. Ruedy, who also keeps a store well filled with general merchandise suited to the wants of country people, and is doing a safe and prosperous business.

Alhambra is three-fourths of a mile east of Greencastle, and within about one mile of the line of the proposed narrow gauge railroad. A good, two-story building accommodates the schools of that district, which are presided over by J. Y. Pearce as principal. Two stores, several shops, a hotel, and numerous neat dwelling houses occupied by hospitable people constitute its principal attractions. A daily hack line connects the aforesaid villages with each other, and the balance of the world.

About the only case thus far that has attracted any considerable attention is that of the People vs William L. Rhoads, under an indictment found at last term for abducting an unmarried female (a young lady of Upper Alton) for the propose of concubinage. The greater part of the forenoon today was taken up in getting a jury, and the case is being tried this afternoon. State’s Attorney Yager, assisted by C. L. Cook, conducts the prosecution, and the defendant is represented by C. Happy and G. B. Burnett. If all that has been said by the people and in the papers, both here and elsewhere, about this defendant is true, he is a very bad man, and should have been severely dealt with before now.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 7, 1881
John S. Wheeler has bought seventy acres of timber land, one mile north of the city limits, the same on which Fort Russell stood, and has men at work clearing it, ready for the plow, making railroad ties, coal props, cord wood, etc.

William Daech, our worthy and efficient Circuit Clerk, has bought himself a nice home. It consists of the house and five acres of land attached in lower town, known as the Orren Moeker homestead. The price paid was eighteen hundred dollars.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 12, 1881
We understand that William Eaves of Marine has bought what is known as the Aldrich farm, containing about 260 acres, and situated on the proposed line of the narrow gauge railroad, about two miles southwest of Greencastle.

Matthias B. Pearce of Olive Township has bought the old homestead of James Pearce, deceased, consisting of about 260 acres, situated about seven miles south of Staunton, and at one time known as Toluca.

Joseph T. Kingston, residing at the county line, five miles east of Alhambra, has sold his farm, consisting of 160 acres, to Michael H. and Richard A. Malloy.

About twenty colored persons, members of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, were baptized in Calho Creek, at the bridge on the Springfield Road north of Edwardsville, at noon last Sunday. Rev. Mr. Lee was the officiating minister. The occasion attracted a large number of spectators, besides the members of the church.

Henry Bickelhaupt has removed his drugstore from his old stand, one door north of the post office, into the more eligible and commodious storeroom two doors south of the post office.

James F. Jaggers, proprietor of the Edwardsville Basket Factory, has removed his family and factory from St. Louis Street to the premises recently vacated by Circuit Clerk Daech on Fillmore Street.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 9, 1881
Our friends in St. Clair County are claiming that the first Protestant Church in Illinois was built at Shiloh in that county, in 1806. This, I think, is a mistake. Mr. E. M. West furnishes me with the following notes: “There was a Methodist Church called Bethel, built in 1805 on Thomas Good’s land, two miles and a half south of Edwardsville, which was the first Protestant Church of which there is any record built in Illinois Territory. The second session of the Illinois Conference was held there in October 1817. Bishop Robert presided, and there were fourteen preachers in attendance. During the sitting of the conference, the Fall rains set in, and the church not being comfortable, old Father Wright, the father of John Wesley Wright, late of this county, invited the conference to hold its meetings at his house nearby. The invitation was accepted, and at dinner time, every member of the conference sat down at father Wright’s table. That year, the married preachers received $83.60, and the unmarried preachers $41.80 quarterly. There has been a Methodist society in that settlement from the building of that first church to this time, and a neat brick church called “Centre Grove” now stands within a mile and a half of where the old church was.”

The work of putting in stone curbing, guttering, and iron hitching posts around the south and west sides of the court house square, contracted for some time ago, is being vigorously prosecuted. C. H. Spilman, architect, civil engineer, etc., has charge of the work. He is also superintending the building of the large and commodious warehouse of the new mill.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 14, 1881
The old fence that disgraces the court house square is to be sold at auction and removed. The iron hitching posts contracted for sometime ago, and so much needed around the square, have not been placed in position yet.

Frank Stenzel has not yet commenced building his new hotel, but we are told Mr. Pfeiffenberger of Alton is preparing plans and specifications.


Alton Telegraph, July 28, 1881
The old fence around the court house square was auctioned off yesterday, and bought by John A. Prickett for the sum of $25, and is to be removed on or before the 10th, at which time the iron hitching posts are to be here and put in proper position around the square. The want of hitching posts is seriously felt by people residing in the vicinity of the court house, who are trying to preserve the shade trees growing in front of their premises. The same want, we presume, is also felt by some people from the country, who are in the habit of coming here and hitching their horses on the streets, and leaving them to stand in the sun tormented by flies and without food or drink from one to ten hours, and sometimes longer.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 11, 1881
Victor Senn, our court house janitor, has removed the old worn out carpet from the Circit Court room in the court house, and it is to be replaced by a new one. J. H. Barnsback, Supervisor from Jarvis and Chairman of the committee on public buildings, is our authority for saying that the iron hitching posts, to be placed around the square, are going to be here and placed in position on August 10.

Charles Keown and Edward Crane of Edwardsville are expert sign painters, and have ornamented the fences, gates, and barns on the various roads leading to this place with the advertisements of our more enterprising merchants.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 29, 1881
Dr. Louis F. Sheppard, the founder of Alhambra, who by the way, is somewhat advanced in years and begins to look quite old, has married a comparatively young wife a short time ago. He lives in Centralia, but has not given up his penchant for trading and building houses. He has two small new houses now in course of completion, doing a large portion of the work himself, but he says they will be his last.

It has been written recently that one of our numerous saloon keepers was heard to say “the saloon keepers run this city,” and judging from the annoyance occasioned by drunken vagabonds making encroachments upon private property in the vicinity of the court house, almost nightly of late, his statement may contain some of the elements of truth.

Dr. J. W. Enos now occupies the brick office, one door south of the St. James Hotel, and sports a new sign which is the work of a native artist. The St. James Hotel is being fitted up with a brick pavement in front.

The circuit courtroom in the court house is decorated with a new carpet, but those hitching posts have not been put in position yet.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 20, 1881
Work on the Narrow Gauge Railroad in this county is suspended. Just why the suspension has occurred, or how long it is to continue is not made public. Rumor says those in charge of the work between Neoga and Ramsey have not made that progress which their contracts require, and that by reason thereof, some difficulty in obtaining the necessary funds to prosecute the work on this end of the line is experienced by the company.

There are sixteen prisoners in jail, and thirty-three divorce cases on the docket.

Mrs. Keyes, aged about 90 years, mother-in-law of Hon. J. Gillespie of Edwardsville, in descending a stairway in his residence one day last week, fell and broke one of her thighs, a very serous accident for one so much advanced in years.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 17, 1881
The work of laying the new sidewalk around the courthouse square is now going on, the southeast side is finished. The hitching posts, however, remain invisible, and as there seems to be a misunderstanding on the part of some people about the matter, it perhaps would be well for them to read the contract in relation thereto, on file in the County Clerk’s office. That contract is not vague and indefinite in its provisions as some people seem to think it is.

Al alarm of fire startled our citizens this morning. The roof of the one-story building opposite the courthouse, occupied by R. Young as a dwelling and sewing machine store, was on fire, but it was extinguished with a few buckets of water before the fire engine was brought out.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 18, 1882
Mr. James T. Tartt is now sole proprietor of the Tartt & Springer Hardware establishment, having bought his partner’s interest therein. He has just arrived home from the Osborne Self-Binder headquarters at Auburn, New York, where he has been spending a few days combining business with pleasure.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 8, 1882
Ignatz Brendle, a hard-working shoemaker who has his shop and residence near H. Sachse’s saloon on Main Street in Edwardsville, was the victim of a most dastardly and brutal assault last Thursday, just as he emerged from said saloon. It has not been proven in court who committed the assault, but the unfortunate victim alleges that it was Hermann Leuckel, who is a son of Mr. Karl Leuckel, about twenty-two years of age. The injury seems to have been inflicted with some heavy, soft or yielding substance or device, which was capable of doing most damaging and remarkable execution without disclosing its name or nature, as it left no cut or abrasion of the skin on the face, where the victim was struck, yet so terrible was the effect, that the nasal bone and superior maxillary were broken and severed from the skull, and the flesh attached seemed to have been converted into a pulpy mass. The victim, more dead than alive, was carried to his residence and surgical aid summoned in a few minutes after the desperate assault was made. Even yet, fears are entertained that the injuries may prove fatal. Young Leuckel has been arrested and placed under a bond of five hundred dollars until February 14, at which time he is to have a hearing before Justice Chapman.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 16, 1882
The Dancing Club met last Friday evening at the “Mansion on the Hill,” occupied by the Misses Whitbread and their parents. The attendance was quite large, and the young folks enjoyed themselves splendidly, and express great satisfaction with the manner in which Professor Story and his very able assistants, who furnished the music, acquitted themselves.

The grandest event of the season was the masquerade and ball, given last Saturday evening by the lads and lasses composing the Juvenile Dancing Club, at the residence of Miss Mamie Armstrong, on the corner of Clay and High Streets. A great variety of characters was represented, and the youngsters acquitted themselves in what to them seemed a happy manner, and greatly to the edification of their elders, who as spectators, were there in great numbers.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 9, 1882
The old firm of G. B. Crane & Co., composed of George B. Crane and Abel O. French, who since 1864 have been proprietors of the mammoth mercantile establishment under that name in Edwardsville, and have done an immense and prosperous business, dissolved by mutual consent on February 23. Mr. A. O. French, the senior member of said firm, has retired, and the proprietorship and whole management of the business is now devolved upon Mr. George B. Crane, in whose name the business will hereafter be conducted at the old stand. Mr. French, however, is a silent partner in said business to the extent of $20,000, and in the meantime has purchased the vacant lot on Purcell Street, and is going to erect thereon immediately a large, two-story brick building, which from basement floor to roof, is to be fitting up in the best style possible, and be occupied by him with fancy goods, including millinery and dress making. The millinery and dress making department will be in the immediate charge and under the exclusive management and control of Mrs. French, whose well-known taste and business qualifications, together with valuable acquirements obtained by her through large practical experience, fit her in an eminent manner for such a position.

That handsome cottage residence built by J. S. Trares, and the neat office in front owned by Mr. A. O. French, and occupied by Dr. T. B. Spaulding, on Main Street in Edwardsville, were sold last week to Mr. August Fischer, our downtown saddler and harness maker. Mr. Fisher is an industrious, enterprising man, and contemplates enlarging his business and removing uptown.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 26, 1882
The contract for building Mr. A. O. French’s fine new store building has been awarded to Mr. John Keller, and the work is to be pushed through to an early completion. The excavation for the basement is nearly completed. The grade in the courthouse square is being raised and improved with the dirt taken from the excavation of French’s property. A few of the light, sickly-looking iron posts, and the greater part of the chain around the square still retain their original position.

The forthcoming history of Madison County will show that there were nine bids for building a jail, received by the County Commissioners in 1821, ranging in amounts from one hundred dollars by Ninian Edwards, to five thousand by Jeptha Lawkin. The contract was let and the jail built by Walter J. Seely for two thousand, eight hundred dollars. Said jail was one of the two buildings sold by our Board of Education on April 15, for fifty-five collars.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 30, 1882
William Freudenau of Troy, one of the most thorough and energetic business men in the southern part of the county, was indicted last week for forgery and bail fixed at $800. He was arrested and the bail given. If he is guilty as charged, he should be severely punished, because a man of his intelligence always knows better than to commit such deeds, and further, he enjoyed, only a short time ago, the respect and confidence of his political friends to such an extent that they gave him the nomination for a high office. He should be punished if he has brought discredit upon his friends.

The old Madison Restaurant building near the depot has been leased by the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company, and is being painted and fitted up as a warehouse and headquarters for the sale of those well-known machines in the county. Pratt, McNulty & Clark are conspicuous names connected with it.

A. Schulz & Co., agents at this place for the Piano Harvester, have leased the large building formerly known as the Union House livery stable for a warehouse for their machinery.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 19, 1882
We have had no rain here for several days, and as our street sprinkler suspended operations on July 1, the dust has full sway, and is nearly intolerable. So great a nuisance, in fact, has the dust become, that our business men have induced Mr. Sperry to consent to take the contract and sprinkle that region in the vicinity of the courthouse and principal stores and business houses, on condition that his compensation is made adequate to the service rendered.

The telephone wires have reached this place, and the rooms over Hoehn’s grocery store have been engaged for the central office exchange, but it has not been opened yet. The wires have not been put up yet over the poles of the Board of Trade Telephone Company of Chicago, through this city, but it is currently rumored that they will be up and the line (including an office in this city) open for business in 30 days.

The work of the Narrow Gauge railroad has been progressing quite rapidly during the last two or three weeks. The small gaps of grading not finished last fall have been finished, and the damage by rains to last summer’s grading has been repaired, and the road bed, including the bridges and all, is ready for the cross ties.

The disregard of saloon men to the law regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors is doing much towards creating a sentiment in this region in favor of total prohibition. A proper observance on their part of the law relating to the traffic would have vouchsafed to them for many years to come a continuous enjoyment of their boasted so-called “liberties.” But their apparent determination to control legislation in their favor, and ignore as a dead letter laws on the subject which are enacted for the welfare of the masses, seems to have set people to thinking very much after the style of thought that was produced before the war by the pro-slavery people, and if the liquor business of our country is finally consigned to the same tomb in which African slavery in the United States sleeps its last sleep, it will be accomplished in a large measure by the defiant and indiscreet conduct of the anti-prohibitionists themselves.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 01, 1882
Track laying on the Narrow Gauge Railroad has reached a point only three miles east of Edwardsville, and by Sunday next, the iron horse on that great thoroughfare will be here.

It is alleged that McKee’s station is already a thing of the past, and that negotiations towards a new location for the first station east of here are pending. No depot or side track will be located in Edwardsville, but these are rumors only, given for what they are worth.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 13, 1882
The ice on Wolf’s reservoir during the past week attracted hundreds of skaters, and the supply of skates on sale here has been exhausted two or three times. The reservoir covers several acres, and the ice is free from snow and as smooth as glass over the whole concern. It is not quite thick enough to harvest for next year’s lemonade season, or the fun of the skaters would be spoiled in short order.

The track layers on the Narrow Gauge Railroad have passed through Edwardsville, and are now “spiking” away two miles south of here on their way to St. Louis. A side track upwards of a thousand feet long has been put in here. The switch to Wolf’s coal mine is also put in. Mr. J. T. Daugherty, Assistant Superintendent of the Moore Railway Construction Company of Chicago, is here in charge of the work, and has opened an office over Bernius’ Bakery on Main Street. With favorable weather, the track will be laid to East St. Louis by Christmas.

The Wabash Company are about putting their road from here to the Edwardsville Crossing [Hartford] in operation again, and we would be pleased to have them extend their road to Alton.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 20, 1882
The rumor that some of our churches are to be closed on Christmas Eve, and during the holidays be devoted to theatrical entertainments, is a libel upon this church-going community, not saying anything about the over-paid ministry.

The construction train on the Narrow Gauge Railroad makes two trips a day from here to Ramsey. The west end of the track is now at Cahokia Creek, eight miles southwest of here, and the work is progressing favorably. Our police have little or comparatively no trouble by reason of the numerous railroad hands who make this their headquarters.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 18, 1883
The track layers on the Narrow Gauge finished their work last Saturday, and were paid off at the contractor’s office yesterday. The big “drunks” that followed were of the broad gauge order, but no arrests were made.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 01, 1883
Mrs. M. Brown, widow of the late James R. Brown, has sold the printing presses, material, paper, and good will of the Edwardsville Intelligencer to Mr. Charles Boeschenstein Jr., proprietor of the Highland Herald. Mr. Boeschenstein is a young man of good habits, pleasing address, and Democrat politics, and were it not for the fact that he “don’t drink,” his success could be assured, but a Democrat newspaper man, or politician of temperate habits, in this city, will be a lonely creature. However, Edwardsville society may turn him from the even tenor of his ways – hope not though, and that he will not have any cause to regret embarking in business here. Be firm, Charlie, and you will merit that success, which I hope you will attain.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 15, 1883
From Edwardsville – The Murray family under consideration is the Scotch Murray family. They came to this county fresh from the Highlands, and settled near Edwardsville. At an early day, they started a nursery and cultivated trees and fruits and flowers. While yet a little boy, I knew the family, visited their nursery, conversed with Mr. Murray, and enjoyed in curiosity and wonder his broad Scotch brogue. He died. Mrs. Murray closed the estate and came to Edwardsville with her three boys, Charles, John, and Hugh. These boys and myself were playmates and schoolmates, and though good friends generally, were like boys of later date, and occasionally had a difficulty. I carry a scar on my head today, caused by a bone thrown by Charley Murray, when we were children. Perhaps I was the faulty party, but in manhood we have always been solid friends.

John, the second son, was a shrewd business man, but was delicate. He visited Scotland with his mother for his health and died.

Hugh Campbell Murray, the youngest son, was a first-class brilliant – was the genius of Shurtleff College for years. He wrote half or two-thirds of all the compositions, essays, theses, and speeches rendered on commencement days, at rates from twenty-five cents to ten dollars, according to quality. Hugh and I, on our way to California, met in New Orleans February 1849, and parted company February 12. We traveled different routes – he by way of Panama, and I through the Straits of Magellan. It seems that his vessel was slow, or that he was impatient, for he abandoned it at San Diego and walked several hundred miles to San Francisco. He beat the ship. I arrived at San Francisco early in November, and Hugh was the first acquaintance I met. He told me that he had been in San Francisco three days. That same Fall he was elected Superior Judge of San Francisco. He was afterward a judge of the Supreme Court, and died, comparatively at an early age, Chief Justice of the State of California. He was a little wild, but was brilliant. He was faithful to his known friends, to his high sense of honor, and to his duties, both as a gentleman and as a jurist.

Charles, the oldest son was grand in stature, appearance, principle, and sentiment. He was the beau ideal of the ladies, popular with the people, and filled several offices of honor and profit in the county. He died an old bachelor, having devoted his entire life to his honored and aged mother.

Mrs. Murray descended from a high Scotch family, married young, came to America, and settled in the “far West.” At a ripe old age, she survives her husband and all her children, and can justly feel proud of her deceased sons and their records. Written by George C. Lusk, February 21, 1883.

Mrs. Mary C. Murray died two days after the above was written. She was buried in the Alton City Cemetery. Judge Hugh Murray died in Sacramento, California, September 18, 1857, at the age of 32 years. Charles Murray, devoted to his mother, died February 17, 1883, and is buried in the Alton City Cemetery. John Murray may have been buried in Scotland. It is unknown where the father is buried.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 9, 1883
The committee on public buildings, not Sheriff Hotz and County Clerk Bayle, are entitled to credit for the tidy and orderly appearance of the courthouse yard. The iron benches have been permanently located on either margin of the paved walk leading to the front of the courthouse. A barbed wire keeps the blackguards off the well-kept lawn, and the swarms of idlers who, a few weeks ago, monopolized the enjoyments intended for the hard-fisted yeomanry, who pay the taxes, are seen there no more. A neat iron fence around the square is about all that is now lacking to make the place the pride of every officer, taxpayer, and inhabitant of the county.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 16, 1883
Captain J. T. Fahnestock, by reason of his intention to move from the State, has resigned the office of Captain of Co. F, Illinois National Guards, and his resignation has been accepted. Twenty-eight members of the company have been mustered out by reason of expiration of term of service. Some of them will re-enlist, and new members to fill up the company are being recruited. A meeting of the company in Armory Hall will be held on August 20, at which time an election will be held to fill the vacancy made. Lieutenants Thomas W. Springer and Thomas E. Fruit, and also Captain Joseph G. Robinson are each favorably mentioned for the office.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 6, 1883
Jule G. Barnsback, who has removed his stock of merchandise to New Douglas and taken up his family residence there, came down yesterday and spent a few hours with his friends here, and went to St. Louis this morning.

Judy’s race course is but a short distance from McKee’s Station on the Narrow Gauge Railroad, and sporting men of that region, and several from this city, attended the trotting matinee there last Saturday, and had lots of fun.

