Venice Newspaper Articles
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 9, 1847
Books will be opened in the town of Venice in this county on the
11th of May next, for receiving subscriptions to the stock of the
"Madison and St. Clair Plank Road Company," chartered at the late
session of the legislature of this state. This road will be of great
advantage to the fine country through which it is intended to pass,
and we hope that the stock will be taken promptly, and the work
urged forward without delay.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 27, 1847
We are deeply pained to state that an appalling accident, which it
is feared will result in the loss of several lives, occurred on
Tuesday last in front of the dwelling and store of Joseph Squire,
Esq., in Venice, in this county. It appears, according to the
information which has reached us, that a man with a loaded gun in
his hand was walking in front of the building, when a number of
persons came up in a wagon, and as the parties were in the act of
passing each other, the gun went off and wounded four of them it is
supposed mortally. Those injured are William Cool, Sarah Matthews,
Isaac Street, and a little girl, name unknown. How the accident
happened or what was done with the man who caused it, we are unable
to say.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 23, 1889
Work on the Merchants’ Bridge at Venice is progressing favorably.
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 12, 1893
Contractor Dave Ryan is happy having secured the contract for paving
2900 feet of street at Venice. Mr. Ryan had six competitors, and a
close call. Among the bidders were John B. O’Meara of St. Louis, who
was not in it. Venice will use Alton brick, and will be the first
town to do so. The contract will foot up to $26,000 in cost of
paving and laying the curbs. Mr. Ryan’s bid was $1.55 per square
yard. The contract calls for 6 inches of sand at the bottom, and two
courses of brick.
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 15, 1893
The pavement of Main Street, Venice, with vitrified brick by
Contractors Ryan & Burke of Alton, under the direction of Engineer
E. E. Rutledge, will be finished in two weeks, when its completion
will be duly celebrated by citizens and several visiting municipal
boards from neighboring towns, who will inspect the completed work.
The work is an Alton job throughout, as not only the contractors and
engineer are Altonians, but the brick was made in Alton.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 23, 1895
During Wednesday night, the tracks laid by the Merchants Bridge
people were torn up by the village authorities, aided by the
Electric Street Railroad Company. A number of men and teams, armed
with jackscrews and tackle, removed the heavy rails and tumbled them
into ditches.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 4, 1903
The Chicago and Alton Railroad has had large gangs of Italians at
work along the road, working as extra section gangs. One gang of
about 100 worked in and around Venice, and were housed in cars. They
were under contract to work for $1.30 per day. Thursday, they struck
for $1.50. There was an awful shouting and a fearful jumble of
language in the vicinity of the boxcars, and people became very much
alarmed as they didn't know whether it was a concert of the
catacombs or a funeral dirge that was going on. Roadmaster Maurice
Donahue was notified, and he went to the scene of the racket. The
entire force made for him as soon as he drove in sight, and knives
and imprecations filled the air. Mr. Donahue backed up against a box
car, and drawing a revolver pointed it at the head of the leader and
began to use some language of his own. He could not understand the
Italians, but they appeared to understand the look in his eyes, and
they stopped. An interpreter was secured and explanations followed,
but the gun was kept trained on the leader. Mr. Donahue tried to
quiet the men but they wanted more money or blood, and he finally
advised them through the interpreter to lay their grievances before
President Roosevelt or the King of Italy, or both, and said the
company would probably give the whole mob transportation to
Washington or Rom if they would step down to the local office. The
mob took the bait and appeared at the local office within an hour.
They were met by a strong guard of police and an improvised
paymaster. The latter paid them off; the former ran them out of
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 22, 1915
“We wanted to get rich,” declared A. B. Barr and his brother-in-law,
Charles Smith, of Venice, who were arrested Sunday and are being
detained in the Venice jail for federal authorities. Both are
switchmen. Saddles, consigned by a St. Louis firm to the Russian
Government, dressed turkeys, and merchandise, were found in the
basement of Barr’s home near the Venice switching yards of the
Wabash railroad. Barr and Smith admitted last night they had taken
the loot from Wabash freight cars switching near the Barr home.
Detectives and police on the East Side have been puzzled by frequent
freight car thefts in Venice, covering a period of about eight
months. Late yesterday afternoon, Patrolmen McKinney and Norwine saw
Barr and Smith carrying turkeys toward the Barr home. They followed
the pair, and arrested them. Smith said the first theft was about
eight months ago. He said it was the intention of himself and Barr
to accumulate the property and ship it away. Barr said he was not in
need, but simply wanted to increase his income, which was about $5 a
day. Barr is married, and has four children. Smith resided at the
Barr home. The thefts, according to the prisoners, were perpetrated
while the cars were being switched back and forth in the yards, and
while Barr was performing his duties of switchman.