Godfrey Newspaper Articles
Bethany Articles | Coal Branch Articles | Melville Articles
Source: Unknown New York newspaper on Ebay, November 16, 1840
A fire broke out in the Monticello Prairie, a few miles back of
Alton, Illinois, on Thursday, which destroyed many buildings and a
considerable amount of personal property. The citizens of Alton
turned out en masse, to render assistance in saving property and
arresting the progress of the fire, which is said to have raged with
great fury. Several bodies have been found, and among them a father
with his son in his arms, burned to death.
Source: Alton Telegraph and Review, May 29, 1841
On Sunday last, we witnessed at Monticello, five miles from this
city, the most violent hail storm since our existence. It commenced
about three o'clock, and lasted from twenty to thirty minutes, many
of the hail stones being as large, some larger, than a hen's egg. It
was succeeded by a tremendous gust of wind, accompanied by a severe
rain, which lasted for upwards of an hour. The damage to the foliage
of ornamental trees, small shrubbery, currant bushes, and fruit
trees, occasioned by the hail, was extensive; and the glass of the
various dwellings within the range of the storm must have suffered
materially. In this city, but little if any hail was seen, though
the wind must have been as high, if not higher, than where we were.
One house was unroofed, and several sky lights blown off the roofs
of stores in this city; beyond that we have heard of no other
damage. We also learn that Smooth Prairie, in this county, on the
same day was visited with a hail storm as severe as the one we
witnessed, and that the damage to dwellings was far greater than at
Source: Alton Telegraph & Democratic Review, July 31, 1841
The Monticello Settlement [Godfrey] is the right arm of our strength
in this end of the county; and to them we look for a general turn
out on Monday. Among them are a few whose bosoms were bared to the
bayonet of the enemy in that conflict which gave birth to our
nation's independence. Though their frames are bent with years, the
fire of their zeal in their country's cause burns in their bosoms as
brightly and fervently as ever. At our last election, they were the
foremost in exercising the inestimable right of Freemen, and voting
against the enemies of our country. That they will be so on Monday
next, we entertain no doubt; and we urge upon every young and
middle-aged man in the settlement to emulate their noble example and
follow them to the polls. It may be the last time you will be
marshaled by these veterans of the Revolution.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 11, 1841
We are gratified to learn that a Post Office by the name of Godfrey
has been established near the Female Seminary at Monticello, four
miles from this city, of which Timothy Turner, Esq. is the
Postmaster. This will be of great benefit to the inhabitants of that
thriving settlement, who have heretofore sustained considerable
inconvenience in being compelled to travel several miles in order to
get their letters and papers.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 30, 1842
Monticello is now a precinct, and will hold an election among
themselves. No truer set of Whigs ever lived, than is to be found in
that excellent settlement. Her report on the evening of Monday next
will be a loud one, and we hope not a single r vote will be lost in
that precinct. There are no splitting tickets among them. They are
as true as the polar star, and will give nearly a unanimous vote for
the whole Whig ticket. Success to Monticello and her citizens!
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 20, 1844
We understand that the post office at Godfrey, four miles north from
this city, which was established about three years since, has been
discontinued by order of the Postmaster General. The reason assigned
is its proximity to Alton, but as the two places were nearly as
close to each other at the period referred to, as they are now, we
are unable to perceive any new motive for the discontinuance. Time
will perhaps disclose the moving cause.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 27, 1844
Last week we noticed the removal of this post office, and expressed
our surprise at it. Since then some facts have come to our knowledge
which we feel bound to lay before the public. Two reasons, we are
informed, were urged by those engaged in this small business, for
the discontinuance of this post office. One was its proximity to the
Alton office; the other a charge that its estimable Postmaster had
abused the franking privilege [franking is the act of putting on
postage stamps or markings shown that a fee was paid for mail
service - this includes a Postmaster writing "free" on the envelope
for soldiers during wartime]. The first is fallacious in the
extreme. The office is no nearer Alton now than it was when it was
first established, and the distance was well known to the department
at that time. As well, yes, even with fare more propriety, could
they discontinue the Upper Alton office, which is only two miles
from the one in this city, while the population accommodated at the
Godfrey P. O. is equally as large as that at the Upper Alton office.
And the inconvenience to which the Godfrey community is subjected is
more than double, that which would be felt by the Upper Alton
people, if the same injustice was done them by discontinuing their
office. In regard to the Postmaster at Godfrey having abused his
franking privilege, we know the charge to be false, and defy the
remotest proof to sustain it. So scrupulously guarded has Mr. Turner
been in this respect, that he has even refused to frank a letter
written by his own wife, and we venture they assertion that there is
not a Postmaster in the state of Illinois who has made less use of
the franking privilege than Mr. Turner. This much we feel bound to
say in defense of an unexceptionable officer, who has been grossly
The real cause, however, for the withdrawal of the office, was to
increase the emoluments of the office in this city [Alton]. And how
much, reader, do you think that would have been? Judge Martin has
examined the books of the office carefully, and the most the
Postmaster's commissions have ever come to in one year was
forty-five dollars! And for the sake of this paltry sum, a large
community have been deprived of the benefits of a post office, and
that too, when the continuance of the office was without a dollar's
expense to the government. The Jacksonville mail passed directly by
the door of the Godfrey P. O., and was a watering place for the
contractor. So that there was neither inconvenience nor expense
attending its continuance. If pecuniary gain was the object of the
very liberal and magnanimous persons who procured the discontinuance
of the Godfrey P. O., we are assured that the community by
subscription would have made up double the sum of the emoluments of
the office, rather than have had it discontinued. And we cannot but
believe that when the department know the facts, they will restore
the office to the community from which it has been improperly and
unjustly taken. There is a large female Seminary, numbering from 90
to 100 persons in the immediate neighborhood of the office, and the
inconvenience to them is vast. If the department were subjected to a
dollar's expense, either in carrying the mail to this office or in
sustaining it, there might be a shadow of an excuse for the wrong
inflicted. But when the contrary are the facts in regard to both, we
feel as if it was right the public should know them, and endeavor to
correct the injustice inflicted on their neighbors.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 30, 1847
The attention of gentlemen of fortune is invited to Captain Benjamin
Godfrey's advertisement, offering for sale his splendid farm at
Monticello, a few miles from this city. A more desirable property,
in every respect, is not to be found in this state, perhaps not in
the Union; and those wishing to invest funds in the purchase of well
improved real estate could not ask for a better opportunity than is
now afforded them to effect this object.
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 22, 1850
We regret to state that a two-story frame building, situated in
Monticello Precinct in this county, and occupied by Mr. James R.
McReynolds and his family, was totally consumed by fire on Friday
morning last, together with most of its contents – the occupants
having barely time to escape without saving anything except a couple
of beds and a few other articles of little value. It is not known
how the fire originated, but it was doubtless accidental. The house
belonged to Judge Martin of Alton, and was uninsured. The total loss
is estimated at $1,000, of which the largest proportion falls upon
the latter gentleman.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 4, 1861
We learn that two valuable horses were stolen from the stables of W.
T. Melusum and Willian Glenn, Esqs., at Monticello [Godfrey] last
night. The Runners of the Detecting Society of that place are in
pursuit, and we hope, may catch the thieves. Horse stealing is
getting to be too common in these parts, and we advise farmers to be
on the lookout.
The horses that were stolen on Friday night from Monticello have
been recovered, and the thief, or one of the thieves, captured with
them. They were found at a house near Wood River, in the possession
of a man named Joe Miller. He was arrested, brought to Monticello,
and his examination was to take place at 9 o’clock this morning
before Esquire Webster.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 11, 1861
Probably the greatest nuisance now extant is the Alton and
Jerseyville Plank Road. Its name, like the thing itself, is an
imposition, for it neither begins or ends at either of these towns.
Plank roads generally, not to say always, are nuisances; the one
under discussion is particularly so. Commenced some ten years ago,
with the intention of connecting the two towns of Alton and
Jerseyville, it was, after considerable delay, finished to a point
about one mile beyond Monticello [Godfrey]. No attempt has ever been
made to extend it, and it has conferred no benefit whatever upon
those who, living beyond its present terminus, have most needed what
good it was supposed to confer upon those traveling upon it. Two
toll gates have been erected, through one of which every passing
through one gate, is compelled to pay very nearly the same toll as
is charged for the passage through both gates.
The ordinary age to which a plank road is capable of existing,
without an entire renewal of the material used in its construction,
is about three years. Infrequent use and extensive repairing may
extend the time to four or five years. This one, which annoys and
injures us, has been used nine years, and has been but partially
renewed and then only by the substitution of oak for white pine
planks. The repairs which it pretends to have received will not, in
the whole period of its existence, equal the amount of labor which
is ordinarily expended upon a common dirt road of the same length,
every year. Its present state is beyond the power of language to
describe. To be appreciated, it must be seen and felt. In its whole
length, there are not sound plank enough to make a rod of decent
road. In many places it is buried six inches beneath the mud, and
these are always its best and safety portions. The planks of which
it is composed are twisted and warped into every conceivable shape.
As far as form goes, many of them would make excellent circular
window-heads; not a few could easily be transformed into fellses(?)
perfectly bent. Hundreds of them have long since seceded; the one
end from the other, and not seldom one is found so decayed with rot,
dry and wet, that a horse, possessed of the slightest life, need use
but little exertion to literally put his foot into it. At times they
are floating islands in a sea of mud; at times stranded wrecks on a
barren shore; at times the debris of long-forgotten formations,
raised from the vast deep by volcanic eruptions. Sometimes they
slide to the one side, sometimes to the other, but to staying in
proper position they have an unconquerable aversion. Holes of
indefinite depth and immensurable capacity abound without number and
the daring navigator escapes Seylia only to be drawn into Charybeis.
The bridges are such in name only, often perilous, sometimes
The toll gates are the only things well tended, and the keeper never
forgets to present himself with frightful punctuality. The coolness
with which he demands the toll is equaled only by the impudence of
the highway man. To sum up all, as near as may be in a single
sentence, as a machine for the beating of eggs to a froth, as a
patent churn, as a means of exercise for the cure of dyspepsia, an
engine of destruction to vehicles and of danger to life, and as an
unmitigated imposition upon the public, the Alton and Jerseyville
Plank Road is a complete success; but for all the purposes of a
thoroughfare for travel it is as complete a failure.
There are two things which will make plank roads nuisances, as they
are endurable. Those are constant repairs and the liberty of going
upon them or not, as we please. The particular road now in question,
has neither of these alleviating circumstances in its favor. The
planks are laid in the State Road, one of the gates is thrown across
the State Road, and the public is compelled to go over the road and
through the gate and pay the toll. There is no choice in the matter.
It matters not if the wheel of your wagon or the foot of your horse
does not once touch the plank, you must still pay the toll. The
highway is no longer the possession of the public, but thanks to our
County Court, is made the property of a soulless corporation. The
charter which protects and guards this monopoly has yet twenty years
to run, and unless some action be taken by the people, they must
continue to be victimized that length of time. The corporation
owning the road has an undoubted right to exist to the extent of its
chartered life, but we protest, in the name of reason and of
justice, against being compelled to support it longer by our
involuntary contributions. Our forbearance is great, but there is a
limit even to Job-like patience. The road should at once be
abandoned or put into a passable condition, which can only be done
by relaying it with new materials, and by the employment of more
than one man, one day in a month, to shovel dirt upon the ends of
aspiring planks. The County Court is made the custodian of the roads
of the county, and it is their duty to see that one of these two
measures to abate what has become an intolerable nuisance, is
promptly taken.