Captain Thomas E. Fruit, in command of Company F, Illinois National Guard, left for Springfield last Thursday, and return this morning. The weather-beaten, sun-burned heroes looked very much like old veterans as they marched from the depot to their Armory.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 18, 1883
The October term of the Circuit Court will convene here today. The hotels, boarding houses, oyster shops, whiskey mills, etc., are all ready for the fray. Lawyers, especially the newly fledged ones, seem to have their weather eye open in the interest of somebody, as to who that somebody is their actions will probably tell plainer than any word of ours.

The jail contains nearly a score of prisoners, charged with various grades of crime, but much the larger number of law breakers are at large, plying their nefarious trades and avocations, if not boldly and above-board, without let or hinderance. The Grand Jury will be sworn and instructed to diligently look after evil doers, but it is safe to say many of them will not be disturbed, notably those violating the law relating to dram shops and gambling. Our executive officers, police and detectives are possessed of more than an average degree of cunning, but when, where, and how to detect and arrest the miscreant law breakers, and procure evidence that will ensure their conviction and punishment, seems to be beyond their ken.

Observations made last week on a trip through this and Chouteau Township to Comstock on the I. & St. Louis Railroad, enable us to say that if quail, rabbits, and other game, so plentiful of yore, existed now as it did then, a trapper or hunter might reasonably expect to fill his gamebag in a short time, without going out of the dooryard or roadway, in front of the residences of some wealthy farmers. The weeds, brush, briers, and brambles allowed to exist there are sufficient to afford hiding places for such game. The beautiful, well-kept lawn in front of R. C. Gillham’s handsome farm residence, however, would be a sorry place for a rabbit or other game.

A. J. Poag will feast on strawberries and ice cream next season, provided the ice and cream crop is not a failure. His strawberry plants are looking well. The fruit farm of Hon. A. W. Metcalf, situated a half mile east of Comstock, however, takes the cake, and a persimmon to boot. The quantity of crab apples grown there is enormous.

The schoolhouse and playground, and the stately oaks of the Wanda school form a picture too beautiful to pass without notice. The school there is in a flourishing condition, and is presided over by Prof. Sylvester Smith, who may be denominated a veteran as well as a model teacher.

Walnuts are plentiful along the road near Wanda. Nutting parties, which are quite numerous of late, are advised to make a note of this. William M. Fahnestock is erecting a handsome two-story residence on his farm near Wanda. It is a frame structure, and is nearing completion.

V. P. Richmond, Esq., of Fort Russell, visits our city quite often. It is alleged that the best butter this market affords is brought in by him, but we are reminded that Supervisor Lanterman is hard to excel in that line.

Mr. Joint, the gentlemanly agent at this place for the “Little Giant” (Narrow Gauge Railroad) has, at his own expense, placed a new desk in the office, which adds greatly to the convenience of the place. The “White House” is the name of the elegant new mansion recently erected and occupied by County Clerk Bayle, on the southeast corner of the City Park. White houses are a rarity, while those of various tints and shades of color are common.

Ex-Sheriff John T. Fahnestock, late Captain of Company F, Illinois National Guards of Edwardsville, was watched with great solicitude by his parents, later on he was watched by “the enemy” on the field of battle, also by her whom he is now pleased to call “wife.” Later still, he was watched by his fellow citizen, who by their votes placed him in the high office of Sheriff, but it remained for his late comrades and friends in Company F to watch (and chain him too) in a manner different from any of the previous watchful events. Last Friday night, in Armory Hall, at company drill, he happening to be present, he was made the recipient of a splendid gold watch and chain, as a slight token of the high esteem in which he is held by his comrades. The watch was appropriately engraved with his name and that of the company, and enclosed in a beautiful morocco case. He has resigned the captaincy, and ceased to be a member of said company, due to his expected early removal from the State.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 18, 1884
The Prohibitionists held their primary meeting last Saturday evening, and selected thirteen delegates, viz: John G. Irwin, Cyrus Happy, Charles Sebastia, Thomas V. Whiteside, L. C. Keown, George Richmond, J. W. Enos, Thomas J. Newsham, John H. Glass, J. G. Reynolds, N. S. Whitney, Albert A. Corneau, and John Adkins. They will represent this township in their County Convention, to be held in the courthouse in Edwardsville on September 18. Alternates were also selected.

There was a large number of prominent sporting men in attendance at the races on Judy’s track, four miles east of here last Saturday. Robert Holliday succeeded in winning the greater number of prizes. Among the candidates for office, who did the agreeable on the race grounds, were W. W. Pearce, George F. McNulty, and Allan Metcalf. William Friday furnished refreshments, wet and dry.

The improvements made by G. B. Crane to his mammoth store are admired by everybody, and we have to say the same in relation to St. John M. E. Church and St. James Opera House.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 19, 1885
Every place in Southern Illinois claims to be growing in population. We claim that Edwardsville is no exception to the rule, and as proof of it, we will state that when our large school building was erected, no use was made of the third story, but now it is occupied, and a small building in the vicinity is also used for school purposes. The enrollment for January shows that 538 pupils are in attendance. Besides the public schools, our Catholic friends have a large number of pupils attending their church school.

The firm of Henry Eberle & Co., furniture dealers, was dissolved last Wednesday, Mr. Mathias Roa retiring. Mr. Roa sold his interest in said firm to Mr. Herman Ritter. The name of the firm will not change.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 26, 1885
We do not know what a day may bring forth. That’s what Mr. W. D. Kirkpatrick found out last Thursday, when he was presented by Mr. Harry E. Taylor with a letter, informing him that Mr. Taylor was authorized to take charge of the Wabash Depot in Edwardsville. Mr. Kirkpatrick was an accommodating official, against whom we have never heard one word of complaint. Mr. Taylor had previously had charge of the Wabash agency in this city for several years.

Last Friday, a boy in the public school was whipped for drawing a knife on a teacher. The day following, five or six boys, from twelve to fifteen years of age, got a pail, bought a lot of beer, two or three times, and got drunk, “so the story goes.” But the worst part remains to be told. They went to the home of one of the young lads, whose mother was away at the time, and one of the boys pulled out his revolver (several had these weapons) and accidentally shot it off. The ball went through the sleeve of one of the party, barely grazing the arm. This sobered all the boys, and we hope it will cause them to keep that way for some time to come. No names this time, but if the shot had proved serious, it would have been otherwise.

The postmaster here had the pleasure of stamping about 600 valentines last Saturday. From rumors, we should judge that quite a number of buildings will be erected here during the coming spring and summer. We have heard mention of a mill with a capacity of 150 barrels per day; also, of several store buildings, residences, &c.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 9, 1885
No matter how old fogy a town may be, there are always a few men in it who have faith in it, and do all they can to improve and beautify it. Edwardsville has a few men of this stamp; men who show their faith by their works; men who have a good word for every enterprise which has merit in it. Such a man is John S. Trares. He has done a great deal for our city. The beautiful St. James Opera House is a standing monument to his liberality. He still believes that more store buildings are necessary, and will proceed at once to erect three new stores adjoining the Opera House block. This means more business, because it will have a tendency to lower rents, and low rents will enable men of small means to commence business, with some assurance of success. There should be more places to buy certain kinds of goods, such as a shoe store, crockery, and notion store.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 23, 1885
The treasurer’s office in the courthouse in Edwardsville was the scene of a very sensational combat, on account of the prominence of the parties involved. On July 21, Hon. B. R. Burroughs of Edwardsville, while in the hall of the courthouse, was accosted by Judge J. Irwin, and requested to step into the treasurer’s office a few minutes, on business connected with an estate of which B. R. Hite, county treasurer, is executor. Burroughs represents some of the heirs as an attorney. On getting into the office, after a few words had passed, from which it could be seen that both parties would not yield their point, Burroughs struck at Hite while he was in his chair at his desk, striking him in the face. Hite attempted to rise, stumbled over the chair, and Burroughs continued to rain blows upon him. After regaining his feet, Hite struck Burroughs in the face, when the friends interfered and stopped the fracas.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 28, 1887
Stubbs Bros. have purchased the livery stable building they occupy on Main Street from William Berry.

Major W. R. Prickett, after painting his business block on Purcell Street, opposite the courthouse, has turned his attention to his residence property, and is greatly improving the looks of the same.

Charles Hack, grocer, and Aug. S. Heisel, harness maker, will occupy the first floor of McCorkle’s new building opposite the courthouse. They have notices on the buildings to that effect, at least. We also hear it rumored that Dr. Corbett, dentist, will occupy the second story of one building, and that Mr. Heisel will live in the second story of the other, and also have the rooms in the rear of his workshop.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 8, 1887
If the patrons of the Wabash Railroad, who live in Edwardsville, and desire shelter from the wind, rain, heat and cold while waiting for the arrival or departure of trains, when there possibly may be half a dozen people in the 6x9 affair of a depot ahead of them, they will have to lodge complaint with the State Railroad Commissioners, or put up the “dust” to build one. The latter plan would suit the company better. The poor, old Wabash has “pulled” Edwardsville for so much money in years passed, that it has given the managers cheek enough for them to ask “assistance” in building a depot. The State can compel the company to provide suitable quarters, and we hope it will be done.


Streets, Businesses and Hotels Lighted with Electricity
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 22, 1887
For the past few evening, the streets and some of the business houses and hotels have been lighted by electricity. This is being done free for thirty days. The lights are giving satisfaction, although some of the arrangements have been defective one or two evenings. Even the old croakers seem to be satisfied. We believe that if it is left to a vote of the people, that the votes will decide in favor of lighting the streets.

Armory Hall building is being converted into stores. The courthouse square is becoming more and more the favorite place for stores. In addition to its other business, Purcell Street has a first-class bakery – the firm of Uhl Bros.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 24, 1885
Thirteen prisoners now occupy cells in the county jail.

The old frame house on Second Street, adjoining the McCorkle property, is being torn down. This place has been an eyesore to the residents of that part of town for the last five or ten years. We understand that Mr. Ferd Tunnell, the owner of the lot, will erect a neat brick cottage thereon next spring.


“Let There be Light”
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 20, 1887
Let there be light, and plenty of it. Well, we are going to have it to the extent of 14 arc lights, of 2,000 candlepower each, in different parts of the city. The contract was signed, and the ordinances passed last Saturday night. This is another step forward. The council moved slowly in the matter, but we believe they were right.

We are going to have a new depot, and the Wabash Railway is going to build near the courthouse. Now if the powers who have control will put the track to Edwardsville Crossing in safe condition, there will never be any discussion over who was to blame if there should be a serious accident.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 8, 1887
The Kienlien house at Edwardsville, occupied as a saloon and butcher shop on first floor, and as a residence on second floor, was destroyed by fire yesterday with its contents. The furniture and fixtures in the saloon building of T. Stockburger was damaged considerably.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 17, 1887
The German M. E. Church will erect a house of worship next Spring, that will be superior to any church building in the city. St. Mary’s Catholic Church have commenced the stone foundation for their new building. The A. M. E. Church has commenced building a parsonage on their church lot in the third ward.

Two saloon keepers were arrested lately for violating the ordinances by keeping open after eleven o’clock. Served them right. They are no better than other citizens who have to obey all the laws. We hope our city authorities will enforce the Sunday law a little better.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 12, 1888
Edwardsville will undoubtedly show considerable improvement before the close of 1888. The building of the German Methodist Episcopal Church, and of St. Mary’s Catholic Church, the opening of Dr. Pogue’s private hospital, the McAdamizing of streets and the building of sidewalks by the city, with a number of contemplated improvements by other parties, will show that Edwardsville has started on a new and prosperous career.

The electric light company has been pushing things for the past few days, and the indications are that we will soon have more light at night than is furnished by the moon.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 6, 1888
The Sunday Globe-Democrat has an illustrated article on Edwardsville, going back to the date of its original settlement in 1805. The article is fairly well written, but consists mainly of the resurrection of a lot of ancient chestnuts of local history. It was evidently not the intention of the Globe to present our county seat to the world in an attractive light, and in this it has succeeded. But the same correspondent, while at Edwardsville, visited the County Poor House, and gives his impressions of that institute in a decidedly sensational article, headed “Another Tewksbury.” Yet, we do not believe his statements are exaggerated. The poor house he describes as “a whited sepulchre,” where paupers are clothed and fed for 12 cents a day. The dining room is sketched and described as the “starving room.” The dormitory is “alive with vermin,” and there is but one blanket on each bed. Berry, the keeper of the poor house, he describes as “the ideal of economy.” The reported talked to several of the old men. They complained bitterly of their treatment. They did not blame the Superintendent directly. The county that would permit a man to undertake to board, lodge, and clothe human beings for 12 cents per day came in for their maledictions. Some of them blamed the man who would undertake such a contract. One old fellow, who is nearly blind, has been an inmate of the institution for seven years. He told how the fare had gone from bad to worse with each succeeding year. He charged that the hash served for breakfast was made from the kitchen refuse of the Hoffman House in Edwardsville, a small hotel which is run by Berry, the Poor House Superintendent, and that a little girl brings the bone scrapings and broken victuals from the hotel to the Poor House every day in a tin bucket. He said that the coffee was made entirely of “essence,” one teaspoonful to a gallon of water. The reporter lays the blame for the horrible condition of affairs at the Poor House on the Board of Supervisors, who let the contract to Berry to board and clothe the inmates for 12 cents each per day. This wretched contract system will expire next month, and will not be renewed, and although another plan may cost the taxpayers more, any change will be for the better, and in the interests of humanity.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 14, 1888
About 11 o’clock tonight (April 13), fire was discovered in the basement of the wheat elevator of the Crowder Milling Company, and was soon beyond the control of the fire department. The elevator was a frame structure attached to the large mill, owned by a stock company of citizens. The fire soon spread to the mill, and both buildings were burned to the ground. The mill was erected in 1885, and was a five-story brick, with all the latest improved machinery, and a capacity of 200 barrels per day. The mill was running and closed for the night at 7 p.m. There was a large amount of wheat in the elevator. The loss is estimated at $30,000. The mill was known as the ABC Mill.


Oldest Person in Madison County Pays a Visit
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 17, 1888
Perhaps the oldest person in Madison County is now in Edwardsville. The person referred to is Mrs. Lucy Welch, who lives near Fosterburg, in Wood River Township. She is visiting her daughter, Mrs. M. A. Patterson. She came to Edwardsville last Saturday in a buggy, and did not feel the least particle wearied after her long ride. Mrs. Welch is 95 years old, and has resided in Madison County 55 years. She is in possession of all her faculties, with the exception of being slightly deaf.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 30, 1888
The music of drums on Main Street this morning caused the people of our town to look and see what was the cause. They found a large procession of children, and others, with banners, flags, etc. It was the First Ward School, under command of their popular teacher, William R. Kelley, on their way to the picnic grounds in the Second Ward. Mr. Kelley closes his tenth year with the schools of this city. We believe that it would have been to the advantage of the school of Mr. Kelley could have seen it to his best interests to remain here.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 02, 1888
The most forlorn looking building on the public square is the courthouse. During the past twelve months, every building fronting on the public square, that needed it, has been or is being painted. The last to complete the record being Mr. Frank Stenzel, who is having his two buildings neatly and tastily painted. Most all of the papers have called attention to this matter, and we trust our supervisors will instruct the public buildings committee to see that the courthouse is repainted, and a few other repairs attended to.

C. H. Nash had trouble with a tramp last Thursday afternoon, and whipped him. The tramp was made. In the evening he thought he saw Nash at the courthouse well, and commenced cutting him with a knife. He was mistaken, for he was cutting a man named Wilson. He did his job so well, that the next day he was taken before Squire John Hobson, and bound over to await the action of the grand jury next October. The charge against him is “assault with intent to kill.”


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 29, 1888
One of the most important industries in Edwardsville is coal mining. Last Saturday was “pay day” at Wolf’s mine, and $1,500 was paid for two weeks labor. We understand that about the same amount was paid at Wonderly’s mine, making $3,000 paid the miners on Saturday, or $1,500 per week. Wolf’s mine is trying its best to secure 50 more miners. It is safe to say that over $50,000 per year is paid out in wages to the miners living in Edwardsville. We claim that the miners employed here are good men and respectable citizens, and that the business of the town is increased greatly by the money they spend among our citizens. We think it would be a good thing for Madison County if it could furnish all the mills and manufacturing establishments in the county with home coal. If the Alton millers, glass works, and manufacturers could secure Edwardsville coal, by having coal trains run from this city, we believe that we could give them a better article than they now receive, and that the whole county would be benefitted thereby. This is one kind of protection we believe in.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 21, 1888
The carpenters, bricklayers, and other mechanics are busy at work on the addition to the St. James Hotel, the new Christian Church, Joseph Schmidt’s house, and several other jobs. While this has not been a busy year for builders, still the city shows that quite a number of new buildings, some extensive additions, and a large number of minor improvements to residence and business property have been made. And this, with the additions to our macadamized streets and plank walks, will prove that old Edwardsville is trying its best to keep up with the procession in this part of Illinois.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 20, 1888
All our people, and especially the former students of Monticello Seminary, were sorry to hear of its destruction by fire several weeks ago. Parties here interested in having the Seminary maintained are going to give a grand concert next Friday evening, to aid the building fund. Several excellent musicians from St. Louis will take part. This concert is given for a home institution in need, and should be well patronized. The price of tickets will be fifty cents.

Thieves are at work in this city. Last week, the residence of Circuit Clerk Hagnauer was entered on Wednesday night. And on the night of December 11, the premises of Simon Kellermann and of Parisian Tailor Molitz were entered. At the former place, only an overcoat and a pair of pants were taken, the visitors being frightened and fled. At Molitz’s, they secured goods to the amount of $75. Some of the gentry will be caught soon, and then we will have a rest for a while.

Cyrus Happy is the new Commander of the G.A.R. Post in this city. The installation of the officers of the post will take place January 4.

WE hear every now and then of someone being an applicant for the post office here, under the new administration. The choice of a large number of our citizens is Mr. T. M. Crossman. He has been a resident of this place nearly twenty years. He is courteous, kind, and obliging, and we believe would make an excellent postmaster.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 27, 1888
Christmas has arrived. All the small boys and everybody else seem to be happy. The usual Sunday schools festivals were held last evening, and despite the rainy weather, nearly all scholars were present. We saw two little boys going home, who were sampling the packages they had received as their share at one of the churches. Notwithstanding the rain, they seemed delighted, and were speeding homeward as if glad of the chance to divide with others.

Once in a while, we have an excitement in our city. Joseph Merkel, a German farmer, the head of a family composed of himself, wife, and thirteen children, came to town and went to a part of the city known as “Piety Hill,” where he made himself very obnoxious to several ladies by his rude actions and improper language. He was arrested, and at an examination yesterday afternoon, was placed under $1,800 bonds. The last we heard of him he was behind the bars in the county jail. If Merkel is one-tenth as bad as he is “painted,” a long term in the penitentiary should be the punishment for his conduct in this city last Saturday afternoon. He is certainly old enough to know better, being at least 53 years of age.

The Odd Fellows Lodge in Edwardsville will be forty years old on January 12. Of the charter members, only one, Mr. John A. Prickett, survives.

The Narrow Gauge pay car passed through here Friday, and left enough wealth with the employees of the road for them to “square” accounts and have enough left for Christmas. This road will be a standard guage before July 4.

The Board of Education hired another male teacher, W. G. McKinney, and his salary has been fixed at $25 per month.


Alton Telegraph, January 03, 1889
Jacob Dornacher is erecting a one-story frame building to be used as a grocery store, on Kansas Street.

Last Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bickelhaupt, who had recently moved to Tacoma, Washington Territory, arrived here with the remains of their three-year old daughter. This is the third child of Mr. and Mrs. Bickelhaupt which has died in the past two years.

The Christian Church will be completed in about six weeks, if the weather is good. Charles W. Fangenroth, one of the most progressive farmers in Madison County, will read an essay on “Profits of Wheat Culture,” at the Farmers Institute at Greenville on January 15. Mr. Fangenroth is considered good authority on farm matters by his neighbors.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 31, 1889
Once in a while, a great while, here in Edwardsville, we do something before it has ceased to be a feature in other places. This time we are going to be ahead of such metropolitan towns as Alton and Collinsville, by giving “the only and the best Baby Show” ever heard of. The new departure will be under the management of the ladies of the Episcopal Church, and will be held at the Opera House on Saturday afternoon, February 9. We do not know whether the judges have been selected, but if not, we suggest Capt. A. L. Brown, E. C. Springer, and Judge Cyrus L. Cook.

