Moro Newspaper Articles
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 17, 1865
We learn that as the morning train going west on the Terre Haute
Road passed Moro yesterday morning, sparks from the locomotive
ignited one of four carloads of hay standing on the side track, and
two platform cars and their contents were burned. The hay was owned
by James Montgomery, and valued at $400. Loss of railroad company,
about $1,500.
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 20, 1871
The extensive flour mill at Moro was destroyed by fire last evening.
We have not yet learned particulars as regard the loss. The
conflagration was distinctly visible in Alton. P. S. Since the above
was in type, we have learned that the loss is estimated at $21,000 -
$16,000 on the building, and $5,000 on the stock. The mill was owned
and operated by Messrs. Fink & Nasse of St. Louis. It is not known
how the fire originated, as there had been no fire in the building
except in the office, for some weeks previous.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 1, 1874
Our town is improving, and we ask those who wish a country residence
to visit Moro before locating elsewhere. Moro is about 25 miles from
St. Louis, and the garden spot of Old Madison. Dry goods and
groceries can be bought here at St. Louis prices. J. P. Smith is
selling 10lbs good sugar for one dollar, and in fact, everything
usually kept in a country store can be bought of him cheap for cash.
He also keeps a full stock of drugs, medicines, wines, paints, oil,
&c., and is agent for the celebrated Climax reaper and mower.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 14, 1875
On our way to the meeting of the Farmers Club, we left the train at
Moro, and were indebted to Mr. J. P. Smith for a ride to the
residence of Mr. Weaver at Omphghent, where the club met. Mr. Smith
is one of the old settlers of that section, having located there in
1843. He is a prosperous business man, and to his duties as merchant
adds those of Postmaster, express agent, station agent, etc. His
fine farm of 100 acres adjoining the town is rented out. It is
splendidly located and very productive.
Opposite Mr. Smith’s farm is the Montgomery farm – an extensive and
valuable property. The entire road front of this farm is shaded by
flourishing maple trees. About two miles from Moro, on the road to
Omphghant, is the farm of Hon. Willard C. Flagg, which borders the
road for a mile or more. A number of fertile farms and fine
residences are passed as we drive along, all bearing evidence of
thrift. The soil is rich, and a part of the country heavily
timbered. The yield of corn in this section will be eighty bushels
to the acre or more. A large acreage of wheat has been sown.
Considerable sorghum is raised in this vicinity, and Mr. Jervis
Richards utilizes the product in his molasses factory. His mill is
well arranged for crushing the cane, and boiling the juice down to
syrup. He makes a good article of molasses, which finds a ready sale
to the vicinity.
Between Moro and Omphghent we pass the spacious homestead of Mr. A.
Y. Ellis, formerly postmaster of Springfield, and one of the
prominent citizens of this county. Nearby lives the venerable Mrs.
Swett, who is accredited the oldest resident of that part of the
county. Farther on lives Mr. Samuel Miller, who has resided in the
county forty-seven years, and is one of the leading members of the
I.O.O.F. in Illinois. He organized the first Lodge of the Order west
of the Mississippi. Ex-Governor John M. Palmer was raised in this
vicinity. His boyhood fishing and hunting were done along the banks
of Indian Creek, and when a young man, he taught school in the
neighborhood of his father’s homestead. The road between Moro and
Omphghent, though somewhat hilly, is in good order. None of the
bridges were washed away in last summer’s flood. A substantial new
bridge over Paddock’s Creek is a credit to the builder.
At Moro, business is moderate at present. The failure of the wheat
crop this year, and the fact that the farmers have not yet realized
on their corn crop, makes money scarce. There are two stores in the
town kept by J. P. Smith and Mr. Mutchmore. There are also
blacksmith shops, two saloons, and one churc, the Presbyterian. A
flouring mill is one of the needs of the place, and there is a
prospect that one will soon be built. About 120 gallons of milk are
shipped daily from Moro to the St. Louis market by N. S. Gay,
Harvey, and Will Smith. They receive 12 ½ cents per gallon for it at
the station. The dairy interest at Moro is growing in importance,
and proves profitable. Shippers need better accommodations. Enough
milk is shipped daily by Litchfield, Dorsey, Bunker Hill, Moro and
other stations, to justify the railroad company in putting on a
special milk car.
Moro, although a railroad town, is not a voting precinct. Its
inhabitants have to vote at Bethalto, two miles west. Omphghent,
five miles from Moro, is the next nearest voting precinct.
Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, January 20, 1876
The extensive flouring mill at Moro was destroyed by fire last
evening. The conflagration was distinctly visible in this city. The
loss is estimated at $21,000 - $16,000 on the building, and $5,000
on the stock. The mill was owned and operated by Messrs. Fink &
Nasse of St. Louis. It is not known how the fire originated, as
there had been no fire in the building except in the office, for
some weeks previous.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 20, 1880
Moro is improving. A new schoolhouse is to be built this summer of
brick. It will cost $9,000. The Presbyterian Church and Sunday
School are happy in the possession of a new organ. It is an Estey of
the chapel design, and is a beautiful instrument in both finish and
tone. Messrs. Eph and T. H. Green are sinking a coal shaft on W. A.
Smith’s farm. A small vein of the “dusky diamonds” was reached on
Saturday. William Montgomery, P. M. agent for the Telegraph,
expressman, ticket agency, and school trustee, has sold his farm to
Henrie Dewerffe.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 29, 1880
The work of constructing a new schoolhouse at this place has been
commenced, and is steadily going on.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 20, 1882
I am happy to state that the Dorsey Schoolhouse did not burn down,
but only caught on fire. If not for the timely aid and the coolness
of Willie Vicker, it would have been consumed. The fire originated
from a defective flue. The school closed for a few days until
repairs could be made. The directors were warned of the dangerous
condition of the flue, but kept putting off repairs until almost too
Wedding bells rang at Dorsey, at the German Lutheran Church, where
Edward Zimmerman and Minnie Boecher were united in the holy bonds of
matrimony. After the wedding, they all returned to the residence of
the bride’s parents, where they partook of a bountiful repast, after
which all joined in social chat and merriment.
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 19, 1885
A broken rail, about two miles east of Dorsey, caused seven cars of
an I. & St. Louis eastbound freight train to be thrown from the
track Sunday. Three of the cars were loaded with corn, and were
overturned in the ditch. The wreck was cleared up Sunday night, so
that trains could run.
Sunday, while assisting in unloading a barrel of cider from a wagon,
Mr. Henry H. Helmkamp was so unfortunate as to have one of his legs
broken. Dr. Gere was called and set the fractured limb, and it is
hoped that it will mend rapidly.
We are pleased to see the familiar face of our friend, Mr. C. E.
Stahl among us again, after an absence of a number of years in
Colorado, where he has been engaged in business at Golden and Idaho
Springs. He is accompanied by his wife, who though a stranger to us,
will be warmly welcomed here.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 30, 1889
A heavy rainstorm, accompanied by considerable wind and hail,
visited this section between 5 and 6 o’clock Sunday evening. The
hailstones were of large size, and fell for about ten minutes. As a
result, considerable damage was done to gardens. North and east of
town, the wind was more severe, and carried fences, trees, and
whatever else came in its path before it. Mr. Samuel Stahl’s apple
orchard is almost ruined. Mr. W. C. Forman had a new hay shed blown
down. Mr. John O Cooper’s haystacks were damaged, and among others
in the track of the storm who are losers are Messrs. J. Richards and
Joseph Cornelison.
Mr. William Montgomery has been appointed Postmaster at this place,
vice J. G. Berry removed.
Escape From Disaster
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 23, 1891
A terrible accident was narrowly averted at William Wilkening’s coal
mine last Friday. He, with his boy about 10 or 11 years old, and Mr.
Eph. Green were at work mining, when the boy was sent to the shaft
to see that everything was all right. He quickly returned to them
saying that he could not get there, whereupon all then went to the
foot of the shaft and discovered that it was on fire. As the cage
was at the top, and no one was tending the gin, Mr. Green, with the
others following, started up the rope. Mr. Green, by the hardest
kind ow rok, reached the top, and he and Mrs. Wilkening, who had by
this time discovered the fire, soon had the horse to the gin, and
backed the cage down to the other two, as the boy’s strength had
given out and could get no further. They were soon brought to the
top and had been out scarcely five minutes when the mine caved in.
The escape was so narrow, that it would have been nothing short of a
Providential deliverance. Mr. Green thinks that he could not climb
the rope again for $1,000, if he was not excited. The mine was
pretty well worked out, so the loss will not be very heavily felt by
Mr. Wilkening. Its depth was about sixty feet.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 03, 1892
The house occupied by Mr. N. J. Yager, and belonging to Daniel
Kreummelbein of Edwardsville, was burned to the ground early
Saturday morning. The fire originated from a defective flue, and by
commencing at the top of the building, gave ample time for the large
force of neighbors present to remove all of Mr. Yager’s household
goods. The family will soon occupy the house from which they had but
recently removed. It is not known whether the building was insured
or not.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 6, 1893
The Fosterburg and Moro singing classes, which were so summarily
broken up by the Wann explosion, held a pleasant reunion at Mrs. E.