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 02, 1862
On last Friday afternoon, the house of George G. Pierce, situated in
Monticello Township, was entirely consumed by fire, with its entire
contents. The fire caught from a stovepipe which passed through the
door of the second story and out of the roof. Before the fire was
discovered, the entire upper portion of the building was in flames,
and it was too late to save anything. This misfortune falls heavily
upon Mr. Pierce, who is a worthy and industrious man, and has a
large family depending on him for a livelihood. We regret to say
that there was no insurance upon the building.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 24, 1862
We are informed that the house known as the Star Hotel, on the
Jerseyville Road just beyond Monticello, was burned last night to
the ground. A small child was consumed in the building. We
understand that the proprietor lost all of his household goods. Our
informant did not know the cause of the fire.
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 8, 1866
Just as our paper was going to press, we learned that a heavy hail
storm passed over Monticello [Godfrey] this forenoon, doing much
damage to the crops, fruit, &c., and breaking nearly all the glass
out of the houses. It was confined, however, to a very narrow strip,
and did not reach in this direction more than a mile from the
Seminary building. Some of the pieces measured eight inches round.
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 01, 1865
Mr. A. M. Blackburn offers his large and conveniently located steam
flouring mill for sale. It is known as the “Godfrey Mill,” situated
in the beautiful village of Godfrey, four miles north of this city,
near the Junction of the Chicago, Alton & St. Louis, and the Jacksonville &
Alton Railroads. It is one of the best locations in this portion of
Illinois, and has a good run of custom. Mr. Blackburn’s failing
health induces him to sell.
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 20, 1868
The flouring mill at Monticello has just been greatly enlarged by an
addition upon the north side, giving it about double its former
capacity. It has two run of burrs, and is situated advantageously
for doing a large business. The proprietors are Messrs. Sears &
The members of the Methodist Episcopal Church and congregation are
making an effort to raise funds to purchase a cabinet organ for the
use of their church, and we are glad to note that they are
succeeding well in their efforts. A large sum was realized at the
supper given lately at the residence of Captain Moore for that
purpose, and more will be forthcoming. It is designed to secure a
superior instrument.
Monticello Junction, one mile north of the depot, at the junction of
the Jacksonville with the Alton Road, boasts of a water tank and a
“shebang” termed by courtesy a depot. The Junction, however, is a
telegraph station, which Monticello proper is not, and has a night
and day operator.
We understand that there is some talk of changing the name of
Monticello Station to Godfrey, the name of the Post Office. This
should have been done long since, as endless confusion in mail
matters is the result of there being two places of the same name in
the State. To detail the woes under which the good people of this
place groan on account of their letters being so often sent to
Monticello, Piatt County, would require a column, hence we forbear,
and trust that Monticello will soon be known as Godfrey town, as
well as Post Office.
Among the items of intelligence received concerning the doings of
the storm on Monday night, the large barn of the late Benjamin
Godfrey in Monticello was overturned. The barn of F. Curtis, on the
Grafton Road, met with a similar fate. The barn of Mr. Merryman,
west of Monticello, was blown down. When the storm came on, it
contained 300 sheep, but before the building fell, the door was
blown open and the sheep all escaped. Mr. Merryman’s loss is $300. A
barn on Mr. Copley’s place, near Monticello, was also badly damaged,
and on his farm, heavy fence rails were blown eight or ten feet. A
good many apple trees were uprooted on Dr. Long’s and other places.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 21, 1868
It has finally been decided by the railway company to move the depot
at Monticello, about three-fourths of a mile further up the road,
towards the Junction, upon what is known as the Ransom property.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 9 & Nov 13, 1868
The foundation of the fine, new depot building at Monticello has
been laid, and the work is progressing. It is being built of brick,
and the walls have now reached the second story.
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 24, 1871
The roads from Alton to Greenwood [North Alton] are good, by reason
of the McAdam roads, while from Monticello to Greenwood they are in
such a condition as to plainly demonstrate the need of a rock road
to be extended to this place.
On Sunday last, an altercation took place between three whites and
an equal number of colored persons, a mile or so north of here, in
which one of the former was badly hurt. A physician was called in to
dress the wound. Too much “fire water” was the cause of the
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 3, 1872
Mr. James Squires has laid off a portion of his land, adjacent to
the depot, into town lots, which he will dispose of at reasonable
prices, thus furnishing persons who wish to have a suburban home in
this beautiful locality, an opportunity to invest their means at a
convenient distance from Alton and St. Louis, which we trust will be
improved by good, substantial men.
The heirs of the late Mrs. Sawyer (who received fatal injuries while
stepping from the cars upon the platform at this station) have
instituted suit against the Chicago & St. Louis Railroad Company,
laying claim for damages in the sum of $5,000.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 13, 1874
We have in our little village no saloons, where intoxicating liquor
can be lawfully sold. The Legislature, several years ago at the
solicitation of the citizens, passed a special act prohibiting it
within one and a half miles of the Monticello Ladies Seminary. We
ascribe, under God, much of our quietness and prosperity to that
act. We are anxiously hoping for a vote at the approaching election
in your goodly city, that shall give your citizens like freedom from
this consuming curse.
Mr. Edward H. Mason has opened a very convenient establishment near
the depot for transactions in fruit. Ice, lemonade, and ice cream of
a delectable quality are also on hand for the accommodation and
gratification of citizens and travelers.
Our Seminary, which is the great center of interest in our
community, is undergoing the usual repairs and touching up for the
next term, which opens on the 10th. Every room and hall, from the
cellar to the garret, is examined, and all defects in wall or
ceiling carefully adjusted. The gas apparatus is being thoroughly
overhauled, furnaces and reservoir reset, that not only the light
itself, but the machinery for diffusing it, shall be as perfect as
human skill can make it. The Principal, Miss Haskell, and some of
her associates are on a visit to New England, but they are expected
back soon to attend to all necessary preparations for the opening of
the term. The present prospect is that the school will be full to
overflowing, as it was last year.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 8, 1874
There have been numerous thefts in this vicinity lately, prominent
among which were three which took place last Friday night. Colonel
Foree of the Grafton Road lost a fine overcoat, and Major Saunderson
of the same place is a loser to the extent of a very valuable robe,
while our friend, H. J. Hyde bore his part as usual in the loss of
cushions, halters, etc. No clue of the perpetrators.
A pleasant “surprise party” took place at the residence of Dr. J. H.
Bowie Friday evening. Many gathered there from the village to
partake of the Doctors well-known hospitality. After dancing till
early morn to the music furnished by John Pierce, that prince of
violinists, the company dispersed highly pleased with the night’s
Edward A. Mason, our enterprising young merchant and best of good
fellows, still continues to make improvements in and about his
The schoolhouse is fast approaching completion, and in honor of the
labors attending the projection thereof, it is wisely proposed to
name it the Mason Schoolhouse.
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 12, 1874
Some thief or thieves broke into the baggage room of the Chicago &
Alton Railroad depot at this place last week, and abstracted
therefrom several carpet bags. Their destination evidently was
The specious new dwelling house in process of erection, on the farm
of J. Y. Sawyer, is fast approaching completion. It presents an
imposing appearance, and will be an ornament to the place.
Mr. Henry J. Hyde has “gone back” on the grangers (farmers), he
having sold out his interest in the Sidway Farm near this place. It
is rumored that he will remove to Chicago at an early day, to engage
in the fruit and commission business.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 01, 1875
The Godfrey Social Club, on March 25, 1875, gave at the residence of
Mr. George Martin, one of their pleasant and popular parties – the
Phantom Party, so unique and so novel. The honors of the house were
well done by Mrs. Martin, assisted by Miss Lizzie Eldridge of
Brighton. A large number attended from St. Louis, Alton, Brighton,
and elsewhere. From Brighton were Miss Lizzie Eldridge, Mrs. Judge
Eldridge and son, Mr. Houck, and Mrs. Clift. From St. Louis were Mr.
J. H. Kelly of the Republican, and Mr. George Shock. From Alton were
Misses Stocker, Glass, Homeyer, Bruner, and Caldwell, attended by
gentlemen. From Carrollton were Mr. H. Johnson, editor of the White
Hall Register. Many others of the neighborhood attended whose names
we did not get.
The masks were withdrawn at 11 o’clock, and the party continued all
night. A sumptuous supper was served by Mrs. Martin at midnight, and
the well-known hospitality of that lady was observed by everyone.
The party was one of the most successful and pleasant of the season,
and the guests took the different trains in the morning for their
homes, with well-wishes for the genial host and charming hostess,
and nothing but pleasant recollections of the occasion. There were
not less than 100 persons present.
75 Horsemen, 30 Hounds, 3 Wolves
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 22, 1877
The grand hunt for the extermination of the wolves infesting the
wild section of country in the neighborhood of Rocky Fork, came off
on Saturday last. The day was beautiful. At an early hour, the
hunters gathered at the rendezvous at North Alton, to the number of
about 75 horsemen and a large number of footmen. A pack of 30
hounds, under the charge of Dr. Guelich and a gentleman from Jersey
County, also accompanied the arty. The tract of country over which
the hunt took placed was bounded on the south by the Grafton Road
[West Delmar], on the north and east by the Jerseyville Road
[Godfrey Road], and west by the Jersey County line. The party was
made up of hunters from Alton, North Alton, Godfrey, and Jersey
County. The men were disposed to the best advantage, and the hunt
Soon the horsemen riding ahead of the hounds scared up a large wolf,
and the chase began. Up hill and down, through brush and brake,
through fields and over fences, away they went in wild pursuit. The
wolf was smart as a fox, and often doubled on its pursuers, and
although wounded by one of the party, managed to make its escape
near Melville, after an exciting chase of over three hours. One of
the horsemen, George Johnson of Alton, who was unseated, it is
reported, ran directly over the wolf, throwing his horse down, and
Harry Baker, who was riding hard behind, came down on the fallen
horse. In the confusion, the wolf slid out. Mr. Johnson had a tooth
knocked out by the fall.
After the morning chase, the horsemen returned to Mrs. Charless’
residence, which was headquarters, and arranged for the afternoon
hunt, which was not as eventful, but was kept up vigorously until
dark. It is stated by the participants that in all, three wolves
were seen during the day, but some of them were brought back by the
hunters. The hounds, not being used in the business, were reported
afraid of the wolves, and not at all inclined to attack them at
close quarters. We don’t know whether that “stuffed” wolf, hidden in
the woods, is scored as one of the animals seen by the footmen.
Altogether, this hunt was an exciting and enjoyable one to all
participating, and will probably soon be repeated. Mrs. Charless has
two nice wolves on her premises, one of which was purchased by a
gentleman from Delhi, who proposes to let him loose next Saturday,
and set the hounds in chase, in order to accustom them to the
pursuit of such game.
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 03, 1881
Mr. Charles Tolle has invented another new harrow, which for
simplicity, durability, and adaptation to all the various uses to
which the article can be put, cannot be excelled by any other known
patent. Add to this its cheapness of construction and freedom from
any complications in the way of many bolts and other pieces in the
framework, which tend to increase the cost without adding to the
effectiveness of its operation, and we have what is very desirable
for farmers to own and use. The cost can be placed at such a figure
that every farmer, however limited his means, may be able to
Mark Robidou has already received a large quantity of material for
his famous rollers for farm use. The demand for these rollers was so
great last year, that he could not supply the orders. He is now
engaged in preparations which will enable him to fill all orders in
his line. He is also engaged in the manufacture of wagons, harrows,
hayracks, and other articles for farmers use, and having careful,
experienced workmen, he will be able to satisfy all who may favor
him with their trade. All kinds of repairing will be attended to at
short notice. He guarantees all his work, and his prices will be
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 30, 1881
An interesting event occurred at “Woodwild Farm,” Godfrey Township,
this county, on Sunday last. It was a reunion of the Benson family,
consisting of the father, Captain H. J. Benson of Boston, five sons
and two daughters with their families, embracing fourteen
grandchildren. Woodwild Farm [near Bachman Lane in Godfrey Township]
is the pleasant and attractive home of Captain Benson’s eldest son,
Mr. Henry C. Benson, long a resident of this section, where he and
his family are well known and highly respected. The children
gathered there from quite remote parts of the country, it being the
first time that they had all been together in many years. All the
children of Mr. Benson were present, except his youngest daughter,
Rose, who lives in Paris, France. The names of the children present
were: Henry C. Benson, Alvarado T. Benson, George W. Benson, John
Benson, Charles Benson, Mrs. Ellinor Bote, and Mrs. A. Miner
Captain Benson has been an officer in the revenue service of the
United States for many years, his time of service dating from before
the Mexican War, and extending until the year 1871, when he retired.