One of our city papers enumerates five buildings that will surely be erected in the early Spring. Besides those mentioned are the Catholic Church and one or two other structures.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 14, 1889
The great and only baby show came off according to announcement, at the St. James Opera House last Saturday afternoon. Babies arrived at 1 o’clock, at 2 o’clock, and at 8 o’clock. The exhibition lasted from 1 to 5 o’clock. Sixty infants were there to help extinguish a church debt, and they did it. The prizes were awarded, and the mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, and relatives of the prize winners are in good spirits, while those who did not receive prizes for their darlings are in moods ranging from a “don’t care” to a “mad as a hornet.” The judges were strangers, but they know more now they did before the exhibition.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 6, 1889
The game of ball, Sunday, between the Sultan Bitters of St. Louis, and the Madisons, resulted in a score of 10 to 6 in favor of the Sultan Bitters. A few changes could be made in the infield of the Madisons, that would prove very profitable to the management financially.

About one o’clock last Thursday morning, fire broke out in a tenement house in the Second Ward, belonging to Jacob Hoehn, and it being rather windy, set fire to a house recently purchased by Mr. Maletz of Belleville, who expected to occupy it soon. Both were a total loss.

Decoration exercises were held here last Thursday, and despite the chilliness of the weather, quite a crowd was out doing honor to the dead heroes. W. A. Northcott of Greenville made a very lengthy and excellent talk at the St. James Opera House, after which the line of march, composed of the militia and all civic organizations, headed by the Enterprise Band and G.A.R., marched to the Catholic Cemetery where Fathers J. C. Daw and August Schlegel made short talks, and the graves here being decorated, they then marched to Woodlawn Cemetery, where short speeches were made and the graves of the brave dead decorated with flowers, carried by the little girls. On Sunday, the G.A.R. of Edwardsville, drum corps, and a host of citizens went to Wanda, where decoration exercises were held. Cyrus Happy and Dr. Joseph Pogue made very impressive talks.

An unusual occurrence at the county seat will take place at the Poor House Monday next, by the marriage of Frank Miller, the cook, and Mrs. Chester, an inmate from Collinsville. They will leave for St. Louis, where they will reside. One could hardly say they married for wealth.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 20, 1889
Friday night last an alarm of fire was given. It proved to be in the frame building of Simon Kellermann, opposite the courthouse, and is occupied by Mr. Kellermann for an oyster house, saloon, and residence. The firemen were soon on the scene, but not being able to find the cistern on St. Louis Street, had to take the engine to the one in front of the courthouse. They soon had a good stream of water on the flames, and had the fire under control in a short time. The damage to Mr. Kellermann’s building is estimated to be in the neighborhood of $500 to $800. The second story is occupied by Crossman Bros. for a printing office. The building of S. S. McCorkle, occupied by Charles Hack, grocer, was damaged by the bricks being knocked off the firewalls.

The school census, just completed, shows that there are no children in the district who cannot read and write. That under 21 years, there are 775 males and 709 females. That there are 578 males and 497 females between the ages of 6 and 21 years. That there are 956 white children between 6 and 21 years, and 168 colored children under 21 years, and 119 of school ages. There is an increase of white children, and a decrease of colored children compared with last year.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 27, 1889
Hon. W. H. Krome has been a State Senator, Mayor of Edwardsville, member of the Board of Education of this district, and at the present time, is president of the board, yet he does not place much importance upon these things. But when it comes to cleaning house, laying carpets, and doing such work while his wife is away visiting in another part of the State, he claims that he is the champion of Illinois. He is!


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 01, 1889
Edwardsville bakers ship large quantities of bread to surrounding towns, and to the city of St. Louis. On Saturday last, Frank Stenzel shipped six barrels of bread.

Charlie Bailweg will have his shoe store, opposite the St. James Hotel, in running order in a few days. This is a new departure, and we hope he will be successful. We need other stores of different lines, and if Charlie’s venture proves successful, there will be more likelihood of their being started.

One of our lumber dealers, John Stolze, has sold 2,000 feet of oak lumber to Bethalto for sidewalk purposes.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 22, 1889
Yesterday morning our soldier boys left for Springfield for a week’s stay in camp. They numbered about forty-five, and made a creditable appearance. There are four printers among them: J. F. White, H. A. Durer, Ed Crossman, and Henry Fischer. This company ranks among the oldest in the State. Captain Weidey commands the company. His Lieutenants are A. D. Metcalfe and C. C. Corbett.

The Diamond Mineral Springs at Grant Fork in Madison County are certainly filling a “long-felt want.” A person can go there and return the same day. Quite a number of our citizens have spent from one day to two weeks there during the past two months.

Company F’s entertainment in the City Park last Wednesday evening added $40 to the treasury of the company. The prize for the best drilled man was won by Sergeant R. E. Desmond. Captain H. F. Weidey was presented with a handsome sword belt by the company.

Charles Pauley has been awarded the contract to erect the county insane asylum. His bid was $4,688.65, only $26.85 lower than the bid of Supervisor Keller.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 5, 1889
The building fever seems to have struck our little city in a manner that will cause our mechanics to wonder how they will be able to do it all before cold weather comes. The two principal structures will be the livery stable of W. S. Judy, on Main Street, opposite St. Louis Street. The lot was purchased from Major William R. Prickett. The other is a large office and storeroom addition to the Big mill. Besides these, about ten other parties have commenced to build or erect additions to their property. Brickmakers are reaping a harvest at present.

While yesterday was hardly a good day to start small children to school, it being quite rainy, there was an enrollment of 511 scholars in the schools where the white children attend. We have not heard how many there were in the First Ward school, but suppose that there were between 40 and 50. An attendance of 550 on the opening day of school is not a bad showing for a town which only claims 3,600 inhabitants.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 26, 1889
We are sorry to see such a total disregard of the rights of people who do not believe that it is right to keep the saloons open on Sunday. Last Sunday, some of the saloons were open, or rather access to them was about as easy as on other days of the week. We even noticed a man wheeling a keg of beer along the streets, and we thought that trade must be good if the supply had to be increased. The saloon keepers brought high license upon themselves by disregarding the laws, and if they keep up their practices, they will find that the people will be more severe on them in the future than in the past. We say to the authorities, either enforce the ordinances or repeal them.

At the game of baseball Sunday, the “Peach Pies” of St. Louis gave our boys another lesson in the national game, the score being 3 to 0 in favor of the “Pies.” Our boys will not want any more “Pies” this season, if they are “Peach.”

George D. Bayle, while driving a horse attached to a feather renovating wagon last Wednesday, left it for a few minutes. Upon returning, he found the horse and wagon in the mill pond. The wagon is still in use, the horse is not.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 17, 1889
Although there have been five churches erected in Edwardsville during the past five years, four of them being very neat structures, the church building of the city, so rumor says, will be erected next Spring by the German Methodists on their lot on Main Street. This congregation is the wealthiest one in Edwardsville, and some of our citizens claim that the wealth of the members is greater than the wealth of any other church society in Madison County. The proposed church building will be a credit to our city.

Fernand Vorwald of Venice moved into his recent purchase in St. Andrew’s Row yesterday. Mr. Vorwald is a good citizen, and we have plenty of room for more like him.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 14, 1889
The oldest paper in Madison County, with the exception of the Alton Telegraph, is the Edwardsville Intelligencer, which last week completed the twenty-seventh year of its existence [est. 1862]. In all that time, it may be said to have had only two proprietors – James R. Brown and Charles Boeschenstein. For a few weeks, when it was first started, H. C. Barnsback of Edwardsville was associated with Mr. Brown in its publication. After Mr. Brown’s death (in April 1882) it was published by his widow until she sold it to Mr. Boeschenstein in January 1883. By this, it will be seen that it has really been under the control of two men only, during the entire time. In all these years it has been a Democratic paper.

A. S. Heisel has sold his saddlery and harness business to F. C. Nowotne & Son of New Douglas. The latter gentleman has been in the employ of Mr. Heisel for over a year, and the former has just moved to Edwardsville. Mr. Heisel will engage in the grocery business with Mr. Hack, under the firm name of Hack & Heisel. Dippold Bros., grain dealers, have sold Charles S. Dale an interest in their business. Mr. Dale has been in the employ of the Wabash Railroad in this city for some months.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 28, 1889
The J. B. M. Kehlor Milling Co.’s large plant at Edwardsville was totally destroyed by fire early Monday morning. A big mill, having an estimated capacity for turning out 800 barrels of flour a day, an elevator and large storehouse, filled with grain and four respectively, made excellent food for the flames, and several adjacent buildings, the Post Office among them, were seriously damaged. There is insurance on the Kehlor Mill property.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 13, 1890
Last month the city council passed an ordinance giving the Chicago, Peoria, and Springfield Railroad Company power “to construct, maintain, and operate its railroad across the streets and alleys of the said city of Edwardsville.” About the only restriction the railroad conceded to the city was that it would not “impair more than absolutely necessary,” (ordinary travel) – thereby implying “such condition as to be safe for ordinary travel.” Some of our citizens are glad that the railroad company did not want everything in the place. Of course, Mayor E. B. Glass vetoed the obnoxious ordinance, and last week the council sustained the veto, to the great relief of most of our citizens. We all want this road to come here, but we do not believe that we should give them everything we have to get it. The road has made a bad move, and it will be carefully watched in the future. If the city council had passed the ordinance over the veto, the railway company could have run its track, or tracks, almost where it pleased. The people are thankful that the Mayor looked after their rights in the matter.

Saturday a meeting of citizens was held in the county Judge’s room to see what could be done towards getting the Dunstedter Car Wheel Company to locate here. Mr. Dunstedter has long been a resident of Edwardsville, and desires his company to erect its plant here. The company wants two or three acres of land adjacent to a railroad, and about $3,000 in money. They will put in $10,000 worth of machinery at once, and increase the capacity of the works as fast as the orders for the wheel would warrant.

Theaters seem to be flourishing here lately. We have about two entertainments weekly. Last night the “Wild Goose Chase” was given. Saturday evening, “Little Galatea” will be rendered.

Every storeroom on the square is rented but one. This has not been the case before for a year. We believe the one mentioned is the only business house in town unoccupied.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 27, 1890
The greatest thing in Edwardsville at present is the talk in regard to the N. O. Nelson Manufacturing Co. of St. Louis locating here. There was a large meeting at the courthouse last evening, and speeches were made by Senator W. F. L. Hadley, Hon. William H. Krome, Judge John G. Irwin, Hon. John A. Prickett, Mayor E. B. Glass, and others. It seemed to be the general opinion that it was desirable to secure the concern, and that it could be done if every person would do his part. The institution employs 250 persons at present, and the directors intend to add other branches to the business soon. We believe that our citizens will secure this company, and the committee appointed last night will have the money ready by the time designated.

Postmaster Crossman’s paper stated last week that the post office would be removed to the French-Bradshaw building, opposite the courthouse, early next month. This is a move in the right direction. The post office will then be more convenient for two-thirds of the business men in town, and for four-fifths of the farmers who are patrons of the office. It is also more convenient for the three newspapers of the city.

Some of the county papers nearly every week state how many rabbits local hunters have killed during the season. The largest number we have seen is 1,252. Besides this, there have been numbers between 700 and 900, and others over 400 and 500. Taking these for a basis, it would seem that in the county there could not have been less than 25,000 rabbits killed since the first of October, and perhaps it would be nearer correct to place the number at 50,000.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 6, 1890
The citizens of Edwardsville have raised the $20,000 necessary to secure the N. O. Nelson Manufacturing Company of St. Louis. To understand what an undertaking this is, remember that we only have about one-third the population of Alton (and that at the same time, we have also completed raising $3,000 for the Dunstedter Car Wheel Company) for Alton to do so as well she would have to raise $69,000. We are proud of our work and our committees. This money was raised by the millionaire banker and the young school child, and every class and grade of citizens, without regard to race or previous condition of servitude. The contributions range in amount from $1,000 to 5 cents. Every person was given an opportunity to help. Some were even urged to do so by mild, persuasive means. Every family in town has had “Nelson talk” for breakfast, dinner, and supper for the past few days.

Now we will give you an idea what this Nelson craze has done, or how it has affected real estate. We have been informed that one party has an option on six acres at $500 an acre, near the proposed addition. Two men paid $1,500 for a piece of property, which it is stated could have been purchased two weeks ago for $1,200. Another case is a man who is occupying a house for which he pays $10 per month, has been notified that the owner desires to put it in first-class condition at once, and that he can continue to live in it if he will pay $20 per month for it.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 13, 1890
The Nelson Manufacturing Co. has been secured. We are very well pleased to think that our city will be greatly benefitted by this enterprise.

The public square will be ornamented with a handsome two-story brick building, with plate glass front. It will have a frontage of 52 feet and a depth of between 80 and 100 feet. The site is on the corner of Purcell and Second Streets, opposite the former residence of the late General Friend S. Rutherford of Alton, when that gentleman was a resident of Edwardsville. The owner, Mr. J. H. Prickett, is perhaps the only person in Edwardsville who knows who will occupy it.

The new German Methodist Episcopal Church will be a handsome brick structure, and will be an ornament to lower Main Street. Architect C. H. Spilman drew the plans. The building is estimated to cost $12,000.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 24, 1890
A stranger could not take a walk over the streets of Edwardsville without taking notice of the many new buildings, additions, and other improvements which would come under his eye in every direction. The mechanics are all busy, and those who are waiting for them to do work are getting anxious. The builders will have all they can do from now until the middle of November.

The old Franklin House in lower town was purchased recently for $950 by Henry Daube of the Broadway House, and the report is current on the streets that he has sold it to be party in Highland for $1,600.

Ten teams and a number of workmen are engaged in grading the property purchased last week by the Dunstetter Car Wheel Co. It is located a short distance from the lower Wabash depot.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 29, 1890
The next thing on hand in this city will be the Old Settlers meeting on June 4. Those who delight in calling up pleasant recollections of days that are gone long ago should be on hand next week. There will always be changes at these meetings – faces will be missed; voices will not be heard, for they are no longer here to be seen and heard.

The dedication ceremonies of St. Mary’s new Catholic Church will occur on Sunday, June 8, and will be under the auspices of St. John’s Nepomuch society, and Branch No. 13, C. K. of I. Joseph Steis will be grand marshal, and will have seven aids to wit: Messrs. W. T. Flynn, Thomas Knisel, R. E. Desmond, John Stolze, Riley P. Owen, Joseph Judy, and John Dillon. There will be excursion rates on all the railroads. At least three bands will be in attendance. The Mayor and city council will attend in a body. The societies and others will assemble at St. Mary’s Church and form in procession, and then march through the principal streets and return to the church, where the dedicatory exercises will take place. After the services, the procession will march to Gillespie’s Grove, where dinner will be served.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 12, 1890
Last Sunday was a big day for St. Mary’s Catholic Church. On that day the edifice was dedicated. Previous to the exercises at the church, there was a large procession, with a number of bands which paraded the principal streets. Societies from St. Louis, East St. Louis, Breeze, Venice, and other places were present, and did their part towards making the exercises pleasant and successful.

For some weeks we have hardly said a word about the Nelson enterprise [Le Claire]. Six buildings are well under way in the tract of land near the Kansas City depot. While the whole amount of land will not be built on at once, it will receive new buildings now and then in the next few months, and will soon be of enough importance to call attention to itself. The people of Edwardsville still believe in Mr. Nelson, and believe that he will do all that he has promised.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 24, 1890
With the number of new buildings going up at Leclaire, the large factory building of the Steel Truss Wheel Co., and the different buildings in town under construction, give our city a lively appearance. Every house, no matter how small, which is erected, gives employment to mechanics, and also suggests to other people that they might improve their property also.

Between August 01 and September 01, all dogs will have to be muzzled, or they will be shot. A good move.

The Ladies Society of Oak Lawn Cemetery will hold their annual Moonlight Festival on Tuesday evening, July 29, at the residence of Mr. Nelson Montgomery on the Troy Road, near this city. These annual gatherings are to raise funds to keep the cemetery grounds in good order, and are usually well attended.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 31, 1890
Edwardsville is the next largest city in Madison County, having between 40 and 50 more people than Collinsville. In 1900 we expect to have two-thirds of what Alton has today, and think we will be just about as much behind Alton as we now are.

If you expect to turn vagrant, don’t go to Highland. That city has a new ordinance and a “rock pile.” It is the latter which will trouble the tramps.

Dr. William Olive and Judge J. G. Irwin are “at home” in their elegant quarters in the new Prickett block, corner of Purcell and Second Streets. The Madison Mercantile Co. will occupy the lower floor next month.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 21, 1890
Fred Schwager, a clerk in A. Gerber’s palace stores, while out hunting Sunday accidentally shot himself. The wound is a very severe one. After the accident he had to walk half a mile to a house. At present, he is doing quite well, and the weather being cool, he is free of fever. It is hoped that he will recover.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 11, 1890
The firm of Springer & Tunnell, proprietors of the steam brickyard, has been dissolved. A new firm consisting of Messrs. B. H. Richards and T. W. Springer has been formed. These gentlemen will put in machinery at once, and expect to sell two or three kilns of dry pressed brick before the winter sets in. The capacity is to be 24,000 brick per day. Coal will be used for fuel. Little by little are prominent industries being added, which will be an inducement for others to go and do likewise. We have room enough for all.

There was quite a change in business circles last Saturday. John S. Trares sold his Main Street Drugstore to Henry Bickelhaupt, and the same day purchased W. D. Harnist’s Drugstore on Courthouse Square. Mr. Trares is a sharp business man, and fully realizes that the Square is the best place to be in business. Mr. Harnist will embark in the manufacturing business.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 11, 1890
Supervisor Elble reports a desperate state of affairs at the county jail in Edwardsville. Ed Haff, whose reputation as a desperate criminal has been established throughout Southern Illinois, is given the credit of being the ringleader in the uprising, and is ably seconded by a number of men just as daring and desperate. The jail contains eighteen prisoners, among whom are several charged with murder. These men Haff seems to control with an iron will, and they are compelled to do his bidding without a protest. Haff’s experience at Chester Penitentiary stands before him at all times, and he does not relish a repetition of it, and therefore, he will leave no stone unturned to make his escape, even though death stares him in the face while making the attempt. He has commanded all the prisoners sleep during the day, which they do, and at night they keep up a deafening noise on the sheet-iron cells, which drowns out the noise made by him and his pals in sawing out the iron bars of the cell floors, so that they may drop to the corridor below, which once gained, their escape would be an easy matter.

Tuesday, Sheriff Burke reported the matter to the County Board, and the committee on Public Buildings visited the jail with a view to making such alterations as will make the jail more safe. There they found Haff, whom Sheriff Burke had ordered shackled and handcuffed with three other prisoners, in a standing position, in which they have remained since Saturday night. It being unsafe to even allow them the freedom of the cells. Haff is still in the same unruly mood as when shackled, with his feet and ankles swollen out of shape, and will remain in that position until the court sets, unless he comes to terms and settles down.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 9, 1890
The fine large building of the Steel Truss Car Wheel Works is often taken for the Nelson Co.’s works by strangers. This shows that people know that Mr. Nelson is moving here as fast as he can. But Mr. Nelson’s factory buildings number four or five, and are very large, besides several other buildings and some seven residences, and this is only a beginning. In less than a year from now, the Nelson Company in the southern part of town will be turning out an immense amount of finish work, and the Steel Truss Car Wheel Works in the northern part will be doing a good business. The Press Brick Works will be making large quantities of brick, and all the other industries in town will be doing their part towards keeping Edwardsville the second largest city in the county. All our people are earnest and anxious to keep the ball moving onward, and with this spirit actuating our people, Edwardsville is bound to grow.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 30, 1890
The depot for the Jacksonville and Southeastern Railroad, in the south part of town, is nearing completion. It is about 20x50 feet, and will make a neat and cozy appearance.

The Odd Fellows of Edwardsville will attend the cornerstone laying of the new opera house in Alton next Sunday. They have chartered a special train.

Edwardsville has a new gun club. The members will try their skill on clay pigeons one day next week.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 27, 1890
The new German Methodist Episcopal Church will be dedicated Sunday, December 11. Clergymen and others from neighboring towns will be in attendance. The German Nethodists are numerous in Edwardsville and vicinity, and exert an influence for good, which grows stronger every years.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 5, 1891
The Kellerman property on Second Street, opposite the courthouse, is being overhauled generally. Mr. Kellermann is to retire from business on the 15th. Mrs. J. P. Sehnert will occupy the premises.