Smith’s last Wednesday evening. Those present from Fosterburg were
Misses Esther and Lillie Dillon, Bertha Baker, Nellie and Mecca
Thompson, and Messrs. Charles Ost, William McCauley, and Thomas
A pleasant family reunion was held at the residence of Mr. Samuel
Stahl on the Fourth. Relatives were present from Bethalto and
Edwardsville. Mr. Samuel D. Stahl of Terre Haute, Indiana was also
The Moro baseball club has organized with the following players:
William Largent, H. E. DeWerff, A. D. Riley, J. W. Cooper, W. A.
Green, George Schaffer, William Schaffer, O. Boettger, A. Boettger,
and C. N. Kabel. They would like to hear from amateur clubs under
the age of twenty years.
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 01, 1894
The Montgomery homestead, containing about 81 acres, situated one
mile east of Moro, will be sold at public sale to the highest and
best bidder, Tuesday, February 13, 1894, on the premises. Terms, one
third cash, balance in one and two years, or a reasonable time will
be given to purchases to pay all cash. Possession will be given
March 01, 1894. This farm is rich land, and well improved with good
house, barn, out-buildings, good water, good orchard, and is only
one mile from the railroad station. Also, at the same time and
place, ten town lots, situated in the town of Moro, will be sold to
the highest bidder for cash. For further particulars inquire of
William Montgomery, Moro, Illinois.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 18, 1894
Coal mines are running to their full capacity now, caused by
consumers laying up the winter’s supply while the roads are fine.
The last mark of the old brewery, which stood between this place and
Bethalto, was destroyed by fire one evening last week.
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 19, 1896
The engineer of the passenger train which passes through here after
four o’clock, complained of being greatly annoyed by the school
children who walk the track in a daring manner, also trying to cross
the trestle before the train reaches it. Parents of these little
folks may do well to investigate the matter.
William Montgomery drove up to his farm near Prairietown Tuesday. He
has recently purchased this piece of property from the school
Messrs. Sargent & Fuller have opened up a meat market in Mr. H. E.
Stahl’s vacant store. This will be quite a novelty for Moro, and
should be well patronized.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 26, 1922
Fire destroyed two big barns and other outbuildings on the John
Hoemm place near Moro this morning. The fire broke out with great
violence shortly after midnight, and nothing could be done to save
any of the buildings. Fortunately, the big house on the place,
occupied by the family of William Manns, was saved from destruction.
The barn contained a large amount of hay, grain and feed. The house
was the old homestead of the N. S. Day family. Included in the
destruction by fire were five straw stacks, 600 bushels of wheat,
150 bushels of oats, all the harness for the horses on the place,
sixty loads of clover, alfalfa and timothy hat, a large amount of
machinery and small tools, a corn crib containing 100 bushels of
corn. The family were out attending a dairymen's meeting at Moro,
and got home about 11 o'clock. Everything was all right at that
time. Soon after midnight, Joseph, the 10-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Manns, was awakened by the sound of the crackling of the flames
and the glare of the light from the burning barn. He gave the alarm
and roused the other members of the family. His father rushed and
saved one wagon out of a shed that stood between the barn and the
house. That was all that was saved out of the shed. The family have
a telephone, and they called John Gueldner, who was the first one to
answer the telephone call. Mrs. Gueldner called everybody on the
line, about 25 families, and in 25 minutes there were fully 75
people on the ground all ready to help, but the fire gained too fast
for them to do much good. A barrier of high green trees separated
the house from the burning. The trees caught fire, but they
protected the house from the worst of the heat and to this fact is
attributed the saving of the farm home. Mr. Manns had not been
carrying any insurance, but not long ago he took out a policy for
$1,100 on his personal property in the Northwest Mutual Fire
Insurance Association. Mr. Hoemm carried $800 on the buildings
destroyed. The insurance will not near cover the loss. The farm was
being operated on shares and part of the destroyed contents of the
barn belonged to Mr. Hoemm. The lease arrangement called for part
cash and part in crops. Yesterday Mr. Hoemm, recognizing the
smallness of the crop, had made a present to Mr. Manns of half the
cash rent, rebating it to him. This afternoon a mass meeting of the
residents in that neighborhood was held for the purpose of making
presents to Mr. Manns of articles he will need to continue farming,
as their way of showing their sympathy for an unfortunate neighbor.