He now lives in Boston with his second wife. All of his children are
by his first wife. He is now in his 78th year, and though subject to
some of the infirmities incident to his period of life, he is yet in
quite good health, and abounding in good spirits. He entered into
the spirit of the reunion quite as heartily as any present. A table
was arranged under the trees that surround the house, the weather
being pleasant, and there the dinner was spread in a manner highly
creditable to the hostess of the occasion, Mrs. H. C. Benson and her
two charming daughters, Mary and Julia. The following sat down to
dinner: Captain H. J. Benson and wife, Boston, Massachusetts; Henry
C. Benson and wife, Godfrey; Mrs. Ellinor T. Bote, Drywood,
Wisconsin; Mr. A. Miner Griswold and wife, Cincinnati, Ohio; A. T.
Benson and wife, New York; George W. Benson and wife, New York; John
Benson and wife, Alton; Charles Benson and wife, Providence, Rhode
Several of the older grandchildren sat down with them. The repast
was greatly enjoyed, and at its conclusion the health of Captain
Benson was drank, when he responded in some feeling remarks that
brought moisture to the eyes of his children. Then a poem written
for the reunion was read by Mr. Griswold. The occasion was a happy
one, long to be remembered by all who participated.
Among the interesting features of the reunion was the ascension of a
large balloon, prepared by John Benson, in honor of the occasion. It
was of red, white, and blue, beautifully illuminated and decorated
with the Benson coat of arms, in crimson and gold. Like a thing of
life, it bounded from the earth, as if inflated with pride of its
own glowing colors and perfect form, then gracefully soared a lot,
and took its place among the stars.
A. Miner Griswold, the king of American humorists, charmed and
entranced his audience for hours with his brilliant elocutionary
powers, and inimitable humor. His “New Year’s call with the
General,” brought down the house with acclamations and encores, and
was followed by superb renderings of humorous poems of Bret Harte
and others. An original parady on “Bingen on the Rhine,” and a
Dutchman’s version of the “Star Spangled Banner,” convulsed everyone
with laughter, soon followed, however, by tears, as every heart
stood still, listening breathlessly to the most dramatic and perfect
rendering of the “Vagabonds” ever presented to a delighted audience.
It was a literary feast never to be forgotten.
Alphonso Minor Griswold (1834-1891) was an American humorist,
journalist, and lecturer, known by his pen name, “The Fat
Contributor.” He began his career in Buffalo, first working at a
small paper called the Times, and then at the Republic, where he
began penning humorous articles signed “The Fat Contributor.” He
later joined the Cleveland Plain Dealer as associate editor, and
after five years joined the Cincinnati Evening Times. He toured the
country giving humorous lectures. He died in Wisconsin while on tour
at the age of 57.
Godfrey Pond Under Excavation
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 13, 1881
The railroad company is beginning work on the pond, which they are
about excavating for a supply of water for their trains. They have
purchased about thirty-five acres for the purpose, paying fair
prices to the owners, without litigation. It is expected the work
will be completed in about two months, if the weather proves
Mr. E. A. Mason is doing a lively business. He has laid in a large
stock of staple groceries and fancy goods of which he is rapidly
disposing, and his trade is constantly increasing. His shipments of
fruit to the various markets have been quite large, and good prices
have generally been obtained.
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 24, 1881
The pond of the Chicago & Alton at Godfrey filled up last night to
within five feet of the waste gate on the top of the dam, making the
water fifteen feet deep, and covering some fifteen acres of land.
The dam was finished last week, its dimensions are 125 feet wide at
bottom sloping up to ten feet at top, and some four hundred feet
long and twenty feet high. The long slope on the upper side prevents
any heavy pressure on the dam, thus avoiding any tendency to break
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 8, 1881
Mr. Mark Robidou has manufactured a novelty in the way of a roller,
it being a tri-roller instead of single or double, as they are
usually made. He is having a good sale for his wagons, rollers, and
other articles in his line. We wish him success, as he is
industrious, obliging, and attends personally and promptly to the
wishes of his customers, and thereby has a large and profitable
Mr. E. A. Mason has fully stocked up his store, and now presents as
varied and desirable an assortment of groceries, fancy goods, and
candies as can be found in any town in the county of the size of
Godfrey. He is now engaged in putting in a new and attractive set of
post office boxes, which will add much to the convenience of our
Christmas draws near, and the expectations of the little folks in
the public schools, as well as in the Sunday Schools, are excited to
a high point as to what old Santa Claus has in store for them.
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 15, 1881
Dr. W. H. Martin, who has been quite unwell, has so far recovered as
to be able to attend to his professional business. Although there is
but little serious sickness in this vicinity, he is kept quite busy.
Dr. H. Judd, for many years a dental practitioner in St. Louis,
having rented the Corey place, is now engaged in his old profession,
with a prospect of acquiring a lucrative practice. He has a very
handsome and expensive set of dental instruments, and is a very
skillful and successful operator.
With the running of the Toledo and Wabash trains over the Chicago
and Alton Railroad, business looks lively at our depot. When the
cut-off shall be completed, and the new water tank and engine house
erected, and possibly a roundhouse and hotel, the neighborhood of
the depot will be much changed, and our population and business
thereby much increased. The telephone connecting the Seminary and
the depot is in successful operation.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 7, 1882
Messrs. Wirth & Weber, our skillful and enterprising blacksmiths and
wagon makers, are busily engaged in getting ready for Spring work.
Their facilities are such for the manufacture of wagons, harrows,
hayracks, rollers, and other farming implements, together with
repairing and horseshoeing, that they are enabled to do a large
amount of work, and being industrious, active men, their fires are
kept running to a late hour at night.
Mrs. Captain Benjamin Godfrey, who has been ill, is recovering. Mrs.
John Mason has also been quite ill, but was much better at last
The Chicago & Alton Railroad commenced putting down ties on the “cut
off” yesterday, and we understand will now rapidly push the work to
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 9, 1883
The Garland house at Godfrey, nearly opposite Monticello Seminary,
was destroyed by fire Thursday afternoon. The place was occupied by
Mr. F. W. Virden and his family, who saved most of their furniture
and household goods. The fire originated in the attic story of the
building, and had made considerable progress before it was
discovered. The house was a two and a half story structure, and cost
$5,000 a few years ago. The fire was first discovered by Mrs.
Virden, who was alone in the house with her little boy. She sent him
after his father, who was out in the field. Mr. Virden returned
immediately, and with the help of the neighbors who quickly rallied
to his help, was enabled to save the greater part of his furniture
and household goods. The fire broke out in a store room, which no
one had entered for several days. Mr. Virden and family moved into
the Corey house, which was fortunately vacant.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 16, 1885
While a dancing party was in progress Tuesday night at the home of
David Smith, near Godfrey, a party of drunken roughs went to the
place, made an attempt to enter, and when refused admittance,
induced Mr. Smith to come outside and then made a concerted attack
on him. The ruffians shot him twice, inflicting painful wounds on
the head, then kicked, beat, and otherwise maltreated him. Someone
finally came out of the house, where the music and dancing prevented
the noise of the affray being heard, when the drunken roughs got
away. The injured man was treated by Dr. Wurden. The ringleaders
have disappeared, and thus for the time have escaped the prosecution
they richly deserve.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 22, 1885
Whitmore & Disbrow, proprietors. The Godfrey Creamery is a fine,
two-story building, 20x40, with an engine house 10x20 at the north
end. On the south end is the ice house, 16x28, well filled. The milk
is received in the milk room
the second story, 20x22 feet, into a large tank to warm it up to
right temperature for separating, then is conveyed below in pipes
and to a small tank, thence to the De Laval separator, which is
supplied with small tubes, and the cream is thrown out into the top,
while the milk flows out from the centre. The separation is done by
the revolution of the separator, which makes about 7,000 revolutions
per minute, and has a capacity of from 650 to 800 lbs. per hour.
About 600 to 700 pounds of milk per hour are now worked; receipts of
milk at present about 1,200 pounds per day, the receipts of cream
about 150 gauges per day. The cream from the separator is sold in
Alton and St. Louis, or made into butter as the demand requires. The
gauge cream is all made into gilt-edge print butter and finds a
ready sale; in fact, the demand is larger than the supply. A large
cooling tank is stationed in the separating room, filled with ice
water and supplied with one hundred feet of one-inch pipe which the
milk passes through preparatory to shipping. It is cooled down from
70 degrees to 50 degrees, and is put in this cool state into
wood-bound cans, and in this condition is delivered to customers,
perfectly sweet and fresh.
The Churning Room
In this room is the churn, which is of a square form run by steam,
and has a capacity of one hundred and fifty pounds of butter, the
average make is about 100 pounds per churning. Also in this room is
the butter worker run by steam power, a large revolving table with
two fluted rollers, which the table on which the butter is placed
passes under, and it does its work complete, requiring one man to
attend to it. Two large tanks in the butter room are used for the
reception and preparing cream for churning. The cream is collected
from the farmers under the supervision of R. B. Disbrow, who is from
Elgin and understands the business. It is brought in the afternoon,
and the next day is made into golden butter.
The Butter Room
This room is 10x10, is the room of all rooms; it is made in the
style of a refrigerator and kept at a temperature of 50 degrees.
Here, the butter is placed, each churning by itself, after coming
from the worker, when it is salted, each lot is reworked and weighed
in pounds, then passed through the printing machine and comes out
just "good enough to eat" without bread; or is packed in any shape
required by customers. Of all the many lots in this room, each was
equally good; for summer shipping of print butter, large boxes are
used with shelving on the sides and a tin tank in the center filled
with ice, and it is kept hard and nice, the neatest way known to
ship butter. A five-beam scale is used, and any number of cans can
be weighed. The water supply is taken from a well, large and
capacious, 8 feet wide by 25 feet deep, kept clean and clear, and is
pumped into the building by a four horsepower engine, which besides
does all the work inside, heats water, runs the churn and butter
worker. The building is pleasantly situated and everything is as
finely arranged as any creamery in the country, with none to surpass
it in neatness and order.
Individually, Mr. J. J. Whitmore has a farm of one hundred acres,
all under cultivation, the creamery and a large barn being the only
buildings on it. There is stable room for 37 cows; at present has 18
cows, the product of which goes to the creamery, and intends filling
all his stalls in the fall. He has one silo with a capacity of 250
tons ensilage, and is looking forward to a good business in the
future. All the gentlemen connected with the establishment are
pleasant and agreeable, and would be happy to see friends and
visitors at any time. That Dutch cheese was just awful nice.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 15, 1886
The Godfrey Creamery has started out a fine wagon, in charge of
Charles Merriman Jr., to go on the Grafton Road [Delmar Avenue].