The Madison County Horse Thief Detective Society held a regular meeting Saturday at the courthouse. It was the annual election, and all the old officers but one were re-elected. William H. Cotter is the President. The society has 240 members.

While Alhambra cannot boast of glass works like Alton, nor condensed Milk Factory like Highland, nor yet claim to have a Nelson factory adjoining her borders, the thrifty little village can justly lay claim to having one of the best hot houses in Southern Illinois.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 28, 1891
Our item in regard to locust trees in last week’s paper gave us a little curiosity to learn how near we came to the exact diameter of the locust tree we deemed the largest in town. We measured the tree in company with Mr. F. W. Wolf, in whose front yard the tree is located. We found the dimensions to be as follows: four feet from the ground the diameter is three feet and nine inches, three inches more than we stated. And four feet from the ground the circumference is nine feet and nine inches. The bark of the tree is fully four inches thick. Grandpa Wolf, the father of Mr. F. W. Wolf, states that when he first saw the tree in 1838, fifty-three years ago, it was quite a large one. Judging from this, the tree must be between 65 and 75 years old. It has been frequently topped, and at the present time, is about sixty feet high.

Last Friday, Company F had a competitive drill for the company’s gold medal. The last members on the drill floor were the Friday brothers, Charles and Julius. The latter made a false move, and Charles secured the medal. The non-commissioned officers appointed by Captain H. F. Wiedey are as follows: Robert Fangenroth, orderly sergeant; J. F. White, second; B. J. Stillwell, commissary; Henry Fischer, fourth; H. A. Durer, first corporal; Alvin Morefield, second; James Stollman, third; Frank Gillig, fourth. Another feature of the evening was the presentation to Lieutenant C. C. Corbett of a handsome sugar bowl and set of spoons. Lieutenant Metcalf made the presentation speech, and Lieutenant Corbet, after recovering from his surprise, returned thanks to his companions in arms.

Reports state that William Zeiler of Bunker Hill has rented the large room of the building now in course of erection by Henry Trares on Main Street, and will start a cigar factory and employ ten cigar makers.

E. A. Keller & Bro. have decided to increase their store building by adding a second story. It is stated they have also rented the two-story building on the north, and will go into the house furnishing business in connection with hardware, etc.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 02, 1891
We have a Masonic Lodge, an Odd Fellows Lodge, Knights of Pythias Lodge, Druids Lodge, M.O.T.B. Lodge, Modern Woodmen, Knights of Honor, Knights and Ladies of Honor, a Bohemian secret society, and several others which we cannot recall. We are still to have another – last night we saw a petition to organize a lodge of the A.O.U.W.

Dr. E. W. Fiegenbaum has taken possession of the property recently purchased on Main Street. He has erected a rent office building on the premises, which is said to be the equal of any office rooms in town.

Workmen were engaged yesterday and today in tearing down the house lately occupied by N. S. Whitney as a residence and marble shop. Mr. G. B. Crane, the owner of the property, will erect a neat brick building, will be occupied by Mrs. Whitney.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 10, 1891
The great cry at present is water. Farmers and others are digging their wells deeper. The well on the south side of the courthouse has been bored deeper, and we suppose that we will have plenty of water for years to come. We ought to have plenty of water for those who drink that article, for we certainly have a liberal supply of stronger drinks for those who have the different aches and pains which call for the article, and which some say is the cause of their drinking.

While we have three main lines of railroad running through our city, and a branch road connecting with the Chicago & Alton Railroad and Big Four Railroad at Edwardsville Crossing, our citizens would gladly welcome any effort that would give us a railroad from Alton to Highland, like the one proposed by Manager Fisher of the Bluff Line. Edwardsville would be glad to exchange her coal for Alton’s lime, stone, and sand.

The Farmers Milling Company of Edwardsville is making an effort to sell their flour in surrounding towns where there are no mills, or where there seems to be a demand for it. They make good grades of flour, and have no difficulty in selling it.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 17, 1891
About the largest transaction in property, real or personal, which has taken place in Edwardsville for a number of years, was one which took place Saturday, when the Wolf Coal Mining Co. sold their mine and appurtenances to the Madison Coal Company. The consideration is reported to be somewhere between $35,000 and $40,000. We are sorry to see such institutions go away from home control, but we are sure that it will not be long before the Messrs. Wolf will be benefitting our city in some enterprise.

Sunday afternoon an alarm of fire sounded. It was soon learned at the home of W. R. Brink, on St. Louis Street, was on fire. As the building was a frame one, and at least one-half mile from the engine house, it was supposed that it would be impossible to save it. Still, by the exertions of neighbors until the arrival of the firemen, only half of the building was consumed. It was another evidence of the efficiency of our fire department.

We heard a report yesterday that the Leclaire artesian well, which is now down to a depth of 900 feet, will be plugged at a depth of 300 feet, and made a receptacle, or well, for surface water, which it is thought will furnish water enough for boiler use, etc., for the works at Leclaire for some time to come.

It seems that Glen Carbon could almost be called an addition to Edwardsville. We have furnished the village with a physician, Dr. Olive, and now one of our butchers, William Steelinger, is making arrangements to open a meat market there. Some of our grocerymen and bakers make several trips there every week, and other merchants do a good business with the people there.

The finishing touches are now being given to Dr. Robinson’s handsome office building on Washington Avenue, and he will occupy the same this week.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 01, 1891
Thomas W. Morrison of Hamel Township purchased the residence property on the corner of Buchanan Street and Douglas Avenue, belonging to W. T. Littleton, for $3,000. Mr. Morrison will occupy the premises next February. Mr. Littleton and family will move to St. Louis about the first of November. The block in which Mr. Morrison’s property is situated could appropriately be called “Farmer’s Block.” There are eight houses to the block, three of them are owned and occupied by persons who formerly lived in the country on their farms. Three others are owned and occupied by farmers’ sons, and who worked on farms after they were grown. One is owned and occupied by the widow of a farmer, and only one house out of the entire block is occupied by a man whose life has always been spent in town. After mature deliberation, we have come to the conclusion that “farming does not pay.”

C. B. Gonterman of Pin Oak Township has made a “new departure.” Instead of coming to town and buying a residence, he came and bought the Edwardsville Creamery, which he will push to its full capacity.

A new band was organized here last night with Charles Parkhurst as leader. It comprises 16 pieces, and is made up of young men under 22 years of age.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 12, 1891
Last Friday evening there was a big time in Masonic circles. Edwardsville Chapter No. 146 had a special convocation at which time the sixth team for this year was given the R. A. degree. The chapter here was organized under dispensation in 1870, and S. V. Crossman was designated as High Priest. At the chartering and institution in 1871, he was also named and elected High Priest. Franklin Chapter No. 15 of Upper Alton was authorized to institute the Chapter in Edwardsville in 1870, and the officers of that Chapter conferred the degree last Friday. A banquet, said to be the most elaborate ever spread in secret society circles, was given at the Hotel Hoffmann. After the banquet, Judge J. G. Irwin responded to the toast of “Our Guests;” Judge A. S. Wilderman to that of “Friendship and Benevolence;” and the responses to the others were as follows: “Muim,” R. P. Owen; “Fervency and Zeal,” G. W. Powell; “Purity,” W. M. Warnock; “The Weary Sojourners,” James Lane. John T. Crocker, the High Priest of Edwardsville Chapter, was toast master.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 03, 1892
Tuxhorn Bros. have purchased the premises occupied by them, being the St. James opera house building, for $15,000. The stores are large and commodious, and are well adapted to the purpose for which they are used.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 15, 1892
A couple of old papers were filed in Edwardsville Saturday by Henry Brockmeier, to perfect the title to a tract of land now owned by him, about four miles southwest of Edwardsville. The first paper was an original land warrant signed by President James Monroe, and issued April 10, 1818 to Thomas Reynolds, assignee of Robert Reynolds, the latter being the father of John Reynolds (Governor of Illinois from 1830 to 1834), and Thomas Reynolds is supposed to have been a brother of the Governor. The other paper was a deed from Thomas Reynolds to William Hendricks and William Griffin, all residing in Madison County, and dated March 12, 1829, conveying the southeast fractional quarter of Section 20, Town 4, Range 8 (being included in the warrant), containing eighty-seven and seventy-hundredths acres for $100, and which cannot now be purchased for $100 per acre.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 7, 1892
In town the fall of water was very great. In a part of the city known as “Dublin,” there is a branch over which is a bridge, and one person informed us that he had lived there 34 years, and had always been able to go over the bridge after all rains, until yesterday morning, when he had to go round over the hill.

Part of the iron work for the new addition to Hotel Hoffman was unloaded and placed in front of the building today, thereby proving to all that Mr. Hoffman would soon commence work on his new improvements. This will be a great improvement to the Courthouse Square.

Brick was unloaded today on Main Street, in front of the White property. The north part of the building will be moved west of the Wabash Railroad. John A. Prickett, the owner, will erect a neat brick building on the lot. As soon as completed, Mr. Uhl, the harness maker, will move back to his “old” quarters – at least it will be his old stand.

The tallest evergreen trees in town are in front of the Weir homestead property on Main Street. The pine trees must be over 80 feet in height, and are said to be 35 or 40 years old.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 19, 1892
The citizens from different parts of the county cannot fail to notice the various improvements of the past five months on the public square. The following are the different buildings on the square and their improvements: Courthouse addition ($15,000); Tunnell Bros., two stores ($7,000); A. Hoffmann’s improvements to his hotel ($16,000); Frank Stenzel’s store ($3,700); Simon Kellermann’s store ($3,400); C. Boeschenstein ($450); and F. Begemann ($250). This is all on courthouse square. Within a block and a half from the courthouse, south and west, there have been five other store buildings erected in the same time.

William Wurdock has been awarded the contract for lighting the city, he signing the contract which the Nelson Company refused to sign. The price is the same as offered by Nelson.

It is said that Company F will take part in the World’s Fair exercises at Chicago this week. Edwardsville is always “in it!”


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 17, 1892
The new city building will be formally dedicated on Thanksgiving Day by a parade, short speeches, and other exercises. It will be paid for without issuing bond.

There is to be a lecture at Leclaire this evening, under the auspices of the Leclaire Self-Culture Club. Mr. W. L. Sheldon will deliver the lecture, “Haunts of Columbus.” The lecture course commenced November 1, and will end March 7, one being given every other Tuesday evening.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 01, 1892
Thanksgiving Day was observed very generally by our citizens. Some attended church in the morning. The event of the day was the dedication of the new city building. Mayor William E. Wheeler and several others made addresses. The building is a credit to our city. The fire ladies well deserve their present comfortable and commodious quarters, and we believe that there is not one taxpayer in the whole city but who is glad the firemen have such a pleasant place to meet in. The Fireman’s Ball at night was largely attended.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 8, 1892
The courthouse square is improving. A saloon has made way for a grocery store. Perhaps if we had fewer saloons, we would have more stores. Only a few men here spend more for what they drink than for what they eat and wear, but the number could be still smaller and be a benefit to the community.

The old engine house was sold to Clay H. Lynch last Thursday by the city authorities, for the handsome price of $15 – all it was worth. Our fire boys can now look with pleasure at their new quarters, and say that it is much better to be in a $4,000 building than in one which was worth $15.

The new electric light contractors have commenced work. Several parties have had wires placed in their rooms, and it will soon be hard to tell which is doing most to light the stores here – coal oil or electricity.

There are said to be about fifteen miles of sidewalks in Edwardsville, from one plank up to seven planks. A number of new street crossings have lately been laid.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 29, 1892
Twice in the last few days have our citizens been startled by the alarm of fire. Early Saturday morning, the creamery, situated in the eastern part of the city, burned down. The loss is somewhere around $4,000. The institution was operated by C. B. Gonterman & Co. The manager was Charles Bartlett. We have not learned whether it will be rebuilt or not. The second alarm was sounded Tuesday afternoon, and was caused by the burning of the washhouse of the Hotel Hoffmann.

The Mason Hall building, on the courthouse square, has been painted.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 26, 1893
The Capitol building, on the side of courthouse square, was purchased last Wednesday by F. W. Wolf for $9,000. Only one-half of the east wall is included in the sale, the other half belonging to the Intelligencer building. In this connection, we will state what is known to not more than six persons. Two parties who own property on the square offered the same for $20,000 to would-be purchaser, and as it has not been sold, suppose that the parties thought the figures too high, and the owners would not make any concession.

Dr. Joseph Pogue is having plans drawn for a hospital building, which he will erect on Hillsboro Avenue. There will be a livery stable erected about a square above the courthouse on Main Street, and several residences on different parts of town. Mrs. Mary Littleton, who will be 81 years old in April, intends to build a neat cottage on the lot she purchased last year on Buchanan Street.

George C. Hartung, an Edwardsville printer who has been working in Collinsville for several months, will embark in the newspaper business there next Thursday, having purchased the Collinsville Monitor, in connection with a Mr. Rowson, a printer, who formerly lived in Troy.

There are almost 150 inmates at the poor house. The jail guests number 22, and court will not meet until the third Monday in March.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 02, 1893
We are becoming metropolitan by degrees. Our opera house is going to be lighted by electricity; we are going to have a fruit store; and a young man is going to run an oil wagon. We have several stores heated by steam, etc.

The firm of Roa & Dale, furniture dealers, was dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued by Math. Roa.

Our town will have a first-class opera troupe here next Friday evening. The price of admission is one dollar.

The new Kellermann building on the courthouse square has been leased to a stranger, who will soon place a stock of goods therein.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 9, 1893
The members of the Madison County Horse Thief Detective Society own 1,800 head of horses. At an average value of $60 each, their value would reach the sum of $108,000. This is only a part of the truth, for there are many animals worth from $200 to $500, and some even more. It pays the members to take a lively interest in their society, and to make it a terror to horse thieves. It is a good thing to let their horses alone.

Last Friday evening, two young men skated over to Troy and back, and that after working hard all day. The roads and fields furnished good skating. A wire fence now and then was in the way.

The Electric Light Company is still at work, and we may have lights in a few days.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 02, 1893
The building fever is growing. Monday work was commenced on the livery stable building of Baird & Nix on Main Street, and plans are being drawn by J. A. Vance, architect, for a double store brick building, twenty feet north of the building of Baird & Nix. This building will be 52 feet front, 26 feet for each store, and 100 feet deep, two stories. Tuesday, Mrs. Mary Littleton let the contract to J. H. Theuer for eight-room cottage on Buchanan Street, on the lot adjoining the homestead premises of her granddaughter, Mrs. S. S. McCorkle.

The new Electric Light Company has been furnishing the street lights since last Thursday night. They seem to give satisfaction.

Ex-Coroner S. O. Bonner has purchased lots opposite Gillespie’s addition on St. Louis Street, and will build a neat residence this season.

Mr. C. Boeschenstein and wife will represent Edwardsville at the inauguration of Mr. Cleveland as President. Mr. Boeschenstein should improve his opportunity and inform Mr. Cleveland that notwithstanding “Old Madison” is not represented in the Legislature by any member of the lower house being a chairman of any committee, there are multitudes of Madison County Democrats who think themselves perfectly able to fill the offices.

Ex-Postmaster J. B. Dale was purchased the residence he now occupies on “Piety Hill.” The price paid was $2,000.

Gonterman & Willis have platted their addition on Hillsboro Avenue, and are now offering lots for sale. This makes the ninth addition that has been platted and the lots offered for sale, which we can now recall during the last ten years.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 16, 1893
Three of our citizens will move to different cities to engage in business. August S. Heisel will move to St. Jacob; John Keller will go to Collinsville to start a house furnishing establishment; and George Bernius, the baker, will move to St. Louis as soon as he can sell or rent his business property. Messrs. Heisel and Keller are not engaged in any business at present.

Ex-President Harrison passed through town Monday morning over the Jacksonville-Southeastern Line. Several of our citizens went out to the depot to see him.

Another handsome residence on St. Louis Street changed ownership last week. Mrs. Lula Kirkpatrick sold her home place to Alderman B. H. Richards for $4,500. It was a surprise to some of our people that the property was sold at that figure.

There will be another improvement on Court House Square in the near future. Major William R. Prickett will remove the front of his three storerooms on Purcell Street, and replace it with one of plate glass. This property is first-class, and the improvement will make it more desirable than it has been, although it has always been good-paying property. The Major will keep up with the procession.

Minnie D. Rowekamp has opened a millinery establishment in the new Kellermann building on Second Street, opposite the court house.


April 6, 1893
Our people now have electric lights everywhere. The street lamps are located as fairly as possible, but still some parties are grumbling. We have some grumblers here.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 29, 1893
The pardoning of the anarchists by Governor Altgeld is not well received here at least not by the people with whom we have spoken. Some of our Democratic friends denounce it bitterly. And the pardoning of Walter Pierce, the convicted murderer of John Leutwiler of St. Jacob, is making some people very angry, and they wonder if every murderer and thief is going to be turned loose to prey on law-abiding people.


EDWARDSVILLE NEWS/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 17, 1893
Excursion to other places seems to be the order of the day. Last Sunday 300 of our Catholic friends attended the dedication of St. Mark’s parochial school at Venice. Thursday evening next the Wabash Road will run an excursion train to Wanda for the purpose of giving our people an opportunity of attending an ice cream festival, to be given by the Wanda Mite Society. It is expected that 150 persons will attend from this city.

“Farming does not pay.” Well, if such is the case, how can our farmers own such good horses and cattle, have such excellent farm buildings and implements, build so many good houses, for instance, like Henry Hepke on the Alton Road, five miles from town; August Kriege near town; and a number of others. Also, a large barn like that of Louis Kingemann, which required four railcars of lumber. Houses and barns cannot be erected with “chin music.” Farming does pay in Madison County.

Kriege & Suppiger, like Wolf & Desmond, another hardware firm, made a move by getting one block nearer to the courthouse square. They, as well as M. Roa, are now located in the new Travous block on Main Street.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 21, 1893
This has been a big day in our little city. First, the fire company marched to the Wabash Depot, and took the train for Mt. Olive, where they were to take part in a fireman’s tournament, and they took part so effectively that they secured three prizes out of four. And to make the boys feel better, Harry Kirkpatrick secured the prize for bicycle riding, thereby adding to the glory of the boys. When they returned home this evening, they were in good spirits, and our citizens were all pleased with the boys’ success.

The next thing today was the Soldiers’ Reunion. There were nearly 125 old veterans on he grounds, besides their friends and citizens generally. There were about 66 in line when they passed the courthouse on their way to the grove. The last dozen years has taken many a familiar face from these processions, but the next twelve years will make even a greater change, for very few indeed of those in line could have been under 55 years of age, and, of course, the grim reaper is always busy with the men and women who have reached that age. The Enterprise Band furnished the music, and there were the usual incidents to a picnic of that character.

The first time we were in Edwardsville over 33 years ago, there was room enough for the school children of the town in the basement of the Methodist Episcopal Church on the square. Now there are three buildings, and the basement of the Christian Church has been rented for school purposes. There is talk of building a new edifice, and there is certainly need for one.

The number of prisoners in the county jail now is 35. When you pay your taxes next January, stop and figure out your proportion of what the jail costs you. This is a matter that every taxpayer is interested in. Good board, good lodging, nothing to do, is the reason why some of the jailbirds are in there.

Gillig Bros. have gone out of the milk business, and the lacteal fluid will be dispensed to their old customers by Samuel Nix.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 05, 1893
Money is scarce, so everybody says. If it is, our people seem to have enough to go to the World’s Fair, the St. Louis Exposition, Veiled Prophets, etc., but then we have a good community of thrifty people, who think that it pays, and pays well, to have a little recreation now and then. They say it is all in a lifetime, and you must enjoy yourself while you can. Our people, as a rule, pay their debts before they enjoy themselves.

There is more diphtheria in town than is liked by those who have small children. Take good care of your children is now the watchword.

One of the city papers states that there are 40 inmates in the county jail, the largest number ever there. Readers will please remember our statement about trifling crimes committed to get in the county jail to secure good board and lodging for nothing. Taxpayers, how do you like it? What are you going to do about it?

The enrollment in our public school for the month of September shows a total of 731. Average daily attendance, 646.

In Edwardsville, a saloonkeeper has been fined for keeping open after 11 o’clock p.m. Two parties were fined for being drunk, and one of them was disorderly also.

The baseball players seem to be getting anxious to play the last of the season. The new diamond at the racing park seems to be popular with the boys.

C. H. Spilman, the architect, has a tri-state reputation as a mill and elevator builder. He was done work in Edwardsville, Litchfield, East St. Louis, St. Louis, Kansas City, and other places. At present, he is at work on plans and specifications for a new mill for Keyser Bros. at Mt. Olive.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 02, 1893
From Edwardsville – Company F, 5th Regiment of the Illinois National Guard of Edwardsville, with a membership of fifty, has been ordered to disband by Adjutant General, Alfred Orendorf. The cause assigned is lack of interest by the officers and members. Discipline has been neglected, and drills held infrequently. While the news was a surprise to citizens, it was expected by the officers in charge.

The company was organized in June 1878, as part of the 15th Battalion, its first Captain being John T. Fahnestock, with Cyrus Happy and Clay H. Lynch First and Second Lieutenants, respectively. In 1882, it became part of the 5th Regiment, Second Brigade. The company always maintained a roster of about fifty men, and has had four good captains at the helm during its fifteen years of existence, viz: John T. Fahnestock, Thomas E. Fruitt, Dent E. Burroughs, and H. F. Weidey. The company was called into active service at Collinsville, Belleville, and East St. Louis in 1883 and 1886, and the members were the recipients of compliments and tokens of honor from the staff officers for their qualifications as soldiers. The present officers are H. F. Wiedey, Captain; R. E. Desmond, First Lieutenant; and A. E. Morefield, Second Lieutenant. The armory is handsomely fitted with gun racks, individual combination lockers, a full equipment of quartermasters stores, for field service and a clubroom that will compare favorably with any in the State. Highland having made application recently, may now secure a place in the 5th Regiment.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 16, 1893
N. E. Bosen, the Vandalia Street grocer, and A. A. Suppiger, have formed a partnership for the purpose of carrying on a grocery store and general merchandising business.

Last Saturday there were four runaway teams of horses in Edwardsville. We understand that the only damage done was an injury to one of the horses.

There was an alarm of fire this afternoon, and it proved to be the large school building. A place about two feet square was burned in the roof. The alarm was raised before the afternoon session began.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 23, 1893
Sunday night an alarm of fire was sounded. It proved to be the Trares building, corner of Main and Purcell Streets. The building is one of the few three-story ones that we have. The lower floor is occupied as a clothing store, the second by the Republican office, and the third by a photograph gallery. The fire was confined to the third and second stories. Most of the people claim that the fire started in the photograph gallery. There was no insurance on the gallery.

Our city authorities are replacing some of the wooden crossings with stone. It only costs about twice as much for a good stone crossing as it does for one of oak lumber, and the stone will outlast a number of oak ones.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 28, 1893
Mr. E. J. Jeffress will always remember Christmas eve 1893, because burglars entered his house, relieved him of $115 in money, a gold watch, a ring, one or two diamonds, and some valuable papers. Some of the money was removed from under a pillow on which his head lay. There are various rumors, or ideas, advanced. Some believe that the inmates of the room were chloroformed; others that the burglars were in the house before the locks were fastened. But the way our citizens are preparing for warm receptions to burglars is a caution.

The poor farm committee met here Tuesday, and made arrangements to let the care of the poor farm and paupers. The conditions for the care of the inmates are full and explicit. To give an idea of the food, we will state what are to be given on Tuesday, Thursdays, and Saturdays: Breakfast – bacon or pork, bread, coffee or tea with sugar or milk. Dinner – soup, beef, potatoes, and bread. Supper – bread, molasses, coffee or tea. The present keeper, Mr. Robert Friday, will not be a bidder.

Harnist & Dale will have the opening of their new drugstore on courthouse square next Monday, January 01. We will then have four drugstores, besides those carried on by physicians to prepare their own prescriptions.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 4, 1894
During the last few years, many handsome monuments have been placed in Woodlawn Cemetery adjoining this city. About two weeks ago, an excellent piece of workmanship in the marble line was erected on Judge John G. Irwin’s lot, in memory of his wife, Mrs. Nancy M. Irwin. It was selected from designs on exhibition at the World’s Fair, and it is a beautiful monument of pure white Vermont marble. It looks like it would last for ages.

The prize fighters, gentlemanly prize fighters, as the St. Louis Republic calls them, who have been languishing in jail for some time, stand a show of getting out soon. Charley Daley was out from St. Louis for that purpose yesterday. He thinks he will be here Saturday with the money to pay the fines. With States Attorney Glass to attend to the county, Mayor Brenholt to look after Alton, the prize fighters, gentlemanly ones and other kinds, will have a hard time of it in Madison County.

John Stolze, the lumber dealer, is building another house in the third ward. If any man in Edwardsville has erected more buildings here than Mr. Stolze during the past ten years, we would like to know who he is.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 01, 1894
Last week, John F. Kienlen sold his farm of 54 acres, south of here, to C. Lange, for $6,500, or $120 per acre. When farmlands sell for such prices, is it any wonder that Edwardsville keeps on growing? Our farmers are prosperous, all reports to the contrary notwithstanding. The man who purchased the Kienian farm above mentioned has been a renter.

What came near being a fatal accident occurred at Leclaire last Thursday, when George Bosford’s clothes were caught in a pulley while he was oiling some shafting. He was stripped of his clothing and sustained internal injuries. He held on to the shafting, and finally fell to the floor. There are quite a number of accidents at Leclaire, most of them cutting of fingers and other slight injuries.

A citizen of Edwardsville was in Alton a couple of Sundays ago, and he states that he did not see a single drunken man. We walked less than two squares last Sunday, and saw three drunken men in Edwardsville.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 8, 1894
Everything comes to him who waits. Well, Edwardsville has waited for years for a waterworks, and it looks now as if she was going to have a plant. What is considered a fair proposition has been made to the city. Said proposition will be before the council at its meeting tonight. The following are a few of the items in the proposition: The water to be taken from a well, 12 feet in diameter, and sunk to a sufficient depth to guarantee good water. Sufficient engines and boilers and other machinery and buildings to operate said works. There will be six miles of cast iron pipe, upon which are to be located 75 hydrants, for which the city is to pay annually the sum of $2,600. For each additional hydrant, the city is to pay $25 per year. The mains to be extended whenever the city so desires, but the city is to place one fire hydrant upon each 880 feet of main pipe. The city council to have the right to select water rates to be charged from the rates to consumers from any private waterworks in Illinois. The city to have the right to buy at any time after five years, or periods of five years. A complete system of fire alarms, without cost to the city, to be erected and maintained by the company; 30 boxes in said system. The construction to begin in sixty days from the signing of the contract, and to be completed in nine months thereafter. The usual safeguards for the city are in the contract, and can be summed up as follows – “No water, no money.” As all the risk is on the company’s side, most of our citizens are in favor of the proposition.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 22, 1894
The city council of Edwardsville decided last night to have waterworks, and so voted. The ordinance has been passed, accepted, and work on the same will begin within two weeks, and be completed by August 15.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 8, 1894
The smallpox scare has been over a week. Every person in town, almost, has been vaccinated, and it was amusing to see the ways different people held their arms. Quite a number were sick for a day or two. The people vaccinated were between the ages of one and eighty-five years, and it seemed to take on nearly everyone without any regard to race, color, or previous condition of servitude. The smallpox scare of last month is gone for good. There never was the least reason for any excitement, but some people will talk when they should keep still.

Our citizens, and those of the whole county, should take a firm stand against prize fighting in the Bottom, and against gambling as carried on at Madison as stated by the Post Dispatch of St. Louis. The great majority of our citizens are down on prize fighting and gamblers.

The street lamps of the Edwardsville Electric Company could burn a little brighter and not cause any grumbling. Sometimes it is hard to tell whether the lamp is one or six blocks away.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 15, 1894
The Wainwright cottage on Hillsboro Avenue has changed owners again. John S. Allen, the Clover Leaf agent, is the new owner, and he paid $1,600 for his purchase. This cottage is easily sold,whenever offered, in dull or busy times. In the last six years, four different parties have owned this place, and all seemed well pleased with it.

On the outskirts of town last week there was a case of smallpox. The man was promptly removed to the pest house. There is no danger of the disease spreading. In fact, we believe that we could go in every house in town and not run as much risk as we would to get on a passenger train on a railroad, or walk through a depot.

Edwardsville will have a baseball club this year. John J. Mumme, the tailor, will furnish the suits.

C. N. Travous has purchased a tract of land, 200x600 feet, adjoining the Trares’ residence on St. Louis Street, for which he paid C. E. Gillespie $2,500. Mr. Travous will build a commodious residence there at no distant day.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 17, 1894
The high school graduating exercises will be held at the opera house on May 31. As the class is composed of level-headed boys and girls, we will risk saying that we believe they will be as lucky in their future endeavors as most of the graduates of our schools have been.

Poor politicians – that is what we would call the lawyers of Madison County. How long has it been since any Madison man has been in Congress, or held a State office, or received a first-class government position? R. A. Haight of Alton should make a note of this, and show the lawyers how the thing is done by being nominated for Superintendent of Public Instructor.

A little “borrowing of coal” has commenced in this city “until the strike is over.” We have heard a number of people, who buy coal, say it seems strange that not withstanding that there have been several reductions in the wages of miners during the past few years, the price of coal has remained the same. But remember that big dividends must be paid to owners of coal stock, and the miners and the public are the sources from whence the money must come. We do not know much about the merits of the strike, but we do know that the mines of this city have not been overpaid for their labor.

Decoration Day will be observed here in first-class style this year. As the heroes are joining the “silent majority” very fast, it behooves them to celebrate the day, for to some it may be the last.

One of our citizens, who was disgusted with the way his grape vines were trimmed last year, refused to let the trimmers work this year, and the consequence is his vines are full of grapes.

Edwardsville is going to have a city directory, houses numbered, and several more metropolitan “fixtures.”


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 7, 1894
The silver anniversary of St. Boniface’s Catholic Church was celebrated Tuesday. A number of priests from neighboring towns were here to assist in the ceremonies. Rev. August Schlegel has been the priest in charge for more than one-half of the time. He has done a good work for his denomination. The additions to the church property, the enlarged membership, and other things tell that he has not been an idle man.

The Racket Store is a thing of the past. The proprietor has closed it and sold his stock. Edwardsville, with its new laundry and its fruit store and oil wagon, are evidences that we are becoming more metropolitan every year.

The two kindergartens are closed. One was held at Leclaire, and the other at the Presbyterian Church basement.

Nelson will build a new factory at Leclaire. It will be 40x180 feet. Work will be commenced on it this week.

The next races at the Driving Park occur on Tuesday of next week. There will be five races. The purses amount to $330.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 28, 1894
That this city is a first-class potato market no one will deny. There will be about half a crop in this vicinity. About 1,200 bushels were shipped today. The price paid was 48 cents per bushel. A prominent potato grower was here today – H. P. Ewing of H. P. Ewing & Co., Loring, Kansas. The firm is composed of three brothers and another man, all colored. Mr. Ewing is making a tour of the prominent potato shipping points, to decide whether he will hold or market his potatoes. It is his opinion that he will not sell at present, believing that the price will be better. Mr. H. P. Ewing is 33 years old, and his youngest brother is 22 years of age.

Three families on Kansas Street were poisoned Saturday by drinking buttermilk. The parties affected were very sick for several hours. The idea is advanced that the intense heat of Saturday generated poison in the milk. All the parties are doing as well as could be expected, and are about over their trouble.

The Appellate Court set down hard on our circuit court. Of seven cases appealed from here, two were affirmed, and five were reversed, and will have to be tried over.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 19, 1894
For years, Hon. A. W. Metcalfe has been annoyed by the practicing of “free trade” among some people, who made free to go and take the products of his fields, trees, bushes, and vines. These free-traders are sometimes very saucy, and consequently it is hard to bear. Last Friday, a man and a woman picked blackberries in his premises without his consent, and he hastened to where the woman was, and it is alleged struck her with a stick. She being in a delicate condition, the blow may cause her trouble.

Main Street, Saturday afternoon, a rifle, a man – and a bullet sent across the street. William Berry was struck by the bullet, which had about spent its force, although it went through his clothing and caused blood to flow. The rifle was in the saloon of Ivan Zurkuhler when it was discharged.

Two trains collided at the lower depot Saturday night. An hour’s delay of trains was one of the results. Reports say that non-union men were in charge. The trains were freight. If the railroads are going to do without experienced men, travel on passenger trains will decrease.

George H. Rice, a cabinet shop workman at Leclaire, ran a splinter in his right arm while running a rip saw. The splinter ran in the flesh several inches. The doctor took fifteen stitches to sew up the would.

The whooping cough is wrestling with the children at Leclaire on the co-operative plan.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 26, 1894
The city officials have decided to try brick sidewalks, and will lay 2,170 feet on the east side of Main Street. It will take 44,000 bricks, and the brick company at Glen Carbon will furnish them. Brick sidewalks and store crossings are a step forward.

J. P. Rorig, the jeweler, presented D. Hentz, the chief of the Edwardsville fire department, with a gold badge, embracing the most important features of a fireman’s tools in miniature.


Source: August 9, 1894
The Enterprise Band will give a concert and festival in the city park next Thursday evening. This band is an institution that our people feel proud of, and there is no doubt but a fair crowd will greet the boys and help them. The band has been organized nine years, and in that time has been called upon to play in New York City, St. Louis, Alton, and other important places. They know how to play, and “don’t you forget it.” The young ladies of the Round Table Club will have charge of the refreshment stands.

The Wanda Mite Society will give a festival next Friday evening. The festivals of this society are well attended by the people of this city.

Charles Hack, a grocer of Edwardsville, shipped the finest car load of potatoes yesterday that have been sent from Edwardsville this year. Part of the load was raised by that good Republican, C. P. Smith of Fort Russell township. Mr. Hack is a native of Alton, and the only thing that can be said against him is that he is a Democrat.

The Mary Wilson homestead, one block west of the court house, will be sold at Master’s sale Tuesday, September 4.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 23, 1894
At eight o’clock Tuesday evening, a beautiful banner was presented to the Edwardsville Fire Department by the ladies of Edwardsville. The presentation speech was made by Miss Amy Jeffries, and C. N. Travous, Esq., responded for the firemen. The banner is a beautiful one, and the ceremonies reminded me of the banner that the ladies of Alton presented to the Altona Fire Company over thirty years ago. Both banners were beauties, but this one of our fire company is perhaps a trifle the best. There were between 600 and 800 people in the courthouse square when the presentation was made. Our ladies help the firemen whenever it is possible.

That there will be a large crowd here on August 28-30, there is no doubt. Thirteen companies will be here at least, and perhaps ten more. Ten of those so far reported will have running teams. Men are at work making necessary changes at the park. A grand marshal and numerous aids have been appointed. Our police force has been increased to fifteen men, and two detectives to take care of all editors who favor us with their presence.

The Firemen’s Tournament will be a success, because our citizens have determined to make it so. The “Chimes of Normandy,” an opera, will be rendered the first and second evenings of the tournament, and there will be a ball and other amusements during the time.

Mrs. Fannie T. Weir has sold part of her homestead premises on Main Street to H. F. Weidey, who will erect a neat cottage on the lot purchased. The lot is 90 feet front by 208 feet deep, and the consideration $1,000. While Mr. Wiedey is unmarried at the present time, it would not be true to state that he expects to remain so.

Work on the Main Street brick sidewalk is being prosecuted vigorously.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 30, 1894
Tuesday was a red-letter day for Edwardsville. Long before the time for the parade to start, there was large crowds of people in different portions of the town, along the line of march. The parade started a few minutes after 10:30. There was eight divisions comprising of firemen, bands, societies, lodges, riding clubs, etc. Parties who have been to different tournaments say that the one now in session here will excel them all in numbers, people, and all that goes to make an occasion like this a success. One of the curious features of the procession Tuesday was a miniature representation of a coal mine, the handiwork of a coal miner of Edwardsville. The procession was nearly a mile long. When the parade was over, there were exercises at the courthouse square, consisting of an address of welcome by Mayor Hall, and a response by President J. E. Moffett of the association. C. W. Terry also made an address. W. P. Bradshaw, on behalf of the citizens, presented an excellent gold watch to Chief D. Hentz of the Edwardsville department. Mr. Hentz made a few remarks, in which he thanked the people for all they had done to make the tournament a success. The prize of $25 for best appearing team was awarded to the Monmouth Company, and all the citizens declare that it was the proper thing. The prize of a lantern to the company having the largest number of uniformed men in line was awarded to Chief William Schreiber of the Blue Island Department. A number of the old veteran volunteer firemen of St. Louis were present.

A foot race at the park was won by James Lonergan of Dixon, and Robert Sims of Monmouth, 1st prize, $10, second, $5.

Numerous visitors from all over the county and other places are present. The decorations on the buildings are the best we ever saw here. Several races have been run, but today’s program will have to be carried over until tomorrow.

The band contest takes place in front of the courthouse tomorrow morning.


Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch, September 13, 1894
(Submitted by Marsha Ensminger)
From Edwardsville - Sept. 12 -- At 8 o'clock last night at the residence of the bride's mother on Piety Hill, Miss Lena Schwettman (sic) and Mr. Frank Irving of Los Angeles, California, were united in marriage in the presence of a large number of guests.

Source: Los Angeles Herald, September 21, 1894
The mysterious disappearance of a bachelor, Frank Irving, from his familiar haunts in Los Angeles is explained by a card which says that "Mrs. Charlotte Schwettmann announces the marriage of her daughter Lena to Frank Irving, on September 12, 1894, at her residence, 326 Center Street, Edwardsville, Illinois." After their honeymoon in the east Mr. and Mrs. Irving will be at home in a handsomely furnished flat, which awaits them at 646 South Hill Street. Mrs. Irving, nee Schwettmann, formed many friends in this city last winter. Mr. Irving is a well-known and popular young business man.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 11, 1894
The two political conventions were held last week, and there has been a good deal of comment on the same. Neither party is entirely satisfied with its tickets.

Among new buildings just started are the following: Peter Kremer, a four-room house to cost $800; Lemp Brewery, a refrigerator, 40x50, near the Jacksonville Depot; Mrs. W. Sparks, a three-room house; Charles Schwarz, a three-room house; and in the western part of the city, work has been commenced on the foundations for the residences of Rev. William Fiegenbaum and Hon. C. N. Travous. Edwardsville believed in going ahead.

The enrollment at the public schools for last month was 829; average daily attendance, 701. It takes $843.33 to pay our teachers for one month.

One of our teamsters was arrested last week for selling coal without having it weighed on the city scales. Would it not be funny if a saloonkeeper was arrested for violating the ordinance? But that we will never see in Edwardsville.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 18, 1894
Edwardsville is becoming metropolitan. She is to have a Chinese laundry the latter part of this week. Joe Hop will conduct it, and it will be located in the Helierman Building, east of the courthouse.

Harry Sharpe and Frank Crosby, who exhibited their ability as masters of the manly art at Nameoki in the summer of 1893, were released from the county jail Monday, after an incarceration of over a year. Should the reports of St. Louis papers prove true, and the managers of the Madison Athletic Club not vary, there will be other pugilists to take their places ere long.

An unusual proceeding was transacted in the office of the Circuit Clerk Monday. John W. Emerson of Ironton, Missouri, made applications to adopt as a sister, Mrs. Ella Johnson, wife of Dr. H. Johnson of Collinsville, claiming to have held the lady in sisterly esteem for a number of years, and promising her the inheritance of his property in case she regarded and treated him as a brother. The petition was granted, being signed by all parties concerned.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 01, 1894
The laying of water mains in this city, and the building of different grades of houses all over town, caused us to think what had been done in our neighborhood, which is one of the most populous in the city. And we were surprised to note that five buildings had been erected within two and one-half blocks of our residence – and preliminary work on two more, such as preparing ground, etc., is under way. Is it any wonder that Edwardsville is getting a reputation as a thriving city?

N. O. Nelson, the Nelson of Leclaire, adjoining this city, is running for Congress on the single tax platform. As a single tax illustration, he has the Leclaire band go down to St. Louis and play two days for him – you see he only has to keep up one band then. How the musicians’ union will like the plan we do not know.