They are now handling milk and cream from Brighton, Delhi,
Jerseyville, and from two or more other towns. They are doing a big
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 14, 1886
Last Saturday night a mule was stolen from Thomas Robinson of
Godfrey. Wednesday, a beggar appeared in that vicinity, and was
recognized as a tramp who had been seen there Saturday. This led to
the suspicion that he was guilty of the theft of the mule, and a
partyof men took him to the woods and hung him up by the neck for a
few minutes, after which he was let down, confessed his guilt, and
implicated a few other parties. Afterwards he recalled the
confession. His name is Sylvester St. Clair. He was given in charge
of a constable, who consigned him to Deputy Sheriff Volbracht, who
lodged him in the city jail.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 26, 1888
Hon. John Mills Pearson of Godfrey, last evening received a letter
from Chicago stating that his wife, Catharine Godfrey Pearson
(daughter of Captain Benjamin Godfrey), was still improving. It is
thought that she will be able to be brought home in a few weeks,
should the weather be favorable.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 13, 1888
The most interesting social event of the season at Godfrey was the
marriage last evening at the Congregational Church, of Dr. Frederic
S. Halsey and Miss Helen Hancock, daughter of Mr. W. P. Hancock Sr.
The groom is well known as a young physician of wide practice, and
fine abilities, while the graces and attractions of the bride have
made her a general favorite in the church and social circles of
Godfrey. The popularity of the young couple, and the good will felt
towards them, was made apparent by the great gathering of spectators
which crowded the edifice to overflowing, and by the elaborate and
beautiful decorations of the interior. The decorating was the
voluntary work of Mrs. J. M. Pearson, her daughter, Miss Nora, Mrs.
Charles E. Turner, and others. The usher was Mr. Charles E. Turner,
assisted by Messrs. Levi Widaman and Arthur Ingham.
The relatives of the bride and groom entered the church first, and
grouped themselves on either side of the platform. They were
followed by the bride on the arm of her father, the groom escorting
the bride’s mother, and as they passed up the aisle, the wedding
march pealed forth from the organ, under the skillful touch of Miss
Hattie Turner. The bridal couple took their positions in the center
of the platform, and the ceremony which united their lives was
performed by Rev. O. C. Dickerson. The bride’s costume of cream
morie and albatross, with tulle veil and bouquet of Bon silenne
roses, was elegant and much admired.
After the ceremony, the entire audience gathered about the bride and
groom with congratulations, after which accompanied by the relatives
and a few intimate friends, they proceeded to the specious residence
of the bride’s parents, the old “Mason homestead,” where they held a
reception and where the guests were entertained with the lavish and
cordial hospitality characteristic of the family. The fine old
mansion never sheltered a happier gathering or one that will be more
pleasantly remembered. The wedding supper was a feast fit for a
king, in variety and daintiness of viands, in richness and deficacy
of preparation it could not have been surpassed. The tables were
artistically arranged and with their bountiful display of fruits,
flowers and delicacies, were a rare tribute to the skill of Mrs.
Hancock and her daughters.
The young couple were the recipients of a splendid array of
presents. The company separated at a late hour with heartfelt
expressions of good will for those whose new relations were so
auspiciously inaugurated. Among those present at the residence from
abroad were Mr. Hancock, grandfather of the bride, Miss May Hancock,
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hicks and daughter, Mr. W. Scudder – all of St.
Louis; Dr. and Mrs. J. L. R. Wadeworth, Miss Belle Wadsworth, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Upton and Mrs. Atwell, relatives of the groom – all
of Collinsville; Mrs. De Moriac of Chicago, and Mrs. Charless of
Dr. and Mrs. Halsey started today on a brief wedding trip, after
which they will settle down to housekeeping at their pleasant home
in Godfrey, which is all ready for their occupancy.
Dr. Frederic S. Halsey was born in 1853. He married Miss Helen
Hancock of Godfrey, daughter of Mr. W. P. Hancock Sr., on September
12, 1888, at the age of 35. He died in November 1891, at the age of
38, and is buried in the Glenwood Cemetery in Collinsville. The
couple had children.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 20, 1888
Mr. Zebulon Brown, an old resident of Godfrey, was swindled out of
$2,500 today by a slick confidence game. It seems that a man calling
himself Dr. Williams, claiming to be from New Jersey, had
ingratiated himself into the confidence of Mr. Brown, pretending to
want to buy his farm. He first made Mr. Brown’s acquaintance last
Spring, and since then there appears to have been some negotiations
between them, but we cannot tell just the exact particulars, as Mr.
Brown hardly seems to understand the matter himself. But this
morning, he again appeared at Mr. Brown’s farm and renewed his
negotiations. He drove two bay horses attached to a buggy, was well
dressed, and appeared to be all that he represented. He offered Mr.
Brown a large sum for the farm, which the latter accepted, and
induced him to put up $2,500 as a forfeit if he did not keep his
bargain. They drove into town together in Williams’ buggy, and Brown
drew the money from the Alton National Bank. Williams put the money
into a box (or appeared to), and then handed the box back to Brown,
telling him he could keep it. They then returned to Godfrey. Near
Miss Charless’ place, Williams pretended that he had to return to
town on an errand he had forgotten, whereupon Mr. Brown got out and
Williams drove back in this direction. It soon began to dawn on
Brown that all was not right. He opened the box, but the money was
gone. Williams had played some slight-of-hand trick, and had not put
the money in the box at all, or else had abstracted it without
Brown’s knowledge. This was about one o’clock. Brown was
thunderstruck, but came into town as soon as possible, arriving here
about 3 o’clock, and informed the officers, but Williams had not
been seen here. Telegrams are being sent in every direction to try
and overtake the swindler. Mr. Brown is so much overcome by his
loss, that it is difficult for him to tell a connected story as to
how the swindle was perpetrated, but the above account gives the
affair in brief.
Swindlers Escape
Alton Daily Telegraph, September 21, 1888
Deputy Sheriff Crowe and Marshal Kuhn were out most of the night in
search of the swindler who confidence Mr. Zebulon Brown of Godfrey
out of $2,500 yesterday. This section of the country was scoured
thoroughly, but no clue has yet been discovered as to the
whereabouts of the alleged Dr. Williams or his partner. The pair
pretended to be selling cloth, with the occasional effort to
“purchase” a farm, merely as a variation from their regular
business. They made approaches to Mr. William Watts of Godfrey, and
also to Mr. Peter Henry of Alton Junction [East Alton], Dr.
Williams” stating that he wished to procure a farm for his son, now
in New Jersey, but negotiations failed in both cases. It has been
learned that the turnout used by the confidence men was procured at
Brighton, but had not been returned at 10 o’clock last night. The
two men stopped at the place for a day or two, but failed to
register at the hotel. It is surmised that they left the team and
buggy somewhere in this vicinity, and took a railway train for parts
unknown. The sympathy of the community is with the unfortunate
gentleman who was swindled out of such a large sum of money through
his trust in the honesty of a man who appeared to him to be
thoroughly reputable and reliable.
It appears that after Dr. Williams left Mr. Brown on the Godfrey
Road, he picked up his confederate. They drove to the farm of a
German, four miles this side of Collinsville, where they made
arrangements to have the team and buggy returned to Brighton, paying
the farmer $4 to make the trip. They told him that they were advance
agents for a “circus,” that was to appear at Brighton today. The
farmer drove the two men to Collinsville last evening, where they
took the train at 8 o’clock for the East.
Zebulon Brown was born in 1817 in Quebec, Canada. He married Mary
Ann Moore, who died in April 1849 at the age of 29 years. Zebulon
died in 1899 at the age of 81 or 82, and is buried in the Godfrey
Cemetery alongside of his wife.
Eleanora Godfrey Pearson
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 24, 1889
The most interesting social event that has occurred in Godfrey for
many a year was the marriage, Thursday afternoon, of Miss Eleanora
Godfrey Pearson, daughter of Hon. John M. Pearson, to Mr. Edward
Augustus Mason of Minneapolis. The bride is a graduate of Monticello
Seminary, the institution founded by her grandfather, the late
Captain Benjamin Godfrey, and is a most lovely and accomplished
young lady, a favorite in social circles and active in every good
work in the church and community. The groom was formerly a resident
of Godfrey, but is now an active and enterprising business man in
The spacious and hospitable residence of the bride’s parents, where
the ceremony took place, was filled with a large gathering of the
friends and relatives of the bridal pair, bidden from far and near
to witness the auspicious event. The apartments were elegantly
decorated with flowers and floral devices, arranged with exquisite
taste, and were literally bowers of beauty and fragrance. The
wedding march was played by Mrs. George Parsons of Cairo, and at the
appointed hour, the bridal couple took their places under a floral
arch, where the vows were exchanged which united their destinies for
life, the Rev. O. C. Dickerson, pastor of the Congregational Church,
performing the ceremony in fitting and impressive words. The bride
was dressed in a handsome traveling costume of embroidered diagonal
serge. After the ceremony, the bridal pair received the
congratulations of the guests which were as sincere and heartfelt as
they were numerous.
An elegant wedding supper followed, which in its profusion of
dainties and delicacies was a marvel of culinary skill, and a
tribute to the taste and resources of the hostess that was beyond
praise. The bridal gifts were wonderful in beauty and profusion.
Seldom has a bride been greeted with more costly and tasteful
tributes of remembrance than were displayed on this happy occasion.
Among the guests present were Mr. Arthur Pearson of Newburyport,
Massachusetts, and Mr. John L. Pearson of Chicago, Brothers of the
bride. Also Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hyde of LaFayette, Indiana, and Mr.
and Mrs. George Parsons of Cairo, Illinois.
Mr. and Mrs. Mason took their departure on the evening train, and
after a bridal tour, will make their home in Minneapolis. May happy
fortune ever attend them in their new home is the wish of a host of
lifelong friends in Godfrey and Alton, to whom they are bound by
ties of esteem and affection, which neither time nor distance can
Eleanora “Nora” Godfrey Pearson Mason was born June 30, 1860, in
Alton. She was the daughter of John Mills Pearson (1832-1910) and
Catharine Godfrey Pearson 1835-1892; and granddaughter of Captain
Benjamin Godfrey (1794-1862) and Harriet Cooper Godfrey (1801-1838)
. Eleanora married Edward Augustus Mason in October 1889. They
settled in Minnesota, where they had at least three children: Arthur
Pearson Mason (1891-1916, drowned at age 25); Rebecca Holton Mason
(a medical doctor; 1894-1977); and Eunice Pearson Mason (1896-1967,
unmarked grave). Eleanora died February 19, 1936, at the age of 75
years. She was buried in the Oak Hill Cemetery in Minneapolis,
Minnesota. Edward died on April 12, 1942, at the age of 91 years. He
is also buried in the Oak Hill Cemetery in Minneapolis.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 02, 1890
On the farm of Mr. John Pierce, about a mile from North Alton [on
Pierce Lane in Godfrey, just north of Rt. 3], there is a remarkable
mineral spring, recently discovered. Mr. Pierce’s sons were cleaning
out the spring last summer, when they reached a bed of white sand,
they found it giving way beneath them, when suddenly a stream of
clear water gushed out where they were standing, and very soon
filled the spring, which was nine feet deep. This water proved to be
thoroughly impregnated with mineral iron, it is thought to be. The
water has run steadily since its first appearance. It is pleasant to
the taste, and when left standing over night, iron covers the bottom
of the vessel. The spring discharges about 50 or 60 barrels of water
a day. Mr. Pierce, no doubt, will be able to realize something
handsome from this mineral water.
(Of dictionary fame)
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 20, 1890
Miss Harriet N. Haskell, Principal of Monticello Seminary, last week
sent to Seely’s bookstore to be mounted and framed, a time-honored
and otherwise notable document in the shape of an autograph letter,
written by Noah Webster of dictionary fame, to Messrs. Corey and
Webster, former residents of Godfrey, now deceased, who were in
business in Alton at the time the letter was written. The letter is
dated, New Haven, Connecticut, April 6, 1836, and is written on one
sheet of paper. The writer starts out by saying that he has sent
Messrs. Corey and Webster 500 copies of his grammar [dictionary] at
a cost of $96. He then branches out into a discussion of the
politics of his times as follows:
“Our election is passed and is said to be unfavorable to the Whigs.