The new bell of St. Mary’s Catholic Church will be blessed next Sunday.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 15, 1894
The question our citizens are asking is, “Are we always going to have trouble with the prize fighters, gamblers, and the racehorse crowd at Madison?” If we are, Madison County will lose some of its citizens, who do not believe in that kind of business.

Leonard West, a needle peddler, supposed to be drunk, was locked up for the night. Next morning, a doctor was called to see the man, and it was found that the man was suffering from brain trouble. His people were notified.

Prince Hohloomah of the Menda Tribe, West Africa, will lecture on “The Dark Continent,” at the St. James Opera House next Saturday evening.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 6, 1894
Tuxhorn Bros., the proprietors of the Opera House, intend to increase the seating capacity of the hall by adding 100 new chairs, the aisles will be carpeted, and painting and other improvements will be made.


Alton Telegraph, January 17, 1895
The State Supervisors are holding their eighth annual convention in this city. Dr. Clarke Gapen delivered an address Tuesday on the “Care of the Insane.” There were sessions Wednesday and Thursday, and the affair will close by a banquet at the opera house. The ladies have charge of the affair, and are assisted by several gentlemen, and together they will certainly have a pleasant treat for our visitors.

Last Friday was certainly an unlucky day for A. Hoffman, proprietor of Hotel Hoffman, when two boys with a revolver sent a ball through a large plate glass. It will cost $50 for their fun.

The opera house, under the new management, continues to improve in appearance. Scenic painters have done a good work there.

The famous Main Street boarding house, known as the Bernreuther Hotel, has a new proprietor – William Sanner.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 24, 1895
The name of Glass will soon be as common in Edwardsville as Smith. The families now here are Constable J. H. Glass, States Attorney E. B. Glass, C. E. Glass, agent of the Clover Leaf Railroad, and William H. Glass, Superintendent of Madison Coal Mine.

John Stolze, the lumber dealer who has erected as many buildings as any man in Edwardsville, if not more, will continue the good work next spring by building a large two-story house on Buchanan Street, opposite the city park. Architect J. A. Vance has completed the plans for the building.

The brass works at Leclaire furnished an accident item last Friday afternoon. Louis Luenstroth, a workman, had several fingers of his left hand badly lacerated. Dr. Joseph Pogue dressed the injured fingers.

The tope in the coal shaft of the Wonderly mine was broken Thursday afternoon. A box of coal, which had been raised 50 feet, fell to the bottom of the shaft, but no one was injured. The miners had to stop work for a day until a new rope was placed in position.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 31, 1895
Twenty-five years ago today, Joseph Steis began to sell dry goods, etc., in the building where he is at present selling goods. Then he was a clerk, now he is a member of the Edwardsville Dry Goods Co.

Madison, the village near Venice, is about as hard a place as can be found anywhere, judging by hearsay evidence. Gamblers and others flock from St. Louis, East St. Louis, and other places, many trains running to accommodate them. All games known to sports and gamblers are said to be run until late at night. Boys and young men of the Bottom, who formerly were industrious, have been enticed to this Monte Carlo, and are now either ruined or have started in that direction. It would be a good thing if a Dr. Parkhurst, or some other person, could raise a storm of indignation against this evil. Just how many grand juries will wink at the matter remains to be seen.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 7, 1895
From Edwardsville – Edwardsville Fire Company No. 1 will soon be arrayed like Solomon was “In all his glory,” as the company has contracted with Mumme & Nash, merchant tailors, to furnish 40 uniforms, which will be of regulation blue, with double-breasted coats, and coats and vests adorned with double rows of silver buttons. The uniforms will cost $19.50 each. It is expected that additional uniforms will be ordered.

It may not be light enough at seven o’clock in the morning to do without electric lights, but nevertheless, they are shut off, and you either wait for the sun, or get out your coal oil lamps. It is a nuisance, but the company saves a little money, and what do they care?


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 13, 1895
A party of twenty of our young people spent Sunday at the Diamond Mineral Springs at Grant Fork. They went in the morning and came back late in the evening. This is quite a favorite resort for our people, both young and old.

Employees of the N. O. Nelson Co. of St. Louis, to the number of 306, came out on a Clover Leaf train Friday afternoon last, and spent several hours at Leclaire. They were met at the depot by the Leclaire Band. A luncheon was served on the lawn near the clubhouse.

A number of our colored citizens were in Alton last Sunday to take part in the Lovejoy celebration.

The Edwardsville Dry Goods Co. has heretofore been a quartette. In the future it will be a trio, George Wendel having sold his interest to the other members of the corporation.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 20, 1895
The large school building of Edwardsville is to have a tin roof, and will also be painted.

While the gold cure has been a good thing for a number of people here, one John Honnicker, a German, while taking a course of treatment, became frenzied and tried to commit suicide. This is the only case we have heard of among the number treated in this city. The gold cure has been a good thing for Edwardsville drinkers.

The Madison Coal Company of this city will furnish coal for the St. Louis public schools for the season of 1895-6.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 11, 1895
Frank Stenzel is erecting a small building adjoining his property on Courthouse Square, which will be occupied by Walter Bros., butchers, as soon as completed. There are now only 100 feet of property on Courthouse Square which is not occupied by business houses. On Purcell Street, the block has been built up solid for several years. On Main Street, the Brown lot of 25 feet is vacant, and it might be said that the owner has refused a number of tempting offers for the property. On St. Louis Street, Frank Stenzel has 25 feet vacant, and on Second Street there are 50 feet vacant, on what is known as the Kellerman tract. From now on, courthouse Square property will be better than it ever has been.

J. F. Ammann, the florist, is erecting an additional hothouse, 18x125 feet, and it will have 2,500 feet of glass for a covering. Roses will be cultivated in it.

August Lohmann has sold his farm in the American Bottom to Mrs. Mary Simon, for $20,000. It contained 104 acres. Mr. Lohmann may make Edwardsville his future home.

The Hoffmann House has a wagonette which goes to all trains. It made its first trip Monday morning.

Our fire company will send a running team to Decatur on July 23, to take part in the tournament of the State Fireman’s Association. They are practicing nightly.

The barbershops were closed last Sunday in accordance with the State law. The saloons were opened in defiance of all State and municipal laws. The saloons may be closed in places like New York City, but never in Edwardsville.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 12, 1895
The building known as the Wabash Hotel near the lower Wabash Depot was destroyed by fire Monday night. It was owned by Mrs. M. Schmidt, and occupied by Henry Breckenridge, the pumpman at the lower depot. It was insured for $2,000. The origin of the fire is a mystery, as the occupants were absent at the time.

George E. Wendel is having a neat seven-room cottage erected in the 4th ward. Henry Gillig will also have ground broken in a few days for a five-room house on South Fillmore Street.

Martin Ghent has been awarded the contract to furnish the public schools with coal the ensuing season, his big being 5 ½ per bushel.

A meeting will be held September 11 at Leclaire for the purpose of organizing an industrial school. E. N. Plank of St. Louis will have charge of the school, and address the meeting.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 19, 1895
The complaint made by Mrs. Lizzie Wald at the last meeting of the County Board, in relation to the diet and treatment of her mother, Mrs. Mary Werker, an insane ward at the county farm, was investigated by the Poor Farm committee of the board yesterday. They found that she, like all other inmates, is fed and treated according to the regular bill of fare prepared by the county, and had no occasion for complaint.

Owing to the over-crowded condition of our city schools, the building known as the Henry Ritter house near the Presbyterian Church, has been rented, and will be utilized for school room purposes, gaining two more rooms. The city is sadly in need of another school building, and the scholars in the primary department are feeling the effects of their over-crowded condition.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 24, 1895
The incorporation papers of the Horseshoe Lake Hunting and Fishing Association were filed in Recorder Hagnauer’s office last week. The incorporators are: Otto Schumacher, Fred C. Gastorf, Charles F. Burchard, A. A. Stoltzenberg, E. H. Sprick, Chris Von der Ahe, Henry Landwehr, H. S. Harmon, and Ed Birsch. The objects are amusement and instruction in outdoor sports, and the advancement and encouragement of hunting, fishing, and shooting. Headquarters are Horseshoe Lake Station.

A number of local sportsmen are advocating the necessity of changing the game law in regard to the opening season for quail, claiming that they are too young at this season, and wholly unfit to kill. This is true in regard to the second brood, but every hunter should have more pride than to kill those small birds.

The Edwardsville Driving Club has awakened from its comatose condition and will give a matinee at their park Thursday afternoon. The entries include some good horses, and exciting races are expected.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 12, 1895
Vincent Ferguson Sr. was struck with a stray bullet Monday, fired by a small boy, presumedly at a sparrow. Luckily, the force of the missile was spent, and little damage was done. The streets are thronged with these juvenile marksmen, who make life miserable to persons having occasion to be on the street, by dodging the leaded pellets.

J. P. Schnert purchased the saloon fixtures of Charles Chagunn Monday, and took charge the same day. His stand on the west side of court square has been leased to Louis May, who will take possession February next. In the meantime, Mr. Schnert will conduct both stands.

The poor farm committee of the county board at the meeting Tuesday decided to ask for bids for the management of the poor farm for the term of one year, commencing March 10, 1896, the conditions of the contract being identical as have governed them in previous years.

While Freddie and George Zurkuhlen, children of Mr. and Mrs. I. Zurkuhlen, were playing with a toy cannon Saturday afternoon, it was discharged, and Freddie received the contents in the mouth, causing a painful accident. His throat, roof of his mouth and tongue was severely burned.

After a lapse of several weeks, the dreaded disease, diphtheria, is again becoming prevalent. Several cases are reported, and diphtheritical throat troubles are numerous.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 19, 1896
At a meeting of the Board of Education, ex-Supervisor Fridolin Oswald of Alhambra Township secured the contract to erect the new school building at a bid of $11,000, being the lowest of seven bidders. These figures do not include the cost of heating, dry closets, etc., as these contracts will be let separately.

Master-in-Chancery W. M. Warnock will erect a handsome residence this spring on the lots fronting the Edwardsville public school site. It will cost in the neighborhood of $10,000.

Artist C. O. Howard secured some photographic reproductions of some letters written by Abraham Lincoln to Judge Joseph Gillespie, bearing date from 1849-50. The letters are the property of Mrs. W. R. Prickett and Cyrus Gillespie, descendants of the Judge.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 07, 1896
A dwelling owned by Thomas McDouglas, on the corner of Filmore and Aldrup Streets, was destroyed by fire Saturday noon. The fire department quickly responded, but were unable to save the building. A piano and a few other articles were saved. The loss amounts to about $700, including furnishings. Sixty dollars in money was also consumed. The building was burned to the ground in a quarter of an hour.

Ben H. Richards has secured the contract for the brick work and J. F. Theuer the woodwork, on the plant to be erected by the Edwardsville Electric Light and Power Company. Work has commenced.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 28, 1896
The sale of the Hoffmann House, June 13, will be the largest sale of property in Edwardsville for many years. Good real estate men placed a value on it from $22,500 to $25,000.

The frame is up for the elegant mansion that Master-in-Chancery W. M. Warnock is erecting on Kansas Street.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 9, 1896
What is known as the rear lots of the Hoffman Hotel property will be sold on Saturday, July 18. The furniture of the hotel will be sold at the same time.

The excellent business property owned by S. S. McCorkle on court square, being the store buildings occupied by Charles Hack and F. C. Nowothe, and lot adjoining, will be sold at public sale Saturday afternoon. It furnishes an opportunity for a safe and profitable investment.


Source: October 8, 1896
James E. Flynn has associated himself with Thomas S. Long in the grocery business. They carried on a co-partnership for six years, but two years ago dissolved partnership. Gus Stahlhut has entered into partnership with A. P. Wolf in the hardware and implement business, commencing October 01. Mr. Stahlhut recently moved into Edwardsville from the country.

The Leclaire News is the caption of a bright 8-page paper, edited by Dr. J. A. Caldwell, which makes its appearance monthly.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 01, 1896
William Appel, teamster for Thomas McCune, was severely kicked in the face by a horse while unloading coal at the residence of Fred Bernius. He attempted to drive Mr. Bernius’ horse to another part of the lot, when the animal suddenly wheeled about and landed hard on Will’s nasal organ, necessitating seven stitches.

The festive burglar varied the monotony of every-day life Thursday, during the hours of the Republican rally. At J. N. Stubbs’, he secured two gold watches, four rings, a pair of earrings, and an overcoat. At Dr. H. T. Wharff’s, another overcoat belonging to his son, Howard, was added to the spoils. The residence of Mrs. Nancy Barnsback in Oakland addition was also entered, but no booty secured, as Mrs. Barnsback was aroused by their noise and they were frightened away. James N. Stubbs offers a reward of $50 for information leading to the arrest of the guilty party.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 17, 1896
The failure of the J. A. Prickett Bank created immense excitement in Edwardsville Monday. There was almost no suspicion that the bank was in trouble, although there are some now who assert that they knew it, and withdrew their money. The bank received deposits on Saturday, but failed to open its doors on Monday. The deposit accounts are quite large. The liabilities are about $200,000, while the assets are claimed to be $300,000, which, it is claimed, will more than secure depositors against loss.

Mr. J. A. Prickett, the senior member of the firm, has been considered a safe and reliable business man, having the confidence of the community. He has, however, been ill for a long time, and the bank has been conducted by others. The failure of a bank at Spokane, Washington, conducted by one of Mr. Prickett’s sons, is said to have had something to do with the failure in Edwardsville. It is hoped that the receiver will soon be able to collect in all debts, pay off all claims, and allow the owners to begin business again if they so desire. The bank made an assignment to C. N. Travous and E. D. Gillespie. The causes were heavy cash withdrawals during the panic times, and long continued illness of the head of the establishment. It is thought the liabilities will be paid in full.

John Adams Prickett He founded the Farmers' Exchange Bank, which was afterwards succeeded by J. A. Prickett & Sons. The institution continued in business nearly 28 years, up to the end of 1896, when an assignment was made on account of inability to realize on assets. Mr. Prickett died in February 1897.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 4, 1897
Comptroller Eckels yesterday granted authority for the organization of the First National Bank of Edwardsville, with a capital of $50,000. The incorporators are August Schlafly,l William A. J. Sparks, Friedolin Schlafly, William A. Hallerinan, G. Van Horbeke. Messrs. Sparks and Van Horbeke are from Carlyle, Illinois. Mr. Sparks is a brother of Captain David Sparks of Alton.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 8, 1897
John Yanacheck sold his property situated in the Gillespie addition, to William Baer, for $1,600. The property includes two dwellings and four lots. Mr. Yanacheck will move his family to Wisconsin, to engage in farming pursuits.

The First National Bank of Edwardsville will begin business Thursday, April 8. Officers elected are as follows: August Schlafley, President; E. P. Keshner, Cashier; L. W. Schlafley, Assistant Cashier.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 15, 1897
Ed F. Koch purchased the triangular strip of ground at the intersection of Vandalia and St. Louis Streets, from James Burke, for $600. Mr. Koch has been successfully conducting a tombstone and marble shop on the premises for the past twelve years.

Steps have been taken to reorganize the Madison Baseball Team. A meeting has been called for Thursday next to ascertain the interest our citizens will take in the reorganization of the team for the coming season.

The first kiln of brick at the shale yards is being burned this week, and indications for the right article are very promising.

Frank Childs has sold his barber shop on Main Street to W. Starke, who has been conducting a similar shop in the building near the upper Wabash depot. Frank will probably go south in a few weeks.


Source: The New York Times, October 01, 1897
While the miners employed in the Madison Coal Company's shafts at Edwardsville, Illinois, were going to work today, they were attacked by a mob of strikers, who were influenced by thirty or more women sympathizers. The strikers threw stones and cayenne pepper and beat their opponents with clubs, but no shots were fired, and nobody was killed. One miner, however, had his skull crushed and numerous others were cut and bruised. A clerk of the Madison Coal Company was blinded by pepper. The strikers far outnumbered the workers, who were guarded by a force of Deputy Sheriffs on their way to the mine. T. W. McCune, a Deputy Sheriff in the escorting posse, was disarmed and dragged to one side, where a crowd of irate strikers beat him with their fists and clubs until he was almost unconscious. Though heavily armed, the Sheriff's officers took their drubbing without making any attempt to use their guns. They were outnumbered ten to one, but they fought with their fists. Had a shot been fired, the consequences would have been fearful, as the strikers were frenzied. The miners, who fought as best they could with their tin dinner pails, were finally allowed to go to work. After the attack the strikers and the women formed in line and marched through the streets of Edwardsville, shouting and singing. No arrests were made. The riot resulted from a partially successful effort to work the Madison Mines. The delegation from Glen Carbon brought thirty women with them, and these were the leaders in the riot. It is rumored that more strikers will reach here during the night to help intimidate the non-union men. Superintendent Glass of the mines said today that the force of deputies would be increased tomorrow to a number sufficient to protect the miners, and that the workers would be escorted to the mines in safety.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 19, 1897
The first burglary that ever occurred in Edwardsville’s pretty, south-side suburb, Leclaire, took place Monday evening. The home of R. N. Thomas, a cabinet maker, was entered and a watch and some small chance appropriated for the general benevolent fund. This county seat burglar seems to be a modest sort of person, who believes that the world owes every man a living. His modesty lies in collecting it in homeopathic doses, or perhaps more correctly, on the installment plan.

One of the little ironies of life was “strikingly” exhibited here Saturday. All through the winter and summer, the miners have grumbled and complained because there was no work. Saturday morning, four of them went out to the Madison mine No. 3, to go to work, and were met by about a hundred of their comrades, reinforced by the same number of Glen Carbon miners, who gently fanned them with hickory clubs, sections of fencing, and broken pick handles, and requested them to return home. They went. Superintendent Glass and his clerks raise a few boxes of coal daily for home consumption.

Joe Kennedy and Dave Henry, the old Madison battery, went to Venice Sunday, and demonstrated that this particular waystation can boast of some good ball players. Kennedy struck out fourteen of his adversaries, the Collinsville Reds, and allowed them but six hits, but they were victorious, notwithstanding, defeating Venice by a score of 4 to 1.

The electric lights could be depended on lately about as much as a Millerite’s prediction of the Judgment Day. As sure as Saturday night came and the stores would be busy, out would go the lights. Promised earthly and invoked eternal condemnation finally woke up the power company, and they will put in a new dynamo.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 26, 1897
At midnight Thursday, the Clover Leaf local freight ran into the rear end of an extra freight, and wrecked the engine, the caboose of the extra, and a half dozen freight cars. Saturday night the northbound Wabash passenger was derailed at the lower end of town. The Wabash wreck at Litchfield added more trouble to the local employees, they having to assist in the work.

The new Leland Hotel will change managers in a few days. William H. Leland, who is at present at the head of affairs, will go to St. Elmo to manage a new hotel there, and E. O. Crane will assume direction. The hotel is owned by the Edwardsville Hotel Co., of which C. B. Gonterman, C. N. Travous, and W. M. Warnock are the chief stockholders.

An alarm of fire was sounded at Leclair Tuesday afternoon. A fence belonging to Attorney A. W. Metcalfe caught fire and threatened the pain shop of the N. O. Nelson Co. nearby. The fire company responded and put out the flames. The works were then compelled to shut down because the fire company had used all the water in the tanks on the water tower, and the supply for the boilers ran short.

The fence and grandstand at Madison Baseball Park were sold again this week. They will be taken down at the close of the present season, and the future of the park is a blank.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 02, 1897
A boy was maimed for life last Thursday at the Madison Mine No. 3, in the south part of the city. He was hauling coal cars down in the mine, and the car upon which he was sitting jumped the track. The corner of the box caught his right hand against the corner of a post, and cut the third finger neatly off. The other fingers were crushed, but were saved. The boy was Reuben Glass, son of W. H. Glass, superintendent of the mine, and this was the second time he was badly hurt by an accident there.

George Fisher, the blacksmith, left Friday night for Seattle, Washington, enroute to the Klondike. He is the second to go from Edwardsville, and public opinion is about evenly divided as to whether their destination is a land of the Golden Fleece, or a land fleeced by gold bricks.

Preparations are being made to begin work on the Edwardsville-Springfield long-distance telephone line. Much of the material has arrived and been stored.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 9, 1897
Alvin Morefield, the Purcell Street grocer, has sold his establishment to his former partner, B. J. Stillwell of Pana. Mr. Morefield will remove to Warrensburg, Missouri, and engage in the general merchandise business with his cousin, W. H. Shockey.

The city is preparing to open a new street connecting the first and fourth wards. The street is down on the old plats as Tenth Street, but now goes by the name of “D” Street. It runs through the property of Judge J. G. Irwin, and the right-of-way was purchased recently from him.

A number of the courthouse officials took a day off Wednesday, and went to Chouteau Slough for a fishing excursion. Among the party were Judge W. P. Early, County Clerk H. Riniker, Circuit Clerk T. W. Springer, States Attorney L. N. Staats, Deputy Treasurer J. Tetherington, Attorney C. N. Travous, Harrison Barco, and Charles Buenger.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 16, 1897
The building formerly occupied by the J. A. Prickett and Son Bank, and also a tract of ground known as the Fuhrman farm, have been ordered sold by the County Court. The bank building will be sold Saturday, and the farm next week.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 16, 1897
Yesterday was a gala day for Edwardsville, that is, so far as any day could be when the mercury touched 100 and above in the shade, and when the dust was four or five inches deep on the streets, and persisted in getting up into the air and into the eyes and noses of humanity.

Four or five thousand strangers were in the county seat. The town was full to overflowing. Every part of the county was represented by large delegations, and many of the townships had pretty and ingenious floats in the parade, which was more than a mile in length. There were six bands present, including the White Hussar of Alton, which made quite a hit with its fine music and pretty uniforms. The Hussars donned their white uniforms after reaching Edwardsville, and produced a striking effect. Their music, of course, was the feature. The Naval Militia, in its handsome uniforms, was the cynosure of all eyes. The boys drilled with precision, and showed off to the best advantage. At 1 p.m., the drill with the Hotchkiss gun took place, and was a feature of the day which attracted much attention. The Maennerchor of Alton was also in the parade, and drew forth much praise.

Altogether the day was a big one for Edwardsville and Madison County. Alton has certainly done its share to make the celebration a success. The Naval Militia boys were given a dinner at the M. E. Church by the citizens of Edwardsville, which consisted of everything good to eat.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 30, 1897
The lumber dealers of the county met at the Leland Hotel Sunday afternoon. Seventeen were present from all parts of the county, and a temporary organization was effected by electing H. H. Lueker of Worden, chairman, and H. P. Hotz, secretary. Mr. Lueker was not present, but was represented by his partner, Mr. Schultz. The object of the association is the mutual protection and benefit of its members.

All kinds of trouble is taking place at the Madison Mine No. 4 at the south end of town, and it gets worse from day to day. Saturday, the miners who wanted to work were kept away from the shaft by a delegation of strikers. Monday they went to work guarded by deputy sheriffs. Tuesday the number of strikers congregated about the mine had increased to 150, and the men who went to work were escorted by two police and deputy sheriffs, and employees of the company. The strikers are in an ugly mood now, and serious trouble is very probably.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 30, 1897
The trouble between the working miners and the visitors at the Edwardsville mines, which has been brewing for several days, culminated in a battle between the visitors and the deputy sheriffs and police at the mine near the Clover Leaf Depot. The working miners, accompanied by six deputy sheriffs and several police, under charge of Acting Sheriff John Dillon, started for the mines shortly before 7 a.m. when the miners and sheriffs arrived at the mine, they found 350 visiting miners from Staunton, Troy, Glen Carbon, and Mt. Olive, with 60 women, awaiting them. As the working miners attempted to go into the mines, they were attacked both by the visiting men and women. The latter fought like fiends. The small number of deputies and police were unequal to the contest, and the women had things pretty much their own way, as the deputies did not like to deal as severely with them as with men. The visiting miners and women beat the deputy sheriffs and drove them away. One deputy, Thomas McCune, was knocked down with a club, being struck on the head and face. Stones were thrown and a number of persons injured. One woman was badly hurt. Only four of the working miners got to the shaft. Several shots were fired by deputies to warn the rioters off the premises of the mine.

A.J. Moorshead, Superintendent of the Madison Mine, was asked by a miner what the company would do. He replied that the mine would be operated, and the workers would be protected. It is anticipated that further trouble will occur tomorrow, should an attempt be made to operate the mine. A sufficient number of deputy sheriffs will be sworn in to protect the workers.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 28, 1897
At the Leland Hotel Thursday afternoon, a meeting of the lumbermen of the Madison County was held to effect an organization. P. F. Ahrens, Secretary of the State Association, was here from Chicago and received the applications to join that body. The officers elected were: H. H. Lu_er of Worden, President; C. Hanna of Staunton, Secretary and Treasurer; M. J. Heller, Madison, C. Busse, Troy, and Mayor John Stolze of Edwardsville, Board of Directors.

Monday afternoon while miners were working preparatory to making a blast in a gallery in the Wonderly mine, about a half mile from the shaft the drill broke through the wall, and a stream of water shot out with tremendous force, knocking the workers down. Their efforts to close the opening were unavailing, and threatened to flood the mine. Next day it was gotten under control. If the wall had been a few inches thicker, and the blast had been fired, the miners would have been caught in a trap and drowned. The water came from an old abandoned mine, flooded years ago, and into one of whose rooms the men in working penetrated.

The electric light company is putting in a new dynamo, larger than those they have been using, and the trouble with the lighting will probably be obviated in the future. The new machine has a voltage of 1,500.

The water works test is proceeding at Poag, under direction of Civil Engineer Flad of St. Louis, who was formerly in charge of the water works at St. Louis. If water is struck in sufficient quantity and of good quality, a company will be formed and a plant constructed.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 02, 1897
On the day before Thanksgiving, the scholars of the public schools distributed to worthy needy persons of the city a wagon load of food and clothing. This is an annual custom of the schools.

There is considerable talk of a new coal mine. Alderman N. E. Bosen owns some good coal land just west of town on the St. Louis Road. He and Mayor John Stolze and, it is said, G. H. donnewald, the owner of the Wonderly mine, will form a company and open a shaft. So far the plan is in the formative stage. Your correspondent interviewed Mr. Donnewald on the subject, and was told that nothing would be done for some time, until the affairs of the flooded mine were cleared up.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 23, 1897
On January 29, Assignee Harrison Barco will sell at public auction the Shale Brick Works west of town, the farm of the owner, John Gaffney, and his home place in Edwardsville. The shale works have the most improved machinery, and are located on one of the best shale deposits in the State, but the owner sunk all he had in the construction of the plant, and had no money with which to keep it in operation.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 03, 1898
A night school for colored children was started last week at Leclaire Academy by the Principal, Dr. J. W. Caldwell. Two evenings a week are devoted to the work.

Assignee H. Barco, on Saturday, sold the entire plant of the Gaffney Shale Brick Works and the property of John Gaffney. His home place was purchased by Joseph Bores, the baker, for $1,125. W. H. Fizle of St. Louis bought the brick works, which include the buildings, machinery, brick, kilns, and 86 acres of ground, for $7,675 cash. It is understood that Mr. Fizie represents the Fernholtz Brick Machine Co., and that they will operate the plant.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 26, 1898
The Sisters of the Mysterious Ten, by which mysterious title a local colored secret society, composed of members of the gentler sex is known, gave a cake walk Saturday night at Tunnell Hall. It was a red hot affair, and an Alton couple carried off the prize. One of Edwardsville’s champion walkers made a frantic effort to secure it by appearing in a suit composed entirely of American flags, but while he was given much applause, he could not win against the talent of the Alton couple.

Cards will be issued in a few days for the marriage of Miss May Gillespie, one of Edwardsville’s belles, to a gentleman from Minnesota. The wedding will take place on the evening of June 01, at the home of the to-be-bride’s brother on St. Louis Street.

Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Wolf have received word from their son Will, who left for the Klondike six months ago. He is now in San Francisco; the terrible hardships of the journey having proved too much for his strength and compelling him to return. He intends enlisting in the army.

Tom Crossman Jr., son of T. M. Crossman, editor of the Republican, and postmaster of Edwardsville; Philip Leuckel; and John Reed went to St. Louis Monday, joined the regulars, and left for Georgia that night. [Spanish-American War]


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 09, 1898
The Edwardsville Board of Health is confronted with the most serious problem that has ever come before the official vision of that body. The town is threatened with disease in a remarkable shape, and there is nothing to be done to prevent its coming. Out on the Springfield Road, a few miles from town, lives a family which has become infected with a terrible and nameless disease. The whole household, consisting of the father and mother, a son and daughter, and a grandchild, are victims of the malady which from its ravages is classed in awfulness and incurability next to leprosy. One daughter has died from its effects. Now the family propose to move to Edwardsville to reside. Everybody is terror stricken, and the health board is moving heaven and earth to prevent the action. Tuesday morning, City Marshal William Baird went out and warned the people not to make the attempt, and the board has redoubled its efforts to secure the desired prohibitive order.

Wednesday morning one of the oldest buildings in Edwardsville passed under the hammer to make way for the standpipe and office of the Edwardsville Water Company. It was the residence on Main Street, next to the city building, and was years ago the old Methodist parsonage. The company last week laid out their property at Poag, and work on the system will be begun at once, as it has to be completed and water running in the mains by December 01.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 16, 1898
The largest young woman, or old one either for that matter, that ever appeared in Edwardsville as a candidate for matrimonial bliss, came into town Saturday noon, accompanied by the requisite young man. They secured a license and were united by Police Magistrate Barraclough. The fair bride tips the scale at no less than 325 pounds. She was Miss Laura Sutton of New Douglas, and the groom was James Voyles of Staunton. They left at once for home.

The colored Baptist Church of Edwardsville is endeavoring to pay off a debt on the building, and this week announced that the Ministerial Club would give a “rag repast and phonetic exhibition.”

Edwardsville will have two picnics on the Fourth of July, as the Leclaire Band, at a meeting Monday night, decided to give one at Leclaire.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 23, 1898
Burglars entered the residence of E. J. Jeffress in the East End Monday night, but were frightened away by the screaming of his daughter, Amy, whose room they entered. This is the sixth time this residence has been broken into.

John A. Mehling, the electric road promoter, was in Edwardsville Wednesday, in consultation with his attorneys, Travous & Warnock.

The Edwardsville Water Company will award the contract for the big pumps to be used at the plant next Saturday, and that will complete the preparatory work to the beginning of the construction of the system.

The Wabash has been putting on fast trains and making improvements, but so far as Edwardsville is concerned, the train service is not half so good as before. The number of trains from this place has been cut down nearly half by reason of the fact that a half dozen of them are now through trains and stop here no more. Sunday, still another was removed from the time card.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 28, 1898
Lee Bulander, foreman of the brass foundry at Leclaire, had a thrilling experience Saturday. He was shaping a lot of scrap brass, and among the pieces was a large Mexican shell. He heated it, but as it did not melt, he placed it on a piece of iron and struck it with a sledge hammer. An explosion was the result. The ball struck a bar of iron, bounded back, hit Mr. Bulander on the leg, and then wended its way to the rear of the building.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 18, 1898
William Sievers, a farmer of Ft. Russell Township, left Edwardsville Saturday for New York, to sail on the steamer Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse, for Bremen. He will visit relatives in the Fatherland.

The colored people are arranging a red hot celebration and cake walk, to take place at Wolf’s Grove on the night of the 27th. Alton’s crack walkers will be invited to try their luck in a walk with Brooklyn, Venice, East St. Louis, and Edwardsville colored people. The prizes will be a gold-headed cane and an immense cake.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 25, 1898
All around Edwardsville dozens of farms are quarantined on account of the presence of Texas fever among the cattle. Veterinary Joseph A. Barnett telegraphed Monday for the State authorities, and J. H. Paddock of Springfield, Secretary of the State Livestock Commission, and G. L. Bauer of Springfield, Assistant State Veterinarian, arrived Monday night and immediately began a thorough canvass of the situation. They found the epidemic genuine Texas fever. The cattle were brought to town on August 05 by Henry Uhlemeyer, a stock dealer. He sold some to Ed Burroughs, Henry Bollmann, Charles Schroeder, and many others, and in the course of the usual time, from 13 to 19 days, the disease developed. The officials hope to check it and confine it entirely to this locality.

The Goo Goos is the latest organization at this place. It is not as the name would indicate an organization of infants, but is composed of 200 business men, who will furnish fun for the crowds at the street fair this Fall. After the manner of the Mardi Gras, they will dress up in all sorts of odd and ridiculous costumes, and form parades, give presentations of comedies, etc.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 13, 1898
The vote for queen of the harvest carnival closed Saturday night. Miss Julia Herder was declared elected to the position. The total vote was 1757, Miss Herder receiving 619; Miss Carrie Wolf 479; and Miss Nora Burroughs 266. The Alton Naval Militia will bring 36 men in the company to the fair, and will compete for a prize against the Emerald Zouaves of St. Louis.

Miss Katharine Hack, one of the teachers in the public school, was injured in a peculiar manner Friday night. While curling her hair, the hot iron slipped and struck her across the eye, burning the pupil. She was given immediate attention, and it is thought will not lose the sight. She is a niece of Peter Hack of Alton.

A number of young men of Edwardsville will leave this week for Nevada, traveling overland in a covered wagon. They will take up some claims of unoccupied farming land. Jesse Bartlett, Charles McKee, and John Barnett are some of the members.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 24, 1898
George Jacoby, a lad who lives in the country north of town, is recovering from a brutal assault of which he was the victim a few days ago. He drives to town every day to attend school, and on the evening of the one on which the assault was committed, went back to the stable just at dusk to hitch up the rig. As he emerged from the shed, a boy with whom he had had a quarrel several days before, and who was lying in wait for him, struck him across the head with a heavy timber. Jacoby became unconscious, and the boy, frightened at the result of his act, placed the injured lad in the rig and started the horse for home. The animal walked a block and stopped, and sometime later passersby investigated and found the boy sitting upright, but cold and still, and to all appearances dead. He was given medical attention and taken to his home, but did not recover consciousness for 16 hours. His skull was fractured. Jacoby is a nephew of Judge B. R. Burroughs.

There has been a remarkable sequence of accidents at the coal mines in Edwardsville of late. There have been three instances of a coal car falling down the shaft, and in two cases a human life has been the penalty. A couple of weeks ago at the Home Trade coal mine, a car ran in at the top of the shaft and plunged downward to the bottom, dragging with it the topman, Frank Bayer, and crushing his life out. Last week at the new Henrietta shaft, a car got beyond control at the pit top, and fell 300 feet to the bottom, but the man pushing it let go and barely saved himself. The last of the trio of casualties occurred Thursday at the Madison Mine. A loaded car was being pulled off the cage by John Reid, the weigher, when the cage moved up. The car slipped into the shaft, pulling Reid with it and mangling him almost beyond recognition. His funeral took place Saturday morning from St. Mary’s Catholic Church, and was largely attended by the miners.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 15, 1899
Five Edwardsville boys arrived home Saturday night after a weary walk of nearly three-hundred miles. They started two weeks ago for Joplin, Missouri, having been caught by the lead mine fever, and having little or no money, beat their way on freights. They lost their bearings and landed in Arkansas, from where they were compelled to walk home, hitting backdoors for “handouts” as they journeyed. It was a tough experience, and the boys say they will stick close to home and mother in the future.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 20, 1899
Residents of the East End were somewhat startled by a head-on collision between two trains Saturday afternoon. An extra coal train and a work train came together on Schwarz Street intersection, and destroyed an engine and dozen cars.

William Yanderburg, the one-armed negro who killed a man at Troy, and spent 14 years in the penitentiary therefor, has arrived at his home here, and is following the peaceful occupation of cutting weeds. He was released last week.

“Indian Jim” Martin of Waximaxie, Texas, for 20 years U. S. Deputy Marshal, was in town Wednesday. He is credit with killing 40 men during his official service.

Adolph Hitz, one of Alhambra’s prominent citizens, was in town Tuesday and took out a license to wed Miss Louise M. Utiger, also of Alhambra. On Wednesday a license was issued to John Edwards and Addie Simpson of Troy.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 08, 1899
Edwardsville has not seen such a celebration as was witnessed Friday night, since the Goo Goo parade during the street fair last Fall. The running team of the fire department arrived home from Pekin, where they attended the State Tournament, and swept the boards in the hook and ladder contest. Over a thousand people assembled at the depot, and at the fire engine house to greet the boys, and a procession was formed with the City Band at the head, and proceeded to the city building, where Chief Hentz and others made addresses. The running team carried off the second largest amount of prize money, out of 16 teams contesting at the tournament, winning $145. Among the best prizes they took were first money for best appearance on dress parade, and first prize in the platform race, defeating the former champion, Dixon, and winning the State Championship. The jollification over their return closed with a banquet and display of fireworks.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 12, 1899
The largest individual taxpayer on personal property in Madison County is Mrs. Mary West Hadley of Edwardsville, who lists $219,400, the assessment at one fifth being $42,092. John E. Hayner of Alton foots up $187,800, of which $144,800 is stock in the banks at Alton, his assessment being $37,500. Major W. R. Prickett of Edwardsville lists $148,200, the assessment being $26,641. The largest owners of real estate in the county are E. B. Job of Alton; and Major William R. Prickett.

Alton is the smallest, but most populous township. John E. Hayner, the second largest owner of personality in the county, is first here. Following him are William Eliot Smith, who lists $18,000; E. P. Wade showing $9,977; E. Drury at $7,970; H. A. Hathaway at $7,950; A. E. Root at $7,600; H. C. Priest at $7,400; M. S. Marsh at $6,030; A. L. Hewitt at $5,670; A. M. Caldwell at $5,100; B. Schiess at $4,400; M. F. Carr at $4,100; J. N. Drummond at $4,000; Charles Phinney at $3,500; Anton Reck at $2,500; H. M. Schweppe at $2,200; M. H. Boals at $2,000; J. H. Booth at $2,000; A. M. Kirsch at $2,000; Mrs. Virginia Quigley at $2,000. Alton has numerous corporations and firms, these ranking as follows: St. Clair, Madison & St. Louis Belt R. R. (Alton bridge, $40,000; Alton Railway & Illuminating Co., $30,700, $4,000 of this in Wood River Township; Boston Water & Light Co., $7,000; Stanard Milling Co, $6,550; Alton Gas & Electric Light, $6,000; Hapgood Plow Co., $5,000; G. M. Ryrie & Co., $4,500; Drury & Wead, $3,100; Illinois Box Co. $3,000; Haagen Dry Good, $2,500; Bluff City Brewery $2,300; Sparks Milling Co. $2,300; Beall Bros. $2,000; and Wheelock & Ginter $2,000.

Wood River has its largest individual personal property taxpayer in Mrs. S. J. C. Clarke, whose assessment is $7,685, C. C. Squier lists $3,820; D. B. and D. M. Kittinger show $2,930; Reuter Bros. with $2,400; Herman Cole with $2,325; and Grace Cole with $2,010.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 30, 1899
Work was begun on the new electric of the Mississippi Valley Railway Co. in Edwardsville Monday. A gang of men was put to work digging holes for the poles to support the power cable. The work was started in the southeast part of the city, where the line enters the corporate limits, and will be continued along the line designated in the franchise. It has been suggested that this is simply a ruse of the company to hold its franchise, which expires Saturday, but Contractor Johnson of Collinsville states that the force at work will be increased right along, and that ere long all kinds of work will be in order; that the construction work has been divided into eight parcels, to different firms, and that the work will continue as fast as possible.

Fred W. Wassman of Wanda was the successful applicant before E. W. Burroughs in the courthouse yesterday, for a free scholarship in the Agricultural College. The examination was for the 18th district.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 03, 1899
Diptheria is making its appearance at the county seat with a rapidity that is puzzling physicians. Sunday night, Alexander Ackerman, a 14-year-old boy, died from the disease, and several of his brothers and sisters are ill. The county jail also hears the red diptheria placard, Harry Kuhn, son of the Sheriff, having been taken down Sunday.

James H. Brown, proprietor of the Leland Hotel, and Joseph Keshner, assistant cashier of the First National Bank, have leased the opera house from A. G. Tukhorn, and will operate it this winter.