Indeed, it is impossible to struggle against the power which the
President possesses. Millions of dollars at his disposal, in
offices, and the popular pretext of favoring the people will secure
to him or to any President the power of governing the country.
I see by the papers that an attempt is now making in Congress to
bribe the western States to support Van Buren by the opposition to
Mr. Clay’s land bill, and the real intention of giving to the
western States all the western lands. If this attempt should
succeed, it will probably rend the Union asunder.”
Mr. Webster then states that he has withdrawn entirely from the
contention, and that he gave neither political party his vote,
“since both have abandoned republican principles and entered into a
mere scramble for office.”
Noah Webster Jr. was born in Connecticut October 16, 1758. Webster
was a graduate of Yale, and a member of the Connecticut Militia
during the Revolutionary War. He became an American lexicographer
(one who writes dictionaries), textbook pioneer, English language
spelling reformer, political writer, editor, and author. He is
called the “Father of American Scholarship and Education.” His
“Speller” books taught five generations of American children how to
spell and read. In 1791 Webster founded the Connecticut Society for
the Abolition of Slavery, but later became disillusioned with the
abolitionist movement. In 1793, Alexander Hamilton recruited Webster
to move to New York City to become an editor for a Federalist Party
newspaper. He returned to Connecticut in 1798, and served in the
Connecticut House of Representatives. In 1806, Noah Webster
published his first dictionary, “A Compendious Dictionary of the
English Language.” He was very influential in popularizing spellings
in the U.S., and also influential in establishing the Copyright Act
of 1831. While working on a second volume of his dictionary, Webster
died in 1843, and the rights to the dictionary were acquired by
George and Charles Merriam.
Since the first names of Godfrey residents, “Corey and Webster,”
were not mentioned, I cannot say if this Webster was related to Noah
Webster. However, Ezra Griswold Webster, an Upper Alton merchant and
Illinois Legislator, was related to Noah Webster. Ezra moved to
Godfrey in 1875, then to Upper Alton in 1880, where he manufactured
cigars, and later opened a drugstore (which later became the Kerr
Drugstore). Noah Webster was a cousin of Ezra’s grandfather. Ezra’s
great-grandfather was an early colonial settler in New England, who
served one term as Governor of the Colony of Connecticut in 1656.
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 4, 1890
The fame of Madison County’s splendid farm produce has spread to far
distant Australia. From Brisbane, on the coast of Queensland,
Australia, comes an order to the managers of the Piasa King Farm for
a large shipment of seed corn, to be used by the English government
for free distribution among the settlers of that colony. The corn
ordered is of the variety known as the Piasa King. Specimens were on
exhibition in London, England last year.
The 160-acre Piasa King Farm was located in Godfrey Township, near
Melville. It was originally founded by Philander Pickard, native of
New York, who came to Alton in 1846 and opened a wholesale liquor
business. He then established the Piasa King Farm shortly after, and
built a large residence on the property. Mr. Pickard died in 1895
(burial was in the Alton City Cemetery), and the farm was purchased
by Edward P. Kellenberger. In 1906 the residence was destroyed by
fire, but Kellenberger rebuilt the home. In 1909, Kellenberger was
involved in an accident with a young horse, and died from his
injuries. He was buried in the Alton City Cemetery. In 1954, after
the death of property owner John P. Walsh, the farm was bequeathed
to his daughter, Angela Walsh. It is unknown who owns the property
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 14, 1892
The beautiful home of Mr. Walter Merriman, situated three miles
north of Godfrey, was destroyed by fire yesterday. The fire was
caused by a defective flue. The upper part of the house was a mass
of flames before discovered by Mrs. Merriman. Mr. Merriman and his
men were at a distant part on the farm, and by the time they had
been called and arrived at the house, it was burned nearly to the
ground. Nothing of any value of the contents of the house was saved.
The loss is estimated at between $4,000 and $5,000, with an
insurance of $1,000 on the house and about $1,000 on the furniture.
[This farm was located in Godfrey Township, off of Lageman Road.]
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 13, 1893
Wednesday night, John Meitner, an aged farmer living near Godfrey,
had an opportunity to save human lives that rarely fails to a man.
He went out of his house at about 9 o’clock, and saw a light on the
Chicago and Alton railroad track. Upon investigation, he found that
the Godfrey bridge was burned down. He quickly grabbed the lantern
and started down the track toward Godfrey. He knew that the night
express was due in a few minutes, and although nearly 70 years of
age, he ran three miles to the depot and arrived there breathless,
just as the night express was getting ready to leave. The Conductor
saw him coming and waited until he reached the platform, and tried
to ascertain the cause of his night visit. When the old gentleman
had recovered from his excitement and regained his breath, he
excitedly related the facts about the bridge burning. The trainmen
were loth to believe him, but finally uncoupled the engine from the
train and ran out to the bridge and found that his story was true.
The bridge was located in such a manner that if the train had not
been flagged, it would have inevitably resulted in a terrible
disaster and much loss of life. Mr. Meitner is a hero, and deserves
the thanks of the company for his presence of mind and the people,
for their rescue from a terrible fate.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 12, 1893
Thursday evening, at the residence of Captain J. A. Bruner on State
Street, Mr. William Harry Short of Alton, and Miss Julia Godfrey
were united in marriage. The groom is a well-known and popular mail
carrier, and the bride is one of the society leaders of Godfrey, and
a granddaughter of Captain Benjamin Godfrey. The happy bride and
groom left on the late train for Chicago, where they will spend
their honeymoon. Among the attendants from abroad were Miss H. N.
Haskell and Miss Armstrong of Monticello Seminary. A large number of
the friends of the young couple gathered at the depot to bid them
God-speed. They were showered with rice, and the traditional “old
shoe” was attached to either end of a trunk belonging to them. There
was much merriment and joyous congratulations all around.
William Harry Short was born in 1868 in Pocahontas, Bond County,
Illinois. He was the son of Charles E. Short. He died in 1899, at
the ago of 30-31 years, and was buried in the Sugg Cemetery in
Pocahontas, Bond County, Illinois. He was survived by his wife,
Julia, and one daughter, Rebekah Short Taylor (1894-1988). In 1912,
Julia Godfrey Short, daughter of Benjamin B. Godfrey (1840-1884) and
Augusta Encke Caldwell Godfrey (1851-1882) remarried to Samuel
Wilbur Hayes, a widower, who’s first wife, Nancy E. Haines Hayes,
died in 1910, leaving six children. Julia and Wilbur did not have
any children. Julia Godfrey Short Hayes died on December 24, 1947,
in Toledo, Ohio. She was 77 years of age, and was buried in the
Morrisonville City Cemetery, Morrisonville, Christian County,
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 11, 1894
Misses Lucille and Eleanor Godfrey, daughters of the late Benjamin
Godfrey Jr., who have been spending the winter with Captain and Mrs.
J. A. Bruner, have returned home yesterday, and begun their studies
at the Monticello Seminary.
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 08, 1894
Forty or more tramps have been camping near Godfrey for some weeks.
They would come to Alton occasionally, get a night’s lodging and a
breakfast, and go back to camp. Others foraged successfully and
“handouts,” chickens, potatoes, etc., were gathered from neighboring
farmers. Some of the boys procured a tin can, Saturday, and filled
it with powder and dirt, and late that night when revelry held high
carnival in the camp, the boys approached with their infernal
machine, set fire to the fuse, and threw it into camp. An explosion
quickly followed, and such yelling and running were never before
witnessed in Madison County. No one was hurt, but the camp is no
more, and for years tramps will tell of the attack anarchists made
on them at Godfrey.
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 07, 1895
Mr. James Wilson and Mr. Fred Toll are moving into the store near
the depot formerly occupied by William Flood. Mr. Wilson has rented
the house near the store, which is owned by Mr. William Jackson, and
has moved his family there.
Mr. Fred Roessler has received a permit to enter into the Soldiers
Home at Quincy, and left Wednesday for that place. Mr. Roessler was
for a long time been a sufferer from disease contracted during the
Civil War, and is worthy of the care and kindness which may be
bestowed upon him by the government officials.
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 13, 1896
Mr. Benjamin Godfrey and Miss Margaret Theresa Hermann, both of
Godfrey, were married this morning by Fr. Spalding at the Cathedral.
The groom is a son of the late Benjamin B. Godfrey (son of Captain
Benjamin Godfrey). The young couple will reside at Godfrey.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 23, 1896
A young couple from Godfrey, Mr. Charles William Young (age 21
years) and Miss Lucille Alden Godfrey (age 19 years), went to St.
Louis Wednesday morning on a marital errand. They applied at the
County Clerk’s office in St. Louis for a marriage license, but the
clerk concluded that by their youthful appearance, they could hardly
be of legal marriageable age, and refused to issue a marriage
license. The couple was in Edwardsville Thursday morning, and
secured a license from the County Clerk. Mr. Young is the son of a
prominent farmer of Godfrey Township, and the bride is a daughter of
the late Benjamin Godfrey, and a granddaughter of Captain Benjamin
Godfrey, founder of Monticello Seminary.
Charles Young and Lucille Godfrey married in 1896, and had the
following children: Charles Reid Young (1898-1954); William G. Young
(1900-1967); Helen M. Young Hastings (1903-1983); Robert John Young
(1905-1994); Lucile Young Cahill (1907-1997); and James Winston
Young (1909-1992). Lucille Godfrey Young died on December 12, 1968,
in Vero Beach, Florida, at the age of 91 years. She was buried in
the Crestlawn Cemetery in Vero Beach.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 03, 1896
Mr. Benjamin Godfrey has recently purchased a small farm in Jersey
County, west of Brighton. The farm is under cultivation, and has a
good bearing fruit orchard. Mr. Godfrey intends moving to his farm
in the near future.
Gun Accidentally Discharges
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 11, 1897
Messrs. Charles Young of Alton, and Frank Godfrey of Godfrey, were
severely injured early Sunday morning by the accidental discharge of
a gun which Godfrey was lifting from a skiff. The young men, in
company with another companion, had left Saturday night for a duck
hunt. At about daybreak Sunday, they arrived at Eagle’s Nest Island.
Godfrey had loaded his gun on the way, and when ready to land,
caught it by the muzzle and pulled it towards him. The hammer of the
gun caught on one of the ribs of the boat, and caused the load to
explode. Godfrey received part of it in the right hand, tearing away
some of the flesh, and causing a painful wound. Young, who was
standing near Godfrey, received five of the shot in his right side,
and it is feared some of them penetrated the liver. Their companion
immediately rowed the injured men to Clifton, where assistance was
secured and they were brought to Alton. Dr. Taphorn dressed
Godfrey’s wounds, and Dr. Haskell, Young’s. The latter’s are the
most serious, but he is resting easily today, and it is hoped no
more serious results will ensue.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 01, 1897
Mr. George H. Smiley Thursday sold for Mr. George F. Kirsch, the 128
acre tract of land located near Godfrey, known as the Mason farm,
for $7,200. The purchaser is Dr. H. F. Smith, formerly assistant
superintendent of the State Institution for the Feeble Minded at
Lincoln, Illinois, and he intends to establish a private institution
for feeble-minded persons on the newly purchased property. Dr. Smith
intends to make of his institution one of the finest in the State,
and it will be the only one in Illinois conducted by private
There is no doubt but that an enterprise of this kind will be of
great value to Alton, and will greatly enhance the value of property
in the vicinity of its location. On the property purchased are two
buildings, one of five rooms, and one of thirteen, now occupied by a
lessee. The possession of the large house will be surrendered at
once to Dr. Smith, and to this building he will make additions as
needed. Dr. Smith is sanguine of success in his undertaking, as he
has a number of Chicago and St. Louis people of influence backing
him, and he considered his prospects of becoming the founder of a
prosperous feeble-minded institute as very bright.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 09, 1897
Dr. Smith, the man who purchased the Mason property near Godfrey,
for the purpose of opening there an institution for feebleminded
persons, is making preparation for carrying out his enterprise, and
is now at Godfrey superintending improvements on his property.