Land owners interested in the formation of a Grassy Lake drainage district held another meeting here Saturday. They are not yet ready to ask that the district be set aside.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 07, 1900
The Madison County Circuit Court was the scene of a sensational knockout fight this morning between Judge A. W. Hope and Ansel Brown of the Edwardsville Democrat. The case of Henry Brueggeman vs. the Mayor and the City Council of Alton was being tried when the fight occurred, a short recess having been taken to allow time for the bailiff to go out of court for a prisoner. The court had just decided that the answer of the city to the allegations of the plaintiffs in the case were good, holding that the exception of the plaintiffs to the answer were not good. Judge Hope took part in the conduct of the city's side of the case to assist the Corporation Counselor, saying that he was personally interested in the case and desired to take part. Brown was talking to the court stenographer, and Judge Hartzell had left the courtroom for a few minutes until the witness summoned could be brought into court. While Brown was talking to the stenographer, Ed Scheer, Judge Hope crossed the courtroom and struck the editor a stinging blow in the face that knocked Brown down. He jumped to his feet quickly and was after his assailant, but was unequal to the task of defending himself against the rain of blows of the Judge. Brown went down again and Judge Hope was on top, raining blows on the face and head of his victim. Dick Mudge, secretary for Judge Burroughs, attempted to separate the two men and received a blow in the face that was aimed by Judge Hope at Brown. Bystanders interfered and the two men were separated before either could inflict severe bodily injury to the other.

The feeling between the two men has been very bitter several years, they being representatives of the opposing factions of the Democratic party in this county. Brown has been the sharpest critic the Judge has had in his political career, and the bitterest invective has been hurled at the Judge through the columns of the Democrat. Brown has interested himself to a remarkable degree in the fight on the Alton City court, and by his attacks on it has stirred up the bitterest feeling toward himself in the friends of the Alton Court. It was Brown who took out an injunction to restrain the county board paying the grand jury and petit jury warrants, and he has at all times been a most active partisan in opposing anything that pertained to Judge Hope. The story told by Judge Hope regarding the fight is that it was provoked by Brown whom he said was talking about him to Ed Scheer. Brown denies that he was saying anything about the Judge, notwithstanding what he might have thought. The fight caused great excitement in the courtroom. The injunction case was laid over until another suit had been disposed of, and it was thought it would come up this afternoon and would be tried on its merits.

Judge Alexander W. Hope was a judge of the Alton City Court for twelve years. At age 27, he was the youngest man elected Mayor of Alton, serving from 1875 to 1878. He was the son of Dr. Thomas M. Hope of Alton, who was also a controversial man. Dr. Hope was in a duel during the Mexican American War, when he disagreed with Dr. E. B. Price over an appointment. They met on the “field of battle,” and Dr. Price was wounded in the abdomen. The doctor, an prominent Democrat, was elected Mayor of Alton in 1852.

During his career, Judge Hope was engaged in constant disagreement with opposing factions over the methods of appointing grand juries. At least three prominent persons were called into his court and fined for contempt for interfering with the will of the judge, and litigation was carried to the Supreme Court in relating matters. The judge had a powerful mind, and devoted all his time to the law. He was an eloquent speech maker, and a fiery, impassioned oratory. He was considered a great man by his friends, but feared by his enemies. He was a powerful influence in the Democrat Party. In 1908, Dr. Pfeiffenberger of Alton struck Judge Hope in the face for language he claimed the Judge had used concerning Pfeiffenberger’s father, architect Lucas Pfeiffenberger. They were separated by Policeman James Lewis, and neither were arrested. Judge Hope died in August of 1922 at the age of 74, and was buried in the Alton City Cemetery. Previous to his death, his poodle dog, Wooly, died in 1910, and the Judge had him buried in the Alton City Cemetery in a white casket. The community was outraged by the burial of the dog in the cemetery, and the dog was disinterred and buried elsewhere.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 31, 1901
The prisoners confined in the county jail, including five murderers, made a desperate effort to escape Friday night. They had previously demolished their iron beds and supplied themselves with the heavy pieces of iron, intending to knock the jailer in the head when he opened the door to lock them up, and make a rush for liberty. The cells are locked from the outside by levers, there being only one door leading to the jail proper. The prisoners in the upper tier of cells had been locked, when the jailer's young son happened to notice one of the prisoners standing by the door with a bar of iron in his hand, looking through a small hole. Assistance was summoned, but it required several hours to get at the prisoners. The iron railing at the side windows was finally cut away and men stationed at each with rifles, when the door was opened and the officers and others, with drawn revolvers, rushed in an secured the prisoners. The electric light wires had been cut by them previously, and the jail was in total darkness. Much excitement was occasioned by the attempt to escape, and the jail was surrounded by hundreds of men. The attempt to escape was led by Johnston, the murderer of James Ryburn, and the plot was overheard by Miss Catherine Hotz, the jailer's daughter, who informed her father.


Source: Utica, New York Herald Dispatch, March 18, 1903
Dr. A. B. McKee, a leading physician of Madison County, and his twin brother, Charles, committed suicide together in in the stable of Dr. McKee's residence in Edwardsville. The two brothers were found side by side yesterday. It is not known at what time Dr. McKee and his brother took the poison, but the general impression is that they went into the stable during the night. Going to one of the stalls they reclined upon a bed of straw -and then, swallowed the poison. The double suicide has created a profound sensation here, coming as It does on the heels of another sensation in which Dr. McKee was the central figure. Dr. McKee was to have appeared in court next Saturday to answer a charge preferred by Miss Emma Rowekamp, a servant employed in the residence of Charles Otter, of Edwardsville. Dr. McKee and his brother were close companions. One theory advanced is that Dr. McKee told his brother that he intended to kill himself, and that rather than be separated Charles also agreed to join him. Dr. McKee was thirty-eight years old. He leaves a widow and one child. He enjoyed a large practice. Charles McKee. his brother, was formerly a traveling salesman, but lately had been helping his brother as an office assistant. He seemed to feel the disgrace of his brother's arrest almost as much as if he were the accused party. Mrs. McKee is prostrated over the tragedy.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 15, 1905
A disgusting state of affairs, one that merits strongest condemnation, is reported from Edwardsville and citizens of the county seat telegraphed Friday evening to the State board of Health asking that immediate steps be taken by that body to put a stop to the matter complained of. The county board of supervisors some time ago, it appears, gave a right of the way through the cemetery at the poor farm to a railway company or coal company, wishing to construct tracks to a coal mine through that territory. The graders, according to reports, have been unearthing bodies by the scores with their steam shovels, and Charles Buenger, who owns and lives on a farm adjoining the poor farm, says that dozens of dogs from all parts of the county gather nightly and feast on human flesh and pick the bones. Friday after dinner it is said a man was scooped out of the grave with all of his clothing intact, and the body in a fair state of preservation. At first, according to Mr. Buenger, the graders would re-inter a body when it was exhumed by the steam shovel, but soon quit the practice and just tossed the remains of human anywhere on the right of way to be disposed of by dogs and the elements.


Source: Troy Weekly Call, June 30, 1906
The Edwardsville new Carnegie library was formally dedicated and thrown open to the public Thursday. The dedication was featured by several addresses, music, and the serving of refreshments on the lawn. Miss Sarah Coventry is the librarian.

Edwardsville Public Library 1906

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 30, 1907
An Edwardsville press dispatch says: "Three men were frustrated in an attempt to steal bodies from potter's field, Edwardsville, early Sunday morning by Mrs. Otto Wolf and Mrs. Langwisch. The couple saw the robbers' lanterns in the graveyard and heard the men's subdued conversation. At their approach the body snatchers fled. Three men engaged a livery rig earlier in the night from an Edwardsville livery. One man wore a gray coat and pearl colored hat, and the others were dressed in black. The men seen on the Poor Farm answered the general description. When they were discovered they fled to their buggy, leaving two old spades behind. The earth had been freshly turned in several spots, and there is no doubt of the men's mission. The grave robbers seemed quite nervous, and their horse was flocked with foam when they reached the livery to return the horse and buggy. The police are trying to learn the identity of the men."


Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, Edwardsville, IL, January 13, 1909
The first train from Alton this morning over the Wabash Terminal had a disastrous wreck just west of town. The train consisted of two cars, the first a combination baggage and smoker and the second a passenger coach, pulled by engine 405. At 7 o'clock this morning the train was speeding for the Junction to make the early morning connection from Chicago. It whirled around the curve at the intersection of the Alton road near the place of Martin Drda, and crashed into four cars of coal. The front end of the engine was smashed, and the first coach [ineligible] in the air and reared across the tender of the locomotive. The first coal car was crushed by the impact and the others were driven a hundred yards down the track. How the cars came there is a mystery, but it is supposed that they escaped from the yards south of town. It was said at the Litchfield & Madison office this morning that one of the yard crews had probably been switching there last night, but the office force did not know whether any coal was left for transfer. At any rate the runaways traveled over the "High Line" past Woodlawn, out across the Wabash main line and then across Cahokia creek to the Alton road, where they came to rest. Today's wreck lies directly across the wagon road. Engineer Andy Herrick, who was on the 405, was painfully hurt, but according to reports received here none of the other members of the crew were hurt, nor were the passengers more than bruised. Inquiry at the main office of the Terminal in Alton failed to develop the fact that they even knew there was a wreck. There was only one chance of saving the train and it came too late. Martin Drda, who lives in the neighborhood, went out of the house and saw the coal cars just a moment before the passenger struck. He heard the latter coming, but before he could get to the place the crash came. Ben Bernius, carrier on Route Six, found the road blocked by the wreck, so he drove back to the junction and brought the accumulation of mail up town to the post office. Express matter remained at the Junction until noon, when it was secured by means of sleighs.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 17, 1914
With the presence of representatives of the Supreme Court of Illinois, and of all the lesser courts, the Mayors and other officials of Madison County municipalities, and past and present officials of the county, the cornerstone of the new courthouse at Edwardsville was formally laid this afternoon. The 2,600-pound block of Georgia marble, hollowed out for the reception of its copper container, arrived yesterday, and had been swung above its appointed place at the northeast corner of the building. Fred Tegtmeyer, the last survivor of the men who worked on the old courthouse fifty-seven years ago, took part in the ceremonies, and his photograph was placed in the stone. A parade at 2 o'clock and a chorus by seventy-five male voices took place in the afternoon. Chief Justice William M. Farmer of the Supreme Court made the principal address and will lay the stone.

4th Madison County Courthouse in Edwardsville

Postmaster Crossman Will Realize His Dream
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 16, 1915
Through the courtesy of J. Frank Stillwell, who recently was appointed Postmaster of Edwardsville, the retiring Postmaster, Thomas M. Crossman, will realize an ambition of 20 years. He will have charge of the Post Office in a Government building in Edwardsville. For years Mr. Crossman hoped for the construction of a Federal building, and two years ago one was started. Crossman’s term was to expire on February 15, 1915, and the contractor and workmen endeavored to complete the building before he retired. After the structure had been completed, some iron frames for the distribution racks did not fit, and the building could not be turned over until this was adjusted. On Sunday, Stillwell’s commission arrived, while the new frames are not due until today. Stillwell yesterday visited the Post Office, accepted the resignation of Assistant Postmaster W. M. Crossman, appointed A. O. Gueswelle in his place, and exhibited his commission to the Postmaster. When the latter tendered the keys, Stillwell declined them. “I’ll tell you,” he said, “I have some private matters to dispose of, and you have your monthly and quarterly reports to get out. Suppose we make the change the first of the month.” Residents know that beneath the surface is a consideration which recognizes the dream of 20 years in the life of “Uncle Tom” Crossman, and permits it to come true.


Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, December 31, 1915
Tomorrow, New Year’s Day, will be the fiftieth anniversary of the Thomas R. Clarke grocery store at 401 St. Louis Street, known as the “White Store,” because of its cleanliness and sanitary condition, the interior being all white. The store has a unique history, having risen from a little general store to now one of the most progressive business houses in the city of Edwardsville.

Fifty years ago tomorrow, Thomas C. Clarke, deceased, purchased the store. It was then in its old location across the street, at the southeast corner of Benton and St. Louis Streets. Thomas C. Clarke was a teamster 50 years ago, and hauled freight between Edwardsville and St. Louis. He had two horses and a large wagon. One of the horses kicked his companion, which resulted in the death of the other horse, and this left Mr. Clarke with only half a team to do the hauling.

On New Year’s Day, 50 years ago, Thomas C. Clarke walked into the little corner grocery store of John Tanner, an old Edwardsville grocer, and asked Tanner what he wanted for his store, telling him he believed he would stop hauling and go into the grocery business. He told Tanner he would trade him his horse, wagon, harness, and $15 for the grocery store. Tanner was ready to quit the business, and accordingly made the deal and traded the store to Clarke. Clarke was there to stick. His first day’s sales amounted only to $1.25, but he did not get discouraged, and kept on in the business.

The store was in a building forty feet long and twenty feet wide. The building was rented from E. M. West. As the years rolled by, Mr. Clarke added to his stock and furnishings, and soon had a thriving trade at the corner. He continued in that stand for twenty years, when he moved the old building across to the northwest corner of Benton and St. Louis Streets, and then removed his store into that building. The change was made to permit the McKinley line to swing a curve around that corner. Mr. Clarke continued to operate the store almost eight years, when in April 1913 he died from injuries received in a fall down the stairs at the store. After his death, his grandson, T. R. Clarke, the present proprietor, took charge of the store. This marked a new chapter in the history of the old grocery.

Mr. Clarke remodeled the interior of the store, installed new counters, and cases of white enamel, added much new stock, and it is now one of the most up-to-date stores in the city. After half a century, it is still “Clarke’s Store.”


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 18, 1922
Three men were killed this morning when a McKinley line train struck a Ford sedan, three miles west of Edwardsville, at the Center Grove crossing, near the home of Frank McCormick. The victims were Thomas Naylor, aged 70; John Peterman, aged 60; George Naylor, aged 22. All were on their way to work in the coal mines from their homes, and had taken the St. Louis road as a short cut to their place of employment. They had the Ford sedan closed up and evidently did not hear the warning blast blown by the interurban motorman as he approached the crossing. The train, consisting of a combination motor and chair car and two sleepers, hit the automobile carrying the three men squarely in the center and dragged it 300 feet. The two old men were instantly killed. The young man lived about one hour. All died from skull fractures and internal injuries.


Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, June 8, 1926
The flour mill of the Blake Milling Company in Edwardsville caught fire at 12 noon on June 8, 1926. Within a few minutes, the entire plant, with the exception of the warehouses, was a mass of flames. After about thirty minutes, the destruction was complete.

The fire started in the first roll on the first floor. Miller Dale Flynn and two other men were standing outside the door, when an explosion occurred, and a flash of flame shot through the first floor. They attempted to enter the mill, but the fire spread so rapidly they couldn’t get to the second floor. The highly inflammable dust flared like gas. Head miller E. C. Keitner made an effort to get to the upper floors, but the fire had spread too fast.

The Edwardsville fire department responded quickly, but when they arrived the entire mill was in flames. The office of the mill was in a detached building on the west side of the grounds, and was not affected by the fire. The steel tank, with a capacity of 59,000 bushels of grain, was also not affected. The warehouse on the north side of High Street, and the one of the south side of the mill, were saved by efforts of the firemen.

A high wind from the West carried burning fragments across the central part of town. The awning on the Tri-City Grocery caught fire, and the St. James Hotel was ignited. Three other business houses along Main Street were fired by burning embers, but the blazes were quickly put out without any damage.

Mayor Frank L. Nash and two hundred citizens worked to combat the blaze. Mill trucks were backed up to the warehouse and were loaded with sacks of flour, and these were taken away. Twelve workers of the Edwardsville Intelligencer worked in the warehouse to help salvage some of the mill property. Mrs. Hazel Spienenweber was the only woman who worked at the fire, and she worked as hard as any man. Her father was a member of the volunteer fire department. She carried sacks of flour from the warehouse for nearly an hour.

Word was sent to Collinsville, and their No. 1 pumper was rushed to Edwardsville. They traveled the twelve miles in fifteen minutes, and stationed their truck at the corner of Purcell and Second Streets.

The Blake Milling Company was incorporated in April 1914. The directors at the time of the fire were E. E. Dawson, Charles R. Decker, E. J. Zirnheld, and F. T. Jacobi. The mill had a daily output of 600 barrels, and furnished a livelihood for thirty families.

While the fire was burning, a TC-7 – the big dirigible from Scott Air Field - had been maneuvering over Edwardsville. The aviators drove the airship around the fire a number of times to witness the spectacle.

The Blake Milling Company was located between N. 2nd, W. High, and Clay Streets in Edwardsville. This location was previously the Farmers’ Milling Company, Hunters Bros Milling, and Edwardsville Milling. The warehouse, located at 207 W. High Street, still stands, and houses the Doll Corner and Antique Gallery. The former mill is now a parking lot.


Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, November 10, 1962
The first named street in Edwardsville was Main Street, deriving its name from the fact it was located on the main thoroughfare. As homes and businesses were erected, more streets were needed. One of these was known as Cow Path or Cow Street, due to the open grazing area bordering the weed-grown path. The Cow Path referred to in named Second Street on the 1825 plat of Edwardsville, but as late as 1849 it was little more than a path, and as late as 1869 as still called Cow Path or Cow Street.

As cross streets were developed, they were given numbers – one through fifteen. In modern times, these streets, respectively, are Lincoln Street, L. Street, M Street, J Street, Union Street, H Street, Fourth Street, F Street, Dunn Street, Abner Place, High Street, College Street, North Street, and O Street.

Many times, early pioneers named their streets after what was noticeable thereon. If the street was lined with oak trees, it was named Oak Street, and so on.

What is now Liberty Street, was the original Springfield Road, so named because it was the road to Springfield, Illinois. In later year Springfield Road was changed to Liberty Street, a fitting name, as it ran by Lincoln School, which was originally built for African-American children. Another street, directly across from the school, was named Lincoln, after the great emancipator.

Center Street was once Presbyterian Hill, so named because almost every family along the lane was of the Presbyterian faith. Presbyterian Hill was deemed too long, so it was renamed Piety Hill. Later, the name became Center Street, probably due to the Presbyterians moving away.

As additions to Edwardsville were made, and Main Street and Second Street were the most prominent. North Street, High Street, and South Street were baptized according to the terrain and their locations.

When subdivisions were added, the streets began to take on the last names of the residents. Randle Street was named after two Randle families which settled in Edwardsville. One was a miller, whose mill was in that vicinity, and the other was Josiah Randle, the first Madison County Clerk.

Charles W. Benton was the proprietor of Benton House, located on the southwest corner of St. Louis Street and Main Street. The Benton House was a high-class restaurant, and included a billiard room and bar. Thus, the name of Benton Street.

Troy Road was once named Wolf Lane, after Fred A. Wolf, a prominent family in town, and president of the German School Society. Today’s Wolf Street is perhaps a bypass of Wolf Lane.

M. T. Springer purchased the property of Judge William Tyler Brown, and laid out and named streets there. He named one Brown Avenue, in honor of the Judge, and passing in front of his residence became Springer Avenue.

Sometimes the developer named a street after his wife, such as Elsie Avenue and Phillipena Street (wife of Henry Ritter).

Captain Joseph H. Sloss homestead stood on what is now Sloss Street. Kraft Street is named after F. T. Kraft, a trustee of Edwardsville from 1853-1855, and president of the town in 1866. Coventry Place is named after J. W. Coventry, postmaster for many years and son of George Coventry who erected a mill in 1813 on the Tan Yard Branch.

When Captain Erastus Wheeler platted his farm, the controversial Kansas-Nebraska Bill was pending in Congress. Fillmore and Buchanan stood as the heads of the pro and con on the bill, and though Captain Wheeler was a Fillmore man, he was impartial in the controversy. Therefore, he designated the three important means of travel off of Hillsboro Avenue, Fillmore Street, Buchanan Street, and Kansas Street.

Thomas T. Ramey was born on Monk’s Mound near Collinsville in Madison County. He later lived in Edwardsville on the street which took his name – Ramey Street.

Purcell Street was given the name of Sophie Purcell Brown, wife of James R. Brown, who was founder of the Intelligencer newspaper.

Commercial Street, just back from Main Street, mosty likely took the name from the hopes of subdivision owners and business houses who planned to locate at this site.

Degrees of education gave College Street its title, as it ran along the public school grounds. Vandalia Street was first Vandalia Road, which led to Vandalia, Illinois. St. Louis Street took its name from its destination. Fair Avenue, which no longer exists, was named after the fairgrounds that once stood off of St. Louis Street.


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