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 4, 1897
Dr. W. H. Smith now has his institute for the feeble-minded at
Godfrey ready for business, and has already received several
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 12, 1899
The Chicago & Alton yards at Godfrey last night was the scene of a
fatal shooting affray, in which the C. & A. watchman, Mr. H. H.
Sattgast was shot in the leg by a stranger, and the officer in
return put two bullets into the man's body, from the effects of
which he died at 5 o'clock this morning. The affair happened at
about 9:30 o'clock. The man was put off a freight train by the
conductor. He was in an intoxicated condition, and the conductor
asked Officer Sattgast to take care of him. His hat was lost and the
officer had a hard time to keep him from falling under the train
while searching for it. Sattgast pushed him away several times, when
suddenly he started to run, and when about ten feet away, opened
fire on the officer with a 38-caliber revolver. The bullet struck
Sattgast in the left leg. Quickly drawing his revolver, he fired
four shots at the form of his assailant. Two of them took effect,
one passing through the side of the head, and the other striking him
in the hip. Both men were rendered assistance. Officer Sattgast's
wound was found not to be serious; the stranger's injuries were
fatal, and he lingered unconscious until 5 o'clock this morning when
he died. Not a scrap of paper nor anything else was found on his
person to identify him. He was well dressed, looked like an Italian,
had $21 in his pocket, and besides the revolver carried a dirk knife
strapped to his body by a belt. The only reason given for his attack
on the officer was because of his intoxicated condition. Coroner
Bailey went to Godfrey this morning, empaneled a jury and held an
inquest on the body. A verdict of justifiable homicide was rendered
by the jury. Mr. Sattgast's wound is not a serious one, and it is
hoped he will recover from the effects in a short time. He is a
son-in-law of Mr. C. H. Warner, of this city, and has held the
position of C. & A. watchman at Godfrey for several years. The place
is a difficult one to fill, as much trouble has been experienced
with tramps and other dangerous characters stealing goods from box
cars. The body of the dead man was brought to Alton late this
afternoon and will be buried here.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 10, 1900
Improvements on the C. & A. Railroad at Godfrey are going on.
Besides the electric lights which the engines have for headlights,
they are putting in an underground pipe from their pond to the end
of the switch below Godfrey, so trains coming from the north will
not have to stop twice. They will get water from a stand-pipe while
passengers and baggage are being cared for. Passenger trains will
not be coaled at Godfrey now, but elsewhere, as it will save time.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 30, 1911
A car load of mules was shipped from Godfrey yesterday by Amos Jones
for J. B. Forward, a mule raiser there. This is not the first car of
mules to be shipped from Godfrey or the last, there being a great
demand for these Godfrey mules. A full car of mules - numbers about
twenty-five, and they must be well fed and fat before they will be
accepted on the market. They are taken to the East St. Louis stock
yards, where there is always a ready sale for this Godfrey mule. For
many years it has been an established idea that mules to be mules
must come from Missouri and it was printed from one side of the
world to the other that the Missouri mule made possible the good
showing of the Boers, of Africa, before John Bull outwitted them.
Hereafter, this fame of Missouri must give away to the Godfrey mule,
he is just as big, as wise and promises to become just as famous as
the Missouri mule.
Builds Cinder Road for School Children
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 06, 1915
There is a man who lives just across the township line from Alton,
in Godfrey, whose good works we would extol while yet he lives –
James Strong by name. Believing he would rather inhale the fragrance
of some flower now than to have a coffin full upon his pulseless
form when he is unconscious of their presence, therefore these
felicitations are justified, and his work will long be remembered by
teachers and scholars of Delmar Avenue School. People also living
along Delmar Avenue are appreciative of the public-spirited manner
in which Mr. Strong, together with several boys, Joseph Melling Jr.,
Ambrose Walter, and Archie Smith, built a cinder walk from State
Street to the Delmar Avenue School, several weeks ago when the
weather was warm. The cinders are now packed, and what heretofore
has been an almost impassible thoroughfare in rainy weather, is now
a fairly good walk. “Jim,” as he is familiarly known, donated his
team and time in order that the school children might have a good
walk to and from school. He is no highway commissioner of Godfrey
Township, but at one time was a candidate for the office. He is a
bachelor; has no children, but has many relatives and friends who
have little tots attending school, and it is with this fact in view
that he has converted a mud walk into a path of cinders. What would
he do if he was a highway commissioner?
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 05, 1915
Frank W. Squire, Saturday afternoon, was appointed postmaster at
Godfrey, vice L. M. Turner, who has served the people there for many
years, and has served them well. The order of the postal department
is that Mr. Squire take possession of the office Friday, May 07.
Friday, in this case considered lucky or unlucky, and both
assumptions will be right – lucky for Mr. Squire, unlucky for Miss
turner, who is one of the very few postmistresses in the county. Mr.
Squire has long been an active Democratic worker, and is central
committeeman of the party in Godfrey Township. He is a storekeeper,
is very popular with all classes, is a firm friend when once he
forms a friendship, and everybody will be glad he got the job as
long as a change was to be made. He will make a good postmaster, and
will serve the people faithfully.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 30, 1915
Ben H. Merriman, the well-known farmer and poet-laureate of Godfrey,
has sent in some more verses, samples of which follow:
How doth the busy farmer
Improve each shining hour;
He fighteth chinch bugs all day long,
And prayeth for a shower.
And when the shades of twilight fall
The farmer “hits the hay,”
To rest his tired and aching bones,
And fights again next day.
The farmer lives to a ripe old age;
I’ll tell you the reason why,
The bugs keep him so busy that
He has no time to die.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 01, 1915
Alton friends will be greatly interested in the announcement being
made that Mrs. Julia A. Godfrey Short, a former resident of Alton,
and widow of a well-known former Alton mail carrier, will be married
June 03 to Wilbur Hayes of Morrisonville, at her home in
Jerseyville. She is a granddaughter of the late Captain Benjamin
Godfrey, founder of Monticello Seminary, and man for whom the
village and township of Godfrey were named. She will receive the
best wishes of Altonians generally for a happy life with Mr. Hayes.
For several years she has been doing successful work as a deaconess
of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Julia Godfrey (1870 – 1947) was the daughter of Benjamin Godfrey Jr.
and Augusta Encke Caldwell Godfrey, and granddaughter of Captain
Benjamin Godfrey Sr., founder of the Monticello Ladies Seminary, now
Lewis & Clark Community College. Julia Godfrey first married in 1893
to William Harry Short, an Alton mail carrier. Mr. Short died in
1899, and is interred in Sugg Cemetery in Bond County, Illinois.
They had one daughter, Rebekah Short Taylor (1894-1988). In 1915,
Julia married Samuel Wilbur Hayes (1861-1946). Samuel’s previous
wife, Nancy Haines Hayes, died in 1910. Samuel died in February
1946, and is interred in the Morrisonville City Cemetery,
Morrisonville, Illinois. Julia Godfrey Hayes died on Christmas Eve,
1947, in Toledo, Ohio. She is interred in the Morrisonville City
Cemetery also.
Ice-Skaters Run for Their Lives
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 07, 1917
Seven or eight young men living on the Grafton Road [W. Delmar], in
the vicinity of Alton and in the immediate neighborhood in Godfrey
Township, were scared into conniption fits last night between 9 and
10 o'clock while skating on the pond at Godfrey. That is all of them
were scared stiff, except their legs. These were electrified as it
were, and although the youths had skates on, they succeeded in
beating down the running record of Godfrey Township by many points.
Just how rapidly they ran is a matter of conjecture, but according
to one of the young men whose legs gave out, with the remainder of
him, all of the others were out of sight in less than three minutes,
which means they went some. Leslie Kitzmiller is the one who
remained on the pond after the others departed hurriedly, and he
admits that he remained because his legs refused to do business for
a few minutes after the fright froze him.
"We were all skating merrily enough," Kitzmiller said, "when all at
once a long streak of fire came tumbling down from somewhere and
struck the ice with a sound that resembled the beating of a million
big sticks on a drum head. Then the fire disappeared through the
ice, and a lot of steam and water burst through the hole and flew
all around. I was frightened worse than ever before in my life, and
couldn't move for a few minutes, nor could I take my eyes off the
spot where the streak of fire hit the ice. When I did look around to
see if any of the other fellows were hurt, I found myself alone on
the pond, and no one in sight in either direction. After a bit I
skated towards that hole, but did not go too close to it. It is
about as big around as a large candy bucket, and appeared to be
clean cut through the ice. The ice all over the pond was cracked in
a dozen places, and I skated for the shore. Later, I found all of
the other fellows seated on a bank some distance from the pond, and
they still had their skates on. We all struck out for the A. J. and
got back from that country as soon as possible."
The "streak of fire" was probably a meteorite, and it must be
resting in the mud at the bottom of the railroad pond at Godfrey,
and could possibly be gotten out. All doubters are invited by Leslie
to visit the pond and see the big hole made in the descent; also
view the cracked ice on the pond.
The Godfrey Pond referred to in the article above was dug out around
1887 by the railroad, in order to supply water for steam
locomotives. It became a fishing, swimming, and ice-skating spot for
local residents. In 1947 the Alton Box Board purchased the property
from the Gulf, Mobile & Ohio Railroad Company. The north side of the
pond was filled in when Rt. 111 was constructed. The pond still
exists, and is located between Hwy. 67 and Humbert Road, just south
of 255.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 07, 1919
Homer C. Godfrey, a son of Captain Benjamin Godfrey, founder of
Monticello Seminary, and a veteran of the Civil War, today
petitioned the county court of Madison county to restore him to
reason legally, and to his property. He was declared insane by the
County Court in 1871, for many years has been in the soldiers' home
at Quincy. He is 80 years old. When Godfrey was declared insane in
1871, he was sent to the institution at Jacksonville, and his
mother, Lodemia C. Godfrey, was declared conservator of his estate.
Six years later Godfrey was transferred to the Anna, Ill.,
institution for the insane, and later entered the soldiers' home in
Quincy. In 1916 Godfrey's mother died and his brother-in-law,
Charles E. Turner of Godfrey was appointed conservator of his
estate. The last report of the aged man's estate showed a cash
balance of $2637. The estate includes 22 acres of farmland in
Godfrey township, which valued at $50 an acre would place the total
value of the estate at $3737. Godfrey is also paid a monthly pension
of $12, which goes to the conservator of his estate. After 48 years
as a state ward, the aged man today again entered the same court
which declared him insane and asked that he be legally declared
sane, and restored to his property. He is described as a splendid
looking, well preserved man. He is represented by the law firm of
Williamson, Warnock and Burroughs of Edwardsville. His petition is
being heard by Judge Hillskotter before a jury of six men and two
doctors, Dr. Ferguson and Dr. Wahl of Edwardsville. Charles Turner,
the conservator for Godfrey's estate, is represented by Judge Early.
Godfrey was placed on the stand this morning and testified clearly
as to his banking connections in Quincy. He has been doing odd jobs
while at Soldiers' Home and has made some extra money. In 1871, when
he was declared insane, he was in love with a girl, Godfrey
testified. "And I was 'red hot' for her," he declared. "But I have
cooled down, somewhat." He was asked if he is still "red hot" for
the girls. "I'm 'red hot' for them all the time," he replied. "I'm
'red hot' for all of them, all of the time, whether they are young
or old."
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 17, 1919
Homer C. Godfrey, son of the founder of Monticello Seminary and a
veteran of the Civil War, who was recently adjudged sane by a jury
in the county court after more than 40 years as a state ward, today
petitioned the Probate court at Edwardsville to order Charles
Turner, conservator of his estate, to transfer all real estate and
personal property of the estate to the owners. The estate consists
of 2,300 in cash and 22 acres of farm land at Godfrey township.
Godfrey also receives a monthly pension. He is 80 years old.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 19, 1919
Homer C. Godfrey, 80 years old, recently adjudged sane by a jury in
the County Court, was today restored to his rights of citizenship
and property by a jury in the Probate Court at Edwardsville.
Godfrey, who is 80 years old, and a son of the founder of Monticello
Seminary, appeared in court, and notwithstanding his age and more
than 40 years' confinement to state institutions, was a picture of
health. He will now come into his estate, valued at $3,000, and a
monthly pension of $30, allowed him because of service in the Civil
War. He declared he had not yet decided whether he will make his
home in Edwardsville or Alton.
[NOTE: Godfrey died in 1920 at the Soldiers' Home in Quincy, IL and
was buried in Godfrey, IL. He had never married. A suit was filed in
April 1920 by the heirs of Godfrey, asking for a division of 24
acres of land in Godfrey township. The complainants were Cora E.
Turner, Charles E. Turner and Augusta L. Strong. The defendants were
Augustine Godfrey, George Godfrey, Fred Godfrey, Margaret Morse,
Katherine Carter, and James R. Godfrey. In June 1920, there was a
public sale of 20-acre tract of land, in closing the estate of Homer
Godfrey. The land was located on the west side of the road, and
adjoining on the north the home of Mrs. Charles Turner, and on the
south the William Jackson property. William P. Boynton bought the
property at the auction with a bid of $133 acre.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 28, 1920
Will Waters of Godfrey township has just completed installing a
complete outfit of electrical apparatus and wiring in his house to
illuminate the place. To do so he had to run the lines 2,000 feet at
his own expense, to connect with the electric line that extends from
Alton to Godfrey. The home Mr. Waters lives in was the old Godfrey
home, and was built in 1832. In another year the house will be
ninety years old, but in its youngest days it was not so comfortable
nor so well equipped as now with its hot water heating plant and its
electric lighting system installed by the present owner, Mr. Waters.
It is one of the finest, if not the finest, country homes in Madison
County, being built of stone and finished in fine style inside.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 15, 1921
Another coal mine - practically within the city limits - will be
operated this winter by James Vermillion and his son, Arthur. They
have sunk a shaft on some land known as the "Old Smith Farm" at the
northern end of Humbert street, on what is commonly known as the
Brighton road, and they found a three-foot-thick vein of coal of
fine quality. They are now busy installing apparatus, erecting
necessary buildings, putting in scales, and doing other work, and
expect to begin getting out fuel for the public about December 1st.
They have engaged six coal miners, and expect to get out 300 bushels
or more of coal daily from the start. Three hundred bushels a day is
the minimum and they expect to increase the output and their mining
force steadily as room is made for more men. The owners of the coal
mine say the probably prices for coal from the Vermillion mine will
be 15 cents a bushel at the mine; 19 cents per bushel delivered. The
Tom McNally mine on Rozier street, was opened a few months ago, is
being worked steadily, seven miners being employed there at present.
The output is being increased right along, and the quality of the
coal is being praised by users. The McNally mine and the Vermillion
mine combined should be able to supply 1,500 or 2,000 bushels of
coal daily by the last of December, and possibly more than that.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 29, 1879
The Semi-Centennial Anniversary and Jubilee of the Bethany Methodist
Episcopal Sunday School of Scarritt’s Prairie, was observed on
Wednesday last, May 21, and proved to be a very impressive and
interesting occasion. After a season of devotional exercises, Rev.
J. A. Scarritt of Brighton, a son of Mr. Nathan Scarritt, in whose
barn the original school was organized, gave a very vivid
description of that structure and of his early connection with the
school. His address was full of anecdote, of pathos, of humor,
alternately bringing tears and smiles to the countenances of many
who had spent their earlier years in this immediate neighborhood. He
characterized the men of those early days as men of “Prudence,
Pluck, and Piety,” and gave individual illustrations of each of
these traits. The names of those good men and their good deeds will
live long in fragrant remembrance. They were the pioneer heroes
whose memories should be kept fresh in the hearts of those who have
succeeded them. The Scarrits, Meldrums, Masons, Randles,
Delaplaines, and Peters will never be forgotten, when the early
history of Scarritt’s Prairie shall be rehearsed.
Following Mr. Scarritt, several speakers, who had been connected
with the school in former years, added interest to the occasion by
personal reminiscences of bygone years. Mrs. Houts, a daughter of
Josiah Randle, was the only one present who was a member of the
school at its organization, and her words were very touching and
were listened to attentively by the crowded audience. Then, after
music, came the memorial services of the dead. Rev. Z. Fahs, the
present pastor of the church, gave a long list of names of those who
had, at different times, been connected with the school. Mr. E.
Frost very feelingly alluded to the dead. Rev. G. W. Waggoner also
made appropriate allusion to the departed worthies. These exercises
were interspersed with excellent and appropriate music, well
rendered by the young ladies and gentlemen connected with the church
and Sabbath School, and added greatly to the enjoyment of the
The following is the list of names of deceased persons, who had at
various periods been connected with Bethany Sunday School, and many
present recognized familiar names of those who had passed away:
Martha Butler, Elizabeth Blackburn, Susan Collins, S. S. Delaplaine,
William Davis, Jane Davis, Robert Finch, Star Finch, George E.
Finch, Ann Eliza Ferguson, Laura Ferguson, James Fry, Marcellus H.
Filley, Annis E. Frost, Francis Gilman, Maria Hutchinson, Charles H.
Ingham, Celinda Job, Samuel Job, Grace Job, James Kelsey, Mary
Kidwell, Nancy J. Kinkead, Lizzie Light, Sarah Peter, Emily Peter,
Granville Roberts, Benjamin Roberts, Henry Robbins, Julia Randle,
Hiram Ransom, C. P. V. Ransom, Richard Reading, Josiah Randle, Azuba
Ransom, Ann Eliza Ransom, Lotty Scarritt, Lovina E. Scarritt, Nathan
Scarritt, Isaac Scarritt, Laura Scarritt, Russell Scarritt, Edward
G. Scarritt, William Squire, Richard Squire, William Still, Alba R.
Smith, Benjamin Smith, Mary Ann Lakin, Nancy Meldrum, Finnet
Meldrum, Lizzie Meldrum, Esther A. Meldrum, William T. Meldrum,
Charles H. Mason, Rev. Hail Mason, Samuel T. Mason, Burt L. Mason,
John Mason Jr., Emma Mabee, Eliza McCoy, Emily McKee, Fletcher
Pinkard, McKendree Peter, Reuben Smith, Mary A. Solomon, Harriet
Thurston, Mary N. Thurston, Fanny Tolly, John L. Tollman, Mary C.
Vallett, Ann Vallett, Mary Ward, Jane Waggoner, Louisa T. Waggoner,
Elizabeth White, Nettie Waggoner, Elizabeth Wilkins, Mrs. Henry
At the close of the anniversary exercises, a basket picnic was
arranged on the beautiful grounds adjoining the church, and all
entered with zest into this part of the program. The ladies from the
different parts of Godfrey Township were present in force, and ably
and heartily assisted in making all present feel at home.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 15, 1914
Henry Telgman, A. B. Davis, and F. R. Roberts, the picnic
committeemen of the Bethany Horse Detective society, announced today
that they had arranged to give a picnic this year in Tolle's Grove
in the Afternoon and evening of July 29. The picnic was held in
Tolle's Grove last year also, and the location gave great
satisfaction to everybody. It is being arranged to make the picnic
this year the biggest and best ever given by the society, and to do
this the committees in charge will have to work unceasingly. The
society is in a flourishing condition, has several hundreds of
dollars in the treasury, and have scared horse thieves and horse
tail clippers out of the township. They turned their attention last
season to ____ thieves also, and succeeded in ______ a stop to some
of the depred_____ least. The picnics of the society are usually
attended by several hundred of people, and they must be satisfied
with the pleasure received for they attend the affairs year after
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 26, 1916
At a meeting of committees of the Bethany Horse Thief Detective
Society, it was decided to give the annual picnic this year in
Tolle's grove on August 16. John Ulrich, one of the wheel horses of
the society, was in Alton today looking up some matters, and he told
a Telegraph reporter that the intention is to make this the biggest
and best picnic ever given by the society....The Bethany Horse Thief
Detective Society in the days when it was first organized did a
great deal of good work running down horse thieves and punishing
them, and this vigilance and persistence resulted in complete
immunity after a while. It has been a long time since a horse was
stolen in that township, and even poultry thieves have been doing
less work in that vicinity than ever before. The society is made up
of leading farmers and citizens, and the treasury is becoming a very
well filled one, such a one as Madison County ought to have.
Source: Alton Weekly Courier, January 6, 1854
The coal diggers on Coal Branch will resume labor today at 5 cents
per bushel, with the understanding that this rate shall be
permanent. Our informant (one of the diggers) says there will be a
supply of coal in town this afternoon.
Source: Alton Weekly Courier, April 29, 1858
It is with pleasure we announce that operations in the Coal Branch
Mines were resumed yesterday, the difficulty upon which the "strike"
of last winter occurred having been satisfactorily adjusted. At the
time the "strike" first occurred, we expressed the opinion that the
miners were acting indiscreetly, and that they would regret their
action. The result has proved that we were correct, for the miners
have resumed labor at precisely the wages that were offered to them,
and from which they struck. We were yesterday informed by two
gentlemen connected with the mines, that during the time they have
been idle, the strikers could have taken out coal to the value of
about twenty thousand dollars! This coal is there yet, and can yet
be taken out and sold, so that the owners of the mines have suffered
but a trifling loss; but the money which the strikers could have
earned during the time they have been out of employment is forever
lost to them. "Strikes" never injure the employer as much as the
employee, and should never be resorted to by the latter, unless in
peculiarly aggravated cases.
Source: Alton Weekly Courier, March 03, 1859
Those who have mourned, in times past, over the wickedness of that
section of the County known as the Coal Branch neighborhood, will be
heartily rejoiced to learn that a good work has been going on there
for some time. It commenced with an effort at temperance reform.
Meetings were held, speeches made, personal effort given, and in a
word, nothing spared to bring about a change in the habits of the
miners. After much labor, those who labored beheld their toil
crowned with success of the most gratifying character. He who cares
for the Sons of Men was with those who sought to do good there, and
blessed them abundantly. Finally, when the temperance movement had
accomplished a great deal, religious meetings were opened, and all
invited to come in and hear of the things pertaining to the higher
life. The call was accepted, and a Revival commenced which has known
no languishing for more than four weeks. "Now" has proved itself to
be the accepted time; and the walls of many houses in that
neighborhood have lately echoed to the songs of rejoicing which no
man sings more than once in a lifetime - even those new songs that
he sings when he first realizes what life is, and what relation this
world bears to the one of which death is the gateway. The meetings
have been held by day and night, have been attended to overflowing,
and have resulted in the hopeful conversion of a large number and
the outward reformation of many more. Through all the bad weather of
the last month, they have been thronged by earnest inquirers, and
the final result is that now an effort is being made to establish a
Church there. It is proposed, we believe, to erect a building of two
stories height, the lower room of which shall be used for religious
services, and the upper for Temperance services. We know not, but
presume that a call will be made upon the people of the surrounding
country, and of this city, to assist by contributions, in erecting
the building. If such a call should be made, let it be favorably met
by our citizens - not coldly and grudgingly, but heartily and
cheerfully; nay, gladly and welcomingly.
Source: Alton Weekly Courier, April 21, 1859
In this paper was noticed a short time ago that the original plan of
one Church at the Coal Branch was likely to be supplanted by a plan
for two. This consummation has been effected. The Baptists have
already commenced the erection of one edifice, and the Methodist
Society have taken the initiatory steps for putting up another. By
all means, let them be encouraged to go on and carry out their
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 11, 1861
We learn that this morning at about two o’clock, the residence of
Mrs. Jane Bryant, situated on the Coal Branch Road just out of the
city limits, with all the furniture, was consumed. The family were
only awakened from sleep just in time to escape with their lives,
losing nearly all their wearing apparel. The house was a two-story
brick, and was valued at about $1,200. There was an insurance on the
property of $800.
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 03, 1864
The Illinois Journal of Saturday last says, that it learns "that the
first regiment of one hundred days' men, Col. Phillips, are to be
mustered into the service today at Camp Butler." This is the
regiment to which the Upper town [Upper Alton] and Coal Branch boys
are attached, and we know they will be rejoiced to get into active
service, for they had become very tired lying idle at Camp Butler.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 24, 1868
Last night two young men, sons or stepsons of a colored woman, got
into a quarrel at the Coal Branch, and another colored man attempted
to stop the altercation. The woman, it seems, wanted to see the
fight out, and seizing a knife, stabbed the man who was interfering,
wounding him severely in the side. The woman is a desperate
character, and no one at the Branch would undertake to arrest her. A
guard was put around her house until this morning, when a warrant
was served upon her. The wounded man is dangerously, but not
necessarily fatally, injured. Neither of the parties concerned have
been long residents of the Branch, and we could not learn their
P. S. Since the writing of the above, the woman has been brought to
town and lodged in the city jail. It is now thought that the man
cannot long survive his injuries.
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 25, 1875
A large congregation assembled last night at the Baptist Church, on
occasion of the Sunday school concert. The Sunday school is in a
flourishing condition under the pastor of the church, and with the
valuable aid received from Messrs. Robinson and Christie of Alton.
We are not aware that we have a Bourbon among us, but to the lover
of liberty, we have a man infinite more interesting – a member of
the household of the immortal Thomas Jefferson, born in his house.
For years his valet, attending him in his last sickness and in the
room with him when he died. Albert Jefferson is the son of the
blacksmith of the sage of Monticello, and is well able to furnish
much information connected with this great man not to be found in
the books. It is very possible that Jefferson’s eyes rested on this
very man when he penned these memorable words, “What an
incomprehensible machine is man, who can endure toil, famine,
stripes, and death itself in vindication of his own liberty, and the
next moment be deaf to all those motives, whose power supported him
through his trial, and inflict on his fellow man a bondage one hour
of which is fraught with more misery than ages of that, which in
rebellion, he rose to oppose.” On the breaking out of the late Civil
War, Albert found himself in the State of Arkansas, a slave,
although by the terms of his old master’s will, he was to be set
free at his decease. He found his way into this neighborhood, and
was taken by the hand and assisted, by our philanthropic
fellow-citizen, James Mitchell, Esq. He can be seen every lawful
day, following his avocation – that of a blacksmith. Half a century
in slavery has now made him one of the most contended of men,
possession faculties which at his time of life are singularly
Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, December 30, 1875
A number of the prominent citizens of Coal Branch, among them
Messrs. David R. and William R. Jones, Mitchell, Robinson, Rutledge,
Malloy, White and others, were in town Friday and had a conference
with the County Commissioners, Messrs. Kinder, Bardill and Crawford,
who are also in town, in regard to the condition of the Coal Branch
road. This important thoroughfare was never built in a substantial
manner, and is now utterly impassible. The prosperity of the Coal
Branch is greatly dependent upon this road being kept in good
repair. The county authorities owe it to the taxpayers of that
section to give prompt attention to the condition of this
thoroughfare. They have already examined it and acknowledge that the
representations of the citizens in regard to it are correct. We hope
they will act promptly and thoroughly in the matter.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 22, 1895
James Mitchell, the man who lost a limb at the brick works some time
ago, has determined to erect a building near the bridge over the
railroad, at the Coal Branch, and will put in a stock of goods and
try his luck at merchandising. Success to him.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 12, 1904
Rees D. Jones of Chicago has made arrangements for the complete
remodeling, practically the rebuilding, of the historic old Jones
building on the Coal Branch, at the corner of Alby and Elm Streets
in North Alton, and it will be converted into three modern flats.
Two of the flats will be on the ground floor and one of the second
floor. If walls had a tongue as well as ears and could talk, many an
interesting story could be told of happenings in that building which
is one of the oldest of the coal branch edifices erected at the time
that section was one of the most populous and prosperous coal mining
sections in southern Illinois. The head of the Jones family
conducted a saloon and boarding house there for years, and many
politicians of state and national reputation partook of its
hospitality on every recurring campaign. Fred Hoffmeister, the real
estate agent, is looking after the remodeling business for Mr.
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 33, 1874
We have had a lively time in this vicinity between the Directors of
the Clifton School district and the colored people. There are over
seventy colored children in the district, so the very kind and
accommodating directors thought they would build the colored
children a new schoolhouse, more convenient to them than the one
used by the white pupils. They also hired a graduate for a teacher,
as the colored folks complained last year that their teacher was not
so competent nor their house as new as the one the white had. But
the colored folks were not satisfied, and entered suit, which was
decided in favor of the directors. Yet the colored parents keep
their children at home, while the school goes on at the expense of
the district.
Clifton and Melville are improving fast. A post office has been
started at Melville.
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 6, 1884
building used as a store and post office at Melville, on the Grafton
Road, belonging to Mrs. Louisa Schmidt, the post mistress, was
totally destroyed by fire Monday morning. It caught fire on March 03,
from a defective flue, and was burned to the ground in about twenty
minutes. Mrs. Schmidt saved the mail and the principal part of the
dry goods, but the groceries were mostly lost. The building was
owned by J. F. Schneider, and was not insured. As the fire started
in the second story, there was no opportunity to save the furniture.
Mrs. Pierce’s residence caught on fire several times by the cinders
from the burning building. The ice house owned by Mrs. Schmidt also
caught fire from the heat, but was extinguished by friends.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 05, 1886
The “champions of the Grafton Road,” the Melville baseball nine,
were badly beaten by a colored club last Sunday. The “champions”
feel a little sore over their defeat, but hope to retrieve their
laurels in a short time.
The other day a lady came across a large timber rattlesnake on Mr.
Hollard’s lane. She didn’t scream or even run away as women usually
do at the sight of a cow, a spider, or a mouse, but boldly faced the
reptile and kept an eye on it until a man came along, when it was
killed. Mr. A. Calame’s son was badly bitten recently by a
copperhead snake. He was saved by the brandy treatment.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 14, 1887
Sunday, November 13, about 11 o’clock a.m., a destructive fire took
place out in the timber near Clifton, burning over about 15 acres.
Mr. A. Calame lost a large quantity of cord wood, and his father had
part of the fence enclosing the south line of his place destroyed.
The leaves and cord wood burned like tinder. Several houses were in
danger, among them those of Messrs. Blattse and Gradolph, and the
Clifton Schoolhouse. The school bell was rung for two hours, and
served to call out the residents who did good work in fighting the
fire. Had the wind been strong, the flames would have proved much
more destructive. The fire was finally under control.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 20, 1888
The building boom has struck Melville hard. Mr. Hawley and John
Sanderson lead off with a new barn each, and the plans are being
drawn for a new store which will be built as soon as Spring opens.
Between the ice crop and the new railroad, our village is pretty
well stirred up. There is considerable rivalry between our place and
Clifton, as to the location of the new post office. From the
condition of the gates and other appearances, think Mr. Ruderhausen
would do well to start a branch agency at this point.
John G. Miller purchased yesterday from E. T. Hull the farm known as
the Hawkins place, consideration $1,000 dollars.
The ladies of the Melville Church will give an oyster supper and
fair on next Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, to which a cordial
invitation is extended to our city cousins.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 25, 1888
James Challacombe of Palmyra was on a visit to his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. N. Challacombe of the Grafton Road, last week. His father went
home with him and returned yesterday.
Miss Carey and Mrs. Challacombe visited Mr. J. Buckles’ place at
Newbern on Wednesday. Mr. Buckles has one of the finest farms in
Jersey County, and some splendid stock.
Along the road, the farms all look well, fields clean, flower
gardens in full bloom, and large crops of fine apples in the
orchards. The country in that vicinity is very attractive to the
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 19, 1888
Great rejoicing at Clifton over the arrival of the rail cars on the
Bluff Railroad. The next in order there will be a post office.
There have been gay times here recently. First a church fair with
receipts of $80; next a boating match; then a fancy ball. Mr.
Cornelius of Newbern gives interesting Bible readings at the
Melville Church every Sunday. Several of the Melville folks have
been very sick recently. Among them Mrs. Smith, the Postmistress,
and Mr. Norris and son.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 01, 1889
Farmers around Melville have nothing to complain of this year. The
berry crop was good, and prices averaged well. Apples and pears are
also an average crop. The pastures, on account of timely rains, are
excellent, and stock of all kinds are doing well. With a few more
showers, corn also will make an even better crop than last year.
Oats are simply immense. Our wheat is better than it has been for
years, and safely in stack.
Our enterprising thresherman, Mr. Louis Stiritz Jr., is warming
things up lively. Although his old separator is as good as most
anybody’s, he, to be abreast of the times, bought him a brand new 36
inch cylinder, Victor (Minneapolis) threshing machine, which is a
marvel in execution, with a capacity of 1,500 bushels per day, and
doing in in fine shape.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 9, 1890
A great crowd assembled at Clifton Terrace last Sunday to see the
daring feat of diving off a scaffold, 60 feet high, into the great
Father of Waters [Mississippi River]. This daring dive was made by a
Boston man.
Bang, bang, bang, all around the bushes. Home hunters, city hunters,
hunters from everywhere. Quail, rabbits, and squirrels received lots
of attention the past week and a half. What few there are left
understand hiding.
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 18, 1890
The Bluff Line is booming again – 5 trains up and 5 down, daily.
Through passenger trains are running again.
The Clifton harbor is being greatly improved, Mr. Louis Stiritz, the
genial host, has got a force of men at work constructing a pier out
to low water mark, about 200 feet long and 60 feet wide, encased by
massive walls of rock, filled with dirt, and which will be riprapped
and cindered on top. Such a landing was long needed for to enable
boats to land conveniently.
The island was lately transferred from the hands of Manager Fisher
to Professor McLain, consideration, $800.
The debates have been opened at Hamers’ Schoolhouse again, and
pleasant times are on deck again. Our schools are unmolested so far
by contagious diseases, and are well attended.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 29, 1915
Alton bids fair to become noted far and wide for its health-giving
waters, as well as for its numerous other excellencies, and within
the last year the fame of the mineral springs has spread all over
the U.S. there is another spring on the Boehner farm, a short
distance out of Alton on the Grafton Road, that is valued by
physicians for the curative properties of its water, and some Alton
doctors are advising patients to use liberal quantities of the
water. In the immediate vicinity of the spring its curative
properties have long been recognized by some of the people, but
since some of the doctors have begun to prescribe it naturally, the
fame of the water is spreading. Its use is being advised for stomach
and blood disorders, and it is said by some liberal users of the
water that they have been greatly benefited thereby. Like the Luer
Bros., Mr. Boehner has never charged anybody anything for the water,
if those wanting it call at the spring and fill their jugs. Whether
he will later arrange to realize something from the waters is not